.J NO. 0. VjKAVKS, jr. il>DWD. J? . UARTEEi btfAYt.5, UAKItn & UU. General Advertising Agency^ No. 134 W. BALTIMORE ST. i UJ CD WM. KNABE & CO. No. 350 W. BALTIMORE ST, BALT. !. 112 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. nmm h: i?»L.ACii:. :»IARIMmMEK«. CO., of Baltimore, - Amftels. S.tO.l.HlK .JPIR£— U^«I«otI^ fire IX«rRAN€E CO., .... AnnetH. Si.TSTjSOy HOME IXSI RAXCE VO.. Xew Tork, .... AttnetH. 8.'S.«27.445 NORTH BRITISH IXSI'RAXCE CO., Xew Tork, . . <« As9e. ('..iiwaj St., iic.ii Kutaw I'ti.iiI'C iiinl l,iir<| i'^ImpIs. \ IJ.IltiiiKHi- Stn I t :l >. (liiiHi^ Street. \\ I 'lull Street. IJalriiuore Street. .'•Ml W, Bftltiniore Street. JAMES BATES, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF BiTi:s nam iiLEVif or8 oi: WAIfiSS, Patented April 18. 1871. For Warehouses. Factories. Stores, Hotels and Hospitals, And every place where Mer- chandise, (.('c, is Irnnsl'erreil from (tri(^ story to anofher. There ;n'e hinii]reds of. them (>|)<^rat.iMg in dillerent eities and towns. /Send for (Jiviuilars a.nd Price f.isf, aUo conhiiimtq iiavu-s. ELEVATORS, Of \\\^. most approved kind adapted for WAREHOUSES, MILLS. SUGAR REFINERIES. BREWERIES, &.C. All kinds of OASTIil^S Vov FToiise Fronts, Mills, Faiiorifs aiul Tobacco Srimvs of all kinds far- iii^lied at .shortest notice. COR. PRATT AND PRESIDENT STS., BALT. I^I. E. Cor. South and Second Sts. Tlll^ ...MI'A.W. KSTAHI.ISIIKI) NKAIM.V IIAl.K A (KN I I l;^ , BACKED BY A LARGE CASH CAPITAL. WAREHOUSES AND CONTENTS, i>>vi:i.i.iiN<-'-* AINU 1 cJi«iNiriTi«^:. VESSELS AND CARGOES, FACTORIES AND WACHINERY, And all kinds of Goods subject to Loss or Damage by FIRE, in both Town and Country, on the most Favorable Terms. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. KmUTi.k Ath.-y. ' N\ l'- ;,';■;' ; .^.! l.'ninVk. (iu.U.vu. NirhoUoli. T. \V.l.cv.Tii.L'. •"•;•'.'': , "-V " \\^ mns u,: tiUHUivn. A. Dor-an. (;.-.,r.'.-.I.AlM..'l.l. •l"'".'/",'?:r-- \V « I SrHU, I>"vi.l K. \V..,.ai..u... isi^^Xri'l?^: v-r»i'^r'^- :l;'T!<.:?.ihnoM. ....... w. ..>„..... ■'"']'!' MARSHALL WiNCHESTE^^^^ Secretary. HENRY P. DUHURST. President. f 'IBE ilSfS niiAM€E J. G. PROUD & SONS, PROUD & CAMPBELL, No. I RIALTO BUILDING, Cor. HOLLIDA-Y & SECOWfI> S1^S« Capital Represented. - - $26,244,000. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. A:TNA ins. CO OF IIARTFORD, conn., - $6,500,000 NATIONAL F, INS. CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN-. 940,000 SPRINGFIELD F. & M. INS. CO. OF MASS., 1,266,000 GERMANIA F. INS. CO. OF NEW YORK. - 1,638,000 ROYAL INS. CO. OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON, 15,000,000 ADVERTISEMENTS. BUY ONLY* FAIRBANKS THE GENUINE #' \VL-ii,'h-l.()tk, U. \i. Track, D.put, May, <'..:il. Dormant, Warelionse, Platform, Counter, riiiim, Family, IJuichers', Druggists', Jewelers' and Bank Scales. Received the First PREMIUMS. Two Medals AT THE GREAT PARIS EXPOSITION. AND ALSO BEST ALARM DOUBLE LOCKING MONEY DRAWERS. FAIRBANKS & CO., 166 W. Baltimore St. WILLIAM \VILKI;N,> H. H ilRAlli;. LOUIS WILKENS. WILLIAM WILKENS & STE A M r ir.- r li m^ nir ■■i^i mm. i^^\ mmr ■« ■« MATsTTTl^WC i Ol^ V, 300!. W.PRATT STREET, DEPOT, NEW YORK, ,^^ , r^,^,^^^^ .17 i.i viM.viiir.j:i. BALTIMORE. VARNISH, SPRINGS. TWINE. HAIR-CLOTH. BED-LACES, COWHIDES, GLUE, SAND PAPEK, &c-. I-ffC'UiHtuntly (III litiixl tlie liesi i|iialiti(s ol 1'i;kk ( 'rui.i.n IIoksk .\nu (Jat- Ti.K IIaik; Mi\ki> and lltxi II.mu. Ail onk-rs reeeiveil through the Post Ollieri.r .Vgent will lie promptly attend- «1 to. Tiie highest priies piiid lor C!iittle and Horse Tails and Hog Hair. ADVERTISKMKNTS. MONUMENT IRON WORKS! DENMEAD & SON, Cor. North & Monument Sts., Baltimore, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE MACHINERY FOE SAW AND FLOUR MILLS, MINES, IRON FURNACES, Portable Coro ai^d Wheat Mills, Bark Mills, Extract Works, DAVIDS' PATENT DISINTEGRATORS, ^ K m O XJ G? K Air Line Passenger and Freight Route, T® THE SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST, Richmond, York River &. Chesapeake R. R. Line, VIA 1^ 1 <:: II >I o > 1 >. •1-HK s'rKAMi:r;-> of i ih^ i.ixk i.kavk PIBR No. lO, LIGHT ST., WHARF^ FOR RICHMOND, Connecting with the Jiiclimonil iuiil Danville,* "li<'.-uiii;akc ;ind Ohio, I'iedmont Air Line, North Carolina, Cliarlottc, ''olnmhia and Augusta. Green- ville and Coliinihia, Rii'hrnond and Atlanta Air Line Mail Roads. For hII iiit'oriiiat i«»ii apply to N. U. HOTCHKI.SS, Trtu'cUntf A (ft. ADVDRTISEMENTR. JiSMIICIlVV WM.JAS.MrRKAY. JAW. ■>! l^KICAX' dfc :SOM;,. T] II n i lUM' rs Si Mach i niit s* BOILER MAKERS AND MILLWRIGHTS, Manufacturers of Flour, Grist and Guano Mills, both Portable and Stationary; also, Circular, Single and Gang Saw Mills. All other Machinery and Models made to order. Nos. 40, 42 and 44 York Street, near Light, |{Al/riI>I01«K, Ml). Irou mill lira-- i u-liu;,-, l.ci^v iiii'l IIIl'Ii I'n-'-'urr Kii^jiiit h iiiiil |liiilir>, 'I'niik-, Ac. lUiickMiiithing "iiinll il- l>riiiiilif-. Ucpiiiiiiii: i>r(>iii|>lly iillciidcd lo. WM. l{KISIN(.Kl: JOHN C. REISINGER. Dealers m all kinds of NEW and SECOND HAND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PAPER STOCK, METALS, dic. Nos. 1 and 3 PORTLAND and 49 COLUMBIA STREETS, BOYD c£ RICKE77S, 'HI 4 4-KNSOKH lU .|4»ll.\ |{4»YI». M ALT IHH s /.. - I'OO T O F I'J UT. 1 M S T. Oil in:. \o. J4 S. (iAY ST. I!.\l!I,i:V M \i;i'. ICVi; MM;I';,ip1 norSus n.mircd l.y n rowers, Rukcrsiindd is- lillirs, con^tntitlv nn liuiid. MARYLAND BRITANNIA and Oo 1(1 & Silver Plate Worki AV M. no T.M KS, SALBS ROOM, 3 IVT. CHARLES ST. Office and Factory, Nos. 50 & 52 Holliday St. BALTIMORE, MD. ADVERTISEMENTS. JNO. H.V/EAVER'S DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED AT 22 W, FAYETTE ST. J. DOBBIN, STABLES, jSo.SiMnnd 38 ISTORTH ST. -i I CO l" GO * CO " Coaches at all bonis tor Car?. Slio])])infr, Visiting and Theatres; also, Clarences for Parks, Wcddintfs, &c. yiTHITALiL^p TATUM & CO. MA:vriARIF.T<»KS OF THi; Pha-nix Green Gla.ss Works, Millville, Cumberland Co., N. J. Flint Glass Works, S.-hetterville, Ciunbcrland Co., N. T. me^^re^eriteci fey 'WMe ^liiMQmE, \:.\ }-F.TI?FME!fTS. NEW YORK DIRECT. FREIGHT RECEIVED DAIUY. The Old Dominion Stc;tin>liip ("oni}viny"s Stcainfhij»> G.W. ELDER and RICH- MOND, will W .li-']);ittlic«l from B.iltiinou'. everv Tuesday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock. V. M.. s:.ilini: Iroiu fo..t of SPEAlfS WHAUF: and from NEW YORK, every W. ' !.d Saturday, from Pier :}T, NOKTH RIVER. For rates and further i: -ippb' **' Andrews & Co., Agts., 73 Smith's Whf. FOR ( IF VRLES S. ©,. ^^•5* The Stenmsliip '"C A.LVERT.'' FROM FOOT OF SPEARS WHARF. 's ill Soutli Carolina and the South-west. For further informntion. apply to ANDREWS &. CO.. GenI Agts.. 73 Smiths Whf. A. TOBIAS i>ON^. An^m^ at Cliarie. A. «;AKY. I i].!. ii. L. 11,11 ; T. J. COCH- TICKAIIOE, C.ipt. T. A. Brown. ' ' '■ • •■ *' on the Atlantic and North Can>lina •ini: with Steamers at W.isliington for . iiiuff. R^tcs ijuaranteetl. For Rates and Freight Knira^enunts apply to Andrews & Co.. Gen'l A^ts. 73 Smith's Whf. FOR SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. EVERY FIVE DAYS. BALTIMORE AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP COMPANV. (•>nifH>Mtl nf the fir>t < liuw Sd .unOiiii^ S\H\<;<)«lations, api>ly tn " • ^1'!. :•>.>. : ^- itl,\ Wl.f. or I'nioq I)ock. ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY 4ad Mill Furnishing Establishment, ^m OFAI.KRS I.\ Smut Machines, Mill Bushes, Proof Staff, Leather and Gum Belting, Mill Picks and Hammers, Mill Fixtures of every description. Also, Esopus, Cocalico and Cologne Millstones. 173 North Street, cor. Centre. MAM'FAi ITKEU OF ORNAMENTAL Hvi^m Work OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUCH AS RAILIN(4S, VERANDAS, CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES, AWNING FRAMES, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SAFES, &c. INo!^. Ot> antl OT >r. Ir^^i-ederiek: Street, 3^°0rders filled in the city or country at short notice, and on reasonable terms. JACOB WEAVER. UNDERTAKEN IN GENERAL. >«A?EROOMS Im^ K05 4 4 6^ Dririd^MI^ iiveDire^near E Dtai» St., M'VERTISKMENTS. O-J^EHIXjE &c oo. C. FREYMAN. Proprietor, FIRST PREMIUM MES4L GRAND AND SQUARE PlAiOjS, N < >s. ~) .111(1 7 South I-'^ntM^v Sirc^et, • •ri'oslTK CUNCOI.'DIA OI'HItA llOCSK. jroMciM Tmm S. E. Cor. Light and Warren Sts. Established 1836. 00k cii|d J0I3 r fir^tef, 114 We^t Saltiii(of e :^t, OPPOSITE SUN BUILDING, Prices Moderate. II . (t> hllli ^{ •y - "i;"-' As we have the (ieiierul l-a... and Dige?t of Decisionsin type, we are prepared to print J3y-Laws neatly and expeditiously, AT LOW PRICES. \ (I. % ^'or^^^'t 1% GET YOUR PRINTING EXECUTED BY !^tbam|ook#|ob No. 114 WEST BALTIMORE ST. oi>iM»NiTK sr.\ RVirniKCi, mm WE EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF PRINTING FOR BANKS, |ifl^s, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MERCHANTS, LAWYERS, MECHANICS, &c. m A S'UFEMIOE OTIJLE. IN THE STATE. B I LLS OF LAD I NG, AUTO. CI RC U LAR S, Bl LLS 0 F EXCHANGE, NOTE & CHECK BOOKS, BONDS, DRAFTS, Dl PLOMAS, PLANS, ^. MAPS, ILLUSTRATIONS, BILL & LETTER HEADS, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK, .€l SHOW CARDS, LABELS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ENVELOPES, CHROMOS, BUSINESS, WEDDING & VISITING CARDS. Pi X <: O W o o u o in ■ 6) ^ 03 0 ^t:3 < > QC U a. CO u o CL WW t^: © < DC U O CM i^l^-i UJ o^ o QC 05: CL 1 ^ ^T ! BALTIMORE CITY DIEECTOET. CONTAINING A COKRECTED Engraved Map of the Cityj A BUSINESS DIEECTORY, A Street Directory, And an ^^ppendix of much Useful Information. BALTIMORE: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN AV. WOODS, JNo. 13 SOUTH STREET, Entered, acccording to Act Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, by John W. Woods, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CORKECTIONS. ADDITIONS. ALTERATIONS AND NAMES TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN THEIR PROPER PLACES. Anderson Ephraira (Syester & Anderson) An- derson, Howard co Barry NVm R. liusiness nmnaper Biiltimore Oa- zetle Pub. Co. dw 258 Druid Hill av Bertalol Edward, agent for compressed yeast, 50 8 Gay Bloomer iN . E. cor Gilmor and Presstman Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. cor Second and PosloBice uv „ /^ . Coombs George M. & Co. grocers, 3 Centre Market sp . . ^ n , u » Duker J. H. (late Otto Duker & Co.) lumber, 10" Franklin Eecles Samuel jr. 370 Madison av . FUA.NK Dr. S. L. oculist, office 67 n Charles, dw 31G Madison av Harris Junms H. dentist, 271 n Eutaw Harlshorne Joshua, office over 92 w Lombard, dw 86 Cathedral Hodgkin James B. dentist, 271 n Eutaw Hoyt Wm. H. insurance broker, 12 South, dw 108 Barre „ , j i Jackson C. L. (J. & Tyler) 15 Cathedral JACKSON & TYLER (C. L. Jackson, F. K. Tyler) railroad and machinists supplies, tb German nr CarroUton hotel Jamison Robert A. bookkpr, 15 n Calvert Kelsey Wm. A. editor Trade Review, cor South and German , MACKENZIE GEO. N. & CO. domestic and Voreign saddlery hardware, 18 s Charles.— [See Advertisement, front cover. Mitchell H. M. 144 Bolton O'Brien & Leigh, attorneys, 5 Law building Rodenmaver J. art emporium, 51 n Paca Scheel H.'A.(Ge.o. M.Coombs & Co.)93 Hanover Suman John L. clerk, South aud German White Egglestou S. 209 w Lombard G-ENERAL COISrTEISrTS. Adjutant Genera!, ..... Aged Men's Home, .... Aired Women's Home, .... Allston Asiocialion. .... Almshouse Trustees, .... American .Mechrinics (0. U. A. M.) AmericMU MecliMnics (Jui.ior U.U.A.M.) . Appeal Tax Court, . , . . Appeadi.K, ...... Alhenffiuii), ..... Baliiniore Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Pi)i>r, Bait. Chapter. Am. Institute of Architects, Baltimore Kve and Ear Institute, Baltimore Manual Labor School, Baltimore Medical and Surgical Society, . Baltimore Orphan Asvliini, Baltimore Warehouse Company, Banks, . . . . " . Bavview Asjiuui, B'nai B'rith, Independent Order, Board of Pul;lic Works, Board of Trade, .... Boys Home Society of Baltimore, Buildin^r Committee of New City Hall, Business Directory, . . from 761 to Cadets of Temperance, .... Cemeteries, ..... Church Association of Diocese of .Maryland, Cliurches, ...... City Commissioner, .... City Government, .... City Cuncil, City Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, City Surveyor, . . . . College of Physicians and Surgeons, . Colored Orphans' Home, Colored Persons, . . . 659 to Commissary U. S. Army, Commissioners of Public Schools, Commissioners for Deep'g Patapsco river. Commissioners for Opening Streets, Concordia Club, Consuls and Vice-Consuls, Corn and Flour Exchange, Coroners, ...... Coirections, Additions, &c., back of title. Courts, Custom House, ..... Dispensaries, ..... Express Companies, .... Eye and Ear Infirmary, Fire Department, . " . AGE. 899 925 935 923 905 921 922 900 899 924 923 923 927 926 927 927 925 909 927 923 899 90S 927 900 872 920 933 923 928 900 900 900 9(14 900 927 92r) 743 9()7 901 925 901 922 908 908 899 907 906 927 916 927 904 I'AGE. French Beneficial Association. . . 925 Gas Light Company of Baltimore, . . 925 German Society of .Maryland, . . 922 German Orphan Asylum, . . . 927 Germania Club, ..... 922 Germania Mi^nnerchor, . . . 923 Government of the United States, . 809 Government of the State of .Maryland, . 899 Health Department 901 Hebrew Benevolent Society, . . . 926 Hebrew Hospital and Asyium Association, 92G Hebrew Ladies' Sewing Society, . . 926 Hebrew Oiidian Asykira, . . . 926 Henry Watson Children's Aid Society, . 923 Heptasophs. or S. W. .M. • . . 920 Hibernian Society of Baltimore, . . 922 H'lme for ihe Aged. .... 925 Home of the Friendless, . . . 925 Home for Girls, ..... 925 Plouse of Refuge, ..... 924 House of Reformation — Colored, . 924 House of the Good Shepherd, . . 926 Infirmaries, Hosfiitals, &c. . . 928 Inspector of Buildings, .... 901 In.-pector of Gas .Meters, . . . 9ul Inspectors (U. S.) of Steamboats, . . 9o7 Inspectors of Weights and .Measures, . 908 Internal Revenue, 907 Johns Hopkins Hospital, . .• . 928 Johns Hopkins Universit}-, . . . 924 Knights of Pythias, .... 919 Little Sisters of the Poor, . . . 924 List of Names of Residents, from 17 to 658 Magistrates 9ol Male Free School and Colvin Inst, for Girls, 926 Markets, 897 Maryland Academy of Arts and Sciences, 923 Maryland Agricultural and Mechanical As- sociation, ...... 924 Maryland Bible Society, . . . 926 Maryland College of Pharmacy, . . 927 Maryland Club, . ' . . ' . . 923 Maryland Deaf and Dumb Institution, . 926 Maryland Eye and Ear Institute, . 927 Maryland G".iS Works, .... 925 •Maryland Horticultural Society, . . 923 .Maryland Hi spital for the Insane, . . 927 Maryland Industrial School for Girls, 925 Maryland Inebriate Asylum, . . 927 Maryland Institute 924 .Maryland Inst, for Instruction of Blind, . 926 .M.iryland Sunday School Union, . 926 .Maryland Tract Society, . . . 926 IV GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE. Masons 917 .Mercliauts' Exchaoge and News Rooms, . 925 Narv Pay Office, .... 907 XoUries Public 913 Odd Fellows, (I. 0. 0. F. . . 918 Urphans' Home 925 Park <'omniia turer, ..... . 850 Potteries, ...... 850 Printers — Book and Job, . 850 Printers — Copperplate, 851 Printers' Inks, .... . 851 Produce Dealers, . . . . 851 Provision Dealers, .... . 852 Provision Merchants — Wholesale, 853 Pump and Block Makers, . 853 Pyiotechnist, .... 853 Railways, (Marine,) . 853 Ranges and Furnaces, . 853 Regalia Makers, .... . 853 Registers in Bankruptcy, . 853 Restaurants, ..... . 853 Riggers, 855 Rivft and Spike Works, . . 855 Rolling Mills, .... 855 Roofers, ..... . 855 Rope Milkers and Dealers, 855 Saddle and Harness Leather, . . 855 Saddle and Harness Makers, j 855 Saddlery and Coach Hardware, . 855 Safes— Fire Proof, 856 Sail Milkers, ..... . 856 Salt Dealers, .... 856 Sand Dealers, .... . 856 Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturers 856 Saw Manufacturers. . 856 Saw and Planing Mills, 856 Scales, ...... . 856 Schools, Academies and Colleges, 856 Second Hand Goods, . 857 Seeds, 858 Sewing Machines, .... . 858 Ship Builders and Marine Railway, 858 Ship Chandlers . 859 PAGE. Ship Joiners, .... 8r,9 Ship Smiths, .... . 859 Shipping Masters, 859 Shipping Merchants, . 859 Shirt Manufacturers, . 859 Shoe Bows and Trimmings, . 860 Shf.e Findings, .... 860 Show Cards, .... . 800 Show Case Manufacturers, . 860 Silk Weavers, Manufacturers, and Dealers, 860 Silver Platers and Plated Ware, . 860 Silversmiths, .... . 860 Slaters, .... 860 Slate Roofers, . 860 Smokers' Articles, 860 Smut Machines, . 860 Snuff Manufacturers, . 860 Soap and Candle Manufacturers, . 860 Spices, .... 861 Stamping, Fluting and Pinking, . 861 Stationery, Blank Books, &c., 861 Steam Forges, . 861 Steamship and Steamboat Lines, 861 Steam and Water Heating,^ . 861 Stencil Cutting, . . ' . 862 Stereoscopes and Views, . 862 Stone Cutters, 862 Stone Cutters' Tools, . 862 Stone Masons, 862 Storage, ..... . 862 Stove Dealers, 862 Sugar Refineries, . 863 Surveyors, .... 863 Tailors' and Clothiers' Trimming S, . . 863 Tanners and Curriers, . 863 Tea and Coffee Dealers, . . 864 Telegraphs, 864 Tin Plate and Metals, . 864 Tin Ware and Sheet Iron Worke rs, . 864 Tobacco and Cigars — Retail, . . 865 Tobacco and Cigar Dealers and Mapufac- turers — Wholesale, . 867 Toilet Articles, Perfumery, ^c, . 867 Tonic Beer .... 868 Tow Boats and Lighters, . 868 Trimmings, Laces, &c.. 868 Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, . . 868 Turneis, .... K68 Type Founders, . 869 Umbrella and Parasol Manufactui •ers and Repairers, 869 Undertakers, .... . 869 Upholsterers, >^69 Variety, ..... . 869 Veterinary Surgeons, . 869 Vinegar Makers, . 870 Watches and Jewelry, . 870 Watch Case Makers, . 870 Weather Strips, , . 870 Weighers, .... 870 Whips and Canes, . . 870 Wig Makers, J-70 Wire Workers, . 870 Wood Dealers, ^71 Wood — Sawed and Split, . 871 Wooden and Willow Ware, 871 Wool Dealers, . 871 Yeast Makers, 871 BALTIMOEE CITY DIRECTORY 1&V5. a 'P o S pq o O ABBREVIATIONS. g «, north ; s. south ; e. east ; w. west ; «<. street ; c^ court , a;;, avenue; «Z. alley ; Za. lane ; " dw. dwelling; cor. corner; ezt. extended ; rd. road; nr. near; L. P. Locust Point. t; Note : The names appearing in CAPITAL LETTERS are subscribers. Q AAR ABE Aaion Geo. W. lieut. police, 132 s Ana Aaron Geo. W. huckster, 219 Lee Aaron Lewis, lab. 183 Dover Aaron Marcellus, pilot, 83 Henrietta Aaron ilarcellus, carpenter, 106 Battery av Aaron Martha, teacher, 132 s Ann Aaron Samuel, sbii>carp. 249 s Charles Abbes Francis, collector, 46 Jackson sq av Abbes .Mrs. S irah, 334 n Eden Abbesser Andreas, blacksmith, 242 s Dallas Abbott Alexander, 227 n Bro;idway Abbott Amelia, milliner, 275 n Gay Abbott C. Webster, bookkeeper, 85 j Camden Abbott & Co. (Xathaniel B. and J. A. Abbott) teas, wines and liquors, 81 Light-st whf Abbott Cornelius F. (Morning Star Bitters Co.) 85^ Camden Abbott Daniel E. R. carp. 149 n Caroline Abbott David M. carp. 114 Jefferson Abbott Edwin A.,U. S. shipping commissioner, 21 s Gay, dw 113 s High Abbott F. M. bookkeeper, 40 Lexington Abbott Geo. M. caumaker, 93 Jefferson Abbott H. (H. A. & Son) Homestead, Bait. co. ABBOTT H. & SON,(H. Abboit, J. S. Oilman) 8 S Gay Abbott Mrs. Henrietta, boarding, 23 Hamburg Abbott Henry J. engineer, 306 e Chase Abbott I. A."( Abbott & Co.) 81 Light-st whf ABBOTT IRON COMPANY, C. H. Asbburner, president, cor. Burke and Hudson, Abbott Jacob, tobacconist, 83 Aisquith,dvv 275 n Gay Abbott James F. (Henry, McAllister & Co.) 269 n Bro:id way- Abbott James, boilermaker, 243 Lee Abboit James L. carp. 191 Montgomery ! Abbott James L. 114 York (Abbott James W. mariner, 143 Battery av lAbbott John C. mariner, 101 Orleans Vbbott John F. mariner, 143 Battery av Abbott John K. dredger, 114 York Abbott John B. jr. dredger, 114l'ork Abbott John N. carp. 3<)0 McDonogh Abbott Joseph B. jr. bookpr, 90 Spear's whf Abbott Mrs. Julia, 275 n Gay Abbott J. Walter, clerk, 143 Battery av Abbott Nathaniel B.( Abbott & Co.) New Y'ork p£; Abbott Samuel, lab. 16 Armistead la Abbott Wm. tobacconist, 355 e Baltimore Abbott Wm. H. 248 Lee Abbott Wm. W. gilder, 355 e Baltimore Abbott Wm. clerk, eo^ Camden Abbott Wm. H. H. clerk, 355 e Baltimore Abel Christian, canvasser, 209 Aliceanna Abel Dorothea, 355 e Lombard Abel Godfried, tavern, 12 n Frederick Abel John, liquors, 240 Aliceanna Abel John, baker, 197 West Abel John, tailor, 357 e Lombard Abel John, driver, 215 Aliceanna Abel Joseph, cooper, 35'Z e Lombard Abel Lewis, driver, 146 s Eutaw Abel Wm. grocery, 10 Claggett al Abell A. S. (A. S. A. & Co.) 83 Saratoga ABELL A.S. & CO. (A. S. and George W . >► Abell) prop'rs and publ'rs of the Sun, Sun iron building, s e cor Baltimore and South ^ Abell Charles S. editor Suu, 83 Saratoga [^ Abell David T. printer, 54 n Fremont ^ Abell Edwin F., Sun office, dw Baltimore co ^ Abell Edward il. butcher, 48 Centre and 32 r-K Lexington markets, dw 177 Penna av t-^ Abell Franklin M. butcher, 24 Richmond and [j 20 Lafayette markets, dw 290 w Hoffman £-(■ ABELL GEO. W.(A. S. A. & Co.) editor Suo, = *" 90 ^ _i - tie vr^ /< - — !^ Z 'X ~ '/:. ? . X. «- iw £ PES ^ < .• tf* ;: - y « " 5 C •' ~ o b -2 » - aq o - Abendenschoen Joseph, lab. 154 West AI)Mid»ilieiii Dr. Andrew, deutist and barber, 108 s Doiid AUKNI'SCIIKIN JOHN, prov. 438 Canton av Ab. nd.-ilioeiu Cleu.cnt, carpet weiiver, 232 s Charles Ab.ndsihoeni Geo. tailor. 200 Montgomery Alu iidsclioem Rudolph, s-honikr, 154 West Ai'eiKlsihoen .Mrs. Mary, trimmings, 843 W Pratt .Al.ficri.mbie Mrs. Christian. 81 Chew Vliercrombie David, Ireas. liait. Nt'«s Co 111 w lUlilmore and 5 South, Sun building, dw :v.M» u Eden AbtTcrombie John, sec'ry Bait. News Co. 336 ti Kilen Aluicronil>ie Wm. U. job printer, 159 w fratt AbircroMibie Wm. T. clerk, 81 Chew Aberhait Fnink, biewer, cor Li^ht iind Wills Aleile Anihon.v, imichinist, 794 w Baltimore Abtrle l>oniiiiiik. currier. Point K nr Green- uiouni cenielery Aberle .Mr-. E. G. niillinerv, 794 w Balliniore Abe> .■Viidrew, huckster, 170 Williiim .\bfy Geo. T. hatter, 16 n .Ann Ab«;y John S. collector, 170 William Abey Jojeph C. fish dealer, 320 William .■M e.v .Miihiiel 11. caulker, 139 Johnson .Vbey Wtn. H. ^'roccry, 1"0 William Al>ey Wm.tiit and sheetiron w'kr.344 Lexington Abigail John N. brakeman, 829 w Pratt ABUAIIAM GEO. F. pln.Meior p.nd modeler, 24 II Sharp, dw 352 Mulberry Abr.iliam Isaac, tailor, 16 Stirrett .Abniliam John C. liquors, 380 Eastern av Al>rali.im Nathan, ra^s, 6 Broad al .\braliams Barnett, cigarnikr, 45j e Baltimore .M'r iihains JmcoI), carp. 240 n Broadway .Abraban)s John J. & Sons (J. J. Abrahams) .-liipbuilders, I'hilpot and Thames Abrahams John J. (J. J. A. & Sons) Port De- piisil Abrahams John P. teas, 112 n Calvert .Vbrahams Wm. II. 286 e Baltimore .Vbrahams Woodward (Cochran Jf Co.) 245 Lindm av Ai'rnhanis Wm. W. clerk, 259 e Baltimore .\bruuis Alex. J. marblecutter, Greenmount av opli cemetery Abrams Alex. J. jr. inarbleworker, Greenmount av nr Greenmount cemetery Abrams Gio W. marbleworker. Greenmount nv nr Greenmount cemetery, dw York rd nr Oxford Abrams John, ^'n^dener, 11 Whatcoat Abreo James C. sailmkr. lo7 Bank Abru John, shoemkr, 142 Lancaster Alt Fiederick, lali. 76 8 Chester .\bi Jlcnry, brushnmker, 76 s Chester Abt John, moulder, Washington and Canton av A burn Chas. H. clerk, 330 n Hroadway Al>urn Elizabeth C. grocery, 43 n Exeter A burn T. Harry, clerk, 308 e .Madison Aburn SVm. R. sparmaker, 61 Hlock Academy of Holy Cross, adj. St. Patrick's church Acndemy of Music, Howard nr Franklin Achenback Mrs. Caroline, prov'ns, 145 Green- mount av Arhenback Henry, butcher, ncluir. Centre and '.lanorer markets, dw 145 (Jreenmount av Achenback John H. plasterer. 78 George Achenback Mrs. Mary, dressmaker, "78 George Achev 'Mrs. A. S trinnninjis, 4.'JT \v Baltimore Achey Chas. F. (F. Ache> & Son) 457 w Balti- more Achey Frederick & Son (F. and Chas. F. Achey) curriers, 22 s Liberty Achey Frederick (Frederick Achey k Son) 129 German Achey 'I'hos. S. currier, 247 George Aclitt-rman Henry, collector, 26 e Fayette Achziger Barbara,- grocery, 440 Canton av Acker Peter, shoemaker, 214 Stirling Ackernian Andrew, tailor, 213 Eastern av Ackernian Annie M. 504 e Fayetie Ackeitiian Cmirad, lab. 580 w Lombard Ackerman Mrs. Frances, coufect'y, 100 n Dallas Ackerman Geo. tailor, 92 s Castle Ackermaii Mrs. Geo, sec. hd. store, G3 Harrison Ackerman John, carp. 119 Vine A'.'kerman John, pnn)ptnlenier, 94 Aisquith Adams T. Ira, 600 w Fayette Adams Mrs. T. \V. manuf. shirts Baltimore Adams White Lead Company, over 27 s Charles 3 Adams Win. lab. Chajipell nr Chase 3 Adams Wm. carpenter, 193 George ':i • Adams Wm. (A. ^- Moulton) 309 Lexington PQ Adams Wm. H. clerk, 278 Hollins Adams Wm. H. (Adams, Buck & Co.) 216 u Republican Adams Wm. H. pilot, 108 s Washington Adams Wm. S laborer, 134 Mulliken ^ Adams Wm. T. prod. com. mercht. 27 Barre. >< dw 106 Lee ' ^ Adams Wm. W. mariner, 105 Cross ^ Adderly Luke, fireman, 4 Hawk Addicks Diedrich, lab. 215 s Wolfe Addison A. Merrill, attorney, 52 n Calvert Addison Mrs. Catherine A. 612 w Lombard Addison Edward, fireman, 515 Saratoga Addison Charles, clerk, 75 William Addison E Virginia, teacher, 7 Warren Addison Geo. C. clerk, 616 w Fa\ette Addison Geo. C. shoecutter, cor Chase and Greenmount av , J Addison Geo. M. assistant weigher C. H. 616 "^ \v Fayette ^ Addison J. M. attorney, 50 n Greene Addison John A. bookkpr. 11 Warren Addison John W. clerk, 7 Warren Addison John W. machinist. 28 Scott Addison Joseph T., McMechin nr John Addison .Mrs. Sally D. 7 VVarren Addison Samuel S. carp. 186 George , , Addison Taylor, real estate broker and con- O o o r— I veyaucer, 75 William Addisun Theodore, engineer, 54 s Poppleton Addison Wm. carp. 75 William Addison Wm. E. bookkeeper, ]60 Barre Addison Wm. W. shoecutter, 194 n Fremont Adelbert Albert, lab. 114 Somerset Adelmann Charles, grocer, 326 n Durham Adelmvinn Michael, lab. 43i Canton av ^ Adelsdorf Joseph (Guggenheimer & A.) 38 s f-^ Adkisson James F. lab. Sweet Air >— < Adkisson Dr. W. H. H. over American oflSce, ^ dw York rd beyond lollgate 'i^ Adler Aaron, cattle broker, 55 Jefferson 1^ Adier Aaron (A., Bros. & Co.) 252 e Baltimore^ Adler Aaron, clerk, 283 vv Pratt Adler Abraham, clerk, 72 s Eutaw jC^ Adler Albert A. clerk, 76 n Carey ^ Adler Alfred, bookkeeper, 17 n Front ^ Adler A. S. (A., Clement ^ Wiel, and Heiser & Co.) 243 w Lombard r4 Adler Alex, salesman, 54 s Eutaw ^ Adler .Mrs. Bertha, 252 e Baltimore (-h Adler, Bros. < >'. < ■-^ C < ~ --H u: :::} — 'w' o :r r/i 00 5?^ o O ;a 2-. ADLKIi, CI,KMKNT& WIKL (A. S. Adier, J. Clement, L. I'. Wii-1) wholes, shoeniaiiutac- tiirers, 343 « Halliiuoro Adler K. E. (Lerinn k A.) 17 n Front AtUiT IMwaril, beer, 2H3 w Pratt Atller Klias, 17 n Front Adler Henry, ciL-arrnkr. 51 Portland All lor lieiiiiiin S. clU, ICU w Loniiiard Adler llirnian {(.. Adler & Co.llCtj w Lombard Adler Herman, salesman, '-J7r> Lexinpton Adler Henry, rlerk, \32 8 Mroadway Adler Henry M. lax deiiartUKUt, 335c Pratl Adler'ji llt.t'el, L. Adler, jiiopr, 23 s Gay Adler Isaac, clerk, 17 n Front Adler Isaac, bookkpr, 25'2 e Baltimore Adler Jacob {Cone& A.) 76 n Carey Adler Jacob, cletk, 23 s Gay Adler Jacob, bookkpr, 17 n Front Adler Joseph, sbocmkr, 202 e Chase Adler L. A Co (Livi and Herman AdIer)boot3 and shoes, 57 n ICutnw Adler Levi (L. Adler & Co ) 16G wLnmbard Adler Louis, cattle dealer, 261 8 Durham Adler Louis (A. Itro. k Co.) 252 e Baltimore Adler .M. boots and shoes, 242 Lexington, d\v 106 u Lombard Adler Mannes, 16 Columbia Adler Marcus, dry goods, 132 s Broadway Adler Morris, cleru, 76 u ('arey Adler Mrs. Pauline, tobacconist, 72 3 iMitaw Adler Philip, 4-1 s Eulaw Adler Philip, « heelwrij^ht, 158 n Chapel Adler Thomas, liosiler, 512 Penna av Adier Wm. trimmin(is and dry goods, 292, 294 n Howard, dw 62 Ai.-quitli .AddllVon John, lab. 64 I'hilpot Addlph Henry, lab. 1") BeiUalou Adolpb Henry, boat builder, 105 n Caroline Adoli)h John, lab. 216 Fort av Adolph Wm. puddler, 62 s Regester Adrean John, lab. 9 Caulon av Adreon Harrison, U. S. Pension agent, base- ment I'osiollice, dw 283 e iialtimore Atlreon Dr. L. dentist, 1:^9 Penna av Adreon Joseph L. clerk, 231 Mull)erry Adreon ."Stephen A. clerk, 28 n Liberty ,\dreon .Mrs. \V. H. 28 n Liberty .Adreon Win. T. clerk, 620 Lexington Adreon Wm. llu Hanover - < '^' il t- <1 'Z Y, - — a w ^ < •f. > ADT JOHN B., Engineer and Ma- chinist, «8 n HoUiday, dw. 3 s. Ann- Advent Mission (P. E.) Chapel, Battery av nr Clement Ady James, variety store, 153 s Sharp Aerinjr Adol|)h, lab. 83 s Bethel A\\\\\\ Fiie Insurance Co. of Hartford, C(mn., J. <; Proud k .Sons, a:;!., I Iliallo buildin<'- .KT.NA LIFK IN.SUUANCK CO. OF IJART- FtMU). T. U. Alexander, general agt, 3 Post ofliec av Affelder Max, jecy. Permanent Land Co. of Baltimore and insr. broker, 22 Second, dw 31(1 w Lombard AfTeldcr Harry, clerk, 310 w Lombard Affelder Siunuel, Salesman, 310 w Lombard AITiiyroux Kpaulete, carpenter, 239 n Bond AtTayroux Fraticia P. bbicksmilh, 195 East Affayroux Jacncs, oirpenter, 195 East AITuyroux John, carpenter, 106 e Madison AffayroHX Melaine, 328 e Chase Aftung John, shoemkr, 171 Hanover Aped Men's Home, Dr. G, F. Child, snpt, co* Calhoun and LexingtoH Aged Women's Home, .Miss Mcllbany, supt Lexington nr Calhoun Agnew John D. bookkpr, 134 Mosher Agnew Tlios. J. clerk, McMechin nr Division Agnew Thomas A. grocer, cor Pratt and Eutaw Agnu.s Felix, business manager American office. 468 Eutaw place Aguslus John F. 229 Dover A hart John. lab. 267 n Front Ahart Tbomas. lab. Chai)pell nr Penna av Ahem Cornelius, lab. 14 Curley, Canton Alicrn Mrs. Elizalieth, 223 n Calvert Ahei-n Fallen, tailoiess, 37sStockton a) Aliern Geo. 2 Griffiss ct Aliern Daniel, feed, 120 s Chester Abern James, mariner, 2 Griffiss ct Aliern Jeremiah, lab. 123 s Exeter Aheiu John, brick manufr. yards Canton, dw 253 II I'^utaw Abern John, gilder, 123 s E.xeter Aliern Michael, lab. 14 Curley, Canton Ahem Michael, lab. Dover nr Addison al Ahem Otto, slioeiiikr, 614 Light .Munii Peii-r, carter, 37 s Stockton al Ahem Wm lab. 2 Griffiss ct Ahl Romeo, painter, 23 Mott Ahl Wm. watchman, 43 Orleans Ahlborn Arthur, clerk, 156 Lexington Ahlborii Gusiav, clerk, 156 Lexington Ahlborn Julius, dollar store, 156 Lexington .Ahlers Charles, cigarmkr, 146 Bank Aiders Henry, grocery, 60 McElderry Allies Ualheriue, I3jlair av exi Ahle.^ Geo. F. cigarmkr, 74 n Wolfe Allies John, cigarmkr, 257 Jefferson Ahlis John, cooper, 183 s Bethel .■\hlsleger Wm. (Boone k .A.) 749 Lexington Ahreiidt Charlotte, notions, 215 Bank .\lirendt Henry, moulder, 215 Bank Ahrens Adolph (.Stirling, Alierns & Co.) Wa- ver ley Ahrens Adolph jr. (Dorsey, George & A.) 1f6 St. Paul Ahrens Caroline, 45 n Caroline Ahrens Christian, cabinetmkr, 220 Bank Ahrens Geo Ad. (Stirling, Ahrens & Co.) 134 w .Madison Ahrens Henry, baker, 239 w Pratt Ahrens Julius, confectionery and baker, 239 w Prall Ahrens Theodore, clerk, Waverley Ahrens Wm. yeast, cor Orleans and Castle Ahrens Win. shoemkr, 70 Harrison Ahring Cusper H. uinbrellamkr, 171 sCaroline .Vhriug Ernest, 1 14 n Central av Ahrling Charles W. plumber and gas fitter, 79 .McElderry' 3 whf .■\hrliug Geo. D. carp. 79 McElderry's whf , Ahrliiig H. Henry, tavern, 79 .McElderry's whf| Aichele Jacob, wood and coal, 265 s Sharp, dw| 240 Hanover Aichele John, lab. 33S s Charles Aidt Lewis, shoemkr, 65 Druid Hill av Aiken Geo.B. elk, 58 Light, dw 730 Lexington] Aiken .Matthinv K. bookkpr, Arlington av ni York rd Aiken Mrs. Harriet E. 614 Lexington HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Assets, $75000.000.00, O. i\ Bresee, G-enl Agt. AIK 21 ALB Aiken Wm. H. clerk, 614 Lexinsitoa Aikia Prof. Wm. R. A. analytical chemist, 178 w Baltimore, Aw Howard county Aires A. J.&Co. (A.J. Aires, Thomas A. Hoj^ Albeit Geo. laborer, 256 s Ami i — i Albert Henry C. carpenter, 309 Saratoga O Albert Henry J. (A. & H. J. Albert) 49a Carey >;^ Albert Henry, shoemaker, 113 Henrietta ^p^ Albert Henry, lab. 217 sAnn Albert liviii, clerk, 433 w Fayette O Albert Jacob B. clerk, 200 n Howard ^z; Albert Jacob, grocery, 314 .Montgomery t-H Albert John, carpenter, 57 Penna av E-J Albert John, jr. bootfilter, 192 s Bond <; Albert John, carpet weaver, 57 Penna av |_I5 Albert Joseph S. carpenter, 309 Saratoga ^ Albert J. Taylor, (A. J. A. jr. & Co.) Balti-^ I more co ^ I Albert Mrs. Julia, 126 Aisquith W I Albert Nicholas, lab. 318 s Dallas p> 1 Albert Sebastian, laborer, 66 s Central av Albert Talbot J. atiorney U. S. court house, Q 52 C.ithedrai JZ; Albert Wm. conductor, 62 s Poppleton ^ Albert Wm. J. (Albert & Bro.) 52 Cathedral Albertiizzo Angelo, stonecutter, 59 s Eutaw Albertazzo Julian, stonecutter, .59 s Eutaw Alberti Charles A. (A., Prior & Co.) 183 Fayette ALBRRTI, PRIOR & CO. (C. Alberti, E. A. .^ *■ c. ^ .^rf * -• /. - ;, .•^ X Z v. ^ - "1^ r. ^ — < ~ i r" h " o ■~ -^ "^ ^ -= CO 11 :^ s ^ i_ 3_ s '1 ALBKRTSON ISAAT. propl'r Mansion house, n \v cor F'netie und St. Paul Altiion lIoMM-. .Mrs. ElliMi V. Conway, piopiie- tri'ss. Catheilrul iiml Riclimond Albrfcht Ant'iist. pmer, 325 n Dnllas Al»>ritht Ctinrles, l.Ookkeeper. 24 n Eden All'rtclil Clmrles. coiijier, 920 w I'rntt All>reclit Kliziil). bt-er, cor MtHenry and Gold- siiiiili a I Albtechl Krnest. miller, 203 Light Albrechl Fredi-rirk, 3ft Bank Alhretht Fn-derick, falooii, 351 AVest Allirfcht FrediTirU, hirlendcr, 371 8 Sharp Alliteclit (Jtortre, hilt. 32.') ii Dallas Alliretlit (.'■ oru-e 1'. carviT, 79 II irrisoa Albretlit llf-tirv, sawyer, HC Eastern av .AHirt-clit Ileiirv. oliueiDaker. Gi! 3 Piica All)reehl Jaco'.) F. cooper, McHeiiry and Gold- smith a! All»reeht Murv, s.ileswonvui, 151 w Madison .Vlt.recht P. A. leaf tobac.o, 18 German, near Calvert Albrecht Tiinoiheus, joiner, 14 Sterrett Albretht Timolhi-iH, tiootfiller. 24 n Eden Aliirii-lit W.iriiiM- C. I)arl)er, 151 w Madison All)reiht Win. liiraniiaker, 357 West .Mbreelit Wm. laiion-r, 423 Aliceanna Allireelit Wm. snjrarlioiler, 81 s Exeter Aibiight An;:. G. Iioilcnnaker. 7 llollins al Albritrhl Ernest, shoemaker, 96 Ilillen Albright Jfsse P. brieklavcr, 142 Colnmbia Altiri;;ht Julias, Macksmitli, 32 n Ann Aliock Fred. K. :!47 w Hiddle .\lcofk J. iJorsey. sak-snian, 106 w Lombard .Mfotk John, 2n7 Saratoya Alcock Wm. II. 1). bookkeeper, 3-17 w iiiddle Aldi-n .Mrs. Marv Ann, 219 e Baltimore Aldcrdice Wm. E. ci^'artllaker, 214 s Charles Alderson (ico. 1). s.ilcsman, 31G llollins Aldcrsdii John II. ilt-rk, 42 German Alder.ion Mrs. Lucv, boar.lini:, 42 German Aldine .Maifazine, John J. Usinini, manager, oftice 4 Pi),, 17 n Fremont Aler Jeremiah, finisher, 72 s (Jarey Aler John, machinist, 5 s UrcRon Aler John, H2 n Eutaw Aler John T. moulder, 99 n Popplelon Aler John T, pumpmaker, 103 Mulberry Aler John W. clerk, 82 n Eutaw Aler Reuben J. clerk, 31 (iarden Aler WasbiiiKton Z. bookkeejier, 103 Mulberry Aler W m. (). clerk, 103 Mulberry Aler Wm. H. jr. moulder, 46t; w Lombard Alexander Amos, laboier, 272 Ram.iav Alexander Andrew D. clerk, 63 u Howard Alexander Andrew D. clerk. 63 St. Paul Alexander Chas. clerk, 192 HanoTer Alexander Ebenezer A. traufrer. 349 n Bond Alexander Elijah, fisherman. 163 William Alexander F. W. asst. assessor, 272 Lexington Alexander James (Mettee & A.) 401 w Fayette Alexander James R. butcher, 576 Aisquith .Alexander Mr.'f. John H. 272 Lexington Alexander Jtilia. 131 Montgomery Alexander Julian I. (Linthicum & A.) 272 Lex- ington Alexander Mark, clerk, 64 Saratoga Alexander Myer, tobacconist, 213 w Pratt Alexander Nathan E. lumber insp'r, 133 Barre Alexander Richard, varnisher, 305 e Lombard Alexander Ricliard, clerk, 72 Lee Alexander Simon, clerk, 213 w Pratt Alexander Solomon, machinist, Oak nr Shirk Alexander T. R. insurance agent, 3 Postoffice av, dw ]".() Boll on Alexander Thomas, varnisher, 305 e Lombard Alexander Wm. bruslimaker, 14 s Gay Ale.xander Wm. cigarmaker, 213 w Pratt Alexander Wm. treas Georges Creek Coal and Iron Co. 4 Rialto bldg, dw Carrollton hotel Alfes Frederick, clerk, 14 Myrtle av Alford Chas. H. bookpr, 18 Jackson sq ay Alford Frank F. gasfitter, 132 s High Alford Geo. lab. 158 Madeira al Alford Geo. C. bookkeeper, 544 Lexington ALFORD JAMES E. & SON (Jas. E. and Jas. H. Alford) insurance agents. 39 Postoffice av Alford James E.(,Jas. E. A. & Son) 132 s High Alford James II. (Jas. E. A. k Son) 132 s High Alford Wm. E. cierk, 132 s High Algeier Jacob, carp. 77 Grindall Aliier Porter R.(Russel!&A.)Lexington nrPine Algie Mrs. Jane 8G n Caroline Albeit Adam, bhuksmith. 494 Peuna av Alheil Frederick, shoemaker, 149 e Fayette Albeit Geo. blacksmith, 204 Columbia Allan Chas. H. printer, 32 n Wolfe Allan Joiin G. clerk, 32 n Wolfe ALLAN LINE OF STEAMERS, A Schnmaeher k Co. agents, 9 s Charles Allard Albert A. tinner, 1G2 e Eager Allard Chas. A. carp. 199 n Bond Allard Edward C. carp. 422 e P^ager Allard Edward C. sr. carp 335 n Gay Allard John K. shoemaker, 320 n Broadway Allard John 11. stairbuilder, 335 n Gay Allard J X o Alrick Mrs. F. W. 86 w Chase Alrick Jl. 121 w Midi^on Alt Aui:u«i. tooptr, 271 s Durhum Alt <'as|ier, slioeiiuiker, :>'M} w Ualtiinore Alt CiiJper, broonini iker, 617 IJilair av Alt CotiruJ, lali. 271 s Uiiihuii) Alt John, i-0(>[)«r, 271 s Diirlitiin All Johu, ^iho(-lIlllkl•r, IG7 Smnli Aun Alt Man A uroiery, S57 n Gay All IVter, i-onstahle, 557 n (riy A lt.iii'19 Joseph B. (Coffin & Aliemus) Phila- drlphiii Aliini'orj; Wni. hutler, 212 s HroaJway Altevogt Frt'd. b^er, Thiid ave mid Dillon Altcvo^;i Herman, lul>. 351 AlicoannH, Canton Alttviim Win. lal>. 351 Aliicaiinu, CanlOD Aliliaus Wui. rlcrk, (J-l e I-'avelte Althoff Frank, l...ker, 92 S 111^11 AMniiin Henry, coachpaintir, 172 n Wolfe Allnifver Siiuon. -15 \Vat. Hanover Alliieth Win. confectioner, 259 Hanover Ali.-ichul T. k Co. (T. k li. Allschul) importers of wine. 2(1 German, nr Calvert AMschul T. (T. A. & Co.) New York Altschul U. (T. A k Co.) New York AliTater Chas. clerk, 110 Kaslern av Allvater Conrad, bill jiosler, 156 s Washington Altvaler Klizaheih, 7 McKlderry Altvaier Jacol), clolhinj: cutler. 89 Harmony la Al'vaterMrs.Jno.liqnors. llOand 112 Kaslern av AilTater John A. bricklayer, 193 e Fayeiie Allv.iter John, huckster, 3 St. Mary ct Allvater Lewis, boots and .shnes, 331 n (Jay Allvater Lonis, clerk, llo Riistern av Altvaler Wm. H. carp. 7 McKlderry Alrath.r Chas. clerk, 113 n Woifu AUarez Angel, ciirarmkr, 74 w Fayette Alvarez Angel, (Martinez k Co.) 220 Lanvale AUatcr Henry, l.>b. I9C. Kastern av Alvather John C. bill poster. 28 s Caroline Alrey J. F. k Co. (J. F. Alvev) imitorters and joi.bers in dry goods, 17 s Sharp Alvey John F. (J. F. A. & Co ) 65 McCnlloh Alrey Sjimuel U. wharlinjier, 651 w Mallimore Araan Adam, butcher, 232 Frederick av Amand Jolin, driv r, 16 Baker AiMHiin .Michael, lub. 96 s ('iistle Aniazon Fire Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, s w cor South iind (ierman Ambiich Adolph, tailor. 253 n Mond Ambach, Hurgunder k Co. (David. Michael and .Mux Amb«ch, Joseph jr. nml Henry Hurgun- der) wholesale clothiers, 271 w Baltimore Ambnch David, (Ambach, Burgunder k Co.) 257 w Loiiibuid Ambnch Michnel, (A. .Burgunder & Co.) 150 w I^onibartl Aa.bach Max, (A., Burgunder k Co.) 150 w lyombnrd Amberg Charles A. lab. 211 a Bethel Amberg Geo. tailor, 44 Aliceaniia Amberg Vnjentlne, lab. 68 Granbv Ambrogi B. fruit, 49 n Calvert, dw 1 IE Saratoga Ambrose (ieo. mariner, .303 8 Bond ^' -er, peddler, 116 s Howard •r. bib 3 Mad. ira al iiel, sec. hd. clothing, 1 16 s Howard Ai; Ambrose W. R. painter, 176 Scott AmelMng August, inerch. tailor, 2 n Cafoline Aiuelanjr ('harles A. tailor, 2 n Caroline Ameling Wm. lab. 16 Haw Aniehing Aupnst, baker, 266 s Rutaw Amelnng Frederick, tobacconist, 7 e Monument Amend John, blacksniilh, 13 Peirce Amend Joseph, junk, 98 3 Fden Amend Louis, wheelwright, 235 s Ann Amend Mathias, blacksmith, 235 s Ann Amendt Jacob, tanner, 59 Bank Ainent Andrew, shoemaker, 195 Eastern av Ajiier Joseph, carter, 114 West Amer .Martin, carter. 114 West American Colonization Society, Dr. Jas. Hall, agent, over 81 Second AMERICAN FARMER, Samuel Sands & Son, publishers, over 8 North. AMKRICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COM- P.ANY, of Baltimore ; First Di.stiici — South and Water; Second District — under Eutaw house: Third District — 108 Franklin American Engineer, J. H. & W. T. Howard, projirietois, 1>< Second American Star Leather Preservative Co. office and factory, (Shanks' building) s w cor Sharp and Lombard AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Bal- timore, 6 South, James L. Armslroujr, pres't AMERICAN FIRK INSURANCE CO. of Phil- adelphia, agency 9 and 11 North American Fruit Preserving Co., Jiarshall P. Smith, pres't, 4(» Postofifice av American G:is Coal Co., James B03 ce, presi- dent, 3 German American Hotel, Mrs. R. C. Fairchilds, p'O- prietress. n w cor Franklin and Calvert American Kindling Wood Co. (Richard Barker) Front st and Jones' Falls Aii.erican Life In.=!. Co. of Philadelphia, E. B. Tyler, auent. 131 w Baltimore .\merican Sewing Machine Co.. Franklin Sut- ton, agent, n e cor Park and Lexington AMERICAN STEAM FIRE PROtJF S.\FE CO. salesroom 131 w Baltimore, E.B.Tylei , prop'r Americ.m Tea Co. (Ellinger & Co. prop'rs) 153 Lexington Amerling Geo. lab. 48 Washington av Auiersback Leonard, tailor, 22 Anthony- Ames Diniel R. (F. S. Ames) dw 172 Chase Ames lalward, tailor, 56 Tyson Ames Rev. Edward R. 184"McCulloh Ames & Fentress, (R. W. .Ames, G. L. Fentress) j)rodnce com. merchants, 171 w Pratt Ames ilrs. Franklin, fancj' goods, 201 n Gay Ames F. S. fancy u'oods, 163 n Gav Ames Frank A. '(F. S. Anus) 248"w Fayette Ames Geo T. clerk, 80 s Paca Ames Hudson N. clerk, 98 Myrtle av Ames John, 40 Edmondson av Ames Richard \V. (Ames & Fentress) 80s Pacti Amct Robert, lab. n Henry Amey Joseph, bricklayer, 148 s Paca Amey Wm bricklayer, 121 s Poppleton Amey Wm. fisherman, 144 Battery av Amey Win. E. (ishermau, 118 Cross Amich James M. carter, 121 s Poppleton Amick Henry, ropemkr, Harford av nr Lanvale Amiing George, beer, 265 e Lombard HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue.- Mutnal Life Instirance Co. of New York, A ML 25 AND Auilinjr John., biuber, 52 Ensor Aiumel Philip, boot crimper, 43 Harrison .Aiumer Geo. currier, 217 e Fayette Amnier Jiicob, tanner, 153 Pierce AiniDfr Mrs. .Mart:aret, grocery, 153 Fierce AJIMIDUN & CU^ (J.P.Amiiiidon D F.ihnnes, Geo. Lock wood) kerosene oil, lamps, frlass- w;ire and queeusware, 6i.> German and 347 w Baltiniore Ammidoii John P. (A. & Co.) 263 Linden av Aran-.oiis Geo. W. carp. 79 Parkin Amos Benj. F. tobacconist, 1765 e Baltimore Amos Chas. L. clerk, 357 Madison av Amos Chas. W. shoemkr. Caihedral exi Amos Kmilv, saleswoman, 187 n Hi^:h Amos Fredk. A. btickiaver, 277 Druid lliil av Amos I. R. (LR. A. ^ Co.) Lutberville, Balti- more CO Amos L R. & Co. (L R. Amos) bl.nk bof>k manu fs. and Lookbinders, s e cor PivSioffice av and Baltimore Amos Jas. H. huckster, 18 Richmond mkt, dw 305 n P^utavv Amos Jas. T. salesman, 187 L Constitution Amos Jas. U. clerk, 277 Uruid Hill av Amos J. Jarrett, clerk, 190 Barre Amos Mrs. L3 dia, 305 u Eutaw Amos ilary V. millinery goods, 165 n Eutaw Amos \V. W. (ihotographer, 290 Lexington Amos Wm. shoemkr, 153 n Eutaw Amoss Alfred P. jr. (John Whitiington & Co.) 174 n Republican Amoss Chas. E. musician. 5 Wolfe, n of Monu- ment Amoss Jas. R. clerk, 328 n Caroline Amoss Jas. 0. bookbinder, 328 n Caroline Amoss Wm. E. farmer, Biddle e of Ann Amoss V\'m. Y. lab. 5 Wolfe, n of Monument Amrheim Joseph, cabinetmkr, 18 u Casiie Amrhein Casper, cooper, 173 Madeira al Amihein Casper, cabinetnikr, 9 n Bethel Aiuihein Chrisr. baker, 22 Patterson Park av Amrhein jMCob, shoemkr, 198 Haiford av Amrhein John, lab. 65 n Gay Aijurhein Louisa E. 283 Franklin Amrhein Philip, 44 Duncan al Amtho; Dr. Robert, 42 n Bjo ^dway Amtmarin Join J. lab. S4 n Chapel Anacker John, moulder, 218Scott Anderfuhren Edw. G. shoemkr, 125 n Howard Auderluliren Louis A. wood toys, 5 Swan, dw 149 Columbia Auders Calvin B. clerk, 66 n Paca Anderson Agnes, school, 2()0 e iladison Anderson Ann, coiifec'y, 357 Alice. mna Anderson A. L. agent Wliann's phosphate, 16 Bow]\'s whf, dw 149 n Strieker Anderson Ann, 78 Parkin Anderson Ann, butter, 137 EdSor Anderson Andrew, genl. agent for New York and Washington Air Line, 82 Caiiiden ANDERSON BROTHERS, (T. D. Ander.'son,) importers hardware, n w cor Light and Prait Anderson .Mrs. B. 103 \v Fayette Anderson B. T. fiour and feed, 126 n High, dw 158 Cliesnut Anderson Chaney, carp. 40 Myrtle av Anderson Chas. blacksmith, 214 German, dw 451 Franklin Anderson Chus. E. clerk, 220 Saratoga Anderson Chas. E. salesman, 3t3 w Baltimore Anderson Chas. E. baker, 357 Aliceaiina Anderson Chas. H. blacksmith. 451 Franklin Anderson Clarence E. piinter, 110 w P'ayeie Anderson Clifford C. clerk, 96 n Republican Anderson Daniel, grocery, 78 Chesnut Anderson E. F. s-tlesman, lio w Fayette Anderson Edward, carp. 47 Pine Anderson Elizabeth, huckstress, 99 Camden Anderson Elizabeth, dre.«?mkr. 133 Dolj)hin Anderson Elizabeth, 144 Willinm Anderson Mrs. E. J. milliner, 189 Walsh Anderson Fredk. T. printer. 200 e Madison Anderson Geo. E. (Seevers & A.) 279 Lanvale Anderson Geo. H. lab. 113 Parkin Anderson Geo. W. machinist, 301 s Paca Anderson Harry A. huckster, 672 Saratoga Andersf n Henry, mariner, 179 s Wolfe Anderson Herbert W. clerk, 183 n Calvert Anderson ?Iiigh. hoalbuildi r, 71 Centre Mkt sp Anderson Capt. Isaac J. 196 n Broadway Anderson Jas. leather, 375 e Baltimeie ANDEESOI-T & SON, 1 James M. Anderson, W. S. Anderson,) En- gravers, Printers, Stationers, Elank Book Manufacturers, and Dealers in Fancy Goods, 148 W. Baltimore. -U5 f^ pq o O d o o o Anderson Jas. K. horseshoer, 102 German, dw 223 w Fayeile i!^ Anderson Jas. D. grocer^, 426 Hanover ANDERSON JA.MES M. (Anderson & Son, ) p£; city collector, 183 n Calvert Anderson Jas. enszitieer. 10 Johnson ^ Anoerson James N. ( Wheat k A.) 44 n Liberty >^ Anderson Jesse N. plasterer, 2 20 Sinttoga i^ A ndersonsJoel H. salesniMn, Quaker la nr Oxford -. Anderson John, mariner. 80 s Regcster ^ Anderson John, shoemkr, 134 C-tniden pd Anderson Jolin jr. mariner. 23 Thames jjH Anderson John, tailor. 22 Ja.-;per ^ Andtrson John, hackman, 55 Garden ^ Anderson John, hackman, 22 Garden ^ Anderson John W. blacksmith, 29 s R'-i.nblican ^ ANDERSON JOHN W. k CO. (John W. An-^ derson, ^amuel Henry,) oyster and fruit Ph packers, 7 and 9 .Albemarle l- Anderson John W. (John W. A. & Co.) 160 <-5 Hanover Anderson John, tavern, 23 Thame s Anderson John, tinner, 5 Warren Anderson John E. carp. 304 Light Anderson lolin G. piocessor, 55 Green willow Anderson John H. salesman, 86 Lee Anderson John H. salesman. 182 w Lombard Anderson Joshua, orp. 43 George Anderson Kale, milliner. 44 n Republican Anderson .Mrs. L. J. 41 Lee Andrrsi-n L. T. billiards, n e cor North and q Baltimore, dw 41 Lee ^ Anderson Mrs. Louisa, 19 Bath ^ Ander.-on Mrs. .Margaret, boarding. 59 e Pratt <3 2i Anderson Mrs. M.iry, nnlliner, 160 Hanover Anderson Morris, carpenter, 6 Baker Anderson Nathaniel V. clerk, 23 Thames Anderson Oliver, ousters, 145 s Wolfe Anderson Peter, iah. 468 Canton av Anderson Richard, hacknmn, 55 Garden Anderson Richard, shipsmith, 282 Bank Anderson Richard B. cooper. 92 Hamburg Anderson R. F. carpenter, 12 Woodyear I — I Power Press Printing, at Eeduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) ._ - r. JVIutuaM-iife Insurance Co. of New York. AND 26 ANZ >. -* ■f. "7 _ H £ = H C'-i^ :=^-5 ^ ■» c J5 .^^ ee s - lO :^ O Tr «» •^ iC •v* c ^ X ii ^rf ^, t^ k. g* .^ ^ ^^ > ^ V ~ ^ •- 55 ♦^ a« *>i^ X r* -»w ^. =3 tC b ^ Aiiit-rson Rich'd T. brukenian. 180 Ilollins Aiult-rson Uotiert. Uh. 252 s Cliarles All'l••r^on Uobert M. carp. 304 Li^'lit Amlersoii Mrs. Rosa, Dover nr Fulton Aii'lcrson Suinuel, engineer, 10 Jolinsun Au;ht .Vndre G. Roljt. harnessniaker, VViverlev A.MiKK |)K. J. Rll>(;WAy, 121 e Bihimore Andrea Herman, shoemaker. 292 s Bond Andrea \Vm provisions, 202 s Eiiiaw .Andreas .-Vdam, barkeeper, 242 a Broad ^va^' .Vndreas Gottleil), grocery, 37 n Frelerick .\iidre3 Conrad, lab. loS s Carolin* .\iidres .Max, prinder, 90 n Chapel .Andrews .Alonzo .M. mariner, 23 Holland .Andrews Bei.j. F. inspector C. H. 97 n Wolfe .Andrews (J.iroliiie, 38 Gouph .Vmlrews Mr*. Catharine, boardinor, 227 Holliiis .Andrews Ch is. piinier, 123 n Schioeder .Andrews Chas. W. Tliree Tuns liotel Andrews David S. lah. 144 .Mcllenrv ANDRKW.S k CO. (J. W. Andrews 1. P. Bur- >:ess, ) ship lirokersand pen'l coin, merchants, and Kcui-ral agents Balto. and .N'ewliern.N.C. ^leatners and Port Royal \avipation Co., T.f ."Smith's wharf — [S«e A'ivrtisemenl. .Vndrews .Mrs. Klizabeih. 52 n Paca Andrews Frank, 37 Patterson Park av .Vndrews Ueorpe W. shoemaker. 9 n Pine .Andrews Geo boilermkr, 135 Gietiiinonnt av .Andrews (J. Wan.-^ev, 237 n Eutaw Aiiiliews II C. clerk. 20 Linden av Andiewg H. C. lab. 71 s Gilmer •Andrews Hercules R W. i\r, B.u re .Andrews Jacob, lab. 227 Hollins •Andrews Jacob, butcher, Vord rd nr .Vorih av A.NDUKWS JAME.S B. Hct. lUllo. and Savan- nah Si-amship Co , office 73 Smith's wharf, dw 231 n Fremont Andrews James cooper, 193 s (Miester Andrews John, bricklayer, 51 s Stockton Andrews John, watchman. cor Exeter and Gay •Vnliews John II. muhinist, 53s Hiph Amlrews Jidin H. shoemaker, 9 u Pine Andrews John J undertaker. 4 Druid Hill av ANDUIIWS JO.SEPH W. (Andrews k Co.) 256 L iiiTHle Andrews John W. sailraaker, 23 Holland Andrews Louisa J. groc'y, 141 n Exeter Andrews llMiirgold, miller, 141 u Exeter Andrews R. Snowden, architect, cor North av and Decker Andrews Samuel K. inspector C. fl. 330 Park av Andrews Mrs. Sophia, laund. 191 Chesiiut •Andrews Thomas B. gunsmith, 141 n Exeter Andrews Thos. E. machinist, Addison al and Wilhelin Andrews Dr. T. F., Barniim's hotel ANDREWS &THOMPS().\' (W.S. Thompson,) diuggisis and chemists. 5 w Baltimore Andrews W. A. clerk, 20 G irden Andrews \V T shoemaker, 325 s Charles .Andrews Wra. shoenikr, Wolfe nr Eastern av Andrews W^in. watchman, 20 Greenwillow Andrews Wm. lab. 135 Greeiiinoniit av •Andrews Wm. A. painter, 123 n Schroeder •Andrews Win. E. clerk, (jiiinor nr Patterson av •Aiiiiel P^dward, lab. OG II uford av .Angel (ieo. carter, 468 e Monument •Angel .Miry J. 66 Harford av •Angelmyer John, police, 64 n Oregon Angelmyer Mattlii.is jr, carter, 537 Saratoga .An^elmver .Matthias sr, carter, 537 Saratoga •Angei Frank, lab. 61 Elliott -Anger V.de.nline J. barkeeper, 118 n Gay •Angerinan Henry, coachtrimnier, 250 George Angerinan W. restaurant, 310 w Pratt Angerman Wm. H. clerk, 105 n Strieker Angermver Joiin, litlio_'r:i;>lier, 26! n Fremont •Angst Ferdinand, shoeni.ker, 87 Dover Anker Fr.ancis, paver, 2i7 .Aisqnith Anker John .M. tailor, e Fayette ext Anker Joseph, shoemaker, 257 n Dallas Anker Lewis, l)utcher, Penna av nr North av Ankerbrand Heniielta, laund. 48 s Dallas •Aniiacker John, lal). 21 •< Scott •Aiinondale Wm. J. bookkeeper, 353 n Broadway •Annen Henry, drayman. 228 n Dallas •Annen John, 228 n D illas •Annen Wm. L. bookkeeper. 37 Mulberry •Aniiesley .Mrs. .Amanda, h.it trimmer, 51 Hillen •Ansliutz Albert, u|pliolsierer, 335 n Broadway' Anschutz Chas locksmith and stoves, 217 Can- ton av •Anshutz Frederick, engineer, 4 Swan Anstine Jacob, carp, 223 Cathedral Anthony David, brakeman, 1()3 s Gilmor Anthony D.iniel, clerk, 62 .MuUikin Anthony Edward, fisherman, 75 Johnson Anthony Francis, fisherman, 75 Johnson •Anthony G. W. sr. edge tool grinder, 62 Mul- liUin •Anthony Geo. W. jr. printer, 62 Mullikin Anthony Henry A. 348 .Myrtle av •Amliony James H carpenter, 10 Macubbin A III bony John, pmldler, 103 s Giliuor Anthony T. L. bookkeeper, n w cor Sharp and Lombard .Anthony Wm. carpenter, 271 e Monument Anthony Wra. H. can maker, 62 Mullikin Antoine John, picker, 91 Lexington Anton Henry, tailor, 216 e P^iger Anton Adam, lager beer, 247 s Wolfe Anton George, cutler, 216 e Eager Anton Henry, cooper, 336 e Lombard Antone Filisejipe, stonecutter, 14 President •Antrim Dr. Wm. 192 Pearl Anzinann Anthony, notions, 227 Lexington •Anzmann Joseph, bootmaker, 173 German HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. O. F. Bresee. G-eneral A^ent, 15 South. St. APE 27 ARM \pel Adolpli, tailor, 159 e Pralt APPEAL TAX COURT, City Hall Appel Charles, shoemaker, 74 Henrietta Appel Charles, machinist, 41 Parkin Appel Christian, cabinetmaker, 3C Pearl Appel Conrad, painter, 73 Hanover Appel Conrad, tailor, 414 Eastern av Appel Edward, tailor, 29 n Dallas Appel F. W. stationer, 90 e Lombard Appel Frank, cigarmaker, 438 n Gay Appel Frederick, lab. 237 Canton av Appel Frederick, lab. 273 s Durham Appel Frederick, 144 lab. s Castle Appel Geo. jr. butcher, Frederick road oppo- site Mt. Olivet cemetery Appel H''nry, lab. 72 I?oyd Aupel Henry, lab. 5 Brannan ct Apsel Henry, cigarmaker, 70 Mullikin Appel Henry, tailor, 271 e Madison Appel Henry, letter carrier, 39 Portland Appel John, lab. 19 Port Appel John, carpenter, 82 Battery av Appel John, clerk, 73 Hanover Appel John, tailor, 70 .Mullikin Appel John, shoemaker, 152 Raborg Appel John, tailor, lol Cambridge Appel John C. mnriner, 317 Alicf-anna Appel John H. tailor, 87 s Regester Appel Leonard, lab. 89 Fort av Appel Mrs. Margery, beer, 237 Canton av Appel Mrs. Rosa, 90 n Eden Appel -Mrs. Margaret, confectionery, 30 Pearl Appel .Martin, tailor, 70 Mullikin Appel Nicholas, beer, 45 s Wolfe Appel Wm. sliueniaker, Sweet Air Appleby Ciias. patnuiker William and Fort av Appleby Edward H. patternmak. 304 n Eutaw Appleby George W. carpenter, Catousville Appleby John, canniaker, 55 Gough AppleSiy Mrs. Margaret, 109 n Ann Appleby Lemuel, Woodberry Appleby .Mrs. Mary, 260 n Dallas App'eby Samuel C. engraver, 109 n Ann Appleby Reazon, huckster, Chappell nr Penna av Appleby Samuel, apothecary, 422 w Baltimore Apjilegarth A'e.Y. reed, lime, &c. 3 HoUings- worth, dw 153 Saratoga Apple^;arth Chas. L. packer, 117 Montgomery Applegarth Henry C. packer, 344 Lexington Applegarth Rev. H-iiry jr. clerk, 344 Lexington Ajiplegarth John A. commission merchant, 109 Smith's wharf, dw 191 Townsend Applegarth Capt. Lawsori J. sr.90 Jackson sqav Applegarth Lawson J. jr. canmaker, 9(i Jack- son sq av Applegarth Nathaniel J. flour and feed com- merce, 61 s Calvert, dw 153 Saratoga Applegarth Nathaniel, (Wm. A. & Son,) 48 Fawn Applegarth Robt. H. gas6tter and plumber, 344 Lexinjiton Applegarth Robt. cigarrakr, 268 Hanover APPLEGARTH RUFUS W. attorney, 153 Sar- atoga Applegarth Robt. M. canmkr, 90 Jackson sqav ApJ.legarthThos..^L^ Wm.A.&Son)240.Mvrtleav APPLEGARTH WM. & SON, (Nathaniel and T. M. Apjilegarth.) ship brokers and commission merchants, 37 w Pratt, cor Buchanan's whf Applegarth .Mrs. Capt. Wm. 193 n Carey Applegarth Wm. pilot, 92 s Chester Applegarth Wm. J. clerk, 48 Fawn Applegarth Wm. L. mariner, 85 s Caroline Applegarth Wm H. 90 Jackson sq av • .Applegate Wm. R. machinist. 60 Parkin ^ Appier F. C. conductor, 75 Hollins '^ Ap[>ler O:lando M. paperhansrer, 6 s Poppleton ^ APPLETON D. & CO., Publishers ^ W. W. Hayne, General Agent, pq 22 Post Ofiaee Avenue. r^ — r^ Appleton Eben D. real estate broker and agent 35 Peabody Heights Co 49 w Fayette, dw cor. ^ Edmondson av and Kirbv la fn Appleton Thomas, lab. 15 Stockton ^ Applewaite Henrv B. niacbii.ist, 152 Myrtle av .:^ Applewaite Jas. T. clerk, 152 .Myrtle av ^ Applewaite M. .M. 152 Myrtle av ^^ Apfilewaite Richard H, pattern maker, 152^ .Mvrlle av ^' Appold Frank T. clerk, 262 n Charles O APPOLD GEORGE & SONS, (G. J., Samuel O and W. H. Appold) hide and leather dealers, ~ 8 and 10 Water, tannery North nr Madison (^ A!>pold George, lab. 169 Choptank Q Appold George A. (Appold & Corner) 194 e .Monument ■ "^ Appold Geo. J. (Geo. A. & Sons,)262 n Charles Ap[>old Geo. N. clerk, 262 n Charles Q Appold M. E, Chapel, Washinsiton nr Chase O Appold Samuel, (Geo. A. & Sons)214 n Calvert O Appold Samuel A. engineer, 229 Jefferson ^ Afipold Theo. R. 174 n Eutaw '"^ Ani.old Wm. H. (G. A. & Sons,) 165 Hotfman ^ APPRAISER'S OFFICE, (U, S.) cor Gay and —' Lombard ^ Apy .lacob, driver, 184 Pierce ^ Apy Mrs. Barbara, Fri'-ndship, York rd ^ Arbecher Philip, lab. 46 Essex Arbeiter Hall and Workingmen's Union, 5 s -/f Frederick p^ Arbuckle Fred. J. lab. IS Dewberry al '^ Arch B. L^rocery. 19 n Chapel f^ Arch George, lab. 387 Canion av >^ Arch Wm. lab. 162 Burgundy (_-l Archbald Thomas, lab. 2 e Second (^ Archer Caleb, cir|)enter, 16 Holland ^ Archer Cornelius, laborer, 7 .\bhot r£^ xVrcher George, a'-chitect, 25 n Charles, dw 188 Division ^ Archer Henry, law student. 77 n Charles ^ .\rcher James .M. clerk, 29 n Republican i__( Archer .Michael, engineer, 487 w Lombard ^ Archer Savil,(GrHenbaum & A )210 w Lombard - Arens Henrv, (Von Kapff & A.) 103 Park av Arens John, shoemaker. 15 Albemarle Q Avens Nicholas, shoemaker, 38 Ridgely ;^ Aring Samuel, furn. wagons, 333 w Hoffman ^ Arinjiton Albert, plumber, 150 e Pratt Arkenberg Wm. boxraaker. 4 Broad al ^ Armacost Amos, stonemason, Oxford, Yord rd k^ Armacost George W. huckster, 4 Thomsen ; — , Armacost Henrv, 414 Harford av ^ Armacost Jas. t. clerk P. 0. 353 Central av -jj Armacost James M. bricklayer, 150 e Eager [jq Armacost Margaret, 23 Lewis H^ Armacost Melchor, welldigger, 270 Walsh '"^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EARDAVARE, No. 70 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York^ ARM ARM 28 C-l W W cr: E-" CO ... H :^ ^ 'H ^ .. " 00 x — r- *^ ~ W »J — ' ;er Benj. F. C()(i|)ei, 94 ii Ann Arini>:ir Kli G. printer, over 102 w Baltimore, dw 104 e .Monument Ariniuur Geor^;e l>. hootfiller. 40 Clay Arniiuer Mrs. Isubella, 377 e Fcyilte Ainii;;er Junies R. clerk, 01 Hiirletn av Ainiiircr Jesse, l>riekii;uker, 244 Battery av Ali.MUiKli JdllN L. hats and caiis, 100 n Gay, dw 332 Aisquith Ainii^er John, liookliinder, 1 10 Jiffi-rsoii Arniiper Jolin 11. 377 e Fayette A ruiii:er Joseph coniliinaker, llOJelfersoQ Arnii;,'er Josiali, farmer, 94 William Arniiuer Joseph, niarinei'. 13 Henrieila Armiuer Joshua K. luiilder, 407 n Central av Armijjer .Mr.'*. Margaret, coiitec'y, 110 JelFerson Armii;er I'eler, eoaclinnikfr, 110 Jelierson Arutiyer liichard. honse furnishing stoie, 13.') n (Jay, dw 323 Kager Ariniiier Robert B. carp.-nter, 54 e Pratt, dw 437 e Favetie .Arnii>:er Thomas E. clerk. 407 ii C<-ntr.il av Arnii;:er VVrn. L. cletk, 323 e Eager Armisie.id Anderson H. 223 n Charles AriuisleHd C. Hughes. 103 w .Monument Anuistead Bros. (Georijc Jc J. Ryan Annistead) noir brokers, room 10, .57 Second .\rmi.-lead Georec (Armistead Bros.) 103 w .Moniinient Ariiiistead J. Ryan, (Armistcid Bros.) 103 w .Njonunient AimilaKe Geo. T. paint.r, 180 Chesnut al Ariniiai-e Dr. James, \\ n Paca Arniita^e James, m.uhitiisl, I Scott .\riiiitrtge Joseph, blacksmith, 540 w Lombard AriiiUu,.e .Mrs. Kale, :04 n Republican Aiinitrtt-e Mrs. Reb.cca, 1 Scott .Vrmucost James T. clerk, 353 n Central av Aimor Chiis. (;. marker C. II., 327 n Bonil Atnior .M'H. Eliza K.. York rd and Oxford av Armor Geo. F. glass w.iie, lamps and oils, 104 Franklin .\rmor .Mm. Rachel, 80 n Greene Arm .ly Fifth Nat. Guard, over Richmond mkt ArnistiroD/ Andrew J. coachtrimmer, 20K e l<<9 n Gay Arnett Levi, shoemaker, 359 n Gay Arnett Wm. H. metiils, bugs and quaitermas- ter's supplies, llGLit;ht, dvv 5 McEldeny Art)old Dr. Al)raham Li. 7 s lligh Arnold .Mrs. Abbie, 233 Franklin Arnold Adam, prov's, Montgomery and China Arnold Andrew J. carp. 900 w Baltimore Arnold A. Edwaid, clerk, 125 Mulberry Arnold Charles, carp. 51 Ensor Arnold Chas. A. clerk, Pressiman nr Strieker Arnold Christian, barber, 651 Penna av Arnold Conrad, blacksmith, 960 w Baltimore Arnold Rev. David, 214 Montgomery Arnold Edward, blacksmith, 112 e Madison Arnold Francis(F.ArnoldcfeSoii)343 \v Lombard Arnold F. & Son (Francis & John W. Arnold) surgical instrument maUers, 15 s Sharp Arnold Frank, clerk, 343 \v Lombard Arnold George, lab. 5 w Lombard Arnold Geo. police, 213 n Front Arnold Gotleib, shoemaker, 71 Booth Arnold Henry, laborer, 144 German Arnold Henry, huckster, 53 s Republican Arnold Henry, lab. 143 s Strieker Arnold Henry, bricklayer, 26 St. Peter Arnold James, engineer, 343 w Lombard Arnold Henry F. carp. 342 Hanover Arnold James R. bricklayer, 25 .McHenry Arnold John, lab. Frederick rd Arnold John, clerk, John nr Spring A|nold John, tailor, 343 s Bond Arnold John W. (F. Arnold & Son) 343 w Lombard Arnold John "W., Strieker nr Presstman ARNOLD, MARSHALL & CO. (Wm. E. Ar- nold, J. W. Marshall, Joshua Thomas) trunk and shade hardware, 53 Light Arnold Martin, moulder, 71 Booth Arnold Jlrs. Mary, 213 n Front Arnold Michael, tanner, 194 n Front Arnold Nicholas, tailor, 71 Bank Arnold Richard H. rubber weather strips, 125 Mulberry Arnold Sarah J. matron Md. Inst, for Blind, North av Arnold Wm. H. M. clerk, Potomac Steamboat Co. over pier 9 Light-st whf. dw 75 n Castle Arnold Wm. bricklayer, 209 Scott Arnold Wm. H. provisions, 123 Townsend, dw 265 Druid Hill av Arnold Wm. H. brickmaker, 8 Stockholm Arnold Wm. E. (Arnold, Marshall <^ Co.) 241 n Carey Arnold Wm. J. shoemaker, 264 e Madison Arnold Dr. Wm. T. dentist, office 65 n Paca, dw 313 w Louibard ^ ,02 IN \^l!SI BL.EJ Ruibl33r Weather Strips, FOR DOORS AND WINDOWS. r— ' APPROVED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM p AS THE BEST WEATHER STEIP IN HSE, | PUT UP OXLT BY ^ III CHA BI) H. ARNOLD, 125 MULBERRY STREET. Arnreich John, shoemaker, 66 Clay Arnscheiiz Elizabt^th, seainj'tress, 228 s Ann Arnscheitz Valentine, tailor, 228 s Ann Ariitz Nicholas, shoemaker, 38 Ridgely Aro John B saloon, 508 w Pratt Aro Lpwis, lab. 470 Light Aro Wm. gardener, rear 570 Harford av Aro Wm. lab. 30 Abey al Arold John, shoemaker. 12 s Dewberry al Arold John, cooper, 128 s Dallas Aron Jacob, fancv goods, 212 s Bond Aron David, peddler, 29 Brown Arras Fred. supt. .Md. susar refinery, 51 Stiles Arrata John, music, 3 Plowman Arscott .Mrs. Ann, 197 Montgomer_v Arscott Elizabeth, tailoress. 197 Montgomery Arscott Richard, mariner, 134sRegester Arscott Samuel G. il. sheet iron worker, 197 Montgomery Arthur A. W. porter, 54 St. Peter Arthur Anthony, tinn^^r, 52 St. Peter Arthur Catherine, 81 Booth Arthur .Mrs. Caroline, grocery, 1 s Stockton Arthur Charles, bill poster, N. C. R. 45 Valley Arthur Chas. silver polisher, 8 n Bond Arthur David, butter, 167 e Madison Arthur David H. bookkeeper, 167 e Madison Arthur Dr. Geo. dentist, 59h Franklin Arthur Harry T. attorney, .53 n Eutaw Arthur Henry, baker, 53 n Eutaw and 32 Cara- deu, dw 53 n Eutaw Arthur J. Fleraming, teacher, 681 Lexington Arthur James, cxrp. 1 n Stockton Arthur James H. engineer, 88 Ridgely Arthur John, blacksmith, 7 Pleasant Arthur John, lab. 350 Washington av Arthur John C. overseer. Mount Vernon Arthur John T. baker, Druidville Arthur John W. machinist, 3.')0 Washington av Arthur Patrick, hod carrier, 158 s Washington ARTHUR DR. ROBERT, dentist, 59i Franklin Arthur Thoinjis, coach pointer, 26 e Eager Arthur Wm. C. 719 Lexington Arthur Wm. H. blacksmith, Druidville Arthur Dr. Wm. S. 53 n Eutaw Arthur AVm. W. hat raanuf. 1 w Baltiraore,dw 94 n Bond Arthur Wm. silk hatter, 8 n Bond Arthur Jlrs. Ann C. 267 St. Paul Arthurs Henry J. clerk, 55 n Front Artl Casper, lab. 4 Jackson ct Arvey Napoleon, ship carp. 64 Rue Arzner Charles, pianomaker, 442 Cross Arzt Henry, shoemaker, 122 Lancaster 73 o o d o o m o I — I < I— I > P < I— I < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, - M ^ r "5 -r ~ 3 .-S ASB 30 ATK V rf ;j >> r* 'J2 k. •^ — rt ^ •^ c C #^ ;:i tj y c^ .~ 4> '~'~ c ?: ^^ a G ^ "So ^ ■/; s V. s >s ■? > 1 s a r* I. ^^ f- •y. ==5 o c5 n J^ i.O hi •^ j?a Ash Go. (t. t'ardener. Hall Springs, York rd Ash Mis. Geo. T. 'M2 e I! .Itim.jre Ash Isiiilore (.M. Gtiinian & Co.) 08 n Carey Ash Israel, clerk, 176 Hunover .Ash Louis (.M. Gutmaii k Co.) 68 n Carey Ash .Marshall, driver, 132 n Gay Ash .Miehiiel Lwool, cotlon, furs, &c ,102 Light- si wlif, dw 65 Lee .\sh .Mrs Susiiii, luillinery, 176 Hanover Ashbiirn Besij. S tobacconist, 442 Lexington Ashburn Judson, carp. 210 n Wolfe Asliburner Chas. II. prest. Abbott Iron Co. cor Burke ami Boston, d\v 21 n Broadway Ashburm-r Thomas, clerk, 21 n Bro^idway ASIIBUKV JOSKl'H M. & (\). (Joseph M.Ash- burv, Gi'o. D. Iverson) grocers, 36 .Mct'ulloh Ashbmy Joseph .M.(J. .M. A. & Cu.)198 Mosher Ashbury Win. H. clerk. 186 Hanover Ashby B. B. salesnuin, 50 s Sharp Ashbv Jdlin U. coniiucior. 606 w B:illiinore Asbby Mrs. Mildicd, 282 n Bund Ashby Dr. Thoiu.is A. !I6 Saraloga Aslicoin (ill). W. mariner. JtO Gough Ashcoui John L. pilot. 95 Gough Ashconi Nathaniel, ins. agent, 703 w Lombard Ashcriifi Itobei t, shipbuilder, n e cor Thames and Wolfe, dw 54 s Broadway Ashiroll Ivobert J. deik, 54 s liroadway Aahcroft Wells, shipjoiner, 264 e Pratt Ashe Charles W. huckster, 287 n Front Ashe Tlios I'.gHsfiHer and painter, 240 s Eutaw Astui Abraham, baker, 42 u Spring Ashley Cliax. C. bo.\maker, 177 Hudson Ashley John J. lab. 123 .Mullikiu Ashley Wni II. boxmaker, 50 Columbia Ashley Will. H. jr. clerk, 50 Columbia Ashlock .Mrs. .Mary, 13 s Schroeder Aslunan Alhert, clerk, 75 n Fremont .Ashman .Mrs. .Mary A. I'l n Fremont .\shm.in Will. II. huckster, 23 Ryan Ashinore Wiu. H. conl'ei lioneiy,70 n Pearl, dw 44 n Poppleton Ashlon Charles K. printer, 135 n Republican A.-hion ('Union J. printer, 135 n Republican A?hion .Mrs. Kliza, seamsl's, 2."i4 n Central av Ashton Geo. C. scourer and rep'r, 83 .Mulberry Ashton James. Ah\ e Chase Ashton John, U. S. ganger, 324 w Fnyelte Ashlon John M. coa('ii|)aiuicr, 100 liillen Ashton .Mrs Mary A. 485 w Baltimore Ashlon, Thomas, 135 n Republican A.-liton Win. 401 e Chase Ashway .Mrs. Catherine, 63 Albemarle Ashway Louis, fireman, 63 .\lbemarle Askew Albert C. cigars, 550 Saratoga, dw 510 Aski w Charles L. carp. 77 n Pine Askew Jehu 15. ass' I poslmasler, 45 s Rxeter Askew John, engineer, Hudson nr Hare Askew Win. H. 82 n I'aca A?kew Wm. clerk, 155 Forrest Askcy James, salesman, 215 e Fayette Askey James R. clerk, 215 e Fayette Askey Joseph, tinner, 215 e Fayette Askey Joseph, Broad vvay and Fayette Askey Wm. cooper, 56 Stiles Askey Wm. shoefinisher, 215 e Fayette Asmus Daniel, carp. 200 L. Hughes Aspdmyer Fredk. bartender, 185 Lexington Ass:iu Wm. clerk, 79 Gough Asshauer Henry, butcher, Chester and Ghew Assman Conrad, jiiuk, 176 s Caroline Assnian Geo. confectioner, 48 Raborg ASSUCIATliD FIREMICN'S INSURANCE CO. 4 South, John Gushing, president, John C. Boyd, secretary Associate Reformed Church, Fayette betw. Lib- erty and Charles Associate Reformed Chapel, 97 w Fayette Astfiilk Julius, [lianomaker, 57 s Oregon Asiley Wm. clerk, Jettersou nr Chester Astwood John II. bookkeeper, 27 e BijJdle Atchison B. 0. magistrate, 246 Canton av, dw 113 s Ann Atchison .Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 4 Rupard Atheiueum Building, cor St. Paul and Saratoga Aikius E. C. salesman, 14 n Eutaw Atkins John, driver, 17 Lemmon Atkinson Dr. A. prof. College Physicians and Surgeons, dw 59 n Charles Atkinson .Mrs. Ann, seamstress, 51 Monroe Atkinson Mrs. Araminta, 9 .McElderry Atkinson & Bro. (J. H. and W. C. Atkinson) grocers and liquor dealers, 186 s Broadway Atkinson C W. bookkeeper, 298 n Gay Atkinson Edward, mariner, 159 s Ann Atkinson Edward T. clerk, 39 Mt. Vernon pi Atkinson Elizabeth H. teachcr,354 w Lombard Atkin.'^on Geo. G. elk, 39 .Mt. Vernon pi .•\tkinson Geo. lab. 157 w Townsend Atkinson Hiram, painter, 553 Saratoga Atkinson Dr. J. E, 209 w Biddle Atkinson Jas. H. quarrynian, 14 Brune Atkinson James, barber, Ensor and Hillen, dw' 54 Chew Atkinson John, hackman, Union hotel Atkinson John P. ( Rouse, Herapstone & Co.)95 Chew Atkinson John W. dry goods, 298 n Gay Atkinson John, hackman, 81 n Washington Atkinson Joseph T. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw 40 n ChUiouii Alkin.son .loseph M. butcher, 56 Cumberland Aikinson Joseph, cabinetrakr, 553 Saratoga Atkinson Joshua H. (Atkinson & Bros.) 285 e L(Jinbard Atkinson J. Sjiencer, elk. Mansion house Atkinson Mrs. Mary J. 95 Chew Atkinson .M. T. school, 54 CJhew Atkinson .Matthew S. (Locher & A.) 451 w Biddle Atkinson Nathaniel, 209 w Biddle Atkinson Dr. Robert, school, 164 w Madison, dw 81 Cathedral Atkinson Robt. M. lab. 55 Patuxent Atkinson Siml. E. 277eLombard Atkinson S|)eucer, elk, .Mansion house Atkinson Mrs. Susan, tailoress, 69 s Oregon Atkinson Mrs. Dr. Thomas C. 39 Mount Ver- non pi Atkinson Thos. S. machinist, 91 n Schroeder Atkinson Win. George (A. Schumacher & Co.) 279 n Caroline HOLMES - Avard Thos. L. 417 n Calhoun Averill Edward S. (Hatch, Loud & Co.) 32 P Spring row ^ Avesser AVm. puddler, 210 s Caroline <^ Await George, shoemaker, 419 Saratoga Awbrey xVndrew J. cigarmkr, 306 e Monument^ Awbrey John S. plasterer, 241 n Eden ^3 Awbrey Priestly, shoemaker, 241 n Eden Awbrey Thos. P. jr. clerk, 343 Aisquith Awbrey Thos. P. sr. painter, 343 Aisquith Awell Win. carpenter, 231 Chew Awell Wm. W. mariner, 304 Canton av Awick John, whitewasher, 3 Bounty la 3 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance^ Co. of ISTew York, AX ^ :^2 BAE H W W « H C/J C-i - O -^ K .:- H 1-1 o 'Si 1= O CO 7^ CO O o ir^ 12; OJ CM OS u:- _:/'.- -ir|ienier, 376 e JLiilUon Ayeis John F. (A. & lli.l'lell ) 478 Fnmkliu Avtrs k Uiddell (Jiio. P. Ayers. E. R. Uid- "dell) incouiiUiits. 18 Uialto l-uildinK Avers Saiiaiel, wuier liOrtt, 278 Bank Ayer:j ChI'I Sumuel, 214 s Aim Ayler Jesse, fminler, 431 n Gay Ayler Jolin \V. clerk, 431 n Guy Ayler Lewis, conductor, .'i5:') Li.:lit Aylsworih W. .McG.carpt. & builder, 390 e Chase Aylsworih \y\ 15. stair l>\iild.r, 390 e Chase Avmold Lewis, painter 31 Hill Auiioid Lewi.', painter, 385 s Charlis AMiiold .Mrs. .Maria, ;;85 s Charles AyresGeor^;e \V. sawyer, 200 s Wolfe Ayres Is.iac, laborer, llliJ Bink Ayrei Uwen. laborer, 19G Biiik Ay res W. 6. hats and caps, 28 n Eiitaw, dw 1'j8 s Broadway B. B.ibb Mrs. J. D. jr. cike baker, 68 s Charles Babcock James .M. inspector (J. 11. dw 67 Goiigh Babcoik .Mrs. .Mari.i, 158 Lanviile ■ Babi'iulrier Louis, piaiioinaker, 09 Pearl Biliendrier Mrs. Sophia, 69 Pearl Halit-ri Elizabeth, varieties, 31 Brune ii.ibikow Julius, painter. 7 n Dallas Babikow Wni. processor, 7 n Dallas Babylon Mordicai,barkpr West. .Maryland Hotel iiacciguileppa .Mrs. .Mary, 5 Plowman Bach Adim, broommaker, 52 n Wolfe Bach Adam, uroceries, ll(mr, teed, 329 Aisquilh Bach ("liarles, brewer, 1043 w Pratt Bath Henry, sr. (Hartman, Bach & Co.) 209 Druid Hill av Bach Henry, jr. clerk, 209 Druid Hill av Bath Jt)hn, laborer, 52 n Wolfe Bach John C. carpenter, 418 s t'harles Bach Jo.-ii'pli, 46 11 Chapel B.ich Peter, shoemaker, 120 n D-illas li.icliaracli A. dry giaids, 77 Elisor Bueharuch Nathan A. sale-jiiiaii, 12 n Caroline Bachelor Walter, walclunan, 45 Hilleii Bathe Dr. Dallas, U. y. A., Fort McHenry Baciiku Hugo i'. tailor, f9 ISoraerset Bacbeliler Jaints, a(;ent, 80 s Ann Bachler Caliierine, 7() Druiil Hill av Buchiuun Adam, laborer. 58 Essex Bachnian Adam, whilewasher,189s Washington Bnchman Andrew, tailor, 78 n Durh.im Bacliiuaii Au^^ustus, lab. 8 ilupard li.itiiiiiaii .\umisi, packer, 239 n Dallas B.ii iiiiiaii DiTieit, driver, 58 Essex Bathiiiiiii Frank, pa|ierhani;er, \j'i n Orcf^on Bacliinan Frederick, harnessmkr, 163 s Fremont B.ichman Frederick, tavern, 215 8 Eutaw Bathman Frederick, wafjoner, 140 Johnson J", uiiiiiaii Get. rue, juiner, 133 Henrielta II II iiiiian Henry, sec. hand (ioods, 2 14 s Caroline B.ii liiriaii Henry A. printer, 314 s Caroline Bathiiiau Henry, laborer, 5S Essex Bachioan Juhn, cabinetnikr, 140 s Castle Bachman John, liquors, 2o9 Hollins Bachman John, tailor, 163 Ensor Bachman John M. cis^ar maiuifr. 270 n Bond Bachman Louis, tailor, 73 r. Schrocder Bachman Wni. conductor, 353 Cathedral BACH.MANN ANTON, restaurant, Oo ]\rulberry Bachmanii Au;:ust, shoenikr, 7 L.Montgomery Bachiiiann Charles W. beer, 55 Hill Bachnianit Georjze F. shoenikr, 120 Harmony la Bacliiuann Rev. .Marcus, 127 Bank Bachiiiann Thus, beer, Washington and Fa'yette Baclioldt John, 8 Curley Bickrach David, furniture, 185 Pearl BACHRACH DAVID, jr. Photogra- graphie Art Gallery, over n e cor Lexington and Eutaw, dw 186 Pearl B.iclirach Henrietta, 238 Canton av Bachrach Joseph, clerk, 238 Canton av Hachrach Moses, ])hoto<:rapher, 186 Pearl BaclUi'l Louis U. machinist, 91 s Caroline Back Adam, wagoner, 312 w Hoffman Back Henry, baker, 856 w Pratt Hack John, oysters, 312 w Hoffman Back Tlioodore, lab. 81 Plum al Hacker Win. H. clerk, 240 Lexington Baikert Andreas, shoemaker, 146 s Chapel Hackinan J imes E. patternmaker, 57 McHenry Backniaii Peter, paver, 116 s Spring Backmer John, lah. I(i5 s Register Backus Charles, 126 w Madison Backus Rev. Dr. John C. 126 w Madison Bacon k Co. (E\ X. Lipp) American E.^celsior Coffee, York rd nr Camp, av Bacon l^dwd. J. ticket agent, 952 w Baltimore Bacon Henry, 77 Ht. Pail Bacoii John, mariner, North av nr Penna. av Bacon Thomas, shoemnker, 24 Hillman Bacoii Win. bagsiaue master, 391 n Central av Baders A. J. oysters, 117 n High, dw Burton's hotel Bad'iers Henry H. carpenter, 241 Park av. Badih'is Nicholas, carpenter, 42 Chew Baden .Mrs. Frances K. 50 n Charles Baden Jerry, pilot, 204 s Ann Badencongh, Mrs. Anne, 384 n Gay Bader Henr}, cooper, 172 s Regester Badc-r Mrs. Henry, barber, 191 Lexington Bader Jatob, varnisher, 268 s Sharp Badur John, cooper, 172 s Regester Badger Benj. F. carp. 207 n Lombard Badger Benj. carpenter, s w^ cor Lombard and Paca Badger Chas. S. carp. 254 vv Pratt Badiier Clarence, hostler, 154 Penna av B.id^er David E. carpenter, 104 L Greene B.idger Ezekiel, shoemaker, 62 Cross Bidf^er John S. cabinetmaker, 21 Conway Badger Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, S Whatcoat Badger James, carpenter, 245 w Pratt Bad^zer Joseph, clerk, 366 e Chase Badger Thomas, gailer filter, 51 n High Badinger Jacob lab. 172 s Wolfe Badeiielli Raphael, confectioner, 93 Albemarle Baechiel Chas W. brakeman, 500 w Lombard Baeckel John, shoemaker, 258 e Fayette Baeder .Mrs. Kate, 63 Knsor Baehler Christian, tavern, Harford av ext BAER & BRO. (Geo. H. and C.W. Baer) gen'l com. merchauts, 22 Spear's whf HEiNRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. BAE 33 BAI BAER ARTHUR P. cj- CO. (A. P. Baer, C. E. Saviipe, special) hides and leather, 1 and 9 Cheajiside, cm- Lombard Baer Arthur P. (A. P. Bear & Co.) 404 Park av Baer Chas. W. (Baer & Bro.) 48 McCulloh Baer Ciiristian, lab. 180 L. Hug;hes Baer Christian, cig:armaker, 46 Barre Baer Christopher, lab. 114 Orleans Baer Conrad, lab. Clinton nr Kiobth av Baer Daniel, notions, 811 w Baltimore Baer Dr. Edward R. clerk C. H. 142 Bolton Baer Frank W. huckster, 347 Cathedral Baer Geo. H. (Baer & Bro.) 206 Druid Hill av Baer Heinenian, butcher, 327 Aliceanna Baer Henry, cabinetmk-r, 144 n Caroline Baer Henry, jr. clerk, 98 s Spring Baer Henry, shoemaker, 4 Second Baer Isaac & Co. (Isaac Baer) fur, rat^s, &c. 11 Camden Baer Isaac, (Isaac Baer & Co.) 166 Hanover Baer Jacob, blacksmith, 352 Orleans Baer John, tailor, 79 e Lombard Baer John, cooper, 41 Goodman al Baer Rev. John, 48 McCulloh BAER JOHN H. manager Baltimore branch U. S. Bonded Collection Bureau, 22 PostofEce av, dw 316 Linden av . Baer J. Henry, driver, 347 Cathedral Baer Jlrs. Julia, millinery, 193 n Gay Baer Mrs. Kate, grocery, 352 Orleans Baer Louis, 71 Lee Baer Margaretta, 168 s Regester BAER & McCURLEY, (T. S. Baer, Isaac Mc- Curley) attorneys, 49 Lexington Baer Michael, shoemaker, 9 China al Baer Nathan C. liquors, 302 Aliceanna Baer Peter, coachsmith, 19 n Spring Baer Peler, lab. 8 Central av Baer Rev. Robert N. 11 s Broadway Baer Thos. S. (B. & McCurley) 168 Walsh Baer Wm. plumber, 114 Orleans Baer Win. H. 359 n Gilinor Baernstein Solomon, dry goods, 109 Camden Baerscumidt J. tailor, 173 CoUimbia Baersch George, shoemaker, 225 s Broadway Baersfouf Chas. tailor, 246 Conway Baervalt Fred'k, lab. 294 s Dallas Baetchen Conrad, bookkpr, 189 Barre Baetjer J George (Colton & B.) 382 Franklin Baetjer Mrs. Louissi, 234 w Lombard Baetjer Wm. clerk, 234 w Lombard Baggert Townsend, engineer, 75 Holland Baggett James H. butcher, 59 Parrish Baggett Samuel, lab 24 Harford av Baggett Thos. wireworker, 146 German Baggett Townsend, butcher, 75 Holland Baghoff Joseph, lab. 102 Eastern av Bagley Dr. Charles, 75 n Broadway Bagley Dr. Joseph H. apothecary, n e cor Balti- more and Ann Bagwell John W. moulder, cor Ann and Bank Bagwell Thos. P. salesman, 76 Saratoga Bahan John P. farmer, 23 New Church Bahlke Fred, tailor, 164 n Dallas Bahlke Wm. confectionery, 421 n Gay Bahlmann Anton (Nehmsmann & B ) 11 Clay Bahlroann Bennett, lab. 454 Light Bahlmann Garrett H. lab. 454 Light Bahlmann Henry, lab. 254 Battery av Bahlmann John N. lab. 630 Light Bahnlein John, lab. 99 Battery av Bahrs John H. 171 s Eden O o Baier Fred, brewer, Lancaster and Third av Baier George, lab. 428 Canton av Baier John, carp. 166 Raborg Baier John, lab. 1 Bell al Baierlein Frederick, lab. 123 n Spring Baierliep John, tailor, 67j Harrison Bail Henry C. clerk, Hand tavern ;=! Bailey Mrs. Annie, grocery. Smith and Walsh F^ Bailey Caroline, dressmaker, 138 Linden av r^ Bailey Mrs. Catherine L. seamstress, 171 Preston G Bailey Chas. plumber, Calhoun nr Fresstman "^ Bailey Charles, shipca'rpenter, 17s Gough cd Bailey Charles W. carpenter, 138 Linden av o Bailey Charles W. engineer, 143 William p Bailey David, brassfinisher, 265 n Dallas -^ BAILEY E. & CO. (M. C. Bailey, W. Kelly) -^ ship chandlers, 105 and 107 Thames rq Bailey Edward A. painter, 171 Druid Hill av Bailey Edward J. oysters, 307 s Charles, dw 54 5-^ Johnson j-*? Bailey Edwin, fire dept. 174 Gough ^^ Bailey Edwin, 16 s Broadwaj' Bailey Geo. W. clerk, 448 n Calhoun Bailey Geo. W. hatter, 363 Cathedral Bailey Geo. whipmaker, 96 Barre Bailey Henry, brass finisher, Lanvale nr Aisquith °3 Bailey Henry, pilot, 178 Gough Bailey James, ship carpenter, 463 Canton av W Bailey Jas. T. huckster. 263 s Paca O Bailey Jane N. dressmaker, 173 Montgomery O Bailey John, weaver, 426 n Chase ^ Bailey John, engineer, 531 w Lombard Bailey John, lab. 160 Chesapeake • Bailey John, painter, 110 Preston " Bailey John A. mariner, 54 Johnson , • Bailey John E. locksmith, 126 Johnson [^ Bailey John H. jeweler, 373 Light f^ Bailey John R. pumpmaker. 47 s Ann f^ Bailey Joseph, shoemaker, 13 Shakspear Bailey Josiah E. cigarmaker, 129 Camden 00 Bailey Levin, carpenter, 173 Montgomery PM Bailey Lewis E.(Cusbings &B.) 237 w Lombard P=^ Bailey Mrs. Lucy S. confectionery, 61 Ensor P^ Bailey M. C. (E. Bailey &" Co.) 16 s Broadway Jzj Bailey Margaret, 138 Linden av t—H Bailey Mrs. Matilda, tailoress, 52 Cross O Bailey Parks D. butcher, 16 Cross-st market, ^ dw 121 Cross [ju] Bailey S. T. 525 Franklin Bailey Mrs. Susan, taiioress, 142 s Sharp O Bailey Thos. F. machinist, 138 Linden av ^ Bailey Capt. Thos. mariner, 48 Jackson sq av ^ Bailey Wm. lab. 1 Jefferson ^ Bailey Wm. mariner, 130 Cross "^ Bailey Wm. boots and shoes, 64 n Howard, dw l-H 150 n Oregon M Bailey Wm. A. tailor, 173 Montgomery ^ Bailey Wm. C. joiner, 21 Henrietta ^ Bailey W. L. agent Virginia Midland R. R. 149^ w Baltimore, dw St. Clair hotel P^ Bailie Wm. L., U. S. N. 382 e Baltimore Baillie Nathaniel A. jr, student, 177 Edmond-H son av ^ Baillie Nathaniel A. general manager Chesa-. 18 WiiU lUir BiinkiirJ, :^61 e Biiltiriiore B.AIU lUlUS. (Win and CJeoJlBiiir. ) raanufs. copper paint, cor Prutt and Huchanan'a wbf. -H 5 ^'- lUir KJ ward, lobrtcconist, 89i Camden, dw 141 s Plica Hair .Mrs. Elizabeth, abdominal supporters, 423 w Favette Hair Geo. B. (B. Bros ) 630 w Fayette Bttir \Vm. jr, (B. Bros ) 630 w Fayette Baird A. S. (Buykiu, Carmer & Co.) 110 w Fa\ette Baird Henry, machinist, 874 w Baltimore Baird James, blacksniiih, 166 n Central av li.iird .Mrs. Ophelia, 247 n Carey B lirii Ilolii. C. machinist, 95 Jackson sq av Baird Mrs. \Vm. S. 14 s Strieker H.iine James, lab. 28 w Lombard Maitz Henry, cabinetmaker, 32 Bank l^.aitze John, bricklayer, UG s Fnlton Haitzell Charles H. clerk, 255 Lee Baitzeli Jacob G. carpenter, 16 St. Peter Baitzell Wm. K. bookkeeper, 255 Lee Baivs James, hackman, 2o4 u Kxeier £ ~ "t; Baker .\rthur, sbipcarpenter, 13 Williamson a! 5 S '^ Maker August, canmaUer, 293 s Bond >. ~ ~ Baker A. clerk, 49i w Baltimore ,.-5 Z^ Z. Baker Benj. lab. 298 Cross ^ ? 2-1 Baker .Mrs. Barbara A. 31 n Fremont — s - Baker B. N. sec'y Chemical Co. of Canton, dw i id ^ Frederick rd J •= 5 BAKER BROTHERS & CO. (Chas, "5 i:> 5 ^- Baker, Wm. Baker, jr., Charles "x -^ ~ E. Baker, aud George B. Baker,) •^ Z. .^^ Manufacturers Baltimore Window . '^ £j Glass, Druggists' Glassware and g g H Bottles; Importers Bicarb. Soda, r _ f Sal Soda, and other Chemicals, Paints, Colors, Oils, Glue, &e., 32 and 34 s Charles. C II ''"lit-r (;. Vine and liquors, 76 Frederick av S o = Baker Mrs. Catharine T. dressmkr, 26 Oregon Biker (.'harles, beer, 51 Lancaster Baker ('harles A. bricklayer, 407 Lipht Baker Chas. A. (Wm. B.'it Bro.) II Sterrett Biker Chas. E. (Baker Bros. & Co.) 247 Lin- den av Baker Chas. G. carp. 114 n Washington Bftker Chas. II. scalemkr, 51 Diamond .S = ri **'«'*••'• Chas. H. police, 32 Schroeder 5 C •' BAKKU CH.ARLKS J. (Baker Bros. & Co.,) prest. Franklin Bank, [)iest. Canton Co., prest. Balto. G;izetle Co., dw Athol, Freder- ick road Baker Chas. L. clerk, 15 Pearl Baker Chas. R. carpenter, 318 n Gay Baker ("has. T. butcher, 54J Penna av Baker Ac Co (Wm. J. Baker) house furnishing K«"d.-<, 478 w Baltimore Baker David, bricklayer, 263 n Dallas Baker Daris .Mrs. 166 e Eager Baker Edward W. printer, 343 e Fayette Baker Edward, boih-rmaker, 100 Parkin Baker Hldwd. J (Dickey, Baker k Co.) Friend- shi[), York rd Baker Edward J. jr. nietermaker, Friendship, York rd Baker Kdward J. jr. raetermaker, 16 Somerset Baker .Mrs. Filiza, beadinu', 348 n Gay Baker Mrs. Eliza, 529 ii Gay Baker I'jlijah, coachtrimnier, 260 e Madison Baker Mrs. Eliza, 455 w Favette Baker Mrs. Elizabeth, 145 n Eden Baker I'^lizabeth, 51 Diamond Baker Euiannel, caninaker, 37 James la Baker Francis, flagman, If) McHenry Baker Frank, drayman, 145 s Spring Baker Fredk. harnessmkr. 340 Mulberry Baker Fiedk. coachmaker, 348 n Gay B.iker Fredk. tailor, 218 n Caroline Baker Fredk. cigannaker, 150 L. Greene Baker Fredk. shoemaker, 198 Bank Baker Fredk. H. boilermaker, 100 Parkin Baker Fredk. T. attorney, 40 St. Paul, dw Rose house Baker Geo. butcher, cor Eastern and Tliird avs Baker Geo. flagman, Biddle nr Castle Baker Geo. clei-k, 10 McMechen Baker Geo. varnisliej-, 340 .Mulberrv Baker Geo. lamps and oils, 366 n Gay and cor Monument and Caroline, dw 366 n Gay BAKER G. ALEXANDER & CO. (G. Alexander Baker, i Real Estate and Money Broker, 31 n Calvert, dw 194 Saratoga. Baker Geo. B. (Baker Bros.&Co.)Athol, Fredk rd Baker Georgie C. teacher. 50 s Ann Baker Geo. C. bookkpr, McMechin nrPennaav Baker Geo. W. metermkr, 14 Somerset B iker (ireeuhury, milk, 529 n Gav.dw 93 n Ann Baker Mrs. Harriet A. 77 Pearl Baker Henry, brooiumkr, 256 e Eager Baker Herman, shipcarpenter, 57 Block Baker Henry W., clerk, Waverley Baker Henry, coachpainter, 348 n Gay Baker Henry, 181 Lexington Biker Henry, tailor, 267 n Central av Baker Henry, tailor, 75 s Bond Baker Henry, undertaker, 38 Holland Baker Henry, grocery, 392 Orleans Baker Henry, caulker, 72 Block Baker Henry, carjienter, Lanvale and Aisqtiith Baker Henry, clerk, 238 Barre Baker Henry, clerk, Waverley Baker Henr}', pipeiukr, 185 u Bethel Baker Henry, lab. 292 Cross Baker Hiram, lab. 292 Cross Baker Horace D. mariner, 182 Chapel Baker Jacob, lab. 154 Madeira al Baker Jacob, bricklayer, 199 Hamburg Baker Jacob, police, 440 n Gay Baker Jacob, brakeraan, 189 L (Vmstitution Baker Jacob, butcher, 100 Centre, 59 Lexing' ton, and 55 Hanover mkts, dw 540 Penna av Baker Jacob, grocery, 213 Henrietta Baker Janes ahipcarp, 175 Bank Baker James C. jr. moulder, 175 Bank Baker James, porter, 19-* e Lombard Baker James, lab. 327 Harford av Baker James, machinist, .^0 n Amity Baker James B. carter, 92 Gough Baker James .M. bricklayer, 238 Penna av HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. BAK 35 BAL Baker Jauies, machinist, 80 Hillen Bilker James M. jr. clerk, 238 w Biddle Baker Mrs, Jane, 32 May Baker John, mariner, 97 Block Baker John T. ciinmiik'T, 175 Bank Baker John, lab. 363 s Charles Baker John, junk, II Fell Baker John, boilermkr, 100 Parkin Baker John, lab. 76 Soiuer.«et Baker John, fK)lice, 713 \v Lombard Baker John H. hucksler, 23 McHenry Baker John H. huckster, 8^ s Caroline Baker John J. mariner, 2-lrf Goiigh Baker John, shipcarp. 219 Bank Baker John W. brickmkr, 352 Hanover Biker John G. 71 Aisquilh Baker Rev. John H. 51 n Bond Baker John T. police, 263 n Dallas Baker John L. shipjoiner, 343 e Fayette Baker John T. baker, 440 Lexingtou Baker John .M. shocmkr, 92 Jefferson Baker John J. painter, 26 Urej^'on Baker John V. police, 348 n Gay Baker John W, grocery, 406 Harford av Baker John \V. sr. 105 n Broadway Baker John \y. jr. officer Penitentiary, 105 n Broadway Baker John W-. lab. 352 Hanover Baker Joseph, blacksinith, 207 Ramsay- Baker Lawrence, clerk, 31 n Fremont Baker Lewis C liquors, n e cor St. Paul and Centre Baker Louis, fruiterer and confectioner, 44 Hanover, dvv 238 Barre Baker Lycurgus A. collector, 66 n Paca Baker & JlcCracken, (N. Baker, J. McCracken) paper and rags, 120 w Lombard Baker .Mrs. Mary A. dressmkr, 164 Saratoga Baker Mrs. Mary E. dressmkr, 440 n Gay Baker Melissa, Liberty rd Baker Nelson, {B. & JlcCracken) 133 Mont- gomery Baker Philip, clerk, 213 n Caroline Baker Mrs. Rachel, 23 McHenry BAKER R. J. & CO. Importers and Dealers in Dye Woods, Dye Stuflfs, Oil of Vitriol and PureGroundBone Dust, Chemicals for making Super- phosphates and Fertilizers, 36 and 38 S. Charles street. BAKER R. J. & CO. (R. J. Baker, R. J. Hol- liujisworth) imiioners and dealers in dye woods, dye stalls, chemicals and oil of vit- riol, 36 and 38 s Charles Baker Richard J. CR. J. B. & Co.) Liberty rd Baker Robert, lab. 421 Hanover Baker Robert J. canmkr, 440 n Gay Baker Robert, lab. 109 Peach al Baker Robert B. jr. cabinetmkr, 77 Pearl Baker Mrs. Sarah C, Waverley Baker Samuel G. coachman, 162 Vine Baker Sarah R. boarding, 92 Gough Baker .Mrs. Selma K. seamstress, 214 e Chase Baker Mrs. Sophia, 531 e Fayette Baker .Mrs. Susanna, 6 Gough Baker S. M. coachtrimmer, 4 n Frederick Baker Thomas H. baker, 63 Jefferson Baker Theodore H. cabinetmaker, Belair av nr Baltimore cemetery Baker Thomas H. carp. 38 s Poppleloa Baker Thomas, drayman, 6 East Baker Walter S. 6 Gough Baker Wm. driver, 23 Walnut al Baker W. Addison, clerk, 281 n Eden Baker Wtn. driver, 19 James !a Baker Wm. piauonikr, rear 239 s Chailes Baker Wm. M. clerk, 39 George Baker Wm. huckster, 171 Columbia Baker Wm. W. coojxsr, 134 Bank Baker Wm. H. huckster, 134 s Howard Baker Wm. jr. (Baker Bros. & Co.) Balto. co Baker Wm. W. pri:iier, 31 n Fremont Baker Wm. J. (Baker & Co.) hardware, 479 w Baltimore Baker Wm. A. shipcarp. 13 W^illiamson al Baker Wm. A. city missionary, 281 n Eden Baker Wm. (Wm. B. & Bro.) 72^ Columbia BAKER WM. & BIIO. (Wm. and Chas. A. Baker) wholesale fiuiterers, 136 and 138 w Lombard Baker Wm. junk, 92 Thames, dw 248 Gough Biker W. S G. pres't Baltimore Car Wheel <:;o. 15 Souih, dw Charles-st av exl Bakes Peter, shoemkr, 355 Oileans Bald Fredk. W. gunsmith, 91 Penua av Bald Geo. jr. shoemkr, 30 Clement Bald Geo. shoemkr, 30 Clement Bald & Murriil, (W. Chas. Bald, Jos. E. Mur- rill, ) cigar manufs. 445 w Fayette Bald W. Chas. (Bald & Murriil,) 91 Penna av Baldauf Lewis, cabinetmkr, 223 Barre Balderston Dr. A. Holmes (Isaiah B. & Son)21 Le.xinjiton BALDERSTON HUGH k SON (J. Balder.=:ton) wiie workers, 66 s Calvert Balderston Holmes, salesman, 21 Lexington Balderston Isaiah & Son (Isaiah and A.H. Bal- derston) real estate brokers, 21 Lexington B:ildersto;i Dr Isaiah,(I.B.&Son,) 21 Lexington Balderston Jacob (Hugh B.AiSon) 515 w Fayette Balderston John C. (B., Ward & Co.) 213 St. Paul Balder.ston Thos. wire worker, 515 w Favette BALDERSTON, WARD & CO. (J. C. Balder- ston, J. H. Ward) boot and shoe com. mer- chants, .McCreery bdg. cor German and Sharp Baldner Francina, dressmkr, 249 Mulberry Baldorf Louis, cabinetmkr, 23 Barre Baldus Augusta, cigarmkr, 59 George Baldus Mrs. Catherine, 153 Stirling Baldus Wm. T. clerk, Harford av nr Point la B.ildwin Benj. farmer, Hampden Baldwin Caleb C. inspector C. H. 73 s Bond Bildwiu Christopher C. (Woodward, Baldwin & Norris) New York Baldwin Rev. Chas. W. 220 n Calvert BALDWI.N & CUGLE (T.P.Baldwin, C.Cugle) commission merchants and wholesale cotton yarn, 21 German Baldwin David, treas. Savings Bank of Balti- more, dw Albion house Baldwin -Mrs. Eliza, 212 George Baldwin Dr. Edwin C. 124 u Exeter Baldwin E. F. architect, s w cor Lexington and Charles, dw 198 Division Baldwin E. Francis, architect B. & 0. R. R., 198 Division Baldwin Geo. E. D. machinist, 68 n Exeter Baldwin Henry, machinist, Mt. Vernon 9 o M o O O o p o o p4 o o I— i I — I I — I < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street, Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. "^ BAL 36 BAL :2 H O D X o - ^ P o W 71 i?; o * — H H "^ o Brtldwiii Jus. S. raouldfr, 08 n Kxtter Ualdwin J.-lui, enf;iiieer, 199 s Fremont Baldwin Jolui F. slovemoulder. 152 Conway IJal.hvin John II. oF A. ciu]). 109 s Chester Baldwin JnliM II. far|>. 122 n Eden Baldwin .I..hn II. adjuster, 13 Rialto building, dw r>9 Fruiiklin Baldwin John T. hih.Londot. av nr Millinf^ton la Ital.iwiu Jiihn T. driver. 35G Eisterii av liiildwiii Juseph .M. machinist, 60.5 Penna av Baldwin Le Roy K. insiector C. H. 27 s Gilraor Baldwin Mnriit" dressnikr, 1,')8 Chesnul Baldwin .Mrs. Marv, i^S s Carey Baldwin .Mrs. Mary, 42 MtiUierry Baldwin Oliver ?'. asst. editor Sun, Waverley Baldwin Oliver P. jr. attorney, 51 St. Paul, dw Wavfiley Baldwin Rohert jr. attorney, Guest bldg. 48 St. Paul, dw 335 .Madison av Baldwin Bobtrt, 04 St. Peter Baldwin Ilobi it T. 33.") .Mailison av Baldwin K. \V. attoruey, 42 St. Paul, dw 314 n Gilnior Baldwin Sunimerfif?ld, (Woodward, Baldwin* Norris) n w cor .Madison av and iMosher Baldwin Dr. Silas, n w corTown.send and Myr- tli- av BaldwinThos. H. clerk, York rd nr Arlinfrton av Baldwin Thos. P. (B. & Cucle,) 196 Division Baldwin Walter S. clerk, 90 .Mulberry Baldwin Wm. salesman, s e cor llifch and Gay Baldwin Win. jr. solicitor, Towsontown Baldwin Wni. II. jr. ( Woodward, B. & Norris,) l(i5 Park av Baldwin Wra. H. blacksmith, 338 Ramsey Balenna Ale.xis, inrnjies, 67 President Balk .I(din, tailor, 233 s Bond Balke Fndk cArp. 68 s Eutaw Ball Christian, sawyer. 90 E i.stern av Bill Clia-i. butcher, 29 Maccubbiij Ball Rev D.ibiey, 12 n Giln.or Ball D. C. clerk, n e cor Fayette and Bond Ball David, brick manuf. n w cor Putnam and Wiishinffton rd. dw 064 w Favelte Ball Edward J. carp. 104 Ridtcel'v Ball Geo. lab. 27 Block Bail Geo. H. confectioner, 388 Light Ball Henry S. brickl.iver, 237 Lexington Ball John' lab. 81 Mu'llikin Ball John, clerk, 266 n .\nn Bill John jr. bhicksniith, 193 East Ball John L. .-ihoeuikr, 103 East Ball John T. lab. Baker nr Penna av Ball John H. bricklayer, 71 Pearl Ball John L. bricklayer, 171 s Chester Ball John D. carpenter, 335 n Howard, dw 82 w Biddle Ball Joseph M. shoemkr, 34 Pearl Hill Joseph N provision?, 446 w Fayette Ball Mrs. Margt. G. millinery, 237 Lexington Ball Philip .\. salesman, 344 ii Strieker Ball Saiiil. shoemkr, 73 Columbia Ball Mrs. Sarah A. dressnikr. Halur nr Penna av Ball T. .S-wrll, bookkpr, 1G4 w Baltimore Ball T. Walker, clerk, 110 n Republican Bill WiiHitR. clerk, 89 Pearl BALL WALTER, trea.surer Balto.Steam Packet Co. 8 South, dw 185 Bolton Ball Walter, clerk, 89 Pearl Ball Walter S clerk, 185 Bolton Ball Wm. A. bricklayer. Baker nr Penna av Ball Wm. D. 79 Pearl Balla Chas. T. tinner, l(t3 West Balla .Mrs. Elizabeth, 364 n Gay Balla Fnncis, tailor 21 n Spring Ballard Chas. B letter carrier, 7,w Chase Ballard Cyrus, tailor, 227 e Fayette Ballard Mrs. Edward J. 90 Division Ballard Fred, coachmkr, Yoik id nr city limits Ballard Fred. jr. painter, York rd nr city limits Ballard Geo. E. clerk, 133 Division Balbird J. Edward, clerk, 90 Division Ballard Laura V. 90 Division Ballard Levin E., Rennert house Ballard Sam'l H. cleik, 237 w Biddle Bailat Fr;inces, 101 Lancaster Ballauf Augustus, f < ed and produce, 67 J Har- rison BALLAUF AUGUSTUS, magistrate, 15 w Fay- ette, dw 69 Harrison Ballauf A. Z. clerk, 69 Harrison Ballauf Chas. E. furniture, 53 e Fayette Ball uif Chas. E. morocco dresser, 53 e Fayette Ballauf Wm. L. 4<>6 e Eager Balleniine Archibald, plasterer, 191 s Paca Ballentiiie Mrs. Eliza, 191 s Paca Biijieiitine Alex, ship carpenter. 102 s Ann Balleiitine Ale.x. G. clerk, 102 s Ann Ballman John, painter, 258 ii Bond Balliiian Frank, beer, 258 n Bond Balliiuinn Henry, packer, 69 Park av BALMER T. &C0. (T. Balmerand Thos. Dun- nill,) importers and faiic'3' grocers, 46 South Balmer T (T.B.&Co.) 46 s McMechin Balmcr Frederick, laborer, 23 Esse.v Balloch Rev. James, 403 Lexington Ballueder Conrad, tailor, 195 Orleans Balster Chas. cigar maker, 173 s Ciiester Balstor Geo. o.\sters, 261 Canton av Balster Henry, tailor, 390 .Aliceanna Biilster John C. police. 297 Canton av Balster Wm. laborer 232 Canton av Baltimore Agents' Supply Co. Geo. W. Reid, agent, 42 St. Paul Baltimore Athenaeum, cor St. Paul and Sara- toga, occupied by Baltimore Library Co., .Mercantile Library Association and Md. His- torical Society BALTIMORE AMERICAN AND COMMER- CIAL ADVERTISER, C. C. Fulton & Son, proprietors, 126 and 12H \v Baltimore Baltimore Association for Improving the Con- dition of the Poor, 122 w Fayette BALTIMORE AND BREMEN STEAMSHIP LINE, L. P., A. Schumacher & Co. agents, 9 s Charles Baltimore Beg Factory, 73, 75, 77 South, John C. Grafflin k Co. proprietors Baltimore Book and Publishing Co., Eugene R. Smith, a:;eiit. 246 w Baltimore BALTI.MORE, P.OSTON, PROVIDENCE AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP Ct)., A. L. Hug- gins agent, lower end Long Dock BALTIMORE BRIDGE COMPANY, s w cor Charles and Lexington Baltimore Brewery, (F. Dandelet, ) cor Hanover and ('on way BALTIMORE BULLETIN, W.M. Laffan & Co. editors and proprietors, over 127 w Baltimore i Baltimore and Brooklyn Cemetery Go's Office, 271 Light Baltimore Butchers' Hide and Tallow Associa- tion, No. 1, A. L. Wolf, president, s w COr Buren and Fall HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, jLargest Life Ins. Co. in the 'World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. BAL 37 BAL B.iltimore Business College and Telegraphic Institute, 8 n CliailfS Bitltiiaore Carriage Co. luaaufuctuiers of chil- dren's ciuiiiiges, H^-nry S. Bell, sup't, 30 n Howard BALTIMOliE CAR ^VHEEL CO., W. S. G. Baker, prts't, J. M. Lawfoid, secretary, cor Ess'-.K 'mi Burke, Canton, odice 15 South BALTI.MUIIE, CALVERTUX AND PUWHA- TA.V RAILWAY, dei.oi, BaltiiiiOre nr Cal- verlOQ id, office 24 German Baltimore, Catonsville and Ellicott City Rail- way Station, Baltimore nr .Mount BALTi.MUHE CEMETERY CO office 8 South, Thomas Wi'son, pres't, Geo. A. Reed, sec'y and trcas.. Cemetery Belair av e.xt BALTIMORE AND CHARLESTO.V RAIL- ROAD AND STEAMSHIP CO , Murde- C.ii & Co. agents, 45 s Cai Baltimore Charity Eye and Ear Disjiensary, 2 S Central av Baltimore Cliapler, American Institute of Aichi- tect.-i, ovei- s e cor Charle.i and Lexington BALTIMORE AND CtIARl>ESTO.\' STEAM- SHI 1' CO. foot Concord, Mordecai & Co. agents, 45 s Ga- Baltimore Chemical, P.iint and Varnisli Works, Wolfe and Lancaster, office 1 (i4 w Lombard BALTIMORE CHROME WORKS, 10 Block, office n w cor Cluirles and Le.tiugton, Jesse Tvson, pres't B.\LT1M0RE CITY JAIL, Madison e of Jones Falls BALTIMORE CITY POST OFFICE, Exchange Buildings, Second an.d Exchange pi nr Gay BALTlMtJRECITY PASSENGER RAILWAY Co. otBce s e cor Baltimore and Calvert, Odeu Bowie, pres't BALTIMORE CITY COURT, Geo. Wm. Brown, judi;e, cor St. Paul and Court House la Baltimore City Laundry, Hutchinson & Co. pro- prietors, 3 St. Paul BALTIMORE CITY COLLEiJE, 53 St Paul B.iltimore City Deteciives, office 25 n Calvt-rt Baliimiire City Fertilizing .Mauuf. Co. n e co-- Lancaster and Central av, F. F. Pope, sec'y and treas. office 4 Wood Baltimore 'City Bay view Asylum, Eastern av w of East av Baltimore Club, 207 M.dison av Baltimore Cotfce Polishing Co. 15 Thames, Jno. P. Emerson, agt, officeover :! Commerce Baltimore Coal Tar aud .Manuf.Co.3a Camden, Works foot Leadenhall C. HART SMITU, Pre-t. Manufacturers and Dealers i a all \\ AND TIN CANS OF ALL KINDS. \ 33 CAMDEN ST. ^^ [See line front cover.] Baltimore College of Dental Surgerv, 2 n Greene Baltimore Cotton Exchange, William Biogden, sec'y, 71 Exchange pi BALTI.MORE COLLECTION AGENCY, L. • Stanley & Co. managers, 31 St. Paul -2 Baltimore Coal Co., Diggs Bros, prop's, n e cor ^ B diimore and North > BALTI.MORE CORN AND FLOUR EX- rt CHANGE, cor South aud Wood % BALTIMORE COPPER WORKS, ^ Clinton, Canton, ofiaee 57 s Gay, "^ Pope, Cole & Co., proprietors ^ BALTIMORE CUSTOM HOUSE, n w cor Gay 2 ami Lo'iibard ^ BALTIMORE AND DRUM POINT R. R.,D. R. .§ Magruder, pres't, 46 Lexington ;t^ Baltimore Eye and Ear Infirmary, s w cor f^ Greene and LomVjard PQ BALTIMORE EQUITABLE SOCIETY, for in- .- suring houses from loss by fire, office 19 c South, Francis A. Crook, "treas. Hugh B. O Jones, sec'y Baltimore Episcopal Methodist, Johnson & Co. ^ publishers, 146 w Baltimore O Baltimore Eye and Ear Institute, Dr. Julian J. ^ Chisolm, surgeon in charge, 55 Franklin ^ Baltimore Female College, cor Park av and \Vi;soii, N. C. Brooks, pres't (-\ BALTIMORE FIRE INSURANCE CO. s w cor "^ South and Water, Wra. G. Harrison, pres't >=^ Baltimore Fire Department. — [See Appendix . ^ BALTIMORE A.ND FREDERICKSBURG LINE > OF STEAMERS. H. W. Corner, agent, Pier 9, Liiiht St whf ^ Baltimore Free School and Colvin Institute for Girls, 39^ Courtland • BALTIMORE FURNITURE WORKS, MuUer, ^ Statlel k Co. pioprietors, office and ware-^ roouis, 12 Second, factory f) Swan Baliimore Fruit Butter Co". 1 s Eden, T. L. - Blick, uiauaver ^ Baltimore Gas Saving Co. R. Beman, agent, 9 S under Eutaw house rH BALTIMORE GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO., ^ publishers daily and weekly Gazette, 106 w !^ Baltimore •"T^ Baltimore General Dispensary, n e cor Liberty ^ and Fayette ^ Baltimore Glass Works, (Baker Bros. & Co.) H Ostt-nd nr Eutaw BALTIMORE AND HALL'S SPRINGS PAS-^ SENGER RAILWAY CO. office Darley Park, 'i^ Samuel Davis, sup't t~J BALTIMORE. nAV\\NA AND NEW OR-H LEANS STEAMSHIP CO. Mordecai & Co. '^ agents, 4.") s Gay y Baltimore, Hanijidenand Towsontown Railway c_( Co.Dr.Geo.Mernman pies't, office 14 Law bldg >-^ BALTIMORE- HoMffitJPATHIC PHARMACY, g 19 n Eutaw, F. E. Boeiicke ^ BALTIMORE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE ►'^ AND PRICE-CURRENT, Porter & Hamilton ^ publishers, Exchange Reading Rooms — [See [^ AdoertisemetU — fide lines. 3 Baltimore Lightning Rod Works, 33 s Holli- <1 day, James McLiin, jirop'r Baltimore Lock Works, G. C. Bolgiano, agt. O 1 5 Mercer tS BALTIMORE MARKET JOURNAL, Smith &^ Clarke, over 22J s Cliarles " \. Baltimoie Marine Observatory, e end of Mont- "^ gomer}' r^ Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, 126w Baltimore Ph Power Press Piiniing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BAL BAL 38 •:7X *- _• o ^ 1^ i .2 "5 "^ ' ■T. ^ Zj o >-l 1 . ^ '-' «s ;^ . ^^ >— ' ■4_d V> V > X — 5- —^ ^. 1- ^ — ^ ^^ ^ ■^ ' L^ ^ i-H <^ a >5 "x O H •— ^ — > s ■t. ■^ ■-^ ■i. "■ H >- .- O ;3 I i-H tB J^ cx ■^ -r •«• ■*. 2i = D f. S- :; .^ V — c m *^ "~ 1 r o~ «» "^r tr. X ? IT k. ^ -:::* ^ "» ^ d u ■_ "C X & "2 y >> -■^ X •^ i* IL =: f? »-^ RALTIMORR AND NEWBORN STRAMERS, Amlrcwg & Co., ncfiits. 73 Smitli's whiiif, S!te;iin(M-s' whf cor Lee unil Lifclit — \_See Adv. HAI.TIMORK i;E\VSC(). Ill w r.altiinoreimd f) South. Sii" Iron liiiildinp BaUiincte Nickel I'lHtiii'.' Works, A. Gret-nleaf k Co proprielors, 15 Mercer lUliiiiiorc Or |ihMn.\svIiini, Strieker nrLexinjjton HAI.TIMOHK and" oFMO R. R. C(»S Kuro- jeiii Fp'i:;lit and P'tiiiLTftiit Wharf, L. P., oflice, Hull lietween Marriott mid Nicholson, L. P . <". M Menld, airent BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. (ifTKe Ciiimlen .'^ttilioii. Canu'en street HALTIMOREandtmiH RAILROAD TICKET, HA(;(;Apcct<»r of praiii, F. A. Wheeler, su|it 4 s Holliday Baliiiniire, Penl.ody Heijrhts and Waverley Railroad, Geo. P. Frick, prest. starts from C()r German and Sniiili BALTIM(»RE PEARL HOMINY CO. comer .NomIi .irid HiUJilere. \\\\. Winters, president BALTIMORE and PHILADELPHIA STEAM- BOAT CO. 3 Lij:lit-st whf. J. Ale.x. Shriver, vice pre.sf — \_Sff Adn-rlixcmdU. BALTIMORE PO.ST OFFICE, Andrew W. D-ni.son, P. M . between Gay and Ilulliday, Lomlmrd and Second Biiliimrtre and Poiomnc Railroad Co., Oden Bowie, pres't, 168 n Calvert, ticket office n e cor Baltimore and Calvert Baltimore lind Potom ic Railroad Depot, Penna Rv opp Wilson. J. (;. Lis*cn, apent Baltimore and Potomac RailrcMd Freiplit De- pot. 201 and 203 North, Ini Dav, ajrent Baltimore Ptrmanenl nnildintr and Lmd So- cietv I' M. Snowden. Pres't. S.'i w Favellc BALTIMORE RIVET AND SPIKE W()RKS, 8 e c.pr President and Fawii-sl9. Win. Gilmor of Wm. Baltimore and Roanoke SteamhoHt Co., Robert Tyson, ajrent. 4 Spear's wharf Baltimore Safe Works, 51 Clay Baltiniore Saturday .Nipht, 51 w Fayette. .Ins. H. Wcol. publisher, 1). P. Pirr, jr. editor BALTIMoRK AND SAVANNAH STEAM- SHI 1' Co , Cnion dock, and 7:t Smith's whf, Jamr.s M. Andrews. hl-I — [See Adverlisemenl. BALTIMORE SCIU'ETZRN I'ARK.Belair road nr .North av. John F. Rerjuardt, sec'v, over 8 w Pratt Biiltimorc Sliee|) Butchers' Wool A.isociation No. 1, 505 Pinii'i ftv Biltimore Shoe and Gaitor Upper .Mannfactorv, over 9 ecor (Jav and Frederick Bnlti.Dure Shoe and Leather Board of Trade, 28 » w Baltimore Baltimore Special Dispensary, n e cor North i^nd S'iralo|{a Baltimore Sheet Metal Machine Co. (Rev. Elon J. AVay, j)res't. Matthew Von Culin, sec'y, office 53 s Broadway Baltimore Steam Laundry, 4s High, C. Search, propiietor Baltimore Steam Siigrar Refinery, 2 w Lombard, Woods, AVceks k Co. jjroprietors Baltimore Stock Board, W. K. Wallace, sec'y, over 1 2 South BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET CO. shippincr office, Union Doi^k, office over 8 South, R. L. Poor, sreneral ajrent BALTIMORE STREET THEATRE, 1 e Balti- more, Kernan Bros, propiiotors BALTI.MORESUN,se cor Baltimore andSouth. .A. S. .\l'oll k Co. proprietors BALTIMORE AND SUSQUEHANNA STEAM. CO., Joseph J. Taylor, apent, office 212 West Falls av Baltimore Tea Comp.iny, 194 Lexington, G. L. Herliert, proprietor Baltimore Terra Cotta Works, foot of Cross BALTIMORE TRADE REVIEW, Cb.is.Harvey k Co. pr(^iuictor.-, 3 Postofficc av BALTIMORE TRANSFER CO , 45 North BALTIMORE UNDERWRITER, Bomlmuph & Ransom, publishers and jiroprietors, 3 Post- office av BALTIMORE UNITED BUTCHERS' HIDE AND TALLOW ASSOCL\TION, n e cor Nciijfhbor and McKim, J. W. Hook, sec'y BALTIMORE WECKER, daily and weekly Geiman newspaper, 88i w Baltimore, Blu- nK'ulhall & Co. proprietors BALTIMORE WAREHOUSE CO. 120 and 122 s Eiitaw, 49. 51, 53 and 55 s Frederick, office 2 Rialto liuildiniT. J. H Barney, president BALTIMORE AND SOUTHERN STEAM TRANSPORTATION CO. Edwin Fitzperald peneial apent. 50 South, steamers' whf Lee and Lierlit BALTI.MOREAN, THE (weekly), Crutchfields & Haas, publishers, Morse bldp, 50 w Fayette Baltz Edward, bntcher, 13 Lafayette mkt, dw 69 Woodycar Baltz Louis' sausapemaker, Belair av ext Baltz Wm. l>utcher, 35 Belair and 34 Hanover nikis, dw Belair av nr Balio. cemetery Baltzell Charles, 74 n Carey Baltzcll Chas. C. paperhanpinps. 15 Orleans Baltzell Dr. Frank E.149Hanover,dwl75StPaul Baltzcll Harry E. 175 St. Paul Baltzcll Mrs. Su.san, 175 St. Paul Balizley .\ ten ins. carp. 197 Cathedral Balz .Vdolph, currier, 302 s Charles Balz Rhinehard, provisions, 331 w Fayette Balzer Bcrnhard, shoeuDiker, 28 n Eutaw lialzer George, driver, 138 s Wolfe Bilzer Nich. lab. 16 s Chapel Balzer Valentine, carter, 181 s Wolfe Bamb.ich .Joseph, stoveselter, 79s Fremont Bamber Wm. H. patternmaker, 270 Hanover Bamber Tlios. machinist, Woodberry Bamberger Al)raham, sausige. 60 n Spring Baniberper Ansel (B. & Eilau) 107 s Sharp Bamberger David, hosiery, ij-c. 152 Lexington, dw 29 s Eutaw Bamberger E. wholesale notions, 247 vv Balti- more, dw 170 w Lombard BAMBERGER k EILAU (A. Bamberger, A. EilMii)tritnmings aud fancy goods, 247 w Bal- timore HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. x>AN BAM 39 Bamberger Isaac, 152 Lexiiijilon Bamberger Jas.W. wheel vvriiiht, Oxford, Yorlird Bamberger, Jobn W. wheelwright, Homestead Bamberger Jos. C. brickrr,310 Greenmount av Bamberger Julius, cleric, 170 w Loinbiud Bamberger Louis, clerk; 170 w Lombard Bamberger Moses, fancy jroods and notions, 57 n Howard nadl4:;Lexington.dwlG2Lexiiigt'ii Bamberber Robert T. cierlv, 243 e Madison Bamberger \Vm. H. grocery and sewing ma- chines, 243 e Madison Bamberger \Vm. W. letter carrier, 62 Brune Barabuch Andres, tailor, 240 s Dallas Banaszak Joseph, lab. 5 Shakspear Bancroft Charles F. bookkeeper, 22 e Fayette Bancroft John D. bricklayer and furnace build- er, 22 e Fa', elte Bandel Andrew J. clerk U. S. Shipiiintr Com- missioner's OfiSce, 21 s Gay, dw 37 Fawn Bandel Andrew J. jr. lobacconist, I n Charles, dw 37 Fawn Bandel Charles, driver. 121 e Madison Bandel Decatur A. (John M. Bandel & Sons) 3t>D e Pratt Bandel F. B. clerk, 37 Fawn Bandel Franklin, painter. 344 e Fayette Bandel I. Cook, stoves, 217 e Baltimore Bandel John, driver, cor Calvert aiid Bath Bandel John M. & Sons (J. M., J. W., Martin L. and D. A. Bandel) ship[)ing and cora- nierchants, 97 Smith's whf Bandel John M. (J. M. B. & Sons) 365 e Pratt Bandel John W."(J. M. B. & Sons) 365 e Pratt Bandel Leonaid J. block and pump maker, 1)7 McElderry's whf, dw 352 e Chase Bandel Littleton C. clerk, 37 Fawn Bandel Martin L.(John M.I5.&Sons)365 e Pratt Bandel Philip. shipi>intr mercht, 202 e Fayette Bandell Edwd.W.carp.1 2 Swan,dw 185 n Eden Bandeii Frank R. telejira|diist.267 n Broadway Bandell Geo. W. carver, 45 Parkin Bandell Geo. W. jr. dyer, Broadway and Pratt Bandell Geo. W. dyer, Broadway and Pratt Bandell Henry M. shc^aiaker. 1^5 n Eden Bandell James L. shoemaker, 185 n Eden Bandell Mrs Maria, 185 n Eden Bandell Mrs. Mary R. 93 n Eden Bandell Michael H. mariner, 140 Mulberry Bandell Samuel L. salesman, 267 n Broadway Bandell Mrs. V. M. 132 Mulberry Bandell Wm. R. asst. cashier, 267 n Broadway Bandell Wm. T. canmaker, 112 s Caroline Bandmann Chai'les, butcher, 349 Orleans Bando Frederick, barber and tobacconist, 267 n Bond Banford Wm. cooper, 96 Barre Banfort Wm. cooper, 40 Barre Bang Daniel, cabinetmaker, 68 Ridgely Bangert Frederick A. salesman. 82 Chew Bangert Geo. W. shipjoiner, 257 Catiton av Bangerl James W. teacher, 116 .McElderry Bangert John H. shipjoiner, 183 s Chapel Bangert Joseph, 228 Gough BANGERT PHILIP, Coal Oil and Lamps, s. w. corner of Central avenue and Chew street. Bangs Alice, tailoress, 234 Peirce Bangs Charles E. clerk, 351 Druid Hill av Bangs Charles clerK, 351 Druid Hill av Bangs Frank, clerk, 238 Barre Bangs Mary Ann, 113 s Bond • Bangs Richard, machinist, 59 Centre Market sp -tJ Bangs Theopliilus, mariner, 230 n Caroline OD Bangs W^ni. H. cooper, 14 Johnson ^ B:inhard Chas. musician, 66 Centre Market sp d BANK OF COMMEP.CE, 26 South, James W. -^ Alnutt, president nq Bank-st Chapel, (Fv. Luth.) Bank ext. ^ Bankard Dennis, inspector C. H. 226 Franklin ^ Bankard Mrs Emma L. 154 Mullikin ^ Bankard H. N. & Co. (H N. Bankard) real es- tate agents, 5 St. Paul Bankard Henry N. (H. N. B. & Co. ) secretary Newington Land and Loin Co. and Newing- ton Building Ass'n, 22 s Strieker Bankard Jacob J., Baltimore and C'-ester Bankard Jacob J. jr. Baltimore and Chester Bankard Jacob J. butcher, 237 Jefferson Bankard James M. butcher, 237 Jefferson Bankard John, stevedore, 226 s Ann Bankard John, lab 341 e Eager Bankard John E. cardriver, 483 n Fremont Bankard Michael, lab. 242 n Dallas Bankard Philip, lab. 242 n Dallas Bankard Wni. H. salesman, 131 Columbia Bankerd John, lab. Towson nr Nicholson Bankerd Josiah, clerk, Appraiser's oflSce, dw (^ 113 n Pine Bankerd Martin A. tailor, 126 s Siiring Bankerd Wm. 301 n Gilmor. Bankhead Robert, clerk, 27 n Fremont Bankhead Robert L plasterer, 27 n Fremont Bankner John shoemaker, 220 e Chase BANKS ANDREW, 52 Lexington, dw 194 Franklin Banks Beuj. F. furn. wagon, 92 n Caroline Banks C. A. clerk, 18 n Carey Banks Chas. W. S clerk, Lombard nr Mount Banks Eli, cooper, 52 Hamburg Banks Enos R. shoemaker, 239 n Caroline Banks Frank F. huckster, 7 s Schroeder Banks Frai.k W. clerk, 9 n Mount Banks Geo. W. tax department, 65 n Gilmor Banks Henry, shoemaker. 36 Rue Banks Henry P. shoemaker, 239 n Caroline Banks James E. butter, 54 Greenmount av Banks John, machinist, 7 s Schroeder Banks John W. machinist, 243 Dolphin Banks John M. machinist, 7 s Schroeder Banks John W clerk, 64 Fawn Banks John W. finisher, 243 Dolphin Banks Mrs. Joshua E. 161 Druid Hill av Banks Lewis, machinist, 11 Ktting ^ Banks Morton D. fur. and chair fact'y,59Soulh, ^ dw 134 n Broadway i — i Banks Robert B. clerk, 65 n Gilmor H Banks R. T. & Son, (R. T. and R.T. Banks jr.) ^ china and glassware, 53 South f^ Banks Robert T. (R. T. B. and Son) n e cor j;> Calvert and Madison Bulks RobertT jr. (R. T. B. & Son,) n e cor p CD O PQ o O o o o o ^ I — I I — ( Calvert and Madison Banks Saml, clerk, 47 Granby BanKs Saml, machinist, 243 Dolphin Banks Saml, finisher, 243 Dolphin Banks Saml, coachtrimmer. 239 n Caroline Banks Saml. machinist, 51 e Eager Banks Mrs. Sarah A. 239 n Caroline ^ Banks Wm. H. house furnishing goods, 2 Ross, ^ dw 442 n Calhoun ^ Banks Wm. H. painter, 460 e Chase |__( Banks W. E. (Swain & B.) 199 n Calvert t-H IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BAR BAN 40 R inks Wm. J butler, 54 Greenmouut av rj Brinks Win. M. liuiter, 54 Grei-iuuuinit iiv y Haiiksoii J. P. sec'y and treas.IIuniiis Disiillery pq Co., PhiliidelpLia CXj HnukstalilJ. shoemkr, 277 n Dallas i^- E-" Hinnaii Aniii.-, lialmkr, 158 e Monument Z; 02 Hiinnaii Unnh. (Haiuiltuu A: H.) 49 Preston ■^ >H Hinnaii llu_'li, clerk. 41 s Stockton 3 s Cliarles ^ Banthem f'hus. W. (B. k Kirby,) 276 s Charles ^ Banthem Geo. (B. Bros.) 27t> s Charles ^ Banthem James, coachmkr, 27G s Charles "li Bintz Dr. Edward, (Snell, Bertren & Co.) 22 S (^olun)bia -j_ B.mtz Eujrene H. 305 Lcxintlon •J, y: '' ""z Gideon C. clerk, 22 Columbia ^'jZ Bantz Henry H. salesnmn, 84 >v I'iddle Z ^ iJitilz Theodore S. tobacco and cijjars, 15'! J w < ^ Baltimore, dw 3 Banzer John, dcik, 239 s Bond ;j Baptist (Miu'ch, Wavirley, nr York rd 2 Baptist CInipel, cor Etlin;; and Dolphin . Baptist I'liurcli, Broadway and Prait — Biplist Mission Cha|iel, Peirce nr Fremont ^ Bar Hetiry, baker, 275 Eastern av -; Bar Levi, clothing;, 107 w Baltimore, dw 39 J; AiKfiuith _j Itaranak Michael, sawyer, 216 Aliceinna 2i Barahowski Joseph, musician, 24er MichncI, rigK^r, 149 Collin jjlon ar .'jC ■^ ■< •/. > o Barber Philif) J sergi police, 328 n Bond Barber ^Valter T. conductor, 39 Forrest pi Barbine Joseph S. turnkey police, 152Hamburg Barbine Wm. E. ship carp, 157 Battery av Barbine Wm. conductor, 293 Lifiht Barbour Eilward. ironworker, 9(5 Chesapeake Barbour Daniel N. huckster, 195 n Eden Harbour Joseph, lab. Homestead Barbour Lloyd E. lab. 9(j Chesapeake Barbour Susan E. 5.'^ Pre'sion Barch Fredk, lab. 273 Willi.im Baicher Geo. upholsterer, 150 s Ann Barclay Rev. Joseph H. 239 Linvale Barclay Mrs. Joan, nurse. 162 Druid Hill av Barclay Marcus, engineer. Gl s Ann Barclay Capt. Richard R. mariner. 29 Jackson square av Barclay Thos. J. porter C, H. Bard Alfred, glassworker, 122 Huehes Bard Thos. P.' traveliup ap;t, 197 John Bardel Juhn L Coachsmilh, 173 Aiscjuith Bardelmann Anton, tailor, 38 n Durham Barder Henry, cooper, 182 s Re.:ester Bardram Chas. clerk, 11 s Eutaw BARDROFF LEWIS E. Coal and Wood Dealer, 45 Boston street, dw 62 S. Chester. B.irdrofF Peter, pianomkr, 20 Rock Bard (old John, tsiilor. 151 D^ncr Bare Adam, cooper, 224 Frederick av Bare Henry, lali. 220 Frederick av Bare Holmes B. dru:ar Joseph H. moulder, 84 llcnrietla Barjiar S. M. 239 Franklin Barear Washington, bri(;klaver,97Druid Hill av Barham Mrs. M. J. 148 Pearl Barickman Mrs. S. E 239 JIcDonogh Barickman Jacoti, cedar cooper, 200 eB litimore Barke C-hristian, shoemkr, 3.i2 s Chairles B.-xrke John, liouklipr, 332 s Charles Barker Alfred, patternmaker, 2G2 h Front Barker Alfred, jr. clerk, 262 n Front Barker lieuj. S. sciewman, 178 s Eutaw Barker Beuj 77 n Charles BARKER, CHANDLEE cj- CO. ( W. K. Barker, II. P. Chandlee, G. E. Wai^gner, ) wholesale tob.icco and ci-iars, 31 German, and m tnufs. cigars, 43 Portland Barker Charles, fisherman, 72 Rue Barker Charles H. clerk, 4 Franklin Barker ('harles W. clerk, 172 n Oregon Barker Edward, 134 n Calvert Barker .Mrs. E. A. I n Carev Barker Edward W. (B. & Gwtthmey,) Hunt- inirion av w of Charles-st av BARKER k GWATHMEY (Ed. W. Barker, Rolit. W. Gwatlimey,) flour, grain and com. merchts. 1 Wood Barker Geo. Y. cotton com. mercht. over 4 s Holliday, dw \2^ Bolton Barker Geo. E. organ manufr. and repairer, 108 .\isquith Barker Gr iliam, clerk, 90 Hanover Barker (ir.iham, salesman, 63 St. Paul Barker .Mrs. II. A. 54 w Madison Barker James H. draughtsman, 130 w HofiFrann HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. BAR 41 BAR Biii-ker Capt. Jas. T. mariner, 47 Hamburg Barker Joba A. real estate agent, 42 St. Paul, dw Baltimore co Barker John H. clerk, 51 n Bond Banker John W. lab. 283 s Charles Barker Joseph, lab. 358 n Strieker Barker Jose(yh H. (Woods, Weeks & Co.) 90 Townsend Barker Lewis R. patternmaker, 262 n Front Barker Mrs. M. E. 358 n Striciier Barker Mrs. Mary, missionary, 237 n Eden Barker Rich.ird (American Kindl'g Wood Co.) Front anjl Jones Falls Barker Robert, sbipcrirp. 83 s Ann Barker Wm. 4 Franklin Barker Wm. m.icbinist, 50 llillen Barker Wm. puiue, 201 n Eutaw Barker Wm. C. lab. 692 Li;.'bt Biirker Wm. Hill, (Campbell & Co.) 166 Walsh Barker Wm. K. (B., Chandlee & Co.) 172 n Oregon Barker Wm. R. varnisher. le-i Aisquith Barklage Mrs. Gertrude, 95 Pearl Barklage & Heuneman (John Henneman,) pack- ing boxmkrs, 15 Cow pen al Barklage Mrs. Margaret. 95 Pearl Barklev Geo. L. provisions, 267 e Lombard BARKLi:!' & HA.SSON, (J. C. Barkley, A. A. Hasion. ) coffee, teas, spices, mustard, roasted coffee, &c. 50 s Charles Barkley James, bookkpr, 43 Easiern av Barkley John' C. (B. & Hassan,) Ml e E.iger Barkley Robert, jr. 43 Eastern av Barkmaa Geo. W. 109 Conway Barkmaa Jacob, 1C9 Conway Barkinan Jas. S. bookpr, First National Bank, 21 s High Barkman Josepli, bricklayer. 440 Mulberry Barkman Juseph, cigirmkr, 84 n Pine Barkman Samuel H. clerk. Burton hotel Barkiiiayer Fred. W. grocer;, cor McHenry and Strieker Barlag Chas. lithographer, 472 n Gay Barlag Fred . lithographer, 39 Jackson Barlage Be;-nard, clerk', 260 .Montjiomery Barla'.ie Catherine, grocery, 4 Rock Barlage Frank, grocery, 260 .Monijomery Barlage George, bo.xmaker, 116 Stirling Barlage Herman H. 4 Rock Biirliige Henry H. jr. porier, 4 Rock Barlage .lohn, milk, 50 n Amity Barlage John, boxmkr, 116 Stirling Barley George W. engineer, 503 »v Lombard Barling Ann, 231 Ge irge Barling Edward, carpenter, 152 n Bethel Barlow James W. 12 Barrett Barlow Jas T. paperhanger, s w cor Aisquith and Lanvale Barlow John H. painter, 46 Somerset Barlow Joseph B. carp. 2S6 ii Howard Barlow Joseph .M. upholsterer, 34 Brune Barn Edward, lab. 736 w Pratt Barnard Charles P., Sherwood house, cor Har- rison and Fayette Barnard John, bricklayer, 92 Myrtle av Barnard Louisa, teacher, 43 s High Barnard Randolph, bricklayer, 92 Myrtle av BarudoUar Wm.P. (Wentz& B.) 529 w Fayette Earner Mrs. Julia, seanistress, 59 n High Barnes Ale,^. M. lumber insp. Eastern av and First Barnes Benjamin, 59 Columbia Barnes Benjamin F. painter 144 Mulberry Barnes Bernard, grocery, 226 s Ann Biirnes Christoj)her, bricklayer, 394 e Chase Banes C. Fletcher, bookpr, 220 n Republican Barnes C. W. bookkpr, 334 e Pratt Barnes Daniel J. blacksmith, Ills Chester Barnes Denton, mil er, Falls rd nr toUgate Barnes D. Wilton, clerk, 349 n Bioadway Barnes Edmund L. printer, 16 s Collington av Barnes Edward, siddler, 22 n Charles Barnes Frank, boilennaUer, 288 Cross Barnes Geo. fisherman, 223 Light Barnes Geor^re A. shucker, 404 Eastern av Barnes Geo.D. bricklayer, York rd nr North av Barnes Geo. F. laborer, 1 1 1 Wolfe Barnes H mson P. oysters and jiroduce, office cor Wolfe and Lancaster, dw Gough nr Col- lington av Barnes Harry, clerk, 42 e Lombard Barnes Henry, shipcarp. 99 York Barnes Henry, oysters, 40 Union Barnes Henry A. oyster packer,*87 s Washington Barnes Henry C. barkeeper, 48 s Strieker Barnes Henry T. carpenter, 11 Courtland Baines J. Henry, conductor, 410 e Fayette Barnes Jacol) S. (WmR Barnes k, Co.) I n Ann Barnes Jas. E. wheel wriulit, 15") s Washington Barnes Jas. F. constable. 2^'9 s Wolfe Barnes James S. brass moulder. 59 Booth Barnes Rev. James H. 25|^ s Calhoun Barnes John, tailor, 103 ii Ceniral av BARXES JOHN H. & SdN, (John H. B. and L. M. Barne?, ) coal and wood, 306 s Caroline Barnes John H. (J. H. B.&Son,) attorney, :',06 e Baltimore Barnes John R. clerk, 349 n Broadway Barnes J. M. clerk, 97 St. Paul Barnes John W. millwright, 124 n Schroeder Barnes Joseph, carp. 73 s Central av Barnes Joshua, i)oilermkr, 617 w Lombard BAR.N'KS J. T. MASON, deputy city collector. 97 St. Paul Barnes Leakin, mariner, 57 s Gilmor Barnes Levia, provisions, cor Schroeder and Favette Barnes Louie M. (John H. B. & Son, ) 366 e Baltimore Barnes -Mrs. Louisa, 736 w Pratt Barnes Mrs. M. A. 20 Peirce Barnes Patrick, porter, 197 Cathedral Barnes Richard, shipcarp 425 e F.i\ette Barnes S ^rnuel. carp., BaltiuKjre and Strieker Barnes Samuel F. moulder, 20 Ramsay Barnes Saumel A. carp. 162 Conway Birnes Sarah A. G. tailoress. 2 Gould ct Barnes S. S (Hunt, B.xrnes k Co.) 334 e Pratt Barnes Capt. Thos H. 14 Williamson al Barnes Thos. H. com. mercht. 78 w Pratt, dw 6 s Ann B.irnes Walter, paperhanger, 18;)n Bond Barnes Wui. packer, 182 s Washington Barnes Wm C. driver, 86 n Wolfe Barnes Wm. J contractor. 136 McElderry Barnes Wm. .M. 319 n Eutaw Barnes Wm. R. &t'o. (Wm R. and J.S.Barnes) ovRter packers, 13 and 15 IJ.jllinL'Sworth Barnes Wm. R. ( Wm. R. Harnes & Co.) 1 Gram Barne< Francis .\L tinner, 596 w Lombard Barnet Henry E. machinist, 596 w Lombard Barnet John'll cigarmkr, 596 w Lombard Barnett .Amelia E. millinery, 67 n Charles Barnett D. Ii. 67 n Charles OQ PQ o O O o Q O o piq I — I o > P Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates. Marble Building.) - "" •j -1 •^ ^ ••-* y. ^ > X r^ ^ o ^ ^ >-> - z lO C ip -U 'z. c H c/. •"" _i '-=i §'-5 _- i> O ■^ .r: u «_. ..« ^ .o tf. n >-* s «»■ >5 tc c ■" ■/: ■~ u 3 ? J3 '' > '^■5 1 g ci •>. X .-' Barnett Mrs. Frances, dressmkr, Hanover nr Cross I'.iuiiett Geo. W. s.ilesiniin. Fnimtiiin hotel Ilirnetl Jiiii.e-*, t-uulker, l.'H Jolmson I'.:irnftt James II. miller, Oliver and Oak Diirn'tt John F wheelwright, 434 Saratoga, dw 2i;< Mulberry U.iniult \Vm (3. hrickliiycr, 3 Hope al Birnett Win. H. colliirmkr, 3 Hope al r. irnttt Wm. clerk, 54 liiirre IJiirufit Will. P. (J. Brown Bii.\ley k Co.) cor Doljihin iind Park av Brtriiiv Mr^. Brid^'et, 65 York BAUNKV JAMK.S H. prest. Baltimore Ware- house Co. 2 Rial to biln, ^"^ "^^ " Charles Biiriiey Charles (i. clirk, .5.5 J St. Paul B.tiiiliHrt John, boxcnkr, 203 Peirce B.inihirt Wtii. N. Iihuksmith, Woodberry Biriihill Andrew II. 364 e Ka^er Biirnickcl John, morocco dressi-r, 85 n Chapel Bai nickel John F. cutter, 115 McKlderry Burnitz A. H. bookkeeper U. S. Tre.isury, dw .Mt. Washington Barnitz Au^'ll8tus .M. law student, 29 George Bariiilz Covington D. attorney, 71 w Fayette, dw Linden av nr North av Barnilz Mrs. Leanora, 205 n Carey UariiHiiiker Jesse, machinist, 27S .McHenry Baiiislicker Michael, lab. 278 McHenry Burnum A. S. 301 Walsh Biitiiim Arthur K., Birnum's hotel BABNL'MS CITV MOTICL. fronting Calvert, St. Paul and Fayelte, Baruum & Co. prop'rs B.VBNU.M k CO proprietors Baruum's City hotel, cor Calvert and Fayette Bariium Kdward T. clerk, 300 Walsh Barnum Frank, B.irnum's hotel B.riium H. H. 300 Walsh Bainum Zenos. B.irnum's hotel Biriiwell .Mr.'*. Rose, grocery, 18 Union B.iiiich Anton, tailor, 14 Barnes i! ir ch .Micli:iel, tailor, 14 Barnes !! ir..ch Joseph, wheelwright, 14 Barnes Biroux Klwiii G. jiainls, oils and glass, 338 w Pratt, Paca Barriere Enoch, brushmaker, 173 s Spring Barriere George, dry goods, 137 n Gay B uringtoii E. P. jr. bookkeeper, 663 w F.iyette Harrington Edward P. bookkpr, 663 w Fayette Barriugt.in Frank T. prof, music, 197 iMary- land av Barroll Benj. C. attorney, 23 Lexington, dw 67 w Centre Barroll Benj. C. jr. (G. Meredith & Co.) agent ('onnellsville Gas Coal Co. 25 s Gay dw 44 Franklin Barroll Edmund, clerk, 286 Madison av Barroll J. W. & Co. (J. W. Barroll, ) real estate brokers, 5 ("ourtland Barroll Jas. W.(J.W.B. & Co.) 286 Madison av Bairoll Wm. V. attorney, 5 Courtland dw 286 .M iilisoifi av \ HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,- $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, G-enl Agt. BAR 43 BALI Barroll Joseph, 42 Duncan al Barron Edward T. horseslioer. 323 w Biddle' Barron James, laborer, 72 u Washington DarrOQ James, bookbinder, 349 Franklin Barron James, carpenter. 137 e Lombard Barron John. car[ieiiter, 89 Walsh B.irron John, veterinarian, 97 Walsh Barron John, (Delchcr & Barron) 79 s Paea Barron JmIhi M. 370 llolliiis Barron Patrick, porter, Catiiedral nr Preston Barron Ro^er W. clerk, 79 s Paca Barron Thomas, [jolice, U6 George Barron Thos. ladies and children's suits, 63 Le.xinfrton Barron Tiius. F. veterinarian, 97 Walsh Barron Thos. V. jr. veterinarian, 97 Walsh Barron Win. D. salesman, 169 w Lombard Barrow Denwood H. 567 n Fayette Barrow Francis, laborer, Wolie nr Biddle Barrow Jacob F. w.-isiiing machines, 3 w Fayette dw John nr Sprinn; Barrow Tlios. H. salesman, .517 w Fayette Barrow Rev. Thos. 227 e Baltimore Barrows Peter, fireman, 261 Canton ;iv Barruzinski Lorenz, lab. 5 Shakspear Barry .Mrs. Arieita, 503 w Fayette Barry Mrs. Catherine, 9 w Chase Barry Chas. D. student, Strieker nr Franklin Barry David, lal)orer, 19 Price ct Barrv & Hooirewerff, (J. C. Barry, S. E. Hocge- werfF, ) merchandise brokers, 4 Grocers' Ex- chaniie, Commerce Barry Dennis, plumber, 17 Harford av Barry .Mrs. Elizabeth, 71 Somerset Barry Emory, clerk, 360 w Fayette Barry George G. clerk, 503 w Fayette Barry George E. clck, 360 w Fayette Barry Henry A. sales agt tor Susquehanna Coal Co. 26 Postoffice av, dw 181 n Oregon Barry James, soap packer, 17 Bank Barry James, 17 Harford av Birry James, clerk, 32 s Sharp B.irry James, ji. plumber, 17 Harford av Barry J. Casey, (B. & Hoogewerff, ) 1 1 .McCuIloh Barry John, iab. 77 Stirling Barry John, clerk, 158 w Lombard Barry John, huckster, 63 L. Montgomery Barry John, soap packer, 17 Bank Barry John, carpenter, Linah's hotel Barry John J. actor, 69 Vine Barry Jonn W. clerk, 503 w Fayette Barry Josliua Hi^salesman, 350 Franklin Brrry J. Marshall. (B. & Bro.) 166 .s Sharp Barrv Mrs. L. C. Strieker nr Franklin Barry L. laburer, 227 e Lombard Barry Nicholas, pressman, 144 e M;idison Barry Patrick T. plumber, 149 Dolphin, dw 17 Harford av Barry Philip, collector, 115 w .Monument Barry Simiiel, maiiiiPr, Aisquilh nr Federal Barry Samu-I H. clerk, Aisquith nr Federal Barry Siandish, currier, 79 Warner Barry Thr>ma<, lab. 37 York Barry Wm. millwright, 54 .McHenry Barry Wm. caluneimkr. 23 Central av Barry Wm. porter, 69 Vine Barry Wm. lab. 230 n Front Barrv W A. coal dealer, 18 PostutRce av, dw 189 n Oretrou Barry Wm. H. huckster, 166 s Sharp Barry Wm. R. business manager Baltimore Ga- zette publishing Co. 27a Lexington Barry Wm. T. collar inaker, 69 Vine ^ Bartcher John, upholsterer. 101 Jackson sq av ^ BARTELL CHRISTOPIIKR, prop'r Mechanics'-'^ hall, 152 w Fayette ^ Bartell Harriet. 448 Alicanna _^ Bartell L. E. flour and grain, 73 Greemountav :r dw 152 w Fayette W Bartell Ludwig, caliine'mkr, 44 Lee r-^ Bartells Henry, carj). 24 Callendar al z: Bartells Henry, police, 9 s Chapel ^ Bartenbacker Geo. P. junk. 909 w Pratt i, Bartgis Chas. 0. 329 e Biddle ^ BartgiS John M. clerk, 138 n E.xelcr p Bartgis Mrs. Mary C. 128 n E.xeter -^ Rai tgis Mrs. Sophia E. 329 e Biddle -^ Barth Christian E. clerk. 182 Lexington Barth Chris, boots and shoes, 182 Le.xington Barth Christian E. trunkmkr, 182 Lexington Barth C. S. eiocery 89 s Fremont Barth Fiancis .M. trunkmkr, 182 Lexington Barth Henry, insurance ngent, 11 Maccubbin Barth Jacob, butcher, 279 Orleans Barth John, marble cutter, Belair av nr Bait more cemetery Barth Lewis, locksmith, 215 Gongh c^ BARTH SAMUEL, com. niercht. and importer "^ of liquors, wines, cigars &c., (pres't Union ^ Banking Co.) office 21 South, dw 316 Lex- ^ inglon Barth Thos. M. painter, 182 Lexington Barth Wm. mariner, 375 Eastern av Barth Wm. Y. clerk, 182 Lexintzton Barlhle Conrad, lab. 15:-! Madeira al Barthle Jrjhn. lab 153 .Madeira al Barthle Philip, lab. 153 Madeira al Barthel Fredk. teacher. 42 n Broadway' B crthel Ludwig, cabinetmkr, 44 Lee Bartliol Ernst, siovvman, 71 Cimbridge Bartholmae Christian, tailor, 237 n Bond Bartholomaei Albert, carp. 13 w Chase B.irtholumaei C. G. cabinetmkr. 13 w Chase rv-i Bartholomaei Geo. clerk 13 w Ch.ise Bartholomaei Geo clerk, 108 George ~ Bartholomaei Geo. cabinetmkr, 147 s Spring ^ Bartholomaeus Fredk. tanner, 209 e Monument ^ B.irtholouiaeus Ge > printer, 24 Knox a! ^^ Bartholomaeus Goifried, cooper, 22 Thames ^ Bartholomay August, tailor, 84s Central av r^ Barthoiomee John J. cigarpacker, 156 n Eutaw B:irlholomee .Mrs. San-.h J. confec'r,156 n Eutaw O Barthoiomee T. M. <^ Co. (T. M. Barthoiomee) Izq produce, 99 w Lombard ^ B .riholomee Theodore M. (T. M. B. & Co ) 239 ^ n G ii-py ' Bartholomens Christojiher, lab. 79 Thames I— i B irtholomeus Ern b X; ;;;; -'<; S Burileit James, bonlbuilder, fout Mont>;omery, ihv 424 l.i^'ht n:iriletl Jii> V. jr. t.oatliuilder, 103 W'-st iJAUTLETT. UUliBINS cjj- (;u.(D. L. H.iitlelt, IJ.W. Itoliliiii?) wholes, stove wurehouje and urcliileiumal iron works and lieHtin-; appa- ratus, 24 Li .'lit foiitidn- Pratt and Scott H.rtletl Mrs. M.ir,. , 20 ii "Hi^rli liiitlfli Thos. lilarUsiuitli. I'.sCliester Birtlett Thos. \\. ck-rii, 15 s Clii'Slcr B.irllell K.-V. Win E. rear rit. Ami's R. C. Churcii, York rJ Bartlett Wiu. clerk, 1G2 n Howard B.irlleit Wiu. S. boatbiiilder, 217 Banlc Bartlett Win. W. p.iieiiti'e, 112 ii Broadw.iy Bartlo Ch.s. H. barkpr, 124 .Mulberry Bartiiiaii Catherine, 4Li s Bond Bartmaii Ciiristoplier, biassfinislier. 49 s Bond Birtiiuin John 1*. broommkr, 49 s Bond Birtinan Win. F. ci.ariukr, 49 s Bond Birtol i B.ukuiiller, (tl. B. Bartol, Wm. P. BoL-kiiiiller) carrii^re luanufs. 94 n Calvert Birtol Henry B. (B.&Bo. kuiiHer) 219 Aisquith Biriol Jam -3 L. cliiet jud^e Court of Appeals, ;!9 n Carey Hurtol .Sophia A. Ul ("ourthind Birlon An Ircw C. sailmkr, 96 Granby Birion Beal R. cuin. lueiclu. 2 Bowly's whf, d\v 517 II G.iv Barton \)x. Boiling W. 128 w Madison, dw 201 u Charles Barton Daniel P. bookkjir, .30 s Broadway' Birlon Khvard. processor, 309 C.intou av B.irton Ksiii, miller. 1 w [{ iliiniore Bai ton Ivuirene, t.iilor, 144 e Lombard Brton Fr. nk, lab. lis Lancaster Bai ton Greeniiury, 9G Granby IJirton Henry K. 18:iLauvale Barion l;:n itius D. printer, 121 n Bden Barton Jacob, niillcr. Falls id above lollgate Barton Jas. shipjoiner, 14.5 G)U;;h Barion Jas I. (B. k Keyvvorth)' 30 s Broadway Ba' ton Jennin<;s, shipj.jiiier, 80 s Chester Barton John T. collect. .r water department, 62 s Washiii-rloa Barton John W. ca(>per, 2)9 William Billon Joseph, wa;:one|-, 152 n Sprin.j Itirlon Joseph G. bariier, .'i I 4 .-Vi^-quilh B.irlrtle av Bauer John, grocery, 257 e Monument Bauer John, driver, 389 Eastern av Bauer John H. clerk, 257 e Monument Bauer John, confectioner, 449 e Eager p o o O ^ ^ < < I— I Eh <1 H EH H < Ph OQ A O O ft < OQ Pi o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. BAU 46 BAW ;_/ ^ Bluer Jolin, tailor, 290 n Centrnl av ,• ^ ^ BiiiKT Jolin, cooper, 7 n Bethel > = ^ Bauer John, ( B ij-. 8cliWiirzenbach)189 s Bond *x ^ J Bluer .lolin (J. wireiloth maker, GO s Calvert, t . t 'l^v •'^^ Fniiiklin K.^ ^ B.-iuer Jolm \\. clerk, 257 e Moiiiiinent 5 ti _ Baiii-r Jiisewli, lirv i^uods, 140 ii t'^Jea .- 5 2 l^""6'' ■^''■-■'- 'M'lO'. laiiiid. 192 n Dallas "^ ^ S Bauer Matthew, tailor, 136 ii K ieii •-"3 -^ Bauer Michael, imlkinaii, 12 Penii — 5 xf" Bauer i: .Schwarzeiibach (John Bauer, Georfte -£ " ^ H. Schwarzeutiacli) broom manufacturers, 3 Lincaster BauerTinoJore, procery, 37 Hilleu ^__ B.iuer \Vm. H. telegraphist, I'ark av and Lex- - >%7^ irijjioii — z: ^ Biuerfeind Chrisi'r. lab. Lancaster n. Third av •f^ .5 = Bauerhause Anna A. 3G5 Eastern av I[ P ~ IJ lue luin John, tobaccouist, 290 s Sharp ^ — ~ BauerruL-istcr Fieil carp. 225 s Aim r 5 -J Bauerntl'ind Jnha, beer, 70 3 Wolfe « _ ^^ Bauernschub George, cooper, 362 McDonogh ^ X „ Baui-rn.sclimidt Ad'im, lab, 145 Canton av .i ?J Bauern^cllmidt (.'onrad, 127 Hudson .r-= ^ BAUEBNSCllMIDT GKORGK, brewer, and hijier beer salooa, Belair av nr Greenwood park j^ 2 ^ BAUKIINSCIIMIDTJOIIX, brewer, foot Ridge- ' < ?^ '.V' '^""^ '-^^^ ^*' l^'atl . ^ 3 Biuenischmidt Joiin, ijrewer, 803 w Pratt i '^_ "^ Bauernschub John, lab. 3.;5 Kastern av v- " "iZ Baucrs Cliailes. cooper, 78 n Wolfe 1^,7 9" Bauers ll>-nry, mariner, 19 James la ,.^ :^ C i? uiers John, wheelwright, 72tJ Light ^4 ? 2-1 B.uiersfeld Fredk. beer, 65 Park av — S , -^ Baut rsfcld Wm.baker,239 n Gay and 125 n Bond j:^'^ ■^ Baugh k Sons (J. H. Wills, agents,) fertilizers, "^ 2 H . S Baugher k Co (W. H. Baugher. A. R. Red- -^ i; _ seeker) proprietors, Calverton hotel ^ H"^ Baugher James, carp. 9b txeorge T^ ^ Baugher Joint, grainer, 65 n lli..;h ^ -^ sj Baugher John P. clerk, 96 George s ^ ^ Baugher Joseph, jr. clerk, 60 n Liberty " " a; Baugher Joshua W. tinner, 461 e Chase ... o o .--o •"^ Baugher .Mury, boarding, 96 George J'-^ Baugher Wm".ll.(Redsecker ^ B.audB. &Co.) (Jalverton hotel .S 2 >-» Baugliman .Vdam lab. 225 Battery av S'^ ':z l'""n'"""' ' 'has. W.G.shoerakr,23 Patterson av ■^ "3 * Baugliman U.miel, carp. 6H7 .Saratoga -^ -^ >, Baughmau .Mrs. Klizabeth, 434 w Fayette S '2 _r ''^^uk'"""" Mrs. Frances, 152 w Biddle ^ P 'o '^''UKhuuin k (U). (John W. Biughman & John ^ j^ S 1). L\sle) painters, 31 Le.xinglun ^ — '[^ Baughman John W. (B. .j- Ct..)4l n Schroeder 2 "^ 5 '*"'Hl"""" John 11. clerk, I. 34 n Schroeder 53^ Biiughman Joseph K. painter, 467 Lexington, O 2 ">* ''" '•^* " Schroeder ^"fj^** B.tughinan Joshua, painter, 108 Battery av "^ £: t(, Baughmau Leonard, lab. 125 Klliott -^ £ .E iJ'iii^bmau Mrs. .S. 152 w Biddle 5 ^ .i Baii>;hui.in .Samuel II. clerk, 37 s High F -^ -r Baughman Susan, 75 Harlem av § ^ .^ Baulmus Anton, tailor, 1 12 .Soiaeraet i< fu -^ Bauhaus Wm. tailor, 58 Portland ^ .- cs BauDi Catherine, midiuer, 211 Saratoga •g 2 ... Baum K;iza. 81 Pearl 2^1- Baum .Mrs. Elizat.eth, 211 Saratoga •.~ K S Hium Kllen, dry goods, 81 Pearl •^ i' >, Baum Gotleib, laborer, 140 Bank Baum Henry, traveling agent, 278 w Fayette Baum Isaac, grocery, 527 e Fayette Baum John, laborer, 59 Gough Bium John, cooper, 474 C.inton av B mm Kite, teacher, 211 S.trato^^a Baum Kusiiman, butcher, 3 Fell's Point mkt, dw 554 e F.iyette B.ium L"wis, painter, 211 Saratoga Baum S. jewelry, 210 s Broadway Biuin Valentine, shoefitter, 131 Pierce Baumin .Mrs. Annie, millinery, 146 n Eutaw Biuman Holies, shoemaker, 80 Harrison Bauman Chas. (Jonn H. Farber & Co.) s e cor North and Pleasant Baumau Frank, lab. 122 Fort av Baumaii Goorge, lab. Cliiiton, nr Si.Kth av Biuman John, carpenter. 146 n Euiaw Baumau Joseph, laborer, 69 Somerset Bauman Leonard, laborer, 125 Elliott Baumanu August, stove fitter, 126 Bo} d Baumann George, laborer, 126 Boyd Baumann John T. musician, 223 e .Madison Biumaun Philip, beer, 43 n Fred.'rick Baumann Z ichiriah, shoemaker, 43 Tessier Baumeisler Ann .M. grocery, 218 Aliceanua Baumeister Henry, clerk, 218 Aliceanua Baumer Sigmund, cooper, 177 s Eden B.iumer John, laborer, 110 J.ickson sq av Baumgart Catharine, confect'ry, 263 Hanover Baumgart Jacob, cabinetmaker, 263 Hanover Baumgarten Criaiies, barber, 157 s Eden Baumgarten Frederick, tailor, 182 Barre Biumgarten Frederick, cutter, 182 Parrish B.ium^arlen Louis, engraver, 45 e Fayette Baumgarten Sclig, (S. B. & Son,) 45 e Fayette Baumgarten S. & S. (Selig and Wm. S. Baum- garten) engravers, 45 e Fayette BauuiLiarteu Wm. .S. (S.B.^Son, ) 45 e Fayette Bauuigartuer Andrew jr. clerk, 47 Albemarle BAU.VlGARTNER ANDREW, lager beer, 47 Albemarle Baumgai tuer John, provisions. Bond and Gay Bauiiibauer Edward, cabiuetm.iker, over 3 Clay dw y Baker ct Baumliauer Gustavus, paperhanger, 9 Baker ct Baumhauer Ralph, cabinetmaker, 9 Baker ct Baumliauer Robert, printer, 9 Baker ct Baumont Oliver, machinist, Calverton Baumout Tliomas, miller, Frederick rd Baumuller .John, slioemaker, 329 William Baureiss John, brewer, Belair av e.>:t Bans .Mrs. Barbara, confectioueiy, 19 Penna. av Bans Conrad, huckster, 19 Penna. av B.ius John H. lab. 19 Payson Bauscli Charles, cabinetmaker, 62 Short Bauscli Chiisiian, cabinetmaker, 62 Short B.iusch Christopher, sawyer, 62 Short Bausch Fred, cabinelmkr. 62 short Biu.-cher Valentine, cutter, 60 Millimaa Bauscher Wm. gilder, 60 .Milliman Bausenwein Conrad, laborer, 455 Saratoga Bausman .Mrs. Anna, 304 w Fayette Biusman Lawrence H. 162 HoUins Biusmiih Chas. moulder, 546 Aisquith Bausmiih Wm. T. 546 Aisquith Bautner Fred, puddingmkr. Lancaster aad Clinton Bawden John H. bookkpr, Second Nat. Bank, dw I08 u Broadway Bawden John, 108 n Broadway Bawn James, tinner, 97 Peirce Bawn Robert, clerk, St. Clair hotel -^ i.t) HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, U. J?. Bresee, cj-enerai Agt. BAW 47 BEA Bawn Thomas, 97 Peirce Baxley Mrs. Eliza, 165 Chesnat Baxley J. Drown & Co. (J. B. Baxley, Wra. P. Barnett) pharmacists, n e cor Dolphin and Park av Baxlev I. Rieinan. attorney-, 150 Park av BAXLRY J. BROWN (J. B. B. & Co ) phar- macists, s e cor Howard and Franklia Baxley Mrs. Mary, 150 Park av Baxley .Mrs. S:u'ah, 106 Orleans Baxley Wm. li. tinner, 125 Hollins Baxter Mrs. .Mary E. dressrakr. 85 Jackson sq av Baxter James W . cooper, 262 e Lombard Baxter Jos. V. bailiff tax dept. 314 William Baxter Michael, lah. 344 Hanover Baxter Thos. W. (Norvel & B ) Albion house Baxter Wm. P. lab. 85 Jackson sq av Baxter Wm. watchman, 25 Tliaiues Baxter Wra. stonecutter, 45 Preston Baxter Wm. cooper, 122 Orleans Bay Courtney, 219 w Hoffman Bay Geo. E. carpenter, n e cor German and Eutaw. dw 219 w Hoffman BAY & HEIM (J. H. Bay, W. G. Heira) general com. merchants, 51 South Bay James H. (B. & Heim) 211 Franklin Bay Jane, 141 "v Biddle BAY JOHN W. com. mercht. and dealer in grain, feed, field seeds, fertilizers, B.IYNK WM. & CO. ( Wm. and D. K. Bayne) ^ wholesale grocers, 14 Commerce s^ Bayne Wm. C. conductor, 590 Light pq Bavne Wm.H.(Ro3sCampbell&Co. Jl37 Lanvale Bayne Wm. (Wra B. & Co.) 162 w Townsend ^ Bayner Conrad, brickmaker, I Wall t^ Baynes Geo. B. manufacturer's agent, 12 Ger- ;zi man, dw 83 Preston ^ Baynes James, 64 s Chester ^ Baynes James, carpenter, 103 Ensor p_, Baynes John, hay presser, 207 e Madison Baynes Joseph P. hay and straw, s e car Monu- fx^ PQ o O O o p o o m ment and Eden, dw 207 e .Madison Baynes Wm. D. carp. 103 Ensor Baynes Wm. W. bookkeeper, 64 s Chester Bayr Peter, combmaker, 151 Stirling Bayrle Geo. shoemaker, 131 s Fremont , Baysman Frank, blks'th, Falls road nr tollgate ^ Baysman Jas. blacksmith, Halls road nr tollgate "-< Baysman John W. lab. Falls road nr tollgate -j Bayview Asylum, Eastern av ext, betw Pbila- ^ delphia and Mt. Carmel cemetery roads,oflBce^ City Hall T Bayview Brewery, Eastern av ext,opp Bayview fn o Asylum Bayzand Mrs. Catherine, 456 e Eager Bayzand Wm. H. maj^istrate, 9 Law buildings, St. Paul, dw Mansion house Bazinski Edward, clerk, 149 w Lombard Bazzler Gustav, lab. 75 Thames Beach Thomas E. agent. 531 n Gay ^^ Beach Wm.H.collector City Court, 199 e Fayette [^ Beach Wm. conductor, Linah's hotel ^ Beacham Charles, conductor, 183 Ensor Beacham Elizabeth J. 282 e Pratt H Beacham Fred. B. (G. A. Kirby & Co.) 68 Ma- 1-^ ryland av O o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Kew York, BEA BEA 48 < O X o C V3 ^ 12; Ik:i( l.am Geo. nmriiicr. 123 William li.;u liam Ilanv T.(J-S.M. *('... )27:^ w Lombard IJc-.al.am J S.\t Bro. (S.T.arid II T Heacham) miiiiiie railway and ship vaid. L'oviiieton, fiiot of Warrin S Uwicliam James \V. iiianuf. family so:i\>s, 5 Mc- ,.^ Kim, dw 273 w Lomliiird ^ 15.M, liam J.inies \V. clerk, 19.") Walsh ■' i;-;irliaai Lenox, !-|i:irmaker, 5"< Lee I'.c cliam Levin, tador, lOG Cros.s a IUmlIiuii Robert, car|.. 108 William lU-aehani Mrs. Rose, 73 e Baltimore lic.K ham Saud.T.(J.S.B.&Bro V5s Maryland av i;.iuliam Wm. brakeman, 50 W\etli IJ.aciiamp Charles K. clerk, Ui7 Jefferson 00 Beachamp Wm. A. bookkeeper, 11 Warren ^ Beachum Klijali T. photo-iniphei, s c cor Gay and Aisiiuith Beaehiim Wm. P. porter, Gay and Aisquith Beadenkopr Cha8. hatter, 337 w Baltimore, dw 8 Ensor Beadenkopf Geo. clerk, 3 Rnsor Beadenkopf Martin sr. car insjiector, 8 Elisor Beadenkopf .Martin jr. hallcr, 8 ICnsor Beadenkopf Tln>mas M. clerk, 8 Ensor Beiihan John E. clerk, 105 w Fa\ette Beahan John S urocery, 105 w Fayette Beaks Wm. lab. r«18 Canton uv Beal Levi W. lab. 47 Woodyear Beal W. S. N. ajieut Mauolhy Sleamboat Co. pier 13 Liuht-st whf, dw 126 s Ann Beale Colin M.com. niercht. Camden and Light, dw 16 s Chester ' '"^^Beule Rev. David J. 63 William Beale Henry, clerk, 118 Spears whf Beale John R. carp. 93 n Bond Beale Levi W. lab. 342 n Durham O Beale Raymond, liarkeeper, 953 w Pratt O Beale Solon, 464 n Gay r^ Beale Mrs. Wm. E. 93 n Bond P Beall A. carp. 4:'>7 n Calhoun ^ Be. ill -V. Brooke, bookkeeper, 90 Harlem av ^ Beall .Mrs. Annie, 7 Woodyear S Beall Benjamin B. 191 Franklin ,r, Beall Mrs. Benjunin L. 55 McCulloh 2^ Beall C. IL & Co.(Chas. II. and Kdward Beall) M pq fliiur and feed, Calvert and Pleasant OS Beall C. H. {C. H. B. & Co.) 191 Franklin ^M Beall Edward (C. II. B. & Co.) 191 Franklin ^ Beall Edward S. bookkeeper. 68 n Charles ^\^ Ij Beall Frank, cooper, 853 w Pratt >^^;:3 HKALL GEORGE T. Jr. attorney, office 11 ,^^ Law buildings, dw 54 St. Paul ]^ — ^ Beall Geo. W. bookkeeper, 190 w Lombard ~—^ Beall H. D. news editor Sun, .Mansion house C — r* Beall J. J. lab. 91 8 Sharp CC ^'y.^ - Be.ill J. M. (Wilkens k B.) St. Clair hotel ~ Beall R. C clerk, 2.'.0 Franklin . ■ — 7- Beall Samuel F. conductor, 250 Franklin Z < '^ Beall & Stonebraker (T. B. Beall, Joseph R. u! ^ ^ Stonebraker) wholes, liquors, 31 a Liberty C^^S: Beall Thos.B.(B.&Slonebraker)19lDruidHillav ^ W Beall W. Francis, police, 32 s Eden mS£ Bealmear James A. real estate broker, 71 w 'S jjy,, Fayette, dw 157 Georjje ;; i y Bealmear Samuel, millinery, *traw and fancy -^ ^ goods, 94 Lexington, dw St. Denis, Balto. co Bedmear Thomas, clerk, 88 Columliia Be.tlmear Wm. B. salesman, 209 George Beam Andrew, carp. 204 n Fremont Beam Esiiias K. pharmacist, Charles and Read Beam Geo. W. ice cream, 179 w Towusend ■T.> COS « O BEAM ISAAC R. apothecary, cor Read and Charles Beam Joseph A. stairbuilder, 20 s Carey Beam Wm. H. carp. 184 n Fremont Bean Archibald K. clerk, 74 s Washinjrton Bian Chas. F. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Bean Geo. W. plumber, 200 s Ant: Bean James W. pilot, 74 s Wasliinplon Bean James W. canmkr, 74 s Washington Bean John H. pilot, 74 s Washington Bean John, lab. 263 s Dallas Bean Robert M. pilot, 120 Gough Bean Tlininas L. salesman, 250 w Baltimore Btan Thomas, ])rovisions, 94 Jackson sq ar Bean Warner W. carp. 146 Conwav Bern Wm. driver, Clinton iir Sixth av Bean Wm. H. 422 Hanover Beans Edward, projirietor Franklin hotel, High and Milieu Beans Ivlias, engineer, 52 s Strieker Beans Henry, travelinp; agent, 52 s Strieker Beans Howard, messenger, 181 Aisquith Bear David, fireman, 109 s Strieker Bear John, cooper, 190 s Bond Bear John H. wheelwright, Light and Fort av, dw .')27 Light Beard Mrs. A. grocery, 166 n Central av Beard C. L. clerk, 68*Snr>.itoga Beard Daniel, bricklayer, 145 Conw»y Beard iMrs. Eliza A. 156 e Eager Beard Francis, carpenter, 60 Lee Beard George W. tinner. 53 McElderry Beard Geo. W. engineer U. S. N. 13 n Strieker Beard Henry, (H. A. Gable & Co.) Williams- port, Pa " Beard Henry C, Adams Express, 205 Barre Beard James E. coachsmitb, 166 n Central av Beard J. F. bookkeeper. 98 Myrtle av Beard Capt. John, wharfinger, Block nr draw- bridge, dw 60 Lee Beard Joseph S. 19 n Front Beard Joseph jr. 19 n Front i Beard Lewis J. printer, 57 Columbia B'-ard Maria, boarding, 57 Columbia Bear.l Mrs. Mary E. dressmaker, 312 Mulberry Beard 0. A. hefper, 312 Mulberry Beard Samuel, coachmaker, 24 Miller Beard Wm. clerk, 215 n Caroline Benrd AVm. D. carjienter, 60 Lee Reard Wm. S. R. 57 Columbia Beardsley Jsnac, machinist, 30 Miller Beason Fred'k, cooper, 112 s Eutavv Bearsch Philip, barber, 37S Orleans Beasley, Clarke & Co. (W. F. Beasley, Henry Clarke, J. H. C. Watts) manufacturers of the Clarke Combination Lock, 47 n Holliday Beasley W. F. (Beasley, Clarke & Co.) 368 n Fremont Beastell Augusta, dressmaker, 31 George Beastell Margaret, 31 George Beastell Wm. II. clerk, 31 George Beasten Charles jr. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw 318 Madison av Beaston Geo. II. coal dealer, York nr William, dw 312 w Lombard Beatlcy Baldwin, lab. 251 s Charles Bealley Columbus, carpenter, 62 e Biddle Beatley Mrs. Francis, tailoress, 251 s Charles Beatson John, teller National Exchange Bank, dw 154 Lanvale Beatty Chas. W. clerk Naval office, dw 0 wings Mills HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee. G-enel-al Agent, 15 South. St. BEA 49 BEC R. 96 149 Beatty Mrs. C:iroline, 7 Irvine pi Beatty Eli. moulder, 247 Bank Beattv Dr. G. D. 226 w Hotfmnn BEATTY JAMES & CO. (James B., Geo. Skiiliiian,) cracker bakers, 92,94 and Dugau's wharf Beatty J. Edwin, clerk, 7 Irvine pi Beatty Jas. (Jas. B. & Co.) 35 Courtland Beatty Mrs. James L. 244 Hollins Beatty John T. bricklayer, 376 Orleans Beatty Joseph, baker, 1.35 s Hiirh Beatty .Mrs. .Margaret R. 226 HofiFman Beatty Miilard P. driver, 247 Bauk Beatty Stmut-i P. bricklayer, 376 Orleans Beatty \Vm. R. moulder, 247 Bank Beatty Wm. H. conductor, 266 e Pratt Beatty Wui. blacksmith, 37 Barre, dw Hanover Beatty \Vm. J. A. baker, 130 s High Beatty Wm. R. (Jas. J. Lacy &Co.) 247 Bank Beaucliamp Charles E. clerk, 197 Jefferson Beaucharap John S. shoemkr, 145 w Madison Beauchamp Robt. S. tailor, 9n Hollins I Beauchamp Thus. K. clerk, 93 Hollins i Beauchamp Capt. Wm. 8. mariner, 121 s Ann I Beaufort Fanny C. teacher, 12 Walsh I Beaufort .Mary E. teacher, 12 Walsh Beaufort Sarah J. 12 Walsh 1 Beaulieu & Burton, (Leon Beaulieu and James ' Burton jr. organ builders, over 102 s Charles Beaulieu Leon, (B. & Burton) Miller's hotel Beaumimt Lewis, carp. 159 n Schroeder Beaumont Mrs..MaryL.dressmkr, 150 n Schroeder Beaumont Thos. J. miller, Fiederick rd Beaver Jas. S. clerk, 228 Hollins Bebee Henry, artist, 190 Saiato^a Becais Mrs. Annie, n e cor Fayette and Gilmor liechlerSigmund, tailor, 714 w Baltimore Bcclit Conrad, cooper, 89 Parkin Bechtel Henry, cabinetmkr, 207 Canton av Bechtel John W. plumber and sfove dealer, 93 n Eutaw, dw 93 Mulberry Bechtold August, surveyor, 146 n Chapel Bechtoid Henry, shoemkr, 69 Orleans Bechtold John' lab. 58 Elliott Bechtold Wm. W. cabinetmkr, 1 16 n Central av Beck Adam, beer, 720 w Pratt Beck Anton, lab. 353 Orleans Beck August, nightman, 75 Bank Beck August, (T. B. & Son) 29 Calverton Beck Ctiarles, clerk, 37 n Holliday Beck Chas. R. R. clerk, 612 w Lombard Beck Charles, elk, 106 Eastern av Beck Charles, lab, 419 Aliceanna Beck Conrad, shoemkr, 84 s Fremont Beck Conrad, barber, 472 n Gay Beck Edmond, cabinetmkr, 644 w Baltimore Beck Edward, huckster, 186 Aliceanna Beck Ernest W. clerk, 71 Green mount av Beck Francis, tailur, 186 Aliceanna Beck Fred, butcher, 72 n Amity Beck Fred, photographer, 327 s Sharp Beck Fred. 37 n HoUiday Beck Fred, coach painter, 79 Oak Beck Fred, tailor, 463 n Gay Beck Fred. W. clerk, 254 Aisquith Beck Geo. cabinetmkr, 42 Harrison Beck George, brewer, 360 Penna av BECK GEU. W. Central house, 82 Centre Mar- ket space BECK G. HERMAN & CO. (G. Herman Beck,) importers and com. merchts, 71 Smiths whf Beck G. Herman, (G. Herman B. & Co.) 243 Walsh Beck Gregory, cabinetmkr, 13 e Lombard Beck Henry, beer, cor Fayette and Durham Beck Henry, lab. 110 Eastern av Beck Jacob, tobacconist, 471 n Gay Beck JacobF.supervis'r N.C.R. W.,Laavalela nr Decker Beck Jacob, carp. 212 Aliceanna Beck James, lab. 7 Nelson cl Beck Mrs. Jeanette, umbrellas, 147 w Baltimore, dw 37 n Holliday Beck John, cooper, tools and truss hoops, 26 and 28 William, dw 147 .Montgomery Beck John, barber, 217 s Ann Beck John, coach painter, 65 Oak Beck John, shoemkr, 364 e Fayette Beck John, shoemkr, 94 Leadenhall Beck John, driver, 66 Jasper Beck John, peddler, 359 e Eager Beck John, restaurant, 325 Cathedral Beck John, cabinetmkr, 33 C.imbridge Beck John G. piaiionikr, 327 s Sharp Beck John .M. stc'y .Maryland Fire Ins. Co. 210 n Fremont Beck Joseph, shoemkr, 212 Preston Beck Joseph A. painter. 10 Orleans Beck Louis, shoemkr, 62 Thames Beck .Mrs. Maria E. furnish'g store, 115 n Gay Beck Michael, painter, 94^ Stiles Beck Peter J. engineer, 278 Ramsay Beck Piter W. clerk, 147 Montgomery Beck Philiji, huckster, Penna av ext Beck Philip, whipmkr, 542 n Gay Beck Rudolph, bookbinder, 18 Smith Beck Thos. (T. B. & Son. ) 29 Calverton rd BECK THOMA.S & SON.(T.and August Beck, ) Rock Spring lager beer brewery, Baltimore cor Calverton rd Beck Wentzell, shoemkr, 90 Hollins Beck Wm. Geo. cl-.-rk, 71 Greenmount av Beck Wm. clerk. Eastern av nr Central av Beck Wm. .M. printer, 231 n Bond Beck Wm. clerk, 71 Greenmount av Beck Wm. tinner, 67 n Eden Beck Wm cigarrakr, 9 Greenmount av Beck Wm. R. furniture wagon, 319 Mulberry Beckel Henry, conductor, Sterrett nr St. Peter Beckel Henry, wheelwright, 252 Preston Beckenbaugh Geo. bookkpr, 38 s Eutaw BECKENBAUGH Dr. THOMAS L. apothecary, s w cor. Lomb ird and Poppleton Beckenheimer Abraham, junk, 314 Orleans Beckenheimer Isaac, elk, 344 Orleans Beckenheimer Mrs. Miana, 344 Orleans Becker Amelia, 417 Aliceanna Becker August, cigaimkr, 64 Leramon Becker August, tailor, 238 Barre Becker August, shoemkr, 78 Druid Hill av Becker August, shoemkr, 259 Hamburg Becker & Bro. (Francis and Christian Becker,) merchant tailors, 229 Eastern av Becker & Bro. (Henry and Philip Becker,) box makers, 47 n Frederick Becker Bros. (C. F. and L. Becker,) leaf tobac- co, 98 w Lombard Becker Charles, junk, Poppleton and Ramsay, dw 489 w Fayette Becker Chas. R. (H. B. & Son,) and tobacco- nist, 109 Q Eutaw, dw 440 w Baltimore Becker Charles, (B. Bros.) 77 n Carey Becker Christian, (B. & Bro.) 229 Eastern av 03 c3 O o o o p o o w GQ \^ <1 o fa p2 (— t O P5 <1 P-. Power Pres.s Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Pveduced Rates. Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BEC 50 BEE € 2 Becker ronnid, ci^'iirmkr, 493 Frnnklin -* Jl S HftkiT Connni, liiicksler, 111 Hank > p -" Htcker Com:id, I'lupt nter, 30f) Mulberry l-'-^' 't I5<'fker ("onrnd 11. liiiiiors, 64 p Favetle 5 ^ Bicker Connid, lull 417 Alicfiinna ry^' ^ Becker .Mis. C:itherine, 85 e Lombard - ■:; Becker C. F.C. I'ujiiors, 18(j Lexintrton -" 5 ^ Becker Charles, barlier. 61 Hanover ""' . '^ Z" tobacconists, 440 w Baltimore i« il ^ Becker Herman, bufciiei', 21 n Frederick rl ~'~' Becker Isadore, tailor, 20 n Front — i; j^' Becker John, lab. 72 Towson ri ;^ f Becker John, (grocer, 79 Diuid Hill av "x _, 1^ Becker John, butcher. Third iiud Eastern av — .r S Becker John A. clerk, 303 w Pratt •^ >. ^; Ikcker J..V. II. paying' teller Chesapeake Bank, ~ ~ ~ dw 154 n E.xeter y "ti , Becker Louis, bookkpr, 515 Le.xinnjton '-•^ Becker Louis A. cijrarmkr, 440 \v Baltimore . -^ A Becker Louis (B. Bros.) 244 n Carey "S !l, H Becker Louis, druggist, Pratt and Ann .^ c: ^ Becker Louis, shoemkr, 156 Cathedral ■■» ." Becker Lndwig. carji, 215 s Broadway ^ X ""^ Becker .Margaret, grocery, 515 Lexington 1 -^ Becker Nicholas, tavern, 55 and 07 President .•o £ >. Becker Philiji, (B. & Bro.) 2s n Front C ^ fc. Becker Philip, coachmkr, 22 Greenwillow, dw ^ "t; ~ 125 Druid Hill av .^ 3 >. Becker .Mrs. Rosalie, 21 n Frederick ~ 's jr Becker .Mrs. Rosa, 18 Stockholm Beckor Valentine, liaker, 890 w Pratt Becker .Mrs. Wilhelmina, 154 n Exeter Becker \Vm. shiemkr, 124 Lee Becker Wm. locksmith, 4 n Schroeder ^ _ Becker Wm. ()iiinomkr, 239 8 Charles 3 Z 'f'l Beckert George, brewer, 2 Bradford al O -ff^*'» B.ckertJohn, lab, lis Duncan ul '"^ i tr Beckett E. A. .salesman, 52 n Washington ^ C 5 Beckett (Joo. W. driver, 241 Columbia H -2 .i Beckett John 0. < lerk, 204 Barre ?; -^ -r Beckett Thos. engineer, 204 Barre 5 ^' ? I5cckham ("has. carter, 149 n Bond *-^ -^ X. Beckhardt .\braham, junk. 17 China ^ .1 rS Beckley Albert, engineer, 94 Stiles 2 2 •• Beckley John W. cooper, 2 s Oregon s: o tj Beckhaus August, driver, 87 O'Donnell •.~ X 3 Beckley .Mrs. Wm. II. pai'erhangerand window •^ ^ >. shades, n w cor Gay and East aq i - 2 — l.' Beckman Francis, blacksmith, 204 n Wolfe Beckraann Goo. beer, 41 Saratoga Beckmann Hermrtii, porter. Vine iir Arch Beckmeyer Waller L. wireworker, 75McElderrj Becknieyer Wm. sr. porter, 75 .McF.blerry Beckmeyer Wtn. jr. carp. 251 e .Moiiuiuent Beckner Rolandis, carp. 177 Hollins Becknitz Frank, tailor, 5 Jones ct Beck with David G. cooper, 183 Gough Beckwith Frank M. letter carrier, 228 Gough Beckwith Hoiace, lab. 104 Granby Beckwith Jas. H. lab. 92 Thames Beckwith .Mrs. Sarah, 92 Thames Beckwith Win. cleik, 30 Johnson Becraft .Mrs. Eiizabeth, seamstress, Buuldin a nr Townsend Becrafi U. II. carter, 137 s Strieker Beciaft R. H. fireman, 51 Parrish Bedel Ch:is. shoemkr, 329 William Bedford Mrs. Catherine A. nurse, 122 n Eder Bedfoi-d & Iloulton, (John R. D. Bedford, Saml C. Houlton,) attorneys and conveyancers,! w cor Lexington and St. Paul Bedford John R. D. ( B.&Houlton, ) 1.35 n Care\ Bedgar Christiana, furniture, 65 Penna av Bedsworth WinfielJ, clerk, 397 e Chase B(e Chas. cabinetrnkr, 316 w Lombard Bee Henry, cabineimkr, 316 w Lombard Bee, The, of Baltimore, S. Junger, publisher over 74 w Baltimore Beebe Chas. S. woodenware and cordage, 5' 8 Calvert and 21 Cliea[)side, dw St. Clair bote Beebe Mrs. Rebecca, 00 Woodyear Beecher Edward, harnessmkr, 116 German Beecher J. Gregg, clerk, 204 n Eiitaw Beecher Wm. N. clerk, 342 Lexin^'lon Beecher Wm. W. druggist Southern Dispen sary, 45 Conway, dw 204 u Eutaw Beef It Edward, cigarnikr, 44 n Schroeder Beefelt Wm. police, 146 Columliia Beehl Frank, clothitig cutter, 2 Irvine pi Beelil Michael, clothing cutter, 2 Irvine pi Beehler Chas. E. clerk, 024 Lexington Beehler Chas. lab. 71 Portland Beehler Chas. tobacconist, 71 Portland Beehler David E. (Mrs. Frances B. ^ Son,) 62 Lexington Beehler Mrs. Frances k Son, (Mrs. F. and D. E Beehler,) umbn-lla, whip and cane manufs. 235 w BaltiiMore Beehler Mrs. Frances, (Mrs. F. B. k Son,) 65 Lexington Beehler Francis T. whi[)mkr, 624 Lexington Beehler Wm., U. S. N. 024 Lexington : Beeks John L. nightman, 498 Cautou av ] Beeks Wm A. lab. 44 s Burke Beeler Andrew, carter, Homestead Beeler Chas. W. shijicarp. 360 Light Beeler Chas. W.jr. shii)carp. 148 Cross Beeler Henry S. clerk. 23 Stiles Beeler Louis F. 3 n Broadway Beer .Michael, driver, 21 Eastern av Beer Rev. Robert C. cor George and Ogston Beere Patrick, tavern, 3 w Lombard Beers Chas. W. salesman, 419 e Pratt Beer's German ami English Institute, Prof. Yetseh, principal, cor George and Ogston BEKRS k SKARS, (Capt. Wm. Beers,) si brokers and com. merchants, over 44 w Pr Beers Capt. Wm. (Beers ^ Sears.) 419 e Prf Bees Fredk. shoemkr, 84 s Charles, dw 49U Lombard ^o HOLMES & CO., Encrineers' and Machinists' Tools and Su -=: :e. shoeiukr, 325 w Biddle Beever John R. clerk, 215 n Dallas Beever Mrs. Sarah J. 215. n Dallas Befelt Win. police. 226 Scott Begnell John H. shoemkr, 305 n Ann Beher Jacob, lab. 6 Curley Behlnier Mrs. Catherine, 2u5 s Bethel Behm .Michael, blacksmith, 1 n Bond Behn Fredk. grocery, 4(>rf e Monument Behu Fredk. cabineimkr, 66 Rus^ell Behn Henry, furnishing goods and notions, \Q0 i\ Eutciw Behn John, bricklayer, 470 e Monument Behn Mrs. Minnie, beer, 470 e Monument Behner John, lab. 268 s Caroline Behning Henry, c^garmkr, over 221 Light Behuleia John, cooper. Durst al Behr Bernhardt, booklcpr, 133 Lexington Behr fidwiird, barber, 201 Canton av Behr Casper, lab. 13 n Chapel Behr Christian, stevedoie, 168 s Regester Behr Jacob, lab. 6 Cuiley Beht Mrs. Margt. 1G8 s Regesier Behreiid Aaron, butcher, 48 s Bond Behiend Jacob, clerk, 124 s liden Behrend Michael, dry goods, 140 Orleans Behrends Aaron, tailor, 54 s Wolfe Behrends Bernard jr. clerk, 270 n Gay Behrends Leopold, dry goods, 61 n Howard Bebrens August, cooper, 69 L. Church Behiens Bernard sr. collector, 270 n Gay Behrens Bernard jr. clerk, 27u n Gay Behrens Conrad, boilernikr, 295 Hanover .Behiens Mrs. Eva, grocery, 69 L. Church Behrens Fred. lab. 3 Winter al Behrens Fred, coachnikr, 69 L. Church Behrens Henry, mariner, 232 s Ann Behrens Henry sr. machinist, 208 s Paca Behrens Henry, morocco dresser, 299 Canton av Behrens Henry P. silverplaiei', 3o3 Hanover BelHens Jacob, watchmkr, 93 n Gay Behrens Jacob C. C. cigarmkr, Piatt and Carey Behrens^ohn, carp. 69 L. Church Behrens John, clerk, lt)6 vv Lombard BEHRENS JOHN C. restaurant, 215 Canton av Behrens John H. lab. 170 s Wolfe Behrens Joseph, shotrnkr, 351 s Charles Behrens .Mano. tobacconist, 324 Plastern av iJehrens .Mrs. Theresa, milliner, 270 n Gay Behrens Theodore, coUeclur. 55 Centre Mkt sp Behrenski Ludwig, lab. 302 sBond Behringer Fred, cigarmkr, 29 Lancaster Behringer John, candymkr, 193 Barre Behringer John G. 37u Saratoga Behringer Philip, candymkr, 74 n Schroeder Behringer Philip, blacksmith, 29 Lancaster Behrund Michael, sawyer, 342 n Bond Beid John, stillman, Russell and Osteud Beier Geo. baker, 408 e Monument Beier Gotfried, tailor, 11 Albemarle Beierleiu F'rank, cigarmkr, 123 n Spring Beierlein Fred, cigarmkr, 123 n Spring Beierlein John, tobacconist. 395 u Gay Beierlein John, lab. 14 Stockholm Beierlein Joseph, lab. 309 Eastern av Beiger Adam, lab. 29 n Chapel Beiger Fred, shoemkr, 400 Aliceanna Beigel Geo. coo[ier, 85 e Lombard Beikirch A. J. clerk, 231 ^.Mulberry Beikirch Lawrence, tailor, 104 Peirce Beikirch Valentine, cigarmkr, 104 Peirce Beil Anton, lab. 9 Griffin ct Beil Mrs. John, artificial flowers. 130 Lexington Beiler Joseph, shoemkr, 13 Shakspear Beimschla Henrj', tailor, 284 s Charles BEIN CHARLES, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 84 Lexiugtou. Bein Henry, cabinetnikr, 252 Aliceanna Heine John, lab. 205 Dover Beinke Harnian, tailor, 115 n Central av Beis Christian, lab. 175 s Caroliie Beisheim Nicholas, painter and paints, 51 Essex Beissler Anton, cigarmkr, 294 e Pratt Beissler Bernbait, cap. 294 e Pratt Beissler Frank, grocery, 294 e Pratt Beiswanger John, baker, 211 w Fayette Beitz> 1 Mrs. Caroline, 82 s Howard Beitzel Daniel, shoemkr, 86 s Howard Beitzel Frank, grocery, 116 Henrietta Belbin Alfred W. varnisher, 55^ e Lombard Belbin Charles T. shipsmilb, cor Warren and Covington, dw 83 Gough Belbin Wm. H. upholsterer, 55j e Lombard Belbin Wm. J. lab. 55j e Lombard Belchers John R. clerk, Washington and Gough Belchner George, lab. 4 Green ct Belchner John, cigarmkr, 35 York BELDIN JAMES, conveyancer and prop. agt. over Chesapeake Bank, North and Fayette Belitski Edward, barber, Forrest nr Low Belitz Adelbert, bookpr. Walsh and Dolphin Bell Abraham, plasterer, Pratt and Castle Bell Albert, stable boss, 114 German Bell Alex. (H. Siranss Bro. .t Co.) 232 n Calvert Bell Dr. Alex. T. homeoiiath, 306 Madison av Bell Andrew J. carj>. 233 Dolphin Bell Anthony, 258 Lanvale Bell Austen, "clerk, Pratt and Castle Bell Charles, huckster, 66 Myrtle av Bell Chas. E. butcher. Homestead Bell Chas. H. provisions, Waverley Bell David, manager Clipper Mills Bell David, moulder, 77 s Fremont Bell Douglas, bookkpr. 290 Madison av Bell Edmund F. stonecutter, 180 n Exeter Bell Edward E. engineer, 109 s Poppleton Bell Edward H. wheelwright, 27 n Eden Bell Edward J. clerk, 73 n Bond Bell Edwin. soda wnter manufs. Pratt and Castle Bell Franklin, 207 Gough Bell George, wheelwright, 183 Druid Hill av B.U George E. machinist, 27 n Eden Bell George, tinner, 859 w Baltimore Bell G. W. & Co. (Geo. W. Bell,) com. mercht. 205 w Pratt Bell Geo. W. ( B. & Co.) 216 n Calvert Bell George W. lab. 557 Saratoga Beil Geo. W. C. magistrate, 29 n Greene, dw 56 n Fremont Bell Geo. W. huckster, 130 Ramsay Bell Gio. W. clerk, 181 w Biddle Bell Harry, 108 Myrtle av Bell Rev. "Henry, 26 Camden Bell Henry, general dispensary, 113 w Fayette Bell Henry, manuf. children's carriages, 30 n Howard, dw Howard co CD c3 p r-i Q d o ft o o rn (— 1 02 of < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BEN BEL 52 v. < O (/} >^ 6 X o ;j , • i-) z, < <^ r/fr- UJV'. KU. C <« ^ W ,'jd _: >^ '^ C vr — Bell Henrv B. eiifiineiT, 26 Camden Bell HetirV C (Kn^iliiii.l A: B.) lox Myrtle av Bell Henry S. supt. Baltimore Carriivgi; Co. 31 8 Liberty Bell Henry T. cleik, 155 Forrest Bell Horace, caulker, 57 Warren Bell James, driver. 11 I!urroiij,'h Hell Ji>me.«, lab. Byrd nr Fori av Bell Mrs James B., Gilinur nr M.iill>erry Bell James C. clerk, :^^>;^ Mulberry Bell James H. engineer, 14 St. I'eter Bell James II. clerk, 106 n Poppleton Bell James I paperstainer, 62 Kdmondson av Bell Jehu A. millwritrht, 4G s Seliroeder Bell John, carpenter, loo Warner Bell John, poller, 125 B<)\d Bell John, najliiter, 140 William Bell John, bark|)r. 5 e Madison Bell John A. ho.ftler, 79 Paruin Bell Jolin A. letter currier, 48 Jackson sq ar liell John K. provisions, 6 Bowly's wharf, dw Frederick av Bell John 11. dei»uty sherilf, dw 35 n Fremont Bell J"lni N. conductor, -138 w Lombard Bell John >S. urain \vei{;her, 134 s Sharp Bell Joseph F. tinner, 042 w Baltimore Bell Jo.-ial. V. milk. Fruit and Caslle B. II .Mrs .Mary A., Federal nr Belair av Bell .Mariou, enjiincer, 2(i7 Gouiih BELL J- SAUL (N. H. Bell, A. J. Saul,) whip manufs. over 3no \v Ballinxire Bell Nelson H. (Bell , gnieery, Clinton nr Eighth av Bender James, lab. Bethel nr Aliccanna Bender John, tailor, 53 Walker Bender John, lab. Bethel nr Aliceanna Bendrr Josei.h, harnessmkr, 45 Henrietta Beudrr Samuel, carpenter, Hand house Bender Wm. lab. 259 s Ann Beniier Wm. stonecutter, 17 Gough Bender Win. H, tinner, 302 e Chase Bendewall Chas. gilder, 8 Bartlett Bendler Wm. musical lusts. 152 n Gay Bendon Thos. engineer, 404 Bank HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt. BEN 53 BEN Benedict Augustus H. scenic artist, 47 n Paca Benedict Benj. clerk, 142 n Eden Benedict Joseph, dry goods, n w cor Eden and Jefferson BENEFICIAL SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE, n e cor Calvert and Lexington Benescbe Isaac, furniture dealer, 285 n Gay Beneze Fred. lab. 10 Stockholm Beneze J. watches, 138 s Broadway Benges Henry, grocery. 134 Vine Benhke John, basketuikr, 226 3 .\nn Benhotf Adam, fireman, Clinton nr Boston BenhofiFFied. cows, Clinlon nr Second ar Benhotf Geo. rtiachinist, Clinton nr Boston Benhoff Geo. jr. machinist, Clinton nr Boston Benhoff John Fred, collier, Clinton nr Boston Benhotf Wm. engineer, Hudson ur Hare Benick John, shoemkr, 38 a Caroline Benjamin Chas. A. dispatcher B & 0. R. R. 82 s Fremont Benjamin Ciias. .-^hoemkr, rear 193 Preston Benjamin Geo. A. moulder, 222 e Fayette Benjimin & Co. (B. F. Ulman) general loan office, 22 n Gay Benjamin Jacob, 22 n Gay Benjamin Levi, clerk, 440 w Fayette Benjamin Samuel, 110 n Caroline Benjamin Samuel S. roofer, 26 Orleans Benjamin Solomon, clerk, 22 n Gav Benjamin Wm. express, 272 n Bond Benker Clements, lab. li)8 West Benn Walter, actor, Ensor and Chesnut Benner .Adam, butcher, 15 Richmond mkt, dw Penna av ext Benner Albert, machinist, 19 Warren Benner Charles, carver, 227 Hanover Benner Daniel, provisions, 349 e .Monument Benner .Mrs. Eleanora, 19 Warren Benner Ferdinand C. engineer, 19 Warren Benner Francis, clerk, 427 w Fayette Benner Geo. lab. 325 HanoTer Benner Henry, bricklayer, Clinton nr Second av Benner John, blacksmith, 184 e Pratt Benner Joiin, carp. 127 Vine Benner Joseph, currier, 151 Mideria al BENNER UTTO, magistrate, cor Baltimore and Paca, dw 164 German Benner Thomas S. clerk, 147 Aisquith Benoer Wm. tailor, 344 s Sharp Benner Wm. H. H. potter, 100 n Bond Bennet Edward, carpenter, 367 Orleans Bennet Harry A. clerk, 54 w .Madison Bennet James, clerk, 408 e Baltimore Bennet John M. coal, cor Central av and Gough, dw 4(i8 e Baltimore Bennett Alex, shipcarp. 311 s Bond Bennett Alfred, bookkpr, 398 Druid Hill av Bennett Amandus, 40 Jackson sq av Bennett .Mrs. Ann E. 225 w Hotfmau Bennett Benj. F. contractor and builder (J. W. Stallings & Co.) office 44 s Howard, dw 130 8 Sharp BENNETT BROTHERS (G. R. and Thomas S. Bennett) cot! and wood, 156 n Howard and Cathedral nr John Bennett Casper, shucker, 247 Battery av Bennett Charles, clerk, 148 n Central av Bennett Christopher, grocery, 34 Douglass Bennett D. Curtis, 25 Harford av Bennett D. Curtis jr. canmkr, 25 Harford av Bennett David T. builder, 205 George Bennett David, letter carrier, 26 s Ann Bennett Mrs. E. 142 w Biddle Bennett Edward L. plasterer, 374 e Madison Bennett Edward L. plasterer, 70 Harford av Bennett Edward J. machinist, 126 Lee Bennett Edward W. salesman, 251 e Pratt BENNETT EDWIN, inanuf. white, yellow and Rockingham ware, and agent flint glass, cor Canton and C<'ntral avs and Eden ur Canton av, dw 313 n Caroline Bennett Mrs. Eliza, 361 n Central av Bennett Mrs. Elizabeth, liquors, 191 s Charles Bennett Elvira, 70 Harford av Bennett Frances, 449 Canton av BENNETT F. W. & CO. (F.W.Bennett, A.C.N. Matthews) auctioneers and commission mer- cliants, 28 and 30 s Charles Bennett Francis W.(F.W.B.& Co.)30 Mulberry Bennett (t. R (Bennett Bros.) 156 n Howard Bennett Geo. carver, 106 Johnson Bennett Geo. ferryman, 255 s Broadway B.niiett Geo. A. salesman. 225 \v Hoffmam Bennett Geo. W. pilot, 317 n Caroline Bennett Geo. W . pencils, 5 Cambridge Bennett Geo. W. carp. 357 w Biddle Bennett Henry A. clerk, 54 w Madison Bennett James W. plumber, 4 Ramsay Bennett Jas. grocery, s e cor Howard and Lee Bennett John, lab. 56 Short Bennett John, tinner, lo6 Johnson Bennett John, grocery, 218 Lexington Bennett John, wagon cover mkr, 70 Lancaster Bennett John E. mariner, 941 w Baltimore Bennett John [. grocer and wood yard, 263 s Broadway, dw 251 e Pratt Bennett John M coal,corCentralav and Gough, dw 408 e Baltimore Bennett John R. sailmaker, 70 Lancaster Bennett John Wesley, plasterer, 70 Harford av Bennett Joseph S. sailmaker, 4 Ramsay Bennett Joshua H. clerk, 132 n High Bennett L. H. tinner, 98 Johnson Bennett L. S. mariner, 24 Lee Bennett Lewis, conductor, 17 Weber Bennett Livingston 0 clerk, Waverley Bennett Louis T. telegraphist, 207 George Bennett Mrs. Louisa, seamstress, 373 e Eager Bennett Margaret, dressmaker, 124 Harford av Bennett Mrs. Mary A. oysters, 255 s Broadway Bennett Napoleon, tailor, 31 York Bennett P. H. collector, 451 e Chase Bennett Robert, blacksmith, 84 s Republican Bennett Robert, lab. 321 Eastern av Bennett Robert .McLane, clerk, 164 Gough Bennett Rufus, carpenter, 257 w Biddle, shop in the rear Bennett S. F. carpenter, 130 s Sharp Bennett Samuel, telegraphist, 205 George Bennett Samuel, shoemaker, 205 n Dallas Bennett .Mrs. Sarah, 40 Jackson sq av Bennett Silas B. collector, 172 Druid Hill av Bennett Mrs. Susan, confectionery, 344 Ramsay Bennett Thos. ironmoulder, 124 Harford av Bennett Thos S. (B. Bros.) 127 e Monument Bennett W. W. carpenter, Pratt nr Strieker Bennett Wm. painter, 74 s Eutaw Bennett Wm. D. carp. 307 n Bond Bennett Wm. E. plasterer, 257 w Biddle Bennett Wm. F. carp. 317 n Caroline Bennett Wm. J. coachmaker, 120 Lee Bennett Wm. 0. mariner, 70 Lancaster Bennett Wm. T. clerk, 162 Hollina Bennewitt Geo. carp. 37 e Pratt 03 H PQ O d o -^ p\ o o H o I— I ft < ft < P^ ft O ft o I— I OQ <1 O Power Press Printiiicr, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 'j.'pr a tc— MutuEul Life Insurance Co. of New York. bi:n 54 BEN ^ C ■J. ^ ^^ •— * V. X V - ^ — — X dt _ 1) z. sc '— 't' ~ I. ^ ^ -^ S = S -:j -^ 5 = Ben tifj John, shoemaker. 168 Miillikin B-nney Joseph, shoemaker, 139 Bur^'undy al Beiinev Joseph, brtishiimker, 374 B Shiirp Beiiiiick S.imiiel, hHrh.r, 399 S Chtirhs Bennioii Jmiies, poitt-r, Kasteri) av and Exeter Bennis Jolin, lal). 108 Preston Beiiiiis Seainor. shoemaker, 5 Jom-s ct Bennis Wm. millfr. K istern av ext Beiiiiv P.ivi.l, hrnshiiMker, 17 Bevnn Benii'v John, shoemaker, 168 Mullikin B-iiny Wm <). shoemaker, 320 e Monument Benoit (l.iston, clt-rk, 112 ii Spiin!^ Beiioil Mrs. Mirllia. 112 n .S|>rinir Beiisel Co rail, baker. i:<7 s Wolfe Bensel Henry, carj). 81 ii Schroeiler Bensel John, haker, 485 e .Moiimnent Ben.sel Wm. earp. Hi n Schrofder Bei'seler August, tailor. 289 Cohimbi.i Benseler Htury, wines and liquors, Monroe and I'ralt Benser Henry, driver, 4.'iG Canton av Brnson A. fheodore.dry (roods. 663 n Baltimore Bi-n!2 e .Monument, dvv 132 St. Paul Benson Benj. S jr. (>\-erscer. 132 St. Paul Benson Dr. Charles W. 106 n Eutjiw Benson Wr^. Fanny J. 410 e Chase Benson Franris A. 272 Druid Hill av Benson Dr. Ceorjie W. 144 Hanover Benson Henry, wliipmaker. 387 Canton av Benson H'-nry. carp. 2;)3 e Biddle ' Benson Lieut. Henry .M. recruiting office, 218 w Pratt, dw 140 .Mill berry Benson Henry T. painter, 89 e Biddle Benson Isaac, peddler. 10 Gould ct Benson James, 1 ib. 426 Liiiht Benson Jesse F. brickmakcr, 125 Parkin Bi-nson .John S. carp. 125 Parkin Benson John B clerk, 063 w Baltimore Benson John P. grocery. Sweet Air Benson Joseph E. painter, 192 e Madison Ben-on Joseph B. painter, 1(>7 Parkin Benson Joseph K. com. merclit. 37 (Jolnmbia Benson M. Kemp. bi.()kkee[)er, 130 w Fiiyetie Benion Malilon A com. mercht. 125 s Paca Benson .Nicholas, junk, 46 Castle Benson Nicholas, laborer. Sneet .Air Benson Nicholas T. lab. Sweet Air Benson (Jrp};oii R. attorney, 15 St. Paul, dw Baltimore co Benson Dr. Philander V. office and apothecwy, s e cor Hollin.o and Orejron Benson Rindolph, coal oil ref. 410 e Eager Benson R. .S. dre.-isni iker, 27 Park av Benson Thomas J. manner, 330 .\liceanna Bensim Walter Wm. mariner, 124 Bank Benson Capt. Wm. D. 89 s Bond Benson W. L. .s^ilmkr, 063 w ISiltiraore Benson Wm. I', sliij) joiner, lo Irving pi FSenson Wm. painter. l5o n Howard Ben.son Dr. Wm. 150 n Howard BENTEEN'S PIANO and ORGAN ROOMS. Mason & Hamlin s Cab- inet Organs, and Pianos and Or- gans for rent. 80 w Fayette st. 1) t. 75 ^ - 1.-5 Bentocn T. C. clerk, 1 16 Pearl Bentoen M.C. dressmaker, 116 Pearl Benlhall C.«pt. Robt. mariner, 313 c Baltimore Bt'nthall Rob't. jr. mariner, 284 e Baltimore Benthall Wm. McR. 313 e Baltimore Bentliall William. 303 Canton av Bentley Bros (Wm II. and Chas. E. Bentley) emliVoideries and stamped goods, 132i Lex- ington Bentlev Charle.=! E. (Bentley Bros ) stamping, dw New York C.W.Benlley&Sons No. 25 S. Front Street, BALTIMORE, MAXrFACTURERS OF STEAM or every description. Tanks, Stills, And all kinds of Plate Iron Work. ■J. W. BENTLEY, S«., JOHN E. BENTLEY. C. W. BENTLEY, Jr. Bentley C. W. (C. W. B. & Sons) 37 n Broad- wa V Bentley C. W. jr. (C. W. B. & Sons) 37 n B road w. ay Bentley E L. jr. clerk, 145 Saratoga Bentley Edward R. hrickmaker, 96 St. Peters Beniley Geo. A. clerk, 73 e Baltimore Bentley George H. engineer, 251 s Durham Bentlev Gcoru'e A. clerk, 21 s High Bentlev John E. (C W. B. & .Sons) 40 n Front Beniley Peter, pawnbroker, 403j w Baltimore Betiiley Thomas, brickmaker, 269 s Pica Bentley Thomas, jr. brickmaker, 277 s Paca Bentley W II ( Bentley Bros ) 132 J Le.xington B'-nton Benj. shucker, Atlantic wharf Benton Chas. S. brass finisher, 8 Lemmon Benlon Mrs. Charlotte, tailoress. 121 Williai» Bi-nton Francis, carpenter, 121 AVilliam Benton Mrs. Frances, .-Vtlantic whirf Benlon Geo. C. 82 n Eden Benton Jas. H. brass finisher, 438 w Lombard Benton John, shucker, Atlantic wharf Benton Ricliard. mariner, 127 Hamburg Benton Simiiel. grocery, 82 n Eden Benton Wm. laborer, Atlantic whf Benton Wm. laborer, 72 Rue Benton Wm. 11. ship joiner, 70 Johnson Bentrup Frod'k, carter, 143 s Bethel Beiilz Albert, turner, 84 Orleans Bentz Edmund, carpenter, 109 Duncan al Bentz Geo. W. fire dept. 163 w Baltimore HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. BEN 55 BER Bentz George, mariner, 397 Canton av Bentz George, engineer, 63 n ( -liapel Benville Tlrjiu:i3, driver, 122 Franklin Benyes Henry. bal Kiting Berry Charles, helper, 83 9 Fieinont Berry Chas. E. ( Adams, Buck & Co. )96 Saratoga Berry Edward R. stonecutter, 83 s Fremont Berry Ed« in I), brickmkr. Canton av and First Berry .Mrs. P^inny, 119 e Madison Berry Frank II. clerk, I06 n Calvert Btrry Frank T. clerk, 325 Drnid Mill av Berry George, sr. moulder. Druidville Berry Geo. jr. machinist, Druidville t' rry G. Uenry, 8 s Greene Berry (ieo. R.'( J S. & G. R. Berrv)160 s Sharp Berry Geo. W. c^irp. 297 n Ann Berry Geo. W. printer, 638 w Baltimore Berry Harry T. clerk, 207 w Lombard Berry Harper, clerk, 171 Linden av Berry Henry B clerk 944 w Baltimore Berry Hopper K. 171 Linden av Berry HoratioK. 8e.-y. Pat^ipsco Guano Co. 624 w Faveite Berry Mrs. Isabella C. 325 Druid Hill av Berry James W. clerk, 207 w Lombard Berry Jasper M oyster and fruit packer, 36 and 38 York, dw 171 Linden av Berry Jesse L. C. clerk, 108 Lee Berry John, whipniaker, 1 12 Druid Hill av Berry John 15, N. & Co. (J. B. N. Berry) com. merchts. 101 w Lomlmrd Berry John B.N. (J B.N.B. & Co.)158 iMcCuUoh Berry John S. & Geo. R. fire brick manufac- tuiers, s w Hamburg and Warner Berry John S. (J. S. & G. R. B.) 164 w Fayette Berry John W. clerk, 62 Harford av Berry Mr.s. Josephine, 60G w Piatt Beirv .Michaei, engineer, 696 Light BERRV N. E. com. mercht. 10 Bowly's whf, dw Anne Arundel to. Berry Nicholas, pressman, 88i w Biliimore Berry Nimrod B. moulder, Diuidville Berry Patrick, lab. 83 Harrison. Canton Berry Richard, watchman, 248 e Fayette Berry Mrs. S. M. confectionery, 106 n Calvert B-rry Thomas L. 64 n Paca Berry Wither W. com. merchant, s w cor Light and German, dw 638 w Fayette Berry Win. 55 Conway Berry Wm. B. 64 n Paca Berry Wni. H. clerk, 106 n Calvert Berry Win. H. shoemaker, 83 s Fremont Berry Wm. H. jr. lab. 83 s Fremont Berry Wm. J. cooper, Scott s of Cross Berry Win. T tinner. 104 West Berryimm Kliza, seamstress, 223 11 C-iroline Berry man Kdward W. baker, 223 Haiiover Berrynian .Iose|)h H. lai). 157 William Berryman Julia A. 157 William Berrynian Thomas, lab. 157 William Berryman Wm. H.(RupIey & B )Tiiiker house, Calverton rd Bersch Carl, artist, 258 Light Bersch Christ. (Elirman & B.) \Q?, Lanvale Bersch H. & Co. (H. Bersch) com. uierchanls, 65 8 Gay Bersch Hinry(H. B. & Co.)collector and agent, 65 s Gay, dw 325 n Broadway Bersch Henry A, clerk. 325 n Broadway Bersch John, woodworker, 193 Lanvale Bersch Win. woodworker, 193 Lanvale Bersick Michael, 41 Scott Bert Charles, hats, caps and furs, 515 w Balti- more Bert Charles, sr. 350 s Charles Bert Peter, hats and caps, 3ii2 w Pratt Bertalot Fdward, agent compressed yeast, 149 w Pratt Bertholdt Fred, jeweler, 23 German BiTterman .Mrs. Mary, 7 Wolfe, n of Monument Bertling Bernard, store, Waverley Bertling Herman, clerk, 406 n Gay Bertram Charles, butcher, 53 Belair market, dw Division ext Bertram Wm butcher, 102 Centre and 58 Bel- air markets, dw Penna av ext Bertram Wm. A. engraver, over 4 South, dw 260 n Ann Bertrand John, tailor, 58 Ensor Bei tscli Bernard, shoen)aker, 4 Bank Bervotz .lohn, lab. 250 s Kutaw Berwanger Abraham, peddler, 115 n Exeter Berwanger Benj. (Sikes & B.) 59 Hollins Bt-rx Conrad, baker, 58 e Fayette Berz Win. baker. 47 L. McEJderry Besch Jo.seph, upholsterer, 239 \VilIiam HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, -Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. BES 57 BEY Bescbeck Joseph, laVjorer, 307 s Bomi Besm;in August, stitcher, 259 s Duibam Besse Daniel, lab. 148 McElderry Bessee Mrs. Mary, 112 Orleans Bessel Henry, liqnors, 496 n Gay Bessel John, lab. 112 s Dallas Besser Cbas. jeweler, 69 McElderry Bessley James, copper smelter, 30 Cliaton Bessley James, jr. lab. 30 Clinton Bessley Robert, copper smelter, 30 Clinton Best B. J. salesman, Maltby House Besle Herma!!, baker, cor Mullikin and Bond Bestor J. Rollin. engineer, 401 n Biddle Betchek Frank, lab. 1 Abbott Beter Win. shoemaker, 125 s Bond Bethi'.ny (Ind.) Church, cor Calhoun and Lex- ington Bethany (Bafttist) Chapel, Eager nr Broadway Bethke Aujfust, lab. Curley and Elliott Bethke Fred, tailor, 236 Canton av Bethlehem Green ( Welsh Ind. Church) Tooue e of Clit. ton, Canton Betnacke Anton, machinist, 255 s Ann Betnacke James, carp. 255 s Ann Betsch John, latj. 40 Luzerne Betschler John M. leather, 110 s Sharp Betske Frank lab. Bethel nr Aliceanna Besisworth Wm. (E. B. Mallory & Co.) 423 e Pratt Bests worth Wm. A. clerk, 69 s Sharp Bettner Fredk. shoemaker, 36 s Castle Bettner Gotleib, shoemaker, 36 s Castle Betton Thomas W. clerk, 35 n Kutavv Betton Jiimes, monldi-r, 132 Barre Betts AHu-rt A. printer, 162 n Bond Belts Alex. P. 178 s Ann Setts Charles H. trader, 42Gough Belts Mrs. Elizabeth, confect'y, 42 GOugh Betts Harry, clerk, 338 w Lombard Betts Herman, blacksmith, 52 n Eden Betts John H. millwright, Hampden Beits Robert, lumber inspector, 37 Jackson Betts Robert, jr. saddler, 41 Holland Betts Royston .M. clerk, 338 w Lombard Betts Wm. M. tinner, 312 Cross Betz Annie, milliner, 126 Druid Hill av Betz Mrs. Augusta, laundress, 5 Truxton Betz August, moulder, 145 William Betz Caroline, 198 s Regester Betz Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 145 William Betz Charles, milk, Trapjie rd nr O'Donnell Betz Chas. mariner, 145 William Betz Christopher, fancy hardware and brewers' material, 19 German, dw 7 Pearl Betz Conrad, porter, ln4 n Spring Betz Elizabeth, shirtstore 245 C.inlon av Betz Guslavus, coachmaker, 224 n Central av Betz Henry, shocni.iker, 213 Canton av Betz Jacob, brewer, 402^ Cauton av Betz Jacob, carpenter, 164 Cheapside Betz Jacob, tailor, 54 s Caroline Betz Jacob, lab. 19b s Regester Betz John, carp. Iu4 n Spring Betz John, lab. 205 s Bethel Betz John, tailor, 28 Hampstead Betz John, lab. 166 Madeira al Betz John jr. lab. 166 Madeira al Betz John L. tailor, 66 s Caroline Betz Lewis, brewer, 198 s Regester Betz Thos. shoemaker, 245 Canton av Betz Wm. lab. 198 s Regester Betzechski John, lab. 329 s Bond CQ > o o BetzenbergtT John J. barber, 476 Penna av Betzenhauzen Jos. lab. 26 Port Betzold Fred, trimmings, 263 e Lombard Betzold John, butcher, 27 Abbott Beumler August, cigarmkr. 170 s Durham Benmler Mrs. Fanny, grocery, 170 s Durham i-;^ Beumler Henry, cigarmaker, 147 n Sprin;^ C! Benrrier Julius, shoemaker, 1 Clay, dw 79 Mul- "^ berry P Beurrier Louise, bleacher, 79 Mulberry o Beushiiusen Fred, bookkeeper, 231 Lee Q Beutelspacher Mrs. Eliza, boarding, 179 Hollins '^ Bevan Ch.;s. F. (Bevan & Son) Linden av and "^ Lanvale rQ Bevan Dr. Chas. F. jr. profr. College Physicians and Surgeons, Lanvale and Linden av ^ Bevan Chas. clerk, 99 s Paca ^ Bevan Geo. F. clerk, 411 Eutaw pi Bevan Geo 100 s Paca r Bevan & Hannah (Wni. J. Bevan, Sam'l Han- O nab) marble yard, 20o e Monunient Bevan Henry W. watchman, 90 e Madison Bevan Johnl 380 Eut.iw pi Bevan John T. stonecutter, 206 n Central av Bevan Mrs. Mary Eliza, Clarke and Clinton Bevan Nicholas K. 99 s Paca Bevan Samuel (S. Bevan & Co. and Perkins & O Co.) 3H0 Eutaw pi ^ BEVAN SAMUEL & CO. (Samuel Bevan, "Wm. ^"^ A. Williar, E. G. Miller, F. Hertel) import's^- and jobbers in dry goods, 279 w Baltimore" BEVAN & SON, (C. F..and Wm. F. Bevan) • marble workers, 140 Saratoga and 70 n ^ Howard Bevan Thomas, coppersmelter, Clinton, Second av Bevan Thomas R. (Handy & B.) attorney, Courtland, dw 155 Lanvale Bevan Wm. c(/ppersmelter, 324 Clinton Bevan Wm. F. (Bevan & Son) 155 Lanvale Bevan Wm. J. (B &Hannah) 206 n Central av qJ- Bevans Edirar S. law student, 281 e Baltimore^ Bevans Mrs. Eliza, 74 Granby ^ Bevans James L. farmer, 91 n Broadway [^ Bevans Josnna S. huckster, 376 e Fayette Bevans Mrs. Mary, 120 n Paca t^ Bevans Reuben A. L. furniture, 281 e Baltimore Bevans Richard M. huckster, 374 e Fayette Bevans Robert, mariner, 134 Montgomery Bevans Wm. laborer, 86 Luzerne Bevans Wm. tinner, 247 e -Madison Bevrengen Louis, butcher, McElderry ext Beveridge .Mrs. Agnes, dry goods. 146 w Madison Beveridge John, harness, &c., 277 w Pratt Beveridge Robert, 146 w Madison Beveridire T. H. cashier, Pe[iper's hotel Bevies Wm. hackman, 167 e Eager Bewig Henrietta, 22 s Burke Beyer Annie, grocery. 407 Aliceanna Beyer Andrew, beer, Monument and Chester Beyer Andrew, laborer, 48 James la BeVer Balthazer, carter, 407 Aliceanna Beyer Carl, laborer. First av nr Clinton Bever Christian, butcher, 13 Hollins mkt, and ^ nr^ 13 J o o o Pi > o H provisions, 9 s Poppleton Beyer Fred, beer, 80 n Eden Beyer Fred. A. musician, 12 Lloyd Beyer George, carter, 407 Aliceanna Bever (Justave, cigarmkr. 322 Aliceanna Beyer George, lab. 20 s Wolfe Beyer George, carter, 407 Aliceanna Beyer Henry, painter, 48 James la <1 o I— I Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mntiml Life Insurance Co. of New York. •5-^'s BEY 58 Bia •r. ■'-' > oo -' :^> Hcvor John, brickmoiiUler, 48 Jnines la Bi\er Jotiii, ln'cr, f>6 s Fiua Boyer Josepli. upholsterer, 106 s Reixester Ueypr Louis, ciihinetnmker aud uiuKrtaker, 78 s Broad way Bever Louis, lali. G6 West Ik-v«T Mrs. Louisa, shoe findings, 196 Ilollins BcVm.T 11. B. (Smith & B.) 224 Druid Hill av Beynion John, clerk. First av nr Cliaton BiVmoii Wrn.copp rsnielier.Firsl av nrClinton _r; = zf Bezak Joseph, iati. 307 s Bolid -£ ^ J; Bzrck John L. salesman, 187 n Oregcin .S "^ -^ Heziiit Frani i« .S. fisherman, '1 Stockholm Bi'ziat Frank, titiisher, 2 Stockholm Bfziat Joseph II. tinner, 361 \v Lombard I'.eziat John M. ci>r.«rmaker, 3G1 w Lombard Bi-ziit W'ni. lab. "2 Stockholm Bialla Mu;ro, French millinery, 144 Lexin<;ton Bia'ila Moritz, real estate broker, 16 Law build- in^;, liw 1-14 Le-xinpton Bians .Martin, hatter, 1 10 .Mouljroinery Biiivs G>'0ri:e, 38 Conrtland Bilib Benily C. (Bibb & Co.) 256 Linden av Bibb Bently S. 256 Linden av BIBB i CO. (B. C. Bibb) stove warehouse, 39 and 41 Lit:iit Bibl) Frank, clerk, 32 s Sharp Bibb Mrs. RoS'-lle H. boardinjr, 32 s Sharp Bibb Wni. T. Iiricklayer, 32 s Sharp Bibb \Vm. K. bookkeeper, 32 s Sharp ^ -:r T Bibl)er Wni. F. brakenian, 358 Hanover fi ^ 'Z liiliellieiser Annie. lic|Uor.«, 67 Penna. ay C^^ —• Bibellieiser .Mrs, Hllen, cont'ecy. 147 Penna. av ^ ~_ C Bib'lheiser Francis, tinner, 147 Penna. nv rl p ^ Bible House, Wni. H. Cole, aj^l. 25 n Charles , — ^ s " ^^^^^ Alirani. shoemaker, 401 n Calhoun O "^£ •r. .t- z-^^ J5: X — ^ Bichler (Jiistaviis, maiiuf. fruit butter 34 Cross iiichman Geo. shoemaker, so Leadenhall Bichy Herman, tailor, 113 Le.xiiijrton Bicliy John, bakery, 117 William Bickel Adam, lab. 17 I'ort Bickel John, clerk, 102 w Favette Bickel Simon, upholsterer, 3 Trinity IJickermiin .lohn, lab. 30 Port BicUerstaff John, blacksmith, 55 Tvson Biddisun .limies A plasterer, 211 Orleans Biddison James L. plumber, 211 Orleans Biddisoii Kite, saleswoman, H5 Pi-nna. av Biddison Samu'd, hib. 1 26 JeHVrson Biddi^on Wm. paperlianper, 132 Ramsay Biiidlson Zaihariah, ba<;(.'aj:e master, 1 OK s Paca Bid le Baltus, cooper, Bevans ct Bidille Clarence W. clerk, 35 n Broadwa} Biddle Kdwin, clei k. 35 n Bro.idway Biddle F. R. moulder, 160 Ramsay Biddle Jonathan S. (Isaac A. .Sheppard & Co.) .'15 II Broadway Biddle Mru. M iry, nurse. 23 Henrietta § tf ~ Biddle Mrs. Mary, lish, 97 (Jraiibv 5 C J^ Biddle Wm.H. moulder, 151 L. Greene C -^^«> Biden Howard, huckster, '.81 .Saratoga Biden Joseph, printer, 34 Leinmon Biden Jiisepli, liuckster, 181 Sir(iio.:a Biden Wm. K. huck.'ster, 181 .S iratoi;a Bidlenian Kdward, lumber marker, 160 n I'.ond Bidleman John, plasterer, Star hotel Bidlingniyer Jidin, wheelwrij;ht, 323 e Madison Biedit.ftck John, shoemaki-r. 415 Ooss Biedeiibiuk Amlrew. lab. 240 s Durham Biedenkope Geo. wholes, and retail confec'r, 60 e Pratt ^> >, Biedler (Miarlcs K. salesman, 24 Hanover c c V ULI tc «J X ^ «-> ^ > V '7. cS 2 o X ri Biehl John, gatekeeper, Belair av e.xt Bielefel.l Herman II. cijrarmakiT, 187 Hanover Bielsteiu Henry, pianomkr. 3-16 (?ross Biemiller .Mrs. Annie, confect'r, 3 L. Paca Biemiller J. Henry, flour and feed, 282^ w Pratt dw 253 Biemiller John, teamster, 3 L. P.Tca Bien Adam, barkeeper, 10 McCIellan Bien Francis J. cifrarmC. 98 Camden, dw 9 New Bien Henry, merciiant t.Vilor, 3!)0 Penna av Bien John, tinner and stoves. 247 S Ann Bien John, restaurant, 492 Penna. a^ Bien John, butcher, 12 and 13 Fells Point mkt, dw iMcKlderry ( xt Bien's SaviniTS Buildinnj Association of Balti- more, 492 Penna. av Bienfleck Geo. cooper, 91 Granby Bier Chas. C. (A.K.Robins k Co.) 210 Conway Bier Christian, cabinetinkr. 312 Liftht Bier George H. office 8jSt. Paul dw 187 Biddle Bier Mrs.Jani' A. 187 w Biddle Bierbower Alhort, bo,xniaker, 1 17 Welcome a), dw 92 Barre Bierbower Austin, attorney, 53 St. Paul, dw 73 n Liberty Biei bower C. R. boxnikr. 117 Welcome al, dw 138 s Sharp Bierbower Lemuel, boxmiker, 1 17 Welcome al, dw 92. Barre Rierbauer Dr. Chas. 92 Barre Bierly Wm. brakenian, 5 Vincent al Biernian /\ug. bnxnikr, 256 Montgomery Biernian Capt. John, inaiiner, 182 s Bond BierniHiin Geo. engineer, 55 s Strieker Biermann Louis, beer, 58 En.sor Biermiski Geo. cabinetmkr, 31 n Fremont Biersniitli Henry, lab. 61 Bank Bies Christian, lab. 175 s Caroline Biescanter Fred. locl>sii)ith, 5 n P'remont Bieswaiigcr Wni. (}. butcher, 426 e Chase Biuelow Edmund D. ( E. D. B. k Co.) Linden av BIGELOW E. D. & CO. (Edmund D. Bigelow) commission merchants and ship brokers, 66 S Gay Biiiger John, 245 n Calvert Biggert Wm. driver. 253 Eastern av Riggius Catherine T. grocery, 83 Ensor Biggins Mary C. dressmkr, 83 Elisor Biggins Wm. H. shoemkr, 83 Ensor Biggins Wm. W. R. carpenter, 83 Ensor Biggs Frank S. clerk, 28 n Gilmor Biggs James M. 28 n Gilmor BIl'^is John A. butcher, 179 e Favette Biggs John T. plasterer, 272 e .Madison BiLTgs Jonathan, engineer, 55 Mcllenry Biggs Josfph, watcliman, 272 e .Madison Biggs Joseph J. cotton factor, 7 South, dw 28 n Gilmor Biggs Richard J. clerk. 28 n Gilmor Biggs Robt. cabinetinkr, 272 e Madison Biggs Samuel F, conductor, 535 w Lombard Biggs Thomas, veterinary surgeon, 47 n Paca Biggs Z.ichariah, fireman, 53 s Poiipielon Biizham .t Bradford, (M. M. Bigham, G. W^ Bradford,) com. merchants, flour, &C., n w cor Frai.klin and Eutavv Bigham .Mrs. Elizabeth L. 285 Madison av Bigham John, currier, 172 n High Bigham John L. clerk. 285 Madison av Bighui! Marshall M. (Bigham & Bradford,) 20 n I'lutaw 218 eg Z « Jo HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, 2 ^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, aen'l Agit. em 59 BIR Bigliam J. Phimer, cleric, 154 Bolton Biglej Dennis, hostler, Foster n] nr Dolphin BiFesWrn. jr. lah. 237 Henrietta Biles Wm. curp. North nr Denmearl Billebiiuch John, iab. 4'2T Cmton av Billinper Jas. clerk, 71 n Bond Billincrs Edwin E. clerk. 112 Burgnndj al Billings John, potter, 89 s Chester Billinprs John H. iiotter. 89 s Chester Biiliiifrslea Dr. M. B. 286 n Bond Billingslfj Chas. R. clerk, Howard house Blllintrsley Thos. A. clerk, n w cor Hollins and Gilmor Billington Gover, lab. 28 Laurel Billinirton J;is. P. huckster, 149 n Bond Billinglon John J. brooramnker, 28 Laurel Billington Wm. L. tinner, 77 n Broadway Billnian Geo. provisions, 1 s Popp'eton Bitlinan Michael J. shoemaker, 206 Mulberry Billman Mrs. Sarah J. dressuikr, 206 Mulberry Billnieyer Jacob, shoemkr, 100 w Townsend Billnieyer Joseph, shoe store, orer 27 German, dw 100 Townsend Bilhnire Geo. A. engineer, 21 Wilkens nv Billmire John E. brakenian. 25 a Gilmor Bilimire W. H. 0. janitor Mt. Vernon church, dw .'592 e Eai^er Billmver Mrs Catherine 240 n Caroline BillmyerC. E. & Co. (Charles E. Blilmyer, R. Marshall) costumers, 3 Low Billmver Chns. A. car driver, ,539 Lisrht Billmyer Chas. E. (C. E. B. & Co. ) 357 n Bond Billmver Rlla L. dressmkr, 205 Mulberry Billmver Mrs. Rmilv, dressmkr, 205 .Mulberry Billner Willibald. lab. 157 Madeira al Billopp Chas.F. (Hadaway k B.) 94 w Madison Billopp Christopher, civil engineer 184 ri Charles Billopp Robert C flasm.-in, 52 Walsh Billups .-Vlfred M. furrier, 13 s Strieker Billups Benjimin F. com. mnrchant, 21 Cheap- side, dw Mulberry nr Gilmor Billups John, mariner, 408 e Favette Billups John W. sailmkr. 252 Light Billups Joseph R. clerk, 25 Clarke Bilson Daniel, plasterer, 54 n Rutaw Billon John E. plasterer, 237 vv Favette Bilson Samuel, plasterer, 154 n Howard, dw 237 w Fayette Binau John M. shoemkr. 333 n Centnil av Binder ,)ohn F. machinist, 56 Briine Binder Frederick, tailor, 193 vv Pratt Binder Lewis liquors, 34 n Fremont Binder Lewis jr. cigarnikr, 34 n Fremont Binder Wm. F. shoemki, 89 s Spring Biiidewald .Auirust, shoemkr, 142 Harmony la Biudewald Charles, gilder, s Barilett al Bindewald Henry, lab. 13 Stockholm Bindew;ild John, glassblower. 13 Stockholm Binding Geo. grocery and liquors, 167 Hamburg Binding lieury, grocery, 265 s .Ana Biensiine F'ederick, lab. 35 Lewis Bines Eliza, grocer\ , n w cor R indall and Byrd Bines Frank, huckster, n w cor Randall and Byrd Bines John A. baggagemaster, 2f)9 Light ■ Bines John, distiller, 311 s Charles Bines Martin, hatter, 1 19 Monti;omery Bines Robert, bookkpr, 131 s Paca Bing deo. V. porter, 120 Burtnindy al Bing John H. salesman. 369 Hamburg; Bingel Frederick, barber, 870 w Baltimore GQ f^ Bingel Henry, tobacconist, 832 w Baltimore Bingel Jacob, restaur-'tnt, 202 n Broadway Binger John H. shoe fitter, 89 s Sprinir Bineham Benj. T. wofid and coal, Jlyrtle av and Chesniit al, dw 291 Franklin Bingham Mrs. E. J. notions, 853 w Baltimore Bingham John, fancy store, 853 w Baltimore Bingham Robert, stonecutter, 106 Cathedral Bingham Thonias, fireman, 56 n Washington Binirhani Wm. steamfitter, 124 s Charles Bingham Wm. clerk, 15 Warner Bink Henry, lab. 440 Canton av '~^ Binkey August, blacksmith, 51 O'Donnell ^ Binnix Louis D. machinist, 25 Clintf>n av " Binni.x Mrs. Martha, boardintr, 57 Chew tn Binswanger David, ( D. B. &• Co.) 319 Saratoga ^ Binswanger D. &Co. (D. Binswanger) printers, ,2 s e cor Howard and Fayette ^ Binswanger Emanuel, second-hand furniture, Tj 727 w Baltimore PP Binswanger Simon, bonkpr, 65 Pearl Binyon & Audoun, (W. W. Binyon, 0. Au- o donn,) build'-rs, 137 s Ann O Binyon Benj. F. builder, 1 1 n Strieker Binyon John Y. printer, 78 s Ann (^ Binyon Thos. W. U. S. storekeeper, 78 s Ann ^^ Binyon Thos. jr. carp. 130 Bank Bin von Win. H. H. carp. 130 Bank Binyon Wm W. (B. & .Audoun) 130 Bank Biiiz Geo. W. hackdriver, 475 Saratoga Biiiz John, baker. 475 Saratoga Binz John jr. tinner, 475 Saratoga Binz Wm. barber, 475 Saratoga Birall Conrad, junk, 74 n Ann Birch Chis. (C.'B. & Co.) Carrollton hotel Birch ('has. .§,■ Co. (Chas. Bii-ch) wholes and glassware, 27 s Calvert^ Birch Chas. junk and coal, 170 n Front, dw 19 East Birch Clinton S. (E. Rankle & Co.) Catous ville Buch Wm. R. clerk, Presstmari nr Carey Birckenhach Lawrence, shoemkr, 203 Druid ^ Hill av Ch Birckliead (^hris. C. watchman, 171 Conwav <^ Birckhead Rlizabelh, 231 St. Paul " '^ Birckhead Mrs. Elizabeth, 233 e Madison ^ Birckhead Henry J. claim agent, 77 Gr.anby ^ Birckheail James (Schumacher & B.) Hmvard co , Birckhead James, brakeman, 171 Conwav Bii-ckhead James jr. (B. k Reeves) 77 Park av ^ Birckhead Julia. 231 St. Paul "^ BIRCKHRAD LRNXUX, red estate agent and -^ collector. 33 St. P.iul. du York road ^ Bii-ckhead Nath'l B. coachpainter. 23.! e .Madison k. Birckhead P. .M. (P.. >l- Rpevesl77 Park av "^ BIIICKHE.AD & RREVES, (J. Birckliead, jr., '^ Chas. H. Reeves, P. .M. Birckhead) managers <^ branch office Ins. Co. of North America, 44 0-) Second ^ Bird Chas. brakeman, 247 s Paca r^) Bird Ch is. D. harupssmaker, 480 e Ciiase ^ Bird Mi-s. Rdgeworth. 40 .Mt. Vernon pl Bird Mrs. Elizabeth M. 225 w Biddle &i] Bird Ida. saleswoman, 160 (Jerman ^ Bird J.Edw'd(J.i:dw'dB cj- Co )243 Linden av (^3 BIRD J. RDWARD & CO. (J. Rdward Bird. <<; Peyton L. McCarty, Jos. A. Bird) dry goods, ^ 213 w Biltimore Bird Jos. A. (J. Edw'd B. & Co.) 82 Harlem av BIRDSTRPHKN L. & CO. (S. L. Bird) dry goods, 59 n Howard o o ihiua rH gq" m IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York, 60 BIX H W H Dh H CO H >H i<£< - Mrs. E. II. 93 .McCulloh Birelv Lewis A. iee, 247 w Loiuhurd Hirk CiiHS. iniik, 00 Diincm :il IJirkensiiuk Henry, tailor, 141 n Bond Biikett .Mrs. .Miirv, 42(i w (iDUiliurd Birkev Eilward II. cleik, 219 Dniid Hill av Biiki'v Thos. H. 219 Druid Hill av Birkey Tlioa. carpenter. Iii6 l)ivi.-.ion Birkliolz ('hits. A. salesman, 21 n Frederick Birkhoiz Mrs. [ioris.ninsic teacher, 1 "G .Miillterry Birkiii'iier Julius, bakery. 5.') n Fredeiick Birkniyer J F. furn. n""ds, 644 w Balliniore Birkiui-yer Win. confectionery, 55U w Pratt BirknerGeo. cooper, 78 Bank Birniiii;:hani Ainirew, carfi. 420 n Ivlen Birmin^'hani Andw jr. cannikr, 420 n Eden Birmin^haiu Jas. E. piasieier, I(J8 Warner Birniiniih.im John, 380 Saratoga Birtnin^iliaiu .Mary, grocery, 38ii S iratoija BirininjjhaMi .Michael, lah. 274 Batttfry av Biriiiinj;h;iin Michael, clerk, s e cor Baltimore and Charles Birmingham Thos. lab. 213 Leinmon Birmingham Win. enirineer, 315 Eivslern av Birmingham Wm. stonemason, 32 n Amitj Birmingham Win. 11. cmrier, 380 Saratoga Birmingham Win. T. tailor, 280 n Ann Birney Chas. stonecutier, 140 Druid Hill av Bisbee Samuel, news dealer, 7.S Camden Biriluvhisel Patrick, lab. 63 Granby Bischoff Chas. ciyarinaker, 169 Columbia Bischoir Chris, cablneiniaker, 2;-!9 s Charles Bi.-^choir Franz, slfoemkr, 33 s Wolfe Bischoir Fred pianoinaker, 239 s Charles Bi.-fcoe Geo. W. cleik, 330 w Lombard Biscoe James, com. merchant, over 149 w Pratt, dw 330 w Lombard Biscoe Theodore, clei k, 330 w Loiubard Biscoe Wm. .M. shipjoincr, 319 Kaslern av Biser Joseph, sho'inxkei, 114 s Dallas Bishop Caleb, lightning rods. 51 Elisor Bishop Chas. cigar|)acker, 45 n Gay Bi.^hop Chas. A. dep. U. S. marshal. Star hotel Bishop Chas. S. painicr, 214 n Broadway Bishoji David E 339 e Pratt Bi.-ihop David J. 51 Hartord av Bishop Elijah, conlecy, Lombard and Parkin Bishop Elijah (', buicher, 193 n Caroline Bishop Elizabeth, 214 e Piail Bishoj) Eugene, clerk. Hall Springs Bi.shoit Frank C. clerk, 193 n Caroline Bishop Geo. A. lab. 104 s Dm ham Bishop Geo. C milk, 93 n Curoline Bisho]) G-o. W. judge Urplians' Court, 47 s Wa.«hini.'ton Bi-hop (Jeo. W. provisions, Chew and Ann Bishop Geo. W. freight agent. 151 n Strieker Bi-ihop Henry, bird fmcier 49 e Baltimore Bishop James, cleik, 2.30 Penna av BislK.p John E. grocery, 22 e Lombard, d\v 19 s (.'hopiank Bishoj) John F. lab. 110 Leadenhall Bishop John II. lightning rods 239 n Central av Hi.shop John T. builder, 04 Clarke Biihop John T. jr. bookkeper. 64 Clarke Bishop L.R.com.iner.74 South. dw 14 n Gilnior Bishoj. L. conductor, 117 Camden Bisho]) .Mrs. Mary, 307 s Bond I5ishoi) Margaret C. 129 Division Bishop Patriciv, lab. 435 w Lombard Bisliofi Reverdy, clerk, 222 e Madison Bishop Rev. Robert, .Mt. Vernon Bishop Roiicrt F. bricklayer. 377 McHenry Bishop Sainl. A. gasHlter, 151 n Strieker Bishop S. E. clerk, 202 e Biddle Bishop Mrs. T F. dressmaker, 202 e Biddle Bishop Wm. clerk, 236 Penna av Bishop W. Graham, bookkeeper. 262 e Biddle Bishop Wm. tavern. Halls Springs, Harford rd Bishop Wm. shoes, 203 s Bond Bishop Wm. H. hair dresser, 75 St. Paul Bishop Win. H. rig^rer, 364 Canton av Bishop Win. II. jr. clerk, 75 St. Pml Bishop Win. II. canniaker, 37 n Wolfe IIislio|) Wm. J. oysters, 268 s Ch irles Bishop Wm. R. clerk, 222 e .Madison Bishop Wm. R. clerk, 388 e Chase Bishop Win. T. bacon, York rd nr (Cottage av Bishop Wiiifield S. clerk, 262 e Biddle Bissell Beiij. sec'y Monongaln-la Gas Coal Co. 56 E.xchanj;e pi, dw 25 Hollins Bissell Mrs. .Margaret, 25 Hollins Bisser George, carver, 100 Johnson Bisser Jacob, lab, 141 Battery av Bisser Jacob jr, glassblower, 141 Batterj' av Bisser John, glasscutler, 141 Batlnry av Bissel Jacob, buicher, 61 Watson Biss;-^t Thomas jr. stonecutter, Scott nr Pratt BISSING W. F., Watchmaker, 28G w Baltimoi'e, dw 169 German. Bisson Mrs. .Martha, grocery, 70 s Chester Bisson Will, mariner, 70 s Chester Bisson Wm. jr. engineer, 70 s Chester Bitruir Wolf, lab, 50 Essex Bittenbacher .\ndiew, lab, 240 s Durham Bitter Chiisti m, beer, 46 s Washington Bitter I), lithographer, over cor Calvert and Water, dw 38u \v Fayette Bitter Fred, stonecutter, 69 Forrest Bitter Frederick, birkpr, 9 w Pratt Bitter Ileiiry. p'aiiomkr, 218 Barre Bitter's Hotel, L. Bitter, propr, cor Pratt and Concord Bitter John G. lab. 203 Aisquith Bitter L. propr. Bitter's hotel, cor Pratt and Concord Bitters ('oraley, engineer, 41 Ilauiburg Bitters James W. engineer, 41 Hamburg Bittinger 1) ui. N. carp, 547 W^ Lombard Bittint.'er John D. shoe store. 7 Penna av Bittle llezekiah, furn. wagon, 23 Patterson av Bittner Adam, shoemkr, 258 Hanover Bittner Adam, baker, 140 e Pratt Bittner Edward, barber, 43 Elliott Bittner Fredk, 259 s Broaihvay Bittner Gcovlc, baker, 426 n Gay Bittner (ioitleib, shoefitler, 36 s Castle Bittn.r John, lab. 211s Wolfe Bittner John lab, 40 Lancaster Bittner Nicholas, tailor, 78j Luzerne Bittner Richard, lab, 44 Port Biltorf Chri.^lian, [lolisher, 209 Hanover Bittoif (ieorge C. cutter, 501 n Gay Biitorf Henry, tailor, 5 Sterrett Biizel .Adam, confec'y, 204 n Broadway Bi.xler .\dam, u'lassblower, 211 West Bi.\ler Daniel jr. bookkpr, 73 Courlland HENRY HO EN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and itliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. L argest .Liie ins. Uo. mtne yy oria, U. Jb . Ijresee, Ci-en. Agt . BIX 61 BLA Bixler Daniel, clerk, Gibbons hotel Bixler Louis A. tobacconist, 102 n Howard BIXLER W.^L H. H. siiip chanf'.ler, ste^uu ma- rine railway and ship yard, Hughes nr basin, dw 81 Strieker Bixler Win. T. clerk to coinmiss'rs for o[)ening streets, 53 n Gilmor Black Adam B. clerk, 383 Sarataga Black Andrew L. Belvidere Nursery, e Eager nr Constitution Black A. Campbell (B. & Son, ) 325 Madison av Black Bernard (Laradin & B.) 76 Gough Black Dr. Calvin, 6G8 w Fayette Black Elias, fireman, Strieker nr Patterson av Black Daniel, huckster, 167 William Black D. Henry, yeastmkr, 96 Aisquith Black Georfie, currier, 99 n Front Black James B. carp. 431 w Lombard Black James, marble yard, cor Cathedral and Biddle, dw 258 Myrtle av Black James F. messenger Adams Express Co. 99 n Fioiit Black James H. engineer, 164 Hudson Black John, florist, 22 e Eager Black John, harbormaster, 176 Bank Black John, lab, 75 Hampstead Black John, 325 Madison av Black John (B. & Krebs) 296 Lexington Black John R. ca:p, 18 .Marion. dw Frederick rd Black John S. teacher, Collington av nr Bank BLACK & KREBS, (J. Black, G. L. Krebs, Jacob E. Krebs) pork packers and provisons, 49 South and 53 n Caroline Black Kate, teacher, 317 e Pratt Black Mrs. Mary E. 317 e Pratt Black Mary E. teacher, 317 e Pratt Black .Mrs. Maiy, 118 s Castle Black Millard S. clerk, 374 Madison av Black Morris, peddler, 326 Aliceanna Black Mrs. N. E boys' clothing, 169 Preston Bhick River Fire Insurance Co. of VV'atertown, N.Y., 37 Postoffice av Black Samuel I. cooper, 203 s Sharp Black Samuel, engineer, 9 Federal Black Samuel, builder, 374 Madison a\ Black Mrs. S.J. 270 Mulberry Black & Son (J. and A. C. Black) hardware, 160 n Gay Black Wra. E. cooper, 74 s Chester Black Wm. K. (Donnelly & B.) 9 Pennaav Black Wm. scalenikr, 270 Mulberry Blackburn Cyrus (C. B. & Bro.) 244 n Eutaw Blackburn C. & Bro. (Cyiusand Edwin Black- burn) flour, grain and com merclits, ne cor Franklin and Eutaw Blackburn Edwin (C. B. & Bro.) 68 Bolton Blackburn Elizabeth P. teacher, 244 n Eutaw Blackburn Henry, miller, Frederick rd nr Gar- rison la Blackburn Samuel, lab, 386 s Charles Blackburn Sidney, teacher, 244 n Eutaw Blackburn Watson, clerk, 244 n Eutaw Blackeby Joseph, machinist, 9 Russell Blackford .Mrs. Caroline, 390 Eutaw pi BLACKFORD WILLIAM H. general insurance agent and manager Southern dept. X. Y. Life Ins. Co. 8 South, dw 390 Eutaw pi Blackhart Joseph, lab, 46 Thames Blackhead M. tinner and sheeiiroa worker, 515 Lexington Blackiston Albert C. police, 13? s Sharp Blackiston Annie, notions, 734 w Baltimore Blackiston John B. jr. monlder,684 w Lombard Blackiston John B. (B. & Son) 684 w Lombard Blackiston John H. clerk, 571 Franklin Blackiston c]- Son (John B. and Thomas J. Blackiston) cabinotmkrs and undertakers, 606 w Baltimore Blackiston Taylor, salesman, 734 w Baltimore Blackiston Tlios. J. (B.& Son) 684 w Lombard Blackiston Walter, clerk, 240 n Carey Blackiston Wm. C. lumber inspector, Concord nr Pratt, dw 138 s Sharp Blacklar Alex. C. 141 n Broadway Blacklar Charles R. salesman, 115 s Bond Biacklock Allen R. salesman, John nr Wilson Blacklock Nicholas F. com. mercht. over 116 Light-st whf, dw Anne Arundel co Blackman Mis. Marian, 331 n Ann Blacksheie E. A. stock broker, Fulton nr Fayette Blackstone John H.P.insp'r C.H.dw 860rchard Blackune John, lab. 37 Hull Blades Charles W. lab. 148 n Exeter Blades Mrs. Elizabeth, 148 n Exeter Blades John J. paperhanger, 148 n Exeter Blades John L. livery stables and night carts, 114 s Washington, dw Pratt and PatterS'iii Park av Blades John M. clerk, 30 s Eden Blades Thos. W. ins. agent, 26 s Eden Blades Wm. A. clerk, 416 n Carey Blades Wm. watchman, 3 Warren Blades Wm. P.(Wm P. B. & Co.) 416 n Carey Blades Wm. P. k t o.(Wm. P. Blades) general com. merchants, 6 Barre Blaesser Christian, lab. 237 s Wolfe Blaich John F. teacher, 113 n Caroline Blair Charles E. accountant, 381 Lexington Blair Helen M. teacher, 271 w Biddle Blair James A. (Joseph Harris tj Co.) general delivery clerk P. O. 188 Hanover Blair James G. machinist, 136 Mosher Blair John, tailor, 412 w Lombard Blair John, shoemaker, 370 e Fayette Blair Llewellyn P. gasfitter and plumber, 2 Pearl, dw 94 n Eutaw Blair Mohtague, freight agent, 95 e Eager Blake Albert C. (B. & Co.) 332 Park av Blake Benson, 96 n Carey Blake Benson (B.Blake & Co.)136n Republican BLAKE BENSON & CO. (B.Blake) com. mer- chants, flour, grain, &c. over 48 s Howard Blake Charles D. builder, 3«0 e Pratt Blake Charles, watchmaker and jeweler, 3 n Charles, dw Baltimore co Blake Charles W. salesman, 48 Conway BLAKE CHARLES W., Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, 3 North Charles, dw Baltimore County. Blake & Co. (Albert C. Blake, John Shannan) cigars and tobacco, n w cor Park av and Richmond Blake E. B. (B. & Smoot) 20 Whatcoat Blake Eugene, clerk, 200 McCulloh Blake Eugene, clerk, 171 w Loiubard Blake Francis T. jr.bricklayer,204 n Central av Blake Geo. grocery, 151 York Blake Geo. A. carp, and builder, 7 Jackson pi Blake Geo. R. clerk, 112 n Caroline Blake Henry, carp. 305 n Central av cn P o 7i o O d o Q O O a e? ^ OQ I— ( pq Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) ._ TZ so •:7 X! Mutual Life-insurance Co. of New York, ulaT f)2 BLO — _^ '^ ;l — ' Xi = ■- -7; a> -< c ZL ^ eS ~ a: O' c^ ^ ' ■"• 4/ :5 ^ V a* ^ 0 z^ ,—• CM u, i-H "■,-1 J5 X H MM ^ ^ ert — ^ 0 s X. i^ ^ s <^ ;*^ a — H •^^ 0 u -• >j .^^ ?■ Oi t< "^ ' w ~ p-^ •>. = tf. 3 i-. 1; ^ !r ^ s ? •- 2! -• — • ~ X 2 Blake Henry, painter, 143 e Enger lihikf 11.1117 S. clerk, lUU liarre IJliikf J.iiues, bookbinder, 107 e Biddle IJIiiki* James, puliee, 143 e Eager Blake James 1'. carp. 171 w Lombard Blake Joel N. injicli'sl and fouii.ler, cor Frank- lin and Niiilli, dw liol \v Baltimore Blake John A. porter, 2oO Walsh Blake John U. clerk, 171 w Lomiiard Blake John H. clerk, 171 \v Lombard Biake John L. clerk, 11)9 w Favette Blake John li. builder, I I'i n Caroline Blake John \V. enj;ineer fire dept. 143 e Eager Blake Lawrence, painter, li:7 e Eager Blake Mrs. .Margaret, 143 e Eager Blake .Martin, 3uo n Central av Blake .Mrs. Mary, 332 I'ark av Blake Saliie, dressmaker, 332 Park av Biuke Samuel F. carpenlei, (33 n Frtmont Bl ske & Smoot (E. B.Blake, A.K.Smoot) com. merchts. 102 s Charles Biakeslee Abram, cloth cutter, 35 n Greene B.akeney Albert A. cotton manut'r. Woodberry BIttkeuey Wm. painter, 4 n Frederick Blakeney Wm. stonecutter, Is Willow Blakeney Wm. H. coachpainter, John nr Eden Blakisione T. Wallis, attorney, 37 St. Paul, dw Od u Charles Blakistone \\'alter, clerk, 240 u Carey Blamberg Herman, cabinetmaker, 75 .Milliman Blanch Geo. W. cigarmaker, 199 e Lombard Biuncli Homer J. pressman, 199 e Lombard lilancii James C. potter, 84 n Bond Blanch James T. carp. 199 e Lombard Blanch .Mrs. tiusau, 221 n Eden Blanchard BenningtouG.bookkpr, 274 Myrtle av Blancliard D. 11. agent, 501 Fianklin BLA.NCHAUD E. WVATT, attorney, 57 St. Paul, dw n w cor Chase and Calvert Blanchard Harris C. architect B. & 0. R. R. 501 Franklin Blaii' hard Joseph, coach painter, 18.') Ensor Blanck A. C. reslauiant, 471 w Baltimore Bl.iiuk C. Henry, clerk, 471 w Baltimore BbinJ John H. grocery, 241 Hanover Bland John R. solicitor Powhatan S.B.line,65 n Charles Bluudtord k Co.(\Vm. H Blandford)com. mer- cliunls, 1 12 s Charles Blaudford Wm. 11. (B. & Co.) .357 Mulberry Blinev Charles E biicklayir, Townsend ext BL.\NKV FKA.NK .M. apoilRcary, cor Pratt and Gilmnr. dw 2(J s Fremont Blaney Geo. W . 8tonecut'r,259 Greenmount av Blaney Geo. W. clerk, cor Pratt and Gilmor Blaney Geo. W. clerk, 20 s Fremont Blaney Henry C. bricklayer, 177 n Fremont Blane_v James M. bricklayer, 103 Gieenmount av Blaney James W. bricklayer, 20 s Fremont Blane.\ John T., Townsend ext Blai ey John T. caip. IGl CJreenmount av Blaricy Karali, liuckstress, 2(56 Greenmount av B jint-y Will. H. bricklayer, 50 n Paca Blank Fredk. packer, 135 Battery av Blank Gi-o. mariner, 118 Duncan al Blank John, mariner, 118 Duncan al Blank Joseph, driver, 03 Hairi.son Blank Joseph, cigars, 53 n Eden Blankenburg Charles, shoemaker, 80 Mullikin Bank .Mrs. Ursula, grocery, 135 Battery av Blankenburg Jacob, cleik, 80 -Mullikin Blankenheime John stonenia'n, 417 Hamburg Blankenship Dan. D. engin'r, 3 Williamson al Blankfard Jacob, liueksler, 301 n Broadway Blankner Julius, cooper, 875 w Pratt Blanks .Mrs. Henry, stationer, 109 n Howard Blanks Henry, clerk, 109 n Howard Blanold .Mrs. Elizabeth, 232 e MadisonJ Blascki Christian, lab. 213 Aliceaiina Blass E. Ulto, clerk, 310 Aliceanna Blasser Jas. H. clerk, 206 .Mulberry Blat -Max, cigarmkr, 25 n Eden Blatchely (Jeo. coachinin, 55 Garden Blatchley Mrs. Harriet, VVaverley Blatclilcy Roberi E. carp. Waverley Blatchley Robert E. driver. York rd Biatteiiberger H. C. clerk. North aiid Centre Blaufuss Lewis, tailor, 207 Franklin Blaut Levi, slioeinaker, 152 Chesnut Blazak Tlios shoemaker, 7 s Caroline Blazek Thos. siovemkr, 7 Nelson ct Bleasdale Howard C. clerk, 203 Johnson Bleasdale John, engineer, 203 Johnson Bleclier John, blacksmith, 237 Lemmou Bledsoe Dr. A. T. 34 McCulloh Bledsoe Robt. conductor, 470 w Lombard Bleickcr Frank, iub. 44 Thames Blocker Joseph S. lab. 210 s Bethel Blei thorn William, blacksmith, Harford rd nr toll gate Blessing Andrew, bag cutler, 47 Albemarle Blessing Daniel, carp. 154 e Monument Blessing D. G. jr. carp. 154 e ilonument Blessing Henry, p.iinter, 370 Orleans Blessing James, carp. 241 n Gay Blessing John, loliacconist, 241 n Gay Blessing John F. tobacconist, 104 w Pratt, dw 323 n Caroline Blessing Luther N. fireman, 49 S Strieker Blessing Max A. clerk, 20 s Broadway Blessing Samuel, lab. 90 s Eden Bletzer Philip, slioemkr, 243 Canton av Bley Charle.>, slioemkr, 5 s Greene Blick Mrs. Elizabeth, Waverley Blick Thos. H. manager Baltimore Fruit ^But- ter Co. dw 2 11 Broadway Blieiiberger Adam, fitter, 29 Walnut al Bliger Julius, baker, 092 w Pratt Bliuh Patrick, lab. 483 w Lombard Blimline Abraham, huckster, 20 Bartlett Blimeliiie Bernard, (II. Soniieborn Jj" Co.) 195 Druid Hill av Blimeliiie Henry, cutler, 285 Franklin Blimline Joseph, I95 Druid Hill av Blinco Joseph, driver, 140 n Schroeder Binn (Jhas. A. clerk, 17 s Chester Blinsinger Geo. F. architect and builder, 143 Druid Hill av Bliskey Lewis, lab. 123 Elliott Bliss IJor.ice, Cariolllon hotel Bliich John, driver, rear 85 n Bond Blizz.ird C. H. underlaker, s e cor Etting and Laiivale, dw 60 Ktting Blizzard Elizalieth, 28 Ftting Blizzard Geo. W. engineer, 98 Jackson sq av Blizzaid Joel, driver, Gilmor nr Presstman Blizzard John R. engineer, 100 Battery av Blizzard Maggie, 28 Ktting- Blizzard Wm. 11. machinist, 66 Etting Blocbawiak Josei)h, lab. 77 Thames Blocher W. L. clerk, 679 w Fayette Block Andreas, grocery, 326 e Lombard Block .Mrs. Barbara. 118 6 Eden Block Chas. wagoner, 504 n Fremont HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BLO 63 BLU Block Ernest, engineer, 510 Light Block Mrs. Elizabeth, 64 .McCulloh Block John, stevedore, 6 n Ann Block John, 3!) Mt. Vernon pi Block John H. bricklayer, 66 s Poppleton Block Louis, peddler, 94 n Ann Block Mary, 99 Orleans Block Mver, ckrk, 1 18 s Eden Block Sarah, 99 Orleans Block Solomon S. clerk, 509 w Baltimore Blodzman Peter, lab. 10 Dover Bloecher J. blacksmith, 237 Lemmon al Bloemer Louis, lab. 198 s Regester Bloemer Martin, lab. 198 s Regester Bloemer Michael, lab. 198 s Regester Biogg Rev. E. N. S. salesman, 184 Walsh Blogg Wesley, clerk, 184 Walsh Blome Anton, helper, 79 Somerset Blome Mrs. Christian, confect'ry, 44 Lancaster Blome Frederick, bricklayer, 44 Lancaster BLOME GEO. wholes, and retail confectionery, 445 w Baltimore Blomeier Chris, biks'h. 240 s Caroline, dw 178 Blondell Mrs. Elizabeth, seamst's, 111 Hamburg Blondell Lewis, garbage, 174 East Blondell M:)lachi, carp. 124 .Mosher Blondell Muluchi. clerk, 1 Sterrett Blondell Wm. T. driver, 182 Druid Hill av Blondheim Charles. 105 n Howard Blondheim Heart, clothing, 105 n Howard Blondheim J. clerk, 105 n Howard Blondheim .Mich'l, cloth'g, 93 n Howard dw 105 Blondheim Mrs. Sarah, shoes, 78 Frederick av Blondheim Solomon, clothing, 177 and 177^ Franklin and s w cor Baltimore and Pi>ca, dw 105 n Howard Blondheim Simon, clerk, 105 n Howard BioodL'Ood Mrs. James I. Denmead nr Mary- land av Bloodsworth Capt. Jacob, mariner, 81 s High Bloom John E. sexton, Hudson and Clinton Bloom Mary M. 720 Penna. uv Bloomer Philips, watchman, 62 n Holliday Bloomer Wm. E. & Co. (Wra. E. Bloomer,) street car advertisers, 5 Postoffice av Bloomer Wm. E.(W.E.B.& Co.) 157n Caroline Bloss Geo. bricklayer, 356 Hanover BIoss Joseph, cabinetmaker, 227 Peirce Bloss Mrs. Lena, 686 Light Bloss Otto, clerk, 192 s Washington Blotkamp Wm. hacks, 260 e Lombard Blotkamp Wra. J. harnessmkr, 60 e Lombard Blowors Benj. lab. Woobberry Blo.xham Juha (B & Son) 157 n High Bloxham John cj- Son, hardware and stoves, 56 Harrison Bloxham Jghn, 157 n High Bloxham John L. (B. & Son) 123 n High Bloxham Richard J. telegraphist, 134 n High Blucher David, police, 239 Columbia Blucher Thos. overseer, Clipper mills Blufiford Wm. H., Cathedral nr Townsend Blum A. lab. 203 Light Blum Mrs. Amelia, fancy goods, 102 Low Blum Anton, stovemounter, 69 Somerset Blum Benj. cigarmaker, 65 n Washington Blum Christian, lab. 114 Leadenhall Blum Christian, glassblower, 140 Leadenhall Blum G. 76 Columbia Blum Hartwig F. barber, 397 Gay Blum Henry, barber, 161 German Blum H'y, dry goods and notions, 263 Hanover B um Isaac, sec. hand dealer, 193 e Lombard Blum Isaac, sec. hand clothier, 234 s Caroline Blum Jacob, cigar luannf. 193 e Lombard Blum Jacob, lab. 66 Iceland al Blum John, driver, 96 s Castle Blum John A. cigarmaker. 456 Light Blum John G. tailor, 147 n Bethel Blum Joseph, engineer, 98 s Castle Blum Joseph, glazier, 153 u Eden Blum .\I. M. tobacconist, 88 Park av Blum Philip, (B. & Thiem) 45 s Caroline Blum Solomon, 401 Lexington Blum & Thiem, (P. Blum, J. Thiem) jewelry cases and fancy boxes, s e cor Baltimore and Holliday Blum Wm. jeweler, 538 w Baltimore Blum Wm. laborer, 208 s Bethel Blumauer Louis, bgots and shoes, 270 s Charles Blume Albert, beer, 117 Bank Blume F. painter, 354 n Durham Blume Henry, cabinetmaker, Low and Forest Blume Henry, barber, Penn. and German Blume Herman, gilder, 274 n Gay Blumenberg Julius J. 158 w Fayette Blumeiiberg Louis, musician, 158 w Fayette Blumenberg Marc A. musician, 158 w Fayette Blumenaur Charles, tailor, 3."i5 n Ann Blumenburg Alfred, clerk, 37 n Exeter Blumenburg L. agent North Anierican Mutual Life Ins Co. of Philadelphia, 74 w Baltimore, dw 37 n Exeter Blumenrather John, tailor, 263 Preston Blumenthal Abraham, clothing, 184 Light st whf and 271 s Charles BLUMENTHAL & CO. (Geo. Blumenthal) propr's and publishers Baltimore Wecker, 88^ w Baltimore Blumenthal Edward, clerk, Hollins and Repub- lican Blumenthal Geo. (Blumenthal & Co.) St. Clair hotel Blumenthal Isasc, tobacconist, 48 Lee Blumenthal Lewis, (M. B. ^ Bro.) cor Hollins and Republican Blumenthal xM. & Bro. (M. & L. Blumenthal) dry goods, cor Hollins and Republican Blumenthal Max, (M. B. & Bro.) cor Hollins and Republican Blumenthal Simon, clerk, cor Hollins and Re- publican Blumfield Charles, stoves, 81 McHenry Blumer Margaret, beer, 338 s Bond Blumer Samuel, printer, 338 s Bond Bhimiine Andrew, sr. lab. 14 Dawson al Blumline Andrew, jr. lab. 14 Dawson al Blundell Dennis, gas fitter, 41 s Calhoun Blundell Geo. coach painter, 195 Forrest Blundell John, lab. rear 13 Ensor Blundell -John M. coachmaker, 124 Mosher Blundell Joseph E. 195 Forrest Blundell Malachi, tailor, 195 Forrest Blundell .\lalachi, clerk, 1 Sterrett Blundell Michael, laborer, 1 Sterrett Blundell Wm. H. 195 Forrest Blundell Wm. W. driver, 184 Druid Hill av Blundon R. M. (J. A. Edmondson & Son) Ed- mondson av nr Republican Blunt Benj. ( Wm. J. B. & Bro.) 116 w Biddle Blunt Charles H. lab. 156 Lee Blunt Geo. W. printer, 75 Pearl Blunt Nelson, laborer, 7 Walker Blunt Stephen, shoemaker, 65 s Republican 02 O pq o O d o =^ p o o f^ o I — I EH 1—1 > ft I— I 0-/5 o o Blunt \Vm. J. & Hio.{\Vm. J. undBenj. Blunt) Hour luiil tcfd, lUi w Biddle Blunt Win. J. (Win. J.B. k Hro.) 1 16 w Biddle Blvlli Koliort, clerk. 58 n Liberty Bo.il Gt'()r^'e 0. clerk, 319 Madison av BOARD OK PUBLH; .SCHOOL COMMIS tiloNKIt.S, Brooks Building', 53 St. Paul BOAIll) Ol' TIIADK. ofHce New Exchange Buildiniis, J. Hall Pleasants, Pres't, George D. Porter, secrelarv BOAKD OF IlKALTH, oflice 28 n Holliday Boardniau F. K. niadiinist, 719 w Baltimore Boas Win. shoemaker, 1»<8 Dover Boatman's Fire and Marine lus. Co. ofPittsburg, Pa. :^7 PoslolHce av Boatman's Transportation Line, R. S. Garrett, agl. 20^ Second Bol)l) L'lwreucc, restaurant n e cor Canton av and Caroline Bobee Joseph, machinist, 264 Lee Bill ert Carroll, 33 Stiles Bob.rt (Miarles, clerk, 33 Stiles Bciliert Mrs. Charlotte, 33 Stiles BOBKRT THOMAS, restaurant, 241 Eastern av Boheth Charles, 429 w Fayette Bolirlh Louis K, piano maker, 445 Hamburg Boblitz Charles, piiinter, 87 Jackson sq av Bobliiz W. 11 87 Jackson sq av Boek Kliziibeth, lob.icconisi, 319 Harford av Bock Mrs. Klizabetli, 267 Aliceanna Bock Elizabeth, laund. 257 Aisquith Bock tiforjie, shoemaker, 36 Hampstead Bock Geor^ie, lab. 387 s Eutaw Bock Hoimiin, 319 Harford a v Bock Jacob, polisher, 136 Barre Bock Julius, painter, 322 e Monument Bock William, ;;hissblower, 389 s Eutaw Bockelm:iii Amelia, drsssmkr, 140i^ s Spring Bockelniaii Chris, machinist, I40j Spring Bockelman Conrad, tailor, 125 Harre Bi)ckelmaii Deitrich, shoemkr, 158 s Fremont Bockelman Ueltrich,jr. brickl'r, 158 s Fremont Bockelraan Wm. upholsterer, 11 Painter ct Bockhijre Au^rustU3, cows, O'Doniu-l nr Clinton Bocklaj;e Elizabeth, O'Donnel ur Clinton Bockleman Louisa, seamstress 46 Henrietta Buikmilbr Wm. tanner, 98 Chew Bockmiiler Wm. P. (Barlol & B.) 196 n Cen- tral av Bodan Capt. Wm. mariner, 455 e Fayette Kude August, cabinetmaker, 81 n Carey Bode A. cabinetmaker. Gibbon's hotel Bode Charles, sr. tailor, 216 n Caroline {{ode Charles, jr. milk, 216 n Caroline Bode Dietrich, shoemaker, 1 2 Emory Bode Kni-.nuel, carver, 30 Myrtle av B(jde John, drayman, 44 Rid'iely BoiK- JosL-ph, tanner, 330 e Monument BoDE S. W. apothecary, n w cor Light and Mont^^omery Bode Wm. milk, 216 n Caroline Bodein Charles, foreman, 302 n Bond Bodeker (Charles, butcher, Cross-st market, dw 196 (.'ross Boileu Mari^. J. dressmkr, 299 e Monument Boden Wm. H. confect'r, 299 e Monument Bodiuart Henry, baker, 295 n Dallas Bodenburg Chas. capmaker, 3H4 s Charles Bodenmiller Henry, lab. 88 s Bethel Bodonhatz John, tavern, cor Addison al and .Mcllenry Bodensick Uavid A. printer, 391 Franklin Bodensick Charles F. (Bodensick Bros.) 407 Franklin Bodensick Bros. (Chas. F. and Wra. P. Bo- densick) bookbinders, over 160 w Baltimore Bodensick George, miller, Millington road rear Frederick av Bodensick .Mrs. Sarah A. 407 Franklin Bodensick Wm. I. (Bodensick Bros.) 173 u Fremont Bodenstein Henry, grocery, 256 Montgomery Bodge Henry, candymkr, 78 Leadenhall Bodkoff Jacob, cooper, 294 s Paca Bodine Fred, tailor, 451 Canton Bod man .Mrs. V. 362 n Strieker Body Augustus, uphojsterer, Gibbons hotel Bocckel Chas. F. shoeuikr, 53 Frederick av Boecker August, tailor, 405 Light Boecker Mrs. Chiistiiia, notions, 405 Light Boeckner Chas. beer, 485. w Baltimore Bueckner Jacob, tinner, 105 s Regester Boeckner John, lab. 105 s Regester Boedeker Mrs. Agnes, grocery, 226 s Eutaw Boi'deker Frank, lab. 226 e Chase Boegel Fred, clerk, 150 s Wolfe Boegel John V. blacksmith, 150 s Wolfe Boeliler Chas. lab. 253 Cmton av Boehlem John, briltania ware warehouse, 254 n (Jay Boehl Geo. cigarmkr, 145 Camden Boehm -Anton, barber, 253 Bank Boeliin August, tailor, 126 s Dallas Hoehm Mro. Catherine, 242 w Fayette BOEIIM CHAS. T. cashier National Exchange Bank, 113 McCulloh Boehm Constaniine, beer, 7 n Bethel Boehm Herman, clerk. 353 Hollins Boehm John, lab. 17 Cannon Boehm John C. shoemkr, 169 Ensor Boeliin Louisa, butcher, 42 Belair, and 101 Cen- tre mkts, dw Ilarfoidav opp Darley park Boehm Margarctta, confec'y, 346 Eastern av Boehm Sainl. II. carriagemkr, 19 Clinton av Boehm Wolfgang, tailor, 212 e Eager Boehme Aug. C. F. sr. grocer, 128 Hanover, dw 130 Boehme Wm. machinist, 95 n Gay Boehmer Henry, grocer, corWarner and Wayne Boehnlein John, cooper, 80 Durst al Boehnlein John, lab. 309 Eastern av Boehnlein Joseph, lab. 309 Eastern av Boehn John, blacksmith, 212 Eastern av Boehringer Fred, driver, 8 Brannan ct Boehringer Louise, seamstress, 8 Brannan ct Boerniiig Henry, cigarmkr, 827 w Pratt BOERICKE FRANCIS E. homeopathic drug- gist, 19 n Eutaw, dw Philadelphia Boerner Geo. C. cabiuetmkr, 39 n Amity Boerncr Herman C. eigarmkr, 51 s Central av Hoesclie DiiMlrich, grocery. 167 West Boesche Henry, blacksmith, 362 Hanover Boeschee Dr. Herman L. patent medicines, Clinton and First avs Boesenberg Henry, tailor, 123 Stirling Boesser Mrs. (.'atherine, prov. 267 .Mulberry Boesser Geo. C. tinner, 64 n Eden Boetie Theodore, shoemkr, Pratt nr Monroe Boettger Conrad, finisher, 328 Hamburg Boettigheiiner Josiah, tobacconist, s e cor Liberty and German, dw 135 German Boettigheimer Sainl. 135 German Moetiinger Geo. watchmkr, 209 n Central av Boettinger Peter, shoemkr, 209 n Central av HEARY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St, BOE 65 BOL Boettinger Wm. cigiirmkr, 2-19 e Monument Boettner Chas. liquors, Druid Hill av and Biddle Bojransky Edward, shoemkr, 148 Cauiden Boger Henry, baskctnikr, 118 Low Bofigess F. M. clerk, Howard house Boggess Win. clerk, ill Greeuinount av Boggs A. G. salesman, 56 e Baltimore Boggs A. A. (S. S. B. & Son,) Baltimore co Boggs A L. jr. & Co. (A. L. Boggs Jr., wholes and retail grain, flour and mill feed) 147 n Howard Boggs A. L. jr. (A.L.B. &Co.) 175 w Hoffman Boggs F. Hy. (Brown, B., & Co.) 135 Bolton Boggs Mrs. Harmanus, 35 Cathedra! Boggs Robt. J B. (C H.) 208 Uruid Hill av Boggs S. S. (S.S.B.&Son,) Baltimore co BOGGS S. S. & SON, Packers of Canned Fx'uits, Vegetables, &c., and Commission Merchants, n w cor Fremont and Ramsay streets, near Columbia st., office 107 w Lombard. Boggs S. S. & Son, (S. S. 4- A. A. Boggs,) vegetable and fruit packers, u w cor Fre- mont and Ramsay and 107 w Lombard Boggs Wm. ( Kilpatrick&B.) 291 Druid Hill av Boggs Will 79 Bolton Bogianskv Fred, tailor, 50 Portland BOGUE HEiN'RY k SOX, (Henry and Robt. H. Bogue, ) \\oolens and tailoi's' trim'gs, over 226 w Baltimore Bogue Henry, (H. Bogue &Son,) 71 Cathedral Bogue Jas. gr(x-ery and liquors, 11 Mercer Bogue Mrs. John, G'97 w Lombard Bogue Jdliu, enjiineer, 7 u Bond Bogue Joseph F. cleik, 697 w Fayette Bogue Robert H. (H. B. & Son,) Eutaw house Boyue Vincent T. salesman, 699 w Fayette Bohager 8aml. F. junk, 14 Bank, dw 12 Bogy Anna E. grocery, 567 Harford av Bohan Bridget, 42 Cider al Bohan Ellen, grocery, 34 Rock Bohan Jas. gardener, 34 Rock Bohanan Leroy, bricklaver, 100 Barre Bohanau .Mrs. .Martha, siamst'ss, 42 LMcElderry Bohaiiun Walter, bricklayer, 100 Barre Bohem Suiil. coachmkr, 19 Clinton av Bobe Fred, furniture, 425 Cross Bohe Geo. cigarmkr, 145 Camden * Bohl August, cigarmkr, 405 Canton av Bohl John, lab. 405 Canton av Bohl Josejih. Inb. Bethel nr Aliceanna Bohland Philip, painter, 14 Jasper Bohle Henry, coachtrimmer, 92 e Pratt Bohlken Cornelius, canmkr, 46 Fawn Bohlman Aiiuee, cigarmkr, 421 Light Bohlmau ( lements, lab 311 Hamljurg Bohlman Chas. driver, Castle e.xt Bohlman Maigt grocery, 311 Hamburg Bohm Dr. A. 131 Hano'ver Bohn Anton, restaurant, 18 n Howard Bohn August, turner, 318 n Central av Bohn Fred, porter, 58 s Wolfe Bohn Fred, cigarmkr, 5 Essex Bohn Henry, shoemkr, 20 Myrtle av Bohn Ij. turning and saw mill, 5 Swan, dw Baltimore co Bohn Mis. Jacob, 41 McCulloh Bohn Michael, turner, Baltimore co Bohn M chael, turner, O'Donnell and Second av ^ Bohn Mina, 5 Esse.x S Bohii Solomon W. clerk, Pennsylvania house -^ B(jhn Will, turner, 61 s Hiizh HH Bohne Ferd. calniietrnki , 125 Vine oW Bohne Ferd cigarpacker, 171 German Boline Henry, tailor. 21 Barre ^ Bohnenberg Eliza, variety store, 46 Patterson *-* Park av S Bohnenberg Fred. lab. 46 Patterson Park av '-*-' Bohner John, shoemkr, 4H Rue 3: Bohnei- Nicholas, tailor, 39 Cambridge PQ B(dinert .Michael, shoemkr, 23 St. James Bohnlofiiik Chas. shoemlcr, 194 e Lombard q Bohnlotink John sr. shoemkr, 194 e Lombard ^ Bohnlofiiik John jr. shoemkr, 194 e Lombard Bohrer Christian, cooper, 190 s Bond ^ Bohrer Dr. Frank, Dolphin and Druid Hill av q Bohrer Wm. 0. clerk, Doijihin and Druid Hill av o Bohring Louis, beer, 55 Washington av Bohs John, blacksmith, 174 Preston Boice Geo. .M. miller. 240 Hollins Boice Fanny, dressmkr, 240 Hollins Boice Lorenzo D. shoemkr, 240 Hollins Boinning Henry, cigarmkr, 827 w Pratt iJ Bokan Patrick, lab. 124 Stirling y^ Bokee Geo. M. & Bro. (G. M. and M. H. Bokee) \>- china, glass, queensware, 41 n Howard Bokee Geo. M. (G. M. B. & Bro.) 277 Lexington CD Bokee Howard, oil and lamps, 14 n Howard, LJ dw Howard house ^ Bokee Morris H. (G.M.B.&Bio.) 516 w Fayette <] Bokee Wm. F. (Wm. F. B. & Co ) 93 n Front a^ Bokee Wm. F. & Co. (Wm. F. BokeeJ china ^ merchants, 1 and 3 Harrison qJ Bokel Albert D. elk, York rd nr One Mile house [^ Bokel Augustus A. clerk, York rd ^ Bokel John G. grocery, 275 e Eager "^ Bokel Josefih A. clerk, 283 e Eager ^f_ Bokel Joseph H. grocery, Woodberry ^ Bokil Theodore A. grocery and feed, York rd ^ Bokenauer Jacob, butcher, Penna.avnr North av p_, Boker Bernard H. carpet and furniture dealer, _^ o. p4 H < CQ 48 Penna. av Bokern Frederick, cabinetmaker, 36 Thames ^. Boknian Aug. shoemkr, rear 670 w Baltimore Ph Bolack Mrs. Catharine, seamstress, 24 Sarah Ann ,__, Bolack Catharine, grocery, 487 Canton av Bolack Frederick, lab. 24 Sarah Ann Bolack Joseph, lab. Bethel nr Aliceanna Bolack Peter, cooper, 437 Canton av Bolack Peter jr. cooper, 437 Canton av Bolack Wm. lab. 437 Canton av Boland August, gardener, 70 Ensor Boland August, finisher, 137 Battery av Boland John W. asst. engineer People's Gns f^ works, 70 Parkin EH Boland Lawrence, clerk, 265 Forrest ,^ o z> -^ '^^ . *- 7 ■X. S- Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BON BOL 66 u-;^ Boldwin Mrs. Annie, dressrakr, 1'22 Ensor Holiiwiii Win. lati. 122 Ensor Baleii Eiiwiud, liil'. 20 llillen Hulen Thuiii.s, hoilernikr, 3,") Woodyear Boli-nius Adolphus \V. inspeclor C. H., 256 n Howard |{..Uiiius Mrs. Ernmn, 14 Rttinp Bolenius Hrn. si W. (G.H.B.&Co.) 103 s Paca B.ili-nius Fn-dk II. carp. 14 Euiiig BOLENIUS GEORGE II. (G, H. B. & Co.) Ilunlinpdou iiv nr Charles ■ — '^- . ~ III ''' ^ c" ■J. c ^ ? £ S .:i a: J:- P !^ .- ~ — x ^ ^ ^ • « X i BOLENIUS G. H. & CO. (E. W. Bolenius. dealers in Leaf Tobacco and Cigars, n w cor Charles and Pratt. Bolenius Mrs. L. R. upliolstert-r, 14 Etting Bolgiiino Gilbert C. agent B»ilto. lock works, 15 .Mercer, dw 41 Clarke Bolgiiiiio Joscpli A. (B. & Son,) York rd nr Waverley Bol.niuno John (B.&Son,) McMechin and Madi- son av Bui^iiido John C. carp, and builder, Gravel al and .Mulberry, dw 98 Chew BoIgianoJ. S( Soii(J.and J. A. Bolgiano)seeds, bulbs, .tc. 28 s Calvert Boll J;icob H. shocnikr, 40 Ensor BOLLES JESSE N. Artesian Well Borer, office at Denmead & Son's. Boiler Henry, musician, 319 Mulbnrry Boiler Win. saloon, 039 w Baltimore Bollind Calheriiie, 395 Aliceanna Boiling Win. N. engineer road dep't, B.^'O.R.R. 144 n Ongoii Bollinger Chester, conductor, 201 Forrest Bollinger Christian, boilcrmkr, 40 Lancaster Bollinger John, sawyer, 40 Lancaster Bollinger Joseph, piaiiomkr. 10 Washington av Bollinger Siuinel. porter, 11 Portugal al Bollman August F. clerk, 197 e Fayette Bollinan August, brewer. Lancaster andThird av BOLLMAN a: CARL(Fredk. M. Bollman, E. E. Karl (importers wine and vinegar, 63 s Gay Bollinan Chas. A. machinist, 166 s Fremont Bollman Chas. II. clerk, 217 Conway Bollman Ernst, drayman, 217 Conway Bollman Fredk. M."(B.^5-CHrl )208 ii Republican Bollu'an Henry, clerk, 61 Park av Bcdlnnin Henry, clerk, 197 e Fayette Bollmnn llfrman F. dravman, 197 e Fayette Bollman Jacob .M. machinist, 431 n Carey Bollnuin Jiimes 11. finisher, 118 Burgundy al Bollman John W . civil and constructing cn- gimer, Clinton s of Boston, dw 343 e Pratt Bollnuin Mrs. .Margaret, 77 n Liberty BOLLMAN WKNDEL, civil and constructing engiiit-er, Palap.sco Works, Clinton 8 of Bos- ton, office 8 8 Gay, dw 1 12 Penna av Bolsl Frederick, [lolice, 1 Hull la Bolat Fndeiick, lab. 34 Orleans Bt)lsler Columbus G. varnisln-r, 167 Aisquith Bolster (ieorge T. printer, 167 Aisquith Bolster John, clerk, 167 Aisquith Bolster Michael, lab. 24 Fell I'.ol.'iier Thos. E. clothing cutter, 167 Aisquith Bolster Wni. lab. 232('antou av I'.olte Chri?lian. wheelwright, 9 Leadenhall Bolte Henry, 52 8 Eutaw Bolte Simon (Alberti, Prior & Co.) 443 w Bal- timore Bolte Simon, china and glassware, 443 w Bal- timore Boltey Augustus, furn. wagon, 7 s Republican BOLTON BROTHERS {J. T., Wm. H. and I). K. Boltoii)glass, oils, paints, 82 and 84 w Pratt Bolton Charles W. clerk, 1 Jackson Bolton Uanu-1 K. vB. Bros) Harford co Bolton Edward 1. lab. 190 e Monumeut Bolton George M. 256 n Eden Bolton Henry W. book agent, 471 w Fayette BOLTON HUGH & CO. (Gleudy Stuart, H. W. Bolton, W. B. Bollun) glass, oils and paints, 81 and 83 .Mcl'^lderry 's whf Bolton Hui;h Mrs. 151 iJolphiu Bolton Hugh W. (Hugh B.&; Co.) 151 Dolphin Bolton James K. clerk, 114 s Bond Bolton James S. clerk, 1 Jackson Bollou James T. (Bolton Bros.) 1 Jackson Bollun Dr. John II. drug store. Bond and Gay Bolton John S.glassbluwer,Leadeuliall nr Cross Wolton Wm. B. (H. B. Jli Co.) 64 u Front Bollou Wm. H (Bolton Bros.)126 u Broadway Boltser .Maihi.is, lab 77 Thames Bultz John, cooper, 10 s Durham Bombiich Andrew, tailor, 68 n Eden BOMBAUGH Dr. CHAS. C. editor Baltimore Underwriter, 3 Posluffice av, dw 452 Madi- son av Boraljerger Geo. shoemkr, 4 Prospect la Bomberger John, lab. 25 ShaUspear Bomberger John H. shoemkr, 269 Lighl,dw 710 w Baltimore Bomberger John W. shoi-fitter, 710 w Baltimore Bomberger Mrs. Mary, dairy, 259 Light Boiubon August, chief cook, Barnum's hotel Bomhard Jacob, lab. 8 Bradford al Bomholf Edward, mariner, Ostend nr William Bomm John, bartender, 56 Leadenhall Boiumer Adam, carp. 442 Canton av Bominer Fredk. tinner, 442 C.uiton av Bommer Valentine, blacksmith, Waverley Bona Louis C. bookkeeper, 175 s Ciiarles Bonacker, Philip, shoemkr, Slerrett nr Ridgely Bouaker John G. butcher, 54 n Spring Bonaparte Charles J. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw 85 Park av Bonaparte Madame, 33 Lexington Bonaparte .Mrs. Susan M. 85 P;a'k av Bonavita L. A. bookkeeper, Mt Washington BOND. ALEX. & C0.( A.Bond.JohnC.Braden) produce and oysters, 5 HoUingsworth Bond Ale.\ander (A B. & Co.) 350 Aisquith Bond Ale.\. clerk, 69 Granby Bond Alex. J. carp. 177 Druid Hill av Boud Alfred W. carp. 14 s Oregon Bond Mrs. Annie, 92 McCnlloh Bond Aquilla, puddler, 50 Rnc Bond Arthur W. salesman, 55 Lexington Boud Barnet, com. merchant, 150 w Pratt, dw 313 Aisquith Bond Benj F, conductor, 151 German Biiud Chas. printer, 45 Wolfe n of Madison Bond Chas. C. huckster, 352 e Fayette Bond Ch.is. H. bookkeeper, 404 e Eager Bond Cyrus, clerk, 9 s Gilmor Boud E. J. attorney, 19 Lexington, dw Lanvale nr Oregon Bond Edward, milk, 316 w HoEFman Bond Eugene 1). C. coal and wood, 46 n Wolfe, dw 33o e Baltimore HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. BON 67 BON Bond Fiiincis E. grocer, 3 Patterson av,dw 471 n Fremodl Bond Frank, salestuan, 92 McCulloli Bond G. Morris {li.& Tidy) 82 Read Bond Geo. collector, 9 s Gilnior Bond Geo. porter, 104 s Sharp Bond Harry L. 348 e Mdniinient BOND Hon. HUGH L., Jndge of U. S. Circuit Court, dw n e cor Bolton >uid Lanvale Bond James (Tlios. B.& Sonjsecor Broadway and Madison Bond James, fruit, produce and fisb,4 Holliugs- wortli, dw 348 e .Mouuuient Bond Jiunes 1*^. clerk, 313 Aisquith Bund James H. (J. \V. B. & Co.) 3S9 Eutaw pi BUND J. VV. & CO. (J. \V. and J.H.Bond) bouk- sellers, 90 w Baltimore Bond J. W. (J. W. B. & Co.) 229 e Baltimore Bond John, fish, G9 Granby Bond John, blacksmith, 10 Valley Bond John H. carp. 394 Franklin Bond John H. produce dealer, 313 Aisquith Bonn John L. caumaker, 99 Walsh Bond John O. machinist, 87 Fort av Bond Joseph, huckster, 352 e Fayette Bond Joseph J. huckster, 352 e Fayette Bond Joshua, lab. 21 n Durham Bond Joshua B. clerk, 471 n Fremont Bond Lewis B. caumaker, 96 n Caroline Bond Lewis L. salesman, 88 Hill Bond Lorenzo D. carp. 273 Walsh Bond Mrs. Mary, 7G Richmond Bond Mrs. Mary, 99 Walsh Bond Rebecca A., Md. Inst, for Blind, North av Bond Richard, stonemason, 9 s Gilmor Bond Richard B. shoemaker, 99 Walsh Bond yamuel, iron roller, 34 s Burke Bond Samuel W.carp. 59 Whatcoat Bond-st M.E. Church South, Bond nrHampstead BUND & TIDY, (G.Morris Boud,JohnB. Tidy, jr.) attorneys, 8^ St. Paul Bond Mrs. Theresa, 330 e Baltimore Boud Thomas, caulker, 2\ Luzerne Bond Thomas, lab. 123 Cross Bond Thomas, cigarmaker. 9 Dawson al Bund Thom.-^s G. restaurant, 76 w Pratt BUND THUS. J. restaurant, 310 n Gay, dw 13 Holland Bond Thos. J. coachsmith, n e cor Eutaw and Fayette Bond Thos (Thos. B. <^- Son) 99 n Bond BOND THOS. & SON, (T. and J.Bond )produce, n w cor Calvert and Pratt Bond Wallace, butcher, Penna. av est Bond Wallace, butcher, 313 Aisquith Boud Wm. turner, 61 s Hiy,h Bona Wm. clerk, 348 e Monument Bond Wm. pyrotecliuist,Phila.rd nrcity limits, office Durham ur Fayette, dw 330 e Baltimore Boud Wm. lab. 4 Wainer BOND WM. & CO.(W.Bond)com.and produce nieichts, n e cor Pratt and Huliingsworlh Boud Wm. (Wm. B. & Co.) 381 e Pratt Bond Wm. C. huckster, 356 e Fayette Bond Wm. S. B. clerk, 471 n Fremont BONDAY JAMES, Jr. wharfinger, Gibson's whf, dw 106 s Chester Bonday Jas. wharfinger, 173 Fell,dw 187 Gough Bondiiy James, (B. & Thurlow) 187 Gough Bonday John H. cigarmaker, 187 Gough 'Bonday & Thurlow,( J. Bonday, J. Thurlow) oak coopers. 111 Thames o3 Bonday Wm. W. clerk, 187 Gough Bone James, machinist, Sweet Air Bone John M. clerk, Sweet Air BoLie Wm. telegraphist, 9 Warren Bone Wm. jr. clerk, 9 Warren _-^ Bone Wm. II. draughtsman, Sweet Air '^ Bonhack Geo. drayman, Durham nr Eastern av -x; B(mhage Fredk. tailor, 61^ w Fayette,dw 252 e ^ Madison ^ Bonhage Henry W. (Emme & Co.) merchant ^ tailor, 17 South, dw 12 e Pratt O Bonliage Philip, merchant tailor, 68 n Gay ^ Bonheim David, tailor, 52 Druid Hill av '-iB Bonheim Herman, clerk, 150 s Eutaw '~^ Bonheim Martin, dyer, 150 s Eutaw pQ Boninger Mrs. Anna, huckstress, 3 Painter's ct Boninger Bros. (E. Boninger, R. Lehr) tobacco ^ com. and ship, raeiciits. ove.* 29 s Charles Q Boninger Edward, (Bros. B.) 29 s Charles B.ninger R.. C. (Mcllwaine & B.) 54 St. Paul " Bonn Anthony, walchniiui, 30 n Pine O Bonn .Anthony S. 282 n Strieker O Bonn D. W. & Co.(D. W. and R.Boun)manufs. ^ snutfs, 3 Perrj', and wholesale tobacconists, ^ 23 Light ^ Bonn Daniel W.(D. W.B.& Co.)107 McCulloh pj Bonn Mrs. Elizabeth, 155 Jefferson ^ Bonn Geo. A. coo|)er, 155 Jefferson ~-' Bonn Joseph, bookkeeper, 41 Mulberry [^ Bonn Joseph A. 231 n Republican Bonn Louis V. caumaker, 135 s Caroline r^j Bonn Mrs. Louisa, trimmings, 1 Essex Bonn Richard, (D. W. B. & Co.) 672 s Paca • Bonn Thos. lab. 83 n Gay ^ Bonn Wm. carp. 1 lissex |> Bonna Bernhard, 175 s Charles ^ Bonna Louis, clerk, 175 s Charles ^ Bonneke Henry, lab. 49 Brown PQ Bonner Capt. Elijah, mariner, 42 Spring row BUNNETT BROS. (J. A. and F. M. Bonnett) g hardware and cutlery, 159 Forrest H Bonnett Francis M. (B. Bros.) 307 e Biddle ^ Bonnett Isaac, peddler, 83 n Central av S Bonnett Jacob, shoemaker, 3o6 Canton av ^ Bouney Elias, laces, embroidery, fancy and qj millinery goods, 109 w Baltimore, dw 212 w JlT Hoffman t~^ Bonney James E. bookkeeper, Maltby house,dw ^ 18 Jacksun j~j Bonney John, varnisher, 110 n Central av |^ Bonney John P. billiards, 104 n Bond ^ Bonney M. li. fancy goods, s w cor Charles and i Lexington, dw 112 w Hoffman ^ Bonsai & Caldwell (T. Vincent Bonsai and Q John W. Caldwell) produce com. merchts. pq cor Pratt and McElderry's whf BONSAL & CO. (Stephen Bonsai, Robertson |_q Taylor) wholesale grocers, 63 Exchange pi ^ Bousal Edward. 36 Barre q Bonsai George, U. S. A. 187 Orleans r^ Bonsai John, carp. 524 Aisquith u-i Bousal Robert F. silversmith, 113 s Eden i^ Bonsai Stephen (Bonsai & Co.) n w cor Charles -. and Eager H^ Bonsai T. Vincent (Bonsai cj- Caldwell) 135 n^ Broadway O — o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New^York. BOR uos fi8 E-« w - cc O P ■JJ O C/5 Bonsai Thomas L. 135 n Broadway Bonsall Mrs Mary, Wtiveiley IJ.insrtll Mrs. Maiilia, hoardini.', 120 e Miidison Bonsall Uolert F. biickiiiiiker, 120 e M;idisoii Boiisall Twwii^t'iid S. keeper first tollgnte Vork rd, imd p.)Stm:ist>-r at Waverlev BOOK UKFOSITORV OF TllK METEIODIST KPiai'iiPAL Ciil'RCH, Rev. D. H. Carroll, aHfiit, IGS w Biiliiniore Book and Pul.lishinB Co. (M.E. Church South) 2Ai3 w Biiliiiiiore Bcker Henry C eni^raver and plate printer, over 2U0 w Baliiniore, dw 111 s Sharp Booker James W. painter. 433 n Calhoun Hooker John, painter, 154 s Charles Booker John, bricklayer, 329 w Hortman Booker John L. 43;! n Calhoun Booker John T. painter, 226 n Fremont Booker Lconhaidt, painter, 123 Hamburg Booker Tho-;. L. plasterer. 433 n Calhoun Hookir Dr. \V l>. 143 n Emaw Booker W infield 8. attorney 247 George Bookhultz Geo wiitchujan, 120 Henrietta Bookhultz (Ji-o. L. driver, 120 Henrietta Bookhullz John F. canmkr, 148 West Boom John, watchman, 54 Philiiot Boom John .M. moulder, 54 Philpot Boom .Matthew, moulder, 54 Philpot Boon Henjiimin T. lab. 24 Lee Boon Charle3, driver, 7 Forrest pi Boon Oliver Y. boxmkr, 163 u Fremont Boone k Ahlslefrer (I). \. Boone and Wm. Alilaeger) fish, cheese and butter, 47 Liijht Boone Charles H. hnuher inspector, City block, dw IK s Bond Boone D)iniel A. {B.& .\hlslejjer) 40 Courtland Boone Mrs. Eliza M. 47 Mulberry Boone .lames 11. broommkr, 103 Chew Boone Jacob, driver, 7 Forrest pi Boone John, bib. Hampden Boone Johii. teamster, Frederick rd nr tollgate Boone John H. D. jr. broker, 269 n Caroline Boone Jiihn 11 shoemkr, 119 Harm.)i>y la Boone .lolin W. sr. lumber, 392 p Fayette Boone Joseph, carp. 122 Druid Hill av Boone Joseph H. shoemkr, 413 e Fayette Boone Miitiliew, police 91 (->ak Boone Milton H. lumber, 2o8 e Lombard Boone Robert, conductor, 146 n Fremont Boone Robt. \V. cabinettnkr, 55 Harford av Boone Samuel, junk, 18 Thames lioone \\ m. cabinelinkr, 152 n Exeter Boone Wni. G. painter, 257 Gough Boone Wi:i. H. steamfitter, 166 Aisquith Boone iVni. .M. pres'l Ml. Vernon (,'o. 26 .Mul- berry and York rd nr Browti Booth A. E clerk, 22 s Broadway Booih .-Vlfred. oyster and fruit pack(M',cor .Mice- anna and (Chester, dw Chicago Booth CliHS. iiucksler, 47 s Re^ester, dw 248 e Pratt Booth k Co. (Sarah Booth, Collins Gillraore) ^.'rocers, I l(j Saratoga Booth Fniticis, ( W'.O.L B & Co.) 53 s C'lroline Booth Geo. W . painter, over 18 Water, dw 247 n Eden Booth Geo. W. carp. 60 George Booth Henrv .V painter, 305 Orleans Booth James ( \V . O. L. B.&(;o.) 53 s Caroline Booth John ('. upholsterer, 219 .\isquith Booth Capt. John H. mariner, 173 (jongh Booth Joseph, plasterer, 138 Druid Hill av Booth Marshall, tailor, 208 n Wolfe Booth Mr.". Mary, huckstress Booth Robert, agent, 5 St. Paul, dw 103 v- Fayette Booth Robert, engineer, 28 Spring row J'.ooth .S.irah (B. & Co.) 116 Saratoga Booth Stiuiisbius L. .'>3 n High Hooih Thomas 1!. dairv, Nortli av nr McCiiUoh BOOTH W.ASHINGTON (Fitzger.-.ld, Booth & Co.) collector of customs, port of Baltimore, dw 28 Franklin Booth Washington (W. 0. L. B. &. Co.) 53 .- Caroline Booih W. 0 L. & Co. ( W. 0. L., Francis, Jas and Wash. Booth) painters, 53 s Caroline Booth Wm. huckster, I'.O Hamburg Booth Wm.0.L.( W.O.L B. & Co.) 53 s Carolinf Bootman .Sherwood, shoemkr, 51 n Caroline BOOZ CHAS. W. ship builder, Atlantic wharf, office 103 Thames, dw 125 s Ann Booz Daniel W. oysters, n e cor Albemarle an; Fawn, dw 154 Gough Booz Kdwarcarp. 123 s Washington Booz John J. junk, 392 s Caroline, dw 123 s Washington Booz Joseph L. wood, opp. 102 Light-st wharT, dw 331 Li-ht Booz .Mrs, Susan, 112 Dunem al Booz Thomas J. lab 6 Boston Booz Wm. B. clerk, 85 Bond Booze Mrs. Eliza, 77 William Booze James H clerk, 94 Broadway Booze James W. (Geo. M. Morgan & Bro.) :■ n Broadway Booze Capt. .Marcellus, mariner, 35 Warren Booze Wm. wood, 77 William Booze Wm.'wood, opp. 102 Light-st wharf. (!■ 88 William B loze Win. E salesman, 94 n Broadway Bi'pp Charles L. constable, 11 Courthouse Ir. dw 194 William Bopp Geo. (B. & Ri'inhardt) 223 William Bnpp Mary, 407 Canton av Bopp Mrs. M.irv L. drv iroods, 413 Light BOPP & REINIIARDT (Geo. Bopp. Melchoir Reinhanit) mercht. tailors. 154 Light-st whf Boram Thomas J. oysters, 39 Abbot Boichardt Alexander 131 3 Eden Boicherding Herman, drayman, 152 Dover Bori'herdiiig Geo. porter, 152 Dover Borcherdini John H. cleik, 195 Hanover Borcliers Augustus, cigarmkr, 31 n Central av Borchers Henry, cigarmkr, 13 n Eden Botck David, uppi rmaker, 25 s Eutavsr Borck Henry, uppermaker, 25 s Eutaw Boick Theodore, uppermaker. 25 s Eutaw Bordine John; unilirellamaker, 33 Jefferson Boidley Ed wan! B. tinner, 178 s Paca Bordley Geo. S. clerk, C. H., Waverley Bordley Mrs. l.sabella E. boarding and da;. school, 37 w Eager Bordley .Mary E. boarding, 87 n Charles Bordley .John, carp 12 Jones ct Bonlley John W. clerk, 360 Lexincton Bordley Samuel C. tinner, 178 s Paca Bordley Wm. C. sr. Waverley HENRY HOEN ct CO., Lithoaraphing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. jp the World, O. F. Bresee. .Gen Agt. ' BOR 69 BOS Bordiey Wm. C jr. ^elIer National Mechanics B.iiik, 73 Mo.sber Bordiey Wm. (Cutile& B.) Lexiugton and St. Paul Bordiey Win. H. clerk. 178 s P;ica Bordiey Wm. J., New York Tea Go. 33 Lexiug- ton Boresch John, tailor, 240 s Diillas Borevilch .Mr^. Louisa taveru, 16 Grant Boig John, carp. 247 s Bro.idway Borfieaniio Idenry, music, 65 Freiideat Borged Geo. (Hoover & Co.) 2') ISierrett Boryelt Mrs. Catherine, prov. s w cur Mu!i;erry and Oregon Borgerding Henry, niiik, 247 n Eden Borgia Anlonia, music. 65 President Borfiiu Fflleppo, music, 65 Pie.siiieut Bor^ruan Henry, butcher. Point la ur Green- ujouul cemetery Borgman Heniy, cabinet mal;ei-. 45 Clay Borgmau .Mrs. Mary, 42 Milljerry Borgmeyer, Adam, drayman. i>2 Somerset Boring Elias H. stonecutier, 300 Franklin BURLN'G JOHN T k CO (J. T. Boring, John H. Lelaud) mauuf.icls. cigars, 265 w Pratt and 62 s Sharp Borinsj John T. (J. T. B. & Co ) 96 s Paca Boring Salem T. lab. Sweet Air Boring Wm H. i.',hisscutte:-, 3ii0 Franklin Borisch Cliaries, restaurant, 14 President Borjes G^o. musician, 163 e Fayette Borke Wm. wood turner, 73 n Chapel Borkofsky Frederick, lab. 328 s Bond Borland J.tmes K. salesman. 6.3 Flarlem av Borland John, roller, 180 Canton av Bormau Christian, sjiice grinder, lOO n Spring Borman John, barber, 422 n Gay Bormaa John, sr. spice grinder, 100 n Spring Borman John, jr. barber, 100 u Spring Borman Mrs. Mary, grocery. 100 n Sjiring Boriuan Wm barber, luO n Spriug Bormann Henry C. driver, Behiir av ext Born August, liquors, 71 s Paca Born Chas. beer, 123 Central av Born Herman, distiller and essence manuf. 16 Warner Born Herman, (B. & Roth) 37 Waesche Born John, liquors, 104 n Fn-mont Born John, grocery, 124 n Caroline Born Joseph, grocery, 453 Lexington Boru i Roth, (Herman Born, H. Roth) black- smiths and wheelwrights, 37 Waesche Born Tobias, carter, McHenry nr Bentalou Borneman Adam, b.iker, Pratt nr Monroe Borneman Ch. W. bakery, 323 Cathedral Borneman Frank, piano maker, 245 s Sharp Borneman J. H. W. tailor, 190 s Bond Borneman Otto, foreman, 245 3 Sharp Borner Henry, restaurant. Low and Forrest Boruhage Mrs. Mary, shoes, 85 Sarat(jga Bornheim Meyer, salesman, 107 Aisquith Bornhorn Henry, car[). 40 s Wolfe Bornhorn J. H. cigarraaker, 347 n Central av Bornickel John, tanner, 85 n Chapel Bornitz Fred, provisions, 89 n W .shington Bornman Christian, blacksmith, 343 Orleans Boramutb Joseph. mattres3mkr.355 n Central av Boms Patrick, lailor, 70 Orleans Boroscheuer Wm. tailor, 105 Low Boriischine Doretta, 16 Stirling Bornschine Theo. musician, 16 Stirling Bornschlagel Mrs. Catharine, grocery, 22 Cross Bornschlagel Geo. lab. 22 Cross Borrell P. .M., 54 n Bond Borring Ellas H. marblecutter, 300 Franklin Burst Herman, lamps and oils. 348 s Charles Borv Feidinand. stoveraaker, 77 n Wolfe Bury John A. lab. 77 n Wolfe Bury Leopold, clerk, 77 n Wolfe .Boschert Martin, carp. Chapel nr Jefferson Host Columbus C. bookkeeper, 76 Saratoga B se J. N. boukkeper, 56 n Liberty Bose Wm. harnessmaker. 159 Conway Bose Wm., 114 St. Paul' Bosinger Fred. lab. 453 Canton av IJosinger Geo. lab. 453 Canton Bosinger Kane^unda, 453 Cant(jn av Bosley Chas. H. caulker, 180 Johnson Bosley .Mrs. J. me, janitress, 2').1 e .Monument Bosley .Mrs. Jane, 370 Aisquith Bo.-le.> John, watchman. City Hall, 2 n Bond Bosley John C. restaurant, IBSL'xiugton Bosley J. W. restaurant, 29 Covington Boiley .Mrs. M., North av nr McCulloh Bosley Mrs. , G6 Somerset Bosley Mrs. R. C, 135 n Carey Bosley S. Parker, weigher C. H Bosley Talbot, carter. Farmers and Planters hotel Bosley Thomas, driver, 370 Aisquith Bijsley Wm. farmer, Huntingdon and Charles- st avs Bosley Wm. lab. 718 w Pratt Bosley Wm. machinist, 135 n Carey Bosley Wm. machinist, 584 w Lombard Bosley Wm. G. driver, 370 Aisquith Bosley Wm. H. clerk Chesapeake Bank Bosley Wm. H. clerk Health Dep't. 82 n Wolfe Bosley Wm. T. conductor, 142 e Monument Bosnian Alex. carp. 209 William Busman Robl. clerk, 64 e Lombard Bosnian Wm. carter, 331 s Charles Bosman Win. J. engineer, 33 Covington Boss A. E.iesiaurant, 17 South, dw 317 Lanvale Buss Berkard, tailor, 218 n Caioliue Boss Frank, cooper, 163 s Eden Buss Geo. L., 317 Lanvale Boss Geo. mariner, 139 s Bond Boss Henry, upholstenr, 188 w Biddle Boss Henry, plumber, 109 Thames, dw 139 sBond Boss John D , 84 e Lombard Boss Mrs. .Mary, 34 Albemarle Boss Philij), candy maker, 34 Albemarle Boss Philip A. cigarmaker, 317 Lanvale Boss Rotiert, mariner, 2 n Bond Boss Rut/ferl D.liquorS; 17 South, dw 321 Hollins Busse Wm. stonecutter, 73 Wyeth Bosse H , Eutaw house Bosse Henry, moulder, 200 s Fremont Bosse Henry, clerk, 87 Patterson Park av Bosse John K. salesman, 50 s Sharp Bo-se Joseph, moulder, 2o0 s Fremont Bosselie Louis, notions, 174 s Broadway Bosshammer Aug. gunmkr. Marion nr Howard Bossie Louis, huckster, 161 Peirce Bossle Chas. cigars, &c., 7e Pratt Bossie Joseph C. bakery, 5 e Pratt Bosson Gt-o. F. upholsterer, 128 Penna av Bossun Jas. W. sr. upholsterer, 238 Penna av Bosson Jas. W. jr. upholsterer, over 1 n Gay, dw 240 Penna av Bostick Arthur, pnddler, 6 Patterson Park av Boslick Chas. lab. 78 Beason Bostick Ferdinand, watchman, 15 New OQ o PQ o O O o =^ p o o :^ w o T- >-. o r- >Jt - — '^ ~;ii -r V iJ ,^ ^ "^ E c: — J= - ^1 O- m- ^r tc "^ — x ? ^ 'Z: 2 5 - Boston Francis A. bcilermflkfr. Hampden Ho.'iton James M. canniaker, 2t)" Bank Boston Jnhn E. H. (E L. Park.r & Co.) 244 Lanvrtle Boston John T. shipjoiner, 119 s Eilcn Boston Jl>^e|ll^. Inlmrer. 95 Saiaii Ann BOSTON. PROVIDENCE AND NORFOLK LINE .'^TEA.MKnS. A. L Hiifrtjins, a?ent, oflice Boston wliffoot of Lon;z Dock Boston Mrs. liutlielia N. 14 s Cliester Boston Samnel. junldk-r, Itil s Wolfe Bostwick Joseph, iron worker, 124 s Central av Boswell Brrnaid P. clerk, (iilmornr Le.\in;.;ton Biiswell Iiinj. carpenter, 73 Hill Bosvvell Fiehl'-r, carp. 46 Division Biiswell (ieo. plumlier, i:;4 Colimiliia Bnswell M. F. S. (B. Sills & Co.) 72 McCnlloh Boswell Marriott, clerk Polite Board, 247 Druid Hill av FJoswell Milton A. clerk, Gilnior nr Lcxiiicrton Boswell, Sills k Co. (M. F. S. Bo3«ell, E. P. Sills) wholes, dried fruiisand canned goods, 51 South Boswell Wni. hrickmaker, 134 Columbia Boswell \Vm. jr. pidice, 18 Johnson Boswortii Eienezer C. clerk, 291 M> Henry Boswortli Khenezer C. clerk, ls6 Scott Bosworth Jeremiah, exprs. messenger, Pratt nr Strieker Bosworth Lewis, painter, 122 Park Bosworth Thonuts, collector. 57 .Millinian Bolder A. Eu(iene, clerK, 481 w Faveite Boleler Andrew K. carpenter, 75 Mulberry, d\v 285 Walsh Boteler Beverly \V'. chief clerk road dept. B. S^ O. R. R. 481 w Fayette Boteler C. R. dentist, 84 e Biltimore Boleler Chas. \. machinist 7()2 Saratoga Boteler Columlms. shoemaker, 24 Bartlett Boleler Ellen, confectioner, 24 B.'irllelt Boteler Geo. M. shoemaker, Homestead Boteler Geo M. clerk, 481 w Fayette Boley Julien, umbiellamkr, 177 w Pratt Both Herman, huckster, 174 Raborg Both Elizabeth procery. 174 Raborj? Bothe Herman, carter, 255 8 Paca Bothe Julius, proecry. Brown and Jaraes la Bothe .Melchor. ripeer, 391 Eastern av Bothe Louis, ciparmkr, tiH ('liffurd al Bolhmann Chailes, watchmaker, 2()i) Hanover Botlimann Ernest F. C. collector, 202 Hanover Botsford Ch i8. T. chairmaker, IGO Hudson Botsford .Mrs. Teini'eiance A L. IGti Hudson Bolt Fiedetick. carj). 31 Essex Bottenfelder Georpe, jjorter, 234 e Lombard Botterill John, clerk, 42 e Chase Bosterill Mrs. .Mary, 42 e Chase Botterill .Mis. Susan, milk, 25G e Madison Bollerill .Mis. Susan, .(01 n Cenlral av Botipei.ier Chas. shoemaker, 223 Lee Bottinper Andrew, ehoenuiker, 91 n Spring Boiiles .•Vlbert, shoemaker, 137 8 Exeter Bottom .S.imut-l I), police, 41 n Poppleton Botloiner Fred.J.liooi and slioemf'r, 9oSrtratopa Bottotner Harry H.n e cor Howard amiSar.ilopa Biiitrill Francis, funi. wapons, lo8 w Townsend Bolls T. H. bookkeeper, Charles nr Saratopa Bolzler John, moulder, 37 8 Burke Bouehet Mr.-i. Elizab. prucery, 42 Consiitution Boucher Francis X. sale.-^mau, 232 Lanvale Boucher Wm.jr. musical instruments, 38 e Bal- tiuiore, dw 232 Lauvale Boucher John F. cio:armaker, 365 Orleans Boucher Wm. jr. stripper, 365 Orleans Bouehet Joseph A. police, 31 Constitution Boucsein Lewis, apothc'y, Orleans and Woffe Bonder. Mrs. Emily. 248 n Caroline Bonder Joseph G. drtip clerk. 153 n Prfca Bouphan James H. (B. & Moss)Balto co Bonphan S( Moss. (J H. Bouphan, C. D. Moss) civil enpineers and contractors. 50 w Fayette Bouphan Patrick, lab. 124 Stirling Bouphman Georpe, lab. 162 Preston Bouphmnn Louis, harnessmaker, 342 Mulberry Bouphman Samuel, painter, 122 w Townsend Boiipourd Mrs. Charlotte. 17 Cambridpe Bouiinian Fredk shoemkr,Harnioiiyla nrOrepon Bonis Emma, dressmaker, 147 e Midison Bonis John H. bookkeeper. 28 Lipht Hould Jos. collarniiiker. 203 Saratopa Boulden (Jeor-re, huckster, 24 Dewberry al Boiilden David P. clerk, 72 s Washinirton Boulden James, ship carpenter, 221 William Boulden John W. letter carrier. 14 s Greene Boulden John T. foreman, Mt. Vernon Boulden Dr. J. R P. 131 Dolphin Boulden Mrs. VV. J. 72 s Washinpton Bduhlin Mrs. Ann, 28 P..tom:ic Bouldin Mrs. Arianna, 215 Aisquith Bouldin Anpnstus, surveyor, 40 St. Paul, dw 38 Aisquith Bouldin Geo. H. niphtman, Wolfe and Chase Bouldin Louis, puddler, 28 Potomac Bouldin Capt. R. E. clerk Naval office, dw 156 11 Orepon Bouldin R. J. survex or. Gibbons' hotel Bouldin Randolph J. attorney, 31 n Calvert, dw 542 Lexinpton Bouldin Wm. laborer, 198je Pratt Boulte Adolph (B. Bros.) Mansion house Boulte Bros". (Adolphe and Eupene Boulte) watchmakers, over 22 Water Boulte Kugene (B. Bros.) Mansion house Boult John, n w cor Watson and Exeter Boult Thomas H. pilot, cor Watson and Exeter Boult Thomas H. jr. cor Watson and Kxeter Bounds llezekiah, distiller, 133 Elliott Bounds llezekiah, carp. 133 Elliott Bounds Oliver, plumber. 164 Dolphin Bounds Richard, shoemaker. 164 Dolphin Bourbon Aiipust, cook. Park av and Mulberry Bouree Robert, tailor. Homestead Bourke James, butcher, 90 s Carey Bouike John W. farmer, 623 w Fayette Bo'irke Thomas, enpraver, 74 n Charles, dw Oxford. York rd Bourne George, clerk, 710 Saratoga Bourne John, hatter, 62 n Eden Bourne Mrs. Mary, grocery, 64 n Eden Bourne Samuel, halter, 162 e Baltimore, dw 60 n Ivieri Bourne Virgil F. clerk, 119 n Gilmor Bourne Wm. L. clerk, 54 n Fremont Bouse John, moulder, 10 Cuba Bouse Rol.ert. H. lab. 10 Cuba Bouse Wm. B. eupineer, 10 Culia Bouton Alonzo G. dentist, 248 .Madison av Boulwell Minson, sailmaker, 133 Scott Bowdoin Arthur, mariner, CO Courllaud Bowdoin Charles, clerk, 60 (^ourtlaud Bowdoin Geo. E. (G.E.B. &Co.) 130 n Charles BOWDOIN GRO. K. 4 w .M niison Bowen D.iniel, stonecutter. ?>!i 8 oeivtoii Bowen Iviward. [>ainter, 222 e Baltimore Bowen Kliza, 71 n Kiien Bowen Mrs. Illizahelh. W'averley Bowen Fernandiiio. driver, Fi ieiid,>'i!ii, Voik rd B )wen Frank, Idacksniilh. Waveriey Bowen Fraaidin, blaeksmitli. 326 Park av Bowen (ieo. A brieklayer, .Mount Ko\al Bowen Geo. .\". teamster, .Mount Ilnval Bowen (ieo. W. jr. |)iiiner, 120 e Madison Bowen Geo. \V. printer, 17 Mvrlieav Bowen Geo. W. buleber, 82 Lexiuuton and 42 Centre maikets, dw Peiiii i av ext Bov\-en G. S. carpels, oil cl(jlhs, &c. 29 n Eutaw Boiven Geo. W. (B.& .Mercer) 20 .Jack;Ou sq pi Bowen Granville, carp. 8 s Fii-mait Bowen Henry, salesman, llii Wainer Bowen Henry \V. D. entrv cierk, lOl William Bowen Is uic, jiroeery and magistrate, u e cor Penna av and Clifton Bowi n James, mariner, 426 Orlean.s Boweu James C paperliaugt-r, 280 Chew BO\VE\ JESSE N. attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw 2(»8 e Batinioie Bowen J. M., Patterson av nr Mount Bowen John, bricklayer .M,iunt Royal Bowen John I}, enirineer, 8 .s Fremont Boweu John L. salesman, Baltimore and Pine Bowen John T. butcher, 151 Divisivju Bowen Joim W. 6.6 w Jjoaibard Bowen Joseph L. Contractor, 37 1 n Gilmor b'lwen Josiili S.^Riiucli k B.)66 s Washington B.)wen .Mrs. Kate, 187 e Fa\ette Bowen L'-vi. (B. & Auld) 67 William Bowen Levi jr. pa]ier!ian'.;er. (;7 William BUWEX & MERCER, (Geo. W Bowen, (.'has. H. Meicer) phosuhates, lime and oils, 6.') s Gay Bowen Philip, ci^arn)kr, 170 Penna av Bowen U. 8. .^ Co. (R. S. Bowen, Win. .McGee, C. D. MilOourne) sailmakers, over s w corner Camden and Lijiht Boweu Richaid S. (15. k Co.) 189 Hanover Bowen .--ol.ilour and feed, 30 Fre leri<-k av, dw 618 w Lombard Boweu Thomas IP mariner, 7 Letumon Bowen Thomas H. painter, 4 Gerujan, dw 211 e Baltimore Bowen Wni H. B . {,'umberland nr Penna av Bowen Wm.H. butcher, Cumberland nrPeniia av Bowen Win. 11. seijieaiil police, 55 William Bowen Win. II. br.issfinisiier, 23 e .Madison Bowed Win. L bookkeeper, 17 Myrtle av Bowen Win. P. bricklayer, 27 Foster al Bower Adam, eabinetmkr, 236 Hamburg Bower Andrew, clerk, 95 n Calvert Bower Andrew, carp. 102 Warner Bower Chas. clerk, 510 Saratoga Bower Chas. moulder, 205 Conway Bower Clifford, clerk, 256 e Baltimore Bower Mrs. Cornelia H. 510 Sarat0):a Bowi'r Edwaid C. clerk, 25ij e Baltimore Bower Francis, coal, 55 Bank, dw 68 Bower Fredk. lab. 47 Duncan al Bower Geo. confectioner, 492 Lexiii<:ton Bower (ieo. W. pa| erhaii'^er, 492 Lexiii,^toi) Bower J. A. shoemkr. 67 s Castle Bower .Mrs. J. J. 494 Sarato-a Bower Jidin shoemkr. 95 u Calvert Bower John, tinner, 25(> e Baltimore l'.()i.ver John F. tinner, 492 Lexington liower Ijewis M. butciier, 19 1 Sarato^ra t^ liower Robert, baker, ><8 McKim — Bower T. C. clerk. 256 e Baltimore ^ Bower Theo. butcher, Penna av ext , liower Will. sr. lab. 205 Conway ^ B)wei' Win. moulder, 22o Coiiwav 7t Bowi-rf^lt Will, baker, 162 e F.iye'tte r^ Bowerman Richard X 78 ii Carey h Bowi-rman Wm. H. (ihotojiraph };allery, 65 w ^ Baltimore, dw Baltimore eo .^ Bowers Adam, lab. 62 Hid-ely ri^ Bowers Chas. lab 19 s .Monro.- ^^ P>owers Chas. B bookkeeper, 3S4 w Fayette ' ' Bowers Chas. W cari'. 278 u liniid ;J Bowers Christopher, hattfr. 256 n Gay J^ Bowers Elizaheih. s'eaiu dyeini, 172 n Eutaw, ''^^ dw 512 w Baltimore - I Bowers F^raiik A.co'chinkr. 3''4 w Fayette ^' BoWfi'S Franz, i/rocery, 68 I'ank -j Bowers Fredk. J. paintt-r, 2-14 (.'on way Bowers (ieo. C. lab. 1-it n Durham Bowers Geo. E. 130 e .Madison Bowers Geo. W. lab. 62 Rniizely ^ Bowers Geo. W. lab. 7 s Calhoiiu • O Bowers Gotleib, milk, 393 s Stnrp 3 Bowers Henry, carver, 17 ii (Y>:itral av ^ Cowers Henry, machinist. 322 Park av ^^ Bowrrs HenrV, lab. 47 White al Bowers Henry A ( Wm.B k Son8)384 w Fayette H Bowers Heurv ('. fuiii. wajon, :!5 s Oregon Bowers James W. ( Medaiiy k U.) 6 n Howard ^ Bowers James W. apothecary, 705 w Baltimore, t-_^ dw 5 II Calhoun r^ Bowers John, car driver. 36 Whatcoat Bowers John, notions, 27 Brown la I'uwers .lolin. sawyer, 05 e .Mailison 15owers John, butcher, 27 Patterson av Buwers John, ship carp. 321 Canton av Bowers John, cai p. 542 w Baltimore Bowers John, shoemkr, 256 n fJ ay Bowers John F. coachsraith, 322 Park av Bowers Joseph, engineer, 59o w Lombard Bowers Josiah B. iiiachinist, Friendship, Vork rd ►^ Bowers Lawrence F. clerk, 542 w B.iltimore '" Bowers Louis, hatter, 256 n (i.iy Bowers Mrs .M. 322 Park av Bowers .M. R. stationery. 123 Penna av Bowers Mrs. .Margaret, 73 Elisor Bowers .Mrs. .Miry A., Friendship, Vork rd Bowers Mrs.'.Mu-y C. <;rocery, 35 s (Jregon Bowers Martin H. plumlier, ItJO Birre Bowers Reuben, lal). 36 Whatcoat Bowers Roswell X. Iiookkeeper. 384 w Fayette Bowers Thos. .M. toVi icconist, n w cor Gay and Pratt, dw 263 n Caroline Bowers Wm. lab, 59 Dewberry al Bowers Wm. 38 1 w Fayette Bowers Wm. & Sons,(H. A.Bowers)coachmkr3, 406 w fialfimore Bowers Win. T. coachmkr, 142 n Schroeder 3 f— I s < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BOW 72 BOY H W H c; - H T ^^ -^ >-| < <: o a tn — ^ CL-l o P o - TA.' ^ n 00 1^ « 73 '-J-z. 223 D >*" nj >^d X > o w -J Boweisodt Austin, telcrnphist, 5G Walsh Bowersofk Geo. W. Uilor, 116 u Pine Bowersoik J. W. usst. lickt'l a;;t. ii c cor B.ihi. more and Culvert, dw 222 Laiivtiie Bowcrsock .Joiia 8. hookiiiiider, 116 n Pine Biwt-rsox Cliiis C. ciniiiin ik'.T, Woudberry Bovver3u.\ Daniel, lal). 8 \V ilker Uoweisox David M. caipeiiter, 317 Raburg, dw 879 w Prali I!o\veiS().\ Geo lab. 8 Wulk-'i- Muwerso.x llor.itio, lab 8 Walker B )\verji)X James 11. fire dept C) Geor-;e l{.iv\er8o.\ .Mrs. Mary, 8 Walker H'.werso.v Tlieo. Kinjr, salesm in. 403 w Fayette Bo\\erso.\ V'.ilenline. lab. GO Walker Bowes John. ( K. & Starr) Liiivale and Orepon HOWlvS & STARR. (J. Bowes, J. J.Starr jiinps of worsted ^nods,itc. 3 s CiiHric-s liowie Albert B 4 McCiilloh Bowie Bernard, lab. 44 Greeumount av Bowie Chas. W. pliotoy;r..pher, 9i w 13altimore, dw 115 n Bioadway Bowie Ku^ene A. clerk, 4 .MeCulloh Bowie Franklin, engineer, Patterson av. ur Strieker Bowie H. B lumber, 4 Parkin Bowie Dr. H. S. 4 MuCulloli BowieJiin-s tailor, 115 n Broadway Bowie. Mrs. .Melvinall. 4 MeCulloh Bi>wie .Misses, girls school, 119 Linden av BUWIK (JDEN. prest B. k P. R. R. and Balti- tiinore City P.isar. Railway Co. dw B.irnunis hotel Bowie Oden jr. clerk, 117 n Charles Bowie .Mrs R. .M., John nr North av Bowie Reginald, engineer, Strieker nr Patier- S(jn »v Bowie W. P. clerk, 310 w Baltimore Bowie W.W.W. att'y, 29 Lexinuton, and asso- ciate editor -Maryland Farmer, 145 wPralt,dw Strieker nr Patterson av Bowie Wm. J. tailor, 58 n Ann Bowie Win. J. (Wm. J. B. & Co.) 73 Millimun Bowie Wm. J. k Co. (Wm. J. Bowie & L. C. Gorsuch) dyers and scourers. 42 n Calvert BowinUelmanTheodoie, birkpr, 41 Commerce liowitch Simon, chrk, 245 s (Jharles Bowitch Klias, tailor, 245 s Charles Bowler Harry, hatter, Brown's hotel Bowling Alex, salesman, 93 Geor^ie Bowliu'^' Chas O. .-hipsmith, 40 s Exeter Bow. ing Joseph, mariner, lu s Ann Bowlinj; L-'wis, sheetiron worker. 154 Batik Bowling Mis. Mary II. 7 s Washington Bowl'iiLT Mrs. Marv J. 9o Centre BOWLI.Vt;. PATTKIiS.iN k CO. (R R. Bow- ling. W P.Patleison) wholes, wines, liquors, &c. s e cor Calvert and German Bowling Robert R. (B., Patterson & Co.) Lake av B.ilto CO Bowling' R Q. 55 Courtland Bowlin;: Richard H mariner, 56 s Ann Bowling Tlios. pilot, 56 9 Ann Bowling Will. I. moulder, 221 s Broadway Bowlinu Wm. J. watchman Superior Court, 221 s Broadway Bowly S.imuel, clerk, 38 St. Paul Bowman Benj. II. Iil.icksmi/h, 454 Light Bowman ^^lnnie, teacher, 197 n Charles Bowman (tco. boxmkr, 167 King Bowman Henry C. plumber, 104 n Howard, dw 112 Walsh Bowman John, ciffarmkr. 41 n Poppleton Bowman Lewis, porter, 43 Tessier Bowman .Mis. .Mar> J. dressmkr, 49 n Howard Bowman S. M. 318 n Fiemont Bowman Wm. ..;la--sblower, 141 Montgomery Bowman Win. k Son (Wm. and Wm. E.Bow- man) junk. 116 Eastern av Bowman Wm. (Wm. B. &Sou) Harford rd Bo\viiiaii Wm. E. (Wm B. k Son) Harford rd BOWNE EDWARD S. wholesale boots and shoes, 2 s H )ward,dw cor Druid Hill av aad Lanval(! Bowne Chas. S. cigarmaker, 58 s B md Bowne Samuel, Druid Hill av and Townsend Bowness .losfpli, junk, 23 s Norris al Bi)Xold Georire. cird'^, 6 Bradford al Boxwell Wm. F. (T. C. Burton & Co.) 132 s Paca Boxwell Wm. F. jr. atoneculter, 132 s Paca lioyce Charles, lab. 6 Baruev BOYCE F. G. ticket agent P.W.& B. R.R. 340 e Chase BOVCE JAMES, bituminous coal office, 3 Ger- man, whfs Locust Point, dw Baltimore co Boyce James, butcher, 99 Perina av Bo see John, huckster, 1 Lafayette mkt, dw 9 Patterson av Boyce John D. mariner, 25 Wolfe, u of .Monu- ment Boyce Jose|)h, lab. 99 Penna av Boyce Wm currier, 26 Sarah Ana Boyd Alfred, salesman, H Hanover Boyd .Mrs. Ann S , Friendship, York rd Boyd Mrs Anna, miik, 413 Lexington Boyd Mrs Anna, 123 w Biddle ' Boyd Benj. F. shoemkr, 554 SaratoLra Boyd Ch'is. D. bookkpr, 319 e Eager Boyd Chas. R. bookkpr, 8 n Hiirh Boyd David, trivelmg a^rent, 321 Lanvale Boyd D. .Montgomery (Hilles,Boyd & Co. )Havre de Grace Boyd .Mis.E.K. n e cor Gilmor and Liberty rd Boyd F. H. B. jr clerk, cor Oregon and La- fayette sq Boyd Francis G. druggist, 8 n His;h Boyd .Mrs. Frances A. 13 (ioodman al Boyd Francis II. B. me. isurer, adjuster and sur- veyor of liuildiugs, 22 Second, dw cor Ore- goi and Lafayette sq Boyd Frederick, detective, 201 Columbia Fioyd Frederick E. bricklayer, 201 Columbia B )yd George, lab. 65 S Re|)ublican Boyd George S., Fulton nr Lexington Boyd Hamilton, clerk, 26'> n Howard Boyd Hugh S. propertv agent, 84 n Caroline Boyd J.ickson, ci^armkr, 258 n Ann Boyd James, engineer, 13('ourtland Boyd James, helper, 65 s Republican Boyd Jani'S, 196 e Baltimore Boyd .lames, clerk, 203 Columbia BomI Junes D. m.iriner, 20:! Bank Boyd J. lines H. cirp. 209 n Caroline Boyd James 11. saddler, Charles and Lexington, dw 110 Lexington Boyd James W. clerk, 203 Bank Boyd Jeremiah L. m ichinist, 43 Henrietta Boyd John, lab, 77 Parkin Boyd John 11. carpenter, 319 e Eager Boyd John L. salesman, cor Gilmor and Li- berty rd Boyd John C. sec'y Associated Firemen's Ins. Co. dw 319 e Eager HENRY HOEN A 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. BOY 73 BRA Bov'J John P. raai-iner. 43 Henrietta Boyd Jolin W. police, l(i7 s Ann Boyd John J. (Walter & Boyd) 5 n Carey BOYD JOHN Jr. (Boyd & Ricketts) 362 u Fremont Boyd John S. bookkpr, 5 n Carey BoVd Joseph B. 70 Walsh BOYD JOSEPH C. atlornev,15 St.Paul,dvv 123 w Biddle Boyd Joseph C. driver, 397 Lexinoton Boyd Mrs. Jos'-ph H. 270 e Baltimore Boyd Malcolm, lab. Potomac nr O'Donnell Boyd Maitlu'W, paperhanijer, 12 McKlderry Boyd xMichael, lab. 29 Buren Boyd Philip D. money order clerk P. 0. 260 e Baltimore BOYD& RICKETTS, successors to John Boyd, Maltsters and Dealers in Hops, Malt House foot of Eutaw street, office 14 s Gay street. [_See AdverlisenuiU.I Bovd Ptobert E., chief clerk P. 0. 160 Jef- ferson Boyd Samuel, shoemkr, 65 s Republican Boyd Sumuel R. clerk, 270 e Baltimore Boyd V. M printer, Calverton Balto co Boyd Wilson R. 200 Mo.sher Boyd Win. H. shipjoiner. 107 s Ann Boyd Wm. lab. 5 Foundry Boyd Win. salesman, cor Gihnor and Liberty rd Boyd Wm. A. (Wm. A. B. & Co.) 33 South Bovd Wm. A. ir.( W. A B. & Co.)20 s Strieker BOYD WM. A k CO. (Wm. A. and Wm. A. Boyd jr., T. W. Cromer) tobacco com. mer- chants, 33 South Boyd Wm. B. restaurant, 8 n High Royd Wm. H. ouddler, 220 Gou;ih Boyd Win. J. painter, 53 McHenry Boyd Wm. J. clerk, 242 Laavale Boyd Win. L. clerk, 5 n Carey Boyd Wm. T., U. S. signal service, over 32 South, dw 17s Hijih Boyden Wm. pattern maker, 2 Eden ct Boyer Charles H. machinist, 33 s Charles Boyer ("has. H. machinist, Waverley Boyer David, superintendent, 94 Ramsay Boyer Edward, clerk, 90 Mulberry Boyei' Geo. \i. salesman, 9i) Mulberry Boyer H. W. depot master, 245 e Biddle Boyer Jamt-s, lab. 4") Fountain Boyer John, carp. 129 s Strieker Boyer John, lumber inspector. 156 s Dallas Boyer John E. lumber handler. 61 Lancaster Boyer John H. conductor, 41 McHenry Boyer John W. cloth cutter, 57 Lancaster Boyer Mary, 57 Lancaster Boyer Thos. H. carp, and builder, 4 s Bond Boyer Wm. machinist, 94 Ramsay Boyer Wm. E. machinist, 57 Lancaster Boyer Wm. H. brakeman, 272 Ramsay BOYER W. H. agent Grover and Biker's sew- ing machines, 17 a Charles, dw St. Clair hotel Boyer Wm. carpenter, 15 4 s Dallas Boyer W. W.&Co.( W. W. Boyer, H.H. Raster) oyster and fruit packers, 25 and 27 Bh)ck Boyer Wm. W. (W. W. B. & Co.) 97 n Bond Boykin'Dr. T. J. (Boykin, Carmer & Co.) 184 n Oregon Boykin Howard W. clerk, 184 n Oregon BOYKIN, CARMER & CO. (Dr. T. J. Boykin, Jas. W. Carmer, Ale.v. S. Baird and Jas. G, Stanley) wholes, drugirists, 3n Liberty Boy Ian Jumes, stevedore, 130 Harlord av Boylan .lames, hackman, 5 L. Paca Boy Ian Owen, wa^roner, 60 Perry Boylan Tlios. hostler, 24 Conway Boylan Thos. horse shocr, 61 n Calvert Bo > Ian Wm. H. [ilumiier, 130 Harford av Boy land John T. ironroller, l8o Canton av Boyle Andiew, lab. 27 Cooksie Boyle Austin F. clerk, 328 Myrtle av Bovle Dr. John Brook, physician Md. Peniten- tiary, dw 174 e Eatier Boyle Chas. lab. 53 s Dewberry al Boyle David, draymiin, Hunter al nr John Boyle Mrs. Edward, 328 Myrtle av Boyle Edward, clerk, 328 .Myrtle av Boyle .Mrs. Elizaiieth, i:! Couriland Boyle Mis. Elizabeth, giocery, 31 w Chase Bovle George W. en.;ineer, 824 w Baltimore Boyle J. W. (Charles Darrell & Co.) 189 w John Boyle James, lab. 55 Buren Boyle James, grocery, liquor and feed store, n w cor Hillen and Chesnut Boyle James, carp. 3(i3 s Paca Boyle James, restaurant, 43 s Liberty Bovle James (.fas. F. B. Si Co ) 285 e Eager Bovle Jas. F. & Co. (Jas. F. Boyle) book pub- lishi'r, 19 South Boyle Joiin, 1 ib. 50 Preston Boyle J. Young ( Wm. K. B. & Sou)! 17 u Pine Boyle .Malachi, lab. 70 Durst al Bo)ie .Michael, lab. 45 s Dewheiry al Boyle Michael, engineer, 125 Dolphia Bofle Patrick, lib. 175 W.-st Boyle Robei t, machinist, 230 w Biddle Boyle Dr. Samuel, cor Gilmoran I Mulberry Boyle .Mrs. Susan, sea nstress, 23 i w Biddle Boyle Wm. H. carver, aad minuf. piano legs, 77 e Monument, dw 77 n Broadway Boyle Wm. K. & Spli, lab. 54 Parkin Bradford Lemuel S. mariner, 33 Hamliurg Braiiford .Mrs. .Mary, grocery, John and Spring Bradford Mis. Sarah J. tailoress, .^e Hiehmond Bradford Thomas, clerk. John and Sprinji Br.idf.rd T. Kell, attorney, 70 w Fayette, dw Baltimore co Bradford Wm. blacksmith, Frederick av nr .Mount, dw Calverton Bradford Wm. hackman. Union hotel Br.idley Alex, police, 113 St. P.uil Brailley Andiew .1. cirp. 1 {.', St. Paul Bradley Bartholomew, lab. 15 Byrd Biadle^' Chas. salesman, I I Hope Bradley K. B. 253 Druid Hill av Bradley Frank A. upholsterer, 16S e Pratt Brailley Franklin W. jiortcr, 152 s Charles Bradley Geo. T. broommkr, Waverley Br.idley Henry S carp. Waverley Bradley Hufrh, hacks, 2:t n Fremont Biadley Jacob, lab HI Ridfilev iiradley Jiimes, shipjoiner, I1J8 c Pratt Bradley James lab. 227 R.iborj; Brad ey James, brakeman, 7!( s Gilmor Bradley .lames, lab. 412 Kastern av Bradley Jaiues H. cinarnniker, 277 s Charles Biadley John, lab. 6 Diamon I Biadley John shoemaker, Ivist and Knsor Bradley John, fireman, 23 Parkin Bra.lley John, lal). 227 Ral>ort: Bradley John, salesman, 167 (Jhesnut Bradley John (J cauKe', 23 Henrietta Bradlev Jq ■— ( w o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BRA 76 BRE tH H K r^ H C-i O.' >^ o < -^ O w ►i-i ^ — H o ;d 'J2 o 72 ^ X O H ^-:i ^2; I— t -^ f^ < r-r- "^ ^ ~' 22 rj J^ ^ -/)> O W CD Bmndy Michael, horseilioer, 138 Ciurideu, dw 104 s Kut:iw i>iMiHly I'.itiii-k, lilacksniitli, 78 Wiiiner BiMiidy Wm. Mucksmiiii, 104 s Kiit.iw ISniuiiruii JiiiiifS, lal). JS Druid liili iiv lira nil);,' Joliii, lalt. 2r>5 s Slmrii ISituinaii Cli iiiei, priniiT, 15 Hill Hraniiaii Dmiel, lali. 34 I'olimiac Hiuiiiiaii I'JdiiHiiid, cuO|ier, 189 Goujrb Braiinaii Mib. Kliza, variety store, 15 Hill BiaiMiHU Mis. Kiizahetli, seaiiislress, 29(» ii Bond Braiinan Krasinus, (.-ijiarmaker, 37 n Wolfe Biaunau James, iali. 213 s Wasliiujilou Biaiiiia;i JaiuHj, tailor, 82 ti Amity Uiariiiiiu .lames, lal). 40 PaltersDii Park av Braniian James, barkeeper, 11 ii HigU Braiiuaii J.iiiies, lab. 231 Lemeiial Braiinaii James, iali. 31U J()lin<'):i Braiinaii James, iii^^ineer, 17 Hill Braimaa James A. grocery, a e cor Bank and Dnrliani Braiuian John, lab. 14 n Dallas Brannaii Joiin, lal). cor Bolton and Mc.Mechin Brmnaii John B. slairbuilder, Farmers and PlautCiS liotel Brnnnnii John E. ci}?armkr. 37 n Wolfe Braiiiinn John, lab. (53G w Pratt Brand in John, lab. 96 Harford av Brannan John Mcl/eud, machinist, 17 Hill Brann in John T cmmakr, 20 Fountain Briniian L. l.ib. 174 L. (ireen Brannan .Mrs. .Marfjaret, boarding, 17 Hill Hi .niian Mis. Mary, 20 Fountain Brann. in Mrs. Mary, 121 Peirce Biann;in .Mrs. Mary, 213 s \V.ishin;iton Pirannan Michael, lab. II Hilien Brinnan Micliaci, drayman, 127 n Hollid.iy Brannan Patrick, lab. cor Bolton and .Mc.Mi-chin Brannan P.itrick, lab. IG Armistead la Brannan Patrick, lab. 213 3 Washinijton Brannan Peter, sleam filter, 17 Sierrett Biannaii .Mis. Sarah, seamstress, 24 Lee Brannan Thomas, tailor, 19 Klizibeth l-.i Br.innock John H. (John U. Carroll, B. y John C. shoemaker, 39 n Caroline Biansbv J. Bobert, shoemaker, 39 n Caroline Brant Fredirick, fisherman, 88 Ballerv av {{ram John H. lab. 237 Willi.ira Biant John N. driver, 196 n iMitaw Branlly B.v. W. T. 251 n Enliw Br.inlU W. T. jr. attorney, 251 n Eiitaw Branzell W. II. cinmkr, 490 (Jaiitoii av Biashc.irs .Arabella, liio G rnian Brashears ('hiyton T. clerk, 99 s l'".xeter Br ishears Frank .\ . )irinler, 137 Mulberry Brashears (Jeo W. bruUeaian, 73 Warner Bra.shears J.ired, coach painter, 55 North Br.ishi'ar.s John B. cabinetmkr. Iij2 Cierman Brasheiis John T jr. cit(armkr. ii ♦ s E.veter Brashears John T. er. shoemaker, 99 s Exeter Brashears John W. clerk, l.i7 .Mulberry Brashe.irs Jos Ii. blickamith, 155 Orleans Br. ishears II. John, newsstand, Barnnm's hotel, ihv 1 1 Neijilibor Brashears Ilobl. J. lab. 397 n Gay Brashe.irs .Mid.'^Susau, boardin-r. 162 German Brashears Z. I), sec. Baltimore Association for Inipr. Conilition of the Poor, 157 .Mulberry Brashears Wm. G. salesman, 44 Myrtle av Brass Jos' ph, 89 Barre BraltNoah, = '—' Bii'wiT C. Kinlock, clerk, 386 Franklin '7. ^ g Brewer Dr. Geo. G. 258 *v Fiiyelte ^ . I BRK\VLRJ.\.Ml-;SR.(IIermunt'e&B.) and clerk t^^ ^ Circuit Cuiirt, 30 Mulberry ; "^ ^_^ Brewer Jolm, butcher, 88 luid 104 Belair mkt, -^ _o ~ dw York rd nr tolltt'ite •^ ^-^ rt Brewer John .M. attorney, 140 Division •'■'T3 o Brewer .Mrs. Laura, 94 Block Jii. p ^ Brewer Dr. Marbury, 201 w Biddle ■^ J! 5 lirewtr Mrs. .MitiUiiv, 380 Mulberry '-' P" :^ ■Jj. ^l Brewer .Mrs. .Mary, 49 n I'^tieii Brewer Niciiolas, iicnsinii and property agent, 2 s Front, dw 9 Jefferson Brewer Philip, carp. Fulton nr Piatt Brewei Rollins G. clerk, 348 w Lombard Brewer 8. 38ti Fninkliii Brewer Wni. R. clerk, 56 Columbia Brewer Wiu. T. messenger U. S. Appraiser's ciffice, dw 57 Fort av Brewiiiglon L'has. machinist, 28 s Ann Brewner Michael, baker, 815 w Pratt Brewster John, dispalclier, Lanvale and Hope Brewster John P. driver. 123 s Exeter Bre_\ er Geo. piauomkr, 50 Leadenhall Breyer Gotleib, grocery, Fremont and George lireyer Louis, urovisions.Giliuor andWiuchester Brian C. .McK. clerk, 136 n Gay O Brian Kdward A. salesman, 287 e Fayette ^ "^ "3 tJ'i "' J'lJ'- salesman, 187 n High ? "Z'Z. Brian Jas. N. clerk, 13*5 ii Gay >-j ' ~ Brian .Mrs. Jane L. 136 n Gay y^ Z^Z. Brian .Merrilt, helper, 147 Bank G^ ? ?^ Brian Nicholas, lab. 147 Bank r^ 5 - Brian .Mrs. Rebecca A. 287 e Fayette i y ^ Brian Thos. P. currier. Star hotel "^ — H Brian Win. II. carter, 2 Russell '^•'-' ZL, Brian \Vm. L. sampler C H. 217 Hollins t: ^» ^ Brice Genl. B. W., U. S. A., Barnum's hotel ■^ ^ ^ Brice Geo. F. 147 n Paca '^ sl*^ Biice Jabez, tailor, 332 n Durham j] =^ Brice Jas. H. tailor, 332 n Durham .^ "^ rt Brickenstehi Lawrence C. teacher, Waverley j^ Brickerd Emanuel, carp. Mil w Baltimore ... o .>" S Brickerd John, carp. 927 w Baltimore Brickho'ise E. L. lamps and oil, 550 w Lom- bard, dw 484 Bricknoase .Mary E. 34 s Strieker .^ '^ >. Brickner Amell, blacksmith, 3 Willow ^ -^ T! Brickner Bernard, grocery, 96 a Poppleton A^ "P ? Brickner Win. cigarmkr, 96 n Poiipleion ■^ .i ;--. Bride (Jotter, rustic furniture Madison av ext S: 'c j: bride DA.NIEL, magistrate, 105 nPaca,dwl67 ^ ^ "^ Bride JJ T j, a^ Bridge R. S. & Co. (Richard S. and Stephen »^ i^ ^ Bridge) paints, oils, glass, &c., 347 n Gay ^ .i:: S Bridge Slfjlien (R. S. B. > Co.) 63 e Baltimore K ^ . ,. Bridge Stephen L. clerk, 267 e Baltimore ;~ o; t, Brid;;e('orl, gas coal comj)any, 18 Postotlice av •^ ^ ? Bridges John C. (Bridges, Green & Easter) 1 ■^ ^ i--> McCulloh BRIDGES, GREEN & EASTER (J. C. Bridges, M. .M. Green, and W. Stanley Easter) whole- sale grocers, 5 Commerce Bridiies John S. salesman, 1 .McCulloh Bridges .Matthew Y. tavern, 11 w Fayette Bridges Win. barUpr. 11 w Fayette Bridges Win. foreign fruits, candies, &c., whole- sale, 313 w Baltimore, dw 207 n Howard Bridinii Edward W. saddle and barnessmkr. 191 w Pratt Bridgewater Thomas, engraver, 246 Gough Briel Emanuel, clerk, 166 (Jeorge Briel Geor.;e, carp. 676 Le.\ington Briel Henry, baker, 250 Lijilit Briel John jr. painter, 166 George Briel John, carp. 14 McClellan, dw 166 George Briele Henry sr. cabineimaker, 81 Henrietta Briele Henry jr (Hopkins k B.) 60 Leadenhall Brieman Adam, tinner, 137 Dover Brieman .Mrs. Margaret, 137 Dover Brien John, helper, 14 Decker Brien Jusepli R. carpenter, 14 Decker Brier Charles, lab. 88 Eastern av Brier Geo. pianomaker, 50 Leadenhall Biierly JacubS. canmaker, 8 Ramsay Brierly John, foreman, 22 Columbia Brierly Wm. C. canmaker, 8 Ramsay Briers John E. [)lumber, 225 Conway Brigiicrmann August, currier, 260 Mulberry Briggerniaiin .Mrs. Charlotte, 306 Saratoga Briggeriuaun Louis, painter, :-!66 Saratoga Briggeriiiann Wm. carp. 366 Saratoga Briggs George G. clerk, 579 w Lombard Briggs .Mrs. .Mary T. nurse, 484 Saratoga Briggs John J. lab. Washington hotel Briggs James M. clerk, 579 w Lombard Briggs Oliver (J. F. machinist, 579 w Lombard Briggs Wm. H. agent, Bond nr John Briggs Wm. B. clerk, 155 n Howard Briggs W. B. bookkpr. 52 Saratoga Briggs Will. lab. 94 Boston Brigham .Mrs. C. 3 n Ann Brigham John C. clerk Navy Pay office, 3 n Ann Brigham Wm. T. (Cole, B. & Co.) 236 n Eutaw Bright and Coggiiis (Thos. Bright & J. W. Cogjiins), crackers and cakes, 75 Lexington, and 55 Centre maikets Bright Mrs. Eliza N. 142 Chew Bright J. D. 92 w Madison Bright Henry, plasterer, 47 Hartford av Bright Thus. (Bright k Coggiiis) 356 Chase Bright Thomas, plasterer, 47 Harford av Bright Wm. T. plasterer, 276 e .Monument Briiggemann Alijert, tailor, 164 n Central av Briiggemann Charles, tailor, 164 n Central av Briiggeman Chas. jr. coachpainter, 164 n Cen- tial av Briiggeman Olio, tinner. 164 n Central av Brill Pliiliii, barber, 72 Thames Brim Casper, lab. 13 Portal Brimigan Edward, lab. 10 Webster ct Briiiiline Win. moulder, 54 Mclleury Brimmer Charles, cigarmkr, 186 s Sharp Brimm.r John, tobacconist, 186 8 Sharp Biiiiimer Saml. stonecutter, 46 e Biddle Brimus Aug. barber, 517 w Baltimore Brinckmeyer t^has. tobacconist, 45 w Baltimore Briudell Edward, oysters, 352 u Strieker Brindley B. F., .Miller's hotel Brines Chas. shoemaker, 156 Chesnut BiUNGMAX JitSlAH T. U. comm. rneeht. 368 w Prall, dw 226 Conway ■go_ HOLMES (& CO., Engineers' antl Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. r^:: «»• Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt BRI 79 '■ i;RO Bringtnan Julius, tobacconist, 29 s Oregon Biingiiiaun Wui. tobacconist, 666 w Baltimore Brink Antoine, police, 37 s Durham Brink Henry, shoemaker, 256 s Caroline Brink Peter, liquor, 321 Harford av Brink Stei)hen, 8 Webster ct Brink Frank, cooper, 37 s Durham Briiikley J. B. & Sons, (J. B., J. E. and J. Hall Brinkley) fruit and oyster packers, 176 s Charles Brinkley J. Hall (J. B. B. k Sons) St. Clair • hotel BrinkU'V Jos. B. (J. B. B. & Sons) Baltimore co Brinkley Jo3.E.( J.B.B. & Sons)Carrollton hotel Brinkinan Mrs. Anna .Maria, seamstress, 2ri Lee Brinkman Bernard, clerk, 138 s Howard Brinkman Bernard, clerk, 26 Fell Biinkiuan Charles, 138 Penna av Brinkman Chas. H. grocery, 138 s Howard Brinkn;an Edward J. cardriver, 9 s Republican Brinkman John, driver, 34 Gittings Brinkman Mary, dressmaker, 28 Lee Briukmanu A. H. & Co. (A. H. Brinkmann) importers lacts and embroideries, over 235 w Baltimore Brinkmann Aug'iH.( A. H.B.& Co. )60n Liberty Brink meyer Henry, carp. 162 e Fayette Brinefield Win. K. engineer, Ramsay nr Fulton Brinmer Robert, plumber, 162 Druid Hill av Brinnier Wm. plumber, 162 Druid Hill av Brinton Albin H. produce, 165 Forrest, dw 167 Briuton Wiliner. stntionerv, 167 Forest BRISCOE ALEX. M. magistrate, 533 w Balti- more, dw 583 w Lombard Briscoe C. Cecilia, 11 n Gilmor Briscoe Chapman B. insurance agent, 21 South, dw 171 \v John Briscoe Charles, cigarmaker, 77 Hill Briscoe David S. attorney, 32^ St. Paul, dw 59 Couitland Briscoe Geo. E. cigarmakr, 303 s Charles Briscoe George, blacksmith, Park Gate Wood- berry Briscoe Rev. James, 167 n Oregon Briscoe John K. clerk, 171 John Briscoe John H. bookkeeper, 169 w Lombard Briscoe John P. attorney, 41 St. Paul, dw 113 n Charles Briscoe Mrs. Mary, boarding, 113 n Charles Briscoe Robert, blacksmith, 208 Hanover Briscoe Mrs. Sarah, tobacconist, 143 Orleans Briscoe Wm. D. cigarmaker, 143 Orleans Brissy Benj. lab. 62 s Carey Bristor Wm. B. 140 n Exeter Bristor Charles E. clerk, 140 n Exeter Bristor .Mrs. Susan, 140 n Exeter Brisiow Columbus, engineer, 3 Poultney Bristow Geo. cardwriter, n e cor Baltimore and Charles, dw 563 n Fremont Bristow .Mrs. Rebecca, 563 n Fremont Bristow Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, 3 Poultney Brisiow John T. cardwriter, Eutaw house, dw 563 n Fremont Bristow Thomas, engineer, 20 s Eden British Consulate, office 6 Exchange building, Denis Donohoe, consul Brittain John, butter, 649 Penna av Brittingham .Mrs. Elizab. 88 Henrietta Brittingham Samuel, mariner, 88 Henrietta Brittingham Samuel J. mariner, 88 Henrietta Brittingham Samuel, painter, 17 Williamson al Brittingham Wm. mariner, 88 Henrietta RO Briitner Mrs. Annie, nurse, 86 Warner Britton Edward, carp 135 Harford av Britlou Frnncis, gardener, 110 s Washington i2 Britton O. P. salesman, 46 n Gilmor ^ Britton Richard, cotton sampler, 73 Ann ^ Broadbeck Mrs. Henrietta, 235 n Eden qq Broadbeck James A. painter, 235 n Eden Broadlelt John E. teaeher, 9 Aisquith ^ Brondbent A. G. (B. & Co.) 72 n Charles S BR0ADBP:NT & CO. (A. G. Broadbent) dry =: goods, 12 n Charles H Broadbent ChHrles F. 163 n Calvert ^^ Broadbent J. F. oyster packer, 23() Linden av ^ Broadbent Lewis R. stock broker, office. No. 3, cis 87 Second, dw 163 n Cnlvert Broadbent Stephen sr. 163 n Calvert 2 Broaders Henry R. paper and paper bug ware- 2 house, 64 s Charles, dw Homestead 3 Broadfooi Joseph 0. moulder, 196 e Baltimore ^ Broadwater Chas. shipcarp. 6 Johnson Cj Broadwater Levin J. shijjcarp. 6 Johnson PQ Broadwater Richard, police. 6 Johusun' Broadway Fire Insurance Office, cor Broadway Brocker .Mrs. Christine, seamstress, rear 416 Saratoga fxl] Bockett Dr. Clinton D. dentist, 158 n Howard Brocklayer David, 2 Josephine ^ Brocklener Fred. lab. 10 Shakspear ^ Brocklener Wm. lab. 209 s Ann ^ Brocklener Wm. processor, 10 Shakspear Brockrnan Henry, fireman, 335 Aliceanna ^^ Brockman Philip, engineer, 335 Aliceanna ^ Brockman Wm. fireman, 335 Aliceanna ^ Brockmeyer Joseph, stove foundry, 92 Somerset p_j Brockmeyer Richard, 276 Aisquith c_j Brockmeyer Richard jr. moulder, 65 Hillen i — i Brockschmidt Henry, wheelwright, 233 s Ann p^ Broden Patiick, lab. 18s Front Broder Henry, lab. 91 Curley ^ Broderick Mrs. Ann, 47 Greenmount av ^ Broderick Daniel T. clerk, 47 Greenmount av &q Broderick Jas. H. elk, Druid Hill av urMcMechin ^ Broderick John, lab. 29 Hamburg w-^ Broderick John F. clerk, 47 Greenmount av Broderick John T. wholes, dealer in paper stock, q iron and metals, 69 and 86 Greenmount av, g dw John nr Valley ^ Broderick Joseph P." clerk, 47 Greenmount av "*^ Broderick Lawrence, driver, John nr Valley Brodeiick Timothy, canmkr, 223 s Paca O Broderick Wm. J. clerk, 47 Greenmount av |z; Broderick Wm. E. salesman, 31 Greenmount av >-H BRUDHEAD HENRY H. restaurant, 38 w P-l Fayette ^ Brodie Mrs. Alex., Hillen rd nr tollgate p) Brodie Mrs. John, Hillen rd nr tollgate ^ Brodman Matthew, currier, 82 Orleans p^ Brodt Henry, blacksmith, rear 26 Bevan IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BRO 80 BRO E^ fx^ W ^ E-i E-i Oi '^ H >^ O o w o Brodwater T. H. (T. H. Brodwater & Co.) 142 n Clmrles BrodwMter T. H. & Co. (T.H. Brodwater) flour and com. luerclils, 88 s Charles Brodwisev Eliz:ibeth. •104 SaiHto^'a Bioemer Wm. lab. 14S s Wolfe Broening Mrs. Catherine, 20 Kno.x al Bioening .Mrs.Elizali. frrocerv, 22 Williamson al Broening llenrv, 22 Willinnisoii al Briening Henrv E. tailor, 25 Bev.in Broeiiiiig John, wlieelwrighl, 22 Williamson al Brofuiiig Mrs. Kate, j;rociMy, 25 Bevun Hroening Wilhelmina, 25 Bevan Broessel Cbrisiian, tailor, 126 German Bruessel Feli.\, tailor, 126 German Broessel John, tailor, 588 w Baltimore Broessel Justus, cahinetriikr, 257 Mglberry BroifSel W igand, tailor, 257 Miilbeiry Brcessel Wm. W. tailor, 16 Myrtle av Brogan Benj. F. chaircaner, 149 n Front Brogan Patrick, lab. 16 s Front brogan Philij', liacks, 96 3 Howard Brogden Win. local editor Baltimore American and sec'ry Cotton E.xchange, 27 Park av Brogunier John J. watchman, 8 s Rejiublican Brogunier Marriott \. moulder, 8 s Uepublican Brogunier Wilbur, candymkr, 8 s He|ublican Brogunier Wilbur, shoemkr, 8 s Kiiiublican Brolmn Win. lab. 18 Fort uv Bioich Charles H. druggist, cor Fremont and Patterson av Brokall Zach. fireman, 58 Parkin Broker Ferd. carp. 191 n Caroline Broil Christian, carp. 10 Smith Broil Ferd. coO|)er, 47 n Central av Broil Dora, seamstress, 225 s Bethel Broil Louis, police, 77 Cambridge Bromar Wm. clerk, 84 n Gay Brome Wm. II. pilot, 134 Jefferson Bromley Alfred, helper, 155 Aliceanna Bromley Jesse, blacksmith, 155 Aliceanna Bromley Jesse A. helper, 155 Aliceanna Brouiley Thomas 1. beer, 66 Barnes Brommelsick Henry jr. painter, 175 s Ann Brouimelsick Henry sr. driver, 175 s Ann Bromweli A. L. curp. 128 Hamburg Bromwell Alfred T. tailor, 245 n Bond Bromweli Geo. W. si. shoinikr, 105 s Wolfe Bromwell Geo. W. jr. shoemkr, 105 s Wolte Bromweli Hosea J. produce, 39 Peiina av Bromwell Jas. E. sailmkr, 505 w Fiyetle Bromwell John A salesman 262 n Ann Broujwell John E. curp. 9 Poultncy Bromwell Wesley, carp. 210 Conway Bromwell Wm. G. carp. 250 e Pratt Bromwell Wm. R. carp. 109 Montgomery Brouson Edwin jr. bookkpr, 177 Ai.'quilh Brondt Charles, cabinetmur, 39 U'Donnell Brunitzky Fred, shoemkr, 70 Boston Btoocke P. M. carp. 64 (Jolumbia Brook Geo. E. carp., Quaker la nr O.xford, York rd Brooke Charles Fi. patent medicine, 2 n High Brooke Franklin E. P. attorney, 2 Courtland, dw 47 .McMechin BUtJDKE k FRITZ, (H. L. Brooke, Wra. H. Fritz, ) proprs. Cedar Point blast furnaces, n e cor Boston and Patuxent Brooke Horace L. (B. & Fritz,) i)ropr. Canton chemical works, dw n w cor Read and Calvert Brooke John H. drug clerk, 98 n Charles Brooke Mary H. 125 n Republican Brooke Robert, 263 West Brooke K. M. lab. 26 Woodyear Brooke R. M. jr. 47 Wood\ear Brooker Benj. C. jr. (B. &'Lpwi.= ) 200 n Carey Brooker & Lewis, (B. C Brooker jr., W. B". Le"is, ) auctioneers and com. merchants, 182 \v Baltimore Brookhari Mrs. Elizabeth, 350 e Eager Brookline Ludwig, cigarmkr, 293 Hanover Brooklyn Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., E. B. Royston , gen. a^ent. Consolidated building, cor South and German Brooks Adam, tinner, 178 Orleans Brooks Albert, Madison av ext Brooks Allen W. coachmaker, 46 Parkin Brooks Mrs. B. grocery, 38 n Amity Brooks Benedict J. sr. manager Cedar Point furnace 25 Potomac Brooks Benedict J. jr. wood and coal, Elliott and Patuxent Brooks Charles, paperhanger, Wl s Eden Bri oks Charles, blacksmith, Sweet Air Brooks Charles A. clerk, 187 Mulberry Biooks Charles H. bricklayer, 189 n Republican Biooks Charles \V. bookbinder, 59 Chew Brooks Chauiicy, pres't Western Nat. Bank, dw Madison av nr Uruid Hill Brooks Chauncy, (I). Fahnesiock & Co.) Madi- son av nr Druid Hill Brooks Chauncy, jr. Madison av nr Druid Hill Biooks Chauncy, (B. Rogers & Co.) Madison av nr Diuid Hill Brooks Chauncy, (B. < t— I Power Press Printin (Maryland Ins. Co g, at Reduced Rates. 8 Marble Building.) 1 a rt o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 82 BRO BRO {{rower Jus. clerk, 9 Rmidall Brower Win. hostler, 6"2 n Holliday Brown Aaron A. (Fniiik F. Horner, Son & Co.) 87 JSc(.U Brown Abraham, liricklayer. 147 Ridgely Bruwii Abel, huckster. -137 Saratoga 5 t: — Brown Abner C. stair buihier, 16i George ,^ c •- Brown Adam, driver, 76 Durst al "* C^ '" Brown Ad^itii, slioenikr, 45 I'erry ;-— a* Brown Albert S. builder, 334 Aisquith ii ~ X.*" Blown Albert L. bricklayer, 501 Aijjquith ■^ " ^ Brown Alex, iron moulder, Clinton nr Boston — "x -^ Brown .Alex, bricklayer, 791 w Louibaid Brown Aiex. bricklayer, '263 Lee Brown Alex. I), farmer. 70 .Mt. Vernon pi BROWN ALEX, k SO.NS, (G. S. Brown, Wm. II. Graham, W. G. Bowdoin,) bankers and dealers in I'oreigu exchange, s w cor Balti- more and Calvert ^ H- .- Blown Alex E. (Wm. H. B. & Bro.) Linden "^ -i "Zi av and Tuwiisend Brown Al«x. V. tailor, 125 Orleans Brow n Alex.W. carp, s w cor Kntaw and Biddle Brown A. K. sah;;nian, 165 hdmondson av Brown A. J. jr. dentist, 61 Lexini^ion Brown Dr. A. J. dentist, 61 Lexington Brown Alt", ed, huckster, 51 n Amity Brown Alfied C. caipcnier, 88 w Centie Brown Ambrose y. teacher, 248 n Caroline . *^ c Brown Mrs. Ann, Woodberry ji rr "^ Brown Mrs. Ann M. 70 Courtland ~ 5 '^ Brown Mrs. Annie, 8 Windsor >-t'^ ^ Brown Mrs. Aiinie M. 124 n Eden ,^ 2-^ ISrown Mrs. Esther, seamstress, 127 Division j^'i c ~ Brown Andrew, wharf builder, Broadway and r:; r " Canton av Z, ■-'^ 'J) X , ^ — ' o y, - H Brown Arthur L. ;— •— « Brown Arthur G carp. 246 n Eden ^B. & Bruue) 89 w Chase tobac. 231 Barre p£J "5 ~ BRUWiN BELLE, 91 Raborg r '=<3 Brown Rev. |{. F. cor llollins and Gilmor C. clerk, 69 Exchange pi, dvv 266 "Z >. ^ Brown B isil sr. dept. insp. tobi -^ o — Brown IJasil jr. clerk, 231 Barr a -^ ~ BRUWiN BF' ' ■' '■• " ' r "^ Brown Rev. . -r s: Brown Benj, "2 £ ^ Linden av ?;^ ^ cs Brown Benj. F. su[)t. Sinclair's ai;ricultural c~ ._«~ woiks, dw .Strieker nr Patterson :iv -^ y- "^ Brown Benj. J. painter, 357 Lexington ^ ^ Brown Beverly \\. salesman, 17 German ^ ~ > Brown .Mrs Bridget, 10 Windsor ■•;; y; T. BROWN, BOGGS & CO. (J. T. Brown, F. H. Z^ r: -r Roggs, J. W. Corbin,) wholes, liquors, 111 r^ ^ C- ^v Lombard and 9 Baldeiston S'S ^ BROWN k BRUNE, (F. W. Brune, Stewart ~ r3 "5 Brown, A. G. Brownj attorneys, 40 St. Paul ^ . ^ Brown Mrs. Cassimdra, seamstress, 58 n Castle i~ ^ "~ Brown .Mis. Cath'-rine, boarding, 322 s Bond ~ -^ C Brown Mrs. Catherine, l.iiloresa, 225 n Eden ~ "ti " Brown Caj)!. ('has. niarin r, 216 e Fayette O c ii^, Brown Chas. furnace builder, 94 s (Jhesier ^ -^ <©• Brown Clias. shueinkr, 1 16 Lancaster V^ X.^ if Brown (Jhas. butcher, Omeiery la '^ C C Blown Chas. driver, 213 s Washington "c i "x Brown Chas. glass cutler, 12 Byrd ? *^ '*^ Brown Chas. inspector C H. 442 Jlulberry 2 >. S Brown l,'has. huckster, 224 (Jonwuy k£ i; ^ Brown (Jhas. A. \j. (Richardson & B.)7 n Front ^ .'C ^ Brown Chns. E. clerk, 75 Townsi nd Brown Chas. F. drayman, 124 u Eden ;_ Brown Chas IJ. blacksmith, iJ6 s Burke g Brown Chas. H. conl'eclioner, 371 Lexington >-> Brown Chas. 11. oyster packer, 8 Windsor Brown Chas. D. clerk, 231 Barre Brown ('has. E. clerk. 75 Townsend Brown Chas. E tobacco, 95 s Charles, dw Lin- den av and Townsend Brown Capt. Chas. H. 148 s Ann Blown Chas. H, H. 402 Eutaw p! Brown Chas. T. (J. B. & Sun) 87 n Broadway Brown Chas. W. huckster, 224 Conway Brown Chas. W. stairbuilder, 359 Lexington Brown Chas. W. (Skipper & B.J 303 e Eager Brown Channcey, conductor, 362 w Lombard Brown Christiiin, shoemkr, 31 1 Mulberry Brown Chrisiupher, mariner, 460 Light Brown Clarence, clerk, 95 Saratoga Brown Cornelius (F. & C. Brown) 321 n Gay Brow n Corn, lius sr. tobacconist, 269 Saratoga Blown Cornelius jr. musical instr. 14 Miller Brown C. S. (Wilson k B.) Penna ext Brown David P. teacher, 248 n Caroline Blown Daniel, porter, 60 Buren Brown David R. attorney, 617 w Fayette Brown David O. (Stewart & Co. )32i)wLombard Brown & DePaepe, (H. Brown, J.DePaepe) rig- gers, 16 IMiilpot Brown Edward, liquors and wines, 181 s Broadway Brown Edward, cabinetmaker, cor Chesapeake and Elliott Brown Edward J. inspector C. H. Brown Edward, labor, 17 Cambridge Brown Edward, lab. 268 s Ann Brown Edward .M clerk, 16 n Ann Brown Edward W. junk, 57 Johnson Brawn Elias jr. carpenter, 186 Saratoga Brown Elias, carp. and builder, 17 Pleasant, dw^ 186 Saratoga Brown Elizabeth, cigars, 19 Jefferson Brown .Mrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, 42 n Bond Brown Emmett, ticket agt. Balio. Steampacket Co. ovt-r 8 South, dw 266 Linden av Brown Eugene, clerk, Gilmor nr Lexington Brown Fenion J. engineer, 71 O'Donnell Brown Dr. Felix E. dentist, 61 Lexington Brown Francis, coachpainler,OxfordnrVork rd Brown Frank, clerk, 229 n (Jharles Rrown Frank, dredger, 34 Block Brown Franklin F. police, 241 s Sharp Brown Franklin (F. & C. Brown) 373 Franklin Brown F. ^ C. (Franklin B. & Cornelius B.) poultry and game, Centre and Lexington markets Brown F"'iederick, mariner, 19 Jefferson Brown Friderick, beer, 32 n Sharp Brown Frederick J. (Frame k B. |89 wChase Brown Fiedeiick S. clerk, 402 Eutaw pi Brown Garry W. tobacconist, Fronl-st theatre, dw 5 n Front Brown C ipt. Geo. F. wharfinger, Belt's wharf foot of Fell, dw 35 s Chojitank lirown tjeo. 70 Mt. Vernon pi Brown Geo. blacksmith, 89llillen Brown Geo. moulder, 460 Light Brown Geo. boilermkr, 18 Warren Brown Geo. blacksmith, 23 East Brown Geo shucUer, 3 Myer ct Brown Geo. lab. 43 s Castle Brown G» o. wholesale candy manufacturer, 8 w Baltimore Brown Geo. C. carp. and builder, 186 Saratoga Brown Gto. E. clerk, Strieker nr Patterson av Brown Geo. F. marblecutter, 175 n Exeter Brown Geo. L. carp. 216 e Baltimore ,::; HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. BFtO 88 BRO \ Brown Geo. N. carp. 295 Barre Brown Geo.S.(Alex. B. & Sons) 66 Cathedral Browu Geo. C. brickhi.ver, 109 s Strieker Brown Geo. N. carp. 56 Brune Brown Geo. H. niacliinist, 56 Pine Brown Geo. L. porter, 31 Sterrett BROWN GEO.WM.judge UitvCourt,89wCha3e Brown Geo. \V. engineer. 76 n Castle Brown Geo. W. lab. 9Rus.^ell Brown G. H. bricklayer, 02 VVhatcoat Brown Geo. W. c(K)per, 2o3 Sharp Brown Geo. W. lab. 2:^7 Lee Brown Geo. W. shipcarp. 22,3 e Lombard Brown Geo. W. carp. 134 n Fremont Brown Mrs. Gertrude E. dressmaker, 208 n Cen- tral av BROWN, GRAVES & CO. (W.Judson Brown, Wm. B. Graves, S. P. Ryland jr.) oommis- sion merchanis, 24 Commerce Brown Gustavus (A. SeemuUer & Sons) Balti- more CO Brown H. C. bookkpr, 327 Lexino^tou Brown HamiU & Co. (M J. and W. A. Brown, R. W. Haniill) coal oil refiners, First av and Eighth, office 1 1 w Pratt Brown Harman J. conductor, 462 w Lombard Browu Harry P. clerk, 46 n Fremont Brown Harry, backman, 219 n Front Brown Harry, agent Howe sewing machine, 123 s Sharj) Browu Harry, mail agent, 7-16 w Pratt Browu Harvey, salesman, :-!08 a Strieker Brown Henry, cooper, 28tj s Ann Brown Henry, lab. 35 Parkin Brown Henr\ , lab. 217 Frederick av Brown Dr. Henry J. 289 e Fayette Brown Henry, engineer, 160 Scott Brown Henry G. (Tottle & B.) 24 n Strieker Brown Henry (B. & UePaep) 37 s Washington Brown Henry C. saw manuf. 17 s Gay, dw 16 Watson Brown Henry, Librarian B. & 0. R. R. 46 n Fremont Brown Henry G. teacher, 109 s Ann Browu Henry, tailor, 329 e Madison Brown Herbert D. cattle, 60 St. Peter Brown Hervey, cleik, 3o8 n Strieker Browu Mrs. Hester, 176 e Eager Brown H. D., Mansion house Brown's Hotel, L.Brown, prop'r, 119 n High Brown Hugh, lab. 215 s Bethel Browu Hugh J. clerk, 25 w Baltimore Brown Ira B. clerk, 127 Lexington Brown Isaac W. engineer, 142 Chesa[)eake Browu Isaiah, woodturner, 1 18 u Schrceder BRUWN J. WILSON, house fur. goods, 47 n Howard, dw 61 u Lilierty Brown Jacob, dry goods, 375 Light Brown .lacob C. {B.& .Murphy )370 e Baltimore Brown Jacob, boois and shoes, 1 s Central av Browu James A. canmkr, 441 n Gay- Brown Jarues B. clerk, 308 n Strieker Biown James, fisii, Belair av ext Brown James lab. 44 Rock Brown James E. blacksmith, 216 Peirce Browu James, moulder, Woodberry Browu James, lab. 94 York Browu James, lab. 56 Buren Brown James, huckster, 116 Boyd Brown James E. carp. 240 Hamburg Browu James J. stonecutter, 280Greenmountav Brown James M. 5 u Front CD. c3 Brown Mrs James, 108 Boyd ^_ Brown James F. lab. 166 Bank 3 I Brown James H. junk, 131 .McElderry whf, dw fi] I l31sHiuh ' ,_^ I Brown James R. carp. 293 Saratoga ~ I Brown James L. carp. 131 n Exeter ci ' Brown James M. clerk. Whatcoat nrPre.-straan ^ I Brown James T. machinist, 60 s .\nn '^ j Brown James S. puddler, 228 Hudson p Brown James, lab. 532 Light .£ Browu Rev. James H. 38 n Broadway ^ I Brown James H. jr. cK-rk, 38 n Broadway ' Brown James A. engineer, 85 Thames Brown James, restaurant, and supt. Broadwaj' and Locust Point Ferry, 85 Thames Browu James H. car[). 78 Portland Brown James, cabinetmkr, 10 Ramsay Brown James V. watchmkr, 203 e -Madison _ Brown James R (J. R. B. & Co.) 360 Myitle av Q Brown James R. & Co (J. R. Brown)wholesale queensware. 3 n Howard =^ Brown J. Frank, brickmaker, Wathington av, dw 606 w Fayette Brown J;tmes, mariner, 270 eBiddle Brown James F. clerk, 67 s Chester Brown James, cabinetmkr, 366 w Pratt Brown James F. clerk, 365 n Strieker Brown James Q clerk, 40 n Fremont Brown James, chairmkr, 40 Patieison Park av Brown James, boilermkr, 532 Light ^ Brown J. Wilcox, (B., Lancaster & Co.) 43 w fS; ■ Eager ^ Brown -Mrs. Jane, 252 n CMroline '"^ Browu Mis. Jane, bookbinder, 236 s Sharp Brown Mrs. Jane, tavern, 179 3 Broadway Brown Jasper R. carp. 2 St. Mary, dw 318 Light I Brown JeHerson, brakeman, 234 Hollins Brown Jesse W. conductor, 296 McHenry Browu John L. dentist. Homestead Brown John, 3 Myers ct Brown J(jlm, manner, 61 Cambridge Brown John, 437 Madison av (-^ Brown John L. contr^etor, Eutaw and Biddle "2 Druce John M. ISit Aisquilli F}riu-e Olivir H. harnessmkr, 6 Hill Bruce Mis. Marv E. boardingr, 38j w B;\ltimoie Bruce Robt. A. "clerk C. II. 445 n Calhounr Bruce Win. !53 e M ullsou Rruo' Wiu. W. macliinists. 153 e Madison Biuchev David M. police, "230 Columbiii Bruck Frederick H. clerk. 278 llnnovcr Bruck Ik'tirv M. tailor, 278 Uauover Bruckheimer Geo. tailor, 190 Preston Brucklinff Roliert, biiior, 23 Granby Hruckmami Wu>. shoemaker. 154 Henrietta BiuckiH'r John F. piiinoinaker, 349 Hamburg Hrude Gustav, salesman. 19 Birlletl Bruder Anton, lab. 33 n Chapel Brudcr Mrs. Francis, riroccry. 33 n Cbupel BrudiT Michael, 33 n Ciiapel Brudcr Michicl jr. buker, 81 Hillen Brueliach .Mrs. Annie C. proc'y, 250 Eastern av Brueb.ich Tlias. i)ianoiiikr. 250 Eastern av Brueimch Joakim, cabinelmkr, G8 Burre Brueckniann Wm. shoemaker, 154 Henrietta Bruecknor Andrew, beer, 1 Duver Bruens Everett, shonikr, 57 .\lbemarle Brueitin^ Ge'). W. barkeeper. 71 s Rejiester BRUFF, FAULKNER & CO (J. E. Bruff, A. B. Faulkner. Wm. R. Hall -It) wholesale dr.v goods, 275 w lidliiaiore Bruff John W. drv goods, Carrollton hotel Bruff Jos. E. (B.Faulkner & Co.) 248 Linden av Brutr .Mrs. S. 142 n Charles Bruff Thos. E. pointer, Biddle nr Washington Brugj^emnn Albcrt( B.&: Rickcs)lo4 n Central av Bruggeman Fred. W. grocery, 6 Dawson al Bruggemrui (Ulo, tinner. 164 n Central av Bruggeman & Rickes (.\lbert Bruggeman and Wm. Rickes) scourers and dyers, 6 Bank la Bruggmiin Amelia, notions, 360 n Centr il av Bruggman Henry, carp. 360 n Central av Hruggy .Ann J. hucksiress, 3 Arcade al Brui^gy John. l.ib. 131 Ridgely Bruggv iLirtin, carp. 3 Arcade al Bruguiens Louis, painter, 17 B;iinet Birilin Jacob, salesman, 38 Camden Bruhii .Mrs. Louis. i, grocery. 3S C.imden B nhl Wm. H. conductor, 402 n Fremont Bruhlmann All'red, caliinetniAr, 363 Orleans Brulle Fred. (.Meyer k B.) 179 Ln.vinglon Brnmble Wm depot master, Union Depot, Oxford, York rd Brummell Alfred, tailor, 245 n Bond Brummell Jos-ph, painter, 95 n Sc!;roeder liruirimell Wm. bricklayer, 30 .MclOlderry Brummer Anne, teacher, 37 n Hoilidav Brumshaven Fred, paver, 154 s Charles Bruii Edward, macliinist, 116 n Paca Brun .Madame F. child's dnssinkr, 116 n Paca Brun Victor II. clerk, 116 n Paca Ururick A. F. clerk, 258 Saratoga Brundick Rudolph, lab. 34 F.juniain Brundidge Aaron S. woodvvkr, 77 Parkin Brundige Chas. 11. 185 Townsend Brundi;iO .Maslon L. lab. 55.-\\v 144 Chesapeake Brusstar Herirv jr. shipcarp. 144 Chesapeake Brusstar Wni. S. shipcarp. 144 Chesapeake Hrust .Idhn, teacher, 168 Hamburg Rrnst Mrs. Eleanor, 121 n Giliiior Brii>tbinelnikr. 7^ L. Paca Buchholz Heinrich, bookkpr, 24 Hollins Buchholz Henry, shoemkr, 493 w Pratt Buchhollz Wm. bookkpr, 105 Hanover Buchilla John. lab. 19 New Church Buchman Henry, clothing, 204 Caiston av Buchmeyer Fred, wheelwriglit, 9 Leadenhall Buchmiun Fred, shoemkr, Sarah Ann nr Oregon Bucht^er Conrad, shoemaker, 9 L. .Montgomery Buchner (Jeorge, woodsavvyer, 378 .Visquith Buchner John, ci^armaker. 378 Aisquith Bucholtz Wm. clerk, 105 Hanover Buchsbauni Bnrnard. restaurant, 8S n Gav Buchsbaum Chas. caliinetmkr, 32 n Hollidav BUCHSBAU.M HENRY, beer, 4 Centre mkt sp Buchsbaum John G. merchant'tailor. 18 s Sliarp Buchsliaum John H. lager beer, Central av and Lombard Buchta F. C. P. W. wheelwright, 34 Hillen, dw 162 n Exeter Buchta Geo. P. blacksmith, 34 Hillen, dw 135 n Bond Buchta Mrs. Regina, 162 n Exeter Buchta Wm. C. blacksmith. 162 n Exeter Buclnvald Michael, butcher, 7 Bilair and 113 (,'entre mkts, dw Belair av nr city limits Buck Alfred, 96 n Carey- Buck Benj. P. Canvasser, 245 Peirce Buck Benj. G. plasterer, 75 s Greene cq o O O O o o aS c^ Eh < h^ :^ O ^ 'Z < < 0 a >-r< J H 0 CD 00 h^ ^ Buck Mrs. B. J. 396 Franklin Buck Chiirles, grocery, 170 Henna av Buck Ch:irles. shoemaker, 318 s Sharp Buck Char es C. 75 -^ Greene Buck Chas. H. lirickl'v, 42 s Patterson Park av Buck C. W. jr. clerk, 206 Limien nv Buck ChHrle.<< \V. police, 183 Conway Buik Kilward D. carriage j;oods, iron and steel, 86 \v Pratt, dw 600 Lexington Buck George H. clerk. 77 Bolton Buck Geo. \V. brickmkr. 42 Patterson Park av Buck Geo W. grocery, Biddie and Ann Buck Geo. A. pipemaUer, 69 Hill hardware. 88 "' Pratt Buck Geo. W. k Co. iG. W. & W. B. Buck( Buck Geo. \V. (G. W. B. k Co.) 75 e Pratt Buck Henry, slioenikr, US Eastern av Buck Henry M. gla>aljlo\ver, 29 L. Church BUCK, HF<]FLh:BOWER k NRER (S. D. Buck, J.N. Heflehower anil N. F. Neer) wholesale boots and shoes, 240 w Baltimore Buck Henry k Co (R. B. Buck, J. W. Henry, Wm. II. .Mislin) wholes, notions. 6 Hanover Buck Henry. I. cleri<, 77 Bolton Buck Irving A. ( Adams. Buck & Co.)96 Saratoga Buck Irving, clerk, 199 s Paca Buck James A 69 Hill Buck John F. brickmkr, 42 P.itterson Park av Buck John jr. 75 e Pratt Buck .lohn .M. :'.94 Dniid Hill ..v Buck Joiin C. bricklayer, 293 McDonongh Buck Jo?eph A. agent, metals, furs and paper stock, 100 Light-sl whf, dw 69 Hill BUCK JAMES, prop'r Ruck's hotel, 30, 32, 34 w Pratt and 84, 86 Centre market sp BUCK'S HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. AT AM. HOI RS. l>o;y and. IVig^lit. 30.32,34 W. Pratt St. AND 84 & 86 Centre Mkt. Space. Y. •r r- ^TX'i^ r a:0 ^ ^ >> HE-"*! a ^ 1— ~ w s ■r.> ■%* o w o rk, 69 Hill brick maker, 42 Patterson Buck Joseph T. de Buck Leuider W. Park av Buck Lewis F. clerk, 4 Franklin Buck Louis, bartender, 187 Lexington Buck Orville M. Iiookkpr, 96 Saratoga Buck Rich'd B. (B., Hi-nry & Co.) 336 n Eulaw Buck Saml. I>. (B., Heflebower & Neer) 96 Sar^itoga Buck Wesley B (G. AV. B. k Co ) 75 e Pratt Buck \Vm. E. clerk, 600 Le.xiuL'ton Buck Wm H. cigarmkr, 26 Dewlieiry al Buck Win. H. clerk, Fayette nr Poppleton Buck Wm. II. clerk, 77 Bolton Buck Wni. L. brick maker, 42 Patterson Park av Bmk Wm. W. huckster, 464 Saratoga Buckbee Wm. E machinist, 23 n Gay Hncke John H. bookkpr, 156 vv Pratt Burkerin;in Wilhelm, upholsterer, 11 Painter ct Buckey Jacob, appraiser, C. H. dw 15 Scott Buckey James H. engineer, 228 Lee Buckhart Adam, lub. 6:^6 Light Buckhart Golfried, buxmkr, 399 w Pratt liuckhart .Mathias, beer, 4o7 w Pratt Buckhart Mrs. M. 13 Baker Buckhart Peter, lab. 636 Light Bu(khem)er Mathias, shoemkr, 72 Walnut al Buckhert Peter, carter, 2h6 Johnson BiickhofT John, huckster, 20 Thomsen Bucking Frank, baker, 120 L. Greene Bucking Franz, baker, 198 Vine Buckingham Albert, carp. 558 Penna aT Buckingham Ber.i. carj). 366 Penna av Buckinghan C W. trav. ag't B.C. & R. Steam- boat Co. 135 n Republican Buckingham M. H. clerk, 558 Sarato;.'a Buckingham MiS. Ellen, 24 s Fulton Buckingham Henry F. T. (J.W.C. Seilz & Co.) 216 Lanvale Buckingham James R. shirtmkr and laundry, 60 w Y.w ette Buckingham Jerome, driver, 253 Franklin Buckingham John B. blacksmith, 47 s Strieker Buckingham John W. carp. 47 s Strieker Buckingham J. Wm. carp. 4."i s Strieker Buckingham Nehemiah, fireman, 4o McHenry Buckingham Nimrod, coal, 179 Chesnut al, dw 282 Franklin Buckingham P. G. 357 Druid Hill av Buckinjiham Win. G. butter. 558 Saratoga Buckler ('has. W. mariner, 292 e Pratt Buckler Dr Riggin, 1H5 n Charles Buckler Wm. H. ferryman, 101 s Chester Bnckless Frank, lighthouse keeper, 164 s Ann Bucklcss Hi nry S. officer Penit'y. 34 Laurel Bnckless Thomas !•;. police, 41 n Washington Buckley Chas. R. agent boot and shoe manu- factory, 101 Hanover Buckley Daniel B. tii,ner, 73 Eastern av Buckley Daniil F. lab. 228 Columbia Buckley D.ivid G. painter, 31 H Franklin Buckley Daniel, lab. 73 Eastern av Buckley Dennis, lab. 86 Clinton Buckley Mrs. Eliza, tavern, 1 West Falls av HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing. Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee. General Agent, 15 South St. BUG 89 BUL Buckley & Holhrook (Martin Bucklev, Joseph Holhrook) ice dealers, Aliceanna and Wash- ington Buckley ^^^s. F. A. ladies shoes, 101 Hanover Buckley Mrs Helen, 4 Plowman Buckley John, fireman. 4 Plowman Buckley John, farmer, 90 s Republicnn Buckle? John clerk 240 n Eden Buckley >rartin (B. k Holhrook,) 14 Hillman Buckley Martin, lab. 14 Hillman Buckley Michael, lah. 14 Hillman Buckley Mrs. Mary A. grocery, 60 Thames Buckley R. Jean, stajre manager, 9 s Hiirh Buckle}' Capt. Samuel, mariner, 11 Elliott Buckley Thos. G. lab. 15 Abey al Buckley Tlios. G. printer, 73 Forrest Buckley \Vm. lab. 60 Th:iD:es Buckman Anton, lab. 211 Aliceanna Buckrann C. Cecil, clerk, 216 n Calvert Buckman Chas. tinner, 123 Battery av Buckman Loreiiz, driver, 211 .\liceanna Buckman Joseph, cuoper, 28 Willow Buckmaster H.C(Jno. Glenn t5'Co.)9l Saratoga Buckmaster Hillary, caulker, 147 Johnson Buckmiller Robt. S. tanner, 229 n Calvert Buckner Dr Chas. S. 46 McCulloh Bucksbaum Henrietta,dry goods,232 sBroadvv'y Bucksbaum Ht-nry. clerk, 232 s I'lroadwaj' Bucksbaum Julius, prop'ty ag't. 232 s Broadway Bucksb.ium Meyer, clerk, 232 s Broadway Bucksl)aum Moses, clerk, 232 s Broadway Budeke Geo. H. oils, paints, &c. 133 s Broad- way, dw 341 e Pratt Budeke Henry, lab. Scott nr Stockholm Budd Chas. A. tobacconist, 230 Harford av Budde Francis M. 658 w Baltimore Budde \Vm. blacksmith, 58 President, dw 68 Albemarle Buddernier Fred, grocery, 130 Dillon Buddemier Fred, boilermaker, 148 s Wolfe Buddemier Henry, lab. lUn Dillon Buddenbohn Aujiust, carp. 279 n Dallas Buddenbohu Dr. C. L. 106 Columbia Buddenbohn Ferd. carp. 35 s Bethel Buddenbohn Wilhelm, carp. 279 n Dallas Biidnitz Henry, collector, 242 s Sharp Buddermeir Fredk. boilermaker, 148 s Wolfe Buddermeir \Ym. switchman, 207 s Wolfe Budderei' Henry, cab. maker, 322 Park av Budderer John G. woodturner, 24 Jasper Budsemick Joseph, lab. 240 s Dallas Buecher Mrs. Hannah, 304 n Gay Buecher Harman, bo.Kmaker, 364 n Gay Buecher John, bo.xmaker, 364 n Gay Buecher \Vm. basketmkr, 364 n Gay Breuche Fred, brewer, Lancaster and Clinton Buechner George, lab. 378 Aisquith Buechner John, tobacconist, 248 Harford av, dw 378 Aisquith Buehler Geo. E.(Wm. B. & Sons)182 Franklin Buehler Henry L. tuilor, 73 s Greene Buehler Wm."D.(Wm. B. & Sons) 182Franklin Buehler Wm. (Wm. B. & Sous) 1S2 Franklin Buehhr Wm. & Sons (Wm,, Geo. E. & Wm.D. Buehler) tobacconists, 159 Franklin Buehner Otto, music teacher, 5 Wilkins av Buel John, wheelwright, Hampden Buell .Milton T. ironworker, 696 w Baltimore Buerjan James, siioemaker. Bethel nr Aliceanna Buenger John, boot fitter, 173 s Bond Buerman Mrs. Sushu, seamstress, 28 Knox nl Buffalo Ins. Co. of Buffalo, N. Y. 37 PostoflSce av Buffalo Scale Company, Riggs & Co. agents, 35 Postoffice av Buffalo (German) Ins. Co. of Buffalo, N. Y. s w cor South and German Bnfiiip John. lab. 192 s Regesfer l^uffalo Wm. Hgent, Cross nr Howard Bufeld John, lab. rear 320 Aliceanna Bufter Edward W. airent, 7ri5 Penna av Rnfler Elijah. 755 Penna av Bufter John, lab. 46S Canton av Buirirelu Mrs. Annie, Lemmon nr Strieker Buhleier Ferdinand, shoemkr, 10 n Durham Buhman Mrs Caroline, grocery, 78 Henrietta Bnhman Daniel, shoemaker, 269 s Chai'les Buhman Henry, shoemaker, 78 Henrietta Buhman Wm." lab. 383 s Charles Bnhsti'in Wm lab. 35J s Kntaw BUILDING (COMMITTEE NEW CITY HALL, office cor Holliday and Le.xineton Builmnn Frank, cabinetmaker, 55 s Monroe Bnjac Alfred, teacher, 236 w Hoffman Bukoffskey Geo. puddler, Bank nr Ilighl.indav Bulack Mrs, Jacob, restaurant, 65 w Pratt Bulack Joseph, shoemkr, 244 w Pratt Bulack Michael, shoemkr, 195 Lee Bulak Mich.ael, lab. 5 Abbott Bulgan H. Henry, paver, 336 Mulberry Bul H pq o O o o o o 1 — I rjl < CO p^ lin, calT tniakr, Cross nnd Russell Bninn Geo. C (Jos. L. B.& Co.) 206 Linden av BUMP JOSi':PH L- &C0. (Jos. L. and George C. Bump) {,'rl^ct•ru'S and provisions, 20G Lin- den av Biiuip Josp|)hL. (Jos. L. B. &Co.) 2-28 Franklin BLT.MP OBL.\NDl) F. attorney and reyrister in liiinivruplcy, 17 St. Paul, dw 347 Linden av Bunee I>avid, coaclitrinimer, 4H'.) Aisquith Bunee Edw. ro|>ein;iker, Chappell nr Chase Buiu-e Mrs F.lizaieili, 232 e Chase I'.unce Mrs. Mary, 318 Harford av Bunee Richard, briekl lyer, 31 « Harford av Bunee Ti)oin;is, lab. North av nrPenna av Buiieh Andrew, mariner, 3(3 President Buncli Joshua J. fisliermun, 56 Durst al Bunch .M>irt;aret, l>eer, 36 President Bunch Wni. lab. .50 U'Dunnell Bunch Robert, 21 Lewis Buudheimer Georjre, tanner, 108 Eastern av Bundschue Charles, lab. 2 G»uid la Uundschue Louis, cooper, 189 e Lombard Bnndscliue Dora, vestmkr, 189 e Lombard Bundschue Sophia, niantuamkr, 189e Lombard Bunekamp \Vm. wagoner, 140 s Central av Bungcr Diedrich, stevedore, 226 s Ann Bunger Henry, carp. 255 Altceaiina Hunger John H. shoemkr, 89 s Spring Bunirer Sebastian, bricklayer, 89 s Spring Hunkley Josnph L. barkpr, Gen'I Wayne hotel Buun .loiiu. lab. 98 Chesapeake Bunu Joseph, 355 s Charles Bunn Philip, well digger, 42 .-Xbey al Bunn Peter, butcher, Cross-st market, dvv Gar- rison la nr Baltimore Bunneeke Geo. 41 s Exeler Bunnell G. W. (U. W. Miller & Co.) 40 Colling- ton av Bunnell Lucas P. oyster pacl>cr.87 s Washington Bunt^er .My r, clerk, l(i7 .Visquith Buuner Wm. notions, 107 Ai.<(piith Buntell Henry, clerk, 142 L Greene Bunl^niiller Henry, sawyer. 88 s Bethel Bunting Chas. H. music teacher. 12 s Strieker Bunting Geo. ItuHer, 404 e .Miuunnent Bunting Geo. R. br.issfiiiisher, 86 e Pratt B Vint ill g John, fi reman , 2(i2 s Ann Bunting .iohn W. piovisioiis, 242 u (,'aroline Bunting Mr^. .Margaret, lOI! n Poj.pleton Bunting Robt. machinist, 73 llamliurg Bunting Smith, bricklayer, H 3 n Poppleton Burning Spencer J. 48 Jackson siiuare av Bunting Win. H. carp. Slocktuu nr Baltimore, dw 4 18 w Fayette Bunzenthal Franklin, grocery, 37 Rose IJuiiMr Diedrich, slevi-dore, 226 s Ann l!u|.p (;i-o. lab. 233 Preston Bup|) Wm. II. shoefiiler, 54 s Eutaw Burbage .John IC. Salesman, 110 Aisquith Burbank D ivid, collector, 6o u Gie-ne Burbank Leonard, gasfitter. 2o7 \v Fayette Burbine ( harles, fisherman, 6s John*on Burch Francis A. shipjoiuer, 383 Orleans Burch J. A. Halcsman, 55 Le.xiiiirlon Burch Jus. A. shipjoiuer, 164 Jefferson Burch Dr. James C. 141 Hanover Unrch James, mariner, Covington nr Hamburg Burch J. E. police, 384 Hamburg Burch Jas. W. clerk, 740 w Baltimore Burch John D. clerk, 740 w Baltimore Bur(-h Joseph, police. 384 IIa:nl)urg Burch Marion K. clerk, 299 n Broadway Burch Mrs. Sarah A. notions, 740 w Baltimore Burch Thos. clerk, 299 McDono-h Biircli Wm. R. clerk, 740 w Baltimore Burch Warnn, clerk, 299 n Broadway Burchett, Robert. 288 Saratoga Burck Fred. II clerk. 278 Hanover Burckle Jacob, cabinetmaker, 90 McElderry * Burden Benedick, shipping master, 83 s Spring Burden Joanna, cook.shop, 83 s Spring Burdick Mattie, 153 Raborg Burdet Fdwin, cop. plate maker, 364 Le.v:ington Burt'ord Powhatan S. cleik. 1 60 Saratoga Burenberg Fredk. lab. 46 s Paterson Park av Burt:an .Mrs. Ann, 76 Johnson Burgan Arthur, sawyer, 76 Johnson BurgKii ("lias gardener, Oxford York rd Burgan Frank, huckster, 195 n Kdeu Burgan Henry M. clerk, 115 n Gay Bui'gan James H. lab. 222 Eastern av Burgan John. lab. York rd nr St. Ann's Church Burgan Maithew, lab. 110 Warner Burgan Philip, blacksmith, Belair av ext Burgan Philip L huclvSter, 195 n Edeu Burgan Thomas T. painter, 14S a IJoud Burgan Theoi)hilu3, lab. Homestead Burgan Win. M. clerk, 238 n Caroline Burgee Elizabeth, Hampden Burgee Howard F. tobacconist, Hampden Burgee Wm. H. carpentei, Hampden Burgel Gotleil), porter, 393j Canton av Burger -AndiC'S, cabinetmaker, 218 s Bond Burger Bernhardt, brewer, Belair av ext Burger Charles, baker, 30 Leadenhall Burger Conrad, salesman, Lombard ur Payson Burger Edward, carp. 65 n Reuester Burger Elizabeth, beer, 335 s Bond Burger Fred. car[). 136 s Bond Burger Guslav, florist, 208 Greenmount av Burger Henry, dry goods and varieties, 206 8 Broadway Burger Henry, cig.irmaker, 159 Dover Burger Jolin H. grocery, 296 Aliceanna Burger John, laborer, 22 Port Burjier Joseph, laborer. Mount Vernon Burger John W. brewer, 335 s LJond Burger Joseph, cabinetmaker, 11 Sierrett Burger Simon, cabinetm iker, 40 Harrison Burgess B. T. 190 e Fayette Burgess Benj. patternmaker, 45 s Poppleton Burgess Caleb 11. and John, silverplaters, rear 29 I'ark iiv Burgess Caleb II. (C. 11. & J. liurgess) 459 Lex- ington Bnriress (Jh.as. R. merchant tailor, 20 German e of Ch.irles, dw 45 n Republican Burgess Edwin K. agent Atlantic coast line, 73 Smith's whf. dw 231 n Fremont Burgess Mrs. Eleanor, boarding. 14 s G^iy Burgess .Mrs. Elizabeth, 367 w Fayette Burgess .Mrs. Elizabeth, 12S n Exeler Burgess I. P. (Andrews & Co.) 260 Lanvale Burgess James, carp. 356 e M oiison Burgess John, (Calei) H.aiui John B.) 13 Rock Burgess John II. machinist, 311 .Mcilenry Burgess Kemp W, carp. 232 e Fayette Burgess Liomi, (Crook & Co.) 192 e Fayette Burgess .Millard F. clerk, 232 e Fayette Burgess Oliver, patieramaker, 45 s Poppleton HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75.00a000j00, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. BUR • 91 BUR Burgess Owen D. silverplater, 86 n Schroedei- Bur^'ess RelieccM. dressmaker. 367 w Fayette Burgess Sam'l 0. hookkpr, 78 Cliew Burgess Steplien F. agrcl. implts. 232 e Fa.vette Bur>;ess Thos. brickiukr, 24 Washington av Biir!iutaw Burkhard Dr. Melchior C. 61 s Kut;v\v,dw Con- way nr Sliarp Burkhiird tMlo. cigiumkr, 413 w Pnitl Burkliard Wilhclmiiiii, ir>4 s Wolfe Btirkha-dl Albert, cit,'arboxinaker, 066 w Bal- timore Burkliardt Christian, ci^rarboxnikr, 666 w Bal- liiuore Bur^iiardt Cmirad, butcher. B-.'laii- av ext Biirkhanit P^rnest, cabi: ettnkr, 79 Harrison Biirkhardt Fred lab. 80 Souiersel Uurkhardi (ieo. broouiiiikr, 34 Port Biiikhardt Jacob, cir driver. Friendship Burkhardt Jacob, milk SO S imerset liiirkhanlt John, lal). 80 Somerset Burkhardt Michael, laO. 48 Kssex Buikhardt Philip, 468 Penna av Burkhari Fred, engineer, 34 Parrish B'irkhart Jacob, u asslilower, 298 Cross Burkhart John, funaceman. 168 Eastern av Burkl.art Rev. Nicholas, 12") Druid llillav Burkhart Win. liquors, Fa^vcile and Caroline Burkbauscr Valentine, stonecir, 344 e Lombard Burkheiiner & Bro. (L. and B. Bui kliciiner) bakery, 4 n lli^'h Burkheinier Balihaser (B. & Bro.) 4 n lii;:h Bnrkheimer Leonard (B. & Bro.) 4 n High Burkina Wm. police, 4y8 w Lombard ■ Burkic Jacob, cabinetnikr, 19 .McKlderry Biirkley Geo. lab. 4.50 Canton av Burlaj-e Geo. lab. Waverley Burbige J hn, lab. Waverley Burlaue John, lab. 21 Scott Burleiirh Joseph B. jr. oyster packer, Mount nr Lxiujtou Burley Henry W. shoemkr, 459 e Eajfer Burman Ernest H. confcc. 612 w Fayetie Buriiam Geo painter, 13 Scott iinrniaii Jeremiah, pii iter, .^6 s Republican Burman John H. confec. 10 P.itlerson av Burman .Mrs. .Mar^aret,drcssmkr.r)Gs Republican Biirnieister Chas. mariner, 114 Thames {{urmeister Fred, rfstauiant. 114 Thames Burn Alex, canmaker, 226 BanK Burn Ellen A. tailoress, 231 e Chase {{urn (ji-o. W. oyster shucker. 226 Bank Burn .lames M. shipcarp. 23 Esse.i Burn Robert, shipcirp. 226 B >nk Burn Wm. H. H. shipcaip 2.6 Bank Burnascuni Joseph, stonecutr, 285 s l'>utaw Biirnap Mrs. Geo. W. 45 n Calvert Burnes (Jharles 11. lab. 98 Stiles Burner Golleib, t:inn'r, U'8 Forrest Buriieston Chas. E. lab 394 E.i,>;lern av Biirnesioii isiac, bookkpr, 20 n Strieker Burneston Joseph, carp. 12 n Wolfe Burnett Elijah. sei:'y Bryant, Stratton & Sadler college, 60 n Fi.llcm Burnett Geo. G. timekeeper, 557 w Lombard Burnett Geo. II. carp. 37 n Elcn Burnett Geo. R. clerk, 238 e Pralt Burnett H.Spra.;ue, clerk, lol n .\nn Burnett .Mrs. Jane, 58 n Kii<-n Burnett John, lab 14 Polomic Burni-tt lohn M. butcher, 274 llollins Burnett John P. 60 n Fulton Burnett Joseph P. jr. police, 202 Aisquith Burnett Luciiida A. 58 n Eden Burnett Michael D. clerk, 290 McDoaogh Burnett .Maria L. teacher, 5S n Kden Burnett .Mary E. teacher, 58 n Ldea Burneit Nelson P. carp. 78 Buren Burnett S Rowe (S.R.B. & Co.) 274 Hollins Burnett S. Rowe k Co. (S. R. Burnett) com. merchatits, 114 s Charles Buinelt Simuel, 274 Hollins Kurnetl Washiniitoa, clerk, 556 w Lombard Burnett Wm. A. 58 ii Eden Burnham Daniel, puddler, 140 Hudson Burnliam Ca[)i. Enoch, mariner. 356 e Baltimore Burnliaiii .lohn F. milk, 54 Hillea Burnham John W. trimmings, &c. 112 Lexing- ton, dw 356 e Baltimore Burnliam Martin, cigarmkr, 312 McDonofih Burnham Samuel, painter, 312 McDonogh Burnham Wm. J. blacksmith, 48 n Paca, dw 74 n Pine Buinin^iham John, plasterer, 128 Mosher Buruiiighaiii John, lab. 98 Eastern av Burns Allen, moulder, 64 Ramsay Burns Andrew, carter, 190 s Central av Burns .\u;.'ust, cirp. 5S Brune Burns Bailley, grocery, 39 Biddle al Burns Bernard, bookkpr, 37 Hillman Burns Bernard, police. 235 Forrest Burns Bridget, 177 Aliceanna Burns Mrs. Bridget, grocery, 29 llillen Burns Dr. Chas. W. H. 82 n Edeii Burns Charles, watchmkr, 37 Centre nikt sp Burns Charles, lab. 16 n Schroedcr Burns Mrs. Catherine, 276 Park av Bums Daniel, carter, 143Hnghe3 Burns Darby, lab. 29 Hillen Burns Edward, 38 Orleans Burns Edward, painter, 95 n Schroeder Burns I'dward J. barkfir, 247 Forrest Burns Eliza L. 6 Harlem av Bums Mrs. Elizi, Lnocerv, 18 Morris al Burns Findley H. (Wilson B. & Co.)250 Druid Hillav Burns Francis jr. (Wilson, B. & Co.) 168 w Fayette Burns Francis sr. 168 w Fayelte Burns (ieo. machinist, 467 w Lombard Burns George W. 83 Harlem av Burns Heiirv, barrels, Pratt nr High, dw 173 e Pralt Burns Henry, lab. 177 Aliceanna Burns Henry, sionepolisiier, 255 Forrest Bii'ns Henry, police, 109 e Eager Burns James, lab. 340 Ramsay Bums James lab. Donnelly cl Burns James, lab 61 s Castle Burns James, blacksmith, Lemnjon nr Gilmor Burns .Mrs. Jane, oysters, 95 n Schroeder Bums John, baker, 134 Hollins Burns John, lab. 1 Webster al Burns John K. grocery, Knw and Chase Burns John T. tailor, 104 n Central ar Bums John, lab. 61 s Castle Burns John, lab. 30 Ryan Burns John, harnessmkr, 22 Valley Burns John, blacksmith, 21 Bartlett Burns John, driver, 16 Douglass Bums John T. collector, 148 n Chew Bums John, lab. 58 Clilford al Bums John. lati. 22 Thames Burns John, hostler, 15 Biker Burns Joseph, driver, 87 s Spring HEiNRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. i" ^he "World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ± BUR 93 15UR Burns Lewis, dr;iy!iiiin, 184 Preston Burns Mrs. Mjirsr^uei, 6 Difker Burns .Martin, lab. 20 Presiilent Burns Martin Vj. nioulcier. 148 Ensor Burns M irtin, lab. [Jelair av cxt Burns Martin, lab. 200 Mullikin Burns Mrs. .Mary, 3!) s Stockton al Burns .Maiy, (34 Durst al Burns .Matthew, carp. 18 Morris al Burns .Michael, i)ainter, iJ7 Clay Burns Michael, lab. 9 Plowman Burns Michael, lab. 348 William Burns Michael, lab. 22 s Dewberry ;il Burns .Michael, lab. 609 w Piatt Burns Miles, il ray man, 6 Wilcox Burns Nathan P. niarblccuttei', 2.'!0 Gvorge Burns Nicholas, jilastcrrr. I(i4 "^'ork BuriiS Patrick, cleik, 158 w Lomtiartl Burns Patrick, coal oil refiner, 133 I]attery av Burns Patrick, carter, 88 York Burns P.ilrick, refiner, 274 Batteiy av Burns Patrick, ihayman, 21i; Division Buins I'atrick, lab. laMiedral ext Burns Patrick, lab. 40 Liberty al Burns Patrick, moulder, 117 ilaiConl av Burns I'atrick, lab 235 Battery av Burns PmuI O. (P. 0 Burns <<; ("o.)Luta\v house Burns P (J. & Co. (Paul O. Burns) wholesale liquor, 80 Light-st whf Burns Peter, draymm, 148 Division Burns Richaid, cmlkei-. 62 William Burns Robt. k. (.Snead >.t Burns) 564 Lexington Burns Robt. E. B. bliicksuiith, 66 Cross Burns Sam'l S. carp. 252 .s Charles BURN.-^, RCS.SELL Jc CU. (Wm. F. Burns, A. W. Russell,) ijrick nianufs. office 30 Columbia, yard Washuijiton rd nr Harman's lout.' liriijge Burns Saml. (B. k Sloan, ) 133 St. Paul BURNS & SLO.A.X, lumber dealers, 132 Light street whaif SAMUEL BURNS. GEO. F. SLOAN. BURNS & SLOAN, LUMBEB DEALEES, 132 LIGHT ST. WHARF, li ALU MORE. Burns Thoracis, lab. 54 Jett'er.son Burns Thonuts, lab. 2ft Hillen Burns Thomas, shoemkr, 6 Ulrich al Burns Thomas, lai). 12urrouufii, Jno. H Emery, prop'rs, ) fluid and I solid extracts. 4 Howell" bh.ck, Sharp and I Camden I Bui rou;_'ii Horace, ( Burrotiirh Bros. Manuf. Co. ) I 63 n Gilinor ] BniroiiL'h iV' Co. (Jacob I'.iirroujih. ) coal, Germ;;n. yard (,' 'iheilial .nr Dol[)l)in Burrou - "^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUT BUR 94 tc^'Z o 0, c^ 9 ^ CM c Burton Thos. C. & ('o. (T. C. Burton, Wm. F. Boswell) dyers und scourers, 119 Lexington Burton Wiu. H. truukuikr, 27 Waesclie Burton Wm. H. actor, H3 e Fiiyette Bury Chrisliiiu, lal). IM St. Peier Bury David, huckster, 94 tit. Peter Bury Francis, lab. 29 Walker C Bury Josepb, lal). 6ti Wyeth fJ Bury Kitiin, 75 Wvetli ^ Bury Kichiird, lab". 94 «t. Peter ^ Busby Mrs. Catherine, 446 Lexington fi Busby James, lab. 58 n Dalbis ■f^ Bu.sby Robert, baker, llae Pratt ^ Busby .Mrs. Susan, bakery, 11& e Pratt jq Busch Bernard, beer, 4u8 Harlord av Buscli tharles, tailor, 104 ColHmbia £ BuschMrs. Eliza, cont'ectiouery, 88 Leadcnhall c: Busch'Oeo. box cutter, '.iSl a Oentrol av ;: Buscii George L. cijiarmkr, 88 Leadeuball o Busch Geo. W. brickuikr, 494 Li, attorneys, e5 w Fayette ~ • - "^ (^ -^ c o £ P^ o o Buttner John, shoemkr, 104 Columbia Buttner John A. liquors, 73 n Wolfe Ruttner John, tailor, 91 Somerset Buttner Leonard, shoemkr, 123 Bank fin tt tier Louis, shoemkr, 148 s Paca Buttner Wm. shoemkr, 332 e .Monument Button Jacob, lab. 112 3 ("aroliue Butt( n Wm. tailor, 17 n Caroline Bu:ton Wm. insjiector (J. H. Butts .Mrs. .Mary, 356 .Mulberry Bulls Samuel, {jlasierer. Western .Md. hotel Butts Wm. IL driver, 60 Eiling Buttz Andrew, cooper, :>1 Elizabeth la liuttz John, shoemkr. 107 lleniietta Bnttzler Charles, bookkjjr, 67 (Jhevv Buttzler John, grocery. 67 Chew Bnttzler Wm. carp. 67 Cliew Blitz Joseph, gilder, 9 Suiitli al B:itz\ak .Mathias, lab. 4:; Lancaster Bu.xiiaum Benj. huckster, 112 n Spring Bii.\b;iuni -Mrs. Caroline, uml'rella mannfr, 20 n O Po;>plelon Bu.xbauni Herman, butcher, 63 n .Ann '"^ Buxbaum Jacob, musician, 2o n Poppleton BuxeiiSteiti Mrs. Annie, vestmkr, 55 Watson ';;:^ Buxton Basil, firenim 10 s Strieker O Buxton JohuH. (B. k Musgrave) 104 n High O BUXTON k MUSGRAVE, (John H. Buxton, t^ Thos. H. -Musgrave) railway and machinists' supplies, 21 and :^3 Light • Buvs Heurv, riijger, 36 Fountain -^ BUZBV D.'T. & CO. (D. T. and J. F. Buzby,) . com. merchts. and wholes, produce, butter, "^ and cheese, 6 F]xchange pi ^ Buzby David T. (D. T. Buzby & Co.) s w cor r^ Eager and St. Paul Buzby J. Frank, (D, T. Buzby k Co.) Carroll- ^; ton hotel Buzby John M. canmkr, 39 n Bond Buzljy S. T. cor Eager and St. Paul B_\ ard Jno. R. shi|Karp. 120 Chesapeake Byat Joseph, machinist, 103 n Calvert Bye Fred. R postal cierk, 4 s Exeter Byer .Mrs Barbara, tavern, 41 Block Byer Daniel, clerk, 271 William Byer Fred, cabinetrukr, 25s s Eutaw B;. er Geo. lab. Cliappell nr Chase B;. ers Adam, cigarmkr, 157 E.otern av Byers Henrietta, teacher. 18 Warren Byers J s. F. clerK, 42^ n Poppleton Byford Wm. gasfitter, 261 w Pratt Bvrd .Mrs. Bridget, grocery, 243 e Chase Byrd C. E. blacksmith, 39 Light Byrd .\Ls. Francis. 246 n Eutaw Bvrd Geo. H. (Wvui^n, B. k Co.) New York ^ BYRD Dr. HARVEY L. professor in Collegeof o o Q 98 Q 33 Byrd James, car[>. 11 Jackson Byru Owen, carp. 197 Johnson Byid J.imes 1-. treas'r .Md. Steamboat Co. Light-st wlif, dw 104 Lee Bvrd John, medical student, 366 n Fremont Byrd John W. C. wood. Lighi-st whf, dw Warren Bvrd Svlvester, carp. 33 Warren Bvid Wm. F. (W. S. Bvrd k Co.) 86 William Q BVrd Wm. S ( W. S. Byrd 4' Co.) 86 William t-A B\rd Win. S. k Co. ( W. S. Byrd, James ll.Z-i "Hart k W. F. Byrd) produce and com. mer- -d chants, 71 w Pratt ^ Bvrn Wm. H. ass't measurer C. H 283 n Ann ^ Bvrn Wm. 76 n F'ront IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, ^ BYK 96 CAI PS O E-J Bvrn Wni. M. bookkpr, 76 n Front H Byrn \Vm. T. com. mercht. 102 w Pratt, dw W 20 Wiirrea Ph Bvme Andrew, wagoner. 88 Hampslead ^ Bvpne Andrew, lab. 500 Lifjhl Byrne Andrew 11. lub. 570 Li^ht pH Bvriie Andrew J. imliL-e, 008 w Baltimore <; By rue Annie, dressuikr, 384 w E^ger O Byrne Annie L. dre.^f^nikr, 212 yarutoga Byrne .Mrs. Annie M. shirtnniker, 422 e Fayette HH Byrne Bridget, variety, Ss4 w Eager ^ Byrne Mrs. Caroline, ])'.> Druid Hill av ^ Byrne CliaileS A. 92 s Wolfe ^ Byrne C. Lee, 63 8 Washington Byrne Dennis, jiolice, yQGuinhy CO B\rne Dennis, carter, 176 s Central av Q Byrne .Mrs. Emma, notions, Eager bet. Gay ^ and Bond Byrne Edward, cabinetinnkir, 80 n Front Byrne Eliza, dressuiaker, 384 w Eager • Byrne George, carter, 7 Bank Byrne Henry F. clerk, 03s Washington Byrne Hugh P. 223 eFayeite Byrne James U. carp. 92 8 Wolfe Byrne James, officer, Md. Penitentiary Byrne James K. shirtmakr, 53 s Eut.iw, dw 223 e Fayette Byrne James M. cabinetmaker, 63 n Front Byrne James P. cabinetiuiker and undertaker, 63 n Front Byrne James P. jr. clerk, 59 n Liberty Byrne Johanna M. laundry, 16 s Gay, dw 223 e Fayette "''^ Byrne Joseph, shoemaker, 12 Mercer Byrne Joseph F. cabiuetnikr and undertaker, 59 n Liberty Byrne .Mrs. Lydia, 92 s Wolfe O Byrne .Martin, foieman, 20 President ^ Byrne .Mrs. .Mary, hats, 008 w Baltimore r- Byrne Mary, fancy store, 247 n Gay ^ Byrne .Michael, gioeery, 02 Hampstead ^ Byrne .Michael, police, 27 Jackson -^, B\rneP. 11. grocer;, 548 e Fayette J^ B_\ rue Richard V. perfumer, 148 llillen 't^ Byrne lloliert P, tol)accoiiist, Druid Hillav ^ gr Byrne iSam'l E. l>ookkpr, 99Diuid Hillav " K Byrne Sarah, dressmaker, 384 w Eager ^ S Byrne Thomas F. jr. clerk, 3!iO Le.xington J W Byrne 'I'liomas, luachinist, 90 Lee ^ Byrne Thos. J. lab. 54 Jefferson ^O Byrne Wm. H. bookkpr, 189 Aisquith - !I3 Byine Win. .M. clerk, 14 s Gay 5 ;_) Byrnes Bernard, clerk, 37 Vicker "■ -^ Byrnes John, clerk, 90 Lee 5 Barnes John F. collarmkr, 22 Valley P' Byrnes Joseph, gilder and iriclure frame maker, iC 66 u Calvert, dw 353 e Eager ^ Byrnes .Mrs. Lizzie, grocery, 117 Jefferson p Byrnes Wm. J. sugar tioiler, 49 Plowman '^ Byrnes Wm. T. coachmkr, 479 Franklin ^ Byron James, driver, 88 St. Peters ^ Byrrane Tnomaa, siiipcarp. 1(J Weber 'X Byrus John W. engineer, 110 Battery av ' ^ Byus James B. mariner, 74 Lee ' f^ Byus Jas. T. harbor master, 84 3 Sharp ■g Bvus Kenley T. clerk, 84 s Sharp Byus Stanlea .M. mariner, 74 Lee Byus Valeria, 74 Lee Byus Wm. S. lab. 74 Lee Cabbelas Jonn, boxrakr, 93 s Dallas Cabell Dr. Robert Henry, 285 n Cliaries Cai'le (Jeo. S. plasterer, 412 e Eager Cable Geo. S. jr. plasterer, 412 e Eager Cabrie Emil, cook, 36 Boyd Cadden Anthony, lab. Cathedral ext Cadden Dr. Charles W. 130 n Uregon Cadden Josejih H. farmer, 130 n Oregon Cadden Patrick, lab. Cathedral ext Cade Charles N. mariner, 142 s Ann Cade Capt. Nelson, mariner, 142 s Ann Cadell Charles B., City yaid, dw 50 Paterson Paik av Cadell .Mrs. Mary, taiJoress, 6 McHenry Cadell Samuel H. watchman, 158 Gough Cadell Wm. A. blacksmith, 0 McHenry Cadogan Mrs. Alice, dry goods, 228 Mulberry Cadogan .Matthew, cabmeimkr, 228 .Mulberry Cadow & Hook (Jas. E. Cadow, E. F. Hook jr.) groceries lind produce, 20 and 22 Penna av Cadow James E. (C. & Hook) 348 w Fayette Cadwallader A. G. second hand furniture, 68 Penna av, dw 104 Division Cadwallader Edw'd, coppersmith, 396 e Fayette Cadwal.ader Harrison C. letter carrier, 41| Penna av Cadwallader Mrs. Louisa, grocery, 396 e Fayette Cadwallader Louis W. lieut. police, 32 George Cidwallader Sauf'd E. irav. agt. 129 Druid Hill av Cadweli Henry A. collector, 140 George Cadwell Mis. Margaret, dressmkr, 140 George Callerty Thomas, shoeinkr, 87 n Central a? Catlrey Mrs. .Margaret, 873 w Pratt Catliey John, wagoner, 248 a Front Catlrey i'atrick, wagoner, 20 Willow CaH'iey Tliomas. 135 Camden Cahill Daniel, lab. 104 i^olphin Cahill Edmund, lab. 5 Ulrick al Cahill Mrs. Elizabeth, 86 w Biddle Cahill Frederick J. engineer, 99 William Cahill John (J. Clark k Co.) Waverley Cahill & Jenkins (1'. Cahill, Henry Jenkins) liimljer, Cathedral nr Chase Cahill Mary L. dressmkr, 86 w Biddle Cahill Martin, engineer, 179 McHenry Cahill Micliael, porter, 5 n Spring Cahill Patrick (C. & Jeukinsj 105 Cathedral Caiiill Timothy, painter, 2u5 Jefferson Cabii Bell k Co. (Bernard Cahn, E. N. Belt) wholesale liquors, 32 w Lombard Calm Bernard (C. Belt k Co.) 401 Eutaw pi Cahn Felix, notions, 278 w Baltimore, dw 172 German Cain l3uiiiiiiic, 10 Mechanics ct Cain Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 20 Washington av Cain Francis, lab. 289 Cross Cain Geo. W. carter, 34 Washington av Cain James S. police, 543 e Fayette Cain James T. of health dep. 543 e Fayette Cain John, lab. 14 Stiles Cain John, police, 343 w Hoffman Cain John, lab. 81 Goodman all Cain John, carp. 25 Whatcoat Cain Jolin, laborer, 33 York Cam John, barkeeper, 128 s Greene Cain John, laborer, 103 Peach Cain John, bricklayer, 200 s Charles Cain John W. brickmaker, 32 St. Peter HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and itliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. CAI 97 CAL Cain John W. carter, 32 St. Peter Cain Miiry, 94 Chesapeake Cain Mary, notions, 34 Washington av Cain Miubael, lab. 94 Chesapeake Cain Mrs. Sarah S. 54 Walsh Cain Wra. lab. 20 Washington ay Cain Wm. F. painter, 36 St. Peter Cairnie Thomas, lab. 131 s Regester Cairncross Wm. locksmith, 117 Hanover Cairns Edward, lab. 137 Harford av Cainis Mrs. James, 228 n Calvert Cairns John, mariner, Horn nr Wolfe Calder Christopher, upholsterer, 216 Preston Calder Edward, machinist, 19 s Washington Calder James P. brakeman, 142 e Monument Calder Robert A. paperhau'jer, 124 Gough Caldwell A. & Co. (A.Caldwell) apothecarj', n e cor Baltimore and Calhoun Caldwell A. (A. C. & Co.) 386 w Lombard Caldwell Andrea P. bookkeeper, cor Biddle and Eden Caldwell Daniel, dyer, 153 e Monument Caldwell Oilman, carpenter, 153 e Monument Caldwell James A. 53 n Strieker Caldwell James K. clerk, 76 n Howard Caidwell John, porter, 57 Columbia Caldwell John, clerk, 199 Ensor Caldwell John A. cloth jobber, over s e cor Liberty and German, dw 141 Park av Caldwell John C. blockmaker, 157 e Pratt Caldwell Dr. John J. 71 n Charles, dw 235 n Carey Caldwell John S. clerk, 199 Ensor Caldwell John W. (Bonsai & Caldwell) Cecil co Caldwell Joseph, engineer, 417 w Pratt Caldwell Thos. gardener, Homestead Caldwell Wm. M. 73 St. Paul Caldwell Wm. M. wholesale hardware, over 25 8 Charles, dw 9 s Fulton Caldwell Wm. Q. measurerand architect,326 n Eden Caldroy Geo. mariner, 242 Eastern av Calef Major John H., U. S. A. Fort McHenry Callaghau John, 290 Franklin Callahan Annie, 80 Clinton Callahan Arthur, slipper maker. 68 e Fayette Callahan Bernard, lab. 23 Concord Callahan Daniel, huckster, 77 n Spring Callahan Edward, lab. 19 Addison Callahan Edward, shoemaker, 218 Lee Callahan James, grocery, 51 Tyson Callahan James, shipcarp. 65 6'DonnelI Callahan Jerry, lab. 159 n Front Callahan John, blacksmith, 261 Forrest Callahan John T. mariner, 98 Battery av Callahan Lawrence, porter, 297 w Pratt Callahan Mrs. Maria, 129 s Exeter Callahan Mrs. Mary, 6 Constitution Callahan Mrs. Mary, 18 Slemmer al Callahan Michael, lab. 16 Walsh Callahan Patrick, lab. 63 w Biddle Callahan Patrick, liquors, Amity and Raborg Callahan Patrick, lab. 35 Albemarle Callahan Patrick, lab. 23 Concord Callahan Philip, lab. 421 Hanover Callahan Peter, mariner, 257 s Bond Callahan Peter, provisions, 162 n Calvert Callahan Mrs. Rosa, laundress, 216 Raborg Callahan Thos. mariner, 18 Slemmers al Callahan Thos. bookbinder, 683 Strieker Callahan Thos. J. clerk, cor High and Trinity Callahan Thos. machinist, 193 East Callahan Timothy, (T. C. & Co.) High and Trinity CALLAHAN T. & CO. (T. Callahan) oyster packers, 143 McElderry whf Callahan Timothy, plasterer, 12 Price ct ^ Callahan W. J. bookkpr, 6 Constitution OQ Callahan Wm. lab. 182 Dover ^ Callahan Wm. lab. 80 Clinton ^ Callahan Wm. bricklayer, 323 n Ann -^ Callahan Wm. 0. (Holmes & Co.) 323 n Ann r5 Callan Mrs. Ann, 209 s Chester '^ Callan Bernard, clerk, s e cor Fayette and Har-*^ rison ^ Callan Francis J. mercht. tailor, 119 s Washing- Callan Mrs. Mary A., Eastern av and Duncan al '^' Callan Thos. lab. 36 s Bond 9 Callanan Richard, ship carver, 19 Philpot, dw '-2 51 Block "^ Callenberger Amos, helper, 100 Hudson p^ Callenberger Philip, lab. 100 Hudson Callenberger Stephen, lab. 100 Hudson q Callenberger Wm. lab. 100 Hudson Q Callender Mrs. Ann, 100 Aisquilh Callender Edward S. plasterer, 100 Aisquith ^ Callender Geo. W. plasterer, 100 Aisquilh 7^ Callender John, shipsmith, 61 s Collington av Callender Luther W. bookbinder, 122 e Eager c^ Callender Wm. plasterer, 100 Aisquith Callender Wm. varuisher, 289 n Front (^ Calligan Dennis, hod carrier, 32 Morton al Q Cullinan Edwd J. machinist, 39 s Wolfe Q Callinan John M. clerk, 39 s Wolfe »->. Callinan Mrs. Mary, 39 s Wolfe ^ CALLENl US DR. JACOB, 116 s High Callis Alfred, mariner, 5 Nelson ct f^ Callis Charles H. carp. 3 Irvine pi Callis Geo. R. sr. builder, 139 n Broadway ^ Callis Geo. R. jr. bookkpr, 139 n Broadway [> Callis James E. bricklayer, 3 Irvine pi ^ Callis James H. coal yard, 230 e Baltimore, dw ^^" 3 Irvine pi ^ Callis Wm. T. bricklayer, 139 n Broadway f^ Callow Mrs. Susan, 268 n Howard c^ Callow Wm. coal, Garden ext ^^ Calloway Geo. F. huckster, 177 Conway ^ Callson John, cabinetmkr, 491 w Baltimore "*^ Calter Geo. wagoner, Washington rd nrtoU gate ^ Calvert Assembly Rooms, cor Calvert and Sar- atoga, W.T. Ely, agent P^ Calvert Benj. carp. 99 Granby E-l Calvert Hall, St. Joseph's Academy, 79 Saratoga <1 Calvert House, John Brosuan, propr. s e cor 1—^ Calvert and Pleasant CQ Calvert John B. stonecutter, 178 Scott ^^ Calvert John G. granite yard, cor Hamburg and ^ Ohio av, dw 178 Scott ^ Calvert Joseph B. stonecutter, 178 Scott . Cameron Mrs. Catherine, 89 Jefferson iz:""^ Cameron Clias. C. inspector C. H., 410 n Carey .^ "^ Cameron Daniel, mariner, 89 Jefferson ^ ^ Cameron Hiifih, tailor, 344 e Chase Z-'^ Cameron James T. t-rocery. 933 w Baltimore 5 'rr Cameron John M. bookkpr, 84 u Fulton _^2 Camp Adam, music teacher, 110 n Central av „3 Camp Jaii!es L. bookkpr, Ills Paca o -^ Camjja Frank, 376 e Eager "-Z r'~ Camjibill Mrs. Aun K. milliner, 131 s Ann ^ :r Campbell A. Lela, teacher Md. Institute for the ^ '^ Blind, North av 2 Campbell Archibald, clerk, IGSMcCulloh ^ X Campbell Harney, lab. 58 Hillman ■-^ - Campbell Bernard, locksmith, IIG n Eutaw, rr "g dw 279 Forrest c -r Campbell Bernard, lab. 10 Dover ^ ~ E.Cami)bell Mrs. Catherine, tailort-ss, 141 Raborg 2_ ? Campbell .Mrs. Catherine, notions, 8 Orleans "zS^ Campbell & Campbell tJ- L. & R. K. Campbell) — - attorneys, 41 St. Paul Campbell Cl)as. bricklayer, 445 w Lombard Campbell Chas. agent Thomas Winans, 17 s Fremont Campbell Chas. A. finisher, 548 w Pratt CAMPBELL & CO. (Geo. A. Campbell and Wm. H. Barker) cigar manufacturers, 332 w ' £ =3 Baltimore _ '^ jvj Campliell Duncan G. attorney, 31 St. Paul, ! 2 S *^^*' '^^ Edmondson av > C x Campbell Felix, clerk, 35 Hillman ; .^^ Campbell Frank, lab. 148 Chesapeake ' £ Campbell Geo. A. (Campbell & Co. )172 nOregon ^ -»j Campbell Geo. E. brassfinisher, G4 e Biddle J S. ^ Campbell Geo. L. polic, 438 e Monument I CC ^' CAMPBELL GEO. W. fire dejit. 172 n Oregon ^ '^ ei Campbell G<'0. W. clerk, 27 s Oregon ^ ^ ^ Campbell Henry, engine r. Spring nr John J *C ^' t-"ampbell Henry, lab. 199 Preston i ^ -^ Campbell Hugh, lab. 36 Jew al, o. t. ) ^ Cami)bell James, hucksier, 66 Centre Market sp i ^ •" Campbell James, lab. 188 L. Constitution I *^ C Camjibell Janus E. moulder, 742 w Pratt : ti Campbell James J. silverplater, over 54j w 5 C ^ Fayette, dw 561 n Fremont ) '^ €^ Campbell Jiuncs P. clerk, 501 n Fremont ^ ^ vjr Camjibell John J grocery, Oregon & Hollins ^' C c Campbell John, machinist, 234 (Jeorge ; ^ 'k Campbell John, lab. I 'J n Poppleton ; "^ '-g Cam{)bell John A. 109 St. Paul J _>. zi Campbell John, messenger, 264 n Broadway ^ w ^ Campbell John photographer, 55 Lee .^ 5 Campbell John, l>lacksniith, 205 s Howai ^ ^ .^ Campbell John, 151 Caroline S w i, Campbell John, clerk. 52 e Pratt • X S Campbell John, engineer, 51 Lee I— I (~ — H - J — < ird >, Campbell John F. clerk, 39 Lee Campbell John, shoemkr, 234 Chesnut Cami)bell John, carjienter, 25 n High Campbell John S. bookkpr, 17 s Fremont Canipbfll John, fiainter, 89 Elisor Campbell John, drayman, 122 L. Greene Campbell John, canmaker, 31 e Monument Campbell John T. clerk, 5 Hanover Campbell Joseph V. clerk, 131 s Ann Campbell .Mrs. Julia, 18& Chesapeake Campbell Kenneth, mariner, 209 s Wolfe Campbell Lewis, shoemkr, 206 Mulberry Campbell Mis. Margaret, confe 'y 59 Orleans Campbell Mrs. Mary, Huntington av nr St. Paul Camjibell Mrs. Mary, grocery, 19 Abbott Campbell Mrs. Maiy, 64 St. Paul Campliell .Mrs. .Mary, 31 e Monument Can)j)bell Mrs. Mary A. 148 Chesapeake Camjibell .Mrs. Mary, Oak nr Shirk Campbell .Micliael,baggagemaster,31eMonument Camjibell Michael, beer, cor Bank & Central &v Campliell Michael, lab. 160 Chesapeake Caiiijtliell Nancy, huckstress, Philadelphia rd nr Loney la Camjibell is'elson, clerk, 182 Harford av Campbell N. P. (Proud & Campbell, J. G. Proud & Sons, ) pres't Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. ol Baltimore, 44 Second, dw Harnum's hotel Campliell Oscar C. clerk, 561 n Fremont CAMPBELL & RAMSBURG, (R. Campbell, jr. N. A. Ramsburg) coal, 95 w Lombard Campbell Robl. R. brassfinisher, 312 n Caroline Camjibell Robert, carp. 133 Gough Camjjbell Robt. jr. (C. & Ramsburg"^ 208 w Hoffman CAMPBELL, ROSS & CO. (R. Camjibell, Wm. H. B.iyne) wholesale dry goods, com. mer- chants, McCieery building Sharji nr German Camjibell Ross, (R. C. & Co.) Calonsville Campbell Sophia, 80 Read Campbell Mrs. Susannah, seamstress, John nr Spring ^ Campbell Thos. A. clerk, 39 Lee Campbell Thos. driver, 39 Liberty al Camjibell Thos. brassfinisher, 29 e Eager Campljell Thos. wagoner, 17d Preston Camjibell Thos. W. deputy clerk, Crim. Ct. andi Fire Com'r, 39 Lee Campbell Wm. lab. 178 Preston Campbell Win. lab. 60 Hillen Camjiliell Wm. I(i8 McCulloh Campbell Wm. F. attorney, 18 Law building, dw 39 Lee Caniiibell Wm. H. barkpr, 110 West Camjibell Wm. H. barkpr, 316 s Wolfe Campbell Wm. H. shoemkr, 813i w Baltimore Caiiijibell Wm. L. carp. 435 Saratoga Camjien Henry C. bookkpr, 264 Light Camjien John, fruit tmd Oystei can manuf. and oyster and fruit packer, 266 Light, dw 264 Camjier John A. coach trimmer, 440 n Central av Cauiju-r Mrs. Mary, millinery, 80 liC-xington Camper Najioleon, planeiuaker, 19 .Mercer, dw So Le.xington Campir Thos. J. salesman, 125 n Republican Camjier Wm. clerk, 80 Lexington Canavan Mrs. Eliza, 256 n Eutaw Canavan Jas. stonecutter, 4^ W'oodyrar ('anavan Patrick, gasmetermkr, 27 Hillen Canby A. 11. rejiorter, 89 McCulloh Canby, Giljiin & Co. (W. Canb^, B. Gilpin, T. P. Langdon) wholesale druggists, n w cor Light and Lombard ■§ o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, ^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. CAN 99 CAR Canby Edwia K. clerk, 89 McCulloh Crtnby Siimuel (Dare & C.) 89 McCulloh Canby Thos. E. helper, 45 Greeninoimt av Canby Tlios. Y. 163 Dolphin Canby Wm. T. clerk, 89 McCulloh Canby Wm. (C, Gilpin & Co.) Mt. Washing- ton, Baltimore co Cancio Jos. P. tohaccconist, 483 w Baltimore CANFIELD, BROTHER & CO. (I. C. Canfield, W. B. Canfield, T. Welsh) watches, jewelry, &c., 229 w Baltimore Canfield Ira C. (C.B.&Co.) 43 Cathedral Canfield Ira C. jr. clerk, 43 Cathedral Canfield John, lab. 74 Payson Canfield Wm. B. (C.B.&Co.) 246 n Charles Canfield Wm. B. jr. 246 n Charles Canilz Fred, baker, 328 s Bond CannBenj. B. clerk, 169 s Sharp Cann Geo. H. carp. 69 Harford av Cann James R. printer, 169 s Sharp Cann John, tjricklayer, 42 Lee Cann John H. paper carrier, 69 Harford av Cannary Chas. lab. 44 Hammond al Canner Benj. lab. 19 Furrow Cannoles Chas. coachs'h, STO Aisquith Cauiioles Chas. furn. wagon, 223 Preston Cannoles John, carp. 223 Preston Cannoles John, driver, 132 Aisquith Cannoles Oliver, f,urn. wagons, 213 Preston Cannoles Wm. bookbinder, 132 Aisquith Cannoles Wm. helper, 570 Aisquith Cannon A. conductor, 113 n Strieker Cannon Bartine A. type founder, 312 Aisquith Cannon Clayton, cashier Trad-ers National Bank, dw 216 w Hoffman Cannon Mrs. Elizabeth, 14 Goufrh Cannon Geo. D. conductor, 77 Camden Cannon Isaac B. lab. 87 s Strieker Cannon James, Dover nr Monroe Cannon John, messenger C. H. 83 Dolphin Cannon John E. stairbuilder. 312 Aisquith Cannon Mrs.^ Louisa H. 56 n Republican Cannon Patrick, lab. Vincent al nr McHenry Cannon Patrick, lab. 43 Bradford al Cannon Thos. J. telegraph build-er, 38 St. Peter Cannon Wm. A. 312 Aisquith Cannon Wm. H. carp. 461 w Baltimore, dw 106 s Paca Cannon Wm, S. bricklayer, 12 Amity Canox Joseph, currier, 559 Light Canox Joseph jr. telegraphist, 559 Light Canter Louis, police, 216 Lee Canter Wm. cigarnikr, 218 William Canto August W. carp. 16 n Chapel Canton Chemical Works, H. L. Brooks, propr. cor Boston and Patuxent CANTON CO'S OFFICE, 15 South over Frank- lin Bank, and n w cor Patuxent and Boston, Chas. J. Baker, pres'l, Wm. W. Janney, sec'y and treasr. Canton Gas Works, Clinton nr Second av Canton Ferry, P.W.^B.R.R. and B.&O.R.R. Go's. Boston foot of Patuxent Canton John sr. grocery, Carlton nr Franklin Canton John jr. lab. Carlton nr Franklin Canton (M.E.) Chapel, Clinton n of Boston Canton Lager Beer Brewery, Geo. Stab, propr. n e cor Burke and Lancaster Canton Market, 0' Donnell fm Potomac to Curley Canton Marine Railway, Atlantic wharf foot of Bennett Canton Martin J. lab. Carlton nr Franklin c3 Canton Michael, lab. Carlton nr Franklin Canton Oil Works, Merritt, Jones & Co. proprs. ^ office 56 Exchange pi ->^ Canton M. E. Church, Chesapeake nr Hudson q Canton Park, Canton av to Hudson, Patuxent ^ to East av C/2 Canton Post Office, Clinton and Boston Canton Steam Saw Mill, Hudson adj. Abbott ^ Iron Works -li Canton Sugar Refinery, (Eccles, Thorns &Co.) ^ Aliceanna and Chester, office 7 Rialto bdg. r^ CANTON TEA WAREHOUSE, s w cor Lex- ^ ington and Greene, C. D. Kenny, propr. r^ Canton Wood Excelsior Factory, cor Dillon and 't; Patuxent, T. G. Turner & Bro. propr. ^ Cantwell Jas. canmkr, 109 n Chapel ^ Cant well John, 72 Payson 2 Cantwell John, shoemkr. Chapel nr Chase ~ Cantwell Joseph, canmkr. Chapel nr Chase Canty John, tinner, l07McElderry Canty Patrick, plasterer, 61 s Gilmor Cape John C. distiller, 4 Webb ;_ Caper W. J. manager Automatic Telegraph Co. ^ dw 526 w Fayette £ Capilupi Rev. A., Loyola College O Capito Geo. R. moulder, Waverley ^ Cappeau Cecilia, trimmings, 822 w Baltimore .> Cajipeau Chas-carii. 822 w Baltimore (-^ Cappeau Fr:inces, trimmings, 822 w Baltimore, Cappeau Josephine, 822 w Baltimore Cappeier Geo. boxmkr, 93 s Dallas Car Thos. machinist, 166 Montgoraerj' Carback Chas. moulder, 7 Miller Carback David, lab. 7 Miller Carback Elisha, 267 Druid Hill av Carback Geo. R. wagoner, 164 n Caroline Carback Mrs. Jane A. stationery, 164 n Caroline Carback John, huckster, 7 Miller Carback John C. wagoner, 164 n Caroline Carback Wm. lab. 193 n Bond Carberry John, butcher, 148 Mullikin Carberry Philip, lamplighter, 28 w Lombard Carberry Richard, engineer, 148 Mullikin Carbouers Eugene, cigariukr, 169Chesnut Carcaud Gilbert, carp. 220 Mulberry Card Wm. S. sailmkr, 35 Woodyear Cardella G actor, 35 n Front Cardwell Jackson, bonnet frames, 243 n Gay Care David, boilernikr, 294 Ramsay Care John, blacksmith, 294 Ramsay Care Richard, porter, 294 Ramsay Care Wm. H. brakemau, 294 Ramsay Carew Jas. teamster, foot of Leadenhall Carey Alex. G. (Carey & Foster,) 15 McCulloh Carey A. P. bookkpr, 141 Townsend Carey Andrew, blacksmith, 49 Tyson j__, Carey & Colcock, com. merchts, cor. Lombard qq and Frederick Q H. G. CARET, JOS. W. COLCOCK. ^ CAMEliB COLCOCK, <^ I— ( s N. E. COR. LOMBARD & FREDERICK STS. g P o o ..^ p4 AND DEALERS IN NAVAL, STORES AND COTTON, Carey Edward, carter, foot of s Sharp Carey Geo. D. teacher, 265 n Eutaw P-t IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. CAR~ 100 CAR z; oo 3 Carey & Foster, (Alex. G. Carey and Win. K. Foster, ) public weighers, n e cor Lombard and Frederick Carey Henry G. (Carey & Colcock,) Balto. co Carey Hfiiiy, grocery, I Liberty ul Carey Hujili W. restaurant, 17 u Liberty CAUKY JAMlvS, wholesale boots and shoes, 260 w Baltimore, d\v 3 miles ou Liberty rd Caiey Jeremiah H. horsesboer, Park av and Marion Carey James jr. law student. Liberty rd Carey John A. salesman, G63 w Lombard Carey John J. clerk, 150 Ui vision Carey John, police, 13!) Preston Carey John, metermkr, 52 North Carey John (C. & McColgan,) Frederick nr Monroe Carey John \V. machinist, 401 Canton av Carey Rev. J. P. chaplain St. Ajines Hospital Carey k .McColf^an (J. Carey, M. McColiian) carps, and buildi-rs, 81 and 83 Frederick av Carey Michael, carp. I30iiartord av Carey Patrick, bliicksmiili, -19 Tyson CAHKV PATRICK, plumber and gas fixtures, 23 auil 2.") n Kutaw, dw 150 Division Carey Thomas, lab. 84 u Amity Carey Thomas, gardener, lol Cathedral Carey Thomas, police, 131 Preston Carey Thos. K. real estate broker, 15 St. Paul, dw 6tJ3 w I^onibard Carey Thos. K. clerk, 266 w Baltimore Carey Thomas I. jirest. Peabody Fire Ins. Co., Second adj Postollice, dw 37 McCulloh Carey Timothy W. police, Sharp ext Carey W'm. drayman, 18 Decker Carey \Vm. drayman, 101 s Caroline Carey Win. maltster, North and Saratoga Carey Wm. blacksmith, 49 Tyson Cariss Mrs. Catherine, 569 Lexington Carl August, cabinelmUr, 81 n Amity Carl (Jhas. cabinetmkr, 81 u Amity Carl Emil E. iBollman & Co.) 165 w Fayette Carl John, cabinetmkr, 81 n Amity Carl John, driver, S6 Somerset I ail John, tailor, 207 Fremont Carl Louis A. clerk, Naval oflice,314 Myrtle av Carl I'erry. lab. 96 Warner Carl Win hair washer, Ramsay nr Payson Carlaiid Thos. grainer, 297 w Biddle Carle Kphraim, carp. 15G Scott Carle Frederick, painter, 277 Preston Carle George P. Iiricklayer, 142 n Fremont Carle Gottfried, beer, 148 Scott Carle John H. foreman, 160 William Carle John C. cirp. 6V s High Carlile Alfred A. gasfitter, 32 Aisquilh Carlile J. S. salesman, Howard house Carlile James T. teacher, IKlsPaca Carlile James II. collector and agt. 32 Aisquith Carlile Thos. .M. shoemkr, 62 n Dallas Carlile Thos. .M. shoemkr, 32 Aisquith Carlile Wm. H. police, 91 n Central av Carliii lOnocli L. clerk, 374 e Madison CAHLIN k FULTON (J. F. Carlin, D. C. Ful- ton, J.F.Bradenbaugh) imprs. of hardware, 2u 8 Howard and 24 s Liberty carlin Henry, coachpainter, 251 n Bond (jarlin James F.(C.and Fulton) Alexandria,Va. purlin Joseph, collector, 2.'>l n Bond (•arlin .Matthew, porter, 116 Burgundy al (jarlin Raphael, clerk, 251 n Bund (jarlin Thos. drayman, 126 L. Greene Carlisle Amos L. millwri^'ht, 750 w Pratt Carlisle D. G. conductor, 87 n Greene Carlisle Mrs. Jane, grocery, 229 Light Carlisle Jos. overseer. 133 Cross Carlisle Mrs. Miry, 456 n Calhoun Carlisle .Mrs. Urath C 68 n Greene Carll Henry, tavern, Bi-lair av ext Carlon Frank, clerk to Reg. of Wills,McMechin nr Division Carlos John, police, 29 Fawn Carlos Michael, lab. 24 President CarKiS .Michael W. lab. 22 Eastern av Carlson Chas. machinist, 15sPuppleton Carlson Henry, silversmith, 16i n Eden Carlton Oliver, plasterer, 427 e Chase Carlyle Henry W. stairbldr. cor Ogston and Che.>nut al, dw 414 .Mulberry Carmack Hanson, 151 Hanover Carmack Theo. 151 Hanover Carman Benj. lab. Woodberry Carman Geo. driver, 160 West Carman Geo. clerk, 413 Cross Carman George H. road commissioner, 299 e Biddle Carinau Jos. D. boilermkr, 168 Hanover Carmnn Thos. J. boilermkr, 1 Hope al Carmelite Convf nt, cor Biddle and Caroline Carmer James W.(Boykin,Carmer k Co.)182n Ore;: on • Carmer Michael, lab. 3 Bethel Carmichael Thos. E. butcher, Penna av ext Carmichael Thomas H. captain watcb C. H. 31 Stiles Carmichael Wra. butcher, 30 Centre, 80 Lexing- ton and 76 Hanover mkts, dw Penna av ext Carmine Charles G. plumber and stoves, 58 n Howard Carmine Eleanora, 98 s Caroline Carmine Francis H. 156 s Ann Carmine James D. metermkr, 28 Miller Carmine James, carp. 485 w Pratt Carmine James D. tinner, 28 Miller Carmine Jas. L. (Carmine, Lamdin & Co.) 152 s Ann Carmine Jos. C. coppersmith, 67 Milliman Carmine Josiali M. shoemkr, 67 Milliman Carmine, Lamdin & Co. (Thos. H. Carmine, T. J. Lamdin, Jas. L. Carmine) oyster and fruit packers, 95 Thames Carmine Mary, upholstery, 13 Chew Carmine Mrs. Sarah E. 51 Granby Carmine Thos. H. (Carmine, Lamdin & Co.)152 8 Ann Carmine Wm. metermkr, 28 Miller Carmody John, porter, 90 McKim Carmody Michael, porter, 90 McKim Carmody Pat' k, tobacconist, 33 Greenmount av Caruan Juhnson, machinist, 32 e Biddle Carnan Johnson jr. boilermkr, 32 e Biddle Carneal Geo. bricklayer, 39 Clarke Carnes .Mrs. Ann, seamstress, 126 s Chester Carnes Mrs. Ann, seam3lre.«s, 663 Penna av Carnes l^dward, lab. 134 s Chester Carnes Dr. Wm., Druidville Carnes John, bacon, 318 e Chase Carnes Susan, dressmkr, 144 n Eden Carnes Mrs. Susan R. 274 n Strieker Carney Alice, housekpr, 87 Franklin Carney .Mis. Elizabeth, provisions. Sweet Air Carney Geo. E. overseer, Sweet Air Carney James, lab. 297 Columbia Carney James, shoemkr, 24 s Poppleton HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. i" the World, O. F. Bresee, .Gen Agt. CAR 101 CAR Carney James, carter, 6 Neighbor Caniej Jamcs, lab 102 Duncan al Carney Julin E teamster, 297 Columbia Carney John, watchman, 16 Fort av Carney John, lab. 358 s Chailes Carney Luke, watchman, 20 Biiren Carney Mrs. MaryB.housekeeper.Mansion house Carney Michael, lab. 20 Buren Carney Nicholas, lab. 50 Preston Carney Patrick, lab. 20 Rye Carney Patrick, lab. 2-15 Hamburg Carney Peyton, brakeman, Ramsay nr Calhoun Carney Thos. J. clerk, 87 Franklin Cams Alexander G. W. salesman, 686 vv Fayette Cams Edward, lab. 137 Harford av Caro Harris, peddler, 2 Bartlett Caroline St. (M. E.) Chuicb, 7 s Caroline Carpenter A. L. salesman, s w cor Gilmor and Fayette Carpenter Mrs. Ann, 196 Conway Carpenter Chas. A. carp. 222 George Carpenter Geo. C. clerk, 296 n Eden Carpenter Edward N. bookkpr, 426 e Eager Carpenter John, upholsteier, 270 w Pratt, dw 64 Columbia Carpenter John C.,Balto.' Gazette, 91 McCulloh Carpentt-r Rev. Lucien B. 222 u Republican Carpenter Wm. H. editor, (Balto. Gazette Co.) 91 McCulloh Carpenter William N. sexton Charles-st M. E. Church, dw 296 n Eden Carpenter Wm. A. blacksmith, 196 Conway Carper Jlrs. Eliza, confect'ry, 689 w Baltimore Carper Lewis E. clerk, 680 w Baltimore Carper .Mazarine J. shoefitter, 689 w Baltimore Carr Alexander, brassfinisher, 106 s Exeter Carr Alexander F. moulder, 240 Columbia Carr Alfred J. attorney, 53 Lexington, dw 252 Licden av Carr Andrew R. machinist, 240 Columbia Carr Benj. M. trunkmkr, 554 w Pratt CARR BROS. & CO. (Dr. R. W. and John B. Carr) wholes, dru^'gists, chemicals, &c. 26 German 3d door w of Light Carr Chas. E. F. clerk, 151 Orleans Carr Mrs. Catharine, 868 w Pratt Carr Charles, driver, 21 Bank Carr Dabney J. 99 St. Paul Carr Edward, tinner, 203 Light Carr Ellen, grocery, 179 s Caroline Carr Kdward A. brassmoulder, 7 Constitution Carr Frank, moulder, 240 Columbia Carr Francis H. currier, 725 w Lombard C.irr Geo. blicksmith, 8 Williamson al Carr Geo. fireman, 43 Wyeth Carr G. Wm. H. clerk, 46 Conway Cirr Geo. W. conductor, Division nr Clifton Carr Geo. W. blacksmith, 78 Haml)urg Carr Greenbury, coremaker, 67 Ramsay Carr Harry, clerk, 2 s Broadway Carr Henry, lab. 224 s Bethel Carr Henry, tailor and clothier, u e cor Pratt and Charles, dw 2f s Broadway Carr James, lab. 7 Mulberry Carr Jamt-s, laborer, Harl-m sq CARR JAMES E. k SOx\S (Jas. E. C.)grocers, Linden av and Huffman Carr Jas. E. jr. (Jas.E.C.&;Sons)252 Linden av Carr Jas. E. (Jas. E. C. & Sons).!52 Linden av Carr James, coachman, 10 Garden Carr Jas. boots and shoes, 100 n Howard C.irr James, caulker, 135 Thames Carr Jefferson R. 99 St. Paul Carr John, sr. brassmoulder, 7 Constitution Carr John, jr. brassmoulder, 7 Constitution Carr John, lab. 60 Hampstead Carr John, lab. 22 Neighbor Carr John, sr. lab. 151 Orleans Carr John, jr. clerk, 151 Orleans Carr John H. foreman, 160 William Carr J. Henry, clerk, 70 Walsh Carr John B."(C., Bro. &, Co.)2]9 n Republican Carr John, boilermaker, 249 William Carr John W. clerk, 219 n Republican Carr Joseph N. clerk, 219 n Republican Carr Josiali, watchman. 99 St. Paul Carr Lewis A. clerk, 276 Lexington Carr Mrs. Mary J. 197 Johnson Carr .Michael, lab. 209 s Bethel Carr Patrick .M. police, 4 Hillman Carr Patrick H. stonecutter, 90 Druid Hill av Carr Nicholas J. brakeman, 29 s Eager Carr R. H. hardware and undertakers' trim- mings, 62 s Sharp, dw St. Clair hotel Carr Dr. R. Wilsoa,(C. Bros. & Co.)305 Druid O Hill av Carr Mrs. Rosaline, 114 Cider al Carr Mrs.S.C.niusic teicher,Parkav andWilson Carr Samuel, driver, 45 s Dewberry al Carr Samuel, brassfinisher, 129 n Bond Carr Samuel J. clerk, 219 n Republican Carr Stewart, clerk, 2 s Broadway Carr Thoiaas, laborer, 118 Boyd Carr Wesley, brickmkr, 89 Frederick av Carr A. F. collection agency, 53 Lexington, pq dw 252 Linden av Carr Wm. E.(Jas. E. C. & Sons)252 Linden av^' Carr W. Sanders, mauuf. silver plated metal, 1^ 278 n Strieker ^ Carr Wm. H. clerk, 46 Conway Carr Wm. 77 Lancaster Carr Wm. lab. 9.i s Castle Carr Wilson C. N. de[)uty state's attorney, Law bldg, dw 99 St. Paul Carr Wilson, (Twamlev & Carr) 301 Park CD c6 a 02 c3 pq o Q O P O O 18 r^ av^ Carr W. S manuf. undertaker's trimmings, 45 s Liberty, dw Strieker nr Townsend Carre Abraham, gardener, 58 Bank Carre Wm. ex[iressman, 58 Gough Carrick Benj. machinist, 20.'^ Park av Carrick Chas. fireman, 37 s Poppleton Carrick Edw'd W. carpenter, 203 Park av Carrick James, (Jas. C. & Co.) 151 Barre CARRICK JAMES # CO. (James Carrick and c_| C. F. Norment) coal and wood, 4 n Greene, <1 Carrington -Mrs. Mary H. 129 Lanvale Carrington Wm. P. clerk, 129 Lanvale Carrolan Michael, bookbinder, 134 s Wolfe CARROLL ALBERT H. manufacturer, Ever- green nr Mount Vernon factory EH < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Biiilding.) Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of New York. CAR 102 CAR o ;:; ■j: 3 ^ 'S-' OJ <» > ^ O '"^ la ^ , y. z r- ^ c; :8 bC > ^1 --0 ^2 a D ™ ^ -. o — ^ H ^ -H ^^ a 55 o 2 c^ ■ ^rt U >. J^ u < »T-< :J >i-> s ■:^ o - -M = -0 X il >. CO C3 >o — «©■ CARROLL, ADAMS & CO. (J. C., projjrietor, u e cor Light and German Carroilton Stables, Geo. Kinnier, jr. proprietor, 126 n Howard Carruthers Chas. J. (0. & Son) 46 Park av Carruthcrs h Son (John S. and Chas. J. Car- ruthers) plumbers and gas fitters, 46 Park av Carruthers Dr. Geo. W. dentist, 46 Park av Carruthers John S. (C. & Son) 46 Park av Carrutheis Richard, plumber, 3 s Calhoun, dw 887 w Baltimore Carson Albert, merchant. Brown's hotel Carson Alonzo, varnisher, 72 n Oregon Carson .Mrs Amanda, 57 n Fremont Carson Aug. cigarmaker, 213 Gough Carson Chas. P]. 297 w Hoffman Carson Chas. L. (Dixon & Carson) 448 .Madi- son av CAR.SO.V & CO. (D. Carson) lumber, w Biddle ('arson David, brickmaker, 24 Wyelh Carson David, cooper, 263 West Carson David, jr. clerk, 330 Lexington CarS'in David, (C. & Co)carpenter and builder. 46 Josei)liine, dw 330 Lexington Carson Elijah, 40 Wyeth Carson (Jeo. .M. insjir. C. H. 118 St. Peter ('arson John, brickmoulder, Ramsay nr .Monroe CARSOX JOHN, attornev, 65 w Fayette, dw 194 McCuiloh Carson Joshu.i, builder, 480 Franklin Carson Lewis, morocco dresser, 50 Hillen Carson Peter, coufcc'v, 213 Gough CARSO.M. RICHARDSON k CO (W.K.Carson, J. A. Richardson, T. E. C.irson) grocers and com. merchts. s w cor Calvert and Loaibard Carson Thos. E. carp. 480 Franklin HOLMES cfe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. CAR i03 CAS OQ biickmkr, 40 Wyeth , RichardsoQ & Co.) 164 CARSON S. ROWLAND, com. mercht. 60 s Frederick, dw 151 Kdiuondson av CarsoD Tbos. E. (C. Richardsoa & Co.) Balti- more CO Carson Thos. W. D CarsoD \V. K. (C McGulloh CARSON W.M coal and wood, 5 n Republican and 4 Cathedral, dw 29 s Calhoun CaraoB Wm. confec.'j, 296 e Baltimore Carson Wni. T. brickmkr, 287 Columbia Carsun Wm. .M. law student, 164 McCuUoh Carson Wm. confectionery, 213 Guugh Carsiens John II. 162 Mulberry Carswell .1. S. & Suns, CR- S. and L. S.Carswell) Rising Sun oil works, North nr Eager Carswell John S., Homestead h'ts, Hardford rd Carswell LockhartS. (J. S. C. &. Sons,) Home- stead heights Carswell Robt. S. (J. S. C. & Sons, ) Homestead beijilits, Uaiford rd Cart Fred, steamfitter, 216 Scott Carter Alex. M. cashier, Third National Bank, 354 Park av Carter Aiex. carp. 152 Aisquith Carter Mrs. .Annie, 22 Rock Carter .Mis. Ann, 287 Canton av Carter Anthony, driver. 142 Harmony la Carter Arthur, wheelwright, 525 Lexington Carter A. Robert, agent, Cuulineutal Life Ins. Co.ofN.V.42Postofficeav,dw417 n Cenlralav Carter Arilnir. lab. 171 Barre CARTER BERNARD, attorney, Lexington and Oalvert. dw 370 Eutaw pi Carter Dr. C. Shirle) , Gi Fianklin Carter Chas. "W. cleik, 241 Peuua av Carter Mrs. Clement, 214 w Hotl'man Carter Desmus J. brickiavei, 324 u Eden Carter Durus, builder, 298 e Chase Carter I^dw;ird, finisher, ISu s Howard Carter Edward, lab. 130 s Howard Carter Eberle S. clerk, 18 n Calhoun Carter E. B. bouse and sign painter, 32 s Re- puljlican Carter Edward F. lab. 50 West Carter Kdw d F.(Graves,C. a: Co. ) 169uCharles Carter Eliaviu.s, car,i. ir)2 Aisquith Carter .Mrs. Ellen M. millin.ry, 241 Penaa av Carter Mrs. Ellen, 6u9 Penna av Carter Edwin T. clerk, 94 Columbia Carter Mrs. F.mnie, dressmkr, 291 n Eutaw Carter Francis, nightman, 47 Druid Hill av Carter George J. detective, 83 Fort av Carter George 11. leaf tobacco, 20 Camden, dw Baltimore co Carter Golleib, cabiuetmkr, 246 s Charles Carter Granville H. butcher. Farmers and Planters hotel Carter Hannah, baker, 58 s Chapel Carter Henry M. carp, and builder, 100 n Paca Carter II. Clay, inspector, 96 Division Carter Hi I, bremau, 147 Ridgely Carter Hir iin, clerk, 47 a Gilmor Carter H. H. asst. engineer. 169 n Charles Carter .Mrs llonora, 212 n Front Carter Is;iac T. plasterer, 31u n Bond Carter James, clerk, 79 Milliman Carter Jamos, marble polisher, 212 n Front Carter Dr. James M. 385 w Fayette Carter John, car driver, Retreat-stopp car stables Carter Joiin, polisher, 75 East Carter John H. jr. agent, 570 Lexington O O Carter John T. inspector C. H. 74 Jeiferson ^ Carter John .M. packer C. H. 181 n Paca S Carter John P. bookkpr, 3 s Exeter :^ Carter John F. deputy warden City Jail, cor ~i Lexiniiton and Calvert ^ Carter John M. attorney, 40 St. Paul, dw 14 Aisquith ^ Carter John W. family grocer, 61 Camden, dw O 91 Columbia C^ Carter J. W'esley, clerk, 48 n Gilmor '■Z-> Carter Rev. J. P. clerk Naval office, 385 w Fayette '"5 Carter Josejih, shoemkr, 60 e Fayette PQ Cart'sr Joseph, canmkr. 11 Union Carter Joseph, cooper. 11 Weber Carter J. watchman, Covington and Warren Carter Mrs. Julia, 84 Block Carter Lorenzo, bricklayer, 22 Brune Carter Mrs. L.vdi:i, millinery, 94 Columbia ^ Carter .Mrs. Margaret, 97 Hanover q Carter .Mrs. Olivia, tailoress, 71 Barre O Carter Oscar C. 169 n Ciarles ^ Carter Presley plasterer, 417 e Chase Carter Richard P. oysters, 44 n Paca, dw 181 r^ u Paca ^ Carter Robt. P. mariner, 250 William ^ Carter Robt. D. clerk, 169 n Ch.irles j^ Carter Robt. E. clerk, 417 n Central av ^ Carter Thomas B. leaf tobacco, 20 Camden, dw I 158 w Madison I Car;er Thomas H. huckster, 155 C;mway Carter Thomas H. carp. 154 e Baltimore I Carter Urban W. bricklayer, 65 Parrish I Carter Win. painter, 145 Bank Carter Capi. Wm. F. (Ramsay & Co.) 132 n Oregon Carter Wm. H. bricklayer, 199 s Paca Carter Mrs. Wm. H. 242 n Charles Carter Wm. H. 242 n Ch.irles Carter Wm. J. j)rinter, 3?5 w Fayette Carter Wm R. printer, 224 Chew Carter Wm. W. accountant, 214 w HofiFman Carthy .Anthi/ny, lab. Hull nr Fort av Cann-r Geo. agt London pub. co. 182 nWolfe Carver Francis T. bricklayer, 178 Mulberry Carver Geo. haj-packer, 135 Harford av Carver Wm. V. bricklayer, 178 .Muil'erry Carv BenjaMiiii A. furniture, 129 n Central av CARV &C0. (S\d. C. and Jno. B. Caiy) coal ^ and wood, 1 n Charles, n w cor Cathedral -arj and Biddie, and s w cor West Falls and jx^ Eastern avs ^ Gary David, carp. 2 Brune CQ Carv F. B. shoemkr, 38 n Calvert ^^ Gary John B. (C. & Co.) 193 Park av ^ Gary Syd. C. (C. & C>) ) 197 n Charles ^ Gary Wm. drayman, 18 Decker PH CarV Wilson M. princp'l Southern Home School £-1 197 n Charles -< Gary Wilson .M. jr. attorney, 41 St Paul, dw pL, 197 n Charles Case Aug. drayman, 152 Dover Case Nelson B. cmmkr, 121 3 Ann i Case Rev. Watson, Clinton nr Boston I Casey Andrew, coachman, 99 Park av (/'asey Dennis, lab. 404 Hanover ! Casey Edwin, clt-rk. 84 Hillen Casey & Co. (James F. Casey,) barnessmakers, 52 Park av Casey Mrs. Ellen, 84 n Front Casey James, lab. 101 s Spring Casey James F. 208 Aisquith Casey Jeremiah, police, 162 n High < < I — I < P o o ft IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. O Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. CAS 104 CAS H W H « H H rn in ■L. >H < <1 =q w -^ H n ;-j o * TA; r :> 00 q ^ ^ >^ Casey John, laborer, 76 n Durham Casey John, slioeinkr, 19 Barnes Ciisey John, restaurant, cor I?altiinoreand Eden Casey John, oyster and fruit jiacker, 111 Ensor Casey John H. sliotuiaker. If Barnes Casey John J. salesman, 111 Ensor Casey Nfrs. Mary Jane, 84 Hillen Casey Michael J. harnessnikr, 150 n High Casey Patrick, iiostler, 146 Cathedral Casey Patrick, shoeinkr, 19 Barnes Casey Patrick, lab. li)8 s Castle Casey Peter, lab. 404 Hanover Casey Thomas, engineer, Mt. Vernon hotel, dw 68 Preston Casey Wm. J. carjienter, 236 n Front Cash John, f^ilder, 50 Janies la Cash Oliver W. carp, and builder, Cumberland nr Gilmor Cashman Mrs. Brid-jet, 26 Smith ('ashman Jeremiah, lab. 24 Kltinj^ Cashmver Ibnrv, magistrate, 114 s Bioadway, d«- l"37 Bank" Cashmver Phili[), restaurant, 1 s Eden, dw 9 Cashmytr R. August, liquors, 155 e Baltimore Caskey Geo. boilermkr, 115 Hamburg Caskey John \V. shipcarp. 133 William Caskey Joseph, carp. 137 Mosher Caskey Joseph, clerk, 317 Franklin Caskey Josejih, carp. 133 Willi.im Caskey Robt. staiibuilder, 200 n Fremont Caskey Samuel H. boilermkr, 115 H:imi)urg Caskey Solomon J. moulder, )25 Hamburg CisoD John H. carpenter, W'averlev Caspari Adam, huckster, 355 s Siiarp Caspari Anna R. |ierii)dicals, 30 Druid Hill av CASPARI CHARLIvS, Mpothecary, 44 n Gay C.ispari Frank C. shoemkr, 534 \v Baltimore Caspari Frederick H. clerk, 44 n Gay CasjjMri Fred, tailor, 8 Jew al C.ispari Theodore, 14 ii Poppleton CA.SP.VRI VV.M. apothecary, cor Fremont and Patterson av Casi)er Francis, lab. 23 Hamburg CiS|)er George, hostler, 15 Baker Casper Josej)h, lai). 6 Barnes Casper Louis, druggist, 52 e Lombard ('asjier Mrs. Sarah, midwife, 52 e Lombard Cas|)er Wm. F. lab. 3 Wall Ciss Dr.N B.collec'r and music tench. 7 Biddleal Cassady James A. screwman, 1 sG Mcllenry Cas.-^ady John, cj\r(ieiiier, 46 Milliman CASSARD BROTHERS, (Thomas Cassard, John Cassard, F. W. Gas- sard, Provision Merchants, and Lard Refiners, office 61 South street, reiinery 210 and 212 e Fay- ette street. Caasard F. W. (C. Bros.) Baltimore co ("assard Frank, clerk, 254 Lanvale Cassard Geo. broker, 83 Exchange pi, dw 254 Lanvale i^p CASSARD G. & SON, (Lewis, Geo. ;i C. and Jesse L. Cassard,) Pork " Packers, Ham Curers and Dealers /j in Provisions, Manufacturers of Refined Lard and Lard Oil, Nos. 407 and 409 West Baltimore st. Cassard Geo. C. (G. C. & Son) s e cor Bolton and Townsend Cassard Hamilton, clerk, 212 e Fayette, d'w Baltimore co Cassard Herbert, clerk, 61 South Cassard James U. (Loney & Co.) Beltsville, Prince George co Cassard Jesse L. (G. C. & Son) 440 Madison Cassard John, (C. Bros.) 371 Madison av Cassard Lewis, (G. C. & Son) Charles-sl av ex» Cassard Louis R. clerk, Appraiser's oflSce, C. H- dw 341 .Madison av Cassard Louis jr. Charles-st av ext Cassard Thomas. {C. Bros.) Baltimore co Cassard W. L. clerk, 5i) Commerce Cassell Charles C printer. 282 Saratoga CASSELL CHARLFS E. architect and civil engineer, room 2 Lexington bid'g, dw Park av nr Townsend Cassell Clias. M. draughtsman, Park av nr Townsend Cassell Columbus, lab. Elliott nr Clinton Cassell (Jeo. N. bricklayer, 92 n Poppleton Cassell Geo. R. I)ricklayer, 291 w Biddle Cassell Henry P. bricklayer, 272 Mulberry Cassell Jacob H. clerk, 490 Franklin Cassell John S., U. S. storekeeper, 3d district, over Custom house, dw 490 Friinklin Cassell Mrs. .Martlia, Elliott nr Clinton Cassell Samuel C. collector, 220 .Madison av Cassell Thomas D. painter, 1 Barranger ct, dw 223 n Fremont Cassell Wm. G. bricklayer, 82 Woodyear • Cassell Wm. H. painter," 272 Mulberry Cassell Win. H. bricklayer, 272 Mulberry Cassell Wm. H. supt. Park police, Mansion house, Druid Hill Cassiday James, ironroller, 186 McHenry Cassidy Bernard, police, 29 Forrest pi Cissidv Dennis, l.ib. 17 Bvrd Cassidy Mrs. F. S. 85 Wi'lliara Cassidy Francis, grocery, n w cor Greenmount av and Monument, dw 6 Greenmount av Cassidy Frank, lab. 52 Harford av Cassidy Frank, clerk, 29 Forrest pi Cassidy Frank, lab. 52 Harford av Cassidy Geo. salesman, 286 Mulberry Cassidy James, lab. 86 Luzerne Cassidy James, boots and shoes, 33 w Pratt, dw 21 n Front Cassidy John, driver. 359 n Broadway Cassidy John, 97 s High Cassidy John, huckster, 68 Perry Cassidy Joseph 8 saloon, 59j s llow.ird Cassidy Luke, stonemason, 210 Forrest Cassidy Luke, groc'y, H-uford av and Madison Cassid.\ Martin, liquors, Hillen and E.xeier, dw 179 n Exeter Ca.ssidy Mrs. Mary, tavern, 21 Block Cassidy Michael, huckster, 68 Perry Cassidy Owen, drayman, 286 Mullierry Cassidy Patrick plasterer, 57 Valley Cassidy Patrick, tjrocerv, 52 s Frederick Cassidy Peter, lal). 21 Block Cassidy Robert V. (Kelly & C.) 116 e Pratt (."a.-isidy Thomas, lab. 166 Lee (jissidy Thomas, ^tonecutte^, 210 Forrest Cassidy Thomas F. clerk, 179 n Exeter ('assidy Wm. clerk, 5 Young Cassidy Wm. H. puddler, 53 Cambridge Cassin John H. clerk, 54 St. Paul Casain John, clerk \^>9 Walsh liE-NKY ilOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. CAS 105 CEC Cassin Johnston W. restaurant, 98 Richmond Cassin Mrs. Mary 63 Mosher Cast Rev. Chas. 100 Lee Castelberg Ht-nrv, clerk, 19 s High CASTELBERG JACOB, loan office, I n High dw 1 s Hif;h Castine Emanuel M. prop. Odeon Varieties, 1 Mullikin Castine Win. citrarnikr, 1 Mullikin Castle James, shoemkr,^94 Richmond Castle Thomas M. shoemkr, 94 Richmond Caswell Robert B. sr. shipbuilder, 684 Li,<;ht Caswell Roliert B. jr. shipbuilder, 81 Fori av CATE A.MON, lumber yard and pianino; mill, n e cor East Falls av and Fawn, dw 243 n Charles Caterton James, painter, 31 Hill Caterz John B. painter Friendship, Yorl^ rd Cathcart A. Roszel, rec'g teller Franklin Bank 373 Druid Hill av Cathcart Edgar S. clerk, 83 s Broadway Cathcart Mrs. Elizab, teacher, 65 n Broadway Cathcart Geo. cabinetmaker, 483 Light Cathcart Henry, collector (Secor Sew. M. Co.) Baltimore county Catlicart John W. clerk Lighthouse engineer's office, 5\i s Broadway CATHCART R. & W. H. block and pump raakt/rs, and sole agents Averill Chemical Paint Co. 113 Thames Cathcart Robt. (R. & W. H. C.) 5Us Broadway Cathcart Robt. jr. 5]^ s Broadway Cathcart Wm.H. (R & W.H.C ) 83 s Broadway Cathedral Parochial Male School, 62 Courtland Cathedral Parochial Female School, 30 Franklin Cathedral (Roman Catholic) cor Cathedral and Mull)erry Catiiedral Cemetery, cor. Republican and Ten nant, office 78 Mulberry CATH-ELL & MORRIS (L. James Cath-ell, J. J. Morris) lumber and grain com. merchts, 32 w Falls av Cath-ell Dr. D. Webster, prof. College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ij s Exeter, dw adj'g Cath-ell Charles, boiiermkr, 2 s Central av Cath-ell L. James, (C. & Morris) 100 n Carey Cathell Rev. J. E. 212 n Republican Cather Alonzo S. lab. 280 Runisey Cather Mrs. Rachel, 280 Riimsay Cather Robert W. carp. 241 s Paca Cather Timothy, lab. 6 Cuba CATHOLIC MIRROR, weekly, Kelly, Piet & Co. 174 w Baltimore Catlett Jno. ,^ Cavanaugh Mrs. Mary, 118 Ramsay ^ Cavanaugh Matthew, lab. 241 Hamburg ^ Cavanaugh Michael, jirinter, 1 Friendship \^ Cavanaugh Michael, lab. 29 n Washington ^H Cavanaugh Patrick, lab. 176 Vine Cavanaugh Peter, bakery, 9 e Madison HH Cave Mrs. .Margaret J. 103 n Exeter |~^ Cave John W. attorney, 55 St. Paul, dw 103 "^ n Exeter ^ C ivell Martin, shoemkr, 289 n Front Q Caveney Michael, lab. 76 n Amity h^ Cavey Nathan, carpenter, 58 Parrish "^ Cavy Thos. J. rags. 41 Leramon j Cawley Mrs. Catherine. 120 CJurley ^ Caye Emile, barber, 145 w Madison ^ Cazenove A. Charles, clerk 55 Lexington p^ Cazier Robert AV. mariner, 447 e Eager W Cecil Geo. T. shoes, hats, &c. 210 w Pratt, dw ^ 84 William Cecil Elias, lab. 12 Bevan P Cecil Wm. M. carp. 277 William ^-^ Cecil Wm S. carp. 277 William O o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) rc^'^ ~ X ^ Mutual Life InsTirance Co. of New York. CED 106 CHA Q ZJ > ao r" ri r '^ -^ 5 .ri > ■»~. — ~ ■:> o ^ ^1 ~ 1— ( J — 55 O -• -"^ 2 7* z> -t: c ■^ :5 s ^ o as ^" H U ■"^ ■1^ X s o J -) X ^ ^:^ - 5 -^ O 3 ? :^ =>.::: ^ u r " ^. ^ .^ 2 X ^ CEDAR POINT FURNACE, Brooke & Fritz, proprietors, Boston iind P:ituxciit Ceelin-eze Aloiizo, sliip carp. 144 s Washington Cella Antonio, rtstii'irmit, tJ8 President Cenniwitz Luke, shoemaker, 77 Jetferson Ceiiuiwitz Mrs. M.irj^aret, 77 Jefferson Centenary Bil)liertl Institute, J. E. Round, prin- cipal, 44 SaratotTii Central AsseniMy Rooms, LibertyandLexinfftoa Central Free Dispensary. Colleire of Physicians and .Sur^^eons, 103 w Loinhurd CENTRAL HUTEL, Ilolliday st op|i City Hall, Chas. Hiiftcke, proprietor Central M E. Church (South, )corSchroeder and Peirce Central Presbyterian Ciiurch Mission, Ridgely and IlamburfT CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, FrannsT.King, prest., V\^n. E. Coale, treas., s e cor diaries and Le.xintrton Central Station B. &. 0. R. R. foot of Mill Cerf David, trimming's. 79.t w Baltimore Chabot Dr. Lawrence J. 1 18 e Fayette Chadburn Win. II. huckster, 43 s Schroeder Chadburn Wm. machinist, 43 s Schroeder Chaddiiston Thus. watch and clockuikr,29Che\v Chadwick Jolin C. clerk, 171 n Carey Chadwick John E. (Sialey, Armstrong & C.) s w cor Paca and .Muiberrv Chadwick Mrs. M. E. 171 n Carey Chaffeee Caroline W. 94 Cathedral Challer Charles, shoemkr. Ills Chapel Cliaflinch Elisha W. salesman, 55 Wolfe n of .\I idison Cliafhnch Samuel E. tobacconist, s e cor Gay and .Munuuient ChalHiich Wra. W. carp. 388 Orleans Chaillou Augustus, serjieant police. 18 Miller Chaiilou J. Frank, briislirnkr, 34 Wyeth Ciiairs Edward J. 367 e Fayette Ciiaisty Dr. Edward J. 158 .Mulberry Chaisty Edward J. jr. crier Criminal Court, 158 .Mulberry <'h ilan .Martin, wireworker, 240 s Dallas Chalk Mrs. Elizabetli, .Mount Royal Ch.ilk Geo R. conductor, 80 O.tk (yhalk James A. engineer, 2:53 I'ark av Chalk Joseph A. plasterer, 2(J4 Park av Chalk Levi, grocer, 128 Dolphin Chalk Petei, lab. Cathedrd nr Townsend <"h ilk Mrs. Sophia, gmcery. 233 Park av Chalk Wm. A. clerk, 124 Dolphin Chalk Win. II. painter, 73 Barui'S Chalk Zenous, grocery. Federal and .\i3quith Ch.iliemarle Chandler Kennard, (Jenkins & Chandler, ) 469 Eutaw pi Chandler Nelson, salesman, 69 n Charles Chandler Robert, cigarmkr, 19 Woodyear Chandler Thos. .M. coachmkr, 90 n Paca Chandler Wm. E. carter, 150 Battery av Chaiie Aug. pipemkr, 94 Graiiby Clieney Benj. waichmaw, 521 w Lombard Clianey Clias. P. police, 621 n G.iy HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. CHA 107 CHA CHANEY CHAS. B. coal and wood, 148 Hol- lins, dw 35 s Gilmor ClianHj Chas. W. boilermkr, 158 s Paca Chaney Elizabeth, 146 n Fremont Chaney Mrs. Ellen, dressmkr. 1 s Oregon Chaney Henry, liuckster, 28 Stockton Chiiney James, tinner, 212 Lee Chaney Jas. M. police, 173 Hamburg Chaney Jchii, tailor, 15 Jackson Chaney Levi M. blacksmith, 183 Hollins Chaney Rev. R. G. 2f;2 Lanvale Chaney Thus, huckster, 2 Diamond Chaney Wm. boilermkr, Fort av nr Light Chaney Wra. shoemkr, He Monument Chaney Wm. clerk. 1 s Ure;:on Chanjr Chincr niKnufacturing Co. Chinese starch polish, 31 Le.xinaton Channel! Wni. i)rickia\er, 12 McElderry Cliapel of the Good Shepherd, Mullikin and Spring Ch^.pel of the Holy Cross (P. E.) Millington la nr Frederick av Chrtpelle Rev. P. L. 93 Barre Chaplain Mrs. Eliza S. 219 Georsie Chapman Alex.brassm'lder, Greenmount av ext Chapman Allen A. 40 McCuUoh Chapman Charles G. shoemkr, 108 n Popi.lelon CHAPMAN D. CHASE,com.mercht.44 Second, dw 153 Dolphin Chapinnn Edward, salesman, 38^ w Baltimore Chapman Fmnk S. luusic teacher, 142 Dolphin Chapman Geo. E. clerk, 103 s Broadway Chapiuan G*o. R. trunkinkr, 32 Mc.Mechin Chapman Greeubury, shoemkr, 108 n Pojipleton Chapiunn Henry, milkman, Greenmount av ext Chapman James C. brakeman. 40 s Pop'pleton Chapman John, clerk, 265 Hollins Chapnjan John S. (grocery, n e cor Light and Warner, dw 69 Barre Chapman J. Geo. clerk, 20^ Aisquith Chapman Mrs. J. confec'y, 108 n Poppleton Chapman Jonathan J ill e Baltimore Chapman Joseph, clerk, 48 e Pratt ChMpman Nathan A. com. mercht. 44 Second, dw 40 McCulloli Chapman Nicholas P. bookkpr, 142 Dolphin Chapman Dr. Pearson, 93 .McCulloh Chapman Saml. butcher, 126 Burgundy al Chapman Wm A. inspector C. H. 217 Mullikin Chajmian W. H. jr. clerk, 69 Birre Chapman Rev. Wm. H. 69 Barre Chapman Wm. J. clerk, 22 s Calhoun ChMpmrtD Mrs. Z. 77 St. I'aul Chapney Hiram, carp. 63 s Schroeder Chapon Rev. P. P.. St. .Mary's Seminary ChMjipel Thus. S. clerk. 27 Saratoga Chappcll Ann, 113 .Mulberry Chapjiell .AniiaE. niilliner, 101 n Poppleton Chappell Bros. (P. S. and F. W. Chai)|.ell,) niitniifs. acids, ofBce 31 South, factory Cross nr Covington Chai>pell Cornelius F. (C. ^ Webster,) 69 n Howard Chappell Francis W.(C.Bro3.)283 Druid Hill av Chapjjell John G. clerk, 185 .Mulberry Chappell Louisa 0. 185 Mulberry Chappell Mary, 283 Druid Hill av Chappell Philip S. (Chappell Bros.) president Third Nation^il Bank, 400 Entaw pi Chappell & Webster (C. F. Chappell, A. M. Webster,) hosiery, notions and small wares, 69 n Howard Chappell Thos. C. clerk, 400 Eutaw pi Chard Mrs. Harriet, 29 Luzerne Chariton ' eo. W. butcher, Wavcrley Chariton Wm. H. driver, Waverley Charles Andrew, watchman, Clinton nr Third av Charles Benj. property agent and conveyancer, 76 s Bond Charles David J. coppersmelfer, rear 30 Clinton Charles Elizabeth, 2 n Gilmor Charles John, telegraphist, Clintons of Boston Charles .Mrs. Mary A. 235 c Caroline Charles .Mrs. Martha A. trimmings, 303 n Gay Charles Street (,M. E.) Church, n e cor Charles and Favette Charles Thos. J. hats, 312 e Baltimore Charles W. H. inspector C. H. 279 e Baltimore Charlton John E. 65 Barnes Charlton Richard, bricklayer, Philadelphia rd nr city limits Charter' Oak Life Ins. Co., S. W. T. Hopper, general ajient, 4 s HoUiday Chartrue Francisco, stevedore, 65 s Central av Chase A. Chapman, clerk, 337 e Baltimore Chase Alfred S. sho'-mkr. 17 Parrish Chase A. S. (C, Stewart & Co.) New York Chase Benj. F. (B. F. Chase & Co.) 6 East Chase B. F. ^t Co. fB. F.Chase) house and sign painters, over 138 w Baltimore Chase Chas. F. 76 William Chase Chas. F. bookkpr, 138 Cathedral Cha.-e Chas. W. collector, 46 n Pine Chase Clarence, salesman, 361 n Bond Chase Mrs. Elva, boarding, 50 Barre Chase Eugene, scene shifter. 132j n Gav Chase Geo. B. (John M. Orem, Son ^ Co.) St. Clair hotel Chase Hannibal H. jr. clerk. 305 w Fayette Chase Haniiilial H. brickmkr, cor Beasou and Lowman. dw 305 w Fayette Chase L H.' 253 n Howard Chasf James, fireman, 41 s Oregon Chase James, lab. 110 s Sjn-ing Chase .lereraiah T. clerk, 132^ n G:iy Clias^ John, fruit, 150 Canion av Chase John, stable boss, 39 s Paca Chase John J. 124 s Caroline Chase J. Herraon, bookkpr. 45 Lexington Chase Ms. Mary A. 62 n Pine Chase R. M. plumber, cor Fayette and Pine,dw 50 Barre Chase Capt. Stephen, (Fick & C.) 82 Decker CHASE, STEWART & CO (A.S.Chas", Wm. H. Stewart, J. M. C. Barlholuw, John .M Fur- man, j dry v'oods com. merchants, 27 German Chase's Station. B. 0. R. R. Cha>es whf Chase Thoriidiek. clerk. 337 e Baltimore '"'base Mrs. Thorndick, 337 e lialtiinore Chase Wm. H. bockkpr. Oxford, Yoik rd Chase Wm. M. p.iintc-r. 16 Columbia Chase Wm. .M., stereoscopic views, cor Lexing- ton and Eutaw Chasoii Gfo. D. clerk, 423 n Central av (;iia.eon Joseph L. I'ainter, 272 e Pratt Chason P. .Mex. mariner. 423 u Central av Cbastain J. B. dry goods com merch int, cor Charles and German, dw St. Clair hotel Chasteau Armand, gilder, 69 e Lombard Chasteaii Mary, leatber, 69 e Lombard Chasieau Tnos. E. bookkpr, cor Quaker la and Cottage av, Yi^rk road CHATARD DR. F. K. 114 Park av Chatham Anna, dressmkr, fS Henrietta GQ p O g -1-3 s 6 d o o o O I D O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. CHA 108 CHI H W W « H H C/J Zi >^ -3 < < 0 a K T H 0 IZ) ■J2 0 „ 73 ^ 00 0 6 - ^ ■< - 'Z '-J -' < Chathrttn Francis, blacksmith. 88 Ilonrietta Chatsworth Female Institute, 18-< Franklin Chats worth Independent Church (M. E.) cor Franklin and Pine Chavez Jacques, conk, 1 Pena Chee^man \Vm. H. fireman, 68 Parrish Cheatham Andrew J. salesman, 222 n Carey Chemical Company of Canton, VVm. Davison, pres't, 104 \v Loinliaii bertv CllE.SAPEAKE BANK, cor North and Fayette Ches.ipeake Chemical Works. (.SliiiL^lutf <& Co.) foot of Leadenliall, office 155 w Fayelie Ches.i|)eake Furnace. Win. Pannell, proprietor, Clinton nr Seventh av Chesapeake Guano Works, foot Hughes, office 40 Posioflire av Chisap'-ake Nail Works, agency 23 and 25 s Cliarles Chesapeake Mut. L.and and Bdg. Association, (^ver s w cor Ch irles and Lexin^^tou CIIE.SAPEAKE MARINE RAILWAY AND DRV DOCK CO. f.iot of Philpot Clitsapeake Sugar Refinery, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 O'Donnell's wlif. Stirling, Ahrens & Co. proji'rs Chcsebrough Androni';us, 41 Fawn Clu'sebrouph Harry C. clerk, 41 Fawn Chesebroupli I.^aic D. clerk C. H. 41 Fawn ('hegreen Wm. J. police, 323 e John Chesley John W. clerk, 144 n Carey (Jhesley Dr. Nathaniel, 144 n C'arey Chesley Nathaniel D. clerk, 144 n Carey Chesley Wm. grocery, 432 w Lombard Cliesiie\ Daniel, carp. 8>< (iough Clusney Jes.se F. book and j.)b printer, over n w cor Baltimore and Frederick, dw 191 Ai.% ., 1— • K ee -> o 'J O) ^ jC 'C -•- — c .Ji ^ C5 •^ 0/ c "*«, •^ ^1 c P^ :; w O r, ^. H _' »— t »*; c: < o ca >, ^ « P H r^ « ■. O ?s cr, C^ 1 ^ r-f sJ -*—' ^ ^ C/J r- ^ rs es Mntiial Life Insurance Co- of New York. CHU 110 CLA rp " c c i t- • — S r- X 3 i Cluirch Association Rooms of the Diocese of Marvland, 101 n Charles, H.W. Moore, agt. CHURCH EDWARD J. luiiiber,over 28 South, acting ciishier JJaiik of Commerce, dw 352 Park av Cluirih (i. F. boilermkr, Federal nr Aisquith Churcli Home and Infirmary, (Epis. ) Broadway bet Baltimore and Fayette, Mary J. Brad- ford, a^'etit Church ot'tlieHoIy Innocents, (P.E.) cor Eden and Chase Church of the Holy Martyrs, (German R. C.) Mount nr Pratt Chinch of the Immaculate Conception, Mosher bet Druid Hill av and Division Churcli J. Edward, cashier Bank of Commerce, 352 Park av Church Levi B. carp. 152 e Monument Church Mrs. Mary, flower preserver, i52eMonu- nuiit Church Nancy, 209 Hudson Church of the Messiah, s w cor Gay and Fayette Church & Musson (N. S. Church, J. Musson) dialers in coal and lumber, Decker nr John, ollice 28j South Church Nelson S. (C. & Musson) 94 Decker Churcli Press Association, Chas. Harvey & Co. propr, 3 Postoffice av Churcli of Our Saviour, (P. E.) cor Broadway anil McKlderiy Church Rubi. fireman, Mount Royal hill Church of the Sacred Heart, (R. C.) Central av nr Baltimore Church Stephen D. engineer, 131 Hollins Church Thomas, sexton, 1 f)2 e .M(jnument Church of the United Brethren, cor Fulton and Lombard Church \Vm. G. boilermaker. Federal nr Ais- quith Churchill Mrs. Lucy J. tailoress, 145 Townsend Cilly Joel, millwritjht, 100 n Ann Ciniiamond Mrs. Geo. R. 186 n Carey ('iiitiiinioud Geo. R. jr. attorney, 186 n Carey Ciuuaiuoud Edward, lab. 31 Fell Ciuu.imorid Robt. M. Its6 n Carey Cipriau Joseph, glasscutter, 11 Henry Citizens' Fire Ins. Company of Newark, N.J., J. A. Rigby, agt, 22 South Citizens' Passenger Railway Slaliles, cor Balti- more and Choptank Citizens' Railway, Jus. S. Hagerly, president, office n w terminus, cor Pennsylvania av and Ret I eat CITIZENS' SECURITY AND LAND CO.Wm. G. Scarlet, pres't, Wm. Shannon, treas. 17 South CIRCUIT COURT OF BALTIMORE CITY, C. W. Piiikniy, judge, J. R. Brewer, clerk, St. Paul, cor Courthouse la CITIZFNS' NATIONAL BANK, n e cor Pratt and Hanover CITV COLLKCTOR'S OFFICK, City Hall ( ITV CO.MMKSSlO.NKIt'S ()! FICF, Citv Hull CITV COMPTROLLFK'S OFFICK, City Hall CITV COURT OF BALTIMORE, Isi floor, cor St. Paul and Courthouse la CITV HALL, bounded by Lexington, North, Fayette and Holliday Citv Mall House, foot West Falls av Cl'i'V PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY olUce 8 e cor Calvert and Baltimore City Passenger Railway Stables, 112 Thames, North and Perina avs, Baltimore and Small- wood, Harford av opp Schutzen park, and Light and Heath City Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, oflBce old Citv Hall, n Holliday CITV RKGISTKR'S OFFICE, City Hall City Solicitor's Office, 25 Lexington City Siiring, Calvert nr Saratoga City Surveyor's Office, Lexington and North City Yard, s side of basin Civill Mrs. M. L. 294 w Lombard Civill Lewis A. clerk, 294 w Lombard Clabaujih Albert T. (Clabaugh, Nelson & Co.) 104 McCulioh Clabaugh F. B. clerk. Merchants hotel Clabiiugh Geo. W. wholesale liquors, 372 w Baltimore, dw Antrim, Carroll co Clabaugh E. A. (Clabaugh ^ Gratf) 8n Carey Clabaugh k Gratf (E. A. Clabau-h, G.U.GraflF) wholes, liquors and distlrs, 38 South Clabaugh Hugh W. 8 n Carey Clabaugh John, conductor, 835 w Baltimore Clabauuh John, painter, llOPennaav CLABAUGH, NELSON & CO. (W.H. Clabaugh, A. T. Clabaugh, J. M. Nelson) bankers and brokers, 144 w Baltimore Clabaugh Win. F. painter, 110 Penna av CLABAUGH WM.H. (Clabaugh, Nelson & Co.) 205 w Lombard, also propr St. Clair hotel Claby Mrs. Hotiora, 38 e Lombard Claby Louis F. plumber and gasfitter, 132 w Lombard, dw 38 e lombard Clagett Mrs. Eliza, 358 Orleans Clagett Dr. Joseph E. (Drs. C. & Walls)196 W Lombard Clagett Drs. Joseph E. and J. Wra. Walls, 18 s Eutaw Clagett John T. 358 Orleans Clagett Samuel, clerk, 97 s Fden Clagett Samuel A. liquors, 97 s Eden Clagett Win. T. dancing master, Lyceum ball, dw 157 e Lombard Claiborne Clias. H. lieut. police, 85 n Pine Clair Lemuel, conductor, 16 George Clampiti Elias, gasfitter, 496 Franklin Clanipitt Wm. H. brass finisher, 14 George Clacey John D. carp. 7 Etting Clancy James, lab. 4 Foundry Clancy Jeremiah, packer, 242 n Howard Clancy Mrs. Mary, intelligence office, 242 n Howard Claucy Mat. lab. 14 Gelston ct Clancy Thos. lab. 139 n Front Clapp Chas. E. hatter, 6 Jefl'ersou Clapp Ellis, clerk, 56 St. Paul Olapp George C. hats, 110 n High, dw 6 Jef- ferson Clapi» Geo. M. hatter, 6 Jefferson Cb.pp Mrs. Magdalene, 57 Holland Clapii Wm. coach|)iiiiiter, G Jefferson Claiisaddle Frank M. blacksmith, 12 Tessier, dw 148 Mulberry Clare Geo. driver, 265 n Front Claremont Land Co., N. G. Penniman, pres't, 49 w Fayette Claridge Danl. plasterer, 140 Hughes Claridge F. R. clerk, cor Pratt and Smith's whf Claridge G. D. & Co. (G. D. Claridge,) com. merchts. 15 Clieapside Claridge Geo. D. (G.D.Claridge&Co.) Waverley Claridge Geo. W. painter, 208 Willia» HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Wasliera, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ^^^^ m CLA ~ __^ CLA Claridpe Henry R. paperhanger, 206 e Chase Clarid^'e Jas. R. (Loud, C. & Co.) Friendship, Baltimore co Claridfie John H. capper, 40 s Exeter Claridge Wm.H. clerk, corPrattandSmith's whf Clark Adam, tailor, 86 s Charles Clark Adam, painter, 208 Aisquith Clark Albert, turner, John nr Spring Clark Albert D. teacher, 154 n Schroeder Clark Allen U. bookkpr, 181 Hughes Clark Andrew, lab. 222 Preston Clark Augustus, blacksmith, cor Ridgely and Sterrett Clark Augustus B. conductor, 18 s Norris al Clark Augustus B. bookkpr. Decker nrHoft'mau Clark Benj. junk, 340 n Durham Clark Benj. D. jr. machinist, Decker nrHofifman Clark Benj. D. 76 s Republican Clark Benj. F. carp. 221 Mulberry Clark Benj. F. lab. 31 s Carey Clark Bemhard, (Clark &Sons,) 163 n Exeter Clark Bernard, laij 57 Haubert Clark Mrs. Catherine. John nr Spring Ciark Clias. machinist, John nr Spring Clark Chas. A. driver, Waverley Clark Chas.B. shipjoiner, 221 Gough Clark Chas. E. shipsmith, 99 Hamburg Clark Chas. F. miller, 246 n Caroline Clark Chas. H. lab. 186 s Caroline Clark Chas. H. police, 602 Light Clark Chas. clerk, 174 n Republican Clark Chas. clerk, 34 Myrtle av Clark Chas. pilot, 110 s Bond Clark Chi.s. L. (Clark & Sons,) 163 n Exeter Clark Clara V. 190 Lanvale Clark Daniel, carp. 3 Armistead la Clark David, machinist, Lanvale nr Harford av Clark David C. caulker, 54 Hamburg Clark Dell, 81 n Bethel Clark Duncan C. (C.& Schneider) 94 Cathedral Clark Edward D. ironmoulder, 80 s Fremont Clark Edwd. I. attorney, 12 St. Paul, dw 355 e Chase CLARK EDWARD L. & CO. (Edwd. L.Clark) stoves, furnaces, &c. 367 w Baltimore Clark Edward L. (E.L.C.&Co.) 332 n Fremont Clark Edward L. restaurant, 70 German, dw 127 Franklin Claik Fayette B. clerk. Decker nr Hoffman Clark Frank P. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw Den- mead nr Maryland av Clark Frank, shoemkr, 197 Saratoga Clark Frank, (C. Swift & Co.) 108 n Bond CLARK GABRIKL D. watches and jewelry, cor Calvert and Water, dw 153 St. Paul Clark Gabriel D. jr. 153 St. Paul Clark Geo. carp. 96 e Lombard Clark Geo. F. salesman, 407 Saratoga Clark Geo. M. lighthouse-keeper, 44 s Castle Clark Geo. huckster, 253 e Aladison Clark Capt. Geo. A. mariner, 50 n Gilmer Clark Geo. R. (Shryock & C.) 385 e Baltimore Clark Geo. T. (C, Hardesty & Co.) Chesnut Hill nr York rd Clark Geo. W. provisions, 84 s Chester Clark Geo. W. driver, 94 Boston, Canton Clark Henry, watchman, 324 Franklin CLARK, HARDESTY & CO. (G. T. Clark, G. W. Hardesty, L. P. Clark) plumbers' and gasfitters' materials, over 42 n Holliday Clark Henry, (Clark, Perry & Hohman,) 183 Madison av Clark Henry H. coachmkr, 80 n High Clark Henry T. carfi. 86 s Mount Clark Howard W. clerk, 106 Mosher Clark James C. grocery, 136 n Schroeder Clark James, driver, 13 Morris al Clark James, lab. 201 Lemmon Clark James P foreman, 238 Gough Clark James, blacksmith, 704 w Pratt Clark James B. trav. agent, 772 w Pratt Clark James, lab. 103 Cambridge Clark James, lab. 494 CambridLre CLARK JAMES & CO (James Clark,B. Thorn- "^ ton, J. Cahill) People's machine and boiler o) works, south side Basin j? Clark James & Co. (James and John L. Clark) a cattle brokers, Calvcrton .S Clark James, (James C. & Co.) Ellicott city -^ Clark James, (James C. & Co.) 46 Warren ^ Clark James A. conductor, 339 n Broadway '^ Clark James A. clerk, 56 Myrtle av Clark James A. sr. produce, 339 n Broadway o Claik James B. salesman. Decker nr Hoffman O Clark James D. carp. 56 Myrtle av Clark J. E. & Co. (JohnE.C.) wholesale liquors, ^ 48 s Howard O Clark James G. sr. cooper, 41 s Exeter ^ Clark James G. jr. clerk, 199 n Eden ^ Clark James H. sbipcarp, 123 s Chester Clark James L. attorney, 38 Lexington, dw 94 Q Cathedral ^ Clark James P. dispatcher, 50 n Gilmor ^ Clark James R. (M.B.C.&Bro.) 249 n Eutaw ^ Clark James S. (Clark & Sons) 163 n Exeter ^ Clark James, machinist, 419 Hamburg Clark Jerome, carp. 292 n Eutaw M Clark John, carp, 78 Harford av Clark John, lab. 372 s Sharp t-n Clark Capt. John, mariner, 134 Montgomery i^ Clark John, shipjoiner, 97 Hamburg ^ Clark John E. (J.E.C.&Co.) 209 w Townsend Clark John E. clerk, 316 n Eden j.-^ Clark John H. clerk, 15 Cuba "^ Clark John, lab. 176 Dover p^ Clark John, groc'y, s w cor Gough and Castle rl Clark John H. tailor, 116 Walsh ^ Clark John H. cooper, 328 e Madison j^ Clark John, meat inspector, 170 n High q Clark John K. sailiukr, 15 Myrtle av '~\ Clark John L. (JamesClark&Co.) Ellicott City "iS Clark John L. furn. wagon, 190 n Bond P^ Clark John M. machinist, 772 w Pratt --^ Clark John N. nailer, 213 e Madison '"^ Ciark John P. huckster, 1 11 Jackson sq f^ Clark John P. carp. 69 s Fremont <1 Clark John S. machinist, n 236 Columbia Clark John V. roofer, 303 Ann ^ Clark John W. restaurant, 94 Boston, Canton p5 Clark John W. carp. 154 n Schroeder f^ Clark John W. caulker, 54 Hamburg y Clark John \V. lab. 157 8 Chester q Clark Jonathan T. sparmkr, 99 Hamburg qq Clark Jos. A. wagoner, 290 Harford av "^ Claik Joseph P. machinist, 125 Conway ^ Claik Kinsley J. 37 u Schroeder ^ Clark L. machinist, 125 Conway ^ Clark Lester S. carp. 3()3 n Ann P^ Clark Levi, manuf. of looking glass frames, 835 w Baltimore, dw 77 Fulton av ^H Clark Levin P. (C.,Hardesty&Co.) 208 Aisquith OQ Clark Martin, painter, 114 German <^ Clark Maria E. dressmkr, 236 Columbia O Clark Mary C. dressmkr, 214 n Eutaw IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. CLA 112 CLA H W Pxl p:; H H 02 ?, w >H o <^ < o H w >-A H O 02 O ^ cw ^ on o c5 I— I 1— ( ^ <1 w ^ o o <^ ■ofH OS o s r^ ^2| goo 3 :3 Clark Mrs. Mary J. tailoress, 5 Green ct Clark Marion, stonecutter, 148 e Eaijer Clark Matthew B. (M. B. Clark & Bro.) 372 Madison av Clark Matthew, clerk, 372 Madison av Claik Matthew B. & Bro.(M. B. and J. R Clark) flonr nierchts. 40 n Howard Clark Matthew, hailiff, 44 ii Front Claik Michael, tireinaii, 25u s Kulaw Clark Michael, lab. 17 Hudson al Clark Michai'l, fireman. 254 s Eutaw Clark M. J. clerk, 127 Franklin Clark Noah, clerk, 208 Aisquith Clark Owen, switchtender, 372 Ostend Clark Patrick, cigarmkr, 40 e Chase Clark Patrick, lab. 1 Cooksie Clark Patrick, I'lb. 67 Jaiues la Clark, Perry k Uohnian, (Henry Clark, A. C. Perry and Henry Hohman( wholesale nianufs. ladit-s', misses', and children's shoes, 9 n Charles, branch 183 Madison av Clark Patrick, slippermkr, 197 Saratoga Clark .Mrs. P. .M. dressmkr, 127 Lexington Claik Patrick, lab. 50 s Strieker Clark Philij) R. agt. Eastern Shore Steamboat Co. 105 South, dw 5 n Strieker Clark .Mrs. Rebecca, 292 n Eutaw Clark Kebecca, 34 -Myrtle av Clark Richard D. oysters, 329 s Bond Clark Richard B. clerk, 174 n Republican Clark Richard J. (Thos. C. & Bro.) 263 e Pratt Claik Kobert, carp. 198 n Wolfo Clark Robert H. mariner, 108 William Clark Robert Y. machinist. Decker nr Hoffman Clark & Sons, (Bern hard, Chas. L. ami James S. Clark )carj>enters and builders, 15 Pleasant Clark Samuel H. patternmkr, 156 Aisquilh Clark Samuel T. clerk, 5 n Strieker Clark Samuel B. clerk, 372 Madison av Clark .Mrs. Sarah A., Jenkins la nr Vork rd Clark .Mrs. Sarah, 156 Aisquith Clark & Sneider, f Duncan C. Clark, C. Edw'd Sneider) gun manufs. 214 w Pratt Clark Sylvester, moulder, 148 e Eager CL.UIK, SWIFT & CO. (Frank Clark, L. W. Swift,WalterSnvder)com.mecht3,65 s Charles Clark T. B. clerk, '52 South Clark .Mrs. Theresa, 37 n Schroeder Clark Thomas, clerk, 400 n Gay Clark Thomas J. lab. 4 Willingerct Clark Temperance G. 280 w Fayette Clark Thomas, lamplighter, 106 Preston Clark Thos. J. clerk, 148 n Howard Clark Thos. & Bro. (T.and Richard J. Clark,) coppersmiths, 231 s Wolfe Clark Thos. (T. C. & Bro.) 263 e Pratt Clark Thos. C. clerk, 295 n Caroline Clark Thom-^s, 704 w Pratt Clark Thos. F. finisher, 555 w Lombard Clark Thos. S. A Son, (Thos. S. and W. H. Clark) sailmakers, 90 Dugan's whf Clark Thos. S. (Thos. S. C. & Son) flour,grain and genl. com merchant, 81 Smith's whf, dw 174 n Republican Clark Thos. S. jr. disc' t clerk Third Nat. Bank, 53 Harlem av Clark Thos. lab. 33 e Eager Claik Thos. gardener, Kirk's la nr Liberty rd Clark Thos. tinner, 110 Boyd Clark Timothy, lab. 67 James la Clark Wm. type moulder, 54 Hamburg Clark Wm. stouemason, lo7 Druid Hill av Clark Wm. stereotyper, 7 Bank la Clark Wm. clerk, 88 n Charles Clark Wm. carp. 292 n Eutaw Clark Wm. A. machinist, 86 s Mount Clark Wm. B. conveyancer, 34 Myrtle av Clark Wm. E. carp. 716 Lexington Clark Win. F. grocery, 434 n Gay Clark Win. H. horses, 22 Richmond, dw 76 Cathedral Clark Wm. H. boilermkr, 157 s Chester Clark Wm. H. (Thos. S. C. & Son) 227 Druid Hill av Clark Wm. H. supt. Citizens Passenger Rail- way stables, 479 e Baltimore Clark Wm. H. whipmkr, 346 Franklin Clark Walter L. bookkpr, 155 Mosher Clark Wm. S. clerk, 358 e Chase Clark Wm. S. carp. 295 n Caroline Clark Wm. T. clerk, 358 e Chase Clark Wm. W. police, 85 n Charles Clark Zachary T. huckster, 56 Myrtle av Clark Zachariah, pilot, 135 s Ann Clarke Addison( AddisonC.& Bro. )338 Park av CLARKE ADDISON & BRO (Addison & Henry E. Clarke) iron and steel, 92 w Lombard Clarke Mrs. Anna, 54 w Madison Clarke Dr. Andrew P. 237 Gough Clarke Anthony, grocery, 191 Gongh Clarke Carrie R. 2 McCuJloh Clarke Daniel, attorney, 19 Lexington, dw 249 St. Paul Clarke Findlay M. telegraphist, 395 Franklin Clarke George T. lab. 109 Hamburg Clarke Helena, grocery, 24 Block Clarke Dr. Henry, (Beasley, Clarke & Co.) 80 St Paul Clarke Henry E. (Addison Clarke & Bro.) Bal- timore co Clarke H. Lee, proofreader, 43 Courtland Clarke Howard W. clerk, 106 Mosher Clarke Hugh, huckster, 187 n Front Clarke James, clerk, 191 Gough Clarke James, furniture, 224 Lexington Clarke James B traveling agt. 722 w Pratt Clarke James H. (M. Clarke & Sons) 92 s Ann Clarke J. Lyle, salesman, 52 South Clarke John, machinist, 48 Boyd Clarke John, rigger, 24 Block Clarke John, porter, High nr Front Clarke John lab. Mosher and Foster al Clarke John E. clerk, 316 n Eden Clarke John G. (C. & Jones) 391 w Lombard Clarke John W. (.M. Clarke & Sons) 92 s Ann CLARKE & JONES, (J. G. Clarke, W. H. Jones) candy inanufs- and fruits, 15 Light Clarke Jos. H. prof, of languages, 687 w Fayette Clarke Jos. W. clerk, 80 St. Paul Clarke Martin «fe Sons, (Martin, James H., and John W. Clarke) furniture and carpets, 62 e Baltimore Clarke Martin, (M. Clarke cj- Sons) 92 s Ann Clarke .Mary L. teacher, 24 Block Clarke Mrs. Mary M. 80 St. Paul Clarke Mrs. Mary P. 112 Greenmount av Clarke Patrick, Mosher st. and Foster al Clarke Phoebe D. 98 w Biddle Clarke Prof. Powhatan, Baltimore CityCollege, dw 203 n Calvert Clarke Robt. A. sr. (Clarke & Son) glass and queensware, 39 s High, dw 30 e Lombard Clarke Robt. A. jr. (C. ^ Son) 30 e Lombard Clarke Stephen N. (Glenn & C.)342 e Fayette HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographiug, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. CLA 113 CLE CO Clarke & Son, (Robt. A. sr. and Robt. A. Clarke jr.) provisions,cor High and Lombard CUrke Terencp, lab. 9 Fall Clarke Thos. gardener, 61 Whatcoat Clarke Thomas F. 523 Franklin Clarke W. E (Hurst,Purnell&Co.)33 s Howard Clarke Thonvis J. att'y oflSce, 95 s Broadway, dw 92 s Ann Clarke W. E. (A.P.Woods & Co.) 87 McCulloh Clarke William, telegraphist. 395 Franklin Clarke William, (Siiiith & C.) 27 Park av Clarke Rev. Wm. F., Loyola College Clarke Wm. T. carp. 395 Franklin CLARKE WM. WIRT, flimr com. mercht, 61 s Gay, dw 98 w Biddle darken Jlichael, laii. 15 s Strieker Clarkson Edwd.H.N(Jos C.& yon)135 n Calvert ' Clarkson Franklin S. machinist, Cottage av nr York rd Clarkson Geo. L. shoemkr, 89 n Central av Clarkson Jos. (Jos. C. & Son) 135 n Calvert Clarkson Jos. A. (Penniman&Bro.) 182 wLombard Clarkson Joseph L. clerk, 89 n Central av CLARKSON JOS. & SON, (Jos. and Edward H.N. Clarkson) machinists, 75 and 77 n Front Clarkson Joseph A. analytical chemist, 135 n Calvert Clarvoe John F. clerk, 26 s Mount Clarry Richard G. fireman, 64 Parrish Clas Charles, barber, 54 Stiles Clas Henry, porter, 54 Stiles Classen Be'nj. H. (H. Classen & Sons) 148 s Sharp Classen Charles H. (H.W.C.& Co.) 155 s Sharp Classen H. & Sons, (B. H. and F. W. Classen) flour and forage, 145 s Sharp Classen Fred. W. (H. C. & Sous) 148 s Sharp Classen- H. 147 s Sharp CLASSEN H. W. c|- CO. (H. W. and Charles H. Classen) brick manufs. and sand dealers,yard8 Light ext, office 145 s Charles Classen Henry \V. (H.W.C. & Co.) 155 s Sharp Clatchey James M. coach irimnier, 55 Henrietta Claus Charles C. calligrapher and teacher, 19 e Lombard Claus Cora, clerk, 221 Jefferson Claus Edward C. mercht. tailor, 24 Postoffice av, dw 91 n Eden Claus Emanuel, carp. 169 s Bethel Claus Hebrew Congregation, over 5 Harrison Claus Philip H. baker, 122 s Bond Clausen John W. bookkpr, 17 s Liberty Clausen Wm. clerk, 17 s Liberty Claussen Henry, cooper, 219 s Ann Claussen Peter, rigger, 38 Essex Clautice Anna, notions. 111 Penna av Clautice Edwin (C. & iMitchell) 350 Hanover Clautice Klizabeth, cor Aisquiih and Lanvale Clautice Fryncis, hucks'r, Aisquiih and Lanvale Clautice George, 141 Penna av Clautice George, police, Point la and Aisquith Clautice Geo. jr. car builder, 141 Penna av Clautice Henry, huckster, 142 Jefferson Clautice Henry C. shipsmith, 189 n Caroline Clautice Jno. W. huckster, Aisquith nr Point la Clautice Joseph, tinner, 110 s Paca Clautice Joseph, tailor, 295 e Madison Clautice Joseph .M. 295 e Madison Clautice and .Mitchell, (E. Clautice, Joseph C. Mitchell) plumbers and gasfitters, 12j Light Clautice Wm. coachmkr, 141 Penn av Clautice Wm. F. (Brooks, Rogers & Co.) 209 Lanvale ■"5 c5 pq Clavell Mrs. Caroline, 301 e Lombard c3 Clavell Capt. Edward, mariner, 301 e Lombard :r Clavell Capt. Geo. mariner, 301 e Lombard fs^ Clay Geo. lab. 215 s Bethel Clay Henry, shucker, 215 s Bethel Clay James W. agtnt, 453 e Fayette Clay James T. cleik, 175 Conway -^ Clay John, carter, 215 s Bethel ^ Clay Louisa, Clipper Mills r^ Clay Oliver W. bookkpr, 175 Conway .S Clay Wm. A. miinii'r Staten Island fancy dye- -^ ingestab'nt, 110 w Baltimore, dw 9 Jackson "^ Clay Wm. C. morticer, 6 s Gilmor ClayLmd Daniel L. police, 97 n Schroeder '^ Clayland Wm. S. driver, 35 n Schioeder "^ Claypoole Mrs. Elizabeth, 69 e Biddle ^ Claypoole James, clerk, 48 n Republican r Chiypoole Capt. James W. clerk Court Common O Pleas, 299 n Eden Q Claypoole Capt. John, 299 n Eden ^j, Clayton Mrs. Ann, seamstress, 53 Conway °^ Clayton Alfred S. butter depot, 82 Hanover,dw Q Gilmor nr Baker '-n Clayton Augustns L. junk, 434 Penna av q, Claytou Augustus L. carp. York rd nr Camp av ^^ Clayton Charles, Waverley t^ Clayton Edward W. ice cream, Waverley Clayton F. L. ( Wadsworth & Co.) Charles-st av !^ nr Denmead Clayton George W. mariner, 7 Plowman '^ Clayton Hezekiah B. porter, 98 Druid Hill av ^ Clayton James, trunkmkr, 70 George [^ Clayton Jas. E. miner and mineral lands, over 12 South, dw Green Springs, Balto co OQ Clayton James W. clerk, 210 Druid Hill av P^ Clayton John P. assistant cashier C. H. dw 26 |~^ Edmondsou av '""' "Cla\ ton John R. M. varieties, 53 w Centre Clayton John T. carp. 412 e Chase , Clayton Joseph B. carriage bodymkr, 93 Hillen jr" Claj ton Joseph S. carp. 97 s Poppletou Clayton Julius, bookkpr, 210 Druid Hill av p-. Clayton Philip V. printer, 412 e Chase S^ Clayton S. S. mineral lands and real estate, over ^ 12 South, dw Green Spiings, Calto co ^ Clayton Wm. E. clerk, 412 e Chase Clayton Wm. bricklayer, 155 n Paca Clazey Albert, moulder, s Paca nr Hamburg Clazey Geo. W. canmkr, 32 Wyeth Clazey James, machinist, 161 Hamburg Cleary Mrs. D. M 171 n Calvert pq CLEARY EDWARD M., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware, Spike andOarManuf r,274 sBroad- way, dw 161 s Broadway. Cleary James, oysters, 788 w Baltimore Cleary Wm, H. iron hooker, 272 Bank Claveland Amos J. dry goods, 455 e Eager Cleaveland Chas. P. clerk, 272 n Gay Cleaveland Chas. P. clerk, 144 n Exeter Cleaveland Edwin R. (E. R. C. & Co.) 426 e Baltimore Cleaveland Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 164 Dolphin Cleaveland E. R. & Co. (E. R. and S. Cleave- land) wholes. and retail dry goods and notions. 157 n Gay, and 673 w Baltimore Cleaveland James P. carp. 164 Dolphin Cleaveland Sylvesler(E.R.C.&Co.)144 n Exeter Cleaveland Mrs. Mary J. 477 n Fremont Power Press Printin (Maryland Ins. Co' at Reduced Rates. s Marble Building.) EH- »— I H OQ H CQ 1—4 w o - - ^ Mutual Liife Insurance Co. of New York, CLE 114 CLO Clees John T. ciganukr, 279 Columbia Clem Charles, wagoner, 916 w Pratt Clemens Augustus D. real estate, Postoffice Waverley Clemens A. D. jr. coal and wood, cor York rd and Huntingdon av Clemens Aug. tavern, 7 Saratoga ■IT X iS '42 ^ ce -T c ^ Clemens Edward E., Homestead '^ 'Sj. '- Clemens John, porter, 7 S.iraloga ^--^ o Clemens Loins, porter. 54 s Central av ~ P Z. Clenu-ns aMis Susan, Homestead '^ Jl S Clement James, (.\dler, C. & Wiel, also, Heiser '^ f "^ & Co.) 8 n Strieker .0^ "> X Clements John, hai'kman, 85 North — ^ ►>► ;s^ Clemenis Joliii, machinist, 313 Harford av • - ;^., Clements John jr. bricldayer, .'> llindall 'p li:; i2 Clemetits John \V. mariner, 124 Chesapeake "5 .- S Clements Dr. P. P. (H. G. Stewart & Co.) 446 JT o J: Madison av 3 ,z, >J Clements Richard W. bookkpr, 356 McDonogh ^ 2 o Clements Mrs. Teresa, confi'c'ry, 124 (Chesapeake Q ._S Clements Theodore, machinist, l79Hollins O » - Clements W. E. carter, 644 w Pratt .^ .i ^ Clements \Vm. M. brickmaker, 27 Gittings CiemmJohn, l)rassnioulder, 152 e Eager Clemm \Vm. E. rigger, 206 e .Monument Clemm Wm. E jr. purser, 206 e Monument Clemmens Jas. D. cooper, 233 e .Madison f>- '^ Clemmens Philip J. O. 42 Jackson sq. av . "^ z, Clemment John 13. maiincr, 211 e Pratt u '^ ^ Clemmons John R. cigarmakor, 44 Brune 2 5 C Clemsen Wm. watchman, 204 Gough >~t'^ ~:' Clendenin Amos, brakeman, 353 Cathedral \r:i ^^^ Clendenin Arthur A. miller, 268 Park av :>! p ^ Clendeuin .Marj;aret, teacher, 268 Park av '^ S •" Clendenin .Mrs. Susan, 268 Park av ^ IJiJ § Clendenin Wm.R.mouldrand gilder,268Parkav [^ - H Clendinen Joseph J. clerk, 158 n Oregon '^ ■"" C! Cleridinen Joseph, clerk, 158 n Oregon '^ >. ^ Clendinen .Mrs. Mary S. 41 Mt. Verimn pi -^ o — , CLENDINEN T. R. attorney, 44 Lexington, y "^ ^^ dw 41 Mt. Vernon pi 't^ '<3 Clendinen W. J. clerk, 158 n Oregon . -3 Sh Clendinen Dr. Wm. H. 93 n Broadway "S 5 [^ Clendinen Wm. J. clerk, 120 Walsh ?^ ^ c3 Clenny John, gunsmith, 129 a Sharp ^ ._> Calvert and Lexington ■jI^T; CLERK'S OFFICE GRIM. COURT, s w cor Qii r3 ? Calvert and Lexington -^ ii >> CLERK'S OFFICE SUP. COURT, s e cor St. s 'z; ^ Paul and Lexington C p ^ CLERK'S OFFICK U. S. COURT, U. S. Court- «^ a house, cor Fas ette and North v ^ — CLERK'S 0FF1CE,BALT1M0RE CT. COURT, ^ -*-> S 8 e cor St. Paul and (,'ourlliouse la 1 -^ "^^ CLERK'S OFFICE, CITV CIRCUIT COURT, o c j^ second fluor,3e cor St Paul and Courthouse la ^ 'f «»• Clewell Dr. A. A. 285 e Hiddle s^ Z^ <.U Clickner Geo. clerk, 191 i>ee '=' o = Clickner Samuc-i A. (R. Hultz & Co.) 191 Lee "c ^ ;x Cliff Wm. lab. 993 w Pratt fi *- 'I^ Cliffe John F. mariner, 231 e Lombard S >> 0) Clifford Bernard, teacher, Johnson and Clenient >^ 'o ,^ Clifford Ch.is. plumber, 52 McHenry .C a Clifford Mrs. Hannah A. 148 German <» i2 ._ Clifford Harriet, saleswoman, 923 w Baltimore § S t. Clifford James H. horse shoer, 106 s Regester, ^ dw Saratoga nr Eutaw >^ Clifford John, painter, 443 w Lombard Clifford Svlvester, janitor, 32 Mulberry Clifford Thomas L. min'l water manufocturer, n e cor Bank and Bond, dw 174 s Bond Clifford Wm. carter, 180 Greenmount av Clifford Wm. H. 22 Pearl Clift Mrs. Catherine, 273 e Madison Clift Geo. lab. 138 William Clift Mark A. G. clerk, 80 Hamburg Clift .Mrs. Marv V. 8o Hamburg Clifl Airs. Sarah E. 138 William Clift Dr. Walter D. 129 s Sharp, dw 91 Clift Wm. V. clerk, 138 William Clifton Charles, jjainter, 93 w iJaltiraore Clifton Geo. H. clerk, 94 McCulloh Clifton Robert D. mercht. tailor, 97j Lexington, dw 321 Myrtle av Cline .\ntiiony, brickmaker, send Clinton, dw 387 e Pratt" Cline Daniel H. feed, 348 Penna av Cline David L. salesman, 36 n Bond Cline Eli, tailor. 29 Harford av Cliue Fredk, shoemaker, 330 s Sharp Cline Geo. H. patternmkr, 298 e Madison Cline Harry, student, 60 n Greene Cline Henry, wheelwright, 30 neighbor Cline Jacob C. patternmkr, 73 JIcHenry Cliue Joseph, carp. 192 s Sharp Cline Paul, confectioner, 85 e Lombard Cline Louis, carp- 92 Ramsay Clingan Henry F. brakeman, 14 Stockton Clingan John, carter, 14 Stockton Clingan Samuel, driver, 330 Mulberry Clinton David, mariner, 119 Thames Clinton H.De Witt, bailiff, Gilmor above Baker Clinton Joiin, fireman, Fort and Battery avs Clinton Margaret, confect'y, 119 Thames Clinton Wm. lab. 283 Cross Clipper Cotton Duck .Mills, 2| miles N.C. R.W. Clipper Mrs. Catherine, 71 Johni9on Clipper Geo. shipcarp. 69 Johnson Clipper Hotel (Hooper & Sons, propr's) Clipper mills Clipper Lewis, police, 71 Johnson Clipper John, caulker, 46 West Clipper Wra. sergeant police, 335 s Sharp Clisham Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 186 u Front Clisham C. barber, 864 w Pratt Clisham Mrs. Mary, 8 Buren Clisham Peter, huckster, 187 Cbesnut Clisham W. laborer, 221 Boston Cloake Lawrence, clerk, l9'Ramsay Cloarty John T. fireman, 660 Lii;ht Cloarty Mas. Sarah, 42 Williamson al Clock John A. coo|)er, 360 Eastern av Clocker Hezekiah, carpenter, 279 n Ann Clogg Geo. H. (G. S.Clogg & Son)93 Hanover Clogg Geo. S. (George S. Clogg & Son,) 93 Hanover CLOGG GEO, S. & SON, (Geo. S. and G. H. Clogg) boots and shoes, 2 s Calveet Cloke James, (Cloke& Bro.) 151 s Eden CLOKE & BRO (Jas. and John Cloke)kindling wood, cor L incaster and Dallas Cloke John, (Cloke & Bro.) 155 s Eden Cloke John, lab. Iu9 Albemarle Cloonan .Martin, lab. 15 Parkin Clopton Wm. S. 469 w Lombard Close Mrs. Alexander, 54 w Madison Close .Mrs. Barbara, 376 Lexington Close James, 54 w Madison Close Mrs. Mary A. 297 McDonogh Close Robert, driver, 216 Lexington ,:; ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O . F. Bresee, Genl Agt. CLO 115 COG Clote Lawrence, lab. 370 Ramsay Clotworthy Alex, furniture, 7: dealers, 1 n Paca '"^ Coburn Cornelius, stonemason, 40 Albemarle ^ - Coburn E. F. notions, 186 e Pratt K^ COBURN GEO. C. attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw IZ; 58 Buren <^ Coburn Henry, bricklayer, 186 e Pratt p., Coburn Henry jr. 105 n Chester g Coburn John, stonemason, 265 e Baltimore ^ Coburn Solomon, lime, 30 Concord, dw 86 e)^ Fayette ^ Coburn Mrs. Susan, 19 n Gay Coburn Mrs. Susan, 313 Park av q^ Coburn Thomas jr. brassfinisher, 58 Buren Coburn Thomas, stonemason, 58 Buren Cochran Alouzo A. F. coachmkr, 48 Stiles Cochran Andrew, sexton, 16 Cathedral Cochran Charles, 327 Druid Hill av ^^ COCHRAN & CO. (W.B.Cochran,)butter,l 12 n^ Exeter ^ COCHRAN & CO. (J. E. Cochran, W. Abra-|j hams,) ice dealers, 138 s Exeter, 200 W'estJ;!^ Falls av and 206 w Fayette O Cochran Kdvvard, lab. 12 w Madison CQ Cochran .Mrs. Elizabeth, 140 w Biddle Cochran Mrs. Emma L. 85 Saratoga ft Cochran Geo. F. clerk, 321 Madison av ^ Cochran Geo. W. brakeman, 274 n Ann <;] Cochran Harry W. 238 w Hoffman Cochran James, tailor, 44 n Exeter pt^ Cochran James, boilermkr, 183 Orleans t> Cochran James E. (C. & Co.) 321 Madison av (^ Cochran John, moulder, 141 s Strieker c—^ Cochran John, fi3heiman,_97 Block ^Q Cochran John, lab. 279 n Front Cochran John (Kaufmann & C.) 117 Green- ^ mount av -^ Cochran Michael, hostler, 20 Richmond Ph pq P5 < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. coc 116 COH < g 9 w 00 ^" 6 O » < OS -^ ^ JLY.'- o<^ tic- -^ GEORGES CREEK SAVAGE MO Cochran Presley N. clerk, 177 w Biildle Cochran Richard M. shoemkr, Franklin, 2nd door e of Carey Cochran Thos. lab. Clinton nr Fourth av Cochran Thos A. (Snydir & C.) 28 McCulloh Cochran Waller, deik, 321 Madison av Cochran Wni. clerk. 150 Ensor Cochran Wm.B. (Cochran & Co.) 140 w Biddle Cochian Wm. F. houkkpr, 357 Druid Hill av Cochran Wm. J. 49 n Broadway Cochrane Mrs. Jennie, 134 n Calvert Cockey Alex, clerk, 201 w Fayette Cuckey Dr. Ch^s. II. teacher, 495 Aisquith Cockey Chas. 0. cardriver, 370 e Monument Cockev C. W. 201 w Fayette CUCKEV DR. FRANK, 121 w Madison Cockey John C. police, 188 Gcort;e Cockey John G. cannikr, 370 e Monument Cockey Joseph, moulder, 370 e Monument C.ickey Dr. Joseph C. 2 s E.xeter Cockey Mrs. .Mary, 188 Georjje Cockey Richard, clerk, 188 George Cockey T I). 60 n Greene Cockey Win. 11. carp. 3:iC Saratoga Cuckey Wm. II. jr. bookkpr, 330 Saratoga Cockey Wm. P. C. clerk, 63 n Howard Cockley Geo. engineer, 196 L. Constitution Cockrill Dr. J. J. 23 s Broadway (.'ockrill Dr. Jcseph M. 23 s Broadway CODD EDW.ARD J. & CO. (E. J. Codd) engi- nicrs and machinists, 259 s Caroline Codd Beiij. butcher. 18 n Patterson Park av Codd Kdwd. J. (E. J. C. & Co.) nuicbinist,118 n Broadway Codd John F. salesman, 69 e Madison Codd Simon, lab. 69 e Madison Coddin^'ton .Mrs. H. S. Pnsstman nr Strieker Codding ton W. C. conductor, Presstman near Strieker Code Thos. lab. 32 Ryan Codet Joseph R. dancing master, 26 Spring row Codey Peter, lab. 396 s Charles Codori Jacob, carp. 345 n Ann Codori John A butcher. 123 Centre and 48 Bel- air markets, dw 89 (Jreeiimounj av Cody D. G. boarding, 20 n Hutaw Cody Joseph, lab. 142 Fludson CUE ANDREW, superphosphate lime, 172 w Pratt, dw 17 1 Harlem av Coe Joshua, bricklayer, U.xford, York rd Coe Roderick D.altorneT,37 Lexington, dw 174 Harlem av Coe .Mrs. Ruth A. 339 w Lombard Coen Darby, tailor, 196 Montgomery Coen James, horseshoer, 78 e Lombard CoffJane, 18 Parkin CotTay John, hackman, 184 Park av Coffay Thos. hacks, 40 w Eager ColTay Win. hackman, 146 Cathedral ColFay Mrs. Wm. grocery, 146 Cathedral Coffee John stone maaon. Mount Royal hill Coffey John, hackman, 278 Aisquith Coffey John W. porter, Belair av ext Coffey Patrick, hackman, 278 Aisquith CoflReld Geo. loO n Pepul)lican COFFIN & ALTEMUS (L. Coffin,J. B. Altemus) dry goods com. mer- chants, 13 German. Coffin Chas. shoemkr, 107 n Pine Coffin Capt. Chas. E. mariner, 97 8 Ann Coffin Samuel (Coffin & Altemus, ) Philadelphia Coffioih Geo.R.(Geo.R.C.&Co.)221 Madison av COFFROTH GEO. R & CO. (G. R. Coffroth) com.iiierch.ints. and dealers in tobacco, cigars and snuff, 330 w Baltimore Cot'ran Geo. machinist. 57 Scott Cofraii James H. machinist, 75 St. Peter Coguins Chas. ice cream and confectionery, 146 e Monument Cojigius David A. wood dealer,185 e Monument Coggins Geo. carter, 1 15 Greenmount av Coggins Geo. E. clerk, 39 Greenmount av Coirgins John, bay dealer, 3 McKim, dw 39 Greeiuiiount av Coggins John H. paper carrier, 74 Harford av Coggins John W. (Bright & C.) 84 n Bond Coggins Lewis, paper carrier, 37 Greenmount av Coggins Martin, boilermkr, 49 York Coggins Richard, expressman, 173 Chestnut Coggins Wm. driver, 311 n Bond Coghlan Edward, clerk, 166 n Exeter Coghlaii Richard, clerk, 166 n Exeter Cogswell Geo. A. carp. 63 n Poppleton Cogswell Mrs. Sophia, 63 n Poppleton Cogswill John S. provisions, 117 Barre Collagen Newton, coupir, 69 Griudell Cohen Abraham, (Cohen Bros.) 8 Harrison Cohen Adolph L. clerk, 232 Saratoga Cohen Bros. (L. and A. Cohen) second-hand goods, 6 and 8 Harrison Cohen Benj. (A. B. Sulzbacber & Co.) 325 Lex- ington Cohen Benj. bookkpr, 185 n Gay Cohen Beiij. (B. & G Cohen) 36 s Eutaw Cohen Bt-nj. jr. salesman, 36 s Eutaw Cohen Beiij. I. clerk, 195 St. Paul Colit-u Beiij. I. broker,s e cor St. Paul and Read Coh^n B. k G. (Benj. and Gideon Cohen) dry goods, 166 Lexington Cohen Bernard, clerk, 185 n Gay Cohen Mis. David I. 115 n Charles Cohen Eleazer (M. C. <$■ Sons, ) 331 w Lombard Cohen Emanuel, clothing, 5 Second Cohen Ephraim M. (.M. C. & Sons, ) 36 s Eutaw Cohen Gideon, (B. k G. Cohen,) 36 s Eutaw Cohen Mrs. Hannah, 221 Light Cohen Herman, tailor, 435 Light COHEN HERMAN, mercht. tailor, 10 and 12 e Baltimore Cohen Isaac, shirt manuf. 341 w Baltimore, dw 302 Saratoga COHEN ISRAEL, stock broker. South and W" ater, dw s e cor St. Paul and Read Cohen Jacob I. attorney, 51J St. Paul, dw 197 Park av Cohen Jacob L. bookkpr, 7 Penu Cohen Levi, huckster, 12 Thomsen Cohen Lewis (C. Bros.) 6 Harrison Cohen Lewis J. clerk, 232 Saratoga Cohen Louis, 120 s High Cohen Col. M. I. 115 n Charles Cohen Mendel, clothing, 178 Light, dw 211 3 Charles Cohen .Mendes, pres't Pittsburgh and Connells- ville R. R. Co. office Camden Station, dw 177 n Charles Cohen Moses, 36 s Eutaw Cohen .Moses & Sons (Elenzer, S. and E. M. Cohen, A. I. Oppenheim,) dry goods, 269 w Baltimore Cohen Nathan, peddler, 128 s Eden Cohen Mrs. Rachel, 57 Park av HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. COH m COL Cohen Raphael, clothiag, 108 Light-st whf.dw 227 s Charles Cohen Mrs. Rosa, 131 German Cohen Samuel, salesman, 185 n Gay Cohen Samuel, tailor, 211 St. Peter Cohen Samuel jr. clothing, 108 Li>;ht, dw 237 s Charles Cohen Samuel, tailor, 237 s Charles Cohen Simon, dry goods. 185 n Gay Cohen Simoa L. clerk. 23'.i Saratoga Cohen Solomon, (>I. C & Sons) ?54 Lexington Cohin Dudley, lab. 28u Bank Cohn Alirahrtra, glazier, 60 Lancaster Cohn David. 27 Aisquith Cohn Fannie, hairwoik, 119 Hanover COHN &GERHARDT,(M. G. Cohn, W. F. C. Gerhardt^ general agents for the Germania Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., New Orleans Ins. Co. P. 8l M.) and Standard Fire Ins. Co. of N. J., office 10 Postoffice av Cohn Herman, shoenikr, 419 Light Cohn Jo.-iih, dry goods, 37 Brown la Cohn Henry P, dry tjoods, 2Ul s Bond Cohn Moritz G. (Cohn & Gerhardt)6 n Strieker Cohoon John W. salesman, 196 \v Lombard Coit Rev. Charles P. 40 Lexington Coine John, clerk, 5 McMechin Coker Geo T. carp. 517 Saratoga Colbert Aug. F. com. mercbt. and flour, 4 w Pratt, dw 25 n Exeter Colbert James A. police, 47 n Wolfe Colbert Jeremiah, boilermkr, 143 Williara Colbert Capt. Levin, ofiBce U. S. shipping com- missioner, 21 s Gay, dw 20 n Ann Colbey Henrj-, printer, Belair av ext Colbourn Mis. Ann .M. drv goods, 438Lexington Colburn Dr. Augustus W. 166 s Paca Colburn John, huckster, 179 Montgomery Colbuin Mrs. Julia M, 97 s Sharp • Colburn Paul S. clerk, 97 s Sharp Colcock Joseph W. (Carey Cole John H. (Cole & Lowndes) Madison av nr ^ Druid Hill j^ Cole J. Harry, stonecutter, 102 Ensor ' ^ Cole John R. carp. 45 s Strieker Cole John R. 62 n Greene ^ Cole John T. carp. 132 n Exeier ^ Cole John W. sheet iron worker, 313 Orleans ^ Cole Joseph, carp. 455 n Carey Cole Mrs. Josephine, 102 Ensor OQ Cole Lamartine, printer, 41 Forrest pi t— ^ COLE & LOWNDES, (John H. Cole & James pq M. Lowiidr-s) provisions, 17 Commerce E~* Cole Lewis, painter. 111 n Exeter 25 Cole Lewis Hiram (C. & Gilpin,) 347 n Eutaw . ■/: ;^ ^ <5 c J » o _3J o x^O ^5 - £ ^ r = ?5 ^ - J - 2 c^ ^ X ta s: ;i H "i, r; sJ <- o = ;d~ 2: = 'O >. ^"^ tc Cole Wm. shoemaker, 14 Wyeth Cole Wm. B. l.ih. 3i) Moiton al Cofe Win. B. bhicksmth, 151 Walsh Cole Wm. E. prop. Swan tavern, s e cor Etitaw ami Franklin Cole Wm. F. lab. 433 Hamhiirp: Cole Wm. G. pipe fitter, 133 Orleans Cole Wm. II. ajieiit Bible Society, Bible house, 25 n C'.iiules, (Uv 318 n Kutaw Cole Dr. Wm.U. reporter, 15 3 Caroline Cole Wm. L. jr. 339 n Bond Cole Wm. L. plasterer, 339 n Bond Cole Wm. P. (C. Briuhain & Co.) 243 n Eutaw CtJLl'; WM. H. hardware com. merchant, 17 s Cileries, dw 75 Calhedr.il Cole Wm. Il.,Huniin<;d()n av nr St. Paul Colehour Fred A. blacksmith, 63 s Republican Colehoiir .Mrs. M. 234 Geurjie Colt-in John, carp. 530 LiEht (/olcin John F. cnKiiieer, IGO Battery ay Colcin TboMjas R. clerk, "i s Monroe Colein Wm. H. enfrineer, 228 I'urre Colein Wm. H. shipcarp. KiO Battery ay Coleman .\ndrew, lab. 3S5 (Canton av Coleman Alverla. (Jurney k C.) 296 Light Coleman Alex, stoncutter, 80 Parkin Coleman .Annie E. teacher, 2-19 n Fden Coleman B B , Carrollton hotel Coleman Charles, 97 s Reiresler Coleman Charles C. wood, opp. 132 Light-st whf, dw 80 Parkin Coleman C'haries M., Charles-st av and Brown Coleman Charles \j. police, 49 Block Coleman Charle.-s U. cashier National Mechanics Bank, 100 w Biiidle Coleman Charles It. sliipjoiner, 113 Hambnrfr Coleman Charles R. jr. accountant, 100 w Biddle Coleman li. B. supt Carrolllon hotel, dw 64 n Carey Coleman Darius, wharf builder. 38 s Exeter Coleman Kdward, pumprakr, 129 Gou3e Pratt Coleman Mrs. Elizabeth, 149 Canton ay Coleman Ellis, shoemkr, 186 Orleans Coleman Eniiene D. musical instruments and variety, 12 w Pratt ("oleman Frmklin P. lab. 294 Johnson Coleman Major F. W.. Carrolllon hotel Coleman Geo. E. bacon, 23 s Gilraor Coleman Geo. A. 344 e Baltimoie Coleman Geo. H. bricklayer, 337 Aisquith (Joleman (Jesina, 249 n Eden Coleman Henry, shoemkr. 606 w Pratt Coleman Henry, lab. 2 Philpotal Coleman Henry, irrocer, 14 Tyson Coleman Henry C painter, 415 s Eutaw Coleman .Mrs. Henri' tia, seamstres.s, 18 Bevan Coleman Isaiah J. plasterer, 29i; Eipht Coleman .Ian)es H. porter, 114 Mosher Coleman Jas. H. jr. tinner, 21 I s (Miester Coleman James P. lab. 103 Hanibnrir Coleman James H. tobacconist, 34 MiElderry Coleman John .M. police, 230 n Front Coleman John, police, 50 Hillen Coli'man John. a19 w Favette Colhiday Joseph S. grocery and provisions, 463 and 465 w Fayette Collars Andrew J. cigarmaker, 135 Peona av Collars (jliarles, 135 Pinna av COLL.VRS CHARLES A. tobacconist, 135 I'enna av, dw 199 (jollars (leorge B. cigarmaker, 135 Penna ay Collateral Security Bank of Baltimore, B. F. Ulman, pres't, 27 and 29 w Fayette Collenberg Christian, shoemkr, 104 s Bond HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools anti Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. COL 119 COL College of Physicians and Surgeons, n e cor Hiiaover and Lombard Collenberg George, clerk, 359 Orleans Collenberg Helen, milliner, 104 s Bond CoUeobergJ. Hec. elk. Orleans ;in(lWiishington Collenberg Louisa, vestmkr, 1(I4 s Bond Collenberg Magdalen, 104 s ISorid Collenberg Tlu-o. groc. Orleans and Washington Collett Geo. W. huckster, 100 s High Collett Thorn. IS, carp. 14 Parkin Collett Wni. carp, lo n Strieker Colley Alfred, carj). Chappell nr Penna av CoUey Alpheus (Jas. A. CoUey & Bro ) 324 HoUius Colley Amos V. carp. 324 HoUins Collej James A. & Bro. (James A. and Alpheus Collev) provisions, 43U Mulberry CuUev James A. (Jas. A. Colley '& Bvo.) 324 Hollins Colley Mrs. Louisa, 84 Dolphin Colley Wm. H. carp. 401 Hollins COLLKY JOHN W. insp. buildings and carp, and builder, rear 324 Hollins, dw n w cor Strieker and Hollins Collier Andrew J. t>asiitter, 109 Cross Collier Doiiaid R. (C. & Son) 82 Lee Collier Frank M. storekpr. C. H. 54 Pearl Collier Fred, fireman, 266 s Bond Collier Henry, clerk, 4 Warner Collier James, lab. 430 w Lombard Collier Henry, 48 Parkin Collier Mrs. Mary, over 28 n Amitj Collier Mis. Saiah J. milk, 109 Cross Collier & Son (Donald R. and Wm. Collier) wholesale liquors, 21 s Calvert Collier Mrs. Theresa, painting, 80 Lee Collier Wm. (0. & Son) 82 Lee Collier Wm. Jas. blacksmith, 295 Orleans CoUiugs Henry C. butcher, 90 Belair and 109 Centre markets, dw Point la nr Aisquith CoUings Wm. R. butcher, 115 Centie and 91 Belair mkts. dw Point la nr Aisquith Collins Albert E. clerk, 94 Hollins Collins Albert M. clerk, 6J!, s Exeter Collins Alfred, mariner, .'.8 Albemarle Collins Barihul'w, porter, cor Luw and Exeter Collins Bartholomew, grocer, 118 n Exeter Collins Benj. confecr, 52 s Poppleton CoUiiiS .Mrs. Bridget, seamstress, 11 Abbot Collins Chas H. clerk, 62 s E.Keier Collins Chas. H. brassmldr, 22 s Chester Collins Chas. H. puddler, 171 Hudson Collins Chris. E. cup. 97 Parkin COLLLNS & CO. (Chas. S. Collins, J. T. Flee- hearty) stoves furnaces, &c. 316 w Baltimore COLLINS CHAS. S. (C. ^ Co.) 385 Lombard Collins David, raflsa an, 19 Chesapeake Collins Dennis, lab. 27 Potom.tc Collins Mrs. Elizaueth, 91 Hillea Collins Frank, silversmith, 2j5 e Madison Collins Francis, brickmkr, 29 Gitiings Collins Geo. B. lab. 55 Fort av Collins Geo. wagoner, 57 Wolfe n of Madison Collins G. Henry, huckster, 311 Eastern av Collins Dr. Geo. T. 46 Riclimond Collins Geo. W. huckster, 93 Oak Collins Henry, supt. streets, 490 Light Collins Henry, carp. 261 Druid Hill av Collins Henry, lab. 24 Johnson Collins Honora, confecr. 17o Chesapeake Collins Hugh J. furniture, 31 Harrison Collins Isaac, carp. 333 w Hott'man o Collins Isadore, moulder, 121 Conway Collins James, stnnecutter, 586 w Lombard Collins James, lab. 57 Patuxent Collins Capt. James W. mariner, 241 Bank Collins James, lab. 2 Woodyear Collins James J., Friends' graveyard, Harford -2 rd nr Homestead 32 Collins Jeremiah, porter, 181 Townsend > Collins John, lab. 345 Penna av cs Collins John A. driver, 171 Hudson "^ Collins John H. irunkmkr, 394 e Chase r£\ Collins John W. bookkpr, 164 n Exeter Collins John N. drover, 698 w Prati "^ Collins John 0. l)roomkr, 357 Peniia av ^ Collins Jose|)h T. train dispatcher. 94 Hollins Collins Joseph D. police, 184 Johnson ;-< Collins Levi, cooper, 164 L. Greene l2 Collins Mrs. Martha, 94 Hollins .5 Collins Mrs. .Mary, furu. 33 Harrison ;^ Collins Mrs. Mary, tavern, 139 n Front ^ Collins Maurice, coach painter, 61 n High pH Collins Michael, canmkr, 33 Harrison Collins Patrick, grocery, 53 President o Collins Patrick F. clerk, 53 President O Collins Patrick J. lab. 330 Raborg Collins Patrick M. sexton, Harford rd nr Home- -«" stead ^ Collins Patrick, coachmkr, Linah's hotel Collins Peter, furniture, 15 Harrison Collins Philip J. puddler, 16 Patuxent Collins Robert, mariner, 73 Duncan al Q Collins Sarah A. 50 n Charles Q Collins Samuel, sawyer, 248 e Pratt -^ Collins Thos. lab. 196 Vine ^ Collins Thos. E. marine engineer, 476 e Chase t> Collins Thos. J. salesman, 369 Saratoga Collins Wm. driver, 11 Abbot p£J Collins Win. lab. 75 n Amity- Collins Wm. H. driver, 164 L. Greene t,^ Collins Wm. H. keeper Chancery records, 490 ^ Light k: Collins Wm. H. attorney, 34 St. Paul, dw 36 n Calvert _|J~ Collins Wm. H. engineer, 70 Columbia ^ Collins Wm. E. clerk, 423 Franklin g COLLINSON J. C. paints, oils, glass, &c., 230 M Lexington, dw 246 Lanvale p_, CoUisou A. J. mariner, 71 s Exeter i — i CoUison Edward, 13 Stockholm fx^ Collisoa Elijah, carp. 467 n Calhoun CoUison Mrs. Eliza, 141 Stirling ^ Collison John, clerk, 141 Barre 5 J^ -E-' :>^' Colston Josepli H. cicrarmkr, 265 Walsh Colston Miry 0. teacher, 79 Walsh Colston Oliver, clerk, TO Walsh Colter No'ih, lab. 210 Barre f'olttT John Fl. sireet stipt. \?:i .McElderry Colton Alex, clerk, 1-16 n Gav Colton & Haeijer (John Colton, J. Geo. Baet- jer) niannfacturers and jobbers in hosiery, jrloves and underwear, 140 Lexington Colton Dental .Association, 81 w Fayette Colton Edward C. hosiery and notions, 204 n Gay. dw 329 n Broadway Colton Jlrs. Emma M. cor Townsend & Gilmor Colton Fred, hoiisefiirnishinff proods, 146 n Gav Colton F. B. (John H. Teemver & Co.) Phila." Colton Geo. proprietor Md. Republican, 379 n Strieker Colton Ilenrv IT. hose weaver, l.'i Thomsen Colton John', 228 Druid Hill av Colton John H. clerk, cor Mulberry and Park av Colton Joseph S. machinist, 11 Hill Colton Theodore. 407 n Gay Colton Wesley H. bailiff 361 n Strieker Colton Wni. B. clerk, Stiicker nr Patterson av COLTO.V W.M. attorney and real estate, GO w Fayette, dw tor To'vnsend and Gilmor Columhi;i Street (.M. E.) Church, {'olumbia bet Greene and Fremont Colvin Harrv W. 129 Bolton Colvin G. W. 129 Bolton ("olvin Institute for Girls, 39i Courtland Colvin Mrs. S. II. 129 Bolton' Colwell Mrs. Ann E. 90 Johnson Col well Geo. boih-rmkr, 90 Johnson Colwell John, caulker. 92 Johnson Colwell Wm. jr. caulker, 90 Johnson Conialander Anton, lab. .")2 Lancaster Comber Bernard, boilermkr, 89 Elliott Comber Georgianna, saleswoman, 62 Druid Hill av Comber Mrs. Sarah, notion>,62 Druid Hill av Combination Lock Co. 47 n Ilolliday Combs KB. brakesman, 147 s Strieker Comegys Benj. (ire, life and marine ins. broker, 9Gerraan nr South. dw corBoIion andLanvale Coraegys Edward, machinist, 12 Potomac Comegys John W. (lainter, 2r>9 n Eden Comegys Wm. machinist, 12 Potomac Cornelia Antonio, janitor, 34 Mulberrj' Comeiida Joseph, shoemkr. 111 Chew Command John, police, 2.5 s Re:;e-!ter Cmnraand .Michael, police, 381 Orleans Commerce Fire Ins. Company of Albany N.Y. 83 Secoml Commerce Jacob, lab. .'il Walker Coiiimerci il Agency, John .McKillop k Co. (Ar- thur Tress, manager) 226 w Baltimore ('oniuiHrcial Buildin<_'.n e cor(Jav and Lombard CO.MMHRCIAL AND FAR.MKRS' NATIONAL BANK, s w cor Howard and German Commercial Union Fire Ins. Co. of London, s w cor South and German Conimering Fred, carter, 274 s Dallas f'ommering Isaac, car driver, 274 s Dallas Commissioners of Insolvent debtors, lower floor Citv Court house CO .\I MISSION ERS FOR PUBLIC PARKS.City Hall CO.M.MI.SSIONERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, City Hall. {See Appendix.) COM.MiSSIONKRS FOR OPENING SIS. 26 n Calvert, 3d floor Compton Barnes, State treasurer, dw 181 n Re- publican Compton James, weaver. Woodberrv Compton J. A. bookkpr. Merchants National Bank, dw Baltimore co Compton Mrs. .Mary Ann, 285 Saratoga Compus H>nrv. tailor. 77 Bank COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, City Hall, Sara'l Maccubbin, comptroller Conan Samuel, shoemkr, 91 Orleans Conaway .Alfred, jiapercir'r, 221 .Mulberry Conaway Charles (Duncan & ConawaJ-)138 Mc- Elderry Conaway Mrs. Emma, 29 s Chester Conaway Geo. lab. 8 Fort av Conaway John, shoemkr, 19 Hillmau Conaway Smiuel, lab. 8 Fort av Couaw'ay W. H. phimbfr, 221 Mulberry Conboy Clias (lainter, 401 u r.ilhouu Concannon Jas. H. police, 29 Woodyear Concinnon Patrick, lab. 67 n Amitv CONCORDIA OPERA HOUSE, 8, 10 and 12 s Eutaw Condon James, cabinetmkr, IS Ensor Condon John, lab. 24 w Lombard Condon Levi Z. builder, 402 n Strieker Condon Wm. lab. 31 w Lombard Condon Wm. J. wagoner, 35 Abey al Condell Sam'l. lab. 88 s Central av Condrey Patrick, lab. 95 Elliott Cone & Adler (PL Cone, J. -Adler) grocers and com. merchts, 25 s Howard Cone Herman (C. & Adler) 289 w Lombard Cone Joseph M. (Joseph M. C. & Co.) Oxford York rd Cone Joseph .^^ & Co. (J. M.Cone) tin roofing, jilumbing, L-xington nr (Charles Cone Mo.>es, clerk, 289 w Lombard Coney Wm. lab. 38 Harford av Congdon Samuel H. (Cromwell k Co.)173 Lin- den av Congregational Church ( Welsh)Toone nr Clin- ton, Canton Conine Mrs. .Mary M. 234 n Charles Conklin Capt. Clinton, Waverh'V Conklin Daniel E. (C, Willis & Co.) Carroll- ton hotel Conklin Isaac, capper, 205 s Washington Conklin John H. lab. 205 s Washington Conklin Julius, lab. 204 e Chase Conklin Mrs. Miry, 205 s Washington Conklin Capt. Michael, Waverlev CONKLIN, WILLIS & CO. (D.'E. Conklin, Z. L. CWillis) stoves and tinware, 28 Hanover Conklin Wm.ll. tobacco broker, 18 u Strieker Conkling Ann. 2C3 .Madison av Conkliiig Wm.H. clerk, 327 .Madison av Conley Andrew, hrakeman, 4 McHeury Conley James, lab. 105 s Chester Conley Jas. plasterer, 216 n Eutaw Conley Jas. A. currier, 162 n Hijih Conley Jas. F. tinner, 437 w Lombard Conley Michael, cor Fort av :ind Byrd Conley Thos. lab. 112 Harford av Conley Thos. clerk. B & 0. R.R. 65 s Strieker Conley Wm. H. canmkr, 8 Ramsav Conlon Andrew J. printer. 128 n Schroeder Conlon John, painter, 84 Battery av Conn George, lab. Hampden Conn Geo. H. machinist, 144 Greenmount av Conn Jas. C. clerk, Edmondson av ur Oregoo Conn John, mariner, 72 Block HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tbographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee. General Agent, 15 South St. CON 121 CON Conn Joseph, lab. 118 n Bethel Conn Mrs. Martha, 144 Greenmount av Conn Win. giocery, 101 Franklia Couu Wm. T. 144 Greenmount uv Connary Cornelius, hib. 11 Cuba Connury Mrs Mary, 62 n Front Connary Mary, furniture, 37 Harrison Connaughton Jas. drayman, 8 Fall Connavvay Joseph B. engineer, 1 Williamson al Connecticut Fire los. Co. of Hartford, Conn. 83 Second Connecticut General Life Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn, a^encv. 83 Second CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN., A. H. Dillon, jr. general agent, office 8 South Connell Mrs. Mary, 43 North Connell Timothy fireman, 418 Hanover Connellee Mrs. Eliza, boarding, 38 n Calvert Connellee Mrs. Thornton, 417 e Baltimore Connelley Ann, restaurant, '9 Fish Market sp Connelly Andrew, lab. 42 Cider al Connelly Mrs. Ann, grecery, 18 Orleans Connelly Mrs. Bridget, groc'y, 55 s Dewberry al Connelly D. G. paperhanger, 36 Ramsay Connelly Edward, baggagemaster, 98 Hanover Connelly Mrs. Ellen, 42 Cider al Connelly Mrs. Ellen, gioc'y,Mu!likin and Bethel Connelly Frank G. reporter, 9 Hill Connelly Gf-o. \V. canmkr, 22 s Fremont Connelly Isaac, engineer, 22 R misay Connelly James, police, 215 Cross Connelly James, moulder, 18 Orleans Connelly Jauies, rigger, 185 e Lombard Connelly John, lab. Bruce iir .McHenry Connelly John, grocery, 9 Carlton Connelly John, lab. 203 Ramsay Connelly John, police, 25 s Regester Connelly John, shoemkr, 92 n Calvert Connelly John, boilermkr, Mullikin and Bethel Connelly John, quarrypian. Falls rd nr gate Connelly John T. paperhanger, 239 s Paca Connelly Martin, lab. 28 Liberty al Connelly Martin, lab. 4 Armistead la Connelly Martin, shoemkr, 144 McElderry Connelly Mrs. Mary, laund. 42 Morton al Connelly Mrs. Mary, grocery, 45 President Connelly Michael police, 317 w Lombard Connelly Owen, lab. lo5 u Front Connelly Patrick, stevedore, 338 William Connelly Patrick, 9 Buren Connelly Mrs. Rose, 3o0 e Monument Connelly Mrs. Sallie, 22 s Fremont Connelly Thomas, lab. 112 Harford av Connelly Wm. police, 27 Buren Connelfy Wm. J. shipjoiner, 106 s Wolfe Connelly Wm. W. law reporter. 9 Hill Cohner Ann M. dressmkr, 558 Saratoga Conner Bernard, lab. 268 Bank Conner Mrs. Elizab. jewelry, 46 w Baltimore Conner Hugh, police, 7 Patuxent Conner James, tanner, 296 e Madison Conner James E. superintendent, 84 s Caroline Conner James W. 47 s Calhoun Conner John, lab. 112 Duncan al Conner John distiller, 17 e Madison Conner John, lab. 165 e E iger Conner John, lab. 393 Hanover Conner John, lab. 7 Hudson al Conner John, jirinter, 177 n Exeter Conner Dr. John A. 210 e Baltimore Conner John S. painter, 558 Lexington Conner John T. engineer, 364 William Conner John W. printer, 476 w Lombard Conner Joshua, carp. 423 Lexington Conner Michael, clerk, 120 s Central av Conner :\Iichael, lab 23 Block Conner Nicholas, fisherman, 392 West Conner P.itrick, lab. 479 w Lombard Conner Peter, lab. 479 w Lombard Conner Roger, lab. 122 s Castle Conner Roger, canmkr, 51 Granby Conner Samuel, telegraphist, 637 Belair av Conner Thomas, painter, 637 Belair av Conner Wm. E. harnessmkr, 423 Lexington Conner Wm. W. carp. 558 Lexington Conners Patrick, police, 254 Eastern av Conners Thomas, lab 8 e Second Connery John, police. 29 Whaicoat Conniff John, baker, 57 Boyd Conniss Martin, oysterpacker, 192 s Washington Connolly A. A. dressmaker, 700 w Baltimore Connolly Andrew, marble polisher, 25 Buren Connolly Bernard, lab. 80 York Connolly Catherine, ck Connor Kos:inna, jirocery, 22 Blocic Connor Rose M. diessnikr, 99 Cathedral Connor Tlios. lab. 42 .Albemarle Connor Thos. porter. I'lG Huj^hes Connor Thom:is, hostler. 1 Hamilton Connor Thos, clerk, 122 s Spring (Connor Thos. lab. 196 n Front f'onnor Thos. lab. 8 L Second Connor Tlios. F. beer, 105 e Eager Connors Duiiel, Stonecutter, 204 e Chase Conners John, lab. 25 Biiren Conoles Tliomas, hackman, Riddle and Bond Conoles Thos. hackman, Biddle and Bond Conoway \Vm. E. cigarmkr, 150 Orleans Conrad August, blacksmith, 177 n Bethel Conrad Cluis plumber, 154 .Myrtle av Conrad Mrs. Catherine, tailoress, 223 n Bond Conrad Francis, organ grinder, 20 Barnes Conrad Francis M. bookkpr, 59 n Strieker Conrad Frederick, blacksmith and hardware, ' 503 n Gay Conrad Geo. clerk, 503 n Gay Conrid Henry, woodturner, 50 Hillen Conrad Jolin, lab. 65 James la Conrad Johu, collier, Second nr Clinioa Conrad John, cooper, 108 Ramsay Conrad Joiin F. tin and sheet iron worker, Sec- ond Tir Clinton Conrad John F. confectioner, cor George and Myrtle av Conrad Dr. J. S. resident phvsician, Maryland Hospital for the Insane, office 53 Lexington, dw Catonsville Conrad Mrs. Juliet, Washington nr Chase Conrad Julius, insp. C. H. 76 s High C(.tNR.\U L. L. attorney, Calvert and Lexing- ton, dw 39 Mt. Vernon |)l , Conr.id Mrs. Philip, hi8 Hill Conrad Rolit. W. cooper, 108 Ramsay Conrad .Mrs. Sarah, boarding, 154 .Myrtle av ^ Cour.id TownS'-nd M. hotjkkpr, Howard house . Conrades Au^'ust, shoemkr, 122 Saratoga Conrades Kriicst, cigarboxinkr, Lombard nr Granby, dw 196 s Sharp (Jonradt C. J. upholsterer, 424 e Eager Cimradt Geo. F. salesman, 487 Franklin (Jonroy C\)rnelius. stonemason, 29 Willow Conroy .Mrs. Honora, 168 Stirling . (.'onroy James, baker, 108 Stirling Conroy John, iiorter, 29 Cambridge Conioy John, carter. 541 Harford av Conroy Mrs. .Mary, Curley nr U'Donnell Conroy .Michael, mariner, 257 Bank Conroy Patrick, lab. 13 Priced Conroy I'alrick, distiller, 349 s Sharp Conroy Patrick, lab. 124 s Chester Conroy Tliomas, lab. 29 Cambridge Conroy Thomas, clerk, 62 n Hoiliday Conroy Thomas P. hil). 4 Willinger *ct _ Conroy Tnomas J. distiller, 349 s Sharp Conroy Theresa, raantuamkr, 112 Curley Conroy John, huckster, 186 Lexington Conrv John, lab. 356 s Charles Conry Patrick, lab. 95 Elliott Conry Robert, iron moulder, 4 Willinaer ct Conser .Martin V. teacher, 190 n Oregon Considine John, barkpr, 1 Grant Considine Thomas, lab. 33 Booth Considine Patrick, police, 134 Druid Hill av CONSOLID.XTEI) RKAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF BALTIMORE, room 6, second floor, s w cor German and South Constable Chas. II. clerk, 271 w Lombard Constable Harrv C. cleik, 271 w Lombard Constable W. R salesman, 271 w Lombard Constable Willie S. clerk, 271 w Lombard Constance Geo. shoemkr, 255 n Caroline Constanublican Conway Michael, harkpr, 245 e Eaper Conway Michael, fireman, Ramsay nr Calhoun Conway Michael J. stonemason, .322 w Lombard Conway Patrick, lab. 361 Ostend Conway Patrick, lab 42 Liberty al Conway Patrick, polict^. 247 Lee Conway PatricK. contractor, 322 w Lombard Conway Patrick. (C. & Ilro.) 107 e Fayette Conway Patrick M. erocery, 376 Ostend Conwav Richard, lab 500 Lexington Conway Rich. H. (J. R. C. & Son)93 St. Paul Conwav Thos. hack driver, 77 Hillen Conway Thos. lab. 35 Randall Conway Thos. lab. 28 Abey al Conway Wm. J. stonecutter, 322 w Lombard Conway Wm. M. clerk, 154 St. Paul Conwiy Zachariiili,shipsm'h,Fort av nr Johnson Cony Joseph E. S. horsefeed. 63 Ensor Conyeis Mrs. Henrietta, periodicals, 44 Thames Conyers Walter W. cleik, 44 Thames Coos^an Mrs. Isabella, 50 s Strieker Coogan James, lab. 50 s Strieker Coo^^an Patrick, lab. 50 s Strieker Coowaii Patrick, grocery, 90 s Poppleton Cook Aaron G. shipcarp. 144 Cross Cook Addison, clerk, 53 Couitland Cook Allen, driver, 37o Orleans Cook Anttiony, florist, Mulberry opp Oregon and Mother e.xt Cook A. G. A. shoecutter, 288 n Bond Cook Babylon, mariner. Fort av nr William Cook Mrs. Barbara, dairy, 243 B.Utery av COOK BENJ.M. boot and shoe factory, Waverley Cook Catherine, grocery, 75 Eastern av Cook Charles, varnisher, 7 Stock holtn Cook Charles F.. shoemkr, 422 Cross Cook Charles E. p.ipcrhangf-r, 611 w Lombard Cook Charles R. clerk, 16 Hoi lias Cook Charles R. lab. 18 Port COOK CHRISTIAN, boots and shoes, 278 Light Cook Columbus E. real estate. 51 n Carey Cook Daniel, cedar cooper, 209 s Paca Cook Rutzene, carp. 112 Parkin Cook Elizabeth, tailoress, 18 Port Cook .Mrs. Emily J. 162 e Monument Cook Francis, lab. 18 Callendar al Cook Francis, driver, 365 Franklin Cook Fr.i!ii<, watchman, 6>> Block Cook Fred. jr. imtcher, 129 Hanover Cook Fiederick, butcher, 351 Penna av Cook Fred, butcher, 83 n Fremont Cook Fred shoemkr, 27 Frederick av Cook Fred. C. attorney, 85 w Fayette, dw Ed- mondsoii av nr Oregon Cook Fred. W. tavern, 273 s Bond Cook Fred. W. pianomkr, 454 w Pratt Cook George, bookkjir, 424 Canton av Cook George, cabinetmkr, 75 e Monument Cook George, mariner, 18 Port Cook George, wheelwright and blacksmith, 198 Columbia Cook Geo. \V. huckster, 233 Aliceanna Cook Geo. \V. huckster, 8 Division Cook Geo. F. cigarmkr, 162 Geri?jan Cook Geo. cigar p.Mcker, cor John and Spring Cook Geo. B., Edmondsou av nr Oregon Cook Geo. J. whipmkr, 277 Walsh ^ Cook Geo. L. carp. 282 Penna av Cook Geo. L. sionecutter, 66 n .'^chroeder Cook Geo. W. engineer, 77 s Gilraor Cook Gilbert C. teller. 33 Jackson sq av ,.^ Cook H^rry C. (J.M.Cook & Co.) 638 w Fayette ^ Cook Henry C. shoemkr, 300 Cross ci Cook Henry, tailor, 182 e Lombard ^ Cook Henry, shoemkr, 163 Greenmount av ;- Cook Henry, marble cutter, 153 Aisquilh 2 Cook Henry, shoemkr, 558 w Pratt .2 Cook Henry L. clerk, 560 w Fayette ^ Cook Henry C. painter, 162 Greenmount av ^ Cook Henr\ C p:iinter. 101 n Pine Ph COOK HENRY F, book.^eller and stationer, 76 ,j^ w Baltimore, dw 262 Lexington O Cook Henry W. 16 HoUins O Cook Isaac P. 622 Lexington r Cook Jacob, lab. 360 Hanover Q Cook Jacob, chairmkr, 7 Webb Q Cook Jacob F. clerk, 101 n Pine Cook James, piinter, 42 Saratoga ^ Cook James H. jr, bookkpr, 42 Warren Ci'Ok James A. engineer, 77 s Gilmor M Cook James E. conductor, 61 s Gilmor O Cook James K. grocer and com. merchant, 118 O Light-st whf, dw 42 Warren ^ Cook Joel M. tailor, 112 Parkin ^^ Cook Joel M.carji. 1 !2 Parkin • Cook John, lab. 46 Preston ^ Cook John, paperhanger, 84 n Schroeder ^^ Cook John, lab. 87 Oak ^ Cook John, shoemkr. West and Warner Cook John, carp. 147 Hill Cook John, huckster, 32 u Schroeder qq" Cook John, shoefitter, 3 Brannau ct j^ Cook John T. carp. 329 McHenry r, Cook John W. huckster, 32 n Schroeder ^ Cook J. Gleiui, bookkpr, 728 Lexington ^ Cook John K. block and pumpmkr, 23 Philpot, *~^ dw 6 s Caroline j^ Cook John F. machinist, 611 w Lombard ^ Cook John F. detective, 352 n Broadway i—^ C >ok John D. dept. sheriff, 129 Hanover <^ Cook John S. police. 66 n Schroeder Cook John H. janitor city yard, Cathedral and CD Federal ^ Cook Jos. B. (Jos. B. C & Co.) undertaker, 707 ^ w Baltimoie "^ Cook Joseph B. k Co. (J. B. Cook,) hacks &c. ^ 7!f7 w Baltimore ~] Cook Jos. M (J. M. C. & Co.) 16 HoUins H Cook J. M. & Co. I J. M., H. C, W. L. and T. F. Cook) wholes, ^rrocers, 15 Comuie.'ce ^ Cook Lewis G (Kothe .Sc C.) 40 Brune <^ Cook Lewis, c.rver, 11 Poultney ^ Cook Lena, 18 Port ^ Cook Lewis G bookkpr, Waverley qq Cook Lewis, huckster, 233 Aliceanna Cook Ludwig, Blind Institute, North av ^ Cook Mrs. Margaret, 21 n Caroline ^ Cook Margaret, 214 n Eutaw p^,^ Cook Mrs. Margaret, confect'ry, 282 Penna av Couk Martha, seamstress, 214 n Eutaw 02 Cook Mrs. Martha, boarding, 94 Barre q Cook Martin, huckster. 244 George ^^ Cook- • '• ""-' "- """'' ^ d Cook Robt. lab. 91 S Castle Cook Robt. H. block and pumpmkr, 323 Light Cook Kobt. A. clerk, 43 s Exeter °3 COOK S.AML. G. B. hardware manufacturers' aeent,5 German, w ofCharles.dw 161 Lanvale ^-^ ft O O ok Porter, tin can factory. Bethel nr Bank, g Iw 230 e Fayette 1^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COO 124 COO 5 00 > 6 < > 02 Cook Siirauel L. shoenikr, 422 Cross Cook Mrs. Sarah, procerv, Fort mv nr William Cook Stephen D. l;»h. 121 s Explur Cook Rrephen J. 12 Piirrish Cook Stephen R. clerk. IG Hollins Cook Sylvester, trrocerv. 177 e Eager Cook Thendore, lab. 88 Parkin Cook Theodore F. (J. M. C. & Co.) 16 Hollins Cook Mrs. Theresa, 7 Welih Cook Thomas, carpenter, Washington nr Chase Cook Thom^is, plasterer, 32 Carlton Cook Thomas, shoemkr. .56 Rnsor Cook Thomas J. clerk, 119 Chew C.>ok Th.mas R. mariner, 82?. Litrhl Cook Thom^is W. junk and tavern, 34 Fell and 201 s Wolfe Took Wm. procer.v, s w cor Pratt and Caroline Cook Wni. poliee. 61 Bank Cook Wm. jiolter, 410 .Mulberry Cook Wm. shucker, 18 Port Cook Wm. hosiler, Carlton nr Franklin Cook Wm. machinist, 50 Henrietta Cook Will, watchman, 101 n Pine Cook Win. H. bafrirns Mrs. Soplironia, 51 n Wolfe t; :j Corns \Vm lab. 283 e Madison = ''-1 Crnthwait ("has. S. machinist, 28 St. Peter ■^ 5 Coiinliwait Ji.lin M. machinist, 28 St. Peter ■^ j=. Cornlhwait John Oliver, inspector G. H. 170 e kT y, Lombard [^ 'J\ Cunithwaii Louis A. mariner, 28 St. Peter ^ . Coruthwait Louis A. mariner, 82 Centre mkt sp :^' i5 Coruthwait Robert, halter, 28 St. Peter .S; 5 Coiiithwait Ruijerl 11. carp. 28 St. Peter "S ^ Corprew Mrs. Rebecca, 391 Orleans -SZ Curpiew Thomas, buiiennkr, 133 s Washington ^ 'Z Corr John, lab. 60 Haujpstead ^ Corre John, driver, 319 e Lombard "gT - Correa Vincent, cigarnikr, 109 n Front o % Correa Wm. J. plasterer, 308 Orle.ms ~ — (.'orrell James M. clerk, 224 George = 3 Correil Ur. John W. 334 e Baltimore ^ Correil Stewart D. cashier, 136 Mosher "oQ , Correil Dr. Thomas A. 3:!4 e Baltimore ff^ ^ Corrie Dr. James, 237 Saratoj^a *^ z Corrigau Daniel, shoemkr, 107 Harford av — 'i Corrigan Edward, grocery, 131 n Broadway = 'Z Corri;;an John, lab. 328 U'illiam , '^ r" Corrigan Michael, lab. 528 w Pratt ^ C Corrigan Michael, huckster, 112 n Bond o''—' Corri^an Patrick, soapmkr, 5 s Washington 'Z ^ Corri},'an Patrick, porter, 44 Kager '^ z Cor.sey James, engineer, 30 St. Peter ^ ^ Corson Henry, rigger, 18 Fell .— ^ Coiss .Mrs. Catherine, 455 Canton av >, ^ Corss John, shoemkr, 230 s Eiilaw "T — Corum J. C. (Willielm & Co.) 51 Courtland "t:; Corwiiie Lelha A. upholst's, 19 Greenmount av '•r ^ Corwine Marg'tS. upholst's, 19 Greenmount av i-^ X. Cory James O. mariner, 218 Gough S S Coryell Geo. civil engineer, 127 St. Paul £ X. C<>sl>y Wm. H. salesman, 96 Saratoga P Cosgrove Edward, lab. Cathedral c-xt a: '~' Cosgrove James U. bailifif Superior Court, dw ■» 2:;8 Madison ar S i^ Cosgrove Mrs. Jane, grocery, 44 Carlton ^ "T; Cosgrove James, watchman, Barnum's hotel "^ '? Cosgrove John, carp. 82 Richmond ii iX. Cosgrove John, cannikr, 291 Aliceanna, Canton 's - Cosgrove John, lab. 3 PIowiumii ^ '~ Cosgrove John, machinist, 2'i Sterrett ^ c Cosgrove John P. lire dep't, 370 s Charles ^ "" Cosgrove J. Henry, grocer, 82 Richmond and *^ 5 218 n Howard, dw 82 Richmond 2 "" Cosgrove Mich lel, lab. 291 Aliceanna C 71 Cosgrove Stephen, canmkr, 291 Aliceanna "Tf''^'' Cosgrove Thos. lab. 313 Bank ., — tc Coskery James, drayman, 92 s Mount C C Cossen Louis, shoes, 241 e Baltimore ^ .'^ Coss George, 206 Franklin "^ tH Co.->taginni Filippo, artist, 20 Mulberry >^> -> Co.slello Andrew, lab. 79 s Mount ~i J^ Coslello Dennis, moulder. Eagle hotel .C ee Costello Edward, lab. 23 Rock c .^ Costello Edward, 107 n High D i- (Joslello Jame.s, coachman, 45 Buren y, ^ (.'ostello John sr. lime kilns and feed, Fayette <" !». e of Burke, dw 181 Orleans Costello John, lab. 57 Booth Costello John jr. carp. 181 Orleans Costello .Maurice, lab. 46 s Dewberry al Costello Patrick, carp. 48 Preston Coslello Patrick, lab. Pratt and Stockton al Costello P. S. police, 83 Garden Costello Thomas, hostler, 109 Dover Coster George, currier, 32 Hillen Coster Jas. H. siairbuilder, 1 s Calhoun, dw Fulton nr Lombard Coster James Z. clerk. 330 e Madison Coster Joseph, lab. 124 s Castle Coster Jos'-ph, salesman, 400 Hanover Coster Cai)t. Somerville, mariner, 309 William Cosier Thos. currier, Burton's hotel Coster Wm. clerk, 330 e .Madison Coster Wm. J. clerk, 330 e Madison Costigan Mrs. Eliza, 203 Bolton Costigan Win. jr. lab. 297 e Pratt Costigan Wm. Imrbor master, 297 e Pratt Costigan Wm. lab. 12 Fish Market sp Costin Mrs. Hariiet C. 1 Weber Cosiin James, moulder, 1 Weber Costolay Pat'k J. cedarware and broom manuf. 118 and 120 Franklin Gotten M. A. clerk, 342 Myrtle av Cotter J. & Co. (John Cotter, J. Nunan, J. Wall) wholes, liquors, 40 i^ K < H O O <^ W o O cc C/J ^" 00 n o H 1^ H-1 1— 1 k— t <^ -J — ^4 o ^ c: o w o Cowan Mrs. C. grocer}-, 24 s Pof)pleton Cowan Drtvid, bookkpr, 2^*4 n Iluward Cowan Edward, hacks, 819 w Baltimore Cowan Mrs. John, 306 n Strieker Cowan S. G. clerk, 30fa n Strieker Cowan \Xm. supt. Baltimore Chrome Works, dw Baltimore co COWAN WM. H. attorney, 19 n Calvert, dw cor Hollins and MoiiiU Coward Mrs. Margaret, Park av nr Howard Coward Rolil. U. clerk, 104 Ramsay Coward Thos. R. gen. com. mercht. 55 w Pratt, dw 08 w Madison Coward Towney N. bookkpr, Howard house Coward Wm. carp. 220 Aliceanna Cowell Chas. painter, 90 Eastern av Cowen Aliraham, dyer and scourer, 7 St. Paul Co wen Benj. S. caulker, 321 Lijiht Cowen Benj. glass cutter, 321 Light Cowen Cavalier W. glassblower, 321 Light Cowen Franklin, fireman, 321 Lijiht Cowen J. K. attorney,? South, dw 37 Mulberry Cowen Wm. dyer and scourer, 721 w Baltimore Cowen Wm. engineer, 35 Hamburg Cowen Wm. A. glassMower, 321 Light Cowen Wm. S. stonecutter, 190 L. Hughes Cowlcs & Co. (H. M. Cowles, T. G. Forrester,) hatters, 1 w Baltimore Cowles Henry .M. (Cowles & Co.) sec'y board public school commissioneis, 67 n Bond Cowley Samuel T. tailor, 140 Scott Cowley Thos. J. 143 e Madison Cowuiiin Albert, clerk, 137 w Biddle Cowman Albert, plasterer, 392 e .Monument Cowman Chas. (J.G.C. & Bro.) 634 w Lombard Cowman Chas. H. (Snowden & C.) 120 Bolton COWMAN & CO. (Wm.T. Cowman) hosiery ami tiimmings, 71 Lexington Cowman Edward, clerk, 137 w Biddle Cowman Mrs. Ellen, 634 w Lombard Cowman J. G. & Bro. (J.G.and Chas. Cowman) grocers, s e cor Baltimore and Calhoun Cowman James, clerk, 137 w Biddle Cowman James II. blacksmith, 275 McHenry Cowman John G.(J G.C.& Bru.) 668 Lexington Cowman J.llenry(Russells&.C.) 265 w lloll'man (Jowman Joseph, clerk, Mansion house Cowman Joseph jr. clerk, 91 Mulberry Cowman Nicholas, boilermkr, 36 Barre Cowman Philip E.elecirotyper and stereotyper, 114 w Baltimore, dw 292 e Madison Cowman Samuel S. jr. clerk, 287 w Hoffman Cowman Wm. T. (C. & Co.) grocery, 208 Mad- ison av, dw Baltimore co Cox Arthur, carp. 275 Aisquith Cox Amos A. surveyor, 132 Dolphin Cox Benj. W. speculator, Hampilen (Jox Chas. E. upholsterer, l05 Peail Cox Chas. H. canmkr, 17 n Caroline Cox Chas. O. clerk, 58 n Greene Cox Collin, cabinetmkr, 174 .Mcllenry Cox Dr. E. Gover, n w cor Baltimore and Pine Cox Elisha, coach and livery siables, n e cor Bank and Bethel, dw 79 s Broadway Cox Mrs. Emily S. boarding, 17 n Caroline Cox Esuu J. police, 368 e Pratt Cox Eugene C. clerk, 504 w Baltimore Cox Geo. W. printer, 118 n Gay Cox Geo. W. bookkpr, 115 n Howard Cox Harry, carp. 155 n Paca Cox Harry C. clerk, 504 w Baltimore Cox Henry, bookkpr, 70 Bolton Cox flenry N. clerk, 70 Bolton Cox Henry P. brassworker, 174 McHenry Cox Hugh, lab. 121 s Castle Cox Isaac, hats, 208 w Baltimore, pres't Consl'd Real Est. and Fire Ins. Co. pres't comm'rs for opening streets, dw Mulberry nr Strieker Cox James, lab. 77 s Carey Cox Jami'.s, machinist, Mt. Vernon mills Cox James E. printer, 398 e Chase Cox James H sr. bookkpr, 58 n Greene Cox James H. jr. sec'y Mutual Life Ins. Co. 17 South, dw Homestead Cox James L. cigarmkr, Homestead Cox John, lab. 226 w Biddle Cox John jr. printer, 349 e Chase Cox John, bricklayer, 375 Penna av Cox John, printer, cor Pratt and Spear's whf, dw 349 e Chase Cox John H. clerk, 91 Jefferson COX JOHN R. & CO. (J. R. Cox) Produce and Commiss'n Merehts, s w cor Fayette and Howard. Cox John R. (J. R. Cox & Co.) 245 Walsh Cox John T. police, 2o9 e Madison Cox Joseph, blacksmith, 22() w Biddle Cox Joseph, Barnum's hotel Cox Joseph F. clerk. 87 Saratoga Cox Lawrence N. bookkpr, 70 Bolton Cox Louis 0. carp. 114 German Cox Mrs. Louisa B. boarding, 85 and 87 Saratoga Cox Luther J. (C. & Sears) 202 Druid Hill av Cox Mrs. Mary, yeast cake fact'y,226 .w Biddle Cox Mrs. Mary E. tailoress, 91 Jefferson Cox Melclior, stonemason, 2 s Gilmor Cox Michael, puddler, 429 Alieeanna Cox Michael, lab. Ills Strieker Cox Oliver, millwright, 55 s Poppleton Cox Richard G. bookkpr, 24 n Mount Cox Richard W. 207 n Republican Cox S. Edwin, clerk, 42 Edmondsou av Cox & Sears (L. J. Cox,V. C. Sears) grain com. merehts. over cor Bowly's whf and Pratt Cox Thos. currier, 46 Hillea Cox Thos. driver, rear 74 s Castle Cox Wm. H. (Freeland, Hall & Co.) Barnum's hotel Cox W. A. photographer, 56 n Charles, dw 28 Clarke Cox Wm. F. bookkpr, 17 n Caroline Cox Wm. G. teacher, n w cor Baltimore and Pine Cox Wm. H. bookkpr, 161 North Cox Wm. H. engineer, 30 s Strieker Cox Wm. H. merchant tailor, 504 w Baltimore Cox Wm. P., Barnum's hotel Coxon Francis, porter, 197 Eastern av Coxson John L. shoe finisher, 188 e Madison COV BVRON F. dentist, 141 n Charles Coy James, mariner, 117 Cross Coy John H. machinist, 4 Williamson al Coy .Mienael, moulder, 30 s Central av Coyle Mrs. Anna, 24 Scott Coyle Bernhard F. 393 e Chase Coyle C. J. carp. 27 Hillman Coyle Fred, maehinist, 65 Hamburg Coyle Geo. C. clerk, 105 Chew Coyle Henry H. clerk C. H. 38 Fawn Coyle John, tinner, 48 Hillman Coyle John (J. Coyle & Bro.) 24 Scott Coyle John, clerk. Gibbons' hotel Coyle John, shipcarp. 65 Hamburg HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth St. COY 129 CRA Coyle John jr caulker, 65 Hamliurg: Coyle Juhn & Bro. (John and Win. Coyle) marlileized slaie and soapstone iiiaulles, s w iCor I'latt ai}d Fremont Cuyle Kate, .--aieswomai), 52 w Baltimore Coyle jMichael, lab. Cathedral e.xt Covle Patrick A. urabrellainkr, 50 Camden Coyle i'eter, lab. 417 w Pratt Coyle Ruse A. teacher, Woodberry Coyle Hose, saleswoman, 52 \v Baltimore Coyle Dr. T. P. dentist, 49 .Mul'nerry Coyle Dr. Teirence W. dentist, IGO n Howard Coyle \Vm. (J. C. & Bro.) 13i) s Fremont Coyle Wm. II. machinist, 65 Hamburg Coyn Timothy, lab. 96 Chesapeake Coyne John sr. ].S1 s Charles Co\ne John jr. (J. C k Co.) 181 s Charle.s Coyne John, sup't St. James hotel, Ciiarles and Centre Coyne John & Co. (John Coyne jr.) lijihters and tug: huats, office Boyce's wharf, Locust Point, and 95 w Lombard Coyne Michael, coremkr, 99 Eastern av Coyne Michael, lab. 12 Haw Coyne Patrick, lab. 558 \v Lombard Coyne Patrick, shipcarp. 19 Burke Coyne Richard, lab. 558 w Lombard Corner Dr. Samuel F. 131 n High COZINE JAMES \V. restaurant. 15 n Frederick Coziue -Mrs. Louisa J. 15 n Fieilerick Cozine Win. G. barkeeper, 26 w Fayette Crabbe Mrs. Jane F. 328 Saratoga Crabbe John E. R. (Johnson, Sutton & Co.) 30 n Strieker Crabtie Walter R. attorney, 30 n Strieker Crabbe Wm. H. (Goldsborou^h, Pitts & Co.) 328 Saratoga Crabtree Clias. G. carp. 22 Hare Craildick Jos. N. carp. 25."i Jefferson Craedeer Chas. shipcarp. 25 s Bond Craft August, lab. 3 Riddle al Craft Chas. painter, 186 Gieenmount av Craft Frank, clerk, 296 Hollins Craft Jacob, currier, 225 s Bund Craft Jacob jr. 38 s Eutaw Craft John, painter, 12 Boulden al Craft John Crew (C. & Rosello) 296 HoUins Craft .Martin, tailor, 85 n Bond Craft k Rosselhj (J. Crew Craft and A Rossello) uphol,«terers, over 264 w Baltmiore Craft Mrs. Sarah E. Ill n Front Craft Wm. G. hatter, 40 n Eutaw, dw 192 e Fayette Crafton James, dredger, 271 B ink Grafton John A driver, 160 Greenmount av Crafton Robert, carp. 33 Miller Cragg Geo. glassblower. Sharp nr Ostend Cragg Geo. R. clerk, 306 n Eden Cragg James, finisher, 1 StocKholm Cragg Joseph, glassblower, Sharp nr Stockholm Cragg Joseph, consulting engineer, 10 s HoUi- day, dw 306 a Eden Cragg Samuel, glassblower, Sharp nr Ostend Cragg Wm. lab. Sharp nr Ustend Craggs Wm. carp. 139 Fremont Craggs Wm. cracker baker, 87 n Ann Craig Bernard, lab. 42 n Amity Craig Daniel, carp. Garden nr Madison Craig Mrs. Ellen, notions, 308 n Howard Craig G. H. Vaw student, 148 u Hi(;h Craig Geo. K. salesman, 226 Lauvitle Craig Geo. W. helper, 19 L. Church Craig Geo. W. beer, 817 w Pratt Craig Geo. W. plumber, (^entral av and John Cr.ig Hugh, telegraph, B. & O. R. R. 44 n Repuldican Craiu Jaun s. clerk, Gilmor nr Harlem av Craig John, lab. 157 West Craig John, drayman, lo Stockton al Craig John, confec'r. cor Central av and John Craig J. Morell, clerk. 651 w Lombard x Craig John I^. M. huckster, 360 e .Monument ^ Craig Joshua L. 148 n High Craig Josiah, watchman, ! 75 Hughes ^ Craig Rev. John T., High-st Baptist church ^ Craig Levin, mariner, 197 .Montgomerv ^ Craig & La Porte (G. B. Craig, H. La Porte jr. ) W wholesale notions and trimmings, 3 Hanover-^ Craig Mrs. M. A. 148 n High =: Craig Oliver B.(C.& La Porte)187 Druid Hillav ^ Craig Samuel A. sailmkr, 115 s Chester ^ Craig .Mrs. Sarah, grocery, front and E.xeter o Craig Selden F. stovemounter, 375 n Central av g Craig Thos. boilermkr, 19 L. Church '^ Craig Wm J. shipcar[). 30 L. Church ^ Crai'.'hiil James F. clerk, Union Bank bldg pQ Craighill Wm. N. clerk. Union Bank bldg CRAIGHILL CoL. WM. P , U. S. A., office 3d ^ floor Union Bank, dw Iilulaw house ;^ Craigin James, clerk, 94 Chesuut Grain John, lab. 15 B.uik ^ Ciain Peter W. attorney, 54 w Fayette, dw O Barnum's hotel ^-^ Crait Henry, latj. Homestead ,^ Cralle Capt. A. K. mariner, Wm. Tell house -^ Cralle .Mrs. Rebecca, seauiStress, 86 .Myrtle av p^ Cramiditt Chas. T. carp, and coal and wood, ,— s 79 Sarah Ann, dw 37 Waesche o ■• • •■■ - — o Cramblitt Edward A. en-iineer, 370 Ahceanna j^ Cramblitt Francis A. helper, 68 s Strieker ^ Cramblitt Geo. W.coal and wood, 170 s Fre- mont, dw- 37 Waesche ^ Cramblitt George H. bricklayer, 134 n Pine Cramblitt John T. bricklayer, Second av nr t_] Clinton ^ Cramblitt Mayfield, cigar boxmkr, 37 Waesche^ Cramblitt Stephen, paperhaugiugs and window shades, 85 Penna av ^ -- Cramblitt Thos. A. carp. 37 Waesche ^ Crami)litt Wm. F. furn. wagon, 70 n Fremont!^ Cramer Conrad, lab. 2'i5 Harford av Jl_| Cramer Mrs Lizette, 182 Orleans CQ Cramer E. agent .\laska cleaner and polisher, 131 w Baltimore, dw Mansion house Cramer Frank, cabinetmkr, 219 Canton av qq" Cramer Geo. shoemkr. 110 Pearl pc^ Cramer Geo. E. student, 415 Saratoga ^ Cramer Horace, painter, 415 Saratoga ^ Cramer Jacob, lab. 125 Horford av _^ Ciamer John, cigarmkr, 125 Harford av ^ Cramer John, barber, 182 Orleans PH Cramer John, liquors, 224 s .\nn ^y^ Cramer John, lab. 219 Canton av i-^ Cramer Wm. cigarmkr, 182 Orleans pn Cram[.ion Rev. Savington W. 140 Cathedral ^ Cran Balthar, painter, 21 Wyeth p^ Gran Geo. grocery, 21 W'yeth Cran Henry, shoemkr, 154 Henrietta Crandall Mrs. Alverta V. conf. 97 Hanover, dw 66 Lee Crandall Robert, 66 Lee Crane A. Fuller (W. C. & Son) 235 n Eutaw Crane A. Fuller jr. 235 n Eutaw Crane A. P. harnessmkr, 287 Franklin Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) d c •z a o - -5 ^i^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, CRA 130 ORE 02 so 5 ? . — Crane Mrs. C.xtherine, hats, 209 n Gaj, dw 8 e BidiUe Crime Charles, bricklayer. 8 e Biddle Crann (has. C. ( W. C. & Sons) 24li n Howard Crane Chas T. (Ptiir.-;on, Lawrence & Co.) 126 Harlem av Cianc Curtis E. elerk, .^48 e Chase Crane Elizubeth J 94 n Exeter Crane Geo. T. clerk, 38 e Eager Crane Harry, actor. 29 s E.xeter Crane Hi-nry R. :V2 Plcasuni Crane Jane, 94 n Exeter Crane Jas C (W. C. & Son^) 1.^)9 Dolphin Crane Jeremiah, lalioier. 344 McHenry Crane John G. j^roiery. Fayetteaud Republican Crane Jo.-:e|)h, shoemaker, basement Mansion lion8 I5ank Cr.iwford John, jn-ddlei, 268 s Caroline Crawford John, sliipcarp. 235 Bmk Crawford John, jeweler, 72 u Chester Cr iwford Capl. John A. mariner. 389 Canton av Crawford John C. chrk, 328 Orleans Craw lord John F. carp. 235 Bank Cr.iwford Levi, bricklayer, 46 West Crawford Moses, clerk, 45 Tyson Crawford Nathan H. banker, 461 n Carey Crawford .Mis. Rachel D. 34 Cathedral Crawford Richard I. foreman, 163 Hamburg Crawford Robt. H. sliijicarp. 235 Bank Crawford Kolit. K. bacon. 461 n Carey (Jrawford Robt. N. bookkpr, 163 Forrest Crawford Samuel C. bookkpr, 417 n Calhoun Crawford Samuel H. carp. 72 n Chester ("rawford Thos. A. salesman, 341 n Bond Crawford Wm bricklayer, 72 n Chestt r Crawford Wtn. H. & Co. (Wm. H. and J. B. Cr.iwford )spice mills, warehouse 72 Exchange pi, mill n w cor Union al and Dallas CRAWFORD WM. general agent, P. W. & B. RR.se cor High and Trinity Crawford Wm. M. overseer, 72 n Chester Crawford Wm. H. (Wm. H. C. & Co.) 153 Mc- Ciilloh Crawley Catherine, Hare nr Elliott (.'rawiey Peter, lab. Hare nr Elliott Crawmmer F. M C. clerk, Calvert station Creager Geo. U. carp. George and ("Clinton av Creager George L. salesman, 2-<8 n Strieker Creager .1 P. agent, George and Clinton av Creager Noble H. dep. U. S. Marshall, Mary- land av nr Brown Creager Peter, lab. Abbot nr Bond Creagh Mrs. Bridget, 87 Bt>yd Creagh Henry A. wharf and bridge builder, 30 Choptank Creagh John, 210 w Biddle Creagh .Michael, carp. 98 s Strieker Creagh Peter, driver. 251 Bank Crea-h Thos lab. 251 Bank Creagh Wm. lab. 251 Bank Creamer Alex, saddler, 130 Chew Creamer Alex. F. saddler, 314 Harford av Creamer Andrew, paper hanger. 33 St. Marjr Creamer Ai'.ihony, iiolice, 228 Scott Creatner Caroline, grocy. O'Doiinell nr Curley Creamer Casper, ship carp. 185 e Chester Creamer Charles, lab. 6 s Morris al Creamer Christian, painter, 8 Greenmonnt av Creamer C. Co(jkman, clerk. 127 e Monument Creamer David Smith, clerk, 159 e Monument Creamer Fieri, provisions, 382 Eastern av Creamer George, brewer, Belair av ext Creamer Geo. B. clerk, 131 n E.xeter Creamer Jacob jr. shoemkr. 49 Stockton Creamer Jacob, lab. 125 Harford av Creamer James, lab. 280 Jidmson Creamer John, cardriver, 290 s Sharp Creamer .John, carp. 210 Aliceanna Creamer Jnhn, lailor, 8 Gieenmoiint av Creamer John F. h.dper, 107 Parkin Cre.imer John, mariner, 40 Phil[Jot Creamer John F. lab. 40 Philpot Creamer John, lab. Hampden Cre.imer Josejili, wheelwright, 3 Harmony la Creamer Jose|)l) jr carter, 340 s Sharp Creamer Josejili, milkman, 340 s Sharp Creamer Louis, tailor, 15 s Howard Creamer Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 4' Philpot Creamer Mrs .M.iry Jane, 159 e .Mcmument Creamer Nicholas, paperhanger, 26 S'. .Mary Creamer Tiioiiias, bookkpr, 1 :U n Exeter Creaaier '.'» in. lumber inspector, 32 w Falls av, dw 25 McElderry Clean Thos. E (Hey wood & Crean ) 243 w Pratt Credle ('vrus. huckster, 433 Saratoga Creery Wir . R. Sup't Public Schools, 176 n Republican k lIi)LMES & CO., Engineers' and Machiiiists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, 875.000,000.00, Q F, Bresee, Genl Agt. CRO CHE 131 €reerv. Wm. T. dei-k, 176 n Repulilicau Cielieaii Martin, lab. 2(0 w Fall av Creiutr John, lab. Mt. Veiium Creijiiiton Clias. A. painitT, :;1'J LiLilit Crei<;htou Frauk, uplKjlsleifi-, Hand lii)u?e Creii;htou Geo. W. cii;arnikr, 'Mi', s Sli.iri) Creightoii llenrv, M-^ Ai.-^(iuilh Cresj;hion Ili-ury T. iiainter. :;7:i I-ijil't Creighton .lauics, walchiiian. 71 William Creij/htun .loiiii T. fiuunnkr, 225 .\!out■ Crockard John, jr. engineer, 77 n Popplet-n Grockard Wm. J. exp's wagon. 77 n Poppleton ^• Crocken G' o. lab. 38 Gelston ct Crocken Nelson, ])aiiiter, 9 Dover t—,' Crocken Theodore, bellhtuiger, 53 King ^ Crocker Abre.m J. conductor, 136 s Poppleton ^ Crocker Chas. tailor, 30 AU-einarle Crocker Saml. G. (Hughes & C.) Baltimore ro. -j^ Crockett Mrs. A. E. 244 Peirco p::^ Crockett A. J. patterninkr, Clinton nr Second av q Crockett (Jharles A. J. patt^-rnmaker, Clinton^ nr Second av ^ Crockett Daniel, 37 Arch — i Crockett Humphrey, mariner, 176 Montgomery p Crockett Joseph T. 244 Peirce ^ Crockett Nehenuah, shoemkr, 362 Lexington -i Giockett Peter, pilot, 140 Hanover Crockett Mis. S.'irah, 301 n Bond Q Crockett Theo. S. letter carrier, 3(il n Bond ^ Crockett Walter C.restauranl,Biddie and Druid ^ Hill av, dw 73 n Carey "^ Crockett Wm. H. turner, 193 n Bond Crodgon Newtoa, huckster, 44 W,\ etli CrotfJtcob E. beer, 142 Eastern av (Jrofool Mrs. Marv, grocery, 55 Fort av Crofoot Wm. li. H. ton-man, 174 Johnson Crog^en Edward, huckster, 422 e .Madison Croggon Newton F. huckster, 34 Wyelh Groghan John, currier, 164 Enor Groghan Marv, 2 Slemmer al CroLih.in .Mn'hael, hib. 2 Slenimcr al- Groghan Patrick, lab. 2 Sleuiiner al Ctoghan Patrick, coachtrimtner, 164 Ensor Gn>ghan Peter, la6. 9 Slemmer al Cromer Andrew, carter, U4 Warner Cromer Ghailes, blacksmith, 36 Wyeth Cromer D.miel, wagoner, 94 St. Peter Cromer John, machinist, 239 Columbia Cromer .Margaret, confectionerv, 237 n Bond Cromer Robert B. dentist, 305 Hollins ^2 O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC' HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. CRO 132 CRO W w ^ H » W E- a >^ o < a H o P 7J O CD ^ 00 ^ <: OS — — ■< 3 tJJ Cromer Tho5.W.( Wm.A Bo3d&Co.)305Hollins (,'ioruer Tlios. W. jr. tobacconist, 305 Hollins Oromie W. slioemkr, 85 Stockton Crompton Robert, inacbinist, 124 Johnson Cronijitoii Uobert, macliinisi, 138 Johnson Cromwell Albert, currier, 184 s Paca Cionnvell Albert, si}.'ii painter, 39 Chew Cro'uwell Alex, caninkr, 124 I'reston Cromwell Andw. J blacksmith, 154 Ramsaj Cromwell Mrs. Catherine, 138 Mosher Cromwell Kilwanl, primer, 52 Mclienry Cromwell Francis M. silversmith, 220 George CromwellGeo.W assl.roudma3ter,82nPoppleton Cromwell (ieo. S. 58 St. Paul Cromwell Geo. W. s^lemkr, M8 Bank Cromwell Hamilton C. attorney, 7 South, dw 31 1 Franklin Cromwell Henry, insurance agent. 48 n Greene Cromwell .Jacob G. cabinetmkr, 220 George Cromwell Jacob G. bricklayer, 24 Brune Cromwell Jeri.nie T. gilder, 220 George Cromwell John, patternmkr, 67 Scott Cromwell John E. sailmkr, commercial \vht',dw 34 s Choj'tank Cromwell J. Oliver, moulder, 55 s Re|)ublican Cromwell Jo3f|ih, sailmkr, 89 s Ann Cromwell Joshua, 136 s Ann Cromwell Lambert, sailmkr, 136 s Ann Cromwell's Levi, Son & Co. ^T. E. Cromwell.) hardwaie. 1 18 Thames Cronnvell Michael, carp. 531 w Lombard Cromwell Oliver T. coachmkr, 39 Chew Cromwell Richard jr. farmer, 89 n Paca Cromwell Rebecca .M. teacher, 39 ('hew CRii.MWELL & CONGUON. (R. Cromwell and S. Coiiiidou) agricull'l and horticultural imp. nianuts.. and nurecry and seedsmen, 51 Light Cromwell Richard, (C. Sydney Norris & Co. and Cromwell & Congdon,) York rd n of North av Cromwell T. Elvin, (Levi C s Son cj- Co.) 30 Jacksor. sq av Cronan Ann, 20 Callendar al Croiian Charles P. punter, 4 Humes Cronan Cornelius, driver, 108 n Front Cronan David, lab. 167 Hollins Cronan Dennis, lab. 168 n Front Cronan Dennis, lab. 151 n Front Cronan .Michael, lab., Federal nr Hudson al Crone Edward, beer, 24 Centre .Market sp Crone F. A. lab. 217 Henrietta Crone Jacob, carp., Clinton nr Boston Crone .Mrs. .Mary, dressmkr, 200 s Sharp Clone \Vm. C. chief detective, 25 n Calvert,dw •J3 u High Croeny ('bus. sailmkr, 21 Warren Croney Philip H. clerk, 164 Orleans Cionliardt Albert, (C.C.& Sons) 263 e Baltimore Croiihardt Clias. (C. C. & Sons) 263 e Baltimore Cronhardi (■lias.jr.(C.C.i5'Soiis)2fi3 e Baltimore Cronliardt Henry, grocery, 67 East Croiihardt John, clerk, 2!) Ensor Cronhardt John, shoemkr, 29 Ensor Cronhanlt k Sons (Clias.,(;has. jr. and Albert Cronhardi) hardware, &c. 149 s Broadway Cronly .Mr.>i. .Miry, 224 n Front Cronin .Michael, lab. 40l w Pratt Cronise .Mrs. M. O. (i. 13 Mulberry Crook Aug. blacksmith, 287 Franklin Ciook Aug. coal and wood, 19 Lexington, dw 42 Brune Crook Charles, 308j w Pratt Crook Charles, milk. 226 s Paca Crook Clias. C. (C. & Co.)dw AnneArundel co- Crook .Mrs.Charlotle,M.idison ay and Townsend Crook & Co. (Charles C. Crook, L. Burgess,) upholsterers, 28 Park av Crook ColuiubusS. (Sinclair &Co.)325 Lanvale Crook Danl. ( W. Crook & Son) 175 e Baltimore Crook Francis A. treis. Balto. Equitable Soci- ety, 19 South, dw JIadison av and Townsend Crook Francis A. jr. clerk, Madison av and Townsend Crook Frank, lab. 226 s Paca Crook George, wagoner. 228 s Paca Crook George, engineer, n w cor Scott and Columbia Crook (Jeorge, engineer, 226 s Paca Crook Geo. W. M. boots, shoes and gaiters, 69 w Baltimore, dw 43 n Eulavv Crook Harry, salesman, 228 n Broadway Crook Henry, bookkpr, 168 n Republican Crook John'c. police, 52 Jackson sq av Crook John H. lab. 30 Lemmon Crook Joseph, hrakeuian, 226 s Paca . Crook Philip P. clerk, Waverley Crook Victor V. mariner, 499 w Fayette Crook Win. (W. C. & Son) 175 e Baltimore Crook Wm. H. clerk, 338 e Baltimore Crook Wm H. finisher, 31 s Mount CROOK WM. k SON, ( Wm. and Danl. Crook) groceries, &c. 175 and 177 e Baltimore Crooks Nimrod N. butcher, 6 Lexington mkt, dw cor Mary and Retreat Crooks R. S. excavator, 504 Franklin Crooks Thomas B. police, 353 Franklin Crookshanks Chas. shipjoiner, 199 JefifersoQ Cro[iper Mrs. E. M. 389 Lexington Cropper Reuben, boilermkr, 34 Williamson al Cropper Stephen, cauiukr, 294 Light Cropjier Thomas, 59 n Wolfe Cropper Wm. H. shoemkr, 207 s Charles Crosby Andrew, lab. 18 Hillman Crosby Mrs. Charlotte, 7 Federal Crosby Eager, b.irkpr, 33 Chew Crosby Francis P. fireman, 7 Cathedral Crosb\ Geo. W. engineer, 369 Cathedral Crosby James jr. carp. 88 Ramsay Crosby James, carp. 87 Oak Crosby Lewis, ensjineer, 149 a Central av Crosby Lewis, painter, 46 Essex Crosby Miles, drayman, 47 York Crosby Mrs. Rachel, 177 Orleans Crosby Robt. B. blacksmith, 7 Federal Crosby Samuel, fisherman, 17 Centre Market ."ip Crosby ("apt. Samuel, mariner, 23 McElderry Crosby Thomas U. police, 24 Hillman Crosby Wm. C. 571 w Fayette Croshaw W^m. 112 Mullikin Crosley Thos. H. salesman, 152 Myrtle ar Cross Mrs. Amelia, dressmkr, 429 Lexington Cross Andrew, machinist, 429 Lexington Cross Rev. Andrew B. cor St. Paul and Chase Cross Charles E carp. 362 e Chase Cross ("alebO. clerk, Woodberry Cross Charles, caninkr, 120 Lancaster Cross C. Lewis, magistrate, Waverley Cross Cyril C. tinner, 58 s Castle Cro-s Cyrus, chair factory, 191 n High, dw 23 George Cross David, wheelwright, 117 Aisquith Cross E. D. (Daily & Co.) 41 McCulloh CROSS E. J. D. attorney, 31 Lexington, dw cor St. Paul and Chase HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. i^ the World, O. F. Bresee, .Gen Agt. CRO 133 CRU o O d P o o t— I H^ pL, Cl, p xn In P5 pq P <=^ CO H H hH H I — ( I— I W o < 1^ Cross Mrs. Ellen, 168 s Wolfe Cross Fruoklin, carp. 343 e Ch:»se Cross George R. clerk, 56 s Choptank Cross George D. lab. 168 s Wulfe Cross Henry, bookkpr, 23 Geoi-^e CROSS GHORGE W. at;eni Empire Line, 199 North, d\v Derius^ead nr Churles-st av Cross Henrj S. lab. Mt. Vernon Cross James W. bookkeeper, 134 n Broadway Cross John, he.ilth dept. n43 eFayetle Cross John (,'. carpent, glassblower, 25 Covington Crowe Harrv S. clerk, 45 Vallev CROWE JUHN, auditor X.C.R."W.dw47Valley Crowell Freeman, shoemkr, 90 Columbia Crowell M. W. com. mercht, 77 Smith's whf, dw 94 n Carev Crowl & Son, (E. Waugh Crowl) real estate brokeis and conveyancers, 14 Law building Crowl Edward W. (C. & Sou) 138 n Oregon Crowl David H. grocery, 189 Walsh Crowl H. Webster, atty, s w cor St. Paul and Le.\ington, dw 138 n Oregon Crowley Barney, lab. 198 Mullikin Crowley Charles lab. 409 McHenry Trowley Charles J. lab. .McHenry nr Monroe Crowley Dennis, lab. 176 L Constitution Crowley James, books and [leriodicals, n w cor Baltimore and North, dw 127 n Gilmor Crowley James M. clerk, 127 n Gilmor Crowley John, police, 588 Pean av Crowley John T. clerk, 5ii Harford av Crowlev Patrick, lab. Wilcox nr Chase Crowley Philip, lab. 4 Walsh Crowley Rob.A.( John Glenn & Co. )7l n Gilmor Crowley R. 0. bookkpr, 138 Towusend Crowley Thomas H. police, 56 Harford ar Ciowley Wm. saddler, 251 s Charles Crown Joshua R. salesman, Clarke Crown .Marion A. news depot and cigars, 78 Fayette, dw 252 Geor>:e Crown Mrs. .Matilda, 252 George Crown Murtaugh, lab. 117 West Crownfield Herman F. vonK. attorney, 31 Lex- ington, ilw 277 n Eden Crowther Beuj. stonemason, Hampden Crowther Beuj. stonemason. 93 Thames Crowther Celia, confec'y, Hampden Crowther James, stonemason, 14 Ramsay Crowther John, carp. 33 Clarke Crowther Dr. Llewellyn, dentist, office 185 w Fayette, dw 35 Clarke Crowther P. T. shoemkr, 298 Light Crowther Dr. Rodney, 412 w Fayette Crowther Samuel S. stonemason, Hampden Croyeau Augustin, 3 n Calhoun Cro.xall .Morris L. clerk, 69 n Paca Crozier James, moulder, n e cor Broadway and Milliman Crozier John, lab. 25 Eastern av Crozier Wm. sailmkr 121 n Broadway Crozier Wm. W. clerk, 121 n Bro.dwaj Cruett J. W. salesman, 52 Gough Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. CRU 134 CUM .^^ 5 Cruden Franns D clerk, 95 McElderry Cruden Mrs Martlia, !*5 McHllderry Crudden Joseph, liib. 11 s Cirey 05 Crum Isrtic, firemHii, 592 w Pnilt fh-um Jaiiies, ei.pineer, ri67 w I>oml)ard Cruin John \V shoemkr, 206 Mullikia Cruni Mrs. Marfjiiret, 12 Scutt Crum Roht. niuciiiiiist. 294 II»mover CRUMHACKKH CllARLKS W. tele^jraph, 403 n Carey tj: Oruinliacker E|>hrKim. clerk, 403 n Carey c Cruinmer Alexander, clerk, 126 e Madison ^ Crummer Ar:iistroiig, draughtsman, 123 e •■J, Madison Crunuiier Chas. F. clerk, 471 e Kajier Crummer Mrs. Eliza A. 126 e Madison Crummer Edward, clerk. HIT) ii lOden Crummer j(jhii, paiiitiT, 121! e Madison Crummer N than J. croter, 471 e Kager Crummer TliOr«. J. mnrb'e cutter, 471 e E iger Crump (ieo. T. clerk, 76 s Sharp Crump .Mrs. Mary, tioirdinind publisiiers Baltimoreao Morse bld^.'. 50 w Fau-ttc Cruzen Charles, toys, 124 and 177 n Gaj', d\v 813 w Baltimore Cruzen Edward, machinist, 136 n .Schroeder Cryer .Mrs. Flliza A. boarding. 111 Conway Cryer Jus -ph, carp. Ill Ci>n\vay Oyer Josej)!! F. c^irp. Ill Conway Crync J.■lme^', stevedore, 42 Fill Crystal Oil Refin^'iy, C. West & Sons, proprs. ('anton, cfiici- 113 w (.lombard ; -^ 5 Cuddy .Mrs Eliza A. 62 Etiiiig ' *^ " Cuddv Isaac, watchman, 2.'il e .Madison ? c !^l Cuddy J. \V. 251 e M dison ^ -^ <» Cuddy Dr. J. W C. 363 Franklin ^ l;*^ to Cniidy Michael, lab. 8 Fort av ' ? .E Cuddy NorrLs L). 251 e Madi.son f'uddy Peier sr. 75 Fort av Cuddy Wm. H. 251 e Madison Cuddy Wm. fiiemari, Falls id nr tullgati' Cugle Charle.-«. (Baldwin a. C.) 191 Si. Paul Cugle Eduin, c erk, 191 Si. Paul Ciigle Geo. clerk, 191 St. Paul Cugle John, 191 St. Paul Cugle John jr. bookkpr, 191 St. Paul Cull)ertson Isaac, procesaor, 477 Saratoga 2 SJE o \ -J Culbrefh Crawford, bookkpr. 265 Lexington Culins Abraham V. S. whipmkr. 346 Fnmklii. Cull Roger W. attorney, 42 St. Paul, dw 22& \v Lanvale Ciilliin .Mrs. Catherine, 11 L McElderry Cnllan Danie'. lab. 11 L .McElderry Cullan Mrs. Kate (Thomas & Co.) 173 Hanover Cullan Thomas, boots and shoes, 1 n Cahert, dw 173 Hanover Cullen .Andrew, clerk, 154 n Front Culleii Mrs. Catherine, tritnmintis, 17 Penn av Cullen (."has. mariner, 5 Cambridge Cullen Edward, lab. 135j H.irford av Cullen Harry D. clerk. 140 German Cullen James, shoemkr, 97 n Poppleton Cullen Junes, driver ,42 Hilien Culltu James, lab. 125 Elisor Cullen John, lab. lOO Harford av Cullen .lolin, driver, 17 Peiina av Cullen John, lab. 318 William Cullen John, carp. 529 Light Cnlh-n John jr. 162 West Cullen .Michael, lab. 229 Battery av Cullen Mortimer, shoemkr, 97 n Poppleton Cullen Patrick, driver, 318 William Cullen Mrs. Sarah, grocery, r25Ensor Cullen Simon, shotmkr, 11 L McElderry Cullen Thomns, lab. 166 n Front Cullen Wm. driver, 42 Hilien Cullen Wm. T. shipcarp. 334 e LomViard Cullenberg John, cig-unikr, 44 Lee Culleton John L. marble polisher, 134 Harford aT Culleton Thomas, lab. 1 1 West Falls av Culley Elizalieth, huckstress, 263 s Pac.i Culliniore John, brakemaii, 203 e Fayette Cullimore John T. shipsmith, 1 and 3 Fell, dw 24 Jackson sq av Cullimore Wm. H. sec. band books, 48 Park av Callings Mrs. Ella, saleswoman, 18i n Exeter Cullington Annie, teacher, Woodl)erry Cnllingion & Co. (Thos. Cullington jr., Wm. E. Penn, ) cigar manufacturers, i8 n Gay Cullington Daniel, cigarmkr, 75 Penna av Cnllingion Thos. jr. (C. & Co.) 37 Forrest pi Cullington Wm. sign painter, 37 Foirest pi Cullison Mrs. Amanda, 226 e Fayette Cullison Enoch, stonemason, Federal nr Decker CuUison Jas. A. stonecutter. Federal nr Decker Cullison Jas. M. millwright, 89 -Mosber Culiison Jesse M. tiour and feed, 4 Penna av, dw 319 w Biddle Cullison Noah, flour and feed, 87 Penna av Cullison Susan, seamstress. Federal nr Decker Cullum Henry W. h irnessmkr, 298 n Eden Cull u 111 J. W. police, 32 e Eager Cullum John N brakeman. Falls rd nr tollgate Cullum Mrs. .M iry A., Falls rd nr tolli:ate Cullum Mrs. .Mary J. 8 Somerset Cullum Nelson, carp. 298 n Eden Cullum Ni Ison E. salesman, 298 n Eden Culnann David S. hatter, 231 u Caroline Culp .Michael S. blacksmith, 4 s Oregon Culp Wm. glassblowcr, 103 Leadenhall Culver Chas. engineer, 31 Elliott Culver Franklin D. cooper, 42 s Gilmor Culver John F. clerk, 132 n Eden Culver Win. T. cooper, 5 n Sharp, dw 42 s Gilmor Cumberland (?has.C. carp. North av nrMcCulloh Cumberland Chas. grainer, 194 e Monument Cumbeilami Wm. canmkr. 194 e .Munnmeat Cnniming Jas. shipjoiner, 94 s Washington HOLMES cfe CO., Engineers' and Macliinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. CUM 185 \ CUR CuiiiDiing- W. A. k Co. (W. A. Cnmming, ) flour, pniiri, &:;. 90 Spear's whf Cummino- W. Augustus, (W. A. C. &Co.) 164 Linden av Camming W. J. A. attorne.y, 1.'^ North rnniiiiiiprs Francis, lab. 125 n Front CU.MMINGS & CO (Juhn CuiuminKS, Wni. P. Zjllinj^er. ) mdse. lirolcers, 46 w Lombard Curainings Jacob, |)lasleier, 124 Parian Curamiiigs James, lab. 119 Hollins Cummiii^s John, porter, 60 Easis-rn av Cutnmings Airs. John. confec'r\ . 148 n Fremont Ciinmiings Jolin, ^C. m Jno inarblepolislier,5 Callender al 'unningham John B. 266 n Front O O Cunningham John E. A. wholesale and retail stoves, &c. 53 and 55 a Calvert and Cheap- ^ side, dw 240 w Hoffman ^ Cunninsjbam John, (Samuel Wilhelm & Co.) ^ 953 w Pratt, dw 729 f^ Cunningham John, lab. 72 Boyd r^ Cunningham John, lab. Ill Peach al ;:: Cunningham John D. hackman,288 Haiford av ^ Cunniuiiham John W. conductor, 287 e Pratt p Cunningham J. A. watchman, 188 Chesapeake o Cunningham Joseph, lab. Jenkins la g Cunningham L. V. jilasterer, Franklin hotel -^ Cunningham Maggie, 172 Eastern av "-^ Cunningham Mrs. Mary E. n e cor Fayette and rn Gilmor ^ Cunningham Michael, 192 n Holliday Cunningham Michael, lab. 57 n Eden Cunningham Michael, lab. 640 w Pratt Cunningham -Mortimer, 130 e Pratt : Cuuniniiham Peter, lab. 804 Cross Q) Cunningham Robert H. car[). 36 s Strieker Q^ Cunningham Thos. potter, 45 Ensor Cunniuirham Tiios. A. coal agent, cor Madison "^ and Calvert Cunningham Wm. 56 Exchange pi, dw Bar. W num's hotel O Cunnin-liam Wm. A. clerk, 281 w Fayette O Cunningham Wm. A. mariner, 154 Hughes ^ Cunningham Wm. A. bricklayer, 92 n Eden '"'^ Cunningh im Wm. C. stoves, 240 w Hoffman Cunningham Wm E. bookkpr, 490 c Chase i-H Cunningham Wni.E w.itchmkr,38jDruidHillav Cunningham Wra. H. (C. & Ditman) Caroline^ and Chase ^ Cunningham Wm. J. 130 e Pratt !> Cunningham Win. R. jr. b Curry Mrs. Jane, boirdin;;, 79 n Liberty «1 Curry John, lab. 105 s Castle ^ Curry John T. shoeculter, 168 n Eden Curry Joseph, huckster, 341 w Hoflfman Curry New uian B. telegraphist, 168 n Eden Curry Wm. carpenter, 340 e Eager Curry Wm. F. mariner, 2ii3 s Chester Curry Dr. Wm. H. 318 n Fremont Curry Wm. J. driver, 102 Gieenmount av Curtain Henry G. (Gruby & Co.) s w cor Car- oline and John Curtain Heftry, butcher, 16 Centre, 20 Lexing- ton and 10 Richmond markets, dw Harford av nr city limits Curtain James, butcher, 14 Centre, 25 Lexing- ton and 14 Richmond markets, dw HarfOrd av nr city limits Curtain James, cooper, 204 n Eden Curtain James D. cooper, 223 e Monument Curtain James T. butcher, 5 Richmoud market, dw Harford av nr city limits Curtain Oliver P. coojier, 223 e Monument Curtain Samuel, cooper, rear 37 Light, dw 204 n Eden Curtain Samuel M. butcher, Harford av ext Curtain Wm. clerk, 204 n Eden Curtain Wm. 17 Diamond Ciirtli Wiegand, beer, 93 Jackson sq av CURTIN PATRICK, restaurant, 554 w Balti- more, dw 221) German Curtin Susan, dressmaker, 88 Saratoga Curtis Rev. Alfred A. 106 n Charles Curtis .Mrs. Anna, grocery, 296 Greenmount av Curtis Geo. R. clerk, 329 w Baltimore Curtis Geo. R. periodicals, 65 n Greene dw 80 George Curtis H. Albert, clothing cuttei, 230 German Curtis Henry, math'l inst. m iker. 158 u Exeter Curtis Jatnes, wagoner, 102 Dolphin Curtis John, huckster. 296 Greeumount av Curtis John A. (Wolf & Co.) 185 n Fremont Curtis Peter, lab. 526 w Pratt Curtis Thomas, hackinan, 16 St. Mary Curtis Thomas, lab. 12 Decker Curvell Chas.F. brickl'r.Gilmor nr Patterson av Curvill Rob't A. plasterer, 167 Greeninount av CurviJl Samuel, plasterer, 167 Greenmoiint av Curvill Wm. sailmaker, 61 Holland Curvill Wm. sailmaker, 261 Canton av Cusack Daniel, lab. 161 Aliceaiina Cusack Laughlin, lab. 27 e Monument Cusack Mrs. Mary, 261 s Caroline Cushaw Edward L. stonecutter, 217 Mulberry Cushaw John, cigarmkr, 217 Mulberry Gushing David, salesman, 50 .McCulloh Gushing David, jr. 50 .McCulloh Gushing Henry .M. clerk, 205 Dolphin Gushing James P. D. boilermkr, 189 s Ann Gushing John, pies't. Associated Firemen's Ins. Co. 173 Madison av Gushing Jiise|)h jr. 132 Park av Gushing Joseph M. (C. & Bailey,) 132 Park av Gushing Richard C. 173 .Madison av Gushing Wiley E. 132 Park av CUSHI.NGS & IJAILIiV, (L. E. Bailey, J. M. Gushing,) booksellers and stationers, 262 w Baltimore Cushley John .\. printer, ICO Gough Cushney .Mamie, pianist, 76 Saratoga Cusick .Martin, 482 Saratoga Cusick .Martin, lab. 36 u Oregon Cusick Robert, salesman, 220 Park av Cusick Thomas, so.ip packer, 6 Hawk Custis R. brickl iver, 278 Division CUSTOM HOUSE, (U. S.) n w cor Lombard and Gay Custy Mary, 7 Rock HENRY HOEN & CO, Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 Soiith St. DAL CUS i:^7 Custy Michael, laborer, 358 Ostend Custv Patrick, carpenter, 7 Reck Custv Thomu?, tiiilor, 332 Bank CUTAIAi; FRANCIS, dep. insp. tobacco, to- bacconist and liquors, 722 vv Baltimore, cor Schroeder Cutaiar Francis jr. cl(M-k, T22 w P.altniioro Gutino Alex. ( .\I. Mau'uess & Co.) -U) s lligli Cutino Fortine. tailoress, Hii n Front Cutino Jo.-i'i.h (.3. barber, 89 n Front Uuttie Geo. (C. & Bordiev. ) t;2;» w Lombard Cuttle k Hordley,(G'-o. Ciiitleatid Wm. J. Bord- iev, ) Great New York Tta Co. 20 w Baltimore Cuyler B. .M. 270 Lind- n av Cuyler T. Sanford, clerk, Gl s Ann Cz.arnou-sky .\!r.-! Frauci.-, paims and oils. t)G2 w Baltimore D. Dabbs Joiin, 531 Lcxinston Dabour John, artist, studio 50 ii Charles, d\v Catonsville Dabrasky Geo ciL'ars, 23G Franklin Dabrasky John, finisher, 86o vv Pratt Dack John S. baker, 280 n Howard D.'icau Levin, imu-itier, 16 Hamburg; Dade Rob rt. clerk, HoUins and .Mount Daduni Natli'l W. mach'.-t, l(i2 s Washinj^ton Dady D.tniel, lab. 3 Wolfe n of .Monument Daesrler Gotleib, tailor, 186 e Lomliard Daflfin Benj. cutler, 15 n Gay, d\v 44 n riij:h Baffin Chas. C. I). enj;:ineer, 220 w Fayette Daffin Fraticis D. printer, 220 w Fa-, ette Daffin Joseph G. printer. 255 e Biddle Dagen Peter, lab. 113 n SpriuL^ Dagentiard Anthony, tailor, 64 Jasper Dagenhard Geo. tailor. 140 s Sprin^i; Dahl Charles, blacksmith. 31 Union Dahl George, huckster, 31 Union Dahl Jacob, blacksmith. 33 Biddle al Dahl Josepli, lab. 284 s P>ond Dahl Lewi,^. 1 ib. Pratt and Addison al Dahl Lewis, jr. tinner, Pratl and Addison al Dahl .Mrs. Lena, grocerv. 31 Union Dahl Wtn. car driver, Baker nr Penna av Dahle Charles F clerk, lo" n Front Dahle Conr ol H. merchant tailor, 57^ n Gay, d\v 1 12 e .Mon undent Dahle GforL:e, messenj:er, 1 12 e .Monument DahUveiner Ilenrv, trunkmkr, 143 Raborg Dahlweiner .Mrs. H. 143 Raborg Dahhveiner John, machinist, 143Rabori^ Daickei- John. r'Staurant. 51 German Daicker Robert T. apothecarv, 444 w Lomljard DAIGKR CHAS. H. k liROS (Chas. H. and Edward Dai^er) com. merchants, 4 Hollings- worili Daisrer Ch.is. H.f'". H. D. ct Bros.) 05 Cathedral Dai<.'er F.dward i C.H.D.&Bru3.)3l0e Baltimore Daijrer Francis A. furniture, 74 n Howard Daitrer Fredk. hardware, n e cor Eutaw andPratt Dai/er Jacob, lab. Lttini: nr Townsend Daitrer .Mis. Jas. V. 190 Druid Hill av DAIGEK M. A. cabinet maker and undertaker, 74 s Broadway Dai<:er Wm. H.'bookkpr, 129 Orleans Dail T. Howard! T J.Dail k Co.) 161 n Charles DAILT. J .t CO.(T. J. Dail, John L. Hebb,T. H. Dail ) wholesale grocers and com. merchts, 27 Cheapside Dail T. J. (T. J. D. & Co.) 161 n Charles Dail Wm. L. carp. 235 Chew Dailey Adam, cabinetmaker, 103 Low Dailey Andrew, tinner, 750 w I5.i|tim:)r" Dailey .Mrs. Eleanor, varieties IO.'j Hollins Dailev Mrs. Ellen, 84 Ensor Dailey Francis, lab. 128 Battery av Dailey Francis, lab. H3 Goodman al Dailey Isabella, 20 n I'.ond Dailev Jacob, lab, Win.in's de[)ol Dailey J. Blake, North, rn ••(■nt:a'. h.tel Dailey James, .salesman. 286 w Pr.ilt Daih-v John, brassniould-r, 45 Haifoid av D.iiley John. lab. 191 East Dailey John, blacksmith, rear 202 Columbia I)ai!ey Jolin, h.icknian, 29 Con.-li! ution DadeV John, ^h..emak'-r. 12 Booth Dail'-y Jo^"!>h, carp. 5'". Parkin Ii.-ii ey .los<'ph. tav. rii. 220 s Ann D.rley .Mark, gioc-ry. 100 Caih-dral D.ulev .Maitin. iaii 227 Ilamtiurii: Dailey .Michael, lali. 66 B!aly llen-y, clerk. 66 Preston Daly Henry, niarbleworker, 18 Constitution I'aly lliu'h. lab ;) Willow D.ily Isabella, 71 Holland DaU John A. bookkpr, 71 Holland i>aly John H. vartiisher, 240 Conway i>ily J.isi'ph, slonecntter, 18 Constitution Dily .lo.siah, vamishi-r, 24o Conway Ualy Michael, porter, 137 Druid Hill av Da y Patrick, nurse, 59 Clusnut I^ily Tho-.. bib. 9 Willow palyThos. polisher, 240 Conway Uaiy Winfield S varnisher, 240 (Jonway Damast Philip, carp. 202 Montgomery Dambmann G. F. Ph. (Lirentz & Rittler) 180 Edmond.son av Damer .\iidrew, cabinetinkr, 143 Dover Darner Frederick, clerk, 4o Brune Damer Joseiih, saddler, 81 Peirce Damer .Martin, clerk, 40 Brune Damer Matthew, tailor, 2 Liberty ct Dameron Henry C. mariner, 1 15 Montgomery Dames August F. carp. Hoaiestcad Dames Chas. porkbuloher, llo n-^stead Danvs Chas. W. butcher. Waverley Dames .Mrs. Christiana, 579 n Gay Dames Emma, teacher, Wayerley Dames John, cirp. Homestead Dames Lewis E. butcher, Waverley Dames Peter, agent Maryl md Ste.unboat Co. 234 Lee Dames Wm. gardener, Waverley Damieski Bertram, lab. 12 Shakspear Damm August, grocery, 3^9 Cmton av Damm Chas. varnisher,389 Canton av Damm Fred, eanmkr, 3'<9 (Canton av Damm Henry, tobacco stripper, 1 1 1 Leideuhall Damm .John, lab. Ill Leadeahall Damm Wm. lab. Ill Leadenhall Dammaun Chas. L. plasterer, 191 Mulberry Dammann Ernest (F. W & E. D.) 387 Druid Ilillav Dammaun F. Wm. (F. W. k E. D.) Lanvale, bet Fremont and Myrtle av Dammann F. W. & E. imp'rs of cloths and vel- vets, 19 Hanover Dammann John F., Lanvale nr Fremont DAMMA.VN DR LEWIS H. magistrate, 269 w Pratt, dw 191 Mulberry D.imine IIimiT, shoemkr, 19 Dover Damme Henry, shoemkr, 214 s Broadway Damme Sophia, boots and shoes, 2 1 4s Br jad way Dammer Mary, butter, 2S9 Franklin Dammer Sebastian, huckster, 289 Franklin Damon Peter, lab. 118 Hamburg Danaher Cornelius, lab. 1 Collins ct Diiiaher D.uiiel, lab. 9 Binney Danaher .Michael, horseshoer, 1 Collins ct D inaher Thomas, bottler, 47 n Front Daudelet Francis, brewer, 113 Hanover.dwAu- napolis junction Dandelet Francis jr. clerk, 265 n Eden D.uiahy Jerry, lab. 153 n Front Dandelet F. G. dyer and scourer, 122 n Howard Dindi-let Giistive, dyer, 122 n Howard Daudelet Gustave A. clerk, 107 Hanover Dandiidge Philip P. asst. engineer B.& 0. R.R. 56 Saratoga Danehart Peter, telegraphist, 417 w Pratt Daneker Annie, teacher, 185 s Charles Daiieker David H. engineer, 224 Montgomery Daneker Edwin T. supt.C. H. 185 s Ch.irles Daneker Frauk A. clerk, Waverley Daneker Geo. C, clerk, 185 s Char'es Daneker John F. millwright, 30 Henrietta Daneker .lohn J. 185 s Charles D.iiieker Orman A. clerk, 99 n I'^xeter Daneker Samuel H. clerk, 18.t s Charles Daneker Thos. O. ehrk, 99 n Exeter Daneker Wm. H.bookkjir, Sweet Air Danels James D. strollsawver, 174sWashingta Dands .Mrs. John. 254 n Charles D.mels Jos. D.prop'r tJla^elt's brewer^', e Lom- iiard a:let John, blacksmith, 70 Somerset Daniel Andiew, slioenikr. 774 w Pratt Daniel Aug. vaniislier, 11 Sterrett Daui'l Catherine, 240 n Ualhis DANIEL & DALLAM (Wiii.Daniel.Wm.L. Dal- lam) attorneys, '1\ n (.Calvert Daniel Eztkiel, builder, Strieker ur Patter- son ;iv Daniel John, boolfitter, 774 w Pratt Daniel John H. (Peuniman & Bro.) Canollton hotel Danifl M. agt. Lissauer k Co. over 1(30 w Balti- more, 'Iw 204 s Charles Daniel Michael, lab. 211s Paca Daniel VVni. attorney, 117 n Cliarles Daniel \Vm. (D. & Dallam & S. Guile. lu & Co.) 117 n Charles Daniels (Muirles, watchman, 70 n HuUiday Dan:els Chas H. oysters, 268 s Charles Daniels John C clerk, 273 Lexinizton Daniels J. B. druji; clerk, NortheniCentral hotel Dankie Adolph, cooper, 214 Frederick av Daukuieyer Chas. baker, 061 vv Baltiinoie Dankuieyer John F. baker, 905 w Baltimore Dankmey er Th -odore, baker, 661 w Baltimore Dankmeyer Wm. baker, 661 w Baltimore Dankwardt Otto, hair picker, York rd nrBrown Dinnaber Cornelias, lab. Collins ct Dannenberger Aug. clerk, 24 Doui;1hs3 Dannenberjier Isaac, clerk, 23 s Gay Dannenf'elser Adam, cooper, 170 s Central av Dannenlelser Conrad, shoemaker, First av ur Clinton Dauneiifelser George, shoemaker. First av nr Clinton Danneuf'elser Lewis, cooper and beer, 117 East- ern av D luuenfelser Martin, shoemaker, Clinton av nr First av Daunelfeiser Philip, grocery, Biddle ;ind Mc- Donojih Dannelsfelder Job:., shoemaker, Clinton and i^'irst av Danneman Geo. weaver, 271 s Ann Danner Wesley C. 161 Druid Hill av Dai.nettel & Co. (J. H. Dannettel, F. Schulze) packing boxmkrs, 15 a Sharj) Dannettel Ch..s. carver, 127 Scott Dannettel Geo. F. pharu/acist, 22.i e Baltimore Dannettel Henry L. cabinetii,kr, 127 Scott Dannettel John H. (D. & Co.) Baltimore co Dannettel John H jr. bo.\mkr, 205 n Bond Danneiiel Louis ^\'. boxmiker, 205 u Bond Dannettel Wm. caliinel.okr, 127 Scott DAKSKIN SHIRT MANUFACTURING COM- PANV, 176 vv Baltimore Dan.-rkin Washington A., Highland Park, Balti- more CO Danvir Tlios. lab. 31 Luzerne Dauvers Frank, lab. 14 Harmonv la Danvers Robl. shoendir, 111 Grecnmounl av Danz Chas. shoendir, 8 .levy al Danz Christian, huckster, 139 Forrest Danz Edward, tailor, Biddle and Castle Danz Fled shoemkr, 121 n Spring Danz Henry, bakery, 166 n Eden Danzeglock Aug. liquors, 29H e Miniument Dauzeglock Henry, boots, &c., 43 n Gay, dw 293 e Monument Danzeglock John H. liquors, 481 e Monument Dapprick Emil, teacher, 98 George Darby Benj. F. (D. ^ Co.) 315 w Fayette Darby Mrs Benj 315 w Favette DARBY & CO. (David, Philip and Benj. F. Darby) steam candy manufs.325 w Baltimore Darby David (U. & Co.) 531 w Fayette Darby Moutiliion, machinist, 450 w Lombard Darby Phili|) (D. k Co.) 634 w Fayette Darden Geo. F. vvatchmkr, 185 w Baltimore, dw 464 Mulberry Dare & Can'oy (G. G. Dare andS. Canby ) com. merchts. 95 s I'hailes Dare Mrs. Carrie. 296 Penna av Daie Kphraiui E. steamfitter, 82 Jefferson Dare Frank M. derk, 183 s Paca Dare Geo. H. 91 Frederick av Daie Gideon G (D. & Canhy) 228 w Lombard Daie Henry, puddler, 54 Patterson Park av Dare N ithaniel, farmer, 427 e Eager Dare Wm. H. hardware, 223^ w Pratt, dw 183 s Paca Darley John W. shoemkr, 156 Orleans Darlf-y Park.C.Siegm m, prop'r, Harford av ext Darling & Co. (J. H. Darling, W. A. Egerton) oyster packers, 121 Hillen Darling Mrs. Eliza 87 Aisquith Darling F. Taylor, U. S. ganger C. H. Darling Dr. Henry, 143 Mulberry Darling James H.' (D. & Co. ) 218 n Eden Darling Jame.-^ T. carp. 687 w Fayette Darling John sr. police, 96 Aisquith Darling Lewis, baker, 137 u Eutaw Darmstadt Henry, lab. 56 e Pratt Darmstadt Philip, miner, 109 s Chapel Darmstadt Regina, provisions, 109 s Chapel Darney Mich;iel, lab. 62 Ensor Darraugh Wm. police, 504 Harford av Darraugh Wm. shoemkr, Harford av nr Point la DARRELL CHAS. k CO. (C. Darrell, Jas. W. Bo,\ le) imprs. wines and liq'rs,4 Fxchange pi Daweil Chas. (Chas. D. & Co.) 245 n Calvert Darrell Edwin, potter, 96 n Eden Darrell Stewart, ship and com. merchant, over 18 Second, dw 349 n Eutaw Darrenberjicr David, confect'r, 941 Lexington D.irrenberger H. cattle d.-iver, 941 Lt^xiugtou Darrington Ja.s. clerk, 179 n Carey Darriufiton Mis Mary E 34 s Broadway Daisch Frank, carp. 211 Henrietta Dasch Adam, lab 30 Port D.isch Ch.is. W. confect'y. 248 Hollins Dasch Henry, shcemkr, 59 Watson Dascli John, roller, 87 s Dallas Dasch Johu .\ qnarryman, 119 e Monument D.isch John N. lilacksmiih. 119 e Monument Dasch I'eter, baker, 87 s Dallas Dasch Sand. E. sionecutter.Falls rd nr tollgaie Dasch Wm. sionccutter, Falls rd nr tollg.ite Dash Adam, siiversunth, 59 .Monroe Dash Geo. restaurant, 193 Lexington Dash John, lal). Bennett nr Hudson Dash Johii, painter, 55 s .Monroe Dash Philip, gasfitter, 385 s Eutaw Dashields Ch.iS. E. carver, 141 s Washington Dashields Thos. ^jrocery, 91 s Exeter Dashields Richard, caumkr, 104 s W.ishington Dashields Wm.W.coal and wood, 1 18 Battery av Uashiell John, caulker, 9 Burrough Dashiell .lohn V. carver, 54 s Choplank Dashiel^Mrs. M a-y E. Il7 e Baltimore Dashiell Mrs. .Matilda, 27i Aisquith Dashiell Capt. Milchell, 2"7^ Aisquith Dashiell Nicholas, bricklayer, 64 Lancaster c:3 o c o O O O o o ^ o I — I I — I ft ft ft IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. DAS 140 DAY H CD DASHIELL DR. NICHOLAS LEEKE, 207 s Biuadwrtv Dasliiell Ricliiml, caniukr, 10-1 s Washington Dasliiell Mis. Uoberl, 2 Aisquiih Dasbit-11 a. K real estiite looker, 32 St. Paul, dw Howard co D.ishiell Will, laulker, 105 Julinson ^ D.isliiell Win. cMrdi-r, 251 Willhiin ■^ I):tsliiell Win. 0. cashier. 44 S|irinu' row ^ D;isbiell Win. R. bricMayer, 2Tj Ai.vquitii j^H Dassini; Frank W . >.'lH.-,si)lower, 201 West E-( Daiz .Martin, 1 ib. 13 Sb.ikspeir [Z) Daub (Jbrislian, groci-rv, 203 n Uroadway O Daub Fredk. clerk, 263 n Broadway ^ Daub LudiviiT, tinuer, 2G3 u Broadway 00 Dauber Geo. cbairiiikr, 149 e Fayette • Diulier Geo. truhkmkr, 12 ;; Lib.rtv ^ Dauber Jdhu, burnisher, 12 » Liberty . Daubermann Christopher, coufect'r,59 .^ Eutaw Dauberinaiiii Mrs. Mary, lioard.Hjr, 59 s Eutaw Daubert Christian, slater, 525 St. Peter Diiubert John, painter, 9()3 w Pratt Daubert Lewis, shoeinkr, 213 Le.\iaj:ton D.iubinan Henry, glassblower, 3 Slockbolui Daubrat Fred. lab. 128 Dillon Dauchert Chas. watcbmkr, 66 s Central av Dauchirt Otto, conic' r, G(! s Central av Dauenhauer l..ouis, liuiidtr, 396 e Baltimore Dauenhauer .Michael, carp. 396 e Baltimore D.iutT .Mis. Gracie, jiiocery, 220 William Dauer John, shoemkr, 220 William Daughaday John T cabiiietmkr,4 s Dewberry al Daughaday Jonas G. niachinist, 146 Hillen -"^ Daugherty Arthur, liquors, Pratt and Bruce Daugherty Chas. clerk, 10" n Eutaw Daugheriy Daniel, grocery, 48 Fmiest Daugherty Ed. brakeinan, Slerrettand St. Peter ~ Daugherty Jas. F. sloneiuasou, 72 Haiford av w DaUiihertv Jas. M. printer. 49 Valley ^- Daugherty J. M. (D. & Wriirht, ) 49" Valley r^ D.uiJierly Lieurauah, teacher, 72 Harford av <^ Daugherty Louis R. clerk, JG Jackson pi -< Dau-heriy .Michael, lab. 17 Byrd ^ Dau-heriy Xeal, miller. Fort av nr Bvrd ^ Daugherty Mrs. Ptiscilla A. (W. G. D. & Co.) ^ 16 Jackson pi ■_^ Daugherty Rev. Dr. Thomas, 122 ii Exeter pS D.uigherty Thomas, police, 3 u E.\eier y Daugherty Win. G.(W.GD.ACo. ) lOJacksonpl ^ Dau-herty Win. G. ij- C. (Wm. G. and P. A. Ij Daugherty,) coal, cor Central av and Fayette 3 Danu'liertv Wm. II. conductor, lo9 Dolphin ■_, DAUtiHKRTV i WRIGHT (J. M. Daugherty, -^. J. N. Wright,) job printers, s e cor Gay and ^ Baltimore — Daughtrey P. Henry, clerk, 55 n Poppletoa _H Dauj;htrey R. T. machinist, 7:"> n Liberty ^ Duum Edward, engineer, 22 Slockholm P Daum Lewis, cooper, loo Leadenhail ^ D.iumann Annie, 238 s Durliaui ^ D.iumann (ito. baskdiukr, 163 s Sharj) ^ Duusch Aiitliony, stevedore, 27 n Broadway '^ Dausch (.'h i.s. lab. 136 e Pratt ~ D-m.-cli .Mrs. Clara, grx'y, Madeira al nr GougU ^ D.iusch Jacob, lab. iMadeira al nr Gougli g Dauseli Pfter, sievi-dore, Boston Steamship Co. Dausch Dr Pierre G. 27 n Broadway Dau.-»cr John, tailor, 75 n Chapel DAUTERICIl HENRV, b.-er, Ann and Fa3ette D.Miterich Henry L. clerk, Ann and Fa^'etle Dauierich John, tavern, 8 n Eden Dauierich VV. F. printer, Ann and Fayette Davenport B. H. R. apothecary, cor Mulberry iind Schroeder, dw 351 Mulberry Davenport James C. sale.-imau, 232 Walsh Davenport Mrs. Jaut- H. 2 Haiford av Davenjiort Joseph B. clerk. 25 Hamilton Daves Prof. Edward G. 171 St. Paul DAVIDGE E,. C, General Manager Asbestos Felting Co. of New York, No. 36 w Lombard, dw 191 John Davids Albert G. 399 Park av Davids Aui;ust, tailor, 77 Harrison Davids B. ha s and caps, 312 n Gay Davids Garrett B.( Denmead k Sons)399Park av Davidson (J. V. (C. Y. D. & (Jo.) 201 n Caivert Daviilson Chas C. shoiiukr, 612 w Baltimore Davidson Chas. E. clerk, 266 Chew Davidson C. Falconer, clerk, 5 Clarke DAVIDSON C. Y. & CO. (C. Y. Davidson, J. H. Kidd, J. E. Keenan) gas fixtures, 5 n Liberty Davidson Mrs. Deborah, 119 n Central av Davidson Eugene S. clerk, 204 w Hoffman Davidson F. H. 386 Druid Hill av D.ividson Francis, 119 n Central av D.ividson Geo. F. plumber and gaafitter, 767 \V Baltimore Davidson George H. potter, 266 Chew Davidson Mis Jane, dry gods, 200 s Charles Davidson Jas. W. inspector of cars, Harford rd nr Lanvale Davidson John, slioefitter, 612 w Baltimore Davidson John H. potter, 266 Chew Davidson John J. butcb.er, 14 Belair market, dw Point la nr Harford av Davidson Joseph E. clerk, 78 s Paca David.'-on Jost-ph H. engineer. 77 s Strieker Davidson Mis. Maria, 157 n Central av David.son .Mrs. Margaret E. 78 s Paca Davidson Robert C. 6.") McCulloh DAVIDSON ROBEBT J. gasfitter, 778 w Bal- timore Davidson .Mrs. Dr. S. A. 204 w HoBFman Davidson Samuel G. police, Point la and Har- ford av Davidson Thomas, huckster, 291 Columbia Davidson Wallace C. clerk. 165 George Davidson Wm. ropemkr, Harford av nr Lanvale Davidson Win. B. ins. ai:t. 15 South Davidson Wm. S. shoefitter, 612 w Baltimore Davidson Wm. T. real estate, 36 St. Paul, dw Ryder's switch, N. C. R. \V. Davies David 0. apothecar\ , Hie Pratt Davies R. A. clerk. 3«^ w Biltimore Davine John, flagman, 225 Hamburg Davis .Abraham, carp. 694 Saratoga Davis Abram, engineer, 67 w Biddle Davis Alexander, plasierer, 52 n Paca Davis Alfied H. gilder, 52 s Wolfe Davis A. T. caiiinkr, 298 e Lombard DAVIS A. G. supt. telegraph B & 0. R. R. and Western Union, 429 Madison av Davis Allen Bowie, pres't Maryland Agricultu- ral and Mechanical Asso. dw 370 iladison av Davis .Mis. Amanda E. boarding, 103 High Davis Amos, carp. 535 Lexington Davis Amos .M. cooper, 139 Hamburg Davis Andrew P. clerk, 117 n Eden Davis Andrew , stairlmilder, 200 .Mulberry Davis Mrs. Annie E. shoebinder, 2i)8 German Davis Mrs. Annie E. 203 n Central av HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, Q. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. DAV 141 DAV Davis Archibald, capper, 298 e Lombard DmtIs Avin, forerann, 309 McHenry Davis Bt-nj. C()ppersnielter,(Jlinton iirSecond^iv Davis Beuj. W. helper, Clinton nr Second av Davis Benj. M.junli, 104 William Davis Benton C. enjiineer, 193 Battery av Davis Bradford A. conductor, 319 n Broadway- Davis Mrs. C. R., Patterson av and Whatcoat Davis Chas. T. clerk, 2u u Eutaw Davis Chas. H. helper, 348 Aliceanna Davis Chas. tailor, rear 12 n Gay Davis I has. VV. silversmith, 109 n High Davis Chas. A. collector, 26 n Republican Davis Chas. \V. 134 .Mulberry Davis Chas. H. pilot, 2.^.4 Gough Davis Chas M. carp. Townsend nr Fremont Davis Chas. W. huclvster, 122 St. Peter Davis Chas. T. shoecutter, 651 Lombard Davis Cara, boarding, 30 n Central av Davis Clinton W. cleik, 31 Jackson Davis Conrad, lab. 57 Duncan al Davis Cortez, clerk, 34 Conway Davis Curtis, inspector C. H., .Mansion house Davis Mrs. Delia, boarding, 40 Columbia Davis David, clerk, Touner nr Clinton Davis David, 37 Lexington Davis David U. lab. Clinton and Third av Davis David W. clerk, Clinton nr Third av Davis Dunbar T. cigarmkr, 71 n Pine Davis Edgar, coachmkr, 34 e Fayette Davis Edward, coachsmith, 34 e Fayette Davis Edward T. boot and shoe manufacturer, 150 Lexington, dw 132 Pearl Davis Edvvd. millwright, iStricker nr Liberty rd Davis Edwd. carp. Townsend nr Gilmor Davis Edwin R. attorney and conveyancer, 3 Courlland, dw 162 Hanover Davis Eldred R. clerk, 213 n Carey Davis Elislia, carp. 369 w Fayette Davis Mrs. Elizabeth, 34 Conway Davis Mrs. Elizabeth, 20 n Front Davis Mrs. Emily, 175 Druid Hill av DAVIS FKANK E., Architect, Room No. 1, second Story, over s e cor Charles and Fayette, dw 188 Sara- toga. Davis Frank P. lab. 107 Ridgely Davis Geo. tailor, 333 n Central av Davis Geo. hammerman, 113 s Chester Davis Geo. njachinist, 229 Light Davis Geo. W. upholsterer, 24 e Monument Davis Geo. W. shijismith, 145 Johnson Davis Geo. H. 41 s Sliaru Davis Geo. H. stonecutter, 192 s Washington Davis Geo. A. plasterer, 67 Division Davis Geo. hostler, Western Maryland hotel Davis Geo. A. machinist, »7 s Mount Davis Geo. A. carp. 497 Franklin Davis Geo. T. boilermkr, Johnson nr Clement Davis Geo. W. collection agency, 15 St. Paul, dw 273 Druid Hill av Davis Geo. W. carp. 103 n Poppleton Davis H. C. clerk, 312 w Baltimore Davis Mrs. Harriet, 106 Hillen Davis Harry C. salesman, 245 Lexington Davis Henry, moulder, Federal nr Oak Davis Henry L. barber, 164 Lee •Davis Henry R. grocery, 101 n Strieker Davis Henry R. clerk, 340 Myrtle av Davis Henry R. draughtsman. 188 Saratoga Davis Henry T. fireman, 163 L. Greene Davis Mrs. Henr\ W. 56 Franklin Davis Hugh. lah". 1 Church DAVIS 1. THOMAS, (L T. D.& Co.) George- town, D C. DAVIS I. THOMA S & CO. (I. Thomas Davis,) Importers and Dealers in Salt, 58 South, up stairs. Davis Jacob C. clerk, 449 n Calhoun Davis Jacob C. carp. 497 Franklin Davis Jacob T. millwright, 348 Franklin Davis James, 1 1 Gittmgs Davis James, sionecutter, 96 George Davis James A. stevedore, 11 n Chapel Davis James D. lab. Clinton and Third av Davis James E. lab. 385 Scott Davis Jaiues E. coal and wood, s w cor Bond and Lombard, dw 6 n Washington Davis James H. (Lee, D. ij- Co.) 73 e Baltimore Davis James M. dairyman, St. Paul nr Hunt- ingdon av Davis .Mrs Jennetle, 62 n Holliday Davis Jennie, dressmkr, 89 Bolton Davis Jesse, car inspector, Oxford, York rd Davis John, lab. 70 n Holliday Davis Jiihu, carp. 120 Stirling Davis John, junk, 348 Aliceanna Davis John, tiiiior, 318 n Central av Davis John, police, 89 North Davis John A. C clerk, 204 n Front Davis John C. master machinery, B.&O.R.R. 669 w Fayette Davis John C. painter, 2 s Poppleton Davis John C. carp. 369 w Fayette Davis Jolin C. clt-tk, 449 n Calhoun Davis John G. ship carp 315 Light Davis John E. bricklayer, 217 s Paca Davis John E. rigger, 21s Oregon Davis John F. jr. carp, 651 w Lombard Davis John F. carp. 651 w Lombard Davis John H. painter, 123 Boyd Davis JoUn H. tinner, 122 Henrietta Davis John H. bricklayer, 61 s Fremont Davis John K. grocery, 227 Mulberry, dw 220 Davis John L. copper smelter, 34 O'Donnell Davis Juhn R. freight solicitor, 41 Mulberry Davis John T. tinner, 122 Henrietta Davis John T. lab. 218 n Durham Davis John T. shoemkr, 208 German DAVIS JOHN W. general agent B. k O.R. R. Camden Station, dw 209 Bolton Davis John W. tinner, 229 William Davis John W. builder, 102 n Bond Davis Joseph, caumkr, 205 s Paca Davis Josepli, chairmkr, 72 Chew Davis Joseph E. clerk, 55 e Eager Davis Joseph L. carp. 63 Columbia Davis Mrs. Kate, 17 n Schroeder Davis Lawrence B. carp. 177 Townsend Davis Lawrence C. clerk, 76 n Fremont Davis Lewis, cooper, 162 Central av Davis Mrs. Louisa, boarding, 192 s Washington Davis Mrs. Lydia. 564 Lexington Davis Mrs. Marian, Clinton nr Boston Davis Marion, tinner, 219 Mulberry Davis Marshall, blacksmith, 103 s High Davis Mary, nurse, 230 e iMonument GQ c3 pq o O o o p\ o o w ^ CO o o < > h— I S ""I 7 GO X » ^ ~ c: - ^^.r- 5 =e r 2 o . 3 r- - I— ' o L< 5 H - X. * .r. O ? 3 lo ^ '7, <» ^ y. -> lO Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. DAV 142 DAW Davis Mary E. diessnikr, FO Bolton Davis Mis..Meliiida,proc' V, ISTPaitersonPark av DAVIS k .MILLER,( A. J. ililler, ) wholesale drufrpists and flavorinir extracts. 12 ri Howard Davis .\Iori:anJ.clk St.Paiil and Huntingdon av Davis Orlando S. o[>eiatoi', 77 Hanover Davis P. Wilson, lab. 11 L. Uimrch D^vis R. T. salesman, 26r> Lexington Davis Rachel, tailoress, 230 e Monument Davis Ralph, clothing, 36 Harrison Davis lieverdy, fireman, 203 Scott Davis Richard, lab. Feileral nr Oak Davis Richard, insp'r C. H. 122 Linden av Davis Richard, insp'r, 171 Pieslon Davis Richard L. carp. .5.1 Scott Davis Richard T. salesman, 312 e Baltimore Davis Robert, salesman, 38 J w Baltimore Davis liobert, boilernikr, 25 Hudson al D.tvis Robert M. clerk. 209 Bolton Duvis Robert N. painter, 40 Cross Davis Robert P. police, 1 17 n Eden Davis Piiibcrt T. plasterer, 5^1 Franklin Davis .Mrs. Roberta, diessiiikr, 470 Lexington D.ivis Samuel, car inspector, Oxford, Vork rd Davis Samuel, lab. 348 Aliceatuia Davi.sSimuel B. harnessnikr, 2o8 German Davis Sanil. S. clerk, Edmondson av nr Carey Davis yarali E. boarding, 349 Franklin Davis Capt. Scott, mariner, 342 Orleans Davis Silas W. police, 233 Franklin Davis Solomon, salesman, 70 Thames Davis Mrs. Sophia, clothing, 70 Thames Davis Susan .M.(A. C. Shenton Jj- Co. )26 n Re- publican Davi> Thomas, boots and shoes, 196f Lexington and 99 Hanover, dw 500 w Faveite Davi- Thomas, drayman, 12 s Bond Davis Thomas, mariner, 24 Fell Davis Thomas, grocery, Clinton and Second av Davis Thomas lab. 354 s (Jaroline Davis Thomas A. tailor, 133 e Monument Davis Thomas B. cooper, Scott nr Stockholm Davis Thomas B. paints, oils and glass, 10 w Baltimore, dw 336 Park aT Davis Thomas D. manager Baltimore copper woiks, dw Clinton nr Second av Davis Thomas G. blacksmith, 21s Linvale Davis Thomas H. tailor, 17 s Stockton al l)avis Thomas L. ship carp. 121 Montgomery Davis Thomas P. 306 Canton av Davis Thomas S. inb. 41 s Sharp Davis Tliouuis \V. trunkmkr. 34 s Mount Davis Tyler, Conductor. 21 Parrish Davis Upton, carp. 343 Aliceanna, Canton Davis Warren W. clerk, 218 L'invale Davis Wm. lab. 29 Barnes Davis Wm. lab. 12 Brune Davis Wm. ^igarmkr, 38.' Hamburg D.ivis Wm. tailor, 65 w B.iltimoie Davis Wm. lab. Clinton nr Second av Davis Wm. tailor, 2 w Fayette Davis Wm. peddler, 210 n Eden Davis Wm. carp. Burton's hotel Davis Wm. A. shoerakr, 193 .lifterson Davis Wm. A. shoerakr, 448 Saratjiga Davis Wm. E. clerk, 105 Hampstead Davie Wm. E. [dasterer, 67 Divi.-ijon Davis Wm. E. clerk, lo7 Jackson sq av D..vis Wm. E. (W. E. D. & Co.) 188 Saratoga DAVIS Db. wm. H. 193 n Howard Daiis Wm. H. cigars, 51 9 Eutaw, dw 283 Mul- berry Davis Wm. H. painter, 6 s Chester D.avis Wm. J. ship carp. 121 Mimtgomerv DAVIS WM. E. k CO. (W. E. Davis) manuf. iron railing, 41 Clay Davis Wm. T. clerk, 204 w Biddle Davis Wm. B. sr. cooper, 221 s Paca Davis Wm. B. jr. bricklayer, 221 s Paca Davis Wm. H. boatbldr, 18 Bennett Davis Wm. J. driver, 15Gn Pine Davis Wm .M. marble finish' r, 125 3 Exeter Davis Wm ,M. machinist. 155 w Biddle Davis Wm. R. carp. 62 Jefferson Davis Wtu.R. clerk, 34 Conway Davis Wm. lab. 115 Lancaster Davis Win. H. carp. 144 Conway Davis Wm.J.bookkpr, Strieker nr Patterson av Davis Win. T. sexton, 229 Harford av Davis Wilson A. mariner, 220 Light Da\ is Wilson, engineer, Cooksie nr Fort av Davis Wm. H. rej/Oiter Sun, 167 Forrest Davis W. R. shoemkr, 23 Myrtle av, dw 448 Saratoga Davis Zimmerman, mou'der, 742 w Pratt Davison Calvin T. clerk, 243 n R'publican Davison Geo. W. ( W. D. & Co. 1 56 Courtland Davison .Mrs. Jennie, 2.'^j7 n Eden Davison John A. chemist, 15 Warren Davison .\1. W. dark, St. Clair hotel Davison Thos. H. varnish manuf., Wolfe and Lancaster Davison \Vm.J.( Wm.D.&Co.)243 n Republican Davison W. student, 6) n Greene DAVISON WM & CO. (Wm., Wm. J. and Geo. W. Davison) Manufac- turers ot Varnishes, White Lead, French and American Zincs in Oil, Colors, Whiting, Putty, Re- fined Saltpetre, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Epsom Salts, &c., 104 w Lombard, works Wolfe nr Lancaster. Davison Wm.( \V.D.& Co. ) and preit. Chemical Co. of Canton, dw llchester, B.&O.R.R. Davy Mrs. Catherine, 47 Constitution Davy Dennis, engineer, Barnum's hotel Davy Tliom.is H. dentist, 49 n Greene Daw \Vm. T. bootmkr, 205 n Central av Daws Henry, carp. 206 George Dawes Edward B. sr. engineer, 198 s Fremont Dawes Edward B, canmkr, 29 Elliott Dawes Francis, cooper, Central av nr w Fayette, dw 159 w Fayette Dawes Cipt. Geo. mariner, S9 s High Dawes John, huckster, 309 Columbia Dawes < apt. Joseph D. mariner, 37 Stiles D.iwes Mrs. .Mary, 37 Stiles Dawes Richard, cooper, 229 w Fayette Dawes Win. H. blacksmith, 213 Barre Dawlew H. S. business manager Weed Sewing Machine Co. 53 n Charles, and 499 w Balti- more, dw 395 Park av Dawney Thomas, clerk. 121 n Broadway Dawson A. frames and mirrors, 84 n Charles, dw 141 Saratoga Dawson Mrs. Annie, 126 Penna av Dawson ("has. mariner, 126 Penna av Dawson D.iniel, lab. 26 Hillman Dawson Daniel, porter, 23 Arbel al HOLMES GQ < < Ph <1 l-H < < H CZ2 EH ^ O <^ < CD H K hJ H O O ^ m ^ CX) o 1—1 >-H f=^ < W w-i <^ 'A OS o ■<: -^ Cixi O Deariug Robert, boileroikr, Druidville Dealing Win. jeweler, 213 vv Fayette De.iriiig Valentine, tailor, 14U s Caroline Deatel Andrew, furrier, 281 Walsh Deaiel Charles, butcher, 58 Cross-st market, dw 574 Peuna av Deatz Peter, soapmkr, Brown's la nr Fred'k av Deaver Amos, lab. 70 ii Chester Denver George U. police. Ho llillea Deaver James, watchman, 127 Oilcans Deaver Jehu C. machinist. 93 Chew Deaver Joiiph E. painter, Washington nr Chase Deaver Moses, briclvmkr, iSterrett nr Paca Deaver Obadiah G. clerk, 93 Chew Deaver Stephen, brickmkr, 287 s Paca Deaver Wm. R. painter, 321 Peiina. av Deaves George T. tinner, 40 Fawn Dc HautVe Clara, saleswoman, 41 .Marion De Bautre James, clerk, 494 Canton av De Bautre .Mrs. Sarah, boarding, 41 .Marion De Baut'ie Wm. H. salesman, 41 .Marion De Beer .Mrs. Augusta, clothing, 146 s Fremont De Beer Jacob, currier, 14tj s Fremont De Beer Solomon, sec hand goods, 139 Columbia De Beer Solomon, tailor, 183 w Pratt De Beet Wm. C. ornam'l p;iinter,28 e Fayette Debelus Charles, tinner, 300 s Bond Debelus Martin, tavern, 300 s Bond Deberlin Andrew, tavern, 239 ilollins Debes A. M. clerk, 107 llanuver Debes Joseph, brewer, 1U7 Hanover DEBILIUS FRANK, tavern, Harford rd, Dar- ley Park Debilius Peter, tavern,. 446 Aliceanna De Boer Bernard, bookkpr, 182 vv Lombard Debo Charles, miller, 72 Ridgely Debo Charles, miller, 183 s Paca Debow (.Christian, capper, lOl Cambridge Debow iNicholas, painter, 76 s Mount Debrich John, porter, 350 Hamburg Debrick Alonzo, conductor, 16 Cumberland Debring Anthony, engineer, 288 n Eutaw Debring Anthony B. tiorist, 15C) Druid Hill av Del)iing Beruaid, machinist, 134 L Greene Debring Gerhard, police, Preston and Druid Hill av Debring John, moulder, 158 Druid Hill av De Caindry Augustin, carp. lOu Curlej De Caindry Daniel, shipjomer, 100 Curley De Camp Mrs. Mary J. 48 Conway De Castro Salvador, cigars, 29 s Gay, dw 201 Decker Deck Henry, nightman, 455 Siraloga Deck John', boiiermkr, 6 Smith Deck Joseph, lab. 124 Holiins Dick Lanehart, nightman, 231 J Mulberry Deck .Margaret, grocery, 124 Holiins Deck Martin, cooper, 334 Hanover Deck Mary E.- saleswoman, 12 Sarah Ann Deck Wm". fireman, 445 Saratoga Deck Wm. jr. fireman 455 Saratoga Deckel Conrad, carptwvr. Sierrett nr Columbia Deckelman Geo. shoemkr, 344 Mulberry Deckelman John, shoemkr, 42 Myrtle av Decker Addison, paints, &c. 80 Bank, dw 92 Decker August W. huckster, 368 Hamburg Decker Bernhard, trav. agent, 218 s Sharp Decker Balthasar, cigars, 447 n Gay Decker Barbura, grocery, 59 Carlton Decker Conrad, plumber, 247 8 Dallas Decker Calvin, porter, 42 West Decker Charles, butcher, Hudson and First av Decker Christian, rags, 582 w Pratt Decker Kverhardt, shoemkr, 19 Callender al Decker Francis tailor, 264 n Gav DHCKKR FRANCIS, prop'r Decker house, 322 Penna av Decker Fred. 241 e Diddle Decker George, clerk, 149 w Fayette DKCKKR IIKNRV, merchunt tailor, 264 n Gay Decker Heiiry, sugar refiner, 231 e Eager Decker Henry, blacksmith, 231 e Eager Decker Mrs. J. A. 149 w Fayette Decker J. Calvin, primer, 42 West Decker John, clerk, 582 w Pratt Decker John, beer, 432 n Gay Decker John G. rags, 59 Carlton Decker Joseph, cutter, 273 u Central av Decker .Joseph, cigarmkr, 42 West Decker Joseph, cigarmkr, 264 n Gay Decker Lewis, butcher, Hudson and First av Decker L. N. watchman, Franklin bank, dw Mansion house Decker Milton B. clerk, 42 West Decker Reiuhard, huckster, 66 Ridgely Decker Saml. A. grocery, 42 West Decker Wm. H. beer, 755 Light Deckhardt Charles, drayman, 132 Scott Deckhardt George, butter, 110 Battery av Deckliant Adams, huckser, 231 Aliceanna Deckhanl Conrad, huckster, 231 Aliceanna Deckliant Fred, huckster, 231 Aliceanna Deckhant Margaret, hnckstress, 231 Aliceanna Deckmm Henry, blacksmith, 172 Peirce Decknan John H. confectioner, 232 Lee Deck war Clias. barber, 14 Low De Coeiiiel Prof. C. T. 559 Le.xington De C'ormis .Mrs. Edward, 94 n Republican De Cormis Kdvvd. jr. Edniondson av nr Oregon De CouLcell A. 270 Division Decourdi George, shoemkr, 26 Albemarle Decoursey Eleanora, tailoress, 443 Hamburg Dederer Chi is F. carpet weaver, s e cor Charles and .Montgomerj' Dederman George, lab. First av nr Clinton Dedio Peter, bricklayer, 121 Jackson sq av Dedusch Jacob, varnisher, 237 n Central av Dedusch Joseph M. draughtsman, 329 n Cen- tral av Dee .Mrs. Ann, 27 Lemmon Dee James, lab. 27 Lemmon Dee Maurice, fruit, 4 Swan Dee Morris .M. machinist, 27 Lemmon Dee Richard, clerk, 89 Harrison Deeg John, cigars, 243 s Charles, dw 317 Deegan Bernard, barber, 3 Elliott Deegan Bernard, lab. 40 Bennett Deegan James, lab. 40 Beiinett Deegan Thomas, lab. 40 Bennett Deegan Thomas, lab. jr. 40 Bennett Deegan John, lab. 40 Bennett Deegan John, lab. 64 s Dewberry al Deel John, lab. 48 Haubert Deem Aug. gardener. Eastern av nr Bay view Deemer Henry, coO[)er, 194 s Bond Deemer Henry, grocer, 341 e Monument Deemer John, cabinetmaker, 77 e Lombard Deemer W^m. clerk, 86 s Exeter Deems Adam, blacksmith, 180 Burgundy al Deems Adam W. blacksmith, 379 Hamburg Deems Edward, moulder, 441 Hamburg Deems (icorge, machinist, 118 Parkin Deems .Mrs. George W. 28 s Calhoun Deems George W. machinist, 375 Hamburg HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. DEE 145 DEI Deems Jacob, fui-eiH'n, Mt. Royal hill nr reservoir Deems Jacob C. painter, 1G2 Dover Deems Jacob jr. clerk U. S. treasury-, G Hollins Deems J. Harry, tniisic teacher. 316 HoUius Deems James M. music school, over ii e cor Bal- timore and Paca, dw i Hollins cor Fremont Deems John, brakeman, 188 Burgundy al Deems John, restaurant, 284 vv Pratt Deems Louis, moulder, Mount royal hill Deems Mrs. Mary, Waverley Deems Mrs. Sophia, grocery. 121 L. Greene Deems Wm. G. moulder, 121 L. Greeue Deer Courad, Belair av ext Deer Julin, plasterer, 184 s Ann Deer John, peddler, 12 Giuld ct Deer Leonard, driver, 1(J9 Burgundy al Deerinj; Augustus, caulker, 29 Thames Deery Michael, lab. \^2 East Deery Pairick, lab. 64 Hampstead Deetjen Tyark, 367 n Durham Deeter Ptter, paperhauger, 267 Raborg Deets .eo. W. restauiant, 253 s Broadway Deets Wm. G. baikpr. 253 s Broadway Deels Wm. H. clerk, 197 Aisquith Defalco G. W. R. processor, 152 Johnson Defalco Pasquil, lab. 265 William Deffler Michael, lab. 212 Canton av DeFonies (Jhas. barber, 47 e Baltimore DeFoutes Frank, barber, 150 n Gay Defonl .-llbert, carp. 204 e Chase Deford IJeuj. F. (D. & Co.) 301 Madison av DEFORD & CO. (Tiiomas and H. F. Deford, J. F. Eiy) hides, leather and oil com, mercht's, n \v cor Calvert and Lombard DeFonl Geo. T. (D. & Thayer,) 29 s Gay DeFORU & THAYER, {G. T. DeFoid. J. H. Thayer, ) iiuprs. leaf tobacco, &c. 29 s Gay De Fold Mrs. S. 452 u Calhoun DEFORD SAMUEL T., Southeastern agent, Penusylvannia Ii. R. n e cor Baltimore and Calvert De Ford Thos. G. jr. bookkpr, 188 Walsh Deford Thos. (D. & Co.) 301 Madison av De Ford Wm. clerk, 42 Cathedral De Ford Wm. Y. 42 Cathedral De Forest .Mrs. Anne, 45 n High Degin James, lab. 33 O'Donuell Degan Peter, currier, Light nr Pratt Deganhardt Felix, cigarmaker, 375 Orleans Deganhardt Joseph, musician, 375 Orleans Degaw John T, potter, 444 w Lombard Deg.iw Thos. sr. teamster, 444 w Lombard Degele .lohn F. watchmkr, 142 Mullikin Degeu Albert, salesman, 112 L. Greene Degenbardt Aug. jr. carp, n e cor Broadway and Eager Degenhardi Aug. carp. 87 Harrison, dw n e cor Broadway and Eager Degenbardt J. R. carp, n e cor Broadway and Eager Degener Chas. baker, 3 Walker Deguzee Carl W. mariner, 8 n Caroline DeGoe^ Chas. C. wharfinger, Chase's wbf, dw 13 s Exeter DeGoey Louis B. clerk, 13 s Exeter DeGoey John M. mariner, 320 e Chase DeGoey Wm. 13 s Exeter DeGoey Wm. 563 Lexington DeGoey W. W. jr. 13 s Exeter Degouhiirdt Fred, baker, 64 Division Degratit Alexr. heater, 9 Binuey Degrafft John, blacksmith, 7 Binney Degrafft Lewis, jr. blacksmith, 3 Binney DegratFt Mmian, cout'ectionerv, 3 Binne^' DeGrange D. W. F. conductor, n vv cor Barre and Hanover 412 Degravv John, lab. 85 Booth ^ DegrotfMrs. Ann, 194 e Madison W DeGrote Fred. lab. 32 Fell . -rJ Dfgrusky David, blacksmith, 152 Cambridge ^ Degrute Wm. lab. 27 Burrough ^ DeHaven Mrs Elizabeth, 43 s Fxeter ^ Deliaven Saml, gasfitter, 43 s Exeter o Dehaven Jesse, carter, cor Bond and Mullikin S Dehl John, tooacco packer, 294 s Charles '43 Dehler Geo. lab. 33 Philpot al "^ Dehn Aug lab. 41 Perrj' pQ Dehn Fred hackman, 55 Hon way Dehn Wm. junk, 32 Washington av ^ Deline August, paver, Dover nr Monroe rj Dehner Michael, lab. 199 Eastern av Dehnhardt Casper, machinist, 280 w Pratt r Delmhardt John, tailor, 61 Raborg O DehofF Jesse, wheelwright, 112 Vine O Dehuti' John H. clerk, 21 Waesche Drhoski Andreas, lab. 5w Philpot '^ Deibfl & Co. (P. Deii)el, ) flour, seed, &c. 675 ^ o o inn (Philip Deibel and Aug. ^ rbers, 52 n Green p4 w Baltimore Deibel Geo. tobacconist, 26 w Pratt Deibel Maigaret, 45 Marion Deibel .fc Wild ma Wild maun) bar Deibel Peter, {[). .t Co.) 675 w Baltimore Deibel Philip (D. & Wildmann) 273 w Pratt Deicharl John, plasterer, 155 n Paca • Deicbbore Mrs. Elizabeth, coi;^ Fayette and ^ Patterson Park av [>- Deichelbore Mrs. Elizab. notions, 244 e Eager ^"^ Deiches Wm. (Hamburger, Huruthal& Co.) 133 k^ w Fajette W Deichkr John, lab. foot of Ridgely Deichman Augustus, can maker, 281 s Paca 9 Deichmiller Frederick, piauomkr, 218 Scott ^. Deigan Jas. lab. 40 Bennett tzi Deigan Thos. lab. 40 Bennett ^ Deiulein Christopher, lab. 28 s Chapel ^ Deinlein Philip, lab. 41 n Durham p_| Deisenroth Jacob, lab. 402 Aliceanna Deist John H. tailor, 200 Cross pc^ Deist John, clerk, 225 w Fayette O Deist .Martin, baker, 225 w Fayette ^ Deitch Ferdinand, clerk, 2 Garden ^ Deitsch Philopena, 2 Garden qj Deitch Lewis C. clerk, 2 Garden \_^ Deitch S. W. teacher, 2 Garden ^ Deitch John, driver, Bayview brewery ^ Deiter Elizabeth, matron Baltimore City Jail, ^ 192 Greenmount av '^ Deiter George, blacksmith, 159 Vine ^• Deiter Henry, lab. 73 n Spring , Deiter Jacob, lab. White al nr Amity f-| Deiter Philip J. stove repairer, 188 Vine Q Deiterich Ferd. glass stainer, 39 Albemarle f-q Deitrich Adam, shoemkr, 198 Hamburg '^' Deitsch George, cooper, Belair av nr Chester |_q Deitz Beruhard, engineer, Belair av ext ^ Deitz Casper, butcher, 557 e Fayette q Deitz Conrad, beer, 308 Cross ^ Deitz Geo. W. carriagemkr, 60 Albemarle Q. Deitz Geo. drayman, 21 Armistead la ^ Deitz John, police, 118 Greenmount av Deitz Wm. collector, 103 w Fayette Deitz Thomas, lab. 67 n Gay Deitzell Adam, tailor, 343 s Bond Power Press Printin (Maryland Ins. Co g, at Reduced Pates. s Marble Building.) O 10 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, DEI 146 DEM S 2 Deitzell Hi-nry, stoveinounler, 141 s Kxeter !~. ^ DeJoy Alfred, mariner, 20 n Washingtou =: ,j. Di-KmII) Chas. E. tailor, 56 n Front ^ > DeKiituw Aljihonse, subscription books, 28j ii South, d\v 290 n Kden ^ *^ Delacour Chiis. F. cleik, 315 Haratotra "^ ^ Delacour Kdward,- cK-rk, 31') SiiratO','a ' c - Dflacour John, caulker, 79 Fort av ' ^ '^ Delacour Lewis J. deik, 315 Saratoga '■'T3 « Delacour Win. L. bricklayer, 315 Saratoga ! 5 c^ Delacruz Ramon, 232 n Hroadway ; S Deh\cv George F. carp. 7 Randall \ tc >=■ Dehihav Kdward H. clerk, 2}1 n Carey \ > X L)elah;iy Hamilton, carp. 203 n Republican ' ^ \£^ Delahay James H. carp. 6 Cumberland - >..- Delahay Jcs.sie S. carpenter, 74 Dover, dw 203 ; in; iS n Republican ■ r; = Delahay Wni. S. canmkr, 20 George ■ i % Delamar Joseph. 422 n Carey : ;i, p Delaney & Griffin, (Kate Delaney, Elizabeth \ % 3 Griflin,) dresBmkrs, 108 Cathedral \ ._S Delaney Frank, carp. 170 n Exeter ? ic" - Delaney James II. stcond hand furniture, 2 ^.- g Harrison, dw 63 Bank Delaney John, barkeeper, 63 s Bond Delaney John, lab. Gl Buien Delaney John, liquors, cor Fayette and Harrison 2 o . Delaney John, gilder, 151 Pearl > r- Delanev John T. clerk, 26 Harford av • ^ C Delanev Kate, (D ct Griffin) IdS Cathedral S -t; t; Delaney Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, 184 L Consti- 5 p "tl tution >^ ," —Delaney Patrick, lab. 12 Hillen t i i^ Delaney Philip, fisherman, 68 Fort av •5 C 2-1 Delaney Thomas, weaver, 53 Haubert :; -. - Delano'Wm. H. block and pump maker, 72 w ^'^'^ Pratt, (iw 233 e Pratt Z J- H Delanty Mollie, teacher, 171 s Charles ^ •- ^ Delanty Win capt. police. 171 s Charles 5 ^' < Uelauly Win. J. plumber, 171 s Charles? ^ "l] __ Delaplane Jos. E., Lorman and FuUoh av 4 "5 "^ iJe la Roche \Vm. J. F. messenger Adams Exp. j; "^ 215 n Howard . 't; pS De Lange Louis, restaurant, 197 n Eutaw 5 S S L)e Lat F. H. H. shoeinkr, 198 s Sharp ij C 5 - • ^ ...- DEL AUNEY JULES, Scenic Artist ^ g '"' and Decorative Painter, 18 North Street, dw 281 Hollins. Barron) 4> rt Delcher & Barron, (G. 15. Delcher, J fish, 10 Fish Market .-ipace , _ . . Delcher David, lab. 795 w Pratt S "s .-DELCHER E. VV. produce, Cheapside and ^ r5 '^ Pratt, dw 421 n Central av ?• C Delcher George B. (D. & 15arron) Govanstown ^ _^ "" Delcher Harry C. huckster, 432 e Chase ~ *- = Delcher Henry, lab. 708 w Pratt 2 - Delcher Henry, huckster, 195 n Broadway _c 3 J^ Delcher Howard G. printer, 165 Greenniount av O -^ <»^ Delcher James A. k Bro. (Jas. A. and Thos. *^ xf vjj B. Delcher) produce, Lexington, Hanover & p c: Centre marki-ts • C - '« Delcher John W. clerk, Govanstown ? -•-. '.S Delcher Jas. A. (J.A.D. & Bro.) 355 n Broad'y ss >, oi Delcher John, brewer, Calvertou |3 'o ^ Delcher Mrs. Margaret, 7o8 w Pratt J. 5: S Delcher Thomas B (J. A. D. & Bro.) 124 n Broadway Delcher \Vm. carp. 114 Parkin Delcher Wm. J. produce, 151 w Pratt, dw 409 n Central av ^-^ ?, Delevie Isaac, clothing. 24 Harrison Delevie Israel S. (D. & Swariz) 31 n Eutaw Delevie & Swartz, (Israel S. Delevie, Harry M- Swartz) dry goods, 31 n Eutaw Deleviufjne Arthur C. bookbinder, 565 n Gay Delevingne Tlieodore H. re.-taurant, 565 n Gay Delevingne Theodore E. printer, 565 n Gay Delius Gotleib C. tailor, 8S Jackson square Delker Jacob, lab. 18 Elting Delker John, produce dealer, Washingtonav ext Dell Mrs. Amelia, John m Wilson Dell Mrs. Catherine, seamstress, 228 s Dallas Dell George E. bookbinder, 177 John Dell Geo. W. overseer, Druidvjlle Dell L. Gobright, ( D. & Knapp) 225 George Dell Joseph, locksmith, 228 s Dallas Dell .t Knapp, (L. G. Dell, Theodore Knapp) steam bookbinders, 84 w Fayette and over 0 n How ard Dell VVm. stonecutter, 337 s Sharp Dell Wm. A. bookbinder, 420 Mulberry Delia Edward, watchman, 23 llambtiig Delia Geo. W. nightman, Hanover and West Delia Luiher M. brickmkr, 44 Johnson Delia Thomas, puddler, Elliott nr Clinton Delia Peter D. nightman. 8 Hill Delia Wm. brickmkr, 161 Montgomery Dellahay Win. S. canmkr, 20 George Dellenbuch Christian, engineer, Trappe rd nr O'Donnell Dellerman John, lab. Third ave nr Aliceanna Dellerinan Mrs. Susanna, liquors, 119 Penn. av Dellevie Abraham, clothing, 2 Harrison, dw Sherwood house Dellevie Jacob, clerk, 78^ Harrison Dellevie John, letter carrier, 48 Granby Dellevie John, cigarmkr, 14 e Fayette Dellevie Samuel, tobacconist, 48 Granby Dellevie Uriah, (Leibman & D.) 14 e Fayette Delly Edward, potter, 7 Fort av Delly Jesse, shucker, 7 Fort av Delort Alfred H. prof. French, 593 n Gay Deloughery Dr. Edward, 194 n Calvert DELl'HV GEORGE, livery stables, Liuden av nr Preston, dw. 178 Linden av Delphey Wm. prop'r Pennsylvania house, dw 158 Franklin Delphey Wm. M. C. clerk, 178 Linden av Dels Christian, beer, 80 n Howard DeLyle Mrs. Jane, 54 w Madison DeMangin P'rancis A. 263 w Fayette Deming E. A. Calhoun nr Presetman Demings Capt. M. 185 w Townsend Demitz Chas. H. cooper, 106 Hamburg Demitz ('has. II. cooi)er, 57 York Deiniiz Ihnry F. tobacci)nist, 124 Light-st whf Demine George, barkeeper, 226 u Bond Deinme George C. pianomaker, 115 Leadenhall Deiiime John, barkeeper, 226 n Bond Demmitl James D. carp 21 n Mount Demmoii Mrs. Lizzie, seamstress, 69 n Oregon Demmy Mrs. A. 92 n Gilmor Demoss David O. huckster, Biddle nr Castle Demott Martin, pianomkr, 7 Spring ct Dempsey Austin, harnessmkr, 391 Lexington Dempsey John B. cashier Court Com. Pleas, 327 n Broadway Demjisey John F. clerk, cor Franklin and Calvert Dempsey John M. moulder, 68 Henrietta Dempsey John, drayman, 54 Jefferson Dempsey Patrick, tailor, 93 Orleans Dempsey Wm. saddler, 391 Lexington HOLMES A CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. DEM 147 DEP Dempsey Wm. blacksmith, 2 Webster al Dempster Geo. E, brickljr, Cross and Johnson Dempster Joha T. bricklayer, 79 Cross Dempster John, puperli'gr. Cross and Johnson Dempster James T. olerk, 55 William Dempster Mrs. Mary, 55 William Deniuth Casper, blacks'h, Burke and Monument Denmth G. 0. pianos and organs, 467 w Balti- more, and insurance agent, dw 554 vv Fayette Demuth Harmon F. lab. 220 s Paca Demuth John H. bricklayer, 417 Frankliu Denakan Chas. lab. 144 Vine Denalein Nicholas, lab. 2 n Wolfe Deubier Thomas, soapboiler, 85 Elliott Denby W. L. bricklayer. 201 Mulberry Denecke Chas. locksmith, 144 Vine Denges Mathias, carter, 29 n Greene Denges Peter, bootmaker, 18 Park av Dengler Andrew, lab. 65 n Washiiigtoa Dengler Geo. cigarraaker, 68 Somerset Dengler Wm. tailor, 249 e Biddle Denhard Adam, baker, 425 Aliceauna Denhard Fred, clerk, 172 William Denhardt Caspar, candynakr, 95 Leadenhall Denhardt Casper, machinist, 89 Parkin Denhardt Cuniad, liquors, 344 s Charles Denhardt John, cutter, 60 Jefferson Denhardt Nicholas, varnisher, 16 Pena Denhardt Valentine, 31 King Deninger Chas. J. B. apothecary, s e cor Mc Eldt-rry and Eden Deninger John, drayman, 64 Ridgely DENISON ANDRK'W \V. postmaster, 249 n Charles Denison Mrs. Elizabeth, 116 n Eden Denison H. Marcus, clerk, CarroUton hotel Denison Mrs. Jane, 186 Peuna av Denison Jno. M. treasr. P. 0., CarroUton hotel Denison Luther, stencil cutter, 39 s Bond • Denison Theodore, huckster, 116 n Eden Denison Thos. H. 511 w Fayette Deiikin Capt. Wm. M. mariner, 62 s Ann Denmead Charles, clerk, 252 n Charles Denmead Edward jr. coal, 164 u Republican Denmead Mrs M. E. boarding, 97 St. Paul DENMEAD & SON, (Talboit Denmead, G. B. Davids) xMonument foundry, n e cor Monu- ment and Noith — \_See Advertisement DENMEAD FRANCIS, proprietor city malt house, toot West Falls av, dw 252 n Charles Denmead Robert W. rigger. 1 Young Denmead Talbott, (Denmead & Son) cor Charles and Townsend Denmead Talbott jr. cor Charles and Townsend Dennell H. A. mariner, 171 s Ann Dennert Andrew, baker, 129 n Spring Dennert Fred, laborer, 129 n Spring Denning John, porter, 137 West Denning Lawrence, lab. 51 Goodman al Denning Mary A. 51 Goodman al Denning Thomas, 51 Goodman al Denniiiger John, drayman, 64 Ridgely Dennis Andrew T. salesman, 51 n Poppletoa Denuis Antoine, lab. 882 w Baltimore Dennis B. Al. ot Wm. salesman, 50 n Fulton Dennis Benj.M.sr. of John, paper banger, 14 Rock Dennis Charles A. clerk, 57 Lee Dennis Edward J. furn. wagon, 12 s Liberty Dennis Emory, 32 n Poppleton Dennis Frank A. shoemkr, 882 w Baltimore Dennis Geo. W. paper hanger, 458 Lexington jjeniiis James U. attorney, Reisterstown rd Dennis James M. paper hanger, 16 Rock Dennis James R. tailor, 211 Aisquith Dennis J Upshur, (DennisA Scutt) 93 Saratoga Dennis Mrs. Mary, 155 Preston cc Dennis A Scott, (J. U. Denni-s, John Scott jr. )qq attorneys, 51 w Fayette . Dennis Oliver, dyer, 58 n Eutaw ^ Dennis Oliver jr. clerk, 58 n Eutaw -i-S Dennis Peter J. barber, ir)5 Preston ^ Dennis Thos. S. paper hanger, lu Rock I^ Dennis Wm. cooper, 8 Rock i-^ Dennis Wm. canmkr, 219 n Eden C Dennis Wm. A. carp. 239 Conway "^ Dennis Wm H. plumber, 239 tJonway ^ Dennison & Dunn (T. J. Deiinison and J. Dunn) O oysters and fish, 104 Light-st whf P Dennison John, driver, 17 Foundry '^ Dennison John, cabinetmkr, 48 Rock ^ Dennison Luther, stencil cutter, 39 s Bond pq Dennison Robt. M. 167 Lindi-n av Dennison Thos. J. (D. & Dunn) 35 e Lombard '--^ Dennonberg Isaac, grocery. 24 Douglas q Dennstedt C. Augustus, beer, 56 Ensor Denny Mrs. Anne, grocery, 161 Lee r Denny Eugene M. clerk, 15 Jackson pi O Denny Francis M. cabinetmkr, 51 s Broadway O Denny Franz, (Hughes & D.) 51 s Broadway Denny George, carp. 12 Gough °^ Denny G. M. B. clerk, 210 n Howard -^ DENNY JAMES W. attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw 'rA 365 Druid Hill av O Denny John, painter, 361 e Eager O Denny John C. brassfinisher, 67 e Madison ^ Denny John E. paper hanger, 100 Battery av Denny John, (Armstrong & D.)212 Montgomery ^A Denny Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 117 Peach al ""^ Denny Patrick, collect(;r, 67 e Madison Denny Richard, carp. 38 Brune ^ Denny S. T. ornamenter, 123 s Sharp f> Denny Rev. Herman C, Loyola College ^ Denny Thos. baker, 135 s Fremont Denoe Thos. giocer, Carey and Baltimore ^ Denoe Thos. E. clerk, Carey and Baltimore P^ Dt'uson Isaac M. insp'r. tobacco, warehouse No. H 5, dw Relay house E"* Dimson John, police, 17 Bath -^Ci Di-ntal Infirmary, 42 n Calvert pt^ Denton John W. grocery, cor Chase and Wolfe M Dentry George R. collarn)kr, 47 Walsh Denver Robert, clerk, 82 McKim ^ Denver Thos. soapmkr, 85 Elliott O Denver Thos. jr. lab. 85 Elliott <[ Denz August, printer, 5 n Wolfe ^ Denz Rachel, 5 n Wolfe Pm DePaepe John (Brown & D.1 44 s Choptank | DEPEW & CO. (H. T. Worster) agricultural f£] castings, 204 s Howard p^ Depfer Henry, overseer, 24 Hudson al hh Depkin Andrew, lab. Bloomsberry and Gould lapH Depkiu & Brauer (E. A. Depkin, H. Brauer) merchant tailors, 40 Hanover ^ Depkin Ernest A. (D. & Brauer) 544 n Gay \^ DEPKIN HENRY, merch. tailor, 29 South, dw GQ 57 n Liberty qj Depkin Henry, carter, 340 Canton av ^ Depkin John H. clerk, 57 n Liberty ^ Depkin Wm. beer, 9 Mercer ^"^ Depper Joseph, shoemaker, 236 n Broadway Ph Deppert Jos. shoemkr, Broadway and .Madison ^ chants and feil, 120 s Charles ^ Desch Geo. shoemaker, 102 n Spring • t^" O Desch Geo. canniaker, 149 s Ann ^^3 L)esch Geo. restaurant, 166 s Broadway , ^ p Desch Henry, blacksmith, 56u n Gay '^^'^' Desch John" lab. 87 s Dallas ^" ^C ~ Desch .fohn Joseph, barkeeper, 166 s Broadway- Uj — r^ Desch Peter, lab. 22 Biirt.'iiiid v al '^"^C D:sch Pete--, baker, >'7 s Dall.is -ri ^ "^ Desch Peter, lab. 87 8 Dallas ;?i:p Desch Wolf, lab. 221 8 Bethel P ^ ^ Descher Fi iiz, cabinetmaker, 52 8 Bond ^ V- -i De.-icher Julius, cabinetmaker, 52 s Bond ^ . ' ^ l)es Forges John P. di'aler in old books and - 'jZ pictures, 3 St. Paul, dw 1(12 n Bepublican '^^2 "cschields Mrs. F-lllen, nurse, 170 n Caroline ^ ,^ ^ Deschields John T. clerk, 17o 11 Caroline ~; n; ^ De Shass .Mi>: timer, carp. 75 s Mount '^ ]^ De.-ihiugcr John C. wheelwright, U'Donnell and X > Third av Cd -^ Deshon Clirisloiiher M. coal agt. 161 McCulloh ^ '^ Deshon John W. shoemaker, 57 Ensor Q Deshon Wm. shoemaker, 206 George y De Soden Frank E. billiards, Howard house (/: Desmond Timothy, porter, 16 Stiles Desjiard Coal Co.", Joseph W. Jenkins, pres't, office 15 German Despeaux Mrs Caroline V. 119 n Chester Despeaux Elizab'h, mantuamkr, 122 s Caroline Despeaux Geo. waichni iker, 122 s Caroline Despeaux Geo. W. painter, 410 e Chase Despeaux Joseph D. cutler, 4lo e Chase Dess Frank, cabinetmaker, 12 Anthony Dessell Simon, stevedore, 325 Eastern av Desvarieaux Francis, plasterer. 324 e .Monument Desvarreaux Mrs. .Mary, dry goods, 326Monument Desvarreux James, shoe findings and garden seeds, 164 n Gay Deters Bernard, laborer, 2 Weber Deters Henry, lab. 2 Weber Di-teclives Office, 25 n Calvert Detective Police, (independent) 47 w Fayette Deiering Fredk, wagouniaker, 58 3 Schroeder De Treville John L. bo(-kkpr, 5o w Madison Detrick David C. painter, 13 3 Republican Detrick J. S. fertilizers, 120 s Charles, dw 182 n Republican Detiick L. F. fertilizers and com. merchant, 120 s Charles, dw 271 Lanvale Detielbacher Elias, clerk, 110 German Detu-lbacher Gusdorf, 110 German Deltenthaler Henry, miner, 9 n Chapel Dettenihaler Joseph, lab. 9 n Chapel Dettmer Geo cooper, 207 William Dettmer llarniaii, 297 William Dettmer John H. cooper. 307 Hanover Detzer John grocery, 466 Canton av Detzer John, locksmith, 244 e Baltimore Deuber Conrad, lab. 21 s Gilmor Deuperl Adam, manuf. of gold leaf, 35 n Fred- erick Deupert Isadore, driver, Belair av ext Deutsch Ferd. printer, Lexington nr Charles Deutsch Solomon ^ Deutsch & Co.) Hartford, Conn. DI';UTSCH & CO. (S. & Wm. Deutsch) book, job and label printers, 166 and 168 w Balti- more Deutsch Wm. (Deutsch & Co.) Lexington nr Charles De Valin John II. iron railing maker, 87 Har- rison, dw 424 n Eden Devall John, horse sho< r,373 McDonogh.dTf 359 Devan John T. police, 95 n Fremont Devaiighn Wm. spike cutter, 14 Lloyd Devan John, well digger, 293 n Eutaw Deveiiny John, lab. 51 Hill Deveiiny Gregory, 375 Leadenhall Deveiiny Robert J. grocery, 2 Orleans Dever Geo. carter, 70 s Carey Dever John, l>ib. Fort av nr W'illiam Devere Samuel, actor, loS n High Devereux Jas. shoemkr, 61 Harford av Devereaux Thos. lab. 199 Lemmon al Devers Geo. plasterer, 28 Woodyear Dcvier Wm. cirp. 238 e Fa\ette Deville Francis, Druid Hill av ext Devin Thomas, barkeeper, 193 Boston Devine Francis, police, 1 1 Hawk Devine R' v. Geo. W., Johnson and Clement Devine Ho'.ora, 8 Hawk Devine John, lab. 48 Albemarle Devine John, grocery, 9 w Lombard Devine .Mrs. Julia, 32 Rock Devine Mrs. Mary, 9 Humes Devine Michael, brassfounder, 125 North HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St, and Post OfEce Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F Bresee, G-en. Agt. DEV 149 l>IC Devine Michael, shoemkr, 2r)5 w Pratt Deviue Patrick, lab. 233 Cross Devine Patrick, lab. 125 North Devine Patrick, lab. 17 Lemmon al Devi 1,6 Will, slioemkr, 40 n Sjirincr Deviniiey Joliii, mariner, 54 s Washington Deviniiey Mrs. Mary, seam.stress, T5 Stirling Devlin A\ex. cooper, 165 Warner Devlin James, lab. 57 Patuxent Devlin James, lab. 65 Patii.xent Devlin John, (D. &Tirallo, ) 29 n Liberty Devlin John, ne\vs[»apers, l.'!9e Madison Devlin Patrick, lab. 65 Patu.\ ut Devlin Peter, detective 1:^9 e Madi.=on Devlin Joseph, iiainter, 68 Rids^elv DEVLIN & TIRALLO, (John Devlin, J. F. Ti- ralio,) wholesale milliner}- goods, 263 w Baltiiuore Devol Rowland G. confec'r, 131 Lexington Devon Francis P. brakeman, 7 Humes Devon La a- rente, grocery, 12 Foundry Devon Mrs. Mary, 7 Humes Devon Wm. H. prof. Bryant, Strattoii & Sad- ler's business college, dw 4 J ickson Devouges Alphonse, dyer, 133 w Madison DevQuges .Mrs. Theresa, ladies' hairdresser, 133 w Madison Devouues Victor P. clerk, 40 n Charles Devries Christian, (Wm. D. & Co.) Carrollton hotel Devries H. A. 74 w Monument Devries S. K. G. (Devries, Young & Co.) 74 w Monument DEVRIES WM. & Co. (Wm., Christian, and Wm. R. Devries. S. Kiinrnel.) wholsale dry goods, 312 w Baltimore Devries Wm. (Wm D. & Co. and D., Young & Co.) 74 w .Monument Devries Wm. R. ( Wm. D. & Co.) 72 Cathedral DEVRIES, YOUNG & CO. (Wm. Devries, Alex. Young, S. K. G. Devries) whoL-s. boots and shoes, 3i0 vv Baltimore DE VRIES JOHN, liquors, 251 Eastern av Dew Albert B. W. bookkpr, 12 s Fulton Dew Geo. R. bookkpr, 309 Linden av Dtw James W. clerk, 309 Linden av Dew Dr. James, agent, 76 w Baltimore, dw 309 Linden av Dew Joshua S. salesman. Diddle e of McDonogh Dew Mrs. -Mary, 309 Linden av Dew Robert H. bookkpr, 19 s Gilmor Dew Theodore W. clerk, 41 Valley Dew Wm. pitternrakr, 19 s Gilmor Dew Wm. J. patternmkr, 7 Frederick av Dewald John .M. lab. 58 Ensor Dewalt Geo. driver, 229 n Bond Dewalt Peter, lab. 257 n Dillas Dewey Geo. W. carp. 146 .McElderry Dewitt Gabriel, manuf. pat. Triumph Washer, 137 n Eden Dewitt Henry, Gilmor nr Cumberland Dewitt Mrs. S. A. 153 n C.irey Dewling Geo. W. blacksmith, 91 William Dewling Dr. Isaiah, U. S. N. 276 Orleans Dewling Tho3. blacksmith, 138 West, dw 137 Cross Dewling Thos. jr. blacksmith, 137 Cross De Wolff Benj. tobacconist, 29 n Charles, dw 71 n High De Wolff Levi B. clerk, 71 n High De Wolff Noah, speculator, 71 n High Dhiel Henry, tailor, I Bentalou Dhies John, bookkpr, 96 Hanover Dhoru Henry, shoemkr, 58H w Baltimore Diamond Elizabeth, tailoress, 83 Cambridge Diamond Geo. H. shii)joiner, 5 Collington av Diamond .Mrs. Hugh, 8:^ Cambridge Diamond Jas. sr. cooper, 7 s Eden Diamond Wm. cooper, '70s Ann Dibb James, engineer, 95 s Poppleton Dibhell Ohristoff, lab. 51 Bradford al ^ Dihhell & Co. (David S. Dibbell) lumber com.^ merchts. cor Hanii.urti and Ohio av Dibbell David S. (DibhelbtCo.) 251 Lanvale ^ Dick Emil, clerk, 303 w Pratt _g Dick Mrs Mary, 303 w Pratt 3 Dick Oscar, clerk, 303 w Pratt pt] Dickas John, carpetweaver, 23 n Wolfe ,__- Dicko Leonard, blacksmith, 68 Greenmount av ^ Dickel Clias. F porter, 3G3 s Sharp ct Dickel Chas. G. carp 37 Pearl d Dickel Chas. Z. clerk, Mansion house q Dickel Conrad, weaver, 2 Sterrett ^ Dickel John, shoemkr, 126 William -^ Dickel Rudolph, shoemkr, 92 Harrison >-^ Dickens Henry, ropemkr. 30 Gittings ^ Dickens John H, ropemkr, 29 Gittings ■ Dickens Josiah, ropemkr, 3o Gittings t^ Dickerson Alfred A. moulder, 149 Burgundy al J? Dickerson Fiancis, huckster, 6 Brannan ct ^ Dickerson .Mrs Geo. W. 194 e Pratt ~ Dickerson Isaac W. stevedore, 418 e Chase (^ Dickerson John W. shei't iron worker, 20 Rock ^ Dickerson Peter, clerk. 631 w Fayette Dickerson Wm. I dep. keeper Md. Penitentiary <=>3 Dickert .Michael, lab. 14 Ivy al Dickey, Baker & Co.(C. E. Dickey, E. J. Baker, Q T. Tansley) proprietors .Md. meter works, 53 O North and 22 Saratoga O Dickey Charles E (D., Baker & Co. and Jarne^ ^ Hazlitt&Co. ) Charles-st av nr Huntingdon av ""^ Dickey G. Allen ( Wm.J.D.&Son) Philadelphia • Dickey Geo. S. propr. Excelsior Steam Forge, rH 155'McCulloh Dickey H. R. bookk[)r, 95 Division ^ Dickey Philip S clerk, Charles-st avnrHun-^^ tingdon av t^ Dickey Wm. J. & Son (Wra. J. and G. A Dickey) agts Ashland .Manuf'g Co. manufrs- DQ plaids, checks, linseys, &c., n e cor Charles W and German ^ Dickey Wm. J. (Wm.J.D.&Son) pres't Ashland qq .Manuf'g Co., WetheredvllK- Dickhart Chas. lab. 8 St. Peter ^ Dic;harmacist, n w cor Balti- pQ more and Pine, dw 179 Lee ^ Dickinson John, mariner, 42 Hughes \^ Dickinson John, engineer, 28 Fell Zr* Dickinson John, coach trimmings, Hollins nr*^ Mount Dickinson John S.(Whedbee & D.) Mt. Vernon hotel Dickinson Wm. oysters, 201 Eastern av Dickinson Wm. A. salesman, Hollins nr Gilmor Dickinson Wm H. oysters, 2ol Eastern av Dickinson Wm. T. clerk, 37 Mulberry Power Press Printintr, at P^educed Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) r a Mutual Life Ins-grance Co. of New York. dTe UIC 150 5- ■■-' ■r. ~. o o Dickman Mrs. Mina, milk, Harford rd opp Dar- J 3 lev Pnrk := "^ Dick's \Vm L. hookkpr, 63: St. Paul ^ ^ Dickson Francis, sexton, 89 Barre cj Dickson James W. lirakcmnn, 259 McHeory _- ;?; Dickson Dr. Jnhn, 2t;i .Madison av ■^ Dickson John T. bookkpr, 122 Bolton ^ C Dickson Win. clerk, 129 Montpfomery ^2 =* Dickson Wm. I)rickla_ver, 907 vv Baltimore -^ ^ Dickson Wni J. tinner, 30 Rock = If Dicus Jacob R. watciiman. .303 McDonCNgh " 5 Didier Mra. Edmund, 74 Cathedral "x -^ Didier Rev Kdniund, 25 n Front K^ y, Didier Fu^ene L. stenographer and book store, ^ y 18.T .Madison av, dw 50 Geortre ._^ ~ Didier Henry A. insuranceacrint and broker, 30 — ' i2 Postoflice av. dw 47 Mt. Veinon pi ■^ 5 Hidier Mrs. Julia A. .56 George 3 J^ Diebitscli Johanna, teacher, 4 Pearl Diebitsch Richard, tieer, 126 Forrest Dieckmann Henr\ , niachinist, 195 Columbia ~ S Diederich John, tailor, 508 Le.\inc:ton ». Diederrnan John, proTisions, 241 e .MadisoD S % Diedrich Frank, lab. 33 Cannon ■^ — Diedrich Martin, plumber and gasStter, 34 n = 3 Holliday "■ ^ Diefenbach Chas. H. (D. & Moore and Moore & « . D.) 203 H.inover K? T- Diefenbach H. hais and caps, 316 w Pratt > 3 DieflFenbach ^ Moore, (C. H. Dieffenbach.G.A. ,-. *ti .M(jore, jdruizpists, n e cor Barre and Fremont Z. '^ Dier'enderfer J. Edward, clerk, 194 .Mosher , si ~ Diegel Ailani, furn. wa'jon, 128 s Bond ~ Die_ t2 Difhl Harinan. mariner, 4r)5 Canton av "T j^ Diehl Henry, stevedore, 32 Shaks[)ear ■^ Diehl Henry, lab. 9 Hammond al C "^ Diehl Henry, beer, 168 e Fayette -^ ^ Diehl John, barber, 31 Marion £ S Diehl John, stonemason, 572 Aisquith " 5 Diehl Wm. shoemaker, 7o .Mullieiry . . -^ Diehlnian Christian, p iperh;inger, 186 Cross ■r. Diehlrann John, beer, 256 n Central av .Ci . Diefcmann Henry, porter, 50 Commerce ^ >-. Diener Israel, clothinp, 37 Lanosler Tu TT Diener Satnuel, clerk. 37 Lancaster -^ ^ Dienisbacli Philip, harnessmkr, 12Greeum'tav ^ >, DIKRING CHUISTOPH, wholesale liquors, 209 "Z "• eLombird ►^ -^ Dierinfj C H. carpenter, 14 Warner S Dieriuf: .John F'. jr. baker, 14 Warner _-. '" Dierinp John F. baker, 14 Warner *^ 5 Dierir.g Henry, huckster, 193 Columbia t: ,~ Dierinjr H. F. police, 362 Hanover ^ ->! I)ierinj; Henry L- grocery, 279 Catiton ar ~ <^ Diering H. \j. jr. teacher, 279 Canton av Hf" tc Dierken Fred'k, shoemkr, 37 llillen - .E "'frker Bernard W. clerk, 67 Orleans ~ X Dierker ('has. vurnisher, 67 Orleana "^ r; Dierker John F. clerk, 67 Orleans i^ y Dierker .lohn H. trrocery, 67 Orleans zj -i Dierkson J. C. clerk, 445 w Haltimore .— 5 Diersseon Dietrich, carp. 260 w Bidiile i .,. Dieschefer John H tailor, 2 Leadenhall 3j t. Diesel Andrew. I;il). r26 3S|)rinir Dietel .\ndipv\ , morocco dresser, 281 Walsh Dietel Jac< !>, morocco dresser, 281 Walsh a g ^ O) •"-t ti ^ a> ^^ _• I'S -^ <»• Dieter Mrs. Adelaide, grocery, 10 n Republicas Dieter August, collarmkr, 156 Raborg Dieter Chas. porter, 11 Anthony Dieter Chus. cigars, 115 Low Dieter John, tinner, 156 Raborg Dieter John, derk, 98 Saratoga Dieter Joseph, clerk, 98 Saratoga DIETER LOUIS A. paperhangings, 28 n How- ard, dw 98 Saratoga Dieter Mrs. Margaret, 98 Siiratopa Dieter Peter, paper hanger, 155 Raborg Dieter Philip, paj>er hunger, 188 Vine DIETKRICH CHARLFS F. engineer People's Gas works, dw Carrollton hotel Dieterich Louis, artist, over s e cor Charles and Fayette, dw 44 Clarke Dieterly Christopher F. constable, 336 Orleans Dieterly Wm. H. clerk, 336 Orlems Dietrich Adam, wagonmkr, Harford rd nr toll- gate Dietrich Adam, shoemkr, 308 Hanover Dietrich Adam, barkpr. Garrison la nr Freder- ick rd Dietrich Casper J. cooper, 510 Light Dietrich Mrs. Charlotte, Sterrett nr St. Peter Dietrich 'has chairmkr, 64 Granbj Dietrich Frank, lab. 33 Cannon Dietrich Geo. Jab. 165 Stirliug Dietrich Henry,. druggist, 347 w Fayette Dietrich Henry, varnisher, 60s Central av Dietrich Henry, 41 W^ilsh Dietrich John, cigarml(r, 510 Light Dietrich Julius, lab. 219 s Bethel Dietiich Jidin H. shoemkr, 19 Jackson ct Dietrich Leon, derk, 236 s Charles Dietrich Leonhardt, second-hand goods, 313 n Gay Dietrich Martin, beer, 37 e Fayette Dietrich Philip, shoemkr, 347 w Fayette Dietrich Wm. baker, 336 .s Bond Dietsch John, tailor, 39 w Baltimore Dietsch Lewis C. clerk, 2 Garden Dietz Adam, barber, 203 s Charles Dietz Bernard, engineer, Beiair av axt Dietz Chas. X. driver, 236 e Eager Dietz Mrs. C. J. dressmkr, 78 Barry Dietz Mrs. Klizabelh, dry goods, 200 s Sharp Dietz Elizabeth, grocery, 20.) Hollins Dietz Geo. drayn>.in, 21 Ariuistead la Dielz Henry, 200 Hollins Dietz Henry, shipcarj). 107 s Chester Dietz Henry, carp. Homestead Dietz John, machinist, 41 Pena Dietz John, (R. D. ^Son.) 115 n Eutaw Dietz John, porter, 134 n Regester Dietz John, police, 1 18 Greenmount av Dietz John B. clothier, 204 w Pratt Dietz John C. cigarmkr, 79 Hanover Dietz John H. tobacconist. 79 Hanover Dietz J. Geo. clerk, 21 Armistead la Dietz Joseph, lab. 152 Madeira al Dietz Joseph A. cigarmkr, 224 n Dallas Dietz Jus. L clerk, cor West and William Dietz Jos. T. clerk, Gilmor nr Patterson av Dietz Kate, millinery, 4 Druid Hill av Dietz Lawrence D., Gilmor nr Patterson av Dietz Louis, Iwer, cor Baltimore and Oregon Dietz .Mrs. .Mary, lamps, 236 e Eager Dietz Mrs. .Mary, 211 [^ee Dietz Philip, lab. 294 n Central av Dietz Philip, lab. 209 Preston Dietz Reinhardt (R. D. & Son) 115 n Eutaw HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose. Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. DIE 151 DIN Dietz R. kkpr, 151 n Republican ^ I. J. engineer, 1 12 Jefferson o o Dillin..'ham Wrn. Dillman Frank, lab. 326 Aisquith Dillman Jacob, paver, 272 n Central av Dillman Matthew, lab. 326 Aisquith Q Dillmin Peter, lab. 326 Aisquith Q Dillmore Thos. city yard, 119 liUiott Q Dillon .Mrs. .-^nn, 187 n Exeter j^ DILLON A. H. Jr. "general agent Connecticut!^ .Mutual Life Ins. Co. 8 South, dw 293 Madi- . son av, cor Dolphin jo^ Dillon Edward, lab. 56 s Dewberry al Dillon James, hostler, 109 Dover Dillon Jerry, lab. 57 s Chapel Dillon John, drayman, 187 n Exeter Dillon Owen, clerk, 4 .Maccubbin Dillon Wm. B. clerk, 293 .Madison av Dillow John R. tin ler, 123 Division Dillow Wm. tinner, 310 n Eutaw Dillow William jr carp. 123 Division Dilraour Thos. lab. 119 Elliott DIL WORTH & CO. (P. Dil worth) coal, wood and lumlier, e Chase and U. R. R. p^ Dilworth Peter ( Dilworth & Co.) 306 e Chase ^ Dilworth Wm. J. (Wm. McM.nus & Co.) 306 Z^ e Chase ^~^ Dimel Liwrence, tailor. 220 n Caroline Dimler Geo. papercarrier, 56 Cirlton Dimler .Mrs. .Margari;t. 56 Carlton Dimling Henry, lab. 71 Grindall Diraling Mrs. .Mary, dry good, 285 n Howard Dimling Nicholas, lab. 23 Perry Dimmick Nicholas, collier, 213 Battery av Dimmitt Chas. E. clerk, Baltimore nr Greene Dimmling Chas. butcher, Chester nr Monument O H < Dimmling John, tailor, 82 e Lombard Dimond John, reporter, 45 Granby Dimpfel Fred. P. 84 w Monument Dimpfel Wm. O'S. civil engineer, 57 Second Dinger Rev. F. W. 113 Bank ^ Dinges Mrs. Annie, provisions, McHenry and ^ Bentalou Dingfelter Andrew, shoemkr, 143 L.Greene Dingle Frank, mariner, 18 Armistead la Dingle Henry, moulder, 59 York Dingier Geo. lab. 95 Lancaster Dingier John, lab. 70 Somerset Dinkelman Henry R. grocery, 80 Penna av o o CD < O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. Mntual Life Insurance Co. of New York, DIN 152 DIX H tJ H ^ H C-l c/J 7^ 'S\ >^ >-' <3 < O o O - TD /^ O 00 <1 co'H Pi ^ OS s 3 Dinkelspiel Ishhc. liquor, 83 w Bidille Diniiiori> Walter, pli 'tOL.'ra|ihei-, Jolin nr Dallas Diiienidie Mrs. Klizalietli, ii'Staiinint,Uliuton iir Boston Diiie^ran Tlios. lah. 114 Harford av liiniiiscli D.ivid, huckster, 184 Baik Dinniseli Jolin, (irocery, 184 Bank Diiisim)re David, O'Donnelland Third av Ditismore James A. machinist, 21 s Uejxililican Dinsiimrp John T. moulder, s \v cor Albemarle and Siiles DIXSMORI'; & KYLE (Geo. II. and S. A. S. Kyle, L. Hollyday, S. 1'. Nelms)wholes. gro- cers and com merchls, ITiG w Pratt Oinsmore Mrs. .Mary 27 Siiakspear Diiismore Rohert, mariner, Clinton nr Toone DinsmoreTlios. printer, O'Donnell and Third av I'inzler Georjre, tailor, 3 Fnloes al Dion L.)uis G. te;icher, V8 Read Dipj.le Aon Klizib^-lh, 371 n Durham Dipple Christoph'T, lal>. 51 Mnidford al Difiple John, ci^'arifikr, 267 Mulberry Dipple Swpliia, confect'r, 129 Bank Dipple Wendelin, cal)inetmkr, I'll s Bank Dirschner Conrad, shoemkr, 4 Addison al Dirschner Wm. baker, 127 Conway Diskin John, drayman, 190 Ramsay Disney Andrew, painter, 76 Hetjrietta Disney B. F. carp. 192 (.'olumbia Disney Jas. lab. 138 Gough Disney Jas. G. plasterer, IIG n Eden Disney John \V. 116 n li]den Disney John W. painter, 65 Ramsay Disney Joseph A. huck.-iter, 16 n Oregon Disney Josias, Woodberry Disney Oliver M. painter, 21 Clarke Disney Rich ird E. jr. painter, 206 Conway Disney Richard E. painter, 148 Camden, d\v 206 Conway Disney Richard P. produce, 131 Conway Disney Wm. painter, 120 Parkin Disney Wm. bookkpr, 403 e Lombard Disney Wm. A. jr. clerk, 153 Druid Hill av Di.>;sing Fred, shoemkr, 5 Paint<'rs ct Di.ssosoway .Mrs. Matilda, trimmings, 55 Ensor Di.si.lbart Geo. tintier, 159 East Distelbart Geo. lock and gunsmith, 159 East DIstler Conrad, tailor, 78 Albemarle Disilcr John, clerk, 225 Canton av Distler John C. coal, wood. Iime,&c. cor Ches- ter and Canton av, dw 225 Canton av Ditch C. O. milk driver. 9 Clarke Ditch Luther, driver, 9 Clarke Ditch John S.milk, 371 Franklin, dw Balto co Ditchenecht Fred, cabinetmkr, 64 Granby Diichler John. carj). 7 Fountain Ditman Thomas M. (Cunningham & D.) 321 n Eden Ditman Wm. B. clerk, 396 n Eden Ditman Wm. II. gen. bookkpr. Nat. Bank of Baltimore, 396 n Eden Dittenhofer Wm. II. blacksmith, Clinton nr Se- cond av Dittert Clias. shoemkr, 119 Low DiltertJobn, cigarmkr, 119 Low Dittman .Andrew, brewer, Belairave.xt Dittinan Geo. drivr, Bayview brewer\' Dittman John, turner, cor Low and Forrest Dittman John \V . moulder, 102 Hollins Dittman John W. beer, 280 3 Broadway Diitmar John G. baker, 20 Durst al Dittmeier John, weaver, 228 Preston Dittmer Amelia, saleswoman, 328 Light Dittmer Chas tobacconist, 328 Light Dittmer Elizabeth, saleswoman, 328 Light Dittmer Philopena, grocery, 678 Saratoga Dittmyer Geo. stevedore, 2 e Pratt Dittoush Jacob, varnisher, 329 n Central av Dittoush Joseph, sculptor. 329 n Central av Dittrich Francis, hat and cap manufacturer,294 n Gay Dittrich Herman C. boots and shoes. 365 n Broadway Dittus Geo. P. tohacconi.st, 714 Penna av Dittus John F. driver. Falls rd nr toUgate Dittus J. I*'., Cumberland nr Gilmor Dittus J. F. jr. butcher, Gilmor and Liberty rd Dittus Wm. P butcher, 24 Lexington and — • Cent'e markets, dw 87 Butcheis lane nr Penna av DITTY C. IRVING, attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw Irvington, Balto co DitZ'll John, lab. Woodlierry Diven ('Edward C. tinne:-, Presstmm m Strieker Diven E. W. clerk, Presslinan nr Calhoun Diven Edward R. carp. 143 Mollins Diven Edward T. conductor, 56 s Gilmor Diven Frank M. fireman, 28 s Carey Diven James W. painter, 502 n FrenK.nt Diven Joliii, lab. Ranisty nr Calhoun Diver Henry, lab. 18 Williamson al Diver John A. sr. cloth cutter, 18Williainson al Diver John A. jr. machinist, 18 Williamson al Diver Mary, butter, O'Dotinell nr Curiey Diver Wm. engineer, O'Doniiell nr Curlej Divine Mrs. M. 253 Cross Divine Patrick, lab. 253 Oo-ss Divine Patrick, lab. 125 North Diviney John, lab. 51 Hill Di.x Charles K. clerk, 147 e Fayette Dix J. Franklin ID. k Wilkins) 231 n Eutaw Dix Geo. lab Mt. Vernon Dix Mrs. Laur.i, 147 e Fayette Dix Rebecca, Mt. Vernon DIX & WILKIN.S (J. F. Dix, Willard C. Wil- kins) im[)orters and dealers in foreign fruits, nuts, &c.. 123 w Lombard Dix Wm. C. clerk, 147 e Fayette Dixon AiiiTust, bricklayer, 77 Scott Dixon Benjamin, lab. 362 Ramsay D:xon Bradley S. dry goods, 7 16 w Baltimore Dixon Chas. sexton, 177 n Eutaw Dixon & Carson (T. Dixon, C.L. Carson) archi- tects and measurers, over 18 n Charles Dixon Chas. A. bricklayer, 26 Knox al Dixon Mrs. Edith, nurse 469 Saratoga Dixon Frank, sexton, 93 Barre Dix<;n Isaac, lab. 80 Johnson Dixon lsaacH.(Sinith,D.,j-(;o.)Carrollton hotel Dixon James, painter, 77 Siott Dixon .Mrs June, grocery, 17 L. Church Dixon John A. machinist, 12 George Dixon John, conductor, 27 s Fulton DIXO.N JOHN A. J. brickmkr. Fort rd nr Fort .McHenry, dw 184 n Republican Dix(m Jno".B.(Wm.T.D.&Bro.)Carrollton hotel Dixon John C. butcher, 1 Hanover market, dw 121 Columbia Dixon John C. jr. butcher, 121 Columbia Dixon John F. brickmkr. Fort av nr William Dixon Joseph, fireman, 360 Ramsay Dixon Joseph, lab. 17 Conway Dixon Joshua, lab. 27 s Fulton Dixon R.W.K.(R.W.K.D.& Co.) 93 Cathedral HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and itliographing. Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee. G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. DIX 153 DOH Dixon R.W. K. & Co. (R.W. K. Dixon, Joseph Shane) com. nierchts, 90 Spear's whf Dixon Capt. Robert R. mariner, 146 Cross Dixon Thomas, (D. & Carson) Mt. Washington Divon Thomas, carp. 156 n Pine Dixon Wm. J. engineer. 383 Orleans Dixon Wm. lab. 39 Ryan Dixon Wm. engineer, 24 Sterrett Dixon Wm.agriciilt'l implmnts. TiOMont^omery DIXON WM. T. & BRO. (W. T. and J. B. Dixon, H W Maiston) wholesale boots and shoes, 306 w Baltimore Dixon Wra.T.fW.T. D.&Bro.) 435 Madison av Doache Plenry, shoerakr, 532 Aisquith Doall Wm. cutter, 337 s Sharp Dobbin Georfre W., Judge Superior Court, dw I'riQ u Charles Dobbin James, baker, 249 Canton av Dobbin James, hackman. Rose house, 24 n Gay Dobbin John, coach and livery stable, 36 and 38 North, dw Rennert house Dobbin John jr. clerk, Rennert house Dobbin Mrs. Mary W. 158 w Biddle Dobbin Mrs. Mary E. furniture, 249 Canton av DOBBIN R. A. attorney, 44 St. Paul, dw 97 w Chase DOBBIN THOMAS M. attorney, 44 St. Paul, dw Howard co Dobbs George, carp. 344 e Monument Dobbs Wm. B. carp. 207 u Caroline Dobbs Thomas E. clerk, 368 n Strieker DOBBYN GEO.W.,Harnessmaker, 14 Garden, dw 171 w Biddle, Dobbyn Mrs Kite, dressmkr, 171 w Biddle Dobe Christopher, porter, Stirling nr Aisquith Dohe Joseph, C. porter, 2 West al Dobe Louis, porier, 2 West al Doberer John C. n^staurant. 216 Hollins Doberer Louis F. barkpr, 199 Lexington Doberer Mrs. Mary, restaurant, 199 Lexington Dobernick John G. tailor, 4 s Castle Dobler David, constable, 12 Law bldg, dw 182J n Hiuh Dobler Fred, clerk, 287 n Front Dobler George, clerk, 17 Jackson DOBLKR GU.ST.AVIUS A. (Wheelwright, Mudge cj- Co.) 74 .\i.-quitli Dobler John J. attorney, 55 St. Paul, dw 38 s Fulton Dobler Kate, teacher, 17 Jackson Dobler Mrs. Margaret, 174 n Hi^h Dobler Theodore, clerk, 174 n High DOBSON & CO. (Geo. H. Dobson) wholesale lumber, 56 West Falls av Dobson Geo. H. (D. & Co.) 16 s Broadway Dobson James T. letter carrier, 229 e Fayette Dobson John. 229 e Fayette Dobson John A. (J. A. D. & Co.) -Myrtle av and .Mosher Dobson John A. & Co. (J. A. Dobson, F. C. Seeman ) wholesale glass, queensware, &c. 31 S Charles Dobson John T. police, 325 n Bond Dobson Thomas, driver, 48 Jetferson Dobson Wm. 0. wagoner, 116 Hughes Dobson Wm. biicklayer, 108 Jefferson Doch Conr;id, lab. rear of 16 Concord Dochteimann Conrad, confec'r, 155 Hughes Dock Philip, lab. 23 Mullikin o3 P=q pq Power Press Printing, at Efduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Do(kery Thos flour, Jefferson and Wolfe Dockery Wni. flour and feed, 181 e Lombard Dockman Henry, porter, 242 w Biddle Dockman .Mrs. Marv, grocery, 242 w Biddle Dodd Alex. jr. bookkpr, 272 Walsh Dodd Alexander, 272 W^iilsh Dodd John, lab. 178 n High Dodd Joseph, driver, 118 Curley Dodd Joseph L. huckster, 315 Mulberry Dodge A. A. contractor, .Maltby house Dodge A. H. coal agent, 8 Irvine pi Dodge Dr. Augustus W. 201 Hanover Dodge Chas. S. shoeii.kr, 166 s Sharp Dodge Geo.R.& Co. (Mary A.Dodge) artists and ^^ painters store, 42 w B.-dtiraore O Dodge John W. sup't Abbott Iron Works, 262 O e Baltimore r Dodge Mrs. Mary A. (G. R D. & Co.) 341 n Q Broadway Q Dodge W;irren, driver, 114 n Exeter ^ DOUGE WM E. lumtier and com. raercht, head ^ of Union dock, liw 21'8 Penna av j^ DODSON C MARION, pharmacist, Linden av q and Hoffman q Dodson Coleman R. carp. 1 n Poppleton ^^ Dodson Frank, bookkpr. 67 s Bond t> Dodson Geo. W. wireworker, 188 s Regester Dodson John W. real estate broker, 49 Lexing- fx^ ton, dw 2.S2 n Carey Dodson John, mariner. 285 Hanover ^ Dodson Thaddeus C. carp. 67 s Bond ^ Doefler Frank, wheelwright, Waverley ^ Dcebel Cas|)er, shoemkr, 160 s Washingion Doehler Conrad, butcher, Dillon nr Third av Doell Loreniz, carver. 379 w Pratt Doell Nicholson, shoemkr, 75 Iceland al Doell Wm. baker, 157 n Central av Doell W^m. stonecutter, 337 s Sharp Doeller Andrew, milkman, Clinton nr Elliott , — DOELLER CHAS H. pharmacist, n e cor Broad- ^ way and Eager, dw 273 Mulberry Doeller Christopher, cabinetmkr, 53 Fawn Doellinger Lawrence, shoemkr, 101 n Paca Doemar Leonhard, helper, foot of Clinton Doenah Geo. shoemkr, 1 8 Gough Doenges .Andrew, furn. wagon, 333 s Charles Doenges Charles, cigarmkr, 333 s Charles Doenges Fred, cigarmkr, 333 s Charles Doenges Geoi'ge, processor, 120 Hollins Doenges Henry, baker, 402 e Fa\ette Doenues Mrs. L^na, grocery, 333 s Charles ^^ Doenges .Mrs. .Margt. G. shoes, 602 w Baltimore °3 Doenges Philip, 3 Green ct Doenges Wm. cabinetmkr, 333 s Charles Doeplitz Sol. millinery L'oods, 78 Lexington Doerer John, farrier, 147 s Regester Doering Henry, grocery and plasterer, 468 Ligh Doerkeen Rev. Jacob, 37 Conw.iy Doerr Conrad, clerk, 40 Ridgely Doetrch Louis J. 23 Waesche DoettewickAndreas, stableman, Dillon nrSecond ^ Doettewick Jacob, stableman. 43 n Durham ^ Doft GeoriiC, canmkr, 174 Cliesunt ry Dogge Albert, boots and shoes, 85 u Eutaw, ^ dw 57 s Oregon qq Dogge Anne, saleswoman, 57 s Oregon Dojige Gusdorf, shoemaker, 139 Saratoga, dw ^ 57 s Ore;ion ^ Doharr Charles, restaurant, basement Law bldg ^ Dohennv Michael, currier, 36 n Holliday J^ Dohert}''^ Eliza (.M. & E. Doherty) 223 Lexington ^ Doherty Kate, 233 Lexington M O <1 OQ PL, OQ OQ PQ P Ph OQ P5 ~-{ 1— ( c. CO 'Z d r_^ s^ r. 3 ^ ^ 'A X -' w j:: X ^ c o: r; Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, DOH 154 DON ■4^ ^^ T. r) > ■y. >-. ^ Zl V _x ZJ u CJ *-5 • »% 90 > £ a! H, ir -^ r. —* 3J C >. a> i" t» — X o ^ X ") a> >> « ^^ a^ •^ .^ lO ft — r*. Dolieriv Jobn T. sheet iroa worker, Stsir hotel Doherty Mrs. Mary (M. cj- K Doberty) 223 Lex- ington Doherty M. k E. ( Mary and Eliza Doherty) dry poods, 223 Lexiiiijton Doherty VVm. J. salesman, 54 McMechin Dohme Charles, 42 s Greene ' Dohnie Chas. E. (Sharp k D.) 42 8 Greene Dohme Lewis (Sharp & D.) 303 w Lombard Dohme Dr. G. C. 86 e Fayette Dohme R. V. mechanical engineer, McMi-chin nr John Dolan Bridsxet, grocery, 49 s Chapel Dolan Children Aid Asvlum in charge, Sisters (if Holy Cross, 115 Gou>:li Dolan Daniel, lab. 17 Buren DoUn Edward, shoemaker, Madison and North Dolan Edward, lab. 56 Dewberry al Dolan Hiij;h, lab. 31 Cambridge Dolan James, lab. 79 Johnson D ilaii Jimes, lab. 105 IJamburg Dolan James, tavern. Falls rd nr tollgate Dolan James, mariner. Spring nr John Dolan John, ston-'cutter, 1>^1 n Eden D)lan John, ^asfitter, 79 Graiiby Dolan Joseph, hackmui. 122 Harford av Dolan Kern, carter. Spring nr John Dolan Louis, lab. Bcnlalou nr Frederick av D )lan .Mrs. .Mair^Me, dressmkr, 32-! w Iloffinan Dolan .Mrs. .Maria, Lombard nr Monroe Dolan .M itthew, lab. 65 Frederick av Dolin .Maurice, currier, 44 L"mnion Dolan Michiel, lab. 70 Towson Dolan Michael, police, 87 s [li'^h Dol.in P.itrick, lab. 384 William Dolan Pitrick, stonemason, 65 Frederick av D)lan Pitrick, lab. 122 Harford av Dilan Patrick, lab 276 Battery av Dolan Patrick F. constable, 323 w Hoffinaa Dolan I'airtck, lab. 56 Dewberry al Dolan Tlioiias, blacksmith, 202 e Chase Dolan Win. clerk, 181 s n E ien D .Ian Wm. cmmkr, 49 Ch ipel Dolan Wm. P. ship carp. 47 Johnson Dolbow Reuben N m.iiin -r, 78 s Chester Dolby Augustus R. ironworker, 74 Rue Dolch John, processor, 31.'! Franklin Dolch John, wheel wriglil, 84 L-adenhall Dolch John C. blacksmith, 262 w Biildle Dolch Wm. n. blacksmith, 262 w Biddle Di)lfield Alex. Y. c isbier German-American Bank, 31 n Bro idwav Dolfi-ld Fredk. 271 e Lombard Dolli"im Andrew, lab. 109 s Bond Doll Bernard, clerk, 367 w Lombard Doll Charles W. canmkr, Chasi; and Forest pi Doll .Mrs. Catherine, 57 Benialou D )ll C iristi .n. junk, 81 Grindall Doll Danl. dispatcher of trains, 367 w Lombard Doll John N. michinist, 367 Le.xinzton Doll Leandf,- Z.( Fangmever Ac Doll)24.') Lanvale Doll [lev.Penfield,46 e Chase ur Greenmouiilav Dollrtck John, tailor, (j6 n Wolfe Doll.'ird John, engineer, 13 Li-mmon Duller Charles H. c erk, 273 Mulberry Dollinger Chas. butcher, 30 Belair and 90 Cen- tre inkts, ilw Beliir rd Doleman John, paver, 248 Hanover Dolphin Francis, liutcher, 3 Stockholm Dolphin Street Presbyterian Church, Etling and Dolphin Dombach John, Ub. rear 354 s Charles Domhrowski Charles, lab. 77 Bank Domt)rowski Emanuel, shoeniki, 43 Lancaster Domine John, plasterer, 50 s Bond Domling George, beer, 4 n Wolfe Domeyer Henry, lab. 9 Webb Donaiine And. beer, Forrest and Monument Donahue Daniel, lab. 31 Chew Donihue Daniel, rags, 54 s Stockton al Donahue Daniel P. mariner, 110 Orleans Donahue Mrs. Elizabeth, 110 Orleans Donahue George W. tobacconist, 419 Eastern av Donahue Henry, tinner, 110 Orleans Donahue Jas. D. shipjoiner, 281 e Lombard Donahue John E. 110 Orleans Donahue Mick, canmkr. 133 Ann Donahue Patrick, lab. 20 CoUander al Donahue Stephen, huckster, 185 n Front Donald James, millinery goods, 122 Lexington, dw Relay house, B. & 0. R. R. Donald .Mrs. .Margaret L. teacher, 87 Preston Donaldson Arthur .M. carp. 537 e Fayette Donaldson Commodore Edward, U. S. N. dw 105 n Charles Donaldson Elizabeth, 122 McCuUoh DONALDSON Dr. FRANK, prof. University of Md. office and dw 108 Park av Donaldson Frank, hackman. 8 Tyson Donaldson Fielding, lab. Burrough nr Fort av Donaldson Geo. W. 312 n Caroline Donaldson Haj-vey. cigarmaker, 90 Ensor Donaldson James B. lab. 201 Pierce Donald.son James E. cotton sampler, 70 n Wolfe Donaldson James, cijrarmaker, 90 Ensor Donaldson John, 62 Fiwn Donaldson John, 122 McCulloh Donaldson John J. att'y, 38 St. Paul, dw How- ard Co Donaldson John M. clerk, 62 Fawn Donaldson Lewis, cigarmaker, 90 Ensor Donaldson Mrs. Margaret, 122 McCulloh Donaldson Noih I. tinner, 36 Ryan Donaldson Owen, lab. 15 Warner Donaldson .Mrs. S. I. 39 St. Paiil Donaldson Samuel C. librarian Mercantile Lib- rary, dw 179 w Hoffman Donaldson .Stetdien, fisherman, 114 s Exeter Donaldson Theodore H. carp. 568 Lexintrton Donaldson Thos.W.. U. S. storekeeper, 52 Fawn DONALDSON THOMAS, attorney, 38 St.Paul, dw Howard Co Donaldson Wm. lab. 32 Burrough Donaldson Walter A. actor. 160 Harford av Domllen .\ndrew, wheelwright, 382 Light Doiiallen Virginia, teacher. 382 Light Donat Julian, 172 n Gay Donat Mrs. Mary, 172 n Gay Donat Peter, 152 Hughes Doiiavan Michl, paver, Chappell and Liberty rd Donavan Peter, lab. 375 William Douavan Mrs. Sirah, 432 n Gay Donavin Dr. Matthew W. apothecary, s e cor Lee and Sharp, dw 98 Lee Dondorf Jacob, lab. 9 Portugal al Dondorf John, canmkr, 9 Portugal al Dondorf Philip, camkr, 9 Portugal al Done Juliet 11 229 .Madison av Donegan Edward, Clinton nr Eighth av Donegan .Mrs. Owen 11 McLeary ct Donelson A. (Moorehead & D.) Howard co Donelson Arlemas, clerk, Woodberry Donelson E. V. bookkpr, Savajre, Howard CO Donges Andrew, furn. wagon, 333 s Charles HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Qen'l Agt. DON 155 DOR Donges Mrs. Elizabeth, 25 Stirlinor Donges Mrs. Lena, grocery, 333 s Charles Doiihauser Mrs. Joanna, fanc^' goods, 333 Eastern av Doiihauser Sebastian, painter, 189 s Chester Donlan Anthony, sr. tailor, 23 Sleinnier al Donlan Anthony, jr. curiier, 23 SleuuDer al DonlHH Lawrence, lab. 23 Sleiiimer al Donlan Thns. cart'-r, Chesnut and Low Donleary John, foreman, Buren nr Front Doiilon Peter, lab. 20 Hillman Donnell James M. (Malster & D.) 73 s Chester Doimell Michael, lab. 108 s Howard Donnelly Ambrose, lab. 141 n Front Donnelly Bernard, police, 127 Franklin Donnelly & Black (Cieo. W. Donnelly, Wm. PI. Black) wholes, and retail grocers, 9 Penna av Donnelly Charles, plasterer, 9 Baker Donnelly Charles A. clerk, 381 n Gay Donnelly Daniel, bottler, 23 Slemnier al Donnelly Daniel, lab. 16 Walsh Donnelly Daniel, brickmkr. Greenwood Park nr .Mine Bank la, dw 304 e Chase Donnelly Daniel, brii klayer, 237 Peirce Donnelly D. P. stonecutter, 579 Penna av Donnelly Edward, fireman, 57 Centre Market sp Donnelly Edwiird, police 16 Hill Donnelly Mrs. Eliza, 63 Cathedral Donnelly .Mrs. Ellen, seamstress, 4 Fountain Donnelly Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 336 n Howard Donnelly Francis, stonecutter, 213 Dolphin Donnelly Francis T. dry goods, 381 n Gay Donnelly Geo. (D. & Black) 9 Penna av Donnelly Hu^h, 147 n Front Donnelly James, 190 n Front Donnelly James, printer, 385 Canton av Donnelly James, newsman, 4 Fountain Donnelly James, lab. 246 Cross Donnelly James, clerk, Fremont and German Donnelly Jamt-3, stable boss, 156 Ciesipeake Donnelly James, harbormaster, cor Block and drawbridge, dw 551 Saratoga Donnelly James A. oil and lamps, 250 Canton av Donnelly James E. agricultural implements, 35 n Paci Donnelly John, lab. 4 Fountain Donnelly John, porter, 5 Valley Donnelly John, marble polisher, 38 Valley Donnelly John, liquors, 35 n Paca Donnelly John, jr. clerk, .35 n Paca Donnelly John, lab. 579 Penna av Donnelly John, plumber, 236 n Howard Donnelly John, lab. Cathedral ext Donnelly John, fireman, 416 s Charles Donnelly John, lib '151 Saratoga Donnelly John, lab. 23 Biddle al Donnelly John, lab. 21 Foundrj- Donnelly John E. coichpainter, 551 Sarato;.'a Donnelly J. W. carp. 381 n Gay Donnelly Joseph, shoemkr, 237 Peirce Donnell.v Joseph, lab. 21 Foundry Donnelly Joseph H. clerk, 551 Saratoga Donnelly .Mary, tavern, 161 Eastern av Donnelly Mary, 3-*5 Canton av Donnelly Martin, lab. 23 Block Donnelly Michael, drayman, 311 e Biddle Donnelly Patrick, grocery. 528 n Gay Donnelly Patrick, lab. 1 Plowman Donnelly Patrick J. lab. 98 .Mullikin Donnelly Peter, cardriver, First nr Toone Donnelly Peter, lab. 348 William Donnelly Richard, lab. 101 e Eager Donnelly Wm. lab. 9 Baker Donoho Wm. J. agt. sewing machines, 406 e Madison DONOHO K DENIS, British consul, 6 Exchange bidg, Second, dw 253 St. Paul Donohue And' w. blacksmith, 176 L Constitution Donohue Catherine, 4 Siockton Donohue Cornelius, lab. 49 Buren Donohue Daniel, i)orter, 60 Buren Donohue Daniel, jr. porter, 60 Buren Donohue Daniel, tailor. 178 L Constitution Donohue Henry, canmkr, 279 n Durham Donohue James, police, 20 Forrest pi Donohue James, lab. 46 Albemarle Donohue James, lab. Cathedral ext Donohue James, bricklayer, 161 Gough Donohue James, lab. 20 Forrest pi Donohue James, ship carp. 364 e Baltimore Donohue James, stonemason, 21 Hudson al Donohue James H. (John D. & Sons) 20 Albe- marle Donohue John, livery stable, 217 n Fremont Donohue John, plasterer, 4 Siockton Donohue John, (John D. & Sons)37 s Choptank Donohue John, bricklayer, 19 L Church Donohue John & Sons, (John & James H. Don- ohue) wholesale tobacco, 128 w Pratt Donohue John, (D. & Bro. ) 2^3 n Gay Donohue .lolm F. com mercht. 8 Watson Donohue John T.hailiff Orjihans' Ct. 83 s High Donohue & Bro. (John & Patrick Donohue) bonnet frames, 253 n Gay Donohue .Martin, lab. 12 Buren Donohue Matthfw, quarryman, 3 Jackson ct Dt)nohue .Michael, grocery, 27 and 29 n Amity Donohue Michael, canmkr, 31 Haw Donohue Michael, lab. 21 Hudson al D.mohue Patrick (D. & Bro.) 253 n Gay Donohue Patrick, lab. 355 Eastern av Donohue Patrick, portei-, 64 n Dallas Donohue Patrick, lab. 58 n Amity Donohue Thos. oil refinery, 383 s Eutaw Donohue Thos. driver, 20 Fori est pi Donohue Thomas, blksmilh, Columbia nr Fre- mont Donohue Wm. 0. conductor, 9 McMechin Doiovan -Anna. (Garthe & D.) 325 Orleans Donovan Mrs. Caroline, Linden av ext Donovan D miel, lab. 106 s Howard Donovan Jamns, lab. 55j e Lombard Donovan James, printer, 91 n Exeter Donovan John, lab. 3 Ensor ct Donovan .Mrs. .Margaret, 224 n Front Donovan .Mrs. Mary, 1 Blood-ood ct Donovan .Michael, lab. 51 s Dewberry al Donovan Michael. paver, Patterson la nr Calhoun Donovan .Michael, printer, 38 n Exeter Donovan .Mrs. R 122 w Hotfmaii Donovan Simon, peddler. 325 Orleans Donovan Wm. health dep'. 5 Bank Donteil Henry, saddler, cor Essex and Canton av Dooley Fenton, lab. 25 Haw Dooley James, grocery, 88 Harford av Dooley Thos. driver, 206 n Exeter Dooling Hugh, [incidler, 31 Cambridge Doohttle .Mrs Margaret, 5 w Chase Doory John, harnessmkr, 206 n Exeter Doory Thos. lab. 206 n Exeter Doner James, lab. 236 n Front Dopman Henry, lab. 134 s Wolfe Doppet Fredk. lab. 3.36 s Bond Doran Francis, moulder, 415 Eastern av ■*-t O O O o p4 o o < O o > o GQ < O t— ) pi. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. DOR 156 DOR H Px3 W fri H C/J <1 o O < t— 1 ^ M o m o CO ^ 00 O o H ^ 1— ( i^-( <^ ! >fcElderrv D()RGAN & ("O.iT.A.Dor/anOstoves, ranges, &c. s e cor Lonil'aid aid Li^^lit Dorian Gustivus A. «hii)carp. 4') s Washington Dortran Theodore A. (D. & Co.) Ill n Ohar'es Dorir.i;- Christian, shoemkr, 24 Washington av Doriii;: Geo. 19 Culliii;^iOii av Dorin? Henry, lab. 89 n Poppleton Dorinjr John, eiirannkr. 89 n ('opjileton Dorinir Valentine, lab. 89 n Pnppleton Dorilee Cliailes. drivi-r, 292 S Paca Di-rify Mrs. Delia, fancy j_'oods, 7 Warner Doiity John, fireman, 7 Warner Durman .Mrs. Annie, dressmkr.292 e Monument Dornian Geo. lab. 130 s Chapel Ddrniin H mnah S. tailoress, 4 Essex Doruian Isaac, mariner, 408 Rasiern av IXH'.MAN J. F. W. |)rup'r U.S. Manufacturing (yo. 19 German, ihv 119 n Republican Dorraan Janie.^, huckster, 4 Ivsse.x Dornian .Mrs. Jane G. 459 n Fremont Dorman Mrs. .Mary, nurse, 4 Kssex Doiman t)itilia, 381 Hamburg Dornian Wm. carp. 4 Kssex Dorman's .Stencil and Stamp Works, (J. F. W. D:)rman, 19 German Dormey Tlios. J. salesman, 121 n Broadway Dorn Frederick, slKjemkr, 4 .Milliman Dorn (iet. lab. 8 Cuile\' Dorn John, currier. 50 Hillen Dorn John, lieer, s^ e Lt)mliard Dorn John A. restaurant, s e cor Park and Iliciiiuond D.iru Joseph, police, 83 Elliott Dorn Nicho as, 4 Bruce al Dornak Joseph, lab. 4 Ahhot Doi iidorf Adam, carp. 152 Peirce Dorndi.rf Henry, lab. 152 Peirce Dorne Philip, salesman, lr'5 w Biddle Dorner Mrs. C^;lherille. 8 Bouldin al Dorner John T. porter, 177 n Fremont Dorney Albert, (Dorney r, 255 Hanover Dorrcll J. potter, Washington nr Cliase Dorrett Wm. W. tobacconist, IMeii and Fayette Dorries Chas.tobac'nist.Constiiuiion and Buren Doiritee Lorenzo, painter, 2t)2 e Madison Dorritee Wm. S , Harford rd op|i Darley Park Dorry Fredk. piumlier, 21 Williamson al Dorry .Mrs. Mar_'aret, notions, 289 e Baltimore Dor.-^ch Geo. shoemkr, 102 n Spring Dorscli Geo. shoemkr, 149 s Dallas Dorsch Geo. cooper, 102 s Howard Dorsch Geo. jr. cutier. 102 s How..rd Dorsch J. G. cutter, 102 s Howard Dorsch John, wheelwright, 9 Spring ct Dorsch Louisa, laundress, 178 Peirce Dorsch .Michael, hamessmkr. 102 s Howard Dorsch Wolf, cooper, 122 s Bethel Dorschel Wm. buicher, 7 and 9 Fell's Point market, dw 295 Hamburg Dorsett. Harris & Co. ( J. H.Dorsett, W.V.Harris) grocers and com. merchts. 8S s Charles Dorsett J. Hawkins, (D., Harris & Co. 119 n Charles Dorsey A. P. 165 St Paul Dorsey Allen, supt.Balto.and York Road R.W. 3 u Hcjlliday and 77 Smith's wlif, dw 193 n Charles Dorsey Mrs. Amanda F. 309 e Eager Dorsey .Andrew- J. 349 e Baltimore Dorsey Charles, watchman. 142 Hudson Dorsey Charles F. packer, 142 Hudson Dorsey Charles H. clerk, 35 Conway Dorsev Charles H. engineer, 47 McHeary DORSEY D., Barnum's hotel Dorsey Danl. W. gilder. Monument and Jew al Dorsey David, marbleworker, 44 Liberty al Dorsey D ivid J. currier, 44 Liberty al Dor.sey .Mrs. E. A. 325 w Lombard Dorsey K. R. asst. genl. ticket agt. B.& O.R.R. 66 w Madison Dorsey Edward, carp. 291 Walsh Dorsey Kvan L. 408 w Favette Dorsey Ezekiel S. bookkeeper, 333 e Baltimore Dorsey Frank, drug clerk, Un Park av Dorsev Frank, clerk, 401 Lexington DORSEY FRANK G. M. attorney, 42 St. Paul, dw 35 Conway Dorsev G. D. (D.,GeorL'e & Ahrens) Howard CO DORSEY, G1';0R(;E& AnREN.S,(G.D.Dorsey, John George, Adolph Ahrens)wholesaIe gro- cers, 31 Cheapside Dorsey Geo. E.atty,42 St. Paul, dw 35 Conwaj' Dorsey Geo. W. tax collector, Toone nr Clinton Dorsey Mrs. Hannah R. 165 St. Paul Dorsev Junes, marble polisher, 44 Lihertv al Dorsey Junes P. (Dorsey & Norris) 161 Elliott Dorsey James L. flour broker, 103 s Charles, dw 35 Conway Dorsey James E. 165 St. Paul Dorsey John, (J. D. & .Son ) Orleins and Castle Dovsey .lohn & Son,( J.and M Dorsey )liuu'! ^S Uowell .Marion L. 94 Camden > '^ , Dowliiig .Mrs. .Mary, 40 n Uij^h _o g Dowlintr Patrick, lab. 525 w Lombard ^^ :c Dueling Tlios. J. printer, 158 s Paca \ ~ Q Dowiing Thomas, lab. 26 Norris al ; "^ Downes D. Stewart, supt. Mt. Olivet cemetery, ( 00 . 63 s High ^ 'P Downes Thaddeus L. 63 s High ; !> C Downes Thomas H. teacher, 89 Mosher • r^ "S Downey Edward, furn. wagon, 13 Constitution ; — '^ Downey Edward, polisher, 163 Johnson ■> "^ r^ Downey John, mariner, 22 William S^_t: DOW.XEV JOHN, grocer and com. mercht. 133 o '-^ Frankiiu, dw 154 n Eutaw ^ J," Downey John, carter, 75 n Eutaw £^ z Downev Crtj)!. John, mariner, 104 s Sharp j2 J Downey Michael, lab. 12 Hiilen — — Downey Mrs. M. E. >. < Downey Pat'k, lab. E. boarding, 104 s Sharp Clinton nr copperworks o P^ Downev Patrick, carter, 68 n Holliday "^ ^ Downey Samuel. » Downing Mrs. S. J. grocery, n e cor Fremont \^'Z and M(,sher ^ "^ ? Downing (,'apt. Samuel jr. (Eub:ink & D.) 49 , ^ >-. St. Paul t'a - Downing W. C. (Morton, Bull & Co. 1168 w 3p-g Biddle J ^ C Downing W. W'. bricklayer, 163 n Fremont , ^ "" Downs Asa, fireman, 192 Columbia ; "^ 5 Downs ('has. farmer, 71 n Broadway S ^ ,o "owns Chas. G salesman, 128 s Charles 5 2 Ti Downs & Co. (Joseph H. Downs, George Rose) ^ Tff^''' butchers, 67 llanovi-r, 31 Centre, 38 Rich- ^ i tL mond and 46 Lexington markets J £ .5 "owns Harris S. canmkr, 410 Orleans 3 ^ .^ Downs Harris T. police, 410 Orleans ; "^ t^ Downs James II. clerk, 361 Franklin 5 J^' ^ Downs James II. i)rinter, 148 w Baltimore, dw 5 ^ T3 45 Lanvale ext ^j .— e3 Downs John I. carp. 722 Penna. av. dw cor ^ j; . r. Carey and Cumlierlaud • _o ;-, Downs John, painter, 410 Orleans 2 X o Downs John, shucker, 37 Cambridge S ^ >> Downs Joseph B. (D. & Co.) 470 Light ^ CD W Downs Michael, lab. 16 Fall Downs .Michael, shucker, 37 Cambridge Downs -Marion, stonecutter, 410 Orleans Downs Mrs. Rachel A. 185 n Eden Downs Samuel A. carp. 12.') Montgomery ~ Downs Samuel F. moulder, 176 n Fremont Downs Thaddeus L clerk, Lexington nr Pine Downs Mrs. Susan, seamstress, 101 n Eden Downs Wm. H. carp. 12 Rufiard Downs Wm. H., Fremont and Mosher Downs Wm. H. property agent, 575 Lexington Downs Winifred, 37 Cambridge Doxen Mrs. E. T. 29 McHenry Doxen John, lamplighter, Cathedral ext Doxen Geo. engineer, C ahedral ext Do vie A. C proprietor Dovle's Indelible ink, 44 McCulloh Doyle Andrew J. clerk, 197 Saratoga Doyle Ann, grocery, 61 Clay Doyle Arthur, shipcarp. 79 s Castle Doyle Charles, clerk, 44 .McCulloh Doyle Clarence, clerk, 44 McCulloh Doyle .Mrs. Celeslia, 2o7 n Carey Doyle Clarence jr. clerk, 44 McCulloh Doyle Elizabeth, dry goods, 69 n Schroeder Do.vle Mrs. Ellen, huckstress, 20 Albemarle Doyle Geo. T. caulker, 62 Philpot DoVle Henry, lab. 7 Patuxent Dovle Henry, dork, 44 McCulloh Doyle James* (D. & Reilly) 1 Myrtle av Doyle James, waichnutn 245 w Biddle Doyle James E, blacksmith, 13 Lloyd Doyle James H. printer, 189 Saratoga Doyle James .M. j)aper canier, 55 n Republican Doyle John, baker, 61 Clay Doyle John, lab. 62 n Oregon Doyle John, lab. 120 Stirling Do\le John, lab. 85 s Exeter Doyle John, clerk, 122 s Paca Doyle John, lab. 18 Abey al Doyle John, lab. 23 Ringgold al Di)vleJolni, nailmkr, 400 w Pratt,dw209 Vine Doyle John B. clerk, 261 Walsh Doyle John S. bookkpr, 122 s Paca Doyle John T. lab. Parrish nr Pratt Doyle .Mrs. Margaret, laund. 120 Stirling Doyle Mary, housekpr, 147 St. Paul Doyle Mrs. .Mary, 46 Johnson Doyle M. J. tinner, 49 Etting Doyle Martin, lab. 10 Cuiley nr Lancaster Doyle Mary, teacher, 27 Constitution Doyle .Matthew, lab. 27 Constitution Do\le Michael, moulder, 61 Clay Doyle Michael, lab. Dover nr .Monroe Doyle Michael, police 402 HanoTer Doyle Michael H. printer, 34 e Baltimore Doyle .Michael J. curp. 337 .Mulberry Doyle Patrick, iHb. 178 McHenry Doyle Patrick, lab. Cathedral ext Doyle Patrick, drayman 172 Stirling Doyle Patrick, lab. 62 s Oregon Doyle Patrick F. lab. 62 s Oregon Doyle Peter, bricklayer, 94 Dolphin Doyle & Reilly (James Doyle & I'atrick Reilly) wholes liquors, 140 Franklin Dovle Redmond, clerk, 71 Buren Doyle Rojanna, 32 Camden Doyle Sam'l li. clerk, Adams Exp. 401 Franklin Doyle Thomas, cooper, 62 Philpot Doyle Thomas, sawyer, 90 Battery av Doyle Thomas, grocery, 78 York Doyle Thomas, marble polisher, 134 Harford av -^o H0LME8 & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. DOT 159 DRO Dojle Thomas G. bookseller, 289 n Gay Dojle T. Harrie, bookkpr, 2o7 n Carey Doyle Walter I, 207 n Carey Doyle Wm. {irocery, 40 Park av Doyle Wm. F. police, 380 s Charles Doyle Wm. J. carp. 337 Mulberry Doyle Wm. J. horseshoer, 209 Vine Doyle Wm. J. (Newcomer & Co.) 189 Saratoga Doyle Wm. H. carp. 337 .Mulberry Dozier Win. R. clerk, 56 s Greene Drackesher John, tailor, 96 Somerset Drackesher Michael, tailor, 343 n Central av Drager Henry, carter, 326 s Bond Drajier Henry, cigarpacker, 331 e Monument Drager, Wm. shoemkr, 247 Canton av. dw 326 s Bond Drain Francis P. 4 Waverly terrace Drake Charles C. foreman, 301 Bank Drake G. H. painter, 194 e Baltimore Drake Edward F. blacksmith, 87 s Fremont Drake Hiel, blacksmith, 4 Henrietta Drake James F. cigarmkr, 87 s Fremont Drake Thomas D. bookkpr, 63 St. Paul Drake Wiu. bhicksmith, cor Penn and King, dw 87 s Fremont Drakeley Geo. (Tilghman & D.) 272 w Fayette Drakeley John G. (Griffith & D.) 272 w Fayette Drakeley Mrs. Maria, 388 w Fayette Drakeley Thomas, 272 w Fayette Drane James, lab. McKim n of Eager Draue James E. machinist. Eagle hotel Drane John F. lab. McKioi n of Eager Drane John F. lab. 110 Greenmount av Drane John M. plasterer, 439 e Fayette Drane Mrs. Mary, varieties, 110 Greenmount av Drane Richard, boilermaker, 79 Stirling Draper Chester, wagoner, 178 Dover Draper John R. musician, 206 Raborg Draper Kate, 6 Josephine Draubert John, cooper, 166 s Spring Draubert John, mariner, 94 s Chapel Drebing G. W. 67 Jackson sq av Drebing Harriet, 13 Collington av Drebing Wm. lab. 246 s Durham Drebing Wm. A. plumber, 21 w Fayette, dw 13 n Collington av Drechler John, plasterer, 40 n Amity Drechsel Louis, beer, 299 Penna av Drechsler Casper, musician, Low and Forrest Dreher Henry H. laborer, 36 e Biddle ext Dreher, Reay & Co. (David Reay & Co.) Co- lumbia, Penn. Dreiscb Joseph, porter, 60 Mulberry Dreisch Joseph M. clerk, 60 Mulberry Dreiscb Mary E. fancy goods, 60 Mulberry Drenk August, shoemaker, 125 u Howard Drenner Frank, carp. 4 s Poppleton Drennicker Geo. conductor, lz7 Elliott Dresbach Wilhelm, blacksmith, 1 Baker ct Dresel Adolph, elk, cor Townsend and Fremont Dresel Ferdinand, (W. D. k Co.) cor Townsend and Fremont DRESEL WERNER (W. D. & Co.) consul for German Empire,37 s Gay, dw cor Townsend and Fremont Dresel W. & Co. (W. & F. Dresel) tobacco and com. merchants, 37 s Gay Dresher Henry, lab. 36 e Biddle Dresher Peter, shoemaker, 16 Willow Dresler Charles, tanner, 93 Thames Dressel Adolph, stonecutter, 289 e Monument Dressel Mrs. Catherine, 289 e Monument Dressel Conrad, fringe mauufact. 50 n Spring Dressel Conrad, lab. 13 Heury Dressel Elizabeth, beer, 212 Aliceanna Dressel Ferdinand, shoemkr, 197 Burgundy al Dressel George, beer, 112 Druid Hill av Dressi 1 Geo. C. harnessmaker, 258 s Bond Dressel Henry, roofing and spouting, 289 e Monument Dressel John, lab. 110 Somerset Dressel John G. lab. 76 Somerset Dressel John J. bakery, 141 e Pratt Dressel Joseph, tailor,''4 Anthony DRESSEL LEONARD, blindmaker, and let- lerer, 532 n Gay Dressel Lainhart, lab. 166 s Ann Dreasel Martin, brewer, 212 Aliceanna Dressel .Martin, baker, 107 n High Dreves Francis, cigar store, 145 w Fayette Drew Fred, helper. First av nr Clinton Drexel August, tobacconist, 59 n Gav Drexel Francis F. (F. F. D. k Co.) 47 n Gay Drexel Henry, 47 n Gay Drexel Henry, lab. 12 Baker Drexel Henry, jr. cigarmaker, 74 n Gay Drexel H. C. scourer, 313 w Hoffman DREXEL F. F. ^ CO. (F. F. Drexel, Chas. H. Pitts) druggists' sundries and glassware, cor Sharp and German d^ Drexel John, sr. lab. 23 Smith Drexel John, jr. potter, 23 Smith p) Drexel Moritz, confectionery, 54 w Baltimore O Drexel Moritz, scourer and dyer, 2 Courthouse la Q Drexel Richard, lab. 23 Smith ►^ Drexler Ferdinand, lab. 231 n Bond i-^ Drexler Fredk. tailor, 138 s Washington Drexler Fredk. butcher. Point la ur Harford rd P^ Drey Abraham, 64 Conway Drey Elkau (L. Lauer & Co.) 64 Conway i^* Dreyer Abraham, 70 Harrison ^ Dreyer Chas. M. cigarmaker, 44 Frederick av ^ Dreyer Fred. lab. 30 Dewberry al Dreyer F.( Louis Grube &Co.) 610 w Baltimore qq Dreyer H. D. carp. 610 w Baltimore (_^ Dreyer Mrs. Mary, millinery, 610 w Baltimore fi^ Dreyer Wm. A. snoes, 168 s Broadway ^ Dreyer W. C. clerk, 168 s Broadway [z Dreher Wm. C. banker, 246 w Fayette ^ Driesback George, cooper, 60 n High ^ DRILL JAMES M. genl. freight agent N. C. R. ^ W. and Baltimore and Potomac R. R. 168 n a O PQ o O O O Calvert, dw 357 Park av Drinkhouse Rev. E. J. 61 n Gilmor Drischman Geo. carver, 487 w Pratt DriscoU Mrs. C. R. teacher, 42 n Poppleton DriscoU Dennis, stonecutter, 82 n Holliday DriscoU Dennis, wagoner, 7 w Lombard DriscoU James, stevedore, 137 Duncan al DriscoU James jr. lab. 137 Duncan al DriscoU John, police, 25 s Republican DriscoU John, lab. 38 Essex DriscoU Richard J. tailor, 54 s Howard DriscoU Timothy, 169n Exeter DriscoU Wm. H. upholsterer, 54 s Howard Driver Charles, lab. 51 e Madison Driver Charles, lab. 441 u Gay Driver Charter, lab, 339 Hamburg Droebing Philip, lab. 246 s Durham Droebing Wm. lab. 246 s Durham Droebisch Paul, pianoraaker, 88 Pearl Drohau David, police, 244 n Gilmor Drohan Matthew, Gilmor nr Patterson av Dromm Charles, lab. 394 s Charles ^ < Ph :^ o o < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, DRO 160 DUF W o P O 1-5 O - O H I— i ^ CQ ^< o w Dronev Mfirtin, tailor, 7 Spring ct Uroscl"ierA.ioliili,(J.P.Lul.bs&Co.)51 n Greene Diosl Charles, clerk, 31 llollins Drost John \V. merchant, Ijrown's hotel Drost Michael, shuemkr, 371 Orleans Droste Wni. H. serjicant police, 78 Hill Drxud.v Andrew, cloth ciilitr, 6(J Stiles Dn)U';ht Carrie A. itaclier, 138 Montgomery Drought Francis, carpenlc-r, 138 Montgomery Drouglit Marv, saloon, 130 Hudson DKOVKRS AND MECHANICS BANK, nwcor Baltimore and Carey — [See Ap^iendix. Druggists Weekly Price Current, J. F. Jones & Cu. publishers and proprs. over 10 South Drugan ilugh, 71 Hollins Druid Cotioa Mills, Druidville, N. C. R. W. Gambrill, Sons & Co. proprietors Druid H.iil, 25 \v Fayette Druid Hill As?emldy Rooms, 126 Druid Hill av Di uid HilIAv.Slables,iiecor Ettingand Dolphin DRUID HILL PARK, Madison av exl Drum John, lab. lOG Scott Drum John, lab. 9 Henry Diumguole Patrick H. carp. 133 n Spring Druuiuiarder Chris, lali. 25 Rock Drummey Cornelius, lab. 4 Baker Drummond Mrs. Joanna E. 154 n Pine Drummond \Vm. lab. 52 u Calvert Drummond Wni. David, clerk, 41 Lee Drury Chas. B. salesman, 48 Conway Drury Edward T. clerk, Brown's hotel Drury Jas. P. clerk, 2;-!l Barre Drur\ John A. stonecutter, 73 s Choptank Drury Suuuel C. watchman, 15 s Fremont Drury \Vm. rigger, 73 s Choptank Drury Wm. A. mariner, 155 Battery av Drury Wm. H. carp. 73 s Choptank Druschel Jacob, j)aperbo.\mk[-, 419 Cross Druschel Philip, liquors, 24 n Caroline DRYDEN ALEX. Sr. fish dealer, 61 Clay, dw 64 Clay Dryden Alex. jr. fish, 64 Clay Dryden C. (J. clerk, cor McCulloh and McMechin Dryden Ellen, fish, 64 Clay Dryden .Mrs. E. A. 40 s n Carey Dryden James, blacksmith, 276 McDouough Dryden J. .Meredith, (Chase, Stewart & Co.) 157 n Charles Dryden Joshua, 67 n Liberty Dryden Joshua R. salesman, 24 McCulloh Drsden Samuel, bricklayer, 49 Warren Dryden S.imuel, 67 n Libeiiy Dryden Thos. fish, 64 Clay Dryden W . H. salesman, 342 w Fayette Dryden W. Sidney, salesman, 59j Lee Duainc John, coachman, 30 Ililleu DUBaRRV J. N. vice picoi. and chief engineer N.C.R.W and gen'l manager B.tJ- Potomac R. R. 168 n Calvert, dw 424 Eutaw pi DuBarry \V. D. ticket anient I'euna R. R. n e cor Baltimore and Calvert, dw 245 Park av Dubbs Dau'l L. shoeiukr, 126 Parkin Dubel Capt. Jas. A. com. mercht, 88 Light-st whf, dw 147 n Caiey Dubois E. C. clerk, 298 Madison av Dubois Edward, watchman, 129 n Central av Dubois Edward S. dep'y kpr Md. Penitentiary Dubm in Henry, lab. 2o9 s Wolle Dubree Geo. W. silversmith, 220 e Madison Dubree John B. clerk, 80 w Biddle Dubree John II. carp. 80 w Biddle Dubreuil .\rmand, marblecutter, 29 Camden Dubreuil Geo. A. teacher, 355 n Central av Dulireuil Madam .Armanda, teacher, 29 Camden Dubreuil Paul E. clerk, 29 Camden Dubreuil Rev. T. Paul, St. Mary's S3minary Duhritou Wm. machinist, 22 Stockton Dubrowski Joseph, lab. 286 Aliceanna Dubnis-ou Robt. L. collector, 3 and 4 Law building, dw 301 n Ann Ducatel Polymnia, boarding, 145 St. Paul Duchaulie Chas. G. clerk, 309 Aisquith Duck Dr. Chas. E. dentist, 147 Saratoga Duck Frederick, lab. 49 Essex Ducker Geo. E., Maltby house Duckett Mrs. E A. Q. 9 w Biddle Duckett Jeremiah, carter, 220 Preston Ducketi John, oysters. 152 Vine Duckett Mrs. Mary, grocery, 556 Saratoga Duckett Rich'd G. tax deiiart.191 n Republican Duckett Robrt L. carter, 556 Saratoga Duckett Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 13 Lajlope Duckett .Mrs. Weddie, 67 Park av Ducketi Wm. wagoner, 484 Saratoga Duckworth J. G. medical student. 87 s Sharp Ducsh Henry, engineer, 227 n Bond Duddiiid Jas. mathematical instrument mkr, 158 n E.xeter Duddy John J. typefounder, Burton's hotel Dudley Ann E. school, cor Fayette and Gilmor Dudley Asa P. carp. Friendship, York rd Dudley Chas. engineer, 296 s Sharp Dudley (Uiristoplier. blacksmith, 21 Hillman Dudley Fred. M. lab. 166 Hughes Dudley Hiram G. grain weigher, 674 Lexington Dudley Horner E. clerk, Howard house Dudley John, clerk, 18 n Strieker Dudley Joseph, porter, 25 Willow Dudlev .Marcus L.prop. marine observatory,300 Lijiiit Dudley Richard, brakesman, 51 McElderry Dudley' Thos. blacksmith, 214 n Front Dudley Rev. Thos. U. 20 Read Dudro'w Geo. W. lab. 238 Chew Dudrow Geo. W. stonecutter, 420 n Eden Dudrow H.quarr^man, Falls rd nr .Mt. Vernon Dudrow Isabella, 36 Watson Dudiow John C carj). 238 Chew Dudrow Joseph P. carp. 238 Chew Dudrow Thomas C. police, 233 Chew DUEHRING FRED, restaurant, 18 Bank Du. rA. Adgate, (J. Duer & Sons) 45 Mount Verncm pi Duer Douglas H.(John b.&*)ns)147 n Charles Duer Mrs. Ellen, 87 n Charles DUER JOHN & SONS, (John Duer, A. A. Duer, Douglas H. Duer,) Hai'dware and Slate Mantles, 24 s Charles street. Duer John, (J. D. & Sons) 147 n Charles Duer Capt. Rufus A. 90 Hanovei^ Duer Mrs. Samuel, 301 Hollins Duering Edward, bricklayer, 182 Walsh Duenng Geo. bricklayer, 182 Walsh Duering Julius, cooper, 296 Eastern av Duering .Mrs. Sarah, 122 Orchard Duti' Andrew, huckster, 227 n Dallas Dull' (has. W. clerk, 82 Ensor Duir Henry, huckster, 158 n Dallas Dutr Henry C. clerk, 351 e Baltimore Dull' James, stevedore, 82 Ensor Dull' John, cooper, 91 n Calvert HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Poet Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. DUF 161 DUL Duff John J. clerk, 82 Ensor Duff Kennedy, pres't Franklin Telegraph Com- pan3-,r21 w Baltimore, dw Washington, D. C. Duff Patrick, driver, 437 Hamburg Duffej iMrs. Catharine, conf'y, 98 S Eutaw Duffey Daniel, clerk, 98 s Rutaw Duffey John, constable, 14 Neighbor Duffey John H. carp. Burton's hotel Duffey Tlios lab. Waverley Duffin John F. coachman. 30 Forrest Duffin Michael, (M. D. & Co ) 187 e Baltimore Duffin 31. & Co. (.M. Duffin, P. F. Moriarty) mercht. tailors, 187 e Baltimore Duffy Mrs. Catherine, tailore^s, 80 Buren Duffy Bridtret, groc'y,Maccubbin and Regester Duffy Kdnd. attorney, 29 n Calvert, dw Town- send nr John Duffy Frank, coachman, 111 Hollins Duffy James, (D. k Oliver) 172 Cathedral Duffy James jr. clerk, 164 Cathedral Duffy James, peddler, 475 e Chase Duffy James H. flour inspector, 116 n Schroeder Duffy Capt. John, mariner, 4.t5 e Fayette Duffy John, constable, 14 Neighbor Duffy John, blacksmith, 301 Harford av Duffy John T. driver, 80 Buren Duffy Mrs. Kate, restaurant, 1 L McElderry Duffy Mrs. Mary, laund. 243 n Front Duffy Marj, laund. 116 o Schroeder Duffy Mrs. ilary, groc'y, 137 s Fremont Duffy Mary C. tailoress, 80 Buren Duffv Mrs.' Mattie. 116 n Schroeder DUFFY M. & CO.(M. Duffy) grocery and feed, 164 Cathedral Duffy Michael, ;.M.Duffy^Co.) 67 Cathedral Duffv Michael, blacksmith, 62 Union DUF'FY k OLIVER, (James Duffy, John Oliver) groc'y, flour and feed. 111 and 113 Cathedral Duffy O.T. printer, cor Maccubbin and Regester Duffy Peter, watchman, 214 Chew Duffy Peter, grocery, 374 Eastern av Duffy Mrs. Sarah, 184 e Monument Duffy Thos. plumber, 62 Union Duffy Thos. br;ikeman, 39 Scott DUFUR & CO. (G. J. Dufur) wire workers, 36 n Howard Dufur Geo. J. (D.&Co.) 201 n Republican Dufur Orlando jr. railingmkr, 414 Lexington Dufur Orlando sr. railingmkr, 69 Columbia Dufur \Vm. H. cigarmkr, 69 Columbia DUGAN CUMBERL.'VND & CO. (C. Dugan) railrd ami machinists' supplies, 26 s Charles Dugan Cumberland, (CD. k Co.) Govansiown Dugan Daniel, lab. 34 Morton al Dugan Mrs. Emily, 85 Cathedral Dugan J. 0. dry goods, s e cor Gay and High, dw 36 n Front Dugan James, mercht. 311 n Broadway Dugiin John jr. lab. 67 Harford av Dugan John. lab. 67 Harford av Dugan Michael, lab. 6 Addison Dugan .Michael, lab. 67 Harford av Dugan Michael, lab. 73 n Exeter DUGAN PIERRE C. real estate collection office and money broker, 43 Lexington, dw 85 Ca- thedral Dugan Wm. clerk, 418 n Eden Dugas -Mrs Margaret, 404 Mulberry Dugent Eli, carp. 340 e Fayette Dugent Francis, carp. 340 e Fayette Dugent Oliver, jeweler, 340 e Fayette Dugent Wm. carp. 216 Gough Dugdale Wm. 197 w John Duggan Anthony, carp. 85 North Duggan Rev. F. P., Hampden -2 Duggan Michael, lab. 14 Low OQ Duggan Patrick, lab. 14 Low ^ Duhurst Chas.n.apotby,27 w Pratt, dw 1 nFront c5 Duhurst F. G. clerk, lOl s Poppleton '^ Duhurst Henry P. prest. Fireman's Ins. Co. n er-r-n cor Second and South, dw 1 n Front Duhurst Wm. G. cooper, 57 Harfoid av "^ DUKE A. W. pharmacist, 154 Htirford av ^^ Duke James B. restaurant, 175 North ^ Duke James S. barkeeper, 155 n Front f-< Duke Jos. W. clerk, 154 Harford av 2 DUKEHART E. W. & SON. (E. W. and G. .S Dukehart) snuff manufrs. 29 s Calvert, mills — 3 Perry - DukehartEdw.W. (E.W.D.&Son) 164 Hanover ^ Dukehart Fedor, photographer,357 w Baltimore jj Dukehart Geo. baker, 94 Albemarle O Dukehart Geo. D. gilder, l(/5 Cnew O Dukehart Geo. D. gilder, 609 Belair av - Dukehart Graham, (E.W.D.&Son) 164 Hanover Q Dukehart John, clerk, 236 Lee ^ Dukehart John, 25 n Gilinor Dukehart Capt.Jno.P. conductor, 513 w Fayette =^ Dukehart J. & Co. (J. Dukehart) fishing tackle, twine, 180 w Baltimore 1—1 Dukehart Jos. (J. D.&Co.) 261 Aisquith O Dukehart Mrs. Rebecca, 159 Mulberry O Dukehart Robert W. hosemaker, 3 Cheapside, ^ dw 539 w Favette '"^ DUKEHART SAMUEL L. supt. Industrial r^i house, 69 n Calvert Dukehart Samuel T. clerk, 83 n High k_J Dukehart Samuel M. ganger int. rev. 1st district^ Dukehart Thomas, clerk, 21 McElderry ^ DUKEHART THOMAS M., Maryland brewery, _ Holliday nr Centre, dw 352 n Fremont rQ Dukehart Mrs. William, 83 n High ^ Dukehart Wm. B. hosemaker, 3 Cheapside, dw JV] 439 w Fayette M DUKER OTTO & CO. ^Otto Duker, Wm. B. g Gill ) lumber yard, planing and flooring mills, (— ( n e cor President and Canton av (+5 o I — I H- 1 w otto iJvker, late of D.Wilson & Co. Wm. I). Gill. OTTO nUKEK & CO, Luffllcr Yard, Planiug & Flooriug Mills, Manufacturers of PRAMES, SASH, DOOES, &c. Ke-Sawlug' to Order. OFFICE, N. E. cor. President St. & Canton Av. YAED. President St. Canton Av, & Albemarle St, Branch Yard, cor. Frederick av. Fayson & Holllns sis. Duker Herman, 120 e Pratt Duker Otto, (Otto Duker & Co.) 79 s High Duker Mrs. Rosa, 55 Albemarle Dukes I. Rayner, (Gould, D.&Co.) 73 Courtland Dukes James, painter, 292 s Paca Dulaney Adeline, 376 Franklin Dulaney Chas. machinist, 83 McHenry Dulaney Mrs. Elizabeth, 217 Battery av Dulaney G. F. ins. agent, 7 German, dw 278 Saratoga Dulaney Henry S. (0. C. Lamkin & Co.) 369 Mulberry Dulaney Jas. lab. 175 Burgundy al Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) ) .ZT' ^ c o - 3 "^ X rOi « Mtitual Life Insurance Co. of New York, DUL 162 DUN J — 3 X e c .i s £ S 3 (c Ch = D CJ 'JJ ^- J .t^ ci d s ~ lO J ^ tM J tf €^ 5 ^ tD oJ X •* ■'-' -<— «» >. T^ ^ > s > 'w (Tl OG O ;^ -4—' cj * « o 5 0) >-. 00 es r* lO \ «^ Dulaney Jas. P. cooper, 1 L. Constitution Duianey Oscar R. lOU n Bioadway Uulaiicy xMrs. Rachel A. 379 w Fayette Dulaney \Vm. huckster, 110 Scott Dulaney Wm. B. caiimkr, 110 Scott Duhiney James H. clerk, 43 n Gilmor Duianey Mrs. Jane, 43 n Gilmor Duiany John M. hookkpr, '22G Walsh DULANY H. ROZIER, attorney and com'r of deeds, 36 St. Paul, dw 187 n Charles Duiany Mary, 99 Division Duiany Randolph R. caninkr, 217 Battery av Dulanv Mis. Saiah, 99 Division DUL.ANV WALTER, real estate, loan and commercial agency, 36 St. Paul, dve Albion house Dulanv Wm. J C. (W.J.C.D &Co.) 95 Division DULANV WM. J. C. & CO. (Wm. J. C. Du- iany,) pulilishers, booksellers and stationers, 332 \v Baltimore Duley John ('. moulder, 481 n Fremont Diiley .Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, 33 n Eden Duley Nathan, blacksmith, 1 Miller Dulin Mrs. Dr. A. F. 83 w Monument Dulin Jauie.-i, shoemkr, 53a e Fayette Dulin John H. shoemkr, 535 e Fayette Dulin Michael, lab. 26 Clinton Dulin Oscar E. carp. 535 e Fayette Dulinfi John, engineer, 77 s Ann Duling John F. cigarmkr, 302 Eastern av Duling Thomas, helper, 114 Fort av Dull (u'orge, sergt police, 109 West Dull Mrs Jane R. 222 Walsh Dull Michael, sergt. police, 125 West Dulze J. dressmkr, Mount ur Pratt Dumax Benj. L. carp. 244 Mulberry Dumax Christian, lab. 33 Wyeth Dumax Elizabeth 0. seamstress, 158 Pearl Dumax Mary E. dressmkr, 158 Pearl Dumax Sarah A. tailoress, 158 Pearl Dumbolton F. A. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Dumbrof Simon, butcher, 84 n Chapel Dumbroski Frank, wheelwright, 294 s Ann Duniec Sebastian, tailor, 264 Battery av Dumler Conrad, rag dealer, 27 s Washington Dumler Gtorge, baker, 242 William Dumler George, shoemkr, 253 e Eager Dumler George .M. clerk, 96 s Edeu Dumler John F. collarmkr, 40 Pearl Dumler Joseph, currier, 326 Aisquith Dumler Mathias, cooper, GO n Schroeder Dun R. G. (K.(;.D.&Co.) New York DUN R. G. & CO.lR. G. Dun, Wm. G. Scarlett) mercantile agency, over s e cor Baltimore and Charles DUNAN WINFIELD S. sec'y Navassa Phos- phate Co. 271 Druid Hill Dunbar Ca,)t. Henry F. mariner, 17Sterrett Dunbar Wm. W. storekeeper export bonded warehouse, 66 w Centre Dunbracco Mrs. M. M. dressmaker and board- ing, 1 4 w Baltimore Dunbracco Nathan, collector, 109 Hillen Dunbracco Wm. T. clerk, 14 w Baltimore Duncan Adam, produce, 340 n Eutaw Duncan Emily, 87 Cathedral Duncan Geo. W. (Oram & D.) 241 Hanover Duncan Harrison W. provisions, 154 Walsh Duncan Isaac A. engineer, 7 n Bond Duncan James, grocery, 289 Saratoga Duncan .Mrs. Frances, 20 Philpot Duncan James,(D., James & Co. )2oMarylandav DUNCAN JAMES & CO. (J^imes Duncan, Robt. H. Franklin,) dry goods, 216 and 218 w Baltiinore Duncan James H. conductor, 419 Lexington Duncan James M. clerk, 148 s Bond Duncan John F. speculator, 148 s Bond Duncan John G. clerk, 968 w Baltimore Duncan John J. liricklayer, 521 Lexington Duncan Mrs Julia, 498 Franklin Duncan John T. nautical instrument maker, Montgoniery and Hanover Duncan John McCabe, clerk, 154 Wal.--h Duncan Jo.scph W.(D. & Conaway ) 140 Dolphin Duncan Levi, inspector C.H. dw 275 e Lombard Diincnn .Mrs. .Maifzaret. seamstress, 85 s Dallas Duncan & Conaway, (J. W. Duncan, C. Conaway) carriage factory, cor Frederick and Second Duncan Richard M. real estate agent, n e cor St. Paul and Saratoga, dw 87 Cathedral Duncan Thomas M. engineer, 142 Hollius Duncaii Wm. magistrate, Waverley Duncan Win.T. brassfiiiisher, 240^ Montgomery Duncan Wm. P. S. clerk, 9 n Poppleton Duncan Wilson B. mariner. 147 s Bond Dundoii James Jr. lab. 55 Portland Dundon James, drayman, 55 Portland Dundon James R. turner, 55 Portland Dundon .Michael, inspector C. H. 267 Light Dundon Wm. cooper, 20 St. Peter Dunegan Barney, lab. 130 Dillon Dunegan Thomas, lab. 134 Dillon Dungan A. S., R.R. agent, 149 w Baltimore Dungan 0. P. clerk, Carey and Harlem av Duniian S. Henrv, clerk, 27 Clinton av DUNGAN & CO. (L. Dungan) fish and com- mission merchants, 79 South Dungan Jesse, 674 w Lombard Dungan Louis, (D. & Co.) 274 e Baltimore Dungan Mrs. L. L. trimmings, 59 e Baltimore Dungan Stevenson, clerk, 27 Clinton av Dungan Stevenson, clerk, 274 e Baltimore l^uiigan Wilkinson, 219 n Carey Dungan Theodore, 191 w Fayette Dunham Ralph, sign painter, Millington av nr Ramsay Dunham .Mrs. Sarah J. 104 s Sharp Dunigan Barney, lab. 88 Clinton Dunigan Charles A. upholsterer, 135 Bank Dunigan Jas.C.A. shipjoiner, 100 3 Washington Dunigan Jeremiah, mariner, 8 Gough Dunigan Thomas, lab. Clinton nr Sixth Dunij;an Thomas, shipjoiner, 100 s Washington Dunkas Frank, lab. 355 Aliceanna Duiikas Frank jr. tinner, 355 Aliceanna Dunkas .Michael, lab. 355 Aliceanna Dunkerly Geo. L. watch case maker, 93 w Balti- more, dw Franklin hotel Dunkerly Geo. W. machinist, 104 Washington av Dunkerly Joseph, machinist, 342 Ramsay Dukerly Richard, shoemkr, 478 w Lombard Duiikle Joseph, laborer. Chapel nr Cross Dunlach Charles, cigarmkr, 25 Josephine Dunlap A. H. 244 Saratoga DUN LAP C. LEWIS, wholes, jobber of fancy groceries, 86 w Lombard, dw 179 n Carey Dunlap Charles, 249 Saratoga Dunlap Edward A. imp. guano, 333nBroadway Dunlap .Mrs. John, 49 s Stockton al Dunlap John, shoemkr, 237 Montgomery Dunlap Laura, teacher, 938 w Baltimore Dunlap Lydia, teacher, 96 n Central av Dunlap Mary, teacher, 96 n Central av HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000.000.00, O- F. Bresee. G-en'l Agt. DUN 163 DUR CQ Dunlap Thomas H. conductor, 249 Lee Dun lap Wru. book ugeut, 96 n Centnil av Dunlap Micbael, shoemkr, 111 Vine Dunlevy Andrew F. clerk. 324 n Eutaw Dunlevj John, Snutf, 15 Buren DunlopJos. 0. (Jos.O.D. &Co.)601 Lexington DUNLOP JOS. 0. & CO.(Jos.O.Dunlop) house furn. goods, 92 w Pratt Dunn Andrew, haniessmaker, 716 w Pratt, dw 29 s Caiey Dunn Aodrew, tailor, 126 n Schroeder Dunn Mrs. Ann, 393 Peima av Dunn Benjamin, tobacconist, 221 Hollins Dunn Bernard, laborer, Monroe nr Wiikens av Dunn Bernard, lab. 193 n E.xeter Dunn Bryan, lab. 193 n Exeter Dunn Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 87 Chesnut Dunn Chas. Crtri)ent€r, 73 Hargrove al, dw 249 Park av Dunn C. Irwin, bookkpr, 234 n Calvert Dunn Chas. T. clerk, 265 Lanvale Dunn Charles (M. D & Bro.) 156 n Calvert Dunn Christopher, cannikr, 534 w Pratt Dunn Christopher C. trunkmkr, 16 Stiles Dunn Christopher, C. lal). 42 Abbott Dunn Clara, 112 n Republican Dunn Daniel, 104 Preston Dunn Daniel H. (Mean S. & D.) 265 Lanvale Dunn Eden, firem:in, St. Clair hotel Dunn Edward, police, 10 Foundry Dunn Edward, typenikr, 52 s Schroeder Dunn Edward T. paymaster, U. S. N. 234 n Calvert Dunn Mrs. Ellen, 163 Chester Dunn Mrs. Frances, 192 Vine Dunn Fred, huckster, 4 Diamond Dunn Fred. lab. 4 Milliman Dunn Geo. lab. 30 Haw Dunn Geo. bricklayer, 365 Hambnrg Dunn Geo. W. huckatei, 38 Warren Dunn Geo, W. dispatcher, 393 Penna av Dunn Henry, lab. 534 w Pratt Dunn James F. clerk, 126 n Schroeder Dunn James H. moulder, 316 w Lombard Dunn John, lab. 2 Bruce Dunn John, lab. 1 Abraham Dunn John, fireman, 88 Russell Dunn John, engineer, 71 e Fayette Dunn John, driver, 335 Aisquith Dunn John, shoemkr, 10 Booth Dunn John, driver, 5 Horn Dunn John, lab. 120 Ramsay Dunn John J. clerk, 20 Stiles Dnnn John C. stove moulder, 3 Scott Dunn Joseph, huckster, 81 Vork Dunn Joseph L. student, 170 n Eden Dunn Joseph (Dennison & D.) 18 Albemarle Dunn Joseph, huckster, 18 Albemarle Dunn Mrs. Josephine, 85 Preston Dunn J. R. A. solicitor, 393 Penna av Dunn Mrs. M. E. boarding, 88 Hanover Duuu Martin, shoemkr, 9 n Amity Dunn Mrs. Mary J. 288 n Bond Dunn Mrs. Mary, laund. 66 n Dallas Dunn .Michael, "lab. 167 Aliceanna Dunn Miehael ^M. D. &. Bro.) 156 n Calvert Dunn Michael, watchman, 14 n Oregon Dunn Michael & Bro. (M. and Churtes Dunn) liquors, 156 n Calvert DUiNN P. A. & CO. (P. A. Dunn, H. G. Tyson, A. Wilson,) com. merchants, 38 w Lombard Dunn Patrick, paver, 5 Grace ct Dunn Patrick, lab. 206 n Front Dunn Peter, iron worker, 63 Luzerne Dunn Peter, lailor, 193 nExeter Dunn Peyton A. (P. A. D & no.)Barnunrs hotel Dunn Richard, rigger. 20 i: Hies Dunn Richard, drayman, 58 s Dewberry al Dunn Robert, lab. 11 Spring cl Dunn Robl. H. baggage mnster, 393 Penna av Dunn Saml. T. butcher, 4 Lemmon Dunn Mrs. Sarah, 190 e Baltimore Dunn Mrs Susan, 202 e Madison Dunn Thos. lab. 54 s Oregon Dunn Thos. lab. 62 Hillman Dunn Thos. lab. 92 Clinton Dunn Thos. cattle, 29 s Carey Dunn Timothy, carter, Bruce nr McHenry Dunn Walter F. wagoner. 83 s Caroline Dunn \Vm. carter, 56 n Washington Dunn Wm. A. telegraph agent, 122 n Oregon Dunn Wm. C. dispatcher, 166 John Dunn Wm. lab. 24 n Poppleton Dunnavant Thos. J. canmkr, 191 n Exeter Dunner C^isper, tailor, 335 Aliceanna Dunnet'elser Geo. shoemkr. First av nr Clinton Dunnett George, Strieker nr Patterson av Dunnett Wm. (Hubball & D.) Strieker nr Pat- terson av Dunnigan James, shipjoiner, 135 IJank Dunnigan John, fireman, 9 w Lombard Dunnigan Thomas, lab. 114 Harford av Dunnill Thos (T. Balmer & Co.) London. Eng. Dunning Mrs. Halsey, 269 w Lombard Dunning Joseph H. oyster pkr, 417 e Lombard Dunning Wm. driver, 337 e Jlonument DDi\NINGTOi\ WM. A. piop'r steam plaster mill, great Hughes on the Basin, dw 45 Mc- CuUob Dunnock Siml. mariner, 143 Cross Dunphy Edward D. painter, 437 w Lombard Dunphy Mrs. Fanny, 1 Wills Dunphy John, hostler, 7 Wills Dunphy Patrick, lab. 79 Block Dunphy Patrick J. huckster, 10 Diamond Duni)hy Wm. driver, 1 Wills Duphorn Irank D. agent sewing machine, 50 Jefferson Duran Joseph, Brown's hotel Durand Abel R. tinner, 687 Saratoga Durand H. A. asst. supt. Pullman Palace Car Co., office 119 Camden, dw cor Edmondson av and Carey Durand John H. rope manuf 132 w Pratt, dw 265 e Biddle Durand John H. 265 e Biddle Durand John W. clerk, 265 e Biddle Durand -Mrs. Sarah, 385 Franklin Durand Thos. W. 362 n Central av Durbeck Geo. tailor, 68 n Chapel Durbeck John, painter, 74 Somerset Durborow Edwin D. upholsterer, 359 Lexing'n Durl'orow Hammond, 359 Lexington DURBOROW JOHN C. general agent for the Kirby reapers and mowers, 55 Light, dw 312 Madison av Durding Anna D. confect'y, 24 w Fayette Durding John E. clerk, 468 Light Durding John T. grocer, 464 Light, dw 468 Durding Mrs. M. E. notions, Washington near Baltimore Durging Peter, woodturner, 372 Hanover DurhHra Albert, furn. wagoner, 166 Bank Durham Alex. lab. 166 Bank 33 o O O o o o H CQ < Pm OQ Pi O O QQ o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 164 DUR DUV E- O ^ CO >- o OQ ^ iz; a k^ .. ^ c^ ^ ^ r, -) ^ :;^ ^^ '"' < < W r:' ^ nu ^^ r ^ o &H H- -> ?% F- t^ -< ^ri ± ^::i Durham Ann. npliolstiess, H? Preston Duih:im Mrs. CiUlitriiie. -190 w Baltimore Duiliaui Chiis. chairnikr. 34 Ramsay Durliiim Columbia R. insi)eclor C. II., dw 50 W'liatciiat J, Dnrliam Columbus, lab. 50 Whatcoat Durham CorKin, ci>:armkr, 1-17 Preston Durham James, lab. 143 s Chester Durham James .M. helper, 133 Hudson Durham Jerome, barkeeper. 85 s Washington Durham John.furnish'p goods,49i.' w B^iltimore Durham John W. engineer, 94 Hamburg D\irham Samuel, painter, 94 Hamburg Durham Walter, clerk, 327 n Eutaw Durhaui Wesle.v, chairpaiuter, 94 Hamburg Durham Wm. 94 Hamburg Durham AVm. lab. 496 Light Durham Wm. J. oyster packer, 110 s Chester Durham Mrs. Zachius, 3'27 n Eutaw Durigan Ernist, turner, 1 Spring ct Diirigan Iliehard, wond uiriier, 372 Hanover During Chas. beer, 130 n Central av During Erhvard, bricklayer, 97 Hollins Duikee Henry II. police, 315 e Monument Durkin James, brickmaker, 648 Light Durkin James, lab. 72 Durst al Durkin John, lab. 72 Durst al Durlan Christ, tailor, \4>^ n Caroline Durm Jacob, briekmkr, William and Fort av Durra John, canmkr, 375 William Durner Casper, tailor, 38') Aliceanna Durnev Alex. H. jr blacksmith, 11 7 sPoppleton Duriiev J. T. 594 w Pratt Durney Mrs. M. A. 594 w Pratt Duniey John, lab. 617 \v Pratt Durney Michael, lab. 617 w Pratt Darning Mary, grocery, 137 n Central av Durr Chas. II. painter, 59 Woodyear Durr Frank, 249 n Howard Durr John, salesman, 281 Franklin Durrell Geo. blacksmith, 86 Holland DursseWm. clerk, 24 n Gieene Durst Geo. A. salesman, 164 Montgomery Durst Jas. G. briekmkr, 164 .Montgomery Durst John U. manuf. cotton wadding, Light nr Fort av, dw 164 Montgomery Dush John. lab. 130 s Dallas Dushane .Mrs. Fllizabetli, 345 w Fayette Dushane .Mrs. II. A. 8 Cathedral Dushane James A. clerk, 96 Lexington DUSHANK JOHN T. ai)othecary,559w Fayette Dushane .Mrs. N. T. 59 n Paca DUSHANE JOHN A. & CO (.John A. Dushane, Thos. II. Tolson) paper, 40 s Charles Dushane John A. (J.A.D. & Co.) lialto co Dushane Valentine, bookkpr, 396 Druid Hill av Dushane Walter, clerk, 345 w Fayette Dusten Fra.ik, engineer, 110 s High Dutousch Hernaid, tailor, 76 .Mulberry Dutousch Fraiik, tailor, 76 .Mulberry Dutousch Nicholas, tailor, 76 Mulberry Dutrow Clifton, police, 286 .McDonogh Dutrow Robert, engineer, 20 Warner Dutsch Joseph, taihjr, 122 .Stirling Dutton Geo. H. (John T.Mitchell & Co.) 266 w lioffman Dutton John, lime inspector, 278 Lexington Dutton John R. lirae inspector, Shirk nr Oak Dutlon Jo>-ei)h. c uidymkr, 273 e Monument Dutton Joseph, sugar refiner, 260 n Central av Dutton .Mrs. Mary A. 32:. e Pratt Dutton Capt. Nathan P. mariner, 17 n Broadway Dutton Nolly J. wholes, tobacco and cigars- 169 w Pratt, dw 50 s Sharp Dutton Robt. e.xpressman, 260 n Central av Dutton Wm.H.H. treasury dept. 325 e Pratt DU VAL E.B. gen'l agt. Penn Mutual Ins. Co. and ins. broker, 63 Second, dw 56 St. Paul Du Val E. B. jr. clerk, 56 St. Paul Du VmI Gabriel, clerk, 56 St. Paul Duval Algernon S. salesman, John nr Townsend Duval Mrs. E. R. 197 n Howard Duval H.Rieman, 197 n Howard Duval James E. clerk, John nr Townsend Duval J.R. clerk. 197 n Howard Duval L. Kemp, clerk, John nr Townsend Duval R. Burns, solicitor, 236 n Carey Duval Mrs. R. S., John nr Townsend Duvall Alice F., Waverley Duvall .Mrs. Adeline, 368 n Strieker Duvall A. Leslie,civil engineer, 411 w Fayette Duvall Benj. blacksmith, 33 s Calhoun Duvall Benj. F. blacksmith, 33 3 Calhoun Duvall Chas. lab. 46 Hamburg Duvall Chas. W. clerk, 75 n Caroline Duvall Chas.(D. &McComas) 178 Franklin Duvall Chas. messenger, 41 Forrest pi Duvall Edward, machinist, 114 Parkin Duvall Elizabeth, 110 e Monument Duvall Emily F., Waverley Duvall Est'-lle A., Waverley Duvall Ferdinand, clerk, tobacco wareb. No. 3 Duvall Fiederick, tngineer, 186 Lee Duvall Frank ,M. watchman, 448 Aliceanna Duvall Gabriel E. clerk, 73 n Gilmor Duvall Geo. A. blacksmith, 33 s Calhoun Duvall Geo. W.lab.Greenmount av nrNorth av Duvall Geo W. 177 Chesnul Duvall Geo. W. clerk, 222 Druid Hill av Duvall Geo. W. shoemkr, 108 Hillen Duvall Hamlet, patternmkr, 173 Iludsoa Duvall Harry (H. D. & Co.) 26 Hollins Duvall Henry C. salesman, 73 s Sharp Duvall Mrs. H. C. produce, 73 s Sharp Duvall Henry L. clerk, Waverley Duvall Heurv jr clerk, 26 Hollins DUVALL HENRY & CO. (H. Duvall) com. merchants, 68 South Duvall Henry C. conductor, 215 Barre Duvall Ijams, teacher, 162 n Howard Duvall James K. patternmkr, 173 Hudson Duvall Jacob S. (D. & Winterson)corFrederick av and Gilmor Duvall Jesse, keeper Mt. Royal Reservoir Duvall John II. carp. 79 Boyd Duvall John M. salesman, 257 n Calvert Duvall John H. clerk, 368 n Strieker Duvall John, clerk, 257 n Howard Duvall Josej.h, 145 n Calvert Duvall .Mrs, Julia, Edmundsonav nr Carey Duvall Lewis -M. bookkpr, 75 n Caroline Duvall Louisa, Waverley Duvall Dr. .M. 246 n Carey Duvall Mrs. Dr. M. M. 250 Hollins Duvall & .McComas (Charles Duvall, G. M. McComaa) wholesale manufacturers tobacco, 6 S Howard Duvall U. B journalist, 236 n Carey Duvall Richanl, coo}>er, 87 n Pine Duvall Samuel, lab. 102 e Lombard Duvall Samuel W. clerk, 108 Hillen Duvall S. Turner, dep. City Register, 26 Hollins Duvall Thos, J. shoemkr, 75 n Caroline Duvall Thos. J. painter, 83 n Ann HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in tlie World, O. F. Bresee, .Gen Agt. DUV l&l EAR Duvall Tiueman, salesman, Three Tuns hotel Duvall Vinton W. clerk, 210 n Republican Duvall Wallace, lab. 19 Parkin Duvall Wm. W. lab. 19 Parkin Duvall Win. B. clerk, 156 w Pratt Duvall & WiiitersoQ (Jacob S. Duvall, Wash- ingtou Winterson) provisions, Baltimore and Gilmor Duvall Wm. H. clerk, 148 Myrtle av Duvall Wni. R. shoemkr, 84 s Carey Duvall Wm. B. clerk, VVaverlev DWINELLK DR. JAMES E. s e cor Broad- way and B iltiiuore Dvvorack Frank, lab. 7 Jones ct Dwyer Capt. Albert, car insi'r. 503 Saratoga Dvvyer Daniel, bricklayer, Calverton Dwyer Franklin, 98 Preston Dwyer James, lab. G7 Bovd Dw^er Jeieraiah, janitor, 10 South Dwyer Johti, plumber, 128 s Fremont Dwyer .Mrs. John, basketmannfr. 97 a Entaw Dwyer John, porter, 47 South Dwyer Mrs. John 0. tirocery, 153 w Hoffman Dwyer Patrick, lab. 112 Ramsay Dwyer Peier, potter, 58 s Rt^-publican Dwyer Thomas, carp. 128 s Fremont Dwyer Timothy, lab. 702 w Pritt Dwyer Wm. blksmith, 18 s (,'arey Dvvyer Wm. plumber, 128 s Fremoat Dw\er Wilfred, brakeman, 120 n Pine Dyer Benj. flour ami fe-d, 49 n Paca Dyer Mrs. Fannie G. 49 Cathedral DYER H. P. k CO. (H. P. Dyer, A. Martinez) ship and com. merehts. 40 w Pratt Dyer H. P. (H. P. D. & Co.) 3 Aisquith Dyer H. Paye, law student, 49 Cathedral Dyer Mrs. tL Pajie, 49 Cathedral Dyer James J. lab. 24 Wilcox Dyer Jere. 227 Walsh Dyer John, lab. 18 Abey al Dyer John J. clerk, 17 n Howard Dyer Levi R. machinist, 73 Scott Dyer Patrick, lab. 29 s Oregon Dyer Peter, lab. 74 W^arner Dyer Thos. J. shoemkr, 40 Ensor Dyer Walter, grocery, s w cor Lexington and Paca, dw Baltimore co Dyott George B. lab. 394 Eastern av Dyott James A. clerk, 175 s Chester Dyott .Mrs. Laura L. 175 s Chester Dyrenfuth Henrietta, 14 Lee Dyson Elias T. carp. 232 Columbia Dyson Monroe, driver, 37 s Bond E Eachus Edwin, butcher, 54 Lafayette mkt, dw Penna :iv nr North av Eachus Joseph H. clerk, Penna av nr North av Eader Jacob R. provisions, Fredk av and Hollias Eader Jacob R. clerk, 36 F'rederick av Eades Jacob, lab. 299 Light Eagan Augustus, sawyer, 30 Cross Eagan Edward, police, 44 Granby Eagan Eugenn, lab. 30 Cross Eagan Capt. Fianeis, mariner, 123 Albemarle Eagan Francis, sr. lamplighter, 25 Albemarle Eagan James, salesman, 280 n Eutaw Eagan John, lab. 12 Webster ct Eagan Juhn, Union hotel Eagan John, mariner, 199 All)emarle Eagan -Mary, grocery, 12 Webster ct Eagan Michael, lab. 77 Goodman al Eagan Michael, horseshoer, 12 Poultney Eagan Moses, lab. 818 w Pratt Eagan Timothy, shoemkr, 252 n Front Eagan Wm. lab. 26 Elizabeth la Kagen Francis, bricklayer, 76 Walsh Eagen John, lab. 8 Armistead la Eagen Wm. conductor, 76 Walsh Eager James, huckster, 358 e Fayette Eager Wm. stoneciUter, 162 German Eagers Christopher, well digger, 151 n Eden Eagle Hotel, W. H. Kelly, propr. 132 Hillen Eagle Mrs. Mary, Mount Vernon Eagles Mrs. Caroline A. 131 Park av Eagleston Chas. bacon, Castle and Orleans Eaglesion E|)hiaim. pud'lli'r, 55 Essex Ea;;lfSton George, clerk, Castle and Orleans Eagleston John T. bacon, Castle and Orleans Ealey Wm. H. shipcarp. 118 Bank Eames Henry E. 46 n Gilmor Eames Wm. A. clerk, 46 n Gilmor Eardley Solomon, potter, 79 Albemarle THE OQ pq o O o o -=^ OLD ESTABLISHED FISH HOUSEg EARECKSON C. P. (successor to^ F. F. Pope,) General Commission . Merchant and wholesale dealer!^ in Mackerel, Herring, Cod Fish, • Hake, and Salt Fish of all kinds, ^ No. 85 South St., dw 286 n Eden.^ Orders thankfully received. EARECKSON Dr. EDWIN, apothecary, n e pq cor Baltimore and High Eareckson Geo. W. machinist, 388 e Monument Q Eareckson Mrs. Henrietta, 388 e Monument f£] Eareckson Julia A. 15 Barnet ^ Eareckson Dr.l'obt-rt W., Walsh and Townsend g; EARECKSON V. 0. lumber raercht. 18 Westj^ Falls av, dw 80 e Pratt ^ Earhart Mrs. Elizabeth, 280 s Bond ^ Earhart Mrs Elizabeth, grocery, 165 Townsend ^ Earhart George W. 165 Townseud ^^ Earhart Geo. W. jr. capt. police, 32 Walsh Earhart John, bib. 280 s Bond Earhart .Mrs. Margaretta, 280 s Bond Earl John, restaurant, 86 German, dw 223 W Fayette Earle Henry W. clerk, 178 e Monument Earle John'C. shoemkr, 46 James la Earle Wm. R. shoemkr, 253 William Earland Mrs Frances, seamstress, 39 Henrietta Earling Leonard, glassblower, 116 Leadenhall p^ Earlougher .Mrs. Louisa D. 235 n Caroline t-H Early Bernard J. tailor, 162^ e Balto. dw 116 •- CB o C 'X. C X X o ? o tL — :z. i^ "^ 1 1 C -^ r ^ • *• . ■ Ww -■ — U — 2 tc ci -u 2 — X "* T" U — — ^?i X — >-. EAR 166 EBE J^ ■r. ■— ^ J" >fH c . ., *!5 J w >^ kJ - £ ^ -^ O -J -/; ^, > r. ^ ~ B '-^ ■^^ - «i^ 1> ^ n il .- ^ >. o O N iil 3h -^ a 5^ — o -r — H . _^ _ >-., "? *■ - ^ <. ^ 11 ^ S S H E.J =* ^ — • ., X ^ 5J ,• 5 - O J — «» w t_ • — S — . X Earnest Ann. 186 n Calvert Earnshnw Li>uis, potnikr, 52 Warren Karp Mrs. Eliziilieth, nurse, 375 Franklin Eiirp Mrs. Maiilda, 147 Diuid Hill hv Easley Juliii T. shipcarp. 28 Goujrh Ivisley TlioiiirtS shijx-aip 183s Ann Kasley Win. H. sliipfurp. 296 Eastern ar Exson Wm. liatler. 96 e Madison East Balio. dispensary (Free) 398 Eastern av East Hallo. (M. P.) (ihnrch, n e cor Aisquith and Favctle East Henry P. lah. 145 Ridgelj hast Henry T. dairy, 64 s .Sharp East Jolin, lieer, 167 West East Robert P. en^iineer, 276 Johnson Easter Chas E. (Hamilton Easter k Sons, )Lib- ertv rd EASTER HAMILTON & SONS, (H. and C. E. Easter, Chas Pi. Waters, ) imports, jobbers and retailers of dry {roods. 199, 201 and 203, w Baltimore Eister Hamilton (H. E. & Sons,) Liberty road Easter Henrv H. (W. W. Boyer & Co.) 97 n Bond Easter Henry, brick maker, 420 s Charles Easter James H jr. clerk, Carrollton hotel Easter John, brickmkr. 412 s Charles EisterMrs. John. jr. 112 n Republican Easter Joseph, blacksmith, 161 Raborp Kaster Joseph, blacksmith, 188 liurijund}' al Easter Peter, brickmkr, 420 s Charles Easter Wm. Stanley (Bridges, Green & E.) 44 Bolton E;ister Stewart P. clerk, Liberty road Eastern Avenue .M. E. Church, Eastern av nr Broadway Eastern City Sprinsr, bounded by Eden, Lom- bard, Pratt and Sprint: Eastern Dispensary, n e cor Baltimore and Cen- tral av Eastern Hay Scales, s e cor Buren and Monu- ment Eastern Homeopathic Dispensary, 312 e Balti- more Eastern Police St.ition, cor Bank and Bethel Eastern Shore Steamboat Co. office 105 South, P. R. Clark, ajit. Eastlack Thos. S. asat. D. S. signal ofiSce, 17 s ^ Hifrh pjaslman Henry W. salesman, 82 n Republican EASTMAN Du. LEWIS M. 349 Lexington cor Fremont Easton .Mrs. Amelia, 263 s Dallas p:.iston J. T. (F. &McMabon,) New York EASTON & McMAHON (J. T. Easton, J. Mc- .Mahon) shippini; and comm. merchts, over 45 w Pratt Ea-ton Jas. R. coach trimmer, 190 n Edea E^iston Lewis, mariner, 263 s Dallas Eastwood .Mrs. Frederica, laund. Oliver nr Bel- videre Eistwood Geo. H. sailm'<<.r, 234 e .Madison E.istwood .lames I>. cabin, tinkr, 170 German E 'ton Albert, mariner, 131 s Chapel E.itdu .\lex. J. carp. 3 Stockton EATON BROTHERS A C(J. (H- C. Eaton) dry goods commission merchants, German bet Lifflit and Charles Eaton Cli.is. J. .M 52 .Mt. Vernon pi E.iton .Mrs. Geci.ire N. 80 KranUlin Eaton lIoop.T C. (B. Bros. & Co.) 90 Saratoga Eaton John T. boilermaker, 80 Battery av Eaton John G. shoem.iker, 245 w Fayette Eaton John, mariner, 101 Cross Eaton Joseph, carpenter, 24 s Bond Eaton Robinson, driver, 108 s Chester 'Eaton Thomas, oariiiaker, 103 s Chester Eaton Wm. H. slioeiuaker, 327 Aisquiih Ebaiijih Andrew? C. furniture repairer, 904 w Baltimore Ebaiigh David F. ladies shoes, 218 n Eutaw Ebaugh Edward, clerk. Swan tavern Ebau;h Henry H. citraru)aker, 554 w Baltimore Ebauiih Jacob, shoefitter, 232 w Biddle Ebaujfh Jose|)li, inspector C. IT. 115 n Howard Ebaufih Mrs Rachel, 232 w Biddle Ebaugh Wm. laborer, 501 n Fremont Ebberd Win. driver, 60 Leadenhall Ebberts Francis .\. ci?armkr, 20 s Republican Ebberts Geo. H. lab Fulton nr Pratt Ebberts Georize, ciyaruikr, 20 s Republican Ebberts Lemuel, cigarmaker, 20 s Republican Ebberts Wm. laborer, 43 s Calhoun Ebel John, laborer, 418 Canton av Ebeling August, lab. 129 e Lombard Ebeling Herman, clerk. Green and Saratoga Ebeling Wm. bookkpr. 350 w Baltimore Ebeler Henry, lab. 143 Henrietta Ebelke John, clerk, 154 3 Paca Eben Henry D. cigarnikr, 29.') North Elieriiender George, laborer, 24 Clement Eberhardt Aleius, lab O'Donuell nr Curley Eberbardt Christopher, grocerj', Clinton nr Eighth av Eberhardt Ferdinand, canmkr, 205 s Sharp Eberhardt Francis, driver, Harford av e.xt Eberhardt George B. tinner, 2 Henrietta Eberhardt John S. brickmkr, 8 s Oregon Eberhart Chas. engineer, 144 William Eberhart Chas. W. 144 William Eberhart John G. brickmkr, 8 s Oregon Eberle Frank, tailor, 246 Conway Elicrle Jos. (Eberle & Son) 124 6 Eager Eberle & Sou (Joseph and Philip Eberle) sheet- iron workers, 73 Garden Eberle Philip (Eberle k Son) 124 e Eager Eberlein Anton, cigarmaker, 5 w Pratt Fiberlein Charles, porter, 127 Saratoga Eberlein Conrad, confectionery and bakery, 196 s Sharp Eberlein John, butcher, 32 e Pratt Eberliin Kate, confectionery, 127 Saratoga Eberlein Michael, porter, 388 Hamburg Eberlein Peter, cigarmaker, 5 w Pratt Eborly Dr. .\. K. 224 e Baltimore Eberly B. B. confectionery, 224 e Baltimore Eberly .Mrs. C. cigars, 224 e Baltimore Ebersberger Michael, cabinetmkr, u w cor Cross and Chesnut al Ebert Charles S. glass blower. 106 Warner Fbert Chas. fisherman, 106 Warner Ebert Chas. fisherman, 16 Ohio av Ebert Conrad, painter, 106 Warner Ebert Frederick, mariner, 76 Block Ebert Frederick, dry goods, 272 s Sharp Ebert Fredk. J. glassblower, 292 Hanover Ebert John, potter, 191 n Bethel Ebert John, laborer, 35 Lancaster Eliert John C. pianomaker, 7 Sterrett Ebert Joseph, musician, 39 n Central av HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. EBE 167 EDE Bbert 0. A. & Co. (0. A. Ebert)com. merchts. 1 1 Patterson Ebert Octavius A. f O.A.E. & Co. 1352 Lexington Ebert Peter, tailor. 191 n Bethel Ebert P. cahineimkr, Sterrett nr Ridgely Ebert Sieliert, carpenter, U) St. Peter Ebert Lindante. 197 n Charles Ebert Sylvester, boilermaker, 545 w Lombard Ebert Wm. F. giassnlower, 292 Hmover Elierwein August, cigarmkr, 114 Pearl Eberwein Wm F. constable, Fayette and St. Paul, d\v Biddle nr McDonogh Ebigliausen Au2:ust, tobacconist, 182 Dover Ebiiihausen, Mrs. Johanna, tobarconist, 256 Canton av Eble}- Henrv F. potter, 77 Jackson sq av Eble Conrad, shoemaker, 70 n Caroline Ebling .Jacob, lab. 270 s Ann Ebling Charles, drayman, 448 Penna av Ebrenz Simon, beer, 259 e Eager Ebsworth David, carpenter, 427 e Lombard Eccles Samuel, jr. (Eccles, Thorns & Co.) 160 w Biddle ECCLES, THO.MS & CO. (8. Eccles, jr., J. B. Thorns. E. T. Robb, P. F. Thoms) Canton Steam Sugar Refinery, office 7 Rialto build- ing, cor .Second and Hollidav Eccleston & Bro. (C. E. k G. W. Eccleston) carp, and builders, rear 147 n High Eccleston Charles E. (Eccleston & Bro.) Ill e Madison Eccleston Elizabeth, confectionery, 247 s Paca* Eccleston Fr.'.nk, lithographer, 246 Aisquith Eccleston G. W. (Eccleston & Bros.) cor Ann and Chase Eccleston George W. cnrp. 410 e Chase Eccleston James, 246 Ai-quith Eccleston John A. bricklayer, 246 Aisquith Eccleston John J. stonemason, Camp nr York rd Eccleston Joshua F. lithojrapber. 246 Aisquith Eccleston Robt. E. (E. & Wood) 367 McDonogh Eccleston & Wood (Robt. E. E. and F. Wood) horseslioers, 23 Hillen Eccleston Wm. W. coachpainter, 246 Aisquith Eccleston W.W. dispatcher, Three Tuns hotel Echemendia Diego, 98 n Gay Ecbemendia Miiriano, tobacconist, 98 n Gay Echlei- Wm. carriage finisher, 77 Mallikin Eck August, 107 Jefferson Eck Mrs. Catherine, 2(i3 s Regester Eck Charles, shucker, IM s Chapel Eck Fred, tavern, lo n Frederick Eck Geo. barber, 203 s Regester Eck Henry jr. shucker, 203 s Regester Eck Henry, turner, 183 n Caroline Eck Henry, tobacconist, 203 s Regester Eck Joseph J. shoemkr, 368 e Fayette Eck Piiilip. shoemkr, 165 Burgundy al Ei:k Priscilla, dreS'Bmkr, 83 Druid Hill av Hckard Theodore, butter, 272 Franklin Eckardt John, driver, 49 n Spring Eckardt Mrs. Sophia, milliner, 260 s Sharp Eckardt Wm. upholsterer, 260 s Sharp Eckart Mrs. Leah A. 50 w Eager Ecke Joseph, shoemkr, 89 Leadenhall Eckel Conrad, grocery, 55 s Caroline Eckell Adam, tailor, 47 .Abbot Eckell Wm. barber, 102 Thames Eckelman Harry T. clerk, 45 Centre mkt sp Eckelman Htrra S. grocer, 45 Centre mkt sp Eckels Alfred, tinner, 124 Barre Eckels John, 1 Bradford al Eckels Wm. A. engineer, 79 n Amity Eckelt Edward, carp. 52 Elliott Eckert Charles, tailor, 73 Portland Eckert Christian, restaurant, 17 Dover Eckert Edw. C. marblepolisher, 289 n Front Eckert Henry, lab. 35 China Eckert Henry A. paintir. 317 e Eager Eckert Henry, carp. 10 Puultney Eckert James H fiirn. wagon, 119 n Paca Kckert John, driver, Byrd nr Fort hv Eckert John C. engineer, 2'> Stockl.ja Ecliert John, shoemkr, 35 Marion Eckert John C. carp. 94 n Chapel Eckert Lewis, beer, 116 Franklin Eckert Lewis, shoemkr, 199 s Wolfe Eckert Robt. bnishmkr, 65 Camden Eckert Mrs. Theresa Ann, 119 n Paca Eckert Vin't C.S. gauger customs, 317 e Eager Eckert Wm. jr. lab. 16 Abey al Eckert Wm. carp. 69 L. Church Eckes Conrad, cigarmkr, 30 Thames Kckes Henry, restaurant, HiL'h and Eastern av Eckes John, tavern, 30 Thames Eckhardt Andiew, lab. Dillon nr O'Donnell Eckhardi Casper, cabinetmkr, 269 Canton av Eckhardt Chas. carp. 368 Hanover Eckhardt Conrad L. paperhange'r, 5 n High Eckhardt George, upholsterer, 68 Druid Hill av Eckhardt Henry, cooper, 470 Saratoga Eckhardt Henry L. boiicrmkr. 7 James Eckhardt Henry, restaurant, 132 e Pratt Eckhardt Henry, surgical ins' t mkr, 1 3 Poultney Eckhardt Henry, stonemason, 9 L. Montgomery Eckhardt Jacob, liquors, 130 Barre Eckhardt John, whipOik. 1^5 s Patterson Park av Eckhardt John, lab. 4 Wagon al Eckhardt Louis jr. beer. Fort av and Light Eckhardt Louis, grocery, 264 s Howard Eckhardt Louis, shoemkr, 3.s7 Light Eckhardt Louis, gilder, looking-glass and pic- tur^ frame manufact'r, 464 e .Monument Eckhardt Louis, carter. 25 Gough Eckhardt Mary, drv goods, 4C4 e Monument ECKHARDT &MEHL[-;R,(Wm. Eckhardt, Wm. Mehler) gilders and picture frames, over 293 w Baltimore Eckhardt Simon, clerk, 22 s Wolfe Eckhardt Wm. (Eckhardt & Mehler) Fayette ur Collington av Eckhoff John, beer, 45 s Frederick Eckman George T. drayman, T7 Frederick av Eckman John, lab. 137 s Fremont Eckman Washington, salesman, 84 Hanover Eckstine George, paver, 514 Penna av Eckstine Geo. J. paver, 514 Penna av Ecksiine John, lab. 14 Presidt-nt Eckstine John, carp. 7 Patterson av Eckstine Lewis, paver, 494 n Fremont Eckstine Wm. huckster, I 0 al Eckstorra Christian, boxmkr, rear 19 Butler al Eckstorne Henry, stove moul'r, 162 sWashiugton Ecoff Ralph, plasterer. Chapel nr Chase Eddins R. W. clerk, 92 n Republican Edel Henry G. tailor, 191 Forrest Edel John W. butter, 255 Harford av Edel Joseph, painter, 368 e Eager Edel Mathias, provisions, 42 Woodyear Edel Philip, tailor, 368 e Eager Edel Samuel T. butter, 257 Harford av Edel Wm. cutter, 191 Forrest Edelen Albert, clerk, 49 Mulberry Edelen A. W. salesman, 59 St. P'aul pq o O O o p o o CD <: O P5 o r— 1 <1 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. EDE 168 EDW H W w tf H i^ (X! -c ^ K^ z> <1 < o ',- K _; H c O „ C/J 5 CO 2> t> ,-, >^ ^ y^T: iscs Rdelen Jncob, huckster, 130 s Fulton Edeler Chiis. H. bookkpr, 298 n Howard Kde'er Elizabeth, confect'ry, 295 n Howard Edeler Ernest W. harnessmkr, 34G w Pratt Edeler Geo. clerk, 298 n Howard Kdeler Henry, ciirarnikr, 51 Portland Eiieler Peier, Irtb. 104 s Central av Edell Henry J. beer, 249 e Eajrer Edelnian & Bro. (V. & C. Edelman) box fac- tory, 3 Mercer Edelman Chas. ( Edehiian & Bro.) 244 Columbia Edelman Ch:is. brew master, Clinton and Elliott Kdfiman Cbas. Ijrewer, Clinton nr Elliott Kdelnian Francis, bak'r, 244 e Eaizer Edelman Geo. lab. Lancaster nr Canton park Edelman Jacob, drayman, l."i9sEden Edelman John, lab. Lancaster nr Canton park Kdelman John F. jr. bricklayer. 385 Harford av Kdelman John V. sr. bricklayer, 385 Harford av Edelman John H. butcher, 8 Cros3-st mkt, dvv 504 Lit;ht Edelman .(oseph, tinner 244 e Eager Edelman Romauld, wheelwright, Frederick av and I'.iyson Edelman Thos. S. bricklayer, Homestead Edelman Valentine, weaver, 244 e Eap;er Edelman Valentine (Edelman&Bro. )K6 Johnson Edelman Wilhelmina, grocery, Clinton nr Elliott Eden H. Jenkins, farmer, 45 n Strieker Eden James A. brakenian, 45 n Strieker Eden liobert, lal). 33 .Miller Eden Mrs. Sarah, 79 n Bond Eden Street Jewish Synaizogue, Eden nrBalto. Eden Wru. farmer, 45 n Strieker Eder Clias. butcher, 22 Elizabeth la Eder Chas. lab. 312 William Eder Kdward, canmkr, 126 s Chester Eder Francis J. peddler, 85 Bank Kder Francis J. canmkr, 108 s Chapel Eder Lawrence, lab. 349 n Central av Eder Macariiis, lab. 108 s Chapel Kder .Mrs. Mary C. grocery, 85 Bank Eder .Michael, lab. 40 n Washington Edeson Geo. R. stage manager, 207 Aisquith Edgar Chas. capjier. 56 s Greene Edgar Geo. H. shipchandler, 73 Smith's whf, dw 27 s High Kdgar John, nttorney, 54 Franklin Fdger Geo. W. printer, 93 .Mullikin Kdgell ('apt. John H. 376 Baltimore Edgerton Thos. sliipcarp. 156 s Wolfe Hdle .Margaret, dressmkr. 268 n Bond Hdler Ludwig, cabinetmkr, 125 n Central av Edier Peter, lab. 104 s Central av P^dling John, pianomkr, 44 1 w Fayette Edmeades W.T.(W.T.E.& Co.) 298 McDono<'h Edmeades W. T. k Co (Wm.T. Edmeades) ale and (lorter, 31 Postotlice av Fdmonds & Bro.(Sam'l and Wm. E. Edmonds) grocers, n w cor Pearl and Lexington Kdmonds John, agent. Cross nr Howard Kdmonds .Mrs. Mary E. 441 Lexington Kdmonds Richard H. clerk, 441 Lexington Edmonds Sim'l (E. k Bro.) 70 n Carey Edmonds Wm. K. (E. & Bro.) 394 Lexington Edmonds Wm. H. clerk, 441 Lexington Edmondson Allien N. P. sailmkr, 204 Hanover Eduiondson Chas lab. 35 Thames Edmondsou .Mrs. E. G. 72 w Centre Edmondson J. A. & Son (J. A. and VV. W.Ed- mondson, R. M. Blundon) grocers and com. merchants, 48 s Calvert Edmondson James H. clerk, 57 Lee Edmondson Joseph A. (J.A.E.& Son) Charles- st av ext Edmondson Capt. Samuel P. mariner, 57 Lee Edmondson Mrs Susan, boarding, 35 Thames Edmondson Wm. E. clerk, Gilmor nr Fayette Edmondson W. Winder, (J. A. E. & Son) 165 n Republican Edniondston .Mrs. Caroline, 47 n Gilmor Edmonston .Mrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, 220 eMad- ison Edmonston Leon H. salesman, 220 e Madison Edmunds Jas.R. cashier of the Old Town Bank, 230 Lanvale Edwards Mrs. Amanda. 203 e Monument Edwards Arthur D. cutter, Gilmor nr Presstman Edwards Beiij. F. lab. 58 Rue ?]dwards Benj. F. engineer, 311 e Pratt Ed wards .Mrs. Caroline I). dressmkr, 203 e Fayette Edwards Chas. teaclier, 141 n Calvert Edwards Chas. lab. 2 Truxton Edwards C. Frank, harnessmkr, 203 e Fayette Edwards Clins. T. car]). 24 s Ore>:on Edwards David, engineer, 21 s Ctroline Edwards David, clerk, Wolfe nr Biddle Edwards Rev. David, bishop U. B. in Christ, 145 Scott Edwards David C. lab. 192 Vine Edwards E. G. (E G. E. & Co.) 6>!6 Saratoga Edwards E. G. k Co. (E. G. Edwards) manufs. Edwards superphosphate, 21 Cheapside Edwards Edward J. clerk 2d Branch City Coun- cil, 102 Mulberry Edwards Capt. F. mariner, 25 Hamburg Edwards Frank A. clerk, 32 Commerce Edwards Geo. fireman, Clipper mills Edwards Geo. lab. 32 s High Piilwards Geo. W. law student, 686 S.iratoga EdwL printer, 273 Saratoga Eggleston Kate, 1 Cambridge Eggleston Walter, cigarmkr, 273 Saratoga Eggling Caroline, beer, 188 e L')tnbard Eggling Geo. W. moulder, 17 n Sharp, dw 23 Scott Eggling John, barkpr, 188 e Lombard Eggner Charles, porter, 68 Ridgely Egley Joseph, shoemkr, 21(i e Ch:ise Ehle Joseph, carter, 87 n Amity Ehlen PVardv, cleric, 320 Lexington Ehlen Fred, clerk, 320 Lexington Ehlen Mrs. John H. 137 n Paca Ehlen John H. clerk, 320 Lexington Ehlen John F. sec'y Lubricating Car Axle Co. 8 s Gay, dw 320 Lexington Ehlen .Mrs. Kate, 405 n Calhoun Ehlen Wm. McK. clerk, 320 Lexington Ehlendt Albert, sawyer, 69 e .Monument Ehlers .Aaron confectioner, 177 e .Munument EHLERS JOHN D. & CO. (J. D. Ehlers) job printers and engravers, 87 Second, \_See Advertisement. Ehlers John D. (J. D. E. & Co.) 56 Chew Ehlers Lewis, grocery and feed, 378 Light Ehlerl George, painter, 753 w Lombard Ehlies Wm Henry jr. police, 139 s Paca Ehm John, lab. 286 s Dallas Ehm Pelei', lieer, 420 n (Jay Ehmann Fred, stonecutter. 28 Harford av Einhliiig August, tailor, Homestead Ehoff .\ugust, CMbinetmkr, 23 Barre EhoiF August, jr. cibinetmkr, 23 n Frederick Ehoff Fred'k, tobacconist, 20 Conway Ehoff Wm. siioemaker, 32 Barre Ehren A. J. 831 w Baltimore Eliren Ferdinand, butc'r, Harford rd nr Point la Ehren Louisa, faucv eoods, 831 vv Baltimore Ehrbar John, lab. 148 Johnson Ehrhard Albert, music teacher. 227 Saratoga I']hrhardt Chas. shoemkr, 46 Wapliinglon av Ehihardl Fred, uiiholsterer, 313 Cross Ehrhardt Geo. cooper, 252 s Eutaw Ehrhardl Mrs .Marg.iret, 252 s Eutaw Ehrhart Hugh, jeweler,Point la nr Greeninount ceraeterv Ehrhart Wm. stonemason, 572 Aisquith Ehrlich Alexander, peddler, 51 Holland Ehrlich .Jacob, furniture. 78 Hillen Ehrlich M. salesman, 126 n Exeter Ehrman Benj. horse trader, 86 German, dw 254 n Bond Ehrman & Bersch, (John Ehrman, Christi.m Bersch)steira planing, flooring, door, sash and scroll sawing, 210 s How^ard and s w cor Howard and Henrietta EHRMAN & BRO. (L. & F. Ehrman) grocers, coal and wood, 282 s Broadway and coal yard 310 s Caroline Ehrman Chas. H. ex[>ress agent 11 McElderry Ehrman Christian, lab. 7 Green ct Ehrman Fredk. ( E. & Bro.) 93 Gough Ehrman Geo. M. flour and feed, 47 s Howard, dw 22 s Greene Ehrman George, beer, 338 s Caroline Ehrman George, driver, 94 Clinton Ehrman Jacob, 22 .- Greene Ehrman John, clerk, 78 s Wolfe Ehrman John, (E. & Bersch) 415 n Carey Ehrman Lewis, (E. & Bro.) grocery, cor Nich- olson and Towson Ehrman Mrs. Marjraret, 337 s Bond Ehrman .Mrs. Rosina, 338 s Caroline Ehrman Philip, lab. 294 Aliceanna Ehrman Solomon, clerk, 166 Franklin Ehrman Wm. dry goods, 166 Franklin Eibert .Mrs. .Margaret, 249 Aliceanna Eibert Henry, tailor, 249 Aliceanna Eich Adam, porter, 329 Aisquith Eich John, lab. Clinton and Second av Eichelberger Alb't G. store, Hampden Eichellierger Chas. E. painter, 19 .Myrtle av Eichelbeiger Chas. E. painter, 93 n Fremont Eichelberger Chas. W. painter, 93 n Fremont Eichelberger E. C. & Wm. Wirt, attorneys, 19 Lexington Eichelberger Edward C (E. C. & Wm. Wirt E.) Mansion house Eichelberger Geo. N. clerk, Whatcoat nr Presst- man Eichelberger Frank, painter, 26 s Poppleton EICHELBERGER HENRY, dry goods, 240 Penna av dw 242 Eichelberger John, baker, 66 Parish Eichelberger John, lab. 39 s Castle Eichelberger John M. painter, 161J Mulberry r^ o O d o ft o o pq 'J2 rn 3 Power P ress rrinting, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Pediiced Rates. Marble Building.) ' z^ S.2 S-> -tJ o-r OQ s o c 4» — ' ",-• > = ■3i X ^ o CJ bt~ :zi -T o i ^ Oi c; " '^ W w CI c ^f -o - ^ ci .— X '^ ^^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. EIC 170 EIS >j^ c ^ C — 3-" ^ ■Ju ^i o C3 J- c^ a- ^ o u Sv| o A- ( i ;=5 o X ,-« H . ^ -3 f^ ^ ii <. ■J. K r-« a> -« o H e» ■ •* O at ^ T p— 1 1 ■« J* ■*-* ■^^ ^ ;^ Ji -r -3 ce c^-^ ^ .~ >> = bo ■^ S.5 Eichelberger John \V. painter, 16U Mulberry Eichelberger John W. cigarmkr, Whiitcoat nr Presstman EICIIELBERGKR OTHO W. liquors, 1 s How- ard, dw 181 n Howard EICIIELBERGKR SAMUEL K. nuhlic weigher, 5 Spear's whf, dw Cold Spring, Vork rd Eichelherger Wiu. W. 570 w Baltimore Eichelber-er Win. W. (E. C. & Win. Wirt E.) attoriiey, 295 w Lombard Eielielman Herman, lab. 171 s Spring Hichenuuer Clirist'n,3lioenik.Mc(,'ubbiii nr Ann Eiclienberg Henry, tailor, 66 e Pratt Eicbenberg Jai'ob, peddler, 209 s Charles Eichenbrodt Daniel, lab. 23.T s Bond Eichengreen David, cleik, 200 s Broadway Eiciiengreen Moses, boots and shoes, 200 s Broadway Eichengreen Wm. clerk, 200 s Broadway Eichiiorn Barbara, grocery, 118 Duncan al Eichhorii Deidrich, beer restaurant, Eastern av and Wolfe Eichhorn Geo. lab. 33 s Castle Eicbhorn Otis, printer. Central av and Pratt Eichhorn Theo. brewery, 117 s Eden Eichhorse W^m. lab. 286J s Ann Eu-hiiiger Fraiilz, lab. 11 n Chapel EICHLER CHARLES C. F. merch. tailor, s e cor St. Paul and Fayette, dw 187 n Carey Eichler Frederick, driver, 136 s Spring Eichler George, sawyer, 81 Orleans Eichler Henry, driver, 81 Orleans Eichler John H. lab. 3 Druid Hill av Eichler John, blacksmith, 171 Columbia Eichler John G. porter, 81 Orleans Eichler Wm. blacksmith, 14G n Caroline Kichuer Andrew, CDciper, 188Lemnion Eichinan J. Clias. (Hopkins & E.) 323 Druid HiUav Kichman John J. cabinetmkr, 238 Hanover Eichiier Charles J. clerk, 64 n Broadway Eichiiei George, 19eFayetie Eichner John, sawyer, 143 s Spring EichoUt Fred, lab." 472 Canton av ° Eichorn .Mrs Anna, 327 s Bond Eichorn Juhn, tailor, 339 Eastern av Eichorn Martin, butcher, 559 e Fayette Eichorst .Martin, lab, 267 s Wolfe Eickel Henry, dyer and scourer, 18.') n Eutaw Kick hoff .Mrs Catherine, 66 n Holliday Eickhoff Geo. slioemkr, 226 Harford av Eickh.,tf Theodore, driver, 66 n Holliday Eidmann Geo. tailor, 144 L. Greene Eiilmann John, engineer, 133 Dover Eidmann Lewis, clerk, 133 Dover Eidmann Michael, baker, Dover bet. Addison al and Monroe Eiermann Paul K. baker, 35 s Regester Eiermann Wm. baker, 200 n E.xeter Eiciiiiaiin Wm. jr. gasfiiter, 200 n K.xeter I'lfeil Henry, baker, 145 w Lombard EIGELBEKNERT. F. & CO (T. F. Ei-elber- ner and H.S.Myers) plumbers, gas and steam fitters supplies, cor Fayette and Liberty Eiegelberner Thos. F. ^T.F.Elgelberner & Co.) 323 Myrtle a V Eigeldin^;er Conrad, porter, 14 Union Ei;:el(linger Hc-rman, lab. 14 Union Eigeldin>;er Theresa, nurse, 14 Union Eigenbrodt Amelia, confec'y, 66 Aisquith Eigenbri.dt Henry, tailor, 66 Aisquiin Eigenbrodt Henry C. jr. clerk, 66 Aisquith Eigenbrodt Henry, watchman, 55 n Ann Eigenbrodt John, silver plater, 55 n Ana EiL^enhrot C. C. beer, 314 Sharp Eigenbrot C. C. bartender, 281 w Pratt Eigenbrot Henry, machinist, 314 s Sharp Eigenbiot John G. silver gilder, 314 s Sharp Eigener Geo. blacksmith, 23 Barre Eigenrang Edward, harness, 142 Forrest Eigenrany; Fred, harness, 142 and 144 Forrest Eigler John G. porter, 81 Oileans Eigner Adam, baker, 777 w Baltimore Eigner John, baker, 486 Harford av Eigner John, beer, 7 and !' n Eden Eigner Michael, barkeeper. 9 n Eden Eikelman Mrs. Frances, laund. 71 Somerset Eikenberg Charles, tobacconist, 121 Hillen Eilau Abraham (Bamberger & Eilau) laces, mil- linery and fancy goods, C9j u Howard, dw 350 Lexington Eilau Abraham W. druggist, 101 Gough EILAU & BRO. druggists, n e cor Baltimore and Ann Eilau David, 350 Lexingtan Eilau Wm. cabinetmaker, 101 Gough Eilbacher Geo. police, 319 s Sharp Eilhacher John V. blacksmith, 319 s Sharp Eilenberg L. watches and jewelry, over 246 w Baltimore Eiler Fred, lab. 2 Walker Eiler Henry, cooper, 100 e Lombard Eiler W^m. confectionery, 376 s Charles Eilingsfeld Jno.sadl's and barns. 85 Frederick av Eillerman Gustav. painter, 195 s Wolfe Eillerman Jacob, mariner, 195 s Wolfe Eillerman John, grocery, J 22 s Howard Eilraann Richard, lab. 171 Sharp Eiubrod Chas. H. salesman, 105 s Paca Einolf Conrad, baker, 106 Welcome al Einstein Samuel, grocery, 182 Cross Einwaechter Adam, 255 s Charles Einwaechter Alex, blacksmith, 116 Columbia Einwaechter Fred. F. salesman, 216 Columbia Einwaechter Geo. A. blacksmith, 118 Eislein Einwaechter John A. blacksmith, 118 Eisleia Einwaechter Margaret, grocery, 255 s Charles Eipes Peter, lab. 49 Esse.x Eirich Louis, cabinetmaker, 71 Scott Eiring Henry, cooper, 208 s Bethel Eiring Ludwig, cooper, 208 s Bethel flirir.ann Henry, lab. Belair av ext Eisel George, butcher, 24 Lafayette market, dw 502 Penna av Eisel Geo. brewer, 202 Burgundy al Eisel Joseph, grocery, 84 Johnson Eisel Nicholas, lab 16 Elizabeth la Eiseman Albert, wheelwright, 22 Jasper Eiseraan Anna, clothing, 57 Orchard Eiseman Bernard, baker, 147 s Paca Eiseman Bernard, butcher, 221 .Aisquith Eiseman Lewis, clerk, 104 n Gay Eiseman Moses, boots and shoes, 104 n Gay, Eisenbach Andw. L. shoemkr, 384 Penna av Eisenback, Wm. cab. maker, 70 s Regester Eisenberg Andrew, prov'ns, 152 s Washington Eisenberg Aug. lab. 39 s Castle Eisenberg Geo. beer. Bank and Washington Eisenberg Henry, lab. 152 s Washington Eisenberg Israel M. sausage maker, 3 n Central av Eisenberger Geo. cooper, 162 s Choptank Eisenberger John, 162 s Choptank Eisenbrandt Henry R. musical instruments, 78 w Baltimore, dw 39 3 Broadway HOLMES (fe CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. EIS 171 ELL Eisenbrodt Donald, lab. 233 s Bond Eisenhardt Anton, manuf. Britannia ware, 254 n Gay Eisenhardt Catherine, confec'y, 444 Saratosa Eisenhardt Christian, shoemkr, Paca and Ger- man, dw 143 King Eisenhardt John, cigar maker, 25 St. JIarv Eisenhiirdt Lewis, carp. 278 n Bond Eisenhour Frank, tailor, 463 Aisquith Eist-nhut Ciias. wheelwright, 5S n Wolfe Eisenreith John, bo.xmaker, 142 s Chapel Eiserl)eck Ferd. shoemkr, 494 w Lombard Eisf'eld Lazarus, drover, 168 G'lUgh Eisfeld Mrs. Richel, grocery, 168 Gough Eisinger Geo. machinist, 67 n Chapel Eisinger Paul, cabinetmaker, 97 n Chapel Eism:in Elizabeth, huckster, Penna ay ext Eisman George huckster, Penna av ext Eisman John, wagoner, Baker nr Penna av Eisner Charles, stevedore, 246 s Durham Eite! Geo. cigannaker, 26 Leadenhall Eitel Gotleib. beer, Howard and .Mulberry Eitel Jacob, cooper, '2h Leadenhall Eitel John, lab. 3 Gough Eitel .Mrs. Mary, confect'y, 26 Leadenhall Eitemuller Christian, lab". 150 West Eiteniuller Ferd. drayman, 150 West Eith George, clerk, 241 s Bond Eitman Aug. plumber, 133 Dover Eitman Daniel, huckster, 600 Penna a7 Eitman John, engineei-, 133 Dover Eitman Louis, coff e roaster, 133 Dover Ekert John, shoemaker, 33 .Marion Elder Benj. W. machinist, 463 Franklin Elder Ch.is. .M. clerk, 56 e Baltimore Elder Francis W. cona. merchant, 35 w Lom- bard, dvv Charles nr Denniead Elder Francis, painter, 79 Hillen Elder Geo. W. bricklayer, 79 Hillen Elder Henry C. brakeman, 93 3 Gilmor Elder James A. carp. 457 w Lombard Elder John T. wheelwright, 165 HoUins Elder John H. engineer, 302 Ramsay Elder .Mrs Mary Ann, 79 Hillen Elder M. H. blacksmith, 92 Strieker Elder .Michael, paver, Homestead Elder Rob'.-rt, (Stockdale and E. ) 63 St. Paul. Elder Samuel & Co. (0. F. Lantz, Jacob F Laniz) flour merchants, 32 n Howard Elder Zachuriah, millei, 112 Mullikiii Elderdice Dr. L vin 15 .McHeiiry Elderkin David C. clerk, 44 n Gilmor Elderkin Sarah E. 44 n Gilmor Eldon H ill, C. P B irnard.propr, 78 w Fayette Eldridge R. D. baker, lu8 e Pratt Eldridge Frank R. clerk, i08 e Pratt Eldridge Geo. baker, los e Pratt ELDRIDGE MONROE D. attorney, 19 Lexing- ton, dw 352 Park av Eldridge Wm. D. baker, 533 n Gay Eldridge Wm. D. jr. clerk, 533 n Gay Eldridjze Wilson, baker, 197 e Pratt Ellenbrock Fred, grocer, Frederick and Cal- verton roads Elfrey Philip, machinist, 120 Bovd Elgen Fied. G. lab. 343s Sharp' Elgelb .Mrs. Louisa,dressmkr,57Greenmount av Elgert John A. beer. Eastern av ext Elgert John, clerk, 63 Holland Elgert J. Wm dravman, 123 s Caroline Elhart Adolph (B.'Wiiz & Co.) 128 Walsh Elias Eli, clerk, 82 Harrison ELHART, WITZ & CO. (Adolph Elhart, M. H. Heller, Isaac Witz, Levi Witz) wholes, no- tions, 5 Hanover Elias Joseph & Son (J. and Wm. Elias) stoves and furniture, 55 Penna av Elias Joseph (J. E. & Son > 55 Penna av Elias Samuel, clerk, 190 w Lombard Elias Win. (J. E. ^ Son) 55 Penna av Eliason John A. bricklaver, 159 HoUins Eliason Wm. A.brickmkr. Hoffman nrBelair iiv Eliel Louis, clerk, 116 s Sharp Eliel & .Mayer (Solomon Eliel, Elias Mayer) wholes, boot and shcjemkr, 294 w Baltimore Eiel Solomon {E. ^ Mayer) 116 s Sharp Eiine Francis, huckster, 42 Stockton Elison John, 166 n Central av Elkin Chas. carp. 162 German Elkin Samuel D. notions. 1 s Caroline Eikraan Herman, lab. 37 Cambridge Ellecamp Henry, lab. 200 s Eutaw ELLENDER CHARLES F., Stoves, Furnaces and Ranges, Tin, Sheet- iron and Zinc Work; Roofing and Spouting promptly attended to, 32 Richmond street, dw. 185 E. Madison. Ellenberger Geo. lab. 204 Burgundy al Eliender Geo. W. ass't engineer fire departm't, 73 Forrest Eliender Mary, 11 Orleans Eliender Sarah, 1 1 Orleans Eller John, iiutcher, 8 Brown's la Ellerbrock August, baker, 21 n Washington Ellerbrock Bernard, machinist, 290 Aliceanna Ellerbrock .Mrs. Caroline, restaurant, 23 n Frederick Ellerbrock Mrs. Elizabeth, notions, 21 n Wash- ington Ellerbrock Frank M. fancy goods, 136 s Broad- way Ellerbrock Herman, coppersn'h, 23 n Frederick EUermin Frank, butciier, 47 Cross-st market, dw Frederick av nrtollg.ate Eilers John T. letter 'arri^r, 59 Vine ELLERMEVER CHAS. A. tailor, 14 Ensor EUenneyer George, tailor, 14 Ensor Ellersler Henry, baker, 2'> n Gay EILrt Anton, "shoemkr. 40 s B'>nd Ellet Frank M. (Smith, Ellett & Co.) 99 Town- send Ellicott C. Lewis, clerk, 3 Spear's whf Ellicott David B. clerk, 3 Spear's whf Ellicott Mrs. Evan T. 174 w Lombard Ellicott Francis F. clerk, 102 McCuUoh Ellicott H.Wni.. Maryland BlastFurnace, sside basin, dw 63 Franklin Ellicott John, architect and civil engineer, 44 n Charles, dw 116 St. Paul Ellicott Dr. Litidley, 193 n Howard Ellicott Priscilla, 68 w .Madison Ellicott Thomas P. (Wm. M. E. ^ Sons) Bal- timore CO Ellicott Wm. M. (Wm. M E. & Sons) Balti- more CO ELLICOTT WM. M. & SONS, (Wra. M. and Thomas P. Ellicott) commissiou merchants, 3 Spear's whf Ellinger Benj. com. raercht 116 n Broadway EUinger & Co. (J. Ellinger) tea, 153 Lexington CO C3 o O O O =^ P o o &q CO o I — 1 Q ^ t r Kmmart Henry D. conductor, 502 w Lombard - S Eiiiiimrt John, blacksmith, 123 Parkin = '■^ Huimu-l P. T. 47 w Fayette ^ > E.MMART & QUARTLEY, (A. D. Emmart, ) fresco, sign and house painters, over 276 w Baltimore Emmart Sirah M. boarding, 502 w Lombard Emmart Mrs. Sidney, 185 JJulberry Emmart Thomas, cunmkr, 137 s Fremont Emmart Thomas, bowling saloon, 47 w Fayette, dw 114 Mulberry Emmart \Vm. M. (E.&Courtney) 517 w Fayette Emmart Vernon S. clerk, lOt n Paca Emme Wm. (Wm. E. & Co.) 146 s Caroline Eiiimc Wm. & Co. (Wm. Emme and Henry Bon- i^.-^ hage) merchaut tailors, 12 e Pratt 5 if Emmel Henry, musician, 161 e Madisor. 1^ 5 Emnu-11 John, packer, 115 Bank o ^ Emmell John, couft'Ctioner, 115 Bank =- ^ Emmerich Christian, shoemaker, 63 vv Fayette, Zi z> dw 657 \v Lombard .--?5 Emmerich George W. clerk, 693 w Lombard X ^ p^mmerich J. Edward, clerk, 657 w Lombard ^ g Emmerich Ludwig, fruits, 838 w Baltimore ~ '^ Emmen Charles, painter, 142 Greenmount av ^ ^ Emmert Elias E. (E. & Co.) 362 w Fayette *j ^ Emmert & Co.(E.E. Euimert) wholesale liquors, o . 268 w Pratt ?► T- Emmert John, drayman, 144 Johnson ^ 5 Emmert Wm. H. lab. 3 s Schroeder Emmett Andrew, tailor, 18^ n Bethel Emmett Baker, glassblower, 4 Stockholm r- Emmett Charles, glassblower, 4 Stockholm r- -Z Emmett David, glassblower, 4 Stockholm ■~ ^ Emmett .Mrs. Frances, 189 n Bethel ,5 ^^ Emmett Henry, lab. 144 Johnson """ ^ Emmett Joseph, glassblower, 4 Stockholm .S ^ Emmett Louis, barkeeper, 267 Aisquith -^ 2 E.M.MUNS HKR.MUN L. Jr. attorney and com- ~ ^ missioner of deeds for all the States, 3 and 4 t: — ' Law building, dw 513 Franklin il """ Eiumor Wm. cabinelmkr, 237 n Dallas S '^ Emory A. Walsh, clerk, 88j Franklin o si Emory Amos, porter, 21 n Schroeder S S Emory Ambrose M. (Seim & Emory,) SSj . ^ =i Franklin X f? Emory Arthur, (Hujjpmiin & E.) 165 Lanvale ^ '~* Emory Mrs. Blanchard, Waverley J^ _ EMuilV DANIEL G. a-eut Washington Life Cf. >, Ins. Co. 32j St. Paul, dw 113 n Republican -r II Emory D. C. H. attorney, 47 St. Paul, dw Lu- ^ ? therville "Z >, Emory Frank M. tinner, 21 n Schroeder ^ ^ Emory James, blacksmith, 266 n Central av ^ -^ Emory John, tailor, 267 w Biddle _= - KMORV JOHN H. real estate agent, prest. "^ "" Laurel cemetery, 47 St. Paul, dw Lulherville r 5 Eniory Mrs. John W. 553 w Lombard z " Fniory John K. B. (Emory & Neavitt,) 21 n '7} ^'i Republican r Emory Mrs. Eliza, 385 Park av , E tt Kmory (.ME.) Churi h, Penna av nr Hoffman _r C Emory Mrs. Juliet, 65 e Baltimore "^ '7 Emory .M. E. attorney, 90 Mulberry J::"~ Emory k Neavitt, (J. K. B. Emory and F. W. ^ zj Neavitt) com. merchls. 6 Wood •~ ^ Emory Thomas H. bookkpr, 220 n Broadway C 5 Emory Wm. T. shipcarp. 11 Burke ^ .^ Emory Wm. II. 385 Park av X i_ Emory Wm. II. collector, 47 St. Paul, dw 316 '^ g e Chase o >> Emory W^m. W. 92 Jackson sq av Empire Transportation Co. George W. Cross, agent, 199 North Emrich Abraham, clothing, 16 Harrison Emrich Conrad, grocery, cor Wolfe and Biddle Emrich Geo. bagmkr, 87 s Bond Emrich Geo. machinist. 50 e Lombard Emrich Geo. barber, 109 wFayette, dw 212 Barre Emrich Henry, lab. 417 s Charles Emrich Henry, constable, 94 Walker ct Emrich John, shoemkr, 145 Raborg Emrich John P. jr. machinist, 309 u Caroline Emrich John P. (Flynn&E.) 309 n Caroline Emrich John P. 347 n Bond Emrich Louis, barkeeper, 267 Aisquith Emrich Louis, barkeeper, 181 Lexington Emrich Otto, barkeeper, 13 s Eutaw Emrich Simon, watchmaker and jeweler, 130 and 319 n Gay Emrich Wm. H. clerk. 329 e Chase Emrich \Vm. lab. 103 Granby Enders Conrad, porter, 108 s Caroline Enders Henry, baker, 485 e Monument Enders Henry, tailor, 183 a Sharp Endley Francis, brushmkr, 109 Peach al Eudres Adam, lab. 242 s Broadway Eudres Geo. cabiuetmkr, 08 Portland Eudres Martin, shoemkr, 106 Lancaster Eney Benj. F. clerk, 447 w Lombard Euey Jeremiah, steamfitter, 10 Parrish Euey John E. plasterer, 602 w Lombard Euey Jos. R. (Jos.R.E.&Co.) 71 HoUins ENEY JUS. R. & CO. (Jos. R. Euey) boots, shoes, hats, &c. 62 Hanover Eney Oliver N. paperhanger, 58 s Republican Eney Thos. R. machinist, 270 Ramsay Eney Wm. linner, 58 s Republican Engel August, grocery, 162 e Lombard Eiigel Adolph, cabinetmkr, 49 Milliman Engel Casper, lab. 165 s W^ashington Engel Chas. clerk, 263 Hamburg Engel C. Louis, clerk, 40 Postoffice av, dw Waverley Engel Conrad, baker, 524 w Lombard Engel David, 358 b Strieker Engel Eugelberi, shoemkr, 161 s Eden Engel Geo. grocery, 224 Harford av Engel Geo. shoemkr, 580 w Baltimore Engel Geo. cooper, 708 Light Engel Geo. clerk, 97 North Engel Geo. tailor, 263 Hamburg Engel Geo. varnisher, 95 North Engel Geo. W. carver, 364 s Eutaw Engel Gotleib sr. gardener, York rd nr Wy- anoke av Engel Gotleib jr. gardener, York rd nr Wj- anoke av Engel Gotfried, coi)persmiih, 209 Orleans Enyel Henry, restaurant, 33 n Gay Engel Jacob, coufec'r, 252 n Durham Engel John D. cotifec'y, Woodyear and Patter- son av Engel John, lab. 20 Woodyear Engel John, cooper, 708 Light Engel John jr. cooper, 708 Light Engel Julius L. clerk, 124 Granby Engel L. lab. 124 Granby Engel Matthew rcjorter German Coirespondent, Fayette nr Hich Engel Wm. b.er, 364 s Eutaw Engelbach Herman, beer, 112 s Eutaw Engelbreclit Geo. lab. 277 s Dallas Engelbride Jacob, brewer, Belair av ext ■^ ,.-:, HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Macliinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. o ««■ Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. T^^^^ 175 EPP ENG Engelhright Martin, driver, 234 s Durham Engelbright Mar}', grocery, 234 s Durham Engeler Oscar, clerk, 1(5 Hanover Engelbardt Angust, shoemkr, 35 n Paca Engelhardt Chas. fresco painter, 42 Ridgely Engelhardt Edw. broommkr, 94 Hillen Engelhardt Fred. lab. 138 n Spring Engelhardt George, lab. 242 s Durham Engelhardt George, lab. 74 Lancaster Engelbardt Henry, shoernkr, 242 s Durham Engelhardt Henry, shoemkr, 42 Ridgely Euiielhardt Henry C. shoemkr, 42 s Ridgely Engelhardt Jacob, lab. 74 Lancaster Engelhardt John, tailor, 298 n Central av Engelhardt iLirgt. grocery, 138 n Spring Engelhardt Michael, lab. 33 Randall Engelhardt Peter, barber, 351 n Gay Engelbaupt Adam, lab. 52 s High Engelhaupt F. W. tailor, 77 n Fremont Engelhaupt Fred, clerk, 52 s High Engelhaupt Fred. A. clerk, 103 Aisquith Engelhaujit Henry B. clerk, 52 s High Engelhaupt John, salesman, 52 s High Engelhaupt Philip, grocery, 183 Raborg Engelke F. W. upholsterer, 25 Park av Engelking Fred, tailor, 8 Edward Engelking John, barkeeper, 8 Edward Engelleiter Magdalen, 457 Canton av Engelman Chas. T. tailor, 371 e Eager Engelmaii Gustavus, shoefitter, 328 Raborg Engelman John, tailor, 44 Abbott Engelmyer Joseph, tailor, 252 e Chase Engelmyer Wolfgang, woodsawyer, 82 Somerset Engels Henry, cigarmkr, 322 Aliceanna Engelsman Julius, wine, 22 n Paca England & Bell, (Joseph H England, H.C.Bell) match manfrs. 282 and 284 West England Chas. clerk, 84 McCuUoh England Christian, shoemkr, 274 n Howard England Francis, 122 e Baltimore England John, fireman, 63 Ramsay England John H. watchman, 14 South England Joseph H.(England&Bell) 84 McCulloh England Jos.T. 84 .McCulloh England Julia, 60 Saratoga England Mr?. iMartha J. 175 Orleans England Robert A. engineer. Falls rd nr tollgate England Thomas B. plumber, 399 Lexington England Thos. salesman, Three Tuns hotel England Wm. mariner, 60 Saratoga England Wm. G. engineer, 487 Aisquith Engle Henry, lab. 42 Frederick av Engle Thomas, capper, 16 Fountain Engle Wm. carpet weaver, 42 Frederick av Englehart Conrad, dairyman, Remington and Huntingdon avs Engler Gotleib, cabinetmkr, 422 Canton av Engler Henry, shoemkr, 27 s Bethel Englerth Casper, engineer, 64 Short Engles Wm. lab. 213 Presion English John A.jWaverley Terrace English John R. restaurant, cor Pratt and Commerce, dw 62 n Bond English Thomas, canmkr, 3 Cambridge English Wm. D. 175Edmondson av English W. T. clerk, 175 Edmondson av ENGLISH Z. & CO.(Z. English, Jno. McNulty, L. B. Z:icbarias)wholes. grocers, 8 Commerce English Zeph. (Z. English & Co.) Catonsville Enis Adolph, shoemkr, 195 e Eager, dw 68 n Calvert Ennis Geo. W. cigarmkr, 208 Mulberry Ennis James, tinner, 117 Columbia Ennis James H. tinner, 4 Ramsay Ennis John A. blksmith, 41 Parrish Ennis Joseph T. blacksmith, 289 McHenry Ennis Mrs. Mary, 289 McHenry Ennis R. E. clerk, 54 McMechin Ennis Thos. lab. 206 Madison av Ennis Wm. B. machinist, 289 McHenry Ennis Wm. B machinist, 18 Pearl Eno Charles E. clerk, 2i(9 Conway Eno Richard, baker, 36 Milliman Enos Robert E. 25 s Fulton ENQUIRER, THE. Frank Markoe, propr. and editor, over 2^2 South Enright Thomas, lab. 235 Gough ENSEY RICHARD F. wholesale grocer and com.mercht, 2 and 4 s Eutaw,dw Baltio.co Ensign Howard B. prest. Md. Steamboat Co., 98 Light-st whf, dw Barnum's hotel Ensigner Elizabeth, tailoress, 329 n Central av Ensor Bimj. F. currier, 382 Madison Ensor Chas. lab. 65 s Burke Ensor Chas. jr. lab. 65 s Burke Ensor Chas. ropemkr, 238 n Bond Ensor Daniel, carp. 97 Scott Ensor Edward, shipjoiner, 399 e Chase Ensor Edward jr. lumber counter, 197 n Cen- tral av Ensor Mrs. Eliza, 238 n Bond Ensor George, lab. 65 s Burke Ensor Hiram, carp. 96 Lee Ensor James, 1 n Front Ensor James W. shipjoiner, 4 Canton av Ensor Jesse, painter, 171 HoUins Ensor John, wheelwright, 98 n Gilmer Ensor Luke, teamster, Sweet Air Ensor Nathan C. lab. 96 Parkin Ensor Nelson L. ca:p. Federal nr Aisquith Ensor Thaddeus, carp. 84 Cross Ensor Wm. H. tinner, 238 n Bond Enssle Amelia, milliner, 26 Lee Enssle Henry, stonecutter, 26 Lee Enssle Mrs. John C. harnessmkr, 26 Lee Enlerline Dr. Samuel, 582 w Lombard Enterprise Laundry, (Stanford & Co.)secor Front and Gay Enterprise Rock Candy Works, Benj. F. Wil- liams, jr. propr. 42 s Exeter Entler Eliza, 24 n Pine Eutz Andrew, sidesman, 340 w Fayette Entz Edward W. clerk, 340 w Fayette Enwright Chas. sawmkr, 112 e Eager En Wright Mrs. Jeanette, 112 e Eager Enwright Michael, grocery, 28 Chesnut Enwright John, bricklayer, 112 e Eager Episcopal Church Bookstore, George Lycett, 44 Lexington Episcopal Reading Rooms, n e cor Charles and Mulberry, H. W. Moore, agent Episcopal Register, George Lycett, manager, 44 Lexington Epp Mrs. Mary, variety store, 138 Cross Eppeneperger Michael, carp. Lemmon and Cross Eppert Wm. carp. 60 Leadenhall Epple Louisa, trimmings, 551^ w Fayette Epple Martin, carp. 258 e Chase Eppler Albert, lab. 335 Forrest Eppler Chas. wheelwright, 235 Forrest Eppler Mrs. Catherine, 67 Conway Eppler Edward, tinner, 235 Forrest Eppler Geo. clerk, 67 Conway Eppler Henry, clerk, 67 Conway '-a c3 o O o Q ft O o ^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. EPP 176 ESC H W H P^ 7\ H CO lij >^ <1 fa W o H P O - r/; 00 —^ o s\ iz; — 1 ^ < ^ :c ccE-' r ;5 0 o Rppler Johu, barrels and ci\sks, rear 71 s Sharp, ciir Dover, dw 67 Conway p:pplev Cbas. M. marble cutter, 129 Hanover Ej.pley James M. & Co. (James M. Epplej ) flour and feed, 120 North Eppley James M.(Jiis. M. Eppley & Co.)Charles St av nr Hunlinjrdon av Ei)pley John A. police, 36 Somerset Kp|iley Julius A.clk,Sum\valt w of Maryland av Ejnou Mis. Nancy, seimstress, 453 n Caiey Epron Thos, boilermkr, 4i)2 Canton av Efjuitable Fire Ins. Co. of Nashville, W. H. & J. C. Keighlci, agts. 55 Second Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S., Witmer & Mitchell, gen. agents, 21 South Erb Henry, baker, 150 n High Erbe Henry, diayman, 229 s Sharp Erbe John, porter, 186 Conway Erbe Mrs. Lizzie, beer, 229 s Sharp Erben John, shoenikr, 1 Spring-st ct EriK-n Mrs. .Matilda, 23 n Schroeder Erck Chas. tailor, 81 n Bond Erdbrink Mrs. John H. 25 Conway Eidenbrecht John L.wheehvrigt. 432 Canton av Erdenbrecht Geo. sawyer, 278 s Dallas Erdniin Andrew D. huckster, 333 Harford av Erdtuan Adam G. gardener, Harford av ext Erdman .Mrs. Catherine, 67 n Caroline Erdinan Chas. cigarmkr, 67 u Caroline Erdman Chas. gardener, Harford rd Erdman Conrad, cigarmkr, 67 n Caroline Erdman David C.brassmoulder, 388 Harford av Erdman F. gardener, Harford rd Erdman Fred, farmer, Belair uv Erdman Fred. G. coachman, 233 Harford av Erdman Francis S. butcher, Harford av ext Erdman Geo. gardener, Homestead Erdman GotleibH. gardener, Harford rd p]rdmati Henry, carp. 67 n Caroline Erdimin John, lab. 77 McKlderry Erdman John, gardener, Harford rd Erdman John, butcher. Homestead Erdman John C. clerk, 374 Aisquith Erdman John \V. butcher. Homestead Erdman M.itthais, gardener, Harford rd Eidmaii Mrs. Susan, 233 Harford av Erdman Wra. H. furniture and stoves,21 Ensor Erek Casi)er, 222 Franklin Erek Daniel F. police, Gilmor nr Cumberland Erek Henry, cigarmkr, 190 n Fremont Ergert George, grocery, 214 n Wolfe Ergood Gabriel S. salesman, 212 n Gay Erhardt Dorte, lab. 42 Port Erhardt John F. beer, 30 William Erhardt Lorentz, lab 42 Port Erhart Benj. stevedore, 97 s Exeter ERICH Dr. AUGUSTUS F., Professor College Physicians and Surgeons, 94 s Broadway Erich Fred, wireworker, 63 e Fayette Erich Henry C. & Co. (Henry C. Erich )plumb- era and gasfitters, 77 and 79 Gough Erich Henry C. (H. C. E. & Co.) 79 Gough Etich Louis, cabinetmkr, 71 Scott Erich Rebecca, saleswoman, 63 e Fayette Erichson W. (Tetens, Bockmann & Co.) vice consul for Denmark, 65 s Gay, dw 52 Han- over Etichson Christian A. clerk, 52 Hanover Ericks Chas. F. lab. 5 Portugal al Ericson Chas. watchmkr, 422 .Mulberry Erlanger Bernhard, 149 w Lombard Erlanger .Marx, lab. 44 s Caroline Erlanger Mrs. Simon, 313 Saratoga Erleiii -Mrs. Margaret, seanistress, 216 e Eager Rlrlbeck John M. cutter, 47 s Bond Eriiiig Win. of Germ. Corresponetit, 152 s Bond Ermer Christian, lat). 91 Cambridge Ermer Henry, tobacconist, s w cor Gay and Aisquith, dw 245 e Madison Ermer John, clerk, 118 s Exeter Ermold Christian, machinist, 155 Mulberry Ermold Fred, barber, 179 Conway Ermold John, drayman, 54 n Pine Ermold John C. palternmkr, 155 Mulberry Erney Chas. A. printer, 42 Columbia Ernst Albert, varnislier, 143 Vine Ernst Anton, lab. 27 7 s Dallas Ernst Anton, lab. 252 n Central av Ernst .Mrs. Christiana, 17 Wyeth Ernst Daniel, lab. 89 s Mount Ernst Henry, cigar manuf. Clinton nr Elliott Ernst Henry, shoemkr, 130 n Caroline Ernst Hubert, lab. 757 Light Ernst John, tailor, 255 Cross Ernst John C. boxmkr, 43 Burke Ernst John G. patternmkr, 43 Burke Ernst Joseph, lab. 277 s Dallas Ernst Wm. cigarmkr, Clinton nr Elliott Ernstberger Frank, barber, 326 Penna av Ernstberger Geo. beer, 299 s Sharp Ernstberger Michael, tavern, 156 Lee Erpenbeck Henry, tavern, 226 Aliceanua Erpenbeck Jacob, barkeeper, 226 Aliceanna Erpenbeck Johu, restaurant, Bank la nr St. Paul, dw 226 Aliceanna Erpenbeck Louis, stable boss, 226 Aliceanna Erpenstein Adolph, tailor, 37 n Dallas Erthington Ann, 25 e Baltimore Escavaille Geo. machinist, Broadway nrMadisoa Escavaille Jos. B. clerk, Broadway nr Madison Escavaille Mrs. Susanna, Broadway nr Madison Eschbach Francis F.streetpaver,90 n Schroeder Eschbach John, 46 Richmond ESCHBACH JOHN E. contractor for paving, &c., 16^ North, dw 549 w Fayette JOHN E. ESCHBACH, CONTRACTOR FOR imilagj PaYiag, SewetSj OFFICE. I6i NORTH ST. near FAYETTE, Uw., 549 Vi. Fayette. Eschbach Dr. Jos. A. apothecary, n e cor How- ard and Saratoga ESCHBACH LEO, contractor, 97 w Diddle ESCHBACH LEO, Contractor for all kinds of Grading, Paving, Lay- ing of Sewers with Stone, Brick, Iron or Tile Pipe, and Construc- tion of Turnpike and Railroads. Oflace, 16A North Street, opposite Chesapeake Bank. Eschbach Louis, paver, 92 n Schroeder Eschbach Richard, contractor, 383 w Fayette Esche Frederica, embroideress, 19 Lexington HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St, and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. ESC 177 EVA Esche Mrs. Ludovike, 19 Lexington EsdoD Wtn. gardener, Harford rd nr tollgate Esender James jr. clerk F. P. market, dw cor Eden and John Esender Dr. James, 1 Pearl Esender Mrs. Mary, grocery, cor Eden and John Estnder Thos lab. 64 Parrish Esender Theodore sr. carp. 23 Harford av Esender Theodore jr. carp. 23 Harford av Esender Wm. bricknikr, 70 s Garej Esender Wm. T. carp. 1 Pearl Eser Mrs. Feronica, confect'r, 40 Thames Esei Henry, lab. 40 Thames Eser Henry jr. driver, 40 Thames Eser Jo.'^eph M. shucker, 40 Thames Eser Wm. lab. 40 Thames Eshrick John, cooper, 178 Cross Eskridge John E. sailrakr, 317 n Bond Eskridge Wolfe, wharf builder, 242 Bank Esling Geo. bricknikr, 116 West Esiinger Geo. F. boxmkr, 28u Cross Eslinger Gustavus, boxmkr, 280 Cross Esiinger Jesse, lab. 352 Ramsay Esmer Mrs. Ernestine, trim'gs, 179 Montgomery Esmer Gustave, confect'r, 58 s Howard Esmer Rhinehurt, expressman, 179 Montgomery Esniiinn Henry, cigar boxmkr and liquors, 47 e Piatt Esome Mrs. Mary E 61 Johnson Espey Wm. P. cooper, 205 s Broadway Esselman Peter H. cigarmkr, 46 s Exeter Essenwanger Jacob, lab. 11 Stockholm Essert Geo. lab. 700 w Pratt Essert Mrs. Magdeiine, 167 Peirce Essex G^o. W. plasterer, 102 Ridgely Essex John, lab. 189 Vine Essex John, stonecutter, 102 Harford av Essex Richard, brickmkr, 664 Light Essig Fred. sr. butcher, Penna av ext Essig Fred. jr. butcher. Division ext Essig Louis, butcher, Penna av ext Essig Wm. buicher, Division ext Essler Mrs. Louisa, 64 Preston Esslinger Edward, apothecary, 220 e Baltimore Essliuger Geo. boxmkr, 348 Hamburg Esslinger Martin, cooper, 231 s Ann Essman Jacob, cooper, 394 Cross Ester Frank, engineer, 207 Leminon Estlack Edith, bookkpr, 95 Jefferson Estlack Hiram, shoemkr, 95 Jefferson Estler Susan, 79 n Amity Estiack Andreas, lab. 4 Decker Estrack Jotfn, flagman, 4 Decker Etchberger Bros. (C. E. & W. C. Etchberger) book and job printers, 138 w Baltimore Etchberger Chas. E. (E. Bros.) 342 e Baltimore Etchberger Capt. Jas. mariner, 342 e Baltimore Etchberger Jas. S. clerk, 284 e Baltimore Etchberger John F. boat builder, 15 Gough Etchberger Wm. C (E. Bros.) 342 e Baltimore Etchison Fred, saddler, 11 Columbia Etchison Green S. inspector tobacco warehouse No. 2, dw Genl. Wayne hotel Etchison Henry M. 24 n Schroeder Eter Caspar, canrakr, 175 s Eden Eter Lawrence, paver, 349 n Central av Etheridge Wm. H. dentist, 21 s Broadway Etrige Patrick J. shoemkr, 15 Ensor Etter .Mrs. Cecilia, n e cor Fayette and Gilmor Etting Misses, 270 Lexington Eitinger Geo. M. teacher and principal night school at F. Knapp's Institute, 403 n Gay Ettinger Samuel, clerk, Washington hotel Ettinger Jacob, 149 w Lombard Etzel Eged, tobacconist, 130 Aisquith Eizel John, brassfinisher, 19 n Wolfe Etzel John L. beer, 67 s Eutaw Etzel Joseph, porter, 231 e Biddle Etzler E. H. (R. F. Etzler & Co.) Hanover Pa. E'lZLER R. F. & Co. (R. F. & E. H. Etzler and J. Q. Allewalt) produce com. merchts. 165 North Etzler R.F. (R. F. Etzler & Co.) 216 Linden av Eubank Giles F. (E. & Downing) 40 St. Paul Euliank & Downing (G. F. Eubank, Samuel Downing jr.) wholes, tobacconists, 64 Light Eucker Jacob H. tailor, 28 Albemarle Eufelder Meyer, sexton, 57 e Lombard Euler August, wheel wiight, 56G Peuna av Euler Chas. shoemkr, 98 Conway Euler Ernest, shot^mkr, 1 n Spring Euler Ernestjr. barber, 167 L. Greene Euler E H. barber, 135 n Eutaw Euler George, tailor, 93 e Lombard Euler Jacob, tailor, 135 n Eutaw Euler John, carp. 8 Milliman Euling Andrew J. lab. 108 Gough Eunick Mrs. Rebecca, 64 Perry Eunick Thos.K. conductor, North av nrPennaav Eunick Thos. jr. North av nr Penna av Eurich Mrs. Elizabeth, confec'y, 405 Canton av Enrich Henry, tinner, 208 s Bond Eurich John, tinner, 407 Canton av Eurich Peter, stove and tinware. 407 Canton av EUROPEAN HOTEL, J. J. Lutts, prop'r. 26 w Fayette EUTAW HOUSE, n w cor Baltimore and Eutaw W. W. Leland, prop'r EUTAW SAVINGS BANK, s e cor Eutaw and Fayette Eutaw Place Baptist Church, cor Dol[)hin and Eutaw Eutaw (M. P.) Church, Halls Springs Eutaw St. (M. E.) Church, Eutaw belw Franklin and Mulberry Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor Fremont and Saratoga Evangelists(P.E.)Chapel, Potomac nrO'Donnell Evans Abel, miller, 417 McHenry Evans A. C. provisions, 405 Saratoga Evans Albert C. carp. 70 Lee EVANS ALFRED D. law and collection office, 4 s Front, dw n e cor Aisquith and Chew Evans Mrs. Ann M., Huntingdon av and Chiirles-st av Evans Mrs. Ann E.seams's, Cemetery av nrBond Evans Mrs. Annie, seamstress, 6 East Falls av Evans Andrew J. pilot, 285 e Pratt Evans Andievv J. carp. Washington nr Chase Evans Beuj. F. produce, 81 n Broadway Evans <)(• Burton (David G. Evans, Robert F. Burton) apothecaries, cor Ann and Aliceanna Evans Charles A. attorney, 49 w Fayette Evans Charles H. clerk, 565 w Fayette Evans Charlotte, cap maker, 158 e Monument Evans Charles, printer, 54 e Fayette EVANS, DAY & CO. (H. Evans jr., George W. and A. S. Day) oyster and fruit packer, cor Boston and Paluxent Evans Chas. D. agent Baltimore shoe and gaiter upper manuf'ry, s e cor Gay and Frederick, dw 214 Park av Evans Mrs. Cias. L.F. saleswoman, 127 n Eutaw Evans Daniel E. boilermkr, 119 s Strieker p o W o O d Q °S P O o w GQ- >^- < O Q p ^ Evans Rev. David, 18 Jackson pi x^ ^ Evans David G. (E & Hiirton) 18 Jackson pi 5 ^ Evans Edward D. carp. 154 .Mulberry 'V^^jz*^ Evans Edward J. painter, 487 Le.\in.- Evans Geo. bookkpr, 191 Hanover ■^ ;i; J^ Evans Geo. H. clerk, n e Aisquith and Chew •5 .2 ^ P>ans Geo. D. jr. salesman, Howard house r; g _= Evans Geo. T. coachtrimmer, 128 e Madison — Z- p Evans Geo. N. car[). 157 Montgomery 2 ^ E!l Evans Geo. N. police, 157 Montgomery ? ~Sr^ Evans Geo. W. clerk, 260 Wal.^li Evans Harriet, grocery, Clinton nr Boston Evans Henry jr. (Evans, Day iJ'Co.)ll Jackson pi Evans Henrv, clerk, 28 s Carey Evans Henry W.(Tlios.II.E.&Sou)565 w Fayette Evans Isaac, messenger, 172 e .Monument . Evans Jacob H. machinist, ISOrleans £ Evans Jacob C. machinist, 324 McDonogh ^ Evans James, caip. 11 Milliman i; Evans .Mrs. John, housekeeping goods, 18 w •; Baltimore, dw 303 e Baltimore ~ Evans John C. carp. 278 e Biddle '^ Erans John, horse dealer, 8 s Chester <^ -- ■"* fclvans John, coppersmelter, Clinton nr Boston Evans John B. agent, 38 Jackson Evans John B paint(r,54Clay,dw487 Lexington Evans John H. cotton sampler, 157 .Montgomery Evans John, overseer. Sweet Air Evans John L. 5(i3 e Baltimore Evans J. 0. (J. H. Teemver & Co.) Washing- „ ton, D. C. 'Z '^ Evans John P. salesman, 324 McDonogh ■^ f^ Evans John R. gaiter fitter, 214 Park av ^ H Evans John S. clerk, 303 e Baltimore ^ g Evans Josejih, lab. 31 Harford av ^ Evans Joseph, slioemkr, Biddle nr Washington Evans Joshua, machinist, 157 Montgomery Evans Lawrence, lab. 87 Stiles Evans Lee M. clerk, 51 s Greene Evans Levi C. printer, 324 McDonogh Evans Lee M. . Fagan Robert, clerk, 237 Columbia ^ Fagan Wm. salesman, 20 a Kutaw [^ Fager Joseph, carp. 660 w Baltimore Fagret Alfred, hair worker, 40 n Charles fvi Fagret Madame L.Guillioud, ladies' hairdresser, 40 n Charles i^ Fague John, watchmnn C. H. dw 152 n Exeter ^ Fague Wm. cabinetmkr, 152 n Exeter ^ Faherty Man us, lab. 186 Vine Fahey James, lab. 37 Hill |_r Fahey James, lab, rear 190 n Front ^ Fahey John, horseshoer, cor Holliday and Bath ^ Fahey John, manner, lo6 Dugan's whf M Fahey Mark, porter, 293 s Charles t— j Fahey Martin, hackman, 4 Oxford hh Fahey Michael, lab. 71 York p^n Fahey Patrick, lab. 250 Hamburg Fahey Patrick, lab. Cathedral eit ^ Fahey Patrick, coacbpainter, 43 Stockton ^ Fahey Patrick, lab. 77 n Calvert S Fahey Richard, lab. 63 Clifford al H Fahey Thomas, tailor, 170 n Front ^ Fahey Thomas, brickmkr, 53 Woodyear Fahey Thomas A. clerk, 5 n Front q Fahlbusch Adolph, tailor, 145 Burgundy al ^ Fahlkolb Andreas, lab. 419 Aliceanna '~^ Fahlen Chas. H. (F.& Ohlendorf) l34 Mulberry 5 w Lombard Fair'rmnk ('has. A. teacher, 262 Chew Fairbank Frank H. clerk, 395 w Lombard Fairbank Francis M. (F., Murphy & Co.) 378 w Lombard Fairbank Geo. J. clerk, 325 Franklin Fairbank Geo. K. huckster, 380 Franklin Fairbank Geo. W.patternrnkr, 395 w Lombard Fairbank Henry T. carp. 325 Franklin Fairbank Jas. foreman, 344 w Lombard Fairbank John, conductor, 14 s Calhoun Fairbank John F. 21 u Greene FAIRBANK, MURPHY & CO. (F.M. Fairbank, '""'"'^^ J. F. Murphy, John J. Faupel,) manufs of mouldings.picture frames, passepartouts, mats, &c. 498 w Pratt, salesrooms 38 n Howard FAIRPjANKS & CO"S scale warehouse, 166 w Q Baltimore, Geo. H. Gilman, agt. — ^Sce Adv. O Fairbanks Edward, kindling wood, cor .Mill ,j and BowlV; dw 81 Jackson sq av ^ Fairbanks James H. carp. 34 n Woife >^ Fairbanks Samuel H. shipjoiner, 38 n Wolfe ^ Fairbanks T. J. tjookkpr, 244 Druid Hill av ^ Fairbanks Wm. J. police, 8 Russell .^ Fairchild Mrs. R. C. proprietress American r^ 2" hotel, n w cor Franklin and Calvert ^ a Fairchild Wm. cutter, 333 e Chase Qg Fairfax A. P. clerk, 14 Barnet >- a Fairfax Mrs. Eliza M. 14 Barnet ^ Fairfax Hamilton, clerk, 7b Saratoga ^* ^ ^ Fairfax Joseph S. architect, 65 n Eutaw ? ^ "^ Fairfax L. C. clerk, 14 Bainet ,^5faikfield fire ins. CO. of ^ •" <1 South Nurwulk, Conn, Jos. Selby, agent, 44 i~ K 2 Second ^ ^ r" Fairley James, moulder, 120 Duncan al j^ fL< ►-. Fairley .Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 120 Duncan al siy^'^ Fairley Mrs. Martha, laundress, 104 Duncan al Jg H-! — ' Fairley Robert, ca:imkr, 104 Duncan al O ■< ^ Fairley Thomas, moulder, 120 Duncan al cl^i^ FAIRLEY THOMAS, florist, 233 Druid Hill av ^7"^ Fairman & Co. (Geo. B. and Gibson W. Fair- ly man) machinists, over 77 n Front T^'^_~ Fairman Geo. B ( F. & Co. ) 1 19 n Eden ^ ' " Fairman Gibson W . ( F. & Co.) 320 n Eden Fairmun S. machinist, Washington nr Chapel Faistenhamer i5ernard, tobacconist, 1 31 Forrest Faistenhamer Frank, cigarmkr, 131 Forrest FAIT JOHN, fancy goods, 82 Park av Faithful Edwd J.bricklay'r,Gilmor nrLiberty rd Faithful Dr. Joseph, 218 Mulberry Faithful Peter, machinist, 711 w Lombard ^u:h P^~'^ ^<: co> (Bn, salesman, 649 w Baltimore Falk Tlios. P. cooper, 380 William Falkenhahii Geo. nightman, 395 Orleans Falkeustein Geo. restaurant, cor Frederick anc Gay Falkenstein Fred. (F. & Weinmann) 2 Gough Falkenstein Henry, tanner, 86 n Ho.vard Falkenstein & Weinmann (F. Falkenstein, J Weinmann,) marble cutters. 4 n Front Falkner Andrew, porter, 227 Henrietta Falkner Eldridge, canvasser, 20 Penn Fallan Daniel, carter, 97 Lee Fallan .Michael, driver, 46 w Eager Fallan Wm. mariner, 347 s Sharp Fallin John H. (Marshall & Fallin,) 224 w Pratt Fallon Bernard, tavern, Ensor and Forrest Fallon .Mrs. Catherine, 7 Valley Fallon Dominic, cor Ensor and Forrest Fallon James, lab. 59 York Fallon James W. lab, 18 Valley Fallon John A. clerk, 7 Valley Fallon Lewis, lab. 213 Cross Fallon Malachi, stonecutter, Federal nr Aisquitl Fallon Mary, 86 n Front Fallon Michael, grocery, 32 Douglass Fallon Patrick, lab. 62*3 w Pratt Falls Edw. L. plumber, 34 s Broadway Falls Moor N. 123 Bolton Falls Moor S. 245 n Calvert Falls Nathan H. clerk, 34 s Broadway Falstich Henry, baker, 352 e Fayette Falter Frank, huckster, 127 Low Falter Joseph, lab. Dover nr Monroe Falvery Mrs.t'atherine, grocery, 11 Sterrett Fambach Andrew, lab. 132 McHenry Famback Nicholas, carver, 132 .McHenrj' Famine August, tailor, 75 Jefferson Fancher S, (S.Fancher & Co.) 95 Saratoga FancherS. & Co. (S. Fancher and S. C. Brown oil yards, Wiiian's depot Faneuil Hall Ins. Company of Boston, 37 PoBt office av HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. ^Qtbe World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. FAN 181 FAR Fancli Nicholas, lab. ?> Bruce Fangraeyer John (F. & Dull) 935 w Baltimore FangmeytT & Doll (J. F.ingiueyer, L Z. Doll,) flour and com. merchts, 49 and 51 s Howard Fangine.ver John G. clerk. 9.'-'. w Baltimore Faiihour Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Foiint:Un Fankhanel Henry, tobacconist, 198 Lexington Fannin Clement, lab. 166 Chesapeake Fannin James, lab. 6 Webster ct Funnin John, haikmau, 29 Constitution Fannin Luke, lab. 6 Webster ct Fannin Wiu. lab. 6 Webster ct Fanning J(jhn hackmaa, 162 t Baltiiuore Fanning Michael, lab. 1.82 Ivist Fanning Patrick, plumber, 273 Forrest Fanshaw Caleb W. stonecutter, 2U Penu Fanshaw Mrs. Mary A. 20Penn Fanshaw Tully, bricklayer, 32 sFultoQ Fantoni Klizabeth, 3 Bloodgood ct Fantoni Wm. F. lab. .^ Bloodgood ct Fanton James H. carp 361 n Durham Fanton John, 361 n Durham Fanton John N. shoemkr, 3til n Durham Fanton Noah, .^h(jemkr, 361 n Duiham Farber Geo. lab. Eastern av nr Fifth Farber Henry J. (Stellman, F. & Co.) Ca- toiisville Farber House, J B. Duke, prop'r, 175 North Farber Lsrael, tailor, 15U Forrest Farber John H. (Jobn H.F. & Co.)3 e corNorth and Pleasant FARBER JOHN H. & CO. (John H. Farber, Chas. Bauman) groceries and liquors, s e cor North and Pleasant I Farber Martin H. traveling agt, 608 Lexington Farber .Mrs. Sophia .M. trimmings, 173 Aisquith Farber Wm. M. cigarmkr, 173 Aisquith Fardy Mrs. E. J. 71 MeCulloh Fardv Matthew J. 213 n Republican Fardy M. J. 71 MeCulloh Fargen Patrick, lab. 19 Bank Faringer Chas. H. 377 n Giimor F.aringer Sliver, 377 u Gilrtor Farland Abraham, mariner, r22 3Ca&tle Farlind John F.sailmkr,,83 and 85 Smith's wbf, dw 161 Dolphin Farland Wm. sai-'mkr, 85 Smith's whf, dw 201 e Fayette Farley Edward, overseer, 564 Aisquith Farley Michael, lab. 100 s Central av Farley Michael F. bricklayer, 46 Hillman Farley Philip, drayman, 8') s Carey Farley Wm. tailor, 337 ii Howard Farlow Hugh, tobacconist, 127 s Broadway, dw 40 Farlow John T. magistrate, Bank and Broad- way, dw 307 e Baltimore Farmer Bernard, clerk, 92 Stirling Farmer Emily, teacher, 111 u Howard Farmer James F. bookkpr, 92 Stirling Farmer J. James, lab. 43 Granby Farmer John, mariner, 9 Lancaster Farmer John F. 92 Stirling Farmer Jost-ph, huckster, 195 n Edea Farmer J. Wilson, clerk, 196 MeCulloh Farmer Patrick, brassfinisher, 92 Stirling Farmer Terreuce, grocery, 92 Stirling Farmer Wm. exj^ressman, 122 e Lombard Farmer Wm. A. 64 Etiing Farmer Wilson, salesman, 196 MeCulloh FARMERS AND MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, n w cor South and Lombard Farmers and Planters Hotel, D. and C. Streett, prop'rs, cor Hillen and Forrest w Farmers .Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of York, Pa. 20^ Postoffice av "* O o ((eugenecarrington&co, PHOPRIETORS, Farnan Albert, 21 n Paca Farnan Bernard, cooper, 184 Goiigh Farnan Jas. I. clerk, 104 Barre Farnan Thos. F. lieut. police, 268 Hanover r Farnandis Geo. G. clerk, 13 n Carey O Farnandis Dr. Geo. G. physician at Bay view O Asylum, 59 w Fayette, dw 13 n Carey ^^ Farnandis Walter jr. attorney, 59 w Fayette, -^ dw 13 n Carey q Farnbacher John, cooper, 18 Peach al 'ZI^ Farnen C. T. & Co. (C. T. and P.Farnen) gro-^ cers, 340 Aliceanna and 24 Boston J;^ Farnen Chas. T. (C. T. F. fc Co.) Chester bet ^ Pratt and Gough Farnen Peter (C. T. F. k Co.) 419 e Lombard ^ F^irnham H.W. clerk, 41 s Sharp Farnsworih Joseph H. genl. baggage ag.t. Cal vert Station, dw 200 n Howard Faron .Michael, lab. 33 e Monument Farquhar Geo. A. 28 Myrtle av Farquhar John C. clerk. 28 Myrtle av Farquharson .Mrs. Catherine, 14 -s Broadway FarquharsoH Elmore, 14 s Broadway ^ ^ Farquharson Francis L. saddles and harness,62 p^q w Fayette, dw 184 Saratoga ^^ Farquhar.son John D. com. mercht.over 4 Bow- ■a ly's whf, dw 85 Aisquith Farquharson John F. bookkpr, 89 n Carey Farr Alex. lab. 4 Harford av Farr Andrew J. lab. 148 Ensor Farr Joseph, fire department, 370 e MadisoE Farran Dani«l, coiemkr, 183 Stirling Faj-raJl Stanislaus jr. milk, 55 Valley Farrall Stanislaus, overseer. 55 Valley Farrell Barney, mariner, 2 V/est Falls av Farrell Bertha, dressmkr, 69 n Schreeder Farrell Charles H. editor, 135 -e Baltimore Farrell Elisha, ironmoulder, Toone nr Clinton Farrell Edward, lab. 128 s Chester Fariell James, gas inspector, 146 Hughes Farrell James, lab. 12 StGckhoIra Farrell James, upholsterer, 347 n Durham Farrell James E. clerk, l.?0 Vine Farrell James jr. lab. 6.50 Light Farrell Jeremiah, lab 7 Carlton Farrell John, clerk, 46 e Fay-ette Farrell John, blacksmith, 128 8 Cfeest«r Farrell John, gas inspector, 332 e Chase FarrellJoseph, lab. 77 York Farrell Mrs. Julia, grocery, Toone nr Clinton Farrell Lillie, 51 Josephine Farrell Margaret, confectionery, 203 n Exeter Farrell Mrs.^Mary, hunsekpr, 223 n Republican ,. Farrell .Matthew, marble polisher, 91 Mosher HH O Eh <1 I — I EH I — I < Power Press Printing, at Pveduced Rates, (Marj'land Ins. Go's Iklarble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. ^ *^ • . .^ '*^ nr u L> s CJ O y^ 3 c — Di > 7: X Z^- is ^ OJ tc .k9 iz; - ^ ^ n ^- "^ CC ee . - _^ o ^ ^ bf "-r e3 r* -tj ._ GO o o X 5i E^ w ..- >> ^iM '—* r; ■^ 2 •7T , _i »-* ^ o ,« OJ O O ^ X n) 2 c; s r^ ■ »s zj CO 11 1— I O ■Z ■k> -Jl X ^ k. 7 OJ rt C ^ ^ eS M r, ■» =: g ^ ^ :d 0 ^ 2 ^ o • ^ ^ ^ -s* ^■^ ^ «& '^ tc br ?, - r C ■l-> u =? V er, Wm. H. Roberts) teas, cor Biddle and Richmond Fc-eney Mrs. .Vlargaret. 29 a Bond Feeiiey Michael, lab. 8 Slemraer al Feeney Wm. lab. 16 Fort av Feeny Catherine, 164 Vine Feeny Frank, iab. 160 Chesapeake Fees Sand, glassflattener, 148 Montgomery Fefel John, huckster, 513 \v Lombard Fefel .Mrs. Joseph, jr. (Fefel k Sons) 901 w Bal- timoie Fefel Joseph, sr. 797 w Baltimore Fefel Louis, (Fefel & Sons) 9oi w Baltimore Fefel & Sons, (Mrs. Jos. jr., L. and T. S. Fefel) restaurant, 901 w B.iltimore Fefel Thos. S. (Fefel & Sons) 901 w Baltimore Fefill John, sr. cO|>persmilh and plumber, 86 n Holliday, dw cor Oregon and Edmondson av Fefiil John A. jr. (GritSn& F.) cor Oregon and Edmondson av Fcger Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Spring-st ct Feger Lewis, broommkr, 6 Spring-st ct Fegeley Patrick, lab 119 Elliott Fehde August, carriage trim'r, 37 Albemarle Fehde Fred, tailor, 39 Albemarle Fehe Michael, lab. 177 Aliceanna Fehle John, beer, 294 Orleans Fehleisen Chris. L. morocco dresser, Brady av nr York rd Fehler P. teacher, 37 n Holliday Fehncr Jacob, cooper, 127 Mullikin Fehring John, 193 e Monument Fehrman Wm. H. butcher, Friendship, York rd FehsentetdLewi3,tobac'st,ElliottaQdChesapeake IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. O Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, FEL 184 FER H tJ H p:; H ^ CO ^4 H ;>^ 'X' < < o M w O o •^ rn o 00 h^ ^ ^ o o fe^' l-J ^ ^ ^_t r<% ^ 7. ^ kv; /<; 2i .^ c **; > O »>• «^ sJ w ^ -J 1^ — ■< r- 'J O ;5 Feigner Edward L. (F. W. F. & Son) Madison iiv nr North av FelgniT F. W. (F. W, F. & Son) Madison av nr Noiil) fiv FKI.GNKR F. W. k SON (F. VV F & E. L. Felirnt-r) niiniifs. tot acco.OO tmd 92 s Cimrles Feikiiei- Martraret, ImcUstiess, 10 Kiddle al Felix Win. coojier, 51 n Dallas Fell Casper, huckster, 4 49 Saratoga Fell Frank, cteik, 5 n Pine Fell Mrs. Fnnnie, dressmkr, 227 Harford av Fell James A. iiiattr.-ssmkr, 347 n Durham Fi'll John, tailor, G3 Somerset Fell John S. 227 Harford av F.-ll .Mrs. Mary, 227 Harford av Fell Peter, huckster, 449 S iratoira Feller Charles, cooper, 308s Dal!:is, d\v 111 s Caroline Feller Charles, cunnikr, 38 Hank Feller Charles L. & Co. (Chas L. Feller) ship- [linp office. 274 s Broadwav Feller Chas. L. (Chas. L F.'&Co.) 15 Walker Feller Geo. restaurant, 38 Bank, and cooper, 131 s Spring, dw 38 Bank Feller George, pap'-rhauger, 46 n Washington Feller Henry, su^'ar boiler, 235 e Lombard Feller John, cooper, Frekerick av nr Wilkens Feller Valentine, 46 n Washington Feller Wui. lab. Ills Caroline Fellheiiiier Jacob, millinery goods, 31 n How- ard, dw 238 w Fayette , Fellnaaii Rev. Jacob, 11 n Caroline Fellman John R.asst.apfiraiser, 92 n Broadway Fells George, carp, ir'4 Mulberry Fells Point Hebiew Cemetery, Philadelphia rd nr city limits Fells Point (.\I. E.) Chapel, corner Chapel and Eastern av Fellvock Fredk. mariner. 308 Aliceanna Felshorr Lewis, lab. 21).") s Ann Felle Conrad, lab. 221 Bittery av Feltei Barbara, seamstress, 22 s Dallas Felter Henry, wigoner, 188 s Caroline Feller John, porter, 32 Bennett Feller John, shoemkr, 37 Haw Feller John jr. driver, 32 Bennett Feller Lewis, cooper, 56 Duncm al Felter .Maru-aret, laund. 151 s Dallas Felthousen Henry, lab. 72 Boston Felthousen Mrs. Margaret, 150 Collington av Felthousen Mrs. Susannah, 107 Hamburg Feliman .Mrs. Anne, confec'y, 183 Canton av Felttnan Christian, carter, 115 (jurley F. Itman Fredk. lab. 183 Canton av Felmer Charles, safemkr, 406 Hanover Feltner Dora, grocery, 93 Fort av Feltner Fredk, lab. 93 Fort hv Feltrow Henry P. conductor, 34 Jackson Female Cbrisiiaii Home, Mrs. Mary R. Cassels, matron, 1 14 n Greene Fenby Theodosia, dry goods, 137 n Gay Fend rich Charles, 22 Barnef F'tnirich Davis, cooper, 1S3 Forrest Fendt August, butcher, 236 Preston Fentie John, cutter, 231 s I'aca Feiihagen Charles D. bookk|)r, 20 n Broadway Fenhagen Frank C. med. student, 318 e Fayette Fenhajien Jame.^ C. marble yard foot Washing- ion, dw 31.S e Fayette Fi-nhagen John, stonectr. 76 s Washington Fenlioff Philip, 136 Duncan al Fenichol Henry, lab. 233 s Ann Fenker Andrew, lab. 253 s Durham Fenker Louis, shoerakr, 16 n Pine Fenly Thos. 62 Gough Fenn John W. carp. 23 Forrest pi Feiine Bernard, blksniith. 234 n Central av Fenncll Maurice, clerk, 150 Barre Fennell Thos. F. chair j).iiiiter. 159 Jefferson Fennell Wesley, lum agt. Union doc-k,dw42 Fawn Fennell Wm. clerk, 42 Fawn Fenneman .Mrs. Clara, notions, 575 e Baltimore Feiineman Henry F. clerk. 35 s Poppleton P>nneman John, gilder, Baltimore and Chapel FeunemaiiJ.T. cider and vinegar. 917 wBaltiniore Fenneman .Mrs. .Susanna, groc'y, 36 s Poppleton Fennemon Mrs. Elizabeth, 359 n Centr d av Fenner .Mrs. Emma, drcssrakr, 147 n Eden Fenner Geo. boot ;ind shoemkr. 218 Conway Fenner Harry, actor, 39 German Fenner Henry, shoemkr, 235 H imburg Fenner Henry, beer, 39 German Fenner Jacoli(Edm'd Brenuan &Co)127MuUikir> Fenner John H. shoemkr. 147 n Eden Fensel Jo-eph, lab. 44 Thames Fenser Frank, shoemkr, 97 Lanca.'Jler Fenser Frank jr. lab 97 Lancaster Fensley Mrs. Ijouisa, boarding, 107 s Broadway Fensley Wm. 107 s Broadway Fensterer Fannie, teacher, 252 Lexington Fensterer Jacob, 252 Lexington Fenton Aaron, 307 w Fayette Fenton Danl. A asst. clerk Appeal Tax Court, 324 n Eutaw Fenton Glenn A. clerk, 307 w Fayette Fenton James, painter, 106Hollins Fenton John, keejjer Washington monument, 106 Hollins Fenton John, collector, 148 Conway Fenton Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 148 Conway Fenton Matt. C. clerk, 307 \v Fayette Fenton Joiin G paymaster, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, dw lOO Hollins Fenton Wm. lab. Clinton nr Boston Fentress Geo. L. (Ames & F.) 195 8 Paca Fentress Walter G. clerk, 219 Montgomery Fentress Wm. H. 219 Muntiionv-ry Fen wick Henry A bookkpr, 47 Mt. Vernon pi Fenzel Frank, shoemkr, 89 Lancaster Fenzel Frank jr. lab. 89 Lancaster Fercist Madame Emilie, flutiniisand laces, 71 n Charles Ferguson Mrs. Caroline, 217 St. Paul Ferguson C. R. furn. dealer, 51 Hanover Ferguson E. P. carp. 173 Montgomery Ferguson P>iihraim, moulder, Eagle hotel Ferguson .Mrs. Eliza, 267 St. Paul Ferguson Frank, moulder, Linah hotel Ferguson Geo. lab. 231 e Pratt Ferguson George, lab. 78 Woodyear Ferguson Geo. H. 217 St. Paul" Fertiuson & Hocheiiner, (J. D. Ferguson and L. Hocheimer) attorneys, 32 Law bldgs Ferguson James, brickmkr, 604 Light Ferguson James A. police, 171 Sarah Ann Ferguson James I carji. 26 Etting Ferguson Jas R. H. shoefitter, 117 e Madison Ferguson .lames P. clerk, 226 s Sharp Ferguson J D. (F. & Hocheimer) 70 St. Paul FERGUSON J. HENRV, real estate broker, 80 w Fayette, dw 154 Park av Ferguson .1. Henry jr. clerk, 154 Park av Ferguson John, grocer, cor Bruneand Franklin Ferguson John, engineer, 414 w Lombard HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and itliographiiig, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee. G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. FER 185 FIE Ferguson John, shoernkr, 46 James la Ferguson John H. machinist. 300 e Madison Ferguson Mrs. Lavinia, 214 Mulberry Ferguson Maithew, 255 n Charles, Ferguson Nehemiah, lab. 165 Orleans Fergu-^on Peter, lab. 202 s Chapel FERGUSON ROBERT, boots and shoes, 315 n Howard, d\v 9 Linden av Ferguson Robt. freight agent N. C. R. W. 134 Dolphin Ferguson T. B. 192 n Charles Ferguson Wm.{Hamilton&F.) 2o3 n Republican Ferguson Wm. machinist, 220 Peirce Ferguson Wm. M boilermkr, 3o0 e Madison Fergusson Chas. (F.,Levering&;Co.) 189 Bolton Ferffusson, Levering & Co. (Chas. Fergusson, Edwin W. Levering,) gen'l com. merchants, over 49 South Fergusson Wm. J. carp. 47 s Calhoun Ferlaser Benj. porter, 146 .Sterling Fernheimer Louis, stableman, 204 Aliceanna Fernheimer Saml. butcher, 21 Fell's Point mkt, dw 204 Aliceanna Fernentz Bernard, lab. 207 West Fernsner Fred, grocery, cor Cross and Russell Fernandez Mrs. Felicia, 243 n Fremont Ferrandini Cipriano, hairdresser, Calvert, under Barnum's hotel, dvv 250 e Baltimore Ferrandini Mrs. Isabel, 250 e Baltimore Ferree Alex, shoernkr, 165 s Greene Ferrey C. S. clerk, 54 n Liberty Ferrey Dr. M. J., Turkish Baths, 54 n Liberty Ferris Edward, salesman, 83 St. Paul Ferris Joseph, musician, 87 s Gilmor Ferris Thos. chronoraetermkr, 435 e Fayette Ferry Mrs. Anna, dressmkr. 17T Hanover Ferry Mrs. E. E. 43 s Greene Ferry Herman, lestauraut, 139 e Pratt Ferry Henry, clerk, 177 Hanover Ferry John W. carp. 709 w Lombard Ferry John, 43 Lee Ferry Wm. S- clerk, 43 s Greene Fertig John, baker, 334 e Eager Feschenbach Louis, clothing. 1()8 n Exeter Fesler Edward, china packer, 256 e Madison Fessmau Philip, confec'y, 217 Eastern av Fester Christopher, lab. 30 Biddle al Fester David, cooper, 345 s Sharp Fester John, lab. 31 Harford av Fester Wm. lab. 389 Aisqnith Fethe Herman, shoemkr, a78 w Baltimore Fetsch George, confec'r, 9 : n Amity Fetscb Fred, clerk, 222 Columbia Fetsch John M. stonecutter, 337 s Charles Fetsch John T. stonecutter, 337 s Charles Fetsch John, lab. 257 s Durham Fetsch Leonard, broomkr, 201 Orleans Fetsch Nicholas H. broomkr, 201 Orleans Fetsch Susan, 257 s Durham Fetsch Valentine, tanner, 201 Orleans Fetschleck John, lab. 419 Aliceanna Fetsmer Tobia.-, lab. 209 s Wolfe Fette Henry, boot and shoemkr, 28 n Eutaw Fetter Geo. stonecutter, 262 Hanover Fetter John, tailor, 111 e Lombard Fetter Martin, tailor, 105 e Lombard Fetterhoff Dr. H. R. 77 George Fetters David, pottt-r, 113 Leadenhall Fetting Anton H. jeweler, 160 w Baltimore, dw 99 Hollins Fetzner Tobias, lab. 211s Wolfe Feuchter Chas. driver, 121 MuUikin Feuchter John, lab. 121 Mullikin Feuchter Joseph, shoemkr, 121 MuUikin Feuerbaum John, tavern, 55 Centre Market sp Feuersline Lewis, cooper, 59 Johnson Feulner Frank, tailor, 13 n Poppleton ^ Feurss Geo. S. cigarbox manufr. 27 Barre, dw P^ 125 Conway r-r- Feus Theodore, shoemkr, 2 Walker 3 Feuss Andrew C. bookkpr, 172 w Lombard ^ Feuss Mrs. Helen, 172 w Lombard p Feuss Henry O. bookkpr, 168 s Paca o Feuster Richard, gardener, Harford rd 2 Fey Gustave, pianomkr, 26 Japer -^ Fey Wm stonecutter, 26 Jasper '—^ Ficht A hatius, confec'r, 21 n Paca Fichtner Mrs. Mary, 5 n Chapel Fick August A. music teacher, 73 s Greene Fick August H. mining engineer, 169 German Fick Chas. jr. clerk, 88 s B.-thel Fick ('has. sr. porter. 88 s Bethel : Fick ^ Chase, (E. Fick, S.Chase) oyster packers, Q West and Jackson Fick Edward, (F. & Chase) 157 Barre Fick Erhardt, tailor, 27 n Washington Fick Geo. A. shoemkr, 104 Cross Fick John F. mariner. 38 Philpot Fick Wm. C. brewer, 38 Philpot Fick Wm. G. rigger, 38 Philpot Ficken H. P. clerk. 259 n Caroline Fickenscher Chas. C. clerk, 56 Mulberry Fickenscher Ferdinand, photograph printer, 56 rv Mulberry Fickenscher Henry, shoemkr, 56 Mulberry FicKey Fred sr. 83 n Liberty ^ Fickey Fred. jr. adjuster of averages and losses, J>. by fire, 8 Md. bldg. Second, dw 83 n Liberty ^ Fickey Mrs. Mary, 1 Chesnut al j^ Fickey Wm. H. ins. broker, 8 Md. bldg. dw 83 pq n Liberty Fickus Chas. tinner, 82 n Chapel ^ Fiddis Levi, lime, 54 e Baltimore ^ Fiedler Geo. tailor, 173 Sarah Ann 3 Fiege Christopher, cigarmkr, 114 n Chapel ^ Fieger Joseph, cabinelmkr, 161 German ^ Field Abiather, 309 w Lombard p^ Field Clarence, clerk, Fayette nr Fulton _ Field Fred, shoemkr, 192 Canton av fjq 'Field Henry, lab. 192 Canton av q Field John A. jr. dry goods com. 17 German, ^ 02 pq o O o o o -£] dw 691 w Fayette Field Samuel M. dentist, 83 n Charles, dw Gib- bons' hotel Fielder Wm. brickmkr, 78 Portland Fields Capt. A. B. mariner, 243 e Fayette Fields Alex. H. brassfinisher, 233 George Fields Mrs. Cecilia V. 134 n High Fields .Mrs. Clara D. teacher, 197 n Charles Fields Geo. W. machinist, 86 Albemarle Fields Henry R. machinist, 134 n High Fields J. H. moulder, 140 Hamburg Fields James, wheelwright, 206 s Paca Fields James, 100 n Wolfe o I O Fields James, pilot, cor Lombard and Chester ^ Fields James W. paperhaiiger, 36'? Orleans Fields John, hackman, 271 n Front Fields John, huckster. Chapel nr Chase Fields Mitchel B. insp. C. H. 25 s Bond Fields Mitchel B. jr. clerk, 25 s Bond Fields Robert, brassfinisher, 134 n High Fields .Mrs. S irah, 209 e Baltimore Fields Virginia, saloon, 46 Centre Market sp Fields Wm. wheelwright, 387 Scott Power Press Printing, at Reduced Plates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) <1 Q O Mutual LifeJCnsiirance Co. of New York, 186 FIN A"^ -ji Fields Wm. mariner, 231 e Pratt Fields Will, tinner, 18s Carey Fields Wra. H. wheelwright, cor St. Peter and P^ica. dw 206 s Pacu Fields Wm. T. carp. 77 Milliinan Fiemann F. II. L. cigarmkr. 211 s Bond Fieslein John, ed^'c tool maker, 304 s Caroline, dw 22 Lancaster Fifer Archiliald S. en;g John Q brickl'r, Gilmorand Frederick av r ■-: Fi-'gs Wm. J. lab. 33 Covin>rtOM = :=; Fijel John, butcher, Strieker nr Presstman "■ "^ Filan Miclmel, cooper, 17 Rmdall « FILBERT GEO. Jr. confectionery and ladies' 5* x dining rooms, 88 Lexington ^ '" Filbert Geo. clerk, 316 n Central av x; ^ Filbert Geo. shoemkr, 33^^ n Gay - r Filbert Henry, clerk, 338 n Gay ^ ^Filbert .Michael, grocery and butter, 316 n ~~ d Centril av p":!^ Filbert Wm. clerk, 418 e Fayette - - Filbin Jaines, driver, 49 Elliott ■£^ 5 Filbin J.hn, lab. 49 Elliott _ H Filbin Michael, driver, 49 Elliott - ^ Filbin Patrick, lab. 49 Elliott >-. S Files -loseph, keeper drawbridge, 137 s High "3 _ Filipowski Stanislaus, lab. 77 Thames "S "^ Filling Edward, boxmkr, 4 Dawson al 7j -J> Filling Henrv, engineer, 487 w Pratt -3 -i Fillinu' .lohii, boxmkr, 246 s Shan- Filling John, driver. Fort av nr William Fillinger Jaines L restaurant, 39 s Paca Fillinirer John .M. collector. 238 .Madison av Fillinger Mis. Mary M. 2;<8 M idison av Fillinger Paul, bootmkr, 606 w Pritt Fillinger Wm. H. V. clerk, 238 .Madison av Filliniui Patrick, lab. 186 Vine Filz John, cutter, 108 George Finch Albert, plasterer, 328 Park av Finch Geo, J. bookbinder, 328 Park av Finch James, cigarmkr, 122 n Bethel Finch Jtihn, brickla\er, 65 ii Poppleton Finch .John E. W. bricklayar, 65 n Poppleton Finch .Mary Ann, shoeliinder, Inl Jefferson Finch Wm. W. clerk, 87 n Poppleton C 'P Finck Henry, shoemkr, 13 s Central av •^ ffy, Fintk John, printer, 60 Somersi-t ^^ wj^ Finck T. H. jiriuter, 1 Anthony ' o z. Fiiickiiaur ('has. clerk, 83 n Paca i '5 Fincknaur Wm. grocery, 85 n Paca ♦^ '^ F'indlay Clias, 79 w Centre >-. i; Findlay Henry I)' A. (J. Savage Williams & Co.) 79 w Centre Findlay John C. attorney, Eutaw house Findlav John V. L. (Phelp« & F.) Eutiiw house FI.NDLAY, ROBERTS & CO. (Robert S. Find- lay, J. B. Roberts, R. B. Ciiew,) hardware, . 9 a Calvert a c:^ ^ O n •— H o •*-> cS Tj J- ^-5 .t% tl Findlav Robt. S. (F., Roberts & Co.) St. Clair hotel Findling Wm. tailor, 87 Frederick av P'inegan Henry, cardiiver, 173 Huilins Fingerhute Lewis, barkeeper. 194 w Lombard Fiuilty .Michael, plumber, 340 Hanover Fink Ada:ii, cabinetmkr, 461 n Gay Fink Alfred J. carp. 173 n Fiemont FINK, BROTHER & CO. (Joseph Fink, H. S. Fink, R. Woods) grocers und com. merchts, S w cor Franklin and Eutaw Fink Bernard, lab. 6 Fountain Fink C. C. salesman, 264 e Monument Fink Chas. tailor, 59 n Chapel Fink Christian, mariner. 219 s Regester Fink Eugene, tailor, 154 Stirling Fink Ernest, boxmkr, 6 Fountain Fink Geo. shoemkr,. .i33 Hamburg Fink Geo. turner, 107 s Poppleton Fink Geo. tailor, 18 Walker, o. t. Fink Geo. shucker, 213 s Washington Fink Henry, lab. 14 Bradford al Fiiik Henry, boxmkr, 9 w Pratt Fink Henry, foreman, 1 Anthony Fink Henry, lab. 408 Orleans Fink Henry, lab. 14 Bradford al Fink Henry, tailor, 492 Canton av Fink Henry, oil, 244 w Biddle Fink Henry S. (Fink, Bio. & Co and Heuisler, F. & Co.) 110 n Gret-ne Fink Jacob, lab. 420 Eastern av Fink Jacob, cigarmkr, 420 Eastern av Fink John, printer, 60 Somerset Fink John, saddler, 32 McEMerry Fink .lohn I. cigarmkr, 246 n Gay Fink Joseph, 221 Franklin Fink Julius, cigarmkr, 81 Eastern av Fink Mrs. Margaret, tailoress. 160 Ensor Fink Peter, hats and cajis, 239, and dry goods, 254 n Caroline Fink Simon, shoemkr, 78 Henrietta Fink W'. J. bookkpr, 110 n Greene Fink WiUielm(Gunther & F.) 325 e Monument Fink Wm. L. shoemkr, 49 e B.iltimore Fink Win. lab. 399 Canton av Finke Frank, clerk, 30 MyrtJeav Finke Fred, varnisher, 235 i Paca Finkenbarber John, butcher, 905 w Pratt Finkeliiey Henry J. currier, 145 Hamburg Finlay Mrs. .Marv, 12 Whatcoat Finlay R. L. clerk. 242 w Fayette Finley Ebenezi-r, salesman 184 s Paca Finley Geo. J. mariner, 291 Bank Finley I. Randolph, D. L>. general agent Md. Tract Society, 73 w Fayette, dw 421 Calhoun Finley Juhii F. 189 w Hiddle Finley Tlios. 56 n Eutaw Finn Alexander, clerk, 103 Ensor Finn David, lab. 39 Eastern av Finn Jmnes, lab. 90 York Finn James, lab. 140 s Central av Finn Jeremiah, drayman, 6 Bank Finn John, lab. 23 Forrest pi Finn John, tailor and scourer, 65 Bank Finn .Mrs. Mary, 20 Addison Finn Michael jr. clerk, 131 s Exeter Finn Michael sr. watchman, 131 s Exeter Finn Patrick sr. carter, 145 Albemarle Finn Patrick jr. lab. 145 AHiemarle Finnan B. J. clerk, 104 n Calvert Finnan Bernard, grocery, 103 n Calvert Finnan Bridget, lannd. 120 Harford av ^.: HOLMES k CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and SupiJies, ~~ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. FIN 187 FIS Finnan Patrick, huckster, 20 Gould al Finne/an James, lab. 7 Truxton Finne^an John, boilermkr, 70 Walnut al Finnegan John, boilermkr, 67 Druid Hill av Finuegan Lawrence, lab. 64 Rue Finnegan L.iwreace, clerk, 42 Valley Finnegan Michael, drayman, 164 n Front Finnegan Owen, coal, 88 North, dw 4 L. Con- stitution Finneren Martin, tavern, 39 Centre Market sp Finneren Thos. 54 Parkin Finneren Thus. |ioliceman, 91 Hanover Finnerty Mrs J. grocery, 77 Richmond Finnerty Michael, l/.b. 340 Hanover Finnesy Danil, weigher 64 Centre Ma-ket sp Finnesy David, lab. 39 President Finnesy Wra. lab. 39 President Finney John T. cigarmkr, 28 s Bond Finney Hugh, (lumber, 291 e M:idisou Finnick Geo ca'iinetmkr, 3 Wilcox Finnick Phili|i, stonecutter, 3 Wilco.x Finnigan James, hackman, 18,5 n Front Finnin John, boilermkr, 22 Concord Finnin Patrick, grocery, 31 Harford av Finnister John, brassfinisher, 241 Forrest Finsterwold Henry, junk, 264 s Charles Finzal Frank, dry goods, 383 Penna av Fiiizel Pankratz, tailor, 50 e Biddle Fiorillo Otto, impor. Aniline dye colors, 40 w Baltimore, dw Genl. Wayne hotel Rire Association of Philadelphia, ,S3 Second Fire Commissioners' OfBce, 26 North Fire Department : Relief No. 1, 16 n Paca Reliance No. 2, Barre nr Sharp John S. Hogg, No. 3, e Lomb;ird nr High John Gushing, No. 4, 26 North Victory No. 5, Ann bet. Pratt and Gough Hope No. 6, intersection Gay and Ensor Baltimore No 7, cor Kutawand Druid Hill av Comet No. 8. Mulberry w of Schroeder No. 9, .M idison and Register No. 10, Colurul)ia mt Poppleton No. 11, Eastern and Pa(te' son Park avs No. 12, Fort IV and Johnson No. 13, corFrt-mont and Chatsworth Hook and L id ler No. 1, Harri.-on nr Bait Hook and Ladder No 2. 18 n Pica Hook and Ladder .No. 3. Ann bet. Pratt and Gough Fire Inspector's Office, Charle.s T. Holioway, inspector. (5 South Fireman's Fund Lis. Co. of S-ui Francisco, 55 Second FIREMA.VS INSUR.\NCE CO. OF BALTI- MORE, n e cor South and Second, Henry P. Duhur.st, pres't. — [5ee Adverlisement. Firman Ma.' k, boilermkr, 219 .Mullikin Firmer Louis, tailor, 92 Granby Firusiein Valentine, gents, boot and shoemkr, 194 n Eutaw Firor Uriah S. carp, and builder, n e cor Frank- lin and Howard, dw 409 Lexington Firoved \. H. grocery, 53 s Schroeder Firoved David, 140 n Fremont Firoved John, grocer}', cor Mount and McHenry First liaptistChurch.necor Sharp and Lombard First Congre_'ational Church, Eutaw nr Dolphin First Geo. H. weaver, Mt. Vernon FIRST MONUMENTAL CO-OPERATIVE BOOT AND SHOE M ANUF.\CTURING ASSOCIATION, 37 n Howard FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 8 s Gay.— [5ee Appendix. First .lewish Synagogue, cor Lloyd and Watson First New Jerusalem Swedenboigian Church, 66 ^ n E.%eter zn First Presbyterian Church, n w cor Park av and ^ Madison ^ First Spiritualist Congregation, 2d story Law -kj Building, Lexington ^ First Unitarianf"hurch,cor Franklin and Charles " First United PresV)ylerian Church, cor Madison -::; av and Biddle ^ Fisahaugb John, painter, 259 w Biddle '^ Fischbach Ernest, tobacconist, 198 Cross g Fischbach Henry, butcher. Cross-st market, dw o Frederick rd bevond tollgate cJ Fischbach Godfried, shoemkr, 182 William "^ Fischer Andreas, bricklayer, 342 Canton av Fischer Anton, lab. Clement nr Johnson Fischer Benj. expressman, 244 Lee Fischer .Mrs. Betsey, 134 .Aisquiih Fischer Casper, hostler, foot of Clinton Fischer Mrs. Catherine, 214 e Eager Fischer Charles, tailor, 421 Lexington Fischer Charles, tailor, 322 Franklin Fischer Charles, pianomkr, 304 s Sharp Fischer Conrad, packer, 77 Hill Fischer Conrad, printer, 82 Henrietta Fischer Erhardt, lab. 309 Aliceanna Fischer Ernest, lab. 83 Grind .11 Fischer Ferd shoemkr, 258 s t.'harles Fischer Fred, grocery, 16 4 Pearl Fischer Fred. tin & sheetiron wkr,14 w Lombard ^ Fischer Frederick, pianomkr, 376 s Eutaw Fischer Frelk. carp 184 Lee Fischer Fredk. baker, 136 n Spring Fischer Fredk. clerk, 421 Lexington Fischer F. baker, 68 Frederick av Fischer George, giocerv, 87 n Eden Fischer Geo. cooper, 138 e Pratt Fischer Geo. driver, foot of Clinton Fischer Geo. shoemkr, 65 North Fischer Godfrev, bookkpr, 79 B .nk Fischer Gotfried, tailor, 60 Siiles Fischer Gotleib H tmtcher, 46 Hanover market dw Point la nr Harford rd Fischer Gustav, carp. Monument & Washington p^ Fischer Harrv, cabiueimkr. Franklin hotel Fischer H. P". shoemkr, 13 Fred'k av Fischer Henry A. beer, 16 e Lombard Fischer Henry, lab. 54 Fort av Fischer Ht-nrv. shoemkr. 35 .Marion Fischer Henry F. W. .rtist, 56 Hill Fischer Herman, expie.-'sman, 168 liarre Fischer Mrs. Dr. Hellagunda. 1 1 s Eutaw Fischer James, canmkr, 323 Orleans Fischer John, driver, f.ot of Clinton Fischer John, beer, 248 s Broadway Fischer John, tailor, 270 u Central av Fischer John, pianomkr, Paca nr Hamburg Fischer .John, tailor, 421 Lexington Fischer John, lab. 147 Hill Fischer John H. tailor, 187 n Dallas Fischer .loseph, cooper, 6 n Castle Fischer Joseph, butcher, 56 Ridgely Fischer Loui-, wheelwright, 56 Hill Fischer Louis, driver, 15i) s Bond FISCHER LOUIS C. attorney, 31 L dw 187 St Paul Fischer Louis H. musician, 134 Aisquiih Fischer Nicholas, shoemkr, 445 Lexington Fischer Otto, machinist, Frederick av ext -^ W o d O O H o I OQ O xington, Ch < > Fisher Emanuel, dry goods, 105 ii Eden FISHER EMIL, Chemical Scourer, and agent for the New York Dye- ing Establishment, office 139 w Payette, bet. Park and Howard Fisher Frank, clerk, Albion house Fisher Fred, cooper, 132 s Dallas Fishei Fred. C. clerk, 9i u Eutaw l''isher Fred, tinner, 320 n Central av Kisher Fred, tailor, 8 Chesnut al Fisher Fred, tinner, Hu Buien Fisher Tred. lab. 60 Short Fisher Frank, prof, of music, 167 Mulberry Fisher V . C. clerk, 9i n Eutaw Fisher (Jeorge, shoemkr, 123 Eusor Fisher Geo. cigarmkr, 1 Warner Fisher Geo. lab. H47 w Pratt Fisher Geo. A. driver, 21 Henrietta Fisher Geo. H. driver, 212 Stirling Fisher Geo. barber, 20 s Wolfe Fisher Geo. beer, cor Pratt and Monroe Fisher Geo. lab. 138 e Pratt Fisher (ieo. tailor, 288 Hamburg Fi.«her Geo. W. bricklayer, se cor Strieker and Saratoga Fisher Geo. W. caulker, 40 Warren Fisher Geo. W. processor, 56 Aisquith Fisht r Geo. W .jr.( Lineweuver &F. ) 1 78 Mvrtle av Fisher Geo. W. (Fisher & Ports) 178 Myrtle av Fisher Geo. W. carp, and builder, Grant nr Baltimore, dw 55 (Jolumbia FISHKR & HAMILTUX, ( Wm.n.Fisher,Henry Hamilion);jroceis, also inanufis. and dealers in tobacco and cigars, n w cor Greene and Lexington Fisher Harry, CWm. Fisher & Son3)n e cor St. Paul and Eager Fisher Henry, clerk, 60 ci Front Fisher Henrv C. marble dresser, 8 Price ct Fisher Henry, traidner, Quaker la nr Waverley Fisher Istac, huckster, 103 s Caroline Fisher J.is. D. caulker, 40 Warren Fisher Jas. B. mariner, 109 .Montgomery Fisher Jas. I. s e cor .\Ionument and Park av Fisher Jas. .M. clerk, 327 .\h rtle av Fisher Jas. S. painter, 377 Franklin FISHER J. H.ARMANUS, (late of Wm. Fisher k. Sons) stock brokers, 30 Secoud, dw Mt. Washington Fisher Jesse, overseer, Clipper Mills Fisher John B. gardener, 3S7 n Gay Fisher John C. paperhanger, 200 George Fisher John C. painter, 117 Parkin Fisher John C. stevedore, I n Wolfe Fisher John, carter, 242 Cross Fisher John, shoemkr, 54 Fort av Fisher Joliu, engineer, cor Thames and Wolfe Fisher Joiiii, confectioner, 140 s Howard Fisher John, bookbinder, 168 Hamburg Fisher John, potter, 196 Eastern av Fisher John, lab. 19 St. James Fisher John .M. lab. 95 Conway Fisher Joseph, confec't, 169 Hughes Fisher Leonard, lab. Falls rd nr toUgate Fisher Louisa confec't, 18 e Baltimore Fisher .Mrs. Louisa, vestmkr, 158 Stirling Fisher Lucinda, grocery, 140 s Howard Fisher Ludwig, tailor, 269 s Bond Fisher Martin, moulder, 363 e Eager Fisher .Mrs. .Margaret, dressmkr, 76 Barre Fisher Mary, 119 w Monument Fisher Mrs. Mary A. grocery, 42 W'illiamson al Fisher Mary A. dry goods, 272 n Central av Fisher Mrs M. A. Albion house Fisher Otio, hairdresser, 62 s Eutaw Fisher Parks ( Wm. Fisher & Sons) 259 St. Paul Fisher Peter, shoemkr, 274 Light FLSHER & PORTS, ( G. W. F. and J. W. Ports) grocers, and depot for Fisher's mince meat,) 2.T Penna av Fisher Richard D. (F. Bros k Co.) 6 Cathedral Fisher Robert A. (F. Bros, k Co.) 2 Cathedral Fisher Robert, lali. 42 Williams, nal Fisher Robert B. inspector C. H. dw 12 Johnson Fisher Rolieit Y. cooper, 303 s Sharp Fisher Solon, contractor, 91 .Mulberry FISHER'S UNRIVALED MINCE MEAT. Its superiority Establish- ed. Principal depot No. 25 Penn- sylvania Avenue. Fisher Thomas W. 22 s Gilmor Fi her Walter A. F. clerk, 178 Myrtle av Fisher Wm. canmkr, 169 Hughes Fisher Wm. huckster, Waverley, York rd Fisher Wm. lab. 178 Columbia HENRY HOEN cfe CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. iptlie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. FIS 189 FIT Fisher Win. A. (Mai-!iall & F.) 106 Paik av Fisher Win. F. varn,.-lur, 8 Pearl Fisher Wm. H. hm i.-ler, i65 Bank Fisher Wm. H. (Wei.M,n k F.) 1 Whalcoat Fisher Wm. H. prinur, 238 Park av Fisher Wm. H ^F. & Hamillon, ) 31 n Pine Fisher Wm. J. suilmaker, 42 Williamson al Fisher Wm. L. niariner, 44 Monttromery Fisher Wm. L. salesman, 169 vv Hoffman FISHER WM. & SONS, (H. and Parks Fisher) bankers and stock brokers, 32 South Fisher Wm. T. carpenter, 377 Franklin Fisher Win. T. canvasser, AVaverlev, York rd Fisk Azariah, saddler, 33 s Oregon Fisk Ohas F. sewinp: machines, 128 Mulberry Fisk Chas. lab. 39 Milliman Fiske Jos. H. 233 Franklin Fisse Wm. porter, 9 New Church Fislein John, blacksniith, 304 n Caroline Fislein John, blacksmith, 21 Lancaster Fissler Mrs. Rosina, beer, 188 Canton av and 157 Eastern av Fisteier John, shoemaker, 112 s Spring Fister George, carp. 524 Fleet Fitch Georjze, wheehvriubt, Woodberry Fitch James T. wheelwrighi, Woodberry Fitch Joseph, plumber, 17 Jefferson Fitch Mrs. Mary L 121 Saraioga Fitchett Andrew, huckster, 159 Hughes Fitchett George, [lainter, 3 North av Fitchett John, tiuner, 24 s Bund Fite Mrs. Conrad, 87 n Ctiarles File Conrad R. real estsite broker, 18 n Charles, dw 87 FITEMAN (Feichtman) S. house furnishing goods, china, stoves and tinware, and gen. agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.8C n Eutaw FitlerJohn, lab. 19 Port Filler Michael, hammerman, 298 Eastern av Fitscher John, shoemaker, 16 Ramsay Fitser Jonathan, carpenter, 164 Columbia Fittner George, shoemrker, 323 e Lombard Fitlon John, salesman, 287 McDonogh Fitzl.erger Fred, tinner, 37 Park av, dw 116 Linden av Fitzberger Henry, locksmith and bellhanger, Park av nr Clay, dw 116 Linden av Fitzberger John, tinner, 116 Linden av Fitzberger Martin, cooper, 72 Bank Fitzberger Mary, 72 Bank FITZBERGER Miss ROSA, Ladies Hair Dressing and Children's Hair Cutting. No. 200 Madison av., dw. 116 Linden av. All kinds of Hair Work neatly arranged at rea- sonable terms. Fitzberger Wm. cooper, 72 Bank Fitzenberger Henry, lab. 7 Winter al Fitzenberger John, lab. 22 Cross Fitzgerald Andrew, lab. 6 Fall FITZGERALD BOOTH & CO. (W. Booth,) com and shipping merchants, 6 s Gay FitZ2erald David, clerk, 20 Macubbin FITZ(4ERALD EDWIN, genl. agent Baltimore and Southern Steam Trans. Co. office 50 South, dw Howard nr Cathedral Fitzgerald Frank, engineer, 159 Johnson Fitzgerald James, lab. 184 Ramsay Fitzgerald James H. clerk, 99 n Ann Fitzgerald James, niauuf. looking glass and picture frames, 419 Front Fitzgerald Jeremiah, lab. 263 Forrest Fitzgerald John, clerk, 104 Uugan's whf Fitzgerald John, grocery, 114 North Fitzgerald John, tavern, 67 Thames FitZiierald Mrs. Marv, tailoress, 167 n Eden Fitzgerald & Moalej (T. B. Fitzgerald. F. L. Moale, ) bankers arid brokers, 23 South • Fitzgerald Peter, clerk, 74 Eutaw -<-' Fitzgerald Thomas, train dispatcher Three Tuus^ hotel Fitzgerald Thos. lab. 135 Ellicott Fitzgerald Thos. A.Lieut, police, 97 n Fremont Fitzgerald Thos. B. (F. & Moale) 86 Franklin Fitzgerald Thos. VV. printer, 106 w Baltimore Fitzgerald Wm. clerk, 45 Lexington Fitztierald W. H. agt. Atlantic Coast Line, 7 German, dw47 Lexington Fitzgerald W. B. clerk, 338 u Eutaw Fitzgibbon Michael E. engineer, 86 Stirling Fitzgibbons Gerad, lab. 168 McHenry Fitzgibbons Palricli, lab. 75 s Poppleton Fitzhugh A. W. salesman, Howard house Fitzmorris James, lab. 105 HoUins Fitzmorris Martin, lab. 105 Hollins Fitzmorris Walter, lab. 41 York Fitzpatrick Barney, brassfinisher, 5 Webb Fitzpatrick Bernard, drayman, 277 n Fioat Fitzpatrii;k Mrs. B. grocery, Oliver and Hud-^ sou al ^ Fitzpatrick Mrs. Bridget, Dolphin and Foster al Fitzpatrick Mrs.Calh'e, dressuikr,288 n Howard og Fitzpatrick Chas. clerk, 84 n Fulton Fitzpatrick Dennis, 29 Chew Fitzpatrick Mrs. Elizabeth, 93 Harford av Fitzpatrick Hugh, wagoner, 26 McKiin Fitzpatrick Hugh, porter, 58 e Baltimore Fitzpatrick James, lab. 4 Wilcox Fitzpatrick James, tinner, 93 Harford av Fitzpatrick James, lab. 1 Friendship Fitzpatrick James, machinist, 57 Warren Fitziialrick James, liquors, Eager and McKira ^ Fitzpatrick James A. watchman, 57 Warner ^ Fitzpatrick Jane, 209 Park av j> Fitzpatrick Jeremiah, lab. 179 Vine Fitzpatrick John, printer, 1 Friendship Fitzpatrick John, stonecntter, 211 Park av Fitzpatrick John, stonecutter, 3 s Oregon Fitzpatrick John, lab. 146 Dover Fitzpatrick John P. cigarmaker, Oliver and Hudson al Fitzpatrick Michael, lab. 179 Vine Fitzpatrick Mis. Mary, 160 Chesapeake Fitzpatrick Mary, dressmaker, 112 w Biddle Fitzpatrick Nicholas, public weigher, 51 Fulton ^ Fitzpatrick Peier J. painter, Oliver and Uud-^ ■+-> a d o 03 PQ o Q O O GQ son al Fitzpatrick Patrick, foreman, 240 German Fitzpatrick Patrick, lab. 5 Webb Fitzpatrick Patrick, coremaker, 42 Hillmaa Fitzpatiick Peter,liquors,Charles-st av nr Oliver Fitzpatrick Peter, huckster, 31 Valley Fitzpatrick Philip, lab. 7 Graced FitZjiatrick Philiji, lab. 160 Chesapeake Fitzpatrick Mrs. Susan, lloDugan's whf Fitzpatrick Thos. driver, Oliver and Hudson al Fitzpatrick Thos. clerk, 54 Fulton Fitzpatrick Thos. tinner, 82 Cross Fitzpatrick Thos. lab. 7o Warner Fitzpatrick Wm. lab. 98 York Fitzpatrick Wra. canrakr, 371 e Monument <1 GQ I — I P^ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, FIT 1< v: z FitEsimins Jas. saddle tree maker, 121 J s Front, 3 dw 10 '^ Fitzsimmons Christopher, lab. 166 Lee ^ * Fitzsimmons Junies, iali. '29 Parrish 5 Fitzsimmons Fniritk, bakt-ry, 241 Park iiv :' "if^ Filzsimmuus Palk. shoemkr, 15 w Lombard ; _ Fitzsimmons Richard, shoimkr, 4 Plowman ; S Fitzsimmons Thos. mucliiuist, 121 Hollins i * Fizoue Jacob F. coal and wood, 476 u Fremont, J i> dw 472 Penna av ■ zf Fizune Jacob, clerk, Calhoun nr Presslman ' r Flack A UL'Ust, Leer, 129 s Fremont ? -f FLACK BIIUS, (II. H. and D. H. Flack) dis- ^ y, tillers. Canton, office 52 South • S Flack Charles, fireman, 252 s Durham ^„ Flack D Hudson, (F. Bros.) 168 w Lombard ; ^ Flack Geo. N. butcher, 80 (.'eiitre and 57 Lex- : 5 ington mnrkets, dw Jenkins la near Green- ^ — mount cemeterv L y Flack Geo \V. (Lentz & F.) 142 Mulberry ] Z Flack Geo. W. jr. clerk, 14'2 .Mulberry Fluck Henry, butcher, 3'> Cross Flack's Compressed Yeast Factory, Clinton and t^ixth av. Flack Bros, proprs l -j= FLACK, HALL, & CO. (J. W. Flack, J. B. Hall) ■ Q com merchls, 5 Spear's whf " Fiack U. U (F. Bros.) 153 n Republican = . Flack James \V. (Flack Hall & Co.) Republi- , '^ can and Townsend • c Flack Juseph, boilermkr, 14 Lemmon ; i Flack .Mrs. Julia, lu Burrough : 'Z Flack .Mrs. .Martha A. 433 Madison av • §- FLACK THOS. J. & SONS, (H. H. & D. H. i J^ Flack) wholesale liquors, 52 South T"^ FlacL Tlios. J. 108 w Lombard : ^ P'ladiiuan Henry, grocery, 99 s Fremont J z Fladung Bernard, beer, 150 Low , ^ Fladung B. clerk, 150 Low - ^ Fl.iduuj: Conrad, shoemkr, 423 Canton av -. C^ Fladung Peter, tailor, 292 nCentralav I p^ Flagyls Wm. F. carp. 4 Walsh J Fliigler T. improved fire apparatus and iron - =^ safes, IGj.North, dw same. ; a Flaliarty James E. salesman, 237 w Pratt 1 ^ Flaliarty Thos. watchman, 837 w Pratt ' x Flaharty U'nj. E. carp. 31 n Eden ~S^ Flaherty .\nthony, wharf builder, 257 Bank r- Flaherty Barthol'w lab. 19 Armistead la i Flaherty Bridget, 34 Preston : >. Flaherty Edward, wharf builder, 24 s Ann 2 11 Flaherty Edward F. magistrate, 258J s Broad- 3 ? way, dw Bennett cor U'Donneli i >. Flaherty Mrs. Elizabeth, 356 e Pratt 3 ^ Flaherty Francis, shipc.irp. 30 Bennett 3 "^ Flaherty Jaraes, lab. cor Mosher and Foster al ,j C Flaherty James, shipcarp. 135 s Chester : "" Flaherty James, lab. 355 Columlna " S Flalurty John, lib Parkin 3 ~ Flaherty John, lab. 164 Vine 2 ci Flaherty John, grocery, 137 s Chester T,''-^'" Flaherty John lab. 55 Preston z tc Flaherty John A. printer, 606 w Lombard 3 C Flaherty Louis, painter, 821 w Pratt E .2; Flaheity .Margaret, dressmkr, 259 Bank "* tl Flaherty Margaret, cor Bennett and O'Donnell ^ ^ Fliherty .Martin, lab. 380 Bank }> -^ Flaherty Mrs. Mary, grocery, 178 s Eutaw - cs Flaherty .Mrs. .Mar>, 203 Eastern av 3 ... Flaherty .Mrs. Mary, stationery 103 Bank Jj t- Flaherty .Matthias, lab. 136 Vine y, 5 Flaherty .Michael, lab. 337 Eastern av ^ >-. Flaherty Michael, shipcarp, 271 Bank 190 FLE Fl.iherty Michael, carp. lo5 s Chester Flaherty Morgan, 606 w Lombard Flaherty Patrick H. painter, 103 Bank Flaherty Peter, shipcarp, 260 Bank Flaherty Peter, lab. 26 Ryan Flaherty Stephen, lab. 193 Patterson Park av Flaherty Stephen, shipcarp, 153 s Chester Flaherty Thaddeus, brassfinisher, 140 e.Madison Flaherty Thaddeus, lirassfinishoj, 14 Stirling Flaherty Thos. lab. 136 Vine Flaherty Wm. A. watchman. Eagle hotel Flaherty Wm. T surveyor, .North and Lexing- ton, dw 103 Bank Flaiiim Geo. 210 Hanover Fhimm Geo. 35 n Liberty Flamm Geo. A. tobacconist, 124 n Gay, dw 32 Holland Flamm .Mrs. Magdeliiia, grocery, 32 Holland Flamm Peter, confectioner, 35 n Liberty Flamm Wm. baker, 44 e Fayette Flamman Rev. A. 3S6 Light Flanch James, lab. 74 Woodyear Flaiidafer Theodore, painter, 161 German Flanimgan Frank, lab. 4 Mott Flannagaii John, sr. lab. 4 Mott Flannagaii P. F. lab. 4 Mott FlaiHiery Frank J. plasterer, 185 Dolphin P^lannery Honora, dressmkr, 290 Lexington Flannery Jas. J. clerk, 7 n Poppleton Flanuery James, huckster, 28 Stockton Flannery John, cor Division and Wilson Flannery John, plasterer, 118 w Townsend Flannery Michael, sr. lab. 49 s Oregon Flanuery Michael, plasterer, 49 s Oregon Flannery Patrick T. plasterer. 17 n Poppleton Flannery Patrick, carter, 65 s Oregon Flannery Patrick, lab. 366 Ostend Flannery Richard, lab. 46 China Flaiinagain Andrew, jr. Friendship, York rd Flannigain Andrew, purser, 153 Park av Flaiinigain Benj. farmer. Friendship, York rd Flannigain Benj. elk, 153 Park av Flannigain .Mrs. C. E., Friendship, York rd Flannigain Edward, clerk, 153 Park av Flannigain Edward, Friendship, York rd Flannigain Theo. R. 153 Park av Flannigain Theo. R. clerk, 63 Garden Flaunigan Mrs. Catherine, 172 .McIIenry Flannigan James, drayman, 7 Sterrett Flantiigan James, teamster, 63 Greenmount av Flannigan John, carp, 126 Ramsay Flannigan Lawrence, stevedore, 53 L Church Flannigan Patrick, grocery, 53 L Church Flannigan Patrick, lab. 333 William Flannigan Patrick, carter, 125 Albemarle Flaunigan Patrick, lab. 713 w Pratt Flannigan Patrick, lab. 1 Columbia Flaunigan Samuel, lab. 20 Hillman Flannigan Thomas, lab. 20 Hill man Flasliell Wm. moulder, 107 s Bond Flaunlacker Samuel, clothier, 72 & 76 Centre Market sjiace, dw 214 e Baltimore Flautt Joseph T. carp. Strieker nr Presstman Fla.\comb Chas. H. cigarmkr, 303 n Eutaw Fla.xcumb Wm. C. engineer, 8 n Schroeder Fluyhart Chas. .M. printer, 41 Greenmount av Flather John T. painter, Waverley, York rd Flather Joseph W. painter, Waverley, York rd Flatley Patrick, lab. 191 Ramsay Fjatley Bernard, lab. 61 8 Oregon Fleck Jacob, tinner, 207 a Eutaw Fleckenscbildt Henry, driver, Harford av ext 5 .o HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. FLE 191 FLU Fleckenstein Adam, cooper, 265 Canton av Fleekenstein Andrew, stevedore, 16 n Chapel Fleckenstein John, tailor, 257 n Dallas Fleckenstein Peter, lab. 167 <• Lombard Fleckenslein Sebastian, lab. 121 Jackson sq av FLEDDER.MAN HENRY G. merchant tailor, 24 n Howard, dw 156 Saratoga FleehartA Amanda, seamstress, 214 e Madison Fleehartv Huj^h, shoemkr, 214 e Madison Fieehartv Jane, teacher, 214 e Madison FLEEHEARTY JOHN T. (Collins & Co.) 369 n Central av Fleet Levin, cabinetmkr, 48 Clarke Fleet Washington, bricklayer, 48 Clarke Fleischer Barbara, 24 Warner Fleischer Chas. baker, 426 n Gay Fleischer Chas. plumber, 281 William Fleischer E. k Bro. (E.and S.I"leischer)whole3. fui Dishing goods and notions, 4 Hanover Fleischer Emanuel (E. F. & Bro )167 Saratoga Fleischer Frederick, nightman, 556 w Pratt Fleischer S. (E. F. & Bro.) 35 n Exeter Fleischer Samuel E. salesman, 167 Saratoga FLEISCHER WM. C. (W.C.F.) steam bakery, 91 Thames, dw 426 n Gay Fleischmau Andw. boxmkr, 82 Leadenhall Fleischman Mrs. Anna, trim'gs,341 n Central av Fleischmau Geo. F. shoemkr, 20 Mott Fleischman Anna M. trimmings, 362 Aliceanna Fleischman Geo. shoemkr, lOU s Regester Fleischman Geo. lab. 388 Aliceanna Fleischman John, tailor, 341 n Central av Fleischman John, shoemkr, 285 n Dallas Fleischman John, lab. 39 s Regester Fleischman Martin, lab. 362 Aliceanna Fleischman Moses, butcher, 82 s Wolfe Fleischman Philip, lab. 362 Aliceanna Fleischman S. S. gents furnishing goods, 72 w Baltimore, dw 82 e Pratt Fleischman Sebastian, shoemkr, 144 Forrest Eleischman Wolfgang, lab. 6 Portugal al Fleishell James, machinist, 334 e Lombard Fleishell John, blacksmith, 275 s Paca Fleming Amos, sawyer, Clifton nr ttie Park Fleming Douglas, blacksmith, 208 German Fleming Edward, clerk, 73 e Baltimore Fleming Edward S. clerk, 21 s High Fleming Henrv, Clifton nr the Park Fleming Henry, (J. C. xMahony & Co.) Carroll- ton hotel Fleming J. C. clerk, 75 n Charles Fleming Mrs. Dr. J. P. 225 .Madison av Fleming Robt. B. notions, 75 n Charles Fleming Thos. fireman, 768 w Pratt Fleming Wm printer, 204 n Eden Fleming Wm. F. clerk, 178 e Pratt Fleming Wm. H. fireman, 127 s Strieker Fleming Wm. H. police, 91 Harrison Flemming Chas. H. actor, 132^ n Gay Flemming F. A. brewer, 13 Watson Flemming Harry K. clerk, 124 n Charles Flemmin>; Jas. W., Bond nr John Flemming Juhn, lab. 9 Brannan ct Flemming J. M.watchm'n, Second av nr Clinton Flemming Marg. tavern, 69 Centre Market sp Flemming Michael, lab. 12 Stiles Flemming Thos. lab. 6 Webster al Flemming Wm. tavern, 43 Centre Market sp Flemming Wm. mariner, 14 Stiles Flentje Fredk. W. musical instrument maker and toy dealer, 87 Ensor Flesbell John, moulder, 7 Cambridge pq Flescher Julius, clerk, 145 Hill Flescher Nathan, clothing, 145 Hill Fletcher & Bro. (F. G. and W. T. Fletcher) ^ restaurant, 36 w Pratt OQ Fletcher F. G. (F. & Bro.) 36 w Pratt Fletcher Jas. sr. clerk, 334 McDonogh < Fletcher Jas. jr. clerk, 223 w Lombard -3 Fletcher Jas. sailmkr, 241 Lignt ^^ Fletcher Jeremiah H. (F. & Mitchell,) cor John ^ and Caroline >-^ Fletcher John, plasterer, 32 Woodyear S Fletcher John, fireman, 287 Cross "^ FLETCHER & MITCHELL (J. H. Fletcher, F. p A.Mitchell,) mercht. tailors and clothiers, 134 q w Pratt ' p Fletcher R. D. L. clerk, 25 Fawn •:=i Fletcher Wm. F. 100 William ■^ Fletcher Wm. T. (F. & Bro.) 36 w Pratt Fletsch Geo. lab. 245 s Ann Fleury Chas. tobacconist, 876 w Pratt j_^ Fleury Fred, boxmaker, 406 Hanover O Fleury Win. V. clerk, 46 Etting O Fleury Mrs. W. Y. 46 Etting Flick Wm. N. cigarmkr, 92 Hollins ^ Fligger Chas. butcher, 492 Harford av W Fliuder Chas. E. detective, 46 Greenmount av ^ Flint Mrs. Sarah A. 136 Cathedral o» Flint Wm. J. shoemkr, 28 Hillen Flippo Rev. Oscar F., Waverley, editor of Bap- jC^ tist Visitor, box 421 Balto PustoflBce (2) Flitton Noah F. gardener, 481 Aisquith r^ Flitton Noah F. gardener, 361 n Front ►^ Flockenhager, Chas. clerk, 265 Hanover ^ Flodt Fredk. human hair goods, 183 n Eutaw Floether Oswald, tailor, 344 s Bund pc^ Flohr G. hats, boots, &c. 214 Frederick av Flohr .Maurice, tinner and stoves, 205 s Ann i^ Flood James, lab. 6:i9 Light ^ F;or Fredk. engineer, 148 Low ^ Florck Mrs. H. giocery, 11 Somerset Florcke Juhn F. cooper, 11 Somerset qq Floss S. W. furn. goods and shirts, 103 w Bal- p^ timore, dw Howa.id house q Florence Sewing Machine Co.,W.H.Cummings, c—i manager, 49 n Charles ^ Flournoy Mrs. Emeline, butter, 107 n Schroeder|_j Flour Inspector's Office, 274 w Pratt Q Flower Archibald, brakeman, 180 Hollins ^ Floyd Mrs. Annie, 9j n Eutaw 1^ Floyd Mrs. Ann T. i35 Park av Floyd Chas. lab. 38 Cross Floyd Chas. T. carp. 127 Linden av Floyd Clement, shipcarp. 38 Cross Floyd J. Fredk. clerk, 135 Park av Floyd Geo. capper, 38 Cross ^ Floyd Geo. M. boilermkr, 81 Fort av q^ Floyd J.G.gen'l in8.agt,10 South, dw 19 Clarke ^ Floyd Jas. H. lab. 38 Covington [^ Floyd John, painter, 38 Cross ^ Floyd Jos. I. blacksmith, 2 Laylope (Q Floyd Mrs. Julia, grocery, 38 Cross rq Flovd Maggie, teacher, 127 Linden av Floyd Mrs. Maria, 272 n Bond Jz; Floyd Mary, saleslady, 127 Linden av (^ Floyd T. F. & Co. (T.F. Floyd, M.W. Gladding, ^ J. G. Nock) produce com. 38 Cheapside J_^ Floyd T. F. (T.F.F.& Co.) 67 Lee Floyd Wm. T. police, 155 Barre E~l Floyd Wm. S. tobacco manufs' agent, over 79 ^ Exchange pi, dw 135 Park av "^ Fluegal Simon, nightman, 186 s Caroline O Fluegel Damean, dyer, Hudson and Harrison IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street, Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, FLU 192 FOH H W W p:5 H C/J H >^ T. w C •-' '-' ■< ri C2 »*;'—'. Ch Lj K w w; " w p- OX) O Fluliartj James, foreman, 250 I.anvale Fhihaity Tlionms J. secretarv Tyson Min'g Co. '250 Laiivale Fliihitrlv Win. R. sec'y Maryliuiii White Lead Cu. 248 Wal.-h Flury George, lab., East av nr Elliott Flurie Chules, lab. 55 Carlton Flus Anna M. tailoress, 81 Grindall Fluskey John B. rigrger, 41 w Lombard Fluskey .Marfjaret, beer, W w Lombard FlyuiiMrs. Anna, 329 Mulberry Fiynn Augustus. 157 e Monument Flvnn Bartholomew, lab. 18.') L. Hughes Flyun Bernard, lab. 150 Lendeuhall Flynn Daniel, driver, Washington hotel Flynn David, stonemason, 144 Division Flynn Dominick, lab. 3 t>priiig ct Flynn Fdward, clerk, 84 n Holliday Flynn Kdward J. clerk, 157 e .Monument FlVnn Dr Edward J. 157 e Monument Flynn k Emrich, (J. Flynn, J. P. Emricb.) machinists, s w cor Saratoga and Holliday Flynn Geo. B. hat manuf. {<\ North, dw 405 e Lomltard Flynn H. M. clerk, Mansion house Flynn James, lab. 136 Linden av Flynn James, lab. 150 Leadenhall Flum James, lab. 41 President Fhnn James, lab. 49 Elliott Flynn James E. (F. & Emrich) 311 n Caroline F'lynn James, stillman, Riisseli and Ostend Flynn James, bricklayer, 77 u kSchroeder Flynn James E. clerk, 311 n Caroline Fhnn John, lab.. Cathedral ext Flynn John, engineer, 22 e Eager Flynn John, lab. 16 Fish Market sp Flynn .John, stonecutter, 77 n Scbroeder Flynn John, chemist, 84 n Holliday Flynn John, lab. 7 Armistead la Flynn John, driver, 234 n Front Flynn John, canmkr, 82 s Castle Flynn John, wagoner, 239 n Front Flynn John A. tinner, 190 Conway F"lynn John A. printer, 164 Penna av Flynti John M. machinist. 190 Conway Flynn Lawrence, boilermki', 161 s Washington Flynn .Michael, lab. 41 s Chapel Flynn Mrs. Mary, grocery, 49 Elliott I'lynn Mrs. Mary, 103 Cambridge Flynn Matthew, lab. 49 Elliott Flyun .Maurice, lab. 125 Dover Flynn Michael, lab. 49 Elliott Flynn .Michael, lab. 105 s Chapel Flyi.n .Michael, conductor, 8 n Uiegon Flwin Patrick, lab. 104 Easlurn av Flynn Patrick, blacksmith, 86 n Holliday Flynn Patrick jr. bottler, 84 n Holliday Fl\nu I'atnck H. lab. 49 Elliott Flynn Thomas, driver, 239 n Front Flynn Thomas, lab. 227 Raborg Fl_)nn Thomas, lab. 2 Watson ct Flynn Thomas, lab. 7 Armistead la Flynn Thomas J. bookkpr, 3 Spring ct Flynn Wm. lab. 145 Albemarle Fl\nn Wm. C. 157 e .Monument Foard Addison K. sec'y .Md. Life Ins. Co. iO South, dw 207 w Biddle Foard Dr. Andrew J .office 16 s Eden, dw 279 n Broadway Foard Alonzo, shoecutter, 300 n Gay Foard Augustus, caulker, 147 William Foard Mrs. Citlberine, 171 s Paca Foard Mrs. Catherine, 30 Warner Foard Charles B. gashtter, 304 Light Foard Clarence L. printer, 176 Aisquith Foard Henry 0. caulkei, 147 William Ft/ard Jos. O. (J.OFoard&Co.) 3u,sMadison av Foard Jos. R. (J. U. Foard & Co.) 207 w Biddle FUARD JO.S. 0. & CO. (J. 0. and Jos.R. Foard) shipping and com. merchants, 6 s Gay Foard Lloyd G. caulker, 36 Cross Foard .N. k asst. editor Sun, 176 Aisquith Foard Sylvester A. caulker, 147 William Foird Thomas F. caulker, 147 William F'oaid Wm. G. 308 Madison av Foard Wm. E. driver, 29 L. Church Foasck John, lab. 119 n Washington Fobes George, contractor, 22 s Broadway Foble & Foreman, (H. Foble, sr., V. Foreman) plaster ornaments, Preston and Morris al Foble Hy.sr.[Foble& Foreman)374 w Lombard Foble Hy. jr. tobacconist, 374 w Lombard Foble Henry, shoemkr, 240 Preston Focke Edward L. (F. & Spilker) 322 Myrtle av Focke F. B. clerk, 322 Myrtle av F'ocke Harry S. clerk, 322 Myrtle av FOCKE & SPILCKKR, (E. L. Focke, C. W. Spilcker, jr.) merchl. tailors' trimming8,over 284 w Baltimore Foeller Casper, beer, 125 McElderry Foestenhoever Conrad, lab. 18 Clinton Foester Gotleib, painter, 33 Albemarle Foester Michael, shoemkr, 42 s Regester Foerster Mrs. Sophia W. grocery, 25 Elliott Foerster Wm. painter, 252 Columbia Fogel Andrew, gardener. Eastern av ext Fogcl Casmer, milk, 238 s Paca Fogel John, lab. 183 s Chapel Fogel John, tinner, 336 Eastern av Fogel JohnG. porter, 147 s Wolfe F'ogel John G. porter, 27 s Washington Fogel Lewis, printer, 290 n Central av F'ogelhuber Charles, machinist, 4u Laurel F'ogelhuber Gustav. cigarmkr, 40 Laurel F^ogelhuber Leonard, tailor, 40 Laurel Fogelhuber Wm. cigarmkr, 40 Laurel Fogerty Mrs. ('atherine, 64 Essex Fogerty Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 79 Farkia Fogerty Daniel, lab. 88 Parkin Fogerty Mrs. Honora, grocery, 14 Addison Fogerty James, 20 i'atterson av Fogerty James, porter, 14 Addison Fogerty John, lab. 64 Essex Fogerty Michael, moulder, 64 Essex Fogerty Michael, watchman, 79 Parkin Fogerty Nicholas, porter, 24 Sterrett Fogerty Patrick, porter, 27 Ringgold al Fogilson Lewis, gardener, Belair av ext Fogle Mrs. Henry H., Bond and McElderry Fogle 11. H. newsland, St. Clair hotel Fogle John H. painter, 44 Jackson sq a7 Fogle Stephen M. provision, 776 w Baltimore Fogler George, upliolsterer, lOO Columbia Fogier Herman, shoemkr, 26 s Oregon Fogkr John VV. cigarmkr, 59 -Milliman Fogler John, lab. 14 Armistead la Fogler Mis. Lotta, tailoress, 14 Armistead la Fogler Robert H.brickmkr, Sterrett iir St. Peter Fogler Solomon T. moulder, 100 Columbia Fogler Solomon, carp. lOO Columbia Fogleston Philip, caulker, 96 Johnson Fohl Frank, lab.. Battery av nr F'ort av Fohmanu Julius, mariner, 294 Aliceauna tohner Francis, wheelwright, 138 n Central av HENRY HOEN k CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. FOH 193 FOR Foho George, saddler, 142 L. Greene Foige Adolph, shoe store, 228 Penna av and 1 ] 6 ti Ga> Foil Valentine B. barber, 8 n Wolfe Fold Fnaicis, canmkr, 271 Battery av Folend David, carp., Cliafiel ur Fleet Foley Adam, driver, 3."> Buren Folev Charles, lab. 9 Fatnsent Foley Daniel J. (D. J. Fohy, Bro. & Co.) 130 Park av Folev D. R. salesman, 310 Light FOLEY D. J., BRO. & CO. (D. J. Foley, M. J. Foley, J. W. Hunter, J. J. Rocheford)\vholes. grocers and com. nierchts. 50 South Foley Dennis, cabinetrnkr, 90 n Calvert Foley Francis R. clerk, 21 Valley Foley James P. clerk. 29 Valley Foley John, weaver, Woodberrj' Foley Rev. Dr. John A. cor Fulton and Fayette Foley Mrs Kate, grocery, 9 Patuxent Foley Mrs. Maria, 19 Valley Foley Matthew J. (D. J. Foley, Bro. & Co.) 81 w Centre Foley Mr!>. Matthew, 43 Mulberry Foley Martin, lab. 297 McHenry Foley Michael, grocery, Leadenhall and West Foley Pii trick, porter, 29 Valley Folev Patiick, porter, Woodberrv Foley Piesley G. 144 Ligbt st whf, dw 679 w Lomhard Foley Ilobi. watchman, Lanvale la ur Decker Foley Thos. florist, ,57 Portland Folger Edward F. 18 J.ickson sq av Folk Clias. cabinetmkr, 14 Durst al Folk Geurge, lab. ISBurrough Folk John P. cooper, 380 William Folke Wm. blacksmith, 58 William Folkes Augustus, baker, Waverley Folkofski August, lab. 10 Shakspear Folks Geo. F. carp, over 15 n Sharp, dw York rd ur 1st tollgate Folks Ira .M. carp. York rd nr Isl tollgate Folks John E. earn. Waverley Foil H(-nry, rigger, 163 s Ann Foil John, lab. 4 Chesnut al Poller Margaret, 63 n Fremont Follift-r Geo. lab. Fredeiick uv Follifer John. lab. Frederic av Foiling Wni H. shipcarj). 291 Canton av Follmer Henry, baker, 300 Penna uv Follmer John, porter, 25 Douglass Folsom Frank H. millwright, 32(j e Madison Foltat L. C. stamping and embroidery, 126 w Fayette Foltz Antone, lab. 505 Penna av* Foltz R. B. clerk, 124 Hanover Folwell David C. clerk. 285 e Eager Fonder Richard, painter, s e cor Gay and Har- rison, dw 115 n Caroline FonerJeu John, clerk, 50 Courtland Fonerden Mrs. Dr. John, 50 Courtland Fontaine Mrs. Belle H. 34 s Broadway Fonshael Jacob H. harnessmkr, 132 n Gay Fontz Geo. W. brickmoulder, 363 n Bond Fontz Henry J. carter, 128 Cross Fontz Jacob, carter, 440 Light Fontz Jacob, fisherman 394 s Sharp Fontz Jacob, fisherman, 82 Ridgely Fooks Ebenezer H. lumber inspec'r, 1 Union dock dw 8 s E.Keter FOOKS Dr. F. E. physician and apothecary, 173 e Baltimore Fooks Capt. Levin S. mariner, 24 Warren Fooks Robt. mate, 24 Warren Fooks Capt, Wni. mariner, 24 Warren Foos Albert, bricklayer, 143 s Bond Foos Charles, plasterer, 25 s Oregon Ft. OS Charles, painter, 50 Patterson Park av Foiis Christian, canmkr, 203 Fitderick av Foos James, bricklayer, 99 u Caroline Foos James, 279 Druid Hill av Foos John, lab. 302 Mulberry Foos John C. sr. tinner, 67 n Oregon Foos John S. bricklayer, 143 s Bond Foos Joseph, lab, 169 e Lombard Foos Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 300 n Bond Foos Wm. grocery, 146 e Fayette Foos Wm. finisher, 12 Callender al Foos Wm. C. painter, 269 e Monument Foote A. L. 95 s Eden Foote Colin A. secy. Baltimore Warehouse Co. 202 Mosher Foote David E. oyster packer. West and Jack- son, dw 4 Johnson FOOTE FREDK. H. grocer, 52 Gough, dw 95 s Eden Foote George A. engineer, 369 n Durham Foote G^o. L. tinner, 232 Battery av Foote John P. pilot, 339 e Fayette Fopless James R solicitor Nat. Bonded Collection Bureau, 19 South, dw 304 Greenmount av Foi)less James, carver, 21 Harford av Foran John, backs, 5 s Caroline Forbes Alex. car[). 134 s Chester Forbes leo. D. bookkpr, 96 Saratoga Forbes Gordon, 54 Franklin Forbes James, 72 St. Paul Forbes Jas. Harris, clerk, 574 Lexington Forbes Jas. S. builder, Etting nr Dolphin, dw 32« n Eutaw Forbes Matthias L. jr. clerk, 656 Lexington Forbes S. H. supt.Weems' Transportation Line, Forbes Capt, Wm.H. mariner, lu6 s Washington Force C. C. salesman, 94 Saratoga Force Thomas, bricklayer, 24 e Eager Force Wm. stencil cutter, 46 n Liberty Force Wm. A. clerk, 46 n Liberty Ford Achilles, police, Belair av ext Ford Amos, barber, 34 s Republican Ford Anthony, lab, 244 n Central av Ford Arthur, carp. 341 w Hotfaian Ford Mrs. A. T. tea, coffee, &c. 78 Hanover, dw 1 s Gilmor Ford B. S. prest. Chester River Steamboat Co. pier 7 Light-st whf, dw Maltby house Ford Chas. blacksmith, 341 w Hoft'man Ford Chas. huckster, 198 Hollins Ford Chas. E. business manager Ford's Grand Opera House, dw Barnum's hotel Ford Chas. E. engineer, 75 Batttry av Ford Chas. T. bookkpr, 405 e Chase Ford David, lab. Falls rd nr tollgate Ford Elisha, Cumberland nr Gilmor Ford Mrs. Elizabeth, 228 George Ford Mrs. Ellen, 17 Poultney Ford Mrs. Elizabeth E, 212 Conway Ford F. P. salesman, 55 Courtland Ford Franklin, plaster, 41 s Oregon Ford Geo. M. carp. 88 n Wolfe Ford Geo. T. treas. Ford's Grand Opera House, dw cor Gilmor and Liberty rd Ford Geo. T. conductor, 290 e Fayette Ford Geo. W. blacksmith, 38 Milliman Ford Geo. W. bricklayer, 359 Light c5 pq O O O O -8 ft O o H en m pq I— ( OQ OQ OQ K- 1- 13 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) O 1^ o .X- — "Z^ cc ■■ ^ C o 0^ "^ K X X Mntiial Life Insurance Co. of New York, ^^^ ~ FOR FOR 194 i-^"^ '- o 2-1 yi r* pv. ., c — ee '^ -^ ct .:; cc ^ '"7" >-J ^ -'^^ X >— 1 r* H •r •"" O Oi Ford's Grand Opera House, Fin elte and Eutaw Ford Gustavus M. disi)at(;ier,554 w BaUiniore Ford Mrs. Helen M. 64 St. Paul Fold Henry, siilesnian, 34 Albemarle Ford Henry, upholsterer, 1 s Gilmor Ford HenrV, clerk, IfiS Townsend Ford Henry, cabineiuikr, 161 Townsend Ford Henrv W. clerk, 271 w Lombard Ford Henry \V. bricklayer, North av nr Balli- iDore Cemetery tC Ford James, huckster, 12 Diamond Ford James B. 323 Henna av Ford James A. watchman, 341 w Hoffman Ford James R., Cuuiberland nr Gilmor Ford John, hostler, 232 8 Paca Ford John, lab. Ill Dover Ford John, lab. 40 Carlton Ford John, cifrarmkr, Harford av nr Point la Ford John, hackman, 28 llillen Ford John, horseslioer, 12 Diamond Ford John T. (Hanley & F.) 278 e Fayette Ford John D. asst.< nf,'iueer U.S.N. 321 e Chase Ford John P., Adams express messenger, 69 e Lombard Ford John H. lab. lOOn Washington Ford J. J. clerk, 129 Hanover Ford John N. tinner, 38 Milliman Ford John T. lab. 122 e Monument Ford John T. j.rop'r Holliday-st Theatre, and Ford's Grand Opera House, dw cor Gilmor and Liberty rd Ford John L. conductor, 228 George Ford John, gilder, 453 Light Ford John P.L. clerk, 1 s Gilmor Ford Joseph Y. salesman, 20 s Exeter Ford Martin, engineer, 96 Boston Ford Michael, lab. 4« Liberty al Ford Michael, harnessmkr, 26 e Madison Ford Morri.-, elk, Exeter nr Lombard Fold Peter, lab. 169 s Eden Ford Roger, drayman, 7 Wagon al .Ford Samuel, overseer, 660 vv Lombard Ford Samuel C. sboemkr, 145 Orleans Ford Mrs. Sarah, 38 Milliman Ford Simon, mariner, 301 Hamburg Ford Thos. wheelwright, Star hotel Ford Thos. lal*. 48 Liberty al Ford Thos. lab. 65 w Biddle Ford Thus C. books and stationery, 199 nGay, dw 207 D Cardline Ford Thos. G., Gilmor s of Lombard Ford Thos. G. police, 223 s Ann P'ord Thos. N. tavern, Falls rd nr toUgate Ford Wm. G. bricklayer, North av nr Balto (Jemetery Ford Wm.' H, jr. cutter, 164 w Biddle FORD V M. 11. merchant Uiilor, 23 n Howard, dw 164 w Biddle Ford Wm. J. clerk, 297 Saratoga Fordman Wm. lab. 50 Rue Foreman A. R. printer, 405 w Lombard S.^ X'' t(^ Foi email Charles, wheelwiight, 49 8 Strieker '^' z: Foreman Geo. carp. 266 e Fayette ■^ Foieni'ii Demy (H. F. k Co.) 874 w Baltimore "E ''Of'^""^" Henry & Co. (Henry Foreman) livery o stables, I n Strieker ^ Foreman James T. engineer, 162 Hughes rt Foreuiau John W. lab. 652 Light ., Foreman Leander, builder, 155 Walsh i_ Foreman Thomas, conductor, 251 Dol|)hin * Foreman Valentine (FobleA F ) 220 Walsh >-, Foieman Valentine, plasterer, 35 Brune ^1 a; c = P- _ H S ^ - Pi , o i ci .• ^-5 i -^ .t: ^' §5 o - V. ^ ■"" ■» *- c S *^ ci ^ CI 6 ■^ Foreman Washington, engineer, Woodberry Foreschi Dimetrio, figuremkr. 25 w Fayette Foreschi Franlindo, fijiuremkr, •;j3 w Fayette Forey John, shoemkr, 125 Vine Forinaii A. D. wood and coal, 196 German, dw 513 w Baltimore Forman A. T. clerk, 162^ w Fayette Foniian .Mrs. Elizabeth, 38 Laurel Forman Evan iM. clerk to Marshal police, 9 Holland Fornuin Henry C. clerk, 290 Hollins Forman Henry, painter, 150 s Caroline Forman Joseph H. clerk, 513 w Baltimore Forman .Mrs. Margaret, 28 s Chester Foimiui Wesley, bricklayer, 167 n Caroline Forner Wm. 515 Lexington Forney E. L., elk. Howard house Forney Geo. M. elk, cor John and Wilson Forney J. H. (J.H.Forney &Co.)Howard house Forney Jacob, fine oils, 105 s Gilmor Forney J. H. ^ Co. (, J. H. Forney) prod. com. nierchts, 77 North Forney P. lab. 18 VVilhelm Forue\ Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, 540 w Fayette Forney Wm. C. 60 Clarke FornoffAdam, weaver, 255 Aliceanna Foruott' Fred, canmkr, 255 Aliceanna Fornolf Geo. tailor, 34 n Eden Fornoff Philip, lab. 255 Aliceanna Foinoff Wm. p:iperhanger, 255 Aliceanna Forns Joseph, brassfinisher, 122 Dolphin Fornshil Nelson C. tin roofing, cor Front and Low, dw Eden nr Caroline Forrest Alex, fire dept. 48 Myrtle av Forrest Andrew J. engineer, 35 Fawn Forrest EliasC. sashiukr, 129 Gough Forrest Francis A. coremkr, 541 w Lombard Forrest Geo. W.en;:ineer, 243 Bank Forrest James H. machinist, 5 Henrietta Fornsl John G. shoeuikr, 60 p Exeter Forrest Jonathan L. engineer, 1U6 Hill Forrest .Mrs. Mary Ann, 7 Trinity Forrest Mrs. Mary L. 371 Druid Hill av Forrest .Mission (M.E.) Front nr Forrest Forrest Quadrille Association, over 4 Harrison Forrest Mrs. Rebecca, trimm'gs, 48 v Broadway Foriesl S. W. weigher C.H. dw Howard co Foriesl Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 198 Hollins Forrest Tliaddeus, ins. agent, 39 Postotfice, dw 7 Trinity Forrest Thos. bootfitter, 198 Hollins Forrest Thos. J. paperhanger,48 s Broadway Forrest Thos. M. moulder, 541 w Lombard Forrest Wiu» fireman, 8 Low Forrest Wm. tinner, 61 Hillen Forrester Alex, tavern 92 n Spring Fori ester Allen E. attorney, 9 Courtland Forrester Benj. F. build. 305 w Hoffman, dw 252 Forrester \i. M. clerk, 9 Courtland Korrester Mrs. Catherine, 283 n Caroline Forrester Charles T. carp. 284 Walsh Forrester Ellen, grocery, 190 West Forrester Geo. F. carp. 114 Walsh Forrester Geo. jr, painter, 30 Williamson al Forrester Geo. L. plasterer, 242 u Central av Forrester Lsaac N. machinist, 65 Hollins Forrester James, bricklayer, 382 e Madison Foi tester John E. bricklayer, 382 e Madison Forrester John, engineer, 9 s Republican Forrester John F. carp, and builder, 114 Walsh Forrester J. Randolph, carp. 114 VValsh Forrester John W. stonecutter, 40 Constitution 1.-5 4«^ HOLMES A CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O F. Eresee, Gen'l Agt. FOR 195 FOS DQ Forrester Joseph A. bra^sfinisher, 138 n Bond Foriesiei- Nichohis, ciirp. 443 e Eager Forrester Patrick, lab, 190 West Forrester Robert, blacksmith, 140 Harford av Forrester Thos. G. plasterer, -eV n Bond Forrester Wm. E. c:erk, 114 Walsh Forrester Wm. H. carp. 252 w Hoffman, shop in the lear Forrester Wm. H. stonecutter, 283 n Front Foriester Wm. R. stonecutter, 283 n Front Forrie Jolm, shoemkr, 22 n Poppleton Forseii Levi, jiruvjsion, 11 Bank Forster Geo. H. (Goldsborough, Forster & Co.) 319 LexingtOE Forster John, carp. 79 Cambridge Forster John, jr. shucker, 79 Cambridge Forster Samuel, carp, 79 Cambridge Forsvth Ales , Patterson av nr Whatcoat Forsvih Alex, bricklayer, 5 Bruue f'ursjth Alex. D. packer, 11 Russell Forsyth Alex. M. jr. clerk, 128 n Bond Forsyth Mrs. Ann, 5 Brune Forsyth C T. fireman, 180 Hollins Forsyth Charles E. barkeeper. 76 w Fayette Forsyth David J. carp. 279 n Eutavv Fors\ th F. J. conductor, 169 George Forsyth Francis .\1 . clerk, 109 Mosher Forsyth James B. bricklayer, 202 George Forsyth James, drayman, 60 u Dallas Forsyth James J. cooper, 126 Hamburg Forsyth J. W. coachp^iinter, 109 Mosher Forsyth John A. police, 6 Henrietta Foisyth J. Falconer, salesman, 143 Hanover Forsvth John T. print-er, 35 Holland FORSYTH JUSEPH F. restaurant, 3 n High Forsytli Lewis M. 426 vv Baltimore Forsyth Manuel T.'sr. snuffmaker, Gail & Ax, 216 n Bond Forsyth Manuel T. engineer and machinist, 252 and 253 w Biddle Forsyth Robt. lab. 35 Holland Forsyth Kobt. T. lioilermkr, 97 Battery av Forsyth Robt. W. clerk, 137 e Lombard Forsyth Thos. G bricklayer, 98 Pine Forsythe John W. machinist, Woodberry Forsythe Saml. machinist, Woodberry Forsythe Thomas M. painter, Woodberry Fort Allen T. painter, 175 .Montgomery Fort Avenue(M.E.)chapel, cor Fort av& Hall la Fort Chas. H. D. dental student, 88 Hanover Fort Mrs. Cordelia, conf'y, 175 -Montgomery Fort Horace T. C. 175 Montgomery Fort John, milk, 197 w Biddle Fort Leander A. carj). 197 w Biddle Fort Thos. clerk, Mt, Vernon Fortenbaugh Albert, barber, 3 s Frederick Fortenbaugh Charles (G. Seimers & Co.) 13 McHenry Fortier Mrs. Zelia, 77 St Paul Fortmau .Mrs. Annie, 183 s Cnarles Fortman Adolphus, carp. 224 Dover Fortman B'-rnard, lab. 82 West Fortman Bernard, jr. lab. 82 West Fortman Henry, cabinetmkr, 40 Boyd Fortman John blacksmith, 285 Cross Fortman Maynard, cabinetmkr, 38 Leadenhall Fortman Wm. lab. 151 Collington av porwood John R. carp. 36 Holland porvvood Wm. A. paperhanger, 231 n Eden porwood Wm. L. 231 n Eden posler Mrs. Catherine, 4 Sarah Ann posler Geo. carp. 533 e Fayette Fosler Job. carp. 31 Collington av g Fosler Uriah, carp. 25 Collington av „_, Fosler Wm. H. tinner, 73 n Washington ^ Foss Chas..M. trimmings, 243 Penna av PH Foss Geo. L. salesman, 119 w Biddle r^ Foss Henry, lab. 89e Lombard ^ Foss Henrv J 371 McHenrv '" FOSS & HOMER (John N. Foss, Chas. Homer, 0> jr ) pork butchers and packers, cor Hudson o and Clinton Q Foss Jol.n H. boilermkr, 161 William "^ Foss John N. (F. & Homer) Clinton nr Hudson "^ Foss W. C. salesman, 1 19 w Biddle pq Foss Wm. W. 119 w Biddle Fossard Wooster (Koeliler& F.) 74 Penna. av -^ Fossett Mrs. Aberilla, 67 s Caroline J^ Fossett Khvood, shirt cutter, 37 s Exeter ^ Fossett Harry C clerk, 63 n Broadway Fossett James E. clerk, 3.7 s Exeter Q Fossett John E. oysters, 63 MiUiman ;^ Fossett John, lab. Washington nr Jefferson Fossett Richard, cardriver, Harford road nr og Homestead Fost Geo. fireman, 57 e Madison M Foster Ambrose, 296 Walsh O Fosler Benj:imin, clerk, 91 Lexington O Foster Berry C. salesman, 90 Mulberry |> Foster Chas". T. clerk, Charles-st av nr Denmead >^ Poster Chas. tool dresser, 78 Greenm't av ^• Foster David C. printer, 262 e Fayette ^ Foster David B. plumber, 453 n Central av * Foster Douglas, clerk, 15 h Broadway ^ Foster Eldridge Jl. books, stationery, &c. 39 n ^ Eutaw, dw 296 Walsh ' Foster Mrs. Elieabeth, seamstress, 239 s Paca ^^ Foster Mrs. Elizabeth, 168 n Dallas P^ Fosler E. K. 154 Bolton 'i^ Foster E V. horseshoer, 78 Greenmount av <^ Foster Franklin, fireman, 146 Barre p^ Foster FranklinW\enginter, Johnson nr Clement ^ o o Foster Francis, shipjoiner, ) 74 Bank Foster Geo. lab. 129 Leadenhall Foster Geo. H. liquors, 319 Lexington Foster Geo. S. regalia manuf. 467 e Chase [V] Foster Capt. Henry, mariner, 86 Mosher qJ Foster Capt. Henry, mariner, 43 Jackson ^ Foster Henry, lab 271 s Durham ^ Foster Heniy, carter, 158 West |> Foster Henry H. clerk, Strieker nr Patterson av Fosler Isaiah W. grainer, 120 n Republican ^ Foster J. N. general agent, 28 St. Paul, dw 269 ^ e Biddle ^ Foster James, lab. 28 Hudson al |~^ Foster Dr. James F. 261 n Bond ^ Foster James H. clerk, 545 vv Fayette O Foster James M. plumber, 453 n Central av i_h Foster Capt. James W. 193 Hanover Foster John, carp. 79 Cambridge ft Foster, John jr. shucker, 79 Cambridge ^ Foster John C. real estate broker, 1 Law bidg. <^ dw 220 w Hoffman Foster John D., Maltby house p^ Foster John Hunton, job printer, 2^ Light, dw ^ 94 Saratoga r> Fosier John .M. carp. Federal nr Belair av ^ Foster John T. 45 Lexington ^ Fosler John T. blacksmith, 78 Greenmount av Foster Dr. .M. Whilldin, dentist, 48 Franklin Jz; Foster .Margaret, 175 n High <; Foster Michael, shoemkr, 64 n Wolfe ^ Foster R. E. & Co. ^ K. E. Foster) manufrs ofl— i cigars, over 101 w Lombard Ph ^ < mPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. FOS 196 FOX t-l K w P4 H ^ OT H Z >H < iC O P rn O CO P^ 00 O OS > a " o " — ' -?• 0^:3 w<< ox IX O » o FOSTER REUBEN.genenil nianicicr Richmond and Voik River iind Chesapfitke Riiilroad Line, 144 Li^tit-st wlif, dw 15 n Broadway — ISee advertisement. Foster Ricliurd F. excavntor, 16 Patterson uv Foster Rol)'. ciparmkr. 4 Patterson av Foster Robt. E.(R.E. Foster & Co.)3(J4 Mulberry Foster Samuel. luacliinist, Mt. Vernon Foster Mrs. Sarah, boardinfr, 223A w Pratt Foster & Selhnan. (W. T. Foster' A. Sellman) nidse. hroki-rs, 49 ExchaM<:e pi Foster .Mrs Sophia C. 317 e Madison Foster Tlios. plumlier, 30 Etiinji Foster Thos. N. clerk, 85 s Bond Foster Thos. Y. horse dealer, 142 n Pine Foster Vinton blacksniith, 78 Greenniount av Foster W. R watchman, '^64 McDonoyh Foster \Vm. carp. 78 Greenniount av Foster W'm. painter. Sweet Air Foster Wm. tinner, 73 n Washinfrton Foster Wm. A. bookkeeper, 1.54 Bolton Foster Wm. G. stonecutter, 174 Bank Foster Wm. H. bricklayer, 349 Mulberry Fester Wm. H., Appraiser's office, dw 260 n Broadway Foster Wm. H. R. carp. 223 n Eden Foster Wm. J. machinist, 2:-iO Conway Foster Wra. P. jiainter, 78 Greenniount av Foster Wm. R. (Carey & F.) Cbarles-st av near North av Foster Wra. S. bricklayer, 349 Mulberry Foster Wm. T.(F. jj- Sellman) Charles-st av nr Uenmead Foster Wm. W. canrakr, 168 n Dallas Fothergill Kliza. school, 87 McCuUoh Foudriat Madam Pierre, fluler, 213 u Howard Foudriat Pierre, 21.3 n Howard Foulk Elizabeth, 140 e Madison Foulke Rol)t. carp. 304 Cross Foundry Church and S. School, cor Oak and Federal Fountain Edw. C. mariner, 118 s Caroline FOUNTAIN HOTEL, B. Nash,prop'r, Camden nr Howard Fountain Jackson, peddler, 48 Curtis al P'ountain Mrs. Louisa, 412 Mulberry Fountain M trey, salesman, 77 Camden* Fourteen Martyrs (RC ) Church, cor Pratt and .Mount Fourth German Reformed Church, Calvert nr SiiratOL'a Foust Joseph, carp. 287 e Eager FOUST T. M. a-ent lor U. B. Mutual Aid So- ciety of Pennsylvania, rear of 85 w Fayette, dw 1 Clinton av F(JUTZ&CO (S.A.Fouiz)produce,144Franklin Foutz Di'vid E. patent medicines, 105 Frank- lin, dw, 124 Ilirlem av Foutz S. A. ( Foutz & Co.) Baltimore co Fowlile Abraham, carp. 259 w Fayette Fowble Henry F. huckster, 282 Franklin Fowle James H. salesman, 1.30 w Fayette Fowler Albert, cicik. Light and G'Tinan Fowler .Mrs. Amelia, 362 3 Broidway Fowler Mrs. Ann, 18 8 Green Fowler Mrs. Caroline, Druid Hill av ext Fowler Chas. mariner, 31 Hi nriotUi P'owler ("has. F. paperliaii;^er, 544 Saratoga Fowler Ch is. W. machinist, 317 n Ann FOWLER & CO. (M.J. Fowler,J. F.Smith) .soap and candle nianufs. 28 and 30 Buren Fowler Chas. W. coachtrimmer, 466 Mulberry Fowler David, attorney, 49 \v Fayette, dw Bal- timore CO Fowler .Mrs. D ivid Q. 665 Lexinpton Fowler David S. butcher, Druid Hill av ext Fowler Edward H. conveyancer, 7 St. Paul, dw 81 William Fowler Mrs. Ellen S 47 Luzerne Fowler Fred.(F., Zeigler & Co.) Maiden Choice rd, Baltimore co Fowler Geo. A huckster, 237 Lexington Fowler Geo. T. coachpainter, 243 \v Fayette Fowler Henry C. lab. Spring nr Biddle Fowler Henry E. lab. 47 Luzerne Fouler Isaac, j)la3terer, 350 n Gay Fowler James, moulder, 241 Hollins Fowler James F. driver, 191 Barre Fowler James H. painter, l(i2 s Strieker Fowler James H. painter, 544 Siratoga Fowler Jumes R. cardriver, 204 Stirling Fowler James S. mariner, 262 s Bioadway Fowler Jeremiah, tea,452and 454 w Baltimore, dw 9 Hollins Fowler Jeremiah, clerk, 242 Gongh Fowler John, machinist, 241 Hollins Fowler John A. blacksmith, 782 w Pratt Fowler John H.(F., Zeigler & Co. and Higgins, Cobb & Co.) .Maiden Choice rd, Balto. co Fowl -r John L. carp. 317 n Ann Fowler J John M. distiller, 755 w Baltimore Foy. Michael, brakeman, 353 Cathedral Foy Mrs. Sarah, saloon and grocery, Thames s^ and Phil[>ot ^ Foyd Thos. iab. 36 Bennett =s FoyeG.F. sup. base ball grnds, Pen naav nrBaker H Foyinan Joseph, tailor. 1 Abbott ,-—; Fiaatz A. W. clerk, 21 .Myrtle av G Fiaatz Mrs. Louisa, 21 Myrtle, av " Frackman John, blacksmith, 9 Chew O Frahlay Francis J. lab 46 Essex q Frahlay Margaret, grocery. 46 Essex g Frailey Elzina M. 215 n Howard • — Frailey Leonard M. clerk, 215 n Howajd Frainie CluulfS, baker, 114 w Biddle Fraiey John W. (Simpson, Sons & Co.) New York i^ Fraiey M. 78 n Caroline ^ Fraiey Michael, lab. rear of Gould la ^^ Fraliu; Geo. lab. 89 Harrison, Canton - Fralindger Florence, glassblower, 42 Covington (^ FRAME ^ BROWN (James Frame and Fred. Q J. Brown) attorneys, 40 St. Paul Frame Geo (Geo.E.Bowdoin & Co.)34 n Gilmor =^ Frame James (F. & Brown) 325 Linden av FRA.MES GEO. A. apoth'y. Monument and Q Aisqiiith O FRAMES J. P. k CO. (J.P.Frames, L. H. Nice) O a[;oihecaries, s e cor Gay and Aisquith ^ Frames Jas. P. (J. P.F.& Co. )Gay and Aisquith *^ Fraucaise Pensiore, boarding, 104 n Howard • France .Andrew, i;ainter, 293 n Dallas fH France Chas. E. conductor, 11 Forrest pi France Mrs. Emily, 3-^ Constitution ^ France Frederick, sawyer, 110 s Howard k^ France Jacob sr. shipping merchants, 178 East-|^ ern av, dw 40 s Eden France Jacob, bacon, Harford rd opp Darley OQ Park France Jacob jr. (Griffith & F. ) 49 s Eden France Joseph, peddler, 85 Bank France Rev. Joseph, 4o6 n Strieker France-Mrs. Maria, 193 n Republican Francf M trtha, dressmkr, 34 Constitution France Michael, furniture, 280 Canton av France Peter, carp. 75 Barnes Fiance Ringgold, photographer, Clay and Eu- taw, dw 194 w Biddle ^ France Spencer L. (Lyon Bros. & Co.) Sum- j^^ ter and Caroline ^ France Thos. A. chairinkr.Poppleton and Peirce France Wilbur T clerk, 40fi n Strieker ^>| France Wm 35 Gough ^ Francis Albert, painter, 102 Cheapsid^ ^ Francis Al^-xander, varnisher, 256 n Eden "r^ Francis Andrew J. clerk, 34 Aisquith ^ Francis Christopher J. machinist. 67 Holland ^ Francis Mrs. Elizabeth, 256 n Eden O Francis LH.(Francis,Sumner^Co.)446MulberryO Francis James, photographer, 256 n Eden Francis Jesse, machinist, 67 Holland Francis John, carrier, 34 Spring Row Francis John T. carrier, 34 Spring Row Francis John W. canmkr, 256 n Eden Francis Mrs. Robert, 34 Aisquith ^ Francis, Sumu'-r & Co. (L H. Francis, Jas. E. Sumner) hat and bonnet bleachers, over n w cor Liberty and Lexington Eh &q t-:| Power Press Printing, at Pv,educed Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) ^.r-oe' Ivlutiial Life Insurance Co. of New York. FRA 198 FRA o ^ oc ^ > — ^ - U) > — ' o =0— :^ Jl = ^ X . W -^ a s^ — o r S H _) >-> 'fi. " ~z -^ 1 ,m» '^-^ -^^ =: aJ ^«» "• o a •'Cm J 1; C o: t: ^ — «» ■5 5^-^ :; X i q 2 =^ Francis Tlios. W. baker, 315 Orle.-ins Francis Wm. J. 34 Aisquilli FruncU August, tobacconist, 83 Ensor Franck Charles E. stoves. 155 w iiiddle Frauck Charles, jrlassblovver, 27 Covington FnincU Christian, pianotnkr, 82 Russell Franck Ernst, butcher, 82 Russell Franck Georjce, 283 w Fayette Franck Geo. potter, 2G3 Canton av Franck Geo. C. house (urnishinj; goods, 155 w Biddle Franck Geo. cijiMrmkr, 182 Preston Franck Gustav, 82 Russell Franck G. Willie, clerk, 283- w Fayette Franck Ilelene, teachei" 7 Knsor Franck John L, glass fltittener. 39 Covingto^a Franck Josej)!!. glasscutter, 3'J Covington Franck .M. V. C. ciuarmkr, 155 w Biddle Franck Mrs. .Mary, teacher, 7 Fnsor Franck Richard T. clerk, 155 w Biddle Fianck .Mrs. Louisa, 352 Light Franck Philip L. lab. 39 Covington Franie Geo. provisions, 4-;0 Saratoga Frank & Adler, (C. Adler, S. Frank) wholesale boots and shoes, 320 and 322 w Baltimore Frank A. (A.F.&Co ) 65 n Front Frank A. & Co. (A. and M. Frank,) wholesale clothiers, 240 w Pratt Frank A. 2 Pearl Frank Henry, clerk, 159 w Lombard Frank Henry, machinist, 58 s Charles P>ank Henry, sigannkr, 481 w Limbard Frank Ib-nry, shoemkr, 126 Sterling Frank Henry, 22 s High Frank Henry, peildler, 159 n Eden Frank Henry, grocery, 162 Pearl Frank Henrv, cundy manfr. 115 e Baltimore Frank Henrv A. baker, Eastern av nr First Frank Henry L. (L.F.,Soiis & McAlvey) 309 v Fayette Frank Isaac, tobacconist, 162 Light-st whf, dw 73 n Eden Frank Jacob, sec. hand goods, 59 s Bond Frank Jacob, butter, 107 W^alsh Frank Jacob L. clerk. 124 e Baltimore Frank Jacob, shoemkr, 147 Burgundy al Frank .lohn, cooper, 3&'? s Kutnw Frank John, grocery, 5 n Fremont Frank John, shoemkr, 327 Hamburg Frank John, cigarmkr, 62 LeadeHhall Frank John, lab. 17 Hull al Frank John A. junk, 24 Biddle al Frank John George, pianomkr, 327 ELimburg^ Frank John H. b.irber, 88 Eastern av and cigar s4ore, 22^ n Howard, dw 88 Ej\stern av Frank Capt. John T. mariner, 79 s Ann Frank Joseph, lab. 4 n Amity Frank Joseph, shoemaker, Second nr Centre Market sp, dw 84 s Chapel Frank Kais'M-, actor, 32G .McDonogh Frank Kaufman, property agent, 189sBroadway Frank L., Sons & .McAlvey (L. and H.L.Frank, T. McAlvey. M. L. Frank) wbol. shoe manfs. s e cor Lombard and Sharp Frank Leon, (L. F., Sons & McAlvey,) 124 e Baltimore Fr.mk Louis P. Ill w Fayette Frank Louis II. salesman, 22 s High Frank Louis, carp. 73 Bank Frank Louis N. clerk, 105 Orleans Frank Louis S. clerk, 28 s Broadway Frank Louis, (GreatN.Y.TeaCo.) Rennert bouse Frank Louis, clerk, 40 Conwav Frank M. L. (L. F., Sons & McAlvey ) 124 e Baltimore Frank .Marcus, (A.Frank &Co.) 11 Aisquith Prank Mis. Mary, 326 McDonosjh Frank Mrs. Magdaliiie, 207 s Wusiiington Frank Mrs. .Mary, 170 Peirce Frank .Mrs. Meta. dressmkr, 56 Clarke Frank Dr. ^Hcl)ael, vet. surg. 97 s Paca Frank Micliael, porter, 138 Barre Frank Michael, canmkr, 207 s Washington Frank Capt. Milton B. real estate broker, 156 Jefferson Frank Moses (A. Frank 4; Co.) 65 n Front Frank .Moses (F.&Hamurerslough ) 265 Saratoga Frank Moses, e.-ipress, 121 Orleans Frank Moses K.. clothing, 189 s Broadway Frank Myer A.L.^Heilner & F.) I24e Baltimore- Frank N. tailor, 162 vv Pratt, dw 40 Conway Fralik Nathan, junk, 105 Orleans Frank Nison (R., Walter & Co.) 10 Hollins Frank Otto, cigarmkr, 176 Greenmount av Fr.mk Peter, lab. (Castle ext Frank Philip, lab. 4 n Amitv FRA.VK, ROSENBERG it CO. (Alex, and D, Frank, Louis and Siaiou Rosenberg) bankers ami brokers, 15.'4 w Baltimore Frank Samuel, butcher, 42 Fells Point market and C, Lexington market.dw 28 s Broadway Frank Saml. (A. F. & Sons) 11 Aisquith Frank Selig, clerk, 51 Orleans Frank .Mrs. Simon, 96 e B.iltimore Frank Simon, sec. band clothing, 76 Harrison Frank Simon L. salesman, 124 e Baltimore Frank Solomon, (F. & Adler) 113 German Frank Wm. grocery, loG Gough Frank Wm. lab. 254 Lee HOLMES & 00., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, 'Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. FRA 199 FRA S'rank Wm. shoeinkr, 31 s Bethel Franke Ausiust, cabinetrnkr, 8 Miller Franke Ash'-r, 88 n Exeter Fraiilie Cbas.C. diamond setter and manufactr. jewelry, 398 n Gay Franke Chrisiiiin, tailor, 487 n Gay Frnnke Edward, cabinetmkr, 8 Miller Franke Mrs. Eiunia, notions, 487 n Gay Fratike Geo. moulder, \29 s Hitrh Franke Geo. (.Seid«itz <|- F.) 588 w Baltimore Franke .Mrs. Hariiet, millinery, 129 s Hif;li Franke Louis, cahinetmkr, 8 .Miller Frank'- Wm. painter, 30 s Re;i>ster Franke Wm. tailor. 21 Sleinmer al Frankel Bros. (Philip and L. Frankel) imp'rs kid gloves, corsets, fancy furn, goods, &c., 184 s Broadway Frankel Leopold (F. Bros, and L tnsburgh & Co. ) 56 Conway Frankel Philip (F. Bros.) 15 s Exeter Franken'oLir^' A.M. telegr'st, 84 Jackson sq av Frarikenburg Cathai ine.trrocery, 1 27 .McElderry Frankenburg Geo. sr. butcher 84 Jackson sq av Frankenhuijf Geo. jr. teles:r'st,84 Jackson sq av Frankei;burg John, butcher. 84 Jackson sq av Frankenburj^ John, biitchT, 127 McKlderry Frankenstein & Son, (Sanil. and Simon Frank- enstein) cattle brokers, 9.'>3 \v Pratt Frankensti-in Samuel, (F. & Son) 933 w Pratt Frankenstein Simon, (F. k Sun) 19 s Fulton Franklanil Walter E clerk, 66 Sarato^'a Franklin B. bookkpr, Amitv and Booth FRANKLIN BENJAMIN, Carpen- ter and Builder, and sole agent for Torrey's Patent Weather Strips, No. 1 N. Sharp street. Franklin Benj. carp. 1 n Sharp, dw 180 Walsh Franklin Benj. P. (F. & Son) 107 L.Greene FRANKLIN BANK, Chas. J. Baker, presl. 15 South Franklin Buildinjj, e side North, beiw Balti- more and Fayette Franklin Coal Co. Jas Boyce, prest. 3 German Frat'klin Mis. Kva, grocery, Booth and Amity Franklin F. surveyor, 228 Linvale Franklin Fire Insurance Co. ot Baltimore, Levi S White, prest. 32 Second Franl'lin Fire Ins. Co. of Indianapolis, 8 Ger- man nr South Franklin Fire Ins. (,'o. of Wheeling, West Va. ag(-ncy 13 Rialto building Franklin Geo. paperDoxniicr, 21 Harrison Franklin Geo. C. watchraakr, 21 Harrison Franklin Geo. R. blacksmith. 43 s Gilinor Franklin Henry, boxmkr, 4 Broad al Franklin Henry J, contractor, 34 Stockton Franklin Henry J. flagman, 34 Stockton Fiankliu House, cor Franklin and Howard Franklia Hotel, Edward H. Beans, prop'r, 50 Hillen Franklin Isaac, shoenikr, 796 w Baltimore Franklin Jacob, law student, 796 w Baltimore FraiiKlin J. D. (F. & Son) 107 L. Greene Franklin J. W. salesman. 180 Walsh Franklin John T. carp. 26 Whatcoat Franklin La[id and Loan Co. over s w cor Cliarles and Lexington, John Ahern, treas Franklin Margaret, milliner, 73 Lexington Franklin Mrs. .Marietta, grocery, 103 e Fayette Franklin Moses, salesman, 796 w Fayette Franklin Mrs. Rebecca, 334 Franklin Franklin Robt. H. (James Duncan . Frantz ,^ Co. (J. I. Frantz, N. S. Hipsley) pro-P" visions, 48 w Centre Frantz J. I. (F. & Co.) Calvert and Franklin ';^ Franz Andrew, tailor, 266 n Central av Franz Benedict, huckster, 74 Jackson sq av ^ Franz Chas. shoemkr, 322 Aisquith |^ Franz Chas. jr. shoemkr, 322 Aisquith [> Franz Chas. tailor, 35 Hampstead Franz Chas. patternnjkr, 426 e Fayette ^ Franz Conrad, grocery, 67 Somerset t-^ Franz Conrad, tailor, 68 Eusor ^ Franz Mrs. Elizabeth, 264 n Central av t_| Franz Ferdinand, baker, 74 J ickson sq av Z-^ Franz Geo. (J.M.Franz & Sonj cor Fayette and — < Castle ^ Franz Henry, shoemkr, 222 e Monument j. Franz Henry, shoemkr, 96 Hillen ^ Franz Herman L. stairbuilder, 361 e Fayette -<| Franz John, carp. 7.o Barnes ic^ Franz John, milk, 70 Somerset ^ Franz John A. cutter, 276 e .Madison ZQ Franz John Michael, (J. M. Franz & Son) cor Fayette and Castle — ^ Franz Julius, lab. Fayette nr Chester ^ Franz J. M. &Son (J. M. Franz, Geo. Franz) <^ grocery, cer Favette and Castle Franz Peter, tobacconist, 206 s Bond O Franz Pt-ter, tailor, 452 e Monument ^ Franz Valentine, tailor, 127 s Wolfe i— i Franzke Paul, pianomkr, 444 Cross pH Frasier David, engineer U.3 N. 211 Barre ^ Frasier David W. jr. bricklayer, 211 Barre >~^ Fraske Mary, silkworker, 91 n Amity j Fratus .A.nton, lab. 8 Curley r, Fratus Patrick, lab. 8 Curley Frauenholtz John, lab. 87 Somerset Frauenknecht John, lab. 181s Bethel Frawlev John. lab. 10 Curlev IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. FRA 200 FRE H W W C^ H H C/J >C ca >H o D ^ ^ -3 c D 5 vj FrHV Wm. machinist, 346 Eastern av Fray John, hib. Elliott nr Clinton Fray Samuel, lab. 193 s Chester Frayir Junies, lab. 130 w Bidille Friizer \Vni. R. sr. elk, 22 n Republican Frazer Wm. R. jr. elk, 22 n Repulilican Frazier Mrs.Adeliiie,cunfec'.v, 301 Franklin Frazier .Mrs.Alverton K.eonlec'y, 159 n Strieker Frazier Ch.is. E. machinist, 51 s Chester Frazier ChMS. W. car driver, 33 3 Ann Frazier Christian, butter, 44 n Dallas Fraziei- Cornelius S. watchman city hall, 10 Jackson Frazier Edward H. 332 e Pratt Frazier Mrs. Ellen, 58 Fawn Frazier Geo. barkpr, 54 Hillen Frazier Geo. H. Ciirp. 25 Essex Frazier Geo.. M. 108 s Bond Frazitr Jacob, lab. 7 Anthony Frazier James F. carp. 188 Pennaav Frazier James H. driver, 68 Clifford al Frazier John C. oyster packer, 25 Essex Frazier (^apt.John L. mariner, 73 n Broadway Frazier Mis. John, boarding, 141 u Calvert Frazier Jos. B. sr. turner, cor Bond aud Alice- anna, dw 108 s Bond Frazier Jos. B. jr. turner, 108 s Bond Frazier Juli.i A. tailoress, 27 Brune Frazier .Mar German Freeland Robt (T. I. Hail & Co.) 146 St, Paul Freeland Sanil. B. conductor, 344 w Lombard Freeland Tiios. H. Bolton and Townseud Freeland W. T. clerk, ilallby house Freeland Zachariah T. clerk, 154 German Freeman Alex. dep. insp'r tobacco, 92 Lee Freeman Chas. P. sailnikr. 111 s Bead Freeman ("has. clerk, 7 Clarke Freeman .Mrs. Caroline, Ills Bond Freeman Edward, mariner, Ills Bond Freeman F. L. & Co. (F. L. Freeman) "ship brokers and com. merchts. over 50^ w Pratt Freeman Frederick L. (F. L. F. & Co.) 329 n Caroline nr John Freeman Dr. G. Meredith, 118 Greenmount av Freeman George W. grocery, Whatcoat nr Winchester Freeman James, lab. 4 Watson ct Freeman James, carp. lOS St. Peter Freeman James, furniture, 507 vv Baltimore Freeman James E. clerk, 214 n Broadway Freeman Juhn T. slioemkr, 31 Waesche Freeman Jos. lab. 129 Ridizely Freeman Julius W. clerk, 22 s Broadway Freeman Levin, carp. 214 a Broadway Freeman L. Edgar, bookkpr, 133 Scott Freeman Louis, clerk, 346 w Pratt Freeman Capt. L. W. 22 s Broadway Freeman Mrs. Martha, seamstress, 233 n Caroline Freeman R. C. salesman, B.iruum's hotel Freeman S. B. 7 Clarke Freeman Wm. F. sailmkr. 20 u Caroline Freeman Wra. P. 70 s Eden Freeman Thos. L cigarmkr, 98 Hillen Freemyer Fred. lab. 56 Fort av Freeston Wro. hardware, 272 n Howard, dw 86 Georje Freeze Carl, artist, 25 Lancaster Frehlick Conrad, lab. Canton s of Elliott Frehlick J(din, lab. Canton s of Elliott Freideureich A.& Bro.( Aaron and David Freid- enreich) grocery, s w cor Pear! and Lexington Freideureich Aaron (A.F.& Bio.)410 Le.tington Freideureich Abraham, 247 w Fayette Freidenieich D.ivid ( A.F.& Bro.) 410 Lexington Freideureich Faust, clerk, 4lo Le.xington Freideureich Levi, grocery, cor George and Myrtle )iv Freideureich Moses, salesman, 247 w Fayette Freiman Frederick, tanner, 40 Granby Freimuth Fred, machinist, Orleans and Ann Freirauth Henry, brewer, Biddle nr Castle Freimuth Henry, raichinist, 19 Ensor Freinsheiui Chas. jeweler, 153 w Madison, dw 181 Franklin Freisberger Fred, butcher Monument nr Chester Freita Anton, lab. 449 Canton av Freitag Emma, shoes, 240 s Sharp Freitag Fred basketmki-, 24 Granby Freitag Bros. (Philip and Henry Freitag) cigar manufacturers, 238 Li^ht Freitag Mr.'j. Christiana, oysters, 28 n Chapel Freitag Chas lab. 28 n Chapel Freitatr Henry, brickmkr, 747 Light Freitag Henry, (F. Bros.) 238 Light Freitag Philif, (F. Bros.) 238 Light Freitiig Theodore, tailor, 185 Lee Freitag Wm. jr. lab. 28 n Chapel Freitag Wm. tailor, 28 n Chapel French Andie^v, carp. 32 s Poppleton French Benj. E driver. Friendship, York rd French Chas. tailor, 6:'. n E.Keter French Chas D. i)olice, 59 McHenry French Compo. Co. basement 3 St. Paul French .Mrs. Catlieiine, lo8 e Ma;lison French Dominic, piiater, 327 e John French E. K. uml)rellas, 53 e Baltimore French Frank, telegraphist, 448 Mulberry French Geo. E. clerk, 589 Penna av French Geo. F. inspector 0. H. 73 St. Paul French Geo. W. plasterer. 337 e John French Geo. W. machinist, 40 Millim . 161 (yhoptank Frey Chas. carmkr, 37 Pena Frey Chas. sr. prof, of languages. 12 s Gay Frey Chas. jr. 12 s Gay Frey Chas. G. lab. 33 Brune Frey Chas baker, 303 n Eutuw FREY C S. & E. B. plaster mill and manu- facturers of prep'd coin husks, 18 Harford av Frey C. S. (C. S. & E. B. F.)ll Greenmountav 02 Pq o O d o o o r/5 I— I C3 "^ o I— I I— I H > I — I EH < Power Press Printini (Maryland Ins. Co y, at Reduced Rates, s Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. FRE 202 FRI t3 z Frev E. B. (C. S. & E. B. F ) 293 e Biddlc J ,^ Frey E. k S. (SamuM W. and James H. Frey) s '"^ wholes, drujrs-'ists, 314 vv Baltimore ^ ? Frey Rmaiiuel, blarksmith, 223 Calliedral - "C f''6y Geo. barber, rear 114 a Howard ~ ^ Frey Geo. lab. G3 s .Monroe = _- Frey Gotleib, 2H3 s Sharp ,^ ^ Frey Jacob, shoenikr, 2(^3 Li ;::i FreV James H. (E. & S. Frey) 159 Suratoga ^ 'r^ Frey Jas. L. (.F.L.F.&Co.) cor John and Valley >», Frey James L.&Co. (James L. Frey ami Richard '-^ i£ Thomas) mattress manufs. 84 \v Baltimore, • — — factory s e cor diroline and (Jhew t J Frey John J. (F., Wulp-rt & Co.) 269 Lauvale ~ i, Frey John B. clerk, 269 Laavale ^ Z, Frey John, carp. 339 Lee .^^ Frey John, machinist. 35 s Republican ^ ^ Ftey John, shoemaker. 474 Penna av •^ P Frey John, bookkpr, 31 n Exeter ^ -^ Frey Lewis H. clTk, 91 Eastern ay — ^ "2, Frey Lewis, lab. 15 Brown la *^ Frey Peter, cabinctmkr, 61 Eastern av t) Frev Robert, beer, 32 Jefferson > ?^' Frey Samuel \V. (K. k S. Frey) 554 Le.xington Z Frev Sulomon K. entrineer, 17 Greenmount av "^ t FRKV, WALPKRT & CO. (J. J. Frey, F. Wal- es 'IZ pert, Wm. .Mantz) munufrs. husk mattresses, ^ •T' Steam curled hair, bristles &c. 28 n Gay ^ C Freyholtz F. C. tavern, 272 .-Viiceanna r ^ Freyiioltz Mary K. cij;a'S, 272 Aliceanna — ^ Fieyer Chas. driver, 68 n Schroeder f^ 3 Freyer Chas. tailor, 360 .McDonogh C H Freyer Conrad, furn. wa^on, 68 n Schroeder ■" ^ Freyer Henry, lab. 295 s Durlmm ri' < Freyer John, furn. wa;ion, 72 n Schroeder ^ _2 Freyman Conrad (Gaehle & Co.) 313 Mulberry cC ""^ Freyman Hmannel, ciu'armkr, 346 w Pratt ~ tij Frick .\braham, printer, 50 e Eager "^ 2i Frick Mrs. Dr. 94 w .Monument 2 CJ Frick E. A. flour and produce com. merchant ""si 75 North, dw 222 Madison av "■p Frick Frank, (C. .Morton Stewart & Co.) 398 1 ^ Park av FRICK GEO. P. & CO. (Geo. P. Frick and Wm. E. Wall ) dry goods, 11 s (Jharles cor German Frick Geo. P. (George P. F. & Co.) prest. B., P. H. & W. P.R.R n e cor Parkav & Mosher Frick J. Swan, attorney, 43 Lexington, dw 61 Fanklin Frick Jas. coal, 13 and 15 H.mover, dw 175 n Howard ;^ 5 Frick Wm. jr. supt. B., P. H. & W. R. R., S ,_ .Mc.Mtcliin nr John 2 ri FlUCIv VVILLL\M F. attorney, over 43 Lex- 'Tj-'^ ington, dw6l Franldin , s tc Frick W. Turnbull, clerk, 258 Park av ? .5 Fricke Henry, manuf'r cigars, 44 Aisquith _:: ,'± Frickel Henry, tailor, 190 s Regester "^ XL Frickel Henry J. carp. Hull nr Fort av ^ .- Fricker Au>r. shoemkr, 422 Saratoga i* Jl Fncker C. W. provisions, 76 Ramsay • ^ cS Fricker ICdward, clerk, 54 Harford av C • - Fricker John, gilder, 3(j n Caroline ^ ■- Fricker J.)hn A. clerk, 207 u Caroline X ^ Fricker Wm. P. cigartukt, 27 Pleasant ** >-. Friday John, lab. 5 Shakspear Frie Rudolph, lab. 290 Scott Friebertshauser Ada/n, lieer, 128 e Fayette Fried Emanuel H. clerk, 85 Harrison Fried Emanutl, shot's, 1(I9 n G av, dw 171 Fried .Mrs. Henry, clothier, 85 Harrison Fried Jacob, clerk, 35 Harrison Fried Lazarus, boots and shoes, 171 n Gay Fried Louis, shoes, 70 Centre .Market sp, dw 171 n Gay Friedberger Joseph (W. F. & Son,) 22 s Paca Friedberger L. grocery, 652 w Baltimore Friedberger Lewis, clerk, 23 s Paca Friedberger Myer, traveling agi>nt, 22 s Paca Friedberger Samuel, clerk, 652 w Baltimore Friedberger W. & Son, ( W. Friedberger & J. Friedberger,) liverv stables, 47 s Paca Friedberirer Wolfe, (W- F. k Son,) 22 3 Paca Friedel Chas. baker, 377 Eastern av Friedel Edward, cigarmkr, 11 s Eutaw Friedel Frank, baker, 84 Somerset Friedel Fred, shoemkr, 14 Fell Friedel Geo. N. toys, 187 s Sharp Friedel John C. beer, 11 Greenmount av Friedel Louis, heater, 280 s Broadway Friedel Peter, tobacconist, 84 Pearl Friedel! Jacob, tailor, 145 s Spring Frieilenberg Harris, shoemkr, 61 Harrison Friedensrichter Chris, bnishmkr, 14 President P'riedeiiwald Dr. Aaron, prof. College Physicians and Sur-icons, 88 n Eutaw Friedenwald Benj. B. clerk, 118 e Baltimore Friedenwald Hiram W. clerk, llSe Baltimore Friedenwald Isaac, (Wiesenfeld & Co.) 11 3 Howard Friedenwald Jonas, salesman. 111 e Baltimore Friedenwald Joseph. (Wiesenfeld k Co. and Wiesenfeld Stein & Co.) pres't Permanent Laid Co. 22 Second, dw 118 e Baltinore Friedenwald Moses, 126 e Baltimore Friederich Chris, jeweler, 204 s Bond Friedrich Henry G. confecl'y, 80 (irleans Friedrich John (3. confectionery, 80 Orleans Friedrich John G. butcher, Harford av nr City limits Friederich Henry, grocery, 138 Greenmountav, dw 136 Friederich John G. butcher, 95 Centre and 27 Hanover markets, dw Haiford av Friederich John, watchmkr, 181 e Baltimore Friederich Lewis, tobacconist, S20 w Baltimore Friederich Michael, beer, 182 s Ann Friederich Ochs, tailor, 298 Hanover Friederick Thos. carp. 165 Preston Friedhofer John W. carp. 10 Abey al Friedhofer Wm. driver, 602 w Pratt Friedlein .Mrs. Elizabetii, notions, 532 Saratoga Friedlein Robt. E. upholsterer, 5;-'.2 Saratoga H'riedlein Francis, varnisher, 532 Saratoga Friedmann Isaac, clothing 66 Harrison Friedmann Moses, 145 s Bond Friedmann .\Ienka, clothier, 241 w Pratt, dw 79 (Jamden Friedmann Samuel lab. 145 s Bond Friedman Sam'l clothing, 66 Harrison Friedmeyer Herman, lab. 161 s Chester Friend Chas. shucker. 183 Madeira al Friend Conrad, engineer, 1^3 Madeira al Friend C. \\. clerk. 38 n Calvert Friend John, lab. 183 Madeira al FRIENDS' ELEMENTARV AND HIGH SCHOOL, E. .M.Lumb,principal, rear Friends' Meeting House, Lombard e of Eutaw I ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. FRI 203 FRU Friend Mathias, lab. 151 Elliott Friends' Graveyard, J. J. Collins, keeper, Har- ford rd nr Homestead Friends' Meetimr House, Eastern District, cor Aisqulth and Fayette Friends' Meeting House, Orthodox, cor Eutaw and Monument Friends' Meeting: House, Western District, Lom- bard e of Eutaw Friendship Quadrille Assoc' n, over 4 Harrison Fries Aug:, cutter, '20 s Eutaw Fries Louisa, saleswoman, 20 s Elutaw Freise Fredk. carp. 262 s Bond Friese Geo. D. sr. cutler, 20 s Eutaw Freise Geo. D. jr. shoeinkr, 20 s Eutaw Friese Henry, shucker, 262 s Bond FrieSe Mis. Johanna, tailoress, 8 Barnes Friese Charles, currier, 213 and 215 Canton av, dw 211 Friese Fred, currier, 211 Canton av Friese Fred C. currier, 84 s Re>rester Friese Joseph, chairmkr, 61 LeadenhaH Friese Philip C. attorney, over 75 w Frtyette,dw 2'i5 ! ranklin Friese P. W. tanner and currier, 211 Canton av Friese Thomas, lab. 9 Hillen Fciesermann Jacob, mariner, 297 Aliceanna Friesner John, lab. 426 Canton av Friess Mrs. Catherine, tavern, 94 Thames Friess Chas. canmkr, 94 Thames Friess Henry, canmkr, 94 Thames Frietch Frank, cabinetmkr, 14 n Wolfe Frietch Joseph, barber, Waverley FrinckeRev. Chas. 207 s sharp Frini.'er Geo. E. carp. 374 n Strieker Friii^er Martha B. teacher, 374 n 8tricker Frincrer Nicholas, butcher. 374 u .Strieker Frink H.A. staves, 5 Postoffice av,dw 36 Bolton Frisbie Mrs. Catherine, 122 Gough Frisl^ie Edj. A. dressmkr, 551 w Baltimore*-^ FRIZZELL JAMES W. pictures and mirrors, .^ 430 Penna av O Frizzell Mrs Rebecca, boarding. 554 w Baltimore O Frizzell Robert, stonecutter, 158 Division r Frizzell R. T. cigarmkr, 67 n Pine Q Frobish .Mrs. Louisa, huckstress, 155 Stirling Q Frocher Geo. stonecutter, 211 Ai?quith Froehlich John C ( J.C.F.& Co.)408 e Lombard =Q FROKHLICH JOHN. C & CO. (John C. Froeh- lich,Hanson H. Keys Patrick Mullen)mach'ls — ^ and boilermkrs, 6 and 8 Thames O FroehliuL' H(-nrv, cleik, 79 n Liberty O Froehlich Jacob, butcher, 222 e Chase ^ Froelich Geo. cabinetmkr, 293 Canton av '"'^ Froelich Geo. driver, h7 O'Donnell ^^.^ Froelich Gerson, dry goods, 73 n Eutaw ^-^ Froelich H>man. Gaihedral nr North av Frost John, blacksmith. 75 s Gilmor Frost Miwgaret, 3 w Chase Frost Peter, liorseshoer, 3 w Chase Frost Plato, horseslioer, liJ4 Harford av Frost Mrs. Susan W . boarding, 155 McCulIoh Frost Thomas, steamfitter, lii4 Harford av Frow Wm. J A. moulder, 13 Callender al Frush Cassindra, 46 S Ciroline Frush Ferdinand, clerk, 46 s Caroline Frush Henry S. clerk, 318 n Eutaw Frush Geo. W. D. citv yard, 283 ii Front Frush Luiher M. 292 Madison av Frush & Snyder (Wm. \V, Frush, Henry Siiy ^ ^ r Ph o o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. der jr.) floiir and feed dealers, 95 Franklin j^ and 6 Si«ear's wtif FRUSH WM. W. & CO. (W. W. Frush, H. =^ Snyder jr.) grain, flour and manufrs. hominy and corn me-il, 6 Spears whf and 95 Franklin CO P o o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. FRU 204 FUL 2 o O o O ^ ^^ Flush Wm. W.( Flush & Snvder and W. \V. F. & Co.) 348 n Eutaw Fiy Mrs. Ctitheriin', dressmaker, 11 Sjiring ct Fry Kdward E. shot-cutler, 19:; Dolphin Fry Franklin, conductor, Cathedral nr North ar Fry Geo. W. engineer, 70 e E.ijier Fry Heury D. medical student, 63 St. Paul Fry James, machinist, 438 e Fayette Fry John C. hooklnnilerand l)oo!cs5.'iler, 5 Post. office av, d^v .\Iull)erry nr Strieker Fry John W. H. attorney, 50 w Fayette, dw 54 n Broadway Frv Capt. John E. mariner, 65 s Washington Fry Wall H. hookkpr. 45;i iMulberry Fry Wm. undertaker, 54 n Broidway Fry Wm. S. undertake;, 54 n BroaUviiy F;ye .\nton, giocery, 972 w B.iltitnore Fr>e Joseph, contracting agt. B k 0. R. R. Calvert and Baliiinore Fryer .\nilrevv, slioenikr, 146 Mullikin Frver .Andrew, clerk. 46 e Favetto FRYER & BEXD.ANN (J. Fryer, D. Bendann) manufis. mirrors and frames, ga Icry of [laint- in^rs and engraviuirs, 10 n Charles Fryer James (F. & Bendann) cor .Maryland av and Shirk Fryer John, carp. 46 e Fayette Fry r John V. sailmkr. 147 e Lombard Fryer Joseph, clerk, 142 Bolton Fryer .MorrLs, clerk, 46 e Fayette Fryer Patrick R. slioeinkr, 147 e Loruhard Fryer Thomas jr. clerk, 46 e Fayette Fryer Tbos. groc'y, n w cor Fa\eite and E.xeier Fryer Thomas A. machinist, 147 e Lombard Fryer Thom:is J. machinist, 146 .Mullikin Fnchs .\lo;s, tailor, 279 n Central av Fuchs Bern hard, shoemkr, 52 Conway Fuchs 'harles, barber, 19 e Fayette Fuchs Edward, liquors. Pratt and S;'ott Fnchs Fredk. (Schneider & F.) 49 Walsh Fuchs Frank, 79 e Lombard Fuchs Henry, shoemkr, 14 s Dewberry al Fuchs Jacoi), jeweler, 334 William Fuchs John, restaurant, 260 n Ccnlral av Fuchs Johc, lab. 496 n Fremont Fuchs Louis, varni.sher, 122 Somerset Fnchs Pauline, 260 Aliceanna Fuchs Peter, shoemkr, 6 Abbot Fuchs Wilhelm picture frames, 49 Walsh Fuchsenberger Adam, .sr. lab. 39 Bank Fuchsenberger Adam, jr. lab. 39 Bank Fuechsl Ferd. raercht. uilor, 357 w Bjltiniore, dw 499 l"u"lling Wm. barkeeper, 17 n Liberty Fn^ate Martin, hostler, 94 McKim Fugctt J irnes K. baker, 262 e M idison • Fngitt El ward L. printer, lo3 Ch-w Fu.'itt Geoiu'c .M. bricklnyer, lo3 Chew Fns^itt Luther C. bricklayer, 103 Chew Fugitt .Mrs. M.iry E. dressmkr, i(J3 Chew Fugle Fredk. clerk, 58j St. Paul Fugle James (J. F. & Co.) 1 Barnet FUtiLE JAMES & VO. (J. Fugle) cloaks and shawls, 54 and 56 n Charles Fuclniiun .Mrs. Amelia, varietv, 310 .Mulberry Fuchman .(ohu, turne-, 310 Mulberry Fiihr .Mrs. .Mary, provisions, Pratt and Fredk av Fnlirer Elias, shoes, 178 Orlems Fnid Abraham, junk, I 15 Orleans Fuld Ephraim, salcsfnan, 11 Llovd Fuld Mrs. Fanny, 83 s P.jppletoii Fuld Isaac, tobacconist, 154 d Gav Fuld Isadore, clerk, 54 Harrison Fuld Jacob, fnrn. goods, 63 Orleans Fuld John, clothing, boots and shoes, 54 Har- rison Fuld Lazarus, junk, 55 Orleans Fidd Michael, butcher, 206 Preston Fuld Philip, liquors, 119e Pratt Fulda IJernhard S. 19 u Frederick Fulda Francis, shoemkr, 43 Hill Fulda Franklin, lab. 43 Hill Fulks Dr. Jas. S. 427 w Fayette Full .Mrs. C C. corselmkr, 289 n Howard FuUbaur Chas. furn. wagon, 144 s Wolfe Fullencamp John H. helper, 13 Pearl Fuller Andrew, tailor, 3;i .Millimnn Fuller Chas. shipping office, 15 Walker Fuller Charles F. carp. 404 u Eden Fuller Charles N., C. H. 28 s Hi-h Fuller Charles W. lab. 67 s Chester Fuller Fr.inklin, 28 n Caroline Fuller Geirge, |)luml)er, 28 n Caroline Fuller George F. paperhanger, 44 n Poppletoa Fuller Henrv, police, 114 s Central av Fuller Isabella, 268 Park av Fuller Ida, teacher, 268 Park av Fuller James, engineer, 577 w Lombard Fuller J. Warren, carp. 77 n Washington Fuller John, porter, 204 German Fuller John, barber, 9.t3 w Pratt Fuller John H. lettercarrier, 291 n Eutaw Fuller Joseph, porter, 204 German Fuller Joshua, 121 n E.'ceter Fuller Mrs. Capt. Josiah, 362 e Baltimore Fuller Laura, teacher, 362 e Baltimore Fuller Lewis 0. salesmau, 463 n Carey Fuller Lucy, le.icher, 362 e Baltimore Fuller Rev"., Dr. Richar S Gabrial Paul, joiner, 303 Hanover X ^ ;^ Gabrio Adolpli, cijrannkr, G9 Portland 0 o Gabrio Frank, bricklayer, 12 Addison al !;}-_-■ J^ Gabrio Herman, lab. 64 Portland c'— ^ Gadd Charles, lab. 50 St. Peter r 3 = Gadd George, lab. foot of Leadenhall *^ OQ «* Gadd Joi)n, lab. 50 St. Peter "■-r: r' Gadd Luther C. sr. slioenikr, 127 Montgomery X ^ '- <'='J'l L"ther M. carp. 412 Li^rht j; J* :i G add Samuel S. iiigineer, 1G4 Hughes ~ ?3 'f^ Gadd Thomas J. boilermkr, 127 .^lontgome^y Gadd Wesley F. harnessmkr, 113 Montgomery GADDESS BROS. (T. S.. C. VV. and V. Gaddccis) prop's s^teuii marble works, s w cor Sharp and German, and 100, 108 and 110 s ^ _ Chailes ^ j; _^ Gaddess Chas. W.(Gaddess Bros.) 196 n Calvert -J Z- o Gaddess Henry W. clerk, 27 VVaesche 2 c 3 Gaddess Jane, 27 W'aesche 3 .^7?. Gaddess John 15. expressman, 61 Columbia J) 00 . Gaddess Mrs. Mary A. 152 w Biddle ^.^ g Gaddess Thos. S. (Gaddess Bros.) 134 Bolton - 'z y= GaddessVirginius,(GaddessBr()S.)298 wFayette ^ kZ; Q Gade John, lace weaver, 85 e Pratt '~ *j Gade Wesley, canmkr, 85 e Pratt Q * , Gader Joseph, coach painter, 117 s High ^ » Gado Chas. F. b;isketmkr, 26 s Eutaw . *^ c Gado Henry, baskelmkr, 26 s Kutaw ?^ X "o Gado Michael, basketmkr, 26 s Eutaw 5 5 "H Gaelile Conrad, baker, 23 Penna av ^ w; ^ Gaeble Paul, butcher, 85 Centre and 4 Fells ^ "T" C Point mkts. dw cor Clinton and Lancaster ■5 ^ ^ Gaebler Chas. J. clerk, 112 L. Greene _ ,~ - Gaecklein N. jeweler, 30 s Wolfe 5 "~" § Gaede Augustus, baker, 36 w Baltimore ^ .5 H Giiede Fredk. cabinetuikr, 89j e Lombard - >, ^ Gncde 0. H. carver, 47 s Central av - ~ < Gaehle .Mrs. Alma, boarding, 64 n Gay 1 -^ ^ GAEHLE & CO. (C. Freymaii) piano manufac- q i! *** turers, 5 and 7 s Eutaw. [See Advertisement. ^ -^ Gaehle Henry, 346 Le.xingtou , 5 si Gaehle Louis, piauo tuner, 339 Light ; S ^ Gaehle Lewis, agt. 178 w Lombard 3 .^ ei Gaehle Mrs. Mary D. 80 Union : .j: ^ GAEHLE S PIANO MANUFACTURING CO. ' ii '"' (formerly Gaehle & Co.) 15, 17, and 19 n ^ _^ Eutaw J CA u, Gaeng Joseph, beer, 97 n Calvert ; "^ T; Galf .Michael, lab. First av nr Clinton ^ S ? ^"f' I'atrick, lab. 23 n Durham ^ "£ *t. Gaff Thomas, lal). First av nr Clinton i ^^ ^ Gatf Wm. carp. 33 n Wolfe 5 ^ ■— Gatfey Michael, huckster, Aisquith nr Pain ^jz c Gaffney Edward, ropemkr, 15 Furrow . ^ ■"" Gatftiey Jas. morocco finisher, 17 Neighbor - ^ S ^""°'^3' John, police, 4 Neighbor : c Gatfiiey M. J. pressman, 17 Neighbor >Tc7M ('""'D*-y Thomas, 17 Neighbor ) B «> GaHbrd VV. H. 493 w Baltimore s E tt <'"H} Michael, hackinan, 248 Harford av I ^ C Gagan James, lab. Sweet Air I "^ |7 Gagan Joiin, lab. 391 Aisquith : i^-'£ Gagan Patrick, lab. 216 Division f i; ;:, Gage Catiierine, 40 a Strieker > ._ >: (iage Edgar S. edge toolmkr, 190 e Pratt t la 1^ 5 Gai;e Mis. Hannah, 321 e Jol ., Giige John, lab. John nr Grcenmount av I. Ga^e W. L. grocery, 321 e John ^ Gagel Andrew, saloon, 170 s Bond >, Gagel Martin, tailor, 387 w Pratt Gahagan Ann, grocery, 26 Morris al Gahagan John sr. 26 Morris al Gahagan Mrs. Mary, grocery, 138 n Dallas GAHAN ['. boot and shoe store, 87 n Charles Gahan Patrick, lab. Mt. Royal hill Gahan Patrick, lab. 11 Race Gahn Wm. cabinetmkr, 78 Leadenhall Gahii Geo. blacksmith, 78 Lead<-nball Gaigler Wm. citiarmkr, Mcllenry nt Gilmor Gai^ilein Sebastian, tailor, 9 Arch Gahsinanu Ernest, cigar manufr. 51 Lancaster Gail Emil, stoves and tinware, 218 u Gay Gail George, shoemkr, 14 Walker Gail George, barber, 268 Canton av Gail Geo. W. (G. W. Gail & Ax) Linden avnr Boundary av GAIL G. W. & AX(G. W. Gail, Christian Ax) tobacco manufs. 2ri Barre Gailey Jas. W. bookkpr, First Nat. Bank, 389 Saratoga Gaine Philip H. paperrakr, Woodberry Gainer John W. stamps, 78 u Washington Gainor Albert, machinist, 71 s Caioliue Gainor Mrs. Catiierine, 449 Lexington Gainor Chas. T. clerk, 428 Lexington Gainor John, drayman, 178 n Front Gainor J. W. die sinker, 33 Postoffice av, dw 78 n Washington Gailher Beal, fariiier, Mt. Vernon Gaither Beal W. puddler, Mt. Vernon Gaithef Chas. P, clerk, 281 w Fayette Gailher Denisou, puddler, Mt. Vernon * Gaither Geo. R. merchant, over 52 Lexington, nr Charles, dw 38 Cathedral Gaither Geo. R. jr. (Geo. R. G. jr. & Co.) 24 Cathedral GAITHER GEO. R. Jr. & CO. (G. R. Gaither, jr.) cotiou factors, and com. merchts.6 s Gay Gaither Harry C. clerk, 234 Aisquith Gaither John, Gibbon's hotel Gaither Samuel R. biakeman, 180 Hollins Gaither Thos. B.dep. elk. Super' rCt, 234 Aisquith Gaither Tuos. G. police, 441 w Lombard Gaither Vacht^ U. carp. 41 n Wolfe Gaither Wm. M . jeweler, over 22 Water, dw 56 Saratoga GAITLEV Rkv. JOHN T. 112 s Broadway Gakel Conrad, glasspacker, 114 s Sharp Galhraitli John Clifton, com. mercht. 51 Ex- change pi, dw 183 Linden av Galbrealh Chas. H. painter, 177 Jeflferson Galbreatli Saml W. bank messg'r, 177 Jefferson Galbrealh Samuel, jr. 177 Jefferson Galbreath Wm. li. clerk, 177 Jefferson Gale Dewitt C. glass culler, 356 s Sharp Gale Mis. Emily, 52 n Calvert Gale Mrs. E. M. 224 w Hoffman Gale Harry O. clerk, 110 w Fayette Gale Jos. H.(Laruiour ^ Co.) 145 n Republican Gale Levin, atl'y, 34 St. Paul, dw 299 Park av Gale Robert, 225 Park av Gale Susan, 205 u Republican Galeiy Bryan, lab. 245 Hamburg Gall Franz, eugiaver, 69 s Sharp Gallagher Alex. boot and shoemkr,I61 n Eutaw Gallagher Arthur, jiorter, 386 w Eager Gallagher Angelo R. teacher, Loyola College Gallagher .Mis. Catherine 142 Druid Hill av Gallagher Chas. M. (Thos. G. & Sou) cor Pac- aiid Saratoga GALLAGHER CHAS. R. agt. Lancashire Ins. Co. 33 s Uolliday, dw 265 St. Paal 3 ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ^^ GAM GAL 207 Gallagher Edward, caulker, 101 s Castle Gallajrlier Edward, moulder, Linah hotel Gallagher Francis, lab. 24 Leminon Gallagher Fiaiicis T. carp. HCourtland, dw 14 s Exeter Gallagher Howard L. bookkpr, 117 Pearl Gallagher Hugh, police, 386 w Eager Gallagher James, tavern, 3 Hudson al Gallagher James, peddler, 61 Short Gallagher James, hackman, 30 Stockton Gallagher Jami'S, grocery and livery stable,356 n Howard, dw 79 Franklin Gallagher James A. lab. 15 Cooksie Gallagher James J. jr. carp. 259 s Sharp Gallagher Mrs. Jane, 1 New Gallagher John, blacksmith, 10 Walker Gallagher John, lab. 66 Pearl Gallagher Joiiii, stonecutter, 92 Boyd Gallagher John, cellar digijer, Mt. Royal hill Gallagher Mrs. Mary, laundry, 8^ St. Paul Gallagher Martin, machinist, 267 s Charles Gallagher Mary, 33 George Gallagher Owen, lab. 9 Rock Gallagher Patrick, finisher, 267 s Charles ' Gallagher Patrick J. lab. Hudson al and Federal Gallagher Patrick, lab. 31 Booth Gallagher Mrs. S. L. 42 Courtland Gallagher Thos. ironworker, Clinton nr Lan- caster Gallagher Thos. huckster, 16 Diamond Gallagher Thos. & Son (Thos. and Chas.M.G.) boot and shoe manufs. Paca and Saratoga Gallagher Wm. lab. 98 Boyd Gallagher Win. carp 112 Henrietta Gallaway Jesse, conductor, 65 Scott Gallaway JIartin, lab. 7 Lemmon Gallaway Wm. leaf tobacco and cigars, 13 Mercer, dw 12 Clarke Gallaway Wm G. machinist, 63 McHenry Gallehei Thos. L. music, 150 w Townsend Galligher Maria C. 176 n Eutaw Gallion Andrew, shoemkr, 154 s Spring Gallion Chas. G. plumber, 284 Mulberry Gallion James, repairer, 216 n Front Gallmeyer, J. watchmkr, 93 w Baltimore, dw 51 Courthind Gallows Joseph, lab 257 s Ann Galloway Chas. B. machinist, 449 w Lombard Galloway Greenbury, sailmkr, 467 n Gay Galloway George A. conductor, York rd near Cottage av Galloway Henry C. paperhanger, 140 s Sharp Galloway .Mrs. Isabella, dyer, 140 s Sharp Galloway James T. moulder, 134 .McHenry Galloway James H. fisherman, 178 William Galloway Jetterson, clerk, 541 n Gay Galloway John T. A. shoemkr, 541 n Gay Galloway John, locksmith, 140 s Sharp Galloway Mrs. Martha, 165 n Calvert Galloway Saml. T. bricklayer, 295 William Galloway Vincent, blacksmith, 85 s Mount Galloway Wm. engineer, 134 McHenry Galloway Wm. examiner Appraiser's office, dw 105 n Charles Galloway Wm. A. bricklayer, 57 s Eden Gallup Anu E. teacher, 149 Jefferson Gallup Hatti.- A. teacher, 149 Jefferson Gallup John F. cabinetmkr, 149 JeBerson Gallup John W. carp. 149 Jefferson » Galm W. A. cutter, 23 Byrd Galster Fred. F. tailor, 232 n Bond Galster John J. tailor, 67^ Harrison Galster Mrs. Mary, 67^ Harrison Galster Mathias, varnisher, Franklin nr Eutaw Galster P. C. clerk, 232 n Bond Gait Geo. W. printer, llo e Pratt Gait Harry, clerk, 110 e Pratt Gait Capt. Hinry, inspector C. H. 98 s Eden Gait Dr. John M. 146 e Pratt Gait John M. 164 e Fayette Gait Robert M. agent P. W. & B. R. R., Boston opp Chesapeake, dw 181 Aisquith Gait Mrs. Mary, 110 e Pratt _^ Galvin Edward, shoemkr, 25 Thomsen a Galvin Juseph, printer, 324 Raborg 53 Galvin Patrick, lab. 132 Battery av O) Galvin Peter, lab. 25 Thom:?en q Galvin Wm. draymau, 61 Buren p Gal way Martin, foreman, 7 Lemmon -^ Gambel Tbos. B. jr. clerk, John nr Bond ^ Gambel Thos. B. sr. gatekeei)r Calvert station, rn N. C. Railway, dw 154 e Eager ^ Gambel Wm. D. conductor, 175 North 'J, Gamble Dr. Cary B. 40 Richmond (jrambie Chas. K. carp. 58 Decker Gamble James P. clerk, 114 e Fayette Gamble Jas. club room, 64 w Fayette, dw 326 Q n Broadway ^ Gamble John A. jr. (H. A. Gable & Co.) Wi liamsport, Pa. Gamble Mrs. Mary, tavern, 186 McHenry Gamble Matilda, 142 s Wolfe Gamble Thos. B. clerk, — Eager Gamble Thos. clerk, 142 s Wolfe Gamble Nicholas, mariner, 142 s Wolfe Gamble Sallie H. teacher, 35 Franklin Gamble Stephen T. huckster, 186 .McHenry Gambrall Charles, bookbinder, 242 Peirce Gambrall Samuel, coachpainter, 242 Peirce Gambrell James H. mariner, 150 Jefferson Gambrie Xavier, cook, Barnum's hotel Gambrill Albert (C. A. GambriU & Co.) 221 n Calvert Gambrill Augustine, bookkpr, 453 n Fremont Qs^ Gambrill B. F. (Gambrill, Sons & Co. and G. ^ Shiridan) 147 Bolton p_| GAMBRILL C. A. & CO. (R. G. Macgill, P. ^ H. Macgill, A. Gambrill, H. C. Corner, G. ^ C. Hilt) merchant millers, 32 Commerce i^ Gambrill Chas. A. (Gambrill, Sons & Co.) 250*^ n Charles r^ Gambrill .Mrs. Elizabeth, 605 w Fayette p^ Gambrill xMrs. Henry W. 250 n Charles tJ Gambrill Horatio N. (Gambrill, Sons & Co.)^ 250 11 Charles ^ Gambrill Howard W. carp. Mount nr Saratoga'^ Gambrill Melville, overseer, Druidville fx^ Gambrill Richard, 506 w Fayette Qj Gambrill Robert, machinist, Druidville i-h GAMBRILL & SHIRIDAN (B. F. Gambrill and f^H James L. Shiridan) proprs. patent bevel edge clearer, Woodberry and 41 w Lombard ^ GAMBRILL, SONS & CO. (H. N. Gambrill, D C. A. Gambrill, Wm. B. Gambrill, Henry C. GQ Tudor) Druid Mills, 41 w Lonbard ^ Gambrill Thomas, grocery, 74 George hh Gamljrill Thos. D. music teacher, 290 n Bond O GAMBRILL WM. B. (Gambrill, Sons & Co.) t-^ Druidville Ph Games Hernion, carp. 250 Chew O Q P O O H ^ CD IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. GAM 208 GAR w CO < o ^^ O I — ( O O P «W o ^ B ^-< o w Gamroth Fred, cigarmkr, Sharp nr West Giiinroih Geo. H. glHssblower, 70 Ridgely Giinipert Paul, provisions, 158 Urleiiiis Gan;i Joseph, tanner, 2i)6 Aisquilh Gang Michael, tailor, 28U ii Bond Ganger Fred. W. telegraphist, 14 n Spring Ganjier Mrs. Mary A. 14 n Spring Gauhardt Andrew, shoemkr, 3.54 e Eager Ganley Martin, lal). lU.'i Aliceaiina Ganley Michael, lab. 163 Aliceauna Gaiilev Michael jr. lab. 163 Aliceanna Ganlev Thos. lab. 163 Aliceanna Gaunert Margaret, 51 Fountain Ganou Daniel, clerk, 178 u Eutaw Ganon .Mrs Margaret, millinery, 178 n Eutaw Giiiinoii Alex, harnessmkr, 137 Johnson Gannon Daniel, night clerk, St. Clair hotel Gannon G'-o. R. brakernan, 46 McHenry Gannon .lames M. express messr. 54 s Eutaw Gannon Joseph, bookkp'-, 54 s Eutaw GannuR .Mary C. boarding, 54 s Eutaw Gannon .Michael lab. 85 Boyd Gannon Thomas, fireman, 116 Scott Gannon Thomas, lab. 21 y Lemmoa Gans Rev. Daniel, 67 n Paca Gans E. cabinetmkr, 80 Henrietta Gans Isaac, clerk. llO German Gans Isaac, clerk, 67 Aisquilh Gans Jacob, elerk, 110 German Gans Lewis, clerk, 67 Aisquith Gans Simon W. 110 German Ganster.Mrs-Catherine.groc'y, 1 23 Jackson sq av Ganster Nicholas C. tailor, 38 n Washington Ganster Peter. cloihingcutter. 123 Jackson sq av Gansewig .Mrs. Johanua,tobacconist,42 Camden Gausewig Rudolph, cigarmkr, 42 Camden Gant Mrs. .Mary. 110 Dngan's vvhf Ganler F. X. restaurant, 183 w Pratt Ganter Peter, cabinetmkr, 290 Hanover Gautt k Co. (J. L Ganll) job printers, oyer 120 w Baltimore Gantt James L. (Gantt & Co.) 413 Lexington Ganlt Richard B. clerk, 22 Spear's whf Gantt Virgil, boarding, 700 Saratoga Gan'-Z Chas. carp. Cathedral ni Uotl'man Gantz J. S. (D. K. Osbourn) 24 German Gantz W'm. conductor, 321 n Aun Ganz John, grocery, 80 s Popi)lelon G mzhorn Michael, shoemkr, 01 Harmony la Gapelz John, shoemkr, 143 Dolphin Gipetz Joseph, tinner, 143 Dolphin Gapelz Philip, shoemkr, 143 Dolphin Gaphardt Geo. C. butch, 33 Wolfe nofiMonument Garbe Mrs. Ann, lauud. 64 Ridgely Garbe Conrad, shoemkr, 138 e Pratt Garber Henry S. livery stables, 24 Conway,dw 163 n Republican Garber Ignatius, lab. 134 Battery av Gurbick Joseph, brakernan, 353 Cathedral Gard John, conf 34 e Baltimore Gard John J. conf. 205 e Baltimore Garda Madame A., French lauiid. 57 n Charles Gardiner Buck, clerk, 264 e Eager G.irdiuer John T. painter, 222 Chesnut G.irdiuer John T. painter, 264 e Eager Gardiner Robert, 454 e Eager Giwdiner Rol)i. junk, 45 Thames, dw 264 e Eager Gardner Abraham, tailor, 172 u Eden Gardner Alfred S. (G. k Rea) 301 w Lombard Gardner Alraore .M., Ramsay nr Calhoun Gardner .Mrs. Aun, grocery, 81 Stirling Gardner Mrs. Anuie, seamstress, 21 Conway Gardner Antoine, tailor, 47 n Sprin^j Gardner Antoine B. cigarmkr, --9 Bank Gardner Aug. M. buiclier, 13 lla'.iovr market, dw Retreat, n of North av Gardner .Mrs. Augusta, 202 s Ri-ester Gardner Bernard, cooper, 136 West Ganiner Chas. plumber and gasfit'r,235 e Pratt Gar.iner Chas. caninkr. 202 s Regester Gardner Ch is. W. druggist, 384 Lexington Gardner Chas. W. clerk, 52 s Gay Gardner Christopher, carp. 6 Pearl Gardner Conrad, carter, 359 William Gar(iner Daniel, mariner, 7 Gough Gardner David S. blacks'h, Clement nr Johnson Gardner E. G. clerk Tobacco warehouse No. 2, 660 w Lombard GARDNER E. N. & CO., wholesale flour and com. mcrchts. !26 and 128 S Eutaw Gardner E. N. (E.N.G.& Co.) n e cor Lombard and Paca Gardner Eli H. painter, 662 Saratoga Gardner -Mrs. Emily, 413 n Fremont Gardner Mrs. Emma J. millinery, 344 n Gay Gardner Francis, (G. & Suess) 12 s High Gardner Franklin, 54 Brune Gardner Geo. clerk, 413 n Fremont Gardner Geo. clerk, 84 Hanover Gardner, Geo. machinist, 6u0 vv Baltimore Gardner Geo. ship cup. 1 10 s Chester Gardner Geo. jr. paying teller Second National Bank, 300 e Pratt Gardner Geo. A. 128 e Baltimore Gardner Geo. T. stable supt. ri37 Light Gardner Geo. W. tinner, 14 Clarke Gardner Henry J. tinner, 185^ e Monument Gardners Hotel, Gardner&Suess,propr's,83High Gardner Isaac, sailmkr, 3o6 n Bond Gardner Jas. builder,50 German, dw Citonsville Gardner James, cigarmkr, 2 McHenry Gardner James C. bricklayer, 295 e Monument Gardner James J. 424 Orleans Gardner James W^. painter, 413 n Fremont Gardner John, ship carp. 359 Eastern av Gardner John, shoemkr, 39 n Pine Gardner John, 7 Gough Gardner John, shoemkr, 4 .Miller Gardner John C. blacksmith, Waverley Gardner John G. police, 148 Hughes Gardner John L. huckster, 81 Stirling GARDNER JOHN N. prop'r Union R. R. depot and elevator, CaDtou,ofl5ce 6 Postofflce av,dw 132^ n Gay Gardner John R. C. butter, 64 Harford av Gardmr John T. clerk, 459 e Eager Gardner Josepli L. moulder, 376 Light Gardner Joseph L. moulder, 79 Warner Gardner Josiah J. machinist, 400 Saratoga Gardner Joshua G. shoemkr, 77 Harford av Gardner .Mrs. Lena, fmcy goods, 361 Eastern av Gardner Louisa, seamstress, 198 s Dallas Gardner Lovelace N. hardware, 102 Franklin, dw 237 Gardner Martin, cigarmkr, 109 Gough Gardner Mrs. .Mary E. 23 Garden Gardner Peter, lab. lo9 Gough Gardner & Ren, (A. S. Gardner, Thomas Rea) coopers, 36 Commerce Gardner Rich'd F. 384 Lexington Gardner Richard, tailor, 309 n Dallas Gardner llobert C. plumber, 235 e Pratt GardnerS.S.(S.S.&.M.E.Gardiier)301wLotnb'rd Gardner Sarah C. teacher, Lombard nr Eutaw HENRY HOEN & CO, Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. GAR 209 GAR Gardner S. S. & M. E.(S. S. and M. E.Gardner) nirtntuainkrs, 69 n Charles and 2f;4 Aisquith GARDNER & SUESS, (Francis Gardner, Wil- hehn Sue5s)proi)r's Gardner's hotel, 8 s High Gardner T. Elzare, jr. iestauraut,578 Penna av Gardner Thos. lab. Clinton nr Boston Gardner Thos. H.agt. 17 South, d\v 56 St. Paul Gardner Vinton E. elk. Franklin Bk, 46 George Gardner Win. (elevator) 79 e Faj-ette Gardner Wra. caiunkr, 202 s Regester Gardner Wrn. carp. 97 n Edea Gardner Win. salesman, 109 Gough Gardner Wm. clerk, 79 e Fajette Gardner Wm. G. ins. agent, 301 w Lombard Gardner Wm. H watchman, 66 Harapstead Gardner Wm. W". lab. 4 Fort av Gardner Wm. H. tinner, 14 Clarke Gardner Wm. J. huckster, 1G6 Pearl Gardner Wm.L. plumber and =rasfil'r,235e Pratt Gardner Wm. N. se\Aing machines, 3b3 n Bond Gardner Willis, clerk, 136 n E.xeter Gardner's Elevator, Boston, Canton Gareis Chas. A. barber, 134 s Caroline Gareis- Geo. sboemkr, 10 e .Monument Gareis John A. clerk, 177 e Fa\ ette GAREY HENRY F., Judge of" Court of Com- mon Pleas, dw 86 n Charles Garing James H. i)rinter, 198 n Caroline Garing Wm. H. chairmkr, 155 n Caroline Garing Wra, H. watchman, 155 n Ciroline GariiiiT Wm. R. clerk, 155 n Caroline Garish Chas. wagoner, 198 Chesnnt Garites Chas. E. 65 n Charles Garhich Casper, gatekeeper Schuetzen park, 122 St. Peter Garlacb James, lab. 12 Abbot Garlach John, lab. 17 Wyeth Garlacb Joseph, lab. 12 Abbot Garland Mrs. A. P. 203 n Calvert Garland James jr. ironworker, 53 Burea G.arland James, gas inspector. 53 Burea Garbmd Jose[)h, shipjoiner, 60 Johnson GARLAND SPOTTSWOUD, attorney, 25 Lex- ington, dw 203 n Calvert Garlin Geo. tavern, 346 s Bond Garling Fred. carp. 289 s Bond Garman J(jhn, lab. 49 Duncan al Garman J. Warren, clerk, 37 s Fulton Garmer Fredk. C. sboemkr, 88 Mulliken Garmer John H. jr. shoemkr, 260 Eastern av Gamier John H. shoemkr, 260 Eastern av Garmhausen F. C. mail agent, 291 Walsh Garmhausen John jr lab. 40 Druid Hill av Garmhaujen John, shoemki-, 40 Druid Hill av Garner Harry, grocery, 473 .Aisquith Garner John A. music teacher, 58 n Liberty Garner Dr. J. E. 156 German Garner Samuel, teacher, Mansion house Garner Thos. carp. 473 Aisquith Garnett Grace F. (G. & Smith) 258 Hollins Garneit Rufus A. printer, 67 Hillen Garnett & Smith, (G. F. Garnett, H. C.Smith) school, 258 Hollins Garnhardt Andrew, shoemkr, 339 e Eager Garrell Mrs. Elizabeth, 99 n Ann Garrett Benj H. carp. 5 Warren Garrett Chas. stereotyper, 7 Bank la, dw 90 e Madison Garrett Mrs. Elizabeth, 31 Forrest pi Garrett Mrs. Elizabeth, 344 n Strieker Garrett Geo. copper packer, 8 Clinton Garrett Geo. H, lab. 8 Clinton Garrett Geo. W. clerk, 238 n Dallas Garrett Harry, lab. 31 Luzprne Garrett H. W. [diotojirapher, 123 w Baltimore Garrett James, plasterer, 33 Essex Garrett James J. clerk. 182 Bank Garrett John, flour and feed, s w cor Bank and Chapel, dw 182 Bank Garrett .lohn, lab. 7 Gallagher ct Garrett John jr m.uiner, 176 Bank GARRETT JOHN W. (R. Garrett & Sons) and prest. B. & 0. R. R. dw 50 Mt Vernon pi Garrett Lemuel H. carp. 110 Mosber Garrett Levi, rollerinan, Luzerne Garrett Maggie S. tailoress, 31 Forrest pi Garret t Myers, mariner, 164 Hughes Garrett Patrick, lab. 54 e Madisun Garrett Heter, lab. 84 e Madison Garrett Richard, puddler, 362 Eastern av Garrett Richard Sa^i. Boatman's Trans. Line, 26^ Second, dw 356 e Pratt Garrett Robt. E. machinist, 2 n Gilmor Garrett Mrs. Robt. 77 w Monument GARRETT ROBERT & SONS, (John W.,Robt. and T. Harrison Garrett) bankers, 7 South Garrett Robt. (R. G. & Sous) pres't Valley R. R. 71 .Mt. Vernon pi Garrett T. Harrison, (Robt. G. & Sons) 205 n Charles Garrett Wm. brakeman, 54 E Eutaw Garrett Wra. F. shoemkr, 90 e Madison Garreti Wm. H. clerk, 13 s Fremont Garrett Wiufield, clerk, Calboun and Baltimore Garrettson .Mrs. Elizabeth, 210 George Garrettson Frank W. plasterer, 155 n Paca Garri^an Patrick, lab. 28 Ryan Garrigues Harry H. hats and caps,494wBaltimore Garrisb Benj. F. police, 162 Gough Garrish John F. lab. 45 Fountain Garrish Mary J. 45 Fountain Garrish Wm. H. brickmkr, 563 e Fayette Garrison Chas. stair builder, Fulton nr Franklin Garrison Chas. ('. salesman, 80 n Charles GARRISON & CO. (Stephen Garrison, Wm.H. Shryockj picture frames and cabinet mould- ings. Cross and Race Garrison Cornelius, lab. 152 n Dallas Garrison Edwin, cauikei-, 203 s Chester Garrison Geo. painter, Wolfe and Biddle Garrison Geo. W^. picture frames, 456 w Lombard Garrison John H. carp. 94 Decker Garrison John H. plasterer, 306 Mulberry Garrison Samuel Jetferson. 224 Mulberry' Garrison Stephen, (G. & Co ) 277 Cross Garrison Thos J. insp. C. H. 224 .Mulberry Garrison Wm. J. conductor, 71 s Greene Garritee Chas. E. attorney, 19 Lexington, dw 289 Lauvale Garritee Wm. L. brickmkr, 289 Lanvale Garrity John, wheelwright, 36 Addison Garrity John, lab. 58 n Durham Garrity John, drayman, 6 Swan Garrity Michael, lab. 65 North Garrity Timothy, lab. 16 Armistead la Garrod Frederick N. clerk, 200 Saratoga Gartemann John cooper, Belair av ext Garthe Aug. (Garthe & Loewenstein) 98 Hill Garthe E. & A. Donovan, hair goods, 79 Hanover Garthe Elizabeth, (G.& Donovan) 170 s Sharp Garthe & Loewenstein, (A. Garthe, L. Loewen- stein ) slaters, Hanover nr Hamburg Gartland Francis P. clerk, 136 Linden av Gartner Fritz, knife grinder, 157 Stirling ^ W O O d o =^ ft o o ^. m OQ (— I Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 14 u .:::; Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. GAR 210 GAW o 5 Gartou W.m. C. filasslilower, 309 s Sharp ^^ ^ Garton Wm. M. machinist, 182 s Fremont > ,^ ^^ Gartsldf Albert, car driver, Division nr Clifton 'ao -^ ^ Gartside Chas. machinist, 604 Penna av o .^3; Gartside Mrs. Charitv. 331 Franklin r);-_r ^ Gartgide Henry J. moulder. Clifton nr Penna av p t: -r Gartside Henry, mHchinist. Division nr Clifton -T o ^ Gartside Wm. machinist. Clifton nr Penna av —• Oi - GARVEV Mrs. JAS coachstahles, 154 n Calvert ■.J •-- _ oacli Stables^^ 154 N. CALVERT ST. Uackri and fiuc Coaches coii.-tantly for Hire. Funerals promptly serv- ed at Short Kotice. >.,;= o Garvey John, bailiff. 23.5 Harford av "S - j£ Garvey John. 40 s Castle S ^ O Gr.Tvey John, 14.« n Front i +i Garvey John B. tax dept. 148 n Front X Z) . Garvey John, lab. Ill s Spring > '^ Garvev Owen, (P.G. & Bro.) Northern Central - "^ o Garvev Peter, (P.G.&Bro.) 148 n Calvert g 5'^ GARVEV PETER & BRO. (Peter Garvey, J*> -^ ~ Owen Garvey) coach stables, 148 and 150 n Calvert Garvey Wm. P. 148 n Front G irvin Matthew, drayman, 105 York Garwood Clayton, 99 Jacl. Gaskins.Mrs.JuliaA.dressmkr.corPenn andPratt C/1 "T" Giiskihs Samuel A. ciyarmkr, 407 w Pratt Gaskins .Mrs. Samnel S. 29 n Greene GAS LIGHT CO. OF BALTIMORE, office 19 South, Wm. Sinclair, pres't, James B. Small- wood, sec'y. Gas Works foot of Leadenhall GASPARI P. G.imp. and manufr. meersch.'ium l)ipes, cigars and fancy Roods, and carver, 31 s Calvert, dw II.") ii Republican Gass Henry, carp. 168 Peirce Gass Peter, lab. Hoinesti ad ^-f^*©- (Jrtssaway Alex, deik, 131 w Biddle 'v. s -f' Gassaway Edward, stevedore, 51 L.Montgomery ,^ .- ~ Gassaway N. A. flour, 8 Spear's whf, dw 131 ^ J= .'£l w Biddle ^ *^ -r Gassaway Samuel, cigarmkr, 239 Henrietta S ^. a> Gassaway Theudore, flour, 8 Spear's whf, dw ►^ p ^ 131 w Biddle ^ .i 5 Gasser Henry, tailor, 39 n Durham ^ 2 ._ Gastiger Theodore, cigarmkr, Spring nr Bauk ~ ^ t. Gaston John, huckster, 277 Preston '■C -^ 5 Gaston Mrs. Susannah, matron St. Peter Or- phan Asylum, Myrtle av nr Lanvale Gatch Charles H. marker C. H. 93 Columbia Gatch Conduce, millwright, 93 Columbia Gatch George C. cleik, 93 Colunjbia Gatehell E. C. paient agent, 415 e Chase Gatchell Mrs. Hannah Ann, 7 s Exeter Gatehell Hugh McElderrv, receiving teller Far- mers and .Merchants Nat. Bank, 72 Courtland Gatehell John G librarian Baltimore library, Strieker nr Franklin Gatchell John H. bookkpr, 657 w Lombard Gatchell Wm. H. 145 St Paul Galed (Jtto, carv-r, 48 s Central av Gatelv James, brickla\er, 96 s Exeter Gately Dr. M. J. 244 M:.nk Gateh Michael, lab. 107 York Gately .Michael, lab. 29 York Gately Thos. coachmkr and groc'y, 53 e Eager Gately Thomas, mariner, 29 Yck Gates Charles W. stonecutter; 450 n Calhoun Gates Ezra, 450 n Caliioun Gates Francis, insp C.H.,Pressiman andStricker Gates Frank, baker, 80 s Dallas Gates John L. lab. 223 Lanvale Gates Mrs. Mary J. 164 Hudson Gates Peter, cooper, 129 n Spring Giithright Geo. A. (G.& Vain) Eastern av nr Sixth Gathright & Vain, (Geo. A. Gathright, Charles Vain,) butchers, 1 and 2 Fell's Point market Gatto Dominico, barber, Carrollton hotel, dw 36 e Fayette Gatwood Wm. H. shoemkr, Wolfe nr Biddle Gaubert Julius, fruit preserver, 69 n Spring Gauer Catherine, seamstress, 14 Poultney Gauer Louis, cigarmkr, 14 Poultue> Gauiies Joseph, grocery, 116 n Poppletoa Gaughn Anthony, lab. 372 s Sharp Gaul Geo. 85 North Grtule .Michael, lab. 12 Clinton av Gaule Stephen S. 102 Cathedral Gaugheii Thomas, lab. 135 s Chapel Gauliiie Chas. pianomkr, 128 Pearl Gauline James, carp. 253 n Central av Gauline .Mary Ann, teacher, 60 Holland Gault Albert, police, 242 n Bond Gault Cyrus, 335 w Lombard Gault Mrs. Jane, 24 Greenmount av Gault John, shoemkr, 9 (J^ston Gault .Matthew jr. 19 Hollins Gault .M .tthew, (.\l. G. & Son) 19 Hollins Gault M. & So;i,(M.and Wm. A. Gault) granite workers and slate roofers, 432 w Pratt. — [(See Adverlisement in Business Directory. Gault Richard H. clerk, 21 Eastern av Gault .Mrs. Sarah, 9 O'iSton Gault Wm. shipcarp. 24 Greenmount av Gault Wm. A. (M.G &Son, ) 238 Myrtle av Gaunt John, police, 337 e Chase Guint Samuel, huckster, 402 e Monument Gausemaii Henry, tailor, 12 Warner Gausemaii .Mrs. Mary, grocery, 12 Warner G lU.ss Adam, lab. 799 Light Gauss Fred, butcher, 48 Cross-st mkt, dw 799 Liyht Gauss H. Fred, salesman, 222 Orleans Gauss Jacob, junk, Fort av and Durst al Gautiei Francis H. cigars, 750 w Baltimore Gavan W. S. (C P.Tatum & Co.) 124 Hanover Gnvei Mrs. James, 133 n Carey Gavin Michael, driver, 81 Mulberry Gaviu Michael, lab. 30 Burrough Gaw Alexander F. 203 Lanvale "5 lo HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, " Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.QQQ.QQ0.00, Q. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. GAVV 211 Gaw James, macbinisi, 99 L. Greene Gaw John, machinist, 99 L. Greene Gaw John jr. machinist, 99 L. Greene Gaw Joseph W. clerk, 203 Lanvale Gawne John, bootnikr, 176 Moi;t>romery Gawne Joseph W. conductor, 176 Montgomery Gawthrop Chas. T. silver plater, 300 n Eutaw Gawthrop Geo. D. clerk, 278 Walsh Gawthrop Mrs. Mary, 348 e Chase Gawthrop Owen, clerk, 300 n Eutaw Gawthrop Samuel D. clerk, 278 Walsh Gawthrop Wm. H. boots and shoes, 55 n Eataw, dw 300 Gawthrop Wm. H. jr. painter, 101 n Eutaw Gaycan Carlo, lab. 67 President Gaylard Geo. hib. 239 Lee Gaylard Joseph, lab. 239 Lee Ga.\ le Mrs. Charlotte, 81 s Ann Gayleard Noah, lab. 670 w Pratt Gaynor John, drayman. 108 u Front Gayuor Martin, polisher, .^ Barnes Gaynor Michael, stone cutter, 189 n Exeter Gazan Jacob, 33 n Front Gazak John, wire worker, 240 s Dallas Gazak Joseph, wire worker, 240 s Dallas Gear Albert, blacksmith, 68 Greeamount av Gearin John, porter, 60 Buren Gearin Michael, lab. 51 Inmitn Gearin Michael, lab. 60 Buren Gearn Michael, grocery, 51 Hillman Gearon Hervey. 64 n Exeter Gearheart George, shoemkr. Gibbon's hotel Geary Mrs. Elizabeth, 181 s Paca Geary Edward H. clerk, 18i s Paca Geary Geo. W. printer, 181s Paca Geary Tbos. W . printer, i8l s Paca Geary & Weaie, (T. F. Weale, ) watches and jewelry, 169 w Baltimore Gebauer Frederick, tailor, 26 e Fayette Gebauer W. F. clerk, 26 e Fayette GeVjelein Geo. butcher, 93 iJe'air market, dw Castle ur Monument Gebhard Benj. tinner, 236 s Durham Gebhard Fritz, lab. 236 s Durliam Gebhard George B. shoemkr, 94 Clintoa Gebhard John, drayman, 6 Lewis Gebhard John, shoemkr, 104 n Spring Gebhard John, peddler, 25 Bradford al Gebhard John, tailor, 228 s Broadway Gebhard Wm. canmkr, 236 s Durham Gebhardi Chas. glasscutter, 28i Light Gebhardt Geo. tailor, 9 n Dallas Gebhardt Frederick, cigarmkr, 285 Canton av Gelihardt John, baker, 16 u Wolte Gebhardt Valentine, lab. 259 Canton av Gebhart Ferdinand, bootmkr, 20 e Baltimore Gebhart James, clerk State Cattle Scales, dw 9 n Mount Gebhart John, baker, 9 L. Paca Gebh.irt Wm, wheelwright. 138 e Madison Gtbhart Wm. tinner, 9 Constitution Gel-ich Henry, carp. 160 s Wolfe Gebke Henry, 249 s Ann Gfbke Henry jr. shoemkr, 249 s Ann Gebke Sophia, grocery, 249 s Ann Gebs John, cabinelmkr, 67 Washington Gechler John, silverbeater, 119 Columbia Geddes Alex, bookkpr, Strieker nr Patterson av Geddes Chas. engineer, 198 n Broadway Geddes Geo. H. sheetironworker, Strieker nr Patterson av Geddes Edward, canmkr, 31 Scott Geddes Geo. W. joiner, 206 German Geddes Geo. W. cigarmkr, 31 Scott Geddes James, lab. 125 Albemarle Geddes Jas. A. bricklayer, 464 w Lombard ^ Geddes Jas. W. roofer and galvanized sheet iron OQ worker, 67 North, dw Strieker nr Patterson av ^ Geddes John, gardener, 9 Baker § Geddes, John C. moulder. 206 German -^ Geddes Wm. joiner, 206 German ^ Geddes Wm. jr. gilder, 206 German Geddes Wm. gardener, 9 Baker "^ Geddiger Chas. driver, 72 Portland ^ Geeki-e Chas. W. wholes, and ret. liquors, 123 ^ w Baltimore, dw 14 Maryland av j_( Geelhaar Ernest, (Geelhaar Hughes & Co.)89 e 2 Lombard — Geelhaar Edward (Geelhaar Hughes & Go.)89e^ Lombaid ri GEELHAAR,HUGHES&CO.(ErnestandEdw'dPQ Geelhaar, Jacob Hujihes.Fredk. Hopfield and ,• Wm. Hauser) propts Excelsior Furniture o Works. office cor Granby and Albemarle [iSee O Advertiseme7it next page. Geer Alfred P. clerk, 65 Cambridge q Geer Alfred S. carp. 65 Cambridge r^ Geer Charlotte. 65 Cambridge Geer Ida M. F. 65 Cambrid^ie oQ Geer Prudence A. 65 Cambridge Geercken .Mrs. Amelia,grocery, 150 n Central av Ci o o Geercken Herman, carp. 374 .McHenry Geerdes Louis, mariner, 245 s Bethel Gees Mrs. Ann D. 325 n Eutaw Gees Bertha, clerk, 183 w Biddle Gees Francis M. 183 w Biddle Gees Mrs Mary A. 152 Dolphin Gees Oiivia, dry goods, 183 w Biddle , : Gees Thos. B. plasteri-r, 344 n Strieker ^ Gees Wm. F. clerk, 325 n Eutaw [^ Gegan Edward T. (G. Bros. & Allmand) 128 n^ Charles -.^^ GEGAN BROS, k ALLMAND (Edw.T. Gegan, ^ John O'G. Allmand) insurance agents and /^ . brokers, 73 and 75 Second Gegan Harry, clerk, 128 n Charles Gegan Jos. sr. prof, of music, 128 n Charles Gegan Louis, A. bookkpr, 128 n Charles Gegan Michael, grocer, 297 w Pratt GEHL CHRISTIAN, beer, 77 n Gay Gehrig Geo. cigarmkr, 14 Orleans Gehring Andrew, paver, 218 e Eager Gehring Conrad, carp. 3 s Chapel Gehring Frank, c.irp. 76 n Wolfe Gehring Jacob, potter, 391 s Sharp Gehring John G jewelry, 97 n High EH I— I ft ft and Hanover Gehring Michael, tailor, 31 Centre Market sp Gehring Nicholas, cigarmkr, 218 e Eager Gehrke August, lab. 249 s Durham Gehrmann Chas. (J G. & Co.) 84 n Gay Gehrmann Henry, tobacconist and provisions, 40 n Wolfe Gehimann James A. salesman, 444 w Fayette Gehrmann John lab. 49 n Duncan al Gehrmann Julius, clerk, 9u Boston Gehrmann Julius & Co (J. k C. Gehrmann) to- bacconists, 84 n Gay Gehrmann Julius ( J. G. & Co.)Penna av ext Gehrmann Philip F. salesman, 84 n Gay Geibel Peter, shoemkr, 4 Gittings ct Geidt Philip, shoemkr, 61 Conway Geier August, shoemkr, 31 James la I— I O o 1 — I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. GEl 212 GEI xcelsi^F FurmtTtr© GEELHAAR, HUGHES, & CO. \illOI.KKAjLE MANlTFAtXlRERS OF < ZQ FACTORY, 13 & 15 GRANBY ST. Office aid Wareroomsj Gsf, Grasbj mi Albimark Sis. "\VHOLESA.LE OISTLY. tliS=* Catalogues and Price List Sent upon Ap- plication. WRITE FOR ONE. OS ^5 CJ ^ HJ r-; I— t^ ta wi 23 « o o Geier Biirkhardt, lab. 446 Canton av GEIGAN ^ CO. (John H. Geigan, P. S. Mc- Laughlin,) prop'rs Baltimore Transfer Co. 45 North Geipan Jolin H. (Geigan & Co.) 174 Myrtle av GEIGP:R dr. CIIARLP:S a. homeop.-ith, 267 Druid Hill av Geiger Clms. fire department, 110 s .Ann Geiger Conrad, engraver, 90 Aisquith GEIGER EDMUND L. H. stoves and tinware, cor Howard and Mullierry, dw 176 Myrtle av Geiger Geo. lab 79 Elliott (ieiger Geo. M. cabiuetmkr, 31 n Frederick Geiger John W. apotliecury, cor Orleans and Caroline Geiger John, confectionery, 16 e Pratt Geiger John, cooper, 142 8 Spring Geiger John, jab. 127 s Spring Geiger John, lab. 147 ? Dallas Geiger Joseph, gunsmith, 149 Hanover Geiger Kate, 127 s Spring Geiger .Michael, cabineimkr, 222 Harford av Geiger Wolfgang, lab. 79 Elliott (ieiger Wni. furrier, 101 e Baltimore Geiglein John, saloon, 65.') Penna av Geigleiii John A. saloon,.MadisonavnrNorth av Geilfus Tlieodore, clotliing cutter, 251 e Biddle Geiraan Aliraham, harne^'Smkr, 180 .Madison av Geipe Aaron, cigarmkr, 337 Cathedral Geipe Beuj. il igmnn, 337 Catiiedral Geis Andrew, blacksmith and wheelwright, 33 n Ci-ntral av, dw 35 Geis George, shoemkr, 109 e Eastern av Geis Geo. P. lab. Homestead Geis John, mariner, 33 Barnes Geis John, lab. 33 Barnes Geis John, tailor, 78 Granby Geis Joseph, 5 Etna la Geis Leonard, shoemkr, 137 Low Geis Louis, shoemkr, 189 n Caroline Geis Madelina, confec'y, 22 Fell Geis Michael, lab. 89 Cambridge Geis Peter, lab. 106 Lancaster Geis Sylvester, lab. 22 YtW Geise Adam, lab. 91 Johnson Geisel Fritz, brewer, Belair av ext Geisel Henry, shoemkr, 64 Wyeth Geiselman August, watchmkr, 14 s Central av Geisen John, grocery, 91 McElderrj' Geisen Roelter W'm. driver, 231 s Ann Guisendatfer John H. barkpr Rennert house Geisendaffer \Vm. J. conductor, 66 Chew Geiser Henry, carp. 183 Eastern av Geiser John! tailor, 17 Bakers ct Geisert Theophilus, machinist, 374 Aliceanna Geisle Conrad, lab. 19 Cannon Geisler Chas. lab. 352 s Caroline Geisler Frank M. .shoemkr, 263 s Bond Geisler Geo. fisherman, 2 Burrough Geisler Joseph, lab. 155 Madeira al (Jeisler Michael, shoemkr, 2G3 s Bond Geisling Conrad, lab. 11 Cannon Geiss Nicholas, tinner, 67 Camden Geiss Wm. tinner, 67 Camden Geissman Anton, sewing mac. agt, 175 Hanove Geisl Chas. P. coachpainter, 109 n Wolfe Geist Dorothea, tailoress, 372 Aliceanna Geist Joseph, mariner, 372 Aliceanna HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. i^tbe World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. ^ GEI 213 GEO Geist Michael, lab. 45 Cannon Geistler Adam shoenikr, 1 Foster al Giesz Mrs. Amelia, 96 Hillen Geitz Wm. baggage master, 235 w Fayette Geiwitz Geo. jr. artist, 27 Albemarle Geiwitz Geo. sr. anist, 27 AHiemaile Geiwilz Huns, carver, 27 Albemarle Gekler Wm. G. (Allen Paine, Son & Co.) 192 n Rei'Ublican Gelbacii Gi-o. jr. lOSTownsend GeU):icb Geo., York rd nr Camp av Gelbacl) Wm. H. [ilumber, 22 n Liberty, dw Giimor nr Cook Gclesski Geo. lab 277 s Ann Gelhilus^n Mrs. Margartt, huckster, 28 Somerset Geller Henry, jiorter, 9 Henriettn Gellcr John, brewer, Belair aV ext Geller Peter, shoemkr, 106 St. Mary Geller Theodore, beer, 223 ti Central av Geller Theodore, brewer. Bay view brewery Gelletly Jas. F. silversmith. 262 Franklin Gelslon Calverton Carpet Co. 28 w Fayette Gelston Edw. H. 28 w Fayette and 30 Frank- lin, dw B iltimore co Gelston Mrs. R. G. 30 Franklin and Calverton GELSTON, V. D. L. Calverton Cari>et Co. oflBce 28 w Fayette, dw 30 Franklin Gemahlig Mrs. C grocery, 21 e Monument Geniahlig Geo. lab. 58 Elliott Geuimeelver Chas. p.iinter, 235 e Biddle Gemmel! Thos. prest. Hampshire and B:tltimore Coal Co. ani Monongahela Gas Coal Co. 56 Exchange |1, dw 42 St. Paul Gemmeil Walter, carp. 97 s Gilraor Gemorath Christian W. tailor, 376 s Sharp Gemp Amos, iali. 427 Canton av Gemjip Geo. F. cajp. 15^ Peirce Gemuiid: Mrs. Louisa, grocery, 25 Walker Gen dell P. C. grocery, 37 Wolfe ii of Madison Gender (ieo. huckster, 22 Biddle al Gender Peter, lab. 239 BaUery av Gtndiiezig Francis, carbuilder, 291 Forrest Gendriezi^ Henry, shoenikr, 2 Broad al General Dispensary, cor Fayette and Liberty General Wayne Hotel. B. H. Kauffman, prop'r, cor Baltimore and Paca General Wayne Slabies, Baltimore and Paca, C. P. Stuart, prop'r Gengenback Joshua, carp. 264 s Ann Geugnagel Jacob sr. butcher, 34 Fell's Point mkt, dw cor Chester and Jackson sq av Gengnagel Sophia, dressmkr, 148 Henrietta Gennert Fred, wagoner, 47 P!uni al Gennon Geo. lab. 66 Johnson Gem oni Giovanni, images, 67 President Gennoy Luke, lab. 70 s Republican Gennoy Thos. lab. 22 Elizabeth la Gens Clias. prof, of music, 204 w Fayette Gcnsler Kiizabeth, Third av nr Aliceanna Gensler Geo. driver. Third av nr Aliceanna Genso Fred. G. furn. goods, 249 n Gay Gent A. R. salesman, 74 Hillen Gent Edw. C. blacksmith, 137 Henrietta Gent Henry, shipcarj). 330 William Gent H. C. (ajit for Mrs. E. A. Gent) country produce, 157 Forrest, dw 167 n Exeter Gent Jacoli, huckster, 91 .McElderry Gent Jtjhn, smelter, 137 Henrietta Gent Mrs. R. T. grocery and feed, 74 Hillen Gent Richard C. shipcarp. 144 Battery av Gent Thos. D. lettercarrier, 22^ Hamburg Gent Wm. of T. produce, 167 n Exeter c3 Gentner Geo. shoemkr, 8 Mulberry ct Gentry Hayden, jr. telegraphist, 83 n Exeter Geoghagen John R jr. clerk, 192 Barre Geoghagen Jc^bn R. machinist, 192 Bane Geoghegeii Cajit. Stewart, 41 Warren Geogh(gan L. W. mariner, 92 Parkin Geoghegaii Capt. Wm. C. 133 s Sharp Geoghegan Jas. R. huckster, 331 s Charles Geoiihegan John R. clerk, 192 Barre Gcoghegen S. Albert, mariner, 142 Cross George Andrew J.(G. & Johnson) 264 Linden av ^ George Arnold, pulice, 213 n Front George Chas. A. clerk, 72 Richmond George Chas. P. clerk 10-"^ n Greene George Mrs. ('has. W. I(i8j n Greene George Conrad, tinner, 228 Hamburg, dw 94 Hill George Edwin F. clerk, IO82 n Greene Geo ge .Mrs. Ellen, I118 n Greene George Mrs. Francis A., .Mount nr Baltimore George Francis C. grocery, 122 n Caroline George Francis J. glass stainer, 63 n High George Francis, fresco painter, 63 n High George Fred. A. fresco painter, 63 n High George George, 21 n Pacti Georiie George, butcher, 8 Miller CD 0 3 W o O d o p o o Baltiiiiore Boot and ^ Geoige Geo. B. foreman Shoe Co. 25 Forrest pi George G. W. Russell, salesman, 387 Eutaw pi p[^ G' orge Mrs. Henrietta, 283 n Charles George Hi'nry, clerk, 108 n Greene i^ GEORGE, J. BROWN, wholesale >: Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, 300 w „ Baltimore. ^ Traders National Bank, Power Press Printincr, at Pteduced Rates, (Maryland Ins, Go's Marble Building.) Geoige Isaac S. presi. 387 Eutaw pi George Mrs. James, 3o3 Madison av George J. Brown, 387 Eutaw pi George J. E. clerk, 7 Franklin George J. J. clerk, 7 Franklin George John, (Dorsey, G. & Ahrens) 303 Mad- p>-) ison av qJ George John T. ( W. E. & J. T. George) 405 n ^ Carey "^ George Joseph F. feed, 405 n Carey George Melvin, carp. 13 Clay George Mrs. Kate, boarding, 29 s Exeter George J. Murray, 287 Eutaw pi George & Johnson, (Andrew J. George, Wm. R. Johnson) wholes, glass and earthenware, 20 German nr Calvert George Philip T. (P. T. G. & Co.) 7 Franklin ^^ GEORGE P. T. & CO. (P. T. & Samuel E. ^^ Geor-ej provis. merchs. 94 w Lombard, North and cor Hamilton and Hargrove al George S. E. (P. T. G & Co.) 7 Franklin George Mrs. .M. L. notions, 72 Richmond George Stephen, builder, 72 Richmond George Thos. J. drau>;htsra.in, Towsontown George Thos. J. (Saunders & G )145 McCulloh ^ George VV. E. & J. T. flour grain and produce, ** ^— 1— H v: =3 ct c^ _^ 3S ^«.'t O td « ^^ a: !>. ^" o •- 2h :::) 1 3^ H OJ > OJ E =: ^ Georges H. groceries and liquors, 239 Gouph Georges Jacoti, sboemkr, 197 I'eirce Georges John, 197 Peirce (ieorges Win. lab. 138 e Pratt Georgious Fred G l)arber, 7 n High Georgii Fred, clerk. 37 n G;\_v Georgii F. Wra. liquors. 37 n Ga)' Gephardt Casper, lab. 1 80 Canton av Gephardt Fred. carp. 4 Fountain Gephardt Geo. driver, Striiker nr Presstman Gephardt George, lab. 80 Clinton Gephardt Jdhn, 6 Lewis Gephardt John, cattle driver, 19 Holland Gephardt John, shoeinkr. 104 n Spring Gephardt John. tMilor, 88 s Castle Gephart John, tailor. 42 s Wolfe GephartJohn, clerk. 258 w I>oinbard Gephart John, jr. (Starr & G ) 2.58 w Lombard Gephart W. Starr, attorney, Calvert and Lex- ington, dw 2.t8 \v Lombard Gephart Tlios. tailor, 44 s Wolfe Geprande Henry, tailor. 193 n Bethel Gerahty Bartly, porter, 4 Foundry Gerahty James A. sparmkr. 78 Block Gerahty Mrs Mary A. 78 Block Geiahty Mrs. Peier, 78 Block Geiahtv Peter J. sparmkr, 78 Block GERBEN CHAS.F. florist, Barclay nr Hunting- don av Gerber Barbara, 218 Conway Gerber Joseph, driver. 138 Cross GERBER CHRISTIAN P. flour, feed and grain, 176 Light-si whf dw 273 w Fayette Gerber Ignatius, lab. l.'^4 Battery av Gerber Michael, carp. 154 s Wa.«hington Gerbes Frank, ciL-armkr, 299 n Central av Gerbes Henry, tailor, 31 Brown Gerbig John', lab. 40 Clifford al Gerbrich Joseph, provisions, cor Gilinor and McHenry Gerbrick Samuel C. milk, 118(^ross Gerbrick Win. driver, 64 s Sharp Gerding Catherine. 449 Canton av Gerding Henry, milk, 316 Canton av Gerhard Christ'r,shoemkr, Harford rd nr Home- stead Gerhardt Adam, driver, lielair av ext Gerhardt Mrs. Barbara, tailoress, 52 Cross Gerhard! Catherine, seainstress,6I n Spring Gerhardt Conrad, lab. Lanvale nr Harford av Gerhardt Dliidore, tobacconist, 49 Bunk Gerhardt Edward, lab. Lanvale nr Harford av Gerhardt (Jeo. W. carter, 131 William Gerhardt Henry, 159 Chesnut Gerhardt Henry, cooper, 281 s Charles Gerhardt John V. carter, 131 Leadenhall Gerhardt John, lab. Iu9 s Eden Gerhardt .lohn W. Lanvale nr Hoffman (Jerhardt Theodore, shoemkr, 49 Bank Gerhardt Win F. C. (Cohii & G.) Collington and Jackson sq avs Gerhardt Wm. t .ilor, 714 w Baltimore Gerhardt Mrs. Emily, 159 Chesnut Gerhardt Valentine, carter, 131 Leadenhall Gerhauser Georjie, butcher. William & Fort av Gerhauser John, butcher. William and Fort av Gerh luser Wm. clerk, William and Fort av (Jerhold Chas. H. tailor. Hit; (Jreenmouut av (Jerhold Conr«d, ganger. 432 n Gay Gerhold Geo. butcher, 104 Greenmount av Gerhold Henry, lab. 145 n Dallas Gerhold Henry, cigarboxmkr, 102 McElderry Gerke Aug. lab. 249 s Durham Gerke Chas. furs, 56'Lexington Gerken John W. grocery, 113 Hollins Gerlach Aug. shoenikr, 133 n Regester Gerlach Chas. lab. Eastern av nr Fifth Gerlach Fred. carp. 75 Lancaster Gerlach Fred, cutler, •55 Scott Gerlach George, huckster. Monument nr Wash- ing: ton Gerlach G. C. canmkr. 58 Mnllikin Gerlach John, shoemkr, 257 n Front Gerlach John, tailor, 244 n Gay Gerlach Louis, huckster. Monument nr Wash- ington Gerlach Peter, varnisher, 195 Vine Gerlof .\drian. lab. 259 s Wolfe GERMAN AMERICAN IN- SURANCE CO. of NEW YORK, GcL'an Bros. & Allmaiid, agents, 73 and 75 Second German Mrs. Agnes, 389 Kutnw pi German Alice Ann, 210 e Madison German Andrew, painter, 210Gough GERMAN AMERICAN BANK, 173 s Broadway \_See Appendix. German Baptist Church, cor Hampsiead and Caroline GERMAN CATHOLIC PEOPLE'S GAZETTE, Kreuzer Bros, publishers, 30 North German Chas. B. shoemkr. 233 n Howard GERMAN CENTRA L BANK, s w cor Baltimore and Postoffice av. \_See Afpendix. GERMAN CORRESPONDENT. F. Raine, pub. and prop'r.cor. Baltimore and Postoflice av German Evangelical Church, cor Greene and Cider al German Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor Henrietta and Sharp German Evangelical Reformed (First) Church Conwav nr Sharp German l^frs. Dora, 33 n Frederick GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. n e cor Holliday and Baltimore, Chas. Weber, pres't C. Weber, jr. sec'y German Jerome B. plasterer, 61 Garden German John, bricklayer, Calhoun nr Ramsay German John W. apothecary, n w cor monu- ment and Bund German Jonathan, plasterer, 41 n Exeter German Jos. carp. 306 Forrest German Mrs. Josephine, 463 e Eager German Lemuel, carp. 132 e Lombard Gerniac Mrs. .Malii.d a, grocery, 266 e Madison German Methodist Episcopal Church, s e cor .Mosber and Penna av German Meth()dist Episcopal Church, s w cor Lombard .and Fulton German Methodist Protestant Church, Broad-' way nr Eastern av German .Mary, grocery, 228 e Lombard (Jerman .Micliael P. janitor, 213 s Ann German New Jciu^alem Ciiurch, Lombard near Lloyd German Orphan Asylum, Aisquith opposite Mullikin German Reform Church, cor Sjuatoga and Scbroeder German Reform (Third) Church, n e cor Sara- to_'a and Paca German Reform (Fourth) Church, Calvert near Saratoga German Saul, silverplater, 33 n Frederick HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose. Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. GER 215 GEY c3 German Reform (Fifth) Church, Canton av nr Broiidwav GERMAN BANK, n e cor Holliday and Balti- more. \_See Appendix. German Scieiy of -Muryhmd, H.F.Wellinghoflf, agent, 212 s Broadway GERMAN STREET HALL, Eugene M. Daly, projirietor, 26 German German Thus. R tngiiuer. Dnudville German United (First) Evan* O < < o M M 1-1 o o - r/? ^. o 00 C-l o hj ^ Ul o o [=! OS ^g t- f- -r; ij o ^ a r-. .^ K O Geyer Edward, ^G. & Wilkens) 328 Lexington Geyer David, coachiiikr, 172 s Piiea Geyer Geo. D. coiichtrimuier, 172 s Paca Gever Lemuel F. conchpaiiiter, 172 s Paca GKVKK & \V1IJailmaker, 12 Goiigh Gibbons .Mrs. Kezi.ili, lailoress, 57 Essex Gibbons Nicholas, lab. 89 Clinton Gibbons Patrick, pictuies, 46 President GIBBONS S. M. jiroprietor CJibbons" hotel, s w cor Howard and S:iratof:a Gibbous Sarah A. millinery, 80 n Charles, dvv cor Charlts-st av and Deumead Gibbons Thos. F. machinist. 73 n Amity Gibbons Tlios. lab. 79 Cooksie Gibbs Archiliald, clerk, 86 n Gllmor Gibbs A. C. agent, S6 n Gilmor. Gibbs Ch.is. H. clerk, 86 n Gilmor Giblis Edward A. judge appeal tax court, 39 McCuiloh Gibbs Geo. mariner, 174 s Wolfe Gil)bs Jas. carpets and oil cloth, 165 Hanover, dw 5 Hill Gibbs James, brickm iker, 146^ n Eden Giblis James S. 22 Read Giljlis Jane, hairdresser, 146j n Eden Gil)l)S John W. clerk, 39 McCuiloh Gibbs .Mrs. Mary A. dressmaker, 146.1 n Eden Gibbs .Mrs. .Mary A. 408 Lexington Gibbs Wm. C. lab. 724 \v Pratt Giblin Mrs. Bridget, 203 Vine Giblin Patiick. lali. 20 Nebjhbor Oiblin Patrick 11. carp. 20 Neiuhbor Gibmeyer Bernard, lab. 20 P:.tterson Park av (;ibme\er Elizabeth, 383 Canton av GIKMEVER IIENRV M. cabinetmaker and un- dertaker, 383 Cantne M. cupper and leecher, 125 n Eutaw Gill Jerome (.\I. Gillett A Co.) IGO w Fayette Gill John, mariner, 305 s Bond Gill John (Gill & Fisher) 35 w Eai:er Gill John jr. attorney, 38 St. Paul, dw 227 n Charles Gill John G. fire dejjt. 202 w Fayette Gill Joseph, bricklayer, 417 vv Pratt Gill Kate, 127 Ral)org Gill Lemuel .M. engineer, 457 n Gay Gill Luther G. jr. tobacco and ci'.;ar3, 336 w Pratt Gill M. Gillet (M. Gillet & Go.) 160 w Fayette Gill .M.iriin, carp. 65 Boyd Gill Melinda, coiifeclioiiery, 59 Block Gill & Mc.Mahon (A. Gill, James McMahon) granite cutters, 430 w Pratt Gill Nicholas, cooper, 444 Lexington Gill N. Rufus, attorney, 32 St. Paul, dw 69 Aisquith Gill Nicholas A. cooper, 444 Lexington Gill Noah, fishdealer, 312 n Broadway Gill Noah, huckster, 248 e Pratt Gill Owen A. (.M. Gillet & Co.) 160 w Fayette Gill Olivia M. 240 n Calvert Gill Patrick, lab. 58 Decker Gill Peter, stoves and tinware, 810 vv Baltimore Gill Dr. Samuel H. (S. H. G. &Bro. ) 56 s Sharp Gill Samuel T. conductor. Gen. Wayne hotel GILL S. H. & BRO. (S. H. and E A. Gill) dentists, H mover and Lombard Gill Theophilus P. machiuist, 2o5 n Bond Gill Thos. fish, 312 n Broadway Gill Walter E. carpenter, 444 Lexington Gill Wm. lab. 241 s Wolfe Gill W. L. teller Merchants Nat. Bank, 129 Park av GILL WM. H. magistrate, 336 w Piatt Gill Wm E. cooper, 310 Franklin Gill Wm,D.(Otto Duker & Co.)356 Madison av Gill Wm. S. f)ainter. 7 Brune Gill VVm. J. fish, Chester nr Madisoa Gillan Dominick, lab. 75 Boyd Gillan Michael, driver, 20 Buren Gillan James, lab. 75 Boyd Gillan John, huckster, 75 Boyd Gillan Wm. drayman, 184 n Front Gillard Arthur H. carpr. 113 Pearl CD o g PQ o O 6 o o o p4 —\ OD. o o ^^ -5 5 - X -- i *^ c ! £ -J Gillrtrd Frnnk. c«rpr. 113 Penrl Glllard Wiu. H. whipiiiaker, 113 Pearl Gillrtspev Gfo. W., U. S. t;au(;er, 251 Wiilsli (jiliaspfy Robert, painter, 251 Walsh Gilden \Vispert, lab. 1(34 s I)ii:hain Gillelaiul Win. J. jrrocery, 3 Uaker Gllleii Kdwiiid, sionemason. .S6 Frederick av Gilleu Francis, lal). 19 e Madison Gillen James, cooper, 47 Constitution GilliMi Miciiat'l, hticksier. 88 n I'ine Gilien Pat'k, stnnei>olisli. 184 L. Constitution Gillen Pat'k, cooper, 144 Ensor Gilien .Mrs. Sarah, nurse, 184 L. Constitution (tiIUmi Thos. liuck.-ter, Vincent al nr Pratt Giller Charles. 279 Mulberry Giller Frank, tdilor, 203 Aisquith Gill' r Jacob, cooper. 27 Haw (Jillern .Mirhinl, coachman, 28 Hilien (Jilh-spie .Mrs. Kliz-ibeth F. niill'ry, 270 Franklin Gillespie Hansoa W. bookliinder, 639 w Fayette Gillespie James, lab. 120 Chesapeake Gillespie Jas. carp. Wolfe nr Chase Gillespie Joseph I. carp. 270 Franklin Gillespie .Michael, lab. 17 Pleasint al Gillespie Ilobt bib. 24 Jijhnson Gillespie Thomas, lab. 17 Pleasant al Gillespie Thomas, clerk, 14 Pearl al Gillespie Wm. enjzraver, 639 w Fayette (iillet Mrs. Auloinette, 149 John GILLKT MARTIN J- CO. (0. A , C. L., M. G. and Jerome Gill) teas, whol. 70 Exchange pi Gille\ Thendore, firem.m, 223 Lijrht Gillian Joseph, shoemaki-r, 29 B.irnes (jillice Bernard, lab. 23 Eusor Gillice Patrick, junk, 23 Ensor Giiliece P. F. contractor, 7 Stockholm (iil i^ati Edward, sliipcarp. 83 s Washington Gi ligiin S;il»ina, laiind. Fed('r.\l nr Hudson al Gilliland David, cooper, 71 llillen Gii:iland James, coopi r, 71 Hilien GibinghMHi C. R. clerk Bo>ton Steamship Co. toot Long Dock, dw 23(5 u Carey (Jillinj^haiii Geo. 0. 322 Madi.son av Gillinjlmm J^imes. eiiiiineer. 112 Jefferson Gillini;liani .Mis. R. A. 322 JIadisoii av Gilliu;ihani Win. R. carp. 356 ii Strieker Gillings Mary A. seamstress. 8 McElderrj' (iilliss Dr. Joseph A. 23 n Greene (iillman Geo. F. tea, 27 w 15alliniore, dwN. Y. CJII.LMAN GEO. U. at:t. for Fairl)ank's scales, 166 w Baltimore, dw 628 Lexington. [_See All vert isemail.'^ Gilliuan Howard M. clerk, 35 Hollins (Jillinan Louis, butcher, 466 e .Monument (Jillmeyer lulwd. cardriver, Baker nr Penna av (iillmi'yer (iro. S., Division and Baker CJillmer Wip. barber, 225 s Broadway (iillmire Collins (Bonth & Co. ) I 16 Saratoga GILLMOKEA ROGERS(. les.se Gillmore, ) prod. com. merchts. 159 w Pratt Gillinoie .le.-ise ((}. & Rogers) 57 n Broadway Gilnian Mrs. Cath'-rine, 104 w Moiiiimiiit Gilman John S.( H. .\bboll & Son ipicsl. Second Nat.Bk andvlce-pr. Abbott IronCo.Hoinesleid Gilman Dr Judsoii, 172 Sarato;;a Gilmer David, 463 n Fu-monl Gilmor Mrs. (' S., Dtnmead ami Maryland av (Jilmor Chas. S., Deninead and .Maryland av GII>MOR k GIBSG.V, (Hotrmau Gilmor, A. F. Gibson) imps. Havana cigars, and wholesale liquors. 50 s Gay Gilmor Harry, police com'r, 167 w HofiFman Gilmor Hoffman, (G. & Gibson,) 105 w Chase Gilmor Richard T. bailiff, 130 Myrtle av GILMOR ROBERT, Jb. judge Criiuinal Court, dw Baliimon- co Gilmor Wm 104 Park av GILMOR WM ov WM., Balto. rivet and spike works, s e cor President and Fawn, dw 105 n Charles Gilmor Wm. T. 202 Constitution (jilmor Wm. W. barkeeper, 87 Lexington GILMORl"] & CO. (Mrs. S. E. W. L. Gilmore and .Mrs. M. L. Parklnirst, ) grocery, n e cor Greenmount av and Kager Gilmore & Courtney, (R Gilmore, G.Courtney) blacksmiths. 59 s Central av GILMORE JAMES, mauuf. of jellies and fruit butler, 244 and 246 s Caroline, dw 1 Aisquith Gilmore .Mrs. Letitia, grocery, 8.') Hilien Gilmore Rich. J. mer. tailor, 81 Thames, dw 65 Gilmore Robt. (G.tf-Courtuey) 10 s Central av GilHiore Stephen, lab. 615 w Pratt Gilmore Mrs. S. E. \V. L. (G. & Co.) Maryland av ext GILMORE WM. (Whitall, Tatum & Co.) 246 w Fayette — \_See Adverliseinent. Gilmour James, machinist, 50 s Sharp Gilpin Albert G. (Cole & G.) 162 n Howard GilpinBern.(Canby,G.&Co.)Lanvale nrParkav Gilpin Charles, Surveyor of Customs, 127 n Eutaw Gilpin Mrs. Elizabeth, tailoress, 21 Warren Gilpin Harry B clerk, Lanvale nr Park av Gilpin Joseph.sliident of medicine, 143Mulberry (Jilpiii Wm. 91 Wiirieu Gilroy James, hostler, 144 n Front Gilroy John, wholesale and retail grocery, n w cor Monument and Dallas Giniber Andrew, brushmkr, 310 .\liceanna Gimber Leonard, stonemason, 31 s Dewoerry al Gimi-lmin Andrew, plasterer, 316 Eastern av Gimm Leopold, cigarmkr, 26 n Spring Gimpel Henry W. pianomkr. 9 Sterrett Gimpel Margaret, 217 s Wolfe Gimpel Wm. pianomkr, Sterrett nr Ridgely Giniper Andrew, porter, 310 Aliceanna Gimper Wm. F. fireman, 269 n Ddlas Gii'.der Sebastian, lab. 177 Choptank Gindrat Dr. Abram, 79 Cathedral Ginn Sherwood B enwine- r, 179 Hudson Guiier Francis, shoemki, 32 .McHetiry Gintir .John, grocery, 33 Biddle al Ginier John X carp. 213 Druid Hill av Ginter Nicholas, lab. 33 Bradford al, Canton Giiiter Seliastian, lab. 177 s Choptank (jinter Taylor, carter, 15 Wyelh Gipe (Jeo. huckster, Jell'eisonand Begester Gipe Ciio. jr. cup. 131 n Broadway Gipe John, clerk, Jefferson and Reuester (iipjiert Leonard, tanner. 62 n Washington, Gipiuich Henry, lab. 60 s Wolfe Gi|)prich Joseph, tailor, 60 s Wolfe Girardin Emile, jeweler, Oxford, York rd Gil van Thomas. (Smith k G.) New York — 1 t— ( 1— 1 ^ n Wolfe Glenn J. lines, brakenian, 158 n Eden Glenn John, (J. G. & Co.) 343 n Eiifaw GLKNN JOHN 4' CO. (John Glenn. H C.Buck- niHsier, R. A. Ciowlev) real estate brokers, 1 St. Paul Glenn John, brnssfinishcr. 136 Harford av Glenn John E. carter, 197 n Eden Glenn John H. piinter, 3TG s Sharp Glenn Joseph, slioemkr. 85 n W^ilte Glenn Lawtence, lab. 65 e .M idison (Jlenn .Mrs. .Miirtha E. 113 n Republican Glenn .Michael N. carp. 300 Orleans Glenn Patrick, hib. llniiteral nr John Glenn Peter, lab. 80 .McKim Glenn .Mrs. Rachel, 76 Lancaster Glenn Robert W. brickliiyer, 334 Aliceanna Glenn Samuel B. blacksmith, 89 Jackson sq av Glenn Samuel J. carp. 99 Columbia Glenn Samuel J. jr. bricklayer. 99 Columbia Glenn Samuel W. actor. 230 Chew Glenn Thos. clerk. 51 Ettin.' Glenn White Coal and LumberCo., Geo. Gilder- sieve, prest. 1 1 North Glenn Wm. urocerv, Bank and Castle al GLENN WM. W. attorney, 12 St. Paul,d\v 153 n t'harles Glenn Wm. W. (G. k Clarke) 30 Sterrett Glennan John, lab. 379 Franklin Glennon Wm. J. huckster, 2 Diamond Glen'a Fall.s Ins. Co. of .M. Y. James E. Alford & Son, airents, 39 Postoffice av Gles Wm. 10 Bouldin al G!e.T, 197 Cathedral Glessiier G<'0. shoeinkr, 94 Richmond Gleiicke John, weaver, 1()2 Somerset Glene Aujiusi, beer, Beliir av ext Gliho John, shoemkr, 237 s Sharp tJlines Kbeii, C(nn. inercht, 258 e Madison Glines E K salesman, 258 e Madison Glissman Chas.H.F.W. barber, 862 w Pratt Gliiz^^an .Michael, lailor, 66 Elisor Globe Distillery, Clinton and Fifth and Sixth avs. Flack Bros, proprs Globe Fire Ins. Co. of Chicago, 36j Second GLOBE MATCH CO., England & Bell, 282 and 284 West, only fac- tory in the city. Globe Mutual Life Ins. Co. 36 PostofTice av Globe PrintinL' Co. (J. H.W. .Marriott, )s w cor Lijrhl and tlerman (Jlo<-k Ad im, tailor, 107 Duncan al (ildck George H. firmer, 9o Somerset Glock John A. cooper, 135 s Castle, dw 360 Ea.-itern av Glocker Albert Catty. 83 w Fayette,dw Fulton nr Lexin).rton Glocker Emanuel J. clerk, 438 w Fayette Glocker Dr. Theo. W., John md Mc.Mechin Glocker Theo. attorney, 5 Courtland, dw 59 e Fayette BALTIMORE. GIoo:cet l<]nis, stonecutter, 54 Rock Glories Martin, tailor, 80 Chew Glorius Andrew, florist, 186 Penna av Glos Nicholas. 'Jtrocery, 76 Jackson sq av Glosanrayer Wm. tavern. 110 Low Gloss Fred, bricklayer, 4S3 vv Lombard Gloss John, lab. 100 Thames Glossen Gustave, cigarmkr, 233 Battery av Glotlhons John, lab. Fulton nr .McHenry Gloitner Catherine, grocery, 89eLombard Glover John Vi . paver, 324 William Glover Russell, U. S. Revenu/ Marine. C. H. dw 73 St. Paul Glover Thos. boilermkrr 56 Rue Glover Wm. J. helper, Bennett nr Hudson Gluck Henry C. tinner, 278 e .Monument Gluck Henry, shoemkr, 278 e Monument (Jlnck Chris". J. M. blacksmith, 403 n Central av Gluck Chas. F. blacksmith, 403 n Central av Gluck Wm. H. clerk, 403 n Central av GLUCK WM J. H. stovesand tinware, 96 n G ly, dw 278 e Monument GLUCK WM. tin and sheet iron worker and stoves, 79 and 81 n Gay, dw 89 n High Gluck Wm. 40H n Central av Glue Ignatius, canmkr, 420 Light Gluckslein Alois, shoemkr, 9.") .Mulberry Gluckstein Jului, confectionery, 93 nEuta\v,dw 95 .Mulberry Gluth Charles, cabiuetmkr, Forrest and Low Glynn John, cellar digger, 38 Stockton Gmiiulei' Jacob, silver[)l.iler, military goods, and fancy hardware, 10 s Calvert, dw 68 Barre Giuiu Henry, barber, 23 s Washington Gniesmer llcnry, tavern, 74 s Eutaw GnosJulins, cabinetmkr, 162 Pearl Gobrecht Wm. lab. 144 Lancaster Gobri^lU Frank .M. elk, 293 Druid Hill av Gobright Jos. S. coachmkr, 293 Druid Hill av Gobright Louisa, 79 n Strieker Gobright Wm. A. clerk, 79 n Strieker Gobright Wm. II. clerk, 79 n Strieker Gobbasch Frank, lab. 58 Duncan al Gockiug Anthony B. heater, 299 Canton av Gocking Anton, carp. 299 Canton av Cocking Jos. F. machinist, 299 Canton av Godby .Alex. J. elk, Hotl'man opp Bolton Goddin John W. .--tencil cutter, 14 s Gay Godey Harry (T.G. k Son i 346 .Madison av Godey Henry, clirk, 346 .Madison av GODEY THOS. & SON, (T. and H. Godey,) Manufacturers of Fine Furniture, Mantle and Pier Mir- rors, 41 Hanover st. HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithograi.hini^r, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt . GOD 221 GOL Gouey Thos. (T. G. & Son) 346 Madison av Gdilfrey Andrew, butcher, Dover nr Monroe Godfrey Mrs. Annie, 259 n Cential av Godfrev David, clerk, t;71 Penna av Godfrey Geo. S. hucksb-r, 212 w Pratt Godfrey .Jnhn, lab. 101 n Schroeder Godfrey Johnson, nightman 671 Penna av Godfrey L (W. Simpson, Sons & Co.) Phlla. Godfrey Wm. 234 Lemnion Godfrey Wm. coniiiosiiion gum, cor St. Paul and Bank la, d\v 33 n Pine Godman Gto. R. butcher, 808 w Baltimore Godma'i Jas. H. machinist, 896 w Baltimore Godujan Robt. butcher, 898 w Baltimore Godman Tbos. S. butcher, 21 Hollins and 46 Lafayette mkts. dw 22 s Fulton Godman Thos. W butcher, 64 Centre, 73 Lex- ington and 72 Hunover markets, dw 896 w Baltimore Godman Wm. H. butcher, 18 Lexinrrton mkt, dw Penna av ext Godman Wm. J. butcher, 898 w w Baltimore Godwin Alex. S restaurant, 13 n Eutaw Godwin (ieo. cigarmkr, 99 .Mullikin Godwin JohnE. (Noble & G.) 28 n Front Godwin Mis. Juliet, dressml— i Golder Dr. Geo. 127 w Fayette EH Golder Geo. A. clerk, 495 w Fayette '^ Golder G. L. clerk, 268 Myrtle av fa^ Golder Hamilton, clerk, 127 w Fayette ^ Golder Jas. C. 268 Myrtle av "^ Golder Mrs. Mary J. 127 w Fayette (^ Golder Robt. (G. k Unducb,) 495 w Fayette >^ GOLDER & UNDUCH, (R. Golder, N. H. Ln-^^ duch) importers and dealers in paperhangs, "*^ 33 Hanover j-k Golder Wm. W. bookkpr, 127 w Fayette g Golderman Jacob, printer, 243 n Eden ^ Goldermann Aug. canmkr, 114 s High c_( Goldeimann Mrs. Sophia, 114 s High ^ Goldhammer Peter, cooper, 13 James la r^ Goldheiui L. wines and liquors, manufacturer ZI^ Swiss wine stomach bitters, 278 w Pratt i-H Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 f-« 0.2 J.:r a o Q . VI Q 0) ^ -"^ > ~ '""' -m M m O 1) tc^ ^ c -^ ■^^^ 53 • "^^.^ D t> :i ■=c ^ ce c r1 ^ -^ — 1 r. Z) ^ >^ "w rt ^ " o •U 1, ^ ^r p 1— 1 c .t.^ ^ c: r ""^ O +J -u /J 5« cc CO •4—' ^ »— • 3^ ce - • <— ^S z^ o ^ o c ^*" M O 1—1 "O ^ ?-, OJ r,-i ^ '-< H K — ,^ r^ »«i es X-' < M ^ ffi =q "5 =^ iJ S'l 3S H h " o - -r 1—1 O O ■w s; O -t- K^ i:^- k. Mutual Life Insnrance Co. of New York, GOL 222 GOO ^^^D-Z . a; c > ^ > 5v X O »" -I (5 .* y. ;, 'r. 0) - (L "^ iC h -1^ carj). 87 n Calvert' Goudliughes Fred, liarber, 19 Albeujarle Goodinj: Ouen, porter Public Store No. 1, dw Baltimoie co. Goodin John, lab. 162 Chesapeake Gooding Mrs. R. V. 248 e Biddle HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. GOO 223 GOR Goodman Aaron; clothing, 75 n Howard and 213 n Gaj Good maiiAbraham, clothier, 127n Howard, dw75 Goodman Albert, 75 n Howard Gooiiman :5aer, (3. G. & Bro.) 68 Harrison Goodman Betij. clerk, 68 Harrison Goodman & Bro. (Emanuel and David Good- man) clothino:, -59 s Broadway Goodman David (G. ^ Bro.) 259 s Broadway Goudman Emanuel (G & Bro.) 259 s Broadway Goodman Eli H. bookkpr, 45 e Lombard Goodman Isaac, clerk, 75 n Howard Goodman Isaac, sec. hand furn. 62 Harrison Goodman Isaac H. 75 n Howard Goodman John, lab. 7j Baker Goodman John W. salesman, 458 Lexington Goodman Jos. clothing, 18 CVntre ilaiket sp Goodman Jos. peddler, 45 e Lombard Goodman Josiah (G.& Nathan) 189 w Lombard Goodmitn Leonard, lab. 353 Aliceauna Goodman Lewis housefurn. goods. 68 Harrison Goodman Marmaduke R. marblecutter, 456 e Monument Goodman & Nathan (J. Goodman, M. Nathan) clothiers. 22 Centre .Market sp Goodman Sekel, teacher, 45 e Lombard Goodman Solomon (S. G. & Bro.) 83 e Fayette Goodman S. & Bro. (S. and B. Goodman ) house furnishing, 182 n Gay Goodmauson John J. tobacconist, 325 n Eutaw Goodnow Heury B. shoemkr, 111 Conway Goodrick Miss Harriet, seamstress, 6 Somerset Goodrick Jamt-s, carter, 307 Columbia Goodrick James W. dep. sheriflF, 175 n Eden Goodrick Thos. J. saloon, 37 w Fayette Goodrick Thos. T. stairbuilder, 194 w Biddle Goodwin C. L. 93 Smith's whf Goodwin Caleb H. H. clerk, Mansion house Goodwin Chas. jr. clerk, 254 Lexington Goodwin Mrs. Charles, 121 McCulloh Goodwin C. Ridgely, 74 w Monument Goodwin Edward, lab. 95 Curley Goodwin Harry T. clerk, 57 Lee Goodwin James, engineer, 95 Curley Goodwin James, lab. 76 n Duriiam Goodwin John, horseshoer, 23 St. Mary Goodwin Joseph, engineer. High aud Trinity Goodwin Mary A. 40 Preston Goodwin Peter, lab. 593 w Lombard Goodwin Richard, lal). Bruce nr McHenry Goodwin Reul W. shoemkr, 72 Hait'ord av Goodwin Simiiel, cabinetmkr, 57 Columbia Goodwin Thos. dry eoods commission, 17 Ger- man, dw 176 Walsh Goodwiii Thos. E. salesman, 4 Spear's whf Goodwin VVm. K. conductor, 6 u Fremont Goodwin Wm. .M. machinist, 40 Preston Goodyear Henry, shoemkr, 85 Mullikin Goolrick Dr. Peter, prof. College Phys. and Surgeons, 162 n Carey Goonan Timothy, driver, 611 w Pratt Gootee Kelly, clerk, 358 e Baltimore Goppert J. G. remover, 468 Fenna av Gordon Aloi.zu M. clerk, 646 w Lombard Gordon Alts. 45 Mt. Vernon pi Gordon Mrs. Amanda, dressmkr, 292 n Eutaw Gordon Mrs. Alex. B. 335 Park av Gordon Mrs. Basil B. 133 n Charles Gordon Bartholomew, 236 n Front Gordon .Mrs. Catherine, tailoress, 308 Mulberry Gordon Chas. G. dry goods, 345 n Gay, dw 418 e Monument Gordon Chas. L. 437 e Chase Gordon Chas. H. lab. 71 Hamburg Gordon Chas. M. clerk, 31 s Eden S Gordon Cornelius, bartender, 243 Light OQ Gordon Dall-is, barkeeper, Gen. Wayne hotel j^ Gordon David, baker, 292 n Ann ^ Gordon Douglas H. 27 Franklin -^ Gordon Dr. Edwin W. 125 n Broadway ^^ Gordon Mrs. Elizabeth J. 327 e Monument "^ Gordon Fred. S. silversmith, 65 Stirling --^ Gordon Geo. B. silversmith, over 50 and 52 n ^ Holliday, dw Waverley ^ Gordon Geo. H. police, 52 n Bond a> Gordon Geo. W. storekpr Baltimore Warehouse o ■ Co. 122 s Eutaw, dw 31 s Eden g Gordon H. G. attorney. 42 St. Paul -^ Gordon H. Skipwith, "l33 n Charles -^ Gordon James, shoemkr, 23 Buren ^q Gordon Jas. A. bricklayer. 418 e Monument ' Gordon Jas. M. lab. 80 McKira j^ Goidon Jas. horses, n w cor Baltimore and O Paca, dw 22 Penn O Gordon James, salesman, 22 Penn Gordon John A. carp. 99 s Gilmor ^ Gordon John, clerk, 143 e Lombard 7-~j Gordon Leonaid V. clerk, 327 e Monument Gordon Martin, lab. 390 Eastern av o^ Gordon Nancy, seamstress, 87 Parkin Gordon Patrick, lab. cor Fayette and Castle (Z^ Gordon Randolph H. 335 Park av Q Gordon Samuel B. clerk. I n Carey Q Gordon Thos. supt. restaurant, Maltby house ^ Gordon T. B.,St. Claii hotel f^ Gordon Wm. stonecutter, 302 Harford av Gordon Wm. E. clerk, 307 e Pratt fx^ Gordon Wm. .McK. 45 Mt. Vernon pi Gordschell Dr. Geo W\323Pennaav ^ Gordschell James, carp. 510 n Fremont ^ Gordshell Frederick, clerk, 276 Division ^ Gore Dr. Albert P. dentist, 179 Madison av Gore Bettie, dressmkr, 248 n Howard qq Gore Henry S. 493 Franklin p^ GURE IGNATIUS, prop'r U. S. hotel, Presi-Q dent and Canton av Z--\ Gore Rev. James, 51 Courtland ^ Gore James H. carp. 881 w Baltimore i-h Gore James H. police, 228 George p!) GoRE JtSSE P. coachmkr, 153 n High, dw ^jH 5 Mulberry q^ Gore John W. carp. Clifton nr the Park Gore J. W. salesman, 349 w Baltimore Q <1 Gore Millard S. drug clerk, Charles and Read GURGArf DR. FERDINAND J. S. dean Balto. College Dental Surgery, 259 n Eutaw Gorges John S. block and purapmkr, over s w grj cor Pratt and Commerce, dw 297 Lexington p^ Gorley John, lab. 6 Fort av r^q Gorman Arnold T. boarding, 72 Centre mkt sp -» Gorman Arthur P. pres't Chesapeake and Ohio ,__| Canal, 7 n Cart-y O Gorman Bryan, grocery, 79 Richmond pQ Gorman Burney, stonecutter, 102 Harford av Gorman Demas, carter, Cathedral ext {^ Gorman Edward W. carp. 62 s Castle, dw 91 Q s Washington p^ Gorman Henry, lab. 86 Boyd )_| Gorman Horace, huckster, 59 Clifford al Gorman James, stonemason, 117 Harmony la c^ Gorman Jas. H. stonemason, Bruce nr McHenry ^ Gorman James C. clerk, 91 s Washington 5h Gorman James W. ale vaults and liquors, rear ^ 42 Second, dw 601 Lexington IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARD WAKE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, GOR 224 GOS H w H P4 H CZJ H >H K o H c^ C5 <^ K H tA P O O CQ OJ '^- 00 O o H ^ ^-1 t— 1 S < w 02 O Q P "a .Mo Gorman James S. clerk, 601 Lexington (ioimiin John, lab. Bruce nr McHenry Goi'iiian John, 22 Morris al Gorman John J. salesman, 10 Edmondson av Gorman John J. salesman, 79 Hichmond Gorman Michael J. jiluniber, 32 Greenmountav Gorman Mrs. Maria, 30 Suiitii Gorman Owen, 79 Richmond Gorniaii Patrick J. clerk. 32 Greenmount av Gorman Patrick, lab 82 Dolphin Gorman Richard P. liquors, H3 Forrest, dw 417 w Pratt Gorman Thomas, lab. 3 Dover Gorman Win. lab. Falls rd nr tollgate Goiman \\'m. 91 s Washington GURMAN WM. H. sup't J. M. Bnidstreet & Son's uieicantile agency, over 30 South, dw 211 n Carey Gormley Mrs. John, 231 w Biddle Gormiey John W. {M. G. sr. & Son) 804 vr Bal- timore Gorniley Matthew sr. (M. G. sr. & Son) 804 w Baltimore Gormley Matthew, blacksmith, 25 Frederick av Gormley M. sr. & Son (M. sr. and J W. Gorm- ley) stoves and tinware, 804 w Baltimore Gormley Mis. Rachel, tiimmiujjs, 2.") Fred'kav Gormley Thos. J. painter, 45 Clay,dw 85 Mosher Gornall John, coppersmith, 28 s Republican Gornall Juhn F. brassfinislier, 28 s Rej)ublican Gornall Richard, brass6nisher, cor HoUiday and Saratoiia, dw 61 North Goriell Janu'S R. C. clerk, 41 e Baltimore Gorrell S. G inspector C. H. 100 n Front Gorsuch Daniel H. architect, dw 568 Aisquith Gorsuch David A. clerk, 116 n Gay Gorsu'h George, 275 n Ann Gorsuch James, oysters, 275 n Ann Gorsuch James D. carp 92 n Pine Gorsuch Dr. J. Edmund, 41 s Sharp Goisuch James K. P. conveyancer, 32 St. Paul, dw 248 w Lombard Gorsuch James S. clerk, 15 s Howard Gorsuch Jehu, 78 u High Gorsuch John C. porter, 290 n Bond GORSUCH JOHN T. magistrate, 130 Forrest dw 330 n Caroline Gorsudi Levin, carp. 175 s Washington Gorsuch Lewis C. (Wm. J. Bowie ^ Co.) 235 n Bond Gorsuch .Mary, spinster, Woodberry Gorsuch Nathan L. milk, 50 McMechin Gorsuch N. Ison R. 268 Walsh GORSUCH PERKGRINH, conveyancer, 32 St Paul, dw 227 Aisquith Gorsuch Resin H. hardware and cutlery, 106 n Gay, dw 116 Gorsuch Robert, salesman, Gilmor nr Franklin Gorsuch Robert, 117 n Scliruedcr Gorsuch Silas W. moulder, 48 Harford av Gorsuch Theodore, painter, 192 Penna av Gorsuch Thomas, cutter, 100 e Fayette Gorsuch Washington, 147 Diuid Hill av Gorsuch Wm. S. carp. 332 Franklin Gor.-uch Wm. J. salesman, 54 u Exeter Goisuch Zach. C. moulder. 275 n Ann Gorlcing Chas. glassworker, 34 Covington Gorter G. 0. consul of Belgium and tobacco sbipp'g and com. merchl, over 3 Howell bl'k, cor Sharp and Camden, dw Anne Arundel co Gorier 0. G., Carrollton hotel Gorton Wm. S. lOO s Ann Gorton AUmzo M. G. chief elk machinery dep' t B. k 0. R. R. dw 646 w Lombard Gorz>o\\sky P. barkeeper, 3 Water Gosbell Wm. caumaker, 45 s Bond Goslin Theodore, canniaker, 89 Ensor Goslin Thomas H. (W. S. Goslin & Son) Dor- chester CO Goslin Wm.S. (W.S. G. &Son) 132 Cathedral Goslin W. S. & Son (W. S and Thos. II. Gos- man) com. merchants, over 49 South GOSMAN ADAM J. pharmacist, n e cor Balti- more and Gay Gosman Adam J. (G. & Co.) cor Charles and Mulberrv GOSMAN" & CO. (A. J. Gossman, J. J. Myer, and A. A. Kleinscbmidt) pharmacists, 191 Madison av Gosman Ernst. laV). 51 Lancaster GOSMAN & CO. (A. J. Gosman, J.A.Marshall) pharmacists, cor Charles and Mulberry Gosman John M. cooper, 81 n Chapel Gosman Martin, grocery, 94 Somerset Gosnell Aquilla 11. blacksmith, 248 e Monument Gosuell Alfred, lab., Clipper Mills Gosnell Amos, farmer, 353 w Lombard Gosnell Charles, plasteriT, 231 Lexington Gosnell Charles H. machinist, 136 Mcllenry Gosnell Charles A. apothecary, 146 Penna av Gosnell Mrs. Christie, 183 Druid Hill av Gosnell D. E. clnk, Oxford, York rd Gosnell Edward, fireman, 553 w Lombard Gosnell Enoch G. shoemkr, 125 e Madison Gosnell Francis M. carp. 27 s Mount Gosnell Frank, law student, 31 Lexington, dw York rd and North av Gosuell Franklin, carp. 210 e Madison Gosnell George W. produce, 5 Hollingsworth, dw 210 e Madison Gosnell James jr. lab.. Cathedral ext Gosnell James, lab., Clipfier .Mills Gosnell Mrs. Jane, 136 McHenry Gosnell James S. lab.. Cathedral ext Gosnell Jesse T. carp. 125 Preston Gosuell John, stone mason, Cathedral ext Gosnell John P. 210 e Madison Gosnell John S. M. stonecutter, 125 e Madison Gosnell John T. janitor, 281 Saratoga Gosu' 11 Joseph H. firem.ku, ij^i w Pratt Gosnell Lemuel, painter, 281 Saratoga Gosnell Lemuel W.(Wm.L.G.&Co,)7 Waverley terrace, n Carey Gosnell .Matthew T., North and Greenmount avs Gosnell Mrs. Rebecca, 125 Preston Gosnell Rufus B. engineer, 229 Lee Gosnell Samuel, clerk, Clipper Mills Gosnell Samuel W. telegraphist, 198 George Gosnell Talbot T. plasterer, 281 Saratoga Gosnell Tall)ot, carp. 15 Ogstou Gosnell Upton, blacksmith, 166 McHenry Gosnell Wallace L. carp. 84 u Pine Gosnell Walter E. engineer, 509 w Lombard Gosnell Washington L. carp. 311 w Hoffman Gosnell Wm. L.(Wm. L. G. & Co.) 7 Waverley terrace, n Carey Gosnell Wm. L. & Co. (Wm. L. and L.W. Gos- nell) manufs. boots and shoes, over 333 w Ballimure Gosnell Wm. painter, 185 Preston Gosnell Wm. A. bricklayer, Oxford, York rd Gosuell Wm. B. fireman, 94 s Strieker Gosuell Wm. T. machinist, 134 McHenry Gosnell Wm. lab. 48 Wyeth HENRY HOEN d CO., L Cor. Second St. and ithographing, Engraving and Post Offifia Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth. St. GOS 225 GRA OQ Goss Mrs. Susan, 10 Burrough Gossage John H. agricultural imp. maker, 67 Jeffei son Gossman George, furn. wagon, 16 Tyson Gossman Juhii B. cooper, 252 e Lombard Goastnan John F. bdker, 13 Barnes Gossman John, baker, 57 Greentnouiit av Gossweiller Daniel, limekilns. Ridgely nr West, dw 88 Division GOSSWEILLER JOHN H. limekilns, Ridgely nr West, dw Franklin 3d door e of Franklin Gossweiller Ross N. clerk, 185 n Fremont Guthrop Alfied, carp. 98 Mosher Gothrop Frank, shocmkr, 89 s Sharp Gott Geo. R. attorney, 40 St. Paul, dw 156 w Lombard GOTT JACKSON C. architect, measurer and surveyor of buildings, 7 n Charles, dw Bar- num's hotel Gott Joseph T. clerk, 155 w Biddle Gott Montgomery, dairvman, 43 Hillen GOTT WiM. B. provisio'ns, 863 w Baltimore Gott Wm. H. bookkpr, 155 w Biddle Gottbehrt Wm. musician, 291 s Bond G Gouiden John, sugar refiner, 168 Greenmount av 2 Gourley Dixou, clerk, 297 n Kutaw .S Gourley Dixon, wheelwright, 297 n Eutaw .If Gourley Geoige, marker C.H. dw 45 Tyson ^ Gourley Capt. James, mariner, 333 e Monument ^^ Gourley Joseph, shipcarp. 297 n Eutaw Gourley Mrs. Martha, Si-arastress, 75 Albemarle O Gourley .Moses, coachman, 100^ Cathedral O Goushae Mary K. laundress, 15J n Front Gousman Win. lab. 365 Hamburg Gouliere Emile, glass gatherer, 2 L. Church Gover Chas. P. (S. H. G. & Sons) 9 n High Cover Edward L. (S.H.G.&Sons) 82 Mulberry =^ o o o o Gover Ephraim G. teacher, 175 n Republican Gover George 0. clerk, 30 Aisquith Gover Gerard, clerk, 192 n Cahert Gover George P. 30 Aisquith Gover Henry T. 175 n Republican ^ Gover Isaac, (J. Gover & Co.)175 n Republican Gover James B. clerk, 9 n High ^ Gover Jesse (J. Gover & Co.) 175 n Republican GOVER JESSE & CO. (Jesse & Isaac G.) com. ^* merchts, 160 w Lombard ^ Gover Robert & Co. (Robert Gover) bankers, ^ 74 w B.iltimore Gover Robert(Robert Gover & Co. )Baltimoreco qq" GOVER SAML. H. & SONS, (S.H.,E.L. andC. H P. Gover) auctioneers and com. merchts. 160 *~:^ w Baltimore ^— i Gover Samuel H. (S. H. G. & Sons) 9 n High ^ Govitz .Mrs Antoinetta, confect'y, 347 s Bond P^ Gowen Frank, mariner, 20 n Wolfe P Gowen Louis, cigarmkr, 14 Poultney ^ Gowring .Michael, lab. 276 Battery av Gnibb Chas. baker, 241 Gough Graboiski Ernest, tinner, 162 n Central av Grabow Fred, watchman, 25 Conway Grace Aaron D. shoes, 290 n Bond Grace Mrs. C. A. 179 n Howard Grace Chas. H. tailor, 559 w Baltimore Grace (M. E.) Chapel, Cli|.per Mills Grace (.M. E.) Church, Republican oppo LaFay- n] ette sq G race( P. E.)Church,ne cor Monument &Park av =^ Grace James S. lab. 71 Eastern av Grace James S. lab. 54 Albemiirle Grace James E. carp. 101 Paikin Grace James H. shoe manufict'r, over, 71 Baltimore, dw 257 e Madison Grace John W. clerk, 83 n Charles Grace John, cooper, 203 s Sharp Grace .Mrs. .Mary E. millinery, 529 w Baltimore Grace Theresa A. 82 s High ^ Grace Thos. lab. 21 Barnes j Gracey Benj. M. gasfitter, 137 Aisquith "2^ Gracey Henry, carp. 316 Forrest ^ Gracey Hugh, bricklayer, cor Bond and Madison ^ Gracey James T. carp. 316 Forrest Gracey Mary F. confectionery, 137 Aisquith Gracey Wm. C. carp. 185 Jefferson Gracey Wm. carp. 316 Forrest Gracey Wm. carp. 150 n Caroline Gracey Wm. jr. bricklayer, s w Bond and Mad- ^ ison [-^ w o < m 15 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 c S-i -JJ j^r; cu DO Mutual Life Insnrance Co. of JN ew Y ork, GRA 226 GRA 0; i _: ^ y. t- ^ _j 0) '* ■ •» r=. ;;) a: ^ u U >-, 1^ O -kS ^ m *•"■ >— ^ ^ X Q > X ~ cr. 1— — • ■tj ert C • ^- a> rt ■^ >» O X" in '^^ ;^ L. &. 5 00 f5 c H 1-3 ,_l • t-^ ^ >i s cS < •fc-' a; +- l-l-l [^ tT *- ct^ 'O ■40 c Si '^ H %> ^- X, f -> S cr, HH a) •Scc^- =: D 'o o .^ -*» ll o • , ' ^ ^ ^ 'TT eC CD o ^ s ^ c^ « "~J OJ >-i X c5 Gracev Wm. sr. s w cor Bond and Madison Gradel Mrs. Sarah, 214 Mullikin Grading James, wagoner, 3i> McKim Gradwohl E. C. salesman, 203 Barre Grady Mrs. Bridjret, tavern, 239 Canton av GrndV Charles, lab. 34 Patterson Park av Grady C. Powell, school, 78 Read, dw 69 Ml. Vernon pi Grady John, gilder, 73 Hill Grady John H. shoemkr, 534 w Baltimore Grady John, lab. Federal nr Oak Grady .Mary .M. J. t;rocery, 464 Harford av Grady Richard, teacher. 247 n Eutaw Grady Robert, lab. 74 VVoodyear Grady Thomas, driver, 239 Canton av Graeber John, tailor, 56 Greenmount av Graefe Chas. H. salesman, 36 n Caruline Graefe Herm.in, cabinetmkr, 281 s Charles Graefe Pierie, s desman 36 n Caroline Graefe Edward, cabinelnikr, 47 Clay Graeser Geo, barber, 164 Hollins Graf Conrsid, carp. 214 Orleans Graf Ernest L. beer, 29>s w Pratt Graf Geo. (G., Faellie &Gevenkort)21 2 Orleans Graf, Faethe & Gevenkort, (G. Graf,G. Faethe, A. Gevenkort) coacbmakers, 31 North Graf Hinry, shoemkr, 1 Liberty ct Graf Henry, butcher, 4 Belair mkt, dw Belair av e.\t GrafH. 166 Barre Graf Jacob, cooper, 23 Walker Graf John, cooper, 23 Walker Graf John, tavern, 175 Franklin Graf John, maltster, 77 n Chapel Graf Mrs. Leah, grocery, 214 Orleans Graff Chas. N. clerk, 3u9 n Ann Graff E. Beatty, attorney, 5 St. Paul, dw 57 Courtland Graff Mrs. E. A. grocery, Jackson sq av and Durham Graff Frederick, lab. 303 William Graff Geo. U. (Clabaugh & G.) 38 South Graff James H. clerk, 352 e Pratt Graff Mrs. .Mary M 352 e Pratt Graff Mason T. carp. 352 e Pratt Graff John F. canmkr, 309 n Ann Graff Nicholas, shoemkr, 309 n Ann Graff Peter, lab. 170 s Regesler Graff Peter, lab. 56 Ridgely Graff Riymond, police, 35 s'Durham Graff Rol)t. B. 57 Courtiartd Graff Sieplien, capper, 38 s Castle Graff Thos R. carp, cor Jackson sq & Durham Graffiiu Chas. C. 451 n Carey Grafflin D. Sam'l J. 356 n Fremont Grafflin George W. 73 Bolton Grafflin Geo. W. (J. C. Grafflin & Co.) treas'r Patapsco Guano Co. 336 n Eutaw Gntffliu J. Howard, salesman, 71 Bolton Grafflin J. W. lumber, cor East Falls and East- ern avs, dw 71 Bolton Grafflin John C. (J. C G. & Co.)169 McCulloh GRAFFLIN J C. & CO. (J. C. and George W. Grafflin ) prop'rs Baltimore bag factory, 73 75 and 77 South GRAFFLIN JOS. deputy sheriff, 391 Park av Grafflin Louis K. lumber, 71 Bolton Grafflin Dr. S. P. 356 n FrcHiont Grafflin Wm. H. clerk Patapsco Guano Co. 336 n Kutaw Grafleiu Conrad, cabinetmkr, 18 Granby Graft Henry, carp. 48 Philpot Graham Amelia, boarding, 45 Mt. Vernon pi Graham Mrs. Ann C. 12 n Exeter Graham Benjamin, sergt. police, 356 Canton av GRAHAM BROS. & CO. (John T. and Joseph R. H. Graham) wholes, grocers and com. merchants, 286 w Pratt and 52 s Howard Graham Chas. E. clerk, 71 s Ann Graham Channc^ L. provisions, 163 and 165 Mad- ison av Graham Christopher, lab. 54 Short Graham Mrs. Chris' n, 96 Stiles Graham David, grocer, 16 Penua av, dw 204 Franklin Graham Edward, lab. 72 Buren Graham Edward, jr. tinner, 161 Central av Graham Edward, sr. 161 Central av Graham I'^llis C. shoemkr, Aisquilh and Federal Graham Elizabeth J. 36 n Fremont Graham Eugene, glass stainer, 187 e Lombard Graham Geo. B. 54 Cathedral Graliam Geo. H. shoemkr, 25 Buller Graham Capt. G. R. 418 e Baltimore Graham George R. shoemaker, John nr Eden Graham George T. shipsmilh, 71 s Ann Graham George G. printer, 47 Lee Graham Harry, mariner, 12 n Exeter Graham Henry G. clerk, Aisquith nr Point la Graham Ignatius, shoemk, Aisquiih and Federal Graham Israel, sah'sman, 12 s ('alhoun Graham James, patternmaker, 400 s Charles Grah.im James A. carpenter, 400 s Charles Graham James, laborer, 150 Dover GrahaHi James R. bookkpr. 234 n Caroline Graham Mrs. Jane, 114 Preston Grab im Mrs. Jeanette H. 240 n Howard Graham John, lab. 122Foitav Graham John, painter, 67 Saratoga, dw 248 Aisquith Grah.im John, engineer, 161 s Ann Graham John, driver, 60 Woodyear Graham John S. clerk, 240 n Howard Gr.iham John E. clerk, 418 e Baltimore Graham John T. (Graham Bros. & Go.) Mount Washington Graham John T. clerk, 30 n Front GRAHAM JOHN V. L. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw 40 Lexington Graham John W. jr. saloon, 245 n Gay, and 10 L. McElderry Graham Joseph R. H. (Graham Bros. & Co.) 235 w Lombard Graham Joseph T. blacksmith, 71 s Ann Graham Mary, grocery, 60 Wood.vear Graham .\lis. Margaret, 72 Buren Graham Mrs. .Mary E. seamstress, 32 Knox al Graham Mrs. M. L. grocery, 548 Aisquith Graham Michael, boxmkr, 156 Dover Gr.iham Mrs. .Matilda, 257 n Eutaw Graham Patrick, laborer, 3 w Lombard Graham Peter, hostler, 62 King Graham Robert C. carpenter, 114 Preston Graham Robert E. pianomaker, 187 e Lombard Graham Samuel, coichmkr, Point la and Aisquith Graham Silas R. mariner, 418 e Baltimore Graham & Schmitt, (Wm. Graham, Wm. P. B. Schmitt) furniture manufs. 238 s Caroline, 8 and 10 Second , Graham Thos. H. clerk, 32 St. Peter (Jraham Wm. brakeman, 29 e Eager (iraham Wm. laborer, 120 Chesapeake Graham Wm. clerk, 130 Aisquiih Graham Wm. jr. operator, Aisquith nr Point la a "2. HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. GRA 227 GRA CQ Grraham Wm. shipcarp. 71 s Ann Rraham Win. (G. & Schmitt) 109 JeflTersoa Graham Wm. G. W. bookkpr, 109 Jefferson GRAHAM WM. H. (Alexander Brown & Sons) 54 Calhedr>il Graham W. W. conductor, 333 e Biddle Grain Charles, canmkr, 48 Eastern av Grainer Charles, blacksmith, Bruce nrMcHenry Grninei- Chas. coiifec'v, 15 Sterrett Grainer Joiia H. paver, 15 Sierrelt Grail August, tailor. Chase nr Harford av Gralley Patrick, lab. 35 Booth Grammer John A. 81 Ramsay Gramiiier Rev. Dr. Julius K. 423 Madison av Granherry Albert B. ins. agt. 28 Post av-, dw 336 Saratoira Granberry Wm. H. bookkpr, 336 Saratoga Graudemnn Carl, porter, 112 Hamburg GRAND LODGE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, office 18 Nurth GRAND JURY ROOM, Court House, cor Lex- ington and Calvert GRANGE F. C. & CO. (F. C. Grange, Wm. G. Price ji) importers of Germaa potash salts, 103 w Lombard Grange Mrs. E. N. 669 w Lombard Grange Fred. C. (F. C. Grange & Co.) 669 w Lombard Granger Alexius, clerk, 109 n Howard Granger Clias. Y. sexton, 77 Mullberry Granjjer Edwin W. paperhgr, 178 a Eutaw GrangiT Eugene, clerk, 95 n Charles Grancrer Mrs. F. notions, 93 n Charles, dw 95 Graniier Geo. R. 108 w Monument Granger James, painter, 3 State Granger John, sexton, 77 Mulberry Granger John F. jr. painter, 77 Mulberry Grander Mrs. Kate, tailoress, 301 s Charles Granger Jos. clerk, 171 Hanover Granger Matthew J. tobacconist, 109 n Howard Granger Nathaniel J. shoemkr, 232 Montgomery Granger Wm. H. police, 72 Henrietta GraUijer Wm. H. tobacco, 117 n Howard, and 95 II Charles, dw 95 n Charles GrangeiWm. H. jr. tobacconist, 161 w Madison, dw 269 n Howard Graninger John, shoemkr, 15 Courtland Grannies Mrs. Anna, 630 Lexington Grauniss Thos. clerk, 32 Jackson sq av Granruth Jos. shipcarp. 197 i anion av Granruth Wm. G. police, 368 Eastern av Grant James, lab. 83 York Grant Jos. W. shipcarp. Colliiigton av nr Bank Grant Malcolm, machinist, 78 n Poppleton Grant Michael, painter, 67 n Eden Grant Michael, huckster. 360 Aisquith Griini .Michael, lab. -^3 York Grant Robt. carp. 122 Raborg GRANT DR. SIDNEY D. office 28 aLiberty, dw Howard house Granville John, lab. 46 Lancaster 'Granzer Bernhard, currier, 222 s Charles Granzer Mrs. Jno. 81 n High (Grape Adreon, telegraphist, 97 Hilleii jGrapeMrs. Charlotte, 137 e Monument iGrape Edward, clerk, 97 Hilkn Grape Geo. S. (J. N. Hank & Co.) 63 Aisquith Grape Gilbert C clerk, 97 Hillen Grape Henry E. clerk, 24 n Ann Grape Jacob, bacon, 97 Hillen Grape John, driver, 482 Canton av Grape John T. clerk, 114 Lanvale Grape John W. canmkr, 390 e Monument <, Grape Jos. clerk, 24 n Ann ^ Gra|ie .Mrs. .Mary, papers and notions, 390 e^ Monument hh Grape .Mary Elizabeth, teacher, 24 n Ann i-^ Grape Samuel, letter carrier, 87 Jefferson ^ Grape Sophia E. teacher, 137 e Monument Grape Winfield S. bacon, 10 Aisquith 9 Grape Wm. H. carp. George nr Brune o Grasmick Geo. W.barkpr, 134 I<]astern av 2 Grasiiiick Henry, cirp. 263 Gougb '^ Grasmick John, beer, 79 Bank "7* Grasser John. lab. 35 Fountain f^ Grastv F. .A. telegraphist, 631 w Lombard GRASTY JOHN T. manager electric telegraph, ^' 631 w Lombard J^ Grasty S^ml. G. agent. 631 w L(»mbird ^ Grasty Thos. attorney, 631 w Lombard Grasty Wu). V. jr. salesman, 631 w Lombard (^ Grattan John, diiver. 249 s Dallas ^ Grattan Thos. L. plumber and gasfitter, 155 w Townsend =3 Grau Francis, shoemkr, 96 n Dallas Grau Geo. tailor, 77 s Regester ft Grau Joseph, cook, Barnum's hotel O Grau Lorenz, tailor, 15 n Spring O Grau Ludwig, pipemkr, 126 Granby J^ Grau Wm. tailor. 59 ii Spring ^ GiMue Herman H. (Wm. Wilkens & Co.) Fred-^' ericU av nr Loudon Park cemetery '"' Graue John G. clerk, Frederick av nr cemetery i! Grauel F'edk. apothecary, 172 William ^ Grauer Geo. wheelwright, Belair rd < Grauer Ignaiins, salesman, 171 n Exeter Grauer Louis J. clerk, 171 n Exeter ^~ Grauer Millard F. clerk, 171 n Exeter P^ Giauer Samuel, tobacconist, 170 w Pratt, dw^ 646 w Baltimore <^ Grauer Wm. H. clerk, 171 n Exeter pL< Grauerschleken Ignatius, shoemkr, 42'n Frederick ^ Grauerschleken Yorick, shoemkr, 2 St. Peter ^ Grauleck Henry, carpet weaver, 372 e Chase ^ Grauling Conrad, lab. 32 Burrough Grauling Mrs. Christina, doctress, 274 s Bond pq Grauling Geo. fireman, 274 s Bond q> Giaus Andieas, shoemkr, 327 e Lombard ^ Graver Wm. lab. 142 e Lombard [^ Gravenstecb Henrv, cigarmkr, 13 n Frederick ^ GRAVES, CARTER & CO. (John J. Graves, and Edward F. Carter, ) advertising agents,^ 134 w Baltimore. [See top lines front cover. J^Z" Graves Geo. W. huckster, 173 Ramsav ^-i. Graves H. M. (Hill & G.) Presbury and Fulton ^-^ Giaves Jas. R. brakeman, 173 Ramsay ''Z^ Graves John, engineer, 35 Biddle al ^ Graves Dr. Jno. J. cor Presbury and Fulton IZ^ Graves Jno. J. jr. (G., Carter & Co.) Presbury and Fulton Q Graves Jno. W. jr. l.-.b. 12 BurroHgh ^ Graves Lewis, Mt. Vernon mills <^ Graves Robt. B. police, 9 s Washington Graves Robt. F. saddle and harnessmkr, 84 n [ji^ Fremont ^>. Graves Samuel T. brakeman, 173 Ramsay q Graves Wm. B. (Brown, G.& Co.)57 Harlem av r_^ Graves Capi. Wm. P., D. S. A., Fort McHenry ^ Graves Wm. R. harnessmkr, 84 n Fremont Graves W. W. flagman, 137 Ramsay ^ Graves Rev. Uriel, 183 e Monument <^ Gravies L. C. grainweigher, 50 s Sharp ^ Gravey John, pianomkr, 165 s Fremont i — i Gray Alexander P. slippermkr, 68 e Fayette pj. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 228 GRE H W W pci H ^ i/J E- » !>^ o — I^H f^ < ta OQ OS • Mo ^< 00 >• Oco K O o Grav Andrew W.mai keiC.H.,dw 3-16 w Fayette Grii'y AlWert W. iiidse. I)r()ker, 71 Exchiuit^e pi, dw cor Biddleand MiCulloli Guiy Andw. shiji broker, Pnilt and Bucliunnn whf. dw 140 Bolton GrHy Ai^hiir \V. liookkpr, 210 n Howard Gr!i\ Au>iustus, brickhiver, 161 n Caroline Gray Basil B. insp. «'. H.. dw 156 Hanover Gray Bernard, carter, 7 Burt-n Gray Benj. F. ser^rt. police, 69 s \Vashin PACIFIC TEA CC 27 w Baltimore GREAT CHINA TEA CO. 25 w Baltimore an 47 n Eutaw GREAT NEW YORK TEA CC 43 N. Eutaw and N. W. Cor. Ga and Forrest. Greaver Fred, clerk. 66 s High CJreaver Lewis, tailor. 66 s High Greaves Wm. lab. 8 Williamson al Greb Anton, tailor, 129 n Regester Greb Chas. porter, 22 Hampstead Greb Conrad, lab. 22 Hampstead Grebl) George, machinist, 56 Ridgely Grebb Louis, carp. 56 Ridgely Grebe August, provisions, 113 s Eden Grebe Chas. strijjper, 27^ e Pratt Grebe Fred. lab. 278 e Pratt Grebe Henry, shoemkr, 278 e Pratt Grebe Henry, coop^fr, 19 Goodman al Grebe Louis, butcher, 22 Cross-st market, d' Frederick rd Grebe Wm. morocco dresser, 75 e Lombard Grebel Andrew, shoemkr, 235 s Eutaw Greble Geo. lab. 524 Canton av Greble Mrs. Henrietta, 107 w Biddle Grebner Geo, lab. 117 Lancaster Grebner Henry, lab. 237 s Wolfe Grebner John, lab. 520 Canton av Grebner John A. lab. 520 Canton av Grecht Wm. canmkr, 127 Battery av Greddell Conrad, tailor, 96 s Castle Greeler ('has. lab. 163 Madeira al Greeley John, printer, 231 J s Broadway Greeley Joseph, canmkr, 2;^ljs Broadway Greeley Mrs. Mary, notions, Frederick av i Fulton Greeley Patrick, lab. 4 Fountain Greeley Patrick, lab. 23lj s Broadway Greely Thos. mariner, 231^ s Broadway Green Anion & Co. (Mrs. Mary and James 1 Green) cotton raanufs. n w cor Exeter an Hillen • Green Mrs. Acmes A. dressmkr, 162 n Bond Gre7 Columbia Green Joseph, bricklayer, 3 Wolfe n of Monu ment o Green Joseph, grocery. 60 Myrtle av q Green Joseph D. jr. engineer, 310 McDonogh g Green Joseph D. sr. blacksmith, 310 McDonogh -^ Green .loseph N. carp. 33(J Franklin •-;;2 Green Joseph, lab. Mt. Vernon Green Joseph, lab. 191s Chester Green Joseph 0. brassmoulder, 120 Jefferson Green Joshua SI . rectifier, 517 Saratoga Green Joshua, painter, 517 Saratoga Green Josnua H. machinist, 120 Jefferson Green Mrs. Magdalene, Friendship, York rd Green Martin, lab. 200 s Bi-thel Green Mary, nurse, 13 Cambridge Green Mrs. Margaret S. grocery, Poppleton and =^ Peirce Green Matthew, lab. 387 s Charles (—\ Green M. M. (Bridges, Green & Eister)St.Clair O hotel O Green Melville G. (G. & G.) 236 n Howard >• Green Melvin, mill[iickmkr, 414 n Calhoun ^ Green Milton W. millpickmkr, 357 n Ann Green N. M. 36 Mulberry Green Nicholas H. engineer, 16 s Carey Green Norman L. 397 e Eager Green P. W. driver, 309 e Lombard Green Patrick, lab. 168 McHenry Green Philander, clerk, 109 w Fayette Green Mrs. Rachel, 295 e Monument Green Mrs. Rebecca, Dallas nr Fayette Green Richard B. painter, 182 Hamburg Green Richard C. cooper, 81 s Paca Green Ro'ieit, anient. 31 s Calhoun Green Robert B. salesman, 295 w Baltimore Green Robert P. clerk, 223 n Republican Green Rudolph, prof, music, 207 Conway Gieeii Mrs. Sarah, York rd nr Brown st Green Mrs. Sarah E. 79 n Central av Green Samuel, moulder, 1 u Durham Green Thos. moulder, 76 s Mount Green Thos. lab. Vincent al nr Pratt Green Thos. painter, 32 Williamson al Green Thos. fisherman, 32 Williamson al K_| Green Thos. E. lab. 6 Plum al ^ Green Thos M. (T. M. G. & Bro.) n w cor Bal- |^ timore and Central av ^ Green Thos. M.& Bro. ( Thos. M.& Elisha Green) P^j grocers, 86 and 88 w Baltimore Green Thos. M. lab 549 Light Green Thos. T. tavern, 51 Thames Green Dr. Wm. 167 w Biddle Green Wm. driver, 309 e Lombard Green Wm. carp. 152 Druid Hill av Green Wm. bill poster. Monument and Bond Green Wm. huckster, 257 Columbia Green Wm. D. bill [loster, n e cor Bond and p-r-"] Monument Green Wm. F. mercht tailor, Bank of Baltimore building, 3 Sc. Paul, dw 22 Hollins ^ O o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 s 7* o ■*-! o .^^ CO S-. o ci „• 00 o > "rn rr. :C cd X u-t o tL ■^ ^ ."" ^ r:; ^■^ X ^ O ^ —Z rt tl. ^ -1^ r^ '^ 7. ^ ^ ■J X >! MTitual Life Insurance Co. of New York. GHE 230 GRE '^ ^ {£ -t^ a: OD -^ ^ o ce u X C H S fl O 3 H OS o en o — ««• IP "3 X Green W.H. conductor, Central av and Hoffman Green Win. iM. caiimkr, 120 Jefferson Green Wni. 0. Ciiadynikr. York rd nr Brown st Gri en Win. P. restaurant, 48 e Loinl):ird Green ZacliaTiali, sliipcarp. 175 Hudson Greenhaum Aner, dry uoods, HG3 Light GREENHAUM DANJEL, ailorney, 31 Lexing- ton, dw 310 \v Fayette Greenbttuni Mrs. Hann ih. shoes, 2.'>0 s Charles Greenbaum Knian'l,( LG.&Son3)31 1 Lexington Grtenhanni Isa.tc, tailor, ;-! May Greenbaum Isaac & S')ns,(E.Greenlianra and A. Konipsberger, ) wholes, notions, 17 and 19 Hanover Greenbaum Isaac & Son, (I and Myer Green- baum,) dothieis, 146 w Pratt Greenbaum Isaac, 92 e Haltiniore Greenbium Itaac. (I.G. &Son) lo.'^ e Lombard Greenbaum J icob, clothing, 191 s Bond Greenbaum Leopold, 92 e Baltimore Greenbaum Moses, cutter, 23 s Gay Greenbaum Myer, (Isaac G.&Son)103e Lombard Greenbaum Nithan, peddler, 311 Lexington Greenbaum Nathan, 157 Oi leans Greenbaum Sin;on, dry goods, 2o4 s Broadway Greenbaum SoJonion, 34 s Sharp Greenliaum Wolfe, (Biiri;under& G.)62 Conway Greenberg Israel, liquors, 173 s Sharp Greene Benson M. sec'y Washington Fire Ins. Co. 38 S cond, dw 169 Lanvale Greene Henry, cabinetmkr, 19 Miller Greene Stieet (.M. P.) (.hurcli, s e cor Greene and Lombard Greener Fred, lithographer, 143 n Central av GREKNFIKLD AQUILLA H. & CO. (A. H. Greeniield) hardware and house furnishing goods, 49 Le.xington Gieenfield A. H. (A. H. G. &Co.) 275 Lanvale Greenheld C-ileb W. hardware and toys, 236 Lexington Gieenfield Chas. B. printer, 27 McElderry Greenfield M. A. ahoemkr, 21 May Greenfield Mrs. Rachel, 10 Sarah Ann Greenfield Thos. S. shipjoiner, 241 n Gay Greenfield Thos K. ^King Jj- G.) 27 McElderry Greenfield Wni. carp. 254 Mulberry Greenheid Fred. \V. cabinetn.kr, 49i^ Hill Greeuhood Aaron, baker, 81 Harrison Gret nig John, lab. 59 Womlyear Greenleaf A. & Co. (Albert and Abner Green- leaf,) Balto. Nickel Plating works, 15 Mercer Greenleaf Albert,(A.G.& Co.) 189 Franklin Giemleaf Abner, (A G.^- Co.) 189 Franklin Greenly Wni. E. plasterer, 281 n Ann Gieeninoiuit Av. (M. E. ) Church, cor Green- mount av and I'.nuer GUEKNMUUNT CEMETERY, oflRce53 Lexing- ton, James McNe.il, jr. treas Greeiisfeld'-r -Mrs. Francisca, 279 s Bond Greensfeliler Geo. P. tobacconist, 208 s Bond Greenstelder Henry, 13 s Libei ty Greeiisfeider J. B. (G. Bros. & Laupheimer) 32 9 Exeter Greeiisfeider Joseph, mariner, 279 s Bond (Jreensfeidcr Joseph, clerk, 32 s Exeter Greeiisfeider Bros. & Lauphfcinier,(.M.B.Greens- feider, M. Lanpheimt'r, J. B. Gieensfelder, ) wholes, druggists, 378 w B.iltiiuore Greensfelder .Moses li. (G. Bros. & Laupheimer) 32 s Exeter Greensfelder N. B. clerk, 32 s Exeter Greeiisfeider Siinou, 17 s Exeter Greentree Andrew D. detective, 373 Franklin Greintree Andrew D. detective, 52 Cumberland Greentree Albert, clothing, 322 Aliceanna, dw 192 s Washington Greentree Mrs. Catherine, 373 Franklin Greentree Dr. Hiram, druggist, cor Penna av and Baker Greentree Jacob, clerk, 52 n Liberty Greenvill .Mrs. Joseph, 5 Binny Greenwald Ernst, 45 n Durham Greenwald Jacob, lab. 4 Bedford al Greenwald Jos. boots and shoes, 57 3 Caroline Greenwald Michael, butcher, 29 Fells Point and 68 Centre nikts. dw 57 s Caroline Greenwald Samuel, clerk, 61 s Howard Greenwald Smiuel, tobacconist, 61 s Howard Greenway Edward M. sr. n w cor Mt. Vernoc pi and Charles GREENWAY & CO. (J. Henry Greenway, Chaa H. Smith) wholes, grocers. 105 w Lombard Greenway Edward M. jr. office n e cor St. Pau and Saratoga, dw n w cor Mt. Vernon pi anc Charles Greenway Edward M. clerk, 31 w Biddle Greenway Eugene, clerk, 105 w Lombard Greenway Geo. W. law student, 31 w Biddle Greenway Harry H. clerk, 105 w Lombard Greenway J. Henry, (G. & Co.) Harford co Greenwav Wm. H. teller Chesapetike bank, 31 w Biddle nr Charles Greenway Wm. W. T. 31 w Biddle nr Charles Greenwood Geo. D. painter, 212 Aisquith Greenwood Geo. Z. (G. & Rutter) 39 s Exete: Greenwood Dr. J. B., Sweet Air Greenwood Park, Belair av nr Chester Greenwood k Rutter {Geo Z. Greenwood, Wm H. Rutter) com. mercbts, 79 South Greenwood Walter, painter, 109 n Central av Greenwood Wm. S. hatter, 212 Aisquith Greer Alex. lab. 214 Light Greer Benj. A. cleik, 6 s Exeter Greer Carson W. clerk, 144 w Biddle Greer James, huckster, 1 Centre, 19 and 20 Belaii markets, dw 359 n Broadway Greer John, cooper, 96 Baire Greer John A. bookkpr, 76 s Sharp Greer John A. conductor, 60 McHenrj Greer John 0. cooper. 177 Orleans Greer John J. (Troxell, Handy & Greer) 144 w Biddle G eer .Mary, confectionery, 30 Ramsay Greer Matthew, lab. 387 s Charles Greer Robert, shoemkr, 404 e Chase Gner R. A. bookkpr, 220 w Lombard Gieer Wni. S. bookkpr, 104 s Sharp Gref Charles, grocery, Belair av ext Grefe Lewis, grocery, 55 s Paca Gregg Alexander, 43 n Holliday Gregg Alexina C. 43 n Holliday Gregg Andrew C. 43 n Holliday Gregg Eliza, 43 n Holliday Gregg Harriet, 43 n Holliday Gregg H. K. real estate broker, 1 7 St. Paul, dW 530 Lexington Gregg Jas. (Bayfield & G.) 126 n Charles Gregg J. Newton (G. & Peters) 237 w Fayett6 Gregg John, (Bayfield & G.) 126 n Charles GREGG & PETERS (J. Newton Gregg, & Taj lor Peters) stationery, 2 s Holliday Gregg .Mrs. Rose, 15."! n Charles Gregg Wm. H. bookkpr, 33 s Sharp Gregg Z. Taylor, salesman, 340 Lexington HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. GRE 231 GRI Greftoi-y Mrs Adaline, 74 Battery av Gregory Amos, huckster, 166 Cross Greiiory Arthur 0. cigjarmkr, 307 Light Grefioiy Ellen M. tob.icconist, 307 Li^ht Gregory Mrs. Frances, 84 Mullikin Gregory Henry M. painter, 288 e Lombard Gregory James C. tinner, 65 n Eden Gregory J. H. D. cigaimkr, 214 s Charles Gregory John B. 102 Holiins Gregory John T. boileinikr, 129 Hamburg Gregory Joseph H. shijjcarp. 119 Gough Gregory .Mis. Emma, notions, 288 e Lombard Gregory Mrs. .Martha A. 119 Gough Gregory Martha E. seamstress, 1 19 Gough Gregory Mrs. Mary A. 10 .Milliniau Gregory' Wm. shipcarp. 139 s P^den Greilienstein John, lab. 284 s Dallas Greif Bancratz, lab 400 Aliceanna GreifCh:.s. lab. 400 Aliceanna Greif Hansha, 211 Aliceanna Greif. John, lab. Bennett nr Hudson Greif Levi & Bro. (L. and M. Greif) clothiers, 10 Hanover Greif LH O ,hn M.Griffith, John L. Turner) agricultural iinj)lements, fertilizers and seeds, 41 and 43 n Paca Griffith Uriah H. insp. C. H. 108 Gough Griffith W. E. conductor, 226 n Carey Griffith Wm. F. jeweler, 2."<0 Saratosra Griffith Wm. H. brakeman, 553 w Lombard Griffiih Wm. H. upholsterer and paperhauger, 13 n G ly Griffith Wm. H. jr. upholsterer, 13 n Gay Griffith Wm. A. R. (Woodside k G. j 52 n Calhoun Griffith Wm. H. clerk, 61 St. Paul Griffith Wm. cooper, 145 Druid Hill av Griffith Wm. M (G. & France)410 e Baltimore Griffiih Dr. W. B. 1 17 w Madison Griffiih W. R. salesman, 166 n Oregon Griffith Win. teacher, 49 s Gilmor Griggs Geo. W. police, lo n Bond Griggs Capt. J.unes E. pilot, 91 s Bond Griggs John J. insp. C.H. 341 n Bond Grtggs Wm. 0. provisions, 191 Bond Grill Frank, driver, Helair rd Giill Goifieid; carver, 113 n Washington Grill Philip, police, 237 William Grill Wm. lab. 401 Litiht Grill Wm. lab. 36 Johnson Grillet, Mann k Tillery (J. Grillet, B. F.Mann, J. A. Tillery) nunufrs. oyster and fruit cans, Wolfe and Lancaster Grillet Jas. (G., Mann & Tillery) 14 n Ann Grillininc Robt. carver, 96 s Poppleton Grim Adam, lab. Loudon av nr .Millingtoii la Grim Edward I. carp. 49 n Poppleton Grim Edward 0. carp. 45 n Poppleton Grim Henry, lab. 31 Granby Grim Rodney P. fireman, 553 w Lombard Grim Thos. C. clerk, 323 n Eutaw Grim Wm. D. collector, 323 n Eutaw Grimes Mrs. A. E. 226 e Pratt Grimes Chas. E. lamps and gas fixtures, 99 Lex- ington, dw 294 Grimes Clias. E. jr. clerk, 294 Lexington Grimes Edward, lab 109 Cathedral Grimes Elijah J. carp. 39 Preston Grimes Geo. A. blacksmith, 4 Hollins Grimes Henry R. clerk, 294 Lexington Grimes Hugh, lab. 236 n Front Grimes Dr. J. H. 188 n Calvert Grimes James, weaver, Clipper Mills Grimes James H. machinist, 24 Rock Grimes James K. bricklayer, 21 n Fremont HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. GRI 233 GRO Grimes John C. bricklaver, 21 n Fremont Grimes John H. clerk, 226 e Pratt Grimes John T. painter, 63 n Centnil av Grimes Mark, lab. 185 L. Constitution Grimes Rezin H. butcher, 567 n Fremimt Grimes Richard, rigger, 151s Washington Grimes Thos. shoemkr, 146 S oit Grimes Warren, cooper, 456 Sarato^ra Grimm Elias, barber, 241 e EaKer Grimm Francis G. photographist, 236 Hanover Grimm Geo. capmkr, 236 Hanover Grimm Geo. W. bookkpr. 362 w Fayette Grimm Henry, packer, 31 Granby Grimm Henry, clerk, 245 w Pratt Grimm Henry S. blacksmith, 348 Mulberry Grimm John A. hardware, 245 w Pratt Grimm Joseiih. trussmkr, 197 Light Grimm Joseph jr. baker, 197 Light Grimm OUo, cigarmkr, 236 Hanover Grimma Joseph, potter, 7 Fort av Grimmel Conrad, liquors, 127 Forrest Grimmel Henry, butcher, 9 Belair, 62 Cross-st and 17 Centre markets, dw Harford av nr city limits Grimmel Jacob, tailor, 220 s Charles Grimmel John, butcher, 6 Belair and llSCentre markets, dw Harford av e.xt Grimmel Louis, tailor, 220 s Charles Grimmer Valentine, brewery, Lancaster and Third av Grinnath John, shoemkr, 430 Orleans Grinnath Louis, cigarmkr. 430 Orleans Grindall Albert, 17 Hollins Grindall Albert J. architect, 17 Hollins Grindall Charles, dentist, 65 n Charles, dw 17 Hollins Grindall John J. attorney, 351 n Broadway Grindall John T. 17 Hollins Grindnll Joseph A. builder, 17 Hollins Grindall Jos. J. dep'y clerk Court Com. Pleas, 351 n Broadway Grinder J. A. driver, 291 s Bond Grinnan .Michael, lab. 175 West Grinsfelder Joseph, millinery, 81 n Howard, dw 65 n Liberty Grinsfelder Moses J. clerk, 65 n Liberty Grinsfelder Moses L. 272 Saratoga GRINSFELDER SAML.M.& CO. (S. Grinsfelder Solomon Hoclischild, ) millinery and fancy goods, 66 Lexington Grinsfelder Samuel, (Samuel G. & Co.) 272 Saratoga Grinsfelder Wm. clerk, 272 Saratoga Grinstein Simon, 182 Gough Gripp Joseph, dyer, 288 n Gay Grisman Henry, driver, 34 Patterson Park av Grisman Jacob, canmkr. 42 Rue Grissom Jas. G. shoemaker, Clipper mills Griswold B H. gen'l freight and ticket agent W.Md.R.R. 726 Lexington Griswold Elias, attorney, 14 n Calhoun Griswold John H. huckster, 152 n Bond Griswold Whiting, painter, 14 n Calhoun Grob Adolph, china and glass, 146 Forrest Grob Chas. locksmith, 2 Wagon al Grob Fred, locksmith, 2 Wagon al Grob Henry, cigarmkr, 2 Wagon al Grobaker Valentine, painter. 150 3 Fremont Grocers' Exchange, 71 Exchange place, cor Commerce Groedel Louis, bookkpr, 46 Spring row Groeuninger Mrs. Elizabeth, groc^-ry, 109Elliott ? o c3 pq o O d o '^ fi o o ^ Groeninger Mrs. Eleanora, notions, 250 n Central av Groeuninger Frederick, 42 Etting Groenninger Geo. lab. 127 Elliott Groenninger John, carp. 10!> Elliott Groff Adam P. tailor, 601 Saratoga Grofif Catherine, 242 s Eutaw Groff Frederick, driver, 149 Canton av Groff James, cigarmkr. 80 Stirling Groff John, mariner, 149 Canton av Groft J. \. shoemkr, 159 w Lombard Grogan Chas. E. clerk, 54 w Madison Grogan John, lab. 202 Cathedral Grogan Joseph, blacksmith, 128Ensor, dw 82 Harford av Grogan Matthew, machinist, 112 Curley GROGAN PETER, manuf. picture frames, 10 e Lombard Grogan Thomas, carter, 66 McKim Grogg David, watchman C. H., dw Miller's hotel Groh Andrew, tailor, 64 s Carey Grob Christian, beer, 145 s Exeter Groh George, tailor, 64 s Carey Groh Jacob, saloon and charcoal inspector, 353 s Charles Groh John, lab. 857 w Pratt Groh Peter, cigarmkr, 64 s Carey Grohn Michael, tailor, 64 s Carey Grohe George, tailor, 168 Hollins Grohman Casper, lab. 156 s Frem.ont Grohraan Fred'k, cigarmkr. 156 s Fremont Groinniger Geo. cabinetmkr, 121 Druiil Hill av Groman Ernst F. cigarmkr, 568 n Fremont Gronau Edward, merchant tailor, 10 St. Paul, dw 209 e Fayette Gronau Henry, clerk, 209 e Fayette ^ Gronau Wm. tailor, 235 e Lombard rjS GRONEBEIIG A. E., Manufacturer g of Fine Gold Jewelry and Dealer [iq in Gold and Silver Watches, No. p^ 70 e Baltimore street, (between^ Exeter and East,) Baltimore.— j^ Watches and Jewelry repaired^ with care. P^ Groner John, cabinetmkr, 120 Stirling i:;^ Groner John G. stovemkr, 27 Rock ^h Gronewell John B. collector, 263 s Charles i— i Gronewell John T. saiimkr, 1 Henrietta E"! Gronewell Robert F. clerk, 263 s Charles — ( Gropner Fred'k, lab. 298 Harford av ^ Gropp (Jeo. sec. hand barrels, 53 n Schroeder ^ OS ^ p o 11 ~ 1— 1 yj X Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. GRO 234 GRU 5:-;- ^ O 2 it 2^^ >>^ — o y:.- o ^ 30 en r^^ ^ ^ ^ -; * wi c3 >- >^ l* T" O ^T" I—I .» - 1— t O X -— — •- n^ 1^ >i ^ ^ T| < X. .^, "T^ '^ a; ""^ OJ =« jj c t! ?I ... o 5 £^ Grosbernd Henry, salesman, Lemmon nrStricker Groschiiiski Hermnn, lab. 263 s Durham Groscup Fred, tailor and hats, &c. '265 Hanover Groscup Jolin G. grocery, 101 Jolinson Groscup John, cijiarinkr. 314 Hanover Groscup Wiu. stoves, 29 Brown Grosh Euauni Marks, 240 w Lombard Grunebaum \Vm. M. clerk, 240 w Lombard Gruner Geo. cabiiieimkr. Harford av nr Point la Gruner Martin, tailor, 22 n Central av Gruni-wald Bankratz, shoemkr, 75 S^tnierset Grunewald Fred, porter. 45 n Durham Grunewald Fred, shoemkr, 75 Somerset Grunewald Geo. jiorter 58 Holland Grunewald Herman, lab. 58 Philpot Grunewald Wm. 126 e Fayette Grunwald Fred. W. grocery, 495 Saratoga Grupp Peter, lab. 46 Raborg Grupuer Louis, shoemkr, 54 e Fayette Grupy Albert, driver, 879 w Pratt Grupy Mrs. C. 215 n Republican GRUPY F. H. & CO. (H. G. Curtain) hides and leather, 42 s Calvert Grupy Mis. Francis H. 215 n Republican Grujty F'lank, grocery, Eagei and Valley Grupy Mrs. Sarah B.'879 w Pratt Grupy Thomas J. clerk, 215 n Republican Grupy Wm. H. plasterer, 879 w Fayette Gruss Wni. restaurant, 9 s Fredericx Gruver Mrs. Phoebe, grocery, 47 n Castle Gruver Wm. H. tobacconist, n w cor Patterson av and Cany Gruver Wm. H. jr. paperhanger, n w cor Pat- terson av and Carey Guhmeisner .Michael, bricklayer, 15 Somerset Guard Charles H. cardriver, 22 Woodyear Guard Rev. Thomas, 62 Maryland ar Guardian .Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. agency 13 Rialto bldg. Guckert John, waj;oner; 148 s Eden Guckert Mrs. Josejihine, 16.*i Stirling Gude Arnold, lab. 118 Stirling Gude Mrs. Frederica, 118 Stilling Gude Fred. W. currier, 184 e Fayette Gude Henry P. variety stores, 147 w Madison and 45 n Eutaw. dw 147 w Madison Gude Julius G J. bookkeeper, 496 \\ Baltimore GUDE JUSTUS C. & CO. (J. C. Gude) foreign and domestic produce and com. merchts. 128 w Lomliaid Gude Mrs. Justus, hairdresser, 497 w Baltimore, dw 94 s Paca Gudf Justus C. (J.C.G.&Co.) 94 s Paca Gude Jusius H. clerk, 94 s Paca Gude Lawson, puddler. Canton av and Chester Gude Louis, sashmkr, 118 Sterling Gude Nicholas, lab. 332 Alice?.nna Gude Wm. clerk, 94 s Paca Gudemuth John, lab. 63 Patuxent Guemple Mrs. E. malt yeast, lfi6 East Guenther Ernest, weaver, 41 n Central av Gueke Joseph, lab. 462 s Caroline Guerke Ferdinand, shoemaker, 14 s Sharp, dw 147 Conway Guerss Charles, tailor, lol Aisquitb Guerth Henry, beer, 12 s Frederick _^ Guest D. Howell, clerk, 247 n Fremont z: Guest Geo. (G.G.&Son) 239 n Calvert pq Guest Geo. jr. attorney, (G.G.iJ-Son) 207Decker ^^ GUKST GEO. & SON, (G. and G. Guest, jr.) ^ real estate brokers, 48 St. Paul, Guest bldg. cS Guest Henry, brickmkr, 29 s Gllmor ^ Guest John, tailor, 83 Divisii):i '-^ Guest J. Bankhead, teller, 239 n Calvert 2 Guest J. Wesley, cashier Citizens Naticjnal .^ Bank, prest. Md. dejU. Life Association of^ America, 22 South, dw 146 McCulloh ^ Guest Mahala C. boarding, 40 and 42 Lexington PH Guest Richard S. cleik, C. H. 247 n Fremont .^ Guest Samuel, 46 n Liberty O Guelh Philip, shoemkr, 75 n Hijjh O Gugel George, liquors, 452 Saratoga - Guggenheimer&Adelsdorf,(H.Guggenheimerjr. Q Joseph Adelsdorf) hats, furs and straw goods, ^ 256 w Baltimore GUGGENHEIMKR & CO. (H. sr. and Fred. --^ Guggeiihi'imer) wholes, grocers, 22 Commerce Guggenheimer Fred. (G &Co.) 6()8 w Fayette P Guggenheimer Henry sr. (G. & Co.) 539 Lex- O ington O Guggenheimer Jacob, salesman, 607 w Fayette^ Gugyenheimer Henry jr. (G & Adelsdorf,) 80^ n Paca ^^ Guggenheimer Isaac, (G &Weil) 629 w Fayette -^ Guggenheimer Levy, clerk, 607 w Fayette • Gujigenheimer .M . K. cleik, 539 Lexington ^ GUGGENHEIMER & WEIL, (Isaic Guv'gen->. heiuier, Albert Weil) stationers, printers and blank book iiiamifrs, 177 w Baltimore Guidess Edward, palmer, 340 e Lombard Guienot Lewis, goid and silver plater, 51 n Gay Guild Chas. H. salesman, 121 n Republican Guild Chas. S. salesman, 121 n Republican Guildener Frank, porter, 308 .Mulberry Guilfi.rd Eugene L. clerk, St. Clair hotel Guilford House, Mrs. Octavia Sullivane pro- ^ prietress, 47 Mt. Vernon pi -^ GUILFORD NATHAN,- general freight agent <| B. & 0. R. R., Carrollton hotel GuiUVn Mrs. Ann, 14 Essex O Guiltoy William, moulder, 14 Essex l^ Guilhiermoz Ernst, regi^lia maker, 73 Hanover ^ Guinn Richard, trav. auent. 197 w Fayette ^ Guise Andrew J. bailiff Criminal Court, 130 -^ Myrtle av t^ Guisf Lewis, shoemkr, 181 n Caroline [l]^ Guisepiii Otiiuo, cabinetrnkr. 14 President Guiteau Mrs. Jane, Harford rd, nr lol'gate ^ GUITKAU S. &C0 (Wm. Daniel, Thos Kelso) ^ Marylind Tract, Sunday Sihonl and Evan- rv] gelical Book D' pository, 73 w Fayette Guldenpfennig Chas. , ainler, 105 n WuUe Gulick Theo. lab. -'56 s Bo'dway Gulrick Conrad, plumber, 247 s Pallas Gulrick Geoige, lab. 186 s Chapel Gulrick Matthias, lab. 247 s D..llas Gumbeit Joseph, tailor, 251 e Chase Gummer Andreas, slioemkr, 175 s Choptank Gump Chas. lab. 253 Preston Gump Galiiiel (.Mansbach & G.) TiOGeiman Gump Hezekiah, cleik. 54 n Greene Gump Jacob (Reiuhard, Me.>er & Co.) 21tf w^ < o Fayette Gump .Mrs. .Mary 54 n Greene Gump .M. B. liquors. 35 Brown la Gump Samuel B. printer, 10 n Caroline Gumbert Joseph, lailor, 160 Ensor IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. P O Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. GUM 236 GUT o o ^g ga Gumpert Mrs. Mary, huckstress, 219 Scott Gumpman Chas. lah. 104 St. Peter (Jurn()inan Geo. painter, 276 s Sharp Gim)|tinau Geo. tiardener, 104 St. Peter Gumpman Henry, slioemkr, 44 Lee (;um()man Joliii, lali. 104 St. Peter Gumpman John I^. wafroner, 33 Harmony la Gumpman Michael, driver. McHenry nr Bentalou Gunan Thos. driver, 10 Liberty al Guub^' Caroline L. milliner, Vork rd and Ox- ford av Gunhy David M. mariner, 33 s Ann (iunliy .Mrs. Eleanor, 33 s Ann Gunby James F. mariner, 33 s Ann Gunhy .James W. pilot, 128 s Ann Gunhv John H. mariner, 33 s Ann Gunhy .loseph D. mariner, 128 s Ann Gunbv .Mrs .Maria, 12-JsAnn Gunby Stefihen C. mariner, 128 s Ann Gundel Geo. J. wagoner, 64 Barnes Gundel John, wa < GUNPOWDER COPPER WORKS, Baltimore Co. Sheet, Bolt and Brazier's Copper. Olfice 57 South Gay. George A. Pope, President, George B. Cole, Secretary. Gunselman .Mrs. John, 7 n Washington Gunsi Iman John A. tailor, 53 n Wolfe (iunson Robert, lab. 309 Bank Gunst Lena, cor Eutavv and Biddle Guntel Leanhardt, cooper, 94 Granby (Junter Herman, b.iker, I'M e Jvtger (Junter Henrv, sugar refiner, 231 e Eager Gunter Wm. sugar refiner, 231 e Eager Guiitermann Frank, picture frames, r28Henrietta Guniher Adolph, carpet weaver, 179 e E iger Guntlier August, beer, n e cor Low and Forrest (Junther Augusta, dressmkr, 273 s Charles Gunther L)r. Conrad, dentist, 183 c Bait. more Guniher Kinhardt, carpetweaver, 10 sCaioline Gunther lOrnest, carpetweaver, 41 n Central av GUNTHER CHARLES, Stamping and Pinking, and Embroidery de- pot. Zephyr Worsted, Canvass, Paper Patterns, Beads, Embroid- ering Cotton, Silks, Braids, Em- broidered Shoes, Cushions, Edg- ings, Laces, Fancy Goods, Jewel- ry, Theatrical Goods, &c. 22 e Baltimore. Gunther Fred, morocco dresser, 47 Albemarle Gunther & Fink, (John Gunther, W. Fink.) furniture nmnufacturers, 9 to 17 Edward Gunther George t:iilor, 114 Vine Gunther Henry, iron moulder. First av nr Clinton Gunther Henry, tailor, 272 Lee Guiither Henry, restaurant. First av nr Clinton Gunther Henrv, shoemkr, 169 Su-ah Ann Gunther JohniG. & Fink) 129 Chew Gunther John H. shoemkr, 169 Sarah Ann Gunther John L. cabinetmkr, 69 Richmond Gunther Jc^.^eph, stevedore, 61 e Pratt Guntlier .Mrs. Juli-i, shoebinder, 273 s Charles Gunther .Julius, tailor, 272 Lee GUNTHER LIIDOLPH W. tobacco and cotton ftctor and com. mercht. 9 s Eulaw, dw 428 Eulaw pi Gunther Martin, barber, 130 Linden ay Gunther Michael, lab. 14 n Duiham Gunther Petei-, pipemkr, 255 William Gunther Win. slioemkr, 169 Sarah Ann Gunther Wm. M. stamping and pinking, 82 Lexington Guntriiin Chas. E. boilerinkr, 6 Williamson al Guntrum John, chairpainler, 93 Warner Gunlrum Win. boilermkr, 6 Williamson al ■ Guntrum Wm. barkeeper, 58 s Charles Guntz Adam, lab. 213 s Wolfe Guntz Geo. F. lab. 213 s Wolfe Guntz Jnhn, glassblower, 197 Scott Guntz Mis. .Martha, 213 s Wolfe Gurry James, grocery, 527 Saratoga Gusman Jacob, driver, 242 s Broadway Gurtler Fredk. butcher. 19 Be! Air Market, dw Hat ford rd opp Darley Hark Gusdortl' .\Jex. dry goods. 655 w Baltimore Gusdorff Isaac A. clerk, 655 w Baltimore (Jiisdorff .Mi)3 s, clerk, 655 w Balliiuore Gusiavus Peter, petroleum agt. over 65 s Gay, dw 341 e Baltimore Gutberlet Aug. ciiiarmaker, 506 .Aisquith Gutlierlet Chas. cii;armaker, 273 e Easier Gulberlel Frank, cigarmaker, 273 e E.tger Guteriiiulli Frederick, shoemaker, 51 Granby Guteimuth Valentine, tailor, 395 w Pratt Gull) Einil, candy maniif. 188 Le.vington GUTH GUSTAV, Cigar Factory No. 53 German Street Gulhill Dtio, collector, 629 w Lombard Guthmaii .Mrs. Elizabeth, 66 s Carey Gutl;t)w Ch:irles, watchmaker, 117 e Madison Guthiidge James, upholsterer, 157 Columbia Guthrie C. B. iron ore, 12 German, dw Madi- son av ext Guthrie Fiank M. agent Hannis Distilling co. Ustcud and Russell, dw Madison av ext Guthrie James W. lamps and oils, 456 w Balti- more, dw 750 Hl^NRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. GUT 237 HAB Guthrie Mary A. grocer}', 142 Hudson Guthrie PKtiick, hib. 142 Hudson Guthiuf Mrs. Elizabetli, trrocery, 454 Saratoga Gutnuin Joel, (Joel Gutman k Co.) 1«8 w Lornhnrd GUTMAN JUEL & CO. (J. Gutman) millinery, fancy goods. &c. 34 and 36 n Kutaw Gutraau John A. butcher, Waverley Gutman John F. tinner, 66 s Carey Gutman Julius, salesman, 345 \v Lombard Gutman Lewis, 345 w Lombard Gutman Moses, (Moses Gutman & Co.) 8 n Calhoun Gutman Moses & Co. (M. Gutman, Louis and Isidore Ash) wholesale clothiers, 349 w Bal- timore GUTMAN NATHAN, Silks, Velvets, Laces, Trimmings, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Millineryand Fan- cy Goods, 64 Lexington, dw 326 Gutman Rina, (Daley & G.) 66 s Carey Gutman Wm. butcher, Waverley Gutman Wiiiibald, tiilor, 325 n Central av Guttridge James, polisher, 55 McHenry Gutsch Ludwig, lab 26 Shakspear Gutwald MichafI, helper, 137 s Spring Guy Dixon, cutter, 19 n Eden Guy E. K. clerk, Barnum's hotel Guy Edwin L. clerk, Barnum's hotel Guy John, lab. 77 McElderry Guv Joseph, salesman. 56 n Bond GUY'S MONUMENT iK)[JSE, u e cor Calvert and Fayette, S. C. Little, prop'r Guy Thomas, drayman, 254 e Madison Guy Wra. shipcarp. 77 Mcbilderry Guy ton .Abram S. foreman, 375 w Pratt Guyton Beal S. 58^ St, Paul GuytonElisha J. clerk, 373 n Central av Guyton Mrs. Elizabeth, 244 Lanvale Guyton Mrs. Elizabeth, 129 e Eayer Guyton Harry P. bookkpr. 58i St. Paul Guyton James C. carp. 282 Walsh Guyton Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 24 s Eutaw Guyton John, keeper, Madison sq. 83 Chew Guyton Joseph, engineer, 24 s Eutaw Guyton Norval W. 129 e Eager Guyton Thomas B. painter, 282 Walsh Guyton Wm. K. furniture, 78 n Howard Guyton Wm. A. clerk, 78 n Howard Guyton Wm. L. carp. 363 n Central av Gwaginski Martin, lab. 279 Aliceanna Gwalhmey Robt. W. (Barker & G.) Centre nr Chailes Gwilliam Ellen, seamstress, 186 n Eutaw Gwilliam Thomas, painter, 186 n Eutaw * GWIN, MUHLER & CO. (T. T. Gwin, E. G. Mohler, D. G. Mohler) com. merchants, 86 s Eutaw Gwin Tbos. T. (G., Mohler & Co.) 52 Columbia GWINN CHARLES J. M. attorney, over 43 St. Paul, dw 35 Mt. Vernon pi Gwinn Chas. H. W. blacksmith, 266 Franklin Gwinu J. H. clerk, 304 w Fayette Gwynn H. B. teacher, 140 n Oregon Gwynn Charles R. clerk, 140 n Oregon Gwynn Jas. S. (J. S. G. & Co.) 140 Arling- ton av Gwynn J. S. & Co. (J. S. Gwynn) comm. merchts. 112 3 Charles Gwynn Mrs. Louisa, 207 w Hoffman Gwynn Genl. Walter, Carrollton hotel Gwynn Mrs. Walter, Carrollton hotel H O O o =^ p o o Haacke Wm. grocery, 82 s Dallas Haacker Julius, coachmaker, 40 Chew Haake Jiihn G. beer, 188 CrorS Haag John J. lab. 6 Bradford al g Haar Charles, shoemaker, 167 Harford av O Haar He rman, clothing, 65 n Howard 2 Haar Joseph, clerk, 65 n Howard "43 Haar Lewis, cierk 65 n Howard ""^ Haas Aaron, Jewish butch. Lloyd and Lombard P^ Haas Casper, lab. 300 Johnson Haas Conrad, tinner, 118 s Sharp Haas Charles C. shoemaker, 19 Pearl Haas Cliristi.m, lab. 30 s Burke Haas Frank, driver. 42 Rue Haas Frederick, lab. 6 Bouldin al Haas George, watchmaker, 253 Aliceanna Haas Henry, cabiaetrnkr, 11 Harrison Haas Isaac C. [ CiutcbfielJ & H.) o "> n Eden Haas Jacob, ( Wutzberger lij- H. ) 346 n Broadway Haas John, shoemkr, 48 n Durham Haas John, confectionery, 249 Hollius Haas John, shoemkr, 249 Hollins Haas Julius, 224 n Eden Haas Kate, beer, 253 Aliceanna Haas Louis, cahinetmkr, 249 Hollins Haas Martin, glass blower, 178 .Montgomery Haas Nathan, cattle, 129 n Caroline t— j Haas Philip, cigarmkr, 489 Penna av ^ Haas S.Jomoii, cattle, 224 u Eden ^ HAAS SOLOMON, gen. agt. Piedmont Air Line II. R. 13 German n South, dw 306 n Strieker ^ Haas Valentine, glass blower, 15 Henry ^^ Haase August, clerk, 419 w Fayette ' ' ' Haase Bernard, shoemkr, 757 w Lombard Haase Ernest, butcher, McElderry ext Haase Ernest, shoemkr, 757 w Lombard Haase Gotleib, cabinetmkr, 322 e Madison Haase Gustave, trav. agent, 293 e Baltimore Haase Gustave, scroll sawyer, 322 e .Madison Haase Henry, boxmaker, 387 Canton av Haase Herroan, shoemkr, 84 Eusor Haa^e Julius, lab. 18 Clement Haase Louis, cooper, 48 Lancaster Haase Philip, lab. 18 Clen.ent Haase Robert, shoemkr, 6 Waesche Haase Wm. butcher, .McElderry ext Haase Wm. blacksmith, 347 Orleans Haass .Martin, lab. 433 Canton av Habbersett John, carp. 126 Orleans Habel .Mrs. Came, 270 e Lombard Haber Fredk. .M. cigarmkr, 182 William Haber Fredk. cigarmkr, 182 William Haber Henry, locksmith, 42 .McHenry Haberkam Frank, cigarmkr, 72 s Central av Haberkam John, beer, 72 s Central av Haberkam John, lab. 187 s Ann Haberkam John G. A. buttr, 72 s Central av Haberkamp John, baker, 196 Columbia Haberkern Anton, beer, 25 s Washington Haberlander Robert, lab. 133 n Durham Haberman Fredk. coachmkr, 20 Ogston Habersham A. W. (H. &. Co.) Relay house HABERSHAM & CO. (A. W.Hatiersham) mer-jj^ chandise brokers, 47 Exchange pi i^ Habert John J. mer. tailor, 638 w Baltimore ^ Habicht Catherine, trimmings. 350 s Charles Habighurst Chas. F. salesman, 22 Commerce Pi o < P < O < P P o o Power Press Printing, at Keduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) e C Q ? - i> — X O IS Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. HAB 238 HAG Ch 3^ 55 a =« 5 id - H O 6 P-t ttrM 1^ ij a ce q; Hiibitrhurst Geo. C. clerk, 293 Druid Hill av Haliis Frtdk. cigariiikr, 103 Jeffersoa Hable Theresa, 47 Watson Haliler Gustav, clerk, 244 e Cbftse Habliston Chas. C. clerk, 80 e Baltimore Hfil)liston John M. jr. (Joshua Horner jr. & Co.) 80 e Baltimore Hiililislon Jno.M.cash'rSun office, 80 eBaltimore Ilablitzel Ileniy, bottler, 179 Hanover Habniclit tjb;is. driver, r26'Ensor Ilach Bernhard, lab. 272 s Bond llacheiiieisier Henry, pianonikr, 43 s Oregon Ilachiel ('has. coaclismith, 43 Orchard llachtel Cliristian, {rrocerv, 43 Oichard Hiichlel Geo. giocerv, 115 Orchard Hachtel John C. {J.U.H. & Co.) 180 Mosher HACHTEL JOHN 0. & CO. (John C. Hachtel, Jno. A. Rose) nifrs. fertilizers, gioiind hone, &c.; imp's agts.for genuine LeopoKishall Kai- nit, or potash salts, 14 Bowlv's whf HiKliiel John L. grocer^-, 1 I Brune Hack A. R. attorney, 80 n Charles Hack Andrew A. 321 Lexington Hack Augustus A. 86 n Charles Hack & Chilton, (Oliver F. Hack, H. J. Chilton) attorneys, 15 Law building Hack Clarence, clerk, lol Division Hack Fredk. locksniith, tjO Ridgely Hack Fredk. H. attorney, St. Paul and Sara- toga, dw 86 n Cliarles Hack Geo. W. clerk, 68 Barnes Hack Gottfried, bo.xmkr, 15 James la Hack H. Clay, clerk, 206 Franklin Hack H. R. & Co. (H. R. Hack) com. merchts. and feed, 149 n Howard Hack Henry R. (H. R. H.&Co.) 149 Franklin Hack Oliver D. clerk, lOl Division Ha' k Oliver F. (H. & Chilton) Madison av ext Hackburn J. H. clerk, 182 n Oregon Hacker Chas. tavern, 59 Greenmouiit av Hacker Jacob, beer, 178 e Baltimore Hacker John C. grocery, Barnes and Shuter Hacker \Vm. cooper, 70 Leidenhall Hackett Fredk. book agent, 6 n Bond Havkett Hannah J. 19 Barnel Hnckett Harry C. book agent, 6 n Bond Hackett James, lab. 96 Peach al Hackeit John A. bricklayer, 366 Orleans Hackett Josephus, engineer, 330 Hamburg Hackett Richard, carp. 32 s Schroeder Hackett VVm. K. bricklayer, 366 Orleans Hackett Wm. M. student, 6 n Bond Hackett Zachariab, engineer, 33 s Poppleton Hackmann Lewis, grocer and feed, 423 and 425 Saiatoga Hackmann Lewis jr. clerk, 425 Saratoga Hackmann Wm. furniture, 20 Bank Hackney Bi nj. 8. trav agent, 54 Saratoga Hackney John R. printer, 125 Gnenmount av Hackney J. W'altei, bookk|)r.l25 Greenmount av Haikney Wm.H. bl'ksmith, 125 Greenmount av llADAWAY & BILLUPP, ( Wm. H. Hadaway, Charles F. Billopp) tobacconists, 96 Light- st. whf Hadaway James, com. mercht. 84 Hanover Hadaway Wm. H. (H. ^ Billopp) 176 Barre Haddaway Chas. M.' clerk, 204 Walsh Haddaway J. Q. A. 204 Walsh Haildaway Robert L. printer, 93 MuUikin ll.iddaway T. Decatur, law student, 204 Walsh Haddaway Waller P. student, 45 Mulberry Haddock James, huckster, 257 HoUins Haddock Thos. lab. 257 Hollins H iddon .Mrs. Ellen, 30 n Spring Hadel Albert K. clerk C. H., 434 n Mount Hadel Charles, 434 n Mount Hadel Wm. bookkpr, Ramsay nr Mlllington la Hadermann Casper, horseshoer, 47 s Central av, dw 49 Hadermann Joseph, lab. 52 Lanc^aster Haef'-rmann Diedrich, lab. 283 s Bond Haefner (.Jhristian A. teacher, 121 n Wolfe HaeB'ner Dennis, tailor, 134 Saratoga Haegerich Chas. machinist, 41 e Pratt Haeiierich Geo.(Stopplehaar & H.)41 e Pratt Haehnel Hugo, bookkpr, 102 w Fayette Hael Adam, driver, Regester nr Pratt Hael Moylilz, tailor, Bruce nr McHenry Haemerer (Jerhard H. hatter, 372 Light Haenfling Geo. shoemkr, 152 Henrietta Haensler Fredk. liquors, 57 n Central av Hae. Henry, shoemkr, 146 Mulberry Haesloi>p John, 197 Conway Haesloop .Mrs Mary, confectionery, 197 Conway Haetler Fredk. shoemkr, Belair av nr tollgate Haetrieh Henry, tailor, 206 Lee Haferkorn Lewis, musician, 20 McElderry Haferkorn Wm. II. musician, 20 McElderry HAFFCKK CHARLES, prop'r Central hotel, n Hollid ly i>pp. City Hall HattVr Henry, shoemaker, 1 s Greene, dw 106 German Hattner John, lab. 61 8 Oregon Hatfran Matthew, lab. 36o McHenry Hafner Augustus, cigarmkr, 174 Hamburg Hafuer Joseph, lab. 3 Carltou Hafrier (Jonrad, harnessmkr, 122 Vine Hagan Bernard, lab. 77 s Castle Hagan Eugene H. conductor, 232 Columbia Hagan Eugene B. clerk, 173 w Lombard Hagan Geo. clerk, 108 Warner Hagan Hugh, lab. 3 e Monument Hagan Jacob, lab. 33 Guilford al Hagan John, lab. 62 Phili)Ot Hagan John, lab. 89 s Castle Hagan John, coachpainter, 15 New Hagan John W . cigarmkr, 108 Warner Hagan John, curj). 12 n Strieker ext Haj:an John H. cleik, 173 w Lombard Hagan John T. dentist, 24 s Ann, dw 219 Jef- ferson Hagan JIark, detective, 92 Albemarle Hagan Mis. .Mary C. trimmings, 16 s Burke Hagan Mrs. Mary, confec'y, 77 s Castle Hagan Mrs. Mary E. 108 Warner Hagan Mrs. M ay, 28 n Exeter Hagan Mich.iel, lab. 93 s Castle Hagan Peter, carter, 91 s Castle Hagan Peter, carter, 16 s Burke Hagan Pi-ter, carter, 29 Neighbor Hagan .Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 89 s Castle Hagan Timothy, stonecutter, 252 n Front Haganliack Theo. nightman, 122 n Central av Hafiasten John, lab. 349 s Sharp Hagedorn F. L. corresp't, Eutaw house Hagedorn Frank T. printer, 5 s Calvert, dw Eutaw house Hagedorn Gerhart, scowman, 269 8 Wolfe llagid'irn Henry, shoemkr, 14 Druid Hill av Hagedorn Wm. P. printer, Howard house Hagel Catherine, confec'y, 99 n Fremont Hagel John, tailor, 99 n Fremont Hageman Vincent, tobacconist, Frederick rd e of Calverton rd < HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. HAI HAG 239 Hageman Louis, beer, 56 s Howard Hagen Chas. J. barber, 334 n Gay Hagen Ernest, tailor, 79 s Regester Hagen Frederick, tailor, 79 s Regester Hagen John, lab. 4 Myers ct Hagen John B. cabiuetmkr, 98 Hamburg Hagen Nicholas, lab. 60 n Castle Hagen Thomas, lab. 'l'.^ Ring|iold al Hagendorf Fred, blacksmith, Homestead Hagenbriuh Theo. nightman, 122 n Central av Hagcr Geo. cooper, 52 n Durham Hager Jacob, glassbiovver, 5 Stockholm Hager Jacob C. cooper, 534 n Gay Hager Jacob C. cooper, 123 Chew Hager Lena, 41 Chesnut al Hager Nicholas, tailor, 4o Walker Hagerdorn Christian, boxmkr, 46 Patterson Park av Hagerdorn George, lab. 423 Aliceanna Hagerdorn Simon, stevedore, 86 Eastern av Hagerdorn Simeon, lab. 423 Aliceanna Hagerman .M. L. barber, s e cor Baltimore and Greene, dw 47 s Greene Hagermann Fred. carp. 294 Aisquith Hagert Frank, lab. 121s Wolfe Hagert John, fishermann, 49 s Monroe Hagert Matthew, lab. 15 Stiles Hagerty Daniel, justice of the peace, 32 St. Paul, dw 86 n Exeter Hagerty Mrs. Elizabeth, 68 East Hagerty Hugh, lab. 9 Fall Hagerty James D. cardriver, 261 Preston Hagerty J^imes S. sr. 293 Lanvale Hagerty James S. (Keen & H.) prest. Citizens railway, 301 Lanvale Hagerty Mrs. John, 133 8 Chester Hiigerty John, collector, 402 Lexington Hagert'yJuhu E. bricklayer, Peircenr Republican Hagerty Patrick, horseshoer, 30 Ryan Hagerty Patrick, shipcarp. 133 s Chester Hagerty Patrick, lab. 49 Hillman Hagerty Patrick, lab. 55 Buren Hagerty Patrick, lab. 199 Saratoga Hagerty Mrs. Sarah, Cathedral st ext Hagerty Wm. miller, 15 Willow Hagger Jus. B. tinner, 342 Mulberry Bagger Jas.S. nautical instr.makr.342 Mulberry Hagiand Nelson, carp. 292 s Ann Hagmann John, shoemkr, 222 Lexington Eagner Fred, stonecutter, 12 Wyeth Hagncr George, lab. 417 w Pratt Hagner Henry, baker, 294 Cross Hagner Jacob, umbrellamkr, 93 Somerset Hagner John P. machinist, 53 s Republican Hagner Wm. F. boilermkr, 11 Weber Hagner Wm. H. engineer, 201 Scott Haha Jas. huckster, 7o L. McElderry Haban Andrew, baker, 228 n Gay Hahu August, tailor, 324 s Bond Hahn Casper, lab. 263 Aliceanna Hahn Chas. cabinetmkr, 363 Orleans Hahn Chas. F. lab. 99 Peirce Hahn Conrad, mercht. tailor, 175 Hollins Hahn Edward, butcher, 76 Centre market, dw 118 MuUikin Hahn Elias, stonecutter, 592 w Pratt Hahn Ferdinand, jobber in cloths, cassimeres, &c., 64 w Baltimore, dw Baltimore co Hahn Geo. coal and wood, 208 MuUikin Hahn Geo. grocery, cor Walsh and Smith Hahu Geo. shoemkr, 66 Oxford Hahn Geo. A. gunsmith, 124 MuUikin CQ Hahn Geo. W. telegraphist, 380 Saratoga Hahn Geo. W. (Schorn & H.) 565 Lexington Hahn Geo. W. telegraphist, 426 w Lombard Hahn Geo. W. lab. 208 MuUikin Hahn Gustave, shoemkr, 46 s Central av Hahn Henry, lab. 195 Vine Hahn Henry, locksmith, 157 Henrietta ^ Hahn Henry, agt. central station, B. & 0. R. R. S dw 367 Mulberry 3 Hahn Henry, cigarmkr, 426 w Lotubard P^ Hahn Henry, 37 Courtland n-j Hahn Henry, cabinetmkr, 209 Montgomery fl Hahn Henry, cabii.etmkr, 68 Russell "^ Hahn Henry G. butcher, 101 Belair mkt, dw O) 118 MuUikin o Hahn Jacob, grocery and bakery, 936 w Pratt g Hahn Jacob, dispatcher, 241 n Central av -^ Hahn John, 37 Courtland ^ Hahn John, beer, n w cor Gough and Chapel rq Hahn John, beer, 53 s Wolfe ^ Hahn John, cb-rk, 426 w Lombard ^ Hahn Mrs J. D. grocery, 426 w Lombard q Hahn Lawrence, butter, 946 w Baltimore Hahn Lawrence H. cigarmkr, 426 w Lombard Hahn Lewis, polisher, Russell and Cross O Hahd Marshall M. lab. 590 w Pratt Q Hahn Michael, shoemkr, 46 s Central av Hahn Philip, cigarmkr, 426 w Lombard '^ Hahn Philip E. clerk, 426 w Lombard -. Hahn Reuben, engineer, 489 w Lombard W Hahu Raymond, helper, 592 w Pratt O Hahn Wm. sr. butcher, 76 Centre market, dw O 124 MuUikin ^ Hahn Wm. jr. butcher, lol Belair mkt. dw 203 ^"^ Orleans r£\ Hahn Wm. foreman, 178 e Lombard Hahn Wm. lab. 32 Jasper ^* Hahn Wm. A. gunsmith, 203 Orleans ^ Hahnberger Henry, silkweaver, 157 Bur-^ gundy al Hahneman Fred, artist, 15 Sterrett cQ Hahneman Fred. V. artist, s w cor Fayette and P^ Charles, dw 15 Sterrett pc^ Haid Jos. pianotuner, 450 e Chase £h Haide Chas. tailor, 258 n Central av H HAINES & SMALL, (John J Haines, Levi H. ox o Haley Wm. lab. 29 York Halfpenny Geo. boilermkr, 21 s Washington Halfpenny Robert, lab. 20 n Washington Hiilfjienny Samuel W. gunsmith, 17 n Wolfe Halker Michael, shoenikr, 34 s Castle Hall Adelaide L. teacher, 536 Lexingtrn Hiill Alfred G. clerk, 406 Saratoga Hall .Archibald, mariner. Cross nr St. Peter al Hall Armstrong, mariner, 36 Thames, Hall Artaxerxes, boilermkr, 61 William Hall Augustus H. printer, 16 Greenmount av Hail Benj. F. driver, 45 Holland Hall Bernard, cleik 323 e Baltimore Hall Benj. H. clerk, 30 Lanrel HALL BROS & CO. (R. C. &. J. W. Hall) coal agents, 5 Postoffice av Hall Bryant, shoenikr, 112 St. Peter Hall Carey D. machinist, 276 n Ann Hall Mrs. Caroline, dressmkr, 356 e Monument Hall C. Carter, conductor, 89 s Sharp Hall Charles, moulder, 97 Albemarle Hall Chas. A. machinist, Ramsay nr CalhouD Hall Chas A. D. cantukr, 164 n Oregon Hall Chas. cooper, 140 n Fremont Hall .Mrs. C. A. 187 n Fremont Hall Chas. E. lab. 95 Harford av Hall Chas F. clerk, 33 Warner Hall Charles H. shot-cutter, 306 n Gay Hall Chas. M. cigariukr, 228 German Hill Chas. B. clerk, Hampden Hall Charles P. salesman, 159 n High Hall Clayton C. actuary Md. Life Ins. Co. 10 South, dw 142 Park av Hall David E. engineer, 198 n Broadway Hall Mrs. Elizabeth, 33 Warren Hall Mrs. Elvine .M. fancy goods, 272 n Gay HiiU Erasmus Q. blacksmith, 262 Cross Hall Frankliu S. cooper, 262 e Lombard Hall Frank M. clerk, 96 w Lombard Hall Francis C. printer, 67 McElderry Hall Francis J. shoenikr, 306 n Gay Hall Franklin, blacksmith, 42 Hare Hall F. Waters, (T. I. Hall & Co.)223 St. Paul Hail Geo. expressman, 121 Conway Hall Geo H. M. Uookkpr, 8 Harlem av Hall Geo. S. R. painter, 61 William Hall George W. [G. W. H. & Bro.) 27 s Car- oline Hall Geo. W. & Bro.'(George W. Hall, Wm. H. Hall) stoves and tinware, 98 McElderry's wbf Hall Gerard G. brakeman, 280 n Eden Hall Harry P. clerk, 44 w Monuiuent Hall H. J. T. plumber, 183 Linden av Hall Harry W.keepr. Bolton station, 243 Park av Hall Henry, carp. 162 n Caroline Hall Henrv J. (H.J.Hall & Co.) 319 e Baltimore Hall H. j. & Co. (Henry J. Hall, Matthew E. Hanley) dry goods and notions over 6 a Howard Hall Henry M. mariner, 183 Linden av Hall Cafit. Israel, watchman, 371 e Monument Hall James, shipcarp. 17 Armistead la Hall James, printer, 68 n Ann Hall James, tinner, 279 e Baltimore Hall James, organ builder, 216 German, dw 536 Lexington Hall Capt. James clerk, Tobacco warehause, No. 2, dw Baltimore co Hall James, shipcarp. 36 William Hall Dr. James, colonization agent, over 81 Se- I cond, dw nr Relay House Hall Jame3(Freeland H. & Co.)44 w Monument HENRY HOEN 5 c6 O O ^ zn < PL, < I — (- rH <1- < < GQ. O o p.- OQ. o Hall James B. shoemkr, 380 e Madison Hall James H. B. clerk, 323 e Baltimore Hall James L. clerk, 162 n Caroline Hall James P. discount clerk, 171 w Hoffman Hall James B. shoemkr, 84 s Chester Hall James R. painter, 26 s Bond Hall James R. trav. agent, 48 w Monument Hall Jesse K. ropemkr, 434 e Monument Hall John, hoilermkr, 299 s Charles Hall John, lab. 85 e Lombajd Hall John, irrocery, 162 n Caroline Hall John jr. jeweler, 199 w Fayette HALL JOHN H. Jr. Dealer in But- ter, Eggs, Poultry, &c., 325 and 327 n Gay. Hall Jno.Bannister,(Flack,H.&Co.'»2i5 St. Paul Hall John D. shoemkr, 28 Biddle e of Ann Hall John H. sr. taih-r, 244 e Biddle Hall Juhu R. rarnisher, 28 e Biddle Hall John R. painter, 61 William Hall John T. express messenger, 186 Harford av Eiill John T. moulder, 330 s Charles Hall John W. clerk, 198 e Join Hall John W. clerk, 350 e Monument Hall John \V. (H. Bros. & Co.)428 Madison av Hall Josei'h B. clerk, 406 Saratoga Hall Joseph H. mariner, 35b Hanover Hall Mrs. Joseph M. 323 e Baltimore Hall Joseph S. 326 Saratoga Hall Joseph T. clerk, 306 n Gilmor Hall J. Snvder, machinist, 96 n Broadway Hall Di. Julius, 306 n Gilmor Hall Julius jr. clerk, 306 n, Gilmor Hall L.J.billiards,over s w cor Light and Balti- more, d\v Mansion house Hall Mrs. Maria, dry goods, 406 Si->ratoga Hall Mrs. Mary A. 52 Walker Hall Monlicello, clerk, 8 Harlem av Hall N. E. salfsinan, 84 Hanover Hall Nelson AL blacksmith, 71 Milliman Hall Oliver W. shoemkr, 317 Penna av Hall Peter D. salesman, 66 Pearl Hall Mrs. Rebecca J. 334 e Chase Hall Reverdy, machinist, 276 n Ann Hall Richard, lab. 417 w Piatt Hall Ricliard, cabinetmkr. 196 e Baltimore JHall Richard A. canvasser, 103 e Fayette Hall R. W. clerk C. H. 170 Saratoga Hall Robert, machinist, 165 Chesnut Hall Robert, tailor, 12 n Gay, d\v 82 w Biddle Hall iiobrt C. (H.Bros.& Co.) 257 Madison av Ball Robert L. 31 Wilkins av Hall Robert L. tavern, 131 McElderry's wharf, dw 44 Albemarle Hall Dr. Robert J. 280 n Eden Hall Mrs. Sallie, grocery, 317 Penna av Hall Samuel, lab. 30 w Biddle Hall Samuel G. 6 Franklin Hall Samuel J. clothing cutter, 318 n Bond Hall Samuel L. teamster, Canton and O'Donnell Hall Seweil, tinner, 21 L. Church Hall Shepherd, moulder, 276 n Ann Hall S. E. 77 Holland Hall Silas C. stevedore, 19 Granby Hall Mrs. Sophia, 228 German Hall T. I. &.Co. (Robert Freeland, F. W. Hall) com. merchls. 102 s Charles Hall Theodoric, conductor, 68 McMechin Hall Thornton, solicitor, 250 Walsh Hall Thos. engineer, 404 Saratoga Hall Thos. carter, 143 Hughes Hall '1 hos. 91 Battery av Hall Thos. A. painter, 371 6 Monument Hall Thos. J. bartender, 75 Battery av Hall Thos. J coachpainter, 62 Elisor H.ill Thos. Locke, clerk, 44 w Monument HALL THOMAS W. Jr. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw 142 Park av Hall Vernon, clerk, 8 Harlem av Hall Wallace, clerk, 306 n Gilmor Hall Walter 0. painter, 69 Barnes HALL W. TAYLOR, ship and com. mercht. and agent for European steamers, 95i w Lom- bard, dw 57 St. Paul Hall Wells R. police clerk, 266 e Lombard Hall Wm. carter, 36 William Hall Wm. clerk, 96 n Broadway Hall Wm. flagman, Biddle nr Castle Hall Wm. cooper, 140 n Fremont Hall Wm. packer U. S. appraiser's office, 96 n Broadway Hall Wm. cooper, 180 s Paca Hall Wm. A. clerk, 189 n Bond Hall Wm. K. patternmkr, 440 e Monument Hall Wm. F. cooper, 140 n Fremont Hal! Wm. G. lab. 95 Harford av Hall Wm.H.(G.W.Hall&Bro.)83n Washington Hall Wm. H. sheetironworker, 70 Harrison Hall Wra.H.asst. foreman Sun office, 29 Jackson Hall Wm. J C. real estate broker,86 n Charles Hall Wm. K. barkpr, Maltby house Hall Wm. N. clerk, 264 w Baltimore Hall Wm. P. shoemkr, 478 e Chase Hall Wm. S. varnisher, 226 Peirce Hall Wm. W. plasterer, 51 n High Hallamyer A. tailor, 257 n Caroline Hallamyer Jos. tailor, 257 n Caroline Halle David, clerk, 160 Franklin Halle Isaac, clerk, 160 Franklin Halle Philip, manuf. lamp fluid, 26 Light, dw 5 Forrest pi Halle Simon, clothing and dry goods, 154 and 160 Franklin, dw 160 Hailing Wm. lab. 57 Leadenhall Hallei;stein Bennet, telegraphist, 162 L. Greene Hallenstein Isaac, telegrapiiist, 162 L. Greene Hallenstein Morris, shoemkr, 162 L. Greene Haller Casper, tailor, 77 s Washington Haller Geo. P. conductor, 130 Ramsay Haller Wm.T.(W.T.H.& Co.) 442 w Baltimore Haller Wm. T. & Co. (Wm. T. Haller) wholes. and retail hardware, 272 w Pratt Halleit Wm. R (Bruff, Faulkner & Co.) 191 w Fayette Halley Tacitus, canmkr, 116 Parkin Halley Tacitus N. tailor, 116 Parkin Halliday James, nurseryman, 88 Division Halliday Robt. nursery man, Liberty rd nr Penna av HALLIDAY ROBERT J. florist, n e cor Penna av and Dolphin, stoie n w cor Baltimore and Charles, dw 190 Walsh Halligan James, grocery, 42 St Mary Halligan Michael, lab. 241 Lernraon al Hallmeyer Frank, tailor, 274 n Eden Hallmeyer Joseph B. tailor, 268 e Eager Hallock E. D. garden, fit-Id and flower seeds, 172 w Pratt, dw 392 Mulberry Halloraii James, lab. 25 Armistead la Halloran John, c;irp. 138 Vine Halloran Michael, lab. 138 Vine Halloran Patrick F. butcher, 152 Hollins Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble B.uilding.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, HAL 9 X Hallorau P:itrick J. clothing, 84 Harrison jj r^ fi IlHlloran Wm. lao. 138 Vine > S ^ Halpin Michael, tinner, 228 n Caroline K t; Halpin Tlios. lab. 75 s Caroline £ - Ilalsread Alfred T. 260 n Bond Tr^ !^ Halstead A. T. (.lolin H. k Sons) 38 Gout;h B -S r^ Halstead R. G. ' J. H. & .Sons) 55 s Broadway [• o == Halstead JoIih fj. H. k Sons) 55 s Broadway "^ CC =S Halstead John & Sons, (John, A. T. and E. G. •"-::: a) Halstead ) manufs. dye stutfs, n e cor Central - 5 c" ^^ '"'^ Lomt.aid. office Kdeu and Eastern av 5 ^ S Halton Margaret, 202 n Bond H 1^ '^ Halwadt Mrs. Elizaheth, 57 e Fayette S > X Halwadt Mrs. Sarah, 57 e Fayette -' t> ^si Haly John, lal.. 648 w I'ratt •- >.- Halyburton W. G. news editor Balto. Gazette, 5 in; -£ dw 20 n Kutaw p S S H'.ni Conrad, confectioner, 267 Eastern av '7^ ^ ^ Ham Hermes U. cni;ineer, 60 Gou};!i ^ ~ P Ham Johii, traveling: agent, 88 Lexington g £ 3 Ham John F. carp. 134 (Jough 242 HAM o 'J) «J . il . Ham»cher Fiedk. tailor, 6 Bevan Hamm Casper, carter, 141 s Bethel Hainan rhiirles, lah. 141 s Bethel H;unan Mrs. Dr. James, 139 n Republican Hainan Wni. shncktr, 141 s Bethel Hambltton Francis H. civil eng'r, 17 South, dw 27 n Calhonn > ?2 HAMBLETON JOHN A & CO. (J.A. and T.E. ^ ^ Hambleton jr , Thos. T. Smith) bankers and !-• ^ z^ brokers, s w cor South and German g 5T Hambleton John A. (J.A. H.&Co.) 204 St. Paul >> '^ §- HAMBLETON J. DOUGLAS, attorney, 46 St. iC ^ '-• Paul, dw 2'? n Calhoun ■^ ? '-- Hambleton Thos. B. sailmkr, 4 Bowly's whf, 'S r~ sT '^^^' ^^^ ^ '"'"'^^^ jz:'^ o Hambletcm Thos. E. solicitor, 44 Second, dw 27 is =: 3 '1 Calhuun -t: •- S Hambleton Thomas E. jr. (J. A. H. & Co.) 471 'c3 X' < Eutaw pi "x ^ ~ Hambriglit Geo. W. conductor, Barnum's hotel S ce ^, Hamburu' Bremen Fire Ins. Co. of Hamburg, 55 Second ^ s c H OS c Hamburger A. G. laces, embroideries, &c., 72 Lexington O S •~C^ Hamburger Adolph, jr. clerk, 181 n Gay '-^ HAMBURGEl; BBuS.(S.,L.and P. Hamburger) wholesale clothiers, 32 Hanover .^ -^ >. Hamburger Mr?. Catherine, 261 s Durham ^ f- Hamburger Emanuel (Klein&H. )133 e Lombard ^'7 5 Hamburger Eva, fancy goods, ."i9 Jefferson '>j -1^ >> Hamburgrr Frank, carp. Clinton and Second av K *= ^ Hamlinr^er H.(H.,Hornihall &Co. ) 13 s Howard [Z) 'o Hamburger Henry, clerk, 59 Jeffeison o i; -• Hambuiyer Ibrman. peddler, 252 s Bond t-^'" HAMBURGER, HORNTHAL & CO. (S. Ham- g "^ jg burger, H. Hamburger, J. P. Hointhal, Wm. g — ' Deicher) manufacturers and wholes. deaUrs O C ^, ill tobacco, cigars and snuff, 90 w Lombard ^ Tf^®" Hamburger Isaac, cigarmkr, 152 e [>ombard '^, ~. t£ Hamburger Isaac, clothing store, 21 German, •^> •' .5 '^^' 9 " Broadway 2 _H .jS Hamburger J'icob, millinery and fancy goods, C "^ t^ 175 n Gay ~ ^' ~; Hamburger John, salesman, 8 Jackson sq av **^ -^ r— Hamburger Lazarus, dry goods, 123 e Pratt Hi •— c3 Hamburger Lewis (H. Bros.) 16 Aisquith g ;£ .- Hamburger Lewis, clerk, 233 s Broadway a ^ J5 Hamburger Manassas, clothier, 233 s Broadway ■^ >< 0/ Hamburger Myer, laces, &c. 164 Lexington, dw "ti ^ >> 351 w Fayette Hamburger Morris, liquors, 152 c Lombard Hamburger Moses G. millinery and fancy goods 172 and 174 Lexington, dw 347 Hamburger N. carp. 109 Peirce Hamburger Philii>, (H. Bros.) 261 e Baltimore Hamburger Samuel, salesman, 152 e Lombard Hamburger Samuel I. clerk, 9 n Broadway Hamburger Solomon iH. Bros.) 32 n Front Hamburger Solomon, clerk. 152 e Lombard Hamburger Solomon, 181 n Gay Haiuburger S.(H.,Hcirnthal & (3o.)Norfolk, Va. HamburL'tr Wm. wheelwright, Giiffin ct Hamel Dr. Ernest F. 156 s Bond Hamel Geo. restaurant, Towson nr Nicholson H A.MEL GEO L. tobacconist, 221 s Broadway Hanid (Jotleib, baker, 333 s Sharp Hamel Henrv, boilermkr, 204 HoUins Hamel John," clerk, 204 HoUins Hamel .lacob, pcjrter, 262 n Bond Hamel Louis, enginet^r, 74 n Gay llamiiienstaffer Chas. [jainter, 187 Peirce Ilamer John, 14 Burke Hamer John, lab. 28 s Burke HAMER W.M. H. shoemaker, 56 n Howard, dw dw 12 n Carey Hanierly Chas. clerk, 162 Saratoga Hamft Matthias, cooper, 238 Hamburg Hamill Albert C. conductor, 258 n Eden Hamill Alex. (H. & Co.) 131 n Gay Hamill Alex. F. refiner, 123 n Bond Hamill Bernard, polisher, 343 Eastern av Hamill Charles W. bookkpr Is n Ann HAMILL & CO. (Alex. Hamill) lamps and oils, 131 n Gay James H. clenk, 307 e Monument John A. clerk, 53 e Fayette John H. butcher, 61 Milliinan Johij jr. lab. Creek al nr West John, lab. Creek al nr West Hamill Joshua, conductor, Howard house Hamill .Mrs. Mary, liquors, 89 Richmond Hamill Patrick, carter, 170 S Central av Hamill Robert, shoemaker, 258 n Eden Hamill Robert, currier, 219 n Eden Hamill Robert, 552 n Gay Hamill Robt.H. plumb. and gasfitt.er,258 n Eden Hamill Robert W. (Brown, M. it Co.) Patterson Park av and Lombard Hamill Thos. furnituie, 53 e Fayette Hamill Wm. painter. Burton's hotel Hamill Wm. A. clerk, 123 n Bond Hamill W'm. H. burnisher, 258 n i^^den Hamilton Alex, te.icher, 90 n Paca Hamilton Mrs. A. C. 18 n Strieker Hamilton Mrs. Ann. 296 e Monunient Hamilton & Brannan (Peter Hamilton, Brannan) marble and stone cutlers, and Cathedral Hamilton Caleb sr. carp. 114 s P.ica Hamilton Caleb B. jr.paperhanging,66 n Eutaw Hamilton Chas. florist, Waverley Hamilton Chas. Waverley hotel, Waverley Hamiltiiu Chas. R. tavern, and grain weigher, 160 Light-st whf, dw 28 Stiles Hamilton Columbus, cli-rk, 122 w Biddle Hamilton Mrs. Elizab. seamstress, 311 Aisquith Hamilton Mrs. Elizabeth, 236 .Madison av Hamilton & Ferguson (Robert Hamilton, Wm. Ferguson) carpenters, Raborg nr Arch Hamilton Francis, wagoner, Biddle nr Caatle Hamilton (}eo. nightman, 374 e lOager Hamilton Henry (Fisher & H.) 204 Saratoga Hamil Hamil Hamil Hamil Hamil Hugh Eager "^ ^ o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, ^ &> Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.QQ0.Q0Q.QQ, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. HAM 243 HAM Hainilton Henry, lab. 31 n Wolfe Hamilton Jacob, blncksniith, 192 n Caroline Haniilton James A. conductor, 279 McHeiiry Hamilton James B. insp. C. H dw 154 n Bond Hamilton Jas. K. P. officer Md. Penitentiary, 281 s Bond Hamilton John, lab. Creek al nr West Hamilton John A. shoemkr, 48 Frederick av Hamilton John G. varnisher, 22 Carlton Hamilton J(]hn S. machinist, 1ST Orleans Hamilton John T. conductor, 2 Parrish Hamilton John W. clerk. Fountain hotel Hamilton John, grocery, 113 Dolphin Hamilton John, confectr. 2 n Charles, dw 68 Hamilton John, 129 Peirce Hamilton .lohn, tailor, 576 w Baltimore Hamilton J. Frank, printer, 102 Walsh Hamilton J. W. painter, 579 a Fremont Hamilton Joseph, painter, 237 s Dallas Hamilton Larkm, plasterer, 142 Gough Hamilton .M. A. c|- Co. (M. Allen Hamilton) cotton factors and com. mchts,27 s Frederick Hamilton Mrs. Margaret, 104 n Central av Hamilton .Margaret, dressmkr, 114 Hollins Hamilton Mahlon, barkeeper, 5e Madison Hamilton Mrs. Mary A. tailoress, 135 n Fremont Hamilton Mrs. Mary, 71 Richmond Hamilton .Mrs. Mary, notions, 187 Orleans Hamilton .Mrs. Mary, 27 s Gilmor Hamilton Maxwell, police, 243 s Paca Hamilton M. Allen (M. A.H. ^ Co.) 80 Arling- ton av Hamilton Mrs. M. G. 234 w Fayette Hamilton Oliver, salesman, Cottage av nr York rd Hamilton Peter (H. & Brannan) 234 Chew Hamilton Richard, shipcaip. 281 nBond Hamilton Richard, attorney, 32 St. Paul, dw 180 Saratoga Hamilton Robt. carp. 49 Clarke Hamilton Robt. (H. & Ferguson) 134 s Paca Hfimilton Robt. lab. 8 Barnes Hamilton Robert, grocery and liquors, 23 Bal- derston Hamilton Robert, carp. 373 Saratoga Hamilton Sacuuel F. cabinetmkr, 22 Carlton Hamilton S. M. K. clerk, 8 s Gay HAMILTON SILAS M. coal, iron, fire- orick and Cumberland cement, 8 s Gay and pier lo Locust Point, dw Balto co. {^See Adv. left hand marffin. EaniiUon Mrs. Sarah, 39 Giitinger Hamilton Sebastian, driver, 79 Clinton Hamilton Mrs. S. J. 187 Fianklin Hamilton Theodore, cabinetmkr, 22 Carlton Hamilton T. Edward, ins. agent, 97 St. Paul Hamilton Thos. nightman, 174 Stirling Hamilton Tho.s. lab. 94 s Wolfe Hamilton Thos. lab. Quaker hi nr Oxford Hamilton Tligs. H. clerk Orphans' Court, dw 281 s Bond Hamilton W. Campbell, attorney, 7 Courtland, dw 187 Franklin Hamilton Walter, telegraphist, 62 Fawn Hamilton Wesley, pudler, 16 Washington av Hamilton Dr. Wm. A. 236 .Madison av Hamilton Wm. L. finisher, Woodherry Hamilton Wm. P. (Porter & H.) 109 n Gilmor Hamilton Wm. auctioneer, 122 w Biddle Hamilton Wm. horses, 32 s Paca Hamilton Wm. H. A. attorney, 45 St. Paul, dw Biddle nr Eutaw > H Hamilton Wm. S.paperhaager,476 w Baltimore Hamley J. G. telegraphist, 45 Lexington Hamlin Geo. P. grocery, 58 n Poppleton Hamlin Henry, lab. SS'William Hamlin James A. stonecutter, 110 Parkin Hamlin Thos. F. stonecutter, 110 Parkin Hamlin Theo. wab rboat, 55 n Exeter Hamlin Win. fisherman, 20 Johnson Hamm Fred, brewer, Dillon and Fourth av Hamm Henry, cooper, 264 Hanover Hammack Cornelia, 70 Jackson sq av r-r-- Hammack Geo. \V. canmkr, lOo Chew G Hammack .Mrs. .M. A. dressmkr, lo5 Chew "^ Hiimman Conrad, lab. 37 Fountain ^ Hamman Kilward, jeweler, 240 Canton av o Hamman Michael, carii. George nr Brune Q Hammaun Mrs. Caroline (H. & Steer.) 400 e '3 Monument ^ Hammann .Mrs. Annie B. notions, 240 Canton av rg Hammaun Christulph, tailor, 14 Haw Hammann Jacob sr. cabinetmkr, 3 Etna la ''^ Hammann J.. cob, grocery and liquors, 203 CrR Lombard ^^ Hammann John P. butcher, 400 e Monument r Hammann J. A.i(Ostendorf cj- H.) 143 Saratoga Q Hammann Michael, porter, 240 Canton av O Hammann Philip, plumber, 206 Gough Hammaun & Steer (Mrs. Caroliue Hammann, "^ VVm.F. Steer) butchtrs, 12 Fells Point mkt Hammar Andrew, whipmkr, 188 Chesnut Hammar John, paver, Holtzman ct Hammar John N. whip and canemaker, ISf Chesnut Hammar Mrs. Mary, loS Chesnut Hammar W'm. K. coachtrimmer, 188 Chesnut Hammel Adam, cooper, 321 s Charles Hammel Casper, lab. 96 Walker cl Hammel Mrs. Elizabeth, 75 JefiFerson Hammel Francis 0. driver, Is McKim Hammel Fred, grocery, 282 Cross Hammel Henry, clerk, 74 Orleans Hammel Henry, locksmith, 74 Orleans Haiiimel Henry, ice, 116 s Bethel Hammel Jacob B. gardener, Harford av ext Hammel Jacob jr. baker, 1 16 e Monument Hammel John, 96 Walker ct Hammel John, beer, 97o w Pratt Hammel John, lab. 266 s Ann Hammel John, shoemkr, 215 Light Hammel Matthew, lab. 220 Harford av Hammel Valentine, gardener, Harford av ext Hammel Wm. coachpaiuter, 75 Jefferson Hammeil Chas. lab. First av nr Clinton Hammelt Theo. lab. 385 Aliceanua Hammtn Conrad, carp. 167 s Eden Hammen George H. painter, 59 Pearl, dw 235 fi] Peirce q^ Hammen John, machinist, 235 Peirce, dw 183 i — i Mulberry pq Hammen John jr. plumber, 235 Peirce Hammen John T. (H. &Son) 57 s Bond ^ Hammen M. Z. carp. 105 n Poppleton, dw 59 JlD Pearl OQ Hammen Michael (H. & Son) 57 s Bond Hammen Philip, plumber, 206 Gough o Q I P^ . o HAMMEN & SON {Mich'l and John d T. Hammen,) plumbers, gasfitters!^ and tinners, 67 s Bond. p_, Hammen Wm. H. plumber, 57 a Bond IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. HAM 244 HAN o < a o m "^ O GQ P O oc Hammer Adam M. furnacitnan.foot of Clinton Hammer 15aibara, 39 Fountain Ihuiiniff Cliii^^iiMii, tailor, 420 vv Fayette Hammer Kdvvunl, lati. 39 Fountain Z^ Hammer Mrs Klizalieth, boarding, 140 n Fremont M Hammer George F. caninkr, 17 Curley Hammer John, lab. 5 Hultztnan ct HammeiJohn A. barber, 580 \v Baltitnore, dw cor Fremont and Baltimore Hammer Peter, millwiight, 198 n Eutaw Hammer Sarah 0. millinery, 198 n Eutaw Hammer Win. G. clerk, 140 n Fremont Hammerbacher Ferd. cooper, 685 w Lombard Hiimnierliaclier (Jeo. cooj)er, 109 Leadenhall Hamnieihachi-r John (i. Ijt-er, 414 (Jross Hammerbacher Leonard, cigarmkr, 26 Bevan Hammerbacher Leonard, cooper, 99 Leadenhall llammerbaciier Martin, beer, "26 Bevan Hammerley C. J. boolck|)r, 162 Saratoga Hammeriey J. W. salesman, 162 Saratoga Hammersley D. L. confectioner, 26 n Greene Haminersli-y Geo. VV. 33 Pearl Hammersley Wm. N. bookkpr, 398 n Strieker Hammerslougli .Mrs. B. 166 Le.vington Hammersloagh .^L•s. Caroline,confeet. 42 Haw Hammerslough Isidore (Frank & H.) 60 Col- J^ umbia Hammerslough Solomon, furs and fancy goods, 165 Le.\ington, dw 166 Hammerslatier Chris, lab. 158 n Fremont Hammeistatfer Eberhardt, tailor, 355 e Monu- ment Hammerstaffer John, bricklayer, 98 Peirce "^ Hamiiieit D. C salesman, 229 George Hammett Juhn G. clerk, 141 Sarartoga Hammelt John R. clerk, 99 s Eden Hammett John J. clerk, 229 George Q Hammett Joseph, clerk, 229 George O Hammond A. R. conductor, 222 Hollina ^^- Hammond .Mrs. Birdie, 84 n Bethel Hammond Chas. H. bookkpr, 81 Mt. Royal av Hammond Edward, 42 George Hammond Frank H. butcher, 44 Centre and 14 Belair mkts, dw Burton's hotel Hammond Fred. S. packer Appraiser's office, 212 German jv. 2 Hammond Geo. ferryman, 111 York Q ;?3 Hammond Geo. G. salesman, 698 Saratoga ! ^a Hammond Geo. H. uphulsterer, 18 s Green — ' Uammund Henry D. salesman, Gilmor ur Lex. ^" •" O ingtou ^^3 Hammond Henry P. carp. 12 iMcClellan,dw 138 ^ J5 p e Monument ^ ^ -^l Hammouu Dr. James R. 464 Lexington ^ a ^ Hammond John, mariner, 39 Eastern av '^'^T^ Hammond John, hackmau, 110 Cathedral r^X-C^ Hamtnond Juhn \) . (J. D. H. & Co. ) Franklin rd <>J^ HAMMOND JOHN D. & CO. (John D. Ham- ^^ p mond, H. A. Anthony) saddles and harness, 0<^ 361 w Baltimore ^^^ Hammond John .M . car driver, 137 Vine S^S Hammond John, lab. 209 West ^ M Hammond John E. clerk, lo3 Hanover ;-; ^ ^ Hammond John, moulder, 93 s Gilmor 2 '^ Hammond John S. bricklayer, 553 e Fayette pj^S Hammond Joseph 11. lab., Eutaw nr Camden ^< ' " " "' < W. F. O o Hammond k Jones (\\^ B.Hammond, Jones) job printe.'-s, 10 South Hammond Lloyd, salesman, Howard house Hammond Llovd, grocery and feed,410s Charles Hammond Mis. Mary, 51 Woodyear Hammond Marcus H. caulker, 204 Montgomery Hammond Dr. Milton, homeopathist, 53 n Pacai Hammond Nathan A. butter 297 Saratoga Hammond Nrlson, lab. 209 West Hanunond Nicholas W. collector, 294 n Strieker Hanimond Nicholas, conductor, 134 Scott Hammond Orinond, salesman, Howard house Hammond Mrs. Susan, boarding, 33 n Calvert HAMMOND THOMAS W. piodace dealer, 131 Franklin, dw Baltimore co HAM.MOND WALTER, gen. agent Hammond's suiieri'hosphate of lime, 64 s Sharp, dw 127 n Carey Hammond Wm. B. 576 w Baltimore Hammond VVm.B.(H.& Jones) 342 McDonogh llamniond Wm. K. insp. C. H. 126 McElderry Hammond Wm. plumber, lid Cathedral Hammond Wm. A. 3(i5 Lanvale Hanimond Win. A. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw Houard co Hamner Rev. Dr. James G. 135 St. Paul Hanip Conrad, gilder, 83 .Mosher Hamp Henry, gilder, 33 .Mosher Hainp John, gilder, 83 Mosher Hamp Joseph, builder, 34 Frederick av Hampden Reservoir, Hamjiden, Baltimore CO Haiupe Mrs. Catherine, bird stuffer, 2fiwFayette Hampe Francis W. jr. cigarmkr, 26 w Fayette Hanipe Francis W. cigarmkr. 29 Waesche Hampel Henry, lab. 9 Burke Hamiiel Jacv)b, bo.xmkr, 9 Burke Hamper John, shoemkr, 230 e Chase Hampshire and Baltimore Coal Co.,Tbos. Gem- mell, prest. 56 Exchange pi, shipping pier 1 L. P. Hampson A. J. grocer, s e cor Franklin and Charles Hampson Britten, lab. 208 Banlc Hampson Edwin, hatter, 189 w Baltimore, dw 264 Hollins Hami>son Mary, 224 Lanvale Hampson Rudolph, coppersmith, Lanvale nr North av Hampson Wm. A. hatter, 105 n Eutaw Hampton John A. clerk, 29 e Fayette Hampton Lydia A. 25 s Poppleton Hanan H. Murray, 139 w Madison Hanan .Michael, drayman, 38 Hillen Hanoway Edward, marble cutter, 215 n Front Hanaway James, dry goods, 132 Lexington, dw 235 George Hanaway Patrick, wagoner, 215 n Front Hanaway Peter, shoemkr. 63 Hillen Hanaway Winfield, coaclipainter, 29 n Gay Hananer Henry, shoemkr, 99 Jackson sq av Hanberry Michael, engineer, 49 Hill Hance Seth S. apothecary,, 108 w Baltimore, dw 185 n Calvert Hancke Adolph, tailor, 275 s Howard Hancock Absalom, 325 e Baltimore Hancock Albert R. clerk, 41 e Baltimore Hancock Alfred A. 325 e Baltimore Hancock Chas.A. sergt. police, 379 e Baltimore Hancock Clilford W. machinist, 325 e Baltimore Hancock Henry F. 325 e Baltimore Hancock Jarrett, lab. 400 Aliceanna Hancock James A. carp. 195 .Mullikin Hancock John Mutual Life Insurance Co. 230 w Baltimore, Walter S. Wilkinson, general agent HANCOCK JOHN F. apothecary, s e cor Balti- more and Caroline, dw 342 e Baltimore Hancock Noah, shoemkr, Belair av ext HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World. O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. HAN 245 HAN Hancock John T. furniture upholsterer and picture frame lualcer, 26 Bruiie Hancock Scott R. butcher, 325 e Baltimore Hancock Wni. potter, Iot> n Edeti Hand Mrs. Ann, confectionery, 02 Block Hand Edward I. butcher, Harford av nr Pointla Hand Henry, WHtchman, 92 Block Hand James, harnessnikr, Cathedral ext Hand James, butcher,35 Lexiiijrton, 4 Hanover, 35 Eichiiiond and 9 Centre markets, d\v Har- ford rd nr Point la Hand John, peddler, 149 n Hifjh Hafid John B. tislierman, 13 Lloyd Hand John, bricklayer, 16U Bank Hand John J. CO ichnikr, 151 n High, dw 103 Hillen Hand Michael J. butcher, Harford avnr Point la Hand S. Geo. farmer. 34 e Baliiii.ore Hind Thoiuas, lab., Cathedral ext Hand Thus. B. tinner and canmkr, 33 e Balti- more, dvv 193 e Fryette Handel Andrew, tavern, 27| Commerce,dw 255 € Eager Handel Charles, clerk, 78 s Sharp Handel John, driver, 26 McEldeiry Handel John, stonemason, 215 Scott Handel Zacharias, traveling agent, 78 s Sharp Hmdell Mrs. Christian, 3 Leadenhall Handlei- Thoraiis. hostler, 322 Forrest Handler John, condui'tor, 414 w Lombard Handley Acdrew, lab. 174 w F.ills av Handley Amos E. carp. 122 Vine Handley Richard, clerk, 21<3 w Biddle Handley Thomas, lab.. Federal nr Decker Handloser Lawrence, grocery-, 89 McElderry Hands Lafavette G. ch-rk 84 n High HANDY k BEVAN, (J. H. Handy, Thomas H. Beviin) attorneys, 13 Courlland Handy Edward J. conductor, 600 Light Handy Dr. Jesse T. Ill w Cliase Handy John H. (H.& Bevaii) 7^ Franklin Handv L. D. salesman, 6 Hanover Handy Mrs. Mary A. 183 St. Paul Handy Mrs. Samuel J. K. 22 w Eager Handy Thns. P. (Troxell, Handy & Greer) 183 St. Paul Handy Wm. G. machinist, 281 Ramsay Haneke August, tobacconist, 14 Park ar Haneke Theodore, grocery, 218 Hamburg Haneke Wm. cigarmkr, 14 Park av Hanes Mrs. Eliza, 237 George Hanej Mrs. Chas. M. 197 e Baltimore Haney Fielding M. clerk, 125 e Baltimore Haney H. M. bill jioster, 197 e Baltimore Haney Henry, painter, 180 s Eutaw HANEY J. human hair goods and fancy goods, 35 n Charles, dw 69 Courtland Haney James, painter, 74 Parkiu Haney James K. P. N. lab. G33 w Pratt Haney John, carp. 135 n Eutaw Haney Rebe<'ca, grocery, 59 Chesnut Hanev Thos. E. machinist, 134 Johnson Hank Rev. A. S. 143 w Biddle Hank Rev. J. Newman (J.N. Hank &Co.) 1028 w Baltimore HANK REV. J. N. & CO. (J. N. Hank, Geo. S. Grape, A. Z. Hartman) proprs. Steuart Hall Academy, lo28 w Baltimore Hank Dr. J. W. F. 10 South, dw 118 w Biddle Hankey A. J. coal, Locust Point, dw 107 n Ann Hanlen Mrs. Ann, 405 s Charles Hanley James, lab. 54 s Schroader c Q d o o o ^ Hanley & Ford (W. S. Hanley and J, Ford) ^ hatiers, 60 w Fayette Hanley James, tinner, 245 Dolphin -^ Hanley James, saloon, Front and Buren ^ Hanley Margaret, 76 n Amity ^ Hanley Matthew E. (H. J. Hall k Co.) New W York Hanley Thos. huckster, 112 Mulberry Hrtuley Timothy, lab. 30 Boyd Hanley Wm. S.( Hanley & Ford) Brown's hotel ilanlin Mrs Eliza, confectionery, 7 Lancaster Hanlin Elizii C. saleswoman, 7 Lancaster Hanline Alex, salesman, 207 s Bond Hanliue Elizabeth C. millinery. 7 Lancaster Hiinline Leon, clerk, 207 s Bond Hanlin.' Mauritz. [laints, 207 s Bond Hanline Wm. eleik, 2o7 s Bond Hanlon Benj. clerk, 98 n Calvert > Haulun Frank, lab. 84 Luzerne Hanlon Michanl, lab. 4 Buren Hanlon Patrick, carp. 430 Mulberry Hanlon Thos. lab. 322 Forrest Hanlon Thos. junk, 18 Chesnut Hanly Andrew, l.ih. 174 West Falls av Hanly Annie, 316 e Fayette Hanly John, marble polisher, 39 Hillman Hanly Margaret, grocery, 39 Hillman Hanly .Michael., bookkpr, 194 East Hanna C. F. cashier C. H. 86 Division Hanna Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding, 45 n Bond Hanna Geo. currier, 27 s Wolfe Hanna Geo. fnrnituie repairer, 298 Franklin HANNA HENRY W. apothecary, h e cor Fre- • mont and Townsend J^ Haiini Hugh B. (Wills & H.) 13 n Washington ^ Hanna Jiimes, shipjoiner, 31 e Pratt ^ Hanna John, elerk, 2s Pleasant k^ Hanna John, cigais and liquors, 132 w Balti- pq more, dw 28 Pleasant Hanna John, coal oil distiller, Clinton nr Boston ^ Hanna Joseph A. tallow chandler. 31 e Pratt ^ Hanna Mattie J. teacher. 45 n Bond Hanna Robert, cabinetmkr, 45 a Bond Hanna Robert N. jr. clerk, 98 n Charles Hanna Wm. bricklayer, 13 n Washington Hanna Win impr. wines and cigars, 132 Baltimore, dw 28 Pleasant Hannagan Fred. E. tinner, 27 Henrietta Hannah J. S. clerk, 87 Franklin Hannah Samuel (Be van & Hannah) 265 Broadway Hannan Francis, butcher, 118 aud 120 Centre ; mkt, dw Potomac nr O'Donnell Haanan Francis, gasfitter, 36 Morton al Hannan Jas H. blacksmith, 19 Concord Hannan John, lab. 35 Hillea Hannaway Edward, plumber, 105 Preston Hannawav James H. dry goods, 132 Lexington, dw 235 George Hanaeberry Michael, engineer, Maltby house Hannegan Patrick, restaurant, Clinton and i Eighth av Hannemann Aug. c&rp. 118 n Chapel, dw Jeffer- -q son nr Chapel _ _^ o D (—1 I o Hannemann Chrislian.grocery,118 Frederick av Hannibal Mrs. E. grocery, 178 Montgomery Hannibal Frank, blacksmith, 13 5 Saratoga Hannibal Henry, beer, 46 Harrison Hannibal Lewis, blacksmith. 267 n Dallas Hannie Mrs. Catherine, 165 Madeira al Hanning Thos. grocery, 50 Davis P Hannis H. S. pres' t Hannis Distilling Co., Phila O — o Power Press Printitio;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) o c Mutual Life Insiirance Co. of l^Tew York. HAN 246 HAR 'Ji ^^ — HANNIS DISTILLING CO., H. S- Hannis, pres't, J. P. Bankson, sec'y and treas., Frank M. Guthrie, agent, Ostend and Russell > r C as o cc xl: C CM -r: r^ .C. A y. a') a> p*^ c3 ■^ >o -Z .'lish and German Acad- emy, rear of .Jewish svnaiiomie HunoverSt. (Fourth) Synii^'.)i;ue, 47 Hanover Hanrahan Hryan stonemason, 44 s Gilmor Hanrahan E. J. prinier, 44 s Gilmor Hanrahan Jolm, stonemasDU, 451 Saratog.'k Hanrahan Martin, huckster, 2 Thomsen IJaniahau Maurice, barrels, 21 Perry Hans Evan T clerk, 320 Mvrtle av Hans Henry, tailor, St! n Eden Hans John, piinter, 41 Columbia Hanschnn Rudolph, ci>iar boxmkr, 95 Plum al. dw 310 s Sharp Hansche Wm. N. shoemkr, 77 e Lombard Hansel Chrisii in, tailor, 440 w Biltimore Hanser Rev. W. G. Hugo, 62 n Fremont Hanson .Ambrose, slioemki-, 167. n Eden Hanson Andrew, lab, 150 n High Hanson Chas. F. clerk. 35 s Carey Hanson Edwin H. conductor, Cumberland nr Penna av Hanson Enoch F. carp. 4:^5 e Ea^er Hanson Geo. W. ri^jjer, 215 s Ann Hanson Homer, collector, Wolfe nr Biddle Hanson Jane, grocery, 215 s .\iic Hanson John, shoemkr, 4 Miller Hanson John, tinner, 189 e Fayette Hanson John li. carji. 214 n Front Hanson John E. carp. 2 '8 n Eden Hanson John, lab. 3 Stockholm Hanson John 11. painiei. ;!(>2 w Lombard Hanson John W , Md. Life Ins. Co. lo Soulli, dw lo4 Cathedral Hanson .Michael, lab. 246 Cross Hanson Milliird,cond'r,Cumlierlind nrPenna av , Hanson Murray, attorney, s w cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw 104 Cathedral Hanson P. W. elk. Barclay and Huntingdon av Hanson Peter, lig^zer, 215 s Ann Han.'ion Peter, tinner, l.'iS w .Madison Hanson Mrs Siruh J. 04 n Ann Hanson S. C. clerk, 104 Cathedral Hanson Thos. midi, 196 Canton ;iv Hanson Thos. H. furniture, 227 e Bdiimore Hanson Thos. P. com. merchant, Cumberland nr I'enna av Hanson Washington, collector, Washington hotel IlMtison Wm. H. braketnaii. 158 Barre Hanson Wm. N. cannikr, 41 n Bond Hanson Wm. H. saddler, 35 s Carey Han way W. A. (Slockdale, Smith & Co.) 363 Madison av HANZSCHE FRED. A. Sr. English and Ger- man book and job printer. 22 j s Charles, dw n w cor Saratoga and Greene Hanzsche & Co.(E. and H. Han/.sche) hook and job printers, over s w corLigbt and Baltimore Hanzsche Edward, (Hanzsche & Co.) 159 n Re- publican Hanzsche Fied. A. jr. printer, American hotel Hanzsche H. (H. & Co.) 48 n Greene Happ Kuuiu'Uiida. 136 s Wolfe H ippel .\ngust, musician, 79 Somerset Ilappel Conrad, lab. 5 James la Ha|)pel Henry, tailor, 156 n Caroline Happersett John, jjaperhanjier, 295 n Ann Happle John, carp. 174 Peirce Hapi)le John 11. baker, 51 President Hapjile Peter, boilermkr, 174 Peirce Hapjioldt Geo. B. coachmaker, 14 Penna av,dvr 402 w Fayette Happoldt Henry H. painter. 275 w Fayette Harback Simtiel, painter, Wolfe nr Belair av Harback Simon, grocery, 109 Low Ilarhaugh Chas. H. clerk, 186 e F.iyetle Harbaugh Chas. L. bookkpr, 19 s Oregon Harbangh David, grocery, 126 s Sharp Harbaugh Frank R. clerk. 186 e Fayette Harbaugh James 0. caldnetmkr, IK-! n Bond Harbaugh Jerome, coacbinkr, 19 s Oregon HARBAUGH THOMAS H., Chair- maker, 186 E. Payette. Harbcrts llarke, urainer, 9 .Maccubbin Haibrecht Wm. lab. 2 e Pratt Harbsl Gotl ib, pianomkr, 121 LeadenMall Harbur Frank, tjiilor, 254 e Eager Harburger Asher, (Oberndorf, H. & Co.) 302' vr Fayette Harburger Emanuel, tailor, 10 s Exeter Harburger Sigmund, mercht. tailor, 25 s Exeter Ilarcourt W. Mansfield, [iroof reader, 94 Druid Hill Harcouit Wm. clerk P. 0. 29 n Exeter Hai cum James, painter, 180 s Eutaw Hard Albert, stonecutter, 44 McHenry Hard Jacot), moulder, 44 McHenry Hard Mrs. .Margaret. 44 McHenry Hard Samuel, j)iititer, 42 Paikin Ilaid Samuel, printer, 134 n Durhnm Hardcastle Mrs. Octavia, 292 n Strieker Hardecker Geo. tailor, ,'!9 Port Harden Henry, tailor, l')9 .McElderry Harden Jesse .M. cohI, Frederick road, dw 711 w Lombard Haideu Jiibii, tailor, 109 McElderry H.rden John S treas. W.Md.R R 1«3 n Carey Harden John W. milk. George and Clinton av Harden Nichol .s, tailor, 109 McElderry Harilen Richard E. horses, 82 n Pine Harden Thos. foreman, 554 w Baltituore Harden Mrs. Rev. Wm. 317 Myrtle av Harden Wm. C. patternmkr, :;17 .Myrtle av Hardester Benj. baker, 22 Holland Hardesler Mrs. C. 22 Holland Hardester .Mrs. Catherine, tailoress. 301 s Charles Hardester ('has. E. mariner, 93 s Ann Hard. -ster Columbus, machinist, 38 Constitution Hardester David jr. engineer, 26 Thomsen Hardesler Geo. E. engineer, 15 Constitution HarduBter Geo. M. printer, 22 Holland Hardester .Mrs. Josephine, notions, 230 Li^jht Hasdester Thos. H. A. clerk, 230 Light Hardester Thos. J. bookbinder, 22 Holland Hardesty .Mrs. Chas. R. 175 Linden av Hardestv Frank H. clerk C. H. 126 St. Paul HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Macliiuists' Tools and Supplies. Fucking, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. HAR 247 HAR Hardesty Geo. S. W. clerk, 31 s Bond Haidesty Geo. W. pres't Momimental Savings Bank,' (Claik, H. & Co.) d\v 251 n Caroline Hiudisty Henry, dairuiiau, 259 w Biddle Hanlesiy J. Knox, screwiiian, 136 s Sbarp Hardesiy James G. 9 Barllelt Haidtsiv James H. clerk, 52 n Fremont Hardeity Richard S. 126 St. Paul Hardev Dr. H E. di-i)tist, Greene and Saratoga Hardlums Ludwig, lab. luO Thames Hardie J. Gi'idou, bookkeejier. 466 Mulberry Haidie Capt. II. mariner, €60 Lexington Haidigan Wm. H. painter, 36 Walker Hardinian lohii, liquors, 24 n Poppleton Hardinion Celia, jirocery, 20 Liberty al Hu'ding Amanda, 43 Garden H irding James, carpenter, 9 Cowpen al, d\v 88 u Paca Harding L'lura V. dressmkr. 141 w Fayette Harding .Mary, dressmkr, 37 n Liberty Harding Napolecn B. brakeman, 748 w Pratt Harding Mrs. Norman B. proprietress Three Tuns Hotel Harding Norman B. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Harding P. & Co. (Ciipt. Peter Harding) ship brokers, 50^ w Pratt Harding P. Willis, cierk, 48 Spring row Hariiiu<: Capt. Peter, (P. H.& Co.) 48 Spring row Harding Jlrs. Susannah R. 94 n Eutaw Harding Capt. Wm., Carrolltou hotel Hardisty Anna M. 55 n Scricker Hardtner J. Leonard, mail agent, 132 Columbia Hard wick H. W. paper car. 58 Gieenmount av Hard wick H'y T. paper car. 58 Greenmount av Hardwick Wm. paper carrier 115 e Monument Hardwick ^Vm. C. clerk, 58 Greenuiount av Hardy Mrs. Alice, 225 St. Paul Hardy & Bios. (Thos. A., Thos. A. jr. and E. M. Hardy) com. merchants, 93 Smith's whf Hardy Mis. Catherine, 95 n Fremont Hardy Mrs. Catherii:e, tailoress, 69 n Ann HardV Clias. M. bookkpr, 47 Chew Hardy E. M. (Hardy & Bros.) 109 n Charles Hardy Franiilin. moulder, 110 Hamburg Hardy Geo. E. W. shirt manuf. 146 w Balti- more, dw s e cor Chase and Caroline Hanly Geo. W. plougbsmith, 110 Hamburg Hardy Geo, W. jr. lab. 110 Hamburg Hardy James C. engineer, 58 s Strieker Haidy Jo.mna, 322 Aliceauna Hardy Lv . James K,. 234 Madison av Haidy Jolui U. sec'y Baltimore butchers hide and tallow association, 47 Chew Hardy Capt John T. pilot, 109 s Washington Hardy John \V. switchman, 9 Stockholm Hardy John W. clerk, 47 Che>v Hardy Joseph, lab. 5S Parkin Hardy R;cliard T. brassfinisher, 47 Chew Hardy Samuel, lab 142 McHenry Hard)- Thos. A. (Hardy ^- Bros.) Norfolk, Va. HardyTlios.A jr.(Hardy&Bros.)Barnum's hotel Hi.nly Wm. H. machinist, 122 Boyd Hate Edward, block and pumpmkr, Waverley Hare Henry, engineer, Oxford, York rd Hare J.J. dairy, 43s Penna av Hare John H. artist, 186 n Eden Hare John F. huckster, Woodberry Hare John R. watchmaker, 63 w Fayette, dw 153 n Strieker Hare Lauia V. spooler, Woodberry Hare Michael, grocery, 331 Cathedral Hare Philip, lab. Clipper Mills Kare Samuel, carp. Sweet Air Hare Wesley C. mail carrier, Druidville Ilare Wm. F. conslaide, Druidville Hare Wm \\'., Sweet Air Hare's Hall, Hampden Harford Avenue (M. E.) Church, n e cor Har- ford av and Biddle Harford Geo. R. cabinetmkr, 553 w Fayette Harford Thos. N. machinist, Oxford, York rd Hareadon Br^an, police, 88 Boyd Hargadon Dominic, moulder, 45 s Schroeder Havgadon Ellen, 45 s Schroeder Hargat Michael, shipcarp. 61 Elliott Harge John, lab. 970 w Baltimore H.irgest Francis A. caip. 553 w Lombard Hargest Thos. gardener, Harford av nr North av Hargrove Geo. painter, 554 w Baltimore Hargrove Israel G. painter, 78 s Fremont Hargrove Wm. H. painler, 78 s Fremont jj Haritr Bernard L (J & B. L. H..rig) 67 Hill g Harig Chas. ulassblower, 251 Hanover ^ Harig Geo. W. canmkr, 251 Hanover .^ Harig Henry, inercht. tailor, 169 s Broadw'ay ^ Harig J. & B. L. hardware and stoves, 72 Hill ^ Harig John F. police, 251 Hanover " Harig Joseph (J. & B. L. Harig) 60 Hill ^• Haiij^ Wm. F. blacksmith, 251 Hanover O Harig Win. engineer, 4 Bartlett O Harke Fred, bricklayer, 25 Waesche Harker Chas. E. carp. 214 Harford av ^ HaikerGeo. W. huckster. Friendship, Y''ork rd j---) Harker Jas. P. bricklayer, 576 Harford av Harker John J. carp. 214 Harford av oQ Harker John V. tavern, 98 Greenmount av Harker Dr. Richard M. J. grocery, 19 Park av, Q dw 108 Hillen Q Ha.rker Wm. broker, Gen. Wayne hotel Q Harkin John, horseshoer, 77 n Schroeder f> Harkins Manassas, lab. 24 Jew al, o. t. ^ Harkness Adam, lab. Frankbn nr Carey llarkness John, lab. 455 Saratoga ^ Harkness Mrs. .Mary J. notions, 1()3 s Gilmor Harkness Thos. blacksmith, 232 Peirce ^ Harkness Thos. B. mariner, 15 Byrd ^ Harkuin Jas. palmer, 180 s Eutaw |> Harlan George S. (Wilkinson, H. & Jones) 188 Division ^ Halle FJeinaid, car}). Vincent al nr McHenry y Harle Louis jr. shoemkr. 491 w Pratt >Q Harlem Inebriate Asylum, cor Edmondson av ^ and Fulton Harlem P.irk, bounded by Harlem av, Edmoud- lO son av, Gilmor and Calhoun Harley Marcus T. clerk, 83 n Calhoun CQ H.rlow Branch B. bookkpr, 23 s Charles ^ Harlowe \V. L. 52 Saratc^a O Harnian Andrew, l.ib. 97 Thames '^ Harman Bernard, junk, 120 n Caroline <^ Harman Casper, huckster, 141 s Bethel qj Harman Charles, clerk, 343 n Ann Harman Charles, lab. 141 s Spring oQ Harman (Jharles, shoemkr, 150 Peirce r^ Harman Daniel, cutter, 681 LexintJtoa (^ Harman Edw^ard L. lab. 37 n Amity ^ o < < O a w o O ^ r/> O 00 O} O -^ ■— ' r- — [utual Fire Ins. Co. and prest. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Baltimore, dw 131 St. Paul Harris Chas. bricklayer, US JeOFerson Harris Chas. W. sr. carp. 252 e Fayette Harris Chas. W jr. carp. 252 e Faj'ette Harris Daniel, lab. 366 Ratnsay Harris .Mrs. E. E. r)3 e Baltimore Harris Edwin H. cotton broker, 61 Exchange pi, dw 63 Harlem av HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thograpliing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee. G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. HAR 249 HAR Harris Mrs. Elizabeth, 114 Cider al Harris Mrs. Elizabeth. 694 w Pratt Harris Geo. actor, 75 n Liberty Harris Geo. engineer, cor Calhoun ami Ramsay Harris Geo (Kane & H.) 83 s Fremont Harris Geo. blacksmith, 485 w Pratt Harris Geo. M. umbrella m inufr. 53 e Baltimore Harris H. R. 268 Druid Hill av Harris Henry R. clerk, 17 n Caioline Harris Jacob, ciq:arrakr, 13 Mott Harris Jas. boilermkr, Rams ly nr Monroe Harris Jas. shipcirpenter, 279 e Lombard Harris Jas. B. carp. 37 n Eden Harris J^s. M. blackinjr. 125 n Wolfe Harris Dr. Jas H. dentist. 20 n Eutaw Harris Jas. lab. 85 Albemarle Harris Jas. moulder, 30 s Republican Harris James T. bricklayer, 118 Jefferson Harris J. Morrisim, attorney. Spurrier's ct, Law building. dv\- Harford av Harris John C. cigrarmkr, 185 n Dalits Harris John carp. 247 s Charles HARRIS DR. JOHN C. office 360 Lexington, dw 281 w Fayette Harris John, quarrier, Park av and Townsend Harris John F. clerk, 131 St. Paul Harris John L. harnessmkr, 247 n Bond Harris John H. driver, 278 Johnson Harris John M. shipjoiner, 279 e Lombard Harris John W. clerk, 55 Lee Harris J()3ei)h. (Jos. H. & Co.) 27 George Harris Jos. furniture cars, 53 Garden Harris Jos. salesman, 312 Madison av Harris Joseph, furniture car, 6 Division Harris Jos. & Co. (J. Harris, Jas. A. Blair) merchant tailors, 11 n Eutaw Hariis Jos. C. jr. clerk, 147 n Calvert Harris J. P. clerk, n w Lombard and Sharp Harris Julia, 84 n Greene Harris Kale G. pension claims, 132j u Gay Harris Lewis .M. salesman, 30 n S[)ring Harris Major, mariner, 279 s (Charles Harris Mrs. Margaret, boarding, 9 Fell Harris Mathias, blacking, 125 n Wolfe Harris Mrs., Mehitable, 132J n Gay Harris Philip, cigarmkr, 2.5'o Chew Harris R. Hopkins, bill broker, 79 Second, dw 34 w Eager Harris Richard, driver, 91 s Gilmor Harris Richard .\. clerk, 53 Garden Harris Robert, furniture car, 1G6 Dolphin Hams Robert, printer. Homestead Harris Samuel jockey, 327 s Charles Harris Samuel, carp'. 61 HoUan 1 Harris Samuel, M. engineer, 39 Henrietta Harris Theodore F. letter carrier, 327 Pennaav Harris Thos. boilermkr, 245 Peirce Harris Tbos huckster, 291 Columbia Harris Dr. Thos. B. 312 .Madison av Harris Thos. C. jr. clerk, 147 n Calvert Harris Thos. C. (Geo. P. Kane & Co.) 147 n Calvert Harris Thos G. plumber, 163 Jefferson Harris W. V.(Dorsett,H.&Co.)268 Druid Hill av Harris Wm. well digger, 290 n Eutaw Harris Wm. mariner, 251 s Dallas Harris Wm. brassmoiilder, 358 e Monument HARRIS WILLIAM, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, &e. 116 w Pratt, dw 53 Warren. Harris Wm. lab. 57 Lancaster Harris Wm. D. shipjoiner, 44 Pbilpot, dw 279 e Lombard Harris Wm. F. b.irber, 47 German Harris Wm. H. jr. moulder, 231 Gough Harris Win. H. grocery, 45 Druid Hill av Harris Wm. H carp. 169 Hollins Harris Wm. H. coachmkr, 35 McHenrj Harris Wm. H. clerk. 408 n Eden ./^ Harris Wm. conductor, 81 .Mound -Jf Harris Wm. H. lab. 231 Gough ^ Harris W. H. stonecutter, Woodberry ^ Harris W. Hall, supt. Baltimore and Hall Springs ^ railway, dw Harford rd '' ^ Harrison Ale.vauder, lab. Falls rd nr tollgate fxl Harrison Alex, huckster, 70 s Sharp ,__, Harrison Mrs. Annie R. 113 n E.xeter ^ Harrison Benj. salesman, 60 McCulloh 5 Harrison Benj. salesman, 215 n Carey o) Harrison & Bro. (R. J. and J. P. Harrison) ^ restaurant, Ferry bar rj Harrison Benj. B. agent Weems' steamers, dw - 487 w Fayette ^ Harrison & Co.(G. H. H.)hardware, 47 n Paca S. Harrison Caroline, boarding, 51 Warren ^ Harrison Charles, varnisher, 312 Canton av ;_; Harrison Champion J. painter, 85 Hamburg ^ Harrison Chas. U. shipcarp. 161 Bank ^ Harrison ("has. S. booukpr, 419 e Baltimore r Harrison David, huckster, 5 Dover O Harrison Mrs. Elizabeth, 25 Thames O Harrison Elizabeth A. 92 w .Monument Harrison Emma, dressmkr, 107 Harmony la "^ Harrrison Klizabeth. dressmkr, 194 n Bethel ^^ HARRISON F. A. druggist and pharmacist, s w ^^ cor Biddle and Eden O Hari ison Frank, furniture. Burton's hotel O Harrison Geo. A. shipcarp. 100 Johnson ^ Harrison Lieut. Geo. F. E., U. S. A., Fort Mc- Hen ry • Harrison Geo. H. (H. & Co.)293 Saratoga ^ HARPJSON GEO. L. real estate broker, 29 St. • Paul, dw 99 w Chase ^ Harrison Henry E. plasterer, 116 n Eden ^ Harrison .M:s. Hugh. 69 w Centre ^ Harrison Jacob, china and glassware, 531 w Baltimore rjl Harrison Jas. shipcap. 99 3 Chester ^ Harrison James, horsetrainer, Homestead Cs] Harrison James H. huckster, 181 n Central av qq Harrison Jas. P. (H. & Bro.) Ferry Bar house dw 53n Light O Harrison J(jhn, carp. 36 Slemmer al - Harrison John, carp. 98 Chew ^ Harrison John, 328 Saratoga S Harrison John, lab. 515 w Lombard ^ Harrison John B. Sijiesman, 1 Hanover ^ Harrison John 0 shipcarp. 67 Hamburg <1 Harrison John H. carp. .Mt. Vernon p^ Harrison John, miller, 25 Gough Harrison John VV. C. bricklayer, 294 e Chase ^ Harrison J. R. clerk, 120 Aisquith qJ H.irrison Joseph, mariner, 60 Hamburg ^ Harrison Joseph 0. clerk, 313 n Broadway ^ Harrison Josiah, carp. Falls rd nr tollgate '^ Harrison Lewis B. clerk, 320 w Fayette Harrison Mrs Matilda, dressmkr, 143 n Dallas Harrison Mark, lab. 126 Johnson Harrison Mary, grocery, 19McElderry Harrison Mayburry, bookkpr, 109 w Chase Harrison Nich. S. (H. & Son,) 263 S.iratoga Harrison N. M. salesman, 271 w Lombard Power Press Printing o (Maryland Ins. Go's , at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, H AR 250 HAR a C Harrison Peyton, 90 Read X o ' > z: *~* Harrison Rebecca, tuiloress, 60 Hamburg *x "^ > Harrison Ricliard, clerk, 215 ti Carey o z> Harrison Ricliard J. clerli, 120 Aisquilh Cf^^ Jz; Harrison R. S. S. 15 South, dvv Howard Co C "S ■ Harrison Richard H. sliipcarp. 327 Lii^hi *~ Q S Harrison Robt. painter, 19 McMlderry ^^ ZD '^ Harrison Samuel J. carp. 5 s Ann • "'^ ^ Harrison Saninel, draf'isman, 179 Eduioudson av ^ S r,*" Harrison & Son (N. S. Harrison) hardware, -^ '^ 5 167 Lexin'/ton :~,'f.-= Harrison & Smith, (T. Harrison, J. A. Smith) ^ inspr's. crude and refined pelioleum, 63 S Ga^ Harrison Spencer T. elk, 84 s Sharp _ Harrison T. (H. & Smith, ) New Yurie .S 5 Harrison T. B. & C'>. (T. B. Harrison,) cotton 'o _^ brokers, 56 Kxchaiiire pi ^ o Harrison T. B. (T. B. H. & Co.) 29 Mosher g a3 Harrison Thus, clerk, 127 s Paca ^ Harrison Tlios. D. clerk, 52 Cuurtland Harrison Thos. K. shipcarp. 104 s Washington o S a o •-"" CO c -r Harrison Wm. mariner, 261 s Ann Harrison Wm. (ireinan, 9j Hill H iirisDn Wm. sexton St Luke's church, 5 Waverley terrace h^ ^ Harrison Mrs. Wm 236 Aisquith j^ o Harrison Wm. cii;armkr, Burton's hotel Harri.son W.K. C Balto. News Co., Sun build- ing, dvv 106 n Republican ^Harrison Wm. F. ci-, 5 Hart Mrs. Annie, 57 Lancaster .^- 'TI ^ Hort Alex. 97 n Wolfe ^ .^ 5 'J'^'l Alfred, coachiiikr, 880 w Baltimore Hart Arthur, mariner, 198 Hill Hart Mrs. Ann E. 86 n Edm Hart A. W. stable supt. 15u German '^.ti ^ '^ =3 cabiuetmkr, 98 n Fremont Hart Carjjenter, tailor, 138 Ramsay Hart David, billposter, 57 Lancaster Hart D. Tavlor, salesman, 697 Lexington Hart Fiancis, (H. & Son,) 107 Cathedral Hart Francis, ji'. machinist, Waverley Hart Frjincis, Waverley Hart Francis B. carter. 221 Dolphin Hart Geo. cooper, 150 Cross Hart Geo. W. clerk, 54 Sprinpr Row Hart Henry B. fancy goods, 80 Lexington, dw cor Baltimore and Carey Hart James, pilot, 141 .Montgomery Hart James, clerk. 86 vv F.ayette Hart James H. {Byrd & Co.") 146 German Hart James T. shi[)sniitli, 245 Bank Hart John, huckster, 88 Hamburg Hart John A. coachpainter, 183 Aisquith Hart John H. upholsterer, 170 Park av Hart Levi, bacgage master, 138 Ramsay Hart Malcolm, telegraphist, 313 n Ann Hart Mrs. Margaret, 22 n Strieker H art Mrs. .Mary A. 371 Lexington Hart Mrs. Mary C. millinery, 121 Lexington, dw 54 Saratoga Hart Mrs. Mary C. 221 Orleans Hart .Marx M. wood en'zraver, over 209 w Bal- tiraoie, dw 22 n Strieker Hart Nimrod, fireman. 114 s Strieker Hart Patrick, lab. xQ Luzerne Hart Robt. M. clerk, Huntingdon av nr Charles st av Hart Samuel, grocery, n e cor North and Sara- toga, dvv 176 n Calvert Hart Samuel A. clerk, 22 n Strieker ILiri & Son, (Francis Hart,) coal, cor Preston and Linden av Hart Thos. lab. 65 York Hart Tobias, 90 e Pratt Hart Thos. A. carp. Waverle}' Hart Wm. tailor, 5 Bounty la Hart Wm. printer, 86 w Fayette Hart Wm. \. salesman. Covington nr Hamburg Hart Wm. E. blacksmith, Waverley Hartel John M. k Go. paper boxes, over 58 Han- over, dw 247 e Chase Hartel Thos. potter, 134 Hollins Harten Francis Y. grocery, 694 vv Fayette Ilarien John, grocery, 97 Mosher llartensteiii C>rus, driver. 77 I'illiott Ilartenstein Joseph, basketmkr. 98 s Dallas Harthfelder Fred, liquors. 218 H.itnburg HARTFORD ACCIDENT INS. CO. of Hirtfoid, (jonn., Lawford S^' .McKim, State agents, 10 s Holliday LAWFORD & McKIM, Agents, lO S. Holliday Street. OJ >_ Hart Bartholomew, * "" HOLMES & CO.. Engineers' and Machi"ii^s'^Tools7ndr Sup plies, k-:i co- Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, Q. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. HAR HAR 251 OQ lARTFORD FIRE INS. CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN., G. B. Coale & Morris, agents. 58 Kx- cli.ini£e t'l. \_See Advertisement front cover. Inrtjrrove Israel, lab. Pratt rir Frederick av lartigim Mis. Margaret, 133 s Regester iartitiaii Morris, foieman, 113 s Poppleton lartjens Christopher, beer, 170 n Howard ilarliver Fred. carp. 198 L. Hughes ilartliiiii John H. lab. 40 Penn lartlauer Uenrj, fruit. 1,55 L. Greene iariley Geo. machinist, 89 n Pine n[artley George W. plasterer, 534 Penna av ETartley James E. 60 s Castle hartley J(jhn L. cardriver, 31t Greenmountav :Iartlev John R. shi[iear[). 60 s Castle Hartley Thos. cardriver, 479 Saratoga Hartley Win. D. giocery, 89 n Pine Flartlove Asbury W. tinner, 154 Columbia Hanliive Chas H. brickinkr, 255 Lee Wartlove Geo. R. brickmkr, 92 Harrison blartlove Harry, gunsmith, 2 Henrietta Barilove James, brickmkr, 23 Randall Harilove James, canmkr, 170 Scott Hartlove John, brickmkr 23 Randali Harilove John W. piinter, 154 Columbia Hartlove John W. packer, 12 Patterson Park av Hartlove John W. brickmkr, Thames and Ana Hartlove John, lab. 373 William Hartlove Thos. F. brickmkr, 196 s Fremont Hartlove Wm. brickm.kr, 203 .s Fremont Hartlove Wm. L. bricivmkr, 19 Randall Hartlove Wm W. brickmkr, 255 Lee Hartlove Wm. H. brickmkr, 12 Patnxent Hartmaier Heniy, butcher, 294 w Hoffman Hanmaier Richard, butcher, 33 Lexington mkt, dw 52 Division Hartmaier Richard, bulcber, 302 \v Hoffman Hartmaier J. E. clerk, 59 Mosher Hariman Alfred Z. (J. N. Hank & Co.) 103 Col- umbia Hartman Ambrose, bricklyr, 121 Jackson sqav Hariman Andreas, lab. 31 ('.innon Hariman August, lab. 238 Hanover Hartman Au^iust, porter, 106 Greenmount av Hartman Dr. A. & Son (A. and Geo. A. Hart- man) 305 n Caioline HARTMAN, BACH & CO. (H. Bach sr. Geo. F. Hartman) merch. tailois, 12 s Calvert Hartman Casper, cooper. 111 n Spring Han man Charles, lab. 385 P^astern av Hartman (!har!es, brewer, 9o7 w Pratt Hariman Charles, porter, 106 Greenmount av Hartman Charles H. carp. 30.i n Caroline Hartman Conrad, shoemkr, 83 Haimony la Hartman Duncan C. agent, 22 e Eager Hartman Edward A. clerk, 3(i5 n Caroline Haitman Mrs. Elizabeth, 137 s Exeter Hartman Kmanuel, clerk, 179 w Favette Hariman Ernest, liquors, 74 Druid Hill av Hariman Fiancis J. grocery, Chew and Eden Hariman Frank, driver, 149 L. Greene Hartman Franz, lab 9 Etna la Hariman Fred, foundrynian, 269 Bank Haiiman Fred, tailor, 56 s Oregon Hartman Fred, shoemkr, 156 Cross Hariman Geo. coachmkr, 113 Chew Hariman Geo. lab. 36 Lancaster Hartman Geo. caljinetmkr. 313 n Central av Hartman Geo. shoemkr, 291 Columbia Hartman Geo. baker, 200 Gough Hariman Dr. Geo. A. (Dr. A. H. ^ Son) 305 n Caroline Hartman Geo. F. (Hartman, Bach & Co.) 251 Druid Hill .av g Hartman Geo. J. sr. shoemkr, Belair av nr Bal- ^ more cemetery ^ Hartman Gottleib, lab. 1 Trinity Ph Hartman Harman B. merch. tailor, 246 n Cen- <-^ tral av — Hartman Henry, cooper, 122 e Lombard ^ Hartman Henrv, clerk, 179 w Fayette p Hartman Hy. (H.&Whilehill) 334 Saratoga o Hartman Henry, saloon, 89 Low g Hartman Henry C. ladies and gents, furnishing -^ and shirt manufs. 139 w Baltimore, dw 366 "^ w Fayette rq Hartman Isaac, prest. Washington Fire Ins. Co. 38 Second, dw Bal to. CO Hariman Dr. Jacob H. 91 Saratoga Hartman Jacob, coachmkr. Ill n Spring Hartman Jacob, shoemkr, 192 s Sharp r Hartman Jacob P. (J. P. H. k Son) Carrollton Q hotel O HARTMAN J. P. & SON, (J. P. and W. H. Hartman) gents furn. goods, 197 w Baltimore '^ Hartman John, glasscutter, 126 William Hartman John, clerk, 4 St. Mary Hartman John, shucker, 159 s Ann Hartman John, carp. 19 Elliott Hartman John, lab. 142 s Castle Hartman John, driver, 4i)7 w Pratt Hartman John, diiver, 139 s Exeter Hartman John, lab. 218 Preston Hartman John A. shoemkr, 4 Ensor Hartman John H. moulder. 111 n Spring Hartmrn John H. shoemkr, Waverley Hartman Jose})h, huckster, 326 w Pratt Hartman Joseph, switchman, 307 e Lombard Hartman Joseph, lab. 135 Henrietta Hartman Mrs. Louisa, 4 St. Mary Hartman Marcus, cleik, 143 n Exeter Hariman Nicholas, lioatbldr, foot of s Howard p£] o O Pi o o ^ ^ o o o Hartman Paul, lab. 24 Somer.-et Hartman Philip, lab. 177 Madeira al Hariman Philip, tailor, 116 Uollins Hartman Philip, moulder, 43 s Republican Hartman Raphael, clerk, 143 n Exeter Hartman Simon, wholesale and retail grocer, 40 e Baltimore, dw 143 n Exeter Hartman Sleon, ( H.&Whitehill ) 179 w Fayette ^^^ Hartman Wm. oiler, 1 Trinity ^ Hartman 4- Whitehill, (H. Hariman, I. White- M hill. Sleon Hartman) wholesale clothiers, 32 i ^ and 323 w Baltimore -^ Hartman Wilt ni H. (J.P.H. 4- Son) Barnum's hotel (—1 Hartmann Mrs. Ellen, 15 VVyelh ;z^ Hartmann Franz, cabinetmkr, 204 w Biddle ^ Hartmann Fred, tailor, 200 L. Hughes Hartmann Mrs. Johauna, groc'y, 244 w Biddle fi^ Hartmann Samuel, l)eer, 41 Jetferson ^ Hartmann Jiseph, shucker, 36 l^ancaster q Hartmann Wm. wheel '.vri;:ht, Clinton nr Elliott r^ H.irtogensis A. E. chiropodist. 29 e Lombard ^ HarlO:iensis A. Jacob, clerk, 10 Harrison Harlogensis Mrs. Clara, notions, 29 e Lombard ^ Hartogensis Henry S. clothing, gnus, revolbers etweaver, 26S e Eager Hartung Geo. core maker, 170 n Ct-ntral av Hartiuig John, harnessuiki', 170 n Central av Hartung Mrs. .Mary, 170 n (.Vntia! av Hartwig & Bro (F. H irtwig, Henry Hartvvig, ) barbers' articles and tnerch.mt tailors, 153 e Baltunore Hartwin Fred. (fl. & Bro.) 153 e Billitnore Hirtwig Geo. grocery, .37G e Ba'timore Hartvvig Henry, (H.& Bn..) 1.53 e Baltimore HartwiiT J:iCi)b, wine and liquors, '2 e Pratt Hiirtwig Louis, liquors, 28 Druid Hill av Hartwig .Mrs. Louisa, seimstress, 2>'L Orleans Hartwii.' Win. woodsawyer, 133 Orleans Ilartz D ivid, i)aper hanger, 57 Lancaster Harlz .Minnie, uiillinery, 31 e Baltimore, dvv 57 Lancaster Hartz .Moses, furniture, 44 Penna av Hai tz Sampson, dry goods, 757 vv Baltimore Hnrtzell Benj F. watchman, 88 s Chester Hartzell David, livery stables, 319^ Penna av, dw 342 w Lombard Hartzell David, jr. 10 McMechin Hartzell Fdwin 1!. brakeman, 38 Rock Hartzell J. Franklin, deputy keeper, Md. Peni- tentiary, 186 Lanvale HARTZELL J.\COB, grocery, n w cor Patter- sou av and Whatcoat Harizell J is. L. brakeinan, 82 George Hartzell John A. L. carp. 316 Franklin HMrtzell John C. cardriver, 641 Pennaav Hartzell John T. cardriver, 357 Penna av Hartzell John \V. milk, 139 Divisiou Hartzell Joseph, cardriver, 673 Penua av Hartzell Leonard, 4 23 n Calhoun Hartzell W'm. packer, 4 s Oregon Hartzell Walter, driver, 166 Pearl Hartzog G'O. tailor, 58 Carlton Hartzog Mrs. Geo. 14 Harlem av Hartzog (J. S. clerk, 14 Harlem av Hartzog J. P. clerk, 14 Harlem av Hartz >g Wm. clerk, 14 Harlem av HARUGARI HALL, 76 e Baltimore Harver Cliristia I, dressuikr, 15 Paterson av Harver Wm. H. carp. 15 Paterson av Harvey .•Vudrew J. letter carrier, 151 Hollins Harvey Andrew P. clerk, 144 Piuna av Harvey .Mrs. Annie M. E. dressmkr, 10 n Pine Harvey .Mrs. Ann, 64 Preston H irvey Charh'S, fireman, 108 Parkin Harvey Chas. A. clerk, 715 w Lombard llaivev Charles A. engineer, 103 Parkin H.irvey Chas. (C. H. & Co.) 85 Boltou Harvey Chas. & Co. (C. Harvey) printer and publ's'ier, 3 Postofficeav. \^Sce A'lvertisemenl. Harvey Chas. W. clerk, 283 Lexington Ilirvey Daniel, builder, 9 Edmondson av Harvey r<]dward, shoemkr, 118 Riii^^ely H.irvey Edward H. shuemkr, 2i)l Burgundy al Harvey Edward, driver, 109 H irford av Harvey Eugene E. clerk, 29 s (^ilhouu Harvey Francis B. (W. P. Harvey & Co.) 171 Dolphin Harvey Henry I), pres'l Merchants Shot Tower Co. dw 137 Park av Harvry J. Alfred, clerk, 283 Lexington Harvey Jas. 116 .McCulloh Harvey James, bricklayer, 64 Preston Harvey Jas. C. clerk, 6i3 w Lombard Harvey Jas. A. K. shoemkr, 147 s Washington Harvev Jas. E. police, 368 Hanover ■ Harvev Jas. F. serszt. policf*. 150 Stirlincr ' HARVEY J. W. &Sou,(J.W.and J. W Harvey jr.) real estate brokers. 27 Le.Kiiitcton Harvev J. W. (J. W. H. k Son,) 100 McCulloh llarveyJ.W.jr ( J. W.H. & Sou)287Druid Hillav Harvey Johu. lab. 53 Block Harvey John J. salesman, 17 Eilin-j; Harvey John II. collariukr, 33 n Greene Hirvev John W. brick layei'. 149 s Fremont Harvey J,ishua. sr.(J. II. & Sons)283 Le.xintrton Harvey Joshua & Sons, (J. sr.. J. jr. and T. P. Harvey,) dry goods, n w cor Hanover and Pratt Harvey Joshua, jr. (J. H. & Sons,) 232 Lombard Harvey Joshua (t. 171 Dolphin Harvey .Mrs. K. inillinerv, 547 w Baltimore Harvey M.-s. Marthi. 297 n Eden Harvey Mrs. Mary A. 40 Hare Harvey Robert J. painter, 128 Preston Harvey Robert H. roller, 21 Luzerne Harvey Robert M conf. 247 Penna av Harvey Robert H. helper, 21 Luzerne Harvey Sam'l T. colIarra'-5 ■^ n 25 O t^ HH W i- 1::^ « O W O CHILUKEN'iii CARRIAGES, Wholesale and Uetail. IJuujE Caukiages made to order, and Kepairing of all kinds promptly done. Hazelip & Voung(B.M. Hazelip and Jas. Young) coacn makers, 9 Harrison Haztlitl Jas. blacksmith, 53 McKiin HAZLITT JA.Mhti & UU. (J. Hazlif,, Chas. E. Dickey) wholes, liquors, 39 and 41 s Gay Hazlitt Jas. (J.Hazlitt k Co.) 150 tit. Paul Hazlehurst Andrew, elk, 2'li w Lombard Hazlehurst Frank, dry goods, 224 w Lombard Hazlehursl Hugh J. oookkpr, 224 w Lombard Hazlehurst John B. (S. Hazlehurst & 8on) 224 w Lombard HAZLEHURST S. & SON (S. Hazlehurst, John B. Hazlehurst and S. Hazlehurst jr.) mercht. millers, 17 Spear's whf Hazlehurst Samuel (S. Hazlehurst & Son) 224 w Lombard Hazlehurst Samuel jr. (S. Hazlehurst & Son)224 w Lombard Hazlett Cuiler, salesman, 161 Mulberry Head Henry H. (Washiuglou H. & Son,) 18 S Gilmor Head Washington, (W. H. k Son) 702 w Bal- timore HEAD WASHINGTON & SON, (W. and H.H. Head) pajierhangers, 702 w Baltimore Headitigton Caroline V. milliner, 251 w Biddle Headinglon J. B. D. collarmkr, 251 w Biddle Headinj;tiu Mrs. Kelurah, 251 w Biddle Headingtou Sylvester B. liniier, 251 w Biddle Head'y John H. shoemKr, 81 n Eutaw Head'ey Wm. painter, 288 Walsh Heagely iMichael, horseshoer, 64 s Oregon Heagy James, 284 Lexington Heagy Wm. farmer, 231 Lexington Heal E. B. (Barrett, Nejjhews & Co.) Staten Is- land, N. y. Heal Joseph (Barrett, Nephews & Co.)Staten Is- land, N. Y. Heal Nathan (Barrett, Nephews & Co.) Staten Island, N. Y. Heal Geo. W. cook, Buck's hotel Heald xMrs. B. E. 145 Bolton Heald Charles M. clerk, 145 Bolton Heald Mrs. Howard, 215 w Hoffman Heald J. M. D. (Price & Heald) 31 n Calhoun Heald James A. clerk, 74 w .Madison Heald John H. bark manufr. office 47 German ( of Charles, dw 31 n Calhoun Heald Wm. H. (C.R. & P.H.Smith & Co.) 74 w .Madison Heald \Vn>. clerk, CarroUton hotel Healey J. Oscar, carp. 200 e Monument, dw 41 n Bond Heall Tlios. clerk. Eutaw house HEALTH DEPARTMENT, City Hall Healy & Bro. (Jas. and John Healy) plumbers and gasfitters, cor (Jalveri and Centre Healy Dennis, tailor, 80 Hillen.dw 157 n Front. Healy Edward A. currier, 50 Fawn Healy Edward .M. grocery, 220 s Broadway, dw 33 n Broadway Healy Edward J. bookkpr, 180 n Calvert Healy Emma, 224 n Howard Healy Kugene, clerk, 33 n Broadwa}' Healy Francis J. teacher, 41 Garden Healy Francis P. upholsterer, 41 Garden Healy (ieo. apothecary, Chapel and Fayette,dw 33 n Broadway Healy James (H. & Bro.) 180 n Calvert Healy James E. clerk, 'is n Broadway Healy James E. lab. 257 s Durham Healy John (H. & Bro.) 18 e Monument Healy John, grocery, 26 e Pratt Healy Julin J. currier, 158 e Eager Healj John S. police, 158 e Eager Healy Mrs. Lorinda, 33 n Broadway Heaiy L. S. a Co. (L.S. Healy) coal, cor Central av and Hampstead Healy Leonard S.(L.S.H.& Co.)33 n Broadway Healy Thos. lab. 46 York Heal.v Thos. lab. 25 Holland Healy Thos. brasshiiisher, 358 McDonogh Healy Patrick, sawyer, 2.t7 s Dallas Heally Mary C. grocery, 694 w Lombard Heally Matthew, clerk, 694 w Lombard Heaiuer Margaret, 51 s Burke Heany Henry T. cleik, 390 n Strieker Heauy xMrs. Maiy 1. 390 n Strieker Heany Morris, 390 n Strieker Heapliy John, lab. 7 w Lombard Heapliy iMrs. Mary, 133 8 Exeter Heaphy Michael sr. gardener, llo S Exeter Heaphy Michael jr. wagoner, 110 s E.\.eter Heaphy Patrick, elk, 16 sBond Heaphy W. V. elk, 113 n Front Heaps Benj. F. carp. 250 n Caroline Heaps Mrs. Elizabeth, 250 n Caroline Heaps Geo. W. huckster, 250 n Caroline Heaps John B. deputy warden City jail, 163 Cuesnut Heaps Win. H. conductor, Farber house Heard Joseph, capmkr, 54 Portland av Heard Joseph E. police, 551 n Gay Heard Wm. painter, 86 n Aan Hearn Artemus, stonemason, Waverley Hearn Christopher, driver, Waverley Hearn Christian, car driver, Waverley Hearn Fred, engineer, 2o6 Chesnut Hearn Geo. carp. 150 Forrest Hearn Richard, 724 w Pratt Hearn Wm. U., Waverley Hearn Wm. F. clerk, 724 w Pratt Healer Geo. L. carp. 360 Hamburg Heath Boiling G. slioemkr, 108 u High HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and itliographing, Engraving and Post Offifift Avenue. O, F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. HEA 257 HED Heath Chas. C. clerk, 599 Lexington Heath Charles, oysters, 74^ Ensor, dw Aisquith and Madison Heath Edward, sailmkr, Friendship, Balto co Heath Eiisha S, (E S.H. & Co.) 599 Lexington HEATH E.S. & CO. (ES. Heath )stoves,ranges, furnaces, &c. 22 Light Heatli Francis W. iron foundry, rear 44 s How- ard, dw 523 w Fayette Heath Geu potter, 26 Gough Heath Geo. R. carp. 142 Mulberry Heath Geo. W. gasfitter, 300 Aisquith Heath Henry, mariner, 203 s Broadway Heath Henry, oysters, 92 Harford av Heath Lewis C. confectionery, 177 Aisquith Heath Mrs. Minnie E., Edmondson av ur Carey Heath Thomas, potter, 129 s Edeu Heath Wm. F. exjiressman, Homestead Heathcoat Ja'iies, locksmith, 530 Saratoga Healhcoat Thos. lab. 530 Saratoga fleaton Frank J.(LoveIl. Jones&H )488 Franklin Heaton John, huckster, Harford rd opp Darley park Heaton Richard H. hatter, 488 Franklin He;iton Dr. Vincent, 453 d Calhoun Heatzig Wm. B. grocery, 235 n Bond Heaser Chas. K. scenic artist, 7 s Greene Heave! Ross, coachsmith, 108 Garden, dw 145 Preston Heavel Wm. H. coachsmith, 119 n Chester Heavel Zachariah, lab. Waverley Heavel Zachariah jr lab. Waverley Heavy Andrew, faimer, Oxford, York rd Heavy Patrick, liquors, 412 Hanover Heavy Philip, clerk, Waverley hotel Hebb Mrs. C. P. 84 n Greene Hebb Elizabeth, teacher, 84 n Greene Hebb John L (T.J.Dail& Co.)223 Druid Hill av Hebb John S. pilot, 68 s Choptank Hebb Joseiih, pilot, 105 Gou^ih Hebl.el Chas. porter, 160 Orleans Hebbel Chas. W. printer, 160 Orleans Hebbel Christian, butcher, 343 Orleans Hebbel Geo. 771 Boundary av Hebbel Mrs. Madeline, confec'y, 160 Orleans Hebbell Ernest, beer, Lombard and Central av Hebden Edwin, clerk, 71 s Broadway Hebden .Mrs. Sarah, millinery and fancy goods, 71s Broadway Hebden Wm H. conveyancer and real estate, 240 Canton a.', dw 71 s Broadway Hebden Wm. T. clerk, 71 s Broadway Hebert Ammon, lab. rear 167 Elliott Hebler Antoiue, carp. 253 n Dallas Hebner A.ndrew, baker, Dallas nr John Hebner Conrad, boilermkr, 253 Canton av Hebner Jacob, tailor, 68 Oxford Hebner John, butcher, 343 Orleans Hebner John, cigarmkr, 22 Armistead la Hebner Louis, lab. 73 Johnson Hebner Mrs. Mary McD.tailoress,22 Armistead la Hebrank Henry, cabinetmkr, 232 e Eager Hebrank Joseph, barber, 134 n Calvert, dw 271 Aisquith Hebrew Asylum for Israelites, Monument e of Broadway Hebrew Cemetery, Belair av ext Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 77 e Baltimore Hechheimer Abraham, expressman, 3s Broadway Hechheimer Samuel, 3 s Broadway Hechinger Ferdinand, 74 Columbia Hechmer Christian, cigarmkr, Belair av ext o O O Q I Hecht Abraham, loan office, 123 n Howard I Hecht Adolph, clerk, 8 McClellan oo I HECHT HENRY C. restaurant, 8 and 10 Mc-^ ' Clellan ^ I HECHT J. & CO. (J. Hecht) Metals, -§ 57 s Charles. r5 Hecht Mrs. Henrietta, dry goods, 1 62 s Broadway ^^ Hecht Jacob, «hoe store, 807 w Baltimore C Hecht Jacob, (J. H. & Co.) 213 w Lombard ^ Hecht M. & Co. (M. Hecht) raanufs. silks and ^ trimmings, 43 German c Hecht .M. jr. clerk, 129 s Broadway ^ Hecht .Moses, (M. Hecht & Co. and Hecht & '^ Puizel) 133 w Fayette "^ Hecht Nath^m, clerk, 133 w Fayette CQ HECHT & PUTZEL, (M. HLch-f, S. G. Putzel) . boots and shoes, 302 w Baltimore Hecht Reuben, 143 e Pratt Hecht Simon, stove repairer, 8 n Amity Hecht Samuel jr. boots and shoes, 123 and 129 s Broadway, dw 129 Heck Mrs. Amelia, 15 Baker ct Heck Andrew, wagoner, Forrest nr Low Heck Barbara, glass and china, Forrest nrLow Heck Chas. bouts and shoes, 344 w Pratt /^ Heck Chas. butcher, 28 Cross-street market, dw t^ Frederick rd nr .Mt. Olivet cemetery ^ Heck Emanuel, carpel weaver, 35 Dewberry al ^:£ Heck Geo. builder, 24 s Eden ^ Heck Geo. tailor, 522 Penna av Htck Geo. 16 Biddle al ^ Heck Geo. C. engineer, 240 Lemniou al Heck Godfrey, boxmkr, 15 James al ^ Heck Jacob, grocery, 100 n Regester ^ Heck Juhu <.:■. 37 McElderry \>- Heek John F. beer, Mo w Pratt Heck Louis, shoemkr, 174 Conway off Heck .Mrs. Mary, grocery, 142 Vine p^ Heck Wm. beer, 88 Jackson sq av fx^ Hecker Augustus J. machinist, Elliott and Pa- ^ tuxent j^ Hecker Henry, baker, 5C8 Canton av i i Hecker Jacob, 30 s Burke ^ Hecker John, lab. 18 s Burke ^ Hecker Wm. cooper, 70 Leadenhall r£^ Heckert Henry, carp. 346 Hamburg Heckler Geo. lab. 329 Hamburg ^ Heckman Chas. clerk, 81 McHenry ^ Heckmau Conrad, wood carver, 403 s Charles i — i Heckman Geo. shoemkr, 241 s Sharp fH Heckman John, blacksmith, 81 McHenry - Heckrotte Wm. T. carp. 178 w Biddle Heckstedt Henry, lab. 48 Lancaster C^ Hector Henry, grocery, 62 Chesnut ^ Hedden Eduard F., U. S. revenue marine, dw ^ 487 w Fayette ^ Heddinger Daniel C. clerk, 32 s Exeter rH Heddinger James H. printer, 32 s Exeter ^ Hedemau Henry, clerk, 117 e Eager ^ Hedeman Peter I. conf'y and notions, 100 Hillen ^ Hedges C. C. conductor, Three Tuns hotel ^2 Ch Hedley Henry, itib. Clipper Mills 'x ^ ^ Hedrick Geo" slioenikr, 178 ii Betlie! — f Hedrick Geo. W. firemnn, 402 w Lombard J" ,9 ^ Hedrick Win. miller 3h CC' C/2 ^ 5^ r -= ^ Hedrick Henry, cubinetmkr, 228 s Fremont C 'z: , Heiiiick \\m. lnb. 32 I5iirrough FiiUs rd nr tollgate Hedricks Siirali, 3 ii Carey • -'^ d, Heede Johnson P. mariner,36 Patterson Park av ^ J^ fcC Heer '.eo. W. shoemkr, 106 George ^ - p Heer Henry, shoemkr, 174 Cross K ^ Heer \Vm. shoemkr. 174 Cross ^ ^^ Heerd Christian, lai). 285 s Paca "^ *^ f£5 Heesh Charles jr. coachmaker, 4 Clay, dw 381 . .^ >,_^ Harford av — :i^ ^ Heesh Chas. A. coachmkr, Jasper nr Franklin, • ^ S = dw 242 eBiddle t. ^ 'Z Heesb John T . coachpninter, 242 e Biddle ^ ^i.'T; Heesh W. R. cutter, 242 e Biddle Hefner Robert, driver, 108 Dugan'swhf Heiferu Joseph, lab. 3 Kaufman al Hefifirman Peter, lab. 35 Preston Heflebower Gio. K. clerk, 156 w Lombard Hcflebower J. N. (Buck, H. & Neer) corStricker and Lombard Hefflin Wallace, lab. 15 Baker Hetfner Edvv. jr. excavator, 284 Greenmountav Iletfner Rev. Edw. sr. supt. Greenmount cem- etery, Greenmount av opp gate ^ -:; -^ HellneV Geo. R. clerk, 109 n Ann ce C •-- Heflner John R. stonecutter, Waverley ^'^ ^ lleffner Joseph, lab. 3 Carlton O &- £ Hetfner Lena, grocery, 3 Carlton S<: p p., Hetfner .Martin, 362 .McHenry ^ ^ .. HefiFner Mary, 170 Stirling a-i p^ 5 Hetfner Michael, huckster, 29 s Central av •^ _ H Hegal Lawrence, shoemkr, 135 e Lombard U; -^ id Ik'gele Anthony, engineer, 321 s Charles -^ >-, ^ Heggleslein Mrs. Louisa, 340 Mulberry ^ '~€ ^ Heggleslein Louis, baker, 34<0 Mulberry "" *^ ^^ Heginbotham Edward, music teacher, 483 n £ =^ Gay — p; Heginbotham Emily, trimmings, 483 n Gay ^ g Heginbotham Thos. A. tailor, 248 e Biddle ~ P5 Htgman John, cooper, 281 William ..• Jp Hegmao Joseph, lab. 281 William g ^ Ilehaline Henry, brickmkr, 244 West ♦J Ilehaline John, driver, 244 West * .5 ^^HEHL L. k CU. (Louis Hehl, Herman Grote) '? CC -7- cabinetm! rs and furniture, 62 n Howard (V r:; 5 Hehl Louis, (Hehl & Co.) 62 Walsh ^ i! ^_ Helm Wm. lab. 209 s Washington g "2 J^ Hehrd Fiank, lab. 101 Lancaster C ^ -9 Hehs Constautine, cutter, 76 s Central av iw ^ Heibeck John, liquor, 752 w Baltimore ^ ^ "^ Heibeck John, tinner, 156 Haborg S "^ d Heibeck Nicholas, carp. 335 w Hoffman g ti "^ Heide Frederick, shoemkr, 8 a Dallas § C^ HeidelbergerSauil. (Stein & Co. 1181 w Lombard O "f" ^ Heidelmeitr John, tailor, 401 Aliceanna '*-- S. j.(^ Heiilenbing F. shoemkr, 56 Centle Market sp '^' c c Heidenljlug Philip, shoemkr, 421 Cross "^ ^ "^. Heider Henry, baker, 273 Hanover H 5 ^ *^ -^ Heider Josejili, lab. 445'Canton av a >. o Heider Rosana, grocery, 273 llano II.: j.>_:,.u iiT rt H' ..,.. . i .^ "o ^ Heiderich W G. W ver 1 Postofficeav restaurant '^ 5 Heiderm an Aug. H. paper carrier, 244 Conway ~ lleiderman Chas. E. police, 244 Conway Heiderman Geo. 244 Conwa\' Heidcrman Wm. T. paper carrier, 2 Bedford al Heiderman Win. T. paper carrier, 244 Conway s -:^ ::: HEIDERMANN OTTO, engraver, 7 sHolliday dw 14 Lloyd Heidlacher Herman, dredger, 271 S Dallas Heidlaoe Ru^iolph, 289 s Bond Heidner Franz, lab. 118 Lancaster lleidricli John, well digger, 211 Battery av ^ Heidricli Louis, well digger, 270 William Heifner Dan. huckster, 90 Payson Heiger Jacob, boxmkr, 207 Canton av Heiger Jacob, shoemkr, 36 e Pratt Hei-er John, lithographic print' r, 129LeadenhaU Heiger Win. baker, 276 s Broadway Heighe Anna .M. 44 Mulberry Heighe Frederick C. attorney, 51 J St. Paul, dw 44 .Mulberry Heighe John M.att'y, 38 St. Paul, dw 44 Mulberry Heighe & Pearson, (Thos. B. Heighe, S. Pear- son) wholsale dealers in diied fruits, nuts, beans, kc. 1 and 3 Balderstou Heighe Thus. B.(Heighe& Pearson )44 Mulberry Heigis John A. locksmith, 156 Hughes Heigle Chas. lab. 650 Light Heigle Harry, bricklayer, 243 n Eden Heikle John, lab. 650 Light Heil Adam, driver, 70 s Regesler Heil Chas. brewer, 474 w Pratt Heil Chas. shoemkr, Gay and Broadway Heil Henry, jeweler, 71 Camden Heil John, lab. 319 Central av Heil John, l,.b. 10 Smith Heil John, marble cutter, 328 Canton av Ik'il Lawrence, hostler, 512 i'enna av ll;il Valentine, blacksmith, Pratt and Price al Heil Wm. lab. 36 e Pratt Heiland August, bristle comber, 27 Furrow Heiland (jhristn, grocer^', cor Pratt and Payson Heiland Henry, lab. Pratt and Addison al Heilbrun Louis, clerk, 231 w Fayette Heiligensdt Wm. watchman, 10 Davis lleiligensdt Wm. jr. expressman, 10 Davis Heiliger Mrs. Sophia, 85 Henrietta Heiligman Joseph, lab. 10 Stockholm ileilker August, shoemkr, 5 Somerset Heilnian Adam, tailor, 74 Somerset Heilman Adam, tailor, 255 e Chase Heilman Frederick, tailor, 256 n Central av Heilman Henry, tailor, 74 Somerset Heilman John C. lab. 234 n Central av Heiliiiann Mrs. Anna, grocery, 46 Oxford Heilmann August, ivor}' turner, 46 Oxford Heilman n Chas. cooper, and liquors, 241 Bond n of Barnes Heilmann Conrad, tailor, 74 Somerset Heilmann Geo. lab. 122 Somerset Heilmann Geo. tavern, 162 Hamburg Heilmann Philip, tavern, 154 s Charles Heilner & Frank, (S. Heilner, M. A. L. Frank) dry goods, 65 and 67 w Baltimore Heilner Layman, 123 e Lombard Heilner Meier, 31 s High Heilner Seligman (H. & Frank) 123 e Lombard lleiliis Wm. poster, 70 Somerset Ileim Adam J. harness, 141 Vine Heim Adolph, lab. 5 Spring ct Ileim Albert, tiilor, 147 Harford av Heim Andrew, wine and liquor, 460 n Fremont Heim Chas. lab. 166 s Ann Heim Chas. G. (Nicodemus & Heim) 79 n Paca Heim Geo. (Halsier & Co.) 270 s Ann Heim Geo. drayman, 112 Leadenhall Heim Geo. glassblower, 37 Ridgely Heim Geo. shoemkr, 257 s Sharji 0) w HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets. $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. HEI 259 HEI Heim John jr, gilder, Ridjieiy nr Hamburg Hfim John, lab. 93 Caiuhridge Heiin John, jzlasspacker, Ridgely nr Hamburg Heim John F. butcher, 79 Centre and 2 Fells Point markets, dw Eastern av ext Reim Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, 94 SoiDcrset Heim Martraret M. varielies, 819 w Pratt Heim Nichoiiis, brewer, Clinton nr Toone Heim Nicholas, brewer, O'Donnell and Second Heim Peter, lK)aibuilder, 93 Cambridge Heim Philip, ci^armkr, 349 Urleans Heim Win. G. (Bay k. H.) .Madison ay ext Heim \Vm. H. carp. 398 Eager Heidian Henry, lab. 22 Lee Heiman Leopold, sbGemkr, 347 s Bond Heimbach Tbos. lab. 250 Aliceanua Heimbeclier Adam, shoemkr,'821 w Pratt Heirabook John, lab. 186 Canton av Heimer Chas. lab. 69 C uiibridye Heimerditiger John C. 8 Druid Hill av Heiuiert Vatentine, shoemaker, 242 Conway Heimiller & Bro.(Henr,\ F. and Wm. Heimiller) cigar manufacturers, 131 e .Madison Heimiller Chas. coachmaker, 16i e Madison Heimiller Christian, c 'binetinkr, 103 n Caroline Heimiller .Mrs. Elizabeth, 161 e Madison Heimiller Fredk. moulder, 427 w Lombard Heimiller Henry, carp. 166 Myrtle av Heimiller Henry F. (H. & Bro.) 507 n Gay Heimiller John, coachmaker, 161 e Madison Heimiller Paul, cooper, 427 w Lombard Heimiller Wm. (H. & Bro ) 219 n Caroline Heimiller Wm. coachtrimraer, 230 n Central av Heimrich Wm. lab. 158 Elliott Hein Adam, harnessmrtker, 141 Vine Hein Casper, bricklayer, 400 e Cluise Hein John, lab. cor Knox al and Baker ct Hein J. M. packer, 16 Centre Market sp Heinbucb Adam, beer, 79 Thames Heinbucb Conrad, lab. 226 Eastern av Heinbuch Henry, lab. 183 s Regester Heinbuch John N. shoerakr, 15 Woodyear Heinbuch Kate, grocery, 15 Woodyear Heinbuch Lewis, shucker, 1.^3 s Regester Heinbuch Mrs. Margaret, grocy. 226 Eastern av Heindle Wm. H. accountant, Sun newspaper, 189 n High Heine Augustus F. shoerakr, 134 Camden Heine Bernhard, public weigher, 15 s Washington Heine F. & Bro. (F. and Wm. Heine) coal and wood. 3u8 8 Caroline Heine Fredk. (F. H. & Bro ) 327 e Lombard Heiue Henry jr. sboemkr, 84 Hamburg Heine Henry, grocery, 84 Hamburg Heine Joseph, lab. 168 Preston Heiue Wm. (F. H. & Bro.) provis. cor Lombard and Casile Heiiiecke Bernhard, stonecutter, 73 Wyeth Heinecke Henry, shoemkr, 111 Bank Heiiiekamp John, pianomkr, 4 St. Peter Heinekamp Wm. piano manufactory, St. Peter and Sterrett, wareroom 511 w Baltimore. dw 511 Hieneke Julius H. bookkpr, 327 e Biddle Heineman Bros.(M.andS.Heinemau) cigar man- ufactory, 266 w Pratt Heineman John, boilernik., 71 n Eden Heineman John, carter, 286 Canton av Heineman Julius H. salesmjin, 327 Aliceanna Heineman Justis H. engineer, 85 Pearl Heineman Marcus, (H. Bros.) 137 German Heinemann Fred, clerk, 72 Barre Heinemaiin G. Henry, carp. 85 Pearl Heinemann Louis, tailor, 273 n Eutaw Heinemann Mis. Mary, millinery, 85 Pearl Heinemann Simuel (H. Bros.) 58 Columbia Heinenieyer Auirust, lestMurMnt, 63 s Charles Heiner Adam, dentist, 7o7 w Lombard Heiner John, drayman. 69 Poriland Heiner Mrs. Louisa, 278 s Ann Heinichen Edward, clerk, 493 Penna av Heinicke Julius, clerk, 327 e Biddle Heinl Andrew, shoemkr, 204 Elliott Heinle Albert, tailor, 197 e Lombard Heinle Eva. tailoress, 197 e Lombard Heinle Michael, gardener, Eager and Loney la Heinlein Anton, carter. 414 s Charles Heinlein Christian, painter, 3«3 Penna av Heinlein Conrad, c-irp. 79 Moslier Heinlein Geo. lab. Belair av ext Heinlein Henry, cooper, 329 s Sharp Heinlein John, baker, 120 s Anu Heinlein John, shoemkr, rear 17 Butler al Heinlein John G. portir, 79 .Mosher Heinlein Michael, lab. 133 Hamburg Hiinman Wm. barkeeper, 57 Stiles Heiamiller Geo..M.agt,44 German. dw 104Walsh Heinmiller Herman, wheelwright, 40 Columbia Heinmiller Jacob, carp. 104 Walsh Heinrich Charles, tailor, 56 Pearl Heinrich Wm. lab. 153 Elliott Heinrik Chas. gardnr Harford rd nr Homestead Heinritz Fredk. blacksmith, 183 George Heinriiz Henry jr. biksmith, 183 George Heinsoberger Louis, lab. 267 Eastern av Heinsenberger Conrnd, baker, 235 e Fayette Heinsius Alfred, booi^ W <1 < O fr" W H o UJ r/) O C/J ^ 00 K,^^ o H Iz; QQ OS C O l-H rr CO Or. C pa o HEISE & CO. (W.Heise, Jno. Burns) lumber, n \v cor Concord and Etistern av Heise Ch.is. R. baker.cor Knox al and Baker ct Heise Elias, boukbinder, \'l \v F;ivette Heise H. (H. H. & Co.) 93 n Schroeder Heise H. k Co.(n. Heise) boxnikrs and carprs. rear 13 Marion Heise Henry, iron hooker, 38 lAliceanna, Canton Heise Henry jr. lab. 386 Aliceanna, Canton Heise John, wheehvriirht, 6 Canton av Heise .Mrs. Kate, 307 s Bond Heise Louis, bookkeeper, 167 Harford av Heise Wm. J. clerk, 385 e Pratt Heise Wm. (Buschman & Co.) 385 e Pratt Heise Wm. (Heise & Co.) 385 e Pratt Heiscr Mrs. Amelia, confy. 375 Eastern av Heiser Chas. (Heiser .Si' Co.) 451 w Baltimore Heiser & Co. (Chas. Heiser, A. P. .\dler, Lewis P. Wei! and James Clements) uiaiiuf. boots imd shoes, 258 w Baltimore Heiser Fredk. liquors, 192 Cross Heiser Geo. grocery, 379 Eastern av Heiser Henry, boxmkr. 93 n Schroeder Heiser Henry, machinist, 375 Eastern av Heiser Henry, tailor, 447 n Fremont Heiser Henry J. shoemkr, 21 Conway Heiser John H. tailor, 447 n Fremont Heiskell J. Monroe, clerk, 58 Lexington Heiskell Sydney 0. (Owens, McCeney & Co.) 58 w Fayetie Heisler Chas. planer, 56 n Caroline Heisler Ernest, grocery, I5Jott'erson Heisner John E. stevedore, GO s Broadway Heisner Theodore, stevedore, 60 s Broadway Heisner Wm. stevedore, GO s Broadway Heiss Alex. carp, cor John and Bond Heiss Chas. lab. 26 w Lombard Heiss Christian, furn. wagon, 314 w Hoffman Heiss Christopher, restaurant, 89 Eastern av Heiss Jacob, file numuf. 154 East Heiss John, wheelwright, 6 Canton av Heiss John W. restaurant, Postoffice av and Baltimore, (iw 62 Kastern av Heiss J. t' C. barkpr, 62 Eastern av Heist John George, 394 w Fayette Heistemann August, poulterer. Friendship, York rd Heistemann Wm. undertkr. Friendship, York rd Heithause Bernard, moulder, 102 Battery av Heitmiller Henry, shoemkr, 346 Canton av Heitner Franz, 118 I>ancaster Heitner John, lab. 118 Lancaster Heitmiller Wm. tailor, 240 e Pratt Heitmiller Wm. A. cashier, 240 e Pratt Heitsenroeder Adam J. lab. 67 O'Donnell IJelbig John, blksmilh, 432 Lexington Hclbig Peter, 15 Ohio av Helbig Philij), lab. 432 Canton av HELBLNG HICRMAN, beer, 75 n Gay llelbiiig Louis, barkpr, 75 n Gaj' Helchoft' Herman, watchmkr, 92 s High Held Chas. beer, 287 w Pratt Held John, lal). Bruce nr Pratt HELDMAN CATHERINE, prov. 238 Penna av Heldm.in Geo. clerk, 238 Penna av Hehiman Henry clerk, 191 Conwa}' HELDMAN HFNRV, butcher, 85 Lexington, 23 and 24 lloUinsmkts, dw Hollir.s ext and Gar- rison la Htldinan John, clerk, 238 Penna av HELDMAN Dr. J. A. 120 Pearl Heldrung August, confec'r, 44 Milliraan \ Helfenbine And. carpet weaver, 520 w Lombard Heifer Joseph, stevedore, 61 s Chapel Helfman Henry, lab. 39 Brown Helfreich Rudolph barkjjr, 283 w Pratt Helfrich Mrs. Cath. dry goods, 446 Saratoga Helfiich Conrad, jjainter, 104 n Schroeder HELFRICH GKO. & SONS, (Geo. V. and S. D. Helfri'jh, ) lumber, Baltimore opp Oregon Helfrich Geo. V.(Geo.II & Sons)695 w Lombard Helfrich Jacob, painter, 446 Saratoga Helfrich John, painter, 208 Stirling Helfrich Kilian, drayman, 100 Peirce Helfrich S D. (George H. & Sons) Fulton nr Frederick av Helgert Henry J. farmer, Harford rd opp Dar- ley Park Heline John, driver, 244 West Helstein Ansel, (F. H. & Son) Penna av nr North av Helstein F. (F. H. & Son) Penna av nr North av Helstein F. & Son, (F. Helstein, A. Helstein) butchers, 30 Cross-st mkt, and D. Lexington market Hellback Henry, liquors, cor Lee and Warren and 98 Rnsor. dw cor Lee and Warren Helllierg Henry, lab. 18 Poultney HELLDORFER F. manufacturer of Brackets, Book and Corner Stands, also. Church Work, Ice-Boxes. Stove Fixtures, fee, 14 n Frederick Helldorfer George, carver, 94 n Ann HELLUURFER JOHN P. cooper, Belair av nr Greenwood Park Helledorffer Sebastian, grocery, Lancaster and Clinton Hellen Mrs. Elizabeth, 275 e Pratt Hellen Geo. E. printer, 427 Lexington Hellen John F. (Sickel, Singleton and Co.) 329 e Pratt Hellen John H. carp. 427 Lexington Hellen Joseph H. bricklayer, 427 Lexington Hellen Thos. H. hatter, 275 e Pratt Hellen Wm. F. agent 108 u Republican Helleman Herman, shoemkr, Second av nr Clin- ton Heller Rev. Alvis, 151 e Fayette Heller Conrad, shipcarp. 315 s Bond Heller Charles, pipemkr, 275 Orleans Heller Elizabeth, beer, 315 s Bond Heller Eliz,ibeth,toys and confec'y,139 Stirling Heller Frank, paperhanger, 6 New Heller (Jeorge, boxmkr, 315 s Bond Heller Henry, tailor, 33 s Bond Heller John, shoemkr, 139 Stirling Heller John, milk, 759 Light Heller John, lab. 52 Lancaster Heller Julius W. clerk, 9 n Cilhoun Heller M. H (Elhart, Witz &Co.)636 w Fayette Heller Richard M. bookkjir, 9 n Calhoun Heller Mrs. Tracy, 9 n Calhoun Heller Wm. H. butter, 016 w Biltitiiore Helling Bernard, cutter, 248 n Central av Hellings Jos. H. (H.&Co.) 99 n Poppleton HelliuKS Joseph H. & Co. (J. H. Hellings,) wholes, shoe manufs. 62 Hanover Hellmaer Henry, tailor, 33 Hampstead Hellman Chas.'B. clerk, 269 n Gay Ilellman Henry, grocery, Strieker nr Presstman Hellmann F t. hatter, io8 n Gay.dw 191 sPace Hell maun J. B. (H. & Son) 384 e Chase HENRY HOEN k CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. '^ HEL 261 HEN Hellmann Mrs. Mary, 260 n Gay HELLMANN & SON, (Joseph B. Hellmann,) batters, 180 u Gay Hellthrtler R. slioemkr, 63 s Eulavv HelUvif: Aug. barber, 264 Caiilon av HELLWIG AUGUST, «ood and coal 324 Alice- anna dvv and tavern. 44 Leadeiiliall Heliwig Geo. bib. 23 Armistead la Heliwig Geo. grocery, 155 s Fremont Heliwig Geo. jr. clerk, 155 s Fremont Heliwig Henry, clerk, 59 s Popplelon Heliwig Julius, cleik, 380 e Pratt Heliwig J. W. baker, 310 w Pratt Heliwig Margaret, 23 Armistead la Heliwig Will, cigrtimkr, 224 s Caroline Heliwig Wm. lab. 162 s Bond Helm Edward, engineer, 40 s Strieker Helm Franklin, conductor, 40 s Strieker Helm Fredk. baker, 232 s Ann Helm George, blacksmith, 208 Elliott Helm Isaac W. M. 630 Lesington Helm James L. clerk, 2-~9 u Ann Helm John, lab. 120 Lancaster Helm John F. tinner, Stirling nr Chew, dw 3.27 n Ed.n Helm John R. carp. 142 Bank Helm Joseph H. sr. police, 228 Chew Helm Joseph H. jr. clerk, 228 Chew Helm Joseph N. shifiwright, 142 Bank Helm Leonard A. metal roofer, 207 Park av Helm Wm. E. shipjoiner, 142 Bank Helm Wm. 0. carp. 255 e Madison Helm Wm. 0. E. clerk, 255 e Madison Helm W. T. sahsman, Howard house Helman Andrew, rags, lo3 s Chapel Htluiateg Wm. plasterer, 257 Hamburg Helmkamp F. Wm. carter, 29 e Eager Helmkamp Joseph, brakeman, 29 e Pjager Helmering G. cigarrakr, 56 s Charles Helnile Ciiarles, sr. cabmetmkr, 111 McElderry Helmle Charles, jr. cabinetmkr. 111 McElderry Helmling Charles A. pumpmkr, 81 s Fremont Helmliug Ch.irles, machinist, 81 s Fremont Helmling Thos. moulder, 90 s Fremont Helmling Wm. pumpmkr, 90 s Fremont Helmling Wm. H. machinist, 80 s Fremont Helms Henry, cabinetmkr, 1 Chtsnut al Helms Jacob H cabinetmkr, 1 Chesnut al Helmsmeier Henry, shoemkr, 90.Mullikin Helmuth Henry, lab. 37 Port Helmpraeeht Rev. Ju&ephus, lul Saratoga Helpan John, lab. 14 Vincent al Helsby Samuel, merchl. tailor, 153 w Lombard, dw 292 Saratoga Helsby Samuel jr. clerk, 81 n Pine Helwes .\ugust, cigarmkr, cor Forre.st and Low Hehvig Gotfried, shoemkr, Homestead Heliwig R. cigarmkr, 232 s Caroline Heuiau Tliomas R messenger, 65 Albemarle Hemel Geo. tailor, 95 u Caroline Hemingway H. F. (H.F.H & Co. )Albany,N.Y. Hemingway H. F. & Co. (U. F., Willett and Will. Hemingway) oyster paclie.s, cor West and Ja< kson Hemingway Willett,(H.F.H. & Co.) Fairhaven, Conn. Hemingway Wm. (H.F.H.H. &Co.) Fairhaven Hemkel James, barber, 394 n Gay Hemie August, gardener, Harford rd nr Halls Springs Heinle Jacob, gardener, Harford rd nr Halls Springs Hemlin John, millwright, 193 Montgomery Hembler Fredk. shoemkr, 34 Albemarle Hemmell Jacob E. 64 Walsh Hemmell John C. coachmkr, 64 Walsh Hemmelt Theodore, driver, 385 Aliceanna Hemmer Adam, tailor, 294 n Central av Henimeter Chris, scourer, 83 n Schroeder Hemmeter Geo. clerk. 7 South HEMMETER JOHN, General Emi- "S grant Agent E. & O. R. R., 99^ Thames st., dw 253 w Lombard -r; Hemmick Charles C. clerk, 140 Townsend Hemmick Geo. A. magistrate, St. Paul nr Lex ington, dw 140 Townsend Hemmick Geo. G. clerk, 112 Myrtle av Hemming Geo. lab. 20 s Fulton Heiepel Emil, leather finisher, 24 Hillea Hempel Henry W. tinner, 485 n Gay Herapel John C. fancy trimmings, 268 n Gay Hempel John F. clerk, 243 e Diddle Hempel Wm. hrushmkr, 550 n Gay Hem|f Adam, lab. rear 208 s Bethel Himpding Geo. shoemkr, 211 s Wolfe Hempke Geo. barber, 254 Montgomery Hempke John, tavern, 254 Montgomery Hempke John jr. carp. 254 Montgomery Hemjistone Robert T. (Rouse, Hempstone & Co.) 201 Townsend Hemrieh Wm. lab. 17 Elliott Henck John D. machinist, 525 Saratoga Henck Joseph, signpainter, 124 Pearl Henck Lewis, teacher, 52.t Saratoga Henck Mrs. Sarah, 124 Pearl Henck Wm. drusigist, 124 Pearl Heiidel Wm. lab. Bentalou Henderson A. B. clerk, 21 Harford av Henderson Albert H. clerk, 147 Walsh Henderson Mrs. Alice, dressinkr, 21 Harford av Henderson Alex, conductor, 37 n Gilmor Henderson Andrew, clerk, 159 s Ann Henderson Benj. B. 165 n Carey Henderson Benj. F. painter, 24 Fawn Henderson Mrs. Cornelia L. 151 n Calvert Henderson D.iniel M. clerk, 14o Hanover Henderson David, proof reader, 303 e Biddle Henderson Mrs. Elizabeth, shirtmkr, 24 Fawn Henderson Elizabeth, 58 McCnlloh Henderson Francis, 147 Walsh Henderson Gaither, bl'ksmith, 488 w Lombard Henderson Geo. lab. 67 Gran by Henderson Gustavus P>.(John Henderson & Co.) 106 Aisquith Henderson Harrj- C. clerk, Chase and Bond Henderson Jas. ag't John H.mcock Mutual Life Ins. Co. 230 w Baltimore, dw 269 w Fayette Henderson James, dyer, 93 e Baltimore Henderson James, moulder, 64 s Poppleton Henderson James A. 331 e Baltimore Henderson James H. clerk, Chase and Bond Henderson John, stonecutter, 147 e Madison Henderson John, mariner, 182 s Ann Henderson John, clerk. 125 s Washington Henderson John jr. wharfinger, foot of Fell, dw Baltimore co Henderson John, 191 Walsh Henderson John, (R. Mason & Sons) 235 n Re- publican HENDERSON JOHN & CO.(G. R. Henderson) ship chandlers and com. merchants, cor Com- merce and Pratt c3 a ;h o O O O O O H I— I H I — I <: H OQ P »— ( PQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) o.r r-rjl Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. HEN 262 HEN Jj = o a s a. ■Zi PJ M ,*• o -v — p, ;) as oJ" >i "~; o -t^ - eg .;:; — ^ o -u r/3 V, > X > — • >n r^ •: ^ o &q z o T a H .- h3 _;; >^ S ci ~ J5 E;=a =; cJ ■^ ri ^ (^ C H ^ O a nrs ^ ^u O 1 -4-3 ^ i^ t; 5s. CCTT O — «e Henderson John B. clerk*, Sihroeder nr George Henderson John W. hoolfitter, 108 s Kntaw Henderson John W. tolmcconist, 206 Hank Henderson John W. clerk, 64 s Poppleton Henderson Levin S. ra;vriner, 162 Hnjjhes Henderson Maria, dressrakr, 60 n Pine Henderson Mary, teacher, 191 Walsh Henderson Nichohis, 24 s Fulton Henderson 0. P. shot-mkr, 134 Camden Henderson Richard S clerk, 32^ n Broadvfay Henderson R'>l)ert, clerk, 191 Walsh Henderson Roliert, painter, 44 Huiihes Henderson Sam'l S. shoeniUr. 34 Marion Henderson Tbonias R. {rardener, Waverley Henderson Thomas, lab. Clipper Mills Henderson Thotnas, salesman, 14H n Schroeder Henderson T. Frisby, attorney, 43 Lexington, dw 68 St. Paul Henderson Win. clerk, 147 c Madison Henderson Win. J. accountant, 526 n Gay Henderson Wm. 0. salesman, 147 Walsh Henderson Wm. H. shipcarp. 125 s Wasliinizton Henderson Wm. T. special agent P. O. 524 Lexington Henderson Wm. T cashier, 262 Myrtle av Hendrick Edward, marint-r, 1 8S GrHenmonnt av Hendricks Arthur, fisherman, 51 Johnson Hendrickson Geo. finisher, 374 n Gay Hendricksoii .Mrs. M. P. millinery, 8ul w Bal- timore Hendrickson Wm. F. bailiff, 801 w Baltimore Heiidrix A. W. clerk, 171 Division Hendry I. S. wholesale ioUmcco dealer, 292 w Pratt, dw 196 w Lombard Hengeraihle Aug. papi-rhanger, 342 e Lombard Hengemilile Bernard, sewing niach. 6 s Wolfe Hengeranhle Henry, tailor, 177 i^nsor Hengenuilile Wra. shoemkr, 172 Sarah Ann Hengst Rev. Benj 36 McElderry Hen';:st John K. clerk, 36 McElderry Hengst Reuben (S. & R. Hengst) Brune and George Hengst S. & R. grocers, n e cor Paca and Franklin HeuL'St S. (?. k R. Hengst) York, Pa HENGST WM. F. druggist, n w cor Eutaw and Hoffman Hcnkel Mrs Annie E. 221 n Bond Henkel Balris, cutler, 72 Somerset Henkel Chris. st.>nemason, 10 Dover Henkel Geo. carp. 27 Parkin Henkel Geo. painter, 228 s Bethel Henkel Henry, carp. 7o n Casile Henkel Ib'iiry, boxmkr, 176 H.tinburg Henkel Henry A. confectioner, 465 Lexington Henkel John. lab. 109 n Ik'thel Henkel John, barber, 221 n Bond Henkel John, sawyer, 70 Camden Henkel Lewis, lab". 180 Lee Henkel Ztder, lioxmkr, 80 Granby Henkel Peter, sawyer, 80 Granby Henkel Dr. Samuel, dentist, 90 s Sharp.dw Cal- verton rd Henkel Valentine, beer, cor Ramsay and Gilmor Henkel Win. boxmaker. 178 Hamburg Henkel Dr. Win. 117 s Wolfe llenkelbine (;has. shotinkr. 2ol Liirht HENKELMAN, J.ACKSON & PHELPS, (F. Henkelman, A. H. Jackson, J. B. T. Phelps) imprs. woollen and goods for men's wear, 270 w Baltimore Henkelman Fred'k jr. clerk, 289 w Fajette Henkelman Fred. (H., Jackson & Plielps) 289 w Fayette Henkelman John, cigarmaker, 17 Chesnut al Henkelm in M^ttlii is, I ib-. 17 Chesnut al Henkle Wm. fresco iiainter, Low and Forrest Henker Joseph, shoemaker, 168 Columbia Henker Wm. grocery, 1 44 Dover Htnkus Henry, carp. 15 Courtland Henlein J'cob, driver, Clinton nr Sixth av Henlein John, grocery, Clinton nr Sixth av- Henlein John, painter, Clinton nr Sixth av Henlein .Maggie, dressmkr, Clinton nr Sixth ar Henline Mrs. Caroline, millinery, 343 Siiratogii Henline Samuel, 343 Saratotra Henly .Martin, lab. Federal nr Mound Henly Randolph R. cotton inspector, 36 e Lom- bard Henly Sarah, saleswoman, 36 e Lombard Henly Thos. lab. Federal nr Oak Henn Margaret, beer, Belair av ext Heunaka Albert, beer, 189 Eastern av ilennaman Charles P. clerk, 99 .McCulloh HE.NNAMAN JUHN T. manuf. and dealer to- bacco, cigars and snuff, 195 Lexington, dw 99 McCulloh Hennaman Joseph, currier, 186 n Broadway Hennaman Wm. K. cigar tnanufacr. 195 Lex- ington, dw 447 u Carey Ilenneberger Geo. J. barnesBmaker, 143 Ham- burg Henneberry Richard F. asst. weigher C. H., 145 s Ann HEN.NEGAN WM. H. & CO. (Wm. H Henne- gan, J. D. Reynolds, and James 0. Bales,) wholesale jewelers and importers of watches, over 220 w Baltimore Hennegan Wm. H (Wm. H. H. & Co.) 169 Q Charles Henneger Charles, lab. 53 Leadenhall Hinneke Fred'k. cabinetmaker, lol Low Henneke Louis W. vaiuislier. 56 [''awn Henneman .Anton, driver, liastern av nr Seventh Henneman August, shoes, 210 n Gay Hennemm Frank, grocery. 107 n Eutaw Henneman Geo. lab. 51 Myrtle av Htnneniaii Herman, dra\ man, 22 State Henneman Herman, cabinetmaker. 50 n Pine Henneman Henry, cigarmaker, 166 Pearl Henneman Jesse, chairmaker, 26 Stiles Henneman John H. cigarmiker, 166 Pearl Henneman John M. clerk, 26 Stiles Henneman John (Barklage k H.) 137 Saratoga Hennen James, lab. 255 Biitiery av Hennessey Arthur, drayman, 179 s Eden Hennessey Hugh, police, 13 s Front Hennessey John, clerk, 13 s Front Hennessey John, boileruikr, 25 Valley Hennessey Josei)h, brakeman, 66 Preston Hennessey Patrick, sr. lab. 114 Ramsay Hennessey Patrick, jr. blacksmith 114 Ramsay Hennessey Thos. lab. 91 s Castle Henuick Chas lab. 53 Leadenhall Hennick Edward R. turner, 142 Greenmount av Heiinick James F. 142 Greenmouat av Hennick John C. gatekeeper, 120 Barre Hennick Lewis A. 229 w Fayette Hennick .Mrs. .Mary, 3! Warren ' Hennick Wm. E. turner, 142 Greenmount av ! Henuicks James F. 466 n Fremont lleunies Adolph, upholsterer, 154 East Hennig Francis, lager beer and wine saloon, 26 e Lombard ^ -:; m- HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. HEN 263 Hennigliausea Rev. F. P. 143 s Sharp Hennip;hHiisen Louis, (H. & Smith) 142 s Paca HENNIGHADSEN A SMITH, (Louis Hennig- bauseu & Henry C. A. Smith,) uuorneys, 23 Lexinglcm Hennigs E. A., Charles-st av and Shirk Henning Chas. W. fislwrraan, 72 Battery av Hemiing Krnsl. iab. 11 s Strieker Henning Ms. Elizabeth, 144 s Eutaw Henning Fred k .M. inercht. tailor, O'Donnell nr Paiuxent Henning Fredk. fi-herraan, 72 Battery av Henning Henry A. designer and carver, 17 Conway Henning Henry, restaurant, 325 Eastern av Henning Henry, salesman, 423 w Pratt H'^.nning John H. shoemaker, 38 Marion Henning Jusepli, Inb. 139 Johnson Henning .Mrs. Mtry A..Waverley Henning Peter, lab. 139 Johnson Henning Robert A. blacksmith, 746 w Pratt Henning Wm. painter, 3 Ettiag Henning VV'iu. shoemaker, 246 Mulberry Henning Wm. S. clerk, 238 Saratoga Henniuger John, tanner, 159 Pierce Henuings John, cigarmaker, 282 s Dallas Henretta Patrick, l.ib 320 n Howard Henrich Arthur, iab. 75 Johnson Heurich Wiley, shoemaker, 37 China Henrichs Christopher J. bookkpr. 190 Mont- gomery Hen rick le Clement W. baker, 584 w Pratt Henricks Mrs. Eliza, 16 Holland HenriL-ks Ferd. lab. 33 Fountain Henricks Fred, boxmaker, 78 s Eutaw Henrie Ehvood, lab. 93 Parkin Henrie Robert, tailor, 93 Parkin Henritz Dame), tailor, 100 St. Mary Henrix .Mrs. Bethiah, 213 Franklin Henrix Clinton, 213 Friink'in Henrix Edward, clerk, 236 n Carey Henrix Richard, mariner, 80 s Ann Henrix Thos. J. tobacconist, s w cor Baltimore and Liberty, dw 213 Franklin Henry Adam J. huckster, 220 Raborg Henry Annie, confectioner, 107 s Broadway Henry Aquilla, lab. 84 Orchard Henry Benj. mariner, 100 s Exeter Henry Calelj E huckster, 86 s Republican Henry I'harles G. carp. 19 Parkin Henr*' Daniel, fireman, 4 s Calhoun Henry David, carpet weaver, 366 e Chase Henry David, porter. Chase nr Broadway Heuiy Mrs. Eiii; ibeth A. 40 n Poppletou Henr.\ Mrs. Elizabeth, 5 Hill Henry Frank, carp. 144 Druid Hill av Henry Geo. W. lab. 30 Sarah Ann Henry Isaac, huckster, 725 w Lombard Henry J. A. bookkeeper, 22 s Broadway Henrv J. W. (Buck, Henry & Co.) 56 Saratoga Henry Jacob A. bookkpr, 22 s Broadway- Henry James, mariner, loO s Exeter Henry James, mariner, 32 Williams Henry James, carter, 75 Harford av Henry John, bricklayer, 590 w Pratt Henry John, baker, 27 s Bimd Henry John, machinist, 366 e Chase Henry John A. tireman, 81 St. Peter Henry John E, (H. & Kelly,) 72 Columbia Henry John J. ferryman, 133 s Ann Henrv Joseph, (Henry, McAllister & Co.) Ill William Henry Joseph D. paints, oils and varnish, 465 w Baltimore, dw 598 Penna av Henry & Kelly (JohnE. Henry and John Kelly) iS ovster packers, 72 Columbia "^ Henry Joseph .M. paperhanger, 81 w Biddle ^ Henrv, McAllister & Co. (J. Henry, R. J. Mc- ;2 Aliister. J. F. Abbott. G. J. Knight) oysters ^ and produce, Pratt foot of HoUingsworth ^ Henry .Mrs. Mary, huckstress, 220 Raborg '^ Henry Martin, lab. 259 Aliceanna '-^ Henry Mrs. Martha, 41 Franklin ^ Henrv .Michael, lab. 214 Aliceanna Henry .Michael, traveling agt, 81 Jackson sq av oj Henry Michael, 75 Harford av o Henry .Mrs. Rachel, John nr Spring ^ Henry Patrick, harnessmaker, 691 w Baltimore-^ Henry Robert, mariner, 196 s Regester ~ Henry Samuel, ( JohnW. Anderson&Co.) 52 Hill -^ Henry Solomon, clerk, 427 n Gav Henry Thos. fireman, 67 Jefferson -J, Heury Valentine, cardriver, 30 Sarah Ann O Henry Watson Children's Aid Society Home, O 70 and 72 n Calvert Henry Watson Free Reading Rooms for Boys, q 68 n Calvert q Henry Wm. mariner, 70 Albemarle Henry Wm. boilt-rmkr. 33 Giitinirs qQ Henrv Win. F. machinist, 106 Hill HenrV Wm. L. carp. 47 s Poppleton Q HenrV Wm. T. carp. 181 Lee Q Hense Adaui, locksmith. 190 Aliceanna Q Hense Mrs. Christine, 192 Aliceanna ^^ Hense Frank, furn. dealer, 604 w Baltimore P" Hense Maggie, tailoress, 192 Aliceanna Henschel John, sexton, 78 Unon ^ Henschen Christopher, 188 s Sharp Henschen Mrs. Elizabeth, millinery and fancy ^ goods, 188 s Sharp ^ Hensel John. c;Ujineimkr, 413 Cross 1> Hensel Philip, carp 706Siratoga Henshaw Charles C. clerk, 223 Conway qq" Henshaw John G. clerk, 223 Conway p^ Hensliaw Memorial (P.E.) Church, cor St. Peter Q and Slerrett ^ Hensler Jacob, lab. 160 .McHenry ^ Hensler John A. 414 e Fayette |_, Henson Michael, driver, 246 C:033 (2^ Heutchel Richard cigarmkr, 83 ii Front ^ Henthorn George W. machinist, 5 Sterrett qj Henthorn Thos. lab. 5 Sterieit *^ Hentz Chas. barkeeper, 36 Towson p^ Hentz Edward, clerk, cor Federal and Oak ^ Hentz John J. cotton and junk, 1 10 s Charles, j dw cor Federal and Oak "^ Hentz Mary, grocery, cor Federal and Oak ^q Hentze Mrs. Barbara, bakery. 297 n Caroline q^ Henze Ctius. timekeeper .Mt. Clair, 547 w Bal-'pjq timore j_q Henze Wm. painter, 136 Hollins i — i Henzel Herman, tailor, 6B8 Light Q Hepburn Charles U. solicitor N. C. R. W, 71 pQ Exchange pi, dw 310 Madison av Hepburn David, carp. 167 Gough ^ Hepburn David H. jr. carp. 167 Gough Q Hepburn James P. mariner, 167 Gough p^ H-pburn John, sawyer, 59 Chesnut i—, Hepburn Patrick, pressman, 59 Chesnut Heplin Bernhardt, tailor, 121 e Lombard 6~| Heppell John, butcher. 261 3 Paca ^ Hepperla Henry, carp. 459 n Calhoun f^ Herbert Alvin C. flagram, John nr Eden O Herbert Mrs. Annie M. confec'y, 211 s Sharp IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. MTitiial Life Insurance Co. of Ne-w York. HER 264 HER Herbert Alex. J. restaurant. Patterson av nr Fulion, dw Piitterson av nr Mount Herbert Andrew, tailor, 218 e Cbase Herbert Mrs. Annie I"]. 23 and 2fi s Spring Herbert Chas. F. huckster, 154 East f-i CO Herbert Charles, piauonikr, 180 Hamburg a m ^ HERBERT DANIEL, Stoves, Tin- ^ ware, Roofing and Spouting, 130 Henrietta, dw 211 s Sharp. <^ O a ^ H o n C/J O ^ -/? ^ 00 O ^ w ^ :>Q Herbert Edward, clerk, \X>, Park av Ht-rbert Elizabf-th, 281 n Eutaw Herbert Fred, tailor, 102 Somerset Herbert Geo L. teis, 194 Lexington, dw 98 n Repulilican Herbert Geo. M. lab. 183 Patterson Park av Herbert Geo. W, engineer, Federal nr Cathedral HERBERT, H.AIR.STON & CO. (J. R. Herbert, P. W. Htirsion, Wiii.W. Uallam) com. mer- chants, 85 anil 87 s Charles Hrrbert Jas. R. ( H.,Hairston&Co.) 64 Saratoga Herbert John, tailor, 102 Somerset Herbert John, shoemkr, 82 Somerset Herbert John' C. 14 Harnet Herbert Joseph A. blacksmith, 37 3 Gilmor Herbert Wm. mariner. H7 York Herbert W. E. carj). 181 Columbia Herbert Wm. P. salesman, 133 Park av Herbes Henry, cabinetmkr, 278 e Madison Herbold Charles, cabinelnikr, 261 Lee Herbig .Matthias, lab. 18 Walnut al Hcrbrek John, lah. 1 Nelson ct "^ Herbricb ('onrad, 13 n Wolfe HERBST Dr. A. C. 1 s Broadway Herbst Andrew, carp. 42 Curtis al Herlist George, 295 n Durham O Herbst George, cabinetmkr, 121 Leadenhall O Herbst Gnstav, carp. 42 Curtis ftl p- Hirbst John (J. pianomkr, 121 Leadenhall p Herbst John H. 42 (Juitis al ^ Herbst Paul, upholsterer, 7 Frederick av -rj Herche Henry, shoemkr, 46 n (Caroline pi Herche Henry, grocery, 255 n Bond Herclu-r Mrs. Louisa. 2 Jasper Herchehorn Wm. cisrarmkr, 54 s Eutaw p- dq Herckenhahm ('hrislian, lab. 19 Butler al Q Jj^ Ilerckenhahni Earnest, 19 Butler al ^ W Herckenhahu) Earnest, 264 Canton av ^ Herd Jacob, tailoi, 38 Williamsou al ^ W u Herder Amelia, 58 Rue ^23 Herdegen Adam, wheelwright, 14 Sarah Aun Herdel John, lab. 221 Battery av Hert'ner Henry, lab. 249 s Bethel Herfel George, gildtr, 8 s Wolfe Herfel Henry, tailor, 8 S Wolfe Herfel John, barber, H s Wolfe Herford .lulius, beer, 215 (Jaiitou av ^S~ iJerford Samuel, watchnnui, 203 e Baltimore p-^^ Hergel John, lab. 172 s Wolfe ^fc^ H*;rgel John jr. caninkr, 9S s Wolfe -^^b Hergendroeder Auirust, tailor, 363 Orleans ^ tej Hergendroeder Christian W. com merchant, 46 ~ ^ 2 ''^'^ ''^ ^ Charles, dw 183 German ^ ^^ Herg*'nheine Wm. lab. 73 Cambridge 2h ^ O "^'■K^'"'''"^''" Albert, slii[ismith, 12 Thames O^ Ilergesheimer & Bro. (Elijah and Christopher Hergesheimei) shipsniiths, 38 Fell Hergesheimer Chas. dep. ward, jail, 12 Thames HergesiiejmerChas.A.clerk C H. dw 194 s Ann Hergesheimer Christo'r, (ll.&Bro.) 12 Thames Hergesheimer Elijah, (H.&Bro.) 12 Thames x!> dw Hergesheimer Mrs. Hannah, 12 Thames Herget Adam M. lab. 61 Elliott Hergei Adam, lab. 434 Canton av Herget Alex. lab. 15 n Chapel Herget Geo. E. machinist, 353 Light Herget John, lab. 59 O'Donnell Herget John jr. toys, &c. 59 O'Donnell Herget Martin, lab. 61 Elliott Herget .Margaret K. confec'y, 94 William Herget Michael, foundryman, 61 Elliott Herget Solomon A. clerk, 94 William Hertiood Henry, tailor, 14 Diamond Hering Tlios. printer, 234 w HolTman Heritage Henry, clerk, 74 Albemarle Heritage Thomas, carp. 176 n Eden Herkenberg August, silkweaver, Chesnut al nr Cross Herkenhine Geo H. tailor, 145 n Central av HerkenliofF Wm. tobacconist, 11 n Edea Herl John, lab. 49 n Durham Herman Andrew, lab. Mt. Vernon Herman Dr. Benj. F 58 n Republican Herman Chas. C. confect'y, dw 478 Eutaw pi Herman Chas. gardener, York rd Herman Christian, cooper, 17 Albemarle Herman Clemens, butcher, 280 s Charles Herman Conrad, carp. 72 n Wolfe Herman Daniel, dry goods, 119 n Eutaw, 166 s Bond Herman Francis, tailor, 32 e Pratt Herman Fred, clerk, 17 Albemarle Herman Felline, brickmkr, 90 s Castle Herman H. W. saddler, 90 n Howard, dw Gil"- nior nr Cumberland Herman Frederich, tailor, 332 Hamburg Herman George, shoemkr, 149 Stirling Herman Geo. J. clerk, 90 n Eutaw Herman Henry, cigarnikr, s w cor Charles anci Henrietta Herman Henry, farmer, 366 e Eager Herman Henry, silverplater. 17 Albemarle Herman Hersdi, 47 Stiles Herman Jacob, cigarmkr, 137^ Lexington Herman John, lab. 45 P]astern av Herman John, cooper, 17 Albemarle Herman John P. potter, 329 Orleans Hernuin John P. potter, 722 Light Herman .losefih, lab. 2H6 s Bond Herman Louis, baker, 426 n Gay Herman Martin, scourer, 64 n Eutaw Herman Myer, bakery, 21 East Herman Nicholas, driver, 156 3 Spring Herman W. ciL'arnikr. 17 Albemarle HERMANGE& BREWER, (E. V. Ilermange and J. R. Brewer,) editors and publishers Evening News, s w cor North and Fayette Hermange Edm'd V. (11. & Brewer) Barnum's hotel Hermann Andreas, lab. 97 Thames Hermann Charles, baker, 87 Parkin Hermann Charles, clerk, 1043. w Pratt Hermann Charles H. confectn'r, 346 e Lombard Hermann George, cooper, 17 Albemarle Hermann Geo. shoemkr, 117 Pearl Hermann Henry, tailor, 101 Hamburg Hermann Otto, lab. 36 Lancaster Hermann Peter, iiotter, 193 Mullikin Hermann S. Lewis, tobacconist, 199 William Heriuann Solomon, sec. hand furn. 9 s Caroline Hermann Wm. clerk, O'Donnell and Second av Hermann Win. saddler, 392 w Pratt Hermas Henry, tailor, 52 Stiles HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving aiul Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. HES HER 265 Herning Mrs. Kate, 5 Etna la Hernon Dennis, moulder, 383 e Eager Herold Anton J. printer, 30 North Herold Anthony J. cabinetmkr, 133 s Eden Herold Clias. shoemkr, 181^ s Bond Herold Chas. restaurant, 151 e Fajette Herold Chas. F. cabinetmkr and undertaker, 161 Hanover Herold Georfze. paperhanger, 133 s Eden Herold Geo. paperhanger, 64 s Ann Herold Geo. sbipjoiner, 294 Canton av Herold John B., U. S. storekpr, dw 42 s Bond Herold .Mary, grocery, 292 Canton av Herold Matthew, well digger, 171s Dallas Herold VViii.C. shijijoiner, 173 Patterson Park av Heron Alex, bookkeeper, 96 w Lombard Herpel Christian, lab. 67 Union Herpel Conrad, packer, 67 Union Herpel John H colporter, 17 Sbakspear Herpich Henry, pianonikr, 167 Warner Herr Anton, cooper, 300 Aliceanna Herr Mrs. Catherine, 325 Aliceanna Herr Francis, tobacconist, 325 Aliceanna Herr Henry, tailor, 25 Bradford al Canton Herr Jacob, cooper, 92 s Caroline Herr John, lab. 24 Patterson Park av Herr L., Patterson la nr Penna av Herr Matthias, grocery and provisions, n w cor Ann and Lombard Herring Andrew, safemkr, 2 Mulberry ct Herring Chas. E. clerk, 401 Park av Herring David, clerk, 132 Walsh Herring David, jr. clerk, 132 Walsh Herring Edw. D. salesman, 621 w Fayette Herring Eugene E. bookkpr, Howard nr German HERRING GEO. W china and glassware, 158 w Pratt, dw 621 w Fayette Herring H. McK. agent, 538 Lexington Herring Herman, tavern, 16 and 18 Sbakspear Herring James M. carp. 132 Walsh Herring John L. clerk. 401 Park av HERRING JOHN Q. A supt. Adams Express 563 w Fayette Herring John W. machinist, 42 Columbia Herring J. Woolford, clerk, 563 w Fayette Herring L. W. (Farrior & H.) 29 n Republican Herring Mrs. Mildred T. 223 w Lombard Herring Origonal, carpets, wallpaper, &c. 43 n Howard Herring Wilton S. agent N. C. Ry., Jackson's whf, dw 423 e Eager Herring Wm. E. clerk, 160 e Pratt Herring Wunebalt, milk, Dillon and Third av Herring W. Frank, paperhanger, 121 Harford av Herriugton Chas. G. printer, 1 07 Pearl Herrington T. A. .nrtist, 107 Pearl Herrlich Auji. fire dept. 86 e Lombard Herrlich Chas. H. stoves and tinware, 17 and 19 Second, dw 86 e Lombard Herrlich Wm. A. tin and sheetiron worker, 285 Druid Hill av Herrnian Andrew, lab. 34 Block Herrman A. boots and shoes, 152 w Pratt, dw 47 Stiles Herrman Philip, clerk, 215 n Central av Herrmann Aaron, shoemkr, 174 n Gay Herrmann Conrad, carp. 72 n Wolfe Herrmann Mrs. Ciiroline, millinery, 387 Lisiht Herrmann Henry, shoemkr, 84 Centre Market sp, dw 47 Stiles Herrmann John, confectionery, 282 n Gay Herrmann John M. bookkpr, 387 Light 03 P=:i pq o O Herrmann Joseph, broommkr, 172 Chesnut Herrmann Louis A. salesman, 15 I'erry Herrmann Otto, brakeman, 128 McElderry Herrmann Louis, boots and shoes, 74 Centre Market sp ^ Herrmann Wm. cigarmkr, 17 Albemarle c3 Herron Frank, McElderry and Duncan al n^ Herron Nicholas, carter, 56 St. Peier ^ Hersch Chas. H. plasterer, 91 Hamburg ^ Hersey & Co. (S. R. Hersey ) shoe trimmings. " and fancy goods. 341 w Baltimore ^ Hersev Missionary Chapel, Light est "^ Hersey Samuel R". (H. & Co.) General Wayne hotel Hersh Alex, driver, 108 s Eutaw Hersh Mrs. Eliza, boarding, 30 s Carey Hersh Frank, produce conunjercht. 148 Lanvale ;■ Hershfeld Joh'.i A. cunfect'y, 171s Broadway Q Hershman George C. jr. carp. 350 Canton av q Hershman Geo. J. carp. 289 Cantcm av Hershman Geo. J. jr. carpenter, 289 Canton av "-O Hershman Joseph C. clerk, 616 Lexington p^ Hershman Jos. C woolen goods, 510 Lexington -^ Hershman Louis, 616 Lexington q Hertecker Ignitz, lab. 20 Bradford al ^^ Hertel Andrew, (Vollmer & Hertel) 47 Weber ^ Hertel Kdward, lab. 110 Thames Hertel Fred'k, (S. Bevan & Co.) 532 w Fayette pq Hertel John, lab. 221 Battery av Hertel John, pioperty agt. 126 Gough ^ Hertel John, cabinetmkr, 656 w Lombard ^ Hertemv Geo. potter, Hull nr Fort av [^ Herth George, cabinetmkr, 112 Low Hertig Matthew, clockmkr, 26 Conway Hertzberg Albert, actor, 37 Pearl Herwig August, pianomkr, 139 n Paca Herwig Fred'k, carp. 465 Canton av Herwig John, cabinetmkr, 60 McElderry Herz Wm. baker, 156 Elliott Herzberg Hall, over 2 Centre .Market sp HFKZBERG PHILIP ^ CO. (Philip Herzberg B Moses) clothing, 2 Centre Market sp Herzberg Philip, (Philip H. & Co.) 9 s E.xeter Herzberg Seligman, livery stable, 20 Forrest. dw 28 Aisquith Herzberger George, beer, Fort av and William Herzing John, tailor, 120 Somerset Herzinger Jacob, tailor, 258 s Broadway Herzog Adam H. shoemkr, 89 Garden Herzog Mrs. Catherine, 278 n Howard Herzog Charles,attorney, 21 Lexington, dw 309 e Pratt Herzog E. L. toys, &c., 166 e Baltimore Herzog John, house furniture, 48 n Greene Herzog John, varnisher. 37 Lewis Heizog John A. clerk, 48 ii Greene ^ Herzog Joseph A. morocco finisher, 48 n Greene Fjj Herzog J. Lewis, clerk, 278 n Howard „, Herzog Joseph J. carver, 278 n Howard Herzog Mark, cigarmkr, 166 e Baltimore Herzog Max, machinist, 90 Franklin Herzog Philip, japaiiner, 278 n Howard Herzog Theodore, teacher, 279 e Hiddle Herzog Thomas, restaurant, 59 s Eden Herzog Valentine S. 278 n Howard Herzol J. gardener, Harford rd nr Homestead Heserkamj) John, grocery, 29 Short Heshin Michael, lab. 172 Vine Heshraan Charles, boxmkr, 236 s Dallas Heslen Harrv, clerk, 644 w Fayette HESLEN RICHARD M. ship broker and com. mercht. 59 s Gay, dw 644 w Fayette I— t Ph Ph Ph In "^ < H GQ DQ I — I Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (^Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) o a .^ M -^ o 3 s C) OJ o O^ 33 O bC •^^ J2; ^, .—' o ;i i-H 7J ce .1; O S ?;f ^ -V u: r^ -^ CC C« o ;< . »^ ^^ r— ^ ~~; :o > ^^ , ^ C a3 0; ? c: X ■sU oT >^ .— • '~^ ^ ifi .^ 1—1 O Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. HES 266 HET o cs - • _, ^^ *^ ^ < "5 K a> =a K o ?5 ^ c: H c* ^ ^^ • »» O 5^ (^ 1 >W r-: O ;^ l/J ^ 'O a •^ '^ -<-> >~> c • ^1 ^ *J c s o o Tt ^• > tc o s 3 ~ T ** ■4-J i 7- r^ >, K^ Zi > c3 Heslop W. C. (W. C. H. & Co.) 30 Light Heslop W. C. & Co. (W. C. Heslop) manufs of Worcestershire stuce, over 30 Lij^ht Hesmar Henr^', lah. 127 Boyd HesmMV Martin J. nmchinist, 5 Jackson ct Hess Barney, cijrarinkr, 35 n Ho.vard Hess Benj. F. ch'rk, 123 Gertnan Hess Mrs. Caroline, bakery, 58 Union Hess Charles, mariner, 323 s Bo id Hess Charles, grO'-ery, 8 Walnut al Hess Conrad, tinner, 64 Lancaster Hess Conrad, tailor, 46 Rue Hess David, peddler, 180 e Lombard Hess l'"d\vard, carp. 8 8 Gay H'SsMrs. Klizabelh, 323 s Bond Hess Mrs. Elizabeth, dre.'ismkr,84 Druid Hill av Hess E.(N. Lehman Bro.& Co.) 245 \v Lombard Hess Ferdinand, cows, O'Donnell and East av Hess Frank, O'Donnell and Kast av Hess Fred, driver, Clinton nv Ei_'hth av Hess Fred, broommakr, 200 Cathedral Hees Fred. cij:arinkr, 323 s Bond Hess Fred. 54 s Greene Hess Fred, paperhanjrer, 58 Union Hfss Dr. Frtd. 52 n E.veter Hess Fred. jr. clerk, 52 n Exeter Hess George, lab. 162 e Baltimore Hess Geor'.'e E. P. tinner, 213 s Ann Hess Henry jr lab. Clinton nr Eiszhlh av Hess Henry, lab. Clinton nr Eighth av Hess L watchman First National Bank, 8 s Gay Hess Isaac jr. clerk, 36 Stirling Hess Jacob, tailor, Kts Preston Hess James, printer, 158 Scott Hess Mrs. Jennie, trimmings, 210 Columbia Hess John, carpenter, 831 w Pratt Hess John, boxmkr, 39 Marion Hess John, laborer, 1 1 Foster al Hess John, barber, 200 ('athedral Hess John, butcher, 41 Jackson Hess John C barber, 41 Centre .Market so Hess John J. butcher,51 Fells Point market.dw 98 Jackson sq av Hess Joseph, lah. 48 n Washington Hess Joseph, cigarmkr, 35 n Howard Hess Jos>-ph L. shoetiikr, 50 Druid Hill av Hess Kilon. enirinecr, 210 Columbia Hess Lewis, inillineiy, 35 n Howard Hess Lewis H. firemui, 156 L G eene Hess Lewis J. shoemkr, 28 H irrison Hess M. dry goods, .39 n Howard Hess M. S. 278 w Fayette Hess Martin, cloth ng cutter, 130 Saratoga Hess Martin, harr.essmkr, 294 .Aliceanna Hess Michael, confectioner, 35 s Castle Hess Michael, clerk, 35 n Howard Hess Nathan, (N. Htss & Bro.) 58 Conway Hess N. & Bro. (N. and S W. Hess) l)oot and shoe factory, 302 B.iltimoie, cor Lil)erty Hess Philip, engint-er, 53 e Monument Hess Philip G. telcrap dst, 176 P1 Heuisler Samuel, carp. 291 Orleans Heuisler Thos A. clerk, Brown's hotel Heuisler VVm. J. (PL Fink & Co.) 233 Lanvale Heunings Henry, music, 41 e Lombard Hiurnian C. salesman, 226 n Fremont Heuser Dr. Chas. 97 s Sharp Heussler David F. grocery, 835 w Pratt Hevel George W.quarryraan, Falls rd ur toUgate Hevel Zachariah, lab. Waverley Hevell Chas. F. clerk, 145 Preston Hevell Ross, coachsmitb, 145 Preston, dw 108 Garden Hevem Mis. Sarah. 168 Chesapeake Hewell James L. butter, 385 Light Hewern Wra. cardriver, 274 Park av Hewes Chas. W. produce, 109 Pearl Hewes Edwin (Thos. R. Matthews & Sons) 389 Paik av Hewes James E. butter, basement 79 Exchange pi. dw Anne Arundel co Hewes James P. cutter, I'i6 Saratoga Hewes John, bookkpr, 596 w Fayette Hewes John G. 32 s Greene Hewes M. Warner, ins. agent, 15 South, dw Anne Arundel co Hewing Geo. T. carp. 128 Montgomery Hewitt Asahel, bricklayer, 135 s Bond Hewitt Bernard, lab. 85 n Arnity Hewitt Edward, enuineer, 430 Lexington Hewitt Elizabeth, dre.ssmkr, 430 L^•xington Hewitt Elmer jr. 25 n Bond Hewitt & Co. (J.inies L. Hewitt and John F. Ciuxoraii) type writers, 38 Lexington Hewitt Frank \V. 257 n Gay Hewitt Geo.H. toys and stationery, 86 Hanover HI':WITT H. D. manager S. Louis Life Lis. Co 1 I Gt-rman, dw 85 e Pratt Hewitt Harry C. photographic printer, 264 e Fayette Hewitt J. B. restaurant. 257 n Gay Hewitt James L. (H.&Co.) Washington, D. C. Hewitt John W. silver chaser, 244 n Dallas Hewitt John, 85 n Amity Hewitt Prof. John H. amhor. 1 Holland Hewitt Joseph, painter, 66 Parrish Hewitt .Mary (). diessmkr, 430 Lexington Hewlett John Q. & Son (J. W. Hewlett) hides, leather and oils, 9 Water Hewlett John Q. clerk, 356 Madison Hewlett J. W. (J. Q. H.&Son)356 Madison av Balti- Hexter Geo. wholesale clothier, 318 w more, dw 288 e Fayette Hevde Chas. V. D. tobacconist, 77 a High Heyde Rev. G. W.,Woodberrv Heydenreich Kmil. bookkpr, Honif-stead Heven Herman, ma:iner, 297 Canton av Heyen I.T. reporter, Posioffice av and Baltimore Heyer Fred. R. tobacconist, 175 e Monument Heyer Theophilus L. attorney, 123 s Wolfe Heyer Wm. ironworker. 123 s Wolfe Heyl George, police, 21 Smith Hej'mach Mary, seamstress, 4C6 Eastern av Hey man Jonas, boots and shoes. 21 n Eutaw Hevn Herman ( Frolich & Heyn) 65 s Ann HEYN MARTIN, mercht. tailor, 20 Second,dw 23 s Fremont Hevn Wm. J. clerk, 23 s Fremont Hf'yns Mrs. Mary, notions, 22S s Ann Heyse Gt-o. H. porter, 172 Greenmount av Heyser Wm. clf-rk, 162 n Calvert Heyward Shubrick, clerk, 23 South Heyward J nnes F. clerk. Waverley Heyward Mrs. .Maria T. Waverlev Heyward Wilson P. clerk, Waverley Heyward Wm. B. clerk, Waverley Hevwood &Crean(J.B.Heywood.Thos. A.Crean'; O furniture, carpets, oil cloth, 243 w Pratt J^ Hey wood John B. (H. ; Hickman Eniprsoii, plasterer. 556 Fr.uiklin Hickman Eugene W. 374 e .Monument Hickman Frank, caulker, 16 s Bmd Hickman George, grocery, 210 w Favette Hickman George, plasterer, 41 Parrish Hickman Henry, chaiimkr, 79 n Eden Hickman John L. carp.. North nr Denme-.d Hickman John C. carver, 410 Cross Hickman John Cj. carver, 291 s Charles Hickman John .1. jilasterer, 2 Stockton Hickman John T. W. pl.isterer. .308 w Fayette Hickman Lawrence, cooper, 196 East LMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. O O > O O I— ( Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. HIG 268 HIL H W W M f— 1 H C/J a a >^ o -< < O a td 1-4 H GQ O „ cyj ^ on O en 6 t— 4 VH f^ < w • ^ od o o «Z (T W OS ooa :i3 WD O W Hickman Mrs. M. S. dressiukr, 65 Cathedral i HICKMAN WASHINGTON, tob.iLCOnist, 208 e Fayette, dw 79 n Eden Hiclcnuin Win. carj)., Quaker aljir Yurk rd Hickman Win. F. butter. 174 Mulberry Hickman \Vm. F. cleik, 65 Cathedral Hiclviiian Wni II undertaker, 234 n Gay Hicks Barnes C. cleik. 103 s ShariJ Hiclrge, heater, 15 Patuxent HICKS GEU. C. & CO. (Geo. C. Hicks, Au- puste Lainlila, Zeno F. Parus) luariuts. re- toris, fire bricks, &c.cor Hull and Nicholsou, office 4 s Holiiduv Hicks Geo. C. (G.C.H.&Co.) Waverley Hicks .Mrs. Hersiilia, 50 Gou[;h Hicks Hooper C. lumber, 277 n .\nn Hicks Cipt. John G. 272 n Broadway Hicks Mrs. .Marv, 111 Lancaster Hicks 0. H. & Co.(O.H,H.) Baltimore steel hoe worlis, 3.") Lifiht Hicks 0. H. (O.H.H.&Co ) Waverley Hicks Reuben, cooper, 133 Barre Hicks Thomas, engineer, 94 Gough Hicks Thomas H. 277 n Ann Hick son Wni. C. 129 n Eutaw Hidden Dr. Wm. B. 102 n Eutaw Hidden Henry, mariner, 335 Eastern av Hiebel Augustus, lab. 194 s Chapel Hiel Martin, lab. 177 Madeira al HIELLER CONRAD, restaurant, 35 n Holliday HiellerMrs. .Margaret, grocery, 63 North Hiemer Charles, lab. 311 Aliceanna Hiemliiie Conrad, baker, 214 Stirling Hieroiiiraus (Jeorge, cabinetmkr, 13 \v Chase Hieatzman .Matthias, 732 Penna av Hieatzmau .Matthias, provisions, n w cor Presst- man and Penna av Hiess George, switchman, 172 s Ann Higby James H. bib. 35 Bradford al Higby .loseph H. iron roller, 92 s Wolfe Higdon Alexander B. fisherman, 399 s Eutaw lligdon George, fisherman, 399 s Eutaw Higdon Henry, fisherman, 399 s Eutaw Higdon James, lab 40 Wyeth Higdon John II. l.ib. 119 Lcadenliall Higdon Joseph, lab. 6 Stockholm Higdon Thomas, fisherman, 399 s Eutaw Higdon Thomas jr. hib. 112 Leadenhall Higdon Wm. fisherman, 399 s Eutaw Higgins Albert, painter, 6.") Stockholm Higgins Capt. Asa, 53 n Carey HIG(}INS, CUBB k CO. (Edward Higgins jr. Edward R. E. Cobb, J. II. Fowler) auction- eers and com. merchts, 6 and 8 German Higgins Daniel, stencil cutter, 46 Wyeth Higgins Ed>vard jr. (Higgins, Cobb & Co.) 207 St. Paul HIGGINS EDWIN, attorney, 21 n CaWert, dw 252 Lanvjile Higgins Eugene, clerk, 207 St. Panl Higgins flugene, clerk, 7 Centre .Market sp Higgins Franklin, shoeinkr, George nr Brune Iliiigins Henry, painter, 261 e Pratt liigfzins James, lab. 108 York Higgins James, police, 7".t Block Higgins James II. 423 e Fayette Higgins Jesse T. (IJarrett & H.) 45 n Carey Higgins J. Richard, bookkpr, 27 n Gilmor Higgins John C. bookbinder, George nr Biune Higgins Joshua C, George nr Brune Higgins Michael, boilermkr, 21 L. Church Higgins Richard, porter, 192 n Front Higgins Thomas, machinist, 13.') s Hijih HiiTgins Thomas, chairmkr, 136 Camden Higgins Thomas, grocery, 62 Orleans Hiiigins Wm. engineer, 118 s Hii;h Higgins Wm. machinist, 81 n Eutiw Higgins Wm. D. bookk|)r, 118 s High Higgins Wm. F. clerk, 192 n Front Higgins Wm. painter, 261 e Pratt High Alfred, paintnr, Vincent nr Baker High Andrew, lab. 24 Barnes High Geo. cigarmkr. 937 Le.xingion High G. Oliver, chemist, .Mosher nr Penna av High Geo. R. clerk, 13 s Caroline Higii Geo. W. carp. 497 Snratoga High Henry, painter, 92 s Carey High James E. clerk, 17 s Schroeder High James K. lab, 52 Parkin High John W.coal and wood, 101 w Lombard, dw 217 George High John W. clerk, 117 George High Jospph A. painter. 213 Conway Higli Joiin, cijiarmkr, 52 Parkin High Margaret, grocery, 211 Pnston High Rebecca, lannd. 234 s Dallas High Samuel W. painter, 535 Lexington Hiuh Samuel E ciirarmkr, 157 n Fremont High Street Baptist Church, High n of Fayette High Street (M. E.) Church,' cor Hiirh and Stiles High Wm. watchman, Clifton nr Park av High Wm. dairyman, 497 Saratoga High Wm. lab. "52 Parkin High Wm. lab. 57 s Schroeder Highland A v. (M. E.) Church, Philadelphia rd ni' to I It: ate Hihn John B. grocery, 294 s Bond Highnouu'h Mrs. Mary, 102 L. Greene Hilberg ('. W. bookkpr, Govanstown Hilberg Francis L. jr. clerk, 82 w Fayette Hilberg Francis L (F. L. & John A. H.) dw Baltimore co HILBKRG F. L. & JOHN A. mercht. tailors, 32 w Fayette Hilberg John A. (F. L. & J. A. H.^ 3 Pearl Hilberir Wm.R.candymr, Liberty and Lexingtou Ililberl Adam, lab. 70 n Pine Ililbert Mrs. Adam, grocery, cor Elliott and Patuxent Ililberl (Jhas. pianomkr, !80 Hamburg Hilbrrt Fr.ink, pianomkr, 180 Hamburg Ililbert Frank J. shoemkr, 129 Hill Hilbert Frederick, driver, 406 Fastern av Hilbert Geo. A. jr. grocery, 122 n Schiotder Hilbert Geo. furn. waj^on, 70 n Pine Hilbert Herman, cor Elliott and Patuxent Hilbert John, collector, 279 w Fayette Hilbert John, furn. wagon, 70 n Pine Hilbert Wm. baker, cor Elliott and Patuxent Ilild Anthony, clerk, 91 Barre llild Conrad," baker, 141 Druid Hill av Hild Edward S. blacksmith, 87 s Caroline Hild Frank, lab. 1^<7 s Washington Hild Geo. J. ladies furnishing goods, 248 n Gay Hild John C. cigarmkr, 214 Light Ililde Ferd. stonemason, 4 19 Hamburg Hildebrand Benton C. shoemkr, 246 Penna av Hildelirand Chas. lab. 359 Canton av Hildebrand Chas. reslauiant, 95 n Washington Hildebrand ('has. carp 372 e Chase Hildebrand Edwin S. patternmkr, .^22 w Fayette Hildebrand Frank M. telegraphist, 322 w Fayette Hildebrand Fred, bricklayer, 258 s Sharp HENRY HOEN & CO.. Li Cor. Second St. and thograpliing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the 'World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. HIL 269 HIL Hildebraiid Fred, clerk, 71 e Baltiniure Hildehrand Fred, tinner. 833 w BaltiMiore HildelH-and G. H. clerk, Gibbon's iiotel Hildebrand Geo shoeinkr, 13 Diamond Hildelirand (!eo. W. police, 34 Boyd Hildebraiid Ge.). W. (.M lUhews & H.) Gibbon.s hotel Hildelirand Harry F. bookkju-. 3-11 w L...mbard Hildebrand Henry, baiber, 5'2 e I'ratt Hildelirand Jacob C. cnrji. 'if);! Penna av Hildelirand John D. lab •2-3 Frederick av Hildebrand .M. B. shoemkr, 24(; Peiina av Hildelirand Noah E. carp. 57 s .Monroe HILDEBEANDT CHAS. H., Manu- facturer of Clariouets, Flutes, Bass Strings, &c., and dealer in Musical Merchandise in general, and Re- pairer of Harps, Music Boxes and Musical Instruments of all kinds, No. 19 north Liberty street, bet. Fayette and Baltimore. Hildebrandt Chas. lab. 313 (Jaiiton av Hildebrandt Frank M. telejiraph' t.322 w Fayette Hildebrandt Hi'nry, jiolice, 35G s Caroline Hildebrandt Jotin V. driver, 441 Canton av Hildebrandt John A. printi-r, .05 Woodyear Hildebrandt Jolin J. macbiuiat, 14 Jackson ct Hildebiandt Leu IS H. tinnei-, 14 Jackson ct Hildelirandt Matthew, ^roc'y and provisions, n w Cur Canton av and Washington Hildebrandt Peter, lab. 158 ('hesapeake Ilildeorandt.Mrs. Fiachel, nurse, 83 Drnid Hill av HildebrandtWin. P. musical instinkr, 19a Liberty Hildebrandt Wm. carp. 81 Hill Hildise Bund, Central Body ot'.Md. Association for Life Insuiance, C Priesterjahn, sec'y, 16 Pusloffice av Hilditch Alfred, carp. 133 William Hiiditch Bruse, fisherman. 183 Willi.im Hilditch John, bricklayer, 126 German Hilditch Wm. bricklayer, 183 William Hildt Geo. C. Adams e.\|jress, 175 n Howard Hildwein Adam, shoemkr, 113 Mullikin Hiidwfiii John, shoemkr, 113 .Mullikin Hile Wm. weaver, Clifton nr Penna av Hilgaertner Catherine, 41 Lancaster Hilgaertner Henry, shoemkr, !7I s Bethel Hilgaertner John, shoemkr, 118 Columbia Hilgaertner Louis, marble works, 528 w Balti- more, dvv U)2 n Pine Hiige John G. engineer, 10 Hill Hilgeman Mrs. Caroline, grocery, 62 n Ann Hilgeman Frt-derick, lab. 62 n Ann Hilgenberg Chas. H. ^C. H. (fcCo. ) Baltimore co HILGLNBKRG CHAS. & CO. (C.H. Hilgenberg, J. B. Falck) hosiery, gloves, kc. 35 n Eutaw Hilger Abr.im, upholsterer, 342 Aisquith Hil;ier Eugene, gasfiiter, 342 Aisquiih HILGERTHENRY,attor'y.l9Lexin^ton,dwllO Hilken H. G. clerk, 9 s Charles Hilken Heinrich, clerk, 23U w Fayette Hill Dr. Alexander, 23 n Calvert Hill Anthonv, clerk, 91 B.ure HILL BROTHEKS, (W. B. Hill, T.Hill) Euro- pean Law Collection and Real Estate office, n e cor St. Paul and Fayette Hill Beverly W. salesman, St. Clair hotel Hill Carl, cabinelmkr, 298 n Central av OQ Hill Catherine, grocery, 183 n Front Hill (,'harles, cabinetmkr, 298 n Central av Hill Charles, bank messenger, 22 n Bond Hill Charles jr. ch-rk, 22 n Bond IFill Charlrs E.. teacher. 265 Drui.l Hill av Hill C. E. law student. 73 n LU'e. tv Hill Charles F. ((;• o. D.Hill kCn.'j'iU) n Eutaw ^ Hill Charles H. engineer. '2 1.3 e Pratt S Hill D Newton, clerk, 2 11 w Lombard ^3 Hill D J.siiiit Powhatan Steamb'i Line, 911 Light r^ Hill E. G. (G. D. Hill & Co.) 90 n Eutaw .-; Hill Capt. Edward, 416 e Baltimore 5 Hill Edwin C. nightman, 295 s Charles ^ Hill .Mrs. Elizabeth C, Homestead O Hill Mrs. Elizab(-th, seamstress, 295 s Charles 3 Hill Fred, tavern, 262 sCarcdine ~ Hill Geo. fin-mm, 91 B.ure ■—, Hill (k'o H. moulder, Wolfe nr Biddle -- HILL GEORGE D. .t t'O. i G !>., J. R., W. F. -.■-< (.'has F.uid E. (J. Hill) ladies shoes,53and 19 n ""'_ Ga\ . and 90 n Eutaw, fietory 42 n Frederick %^ Hill G.-o. D. (G. D. H. .t (."o. l 90 n Eutaw ^9 Hill (Jen. W. ciLrarmkr. 2s n Oregon ^^ HILL A: GRAVE.<(Wm.L.Itill and H.M Graves) - provision brokers, s w cr Lonibard and South Q) O o o zn Hill .Mrs. Helen M. notions. 33.; n Gay Hill Hugh C. clerk, 22 n Bond Hill .lames C agent Potoiii ir Line of Steamer; 138 Liuht-st whf, dw 336 n Strieker Hill Col.' J. C. inspr C.H. 273 e Biddle Hill James, auen!, 38 s (.Jreene Hill James C' clerk. 22 n Bond Hill James, lab. 12 Hamburg Hill James, lab. 84 P.-irkin Hill Jis^e, carp. Biddle nr Castle Hill John, coal, 39 s Carev, dw 325 McHenry Hill John lab. 325 McHeriry Hill John A. lir.ikeinan, 143 L. Greene Hill John, lab. 52 Lancaster Hill John A. brickmkr 49 Goodman al Hill Jiilin, moulder, Wolfe nr Biddle Hill Jtdin .\. cigarmkr, 28 n Oregon Hill JolinB. oystei-packer, 247 e Pratt Hill John H. cigarmkr. S:trah Ann and Oregon Ph Hill John H. boukkeejier, 19 Souih, dw 552 w E-t Favette ^ Hill John, lab. 4 Hall al > H^ HILL WILLIAM B. (Hill Bros.) Attorney at Law, office N. E. Cor. Payette and St. Paul streets, Bal- timore, Md., recently appointed Commissioner of Deeds for all the States and Territories, office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Hill Wm. S. barber, 824 w Baltimore Hill Wm. engineer, 89 n High Hilhiiid Fnd. engineer, 242 Columbia llilUuid Jolin, boilermkr, 242 Columbia Hillary Win. H. macliiuist, 115-s Gilraor _ Hille August, shoeuikr, 16 Harford av iZ -^ ^ Hilleary John A. dispatcher of liains,96Hollins. C S . Hilleary Odel W.carp. 96 Hollius > =f Hilleary ^^arah A. 149 u Carey . ^ C Hilleary Thornlon, painter, 398 w Lombard 55 '^ 1^ Hilleary Win. T. painter, 12 Mosher c3 c3 *n liilldebiaud Fred, bakery, 311 Aliceanna ^ o 5"Hillebruiid August, wagoner, 301 Orleans ^ !^ Hillebrand Conrad, lab. 95 Soiuersel ^ P-t Hillebrand Mrs. Margaret, groci-ry,30l Orleans ^ llillrgeist Arnold, liquors, 1 16 Diuid Hill av _ o Hillegeist Dr. Edmund, 182 e Monument "7 .S [3 Ililli'geist Dr. Edward, 67 Elliott '4 >. 2 HILLEGEIST OSCAR,dealer in liquors.cigars, "5 "o 5 tobacco, &c. 65 and 67 Elliott ■^ -^ ^T^ Hillt>;usl Mrs. Diana, midwife, 182 e Monument vi C Hilleman Fred, engineer, 81 Albemarle "^ ^ ^ llillen Cli.is. boileimkr, 242 ('oluitbia . C « llillen Jlrs.Cbas. restaurant, 45 Brown "s != H ?• ■" o V a: A r. ;5 CA > llillen John, boilermkr, 242 Columbia Hillen Mrs. Solomon, 62 Franklin Hilkn Thomas, elk, 62 Franklin Hillenbrand Anton, tailor, 23 .Anthony Hillenbrand Francis, life insurance, 71 e Lom- bard C'^Tl Hilles,Hoyd&Co.(JesseHilles,D..M.Boyd)anlhra- ^ ^li ? cile coal, 26 Postoffice av »^ '2 >, Hilles Jesse (Hilles, Boyd & Co.) Havre de S p _- Grace ^ a> "o Hillgartner Philip, lab. 249 s Durham g ,:= s Hillman Augustus, carp. and builder, 2 Wilcox, ■^ ^ "^ dw 160 e Eager ■^ C S Hillm.in Cnas. A. carp. 160 e Eager 5 £ Hilliiian Christian, 121 s Washiii;;ton ^O ttTi llillmyer Wm. tunncr, 137 n P^ont O r <» llillson Hyiuan M. umbrellas, 7;'. Uichmond ■^ £ b.L llillson .Meyer, Hebrew teacher, 67 (Jough ,^ r^ ,S Hill\ard Dr. Beiij. R. bot.inic physician, 622 w C "^ ^;^ Bidtimoie ^ X' t; Hiliiier Wm. cigarmkr, 21 n Frederick » J; w Hilson Joseph, clothing, 184 Cross «^ •- ^ Hilt August W. elk, 174 Franklin ^ c « Hilt George C. (C. A. Gambrill k Co.) 174 Franklin -. Hil'.abridle Uriah, elk, 150 w Middle ^ Hiiti Ferd. stonemason, 419 Hamburg >. Ililtuer Henry, lab. 37 n Amity %y. Hiltuer Henry, plasterer, 217 Peirce Hiltner John, tailor, 12 White al Hilton Abraham, brewer, 1035 w Pratt Hilton Mrs. Catherine, 74 n Caroline Hilton Kdward, dk, 179 HoUins Hilton James, conductor, 231 Dolphin Hilton James A. car(). 304 Ramsay Hilton James 0. carp. 74 n Caroline Hilton N. Shipley, bookkpr, 275 w Baltimore Hilton Will, engineer, Pratt ur Gilmor Hilton Wm.H. shoemkr, 54 s Eutaw Ililiz Catherine, beer, 337 S Bond Hiltz Charles, elk, 329 w Baltimore Hiltz Charles E. elk, 249 n Central av Hiltz Charles W. (C. W. H. & Co. J 249 n Cen- tral av Hiltz C. W. & Co. (C W. Hiltz,) painters, 48 St. Paul Hiltz Conrad, shipcarp. 337 s Bond Hiltz John R. scvton, 51)0 Saratoga Hiltz Lewis C. eabinetmkr, 255 11 Central av Hiltz Wiegaiid, baker, 255 n Central av Hilzerberg John, engineer, 53 Ksse.\ Hime I'hilij), cigarmkr, 325 Eastern av Himmel Jacob, peddler, 245 n Front Himmel Joseph, lab. 387 Aliceanna, Canton Himmel Leopold (H. Jf Son) 7 Harrison Himmel M. junk, 245 n Front Himmel Michael, lab. 51 Durst al Himmel Moses, (H. & Son) 7 Harrison Himmel & Sou,(L. and M. Himmel) furniture, 5 Harrison Himmelbaugh Geo. lab. 21 n Dallas Himmelheber Fredk. blacksmith, 93 s Wolfe Himmelhelier Adam, barber, 125Gough Himmler Andrew, tailor, 169 Townsend Hiiiimler Leonhart jr. tailor, Presstman and Stockton Hinchberger Herman, steward, 226 w Fayette Hindell Wm. carp. 58 Bank Hinderer Chas. shoemkr, Gay and Biddle Hindes Benj. F. saddler, lou s Sharp Hindes Danl. B. messenger C.H. dw 28 Stirling Hindes Mrs. Harriet, tailoress, 28 Stirling Hindes J. G. clerk, lOO n Gay Hindes Jacob H. bricklayer, 100 s Sharp Hindes Jas. B. deputy keeper Md. Penitentiary Hindes Jos. F. clerk, loO n Gay Hindes Mrs. Mary, 199 w Lombard Hindes .Moses G. bricklayer, 100 s Sharp Hindes Samuel J. teller, 179 Mosher Hindman John, stonepolisher, 9 e Monument Hinds Chas. H.( W.S.Hinds& Son)65 n Strieker Hinds Demwood B. clerk, 567 w Fayette Hinds Edward H.(W S. Hinds & Sons) St. Clair hotel Hinds Wm. S. & Sons, (W. S , E. H. and C. H. Hinds) merchant tailors, 84 w Fayette Hinds Wm.S. ( W. S. H. & Sons) 567 w Fayette lline Lewis B. clerk, 331 e Jidm llinemaii John, painter, 71 n Eden Hines Adam, lab. 117 Lancaster Hines Mrs. Annie, 102 George Hines C. Edward, clerk, 154 s Paca Hines Chas F. cigiirmkr, 100 Preston Hines Daniel, lab. 51 Woodyear Hines Edward J. harnessmiir, 29 Wyeth Hines .Mrs. Llizalieth, huckstress, 393 s Charles Hines Frederick, glassblower, 362 3 Charles Hines Geo. boatbuilder, 259 Canton av Hines Henry C. clerk, 386 e Monument Hines Mrs. Isabella, 386 e Monument = .- HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. «©• Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. " BIN 271 Im Hines John, cigarmkr, 119 Low Hiues John, paver, 24 Addison Hines Capt. Johu H. mariner, 248 Eastern av Hiues Julius, carpets, n e cor Gay and Exeter, and cor Front and Gay, dw 95 n Exeter Hines K. lab. 30 Woodyear Hines Martin, lab. Carlton nr Franklin Hines Patrick, lab. 10 Decker Hines Peter, grocerj-, 154 s Paca Hines Peter, gasfitter, 117 Lancaster Hines Mrs. Rachel, 1.^0 n Pine Hines Robert, engineer, 17 Cambridge Hines Theodore, 206 Light Hines Thos. ^lorter, 33 Rock Hines V. B. clerk, Strieker nr Patterson av Hines Wm. carp. 266 s Howard Hinke Ferdinand, clerk, 72 Somerset Hinkel Chas. car inspector, 379 Harford av Hinkel Conrad, tailor, 91 s Bethel Hinkel Henry, carter, 72 n Durham Hinkel Jacob, shofiukr, 260 e Biddle Hinkel Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 6 Gittings ct Hinkelmau Andrew H. cutter, 289 Aisquith Hinker Joseph, shoemkr, 22o Columbia Hinker Mrs. Sus«n, confect'y, 220 Columbia Hinkhouse Fred, carter, 19 Bentalou Hinkhouse Henry, carter, 19 Bentalou Hinkhouse Henry jr. lab. 19 Bentalou Hirikle Chas. harnessmkr, 357 n Durham Hinkle John, gravedigger, 128 Somerset Hinkle John, lab. Quaker la nr York rd Hinkle Joseph, helper, cor Henrietta and Bevan Hinkle Martin, lab. 259 n Dallas Hinkle Wm. saddler, 156 e Pratt Hinkleman Frank, engineer, 29 n Dallas Hinkleman Geo. boilermkr, 3 Bank Hinkler Geo.furniture,715 and 717 w Baltimore Hinkley Benj. F. liner, 162 n Gay Hinkley Edwd. Otis,(H. & Morris) prest. of the Baltimore Association for Improving the Con- dition of the Poor, 378 Madison av HINKLEY & MORRIS,{E.O. Hinkley, John T. Morris, T. J. Morris) attorneys, 43* n Charles Hinks Jlrs. Amelia, 442 Madison av Hinline Conrad, baker, 228 n Gay Hinmau C. C collector, 18 Whatcoat Hinman Joel, (H. & Newcomb) 57 n Greene HINMAN & NEWCOMB, (J. Hinman, W. H. Newcomb,) wholesale produce commission merchants, 1 and 3 s Paca Hinners Henry, tobacconist, 13 e Lombard Hinners Johu, cigarmkr, 13 e Lombard Hinners Margaret, dressmkr, 14 e Pratt Hinrichs John, tobacconist, 96 w Pratt, dw 45 s Frederick Hiniichs Peter, tinner, 47 s Frederick Hinrichs Wm. cigarmkr. 47 8 Frederick Hinsdale S. J. 305 Walsh Hinsou Milford, machinist, 344 w Lombard Hinteuach Geo. P. tailor, 150 Chew Hinternesch August, watcbmkr, 17 Cowpen al Hinternesch Chris. R. tavern, 17 Cowpen al Hinternesch C. E. wood turner, 49 Clay Hinternesch Herman D. sawyer, 51 Clay,dw 49 Hinternesch John D.steamsawyer,324 Hamburg Hiniou Geo. T. clerk, 109 e Madison Hintou James M. lab. 121 s Strieker Hiutun James S. lab. 125 Division Hinton John T. clerk, 109 e Madison Hinton Joseph R. H. telegraph instrument mkr, cor Pratt and Gilraor Hinton Mrs. Maria, 98 Ramsay Hinton Mrs. Martha, grocery, 52 s Gilmor Hinton Theodore, lab. Lemmou nr Fulton Hinton Tho^. brass finisher, 195 Chesnut Hinton Wm. A. mariner, 113 n Broadway Hinton Wm. H. junk, 108 n Regester Hinton Wm. H. machinist, Strieker and Pratt -2 Hinton Wm. 0. canmkr. Federal nr Aisquith ^ Hinton Zachariah, lab. 3 Hollins al fe Hintz John, carter, Washington av ext c6 Hinze A. W. embroideries, 60 Lexington '^ Hiob John, butcher, 230 Frederick av pq Hipkins Fredk.S. clerk, Strieker nr Patterson av Hipkins Geo. carter, 115 West "^ Hipkins Richard, paying teller Franklin Bank, ^ dw 151 Mosher ^ Hipkins Wm., Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. 12 i-i South, dw 122 Bolton 2 Hippey Allen C surveyor, 103 Hollins .^ Hippler John, stripper, 164 Dover ;^ llippler Michael, tailor, 164 Dover ^ Ilipps Charlotte, huckstress, 211 s Washington PH Hipps George, cigarmkr, 211s Washington ^ Hipsley Charles, restaurant, 64 w Fayette, dw o 107 Saratoga O Hipsley E. G. & Co. (Enoch G.and Levi F.Hips- ^ ley) grocers, 184 n Gay ^ Hipsley Enoch G. (E. G. H. & Co.) prest. Old g Town bank, 149 n Exeter ^^ Hipsley Levi F. (E. G. H. & Co.) 149 n Exeter cQ Hipsley N. S. (Frantz & Co.) 48 w Centre Hipsman Martin, confectionery, 31 s Wolfe ^ Hirsch Augustus, painter, Hanover and Lom-Q baid, dw 356 n Gilmor (^ Hirsch Charles R. tailor, 43 Walker ^^ Hirsch Christopher, coal agent, 22 Lloyd ^ Hirsch Mrs. Christian, laund. 206 n Dallas Hirsch Mrs. F. millinery, 545 w Baltimore fxj Hirsch Fied'k, puddler, 27 Williamson al Hirsch J. H. confectioner, 43 Walker <^ Hirsch J. Martin, shoemkr, 17 s Washington ^ Hirsch John, puddler, 299 Bank ^ Hirsch John T. puddler, 21 Williamson al Hirsch M. 545 w Baltimore ^w Hirsch Mrs. Sarah, 211 e Monument ^ Hirsch Wm. lab. 21 Williamson al ^ Hirschberg Henry, 35 s Exeter c_| Hirschman Carl, boxmkr, 27 Cannon ^ Hirsh Abraham, butcher, 122 Raborg h— ( Hirsh B. D. clothing, 224 s Broadway P^ Hirsh Kautlman, grocery, 329 e Baltimore (^. Hirshberg David, peddler, 305 s Sharp ^ Hirshberg Isadore, clerk, 170 n Exeter :tun, dw 73 n Fulton Hiie J. Madison, collector, 60 n Greene Hite Mrs. Virginia, 161 e Monument Hites Benj. collarmkr, 351 n Durham Hiteshew Philip L. clerk, 81 n Wolfe Hitselberger John A. bookkpr, 342 n Strieker Hitt Mrs. Christina, lamps and oils, 145 e Bal- timore Hitt Fred, plumber, 145 e Baltimore Ilittel M. blacksmith, 102 Frederick av Ililteroth Charles, porter, 173 e Lombard Hitterolh George, lab. 173 e Lombard Hittle Fiank F. oysters, 70 Pearl, dw 152 Bur- gundy al Hittle Martin, junk, 152 Burgundy al Hittle .Martin, wheelwright and blacksmith, 102 Frederick av Hiizel A. F. clerk, 380 Lexington Hiizel Erasmus B. student, 380 LexingtOQ Hiizrl Francis, tinner, 20 Sterrett Hiizel Henry P. pianotuner, 380 Lexington Hitzel Wm. N. clerk, 380 Lexington Hitzelberger Mrs. Elizabeth, 104 e Pratt Hitzelberger Mrs. Mary E.tailoress, 105 Jefferson Ilitzelberg Wm. clerk, 133 s .\nn Hitzeroth Geo. sr. spikemkr, 62 Block Hitzeroth Geo. F. driver, 333 Canton av Hitzeroth Philip, lab. 62 Block Hively David, carp. 282 Franklin lllavin John, lab. 1 Nelson ct Hlavin Joseph, lab. rear 32 Thames Hnat Jacob, driver, 165 Elliott Hnevsa Franz, sbotmkr, 167 Elliott Hoban Francis, tanner, 261 Forrest Hobun John, drayman, 185 n Exeter Hoban Mrs. .Mar>, grocery, 261 Forrest llciban Patrick, tavern, 78 Vork Hobbs Allen, porter, 213 Peirce Hobbs Andrew, engineer, 86 Oak Hobbs Andrew J. painter, 146 n Pine Hobbs Armistead R. machinist, 18 n Fremont Hobbs BriceH. bailiff Superior Court, dw 160 Mosher Hobbs Chas. R. lab. 90 McEIderry Hobbs Columbus M. dep. sheriff,55 n Poppleton Hobbs Daniel D. L. gasfitter, 110 McEIderry Hobbs Geo. F. 34 Myrtle av Hobbs Joseph R. 253 Saratoga Hobbs J. K. R. bookkpr, 80 n Charles Hdbhs Lewis, lab. Clipper Mills ll(il)l)s Mrs. Margaret A. nurse, 56 Stiles Hobbs Mrs. Nancy, confec'y, 504 Penna av Hobbs Samuel, 27 George Hobbs Samuel, engineer, 568 w Lombard Hobbs T. Brice, marker C. H. 33 s Carey Hobbs Washington H. collector ground and house rents, 269 Lexington, dw 23 Hobbs Wm. H. clerk, 76 George Hobbs Wm. S. clerk, 14 n Exeter Hobbs Wm. Z. backman, 28 Whatcoat Hobbs Wm. Z. hackman, 439 Saratoga Hobbs Yelverton T. carp. 213 Peirce llolielmaun Fred. jr. boxmkr, 138 s Spring IIOHELMANN HERMAN H. wines and liquors, kc, 102 Hanover, dw 100 Holien David, clerk, 106 Dugan's whf Hobcn James, tavern, 106 Dugan's whf Hobeck Geo. lab. 358 Ramsay HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth. St. HOB 273 HOE Hoberock Geo. lab. 42 Lancaster Hobine Chiisii^iniia, lab. 5 Stockton Hoblitzill Fetter S. attorney, 23 Lexinsiton, dw 46 n Broadway Hoblitzell Oliver, Denmead nr Maryland av Hol)iiizeil Peter W. conductor, 64 Lee Hoblitzell Wni. storekpr B. & O. R. R. dw 624 w Lombard Hobsou John E. 153 w Lombard Hobson Raleigh W. bookkpr, 112 n Broadway Hoburj: Fred, pianomkr, 247 Conway Hoch Anne, grocery, Hare and Hudson Hoch Fred, brewer, cor Hare and Hudson Hocliadd John, 171 Ensor Hochell Frank, glass stainer and embosser, 172 e Madison Hochell Frank jr. glass stainer and embosser, 172 e Madison Hochadel James, baker, 167 n Eden Hochhaus Anthony, packer, 231 e Fayette Hochhaus Charles A. silverplater,231 e Fayette Hochhaus Charles E. electro gold and silver plater, 231 e Fayette Hochheimer Rev. Henry, 68 e Pratt Hochheimer Lewis, (Ferguson & H.)68e Pratt Hochschild Sol. (Samuel Griii&felder & Co.) 13 s Howard Hock Mrs. Anna, confec'y, 324 Penna av Hock Hi-nry, stevedore, 321 Penna av Hock Jacob, police, 14 Chajiel Hock Sebastian, lab. 155 Elliott Hocking Geo. H. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Hockiacb Andrew, beer, 420 n Fremont Hodiiinott Cbas. bellhanger, 358 Mulberry Hoddinott Elizabeth, tailoress, 33 Jackson Hoddiuotl E. C. & Bro. (E. C. and J. W. Hod- dinott) carriaije maiiufs, 57 North Hoddinott Elisha C. (E. C. Hoddinott & Bro.) 180 Harford av Hoddinott Jiuues, huckster, 33 Jackson Hoddinott James H coachsmith, 180 Harford av Hoddinott Jobu W. (E. C. Hoddinott & Bro.) 18u Harford av Hodes Geo. maitressmkr, 474 w Baltimore Hodes John, mattressmkr, 474 w Baltimore Hogdon M. C. manufr. tables, 22 w Fayette,uw 30 s Giluior Hodge Edward, cigars, 182 Forrest, dw 176 Hodge James D. carp. 112 Flidgely Hodge John D. conductor, 98 Ridgely Hodge Wm. watchman. lo8 Ridgely Hodgerty James, cardriver, 333 Light Hodges Abrabam, porter, 237 Chesnnt al Hodges Benja'.;:in K. artist.s 277 n Broadwav Hodges Benjamin M. jr.(B. M. H. jr. & Co.) 203 n Chailes HODGES BENJ. M. Jr. & CO. (B. M. Hodges jr., C. H. Morgan )importers, ship'gandcom. merchts, over s w cor Gay and Lombard HODGES BROS. (J., W. R. and R. Hodges.W. P. Lewis) iniprs. dress goods, white goods, hosiery, notions, &c. 23 Hanover Hodges B. Sydenham, actor, 277 n Broadway Hudges Chas. E. clerk, 295 w Biddle Hodges Chas. R. 247 n Howard Hodges Geo. la!). 95 Cambridge Hodges Geo. police, 443 e Fayette Hodges Henry, painter, 64 Mullikin Hodges Henry B. huckster, 259 s Broadway Hodges James, (Hodges Bros.) 83 Park av Hodges Rev. J. Sebastian B. 83 Saratoga Hodges John, wagoner, 235 William Hodges John, clerk,B.& 0. R.R.Camden station Hodges John T. marblecutr. 52 Washington av Hodges Jidm W. printer, 265 West Hodges Joseph, engineer, 193 s Washington Hodges Keusey J. clerk, 408 s Charles Hodges Michael, lab. 167 Dover Hodges Robert (Hodges Bros.) 54 Franklin Hodges Samuel R. canmkr, 164 s Ann HODGES TH. HARRIS, notary public and real estate agent, n w cor Courtland and Lexington, dw 71 Courtland Hodges Thomas, junk. 22 St. Peter Hodges W. R, jr. clerk, 83 Park av Hodges Wm. R. (H. Bros.) 102 w Monument Hodges Wm. cabinetmkr 50 s Sharp HodgkinS. W. pres't Monumental Co-operative Boot and Shoe Manufact'g Association, 37 n Howaid, dw cor Howard and Saratoga Hodgson James B. machinist, 638 w Lombard Hodii John, tailor, 119 e Lombard Hodis Mrs. Frederick, 24 s Chester Hodis Jacob turner, 24 s Chester Hodis Philip, lab. 24 s Chester Hodnett Mrs. Elizabeth, 317 Saratoga Hodnett Jason, painter, 317 Saratoga Hodson Howard S. attorney, 250 n Ann Hoebner John, shoemkr, 135 e Lombard Hoeck Geo. cabinetmkr, 309 n Central av Hoeck Henry, cabinetmkr, 309 n Central av Hoeck John, cabinetmkr, 309 n Caroline Hoecke Frank, shoemkr, 160 s Fremont HueHich Anton, lab. 72 Milliman Hoeflich Adam, lager beer, 58 s Charles Hoeflich Bernard, porter, 327 s Charles Hoefling Casper, whitewasher, 187 s Bethel Hoehn Christopher, beer, 96 n Washington Hoehu George, shoemkr, 153 HoUins Hoehn Jacob, lab. 123 n Durham Hoehn Michael, lab. 251 Orleans Hoelscher H. watchmkr, 92 s High HOEN A. & CO. (A. Hoea, E. Hoen, H. A. Schroeder) lithographers and engravers, 73 and 75 Second \Set Advertisement. Hoen Dr. Adolph, Waverley Hoen August, (A. Hoen & Co.) Waverley Hoen Ernest, (A. Hoen & Co.) Waverley Hoen Ernest A. clerk, 75 Second HOEN HENRY & CO. (Henry Hoen)lithograph- ers, Maryland building, n e cor Postoffice av and Second \_See bottom lines. Hoen Henry, (Henry Hoen & Co.) York rd Hoenberg John, baker, 299 s Sharp Hoengen Martin, shoes, 83 Penna av. dw 62 Hoenig Anton, tailor, 267 e Eagsr Hoenig John, carp. 16 Anthony Hoenig Jo.seph, tailor, 262 n Central av Hoenig Stephen, tailor, 269 e Eager Hoenish H'y, cigars.and liquors, Eden and Chew Hoennervogt Andrew, brewery, Elastem av nr First Hoepfner Ernest, painter, 308 Eastern av Hoepner Casper B. plumberand gasfitter,3t Lee Hoepiier Theodore, plumber, 37 Lee Hoerath Christopher, tailor, 314 s Bond Hoerath Wilbelmina, beer, 314 s Bond Hoerner Ernest, baker, 298 Canton av Hoerr Rev. John, 345 e Fayette Hoesch John, lab. 89 s Chapel Hoerner Conrad, baker, 319 Canton av Hoerniiig Charles, trunkmkr, 22 New Church Hoester Fredk, stonecutter, 209 Chesnut Hoey Henry, police, 39 Miller 03 o o <^ O- o pq pq. Pi o 3 ^ Hofer Leopold, ruichinist, 138 s Central av *K ^ ^ Hofer .MicliMel, beer. 9 Second Q aj Hoff Chas. W. bookkpr. 19s w Baltimore Zc^ '^ Hoff Daniel J. count}- j)oliee. Retreat st nr Park la c ti — Hoff Geo. (J. W. Ross & Co.) Rider's Station J" 3 c N. C. R. -^ Uj '^ Hoff Frank M. shoemkr, 139 s Regester \'r:: OJ Hoff F. H. t)ookki>r, Rider'.< Station -^ p Ef Hoff (iustav, clerk, 118 s Ann '^ " cE Hoff Henry, moulder, 72 Goujih \z:, f -^^ Hoff Jacob, (H. & Son) Penna av ext Hoff John, carp. 212 e Chase Hoff J. Wilbur, (H. & Son) 81 Harlem av Hoff John, butcher, Penna av ext i5 Hoff Jos. lab. Bloomsl)erry and Gould la = Hoff & Son, (Jacob and j'. W. Hoff) flour and — feed, n \v cor. Penna av and Franklin p Hoff W. George, butcher, Penna av ext Z Hoff \Vm. R. clerk, b3 Kxchange pi ^ Hoff Wm. shoemkr, 273 s Bond „ Hoffer Charles, beer, 307 s Bond jj Hoffacker .\I. Luiher, brickl'r, Biddle nr Castle [ jp Hofferbert Adam, shoemkr, 197 n Bethel Q Hofferbert Adam, shoemkr, 29 n Eden Hofferbert Philip, tailor, 229 e Monument Hofferbert Louis, shoemkr, 198 q Bethel Y- HofferVierth Adam, coojier, Clinton nr Elliott 5 Hofferberth Adam, mnulder. Clinton nr Elliott % Htifferberth Chas. driver, Clinton nr Elliott Z- Hofferberth John, ironmould. Clinton nr Elliott ~ Hoffer Mrs. James, 305 e Eaj^er ir-. ^ ii Hofflin Nathan, salesman, 48 n Liberty ^ £ ^ Hoftlin Jacob, (H. &. Rich) 4S n Liberty 'C £ - hofflin & Rich, (Jacob Hoflain, M.Rich )clothiers, 'Jl --> si H p_, § n \v cor Centre Market sp and Pratt and 322 .2 C J Alicemna ^ •- I- Hoffman Adolphus, machinist, 79 McHenry "^ >i ^ Hoffman Andrew, corkcut'r, lOPatterson Parkav w J3 o o ^- Hoffman Anderson, 33 u Schroeder te '^ Hoffman Annie, tailoress, 76 Luzerne ^ "^ Hoffman Mrs. Annie, 114 Mosher -c; as Hoffman Mrs. Annie J. 422 Eastern av S ^ Hoffman August, lab. 5 Bradford al ^ CC Hoffman August, lab. 56 s Central av .^^ Hoffman Augustus, constable, 71 H Lexington t» '"' Hoffman Benj. A. currier, 229 n Fiemont -tJ HoffniMn Bernard, cooper, 175 s Dallas S * >, Hoffman Catherine, grocery, 261 s Wolfe ''S CC -Z Hoffman Dr. Cardie, 57 Aisquith (Si "t; ^ Hoffman Carroll, elerk, Madison av ext »a ^ >% Hoffman Chas engineer, foot of Clinton S ■£ ^ Hoffman Mrs. Catherine, beer, 284 Cross C ^ -^ Hoffman Cba.'*. A. pajierhanger, 509 Saratoga ^ C Hoffman Chas. clerk, 77 Franklin V ^ "~ Hoffiuan Chas. teacher, 29 e Pratt g ■" ^ Hoffman Chas. porter, 17 Sarah Ann 5 "S ■ Hoffman Chas. provision mercht. ,-177 w Balti- cs c ^^ more, dw n w cor Fayette and Greene O r^ 4b Hoffman & Co. (Fred B. Hoffman) job printers, V- ^^ 5=C ^ " Liberty ^ p C Hoffman Chas. F. upholsterer, 287 n Howard "c ^ '^ Hoffman ('has. E. butcher, Hillen rd nrtollgate ^ -»^ '-p Hoffman Chas. S. barber, 361 Canton av s >. o Hoffman Chas. W. watchman. 49i> w Fayette i^'p^ Hoffman Christopher, lab. 281 William ^ .- 5 Hoffman Chris, confec'y 95 Druid Hill av J. ^ ._ Hoffman Conrad, lab. 400 e Chase S a> t- Hoffman Conrad, driver, 195 Aliceanna •S "^ ^ Hoffman Conrad, grocery, 58 Ridgely 5^ >-. Hoffman Conrad, groc'y, Luzerne and Lancaster c3 Hoffman D. C. clerk 66 n Paca Hoffman Dr. Daniel P. 279 w Fayette Hoffman Edmund M. clerk, 433 Madison av Hotlman Edwin R. painting, gilding and glaz- ing, 266 w Pratt, dw 127 s Sharp Hoffman E. Donovan, clerk, 56 Exchange pi, dw .Madison av ext Hoffman Erdman, lithographer, 56 Hill Hoffman Kpbraiin, .Madison av ext Hoffman Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 13 Riallo bdg Hoffman Frank .M. tinner, 76 Druid Hill av Hoffman Fred'k, driver, 157 s Fremont Hoffiuan Fred. bristlemkr, McHenry nrBentalou Hoffman Fred. A. clerk, 354 Park av Hoffman Fred. B. (Hoffman & Co.)277 Mulberry Hoffman George, junk, 2 Beale ct Hoffman George, harnessmkr, 336 Penna av Hoffman George, shoemkr, 252 3 Durham Hoffman Geo. tinner, 13 n Pine Hoffman Geo. broommkr, 548 w Baltimore Hoffman Geo. blacksmith, 36 Cross Hoffman Geo. carter. 78 Milliman Hoffman Geo. carp. 261 s Wolfe Hoffman Geo. W. 424 Mulberrv Hoffman Geo. W. police, 289 Light Hoffman Geo. W. grocery, Exeter and Watson Hoffman Geo. W. shipcarp. 20 L. Church Hoffman Geo. W. cbairnikr, 104 Duncan al Hofl'man Geo. W. S. paper manufacturer, 89 Townsend Hoffman G. L. (G. L. H.& Co.) 229 n Fremont HOFFMAN G. L & CO. (G. L. and J M. Hoff- Tuan, ) hides, leather, oils, 84 w Lombard Hoffman (iilman, 77 Franklin Hoffman Gottleib, shoemkr, Monument nr Dun- can al Hoffman Rev. Henry, 93 Barre Hoffman Henry, shoemkr, 3 Creek al Hoffman Henrv. lab. 21 Lancaster Hoffman Henry, (Green & H.) 191 George Hoffman Henry, corkcutter, 96 Gough Hoffman Henry, liaker, 19 Abey al Hoffman Henry J. carp. 5 Potomac Hoffman Henry K. pres't Maryland Beneficial Association, Frederick av Hoffman Herman, fireman, Barnum's hotel Hoffman Mrs. Ida L. 219 n Bond Hoffman Isaac R. curiier, 3 Parkin Hoffmin J. Latimer sr. 9 Franklin Hotlman J. Latimer jr. clerk, 9 Franklin Hoffman Jacob, harnessmkr, 176 n Gay Hoffman Jacob, lab. 102 Eastern av Hoffman John, cigarmkr, 109 Eastern av Hoffman John, huckster, 226 e Chase Hoffman John, cifrp. 94 Fulton Hoffman John, basketmkr, 215 s Bond Hoffman John jr. clerk, 152 s Charles Hoffman John, cabinetinkr, 11 Rock Hoffman John, lab. 124 Ramsay Hoffman John, lab. 31 s Cannon Hott'inan John. lab. 130 s Exeter Hoffman John, blacksniith, 253 s Paca HotFman John, restaurant, McMechin nr Division H(>fTman Jolin, brickmkr, First av nr Clinton Hoffman John, driver, 152 s Charles Hoffman John, tailor. 60 Short Hoffman John, canmkr, 60 Short Hoffman John, lab. 409 Aliceanna Hoffman John, clerk, 136 Bank Hoffman John, bootfitier, 38 Hampstead Hoffman Mrs. John, 544 Franklin Hoffman J. H. beer, 60 Frederick av ^^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, G-en'l Agt. EOF 27( HOG Hoffman John A. saddler, 188 Orleans Hoffman John F. leather inspector, 7 Fultoa Hoffman .John H. corkcutter, 96 Go ugh Hofii'man John H. baker, 456 Liglit Hoffiuun John J. canmkr, 4f?6 Light Hoffman John M.(G.L.H.&l!o.) 233 n Fremont Huflman John R. dry goods, 143 n Eutaw, dw 436 n Calhoun Hoffman John V. drug clerk, Madison av ext Hoffman John W. tinner, 13 n Pine Hoffman John W. driver, 57 AUtemarle Hoffman Joseph, copper, 269 Canton av Hoffman Joseph, shoemkr, 10 Pear al Hoffman Joseph H.iestauriint.552 w Baltimore, dw 313 HoUins Hoffman Jo.-^iah, bricklayer, 272 Division Hott'man J. Leonard, salesman, 170 ii Caroline HOFFMAN, LEE ^ CO. ( Pvobt. G. Hoffman, C. O'Donnell Lee, ) tobacco and general com. merchants, 63 Exchange pi Hoffman Leo, shoemkr, 71 Union Hoffman Leonard, cooper, 175 s Dallas Hoffman Lewis, shoemkr, 12 State Hoffman Lewis P. stonecutter, 86 s High Hoffman Lipman, 168 Gou^h Hoffman Mrs. Louisa A. 77 Franklin Hoffman Mrs. Margaret, Orleans and Wolfe Hoffman Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 1 Perry Hoffman .\Ir8..MaryE.confect'y,548 w Baltimore Hoffman Michael, lab. 463 n Fremont Hoffman Michael jr. currier, 560 w Baltimore, and hide store Frederick av nr Gwynn falls, dw Fulton nr Hollins Hoffman Nicholas, painter, 4 West al Hoffman Nicholas, driver, 188 Preston Hoffman Peter, grocery, 125 Camden Hoffman Peter C. dentist, 315 Canton av Hoffman Philip, shoemkr, 124 Townsend Hoffman Philip, tailor, 373 Orleans Hoffman Philip H. clerk, Madison av ext Hoffman R. beer, 67 Centre Market sp Hoffman Robt. G. (H., Lee & Co.j 77 Franklin Hoffman R. Curzon, (H., Thompson & Co.) 40 Franklin Hoffman Mrs. Samuel, 40 Franklin Hoffman Thos. shoemkr Dawson al nr Columbia HOFFMAN, THOMPSON & CO. (R.C.Hoffman, D. B. Thompson,) iro:i and com. merchts, 23 and 25 s Frederick Hoffman Valentine, lab. 22 Abey al Hoffman Veucil A. barkpr, 552 w Baltimore Hoffman Veit, baskeimkr, 217 s Bond Hoffman Werner, tinner, 53 s Oregon Hoffman Wm. car driver, 16 Cumberland Hoffm m Wm. printer, 8 n Liberty, dw 68 s Sharp Hoffman Wm.insp.easteru hay scales, 39 Buren, and cigar manuf. 80i Hanover, dw 234 Lee Hoffman Wm. cigarmkr, 168 Cross Hoffn)an Wm. E. attorney, 67 s Sharp Hoffman Wm. Gilmour, stock broker, 63 Ex- change pi, dw 77 Franklin Hoffman Wra. H. check room, Maltby house Hoffm. in W'm. J. carp. Sweet Air Hoffmeister Henry, shoemkr, 3 n Dallas Hcffmeister John, watchrakr, 78 Pearl Hoffmeister Philip, barber, 36 Ensor Hoffmeyer Chas. F. confecl'y, 895 w Pratt Hoffmeyer Fred, grocery, 895 w Pratt Hoffmyer Fred, driver, 101 McElderry Hoffmyer Henry, lab. 126 Peirce Hofler George, cigarmkr, 246 s Bond Hofler John G. painter, 35 n Amity Hofman Andrew, mercht. tailor, 136 Bank • Hofman Mrs. Annie M. seamstress, 2.< Somerset ;r^ Hofman Geo. beer, 145 w Lombard "^ Hofman John, tailor, 282 n Bond ^ Hofman John G. brewer, Jefferson av nr Falls rd ct Hofmann Andreas, tailor, 333 Mulberry 3 Hofmann Henry, sr. locksmith, 59 German, dw fVj 28 8 Ell taw ' ___^ Hofmann Henry jr. locksmith, 28 s Eden ^ Hofmann Henry, cabinetmkr, 63 n Eden ci Hofmann Jacob, musician, 370 e Eager r^ Hofmann Oscar, clerk, 85 Hanovt;r ^ Hofmann Philip, locksmith, 28 s Eutaw ^ Hofmann Wm. lab. 140 Low .~ Hofmeister .Mrs. Amelia, 146 n Caroline .^ Hofmeister Barfjara, confect'y, 232 Eastern av Hofmeister Chas. shoemkr, 216 s Bond Hofmeister Conrad, shoemkr, 21 s Bond Hofmeister Geo. cooper, 233 Eastern av Hofmeister Jacob, machinist, 42 e Pratt Hofmeister John, lab. 82 Goiigh Hofmeister P. H. baker, 155 s Eden Hoffmeister Wm. cigarmkr, 216 s Bond Hofn:igle Geo. H. tinner, 81 s Gilmor Hofnagle Samuel, lab. Clinton and Third av Hofnagel Sebastian, shoemkr, 96 .MuUikin Hofras John, bootfitter, 203 Light Hofschneider Wm. shoemkr, 4 Second Hofsteiter Joseph, machinist, 125 Raborg Hofstetter Wm. H. Iiuckster, 195 n Eden HOGAN CORNELIUS R. propr. Maltby house pq O c o o o p^ fa Hogan Cornelius, lab. 330 n Front Hogan Dominick, grocery, 114 Dugan's whf Hogan Edward, lab. 9 Hillen Hogan Fred, blacksmith, 91 s Gilmor Hogan Francis, lab. 174 West Hogan Mrs. Hannah, confecty. 330 w Pratt Hogan James, lab. 141 West Hogan John F. sugar refiner, 330 w Pratt Hogan John, stonemason, 300 Greenmount av Ho^an John L. shoemkr, 77 Stock-ton Hogan John, lab. 91 s Gilmor Hogan John, blksmith and horse shoer 215 n Exeter, dw 53 Hillen Hogan John W. brakeman, 13 Parrish Hogan John F. driver, 160 n Central av Hogan John, lab. 213 Hollins Hogau John, lab. North and Saratoga _ Hogan Joseph B. clerk. cor Fremont and German ^ Hogan Linus, stonemason, 300 Greenmount av hh Hogan Matthew, lab. 16 Vincent al E~l Hogan Matthew, horse^hoer, 7 Hawk, dw 27 Hogan Patrick, lab. 82 Boyd Hogan Patrick, blacksmith, 14 s Bethel (2\ Hogan Patrick J. clerk, 419 n Central av ^ Hogan Thos. F. police, 124 s Washington ^ Hogaiih James, engineer, 44 s Strieker Hoge Wilson, clerk, 37 Mulberry ^ Hogendorp Chas. 15 Columbia i^ Hojiendorp Elias. clerk, 15 Columbia Q Hogg Alex. (Rogers & H.) 40 Lexington ^ Hogg Edwin A. bookkpr, 39 Bruue ton nv Chase S Uogg John S. carp. (Jlay ur Paik, dw 314 Lex- 02 ington . Hogg J. & Bro. (James and John K. Ilo^'g, ) *^ grocers and manut'rs. diamond \ eas! powder, H Hohman John A. (Wm. H.H.&Bro.) 93 Pear! ^ Hohman Sebastian, tailor, 70 n Chapel • ^ O Hohman Peter, lab. 3 Smith al §^3 Hohmau Wm. H. & Bro. (Wm. H., John A. Ci p Hohman) tinners, 302 n Howard ;^"h T. ice, lri9 Gieenmount av Holbrook Joseph (Buckley & H.) Greenmount av II r I'lauer Holbrook Mrs. Louisa, 135 Gough Holbrook Pat'k M.sr.(H.& Sons) 283 n Caroline Holbrook Patrick M. jr. carj). 283 n Caroline Holbrook ij- Sons, (Patrick M. sr , Alphonsus, AlbysiHs and John F. Holbrook) pavers, 283 n Caroline Holcombe Frank, lab. 4 w Lombard Holdefer Henry, huckster, 108 s Exeter Holdefer Henry, cooper, 56 s ('hester Hoidef'er John sr. dr\ goods, 231 Eastern at Holdefer Wm. huckster, 28 Biink Hoklen Caleb T. tailor, 24 n Bond Holden Daniel, lab. 44 Hillnian Holden Daniel L. clerk, 8 n Washington Holdin Enoch P. jr. clerk, 18 n Liberty Holden Enoch P. clerk, 18 n Liberty Holden Gerritt W. clerk, 4 n Washington Holden George, lab. 128 Montgomery Holilen George W. 128 Montgomery Holden .Mrs. Henrietta, 4 n Washiiigton Holden Henry, carp. 134 s Spring Holden iraS. 51 McCulloli Holden John W. expressman, 500 Franklin Holden John T. (11.^ Myers) 24 n Bond Holden Mrs. Mary, 4 n W^ashington Holden Richard, stone polisher, 62 Buren Holden R. S. musician, 412 Cross Holden & Myers, (J. T. Holden, F. L. Myers) carpenters, 26 s Exeter Holden Wm. lab. 20 Wilcox Holdgrefe Wm lab., Russell and West Holdgrcfe Wm. lab. 37 Lemmon Holdorf Casjier, mariner, 104 s Wolfe Holdorf Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 104 s Wolfe Holecek Joseph, lab. 13 Abbott Holehan John, carp. 150 n Front HoU John, driver, 60 n Chapel Holl Peter P. tailor, 60 n Chapel Hollahan James, porter, 255 Forrest Hollahan Peter, lab. 17 Liberty al Holland Albert, music teacher, Peabody Insti- tute, dw 524 w Fayette Holland Mrs. Amanda, boarding, 130 w Fayette Holland Charles G., Baker nr Penna av Holland Charles R. clerk, 74 n Charles Holland C. Rossell, salesman, 130 w Fayette Holland Edward S. 205 Harford av Holland Franklin G. police, 248 Chew Holland George, lab., Whatcoat nr Prestman Holland Geo. W. teller Nat. Exchange Bank, dw 265 Harford av Holland Geo. P. bricklayer, 212 e Madison Holland Henry, clerk, 61 Lee Holland Henry, wheelwright, 340 s Bond Holland Henry, (H. & Rau) 340 s Bond Holland Isaac, blacksmith, 141 Gough Holland Jackson, carj)., German nr Light, dw 349 Druid Hill av Holland James, barkpr, Maltby house Holland .lames, machinist, 141 Gough Hollanii Jeremiah, lab. 31 s Stockton al Holland John C. pres't Catonsville R. R. Co. dw 61 s Strieker Holland John G. 188 Aisquith HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World. O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. HOL 277 HOL lolliind John G. jr. bricklayer, 188 Aisquith ilolland Johnson, porter, 2t<0 e Madison -lolland Lewis N. driver, 179 n Cenlial nv Holland Michael, tailor, 7 L. McElderry Holland Nathan, cleriv, 277 HoUins -lolland Nelson, insp. C. H. dw 18 n Schroeder flolland Oliver P. conductor, 491 FrankJiu Holland Patrick, orrocerv, 64 s Ch^ipel goiland k Rau, (H. Hollnud, F. Rau) black- smiths, 266 s Caroline Holland Riciiard, horse dealer, 11 Pleasant Sollaiid Richard II. jr machinist, 1 78 w Hiddle Holland Ro'iert 13. mariner, 15 L. Church Elolland Robert F. bookkpr, 412 n Eden [•lolland Samuel, liiukemaa. 36 s Schroeder Holl.md Stokel\-. plasterer, 575 Franklin Holland Street (M. E. South) Church, Holland nr Aisquith Holland Timothy, lab., Calhouu ur Ramsay HOLLAND WM. upholsterer and paper hanger, 72 n Howard Holland \Vm. E. bricklayer, 368 Orleans Holland \Vm. H. 42 A bey al Hol'and Wm. S. driver, Etting nr Townsend Hollander Charles, (C. H. & Sons) cor Pratt and Spring Row Hollander Chas. & Sons, (Charles, Samuel and Edw;iid Hollander) cabinet warerooms and niaitress factory, 22 w Pratt Hollander Edward, (C. H. & Sons) cor Pratt and Spring Row Rollauder Geo. clerk, cor Pratt and Spring Row Hollander Isaac, (Hirshberg Bros. & Hollander, and Hirshberg," Hollander & Co.) 83 e Pratt Hollander Meyer, (H. & Prechtel ) 96 s Hi^h Hollander &'Prechtel, (M. Hollander, G. F. Prechtel) wholesale toys and fmey goods, 272 w Baltimore Holh'.nder Samuel, (C. H. & Sons) cor Pratt and Spring Row Hollar Frank, driver, 43 Perry Holbach C. A. cabinet mkr, 287 s Dallas Holle Albert, law student, 23 Lexington Hoile Julius, tailor, 790 w Baltimore Holle Wm. grocery, 70 McElderry Holler Chas. canmkr, 65 Henrietta Holler Conrad, lab. 65 Henrietta Holler Mrs. Elizabeth, restaurant, 60 Camden Holler Frederick, canrakr, 65 Henrietta Holler John A. musician, 7 Greenmount av Holler Louis, clerk, 60 Camden Hullerback JohnF. druggist, Federal ur Belairav HoUett James, 240 Franklin Hoilfelder John, tailor, 337 e Madison HoUid.iy Daniel, (H., Phillips k Co.) 265 Madison av Hollidav John R. coal, 88 McCulh-h HOLLIDAV, PHILLIPS & CO. (D. Holliday, Wm. B. Phillips, J.R Phillips) wholesaledry goods, 21 Hanorer Holliday -St. Theatre. Holliday n of Fayette Holliday Wm. J. silver chaser, 15 s Howard Hollidav Wm. clerk, l04 s Sharp Holliday Rev. W. H. 99 Mulberry Holliman John H. lab. 44 Rue Hollingshead David A.teacher,202 n Republican HoUingshead, Mrs. Capt. Francis, 62 Lee Hollingshead James, clerk, 136 n Oregon Hollingshead John B. bookkpr, 104 Townsend Hollingshead Robt. K. teacher, 202 n Republican Hollingshead Roger, machinist, 197 Barre Hollingshead Wm.H. boilermkr, 11 e .Monument OQ ct ^ Hollingsworth Mrs. Jessie, 62 McCulloh Hollingsworth Richard J. (R. J. Baker ^ Co.) 62 McCulloh Hollintisworth W. B. bookkpr, 62 McCulloh Hollingsworth Wm.G. farmer.! 13 n Republican ~ Hollins Bridget, grocery, 40 Whatcoat ci Hollins Geortre. cierk, 6 .McCulloh ^^ Hollins Geo. N. court crier, 134 Cathedral C Hollins John T. printer. 40 Whatcoat 9 Hobins Mrs. Lydia. 6 McCulloh .- HOLLINS ROBKRT S. secretary Northern Cen- ^ tral Railway, 168 n Calvert, dw 121 Park av ^^ Hollins St. (M.E.) Chapel, 176 Hollins ^ Hollins Wm. sr. lab. 118 Hamburg ^ Hollins Wm. jr. stevedore, llSHa.nburg S Hollinsh ade Robt. enuineer,Falls rd nrNorth av O HoUnian Henry, groc'y ami liquors, 178Hanover - Hollinan Theodore, wheelwri^iht, 214 Stirling Q Hollraaim Ernest, locksmith, 522 w Lombard q Hollman Henry, machinist. 52'.i w Lombard Holloran James, lab. ■■^4 n .\mity =^ Holloran .John, lali. 5 Rock Holloway Alex, clerk, 118 n High Holloway Chas. clerk, 177 Mosher Holloway Chas. T. fire inspector, 6 South, dw 14 n Front HOLLOWAY & WERDEBAUGH, (G. N. Hoi loway, C. Werdebaugii) wholesale tobacco ^^ merchts, cor Holliday and Exchange pi -^ Holloway Edwin E clerk, Buck's hotel ^ Holloway George E. huckster, 5 n Eden ^ HoUowoVGeo.N. (H.&Werdebaugh) 177Mosher^ Holloway Harry i>. clerk, 177 -Mosher "^ Holloway James H. clerk, 437 e Eager _p HoUoway John Q. A. (J. J. Turner & Co.) cor ^ Maryland av and Townsend r^ Hollv Jfimes. lab. 97 s Gilmor ^ Hollstein John C. bookkpr, 102 Lee "^ Hollydav .Alfred, clerk, 32 n Gilmor P^ Hollyday Floyd S. cigars, 868 w Baltimore, dw ^ Holmes Saml. silverplater. Friendship, York rd £5 J^ f^ Holmes Thos. silversmith, p'riendship, York rd .^ .. . Holmes Thos. lab. 40 Hillman — ■;£ £ Holmes &Tinsley,(JohiiM.Holmes,TL.Tinsley) .;; c5 S com. nierchts. 85 Kxchan^'c pi tf 'o J^ Hi'lmes Wm , Peabody heights nr Waverley ^ Z~ P HOL.MES WM. brittania and silveri)hited ware C K J factory, 50 and 52 n Holliday, salesrooms 3 = S D Charles, d\v Friendship, York road. — \_See Advertisement. Q ^ Holmes Wm. jr. clerk, 60 (^larke O ,,~. ■kS ^r 'r) V > K^ er s- Tl ci r. o F--5 U5 i Holt Robert, stonemason, 262 n Dallas 'g X T: Holt Sophie, 55 Paiu.xent d r^ ^ Holt Wmi. engineer, 55 Patu.xent ^ S >, IJoltcn Geors^e, lab. 345 n Durham g "^ - Holter Andrew, bit). 945 w Pratt C K^ -5 Holtgricve B. H. grocery, 47 Eastern av g s Holtgrieve Louis, lab, 121 Vine i, _2 ■" Holthaus Andrew, junk shop, 126 n Central av ^ -^ 5 Hollh;ius Francis T. { F.T.H..1cSoii) Balto. co 5 t^ ^ Holthaus Frank H cigarmkr, 323 ii Central av O c 'T'l Holthaus Frcil. carter, Hull nr Fort av C"^ ^ '^ HOLTHAUS F. T. & SON, (F. T. and H. C. ^ — '^ bO Holtliaus)i.'lass, oils and f)aints,27 Balderston ^ c .2 Holthaus Henry C. (F.T,H.&Sou) Balto co '"" ' Holihaiis John H. paints, oil.s, glass, &c. cor __ Broadway and Thames, dw 80 s Caroline , Z) Holthaus John, clerk, 107 Th.iines ± Holthaus Philip, tailor, 74 n Wolfe 5 Holthinau Henry, merclmut tailor, 246 e Eager .^ Holton Daniel, lab. 36 Sleniiner a! '„ Holton David, clerk, 67 .McElderry Holton David P. machinist, 67 McElderry Holton Francis H. carp. 41 s Washington 8-= "-^ y. y •- H')lton Greo. cooper, 453 e Eager i Holton Geo. T. clerk, 7 s Oreeron Holton Henry M. clerk, 242 Conway Holton .Mrs, John, 242 Conway Holton John, grocr-ry. 214 e Lombard Hiilton Peter, wheelwright, 17 Binney Holtstein Wm. lab. 33 Port Holtz Albert, printer, 248 Myrtle av Holtz Chas. J. clerk, 248 .Myrtle av Hi>Uz David, draughtsman, 39 McHenry Holtz D. A. paperhangings, 100 n Entaw, dw 106 Mulberry Holtz Edward, blacksmith, 6 Wliatooat Holtz Emmanuel, patierhanger, 15 Brune Holtz ]\Irs. Eliza, matron home of the friendless, Druid Hill av and Townsend Holtz Fred, cooper, 442 Light Holtz Geo. G. jr. letter carrier, 53 Ensor Holtz Geo, G. sr. 19 Brune Holtz Henry C. plumber, 87 Pearl Holtz John, engineer, 264 Lee Holtz Mrs. Mary A. conf'y, 442 Light Holtz Mrs, Olivia, 69 Stockton Holtz Robt. T. paperlianger, 19 Brune Holtz Mrs. Susan, 32 Jackson Holtz Samuel, machinist, 264 Lee Holtz Wm. jiaperhanger, 248 Myrtle av Holtzman A. T. confectionery, n e cor Mulberry and Eutaw, dw 296 n Howard Holtzman O. & Elizabeth, trim'gs, 266 Penna av Holtzman C. ^C & E. H.) 266 Penna av Holtzman C. C. adv'g agent, 188 n Carey Holtzman Elizab. (C. & E. H.) 266 Penna av Holtzman E. Kent, cash'r First Nat. Bank, 190 Mosher Holtzman Frank, lab. Hare nr Elliott Holtzman Fred, sawyer, s w cor Canal and Jackson HOLTZMAN GEORGE, sewing machines, 285 w Pratt Holtzman Israel, driver, 34 Whatcoat Holtzman Jacob, ( Wm. H& Son) 296 n Howard Holtzman John, lab. 104 Patu.xent Holtzman Samuel R. carp. 264 Penna av Holtzman Thomas R. clerk, 243 Penna av Holtzman Wm. & Son, (Wm. Holtzman, J. Holtzman.) wholes, lijjuors, 296 n Howard Ilolizmau Wm.(Win. H. .j- Son) 296 n Howard Holtzman W'ra, F. adv'g agent, 188 n Carey Hotlzwart Edward, h^its and caps, 324 n Gav Holy Cross (R. C.) Church, West bet. William and Light Holy Cross Cemetery, J. Ryan, siip't, Harford rd nr City Limits Holv Innocents ( P.K) Ch.ircb. corChase& Eden Holy Innocents (P. E.)Chapel, Caroline nr John Holyland Mrs. C. J, 30 Jackson sq av HOLYLAND JOHN, photographer, 231 w Bal- timore, dw 20 s Fulton llolz Peter, lab. 2i) Sliakspear llolzemer Chas, lab. 347 Orleans Holzemer Theodore beer, 151 n Bond llolzer Adolph, dyer, 20 Druid Hill av llolzer Fred, dyer, 132 s Bond llolzer .lohanna, confectioner, 177 S Sharp Holzer Maggie, confectionery, 132 s Bond Holzlieid John, tailor, 5 n Washington llolzmin .Michael, wholesale notions, 235 w Baltimore, dw 376 w Lombard Holzmann John C. beer, O'Donnell nr Curley llolzner John, millwright, 265 Canton av Holzner Charles, sawyer, 265 Canton av HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. HOL 2*79 HOO Holzoeder Frederick, sboemkr, 349 s Bond Holzshuher Philip, sboemkr, 66 Hilleii floiuim Adam, lab. 12 n Castle Homan Ji.hn, scowmun, 180 Madeirsi al HoiiKiii John A. grocerj', 385 Saratofja Hombert; Anton, cooper, 254 Aliceanua Homberg Auiiust, cigaruikr, 90 Albemarle Romberg David, driver, 254 Aliceanna Hoiiiberg Hebna, grocery. 254 Aliceanna Hiimbeig Henry, milk, 254 Aliceanna Homberg Henry, driver, 254 Alicemna Humberg John, stone polisher, 32 Liberty al Homberg Martin. 458 Canton av . Homburg C. tobacconist, 596 Peuna av Home Alvaro, architect, 88 Franklin Home of the Aged, (M. E.) s w cor Franklin and Fulton Home of the Aged, (R. C.) Little Sisters of the Poor, coi Juhn and Valley Home of the Friendless, cor Druid Hill av and Townseiid HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF BALTI- MORE, 10 South Home In.surance Co. of Columbus, Ohio, 73 and 75 Second, Gegan Bros. & Alltnand, agents HOME INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, Geo. B. Coale & Morris, agents, 58 Exchange pi — [_See Adverlisenient front cover. ilome John W.,York rd nr Brown-st Home Mission, Chapel and School, Eastern av nr Eden Home The, 1 n Exeter Homer Christopher, butcher, 360 e Pratt Homer Christopher, 108 s Ann Homer Charles, (Foss & Homer) 360 e Pratt Homer Peter, beer, Monument and Madison al Homrigbaustn John, liquors, 138 Columbia Homiller Wm. 145 n Calvert Honneman Ilarman R. grocery, cor Gay and Madison Honeywell Albert, collector, 106 n Pine Honeywell Francis L. clerk, 32 n Strieker Honeywell John B. cashier of the Carrollton, 32 n Striclier Honeywell Mis. Malbina A. 100 n Pine Honeywell Wm. B. bookkpr, 32 n Strieker Honig Dietrich, morocco dresser, 70 n Bond Honig John, lab, 102 St. Peter Honis Aquilla J. clerk. 58 Chew Honslow Juhn, sboemkr, 202 n Eden Hoock Michael, driver, 77 Elliott Hoock Wm. liquors, 231 Canton av Hood Francis, livery stable, 71 n Poppleton Hood Frank, lab. 329 s Charles Hood John, overseer, Clipper Mills Hood Dr. John, 234 Hollins Hood John, stable boss, 770 w Baltimore Hood John, lab. 114 u Spring Hood John M. pres't and general manager W. M. R. R ,Eutaw house Hood Joshua, liverj' stable, 71 n Poppleton Hood Joshua, jr, collector, 125 Hollins Hood Robert M. brakeman, 596 w Pratt Hood Thos. dairy, 371 Franklin Hood Tiionias J. salesman, 663 w Lombard Hood Wm. P. lab. 88 Ramsay Eooff John J. bookkpr. 90 Harlem av Hoofnagle Mrs. Comfort, 151 Harford av Hoofiiagle James A. clerk, 3 Postoffice av Hoofnagle John G. moulder, 454 Lombard Hoofnagle John S. engineer, 23 Henrietta Hoofnagle Richard H. cterk, 151 Harford av Hoofnagle Robert 0. moulder, 454 w Lombard Hoofnagle Wm. D machinist, 505 Lexington Hoogewerff Fanny, 236 w Biddle Hoogewertr Saral". E. ( B.ure& H.) 236 w Biddle x Hook Adam, tailor, 57 Park av ±i Hook B. F. & Co. (B. F. Hoolc, M. R. Wise, 0. Ruckle,) tobacco and gen. com. merchts, 6 ^ Camden ^ Hook B. F. (B. F. H. k Co.) Carrollton hotel 3 Hook Mrs Cecilia, confec'y, 124 Saiatoga pc^ Hook Charles H. clerk, 127 e Monument r-— • Hook Charles, clerk, Harfoid av nr Townsend a Hook Charles, butcher, Harford av nr Lanvale '^ Hook Charles, carp. 150 Pearl

^ c <3 < o a a o GQ o *. r^; :^, o CXJ — — 1 o ■~3 ^ W c < -^ ::oS tiJ wi ca -00 ^<; Hooper Jas. A. (H., Reese & Co.) Baltimore co Hooiier James A. jr. wood and coal, 19j South, d\v Govanslowu Hooper James B. clerk, 61 Barre Hooper J. & Co. (James Hooper) shipping and com. merchts, over n e ^-or Gay and Lombard Hooper James, clerk, 24 Patterson av Hooper Jus. (J. Hooper & Co.) Baltimore co Hooper James A. clerk. 21 n Greene Hooper James E.(\\'m.E.H.& Sons) Woodlierry Hooper James H. inspector C. 11. 106 n Bond Hooper James R. canvasser, 429 e Eager Hooper Jeremiah P. solicitor, 57 Lee Hooper John, lab. 9o Parkin Hoo|)er John, carp. 194 s Fremont Hooper John E. clerk, 24 Aisquith Hoojier John, ennineer, 2 s Central av Hooper John J. lab. 95 Parkin Hoo])er John R. bookkpr, 143 n Republican Hooper Jwhn T. bookkpr, 256 w Fayette Hooper John \V. teacher, 89 I'reston Hooper Capt. John W. grocery, 167 Hanover, dw 220 Barre Hooper Joseph M. sr. carp. Clifton Hooper Joseph J. carp. 8 Henrietta Hooper Joseph M. jr. blacksn;ith, Clifton Hooper -Mrs. Levin A. F. 75 w Biddle Hooper Mrs. Mary E 61 Barre Hooper Milford, snilmkr, 94 n Eden Hooper Michael H. 256 w Fayette HOUPER, REESK & CO. (James A. Hooper,) bankers, 122 w Baltimore Hooper Robert, sec'y Consolidated Real Estate Co. 14.S n Republican Hooper Robt. H.((J. G. & R. H. H.) 32 Pleasant Hooper Saml. E. bookkpr, 360 Hollins HOOPER S. H. & BRO. (Saml H. and F. L. Hooper) leal estate and convey'rs, 30 St Paul Hooper Saml.H.(S.H.H. 3 02 _2 ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, HOR 282 EOR Horan Michael, shoemkr, 165 e Eager Horan Patrick, grocery, 7 Hamilton Iloian Wra. lab. 8 FouiK^ry Horcher Annie, 242 s Durham Horcher Geor^ie A. shucker, 242 s Durham Horcher Georjre, shucker, 242 s Durham Horejiau Juremiah, la!). 21 e Madison Horgan Dennis, lab. 145 n Front Horjran John, grocery, 108 e Madison Hor p^ provisions, 21 Mulberrv g 'S ^ Horn J. V. jr.(J.V.H.jr."& Bro.)Franklintown C3 ^ -=: Horn Joseph, 96 n Eutaw w 2 Horn Joseph, clerk, Penna av ext 5^ ^ •" Horn Ku.iigunda, gr(jcery, Pratt and Regester C Hoin Lawrence, lab. 43 s Dewberry al >= *j „ Horn Dr. Louis C. druggist, cor Myrtle av and •^"^ Mulberrv ^ >i ^ eJ < ■4-1 a -rJ -k^ M c3 -V o •"3 ^^ "!2 2 ^" .^ o i O 'f- ^ Horn .Martin, lab. rear 59 s Central av V SP vf Horn Martin L. clerk, 577 Penna av " " Horn Patrick, lab. 6')8 w Pratt Horn Patrick, watchman, 4 Slemmcr al Horn Pet.l)urr millstoneinkr, Pratt and Regester 53 Horn Philip C, Oregon tir Franklin > Horn Theodore, upholsterer, 255 E istern av ^ Horn Theodore, worsted goods,mauufr. corsets, &c. 139 Lexington !_' Horn W. F. tin and sheetironwkr,95 8 Caroline ■^ Horn Wm. grocery, 159 Orleans ^^ Horn Wm. boxmkr, 331 McHenry o -x z.'- 'e ^ 'x Hornherger Benj. huckster, Biddle nr Castle Hornby J. C. tinner, Star hotel Horneck John A. shoemkr, 195 Preston Horner Albert N. (John A. Horner k Co.) 26 n Gre-ne Horner Albertus F.(F.F.H.,Son & Co.) Fayette nr Paca Horner C. W.wood and coal, 56 West Falls av, dw 7 Lloyd Horner Chas. J. lab. 26 Fountain Horner Chas. W. clerk, 153 w Biddle Horner Conrad, lab. 283 Canton av Horner E. Ross, 105 Mulberry Horner Eaton G. mail agent, 29 e Biddle HOR.VKR FRANK F., SON & CO {F. F. and A F.Horner, A. A. Brown) manufacturers and jobbers of boots and shoes, 8 n Howard Horner F. F. (Frank F. H., Son & Co.)Balto.co. Horner Franz, lab. 40 Port Horner Geo. morocco dresser, 27 s Wolfe Horner James 0. 379 w Fayette Horner James R. bookkeeper, 377 e Baltimore Horner James W. salesman, 44 n Liberty Horner John, huckster, 500 e Favette HORXER JOHN A. & CO. (John A. , Albert N. and John W.Horner)notionsaud fancy goods, 308 w Baltimore Horner John A. (John A.H.& Co.)463 Eutaw pi Horner John H. insp'r C. H. 101 Granby Horner John W. clerk, 8 n Howard Horner John W.(John A.H.& Co.) 155 n Carey Horner John W. salesman, 44 n Liberty Horner Joseph, oyster packer, 254 Bank Horner Josc(ih D. K. cleric, 75i) Penna av Horner Joseph H. carp. 5 Poultney Horner Josephine, 40 Port HORNER JOSHUA, Bone Dust Manufacturer and Wholes. Dealer in Paper and Woolen Stock, Scrap Iron, Metals, Crude and Ground Bone, cor Chew and Stirling, dw 34 Chew Horner Joshua jr. (Joshua Horner jr k Co.)r28 n Broadway HORNER JOSHUA JR. & CO. (Joshua Horner jr. and John M. Habliston jr.) Manufacturers of Bone Dust and Maryland Super- Phosphate, and Dealers in Chemi- cals and Peruvian Guano, Prin- cipal Warehouse 54 s Gay, Branch 178 Forrest Horner Michael T. 37 Chew Horner Oliver, clerk, 379 w Fayette Horner Robt. coud'r, Gilraor nr Cumberland Horner Stephen, broommkr, 40 Port Horner Wm. property agent, 153 w Biddle Horner Wm. C. carp. 6 Gough Homer Wm F. salesmnn, 463 Eutaw pi Horner Wm. H.(Wra.H.H.^ Co )611 w Fayette Horner Wm. H.&Co.( W.H.Horner,C.StribIing) wholesale notions, 309 w Baltimore Horner Wm. H. plasterer, 87 Richmond Horiiey Benj. F. shoemkr, 194 n Bethel Homey Mrs. Delia, notions, 74 n Washingtoa Homey Mrs. E. L boarding, 36 Saratoga HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. HOR 283 HOU Hornej Edward, shoemkr, 424 n Gay Homey Ed ward, shoemkr. 38 e Fayette Homey Mis. Elizabeth, 147 Hanover Homey Mrs. Emily, pantsmaker, 374 e Fayette Horney Eugene, clerk, 456 e Monument Hurney James, plasterer, 336 Hamburg Horuey John, helper, 9 Madeiia al Horney John T. plasterer, 59 Wyeih Horney Luke, lab 23 Al)bott Horney Robert P. plasterer, 59 Wyeth Horne.v Samuel E. carp. 74 n Washington Horne.v Samuel C. engineer, 46 s Caroline Horney Samuel M. shipcarp. 242 Eastern av Horney Thomas, plasterer. 59 Wyeth Horney Thomas E. shipsmith, 94 Block Horney Wm. H. blacksmith, 59 Wyeth Horney Wm. H. conductor, 173 JefiFerson Hornick Peter, turner, 195 Preston Hornig Goifried, clothing cutter, 339 s Charles Horning Adam. lab. 250 Aliceanna Horning Ferd. jr. cooper, 138 West Horning Fred, butcher. 34 Filing Horning Paul, tailor, 111 York Horntbal J. P. (Hamburger, H. & Co.) St. Clair hotel Horuung Cas[ier. lab. 29 Elizabeth la Hornung Mrs. Cathr. midwife. 29 Elizabeth la Hornung Fred, shoemkr. 11 Point bi Horpel Chas. cigarmkr, 198 w Fayette Horpei John N. shoemkr, 198 w Fayette Horr Chas. musician, 343 Penna av ■ Horr Geo. shoemkr, 65 s Monroe Horr John, wheelwright, 290 Cross Horr John J. wheelwright, 290 Cross Horr Otto, coachmkr, 290 Cross Horr Wm. tavern, 217 Canton av Horran W. J. shoemkr, 6 .McElderry Horrigan David, driver, 96 Albemarle Horrigan John, harnessmkr, 123 Scott Hoirinan Julia, coufeciiy, 170 Columbia Horrigan Michael, carter, 168 s Central av Horrigan Patk. switchtender. Hunter al nr John Horrigan Wm. police, 51 Eiting Horroll Chas. fireman, 85 e Lombard HORSEY BRO. & BATTEN, (Geo. W. and Jno. 0. Horsey, Samuel Batten) boots, shoes and hats, 238 w Baltimore Horsey Geo.W.(H., Bro. & Batten)363 Charles- st av Horsey John 0. (H.,Bro.& Batteii)86 Saratoga Horst Casper, lab. 145 Johnson Horst Clias. boxmkr, 15 James la Horst Chris, tobacconist, 89 Gough Horst Christian, lal). 30 s Bui ke Horst Conrad, shipcarp. 398 Eastern av Horst Conrad, scissors grinder, 139 S Spring Horst Conrad, baker. 191 s Caroline Horst Edward, 1 ib. 12 s Central av Horsi Geo. collector, 102 Gough Horst Geo. huckster, 127 s Fxeter Horst James, painter. 12 s Central av Horst John, lab. 327 n Central av Horst John, flour, vinegar. 111 Eastern av Horst John. lab. 189 s Central av Horst John M. baker, 350 Eastern av Horstman Chas. lab. Clipper Mills Horstman Henry R. 62 Vine Horstman James D. shipjoiner, 159 Bank Horstman, John E. carp. Clicper Mills Horstman John, marblecutter, 108 Kastern av Horstman Thomas, huckster, 34 L. Churoh Horstman Wm. H. jr. carp. 555 e Fayette o O Horstraann Henry, cigarmkr, 49 Albemarle Horstmann Henry, cigarmkr, 32 Orleans Horstnieier August, driver, 445 w Baltimore Horstmeier (^oniad. sawyer, 50 Stiles od Horstmeir Ernest W. foreman, 27 Fawn qq Horton Columbns, lab. Federal nr Oak ^ Horton, Geo. W. fire dept. Aisquith opp Low ^ Horton Geo. W. wireworker, 111 Aisquith .ij Horton Henry P. jr. letter carrier, 80 e Fayette ^ Horton Henry P. hosemaker, 41 n Frederick, PH dw 80 e Fayette .-^ Horton John, lab. 447 Canton mv S Hoitoii Kate, saleswoman, 374 Franklin '^ HORWITZ BKNJ. F. attorney, 37 Lexington, g dw 18 Cathedral ' o HORWITZ ORVILLE, attorney, 23 n Calvert, d dw 140 n Charles -^ HORWITZ THEOPHILUS B. attorney,25 Lex--^ intrton opp courthouse, dw 45 Cathedral rQ Horz Henry C. baker, 452 Cross Hosbach C'aroline, trimmings, 299 Hanover Hosbach Chris, joiner, 299 H>iuover Hosbach Fred, finisher, 299 Hanover Hosbaugh Wm. carp. 292 Orleans 7 Hose John, porter, Appr. office, 223 Hollins Q) Hosefrouse Alfred, bricklayer,513 wLombard O Hosefrouse Geo. grocery, 1 Washington Hosefrouse Lewis, bricklayer, 212 Peirce "^ Hosball Jesse W. currier, oO.'i Penna av Hoske Joseph, shoemkr. 44 Thames H Hosking David R. insp. C.H. 6 s Carey O Hosking Geo. timekeeper, 6 s Caiey O Hosking Geo. jr. clerk, 6 s Carey ^ Hoskins Edward, carp. 116 Orleans '"^ Hoskins Klizabeth N. teacher, 115 s High ^ • Hoskins Ellen S. 115 s High ^^ Hoskins Geo. lib. 253 West Hoskins Geo. lab. 119 Peach al ^ Hoskins Hiram C. salesman, 222 n Eden ^^ Hoskins Jas. 0. clerk, 139 n Exeter ^ Hoskins J. Sloan, clerk, 115 s High Hoskins John, candymkr, 116 Orleans CQ Hoskins Mrs. .Martha, grocery, 116 Orleans Pn Hoskins Oscar, canmkr, 115 s Hi^h l^ Hoskins P. H. shoemkr, 15 Gough ^-^ Hoskins Wm.(Tiln)au & H.j56 Jackson sq av h, superior House Charles F. bricklayer, John nr Eden House Charles H. bookkpr,. 69 (Jeorge House Edwin, painter, 37 Stirling llduse Geo. W. bricklayer, John iir Eden House Jesse J. bricklayer, John nr Eden Hous'.- John Q. A. carp. 36 s E.xeter House Lewis, lirakemau, 49 8 Strieker House .Mrs. Louisa, 27 Camden House of Refuge, Frederick av nr Gwynu falls House Robi.G.S. clerk. Monument and Ensor House Wm A. coal.s w corLombard and South, dw 74 n Carev House Samuel A. 65 Edmondson av Houseman Chules W. lab. 96 Parkin Houseman George, hih. 55 Cambridge Houseman Joseph, carter, 4 22 Light Houseman Wm. K. cattle, Calverton hotel, dw Mount nr Baltimore Houseruan Wm. H. lab. 46 Cross Houser Alfred, brakeman, 22 s Norris al Houser Israel, engineer, 60 s Strieker Houser James, truukmkr. 60 s Strieker Houston Ale.K B. huckster, John nr Eden Houston .Mrs. Ellen, ice, 30 n Ann Houston James F. carp. 13 Clarke Houston James H.clk.s w cor Fulton and Fayeite Houston J. A.. S. S. Union agt, 14 u Eutaw Houston John, lab. 14 Pirrish Houston John, lab. 70 Boyd Houston Mrs Susanna, grocerv, John nr Eden Houston Wm.G.(Tayior,(] .feCo.)24l Mulberry Hout John, shoemkr, 25 Wolf-, n of .Monument Houlton J. M. bookkpr, 17 n Charles Hovene .\nton. shucker, Dallas nr Aliceanna Hovene Wm. lab. 70 Lancaster Howard -Allen, truckman, Waverley, York rd Howard .Alouzo, printer, 34 e Baltimore Howard Mrs. Annie E. 274 Aisq.ith HOWARD BANK, n w cor Howard and Fay- ette.— [See Ajipendix. Howard Mrs. Belle, 113 Jefferson Howard Benedict, lab. 146 Eusor Howard Benj. boilermkr, 48 Orleans Howard Benj. carp .McMechin and Foster al,dw cor John and McMechin Howard .Mrs. B. C. 220 n Charles Howard Chapel(Prot. Epis.)Park av nr Dolphin Howard t^harles, carp. John and McMechin Howard Charles, confectioner, 143 Orleans Howard Charles, carp. 36 Lemmon Howard Charles, coal oil, 217 n Dallas Howard Charles, actor, 29 Greenmount av Howard Charles G. painter, 1 n Castle Howard Cornelius, shipjoiner, 252 s Durham Howard D. Ridgelv, bookkpr, 235 St. Paul Howard Mrs. E. P. 53 Cthedral Howard Dr. E. Lloyd, prof. College Physicians and .Surgeons, 53 ('athedral Howard Edwin H. bookkpr, 191 Arlington av Howard Enoch R. lab. 146 Ensor Howard Capt. Frank, mariner, 191 s Ann Howard Col. Franklin, U. S. A. 139 Bolton Howard Mrs. Frank Key, 101 n Charles Howard Fredk. lab. Frederick rd nr tollgate HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. n w cor South and Water, Andrew Reese, prest. Howard Mrs. Geo. 205 Lanvale Howard Geo.asst.clk.Crim. Court, 239 n Charles Howard .Mrs. Gerald, teacher, 89 n Howard Howard Geo. H mariner. 151 Gough Howard G. H. (G. H. & W. T. Howard )Wash- iiigtoii, D. ('. HOWARD G. H.& W. T. mechanical engineers and solicitorsof patents, 707 G street, Wash- ington, D. C. and 18 Second Howard Geo. L. driver, 5 .Miller Howard George T. clerk, 22.^ e Baltimore Howard Geo. W. insurance, 10 South, dw 312 Madison av Howard Harry C. clerk, 4 s Holliday, dw 235 St. Paul Howard Henry, puddler, 36 s Burke HOWARD HUUSE,5 n Howard, Judd & Allen, proprietors HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt . HOW 285 HUB Howard Henry C. bookkpr, 205 Lunvale Howard Isaiah S. clerk, 62 n Broadway Howard Gen. J.imes, 53 Cathedial Howard James, cleik, 46 McHenry Howard Dr. .James McH.ofHce Hiiiitinixdon av e of St. Paul, dw 235 St. Paul Howard Mrs.Jennie,.Stockholm nr Washin":n.av Howard Ji)hn, 164 Hughes Howard John, stone jiolisher, 156 n Hicrh Howard John B. (J. B. H. & Co.) 17 Mulberry Howard John B ^- Co. (John B. How^ird) feed and jrrain, German and Pine Howard Ji.hn E. 53 Cathedral Howard John J. carp. 14 n Amity Howard John J. carp. 48.S Saratoga Howard John T. brakemiri, 6^2 w Pratt Howard Joseph, mariner, 136 Hughes Howard Joseph C.tin and .shesiiron worker, 104 Franklin, dw Waveriey Howard .Mahlon H 390 n Eden Howard Mrs. .Matiie, 30 Edward Howard .McHenry, attorney, 41 Lexington, dw 53 Cathedral Howard Mrs. Minerva, 289 Hollins Howard Racliel, fancy goods, 41 e Baltimore Howard Mrs. Rebecca, 359 n Central av Howard Budolph, lah. 46 Albemarle Howard Robert, shoemkr, Stockholm nr Wash- ington KV Howard Robert, shoemkr, 64 Ridgely Howard Samuel A. tinner, 62 n Broadway Howard Tannery, North nr Madison, George Appold & Sons, projirietors Howard Thos. press feeder, Fayette and Exeter Howard Wra. 361 Franklin Howard Wm. watchnian, Western Nat. Bank, dw Pratt nr Fremont Howard Dr. Win. 228 Saratoga Howard Wm. carp, cor (Calhoun and Presstman Howard Wm. mariner, 152 Hughes Howard Mrs.Wm.groc'yCclhoun and Presstman Howard Wm. B. carp. 274 Aisquith Howard Wm. B. carp. 115 Aisquith Howard Wm. G. clerk, 220 n Charges Howard Wm. H. brakeraan, 46 McHenry Howard Wm. H. clerk, 205 Lanvale Howard Wm.R. flour andcom.meicht. 2 Spear's whf, dw 235 St. Paul Howard Dr. Wm. T. prof. University Md., 181 Madison av Howard Wm. T. (G.H.& W.T.H.) 191 Arling- ton av Howard W. W.dep.wardn. city jail, 242 n Charles Howard Willard, woolen goods, 49 Lexington, dw 124 Walsh Howe & Ba3h,{.M. H. Howe, A. M. Bash) real estate, 49 Lexington Howe Daniel, painter, 105 Parkin Howe Mrs. Eleanor. i, boarding, 98 Hanover Howe Ernest, beer, cor Pratt and Gough, dw 19 Gouyh Howe E. jr. sewing machine, J. F. McKenney, agent, 136 w Fayette Howe John, police, 149 Preston Howe M. H. (H. & Bash) 140 Mosber HOWE MACHINE CO., J. B. Pbipps, manager, 38 n Charles Howe Samuel J. W. tinner, 35 n Poppleton Hfiwe Wm. T. lab. 98 Hanover HOWELL BROS. (D. C. Howell, J. Robb) im- porters and manufs paper hangings, 260 w Baltimore. [^See fore-edge of Directory. H-iwei! Darius C. (H.& Bros ) 107 Park sv and ^ Frederick av, Baltimore co ^^ How' !i Chas. A. condiictor, 666 w Prait ^ liOWKLL D. .M. rnannfr. paper hanginjrs and S "Aindow shades,51 n Eutaw,dw 102 u Repub- ^ lican W Howell (Jeorge C. clerk, .Mount nr Patterson av -.-j Howell Geo.H. plasterer. Mount nr Patterson av S Howell John H. clerk, 102 n Bond ^ Howell LloNd, cigarmkr,218 Peirce p Howell Morris G. attorney, Spurrier ct,dw Bal- o tiinore co P Howell Wm. P. 196 n Carey -^ HOWELL WM. & SON, (0. H. and W. S.Wil--^^ liams) shipping and com. merchts. 60 s Giy pq Howlern Anthon\ .wharf builder, 293 Eastern av Howie Annie, dressnikr, 195 w Biddle Howley Ellen, dressmkr, 195 w Biddle j Howry John, carp. 78 Hattery nr I HOWSER GASSAW AY S. hats, caps, &c. 337 j w Baltimore, dw 591 Lexington ' Howser Geo. carter. 647 Light I Howser Jacob R. japanner and ornamental painter, 37 Light, nw 56 n Liberty Howser .John J. printer, 56 n Liberty Howser Lewis A. bacon dealer, 340 Saratoga Hoxter Thos. G. cmmkr, 33^ n Ann Hoy James, ironworker, 233 Gough Hoy John, blacksmith, 39 s Gilmor Hoy John, lab. 214 Canton av Hoyle Geo. A. brassfinisher, 114 s Central Hoyt Albert, canmkr, 300 Eastern av Hoyl F. W. clerk, 119 Lexington Hoyt Henry, police, 94 s Wolfe Hoyt Star, lab. 178 Cmton av Hoyt Wm. H. (Wm. H.H.& Co.) 60 McCulloh Hoyt Wm H. 106 Barre HOYT WM. H. & CO. (Wm. H. Hoyt, Jas. W Walker, ) merchant tailors, 44 n Charles Hronek Joseph, shoemkr, 12 Barnes Q Huback Jacob, lab. 136 s Wolfe ^ Hui-bach Lessv, lab. 209 s Washington ^ HCBBALL & DUNNIiTT, (E. Hubball, W. ^ Dunnett) plumbing and steam and hot water ;;jj heating, and gas machines, 6 and 8 n Liberty p_| Hubball Ebenezer,(H.& Dunnett)228 Linden av I Hubbard Alex. J. jeweler, 2 s Charles, dw 477 fV^ I w Fa,\elte O j Hubbard Alonzo F. mariner, 98 Gough ^ I Huljbard Alva,(Wm.E. Wood & Co.) 400 Lex- ^ I ington qj I Hubbard Andrew J. block and pumpmaker, 5 jf^ I Fell and 271 s Ann, dw 75 s Ann ^ ' Hubbard Dan'l J. jr. butcher, 3 Belair market, ^ dw 137 Greentnount av Hubbard David H. tobacconist, 9 Forrest pi Hubbard Mrs. Elizabeth, 85 Chew Hubbard Mrs. Elizabeth, 137 Greenmount av Hubbard Eugene, jeweler, 477 w Fayette Hubbard Geo. lab. 20 Patterson Park av Hubbard Geo. printer, 160 William Hubbard Geo. carp. 747 w Lombard Hubbard Geo. W. shipcarp. 12 Fountain ^j Hubbard Geo. W. (G. W. H. & Co.) 98 s High ^ Hubbard Geo. W. & Co. (G. W.H.and Wash- ^ ington Tall) sailmkrs, 71 Smith's whf ^ Hubbard Capt. Henry, painter, 128 William [^ Hubbard Henry, mariner, 134 West ^ Hubbard Henry A. police, 137 Greenmount av Hubbard Henry C. canmkr, 134 s Wolfe ft Hubbard Capt. James, mariner, 231 e Madison i-^ Hubbard James, clerk, 145 Hudson O — o o o o o o o I O Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) i fl 5.2 o.?f s a c . 02 Q > - Di 'Tr,m 05 QC |< o O) tr,^ ;zi 2-1 c s • ", . aj ^ C tX} ..^ eS c: n- .i: -k^ 0^ o ^^ X K ^ >^ - c2 1=^ •5 rt ■z. ^■^ != r^. 0 Mntual Life Insurance Co. of New York, HUB 286 HUF S = Hubbard Jiimes. shoeinkr, 202 n Edeu Hubbaid Jiuues, brickmUr, 37 Bevati Hubbard James J. huckman, 29 Constitution Hubbard James N. painter, 297 e .Madison Hubbard James W. bammernuui, i:-! s Chester Hubbard Joliu, liiicklayer, 220 e Moi;uuient Hubbaid John, boileriukr, 42 (J'Dounell Hubbard Johu S. clerk, 56 Jobiisou Hulibard Jolin T. W. paintt-r, 48 Johnson Hubbard Jonathan T. plasterer, 191 Bank Hulibard Mary F. dressmkr, 244 u Howard Hubbard Michael, blacksmith, 145 Hudson Hulibard Sanaiel, carver, 461 vv Lombard Hubbard Simon P. {jioc'y, Hudson and Patuxent Hubbard S. J. brickiiikr, 1,S3 s Fremont Hubbard Thos. shipsmilh, 113 n liroadway Hubbard Thos. S. shipsniith, 75 s Ann Hubbard Thos. S. tailor, 426 w Baltimore, dw same Hubbard Wm. H. iusp.C. H.dw 116 s Caroline Huljbard Capt. Wuk mariner, 98 s High Hubbard Wm. machinist, 118 York Hubbel Benedict, cijiarmkr, 279 n Eden Hubbel Bernliard, scrollsawyer, 279 n Eden Hubbell .Mrs. Ada, dressmkr, 7 Wagon al Hubbtll Augusiin, corkcutter, 272 e Chase Hubbermau Francis, barber, 247 s Broadway Htiber Adolph, painter, 21 Union al Hulier Anthony, scrollsawyer, 736 w Baltimore Huber Charles, pianotuner, 17 s Liberty Huber Charles W. shoemkr, 23 n Washington Huber Conrad, wheelwrijiht, 280 Aisquith Huber Fred'k, lab. 50 .Abbott Huber George, brewer, Belair av ext Huber George, tailor, 280 Aisquith Huber George, tailor, 7 Maccubbin Huber Mrs. Geo. W. beer, 133 11 Bond Huber Henry E. & Sou, (IL E. & J. A. Huber) book and job printers, over 6 n Ch irles Huber Henry E.(,H.E.H.& Son) 70 n Poppleton Huber Ignats, tailor, 331 n Central av Huber John, upholsterer, 71 s Caroline Huber John, cabinetmkr, 116 Somerset Huber John A.(H.E.H.&Son) 186 n Republican Huber John G. tailor, 322 n Central av Huber Joseph, lab. 216 e Chase Huber Mrs. Justine, 21 Uniou al Huber J. Paul, p.dnter, 72 n Oregon Huber Michael, shoemkr, 232 n Central av Huber Peter, cabinetmkr, 116 Somerset Huber Wm. lab. Belair av ext Huber Wm. wholes, liquors, Gay and Caroline llubf^r Wm. T. printer, 70 n Po|ipleton Hubeis Herman, jeweler, 226 s Broadway Hubert Chas. engineer, 321 n Central av Hubert John G. copcersmith, 176 s Ann Hubert Samuel A. lab. 133 s Fremont Hubka John, lab. 32 Thames Hubka Joseph, tailor, 187 Hudson Hubka Wensel, brickhuer, 187 Hudson Hubner Jacob, tanner, 315 n Dallas Hubiier John, beer, 2 n Central av Hubner John, 149 e Fayette Hubner John, cooper, n e cor Gough and Ann Hubner John, bricknikr, Light ext., office and dw 270 Druid Hill av Hubscbuiann Geo. lab. 11 n Wolfe Huchl Bernard, boxmkr, 203 Peirce lluchl Casper, tobacconist, 91J n Eutaw,dw 95 .Mulbei ry Huchl Theodore, shoemkr, 88 Mulberry Huck John, drug clerk, 557 w Baltimore Huck Henry, clerk, 179 w Pratt Hiicke Christopher, porter, 267 Franklin Hucke Nicholas, baker, 355 w Lombard HucksoU August, shoemkr, 146 Pearl HucksoU Ernest, baker, 146 Pearl Huddlestoi) Hugh, 27 w Baltimore Hudgins Mrs. .\iinie, tailoress, 273 Eastern av Hudgius I'llzi-y B lab. 176 s Eutaw Hudgins Carlos, lamplighter, 123 n Bethel Hudgins Holder, typefounder. Burton's hotel Hndtrins James C. grocery, 438 e Baltimore, dw 362 e Pratt Hudgins .Mrs. Jesse L. 46 Fawn Hudgins John, trunkinkr, 39 n Exeter Hudgins John R. edge tool manuf. s w cor Pratt and Mill, dw 73 s Eden Hudgins John R. jr. clerk, 73 s Eden Hudgins Theodore, lab. 96 Rue Hudgins Wm. B. canmkr, 46 Fawn Hudgins Wm. G. clerk, 73 s Eden Hudiiet Theodore, lab. 68 Rue Hudsim Ansel, lab. 70 Dover Hudson Charles P. grocery, 48 Jefferson Hudson PMward, boilermkr, 1U7 Gough Hudson Edward L. canmkr, 107 Gough Hudson Edwin H. boilermkr, 23 Hamburg Hud.-on Fire Ins. Co. of N. J. 20 Postoffica av Hudson Geo. E. brakeman, 285 Mcllenry Hudson Geo. W. cigarmkr, 63 n Calvert Hudson Geo. W. ironworker, 107 Gough Hudson Henry, lab. 298 e Lombard Hudson Henry, processor, Rol)inson nr Hudson Hudsou John, blacksmith, 1(J3 s Regester Hudson John L. eiiginrer, 13 Gough Hudson John T. brakeman, 285 McHenry Hudsou Richard G. cigar packer, 40 Jackson sq av Hudson Wm. electrotyper, 65 e Pratt Hudtwalcker Henry, manager German Depart. Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Boston, 12 South, dw 33 n Holliday Iluebner Geo. beer, Fayette and .Madeira al lluebner Geo. P. shoemkr, 500 Lexington Iluebner Henry, clerk, 57 Eastern av Huebuer John A. cigarmkr, 502 Lexington Huebner Joseph, salesman, 15 n High Huebner Martin, shoemkr, 502 Lexington Huegelmeier Mrs. Mary, grocery, cor .McDonogh and Barnes Huested R.T. salesman, Presslman nr Strieker Huer Fred tinner, 159 s Chester llnet .\ugustus, plasterer, 581 n Gay Hiieter G. W. 372 Saratoga Hueier Charles, shoemkr, 103 Green mount av Huey Mrs. Bridget, 161 s Washington Hut'ermack F. carp. 44 e Biddle Hufelter Samuel, 46 n (Central av Huff C. A. 0. salesman 169 w Lombard Hull Chas. J. engineer, 243 W'illiam lIutfMrs. Elizabeth D. grocery, Waverley Hulf Henry, lab. 1 Creek al Hull Heniy C. clerk, Waverley Hull' Wm. lab. 546 vv Lombard Hufliuiiton 11. Clay, clerk, 516 Lexington Huflington Mrs. Sarah E. 516 Lexington Hullinglon Capt. Wm. W. 338 e Baltimore Hnllington Wm. U. machinist, 24 s Republican HuH'man Samuel K. lal). 486 Saratoga Hufnagle Balthazar, bricklayer, 320 s Bond Hufnagle Elizabeth, coufec'y, 320 s Bond tlnfiiagle John, bricklayer, 320 8 Bond Hufnagle John jr. bricklayer, 320 s Bond HOLMES (fe CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, Gerxeral Agt. HTTP. 287 HUa HUO Hufnagle John, sboemkr, 3 L. McElderry Hufnagle John, harnessnikr, 225 n Central av Hufnaple Louis, britklayer, 320 s Bond Hugel Geo. barber, 136 Orleans Hujjel John, clothcutter, 136 Orleans Hugel Wm. shoemkr, 68 McKJderry Hugg Andrew J. carp. 289 n Eden Hugg Annie C. teacher, 90 n Paca Hugg Benj. F. copperplate printer, 289 n Eden Hugg C. Walter, clerk, 90 n Paca Hugg Geo. W. bookkpr, 289 n Edea Hugg Mrs. Jacob W. 36 s Broadway Hugg Jacob W. 36 s Broadway Hugg John H.& Co. (Alex. Jones, Philip S. Al- lison, Susanna Jl. Hugg) lumber com. mer- chants, East Falls and Canton avs Hugg Richard, 90 n Paca Hugg Mrs. Susanna M. (J. H. Hugg & Co.) 305 e Baltimore HUGGINS AMBROSE L. agent Boston steam- ship line, Boston wharf, foot Long dock, dw Peabody Heights Huggins Klwood, (Starr &Huggins)86 n Charles Huggins Guilford, clerk, Peabody Heights Huggins Thomas J. iron and steel, 13 Mercer, dw Charles-st av nr Denmead Huggins Wm. bricklayer, 11 Wyeth Hughes Mrs. Ann R. 154 Barre Hughes Anthony, lab. 73 s Spring Hughes A. D. jeweler, 124 Vine Hughes Mrs. Adeline, 98 n Washington Hughes Alex. J. carp. 227 n Central av HUGHES Dr. ALFRED, homeopathist, 234 w Biddle Hughes Alonzo, (Hughes Bros.) Baltimore and Republican Hughes Andrew P. glassblower, 402 Cross Hughes Bros. (Alonzo and T. S. Hughes) gro- cery, Baltimore and Republican HUGHES c|- BROWNING, (J.T.Hughes, W. E. , Browning) grocers, 232 Penna av Hughes Mrs. C, Chappell nr Penna av Hughes Charles C. clerk, 119 Camden Hughes Mrs. Catherine, 21 New Hughes Charles E. police, 124 Vine Hughes Charles M. telegraphist, 49 s Poppleton Hughes Christopher, cluckmaker, 98^ w Pratt, dw 1 Watson Hughes Christopher, cooper, 132 Dover Hughes Christopher C. tanner, 190 Penna av HUGHES & CROCKER, (Robert Hughes, S. G. Crocker) flour, grain and produce, 121 North Hughes David, mariner, 75 Cambridge Hughes Dav.coppersmelter, Clinton nrSecond av Hughes ^ Denny, (W.H.Hughes, F. M. Denny) cabinetmkrs and undertakers, 65 s Broadway- Hughes Edward, helper, Clinton nr Second av Hughes Mr^. Eliza, sean)stress, 411 Saratoga Hughes K. Randall, bookkpr, 354 e Pratt Hughes Edward, lab.. Cathedral ext Hughes Edward, blacksmith, 373 s Sharp Hughes Mrs. Elizabeth, 339 e Fayette Hughi s Francis, brakeman, 372 "Ostend Hughes Franklin P. carp. 516 Harford av Hughes Geo. lab. Clinton nr Second av Hughes Geo. N. saddler, 48 n Republican Hughes Geo.W. propr.WhiteHall hotel, 92Bank Hughes Geo. W. jr. clerk, 92 Bank Hughes Henry, blacksmith, 117 Druid Hill av Hughes Henry, lab. Lanvale la nr North av Hughes Henry, machinist, 479 w Pratt Hughes James L. cigarmkr, 392 Lexington Hughes Jacob, (Geelhaar, Hughes & Co.) 134 s Bond Hughes James, butcher, Clinton nr Third av Plughes Jas. D. patterniiikr, Clinton nr Third av Hughes Jas.copper smelter, Clinton nr Second av Hughes James, lab. 26 n Poppleton Hughes James, lab. 163 Dover Hughes James, wood, 92 Hill Hughes Jamts, soaji and tallow chandler, 57 and 59 Arch, dw 259 Saratoga Hughes J. Thos. (H. & Browning) 169 Druid Hill av Hughes John, lab. 24 n Poppleton Hughes John sr. huckster, 62 Granby Hughes John jr. canmkr, 64 Granby Hughes John, lab. Huntintrdon av nr Oak Hughes John, peddler, 339 Penna av Hughes John, painter, 31 w Chase Hughes John, haruessmkr, Oxford, York rd Hughes John, cooper, 182 Dover Hughes John, hackman, 85 North Hughes John, painter, 347 n Broadway Hughes John, shipping master, 176 Eastern av, dw 86 Granby Hughes John L. printer, 213 Aisquith Hughes Mrs. James E. 140 Mulberry Hughes Jos. coachsn)ith, York rd nr Brown st Hughes Lavinia, vestmkr, 98 n Washington Hughes Mrs. Margaret, 200 e Madison Hughes Margaret, 120 Preston Hughes Mrs. Margaret, 4 Eden ct Hughes Mrs. IMargt. J. grocery, 339 Penna av Hughes Mary, 91 s Spring Hughes Mrs. Mary, laund. York rd nr One mile house Hughes Mrs. Mary, dressrakr. 516 Harford av Hughes Michael, porter, 293 s Paca Hughes Nimrod, conductor, 25 n Mount Hughes Nimrod, conductor, 602 w Baltimore Hughes Patrick, lab. Maryland av nr Oak Hughes Patrick, sexton. Eager and Valley Hughes Patrick F. lab. Castle nr Bank Hughes Patrick, lab. Lanvale nr North av Hughes Philip, grocery, 479 w Pratt Hughes Robt. (H. & Crocker) 293 n Eden Hughes Robt. cheese, 143 Walsh Hughes Robt. provisions, 2 Light-st whf, dw 696 Saratoga Hughes Robt. stonecutter, 318 Franklin Hughes Richard, lab. 92 Clinton Hughes Samuel T. mariner, 354 e Pratt Hughes Capt. Scott, 354 e Pratt Hughes Scott G. upholsterer, 354 e Pratt Hughes Scott, machinist, 88 s Caroline Hughes Mrs. Susan W. boarding, 105 n Charles Hughes Timothy, lab. 7 s Poppleton Hughes Thomas, driver, 20 McElderry Hughes Thomas, porter, 5 e Monument Hughes Thomas, lab. 213 Hollins Hughes Thos. lab. Huntingdon av nr Oak Hughes Thomas, attorney, 42 St. Paul, dw 234 w Biddle HUGHES THOS. S. (Schultz & Co.) furniture 60 e Baltimore Hughes T. S. (Hughes Bros.) Baltimore and Republican Hughes Thos. (Robt. Moore, Hughes & Co.) 90 Cathedral Hughes Thos. W. lab. 126 s Castle Huglies Vincent N. plumber, 3sBond,dw82Block Hughes W. S. clerk, 154 Barre Hughes Wm. driver, cor Caroline and Fayette ci -(-5 c3 pq O O o o p o o ^ zn I — I DQ oq" I— I < P-< IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, Hua 288 HUN H H H Pd H C/J H ^ Z <^ H C^; O < W H i=) r, O CD C/J ^ CO n o H '^ ^ hH ^ < w GQ O O F^ P Kg .Wo OO'-H O •"' " ►> "^.^ /-^ ►* k-H M 03 t> 002 O w Hughes Wm. D. editor Evening Record, 254 n Uoftnrd Hughes Wm. F. stonemason, 7 Hudson al Hughes Wm. H. stonecutiei-, 177 n Central av Hu;:hes Wm.H.(H.&Denii\ )75PiitteisonPark av Hughes Wm. J. lab. 4 Eden ct Hughes Wm. J. attoiuey, 75 w Fayette, dw Snicker and Mother Hughes Wm. y. undertaktr, ICi e Fayette Hughes Wm. stonecutter, .S18 Franklin Hughes Wni. J. carp. 14;; Walsii Hughes WiL. H. boaibuilder, ii'l Granby Hughes W. B. conductor, J54 15arre Hughes Mrs. Winifred, 125 s Castle Hu<:hlett James, clerk, Druidville Hughlett Wm. cierk, 93 Cathidral Hughsou Chas. I. carp. 82 s Bund Huhn Edward, boilernikr, 199 n Central av Hulin Francis, tavern, 122 Greenmount av Hiihu W' m. P. moulder, 28 w Baltimore Huisler Thos. salesman. Brown's hotel Huiss Geo. lab. ?>-i n Spring Huiss Mrs. Mary M. hiund. 141 n Bethel Hulbert Mrs. Louisa, grocery, 65 McElderry, dw 71 Hull Allen, clerk. Mount Washington Hull Clias. J. real estate dealer, 50 w Fayette, dw s w cor St. Paul and Pleasant HULL, ATKINSON & CO. { Wm. J. Hull, S.H. Hopkins) wholes, dry goods, 25H w Baltimore Hull Edward W. agent South Carolina R. R. 30 Posioffice av, dw Alt. Washington Hull Harve}, lab. 177 Lee Hull Dr. H. C. 83 n Calvert Hull Mrs. Henrietta, 354 e Baltimore Hull H. P. salesman, 199 n Howard Hull Peyton R. machinist, 238 Madison av Hull Robert, 199nH«)ward Hull, Matthews & Co. (T. B. Hull, Charles T. Matthews) produce and gen'l com. merchts. 100 s Charles Hull T. Burling, (Hull, Matthews .^ Co.) Ed- mondson av nr Republican uil Wm. shoemkr, 186 n Eden ull Wm. bookkpr, 147 German uU Wm. J. (H. , Atkinson & Co.) 126 Lanvale ullett David F. carp. 485 Saratoga uUs John, 131 n High ullstead Henry, bricklayer, 518 Canton av uUvan James, porter, 5 Hanover ulse Mrs. Amanda, 50^ n Greene ulse Chas. A. dyeing, 85 Mulberry, dw 239 s Charles ulseG. T. painter, 23 Pearl ulse Henry, coachpainter, 157 s Sharp ulse James H. dyer, 50j n Greene and 366 Penna av ulse Mrs. Margaret, notions, 157 s Sharp ulse Samuel, oyster strainer, 5 Young ulse Wni. blacksmith, 156 n Eden ulseman Eugene, varnisher, 48 Penna av ulseman Henry, carp. 48 Penna av ulseman John, carp. 69 Cambridge ulseman John, lab. 154 Patu.^enl ulseman Wm. baker, 55 n Frederick ulshoff J. Gerhard, shoemkr, 147 w Fayette ulsman Henry, grocery, 97 Cross ulsman Henry jr. machinist, 97 Cross nils Alfred, clerk, 189 Lee ults Roht. (R.H.&Co.) 189 Lee Hulls R. & Co. (Robt. Units, Samuel A. Click- ner) manuf. shoes, 27 German nr Calvert Hulls Dr. Robert M. 189 Lee Hulls Wm. H. shoecutier. 182 Lee Hultz VV'm. P. cigarpacker, 43! e Kager lluniberger Il'y, coo|)er, Aliceatina and Cannon Humble Gustavp, beer, 127 Tliami-s Humboldt Ins. Co. of Newark, 37 Postoffice av Hume James, fire department, 156 s Sharp Hume Capt. Joseph M. mariner, 93 s Exeter lliinie Wm. driver Adams' Exp. 106 n Ana Humer Geo. lab. Clinton nr Sixth av Humfield Chas. cigarmkr, 19 Granby Humfield Fredk. cigarmkr, 19 Granby Humes Mrs. Hester, 51 Eusor Humes JIis. Mary, 250 Park av Humes Wm. J. bricklayer, 336 Franklin Hummel Ar.thony, barber, 940 w Baltimore Hummel Augustus, shoemkr, 953 w Baltimore Huiiunel E. carver, 27eBaltimore Hummel Geo. blacksmith, 117 Curley Hummel John, sawyer, 158 n Caroline Hummel Wm. liquor dealer, 52 n Eutaw Hummer Mrs. Anne. 138 Barre Hummer Geo. A. hariiessmkr, 51 s Central av Hummer Jas. CiPerry ij- Co.) 18 Patterson av Hummer John, shoemkr, 37 s Paca Hummer Joseph, B. & 0. R. R. 53 s Liberty Humphreys Andrew, lab. 10 Rupard Humphreys Chas. civil engineer, U. S. engi- neers' office Humphreys Edwin, blksmith, 35 s Reimhlican Humphreys Mrs. Emma V. 357 n Broadway Humphreys James, clerk, 62 Harford av Humphreys Mrs. Jane, 62 Harford av Humphreys Richard M. huckster, 54 Harford av Huiiiplireys Robt. H. bookkpr. 26 McCulloh Humphreys Thos. H. engineer, 79 s Exeter Humphreys Thos. W. jr. clerk, 234 e Fayette Humphreys Thos. W. sr. purchasing agent fire department, 111 n Broadway HUMRICHOUSE, BAYLIES & CO. (C. W. Humrichouse, J. H. Baylies, W . H. Humric- house, W. T. Baylies) wholesale grocers, 10 Commerce Humrichouse C. W. (H., Baylies & Co. 42 Mc- Culloh Humrichouse James F. clerk, 182 Columbia Humrichouse John R. hariiessmkr, 182 Columbia Humrichouse Wm. H. (H., Baylies & Co.) 42 McCulloh llunckel Otto, agent, 17 Pearl Hunckei Philip, clerk, 37 n Calvert Huudermark August, driver, 30 Union llund Mrs. Frederick, 257 s Dallas Hundred Wm. barber, 523 Lexington Hundt Herman, grocery, 214 n Dallifs Hunke Deiirich, beer, 84 s Howard Hunger Chas. shoemkr, 43 n Caroline Hunger Francis, shoemkr, 142 e .Madison llungerford Jas. attorney, 85 Columbia Hungerford R. Arthur, clerk, 85 Columbia llungerford W. E. clerk, 85 Columbia llnngerford Zachariab, stevedore, 23 Hamburg Hunichenn Albert S. dentist, 56 s Sharp lluiiichenn August, tobacconist, 24 n Liberty Hunichenn Mrs. Mary, 17 Elizabeth la llunkemuller Bernard, janitor, 47 n Paca lluuley B. T. M. salesman, 34 n Calvert Hunley Wm. R. B. clerk, 40 n Calvert Huunal .Mrs. Margaret, 13 Furrow Hunt Adelia, "^22 w Fayette Hunt Anthony, lab. 50 Centre Market sp Hunt Ben. F. varnisher, 179 n High HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and ithographing, Engraving and Poflt Offioa Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. HUN 289 HUR [unt, Barnes ^ Co. (J. R. Hunt, S.S.Barnes) oyster packers, 66 Boston lunt C. Alonzo, salesman, 311 w Baltimore lunt Clarence, shoecutter, 105 Penna av hint Mr-. Elizabeth, 174 n Caroline lunt Frank N. receiving teller Eutaw Savings Bank, 235 Walsh lunt Geo. A. (J.R.Hunt & Co.'iBarnesville, 0. lunt Geo. W. oyster packer, 149 s Ann lunt German H. (Poole & Hunt) 192 McCulloh hint Ilarman, lab. 214 n Dallas lunt Henry, civil engineer, 67 Columbia lunt Henry A. carp. 152 e Pratt hint Henry, shoemkr, 35 Portland [unt Dr. Henry S. 291 e Pratt lunt Mrs. Ida I. periodicals, 1 15 s Broadway [unt James (J. R. Hunt & Co.) Barnesville, 0. [unt .(esse VV. (J. R. Hunt & Co.) 94 Hanover [unt J. R. & Co. (Jas. R., Jesse VV., Geo. E. Hunt, & Euclid Scatterday) com. merchts, 3 Camden [unt John H. peddler, 91 Walsh [unt John D. clerk, 363 e Pratt lunt Jas. R. (Hunt. Barnes & Co.) 334 e Pratt lunt John, ropemaker, Belair av nr Baltimore Cemetery [ont Jesse, com. mercht, 94 Hanover [unt John J. lab. 15 Chew [unt Matt. W. blksmith, 268 n Front, dw 171 e Madison [unt Richd. G.agt. Poor Association, 69 n Pine lunt Rubt. K. fell roofer, 241 u Caroline [unt S iml. & Son(S. and W. B. Hunt, )manufs. saddles, harnt-ss, trunks, &c., 202 w Baltimore [unt Siml. (S. Hunt & Son) 2o9 Franklin 5AMUEL HUNT & SON, Manufac- turers of Trunks, Saddles, Har- ness, &e., 202 w Baltimore street. lunt Mrs. Sylvia Cecal oil refinery, 1 32 s Eden and 125 Eastern av, dw 159 St. Paul [unt Taylor, cigarmkr, 20 s Carey lunt Thos. J. blksmith, 3 Jenkins al [unt Mrs. Victoria, seamstress, 1 Leadenhall [unt Wiley, o.vsters, 314 Forrest lunt Wni. E. salesman, 85 Walsh [unt Wni. tinner, 149 Johnson lunt Wm. blksmith, 197 Ensor [unt Wm. shipper, 363 e Pratt [unt Wm. B. (S. Hunt ^ Son) 209 Franklin lUiNTEMULLbR H. W. & CO. (H. W. Hunte- muiler) wholes, fish and salt, 55 South [untemuller Henry W. (H. W. H. & Co.) Mt. Washington [unter Adam, printer, 283 Forrest [unter Alex. B. porter, 333 Harford av lunter Alex, restaurant, 56 Thames [unter Andrew M. cigarmkr, Homestead [UNTER ANDREW, plumber, 169 n Eutaw [unter Andrew, [ab. Homestead lunter Chas. A. painter, 289 Bank [unter Chas. painter, 56 Thames [unter Chas. E. cigarmkr, 40 s High [unter Mrs. Ellen U. millinery, 291 e Baltimore lunter Mrs. Ellen M. 71 Park av [unter David, locksmith. 55 a Fremont lunter Mrs. Hetta E. boarding, 343 e Baltimore lunter Geo. W. cigarmkr, 3s6 Orleans lunter Geo. W. carp. 255 n Eden lunter James, lab. 283 Forrest Hunter James K. plumber, 190 n Broadway Hunter James W. (D.J.Foley, Bro. & Co.) 226 n Calvert Hunter Jerome N. engineer, 124 s Poppleton Hunter John A. wagoner, Waverley Hunter John F.(Mullraeyei- &;I[.)1 ii Broadway Hunter Joseph, bookkjir, 71 Paik av Hunter Joseph M. cardriver, 21 n Poppleton Hunter Joseph J. hatter, 685 Lexington Hunter Joseph, rigger, 167 s Ann Hunter Rob't S. jr. plumber, 119 s Poppleton Hunter Robert S. cooper, 21 n Poppleton Hunter Samuel, 28 McMechin Hunter Mrs. Susan, nurse, 21 n Poppleton Hunter Dr. Silas, 111 Greenmount av Hunter Thomas J. police, 120 Hamburg Hunter Thomas, lab. Woodberry Hunter Wm. janitor, 87 n High Hunter Wm. A. painter, 56 Thames Hunter Wm. H. barber, 364 Franklin Hunter Wm. R. carp. 160 n Eden Hunter Wm. cigarmkr, 156 Chew Hunting Rben B 156 Lanvale Hunting Geo. B. clerk, St. Clair hotel Hunting Mrs. Caroline, 243 n Charles Huntingdon Avenue (M. E.) Church, cor Hun- tingdon and Maryland avs Huntingdon Baptist Church, Waverley Huntner Howard, 42 Portland Huntley Jaims S. oyster packer, 225 Gough Hupfeld Henry, 312 Lexington Hu|ifer John, tailor, 3 n Chapel Hupp Andieas, brushmkr, 16 Fountain Hupp John, shoemkr, 56 s Caroline Huppel Joseph, sweepmaster, 264 e Chase Huppinan & Emory,(N.A.Huppman, A.Emorj) hardware and com. merchts. 9 German Huppinan Geo. 151 McCulloh Huppman John, tailor, 433 e Fayette Huppinan Mrs. Margaret, 232 Madison av Huppman Nicholas A. (H. & Emory ) 151 Mc- Culloh Hurbert Geo. printer, 22 Lloyd Hurd W. G. drug clerk, 20 e Baltimore Hurdle A. N. draughtsman, 3 Oliver Hurdle E. .M. clothier, 165 e Madison Hurley Daniel bricklayer, 947 w Baltimore Hurley Geo. B. shoemkr, 332 McDonogh Hurley John H. plasterer, 45 n Central av Hurley John. lab. 267 s Dallas Hurley John, lab. 13 Lancaster Hurley Mrs Mary E. chaircaner, 45 n Central av Hurley Michael, lab. C;dhoun nr Ramsay Hurley Patrick, lab. 23 Block Hurley Stephen L. police, 221 Montgomery Hurley Wm. C. clerk, 219 Montgomery Hurst Mrs. Anna, 50 w Monument Hurst Charles, boxmkr, 1 w Lombard Hurst Conrad, teamster, 57 n Frederick Hurst David, shoemkr, 219 Chesnut Hurst George, lab. 57 n Frederick Hurst John, paperhanger, 65 n Amity Hurst John, costumer, 1 Low HURST JOHN J. & S. J. wholes, boots and shoes, 270 w Baltimore Hurst John E. (Hurst, Purnell & Co.) 223 Madison av Hurst John, prest. Nat. Exchange Bank, dw 129 w Fayette and Bloomingdaierd nr Cal- verton mills Hurst John J. (J. J. & S. J. Hurst) 50 w Monu- ment GQ 0-1 O a pq o Q O O ft o o l^ m P^ O EH c3 !r •Oh •M C K SS q H 5t» a p3 QJ CO <» 2 QJ _C e - CO Hurtt Hamilton C. (J. B. H. & Co.) 98 Barre Hurtt Henry N. hats and caps, 224 w Pratt Hurtt John B. (J. B. H. & Co.) 405 e Eager Hurtt Joiin B. & Co. (1. B. and H. 0. H.) pat. medicine depot, 73 w Baltimore Hurtt R. W. hatter, 38 n Greene Hurtt Walter T. hatter, 38 n Greene Hurtt Walter T. jr. hatter, 38 n Greene Hurtzenheimer Jacob, tailor 13 Shoit Hurtzig Fred, painter, 24.'i^ Canton nv HurtzigMrs Mary, toliaccouisi, 343^ Canton av Hurtzenberger Lewis, lab. 367 Eastern av Husband Jacob L. bookkjjr, .:;S3 w Lombard Husband John, architect, 12 .Maryland av Husband Richard, surveyor, 12 Maryland av Hnsbands Herman, 2G s Broadway Huschari Geo. H. ( Meyer, H. & Co.) 108 w Lombard Husdatfer John, salesman, 92 s Sharp Huse Adolph, grocery. Homestead Husgeu .Mrs. Fredeiica, 52 n Calvert Hush Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Gough Hush John, huckster, 8 Gough Hush Joseph, machinist, 25 Frederick av Hush Geo. carp. 106 Walsh Hush Henry, cooper, 106 Walsh Hush Joseph, harnessmkr, 106 Walsh Hush Martin V. 106 Walsh Hush Samuel C. cedar cooper, 743 w Baltimore Hush Samuel C. jr. police, 325 Penna av Hush Wm. canmkr, 415 e Fayette Hushebeck Aug. cabinetmkr, 97 n Amity Hushebeck Charles, machinist, 100 s I'oppleton Hushebeck Joseph, blacksmith, 488 w Lombard Hushebeck Lizzie, dressmkr, 488 w Lombard Hushebeck Susan, notions, 97 n Amity liusing F. J. tailor, 696 w Baltimore Huss John, baker, 34 n Spring Hussell Caspar J. foreman, 187 Lee Hussell Geo. W. agent Duryea's starch, 101 w Lombard, dw Mount nr Lexington Hussey Mrs. Elizabeth, 74 McElderry Hussey J. H. lis Mount Hussey Isaac, machinist, 180 McHenry Hussey James R. carp. 14 Comet Hussey .Martin, lime, Pratt and Poppleton Hussey Mrs. Susan, ,'18 s Broadway Hussing Mrs. Mary, 10 w Baltimore Hussmeitter Andrew, lab. 21 n Caroline Hussmeitler John, cabinetmkr, 21 n CnroIine Husted Charles F. clerk, 28 n Liberty Husler Andiew, jr. baggagemaster, 7 Columbia Huster Charles T. plumber, Ramsay nr Scott Huster Edw'd J. butcher, Ramsay nr Sterrett Huster Golleib J. conductor, 427 Hamburg Hnst(r Henry E. boilermkr, 71 McHenry Huster James B. boilermkr, Ramsay & Sterrett Huster Geo. W. tiutcher, Ramsav and Sterrett Huster Wm W. ice cream and oysters, 66 Pearl Hiitart Joseph, lab. 68 Centre Market sp llutih John, l)0xiiikr, 49 Marion Hiitclieson John G. salesman, 258 n Eutaw Hutrhens Will C. (John L. Sears & Co.) 205 W Townsend Hutchins Charles J. grocery, 43 n Liberty Hutchins Clarence E driver, 298 n Bond Hutchins J. Alfred, (J. A. H. & Co.) 223 w Lombard Hutchins J. Alfred & Co. (J. A. Hutchins) gen. eral com. merchts, 90 s Eutaw Hutchins Francis I. jr. bricklayer, 372 Franklin Hutchins Francis I. bricklayer, 372 Franklin Iliitcliins Joseph, bricklayer, 10 McHenry Hutchins Josej)b, bricklayer, 372 Franklin Hutchins Lewis H. clerk,'C. H. Hutchins Richard, clerk 289 Hollins Hutchins Richard, painter, 247 Light, dw 23 Hill Hutchins Robert H. cigarmaker, 176 Saratoga Hutchins Samuel S. stove fitter, 801 w Pratt HUTCHINS STANLEY, 25 n Charles, 2d floor Hutchins Thomas T. attorney, Mt. Vernon hotel Hutchins Wm. ornamental painter, 191 n Car- oline Hutchins Wm. H. steamfitter, 467 e Eager Hutchins Wm. H. siovetitter, 801 w Pratt HUTCHINSON BROS. (J. L. Hutchinson) fur- naces, ran;^es, and gas works, 14 Light Hutchinson & Co. (E. E. Hutchinson) shirt fac- tory and laundry, 3 St. Paul Hutchinson Charles, cabinetmaker, 107 Vine Hutchinson E. E. (Hutchinson & Co.) 224 w Biddle Hutchinson Edward W. carp. 308 Ramsay Hutchinson Francis, (C. S. Maltbv & Co.) 32 Stiles Hutchinson H. M. (J. B. McPherson & Co.) Washington, D. C. Hutchinson Plarry, grocer, 589 w Lombard Hutchinson James A. bookkeeper, 41 Parkin Hutchinson James, U. S.N. 589 w Lombard Hutchinson James, police, 200 s Fremont Hutchinson James H. Ill s Broadway Huichinson James -M. clerk, 274 n Strieker Hutchinson Jesse L. (Hutchinson Bros.) 280 Lanvale Hutchinson John, lab. 200 s Fremont Hutchinson John W. (H. & Co.) 224 w Biddle Hiiicliinson Robt. A. jr. engin'r,r)5s Schroeder Huichinson Robt. A. sr. brakeman, 3u8 Ramsay Hutchinson Mrs. S.J.dre.ssmkr, Ills Broadway Hutchinaon Thos. J. cigarmaker, 353 Saratoga Hutchinson Wra. L. machinist, Strieker nr Mc- Henry Hutchison D. W. drug clerk, 122 n Calvert Hutchison J. M. bookkpr, 21 South Hulli Charles, shoemkr, 8 n Durham Hulh .Mis. Christian, 298 a Bond Hutli Conrad, tailor, 202 e Eager Hutli Henry, tailor. 355 e Eager Huth Jacob, baker, Chesapeake and O'Donnell Hiith Kilian, carp. 92 n Chapel Hulh Miciiael, cooper, 131 Hudson Huthman John, lab. 289 n Central av Huthman Joseph, baker. Homestead Huthman Margaret, grocery, 289 n Central ^y HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O F. Bresee, Genl Agt. HUT 291 HYS Huthnian Michael, baker, Homestead aUTHWELKER A. C. apothecary, n e corner Pertrl and Sanitoga Hutson Mrs. Caroline, 37 s Broadway Hutsou Daniel W. bir.shmaker, 225 Laavale Bulsoti Mrs. Elizabeth, 50 Rue Hutson Henry (J. clerk, 225 Lauvale Hutson James E. engineer, 378 Eastern av Hutson James, tinner, 31^7 n Bund Hutson John E. carp. 225 Lanvale Hutson Jubu T. boat builder, 27 Block Hutson John P. conductor, 723 vv Pratt Hutson Joseph M. lab. 50 Rue Hutson Mary J. 225 Lanvale Hutson Thomas A. D. carp. 225 Lanvale Hutson Wra. H. enjiineer, 429 Eastern av Hutt Steptoe, carp. 417 e Chase Huttenberger Chas F. tinner, 139 Greenui't av Hutteuberger James H. plumber, 79 n Exeter Huttenberger \Vm. coop'er, 79 n Exeter Button Andrew, wharfbuilder, 7 Cambridge Button Mrs. Eleanora, dressmkr, 183 Hanover Hutton Jane, 113 Park av Button John H. wharfbuilder, 7 Cambridge Huitun John J. bricklayer, 115 Aisquith Button Lorenzo, huckster, 2 Hillman Hutton Mrs. Mary J. tailoiess, 123 s Sharp Hutton N. H. (VV. R. and N. H. Hutton,) ass't engineer, U.S. engr. office, Union Bank bldg, dw 29 Cathedral Hutton S imuel, driver, 2u4 n Front [Hutton Wesley, Tenpia al nr Spring IHutton Wilford, ropemkr, 195 L. Constitution Button Wm R.(W.R. & N.H. Hutton) Gaithers- ville. Montgomery Co. Hutton Wm. 244 w" Biddle Button W. R. & N. H. civil engineers, 46 Lex- ington 3uttonburger Chas. canmkr, 139 Greeam't av lutzler A. G. (Hutzler Bros.) 23 n Eutavv iutzler Mrs. Annie, 132 3 Spring lutzler Andrew, cooper, 132 s Spring IUTZLER BRUS. (A. G., Chas. G. and David Hutzler) real laces, furn. goods and embroi- deries. 67 n Howard IUTZLER BROS. (A. G., Chas, G. and David Hutzler) wholesale hosiery, while goods and notions, 12 Hanover Iutzler Charles G. (H. Bros.) 276 w Fayette Iutzler David (H. Bios.) 110 McCulloh Iutzler Moses, fancy goods, 23 n Eutaw luxer Henry, boxmkr, rear 315 w Pratt luxley John, tailor, 56 n Gay, dw 133 a High luzz.i Alljeit, carp. 75 Stirling (uzza Columbus, printer, John nr Spring [uzza Columb. jr. photographer, John nr Spring luzza Henry C. overseer, Harford rd nr tollgate [yam Eliza, 24 Spring low lyatl Charles, sergt police, 72 n Fremont lyatt Edward, ilO w Monument l}alt Eli, grocery, Lombard and Carey lyatt Gouveneur, piovisions, Waverley lyatl R. H. 248 n Calvert lybbeneth Adolph, jeweler, 2gJ n Eutaw lyde Arnold S. bookkpr, 74 Decker lyde Benj. D. bookkpr, 225 w Biddle lyde Ed. I. (Hyde Turbine Soap Co.) John nr Bond yde Francis, (Hyde Turpine Soap Co.) 71 John [yde Frank, clerk, 74 Decker lyde Geo. W. sign painter, 73 w Baltimore, dw Waverley Hyde James, furniture, 216 Light Hyde Jas. attorney, 32 St. Paul,dw 116 n Exeter Hyde John, moulder, 199 Conway Hyde Moses, (H}de Turbine Soaj) Co.) 71 Chew Hyde Richard H. coal and wood, Waverley Hyde Robert -H. syrup boiler, 4 Somerset hVdE TURBINE SOAP CO.(M. Hyde, preat. B. 1. Hyde, sec'v) 4 and 5 McKim Hyde W.'T. cleik', 15 McEldeiry « Hyde Warren G. engraver, Denmead nr Mary- ^i? land av Hyde Wilmer, blacksmith, 349 Franklin ^ Hyland Augustus, stonecutter, 134 n Hyde ^ Hyland Fied. lab. 16 Parkin ' 3 Hyland Henry, 866 w Pratt H Hyland James H. M. carp. 162 Barre ^7-3 Hyland James, butcher, lo7 Dolphin ^ Hyland James, carp. 162 Barre <^ Hyland Patrick, lab. 8 Potomac p Hyland Richard, moulder, 27 n Holliday 3 Hyland Wm. machinist, 51 3 Oregon Ch Hyman C. C. lab. 165 Ensor -^ Hyraan George W. engineer, 129 William '-^ Hyiuiin Joseph, shoemkr, 12 Harrison pQ Hyman Mrs. Margaret, furniture, 31 Harrison H\iuau Samuel, ropemkr, Harford av nr Town- u seud J$ Hyman Wm. H. moulder, 165 Ensor Hymes Alex. H. police. 372 e Madison r Hyiaes Emanuel, umbrellamkr, 32 Ensor O Hynds W. C., Oxford school for boys, Myrtle O av and Smith ^, Hynes Caleb B. brakeman, 50 Clifford al ^ Hynes Caleb B. mail agent, 191 Jefferson q Hvnes Charles W. bricklayer, 99 s Gilmer y Hynes Diuiiel, lab. 55 s Wolfe ^ Hynes Edward, shipciirp. 124 s Chester ^ Hynes John, lab. 75 n Amity ^ Hynes John, lab. 133 n Schroeder Hynes John, driver, 34 Gittings r^ Hynes John M. clerk, 133 n Schroeder Hynes John T. time keeper, 191 Jefi'ersou • Hynes Joseph jr. clerk, 142 George ^ Hynes Joseph, tobacconist, 3 e cor Baltimore^ and Greene, dw 142 George '"^ Hynes Malachi, carp, foot of Ridgely Hynes Michael, lab. 7 Hillen GQ Hynes Oliver, lab. Washington av nr Carey W Hynes Oliver, huckster, 50 Clifford al ^ Hynes Patrick, lab. 133 n Schroeder rQ Hynes Robert P. miichinist, 191 Jefferson Hynes Mrs. Sarah, 139 Mulberry '^ Hvnes Thomas, 227 e Baltimore ,^" Hynson Benj. T. & Sons (B. T., Charles E. and ^ Wm.G.H) uson) paperbungings, 54 n Howard ^^ ^ Hynson Benj. T. (B.T.H. & Sons) 54 n Howard Hynson Chas. E. (B. T. H. & Sons) 153 Mosher Hynson Medford, machinist, 373 w Fayette "*^ H.\nson Stanley, clerk City Court, 2 Jackson Ph Hynson Thomns, police, Ostend nr William Hynson Wm. F. cleik, 2 Jackson p^ Hynson Wm. T. police, Ostend nr Light q^ HynsonWm.G.(B.T.H.&Suns)266UruidHillav|^ Hyrnairey Hiiam, lab. 24 Division qJ Hyser Henry T. painter, Swan tavern "^ Hyson Edward W. boilermkr, 75 Hamburg Hyson James, muulder, 17 Armistead la Hyson John, stevedore, office Waters whf, dw 60 3 Broadway Hyson John E. clerk, 75 Hamburg Hysun Theodore, stevedore, 60 s Broadway Hyson Wm. brickmkr, 22 Sumwalt IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insnrance Co. of New York. HYS 292 INN El E-J Hyson Wm. moulder, 42 s Strieker H Hysore A. V. carp. Sweet Air H Ilvsoie Rachel, dressmkr. Sweet Air Ph hVSORE & RAY ( Wm. F. Hysore, B M. Ray) ^ apoiheciiries.a c cor Patterson av and Strieker HYSORE WM. F.(H. & Ray) pharmacist, n w P-t cor Carey and Fldnoondson av rile av Isaacs John W. carp. 190 Mvrtle av r Isaacs Jonathan k Son (J. and Wm. S. Isaacs) O carpenters, 35 Arch O Isaacs Jonathan (J. I. & Son) 190 Myrtle av Isaacs Julius, tailor, 47 Granb^' °Q Isaacs Michael, peddler. 66 Harrison _^ Isaacs Wm.S.(J. I. & Sons) Fulton nr Franklin ^ Israel James B. mariner, 102 S Chester O Isele J. Gi'orge, butcher, McElderry ext O Iselin Mrs. Balthazar, tavern, 6U Boston ^ Iseman David, clerk, 823 w Baltimore Iseman Mrs. Hannah, dry goods, 823 w Bal- • limore. f^ Iseman Isaac, clerk, 823 w Baltimore Isensee Casper, dyer, 330 e Monument ^ Isensee Henry, dyer, 56 w Fayette, dw 330 e J;^ Monument ^ Iser John H. canmkr, 222 William Iser Michael, shoemkr, 36 Abey al /—C Israel Edward, attorney, 32 St Paul o Israel F. & Sons (J. R. and T. B. Israel) con- veyancers, n w cor St Paul and Lexington ^ Israel J.Robert (F I. & Sons) 131 McCuUoh q^ Israel Philip H. drummer, 234 Linden av ^ Israel Thos B. (F. I. « Sons) 190 McCulloh ^ Isr.iel Wm. H. 118 n Greene ^ Israel W. Rogers, clerk, 190 McCulloh Israelite Hospital, Monument bet Broadway and ^ A nil *^ o I-:! O Itel Fred, driver, 165 (Lombard Ittner Jacob J. tinner, 236 Conway lltner John, coachmkr, 236 Conway Ittner John A cabinetmkr, 236 Conway Ittner John G. carver, 236 Conway Ittner John G. F. coachsmith, 236 Conway Ittner Mrs Miry 15. tinware, 236 Conway M Ittner Mrs. Miry E. 312 Mulberry ^ Itzel Adam, music teacher, 79 n E'ront <^ Itzel Casper, stonemason, 96 n Wolfe ' Ilzel George, tailor, 42 s Central av p£] Itzel John, lab. I.t n Chapel ^ Itzel Peter, barber, 17 n Eden q Ivers Jas. lithographer, 372 Eastern av r_| Ivers John, shucker, 372 Eastern av qq Ivers Michael, shipcarp. 372 Kastern av Iverson George D. (Jos. .M.Ashbury& Co.)190 |z; Druid Hill av ^ Jackson Mrs. Ann. 134 St Paul ■ - >-, Jackson Mrs. Ann AV., Eiomestead "TJ ~ ^ Jackson Arthur G. clerk. 501 w Fayette •n .Hr - Jackson Arthur H. (Henkehnan, J. &Phelps,) i:: g J Waverley ^ ~ o Jackson Arthur, printer, 501 w Fayette ^ V Z Jackson Aul'usius. porter, 7 Foit av g .^'^ JACKSON CALVIN C. pay director U. S. N. ^ * - °^'^'' Custom house, dw Carrollton hotel ,^ .Si ?? Jackson .Mrs. Catherine E. 187 w Biddle Jackson Ch.irles, mariner, 63 Bank Jackson Cliarles T. wheelwright, 372 nDurham Jackson Charles, engraver, 158 German Jackson C. Murray, carbuilder. 3 Warner Jacksor Clarence L. (Morton, Reed & Co.) 25 German Jackson Christopher T. (L. Felber & Co.) 153 German Jackson Kdw.ird A. (J. H.VVliitelev &Co.) 187 w Biddle ?5 ,£ Cl^ Jackson P^dwin A. clerk, 134 St. Paul i-g 3 . J.icUsun Fli.-^ha M. teacher, 58 n Broadway 5i f^ § Jackson Fred. P. janitor, 447 e E.iger "^ C H Jackson George P. clerk, 8 s Howard ^ Jackson George B. clerk, 187 w Biddle Jackson Geori;e H. 5 s Strieker ■^ ^ ^ Jackson George W. lab. 570 Le.xington ^ ■^ "^ Jackson Harry .M. livery stables, 1, 3 and 5 s Gj °3 Spring, dw 134 St. Paul . '^ ai Jackson Henry, driver, foot of Clinton "s 5 S Jackson Jacob, bellhanger, 213 s Charles j^ "* cS Jackson James G. painter, 316 w Lombard Jackson James F. clerk, 127 s High Jackson Jame-; F. tailor, 29 Harford av Jackson James, salesman, 89 n Strieker , Jackson James jr photographer, 145 u Strieker Jackson .lames, c.irp. llo William Jackson Jaines, watchman, 169 Gist Jackson James K.P. cigarmkr, 177 n Kdea Jackson James jr. br.issfinisher.29 Harford av J.ickson James E. locksmith. 1 Low Jackson John J. clerk, 434 .Madison av Jackso^i John E. police, 19 Holland Jackson John II. painter. Cathedral and Biddle Jackson John S. shoefitter, 39 n Pine JACKSON JOHN J. general insurance agency and British vice consul, 6 South, d>v 18'' Madison av J.ickson Jolin, lab. 31 Randall _ Jackson John, hostler. Union hotel ? tr '^j Jackson .John W. carp. 351 n .Ann 3 >> 5 Jackson Mrs. John W. 22.') Piirce ^ 'iJ ^ Jackson Joseph, lab. 97 Granby .^ 5 Jackson Joseph H. grocery, 22 i e Pr.itt S J£ ..^ Jackson Lewis, brakemu,Lanviile la nrNorth-av 2 S L Jackson Lloyd L. (Hurst, Purnell & Co.) 169 • 5 "^ ir Lanvah- •^ o >., Jackson .Mrs. .Mary A. she; 8, 250 e Baltimore ;^ o 5* 3h C) -1-2 a ^ »« cc T" =^ "ts •^ c D — o V .^ Hillen Jackson R. C. clerk, 80 n Charles Jackson Robert, insj) health dept. dw 240 e Monument Jackson Samuel, chairpainter,312 Canton av Jackson Samuel, car builder, 194 Barre Jackson Samuel A. baggage master, 194 Barre Jackson Samuel J. sr. agricultural imps. 64 n Caroline Jackson Samuel R. clerk, 64 n Caroline Jacksun Samuel S. police, 2ii5 e Fayette Jackson .Mrs. Sophia, boarding, 33 s Howard Jackson Susan, tavern, 133 Eastern av Jackson Square (M. E.) Church, cor Jackson sq av and Irvine pi Jackson Thos. trav'g agent, 5 s Strieker Jackson Vincent R. druggist, 284 Liirht Jackson Walter H. clerk, 187 w Biddle Jackson W. G & Co (W. G. Jackson) grocers, 199 e Baltimore Jackson Wm. lab. Madison av nr North av Jackson Wm. A. carp. 15 Rock Jackson Wm. \. cirji. 305 Franklin Jackson Wm.G.(W.G-Jacksou&Co.)134St.Paiil Jackson Wm. clerk, 34 s Strieker Jackson Wm. driver, 17 O'Donnell Jackson Wra. R. carp. 110 William Jackson Wm. foreman, 34 s Strieker Jackson Zacbariah, puddler, 12 Cooksie Jacob Adam, lab. Baker nr Penna av Jacob August, foreman, 89 s Wolfe Jacob File, wood sawyer, 416 Saratoga Jacob Fred. lab. 59 Gough Jacob Geo. grocery, 2 Eutaw ct Jacob Geo. brickmoulder, IGd Cross Jacob Henry, shocmkr, 469 Penna av Jacob Henry, fireman, 59 Gough .lacob John, lab. 240 Aliceanna Jacob John, tailor. Cross and Lemmon al Jacob John, tailor, 512 Lexington Jacob John .\. police, 114 (.'le nent Jacoii John F. harnessmkr, 31 Centre .Market sp Jacol) John G. pianomkr, 274 Lee Jacob John, drivi'r, 97 Vork Jacob Joseph, tailor. 512 L-xington Jacob Will, baker, 2 Eutaw ct Jacober Ferdinand, barber, 52 e Pratt J.uobi August, silveisiiiith, Washi^iiiton near Biddle Jacobi Clias. G. L. cigarpkr, 29 n Poppleton Jacobi Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 29 n Poppletoa Jacobi Emanuel, cigarmkr. 10 s Exeter Jacobi Fred, barber. 38 e Piatt Jacobi Jacob, tailor, 19 L. .McElderry J.icobi Jacob, sexton, 36 s Bond Jacobi J.ieob, printer, 28 Lemmon Jacobi P.irsolia, lab. 13 Wel>stir al Jacobi Zilla, tailoress, 19 L. .McElderry Jacol)s .\ndrew, dej/uiy kpr .Md. Penitentiary, 283 Walsh Jac)bs .Aug. butcher, 167 Penna a v Jacob Baltliazer, painter, 178 Aliceanna Jacobs Chas. E. carp. 364 Hamljurg Jacobs .Mrs. Eva, grocery, Ij n Scliroeder J.icobs Geo. lab. 257 Prtslon .^ ««■ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. J AC 295 JAM Jacobs Geo. butcher, 25 Abbot Jacobs Geo. F. cuachsmiih, 33 n Paca Jacobs Geo. R. machinist, 364 Hamburg Jacobs Hear.v, sawyer, 1^ n Schroeder Jacobs Henry, shoeinkr, i'enna av nr Coolie Jacobs Is'iac, clirli, 56 w Baltiuiore Jacobs James, brickmkr, 627 Liglit Jacobs Mrs. James M. 544 Lexington Jacobs James E. police, 126 Preston Jacobs John, police. Clement and Duist al Jacobs John, shoemkr, 65 s Bc-thel Jacobs John, carp. 205 s I'aca Jacobs John, wagonmuktr, Amity and Booth, dw 108 Hollins Jacobs John A. saloon, 165 Penna av Jacobs John E. packer, 16 Ridpely Jicobs John E. tiiilor, 106Ridjjfely Jacobs Jolin H agent. 308 McDouogh Jacobs John M. lab. 178 ^liceanna Jacobs Mrs. Josephine, fish, 90 Lancaster Jacobs Julius, sec. hand clothing, 30 Harrison Jacobs Levi, clerk, 809 w Baltimore Jacobs Louis, notions, 809 w Baltimore Jacobs Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 25 Abbott Jacobs Marx, lab. 259 s Bond Jacobs Michael, baker, 105 n Pine Jacobs Murdecai, brickmkr. 627 Light Jacobs Myer, clothing, 15 Second Jacobs N^th.-.n, notions, 56 w Baltimore, dw 3 u Front Jacobs Samuel, sec. hand clothing, 72 Harrison Jacobs Samuel, ironworker, 237 Bank Jacobs \\ III. upholsterer, 109 Leadenhall Jacobs \Vm. boilermkr, 7'' Lancaster Jacobs Wra. clerk, 237 Bank Jacobs Win. draughtsman, 175 North Jacobs Zachariah, carp. Paca nr Hamburg Jacobsen Alex, peddler, 32 McElderry Jacobsen Herman, manner, lol Regester Jacobsen John J !69 Dolphin Jacobson Julius, junk, 41 McElderry Jacquies Dr. Joseph, propr. Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, dw 148 w Lombard Jaecksch Theo. (Jaecksch & Co.) 177 Gough JAI'X'KSCH & CO. (Theo. Jaecksch, Franz Rueth) flour, 87 Bank Jaeger Anton, confectionery, 47 Hill Jaeger Anthony, taker 129* n Republican Jaeger August, tobacconist, 27 Wyeth Jaeger Ch is. harnessmkr, cor Pratt and Scott JaBL^er Edward, tobacconist, 30 Albemarle JAEGER ERNEST A. pharmacist, s e cor Lex- injiton a;id Schroeder Jaeger Fred, carver, 47 Hill Jaeger Fred, tavern, 208 Lexington Jaet^er Jacob, lab. 271 Canton av Jae^'er Philip, marble finisher, Carlton near Franklin Jaekel John, driver, 16 Diamond Jatfers M;s. Elizabetli, grocery, 325 n Durham Jagmetti Chas. barkpr, Holliday and Favette JAGMETTl JOSHUA, saloon, grocer and im- porter uf liquors, cor Exeter and Eastern av Jagoe W'm. bookpr, 291 e Baltimore Jahn Adam, tailor, 382 e .Monument Jahn Arnold, lab. 145 Welcome al Jahn s Co. (Nicolay and Otto G. Jahn) ship ciiandlers, 127 Thames Jahn Michael, grocery, 184 s Washington Jahn Nicolay, (J. & Co.) 310 e Pratt J .hn Otto G. (.J. & Co.) 3i0 e Pratt Jahn Win. lab. 435 w Pratt ^ PQ o O d o Jahns Wm. tailor, 348 S Bond Jaide Jacob, cabinetrnkr, 59 Barre Jalloch Christian, tailor, 153 Columbia Jama Alois, baker, 114 .McKiderry Jamart Lloyd T. driver, 262 s Broadway Jamait Louis A. (Shuley & J.) 439 n Gay James Albert T. coal and wood, office and yard 113 n Paca, dw 62 n Liberty James Mrs. Ann, dressmkr, 62 n Lil)erty James B. Harry, printer, .Ma:isioii house J'lnes Chas. trav'g agent. 427 w Fayette James Chas. cooper, 183 s Bethel James Chas. L clerk, 261 n Charles James .Mrs. Daniel, 24 n High James Mrs. D. notions. 18 n Wolfe James David T. 243 w Fayette James Edward C. tailor, 223 n Caroline James Fred. A. printer, 266 e Bi'ldle James Rev. Fleming, 3542 " Lombard James Geo. huckster, 185 s Bethel James Geo. inspector C. H. 153 Aisquith '^ James Harrison, Edmondson av nr Republican -^ JAMES HENRV & CO. (U. James) lumber H merchants, Aliceanna nr Exeter O James Henry, lib. 272 s Ann O James Henry, lab. 403 Canton av ^ James Henry (H. J. & Co.) and pres't Citizens _ Bank, s e cor Chase and Charles M James Henry C. paying teller, Nat. Bank of Balto. James Henry C. clerk, 243 w Fayette i^ James Isaac, carver, 243 w Fayette i^ James Isaac D. engineer, 386 Lexington ^ James Jerome, ropemkr, 30 Gittings James John, lab. rear Clinton and Third av James John, cooper, 183 s Bethel James John A. carp. 141 Conway James John L. cooper. 634 Light James Capt. John R. 171 .Montgomery James John S. clerk, 153 .\isquith James John W. carp. 1 Dover, dw 174 Barre James Joseph W. grocery, Clifton nr the Park CQ James I.,ewis, clerk, 125 n Poppleton James Loader, liquors, 50 Montgomery James Mrs. Julia S. boarding. Madison and St. Paul James Lewis. 125 n Republican James Mrs. Mary, 141 Conway James .Mrs. .Mary E. postoffice, Clifton James Mrs. .Mary E. boarding, 225 e Baltimore ,_:5 James Miison L. conductor, 243 w Fa\ette p_| James Nathaniel, clerk, cor (Charles and Chase James N. W. clerk, cor Charles and Chase °S James R. H. clerk C. H., 266 e Biddle James Robt. M. (T.C.& R.M.James)6s Calhoun ^ mel W. ticket a^ent W.Md.R.R.dw ^1 l-H 3 OQ PQ ^ H James Samuel Strieker nr Patterson av James Thomas, marble finisher, 84 s Charles j__^ James Thos. C.& R. .M. iobacconisls,50 w Pratt ^j and 139^ n Gay ^ James Thomas, fire brick manuf. 32 Clinton JamesThomasC.(T.C.& R.M. James)124 s Bond ^ James W. clerk, 263 Lexington ents, shoemkr, 5 Somerset US h^ ^ Jarboe .Mrs. A. dressmkr, 241 vv Fayette P -^ ^ Jarboe Frank, coach painter, 399 Orleans S ^ 1-5 '^'*'"^°^ George, carp. 396 Hanover P^ 5 pc; Jarboe James T. mariner, 112 e Pratt Q ft] Jarboe John A. ( White, Ja ~ ;^ 2 Jt'ljoe Prof. John R. 158 rranKiin jij ,, rS Jarboe John W. barber, 32 n Paca, dw 241 w O^ Jarboe John W. jr. conductor, 241 w Fayette tfj j> Jarden Samuel, magistrate, 296 Montgomery, dw 125 Conway Jarman Samuel H. (Johnson, Welch & J.) 157 Park av Jarman G. R. clerk, 157 Park av O o rboe&Co. )220Franklin o ■A Jarrett Asburj^, cor Carey and Edmondson av Jarrett A. Bond, 51 s Washington Jarrett A. M. dressmkr, 138 e Madison Jarrett F. A. bookkpr, Howard houst' Jarrett Gideon A. engineer, 127 Preston Jariett Henry, mariner, 25 Nicholson Jarrett .lames lab. 142 Johnson Jarrett James, lab. 95 Cambridge Jarrett Capt. Samuel, maiiner, 142 Johnson Jarvis Amos, 100 Hill Jarvis Henry, mariner, 142 Lancaster Jarvis Jedediah, trunk maniif. 313 w Lombard Jarvis .Mrs. N. S. 31 w Eager Jarvis Sarah, 102 Columbia Jarvis Mrs. Sarah E. 90 n Greene Jarvis Thaddeus, piopr. Arlington restaurant, n e cor Eutaw and Fay cite, Jarvis Wm. (J. med. student, 31 w Eager Jason John J. rairi er, 97 s IVashington Javins Henry G. civtl engineer, 209 Forrest Jay Annie S. teacher, 124 s Ann Jay Edward G. clerk, 18 n Carey Jay Henry D. clerk, 18 n Carey Jay Isaac, silversmith, 32 s Sharp Jay Dr. John J., Park av and Mulberry Jay Mrs. Lucinda, 124 s Ann Jay Stephen, 230 Bank Jeakle Henry, lab. 240 Hamburg Jean George, blacksmitb, 25 VVliatcoat Jean George B. insp. C. H. 26 .McMechin Jean Ichabod, real estate broker, 87 w Fayette, dw 175 n Charles Jean Wm. 175 n Charles Jean Wm F. D. drug mill, 118 w Lombard, dw 175 n Charles Jeannerel .Madame E. ladies' hairdresser, 62 Lex- ington Jeanneret L. P. watchcasemkr, 83 n Charles Jeaiineret .Madame L. P., French millinery and dressmkr, 83 n Charles Jcanneret Uiysses. watchmkr, 23 s Ga}* JEANNERET ZELI.\I,fancygoods,62 Lexington Jeans Mr.s. Elizabeth, Woodl)erry Jacks Abraham, tailor, 13 May Jeanty Wm. hairdresser, 170 n Eutaw .Jefferies James, m ichiiiist, 292 Light Jefferies .Mrs Lydia, 307 w Lombard Jeliers Alexander, lab. 7 Wyeth Jetf'iTs George, lab. 7 Wyeth Jeffers George W. clerk, 510 Franklin Jetfers James, lab. 160 n Dallas Jeffers James H. police, 41 Walker Jeffers John, lab. 231 Battery av Jeffers John E. machinist, Bouldin al nr Mosher Jeffeis Jos. M. clerk, 5 s Gilmor Jeffers .Madison, agent Kentucky Lotterv, 212 Druid Hill av Jeffers .Maihias, plasterer, n vv cor Eutaw and Preston Jeffers Samuel, moulder, 59 s Gilmor Jeffers Samuel 'y. lab. 59 s Gilmor Jett'crs Samuel N. H. machinist, 5 8 Gilmor Jeffers Thomas F. paperhanger, 375 McHenry Ji-fters Wm. H. cleik, 59 s Gilmor Jefferson Clayton, sec. hand furniture, 43 Pearl Jelfeisoa Daniel J. clerk, 30 s Caroline Jefferson Henry C. 30 s Caroline JefF'Tson James, huckster, 30 s Caroline Jetferson John, printer, 415 e Fayette Jefferson John B. H. pharmacist, 96 s Broad- way, dw 10 Jefferson Jo.-s Mrs. Sarah, 29 McElderry Jefferys Thomas, 85 Preston Jeffreys John H. machinist, 398 w Fayette Jeffries James, machinist, 292 Liij:ht Jeffries Johi>, huckster, 292 Lij,'ht Jeffries Mrs. Miranda, dressrakr, 93 Parkin Jeffries Thomas L. clerk, 93 Parkin Jeffries Win. fireman, 292 Light Jeffries Wm. surveyo!', 366 McHeury Jeffries VVm. F. lab". 93 Parkin Jebnert Gottleib, machinist, 185 Chesnut Jekel Eliza, 447 Lexingion Jelenck Frank, lab. 20 Fell Jelks Ciuciniiatus, printer, 64 Chew Jelley James G. wood. Homestead Jelley Wm. lab. 45 James la Jelliuski John, lab. rear'354 s Caroline Jenior Nicolaus, baker, Ann :ind Hi idle Jenka Harry, musician, 90 n Caroline Jenkens Samuel, shipcarp. 56 >- Biddle Jeunerek Frank, shoemkr, 34 Park av Jenkins A. L. 36 Mt. Vernon pi Jenkins A. Poland, Barnum's hotel Jenkins Albert T. clerk, 111 n Ch.irles Jenkins Alfred jr.(Edw.J.& Sons) 75 Courtland Jenkins Alfred, prest. Union .Manufacturing Co. of Md. 77 n Greene Jenkins Alt'ied A. painter, 4 n Bond Jenkins Andrew J. salesman, 91 S Paca Jenkins Anthony H. 172 n Calvert Jenkins .Austin, 124 Park av Jeniuns Beuj. W. (Hugh J. ^ Co.) 406 Eutaw pi Jenkins Mrs. Caroline, tailoress, 59 P^ssex JENKINS & CHANDLER, (T. Xobt. Jenkins, Kennard Chandler) provision merchants, 48 South and 115 North Jenkins Cliaiies, shipjoiner, 149 Bank Jenkins Charles E. clerk, 332 e Lombard Jenkins Ch.vrles H. clerk, 325 w Fayette Jenkins C. Taylor, clerk, 312 w Baltimore, dw Linden av nr McMechiu Jenkins Cyprian W. clerk, 3 s Mount Jenkins P. flagman, Bnldle and Castle Jenkins Daniel, brakeman, 49 s Strieker Jenkins E Austin, (Ed. J. & Sons) 125 Park av Jenkins Edmund, clerk, 44 Franklin Jenkins Edward, ioo P.irk av JENKINS EDWARD of James, coal merchant, 1 St. Paul, dw 244 n Charl-s JENKINS EDWARD & SONS, E. Austin, Al- fred jr. and Robt. H. Jenkins) imp' rs saddlery and coach hardware, 180 w Baltimore Jenkins Edwd. T. Vaulpy, clerk, 325 w Fayette Jenkins Mis. Elizabeth J. 2x3 Hollins Jenkins Enoch F. hatter, 376 .\isquith Jenkins Eugene,clerk,Charles-st av nr Denmead Jenkins Dr. Keiix, Gieene and Mulberry Jenkins Frank, clerk, 36 Mt. Vernon pi Jenkins Franklin, tinner, 332 e Lombard Jenkins Fred. lab. 271 William Jenkins (i . C. (J. Slay lor & Co.) 32 w Eager ^ Jenkins G. Taylor, com. merchant,Union Bank q^^ building, dw Linden av nr McMechin ^ Jenkins H. Taliaferro, clerk. Linden av nr Mc- g Mechin -^ Jenkins Henry, barkeeper, rear 514 Harford av ^ Jenkins Henrv, {Cahill & J. ) 31 Moshev PH JENKINS HENRY W. & SON, (H. W. and T. n^ W. Jenkins) cabinetmkrs, 16 Light £3 Jenkins Henrv W. (H. W. J. & Son) 164 Barre '^ JENKINS HUGH k CO. (J. S. and B. W. Jen- OJ kins) shipping and com. merchts. 18 Second o Jenkins J. Hillen, elk. Charles-st av nr Denmead ^ Jonkins James, lab. 59 Esse.\ -^Z Jenkins James, machinist, 269 s Bond '^ Jenkins Jan)es, caulker, 79 Hamburg pq Jenkins James, machinist, 149 Bank Jenkins James, tinner, 279 s Charles ^ Jenkins James B. sr. 149 Bank q Jenkins James H. mariner, 16 Henrietta Jenkins JaniesW. prest. Nottingham Coal Co. ^ 244 n Charles ' , O Jenkins James W. jr. clerk, 244 n Charles O Jenkins J. H. clerk, Charles-st av ext ^ Jenkins John, lab. 236 e Chase ^ Jenkins John, lab. 84 Parkin q Jenkins John E. police, 19 Harrison, Canton pj Jenkins John E.R.coachmkr, 147 n High.dw 145 ^ Jenkins John H. shipcarp. 34 Johnson ^ Jenkins John H. dep. col. 1st district, 192 s Ann ^ Jenkins John W. prest. Bridgeport Gas Coal ^ Co. 18 Postoffice av, dw Charles-st av nr pq Denmead Jenkins John W. police, 279 s Charles ^ Jenkins J.Stricker, (Hugh J.& Co.) 1 76 n Charles ^ Jenkins Joseph, messenger, 20 n Fremont j> Jenkins Joseph, mariner, 18 Essex Jenkins Jos. B. painter, 13 s Caroline ai Jenkins Joseph M. 172 n Calvert p^ JENKINS JOS. W. & CO. (J.W.Jenkins,R.H. p£] Pender) com. merchants and cotton factors, ^ warehouse 28 and 30 s Frederick t^- Jenkins Jos. W.(J.W. J. & Co.) pres't Despard ^ Coal Co. 15 German, dw 97 w Monument ^ Jenkins Jos. W. jr.iJ.Staylor& Co. 148 St. Paul <^ Jenkins Levin W. shipcarp. 34 Johnson pq Jenkins Mrs. Louisa C. 87 n Charles Jenkins M. Courtney, attorney, 6 St.Paul,dw 49 ^ Courtland ^ Jenkins Mrs. Martha, dressmkr, 332 e Lombard ^ Jenkins Meredith, salesman, 124 Park av ^ Jenkins Michael, (J. Staylor & Co.) 124 Park av - ^ •S^C/J X m ^ O) . :z; o - _ ;^^2 "^ ^ .c^ - O) C "-.f :5 -^ ee -^ — Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, JEN 298 JOH Kl^^!^^ S^ t: 9'o ^ Z i ^ o r- Qi s >r-1 o •- (=^ >>;^ o r. ^ ^ ^ *j ■*^ as GC a; ^ X 2-^ 98 O ^ O) cs ^^ ^ i, tT" lO r- M (M p ^ w s >. S < ■^- c^ QU K jj c^ o =« "^ c r^ ^ p H <>, • «^ O (3 1 ^- X r- a^ "C ct o "S -i-i f^ c P -r o CJ •M !k. • 1— I -t^ c -tJ ctf s 3 lO o <_: o P^ '¥?^ ^ td. C3 ~ x •M ^ ^ , a >> i/ o ^— f> ^ > %> ^ ■r. r» O) 1^ rt "-S !.< Z) « a> r^. c^ D ce Jenkins Thos.coppersmelter,First av nr Clinton Jenkins Thos. agt. C. P. R. dw Penna av ext Jenkins Thos. C. jr. clerk. Ill w Biddle Jenkins Thos. C. 167 St. Paul Jenkins Thos. E. V. clerk, 32.5 w Fayette Jenkins Thos. P. clerk. 325 w Favette Jenkins Thos. W. (H.W.J. c^ Son) 70 Saratoga Jenkins Mrs. T. 11. 148 Mulberry Jenkins T. Meredith, salesman, i24 Park av Jenkins T.Robt.( J.&Chandler)36 Mt. Vernon pi Jenkins Walter, ciirariokr, 4 h Bond Jenkins Wm. jiainter, 4 n Bund Jenkins Wni. A. salesman, 53i) \v Lombard Jenkins Wm. B. plumber, 305 Hanover Jenkins Wm. D. clerk, 25 s Gay Jenkins Wni. E. clerk, 91 s Paca Jenkins Wm. F. clerk, 164 Barre J^nkins Wm. F. J. clerk, 325 w Fayette Jenkins Wm. H. bailiff, 63 w Fayette, dw 3 s .Mount Jenkins Wm.T.coppersmelter,Clintonnr Elliott Jenkins Wra. K. clerk, 30 e lOager Jenkins Wm. .M butcher, 99 e Madison Jenkins Wm. M. huckster, 283 Canton av Jenkins Wm. T. cooper, 45 Holland Jenkins Wm. T. cooper, Monument ext Jenks John N. driver, 74 s Chester Jenness John A. produce, 123 Hillen, dw291 n Eden Jenness Sarah E. school, 244 Madison av. dw 2 McCulloh Jenness Wm. C. clerk, 295 n Eden Jennett Zion, huckster, 14 s Bond Jennings Mrs. C. V. dressmkr, 406 e Fayette Jennings Francis P. Imckmau, 45 Tyson Jennings George F. cit:armkr, 426 e Monument Jennings Dr. J. B. 298 Penna av, dw Lauvale and Madison av Jennings James, 105 HoUiiis Jennings John, tailor, 50 e Pratt Jennings John, hackman, 12 Buren Jennings John J. watchman, 141 Johnson Jinnings John W. printer, 12 e Baltimore Jennings Joseph, steam planer, 526 w Lombard Jennings Joshua, lab. 2.s Ramsay Jennings Joshua, lab. 52 McHenry Jinnings Luke, blacksmith, 14 Essex Jennings Martin, hackman. 26 Liberty al Jennings .Mrs. Mary, 12 Buren Je-inings .Michael, police, Hull al nr Fort av Jcnninizs Mi. bad V . huckster, 126 Harford av JENNINGS N. HVNSUN k CO. (N. H. Jen- nings) aiioihecaries, 90 n Charles Jennings N.Hynson (N.H.J.&Co.) 90 n Charles Jennings Osciir S. jeweler, 19 Chew Jennings Patrick, porter, 92 .McKim Jennings Peter, lab. 200 Cathedral Jennings Robert, slioerakr, 180 Kast Jennings Samuel, 601 Lexington Jennings Thos. lab. 7 n Hi>;ii Jennings Wm. coal, 84 Booth, dw 5 Dewberry al Jensen G. W. bi-er, Mansion house Jensen John F. beer, cor .'leutral av and Gay Jensen Peter, grocery, 201 e [..oinliard Jenter John G. shoemkr, 5 Freileriek av Jenter John M. shoemkr, 5 Frederick av Jerninirham J. A. C. publisher and book agent, 4 s Gay Jeruingham Mrs. Matilda, books and stationery, 4 s Gay Jerome James W. clerk, 360 Lexington Jerrentrupp John H. cigar luanuf. 107 Cross Jerrentrupp Gotleib, tobacconist, Johnson and Grindall Jerscheid Adam, grocery. 232 s Caroline Jerscheid Mrs. Cath. huckstress, 181 Canton av Jersclieid Henry, organist, 329 s Bond Jerscheid John D. bariier, 1818 Bond Jerscheid John D. trav. agent, and grocery, 265 s Bond Jerscheid John G. jr. clerk, 329 s Bond Jerscheid Nicholas, grocery, H29 s Bond Jerschock Michael, lab. 114 Lancaster Jeruscheck John, lab. 263 s Ann Jervis James, filemkr, 70 Battery av Jervis Tho.s. engineer, 70 Cress Jervis Wm. fileculter, 197 Montgomery, dw 208 Jesse Fannie, teacher, Park av and Wilson Jessen Christopher,tobacconist,lo Druid Hill av Jessen Julius, enc;iiieer. 123 L. Gieene Jessop Mrs. Ann, 125 n Fremont Jessop Geo. T. piinter, 125 n Fremont Jessop James M. carp. 408 Mulberry Jessop Joshua, clerk, 8 s Gay Jessop Richard 0. constable, 408 Mulberry Jessop Samuel, moulder, 79 n Ongon Jessop Wm. W. blacksmith, 4 s Carey Jester Chas. H. engineer, 98 Jeflerson Jeter Mrs. Alexina E. grocery, 7 s Front Jeter Mrs. Martha A. grocery, 134 n Central av Jeter Mortimer S. plasterer, 7 s Front Jeter Thos. R. bricklaver. 1 s Front Jeter Wm. B. plasterer, 1 s Front Jett James A. brakeman, 26 Knox al Jett Mrs. Mary A. 26 Knox al. Jett W. S. salesman, 110 George Jevens John W gasfixtures,931 w Baltimore, dw Franklin and Fulton Jewell Wm. J. painter, 270 e Madison Jewett Chas. H. clerk, 23 Park av Jewelt Isaac W. pres't Potomac Fire Ins. Co. 3 PostofBce av, dw 49 Cathedral Jewish Chronicle, D.Binswanger & Co. propr'a, Howard and Fayette Jewish Synauo2ue, (Orthodox) over s w cor Howard and Lexington Jewish Synagogue, Lexington nr Pine Jewish Synagogue, Eden nr Lombard Jewish Synagogue, (Fourth) Ilanjver nr Lom- bard Jewish Temple, High nr Low- Jimenez Lino, 129 n Carey Joachim Leonhardt, porter, 17 Second Jockel Edward, baker, 94 Kasti-ni av Jockel George, baker, 92 Eastern av Jockel George K. baker, 208 s Sharji Jockel George K. jr. fruit packer, 208 s Sharp Jockel John, baker, 94 Eastern av Jockel John G. shoemkr, 310 Cross Jockel Wm. lab. 224 Chesnut al Jockel .Martin, baker, 208 s Sharp Joesting Aug. cigarmkr, 301 n Eden Joesting Henry, cigarmaker, 100 s Charles, dw Waverley Job Ferdinand, brewer, Wilkens nr Frederick av Johannes Allen, jeweler, over 205 w Baltimore, dw 45 n Strieker Johannes Chas. W. lab. Carrollton av nr Fred- erick rd Johannes Henry, beer, 74 Pearl Johannes John .M. jeweler, 45 n Strieker Johanning Henry, varnisher, 427 w Pratt Johanning Henry jr. clerk, 427 w Pratt John Mrs. Dorothea, fancy goods, 130 Penna av HOLMES k CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. ~~ JOlT 299 JOH John George, 372 e Fajette Jolin F. E. painter, 52 St. Peter John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Boston, 37 PosiofBce av John Mrs. Eliza, 33 Elliott Johns George, hib. 109 Kn.-or JOHNS PIOPKINS HOSPITAL, office 25 n Charles JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, office, 25 n Chniles Johns H. V. D. (Merrick & Johns) cor Lanvale and Boltnn Johns Isaiah, huckster, 70 s Sharp Johns Joseph jr. insurance agent, 36 Postoffice av, d\v O.xford and Frisby la Johns Mrs. Lavinia, 132 Lanvale Johns Richard H. jr. attorney, 19 Lexington, dw 420 Harford av Johns Richard H.asst.city cominissioner(Lusby & J.) 520 Harford av Johns Thomas, lab. Clinton nr Second av Johns Tliomas P. (Lusb\- & J.) 420 Haiford av Johns Walter S. (Joyce & Johns) 32 n Gay Johns .Mrs. W. H. 664 Lexington Johns Wm. J. bricklayer, 420 Harford av Johnson Abr.ihain, livery stables and restau- rant, 411 w Baltimore, dw 275 w Lombard Johnson Adam H. lab. 9 Randall Johnson A. B. bookkpr, 25^ s Calhoun Johnson Albert A. (Hayes «fe J.) 367 e Pratt Johnson Albert R. tobac. dealer, 263 w Hoffman Johnson Alex. T. ^C. Sidney Norris & Co.) Huntingdon av nr Chi^rles Johnson Andrew, rigger, 358 8 Caroline Johnson Andrew L. curp. 277 Aisquith Johnson Anna W. 121 n Gilrnor Johnson Arthur, salesman, 79 Park av Johnson Arthur L. finisher, 428 n Calhoun Johnson Augustus F. lab. 388 William Johnson Ballard, coal afient, Huntingdon av nr Charles Johnson B. R. & Co. (B. R. Johnson, John T. Smith and F. N. Harwood) granite workers, 1 Centre Johnson Benj. R. (B.R.J. & Co.) 222 Aisquith Johnson Bros. (John G. and E. H. Johnson) nipemkrs, 250 n Gay Johnson Mrs. Caroline, 319 Aliceanna JohiKsou Chas. lab. Aliceanna ar Luzerne Johnson Chas. A. horseslioer, Morris al nr Pres- ton, dw 304 n Kutavv Johnson C. Clay, clerk. 71 Division Jobu.sou Chas. T. carver, 37 Henrietta Johnson Chas. H. machinist, 223 Gough Johnson Chas. H. clerk. 263 w Hoffman Johnson Chus. B. piunter, 9 n Oregon Johnson C. W. clerk, 146 Dol(ihin Johnson Chas. saw sharpener, 10 Addison Johnson C-ipt. Chas. R. marine surveyor, office 106 Thames, dw Catonsville Jolinson Dr. C. S. 177 Conway Johnson Chas. W. bricklayer, 303 Walsh Johnson Chus. W. cup. 1 14 Dolpliin Johnson Crawford H. coal and wood, 13 South, dw 160 Myrtle av Johnson David, coppersmith, 64 n Holliday, dw 5 Etting Johnson David, mariner, 189 Patterson av Johnson Edward, lab. 17 O'Donnell Johnson Edward, salesman, 40 Lexington Johnson Edward, tinner, 321 e .Monument Johnson Edward, bricklayer, 303 Walsh Johnson Edw'd C.(E.Carrington & Co.)Balt. co Johnson Edward B. machinist, 285 McHenry Johnson Edward M. grocery, 1 Russell Johnson Edwin, diiver, 186 Peirce Johnson Edwin (J & Wernitr) 51 Druid Hill av 3 Johnson Mrs. Elizaheih, tailoress, 128 Mullikin OQ Johnson EHender, blacksmith. 223 Gough fe Johnson Elijah, bricklayer, 150 Battery av ^ Johnson Elijah H. (Johnson Bros ) 31 Miller "^ Johnson Mrs. Elijah H contractor, 543 Saratoga ryi John.^on Emmet, stonecutter, 277 .\isquith Johnson Mrs. Elizab. confec'y, 259 s Broadway"^ Johnson .Mrs. Elizab , Oregon nr Edmondson av ^ Johnson Ezekiel (;. ag't Poor Assoc'n, 95 s Bond ^ Johnson .Mrs. F.A. tavern, cor Bath & Holliday tn Johnson Francis, tav'n, Caroline and Canton av ^ Johnson Felix, lab. 8 Addison .;:; Johnson Fred, mariner, 282 Aliceanna ^ Johnson Franklin P. car driver, 117 6 Eager ■^ Johnson Frank, plasterer, 365 .Saratoga PQ Johnson Franklin P. cardriver, 16 Cumberland ,. Johnson Fied. S. paperhanger,748 w Baltimore o Johnson Geo carp. 117 Parkin O Johnson Geo. .■\. painter, 9 n Oregon Johnson Geo. lab. 427 Aliceanna ^ Johnson Geo. M. bricklayer, 9 s Fulton t^ Johnson Geo. M. cigarmkr, 321 e Monument Johnson Geo N. boilermkr, 37 Henrietta o^^ Johnson Gen. W. bricklayer, 95 Harford av Johnson Geo. shoemkr, 321 e Monument ft Johnson Geo. E. salesman, 195 n Central av Q Johnson Geo. W 596 w Lombard O Johnson Geo. W. paperhanger. 233 Chew ^ Johnson Geo. W. 619 w Lombard ^ Johnson Geo. W. clerk. 30 n Poppleton ^^ • Johnson Geo. W.W bricklayer, 4 Willinger ct PH Johnson Gershom D. (Jos. G.J. &Bro.) Hollins ■ w of .Mount S JOHNSON GREKNLEAF & SON, (Greenleaf, ^ Howard N. and Greenleaf Johnson jr. )lumber ^"^ com. merchants, 2 Block qq" Johnson G. S. 148 Dolidiin ,_q Johnson Greenleaf, (G. Johnson & Son,) 472 f£] Euiaw pi ^ Johnson Greenleaf jr. (G. Johnson & Son) 472 j^; Eutaw pi ^ Johnson Henrv C. hatter, 155 Ensor j^ Johnson Howard N. (G. Johnson & Son,) 472;^ Eutaw pi ^ Johnson Gilliert. stevedore, 42 Fell ^ Johnson Grafion, clerk, 258 n Gilmor ^ Johnson G. J. (Johnson, Sutton & Go.)Wash-*=^ in-ton. D. C ^ Johnson Rev. Henry E. 220 e John ^^ Johnson Henry, clerk. 67 e Madison k, Johnson H. E. attorney, 15 St. Paul, dw 1 s|lj Fulton ^ Johnson Henry, lab 159 s Chapel H o <1 < o a w i-:i H o O ^ C/J ^ 00 O d 12; 1— 1 ^ 25 O o JOHNSON JAMES H , Warren's fire and water pioof roofinjr. iind siwed and s[A\t wood, 11 German, dw St. Clair hotel Johnson Janif-s, tailor, 152^ u Kutaw Johnson James L. clerk. 1:^7 n Front John.-^on James M. coachpainter, 9 n Oregon Johnson James M. conductor, 91 s Gilmor Johnson James T. grocer}-, 157 w Biddle Johnson Capt. James V. marine surveyor, 106 Thames, dw Uatonsville Johnson James W. c airmkr, 2 .Miliiman Johnson Jarret U. 157 w Biddle Johnson John, attorney, 13 Lexington, dw 266 Xlyitle av Johnson John, shoefiiidintrs, 213 Kastern av Johnson John, Ijricklayer. 341 Aisqiiilh Johnson John lab. Wolfe nr Biddle Johnson John, hoilerniiir, 66 Albemarle Johnson John, grocer, s w cor Hilleii and East, dw 168 F^last Johnson John A. cooper, 38 Preston Johnson John B.deik. Oregon nr Edmondson av Johnson John L). tinner, 69 Oanibridye Johnson John G.( Johnson Bros.) 250 n Gay John.son John H. hnck^ter, 148 Battery av Johnson John I. mariner, 153 Huirhes Johnson John L. carp. 117 e Ea^er Johnson John M. grocery, 92 s Washington Johnson John N.surcical instrumts, 155 Ensor Johnson John R. telciiraphist, 509 S uatoga Johnson John T. stianifuier, 204 (Jeorge Johnson John T. tailor, 71 Division Johnson John W. teacher. Mount nr Pratt Johnson John W. painter, 9 n Orcizon Johnson John W. confVctioner, foot of Centre Market, dw 40 Sprinu' row Johnson Joseph, 240 Walsh Johnson Joseph, boilermkr, 37 Henrietta JOHNSON JOSEPH G. &. BRO.(J. G. and G. D.Johuson)teas and groceries, Joiinson bldg, s w cor Baltimore and Poppleiou Johnson Joseph G.(J.G.J & Bro.) 320 Hollins Johnson Joseph II. shoemkr, 216 Light John.'ion JoS' ph .\I. priiiler, 74 s Exeter JOHNSON J. S. & CO.(J.S.Johuson) wooden- ware and twine dealeis, 53 s Calvert Johnson Joseph S. (J.S.J. & Co.) 240 Walsh Johnson Joseph T. butter, and watchman C. H. 440 Light Johnson MiS. Kate, millinery, 269 n Gay Johnson Mrs. Laura, dressmkr, 277 Aisquith Johnson Leander F. lab. 724 w Pratt Johnson Lewis, cleik, 118 Park av Johns III Louis, cuunkr, 162 s Chapel Johnson L. C. mariner, 13 L. Church Johnson Marion, bricklayer, 27 e Biddle Johnson Mrs. Marion, fancy goods, 250 n Gay Johnson Mrs. Margaret, 208 w Hoffman John>on Marshall B. ^E. S. AUnutl & Co.) 45 Mt. Vernon \>\ Johnson .Mrs. Mary, 160 n Howard Johnson .Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 26 Conway John.-oii Mary A. 192 n Broadway •lohnson Mary C. teacher, 64 Mt. Vernon pi Johnson Mrs. Mary L. seamstress, 1)9 n Pine John.-;on .Mattie, 2 May JOHNSON & MOALE (T. M. Johnson, Henry Mode) importers and jobbers of leas, 18 Commeici- Johnson Noble, painter, 18 n Oregon Johnson Patrick, porter, 53 Clay Johnson Patrick, clerk, 114 Hillen Johnson Patrick, florist, Denmead nr St. Paui Johnson Philip, lab. Sweet Air Johnson Racht-l, confeci'y, 182 Light-st whf Johnson .Mrs. Rachel. 221 w Biddle JOHNSON REVERDY, Jr., attorney, 43 St. Paul, dw .\lt. Vernon hotel JOHNSON REVERDY, Sr., attorney, 49 w Fayetie, dw 118 Park av Johnson Reverdy. clerk, 118 Park av Johnson Richard, tavern, 600 Philadelphia rd Johnson Mrs. Richard, dressmaker, 15 n Fre- mont Johnson Richard, junk. 459 Canton av Johnson Richard A. shipcarp. 56 n Caroline Johnson Richiird M. mariner, 153 Hughes ■lohnson Robert, porter, 6 Forrest pi Johnson Robert, feed, Centre and Calvert, dw 3't2 Grcenmounl av Jolipson Robert, lab. 76 Ruh Johnson Rodger, attorney, 99 St. Paul Johnson Sallie E. dressmkr, 96 w Fayette Johnson Sain'l C. harnessmkr, 155 Ensor JOHNSON SAMUEL M. & CO.(Wm. A. John- son) lii;hterage office, 43 s Gay Johnson Samuel .M. ag't Atlantic and George's Creek Coal Co. office 45 8 Gay, dw 13 n Broadway Johnson Samuel, watchman, 37 Henrietta Johnson S;iniuel L boilermkr, 34 Henrietta Johnson Samuel P. boilermkr, 34 Henrietta Johnson Samuel P. jr. boilermkr, 34 Henrietta Johnson Mrs. Sarah J.. Jefferson nr Castle JOHNSON, SHRYOCK k CO. 1 James Johnson, Wm. H. Shryock, Augustus T. Lyon)vvhoIes. lumber and com. merchants, cor Cross and Howard Johnson, Sutton & Co. (T. W Johnson, R. M. Sutton, .1 .E. R.Crabbe, G.J.Johnson )wholes. dry goods, 296 \v Baltimore and 1 n Liberty Johnson Stephen E. canvasser, 4 Plowman Johnson Susanna M. 78 Block Johnson Thomas B. brass moulder, S.'i s Wash- ington Johnson Thomas C. gilder, 126 n Bond Johnson Dr. Thomas F. 246 Madison av Johnson Thomas F. clerk, 318 .McDonogh Johnson Thomas M. jr. clerk, 287 Madison av Johnson Thos. M. (.1. & Moale) 287 Madisonav Johnson Thos. M. jr. lab. 17 Gittings Johnson Thomas M. rigger, 17 Gittin>;s Johi sou Thomas P. clerk, 71 Division Johnson Thos. W. (Johnson, Sutton & Co. )11 n Carey Johnson Thos. W. appraiser. 295 e Pratt JOHNSON, WELCH & JARMAN, ,W. A. Johnson, C. J. Welsh, and S. H. Jarman) wholesale. grocn Wm. stonecutter, 1 Bartlett Johnson Wm. A. (S. M. J. & Co. )5 Jackson sq Johnson Wm. A. salesman, 336 e Biddle John.son Wm. A. (J., Welsh & Jarman) 298 e Biddle Johnson Wm. J. mariner, 17 Gittings HKNRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Oor. Second St. and Post Oliice Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt JOH 301 JON Johnson Wm Hughes, grocer and tea dealer, 240 Lexinujton Johnson Wm. H. jr wholesale paper, over 146 w IJaltimore, dw Port Deposit JOHNSON & WIRNIG, ( Edwin John?on, J. R. Wernig) cigar njamif is, 43 e Baltimore Johnson Wm. pressnian, 117 Jefferson Johnson Wm. B. painter. 130 n Exeter Johnson Wm. H. boilermkr. 277 s Charles JOHNSON W' M. H. snuirmili, manuf'd tobacco 21 Centre Market sp, dw 47 n Biondwaj- Johnson Wni. L. clerk, 47 n Broadway Johnson Wm. 0. plumber and gasfitter, 18 w F.i yette, dw 28 Jackson Johnson Wm. R. (George & J.) 20 German nr Calvert Johnson Wm. R. sergt. pulice. 10 n Wolfe Johnson Wm. C. painter. JeSer.son nr Castle Johnson Vv'm. D. coachmkr, 155 Ensor Johnson Mrs. Wm. boots and shoes, 110 n Gay Johnson Wm. H. safes, 242 n Charles Johnson Wm. T. carp. 67 George Johnson Wm. W. clerk. 1.3 n Broadwav JOHNSON. WILSON & CO. publishers, room 5, 5 Postoffice av Johnson Wm. W. jr. laV>. 116 Hitmburg Johnson Wm. W. rigger, 116 Hamburg Johnston Alton R. bookkpr, 382 e Chase Johnston A. B. bookkpr, 25^ s Calhoun Johnston Mrs. Agnes, diy goods, 545 n Fremont Johnston Bartlett S.(Manly & J. )St. Clair hotel JOHNSTON BROS. ^ CO. (J. L. and H. E. Johnston) bankers, 198 w Baltimore Johnston Charles K. driver. 449 n G-ty JOHNSTON Dr. CHRISTOPHER, prof.Univ'ty of Md. ofiBceand dw cor Franklin and Park av Johnston & Co. (Robert Johnston )tobacconists, 9 St. Paul Johnston Clement, carp. 328 n Howard Johnston David, copp^-rsmith, 64 n Holliday, dw 5 Eiting Johnston Edward, cabinetmkr, 449 n Gay Johnston Mrs. E. 227 German Johnston Edw'd E. grocy. Jefferson and Bethel Johnston Francis H.(R. Starr & Co.) 182 n Calvert Johnston Franklin B. butcher, 2 Centre mar- ket, dw Penna av ext Johnston Frederick, carp. 96 n Fremont Johnston Goen, huckster, Penna av ext Johnston George, brakeman, 553 w Lombard Johnston Henry E. (J. Bros. & Co.)l 16 Park av JOHNSTON JAMES, tobacconist, 123 n Cal- vert, dw 123 Johnston Robert, flour and feed, n e cor Centre and Calvert, dw Greenmount av ext Johnston James A. lab. 449 n Gay Johnston James, jr. 719 w Baltimore Johnston John, salesman, 102 e Fayette Johnston John J. painter, 121 e Monument Johnston J. Harry, clerk, 159 Mulberry Johnston Dr. John M. 7 s Frederick JOHNSTON J. M. s.iloon, 58 w Fayette Johnston John, agent, 545 n Fremont Johnston John A. carp. and builder, 540 Aisquith Johnston Joseph, printer, 74 s Exeter Johnston Josiab Lee, (J.Bros. & Co. )74 Franklin Johnston & King, ( Jno. M. Johnston, W. W. King) saloon, 6 n Calvert Johnston Lizzie, 14 & 16 Josephine Johnston -Mrs. AL A. dry goods and trimmings, 436 Lexington Johi -ton Malcolm H. attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw Vt H^erley Jo' listen Patrick, porter, 53 Clay Jobi, Ion Peter, rigger, 133 s Ann Johi .-on Col. R. .M. juincip^l Pen Lucy board- ing and day school. Pen Lucy, York rd Jounston Robert H. salesman, 69 n Paca Johnston Robert, (Johnston & Co.)r23 n Calvert Johnston Robert, clerk. 115 n High Johnston Dr. Samuel, 80 w Monument Johnston Mrs. Sarah, 127 Peirce Johnston Thomas, engraver, 412 Lexington Johnston Thomas, gardener, Homestead Johnston Upshur, (Goldsborough & J.) 80 w Monument Jotiuston Wm. clerk, 1C6 s Strieker Johnston Wm. clerk. 145 n Carey Johnston Wni. A. huckster, Penna av ext Johnston Wm. C. M. clerk, 15 n High Johnston Wm. H cashier, Rennert house Johnston Rev. Wm. T., Waverley Johnstone Mrs. Mary B. 64 .Mt. Vernon pi Joice Geo. cann:kr, 216 Chew Joice Geo. G. clerk, ."9 Barnes Joice Geo. W. clerk, 129 Aisquith Joice Mary A. teacher, 129 Aisquith Joice Stephen, cooper, 216 Chew Joice Wm. H. cooper, 216 Chew Joiner Wm. B. engineer, 27 W^arren Joiner Wm. T. clerk water dej^t. 27 Warren Joiner W^m. T. j)ilot, 18 Hamburg Joines Daniel, engineer, 100 Jefferson Joines John, U. S. N. 237 n Eden Jolliffe Thomas H. clerk, 21 Franklin Jolly John A. cor Biddle and Eden Jolly Wm. H. carp. 245 n Eden Jones Abraham, shoemkr, 85 e Lombard i Jones Mrs. Alabama, 242 e Pratt Jones Albert H. police, 120 West I Jones Alex. (J H.Hugg & Co.) steam tug office, I 81 Thames, dw 4 s Broadway I Jones Albert, (Day & J.) 14 n Carey I Jones Albert, painter, 224 Eastern av Jones Albert, 14 n Carey ' Jones Alex. F. clerk, 4 s Broadway i Jones Alexandria, clerk, 40 n Calvert Jones Alfred, engineer, 104 Hollins Jones Alfred H. painter, 73 s Ann Jones Alfred T regalia raanuf. s w cor Fayette and North, dw 277 e Biddle Jones Alfus, lab. 35 Hill Jones Alonzo F. (Lewis J. & Son)81 Columbia Jones Andrew D.( Woodward, Baldwin & Nor- ris) 43 Mt. Vernon pi Jones Andrew B. clerk, 45 Mt. Vernon pi Jones Andrew J. wagoner, 189 e Pratt Jones Arthur P clerk, 50 n Greene JONES ASBURV, carp. 198 Hanover Jones Aubrey H. insurance agent, 32 Postofflce av, dw 40 Lexington Jones Beiij.P.coachtrimr, Aisquith nr Point la Jones Benj. bricklayer, 356 e Chase Jones Benj. lab. 316 Aliceanna Jones Benj. P. sr. cooper, Aisquith nr Point la Jones Bennett W. carp. 471 e .Monument Jones Dr. Buckler, 33 nCalvert,dw 270Linden av Jones Charles A. brakeman, 362 Park av Jones C. W. & Co. (C.W.Jones) com. merchts. 240 w Pratt Jones C. W. & Bro. (C.W.JoneSjIsraelB.Jones) hucksters. Iu5 Cross-st mkt Jones Mrs. Catherine, notions, 73 n Eden o t-l 05 a c5 c3 o O O o o o ^ I— I I — I < H OQ P <1 O l-H pq Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) I a '^'zB Mutv^Blljife Insurance Co. of New York. JON 302 'SoOD Jones Mrs. Charles, 91 Pearl Jones Charles L. agent, 2\3 Lanvale Jones Charles D. maitressiukr, 102 s Sharp JO p. Jones Charles, mariner, 46 Es*ex g _ oj Jones Charles B. clerk, 73 n Eden &p^ f^ Jones Charles B. clerk, 152 w Lombard £ -^ -o JiJ'ifs Chailes H. clerk, 73 s Ann Ph c = Jones Charles K. moulder, 152 e Eager .^^ Jones Charles F. shoemkr, 120 Thames <" '^ b£, "^'"^''^ ^'■- Charles H 530 w Fayette 3 j3 c Jones Chas. W. (C.VV.J.&Co.) 159 Cross •2 ^ J Jones Chas.W.(C.\V.J.&Co.)28Greenmountav -^ 3, p Jones Chas. H.tobacconist, 180 s Broadvvay,d\v 7 ^ i, o " — " ^""''••'•n'u.ii.i-ouist, lou s uroauvvi Ph ^ r'l ^"''^ ^"^^- *-''"^^- ^'- ^^^ Cross _'7 ^ Jones Christopher, gardener, e Madison — • ^- 05 5 3; ext B S O to ^ .Si > ^ r Jo"<^s ^- Bradley, clerk, Saratoga and St. Paul - ■- Jones Edward C. carp. 34 Henrietta Jones Edward D. conductor, 159 n Fremont Jones Edward G. carp. 5 B) rd Jones Edward R. clerk, I95 n Howard Jones Edward 0. varnisher, 108 n Caroline Jones Edward S. lab. 708 w Lombard •^^ Jones Edward J. finisher, Greenmount av opp p^ Point la ^^ Jones Edwin, spice packer, 84 n Gilmor ^ ^ Jones Edwin F. bricklayer, 136 s Sharp 2 X Jones Edwin F. bookkpr, 749 Lexington JUNES EDWIN L. hardware, 31 s Charles, dw ^ ^ 112 Harlem av I g(^ Jones CaptElhaney, mariner, 103 L. Greene ^ -^ Jones Eh, Charles-st av ext ^ ^ . Jones Dr. Elias, 180 s Paca ,0 ^' >^ Jones Mrs. Eliza, 318 n Strieker ^^ U 'J'""'^ \V'^- ^^'^'-'^ diessmkr, 291 Hanover >^ .;- g Jones Mrs. E.D. dressmkr, Vord rd oim Point la ■^ a >i Jones Mrs. Elizabeth, 188 Franklin S p _- Jones Eugene A. shipcarp. 339 Canton av « o - Jones Evan, bookkpr, cor Fayette and Mount - Jones Ez. kiel, coffee, 58 Exchange pi, dw 164 n Oregon Jones Ezekiel, painter, 109 n Caroline . 10 ,^^ ^''I'^- Ezekiel, grocery, 304 n Ann o itcvi Jones Mrs. E. H., Norlhern Central hotel -J = 03- Junes Francis, potter, 73 s Ann ^ C t L Jones Francis VV. police, 94 s Exeter * -r^ .S Jones Frank, conductor. 230 Columliia S .^ Jones Frank, bricklayer, 46 Frederick av V ^-r J'-nes Frank D. clerk, 433 Lexington Jones Capt. George, mariner, 377 Light Jones George C. clerk, 52 Saratoga Jones George A. machinist, 61 Walker Jones G. T. attorney, 254 Hollins Jones Geo. F. attorney, 16 n Washington, dw 4 Jackson sq av o » Jones George 0. bricklayer, 126 Hughes a ^ <, ■*^ "t:^ f— I SS -- H S 3 cj = .^ > • ^ ■- JON Jones George, well digger, 25 Luzerne Jones George L. shipcarp. 63 n Caroline Jones George M. lab. 35 Elliott Jones George S. clerk, 47 Lee Jones George T. ironmoulder, 187 Conway Jones George W. fisherman, 48 West Jones Geo. W. bailiff crim'l court, Patterson Park av opp Park Jones George W. carter, 544 Aisquith Jones George W. painter, 708 w Lombard Jones George W. lab. 3 Mott Jones George W. finisher, 329 Saratoga Jones George W. driver, 292 n Ann ° Jones Capt. George W. mariner, 152 Bank Jones Grafton, machinist, 37 Preston Jones Griffith, mariner, 141 s Spring Jones Goffro, 242 e Pratt Jones Mrs. Gusta, 353 e Monument Jones Mrs. Hanmib, 553 u Gay Jones jMis. Hannah, 38 Hare Jones Harry R. clerk, 154 Lanvale Jones Mrs. Henrietta, grocery, «5 e Lombard Jones Mrs. Henrietta, clothing, 323 Aliceanna Jones Henry, harnessmkr, 8 Stockholm Jones Henry, grocery, 309 s Charles, dw 31 Henrietta Jones Henry, expressman, 2 Jefferson '^I'.'vf^.^';?''^'' '''^^'^*^''' ^5 Stockholm JONES H. & CO. (Henry and Henry S. Jones) Crescent dollar store, 220 w Baltimore Jones Henry, (H. Jones & Co.) 67 n Liberty Jones Henry A. wheelw. Aisquith nr Point la Jones H. Bolton, artist, 51 Saratoc^a Jones Henry C. merch. tailor, lOs^Gay Jones Henry C. tinner, 273 Sarato<^a Jones Henry C. clerk, 116 Geor-e Jones Henry C. spice grinder, 311 Orleans Jones Henry D. machinist, 140 German Jones Henry B. bookkpr, 316 Peirce Jones Henry J. tobacconist, 249 e Baltimore Jones Henry S. (H.Jones&Co.) 67 n Liberty Jones Herbert, salesman, Penna av ext Jones Howard, salesman, 5 n Mount Jones Mrs. H. J. 5 n Mount Jones Hugh B. sec'y Baltimore Equitable So- ciety, 19 South, dw 51 Saratou-a JONES ISAAC D. attorney, over Chesapeake Bank, dw 3 Franklin Jones Isa.ac S. & Co. (Isaac S.Jones) staves, ^c. 5b Exchange pi Jones Isaac S. (Isaac S. J. & Co. and Merritt, J. Jones Lewis D. bricklayer, 189 e Pratt q Jones Louis C flour, grain, feed and com mercht, O 143 n Howard, dw Edmoudson av nr Carey --^ Jones Luceruf Q. A. printer, 213 Lanvale ^ Jones .Manlius C. salesman, Mansion house ^-^ Jones Marcellus, clerk, 32 s Howard ""^ Jones Mrs. .Marg't, 189 e Pratt ^ Jones Mrs. Marg't A. 307 William O Jones Maria, 13 Franklin O Jones Marx, (Adler Bros. & Co.) 323 Aliceanna Jones Martin C. 234 Montgomery y^ Jones Maria F. 417 w Fayette ^ Jones Marcus R. sup't McShane & Co. bell foundry, 161 North, dw Baltimore co oQ Jones Mrs. Mary J. prop'r Mt. Vernon Institute, 46 .Mt. Vernon pi P) Jones Mrs. Mary, 544 Aisquith (^ Jones .Mrs. Mary M. 92 McElderry Q Jones Mrs. Mary, confectionery, 333 Canton av J^ Jones Mrs. Mary A. millinery, 81 e Baltimore t^ Jones Mary K. teacher, 46 Mt. Vernon pi Jones Mrs. Mary A. 108 u Caroline (j^ Jones Milton L. clerk, 122 e Madison Jones Morris J. attorney, 12 St. Paul, dw 261 ^ Lanvale ^ Jones Myers, student, 270 Linden av ^ Jones Oliver B. salesman, 890 w Baltimore Jones Owen D. bookkpr, 631 w Fayette qq" Jones Owen F. finisher, 171 Lee pf Jones Planner, police, 86 n Ann (^ Jones Richard, carp. 53 Chew r_^ Jones Ricn'd L C.^Roche & Co.) 132 Bolton ^ Jones Rich'd H. (Wilkinson, Harlan & J.) STJ—j Mulberry O Jones Richard P. machinist, 33 s Gilmor .^^j Jones Richard L. clerk, 151 w Lombard Zjj JONES ROBERT EMMETT, attorney, 19 Lex- ^"^ inglon, dw 279 w Fayette q Jones R. S. gardener, e Madison ext ^ Jones Robt. H. braketnan, 213 Lanvale ^ Jones Robt. S. D. clerk, 42 Jackson sq av "^ Jones Robert, enijineer, 189 Battery av ^y-. Jones R. T. 61 e Biddle p^ Jones Robt. B. planer, 13 Wolfe n of Monument r^ Jones Robt. L. carp. 249 e Fayette ^ Jones Robt. M. stock broker, cor Lombard and \z\ Strieker Q Jones Robt. M. driver, 265 Hollins p^ Jones Roger, butter, &c. 433 Lexington Jones R. Taylor, (R. T. J. & Co.) 50 n Calhoun ^ JONES R. T. & CO. (R. T. Jones, H. N. Perkins, n Gay. Photographers, 101 P^ Jones Rufus, clerk, 43 Hanover Jones Samuel, lab. 266 Gough Jones Samuel, lab. 14 Potomac Jones Samuel, sexton, 160 German CD O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mntiial Life Insnrance Co. of New York. JON 304 JOR H < o <1 O Eh 1—1 CQ O o <^ ^^ l-H [>^ ^^ K o Jones Mrs. Sarah E., Waverley Jones Mrs. Sophia, drcssmkr, 41 Lee Jones Ca|jt. Talljot, 50 n Calhoun Jones Tlieodore, lab. 392 w Lomhard Jones Tlioinas A. cieiU, 433 Lexington Jones Thomas, moulder, 2u9 Barre Jones Thomas L. bhicksniith, 5 s Ann Jones Thomas J mariner, .56 .lohnson Jones Thos.gardn'r, Harford rd nr Halls Sprinfcs Jones Thomas F. groci ry and com. mercht. 114 Light-st vvhf, d\v 132 Litrht Jones 'i'homas A. police, 61 e Biddle Jones Thomas, fish dealer, 140 William Jones Thomas B. mariner, 4 s Broadway Jones Thomas F. packer, 73 s Ann Jones Thomas, 222 Light Jones Tlios.H.shoeand waiter fit'r, 115 n Howard Jones Thomas J. clerk, 164 n Oregon Jones Thomas M. carp. 257 William Jones Thomas S. carp. 125 Mosiier Jones Thomas, heater, 36 Bennett Jones (.'apt. Thomas W. 105 s Washington Jones Capt. Thompson T. pilot, 46 n Bond Jones Tiionipson T. jr. trunkmkr, 46 n Bond Jones Tiujoihy M. chairmkr, 310 n Ann Jones Uriah, bookkpr, 3 Myrtle av Jones Wallace B. stevedore, 119 Cross Jones Walter, broomnikr, 242 e Pratt Jones Wm. confectionery, 108 n Calvert Jones Wm. clerk, 242 e I'ratt Jones Wm. shoemkr, 365 n Durham Jones Wm. lab. Hoffman nr Schuetzen park Jones Wm. A. H. clerk, 261 Lanvale Jones Wm. C. blacksmith, 139 iMontgomery Jones Wni.gardener,Harford rd nr Halls Springs Jones Wm. F. painter, 123 Boyd Jones Wm. F. (Hanimond&J.)"Park av and Clay Jones Wm. H. jr. engineer, 202 Barre Jones Wm. bookkpr, 281 e Monument Jones Wm. bookkpr, 175 n Caroline Jones Wm. H. engineer, 202 Bane Jones Wm. engineer, 28 Spring row Jones Wnj. bookkpr, 145 Uanover Jones Wm. B carp. 23 Forrest pi Jones Wm. huckster, 297 Bank Jones Wm. cigarnikr, 41 s Poppleton Jones Wm. blacksmith, 81 Somerset Jones Dr. Wm. A. 212 w Lombird Jones Win.B. picture frame mkr, 65 wBaltimore Jones Wm. C. 145 Montgomery Jones Wm. D. clerk, 104 e Pratt Jones Wm. F. mechanical draughtsman and engineer, 228 Walsh Jones Wm. A. bookkpr, Hanover nr Barre Jones Wm. H. machinist, 60 Pearl Joues Wm. M. mattresses, 88 n Howard Jones Wm. G. office 87 w Baltimore, dw 219 Madison av Jones Wm. G. messenger, 403 Franklin Jones Wm. H. K. salesman, 351 Cathedral Jones Wm. \l. tobacconist, 16 n Washington Jones \V'm. H. gas inspector, 331 Orleans Joues Wm. H. (J. P. P. Jones & Co.) Carroll- ton hotel Jones Wm. H. (Clarke & J.) 154 Lanvale Jones Wm. H. clerk, 3 Milliman Jones Wm. J. collector, 95 e Pratt Jones Wm. S 61 Chew Jones Wm. S. 183 Conway Joues Wm. T. carter, 108 Cross Joues Wm. T. bricklayer, 235 Jefferson Jones Wm. T. machinist, 148 Cross Jones Dr. Wm. T., State vaccine physician, 31 n Calvert, dw 96 n Paca Jones Wm. W. mariner, 126 Hughes Jones W. W^. clerk, 183 Conway Jones Zora, com. merchant, 103 Conway Jon.son Geo. W. beer, basement Mansion house Jontz Geo. B. clerk, 134 Pearl Joiitz Geo. H. clerk, 134 Pearl Jordan (Jharles, saloon, cor Light and Water Jordan Mrs. C. C. tritnmings, 412 n Gay Jordan Edgar, cigarnikr, 45 s Broadway Jordan Edward, 45 s Broadway Jordan Dr. Edward C. 225 Aisquith Jordan Francis, lai). 23 Eastern av Jordan Francis, notions, 140 w Pratt dw 87 Chew Jorclun Hanson P. (H.P.J. &Co.) 632 Lexington JORDAN H. P. & CO. (H. P. Jordan, R. E. Jordan) produce and genl. com. merchants, 102 s Charles Jordan Henry, coachpainter, 269 w Biddle Jordan Henry M. clerk, 185 w Fayette Jordan James, salesman, 15 e Monument Jordan James, hackmau, 66 s Republican Jordan Dr. J. W. S. 632 Lexington Jordan Jas. A. clerk, Edmondson av nr Carey Jordan James W. 335 Myrtle av Jordan J. W. jr. flour and feed, 160 Franklin, dw 335 Myrtle av JORDAN JOHN T. & CO. (J. T. Jordan, Edw. G. Booz) oyster packers, 112 Boston Jordan John, baker, 562 Aisquith Jordan John E. caulker, 149 s Wolfe Jordan John R. machinist, 31 Stiles Jordan John P. mariner, 125 Battery av Jordan John T. (J. T. J. ^ Co.) 318^ ePratt Jordan Joseph, cabinetmkr, 59 n Schroeder Jordan Joseph, painter, 306 n Eutaw Jordan & Keyser (L. Jordan, S. Keyser) manfs. shirts, drawers, &c. 7 s Liberty Jordan Lewis C. 412 n Gay Jordan Levi (J. & Keyser) 86 s Sharp Jordan Melchoir, milk, 11 Race Jordan Martin, tavern, 150 Franklin Jordan Mrs. Mary, 306 n Eutaw Jordan Miles, lab. 7o6 Light Jordan Robert, shipearp. 251 Gough Jordan Rufus E. (H.P. J. & Co.)693 Lexington Jordan Stephen H. lab. 158 Chesapeake Jordan Thomas F. canmkr, 115 s Exeter Jordan Thomas, coachpainter, 306 n Eutaw Jordan Thomas P. letter carrier, 118 George Jordan Wells, canmkr, 115 s Exeter Jordan Rev. Wm. L., Hudson and Canton Jordan Wm. (Jas. J. Lacy & Co.) 151 s Wolfe Jordan Wm. B. clerk, 162 Forrest Jordan Wm. huckster 46 s Burke . Jordan Wm. boxmkr, 385 w Pratt Jordan Wm. II. freight and ticket agent W.M. R. R. s w cor Eutaw and Fayette, dw 119 Preston Jorchin Wm. G. trunkmkr, 501 Saratoga Jordan Winfield S. B. watchman, 139 Germm Jorden Charles E. coachtrimmer, 91 Garden Jorio Peter, grocery, 168 Canton av Jory Benj. M. elk, 6 s Greene Jory Benj. .M. 263 w Lombard Jory Chas. E. bricklayer, 170 Cross Jory & Co. (John G. Jory) sign painters, over 55 Second and 56 Exchange pi Jory Mrs. Eliza A. 263 w Lombard Jory John G. (Jory ^ Co.) 6 s Greene Jory Joseph H. engineer, 15 Henrietta HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. JOR 305 JUS Jory Margaret J. grocery, 15 Henrietta Jory Stephen, glassblower, 25 Guilford Jory Mrs. Wm. M. 170 Cross Jory Wm. M. jr. bricklayer, 170 Cross Jorss Wm. waterman, 90 Block Josenhaiis Charles C. butcher, 10 Centre and 3 Lexinjiton uikts, d\v8ll w Pratt Joseuhans Charles H. butcher, 44 Fells Point nikt, dvv 807 w Pratt Joseuhans Josejih, lab. 241 s Durham Josenhans Wm. butcher, 811 w Pratt Joseph Bros. (M. and P. Joseph) notions and fancy goods, n w cor Howard and Lexington and 103 n Gay Joseph Esther, dressmkr, 103 Cathedral Joseph Henry, cooper, 80 Henrietta Joseph John, lab. 109 Elliott Joseph J(;hn, lab. llfi Lancaster Joseph Mrs, Margaret, 34 Milliman Joseph Mark B. machinist, 103 Cathedral Joseph Myer (J. Bios.) 77 n K.xeter Joseph Philip {J. Bros ) 77 n Exeter Joseph Solanoii, clerk, 77 n Exeter Josifek James sr. shoemkr, 16 Anthony Joslin Lorin T. shoemkr, 835 vv Baltimore Jusliug Alouzo H. printer, 68 n Caroline Josling Geo. H. tinner, 68 n Caroline Josling Mrs Mary, 68 u Caroline Josling Wm. S. huckster, 68 n Caroline Josting August, cigarmkr, 301 n Eden Journey Edwards, lab. 88 s Poppletoa Journey James A. machinist, 170 s Charles Journey Wm. 11. clerk, 170 s Charles Joyce Abie, 253 n Charles Joyce Bridget, grocery, 26 Booth Joyce Mrs. Cecilia, 16 Davis Joyce (Jharies Wm. (Joyce & Johns) llSCamden Joyce Dennis, lab. 29 Lemmon JOYCk EUGENE T. proprietor Niagara house, 1 13 < amden Joyce Fraucina, milliner, 164 Aisquith Joyce Geo. W. engineer, 213 n Bund Joyce James A. A. cleik, 12S Ramsay Joyce John, shuenikr, 26 Booth ^ Joyce John, carp. 6 liamsay Joyce John, lab. 26 Elizabeth la Joyce John, lab. 251 West Joyce & Johns (C. G.Joyce, W. S. Johns) ship brokers and com. merchts, 85 Smith's whf Joyce Martin, lab. 16 Davis Joyce Robt.B. expressman, 11 Williamson al Joyce Wm. H. clerk, 325 e Eager Joyce Wm. N. machinist, 128 Ramsay Joyce Wm. salesman, 11 Williamson al Joyes Edward J. salesman, 172 w Biddle Joyner Daniel, fireman, 301 Columbia Joyner Thus. A boilermkr, 22 Willow Joynes David J. pilot, 144 s Bond Joynes Daniel, sailmkr, 104 n Eden Jo^ues John T. R. elk, Biddle nr Castle Joynes Uliver, lab. 141 n Central av Joynes Wm. E. tobacconist, 161 e Pratt Jubb Chas. E. (Hawkins & J.) 202 Conway Jubb Deborah, 72 Rue Jubb Henry, lab. 72 Rue Jubb John, lab. 404 Aliceanna Jubb Lloyd, huckster, 488 Canton av Jubb Reuben, arab, 179 s Wolfe Jubb Richard, |,uddler, 104 Lancaster Jubb Thomas, fisherman, 72 Rue Jubb Wm. E. fisherman, 66 Rue Jubb Wm. H. fisherman, 72 Rue JUDD & ALLEN (Nelson T.Judd and Henry C. Allen) j)roprs Howard house Judd Nelson T. (J. c^ Allen) Howard house Judd Philipina, tailoress, 20 Walker Judd Wni. F. cigarmkr, 20 Walker Judge Henry jr. salesman, 13 Barnet Judge Mrs. Jane, dairy, 87 Lexington Judge Patiick, lab. 27 Willow Judge Wm. H. clerk, 13 Barnet Judik Joseph, 246 w Lombard Judik Joseph H. 203 n Carey Juenemau Julius, barkpr, 22 s Eutaw Juerss Au^iustus, huckster, lOO^nPaca Juerss Charles, clothing cutter, 101 Aisquith Juhl Wm. cooper, 41 Portland Juhn Abraham, shoeujkr, 117 Penna av Juhn Jacob, clerk, 323 Aliceanna Juhn Louis, cigarmkr, 248 w Biddle Juhn Max (Adier, Bros. & Co.) 34 s Sharp Juister George, upholsterer, 155 Burgundy al Jules Charles, peddler, 149 w Lombard Julier Wm. coojier, 138 West Julier Wm. jr. machinist, 138 West Jump Alfied P. cishier, 278 Mulberry Jump AlfVed P. attorney, 1 Courtland,dw 278 Mulberry Jump Edwin P. com, merch 1 and 3 Barre,dw 256 Light Jump John, salesman, 256 Light Jung Edward, tailor, 35 Pearl Jung Fred, locksmith and bellhanger, 30 n Gay Jung George, lab. 51 James la Jung Gutleib, piinter, 364 Hanover Jung H. 0. printer, 24 Centre Market sp Jung Jacob, grocery and liquor, 35.'i e Lombard JUNG JOHN H. beer, 21 n Frederick Jung Joseph, glassware, 94 n Washington Junger Sigmund, job printer, over 700 wBal- timoie Jungk Herman, agt, 173 Conway Junguickel Henry M. musician, 139 Saratoga Jungsler Frank, lab. 36 Port Junk Lewis, liquor, 46 Short Junke Henry, lab. 284 s Dallas Junker Adam, police, 134 Battery av Junker John, police, 221 William Junker Philip, shoemkr, 76 Leadenhall Junkiiis Chas. E. clerk, 291 Aisquith Juukins J. Wm. grocery, 154 n Eden, dvv 291 Aisquith Jurgens J. Henry, stevedore, 109 Jackson sq av Jurgens John C. hainess, 45 n Paca Jurgens Theodore, grocery, 277 Bank Jurgenseu Asinus, clerk, 156 Gough Jurgensen Peter, clerk, 156 Gout^h Jurney & Coleman(E.Jurney, A.Coleman)dress- makers, 296 Light Jurney Etta (Jurney & Coleman) 296 Light Jurney James E. shoemkr, 296 Light Jurney Lavinia, boarding, 296 Light Jurney Oscar, clerk, 296 Light Jury Geo. shipcarp. 36 Warren Jury Geo. M. D. painter, 36 Warren Jury Geo. W. bricklayer. Cross nr Light Jury James, mariner, 36 Warren Jury John S. engineer, 36 Warren Jury Joseph H. engineer, 15 Henrietta Jury Lewis W. lab. 33 L. Church Jury Margaret J. grocery, 15 Henrietta Jury Stephen, glassblower, 3 Guilford al Just Andrew C. Iquors, 151 Columbia Just Chas. wheelwright, Burke and Monument GQ n a pq o O o o '^ ft o o f^ t-1 s •-r-; ~. IS b ^ ^ S ai t- fea -^ ^» Kaack Maria, 51 bradford al Khiiz John, lab. 2riO Hanover Kubernagel ("aiherine, 37 n Pine Kabernaj^el Dicdrick, clerk, 37 n Pine Kabcrna^el Diedrick, sawyer, 37 n Pine Kabernayel H. Harnian, grocery, 90 George Kabernapel Harnian, grocery, 37 n Pine Kabeinagel Juliii, grocery, 4 n Republican Kaberu igel Jubn H. grocery, 135 Conway Kabernagel \V. H. clerk, -)58 e Lombard Kablar Casper, lab. 57 s Castle Kabler Andreas, 43 Gough Kach Jacob, stoves, 271 Hanover Kachele Jacob, milk, 181 Dolphin, dw 249 Kadden Levi, peddler, 69 n Caroline Kadden M. & Co. (Me.\er Kadden, Mrs. Sarah Levy) dry goods, 33 Br-ovvn la Kadden Meyer (M. Kadden & Co.) 33 Brown la Kadensky Michael, lab. 276 s Broadway Kadobich Joseph, lab. 48 Abbott Kabel Otto, carpetvveaver, 282 s Bond Kaedy Mark, lab. 181 Vine Kaesemeyer Fred'k, cigarmkr, 209 s Eutaw Kaesemeyer Louis, cigarmkr, 209 s Eutaw Kaeser .Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 500 n Gay Kaesller Jacob, barber, 288 Aisquith Kafer Fred. lab. Clinton nr O'Donnell Kafer Michael, milk, Clinton nr O'Donnell Katl'enberger John, butcher, 25 Butler Kafka Joseph, salesman, 72 Columbia Kiiflinski Chus. jr. clerk, 376 Lexington Kagle Mrs Margaret, 4 s Poppleton Kagle Wm. B. shoes, 249 e Madison Kagle Wm. 0. oyster paker, 22 McElderry Kalil Chas. C. barber, 545 Light Kalil Conrad, tailor, 10 Greeniiiount av Kahl Frank D. upholsterer, 149 3 Sharp Kahl Geo. F. artist, 29 Granby Kahl Geo. cutter, 60 e Lombard Kahl Geo. beer, 328 s Sharp Kahl Geo. H. tailor, 141 Orleans Kahl Gustavus E. painter, 36 L. McElderry Kahl Henry, 328 8 Sharp Kahl Henry, lab. 1 Ogston Kahl Henry, cooper, Bevaii ct Kahl Justus, yeast, 255 e Fayette Kahl Jacob, music teachei', 636 Light Kahl John, cooper, 378 s Charles Kahl John, tailor, lo Gieenmount av Kahl John jr. Uiilor, 10 Greeninount av Kahl Julius, polisher, 488 Peniia av Kahl Oscar, music, 29 Granby Kahler .Mrs Adam, Giimor nr Mosher Kahler Mrs. C, beer, 3 Camden la KAHLER CHAS. P. K. civil engineer, s e cor Charles and Fayette, dw 121 Saratoga Kahler Conrad, lab. 15 Bentalou Kahler Geo. bookkpr, 3 Camden la Kahler Geo. slotieinason, 5 Mullikin Kahler Henry, shoemkr, 147 Stirling Kahler Henry, barber, 133 Orleans Kahler Jacob, cigarmkr, 431 Lexington Kahler John A. C. huckster, 235 Saratoga Kahler John J. huckster, 229 Saratoga Kahler .Mrs. Julia, fancy goods. 116 Fred- erick av Kahler Louis, cigarmkr, 208 n Gay Kahler Thos. lab. 130 Sarah Ann Kahler Wm. Cfllardigger. cor Chase and Wolle Kahler Wm. cabinetmkr, 78 Grindall Kahlert Adolph, lab. 58 Portland Kalilei t Fred, shoemkr, 241 Aliceanna Kalilert Julius, clerk, 122 Preston Kahlisch Fred. coHchmkr, 47 James la Kalin Aaron, clothier, 257 w Pratt Kabu Bernhardt, peddler, 74 Harrison Kalui Christian, carter, 131 Thames Kahn Conrad, lab. 6 Weber Kahn Joseph, sec. hand furn. and stoves, 473 w Baltimore Kahn Moses (Strauss & K.) 268 w Fayette Kahn Nathan, clerk, 318 Saratoga KAHN & SCHLOSS (S. Kahn, Wm. Schloss) wholesale clothiers, 53 w Baltimore Kahn Samuel (K. & Schloss) 318 Saratoga Kahn Wm A. bookkpr, 257 w Pratt Kaifor Alphonse, brewer, 36 s Wolfe Kail Christopher, lab. 28 Thames Kail Henry, hostler, 468 Peniia av Kailer Chas. B. spinner, Clipper Mills Kailer James, cotton manufr., Woodberry Kailer J. R. morocco dresser. Star hotel Kailer John E. spinner, Clipper mills Kailer Margaret, weaver, Woodbrrry Kailer Mary, weaver, Woodberry Kain Annie, grocery, 10 Scott Kain Frank J. telegraphist, 164 McElderry Kain Frank F. printer, 153 Lexington Kain James, lab. 10 Scott Kain Mazj F. printer, 153 Lexington Kain F'alrick, lab. 65 n Spring Kain Robert, telegraphist, 164 MiHenry Kaine James, bricklayer, 93 Hamburg Kaiser Rev. Alois, .' Hollins Kaiser Chas. varnisher, 152 Cross Kaiser Charles, (Kohle & K.) 71 Hanover Kaiser Charles, watclimkr, 133 LexingtoD Kaiser Charles, varnislier, 152 Cross Kaiser Christopher, varnisher, 1 Walker Kaiser Conrad jr. shoes, 193 s Bond Kaiser Cornelius, carp. 49 n Pine Kaiser fldward, printer, 73 Granby KAISKR FRKD. restaurant, 74 n'Gay Kaiser Fredk. salesman, 73 Granby Kaiser Geo. H. printer, 73 Guvnby Kaiser Gustave, butcher, 57 Cross-st market,dw James al nr Cross Kaiser Hariuan, driver, cor May and Spring Kaiser Henry, butcher. Castle and Chew Kaiser Jacob, 8i) .Mulberry Kaiser Jami s, clerk, 151 e Lombard Kaiser John, lal). 146 s Washington Kaiicr John, varnisher, 152 Cross Kaiser John G. porter, 173 S Eden Kaiscr John G. cooper, 109 s Dallas Kaiser John G. driver, 89 Mulberry Kaiser John 11. engineer, 20 s Caroline Kaiser John M. tailor, 52 n Spring HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt KAN KAl 307 Kaiser J. Heury jr. porter, 151 e Lombard Kaiser M. lab. 71 Granb}- Kaiser Nicholas, lab. 146 s WsishingtoH Kaiser Peter, lab. 43 Leadenhall Kaiser Theresa, .5 New Kaiser Wni. varnisher, 152 Cross Kaiser Vim. printer, 615 Belair av Kaiser Wm. tinner, 41 e Lombard Kaiss Wm. C. sawyer, 58 Whatcoat Kakel Fredk W. cleric, 78 e Lombard Kalateiski Adam, lab. 99 Lancaster Kalb Jacob, bookkpr, 53 Holland Kalb John, carp. 246 Columbia Kalbfleisch Adelaide, 30 Hare Kalbfleisch Conrad, lab. 30 Hare Kalbfleisch Conrad, tinner, 6 Jackson ct Kalbfleisch Fredk. barber, 108 Columbia Kalbfleisch Henry, engineer, 30 Hare Kalbfleisch Heary, restaurant, 203 Light Kaibfus Geo. H."338 MadisoE av Kalbfus John, plasterer, 217 Gough Kaibfus John Oliver, plasterer, 217 Gough Kalbfus Mis. Julia L. 338 Madison av Kaibfus Wm. H. carp. 217 Gough Kalbhenn Wm. shoemkr, 84 Penna av Kaldmond John W. woodturner, 126nCentral av Kalihar Daniel, lab. 14 n Amity Kalkman Fredk. W. clerk, 144 w Lombard Kalkman Henry F. cigarmkr, 371 n Broadway Kalkman Von HoJkn jr. <.'lerk,37l a Broadway Kallenbeig John, cigarmkr, 64 Lee Kalliug Lewis, bottler, 18 Water dw 784 w Pratt Kalling Lewis, blacksmith, 546 Saratoga Kalling Wm. J. bottler, 546 Saratoga KaRous James, lab. 235 s Dallas Kalmey John F. foreman, 229 s Paca Kalienbach Christian, glassblwr, 168 Leadenhall Kaltenbach Frank M.glasscutter, 168 Leadenhall Kaltenbach Fredk. glassblower, 170 Leadenhall Kaltenbach Mrs. Sophia, grocery, 142 Hughes Kaltenhauser Joseph, tailo^r, 11 n Washington Kalthof Fredk, cigarmkr, 3 Essex Kalupe Valentine, lab. 233 s Dallas Kalush John, lab. 8 Abbott Kalvelage Henry, clerk, 155 s Charles Kalvelage John, cigarmkr, 22 Druid Hill av Kambach John, barber, 9 s Frederick Kaminski Peter, lab. 266 s Dallas Kaiiiischoke Madge, lab. 277 s Ann Kamm Catherine, groc'y, Harford av nr North av Kamm Heury, lab. Harford av nr Point la Kamm Henry, butcher, 10 Belair mkt, dvv Har- ford rd nr North av Kamm John, lab. 127 Forrest Kammer Peter, shoemkr, 319 u Dallas Kammer Wm. baker, 324 s Sharp Kammerer August, tailor, 8 Dawson al Kammerer, Wm. A. paints,oils,glass,127 Frank- lin, dw 73 George Kammilieski Valentine, lab. 99 Lancaster Kamnor Christian, stonecutter, 98 Granby Kamp Conrad, shipsmith, 468 Canton av Kamp Gerrit, grocery, 103 e Pratt Kamp John, lab. 57 Stiles Kampe John F. butcher, i08 Centre and 57 Bal- air markets, dw Jenkins la Kampel Charles W. harnessmkr, 277 w Pratt Kampert Charles, shoemkr, 247 Clinton av Kampes Fred, blacksmith. Homestead Kampes Geo. strawcutter, Homestead Kamphause Mrs. Anna, 20 Biddle al Kamptman Casper, tailor, 39 Albemarle Kamptman Geo. beer, 204 Lexington Kamp Geo. beer, 57 Stiles Kan Jacob, butcher, 14 Lee Kanceller Fred, iron moulder, 371 Eastern av Kane A. E. teacher, Strieker nr Le.xington Kane Mrs. Amelia, boarding, 41 Franklin Kane Mrs. Ann, 135 s Cl)ester Kane Bridget, huckstress, 1 Grace ct Kane Mrs. Catherine, 142 Harford av Kane Charles, lab. 19 Lee Kane Cornelius, caip. 11 w Lombard Kane Daniel lab. 40 McHenry Kane Mrs. Delia, 14 Stiles Kane Dennis, lah. 38 Miller Kane Dennis J. brakeman, 67 Stockton Kane Edward, tailor, 510 w Pratt Kane Edward, lab. 9 Fall Kane Mrs. Emma V. 269 Hollins Kane Francis, stonecutter, 14 Stiles KANE GEO. P. - Kapralek Joseph, shoemkr, 26 Barnes 5C3 fCi Karber John, lab. 323 s Bond Q ^ Karber John, lab. Towson ur Nicholson if W Karch Geo. lab. 81 s Regester ■^ ^ Kaicb John, lai). 238 Battery av .►^O Karch Jon, beer, 238 Battery av p2 J Karcher Christian, musician, 66 Centre Mkt sp ^P^^ Karer Adolphus, clerk, 71 e Lombard I-' ^ ^I Kares Hemy, carp. 173 n Caroline ^ Ciq ^ Karber Golleib, paver, 18 Biddle al ^KP Karjier Henrj' A. li(juor, 104 Penna av , Et< M Karl John, shoemkr, 105 l^eirce ^^■^ Karle John, coi:fect'y, 147 Low g£ Q Karnirodt Andrew, clerk, 72 Pearl Q «t! ^ Karmrodt John, confectioner, 434 w Baltimore, H^J dw 72 Pearl O ^ g Karn John, lab. 269 s Ann '^Q^ Karn R. L shoemkr, 192 n Fremont W S "^ Karney Luke, clerk, 101 Mulberry W S Karney Wm. clerk, 84 Hanover ^ S t^ Karow Augustus, coiifeciionerv, 179 s Chester ^ ^ ^ Karr Elisha E. (Karr k Roberts) 76 Hillen Karr Henry C. clerk, .Miller's Imiel Karr Mis. Julia F. prop. Belvidere house K.irr Richard, 50 Hillen Karr & Roberts(E. Karr Jj- II. F. Roberts) com. merchants, 124 North > 00 cc Karr Thos lab. 28 Neighbor Karres J(isei>h, tailor, 234 n Dallas Karrmann .Michael, driver, 397 Aliceanna Karow Albert, ciirarmkr, 179 s Chester Karsner Cecil J. salesman, 12 Hollins Karsi'.er Daniel O. deik, 12 Hollins Karsner David F. cierk, 12 Hollins Karsner Geo. H. clerk, 17 Hollins Karsner James, bricklayer, 237 s Bond Karsted Ernest J. lab Light-st ext Karsted Ernest, shoemkr, 58 Portland Karster Chas. mariner, 243 Canton av Karnaly Joseph, lab. 42 Barnes Karwich Joseph, wheelwright, 70 Portland KaSjcr Anton, lab. 289 n Durham Kasper John, grocery, 2 Barnes Kasper Jolin M. beer, 12 Stockton Kassel John, peddler, 314 s Bond Kasper Joseph, lab. 6 Barnes Kasper Wm. curiier, 39 Walker Kasasa Chas. fruit stand, South and Pratt Kassens Henry (K. & Rendigs) 30 n Bond Kass. ns & Remiigs (H. Kassens, Albert Ren- digs) cigarbo.x iiianufs. 17 s Spring Kiiste Chas. shoemkr, 8 Leaden hall Kristen Chas. 90 u Exeter Kasten Henry, confectionei'y, 57 n Gay Kasie I Henry, broonmikr, 23 e Baltimore Kasteu Will, shot-mkr, 90 n Ext-ter Kastendike Geo. moulder, 352 Ramsay Kastens Wm. picture frame manufacturer, 135 s Broadway K istner John, tailor, 145 Stirling Katenkamp Deiderich (D.K.&Son), 158 George Katenkamp Fiank, currier, 5 Abey al KATENKAMP DEIDERICH & SON,(D. & W. Katenkamp) Whip, Cane and Umbrella Manufactu- rers, 66 n Howard street. Katenkamp Wm. (D. K. & Son) 158 George Kathmau Henry, jr. shoemkr, 379 n Gay Kathman Henry, tailor, 100 w Fayette K ctl.man Isadore G. clerk, 20 Jefferson Kathman John J. grocery, 20 Jetferson Kathmann Joseph, tailor, 100 w Fayette Kaiing Thos. lal). 29 Hamburg Katten Salmon, clothing, 282 s Charles Katten Selig, butclier, 119 Orleans Katow Alphonse De, gen'l. agent Zell's Ency- clopedia and all subscription books, 28j South, dw 290 n Eden Kattenborn Fredk. stevedore, 267 s Wolfe Kattz Aaron, clerk, 202 s Broadway Katz Daniel, peddler, 67 e Lombard Katz H & Sons (H. and M. Katz,) dry goods, 202 8 Broadway Kaiz Henry (H. Katz & Sons) 202 s Broadway Katz Jos stoves and furniture, 251 s Bond Katz Louis, clerk, 65 Mnllikin Kaiz Marcus, (H. K. & Sons) 202 s Broadway Katz Marcus, clerk, 19 Biown la Katz Max, painter, 188 e Lombard Katz .Moses, clerk, 164 s Broadway Kaiz .Moses, clerk, 28 n Dallas Katz Moses, liquor.-^, Durham nr Cha/e Katz Saml clerk, 67 e Lombard Katz Saml. jr. 103 Aisquith Katz Saml. butcher, 54 Belair market, dw 103 Aisquith HENRY PIOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. i^the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt ^ KAT 309 KEA *^ Katenbeiger August, uppermkr, 187 3 Bond Katzenberg Simpson, shoes, 15J^ s Broadway Klitzenljerger Fredk. wagoner, Stockholm aad Scott Katzenlferger John H. 24^ Camd«-n Katzenbery:er John H. sec'y Howard Fire Ins. Go. 190 Division Katzenbcrjrer Loiis E. derk, 11 n Calhouu Katzenbergtr Sol. clothing, 220 w Pratt Kttzenmaier B. shoemkr, 116 Low KaiZfnsti'in Abniham, clothing, 101 Harrison Kaizenstcin Mrs. M.itihla, 185 e Fuvette KatzKa John, cabinermkr, 291 n Durham KHiichier Mary E. huckstress. 20 Poultuey Kauck Henry, taveri), 266 s Broadway Kauch John, tavern, 417 Eastern av Kaudcicr Andrew J. machinist, -18 Ridgely Kanderer Andrew J. jr. machinist, 48 Ridgely Kauderer Geo. carver, 287 s Sharp Kauderer John. snpt. lamps, 287 s Sharp Kauderer John, plumber, 287 s Sharp Kauffcuberger Ghas. cannikr, 87 s Castle Kaufman Christopher, huckster, 257 West Kauffmao Christian, shucker, 257 West Kautfman B. H. propr. Gen. Wayne hotel Kautfman Fredk. A. porter, 97 Dawson al Kautfman Hiram, 432 Penna a? Kautfman John, confec'y, 803 w Baltimore Kautfman John C. carp. 172 Wayne, dw 234 Conway Kautfman John T. saddle and harness manuf. 132 u Gay, dw 229 e Baltimore Kaufl'man Marion W. salesman, 374 e Baltimore Kaiifholz Reuben, shoemkr, 73 Harrison Kaufman Mrs. Alberta, notions, 248 Light Kaufman Andrew, booifitier, 20 Jackson Kaufman August, tailor, 143 Conway Kaufman Mrs. Adellieit, 222 Saratoga Kaufman August, clerk, 20 Jackson Kaufman Carl, pianomkr. 248 Light Kaufman Chas. pianomkr, 248 Light Kaufman C. inspector C. H. dw 8 Dewberry al Kaufman Chas. clothier, 122 w Pratt, dw 130 s Paca Kaufman Conrad, provisions, 194 Mullikin Kaufman David, clothing. 119 n Gay Kaufman David, (Moses K.& Son)374 w Fayette Kaufman Ellis, Howard bouse Kaufman E. A. Salvage Corps, 27 n Liberty Kaufman Frederick, shoemkr, S.t St. Peter Kaufman Fredk. G. porter, 38 Cumberland Kaufm;iu Gotfiied, bak-r, cor Ga}' and Eden Kaufman Geo. H. shoemkr, 16 Cove al Kaufman Geo. K. shoemkr, 61 Wyeth Kaufman Harry, salesman, 538 w Baltimore Kauiman Helfrich, cabinetmkr, 17 .Maccubbia Kaufman Henry, lab. 2o5 s Regester Kaufman Henry, shoemkr, 268 s Sharp Kaufman Henry, shoemkr, 27 Walnut al Kaufman Heary, painter, 143 Conway Kaufman flenry, tailor, 202 Forrest Kaufman Isaac, clerk, 200 s Charles Kaufman Jacob, engineer, 271 s Dallas Kaufman Jacob, butcher, 38 George Kaufuiiin Jacob, clerk, 143 Conway Eaufiuau Jos. 26 s Paca Kaufman Jos. carpel weaver, 122 s Washington Kaufman Joseph Z. clerk, 143 Conway Kaufman & Co. (Lewis Kaufman, Albert J. Ranft) china and glass, 78 Hanover and s w cor Gay and East Kaufman Louis, painter, 137 n Durham c3 Kaufman Lewis, (K.& Co.)s w cor Gay and East Kaufman Mrs. Mary. laun. 172 Burgundy al Kaufman Moses, (M.K.&Son)620 w Baltimore ^ Kaufman M. & Son. (.M. and D. Kaufman) dry M goods, 525 w Baltimore i-^ Kaufman Nathan, tailor, 82 s Broadway C Kaufman Nicholas, cabinetmki', 20 Jackson K'ufman Solomon, sausagemkr, 120 Conway ® Kaufman S. C.(Wasserman & K.)81 S Sharp o Kaufman Wm. butcher, 50 Cross-st mkt, dw Q Frederick rd nr Gwynn falls '^ Kaufman Wra. C. clerk. 42 Columbia "^ Kaufman Wolfe, boots and shoes, 124 w Pratt, pq dw 130 s Paca KAUFMAXN A. & C. (A. & C. K.) import's of -^ Cbromos and engravings, over 293 w Balti- O more, I~mar Noa, manager ^^ Kaufmann Catherine, Belair av exi ;- Kiiufmann Sj- Cochran, (Urban Kaufmann, J. Q) Cochran,) bakers, 117 Greenmount av ^ Kaufmann Godfried, baker, 4o8 n Gay Kaufmann Jos. 362 Light '^ Kaufmann Mrs. Mary, grocery, 362 Light Kaufmann Solonion, dry goods and umbrella f-n maker, 208 s Eutaw O Kaufmann Urban, (K. k Cochran,) 117 Green- Q mount av ^ H K:!ul Gottfried, porter, 42 Bi idle al Kauley John, plasterer, 259 Hanover Kaup Fredk. paperhaoger, 254 s Charles Kaupp Charles L. silkhatter, Waverley i^ Kaupp Leas, oysters, 346 e Eager, dw 97 Green- ^ mount av ^ Kaus Conrad, (K. & Schwartz, ) 263 n Eden '"^ Kaus & Schwartz, (C. Kaus, F.Schwartz,) gro-, - eery, 263 n Eden <2 Kausche Caleb, bookkpr, 472 w Baltimore ^ Kautz Andrew, blacksmith, 99 s Ann -d^ Kautz Andrew, tailor 287 n Central av CL| Kautz Casper, lab. 24 Port ^ Kautz Fred, paver, 3 s Regester q Kautz Fleet, tinner. 242 s Dallas j-^ Kautz Mrs. Martha, confec'y, 99 s Ann Kavanagh Dennis, grocery and liquors, 140 n [VJ High p^ Kavanagh James, sergeant,U.S.A.,218 w Pratt __jjH Kavan>igh Jas. J. printer, 13 s Bond ^. Kavanagh John, rigger. 312 Cross ^ Kavanagh John, lab. 75 Block Kavanagh Jos. M. (K. & Smith,) 89 Albemarle^ Kavanagh Miles, lab. 59 n Dallas ^ Kavanagh Patrick, lab. 125 North ^ Kavanagh Patrick J. carp. 64 Albemarle |^ Kavanagh Mrs. Rachel, housekp, 62 Mt. Vernon pi ^ Kavanagh & Smith, (J. M. Kavanagh, George^ Smitli,)coppersmilhs, 16 w Lombard tI3^ Kavanagh's Thomas, European house, Eutaw ojiposite Eutaw house and 169 w Fayette W Kavanagh Timothv, lab. 28 Addison ^ Kavanagh .Mrs. T.'E. dressmaker, 290 Aisquith <^ Kayckner Philip, cooper, 32 s Regester Kavlor John, 124 L. Greene fi^ KaVlor Thos. driver, 124 L. Greene ^> Kayser Alex, jeweler, 42 Hanover, dw 154 wq Lombard c_| Kayser Ferdinand, machinst, 17 Cowpen al qq Kayser Philip, lab. 9 n Chapel Kay ton Henry, (■ptician. 481 w Baltimore ^ Keach C. W. clerk, 173 McCulloh — "^ Keiidv Timothy 7 '^ :^ Patterson av and (J. K. & Co.) Fremont and Patterson av ^ 5 Kenfiiiiver Daniel C. clerk, 239 Walsh ^ _- ^ Keagle & Bro. (J. and G. Keagle) oysters, Pratt C -^ -" 'ind Calvert ,- 5 £ Keagle Mrs. Elizalieth, :^00 n Gav "^ CC «S Keigle & Gender ( Wm. Keasle, G. Chas. Geu- • -r— ; o der) ovster packers, 105 McElderry whf j^ S E;'' Keagle Geo. (K. & Rro.) 184 Aisquith — "^ 5 Keagle Henry, ladies' shoes, 300 n Gay, dw •- "x -f 249 e Madison V ^y y. Keagle Jas. (K. & Bro.) 75 Chew 2i ^ H Keagle Wm. (K. and Gender) 26 McElderry .^^. Kealbar Geo. cooj)er, 139 Duncan al — — ' i£ Keally B. carp. 35 n Front •-"-"'" Kean Ale.K. n.achinist, 76 .Milliman Kean Hu<;he, tailor, 27 n Hiijh Keanan John, machinist, 401 e Eager Kearn James, 28 w Lomhard Kearney Edward, tavern, 15 Fish Market sp Kearney Ekward, clerk, 15 F'ish .Market sp _ ?^ Kearney Edward, livery stable, 56 w Centre, ^'^ x; dw 151 II Calvert "S c Q Kearny Henry, clerk, 39 n High Z. ^~* Kearney James, carp. 20 s Schroeder y^ "m . Kearney John, lab 208 Chesnut " ^ =c Kearney John, hrakeman, 83 Booth .^ 3 Kearney John G. shoenikr, 16 Ensor 2 ^ "S Kearney's Mt. Vernon Stables, cor St. Paul ^ C."^ !»nd Centre ^ ^ ^ Kearney Lnke, clerk, 23 s Sharp ^^ '^ t, Kearney Patrick, lab. 170 Dover ^ c"^ Kearney Thos. lab. 149 s W'ashington -^ 'Z. yS Kearns Alex, painter, 88 St. Paul, dw 239 n — [^ o Howard "^ H Kearns A. J. tavern, 33 Centre Market sp — .S S Kearns Chas. A. baker, 648 w Baltimore '3^5 Kearns James, lab. 28 w Lombard ■i- 'T'l-fH Kearns John, painter, 239 n Howard _'■'• ri "^ T.- T.,u„ 1, :..:,. ■>•■> n„„t..„ M u 5 ^ ~ •— t^A c \J X -, a t ^ ^ ai •^^ ^ tJ2 s ^ H V jM Si V. ' ' o 5«. .c 0^ ^ Kearns John, machinist, 33 Centre Market sp Kearns Joseph, 239 n Houard Kearns .Mrs. Jnlia, 19 .\U>emarle Kearns Timothy, lab. PInm al nr Stockholm Keating John, stove polisher, 77 Somerset Keating Paul, clerk. 89 s Sharp Keating Patrick, lab. VW West Keating Mrs. Sarah J. tailoress, 70 Richmond g _=3 >, Keating Thos. lab. 29 HamVurg 'r^ JZ} T! Keating Wm. brassfinisher. 81 Harford av (^ ,-. ^ Keaver Daniel, cutter, 38^ w Baltimore ,^ _2 ^ Kebler Benedicta, 241 n Front § 'S - Kebler Jai ob, cabinelmkr, 48 n Dallas ^ tD "o Kechinger Henry, blacksmith, 35 Portland « ""^ C Kccbner Christian, lab. 130 s Bond 1^ 2 "^ Kechner \Iichael, shoemkr, 263 Fastern av ^ -u 2 Keck Geo. W. tinner, 28 s Caiey g *j •" Keck Fred, cooper, 81 Bank o c ^1 Kcckel Conrad, lab. 167 .Madeira al '^ j=.f^ Keckel Fred. lab. 167 .Mad.-ira al **>, ^ tJj Keckel Geo. cabinetinker, 78 e Lombard '*^ C - Kcckler Jacob, clerk, 177 Preston "^ ^ |x Keckler John, machinist, 245 Peirce S "^ '-^ Keebert Philip, cirp. Harford rd nr Lanvale S >. S Keecli Mrs. E 119 n Schroetier ^ '^ ^ Keech Dr. M. P. dentist, 129 n Charles ' .^ ci Keech Dr. Henry H. dentist, 247 ii Eutaw ?^ 2 .^ Keefe John, boilermkr, 248 S Sharp So-— Ktefe Wm. huckster, 158 e .Madison .* "i;^ 2 Keefe Wm. maiiner, 34 Bank ^ aj >^ Keefer A. W. 125 n Republican Keefer Chas. D. cooper, 146 Greenmount av Keefer Jacob, coofier. 146 Greeomount av KEEFER JOHN W. Jr. druggist and chemist, 1 16 n Greene Keefer Joshua, baggagemaster, 201 Barre Keefer Mrs. Justus, 109 n Broadway Keefer Louis, carp. 108 Ramsay Keefer M. Le.xingtoo nr Gilmor Keefer M. C. salesman, 41 Mulberry Keefer Nathan Z. lab. 157 s Fremont Keefer Michael, flour inspector, 274 w Pratt, dw 662 Lexington Keefer P. Sehlosser, 48 n Greene Keefer Saml. clerk Naval Office,dw Frederick co Keefer Samuel, clerk, Howard house Keefer Wm, blacksmith, Second ar nr ClintOD Keefler Thos lab. 5 Meyer et Keefner Gotleib, car[). 1 Bank Keegan Patrick, tavern, 141 n Front Kee;.;an Patrick F. haekman, 6 Foundry Keeliiualt John, blacksmith, 180 Hamburg Keehn Anibrose, shoemkr, 204 n Dallas Keeler Wm. H. news agent, 18 s Calhoun Keeley Lawrence, carp. 372 Aisquith Keeley Wm. drayman, 24 Valley Keeling Geo. T.'lab. 38 Abbot ' Keeling John P. salesman, 58 Saratoga Keeling Mrs. Eliza, IHO Lexington Keeling Jos. sewing machine agent, 210 Lee Keeliuir Wm. fireman, 5 Williamson al Keely James, boxmkr, 13 Fall Keely Michael, shoemkr, 13 Fall KEEN BENEDICT H. grocery, n e cor Lexing- ton and Paca, dw Harford co Keen Chas. produce dealer, 563 n Fremont Keen George V. (K. & Hagerty)and treasurer Citizens R. W. 293 Ljiiivale KEEN & HAGERTV, (G. V. Keen, James S. Hagerty) metals, tin and sheetiron ware, 30 s Calvert Keen Jesse W. carp. 142 Chesapeake Keen John H. confeciionery, 90 Chew Keen Josiah, lab. lol Curley Keen Samuel .M . miller, 31 Monroe Keen T. L. clerk, 219 Mulberry Keen Wm. T. tinner, 219 Mulberry Keenan ?4rs. Catherine, 77 Battery av Keenan Daniel, stonecutter, 94 Harford av Keenan Daniel, shoemkr, 434 Lexington Keenan Mrs. Ellen E. dressmkr. 333 Aisquith Keenan Henry, gasfitter, 82 Hamburg Keenan James, blacksmith, 32} n Howard, dw 201 n Calvert Keenan James, lab. 53 Tyson Keenan Jas. E. (C.Y.Davidson h Co.) 60 Brune Keenan John W. mariner, 291 Bank Keen in Mrs. Mary, 309 Park av Keenan Mrs. .Mary A. fancy goods, 89 HoUins Keen-ui Patrick, lab. Hollins and Poppleton Keenan Wm. H. ciirp. Washington nr Belair av Keene .\dolph, huckster, 306 -Miceanna Keene .Alfred, 94 n Greene Keene (diaries, barber, 43 Granby Keene Edwin J 33 n Calvert Keene George, driver, 11 Perry Keene Henry C. gardener, Penna av nr tollgatt Keene Hugo, 94 n Greene Keene Jesse L. gasfitter, 33 n Calvert Keene John B. fire dept. 405 n Central av Keene John T. driver, 338 Mulberry KEENE JOHN HENRY, Jr., attorney, Morse building, 50 w Fayette, dw 23 Hamilton HOLMES ife CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers^ &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. KEE 311 KEI Keene Lawrence, cooper, 243 Forrest Keene Lewis, huckster, 306 Aliceanna Keene Mablon, 2U7 w Hoffman Keene Mrs. Mary, 405 n Genual av Keene Morris H. 626 w Fayette KEENE ROBT. GOLUSr^OROUGH, attorney, and direcior State of Md. for the U. S. Law Associition and Collection Union, Morse buildiafr, 50 w Favette, dw 23 Hamilioa Keene S in:uel, gardener, Peuna av nr tollgate Keene Wm. diavinar., 487 S iratojia Keene Win. F. sailmkr, 210 William Keene Wm. H. aj^ent Balto. P3oot and Shoe Co. 349 w Baltimore, dw 33 Forrest pi Keene Wm. H H. carp. 2 2 n Oiejion Keene Capt. Win. W. mariner, 134 Hanover Keener A.D casli'r Adams exp. 179o Republican Keener Ambrie, shoemkr, 28.'< Eastern av Keener Dashields, prnter, 272 e Lombard Keener David(treiisur\' accountant Adams exp. CO.) cor Diuid Hill av and Mosher Keener Geo. P. brass founder, 272 e Lombard Keener Henry, clerk, 27-2 e Lombard Keener John, junk, 63 Union Keener John H. brass founder, 46 Thames, dw 272 e Lombard KEENER JOSEPH, grocery, 135 Saratoga Keener Martha J. notions, 51 Pearl, dw 104 n Gieeue Keener Samuel, lab. 57 Walker KEENER Da. W. H. office n w cor Charles and Lexington, dw 83 w Mouutnent Keener Win. H. clerk, 272 e Lombard Keenright John A. shipcarp. 110 n Pine Keenright Nicholas, 110 n Pine Keerl Mrs. Elenor P. 79 Cathedral KEERL THOMAS M. attorney, Lafayette av w of Fulton av Kees Fred'k, architect, Pratt nr High Kees .Mrs. JIary M. 15 n Central av Kees Philip, shoemkr, 59 Division Keeton Wm. T. lab. 58 Division Keffer Marion, cooper, Horn nr Wolfe KcL-an Bernard, processor, 276 Gough Kegler John, messenger, 12n n Pine Kehl Charles, cabinetmkr, 5.t2 vv Pratt Kehl John, tailoi', 77 Jackson sq av Kehl .Mrs. Mary R. beer, 77 Jackson sq av Kehl Nicholas, stonemason, 335 Harford av Kehm Andrew, shoemkr, 335 Hamburg Kehm Christian, shoemkr, 196 Ai^quilh Kehneinann John, lab. 227 s Ann Kelinemauu John jr. shucker, 227 8 Ann Kehoe Edward, lab. 75 Cambridge Kehoe Mrs. Eliza, 192 n Calvert Kehoe James, mariner, 103 Cambridge Kehoe James H furn. wagon, loO Granby Kehoe John, engineer. Eastern av nr Burke Kehoe J. J. furn. wagon, 100 Granby Kehoe Nicholas, lab. 182 n High Kehoe Patrick, lab. 16 Neighbor Kehoe Patrick, lab. 188 L. Constitution Kehres EllizaOeth, 392 Aliceanna Kehres Henry, lab. 392 Aliceanna Kehres Henry jr. shucker, 392 Aliceanna Kehrl Albert, carriagemkr, 203 Lee Keidder Charles, clerk, 145 Mulberry Keidel Charles{ Wm.Knabe & Co.) Catonsville Keidel Conrad, lab. 214 s Castle Keidel Conrad, grocerj-, 2 Tessier Keidel Conrad, lab. 13o s Castle Keidel Henry (Moritz & K.) Catonsville Keidel John M. blacksmith, 52 Boston Keidel John, blacksmith, 52 Boston Keidel Louis J. (0. Brehme & Co.) Catonsville Ke del W.m. shoemkr, 102 St. Mary Keidel Wm tinner, 2 Tessier Keifel John G. tinner, 28 s Howard i3 Keigh Charles, puddler, 183 s Washington ^ Keighler Mrs. Eliza, tailoress, 221 n Caroline > Keighler J. C. ( W.H. & J.C.K.) 134 Lanvale § Keigliler Samuel A. bookkpr. 337 n Eutaw '^ KEIGLER WxM. H. & J. C. agents Queen's;^ Fire Ins. Co. of Liverfiool, Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co., Equitable Fire Ins. Co. of"^ Nashville, and Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. of r; San Francisco, 55 Second ^ Keighler Wm. H. (W.H. & J.C.K.) 337 n Eutaw m Keil Gutolf, lab. 353 s Bond § Keil Henry, hostler, Baker nr Penna av .;::; Keil John, porter, 6 Callendar al ;ri Keil John, lab. 37 Port ^ Keil John, painter, 94 w Fayette, dw 4 Callen-P4 dar al • Keilholtz Chas. jr. painter, 267 s P;ica o Keilholiz rhas.paint'r,9 n Sharp, dw 267 sPacaO Keilholtz Geo. W. turnkey, 402 w Lombard Keilholtz Jacob, moulder, Aisquith and Federal ^ Keilholtz James, tinner, 121 n Paca p^ Keilholtz James, tinner, 112 w Townsend Keilholtz Jus. G. marblewkr, 402 w Lombard oW Keilholtz Otis, paints, glass and oils, s e cor Franklin and Greene, dw 92 n Greene P) Keilholtz Waller, cirter, 267 s Pica Q Keilholtz Wm. 92 n Greene (^ Keilholtz Wm. painter, 217 s Paca J^ Keilholtz Wm. H. marblewkr, 402 w Lombard i^ Keily Geo. stonecutter, 405 w Pratt Keily John. lali. 248 Aliceanna Keily John, fireman, 405 w Pratt Keily Mrs Julia, grocery, 405 w Pratt Keim Henry W. A. siioemkr, 38 L. Church Keim John, shoemkr, 192 s Charles Keim John, candymkr, 26 Union Keimig Edward A. clerk, 204 Mulberry Keimig Fred, driver, 42 Rue Keimig John, tailor, 204 Mulberry Keimig Joseph, whitewasher, 132 Somerset Keimig Nicholas, tailor, 56 Holland Keimig Peter, carp. Byrd and Fort av Kein Michael, lab. 9 s Bethel Keiner Charles, lab. 100 Patuxenl Keiner Godfrey, bookkpr, 342 Franklin Keinner Wm. lab. 11 Elliott I Keiper Lewis H. distiller. Three Tuns hotel Keirle Dr. Nathaniel G. 74 n Paca Keirle Wm. F. clerk, 368 HoUins Keiiie Wm. T. bricklayer, 36:i HoUins Keis Charles, tailor, 704 Light Keis George E. lab. 331 Hamburg Keisel August, tailor, 55 s Castle Keiser Christolf, lab. 193 s Wolfe Keiser Mrs. Hannah, 8 n Dallas Keiser John, lab. 30 Hare Kclsler Jeremiah, tailor, 114 Lee Keister Louis, horseshoer, 1 Winter al Keister Thos. lab. 93 n Exeter Keister Wm. drug grinder, 11 Hope t— j Keister Wm. H. & Co. (Wm. H. Keister) pro- j duce com, mercht. 172 w Pratt ^ Keister Wm H.(W.H.K.& Co.) 527 Franklin ^^ Keith E. M. (Keith & Kelso) 124 McCuUoh Keith Mrs. M. 95 Park av Keith Geo. W. stonemason, 42 Jackson f^ ^ I— I H H I — I EH GQ H C < < O W K 1-3 o H O *„ W O 00 OQ O O fc] CO H OS ^W '^O ^ r^ *-■ C5 O t— I E-< H -^ LJ O "^ ^ « O W O KEITH & KKLSO, (E. M. Keith, J. R.Kelso. jr.) hardware con mission merchimts, 23 and 25 s (-'hailes Keith Mrs. Mary, 63 Coliiraliia Keith Will. II. asst. librarian Peabud}- Inst. 76 Decker Keizer Lewis R. (Murrill k K.) Waveriey Kelbaujjh .Mrs. Ann, 32 n Oreiron Kelbaujih Henderson, trunlvnikr, 32 n Oregon Kelbauiili John, carp. 32 n Oregon Kelbaiiph Win. locksinitli, 32 n Oregon Kelber Geor^'e, stevedore, 71 Gough Kclby Christian, lab. 291 Cross Kelch Charles, lab. 36 Lancaster Kelclienstyen J Kellr Luke, lab. 37 s Wolfe Kelly Mrs M. 129 n vSchrocder Kelly Malcliiel, pattemmkr, 138 Johnson Kelly Mrs. Margaret, 51 .McKitn Kellv Martin, lab. 22 n Amity K, ^ Jz; Kelly Martin, 134 Harford av Q "3 ^ Kelly Martin, lab 9 Foster al ^ g C I'^elly Martin, lab. 201 Ramsay ^ 7^ eS Kelly Mary, music teacher, 71 n Gilmor •"^—i o Kelly Mary, Homestead JJ C xT Kelly Mrs. M:iry J. crocery, 15 Guilford al X> si 5 Kelly Michael, lab. Federiil and Decker .^ -^ -^ Kelly Michael, driver. 36 n Oregon "3 ^3 g K.'Uy Michael, lab. 107 Elliott P2 ^ r£3 Kelly Michael, moulder. 3 Watson Kellv Michael, dravman, 356 Ostead JL ^"^ Kelly Michael, lab,' 22 n Amity .SS "Tg C Kelly Michael, hostler, 9 Painters ct ff "o - Kelly Michael J. lab. II Slemmer al 5^ ?^ "o Kellv .Michael L. bookbinder, 38j w Baltimore S ~ 53 Kelly Michael, lab. 6 Hubbard af 9 "^ ^ Kelly Michael, shoemkr, 18 McKim •rR ■ "" Kellv Michael, bookbinder, 46 President o ?[ Kellv Michael, bricklaver, 84 n Hollidav Xir:: .^ iroii',, \i;r.i,a«i J ^K., Piet & Go.) 73 Franklin McKim ^■'•^ jC Kelly Michael J. ^"1 • Kelly Owen, moulder, 51 Kelly Owen, driver, 2 L. Constitution ■^ Kellv Patrick, coremkr, 127 n llolliday j^ f. Kelly Patrick, carp. 83 w Biddle ^ c Kellv Patrick, stonecutter, 49 Fawn r^ % Kellv Patrick, lab. 31 s Front c -r Kelly Patrick, lab. 7 Clinton se n, Kelly Patrick, lab. 25 Pleasant al 2 E Kellv Patrick, dravman, 152sEutaw c"?^ Kelly Patrick, lab! Ill North Kelly Patrick, lab. 144 L. Greene >. -^ H Kelly Patrick, lab. 13 Slemmer al :r: .S ^ Kelly Patrick, lab. 5 .McLeary ct Kelly Patrick E. clerk, 31 s Schroeder Ke'ly Patrick, lab. 340 Fasteni av Kelly Patrick, shipcarp. 165 Hughes -J Kelly I'atrick, lab. 25 Lemmon .Tl £i Kelly Peter, lab. 346 Hanover ■g ;^ S Kelly Peter, lab. 56 Henrietta S 9 § Kelly Peter, watchman, -133 w Pratt C .^ ^ Kelly Peter, lab. Cooksie nr Nicholson J* X •— ' Kelly Peter A., Rarnum's hotel T -2 Kellv Peter A. jr. salesman, 73 Franklin o -2 >; Kelly Peter, lab. 621 w Pratt "r; jQ -r Kelly Peter jr. lab. 621 w Pratt Kelly Philip, carter and restaurant, Lanvale rd nr North av KELLY, PIET & CO. (M. J. Kelly, John B. Piet, T.J. Kelly) printers, publishers, book- sellers, stationers and publishers Catholic Mir- roi, 174 w Baltimore S -►^ C Kelly Richard, boilermkr, 21 Eliz;ibeth la g "S '^ Kellv Richard, tire department, 74 Barre O C i^ Kelly Robert, lab. 13 Wyeth C) -^ 4^ Kelly Mrs. Sarah, 227 (ierman «i^ ^ vf, Kelly Mrs. Sophia, 21« Park av "^ O i Kelly Rev. Stephen A, Loyola College e ^ "x Kelly Mrs. Susan, boarding, 41 s Oregon 8 "Xs "4^ Kelly Sylvester R. foreman, 124 n Bond S >-> o K'lly Terreiice. lab. 141 Harford av h9 '^ ^ Kellv Thaddeus, shoemkr, 187 s Charles _> '^ Kelly TheophilusJ. (K., Piet& (Jo.) 73Franklin ^ ^ /^ Kelly Capt. Thos. mariner, 614 Lexington 2 S Z Kelly Thos. coal and wood, cor Baltimore and Gilmor, dw Ilollins and Fnlton 1_ Kelly Thomas, lab. \\\ Slemmer al Kelly Thomas, lab. 92 n Front Kelly Dr. Thos. apothecary, n e cor Fawn and E.xeter, and 433 e Eager Kelly Thomas, carter, 173 Dover Kelly Thomas, hackman, 58 Mulberry Kelly Thomas, hackman, 4 Hill Kelly Thomas, carp. Pratt nr Strieker Kelly Thomas, porter, 18 Scott Kellv Thomas, driver, 6 Hnbbard al Kelly Timothy, caulker, 72 Block Kelly Timothy, lab. 152 s Eutaw Kelly Waiver, clerk, 70 s Poppleton Kelly Washington (E. Bailey &Co.)25nBroad way Kellv Winifred, 27 Slemmer al Kelly Wm. lab. 162 Chesnut Kelly Will, drayman, 90 Dolphin Kelly Wm. clerk. 129 w Baltimore Kelly Wm. stonecutter, 1 w Chase Kelly Wm. porter, 171 e Fayette Kelly Wm. painter, 40 Portland Kelly Wm. B. oyster packer, 84 Block Kelly Wm. H. carp Hampden Kellv Wm. H. blacksmith, 9 s Strieker Kelly Wm. H. lab. 143 Ridgely Kelly W. H. propr Eagle hotel, Hillen nr Forrest Kellv Wm. J. tavern, 82 West Falls av dw 18 n High Kelly Wm. J. stonecutter, 826 w Baltimore Kelly Wm. T. machinist, 5 Stockholm Kelly Wm. T. of Tobacco wareh. 360 Light Kelly Wm. T. produce agent, 167 n Carey Kelly Zachariah, brakeman, Ostend and Russell Kelman Wm. pipe manuf. Sharp and Stockholm Kelner Charles, lab. 288 s Bond Kelsey Eber, tinner, 88 s Caroline Kelsey H. & Co. (H Kelsey) shipbrok.70 w Pratt Kelsey Henry (H. K. & Co.) 438 Madison av Kelsey Henry C. clerk, 438 Madison av Kelsey Wm. A. 3 Postoffice av Kelso Chapel, Fawn nr Central av Kelso Home forOrphan Children (M.E. Church) 87 e Baltimore Kelso John, clerk, 110 West Kelso John R. jr. (Keith & K.) 356 Park av Kelso John R, 217 Linden av Kelso John Thos. 1 10 e Baltimore Kilso Thos. (8. Guiteau&Co.) 110 e Baltimore Kelso Wm. painter, 196 s Bond Kelton C. B. carp. 87 s Fremont Kelton Fred. P. carp. 25 Penn Kelty John F. shoemkr, Calverton Kelty John W. shoemkr, Calverton Kelty Wm. R. sr. tailor, 602 Light Kelty Wm. boilermkr, 1 27 .Montgomery Kelwin Samuel, lab. Pavson nr Ramsay Kemler George T. cigarmkr, 35 n Caroline Kemler John W. shoemkr, 3.") n Caioline Kemmer John, carp. Hamburg and Burgundy al Kemmet (ieorge, tailor, 746 w BaUimore Kemmet Michael, tailor, 120 Raborg Kemmet Mrs. Julia, seamstress, 298 Cross Kemmet Patrick, lab. 178 s Howard Kemp Albert S. bookkpr, 55 n Greene Kemp Amos, puddler, 429 Canton av Kemp Anton, wagoner, 134 s Dallas KeiMp Mrs. Caroline, boarding, 279 e Baltimore Kemp Charles, dredger, 175 s Caroline Kemp Charles E. salesman, 247 w Hoffman Ki-mp Charles .\L fire dep't. 165 ii Paca Kemp {.Charles T. clerk, 8 McCulloh Kemp Charles L. entry dept. C. H., dw John nr Lanvale 1-^ OS- HOLMES (& CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, G-enl Agt. KEM 315 KEN Kemp Clarence M. clerk, 304 e Pratt Kemp Conrad, blacksmith, 468 Canton av Kemji Conrad, carp. Loudon av Kemp Edward L (Lamb & K.) 64 William Kem}) Geo. W. harnessmkr, 99 n Front Kemp Harman, wood, Eastern av nr Third Kemp Henry, shipsmith, 145 s Washinjrton Kemp Henry, livery stables, 70 German, dw 41 Mulbeny Kemp Jacob F. restaurant, 736 and 738 Penna av | Kemp James, jr. shoemkr, 71 n Amity | Kemp James T. machinist, 262 n Eden 1 Kemp John H. 0. clerk John nr Lanvale Kemp John W. drover, Loudon av nr Milling- ton la 1 Kemp John W. blacksmith, Belair av ext Kemp Joseph, shipcarp. 43 s Ann Kemp Lotta J. teacher, 43 s Ann I Kemp Mrs. Mary J. 43 s Ann | Kemp Nicholas H. lab. Druidville Kemp Oscar T. clerk, 41 Mulberry Kemp Peter, lab. 387 Aliceanna Kemp Richard, 192 Saratopra Kemp Richard C. clerk, 46 s Eden Kemp Richard, jr. bookkpr, 192 Saratoga Kemp Mrs. Ruth, 377 Saratotra Kemp Samuel, driver, Millington la Kemp Samuel E. clerk, 247 w Hollman Kemp Samuel R. carp 387 e Eager KempSimon L{C. H.Ross & Co. 1349 e Baltimore Kemp Thos. merchandise broker, 5 Commerce, dw 8 McCulloh Kemp \Vm. shipcarp. 304 e Pratt Kemp \Vm. clerk, 192 S-ratoga Kemp Wra. W. L. machinist, 103 n Ann Kemp Wm. jr. brickmkr, 5 Heath Kemp Dr. Wm. M. 55 n Greene Kemp Dr Wm. F. 55 n Greene Kempel Wm. harnessmkr. 877 vv Baltimore Kemper Abraham, liquors, 225 Lexington Kemper Charles, lab 140 Battery av Kemper David, clerk, 225 Lexington Kemper Geo. F. soldier. 140 Battery av Kemper Henry F. shoemkr, 140 Battery av Kemper Herman, lab. 314 William Kemper Jeremiah, 77 s Paca Kemper John, clerk, 234 Columbia Kemper Louisa, hosiery, 506 Penna av Kemper .Moses, (Merefeld & K.) 77 s Paca Kemper Wm. cigarmkr, 140 Battery av Kemper Wm. bre>vmrtster. Bay view brewery KEMPTON & KERCHNRR, (Sidney Kempton, Fred. Kerchner) manufactrs of harness and saddle leather, 20 Water Kempton Nevous W. clerk. 37 n Eutaw Kempton S muiel C.& Co.{S.C.Kempton)whole- sale paper and paper stock, 20 Water Kempton Samuel C. (S.CK. <|- Co.)76 Saratoga Kem])ton Svdney (K. & Kerchner, 397 Druid Hill av Kenallv Michael, moulder, 142 3 Central av Kendall Geo. clerk, 79 s Chester Kendall H. S. clerk, 429 n Calhoun Kendall Henry L. 429 n Calhoun Kendall Mrs. Henry L. 63 e Madison Kendall Ossa, carp. 69 Frederick av Kendall Thomas, encineer, 105 Columbia Kendl)erg John, glassblower, 328 Hanover, Kendler John, sec. hand goods. 79 s Poppleton Kendricks A. J. harnessmkr, 132 n High KenekeFred. shoemkr, 187 Dover Kenly B. F. carp. 126 s High Kenly Davies L. clerk. 92 n Carey Kenly Doualas C. clerk, 92 n Carey Ktnly Edward G.sec'v Imperial Land and Loan Co". 12 St. Paul, dw 92 n Carey Kenly Geo. lab. 251 s Dallas KENLY & TILGHMAN (G. T. Kenly, W. B. Til'rhman)£rrain com. merchts. 5 Wood Kenly Geo. T. (K. & Tilghman) 92 n Carey Kenly John R. civil engineer, 92 n Carey ^_^ Kenly Get!. John R. attorney, 80 w Fayette, ^ dw 441 w Baltimore (S Kenly Oliver G. police, 52 Holland ,33 Kenna Fred. beer. 304 n Bond g Kennan Mrs. Eliza, 16Slemmeral p^ Kennard Alex. A. (K. & Oudesluys) n w cor .^ Madison and St. Paul "^ uQ public store cS pq Kennard Baltis H. storekpr U. S No. 1, dw 172 Mosher Kennard Branson F. clerk, 296 n Strieker tn* Kennard Geo. W. machinist, 76 s Washinirton O Kennard Henry C. attorney, 37 St. Paul, dw ^ 7J Franklin Ken'nard Jame?! B. 271 Hollins Kennard John E. bookbinder, 195 Mulberry Kennard John R. engineer, 230 Gough Kennard John T. clerk, 36 Harford av Kennard Joseph E. shipjoiner, 300 Eastern av Kennard Louis E. 306 Franklin Kennard Marearet, 36 Harford av o o o KENn'aRD& OUDESLUYS (A. A. Kennard O A. Oudesluvs) com. merchts. and wholesale^ produce, butter and cheese, 83 Exchange pi Kennard Mrs. Susan L vestmkr, 178 n Central av ^ Kennard Mrs. P. S. 72 w Centre Kennard Thomas J. cig.arpkr, 53 Wolfe n of ^' Madison ^^ Kennard Mrs. W. B. 195 Mulberry ^ Kennard Wm. H. carver, 24 n Sharp, dw 460 _ Lexington ^ Kenne Fred, beer, cor Biddle and Wolfe pq Kennedy Alex, drayman, 192 n Eden Ij£] Kennedy Alex. jr. clerk, 215 Jefferson pq Kennedy Alvin P. clerk, Gilmor nr Lombard ;^ Kennedy Edward, driver, 25 Neighbor t— 1 Kennedy Edward, lab. 231 William CD Kennedy Felix R. machinist, 121 Conway |zq Kennedy Felix, marblecutter, 121 Conway [jq Kennedy Felix J. marblepolisher, 121 Conway Kennedy Frank, lab. 295 Ramsay ^ Kennedy Geo. A. clerk, 140 w Fayette j^ Kennedy George T. turner, 158 Ramsay 1— 1 Kennedy Henry, lab. Ill s Strieker H Kennedy Rev. Henry H. 369 Mulberry — 1 f^ - W0 w Loiiibard Kenney John, lab. 126 s Chapel Kenney John, lab. 9'A Boyd Kenney Johanna, confecy. Clinton nr Third av Kenney Jotin, lab. 7 Scott Keuney John, drayman, 22 Neiijhbor Kenney Josei)h, porter, 75 s S[)riag Kenney .Martin, lab. 4 Kaufman al Kenney Mrs. Mary A. children's clothing, 264 Aisquitli Keuney Michael, lab. 13 Liberty al Kenney .Michael, clerk Cross-st market, dw 380 s Charles Kenney Oliver J. lab. 38 Jackson sq av Kenney I'atrick, lab. 87 Booth Kenney Patrick, carter, 113 Greenmount av Kenney Patrick, collector, 5 Trinity Kenney Patrick F. stonecutter, 39 Forrest pi Kenney Patrick, lab. 195 Montgomery Kenney Patrick, lab. 1 Arcade al Kenney Peter, porter, 127 e Eager Kenney .Mrs. Sophia, fancy store, 25 Patter- son av Kenney Thomas, lab. 1 Arcade al Kenney Thomas, elk, 380 e Charles Kenney Thomas J. helper, 6 Willow Kenney Wm tvpe founder. 54 n D lUas Keunivan Mrs. Susan. 266 n Front Keiunm Win clerk. 104 Barre KENNY CORNELIUS D. tea siore.s w cor Lex- ington and Greene dw 66 ti Paca Kenny Edward, moulder. 52 s Eden Kenny Geo. silversmith, l^oint la nr Ais-quith Kenny James, boot and shoemkr, 13 Ensor, dw 66 e Eager Kenny James T. hib. 6 Willow Kenny John, hacks, 77 s Greene, dw 79 Kenny Patrick, lab. 21 Spruce al Kenny Patrick, lab. 305 William Kenny Thos. lab. Cooksie nr Nicholson Kenny Thomas, carp. 52 s Eden Kenny Wm. stonecutter. 87 York Kenny Wm. shoemkr, 60 e Eiiddle Ktnrick Andrew J. harnessmkr, 132 n High Kensella James, marble polisher, 72 sRepublican Kensett John R (K. & Co.) 227 St. Paul «ett. \^^ !0* VS T. H.KeiisHt. H. N. V«II. J. K. Keiieett. SuccesBors of Thos. Kensett & Co. DEALERS IN Hermetically i'eaM Oysters, Fruits, &c. 122 W. FALLS AVE, And X. E. C'or. ('entral Avenue and Bank Street, Kensett Thos. H.( Kensett & Co. )3t9 Madison av Kensler Charles D. lab. 42 Cross Kent Mrs. Alice A. 392 Lexington Kent Mrs. Ann M. 95 Mosher Kent B. G. k Co. (B. G. Kent,) brassfounders and finishers, 47 n Holliday Kent i?enj.Geo. (B. G. K. &Co.) 223 Orleans Kent C. <;. salesman, 20 n Eutaw Kent Ktheridge, brakeman, 114 German Kent Geo. A. painter, 392 Lexington Kent James, clerk, 76 Saratoga Kent James, helt)er, 310 William Kent J. Yates, clerk, 296 n Greene Kent Jesse, mariner, 416 Orleans Kent Joseph B. clerk, 56 Saratoga Kent Josephine, boarding, 76 Stratoga Kent P. Howard, clerk. 85 n t'arey Kent Philip E. clerk, 85 n Carey Kent Thomas .M. cleik, 85 n Carey Kent T. Irving, clerk, 76 Saratoga Kent Win. A. carp. 392 Lexington Keofor Casper li. printer, 58 Barre Keofor Cliarles J. machinist, 58 Barre Keogh J(jhii jr. police, 239 Peirce Keogh John, carp. 239 Peirce Keogh Mary, .seamstress, 239 Peirce Keph.irl John A. conductor, 275 Ilollins Kephart Peter, ice, 4 Dover, and prest. Howard B.nk, dw 313 w Fayette Kepler Rev. Samuel, 48 n Gilmor HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins, Co. intlie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt, KEP 317 KER Kepler Wtn. P. hellli iiiizer, 54 n Dallas KepHiiijcr John W._^r.iiner, cor North and Lex- l iiiglun, dw 29.i n Eden | I Keplinjier Jnshtia, upholsterer, 415 Saratoij;a I Ke|iner Francis, turner, S7 s Uhappell .1 Kepner Tobias H. grocery, 244 e Madison ' Keppel Geo. driver, Baker and Division Kepper Bernard, niercht. tailor, 267 Canton av Kepper Bernard jr. cutler, 267 Canton av Kepjile Chas. blacksniitii, rear 430 Division Kepple John, jrardener, rear 430 Division Kepple Jacob, blacksmith. 639 Peiina av Keppler Geo. driver, 41 Miller Kt-pjiler Jacob, tailor, 40 Fawn Kerber Anton, !nb 32 Haubert Kerber Fred driver, 242 e Baltimore Kerch Jacob, bo.xmkr, 256 s Monttromery Kerclu'r Frank, lab. 122 Fort av Kercher Henry, lab., Clement nr West Keicher Joseph, shoemkr, 147 Orleans Kercher Joseph, carp. 122 Fort av Kerchner Ferdinand, leather finisher, 236 n Central av Kerchner Fred. (Kempton&K.) 236 nCentral av Kerchner Fred. A. dry goods, 50 s Republican Kerchner John G. lab. 60 s Wolfe Kerchofif Fred'k, carter, 86 Russell KerchotfGeo. 36 Aisquith Ketchoff Herman, cigars, 105 Conwav Kerckhofif Geo. (Geo.K.&Co.) 119 C'erman KERCKHUFF GEORGE & CO. (G. Kerckhoff, G. P. Unverzagt) cigars and leaf tobacco, 49 s Charles Kerler Chas. F. bukor, 214 Scott Kerley Daniel, clerk, 14 Forrest id Kerliu Abraham, clerk, 48 w Eager Kerlingcr Mrs. Elizabeth. 245. Saratoga Kerlinger John, clerk, 252 George Kerlinger Lewis H. photographer, 154 Myrtle av Kermer Jeremiah, lab, 392 Eastern av Kermode & Co. (Mrs. John, Isabella, TamarA., Christina and Margaret E. Kermode, jnotions and fancy goods, 138 vv Fayette, and 89 n Eutaw Kermode Christina (K. & Co.) 138 w Biddle Kermode Isabella (K.&Co.) 138 w Biddle Kermode Mrs. John (K.& Co.) 138 w Biddle Kermode Margar.t E. (K.&Co.) 138 w Biddle Kermode Tamar A. (K &Co.) 138 w Biddle Kermode Thomas L. clerk, 138 w Biddle Kern Augustus, canrakr, 24'J Lee Kern Chas. gun and locksmith, 240 Lee Kern Conrad, beer, Fort av and Jackson Kern Conrad, lab. 6 Weber Kern Geo. lab. 2 Collins ct Kern Geo. carp. 88 n Wolfe Kern Geo. A. coaciunkr, 76 n Pine Kern James, waiter, 27 s Paca Kern Rev. J. A. 139 n Republican Kern Jacob, carter, 229 s Wolfe Kern John, lab. 73 n Schroeder Kern Margaretta, grocery, 139^ s Spring Kern M.utin, lab. 2 Collins ct Kern Martin, tailor, 34 Union Kern Martin, carp. 198 Hamburg Kern Michael, paver, 2 Collins ct Kern Peter, lab. 5 Creek al Kern Paul, cooper, 5 Creek al Kern Thomas, lab. 69 Boyd Kernan Bernard, plasterer, 248 Franklin Keriian Bros. (Eugene and J. L. Kernan) Bal- timore-St. Theatre, 1 e Baltimore K'lnan Catherine, 11 Valley Keinan luigene (Kernan Bros.) 85 s High Kenan -Mrs. H A. 214 e Monument K 'na.i James L. (Kernan Bros.) 1 e Baltimore K( I nan John, carp. 248 Franklin Kernan John, wagoner, 11 Valley Kernan John, ins. agent, Linah's hotel Kernan Mrs. Johanna, grocery, 481 w Pratt Kernan Mary, 262 Lanvalt- Kernan .Mrs. Margaret, 248 Franklin Kernan .Matthew, lab. 14 Grove Kernan Michael, carter, 170 n Front Kernan Michael, shoemkr, 111 Gretnmount av Keruan Owen, cotton waste, 127 Ensor Kernan Patrick, lab. 4 Neighbor Kernan Patrick, driver, 11 Valley Kernan Piltinger, carp. 161 s Clicster Kernan Thos. grocery, 90 Harford av, dw 85 Kernan Thtmias, brassfinisher, 61 s Chester Kernan Thonias, finisher, 133 s Chapel Kernan Thonias P. cotton waste, 112 Ensor Kernan \Vm. lab. 34 President Kerndl Chas. dyer and scourer, 25 Harrison Kerner Mrs. Anna, 330 Aliceauna Kerner Benj. lab. 63 s Monroe Kerner Bernard, lab., Boston and Chesapeake Kerner Conrad, lab. 31 Fountain Kerner Geo. VV. letter carrier, 175 Conway Kerner Geo. carp. 330 Aliceanna Kerner Geo. H. (Shipley, Smith & Co.) HI Jetfi rson Kerner John, lab., Boston and Chesapeake Kerner John F. 226 Linden av Kerner John, boxinkr, 2 Mulberry ct Kerner John H agent, 226 Linden av Kerner John G. coremkr, 164 s Spring Kerner Mrs. Mary, Boston and Chesapeake Kerner Nicholas, tailor, 254 e Lomb;ird Kerner Lawrence, potter, i5tj Boyd Kerner Thomas, giocery, 2 Mulberry ct Kerney Chas. lab. 150 Burgundy al Keruey Geo. W. driver, Gilmor ur Preston Kerney James, mariner, 17 Abbott Keniey John, shoemkr, 8 Forrest Kerugood Abrah.im (K.& Bro.) dry goods, 149 s Paca KeruLiood & Bro. (W. T. and Abraham Kern- good) 245 w Baltimore Kerugood Levi, sign painter, 442 w Fayette Kerugood Tobias (K.&Bro.) 391 w Fayette Kerugood Wm, (K.&Bio.) 300 w Fayette Kerns John, 122 s Chester Kerns John B. japanuer, 677 w Fayette Kerns John F. tinner, 528 Saratoga, dw 677 w Fa_\ ette Kerns Michael, foreman, 132 w Townsend Kerns Patrick, lab. 760 w Lombard Kerns Patrick, lali. 3 Jenkins al Kerns Roger, tailor, 332 s Bond KERR ANDREW, agent Thistle Manufacturing Co., Baltimore co Ken- Alexander (A. K. & Bro.) Philadelnhia KERR ALEXANDER & BRO. (Alexand'er and F. Kerr) salt, 41 South Kerr Andiew S., Professor Baltimore City Col. lege, 469 n Carey KERR CHARLES G. attorney, 49 w Fayette, dw 118 Park av Kerr Daniel, 673 Penna av Kerr Dudley, clerk, 154 McCuUoh Kerr Edward (VVaite & K.) 90 s Sharp Kerr Edward L. clerk, 3il Park av -►J a p o o O d o o o Power Press Printing, at Pi-educed Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) D Oh I— I -^ o I a o .£ X :j • ^ o o cc ■" > 'S e: X m X OQ ^ O O) So-^' ;2i o -^ ^^ HH c2 rt r—> -i X .2 'o cS M ^ o o lU r— ^ a X o p 1^ P«^ X oT '^2 ^ ^ _o K-i O -4J -1^ OQ X X ^ 9Q -^-1 TS C:.' P C * r^ 03 5- 9^ TS ~ ^ V ^ H x> P -! r^ f^ s OS >% ■< 1 S . 03 •♦o o H s H 1: ^ o ^?i X Ph O o <» s: • o -M t^ •i: Oi ^ <> o OS ^ >-i s "5 ^ c P 'o ?^ a> .5 ^ 7^ I4J -4^ o '-^ -4^ s S: ^ lO o '-' CM O Tt ^' '^ be ;- C5 v: S -4— » -4^ •?« S ^ a> ^O > ^) _> ^3 5b o t^. X eS L ■;:; lO Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, KER 318 KET Kerr Edward M. (K.&Son) 154 McCullob Kerr Eliza, J. millinery, 157 u Eutaw Kerr & Son (E. M. & H. W. Kerr) queensware, 2 German Kerr Francis D.foreman fire dep't, 364 e Madison Kerr Frank, (A. Kerr & Hro. ) 182 n Republican Kerr Ilarvey, bookkeei)ei', 25 s High Kerr Henry, plumber, 197 Ensor Kerr H. W. (Kerr k Son) 151 McCulioh Kerr Hugh, clerk, 195 s Paca Kerr James, carp. 190 n Exeter Kerr James, caulker, 135 Thames Kerr James, shipuarpenter, 112 Hughes Kerr James, (Seldner & K.) 25 s Hi^ih Kerr James, carpenter, 515 \v Lombard Kerr James, lab. 1 Randall Kerr James M. carter, 2G Stirling Kerr James P. cleik, 295 n Caroline Kerr James W. carp. 190 n Exeter Kerr James W. butcher, 22 Lexington and 29 Centre markets, dw Penn i av nr North av Kerr John, police, Jol s Bond Kerr John, lab. 50 Buren Kerr Joseph H. clerk, 96 n Eutaw Kerr .Mary, grocery, 87 Lexington Kerr Michael, lab/209 s Bethel Kerr Michael, caulker, 162 s Wolfe Kerr Robert J. tinner, 333 Aisquith Kerr Samuel H. 26 Stirling Kerr Thomas, 28 Neighbor Kerr Thomas, car driver, 673 Penna av Kerr Thomas, jr. machinist, 190 \\ Exeter Kerr Thomas, carp. 97 Druid Hill av Kerr Thomas, shipcarp. 208 Bank Kerr Thomas, coffee sampler, 22 Philpot Kerr Mis. Virginia, 2 n Republican Kerr Wm. clerk, 36 e Eager Kerr Wm. J. carp. 37 Greenmount av Kerriu John, lab. 122 s Chester * Kersey Hannah, millinery, 20 n Liberty Kersey Capt. Matthew, M n Liberty Kersey George, canmkr, 284 n Bond Kershaw Chas. mariner, 214 Bank Kershaw Chas. cabinetmkr, 17 n Kden Kershaw Chas. H. blacksmith, Whatcoat and Pr^stman Kersha.v Mrs. C. H. notions, Whatcoat and Prestman Kershaw Francis, mariner, 214 Bank Kershaw Geo. mariner, 214 iJank Kershaw John, mariner, 214 Bank KERSHNER BENJAMLX F. hats and caps, 427 w lialtimore Kerst Carl, lab. 284 s Dallas Kersting Conrad, hats and caps, 334 s Charles Kerstiiig Fred'k. cigarmaker, 334 s Charles Kertass Jotenus, lab. 257 s Ann Keiwin Bernard, grocery, Union and Druid Hill av Kervvin .Matthew, lab. 166 Lee Kerwick J. K. blacksiniih, 171 e Eager Ki rworl John, lab. 15 Abbot Kcrvvort Wenzel shoemkr, 15 Abbot Keseiiug Francis, beer, 834 w Baltimore Keske August, lab. 10 Shakspear Keske August, jr. 10 Shakspear Keske William, lab. 10 Shakspear Ktshner Michael, lab. 24 .Vnthony Kesler Charlotte, grocery, 347 .Mulberry Ktsler Gertrude, seamstress, 251 e Eager Kesler Geo. bricklayer, 347 Mulberry Kesler John, tailor, 6J O'Donnell Kesler John, lab. 217 William Kesler Philip, (Miskimon & K.) 54 n Ann Kesmodel Chas. clerk, 654 Lexington Kesmodel F. manufacturer cutlery, surgical in- struments, trusses, &c., 142 w Fayette Kesmodel Fred, grocery and provisions, 235 Franklin Kesmodel Martin, sr. 654 Lexington Kesmodel Martin, jr. clerk, 654 Lexington Kesse Geo H. 67 Garden Kessler Adam, lab. 337 ii Central av Kessler Mrs. Eliza, 38 Warner Kessler Fred, nightman, 113 West Kessler George, teamster, 755 Light Kessler Q^^o. shoemaker, 390 e Eager Kessler Geo. liquors, 71 Greenmount av and Low and Forrest Kessler Geo. C. cabinetmaker, 399 e Eager Kessler Geo. P. carter, 755 Light Kessler Jacob, 71 Greenmount av Kessler John, lab. 217 Williain Kessler John, tailor, 61 O'Donnell Kessler John P. tailor, 103 Granby Kessler Joseph, lab. 86 Payson Kessler Lawrence, tailor, 293 Hanover Kessler Louis, cooper, 11 Poultney Kessler Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 133 York Kessler Mrs. -Mary, 197 Orleans Kessler Michael, lab. 86 Payson Kessler Michael, coachmaker, 34 Myrtle av Kessler Puilip, glassblower, 362 Ostend Kessler Thos. V. agent, 109 n Schroeder Kessler Wendelin, barber, 91 Ensor Kessler Wm. H. H. carp. 104 n Wolfe Kessling Adam, lab. 239 n Durham Kesling Henry, basketmaker, 25 Low Kesling John, basketmaker, 25 Low Kesling Joseph, basketmaker, 25 Low Kessner C^as. laborer, 253 s Durham Kessner Mrs. Mary, grocery, 13 Elliott Kessner Vcight, blacksmith, 13 Elliott Kesting Adolph, shoeuikr, 32 s Poppleton Kestiiig Louis, shoemaker, 129 Linden av Kestiug Philip, filemaker, 87 n Front Kesling Theodore, shoemaker, 19 Chesnut al Kesller John A. blacksmith, 18 Jackson ct Kesller JolinT. tavern, Frederick av nr Lombard Kesller John G. provisions, 133 Druid Hill av Kesller Peier, salesman, 133 Druid Hill av Kestner Albert, shucker, 195 Aliceanna Keslner H'y, tailor, Fred'k. av nr Gwynn falls Kestner Joliu, plasterer, 195 Aliceanna Keslner Jos. shoemkr, Bouldin al nr Townsend Keslner William, lab. 28 Hare Kelchum .Mrs. Charlotte, 630 Lexington Keichum David, lab. 51 Ensor Keiion Wm. clerk, 319 u Ann Keti Emil, artist, 61 St. Paul Kettering Christian, confectionery, 83 Somerset Kettering Charles W. bailiff, Harford av nr Homestead Keiieiing Henry, confectioner, 88 Somerset Kettering Peter, contectiouer, 174 n Central av Kellle James, halter, 37 Clarke Ketiler August, stevedore, 305 s Bond Ketller Frederick A. lab. 305 8 Boud KeUler John, lab. 225 .\liceauua Keltler John, baker, 75 Jefferson KeUler Jolin, baker, 36 .Myrtle av Ketller Mrs. Miua, junk, 305 s Bond Ketller Wm. clerk, 186 n Central av Ketller Wm. 11. clerk, 75 Jefferson HOLMES (fe CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. KET 319 KIE Kettlewell Chas., Md. White Lead Co. 652 w Fajette Kettlewell Charles A. clerk, 21 n Greene Kettlewell E. G. C. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Keltiing Henry, machinist, 88 Somerset Keu^el Andrew, tailor, 38 Duncan al Keuler Henr}-, shoemkr, Bruce and McHenry Keuchen Julius, pianomkr, 152 Pearl Key Edward L. clerk, 55 Cathedral Key George, conductor. Swan tavern Key H. J. booUkpr, 13 German Key John N. canmkr, 86 Jackson sq av Keyhan Daniel, bartender, Mt. Vernon hotel Keyhan Jos. A. billiards, Howard house, dw 130 West Keys Albert, lab. Mt. Vernon Keys Chas. E. machinist, 51 s Carey Keys Fielding, lab. Mt. Vernon Keys Horace M. moulder, 51 s Carey Keys Mrs. Georgeanna, 173 s Spring Keys George W. canmkr, 63 Cambridge Keys Hansou H. (John G. Froelich & Co.) 13T s Bond Keys Horace, carp. 51 s Carey Keys Hugh,(Jas.N.K.&Son, j98 w Monument Keys Jas. sr. engineer, 63 Cambridge Keys Jas. jr. canmkr, 63 Cambridge Keys James, carp. Calverton Keys Jas.N.& Son,(H.Ke\8)liquor8,93 Franklin Keys James W. brassfinisber, 164 e Lombard Ke_)8 John, lab. Whatcoat nr Presstman Keys John, engineer, 57 McElderry 'Keys Joseph, clerk, 63 Cambridge Keys Jos. T. Charles-stav nr Denmead Keys Mrs. Margaret J. 244 n Calvert Keys Nelson B. clerk, 54 w Madison Keys Richard B. clerk, 72 St. Paul Keys Samuel, actor, 57 McElderry Keys Walter, drayman, 176 L. Greene Keys Wm. brassmoulder, 2u Somerset Keys Wm. clerk, 14) Lexington Keys Wm. H. silver plater, 20 Somerset Keys Wm. W. brassmoulder, 261 s Caroline, dw 58 s Ann Keys Wm. W. clerk, n w cor Howard and Lex- ington Keys Winfield, brassfinisber, 64 e Lombard Keyser Mrs. Ann, 199 Mulberry Keyser Mrs. Amelia, 144 s En taw KEVSER BROS. & CO. ^Wm. and H. Irvine Ke\ser, ) successors to Keyser, Trosell &'Co. iron and steel, 21 and 23 German Keyser Chas. A. 57 McCulloh Keyser Mrs. Chas. M. 55 n Paca Keyser Chas. M. clerk, 55 n Paca Keyser Geo. boxmkr, 21 Cannon Keyser Herman, boots and shoes, 180 Lexington, dw 35 n Eutaw Keyser H. Iivine,(K.Bros.& Co.)191 n Charles Keyser Henry, lab. 44 Iceland al Keyser James, packer, 398 Franklin Keyser Jacob, iron fitter, 31 Wyeth Keyser John, clerk, 199 Mulberry Keyser John, lab. 40 Hare Keyser John, varnisher, 349 s Sharp Keyser Louis, driver, 31 Wyeth Keyser Mrs. Mary, tobacconist, 338 Franklin Keyser Matthew, shoes, 37 n Eutaw, dw 250 w Fayette Keyser Martin, clerk, 26 s Fulton Keyser Moses, 231 w Pratt Keyser Nicholas, carp. 166 Preston Keyser Peter, lab. 361 s Sharp Keyser Philip C. tinner, 39 Wyeth Keyser Peter L. merchant tailor, n w cor Pratt and Paca Keyser R. Fuller, clerk, 169 Edmondson av Keyser S. (Jordan & K.) 101 w Fayette Kevser Wm. barber, 46 Holland KEVSER WM. (K, Bros. & Co.) 2d vice-pres't B.& 0. R. R. Co. 115 Park av Keyser Wm. H. lab. 39 e Lombard Keyser Wm. W. clerk, 376 Franklin Keyser Wilson, clerk, 55 n Paca Keyworth Chas. B. (Barton & K.) 194 Druid Hill av Keyworth Chas. E. tobacconist, cor Baltimore and Light, dw 466 e Lombard Kibler John B. hides, 273 n Front Kibler John S. nightman, 273 n Front Kidd Alex, tub finisher, 295 w Hoffman Kidd Chas. H. edge toolinkr, 550 n Gay Kidd Chas. H. edge toolmkr, 475 Franklin Kidd Geo. coachrukr, 6 e Biddle Kidd F. T. coachsmith, Homestead Kidd Henry S. police, 34 n Schroeder Kidd Jared D.(J. D. K.& Co.)28u e Monument Kidd Jas. .M. lamplighter, 12 Hillen Kidd J. D. & Co. (Jared D. Kidd) millwrights, 61 n Holliday Kidd Mrs. Jemima, 34 n Schroeder Kidd John H.(C.Y Davidson & Co.j214 George Kidd Joshua, restaurant, 37 Ensor Kidd Lewis (J. lab. Homestead Kidd Mrs. Mary J. Homestead Kidd Moses, 321 n Bond Kidd Nelson, finisher, Woodberry Kidd Richard L. bookkpr, 57 Lexington Kidd Robert, Point la nr Aisquith Kidd Thomas, driver, Homestead Kidwell A. C. moulder, Strieker nr McHenry Kidwell Geo. chaiimkr, 131 Gough Kiebler Mrs. Jacob, successor Tobacco Pipe Co. 1 Grauu\, dw 'd'i Kiefer Lewis, beer, ISJ HoUins Kiel August, butcher, 16o Belair and 109 Cen- tre markets, dw Point la nr Greenmount Cemetery Kiel Frederick, carp. 355 Lexington Kiel George, carp. 355 Lexington Kiel George A. varnisher, Lombard nr Lloyd Kiel George A. varnisher, VVaveriey Kiel John, lab. rear Clinton and Third av Kiel J. Harry, salesman, 39 e Baltimore Kiel John H. vvatchmkr, 39 e Baltimore Kiel John J. machinist, 3 State Kiel Philip, carp. 355 Lexington Kiely Cornelius, driver, 159 n Front Kiely Dennis, lab. 159 n Front Kiely James, lab. 159 n Front Kiely James D. mariner, 16a Gough Kiely John W. mariner, 160 Gough Kiely Thos. lab. 9« Duncan al Kiely Wm. clerk, 307 n Gilmor Kiem Geo. driver, 18 Stockton Ktenast Geo. machinist, 119 Conway Kientzler Louis, tobacconist, 328 s Charles Kientzler Philip, shoemkr, 213 Canton av Kieuzle ^ Hohman, (J. Kienzle, C. Hohman) butchers, 82 Belair market, packing bouse Monument and Castle Kienzle Jacob (K. & Hohman) Monument and Castle Kiersted Mrs. E. F. 64 Fawn c3 pq o O o o p o o <1 < p^ I— I p^ O P^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, KIE 320 KIN H W W P4 H C/J t-T !>" fe=; <1 H O o < K H P n o GQ UJ ^" 00 n o H 1< 1-1 1— 1 ^ O O Kiersted Geo. W. engiiie>r, 64 Fawn Kiersted James L. bookkpr. 320 ii Fremont Kierstead Emily, 32 Jackt^on sq av Kieseivedder (^has lab. 349 e F.i.\ ette Kie.?er (-Iims. blks'th, i'ulaski :.nd Frederick av Kiesling Adam, lab. 239 n Durham Kiff'ner Jacol>, carp. 215 n ( eiitral av Kijifiens James, drivi-r, 403 Aliceanna Kigfiens Mrs. Rnse, 4ii3 Aliceauna ext Kilil Joliii, lab. 257 s Ann Kilbouiii Mrs. tSarah, 125 n Fremont Kiibourn Wm. A. H. plasterer, 125 n Fremont Kilburn Wm. U. clerk, 122 e Pratt Kilburii Uri (Robinson, K. & Co.) 122 e Pratt Kilclienstein Geo. beer, 260 e Kager Kilelieustfin John, porter, 250 n Eden Kilchenstein J. A. (J. A. K. & Co.) Balto co KILCIIENSTKIN J. A. & CO. (J A. Kilchen- stein, H. ('. Pinning) wholes, and retail gro- cers, n w tor Ga}- and Forrtst Kilchenstein Stephen, wagoner, 228 n Central av Kildutf Arthur, printer, 100 n Caroline KiUlutf Arthur, police, 164 Fast Kildulf Kilwiud, clerk, 13 e .Monument Kildutt' Hugh, brakenian, 6 Forrest pi Kikiull' Jciliu, printer, 45 Hillen Kildiitl' Mrs. Mary A. 13 e Monument Kildutt' Stephen, coachman, 6 Forrest pi Kilduti' Thomas, lab. 151 Central av Kilduti'l'hos. lab. 100 n Caroline Kildutf TIjos. iirinter, 6 Forrest pi Kile}- Win. lab. 52 Short Kilfojle Thos. brassfinisher, 191 e Monument Kilgour David (Kilgour & Son) 60 s Paca Kilgour John (Kilgour Jj- Son) 60 s Paca KILGOUR & SON (D. and John Kilgour) iron foundry, York bet William and Johnson Kilgrove Wm. T. caip. 275 Holiins Kilian Chas. barber, 254 s Bond Kilian Henry, sawyer, 254 s Bond Kilian Henry, lab. 218 Aliceanna Killalea Mark, driver, 226 Saratoga Killalea Martin, lab. 117 Peach al Killalea Patrick, carj). 226 Saratoga Killalen Thos. lab. 77 n Amity Killam Nelson C. printer, 07 s Bond Killen Thos. driver, 47 Penn Killen Wui. H. carp. 153 Harford av Killcnstein i^lichael, cigarmkr, 228 n Central av KiUenstein Stephen, turn. wauon, 228 Central av Killian Charles, carp. 71 O'Doneell Killian Frank, lab. 1 Abbot Killian Geo. tailor, 64 s Bond Killian Geo. F. hurnessmkr, 478 Penna av Killian John M. trunkmkr, 64 s Bond Killmer John W. tinner, 317 w Biddle Killmeyer Conrad, tailor, 145 n Spring Killmeyer Daniel, cooper, 160 Chew Kilhneyer Jacob, umbrellas, 37 Abbot Killmeyer Joseph, cooper, 337 e Eager Killmeyer Jlax, beer, 42 Clay Killmon Mrs. Kate, 296 McDonogh Killmon Thos. W. shipcarp. 112 Jackson sq av Kilhnon Wm. T. huckster, 112 Jacksan sq av Killmond Thos. T. shipcarp. 120 n Edeu Killmoud Wm. H. moulder, 49 Stirling Killmore Jacob, cabineimkr, 40 Madeira al Kilner Isaac, clerk, 166 n Front Kilpairick <& Boggs (Wm. D. Kilpatrick, Wm. Boggs) wholes, grocers and com. merchants, lo9 Franklin Kilpatrick James, clerk, 136 s Poppleton Kilpatrick John, patiernmkr, 136 s Poppleton Kilpatrick Mrs Mary, 255 Madison av Kilpatrick Robert, lab. 32 s Greene Kilpatrick Thos. carp. 290 Franklin Kilfiatrick Wni.D.(K.& Boggs)255 Madison av Kilper Fred, tailor, 2t4 Linden av Kline Thos. canmkr, 44 Hillen Kimbal Wm. bricklaver, 17 Hill Kimball Daniel, lab. 98 Peach al Kimball Daniel K. grocery, 505 Lexington Kimball Ephraim C. police, 5 Constitution Kiujball Ilemy H. clerk, 505 Lexington Kimball Horace S. supt. 280 n Front Kimball James, oyster packer, 140 Bank Kimball John, police, 5 Leadenliall Kimball -Mrs. M. A. diessmkr, 280 n Front Kimball Moses P. (K., Shaffar & Co.) Penns- boio', W. Va. Kimball Richard W. 274 s Broadway KIMBALL, SHAFFAR & CO. (M. P. Kimball Thos. Shatfar, G. K. Tyler) stave yard and coopi'rs, n e cor Canton and Central avs, branch shop 136 Eastern av Kimball Wm.C. bookkpr, Carey and Presstman Kimberly Bios.(Kdward and Samuel Kimberly) provisic)n dealers, 2 Patterson Kimberly Edward, (K. Bros.) 139 Lanvale Kiraberl.\ Edward jr. clerk, 139 Lanvale Kimberly Geo. L. G. clerk, 23 n Calhoun Kimberly Harry, clerk, 139 Lanvale Kimberly Mrs. Jer. M. 23 n Calhoun Kimberly Joseph, grocer, 50 n Eutaw, dw 139 Lanvale Kimberly Lenhart, laborer, 4 Windsor Kimberly Mrs. Mary, 122 e Baltimore Kimberly Samuel (K. Bros.) Norfolk, Va. Kimble H. grocery, 525 Philadelphia rd Kimbling Bros. (Henry and Jacob K.) coopers, 37 Bradford al Kimbling Henry, (Kimbling Bros.) 137 Elliott Kimbling Jacob, (Kimbling Bros.) Canton av and Cannon Kime Benj. lab. rear 57 Biddle al Kime James L. 229 n Calvert Kime Micliael, lab. 9 s Bethel Kimmel Adam, tailor, 240 n Central av Kinimel Chas. locksmith, 439 Lexington Kimmel Henry, 59 Park av Kimmel Jacob, lab. 4 Binney Kimmel Jacob, tailor, 66 s Bethel Kiilimell Conrad, lab. 87 McHenry Kimmell Solomon, (Wm. Devries & Co.) 338 Myrtle av Kimmell Wm. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw Car- rollton hotel Kiminelman Andw. jr. plasterer, 51 Fountain Kimmelman Henry, shoemkr, 30 n Wolfe Kimmerle Fred, cooper, 449 Canton av Kimmerline John M. drayman. 249 e Chase Kimmerly Bernhard, cooper, 29 s Burke Kimmet Philip, 162 e Fayette Kimmet Roger, lab. 150 Leadenhail Kinimitt Thos. lab. 150 Leadenhail Kiiupel George, tailor, 45 8 High Kincade Nixon, clerk, 161 Hollins Kincade James R. bricklayer, 717 w Lombard Kinder Chas. shoemaker, 1 16 e LomLiard Kindervatter Henry, harnessmkr, 592 Saratoga Kindervatter Otto, cabinetmkr, 478 Saratoga Kindervatter Christian, currier, 478 Saratoga Kiudig Henry, conductor, 30 Parrish Kiudig Samuel, machinist, 501 Lexington HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and ithographmg, Engraving and Post Oflioa Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. KIN 321 KIN Kine Dudley, lab. 98 Duncan al Kine Ernest, druggist, 108 e Fayette Kinear Prof. James C. principal of Pembroke School, 189 and 191 Madison, dw 187 Kinemund Fred. C. confecty. 228 n Fremont Kiner Carl, lab. 100 Patuxent Kiner Fred, huckster, 9 Somerset Kines & Bro.( Francis and John G. Kines) fruit packers, and tin and sheet iron manufs. cor. WilliaruFon al and Harlem ct Kines Frank, processor, 44 Williamson al Kines Francis, (Kines & Bro.) 305 Light Kines Geo. G. elk, 102 William Kines J. Wm. hookkor. 164 llontgomery Kines John G (Kines & Bio. ) 102 William Kines John G, jr. furniture, 303 Light King Adam, iron worker, 248 s Ann King Adam E. naval officer, 93 w Monument King Albert, teacher, 400 Mulberry King Dr. Albert H. dentist, 183 e Baltimore, dw 1 Irvine pi King Alfred, clerk, 56 s Carey King Alfred R. clerk, 280 n Strieker King Mrs. Alspina E. 253 Dolphin King Andrew, boat builder, 74 Block King Andrew J. mayor's clerk, 18 s Strieker King Mrs. Ann, 405 n Gilmor King August, lab. 448 Aliceanna King Barbara, 248 s Ann King Barney, lab. 67 e Monument King Bi'MJamin, laborer, 47 George King Benjamin, clerk, 121 n High King Brainard, hackman, 196 e Madison King Bros. (Geo. W. King, E. W. King) book and job printers, over 162 w Baltimore King Calvin J. (K., KuhnsA Co.) 236 Walsh King Mis. Catherine, seamstress, 227 Hanover King Charles, brakeman, 101 Peirce King Charles, baker, 44 e Pratt King Charles, printer, Eagle hotel King Charles, brakeman, 105 a Schroeder King Charles, lab. 217 s Wolfe King Charles, tinner, 277 Bank King Charles F.boatbuilder,s e cor Thames and Fell, dw Gough bet Gist and Choptank King mias. H. ( W.H.King&Co.)280 n Strieker King Charles L. laborer, 27 Abbot King Charles, cooper, 82 Block King Charles Oakford, clerk, 211 Madison av King Charles T bookkpr, 72 s Ai.n King Charles T. machinist, 313 e Monument King Christopher, hackman, 7 Perry King David, clerk, 15 Forrest pi King Edgar C. salesman, 17 Clarke King Edward S. carp. 229 Chew King Edwin W. (King Bros.) 262 e Biddle King Ellas E. 76 Cathedral King Elijah S. driver, 290 s Dallas King Emmeison, brakeman, 196 e Madison King Ernest F. dental student, 1 Irvine pi King Firmadge, oyster packer, 32 Fawn King Francis A. engineer, Waverley King Francis M. clerk, 318 Linden ar King Francis M.( Wagner Jj- Co.)318 Linden av King Francis T. pres't Central Sav. Bank, s e cor Charles and Lexington, dw 76 Cathedral King Frank A. carpenter, 266 e Fayette King Frank, clerk, John nr McMechin King Franklin, painter, 329 Saratoga King Fred, tavern, 261 s Ann King Fred, clerk, 189 n Central av King George, baker, 125 n Front King Fred, W. (F.W,&R. King) city inspector gas meters, office old city hall, dw 22 n Ann KING F. W, & R. manuf'rs of engineers' and surveying instruments, and opticians, 226 w Baltimore King George, blacksmith, 356 Ramsay King George, carriage maker, 255 Jefferson King George, bookkpr, 87 Hollins King George, laborer, 5 Neilson ct King George, canmkr, 101 n Eden King George, puddler, 248 Bank King George jr. cooper, 22 Thames King George, coachman, 2 Tyson King Geo. R. (K. ^ Mullikiii) 320 Orleans King George W. fisherman, 290 s Dallas King George, clerk, 155 a Calvert King George H. clerk, 103 Walsh King George I. shoemkr, 39 n Caroline King George, oakcooper, 31 n Caroline and Caro- line nr Thames, dw 29 n Caroline King George G. printer, 42 Aisquith King George W. (King Bros.) 378 n Eden King George W. carp. 103 Walsh King Gerard T. letter carrier, 30 s Strieker King and Greenfield (Thos H. K. and Thos.K. G.) builders, 109 Smith's wbf King Harry, wagons, 248 Bank King Henry (Henry S. K. & Son) 83 McCulloh King HenrV S. ( H. S. K. & Sons) 83 McCulloh King Henry S. & Son (H. S. & H. King) im- porters guns and hardware, 307 w Baltimore King Hilly, boilermkr. 131 s Strieker King Hugh, biksmith, 48 s Oregon King Jacob, clerk, 121 n High King Jacob, grocery, 377 w Lombard King James, shingler, 248 Bank King James, 7 Perry King James A. conductor, 146 n Fremont King James A. hatter, 267 Mulberry King James, furn. wagon, 105 Mullikin King J. C. dentist, 78 s Sharp King J. H. Mclivain, clerk, 211 Madison av King James, lab. 22 n Amity King James C. clerk, 454 Mulberry King James H. printer, 316 \v Fayette King Jas.W.coachsmith,35 Wolfe n of Madison King Jane, mantuamkr, 248 Bank King John, shipcarp. 248 Bank King John, shoemkr, 196 e Madison King John, machinist, 48 Orleans King John, lab. 3 Young King John, lab. 166 Vine King John, lab. 2 Warner King John, tinner, 431 Eastern av King John, lab. 208 n Exeter King Juhn, telegraphist, 3 Albemarle King John, shoemkr, 15 Spring ct King John, shoemkr, 313 e Monument King John of Wm. 86 n Charles KING JOHN Jr. 1st vice-president B.&O.R.R., Camden Station, dw Baltimore co King John B. machinist, 780 w Baltimore King John C. attorney, Fayette adjoin'g Union Bank, dw 185 w Lombard King John E. boilermkr, 48 s Oregon King John H. watchman, 11 Woodyear King John R. examiner Appraiser's office, 162 w Biddle KinL^ Dr. John T. 405 n Gilmor King Dr.Jno.T.jEdmondsonav w of Republican King John W. clerk, 83 McCulloh Kine John W. fisherman, 290 s Dallas PQ o O O O Pi O O fa. E-i O I — i <1 I O P O Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 21 L d r, c ^•^£ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Y ork, KIN 322 KIN p '^ ^ ce c King Joseph, 88 Cathedral 3^ ^ ^S King Jose[)h, fireman, 77 s Strieker > ^^ "^ King Joseph, shoemkr, 194 e Eager King Jos. A. carp. Abey al nr Cross, dw 115 n Strieker Kiue Joseph F. painter, 294 Eastern av King Joseph R. carp. 182 s Paca ^ King Joseph A.p:iinter, Columbia and Carey ce King Mrs Josephine, 346 Ramsay o King Josiiis S. woodworker, 101 Curley ^■^ King Justis. lab. 319 s Bond ^ King, Kuhns k Uo.(C. J. King, Jos. V. Kuhns) — eoni. meiclits. 119 Franklin King Lawrence, tinner, 124 Duncan al King Livingston, steam sawyer, 390 Lexington King Louis cabinet mkr, 9 Leadenhall ^ King Louis II. fireman, 254 Hullins -- ,2 G King Marion, moulder, 51 e Eager S g 5 King Michael, lab. 1 Ilollins al ^ —-'o King Michael, shipcap. 153 s Chester - ^- ~ King Michael, trunkmkr, 46 Albemarle King Michael, mariner, 372 Eastern av King Mrs Minnie, caipeis, 121 n High King Minnie, 7 Josepliine King & MulHkin, (Geo. R.King, Chas. E. Mulli- kin) awning and tent makers, Saratoga and Howard g King Nf wton W. clerk, 329 Franklin ^ cc King Oliver M. machinist, 39 s Schroeder . "^ c King Orlando C. tobacconist, u w cor Pratt and £ 'T' "5 Broadway, dw 266 e Fayette g 5'ji; King Patrick, lab. 191 s Chester >^ *" — King Patrick, dredger, 60 s Chapel ic &- £ King Patrick, mariner, 372 Eastern av G^: p D_( King Patrick, huckster, 271 n Dallas r-- ^ -- King Patrick J. grocery, 51 O'Donuell 5 pq g King Philip, 2G6 s Ann '^ ^ H King Richard, (F.W.&R. King) 141 n Carey ;;^ •■-^ M King Robert G. deputy collector 1st district, 20 •^ >i S n Caroline ■<- 'oi h^ King Rufus, examiner Appraiser's office, dw 78 fl o Zj o ..- ^ C) cc ,, o C 1— 1 o m H n Chaales j" <^ King Samuel, cannikr, 103 Cross . rr s; King Samuel R. police, 323 e Monnment ■^ 5 g King Samuel R. grocer, 182 s Broadway, dw 52 « =: S KING SOLOMON, wholesale druggist, 1 s Cal- f; •'!? vert, dw 155 n Calvert j^ g ^ King Simon, boots and shoes, 15 Brown la ^ •*^ King Stephen, lab. 126 s Chester § .»- ;^ King Theophilus, salesman, 89 s Gilmor •g CC; -7- King Thos. shipearp.372 Eastern av Q^ t; o3 King Thos. lab. 2 Warner ,^ ^ ^ King Thos. E. beer, 66 s Oregon ^ "S ^ King Thos. H. (K. ^ Greenfield) 40j Fawn vS J^ rg King Valentine, dredger, 100 Duncan al "^ (y^ c King VV. A. driver, 20 s Ann ^ ^ •'" King Wallace, (Wm. K. & Bro. ) 109 MeCulloh 2 "^ S King "Wm. turn, wagon, 105 Muliikin 2 "t: King Wm. (Wm. King & Bro.) 211 Madison av I c ;^ KING WM. & BRO. (Wm. and Wallace King) C^ 'f-^ imprs. French window glass, 2 n and 24 s '^, p b£) Liberty '^' c c King Wm. G. II. barkeeper, 76 s High "^ i='S KING WM. II. & CO. (Wm, H. King, B. F. St "~ ■" ot; > Muliikin, Charles H. King) white lead colors, cor Sliaip and Stockholm, warehouse s e cor Charles and Lombard X. 5 King Wm. II. (Wm. 11. K. S^ Co.) 10 Parkin .^ .^ King W^. H. carp. 284 n Bond i; ^ King,Wm. JI. plumber, 145 s Fremont Y^ ^ King Wm. J. judge Appeal Tax Court, 42 Ais- 1J >-j quith King Wm. J. jr. printer, 42 Aisquith King Wm. J. clerk, 440 Saratoga King Wm. J. C. (Smith & King) 161 John King Wni. N., Calverton droveyard King Win. N. clerk, 329 Franklin King Wm. P. jr. clerk, 211 Madison av King Wm. S. clerk, 155 n Calvert King Wm. S bricklaver, 145 s Fremont King Win. T. carp. 2(56 e Fayette King W'm. W. (Johnson & King) 21 Courtland King Wm. W. car|). 113 e Biddle Kinghorn Mrs. Elizabeth T. 107 e Lombard Kingsmore Francis D. clerk, 254 e Monument KinUead J. Nixon, cleik, 161 HoUins Kinker, N. B. bookkpr, 62 s Strieker Kinkle (Jeo. moulder, Linah's hotel Kinley John J. lab. 6 Chafipell Kinlock Wm. lab. 38 Covington Kinnaird Alex, eabinetmkr, 32 n Liberty Kinnear Alex, shoenikr, Biddle e of Ann Kinnear Andrew, shoemkr, Biddle e of Ann Kinnear .John W. liquors, 37 Constitution Kinnear Joseph, shoenikr, 51 Wolfe n of Madison Kinnear Robert, shoemkr, 286 n Gay Kinnemon Ada, saleswoman, 32 s High Kinneiuim Charles H. grocer, 30 s Exeter, dw 73 e Pratt Kinnemon Dr. Geo. S. 73 e Pratt Kinnemon Dr. Perry S. 73 e Pratt Kinnersley Mrs. Alice, grocery, 132 Jefferson Kinnersley Wm. T. bookbinder, 132 Jefferson Kinnetz Frank, coal oil, 4 Dawson al Kinney Michael, lab. 52 s Eden Kinnier Geo. sr. livery and hacks, 90 L. Mc- Elderry, dw 150 Aisquith Kinnier Geo. jr. livery and hacks, r26n Howard Kinnier John, hackman, basement 113 Aisquith K'nnier Robert, driver, 150 Aisquith Kinning Herman, shoemkr, 134 Barre Kinningham James H. trunks, 40 n Calvert, Lemmon nr Gilmor Kiusella John, clerk, 15 e Monument Kinsey Albert S. machinist, 91 s Fremont Kinsey Geo. F. eonfect'r, North av nr McCuHoh Kinsey & Haslup, (S. Kinsey, L. P. Haslup) coaehmkrs, 899 w Baltimore Kinsey Joseph A. clerk, 187 Jefferson Kinsey Josiah, 187 Jefferson Kinsey Levi .\. insurance,North av nrMcCulIoh Kinsey Samuel (K. k Haslup) 771 w Pratt Kinsey Wm.E. plasterer, North av nr McCuUoh Kinsley Bernard, 288 n Strieker Kinsley Bernard jr. clerk, 288 n Strieker Kinsley Denson, clerk, 2.-^8 n Strieker Kinsley Isaac .M. D. clerk, 288 n Strieker Kinsley Maggie, dressmkr, 23 W^alker Kinsley Mrs. Matilda, 288 n Strieker Kinsley Mary A. clerk, 23 Walker Kinsley Michael, lab. 23 Walker Kinslev Sam'l, theatrical agt, 288 n Strieker Kinsley Mrs. Sarah, 23 W^alker Kinsley Weneil, real estate broker, 306 Light Kinsley Wm. boilermkr, 483 Light Kinsolring Rev. Geo. H. 37 .Mt Vernon pi Kinstendorff A. M. clerk, 164 Forrest Kinstendorff Caroline, 164 Forrest Kinstendorff Chas. baker, 164 Forrest Kinstler Edward, driver, Harford rd nr Home- stead Kinstler John, milk, 769 Light Kinstler John jr. milk, 757 Light Kinstler Richard, driver, 769 Light CQ 0) HOLMES d CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O F. Bresee, Genl Agt. KIN 323 KJR Kinterfelter Chas. cabinetmkr, 114 Pearl Kintlefelter Christian, baker, 371 William KINZER JOHN, restaurant, 3 Bank la, dw 165 Harford nv Kinzer Margaret, confect'y, 67 Richmond Kipp Cbas. W. silversmith, 2ol n Central av Kipp Fred, varnisher, 259 West Kipp Geo. shoefindiiigs, 211 Kastern av Kipp John G. letter carrier, 96 Lee Kirble Henry, lab. 304 e Fayette Kirby Mrs. Barbitra, tailoress, 161 n Fiemont Kirby Bernard, shoemkr, 94 Franklin Kirby Caleb I. shipcarp. 80 s Chester Kirby Mrs. Catherine, I 70 Madeira al Kirby Mrs. Celeste, 406 e .Monument Kirby Chas. rigger, 152 Johnson Kirby Chas. fire dept. 170 Gough Kirby Deunis S. grocery, 268 n Eutaw Kirby Edward, 3u5 e Pratt Kirby Kdward C. fire dept. 146 s Ann Kirby Eiieiibeth, tailoress, 161 n Fremout Kirby Francis, piiddler, 100 MuUikin Kirby Francis T. J. lab, 353 Columbia Kirby Franklin, mariner, 117 n Broadway Kirby Fred, pajier carrier, 225 e Monument Kirby Fred, paper carrier, Mt. Royal hill Kirby Geo. 128^ Forrest Kirby Geo. saddler, 120 Somerset KIRBY GEO. A. & CO. (G. A. Kirby, F. B. Beacham) mdse. brokers, 79 E-Kchange pi Kirby Geo. A. (G. A. Kirby . Kirk F. de V. bookkpr Franklin Bank, 338 a^ Caroline Kirk Geo. A. 247 Walsh CQ Kirk Henry C. (Sam'l Kirk & Son) 142 St.PaulPH Kirk James, market master, 185 Penna av W Kirk James, lab. 159 n Spring E~l Kirk John W. pilot, 28 Hamburg Kirkley John W. hardware, 114 Penna av, dw 248 Georgre Kiikman .lames W. clerk, 252 Myrtle av Kirknian John W. (Schaur & K.) 252 Myrtle ar Kirkiier Edward, burlier, 236 Pinna av Kirkpatrick Ann M.. Federal nrOak Kirkpntrick Charles, lab. 121 s High Kirkp:itrick Edward maltster, 121 s High Kiikpatrick Samuel, clerk, 28 Heniietta Kirkpatrick L. 0. carp. 86 Dolphin Kirkpatrick Charles 11. printer, 22 Hamburg Kirkpatrick Geo. II. (A. D. Sessions & Co.) 175 Barre Kirkwood John, huckster, 173 William Kirkwood John F. brickmkr, 115 Klliott Kirkwood John J. shipcarp. 6 Johnson Kirkwood Joso[ih F. bricknikr, 26 O'Donnell Kirkwood Mrs. Margery C. 349 Lii:ht Kirkwood Philip, sr. shipcarp. 22 Hamburg Kirkwood Siimuel, carp. 349 Li^ht Kirkwood S. A. clerk, 70 William Kiikwoorl Thomas M.shipcar|).162 Montgomery Kirkwood Wm. hucksier, 173 William Kiruise Adolph, Idacksmith, 75 n Bond Kirmse Harry, grinder, 75 n Bond Kirsch Louis, jr. police, 509 n Gay Kirschbaum John Geo. junk, 155 s Dallas Kirschbaum John, confect'y, 353 w Lombard Kirschenhofcr George, (Faulstich &K.)Fayette and Duncan al Kirschner Louis, plumber and gasfilter, 3 s Greene, dw 73 n Pine Kirsten Samuel, clothing, 64 n Central av Kir wan Edward W. mariner, 120 Cross Kirwan Mrs. Esther, 151 s Paca Kirwau Geo. W. brassfoundr O.xford, York rd Kirwan Geo. W. caulker, 58 Hamburg Kirwan Geo. W. clerk, 78 Lee Kirwan Capt. Jacob, 102 s High Kirwan James, lab. 58 Hamburg Kirwan James 0. mariner, 330 William Kirwan James E. clerk, 151 s Paca Kirwan Capt. John H. 78 Lee Kirwan John J. H. clerk, 78 Lee Kirwan John, lab. 24 n Oregon Kirwan John R. jr. tobacconist, 41 S c Eayette Kirwan John W. shipping master, 50 s Dallas Kirwan Wm. H. blacksmith, 545 e Fayette Kirwan Wm. H. clerk, 118 Hanover Kirwan Capt. Wm. B. 118 Hanover Kirwan Zebulon, stonecutter, 151 s Paca Kliwin Geo. lab. li)9 Montgomery' Kirwin John, mariner, 109 Montgomery Kisbert Aloysius, baker, 159 s Collington av Kisliug Wm. puddler, 116 Dunc.in al Kisner Fmory, lab. 3 Biadford al Kisner John, lab 29 Low Kispert Charles, currier, 16 e Lombard Kissner Conrad, Clinton nr Toone Kissenger Henry, 35 Portland Kissick Mrs. Henrv, grocery, 139 L. Greene Kissick John H. moulder, 139 L. Greene Ki:;sner George N. lab. 157 Elliott Kissner Heury, lab. Dillon nr O'Donnell Kissner John B. (J. B. K. & Co. I 93 Bank Kis^n«r J. B. & Co. (John B. Kissner, John Schwab) caipet manufacturers, 93 Bunk Kjssling .Margaret, grocery, 500 n Fremont ter August, lab. 207 Aliceantia ister Charles, tailor, 3 Spiing ct Kister John, mariner, 267 s Durham Kistler Henry, shoemkr, 228 Eastern nv Kistler Jacob, shoemkr, 228 Eastern av Kistler John, shoemkr, 294 n Durham Kistler John, machinist, 228 Eastern av Kistner Conrad, huckster, 117 n Central av Kistner Geo. gilder, 3 Madeira al Kistner Theodore, lab. 320 s Dallas Kistner Mary, seamstress, 92 Walker ct Kistner Mrs. Sophia, 92 Walker ct Kiszner Daniel, tailor, 45 Albemarle Kiszner Eniil, fresco painter, 149 e Fayette Kilciien Mrs. Harinah, 67 n Fremont Kite Mrs. Catherine, housekeeper, Maltby house Kite Geo. potter, 29 Gough Kitrick Michael, boilermkr, 232 Lemmon Kiison John E. clerk, 183 n Oregon Kitsoii Win. salesman, 319 n Ann Kitlein John, 41 Duncan al nr Jefferson Kittner Sigmund, house furn. and toys, 194 s Broadway Kitz Charles, butter, 99 n Wolfe Kitzmeyer John W. shoemkr, 123 n Pac» Klaasyen Christian, lab. 31 Hillman Klal>er Jacob, lab. 21 s Spring Klaber John, candymkr, 21 s Spring Klachman Gustav, blacksmith, 3 Miller Klackii Joseph, tailor, 32 Barnes Kliiges Andrew, salesman, 71 n Schroeder Klages August, cigarmkr, 75 Grindall Klages August, engineer, 114 Battery av Klages Christian, barkpr, 152 Franklin Klages Fred, bookkpr, 23 Cross e.xt Klank & Bro (Geo. H. and Conrad Klank,) silversmiths, 85 n Front Klank Conrad, (K. & Bro ) 371 Orleans Klank Geo. H. (K. & Bro.) 99 n Eden Klaproth Fred, i^rocery, 45 Saratoga Klare Anton, (K. Bros.) 35 Camden Klare Bernard, (K. Bros.) 35 Camden Klare Bros. (A. and B. Klare,) dry goods, 92 Hanover Klare John B. 74 Park av Klasmicr Herman, beer, 31 Brown la Klapert Nicholas, teacher, Aliceanna and Sec?' oud, Canton Klatte August, lab. 165 g Chapel Klatte Herman, grocery, O'Donnell and Curley Klauck Rudolph, tanner, 64 n Chapel Klatte Joanna, dry goods, 50 O'Donnell Klaumberg John, leather, Belair av ext Klaus Caroline, 202 s Bethel Klaus Ferdinand, tailor, 250 Lee Klaus Fied. tailor, 11 Albemarle Klaus John, pianomkr, 250 Lee Klaus Margaret, dressmkr, 250 Lee Klaus Wm. mariner, 202 s Bethel Klausing Charles, lab. 83 Eastern av Klausing Herman, lab. 8 Trinity Klausniyer Herman H. lab. 120 e Lombard Klausmyer Victor, solicitor, 94 s Bond Klausnet Gustav, cit:jarmkr. 233 Battery av Klausser Cemil, tailor, 170 pjasteru av Klaussner Henry, cont'cci'y, 29 s Bond Klaussner John, tailor, 29 s Bond Klautscheck Elvin, clerk. 435 w Fayette Klautscheck F. music teacher, 435 w Fayette Klebe Geo. cabinetmkr, 243 Hamburg Klebe John, cashier, 243 Hamburg Klebe Peter, cabinetmkr, 243 Hamburg Klee Geor.'e. lab. 237 s Bethel KLEES HENRV & SONS, (H, sr., J. and H. Klees, jr.) tanners, curriers and dealers io wool, sheepskins, hides and hair, 15 Saratoga HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. "~ KLE 325 KLI c3 p O pq o O o o Eh 02 EH Pm P o O o < ft O Klees Henry,sr.(H.Kleei k Sons)48 n Broadway Klees Henry jr (H. Klfes & Sons) 45 n Front Klees John,(H. Klees & Hons) Frederick co Klejiel Louisa, lieer, 220 s Caroline Kletf Arnold J. clerk, 22 n Broadway Kleffler Ch-is. liquors, 171 Harford av Klehm Adam, tiniit-r, 181 s Regester Klehm Adam, coal oil. T Hare Klehui Henr.v, baktr, 181s Rep;esler Klehm John, slioeinkr, 181s Refzesier Klehm John jr. huckster, 181 s Regester Klehmer Jos. lab, 30 Abl)ot Kleibacker Bern hard, beer, cor Concord and Lombard, dw 69 s Eilen Kleibacker I'hristian B. (I'oultney, Trimble & Co.) 161 .Mosher Kleideilein John, machinist, 286 Aisquith Klein Adam, lab. 3 Baker ct Klein Alfred, cooiier, 211 West Klein Mrs. Catherine, 116 Barre Klein Chas. cutler, II a Frederick, dw 3 Klein Chas. H. carter, 771 Light Klein (Christopher, shoemkr, 179 s Ann Klein Mrs. C. L. milk, 642 Liyht Klein Daniel A. clerk, 35 n Strieker Klein Mrs. Dora, grocery, 771 Light Klein Mrs. Esther, 234 n Calvert Klein Frederick, prov. TownseiKl and Penaa av Klein Fred, cabiaetmkr, 116 Franklin Klein Fred'k E. clerk, 116 Barre Klein Geo. tailor, 6 Walker Klein & Hamburger, (Thto. Klein, Emanuel Hamburger,) mouldings, frames, &c. 39 and 41 Clay Klein Heiueman, clerk, 183 n Central av Klein Menry, car[). 3 Wagon al Klein Henry, shoemkr, 297 n Gay Klein Henr\ , dairy, Homestead Klein Jacob, (Schlimm & K.) 35 n Strieker Klein John, lab. 278 s Ann Klein John, beer, Third ar and Dillon Klein John, lab. 38 Walnut al Klein John, huckster, 55 Stockton Klein John, barber, 191 Hollins Klein John F. straw cutter, Belair av ext Klein Jno W. carpet weayer,Myrlle av nr Town- send Klein Joseph, lab. AHceanna and Wolfe •Klein Louis, hostler, 10 Patterson av Klein Louis, butcher, 15 Brown Klein Morris, liquors, 162 Eastern av Klein Theo. (K. & Hamburger) 150 Columbia Klein Wm. carp. 15 Hillen Klein Wm. shoemkr, 320 William Klein Wolf, rags, 71 n Eden Kleins Wra. grocery, 29 Rock Kleineibst Adolphus, furs, 227 w Baltimore,dw 2 1 1 n Gay Kleinhen Fred, grocery, 63 s Fremont Kleinhen Jacob, cabinetmkr, 63 s Fremont Kleinhenn Mrs. Antonetti, 46 Myrtle av Kleinhenn Lewis, grocery, 46 Myrtle av Kleinhenn Wm. machinist, 41 Brown la Kleinhenn Wm. B. typefounder, 7 Bank la Kleinle Catherine, trimmings, 100 n Bond Kleinle Wm. bookkpr, 100 n Bond Kleinman Andrea*, b;isketmkr, 36 n Amity Kleinschmidt Aug.A.(Gosman &Co.)292 Walsh Kleinschmidt Wm. H. salesman, 318 w Pratt Kleinstueck Alfred, cigarmkr, 5 n Durham Kleishman John, tailor, 46 Bank Klemm Adam, lab. Hare nr Elliott Klemni Andrew, lab. 56 Burke Klemm Charles, lab. 56 Burke Klemm Charles, lab. 383 Canton av KLEMM CHARLES H., Manufac- turer of Fine Cigars, No. 39 N. Calvert Street. Klemm Christopher, lab. 56 Burke Klemm Fili.K, colorer, 254 n Central av Klemm Geoige, lab. 56 Burke Klemm John jr. cooper, 166 Hamburg Klemm John, cooper, 166 Hamburg Klemner Fiank, paper carrier, 1 State Kleuke Henry, stonecutter, 95 n Amity Klenke John, whitewasher, 95 n Amity Kleuner George, lab. 38.-; AHceanna Kleppel Herman, cabinetmkr, 158 n Bethel Klepnei' John, lab. 18 Abbot Klepper Charles F. butter, 229 s Broadway Klepper Henry, carp. I 75 e Lombard Kleppish Charles F. 10 Harlem av KLEPPISH BROS. (H. M. and M.L. Kleppish) imprs. Sheffield cutlery and hardware, 16 s Charles Kleppish David, gilder, 78 n Schroeder KUaipish Fredk. A. tailor, 78 n Schroeder Kleppish Henry M. (K. Bros.) 109^ McCuUoh Kleppish Martin L. (K. Bros.) 10 Harlem av Kleppish Theodore, clerk, 10 Harlem av Kleppish Wm. A. whipmkr, 78 n Schroeder Klerlein Gustave, tobacconist, 351 Orleans Kleseli Clias. lab. 228 s Charles Klesell Edward, gildi-r, 228 s Charles Kleye Emma, confectionery, 118 Henrietta Kleye Wm. cabinetmkr, 118 Henrietta Kleyensteuber Mrs. L. embroideries and ladies' furnishing, 110 Lexington, dw 246 Walsh Klienkauf Henry, lab. 80 n Schroeder Kllenkauf John, shoemkr, 80 n Schroeder Kliff Wm. hostler, 999 w Piatt Klina Franz, miner, 72 n Washington Kline August, hack man. 104 s Central av Kline Mrs. Catherine, tailoress, 17 Barnes Kline Mrs. Elizabeth, notions, 459 u Gay Kline George, blacksmith, 285 Franklin Kline Henry, shoemkr, 520 w Lombard Kline Hftiry, shcjemkr, 253 Hollins Kline Jacob D.{Pietzfelder & K.)291 w Fayette Kline John, engineer, 89 Oak Kline Leonard, lab. Chappell nr Penna av Kline Wm. huckster, Cemetery la nr Belair av Kline Wm. newsdealer, 459 n Gay Kline Wm. H. butcher, 2 and 4 Cross-st mar- ket, dw 567 n Fremont Klinefelter Mis. Barbara, 31 n Republican KLINEFELTER BROS. (V.V. and V. H.Kline- felter j bag manufacturers and ship chandlers, s w cor Pratt and South Klinefelter Gaitman, (V. V. K. k Bro.) Gilmor nr Franklin Klinefelter Henry, bookkeeper, McCulloh and McMechin Klinefelter Jerry, stonecutter, 25 e Madison Klinefelter Jesse, clerk, 31 n Rt-publican Klinefelter Mrs.. Mary, ChesapeakeaiidO'Donnell Klinefelter Roliert, barkpr, 31 n Republican Klinefelter Rosa, saleswoman, 31 n Republ can Klinefelter Van V. jj- Bro. (V.V. and G.Kline- felter) flour atid grain, 94 Light-st whf Klinefelter Van V.(V.V.K.& Bro.and K. Bros.) 303 Lanvale Power Press Printini (Maryland Ins. Co y, at Reduced Rates, s Marble Building.) 1 a o ^ -«-:> o .M 00 o C n' - 9 > 'a 02^ o ^ ». -* o tJJ c ^^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. KLI 326 KNA 02 '^ -. , VJ fi ^ ■^ o o :e C) o ^ r: X P a> o • »^ f==i C) X ^ C!) t^ •"• O -4^ c 5E u -^ ^^ ^ 4^ -4^ r/5 GC x aj t? -u fr- ee a >% O o c fl^ O) W ^ o r/1 a H h-l )-i ^ !^S 2J si 5 'TJ PS HO '— ' M s H H PS o O ■4^ ^ t^ t m T" Q. £ ci CI is c ^ C "^ c; >i) n V ^ L. » >> OJ o ^ ^ > 5 g CO S o T* O ^ d /I r* m «©■ Klinefelter Victor H. (K.Bros.) 40 n Broadway Klinefelter Wm. L. clerk, Woodberr}- Klinesniith Christian, baker, 80 Russell Klinesniiih W. H. (Kromer &K.) 318 w Pratt Klins; Mrs. Chrisiiami, r24Germ:in Kliiig John, irilknmn, Wolfe nr Belair ay Kling Wni. cook, 211 Lee KlinoreWm sho&mkr, 237 Battery av Klingel Peter, carpet weaver, 88 Hollins Kliiijrtlhofer Charles, b^iker, cor ytockton and Pre.^tnn Klingelhofer Conrad, shoemkr, 43 Columbia Kiingelhot'er Henrv, cigarnikr, 496 Canton av Kling-lhofer John^ baker, 8 Fell Klingelhofer Mary, fancy store, 496 Canton av Klingelhofer Jacob, shoemaker, O'Donnell and Paiiixent Klingelhofer John, lab. 27 Fountain Klingelhofer Louis, carp. 8 Fell Klingeliidfer Margaret, 27 Fonntain Klingelhofer Wra. shoemkr, 7C Boston Klingenberg Augustus, lab. 249 e Broadway Klingenberg August, driver, 141 Hamburg Klingenberg Charles, cabiiietmkr, 331 William Klingenberg Henry, cabinelnikr,67 Ham[)Stead Klingenberg Louis sr. tailor, 67 Hampstead Klingenberg Louis jr. weaver, 67 Hanipstead Klingenberger Louis H.cabinetnikr,331 William Klinger Charles, milk, Wilson nr Division Klingmeyer Wm. H. boxmkr, 18 McClellan WM. H. KLINGMEYER, Store Shelving & Box leaker, 18 McCLELLAN ST. I Between Baltimore and Fayette Streets, ) Dwelling 20 Barnet. Klingsohr Mrs. Frederica, 72 Greenmouni a.v Klingsohr Julius, ( T. & J. K. ) 72 Green- mount av Klingsohr Theodore (T. cj- J. K.) 72 Green- mount ar Klingsohr T. & J. grocers, 72 Greenmount av Klingworth Fredk. 280 e Pratt Klippel Augustus, shoemkr. 16 Jordan al KLIPPKR. WEBSTER & CO. (F W. Klipper, H. H. Webster) furniiure. 7 s Calvert Klipper Fred.W. (K, Webster k Co.)87 s Bond Klitsch Henry, shoemkr. 121 Aisquilh Kloch Lewis, moulder, 252 w Pratt Klockgether Dedrick jr. bookkpr,140 Hanover Kloever Henry, lab. 268 s Dallas Kloide Frank, lab. 47 Henrietta Kloinan Ernest L. cor Emory and Portland K Ionian Ernest, cor Poitland ^ Kinory Kloman Fred. (Rhein & Co.l 183 Hanover Klopf Engelhart, lab. 322 s Dallas Klosf John F. clerk, 214 n Caroline KLOSOWSKY W., Harugari Hall, 76 e Bal- timore Kloss Henry, beer, 194 Eastern av Kloskey Mrs. Mary, 9 Furrow Klosner Jose|)h, lab. 4 .\bbot Klotsky Solomon, peddler, 66 Harrison Klotz Christian, wagoner, 590 Light Klotz Charles F. jeweler, 251 w Pratt Klotz Rosina F. 251 w Pratt Klotz Philip, tinner, 233 Franklin Klotzbuche Wm. piano tuner, 30 Columbia Klotzicli Christopher, oO s Bethel Klotzsch Ferdinand, cigarmkr, 44 s Bethel Klotzsche Edward, cigarmkr, 73 s Broadway Kluekmt-yer Henry, (O0|)er, 190 s Caroline Klui her August, 197 Aisquith Klueber Dr. Chas. J. 197 Aisquith Klueber Sophia, hairdresser, 126 Aisquith. dw 197 King Anna, grocery, 19 Park King Benj. va'-nisher, 240 Hanover King Mrs. Catherine, seamstress, 77 Hill Klug Christian, shoemkr, 2o5 Peirce Klug Christian, paver, 19 Rock King Geo. cigarmkr, 240 Hanover Klug Henry, candymkr. 240 Hanover Klug Henry, shoemkr, 77 Hill Klug Jacob, shoemkr, 7o Camden Klug John .M. elk, 240 Hanover Klug Michael, blacksmith, 184 s Ch.ipel Klump Jacob, lab. 31 Forrest Klump .Magdalena, herbs, 31 Forrest Klump .Michael, sawyer, 102 s Regesier Klumper Bernard, brksmiili,Cliuiou nrSi.xth aT Klumper H. k. drug elk, 98 n Charles Klumpf Adolpb, lab. 433 Hamburg Khink Francis A. carp. 287 King, dw86 Druid Hill av Klunk Joseph M. carp. 71 Stockton Klunk Lewis W. bricklayer, 168 Division Klunk Lewis W. shoemkr, 161 n Eutaw Kluth Wm. helper, F.ills rd nr tollgate Kual)e Charles, grocery, 54 Raborg Ku..be Mr.s. Christina, 265 w Biddlc Knabe Ernest (Wm.Knabe &Co.) 165 w Biddle old No. lo5 KNABE WM. & C(t. (Wm. Knabe, Ernest Knabe, C. Kiedel) pianomakers,350 w Balti- more, and 1, 3, 5 and 7 n Kutaw, factory n w cor West and Eutaw. \See Advt. top oj front cover. Knalie Wm. (Wm. Knabe & Co.) 165 w Biddle old No. 105 Knachel Christian, tailor, 107 s Repester Knachel Geo. P. tailoi', 179 n Caroline Knackstead Mrs. L. millinery, 83 Frederick av Knacksiead Lewis, jeweler, 100 Frederick av Knacksti-dt John T. jeAveler, 323 s Charles Knaerlein Jose[ph, grocery, 164 n Chapel Knapp Conrad, shoemkr, 34 Leadeuhall Knapji Daniel, carji. 251 Columbia K.\APP FRKD., .\merican and German Inst., 29, 31 and 33 n Holliday Knapp Geo. W. (Matthai, Ingram & Co.) 627 B"lair av Knapp Henry, grocery, 29 Chesnut al Knapp Hernian, teaclier, 33 n Holliday Knapp James, iiasfitter, 627 Belair av Knapp John T. upholsterer, 251 Columbia Knapp John, ln-er, 3 Patterson av Knapp John, silverplater, 134 e Madison Knapp John, shoemkr, 104 Columbia Knajjp John S. salesman, 229 Lanv.ile Knapp Leonard sr. tailor, 84 s Bethel Knapp Leonard jr. clerk, 84 s liethel Knapp Louis, shoemkr, .Mt. Royal Hill_ Knapp Louis, beer, 592 w Baltimore Knapp Preston S. baker, 364 n Gilnior Knapp Samuil C. actor, 416 e Eager Knapp Tbeo. (Dell & Kuapp) 49 e Fayette HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. KNA 327 KNI Knarr Geo. driver, Clinton nr Elliott Knarr Matieis, baker, Cliuton nr Elliott Knatz Philip, grocery, i-65 w Baltimore Knau Frank, lab. 8 s Chapel Knaucker John, tMilor, 298 Hanover Knauer Michael, shoemkr, 269 n Central av Knauf W. L. train Mpt X.C.R.W. 88 Lexington Kn.mff George, hucki'' ;-. 22 Walker Knauff Howard, carp. jSo Ramsay Knauff Lewis, conductur, Ramsay and Parrish Knauft'Phil. H. wood and coal, 30 Jackson sq av Knauff \Vm. (.McXeal & K.) 107 e Lombard Knau[) Ausrust, cabineuukr, 219 s Bond Knaus Ferdinand, stoves, 4 and 6 Ensor Knauss Henry, painter, 13 Surinar ct Knauis John jr. tailor, 19 Sr. James Knauss J;)hn, tailor, 19 St. James Knauss John, lab. 10 Stockholm Knauss Louis W. grocery, 209 Cross Kaauss Louisa, saleswoman, 209 Cross Knealy Michael, carter. 142 s Central av Knear Chas. blacksmith, 116 s Spring Kneass Dr. N. W. 131 n Charles Kaeass Dr. R K. 554 w Fayette Kneass Wm. tailor, 9 G.iugh Knecht Francis J. blacksmith 225 Hanover Knecht John, sup't brickyard, 28 Columbia Knecht John jr. sup't brickyard. 28 Columbia Knee Jo m, grocery, Buren and Monument Kneen Thos. (CoH'ison & K.) 291 w Pratt KNEFELY HENRY, com. mercht. and foreign produce importer. 161 w Pratt Knell Andrew, cabiuetmkr, 206 Columbia Knell August, tailor, 206 Columbia Knell Betij. paperhanger, 20G Columbia Knell Ctiarles, marini.-r, 30 Frederick av Knell Francis L. butcher, 2 Lexington mkt, dw Butcher's row, Peuna av ext Knell Geo. cabineiinkr, 457 n Gay Knell Gf-o. shoeiukr, 1 Oxford Knell -eo. tobacconist, 204 Columbia Knell Geo. A. shoefiiidings, 243 w Biddle Knell Geo. shoemkr. 243 w Biddie Knell Geo. \V. (H. K. & Sons) 28s w Hoffman Kneii Heury, lab. 46 Rue Knell Henry & Sons (George W. and Joseph Knell) butchers) 4 Lexin.-ton, 56 Centre and 54 Hanover iiikts, warehouse 2 Division Knell J. Henry jr. lumber dealer, s w cor Fre- mont and Presstman, dw Penna av ext Knell John A. shoemkr. 45 St. Mary Knell Jos. (H. K. & Sons) 288 w Hoffman Knell Jo.-^eph. barber, 247 w Biddle Knell Philip Joseph, cardriver, 2 n Schroeder Kneller David, bricklayer, Biddle nr Castle Knelier G. St. John, bookkpr, 63 St. Paul Kneller John C. (John C. Kneller & Co.) 204 Conway Kneller John C. & Co. (J. C. Kneller,) general com. merchts, 126 North Knerr John, tailor, 24 Bevan Kneucker John A. shoemkr, 86 s Regester Knickel Christopher, cirp. 222 n Caroline KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INS. CO. of New York, s e cor Second and HoUiday Knickman H'-nry, carp. 2 Stockholm Knickman John, tinner. i9 Stockholm Knieling Peter, baker, 229 e .Madison Knierem Henry, lab. 252 e Eager Knierihm Henry, tailor, 28 Fountain Knierihra Martin, tailor, 28 Fountain Knierihm Philip, tailor, 28 Fountain Knierim Nicholas, cabinetmkr, 180 Dover Knies Thos. lab. 141 Chew Kniesel Chas. cooper, 330 s Charles Kniesel Margaret, grocery, 330 s Charles Kniesel Philif), cooper, 330 s Charles Knifle Charles, clerk, 10 u Washington Kni. son sq av ^ Knight John H. lab. 32 L. Church Knight Capt. John H. 12 Hill fx^ Knight John, lab. Clinton nr Toone Knight John, carter, 310 s Charles ^ , Knight John, lab. 142 Aisquith ^ Knight John, lab. 141 Hamburg |> Knight John T. huckster, 193 Ramsay Knight Jonathan W. sr. police, 147 u Central av ^ Knight Jonathan W jr. plasterer, 1 47nCentral av i^ Knight Jos. F. blacksmith. 218 Montgomery S3 Knight Jos. R. police, Druidville ^ Knight Joshua T. farmer, Waverley Knight Dr. Louis W. 112 L. Greene lO Knight .Mrs. Martha A. C. dressmkr, 240 Mont- „ gomery OQ Knight Miranda E. tailoress, 325 Aisquith (^ Knight Michael, music teacher, 248 Hollins C5 Knight Perry, police, \Voodberry ^ Knight Peter F. clerk, 33 u Eutaw ^ o < <1 o -VI M T H o t^ ■JJ. O 72 ^ 00 O S h-i t-H ^ <1 ra GQ O O Ss •- dec o C5 Knighton Joseph G. canmkr, 81 s Bond Knipe Jacob, silver plater, 41 n Frederick, dw 59 w Centre Knipe Wni. M. sliiiijoiuer, Covington nr War- ren, dw 35 s Wiisliington Knipp Charles, shocmkr, 137 Raborg Knipp Christian, baker. 69 Forrest KNIPP GEORGE & BRO. (Geo. Knipp, J. G. Knipp) pas fixtures and plumbing materials, 42 n Howard Knipp Geo. (J. C. K. & Bro. and G. Knipp & Bio.) 121 Henrietta Knipp Henry, booUkpr, 234 s Sharp KNIPP JACOB JrT^ Buckskin Gloves and Gauntlets, Hosiery, Yarns, Notions and Gent's Fur- nishing Goods, wholesale and re- tail, 33 n Howard, Lovejoy's Old Standi Knipp Jacob, sr. porter, 131 Henrietta KNIPP JACOB, Jr. sent's furnishing goods, notions, &c., 33 n Howard KNIPP J. C. & BRO. (John C. Knipp, George Knipp) furniture. 44 n Howard Knipp John C. (J. C. K. & Bro. and Geo. Knipp & Bro. ) nr western terminus Citizens P. R. R Kiiipple David, ticket agt. W..M.R.R. 183Ensor Knipschild Aug. cigarmkr, 17 w Baltimore, dw 30 n Holliday Knipschild Fiank, cigarmkr, 30 n Holliday Kiiijischild Henry, cigarmkr, 30 n Holliday Knirrim Charles, lab. 13 Cambridge Knische John, lab. 191 s Regester Kniss Peter, tavern, 4 Second Kniss Wm. tobacconist, 506 w Baltimore Knissel Peter, lab. 148 Johnson Knobel John, laborer, 99 s Dallas Knobel Mar_\ , grocery, 99 s Dallas Knobel Werner, grocery, 526 Canton av Knobloch Geo (Menken & Co.) 206 n Gay Knobloch John C. (K. & Son) Oxford, York rd Knobloch John T. (K. & Son) Oxford, York rd Knobloch & Son ( John C. and John T. Knob- loch) butchers, 85 Belair and 26 Centre mkts Knoche Ernest, shoemkr, 22 Commerce Knoche Franz, tailor, 26 Ensor Knoche Fied. tavern, 22 Commeice Knoche Louis, grocery, 99 Watson Knockey Chas. A. bookbinder, 450 e Chase Kuode Samuel, inspr. C. H. 312 n Eutaw Knodle Chas. S. clerk, HI u Strieker Knoebel xMatthai, lab. 286 s D:illas Knolmeyer John, oysters, 242 e Chase Knoll John, barber, 283 s iiond Knoop Allmer (K. Bros.) 929 w Baltimore Knoop Bros. (A.. J. H. and F. Knoop) grocers, 929 w Baltimore Knoop Charles, tavern, foot of Mill Knoop Fred. (K. Bros.) 929 w Baltimore Knoop John H. (K. Bros.) 929 w Baltimore Knopf Louis, mouhler, 48 St. Peter Knopf Robert, shoemkr, I Foster al Knorlein Loientz, laborer, 17 n Chapel Knorr Amelia, seaiuslresa, 297 Hanover Knorr Anne M. confect'y, 156 e Pratt Knorr Anthony, shoemkr. 111 Leidenhall Knorr August, shucker, 161 s Chapel Knorr Bertha, seamsuess, 297 Hanover Knorr Christopher, lab. 161 S Cha|)el Knorr Edward W. ropemaker, cor Point la a: Aisquith, dw 71 n Ann Knorr Henry, shucker, 161 s Chapel Knorr Joseph P. lab. 41 Perrv Knorr Henry, fish, Philadelphia rd nr Loney la Knorr Louis, shucker. 161 s Chap -1 Knorr Louisa, seamstress, 297 H. mover Knorr Mis. Mary, shirtraaker. 71 u Ann Knorr Mis. Sophia, seamstress, 297 Hanover Knorr Wm. luachinisi, 112 s Caroline Kno:Ll>,nd Kohler Isaac A. conductor, oO Cumberland • Kohler Michael, locksmith, 156 Hollins ^ Kohler Peter, tobacconist, 298 Aliceanna ^ Kohler Wm. cabinetmkr 78 Grmdall _ Kohlerman Michael, mach.nehand ^^ n E Uw Kohlerman Mrs. Pauline, hairdres r,91 n Eiita« p^ Kohlerman Rupert, shoemkr 14 Jasper q Kohles Adam, brewer, 36 s NV oite ^ Kohles Conr.d, brewer, 3 6 s \\ olfe ^ „ . o3 CO o ^ •rr J^ X 00 ^ O . o fcO-Z^ ^ o z; ^_< P-ICO fl rt . »~t3 cu C! '-r .;3 03 — ■ "^^ p^;^ X, Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. KOL 330 KOR ' 5 03 t; a X p 2 a> c . .^ «==. :j cT '-^ o c s .::: >— ( O i-l m .0 K* M , r-' .-) ^ ^ o ff ^^ o ci — 1-^ ij zr »o , — 1 i_ CVJ y ^ , •73 ;r ^ o ;:::i o .-H -) c3 >i <5 X H rf — ' O ^>> ^^ ^ 3 « %h ■ »» o JS ■r) Oh o X) 'i> r^ o ^^ r" o. T* "s -::; O ^ .-^ ''j ^ -^ ^ c 3 J3 >i) o OJ .— «J ■u 2 ^ — lO ,"> Tc c^ ~ y? « '3 *-X2 -, CJ c •^ > -z <» • "" •** c .^ 4^ ~ '•Ci \/, £ f^ o •— i sq u Ci Kolb Mrs. Jane, 15 Wyeth Kolb Jacob, lab. 82 Lancaster KoH) Jame3 M. machinist, 454 Lexington Kolb Joiin, carver, 171 f'llliott Kolb John, beer, 12 n Liberty Kolb John, lab. .393 Alicea-ina Kolb John A. shoeniake:', 125 w Lombard, dw 122 Mulberry Kolb Louis, brushmkr, 203 n Caroline, dw 205 Kolb Mrs. Mary, confeo y, 82 Lancaster Kolb Michael, biacksni'th, 74 Hanipslead Kolb Michael C. tailor, 454 Lexington Kolb Peter, tanner, 174 n Dallas Kolb Wm. W. clerk, 137 n Fremont Kolbe Hf'nry, shoemkr, Pratt nr Addison al Kolbe John, [)ainter, 74 s Wolfe Kolbe Wm. grocery, Chester and Fayette Kolbert Matthias, machinist, 57 Portla^id Koldewei Auirust, cabinetmkr, 304 Cross Koldewei Johanna, 304 Cross Koldewei Theodore, grocery, 304 Cross Kolberg Charles, shot-mkr, 1 Young al KoUe Henrv(K.& Kaiser)restaurant,71 Hanover KOLLE .^'kAISKR,( Henry Kolle,Chas.Kaiser) Lake Eiie Islands wine and wholesale liquor dealers, 71 Hanover Koller Andrew J. baggage agent Union depot, 44 e Eager Koller Chas. E. 203 n Bond Koller John A. J. (Medinger & Koller) Oregon nr Franklin Koller Mrs Mary, ciu'ars, 203 n Bond Kollner August, carpet weaver, 144 Orchard Kolhnan Herman, barber, 281 e Monument Kolodewry August, cabinetmkr, 304 Cross Kolp LeRS WM. restaurant, s w cor HoUiday and Fayette Koop Fredk. tailor, 84 Orleans Koop Tena, saleswoman, 30 s Eutaw Kopp Andrew, beer, 129 Penna av Kopp Edward, potter, 113 Vine Kopp Danl. restaurant, Canton av and Caroline Kopp Ferdinand, lif|uors, cor Light ;ind Mont- gomery, dw 108 Hughes Kopp Ferdinand jr. clerk, 108 Hughes Kopp Fr.ink, glass blower, 71 Hughes Kopp Geo. carp. 347 iCastern av Kopp Henry, citrarmkr, 92 s Ciroline Kopp Isadore. mker, 70 s Charles Korach L.& Bro (P.Korach)capmkrs,703Cbarles Korb Geo. cabinetmkr, 350 Cross Korb Richard, clerk, 74 s Fremont Korb Mrs. Victoria, sjrocery, 74 s Fremont Korb Will, clerk, 179 Conway Korbel Frank, tailor. 50 n Chapel Korber Christian F. coal oil, 33!' Franklin Korber John. lab. 323 s Bond Korber John W. tinner, 551 Liclit Korber Michael, lab. 3 Jones ct Korder John, shoemkr, 99 n Schroeder Kor ier Mrs. Tena, second hand goods, 99 n Schroeiler Kortf Fred, cabinetmkr, 371 Mulberry Korff Fred, porter, 214 William Korif Lewis, lab. 361 Saratoga Korll Robert, lab. 267 s Wolfe KORMIOIER MRS. MARY, restaurant, 29 Fell Korn Mrs. Caroline, millinery, 648 w Baltimore Korn Chas. salesman, 648 w Baltimore Korn Frederick, lab. 118 n Bethel Korn Henry, clerk, 43 Lancaster Korn .lohn", lab. 118 n Bethel Korn Josepl), lab. 118 n Betliel Korn Mrs. Licetta, grocery, 414 Canton av Korn Samuel, huckster, 43 Lancaster ^ €©• HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,00a000m_O,_R^resee,^^^^ ^np 331 KRA KOR Korbi-^hler Xavier, 63 Portland KornerGeo.lab. 211 William Korner John, car(.. 315 e Lombard Konnnan Anna, 395 w Pratt Kornman Charles, shoerakr, 17 Watson Kornman Mrs. Caroline, 17 Watson Ko Sman George, ci.armkr. 121 sSpr.ng Kornm;in Henry sr. tailor. 121 s Spring Kornm.n Henry jr. lab. 152 GouSih ^nrnnrin Henry jr. shoemkr, 17 Watson |"o maS John; ierch,. tailor, 439 . Baltunore Kornm.n Lewis P. cicrarmkr, 121 A>squUh Korns Alfred, lab. 27 Fell Korch Wm. painter, 266 s Wolfe Korson Mrs. Henrietta, \W Jetferson Korte Fred. Wm. dry goods, 196 s Broadwa) Korte Fred, restaurant, 396 Canton av Korte Wra lab. 396 Canton av Korte Wm. lab. 163 Choptunk i Kortse .Jacob, lab. L^.ncaster nr Clinton Koshland Abraham, 109 Columbia | Koshland Isaac, furrier, HI n Gay, dw 18b Ches'JUt Koskey Alex, dressmkr, 4, Albemarle Koslowski Joseph, lab. 48 Abbot Kosmair Philip, blacksmith, 93 Peach al Koss Fred. W. drug clerk, 263 w Pratt Koss Charles butclier, 7 Cross-st market, dw Brown nr Frederick av Ko=rer Albert, clerk, 2G8 Hollins Kra>;er Bernhardt, tailor, 159 n Exeter Krager F. II. mariner, 316 w Lombard Kra-^er Fred. W. tailor, 19 Wyeth Krager, Geo. W. cioririnkr, 107 n Po[ipleton Kramer Hi-nry, bricklayer, 268 Hollius Kraj;fr Henry, carp. 267 Aisquith Kra<;er John H. tax dept. 267 Aisquith Krajjer Joseph II. clerk, .^92 w Fayette Kra.'er Mrs. S.irali G. irininiinKS, V'.i s Fremont Kraliuert Fred, hatter, 197 s Broadway Kr:iiil .Mrs. Rusinti, 20 Knox al Kram John, copper, cor Madeira al and Hover, d\v Jackson sq av and Washington Kramer Cas[]ei', barber, 132 Eastern av Kr;imei- Charles, barber, cupper and leecher, 43 e Fayelle ' Kramer Charles, moulder, 37 Cannon Kramer Charles, driver, Waverley Kramer Charles, lab. 210 Aliceanna Kramer Charles H. clerk, Ai.squith nr Point la Kramer Christian, shoes, 19 Patterson av Kramer Christoi)her, driver, 383 s Kutavv Kramer Mrs. Elizabeth, 190 w Biddle Kramer Fred, jeweler and enj^raver, 277 n Gay Kramer Fredk. butcher, 10 Fells Point market, dw Clifton Kramer Fredk. lab. 313 s Eutaw Kramer Geo. butcher, 577 n Fremont Kramer Geo. shoemaker, 149 Chesnut, dw 29 Douglass Kramer Geo. A. carter, 115 Elliott ' Kramer Geo. W. helper, 383 s Eutaw ' Kramer Henry, cahinetmkr, 296 Harford av Kr.imer Henry, tailor. 56 e Pratt Kramer Henry, shoemkr, 74 Walnut al Kramer Henry, tailor, over 114 e Lombard Kramer Henry, shoemkr, 85 n Gay Kramer Henry, clerk 21 n Pine Kramer Henry W. w.iod engraver, 83 n Gay Kramer Jacob, lab. 12,") Harford av Kramer Jacob, lab. 85 n Caroline Kr.imer John, shipcarp. 145 Battery av Kramer John, carp. 210 .Vliceanna Kramer John, tol)accoiiist, 171 s Bond Kramer John, lab. 53 s Chapel Kramer John, brakeman, 85 n Caroline Kiamer John, porter, 591 Aisquith Kremer John, porter, 158 Scott Kramer John G. m.ichinist, 299 s Paca Kramer Leonard, shoemkr, 35 Harford av Kranjer .Martin, lab. 27 Goodman al K'amer Michael, scowman, 153 s Sprinj; Kramer Peter, lab. 235 Lemmon al Kramer Richard, fireman, 24 Stockholm Kramer W'tu. lab. 288 Aliceanna Kramme Adolphns, barber, 324 Hanover Krainme ChMS. carver, 197 Hamburg Kramn,e Henrietta, notions, 197 Hamburg Krampe Adolp T.sew'g mach's,28:> n Central av Krampert .Margaret, seamstress. 26 Fountain Kraiicke Fritz, salesman, 224 .Mulberry Kranke Fredk. porter, 124 .Mulberry Kraniz Ashton A. teacher, 15 -Visquith Krantz Charles P. salesman, 15 Aisquith Krantz Elizabeth, 15 .-\isquith Krantz John, tailor, 15 Aisquith Kraiiz Conrad, tailor, 405 w Pratt Kranz Fred. W. grocery, 269 n Howard Kranz Geo. boots and shoes, 271 n Howard Kranz Mrs.Wilhelmina, coiifec'y,269 n Howard ' Kranz Wm, tailor, 405 w Pratt Krapf John, shoemkr, 132 Cross Krapf John, tailor, 13 u Spring Krapf Michael, lab. Holtzman ct Krastel Joseph, huckster, 365 McDonogh Kratt Rev. Martin, 69 w Pratt Kratz Alex. (McLaucrhlin cj- K.) 209 Aliceanna Kratz Alex, cooper, 3 n Bond Kratz (ieo. P. lab. 27 Lancaster Kraiz Geo. P. carver, 205 s Howard Kratz Henry, cooper, 215 s Regester Kiatz Henry, tailor, 107 Harmony la Kratz Henr}', wheelwright, Homestead Kratz Henry, shoemkr, 209 Aliceanna Kratz John, baker, 440 Lexington Kratz John, grocery. 205 s Howard Kr.itz John, baker, 82 Penna av Kratz John W. coojier, 215 s Regester Kratz Lanehart,o\sti-i packer, 182 s Washington Kratz Louis, cooper, Ilammerbacker ct nr IJevan Kiatz Louis A. bookkpr, 536 Saratoga Kratz Mrs. Mary, grocery, 349 Eastern av Kratzcliman Fred. cigarmKr, 3 Leadenhall Kratzer Adam, shoemkr, 119 s Regester Krauk Fred. carp. Ill Cambridge Krauk Frederick, groc'y,cor Concord and Cam- bridge, Canton Kraus Adam, porter, 312 s Charles Kraus Adam, shoemki-, 6 China Kraus Andreas, lab. 84 Harrison Kraus Charles, cigarinkr, 162 Chew Kraus Christopher, cooper, 288 Cross Kraus Conrad, tailor, 22 n Chapel Kraus Emil, sawyer. 56 s Bethel Kraus George W. clerk, 122 Hanover Kraus Henry, butcher, 85 Orleans Kraus Henry, clerk, 92 Hanover Kraus Henry, clerk, 312 s Charles Kraus Jacob. (K.c&Co.) 122 Hanover KRAUS JACOB ^ CO. (Jacob and LewisKraus) provisions and produce, 39 and 41 Barre Kraus John, cooper, 70 Leadenhall Kraus John, tailor, 242 e Eager Kr lus John, cigarmkr. 61 n Ann Kraus Mrs. Julia, 5 n Washington Kraus Julius, butcher, 19 Centre and 89 Lex- ington mkts, dw West Cemetery la Kraus Rev. Leopold, 331 e Pratt Kraus Lewis, (Jacob K, & Co.) 92 Hanover Kraus Louis, clerk, 122 Hanover Kraus Mrs. .Margaret, tavern, 272 s Caroline Kraus Mrs. Mary, grocery, 85 Orleans Kraus Martin, lal). 46 s Wolfe Kraus Michael, shoemkr, 303 Cross Kraus Michael, musician, 219 n Bond Kraus Samuel, clerk, 122 Hanover Kraus Solomon, clerk, 122 Hanover Krixus Win. clerk, 272 s Caroline Krause Adam, baker, 21! e Lombard Krause Albert, beer, 11 Ensor Krause Chas. barber, 211 e Lombard Krause Chas. ilraughtsraan, 250 n Caroline Krause Chas F. cabinetinkr, 209 Hanover Kriiuse I'^manuel, baker, 211 e Lombard Krause Guido, shoemkr, 258 Lee Krause Henry, carver, 211 e Lombard Krause Henry, shoemkr, 103 Eastern av Krause John, tailor, 136 Mullikin Krause John C. sr. blacksmith, 250 n Caroline Krause John C. jr. machinist, 250 n Caroline Krause John W. clerk, 136 .Mullikin Kf'fuse Wm. tavern, i 5 Eusor HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Oliice Avenue, Largest Life IrxS. Co. in the "World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. KRA 333 KRE KrauseWm. cutter. 130 Mullikin Krausenherger John, baker, 192 s Cliarles Krauser Herman, tailor, 33 Penn Krauss Mrs. Catherine, laund. 25 Anthony Kr;iuss Geo. basketnikr, 173 e Lombard Krauss John jr. basketiukr, 173 e Lombard Krauss John sr. basketmkr, 173 e Lombard Krauss Leopold, furs, 550 w Baltimore Krauss Lewis L. basketmkr, 658 w Baltimore Krauss Wm. H. carp. 148 s Charles, d\v 1 14 Lee Krauss Wm. P. clerk, 173 e Lombard Krauss Wm. barber, 90 n Gay Krausz John, lab. 85 Grindall Krausz Jolm, tinner, 85 Grindall Krausz Wolfgang, blacksmith, 441 Saratoga Kraut H:innah, millinery, 252 n G.ij' Krauter Clnis. ci^armkr, 340 s Charles Krauter Win. liquors, 340 s Charles Krawl Fred. lab. 121 Vine Kreamer Mrs. Eliza, 20 Laurel Kreamer Frank, lab. 3 Jones ct Kreamer Geo. foreman, 32 Gianby Kreamer John L. porter, 158 Scott Krebbeld John, shuemkr, 520 Canton av Krebs Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 83 n Chapel Krebs Chas. W. S. wagoner, 13 Wtiatcoat Krebs Chas. T. receiv'g teller Western Nat. Bk. 352 n Fremont Krebs Conrad, cooper, McEIderry ext Krebs David N. plasterer, 154 Chew Krebs Mrs. Elizabeth, 39 s Washington Krebs Geii. L. (Black & K.) 214 e Fayette Kiebs Geo.M. booKkpr, 407 n Carey Krebs Geo. W. 237 n Charles Krebs Geo. W. C. bookkeeper Mechanics Nat. Bank, 443 n Carey Krebs Jacob, lab. 33 Dewberry al Krebs Jacob, cigarmkr, 250 e Eager Krebs Jacob E. (Black & K.) 49 Chew Krebs James W. clerk, 443 n Carey Krebs John A. shoemkr, 52 s Wolfe Krebs John, barber, 165 William Krebs John W. clerk, 443 n Carey Krebs John W. bookkpr, 330 e Chas Somerset Krepp Nicholas, maiiner, 24 s Eden Krepp Nicholas, tailor, 58 Somerset Krepps John W. speculator, Northern Central hotel Kiepps Joseph, 8 n Castle Kress Anion, tailor, 55 n Chapel Kress Joseph, baker, Barnum's hotel Kress Nicholas, florist. North av nr Belair av Kresse Mrs. Helene, toys. 157 s Broadway Kretchman .Mrs. C. F. varieties, 55 Stiles Kieichman John L. bricklayer, 55 Stilea Kretchman John L. jr. tinner, 55 Stiles o o ,Q <1 > O OQ O Power Press Printing, at Keduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 3 « pi; c s ^^pS S-5 g Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. KRE 334 KRO V -r ^ X t-^ a ^ ^ o • '^ <^ c; CO (1) >% r^ o _o j; ^ 1— 1 O GO M U t> cc !--- r Vi "■" c 0- S rt ■^ o - — ;►, ■^ " lO -Q ^* c^ 3 ;jh a* W (5 c O K H r— >4 >. hH ^ ?! -4^ <: w O/ ^3 <^ p^ s G H ^ •' as <-> ^ 0^ Ph o c3 o cr- ^ >~ w t-i (^ « P r% o r 1 ■:;:: 2^ -(J a irl o a s rC lO ,o b( 'M o ;r "^ >^ ;-< t/L r«o i;;; O c r, i^ ^ ^ > o <;i C a o -^ ft o; ftt •»» '^ c Pl^ c L ^ Kretchiner John, seed, 23 n High Kreter Cbas. hackman, 184 s Ref^ester Kieter Henry, carp. 184 s Regester Kreier Joseph, shoenikr, l84 s Re^ester Kreter Matilda, mnutuainkr, 184 s Regester Kreudtr Chas. gioeery, 91 Peirce Kreuter Conrad, lab. 88 Jacksou sq av Kreuter .Martin, beer, 48 Barnes Kreutsel Tlieo. cutter, 22 Si)ring row Kreutsel Theo. cigarmkr, 114 s Wolfe Kreiitz Mrs. Frances, 113 Low Kreutz Fianz, tailur, 318 8 Dallas Kreuizer Conrad, printer, 129 Forrest Kreutzer Fred, barkpr, 129 Forrest Kreutzer Geo. driver, 6 Miiler Kreutzer Henry, printer, 129 Forrest K-reutzer John, driver, 92 n Caroline Kieutzer Mrs. Sabina. beer, 129 Forrest Krtutzberg Chas. tailor, 20 w Lombard KREUTZER BROS. (C. Kreutzer) publishers Ger. Cath. People's Gazette, 30 North Kieuzer Mrs. Caroline R. 294 ii Eden Kreuzer Casper, carter, 320 n Central av Kreuzer Christopher (K. Bros.) 119 Saratoga Kreuzer John M. driver, 50 Biddle al Kreuzer Louis, butcher, 553 e Fayette Kreuzer Mrs. Mary, grocery, 50 Biddle al Krews James, 201 Forrest Krews Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 201 Forrest Krews Wm. B, plumber, 201 Forrest Krews Wm. E. coal and wood, 10 Hillen Krich Lewis, moulder, 418 Eastern av Krichten Francis, clerk, 158 Franklin Kiichten Geo. tinner, 17 Forrest pi Krichten Joseph A. carp. 17 Forrest pi Krichten Joseph, wheelwright, 17 Forrest pi Krickhan Chas. stripper, 440 w Baltimore Krider Conrad, Beiair av e.xt. Kridler John M. A. painter. Swan tavern Krieg Geo. E. locksmith, 217 ilulberry Kneg John, tailor, 26 Bevan Krieg John, tobacconist, Bevan ct Krieger August, carpetweaver, 22 n Wolfe Krieger Geo. tailor, 90 Somerset Krieger John, tailor, 355 n Ann Krieger John P. tailor, 90 Orleans Krieger Lawrence F. tailor, 90 Somerset Krieger Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 11 Barre Krifcl Charles G. butcher, 21 Hanover market, 5o and 52 Henrietta, dw 48 Henrietta Kriel Jacob H. drayman, foot of Paca Kriel Jacob, butcher, 91 Centre and 29 Lexing- ton markets, dw Peuua av ext Kries John F. baker, 29 Warren Kries John F. barber, 150 Franklin Kiies Peter, plumber and gasfitter, 7 n Charles, dw 29 Warren Kriete Christian, tailor, 5 L. Montgomery Kriete Edward, clerk, 33 s Oregon Kriete Geo. F. sugar n finer, 33 s Oregon Kriete Geo. L. clerk, 33 s Oregon Kriete Hariuan,shoenikr, 1 17 Patterson Park av Kriete Henry, bricklayer, 174 Lee Kriete Mary, grocery, 5 L Montgomery Krilgenhofer Geo. beer, 34 s Poppleton Kiill Andrew, polisher, 84 Battery av Krill Mrs. Barbara, 150 Johnson Krill Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 150 Johnson Krill (ieo. W. lab. 150 Johnson Krill Valentine, lab. 150 Johnson Kriner Barbara, seamstress, 12 Union Kriser Geo. scissor grinder. Mount nr Ramsay Kristing Fred, cigarmkr, 334 s Charles Kritsch Chas. groc'y, cor Eislein and Fremont Kritweis Ambrose, weaver, 14;-! Burgundy al Kritznian Otto, lab. 230 s Durham Kroclienfels John, driver, Lanvale nr Green- mount av Kroedel Gustave (J. Haupt, Kroedel & Melzer) 301 Hanover Krodel Harmon, shoemkr, 180 Hamburg Kroder Geo.W. coachlrimmer, 242 n Central av Kroder Mrs. Mary, restaurant, 242 n Central av Kroeber Chas. clerk, 234 e Lombard Kroeber Fred, grocery, feed and family flour, 236 and 238 e Lombard Kroeber Fred. W. clerk, 234 e Lombard Kroeber Julius, clerk, 234 e Lombard Kroeger Bernard, shoemkr, 49 Marion Kroeger Mrs. Elizabeth, 263 Lexington Kroeger Frank, shoemkr, 44 Park av Kroeger Frank, cigarmkr, 36 Marion Kroeger Fred. L. clerk, Lombard and Schroeder Kroeger Fred, merch. tailor, 75 Columbia Kroeger Henry, tailor, 75 Columbia Kroeber John, lab. 165 s Wolfe Kioeger Julius, lab. 269 s Ann Kioeger Louis,groc'y, Lombard and Schroeder Kroeger Louis, cabinetnikr, 75 Columbia Kroegler Chas. printer, 26 Thames Kroesen Misses, 33 llollins Kroestch Frank, lab. 97 Thames Kroft Henry, shoemkr, 100 n Eden Kroger Mrs. Catherine, confec'y, 197 n Bond Kroger Clemence A. grocery, cor Hanover and Williamson al Kroger John H. sheetiron worker, 197 n Bond Krogman Louis, cooper, 28 Bevan Krogman Wm. lab. 183 Hudson Krob Chas. printer, 198 n Exeter Kroh Ferd. pa[)er boxmkr, 5 s Central av Kroh Geo. L. junk, 222, 224 and 234 s Bond, dw 41 s Broadway Kroh U. Fred, cigarmkr, 328 s Eutaw Kroh Henry, butcher, 35 n Washington Kroh Mrs. Mary, midwife, 328 s Eutaw Kroh Sylvester L. junk, 175 Jefferson Kroh Theodore, Ger. and Eng. book and job printer, 12 Md. building, dw 189 n Exeter Kroh Theodore jr. printer, 189 n Exeter Kroh Wesley (Lynch & K.) 175 Jetl'ersou Kroll Dionysius, carp. Beiair av ext Kroll Henry, barber, 407 w Pratt,dw 43 Marion Kroll Henry, grocery and liquors, 198 e Eager Kroll Herman, fringenikr, 410 w Fayette Kroll Lewis, brewer, Beiair av ext Kroll Louis, 48 Parkin Kroll Joseph L. salesman, 410 w Fayette Kroll John S. pianomkr, — w Fayette Kiomer Heniy, barber, 557 Light Kromer John J.(K. & Klinesniith)302 n Gilmor KRO.MER & KLlNliSMITH (J.J. Kromer, W. 11. iviinesmith) wholesale wood and willow waie, 22 s Charles Kronau Henry, bookkpr, 492 Franklin Krone John C. prof, music, 488 w Baltimore Krone Stephen, watchman Marine Bank, 260 Aisquith Kroueberger Chas. cabinetnikr, 54 Ridgely Kroneberger Chas. jr. joiner, 50 Ridgely Kronenberg August, boxmkr, 3G8 Hamburg Kroneubeig Henry, boxmkr, 366 Hamburg Kronenberg Wm. boxmkr, 366 Hamburg Kroaenberger John, 19 Arch HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. " ~KRO 335 KUH Kroner Casper, carp. 248 Battery av Kroner Chas. F. stoves, tin and sheetiron ware, 41 n Liberty Kroner Geo news agent, 189 e Madison Kroner Jacob, beer, 7 n Bethel Kroner Jolin, boxnikr, 30 Hampstead Kronester John, baker, 185 e Pratt Kronlieinier Meyer, clothier. '235 w Pratt Kronheimer Simon, cutter, 63 Barre Kroniger Henry, tailor, 40 Stirling Kronniiller Geo. ivory turner, 49 n Gay Kroumiller Geo. jr. clerk, 49 n Gay Kronniiller John, clerk, 49 n Gay KronniilKr John M. porter, 310 s Charles Kronniiller Mrs. Mary, 310 s Charles Kropatski Joseph, lab. 257 s Ann Kropff Barbara, beer, 7 Elliott Kro(iff Henry, machinist, 13 n Wolfe Kropff John, shucker, 76 s Regester Kroptf John, milkman, Chesnut al nr Cross Kropp John E. shoemkr, 13 n Poppleton Krous Geo. stonecutter, 347 n Central av Krouse Chas. paperhanger, 154 L. Greene Krouse Fred. lab. 21 Rock Krouse Henry, elk. 312 s Charles Krouse John, carp. 262 Lee Krouse Leonard, carp. 214 Lee Krouse M. shoemkr, 49 s Monroe Krouse Theo. J. dentist, 66 Saratoga, dw 276 Lexington Krout James, butcher, 50 Belair and 76 Centre markets, dw York rd nr city limits Krout Wm. B. reporter Sun, 45 Mulberry Krout Wm. W. clocks, 18 Jew al o. t. Krozer Jas. W. notions, 695 w Baltimore, dw 112 n Republican Krozer Dr. John J. R. 273 Lexington Krueger August, lab. 24 Shakspear Krueger John W. 14 Myrtle av Kruegar Wm. lab. 322 Aliceanna Krug Christian, lab. 24 s Burke Krug Frederiek, lab. 421 Canton av Krug Frederiek, lab. 522 Canton av Krng Geo. lab. 251 s Durham Krug Gustave ( A.Merker & K.) 151 Mulberry Krug Henry, shoemkr, 53 Luzerne Krug John, lab. 24 s Burke Krug John, shoemkr, 160 s Spring Krug John G. shoemkr, 10 Patterson Park av Krug Michael, lab. 244 s Dallas Kitig Mrs. Mary, 254 s Ann Krug Nicholas, canmkr, 254 s Ann Krug Philip, lab. 91 Cambridge Krug Theodore, clerk, 17 George Krug Thos. blacksmith, 4 Bradford al Krug Valentine, tailor, 6 n Castle Kruger Bernard, lab. 72 Frederick av Kruger Daniel (D. K. & Son) 47 n Gay Kruger Daniel & Son (D. and Ferd. Kruger,) boots and shoes, 47 n Gay and 60 w Fayette Kruger Ferd. (D. K. & Son) 47 n Gay Kruger Henry, mariner, 113 s Chester Krumm August, 295 s Bond Krumm August, lab. 226 s Bond Krumm Mrs. Catherine, 230 s Ann Krumm Charles, shipjoiner, 78 n Bethel Krumm Mrs. Christina, tobacconist, Fayette and Wolfe Krumm Christ, pianomkr, Fayette and Wolfe Krumm Frank, shipjoiner, Fayette and Wolfe Krumm Jacob, cabinetmkr, 78 n Bethel Krumm Louis, cigarmkr, 14 State Krumm Louis P. tobacconist, 15 e Baltimore Krumm Otto, gasfitter, 78 n Bethel Krumm Theodore, saddler, 101 n Eden Krumnj Wm. lab. 128 s Central av Krumme Wm. lab. 134 MuUikin Krumme Wilhelmina, grocery, 141 Peirce Krummeck Jacob, shoemkr, 168 Eastern av Krumrein Frederick, grocery, 310 n Durham Krus Joseph, carp. 80 s Mount Kruse H<-ury, shoemkr, 265 Orleans Kruse Henry, fireman, 14 Fountain Kruster Henry, painter, 213 Scott Kubach Chas'. D. machinist, 17 Patuxent Kubtl P. Wm. haruessmkr, 122 Columbia Kubel Lainhardt, harnessmkr, 376 Light Kubichek Joseph, tailor, 279 s Bond Kubizak Joseph, tailor, 272 s Bond Kubler Christian, confect'y, 102 ^b Bond Kucerza Heuxl, musician, 20 n 5*rederick Kuch Michael, shoemkr, 116 Johnson Kuch Leonard, shoemkr, 21 Elliott Kuck Frederick W. elk, 243 n Bond Knechenmann, Jacob, cigarmkr, 87 Lancaster KuchnerChas. driver, 241 Battery av Kuche Wm. lab. Potomac nr Hudson Kiichling Charles, baker, J05 Aisquith Kuchling John G. tailor, 15 n Eden Kuchling Wm. baker, 105 Aisquith Kuder Moses A. bookkpr, 13 s Howard Kuebler Fred. L. wood turner, 75 n Pine Kuebler Geo. shoemkr, 472 n Gay Kuebler Geo. shoemkr, 75 n Pine Kuebler Geo. W. carver, 75 n Pine Kuehen Mrs. Lisetta, grocery, 214 ChesnHt Kuehn Herman, liquors, 285 s Eutaw Kuehuer Gotleib, feed, 420 Cross Kuel John, lab. 31 Goodman al Kuenne Edward, watch mkr, 235 Light Kueunecke Wm. lab. 100 Thames Kuenther Nicholas, lab. 33 Bradford al Kues Catherine, beer, 260 Canton av Kues Charles, driver, 312 Aliceanna Kues Fred. furn. wagon, 312 Aliceanna Kues Henry, furn. wagon, 312 Aliceanna Kues Henry jr. furn. wagon, 312 Aliceanna Kufer Henry sr. tailor, 227 e Monument Kufer Henry jr. barber, 227 e Monument Kufman Andrew, driver. Cross nr St. Peter al Kugel John, lab. 31 Goodman al Kugler Franklin J, clerk C. H., Strieker near Franklin Kugler Wm. H. clerk, 234 Barre Kugler Samuel, confectioner, 335 w Fayette Kugler Thomas, upholsterer and furniture, 94 n Howar ^ gj Lnib Charles, huckster, 345 Franklin 'cc ^ ^ Laib Caroline, milk, G2 n Schrueder ^ _ ^ Laib Edward, huckster, 1 1 Clarke JTj-^^* r^ Laib Fred, painter, 70 n Scroedtr o '^ n: Laib Fred, butcher, 17 Hanover mkt.dwPenna av ext Laible Martin, scowman, 227 s Wolfe C3 Lain John, driver, 113To\vngend ^' Laing Charles E. clerk, 3J3 Orleans Lainp Wm. E. printer, 178 George Lainhart Geo. miller, 178 Chesnut Laiiihiirt Jonathan, painter, 154 Scott L;dnhart Mrs. Lena, 132 Lancaster Lainhart Robert D. oirp. Cross nr St. Peter al •^ ^'5 Lnis Carl, lab. 24(3 s Dallas 'o -S ^ Lake Mrs. Amelia, seamstress, ;- g _2 Lake James, (Stouebraker & Co. — ^p Lake John, porter. 110 Ramsay " ^ S L ike John, hack stai)le, 6 Aisquith :; .„S Lakeiiieyer Angelina, fancy store, 216 Eastern av Ox- L'Allemand Charles, tierk, 46 w Biddle . .^ ^ L'Allemand Conrad, clerk, 37 e Baltinjore '^"^ CC L'Allemand Emil H. architect, 37 e Baltimore 3 1^ r^, Laley Leo. H. photographer, 134 n Oregon 'iZ _^ Lally Charles P. blacksmith, 128 Franklin ^ g . Lully JohnF. turner, 128 Franklin ^> 7^ Lally Malachi, blacksmith and wheelwright, 126 .»^ o Franklin, dw 128 ?2 -c: o Lully Patrick, lab. 259 Forrest 338 LAM ^" c ^ '^^ a •~r^ o a> c b( ~X oj J3 Cf. •— a: O V ^^ ■i^ 8 Eden ct 151 w John u o 5 ^ -H O _ H H ^ Lalor Eliza, 23 w Chase Lalor Ellen, drc'smkr, 23 w Chase Lalotte Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, 328 Hanover Laloite Peter, lab. 328 Hanover Lamar Charles W. clerk, 79 n Eutaw Lamar Israel, glassblower, 256 Battery av Lamar Marion T. conductor, 12 McHenry >-, ;^ Laiuarin Robert, grocery, 26 President o .-r< Lamb Mrs. Ann, 26 Clinton ^ ■"" Lamb Mrs. Ann W. 131 n Gilmor ^ ^ LA.MB ELI M.i>rincipal Friends' elementary and high school, Lombard nr Eutaw, dw 300 w Lombard Lamb Geo. M. (L. & Kemp) 156 Townsend Lamb James A. machinist, Mt. Royal Hill Lamb John, machinist, Mt. Royal Hill Lamb John, paver, 192 Preston Lamlj John J. drayman, 50 Albemarle CO 'X; Lamb John E. sr. clerk, 156 Townsend o ?^ ., c Lamb John E. jr. clerk, 156 Townsend Lamb John H. cardriver, 67 Woodyear Lamb Josepli, carp. 262 n Gilmore Lamb Josephine S. school, 131 n Gilmor Lamb Nicholas, tailor, 177 Stirling Lamb Philena E. teacher, 156 Townsend Lamb Rachel E. teacher, 156 Townsend Lamb Robert H. clerk, 318 n ICuiaw LA.MB &;KiaiP,(Geo.M.L.mb,Edw'd L.Kemp) com. merchants, 57 South s^ S.'-" tc Lambdin & Black, (Thos. Lambdin, B. Black) "^ o ;=: sign painters, 225 e Lombard "^ 5^ 'x Lambdin Charles, machinist, 405 e Madison S +i "Zl Lambdin Chas. W. coachi>ainter, 163 Mulberry S >■, S Lambdin Daniel B. mariner, 405 e .Madison )P 'o ,l! Lambdin Isaac J. canmkr, 382 Bank ^ .b c; Lambdin J. oysterraarkor, 179 Patterson Park av ,.. 2; ._ Lambdin Joseph H. shipcarp.31 n Washington 2 S ;- Lambdin Lawrence W. mariner, 405 e Madison • 5 'p, ^ Lambdin Mrs. Mary A. 49 8 Ann 1^, Lambdin Samuel, niachiuist, 405 e Madison Lambdin Thos. grocerv, Madison and Durban, Lambdin Tln.s. ^L. k Black) Gough nr WoUe Lambdin TUos. li. watchman, (JrUans ext Lambdin Wm. J. baker, 123 s Chester Lambe Ch is W. painter, 134 Hanover Lamberd Isaac, boarding, 47 n Paca Lamberd Samuel, wagoner, 441 n Fremont Lambert .\ndrew J. carbuilder,r)()2 w Lombard Lambert Elijah F. mariner, 123 Williiim Lambert Fritz, sailmkr, 24 Philpot Lambert Geo. boatman, 24 Philpot Lambert Mrs. Jane, grocery, 230 William Lambert John, boatman, 21 Philpot Lambert J Philip, carp. 47 s Castle Limlierl John W. shipcarp. 161 Battery av Lamlart John W. fisherman. 2S8 Johnson Lambert Mrs. Mary, 24 Philjiot Lambert Mrs. Mary F. 64 Jefferson Lambert Mrs. Mary M. 222 Chew Lambert Samuel J. caulker, 230 William Lambert Theo. basketmkr, 14 s Schroeder Lambert Thomas R. canmkr, 22 2 Chew Lambert Virginia, booktblder, 158 Pearl Lambeit Wm. H. caulker. 23G William Lambert! Chiis. W. (Link & L.)24 Centre Mar- ket sp Lambie James, carp. 12 s Dallas Lambie Wm. huckster, 11 Clarke Lambkin James J. carp. 210 Aisquith Lambia Auguste, (G. C. Hicks « Co.) Haubert and Decatur Limbrecht C (C. J. L. k Co.) 60 s E.\eler LAMBRKi'HT C. J. & CJ. (C. J. and C. Lam- brecht) livery, hack and hiiing stables, 28, 30 and 32 u High Lambrecht .Mrs. Caroline, 60 s Kxeter Lambrecht Mrs. Charles, tobacconist, Pratt and Albemarle Lambiccht Chas. J. (C. J. L. & Co.)60 s Exeter Lambri^ht B. U. clerk, 94 Chew Lambright (Miristopher & Bro (C. and William Lamliright) painters, 14 n High Lambright Chris'r (C L. k Bro.) 368 n Gay Lambright Philip D. carp. O.xford, Vork rd Lambright Wm. (C. L. k Bro.) 94 Chew Lamdin Andrew J. lab. 188 s Washington Lamdin Daniel, shipcarp. 188 s Washington Lamdin Kdward S. 34 n Broadway Lamdin Geo. lab 138 s Wai HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. LAM 339 LAN Lainley Geo. F. gardener, Haiford rd nr Hall Sprinnfs Liimley Geo. M. gardener, Belair rd nr toUgate L'luiley John, gardener, Harford rd Lamley John G. Belair av ext Lannnars Joseph, morocco dresser, 59 Portland Lammers Fredk. W. jeweler, 29 e Pratt Lamniers Henrv, cigar manuf. 18 j w Pratt, dw 51 Stiles Lammeis Jacob P. 140 Peirl Lammers John, carp. -JOG n Gay Lammers Philip, coachmkr, 1G9 .Mnlberrv Lamraert Henry, grocery, cor Eden and Fayette Lammrich Godfreid. cabinetmkr, 141 HoUins Lammrich Louisa, grocery, 141 Hollins Lamon Wm. grocery, 210 Light Lamott F. (Linton & Lamoli] Finksburg, Car- roll CO Lamp August, cabinetrakr, 23 Somerset Lamp Henry, machinist. 30 Gough Lampo John, tailor, 6 Wntson Lamper Walter C. huckster, 258 e Monument Lamping Clemens, (Wm. Lamping & Co.) 88 n Greene L imping Frank, clerk, 194 Lafayette av Lamping Fred. A. clerk. 88 Hanover Lamping lYm (\Vm.L.& Co.)194 Lafa\etteav LA.MPLNG WM. & CO. ( Wm. and C.Lamping) tob:icco and com. merchts. 89 s Charles Lampley Nathaniel L. harnessmkr, 98 Orleans Lamplt-y Oliver E. cooper, 98 Orleans Lampley Oliver O. cooper, 275 e Monument Lampley Thos. S. cooper, 98 Orleiins Lampmann Conrad, sawyer, 33 Maccubbin Lamy John, carp. 274 e Monument Lanahan Clias. clerk, 415 Lexington Lnnahan Darby, huckster, 68 Penn Liinahau Dennis, stonemason, 17 s Scbroeder Lanahan James, driver, 475 Saratoga Lanahan Rev. John, 25 Jackson pi Lanahan J. W. clerk Naval office, dw 25 Jack- son sq av Lanahan .Michael, hacks, 87 Hollins Lanahan Saml. J. ( W.L.&Son )198 McCulloh Lanahan Thos. drayman, 29 Ringgold al LANAHAN THOS. M. attorney, 31 Lexington, dw 149 n Charles Lanahan Wm. & Sou (S.J. ^ Wm. Lanahan) ■wholes, liquors, 20 Light Lanahan Wm. (W. L.&Son)604 w Fayette Lauatian .Michael, actor, 61 n Liberty LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. of England, 33 s Holliday Lancaster C. C. agent, Loyola College LANCASTER FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Lancaster, Pa., Joseph Seluy, agent, 44 Second Lancaster Geo. L. huckster, Monroe and Ramsay Lancaster Henry, provisions, 79 Penna av Lancaster Isaiah, driver, 8 Etting Lancaster Jesse, shoemkr, 281 e Pratt Lancaster Jesse, plasterer, 281 e Pratt Lancaster Jesse, shipping office, 191 Eastern av Lancaster John, 328 w Lombard Lancaster John D. undertakei', 39 e Pratt LanciSier John W. printer, 408 e Fayette Lancaster Joseph, lab. 404 West Lancaster Martin, bricklayer, 309 w Biddle Lancaster Mrs. Rachel, 66 Penna av Lancaster Robt. A. (Brown, L. & Co.)New York Lancaster Wm. H. nightman, 364 Ramsay Lancaster Wm. P. cabinetmkr, 328 w Lombard Lance Christopr.boilermkr,Ox"ford, York rd Landefeld Mis. Catherine, confec'y, 381 e Fayette Landefeld John, tailor, 381 e Fayette Landbeck Christian, 66 Portland Landen Geo. butciier, 139 Ensor Landen John, butcher, 139 Knsor Landers Wm. lab. 119 n Bethel LANDGRAFE FREDK. music teacher and res- taurant, 32 e Pratt Landgrave John, trunkmkr, 75 Lancaster Landis Beiij.B. clerk, N. C. R. 148 Bolton Landis Cafit. David C. supt. steamer Maryland 58 Exchange pi, dw 148 Bolton Landis Hy. C. sec. Nat. Fire Ins. Co. 148 Bolton Laiidmui Bernard, lab 328 Eastern av Landman Geo upholsterer, 61 n Schroeder Landman Henry, upholsterer, 61 n Schroeder Landman John, cigarmkr, 61 n Schroeder Landman Lewis, upholsterer, 4(i9 Saratoga Landon Geo. W. engineer, Ramsay nr Fulton Landon Joseph, carp. Fulton nr Ramsay Landower Geo. painter, 14 Walnut al Laiidower Saml. shoemkr, 54 L. Church Landram Lucien Q. oysters, 12 s Fremont Landrigan Mrs. Klizabetb, 47 s Carey Landrigan James J. clerk, 47 s Carev Landrigan Joseph, machinist, 47 s Carey Landrigan Michael, liquors, 64 Centre mkt sp Landsberg Dr. Wm. S. supt. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Baltimore, 17 South, dw 52 Granby Landstreet Mrs. Ann V. 276 Lexington Landstreet Edward, 260 w Fayette Landstreet Jno. clerk, 276 Lexington Landstreet Samuel, 237 w Lombard Landstreet Wm. clerk C. H., 113 w Biddle Landstreet Mrs. Wm. T. 113 w Biddle Landwehr Gerhardt, beer, Baltimore and Small- wood Landwehr John H. whols. flour and feed, and hay and straw packer, 233 Frederick av Lane Benj. A. shoemkr, 92 s Sharp Lane Christopher, wood turner, 43 n Liberty Lane Daniel, driver, 10 St. Mary Lane Edward, lab. 48 Etting Lane -Mrs. Elizabeth, 312 n Eutaw Lane Henry, t«oulder, 84 s Carey Lane John T. carp. Fulton nr Franklin Lane John, carp. 40 s Calhoun Lane Joseph H. lab. 3 Webb Lane Maurice, lab. 15 Chesnut Lane Thos. lab. 37 Lemmon Lane Wm. varnisher, 79^ n Poppleton Lane Rev. Wm. H. Hampden Lanegau J. inspector C. H., dw 142 Dolphin Lanehart Louis, lab. 57 York Laneheart Wm. C. oysters, 144 West Lanfair Geo. H. oyster packer, 40Collingtonav LanfairHorace S."(H.S.L.i& Co.) 252 Bank LANFAIR H. S. & CO. (H, S. Lanfair, L. W. Counselinan) oyster and fruit packers, 325, 327 and 329 Aliceanna Lang Adam, carter, 84 Russell Lang Adam, tavern, Towson nr Nicholson Lang Mrs. Anna C. notions, 203 Hollins Lang Mrs. Anua M. 78 Lancaster Lang Andrew^, lab. 183 William Lang Christian, baker, 297 n Central av Lang Charles, baker, 294 Light Lang iMrs. Christina, confect'y, 267 S Bond Lang Conrad, beer, 138 s Bond Lang .Mrs. Delia, furniture, 29 Harrison Lang Frank, driver, Third av and First PQ o Q O O o o ^ GQ Ph O H < I— I ft 2 Lfirry Wm. horseshoer. 20 Carlton Liirsel John, lab. 250 Aliceiwin.i Lasco Peter, lab. rear 72 s Central av Laser .Martin, ln'.i. f)6 Portland Lash Eu!_'cne, cicrarnikr, 42 Thiiines Lash John, tob'ccotiist, 42 Thames Lashorne Wm. H fireman, 244 .Mulberry Lustier Andrew, shoemkr, 495 Saratoga Lassalle John, siheichaser. 57 Division Lissii) J. dm C. a^t. Baltimore &PotoniacR.R., Penna av opp Wilson Lassuiaii John ( J.L.& Son) G65 w Baltimore Lassman J. & Son {John and Wm. Lassman) pilt frames, 665 w Baltimore Lassman Wm. (J.L.&Son) <;65 w Baltimore Lassner Fred, confectioner, 8 e Baltimore Lastner Fi'ed. contVcliuiier, 44 s Reuester Lalchford .Alfred F. plasterer. Ml. Vernon mills Latchfoid John F. caip. 60 n Poppletun Latchman John J. carp. r-i62 William Late Wm. bra- eman, Strieker nr Patterson av Latham Edward, police. 76 s Caroline Liiham Mrs. Kilty .M. boardinrc, 55^ St. Paul Latham Lester H. (Seward, Norris & Co.) 415 Eutaw pi Latham VVm. E. bricklayer, 76 s Caroline Lathe Thomas B. entiineer, 16 Bartlett Latimer Randolph B. (Randolph & L.) St. Denis, Baltimore co Latimer Dr. Thos. S. prof'r College Physicians and Surgeon.-;, dw 248 Madison av Latimer Wm. W. coramis'r deeds, s w cor St. Paul and Fayette, dw 68 n Greene Latiniore ('has. W. over 237 Montgomery Latimorc Robert, steward, 169 s Dallas Lalrielle Roliei t, stonemason, 18 Wyeth LATROBE BENJ.H. civil engim er, r46nCharles Lai robe Rev. Benj. H. jr. 340 n Broadway Latrobe Chas. H. associate engineer, sec'y and treas'r Balto. Bridge Co. 146 n Charles Latrobe Feidiiiai;d C. attorney, St. Paul near Le.xington, dw 188 n Charles LATROBE JOHN H. B. attorney, St. Paul nr Lexington, dw 183 n Charles Latrobe John f 1 . B jr. attorney, St. Paul, first door n of Lexington, dw l^i3 n Charles Latrobe R. Stewart, attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw 144 Latrvvitz Emile, actor, 37 Pciirl Latta Joseph, 170 n Eden Latta .Matilda. 170 n Eden Latta VVm. shipjoiner, 170 n Eden Lattemore Mrs. Fred. 207 s Wolfe Lattier Geo shoemkr, 276 Park av Lattier Peter, lab. 526 Penna av Lattier Wm. shoemkr, 526 Penna av Latns Mrs. Anna, 135 Vine Lalz At)rahain, clerk, 555 w Baltimore Latz .M's. Sarah, trimmings, 555 w Baltimore Lauber Henry, barkpr, 4 Centie Market sp Lauber John beer, 92 IjOw Lauber Philip, shoemkr, 99 Conway Laubheimer Louis, Collateral Security Bank of Baltimore, 22 n (Jay Laubheimer Wm. bookkpr, 199 Hanover Lauchheimer M.1I.(L ,Mai.n & Co.) 1 1:: sSharp Lauchheimer, Mann & Co. (H.H.L:iiichheimer, J. and II. Mann) clothiers, 311 w Fjaltimore Laudemiin Mrs. Barbara, 82 s Fremont Laudeman Wm. II. machinist, 131 Bank Laudenslager Jacob, carp. 134 Low Laudenslager Wm. police, 239 Lee Lauder John, cooper, 103 n Washington Lauderhach Conrad, lab. 74 Lancaster Lauer Alex, shoemkr, 94 n Amity Laiier Andrew, painter, 203 Gough Lauer Mrs. A. G. restaurant, 254 w Pratt Lauer Daniel, clerk, 5 n Exeter Lauer Daniel, grocery, 249 Canton av Lauer Fred, clerk, 249 Canton av Lauer Geo. porter, 26 St. .Mary Lauer Henry, turner, 30 s Regester Lauer .Mrs. Henry, dry goods, 203 n Gay Lauer Ijrnatius, storekpr C. H. 63 Conway Lauer Jacob, bookkpr, 64 Conway Lauer John, machinist, 27 Scott Lauer John, confectioner, 230 n Caroline Lauer Leon, 2>-^5 w Lombard Lauer Leon, (L.&W.D.LaueV) 203 n Gay Lauer Lewis, clerk. 203 n Gay Lauer L. k W. D.(Leon &W."D. Lauer)whole- sale notions, 233 w Baltimore Lauer Mrs. Lewis, 64 Conway LAUER LKW^IS & CO, (E. Drey) manufac- turers of shirts, &c. 283 w Baltimore Lauer Michael J. druggist, 94 George Lauer Ott(),hutcher,Harfoid rd o[)p DarleyPark Lauer Simon, tailor, 173 Harford av Lauer Solomon, law student, 64 Conway Lauer Solomon jr. cashier, 285 w Lombard Lauer Wra. clerk, 64 Conway Lauer Wm. D.( L.&W.D.Laiier)28r>w Lombard Lauerbach Christian, butcher, KUiott nr Clinton Lauerbach .Margaret, Elliott nr Clinton Lauf Henry, pianoiukr, 331 Hamburg: Lauf Henry, shoemki-, 146 e Lombard Lauf Martin, shoemkr, 273 n Eutaw Laujihfliii Richard, !)utcher, 110 Harford av Laughlin David, lailor,9j n Eutaw, dw 48 Brune Laughlin David, clerk, 3'67 Franklin Laughlin Henry, drayman, 3G7 Franklin Laughlin James, drayman. 367 Franklin Laughlin John, drayman, 367 Franklin Laughlin John, carp. 149 Ensor Laughlin John J carp. 157 William Laughlin John W. butter. 50 and 52 Cro93-St market, ^ '^ < < O -i3 a ^ H 'Jl O - m Lawson Edward C. bricklayer, 60 Walsh Lawson Geo. A. butcher, 60 Walsli Lawson Geo. VV. sawyer, 148 Si-Ott Lawson Mrs. Georgeanna, seainstr's 93 Chesnnt Lawson Henry S. grocery, 86 Boston, dw 327 e Baltimore Liiwsoti Henry S. sliipsniith, 56 Boston, Can- ton, dw 327 e B:iltimore Lawson J^.mes, bookkpr, 87 n Charles Lawson J. Herbert (Robt. L. &Co.) 146 Bolton Lawson John T. salesman, 60 Walsh ^ ^ .) 1(163 w Baltimore LAZEAR JESSE & CO. (Jesse, James B. and Wm. L. L.) wholesale grocers, 11 Commerce LAZEARJ. B. and W. L. & CO. {Jesse, James B. and Wm. L. Lazear) wholesale grocers, s e cor Howard and German Lazear Jesse ( J. L. & Co. also J.B. &W. L.L. k Co.) pres't B., C. and P. R. R. Co., Frank- lin rd Lazear Wm. L. (J. B. and W. L. L & Co. also J. L. & Co.) 11 Commerce Lazenby Daniel L. butter depot, 311 n Gay Lazenby F. M. 223 Townsend Lazenby Win. F. clerk Tobacco Warehouse No. 2, dw Merchants hotel Lazzei i Louis, marble cutter, 169 s Sharp Lea Joseph (J. Lea & Co.) Philadelphia Lea Joseph & Co. (J. Lea, J. McCarier, ) dry goods com. merchants, 25 German Lea Walter, clerk, 79 McCulloh Leach Benj. painter, 201 n Bond Leach George. W. weighei. 283 Orleans Leach Geori^e. ropemkr, 27 Hope Leach James M. lab. 152 Barre Le.ich John H. asst weigher C. H. 152 Barre Leach John T. barkpr, 68 Chew I Leach Mis. Mary, 105 n Wolfe Leach Mrs. Mary J. grocery, 68 Chew Leach Michael, lab. 74 Buren Leach Peter, lurkpr, 2^ Forrest pi Leach Wm. rope manufacturer, Harford av nr Townsend, dw 354 Harford av Leach Wm. clerk, 222 w Fayette Leach Wm. A. painter, 343 e .Monument Leadlich George, pickles, 144 s Sharj) Leaf Chas. W. conchpainter, 123 e .Monument Leaf Mrs. Emeline, boarding, 123 e .Monument Leaf Geo. patternmkr, 14 Rock Leaf Lewis, gasfiiter, 123 e Monument Leaf Joseph H. miber. 112 Hollins League Capt. .Alliert H. mariner. 321 e Pratt League Citherine, boarding, 317 Light League Emerson, confte James H. agent .Md. Steamboat Co. 224 Lee Lecompte Mrs. -Mary A. boarding, 158 w Lom- bard Lecompte Mary, srocery, 92 Clinton Leeo'npte Thomas E. offbearer, 02 Clinton Lecom[.te Wm. F. brickmkr, 92 Clinton Ledden Richard, huckster, 18 Ramsay Leddon Benj. mariner, 96 s Caroline Leddon Geo. 69 s Caroline Leddon Geo. W. painter, 333 n Durham Leddon John J. fireman, 18 Ramsay Leddon John W. fireman, 402 Eastern av Leddon Win. B. cigannkr, 69 s Caroline Lederer .\ugustus, shoemkr, 47 Ridgely Lederer Emil, baker, 54 s Bond Lederer Geo. bakery, 244 s Broadway ^ Lederer John, stovemouuter, 108 s Caroline *'^ Lederer John, shoemkr, Washington nr Chase ^ • Lederer John C prof, of music and languages, -^. 44 Briine Lederer .Mrs. Kate, tailoress. 251 e Lombard ^ Lederer J. Lewis, bookkpr, 251 e Lombard k^ Lederer .Michael, huckster, ISOeFavette [^ Lederer Saul (L. k Soujerfield) 169 n Gay Lederer & Somerfield (Saul Lederer, Adolph gQ Somerfield) skirt factory, 169 n Gay ►— 1 Lederman Lawrence, musician, 293 e Eager ps^ Ledley Benj. P. hi iekmkr, 7 Wilkens av Ledley Daniel, brickmkr. 53 Clifford al Ledley Mrs. Daniel H. 607 vv Lombard Ledley Edward, carp. 64 Ramsay Ledley Geo. W. brickmkr, 607 w Lombard Ledley Isaac, overseer, Harford rd Ledley Jacob, fisherman, 44 Sterrett Ledley Jacob, brickmkr, 99 s Poppleton Ledley Jane, tailoress, 63 Wyeth Ledley John C. brickmkr, 46 Wyeth Ledley Mrs. .Margaret, confect'y, .'^61 Columbia Ledley Mrs. Wm. J. 8S n Schroeder |» Ledmen Jas. F. express driver, 379 w Fayette ^ Ledoyen Alex. A. cigarmkr, 218 Peirce ^ Ledoyeii Daniel M. cigarmkr, 218 Peirce ^ Ledoyen John H. driver, Chappell nr Penna av ^ Ledoyen John, rectifier, 218 P>-irce ^ Lee Anson, grocery, Winchester and Whatcoat O Lee Beal, huckster^ 21 s Schroeder Q Lee Benj F. shoemkr, 189 .Montgomery ^ Lee B. Franklin, clerk, 471 Franklin ^ Lee Caleb, 7 Clinton av l-H Lee Chas. tailor, 15 Gough O Lee Chas. blksmth,4l4 w Baltimore.dw 15 Pearl <} Lee Chas. mariner, 173 n High [i^ Lee Chas. T. engineer, 485 e Baltimore Lee Chas. W. livery stables, 414 w Baltimore, dw 32 Pearl < 'J2 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Co j_3 r-< Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, LEE 346 LEF — X 5 ;5e .2 O c5 - »o 5- - C-1 C 0-1 .2 c S . '^ ei •^ G H ?^ — 5 C ... o "« ^ • •^^^ o -t-s C c; -1^ a 6 >■ s >o To fco o c u ^ 'x -t-> .1.3 s X 0) c. '^ > '^ ■w T '" c 2* il 1- '■v^ >!. o ri O >-> C3 a; ri H „.» lO m -^ Lee Colutnhus O'D. clerk, 91 \v Chase Lee C. O'Doniiell (Hoffinan, Lee & Co.) 91 w Chase Lee Daniel P. IG VVilhelm Lee David, lal). 14 Weber Lee, Davis k Co. (Fianklin A. Lee, James H. Davis) com. merchants, 215 w Pratt Lee Dennis, clerk, Kiitaw nr Ilaiiiliurg Loe Dennis, lab. .389 s Eutaw Lee Edmund, 122 s Poppleton Lee Kdward, turner, Tin Cuiley Lee Edward, lab. 243 William Lee Edward, lab. 120 Curley Lee Elij.ili W. lab. 75 Frederick av Bee Eniory G. clerk, 141 Barr*' Lee Enoch G. Cfdlarmkr, 219 Orleans Lee Frank. A.(Lee,ravis &('o.)Oxford, York rd Lee Geo. T. stevedore, 10 Weber Lee Geo. carp 229 Barre Lee (leo. 0 stonecutter. 25.3 Mulberry Lee Hujih, barkeeper, United States hotel Lee Mrs. Hufrh, boardinnr, 118 St. Paul Lee James, lab. 17 s Front Lee Jimes, hacknian, 223 Hamburjf Lee James E. conductor, 1 Pa-rish Lee .las. Fentier, 49 w Lombard, dvv Carroll co Lee James R. printer. 253 Mnlbeir\ Lee J. Boykin [J. Boykin Lee & Co.) n e cor Madison and Park av LEE J. BOVKLM & CO. (J. Boykin Lee) com. meichants, lli Camden Lee Jesse W. sr. ckrk, 14 McElderry Lee J. Harry fS.S.L. & Son) 23 Read Lee John, lab. 282 e .Monument Lee John, lab. Quaker la nr Yord rd Lee John, painter, 250 Litrht,dvv 83 Battery av Lee John, painter, 179 e .Madison Lee John A. painter, 470 w Lombard Lee John II. insi)r. C. H. 10 Vine Lee .John II. cigarnd^r, 30 n Oregon Lee John H. machinist, 360 e I'^ayette Lie John II. huckster, 21 s Schroeder Lee John T. civ Eatjer and North Lee .Jolin W. M. librarian Mercantile Librar}', 44 Pearl Lee Joiin W. carp. 65 n Greene, dvv 44 Pearl Lee .lohn W. plumber, 467 Lexington, dvv Gil- mor nr Wincliester • Lee Joseph, en^rineer. 13 O'Donnell Lee Joseph, lab. 1.", O'Donnell Lee Josej)!), huckster, 3 McHenry Lee Joseph E. clerk, 141 Barre LEE L. H. & BRO. (S. C. Lee) agents cham- pion reapers and mowers, 54 and 56 Litrht LEE L H, & CO. (W. P. McCurdy, T. 0. McGrew) com. merchants, s e cor Cheapside and Lombard Ijce Levi, wajroner, 484 Saratoga Lee fyuke, machinist, 80 Henrietta F.,ee Mrs. .Mary, p:ro(.ery, 282 c Monument Lee Mrs. .Mary, 3U e Monument Lee Matthias, 223 s Charles Lee U. C. (L. & Shaw) Baltimore co Lee Dr. R. C. n vv cor Hanov.ir and Barre Lee S. C.(L.H. Lee ^ Bro.) McMechin nr John Lee Samiie! J. carter, 95 Boyd Lee Samuel, 408 w Lombard Lee Sarah, 321 La n vale Lee cj- Shaw (R. C. Lee, G. W. Shaw) millers. 123 .MclClderry's vvhf LEE STEPHEN S. & SON (S.S. and J.H.Lee) coal, 49 w Lombard Lee Street Baptist Church, Lee nr Hanover Lee Stephen M. clerk, 85 Hanover Lee Stephen S.(S.S.L.& Son) 144 n Charles Lee Rev. Thomas S. 106 n Charles Lee Col. Thomas. 127 Park av Lee Thomas, Cathedral ext Lee \Vm. D. clerk, 4o8 vv Lombard Lee Wm. salesman, G2 e Baltimore LEE Dr wm. s e cor Eutaw and HofiFraan Lee Wm. L. clerk, 1 .McMechin Lee Wm. P. printer, Li;:ht nr Heath Lee Wm. N. machinist, 2il s Bethe! Lee Wm. T. brickmkr, 164 Johnson Lee Wm. H carp. 2 Brune Lee Wm. D. barkeeper, 4:7 w Lombard Lee Wai. carter, 422 e Monument Leebert Geo. lab. 19 Cambridjre Leech (ieo. F. cifiarmkr, 32 n Caroline Leech Geo. T. bricklayer, 32 n Caroline Leech Michael, lab. 227 e Lombard Leech Rev. Samuel V. 249 n Caroline Leech Thos. tripe. .McElderry and Bradford al Leech Wm. fish. .Mc'Jderry ext Leeds Edward W. artist. 40 Cumberland Leeds Rev. Geo. 100 w .Monument Leeds Wm. lab. 2 Hammond al Leef Albert F. clerk, 41:", n Calhoun LEEF BROS. (John G. and Wm F. Leef) fla- voriuji extracts and essences, 54 n Paca Leef C has. G. clerk, 679 Lexinjiton Leef & Co. (H. G. and J. A. Leef) druggists, Sweet Air Leef Henry G. (L k Co.) 461 Franklin Leef James A, (L. ife Co ) Sweet Air Leef John G. (Leef Bros.) 54 n Paca L-ef Mrs. Julia, 461 F;.tidcHn Leef .Mrs. Mary A. 227 e Fayette Leef Wm. F (Leef Bros. ) Virginia Leefe A. H. packer, 42 Collintrton av Leeke Jas. A. cijrarmkr, 26 u Fremont Leeke Jas. 343 w Fayette Leer Herman, beer, 14 Park av Lees f'hri.stian, piauomkr, 336 s Sharp Lees Robert, baikee|)er, 417 n Gay Leese Mrs. Elizabeth, 165 L' e Leese Watson, paijiter, 165 Lee Leeser Adolph, ^Stern & L.) 39 Druid Hill av Leeser Louis A. trunks, 54 n Eutaw Leeson Rev. A. B. 226 n Eutaw Leeson Jolin, carp. 138 HoUins Lees(m Maurice C. blicksmith, 388 Lexington Le Faivre Gustav J. bookkpr, 17 u Strieker Lefebre .Mrs. H. I*. 64 Mount Vernon pi Lefever Geo. mariner, 117 s Chester Lefevre Chas varnisher, 43 Forrest pi Lefevre Chas. A. clerk, 96 Lee Lefevie Geo. lab. 117 s Chester Lefevre Rev. Jacob A. 644 Lexington Le'evre J(jlin, carp. 117 s Chester Lefevre John, bricklayer, 16 s Central av L'-fevre Wm. H. s.hi]icarp. 146 Montgomery Lelferman Wm. 173 n Front Leilerts John W. agent, 121 n Bond Lefll r Chi is. lab. 249 s Bethel LclHer Constautine, batcher, Frederick av nr tollt^ate LeITlcr Elizabeth, furniture, 59 Harrison Lelller Henry jr. huckster, 224 Aliceanna Letlier Henry, huckster, 224 Aliceanna LelHer Henry, paperhanger, 36 s Dallas Letlier Hcnr^ sr. driver, 36 s Dallas Leftier John, engineer, 216 s Charles HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. LEF 347 LEI Leffler John, lab. 249 s Bethel Lefler Chas. tinner, 224 Alicmnna Lefranc P'milie, teacher, 46 Mt. Vernon pi Leftwich Alex. T.(Ricards,L &Co.)98 Franklin Leu'iire Clias. silverplater, Oxford, York rd Legg Jas. mi\riner, 301 Cross Legg John H. (Jas.Webb & Co.) 41 Chew Legg John T. provisions, 179 Orleans Legg John T. phmemkr, 20 Stockholm Legg Jos. T. 18 s Eden Legg .Mrs. Mary A. J 18 n Eden Legg Robt. H. saltsmaii, 179 Orleans Legg S. E. dressnikr, 108 Lexington Legg 'i'hos. M. stonecutter, 180j e Madison Legg Wni. stonecutter, 41 Chew Legg Wrti. B. 108 Lexington Leggenian Fred, piannuikr. 199 Montgoraerj Lehigh Mrs. Julia, 112 w Biddle Lehky Annie, 255 s Ann Lehman Aaron, dry goods, 541 w Baltimore, dw 225 w Lombard Lehman Abraham, (N.Lehman, Bro. &Co.) 241 w Louil)ard Lehman Bernhard, (iroduee, 53 s Bond Lehman Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 4 n Castle Lehman Chas. F fresco painter, 171s Sharp Lehman Chas. jr. cleik, 6 Edraondson av Lehrnan Edward, potter, 722 Light Lehman Fred. J. painter, 242 Lee Lehman Geo. shoi-mkr. 4 n C>istle Lehman Geo. tailor, 37 Lewis Lehman Geo. A. shoemkr, cor Poppleton and Franklin Lehman Jacob, fireman, 46 s Bethel Leiiraan Jones, produce, 53 s Bond Lehman Leopold, clerk, 57 s (Jharles Lehman .Mrs. .Mary, hei^r, 171 s Sharp Lehman .Michuel B. boots and shoes, 203 s Broadway Lehman N., Bro & Co. (N. and A. Lehman, and E. Hess) cattle dealers, .Md. cattle scales, oflBce Geu. Wayne hatel Lehman Nathan, (N Lehman, Bro. &Co.) Eutaw house Lehman Robt. N. carbuilder, 689 w Lombard Lehmann Prof. Edward G. dancing academy, 277 n Howard Lehmann G. W. chemist, 399 e Pratt Lehmann Hall, 273, 275 and 277 n Howard LEHMAVER SLMON, wholes, clothier, 298 w Baltimore, dw 180 w Lombard Lehmuth Henry, carter, 899 w F'ratt Lenneis John, grocery, 72^ George Lehner J. Casper, carp, sl Brune Lehner C. carbaildt^r, 31 Brune Lehner Nicholas, white .vasher, 71 s Bethel Lehners John G. shoemkr, 63 Gonijh Lehnert Chas. 0. bookbinder, 127 HolUns Lehnert Conrad jr. painter, lS3i Columbia Lehnert Ernst, (E.L.&Co.) 266 e Eager Lehnert E. & Co. (E. Lehnert and Win. .Mull- m}er) harness m ikers, 51 North Lehnert John H. clerk, 183 Columbia Lehnert -Mary, grocery, 183 Columbia Lehnice John, tailor, Point la nr H.irford av Lehnhoff Wm. tobacconist, 659 Penna av Lehr Mrs. Citherine, 127 s Chapel Lehr Chas cooper, 306 s Charles Lehr Com ad, lab. 3 Whatcoat Lehr Edward, clerk, 29's Charles Lehr Henry, cooper, 306 s Charles Lehr John, cigarmkr, 306 s Charles Lehr John, flagman. Lemmon al nr Cross Lehr John, clerk, 237 Conway Lehr Leonard, ])rovisions. 472 Lexington Lehr Louis, cooper, 306 s Charles Lehr Peter, coo])er. Sue s Charles Lelir Robert, (Bros. Bollinger) vice-consul of Portugal and vice-president Safe Deposit Co. 84 Read Lehr Wra. cooper, 306 s Charles Lehrer John F. moulder. 42 3 Republican Lehier Henry, lab. 42 s Re[)ubjican Lehwartz Wm. H. letter carrier. 217 Jefferson LEIB .lOHN S. treasr. N. C. R.Co. and B.&P. R. R Co. Calvert Station, dw Balto. co Leib Mosi'S, lab. Washington nr Chase Leib Mo3"sW. ticket agt N.C.R.Co. 49 nGilmor Leibiir John, beer. 91 n Durh un Leibold Andrew, shoemkr, 182 Hamburg Leibold Conrad, confec'r. 8 Creek a! Leibold Jacob, drayman. 8 Creek al Leibold Kunigunda, seamstress, 8 Creek al Leibold Panlus. shoefitter, S Creek al Leiboth .Vdam, tailor. 149 William LEIBRANDT & McDOWELL STOVE CO. stove founders. Wm H. Stran. vice-president, office ami salesrooms, 143 w I'ratt Leibzucht Wm. lab. 65 n Schroeder Leichf John J. carp. 38 Patterson av Leicbt John, tailor, 15 n Eden Leicht Lawrence, cibinetmkr, Waverley Leicht Lewis W. lab. Waverley Leidheiser Warner, co 'chsmitli,243 Lemmon al Leidig Geo. cooper, 150 Cross Leidner Geo. H. barber, 207 Hollins Leifold John B. grocery. 66 n Fremont Leigh James, solicitor, 11 Coiir-tland Leigh Junius E. attorney, 53 St. Paul, dw 99 Leight Geo. cigarpacker, Waverley Leight Henry, cigarmkr, Waverley Leilach Patrick, lab. 12 Neighbor Leilich Francis T. machinist. 311 McDonogh Leilich Michael, blksinith, 311 .McDonogh Lf'imbach Adolph, barber, 303 s Bond Leimbach Mrs. Amelia, huckstr's 214 Aliceanna Lei'iibach Catherine, laund. 13 s Spring Leimbach Gehhard, clerk, 99 Thames Leimbach Herman, dyer, 99 Thames Leimbach Lorentz, lab. 118 Thames Leimbach Paulus, tailor, 40 .Miiler Leimbach Peter, asst. emijj a it. 99 Thames Leimbach Theodore, lab. 20i s Eutaw Leimbach Wm. driver, 6-* s Wolfe Leimkuhler Edward, sh.iemkr, 38 s Bond Leimkuhler El ward, shoemkr, 307 e Limbard Leimkuhler J )hn. shoemkr, 62 St. Peter L-imkuh!er .Mitthias H. shoemkr, 38 s Bond Leinermann Hearv, cirp. 25 Lancaster Leipert Chirles, iiainter, 182 e P'att Le pp W:n. butclier, 654 Light Leinsz Fred, onfectioner, 147 w Biddle Leinsz Wm. confectioner, 402 n G ly Leipold John, carp. 44 Etting Leipp Jacob, sh.,einkr. 189 .\liceanna Leiser Charles, tanner, 185 Chesnut al Leissner Jacob, shoemkr, .■-!4') Liirht Leisher Wm. B. clerk. 329 w Baltimore Leist Charles, shoemkr, 14 Stockholm Leist Fied. marblecutter. 223 George Leist Fred, tailor. 281 .Mulberry Leist Fred, jr, law student, 281 Mulberry Leist Fed. bookkpr, 330 s Charles Leist Wm. watchmkr, 231 Mulberry IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. pq o o p o o f4 :^ I— I an Ph en m Ph pq Ph =^ In Ph Ph < H en xn I— I I— I w o < Mntiial Life Insurance Co. of New York. LEI 348 LEO H W W rt H C/J <1 o O <1 a w H P OQ CO ^ 00 o H ?^, *_] hH :^ O :o C3 O W O Leister Israel B. carp. 42 s Schroeder Li'ist-r Jacob H. carp. 42 s SchrO'der Lt'ister Mrs. Reliecci, 77 Walsh Leister Thos. L salHsniiin, 77 Walsl) Leistiier Mrs. Catherine. 41 L^incaster Leisure Mrs. Susan, 18 Parrisli Ltisiire Wm. enirineer, 18 Parrisli LeitchB. Frank. bookkp,FirstNat.l)k 322 a Eden Leitch C. Marion, dep. col. 1st dist. 85 s Bond Leitch Doininicus, lab. 14 Jiispe.- Leitch John F. clerk, 322 n Eden Leitch W. A. receiving: teller First Nat. Bank, 322 n Kden f-eitch Wm. H. carp. 173 Jefferson Leiteabiirp Geo. lab. 244 Aliceanna Leitenfrost Fred, driver, 78 Lancaster Leiihau.ser Nicholas, shoeinkr. 147 Welcome al Leitner (}onr id, shncker. 90 Harrison, Canton Leitner Charlotte, 3")9 Aliceanna Leitner Ahs Lena, 90 Harrison. Canton LeitniT Michael, shucker, 90 Harrison, Canton Leitner Tlieo. driver, fiancastcr and Luzerne Lcitz Andrew, cabiiietinki-. I 18 Druid Hill av Leitz Charles, carp. 128 Tovvn>en i Leitz Geo. S. liquor. 110 Druid Hill av Leitz Jacob, 18 Biddle al Leitz James H. B. carp. Iu3 Parkin Leitz Joseph, candymkr, 34 Biddle al Leiand .Michael, lab. 27 e E iger Leland Thomas, lab. Sii e Eajjer LKL.\ND W. W. propr. Rutaw house Lelivre Euiretie, teacher, I03w Fayette LeLucat Victor, florist, Harford rd nr Point la LeMaiira John G. coachpainter, 319 e FjOmbard Lemnn W^m. lab. McHenry nr .Monroe Lemau Wm. F. lilksmith, 3^0 McHenry Lemliach .August, shoemkr, 129 Raijorg Lenibach Jacob, baker, 76 Portl md Lembach Jacob, baker, 166 Ensor Lenike Albert, huckster, 9 Elliott Lenike Rudolph, provisions, 9 Elliott Leaicke .Mrs. .Minnie, 4,t s Greene Lemkuhl diaries, vvatchmkr, 419 w Baltimore Lenikuhl Louis, vvatchmkr and jeweler, 927 w Biltiniore, dw I n Strieker Leminennan Fred. la'). ISO s Regester Lcnimerinan Geo. shucker, 180 s Regester Lemraeruian Geo. foreman. .52 Albemarle Lcnimerman John, blacksmith, 268 Frankliu Leminernian John, lilacksmith, l.'>7 Hollins Lemmerman John D. l)lacksmith, 208 Franklin Lemmert Geo. tailor, .'Jl Portland Lemmon David, driver, 241 Dolphin Lemmon Geo. welldiirger, 241 D >l|ihin Lemmon .lames, cuoper. 163 .Monttiomery Lemuion James M. clerk. 11.') s P.ica Lemmon J. Southgate, attornej', 48 Lexington, dw 122 Cathedial Lemmon J. \\. apothecary, 659 w Baltimore, dw 6i() w Fayette Lemmon Kate A. dressmkr, 14 s Central av [jcmmon Noah, carter, 176 Dolphin rjemmon .Mrs. Susan A. 165 Dolphin Lemmon Thomas, helper, 5 Woodyear Lemmon Thos. J. 7 Lloyd Lemmon Wm. T. police, 24 (Jiltings Lemonnier Louisa, teacher, 64 .Mt. Vernon pi Lenck, Frank, tailor, 87 Somerset Lend Jose|ih. lab. 47 St. .Mary Leiiderking Lewis, tinner, 131 s Fremont Lenderking Philip H. copper, tin and ironwkr, 233 w Pratt Lenderraan Jncob, huckster, 16 Mott Leoderman James, huckster, 16 .Mott Lenhofl' Jos. A. show cards, Wolfe nr Biddle Lenhard Andreas, lab. 236 s Dallas Lenhaid .\ndiew, mariner, 232 s Dallas Lenhard Basil, tailor, 119McElderry Lenhard F. Win. plumber. 119 McElderry Lenhard Henry, clerk, 119 McElderry Lenhait Antone, lab. 122 Cross Lenh.irt J.'hn, f)orter. 58 s Charles Lenhart John, lab. 55 Duncan al Lenlitz Fred. lab. 23 Brailford al Lennan Bernard, paver, 413 e Chase Lennaii Jas. hackman, 42 w Eager Lennan Patrick, lab. 28 w Lombard Leonard John, shoerakr. 220 Park av Lenney Danl. pat. :nedicine. '8j w Baltimore Lennert George, lab. 192 s Chapel Lejinon James, lab. 39 Thames Lennon Wm. clerk. 363 w Fayette Lenschow Chas. prof, music, 330 n Fremont Lent Wm. F. caulker, 39 Hamburg Lentflush Henry, lab. 35 Port Leniz Charles, butcher, 171 n Front Lentz Ch is. W. imp. and com. mercht. 14 s Charles cor German, dw cor Maryland av and Shirk Lentz ('otirad, cooper 329 s Sharp Lentz H!dward, cooper, 329 s Sharp Lentz Frederick, coo[)er, 177 s Ann Lentz George, cooper, Eutaw and West Lentz Henry, grocery, Eutaw and West Lentz Henry, cooper, 17Y s Ann Lentz Geo. W. (White & L ) 63 Eastern av Lentz Henry, painter, 209 William Lentz Jacob, i^rocery, .\ddison al and Pratt Lentz John D, cooper, 177 8 Ann Lentz John P. carpet weaver, 8 Lewis Leniz Lewis, barber, 133 s Dallas L°ntz Mrs. Louisa, 204 Harford av Lenz .\le.K. baker, 242 Conway Leiz Ale.x. sr. shoemkr, 242 (Jonw ay Lenz August, shoemkr. 136 Hollins Lenz Conrail. lab. 35 Port Lenz .Mrs. Elizabeth, notions, 62 s Broadway LeiizGustav, tailor, 203 s Paca Lenz Henry, lab. 106 Patu-^ent Lenz Mrs. Hannah, grocery, 136 Hollins Lt>nz Henry, tinner, 71 n Fremont Lenz John, barber, lol n Eden Lenz John, sho-^mkr, 73 n Ereinont Lenz Philip, mariner, 142 B.ittery av Lenzberi; Henrv, citrarinkr, 285 Hanover Leon Benj. clerk, 32 Harrison Leon Isaac, musician, 32 Harrison Leon Jacol), clerk, 32 Harrison L"on Levi clerk, 32 Harrison Leon S.imuel. secondhand clothier, 32 Harrison Leon Simon, dyer, 140 n Eutaw Leonard Ann E. grocery, 33 Parrish Leonard Dr Benj. F. 35 Jackson sq av Leonard ('harles, driver, 65 Luzerne Leonard (^has. G. clerk, 35 Jackson sq av Leonard (.!has G. clerk, ^^^ n Broadway Fjeonard C. R. 20 s Calvert Leonard Daniel, shipcai penter, 91 s Caroline Leonard Daniel D cibinetiukr, 782 w Baltimore Leonard Daniel W. lab. 91 s Caroline Le inard (]apt. Edmond T. 310 n Strieker Leonard Edward, civil engineer, 35 n Front Leonard CJro. cabinetmkr, 33 Parrish FiConard Geo. L. plumber, 782 w Baltimore HE.YRY HOE?^ & CO., Lithogniphinir, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. L argest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee,GerL. Agt LEO 349 LET OQ Leonard Geo. T salesman, 164 Conway Leonard Geo. W. brakenian,.33 Parish Leonard Henry .M. machinist, 91 s Caroline Leonard Henry M. machinist, 63 c Pratt Lennard Jacob shoetnkr, 72 e Lombard Leonard James, lab. 25 s Republican Leonard James, clerk, 15 s Front Leonard John, restaurant, 20 Second, dw 128 Harford av Leonard John, porter, 34 Marion Leonard John, "turner, 97 Curley Leonard John, tavern, 19 Fish Market sp Leonard John, |iorter, 58 s Charles Leonard JohnW. jiainter, 584 w Lombard Leonard John, huckster, 256 e Biddie Leonard John G.ieal esiateayt.35 Jackson sq av Leonard Joseph, tailor, 98 Somerset Leonard Magdalena, 195 s Washington Leonard Malaclii, driver, 256 e Biddie Leonard Michael, lab 203 Vine Leonard 0. L. salesman, Howard house Leonard Patrick, dredger, 4 Ulrick al Leonard Patrick, carter, 182 L Constitution Leonard Patrick, lab. 50 Boyd Leonard Patrick, tailor, 262 s Charles Leonard Paul, carp. 195 s Washington .Leonard Peter, lab. 4 Ulrick al Leonard Samuel, collarmkr, 32 s Sharp Leonard Samuel W. tinner, 33 Parrisn Leotiard Samuel C. printer. Rose house Leonard Thos. lab. 86 Constitution LeoLjai'd Thos. P. shipcarp. 303 Bank LEONARD WM. millinery and fancy goods, 63 n Charles Leonard Wm, wheelwright, 137 Cross Leonard Wm. lab. Fayette nr Fremont Leonard Wm. H. clerk, 53 s Fulton Leonard Wm. M. undertaker, 782 w Baltimore Leoniiardt Mrs. Ann U. cupper and leecher, 207 e Pratt Leonhardt Bradweiser, cooper, 47 Walker Leonhardt Mrs. Catherine, tailor's, 192 Aisquith Leonhardt Geo. coachpaiuter, 73 s High Leonhardt Mrs. Jacobine, 73 s High Leonhardt John F. coachnikr, 73 s High Leonhardt John H. barber and cupper, 65 President, dw 207 e Pratt Leonhardt John H.(Wm.&J H.L.)192 Aisquith LEOENARDT WM. & J. H. wagon builders 25 Saratoga Leonhardt Philip, coach painter, 22 Ogston Leonhardt Wm. [W. & J. H. L.) 73 s High Leonhauser Courad, grocery, cor Lombard and Payson Leoj)old & Bro. (J. & L. Leopold) wholesale queensware, 334 w Baltimore Leopold Jos. (Leopold & Bro ) 270 Saratoga Leopold Lewis, (L. & Bro.) 293 w Fayette Leopold Lewis, foreman, 26 Lloyd Leopold Lewis, jr. watchmkr, 26 Lloyd Leopold Wolfe, grocery, 223 Aliceanna Leper Albert, lab. 133 Dover Lephard Christopher, butcher, Harford rd opp Darley Park Lephard Peter, butcher, 40 Belair and 83 Centre mkts, dw Harford av ur City Limits Lepman Heniy, carp. 68 e Biddie Leppa Charles, shoemkr, Belair rd nr tollgate Lepper Alfred, porter, 133 Dover LepptT Charles V. clei k, 65 Garden Lepper Jacob, 2 Baker ct Lepper John F, blacksmith, 527 Light ci P o .§ Lepper Ludwig, cahinelmkr, 57 n Castle Lejjper Peter, lab. 321 s I5ond Lepper Wm. lab. 321 s Bond Lejipo Jacob, propr. Hand house, 42 n Paca Lepreux Augustus, plasterer, 234 n Eden Lepron August, patterninkr, 11 Be van Lipsley Thos. J. nautical instrumentmkr, 239s Broadway Lepson Daniel, capt. police, 18 Pearl Lepsoii Geo W. grocery, 18 Pearl Lerch Ang. harnessmkr, 157 w Pratt, dwAnne Arundel co Lerch Harry A. clerk, 151 Hanover Lerch Wm. M. clerk, 136 Hanover Lerevv C. J. 186 w Loir bard LERIAN & ADLER, (Jacob Lerian and E. E Adlei) butchers. 66 ami 68 Lexington, 74 Hanover and 98 (.'entre niKts, packing house, Frederick rd nr CarroUton Lerian Geo. butcher, Frederick rd Lerian Jacob, ( L. & Adler) Frederick av opp Mt. Olivet cemetery Lerp Mrs. Amelia, 272 s Eutaw Lerp August, carp. 272 s Entaw Lerp Conrad, carp. 225 s Charles Lerp Theodore, police, 91 L .Montgomery Lertz Reinhold, piano manuf. 24 Pearl Lesh Casjiei, basketmkr, 249 Eastern av Lesher Jacob, barkeeper, 159 n Central av Leslie Auizust, lab. 349 Orleans Leslie H. Clay, cleik, 110 n Eden Leslie John jr. painter, 63 Vine Leslie Mrs. Ruth, 63 Vine Lessner Conrad, shoemkr, 153 n Central av Lessner John, shoemkr, 59 s Chapel Lessner John, shoemkr, 153 n Central av Lessner John B. tailor, 229 s Eutaw Lessner Matthew, shoemkr, 153 n Central av Lester John G. cashr. Howard Bk, 387 Park av p_j LESTER J. T. cemmt, lime, feed and coal, 140 and 142 n Howard, and 253 Lexington, dw cor Lanvale and John Lester Joseph, carp. 9 Clinton av Lester Joseph R. lime and cement, 154 Pearl Lester Martin, carter, 22 President Lester Michael, moulder, 4^ s Chapel Lester Samuel T. seminary, 362 n Eutaw Lester Thos. stoves, 22 President Lester Wm. H. carp. 425 Hamburg Lestrange Patrick, horseshoer, cor Centre and ^ Davis, dw 16o n Calvert *^ Letcher \. 56 Clarke Lethry &Son, (J. and G. Lethry) perfumery, 40 n Eutaw Lethry G. (Lethry & Son) 40 n Eutaw Lethry J (Lethry & Son) 40 n Eutaw Letherwood Wm." M. clerk, 327 n Caroline Letmate Chas. tinner, 47 Ensor Letmate Chas. tinner, 59 Penna av Letmate Herman, tiniicr, 47 Ensor Letmate Henry A. stoves, &c. 47 Ensor Letmate J. Fred, stoves, &c 46 Penna av Letmate Mrs. Julia A. 375 n Gay Letmate Wm. Geo. stoves, &c. 59 Penna av Letournau Capt. Peter, mariner, Jackson sq av nr Durham Letsch Fred. \V. machinist, 80 s Chapel Letske Geo. lab. 32(j Aliceanna Lett James P. cardriver, Waverley Lettau August, shoemkr, 99 Leadeiihall Letterer Geo. & Son (George and J. Letterer) stoves, tin and sheet iron ware, 42 e Pratt 3 o ft o o ^ <1 o o <1 o ,^ ^^ O ft > o H OQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) r-. o O IX) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, LET 850 LKW ^^S c3 0 03 = Q^ 0; r— a a: ^ ^ .^1^ >-> -*-! ^^ 0 .qo V2 ^ s cr ^ ■p 0/ OS P 1 CD ;_ lO JM ^^ ■a 5 ^ 1-M H Oi a p-l 0 r=< 11 r^ <; Qj 13 ^ ci 33 = (J s: -bJ -Srf & — lC 0 —' C^ 0 If ^^ ^ fcc X 8 -4-^ •^^ Sj t^ a; 0 1— < > > •-3 0, a> Sr ,^ K o^ ^ >. a; 00 c3 Lftterei- Geo. (Geo L.&Son ) 42 e Pratt Letteier John, (Geo.L.&Son) 42 e Pratt LetteiniHii Jat'ob, mariner, 15 Fouutaiu Letts James, umriner, 158 Cross Letts John S. mariuer, 158 Cross Letts Warren W. mariner, 158 Cross Letzer Albert, lab. 15 s Poppleton Letzer Mrs. Osanna, ciiina ware, 214Lexington Letzer Joseph, agent National Life Ins. Co. 214 Lexington Letzinger Mrs. Annie, nurse, 37 Milliman Letzuick Henry, lab. 144 Vine Leutbecker Cfaas. barkpr, 98 s Paca Leutbec'ker Christian, saloon, 144 w Fayette Leutbecker John, grocery, Washini^ton and Aliceaiina Leuiner Christopher, cooper, 145 e Pratt Leutnei' Frauds, shoemkr, 205 s Sharp Leuiner Fred." carp. 45 Plum al. dvv 278 s Sharp Leather Henry, hardware, 16 Ridgely Lfuliier Henry C. H. baker, 2(J5 s Sharp Leuiner John, cot)per, 110 Eastern av LeViUis Louis I), beer, 726 w Baltimore Levcll Kdward F. restaurant, s w cor Howard :iud Mulberry Levering D. & Co. (D.Levering)radse. brokers, 81 Exchange pi Levering Decatur (D L.&Co.) 678 Lexington LEVERING E. & CO. ( Wm. T., E. jr., J', and Leotiidas Levering) importers and jobbers in cotfee, 2 Commerce Levering Edwin W. (Ferguson, L. & Co.) 372 Eutaw pi Levering Eugene jr. (E. L.&Co.) 238 Linden av Levering Mrs. Eugene, 372 Eutaw \A Levering Frank, cardriver, 636 w Baltimore Levering Fred.A.(L.,Walker&Co.)372Eutaw pi Levering J. clerk, 96 w Monument Levering Mrs. Jane R. 104 w Monument Levering Johnson, clerk, 96 w Monument Levering Joshua (E.L.& Co.) 372 Eutaw pi Levering Lconidas (E. L.&Co.) 372 Eutaw pi Levering Leonard M. clerk, 372 Eutaw pi Levering Lewis A. clerk, 9() w .Monument Levering Madison, 126 Harlem av Levering Robt.(L., Walker & Co.) 1.95 Decker Levering Samuel, gasfitter,Harfordiiv nrPointla Levering T.W. & McAtee, (T.W. and T. H.Lev. ering, Walter B. McAtee) merchant millers, 3S and 58 Commerce Levering Tuos. W.(T. W.L&Sons and T.W.L.& McAtee) 247 St. Paul Levering Thos. W.& Suns(T. W.Levering)grain, seed and ccm. merchants, 55 Commerce Levering Thos. H. (T. W. L. & McAtee) 409 Eutiiw pi Levering. Walker & Co. ( Fred.. •V.nndRobt. Lev- ering, Edwin Walker) jobbers of cotfee and molasses, 3 Commerce Levering Wm.Thos.( E.L.& Co.) 240 Linden av Levering Wm. W. gasfitter, 123 e Madison Leverton Win. W. police, 444 e .Monument Levey .Mrs. Francis II. dressmkr, 317 Orleans Levey Joseph, painter, 317 Orleans Le^ey Louis E. engraver, Howard house Levey Thos. B. painter, 317 Orleans Levi Abraham, cattle broker, 101 Conway Levi & Co. (H. and S. Levi) pawubrokeis, 61 e Baltimore Levi .Mrs. Haiina, dry goods. 37 Brown la Levi Henry, beer, 259 n Dallas Levi Henry, (Levi & Co.) 61 e Baltimore Levi Jacob, 61 e Baltimore Levi Jo.seph, teacher, 196 Montgomery Levi Joseph, fancy goods, 90 n Eden Levi M. & Bro. (M. and P. Levi) clothing 138, and watches, clocks, &c. 141 Light-st whf Levi Meyer (M.L.& Bro.) 141 Light-st whf Levi Philip (M.L.& Bro.) 141 Light-st whf Levi Robert, notions, 38 s Sharp Levi Solomon (L.& Co.) 61 e Baltimore Levick Geo. D. carp. 68 Parkin Levies James, candyruki', 259 s Dallas Levin Harris, 95 n Central av Levingston Aaron, traveling agt, 1 78 Lexington Levingston James, caulker, 130 Cross Levingston L.H. boots and shoes, 178 Lexington Levingston Moses H. clerk, 178 Lexington Levy Andrew, carp. 94 McElderry Levy B . 68 e Lombard Levy Charles, provisions, 21 3 Ann, dw 274 e Lombard Levy David, 197 n Gay Levy Erasmus, broker, Park av and Townsend Levy lleiman, caprnkr, 294 w Pratt Levy Isaac, dry goods, 51) w Baltimore, dw 56 w Fayette Levy Isaiah, clerk, 197 n Gay Levy Mrs. Jette, millinery, 197 n Gay Levy Jacob, butcher, 222 e Pratt Levy Leonard G.( Wm.D.L.&Son)102 n Greene Levy Lewis, eigamikr, 87 .McElderry Levy Lewis B. photographer, 268 w Baltimore, dw Lexington nr Charles Levy M. S. hat and cap mauufr. over n e cor Sharp and German, dw 68 e Lombard Levy .Mrs. Mary Jane, 167 e Pr.it t Levy Morris, tobacconist, 23 n Central av Levy Robert, salesman, 38 s Sharp Levy Samuel, dry goods, 77 w Baltimore Lei;y Samuel, carp. 76 Morris al.dvv 49 Myrtleav Levy .Mrs. Sarah, (M. Kadden & Co.)33Brown la Levy Solomon, clerk, 197 n Gay LEVY WM. D. & SON, [Wm. D. cj- Leonard G. Levy) millinery and fancy goods, 86 Lex- ington Levy Wm. D. (Wm.D.L. & Son)102 n Greene Lewald Michael, grocery, 57 s Chapel Lewine Lyon, leather satchels, 15 s Fulton Lewis Adolph, lal). 40 Bank L-wis Aloiizo, pliisterer, 36 s Chester Lewis Andrew B. screwmau, 36 s Chester Lewis Mrs. Anna, seamstress, 328 Penna av Lewis Ann M. seamstress, 143 n Bethel Lewis Mrs. Annie, 57 n Caroline Lewis Arthur .M. painter, over 58 Exchange pi Lewis Benj. F. lab. 170 s Ann Lewis Casjier, lab. 144 Raborg Lewis Chas. lab. 251 n Front Lewis Chas. A. carter, 106 Vine Lewis Chas. driver, 644 w Pratt Lewis Chas. B. coachmkr, 92 n Calvert Lewis Chas. E. caiimkr, 216 Cross Leuis Chas. H. chairmkr, 216 Cross Lewis Chas. T. (Cridline Jj- L.) Washington rd nr tollg.ile Lewis Chas. .M. clerk, 69 n Howard Lewis Chas. W. lab. 60 Walker Lewis C(jlumbu8 W. manager Cochran's Ice Co. 102 s Exeter Lewis David, clerk, 77 Eastern av Lewis Edwin A. clerk, 13 u Calhoun Lewis Ellen, trimmings, 50 1 w L nubard Lewis Ellen, huckslress, 473 Aisquith »-^ «^ HOLMES & 00,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ^^'^^^ 351 LIE LEW Lewis Eugene, clerk, 136 n Exeter Lewis Mrs. Fanny, Waverley Lewis Mrs. Frances, grocery, 92 n Calvert Lewis Frank S. dentist, 501 w Lombard Lewis Frank, lab. 3 Thames Lewis Fred, grocery, 62 Stockton Lewis Fritz, stock and bill broker, 57 Second, dw 30'2 Madison av Lewis Geo. salesman, 124 s Paca Lewis Uapt. Geo. E. 27 Valley Lewis Geo. clerk, 58 s Chester Lewis Geo. H. huckster, 473 Aisquith Lewis Geo. engraver, Star hotel Lewis Geo. H.paperhanger, 169 Hanover, dw 124 Lewis Geo. F. reporter, 156 n Exeter Lewis Cupt. Geo. C. mariner, 68 Hamburg Lewis Geo. R. carp. 121 Preston Lewis Mrs. G. R., St. James hotel Lewis Geo. W. bricklayer, 644 w Lombard Lewis Henry, real estate, 160 Townsend Lewis Henry, lab. Clipper Mills Lewis Henry, engineer, 134 s Bond Lewis Henry, lab. 47 Walker Lewis Henry, tailor, 114 Druid Hill av Lewis Henry B. 144 Raliorg Lewis Henry G. clerk, 708 Saratoga Lewis Henry Howell, 44 n Charles, dw 160 Townsend Lewis Jacob T. bookkpr, 77 Walsh Lewis Capt. Jas. mariner, 34 Block Lewis James L. clerk, 501 w Lombard Lewis James, canmkr, 281 e Lombard Lewis J. Klwood, clerk, 501 w Lombard Lewis James M. S. letter carrier, 463 Canton av Lewis James M. clerk, 156 n Exeter Lewis Capt. Jas. H. oyster broker, 58 s Chester Lewis Jas. W. clerk, 102 Cross Lewis Jas. M. plasterer, 104 n Howard, dw 120 Cathedral Lewis J. W. clerk, 32 n Gay Lewis J. N. grocery, 69 n Gilmor Lewis J. S. boots and shoes, 48 w Fayette Lewis J. W. lighthouse builder, 34 e Baltimore Lewis John, coppersmith, 124 Duncan al Lewis John, lab. Washington av ext Lewis John, expressman, 123 Conway Lewis John E. coremaker, 377 Light Lewis John G. uph( Isteier, 262 s Eutaw Lewis Capt. Juhu B. 192 e Baltimore Lewis John, carp. 4 Bartlett Lewis John, c;irp. 1 16 Cross Lewis John R. barkpr, 123 w Baltimore Lewis John W. bookkpr, 58 s Chester Lewis John, driver, 79 Eastern av Lewis John W. collector, 403 n Calhoun i Lewis John, shoemkr, 134 Camden j Lewis John R paperhanger, 225 Jefferson Lewis John, paperstainer, 134 West Lewis John W. lab. Clipper Mills Lewis J. Frank, directory publisher, 30 Sec-' end, dw Clair hotel Lewis Levi, block and pumpmkr, 45 Covington, dw 323 Light Lewis Louis C. upholsterer, 262 s Eutaw Lewis Louis, clerk, 501 w Lombard Lewis Mrs. Mary, grocery, 342 William Lewis Margaret, tailoress, 97 Thames Lewis Mrs. M.uy, 54 Fiauklin Lewis Mrs. Mary, bo.irding, 84 Block Lewis Mrs. Matilda, 57 Clitford al Lewis Michael, canmkr, 79 Eastern av Lewis Nathan, coachmkr, 165 Ensor Lewis Nicholas, driver, 42 Abbot Lewis Patrick, lab. 5 Gelston ct Lewis Redmond, carter, 130 s Eden Lewis Raphael, mariner, 225 Liuht Lewis Reuben F. huckster, 44 Warren Lewis Samuel E. saddlemkr, 239 e Chase -i-> Lewis Sanford J. boots and shoes, cor Paca and ^ Lexington fe Lewis Sarah, seamstress, 195 e Madison o3 Lewis S trail Ann, seamstress, 239 e Chase '^ Lewis Stephen, blacksmith. Friendship, York rd ^£1 Lewis Stephen, machinist, 81 n Poppleton Lewis Stephen, machinist, 421 Franklin ^ Lewis Sie|ihen, prop'r Star hotel, 100 n Front c^ Lewis Thos. P. plasterer, 3(5 s Chester q^ Lewis Thos. pilot, 116 Gough jh Lewis Thos. B. pilot, 1 Iti Gough § Lewis Wilson, tollgate, Washington rd .;r; Lewis Wm. porter, 102 Cross ^ Lewis Wm. tailor, 36 ii HoUiday ^ Lewis Wm. machinist, 421 Franklin W Lewis Wm. 549 w Lombard j_j Lewis Wm. B. (Brooker & L.) 82 s Sharp O Lewis Wm. C oysters, 101 Cross O Lewis Win. F. canmkr, 32 s High Lewis Wm. H.beer,s w cor Camden and Light, /-< dw 210 Montgomery ^ Lewis Wm. H. lab. 216 Cross Lewis Wm. J. clerk, 421 Franklin oQ Lewis Wm. J. pump and blockmkr, 131 Cross Lewis Wm. J. jr. lab. 131 Cross (Z) Lewis Wm. M. jiaper, 9 Park av,dw 50 Lee Q Lewis Win. Penn jr. clerk, 416 Park av (^ Lewis Wm.Penn, (Hodges Bros.)460 Park av ►^ Lewis Wm. T. clerk, 50 Lee ^ Lewis Win. T. clerk, 92 n Calvert Lewis Wm. T. lab. 42 Ramsay f£\ Lewitoch Jacob, jeweler, 16 w Pratt Levvns Mrs. Susanna, seamstress, 50 Chesnut ^ Lewyt Henry S. pawnbrokei,15 s Gay, dw 272 ^ e Baltimore j> Lewyt Solomon H. jeweler, 61 n Front Lexington Mission (M. P.) Church, Carlton and t-k" Lexington h^ LEYBURN Rev. JOHN, D.D. office 97 w Fay-p^ ette, dw 54 w Madison ^ Leyh Edward F. journalist, 16 Johnson ^ Le\ he Christian, baker, 12 Laurel I— H Leyhe Wm. restaurant, 293 n Gay H^ Leyrer Stephen, carp. 286 n Central av ,^, Leyshon David, coppersmith, 1 Cuba ^ Leyshon George, bricklayer, Clinton nr Elliott <^ Leyshon Reese, lab. Clinton nr Elliott p£) Leyshon Thos. coppersmelter, Clinton nr Elliott^ Leyshon Wm. lab. Clinton nr Elliott OQ L'Hernault Eugene, 238 n Central av Liberty John, lab. 67 s Oregon H Lichtenberg Wm. cooper, 901 w Pratt 5^ Lickanburg Aug. tubmkr, McHenry nr Monroe xtj Liddell John H. painter, 117 Parkin Liddy James, barkpr, 129 Camden C5 Lide C. K. salesman, 156 w Pratt ^ Lidiard James, driver, 165 Elliott HH Lieb Thos. potter, 38' Essex Ph Liebermau John, apothecary, 285 n Central av ^ Leiberman Mrs. 1, shoes, 283 n Gay [^ Liebert B irlol, cooper, 53 Fountain ^_^ Liebert John, lab. 53 Fountain p. Liebig Mrs. Caroline, confect'y, 536 n Gav LIEBIG GUSTAV A., PH. D." analytical chem- ist, and pres't Patapsco Guano Co. 7 Philpot, dw Fulton av nr Baltimore IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, LIE 352 LIN H Li H L H Li Ph L H Oi L H >H L 2i <: L K c^ L O r, ^= P^ LINTHICU.M Dr. JAS. G. 584 w Fayette •- CC CO Linthicuni James, lab. 188 Burgundy al 5 •■" ?j Liiithicuui Dr. Jus. S. dentist, 37 Columbia Linthicuni James S. farmer, Gilmor nr Fayette _ LINTHICUM JOHN L., U. S. appraiser C. H. 2 dw Barnuni's hotel S Linthicuni John T. police, 69 w Biddle o Linthicuni John W. police, 238 Peirce ^£ Liuthicum John W. machinist, 146 e Madison _ § Linthicum Josiah, mariner, 94 Johnson • 2 x ^ Linthicum Joshua, inspr. Tobacco warehouse ^ '>■ y ^^' ^' '^^ Anne Arundel co 25 ;> rJ Liuthicum Maggie M. dressmkr, 194 Mulberry ... i^^^ Linthicum Mary A. 540 w Lombard -^ ^ ^ Liuthicum S lab. 99 ("amden ■ — .^ ~ Linthicum Samuel S. lumber dealer, cor Greene 2 g Sr and Pratt, dw 313 w Lombard ^ ;i.'3 Liiithicum Samuel, shipcarp. 97 Battery av ^ ^ ^ Linthicum Thales A. (Linthicum & Alexander) 2 _^^ 131 Lanvale Q y. Linthicum Thomas,shoemkr, D 32 eS H5£ O ^ 'o £.2 as H 51 Montgomery, dw 364 Light Linthicum Wesley, lab. 194 Mulberry LINTHICUM \VM. A. & CO. (Wm. A. Linthi- cum,Hiram H.Suioot)restaurant, 552 w Pratt Linthicum Wm. A. ( Wm. A. L. & Co.) 540 w Lombard Linthicum Wm. H. engraver, 209 w Baltimore, dw 52 s Washington Linthicum Wm. W. clerk, 313 w Lombard Linthicum Z. W. ship timber and com. mercht, Buchanan's whfand Pratt, dw 380 e Baltimore c Pli Lintner Charles, tailor, 9 Watson ^ ~ „ Linton C. S. clerk, 86 n Charles a^ K § LLXTON & CO. (Elizabeth and Wm. G.Linton) '^ _ H potteries, n w cor Pine and Lexington ;:::•— d Linton Elizabeth, (Linton&Co.) 2>^9 Lexington -^ £>- S Linton J. D. (L. & Lamolt) 151 n Exeter 0^ ►^ Linton James, moulder, 436 w Lombard ^ "^ Linton John, lab. 6 Fortav 7, c^ Linton John, potter, 206 William Linton John, fisherman, 385 s Eutaw Linton John T. engineer, 541 w Lombard Linton John W. clerk, 312 w Baltimore Linton Joseph, freight deliverer, 242 n Carey Linton Joseph, 151 n Exeter LINTON & LAMOTT (J. D. Linton, F. Lamott) agricultural implements, 70 North _ Linton Samuel T. clerk, 242 n Carey a^ 'w c3 Linton Wm. G. (Linton & Co.) 289 Lexington ,^ -^ '^^ Linz John, lab. 63 Eastern av g "2 .. Linz George, shoemkr, 68 Granby S ^ -^ Linzey John H. plMsterer, 299 e Eager ^ ^ c Linzey Samuel M.sergt. of police, 360 n Gay ^ ^ ""' Linzey Mrs. Sarah M. 52 Preston 2 -^ fl LION ELKIN, agent Monumental trunk fac- g "g " tory, 282 w Pratt, dw 13 Columbia 3 c i^ Lipfert John, harnessmkr, 104 Boston O^E^ Lipger Edward, tailor, 15 Anthony v., s tL Liphard, Peter, butcher,83 Centre and 40 Belair "^ c a mkts, dw Harford av opp Darley Park C ^ |m Lipp Adiira, sl.oemkr, 48 Shuler ? -^ t^ Lipp James, Gilmor nr Harlem av 3 ^' o Lipp Francis X. (Bacon & Co.) York rd nr nP o ^ Camp av .^5 Lipp Francis, upholsterer, Gilmor nr Harlem av ^ g .„ Lipp James, lab. 23 Abbott 2 0; I, Lipp John jr. carter, 227 Battery av • S "J^ g Lipp John, carter, 227 Battery av ^ a> >^ Lipp Lewis, lab. 4 Claggett al "^ A "tS o W i a H ^ O Ji cc ^ 9^ i a •^ u: Lipp Stephens, lab. 150 L. Greene Lipp Valentine, beer, cor Chase and Somerset Li[iper Emanuel, clerk, 51 e Lombard Li| per Wm. B. wholesale liquors, 8 w cor Lom- bard and Exeter Lippe; t Peier, lab. 208 Columbia Lippirt Peter, lab. 198 Penna av Lippe> Geo. R. W. collarnikr, 226 w Fayette Lipiey Henry B. flour and feed, 808 w Baltimore Lippey Jesse L. carp. 10 Russell Lipfiy Geo. hostler, Western Maryland hotel Lippincott James B. provision broker, 39 South, dw 6fi7 Lexington Lippincott John, agent Baltimore Galvanized and Terne Sheetiron Co. 40 e Monument, dw 224 n Carey Lii)i)s Christopher, soap and candle works, 18 and 20 Calverton rd Li|is John F. cigarmkr, 85 n Strieker Lips Theodore F. clerk, 8.t n Strieker Lipscomb Edward B. bookkpr, 8 Clarke Lipscomb John D. office 50 South, dw 401 n Carey Lipscomb Robert D. carp. 8 Clarke Liscko Wolf, shoemkr, 233 s Broadway Lish Geo. B. carp. 147 Cross Lish Wm. B. clerk, 147 Cross Lisher Richard, lab. 140 e Lombard Lisle John D. note teller, First Nat. Bank, 126 Myrtle av LISSAUER & CO., Wholesale Deal- ers in Watches, Watch Materials and Tools, Opera Glasses, Specta- cles, Jewelry & American Clocks, M. Daniel, agt, 160 w Baltimore st. ssauer Mauritz, clerk, 204 s Charles st Christian, clerk, 213 Lexington st Francis, clerk, 213 Lexington st Fred, boxmkr, 50 Haw st Fred. jr. machinist, 30 n HoHiday st Geo. lab. 381 Oilcans st Geo. R. foreman, 62 Division st J. Adam, shoemkr, 226 Columbia st Jacob, lab. 226 Columbia si Jacob, tobacconist, 948 w Baltimore st Jacob, stonemason, 950 w Baltimore st John, clerk, 213 Le.Nington st Joseph, i)ianomkr, 205 Dover st Reiuhard, boxmkr, 14 n Republican stenfeld Charles, lab 18 Byrd ster Adolph P. painter, 61S w Lombard ster & Co. (Nelson Lister) photographers, 20 n Charles ster Nelson (Lister EH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. LOA 356 LOG H W H Pd H ^ r/) H izi l>H <1 < o K w H O P C/J O 02 '^ 00 C o H ;z; OQ o :^ 0^ P5 C W O Loane Chas. E. (J. W. L. & Son) Division nr Lanviile Loane Clms. machinist, 58 Jefferson Loane Edwin D. 200 Division Loane E. G. wholes, liquors, 29 s Liberty, dw Townsend Loane Geo. B. teacher, 410 n Eden Loane Geo. J. 211 w Townsend Loiine Harry C. bricklayer, 2tl HoflFman Loane Henry E. bricklayer, 101 Myrtle av Loane Jabez \V. (J W". L. &Son) 97 Division Loane Jas. R. machinist, .')8 .Jetferson Loane James, carp. 327 n Dallas Loane J. W. & Son (J. W. and Chas. E. Loane) sailmakers, fla-.'S and bajjs, 67 w Piatt LoMneJiis. B. enjiineer, 58 Jefferson Loane J. W. jr. clerk, 97 Division Loane John, cabinetnikr, 162 Aisquith Loane John W. bricklayer, 241 w Hoffinnn Loane Josejih. undertaker, 568 w Baltimore Loane Mrs. Marii, 119 e Monument Loane M. E. carpets, oil clcvths, &c. 97 Myrtle ar Loiine Richard, bookkpr, 65 n Pine Loane Sarah, upholstress, 23 St. Mary Loane V. P. teacher, 65 n Pine Lobe Harry I. clerk. 74 e Baltimore Lobelsiiac, 74 e B^iltimore Lobe Philip, butcher, 60 Hanover market, dw 278 w Pratt Lobe M;iurice L clerk, 74 e Baltimore Lobe Max J. upholsterer, 44 Portland Lober Conrad, baker, 135 Peirce Lober ConrMd blacksmith, 256 n Central av Lober Heniy, butcher, 684 Saratoga Lober John, coachsniith, 172 Peirce Lobert Chas. baker, Geoige nr Biuue Loch Emil, watchmkr. Gay atid Frederick Lochead Wm. moulder, 12 s Norris al Locher & Atkinson, (Geo. H.Locher,M. S.Atkin- son) morocco manufrs. 137 n Front Locher E. U. bookkpr, 137 n Front Lucher Geo. H. (L. & Atkinson) 130 Mulberry Locher Geo IL jr. bookkpr, 130 Mulberry Locher John, lab. 386 William Locher Michiel H. currier, 27 Forrest pi Lochman Conrad, lab. 6] Leadenball Lochman Henry, lab. 17 Plum al Lochmiller Henry, Ciibinetmkr, 9 Abbott Lochinond Kdward, porter, 87 George Lochner Chas. F. tailor, 91 Pearl Lochner Nicholns, tailor, 347 e Lombard Lock John, plasterer, 342 Hamburg Lockard Geo clerk, 378 Penna av Lockard James, flour and feed, 378 Penna av Locke Fredk. carj). 321 e Biddle Locke Mi!o W. contractor, 401 n Central av Lockett J. B. carp. 29 n Choptank Lockharl David B. huckster, Ridgely nr R. R. Lockhart Howard, carp. 49 Fort av Lockhart Moses, carp. Ridgely nr R. R. Lockhart Wm. silversmith, 42 w Fayette Lockington James, foreman, 8 IloUins Lockington .Mrs. Lucinda, 8 Hollins Lockingion Robert A. clerk, 8 Holiins Lockington Wm. K. asst. fire inspr. 8 Hollins Lock wood C. Hllison, 44 n Republican ■ Lock wood Ellison J. plumber, 323 w Lombaid Lock wood Mrs. E. periodical3,41^n Greene, dw 52 Pearl Lockwood F. W ( Lock wood, Smith & Co.) New York Lockwood Frank, 407 n Calhoun Lockwood G. Waldman, clerk, 52 Pearl LockwoodGeo.(Ainmidon&Co.)225wTownsend. Lockwood Henry C. 179 McCulloh Lockwood J. W. (Lockwood, Smith & Co.) Philadelphia Lockwood John, tailor, 49 s Greene Lockwood, Smith & Co. (F. W. Lockwood. J. Addison Smith, J. W. Lockwood) inspectors of crude and refined petroleum for export, over 61 s Gay Lockwood T. K. hoemkr, Saratoga and St. Paul Lockwood Thos., Saratoga and St. Paul Lockwood Wm. boot fitter, 52 Pearl Locust Point Union Mission, 414 n Carey Lodes John, lab. 173 s Wolfe Lodge Wa>. J. clerk, Rennert house Lodge Wm. J. 351 Penna av LOKB M. k CO. (M.Loeb, B.Miller) proTisiona, 558 n Gay Loeb Maurice, (M. L. & Co.) 558 n Gay LOKB TOBIAS, manufr. and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 234 Lexington Loebel Max, upholsterer, 44 Portland Loeffler Chas. (E. L. & Bro.) 567 n Gay Lueffler EdwHrd, (E. L. & Bro. (567 n Gay Loeffler Edward & Bro. (E. and Chas. Loeffler) tobacconists, 567 u Gay LoefHcr Ernest A. clerk, 348 w Baltimore Loeffler Lewis, tailor, 24 Penn Loehning Emil, provisions, Orleans and Ann, dw 338 e Fayette Lnesch Carrie, raantuamkr, 249 Eastern av Loesch Cha.-!. priiitcr, 251 e Chase Loesch Frank, [lorter, 25". e Chase Loesch Mrs. J. millinery, 251 e Chase Loetell Wm. shoeinkr, 112 Frederick av Loetz Albert, dyer, Fort av nr Byrd Loetz Julius, sawyer. Fort rd Loewe Henry, tancy goods, 105 Hanover, dw 2T Conw.iy Loewenberg Louis, tobacconist, 152 Chew Loewenthal Chas. H. millinery, 27 a Howard Loewenthal Gustavus C. wood engraver, 27 a Howard Loewenthal Theresa, (Mrs. B Marcusi & Co.) 14S Lexington Loewenthal Wm. clerk, 7 Harrison Loewentein Fred, biiker, 183 s Bond Loewenstiin Louis, (Garthe cj- L.) 257 Saratoga Lofgien Chas. mariner, 259 Canton av Loffier .lobn, barber, 410 Harford av Lofiand Jas. H. A. bookkpr, 22 n Fremont Loflin James, teacher, Hampden Loftus James, lab. 74 s C.istle Loftus John, lab. 16 Clinton Loftus Julia, (Misses L.) 136 Lexington Lofius Kate, (.Misses L.) 136 Lexington Loftus Michael, lab. 16 Clinton Loftus Misses, (Julia, Kate and .Mollie Loftus) dressmkrs and trimmings, 136 Lexington Lofius Mollie. (Misses L.) 136 Lexington 'Loftus Thomas E. 136 Lexington Loftus Timothy, moulder, 35 Brune Logan Charles" W. clerk, 98 n Howard L; P-i Long Wm. H.' baker, 650 w Lombard —5 3 - Long Wm. T. canmkr, 4 and 6 e Lombard, dw 2 i^ § 532 Lexington "^ C H Lougcope (ieo. V. S. bookkpr, 6 s Gay ^ ■" ^ Longcope Harding, 570 w Fayette " Loniifellow Thos. II. 68 n Caroline Longhenry Mrs. Laura, lauiid. 33 .Marion Longhenry Wm.coachmkr, Harford rd opp Bar- ley Park Longhenry Wm. coachndvr, 87 e Lombard Longherd Andiew, tailor, Dallas nr Johu Longherd .Martin, tailor, Dallas nr Jolin Longherd Seljastian, tailor, Dallas nr John Longley Charles, biickmkr, 275 .McHeiiry Longley John, brickmkr, 15 Abry al Longman John, tailor, 230 e Eager Longinoie .Mrs. Elizal)eth, 216 Linden av Lunirmore Joseph S. plasterer, 39() e Chase Longworth Dawson, ferryman, 30 1 s Bond Loock Charles, pianomkr, 24 Myrtle av Luokingland Geo. R. lab. 99 Parkin Lookingland Jnhn, brakeman, 70 Parrish Looker Thomas H. pa> master U. S. N.,over C. H. dw l.'^S .Mosher Loons Edward, potter, Chappell nr Chase Loos Henry, restaurant, 18 s Frederick O -r *& Loos John, lali. 34 Bank E.^ t(^ Loos John, l)oot and slioemkr, o96 n Gay Loos Louis, varnisher, 9 s Frederick Loose C. (C. L. & Co.) 303 w Fayette Loose C. k Co. (C. Loose) shipping and com. merchts. dealers in leaf tobacco, over 117 w Lomiiard Loose Henry, tailor, 11 n Spring iS .^ Loose Gotleil). locksmith, 55 Wyeth o u Lord Clias. W. (L. & Robinson) 245 n Eutaw Loid G. W. 126 'J Piatt "6 ^ Lord Major Jas. H., U. S. A., Fort McHeary j:: >^ J5 1« S =^ -5 «3 •^ r-* ^ o :::) 1 +j 4J "^ ^ cc i: ^ r^ Ti c »-^ -= ;: - lO ^ ^ =: 2 !^ O LORD & ROBINSON, (C. W. Lord, G. W Robinson )• wholesale brooms, woodeuware &c. 88 and 90 w Lombard Lorden Dennis, lab. 28 Parrish Lordeman Anna, milliner, 314 s Eutaw Lordeman Anna, fancy uoods. 314 s Eutaw Lordeman John II. carver. 314 s Eutaw Lordeman Joseph, carver, 314 s Eutaw Lorentz B. A. (L. 4' Rittler) 60 Barre LORENTZ&RITTLEnjB. A. Lor- entz, Wm. H. Rittler, G. F. Ph. Dambmann) Chemical and Super- phosphate factory, Leadenhall, West and Stockholm streets, Bal- timore, office 80 South St. LORENTZ & RITTLER, (B. A Lorentz, W. H.. Rittler, G. F. Ph. Dambmann) chemical acid works, Leadenhall and West, office 80 South Lorenz Mrs Annie, liquors, 2&0 s Broadway Loreriz Anthony J. saddler, 306 Aisquith Lorenz August, tailor, 3U2 Orleans Lorenz Mrs Catherine. Homestead Lorenz Chris, furn. wagon, 359 Aliceannai Lorenz Ge(i. liquors, 239 Aliceanna Lorenz Geo. liquors, 260 s Broadway Lorenz Jacob, cabinet mkr, 51 McElderry Loreriz John, tailor, 306 Orleans Lorenz John, lab. 359 Aliceanna Lorenz Peter, clerk, 143 s Broadway Lorenz Philip J, saddler, Homestead Lorenz Wm. driver, 359 Aliceanna Lorigan John, lab. 56 n Amity Lorigan Wm. niarbleworker, 162 German LORILLARD INSURANCE CO. of N. Y., G. B. Coale & Morris, agents, 58 Exchange pi — l^See Advertisement front cover. Loritz Mrs. Clara, tailoress, 316 Aisquith Loritz Mrs. Elizabeth. 229 n Front Loritz Ignatius, earn. 316 Aisquith Lorman Benjamin, driver, 84 s Po[)pleton Lorman Ho>vell S. clerk, 275 e Biddle Lorman Wm. J. lab. 255 s Paca Lorv Geo. shoemkr, 93 n Poppleton LORZ JOHN, beer, 2 s Frederick Loscomb Jas. carp. 74 Lancaster LO.SIER E. K pres't Actual Business College, n e cor Baltiiuore and Ciiarles,dw Carrollton hotel Losko Joseph, bookbinder, IS Llo\d Loss John, lab, 34 Bank Losser John, beer, 1 16 Johnson Loti .Mrs. Sarah, 50 n Calvert Lotter Fred. lab 54 Patterson Park av Lotter (Jeo. cigarnikr, 54 Patterson P.irk av L ittrol (,'as[)er, peddler, 25 Gough Lotts John, lilacksmith, 7t) s Central av Lotz Amelia, grocery, 143 n Fremont Lotz .Andrew, driver, 137 s Exeter Lotz Chas. horses, 121 Thames Lotz Chas. lab. 13 Baker Lotz Gto. wagoner, 143 n Fremont Lotz Jacob, beer, 6 n Frederick Lotz Jasper, buteher, 14 Washington av Lotz John B feed,l n Central av,d\vl68 Conway Lotz John B. shoemkr, 168 Conway LOTZ J. FRED, tobacconist, cor Lombard and Hanover, dw 245 w Fayette Lotz John V. grocery., cor Paca and Slcrrett Lotz Louis, grocery, 741- w Lombard |,^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. "" Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. LOW LOT 359 Lotz Mrs. Louisa, cakes, 29 Harrison Lotz Martiu, musician, 70 s Central av Lotz Mar.v, grocery. 70 s Centr.il av Lotz Mis! Marv, tobacconist, 121 Thames Lotz Michael, ('L.&Sutkoski)Lombaid and Wolfe Lotz Nicholas, cooper, 52 President LOTZ & SUTKOSKI, (M. Lotz, M. Sutkoski,) plumbers, cor MuUierry and Park, and cor Lombard and Wolfe LOTZ & SUTKOSKI, Plumbers & G-asfitters, ])ealer>i and Maiiulacturertf iu Cli'ircli Fixtures & Altar Fnniiliire, BROXZING, GILDING AND SILVER PLATING Promptly executed and work warranted. S. E. COi^. PARK AND MULBERRY STS., AND K. W. <«r. Wolfe and I^ombard Sts. LOTZ W.M. il. iharmacist, 168 Convvav LOUD, CLARIUGE & CO. (G. Loud, J. R. Claridj-e, C. H. Stromentier, F. S. Bullock) shipchandiers, grocers and com merclits. cor Smith's whf and Pratt Loud Grenville, (L.,Claridge&Co.) Homestead, Balto. CO Loud P.itrick, lab. Ill Dolpliin Louden Wm. cooper, 20 Johnson Loudenljraker Andrew, bib. 1 Brannan ct Loudfiiglos Peter, butclier, Jefferson nr Chester Loudenslager Adam F. cigarbox manufr. 380 Aisquith Loudenslager Conrad, carp. 350 w Fayette Loudenslager Jessup, fireman, 239 Lee Loudenslatier John, machinist, 469 vv Lombard Loudenslager JohnW. sewing machine adjusier, 469 w Lombard Loudensla;ier Solomon, machinist, 104 sStiicker Loudenslager Tlios fireman, 239 Lee Loudenslaiier Thos D. clerk, 350 w Fayette Loudenslager W. J. police, 239 Lee Loudtnslager Wm. patternmkr, li)4 s Strieker Loudernian Fred carp. 56 s Broadway Lomleim;in Henry R. 56 s Broadway Loudon Park Cemetery, W. F. Primrose, secy. ig^Kouih Lougli John, 73 n Liberty Lough John M. clerk, 73 n Liberty Lough Jos. accountant, 16 Harlem av Loiigblin P;. trick, driver, 63 McKim Loujiluen John, carp. 67 .McKim Loughren .Mrs. Margaret, 67 .McKim Lou^'lnidge Jacob E. bookkpr, Charles-st av ext cor Barnura Lou^hiidge Wm., Charles-stav e.'?t cor Barnum Louis Aliraham, provisions, 654 Light Louis Chas. F. shoemkr, 2 42 Hanover Louis (' H. shoemkr, 242 Hanover Louis D. Henry, boxmkr, 242 Hanover Louis Henrv, shoemkr, 290 Hanover LOUIS JOHN G. upholsterer, 157 w Lombard, dvv 262 s liutaw Louis L. Conrad, upholsterer, 262 s Eutaw Lourden John, lab. 7 Baker Love Aug. bailiff Glim. Ct. 37 n Fremont Love A. S. shoemkr, 2 n Pine Love Benj. plumber and gasfitter, 159e.Monument Love Geo. lab. 112 Lancaster Love Geo. jr. shucker, 112 Lancaster Love J. Flavins, 285 Hollins Love Jas. officer House of Refuge, 165 Jefferson Love Jas. lab. Ramsay nr Bentalou Love Jas. M. carp. Presstman nr Carey Love Jas. E. bricklayer, 75 Scott Love John A. fire dept. 74 n Broadway Love John, keeper Franklin sq,dw 261 wFayette Love John W. painter, 159 e Monument Love Jos. K. agt. Poor Ass'n, 176 s Paca Love Jos. K jr. clerk. 176 s Paca Love Joseph W. huckster, 95 Ensor Love Sainl.O. weigher C. H. 1 L. Second Love Mrs. Virginia, boarding, 118 e Lombard Love Wm. E. machinist, 64 e Eager Love Wm. E. shoemkr, 2 n Pine Love Wm. G. coacbpainier, l.')9 e Monument Love Wm. H. clerk, 81 s Greene Loveaire Henry F., U. S. R. M. 235 n Bond Loveday Chas. T. printer, 931 w Baltimore Lovegrove & Sister, (Hannah and Pathenia Lovegrove) dry gds. and trim'ns, 201 n Eutaw Lovei;rove Hannah, (L. & Sister) 201 n Eutaw Lovegrove Pathenia, (L. &Sister) 201 n Eutaw Lovejoy Chas. A. clerk, 444 w Fayette Lovejoy Hy. A. L. tinner, 444 w Fayette Lovejoy Perley R. attorney, 31 St. Paul, dw Mt. Washington Lovejoy SVilFard R. clerk, Buck's hotel Lovell David, . 'Spinner, DruidvHle Lovell Geo. (Lovell, Jones & Heaton) 53 Har- lem av Lovell, Jones & Heaton, (Geo. Lovell, John Q. Jones, Frank J. Heaton) hat manufs. over 91 w Baltimore Lovell John, heater, 189 Bank Lovely Mrs. Malinda, grocery, 304 Cross Lovensprinsi Frank, mattressmkr, 52 Harrison Lovensiein Philip, salesman, 285 Lexington Lover Kate M. dressuikr, 226 n Howard Lover Mary, 226 n Howard Lovering Mrs. Caroline, 184 e Fayette Loverinj; Harry, soafimkr, Ea^ile hotel Lovesen August, biicklayer, 25 Shakspear Lovetl Bridget, 103 s Spring Lovett George S., Carrollton hotel Lovett Joseph J. carp, 491 Aisquith Lovett Joseph, carp. 491 Aisquith Lovett Patrick, laO. 106 Wihiam Lovett Samuel, carp. 491 Aisquith Low Alexander, cardrivcr, lo Parrish Low Benj. stuirbuilder, 288 Walsh Low .Mrs. Elizab. seamstress, 197 Montgomery Low Gilbei t, carp. 33 .Moslier Low Josephine, tavern, 149 Eastern av Lowden Geo. W. lam[)s, 238 Bank Lowe Chas. K. 477 n Fremont Lowe Mrs. Diana E. music teacher, 48 Barre Lowe Mrs. Elizabeth W. 48 Barre Lowe Jus. H. M. trav. agent, 344 McDonogh Lowe John, livery stable, 106 Hanover, dw 104 Lowe John H. asst. clerk U. S. District Court, 2o8 Linden av Lowe John, machinist, 417 Cross Lowe John T. porter, 344 e Eager Lowe Jos. F. engineer, Ramsay nr Strieker Lowe Joshua, engineei-, 36 Parrish Lowe Mrs H. 68 George Lowe Levi B. clerk, 344 .McDonogh Lowe i'atrick, hackman, 6 Hawk Lowe Thos. helper, 20 A bey al 03 o O O O ft o o ^ Ph <1 < ft ft ft ft ft ^ ft OQ ft o ft ft l =-< Ludwig Edward, lab. Washington nr Chase ^ Ludwig Emanuel, conductor, cor Foriest and Chase r Ludwig Fred. lab. 688 Light Q Ludwig Henry, restaurant, 7 Dover O Ludwig John A. tailor, 56 Park av Ludwig John, lab. 26 n Central av ^ Ludwig John A, Adams Express, St. Paul, Pea- --. body heights W Ludwig John G. engineer, 26 PattersonPark av ^ Ludwig Louis H 23 s Gay O Ludwig Uscar, teacher, 242 Lee ^ Ludwig Mrs. Susan, 1,-s Clinton " ' Ludwig Sigmund. blacksmith, 8 Bank r^ Ludwig Theodore, blacksmith, 8 Bank ^ Ludwig Wilhelniina, boarding, 7 Dover Ludwig Wm. shoemkr, 196 Saratoga ^ Ludwig Wolfgang, lab. 7 Essex ;^ Ludwig Wm. F. cutter, 196 Saratoga ^ Luebbecke H. barbt-r, 407 n Fremont k^ Luebecke Chas. inerch. tailor, 129 s Broadway pq Luebke John A. beer, 241 s Charles Luebke John H. cabinetmkr, 239 s Charles 9 Luebkert Lodis, reporter German Correspond- c-, ent, 316 w Pratt ^ Luecking Herman, harness, &c., 221 Aliceanna ^ Luecking Joseph, hamessmkr, 221 Aliceanna ^ Luers Joseph, lab. 67 n Ann p, Luerssen John, barkpr, 84 s Burke Luesclier Jacob, barkpr, 159 n Central av ^ Lufi .Mrs. Dorothea,cookstand, Fells Point mar- (;;^ ket, dw 270 s Dallas := '-^ Lungren Wni.H.,P.W.& B.R R. 123 s Eden 'w ^ ^ Luntz Joliii, clerk, 340 Penna iiv ** " Luntz John W, jrrocery, ■"" " — Lunz John, 340 Penna av lab. IIG s Chnpel Bal- c s o Q o O :: , , Lunz \\m. baker, 10 Greeiimount av £- o ^ Lupton Elisha F. property broker, 131 ••-'^ Zi Lupton Ephraiin F. machinist, 74 u Amity ,2 § ^^ Lupton Geo. paitiier. 116 ilollins •^ ^ J^ Lupton James, bricklayer 35 Parkin •^ ^ ^ Lupton Mrs. M. A. dressmkr, 74 n Amity ^ J> ^ Lupton Wm. G. painter, 74 n Amity ^ ^^ pq Lupus Edwiird, (Lupus & Roby) Baltimore co ••- >-.^ Lupus & Roby, (E. Lupus, H. A. Roby) archi- '^ I^ ^ tccts, 40 Le.xiufrton '2 .;:: c Lupus Rudolph, artist, 1 n Gay,dw 1R5 Conway ^ S - Lurman John S. (Lurnian & Co.) Calonsville, —ti Baltimore co oj ^ Lurman & Co. (J. S. Lurman,; shipping and •-S f'om. meichants, .52 s Gay a _^ Lurman Chas. Aug tavern. 41 Commerce ^ o Lurnian Theo. farmer, 398 Park av 2 jg Lurssen Chas. C. tobacco works, 107 Conway tj h-i S Lurtz Adam, Ijiirklayer, 58 McEldeny ^ -fcj Lurtz Mrs. Rebecca, 213 George Sq S . Lurz Geo. lab. 42 n Wolfe ^ X Lurz Joseph, lab. 100 Somerset • o Lurz Joseph, shoemkr, 2 n Front £ 3 o Lurz Thos. shoemkr, 17 e Baltimore O 5 J^ Lusby Alex. F. librarian Md. Institute, 314 n >^Z ^ Bond iQ ;^ ^ Lusbv Benj. F. clerk, 35 s .-Vnn Oi ? ^ Lusby Charles A. cooper, 24 Ridgely, dw 241 Conway Lusby Charles P. photographer, 127 w Balti- more Lusby Charles R. clerk, 347 e Baltimore Lusby Edward L. dispatcher, 399 w Lombard Lusby J inies, hackdriver, 275 n Front Lusby James D. clerk, 347 e Baltimore 23 =^ Lusby John D. (Lusby k Johns)347 e Baltimore '^ p5 Lusby John L. clerk, 347 e Baltimore ^ Lusby & Johns, {■]. I). Lusby, R. H. Johns,) carpenters, 74 s Re!;ester Lusl)y .Marion, brassfiuisher, 314 n Bond — ' Lusby Robert H. 546 Franklin Lusby Robert L. K. clerk, 35 s Ann i*> Lusby Thos. B. carp. 73 s Washington 7! Lusbv V\'m. jr. tinner, 35 s .Vun ^ Lusby Wm .\L provisions, 35 s Ann ^ ,^ >^ Lusby Win. R. moulder, loti Parkin ?: C ^ Lushbaugh iMrs. Elleti, lol s Eden ^ tU ■^ Lushliaugh Wm. sailmkr. Friendship ^ ^ C Lusk John S. bookkpr, 142 n Oregon 5j ^ '^ Lusk .Mrs .Mariraret, 142 n Oreu'on S ^ 5 Lusker John, carter, 4G s Caroline g :: J!!| Luster John B. salesman, p]utaw house o O ^j Lu-tnauer Mrs. Chiiles, grocery, Penna and <^'f^<^ North avs "^ = tr. Luihardt iMnest T. baker, 145 Columbia ,^ ? C Luihardt Lawrence, liaker, 123Saialoga e ^ [3 LuthardtThos. carp. 25 Philpotal ? "^ -t^ Luther Chapel Mission School, Belair av near S _>j 0) Biillimore Cem -tery 1^ o ^ Luther Peter, biker, 153 Eastern av ,^ .^ ce Lutter .M irtin, lab. 52 Lancaster ''^ ~ . ^ Lutter Wra. sawyer, 272 s Bond ^ ■V ■— Lutierbeck Ilenry, lab. First av nr Clinton •~ t^ g Lutthiirt Charles, lab. 130 s Chapel ~ o >-, Luiton James, John nr Caroline -'- c ^ S H .^ o Luits Charles G. elk, 23 s Sharp LUTTS J. J., proprietor European hotel, 26 w Fayette Lutz Andrew, lab. 5 Lancaster Lutz Andrew, huckster, 6 Stockton Luiz August, plasterer, 1G5 Penna av Luiz Augustus, vinegar, 263 n Bond Lutz Mrs. Catherine, 138 Chew Lutz ('iitherine, beer, 333 s Bond Lutz Casper, jeweler, 7.'i3 w Lombard Lutz Chas. lab. 120 Johnson Lutz Chas. shoemkr, 4 .Madeira al nr Fayette Lutz Clins. A. restaurant, \Q1 w Mudisoa Lutz Chas. A. caulker, 216 Gough Lutz Chas. W. carp, cor John and Caroline Luiz Conrad, shoe nkr, 244 Lemmoa al Lutz Fred. lab. lOO Thames Lutz Fred. carp. 325 Saratog i Lutz Geo. vinegar, n e cor .Mosber and Penna av Lutz Henry, tailor, So Durst al Lutz Henry, beer, 106 .McKlderry Lutz Henry, butcher, 88 Centre, 15 Belair and 16 Lafayette markets, dw Belair rd opp cemetery Lutz Jacob, shucker, 333 s Bond Luiz Johanna, grocery, 240 n Elen Lutz John, bricklayer, 531 n Gay Lutz John, caulker, 191 s Washington Lutz John, lab. Byrd n of Fort av Lutz John G. carp. 257 n Fremont Lutz John M. bellhanger. 257 n Fremont Lutz John T. clerk, 245 w Fayette Luiz Joseph, tailor, 400 e Ciiase Lntz Louis, shoemkr, 399 w Pr.itt Lutz Maggie, 323 s Bond Lutz Moritz K. fluting and stamping, 153 Sa- ratOiia Lutz Nicholas, cooper, 14 Stockholm Lutz Nicholas, punter, Farmers and Planters hotel Lutz Otto, tinner, 21 s Washington Lutz Peter, l)lacksmith. Burke and Monument Lutz Philip, lab. 100 Thames Lutz Mrs. Ro.-auna, trimminars, 325 Saratoga Lutz Valentine, driver, l.=i6 McHenry Lutz Wm. butcher, Belair av e.\t Lutz Wm. salesman, 325 Saratoga Lu.\ Fred, provisinns, 129 B.irre Luzius Fred, barkeeper, 22o s Bond Luzius Henry, beer, 220 s Bond Luzius Henry jr. bookk|>r, 246 Peirce Jjuzius Wm. salesman, 220 s Bond Lybran Christian, lab. 57 Wii itcoat Lybiand Geo. H. raillineiy, 6 e Baltimore, dw 41 1 11 Carey Lycett George, Episcojial church bookstore, 44 Lexington, dw Kennedy la nr York rd Lycett .Mich lel, machinist. 61 York Lvc'tt Patrick, lab. 14s Ch.-sapeiike LYCOMING FIRE INSURANCE Mui Joseph iSelliv, a^ent, 44 CO., Second Lyceum Hal!, over 90 w B.iltimore Lydard Louis, lab. 264 R.iins ly Lydoii Jas. lab. 26 n Po;iplelon Lyell Mrs. F A. boarding, 49 St. Paul Lyell & Downing (S.uul. M. Lyell and John B. Do \ning) com. mercht-, 74 Ligh.-st whf Lvell Mrs. .Marv, 15 Warner Lyell Samuel M. (L. & Downing) 49 St.Paul Lyelh Andrew H. sloueyard, 562 w Baltimore, dw 230 George 05 ,o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. LYE 363 LYO Lyeth Asa, driver, 8 Walker Lyeth John McF. marble yard, cor Mount and Frederick av, dw cor Mount and Hollins Lyeth iSaiiiuel H. stonecutter, 5 s Giimor Lvhe Christian, tailor, 177 n Dallas Lyles John T. clerk, 142 Light-st whf Lyles John C. clerk, 58 s Paca Lyles John C. clerk, 162 s Charles Lyles Richard, carp. 545 n Gay Lyles Wm. salesman, 58 s Paca Lyman Caroline, 77 w Centre Lyman John, beer, Amity and Lemmon Lyman John, porter, St. Clair hotel Lymtm Joseph A.genls furnishing goods, under Barnuni's hotel, dw 133 n Eden Lynas James, butter, 3 Willinger ct Lynch Bennett, clerk, 300 n Eden Lynch Mrs. Catherine, 391 Parker Lynch Mrs. Catherine, 219 Mullikin Lynch & Co. (J S. Lynch and W. Kroh) junk dealers, 53 Centre .Market sp Lynch Daniel, stonecutter, 182 Stirling Lynch Daniel, lab. 2.")8 n Front Lynch Dennis, lab. 212 w Pratt Lynch Dennis, lab. Cooksie nr Nicholson Lynch Di.xon S. bricklayer, 200 n Central av Lvnch Mrs. Eliztbeth, grocery, 72 Union Lynch Ellen, 232 Peirce L) nch Edward, lab. Bouldin al nr Tovvnsend Lynch E. J. millinery, 172 s Broadway Lynth James, 26 n Washin^^ton Lynch James, lab. 2 Baker Lynch James, watchman, 264 n Front Lynch James, lab. 230 n Front Lynch James, lab. 26 Hudson al Lynch James, lab. 45 s Dewberry al Lynch James, machinist, 37 Holland Lynch James, blacksmith, 8 Foundry Lynch James, carp. 285 n Ann Lynch John, driver, 169 e Lombard Lynch John, caulker, 13 Lancaster Lynch John, tailor, 42 Low Lynch John, lab. 118 Harmonv la Lynch John A tollgati- Philadelphia rd Lynch Dr. John S. professor College Physicians and Surgeons. 20 s Broadway Lynch John S. 391 Park av Lynch Joseph S. clerk, 172 s Broadway Lynch Joseph S. (L. & Kroh) 172 s Broadway Lynch Joshua, blacksuiilb, 96 n Caroline Lymh Joshua & Co. (Jushua Lynch) hats, 49 w Baltimore Lynch Joshua (J.L.& Co.) Hisrh and Baltimore Lynch Luke, watchmkr, 41 G:imby Lynch .Mrs. -Mary, 314 n Gay Lynch .Mrs. .Maiy, 182 Stirling Lynch Mrs. .Margaret, 118 Harmony la Lynch Marion, plumber, 317 Harford av L> nch Matthew, stonefinisher, 182 Stirling Lynch .Matthew, wheelwright, 82 Hillen L\nch Michael, moulder, 13 Lancsier Lynct) Michael, lab. 12 Hubbard al Lynch Michael, lab. 85 Boyd Lynch .MiiliMel, lab. 240 iiFront Lynch Michael, helper, 366 .McDono,h Lynch Nicholas, sailmkr. 418 e Eager Lynch Pere L. inspector C. H. 296 Light Lynch Peter, barkpr, Rennert house Lynch Peter, lab. 9 Gough Lynch Rosa, 171 Eastern ar Lynch Stepnen, shipcarp. 18 Patterson Park av e Pratt Lynch Stephen, shipjoiner, 36! s Bond, dw 277 Lynch Stephen, engineer, Falls rd nr North av Lynch Thomas, lab. 13 Lancaster Lynch Wm. clerk, 219 n Central av Lynch Wm. lab. Falls rd nr North av Lynch Wm. lab. 192 Ramsay Lynch Wm. A. coachsinith. 179 n Central av Lynch Wm. B. upholsterer, 12G Bank Lvnch Wm. H. shipcarp. 18 Pattersim Park av LYNCHBURG INS. AND B. CO. of Virginia, Joseph Selby, agent, 44 Second Lyncker Henrv, baker, 41 n Fremont Lyiid Rev. John, 432 n Eden Lynes .Mrs. Catherine, confectionery, 58 Thames Lyne=s Ji)hn, shoemkr, 289 n Front Lyntonn Harry, comedim. 515 n Gay Lynn Louis, clerk, 77 n Charles Lyon Mrs. Augusta M. 323 Park av Lyon Augustus I. (Johnson, Shiyock & Co.) 323 Park av Lyon Bros. & Co. (S. H. and James W. Lyon, S L. France) com. merchts. 37 s Gay Lyon E trunkmkr, 13 Columbia Lyon Gustavus A. bookbinder, 99 e Fayette Lyon Henry W. manager Secor Sewing Machine Co. 224 w Baltimore, dw Connecticut Lyon Ira C. (Rose & L.) 259 w Lombard Lyon Jarni's C. clerk, 453 n Carev Lyon Jas. W. (L. Bros. & Co.) St. Clair hotel Lyon John T. plasterer, 2 n Oregon Lj'on John, lab. rear Cathedral nr North av Lyon Mortimer (Haskell, Lyon & Co.) Howard house Lyon Reuben, imp'r watches and jewelry, 70 w Baltimore, dw 76 Lyon Robert, bottler, 354 n Broadway Lyon Saml. H. (L. Bros. & Co.) Albion house Lvon Wm. A. clerk, 453 n Carey Lyon Wm. H. 453 n Carey Lyon Wm.L.(Wm. Fuller* Co. )436 Madison av Lyons Andrew, lab. 34 Williamson al Lyons Andrew J. plumber, 1.') n HoUiday, dw 450 .Mulberry Lyons George, brakeman, 3 Federal Lyons George B. salesman. Sharp and Barre Lvons Mrs. Hester, grocery, 1^5 s Charles Lyons Honora A. dressmkr, 6 n Fremont Lyons James, shoemkr, 138 .McHenry Lyons lames, lal). 114 Scott Lyons James H. huckster, 53 Milliman Lyons .Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 2 Armislead la Lyons Jereniiali, shoemkr, 67 s Eutaw Lyons John, lab. 114 Scott Lyons John, cifiarmkr, 25 Wyeth Lyons Jolui, tireman, 261 Bank Lyons John, 93 Harford av Lyons Joseph, clerk, Union hotel Lyons Kate, grocery, 22 s Front LVoiiS .Mal.ichi, blacksmith, 28 w Lombard Lyons .Michael, cooiier, 84 u Holliday Lyons .Michael, lab 22 s Front LVous .Michael, ice driver, 56 Hillm in Lyons Patrick, lab 51 Tyson Lyons Patrick, hackman. Burton's hotel Lyons I'atrick, peddler, 72 Division Lyons Peter, restaurant, Irto s Charles Lvons Robert, engineer, 3 F. deral Lvons Samuel, plasterer, 301 s Paci Lyons Thomas, laborer, 48 Mc.Mechio Lyons Thomas, laborer, .■i9 Hillen Lyons Thomas, shoemkr, 34 Constitution J-* O d o ft o o CD :^ o I— ( o P-. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWAEE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. LYO 864 MAC H W W tf H H Oi Xi aj !^ o ck Chas. blacksmith, cor Portland and Emory Mack .Mrs. Elizabeih, seamstress. 10 Shaksjiear .M ick Francis, lab. 10 Sh iksjiear Mack Fred. lab. lOShakspear Mack Henry, lab. 9 La\lope Mack John, lab. 66 James al M ick John, lab. Vincent al nr Pratt Mack Nicholas, blacksmith, Clinton nr Sixth ay Mack Patrick, lab. 73 Fort hv Mack Thomas, wheelwright, cor Portland and Emory Macks Andrew, lab. 106 Patuxent Mnckall ('harles. sec'y Newburg Orrel Coal Co. 52 s Gay, dw 55 Lexington Mackall Geo. .M. clerk, 76 Saratoga Mackall .Mrs. Jane R. 41 n Gibnor .Mackall John B. clerk, 30 Second, dwBalt. co. Mackall Leonard C. 25 s Gay M.ickall Leonard, solicitor,N."C.R.W.30 Pleasant Mackall Richard G. conductor, 41 n Gilmor Mackall Dr. Richard, coroner, office 45 Conway, dw 321 Walsh MACKALL THOMAS B. attorney, 48 St. Paul dw Rel.ty House. N.C.R. Macke Conrad, cooper, 44 Haw Macke John II. wiitchmkr, 60 s Howard Mackell George, ji-. lab. 17 Elliott Mackell George, lab. 17 Elliott Mackell Joseph, lab. 17 Elliott Mackhee Samuel, machinist, 118 n Schroeder MackmuU Andiew, shoemaker, 158 Ensor iMackmull Frank, shoemaker, 158 Ensor .Mackenheimer John, cig.irmkr, 35 Henrietta .Mackenheinier John N. 150 George Mackenheimer Wm. carp. 150 (ieorge Mackenzie .-Vlex. machinist, 3i5 McHenry Mackenzie Alex, lab 1318 Regester MACKENZIE BROTHEllS (G. N., C. T. and C. B .Maekenzie) imprs. co.ich and saddlery hardware, 338 w Baltimore Mackenzie Colin B. (M. Bros.) 69 Franklin Mackenzie Cosmo T. (.M. Bros.) 69 Franklin .Mackenzie Edward E. clerk, 69 Franklin .Mackenzie Geo. N. ( .VL Bros.) 195 Franklin Mack-nzie Geo. N jr.(M., Haxall & Marshall,) 88j Franklin MACKENZIE, HAXALL k MARSHALL, (Geo. N. Mackenzie, jr. B. W. Haxall, jr. and D. B. .Marshall) wholesale saddlery hardware, 8 S (Charles Mackenzie Harry D. 195 Franklin Mackenzie Joseph, driver, 18 i .McHenry M.ickenzie .Mrs. Laura, 169 n Charles Mackenzie Dr. James S. 67 Franklin Mackenzie .Mrs. J. C. 20 1 n Charles .VlacUenzie Mrs. Thomad. 69 Frauklia IIEiNTKY HOEN & CO.. Li Cor. Second St. and tliogniphiiig, Kngraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F.IBresee, Gen. Agt. MAC 365 MAG Mackenzie Thomas, clerk, 69 Franklin M.ickerl Catherine, 32 s Burke Mackerl Henry, pressfeeder, 32 s Burke Miukert Martin, lab. 302 Johnson iMiKkessy Edward, lab. 105 Elliott Mia-kess.v Patrick, lab. 125 Elliott Mac-key Henry, lab. 10 Ramsey Mackey John W. D. clerk, 110 Hiuiem av Ma«'key John, fireman, 23 Stockton al Mackey Wm. D. clerk, 110 Harlem av Mackie Henry C. driver, 10 Ramsay Miickin Francis M. brassfinisher, !46 n Bond Mackin Mrs. Mary, 77 Jefterson Mackin Michael J. c.irp. 257 Franklin Mackie Philip, lab. over 367 Light Mackliii John A. machinist, 17 e Monument Macklin J. J. lab. 660 Saratoga Macks David, clerk, 149 n Gay Macks Emanuel, clerk, 149 n Gay Macks Isaac, dry groods, 149 n Gay M.'icks Julius C. clerk, 149 n Gay Macks Mrs. Mary, 101 Lancaster Maclellan Arthur R. clerk, 90 n Republican Maclellan Rufus C. dried fruits, 52 s Calvert, dw 262 n Eutaw Maclin Joseph J. carp. 660 Saratoga Macinillen , canmkr, 197 s Chester Macnt-al Andrew L. carp. 242 e Fayette Macneal J. B. & Co (J. B. Macneal) grease, al(Ol:ol and oils. 34 s Calvert Macueal (Jhaiies L. bookkpr, 185 e Monument Macneal George A. tinner, 24 s Caroline Mactieal Jas. B. (J. B. M. & Co.) 242 e Fayette Macneal V\'mi. 58 Parkin Mncomber Geo. stonemason, 350 w Lombard Macomber Gideon, stonemason, 350 w Lombard Macon T. J. clerk, 101 w Lombard Macphersoti Jlrs. R. Anna, 40 Bolton Macwilliams Wm. baker,and flour com.mercht, 41 and 43 s Eden, dw 52 Spring row MACWILLIAMS WM. New York Home-made Bread Bakery, 41 and 43 s Eden, dw 52 Spring row. Macy Edwaid F. bookkjir, 4() Patterson av Macy Wm. D. rubber lined horse collars, 11 German, dw 40 Patterson av Madden Kvan C. blacksmith, 52 Whatcoat Madden George, butcher, 29 Brune Madden James jr. {ilumber, 66 Woodyear Madden John A. engineer, 140 German Madden John J. horseshoer, Dover nr McHenry Madden John, stonecutter, 27 Bureu Madden John, lab. 555 Saratoga Madden John, painter, 289 Bank Madden John, bottler, 16 President Madden Joseph F. lab. 52 Whatcoat Madden Mrs. Louisa F. 49o w Baltimore Madden Mrs. .Martha, chaircaner, 91 n Central av Madden Martin, hostler, 144 Druid Hill av Madden Patrick, laborer, 200 n Front Madden Patrick, lamplighter, 118 Preston Madden Patrick, 137 North Madden Stephen, coachpainter, 52 Whatcoat Madden Thomas, laborer, 12 Cuba Madden Thos. beer, cor Cooksie and Nicholson Madden Win. canmaker, 91 n Central av Maddox Benj P. salesman, 159 Mulberry Maddox C. C. printer, 83 Hollins Maddox Chas. T. 59 St. Paul Maddox Edward, gardener, 379 w Fayette Maddox Capt. Frank, mariner, 255 Light Maddox George, lab. 122 Conway Maddox George W. boilermkr, 151 Cross Maddox J. H. 227 n Republican MADDOX JOHN T. magistrate, 34 South, dw 197 e Monument Maddox M. salesman, Howard house Maddox Wm. J. med. student, 227 n Republican Maddux Alfred( Hurst, Puinell k Co. )7Hn Carey Maddux Anderlon P. constable, 3 s Ilollidav, dw 118 s Bond Maddux James, shoemaker, 228 Hollins Maddux Joseph, carp. 721 w Baltimore Maddux Dr. T. Clay, 23 n Calvert Madder John, lab. 39 Canixjn Mader Geo. J. lab. 19 Klliott Madigan D. Thomas, salesman, 40 s Greene Madigan John, mariner, 30 s Eden Madigan Thomas, lab. Cathedral ext Madigan Pi trick, mariner, 29 Cuba Madison Av.(M.E.) Church, cor Townsend and Madison av Madison James, shoemaker, 50 e Lombard Madison Ryland R. salesman, 17 Hanover Madison Square, bounded by Eager, Caroline, Chase and Eden Madison Square Centenary (M.E.) Church, cor Caroline and Eager Madleiner Michael, shoemaker, 27 Stirling Mady Frank, (M. w ■Ji OQ ^ o o ^4 be r-' Iz; c -^^ , .. n ■^ Oh o O) 4J Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. MAG 366 MAH I/} DC ^H o --^ c3 ce s- . ■^ k f— 1 »-. ;:< a- O) o > -^ t» TT V C a; a i S 'r^ f/> x> c o «*> "^ rt cd (1 ^ •o m o «fe- Miigeis Wm. R. clerk, 189 n Frout Magersupp Win. harnessmkr, (7 n Spring Mages JacQb, cigarmkr, 11 s Frederick Maoes N. & Co. (N. Mages, J. Stauff) wholes. iiianuf'rs tobacco, 11 s Frederick Mages Nicholas (N.M.& Co.) II s Frederick Magez John, .banjo school, 57 Centre Mkt sp Magher John, carter, 186 L. Constitution Miiglier Michael, carter, 186 L. Constitution - Maiiiii James M. machinist, 217 n Eden Mafiill John, police, 40 Park av MagiilJohn, machinist, TO Greeninount av Magill Patrick, feed, 315 w Biddle Magiliey Jas. machinist, 49 e Eager Magilley Mrs. Mary, grocery, 49 e Eager Magiliey Wm. painter, 48 Somerset Magne Allen C. clerk, 35 HoUins Magne Clias. N. 35 Hollins MAGNE & CHIPMAN (II Magne, Geo. Chip- man) nianutVs. chairs, office Us Calvert, cor German, factory Boston Magne Edwin, Wdodworker, 79j n Poppleton Magne H. (M. & Chipman) 35 Hollins Magne Horace jr. 35 Hollius MAGNE H., Manufacturer of Wooden Ware at Steam Mills, No. 408 w Pratt st., dw 35 Hollins. Magne Mrs. Jane A. 79^ n Poppleton Magness Benj. chair painter, 297 e Monument ^lagness Geo. W. soap packer, 42 Orleans Magness Henry F. (Michael, M. & Co.) Rising Sun hotel Magness Isabella, nurse, 322 e Chase Magness J. A. painter, Grant nr Baltimore, dw 40 Harford av .Magness Jas. E. coachtrimmer, 233 Mulberry Magness Jerome B. bricklayer, 297 e Monument Magness John, chairmkr, 233 ti Caroline Magness Lucj' Ann, 125 Boyd Magness Mary J. 233 n Caroline .Magness Moses N. lab. 521 w Lombard Magness Romulus, stonecutter, 46 Harford av Magness Stephen P. blacksmith, 339 Aisquith Magness Thos. H. proprietor Rising Sun hotel, 74 n High Magness Thos. M. brickpresser, 68 Battery av Magness Wesley, brickmkr, 300 Hanover Magness Wm. A. bricklayer, 420 Orleans Magness Zachariah, brickmkr, 239 Htnrietta Magraw John, drayman, 67 s Central av Magruder Allen B. attorney, 28 St. Paul, dw 592 w Fayette Magruder Daniel R. pres't Baltimore and Drum Point R.R., office 46 Lexington, dw Calvert co Magruder Edward W. grocery, 247 Walsh -Magruder Francis H. clerk, 119 n Charles Magruder Fred, confectioner, 6 Frederick av .Magruder Fred. G. confect'y, 2 n Republican Magruder Geo. G. painter, 71 n Oregon Magruder Geo. G. painter, 447 n Calhoun Magruder Haniliue, cor Park av and Howard Magruder Jas. E. music teacher, 447 n Calhoun Magruder Jesse H. attorney, 6 St. Paul,dw 168 Druid Hill av Magruder Josefih J. carp. 63 Chew Magruder Lyt. (T.J. Magruder & Co.) 262 Madi- son av Magruder Mrs. Narcissa, 72 St. Paul Magruder Oliver B.(O.B.M.&Co.)296 n Strieker Magruder Robert B. 119 n Charles Magruder 0. B. & Co. (0. B. Magruder) com. merchants and dealers in flour, grain, &c. 57 s Howard Magruder Robert, clerk, 262 Madison av Magruder T. J.(T.J.M & Co.) 262 Madison av MAGRUDER T. J. & CO. (T. J. Hamline and L. Magruder) com. merchants, shoes, hats, &c. 1 Hanover Maguire Anna, dressrakr, 135 w Fayette Maguire Mrs. A. R. 3 Cathedral .Maguire Barney, lab. 190 n Front Maguire Chas. M. school, 3 Cathedral Maguire Christopher, grocery, 784 vv Baltimore Maguire Elder, clerk, 161 e Eager Maguire Francis J. driver, 117 n Eden Maguire Frank, coachman, 82 Parkin Maguire Harrison, sailmkr, 101 William Maguire Hugh, clerk, 2u7 n Exeter Maguire James B. clerk, 416 Lexington Maguire James B. clerk, 247 Hollins Maguire James, lab. 116 s Central av Maguire John F. printer, 331 e Biddle Maguiie John, lab. 55 Preston Maguire John, driver, 109 Vine Maguire John F. fireman, 195 n Bethel Maguire Jos. H. clerk, 784 w Baltimore Maguire Jos. (J. A. Griffith & Co.) Cincinnati Maguire Mrs. Mary, 497 w Pratt Maguire Mrs. Mary A. 262 n Exeter Alaguire Patrick, hackman, 1 n Pine MAGUIRE PATRICK, prop'r Rose house, 24 and 26 n Gay Maguire Philiii, gardener, 135 w Fayette Maguire Soloiaon, lab. 8 Hollins al Maguire W. A. baker, 1 Waesche Maguire Mrs. Winifred, 117 n Eden Maguire Wm. scalemkr, 458 n Calhouu Maguire Wm. H. baker, 77 McHenry Maguire Wm. H. sailmkr, 101 VVilliam Maguire Wm. W. painter, 482 n Gay Mahan John, lab. 199 Ramsay Mahan Michael, lab. 77 Hilleu Mahan Thomas, lab. 263 Druid Hill av .Mahan Tbouias, huckster, 19 Sterrdt Mahaney E. H. collector, 42 St. Paul, dw 238 \v Lombard Mahaney Ferdinand, painter, 62 n Pine Mahaney James M. chairmkr, 375 a Gay .Mahaney John, collecior, 42 St. Paul,'dw 238 w Loinl)ard Mahaney John jr. 238 w Lombard .Mahaney Thomas, lab. 71 York Mahar .Mrs. Ann, grocery, 94 York Mahar Daniel, lab. 80 Luzerne Mahar Dennis, millwright, 20 Henrietta Mahar Mary, 94 York Maiiar Michael, lab. 80 Luzerne Maharg Wm. machinist, l6o Hudson Mahen Thomas, machinist, 66 Somerset .Maher lOdwaid, lab. Federal nr Oak Maher Martin, clerk, 536 Aisquitii Mahla Casper, lab. 208 s Aim .Mahia Fred, tobacconist, lo8 Thames Mahla Herman, iaii. 139 S Bethel Mahle Juhn C. grocery, 16 Carlton Mahler Christopher, tailor, 66 Ceiitre Market sp Mahler Christian, coppersmith, 103 McElderry Mahler Mollie, millinery, 139 n Eutaw MahlluMiry John, lab. 135 Henrietta Mahlslead Fred, stevedore, 162 s Washington Malm Frank, turn, wagon, 64 Ridgely Mahn Fred, grocery. Pine and Josephine HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ^^^T^ 367 MAL MAH Mahon Darby, grocery, 177 s Chester Mahon John, city cart, 17 Second Mahon John, beer, U Centre Market sp Mahon John, beer, 7 Centre Market sp Mahon Kery, shipcarp. 12 n Poppletou Mahon Dr.'Orrasby S. 138 n Exeter Mahone Albert, bricklayer, 418 n Calhoun Mahone Daniel W. clerk, 465 Lexington Mahone L. bricklayer, 352 n Strieker Mahoney Cornelius, tailor, 196 n Eden Mahoney Hannah, 43 Block Mahoney James, hib. 47 s Dewberry al Mahoney John, painter, 52 n Oregon Mahoney John, teacher, Blind Asylum, North av Mahon V Jolin C. (J. C. M. i|- Co.)Hoffman and Druid Hillav MAHONY JOHN C. & CO. (J. C. Mahony, H. Fleming ioyster and fruit packers, Boston nr Burke Mahony Thos. lab. 17 Binney Mahool Thomas, (Goidsborough, Foster & Co.) 175 n Howard i Mahorney John, lab. 61 Greenniount av ' Mahorney John W, plumber, H's Gough Mahorney John W. canmkr, 148 Gough Mahorney Woodford, boots,shoes, 235 Eastern av Mahr Dennis, drayman, 27 Buren Malir Henry S. ci-;armkr, 122 Mulberry Mahr John, stevedore, 171 s Wolfe Mahr J'>hn, draymm, 27 Buren . Mahr John N. shoemkr, 490 Penna av Mahrer Heury, cigarmkr, 47 Myrtle av Mahrer John, cigarmkr, 458 Saratoga Mahrer Joseph, helper, 87 n Schroeder Mahrer Mrs. Margaret, confec'y 47 Myrtle av Maidlow Chas. C. huckster, 309 Penna av Maier Henry, cabinetmkr, 16 n Wolfe Maier Henry, whitewasher, 280 Aisquith Maier John G. & Son(J.G.and L. Maier)paints and oils, 61 n Gay Maier Juo. G ^J.G.M.& SoD)York rd nrWyan- oke av Maier Lewis, (John G. M. & Son) York rd nr Wyanoke av Maier Rev. L. D. 94 e Fayette Maier Mrs. Mary, 198 n Front Mail Benjamin, driver, 75 s Central av JIaihl John, shoemkr, 84 Dolphin Maihl Tnomas, upholsterer, 108 n Schroeder Mailey James, lab. 192 Ramsay Mailey James A. liquors, &c. 147 Albemarle Mailey John, currier, 147 Albemarle Mailhouse Jos. J. dry goods, 124 s Broadway Mailhouse Sul. J. cigarmkr, 353 n Broadway Main Andrew, miller, 217 Battery av Mainley James, horse dealer, 17 n Washington Mainley Samuel, tinner, 4 McElderry Mainster Jacob, police, 104 s Chester Mainz Henry, baker, 127 Conway Mainz John jr. cigarmkr, 43 Portland Mainz John, cigarmkr, 43 Portland Mairs James, carter, 531 Light Mrtisch Fred, shoemkr, 222 Penna av Maisch Heury, cigarmkr, 67 n Gay Maisch John, porter, 202 Penna av Maisch John, feed, 84^ s Fremont Maisch John F. (J.F.M. &Co.)84j s Fremont Maisch J. F. & Co. (J. F. Maisch)tiour and feed, 196 German Maisch Wm. clerk, 202 Penna av Maischein Nicholas, cigarmkr, 54 s Eutaw Maiser Fred, machinist, 77 Bank Maisel Geo. clerk, 24 Holland Maith Capt. Wm. mariner, 24 Henrietta Maitland Benj. 233 Madison av Maiilaud Mrs. Laura, 46 Mt. Vernon pi Maitland Lindley, bookkpr, 233 Madison av .Maitland Samuel, cigarmkr, 233 Madison av Maitland W. Seaton, 233 Madison av Major Rev. James, Loyola College Makart Charles, lab. 219 s Wolfe Maize D. 0. E. carp. 159 Johnson Makepeace Benj. M. (M. & Co.) 28 Cathedral Makepeace Mrs. Susan, 28 Cathedral MAKEPR.\CE & CO. (B. M. Makepeace,) dry MOods com. raeichts, 1 and 3 German Maker Adolphus, machinist, 765 Light Maker Conrad, lab. 765 Light Makibbin Mrs. Ella, 360 Saratoga Makibbin Chas. H. clerk, 360 Saratoga Makosche Chas. mariner, 283 s Bond Makosche Minnie, mantuamkr, 283 3 Bond Malane Dennis, lab. 168 McHenry Malatesta John, fruit, Hanover and Baltimore, dw 61 President Malambre J. ^L traveling agent, 143 Barre Malbon Mis. Bmeline, tailoress, 377 Lexington Malbon Henry, carp. 377 Lexington Malcolm Dr. Douglis, 213 w Biddle Malcolm Henry, solicitor, 213 w Biddle Malcolm Mrs. James, 213 w Biddle Malcolm J. C. clerk, 213 w Biddle q Maldeis Albert H.coachtrimr, 1 19Greenmount av q Maldeis C. Reinald, painter, 102 Hillen Maldeis Fred, harnessmkr, 150 w Fayette, dw <^ 57 Myrtle av Maldeis Herman, cooper, 102 Hillea Males Wm. H. moulder, Woodberry Malek Mrs. Barbara, tailoress, 42 Barnes Malfeld Fred, sawyer, 2o6 .Mullikin Malfeld Wm. cooper, 206 .Mullikin Mali W. E. clerk, Waverley Malin Patrick, 139 Harford' av Malkus Daniel, carp. 8 Walker Malkus Ernest, cabinetmkr, 8 Walker ^ Malkus Philip, lab. 8 Walker ^ Malkus Philip, cabinetmkr, 125 McElderry f> Mallalieu Frank S. plumber, 121 Mulberry Mallalieu John B. (H.C. Ullrich & Co. )190 Barre OQ Mallalieu M. J. dresstukr, 121 n Charles l^ Mallalieu S. E. wrapping paper, 113 Franklin, ^^ dw Mosher nr Myrtle av Mallalieu Sarah, 121 n Charles Mallalieu Wm. H. H. plumber, 84 n Gilmor Mai Ian John, water dept. 286 Harford av Mallen James, grocery, 55 s Gilmor Mallen John T. clerk, 55 s Gilmor Mallinckrodt Geo W. salesman, 31 2 Madison av O Mallinckrodt Louis W. (Wm. M. & Son,) 438 IZ^j Madison av <^ Mallinckrodt Wm. ( Wm. M. & Son, ) 268 Druid q» Hillav MALLINCKRODT WM. & SON, (Wm. and L. CQ W. Mallinckrodt)imprs.cloths,22 German '^ Mallon Mrs. Catherint-, 8 Neighbor ; .„„ Mallon Henry, engineer, 8 Neighbor Mallon John, 267 Lexington Mallon Rosanna, fancy ^^oods, 235 Hollins Mallon Thos. boilermkr, 19 Concord Mallon Thos. plumber, 8 Neighbor Mallonee Geo. carp. 30 Patterson av Mallonee Geo. clerk, 94 Columbia Mallonee Mrs. Johanna, dry goods, 881 w Bal- timore 00 a a o c3 o O o o 02 (A IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. MAL 368 MAN H w H p:^ ^ ^ ~ >H < <1 H W o rn o •^ rp O 00 Z—t o ^ ^ 1— ' 1-H ^ <1 w OQ O o & Jz; ? •- CO '^ O 'I' S-3 ^ D ip Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. MAN 370 MAR 32 ^1 ;-l w OJ (Tl c a> 'ri >> O) o ic J^ Ih l r. w S H O a Ph . o ^ > > Mansfield Nathan, collector, 140 s Paca Mansfield Dr. R. W. 117 s Broadway Mansfield Richard, bricklayer, 250 e Fayette Mansfield, iSarauel, clerk, 705 w Baltimore Mansfield Win. 250 e Favette MANSION HOUSE HOTEL, n w cor Fayette and St. Paul, Isaac Albcrtson, prop'r Manson Geo. A. mariner, 250 Bank Mahson John G. shipjoiner, 250 Bank Manson Mrs. Sarah, 250 Bank Manstein R. restaurant, 51 n Liberty Manter Philip, lab. 430 f]asterii av Mantle Mrs. Sarah, 419 w Lombard Mantle Scott, fireman, 419 w Lombard Mantle \Vm. police, 26 s Calhoun Man tier Charles, driver, 16 Stockton Mantler Geo. jr. carter, 16 Stockton Manlier Geo. butcher, 16 Stockton .Maniz Alex. K. water dept. 82 n Carey Mantz Cyrus, (M., Markey & Co.) 63 n Strieker Miintz Francis M. dispatcher, 214 Barre .Mantz, Markey &Co.(C.. Mantz and H. S. Markey ) saddlery hardware, 16 s Charles Mantz Wm. H. tobacconist, 401 w Baltimore, dw 313 Hollins Mantz Wm. (Frey, Walpert & Co.) 282 n Eden Manz Jacob, drayman, 65 Penna av Manzer Andrew, porter, 184 s Bethel Manuel Bartley, police, 53 s High Manydier Wm. H. clerk, 302 Walsh Manyon Martin, lab. 195 Ramsay Mapp H. M. salesman, St. Clair hotel Marble Hall Clothing House, cor Baltimore and Frederick Marburg Albert, clerk, 397 w Fayette MARBURG BROS (C. L., L. H. and W. A. Marburg jr. )manutVs. tobacco and cigars, 145, 147 and 149 s Charles Marburg Charles L. (Marburg Bros.) 397 w Fayette Marburg Louis H. (M. Bros.) 397 w Fayette Marburg Wm.A.jr. (M.Bros.) 397 w Fayette Marburger Charles, joiner, 213 Hanover Marburger Christian, cabinetmkr, 213 Hanover Marburger Herman, cooper, 5 Maccubbin Marburger John H. cutter, 208 Barre Marburger Louis, tailor, 54j Harrisoa Marburger Peter, tailor, 148 Diuid Hill av Marcelett Charles .M. cigarmkr, 515 n Gay March Mrs. C. Virginia, 128 n Pine March Geo. W. carter, 244 Montgomery March Jacob, nighman, 420 Hanover March James, tailor, 182 Scott March Madison, hatter, 182 Scott March Max, shoenikr, 343 s Bond March Philip, nightman, 244 Montgomery March Philip jr. nightman, 420 Hanover March Wm G. sr. speculator, 197 George Marchant A. W. wheelwright, 27 Pleasant Marchant Seth A. carp. 106 Jackson sq av Marchi Joseph, images, 67 President Marck Allen L. jiainter, 327J Peuna av Marck John, cigarmkr, 351 e Eager Marck Michael, tobacconist, 327^ Penna av Marck Wm. B. cigarmkr, 327j Penna av Marcks Geo. H. tobacconist, n w cor Druid Hill av and Biddle Marco Salvatori, fruit, |n w cor Pratt and Fred- erick Marcus Daniel, cabinetmkr, 8 Walker Marcus Ernst, cabinetmkr, 8 Walker Marcus Henry (H. Marcus & Son) 54 Conway Marcus Henry & Son (Henry and Win. Marcus) wool, hides, furs, &c. 7 Camden Marcus Wm. (H.M.& Son) 54 Conway Marcus Samuel H. clerk, 54 Conway Marcusi Mrs. Bertha (Mrs.B.M.&Co ) 146 Lex- inia Marker John \V. S. tinner, 377 Saratoga Marker Samuel W. carp. 377 Saratoga .Marker Clias. lab. rear 113 Lexington Jlarkert Aug. jr. grocery, 65 a Scliroeder ilarkert Chas. cabiiietiukr, 140 Henrietta JIarkert Isadore, baker, 2 McHenrj Markert .Mrs. Magdalene, notions, 78 n Wolfe MARKERT A. R. piopr, Wasbingtoa hotel, 82 s Kutaw ilarkes Jefferson, engineer, 180 Hollins 3Iarkey Wni. brakeman, Woodberry Markey H. S. (Mantz.M.& Co.) 357Madi3onav Marklev Harry S. 357 Madison av Markla'ud Chas. H. (Win. T. JIarkland & Bro.) 56 Columbia ilarkland John, silverplater. Eagle hotel ilarkland Richard, carp. Kagle hotel MARKLAXD WM. T. & BRO. (Wm. T, and Chas. H. Marklaad) carps, and builders, 39 Clav W. T MARKLAND & BRO Oarpgnters and iuiidir§ *«i Office & Shop, No. 39 Clay St. One door West of Park Avenue. Mark land Wm. T. teacher, 100 a Bond IMarkland Wm. T. (Wm. T. M. and Bro.) 56 i Columbia Markley Samuel, driver, Harford rd nr Home- stead Markoe Frank, editor and prop, of the Enquirer, office 2s| South, dw 400 Druid Hill av Markolf Wm. cooper, 320 s Sharp Marks Aaron, 97 n Front Marks Benj. mariner, 82 s Castle Marks Bernhardt, sec. band cloihiug, 216 s Caioline Marks Mrs. Gertrude, mantuamkr. 158 a Bond Vlarks Hyman, clothing, 61^ Harrison Marks Hymaa, tailor, 138 s Puca Marks Moses, clerk, 71 n Eu taw- Marks Mrs. Mary J. mantuamkr, 10 n Wash- ington tfarks Oscar M. carp. 191 e Fayette vlarks Thos. H carp. 10 a Wasbingtoa darks Thos. M. carp, 10 n Washington larks Wm. bazaar, 71 n Eutaw darks Wm. R. miner, 148 Hillen larks Wm. collector, 148 Hillen larler Joseph, turner, 212 Stirling larley Geo. W. bricklayer, 560 w Lombard larlej Jas. R. sr. bricklayer, 341 Myrtle av larley Jas. R. jr. 341 .Myrtle av larley James, lab. 24 Burrough larlej John H. weigher, 3'J-i Hanover larley Wm. lab. 77 Battery av larling Henry E. watchman, 36 n Schroeder farling Tbeo. milkman, First ar Eastern av [arlow Jas. H. carp 60 Preston MarloW James P. conductor, 17 Weber Mario w Levi, clerk, 17 Patterson av Marlow Louis, cigaimkr, 47 Ridgely Marnell .Martin, driver, 8 Patterson Park av Maroney James, lab. 198 Chesnut ilarquard Geo. W. tailor, 55 Gieenmount av .Marquardt Karl, paver, 10 Shakspear Marquardt Henry, shoemkr, IO85 Ensor Marquette John N.( Griffith k .M.Jsi s Caroline x Marquis Rev. D. C. 308 w Fayette ^ Marquordt Wm. beer, 35 Ensor M.irr J. T. bowling alley-, 47 w Fayette, and ^ 152 u Howard, dw 144 n Republican ^ Jlarr John, lab. 28 Patterson av — .Marr John, clerk 351 Hamburg P^ ■Marr John G. fish and cheese, 15 Jasper , — ■ Marr Leno.\, huckster, 29 s Poppleton ~ Marralti Lawrence, musician, 60 President ^ Marrion Peter, trunkmkr, 11 B.ikt-r p MMrriolt .Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding. 124 s Sharp 3 Marriott Chas. E. carp. 64 ri Schroeder S MARRIOTT GEURGb; H. M. manufr. cigars, 25 •£ German nr Calvert, dw 377 Druid Hillav -;r Marriott Henry, niachinist, 289 .McHenry ^'A Marriott J. H. W. (Globe Printing Co.) dw "^ Howard house ;J .Marriott J. McKim, clerk, 24 Hanover Jx: Marriott Joseph, bricklayer, 56 n Ann ^ Jlarriott John, coachmkr, 186 Penua av r Marriott John S. lamplighter, 208 e Pratt O .Marriott Joshua A. tinner, 464 Franklin O Marriott >ioel Byron, printer, 124 s Sharp ^ MarrioltRichd. J. W. stonecutter, 465 Franklin -^ MARRIOTT TELFAIR, real estate broker, 24 r> n Charles, dw St. Paul and Saratoga "IZ? Marriott Thos. sec'y Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of;x: Anne Arundel and Howard counties, 32 St. ^ Paul, dw Laurel ^ Marriott Thos. bricklayer, 56 n Ann Marriot Wilbur L. currier, 124 s Sharp .Marriott Jlrs. Wm. H, 177 Linden av ""' .Marrow Clias. F. 42 n Carey • Marshberger Paul, shoemkr, 3t;4 Hamburg r^ Marsh Henry, butcher, 77 Centre, aad27Belair^ markets, dw Jenkins la '"^ Marschutx Max, clerk, 175 n Gay Marsden E. H. cleik, 59 Brune Marsden Ellas, tailor, 59 Brune Marsder. EliasS. 59 Brune Marsden Frank, printer, 173 Preston r/j Marsden James, conductor, 321 Hoffman Marsden James B. carpenter, 93 Jasper, dw 173 *^ Preston ^^ Marsden John H. stairbuilder, Jasper nr Mul- ryi berry, dw 8 George j-k Marsh Chas. 0. clerk, 351 a Bond .Marsh Geo. carter, 18 Durst al Marsh Geo T. barkpr, Pepper's hotel Marsh Henry C. b.ikery, 184 w Biddle Marsh H. J. salesman, St. Clair hotel .Marsh John, shoemkr, 422 Saratoga 2- .Marsh John, lab. 16 Bartlett p^ .Marsh Salome, iuspecioi C. H. 3i3 e Eager ^ .Marsh Susanna, dressmkr, 180 e Monument qJ Maisli Thatcher, fireman, ) s Republican Marsh Capt. Walter, mariner, llu Hughes .Marsh Dr. Wm. H. 184 w Biddle .Marsh Wm. carter, 229 William Marsh Wra. engineer, 1 s Repuiilican Maishael Reul»eii, costumer. 3 L(nv, dw 5 .Marsliad Adam, tailor, 74 Oxford Marshall Albert, clerk, 44 Jackson GQ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Miittial Life Insurance Co. of New York. MAR 372 MAR H O'J H !>^ Z, <1 a O < tn H j-t P 1— 1 O o ro r/.) oc iz; 6 o 25 <1 O OS ^§ Q f^ a 3 = ^ W > W2 n Eutaw Martin Mary L. 50 n Liberty Martin Mary E. tavern, Boston opp. Atlantic whf, (Janton Martin & McAndrews( P.Martin, B.McAndrews) wholesale liquor, 142 Frnnklin Martin Michael, lab. 528 w P it Martin Owens, hacks, 154 Ju..uson c; Martin Parry, plasterer, 216 w Fayett« Martin Patrick ;M. & McAndrews) 19 w Chase Martin Patrick, lab. 8 Webster ct Martin Patrick, salesman, 65 w Biddle Martin Patrick, lab. 41 s Stockton al .Martin Patrick, lab. 168 McHcnry Martin Patrick H. grocery, Eutaw and Ross .Martin Paul, 341 Saratoga Martin Philip, stonemason, 31 Frederick av .Martin Mrs. Rachel, tailoress, 87 Grindall Martin Reuben, shoemkr, 10 Jones ct Jlarin iiobt. coachsmitb, 219 Doli)hin Martin Roiit. W. canmkr, 86 Jetferson Martin Robt. K. civil engineer, Barnum's hotel ^ Martin Samuel, cinarmkr, 67 Pearl ^ Martin Samuel, shoe store. 614 w Baltimore C Mariin Samuel, clerk, 540^ w Fayette ^ Mariin Samuel T. lab. 67 Pearl ^ Martin Samuel F. produce com. mercht, 118 nPQ Eutaw, dw 237 ilullierry Martin Dr. Samuel B. 133 e Pratt q Martin Samuel A. 55 Ettiiiir Q Martin Mrs. Sarah. Waverley Martin Stephen, plumber, 227 Hollins ^ Martin Stephen, grocery, 32 Hampslead ^ Martin Stephen H.clerk,over Bank of Commerce Martin Thos. driver, 21 Penna av c^ Martin Thos. engineer, 4 Ali^emark Martin Thos. H. chiropodist, 279 n Broadway Q Martin Thos. lab. 82 Clinton Q Martin Thus, stonecutter, 32 s Strieker (^ Martin Thos. lab. 117 Elliott ^>. Martin Thos. H. shoemkr, 7 St. Paul, dw 279 i> n Broadway ^• Mariin Thos. H. salesman, 56 St. Paul f^ Martin Thos. E. paperhanger, 634 w Baltimore • Martin Thos. J. caulker, 87 Grindall ^ Martin Valentine J. piinter. 22 Lloyd t^ Martin Walter, carp. 327 Harford av ^ Martin Walter A carp. 9 Clarke Martin Wm. T. engineer, 368 e Fayette Martin Wm. machinist. 357 Cathedral Mariin Wm. F. baggage master, 101 s Paca Martin Wm. rij:ger, 21 Fell Martin Win. mariner, 21 Fell Martin Wm. D. school, 145 Lanvale Martin Wm. D. carp. 506 Franklin Martin Wm. C. clerk, 614 w Lombard Martin Wm. J. bookkpr, 395 Lexington Martin Wm. J. paperhanger, 243 e Fayette .Martin Wm. P. clerk, 136 Hanover .Martin Wm. Robinson,. salesman, 540^ w Fa_\ette ^ Mariin Win S. carp. Boston opp Atlantic whf, ^i:^ Can ion Mariin Wm.T. cigar boxmkr, 104 s Charles, dw ^ 5 Leadenhall Martin Wm. H. beer, 25 n Frederick Martin Wm. H. brakeman, nr Sweet Air Martindale F. G. 535 w Fayette Mariindale H. H. clerk, ISBarnet Martinenche Louis M. shoemkr, 156 n Calvert Martinez Antonio M. (Martinez & Co.) 260 Myr-^ lie av j*-K Martinez Antonio (H. P. Dyer & Co.) St. Clair ^ hotel '^ MARTINEZ & CO. (A. M.Martinez, A.Alvaraz) *~^ importers Havana cigars, 192 w Baltimore f-( Martini Adolph, grocer, Gough and Dallas oQ Martini Albert, driver, 379 Canton av <:^ .Martini Anastasia, boilermkr, 67 s Central av Q Martini Fermine, cigarmkr, 67 s Central av Martini Herman, grocery, 209 Eastern av o <1 7^ ^, (-, M 5" cl! , ^ ^ - ~ >5 ^y o H J ^ T S »: g Ki s 2 H '\: — ai h O I 3 = S-. ^^ it Martini John, salesman, Durham and Eastern av Martino \Vm. painter, 102 Johnson JIartinotti Francisco, liairdresser, 68 Jefferson Martins John, bookkpr.Detimead nr Mainland av Martins Wm. F. printer, Deninead nr Mary- land av Martinson John, cabinetmkr, Brown and James Martyne Lamotte H. clerk', 509 w F'ayette Maitz Frederick, nightman, 172 Kastern ar Marvel Alfred S. caiimkr, 49 n Wolfe Miirvel Ephraiin. lun)berm:in, 22 Oi'leans Marvel Georgre W. 49 n Wolfe Marvin's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Riggs & Co. agents. :^.5 PostoflRce av Marx Albert, clerk, 94 s Sharp Maix Andrew, lab. 10(5 Patuxent Marx Andrew, bntcher, .^23 Orleatis Marx Ferd. rigger, 43 s Wolfe M.irx Mrs. Hannah, 8 n Dallas iMarx John D. machinist, 4,^ s Wolfe Mars Mrs. Mary E. 51 n Wolfe Marx Peter, tailor, 51 n Wolfe Marx Peter tailor, 69 and 71 Saratoga, dw Mansion house Marye W. Nelson, clerk Franklin Bank, dw 54 w Madison Marye Robert M. clerk, 54 w Madison Marye J. L. ins. auent, basement 8 South, dw 51 Lexington Maryland Academy of Arts, A. J Volck, prin- cipal. 122 w Fayette Maryland Agricultural and Mechanical Associ- ation, s w cor Eutaw and Fayette, A. B. Davis, pres'f, T. B. Dorsey, sec'y Maryland Academy of Sciences, 32^ Mulberry Maryland Bent-ficial Association, H. K. Hoff- man, pres't, over 10 South MARYLAND BREWERY, Holliday nr Centre, T. M. Dukehart, prup'r Maryland F5ag Factory, Klinefelter Bros, prop's, s w cor Pratt and South M irylaiid Bible Society Rooms, 25 n Charles, Wm. H. Cole, agent Maryland Blast Furnace, (H. W. EUicotl) cor Jackson and West, s side Basin nr city yard Maryland Club, n e cor Franklin and Cathedral Mar} land Cattle Scales, Calverton rd Maryland Dairy, J. Sivage Williams, prop'r, John .M. E. Valk, sup't, n e cor Biddle and Jordan al Marybind College of Pharmacy, 12 w Baltimore, J. Brown Baxlev, dean MARYLAND & DELAWARE SHIP CANAL CO. 52 Lexington, Linthicum & Alexander, managers and counsel Maryland Dental College of Baltimore city, 42 n Calvert. Dr. R. B. Winder, dean Maryland Rive and Far Inlirmarv, 77 Saraioore MARYLAND INSTITUTE FOR PROMOTING MECHANIC ARTS, John S. Selby, actuary, Baltimore opp Hiii-ison Maryland Inst, for Instructiou of Blind, F. D. Morrison, sup't, North av nr Charles Marybunl Institution (colored) for deaf, dumb and blind. F.D.Morrison, sup't. 92 s Broadway MARYLAND INS. AND SECURITY CO W. W. Spence, pres't, Wm. B. Wilson, sec'y, office 57 Second Maryland Jockey Club Oden Bowie, pres't, J. D. Feiguson, sec'v, fiS ii Chailes MARYLAND LIFE INS.CO. OF BALTIMORE, 10 South, Geo. P. Thomas, pres't Maryland Lying-in Asvhun, Dr. S W. Seldner. resident physician, 163 w Lombard Maryland Meter Works, Dickey, Baker & Co. proprs. 53 North and 22 Siratoga MARYLAND PENITENTIARY, Madison and Forrest MARYLAND PERM. LAND AND BUILDING SOCIETY, John A. Robb, sec. 50 w Fayette Maryland Perpetual build ng and improvement association, IG Courtland MARYLAND PILOT ASSOCIATION, John H. Cooper, pres't, 83 Thames Maryland Savings Institution, over s wcor Gay Gav and Exeter MARYLAND SCHILLINGER AR- TIFICIAL STONE CO., J. I. Mc- carty, Pres't, S. Wailes, Sec'y, 3 Postoffice av Maryland State Hay Scales, cor Monument and Buren MARYLAND STEAMBOAT CO. 98 Light-st wlif, Howard B. Ensign, pres't Maryland State Poultry Association, Schwin's hall, 21 and 23 w Pratt MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING CO. Stirling, Ahrens ^^ Co.agts, O'Dounell's and Diman's wharves MARYLAND TRACT SUND VY SCHOOL AND EVANGELICAL BOOK DEPOSI- TORY. 73 w Favette Maryland Turner Association, 51 s Eutaw MARYLAND WHITE LEAD CO., Locust Point, office 89 w Lombard, John Curlelt, pres't, Wm. R. Flnhartv, sec'y MARYLAND WINDOW" GLASS WORKS, Seim & Emory propr's, foot Leadenhall Maryland Wire Works, Stidman & Co. 11 n Frederick M irz Conrad J. cabinetmaker, 232 e Lombard Marz Edward, tobacconist, 350 Light Marz Peter, tailor, 124 Boyd Marzi Pliilij), shoemlir, 29 Hampstead Marzi Philip, boots and shoes, 65 e Baltimore, dw 29 IIaini)stead Mask Chas. moulder, 188 German Mask George V. 5 n Front HOLMES ife CO., Engineers' und Machinists' Tools and Sup{3lie8. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. MAS 37( MAT Mask Isaac G.. Baker ext Mask Mrs. J. 56 McHetiry .Mask Mrs. Josephine, 3G n Poppleton .M isk Will. A. car]). Lemmoii nr Gilmor .Maskcll Jos. H. mariner, 490 Canton av .Maskell \Vm. H. engineer, Strieker nr McHenry .Maslin Jas. M. ( Pe.irre Uros. & Co.) 146 Bolton .Ma^lin Thoiu.as, 596 " Favetle Maslin Will. n. ^Buck, Henry & Co.) 113 w Monument Mason Mrs. Augusta, hoarding.', 103 Hanover Mason Carlton, gardener, Quaker la nr Waverley Mason Christian, bal:er, 26 Peiim av Mason Charles C. clei-k, 643 w Fayette Mason Cliarles F. clerk, 2 si w Fayette Mason Charles W. clerk, 128 .McElderry Mason Charles W. bookkpr, 281 w Fayette Mason Edward. (M. & Sons) 124 Chew Mason Edward H. (M. k Sons) 122 Chew Mason (n'Orjic, cleik. 6-^ C < < O S M o O «- r/? O CX) OD <^ ^ »-< ?^ |o « o o o o fen' < J? O Matelintr Ht-nrj', crrocery and liquors, 16 Cross, dw 272 Hanover Mateliiig Peter, machinist, 272 Hanover Matelirii^ Rudolph, 272 Hanover Mates Mis. Aj^nes. 17 Brown la Mathaney Daniel T. pilot, 105 Gouu'h Mathaney James, \s-atchiuan, 24 O'Donnell Jfaihaney James T. chairmkr, 21 Harrison Mathaney Rohert L. clerk, 24 O'Donnell Malhaus Frank, tailor, 7 Cliapel ct Mathaus J()se[)h, tailor, 7 Chapel ct Matheides Annie, 43 Abbott Mathers I'fe Co. (James Mathers) niercht. tailors, 32 n Charles Mathers James (M. & Co.) 187 Towiisend Mathes Jacob (Pracht k Co.) 117 German Matliews .Abralunn .M plownikr, Oxford York rd .Mathews George E printer, .'JO n Coliington av Mathews Geo. H. (I. M. & Co.) 30G Myrtle av Mathews Harriet, dressmkr, 4">^ George Mathews I. (I. M. & Co.) Baltimore co Mathews I. & Co. (I. and Geo. H.Mathews) real estate brokei-s, 39 Lexington MATHEWS & LONEV ( R . S. Mathews, H. D. Loney) attorneys, 46 Lexington Mathews John, moulder. 10 Burtlett .Mathews John, lab. 30 Woodyear Mathews Robert, clerk, 30 Woodyear Mathewri R. Stockett (M. & Loney) and register in banl^ruptcv, 230 n Charles Mathias John P. T. (J. H Windsor & Co.)Eutaw house Mathias John, machinist, 271 s Paca ' Mathias J. T. 339 n Kulaw Mathias Sylvester, clerk, l.'SD w Lombard Mathias Wm. laborer, 12 Warner Mathieu Antonio M. cigarmkr, 8 n Caroline Mathieu Dr. C. Ferdinand, 24.5 e Baltimore .Mathiot Mrs. .Aug. 350 Madison av Mathiot James H. furniture, 27 n Gay, dw 253 n Caroline Mathiot .Mrs. Margaret, 80 s High MATHIOT OCTAVTAN L. turn., mattresses, carpets. &c. Fayette and Howard, dw 83 nPaca Mathiot Preston, upholsterer, 80 s High MathisWm. blacksmith, 87 Parkin Mathison George, printer, 59 Harford av Mathison John, moulder, 29 McElderry .MatS'jn Henry, tavern, 64 Tiiames Mattan Henry .M.watchmkr, West nr B.ittery av Matter Julius, cabinetmkr, 8 ^tna la -Matter Alug, cigarmkr, 8 yEtna la .Vlattern Henry, tanner, 179 n Eden Matterson Chas. cabinetmkr, 88 n Washington Matlfeldt Chas. ( Biaun,. \l. &Co. )Mt. Washington .Matthaci Louis, cooper, 175 s Charles MATTHAL INGRAM & CO. (J. C. Matthai, J. E. Ingram, G.W.Knapp)wholes. tinware and house furn. goods, and cutlery, 52 n Howard .Matthai John C.(.M., Ingram &"Co.) Halt, co Matthes Peter, restaurant, 231 s Broadway Matthews Alfred C. N. (F. W. Bennett & Co.) 199 Franklin Matthews Bartly, lab. 332 Hanover .Matthews Benj. F. clerk Boston Steamship Co. 17 s High Matthews & Bro. (Jesse and John T. .Matthews) carps, and builders, Oxford, Vork rd Matthews Ohas. ins. agent, 41« Light Matthews Chas. T. (Hull, Matthews & Co.) 100 n High Matthews Emerson L. clerk, 93 Cathedral MATTHEWS E. GKO. cotton broker, over 13 Cheapside, dw 200 w Hofftnan Matthews .Mrs. Elizabeth M. 121 n Exeter Matthews Franklin, barber, 149 Columbia Matthews Fred. gla?sl)lower, 397 s Eutaw Matthews Geo. printer, 59 Harford av Matthews Geo. lab. 40 Liberty al Matthews Geo. R. carp. 291 s Sharp .Mail hews Geo. W. letter carrier, 241 S irato;?a Matthews Henrv, hostler, 72 n Schioeder Matthews Henry C. (T.M. &Son)383 Madison av Matthews & Hildebrand (Jol.n W. M.Uthews, Geo. W. Hildebrand) furniture, s e cor How- ard and Saratoga Matthews Dr. I. Earl, 308 Ramsay Matthews James P. asst. editor American, 96 n Broadway .Matthews Jennie, dressnd. 5 Ma.Vdwell & Thompson, (IJ. C. Maydwell.A.D. Thompson) job [irinteis, over 20 Second Mavdweil Wm. B. bricklayer, 354 e Fayette Mayenchien Henry, tailor, 53 .Myrtle av Mayer & Bro. (C.F. and C. L. .Mayer)importers German, English and French fancy goods, 4 n Howard Mayer Brantz, paymaster U. S. A. 16 McCulloh Mayer Mrs. C. boarding, 43 Hanover Ma\er Chas. lab. Hamburt; and Abev al s^ a O C2 , o o J >; MAYEH, CARROLL & CO. ( C. F. .Mayer,S.S. *r^ 30 -7- Carroll) miners and shippers of coal, 13 Ji., f-S 5 German ,.^ _2 ^ Maver Mrs. Christian, 269 Aliceanna S 'S "^ Mayer Chas F.(M,Carroll&Co.)lo9w Monument e [^ ..c Mayer Christopher L.(M&Bro.)10!> wMonument <» 2 Ma\er David, draughtsman, 2 n Carey V 2 •- Maver Elias, ( Kliel ^ M.) 106 s Sharp S tS c Mayer Mrs. Eliza C. 363 Park av g ti " Mayer B. Francis, artist, 363 Park av § o iS Mayer Fred'k turner, 323 Lee ^ '—^^ Mayer Frederick, tailor, 63 Hanover Maver H. bee •, 263 clerk i Wolte 93 HaHover be o"' - -'■> C C Mayer Henry, e _c '5 Mayer Dr. Jacob. 2 n Carey fS ^ "^ Mayer Johanna F. notions, 63 Hanover >^ ^ Mayer John, restaurant, 49 Hrown ►,5 1J J: Mayer John, baker\, 401 Light ■ ^ J Mayer John A. whipmkr, 269 Aliceanna ?^ ^ " Mayer John F. shoemkr, 269 .\liceanna Ma>er Lewis, attorney, 29 St. Paul, d\v Park av Maver Martin, lab. 1()6 Lancaster "J o 363 Mayer Moses, cattle, 163 Orleans Mayer Philip, tailor, 109 Ensor Mayer Wm. B. clerk, Washington hotel Mayers Simon, blacksmith, Chappell nrPennaar Mayes (Jeo. W. stomnmson, 439 n Central av Mayes John U. blacksmith, 439 n Central av Mavelte Alphonso, confec'y, 75 n Fremont Mayhcw Mis. W. K. 47 McCulloh Mayliue Mrs. Mary, 42 Hampstead Mayfort Martin, butcher, 40 Fells Point market, dw Point la nr Harford rd .Maykrantz HcnryW. clerk, Wilson and Holtoual Maykraiitz Theodore, porter, Whatcoat 1 Presstman Maynadier John H. clerk, 18 s Greene Maynadier J. M. (J. M. M. & Co.) 96 n Paca Mayn.idier J. M. & Co. (J. M. Maynadier) pro- liuce and com merchants, 27 n Greene Maynadier Wm. Vl. inspector C. H. 302 Walsh Maynard .Albert, salesman, 517 w Fayette Maynard, Councilman & Co. (R. D. Maynard, Chas. A. Councilman, Wm.J.Norton)whole8. grocers, 6 Cumnierce Maynard Edward W. teacher, 132 Piarl M.\VNARD, ELY & ROSE, (J. A. Maynard, C. W. Ely, P. Ruse) tanners and leather, 46 S Calvert, tannery G4 and 66 Buren Maynard Geo. H. Morning Star Bitters Co. 85j Camden Maynard Geo. W. 62 s Eden Maynard Jas. .A. jr. (J. A Maynard jr. & Co. )215 n Republican Maynard J. A. jr. & Co. (James A. Maynard, jr. and Harman W..\. Smith) leather dealers, 3() ('entie .Market space Maynard James S. mariner, 243 s Wolfe Maynard J. A. (M., Ely & Rose) 167 Lanvale Maynard John S. 167 Lanvale Maynard Maggie 10. tnacher. 132 Pearl Maynaid Olin \\. clerk, 167 Lanvale Maynard Richard D. (M., Councilman & Co.) Carrolltoii hotel Maynard Walter, clerk, 58^ Camden Maynard Walter H. clerk, 85 Camden Maynard Wm. carpenter, 132 Pearl .Mayo Albeita, 15 Constitution MAYOR'S OFFICE, City IL.ll Mayor Edward, lab. 76 e Uiddle Mayor Henry, contractor, 76 e Biddle Mayre Mrs. Helen, Eutaw house McAbee James B. clerk, 36 Courtland McAbee Jesse, engineer, 255 Park av McAbee .Mrs. Nancy. 321 n Eutaw Mc.\bee John T. agei;t W. and W. sewing ma- chines, 24 n Eut.iw, dw 36 Courtland McAbee Thos. fuiiiaceman, foot of Clinton McAdam James, lab. 6 Buren McAdam John, lab 2 Buien McAdam Owen, tallowchandler, 2 Buren McAdam Owen, driver, 95 Albemarle Mc.VdaiM Patrick, driver, 85 Albemarle McAdp.m Philip, lab. 91 Fort MeAdains Patrick, lab. 6 Bu'-en McAdaiiis P.itriek, lab. 251 e Fayette McAd iins T. police, 410 s Charles McAfee Bros. {Job. W., H.irry C. and John Q. McAfee) flour and feed, cor Harford av and Biddle and cor Poppleion and Ryan McAfee Ilarrv C (McAfee Bros )37"s Poppleton McAfee Job W. (McAfee Bros.)l03 s Poppleton McAfee John Q. (McAfee Bios.) 235 Harford av McAleer Frank, lab. 200 Conway /^X; 'T. •7> HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' anti Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F^Bresee, Gen'l^Agt^ 379 ' McC McA McAleer Jolin. lab. 242 Lemmon al SIcAleerT. F. clerk, Washiniiton hotel McAleer Philip H. telegraphist, 34 Neighbor McAleese Annie E. 60 n Liberty McAleese Chas. J. 60 n Liberty McAleese Frank L. telegraphist, 60 n Liberty McAlister Rich'd (McA. k Williams) ?.:-i8 Light McALISTER & \VILLL\MS.(Rich-d McAlister, Jas. Williams, ) carpets, oilcloths, &c. 75 w Baltimore McAllister Archibald V>. agent, 340 McDonogli McAllister Chas. slioemkr, 5 ('amden la McAllister Chas. E. harnessinkr. 64 Holland McAllister Eliza, dressmkr, 53 Miillierry McAllister Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 1 Hillen McAllister Elizabeth T. teacher. 104 Hillen McAllister (ieo.baggaginiaster.5r)4 w Baltimore McAllister Henry C. hostler. 22 n Strieker McAllister Hiram J bookkpr. 92 \v Centre McAllister .James, lab. 22 Sterrett McAllister JAMES, llme and cement, Fawn and President, d\v 59 Patterson Paik av McAllister Jas. D condnctor, 60 s Schroeder McAllister Jas. P. clerk, 103 Alliemarle McAllister Jno.fishei man, Eastern av and Burke McAllister .Mis. Laura, 64 Holland McAllister .Mrs. .Margaret, 103 Albemarle McAllister Mrs. .Mnrgaiet, 64 Holland McAllister Nathan, engineer, 99 n Washington .McAllister Capt. Richard C. 49 s Caroline McAllister Rolit. A. attorney, Tl\ Bank, dw 68 s Broadway McAllister Robt.J.(Henry,McA. & Co.) 16 Wil- liamson al McAllister Th(,s. B. clerk, 68 s Broadway McAllister Wetzler, ticket agt 340 .Mci3onogh McAllister Wni. cigarmkr, 554 w Baltimore McAllister Wm. plumber, 91 n Greene, dw 168 Pf una av .McAllister Wm.jr.|jluinber,Eavterii av andBurke -McAllister Wm. D. packer ain-iaiser's office, 49 Hill.-n McAhey Thos.( L.Frank, Sonsi McA.) 116sPaca McAudrews Bartholomew, (.Martin & .McA.)118 Mosher McAnnally Felix, grocery, Jew al o. t. McAnroa Peter, lab. 8 Abr^iham .McArdle Henry, lab. 29 Willow McAssy William, l.ib. 12 Benneit McAs ey Francis,siherchasei-, Fayette and E.xeter McA lee" Walter B (T.W. Levering & McA.) 175 II Calvert MrAuliff Dennis, lal). 168 McHenry .Mi'Auliff .Morris, coachman, 168 Druid Hill av M' .Avuy Mrs. .Anna, grocery, 95 York .M'-.Avoy Henry J. expressman, 114 L. Greene McAvoy Hugh L. manuf. gas machines, 7 Mer- cer, dw 38 n High M -Avoy James, irunmoulder. 346 Hanover .Ml Avoy Ji,hn, fireman, 95 York -Ml .Avoy Joseph, iilacksm th, 114 L. Greene McAvoy .Martin, fisherman, 17 Centre Market S[> Mc.Avoy .^^chael, lab. 346 Hanover McAvoy .Michael, tailor, 95 York McAvoy Tiios. lab. 115 Elliott McAvoy Wm. lab. 95 York McBee Anne E. teacher, 8 Jeti'erson McBee Chas. C. 8 Jefferson McBee Joseph, teacher, 8 Jefferson McBee Wilson, clerk, 8 Jetferson McBee Wni. stonemason, Bruce nr Pratt McBlair Charles H. 165 John McBlair A. McDonald, attoriicy, 48 Saratoga, dw 165 John McBlair Mary, tailoress, 261 e Madison 'S McBride Andrew, grocery, 191 Preston 71' McBride Edward, liostler, 7 Webb McBride Jamis, teamster, 7 Webb ^ McBi ide James, painter, 108 Hollins ^ McBride John, lab. 1 Friendship ,^ McBride Mrs. Mary A. dressmkr, 197 n Exet.-r -=^ McBride Mrs. Sarah, 45j (ieorge -^ .McBri le Wm. sr. lab. 1 Friendshi[) ^ .McBride Wm, jr. cle-k. 1 Friendship McBrietv Ambrose(McP. k Pluiikett)317e Ciiase o .McBriety k Plunkett (A. and W. McBriety, F. 3 {] Plunkett) com. merchts. 14 Cam len — McBriety Wm. (McB. & Plunkett) 317 e Chase -^ .McBryde Wm.. PvUtavv house --; McCabe Mis. Elizalieth, grocery, 95 Garden McCabe George W E.dry goods, 127 Le.'iin;.:ton, dw 418 n Eden McCabe Huu'h. drug clerk, 60 Preston McCabe James, shipsmith, 365 s Charles McCabe James, [lolice. 65 Harford av .McCabe Rev. .Limes D 12 .Vorth av .McCabe Jauies J. lab. 365 s Charles McCabe James .M. i>ainter, 9 Miller McCabe John, stonecutter, 95 Garden .McCabe J D. jr. 4()8 Park av .McCabe Michael, clerk, 391 Aisrjuith McCabe Wm. H. clerk, 74 n Pine McCabe Wm. H. sign painter, 10 Myrtle av _ McCadden .Andrew, michinist, 256 e .Monument j^ .McCadden James, gilding, over 4 Harrison, dw r^ 168 n Central av McCadden John F. machinist, 8 Holland pL^ .McCaildin M. dressmkr, 290 n Gay .McCaddin Robt.J.roal oil refiner,244eMonument -^ McCttferiy Artliur, chairmkr, 254 n Eden ^T ^L.•Catferty Arthur, bon;.et frame maker, 68;::^ Lexington .McCafferty Chas. M. chairpainter, rear 86 n^ Charles D^ McCafferty Columbus W.varniiher,.30 n Exeter q McCafferty James, painter, 30 n Kxeter ^ McCafferty John, painter, 53 n Exeter ^ Mc(;affert"N Joseph A police, Biddle nr .McDunogli ^_| McCafferty Sarah, 118 Orleans Q McC iffei tV .Mis. Susan, 53 n Exeter ^ McCAFFRAY GEO. magistiate, 28 St. Paul, ^ dw 181 Mosher ^ McCAFFRAY GEO. atrent Liman line steamers q from New York. 2S St. Paul, dw 181 Mosher y. McCaffrey 6; Co. ( Henrv McCaffrey,) millinery, "J ,;,A r „•;„„,..„ ^ • • Oco /^' i-H o o McCaffrey Michael, lab. 73 Harford av McCiiffrcy Patrick, cooper, 57 Portland McCiiffrey Tlios. fiutiiture, 135 Cuudeii McCaffrey Warren, grocery, Strieker nr Patter- son av McCairhey John, clerk, 191s Shiirp McCMjihey Mrs Mary, notions, 101 s Sharp McCahan Daniel, pluiiiber, 351 s Bond, dw 22 Jackson sq av McCahan Capt. Daniel jr mariner, 5 n Ann McCalian Davis L. pluniher and ^as fitter, 164^ e Raltiniore, dw cor Baltimore and Cli i()el McC than Geo. L.(Geo. Paop & Co.)372 Hollins McCahan John, clerk, 127 Greeninonnt iiv Mci^ihan John C. tin and sheetirun worker, 72 s Poppletori McCahan John V,. teiiclicr. 34 s Fnlton M^'Cahaii Luther, time keeper, 24i> 8l<'rrett McCaliey Jaujes, painter, 3ti~l Aistjuith Mcdiin Edward R. cijiurmkr, 68 n Fremont McCain Jcdm W. cigarmkr, 531 n Fremont McCall Andreas, gas fitter, 179 Columbia McCall Catherine, 100 w Hoffman McCall Hugh, 162 Chesap.-ake Mct'alJ Hugh, chemist, b44 Light McC.ill Hugh jr. lab. 044 Light .\Ii:Call Jas. A.tin and shtiron vvkr, 151s Fremont .McC ill Jas. F. painter, 179 Columbia McCall John, lab 253 e .Monument McCall John, painter, 23 n Gay McCall Michael, iiricklaver, 608 Light McGhM Owen, lab. 374 Hanover McCall Patrick .\. plumber, 31 s Kutavv, dw 179 Coiumbia McCall Patrick H. shipcarp. 2:!9 Battery av .McCail Robert D. shocmkr, 63 Columbia McCullister Carroll, 344 vv Lombard McCallister Daniel, stonecutter, 127 Harford av -McCallister Jas. G. brakeman, 344 w Lombard McGitnbiidge Dennis J. conductor, 169 Dover McCAMBRIDGE JOHN, grocery, s e cor Eager and Greenmount av .McCambiidge Mary, confectionery, 169 Dover McCamley Chas. hackmau, 181 Barre .Mc('amnion Thomas iS. bricklayer, Gilmor ur Patterson av McCandlisb Wm. J. salesman, :!7 Clarke .\IcCann Mrs. Catherine, 227 Linden av McCanu Chas. 248 Druid Hill nv .McCaiiu Cornelius, lab. 130 s Chester .Mci'ann Daniel, contractor, 37 Hollins .McCann Daniel jr. auctioneer and com. mercht. 222 w Baltimore, dw 37 Hollins McCann Edgar, 37 Hollins McCann Edward, cooper. Cross nr Hanover, dw 2C Hill .McCann Edward, lalt. Homestead McCann Edw. housefurnishin^, Hampden .McCann Edw. sec. hand fum're, 183 Chesnut -McCann Francis, clerk, 290 Bank .McCann Geo. fisherman, 56 Johnson McC.inn Harry, 227 Lin ien av .McCann Hugh, 227 Linden av McC mn James, tinner, 6 Milliman McCann James, fisherman, 49 Johnson .McC mn John, hostler, 85 s Poppleton .McCann John R. miller, Frien(islii|) .McCann John VV. fishernum, 49 Johnson McCann Jos. lalj. Wolfe nr Chase .McCann Mrs. Alargaiet, grocery, 319 n Howard McCann Mis. .Mary, grocery, 26 New Church McCann Michl. quarryiuan. Falls rd nr tollgate McCann Michael, police, 76 Lancaster .McCann .Michael H. shipcarp 242 Battery av McCann Patrick, coachman, Homestead McCann Patrick, lab. 68 Buren McCann Sarah, huckster, 76 Lancaster .McCann Thos. lab. 370 Ostend .McCann Win. police, 6 Milliman McCajipin W. L. clerk, 82 n Calvert Mcl'aragher Geo. shoeaikr. 166 Vine McCardell Dennis, 263 s Sharp McCardell Jo^. L. carp. 123 n Wolfe Mc'ardcll Mary J. 263 s Sharp McCardell Saml. ajiri. im[). maker, 78 Aisquith .McCardell Wm. IL agricul. im|d'8, 10 Valley McCardle .Mrs. .Mary, 316 Aliceanna .McCardle .Michael J. chairmkr, 316 .-Miceanna McCarney John, npliolsierer, 94 n Howard McCarney Mrs. .Mary, 94 n Howard McCarney Thos. upholsterer, 94 n Howard McCarrier J.is. photographer, 147 e -Monument McCarron Frank, canmkr, 12 Hillen McCarron James, lab. 58 Clifford al .McCarron John, shoeinkr, 18 IHIlen McCarron .Michael, canmkr, 12 Hillen McCarron Owen, lab. 78 Harford av McCarron Patrick, tailor, 1 ('lay .McCarron Patrick, lab. 17 Bank McCarron -Mrs Sarah, grocery, 78 H irford ar McCarron Wm. grocery, 58 Clifford al McCart Geo. stimecutier, 6 e Second McCart James H. plumber, 228 n I'aioline .McCart John, j)lumber and gasfitter, s w cor St. Paul and Centre, dw 7s n Front McCut Wm. plumber, 19? East McC irter J(jhn (J. Lea S^ Co.) New York McCarter Robert, glassblower, 172 Cross McCarthy Alexander, carp. 2 Scott .McCarthy .Mrs. Anna, 89 n Calvert McCarthy .Mrs. Bridget, huckstiess, 7 Jackson ct McCarthy Chas. painter, 5 Randall McCarthy Chas. J. bookkpr, 189 Chesnut McCarthy D.miel, liootmkr, 19 Waesche McCarthy Di-nnis, lab. 62 Es.sex McCarthy .Mrs. EliZii, 5 Randall McCarthy .lames, shoefitter, 91 Lexiuirton -McCarthy James, packer, 192 s Washington .McCarthy JeremiiU), lab. Lemmon nr Gilmor McCarthy Jeremiah, watchman, 3s2 w Lombard McC.irthy John, lab. 382 \v Lombard McCarthy ,lohn, lab. 2 Woodyear .Mc(Jarthy John, clerk, 62 Essex McCarthy John, \\h. 62 Essex McCarthy Jonn, clerk, 103 e Eager McCarthy John, lab. 47 Buren McCarthy Lawrence, beer. 153 s Charles McCarthy Lawrence, brassfinisher, 16 Forrest pi McCarthy Lewis, lab. 40 Liberty al McCarthy Michael, plasterer, 43 Woodyear McCarthy -Michael, huckster, 40 Rock .McCarthy Mis. Nora, 70 W'oodyear McCarthy Thomas, lab. 39 s Chapel McCarthy Thomas, shoemkr, 141 e Eager McCarthy T. & Co. (T. McCarthy) wholesale liquors, 374 w Baltimore McCarthy Timothy (T. McC. &Co.) 145 n Paca .McCarthy V. manuf'r gaiter and shoe uiipers, 23 s Calvert, dw 115 n Howard MctJartney John J. carp. 5()9 w Pratt -McCaitnev John, fireman, 42 Preston McCarly Daniel, silverjdaier, 394 s Charles .McCarty Mrs. Eliza C. grocery, 98 L. Montgomery McCarty Geo. shoemkr, 62 s Greene HENRY HOEN" A 00., LitKograpliing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. ip the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. McC .S81 McC .Ml i''art\' John, cooper, Clinton and First av Ml Caity John, laV). 3 Collins ct .MtCirtj John, hih. 47 Buren MiCarty Junius R. liquors, over 79 Exchange pi, dw 211 Decker JlcCarly Mary, laund. 9 Jackson ct McCaity Patrick, fireman, 223 Litrht McCarty Peyton L. (J. Edward Bird & Co.) 537 w Fayette McCarty R. D. tobacconist, 140 n Eutaw McCauley Bridgret, grocery, 91 York McCauley B. F. varieties, Sweet Air McCauley Charles, machinist, 145 Hollins McCauley George E. dep. keeper Penitentiary, 340 n Central av McCauley George H. lab. Druidvilie McCauley Horace, overseer, Druidvilie McCauley Jacob, tailor, 40 Barre McCauley James A. carp. 364 e Madison McCauley John F., Gilmor and Cumberland McCaulev John J. carp. 288 n Bond McCauley John S. police, 204 n Bond McCauley Jdhn T. collarmkr. 120 n Poppleton McCauley John Y. overseer, Clipper Mills McCauley Joseph, conductor, 533 \v Lombard McCauley Joseph C. collarmkr, 282 .Mulberry McCauley Lemuel, collarmkr. Woodberry McCauley Mrs. Louisa, seamstress. 17 Parkin McCauley Mrs. Mary A., Sweet Air McCauley Reuben, inventor, 7ri n Broadway McCauley Thos. B. clerk, 90 Mulberry McCauley Walter G. salesman, 204 n Bond McCauley Wm. composition and gravel roofer, 10 s Bond McCauley Wm. F. gravel roofer, 154 e Pratt McCauley Wm. H. machinist, Hampden McCauley Wm. L. attorney, 54j w Fayette,dw 618 \v Baltimore McCauley Wm. L. jr. cutter, 618 w Baltimore McCauliffe Daniel, lab. 174 n Frout McCauliffe Dennis, lab. 5 e Monument McCauliffe Joiin, driver, 25 w Chase McCauluffe Mrs. Mary, grocery, 220 Park av McCausland Thos. paperhgr, 13 n Washington McCausland Wm. J. carp. 89 e Madison McCaw Robt. clerk, s e corSt.Paul and Saratoga McCawley James, lab. 7 Cuba McCawley Jos.coachmkr.41s Pacadw 198 Barre McCawley Patrick, 198 Barre McCawley Wm. wookworker, 198 Barre McCay Prof. C. F. actuary, 232 n Charles McCay John, clerk, 429 Frnnklin McCa'y Joshua P. (W.T. Wallers & Co.) 78 Ca- thedral McCay Robert T. 422 Eutaw pi McCay W. R. 232 n Charles McCeney Rufus, (Owens,. McC. & Co.)Merchants' hotel McClain Cbas. blacksmith, 70 Henrietta McCIain Helen, 150 n Carey McClain Patrick, dep. warden City Jail, 532 w Pratt McClain Patrick, lab, 75 Hamburg McClain Patrick F. drayman. 7 Hamilton McClain Robt. blacksmith, 38 William, dw 57 McClain Robt. jr. blacksmith, 57 William McClalley John, porter, Washington and Bank McCIaskey Mrs. C. grocery, 12 e Monument xMcClaskey Chas. painter,! 19 n Wolfe McCIaskey John, lab. 144 e Eager McCIaskey Saml. plasterer, 196 n Bethel McCIaskey Wm. lab. 151 n Central av McClatchie A lex. L. collarmkr, 550| w Baltimore McClatchieWm.G. telegraphist, 550 J w Baltimore McClatchy Alfred, machinist, 137 Hollins McClatchy Geo. plumber, 51S w Baliitnore .McClatchy Mrs. Rachel, tailoiess, 47 sRepublican 3 Mci'laichv Robert F.machini3t,47 s Republican ZC McClatchy Wm. plumber, 137 Hollins > McC'ean Charles, moulder, 159 Elliott ^ McClean Jo.seph F. blacksmith, 150 Elliott -^ McClean Samuel .\. black.smith, 159 Elliott r5 McCIear\ David, watchman, 175 Cliesnut ^ McCleary Geo.oysterpkr,2GTemple,dwl9 nHigh "^ McCleary Henry, engineer. Falls rd nr ti'llgule 3 McCleary James, engineer, 325 Cathedral •McCleary James T. boilermkr. 23 Bartlett S McCleary John, tailor, 215 n Eden g McCleary John R. engineer. 325 Cathedral _3 McCleary John W. salesman, 544 w Fayette ^ McCleary Mrs. Kate, dressmkr, 519 w Lombard c5 McCleary Margaret, 24 s Fulton PQ McCleary Mary, grocery, 6 s Bi-thel McCleary Robt. copjiersinith, 1 56 e Monument o McCleary Mrs. Sarah E millinery, 455 w Fayette O McCleary W. blacksmith, 776 w B.iltimore McCleary Win. J. machinist, 174 n Eden McClellan Mrs. Agnes, tailoress, 118 Stirling Q McClellan Andrew, varnigher, 54 Mulberry McClellan Benj. blacksmith, 94 w Centre c^ McClellan ''has. B. machinist, 55 s Poppleton McClellan James, lab. 118 Stirling Q McClellan James, bootmaker, 106 s Paca,dw 105 O L. Greene (^ McClellan Jumes E. clerk, 105 s Greene J^* McClellan John, steward, 142 Pearl ^-^ McClellan Mrs. Mary, 49 n Liberty McClellan Robert J. junk, 53 Milliman W McClellan Wm. J. 146 Lanvale • MoCLRLLAN WM. W. 26^ Second, dw 146 1^ Lanvale f^ McClelland Alex, morocco dresser, 253 n Dallas^ McClelland Gary, (McC. & Logan) Calverton rd -jq" nr Franklin e.\t |_j .McClelland David P. police, 35 Orleans rf] McClelland & Logan, (Gary McClelland, David c_) Logan )live stock dealers, Calverton drove yds ^ McClelland Theo. iroiimoulder, 151 Preston ^ McClelland .Mis.Ure, groc'y. Falls rd nr tollgatej^ McClelland Wm. A.moroccodres'r,253 n Dallas^ McCleuahan Mrs Bridget, tailoress, 169 Green- mount av W McCleuahan Chas.R draughtsman, 293eMadisou ^ .McClenahan James, lab. 691 Saratoga = y .S p c MfClintcick Sam. F. machinist, 14 Baker 0^ ^ ^ McClinton Frank, hostler, 15 Temple ~ McCloske.v Michael, lab. Calhoun nr Ramsay ^ McCldud Donald, mariner, 57 s Ann 0 ^ McUluney Mrs. JIartha, 72 n Caroline to^ !Zi Mi'i luney Thos. jr. clerk, 72 n Caroline c t; -— .McClureChas. driver, 190 Penrl £" c H McClure Geo. D. miller, Calverton CC =2 McClure (ieo. H. miller, Fulton nr Saratoga ■"^ a> McCLUKE JAS. A. L. altornev, 51 w Fayette, 1 p ^ dw 52 McCulloh - J^ ec McClure James N. clerk. 44 s Sharp ^ McClure James T. carp. 2(3 1 n Central av McClure John, turnkey, 213 n Central av McCliae Louis, clerk, 399 Saratoga McClurt Nicholas, bookkpr, n w cor Sharp and Lombard McClure Richard, carp. 190 Pearl g ^ McClure Wm. G. bricklayer, 81 n Washington C^ p McClurkin Jas. ironworker, 151 Gough 3 o ^ McCluskey Patrick, lab. 57 Columbia C .^S McClusky James, lab. 113 Harford av O '^ .. McClusky John, junk, Wilco.x nr Chase V. .3J u McClusky Robert, driver, 75 Richmond ■^ 'S 5£ McClusky Thomas, lab. 113 Harford av .u ^ Q McClusk> Wm. bricknikr, 113 Harford av *_^ '^ McClymont Alex.(Hazelipij- McC.)319 n Gilmor yj 03 . McClymont Alex. 23 s High ^ ^ McCobb Mrs. M. L. boarding, 192 n Calvert ^ £>■ c McCobb Thos. F. 192 n Calvert ;^ ■-- a- McColgai) Chas. 74 \v Centre ^ s "^ McColgan Rev. Edward, 40 HoUins >> * r- McCulgan Jas. (McC. &Ryan) 252 w Fayette ^ ^ '-' McColgau Jas. groc'y, Jefferson and Central av 3M p "^ McColgan Michael, (Carey & McC.) Frederick 382 McC i. a; o rd nr Monroe Si pE^ c McColgan Michael E. 74 w Centre M — S McColgan Patrick, Waverley — S McColgan & Ryan (James McColgan and Jos. "* P. Ryan) attorneys, 7 St. Paul McCollough A. J. police, 197 n Caroline McColluin Chas. L. bookkpr, 3 n Mount O v cS o y^ ■^ •^ C.) -(.J >-, g '^ McCOLLUM FERMAN A.' upholsterer and . -^ OS paperhanger, 164 n Eutaw, dw 264 Mulberry g •^ 7^ o McCOLLUM FERMAN A., Uphol- J* x ^ sterer, and Paperhanger, and Dealer in Paper Hangings, Win- dow Shades, &c., 164 N. Eutaw, dw 264 Mulberry. 5 '5 ^ McCollum Geo. P. machinist, 3 n Mount Q t^ 'o McCollum Hugh, cooper, 125 Ensor « ^ fl McCollum Hugh, driver, 101 Harford av ji ^ "^ McCollum James, drayman, 185 Barre ^ "^ ^ McCollum Miles, shoemkr, 23 Willow S "3 " McCollum Wm. prupr. dravs, 185 Barre § C ?^ McColm Mrs. Robert B., Waverley ^ -5^^ McCOMAS ALEXANDER,imi)ort'r and manuf. "^ 3 fcC guns, 51 3 Calvert, dw 2(i5 e Fayette r^ ? .5 ^fcComas Amos, 19 n Strieker ^ ^ .2 .VlcComas Chas. serg't police, 21 e Fayette ^ "^ t^ McComas ('has. fireman, 6 Sterrett S ^ aj McComas Frank, bricklayer, 19 L. Church >^ '^ r.^ McComasG. A. (McComas & Morrison )Harford co ,y .^ rt McComas Geo. M. (Duvall & McC. )55 Lexington g 2 .„Mc(Jotua8 George A. clerk, 56 e Falls av, dw 5; p fcH Waverley •^ t^ ^ McComas George C. carp. 122 Orleans 'Tg '^ >i McComas Harry H. clerk, 76 n Caroline McCOMAS H. C. coal, Light-st whf. and Lee, and 45 w Pratt, sard cor Johnson and York. dw n w cor Charles and Chase McComas Jackson, teamster, 69 Buren Mct-omas James, carp. 2 s Care>' McComas James, clerk, 2 s Carey McL'omas James A. 156 Dolphin .McComas John C. carp. 32 .Miller McCOMAS & MORHISO.N (G. A. McComas and Rev. Geo. Morrison) publishers Presbyterian Weekly, 144 w Baltimore McComas Lee, 393 w Lombard McComas Nicholas D.merch. tailor, 171 e Mad- ison, dw 208 11 Central av McComas Nicholas D. tailor, 83 Ilillen McComas R. Glenn, clerk, 19 n Strieker McComas Mrs. Sarah, 41 Clifford al MctJomas Mrs. Sarah, dressmkr, 19 n Schroeder McComas Mrs. Sarah, 377 Saratoga McComas Ste()hen 0. carp. 19 n Fremont McComas Stephen P. painter, 19 n Fremont McComas Thos W. bookkpr. 24 Maryland av McComas Wm. G. cigarmkr, 9 n Bond McComas Wm. W. painter, 3 Gettier McComas William T. machinist, Falls rd nr tollgate McComb Alex. lab. 92 Greenmount av McComb James, lab. 8 Willow McComb Samuel, lab. 14 Willow McComb Samuel, clerk, 172 n Exeter McCoukey .Mrs. E. S. 94 w Madison McConkey James, 94 w Madison .McCuukey James D. clerk, 34 e Eager McConkey Rebecca, teacher, 253 w Hoffman McConkey Stephen D. coal and wood, 17 North, under Chesapeake Bank, dw 34 e Eager McConkey Wm. clerk, 235 Walsh McCONKEY WM. H. & CO. (W. H. McConkey) coal and v\ood, cor Biddle and Cathedral McConkey Wm. H. (W. H. McC. & Co.) 206 Greenmount av McCONKY EDWARD D. pres't Belvidere Land Improvement and Building Association, 24 n Charles, dw 281 iMadison av McConn .Mrs. Julia A. 135 n Howard McCoiin Wm. machinist, 441 e Chase McConn Wm. F. foreman, 441 e Chase .McConnell Aiit'y, mariner, Hoffman nr Belair av Mc(.;onnell Mrs. Catherine, 149 w Biddle McConnell Duncan, lab, 17 s Stockton al McConnell Elias G. W. stationery, n e cor Fre- mont and Mulberry, dw 288 Franklin McConnell Geo. messenger, 288 Franklin McConnell Hugh, moulder, 302 n Howard McConnell .Mrs. Hugh, 205 Park av McConnell John, engineer, Bruce nr McHenry McConnell JOHN F. plumber, and gastitter, n vv cor Howard and .Madison McConnell Joseph S. clerk, 302 n Howard McCounell Joseph, drayman, 123 Dover .McConnell .Mary Ann, huckstress, 9b Thames McConuell Phiueas, shoelitter, 89 s Sharp McConnell Patrick, butter, 218 llollina McConnell .Mrs. Sarah, confect'y, 96 Thames McConnell Theresa, butter, 218 llollins .McConnell .Mrs. Thomas, 302 n Howard McConnell Thomas, driver, 90 s Central av McConnell W^ni. market master, 215 HoUins .McConnor Capt. P. S. mariner, 49 Lee McConvill .Mrs. Mary A huck8lress,41 Leinmon .McCord .Mrs. Margaret S. 342 e .Monument McCord Wm. D. 163 n Calvert 1 10 HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. I Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. McC 383 McC McCord Marshall A. telegraphist, 342 e Monu- ment McCordick Wra. porter, 312 n Durham 'Md^ormick Mrs. Ann, 32 Hillen iMcCormick Mrs. Annie, butcher, 63 3 Wolfe iMcCormick Mrs. Carrie J. 190 Vine rMcCormick Dr. Charles A. 74 s Exeter, dw 67 i e Pratt 'McCorniick Edward, tinner, Star hotel 'McCormick Mrs. E. H. 108 w Biddle McCormick Francis, porter, 119 s Chester McCorniick Georjre M. lab. 91 Elliott McCormick & Hays (T. K. McCormick, J. B. Hays) soap manufrs. 40 n Central av Mci 'ortuick James, collier, 91 Elliott MrCorraick Jas. paperhanp:er, 111 L.Greene Ml Cormick Jas. L cleik, 108 w Biddle McCormick John T. bookkpr, 80 Park av McCormick John, clerk, Chase and Harford av Mci'cirmick John, bookkpr 596 w Fayette McCormick John, paperhanjjer, 606 w Baltimore McCormick John, carter, 284 n Eutaw McCormick John, carter, 209 Park av McCormick John, bricklayer, 26 s Schroeder McCormick Jos. huckster, 331 Harford av McCormick Jos. tinner, 396 Hanover McCormick Jos. lab. 34 Liberty al McCormick Mrs. Julia A. 128 L. Greene McCorniick L. M. ctrocerj, Preston and Parkav McCoimick .Mary A. f^rocery. 111 L. Greene McCormick Michael, clerk, 112 e Fayette McCormick Patrick, grocery, Calverton rd McCormick Patrick, shipcarp. 249 Bank McCormick Patrick, tailor, 27 n E.xeter McCormick Samuel, flour and feed, cor Chase and Harford av McCormick Mrs. Sarah, groc'y, 331 Harford av McCoimick Thos. K. salesman, 67 e Pratt McCormick Thos. lab. 34 Liberty al McCormick Thos. M. bookkpr, 87 McCulloh McCormick Thos. K.(McC. & Hays)67 e Pratt McCormick Thos., Preston and Park av MiCoimick Thos. P. clerk, 108 w Biddle McCormick \Vm. porter, 16 Fish Market sp McCormick Wm. H. brassfinisher, 67 e Pratt McCormick Wm. J. huckster, 329 Harford av McCormick Wm. lab. 87 Stiles McCormick Mrs. Wm. S. 392 Eutaw pi McCosker & McSweeney (Thos. McCosker, Cor- nelius McSweeney) sbipbuilders, foot of Pa- tuxent McCosker Thomas (McC. & McSweeney) 26 s Choptank McCoubray Edwin, clerk, 27 Patterson Parkav McCoubray Thos.sr. steam bakery, 268 s Broad- way, dw 27 Patterson Park av McCoubray Thos.jr. clerk, 27 Patterson Parkav McCoubray Wm. R. 27 Patterson Park av Mct'oull James, pickles, Biddle nr Castle McCoull John (J. and E. McCouU) 89 n Eutaw McCouU John & Edw'd, undertakers, 131 Sara- toga McCoull Edward (J. & E. McCoull)89n Eutaw McCoull Mrs. Geo. C. 89 n Eutaw McCourt Christopher, carp. 256 e Baltimore McCourt David, lab. 6 Hillman McCourt Edward, driver, 9 Fall McCourt Felix, engineer, House of Refuge, dw 243 w Fayette McCouri James, lab. 3 Hillman McCourt James, wood, 9 May McCourt John, boilermkr, 50 Liberty al McCourt John, bacon. Brown's hotel McCourt Michael, carp. 98 s Fulton McCourt Peter, publisher, 48 East McCovick John D. machinist, 332 Eastern av McCovick Michael, lab. 332 Eastern av .McCovick Wm. processor, 332 Eastern av McCoy Andrew & Co. (A. McCoy) com.merchts. 70 South McCoy Andrew (A. McC. & Co.) 12 Harlem av McCoy Mrs. Annie, 151 Eusor McCoy Chas. A. carp. lo9 Parkin McCoy Charles W.C.(Alex. Murdoch & Co.) 31 Franklin McCoy Charles F. 232 n Charles McCoy David, carp. 116 Preston McCoy Edwin F. clerk, 261 w HofiFman McCoy Mrs. Eliza, 356 n Strieker McCoy Harry, canmkr, M56 n Strieker McCoy Henry (McC. & Parkhursi) 36 w Eager McCoy Hugh, engineer, 150 n Bond McCoy Hugh, conductor, Barnum's hotel McCoy James, tinner, Patterson la nr Pennaav McCoy James, 697 w Lombard McCoy James, stairbuilder, St. Paul nr Frank- lin, dw 154 n Fremont McCoy John F. clerk, 61 n Caroline McCoy John W.( W.T.Walters & Co.) 38 n Eden McCoy John J. engineer, 259 Columbia McCoy John N. cabinetmkr, 509 w Fayette McCoy Mrs. Margaret, 29 Albemarle McCoy Major S. trav. agent, 205 Saratoga McCoy Mrs. Mary F. 117 n Charles McCoy Michael, carp. 17 Camel al McCOY & PARKHURST (H. McCoy, D. Park- hurst) gen' 1 com. and grain merchts, 76 South McCOY Rev. PETER, Johnson and Clement McCoy Robert H. salesman, 658 Saratoga McCoy Robert, candymkr, 443 w Lombard McCoy Robert, 232 n Charles McCoy S. K. clerk, 205 Saratoga McCoy Samuel(S.B.Sexton&Co.) 105 nGilmor McCoy Stephen S. 38 n Eden McCoy Wm. J. clerk, 5 L. Paca McCoy Wm. grocery, 47 King McCoy Wm. earn. Chappell nr Penna av McCracken Chas. tinner, 9 Cambridge McCracken Geo. mariner, 9 Cambridge McCracken Geo. jr. tinner, 9 Cambridge xMcCracken Jas. E. carter, 127 Leadenhall McCracken Jas. W. baker, Maltby house McCracken Jas. bricklayer, 9 Cambridge McOacken Jos. (Baker & McC.) 291 Light McCrea Euuene R. plumber, cor Baltimore and Republican McCrea Frank A. plumber, cor Baltimore and Republican McCrea James, plumber, cor Baltimore and Re- publican McCrea Samuel, salesman, 90 Spear's whf McCready Edward, mariner, 120 s Caroline McCready Geo. mariner, 120 s Caroline McCready Geo. R. wireworker, 105 Pearl McCready J. Wesley, oysters, 98 e Fayette McCready Samuel, machinist, 120 s Caroline McCready Mrs. Susan, 87 Pearl McCready Thos. E. clerk, IdO s Bond McCreary Jas. A.& Co.(,J. A. McCreary, David K.Tuttle) lampblack and paints, 27 8 Charles McCreary J.A.(J.A.xMcCreary&Co.)293Hollins McCreary John M. printer, 340 Saratoga McCreary R. S. conductor. North and Centre McCrink Mrs. Fanny, tailoress, 261 e Madison a c3 o O o o p o o l^ ^ I — I H <^ I — I > l-H H < w IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, McC 384 McC CO h < o < W H P O o „ O H I — I < CZ2 ^ McCroden Jas. shipcarp. 216 s Sharp McCroddcn J. Vinton, teacher, 39 n Gilmor McCioe Tlieodore E. police, 110 Harford av McCrossin John, Inh. 1") Leiiimon McCrout Hugh, lab. 10 Woodyear McCrout James, hih. 10 Woodyear McCulibin Augustus M. carp. 416 e M^idison McCubbin Edw'd H. shipwriiiht, 134 Raiusay McCubbin G. D. carp. 244 e Hiddle McCubbin John D. plasti'rer, 342 n Central av McCubbin Joseph R. clerk, 294 e Chase McCubbin N. 0. barber, 54 n Amity .McCubbin Richard A carp. 258 n Dallas McCubbin Thos. paiuter, 294 e Chase McCubbia \Vm. \V. clerk, 342 n Central av McCubbin VVm. engineer, 335 Cathedral .McCubbin Wm. M. painter, 692 w Fayette McCuen Adam, fireman, 32 Fort av ext McCueii James, lab. 411s Charles McCuUey Geo. fireman, 183 HoUins McCulley James, lab. 50 O'Donnell McCuUey John, driver, 440 w Lombard McCulley Joseph, driver, 440 w Lombard McCulley S. L. clerk, 64 n Gav McCulley Wm. boilermkr, 89 Hamburg .McCulloh Chauncey F. clerk, 73 Harlem av McCuUough Andrew J. police, 197 n Caroline McCuUough .Mrs. Ann, 213 Forrest McCullough Chas. F. hatter. 18 n Exeter McCuUough David, drayman, 108 McElderry McCullough Duncan G. clerk, Jdcksou sq av nr Durham McCullough J. Floyd, clerk, Three Tons hotel McCullouiih John, lab. 274 n Front McCullout;h John, porter, 54 n Bond McCULLUUGH JOHN G. wood and coal, n w cor Fayette and Park av. dw 123 w Fayette O O f^ P Kg >H .Wo O ""J " wSpq Wpqp «oo ^< co> Wevitt {;ori,( !ins. blaclismith, 249 n Dallas McDevitt f'oinilius, blacksmith, 249 n Calvert M.Tli'-vitt Cornelius, lab. 7 e Sfcond Mclievitt Cori!e;i(io, [leddler, 113 Hill.-n MeDiviii Edwanl. beer, 12 w Madison McHevitt James, fire dept. 249 Forrest MclJrvitt John, clerk, 26 w Fayette McDivitt Mrs Susan, boa^din!.^ 249 Forrest M.I).)nald Alex, .iriver, 7 Wills M- .M.n,, y\r\,,, M' I'o Mill.. Mi iiald Alex, keeper city spr'g,239 nlioward nalri Alex. lab. 8 iJarney iiald Alex, driver, 417 Hamburg naid Andrew, irotunoulder, 186 German nald Arch, shipcarp. 331 Eastern av iiald Mi's. Hai'tiara, 155 s Chester nald Catharine, grocery, 68 Buren .Mel ii. nald Mrs. Catherine, 15 n Gilmor .Mrhuuald Mrs. Catherine, 7 Milliman Ml l'i;nald CharleS; cdoper, 153 s Caroline Ml 1 i-nald Chas. jr. clerk, Mount nr Lexington .Mii'onald Charles sr. club rooms, 14 s Calvert, dw 245 Saratoga Mcltonald I'anici. clerk, 12 Harrison McDonald Daniel, moulder, 5 Scott McDonald Mrs. Ellen, grocery, IGtjn Front McDonald .Mrs. Elizabeth, 40 Constitution McDonald Elizabeth, dressmkr, 2C8 e Pratt aid Frank Y., U. S. claim agent and real le broker, 22 Law buildi d w 1 75 Lin- Belalr .Mci'unald George, butcher, 9 and 11 in irket, dw Homestead McDon.ild George, carter, 209 Chesnut .McDonald George .M. carp. 209 Chesnut \ic|iona d James, restaurant, 61 n Calvert NkJ'unald James, siairbuilder. Park uv and «lii.t!'man .McDonald James, barkeeper, 151 Forrest [McDonald James, police, 274 e Monument iVIcDonald James, lab. 5 Gelston ct McDonald James, garbage, 23 Pleasant McDonald James, bib. 27 Foster al iMcDunald James, barkpr, 154 w Madison [McDonald James, lab. 29 s Oregon KicDonald James H. coachsmith, 33 n P.ica iMcDouald Capl. Joel W. njariner, 133 Bank McDouabi John, salesman, 29 n Liberty McDonald John, clerk, 127 Greenmount av McDonald John, sabsman, 26>i \v Baltimore McDonald John, grocery, Park av and Hoffman McDonald John, liquors, 151 Forrest McDorjald John, lab. 5tj s Dallas McDonald Jolm, lab. 24 Smith McDonald John B. butcher, 710 w^ Lombard McDonald Joseph, lub. 10 McElderry McDonald Lawrence, engineer, 27 8 Paca McDonald Martha, Clipper Mills McDonald .Martin, engineer, 199 Orleans McDonald Michaid, lab. 67 Boyd McDonald Michael, groc'y, Douglass and Forrest ''' !'"nald Patrick, police, .Mosher and Foster al nald Patrick, lab. 389 n Front nald Patrick, lab. Front nr Forrest McDonald Patrick, lab. 15 n Gilmor McDonald .Mrs. Sarah, beer, 54 Thames McDonald Stephen, tinner, 61 n Calvert Power Press Printini (Maryland Ins. Co .McDonald Thomas, lab. Wib ..x nr Chase g .McDonald Thomas, lab. 22 Bo,.ldinal ^ McDonald Thos. S. conductor, 945 \v Baltimore ^^ McDonald Wm. H. (Wm.H McD. & Co.) 227 n -^ P'lemont ^ .McDonald Wm. II. shipcarp.. 190 s .\nn — McD -nald Wm. 11. & Co. (Wm. 11. McDonald) ^ manufs. true blue. 60 s Culvert ^ McDonnal cf HofTman(rf.\V.McDonnal, E. Hoff- O man )bo()ts and shoes, 162 FoiTest 2 McDonnal Saml. W. 179 Franklin 'ZZ McDonnal Wra. H.(Porter&MeD.)37 w Biddle -^ McDonnell Eugene, cotton broker, 46 Second, ^ dw 194 n Calvert McDonnell J.imes, police, 274 e Monument .McDonml! James, hackman, 129 n Front McDonnell John J. shoemkr, 106 e Madison .McDonnell .Mary A. fancy goods, 74 Lexington .McDonnell Michael, lab. "l08 s Howard .McDonnell Richard, grocery, 163 Canton av, dw lt;5 McDonnell Thomas, lab. 56 Albemarle .McDonnell Thomas, police, Waverley -McDonnough .Mrs. Hannah, 137 Duncan al .McDonnough Janjes. lab. 135 s Duncan al ■ .McDonnough James, caulker, 1^5 Hudson Mcr)onnough John, lab. 153 s Chester McDonnough John, shi{)carp. 185 Hudson McDonnough John A. painter, 532 Le.xington .McDonnough .Margaret, 185 Hudson McDonnough Wm. bib. 188 n Front .McDono^h Pbice Co., C. H. fiercer, president, office 27 n Broadway McDOXoUGH A. paper stock, 116 n Howard, dw 133 .Mulberry McDonough Michael, lab. 10 Armistead la McDouongh Miles A. sexton, 46 n Exc-ter .McDouou-h Patrick, rags, 133 Mulberry McDonough Thomas, hostler, 2 Foundry .McDonough Thoujas, shipcarp. 122 s Chester McDorman Geo. T. i)roduce com. merchant, Holliuijsworth, dw 29 Clinton av McDougall Cant. Huuh, 16 s Hiizh McDougall Jaii)es,(Jas.McD. & Son) 315 Druid Hill av McDOUGALL JAMES & SON, (James and Jas. .McDougall jr.) lumber and general com merchants, 158 West Falls av McDougall James jr. (James McD. & Son,) 315 Druid Hill av * ^ McDou-all John, (McD. .j- Oliver,) 33 n Eden "X McDougall & Oliver (John McDougall and J. F. '^ 01iver)horse shoers, 25 Boston '"^ McDowell Dr. Chas. C 290 Madison ar ^ McDowell Clarence, (McD.& Co.)7 McCulloh O McDowell & CO. (E. G. McDowell, Clarence IZJ McDowell and Rolit J. Hayes) carpets, oil cloths, &c. 264 \v Baltimore r-A McDowell Edw'd G.(McD.& Co.)Liberty rd I^J McDowell F. liquor, 148 n Oregon <^ McDowell Jaujes C. jiainter, 86 I'earl .McDowell James T. trimmings, 86 Pearl H McDowell John, coachmkr, 228 n Caroline ^ iMcDowell S. Maria, 29 Hamilton q McDowell Thos. officer .Md. Penitentiary, 121 n ^ Gay bl McDowell Thos. clerk. 86 Pearl McDowell Wm. clerk, 148 n Oregon JZj McDowell Wm. police, 73 n Oregon <3^ McDowell Wm. stonemason, 46 Clifford al Q Mcdowell Dk. wm. S. dentist, 290 .Madl-*-^ o O d o o Q < > 5, at Reduced Rates, 8 Marble Building.) 25 S.2 o.;: S a MutTial Life Insurance Co. of "New York, McD 386 McG c McDowell Dr. o Wm. J. 290 Madison av q;,^ ^ McDiiffv A. B. clerk, Elliott and Chesapeake > ^P-i McRlderrv Mrs. Hugh, 151 St. Paul 'I > McEIderry John P. clerk to Rejrister Wills, 17 i! "■ 53 ^' <"hase r,--^ ^ McKldore Joseph, saddler, 214 Columbia c""5 _ MiEldore Wm. B. fiiterer, 34 e Baltiuiore /T ® -3 McEldon Wm. supt. Merchants Sugar Refinery, e; 34 e Baltimore i> McElfresh Rev. Charles, 91 s Broadway _ ^ McElhaney John, letter canier, 64 Johnson "^ .*.; c5 McRllianey Louisa, dressmkr, 12 Green ct • - K ^ McElhanev Michael, lab. 735 Light 3^^ g McRLMOVLR ARCHIBALD, employment of- ""^ '^ 1^5 fice,and co:il and wood dealer,8 n Frederick, ■ - >,., dw 255 n Fremont McElmoyle Isabella, 255 n Fremont JIcElroy .Mrs. Annie, grocery, Wilcox nr Chase McElroy Bernard, horseslioer, 279 w Biddle,dw 24 Wilcox McElroy Daniel, miller, 164 Chesnut ^ o ce T" QJ r- S K t- r-< Z) ID ,^^ McElroy Daniel, baker, 39 Waesche ^ McElroy Geo. W. clerk, 32 e Eager ^ .2^ ?< McElroy Henry P. coachsmilb, 35 n High, dw W o r^'^ jg 83 n Exeter "S 1^ Q McElroy Huph, lab. 16 Linden av ■jH ^ McElroy James, liquors, 16 Douglass McElroj^ James, barkpr, 59 n Front CO McElroy James, lab. 161 Maderia al c McElroy James, trunkmkr, 34 n Caroline - "S McElroy James B. dentist, 34 n Caroline C -r; Mcelroy JAMES W. attomev.Sl Lexington, ^ g- dw 148 McCulloh p, t, McElroy John, stonecutter, 208 Chesnut c pu McElroy John, trunkmkr, 13 Jackson ct " McElroy John, lab. 372 Hanover McElroy John, clerk, 158 Linden av McElroy John M., Mayor's sec'y, dw 345 e Bal- timore McElroy John W. tobacco and stationery, cor Eutaw and Druid Hill av, dw 158 Linden av McElroy Joseph, plasteier, 192 Lanvale ^ '^ McElroy Joseph, supt. barrooms Barnum's hotel . 'r: Pi McElroy Mrs. Julia, 5 Foster al "g S H McElroy Madison E. farmer. 34 n Caroline 1^ - P3 McElroy Matthew, peddler, 208 Chesnut ^ *'£ McElroy Nancv, 192 Lanvale ^ g McElroy Patrick, 27 o Exeter T "t^ McElroy Patrick, shoemkr, 54 s Eutaw _§ -2 >, McElroy Robt. J. 254 n Eden 'Z '^ McElroy Samuel, lab. 116 n Schroeder (i^ '^ * McElroy Samuel jr. moulder, 519 Saratoga P.Q ~ >i McElroy Simeon A. dentist, 34 n Caroline St 2 ^ McElroy Wm. cigarnikr, 155 n Fremont S ^ -^ McElroy Wm. D. crackers, 275 n Broadway ^ ^ C McElwee Charles, lab. 145 s Chapel K r^ "'[' McElwee Jno. block and pum|imaker,5Fountain I "^ g McElwee John C. gilder, 17 Thomsen I "5 LO McElwee Robert, 174 n Wolfe o <^ c-i McElwee Samuel, police, 40 Ensor O "yr^^ McElwee Sarah, 5 Fountain *v^ 3 bO McElwee Wm. lab. 342 Eastern av ,..^2.5 McElwee Wm. police, 144 s Washington S ^ .2 McElwee Mrs. Wni. grocery, 17 Thomsen ^ "^^ "S McElvaney James, lab. 55 n Amity 3 ^» P McEnaney Owen, grocery, 11 Parkin oS 3J r-j McEnnaney James, driver, 94 s Eutaw ^ .Si «! McEnnaney Owen, lab. 176 Dover ^. 2 • - McEnnis Joseph R. paperhanger, 60 Ramsay S i^ i» McEnnis Roderick, mariner, 122 s Ann •<:- >i S McEnroe Peter, lab. 8 Abraham 1^ , McEntee James J. canmkr, 31 4 J Mulberrj' McEntee Patrick, lab. 23 Scott McEvoy Dennis, carter, 62 s Poppleton McEvoy James, clerk, 227 w Biddle McEvoy Joiin, lab. 23 Lemmon McEvoy John F. clerk, 26 s Republican McEvoy Paul, watchman, 188 HoUins Mcl'>oy Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 188 llolliiis JIcFadden Dominic, cigarmkr,Whatcoat nr Pat- terson av McFadden Mrs. Ellen, dressmkr, 284 Franklin McFadden Francis, patternmkr, 324 Park av McFadden Francis P. stonecutter, 286 Franklii: McFadden Geo. W. 284 Franklin McFadden Harrv, clerk, 247 Hollins McF.idden J. Alex, attorney, Courtland nr Lex- ington, dw 263 n Howard McFadden James, huckster, 16 Mott McFadden John, cooi)er, 103 s Exeter McFadden John H. cooper, 324 Forrest McFadden Lawrence, [latternmk.-, 1()4 Dolphin McFadden Mary K. boarding, 324 Park av McFadden Oliver, drayman, 213 Forrest McFadden Thos. 4 West Falls av McFadden Thos. carp. 284 Franklin McFadden Wm. carp. 334 Eastern av McFall John, lab. 31 s Republican McFARLAND C. D. attorney, 48 Lexington, dw 271 St. Paul McFarland Geo. 30 e Biddle McFarland James, clerk, 214 Conway McFarland Jas. S. police, 16 Clarke McFarland John jr. bookkpr, 178 Conwa}'' McFarland John, grocery, 34 n Washington McFarland John, (McF. ;h, moulder, 513 Saratoga McGlone James, coUaniikr, Washington hotel McGlone James, lab. 3 P\)ster al McGlone John, lab. 649 Light McGlone John, huckster, 253 e Biddle McGlone John J. clerk, 126 Cathedral McGlone John, ass't U. S. signal office, 17 s High McGlone John T. attorney, 15 St. Paul, dw 253 e Biddle McGlone Peter, lab. 138 McIIenry McGlone Thomas, machinist, 281 n Front McGolpin Mrs. 83 Stirling McGonigle Datiiel, mariner, 120 s Castle McGonigle Mrs. Marjiaret, grocerj', 120 s Castle McGonnigle John, porter, 5 Madeira al McGonnigle \Vm. lab. 232 Bank McGonnigle Wm. porter, 5 .Madeira al McGoutrh Patrick, police, 164 Penoa av McGovern Baitholomew, jr. press feeder Sun office, 200 Chesnot McGovern Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 217 Preston McGovern Frank, ciL'armkr, 33 Willow McGovern Jas. quarryman, Lanvale la nr Decker McGovern James, lab. 217 Preston McGovern John, pressman, 200 Chesnut McGovern Joseph, goldbeater, 118 s Howard McGovern Mrs. M.irgt. grocery, Cathedral ext McGovern Michael, quarryman, Lanvale la nr Decker McGovern Michael, printer, 59 Hillcn McGovern Patrick, grocery, 220 Hamburg McGovern Patrick, lab. 118 s Howard McGovern Patrick, hackman, 13 Winter al McGoTern Peter, printer, 200 Chesnut McGovern Thos. stonecutter, 118 s Howaed McGovern Thos. jr. hostler, 118 s Howard McGovern Thos. sr. grocery, 118 s Howard .McGowan Mrs. Elizabeth, seain3tres3,314 Cross McGowan Mrs. Elizabeth, groc'y, 132 Linden av McGowan Geo. watchman, 26 Foundry McGowan Hy. restaurant, 57 w Fayette McGowan James, clerk, 17 Holland McGowan Mrs. Jane, toys, 176 Madison av McGowan John, lab. HO n Schroeder McGowan John, carp. 89 Boyd McGowan John, shoemkr, 46 s Ann McGowan John A. shoe, 57 s Broadway .McGowan Mary, 17 Holland McGowan Stephen, cooper, cor Ramsay and Dawson al, dw 66 Ridgely McGowan Thomas, lab. 22 s Eseter McGowan Wm. blacksmith, 314 Cross Mctjowan Wm. lab. 274 Battery av McGowan Mrs. Wm. 233 Saratoga McGOWaN'S DINLVG ROOMS AND RES- TAURANT, 57 w Fayette McGowry Michael, lab. 260 Mattery av .McGrale Hugh, lab. Bolton al nr Wiison McGiale J(jhn, lab. 126 3 Washington McGrane Mrs Mary,marbleyd,120n High,dw57 McGrann Francis, lab. 12 Mulberry McGrann John, huckster, 12 Russell .McGrath H. J. k Co. (H. J. McGrath) packers. 36 and 38 York McGrath H. J. (H. J. McGrath & Co.) 179 e Monument McGrath John, mariner, 105 8 Caroline McGrath Johanna, grocery, 170 Greenm'nt av McGrath Martin, porter, 172 n Front FRESH OYSTERS, CELEBRATED CHAMPION BRAND AND H. J. McGRATH & CO. TUn. 36 ared 3» TORK STREET. McGrath Patrick, blockmkr, 208 Bank McGraw Bernard, lab. 11 Thompson McGraw James, scap and candle mannfr. 40 and 42 Clay, dw 286 Greenmount av McGraw James, ffour and feed, 126 Ensor, dw 137 e Madison McGraw Jas. jr. Inb. 137 e Madison McGraw Jas. blacksmith, 48 Hlllmaa McGraw Jas. J. clerk, 2G8 Aisqnith McGraw John, roofer, 106 .Mullikin McGraw John, screwman, 1H& w Baltimore McGraw John, lab. HI Hollins McGraw John, 268 Aisqnith McGiaw John B. attorney, 28G Greenmount ay McGraw John K. cotton sampler, 106 Mullikin McGraw Levin, u>:iriner, 89 McFlderry whf .McGraw Michael, lab. 48 Hillman McGraw Peter, moulder, 48 Hillman McGraw Philip, machini.-^t, 146 Hollins McGreevy A. H. R. salesman, 140 w HofiFman McGreevN Arthur T. clerk, 101 Walsh McGreevy Mrs. Emily, 101 Walsh McGreevy Chas. E. butcher, Penna av ext McGreevy Geo. M. property agt, 48 Lexington, dw loi Walsb McGreevy James, blacksmith, cor Fremont and Ramsay, dw 115 s Fiemout McGreevy James H. clerk, 63 Garden McGreevy John, lab. 17 Slemmer al .McGreevy John A. bookkpr, 219 n Howard McGreevy John E. clerk, 219 n Howard McGreevy Nathaniel C. clerk, 101 Walsh McGreevy Patrick, lab. 154 Bnrgundy al McGreevy Solomon, stonecutter, 165 J Ensor McGreevy Wm. 63 Garden McGregor Ale.x. (McGregor Oil Co.) and sec'y Baltimore Pearl Hominy Co.,Barnuiii's hotel McGregor John A. car[). 186 Penna av McGregor Joseph, caumkr. Point la nr Green- mount cemetery McGregor Oil Co. (V. Winters, Robt. McGregor, Ale.x. .McGregor, R. H. Minister) manufact's linseed oil, cor North and lielvidere McGregor ROBERT, (McG. Oil Co. )and treas. Balto. Pearl Hominy Co. 2o5 n Calvert McGrewThos.O.(L.H.Lee&Co.)178nRepublican McGruder Richard W. 690 SaratOtra McGuckin James, foreman, 338 e Lombard McGuOin James, gatekeeper, Harford rd McGuigan Mary, seamstiesa, 22 Hillen McGuigan Mary, grocery, 92 s Spring McGuiness John T. clerk, 299 n I'^utaw McGuire Mrs. Ann, tailoress, 39 Harmony la McGuire Andrew, fire dept. 62 Stiles McGuire iiernard, lab. 24 Willow McGuire Michael, liquors, 7 Cuba McGuire I^eter, lab. 18 Neighbor McGuire Thos. police, 48 e Biddle McGuire Thos. C. ins. agent, 100 e Pratt HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. i" the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ^ McG 389 MoK McGuire Wm. J. clerk, 28 Second ^McGuirk Beiaard, butter, 120 u Schroeder McGuirk James, restaurant, Harford road opp Darley park McGuirk John jr. lab. 5:^6 Saiatofja McGuirk Mrs. Maro::iret, ^'roc\v,186eMonunient McGuirk Wm. H. printer, Harford road opp Darley park McGulpen Wm. grocery, 88 Stirling llcGuunijile Wm. lab. 5 Madeira al McGuik Geo. cij;arrakr, 155 n Paca • ilcGurk Hugh, bricklayer, 120 RidgeJy ilcHale John, lab. 7 Potomac McHale Joha, groceries and liquors, 498 w Pratt McHale John, bl;icksmLih. 22 Elizabeth la McHale Michael, lab. 7 Potomac McHale Richard, lab 7 Potomac McHarry .Mrs. Jane, 461 Lexington McHarry Philip E. 96 n Schroeder McHarrj Robi.B.coachpaiuter, George nrBruiie McHarry Wm. carp. 461 Le.vingtoQ McHenry J. Howard, u e cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw Pikesville, Baltimore co McHenry Joseph, tailor, 3 Biddle al McHenry Mrs. Julia, 119 e .Madison McHugh Lawrence, porter, 96 York McHugh Margaret, 96 York McHugh Michael, grocery, 207 Vine McHugh Thomas F. clerk, 96 Yoi k Mcllhaney Kliza, matron Aged Woraens' Home McHhaney John, expressman, 500 w Faj'ette McHhargey Benj. bookkprs, 41 Mulberry Mcllheuny James E. clerk, 93 s Paca McHhenny James M. salesman, 93 s Paca Mcllvaiu Alex, canmkr, 99 s Bond, dw lo3 Mcllvain Donald, com. meicht. 81 Second, dw no Park av Mcnvain J. W. 110 Park av McHvain Wm. F. clerk, 525 Franklin Mcllvain James, clerk, i37 s Caroline Mcllwaine Alex, restaurant, 89 w Fayette McILWAINE & BOiNINGKR,(S. 0. Mcllwaine, R 0. Boninger) dried fruit and produce com. merchants, 51 s Charles Mcllwaine David, baker, 25 McMechin Mcllwaine James, rigger, 81 Granby Mcllwaine Richard, huckster, 178 Pearl McHwaine S. O. (.McL & Boninger) 305 Druid Hill av . Mclnes Thos. W. musician, 185 n Ciiroline Mclnerney John, porter, 26 Laurel Mclnlire David L. canmkr, 279 s Paca Mcinlire Geo. H. mariner, 66 Fawn Mclntire Geo. W. lab. 35 Parkin Mclnlire H M. salesman, 37 Clinton av Mclntire Dr. James, Prof. Balto. City College, 63 McCuUoh Mclntire James, flagman, 16 Decker Mclntire Jas. col. int. rev. 1st District, office in C. H. dw Cecil CO Mclntire Mrs. Jane, 87 n Exeter Mclntire Mrs. Jane, 32 n Bond Mclntire John, fireman, 9 Neighbor Mclntire John, lab. Lanvale la nr Decker Mclnlire John, coachman, 3^<8 w Eager Mclntire John T. cierK, lu8 Mulberry Mclntire Joseph, stonecutter, 150 Forrest Mclntire Mayberry T brickmkr, 279 s Paca Mclntire Michael, lab. 276 Park av Mclnlire Michael, porter, 1:;3 Harford av Mclntire Owen, lab. Waverley Melntire Owen, police, 12 Neighbor Mclntire Patrick, lab. 2 Decker Mclntire Patrick, lab. 34 Jew al, o. t. Mclntire Patrick, messenger, 62 Perry Mclntire Patrick, blksmith, 22 n Oregon Mclnlire Peter, switch tender, 68 Decker Mclntire Philiii, lab. VVood'oerry Mclntire Philip jr. lab. Woodberry Mclntire Thomas, lab. 32 Haw Mclntire VV^ii brassfinisher, Lanvale iirAisquilh Mclnlire Win. W. jr. canmkr, 279 s Pac-a , Mclntire Wm. W. stonecutter, 279 s Paca Mcintosh Alex, engineer, 80 Oak Mcintosh Charles, lab. 19 Hudson al Mcintosh Kate, teacher, 72 n Broadway Mcintosh Wm. T. driver, 83 MuUikin Mclntyre H. M. salesman, 37 Clinton av Mclntyre Robert J C'>achpainter, 130 Preston Mclntyre Wm. E. barkeeper, 20 Neighbor McJilton John N. conductor, 317 Mulberry McJilton Wm. clerk pension office, 51 Hollins McJilton Wm. E. real estate, 36 Saratoga McKaig Jesse R. coUainikr, 62 s Sharp, dv? 304 Q Mulberry ^ McKanna Patrick (P. McK. & Co ) 44 s Greene X McKANNA PATRICK & CO. (P. McKanna)^ grocers, flour and feed, 325 w Pratt ^ McKanna Patrick, lab. 23 Price ct McKavat Arthur, mariner. 5 Willinger cl ^ McKay & Co. ( Wm.McKay,Thos. A. Reid) joD and lat)el printers, over 17 Light ^' McKay George, heater, 398 Aliceanna ^ McKay Geo. ironworker, Third av nr Aliceanna J^ McKay Hugh, lab. 42 Booth McKay James, bottler, 132 Franklin, dw 151 n CQ H O O O Q Ell taw McKay John, lab, 25 s Stockholm McKay John, healer, Collin;: ton av nr Bank McKay Robert, lampfiller, 398 Aliceanna McKay Robert, carp. 15 w Lombard McKay Wm. (McKay ^ Co.) 214 Lanvale McKay Wm. F. huckster, 396 e Monument McKean Jas. D. inspector C. H. 71 s Eden McKean John, cigarmkr, 132 Pearl McKean Mrs. Mary. 13 May McKean Thos. C. clerk, 441 e Eager McKee Mrs*. Anne L. 378 Hollins McKee Barney, lab. 105 Hollins McKee Mrs. Hannah, 269 Druid Hill av McKee Jas. B. bakery, 162 n Eutaw McKte James, brakeman, 16 Parkin McKee John, lab. 105 Hollins McKee John, feed, 380 Canton av, dw 191 Hudson McKee John, machinist, 9 P.irkin McKee John, machinist, 173 Lee McKee Mrs. Martha, Harford av nr Point la McKee Mrs. Mary, 407 Saratoga McKee Patrick, shoecutier, 1 04 Aisquith McKee Patrick, bagga<;e master, 173 Lee McKee Samuel, glassblower, 179 Leadenhall McKee W. F. bookkpr, 209 Maryland av McKee Wm. ropemkr, Harford av nr Point la McKeel Arthur D. (.McK. & Walker) 14 darker^ P-i CD pq Id H I — I McKEEL & WALKER, (A. D. McKeel and Wm. H. Walker) merchant tailors, 61 w Fayette McKeever Mrs. Bridget, grocery, 11 Chew McK'-ever John, plasterer, 1 1 Chew McKeever John jr. tavern, 67 Frederick av McKeever Michael, lab. 14 Scott McKeever Thos. plasterer, 11 Chew McKeever Thos. driver, 381 w Lombard McKeever Wm lab. 73 Peirce Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) E-t 02 o <1 Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. o.=r McK H90 McK o ^ McKeever Wm. barkeeper, 87 Garden — -^ ^ McKHldin Chiis. stonecutter, 318 Franklin McKeldin David, stonecutter, 391 s pjUtaw McKeldiii Geo. orjasshjower, 391 s Eotaw .McKe)din Jos. Siiddl' r, 576 w Baltimore McKeldin Letilia. 3 3 Oregron McKeldin Lewis H. gl issblower, 391 s Eutaw -~ 3 t; McKeldin I>ewis H. plassblower, 360 Oslend "" X P .McKeldin Mrs. .M. A. huekstress, 318 Franklin '"-^ ," .McKeldin Robert, clerk, 3 s Orejon — S ir. ^'''K-eldin .Mis. Sophia, ^'rocen-, 391 s Eutaw -5 ~ c' .McKeldin Wm. H. lelefrrapbis't, 318 Franklin ^ 73 ^ McKeldin Wni. collector, 3 s Orearon c ^5^ ~ McKellip Jos A. disc, clerk. Howard house C^'^ "•< McKehey .Folin en-inecr. 403 «■ Lonibard ... >^'^ .McKelvey Mirion, brakeinan, ('66 vv Pratt — ~ ^ McKendrey John, lab. 96 Clinton • r ." ~ McKenley" Elizabeth, 33 Gough P o ^ McKenley Wni. R. c:irp. 13.'" Le.\inorton S rL~ McKenle}- Mrs. W. R. millinery, 135 Lexington ^ Q r .McKenna Aithtir, irrocery, 73 s Castle " .MiKenna Arthur, enjrineer, 40 s Castle McKenna Bernard, grocery, cor Holliday and Foundry -McKenna Daniel, peddler, 67 Barnes -McKenna Dmiel, wa^joner, 19 s Burke McKenna Daniel 'y. clerk, 19 s Burke .McKenna Francis L. clerk, 112 n Eden .McKenna Jas. lab. 229 West McKen'ia Jas. lab. 1 J[cLeary ct .McKenna Jas. lab. 15 Whatcoat _ McKenna John, brass finisher, 103 n Calrert ^ ^ CL. McKenna John, butcher, 26 .Morris al ^^ ~ 2 McKenna John, lab. Clinton nr Fourth av *] S P^ .McKenna John, poli McKenney James, printer, 61 Cliesniu ~ •" ., McKenney James, insjectorC. H. dw 20 Wil- ^ " " liamson al .McKenney James, tinner, 20 Williamson al 5! _2 "" McKenney Joseph, carp. 26 .lack:-on sq av ~ -^ 5 McKantiey Owen, baker, 15 Scott 5 ti ~ .McKenney Patrick J. dk, 28 e .Monument 5 5^ .McKenney Rev Win. J I7S Penna av ^ -^ 4© .McKenney Wm. lib. Point la nr Greenmount V, xP io cemetery ^ 3 = .McKenthum Wm walchmaker,27 nCharle3,dw ~~ h "x Sharp and Cimden ? -^ -^ McKinzie Ale.x. hostler, Waverley .McKenzie Alex. lab. 131 s Regester .McKenzie Charles, ci^'arpkr, 117 Preston ** .^ 5 .McKenzie Ev;in. shoemkr, 125 Pre-ton ^ i£ . .. .McKenzie Geo. E. candy pkr, 135 Preston i S t- McKenzie James, sewing machine agent, 22 e ^ >i I Eaj;er ^ a >^ McKenzie James H. canmkr, 283 XIcDonogh McKenzie Oliver, machinist, 179 Hollins .McKenzie Samuel, plasterer, 702 w Lombard McKenzie Wm. machinist, Ramsay nr Fuitoii McKenzie Win. hostler, 9 n Frederick McKeowen Mrs. Mary, grocery. 98 Mullikin McKeowen Patrick, lab^ 98 .Mullikin McKeown John T. bricklayer. 350 e Fajelle McKerern John, drayman, 361 n Howard McKeiein John jr. porter, 361 n Howard McKernan Mrs. Isabella, 8 Wilco.x .McKeinan Johii,drj' goods andnotions,383and 385 u Gay McKeviit Edward, lab. 46^ .Aisquith McKew Dr Dennis I. 154 s Sharp .McKew .Michael, police, 41 1 s Charles McKew Owen, I -b. 56 n Amity McKew Patrick, lab. 21 Willow McKew Wm. sr. lab. 411 s Charles McKew Wm. jr. lab. 411 s Charles .McKewen .\rchibild, 51 Lee McK''\ven Bernard, lab. Homestead .McKewen .Mrs. Cecelia, lOT n Schroeder .McKewen Fnncis, plasterer. Wolfe nr Biddle McKewen Frank W. clerk, 51 Lee McKewen Fred. J. engineer, 51 Lee •McKewen James J. stoves, 504 w Pratt McKewen Jwhn, police. 362 n Gav McKcAen John, stouepoiisher, 8 Webster al McKewen John F. ironmoulder, 15 Scott McKewen Joseph J. dep. clerk Criminal Court, 51 Lee McKewen Patrick, lab. 60 n Holliday McKewe.T Patrick, driver, 212 Stirling .McKewen Patrick, foreman, 98 Mullikin .McKewen Richard J. carp. 112 u Schroeder McKewen Robert, glasspolislie . 101 Harford av McKewen Thomas, gasfitter, 107 n Front McKEWEN WM. F. clerk Criminal Court, 150 s Sharp McKewen Wm.I. coacbpnioter, 107 n Schroeder .McKey Edward, lab. 25 Ilillmau .McKey Samuel, l.ib. 25 Hillman McKibbiiis Thomas W. steamfitter, PoppletOQ and Peirce McKILLOP JOHN & CO. commercial agency, .Arthur Tress, raaiia;rer, 226 w H:iltimore .McKI.M & CO. (Wm , H. and L. McKim)bank- ers, 186 w Baltimore McKim Free School, lialtimore and Aisquilh, Kiik Bro«n, teacher .McKim H.-liius (.McK.& Co.)Calvert and Chase ' .^IcKim .Mrs. John S. Belvidere nr Calvert McKim John (Lawford & McK.) 110 Park av .McK I in Louis (.McK. & Co.) 12o P;irk av .^IcKim Mrs. Louisa, .Maryland av ur Denmead McKim Telf.iir, attorney, 23 a Calvert, dw Bel- videre nr Calvert McKim Mrs. Wm. D. 120 Park av McKiin Wm. (McK. &Co.) 120 Park av .McKimmon James, s.ilesman, 18 Barnet MiKinless Chas. .\. s;ile8mHn, 365 w Lombard .McKinley J.imes. blaL-ksmith, 6ol w Lombard McKinley Mir^raret, varieties, 601 w Lombard .McKinley Patrick, grocery, 79 Hampstetd .McKinlev Wm. boileriukr, 226 Montgomery McKinnell Mrs. Ann M. 43 Walsh .McKinnell James H. m.ichinist, 43 Walsh .McKinnell John, macliinist, 43 Walsh McKinsey Hir.im, brakeman, 5 Lemmon McKinsey Ma^v. laund. 80 s Dallas .McKinstrey John, clerk, 665 Le.Kington •McKitlrick Lawrence, lab. 108 Preston ^^ '(^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. — ^» Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. McK 39I McL McKittrick Mrs. Philip, 91 s High McKittrick Patrick, car driver, Retreat opp. cai- stables McKittrick Tliomas H. V. bank niesseairer, 91 s Hijih MfKnevv John F. lab. Ramsay nr Fulton McKnew Jos. N. haircomber, Ramsay nrFulton McKiiew Mrs. Louisa, 58 s Grieiie McKnew Xathl. machinist, Ramsay nr Fulton McKnew Dr W. R. 582 w Fayetie McKuight Geo. restaurant, 2 Lexinj/iou McKnight James W. solicitor, 164 e Pratt McKiiighl John R. packer, 254 Lii:ht McKnight Matthew, stonecutter. Jit. Royal Hill McKnight .Mrs. .Margaret, grocery, 88 Knsor McKnight Philip, stoi.emason, 88 Ensor McKnight Robert A. J. sailmaker. 196 Mmt- g(juiery McKnight Wt-Uington, sailmaker, 234 Light McLaiu Alex city cart, 228 Lemmoii al McLain Frank, police, 24 President JIcLain Geo. stonecutter, 24 Pie.-ideni McLain James, lightning rods, 33 .s Holliday McLain John, lumber w.iguns, 84 Eastern av McLain John V. carp. 39 4 Eastern av McLain Levin, boiiermUr, 70 Preston McLain Louis, boi.eimUr, 70 Preston McLain Robert, 24 President McLain Wni. iiispr. U. H. 105 e .Madison McLanahan Robert C.bookbuider, 267 Saratoga McLauihan \Vm. A. cleik, 267 Saratoga McLanahan AVm. H. bookbinder, 267 Saratoga McLane Alan E. clerk, 183 n Republican McLaiie Anna, grocery, 518 w Pratt McLane Henry, cleik, St. Paul and Eager McLane James L. attorney, 43 St. Paul, dw 37 Cathedral McLane John, huckster, 3 Abraham McLane Louis, clerk, St. Paul and Eager McLane Louis, 263 n Charles McLAXE ROBERT M. attorney, 43 St. Paul, dw 194 n Charles McL'UieMis. Sally J. 31 Cathedral McLane Thos. painter, 50 Hillen McLane Wm. H. police, 21 Gittings McLaughlin Andrew, canmkr, 295 Aliccanna McLaughlin Andrew, [lolice, 166 e Lombard McLaughlin Andrew, plumber, 51 n Paca McLaughlin Capt. August, Bai num's hotel McL.ughliij Mrs. Bridget, liquors, 6 Cuba McLaughlin BRUS. (D , Robt, John and Wm. McLaughlin,) wholes, boots an 1 shoes, 318 w B.liitnore, factory 79 e .Monument McLaughlin Bros. (R. and D McLaughlin) boots and shoes retail, 236 n Gay McLaughlin 1 harles, canmkr, 295 Aliceanna McLaughlin Chas. J. fancy goods, 138 w Pratt, dw 109 e Fayette McLaughlin Cornelius, driver, 24 e Monument McL.ughlin Daniel, (.McL. Bros.) 319 e Chase McLaughlin D. J. ekrk, 205 Hank McLaughlin Dr. David B. 10 Waverley ti-rrace McLaughlin Mrs. Ellen, trim'us, 103 Hillen McLauiihlin .Mrs. hlli-n, 30u .Muileav McLaughlin Mrs. Francis, Edmondson av nr Carey McLaughlin Frank, lab. 218 n Front McLaughlin Frank K. clerk, 270 Myrtle av McLaughlin Geo. shipcarpenler and excavator, 38 s Gilmor McLaughlin Hugh, salesman, 4 Comet al McLaughlin Irving L. huckster, 17 Jew al McLaughlin James, Western Maryland hotel McLaughlin James, clerk, 5 Warner McLaughlin Jas. lab. 14 Ryan McLaughlin Jas. jaaitor, 389 e Eager McLaughlin J:is. wagoner, 86 Stirling McLaughlin James H. 109 e Fayette -2 McLaughlin John, lab, 92 Warner CQ McLaughlin John, lab. 184 Dover > McLaughlin John F. telegraphist, 6 Cuba ci McLau'ihlin John, lab. 5 Warner "J:^ McLaughlin John G. huckster, 101 Pearl r£1 .McLaughlin John(.McL. Bros.)shoes, 242 n Gay- McLaughlin Joseph, blacksmith, 146 3 Ann "^ McLaughlin Joseph, brakeman, 8 Price ct § McLiughlin Joseph G. clerk, 10 Waverley ^■ terrace i-i McLAUGALIX &KRATZ(Wm. J. .McLaughlin, 2 Alexander Kratzjrestaurant, 272 s Broadway .2 McLaughlin .Mrs. .Miry, upholst's, 88 Walker ct .±; McLaughlin Mrs. Mar.v , 101 Pearl ^ McLaugh in Mrs. Mary, boarding, 40 9 Eutaw P^ McLaughlin Michael, lab. 192 s Charles ^ McLaughlin Morton, lab. 664 w Pratt O .McLaughlin Patiick, lab. 23o Chesnut O McLaughlin Patrick, lab. 34 Marion .McLaughlin Patrick, plumber, 71 e Baltimore, ^ dw 43 n Front p^ .McLaughlin Patrick, lab. 230 Chesnut ^ McLaughlin Philip S. (Geigan & Co.) 187 n Re-og publican McLaughlin .Mrs. Rebecca, 51 n Paca (2^ McLaughlin Richd. canmkr, 295 Aliceanna Q McLaughlin Robt. (.McL. Bros.) 236 n Gay Q McLaughlin R jbt. canmkr, 295 Aliceanna ►-^^ McLaughlin Mrs. Rosalie, 10 s Strieker t^ McLaughlin Thos. 5 Warner .McLaughlin Thos. lab. 110 Stirling p£] .McLaughlin Thos. plasterer, 295 Aliceanna .McLaughlin Thos. lab. 58 King 1^ McLaughlin Thos. police, 58 King J^ McLaughlin Thos G. lab. 5 Warner ^ McLaughlin Wm. jr. clerk, 197 Saratoga McLaughlin Wm. B. 270 Myrtle av ^-k" McLaughlin Wm. H. canmkr, 295 Aliceanna ^ McLaughlin Wm. J. blacksmith, 87 Oak ^ • McLaughlin Wm. (McL. Bros.) 28 n Fremont t_| McLaughlin Wm. mariner, 766 w Baltimore L-( McLaughlin Wm. tinner, 109 e Fayette kh McLiughlin Wm firedept.Hroadwav nr Thames f^ McLaughlm Win. J. (McL. k Kr.itz) 98 Thames j^ .McLean Adelbert, printer, 23 s Bond f^ McLean .Arthur, carbuilder, 16 Whatcoat ^ O .) 54 n Front Michael, lab. ,')5o w Lombard .Michael, machinist, 9 Booth Michael, lab. 633 Light Michael, lab. 19 Jew al Michael, moulder, 54 n Front Morion, maltster, 140 s Central av Owen, grocery, 74 Mulberry Patrick, carp. John nr Greenmount av Patrick, lab. 5 Abraham Patrick, stonecutter, 48 Harford av Patrick, miller, 380 s Sharp Peter, upholiterer, 21 Druid Hill av Peter, tavern, 125 North Peter, clerk. Eagle hotel Peter, driver, 114 s Exeter Rose, dressmkr, 148 n Eutaw Terence, lab. 105 Harford av Thos. driver, 17 Hope Thos. clerk. Northern Central hotel Wm. boilermkr, 7 Abe> al Chas. lab. McElderry nr Castle Chas.broommkr,McElderry nr Castle R. J. 68 n HoUiday Wm. broommkr, Jetferson nr Castle ('has. W. law student, 150 Linden av Thos. B. clerk, 150 Linden av J IcMahon J IcMahoti 5 IcMahon ''i IcMahon ,^ IcMahon J IcMahon ^ IcMahon o .^ IcMahon O 5 IcMahon 0 ] IcMahon IcMahou ^ -^ IcMahon < -\ IcMahon ^ -^ IcMahon ^> IcMahon IcMahon H -^ IcMahon P. •^ IcMahon W N IcMahon <^ > IcMahon o .^ IcMahon 1-5 ^ IcMahon ^ ^ leMahon IcMahon ;^ N IcMahon o ^^ IcMahon "^ J IcMaines \ IcMainea }, IcMaines J i.Maines J IcMaUin i cMakin McManus Rev. B. J.,Eairerand Valley McManus Mrs. Bridget, 2 Tyson McManus Edward A. clerk, 282 e Biddle McManus Daniel, engraver. 135 s Bond McManus Francis, carp. 2 Tvson McMANUS FELIX R., M. "D., homeopath, 71 Franklin McManus Henry, (McM. & McNeal,) 6 Abraham McManus James, lab. 156 a Dallas McManus James, lamplighter, John nr Green- tnouul av >McManiis John, 6 Abraham McManus John, sec. hand furn. 60 Harrison McManus John, blacksmith, 59 Garden McManus John T. carp. 62 Buren McManus Patrick, clerk, 79 e Biddle McManus Patrick, lab. 4 Hillen McManus Patrick J. granitecutler, John near Jones falls McManus Terence, lab. 415 w Fayette McManus & McNeal, (Henry McManus, Michael McNeal) horseshoers, 21 Piiultney McManus Wm. A. lab. 100 Dolphin McManus Wm. (Wm. McManus & Co.) 282 e Biddle McManus Wm. ^ Co. (Wm. McM k Wm. J. Dilworth) stoves, 41o w Baltimore McNUclieii Mrs Eleanor, tailoress, 46 Walsh McMillan .Mrs. A. D. 303 w Fav< ite McMillan Hannah, vcstmkr, 195 e Madison McMillan James E. painter. 542 Aisquith McMillan Jas. (Litchfield & McM.) 296 s Sharp McMillan Thos. H. canmkr, 126 Burgundy al McMillan Wm. D. 393 w Fayeite McMinn Mrs. J. A. grocery, 12 Brune .McMullau Alice, dre.^srakr, 160 Saratoga McMullau Chas. S bricklayer, 18 Hill McMullau John, 235 n Calvert .McMullen John, 10 s Front McMuUen John, clerk, Oxford, York rd McMullen John, clerk, 427 Franklin McMullen John F. 83 Cathedral McMullen Joseph, lab. 19 Armistead la .McMulien Louisa, (M. & L. .\lcM.) 149 n Eutaw McMull 'u Mrs. Marjzarei, junk, 246 Light McMullen Mary, (M.& L.McMullen)l49 n Eutaw McMullen M. & L. (Mary and Louisa McMullen) milliuerv goods, 149 n Eutaw McMullen Michael, lab. 3! Foster al McMullin Edward J. carp. Presstman nr Carey McMurphv Michael, lab. Vincent al nr Ramsay McMurray Felix, lab, 231 William McMurray John L. painter. 465 Saratoga McMurrav John H. carp. 4(55 Saratoga ' McMURliAY LOUIS & CO. (L. McMurray, ChulesE. Houghton. A. B. Ellis, ) oysters, fruit, &c., 1, 3, 5 and 7 (,'ioss McMurray Louis (L. McM.& Co.) 252 w Biddle McMyers Ch.-is. confeciiouer, 246 Lexington McNallis Daniel, machinist, 135 s Bond McNally Mrs. Annie, grocery, 9 Neighbor McNally Bernard, carter, 100 St. Paul McNally Ellen, hairdressr, 35 e Baltimore McNallv Francis, lab. 63 Boston McNALLY HENRY R. (H. R. McN. & Co.) 145 St. Paul McNALLY H. R. & CO. (H. R. Me- Nally,) Saddlery Hardware and Harness Materials, 39 s Charles. McNally Henry, processor, 100 St. Paul HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thoirraphincr, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, o. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. McP McN 398 McNally James, foremiin, IIG North McNally James, lab. 7 Camden la McNalfy James sr. supt. of streets, s w cor St. Paul and Centre McNally James A. tinner, 188 n Fremont McNally James E. tinner, 188 n Fremont McNally James F. tavern, 116 North McNally John, blacksmith, 41 York McNally John, distiller, 100 St. Panl McNallV John, granitecutter, 9 Neighbor .McNally Patrick, rectifier, 625 w Pratt McNally Patrick, nightman and excavator, Hope al nr Point la McNally Peter, tobacconist, 63j n Calvert, d\v 27 e Madison McNally Mrs. Sophia, reir 394 Saratoga .McNally Wm. P. J. clerk, 198 Columbia McNaniara Dennis, lab. H 'lliday nr Centre McNamara Kdward, machinist, 77 Camden McNamara Garrett, lab. 643 Light McNamara James, lab. 547 e Fayette McNamara Capt. Jas. mariner, 122 .Montgomery McNairiara James, lab. 643 Light McNamara John \V. mariner, 122 Montgomery McNamara Jos. milk, 108 e Eager McNamara Matthew, drayman, 51 Buren .McNamara Michael, restaurant, 98 Albemarle McNamara Mich.-.el, lab. 99 Eastern av McNamara Patrick, huckster, 7 Fall McNamara Simon, grocery and feed, 741 w Loml)ard McNamara Wm. W. restaurant, 97 Low, dw 409 e Lombard McNaniee Jas. metre maker, 79 Ensor McNamee Jas. hib. 53 Durst al McNamee Michael (McN. & Rosensteel) 77 n Howard McNAMEE & ROSENSTEEL (Mi- chael NcNamee, George T. Rosen- steel, jr.) Stoves and Ranges, 77 n Howard. McNamee Peter, lab McNamee Walter C, McNaney Daniel sr. McNaiiey Daniel jr. McNaney Edward, lab. McNaney James P 7 Annistead la upholsterer, 44 Penii lab. 15 s Front ictor, 15 s Front 5 s Front ear, 364 McDonogh McNaney Jotui, lab. 7 Hudson al McNaney Peter, wa;;oner, 55 n Durham McNasby Mrs. Anna, t.'iiloress, 43 Hill McNeal Beverly, wliarf builder, 144 s Regester McNe:il Charles, 88 e Fayette McNeal Geo. supt. Giltnor nr Franklin McNeal Hugh, grocery. 68 York McNeal Isaac Q.(McN. & Knauff) 51 s Eden McNEAL JAMliS, Jr. treasurer Greenmount cemetery, and real estate agent, 53 Lexing- ton, dw 189 n Calvert McNeal .lames H. clerk to Port Warden, 462 e Lombard McNeal John, lab. 1G2 West McNeal John B insp.C.H. dw 75 n Washington McNeal J. Vansani, chief clerk Auditor's ofiBce B. & 0. R. R., Camden station, dw 173 n Calvert McNeal Joseph W. stonecutter, North av nr Peuna av Mc.Veal & Knauff (I. Q. McNeal, Wm. Knauff) carpenters and builders, 20 s Frederick 256 W ^ s pq o O 6 o -■^ o o NcNeal Michael (McManus & McN.jl62 West .McNeal Michael, lab. 250 Hamburg McNeal .Michael, police, 12 Forrest pi McNeal Patrick, screwman, 25 e Pratt McNeal Wilbur N. clerk, 349 w Fayette .McNeil Annie, dressmkr, 125 w Biddle McNeil Bedford, lab. 13 Stockholm McNeil Chas. .M. clerk, lf-5 e .Monunjent McNeil Hugh, bacon, 196 Walsh McNeil Fannie, dressmkr, 125 w Biddle .McNeil Henry, teacher, 326 H mover .McNeil Jane, dressmkr, 125 w Biddle McNeil Mrs. M u-y. 125 w Biddle McNeill Archibald, 161 Linden av McNeill Mrs. Bernadine, 10 Valley McNeill Geo. E. butcher, 10 Valley .McNeill James, grocery, 4U City block McNeill Peter, bib. 545 Saratoga McNKILL THOS. grocery and provisioi Hoilms McNeill Wm. J. stonecutter, 256 Hollins McNeir John J. cabinetmkr, 182 Chesnut McNeir .Mrs. .Mary, tailoress, 263 n Central av McNeirney John, porter, 36 Laurel .McNeirney .Michael J. te icher, Loyola College .McNelly Rebecca, dressmkr, 217 George xMrNew Basil, blacksmith, William ni- West McNcw Geo. machinist, 259 William McNew Henry, engineer, First nr Clinton .McNew James H. 15 s Strieker .McNew Nathaniel C. [lainier, 82 s Reiiul)lican .McNew Thos. watchm.m, 15 s Strieker .McNew Wm. engineer, 8 .Norris McNewbtrg John, wheelwright, 64 Decker McNicholas John, lab. 13 Pleasant al McNicholas .Mrs. Mary, 13 Pleasant al .McNorton Alex, hostler, 60 Dover .McNorton Frank, hackman, 60 Dover McNorton Thos. backuian, 60 Dover .McNulty .Mrs. Ann. seamstress, 207 n Dallas .McNulty Mrs. Ann, tailores^, 347 e Ea.ier .McNulty Cornelius, blacksmith, 347 e Eager .McNulty John P. carter, 483 LexiHgton McNulty John, milk, 483 Lexington McNulty John (Z. English & Co.)58 e Lorn McNulty .Mrs. .Martha, 39 n Fremont McNulty .Miciiael, lab. 145 HuJson .McNulty Thos. moulder, 222 e .Monument McNutt Rebecca, fancy goods, 44 n Greene Mi-Parlin Wm. H. bookk|)r, 137 Chew McPhail .•Vmirew G. hostler, 3 Harmony la McPhail .Mrs. J. IS. L. 350 n Fremont .McPhail Jas. L. of Wm clerk, 322 n Caroline McPhail John, 322 n Caroline McPhail Mrs. Mary J. 3 Harmony la .Mci'hail Wm. cleik. 322 n Caroline iMcPheeteis J. G. 93 w Chase McPherson A. H. cle.'-k, 134 Dolphin .McPheison Alex. H. (Horn Bros.) 154 Division ^ .McPherson C. L. carp. 134 Dolphin _^ r^ cn D < .ard C5 < McPherson Chas. 90 McCulloh McPheison Chas. clerk, 145 n Ivxeter .McPherson Duncan, potter, 96 s Caroline McPherson Duncan, tulor, 97 Franklin q McPherson Jas B.(J.B.McP.&Co.)141 n Charles p^ McPherson John, carp. 145 n Exeter ^ McPHKRSON J. B. & CO. (J. B. McPherson, ^ H. M. Hutchinson) steam sawmill, Hudson^ nr Luzerne, Cauton .McPherson John W. clerk, 50 Jackson sq av .McPherson Jos. L. merchandise broker, 134 n High Po wer rress Printing^, at Reduced Rates. ft (.Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) O o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, "IS 02 — ,^ <=> - C5 j3 ■*- McP 394 ME A a 'p a c ^ l-H o ■4-: -4-9 rri r/; O > ■Jl (^ — or. r— ^ ^ * C — O CS i— >^ c; -^ • o Ol ir r\ r^ JT A, ::: a o H • '^ -5 ■ ^ eC >-j S < <» 1 *-r-1 W cj o - c H . ij ^5 Zi >• c McPherson R. G. inspr. C H. 135 s Bond McPheison Roliert, painter, 160 L. Greene McPherson Samuel T. coaclim;iker and livery stables, Boston nr Chester, dw Cambridge and Canton av McPherson Dr. \Vm. S. 317 Park av McQiiade Chas. J. driver, 169 s Wolfe McQuade John, artist ai Barnum's hotel, dw 12 Low McQuade M. J. (Adams & McQuade) 154 w Pratt McQuaid Henry, driver, 12 Laurel McQuaid Jauit'S, moulder. 3fi6 Eastern av McQuaid James, 12 Laurel MiQuiid Wm. lab. 3 Bank McQuillan Ellen, 236 Lemmon al McQuiiin Eugene, shoenikr, rear 340 s Charles McHae Chas.(R. McRae k Son) 19 Forrest pi McRae Geo. P. bookkpr, 170 n Calvert McRae Henrv, clerk, 170 n Calvert McRAE R. & SON (R. and C. McRae) liquors, 111 n Calvert McRae Roderick(R. McR. & Son) 170 n Calvert McRue Wm. conductor, 170 n Calvert McShane Bell Foundry, 147 and 161 North, Henry McShane & Co. proprietors .McShane Edward, porter, 209 Lemmon McSHANE HENRV k CO.(H and J. McShane) brass founders and finishers, proprs. Phoenix Iron Works, 161 North McSiiaue Henry (H. McS. & Co.) 474 Eutaw pi McShane James, sawxei-, 59 ("ross McShane Dr. James F. 254 Eastern av McShane John (H. McS. & Co.) 397 Park av McShane Mis. Mary, dressmkr, 35 e Ea^er McShane Lawrence, {jents furnishin;; goods, 213 s Broadway McShane Patrick, brnsswkr, 152 Greenmountav McSheriy Chas, A carver, 126 n Eutaw McSherry G. Allen, law student, 189 n Howard McSherry James E. 126 n Kutaw McSherry Joseph F. (Rand, McSherry & Co.) 90 iMusher McSherrv Dr. Riciiard, prof. University of .Md. 189 n Howard McSherry Wm. A. (Rand, McS. & Co.) 230 u Broadway nr Madison McSoarlcy James, clerk, 16 Mechanics ct McSoarley Peter, lab. 16 Mechanics ct McSoarley Rose, 302 n Eutaw McSwceney Cornelius, (McCosker & .McS ) 28 s Chojjiank McSweeney Daniel, lab. 8 s Carey McSweeney Dennis, lab. 80 s Republican McSweeney Dennis, lab. 4'.) Vine ]\IcSweeney Hannah, grocery, 40 Vine McSweeney John, driver, 242 n Front McSweeney Peter, lab. 96 Boyd McSweeney Miles, driver, 166 n Front McSweeuey Timothy, lab. 5 Fall McSweeney Wm. lab. Is Bnreii McTagne Peter, Bunum's hotel -McTaggart JoIhi A. polisher, 249 Jefferson .McTa^g.irt .Mrs. Sarah A. 249 Jefferson McTeer Chas. E. salesman, 14 n I'aitaw McTeer Josejih T. salesman, 14 n Eutaw McTeer .Mrs. M. J. boarding, 14 n Eutaw McTeer R. P. clerk, 14 n Eutaw McTeer Wm. 14 n Eutaw .McTyre B. F. shoes, 12 Patterson av .McVay Feli.K, 74 Durst nl McVeigh Hugh, junk. 111 Hillen .McVeigh James M. clerk, 6.^4 Saratoga McVeigh James, fruit stand. 111 Hillen McVeiiih Mrs. Mary E. 694 Saratoga McVeigh Thos. E. "( Hoover k Mc-V. )20 n Eutaw McVey James M. painter, 75 e Biddle McVey James S. millwright, 75 e Biddle McVey John W. brassmoulder, 75 e Biddle McWhinney .Anna, boarding, 124 e Fayette .McWhirter Archibald, wheelwright, 156 Eager McWhirter David, clerk, 15 e Eager McWhirter .Mrs. .Matilda, grocery, 15 e Eager McWhirter Wni. pi-inter, 15 e Eager McWilliams H. & Co. (Hugh McWilliams) oys- ter packers, 49J w Centre McWilliams Hugh, (H. McW. k Co.) 19 Wil- liamson al McWilliams Geo. lab.. 50 s Strieker McWilliams .lames, fireman, 82 liuzarne McWilliams James, machinist, 128 Columbia McWilliams James, mariner, 127 s Regester McWilliams Jane, P.W.&B.R.R. 127 s Regesti McWilliams John, boiler inspr. 5 s HollidajJ dw 30 n Frout McWilliams John, watchman. 127 s Regester McWilliams John, lab. Chapel nr Chase .McWilliams John, carter, 52 Hillman McWilliams John, clerk, 50 n Front McWilliams .Mary. 50 n Front McWilliams .Mrs! Marv A. 5 Bartlett McWilliams Dr. P. a'. 98 n High McWilliauH Thomas, soapmkr, 29 Hillen .Mead Columbus, brakeman, 118 s Poppleton Mead Edward, wagoner, Hoffman nr Belair av Mead Enistus, lab. 248 Aisijuith Mead Lewis R. shoemkr, 4 Brune .Mead Mary .A. 77 w (Centre .Mead .Mary P. 84 n Bond .Mead Walter, carp. 4 Brune .Mead Wm. salesman, 131 n Calvert Meade Rev. P. Nelson, 268 e Chase Meads Chas. clerk, 170 e F.iyette .Meads Ch is. R. helper, Patu.xent and Hudson Meads Geo. cigarmkr, 374 e Baltimore Meads Henry, shipcarp. 138 Chesapealce Meads James C. clerk, 374 e Baltimore Meads .Mrs. .lane, 374 e Baltimore .Meads Joseph, machinist, 138 Chesapeake Meads Rob't B. lab. Patnxent and Aliceanna Meagher Geo. car|i. cor McMechin and Division Meagher John, builder, Townsend and Division Meagher John, depuiy kpr, Md. penitentiary, 89 w Biddle Meagher Lewis, 149 w Townsend .Meakin Nathaniel, bookkpr, 158 n Pine Jleakin Wm. T. piinter, 85 Mull erry .Meakin Wm. jr. paiiiter, 221 Lanvale .Meakin Wm. bricklayer, 221 Lanvale Meakle Gotleib, lab. 50 Bentalou Mealy John W. watches and jewelry, 123 Les- irniton, dw 221 Lmvale Mealv Robi A. cleik, 123 Lexington Mean") Mrs. Conrad, 132 Vine Means k Dunn, (.V.B Means, D.H.Dunn) flour, tirain an I ^en. coui. merchts. 34 n Howard Means N. B. (.Means k Dunn) Howard house Meany Charles F. rcpoiter, 646 Lexington .Meany Mis. Eliza, 646 Lexington Mean> Wm. 1'. reporter, 75 n Libeity Meare Josejdi, driver, .53 Centre M.irket space M'liris Marion , silver cha.^er, over 11 n Eutaw .Meaiis .Maholm W. attorney. 97 n Exeter Mears E. A. F. jr. fiame joiner, 546 n Gaj- Mears Edward A. F. sr. felt roofer, 546 n Gay V I 4 4 — €©■ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. ME A 395 MEG Menrs Henry, clerk, 105 Greenmoimt av MEARS HENRY W. cabinetmkr and under- taker, 64 n Gay Hears J. Wm. painter, 52 Jackson sq ar Hears John, potter, 94 Block Hears Thos. H. conductor, 105 Greenmount av Heasiags John H. in vriner, 311 Li^ht Heate Frederick, baker, 22 Albemarle Hecaslin Adolph, painter, 99 n Bond Hecaslii) Geo. W. cabinetmkr, 82 n Eden Mechanics Fire Ins. Co. ofN. Y. 4 s Holliday HECHANICS' HALL. Christopher Bartell pro- prietor, 152 w Fajette Mechau George, watchmkr, 226 s Broadway Mechau Julius, watchmkr, 226 s Broadway Hechera Mrs. S. VV. 377 Harford av MechthoM Chas. shoemkr, 197 a Charles Mechthold John, shoemkr, 197 s Charles Mediiiry & Bowers, (Jacob H. Medairy. and Jas. W. Bowers) booksellers and stationers, 6 n Howard Medaiiy Geo. R. clerk, 2 s Greene Hediiiry Henry, ciprarmkr, 2 s Grepne Med.iiry Jacob H. (H. & Bowers)2 s Greene Mediiiry John, clerk, 2 s Greene Medairy Jos. W. bookkpr, 176 Division Medairy Lavinia A. 292 Walsh Hedairy Nicholas B. teller Third Nat. Bank, 312 w Fayette Hedcalf Edward, varieties, 82 Orchard Medcilf Frauds, currier, 5fi McElderry Medcalf Frank, ins. agent 25 Postoffice av, dw 148 n Carey Medcalf Gibson, engineer, 78 Parkin Medcalf John A. J. bookkpr,Second Nat. Bank, 485 Franklin Medcalf Mis. Lizzie, 267 Saratoga Medcalf Wm. H. clerk, 245 Hollins Hedel Wm. blacksmith. 107 Henrietta Medeus Annie, laund. 23 Union AUGUSTUS C. MEDINGER, Grocer, 168 Forrest, cor Front Medinger Charles A. clerk, 168 Forrest Medinger Ch.irles W. 207 e Fayette Medinger Edwiud G. 180 Aisquith .Mfdiiiger Frank, barkpr, 173 s Ri'gpster Mfdinger Fred, moulder, 172 Madeira al Medinger Geo. carp. 1 12 Dolphin Mediuiier Geo. A. paintei-, 33 McElderry Medinger Geo. W. clerk, 155 George Medinger German H. st.iir builder, 115 Dolpliin Medinger Gotlcib F. 184 e Fayette Medinger John G. foreman, 15.') (Jeorge Medinger John G. (Mediiig d:5 I — I niPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. MEa 896 MEL H fxl W P^H H H CCJ S5 a >^ o iene 1'. clerk, 613 w Fayette Mercer I'.dward, engineer, 166 Hollins Meicer Chas. H.(Bowen & M.) pres'tMcDonogh Place Co. 328 e BaltiuiOie Mercer Geo. T. sailmkr, 288 e Madison Mercer Henry A. engineer, 40 s Schroeder Mercer Henry C. hay, 239 Forrest Mercer Henry R. bookkpr, 19 n Poppleton Mercer Jas. sr. lab. 40 Ryan Mercer Jas. jr. lab. 40 Ryan Mercer Jas lab. 2 Hollins al Mercer J. M. 19 Franklin Mercer John -M. carp. 26 n Fremont Mercer John, machinist, 299 e Madison Mercer Mrs. Jane, grocery, 2 HuUins al Mercer John H. fireman, 4ii4 w Lombard Mercer L. 0. wholesale and retail furuiture,376 w Baltimore, dw 311 S-uatoga Mercer Perry G. agent, 485 w Fayette Mercer Richard F. carp. 27 Wilkens av Mercer Robert S. 5.) s Poppleton Mercer Virgil T. periodical stand Postoffice,dw 122 Parkin Mercer Wm. M. porter C. H. dw 86 Parkin Mercer Wm. carp. 86 Parkin Merceret Louis, pub. weigher, 79 Smith's whf, dw 26 w Eager Merchant Mrs Annie, seamstress, 64 n Schroeder Merchant Benj. clerk, 55 n Bond Merchant John, clerk, 157 u Carey Merchant Thomas, tinner, 64 n Schroeder Merchant Wuj. A. ironmoulder, 64 n Schroeder Merchant Wesley, cigarmkr, 430 Mulberry MERCHANTS EXCHANGE AND NEWS ROOMS, Exchange building, 55 Second, Por- ter & Hamilton proprietois MERCHANTS HOTEL,s w cor Pratt and Han- over, Henry Schofield, proprietor Merchants Lift Ins. Co. of New York, J.P.Rey- nolds, gen'l agent, 21 South Merchants and Mechanics Fire Ins. Co. of Va., 13 Rialto bldg MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS PERMA- NENT BUILDING AND LOAN CO., Wra.B. Canfield, pres't, Saml T. Morgan, sec'y, s w cor Gay and Lombard MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTA- TION CO. A. L. Huggius, agent, lower end Long dock OQ o O o o =^ ft o o ^ PQ ft ft !^" O < P P5 O w <1 ft ft ft o o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) i c o .S b.=r ?. u — ' . cc > z: 1— 1 •SOi (C 05 !U GJ f2; C -^ f ce • •^, ii i> X =£ Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. MER 398 MER 3> y^ •^ I— I si a Q-, O O ? a^ i> ?u -, ;i. « ^ o 6^ S^ C K 5» •" O j". cc r, ^^ 5 I ^ O - €©■ ►vs "T^ .P-. ;j 0^ o ?J g •' ^* - , cq ^ 03 fe 5 ^ MKRCHANTS iMUTDAL MARINE INSUR- ANCE CO., Geo. B. Coale, pies' t, office 58 Exchange pi — [See front cover. MKRCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, s w cor Second and Gay — [5ee Appendix. MERCHANTS SHOT TUWER, Henry D. Har- vey, pres't, Lucien 0'Connor,sfec'y,cor Front and Fayette Meichants Siipar Refin'y, Sterling:, Ahrens & Go. proprs, Buchanan's whf. Frederick-st dock Meicier Miss C. T. fimcy store, 2.54 Penna av .Meicier Rachel M. dressml;r, 254 Penna av -Mereditli Augustus R. stonecutter, HOO Hanover Meredith Augustus R. stonecutter, 73 Hamburg ^leredith Benj. J. canvasser, 133 Cross Meredith Chas. P. attorney. Spurrier ct,dw 453 w Fayette Meredith F. E.,U.S.guai;er C.H. Howard house .Meredith Frank S. clerk, 45 n Broadway MEREDITH GILMOR & CO. (G. MereHth. B. C. Barioil, jr., Henry .C. VVinship) agents Pac. Mail S. S. Co., Consolid'n Coal Co., Union Mining Co. of Allegany co. Md. and Youghioghein Gas Coal, 25 s Gay Meredith Gilmor, (G. M. & Co.) 43 Franklin .Meredith Mrs. Jonathan, 43 Franklin Meredith John C. carp. 124 Cross Meredith John F. a{)praiser general C. H. 45 n Broadway Meredith J. H., Carrollton hotel Mtredilh John T. clerk, Pratt nr Scott Meredith Mrs. Maria, 64 St. Paul Meredith Mrs. .Mary \. boarding, 16G Park av Meredith Mrs. Matilda S. boarding,62 s Greene Meredith Samuel, lab. Calhoun nr .McHenry Meredith Susan, notions, 55 Richmond, dw 166 Park av Meredith Wm. B. butcher, 164 s Charles .Meredith Wm. B. stonecutter, 299 s Charles Meredith Wm. H. salesman, 242 Walsh Meredith Wm. T. clerk, 164 s Charles Merefeld Jos. (M. & Kemper) 95 s Paca Merifeld ^ Kemper, (J. .Merefeld, M. Kemper) leaf tobacco and cigars, 117 w Lombard Mergel Louis, milk, Dillon nr Fourth av Mergler John, shoemkr, 294 n Central av Mergler Lewis, carvei', 281 n Cential av Mergler Mary C. candy, 281 n Central av Mergler .Michael, cabinetnikr. 281 n Central av MERIDEN FIRE INS. CO.of .Meriden, Conn., Joseph Selby, agent, 44 Second Meriweather Mrs. Anna, 3o4 e Baltimore Meriweaiher Wm. clerk, 304 e Baltimore M' riou Oliver, flour broker, 286 n Strieker MEKKER A. & KKUG, (A. Merker, G. Krue) blacksmiths, agents and manufrs. self-acting gates and railings, cor Jasper and Saratoga Merker Andrew A. (M.& Krug) If^O Saratoga Merkin Henry, car[). 220 Scott .Mcrklen Mrs. Caroline, 2 Bedtbrd al Merklen Jacob H. huckster, 2 Bedford al Merle Andrew W. nightman, 448 e Pratt Merney John J. lab. 37 Elliott Merolla Ernest De (E. De M.& Co.) vice-consul Italy, 89 Franklin MEROLLA E. DE & CO. (E. De Merolla, E.De Liguorolimporlers wines and liquors, 33s Gay Merrefield Bros. (Wm. J. and Jos.J.Merrefield) wholes, auction dry goods, 288 w Baltimore Merrefield Joseph, 154 n Charles Merrefield Jos. J. (.Merrefield Bros. )154 n Charles .Merrefield Wm J. (Merrefield Bro8.)154nCharles Merrey Wm. J. mariner, 196 Gough Merrick Chas. F. butcher, 18 Hanover market, dw Francis nr Retreat Merrick James H. lab. 392 Hanover Merrick Jesse T. shoemkr, 298 n Durham Merrick John R. grocery, cor Eager and Valley .Merrick John W. cleik, 126 Barre MERRICK & JOHNS, (W\ M. Merrick and H. V. D. Johns) attorneys, 19 n Calvert Merrick Joseph R. painter, Francis nr Retreat Merrick Robt. brassfinisher, 327 n Ann Merrick Robt. brassfinisher, 5o n Holliday •Merrick S F. machinist, 126 Barre Merrick Dr. S. K. 131 w Biddle Menick Wm, M. (M. & Johns) 17 St. Paul, dw Howard co .Merriken David, carp. 321 McHenry iMerriken Francis M. engraver, over 169 w Bal- timore, dw 12 n Bond .Merriktn Geo. salesman, 90 s Paca Merriken James, bo.xmkr, 274 Division Merriken Jas. T. tinner, 54 Milliman Merriken Jos. S. lastmaker, cor Mercer and Grant, dw 434 w Baltimore Merriken Peter L. clerk, 90 s Paca Merriken Wm. tinner, 330 McDonogh Merriken Wm liookbinder, 107 Lexington .Merriken Wni. clerk, 90s Paca Merrill Cath'ne A. dressmkr, 550i w Baltimore Merrill Henry, 168 Cathedral Merrill John, porter, 2 Emory .Merrill Levi A. grocery, 8 Lee, dw 83 Merrill M. L. bricklayer, 550j w Baltimore Merrill Wm. Eager nr Charles Merrilt Alonzo L clerk, 85 s Greene Merritt Caleb, 297 n Broadway Jlerriit Charles, 22 Scott Merrilt Chas. N. produce, 85 s Greene Merritt (.'has. S. bookkpr, 61 n Broadway Merritt .Mrs. E. A. 57 n Poppleton Merritt Mrs. Eliza 0. 85 s Greene .Merritt Francis, 61 Hollins Merrilt Geo. A. 626 w F.iyette Meriitt James, foreman, 105 n Broadway Merritt Jas. A. (Warden Iertz H. feed dealer, 498 e Fayette viertz John, lab. 328 3 Sharp tfertz Lawrence, glastblower, 405 3 Eutaw Mertz Lawrence, jr. glassblower, 405 s Eutaw Mertz Lawrence, glassblower, 4 Stockholm Mertz Louis, gilder, 116 n Washington Merz George, lab. 213 s Wolfe tferz Henry, gas fixtures and plumbing mate- rials, 250 w Piatt rferz Vincent, lab. 409 Aliceanna tferzel Jacob, lab. 89 Lancaster Meseke Edward, clerk, 322 vv Pratt Mcieke Fredk. shoemkr. 322 w Pratt Meseke Henry, clerk, 322 w Pratt Metenzeh! Mrs. Anne, nurse, 214 Preston MesenzeLl Joseph, brassfinisher, 214 Preston MeskiU John, lab. 27 w Chase Me=kill Michael, lab. 27 w Chase Meskill Wm. lab. 27 w Chase Mesmyer John, tailor, 15 s Spring Mesienburg Geo. stoves, 728 w Baltimore MESNER k BRO. (H.andW.J.xMesner) wholes. and retail grocery and feed, 506 n Gay Mesner Charles \V. printer, 118 McElderry Mesner Henry, (Mesner & Bro.) 330 n Bond Mesner Jacob, blacksmith, 118 .McElderry Mesner Wm. J. (Mesner & Bro.) 296 n Bond Messer & Bro. (H. A. k C. W. Messer) jewelers, aJ over 1 n Calvert ^ Messer Chas. W. (M. & Bro.) 258 Light Messer G. E. (Thomas & .M.)709 w Baltimore ^ Messer Chas. cigarmker, 258 Light ^ Messer H. A. (M. & Bro ) 258 Light 3 Messer Lawrence D. watchmaker, 258 Light P^ Messersmith Adam, baker, 111 Gough r^-. Messersmith Charles, butcher, 107 Centre, 72 3 and 101 Lexington mkts, dw Penna av n of ''^ North av

er, 3 e Second Mettee Wni. H. cooper, 17 Chew Metier George, rags, 29 Shakspear Metz A.H. prof, music, Fulton and Frederick av Metz Charles M. carp. 397 Franklin Metz Charles, bookkpr, 182 Mulberry Metz D. H. clerk Nat. Union Bank, cor Fulton and Frederick av Metz George, baker, 132 s Poppleton Metz John jr. tailor, 220 e Eager Metz John, cabinetmkr, 226 e Eager Metz John F. carp. 397 Franklin Metz John T. carp. 59 McHenry Metz Philip, wheelwright, 95 s Wolfe Metz Richard A. turner, 162 Columbia Metz Robert F. clerk, 162 Columbia Metz Wm. cigarmkr, 59 McHenry Metzbower John, police, 32 Stirling Metzdorf James, lab. 88 Johnson Metzdorfl" Peter, fisherman. Hall al METZEL GEO. V. magistrate, 76 Penna av, dw 22 Clarke Metzel George W. clerk, 22 Clarke Metzeer Aaron, horsedealer, 7U e Pratt Metzeer Alex, clerk, 70 e Pratt Metzeer Louis A. cb rk, 70 e Pratt Melzger Mrs. Charles, confec'y, 155 w Madison Metzger Christian, musician, 332 e Monument Metzger Franklin, 73 e Baltimore Metzger G. Fred, shoeinkr, 68 s Central av Metzger George, tinner. Ills Wolfe Metzger Isaac, 72 n Front Metzger Isaac, clerk, 46 Gough Meizger John, bricklayer. Eastern av ext Metzger Margaret, 95 s Bethel Metzger Wm. trav. agent, 90 Holland Metzman George, tinner, 94 Low Metzner Andrew, broommkr, 278 Chew Metzung Catherine, confec'y, 63 Mulberry Metzu:ig John, clerk, 8 n Pine Metzung John, clerk, 63 Mulberry Metzung Joseph, carver, 63 Mulberry iMeuning G. painter, 22 Barnet Meurar E. Mich, huckster, 254 Canton av Meurar Win. huckster, 254 Canton av Meusche Richard, carver, 44 Portland Meuscl Daniel, upholsterer, 41 Union Meushaw Charles, police, 10 s Greene Meushaw Clarence J. huckster, 394 West Meushaw John, supervising inspector of steam- boats, over Postoffice, dw 87 William Meushaw Levi, printer, 87 William Meushaw Merrill, engraver, 10 s Greene Meushaw Thus. sr. bookbinder, 394 West Meushaw Thos. jr. machinist, 394 West Meushaw Wm. A. lab. 82 Ridgely Meushaw Wm. H. fisherman, 35 Hamburg Meushaw Zachariah, machinist, 35 Hamburg Meushaw Z ichariah,coachpainter, 163 Mulberry Meybergei- Frank, shoemkr, 494 Peuna av Meyberger Harman, carp. 494 Peima av Meyberger Pbilip, shoemkr, 494 Penna av Mcyd t'onrad, grocery. West and Race Meyd Francis, wheelwright and blacksmith, 111 Henrietta, dw 253 s Sharp Me>d Georpe, blacksmith, 239 Montgomery,dw 253 s Sharp Meyd John, blacksmith, 253 s Sharp Mevenschein John, dairv, 592 Saiatoga MEYER A. C. & CO.{Adolph C. Meyer) drug- gists and grocers' specialties,86 Camden, office 4 s Liberty Meyer A'ielbert, shoemkr, 66 s Paca Meyer Adolph Cl A.C.Meyer & Co. ) 75 s Sharp Meyer Alex, wheelwright, 15 Butler al Meyer Andreas, jeweler, 148 S Eutaw Meyer Andrew, shoemkr, 203 Light Meyer Mrs. Anna E. 273 Lanvale Meyer Mrs. Anna M. 62 Bolton Meyer Mrs. Antoinette, 4 Pearl Me\er Aug. lab. 206 Vine Meyer Aug. watchmkr, 160 s Broadway Meyer Aug. cigarmkr, 287 Canton av Meyer Balthazer, lab. 189 s Bethel Meyer Berna.d, carp. Jefferson nr Castle Meyer & Brnlle (H. ileyer, F. BruUe) merchant millers, 179 Lexington Meyer C. cigarmkr, 2 Chesnut Meyer Catherine, 219 s Wolfe Meyer ( harles, lab. 155 Dover Meyer Chailes, lab. 33 Wyeth Meyer Charles, cigarmkr, 287 Canton av Meyer Charles, boxnikr, 8 Grant, dw 45 Walker Meyer C. E. clerk, 42 n Exeter Mt-yer Chas. H. cigarmkr, 522 Penna av Meyer Chas. H. clerk, 345 Columbia Meyer Chas. L. shoemkr, 13 e Lombard Meyer C. F. S. salesman, 266 Lexington Meyer C. N. tailor, 202^ Light Meyer Chas. lab. 60 Portland Meyer Chas. F. dry goods, 55 Frederick av Meyer Chas. shoemkr, 75 Orleans Meyer Chas. E. jr. bookkpr, 199 Montgomery Meyer Chas. liquors, 199 Montgomery Meyer Chas. J bookkpr, 62 Bolton Meyer Mrs. Christian, tobacco, 141s Ann Meyer Clemeuce, cigarmkr, 4 L. Church Meyer Conrad, tailor, Harford r€ nr Point la Meyer D. boxmkr, 79 Henrietta Meyer David, clerk, 189 u Gay Meyer David, clerk, 143 n Gay Meyer Ksaias', clothing, 161 Franklin Meyer Ferdinand, hosiery, gloves, worsteds, &c. 48 n Charles, dw 266 Lexington Mejer Ferdinand, clerk, 105 Hanover Meyer Frank, baker, 2 Anthony Meyer Fred, tailor, 113 e Lombard Meyer Fred, canmkr, 243 s Ann Meyer Fred, grocery, Albemarle and Fawn Meyer Fred.C.utlice 304 s Caroline,dw 375 sBond Meyer Friiz, stevedore, 280 s Ann Meyer & Bro. (J. C. & J. F. Meyer) restaurant, cor Mill and Chesnut Meyer Geo. cooper, 169 Gough HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. MbiY 401 MIO Meyer F G. clerk int. revfoue, 1st district, dw 130 e Fayette Meyer Geo. clerk, 42 n Exeter Meyer G. D. clerk, 345 Columbia Meyer Geo. W. clerk, 345 Columbiii Meyer Gerhurd, salesman, 363 w Baltimore Meyer Gustav, varieties, 236 s Charles Meyer Hammond, trunkinkr, 3 Vine Meyer Henry, porter, 22 Patterson Meyer Henry, mariner, 260 s Ann Meyer Henry, grocery, 31 Hampstead Meyer Henry, ciiiarmkr, 362j Light Meyer Henry (M. & Brulle) Fredericksburg, Va Meyer Henry, furniiure, 106 n Howard Meyer Henry, tailor, 189 Chesnut al Meyer Henry, shoemkr, 367 s Charles Meyer Henry D. boxnikr, 48 Leadenhall Meyer Henry, grocery, 147 Hill Meyer Henry, blacksmith, Wilcox nr Harford av Meyer Hernjan, trnnkmkr, s e cor Baltimore and Charles, dw 3 Vine Meyer Herman F. dep. col. 3d dist. 46 n Liberty Meyer Herman F. bookkpr, 62 Bolton Meyer H. H. (Meyer, Huscbart & Co.) Cincin- nati, 0 Meyer J. C. (M. & Bro.) cor Mill and Chesnut Meyer J. F. (M. & Bro.) cor Mill and Chesnut Meyer J. Harry, law student, 50 e Fayette Merer Jacob, lab. 188 Burgundy al MEYER, HUSCHART & CO. (J. A. Meyer,Geo. H. Huscbart, H. H. Meyer,) wholesale com. merchants, 108 w Lombard Meyer Jacob (Reiuhard, M.& Co.)269 Le.xington Meyer John, cuoper, 156 s Regester Meyer John, shoemkr, 44 Park av Meyer John, restauraut, Nicholson nr Towson Meyer John H. clerk, 127 Burre Meyer J. A. (Meyer, Huscbart & Co.) 108 w Lombard Meyer John P. grocery, 127 Barre MEYER JOHN G. flour and feed, 345 Columbia Mejer John, furnaceman, foot of Clinton Meyer John, tinner, 219 s Wolfe Meyer John C. J. hats and caps, s w cor High and Pratt Meyer John, tailor, G5 McElderry Meyer Joseph, salesman, 161 Franklin Meyer Joseph, cigarrakr, 2 Weber Meyer Jost, grocer, 50 e Fayette Meyer Mrs. Kanigunda, beer, 44 n Frederick Jleyer Mrs. Lena, grocery, 273 L. Hughes Meyer Louis, grocery, Franklin and Myrtle av Meyer Leon, horses, 256 Aliceanna Meyer Leon, clerk, 189 n Gay Meyer Leonard, cooiier, 283 s Sharp Meyer Lorentz, tinner, 42 Park av Meyer Lorentz jr. tinner, 42 Park av Meyer Louis, tailor, 522 Per.na av Meyer Louis, clothing, 367 s Charles Meyer Louis, millinery, 72 Hanover Meyer Lewis, clerk, 156 s Broadway Meyer Martin, tailor, 287 e Eager Meyer Martin, printer, 110 s Caroliae Meyer Meyer D. dry goods, 143 n Gay Meyer Michael, butcher, 207 n Durham Meyer Milton, clerk, 189 n Gay Meyer Pbilip, shoemkr, 213 s Paca Meyer Philip, dry goods, 189 and 191 n Gay Meyer Powell, tailor, 78 Milliman Meyer Simon J. cigarmkr, 207 s Broadway Meyer Solomon, sec. hand goods, 152 L.Greene Meyer Wm. lab. 478 Canton av Mever Wm. beer, 2 Shakspear Mever Wm. lab. 273 L. Hughes Meyer Wm. G. horse dealer, 52 Milliman Meyers Abra'm.sec. hand goods, 206 s Charles Meyers Andrew, barber, 253 w Biddle Meyers Mrs. A. C, Homestead Meyers Mrs. Anna M.triMim'gs,556j w Baltimore Meyers August, 153 Montgomery Meyers Bernard, contVctionery, 273 Aisquith Meyers Chas. sr. grocery, 55 s Oregon Meyers Chas. L. mariner, 280 s Broadway Meyers Mrs. (.^hristina, grocery, 175 Henrietta Meyers Daniel, barkpr, 19 Gough Meyers Edward, lab. 210 Barre Meyers Edward, tinner, 6 Laurel Meyers Franklin, printer, 55 s Oregon Meyers Fred, tinner, 343 Light Meters Fred, pianomkr, 219 Henrietta Meyers Frank, machinist, 3 Green ct Meyers Geo. L. plasteier. Homestead .Meyers Herman H. tailor, \^Q Park a v Meyers Henry, barber, 2 McHenry Me_\ ers Henry, lab. 92 Harrison, Canton Meyers Jacob, cigarmkr, 7T Portland Me}ers John, clerk, 156 s Regester Meyers John, barber, 102 n Schroeder Meyers John C. lab. 300 s Caroline Meyers John H. lab. Homestead Meyers John H. bookkpr, ]54 Dolphin Meyers John, cigarmkr, 20 Spring row Meyers Joseph, shoemkr, 56^ Harrison Meyers Martin, bookkpr, Gough and Caroline Meyers Mrs. Mirgaret, tailoress. 87 Grindall Meyers Mis. Mary, trimmings, 20 Spring row Meyers Nathan, sec. hand goods, 128 s Caroline Meyers Otto, stonecutter, 90 Granby Meyers Wm. cigarmkr, 20 Spring row Meyers Wm. jr. lab. 300 s Caroline Me,\ers Wm. stevedore, 300 s Caroline Meyers Wm. F. lab. Homestead Meyersburg Chas. S. clerk, 16 Pearl Meyerstein Chas. grocery, 404 n Gay Meyler Mrs. Biidget, 138 Harford av Meyler Chas. R. printer, 138 Harford av Meyler Jas. M. J. clerk, 138 Harford av Meywalil Henry, shoemkr, 217 e Fayette Mezger Goileib, marble works, 756 w Baltimore, dw 689 w Lombard Michael Alex. D. (M. & Bro.) 200 n Calvert Michael Mrs. Barbara, 61 n Amity Michael & Bro. (H. J. and A. D. Michael) paper hangings, &c. 125 w Baltimore Michael Chas. oysters, 2 Willinger ct Michael Chas. tanner, 358 n Gay Michael Danl. S.woodenw'e finisher, 33 McHenry Michael Francis W. stoves, 204 Orleans Michael Francis W. blacksmith, 17 Stockholm Michael Fred. S. carp. 471 w Piatt Michael Fred. lab. 369 Eastern uv Michael Henry, silversmith, 155 e Fayette Michael Harman, milk, Washington av nr Carey Michael Henry, barber, 191 Lexington Michael Henry J. (Michael & Bro.)594 Lexington Michael Hugh, plumber, 40 Haw Michael Jacob C. 132 u Gay Michael Jacob D. (Wm.H.M.&Sons) 54 s Exeter Michael James, tinner, 109 HoUina .Michael John, shoemkr, 509 w Pratt Michael John H. lab. 116 Duncan al Michael John P. bricklayer, 273 Aliceanna Michael Dr. J. Edwin, 92 Saratoga Michael John V. carp. 188 German Power Press Printing (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates. Marble Building.) pq o O O o =^- O o H ft- E-i- < o I H O <■ Q P O 26 Miitnal Life Insurance Co. of New York, MIC 402 MIL ^2 o ^g e .Miller Albert, lab. 28 l/iberty al .Miller Alex. lab. 91 Harrison, Canton .Miller Alex, steamfitier, 94 n Popplf-ion Miller Alfred D. (J. F. Miller & Co.) 85 Si. Paul .Miller Allied, exaniimr C. 11. 115 n Strieker .Miller Alfred H. clerk, 242 .Myrtle av Miller .Mrs. Amanda L. 58 Walsh .Miller Ambrose, brewery, 368 Light .Miller Amelia, seamstres.*, 235 Hanover .Miller Andrew jr. well digger, lUi .Mulberrv .Miller Andiew, well digger, 198 .Mulberry .Miller Andrew, sliipc-irp. 128 s Washington Miller Andrew, shipcarp. 51 O'Donnell Miller Andrew, cooper, 84 Batiery av .Miller Andrew, shoemkr, 182 Linden av Miller Andrew, beer, 33 n Paci -Miller Andrew J. (Davis <|- M.) 131 w Fayette .Miller Andrew J. 55 Brune .^liile^ Andrew J. piunoiukr, 61 Portland .Miller Anton, lab. 23S s Durham Miller .Mrs. Ann, 66 e Baltimore .Miller A. B. clerk, CarruUton hotel Miller Mrs. Annie, bo-irding, 427 w Fayette .Miller August, beer, 144 Pt-irce Miller Anton, milk and packer of corn husk. Homestead Miller Auioiie, mattressmkr, 118 Stirling Miller Arthur J. machinist, 18 n .Mount Miller Arthur, butcher, 48 Hanover market, dw Gilmor nr Cumberland Miller .August, shoemkr, 128 Jefferson .Miller August, cooj^r, I Race .Miller .\ugust, carp. 271 William Miller August, cooper, 9 Race Miller August, tailor. 143 u Spring .Miller Augusta, dressmkr, 50 s Bethel Miller Beiij. ^,M. Loeb DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No, 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. MIL 404 MIL Eh" ^ o O CO o ^ d O a EH <1 1—5 Miller Charles E. printer, 114 s Hi;:h Miller Charles G. clerk, 55j SI.PhuI Miller Charles N. clerk, 403 Canton ar Miller Charles, clerk, 91 Parkin Miller Charles, provisions, 14 ti E(ien Millei' Charles, tobacconist, 201 Light Miller Charles A. clerk, 13i w Favette Miller Charles, cif^armkr, 30 Lee Miller Charles, bib. 278 s Dallas Miller Chas. asst. Port Warden, cor Pratt and Smith's whf, d\v 411 n Fremont Miller Chas. clerk, 242 s Sharp Miller Chas. sr. boots and shoes, 339 Light Miller Chas. harncssmkr, 245 Aliceanna .Miller Chus. A. painter, 70 S Eiitaw Miller Chas. H. painter, 364 n Durham Miller Chas. T. miller, 213 Battery av Miller Chas. C. conductor, 50 s Oregon Miller Chas. A. clerk, 131 w Fayette Miller Chas. G. carp. Belair av ext Miller Chas. L butcher, 12 Hanorer and 58 Le.\ington mkts, dw North av and Penna av Miller Chas. carp. 9 s Central av Miller Chas. tinner, 38 Ryan Miller Charles F. carpenter, 5 Vine, dw 375 Lexington Miller Chas. F. jr. clerk, 375 Lexington Miller Chas. \V. salesman, Biddle nr Castle Miller Chas. W. clerk, 221 Barre Miller Chas. W. teacher, 283 s Sharp Miller Chas. \V. painter, 3 Etting Miller Chas. M. clerk, 58 Walsh" Miller Chris, lab. 27 Abey al Mi'ler Chris, salesman, 89 n Wolfe Miller Chris, cooper, 252 Hamburg Miller Mrs. Christina, 135 Henrietta Miller Christopher, lab. 205 Hudson MILLER CLINTON H. discount elk Bank Com- merce, 75 n Carey Miller Conrad, lab. 284 Aisqnith Miller Conrad, butcher, 49 Centre and 11 Point mkts. dw Balto co Miller Conrad, carp. Lemmon and Monroe .Miller Conrad, blacksmith, 102 Warner Miller Conrad, beer, 116 William Miller Conrad, lab. 14 n Chai>el Miller Mrs. Christojih, 6 Bruce Miller Mrs. Daniel, 161 w Fayette ^ H.Clay Miller, Theo. K. Miller, J. n. C. Reeves. DANIEL MILLER & CO Importers and Jobbers ef DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS 329 W. Baltimore St. And 44 Gerinau St- ^ MILLER DANIEL & CO. (H. C. and Theo. K. Miller, J. H. C.Reeves) importers and jobbers of drv goods and notioDS, 329 w Baltimore MILLER D. H. & SONS, (D. H., I. C. and D. H. Miller jr. ) tobacco com. merchants, 58 8 Gav Miller David S. K. butcher, 94 Lexington, 44 Hanover and 28 Centre mkts,dw North av nr Penna av Co. > Miller David R. carp. 395 Lexington Miller David K. butcher, Noith av nr Penna av Miller David W. upholsterer, 143 Preston Miller D. H. jr. (D.H.M. k Sons)318 n Strieker Miller Decatur H.(D.H.M.& Sons) n w corMon- ument and Cathedral Miller Dennis, machinist. Sweet Air Miller Dennis E. artesian well borer, Cloud house Miller Domiuick, shoemkr, 261 Preston Miller Mrs. Doi is, 74 Block Miller Edward, bookkpr, 26 Stiles Miller Dr. Edward C. 222 e Baltimore Milier Edwin k. cK-rk, 24 Stiles Miller Ed>:ar G. (Samuel Sevan & Charles-st av Miller Edward, lab. 689 Saratoga Miller Edward A. grocery, Mvrtle av and Town- send, dw Republican nr Franklin Miller Edward A. 146 n Republican Miller Edward J clerk, 100 s Caroline .Miller Edward D. supt. Patapsco Iron Works, 8 s Gay, dw 112 Penna av Miller Edward, butcher, 127 s Spring Miller Edward, well digger, 19S Mulberry Miller Edward G. gasfitter, 15 Wolfe n of Moo- uinent Miller Edward N. painter, 550 Saratoga Miller Elislia, conductor, 51 Prtston Miller Eli, car driver, 274 Parkav Miller .Mis. Eliz-ibeth, 46 Myrtle av Miller Mrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, 100 s Howard Miller Elmer S. clerk, 58 Walsh Miller Eraelius, haruessmkr, 282 s Bond Miller Eniil, bookkpr, 420 e Eager Miller Ernest, tailor, 333 e Madison Miller Francis shoeuikr, 239 e Eag?r Miller Frank, finisher, 18 s Carey Miller Frank, tavern, 823 w Pratt Miller Franz, lab. 186 s Chapel Miller Fred, barber, Third av and O'Donnell Miller Fred, tailor, 31 Ridgely Miller Fred. lab. 273 William Miller Fred. lab. 12 Curley Miller Fred, cooper, 143 s Exeter Miller Fred, photographer, 172 Lee Miller Fred. lab. 51 Fawn Miller Fred, shoemkr, 36 Lancaster Miller Fred, shoemkr, 222 s Fremont Miller Fred, grocery, 217 Montgomery Miller Fred. T. grocery, 376 Penna av Miller Fred. W. shoemkr, 211 Conwaj Miller Geo. 497 w Fayette Jliller Geo. lab. 419 Aliceanna Miller Geo. (Schaffer k M.)117 Chew Miller Geo. milk, 12(; s Wolfe Miller Geo. carp. 97 Gou^h Miller Geo. blksmith, 117 Chew Miller Geo. cooper. 32 Guilford al Miller Geo. lab. 524 Fleet Miller Geo. butcher, E istern av nr Third Miller Geo. packer, 429 Cross .Miller Geo. clerk, Eager and Valley Miller Geo. slater, 5 New Church Miller Geo. lab. 218 Aliceanna Miller Geo. lab. 240 s Durham Miller Geo. lab. 42 n Oregon Miller Geo. lab, 2 L. May Miller Geo. tobacconist, 80 Ridgely Miller Geo. lab. 161. West Miller Geo. baker, 161 West Miller Geo. A. steward, 497 w Fayette i i HENRY HOEN d CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. '^^^'^^ World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt- "mil 405 MIL Miller Geo. A. wagoner, 6 West al Jiller Geo. A. E. jniinter, 45 Jackson Miller Geo. A. porter, 429 Cross OliUer Geo. C builder, 156 n Fremont MilK-r Geii. C. jr. CMi-p. 156 a Fremont Miliar Geo. C. clerk, 97 Goiich Miliir Geo. K. clerk. 131 w Fayette Miller Geo. H. jioiter, 429 Cross Mi-U-r Geo. H. (Shi|)e, Cloud & Co.) and prest. Keal Estate and Sav. B uik of Balto. n w cor Ballo. and Euiaw, dw Madisou av nr North av ililler Geo. T. dry goods, 58 n Eutaw, dw 107 Mulberry Miller Geo. T. grocery, 665 Penna av Miller Geo. W. bard ware, 96 Lii;lit,dw 142 Barre Miller Geo. W. tobacconist, 15 Orleans Miller Geo. \V. cigarHikr, 15 OrliMiis Miller Godfrey, uiiller, 49 Block Miller Gottleib, tcrocery, 61 ii Casile .Miller Gottleib C. cooper, 78 s Dallas Miller Gustav, slioemkr, 128 Jefferson Miller Hartuau, tailor, 170 e Eaiier Miller Harry, clerk, 293 q Caroline Miller Harry A. clerk, 195 n Howard -Miller Harry R. pbotograplier, 497 w Fayette .Miller Harimaii, dravman, 4s Hilltnaa Miller Airs. Helen, 87 n Carey Miller Heary, carp. 327 s Bond .Miller Henry, butcher, 391 Penna av Miller Henry, carter, Federal nr Aisquith Miller Heary, lab. Homestead Miller Henry, slmemkr, 145 Raborg Miller Henry, refiuer, 10 Gouj{h Miller Henry, lab. 304 Aliceanua Miller Henry, peddler. 223 Light Miller Henry, jiilder, 51 .\isquith .Miller Henry, baker, 185 Conway Miller Henry, shoemkr, 816 \v Baltimore Miller Henry, butcher, 1 Madeira ;il ililler Henry, grocery, 110 Bank Miller Henry, barber, basement Gibbons hotel, dw 142 .Mulberry .Miller Henry, confectioner, 24 Gough Miller Henry, grocery, Belair av ext .Miller Hearv, moulder, 98 Warner .MilK-r Hei.ry, tailor, 23 n Howard Miller Henry, shoemkr, 9 .\rcli .Miller Heniy, tailor, 128 West Miller Henr\, lab. 30 s Burke Miller Henr\ , shoemkr, 68 s Bond .Miller Henry, sliipcarp. 5?< Block Miller Henry, lub. 19u s Eegester Miller Henry, lab. Chapel nr < base .Miller H. Clay,(Danl..Miller&Co. )161 w Fayette -Miller Rev. Henry F. 266 Orleans Miller Henry G. clerk, 142 Barre Miller Henry J. shoemkr, 26 n Dallas Miller Herman, carter, 126 St. Peier Miller Herman, cigarmkr, 57 s Oregon Miller's Hotel, s w cor Paca and German, Jas. Burton jr. proprietor .Miller Howard, coachpainter, 35 McHenry .Miller Howard M. clerk. 67 Edmoadson av Miller Irving C. (D. H. M. k Sous) n w cor Monument and Cathedral Miller Isaac, huckster, 120 s Paca .Miller Isabella P. dressmkr, 93 Garden .Miller Jacob, baker, 33 n Frederick .Miller Jacob, cullectur, 413 n Fremont Miller Jacob, carrier, 225 g Eutaw .Miller Jacob, shoemkr, 233 s Bond Miller Jacob, sec. hand clothing, 154 Eastern av Miller Jacob, l;»b. 141 w Madison Miller Jacob, blksmith, 237 Hollins Miller Jacob, veterinarian, 120 e Eager Miller Jacob, (Miller Bros. & Co.)36 s Higii -Miller Jacob, sr. ri^iger, 153 s Ann Miller Jacob, shoemkr, 343 e Lombard .Miller Jacob, lab. 183 Eastern av .Miller .lacob, lab. 35 Lancaster Miller Jacob F. & Co ( J.F.and A.D.Mi;ier)pro- duce com. merchts, 83 South Miller Jacob F.(J F.M.&Co )85 Si. Paul .Miller Jacob H. clerk, 110 Bank -Miller Jacob W . (M. & Mills)169e -Madison Miller James D. bookkpr, 462 e .Monument Miller James K. clerk. 221 Orleans -Miller James, brickmkr. 225 Conway .Miller James, ins[i'r measures, 250 .Mulberry Miller Jaiaes A. shoe store. 799 w Baltimore .Miller James H. carp. 282 McHenry Miller James W. painter, 368 n Durham Miller Mrs. Jane E., Waverley Miller Jefferson, painter, 3 Ktting -Miller Jesse, carp. 58 Jo.=e[)hine,dw 231 Saratoga Miller Jesse, slio>-mkr, 7 I'lowman .Miller Joanna, 155 Canton av .Miller Joel, reporter, 430 n Carey Miller Johanna, 208 s Bethel Miller John, lab. 378 Aliceanna -Miller John jr. lab. 378 Ali(«anna Miller John, conductoi', 113 n Schroeder .Miller John, maltster, 162 s Central av .Miller John, mariner, 215 Canton av Milhr John, clerk, 66 .Mulberry Miller John, mariner, 146 s Wolfe Miller John, shoemkr, 62 Durst al -Miller John, clerk, 221 w Fayette Miller John, |.uddler, 126 Fort av -Miller John. lai.. 218 Bethel Miller John, cooper. 483 e Baltimoie Miller John, c.ihinetmkr, 38 n Dallas Miller John, cigaimkr, 58 Gough Miller John, stevedore, 7 n Wolfe .Miller John, lal). 443 Canton av Miller John, blacksmith, 9 Woodyear Miller John, shoemkr, 14.') Raborg Miller John, horesshocr, 14 Liberty at -Miller John, bricklayer, 247 Franklin Miller John cigarbo-xmkr, 14 Abey al -Miller John C. baker, 287 e .Monument -Miller John, currrier, loo s Caroline -Miller John .1. Inicklayer, 248 w Huflfman Miller John, iiulcher, 17 Cross-st market, dw 783 Liiiht Miller John, brickmoulder, 637 Light Miller John, sec. hand goods, 228 s Caroline .Miller John A. cigarmkr, 201 s Washington Miller John F. blacksmith, 29 dovan Miller Rev. John S. 276 Fr.inklin Miller John E. tobacconist, 139 Franklin, dw 51 Druid Hill av Miller John, grocery. Bond and Bank Miller John, driver, 1 Hammond al Miller John C. shoemkr, 224 e Pratt Miller John G. canmkr, 16 Walker .Miller John G. lab 122 s Wolfe Jliller John E. l.ib. 201 s Washington Miller John, lab. 38 Ryan Miller John E. lab. 65 Duncan al .Miller John, moulder. 80 Henrietta Miller John, tailor, 183 s Caroline Miller John B. brickmkr, 648 Light Miller John I. bricklayer, 230 Chew P; o o o '^ ft o o w p:? 2 Power Press Printino;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 d a o -^ -^ a- 03 u c y. ^- -O Ci "7. o; x ■1 o U -c ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of TTew York. MIL 406 MIL c ^ — ■^ s tt r- 1 -. ,_ T. o ^^ o ^ ^ o - o X o r* X -^^ a; ^m rt '^ • v^ o T. ^ 0/ D -^ '^ 5E O ^ JJ C/I X aj ^ O K ii ce ;x ^ eS ^ o" S^ _ •^ 3 ^ y o c ^ ^ . ^M r« -^ < 4.;. a> HH y. « ce =3 ii X o u i; '-^ S£3 5- o p^ t5 00 4^ 4J ce >. •S. ^r, t. /> eS "^ 1^ " c ^ r" •^ -t^ ■*-* s> >. 0; o ^*" > ►», > et i 00 c tr Miller John, beer, Lancaster nr Third av Miller John, lab. Lemmon al nr Cross Miller John, ciizarmkr, 58 York Miller John C. maniifr. dves, 111 e Biddle Miller Jol.n, stereoty per, '2;>2 e Madison Miller John A. blacksmith and tavern, cor Bid- die and Washington Miller John, driver, 102 s Kntmv Miller John, bricklayer, 101 s Chapel Miller John F. bricklnyer, 347 P'ranklin Miller John, lab. 259 s Wolfe Miller .lohn, shoenikr, 57 Union Miller John F. cardriver, 619 Behiir av Milhr John, lab. 7 Henrv Miller John P. blacksmith, Io2 Hillen Miller John, lab. 184 Mcllenry Millt-r John, jrravedijruer, 134 8 Wolfe Miller John, 276 Saratoga .Miller John H. oysters, 768 w Baltimore Miller Jolin A. brakcnnm, 21 Wilkens av Miller John K. clerk, 566 \v Lombard Miller John, shoemkr, 55 s Clia|iel Miller John F. printei-, York rd nr Waverley Miller John W'n). shoemkr, 8 Wa^ron al Miller John H. clerk, 336 w Fayette Miller John H. clTk, 119 Aisquith .Miller John M.(J M.M.& Co.) 233 n Republican MILLKR JOHN M. & L'0.(John M..\liller.H.D. Mnsselman) wholes, paper, blank books and stationery, s w cor Baltimoie and Howard Miller John M. lab. 47 Columbia .Miller John P. foreman Patapsco guano mill, 37 Block Miller John, basketnikr, 69 Penna av Miller John N. boots and shoes, 150 w Pratt, dw 404 e Fa\ette Miller John, tailor, 117McFlderrv Miller John T. co ichpainter, 13 Whatcoat Miller J. Thomas, printer, 116 s Caroline Miller Jos. lali. 130 s Washinj^ton Miller Jo.s. (Miller Uros. & Co.)257 e B.ltiinore Miller Jos. i)orter, 21 Jasjjcr Miller Jos. matlressmkr, lis Stirling Miller Jos. wood turner, 212 Stirling Miller Jos. lab. 15 Armistead hi Miller Jos. oysteipacker, 257 e Baltimore Miller Jos. coreinkr, Harrison nr Hudson Miller Jos. silesman, 382 Orleans Miller Jos. driver, 55 .Milliman Miller Jos. jJaperhtiL'r, ISO n ('entral av Miller Jos. fancy j;ooiis.41 I'earl Miller Jos. lati. 2 Spruce al Miller Jos. harnessmkr, 7 I'hisor Miller Jos. jr. mariner, 19 Harrison Miller Jos. H. dry goods, 63 w B iItimore,dw 38 n Fioiit Miller Jos. H. contractor, 46 Frederick av Miller Jos. P lab. 2 Gilbert Miller Mrs. J. millinery, 498 w Baltimore Miller Joshua, helper, 77 Somerset Miller Joshua S. carp. 110 .Nhrtleav .Miller Justus, teamster, 340 Hamburg Miller Killian, stonemason, 220 Chcsnut al Miller Larra,mouldtr, Farm, and Planters hotel Miller Laura V. tailorcss, 55() Saratoga Miller Lawrence, lali. Harford rd opp Darley pk Miller Lawrence, brewer, Harford av e.\t Miller i.iawrence. cooper and beer, 500 Lexington Miller LawrenceV. cor Cathedral and .Monument Millt-r Mrs. Lena, 25 Shakspear .Miller Levi B. canvasser, 40 .Marion Miller Louis, tinner, 108 s Wolfe Miller Llewellyn, gen. agent Northwestern Mu- tual Life Ins. Co.. 17 South, dw Mt. Wash- ington, Baltimore co Miller Lorenz, shoemkr, 117 Gough Miller Louis, clerk, 170 e Eager Miller Louis, butcher, 91 Parkin .Miller Louis, clerk, 7 s Greene Millei- Louis, brushmkr, 74 Frederick av Miller IjDuis, hib. Lancaster nr Bond Miller Louis, cooper, Washington hotel Miller Louis, lab. 150 Johnson Miller Louis, turner, 59 Forrest .Millis Louis, agent, 333 e Fairer Miller Louis H. insp. C. M. 141 e Madison XHiler Louis, lieer, 148^ Forrest Miller Louis A. grocery, 2 Gilbert Miller Louis H. bricklayer, 732 w Baltimore Miller Luke H., Miller safe and iron works, office 265 w Baltimoie, dw 37 Franklin Miller Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, 122 n Schroeder Miller Mrs. Margaret, 48 Lancaster Miller .Mrs. Margaret, 118 Stirling Miller .Mrs Margaret. 221 Bane Miller .Maria, 219 n Futaw Miller Maitin, tailor, 91 n Wolfe Miller Martin, b;iker, 10 s Wolfe Miller Martin, lab. 117 Grewnmount av Miller Martin, cooper. Cross and Hanover Miller .Mary E. dressmkr, 403 Ciinton av Miller Mrs. Mary, notions, 83 George, dw 234 Myrtle av Miller .Mary, o. )525 wFayette MILLKR & MILLS, (.lacob W. Miller, Jas. L, .Mills) restaurant, n e cor Front and Gay Miller Nicholas, lab. 91 s Wolfe Miller Mrs. Ruth, 108 Parkin Miller Nicholas, lab. 238 s Dnrliam •Miller Nicholas, glassblower, 34 William Miller Nicholas, milk, Hudson nr (Jlinton -Miller Nicholas, shoemkr, 34 n Amity Miller Nichol is. cibinetmkr, 8ti n Paca Miller O. W. & Co.(0 W.Miller,G.W. Bunnell) oyster packers, 242 s Wolfe Miller Oliver M cai builder, 21 s Poppleton Miller Dr. Oliver J. dentist, 407 s Charles Milh-r Oliver, harnessnil%r, 7 Ensor Miller Oliver W (O.W.Miller .fe Co.) 421 e Pratt Miller Oswald, jeweler, 177 s Sharp Miller Peter, blacksmith, 13('hesnutal .Miller Rev. Peter L., Loyola College Miller Peter T. real estate agent, 7 8 Greene Miller Peter, carp. 175 u Bethel Miller Peter T. ins. agent, 36 Clarke Miller Peter, lab. 41 Orleans Miller Peter, clothing, 18 u Pine HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. MIL 407 MIL Miller Peter, tailor and scourer, 26 Albemarle Miller Philip, lab. 14 A bey h1 Miller Philip, tailor, 65 McEldcrry Miller Mrs. Rebecca, 232 s Fremont Miller Rliinehart, bottler, Ann and Biddle I Miller Richard A. cl^rk, 83 n Washington Miller Richard, blockinkr, 169 s Ann Miller Robert .1. ins, broker, 44 Second. d\v 438 Madison av Miller Robert, 209 Conway Miller. Rogers & Co. (Moru;an A. Miller, John A. Rogers, Wm. A. .Miller, John M.Pinnel!) wholesale dry goods, 345 w Baltimore and 58 (lerinan Miller Safe and Iron Works, (L. H. and W. D. Miller, jr.) cor Frenioiil and Warner, office 265 \v Ijaltimoie Miller Samuel, bricklayer, 156 n Bond Miller Samuel C. drayman. 225 s Eutaw Miller Mrs. Sarah, 93 Garden Miller Sarah, confectioner \ , 9 Woodyeitr Miller Mrs. Sophia, 199 Aliieanna Miller Mrs. Soi.hia, butt. r. 327 s Bond Jliller Solomon. V)akei, 281 e Pratt Jliller Stt-phen .sr. plumber U7 Watson Miller Stephen .M plumber, 55 Lee Miller Theo.K. (D.inielMiller&Co.)466 Eutaw pi Miller Theodore, shuemkr, 386 Light Miller Tlios. G. grocery, York rd nr tollgate Miller Thus, cigarmkr, 174 e Lombard Miller V. beer, I 16 s Washington Miller Valentine, brewerv, 48 s Burke Miller Waits T. 275 n Gilmor Miller Walter B. stationery, 31 Myrtle av Miller Wilhelmina, 57 n Caroline Miller .Mrs. Wiliielmina, grocery, 159 L. Greene Miller Wm. mariner, 121 Hamburg Miller Wm. driver, Belair av e.\t Miller Wm lab. 19 Harrison Miller Wm. tanner, 20H s Bethel Miller Wm. F. cooper. 70 n Castle Miller Wm. C. 82 n Greene Miller Wm. carp. 317 Hanover Miller Wm. A. grocer\ , 219 e Pratt Miller Wm. butcher, 79 Holland Miller Wm. C. carp. 97 Gough Miller Wm. butcher, 16 Mangold Miller Wm. 11. jr. boukkpr. 40 n Gilmor Miller Wm. tailor, 222 s Fiemont MILLER WM. «fc CO. (Wm. Miller and Wadsworth Nash) Wholesale Grocers and General Commission Merchants, 84 s Eutaw street. Miller Wm. { VVm..\|.& Co.) 626 w Lombard Miller Wm. E. printer, 28 Anthony Miller Wm. H. plasterer 6?:*9 S .ratoga Miller Wm.A. (M. Rogers & Co.) 1.53 Walsh Miller Wm. F. bo()kki)r, 276 Saratoga Miller Wm. G. fire dept. 97 Gough Miller Win. H. chief en^;ineer Baltimore citv jail, dw 66 e Baltimore Miller Wnj. H. (R>^ o < < O a w o H O - r/; P^, O CXJ Z—i o h^I ^ ad 3 o I— I Sao ^■< o w D Mills Job, watchmaker, 138 w Pratt, dw 426 Lexintrton Mills John M. lax dept. 329 n Eden Mills John S. clerk, 44 s Sharp Mills John, lab. 23 e Monument Mills John R. oysters, 58 Henrietta Mills Capt. J II. D. nijuiner. 227 Montgomery .Mills John E. shipjoiner, 82 Hill Mills John M. clerk, 329 n Kxeler Mills John P. plasterer, 426 Lexington Mills Joseph A. nmiiner, 322 Aliceanna Mills Louis R. canmkr, 3.^^16 Hanover Mills Mahichi. carp. 32 s Scbroeder Mills Philip, lab. 129 Ridj^elv Mills Robert, clerk. 419 w Pratt Mills Samuel, butcher. 46 Camden Mills Samuel, clerk. 96 f^arre .Mills Samuel, driver. 22 Smith Mills S. Sands, jr. bookkpr, also editor Mary- land Farmer. Guv's hotel Mills S. Sands (S. S. M. k Co.) 232 Aisquith Mills S. Sands & Co. (S. S. Mills, K. Whitman) book and job printers, over 145 \v Pratt Mills S S. of E. s[)outino: and tinware, 91 w Fayette, dw 673 w Fayette Mills Thos. W. |.olice, Chase nr McDonogh Mills W'm trasfitter, 97 Pearl Mills Wm. A. dental surgeon, 49 s liroadvvay Mills Wm. D. 138 Park av Mills Wm. J. clerk. 38 Mulberry Mills Wm. H. caulker, 22 Johnson Mills Wm. P. 563 w Lombard Mills Wm. P. clerk, 72 n Exeter Mills Wm. watchman, Calhoun sofR.imsay Mills Wm.H. police, 129 Cross Mills Zachariah, machinist, 519 w Lombard Millville Mutual Fire and Marine lus. Co. 39 Postoffice av Milnor John F. clerk, 126 Walsh Miliior John P. jr. bookkpr, 179 Lanvale Milnor Jos. K. pres't Maryland Fire Ins. Co.ne cor 1'. 0. av and Second, dw 126 Walsh Milnor Josej))! K. jr. clerk, 126 Walsh .Milnor Wm. II. com. mercht, 61 Exchange pi, dw 3i)8 Druid Hill av Milroy Alex. lab. Sharp nr Ostend Milroy John, police commissioner, 338 s Sharp Mislike Charles, carpenter, 44 O'Donnell .Milstead Andrew J. overseer, Clipper Mills Milslead Wm. II. cooper, 92 L. Mont^cMnery Miltenberger Mrs. D. i5. 121 w Monument Milteubcrger Dr. Geo. W. professor University of Maryland, 121 \v .Monument Milton Literary Association, over 62j w Bal- timore Miller Henry, varnisher, 6H Division Mincli Casper A. shoemkr, 66 Park av,dw 6 St. Mary Minch Gaspard, sh(jemkr, 6 St. Mary .Minch Herman, shoemkr, 396 e Eager -Minch John, nightman, 19 Cambridge Mincher Edward, clerk, 549 w Fayelie Mincher John, bailiff City Cir. Ct. 29 Garden Mincher Wm. lab. 232 e Chase Mincbey Geo. W, engineer, Strieker nr Pulter- soa av .Minchow Frank, tailor, 26 Hampsteud Mindell Henry, gunmkr, 13 e Lombard Minehardt F.'(IJ. J. Hain & Co.) 56 Guugh Minderlein Fred, cutler, 15 n Gay Miner Jos. Chas. collector, lo Barnet Miner Patrick, lab. 21 n Dallas Minger Mrs. Maggie, Clinton nr Toone Minjo Alex, shoes, 203 s Broadway, dw 246 Minich Henry, shoemkr, 18 s Burke Minier Louis, mach'uist, 645 w Baltimore .MinifieJ.Woodfin( Wm.Minifie&Son )I4 Jackson MINIFIK WM. k SON (Wm. and J.W. Minifie) books, stationery and artists' materials, 114 w Baltimore Minifie Wm. (Wm. M. & Son) 80 n Greene Minis J. LiviiiL'Ston, 211 w HofiTman Minis Mrs. Philip, 21 1 w Hotfin.ui Minister R. H. (.McGre-or Oil Co. and Balto. Pearl Hominy Co.) 243 n Calvert Minkins Lewis, mariner. 313 s Bond Mink ins Mrs. Mary, tavern,. 313 s Bond Minker Thomas, lab. Falls rd nr Mi. Vernon Minks Lewis, nit;htrn:in, 251 Mulberry Minnefield Fred. lab. 185 s PailersouPark av Minner Geo. P. shoemkr, 138 Division Minner George W. stonecutiei-, 21 George Minner Mrs. Mary, 20 McMechin Minner Mrs. Sophia, confect'y, 20 McMechin Minnich Edward \. tinner, 4 n Washington Miniiick C. E. & Son (C. E. and Saiul. G. Min- nick) flour and feed, 875 w Baltimore Minnick C. E.(C.E. M. & Son) 875 \v Baltimore Minnick C. E. jr. printer. 875 w Baltimore Minnick Chas. W.brassnildr, 150 Grteumountav Minnick Conrad A. lamps, 857 w Baltimore Minnick Elizibeth, 203 Park av .Minnick Geo. R. plumber, 150 Gieenmount av Minnick Henry, stomculler, 203 Park av Minnick Jacob, lab. 174 Ensor Minnick Jacob D. carp. 12 Jefferson Minnick John, shoemkr, 197 n Caroline Minnick John, 272 Park av Minnick John, cooper, 224 8 Ann Minnick John H. carp. 12 Jefferson Minnick John H. stonectr, loU Greenmount av Minnick John JI. E. musician, 136 s Sharp Minnick loseph, 203 Park av Minnick Saml. G. (C. E. M. & Son) 875 \f Bal- timore Minnick Uriah, carj'. over 4 German, nr South, dw 12 Jefferson Minnick Wm, tinner, 470 n Gay Minnick Wm. F. sign and ornamental painter, 36 Etting Minonue John, machinist, 26 Jjemmou .Minogue .Martin, machinist, 26 Lemmon Minogue -Mary, seamstress. 26 Lemuion Minor ,\Irs. Catherine, 247 Jell'erson .Minor Mrs. Lancelot, 35 Cathedral Minor Uriah, driver, 92 n Paca MINSKEV JOHN S. ^-en. com. mercht. 323 w Pratt, dw 330 w Lombard Minton Chas. cigarmkr, 8 Diamond .Minion .Michael, liquors, 1 I 1 Stirling Million Patrick, driver, 16 (Jonstitniion Miuton Wm. ciyarmkr, 202 Madison av Minton Wm. J. hostler, 8 Diamond .Mirschberger John (". restaurant, 19 Orleans Misch John, lab 202 Penna av .Misel ('.'isper, woodturner, 24 Holland .Mish Martin, tailor, 246 Dallas Miskelly Jas. F. jiolice, 414 e Eager Miskelly Jos. |jlumber aud gartiller. Pleasant and Davis, dw 55 e Madison iliskimmon A. C. mHchinist, 1 Poulluey Miskimmon A.J. machinist, 1 Poult ney .Miskimmon Charles A. caip. 54 n Ann Miskimmon Harry M. canmkr, 317 Orleans HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engravin* Post Office Avenue. and O. F. Bresee. General Agent, 15 South St. MIS 409 MIT OQ 229 162 Miskimnion Win. T. sailiiikr, 39 ii Castle Miskimoii Philip, (M. & Kesler, ) 54 n Ann Misklradn S:inil. sailmaker, 104 Dugan's whf, dw 306 e Priitt Miskinion Thos. J. carp. 201 e Bultimore Miskimoii & Kesler. (Pliilip Miskiraou, P. Kes- ler, ) junk 97 McElderry's whf Misner A. boarding, 24 s Hijih Mispelhorn Adolpli, millinery, 91 Hanover Mispelliora Gustave W. salesman, 5 Columbia Missbacli F.liz;ibeth E. millinery, 253 e Pratt Missbaeh Geo. J. clerk, 253 e Pratt Missbach John A. inspr. petroleum, 253 e Pratt Missinff Ernest E. 243 n Bond Mistei' Mrs. Anna R. 543 w Fayette Mister Mrs. Biddv, dressmkr, 98 Park av MISTER BEVERLY W. attorney, 21 n Calvert, dw 14-' II Charles Mister John H. tobactonist, 280 w Baltimore, dw 226 Madison av Mister Severn, (S Mister & Co.) 83 n Calvert Mister S. & Co. (S .Mister and Charles Lucas) grocery, 114 n Calvert Mitchell Andrew J. sewing inach. 58 Central av Mitchell Arthur J. mariner, 50 Philpot Mitchell Benjamin F. caip. 28 n Liberty Mitchell Bolton, clerk. Division nr McSlechin Mitchell Charlotte, tavern, 68 Thames Mitchell Chas. barber, 58 8 Central av Mitchell Chas. 8 n Front Mitchell Chas. E. (Edward M. & Son) Druid Hill av Mitchell Chas. T. clerk, 269 Licrht Mitchell Chas. W. bookkjir, 321 n Eutaw .Mitchell David C. carter, 233 William Mitchell David J. produce com. mercht. Light, dw 337 Mitchell Edwaid, lab. 76 Hillen Mitchell Edward F. tinnt-r, 49 s Gieene MITCHELL EDWARD & S(JNS, (J. T. and C. E. Mitchell) grocers and com. merchants, 90 w Pratt Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth, 8S Jefferson Mitchell Mrs. Elizabeth, varieties, 61 Cathedral Mitchell E. Madison, 65 s Broadway Mitchell Francis, brakeman. 138 Conway Mitchell Fram is A. (Fletcher & M.)641w Fayette Mitchell Francis I trav. agt. 218 Chew Mitchell Frank, huckster, 271 Light Mitchell Frank S. clerk, 225 Druid Hill av Mitchell Geo. carp. Covington nr W.ureii Mitchell Geo. W. hackman, 34 Constitution Mitchell Geo. R. carp. 88 Jefferson Mitchell Geo. W. baker 'M'.i e Fayette .Mitchell Geo. W. watchman, 28 Constitution Mitchell Ca|a. Geo. W. mariner, 56 s Ann Mitchell Geo. W. huckster, 337 Light Mitchell G'l). W. tinner. Cemetery av nr Bond Mitchell Geo. W. huckster, 416 Light Mitchell Henry, lab. 68 Thames Mitchell Henry M. freight agent Wilmington and Newbern steamers, 5 Hughes quay, dw 234 Lanvale Mitchell Henry H. sergeant [lolice, 17 Mott Mitchell Jacob L. express driver, 585 n Gay Mitchell Jas. W. gastitter, 285 n Broadway Mitchell James sr. 178 n Caroline Mitchell James, 286 w Hoffman Mitchell James jr. cleik, 178 n Caroline Mitchell James, shoemkr, 41 Tessier Mitchell James, carp. 183 Barre Mitchell James B. bookkpr, 313 William Mitchell James, police, 236 n Bond Mitchell James T. moulder, 117 s Poppleton Mitchell James T.(E..M.& Sons) 242 w Hoffman Mitchell James H. messenger, 262 Aisquith Mitchell James H. hackman, 1 4 ('onstitution Mitchell James W. metermkr, 285 n Broadway Mitchell Mrs. Jane, 5t Fawn Mitchell JarretrT carp. 158 Gough Mitchell Jeiry, mariner, 24 w I>onibard Mitchell Jidiii, driver, 206 William Mitchell John W. clerk, 198i e Pratt Mitchell John G. attorney, 32 St. Paul, dw 221 Saratoga Mitchell John A. barkpr, 102 Hollins Mitchell John H. sparinkr 269 Lijiht Mitchell Mrs. John T. 283 Lanvale Mitchell John T. canmkr, Hanover nr Cross Mitchell Jnhn R. machinist, 190 n Central av Mitchell John R. sailmaker, 81 Smith's wharf, dw 48 Warren Mitchell John, engineer, 240^ Montgomery Mitchell John R engineer, 35 Yoik MITCHELL JOHN T. & CO. (J. T.Mitchell, Geo. H. Dutton) hermetically se iled fruits, oysters. &c. 12 and 14 Balderston Mitchell John N. bookkpr, 283 Lanvale Mitchell John W. barkpr, 36 Constitution Mitchell John J. 173 e Pratt Mitchell J.diii, huckster. 60 Walnnt al Mitchell John, driver, 41 Eastern av Mitchell John J. 139 McElderry Mitchell Jos. C. detective. 139"McEli3erry Mitchell Joseph, marker C. H. 33 Constitution Mitchell Joseph, bricklayer, 188 s Paca Mitchell Joseph H. machinist. 90 Hanover Mitchell Jos. C. (Clautice & M.) 35 Constitution Mitchell Joshua, driver, 125 n Bethel Mitchell Mrs. Laura. 8 n Front Mitchell Levii) H. bricknikr, 31 York Mitchell Levin, teacher, 280 e Fayette Mitchell Luther S. engineer, 7l s Hond Mitchell .Marcellus A. shipbroker and com mer- chant, n e cor Frederick and Pratt, dw 307 e Baltimore Mitchell .Marion, mariner, 125 Battery av .Mitchell .Millaid, music teacher, 137 Montgomery Mitchell Mrs. .Maraaret, 425 e Eager Mitchell Mis .Mary, cliina and glass, 20 Orleans Mitchell Capt Nathaniel, 35 Hill Mitchell Nicholas, lab. 2 Pleasant .Mitchell Philip, lab. 64 Walnut al Mitchell Mrs. Rachel, grocery, 204 George Mitchell Richard S. clerK, 17 s Howard Mitchell Richard H. (Witmer&M.) 73 Cathedral .Mitchell Richard, shi[)car|). 280 e Fayette Mitchell Robert, (Giotjan, M. & Co.) 19 Read Mitchell R. Brent, attorney, 13 Counland,dw 1 17 n Charles Mitchell Robert M. bookkpr. 55 outh .Mitchell Robert, carp. 93 n Du h am Mitchell Robert, clerk, 61 Hill Mitchell Robert, hackman, 36 Constitution Mitchell Roland, cler^, 425 e Eager Mitchell Samuel, engineer. 35 York Mitchell Samuel, lab. 253 s Charles Mitchell Suiiuel C. siilra'cr, 332 s Sharp Mitchell Mrs. Sarah J. 47 n Eden Mitchell Mrs. Sophia, 18^ g Paca Mitchell Theo. candymkr, 425 e Eager Mitchell Thomas, lab. Dover nr Monroe Mitchell Thomas J. jr. lib. 78 s Castle Mitchell Capt. Thomas W. 109 s High Power Press Printing, at Reduced Pates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) '^ pq o O d o o o p^ I— I pq en P^ Eh I— ( < CO H i—H Q <1 1 c — o .u arj o • ^ £2 s ^ H-l 'v; 02 rr> CJ o j£ ;25 n f^^ i^ 3 ^ 02 ^ . r. . 13 C) ^ tc , 1 ;j •- ^ , r-^ ^ O ■ »ri ■31 CJ s P O s a) k— 1 o • r^ .1^ _o 1—1 o Mntnal Life Instirance Co. of New York, MIT 410 MOH U2 ►C ^ ^ ^ ,2 "-^ o (- C * r" ■ii ce -^ .^ j; o \n> c_ > T n H^ txj c» Co 5^ ■^^P "^ .tf >^ ;^ o O Z) *- J* - • .— i p S =5 lO ^1 be C ^ X ^ >^ x> rs f'^ s. ^ <;> V o ^ . •- ~ ■^ y '■;■; -^ 'i» ^. =3 a> Ti H >Ci Pa y> Mitchell Thomas, blacksmith, 94 McEiderry Mitchell Thomas, Hand house Mitchell UriMh H. grocery, 754 w Pratt Mitchell W. H. driver, 88 Jefferson Mitchell W. R. carp. 20 Orleans Mitchell Wesley, mariner, "242 Lijrht Mitchell Wm. huckster, rear 27 n Greene Mitchell Wm. fireman, 35 York Mitchell Wm. H. shoemkr, 61 Cathedral Mitchell Wm. K., Oxford, York rd Mitchell Wm. R. huckster, 46 s Strieker Mitcliell Wm. forcinan, 285 n Broidway Mitchell Wm. pasfitter and plumber, 829 w Bal- timore, dw 428 w Lombard Mitchell Ziichariah, sailmaker, 92 Li<2;ht-st whf, dw 137 MontL'Omerv MITCHENER WM. A. prest. National Bonded Collection Buie.iu, 19 South, dw s e cor Fulton and Franklin Mittan Erastus, se.iton, 244 w HofiFman Mittan John P. ctrp. 326 Franklin Mittan Mrs. Mary, 326 Fr.nklin Jlittan Mrs. Wm. H. 63 E imondson av Jlitlelsdoerffer Henry, professor of music, 60 Gran by Mittendorf Chas. jr. cldk, 55 s E.xeter Mitteiidorf Henry, engineer, 55 s E.xeter Mittendorf Henry, police, 70 Miliiman Mittendorf Henry, lab. 109 Parkin Mittendorf John, police, 130 n Central av MITTENDORFF CHAS. merchnndise broker, 71 Smith's whf, dw 55 s E.xeter Mittendorff Chas. jr. clerk, 55 s Exeter Mittler Franc!.-) J. musician, 4.'i8 w Baltimore MITTNACHT GEO. A. pai.erhanger, 28 n Howurd, dw 98 Saratoj;a MITTNACHT HENRY, pharmacist, cor Penna av and Townsend MITZFL ALEX. VON, dining and wine rooms, and importer of beer and wine, 9 s Eutaw Mix Frank, plumber, 170 Scott Mix Fred, turner, 155 Dover Mix Fied. wircworker, 170 Scott Mix John, cabjneimkr, 170 Scotl Mix John Tiiomas jr. 170 Scott Mizel Wm. lab. 31 s Bethel Moale Clarence, 76 Franklin Moale Charles H. 4tH Eutaw pi Moaie Eleanori, 96 w Hiddle Moale Fied. L (Filz/erahl & M.) 86 Franklin Mo;ile Gforge N. (Poiiltney k M.) Lanvale and Bolton Moale Henry, (Johnson it M.) 89 Cathedral Moale F. Gorliam, attorney, 51^ St. Paul, dw 116 Lanvale Moale Mrs. R. H. 76 Franklin Moale Wm. A. jr. 152 n Charles Moale Wni. A. sr. 152 n Charles Moan James, nightman, 96 s Exeter Moan John, grocery, 26 ('liesnut Moan John, carp. 115 e Eager Moane .Mrs. Ann, I'J n Kxeier .Mcjane James, fireman. Barnuni's hotel Moliley David, bailiff U. S. Court,42 Columbia Moliley Wm H. stonecutter, 209 n Bond Moliray (Jeo. W. salesman. Mansion house Mobus Fred, shoemkr, 23 Woodyear •Mobus Henry F. canmkr. 107 n S|)ring Mobus John H.piov'sand groc's, 172 e Fayette Mochel Charles, tailor, 27 Conw.iy Mock bee Richard, salesman, 413 n Carey Moehle Fred, wulchuikr, 224 s Cliarles Moeller August, cooper, 1 Race Moeller Conrad, cigarmkr. 338 Orleans Moeller Geo. blacksmith, 560 Penna av Moeller (iust.iv E. A. clerk, 149 s Ann Moeller Henry, cigarmkr, 338 Orleans Moeller Mrs. Mary A. 14 n Spring Moeller Valentine, licer, 37 O'Donnell Moeller .Martin J. lab. 13 Smith al Moeiikeimer John H. A. barber, 85 Fort av Moescliell Henry, butcher, Elliott nr Clinton Moeseth John, lali. 375 Canton av Moersber^er Paul, shoemkr, 362 Hamburg Moffelt E. W. & Bro. (E. W., T. C. and \V. H. Molfett jr. ) grocers, 152, 154 and 158 Forrest Moffett Kdwin W.(E. W. M. & Bro.) 265 e Bal- timore Moffett (ieo. W. heater, 56 Bovd Moffett Geo. glasscutler, 148 Montgomery Moffett John, lab. 114 Harford av Moffett John F. shoes and hats, 192 w Pratt,d\v Oregon nr Franklin Moffeit John T. restaurant, 99 Camden Moffett Mrs. Mary A. 416 e Chase Moffett Mrs. Robert. 69 St. Paul Moffett Robert, 69 St. Paul Moffett Thos.C.(E.W.M.& Bro.)265e Baltimore Moffett \V. E. 43 n Broadway Moffett Wm. H. sr. clerk, 265 e Baltimore Moffett Wm. H. jr. (E. W. M. & Bro.) 43 n Broadway Moffett George, conductor, 40 Somerset Moffiit John N. [>aperhanger, 39 Stirling Moffitt Joseph, lab. 72 s Republican ' Motfitt Louisa M. trimmings and notions, 367 n Gay Moffitt Mrs. Louisa, boarding, 148 Montgomery Moffitt .Mrs. Mary A. 39 Stirling Moffitt Wm. moulder, B.tltimore and Exeter Mogk Ernest, 2 Urnid Hill av .Mogk Oscar, merchant tailor, 2 Druid Hill av Mohan Barney, drayman. 5 Webster al Mohar Robert, tinner, Druidville .\lohl Levi, lab. 24 Haw Mohl Lewis, lab. 24 Haw .Moliler Albert, cigarmkr, 303 e Lombard .Mohler Ann M. 298 e Baltimore Mohler David G.(Gwin, M. & Co.) 32 Columbia Mohler E. G. (Gwin, M. & Co.) 32 Columbia .Mohler Isaac W. sec'y board of health, 298 e Baltimore Mohler Jacob, 3(i3 e Lombard Mohler Mary Ann, 303 e Lombard Mohlenrich Henry, cabinetmki', 135 Henrietta Moblhearick John G. (Buschman cj- M.) 100 w Centre Mohlhennick Gotleib, liquors and provisions, 26 Druid Hill av Mohn George, porter, 213 Scott Mohn Wm. shoemkr, 15 Webster Mohr Adam, cabinetmkr, lii2 Somerset Molir Cliarles, je» ekr, 95 Albemarle .Mohr IJhiisti.iii, cigarmkr, 31 n Dallas .Mohr Daniel, 217 Hanov.-r Mohr George, baker, 34 Thames Mohr Gi'oige, paperhanger, 163 s Broadway .Mohr John A. cii|)per and leecher, 24 Fell .Mohr John P. restaurant, 42 s Republican .Mohr John F cutter, 95 Albemarle Mohr John, shoemkr, 19 Peail .Mohr Jose|ih, tailor, 320 Aliceanna Mohrfield Albert, stevedore, 276 Aliceanna .Mohring Matthew, lab. 391 Aliceanna HOLMES & CO.. Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, 0> F. Bresee, G-enl Agt. " MON MOH 411 Mohrman Henry, cigarmaker, cor Fayette and Fiedtrick Mohrweis Jacob, lab. Eighth av and Clinton Moke Adolph, lab. 311 Canton av Moke Fred, cooper, 547 Canton av Moke George W. carp. 7»i6 w Pratt Moke Jacob, lab. 547 Canton av Moke John S larp. 766 w Pratt Moll Henrv, baker, 1 Elliott Molier Anton, tailor, 222 e Eafrer Moiler Mrs. Barbara, bookstore, 222 e Eager Molier Eliziibeth, grocery, 301 Aliceanna Moiler George, driver, 37 O'Donnell Molier John G. 201 e Eager Moiler Valentine, driver, 37 O'Donnell Molionee Lawrence, bricklayer, 3 n Fremont .Molloy Dr. Horace E. dentist. 473 w Fayette Molioy John, lab. Wilcox nr Chase Molloy James, printer, 64 s Republican Molloy Mar);, teacher, 64 s Republican Molloy Miles, blacksmith, 66 s Republican Molloy Patrick, grocer^', Division and Town- send •Molloy Tbos. blacksmith, 64 s Republican Mollmann John G. carrier. 100 Dover Molbnann B-rnard, 100 Dover Molller George, driver, 227 Canton av Mols worth Asljury, conductor, 129 s Strieker iloiiz Henry, stonecutter, 240 e Chase Momberger Adam, shucker, 6 Windsor Jlomberger Geo. cooper, 59 Essex Momberger .Mrs. Mary, 59 Ivssex Momberger John sr. brickmkr, 6 Windsor Momberger John, lab. 6 Windsor MO.MENTHV BRUNO, restaurant, 67 w Fayette Monack Fred, bosinkr, Sterrett nr Ridgely Monack Joseph, lab. 672 w Baltimore Monagh^n Ann, boarding, 2^ w Lombard Monaghan Arthur, lab. 1 1 e Madison MonaL'han Cornelius, lab. 36 Bouldin al Monaghan John, brewer. 28 w Lombard Monaj^lian Lawrence, lab. 231 Battery av Mi s Castle -Monk Christopher, lab. 38 s Castle Monk John. lab. 38 s Castle Monk St.lomon, co>iper, 3ii9 Orleans Monk Wni cooper, 394 e Fayette Monk Wm. cooper, 48 Laticaster Monk Wm. H. ^Edmund Brannon k. Co.) 90 s Chester Moiimonier Clement, carp. 223 Bank Monmonier George, carp. 223 Bank Monmonier Dr. John F. office 225 e Baltimore, dw cor Calvert and Read .Monmonier Dr. John N. cor Calvert and Read Monmonier Dr. Louis A., Waverlev OQ Monmonier Vincent I. clerk, Calvert and Read MoTinick Fred, boxinkr. 2 Sterrelt .Monongahela Gas Coal Co. Thos.Gimmel,pres't, Benj. Bi.-sell, sec'y, 56 Exchange pi Monroe Alfred J. 248 n Charles Monroe .\. Warfield, bookkpr, 317 w Fayette Monroe Mrs. Anna ,S. 248 n Charles Monroe David M. engineer, 84 n Eden MONROE D. ELDRIDGE, attorney, 19 Lexing- ton, dw 352 Park av Monroe Henry .-V. insp. C. H. dw 265 sFremoat Monroe John R. real estate, 19 Lexington, dw g l77McCulloh _ S Monroe Joseph G. lab. 450 Aliceanna- 3 Monroe Lawrence, lab. 23 Burroutrh pH .Monroe Mrs. .Mary, 190 e Baltimore r--; Monroe Mrs. N. P. 248 n Charles :: Monroe Mrs. Sarah A. 317 w Fayette '^ .Monroe Dr. W. R. 15 s Gay, dw Charles ext p Monsarrat Oscar, apothecary, 113 s Broadway 3 Montag Chailes. tailor, 130 Saratoga pt Monfal;ue Charles P. (C. P. M. & Son) 249 n -^ Charles MONTAGUE CHAS Wm. L Montague) ge Life Ins. Co. s w cor South .qnd German f-. Montague D. P. (Spence, M. & Co.) Mt. Vernon ^ hotel _ Montague John M. plumber, 59 Pearl, dw 114 t' II Pine _ O Montaeue Josephine,RSSt. matron Union Orphan O Asylum ,^ Montague Peter, police. 42 Henriet'a ^ Montague Richard, gilder, 20 Miller jQ Montague Wm. L (Wm. E. Brown &, M. also .-. Chas. P. M. & Son) 249 n Charles ^ Montague Wm. N. bricklayer, 114 n Pine Montague Wm. carp. 114 n Pine MONTCABRIER COUNT DE, consul for P. &SON, (Chas. P. andrq gen'l asents Pheenix .Mut. o France, 54 Franklin Montell & Co. (Jas. E. and Edwin E. MonJell,] miners and shippers of coal, 23 South Montell Edwin E (M. & Co.) 40 McCulloh Montell James E. (.M. k Co.) 35 McCulloh Montell Mrs. Marv G. 298 Madison av Montell Wm. clerk. 35 .McCulloh Mont>.'omery Edward, lab. 148 Johnson .MontL'omery Mrs. Elizabeth E 34 McHenry Montgoiiierv Geo. C. police. 106 n Bond Montgomery Mrs. II. C. (H. C. M. & Son) 157 'oQ w .Madison .Montgomery Harry, carp. 342 e Chise "^ Montgromerv Henrv, fireman, 55 Oross ^r^ Ml tNTGOMERV Mrs. H C. & SON, ( H . C. and ^ Thos. .Montjiomery) restaurant, 157, 159 and ^ 161 w Madison \-^ .Mont^'Omery Hugh W. shirtmkr, 71 Orleans ^ Montgomery Dr. James. 273 Madison av "^ Montgomery James, clerk, 71 Orleans Ph Montgomery Jts. M. printer. 401 e Chuse .Montyoinerv John. <.'ro;ht Mooney Robert S. (Mooney & Co.)234 n Broad- way Mooney Roger, 60 Hampstead Mooney Mrs. Sarah, 234 n Broadway Mooney Thos. moulder, 26 Somerset Mooney Thos. lab 85 Hampstead Mooney Thos. salesman, 172 e Eager Mooney Thos. lab. 89 Hampstead Moore Anderson, huckster, rear 86 S Charles .Moore Annie, 138 Raliorg Moore Alotizi), broommkr, 4 Stirling Moore .Mrs. Ann J. 4 s Ann Moore Mrs. Annie S. dressmkr.3f58 eMonument .Moore Mrs. Annie, tailoress, 5 8 Schroeder .Moore .Mrs Annie B 94 vv Biddle .Moore Archibald jr. cannikr, 215 Orleans Moore Archibald sr. lal). 215 Orleans Moore Archib.ild D. (Thomas & M.) 144 n Schroeder Moore Beiij. P. jr. attorney, 47 St. Paul, dw 68 w Madison Moore Chns. clerk, 73 s Paca Moore Chas J. (R. Moore, Hughes h Co.) Bal- timore CO Moore Mrs. Chas. 352 Madison av Moore Cicero, cabinetmkr, 92 Penrl .Moore Christopher. lab. 1 1 Chesnut al Moore Christopher, coachiuiin, 288 u Durham Moore Diiiel, clerk, 257 w Hoffman Moore Daniel, shoemkr, 368 McDouogh Moore Daniel M. c!k, 324Myrtleav Moore Daniel 0. 19 Smith M(jore David L. carp. 13 s Oregon MOORE & DIEFFENBACH, (G. A. Moore, C. H. Dieffenbach, ) apothecaries, cor Hill and Hanover Mooie Edward B. fireman, 15 Hudson al Moore Edward D. elk, 94 w Biddle Moore Edward, b. okkpr, 158 Lauvale Moore Mrs. Esther S. 262 .'\isquith Moore Felix A. wheelwright, 217 Dolphin Moore G. A (M.& Dietlenbach, and Dietteubach k M.) Fremont and Bane .M(jore George, lab. 93 Conway Moore George S. mariner, 13 s Oregon .M(jore (leo. carp. Whalcoat iir Wiucliester Moore Geo. W. police, 270 Orleans -Mooie Geo ji-. |)Mckei-, 2.'-!9 e Lombard Mooie Geo. W. (Geo. W. M. cj- Co.) 119 Jef- ferson Moore ("apt Geo. W. mariner, 4 s Ann Moore Geo W. lab. 74 Ridgely Moore Geo. W. & Co. (Geo. W. Moore) oyster packeis, l(i7 South Moore Geo. W. machinist, 3 s Poppleton Moore Gustjivus, bricklayer, 430 ii Calhoun MOORE 1)R.H.(L pharnlacist. Park a valid Lex- ington, dw 1 19 Lexington Moore Henry, clerk, 66 Gr.tnby .Moore Henr\ C. patlernmkr, 142 Scott lloore Henry (.) . caip. 1 12 e Monument .Moore Henry H. carp. 31 n Wolfe .Mooie Henry VV. agent Church .-Vssociation of the Diocese of Maryland, 101 n Charles iMoore Horaiio, 129 e Lombard .Moore Hugh, marblecutter, 47 llillman Moore Humphrey, 1 n Calhoun ..Moore Iiriiaiius. clerk, 168 e Eager .MOORE J. Paris, druggist, s w cor Howard and .Madison Moore James, urocery, cor Gough and Cnslle Moon- James K. irouroller, 267 Gough Mooie J. lines .-V. clK, 424 n Central av .Moore James A. grocery, 336 e Fayette Moore Jiimes, trunkmkr, 3o n Paca Moore Joel, engineer, 132 Montgomery HENRY HOEN k CO.. Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. MOO MoR Moore John, 112 Orleans Moore John, lab. U Chesnut al Moore John, hib. 56 Orleans Moore John C. salesman, 130 w FiU-ette Moore John, fireman, 28 w Lombard Moore John, jrrocer}', 66 Granliy Moore John (Robert M., Huj^hes'cJ- Co.) 90 Ca- tliedral Moore Capt. John, 3 Warren Moore John 13. printer, 14 s Gay Moore John A. picture frame manufactory, 103 Lexington, dw 449 n Central av JOHN A. MOORE, ,k MANUFACTUEER OF h AND FANCY WOOD CARVINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 103 LEXINGTON ST., bet. Park &, Liberty. Green and Gold Front Building Moore JohnF. shoemkr, 88 Hanover Moore John L. lab. 86 Fort av Moore John M. lab. 469 n Fremont Moore John F. receiving teller National Bank of Baltimore Moore John, carp. 19 Smith Moore John N. engineer, 267 Gough Moore John T. lab. '.ilS Orleans Moore John T. machinist, 13 s Oregon Moore Joseph E. driver, 663 Penna av Moore Lawrence, shoetnkr, 102 Somerset Moore Lemuel, cleri\, 158 e Pratt Moore Mrs. Mary A. shirt manufactory, 2 n Pop- pleton Moore Mary S. f 0 McCulloh Moore Millard F. printer, 215 Orleans Moore .Mrs. Mary, laund. 112 n Chapel Moore Martin T. teacher, Gough and Castle Moore Michael, carter, 107 Eastern av Moore Michael, polisher, 56 Orleans Moore Nathaniel jr. confectionery, 45 n Gay, dw 404 Moore Norman F. teacher, Loyola College Moore Randolph L. police, li^o e Madison Moore Randolph L. huckster, 479 e Chase Moore Mrs. Rachel, seamstress, 304 e Fayetle Moore Robert (Robert M., Hughes & Co.) Bal- timore CO Moore Robert, grocery, 278 n Durham Moore Robert, printer, 36 n Hiijli Moore Robert, carp. \i<8 Penna av Moore Robert W. cabinetmkr, 64 n Pine MOORE ROBERT, HUGHliS & CO. (R.,J.and C. J. Moore, and T. Hughes,) imprs. cloths, 233 w Baltimore Moore Samuel, milk, Fremont and Clarke Moore Samuel J. canmkr, 71 Jackson sq av Moore Samuel K. 105 e Baltimore • Moore Samuel T. glassware, 370 n Gay Moore Mrs. Sophia, trimmings, 3 s Poppleton Moore Stephen L carp. 2 n Poppleton Moore Mrs. Susan, grocery, 270 Orleans Moore Susan H. tailoress, 68 Parrish Moore Thomas, milk, Fremont and Clarke Moore Thomas jr. horseshoer. 218 Saratoga a 03 PQ o O o =^ •Q ■o f4 Moore Thomas, mariner, 103 s Ann Moore Thomas, grocery, 325 Mulberry Moore Thomas, polisher, 56 Orleans Moore Thomas, soapnikr, 5.") Conway Moore Thomas, conductor, 354 Ramsay Moore Thomas A. machinist, 50 Low Mooie Thomas \V. 275 s Bond Moore Wni. police, 334 Mulberry Moore \Vm. tailor, 51 n Liberty Moore Wm. wagoner, 602 w Pratt Moore Wm. mariner, 302 Light Moore Wm. lab. 302 Light Moore Win. carp. 137 .McElderry Moore Wm. H. k Co. (Wm. H.Moore, John F. ^ Mudd, Jos Stewart) com.merchts. 10 Camden ^ Moore Wm. H vet. surgeon 75 s Chester S Moore Wm. H. ( Wm. H. M. & Co.) 284 e Biddle^ Moore Wm H. moulder, 226 Gough .Moore Wm. J. wood insp. 222 e Baltimore Jloore Wm. N. tailor, 92 Pearl Moore Wm.T. telegraphist, 69 Parrish Moore Wm. T. clerk, 4 s Ann Moore Wm. T. [dasterer, 37 Whatcoal Moore Wm. T. wagoner. 50 Wyeth Moorehead & Brooks, (Wm. H. Moorehead and Thorndyke Brooks) wholes, boots and shoes, 4 s Howard Moorehead David, porter, 306 Franklin Moorehead & Done^son, (J. Moorehead, A .Don , elson) tobacco, cigars and snuff, 1 n Howard Q Moorehead John, (M. & Donelson) Sykesv'"<^ '-^ Howard co Moorehead John W. clerk, 168 Myrtle av Moorehead Thos. lab. 192 Ramsay Moorehead T. W. clerk, 14 Pearl Moorehead Wm. 316 Franklin . Moorehead Wm. H (M. & Brooks) 14 Pearl ^ Moores & Co (J. P. Moores) malt liquors and ^ canmkrs, 106, 108 and 110 Granby, office 79 f^ Exchange pi - Moores James S. bottler,Cottage av nr York rd ^ Moores John P. (M. & Co.) Baltimore co 'pi^ Moorhouse Geo. carp. 95 s Gilmor ^ Mooyer Ferdinand, beer, 113 Ensor ^ .Moo.\erGeo. butcher, 8 Belair and 15 Centre*^ markets, dw 171 n Front Mooyer Henry, butcher, 171 n Front .Mopps Al)bie, 452 Lexington Mopps .Mrs. Emeline. 373 Lexington .Moquin John, clerk, 18 s Exeter Moraii Chas. lab. 54 Carlton Moran Clias. metermkr, 70 n Holliday Moran Chas. S. jr. 32 n E.xeter Moran Chas. S. sr. police, 22 Jackson Moran Edward, lai). 70 n Holliday Moran Mrs. Eliche, confect'y, 54 Carlton Moran Emma E. dressmkr, 125 Jefferson Moran George, huckster, 134 Ramsay Moran Geo. E harnessmkr, 22 Jackson Moran Jas. officer House of Refuge, 21 n High Mor.in James, lab. 67 York Moran James, huckster, Aisquith nr Point la Moran James W. carp. 86 3 Bond Moran John jr. lab. 153 s Wolfe Moraii John jr. lab. 99 Elliott Moran John, clerk, 67 York Mor.in John, stove[)olisher, 30 Liberty al Moran John, lab. 99 Elliott Moran John, lab. 421 Hanover Moran John G. bookkpr, 455 n Calhoun .Moran Josejih A. machinist, 79 s Bond Moran Joseph C. clerk, 125 Jefferson < <1 OQ ^ h- 1 O pq o pq 1— I EH Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. MOR 414 MOR ;- 'fj^ o c c 7 CO C£ ■J. ^ ^ ^ SC^ 'f^ c -^ . ^ c ^ *X! :t Momn Mrs. Julia, 15 Slernmer al Moran Larry, lab. 9 Patuxent Monui Mrs. Louisa, fancy goods. 21 n High .Mor^n .Mrs. Mary, grocery, 17 Halh Moran Mrs. .Marllia, boarding, 37 s Poppleton .Moran .Maitbt'W, cli-rk. St. Paul exi .Moran Michael, varnisher, Three Tuns hotel Moian .Michael, lalj. 100 Goodiuaa al Moran Michael, lab. 75 Hillen ■"-— Qj Moran Oscar, clerk, 22 Jackson ^ S -fj .Moniu Patrick jr. 75 Hillen ■^ * § Moran Patrick, lab. 21 Liberty al Moran Patrick, lab. 52 Burke Moran Patrick, lab. 07 n Amity Moran Peier, lab. 117 Elliott .Moran Peter jr. 117 Elliott Moran Richard F. machinist, 461 w Lombard ^ .\K)ran Richard G. engineer, 79 s Bond ^ J;! '^ Moran Richard T. engineer, Biddle e of Ann S cc r .Moran Robert II. lab. 37 s Poppleton Mor.m Sarah, seamstress, 200 s Wolfe .Moran .Mrs. Sarah C dry goods, 253 n Howard .Moran Thomas, distiller, 31 s Paca .Moran Thomas, police, 3(52 n Gay Moran Thomas, mariner, 114 Dugan's whf .Moran Timothy, lab. 114 Dugan's whf .Moran Timothy, 141 s Wolfe .Moran Wni. carp. 17 Bath .Moran \Vm. 578 Penna av «^| c5 C 'J2 ?^ _ -^ Moran W m. barkpr, 5 n Pine " c *n ■^'<^''**" Wnu G. plasterer, Calhoun nr Presstmau ?^ cS ;:!., Morand Andrew, tailor, 6 China o r Murat Joseph, driver, 280 s Sharp ^ O^P-i -Moratt August, shopman, 148 s Castle j; ^ Moraweiz Albert R. clerk, 137 w Fayette "^ r5 - .Morawetz John, tailor. 58 n Chapel ^ " H Morawetz Dr. L. F. 137 w Fayeiie ;j2 ,0 j^ Morawski Joseph, liquors, 77 Thames '^ t^ ^ .Morchlodt Henry, driver, 54 Durst al 5 -^^^ Murdecai Albert H. (R. S. Slrobel & Co.) 87 ^50 ^ W Towusend "^ Z'^ MURDECAI & CO. (David and J. R. Mordecai) com. merchants and agents for Charleston and Baltimore, and Havana and New Orleans steamers, 45 s Gay MORDKCAI DAVID (M.& Co.)434 xMadison av Mordecai H. Fuller, 434 .Madison av .\iORDEUAlJ. RANDOLPH ^M. & Co.) 13G St. Paul Mordecai Marion C. 434 .Madison av Mordecai M. C. I5tt St. Paul .Mordecai .Mrs. J. R. 13t> St. Paul "' Morecraft Geo. miller, 4 La} lope ^ .Moree Abiaiu, coachsmiili, 61 Cathedral ^ .Morejon Emanuel, cooper, lo4 n Edtn •^ .Moreland Hugli S. patterumkr, li4 s High C Moreland Joseph F. plumber, 33 Luzerne g *i ^ Moielaud Josepli F. 348 Eastern av S :^ '^ .Moreland Joseph, police, 356 Eastern ar ^ ^ S^' il^Jfi-'l Madame, 2 n High ». ^^ yr. '^lorey Geo. 11. shipbuilder, 692 Light JS^ S &»J M. ...,;. 1,.. <' M UJ .. 1^..;.,...,...,. I: - ^ o o op o c .Morht Dr. C. M. 83 e Baltimore 3 ;:; "S Morlil Mrs. H. M. cor Linden av and Mosher e "XS '.2 Morht .Mason, (Wight, M. & Co.) 192 Division ^ ti. ?r! Morlord James C. collector, 156 n Exeier Morgan Alex. B. upliolsierer, 41 Warren .Morgan Alfred, serg't police, 48 a Exeier Morgan Ann, huckslress, 103 Raborg Morgan Charles, baker, 299 e Lombard .Morgan Charles, lab. 62 LeadeuhuU Morgan Charles, bricklayer, 231 n Eden Morgan Chas. H (Benj. M. Hodges jr. & Co. > 75 McCulloh Morgan Chas. H. boilermkr, 227 Chew Morgan David W. lab. 6 Stockholm Morgan Dr Dewitt C. 129 w Fayette Morgan Dexter P. clerk, Rennert house Morgan Edward T. tinner, 40 Milliman Morgan Emily, Baker nr Penna av Morgan Geo. A. cigarmkr, 272 n Bond .Morgan (ieo. E. canmkr, 3(i3 e Monument Morgan Geo. M. (G. M. iM. & Bro.) Haifordand Central avs Morgan Geo. M. & Bro. (George M. Morgan and J.W.Booze)t;rocery, Harford and Central avs Morgan Mrs. Georgeaiina, 5 Bartlett Morgan Geo. W. shoemkr, 303 e Monument Morgan G. W. wagoner, 50 Hillen .Morgan Gerard E. student, 174 .McCulloh Morgan Mrs. Hannah, 6 Patterson Park av Morgan Henry S. clerk, 196 e Fayette .Morgan Hugh A. bricklayer. 77 Parkin .Morgan Prof. J. Asbury, 174 McCulloh Morgan James F. shipjoiner, 354 Hanover Morgan James, cigarmkr, 68 Druid Hill av Morgan James, stonemason, 117Ensor Morgan James, miller, 116 Ramsay iMorgan James K. P. lab. 103 Raborg Morgan Joiin F. traveling agt, St. Clair hotel Morgan John F mariner, 102 Johnson Morgan John H. fire dept. 103 Raborg Morgan John L. helper, 164 West Morgan Joseph, police, !3o Hamburg .Morgan Joseph A. barber, 184 Park av Morgan Rev. Littleton F. 261 Linden av Morgan Luke, lab. 29 Hill Morgan .Mack, lab, 6 Baker Morgan Mrs. Margaret, 177 Conway .Morgan Mrs. Mary, 340 n Strieker Morgan Michael, lab. 41 York Morgan Peter H. supt. Granite Roofing Co. of Baltimore, dw 130 s Ann Morgan R.indolph, carp. 96 n Poppleton Morgan Romulus G. clerk C. H. Morgan Samuel T. (Saml. T. .Morgan & Co.)75 McCulloh Morgan Stephen A. agent, 13 Clay MORGAN SAMUEL T. & CO. Cus- tom House Brokers and Counsel- lors, s w cor Gay and Lombard Streets, branch ofllce 43 Wall-st. New York. [S. T. Morgan, Notary Public and Compiler of Morgan's U. S. Tariff.] Morgan Susan A. 75 McCulloh Morgan Thos. laii. 56 Decker Morgan Thos. E. shipjoiner, 41 Warren .Morgan Thos. H. jr. wagoner, 50 Hillen Morgan Thos H. jr. boxmkr, Franklin hotel Morgan Rev. Tillotson A. 101 n Bond Morgan Dr. W. P. 175 Saraloira Morgan Waller T. mariner, 44 Jackson sqav '.Morgan Wilson B. 280 s Dallas Moigan Wm. J. grocery, 255 Light Morgan Win. E. stonecutter. 111 Druid Hill av .MORGAN WM. T. com. mercht. 45 w Pratt, dw 55 Lexington Morgans Ann, coiifect'y. Third av nr Clinton 1 Morgantlial Louis, drover, 124 n Caroline HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O MOR 41 F. Bresee, General Agt. 5~~ MOR Morgeuweck Henry, Ub. Harford rd opp Darley Piirk Morgenweck Martin, lab. Harford rd opp Darley Park Morgerelb Fied'k, cutter, 377 Orleans Morgereth Henrv, shoemkr. 329 e Loraliard MorKereth Josi pli, cigarmkr, 345 s Bond Morhiser John «. shoemkr, 148 Leadenhall Moriarty Mrs. A. dress trimmings, 44 w Eager Moriiirty James, lab. 70 s Republican Moriaity John, boilermkr, 23 s Rcpublicnn Moriarty John, tailor, 144 e Eatjer Moriarty Joseph, lab. 23 s Republican Moriarty Julia, trimmings, 44 w Eager Moriarty Michael, tuilor, 52 Valley Moriarty P. F. (M. Duffing & Co.) 15 s Front Morison Ernest L. wool com. mercht, over 65 s Gav, dw 98 w Madison MORISON Ua. ROBERT, 98 w Madison Moritz Cbas. C. shoemkr, 156 Franklin Moritz Geo. cooper, 364 Hanover Moritz Henry, shoemkr, 156 Franklin Moritz John D. (M. & Keidel) 148 Park av MORITZ & KEIDEL, (J. D. Moritz, Henry Keidel) hardware, cutlery, guns, &c , 10 s Charles Moritz Louis, dry goods, 300 Aliceanna Moritz Martin, lab, 9 Abbot Moritz Mrs. Mary, 71 Wyeth Morland Joseph, tobacconist, 346 Eastern av Morling Frank L. real estate, 23 Lexington, dw Arlington, Balto co MORLING GEO. W. real estate agt, 23 Lexing- ton, dw 18 Maryland av Morlock Chas. W. silverpiater, 248 Aliceanna Morlock Christ' n F. boatbuilder, 248 Aliceauna Morlock Fred'k, porter, 248 Aliceanna Morlock John A. carp. 248 Aliceanna Morhman Wm. silver polisher, 63 e Pratt Mormann Edwin, barkpr, 3 Water Mormann Gustav, cigarrakr, 316 n Howard Mormann Henry, sr. furn wagon, 211 a Bond Mormann Henry, jr. clerk, 224 s Bond Mormann Mrs. Mary, 333 Aliceanna Mormann Wm. H. clerk, 100 Hanover Morningstar Adam, plasterer, 324 n Central av MORNING STAR BITTERS CO. 100 s Charles and 18 Camden Morningstar Chas. D. barkeeper. Swan tavern Morningstar Jeremiah, fireman, 604 w Pratt Morningstar Michael, driver, 61 Parrish Morotzik Jacob, lab. 233 8 DalLts Morrau Chas. metermkr, 70 n HoUidaj Morrill H. 0. clockmkr, 55 s Charles, dw 144 Hanover Morris Abraham, carp. Cathedral ext Morris Adolph, peddler, 264 Aliceanna Morris A. P. author, 26 s Broadway Morris Caroline, sec. hand goods, 64 s Spring Morris Mrs. Caroline, 100 George Morris Chas. J. printer, 114 Aisquith Morris Chas. T. jr. (C. T. M. k Son) 428 e Balti- more Morris Chas. T. & Son (Charles T. Morris jr.) shipjoiners, 138 Thames Morris Chas. W. secr'y Abbott Iron Co. 26 8 Broadway Morris Edward, canvasser, 190 n Central av Morris Edwin F. plasterer, 55 Essex Morris Edward J. sailmkr, 32 Gough Morris Elijah, mariner, 170 Hughes Morris Elijah sr. lab. 30 Hughes OQ c8 Morris Eugene M. plumber, 72 n Pine Morris Geo. boilermkr, 9 s Ann Morris George, driver, 215 s Bethel ^ Morris Geo. W. shipjoiner, dw 247 n Charles ^ .Morris Harman, grocory, 1 Josephine HH Morris Mrs. Henrietta, 65 n Broadway --^ Morris Henry, clothing wholes, and retail, 208 C w Pratt " ^ Morris Mrs. Hester, grocery, 72 n Pine 0^ .Morris Hugh, brakeman, 227 Hollins o Morris Isaac, clerk, 209 w Hoffman 3 Morris Isaac, peddler, 86 Harrison "^ Morris Isaac, optician, 58 s Caroline ^ Morris Isaac, dry goods, 677 w Baltimore pq Morris Isaac, glazier, 64 n Spring Morris Isaac, cooper, 32 Gough ^ Morris Isabella, 82 Read q Morris I. L. bookkpr, 2u9 w Hoffman .Morris James R. 137 n Charles r Morris James, lab. 50 s Strieker O Morris Jas. bricklayer, 32 Gough O Morris Jesse, lab. Clipper Mills Morris Dr. John, 5 Franklin "^ Morris John, lab. 183 William ^ Morris John B. 88 Franklin r^ Morris Rev. Dr. John G. 106 n Greene O Morris J.J. (Cath-ell & M.) 60 St. Paul O Morris John T.(Hinkley & M.)prest. Board Com- ^ missiouers Public Schools, 71 a Paca Morris John W. mariner, 56 Johnson ^ Morris John W. shipcarp. 415 Light " Morris Joseph, driver, 417 w Pratt .Morris Joseph H. 484 e Chase ^ Morris Levin F.real estate broker, 49 e Fayette, J^ dw 402 n Eden P*" Morris Lewis, tailor, 39 Haw ~ Morris Lewis, 209 w Hoffman q Morris Louis, clerk, 89 Haw q Morris Michael, watchman, 59 Harford av Morris Owen, bricklayer, Belair av nr Wash- pq inglon p^ Morris Patrick, clerk, Buck's hotel ^ Morris Peter, lab. 479 w Lombard y^ Morris Mrs. Rebecca, 209 w Hoffman {^ Morris Samuel C. printer, 114 Aisquith Morris Mrs. Sarah, clothing, 8G Harrison ^ MORRIS & TRIMBLE, (T. Trimble) millstone^ manufs. and bolting cloths. West Falls av 8 ^ of Pratt 3 Morris Mrs. Thomas H. 137 n Charles pj Morris Thos. H. bookkpr, 63 s Broadway ^ Morris Thos. Holliugsworth, 137 n Charles ffi Morris Thos. J. (Hinkley & M.) 132 Park av Morris Thos. D. 0. stonecutter, 72 n Pine (-H Morris Wm. D. telegraphist, 216 Peirce ^ Morris Wm. machinist, 149 Park av <^ Morris Wm. E. bricklayer, Belair av nr Wash- ington Ph MORRIS WM. E. (Geo. B. Coale & M.)sec'y^ Merchants' Mutual Ins. Co. 58 Exchange pi, q dw 213 Madison av ^ Morris W. J. weigher C. H. 265 Mulberry qq Morris Wm. J. cigars, Barnum's hotel, dw 201 Lanviile ^ Morris Wm. T. lab. 165 n Central av ^ X <1 W O O < W H n O CD C/J ^ 00 O o ^ H- 1 S < w »p— J »===; CO o o Kg ^O .Wo O I-' 1-^ O 02 o Morrison Geo. P. bakery and confectioner3',724 w Baltimore Morrison E. H. stonecutter, 186 Penna av Morrison Geo. W. clerl\, Hrtrtuim's hotel Morrison Rev. Geo. (McComiis & M.) 144 w Baltimore Morrison Hugh A. carp. 136 n Bond Morrison Hu^'h J. bailiff Ct. Cora. Pleas, 49 s Washington >(orrison Capt. Jas. m.'»riner, 266 Patterson av Morrison Dr. Jas. M. 319 Mvrtle av Morrison Jas. S. clerk, 319 Franklin Morrison Jas. baker, lo8 Stirling Morrison Jas. F. tele^iraphist, 20 Hollins Morrison Jas. ironuioulder, 60 Hamburg Moirison J. Ralph & Co. (J. Ralph Morrison) real estate agts. 34 Postoffice av .Morrison J. Ralph (Zimmerman J" M., ^ J. Ralph iM. &Co.) 97 St. Paul Morrison Jesse C. shipcarp. 240 Gough Morrison John E. (Wm. H. Brown & Bro.) 110 \v Fayette Morrison John R. printer, 319 Franklin Morrison Joseph, bhipjoiner, 31 s Ann Morrison Joseph L. bookkpr, 252 Aisquith Morrison Luis, (L. M. & Co.) Carrolllon hotel MOURLSUN L. & CO. (Luis Morrison, John H. Williams) prop's Md.gas works, n e cor Ger- man and yiiarp Alorrison Mary E. milliner, 2.'J2 Aisquith Morrison Michael, watchman, 59 Harford av Morison N. H. provost Peabody Institute, 98 w Madison Morrison Robert, 247 HoUins Morrison Robert D. (M.c|-\Varner) 67 n Liberty Morrison Robert J. moulder, 238 Madison av Alorrison Mrs. Sallie.cont'ect'y, 516 w Baltimore Monison Mrs. Susan, 252 Aisquith Morrisons. W. tailor, 178 Chesnut al Morrison Thomas, clerk, 1 1 Barnet MORRISON & WARNER, (R. D. Morrison, J H. Warner) attorneys, 74 w Fayette Morrow Andiew C. plasterer, Biddle e of Ann Morrow David, builder, loo Sarah Anj[i,dw 250 Mulberry Morrow Geo. G. books, &c. 126^ n Gay Morrow Geo. H. carp, and buil(ler,212 Parkav Morrow Geo. VV. proofreader, 34 Conway Morrow Mrs. Harriet, 158 Hanover Morrow H. S. agt. Swift, Courtney and Beecher Co. 55 s Calvert and Cbeapside, dw 88 Hanover Morrow James, painter, 377 e Eager Morrow Jas. S. street coram'r, 25 n Calvert,dw 2;') Patterson Park av Morrow John F. plasterer, 241 n Eden Morrow John H. car[). 172 s Charles Morrow Joseph A. clerk, 88 Hanover Morrow Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 377 e Eager .Morrow .Mrs. Rosa, millinery, 41 n Eutaw Morrow Thos. machinist, lo7 Hollins Morrow Thos. G. furn. kc. 63 u Eutaw, dw 41 Morry Lewis, turner, 122 Vine Morse Mrs. EUeu, grocery, 69 Hamburg Morse Henry A. (Wm. Parker & Co.)Gough nr Washington Morse John, lab. 183 William Morse John, clerk, 69 Hamburg Morse John E. engineer, 43 Warren Morse Jos. H. carp. 153 Preston Morse Mrs. L. J. 41 Lee Morse Patrick, lab. 196 Vine Morse Stephen A. constable, 28 St. Paul, dw 235 w Hotl'man Morse Thos. R. cigarmkr, 235 w Hoffman Morse Thos. W. police com'r, 95 Aisquith Morse Dr. Wm. L. 104 n Greene Morsell Robert C.ai)praiser's office, dw 71 Russell Mursell Wm. S. clerk, 54 St. Paul .Morsell Wm. T. carj). 369 Orleans Morsell Wm. fisherman, 184 Burgundy al Morsell Wm. H. lab. 11 Abey al Morshaldt Henry, driver, 54 Durst al Morss Jacob B. jr. 177 Dolphin Morss John M. S. attorney, 55 St. Panl,dw 177 Dolphin Morss J. Southgale, 177 Dolphin Morss .Mrs. Mary A. 177 Dolphin Morlel Conrad, beer. Eastern av and First Mortimer Mrs. A. D. wax flowers, 624 w Baltimore Mortimer Harry E. flour and feed,n w cor Hofi- man and Penna av, dw 154 Walsh Mortimer John, brickmkr, 3 Henry Mortimer John, lumber inspr, Brown's hotel Mortimer John H. huckster, 429 Hamburg Mortimer John W. 185 n Republican Mortimer Saml. B. wagoner, 429 Hamburg Mortimer Thomas, police, 429 Hamburg Morton A. B. & Sons, (D.T. and F.J. .Morton) com. merchants, 40 w Pratt Morton Bernard, lab. 164 Canton av MORTON, BULL & CO. (Nathaniel Morton, Wm. C. Bull and Wm. C. Downing, )flour, commission, 77 McElderry's whf Morton Chas. H. salesman, 103 Lexington Morton Dudley T. ( A. B. M. & Sons) HiUen rd Morton Friinklin J.( A. B. M. & Sons) Hillen rd Morton George C. 252 Madison av Morton George S. 236 Laiivale, nr Fremont Morton George W. clerk, 89 s Exeter Morton Mrs. J. A. 18 Mulberry Morton John, watchman, 133 Thames Morton John, stonecutter, 89 s Exeter iMorton John E.(P.M. & Son,)38o Druid Hill av Morton Naihaniel(Morton,Bull &Co.)256 Druid Hill av Morton Nicholas S. -M. clerk, 190 Myrtle av Morton Philander &, Son, (P. and J. E. Morton) chma, glass, &c. Ii8 n Howard Morton Philander, (P. M. & Son) 380 Druid Hillav MORTON, REED & CO. (R. Morton, W. Reed) railroad and machinists supplies, 25 German Morton Richard,(M.,Reed k Co.)79 Mt.Royal'av Morton Samuel P. agent, 33 St. Paul, dw 145 Mosher Morton Theodore, elk, 256 Druid Hill av Morton Thomas M. pressman, 144 e .Madison Morton Wilkts W. 380 Druid Hill av Morton Wm. paper folder, 144 e Madison Morwood John, marble cutter, 13 Willow Morwood Wm. driver, 13 Willow Mory Wilhelm, joiner, Sterrett nr Ridgely Mosburg Arthur J. conductor, 594 w Lombard Moseley Mary, 368 w Lombard Mosele^ Dr. Wm. E. 169 w Biddle Moseman Henry J. carter, 30 Smith Moseman Mrs. Mary, 30 Smith Moser Adam, lab. 252 s Bond Moser Catherine, grocery, 102 Boston Moser Mrs. Caroline, groc'y, 116 e Lombard Moser George J. tailor, 1 16 e Lombard Moser Henry, tailor, 72 s Regesler Moser Jacob, harnessmkr, 102 and 104 Boston HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and ithographing. Engraving and Post Offica Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. U1 MOT MOS tfoscr Jolin, tiiilor, 132 Gough Vloser Morris, peddler, 63 Barre VIoser Win. W. liquors, 43 Druid Hill rtv \Iost'S Bernard, 111 s Exeter VIoses Georfje W. well digger, Huntinpdoti av nr York rd Moses James H. pumpmaker, Huntingdon av nr York id Moses Mever, elk, 2 Centre Market sp MOSES MOSES, livery and sale stables, 46 e Lombard yiOSES W. B wholes, tobacco and cigars, 24 w Baltimore, dw 124 e Pratt Mosbcr Beiij. Frank, tinner, 340 Orleans Moslier Calvin S.phologr)pher,465 w Baltimore Mosher Clias. W. bookkpr, First Nat. Bank, 214 Ais(iiiilh Mosher Mis. Elizabeth, 17 Cathedral Mosliei Mr.-^. Eliza F. dressrakr, 340 Orleans Mosher Lading, barkpr, 73 Columbia Moslur .John A at Nat. Union BU,214 Aisquith Mosher Wm. H. whipnikr, 352 Franklin yosker John, lab. 121 n Washington Moslein Frank, shoemkr, 10 n Castle Mosl'r'y D. C. cigarnianufr. 72 n Gay Mosley David C. tobacconist. 156 Chesnut Mosley Jean, cigarmkr, 156 Chesnut Moss Charles D.(Bonghan& M.)22 n Republican Moss Charles P. boilermkr. 419 n Calhoun Moss John A. excavator, Oregon and Mosher Moss John H. jr. clerk, cor Mosher and Oiegon Moss Mrs. Mary A. 28 n Central av Mosmiller Frank, lab. 30 Leadenhall Mosniiller Leonhardt, shoemkr, 30 Leadenhall Mossdorf Fred, cigarmkr, 216 n Gay ilost Conrad, wagoner, 246 Harford av Most John T. millwright, 267 e Pratt Mosznar Christopher, shoemkr, 9 Bruce Wosznar George, coachpuiuter, 9 Bruce tfosznar John H. salesman, 11 New Uotiey Gi>rrett, sionectr. Chapel nr Chase \Iotley Lewis, brickmkr, 44 Washington av tfotley Wm. A. stonf^cutier, 135 e Eager ^lotschman Chas. lab. 9 James la itfotschman Geo. cooper, 9 James la iJot-chman Mrs. Emma, 94 Parkin MOTT ABRAM G., Agricultural Implements and Seeds, 40 Ensor, , dw Waverley, Baltimore co. iMott Albert, clerk, 67 s Choptank , Vlott Geo. P. oyster and fruit packer, Atlantic . whf, canton, dw 99 s Washington Mott Henry B. paperhanger, 228 n Eden MOTTU THEODORE, lumber, 126 Penna av, dw 18ti w Townsend Mottu Thos. H. clerk, 186 w Townsend Motz Rod. F. marblecutter, 211 n Front jMotzung Karl, ladies' hair dresser, 172 n Gay Moutz Mrs. Mary, 15 s Broadway Moughan Eliza, dressmkr, 38 n Exerer Moughan Michael, clerk, 38 n Exeter Moulton Jas.F.jr.(Adams&M.)209 n Republican Moulton Jas. F. fancy goods, 482 w Baltimore Moulton John D. (Adams & M.) 286 w Fayette Moulton Wm 675 w Fayette Moulton Wm. G. salesnoan, 653 w Fayette Mounier Mis. Eveline,music and French teacher, 216 w Biddle Mount Calvary (Epis.) Church, cor Eutaw and Madison av Power Press Printing (Maryland Ins. Co Mount Carmel Sacred Heart (R. C.) Church, Aisquith nr Orleans Mount Carmel Cemetery, office 187 s Broadway Mount Clare Mills, Washington rd and Gwynn . falls ^^ Mount Claie Station, B.& O.R.R. cor Pratt and CQ Popplelun ^ Mount Elijah,(E.M.&Son)Lexington nr Fulton ci MOUNT E. & SON, (E. and G.W Mount) chair ^ and furniture nianufaclorv, 31 n Gay r£\ Mount Geo. W. (E. M. & Son) 213 e Fayette Mount Lebanon (Ind. Methodist) Church, Bond '^ and John oS Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick road west of ^ Gwynn falls, office basement M. E. church, ^ Charles and Favette q Mount Olivet (M.E.) Chapel, Frederickav wof.g Gwynn falls ^ Mount Providence, St. Francis Academy, s w c3 cor Foriest pi and Chase PH Mount Royal Brewery, J. G. Hoffman, prop'r, ^• Jefferson nr Falls O Mount Royal Reservoir, North av, John and Q Falls rd MOUNT VERNON CO. Lombard and Franklin q la, Wra. M. Boone, president ^ Mount Vernon Distillery, foot of Russell and Ostend °3 MCUNT VERNON HOTEL, 81 w Monument and 44 Cathedral, E. V. Westcott, prop'r ft Mount Vernon Mills, Nos. 1 and 3, Albert H. Q Carroll, agent and superintendent, one mile Q from city limits. Falls rd J;^ Mount Vernon Place (M.E.) Church, cor Mount >-=* Vernon and Washington places ' Mount Ziun (A, M. E.) Church, Saratoga e of HH Carey (T Mouring Wm. C. com. merchant, 101 s Charles, ^ dw 196 Conway ^ Mowbray Frank A. clerk, 119 n Charles Mowbiay Geo. A. clerk, 66 n Front .Mowbiay James H. salesman, 66 n Front Mowbray John E. salesman, 138 w Hoffman Mowbray John, tailor, 100 Mullikin Mowbra\ John M shoemkr, 124 Jefferson Mowbray Wm. puddler, 49 s Burke -<. Mowinckel Hans P. chief clerk Appeal Tax Ct. Q 99 Preston S Moxley Basil, doorkeeper, 39 Holland Moxley Chas. ironwkr, 237 s Broadway Moxley David, shoemkr, 39 Holland Moxley Geo. VV. cigarmkr, 237 s Broadway Moxley John, hrakeman, 49 s Strieker Moxley Perry, engineer, 52 s Republican Moxley Thos. L. bar Ford's Grand Opera House, dw 39 Holland Moxley Walter jr. bricklyr, Bennett nr Hudson^ Moxley Walter, tobacconist, 237 s Broadway J^^ Muckelroy John J. (Griffin &M.)400 e Lombard •- CC x Muckelroy Wm. H. 503 e Baltimore S •- § Madd John F.( Wra.H. Moore & Co )330 n Eden Cf-.'- ^ Mudd John T. carp. 30 Smith o ^ ^ Mudge Mrs. Abner B. 199 Bolton -T S ^ MUDGK E. TILKSTON, (Wheelwright, M. & '■^"'^ c3 Co.) 199 Bolton •-"B o Mudge Harrv, (Harry M. & Co.) 175 McCulloh — S ^'^ MUDGE HARRY & CO. (Harry Mudge, A.M. -5 ^ S Whitaker) flour, 91 and 93 McKlderry's whf •_2 ? r-r Muehlhausen Joseph, lab. 118 Lancaster ^ J> X ^'1"^"i ^ Mueller Henry J. shoemkr, 26 n Dallas " 'o) HH Mueller Herman, tobacconist, 247 Canton av "^ '^ Mueller Jacob, cigarmkr, 178 Ramsay j; <^ Mueller John, tailor, 343 e Eager rr ci Mueller John, baker, 250 Aliceanna 2 ^ Mueller Joseph, butcher,7 Centre and 79 Belair "^ p3 mkls, dw Harford av ext Mueller Joseph, tailor, 349 e Eager Mueller Magnes, printer, 496 w Baltimore ^ Mueller Otto, musician, 78 n Eden 5j ~ >. Mueller Wm. cigarmkr, 2 s Frederick 'S ^ II! Mueller Zacharias, dyer, Hudson and Plarrison Ci^ '^ eJ Muenderlein Conrad, bootmkr, 167 s Chapel ,^ .^ ^ Muendlein Philip, shoemkr, 2o Conway g; '5 '- Muench Chas. barber, 102 n Schroeder e ^ -g Muench Geo- T. shoemkr, 102 n Schroeder c Muench Lewis .\L painter, 102 n Schroeder "^ Muesse Fred, watchmkr, 48 s Exeter ^ "^ ^ Muesse Henry, restaurant, 89 n Gay ^ "^ " Muhl Mrs. Catherine, juiik, 233 Henrietta 5 C 1^ Muhl Coni'ad, musician, 235 Henrietta O -fv ee- .Muhl Geo- trunUnikr, 68 Iceland al ^. i -f- ^luhl Henry, junk, 235 Heiirietta ^' c _= Muhl Henry, 234 s Eutaw "^ '" Muhl Louis, 234 s Eutaw "A o c Muhl Otto, brassmoulder, 234 s Eutaw Muhlberger Christian, tobacconist, 246 s Bond Muhleck Bernliard, tailor, 259 n Bond H 5 Muhlenberg Chas. A. conductor, 7 s Gilmor g .„ Muhlenberg Hamil A. carp. 7 s Gilmor zj i- Muhler Herman, shoemkr, 142 Low X % Muhlhauser .Mrs. Charlotte, grocery, 96 n Ana '^ >% Muhlhauser Jacob, 96 n Ann c8 00 Muhlh^n Wm. beer, 20 n Howard Mulilhofer F. W. carriagemkr, 49 Ensor .Muhiuotf Herman, shoemkr, 135 L. Greene .Muhlstein Rupert, shceiiikr, 159 Chesapeake Muhly Charles W. baker, 652 Lijjbt .Mulily Christian, baker, 391 s Charles Muhly Eberhard, Light and Williamson al Muhly Henry, cabiuetmkr, 391 s Charles Muhly Herman, linker, 213 11 Exeter Muhly John, baker, 391 s Charles Muhsam Wm. bookseller, stationer and biuder 72 Hanover Muiiicli Chas. L. barber, 126 Low Muir Henry, overseer, 126 Jetferson Muir Mrs. Hugh, boaiding, 84 Lee Muir Hugh, S4 Lee Muir James N 650 w Fayette Muir John D. clerk, 65o vv Fayette Muiihead .Andrew, 25 Etting Mulaney Biidget, 14 Clinton Mulauey James, driver, 14 Clinton ilulaney Tlios. lab. 14 Clinton .Mnlcihy James, lab. 121 Boyd Muldoon Chas. A. cigarmkr, 3 Con.^titutioa Muldoon Jolin, hostler, 22 Slemmer al Muldoon James, lab. 444 Canton av Muldoon T. F. cigarmkr, 176 n Exeter .Muldoon James V. cigarmkr, 176 n Exeter Muldoon Michael W. lab. 22 Slemmer al Muldoon Michael jr. health dept. 22 .Slemmer Muldoon Patrick, lab. 1 Slemuier al Muldooti Thos. messenger, 22 Slemmer al Muldowney Andrew^ lab. 179 s Eden Muldowney John, huckster, 5 Thomsen Mules Alfred H. painter. 389 Franklin Mules Annie P. dressmkr, 118 n Pine Mules Chas. T. clerk, 360 Franklin Mules Chas. L. letter carrier, 118 n Pine Mules Daniel W. telegraphist, 72 n Oregon Mules David H. (M. & Son) 360 Franklin Mules Isaac (M. & Son) Anne Arundel co Mules Mary A. dressmkr, 72 n Oregon Mules ^ Son, (Isaac and David H. Mules) CO and wood, 469 Lexington Mules Thos. lab. 23 Brune Mules Thos. J. 527 u Fremont .Mules Ttos. shoemaker, 231 Lexington, dw 1' Saratoga Mules Thos. canvasser, 525 Franklin Mules Tlios. H. 527 n Fremont Mules Wm. G. B. priuter, 527 n Fremont Mulfenger John, lab. 46 s Bond Mulfenger John T. tinner, 46 s Bond Mulgrevv Francis, blacksmith, 19 Willow .Mulhare Catherine, 4 Fall Mulhare Chas. J. bottler, 4 Fall Mulharn James, tinner, 101 Mullikin Mulinari Francesco, lab. 21 Anthonv MULINARI PETER, stencils, 1 15i w Lombar dw s w cor Hill and Hanover Mulkern Bernard, lab. 227 West Mulkern Thos. J. drayman, 189 L. Hughes Mull Alex. A. agent, 77 Camden Mull Geo. H. flagman, 710 Light Mull James M. lab. 34 Wyelh Mullaly Rev. John B., Loyola College .Mullaliez .Michael, lab. 34 n Popplelon MuUan .Mrs. Ellen, huckstress, 91 York Mullan Edward B. 492 w Fayette MuUan James T. rectifier, 541 n Gay Mullan Dr. James A. reporter, s e cor Cal?; and Pleasant HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Suppli( Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. MUL 419 MUL Mullan John (M. & Son) York rd nr North av ilullan John P.{.M.& Soii)York rd nr North ar Mullan Patrick, lab. 72 Oak lluUaa & San{.Jobn and John P.MulIan)marbIe workers, York rd nr North av ilullaney Matthew, liackiuan, 140 Vine MuUaney Patrick, lab. 125 EliioU Mullen Alfred, carp., Wilmer al nr Hoffman, dw 7 Clinton av Mullen Amos, fireman, 54 Whatcoat Mullen Bernard, o.\bters,21 Greenmouat av,dw 2 1 1 n E.xeter Mullen Bernard D. lab. 211 n Exeter Mullen B. Ignatius, brassfinisher, 211 a Exeter Mullen Catherine, huckstress, 36 Josephine Mullen Dirby, lab. 19 Bank Mullen Edward, teamster, 5 Lemmun Mullen Gregory M. engineer, 102 Curley Mullen Henry, engineer, 567 w Lombard Mullen Jaraes, lab. 211 n Exeter Mullen James, gardeaer, 161 Greenmount av Mullen James jr. cigai-mkr, 235 Montgomery Mullen James, carts, 96 Dolphin Mullen James S. coal, 433 Saratoga, dw 414 Mullen John, carp. 217 e Monument Mullen John, tinner, 67 Cambridge Mullen Michael, iab. 101 Hillen Mullen Mrs. .Mary, 122 n HoUiday Mullen .Mrs. .Mary V. boarding, 196 w Lombard Mullen Neal, 96 Dolphin Mullen Patrick,(J.C. Froehlich & Co.) 67 Cam- bridge Mullen Sarah, 67 Cambridge Mullen Samuel, carp. 7 Clinton av Mullen Wm. H. c.^llector, 50 n Broadway Mullen \Vm. shoemkr, 97 Cathedral MuUenberg Carl, blacksmith, 307 u Durham Mullenberg C. H.sbeeiiron worker, 112 n Paca MuUenberg John H. shoemkr, 112 n Paca MuUer Adam, (Muller,StaffeI k Co.)l36 ePratt MuUer Aug. L. clerk, 172 East I Mulier August, watchmkr, 56 Ensor MuUer August, barber, 226 Penna av , Mulier Charles, upholsterer, Ho e Biddie Mulier Chas. F. grocery, 10 and 12 Emory Mulier Chas. A. lithographer, Huntingdon av i nr St. Paul ext j Mulier Christopher, shoemkr, 137 n Spring [ Mulier Mrs. Ellen R. 20 n Strieker [ Mulier Fred, shcjemkr, 172 East I Mulier Fred, shoemkr, 172 Canton av i iluller Fred. A. shoemkr, 17 n Spring I MuUer Fred. 8 L. Broadway : Mulier Fritz, beer, 416 Saratoga Mulkr Geo. shoemkr, Io6 Chew Mulier Geo. cigarmkr, Eden and McElderry Mulier Geo. gasfitter, 103 s Wolfe Mulier Gustave, stoves and tinware, 88 Orleans Mulier H. K. upholsterer and paparhanger, 102 Lexington Mulier Henry, beer, 68 Somerset Mulier Hrnry, cooper, 149 n Bethel Mulier Henry, cabinetmkr, 106 Chew Mulier Henry, grocery, 331 s Eutaw Mulier Jacob, cabinetmkr, 21 Harrison Mulier James C. clerk, 102 Lexintiton 1 -MuUer .Mrs. James N. 14 Jackson pi Mulier Jas. N. jr. apothecary, 14 Jackson pi Mulier John, 491 w Baltimore Mulier John, clerk, 43 n Spring Mulier John, shoemkr, 189 s Ann Mulier John, tailor, 331 e Madison Mulier John, brewer, 394 Penna av Mulier John H. bookkpr, 233 Barre MuUer John G. baker, Hamburg and Creek al Mulier John P. boots and shoes, 139 s Wolfe MuUer Jos. beer and shoemkr, 258 e Pratt .MuUer Julius E. prof, of mnsic, Huntingdon av nr St. Paul Mulier Julius, tailor, 4 Second Mulier Mrs. Kate, grocery, 43 n Spring .MuUer Louis, v'fate, .Mulier ^' Co ) 317 HoUins Mnller .Mrs. Louis, miUinery, 102 Lexington Mulier Louis, 317 HoUius Mulier Louis, shoemkr, 80 Harrison Midler Louis, upholsterer, ](i2 Lexington Mulier Robert H. clerk, 10 Emory .Mnller Mrs. Sophia M. 105 Hanover MULLER.STAFFEL& C0.( Adam Muller,Henry Slaffel, George Schniedt-rj propr's Baltimore furniture works, office 12 Second [See Advertisement next page. Mulier Wm. shoemkr, 346 e Fayette Mulier Mrs. Walburga, midwife, 165 Stirling .MuUer Wm. ^LD R. prof, music, 14 Jackson sq Mulier Wm. shoemkr, 8 Wagon al Mullica Thomas, gl issflattener, 5 Henry MuUica Wm. S. glass flattener, 5 Henry Mulligan Ann, grocery, 30 Hillman Mulligan Hugh, laborer, 113 York .Mulligan James, lab. 5 Willow Mulligan James, lab. 30 Hillman Mulligan John, plowmkr, 17 Conway Mulligan John, brassfinisher, 30 Hillman .Mulligan Mrs. .Mary, 322 Forrest Mulligan Matthew, engineer, 107 e Eager Mulligan Owen, lab. 11 Webster -Mulligan Patrick, scowman, 30 Hillman Mulligan Patrick, lab. 28 Hamburg MuUikin Benj. F. (Wm. H. King & Co.) 280 n Strieker MuUikin B. D. clerk, 686 Lexington MuUikin Chas. E. (King & M.) 147 .Mulberry MuUikin Mrs. M. C. teacher, 42 n Poppleton .MuUikin Franklin J. machinist, 109 u Schroeder MuUikin James, machinist, 199 HoUins MuUikin James T. salesman, 191 w Lombard MuUikin John, lab. 5 Wills MuUikin Richard 0. insp. tobacco warehouse No. 1, dw 2o3 Towusend .MuUikin Robert, lab. 220 Park av .MuUikin Samuel .M. cigarmkr, 42 n Poppleton MuUikin Thomas M. E. clerk, 686 Lexington MuUikin Wm. baker, 124 n Gay .MuUikin Wm. L. (Edward J. Hazel & Co.) 192 Walsh MuUikin Wm. N. bookkpr, 192 Walsh MuUin Dominic, carter, 29 Ryan .MuUin E. J. librarian Young .Men's Catholic Association, 156 Dover MuUin John, glass blower, 116 Leadenhali .MuUin John, 224 Madison av .Muliin John, stevedore, 13 Burrough .MuUin John, lab. 156 Dover Muliin John, 50 n Front .Mnlliu Martin, barkeeper, 26 German .MuUin .Michael A. attorney, Calvert and Lex- ington, dw 175 Division .Muliin Joseph F. 382 n Eden MuUin Patrick, lab. 90 Ramsay .MuUin Thomas, barkeeper, 9 Park av MuUin Thomas, jr. coachmaker, 55 North, dw 80 n High MuUinix Dr. E. E. 824 w Pratt o O O o p c o I— I g P < I— I P IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. h5 o s ^ O P OQ O ^" CO C 6 OQ o o D Kg OS • Wo r> ..M HH H r- -^ C O Mntnal Life-insurance Co. of Ne-w York. MUL 420 MUR Bltimor©Ftiriiittir©Wor '~r'- X> \^ «* ^' . MULLER, STAFFEL & MANUFACTURERS FOR THE TRADE ONLY OF FiK[ oosiii! iiiyi m mm CHAMBER WAEBEOilS AMD BQUfFlTS, OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: No. 12 Second St. bet. Frederick St. and Centre Market Spacf FACTORY, No. 5 SWAN ST. I MULLMYER & HUNTER ( W. Mnllmyer John I F. Hunter,) carriage makers, 1 i4 n Howard I and 51 North i Mullrayer Wm. (M. & Hunter, and E. Lehnert I & Co.) 266 e Eajier Miilnix Mis. Elizabeth, 30 Warner Mulnix iMinerva, tavern, 23 w Centre Multhaupt Conrad, stevedore, .35 Fell Mulville Win. J. clerk, 148 w Townsend Mumford Esuu M. brakeman, 23 Parrisli Mumma Mrs. Annie M. 403 e Chase Mumma David T. carp. 293 Lanvale Mumma David M. butcher, 155 Greenmount ar Muinnia David N. butcher, 63 Belair and 53 ; Fell's i'oiiitmkts, dw 155 Greeumount av MumuM Mrs. Julia A., York rd nr ToUgate Munch Conrad, baker, 48 Gouu:h .Munch Geo. carp. 89 n Schioedir Munch Wm. lab. 74 Lei>deuhall Muncl'.ow Guide, paiul^r, 13 Patterson av Munciiow Ruilolpb, barber, 13 Patterson av Muucks Andrew, clerk, 239 Madison av Muncks Edward, clerk, 239 Madison av Muncks John, clerk, 239 Miidison av Muncks John F. clerk, 239 Madison av Muncks Louis A. clerk, 306 Lexington Muiid Henry, 913 w Pratt .Miiniiay Miiscar, lab. 392 w Lombard Miiiidei Catherine, 19 CambridKe .MUXDERC. F. 4' BRO. (Mrs. Louis F. Munder, J. H. Marston, M. P. Munder )fruiland candies, 33, 35 and 37 s Liberty Munder Mrs. Louis F. (C. F. Munder & Bro.) 55 Mosher Munder Gustav, machinist, 54 German, dw 190 Mulberry Mra.L. r. Miiader. J. H. Mi«rstor„ M. P. Mondei C. F. MUNDER & BRO. French and American Confectioners, And Manufacturers of Jellies, Preseryes M Braiifly Fruits. Nos. 33, 35 and 37 S. LIBERTY ST. The Trade supplied at the Lowest possible price Munder Mauric-P. (0. F. Munder & Bio.>^ Mosher MundiT .Mrs. PriscilK R. 230 w Lombard Munder Theophil us, triniminirinkr,81 Lexingto Muiidie R. A. clerk, 182 w Lombiird Mundie Wilhelm, lab. 59 Centre Market sp .Mundorff David, letter carrier, 150 B;irre Munduloh Charles, shoemiker, 177 Harford a^' Mundiildh .Mrs. MaLr<;ie, firocery, 177 Harford a .Munkewitz John A. tailor, 226 n Dallas Munniirhausen H\ . mercht. tailor, 878 w Prat MUNNIKHUYSEN HOWARD, attorney, 48 S Paul, dw 215 n Howard MUNNIKHUY.SEN DR. W. B. 214 n Howard Munnis .Mis. Emma, 438 e Chase Munroe .Sanil. expressman, 196 Henrietta Munson John, brushmkr, 216 e Pratt .Munter Bernard (Schmink & .M.) 68 Boston Munter John, clerk, 68 Boston Murdoch Alexander F. (A. M. & Co.) 16 Cour land HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. MUR 421 MUR MURDOCH ALEX. & 00. (A. iMurdoch, C.W. C. MeCo.v, A. F. Murdoch) dry poods com. iiieichts, s e cor Germiin and Shaip ^Murdoch .Mex.(A..M &Co. ) Elgin av nrPenuaav Murdocli Chas. N. clerk, El.;in av nr Penna av Murdoch Mi8. Elizali'h B. boarding, 96 Division Murdoch Mrs. F. L. 400 Park av Murdoch Frid'^rc, Linden av and Lawrc-nce Murdoch James, tinner, 13 s Republican Murdoch James. siiiiiCiup. 363 Kastern av Murdoch J. Camphell, 9j St. Paul .Nlurdoch Johh, aichitect, n w cor Charles and Lexington, dw 126 w Biddle Murdiicli .Mrs. Mary, boarding, 191 s Chester Murdoch Dr. Russell, IJ Cathedral Mur 5 « •^'^■^ o ^ t- o to— o t: S5 1-t ^^ , — 1 (^-/7 rj 03 •"'T! O c 1) rr 05 t-f Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. MUR 422 MUR c:::^ ^ c t» t. S a> a; i ...s .ii t-^ O >i o «« :r — o I-- § 3 >. § CD *: X S £ H I -1-3 ■>* 4-1 »^ ?2 c _- P hy Micluiel, lal). Vincent at nr Ramsay Murphv Michael, dravinan, 21 Sterrelt Murphy Michael J. clerk, 63 ("athidral .Mui[)hv .Moses, rnarl>le|)i)lisiior, 131 Harford av Muri.hy k Noiris (M T. Murphy, P. S. Norris) niaiiuf'rs and dealers in ciyars. 62 s Calvert Jlnrphy Nicliolas, <*annikr. 6ii Parkin Murphy Nicliolas lab. 36 .Mcllenry Murphy Given, lab. 354 Ostend Murphy Ow.n, lab. 89 Harford av Murphy Owen J.horsesh'i,427 n Fremont, dw481 Murphy Owen, hacks, 75 .Mulberry Murphy Patrick, lal). 10 Vincent al .Murphy Patrick, lab. 66 s Orefron .Murphy Patrick, lab. 32 Jew al, o t Murphy Patrick, Hieuian, 39 Jew al, o t .Murphy Patrick, lal>, 479 w Lombard Murphy Patrick, lab. 217 Lernuion al Murphy Patrick, coachman, Mallliy house, dw 36 iicHeury Murphy Patrick, livery stables. Chew nr Har- ford av, dw 129 e Eai^er Murphy Peter, lab. 52 s Castle Murphy Peter, lab. 12Curley .Muriiliy Pierce, tiilor. 203 Mulberry Murphy Mrs. Rebecca, 61 Luzerne Murphv Rich'd 1). of water dep't, 419 w Pratt .Marphy Ricliaid, lab. 4 Hillen .MuMihy Richard, l-.ib. 84 Luzerne Murphy Robert D. pilot, 120 Hu^ihes Muri)hy Rolieit, driver, 61 Luzerne Murphy Robert, carp. Central av and Hoffman Murphy Samuel, hiicklaver, 63 Boyd Mur|ihy Sarah, 102 n Wolfe Murphy Si('|)lien. currier, 92 Hillen Murjihy Stephen, engineer, 49 s Carey Muriihy .Mrs. Susan, Carey and Kdmondson av Murphy Terence, hostler, 36 .Mcllenry .Murphv Terence, coachman, .Maltby house .Murpii}' Thos. 513 Saratoga Murphy Tims. F. clerk, 8 n Ann Murphy Tlio,'?. brass founder, 3 Liberty a! .Murphy Tlios. lab. 660 w Pratt Murphy Thos. lab. 20H Riborg Murphy Thos. lab. 39 Leminon Murphy Thos. lab. 129 Uattery av Murphy Thos. jiolice, 189 (-on way Murphy Tlios. lab 161 Dover .Murphy Thos. lab. 3.') Riddle al .Murphy Thos. shoemkr, 629 w Pratt .Murphy Thos. machinist, 67 n Amity Murphy Thos. lab. 5 Woodyear .Murphv Tlios. A. shoemkr, 224 Ilollins Mur|ihy Thos. A. 162i e Baltimore Murphv Thos. lab. 6o"l5oyd Mnrph> T. J. lal) .5 e .Monument .Murphy Timothy, currier, 99 Hillen Murphy Timothy, lab. 5 e Monument Murphy Timothy, waterman, 92 Ensor Murphy Timothy, lab, 69 Boyd Murphy Timothy, fireman, 92 Ensor .Murphy Wm. tinuer, 180 n Fremont Murphy Wm. .M. carp. 69 Jefferson MURPHY WM. S. magistrate, 3s Holliday, dw 181 e Eager Murphy Wm. P. e.xpressman, 139 Ridgely Murphy Win. lab. 479 w Lombard Murphy, Wirfs & Co. (Rdw. Murphy. William Wirts, W. S. Wirts) feather cleaners and up- holsterers, 456 n Fremont Murr .Mary Ann, huckstre.^s, 139 Hanover .Murr Henry ( W. F. M. 3f Bro.) 139 Hanover Murr Jacob, machinist, 29 s Dewberry al Murr Jacob F. tailor, 31 King Murr W. F. ( W F. M. & Bro.) 139 Hanover Murr W,F.& Bro.( VV.F. and H.Murr)confect'ry, 139 Hanover, and dairy 375 w Lombard Murr Thos. lab. 107 HolHns Murr Will, finisher, 107 Hollius Murray Airs. A. 426 .Mulberry Murray A . R, (Robins & Co.) Three Tuns hotel Murray Albert J. clerk, 426 .Mulberry Muriay Alb't .\.machinist, Lfiurel and Aisquitb Murray Mrs. Ann, huckstress, 68 Clay Murray Mrs. Ann, 23 Valley Murray- Mrs. Anna, 91 Cathedral Murray Annie, teacher, 170 e Monument Murray August, cigarmkr, 101 8 Paca Murray Mrs. Bridget, 59 e Elaj^er Murray Catharine, 338 n Howard Murraj' Mrs. Catharine, 31 Luzerne Murray Mrs. Catherine, 85 Elliott Murray Mrs. Celia, gardener, Harford av nr North av Murray Cbas. W. machinist, 51 n Charles, dw 180 Mulberry Murray Clapham, asst cash'r tax dept 39 St. Paul Murray Clara, saleswoman, 170 e Monument MURRAY DAVID G. clothing, n e cor South and Pratt, dw 286 Light Murray E. H. salesman, 123 Conway Murray Edw. china and glass, 433 n Fremont Murray Edward, salesman, 91 Cathedral Murray Edward jr. carter, 117 West Murray Edwin D. chairmkr, 76 n Washington Murray Mrs. Elizabeth. 143 n Paca Murray Elizabeth, grocery, 9G l5lock Murray Ellen, dressinkr, 81 Mosher .Murray F. T. cigarmkr, 113 n Fremont Murray Fred, turner, 441 w Fayette Murray Francis, 179 w Biddle .Murray Frank, helper, 408 Hanover Murra}- (Jeo. W. carp. 29 n High Murray Mrs. G. boarding, 191 w Fayette Murray Geo. B. machinist, 459 Franklin Murray Heron C. 207 Linden av .Murray Hubert, trailer, 627 w Pratt .Murray Jas. (Jas. .M. & Sou) 201 Hanover Murray James, lab. 29 Ceiitie .Market S|i MURRAY JAMES .k SON (James and Wm. J. Murray) millwrigiits, boilermkrs, machinists and engineers, 40, 42 and 44 Voik, [5ee Aduiirtisemertt . Murray James, lab. 38 Hilliiian .Murray .lames A. machinist, 17 s Mount Mur:ay James B. engraver. Homestead Murray James, machinist. 328 ii Caroline Murray James C. cleik, 286 Light Murray Jas. F. machinist, 179 w Biddle Murray James, lab. 119 Peach al Murray James, 5 Foster al Murray James A. machinist, 17 s Mount . HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &g. Dividend PArpryjyear,^^jVjresee, General Agt. 423 MUT MUR Murray James E. blacksmith, 180 n Eden Murray James F. machinist, 121 Riddle Murray James I. blacksmith, 81 Musher Murr-iy Jesse H. collector, 552 w Lombard MuriaV J. Byron, engraver. Homestead Murray John, machinist, 330 s Bund Murray John, moulder, 80 Henrietta _ Murray Johu, ijrocery, Rid Muth Geo. shoemkr, 344 e Monument Muth Henry, clerk, 131 s Wolfe Q Muth Henry, cierk, 105 Thames ^ Muth John 'jr. carter, 195 s Regester ^ ^^^ ;en'l agt, 15 South. — [iS^e Hues top of pages Muzinski Michael, lab. 233 s Bethel .Muzze.v Harvey L. clerk, Buck's iiotel Myer Abraham. cupj)er and leecher, 48 Lee Myer Dr. Bernhard, dentisi, 114 Hanover Myer Chas. butcher, 391 Penna av Myer Daniel, barkpr, 455 e Chase Myer Geo. W. clerk, 124 s Charles Myer Herman, carp. 214 William Jlyer Henry, bricklayer, 365 E.islern av M'\er HenrV, lab. 300 s Durham Myer James. (J.M.&(^).) 2oo McCulloh Myer James & Co. (J. and W. B. Myer, H, B. Chrisihilf) « holes, grocers and com.merchts, 39 (/heapside Myer John, tailor, 124 n Bethel Myer John H. clerk, 154 Dnlphin .Myer J.ihu J. (Gosnian & Co.j n e cor Fremont and Tovvnsend O -Myer .M. horse dealer, 28 s Paca ^ Myer Mrs. M. provisions, Canton av iir Chester Mver Mrs. Marv C. 154 Dolphin M\er Philij). hib. .^5 O'Donnell M>er Mrs. Susanna, 115 Hanover .Mver Thomas R clerk, 2 15 n Charles MverThos. J. (Thomas J.M.&Co. ) 24-) n Charles MYEi; THOMAS J. & CO. (Thomas J. Mver, A. K. Shriver, M. O. Shriver, F. S. Willson. ) oyster packers and [ireservers of fruit, 90 West Falls av ^ p^ .M,\er Wm. lab. Essex and Patterson Park av Myer Wm. B. (J. -Myer & Co.) 8 Barnet M\er Wm. S. clerk, 245 n Charles Myerlv Wm. H. wheelwright, 69 Buren Myers'Alexius J. (C.H.M. & Bro.) 21 McCulloh .Myers Ambrose M. cleric, 70 .McCulloh O f^ Q Myers Andrew, lab. 291 Columbia ^2>H M.\eis A. P. & Co. (A. P. .Myers) tinware and O P^ K stoves, 181 n Eutaw ^Jj^; Myers A. G. (A.G M.&Co.) 266 n Gay S I— I 9 Myers Rev. Andw. J., Republican iirTownsend O^^ Myers Andrew P. (A.P.M.&Co.) 80 e Eager v' C _; Myers Augustus G. & Co. (A. G. and Wm. F*. 5^ [-, 22 Myers) boots and shoes, wholes, and retail, ^ Q W 230 and 266 n Gay 2 S 2 Myers Benj. C. jiainter, 85 McIIenry o o Myers Bros. (J. A. and Jacob Myers jr.) paper hangings and window shades, 26 n Gay Myers Catherine, 53'< w Fayette Myers Chas. E. clerk, 70 McCulloh Myers Chas. F. painter, 77 n Central av Myers Chas. II. clerk, 95 n Paca Myers C.R. •|-Co.(C.R. Myers)oy3ters, 95 n Paca Myers Charles, lalj. rear 26 Liberty al MYERS CHAS. H. & BRO. (A. Jos. Myers) who!e?ale liquors, &c. 72 Exchange pi .M.\ers Chailes [). cigarmkr. 5 Hloodt'Ood ct .Myers Ch.irlis H jeweler, 438 w Baltimore .M\ers Charles H. jeweler, .S88 n Strieker Myers Charles K. clerk, 70 Mcl'ulloh Mvers Charles H. stonecutter, 245 Franklin Myers Charles R. bookkpr. 80 n Ch.irb-s Myers Charles R. (C.R.M &Co.) 95 n Paca Myers Charles W. carp. Chappell nr Chase Myers Charles W. shoemkr, 609 n Gav .Myers Christ'n H. supt. B.&O.R R. 29 s Mount Myers Daniel .A., coal, North nr .Monument, dw Gilmor nr Townsend Myers Daniel, barkpr, Pratt and Gough Myers David, lab. 157 w Townsend MyersD.ivid, uiiibri Ihi menier, Mount nrRamsay Myers Dennis, machinist 1 s Stockton al -Myers -Mrs. Dora, seamstress 28 Welcome al Myers E. S. office 4 s Holliday, dw 67 St. Paul Myers Edwin, 67 St. Paul .Myers .Mrs. Kliza, 292 s -Ann Myers -Mrs Elizabeth L. 96 e Fayette .Myers Emanuel, bookkeeper, n w cor Saratoga and Greene .Myers Frank, paperhinger, 427 w Fayette -Myers Fred, boxmkr, 406 Hanover -Myers Fred, draughtsmm, 32 s Ciiester Myers Fred, painter, 47 Granbv Myers Fred. H. clerk. 85 McHenry .Myers Fred. L. 97 s -Ann -Myers Geo. scissors grinder, 20 New Church -Myers Geo. butcher, 157 w Townsend Myers Geo. F. clerk, 215 n Dillas .Myers Geo. cooiJer, 401 Aliceanna Myers Geo lab. 17 -New Church .Myers (ieo. lab. 36 Wyelh .Mvers Geo.W plasterer. Wh.itcoit nr Presstman Myers (ieo. A. driver, 85 Fort av .Myers Geo. W. clerk, 329 w Baltinjore .Myers Godfrey. u|;issmelt<'r. 9 Stockholm .Myer.-; Harry S. 151 n Republican .Myers Henrv, lab. 9 Webb Myers H. S. (T. F. Higelberner & Co.) 151 n Ripublican -Myers Harm:in, bo.xmkr, 406 Hanover Myers Henry, varnislier. 263 Orleans -Myers Henry, clerk, 25 n Republicm MYERS & HEDIAN, (W. P. Myers, T. Hediau) Manufacturers and Importers, No. 46 n Charles st. opposite the Masonic Temple. The Great LookingGlass Manufact'y and Emporium of Fine Arts. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Chromos, Bronzes, &c. &c. Myeis Humphrey, grocery, 153 Forrest, dw 40 Greehmoun t av M\ei8 H. L. tobacconist, 136 w Pratt, dw 283 Hollins Myers Isaac, ladies and gents furn. goods, 126 s Broad wav Mvers J. Edward, clerk, 97 s Ana Myers J. Edwin, clerk, 67 St. Paul Myers Jacob, 584 Penna av Myers Jacob jr. (.M. Bros.) 337 n Broadway Myers Jacob, 163 n Charles HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General MYE 425 Agent, 15 South St. NAG Myers Jacob J. carp. 478 w Lombard Myers James A. (M. & Bros.) 95 William Myers James R. cleik, 7 7 McCulIoh Myers James A. clerk, 96 e Fayette Myers James Is. clerk, 97 s Ann Myers James, platiemkr, 107 Lexington Myers Jesse T. 10 VVhatcoat Myers John A. glassworker, 46 Hu>;lie3 Myers John, hod carrier, '.^63 Orleans Mvers John, butcher, 117 n Paca Myers John, through freight ag't B. Jf 0. R.R. 149 w Baltimore, dw Waverley Myers John J. stovefittei , 29 Sterrett Myers John H. F. b:iker, 3 u C.istle iMyers John R. 290 Orleans Myers John, grocery, 1 s Stockton al Myers John H. liaker, 86 York Myers John, lab. 68 Chew Myers John, lab. lu Stockholm Myers John J tinner, lOO Scott Myers John H. brakeman, 508 vv Lombard Myers John, butcher, 64 and 66 Cross-st nuc't, dw Penna av ext MYERS J. NORRIS, hardware, 136 n Gay,dw 77 McCuUoh Myers John P. druggist, 534 Lexington Myers John R. machinist, 2a n Republican Myers Joseph A. clerk, 70 McCulloh Myers Joseph A. jr 21 McUuUoh Myers Joseph A. 21 .McGulloh Myers Joseph H. slainer, 4 Comet Myers Joshua M. magistrate, 26 St. Paul, dw Mansion house Myers Martin, lab. 94 Pe.ich al Myers Kinsay, lab. 682 w Pratt Myers Lewis i.M. & Seymorej 9 n Carey Myers Mrs. Margaret, 21 Ryan .Mvers Mrs. Mary J. laund. 66 Penna av MyensMis. Mary E. 70 McCulloh Myers Matilda, dry goods, 210 u Fremont Myers -Mrs. Mary A. tailoress, Franklin nr Caiey Myers Nelson, carp. 29 s Mount Myers Nicliolas, piasler-T, 236 s Paca Myers Oliver P. machinist, 36 .Mi:ler Myeis Sauiuel, fiie dept. 20 1 Orleans Myers Samuel, well uigger. Homestead Myers & Seymore (L. Myers, H. C. Seymore, ) cattle brokers, Calverion hotel Myers Tnaddeus S. bricklayer. 220 Orleans Myers Rev. Tbumas, 77 .McCulloh Myers Thos. A. cigarniki', 93 Jefferson Myers Tlios. E. clerk, 77 McCu.loh Myers Timothy, butcher, 9 Hollius market, dw 152 tiollins Myers Webster, 421 e Baltimore Myers \Vm. huckster, 161 Peirce Myers Wiu. butcher, Penna av nr North av -Myers \Vm. brakeman, 22 s Noriis al -Myers W'm. engineer, 214 n Fremont -Myers Wm. D. brakeman, 96 Parkin -Myers W'm. E. restaurant, 1 19 u Calvert -Mjers VViu. H. salesman, 297 U:uid Hill av M\ers Wm. G. H clerk, 67 .St. Paul MYERS WM. H. & BRO. (W. H. My- ers,j manul'actureid of cigars, over 85 Ex- change pi Myers Wm. wagoner, 306 e .M idison -Myers Win. blacksmith. 269 s Wolfe Myers Wm. lao. 157 Chesipe . .e Myers Wm. plasterer, 236 s Paca Myers Wm. H. examiner C.H., St. Clair hotel Myers Wm H. (VV. H. M. &Bro. ) 4 Harlem av Myers Wm.P. (A G. Myers & Co.) 266 n Gay -Myers Win. P. (M. k Hedian) 163 n Charles Mvers Win. S. salesman, 25 n Republican Myohl Charles, clerk, 44 Fawn Mylander Henry, carp. 46 Greenwillow, dw 38 Myrtle av My rick John Thomas, mariner, 2 7 Thames Myrsinger Mrs. Mary, provisions. Dolphin and Division -Myrsinger Wm. butcher, Dwlphin and Division N NaafTRev. Gotthold, 73 -\isquith Naas John J. shoemlir, 6 Park av Naas John H. asst weigher C. H. 6 Park av Naas John jr. cigarmkr, G Park av Nachbar -Michael, grocery. 16 L.Gough Nace George, niillwriglit, Point hi nr Aisquiih Nace Wm. 33 Lexin^'ton .Nachraan -\hrali mi, dry goods, 161 n Gay Nachinan Adolph, carpets, 159 n Gay, dw 145 Aitquith Nachnian Geo. (N. & Zeigler) 10 s Gay Xachman Henry, cattle d-siler, 187 German Nachman Jacob, butcher, 3 Belair mirket, dw 265 e Monument Nachman & Zeigler (George Nachman, John Zeigler) musicians, 10 s Gav Nader John, shoemkr. 32 -Abbot Xaenny Henry, pocketbooknikr, 20 s Liberty N iff Charles, lab. 154 s Fremont Naff Charles E. lab. 113 Vine Naff Wilson D. carp. 33 Myrtle av Nagel C. & Son. (Catherine Nagel.Theo. Nagel) groceries and liquors, 155 s •'harles Nagel Catherine, c.nfecl'y, 441 Canton av Nagel Catherine, (C.N ageiife Son) 155 s Charles Nagel Cato, clerk, S8 Bank Natiel Henry, tailor, 19 Bevan Nasrel Henry, second hand uoods, 26 Harrison Nagel Jacob, lab. 146 Rahorg Nagel John, lab. 271 Alicemna Nagel John, cannikr, 159 Sterling Nagel John, carp. 64 Short Nagel John F cutter, 227 William Magel -Mary E. shirlmkr, 271 Aliceauna Nagel Lawrence, tailor, 32Leidenhall Nalel Margaret, grocery, 146 Raborg Nagel Philii), beer, 264 Penna av Nagel Mrs. Pauline, Clinton nr Eiglith av Nagel Peter, lab. Clinton nr Eighth av Nagel Theo. (C. Nagel & Son) 155 s Charles Nagengast Geo. lab. 506 Canton av Nagengast Henry, tailor, 30 s CivStle Na_'enu'ast John,' brewer, 370 Penna av Nagen Jacob, ghizier. 81 Granby Nagle .Mrs. Annie, 151 Elisor Nagle Mrs. Ann E. 112 s Paca Nagle Edward, fireman, 60 s Carey Nagle Fredk. lab. 38 Liberty al Najile Fredk. cigarmkr. 197 s Fremont Nagle Geo. b.irber, Frederick av Na'-ile Henry, mariner. 393 Aliceauna Na^leJohn, police, 197 8 Fremont Naale John, lab. 70 n Washington Nagle Rev. John B., Loyola college Nagle John H 197 s Fremont Nagle Joseph H. shoemkr, 101 Boyd Nagle Mrs. .Mari:aret, 88 Bank Nagle Theodore H. bookkpr, 88 Bank OQ Power P ress ir^rmting, (^Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates. Marble Building ) c3 o O O P o o ^ o o o o > o O I — I l^ < 4. ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. NAG ^•^ ^. o c Nagle Patrick, lab. 12 Addison •^ S ^'ag'^r Geo. lab. 431 Aliceanna ^ 2 ^ Nagier Mrs. Mariraret, 431 Aliceanna — CO X X;ihm Edward, bartender, 43 Forrest ^ ^ Naile Clias. haslvetnii!j ^ ;ii. Nash John, caulker, 107 Johnson u^ ^ S Nash Mary E. tailoress, 51 Hamburg CQ g 2-1 Nash Nicholas M. shoemkr, 20 Jackson pi -3 5 - Nash Joseph, carter, 85 Battery av 2^ Pe5 g Nash Patrick, jr. lab. 119 s Ann '^ j_ H Nash Peter, lab. North av nr John •^ •- r^ Nash Philip, carp. 110 s Eden " Nash Tlios. E. shoes, 242 e Lombard Nash Thomas W. shois, 103 s Broadway Nash Wadsworth,{ Will. Miller & Co.) 626 w Lombaid Nash Win. boilermkr, 79 Hamburg Nash Will. l:ib. 132 Johnson Nasou .Mrs. Elizabeth, 82 .Mulberry Nason Gardiner K. clerk, 82 .Mulberry Nassauer Fred, salesman, 62 George Nassarenus Christian, teamster, Lem.mon al nr Cross "v! CO -r Nathan Charles, shoem'u', 130 Orleans 0*1 -3 g Nathan Edward P. clerk, 7G w Baltimore -^ ii >-, Nathan Isaac, duthing, 7S Centre .Market sp, S G ^ dw 117 e Lombard '^ Id 'S Nathan Isaac, 1 17 e Lombard ^ (y C Nathan Joseph, clerk, 117 e Lombard K ^ "" Nithan Myer, (Goodman &Naihan)117 e Lom- ^ *" = bard 5 -^ NATIO.NAL BANK OF BALTIMORE, cor 3 C i^ Baltimore and St. Paul.— [Se-; Appendix. C:) -f, ^ N A T I 0 N A L B ( ) N I) E U COLLECTION cS "^ «=< 0) ^ ■5^ S^ ■va '5 g .» National Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 83 Second Dunan, ITnrlem av J J.Wi^iht. J. penitentiary, NATION Ali FIRE INS. CO. of Phila- delphia, Joseph Selby Hgent, 44 Second National Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, J.G. ProuT. rfe Sons, agents, 1 Rialto building NATIONAL MECHANICS BANK, s e cor Cal- vert and Fayette. — [See Appendix. National Steam Laundry, 476 w Baltimore, N. C Search & Co. proprietors NATIONAL UNION B.ANK OF MARYLAND, Fayette nr Charles. — [-SVe Appendix. , Nattali Edward J. collector, 77 s Sharp Nattali Sophia, corsetmkr, 77 s Sharp Nau Henry, pianomkr, 16Callendar al Nau John, carj). 60 Druid Hill av Naughton Patrick, lab. 5e Monument Maumann Aug. baker, 74 n Castle Naumann Casper, carp. 285 e Madison Naumann Fred, cutter, 53 s Ann Naumann Win. clerk, 53 s Ann Naumann Wm. baker, 238 Columbia Nause Henry, tailor, 75 n Bond Navassa Phosphate Co., W'iiifield S. sec'v. 20 and 22 South Navy Geo. W.(G. W. N. k Co. Navy G. W. & Co.(G.W. N ivy, Suiter) coopers, factory Md. office n e cor Gay and Pratt Nax Francis H. musician, 215 Peirce Naylor .Aaron, lab. 379 s Eutaw Naylor M. Bruce, salesman, 87 Saratoga Naylor .M'S. Sophia, 6 n Caroline Naylor Stephen, salesman, 87 Saratoga Nazareunes Andrew, lab. 70 Rii.ssell Nazareuiies Fred. lab. 70 Russell Nazarenns Conrad, driver, 290 Scott Neadhammer S. Lunis, stonecutter, 786 w Pratt Neadhammer Win. painter, 786 w Pratt Neal Alfred W. clerk, 162 Forrest Neal ienj. D. printer, 7 Russell Neal Charlotte, boarding, 7-1 Lancaster Neal Edwin, l.ab. 140 Bank NR.\L GEO. H. C. dry goods, wholesile and retail, 99 and 101 w Baltimore, dw 240 n Charles G-EORG-E H. C. NEAL, Importer, Jobber & Retail Dealer in 99 and 101 W. Baltimore Street, S. W. Cor. Holliday Street, jr5?r'Lar2cst Stock of SILKS, FOKRIGN DRESS GOODS. MOUKKING GOODS. WOOLENS, LIN- ENS, DOMESTICS, &c., at Wliolosnlo, iu tlie Baltimore Market, and guaranteed at the Lowest 4;ash Prices. Ex/ennire Retail Departvunt on First Floor. Neal Henry, lab. 435 Aliceanna Neal Jos. k Co. (J. Neal) new and second hand books, 84 w Fayette and 14 St. Paul Neal Joseph (Jos." Neal & Co.) 101 n Caroline Neal Mrs. Owen, Biddle nr Castle Neal Philip, carp. 122 n Bond Neal Wm. R. 240 n Charles Neal Wm. engineer, Clipper MiHs Ne.ile .Vnthony M. clerk, 2S8 Madison av Neale Dr. B. 288 Madison av Neale Bennet, clerk, 121 w Monument HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. NEA 427 NEI Neale Mrs. Catherine, tailoress, 53 Harford &v Neale Mrs. C.itherine, 4 Centre Neale F. C (F. Neale & Sons) 58 Courtland Neale Francis M. clerk, 55 Courtbmd Neale Francis A. engjineer, 110 n Wolfe Neale Francis (F. Neale & Sons) and president Beneficial Savings Fund Society, \Voodl)erry Neale Francis & Sons(F., J.H. and F.C. Neale) gen'l com. merchants, 104 s Charles Neale Mis. Hannah, erocery, 110 n Wolfe Neale Harry, clerk, 58 Courtland Neale Henry, clerk, 288 Madison av Neale Rev. J. P., Lovola Collefre Neale John H.(F. N.'& Sons) 58 Courtland Neale Vivian H. salesman, 156 w Pratt Neale Wm. machinist, 2 Green ct Neale Wm M. ironfounder, 150 West Nearinan Chas. shoeiiikr, Leminon and Monroe Nearman Henry, blacksmith, 12 Wilhehn Neary Edward, stonecutter, 12 Willow Neary John, 70 Hampstead Neary Michael, hrassmoulder, 103 n Calvert Neary Thomas, lab. 72 Jackson sq av Neary Wm. lab. 9 Lemmon Neavitt F. W.( Emory & N.) 41 Courtland Nebel Frank, lab. 341 Penu i av Nebower George, lab 99 Peach al Nechter Mrs. Caroline, orrocery, 336 Hanover Nechter Joseph, lab. 336 Hanover Necker Fred, cor Wolfe and Monument Necker George, butcher, 165 Stirling Neck€r John C. (Joseph A. N. & Bros.) 475 e Monument Necker Joseph, cor Wolfe and Monument Necker Jos. A. wheelwright, 351 n Central av Necker Jos. A. & Bros. (Jos. \., John C. and Martin Necker) carriage and wagon makers, 469 e Monument Necker Joseph A. (Jos. A. N. & Bros.) Monu- ment nr Wolfe Necker Martin (Jos. A. N. & Bros.) Monument nr Wolfe Necker Mrs. Mary, groc'y, Wolfe and Monument Neccol Fred, shoerakr, 102 Duncan al Neding Heniv J. lab. 8 Jackson cl Nedwell A. E.(Wamsley & N ) 79 n Charles Nedwell D. G. prov'nsand game, 95 n Charles, dw 79 Nedwell G. W. 79 n Charles Neeb George, beer, 492 n Fremont Neeb John, grocery, 498 n Fremont Needham A. jr. (A. N. & Sons) 125 s Sharp NBEDHAM A. k SONS ( A., G.F. and H. Need- ham)groc. and com.merchts, 142 Lisrht-st whf Needham Geo. F.( A.N. & Sons) 85 McCulloh Needham Henry (A.N. & Sons) Frederick rd Needles Charles K. bookkeeper, 47 Germ. in e of Charles, dw 67 n Charles Needles Jane S. 212 e Baltimore Needles John, 40 Bolton Needles John A. (John N. & .S'in)n w cor Chai les and Town.seirl NEEDLES JOHN & SON (J. A. Needles) dry goods. 4.'-! n Charles Needles Sallie. 40 Bolton Neely Alex, clerk, 76 n Strieker Neely Josejih, plumVjer, 309 n Bond Neely Mrs. Tho ues W., Waverley Neenan Jeremiah, lab. 145 s Chester Neenan Mrs .Margaret, 145 s Chester Neenan Patrick, lab. 145 s Chester Neenan Thos. mariner, 254 Bank GQ Neepier Wm. J. hatter, 35 Henrietta Neejiier Wm. J. appraiser, 35 Henrietta Neer J. Potts (R. M. Spiller & Co.)270 Hollins Neer N. Frank. (Buck, Heflebower& N.)4Hollin3 -q Nees Albert, ciihinetmkr, 334 Pentia av Neeseman Fred. J. painter, 9 s Frederick Neeson Henry, bookkpr, 146 n Oregon Neff Albert, driver, 78 s Mount Neff Dr. Chas W. 306 w Fayette Neff Dr. John, 558 w Fayeite Neff John, carp. 76 n Chapel r^ NEGLE7 PETER, U. S. assistant treasr , Cus- c3 torn house, dw Washington, D. C. ^ NeglevWalter, draughtsman Pleasant nrCharles O Negengerd Fred. A. dry goods, 167 n Gay q Nehmsmann & Bahlmann( Bernard Nehmsmann, ^ and .Anton Bahlmann)cigar raanufs.over 117 -^ w Lombard "^ Nehmsmann Bernard, (N.&Bahlmann)40sWolfe /-q Nehrcn Franz, tavern, 29 w Pratt Neibert Andrew, 33 Colliniiion av Neice Emil, tinner, 217 Peircn Neibich Chas. A. tailor, 7 Walker Neibich Jacob, tailor, 7 Walker Neid Michael, lab. 420 Canton av Neidemeyer Fred. lab. 12') Curley Neider Fredk. beer, 128 Saratoga Neider Lewis, lab 3S] e Kager Neidhamer Mrs. M. L. 357 p Chase Neidig August, carp. 281 Aliceanna Neidig Elizabeth, 281 Aliceanna Neidhardt Conrad, provisions, 78 s Eutaw Nei. lie John, lat). 12 Thames Neier Jacob, beer, Forrest and L. McElderry NeighofifMrs. Elizabeth, 87 Boyd Neighotf Ezekiel, bricklayer, 16 s Schroeder Neighoff James F. machinist, 87 Boyd Neil Mary, laund. 322 .Mulberry Neil Wm. H. carp 141 West Neill George W. [lainter, 14 s Gay Neill James, clerk, 130 8 High Neill John N. clerk, 278 Lexington Neill Mirgaret, 40 L. Church Neill Wm. lab. 40 L. Church Neilson Albert B. attorney, 15 St. Paul, dw 8 n Greeii'- Neilson Andrew J. painter, 41 s Carey Neilson Andrew J. (N.k Fisher) 96 s Carey Neilson Bariholomew, machinist, 89 s Sharp Neilson Edward, cig.irmkr, 192 n Central av Neilson & Fisher (A. J. N. and W. H. Fisher,) painters, 736 w Baltimore NFILSON J. CRAWFORD, architect, 39 Charles, dw Harford co Neilson Jasper, cijarmkr, 192 n Central av Neilson .lohn A cleik, 312 n Bond Neils >n loseph R. printer. 124 n Poi^pleton Neilson Joseph K clerk, 134 w Holfmaii Neilson Lewis W. bookbinder, 192 n Central av Neilson Roliert M. clerk. 131 w Holf nan Neilson Wm. ciLfarmk'. 192 n Central av Neily Jos W. (J W.N & Co.)65 s Chester Neily J. W. & Co. ( J.W.Neiley )o irmakers.l 15 Q Thames Neily R. A.oinnkr, 5-< Collington av Neily R. VV. oarmUr, 65 s Chesier Neimeyer Henrietta, 142 s Sharp Neiineyer .lulia. 142 3 Sharp Neimeyer Mrs. Lena, coufec'y, 30 Albemarle Neimeyer .Mary, 142 s Sharp Neimeyer .Margaret, 142 s Sharp Neimeyer Wm. jr. blksiuith, Madeira al nr Pratt o O O o O o <1 n < o o lson Mrs. Catherine, 231 n Calvert Nelson Charles, police, 302 Aliceanna Nel.-^on Charles, mariner, 232 8 Ann Nelson Charles, m.iriner, 233 s \V^)lfe Nilson Charlis jr. shipjoiner, 233 s Wolfe Nelson Charles II. boilermkr, 192 B^ink Nelson Chrisioi'lu-r, marint-r, I38i s ISpring Nelson Edvvard, hih. 114 Duncan'al Nelson Friincis F. curp. 99 s Fremont Nelson Fred. L. machinist, c^ Lancaster Nelson Geo. caip. 121 Miillikin Nelson Geo. E. (Taylor & N.) 178Mosher Nelson Geo. W. horse trainer, Belair av ext Nelson Henry, shipcarp. 30 s Burke Nelson Henry, lab. 202 s Cliapel Nelson Henry, (N. & Son) 7 Fell Nels.in Henry ^ Son (H. and Lewis H. N.)ship cliandlers and <,'rocers, 7 Fell Nelson Ilujih, train a^l. 14a Sarato^'a Nelson Isaac, machineay:!. 398 w Lombard Ni Ison James, engineer, 52 Walsh Nelson John E. carriaj^e trimmer, 35 McLIeMry Nelson John M. (Clabaujrh & C >.) 228 n Carey Nelson Joseph, carter, 481 e Monument -N'elson Jo.-eph, shoemaker. 57 u I'remont Nid.son .Josfph J. heater, 32 Gittiiifrs Ni-lson Ji.seph jr. bookbinder, 349 Franklin Nelson Joseph sr. carp. 349 Franklin NeUoa Joseph S. decorator, Waveiley Nelson Leonard McP. carp. 123 n Iveimhlican .Vekson L"wisH. (Ileniy N. k Son) 7 Fell Nelson .Mrs. .Martha, huckstress, 7t) Lancaster Nelson .Mrs. Mary, 181 German .Velson (jlivir E. paperhanyer, 239 Penna av Nel.ion Oliver, locksmith. 142 Chew Nelson Parker A. fireman, 52 Walsh Nelson Peter W. citrarmkr. 292 s Ann Nelson Peter, boaidiu,.', 292 s Ann Nelson Peter, m irine"", 25 Shakspear .Nelson Thos. diiver, 483 Le.xiu'^ton Nelson Thos. T. ins. anient. 123 n Republican Nelson W. K. shiriculler, 230 w Baltimoie, dw 239 ['enna av Nelson Wm. L. cabinetmkr, 239 Penna av Nener Sebastian, cooper, Poultney Neii<;el Frank, ci^armkr, 160 Chew Nennel Henry, puiuter, 160 Chew Nen;jel Philip jr. fresco painter, 33 a Burke Nen ick Cieo. shoemkr, 155 Collington av Neriney Michael, Woodberry Nertney Mrs. Ellen, Woodberry Nesbitt Jonathan, bookkpr, 386 Hamburg Neser Henry, bookkpr, 287 w Pratt Neseman Frederick, [)orter, 9 s Frederick Ness Geo. C. miller. Homestead Ness Mrs. G. W. 518 w F.iyctte Ness Mrs. Mary, 438 n (.'alhoun Ness Wm. inillwrii;ht, Homestead Nesslein Heniy. sawyer, 315 .\liceanna Nesslon Peter, lab. 21 n Durham Nestle Fiedk. Kunsmiih, 91 Low N'Slor P.itrick. p irter, 47 Hillen Neire John (i. slmemkr. Homestead N tre Wm. A. shipcarp. 137 Hamburg Nettle Louis, tailor. 212 n Central av Neizel Charles, shoemkr, 13 n Dallas Neizel John G tiiilor, I 3 11 DalLis Neul)auer Casper N. carp. I70 Hamburg, dw 93 Lcadenhall Neuliauer Golleib, lab 286 s Dallas Neuberg Lewis, tavern, 145 Eastern av Neuberger Cnristian, baker. 1 19 Harford av Neuberger John, lab. 41 n Durham Neuberger Martin, lab. 150 s Bond Neuberger Meyer, cigarrakr, 149 w Lombard Neuberger Mrs. S.iml. l)oard'g, 149 w Lombard Neuberjier Wm. millinery goods, 88 s Ana Neubeit Andiew, lab. 165 s Chapel Neuhert Fred, shoemkr, 184 w Lombard Neubert John A. milk, 279 s Boyd Neubert John, cigarmkr, r29Leadenhall Neuberth Casper, shoemkr, 132 Barre Neuberth John, cleik, 132 Barre Neuberth John, lab. 134 Scott Neulierth Mrs. Mary, urocery, 132 Barre Neuberth .Michael. "l63 Hollius NEUDECKER LEONARD 11. manuf. chewing tobacco. Centre Market sp and Lombard, dw 33 s High NeufFer Christian A. bookkpr, 573 Franklin Neugebauer Albert, shoemkr, 16 Jordan ul Neugebauer Jos. shoemkr, 248 s Bond Neuhan Samuel, liquors, 111 Orleans Neukirch .August VV. bookkpr, 13 Penn Neumaier Max. fzroC'-ry, 95 s Dallas Neumaii .Au^iusi, ciaarmkr, 60 u Castle Neuman Auiiust, lailoi', 115 Peirce Neuman Hni,'o, lithographer, Waverley Neunii.u Wm. A. 295 u Central av Neunuin Wm. P. salesman. i46 Saratoga Neunuinn Emil, tailor, 38 n Chapel Neumann Christian, jtriMler, 69 s Paca Neumann Ilenrv, lab. 22-< n Durlmm Neumann Rliineliard, shoemkr, llU") Vine Neumayer .Joseph, lab. 7 n Washington Neum.iyer Fred. W. silver chaser, 35 Penn Neuma>erFred W.jr. silver ch>iser, 161 L Gieeae Neuiueister CIns. cabinelnii\r, 20'i s Chapel Nenmeister Joseph, shoemkr, 216 HoUins Neumyer .Mrs. Mary, 66 e Lombard NKL'liATH E boots and shoes, 3 and 5 Park av Neuralh John W. clerk, 3 Park av Neureuter Andrew, tailor, 7(5 n Spring Neus Adam, jr. clerk, 24 Spring row .N'eus Adam, cooper, 161 e Lombard Neusbaum Henry, 125 Biiik Neuschaef r Law rence, sr. apothc'y, 197 s Bond Neuschaefer Lawrence jr. 197 s Bond Neutz John, farmer. 122 Stirling Nenwiller Fred, tailor, 121 n Bethel Neuwiller Louis, 85 n Bethel Neuwiller John, paver, 135 n Bethel Neuwith John, clerk, 31 n Gay HEXRY HOE^ C& CO.. Li Cor. Second St. and tliognipliing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. FJBresee, Gen. Agt. NEV 429 NEW Nevaker Chas. B. boilernikr, 81 Battery av Nevaker Geo. S hoilerrakr, 289 s Cliarles Nevaker Mary C. o.vsters, 299 s Cliarles NevMker PeteV J. locksiniih, 299 s Olmrles Neveker Chas. well digo:er, foot of Rid-iely Neveker Jolin W. hoileniiakL-i, 26ii s Ch:irles Nevill Will, iiiouldei-, 50 .McHenry Neville Catherine 108 Mulberry Neville Mrs. Ellen, 42 Hillen Neville Matthew, driver, -)2 Hillen Nevillf John, lab. 144 Leadenhall Neville Morris, 211 Park mv Neville Wm. moulder, 50 .McHeiiry Neville Wm. R. clerk, 78 Chew Nevin Mrs. Brid^.'et, 93 York Nevin John, barkeeper, 9.'-! York Nevin John, grocery, 39 e Eay;ir Nevin Maiia, tailoress, 33 Elisor Nevin Martin, tailor, 33 Ensor Nevin Patrick, lah. 206 n Front Neviu Thos. lab. 14 Fall New Abraham, clerk, 367 Saratoga New Assembly Rooms, cor Hanover and Lom- bard New Bernhard. horses, 71 Jefferson New Charles, clerk, 188 s Bond New Central Coal Co., Ale.x. Shaw vice prcs't, 3 Md. buildings New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Boston, 18 Postoffice av, Win. G. Worth, agent New Fidel, shoemkr, 423 n Gay New Gelz, horses, .■:!67 Saratoga New Henry F. clerk, 47 Goiigh New John, cif^arboxmkr, 300 s Sharp New Orleans Fire Ins. Co. 19 Postoffice av NEW PETER & CO. (P. New) flour and com. merchts, 133 n Howard New Peter (P. New & Co.) 47 Gough Newbaurer Nicholas, shoemaker, 19 Tyson New bell John T. driver, 237 Preston Newbell John, car driver, 237 Preston Newbell John D. shoemkr, 172 Pearl Newberger Abraham, 19 n Central av Newberger Wui. agent, 110 German Newberry Alfreds, turner, 61 Columbia Newbold David !\1. (N. & Sons) 306 HoUins NKWBOLD & SONS (Jas. F., D. M. and Jas. F. Newbold jr.) wholes, glassware, 26 Light Newbold Jas. F. (N. & Sons) 306 Hollins Newbold J.is. F. jr. (N & Suns) 306 Hollins Newbower Casper, carp. 93 Leadenhall NEWBURG ORREL COAL CO., C. Oliver O'Donnell, pres't, C. Mackall, sec'y, 52 s Gay Newcamp John, butcher, Monument nr Chester Newcomb Jas. turner, 9 Orleans Newcomb W R. 39,') Franklin Newcomb Wn).H.(Hinman&N )127nRepublican Newcomb Wilson, patent pumps, 252 u Ann Newcomer Beiij. F.(N.& Co,)ptes't Safe Deposit Co., 106 w Monument Newcomer Christopher A. letter carrier, Mul- berr\ nr Fulton NEWCOMKR & CO. (B. F. Newcomer, W J. Doyle) flour, grain, 15 and 16 Spear's wharf Newcomer Jacob L. clerk, 126 .Mulberry Newcomer Wm. P. flour inspr. 104 n Pop[ileton Newell Amelia, 180 Barre Newell Annie R. teacher, n e cor Charles and Franklin Newell Frank H. tobacconist, 88^ Light-st whf. dw 180 Barre Newell Patrick, lab. 114 n Schroeder NEWFLL M. A. principal State Normal School, 35 Fianklin Newell Mary 0. teacher, n e cor Charles and FriUikliii Newell Thos, mariner, 196 s Regester Newham .\bralmm, notions, 37 Forrest NewhausChas inst. maker. 191 Conway Newhotf Jos. wholes, clothier, over 265 w Bal- timore, dw 262 w Fayette Newhi'lF Max, clerk, 262 w Fayette Newington Land and Loan Co., H.N. Bankard, sec'y, 5 St, Paul Newington Building Association, H. N. Bank- ard, sec'y, 5 St. Paul Newington Base Bali ufiounds.Pent-.a av nrBaker Newkirk Alfred, clt-rk, 83 n Calvert Newkirk Geo. W. hili. 159 Gough Newkirk James A. watchman, 10 Williamson al Ncwkiik John A. clerk, 89 s Sharp Newkiik Joseph V. sr. 92 n Wolfe Newkiik Joseph V. jr. painter, 293 Orleans Newkirk Mrs. Rebcc.a, 22 n Washington Newkirk Samuel, lab. 537 e Fayette Newkirk Wm. lab. 22 n Washington Newland David, watchman, 100 s Central av Newman Benj. (Seliger & N.) 274 w Fayette Newman Casjier, lab. 122 [battery av Newman Chas. shoemkr. 25 s .Monroe Newman Chas. mariner, 145 n Broadway Newman ChristO[iher, grocery, 252 L. Hughes Newman Edw'd W varieties, 52 n Schroeder Newman Fred, cigarmkr, 51 .Milliman Newman Geo. L. (Stevens & N.) 15 Jackson pi Newman Hannah, grocery, 180 Light-st whf Newman Henry, pianomkr, 423 Cross Newman Henry, bo.\mkr, 125 L. Greene Newman Henry, liquors, 180 Light-st whf Newm.in Henry, baker. 9 Frederick av Newman Jacob, salesman, 13 s Howard Newman James, fireman, 307 s Sharp Newman John, driver, 188 Stirling Newman John, wheelwright, 325 Harford av Newman John D. engineer, 25 s .Mount Newman John M. gasfitter, 145 Vine Nc'wman Joseph, coach mkr, 36 Saratoga Ne^vman Joseph, barkeeper, 26 w Fayette Newmau Joseph, 180 Lioht-st whf NEWMAN LITTLETON P, D. attorney, 23 Lexington, dw Baltimore co Newman Louis, peddler, 19 Warner Newman Louis, dry goods, 73 e Baltimore, dw 82 e Pratt Newman .Martha A. 74 Union Newman Michael, lali 28 Addison Newman Philip, driver, 51 n Central av Newman Samuel, 82 e Pratt Newmau Mrs. Sophia, 630 Lexington Newman Thos. driver, 145 n Broadway Newman Wm. W. agent, 180 n Carey Nevvnan John T. clerk, 242 Gousrh New Orleans Ins. Co (Fire and Marine)Cohn & Gerhardt, gen. agents, 10 Postoffice av Newport Chas. C. baggagemaster, Patterson av and Calhoun Newport Mrs. Eliza, notions, 190 e Monument Newport Luther H. dairy, 312 s Sharp Nevvschafcr Mrs.Heni'ietta,groc'y,305McDouogh Newschafer Wm. boxnikr, 305 .McDonogh Newson 11. D. clerk, 332 w Baltimore Newton A. G. 127 St. Paul Newton Academy, Thomas Lester principal, 798 w Baltimore Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) PQ o O d o Q O O P^ CO I— t CQ in P5 5q ^ <1 H CO DQ H CO I— I w o < Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. i~ ^ rr -) o r W5 o 1, -^ > — 7; v; <^ O tc ■^ '13 ,-" Q C ■H cc CC . r^ ,„_ Oi Zi z ^,r ^ ci — NEW 430 NIC ^^£ X Cw r: c_> '--, 5? ■J ^ — — ^ a. C o . ^ r=i ; OQ „ o <:; >^ X- o ■t— C; c: l-H O /J d ^ cc o tr '^ -t-' c . ^ ct ci ^ o o Ci .^> -5 ^ .1^ ^ o < en ci H-^ '^ c^ o pi C ^ H « frj ' "^ o s Ph ^ -* y: ^ o o ^ - c 5 3 c3 s "rr. "Z V C rt § "P5 LT 1;^ i' c; ■;2 i >^ ■^ !S e3 \ 3 »0 m o «e- Newton Alfred C. sboemkr, 415 Lexington Newton Cbas. machinist, 103 Raborp; Newton Clias.E.cottee roister and spice grinder, 87 Barre, dw 85 Newtoa Mrs. Frederica, 12 Edward Newton Geo. W. clerk, 85 Barre Newton Henry C. wireworker, 12 s Fremont Newton Isaac, l)ricklayer, 186 s Fremont Newton Isaac C. carjienier, 295 Raborg,dw418 .Mulberry Newton John H. butcher, 41 Harmony la Newton M. F. wiieworUer, 418 Mulberry Newton Mrs. .Mary, 103 Ral)org Newton P. Edward, clerk, 85 Barre Newton .Mrs. S. A. 572 w Fayette Newton Tlios. machinist, Pratt nr Gilmor xNewton Wni. M. painter, 48 Thames, dw 90 s Wa?hington Newton Wm. T. combnikr, 65 n Amity New York Associated Press. overl40wBaltiraore NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE TRANSPOR- TATION LINE, office 3 Light-st wharf, J. Alex. Shriver vice-pres't, wharf foot of Fred- erick-st dock. \_Sei advertiiement New York Board of Underwriters, James Carey Coale agent, 56 Exchange pi New Y'oik Carjjet House, s w cor Gav and High NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. Wm'. H. Black- ford gen'l aizent for Maryland, office 8 South New York and Yonkers Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 37 Postoffice av New Y'ork Tea Co. 43 n Eutaw and cor Gay and Forrest Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 37 Postoffice av NIAGARA HOUSE, E. T. Joice, prop'r, 113 Camden Niblett Wesley, engineer, 443 n Gay Nice Augustus W. gasfitter, 395 Aisquith Nice Rev. Geo. P. 118 Walsh Nice Howard M. 395 Aisquith Nice LeouidasfI.(J.P.Frames&Co.)118 Walsh Nice Robert, chairinkr, 395 Aisquith Nice Mary E. 221 w Fayette Nice Wii), j.asfilter, 395 Aisquith Nicewaner Ejihraiin B. watchman, 75 n Gilmor Nicewaner Stephen, conductor, 121 Hollins Nich Edward, ci^arnikr, 54 s Eutaw Nicol Chas. lab. 378 Kastern av Nicol Henry O. lab. 378 Eastern av Nichol Fred. K. shoemkr, 44 Pleasant Nicliol Henry L. clerk, 93 s Caroline Nichol John, lab. 25 n Chapel Nicholas Andiew, lab. 8 s Cetitral av Nicholas Cas|)ar, junk, 130 Fort av NICHOLAS JOHN SPEAR, attorney, 21 Law building, dw 66 Franklin Nicholas Lewis, junk, 58 Block Nicholas Philip N. clerk 121 Park av Nicholas Mrs. Rachel, carcleaner, 230 s Eutaw Nicholas Jlrs. Wilson N. 121 Park av Nicholick John, fruit dealer, 3j Harrison Nicholls Everett C. clerk, 290 n Strieker Nichulls Clarence, jr. clerk, 290 n Strieker Nicholls C. W. .M. clerk, 290 n Strieker Nicholls Wm. I. inspector ('. H. 290 n Strieker Nichols Dudley, salesman, 278 e Baltimore Nichols Mrs. Eva B. dressmkr, 214 e Fayette Nichols Geo. W. teacher, 310 .McDoiiogh Nichols John B. com. inercht, 104 Light Nichols John H. S. clerk, 1H9 w Biddle Nichols John T. caulker, 31 Bevan Nichols Joseph, puddler, 451 e Fayette Nichols Kelly, expressman, 45 North Nichols Mary, saleswoman, 81 e Baltimore Nichols N. K. driver, 267 w Biddle Nichols Robert D. 278 e Baltimore Nichols Samuel, shoemkr, 13 Brune Nichols Zachariah, grocery, 30o H.mover Nicholson Andrew J.(J.J.N.& SousjBalto CO Nicholson Andrew J. 237 n Calvert Nicholson Albert W (N. & Co.) 88 w Madison Nicholson Andrew S. cigars and tobacco, 4 n Greene Nicholson Mrs. Caroline, 114 n Central av Nicholson Chas. A. roofer, 245 George Nicholson Chas.G. (J.J.N.& Sons)235 u Charles Nicholson Chas. police, 87 n Pine Nicholson Chas. P. cigarmkr, 4 n Greene Nicholson Columbus J. banker, 88 w Madison Nicholson Eilwin C. (N. & Co.)S8 w Madison NICHOLSON k CO. (I. L., I. F., Edwin C. and A. W. Nicholson) bankers, cor North and Baltimore Isaac L. Nicholson. Isaac F. Nicholson. Edwin C. Nicholson. Albert W. Nicholson- COK. JSORTH A BAl/ri.MOKE STS. BANKERS & SPECIE BROKERS, (OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE FROM 1823.) DEALERS IN GOLD, BONDS, STOCKS, Jbc. Nicholson Mrs. Ellen D. 37 McHenry Nicholson Frank, 143 n Broadway Nicholson Geo. lab. 5 Woodyear Nicholson Geo. I. harnessmkr, 206 e Madison Nicholson George, printer, 194 e Madison Nicholson Gustavus, ^^ w .Madison Nicholson Gustavus C. clerk, «8 w .Madison Nicholson Henry, salesman, 89 s Sharp Niclioisou Mrs. Harriet, bakery, 206 e Madison Nicholson Henry, cigarmkr, 27 n Republican Nicholson Henry jr. baker, 206 e Madison Nicholson Henry , machinist, 15 n Oregon Nicholson Isaac L (N.&Co.)88 w Madison Niaholson Rev. Isaac L. jr. 128 St. Paul Nicholson Isaac F.(N. & Co.) 88 w Madison NICHOLSON J. J. k SONS, (Johns J., Chas. G., J(jhns H. R. and Andrew J. Nicholson) bankers, 284 w Baltimore r. .J. iNlCJEiOLSOIV — & S^OiNSS,— 284 BaltiiHOi'e Street^ Between HANOVER & SHARP. Johns J. Nicholson, Chas. G. Nicholson, Johns II. R. Nicholson, Andrew J. Nicholson. Nicholson Jacob K. butcher, 50 Centre and 61 Belair markets, dw 236 e Fayette Nicholson Jas. H. engineer, 122 s Caroline HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. NIC 431 NIP Nicholson Jas. A. butcher, 47 Lexinfrton,3 Rich- mond, and 1 Holiins inkts, dw Petina av ext Nicholson Jas. H. clerk, s w cor Lombard and Regester NICHOLSON JAS. M. att'y, 91 w Monument Nicholson John, (Elliott Bros.)323 Madison av Nicholson John, butcher, 691 vv Fayette Nicholson John, lab. 101 Conway Nicholson John, lab. Lemraon nr Carey Nicholson Capt. John E. mariner, 164 s Charles Nicholson JohnsH R.(J.J.N &Sons)26l St. Paul Nicholson Johns J.(J.J.X.&Sons) 128 St. Paul Nicholson Mary Johns, 86 w Madison Nicholson .Michael, tinner, 290 McHenry Nicholson Nicholas, shoerakr, 123 Elliott Nicholson Patrick, lab. 76 s Castle Nicholson Samuel, 11 McHenry Nicholson Mrs. Sarah J. 105 n Broadway Nicholson Mrs. Sophia, 143 n Broadway Nicholson Thos. H. plasterer, 105 n Broadway Nicholson Thos. baker, 11 s Bond Nicholson Thomas, bookbinder, 245 George Nicholson Wash. H. carver, 24 n Sharp, dw 690 w Loraljard Nicholson Wm. bookkpr, 52 Thames Nicholson Wm. H.confy. Lombard and Regester Nicholson Wm. H. moulder, 149 Elliott Nicholson Wm. J. engineer, 376 Eastern av Nickel Adelbert C. bookkpr,Sterrett nr Ridgely Nickel Christian, tailor, 6 Thomsen Nickel Christian G. bookkpr, 87 s Paca Nickel Geo. cooper, 914 w Pratt Nickels Henry, painter, 325 Hanover Nickels Julius, painter, over 338 w Pratt, dw 13 Warner , Nicklas August, wagoner, 3 Columbia Nicklas Charles, butcher, 2 Buren Nicklas Conrad, walcbmkr, 141 Camden Nicklas Geo. M. tailor, 106 Pearl Nicklas Geo. butter, 217 Saratoga Nicklas John, watchmkr, 393 w Baltimore, dw n w cor Mosher and Walsh Nicklas Lewis, moulder, 348 e Fayette Nicklas Wm. watchmkr, 133 s Paca Nickies Geo. C. painter, 12 Walker Niekol .Moritz, lab. 78 Somerset Nickolds George, clerk, Calvert and Centre Nickolls Mrs. Elizabeth, 3 Thames Nickolls Lewis, 3 Thames Nickolls Kate, shirtmkr, 3 Thames Nickum Edward, gasfitter, 187 n Exeter Nickum Edward, driver, 94 n Washington Nickum Geo. W^. cooper, 51 Johnson Nickum Henry, cooper, 16 Warren Nickum Wm. C.cooper,42 Johnson, dw 81 Cross Nicodemus F. Courtner, clerk, 235 Linden av NICODEMUS & HP:IM, (J. Nicodemus, C. G. Heim, ) wholesale liquors, 383 w Baltimore Nicodemus Jeremiah, (N.^ Heim)29 a Calhoun Nicodemus John, clerk, 20 n Calhoun Nicodemus Josiah C. (Smith &N.)235 Linden av Nicol David, turnkey E. dist. dw 93 s Caroline Nicolai Chas. H.(Nicolai &Co.)106 n Broadway NICOLAI & CO.(C. H. Nicolai)oil and cement, 11 3 Holliday Nicolai Eliza, teacher, 362 e Baltimore Micolai H. D.S. (J. C.N.& Son )553w Baltimore Nicolai Henry, shoemkr, 140 Barre Niculai Henry, jr. clerk, 299 w Lombard Nicolai Johu"C.& Son(J.C. and H.D.S. Nicolai) wholes, and retail confect'y ,553w Baltimore Nicolai John C.(J.C.N. &Son)5D3 w Baltimore Nicolai John H. clerk, i 99 Columbia Nicolai Wm. F. coal oil refiner, Canton, dw 16 s Chester Nicolassen Albert, (J. Schroeder & Co.) 622 w Lombard Nicolaus Chas. baker, 131 n Bond -t-> Nicolaus John, bakery, 131 n Bond CQ Nicolaus Wm. furn. 258 Aliceanna fe NicoU Benj. C. huckster, 320 McDonogh oS Nicoll John W. carp. Waverley "^ Nicoll Wm. bricklayer, 85 s Ann M Nicoll Wm. J. carp. Waverley Nicoll Wru. D huckster, Harford av nr Halls'^ Springs ^ Nicolls Robert A. cabinetmkr, 285 n Bond ^^ Nicols Jeremiah, com. mercht. 317 n Gilmor im Nieberg Francis C. bookkpr, 186 w Lombard 2 Niebergall Adam, tailur, 85 Oi'leans .9 Niebergall Wm. tailor, 479 e Monument ^ Nieberieui Fred, jjrocessor, 139 s Chapel J^ Nieberlein John, sr. cigarmkr, 139 s Chapel Pn Nieberlein John. ji-. shucker, 139 s Chaj)el • Niedermyer Zachariah, tailor, 54 Holland o Nieboff Adam, bricklayer, 333 Aliceanna O Niehauser Fred. lab. 97 Thames Nieinan Herman, gardener, 24 Thames ^ Nieman John, grocery. West and Warner ^ Niemann Edwd. (Gieske ^ N.) Republican nr ^''^ Townsend oQ Niemann Henry, sawyer, 125 L Greene Niemeyer Andrew, tailor, 79 Pearl P) Nieme^er Fredk. W. basket manufacturer, 173 (^ Ensor Q Niemeyer H. musician, 66 Centre Marke^t sp ^ Niemeyer John, shipcarp. 154 Bank ' t^ Niernsee Frank, 152 St. Paul Niernsee John R. (N. k Son) 152 St. Paul [jt^ Niernsee J. Rudolph, (N. & Son) Maryland av and Sum wait i^ Niernsee & Son(J. R. N. sr.,J. R. Niernsee, jr.) ^ architects, 39 n Charles ^ Nighthardt John, brewer, Belair av ext Nighthardt Wm. lab. Monument nr Gist ^k" Nigl Andrew, tailor, 261 e Eager ^ Nigl Andrew, butcher, 300 n Central av ^ Nigl John, grocery, 300 u Central av c_j Nilan Mrs. Bridget, tailoress, 41 Hill ^ Nilan Michael, driver, 41 Hill i-h Niles Rodney C. supt. Union Transfer Co. 143 P^ w Baltimore, dw 56 s High Niller Conrarl, liquors, 48 Frederick av ^ Nily Adam, painter, Biddle nr McDonogh <]^ Nily Fred, jeweler, over 1^ s Holiday, dw 374 f^ McDonogh ^ Nimmo J. E. pianos, 108 w Fayette qQ Nimmo James R. clerk. 65 Barre Nimmo Sydney T. clerk, 108 w Fayette (^ Nimmo Wm. R. 65 Barre ^ Nine Adam, lab. 117 s Castle ^ < <1 H te o H no ^J O " rC' ^. O (JU H o ^ ^ 1 — 1 S <1 w tr-l r^ cc o o crTH KW OS ^W '^O W ki P3 KOO O Niser Jacob, lab. 60 Wyeth Nisler ICniesl, wheelwright, 275 n Dallas Nissell & Jannki'i^JdiiiiA.N. and Julius Jaiinke) biacksui'hs and vviieel wrt's,B(-'iinett nrlJostou Nissell John A. (N. & Jauiike) 53 Lancaster .Nissell Airs. Margaret, Ijeer, 53 Lancaster NLS.SUN MUUOLAS. ironworker and bell- banger, 65 and 67 u Frederick, dwl04 n Gay [&« Advertisement Nisson Wm. cooper, 995 w Fratt Nitbch Edwd. (N. iV Knhn) 54 s Eutavv Nitsch & KubmKdward Nitsch, Juhn L Kubn) cigar uianufrs 42 s Eulaw Nitze Charles, clerk, 262 Lexington Niizell Annie, grocery, 20 Clinton Nitzell Elizabeth, beer, Elliott and Clinton Niizell Michael, lab. 20 Clinton Niizcll Samuel, lal). Elliott nr Clinton Nix Conrad, lab. 139 n Spring Nix Jacob, tailor, 61 n Spring Nix John, sr. paver, 139 u Spring Nix John, jr. bricklayei', 139 n Spring Nixdortt'T. S. clerk C. H. 214 Druid Hill av Nixon Erastus D. salesman, 576 Lexington iN'ixou John, cigars, 41 n Columbia Nixon John, brakeiiian, 170 s Howard Nixon John, lab. 89 u Bethel Nixou Louis E. meal, 404 e Madison Nixon Mrs. Margaret, 404 e .Madison Nixou Patrick, police, 185 Hollins Nixon Will. C. screwman, 404 e Madiaon Nizer Mrs. Ellen J. 44 Jackson sq av Nizer Wm H. bricklayer, 247 u Bond Niztr Wm. H. capper, 333 Orleans Noa Hugo, clerk, 202 Saratoga Noa Ismar, manager tor A. & C. Kaufman, 293 Balliiiiore, dvv 202 Saratoga Noah Jacob, dry goods, 188^ s Broadway Noack Oswald, boot upper manufacturer, 146 vv Baltimore Noakes James, tinner, 135 Harford av Noakes Tho3. A. tinner, 175 Prestoa Nobbe Wm. tailor, 11 Baker ct Noble David, tavern, ft of Cross, dw 388 Light Noble Dennis, (N. & Goodwin) 28 Stiles Noble Frank A. clerk, lo Camden Noble &. Godwin, (D. Noble, J. E. Godwin) job printers, over 71 w Baltimore Noble Franklin A. clerk, 4U0 Lexington Noble Geo. shipjoiner, 388 Light Noble Dr. 11. B. 17 Warren Noble Horace (H. Noole & Co.) 65 McCullob NOBLE H. & CO. (H.Noble) Manu- facturers Improved Plastic Slate Roofing, 3 Posto£ace av. Nock Jas. G. (T.F.Floyd & Co.) 67 Lee Nock N. N. proofreader, i91 w Lombard Noegel Henry, grocery, 108 Pearl Nuel Mrs. Anna, 151 Aiiceaima Noel Henry, canvasser, 9 Thomsea Noel Dr. Henry R. lo u Carey Noel Wm. A. dep. col. int. rev. 484 Franklin Noell John D. coal oil peddler, 2 Gough Nuelle Chas. apothecary, 118 s Broadway Noeih Joseph, tailor, 746 w Baltimore Nogist Geo. lab. 352 William Nogist John, lab. 352 William Noha Bernard E. milk. Eastern av ext Noha Benj. lab. Eastern av exi Noha Peter, lab. Eastern av ext Nolia Valentine, milk, Lancaster cor Potomac Nolle .Mary A. 226 n Dallas Nolan Bernard, porter, 1.5 Ringgold al Nolan Chas. plumber, 155 n Paca Nol.iii (Jhas. grocery, 24 Wyeth Nolan Dennis, lab. 75 Hamburg Nolan David, lab. 39 President Nolan James, driver, 198 Greenmouiit av Nolan James, driver, 19 Stockton Nolan John, lab. Falls rd nr North av Nolan John, printer, 243 Lee Nolan John, 157 Linden av Nolan .lohn, driver, 34 Marlon Nolan Lewis, 467 w Fayette Nolan .Martin, plumber, 200 Cathedral Nolan Mrs. Marv, grocery, 40 Low Nolan Mrs. .M ,ry, 77 n Charles Nolan Vlirhael, driver, 34 Marion Nolan Michael, fire dept. 28 e Lombard Nolan Michael, lab. 132 Vine Nolan Michael, hostler, 8 Davis Nolan Patrick, lab. 137 Vine Nolan Patrick, brakeman, 157 Linden av Nolan Patrick, lab. 56 York Nolan Patrick, lab. 156 Druid Hill av Nolan Peter, lab. 28 Bovd Nolan Thos. lab. 156Draid Hill av Nolan Thos. police, 6 Diamond Nolan Thos. lab. 7 s Poppleton Nolanil Geo. W. painter, 124 3 Sharp Nolden Theodore, bird fancier, 206 w Fayette, dw 188 Scott Noldeu Theodore, painter, 188 Scott Nolgan Antonio, tailor, 300 Hanover Noll Christopher, tailor, 105 McElderry Noll Henry, lab. 29 James la Noll Henry, switch tender, 113 s Exeter Noll John, blacksmith, 37 s Caroline Noll John, tailor, 56 n Oregon Noll Peter, lab. Elliott nr Clinton Noll Valentine, tailor, 179 n Bethel NoUey Marcellus J. salesman, 282 w Fayette Nulte Benj. barber, 108 e Madison NolteFred. D. grocery, 42 e Eager, and 135 Eastern av Nolte Fred, barber, 108 e Madison Nolte Fred, shoeinkr, 283 s Charles Nolte Herman, cooper, 290 Cross Nolte Herman, beer, 44 Thames Nolte Herman, tobacconist, 46 Thames Nolte Wilhelmina, seamstress, 108eMadison Nolling Chas. paying teller Western Nat. Bank, 25 n Rutaw Nones Joseph D. collector, 3.")6 n Gay Noon James, grocery, 5 L. McElderry Noon Michael, tailor, 20 Concord Noonan .Mrs. Alice, notions, 95 n Eutaw Noonan Bridget, 107 Elliott Noonan Cornelius, lab. 54 .McMechin Noonan Edward, lab. 14 Addison Noonan Mrs. Eliza. 89 Harrison Noonan Rev. James, 51 Courtland Noonan Jerry, grocery, 98 n Holliday Noonan John, police, 30 Orleans Noonan John, clerk, 95 n Eutaw Noonan John, shoemkr, 229 n Front Noonan Lizzie, notions, 95 n Eutaw Noonan Luke, lab. 107 Elliott Noonan .Michael, tailor, 20 Concord Noonan Patrick, carp. Swan tavern Noonan Robert J. jr. 95 n Eutaw HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. NOO 433 NOR Noonan Terieiice. lab. 'I'l Hillen Nooney Julin, stonecutter, 63 Cl:iy Noonev Mtittliew, lam[)lighter, 63 Clay Nooney Thos. machinist, 63 Clay Noot Mrs. Jusephine, ladies' ready made suits, 700^ w B'ltimore NootM.\er, vOt»5 w Baltimore Norat Julin, tailor, 12 Ivy al Norbeck Wilson, carp. 199 Townsend Norbeclv Win. carp. Smith nr Walsh, dw 199 Townsend Norcek Thos. shoemkr, 15 Barnes Nordbruch Henry, boxinkr, 37 Lemmon N'ordheiin Christian, la'o. 257 s Diirhitm NordhfiuiiT Moses, cloihinir, 148 Forrest Nordhoff Amendos, pianoinkr, 10 Pearl Nordhdtf Christian, upliolsterer, 502 w Balti- timore Nordholi" Win. pianoiukr, 130 Pearl Nordlin^^er I.s:iac, dry >;oods, 651 \v Baltimore Nordmau F. Rudidph jr. clerk, Block and Wills Nordmaii F. Rudolph, tavern. Block anil Wills Nordman Fred. lab. Thames and Piiilpot Nordman Henry, cleik, cor Block .uid Wills Nordmaiin Herman, clerk, 51 Block Nordmeir Henry, pianomkr. 31 n Schroeder Nordorft Henry, butcher,67 Belair and 40 Cen- tre mkts, dw Harford uv ext Nordt Cliris. wheelwrijiht, 484 Harford av Nordt Geo. wheelwright, 484 Hurford av Nordt Win. blac> 49 s Calvert S , X Norris Wm. B. 628 w Fayette * K> P^; Norris Wm. E. & Co. (V. VV. and John Norris) •- >... com. merchts, 114 s Eutaw '^ ^ ^ Norris Wm. Heni'y, attorney, 41 Lexington, dw 434 NOS c ~ P o ^ 186 n Charles Norris Dr. Wm. H. 308 n Eden Norris Wm. H. cashier We.stein National Bank, .dw 261 w Lombard Norris Wm. R. bricklayer. 266 n Broadway ^ Norris Dr. Wm. S. dentist, 17 s Broadway '^ g Norris W. Scott, teacher, 33 s Howard X ^ Norris Wm. AV. pnddler, 162 Hudson Norris Dr. Wm. W. 83 Franklin North America Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., g . 30 South f^ -c North American Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Phil- *^ C adelphia, L. BlumeninuK, general agent for •^ "li Maryland, 74 w Baltimore E X North Benj. F. 55 Warien !^ —NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INS. CO. ajreiicy, 58 Exchange pi, George B. Coale & .Morris, agents — l_See Advervi't front cover. North Ciias. Vj. restaurant, 69 n Gay North Edmund, 55 Warren North Edward, shipcarp, 222 Bank North Gustavus B. sailmkr, 205 Johnson NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS LINE STMRS., A. Schumacher k Co. iiticnis, 9 s Charles North Henry H., U S N. 86 William i- °8 North Israel R. clerk, 76 Lee North James, master bricklaver, 76 Lee North James E. bricklayer, 76 Lee North James F. varnisher, 57 Warren North Capt. James L. 225 Montgomery North John, wood, Light-st whf opp Barre, dw 298 Light North John, 16 Warren North John A. carp. 130 g Washington lO C^ '— (M %^ Ti ^ oQ-r QL( '^ ? North John A. mariner, 282 Light -^ .S >. North J 'hn jr. clerk, 16 Warren "c S 5 ^ .t: North Mrs. Julia, seamstress, 139 s Washington North Mrs. Julia, boarding, 16 Warren North Robert, com. merchant, 27 Barre, dw 59 Watren North Thomas L. letter carrier, 298 Light ^ North Wm. H. mail agent, 143 Montgomery O c ^ North Wm. C. mariner, 37 Hamburg ^ -^ m North Wra. R. clerk, 79 Exchange pi V s ^r. North Win. R, clerk, 37 Hamburg ^' p C North Winter D. clerk, 86 William Northeastern Dispensary, 238 c .Monument Northern Central Railway, Baltimore and Po- tomac, and Phila.W'Imington and Baltimore Union R.R. Depot, Charles .^t ext Northern Central Bill of Lading office, 71 Ex- change pi ORTHERN CENTRAL HOTEL, 125 n Cal- vert opp. Calvert Station, George J. Records, proprietor c — ■x. s -^ J^ ^ s 3J s z> r^ <» ' rr> CC o *— ' . -V s ■J> n^ •-> =^ c3 /L lO m W- Northern Central Elevator, opposite 92 Boston, Canton NORTHERN CENTRAL FREIGHT DEPOT, cor Centre and North nnd ft of Bond, bianch offices, Aliceanna nr Exeter and 71 Ex- change pi NORTHERN CENTRAL R.MLWAY STA- TION, cor Calvert and Fiaiiklin NORTHERN CENTRAL TICKET OFFICE, n e CO!' Baltimore and Calvert Northnagle Chas. mes.-;enger, Barnum's hotel Northouse John T. fire dept. 508 w Pratt Northwestern .Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Milwau- kee, L. Miller, gen'l agent, 17 South • Northwcsti-rn District Police Station, cof Penna av and Lambert Norton Andrew, coachman, 46 Clay Norton Chas. 0. mariner, 43 Wolfe n of Monu- ment Norton & Councilman (T. Frank Norton, W.T Councilman) wholes. Byrups and molasses, 20 Commerce Norton Edward, lab. 157 West Norton Edward, mariner, 275 s Bond Norton Mrs. Elizabeth, 116 Harlem av Norton John, lab. Vt n Oregon Norton John (Richard N. & Co.) 123 Barre Norton John, lab. 107 Dolphin Norton Joseph, barkpr, Holliday and Centre Noiton Lewis L. clerk, 216 n Broadway Ncjrton Mrs Mary, tavern, Holliday and Centre Norton Michael, lab. 2 Webster ct Norton Michael, boilermkr, 554 w Lombard Norton Nathaniel B. butcher, 58 Wyeth Norton Patrick, 123 Leadenhall Norton Richard & Co. (Richard and John Nor- ton) horseshoers, 80 s Howard Norton Rich. (Richard N. & Co.) 123 Barre Norton Thomas, lab. 109 Peach al Norton Thomas R. bookkpr, 98 w Pratt Norton Dr. T. C. dentist, 81 w Fayette, dw 65 McCulloh Norton T. Frank (N. & Councilman) 116 Har- lem av Norton Wm. J. (Maynard, Councilman & Co.) 1 16 H.irlera av Norv.U Edward (N. & Baxter) 107 w Chase Norvell & Baxter ( E. Norvell, Thos.W. Baxter) wholesale tobacco and cigars, 12 Commerce .^^Ol■wi^■ J. Henry, printer, 73 Ensor Norwood Mrs. Ann, 368 Aliceanna Norwood Chas. canmkr, 368 .Aliceanna Norwood Edward, engineer and machinist, 96 n Calvert, dw 79 Aisquith Norwood Edward, clerk. North av nr Pennaav Noiwood Franklin, plasterer, 25 s Schroeder Norwood Jacob jr. bricklayer, 334 Aisquith Norwood Juob, iront'ounder, 334 Aisquith Noruood John, clerk, 149 e .Madison Norwood John E. canmkr, 368 .\liceanna Norwood John, porter, 230 e Lombard Norwood Randolph, CI. S. A 172 Townsend Norwood Richard, clerk, 226 e Lombard Norw(jod Rufus, clerk, 436 w Fayette Norwood Suinmerfield, grocery, 337 and 339 Saratoga, dw 172 Townsend Noiwood Thomas, conductor, 129 s Strieker Norwood Thomas S. slioecutter, Harford av ext Norwood Thomas, lab. 333 .Aisquith Norwood Thomas, clerk, 45 Clarke Nosek Thomas, lab. 15 Barnes Nossel Bernard, clerk, 280 n Howard HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.Q00.Q00.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. OBE NOS 435 Nostra Juan, clerk, 18 L. Church Notbnagel Ernst F. A. barber, 51 Albemarle Nottingbaiii Wm. carp. 353 u Durham Nouse Louis, lab. Ill n Schroeder Nouse Mrs. Susanna, 111 n Schroeder Novak John, tailor, 14 Barnes Novark Joseph, lab. cor Castle and Biddle Novelty Gas Machine Manufacturing Co. 62 n Hitih No well Robert F. screwman, 241 e Fa.vette Nowell Mrs. Matilda, confec'}-, 241 e Fayette Nowi^ki Franz, lab. 286 Aliceanna Nowlin Fannie, teacher, 46 Mt. Vernon pi Noyes David, watchman. 168 Eutor Noyes David C. police. 48 Valley Noyes Edward G. cleik, 26 s Gilmor Noyes Edward C. clerk, 5;^ St. Paul Noyes John M. stevedore, 231 e Lombard Noz Christian G. carp. 53 Siiles Noz Henry, carp, 53 Stiles Noz John, carp. 53 Stiles Nugent Daniel, lab. 5 Wyeth Nugent Edmond, 54 w Madison Nugent Mrs. Eliza, grocery, 137 e Eagrer Nugent Fred, le.ither cutter, 435 Lexington Nugent James, detective, 25 a Calvert, dw 208 Conway Nugent James, brassfounder, 41 Preston Nugent James clerk, 107 Fenna av Nugent James, carp. 15 Etting Nugent John, wagoner, 5 Wyeth Nugent Joliii jr. clerk, 107 Fenna av Nugent John, grocery, 1(7 Fenna av Nugent Margaret, nurse, 20 Neighbor Nugent Mrs. Mary, 5 Wyeth Nugent Michael, lab. 137 e Eager Nugent Patrick, clerk, 144 Ensor Nuiiz Benj. watchmkr, 167 n Eutaw Nuitz Charles, watchmkr, 167 n Eutaw Numsen Fred. H. baker, 109 Druid Hill av Numsen Geo. F. preserver, 45 Columbia Numsen Geo. N. bookkpr, 304 vv Lombard Numsen Mrs. Elizb. trimmings, 109 Druid Hill av Numsen John W.(Wm. N. & Sons)304 w Lom- bard Numsen Nath G.(Wm.N.& SoQs)304 Lexington Numsen Pett-r, can manufr 455 n Fremont Numsen Wm. (Wm.N.&Sons) 2l)8 w Lombard Numsen Wm. H. clerk, 304 w Lombard Numsen Wm. N. ( Wm.N.&Sons)302 Lexington NUMSEN WM. & SONS, (Wm., J. W., N. G. and Wm. N. Numsen, 0. P. Price) preserv- ers, picklers and oyster packers, 18" Lit;ht, factory cor Covington and Jackson and Ger- man nr Greene Nuuan John (Cotter & Co.) 53 s Exeter Nunan John, clerk, 186 Orleans Nunenthal H'ry, boots and E^hoes,863 wBaltimore Nunenihal Mrs. Caroline, 30u Canton av Nunenthal David, tavern, 300 Canton av Nunn Paul, carp. 245 Battery av Nunn Stephen E. ffiaciiinist,"l21 w Biddle Nunnally Allen, huckster, 100 Battery av Nunnally C. D. marinvr, 41 Henrietta Nunnally Robt. E. huckster, 106 Battery av Nunner Mrs. Lisetta, grocery, 127 Mulberry Nurnburger Gustav L pianomkr, 740 w Pratt Nusbaum Elizabeth, furniture, 253 s Charles Nusbaum Jacob R. bookkpr, 27 Clarke Nusbaum Jacob, tailor, 163 s WoUe Nusbaum Joseph, cattle dealer, 126 s Paca Nusbaum Moses, 253 s Charles Nusbaum Myer, 187 w Lombard Nuslein George, lab. rear 285 s Dallas ^ Nuslein Joseph jr. shoemkr, 87 n Washington -*f Nuslein Joseph sr. shoemkr, 87 n Washington ^ Nussbickel Ernst, groceries and liquors, s w cor ^ Franklin and Myrtle av o3 Nussbickel Morris, tobacconist, 181 Hanover "3 Nusz Oliver T. coachmkr, 472 w Lombard \^ Nuth Anton, blacksmith, 121 n Chester Nuthall Mrs. Sarah, 343 e Fayette "^ Nuttall Elizabeth, Woodberry eg Nuttall Eujma, spinner, Woodberry ^ Nuttall Henry, grinder, Woodberry ^ Nuttall JohnH grinder, 257 Forrest ^ Nuttall Wm. mariner, 1 n ('astle .5 Nutter Samuel, cigarmkr, 182 George ^ Nutwell Geo. W. clerk. Tobacco Wareh.No. 3^ Nutwell James E. clerk, 136 s Sharp P^ Nyburg Joseph, clerk, 123 Camden ;_; Nyburg Samuel, furniture, 123 Camden O Nyburti Simon S. bookkpr, 123 Camden O Nyce B. Brooke & Co. (J. R. and J. C Nyce,) r produce com. merchts. 54 South (^ Nyce J. Crawford, (B.B.N &Co. )354 Madison av Q Nyce Jacob R, (B. B.N.&Co.) 135 Lauvale Oaberlander Rupert, shoemkr, 22^ Harrison O Oakford Chas. A. (0. & Co.) Baltimore co O OAKFORD k CO. (Chas. A. Oakford) provi-^ sions, 14 Water Oakford John D. provision mercht. 83 North, rv] dw 37 Sit. Vernon pi Oast Louis, butcher, 233^ Light i^' Oasterla Adam, ticket agent, 350 s Sharp ^ Gates Martin, lab. 146 L. Greene ^ Gates John, stationery, 876 w Pratt • Gates Mrs. Kate, 33 n" Bond of Gates Wm. H. machinist, 240 Hamburg p^ Oats John, baker, 370 Ustend p£] Obendorfer Bernard E. student, 13 s Howard p^ OBER G. & SONS, (G , Robt, and J. K. Ober) ^ guanomill.Hull and Nicholson, office 68 South [__( Ober Gustavus (G.O. &Sons) 578 w Fayette ^ Ober John K. (GO. &Sons) 194 n Strieker ^ Ober Robert (G. 0. & Sons) 578 w Fayette pq Oberdallhoff Wm. processor, 232 Gough Oberdorf Myer, clerk, 110 German ^ Oberender John, furn. wagon, 213 s Bond ^ Oberendei Mrs. Margt, dressmkr, 213 s Bond >— ( Oberheim Christian, tailor, 141 Burgundy al E~l Oberlander Frank, pianomkr, 180 Scott Oberman Franz, shoemkr 244 n Central av Obermeyer J. A. C. cigarmkr, 34 n Gay pl^ ObermuUer E. barber, 958 w Baltimore ^ Uberrayer Cornelius, cigarmkr, 9 s Frederick _^ Oberndorf A. (0. & Going) 162 s Sharp Oberndorf A. jr. (0., Harburger & Co.) 302 w j^ Fayette ^ Oberndorf & Going, (A.Obfrndorf,H.F. Going ) !_4 oyster and fruit packers, Hughes and William ^ Obermlorf.Harburger & Co.( A. Oberndorf jr. and y O'Brien Michael, clerk, 34 e Eager J:, 5 Q O'Brien Norah, dressmkr, 56 Decker O -< ^ O'Brien P. T. grocery, 154 n Front, dw 150 o^ J O'Brien Patrick, shoenikr, 313 w Biddle 2^S O'Brien Patrick, lab. 74 s Castle r^ Cd O'Brien I'atrick, lab. 193 Vine ^§£ O'Brien Patrick, lab. 127 Albemarle fe^ S O'Brien Patrick, gardener, 28 McHenry p:; J^ R O'Brien Patrick T. beer, cor Monument and Har- O ^ ford av O'Brien Patrick, elk, 31 s Poppleton O'Brien Patrick, lab. 20 Valky O'Brien P. A. clerk, Cariollton hotel O'Brien Peier, stonecutter, 44 Hillman O'Brien Mrs. Pinkney, tailoress,27Armistead la O O'Brien Ricl>ard, gardener. Cottage av nei- York rd O'Brien Robert, moulder, 96 Druid Hill av O'BRIEN T. J. restaurant, 22 German c Charles O'Brien Thomas, police, 14 n Fnmt O'Brien Thomas, stonecutter, 38 Duncan al O'Brien Thomas H. elk. Cottage av nr York rd O'Brien Thomas H. lab. 25 Slemmer al O'Brien Timothy, dk, 1 Orleans O'Brien Wm. carter, 4 Addison O'Brien Wm. lab. 200 Cathedral O'Brien Wm. lab. 199 Ramsay O'Brien Wm. lab 27 Armistead la O'Brien Wm stoneciitter, 22 Valley O'Brien Wm. J. attorney, 5 Law building, dw 308 e Chase O'Bryon .Margaret, 51 George O'BryonMary A. saleswoman, 51 George O'Connell Clias. paver, 9 Constitution O'tainnell Dennis, lab. 13 Humes O'Connell Dennis, fireman, 168 n Front O'Connell Duuiilass.paperc ir'r, !50e MonumeaS O'CONNELL HEI?RY, coachmaker, 29 n Gay, dw Barnum's hotel O'Connell James, lab. 24 Parrish O'Connell Janies, carp. 63 n Amity O'Connrll J(dm, lab. 24 Parrish O'Connell John, lab 99 s Castle O'Connell John, shoemkr, 19 Hillman O'Connell John, machinist, 288 e Monument O'Connell Mrs. Mary, milk, 1 Abraham O'Connell .Morris, inarble polisher, 180 n Front O'Connell Michael, fireman, 214 Cross O'Connell Patrick, lab. 103 Harford av O'Connell Patrick, lab. 178 n Front O'Connell Patrick, lab. 57 Chesnut O'Connell Mis. Sarah, grocery, 274 e Pratt O'Connell Thos. shoefindings, 274 e Pratt O'Connell Timothy, watchman, 288 e Monument O'Connell Wm. (T. Malone & Co.) 5 Wyeth O'Connell Wm. coachmkr, 150 e Monument O'Connell Wm.H. teller Citizens Nation'l Bank,. 324 n Fremont O'Conner Ale.x. J. bookkpr, 89 Lexington O'Conner Chas. carp. 125 n E.'seter O'Conner Clara, (O'C. & Bushman,) 89 Lex- ington O'Conner & Bushman (0. O'Conner, H. Bush- man) ladies' hair dressers, 89 Lexington O'Conner D. A. die sinker, 6 Comet O'Conner Daniel jr. music teacher, 26 Jackson O'Conner Daniel, machinist, 26 Jackson O'Conner Edward, drays. 207 Druid Hill av O'Conner John T. moulder, .'i60 Lexington O'Conner Nora, dressmkr, 560 Lexington 0, Conner Wm. J. sheetironwkr, 89 Lexington O'Connor Charles, teacher, 102 s Sharp O'Connor Charles, clerk, 26 Jackson sq av O'Connor Mrs. Charlotte, teacher, 35 Walsh O'Connor Dennis H, salesman, Chase andChapel O'Connor Edward, salesman, 128 L.Greene O'Connor Eugene, clerk, 35 Walsh O'Connor Eugene, lab. 100 s Central av O't.'onnor Fergus, clerk, 3 s Exeter O'Connor Fergus, clerk, 125 n Exeter O'Connor Frank F. clerk, 125 n Exeter O'Connor George, lab. 223 n Front O'Connor Hugh, passenger agent Balto. Steam Packet Co. 30 s Eutaw O'Connor James, caiimkr, 38 Ryan 1 O'Connor James, stonemason, 190 L.Hughes HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. ititbe World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. O'CO 437 O^KE O'Connor Jiimes, lab. 11 Cuba O'Connor John, cleiU, >'5 Walsh O'Conuor John, Lib. 47 Goodman al O'Connor John, slioefitter, n e cor Eutaw and Pratt O'Connor John, 125 n Rxeter O'Connor John, lab. 9 Lemnion O'Connor John, la'i. 347 s Charles O'Connor John, carp. 26 Rock O'Connor John. l • -) •r a a c C/j Q -V n A-» 3 ■"" yj cc Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. O'KE 438 OGli ^:^r^ - ,^ s- ■^ -1-2 2^ "5 >> c « ^ i- •■ > 5 ^ '^ " Sot. • ~ >'• '^ u Keefe Daniel, driver, 29 s Frederick Keefe Daniel, police, 158 e Madison Keefe David, muriner, 36 Piesident Keefe Dennis, lab. 153 w Hoffman Keefe Dennis, lab. 4 Addison Keefe Edward, barker, 188 w Baltimore Keefe Edward, clerk, 2(i2 Cathedral Keefe Edward, tavern, 37 Centre Market sp Keefe Elizabeth, seamstress, 1 Smith al Keefe Mrs. Ellen, 4 Ilillen Keefe John 0. huckster, 696 w Lombard Keefe Margaret, lauiid. 54 Centre Market sp Keefe Michael, shoemkr, 29 e Monument Keefe Philip, lab. 2s() n Frtmt Keefe Thomas J. driver, 200 Mullikin Laujihlin Brian, jafiitor, 102 Ai.-qiiilh Lauijhlin Francis J. jr. conductor,9 McMechin Laughlin John, shoemkr, 78 Chew Lauphhn John, cnmkr, 2 n Fopjileton Laii<.'h'in Peter, blacksmith, 41.S yarato^a. dw 48 Rock Laujihlin S. W. carp, and builder, 35 Grant, dw John nr Caroline Learj' Edwin, lab. 224 e Lombard Learv James, lab. 17 Sioekton Learj John, foreman, 68 Eastern av Leary John, collector, 128 Burgundy al Learv Michael, packer, 3 L. Constitution 'Leary .Mich lel, coach painter, 52 Boyd Leary J- Rntledge (J' nnie Rutledge) trim- mings, cor. Cliarl-s and Pleasant Leary S. K. niillihcry, 5:4 Pearl Loughlin Francis, 123 Park av Loughlin John (P. L. Lineweaver & Co.) 2 n Pdjipleton Loughlin Michael, harnessmkr, 24^ Camden 'Mahony P^dward, liquors, 102 Pearl 'Mara Edward, lab. 18 s Fulton JIara Michael J. salesman, 183 n E.xeter 'Mara Michael, peddler, 183 n E.\etcr .Meara Mrs Eliza, Monui and Le.\ington Meara Patrick, lab. 825 w Pratt 'Meara Patrick, hatter, 119 n Howard .Meara Wm. j)olice, 119 n Hov\ard 'Neal Andrew, drayman, 74 Camden 'Neal Charles, lab. 184 Preston NEAL C. H. k CO. (C H. O'Neal, Charles Sloan) wiioles. liquors, 17 ami 19 Chea|igidR 'Neal Chas. IL (C H.O'N.& Co.) Gen. Wayne hotel 'Neal Eugene, lab. Baltimore and Pop[)leton 'Neal Frank, lab. 31 Grove al 'Neal James, carter, 65 Camden 'Neal James, police, 97 Cathedral Neal James, grocery, 38 Chew Neal James, lab Falls rd nr tollgate 'Neal Jdhn, machinist, 137 Conway 'Neal Micliael, lab. rear 214 Light Neil Anna, provisions, 2 L. Monument Neil Bernard, gardener, Lemmon nr Strieker 'Neil James, police, 97 Cathedr.il 'Neil John, lal). North av nr John Neil Patrick, carter, 161 Warner 'Neill Chas. porter, 184 Preston Neill Catherine, taiioress, 214 Peirce Neill Mrs. Clara, 117 Mullikin 'Neill Mrs. Deborah, clerk P. O 2L3 JefiTerson 'Neill Eleanora, taiioress, 214 Peirce 'Neill Eliza J. taiioress, 214 Peirce 'Neil! Eliza, .McKiiu n Eager 'Neill I'iugeiie J. clerk, 559 Harford av 'Neill Francis, bookkpr, 84 n Exeter O'Neill Frank, porter, 26 s Poppleton O'Neill Henry E. letter carrier, 295 e Monument O'Neill Jas. (J. A. GrifSlh & Co.) Cincinnati O'Neill James, drayman, 25 Perry O'Neill James, lab. 8 Weber O'Neill James, wagoner, 116 s Eden O'Neill James E. baker, 117 Mullikin O'NEILL JAMES H. grocer, 63 and 64 Bosto: O'Neill Jane, urocery, 50 Hilluian O'Neill John, shoemkr, 47 s Liberty O'Neill John, salesman, 275 Franklin O'Neill Capt. John, 210 Bank O'Neill .lolin, gardener, 30 Hollins O'Neill John, blacksmith, 69 s Oregon O'Neill Jolin, gardener, 288 e Pratt O'Neill John, cnnductor, 49 Etting O'Neill John F. coachmaker, 35 s Paca, dw 65 Harlem av O'Neill John J. clerk, 30 Hollins O'Neill John W. clerk, 5 Courtland O'Neill Joseph, gardener, 275 Franklin O'Neill Josejjh, clerk, 185 n Eutaw O'Neill Lewis, police. 26 n E.xeter O'Neill Lewis J. clerk, 26 n Exeter O'Neill Mary A. taiioress. 214 Peirce O'Neill Matthew, blacksmith, 34 n Bond O'Neill Michael, lab. 8 Centre O'Neill Michael, lab 38 Morton al O'Neill Michael, coachman. 26 s Poppleton O'Neill Michael, livery stables, 2, 4 and 6 Or- chard, dw 14 St. Mary O'Neill Ouen, hacks, 150 Conway O'Neill Owen, milkman, 319 Greenmount av O'Neill Patrick, propr. hacks, 184 German O'Neill Patrick, clerk, 5 Courtland O'Neill Pete*-, machinist, 652 w Pratt O'Neill Peter, harkpr, Barnum's hotel O'Neill Stephen, moulder, 634 w Pratt O'Neill Thomas, salesman, 84 n Exeter O'Neill Thomas, lab. Falls id nr tollgate O'Neill Timothx, lab. 185 Vine O'Neill Wm. painter, 213 Jefferson O'Neill Wm. helper, 118 Chesapeake O'Reilly Cornelius, clerk, 60 Albemarle O'Reilly John, lab. 60 Albemarle O'Reilly .Matthew, 235 n Broadway O'Reilly Dr. Wm 235 n Broad wav O'Rourke James, lab. 12 n Frederick O'Rourke John, grocery, Falls rd nr tollgate O'Rourke John, coal, 163 W^alsh O'Rourke John, grocery, 31 s Paca O'Rourke Luke, porter, 4 Emory O'Rourke Owen, police, 49 Constitution O'Rourke Patrick, lab. 150 Leadenhall O'Rourke Patrick, lab. 301 McDonogh O'Rourke Wm. grocery, 21 Foundry O'Ryan Michael, lab. 160 e Madison O'Shea Daniel J. boots and shoes, 314 n Gay O'Sullivan Daniel, boilermkr, 11 s Scbroeder O'Sullivan Dennis, lab. 159 n Front O'Sullivan Janics, lab. 159 n Front O'Sullivan Timothy, timekeejjer. 25 O'Donnell O' Toole .lames, porter, 20 w Lombard Och Geo. cigarmaniif'r, 230 e Pratt Och Jacob, lab 69 s Reu'ester Ochs Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 89 n Chapel Ochs Geo. well digger, 116 n Caroline Ochs Henry, cigannkr, 53 Bank Ochs John, lab. 176 s Washington Ochs John, lab. 89 n Chapel Oihs Lawrence, potter, 105 Granby Ochs Lawrence, cigarrakr, 114 s Castle ■n HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. OHM OCH 439 Ochs Lewis, lab. 300 Aliceanna Ochs Thomas, well digger, 116 n Caroline Odise Freilerick, fuia 91 n Washington Ochsler Joliii, lali. 23 0' Donnell Ocumpau^b Peter A shirtmkr, 163 w Bultimore Odd Fellows Hall, (I. 0. 0. F.) cor Gay and (Jranjie ii\—[See Appendix. Odd John, tailor, 320 Canton av Odell Daniel, nurse, 136 s Rej^ester Oden Henry J. brakeman, 20 Parrish Odenliutti-l Herman, lab. 36 Lewis Odenbal Mrs Ellen, 115 n Front Odend'h.il Lewis, clerk, Gibbons hotel Odend'hal .Mrs. Maria S.i;iillineiy, 75 Lexington Udend'hal Sebastian, inipr. French calfskins, 75 Lexinuton Odenwald Jacoli.lai). 156 Henrietta ODOM & C(J. (John B. Odom) com. merchants, lOSMcKlderrv's whf Odom John B. (0 & Co.) 196 Mushcr ODORLESS EXCAVATING APPARATUS CO. INCORPORATED MAY 6, 1874. KKIZKR, Presiiteiit an«l Treas. W. rAIXTER, Sec'y. Office 44: N. Holliday Street. Oed Bernbard, brewer, 0' Donnell and Second, Canton Oeh John tailor, 248 n Bond Oehliicb Fredk. restaurant,75 Thames Oehlrich John, lab. 120 Lancaster Oehin Cbas. H. clerk, 72 Barre UKH.M CH.AS. N inercht. tailor and clothier, wholes, and retail, 150 Light-st whf, dw 72 Bai re Oebni Chas. W. clerk, 72 Barre Oehm Frederick W. mercht. tailor, 77 Hanover OchiH Geo. cutler, 330 s sharp Oehrl John L. baker, 369 Penna av Uelman Freiik. coacbmkr, 65 Gerinm Oeliiian Louis, coacbmkr, 65 German Oelschlager Fred, shoemkr. 2 Lmcaster, Canton Oertel Wm. brewer, If^T Welcome al OesteVlinf; Mrs. l'"Jiziieth, grocery, 47 jMckson Oeeterli' g Fredk. F. cabitietmkr, 47 Jackson Oesterling Waller, cabiiieimkr, 47 Jackson Uestrie:-ch Cbas cabineimkr, 115 e Lombard Oestriesch AndrcMS, cabineimkr, 1 15 e Lc^mbard Oeiti r John H. grocery, 185 West Oetterer Chas baker, 121 Mullikin Oetierer Gotfried, baker, 121 MulliUin Oetterer Oscar, cigannkr, 121 Mullikin Oetting C'lnrad, carver, 400 w Fayette Oettinger Henry, 15 Hollins OQ Oettinger Henr\ M. clerk, 12 s Greene ^ Oettinger Moses, (S.Rosenfeld &Co. ) 12 s Greene ^ Oettinger Siilomon, clerk, 101 Columbia ■*-> Oeverman Harman H. grocer 20 n Oregon _-^ Offermari Geo. shoemkr, 50 Washington av " Office Supt. Court House. basement Court House --d Officer Thos. H. (Raum & 0.) 277 s Charles ^ Offley Annie, teacher, 107 Barre "^ Offley Joseph W. carp. 1 Aisquilh g Offley Josejih W. jr. bookkpr, 1 Aisriuith O Offley Mattie, teacher, 167 Barre g Offley Michael, bookkpr, 167 Barre '^ Offley W. P. machinist, 1 Aisquitli "^ Offner John A. bats, boots, &c. 231 a Gay, dw CQ 155 Chesnut . Oftney Chas. grocery, 230 s Broadway Offnev Philip, pianomkr, 135 Saratoga Ott'utt C. H. clerk, 348 Franklin OtTull John F. C. carp. 332 n Gay OH'ult Mrs. Mary, provisions, 332 n Gay Onult Wm. S. 348 Franklin Ogden Edward, canmkr, 96 Lee Ogden Mis. Klizabeth, midwife, 9 s Greene Ogden J. H clei k. 45 w Pratt Ogden John I. collector, 178 s Eutaw Ogden Will. J. clerk, 276 w Hoffman Ogbs George, huckster, 6 Biker ct Oghs Gertrude, 6 Baker ct Ogier Clarence, clt-rk, s e cor Chase and Mc- Donogh fx^ Ogier George W. gardener. Monument nr Pat- terson Park av k_j Ogier J>ihii, gardener, cor Patterson Park av ^ and .Monument ^ Ogier Ivicholas, McDonogh nr Chase 0):le Adam, shoemkr, 25 Union ^ Ogle Andrew J. barkpr, 244 Peiice pq Ogle Benj. clerk, 229 n Carey Ogle Charles, builder. Division nr Wilson, dw Q o O o o -^ O O 168 McCulloh Ogle Francis, moulder, 106 s Wolfe Ogle George, bricklayer, 78 n Fremont Ogle Geo. A.(S.E.Turner &Co.) 86 nRepublican Ogle Dr. George C. 229 n Carey Ogle George H. telegraphist, 311 Penna av Ogle John, moulder, 3 s Beihel Ogle John H. machinist, 3 s Kethel Ogle Jesse R. builder, 166 n Republican Ogle Mrs. Mary J. 22 Wilhelm Ogle Mrs. Mary. 263 e Madison Ogle Robert, turner, 18 .McHenry Ogle Mrs. Sarah, 18 McHenry Ogle Wm. H. carp. 18 .McHenry EH O H 3 < < O a K o m O w. r/j O 00 i — 1 o h^ ^ 1— 1 :^ - Wm. liquors, 95 s Spring Oldeuljuttel llarmau, 8(3 Lewis Oldersliaw John, cleik, 186Penna av Oldershaw df Co. (J. B. Oldersliaw) stoves, 168 n Ell taw Oldershaw John B. (O.&Co.) 228 Walsh Oldervertel Henry, tailor, 253 e Pratt Oldham Mrs. Anicli,!, teacher, 439 Light Oldham John, gardener, 38:') Franklin Oldham Joseph U. packer, 74 Battery av Oldham Wm. M. cooper, 45 Scott Oldroyd Wm. sewing machine adjuster, 284 Orleans Olds Isaac. Presstman nr Strieker Olendorf Mrs. Kate, 195 e Eager Olendick Bernard, shoemkr, 169 e Fayette Oler Charles, carp. Penna av ext Oler Jacob, Clifton Oler John, lab. Liberty rd nr Penna av Oler John W. carp. Clifton adj Druid Hill park Oler.M. F. clerk, .Madison av nr North av Oler Richard, huckster, Penna av nr Clifton Oler Weslev M. clerk, Madison av ext OLER W.M. H. ice, 176 West Falls av, 44 n Paca, and Republican nr Baltimore, and lime cor Lancaster and Eden, dw Madison av nr North .iv Oler Robert .\. engineer, 77 Fort av Oler Wm. G. butcher, Pcnua av nr North av Oler Wm. G. clerk, Madison av nr North av Olert John, lab. 8 Anthony Olfers August, b ukpr; cor Thames and Ann Olfers Capt. John B. restaurant, cor Thames iind Ann Oiler Randolph, clerk, cor Thames and Ann Olfus John H. Lib. 251 s Dallas Oliph.int Jos. W. stevedore, 262 s Broadwav OLIVE DAIRV, John Slade, proprietor, "cor Penna av and Hott'mm Olive Mrs. C. G. 288 n Bond Olive Tlios. grocery, cor Bond and Madison Olive Wm. cardriver, 274 Park av Oliver Augustus, ch-rk, 65 Forrest Oliver Bridget, grocery, 65 Forrest Oliver Charles K. clerk, 36 n Gilmor Oliver Crawford, bookkpr, 182 n Carey Oliver David, watciiman. 135 u Paca Oliver Frank, lab. 250 s Durhim Oliver Francis, rigger, 179 s Washington Oliver Geor^ie T. bookkpr, 173 Druid Hill av Oliver Henry W. bricklayer, 209 Jetferson Oliver Hibernian Free School, 41 North Oliver .Mrs. Ciipt. Isaac, 23\ n Broadway Oliver Mrs. Isabella, 286 e .Monument Oliver Jas. F. brassfinisher, 231 n Broadway Oliver Jas. F. (.McDou.'all & 0.) 136 s Ann Oliver John, clerk, 216 w Fayette Oliver John, silverplaler, 94 n Fremont Oliver John T. bookkpr, Broadway nr Madison OLIVER JOHN & SON. (Jo.seph W. Oliver) granite yard, 8 and 10 President Oliver John, goldbeater, tt.'i Forrest Oliver John, 188 Druid Hill av Oliver John S. jr. engineer, 93 s Eden Oliver Capt. John S. mariner. 93 s Eden Oliver JosephW.(J. Oliver & Son)145 e F.iyette Oliver Wm. A salesman, 18"^ Druid Hill av Oliver Wm. B (.Middendorf &().)579 Lexington Oliver Wm. ji'. inanau'cr Stickney Iron Co. 42 Second, dw 322 e Baltimore Oliver Wm. 212 w Biddle Oliver Wm. H. horses, cor Paca and B iltimore, dw 180 Penna av OUendoif Anne, grocerv. 21 Guilford al Olmer Josepli, currier. Pratt and Penn Olchinsky Valentine, co.ichmkr. 202 Orleana Olver Thos. jr. boxmkr. 59 Patuxent Olver Thos. "lab. 59 Patuxent Olver Wm. driver. 59 Patuxent Olwine Augnslu-; H. bricklayer. 66sBroad\vaj Olwine .\u^ustus H. jr. carp. 57 s Ann Olwine Wm. 0. bricklayer, 66 s Broadway Omdray Balthaser, lab .240 s Dallas Omelia Mrs. Mary, hoarding. 34 e Baltimore Onielia Wm. M. clerk, 9 n High Omeis John, cooper, 200 Eastern av CJmohumdro Jas. T. machini.st. 590 w Lombard Omoiiumdro T.Ed.'ar, salesman, 309 wBaltimore Omptada Geo. lab. 411 Canton av Ompteda R ibert. 1 ib. 452 Canton av ONION EDWARD D. coal, .56 e Monument, Cai'oline and Lincister, office South and Lombard, dw 27. i n Caroline Onion Edward M 1 s Exeter Onion .Mrs. Frances. 58 Granby Onion Frank, clerk, 386 e Baltimore Onion Frank, clerk, 58 Granby Onion James H.W. natternmkr, 88 n Holliday, dw 164 Harford av Onion John R. carpenter, 62 e Monument, dw 76 Chew Onion L. G. clerk, 386 e Baltimore Onion Robert S. clerk, 299 .Aisquith Onion Thomas A. clerk, 86 Chew Onion Mrs. Wm. F. H 386 e Baltimore Oniey Wm. J. poner. Mulberry and iJreene Oiinen .\rnold, phaiinacist, 273 s Sharp ONNEN Jt)H.\' F. apoihecu-v, 273 - Sharp 0[)ferman Adam. carp. 244 Lexington Opferin.in Adam jr. h.iirdresser, 244 Lexington (l[)ferman I.,ena, hairdresser, 244 Lexington (Jpie Dr. Thos. profr. (College Phvsicians and Surgeonsand dean of faculty, dw396wFayette Opitz .Mis. Catherine, grocery, 76 n Schroeder Opitz Joseph, cooper, 76 n Schroeder Oppel Andrew, bl.icksmith, 72 n Chaiiel Oppel Anton, lab. 33 Randall Oppel Geo. cooper, 100 Dune in al Oppell .Andrew, coojier, 300 Cross Oppell .Andreas, blacksmith, 72 n Chapel OPPKLT EDMUND J, tobacconist, 14 n Liberty, dw 68 n Poppleton Oppelt Paul, lab. 72 n Chajiel OPPELT W. C. tobacconist, 42 n Greene, dw 68 n Pofilileton Oppenheiiii Aaron J. (.Moses Cohen k Sons) 539 w Baltimore Oppenheim Abraham T. shoes, 233 Light C)j>penheim David, 36 n Bond Oppenheim E. 36 n Bond Op|ienhrini Jacob, notions, 237 n Gay Oppenheim .Mrs. L. dry goods, 539 wBaltimore Oppenlieim Mrs. Mina, 20 Thames Opjienheim Morris, dry goods, 78 Penn av Oppenheim Samuel, cigarrakr, 36 n Bond HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral As:ent, 15 South St. OPP 441 OSB Oppenheira Wm. machinist, 20 Tliatues Oppenlieiiuer Abiahaui, dry (roods, '25 ii Kuiaw, and hoaidinii, K3-1 and 166 w Lombard Oppenlieiincr Aiuaham jr. clerk, 166 w Lonil)ard Oppeiiheirner Betij.(0, Bros.) 176 e Loiiiliard Oppcnlieiiner Bernard, clerk, 25 (iranhy Oppenlieiiuer Mrs. Bettj', 218 Ai^qlIiIIl Oppt-nheiiiier Bros. (N. and B. Oiipenlieiiiier) gents' fiirn. uoods, 47 and 265 n (ray Oppeuheinier D. & Bro. (D. and M I. Uppen- heinii'r) jeweli-i's, over 276 \v IJaliiiUDre Oppenheiiner D. (D. 0.& Bro.) 4.S1 w Fayette Oppenlieiiuer Davie} S.niillin'y goods, 18.! n (iay 0[)jienhe!nier Kdwd. (R.().& Son) 25 Grauby Oppenlieinier Mrs. Eliza, fancy •iouds,206e I'ralt Oppenlieiiuer Enianwel, clerk, 16G \v Lombard Oppenlieinier Ernest, 207 e Loni'iard Op[)euheinier liait/,, 77 e Liniiliaid Oppenheiiner Harman, second hand jioods, 128 Aisquith Oppenheiiner, Leo, bookkeeiier, 166 w Lombard Oppenlieinie:- .M.utin. clerk, 25 Granliy Oppenheimer .Ma.K, clerk, 163 German Oppenlieinier Michael, plioto^'r, 218 Aisquith Oppenheimer Moritz, lags, 155 n P3den Oppenlieiiuer .Muses A. clerk, 1(;6 w Lombard Oppeaheirn-r .Moses l.( [) 0. (J' Bro.)174 G'Tinan Opp-nheimer Natliau, 45 n Sprinji Oppenheimer Nathan, (O. Bros. )1 76 e L')mbard Oppenheim -r Reuben, (R.0.& Son )cor High and Granby OPPENHRLMKR REUBEN & SON, (Reuben and Edwd. Opfienheimer) tin plate, &c. 13 s Frederick Oppenheimer Samuel, sales stabies, German and Paca, d\v :6:-! German Oppenheimer Samnel, furniture, 'J9 IJarrisrn Opiienlieimer Selij^man, 176 e Lombard Oppenheimer Solomon, clerk, 2o7 e Lomiiard Opper John, shoemkr. 15 n Amity Oppraan (Uo. H. tailor, 105 Conway Opi)iuaii .Mailin, lab. 333 Hamliiirg Oram & Duncin, (J. Wesley Oram, Georjij;e \V. Duncan) brush manufrs. 19 Mercer Oram J. Wesley, (O. «fe Duncan) 12 Division Ctram James, painter. 6i)2 Penna av Oram W'm. painter, 602 Penna av Orchard S.uin;el, coachmkr, 184 Forrest Olden Louis W. carp. 348 Orleans Ore Knob Copper Co. James E.Tyson pies't, Seabury D. Smith treasurer, 6 s Gay Orear Wm. carp. 177 Hollins Orem Catherine, 1 1 Binney Orera Chas. A. v.irnisher, 142 w Lombard Orem Mrs. Eliza A. taiioress, 214 .\Iullikin Orem Geo. W. jr. clerk, 221 \v Lombard Orem Geo. W. com. merchant, n \v cor Camden and Light, dw 21 1 \v Lombard Orem Hezekiah, lab. Cathedral e.\t Orem Hut:h S. printer, 484 l.,i<;ht Orem J. Bayley, carp. 3o0 ii Bond Orem James U. clerk, 280 Light Orem James W. bricklayer, 325 n Ann Orem John, shoemkr, 206 .Mulberry Orem John, .Mount Vernon Orem John, brushnikr, 12 Division Orem John E. police, 274 Cross Orem John .M. (J. .M. Orem, Son & Co.) Penna ttv adj Druid Hill Park OREM JOHN M., SON & CO. (J M. and W. Morris Orem, G. B. Chase)imprs. and wholes. cloths, cassirneres, &c. 236 w Baltimore Orem John T. clerk, 70 Fort av Orem Joshua, carter, 43 e Eauer Orem Perry C. sec'y S. B. Loan and Sav. Ass'n, dw 484 "Light Orem W. Mcnris, (Jno. .M. Orem, Son i^li Co.) 4 Cathedral Orem Walter, lab. 1 (^ s Amity Orem Wm. brakem.-ui, 299 Colmnlii.i Orendorf Jos. C. 117 Paik av Orferth Geo. lal.. 158 .Madeira al Orff Xirhulas, lab. 39 s Monroe Orient File Ins. Co. of Hartford, 83 Second Ormun D ivid, lab. 62 inilmun Orman Eliza, seamstrrss, 24 s Dallas Orme Walter A. grocer, 78 Aisquith, dw 99 Ormond >t Co. (J, J. Oi-mund, N..\llyn) sewing lU-achiu s, 1 1 n Gay Ormond J. J. (Ormond & Co. ) :!0 s Fulton Ormond Jan.es, sale.-^ «« Ostendaip Clemens, clerk. 301 Cmton av "S u-i Ostendarp John, heater, 172 Johnson '"" Ostendorf Bernhard, lab. 23 Cannon Ostendorf Clemens, (0. & Hamman) Madison av ext Ostendorf Clement, lal). 268 s Dallas Ostendorf Mrs. Elizabeth, tavern, 154 Yoik Ostendorf Geo. shoemkr, cor Fulton and Dover Ostendorf Mrs. Helena, grocery, cor Dover and Fulton OSTENDORF & HAMMAN,- (C. Ostendorf, J. ^ 30 '— ' A. Hamman,) tailors, s e cor Lexington and qI fT- cS Howard ^ S^ Ostendorf Henry S. 93 Pearl g '2 '^ Ostendorf John A. watchmkr and jewelry, 120 e j-^ _C Saratosra Qi """^ g Ostendorf Joseph, lab. 266 s Dallas V^-- Ostendoif .Mrs. Margaret, 120 Saratoga ^ ->J a Ostendorf Stephen A. boxmkr, 93 Pearl g ^ cS Oltendorp Clemens, baikpr, 301 Canton av « S >o Ostendorp Gerhard, switchman, 301 Canton av C ^ ^ Ostendorp Georgf, fireman 301 Canton av ^ ^ vp Ulster fi]in.uinel, clerk, lol s Eden ■^ c = Osier J. Theo. (J. 0. & Son)101 s Eden 'e ^ 'x Oster Jacob, (J. 0 carps, and builders, 113 s ('aioliiie - c^ ~ I"* M ?^ - s 7 Willian Osterhaus Henry, milk, 351 William '/~ Osterhaus John C. lab. 353 William 5 Osterhus Mrs. Dora, millinery, 338 Pcnna av ? Osterhus Edward, 338 Penna av Osterhus Jos. milk, 68 Boyd Osterkamp E. J. cutter, 97 e Pratt Osterloh Alex, barber, 331 Aliceanna Osterloh Henry, shoemkr, ■17 Spring ct Osterloh Theo. stripper, 17 Spring ct Osterman Aug. cabinetnikr, 49 George Osterman Gebhardt, moroc.dre.ssr, 292 e Diddle Osterman John, junk, '13 Biddle al Osterman John, vvHgoner, 98 s Regester Osterman Michael, lab. 24 n Wolfe Oswald Henry B. bbicksmilh, 132 Ensor Oswiild Jas. jr. coachsmith, 170 Harford av Oswald Jas. carter, 170 Haiford av Oswald Jos. lab. 18 Elizabeth la Oswald Wm. hackman, 171 Harford av Oswinkel Jos. cigirmkr, 202 n Broadway Otis Geo. lumber piler, 55 Lancaster Otis Mary, huckstress. 55 Lancaster Ott Mrs. "Elizabeth, butter, 366 Light Ott Fred. & Bro.(F. and H. Ott, ) grocery, cor Mulberry and State and 338 Cross Ott Fred. (F. O. & Bro.) .388 Cross Ott Fred. sr. pianorakr, 388 Cross Ott Geoige, tailor, 2 s Chapel Ott Geo. butcher, MfElderry ext Ott Geo. L. fiud'gsand leiiher, 125 s Broadway Ott Gotfried. blacksmith, 366 Light Ott Ilenrv, shoemki-, 177 s Reirester Ott Herman, (F. 0. & Bro ) 8Ui Mulberry Ott John, shucker, 253 s Durham Ott John, 1.1). 29 Essex <)tt .John jr. milkman 351 e Lombard Ott John J. butcher, 20o Presion Ott Jos. piano tuner, Three Tuns hotel Ott .Mrs. Mina, 50 Patterson Park av Ott Mary, laund. 205 Preston Ott Peter, canmkr, K18 Eastern av Ott Philip, cooper, 13 Armistead la Ott Philip jr. 13 Armij^tead la OttSeamon, lab. 253 s Durham OTTAWA HALL. L. Krekel, prop'r, Pratt and Bond Otteii Bernard (Steffens k Otten) 26 Fell Otten Henry, lab. 31 Granby Otlenheimer Ellis, butcher, 53 Hill Ottenlieimer Lewis, clerk, IK) Pearl Ottenh'inier Moses, cattle, 53 Hill Oiler Henry, stonecutter, 170 Peii'ce Otter Mrs. Mary, grocery, 165 William Otter Philip, drayman, 165 William Oiler Wm. plasterer, 679 Lexiniiton Otterbaeh John (;.(0. k .Meliner)738 Penna av Otterbach .j- Mehner (J. Otterbaeh und H. Meh- ner)c.irriage and wiijin. builders, 738 Pennaav Otterbaugli John, Lib. Baker nr Penna av OUerbein Adam, baker, 44 s Republican Otterbein Aug. baker, William nr Gittings Olterbein Chas. lab. 38.-< Hanover Otierbi-iii (;e>i. shoemkr, 388 Hanover Otierbi-iii Hi'ury, baker, 38S Hanover Otteibein John C. paper carrier, 388 H mover Oitino .lohn, stonecutter, 14 President Oitnnn John, lab. 32 W.\eth OUinan Louisa, grocery, 23 Wyeth Ottman Peter, shoemkr, Wyeth and St. Peter Olio Ad im, grocery, 225 Battery av Otto Andrew, sr. varuisher, 544'n Gay Otto Andrew jr. cigarmkr, 289 n Bond Oito Au;z foieman, 155 William Olio August, driver, 18 Fjee OTTO CHRISTIAN, liquors, Pratt and Popple- ton, and 41 Penn, dw 41 Penn - 10 1-^ ^©■ HOLMES & CO.. Engineers' ;irid Machinists' Tools and Snpplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. OTT 443 OWE Otto Dorothea, grocery, 53 Walker Otto Ferdinand, restaurant, 645 w Baltimore Otto Fr.incis, brass moulder, 645 w Baltimore OTTO FRRDERICK A. apothecary, s w cor Hanover and Henrietta Otto Fred, cooper, 246 e Lombard Otto Fred, frrocery,' High and Stiles Otto Geo. T. W. cupper and leecher, 101 n Eden, dw 99 Otto Godfrey, cigarnikr, 82 s Regester Otto Henry," lab. 136 Barre Otto Henry, liquors, &c. 110 Thames Otto John F. apothecary, 433 e Eager Otto John W. organ builder, 89 e Pratt Otto Louis, 64 s Brodway Otto Mrs. Margaret, seamstress, 63 Raborg Otto Mrs, Mary, dressmkr, 144 George Otto Peter M. varnisher, 544 n Gay Otto Mrs. Sophia, trimmings, 374 Light Otto Wenzel jr. moulder, 53 Walker Otio Wm. machinist. 134 Barre Otto Wm upholsterer, Belair av nr Washington Otto Wm. driver, 144 George Otton Henrv, clerk, 31 Granby Oudesluys Charles L. minerals, potash, fertil- izers aud nierchandisr generally, 67 Exchange pi, dw 217 n Eutaw Oudesluys Adrian(Kennard & 0 )2]7 n Eutaw Oudesluys Henry T. clerk, 217 n Eutaw Ould Mrs Elizabeth C. 250 w Hoffman Ould Lancaster. 2»3 w Biddle OULD MARION H. confectioner, 250 Madison av OULD Dr. PERRY, dentist, 230 Madison av Ould Wm. L. clerk, 203 w Biddle Oullahan John, tailor, Randall and Byrd Our Church Work, Chas. Harvey & Co. proprs. 3 Postoffice av Oursler Stephen. 167 n Carey Oursler Wm. W. carp. 517 Lexington Outten Frank, machinist, 260 Lee Outten John, machinist, 260 Lee Over Andrew, lab. 15 Centre Market space Over Wm. butcher, 243 Cohimbia Overbeck August jr. watchmaker, 19 Watson Overbeck August sr. shoemkr, 19 Watson Overbeck Ciias. watchmaker, 28 w Baltimore, dw 19 Watson Overbeck Edward, shoemaker, 19 Watson Overbeck Mrs. Henry, 61 Park av Overbeck Wm. shot-maker, 19 Watson Overdick Chas. tinner, 169 s Chapel Overdick Mrs. Louisa. 169 s Chapel Overyuner Georue, lab. 351 William Overseiter .Michael, laU. Chester nr Monument Overton Capt. Saml W.mariner.Chew and Ann Owen Caleli J. 615 w Fayette Owen Elizabeth. 9 Miller Owen John F. bookkpr, 68 e Baltimore Owen John T. brickla\er, 245 Franklin Owen Kennedy R. clerk. 50 w Madison Owen Robert b. clerk, 245 Franklin Owen Ro'.iert, canniakcr, 76 Rue Owen Wm. clerk, 87 Saratoga Owen Wm. H. clerk, 131 McElderry Owen Wyatt. agent, s e cor Charles and Pleasant Owens A. B. & Son, (A. B. and J. A. Owens) • igar iioxmakers, 14o Saratoga ' ' ' 'US Albert, clerk, 23 s Eutaw Ov. f, s Alfred, shoefitler, 76 s Shar|) Owei..- Alexander, carp. J51 Aisquith Owens Ambrose B. (A.B.O.&Son) 207 Lanvale Owens B. W. (Chas. W.O.&Co.) 50 n Liberty Owens Barney, bootfitter, 187 Stirling qq Owens Benj. B. architect, 7 n Charles, dw 260 j^ Linden av ^ Owens Charles M. laborer, 101 n Washington -u Owens Chas. W. (C. W.O. &Co.) 135 w Biddle ^ Owens Chas. W. & Co.(C. W. & B.W. Owens) ^ prod. com. merclits.s w cor Charles andCamden -3; Owens Chas. canmkr 257 s Broadway C3 Owens Daniel, porter, 54 Tyson "-^ Owens Edward A. clerk, Tobacco wareh. No. 3 ^ Owens Edward B (0.& Scott) 213 Maryland av o Owens -Mrs. Eliza R. 36 Mulberry " 3 Owens Elisha, lab. 38 Jackson sq av "^ Owens Cai)!. Forrest B. 19 Hill "T? Owens Franklin (Owens, McCeney & Co.) 58 w ff^ Fayette Owens Fredk. clerk, 23 s Eutaw Owens Gaven. 318 n Strieker Owens Geo W. blacksmith, 15 s OreLion Owens Geo. shucker, 257 s Broadway Owens Gwvnn F. clerk, 318 n Strieker Owens Henry, ferryman, 257 s Broadway Owens Henry F. police, i n Repubiican Owens Hugh A. niachinist, 196 e Madison Owens Isaac, collector, 656 w Lombard Owens Isaac B clei k. 23 s Eutaw Owens James, 318 n Strieker __ Owens Jas. secy. HomeFire Ins.Co.248Pennaav O Owens James, porter, 64 McKim Owens James W. 245 n Carey Owens Jasper, painter, 28 n Eden Owens John A. (A.B.O.&Son) 2o7 Lanvale Owens John, cleik, 4.8 Mulberry Owens John B. fi-rryman, 257 s Broadway Owens John T. ferrym m 257 s Broadway Owens John, lai>. 64 McKim Owens John W. horseshoer, 17 Armislead la Owens Joseph, Miuut Vernon Owens Joseph, bookkpr, 331 n Ed -n Owens Joseph, morocco dresser, 289 n Front Owens .Marcellus, mariner, 101 n Washington Owens .Mrs. Mar\ , 239 Canton av Owens Mrs. .Mary, restaurant,s w cor Patterson av and Wbatcoat Owens Mrs. .Mary I. 17 Armistead la Owens, McCeney & Co. (Franklin Owens. Rnfus McCeney, S.\ dney O.Heiskell)com. merchants, (5q O O O o o ft E-1 < PL, 69 s Charles Owens Michael J. (Pope & O.) 64 McKim Owens Peier, grocery, 53 n Front Owens Philip, l)nckl'ayer, 217 n Caroline Owens Flichard, lab. 193 s Washingtou Owens Richard, lab. 257 s Broadway Owens Richard, erocery, I Columbia Owens Rich.H.(T.Matthews&Son)264e Biddle Owens Riley, wood deab-r, 95 e Bih. clerk, 76 Saratoira Owens Samuel, en;:ineer. 909 w Baltimore Owens Sarah, milliner, 112 Bank Owens Samuel J. silversmith, 161 En.sor OWENS iV SCOTT, (E. B. Owens, L C. Scott ) com. mercliairls, 153 w Piatt Owens Mrs. Susan, confect'y, 257 s Broadway Ow. ns Dr. Thos. 536 w Fayette Owens Dr. Thos. F. 23 s Eutiiw Owens Thos. M. painter, 264 n Bond Owens Thos. 55 n Wolfe Owens Thos. J clerk, 318 n Strieker Owens Thos. coppersmelter, 10 Clinton Owens Thos. 23 s Eutaw IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. O < I — I <1 t O elte (twines Perry T. cleik, 116 German Owings Mrs. Sarah (' n82 Lexington Owings Mrs. Sophia N. 96 w Biddle Owings Thos. lab. 32t) Hanover Owings Thos. J. bookkpr, 30 Hill Owings Wni. H. |)ainter, 221 Henrietta 0.\\vorth Daniel W. shoemkr, 108 St. Peter Ozben Mrs. Sarah, dressnikr, 1 1 Somerset Pabst Andrew, flour, 137 n Howard, dw 227 Franklin Pabst August, O'Donnell and Third av Pabst Chas. brewer. O'Donnell and Second Piitist Geo.brewinaster.O'D(Minell and Third av Pabst Mrs. Elizabeih, l'.)2 s Chapel Pabst Geo. beer, O'Donnell and Second Paca John P. cleik, 277 n Euiaw Paca John P. jr. clerk, 277 n Eutaw Paca Martha, 25 n Amity Pace John 0. te.icher, 211 \v Lombard Pace Mrs Susan, dressnikr, 66 Preston Pacey Chas. lab. 2ii7 Eastern av Pacholder M. cigarette inanufr ',( w Favette PACK.\RD JOSEPH Ju. (Venab e & P.) 263 n Euiaw Piickie Ale.\. jr. clerk, 3i) Mc.VIechin Packie Ale.\. (Sisson & P.) 427 u Carey P.ickham Eldridge sr. 103 Jackson sq av P.ickhaniFldridgejr.coinl.agt. l03Jackson sq av Packhani Lewis, c.erk, lii3 .lackson sq av Padden Patrick, lab. 93 Marsiiall al Padget Mrs. Sophia, 395 w Baltimore Paiiget Wni. H. huckster. 6 s Bond Pad'iett Robeit J. huckster, 552 n Gay Padgett W. A.&Co.(\Vm. A. Pad-ett) grocers merchts, over 53 Light Padgett Wm. A. ( W.A.P.&Co.) 3S Mulberry Part' John, lab. 24 n Chanel Part' John, grocery, 81 .Mulberry Patt' John J police, 42 s Chester Part' Limis, carter, 42 s Chester 1' tt' .Mary, laund 22 Washington av Patf .Mrs! Mary, 42 s Chester Page Albert C. clerk, 25 Stiles Pav;e Arthur, tiuilder, 77 Joiin Pane Mrs. Elizabeth. 356 M\rtle av Page C. B. .-alesman, 204 w Biddle Page Geo. R clerk, Fulton nr Lexington PAGK GEOUGI': & CO. (Geo. F. Page, Jos. Roberts, Geo. L. McCahan) machinists, 5 n Schroeder Geo. F. Page. Jos. Roberts. Geo. L McCahan. GEO. PAGE & CO. M ^ € ^ X SCI S ']^g , And Manul'ftctutprs of Patent Portable Saw Mifls, Also Portable and Stationarj' Steam Engines, 5 Ti. Nt^IIKOKDER STREET. Agricultural Engines a Specialty. [i>EE ADVEKTISEMENT.] Page Geo. F (Geo. Page & Co.) Baltimore co Page Dr. L Randolph. 220 Linden av Paue Louis A. clerk, 25 Stiles P.-ue R. 'V. clerk Md. Penitentiary, 420 n Carey Page Samuel G. machinist, 450 w PXvette Page Samuel G. machinist. Miller's hotel PAGE WASHINGTON A. lumber, &c,, Lee nr Li-ht-stwhf, dw 25 Stiles Pagals Edward, ticket sigent Camden station, 86 s Paca Pagels George H. ticket agent B. &O.R.R. 161 Saratoga PAGELS GEO. H. iron railing manufacturer, cor Saratoga and Jasper, dw 161 Saratoga Pagon Wm. H. (Armstrong, Cator & Co.) 167 n Calvert Pahl August, carpenter and builder, 93 n Wash- ington Pahl Mrs. Wilhelmina, provisions, 93 n Wash- ington Pahl Wm. stovemounter. HI Mullikin Pahr Frank, shoemkr, 68 Pearl Pahr F. Joseph, upholsterer, 152 Pearl Paige Emilie. teachei', 118 St. Paul PAINE ALLKN, SON k CO. (A. and C. P. Paine, Wm. G. Gekler) carriage materials, 2 s Liberty Paine Mrs. Alien, (A. Paine, Son & Cc.) 334 Lexington Pa'ue Mrs. Ciara M. 310 M\rile av Paine Clinton P. (A. P., Sod & Co.) 160 Mc- Culhih P.tine John W. salesman, 240 w Baltimore Paine John A.carji. and aeent metallic weather strip, 7 n Sharp, dw 260 a Gilmor Paine Joseph, printer, 18 Bartlett Paini Madame Fratices, hairdresser, 91 n Charles Paini JoSf-ph, barber, 58 n Charles, dw 91 Painter Chas. (W. P. & Co.) Owings Mills Painter Fldward, baker, 45 Patu.xent P.iinter Dr. Edward, 131 Lexington Painter Jatnes, haker, 45 Patuxent Painter James, paint' r, Burton's hotel Painter Mrs. Mary H. seamstress, 45 Patuxent Painter Dr. Nathan, chiropodist, 56 w Favette Painter Wm. (W. Painter & Co.) 234 n Eutaw Painter Wm & Co. (Wm. and Chas. Painter) patent riveiinir machines, 44 n HoUiday P.iiro C. H. clerk, 425 e Chase Pairo Edwin, salesman. Friendship Pairo Kdwin, clerk, Waverley Paiio Elbert L. brakeman, 425 e Chase Pairo Henry T. grocer and wines, 52 n Charles, dw 425 e Chase Pairo Oscar, clerk, 425 e Chase Pairo Robert M. clerk, 387 Franklin Pakel Wm. F. lab. 88 Dawson al PALAG ANO D. merchant tailor, 38 Lexington, dw 573 HRNRY HOE.V & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Po.gt Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. As:t. PAL 445 PAR PalliPS Ciirrie, diessmkr, 115 L. Greene Pallifs Minnie, diessmkr, 115 L. Greene Pallies Wm. 115 L. Gieene Palmer A. W. (Edwd. L. Palmer & Co.) 223 w Lombard Palmer Andrew J. (Wilson, P. k Co.) Cat roll- ton hotel Palmer Clias. cutter, SSj- w Baltimore Palmer Cliiis. H. pattern and model maker, 11 n Frederick, dw 297 e Eajjer Palmer Ciias. J. sec. liaud jioods. 106s Caroline PALMER EDWD. L. & CO. (E'. L., J. M. and A. W. Palmer) wholes. roreiy;n fiuits, 107 w Lombard Palmer Edwd. L.(E.L.P.& Co.)306 w Lombard Palmer Edward, salesman, 38^ w Baltimore Palmer Mrs. Elizabeth, 96 Tuwnsend Palmer Gt-o. M. jr. printer, 542 w Fayette Palmer Fredk. siioemkr, 75 York Palmer Henry C. paperhanger, 258 n Ann Palmer J. N. clerk, Woodberrv Palmer John M. ( K. L.P.& Co.")346 w Lombard Palmer Joseph T. tin and sheet iron worker, 102 n Bond Palmer Myron, plastr, 180 s Paca Palmer Wm. P. carp. 290 Franklin Paniphilioii Mrs. Amelia, 44 Barre Pauiphilion Ann K. music teacher, 44 Barre Pamphilinn James S. enjiineer, 44 Barre Pamphilion Mrs. Margaret, tar syrup, 113 L. Greene Pamphilion Nicholas, inspector C. H. 113 L. Grtene Pamphilion Wesley D. clerk, 113 L. Greene Pancoast John K cabinetmkr, 220 Montgomery Paucoast Joseph T. 221 n Futaw Pancoast Maria L. dressuikr, 22() Montgomery Pancoasl Millard F. clerk, 220 Montgomery Pancoast William P. machinist, 131 Battery av Panich Conrad, peddler, 78 Harrison PannellWm. F. proprietor Chesapeake furnace, Pannetti Ernest F. barber, 18 e Pratt Pannetti Dr. John Philip, 88 e Lombard Pantz Wm. bookkeeper, 126 e Pratt Pantzoch Joseph, lab. 320 Aliceanna Pajie Dr. G. Edward, 55 n Eutaw Pape Dr. Geo. W. E. 375 ii Gay Pape Henry A. baker, 335 William Papel John F. tailor, 71 Dawson al Pa[)enbtrg Theo. lab. 15 Maccubbin Paper John W. painter, 173 Greenmount av Paper William, printer, 173 Greenmount av Paper Wra. J. carter, 189 Leadenhall Papp Wilhelmina, grocery, 59 Lancaster Pappenheimer Max. tailor, 46 n Caroline Pappler Geo.W. butcher, beef and pork packer, wholes, provisions, 13, 16 and 18 Fells Point n)kt, dw 9 Collington av Pappler Jacob, butcher, 38 Centre and 54 Fells Point markets, dw 466 e Baltimore Papptistelle John, stonecutter, 176 East Pardoe Juhn J. oysters, 430 Mulberry, dw 53 Fort av Pardoe Wm. blacksmith, 72 Henrietta Parents Joseph, butcher, Harford av e.xt Paris Alexis, driver, Lancaster and Clinton Paris Leander, shoemkr, 352 Canton av Park Harrison, artist, 516 w Baltimore Park Hotel, Wm. S.Redgrave, proprietor. 111 Camden Parke Robert, wagoner, 98 e Eager Parkent Margaretta, dressmkr, 135 s Spring P.irUer Mrs. Annie, 13 Josephine Parker Mrs. Annie, confectionery, 399 n Gav Parker Bros, (Ed. G. and Wm. H. Parker) painters, 182 e Baltimore Parker Campbell, drayman. 466 Saratoga P.irker Clinton K. cleik, 457 e Easer Parker Clinton R. ()ainis. -157 e Ka >< stitution ^ t^ fi^ Rark hurst Roswell, clerk, 75 Preston ■~ p^., Parkhurst S. N. clerk, 2o2 L. Constitution '^ jz: .2 Prrkhurst S. N. clerk, 276 Park av > = •ECO 0-1 o ^ "P, cJ ;:: 0 .** 33 « a» rC Parkhurst Simon, mercht. 76 South, dw 257 n Charles d, g Parkins C. M. clerk, Mansion house S o Parkiii8o:i Chas. N. salesman, 12 Walsh ^ Parkinson J. B. clerk. South and Lombard, dw '^ ^3 ^ 342 n Broadway t>.,.2 o Parkinson Thos. shucker, 28 n Washington ■^ '^ SE Parks Arch. shii)joiner, 136 Gough .2 1.5 O I^'*'"'^'^ Boyer, carp. 195 Bank 'h ^ Parks Caleb, 138 Gough Paiks Kduard, clerk, 89s Sharp Parks Jumes L. diiver, Scott nr Cross Parks John A. sergt. police, 22 Gittings Parks John T. lab. Woodberry Parks John W. carp. 442 Light Parks Joshua, carp. 363 Cathedral Parks Laura M. 46 n Liherty Parks Mrs. Leonora, 199 Dolphin Parks Mrs. Mary, 62 s Greene Parks Win. E. brickmkr, 452 Light Parks Win. H. H. puinpmkr, 253 e Lombard Parks Win. H. mariner, 13 Weber 30 -I- ce c "^ 'I' n5 ^ CM O 1-^ •X3 S '^ >^, <; Parks Wythe, machinist, 1 73 Montgomery "S '^ ffi Parlett B. F. gatekpr. Belair rd W I: j; '^ faciured and leaf tobacco, 92 w Lombard and ^72 Pi 5 Water E; g Parlett B. F. S s Parlett B. F. jr. B. F. P. & Co.) 201 n Howard clerk, 201 n Howard 0^ Parlett B.J.blksmith,400 w Pratt,dw 57? Loin- 55 ^ bard -^ ^ Parlett Chapel (M. E.) Monroe nr Ramsay ->j >-, Parlett Edward T. brakeman, 399 w Lombard ^ T Parlett Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, 293 n Eutaw fl^ '^ ^ Parlett (ito. C. plasterer, 293 11 Eutaw _, -i-> r^ Parlett Harry L. engineer, Pratt nr Mount g; "S " Parlett Henry, grave digger, Belair av ext a ^ ^5 Parlett Jijhii F. clerk, .lol n Howard V ^ C Parlett Noah Edwin, tobacconist, 88 Light-st i^ ^ ■" whf, Jw 185 s Paca I ^ § Parlett Thos. E. (McGee & P.) 533 w Fayette g 3 ' Parlett Wm. 0. bricklayer, 591 w Lombard o 2 <-^' Parlett Zachariah, gardener, Belair av est ^ '^^'^ Parley Michael, lab. 14 Hamburg •^ p faC Parmelee Homer, machinist, 645 w Baltimore t-2 2 .5 P-"T Adam jr. baker, 239 n Bond 0^.2 Parr Adam sr. carter, 2:'.9 n Bond ^ *^ "£ Parr Andrew, tailor, 239 n Bond 3 ^ gi Parr Augustus, potter, 293 n Ann Kj o p^ Parr Charles E. clerk, 279 Madison av ^ .rt c3 Parr (Jhas. M. carp. 37 n Schroeder g f3 . r. Parr Conrad, tailor, 288 n Central av S ^ s- I^arr D.Preston, brick yard, Franklin rd nr toll- ".S X gate, office 17 North, dw 138 w Madison '^ >. Parr Geo. tailor, 239 n Bond Parr D. Preston jr. editor Saturday Night, dw 94 n Charles Parr Henry, shoemkr, 8 Park av Parr Henry A. (P. & Son) 279 Madison av Parr Israel M. (P. & Son) 279 Madison av PARR ISRAEL M. & SON, (Israel M. and Henry A. Parr) com merchts.91 and93 South Parr Mis. James L. 65 e Lombard Parr James L. jr. clerk, 65 e Lombard Parr John, shoemkr, 197 Gou^ih Parr John, wagoner, 70 Harrison Parr John G. shoemkr, 7 s Ann Parr Silas M. plasterer, 37 n Schroeder Parr Wm. shoemkr, 360 e Eager ParramoreJas.il W. salesman, Barnum's hotel Parran James B. clerk, I 19 n Gilmor Parran James R clerk, 1 19 n Gilmor Parran T. A. 119 n Gilmor Parran Wm. J (Vickers & P.)119 n Gilmor Pining James, tailor, 58 n Central av PARRISH BROS. (W.T. and J. H. Parrish) wholesale jobbers in teas and spices, 99 w Lombaid Parrish Henry C. blksmith, 58 Hillman Parrish Henry G. clerk, 224 n Republican Parrish James, bricklayer, 101 Greenmount av Parrish James H. (Parrish Bros.) 224 u Repub- lican Parrish James J. clothing cutter, 227 George Parrish John, lab. 272 Chew Parrish Nicholas, student, 552 Aisquilh Parrish Norris, farmer, 552 Aisquilh Parrish Wm. jr. carter. 135 Greenmount av Parrish Win. butter, 260 Greenmount av Parrish Wm. B. clerk, 224 n Republican Parrish Wm.T. (Parrish Bros. )224ii Republican Parrott Geo. W. 6C e Fayette Parrott Henry C tinner, 102 n Wolfe Parrott J. F. clerk, 2^> Pleasant Parrott John C. clerk, 315 e Pratt Parrott John W. bricklayer, 176 Orleans Parrott Wm. fruit butter, 5 s Eden Parrott Wm. A. 58 St. Paul Parry Clinton B. carp. 54 Granhy Parry Mrs. Elizabeth, 54 Granby Parry Ira E. watchmkr, 221 Lee Parry James D. processor, 7 Jackson Parry Marion, painter, 115 s Eden Parsons ('harles J. carp. 378 Lexington Parsons David, bookkjir. Gibbon's hotel Parsons Edward W. clerk, Camden station, dw Mansien house Parsons Esse.x, saddler, 225 n Carey Parsons Francis A. 295 e Biddle Parsons George, brakeman, 85 Oak Parsons George F. collarmkr, 446 e Eager Parsons Harry A. 147 n Eutaw Parsons James C. canmkr, 8 Curley Parsons James I. 74 Rue Parsons J.imes S. ironworker, 74 Rue Parsons James T. tailor, 18 s Bond Parsons John, shoemkr, Ramsayau'l Ringgold al Parsons John II. machinist. 203 Montgomery Parsons Jot.u H. caulker, 182 MoiitL'i'inery Parsons John W. clerk. 488 w Baliimore Parsons Joseph, canmkr, 66 York Parsons Joseph A. butter, 371 n Gay Parsons Joseph F. cigarmkr, 86 Hamburg Parsons Laura S. bakery, 104 Richmond Parsons Mrs. M. E. dressmkr, 488 w Baltimore Parsons M. Fillmore, china and glassware, 148 n Eutaw, dw 147 t^ .0 HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. b-:^ ^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. PAR 447 PAT Parsons Mrs. Mary, boarding. 63 Courtland Parsons Mrs. Priscilla, junk, 66 York Parsons Robert, huckster, 28 Williamson al Parsons Rufus M. clerk, 11 s Caroline Parsons Mrs. Rosanna, (Mrs. P. & Sister) 147 n Eutaw Parsons Mrs. R. & Sister, ( Rosanna Parsons, Maria Ricely,) millinery goods, 147 n Eutaw Parsons Silas E. sergt. pulice, 488 w Baltimore Parsons Simons, clerk, 15 s Howard Parsons T. & Sen (Theodore and Wesley W. Parsons) china, glass and queens ware, 58 Hanover Parsons Theo (T.P.&Son)147 n Eutaw Parsons Wesley W. (T P.&Son)120 Walsh Parsons Wra. carpenter, 10 Raborg, dvv 378 Lexington Parsons Wra. bricklayer, Oxford, York rd Parsons Wrn. H. engineer, 203 Montgomery Parsons Wm. G. painter, 86 Hamburg Parsons Wra. M. cor Chuse and Forrest pi Partin Peterson, watch mkr, 71 s Greene Partington Mrs. Barbara, dressmkr,443 w Fayette Partington Richard, machinist, 443 w Fayette Partrick Capt John, Burton's hotel Partridge .Mrs. Juliii, tailoress, 53 n Central av Partridge Wm. beer, 10 Wyeth Parus Zeno F.(G. 0. Hicks"& Co. )Haubert and Decatur Parvin Wm. B. organmkr. Miller's hotel Parzna Anton, tailor, 451 Burgundy al Parzna John, tailor. 151 Burgundy al Pasar James, lab. 45 Abbot Pascal Mrs. Catherine S. 44 s Ann Pascal Eugene, cabinetmkr, 118 Pearl Pascal Henry S. sailmkr, 44 s Ann Pascal Jas. J. engineer, 44 s Ann Pascal John, cabinetmkr, 118 Pearl Pascal Marion A. carp. 59 Jackson sq av Pascal Mrs. Marie,children's clothing, 118 Pearl Pascal Wm. F. shipping office, 44 s Ann Pascault Louis C. clerk, 83 Harlem av Pasco Robert, lab. 24 Harford av Pasqu.iy Chris, tanner, 3 Madeira al Pasquay Jacob, tanner, cor Holliday and Sara- toga, dw 539 e Fayette Passanno Ferd. 335 Madison av ■PASSANO JOSEPH F. fancy goods and no- tions, 349 w Baltimore, dw 335 .Madison av Passano Joshua, Strieker n of Franklin PASSANO LP:0NARI) & SONS, (L. jr., Louis D. and Wra. R. Passano) fancy goods and notions, 268 w Baltimore Passano Leonard, 163 McCulloh Passano Leonard jr. (L.P.&Sons)97 Townsend Passano Mrs. Louis, 181 n Calvert Passano Louis D. (L. P & Sons) Mount and Lorman Passano Mrs. Rosina, 234 Linden av Passano Wm.R.(L.P. & Co.)Mount and Lorman Passapne Chas. D. bookkpr, 51 Lexington Passapae Harvey F. clerk, 51 Lexington Passapae Jas. lab. 480 Canton av Passapae Mijnioe,druggist,97j Lexington, dw 51 Passapae .Mrs.. Monroe, boarding, 51 Lexington Pasterlield Charles, shoefitler, 113 Orleans Pasterfield Chas. L. police, 84 n Wolfe Pasterfield Lewis, shi>efitter, 113 Orleans Pasterfield Wm. F. cannikr, 68 Jackson sq av Pasterfield Wm. H. plumber, 357 e Fayette Pasters Chas. F. clerk, 234 n Eden Pasters Mrs. Rachel, 234 n Eden -♦J OQ Pastorious Samuel, collector, 252 Mulberry ^ Patapsco Chemical Works, Fort av nr Hull, office ^ 44 South 3 PATAPSCO BRIDGE AND IRON WORKS, 1-^-1 W. Bolhnan, proprietor, cor Clinton and Sec-^^o otid av, office 8 s Gay ^ Patapsco Chapel. Constitution nr Monument P PATAPSCO GUANO CO., Dr. G. A Liebig, O chemist and prest. 7 Phil pot, office 65 South 9 Pate Joseph H pilot, 86 s Washington '^ Pate Joseph P. clerk, 86 s Washington '~^ Pate Richard, piiot. 86 s Washington PQ Paterson Robert, gardener, Waverley Patience James, cooper, 168 s Spring ^ Patri Adam, pianomkr, 201 Montgomery ^ Patri Mrs. Mena, notions, 201 .Montgomery Patrick A. D. clerk, 6 Jackson sq av =^ Patrick Mrs. Chaiity G. 6 Jackson sq av Patrick Geo. bricklayer, 20 Hammond al 9 Patrick Samuel H. police, 10 George o Pattee Geo. shoerakr, 110 e Eager ^ Pattee Perkins, foreman, 110 e Eager ^ Patten Edward S. printer, 270 n Howard Patten Geo. lab. 11 Fountain pq Patten Mrs. Geo., Goulpy's bitters, 3 n Fred- <^ erick, dw 366 w Fayette j^ Patten Mrs. Harriet, 314 vv Lombard j> Patten J.imes, engineer, 443 e Chase Patten T. W. clerk, 314 w Lombard oQ PATTKRSON A. B & CO. (A. B. Patterson, Ij Chas. E.Roberts) stock and bill brokers, cor ^ Lombard and South ^ Patterson Abraham B. (A. B. P. & Co.) 219 n ^ Caiey ^ Patterson Andrew, florist, York rd nr Quaker la r^ Patterson Mrs. Annie, tailoress, 18 Oregon "^ Patterson Capt. Aug mariner, 157 German pin PATTERSON & BASH, (T. N. Patterson, J. <1 H. Bash,) wholesale boots and shoes, 24 ^ Hanover ^ Patterson Charles, coachtriinmer, 18 Ogston 3 Patterson Cha.-les R. clerk, 243 Peirce ^ Patterson (Jharles W. carter, 4 Orleans Patterson Chapel (M.E.) Chester nr Orleans Patterson Chas. cigarmkr, 369 Saratoga Patterson Chas. W. baker, 325 e Eager Patterson Clinton K. clerk, 177 George Patterson David, grocery, cor Cumberland and^ Penna av - O CO O W O Patterson James, watchman, 54 Valley Patterson James K. fire dept. 1(5 Watson Patterson J. Wilson, office 59 s Gay, dw 79 Park av Patterson James, lab. 39 Harmony la Patterson John S. H. (W.R. Patterson k Sons) 18 s Caroline Patterson John, cifiarmkr, 23 East Patterson John T. eawmkr, 16 Watson Patterson Dr. John H. '23 Franklin Patterson John, shiiiping and com. merchant, 74 South, dw 31 n Gilmor Patterson Joseph E. 4 Orleans Patterson Jose])h, grinder, Woodberry Patterson Llo.vd, shoemkr, 198 n Broadway Patterson Mrs. Margaret, 16 Watson Patterson Mrs. Margaret, 279 Lexington I'atteison Mrs. Mary E , Pratt nr Strieker Patterson Michnel, lal). 4() McElderry Patterson Michael S. canmkr, 31 McHenry Patterson Michael, grocery, McElderry e of Md. Hospital Patterson 0. L. W. carp. 162sPaca Patterson Oliver C. 83 s Gilmor Patterson Park House, Emanuel Irons, propr. 17 Patterson Park av Patterson Park, bounded by Baltimore, Patter- son Park av. Eastern av and Luzerne Patterson Robert, driver, 31 McHenry Patterson S. C. & Co. (S. C. Patterson) ship. and com, merchts, 70 \v Pratt Patterson S. C. (S.C. P. k Co.) 410 Park av Patterson Sarah, dressmkr, 13U w Townsend Patterson Samuel W. sr. huckster. 152 wPratt, dw 243 I'eirce Patterson Samuel J. shipcarp. 64 Milliman Patterson Samuel \V. jr. clerk, 243 Peirce Patterson Thos. N. (P. ABash) 165 McCulloh Patterson Thos. G. student, 165 McCulloh Patterson Wm. 6S Saratoga Patterson Wm. butcher, 190 Hollins Patterson Wm. 79 Park av Patterson Wm. F. shipjoiner, 242 Eastern av Patterson Wm. G. (Wm. G. P. & Son,) 130 s Broadway Patterson VVm. G. & Son, (Wm. G. and Wm. H. Patterson) merch't tailors, 130 sBroadway Patterson Wm. H. (Wm. G. P. & Son) 130 s Broadway Patterson Wm. P. (Bowling, P.& Co. )353 Druid Hill av Patterson Wm. G. clerk, 279 Le.xington Patterson W . R. ^ Sons (W.R. sr., J. S. B. Patterson) manuf'rsof cigars and dealers in tobacco, 28j w Pratt Patterson Wm. R. sr. (W. R. P. & Sons) 18 s Caiol'ne Patterson VVm. R. jr. 171 n Eutaw Patterson Wm.H. huckster, 1 Ringgold al Patterson Wm. W. printer, 18 Ugsto-i Patterson Wm. H. plumber, 366 w Lombard Pattie D. M. salesman, 100 n Greene Pattison Eldred K. 140 n Gilmor Patlison Richard E. printer, 251 s Sharp Pattison Samuel S. clerk, 52 Saratoga Pattison Samuel, clerk, 57 Barre Patlison Thos. & Co. (Thos. Pattison,) com. merch'ts and wholes, grocers, 35 w Pratt Pattison Thomas, ( T. Patlison & Co.) 194 n Broadway Patton A. clerk, 27 Pleasant Patlon Patrick, lab. 16 Uillman Patton Rebecca, fancy goods, 42 Hanover, dw 138 w Lomliard Patton Robert, clerk, 146 w Townsend Patton Wm. mineral waters. &c. 2.")4i s Bond PATUXENT RIVER STEAMBOAT'CU. lower end Duijan's and O'Donnell's wharves, and [)ier 8 Light-st whf, Henry Williams, agent Patty John. lab. 19 Neighbor Patzschke Tobias, tailor, 17 n Central av Paul Abigail R. teacher, 300 w Lombard Paul Mrs. Annie, tavern, 124 s Howard Paul Adrian, 569 n Fremont Paul A. B. clerk, 375 w Fayette Paul Agnes, trimmings, 212 n Eutaw Paul Anthony G.carp. 30 s Strieker Paul Anthony G. jr. carp. 30 s Strieker Paul Capt.C. J. mariner, 47 s Exeter Paul Chas. J. bookkpr, 166 s Charles Paul Chas. C. mariner, 47 s Exeter Paul Ml S.Clara, tobacconist, Hanover and Cross Paul George, cooper, 993 w Pratt Paul Gibson B. canmkr, 569 n Fremont Paul Henry, grocery, 13 Raborg Paul Henry, barkpr, 124 s Howard Paul Jabez S. clerk, 569 n Fremont Paul Jiimes, book agent, 3^8 Penna av Paul John, lab. 56 Duncan a! Paul John, watchman, 53 Johnson Paul John C. In-er, 30 n Bond Paul John, eigarmkr, Hanover nr Cross Paul John, lab. 58 McMechin Paul Joseph (Tolson ^ P.) 130 w Fayette PAUL .t LINDSAY (Wm. Paul, W.R. Lind- say) bookbinders and sbitioners, 22 Water Paul Louis, geu'l com. meichant and feed, 104 s Howard, dw 124 Paul Mrs R. B. 280 n Durham Paul S. Bryson, 595 Penna av Paul Thos.' H. carp. 30 s Strieker Paul Thos. K. canmkr, 569 n Fremont Paul Wm. H. trimmer, 124 s Howard Paul Wm. H. gilder, 579 n Fremont Paul Wm. tobacco, 17 South, dw 166 s Charles Paul Wm. (P. & Lindsay) 375 w Fayette Pauli John, cabinelmkr, 5 Williamson al Paulin John, conductor, 687 w Lombard Paulsackel Louis, carp. 51 Albemarle Paulo Contie, l»b. 13 Webster al Paulus John P. furniture, 66 Frederick av Paulus John, lab. 155 Madeira al Paulus John, nailmkr, 313 n Central av Paulus Nicholi'.s, shoemkr, 313 n Central av Paulus Peter, shoemkr, 265 Aisquilh Piiul Saul, notions, 129 s Broadway Pausch Conrad, lab. 189 s Chester Pausch Geo. A. tobacconist, 717 w Baltimore Pausch Geo. tobacconist, 126 n Gay Pausch Henry, barber, 278 & Ann Pausch Henry, shoemkr, 163 s Chapel Pausch John, shueker, 163 s Chapel Pausch John, lab. 278 s Ann Pausch John H. tobacconist, 118 e Madison Pavlak Joseph, lab. 114 Lancaster Pavlak Michael, lab. 114 Lancaster Pavonek Franz, lab. 118 Lancaster Pavouet Henry, cook, 9 Hillen Pawley Finley, china and glass, 23 s Calvert, dw 12 Watson Pawley John A. watchmkr, 13 Penna av Pawson Wm. S. 365 Park av Payant Edward, carp. 101 e Fayette Pavant Wm. bookkpr, 126 e Pratt HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. PAY 449 PED Payne Benj. F. clerk, 174 n Exeter Payne E. Scott & Bro.(E. S. and R. K. Payne) hardware, 174 n Gay Payne K. Scott (E.S.P. & Bro.) 174 n Exeter Pajne Georjre C. clerU, 8 s Gilinor Payne Joliii J. C:irp. 414 w Fayette Payne Joseph P. carp. 414 w Fayette Payne Mrs. Maria C. 174 n Exeter Payne Morgan L. printer, 3.i7 a Ann Payne R. Kemp (E.S.P. & Bro.) 174 n Exeter Payne S. T. salesman, 'Ml w Baltimore Payne Samuel, salesman, 9(3 Saratoga Payne Wni. T. blacksmith, 22 Parrish Paynter Nathaniel VV. office 5 St. Paul, dw John nr McMcchin Peabody Academy of Music, 51 Mt. Vernon pi PEABODY FIRK INSURANCE CO., Thos. I. Carey, pres't, R. B. Post, sec'y, Second, adj. Postoffice Peabody Heights Co. 49 w Fayette, Eben D. Appleton, agent Peabody Heights and Waverley Heights Rail- way, Chas. E. Dickey, pres"i, office Waverley Peabody House, cor St. Paul and Centre PEABODV INSTITUTE, s e cor Mount Vernon and W.ishingion places Peabody Savings Institution, Joseph F.Hindes, pres't, 8 w coi- Aisquith and Monument Peace Charles F. clerk, Gilmor nr Fayette Peach Charles, sionecutter, 223 Harford av Peach John 0. lali. Clipper Mills Peach John R. engineer, Clifton nr the Park peach Joseph, machinist, Clifton nr the Park Peach Win. 0. finish, r, 548 w Pratt PEACOCK A. 0. liquors, 100 Boston Peacock Elizabeth, dressmkr, 188 s Ann Peacock Geo. W. inspr. C. H. 259 Lee Peacock James N. agent, 100 Boston iPeacuck James, shipcarp. 66 s Regester 'Peacock John, slioemkr, 397 Lexington jPeacock John D. machinist, 276 Franklin peacock John M. roofer and spouting, 1 s Eu- I taw, dw 14 s Fulton 'eacock John R. mariner, 225 Lee I'eacock Mrs. Louisa, 45 Chesnut 'eacock Mrs. .Mary A. tailore. Pearson Wm. E. clerk, 116 Hughes ^ Pearson W. Thos. oysterpackr, 1 1 7 Montgomery Peart Albert, bricklayer, l(i3 Chew H- Pease Chas. C. cigarmkr, 84 Peirce Pease Christopher, cooper, 89 Peirce g Pease Francis, cooper, :12 Marion ^ Ptase Jas. cigarmkr, 89 Peirce (>• Pease Thos. brickla\er, 89 Peirce Peastor Wm. J. finisher, 100 s Strieker ^' Peat Wm. (Sullivan & P.) 47 8 Choptank W' Pear Leonidas R. shoemkr, 15 Conway ^v] Peck David A. J. paym'r B. &O.R.R. 224 Walsh ^ Peck Johu, brakeman, Paca and Lexington Peckokeck Mrs. Ann, dressmkr, 286 Penna av lO Pecor Alfred C. butter, 280 n Gay Peddicord Bascom E. conductor, 236 n Howard CJQ Pedaicord Chas. W. blacksmith, Frederick av&2. nr Payson O Ptddicord Geo. Thos. flour and feed, Frederick ^ . av nr tollgate Peddicord Isaac H. teamster, Frederick av nr tollgate OQ Peddicord John, Frederick av nr tollgate *~^. Peddicord Johu 0. miller, Frederick av nr PH tollgate '^'■ Peddicord Miverva J. teacher, Frederick av nr P-i' tollgate Peddi-cord Sarah A. teacher, Frederick av nr tollgate Peding John, baggagemaster, 437 Lexington Peding Mrs. Mary, triiiiniings, 437 Lexington Pedrick Abigail, laundress, 12 Armistead la Pedrick F. Franklin, fireman, 292 McHenry Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 9.Q o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, PED 450 PEN ^-^c^ > ~ 2 — a S cc t. 2 Oi D >^-^ O ■^ c S P £ S ?; ., o =3 X Oh •.^ ^ i:- a; a; ^ c '-'' ■^ c c Ptdro Joseph, shipcar(). 52 Philpot Peduzzi Francis, coachsnaith, 13 McElderry Peduzzi Peter E. ccjachmkr, 13 McElderry Peduzzi Wni. P. enjiiiieer, 91 ii Broadway Peod A. J. salesii.aii, 254 w Baltimore, dw 42 German Peed Dr. James S. 158 n Eden Peed Jas. W. siiipping agt, over 58 w Pratt, dw 114 s Broadway Peed John W. shipping office cor Pratt and Buchanan's whf, dw 93 s Bond Peed Robt. huckster, 158 n Eden Petd Roht. jr. carp. 158 n Eden Peerce Robt. C. salesman. 187 e Fayette Peet C. B. (Rogers, Peet & Co.) New York Peet Eucian R. teacher, 181 Druid Hill av Peffernian Henry, wine cellar Barnum's hotel, 167 Hughes Pefferman Joseph, varnisher, 211 s Ann Peglow George, saloon, 54:^ n Gay Peji^g Joseph H. coachsmith, 84 s High PEGRAM Mrs. Gen. JOHN, principal Southern Home School, H»7 and 199 n Charles Pegiam Win. M. 86 w Chase P'eitie Chas. brewer, Belair av ext Peiiiz Joseph, grocery, 6.'^ Bank Peipenlirinker Geo. ])orter, 128 Orleans Peirce Frank, mariner, 35 n Wolfe Peircc Henry, caninkr, 260 n Bond Peirce Humphrey, John nr Wilson Peirc- Israel, real estate, John nr Wilson Peirce Mrs. Mary, 35 n Wolfe PEIRCE THO.MAS, commission merchant, 20 Bowly's whf, dw 573 w Fayetie Peirce Wm.H. broker, 46 Lexin"uton,dw 173'John Peirsou Edgar A. P. puperhanger, 41 n Bond Peirson Hamil'n A. salesman, Deckernr Hoffman Peirson Henry, boi.ks, stationery, &c., cor Fay- ette and Liberty, dw 198 w Madison Peirson Joseph D. carp. 41 n Bond Peirson Joseph T. (Smith, P. & West,) 41 n Bond Peirson Thos. G.bookkpr, York rd cor Oxford av Peissner Joseph E.bookbin'r,over 140 w Fayette Pelachek Michael, blacksmith, 3 Miller Pellenz Joseph, harnessmkr, 2i)3 Light Pellman Chas. shoemkr, 99 Harrison Pellman Louis, lab. 26 Thames Pels Edward (J. P. & Sons) 157 Lexington Pels Mrs. J. (J. P. k Sons) 157 Lexington PELS J. & SONS, (Mrs. J., Moses and Edward Pels,) boots and shoes, 59 and 81 u Eutaw, and 157 Lexington Pels Moses (J. P. & Sons) 157 Lexington Pels worth Edward, lab. 25 e Pratt Pelz Rudolph, beer, Madison av ext Pembcrton Wm. clerk, 29 Gough Pemliroke School for Boys, Prof. J. C. Kinear, principal, 189 and 191 Madison av Penis Solomon, shoemkr, 2 Second Pender Charles R. clerk, 326 n Eutaw I'ender G. L. clerk, 326 n Eutaw Pender Janus, clerk, 326 n Eutaw I'cnder Robt. H. (Jos. W. Jenkins & Co.) 326 n Eutaw Pender Robt. H. jr. clerk, 326 n Eutaw Pendergast Mrs. Bridget, 211 Vine Pendergast Jerome A. wharfinger, ship broker 77 Smith's whf, dw Madison av and Wilson Pendergast John, mariner, 34 Block Pendergast Patrick, tavern, 28 President Pendergist Richard, Cathedral ext Pendleton A. Randolph, clerk, 150 McCulloh Pendleton David E. (P.P.P.&Son) 89 Park av PENDLETON P. P. & SON, (P. P. and David E. Pendh ton) flour and com. merchants, 7E( North Pendleton Philip P. ( P. P. P. & Son) 89 Park av Pendleton Mrs. Robert W. 150 McCulloh Peiidleton W. S. bookkpr, 204 w Biddle Pengel John, lab. 201 Aliceanna Pengel Sophia, 201 Aiiceanna Peiiick Rev. C. C. 40 Lexington Penington Ross T. cashier record office, 52 e Fulton Penn Mrs. Elizabeth, 87 n Charles Penn Fire Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, 79 Second Penn Geo. W. brickmkr, 153 Battery av Penn Geo. W. boatman, 83 Hamburg Penn Jacob P. coienikr, 120 s Strieker Penn Jacob, brickmkr, Fort av nr Hull, dw 41 Light PENN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of Phila., E B. DuVal, agt, 63 Second Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Phila., Josepl Johns jr. agt. 36 Postoffice av Penn Richanl, luoulder, 39 n Wolfe Penn Saml. ironmoulder, Vincent al nr Pratt Penn Tliomas T. coremkr, 590 w Pratt Penn Thomas, oysters, 124 s Sharp, dw 12 Hanover Penn Wm. E. (Cullington & Co.) 150 Forrest Peiiuich Daniel, sawyer, 70 n Caroline Penniman A. L. clerk, 192 n Calvert Penniman Augustus, bookkpr, Charles-stay n Deiimead PENNIMAN & BRO. (N. G. Penniman, F Albert, J. H. Daniel, J. A. Clarkson) hard ware, 10 n Howard Penniman Edward J. paying teller First Nat Bank, Charles-st av nr Denniead Penniman Florence, teacher, 243 Mulberry Penniman Helen, teacher, 243 Mulberry Penniman Horace, clerk, 243 Mulberry Penniman Nicholas G. (P.& Bro.)117 w Menu nient Penniman Mrs. Sarah J. 243 Mulberry Penniman Virginia, teacher, 243 Mulberry Penniman Yates,clerk, Charles st av nr Denniea' Penning S. J. seuiug mach. 225 e Baltimore Pennington Arnold N. 94 St. Peter Pennington Chas. plasterer, 303 n Ann Pennington Edward H. clerk, 40 McElderry Pennington Mrs. Ida, 6 Mulberry Pennington James, chairiiikr, 435 e Eager Pennington John F. plasterer, 198 n Wolfe Pennington Dr. John I. 21() Franklin Pennington John L. glassblower, 11 Henry Pennington Mrs. Josias, 251 n (,'harles Pennington Josias, 25 Franklin Pennington Jusias jr. 251 n Charles Pennington Levi, night inspecir. C. H. 190 Hat ford av Pennington Ross T. cashier Record OfSce, 6 n Fulton Pennington Sarah, tobacconist, 16 n PoppIetOl Pennington Samuel, carp. 30 n Paca Pennington Wm. A. brakeman, 16 n Poppletoi PENNINGTON W. C. attorney, over 54,LeJ ington, dw 11 Cathedral Pennington Wm. C. moulder, lOl Chew Peiinintiton Wm. ghisstender, 2 Rupard PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INS. CO. OF PHILii agency 9 North HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. R Bresee, Genl Agt. PEN 451 PER ^ Peppier Alex. J. butcher, 99 Bel-air and 8 Rich- ^ inond mktfi, dw Peaiui av nr Park la :3 Peppier Auirust, (A. P. & Bro.) Penna av ext ^ Peppier A. <^' Bro. (Auj^ust ^- Wm. Peppier) ^^ butcher, 17 Lexington, 58 Hanover and 94 g Centre nikts / ci Peppier Cliiis. butcher, 47 Fells Point market, (j) dw Penna av ext g Peppier Geo. butcher, 58 Hanover aod 61 Cross- ;a St markets, dw Penaa av ext .— Peppier Geo. liquors, 39 Brown la -^ Peppier Henry, trunkmkr, 12 L. McElderry pX Pept'ler -Mrs. Geo. butchering, 94 Centre, 17'^ Lexington, and 58 Haoover markets, dw 409 ^ Penna a, V O Peppier Louis, cooper, 39 Brown la ^ Peppier Wm. (A. P. & Bro.) Penna av ext r Percival C. Dabney, carp, 39 n Washington O Percivall Dr. C.F. music teacher, 36 s Choptaok O Peregoy Alciada, 361 Mulberry Perejioy Archibald, cardriver, Western Mary- "^ land hotel ^^ Peregoy Chas. grocery, Hampden W Peregoy Chas. F. tecietary People's Gas Co. 40 O a Broadway O Peregoy .Mrs. Elizabeth, 27 s Ann ^ Peregoy Elizabeth Aeu, tailoress, 178 George Peregoy Geo. H cardriver, r)29 n Fremont r^j Peregoy Geo, brassfiuislier, John nr Eden Peregoy Geo. painter, Gilmor nr Patterson av i^ Peregoy Isaac G. sewing machine agent, cor ^ Decker and Oliver ^ Peregoy John H. W. carpenter, 24 s Front, dw 259 e Biddle OD Peregoy John T. carp. 27 Whatcoat p^ Peregoy Jos. C. bricklayer, John nr Eden, ^-T^ Peregoy Jos. J. black.^mith, 27 s Republican I— ' PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, Wm, Del phey prop. 158 Franklin PENNSYLVANIA R. R TICKET OFFICE, n e cor Baltimoie and Calvert Penrose Chitrles, bookkpr, 328 w Lombard Penrose E. G. (E G. P. & Co.) Carroll co Penrose E. G. . ( E. G. Penrose, J. Russdl) flour and com. rnerchts, 153 n Howard Pensel Jacob, paver, 18s n Dallas Pensel Jacob jr. clerk, 1 8t> u Dallas Pensel John C coofier, 2<;<> Cio.ss Pensel Michael, cooper, 348 s Sliarp Pensel Philip, shoemkr. Isg n Dallas Pensel Wm. bdi.. 200 ti Dallas Pensrailh 'oBrad. cooper, 37 n Caroline Pensniith Henry, cooper, 20 n Caroline Pensmitli Wm. J. police, 124 Burgundy al Pentland Jas, florist and nursery, tf5 n Clmrles, dw cor Oliver and Greenmouut av Pentland Roliei t F. coal, cor MuUikin «nd Cen- tral av, dw 58 e I'^uer Pentoa Capt. James H. 16 Hill Penton -Mrs, .Mary, tailoress, 16 Hill Pentz Chas A. salesman, 93 e Biddle Pentz Charlton G. butcher, Lewis nr Mullikia, 18 Centre, 26 Richmond and 28 Lexington markets, dw 21 Aisquith Pentz Elijah B. wheelwright, 13 s Republican Pentz Henry B. whoIes;ust, carp. 179 Conway PEPPER'S HOTEL, W. S. Pepper, propr, 124 w Baltimore PEPPER W. S. proprietor Pepper's hotel, 124 w Baltimore Pep[)ercorn Francis, draughts man, 30 iMcDonogh Peppercorn John J. moulder, 3ul McDonogh [Peppercorn Mrs. Sarah A. dressmaker, 301 Mc- I Douogb OQ Peregoy SaiuLF. jr. elk. Gilmor and Patterson av Peregoy Sarnl. F. painter, 39 Cla.y, dw Gilmor nr Patternon av Peregoy Thos. police, 282^ Mulberry Peregoy Walter F. clerk, Hampden Peregoy Wm. C. D. pumpmkr, 203 a Bond ^ Peregoy Wm. E. clerk, 27 s Ann ST Peregoy Wm, E. groc'^ and prov, 83 n Calvert^ Peregoy Wm. B. pumpmaker, cor Bond and S Thames, dw 27 s Ann JZ3 Perez Dr. Joaquin, 158 Jefferson |_^ Periu George W. clerk, 68 s Poppleton pLj Perin Oliver, conductor, 68 s Poppleton FERINE DAVID M. office 4 1 Lexington, (fw 17 =^ Cathedral PEUINE E. GLENN, office 41 Lexingion, dw ^ 26 Cathedral S Ferine M. & Sons,(T. P. Periue) western potte- ^ ries, 713 w Baltimore ^ M. FERINE & SONS, MANCFACTUREIir^ OF STONE AND EARTHENWARE. Potteries and Sales Room, 711 & 713 W. BALTIMORE ST. Ferine Thomas J. clerk. 65 Columbia Ferine Thompson P.(.M.P.&Son)711wBaltimore Ferine Wm. H. sweepmaster, 159 s Fremont td IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. PER 452 PET o cc OS o ^ l-H >H ^< « o w o Perkins Mrs. B. 368 Canton av Perkins Benj. mariner, 1 Lancaster Perkins k Co. (S. Bevan, VV. H. Perkins) dry goods, 22 n Ciiarles Perkins Eben F. superintendent, 6 Watson PKRKINS E. H. apothecary and chemist, cor Baltimore and Grn)372 w Favette Peters Wm. H. & So'i (Wm. H. and Wm'. H. Peters jr.) bookbinders, over 149 w Pratt Peters Wm.H jr. (Wm. H. P. & Sou,) 162 Mvrtle .'iv Peters Winfield (Snowden & P.) 86 McCulloh Peterson Catherine, gn-cery, 146 L mcaster Peterson Charles, huckster, 259 s Broadway Prterson Charles, mariner, 136 Lancaster Peterson Chas. A. clerk, 22 s Oregon Peterson Mrs. Elizabeth, tailoress, 63 n Ann Peterson Edward W. whipmkr, 197 Hanover Peterson Geo. mariner, 259 s Broadway Peterson G. P. & Co. (G. P. Peterson,) fruits and corifec' v, 196 w Pratt Peterson Geo.'P. (G.P.P.& Co.) 294 n Ann Peterson John, shoemkr, 259 s Broadway Peterson John, lab. 63 ti Ann Peterson Leopold, porter, 127 Thames Peterson Mrs. Louisa, grocery, 59 Duncan al Peterson Mrs. Mary, 229 s Broadway Petersun Peter, mariner. 146 Lanc-isler Peterson Thos. watchman, 353 s Bund Peterson Wm. A. salesman, 294 n Ann Peterson Wm. B. shipcarp. 293 e Lombard Peterson Wm. N. clerk, 47 s Choptank _ Peterson Wm. mariner, Aliceanna and Ann :3 Peiherbridge Edward R. special agent P.O. 312 H GQ c3 HoUins Petherbridge Wra. 0. machinist. 137 JefiFerson Petri Andrew, cigarmkr, 250 e Chase Petri Anthony, cigarn.kr. 250 Chew Petri Chas. shoemkr, 21 T\son Petri Geo. stoves, 92 Sonierset Petri Geo. baker, 171 e Lombard Petri Jacob, irontnoulder, 210 Stirling Pelroff Theodore, lab 50 Essex Peirolf Wolf, lab. 50 Esse.v Petry .Aug. H. bookkpr, 39 Perry Petr\ Philip, lab. 39 Perry Petry Robert H. clerk, 39 Perry Petiebone Chas. provisions, s w cor Camden and Light, dw 162 Barre Petticord .^l|ilio;ii-us, bellhanger, 411 e Eager Petticord .•Mfied, glassblower, 23 Hamburg Petticord Chas. plastic roofing, 411 e Eager Petticord Geo. D. blacksmith, Mount Vernon Petticord Geo. H. screwman, Tobacco ware- house No. 1 Petticord John (Quigley &P.) 29 Holland Petticord Wm. huckster, 162 Ramsay Pettico;d Wm. B. tailor. .Mt Vernon Petticord Wm.H. miller, Mt. Veinon Pettit Allen, carp. 137 .McElderry Pettit Isaac, firensan, 37 S Popplcton Peiiitt Lucinda, 159 Conway Pettit Svlvester, heater. Us Castle Pettit Wm. L. draughtsman, 205 e Pratt Petty James, lab 48 .lobnson Petty John, lab. Lanvale la nr Decker Petty John H. mariner, 65 s High Petty Wm. shoemkr, 74 s Eutaw Petumski Frank, lab. 38 Patterson Park av Petz .\ndrew, blksniith, 61 Myrtle av, dw 59 Petz Conrad, lilKsmith, 59 .Myrtle av Petz George, 59 .Myrtle av Petz Henry, blksmith, 59 Myrtle av Petz John C. 59 Myrtle av Peize Herman H. bookkpr, 497 n Fremont PETZE LdUIS. resuurant, 27 McClellan Petzel Charles, brewer. Dillon and Fourth av Petzold George, tailor, 175 n Caroline Petzold Henry, clerk, 109 s sharp Petzold Louis(L.P.&Co.)109 s Sharp PETZOLD LOUIS & CO. (L. Petzold) imps. pJ| wines, and liquors, 124 w Lombard and 9^ Dover ^ Petzold Wm. R. clerk, 109 s Sharp "^ Pewtner Thos. H. plasterer,309 Druid Hill av PfafF Adam. grocery. 21 5 Scott Pfaff Adam, pijiemkr. 256 s Eutaw Pfaff Catherine, beer, 53 Bank Pfaff George,lab.259 8 Durham Pf'iff George, grocery, Friendship, York rd Pfaflf Henry,clerk, Friendship, York rd o B PQ o O d o o rn ^^ i-H o GQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) c o -t— c- 03 o c V. n ^ r. 6n « 00 ^ ^ o ■^ X >> W cw i-jj o ctf OJ r- • o (/) t^ o o Ir- 1 . r. l=ii cn ^ o O) c O 1— 1 o Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. PFA 454 PHE e Of a t^ O) o i^ c ^ a ^ o c H >^ ?; ?) <: a S -3 TT OS ^ td c H p5 o p-l O einkr, 57 Stockton Pfrtftenbaeh J()lii),sli(>e[iikr,3r)6e Eauer Pfaffenberg;er Cl)risto|)her, tailor, 51 A ii Spring Pfal^'er Lewis, lab. 21 Stockholm Pfaniiniiller F.Job printer, 273 w Pratt Pfarr Conrad. tailor, 22 2 e Chase Pfarr Mrs Dorothea.midwife, 79 Somerset Pfarr John, tailor. 79 Sonierset Pfarr Ludwicr, iailoi-,79 Somer.-:et Pfaa .Mrs. A.Hy.china.}rh(ss,4 w Baltimore PIVHer Chas. beer, 1 87 MontjoniiTy Pf. fifer Fred, tinner. 87 Albemarle' Pfeffer James A. clerk, 7(i3 Lexington Pfcffer Philip, l,ib. 106 Lancaster Pfetfer Thomas, lab. 106 Lancaster Pfeffei'korn Lon s, 'int Pfeifer Giisdorf, lab. 13 n Chaiiel Pfeifer John, cabinetml-r. 26 MiUer Pfeifer John, tiilor, 31 Butler al Pfeifer Louis, cigaimkr, 61 Conway Pfeifer Matthias, t.iilor, 32 n Paca Pfeifer Nathan, lab. 325 P' nna av Pfeitfer Casper, beer, 216 Frederick av Pfeiffer (Jh.is. A. clerk, 59 Buren Pfeilfer Conrjid, dairy, 82 n Ann Pfeiffer Kdward, barber, 55S w Baltimoie Pfeiffer Mrs. Elizabeth, be^r, 3i8 s Kiitaw Pfeitfer George, shoenikr, 421 Peiini av Pfiffer Gerhardt, tailor, 69 e Fayette Pfeiffer Henry, lab. rear 92 Gieenmoiint av Pfeiffer Henry, shoemkr, 61 Conway Pfeiffer Henry, shticker, 138 s Wolfe Pfeiffer James, marble cutter, 52 McHenry Pfeiffer John, cij;ariiikr, 152 n Fremont Pfeiffer John, dairy, 113 n Bond Pfeiffer Jiilin, shoemkr, 275 Piesion Pfeiffer John, shucker, 138 s Wolfe Pfeiffer John, tailor, 217 s Regester Pfeiffer Margaret, seamstress, 272 s Caroline Pf.-ifferMary, 138 s Wolfe Pfeiffer Matthias, shoenikr, 45 Mvrtle av "^ -4-3 fee v^ -^ 3 bc ^ o a •* -^ t^ •^ >■. S PFEIL AUGUST & CO. (A. Pfeil, Waitman Orr,) Commission Mer- chants and wholesale dealers in Lumber, Staves, Hoops, Locust Pins, &e., oSace, Hamburg street, bet Howard and Ohio avenue Pfeil August, baker, 91 Peirce PFEIL AUGU8T, (August P.&Co.):}5G Light Pfeil Fredk. shoemkr, 332 A lie anna Pfeil George, coppersmith, 79 Mullikin Pfeil George, beer, 26 w Lomtiard Pfeil G. Henry, ( H. Pfeil & Son M 19 Druid Hill av Pfeil H. & Son, (Henry and G. Hy. Pfeil) wood and co'il, fool of Ridgely Pfeil Henry, (H. Pfeil & Sod) 119 Druid Hill l Pferl Henry, shoemkr, 300 s Howard Pfeil Wm. me-asurer, 189 s Rei;ester Pfeltz George, clerk, 234 n Broadway Pfertch John, lab. 218 e Chase Pfenneg Henry, carter, 12."^ Orleans Pfetzung P. wagoner, lf>3 ii Fremont Ptifferling David, cattle, 315 e Madison Pfifferling Henry, clerk, 315 e Madison Pfingstein Mrs Louisa, grocery, 199 s Charles Pfinystein Wm. baker, 199 g Charles Pfister Feidii'.and jr. fresco painter,26C s Charles Pfister Ferdinand, enc;ineer, 266 s Charles Pfister Geo. carp. 524 ('an ton av Pfister Geo shoemkr, 43 Cambridge ' Pfister John, shoeniki, 1 .Mott Pfister John J. 152 s Chapel Pfister Joseph H. clerk, 152 s' Choptank Pfister Mrs. Mar'.;aret,i.'rocery,266 s Charles Pfi.ster Nicholas, capper, 266 s Charles Pfister Mrs. Sophia, conlec'y. 291 s Bond Pfisterer Frank, oysters, 39 Bradford al Pfisterer John, tailor, 39 Br^idford al Pfisterer John .M. police, 20 Etting Pfi.-terer Josejih J i)olice, 128 Druid Hill ar Pfisterer Wm. bookkpr, 353 Hollins Pfitsc!) Mrs. Caroline, 63 Henrietta Pflaum Geo. slioemkr, 7 L. Montgomery Pflrtunlacher Henry, tailor, 9 w Fayette Pfiaunlacher Saml. clothing, 214 e Baltimore Pflock Sophia, confec'v, 911 w Baltimore PFLUG DANIEL F. paperhanger,140 e Fayette Pflu^ier lacob, tinner. 54 n Poppletou Pfluger Lewis, tinner, 54 n Poppleton Ptium Fred. lab. 396 s Charles Pflug Mrs. Elizabeth, 162 Orleans Pforr August, stoves, 128 Lindeti av Pforr Christian, baker, 381 Canton av Pforr John, watehman, 72 Holland Pfrom Henry, butcher, 79 Centre market, dw Third av nr Bank Profmer Wm. filemkr, 154 East Phaff Adolph, carp. 126 Aisquith Phantom Capt. Charles, mariner, 155 s Ann Pliebus John, currier, 71 Barnes Phelan Daniel L. police, 215 e Pratt Phelau Jesse C barber, 22.") George Phelan Ji sse jr. architect, 10 s Fremont Phelan John W. 212 (Jcorge Phelan John J. clerk, 695 Le.^iugton Phelan Mrs. Mary, 695 Lexington Phelan Nicholas, 141 Lanvale Phelan Patrick, wagoner, 140 .McHenry Phelau P. H. bookkpr, (595 Lexington Phelan Wm. J. machinist, 163 s I'hester Phelps Adoram( Brooks, Rogers &Co.)259 Druid Hill av Phelps .Austin, huckster, 19 Diamond Phelps Mrs. A. H. L. 36:< Euiaw pi Phelps (Jhas E. (P &Findlev) 363 Eutaw pi PHELPS & FINDLAV, (C."E. Phelps, J. V. L. Fiiullay; attorneys, 3 Coiiriland Phelps Geo. D. saddler, 37 s Mount Phe'ps Jacob, 360 Hoi I ins Phelps James G. bookkpr, 237 Lanv:ile Phelps John B. T. (Henkehuan, Jackson & P.) York rd Phelps John T. painter, Monix>e nr McHenry Phelps Joseph, chairmkr, 93 Hollins Phelps Joseph B huckster, 6 n Oregon Phelps L P. clerk Adams exp. Holliiis nr Mount Phelps Mrs. Mary, 190 George HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. PKE 455 PHCE OQ Phelps Richard T. painter, 335 n Howard, d\v 327 Fr;inklin Phelps Silas, saddler, 400 n Eden Phelps Stmuel 0. clerk, 138 Geor^^e Phelps Wm. H. deievtice, Gibbons hotel Phelps W. H. 11. trav. atrcnt, 50 Clarke Phenix Iron Works, 85, 87 and 89 n Holliday, H. McShaue & Co. proprs Phenix Spice Mills, cor Dallas and Union al Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. 8 Postoffice av PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL- TIMORE RAILROAD DEPOT, cor President and Canton av PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL- TIMORE R.R. ticket office, 143 w Baltimore, F. G. Bovce, ajrent Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail- road telepraph office, Boston and Chesapeake Philbin Francis, gardener, 82 Dolphin Philbin Frank, barkpr, 95 s Exeti-r Philbin Peter, barkpr, 95 s Exeier philbin Thomas, restaurant. 95 s Exeter Philburn Miles, lab. 18 Cooksie Phile Thos. whitesmith, 2 Mercer, dw 42 Chew PhilippHeiirv, tinner, 190 s Charles Philippe Peter, cari>. 140 s Central av philips Abraham A. halter, 109 e Biddle philips Caroline, UOGoU'iii Philips John D. photographer, lo9 e Biddle Philips Saml. F S photo-n-pher, 109 e Biddle Phili|ib Wm. H. p inter. 107 e Biddle Phillips Albert, cooper, Frederick rd nr Gvvynn frtlls, dw 79 s Caie.v Phillips Basil C. huckster, 188 n Eden Phillips Basil, tinmr. 188 n Eden Phillips Benj. F. 97 South, dw Mt. Washington Phillips Benj. F. conductor. 318 w Lombard Phillips Mrs. Clarissa, 239 William Phillips Chas. W. carp. 24 e Monument Phillips Mrs Catherine, grocery, 194 Hanover PHILLIPS CHARLES, locksmith, bellhanger and smith in general, 73 u Front Phillips David, spinner, Druidville Phillips Daniel, njachinist. 177 Chesnut Phillips Edwin, police, 3 Mott Phillips Elizabeth, seamstiess, 227 n Eden Phillips Mrs. Elizabeth, 15 Lloyd Phillips Ferd. F.'beer, 4 s Frederick Phillips Francis H. tool sharpener, 10 Forrest pi, dw adj Monument st bridge Phillips George, lab. 6 Canton av Phillips Geo. wood turner, 226 w Pratt Phillips George, clerk, 194 Han-ver Phillips Geo. L. liquor compounder, 86 Hill Phillips Geo. plasterer, 45 s t5ond Phillips Henrv, blacksmith, 73 n Front Ph'llips Howard, bookkpr, 58 n Liberty Phillips H. B. tinner, 5o3 Saratoga Phillips Hugh, gaiterfitter, 70 n Exeter Phillips Isaac, carp. 24 e xMonument Phillips James, shipcarp. UOGough Phillips Jas. T. groc'y, .Monument and Stirling Phillips James D. tinner, 923 w Baltimore Phillips James H. bookkpr, 49 Valley Phillips James C. carp. 627 w Lombard Phillii)S Mrs. Joanna, .McHenry and Bentalou Phillips John, cooper, 96 Barre Phillips John, sailmkr, 10 Madeira al Phillips John, bootfitter, 159 Ensor Phillips John, huckster, 188 u Eden Phillips John A. keeper Lazereito Lighthouse Phillijis John E. manufr. furniture, 26 s Calvert, factory 306 w Pratt, dw 144 Dolphin Phil lips' John T. clerk, 159 Ensor Phillips John, lab. 27 Hamburg Phillips John, grocery. 76 e Fayette Phillipe John A. mariner, 35 R-mdall PhiHi[i3 John L. carp. 81 Elliott Phillips .lohn B (Saml. Phillips & Co.) Catons- ville, Baltimore co Phillips John G fruit packr, 194 Hanover Phillips John E. irrocery, 80 s Spring Phillips John R. (Holliday, P. & Co.) Huntinj don av nr Cbarles-st av Phillips Joseph, marble mason 75 n Eden Phillips Leaiider 0. engineer, 299 Canton av Phillips Leonhardt, carp. 32 Rue Phillips Lewis C. painter, 24 e .Monument Phillips Lewis J. salesman, 194 Hanover Phillips Mrs. M u-y G 63 n Fremo.t Phillips Mary V. 72 McElderry Phillips Mrs.' Mar.^t. grocery, 125 e Monument O Phillips .Mts. Matilda, 112 Sarah Ann PHILLIPS MORO, sup>-rphosphaie, raanufac- °0 turer 95 Souih, George N. Stubbs, agent _ Phillips Nicholas, carp. 160 s Wolfe, dw HS ^ Philli|i3 Reuben V. mariner, 132 s Sharp ^ Phillips Reuben E. clerk, 52 Saratoga Phillips Richard, clerk, 114 s Bond Phillips Richard, shipcarp. 152 Collington Phillips Capt. Robert, mariner, 64 s Eden Phillips Rachel, restiurani, 34 New Church I Phillips Samuel, clerk, C-ionsviile • Phillips Samuel, blacksmiih, Baker ur Gilmor ^ Phillips Saml. & Co. (J. B. Phillips) gen. com. ^ I and shi[>ping merchls. 97 South t^ Phillips Solomon, hui-kster, 479 e Chase Phillips Thomas, shoemkr, 89 Booth Pliillips Thomas, locksmith, 55 Myrtle av Phillips Thomas, shii.carp. 171 Gough Phillips Thomas J. miller, 698 w Lombard Phillips Thomas, rigger, 140 Gough Phillips Wesley, I ib. 27 Hamburg Philli.is Wm. huckster, 188 n Eden Phillips Wm. A. T. carp. 262 Mulberry ^ Philluis Wm. R plumber, 365 e Fayette Phillips Wm. B.(Holliday, P. &Co.)l49 n Paca ^ Phillips Wm. H. ISS George q Phillips Wm B. 335 e Chase _ -i Philjiot George, attorney and com. of deeds, 65 ^ w Favette, dw 574 w Baltimore q Philpot' Robert, lab. 93 n Bethel X Philpot William, cigars and tobacco, 574 w i-M Baltimore ^ Phipps Mrs. Catherine, 613 w Pratt M Phipps Mrs. Catherine, confectionery and sta-^Z; tionery, 110 n Bond _ <1 Phipps Joseph B. manager Howe Sewing Ma- o o O o o o o pa chi'ne Co. '38 n Charles, dw 231 P^ Phipps John C. irunkmkr, 5-^6 w Pratt [> Phipps M. F. (R. Starr & Co.) 82 n Calvert q Phipps Oliver J. brakeman, 613 w Pratt ^ Phipps R. H. 182 n CaUert OQ Philips Wm. H. shoemkr, 110 n Bond Phoeous John, blacksmith, 126 Chew Phcelus John F. morocco dresser, 71 Barnes Phoe lemueller Philip, tailor, 36 e Pratt PHffiNIX INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, .^ ai^encv 9 and 1! Norih ^ ^^ T^ PHCENI'X MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ^ of Hartford. Conn., Charles P. Montague &^ Son. gen'l agts, L. B. Peirce, gen'l agt, s w ^ cor South and German o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. PHCE 456 PIP H W w ^ H Z-l C/J a K >H O lower. 46 .Montjoinery Pierce Geo. W paperhanLier. 132 n Fiemout Pierce H irrison, machinist, Druidville Pierce .Mrs. Jane A. 50 u Eden PIERCK Dr. LEWIS R. agent Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co of Hartford, Conn., s w cor South and German, dw 589 Lexington Pierce .Margaret .-X. teacher, 50 n Uden Pieice M. W. clerk, 589 Lexington Pierce Samuel W. clerk, 652 w Lombard i'ierce Samuel W. butcher, 750 w Baltimore Pierce Saiah Ann, 134 e Lombard Pifice Thos. H. lab. 33 Essex Pierce Thomas, piititcr, 71 Pearl Piercy John H. photogiaper, 48 Chew Piercy John, police, 457 e Eager Piercy Samuel P. nightman, 48 Chew Pierponl Chas. H. lab. 24 Ryan Pierpont John, cooper, 26 n Schroeder Piersol Isaac, driver, 104 e Madison Pierson August, carp. 60 n Castle Pieraon John W. machinist, 14 Bennett Pierson Noah, boilerinkr, 14 Bennett Pierson Thos. cloth'g cutter, 20 n Central av Pierson Wm. fiainter, 246 Montgomery Piet Ambrose .M salesiiiiin, 74 n Liberty Piet Joliii. 153 n Paca Piet Jno.B.l Kelly. P. &Co.)Lutherville,Balto. CO Piel Wm. A salesman, 267 W. Fayette Pieisch Lewis, clerk, 132 George Pietsch .Mrs. Mary, 132 George Pietsch Wm. watchmkr, 171 Franklin Piggot Cameron, 166 Lanvale Piggot Mrs. .Margaret. 166 Lanvale Piggot Robert, clerk, 16'! Lanvale Piggot W. DcBourne, 166 Lanvale Piggot Wm. T. engineer, 61 s Ann Pigman .Mrs. Hanson B. 186 Franklin Pike -Abraham, 126 n Exeter Pike Wm. shoemkr. 54 s Eutaw Piicher Jauies, enu'ioecr, Ills Poppleton Pilgrim Henry, tailor, lion Dallas Pilkey John P. liijuors, 21 J Knsor Pilkington Wm D. tinner, 97 s Bond Piller Ad im. printer, 176 n Central av Piller Fred. F. moulder, Jefferson nr Chapel Piller Jcjhn, printer, 176 n Central av Pillman Fied. club rooms, 26j n Eutaw Pillman .Margaret, laund. 343 Franklin Pillman Mrs. Mary A. dressinkr, 55 s Monroe Pillsbnry ('apt. Benj. A. niaiiner, Oxford, Vord rd Pillsbiuv Richaid, siioemkr. 266 e Monument Pillsuorih Wm. p .rtei', Sierrett and Rimsav PILOTS' OFFICE. R M.Wherieti, sec. 83 Thames Pil.-ch Jacob, prcjvisions, Ga> and Caroline Pilson Abraham, clerk, 66 s Strieker Pilson Ji.hn T. carp. 66 s Strieker Pimes Isaac, clocks, 10 u Central av Piines Morris, cabinelmkr, 54 Orleans Pina Jacob M. solicitor, 154 Hollins Pinaqui Raymond, cook, 49 Franklin Pindell Anlos C. clerk, 85 Gough Pindell Annie, 43 Chesnut Pindell Mrs. Kliz.ibeth, Mount nr Patterson av Pindell Joseph, pla.-^terer. 32'i Aisquith Pindell .Mary .\ . teacher, 191 n Central av Pindell .Mrs. .Mai\\ Ann, 191 n Central av Pindell Millard, iiiacliiuist, 42 Henrietta Pindell Richard P.. P'liendship Vork rd Pindell Will. T. sexton, 325 Aisquith Pindell Wm. P. lab. 99 s Strieker Pinder James, shoemkr, 21 Ciiew Piiider Janier jr. machinist, 21 Chew Pinger Rev. .Au:j,iistiis. .\liceaiii,a and Second Pinkerton James L. c.k, 29o e Monument Pinkerton John, salesman. 290 e Monument Piiikind E. T. restaurant. 126 Light PINK.NEV CA.MPBELL W. judge Circuit Ct, 335 n Kutaw Pinkney W. S. attorney, 31 n Calvert, dw 340 w Fayette Pinnell John .M. (.Miller, Rogers &Co.)Howard house Pinning Charles, clothier, 198 n Gay Pinning Henry C. {J. A Kilchenslein & Oo.)198 n Gay Pinsmiih Wii. J. police. 124 Burgundy al Pinse Henry, peddler, 54 Orleans Pinto .August, confectioner, 17 e Baltimore Piper Dan'l k. grand t_» ler. Masonic hall, dw 2o2 Franklin Piper Horatio, clerk, 276 Lexington Piper .Mrs. Rosina, 4 Sarah Ann Piper Wm. T. paper carrier, 74 Harford av Pipinbrink C. boots and shoes, 194^ Lexington, dw 430 w Fayette HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithoirraphinir, Encrravincr and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. PIP 457 PLE Pipino Jacob C. plum her, 60 Barnes Pipino Lewis, mariner, 16 Burroujiii Pipino Mrs. Rathel, 60 Binies Pipitone James, tailor, 26 Barnet Pipitoae Vito, tobacconist, Carrollton hotel, dw 26 Barnet Pippen Edward, tailor, 184 Hanover Piquett Daniel, grocery, f)8 Camden, dw 100 Cross Piquett Edw.ird, car driver, 224 Preston Piquett Htnrj-, cooper, 8(i Henrietta Piquett John, plasterer, 224 Pre.-;t0!i Piquett John T. comm'r for opening streets, 25 n Calvert, dw 502 w Pratt Piquett John P. apothecarv,465 Lexington and 502 w Pratt, dw 502 w Pratt Pirie Mrs. (.}( orcre. 23 s Oregon Pirie Geo. hostler, 53 Kint. Smith and Walsh Pistel Lewis, notions, 283 n Howard Pistel Louis, die sinker, 39 Penn Pister Andreas, lab. 150 n Hij^h Pister Wm. wheelwright, ISo n High Pistner Michael J. shoemkr, 22 n Poppleton Pistol Christian, lab. 346 s Charles Pistorius Gustav, shoemkr, .T29 Hamburg Pitcher Mrs. Anna S. 31 Clarke Pitcher James M. blacksmith. 370 w Fayette Pitcher John, lab. 206 Chesnut Pitcher J. Reese, clerk, Maryland av nr Brown Pitcher Philip, 179 Barre Pitcher Wm. H. (P. k Wilson) Maryland av nr Brown Pitcher Wm. L uiider, 36 Brown PITCHER & WILSON (Wm.H. Pitcher, Voung 0. Wilson) brick manufrs, office 1 n Paca Pitainjer Conrad, hrakenian, 20 s Nurris al PITT CHASLES F. & SONS, (C. F. Pitt, F. C. Pitt, C.F.Pitt, Jr.) Com- mission Merchants and Importers of Chemicals, Indigo, &c. , 116 W. Lombard. Pitt Chas. F.jr.rCF.P. & Sons) Balio co Pitt Chas. F. (C F. P. & Sons) Balto co Pitt Chas. H. clerk C H.. Mansion house Pitt Paris C. (C.F.P. & Sons) 271 Madison av Pitt Hosea. musician, 98 (Chesapeake Pitt John C. 518 Lexington Pitt Thomas I. coal and wood, 69 and 71 Albe- marle, dw 136 w Hoffman Pitt Thomas J. clerk, AniMpolis Junction Pitt Wm. sev.ing machine agent, 86 n Howard, dw 383 n Gilmor Pilt Wra. T. 262 w Hoffman Pittig Mrs. Elizabeth, 117 Battery av Pittig Fre'l''!ick, mariner, 117 Bittery av Pittinkopf M x. shoemkr, 116 s Chapel Pittman M s. Catherine A. 28 n Greene Pittman Edward, real estate agent, 5 St. Paul, dw 28 n Green Pittman J. R. brakeman, 28 n Greene Pittman John, mariner, 330 William Pittrotf John W. clerk, 126 Thames Pittrotf John P. tailor, 109 Orleans Pittroff John P. tailor, 6 Centre Market sp Pittrotf John, liquors, n e cor Ann and Thames Pittroff Kate, 115n Chester Pitts Charles H. (F.F.Drexel & Co.)138 Bolton Pitts Edward R. elk. York rd nr North a.v Pitts Geortre W. (John W. Massie & Co.) 2Sl w Fayette Pitts J. G. attorney, IS*? Bolton Pitts Sullivan (Phillips, Goldsborough, P. &Co.) 130 Cathedral Pitts Mrs. Virginia, 281 vv Favette Pitzenger Joseph, butcher, 12 Belair market, dw John nr Harford av Placide J imes, car driver. Retreat nr Park la Placide Jennings & Bros. (J. and Paul I). Pla- cide)coopers .and gau_'ers.57 Buchanan's vvhf Placide Jennings (J. Placide & Bro3.)319 Madi- son av Placide Josephine, 174 n Calvert Placide Paul D. (J. Placide ^-Bros.) 56 s Exeter Plack Geo. flour and feed. 25 e Lombard, dw 93 e Pratt Plack Henry, baker, 141 n Fremont Plack Jacob, (Sinsheim.^r k P.) 82 s P.ica Plack John, clerk. 82 s Paca Plack .Mrs. Kate, dressmkr, 626 w Baltimore Plack Louis, baker, city jail, 413 Light Plack Louis jr. baker, 413 Light Plack Louis, tobacconist, 213 Light Plaenker Fred, bricklayer, 251 Jefferson Plaenker Mis. Henry, 34 e Fayette Plaggemeyer Augustus, tailor, 54 n Eden Plaggeniever Geo. clerk, 54 n Eden Planer John, shoemkr, 12 Mercer dw Washin_'- ton nr Jefferson Flanker Peter, tailor, 243 n Dall.is Planthoit John, shoemkr, 236 n Broadway Plantz Phili[i A. bristle comber, 61 Bentalou Plaichil .Martin, cabinetmkr. 85 n Dallas Plaskitt .Mrs. CatCieiine A. 336 n Central av Plaskitt Joshua, collector, 29 Pleasant Plate Wm. grocery, 1 Vine Plater Geo. R. clerk, 382 w Lombard Platli Frederick, shoemkr, 335 Aisqnith PLATT & CO. (H. S. and L. B. Piatt) oyster and fruit packers, Piatt's whf, s side Basin Piatt Geo. W. papercarrier, 295 Saratoga Piatt Henry, lab. 109 Lancaster Piatt Herman S. (P. & Co.) Carrollton hotel Piatt L. Beach (P. & Co.) Druid Hill av and Lanvale Piatt L. Beach jr. Druid Hill av and Lanvale Piatt Thomas M. saddler. 256 n Eutaw Plait Wm. saddler, 48 w Favette, dw51 n Strieker Piatt Wm. D. cor Druid Hill av and Lanvale Plaiide Jas. cardriver, Retreat nr Park la Plant Louis, clerk, 273 n Gay Plaut Mrs. .Matilda, notions, 273 n Gay Plant Myer. clerk, 274 n Gay Pleasants J. B. clerk, 251 Lanvale Pleasants J. Hall (John P. P. & Sons) 66 Mt. Vernon pi Pleasants John H. clerk, 251 Lanvale PLEASANTS JOHN P & SONS, (R. H. and J.H.Pleasants) tobacco com. nierchts.4 Water Pleasants Samuel S. attorney, 48J St. Paul.dw 251 Lanvale 'J2 5 pq o O d o =^ Q O o 15^ -A -•A < < vA zn O o Power Press Printins, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. PLE 458 POK -.-^^ CD C tic ^i c .- c8 r o a JJ o ,~ 1J --2 = S 3 lO w^ ^ o- ^+ >3 :C .C c5 Si ^ - PleMsants Richd H. (J P.P.&Sons)40 Cnthedral Pleble John, blacksmith, 316 s Bond Plecker A. W. salesman, 329 w Baltimore Pledge J. W. clerk, 114 George Pledge Wra. H. tailor, 61 s Poppleton Pleinpel Val. stonemason, 248 n Caroline Plenkner Peter, tailor, 243 n Dallas Pletcher John, sawyer, 23 German Pletsch Christian, watchmkr, 180 Conway Pletsch Henry, cigarmkr, 28 s Poppleton Pletsch John, car]). 180 Cotiway PLETSCFIER J(jHN,cutlerand surgical instru- mentnikr, 194 w Baltimoie, dw 44 s High Pletzer Wrn. hroomuiki, 178 Peirl Pletzer Wm. J. hroouinikr, 178 Pearl Pleltner Henry, musician, 66 Centre Market sp Plilt August, varnisher, 328 Hanover Plitt Cliarles, moulder, 14 Fountain Plitt Christian, tobacco agent, 139 Battery av Plitt Conrad, beer, 519 e Fayette Plitt Geo. baker, 31 Geiu-ge Plitt Geo. coO[)er, Hanover and Cross Plitt Geo butch, 1 Fells Pt inkt,dw Penna av ext Plitt Geo.(A.Weiskitile &Co.)68 s Washington Plitt Henry, tonic beer manuf.ict'y, 55 and f)7 Walson, dw 9 Lloyd Plitt John, shoeuikr, 29 Philpot al Plitt Leomud, moulder, 14 Fountain Plitt Louis, moulder, 249 Aliceanna Plitt Louis, lab. 58 Jolmsnn Plitt Mrs. Martiarct. 110 Ramsay Plitt Mary, beer, 249 Aliceanna Plitt .Max S. butclit-r, 7o Centre, 62 Hanover, 6 Fiiclmiond and 9 Lexington nikts, dw Penua av nr North av Plilt Wm. baker, 186 n Fremont Plock Conrad, grocery, 49 a Dallas Plock Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, n w cor Mc- Doiiogh and Chew Plock Peter, letiner, 212 Chew Plowman Augustus, silversmith, 107 n Chester Piownmn .Mrs. E. seamstress, 107 n Chester Plowman James R. driver, 154 George IMowman Jad. T. sr. cabinetmkr, 104 s Charles, dw 307 Plowman James T. jr. cabinetmkr, 307 s Charles Plowman John, tlagmaii, Falls rd nr North av Plowman Richard D. driver, 154 George Plowman Mrs. Sarah M. 154 (Je 'rge Pluhar Wenzel, cabineimki. 7 Hinnersel Phimhott' Mrs. (Jalharine, 25 Mav Plumhoff Fred'k, baker, 25 M ly I'lumlioir Henry, tinner, 25 May PliimholT' Henry G. bakery, 284 Aliceanna Plumhoff John H. harnessmkr, 25 May Plummer (Jatharine, 261 s Ann Piummer Edgar, state grain weigher, 3 Wood, dw 473 n Fremont I'iummer Edward, sawyer, 265 n Front Plummer Kdward, carp. 55 George Plummer Fayette, harl)iir m ister,6 Bovvly's vvhf, dw 294 n Eutaw PLUMMER FRANtns W. furniture warerooms, 49 Ibiiiover, dw Ualtiuiore co Plusnmer Henry, lab. 129 s Chest' r Plummer Hernnvu H. lab. 9-! Warner Plummer J. T. clerk, 473 n Fremont Piummer James, carter, 35 (ireenimmnt av Plumuier James, driver, 265 n Front Plummer James C. clerk, 6 Commerce Piummer James H. huckster, 156 s Paca Plummer Jesse, clerk. 15 Cathedral Plummer Jesse H. clerk, 204 Madison av Plummer John F. watch'nkr, 83 n Gay, dw 98 Aisquith Plummer John F. jr. salesnian, 98 -Msquith Plummer John W. news depjt, 11 Penna av Plummer John W. bootmkr, 65 s Fremont Plummer Joseph A. clerk, 122 Barre Plummer Mrs. Manraret, seamstress, 176eMadlson Plummer Nathan, salesman, 409 n Carey Plummer Mrs. Sarah, drv tioods, 156 s Paca Plummer T. Sewall, clerk C. H. 284 n E.len Plummer Thomas S. ^ Robinson, McLeod & Co.) Baltimore co Plummer Wm. clerk, cor Exeter and Watson Plummer Wni. E. bricklayer, 124 s Poppleton Plummer Wm. J. printer, 194 s Charles, dw 48 Hill Plunkett F. C. (McBriety & P.) 317 e Chase Plunkett Jas. A. salesman, 248 w Favette Plunkett .M. H., U. S. Navy, 22 s Mount Plunkett Thos. A collector, 372 Hanover Plyman Mary, tailoress, 5 Green ct Pobst Theo. boxmkr^ Hamburg and Ridirely Pocick Clias. R.shipcar|).Lancasterand Third av Poe Chas. att'y, 49 Lexington, dw 11 1 Park av Poe Georite. 162 n Howard POE NEILSUN & JtJHN P.attorneys,47St.Paul Poe John P. (N. & J. P. P.) 124 St. Paul Poe Neilson jr. teller Com. and Farmers Bank, dw 124 Lanvale Poe Neilson sr.(Neils(.n & J. P. P.)lll Park av Poets xVlex. painter, 85 North Poeiter Fred, wheelwright, 315 .Aliceanna Poetter Fred, wheelwright, 396 Eastern av Poetter Wm. wheelwright, 396 Eastern av Poezolh Herman, tailor, 2 Claggett al Poggi Antonio, peddler, 63 President Pohl Adam tailor, 79 Jackson sq av Pohl Anton, architect, 105 Lexington Pohl Mrs. E. hoo|)skirt and corset manufactorj, 104 Lexington Pohl George P. blacksmith, 93 s Wolfe Pohl Henry, .jrocery. 65 Lancaster Pohl Julius, 105 Lexin>rttni i'ohler Frank H. cigarmki-, 3 .\uthonv I'ohler Herman, cigar m.inut'act'r, 32 President Pohlman Frederica, 284 Penna av Pohl man George, wine saloon, 266 Eastern av Pohlman Gnstav A jeweler, 284 Penna av I'ohlman Wm. watchmaker, 284 Penua av Pt)hlmanu D.miel, jeweler, 676 w Baltimore i'ohlmanu Fredk, tailor, 56 Portland Pohnert (Miarles, biksmith, 45 Portland Pohnert Edw'd, barber. Howard house, dw 130 Co u way Pohoraleic Anton, tailor, 289 s Bond Pohoraiek Oielia, tailoress, 280 s Bond Pohsein Charles, cooper, 903 w Pratt Poimiexter Charles, 352 ii Eutaw Poiner Elijah, mariner, 36 Williamson al Poiner Thorn. IS R. mariner, 36 Williamson al Poisal l'\ A. printer, 246 n Hovv.ird Poksil John W. drug clerk, n w cor .Monument and Bond Poisal R-v. John, editor, 33S n Strieker I'ois.il Thomas B. 338 n Strieker Poisal W. F. clerk, 385 n Gay Poist .Mrs. Barl)ara E. 387 Franklin I'oisl ('harles D. clerk, 243 n Carey Poist Win. coachsmith, 387 Franklin Poist Wm. B. sewing machine a^t, 105 Chew I Pokern Charles, grocery. Canton av and Wolfe -:i 4©- HOLMES & CO., Kngineerb' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. POL 459 POO Polack Magness, dyer, 81 Goiifrh Polak Frank, shoemkr. 48 Ilanisnn Pole Armeiiius C. medical stiuk-ut, North av nr Penna av Pole Charles, painter. 461 n Fremont Pole Wm. sr majiistrMte, Nortii av nr Penna av Poley John, lab. 45 Ahhoti Polev Rolicrt. huckster, 4') Alitiott POL'ICM COMMIi^SlONF'^riS, citv hall POLICF AND FIUK ALARM TELE(;RAPII, citv hall police: MARSHAL'S office, city hall POLICK STATIONS, Eastern, cor Bank :\n(l Bethel North Eastern, cor (-hew and Broadway North Western, cor Penna av and Lambert Western. Greene nr Baltimore Jliddle, Nortk nr Lexington Soutiiern, cor Sliarp and Jlontcfomery Polish Jews Synaojoiiue, Kxeter nr P^ayette Politzer Iji-nat. stoves, 41^5 vv Baltimore Polilzer Jacol), clerk, 435 w Baltimore Polk [)r. John P.'examiner drusrs.C.H., dw 258 Druid Hill av POLK LUCIUS C. attorney, 31 n Calvert, dw 153 St. Paul Polk N. W. 258 Druid Hill av Polk Puiliert M. propertv a^eiit, 4 Ais(iiiith POLK W. STEWART, .jeiieral ins. a^ent and hidker, 13 Rialto liuildinp dw 60 Saratoga Pollack Aliraham, 250 n Eutavt' Pollark Uriah A. U[iholsterer,96 n Ilowird, dw 350 n Kulaw POLLACK URIAH A., Manufact. of Mattresses, Bedding, Blankets, Comforts and Upholstered Goods, No. 96 n Howard, between Mul- berry and Saratoga. Pollard Ann, huckstress, 23 DouL'lass Pollard Cha.s. R. hookkpr, 229 Wal.-^h Pollard David M. hrickhiyer, 151 Ais(juith Polhird Jame.s, huckster. "298 s Paca Pollard Jas.ati'y,42St Paul,dw 187 w Fayette Pollard Rev. John jr. 79 Lee Pollard Kate, 23 Doualasd Pollard Mrs. .Marv. 28 Sterrett roLLARD PHTEB B.(IV .t Roche) tavern and livciv slahl.', 9 n Frederick Pdlhird R'phael J clerk, 19 Sterrett Pollard & Roehe (I'.B. i^jllard, John P. Roche) Kulaw and St. Clair stables, 35 North I'ollard Thomas, huckster, 2S Sterrett Pollard Mrs. Sarah. 34 (Jrantiy pollard Smith, clerk, 181 AiMjuith Pollatsek Philip, bookkpr, 12i; w Townsenil Polieisek Leo. upholsleier, (50 n i>iberty Pollety Geo. T. shoemkr. 139 Franklin Pollety Jacob, shoemkr, 22S Hanover Policy Charles G. flour and feed, 72 .s Charles, dw 22 (Jeoree PoUey Richard G. hoopskirt mkr, GU Camden Policy .Mrs. Sirah, hooj)skirts. CG Camden Polhein Fred. Baltimore Pontier John S. detective, 38 Spring row Pontiei Lae ariiue, clerk, 352 e Baltimore Pontier Lewis E. bookk[ir, 38 Sprintr row Pontier Reuben .\. clerk, 352 e Baltimore Pontier .Mr.-. T A. 37 .Aisquiih Ponzenb:icl: John, engineer, 200 n Caioline Pool Mrs. Ann, 2n8 Forrest Pool (.llias. bra-.sfinisher, 2os Forrest Pool Geo. T uuiiirellas. 54o w B.illimore Pool Henry .M. machinist. 2()8 Forrest Poole Clias. engineer, so Albemarle Poole Daniel, lali. 4 e Biddle Poole Edwin R. pnliee, 157 Greenmount av Poole Fred. 240 n Dallas Poole (ieoree, Woodbeiry Poole (Jeorge, lab. 29S n Bond Poole Henrv, police, 77 n Camline POOLE& HUNf (lil'o"'<'<' 11 IIunt)manufr _^ engines and lioilers, 7 German, and W ood- "-yo berry Poule "j.imes. salesman. 5 .lackson Poole Jas. E. machinist. G5 s Sehroeder Poole John II shoemkr, .320 n Durham I'oole John II. macbini.M, 103 I'aikin Poole Joseph, iilumber. 227 Ddphin Poole Rolieit, (P. A: Hunt) Woodberry ^ Puole Richaid. b.dlermkr. 2 12 William ^ Poole Win. dilver. 298 n Bonr A. jr. elerk, 9 Mcl.'uUoh -^ Poor E b'D. clerk, Gas Co.dw 23 n Republican |Z) Poor Henrv I), clerk, 23 n Republican ^^ POOR RICllAivD L. general aH O ^ <: O ^ W H-i H o 1 — CO ►—J O „ m t^ 00 O 6 •^— t ^ *— 1 ^ rh o o p^ < o§ ^O C Okh O *-i 1-4 O (^ K ^ P ~ O oo -t1 o w Poor Mrs. John H. 49 McCulloli Pope IJenjiiiiin F. clerk, 220 Druiil Hill av Pope Bros. (Win. H. and E. A. Poiie, ) cigars and toliacco, 3.^ Lipht POPE, COLE & CO. (G. A. Pope, Geo. B. Cole, Johns Hopkins, Jno. W. Garrett und W. Keyser,) Pro- prietors Baltimore Copper Works, Canton, Office 57 s Gay POI'E k COLE, (G..\.Pope,G. B. Cole) metals, &c. 57 .=; Gay Pope Mrs. Caroliae. 60 McIIenry Pope Clus. ensrin'r.Barnum's liotel, 152 Stirling POPRDANIKLF.{Pope&Owens) liST Lindenav Pope U ivid S. 248 n Eiit 'w Pope Edward A. (Pope Bros.) cor Le.vingt;ton av Poteet Thomas, machinist, 179 Aisquith Potheg August, lab. 97 Cambridge Potomac Fire Insurance Co , .Marble building, 3 Pustoffice av. I. W. Jewett. president POTO.M.AC STKAMHU.^T CU. for Washing- ton, Alexandria, Georgetown and River land- ings. Fredericksburg, and C. & O. R. R., J. C. Hill, agent, over pier 9 Light-st wbf Potomac Transportation Hue, for Ale.xandria, Washington and Geoigetown, A. Xeedham & Sons, agents, 142 Light-st vvhf Potter Benj. ironroller, 38 s Regester Potter Mrs. Charity, 94 s Caroline Potter Charles, shipcarp. 87 s Caroline Potter .Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Harlem av Poller Grafton, furn. 55 e Lombard Poller Hugh, cooper, 46 L. -McElderry Potter James, lab. rear 416 Saratoga Potter John, carp. 32 Somerset Potter John, shipcarp. 87 s Caroline Potter John J. police, 315 e Monument Potter Martin, mariner, >sO s Wolfe Potter Thomas jr. lab. 7 Somerset Potter Wm. lab. 32 Somt-rset Potterfield John D. salesman, 20 n Fremont Polling Chas. tobacconist, 76 Henrietta Polls Kdw'd, clerk, B.& O.R.R. 653 w Lombard POTTS J. NEWPORT, phaimacist, 497 u Gay Potts John, engineer, 73 \v Biddle Potts Peter, engineer, 202 Park av Potts Peter, engineer, 65 George Potts Peter W. painter, 85 n Schroeder Polls P. Wilson, cabinelmkr, 85 n Schroeder Potts Robert, engineer, 2u2 Park av Poits Robert, stcjueculter, 73 w Biddle Potts Samuel W. dentist, 85 n Schroeder Potts Wm. A. butter and provisions, 88 Hano- ver, dw 77 Potts Wm. J. engineer, 223 Park av Pouder Mrs. Ann, 231 George Ponder Charles A. (George \V. P. & Son) 428 Lexington Pouder Geo. W. -rnon pi POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO. (T. Poullney, D. B Trimlile, C. B KleibacUer) guns, pistols, cutleiy, and importers of fuic}' goods, 2u0 w Baltimore Poullney AValter DeC. agt. W.Va Transporta- tion Co. 44 w Lombard, dw 66 Si. Paul POULTON k BRO. (James E. and Robert A. Poulton) grocers, Columbia and Scott, and Cor Lee and Warner Poulton Chas. M. cleik. 245 Columbia Poulton James E. (P. & Bro.) 184 s Paca Poulton John, brickmkr, 143 Scott Poulton John E. brickmkr, 143 Scott Poulton Robert A. (P. & Bro ) cor Lee and Warner Poulton Wm. E. (Armstrong & Co.) 322 Light Poumairat Chas.H stationery, 5.'Jl w Baltimore, dw 73 n (Jilmor Poumairat Mrs. C. M. 73 n Gilmor Powell Mrs. A. A. housekeeper. Northern Cen- tral hotel Powell Dr. A. H. 87 Franklin, dw 118 St. Paul Powell Mrs. Briiiget, 144 .MuUikin Powell Charles P. 16 Jackson pi Powell Daniel, engineer, Clinton nr Second av £ Powell David, wagoner, 84 Granby Poueil Iv A. clerk, 162 n Howard Powell Rev. G. W. 330 e Baltimore Powell George, lab. 5i8 Canton av Powell George, ironworker, 55 s Burke Powell Henry, 29 Aisquilh Powell H. Lee, bookkpr, 54 St. Paul Powell James H. huckster, 1 1 Lancaster Powell .lames H. huckster, 501 Lexington Powell John, engineer, 22 Clinton Powell Joiiu, hucksiei, 56 Duncan al Powell John, lab Pratt and Charles Powell John, lab Cathedral exl Powell Dr. John F. 72 e Prait Powell J. S. oyster packer, 185 s Ann Powell Louis U. attorney, 51 w Fayette, dw 99 St. Paul Powell Louis H. teacher, 78 Read Powell Mrs. Mar\ , 16 Jackson pi Powell R. M. &" Co. (R M. Powell,) cotton brokers, 58 Exchange pi Powell R. M. (R. M. P. & Co.) 51 Mosher Po'Aell Robert W. wagoner, 155 s Washington Powell Robt. W. carp, over 78 n Amity Powell Dr. Samuel F. 29 Aisquith Powell Samuel R. mineral land agt. 113 n Gilmor Powell Wm.grocy,cor Fayette and Washington PQ o O O O Pi o o ^ OQ o ft < ft <1 OQ P5 \^ ft (— I o ft 12; o p^ I— I H CD <1 O Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) « C o .1^ — ^ • ^^ a rj era o O) 'Z Ph m ^ '^ a; t£ ~ !zi ', , '♦— r-i— — cc ce . •- <~— 3j o z t.£ Mntual Life Insurance Co- of New York. POW 462 PKE' ^;3 s r. X ^ a c:j r! ^— c ' ) v. Zj ^ t^ = Sfd o i__ — . 'Jl o ^S ^ c . ^ rt 03 ^ o o; ^ w U3 H Ph ~ hiH ^; o _d ^ ^ lyj • (—1 r— ^ s n ^ ■»J <; CO o; ffi iq Zi ^ Pi •t1 ^ ' O s Ph O 1 cS ijj o: >-. <-i> , ■' ' ■\ o ce -N ."^ ■^ p "' C3 o o .^ 5f s r' o o .:: > so F - ■2 X P 9 ~ lO ■a o <» Powell Wra. H. stiinip clerk P. 0. HI e Favette Powell Wni. M. (S. E. Egertoii & Co.) 42 Lex- ington Powell Wm. W. 51 Mosher Power Charles E. clerk, 111 St. Paul Power Charles R clerk, 1 1 1 St. Paul Power Kilward J. V. SMJesinaii, 111 St. Paul Power Mrs. Eliza, 269 Madison av Power Geo. bluck-smith, 110 s Howard Power James S. carter, 77 Boyd Power James S. jr. lab. 77 Boyd Power John, 8 s Strieker Power Joseph, 557 Harford av Power Airs. Mary, grocery, 110 s Howard Power Nicholas, canmkr, 107 McElderry Power Patrick, shoeinkr, 17 n Amity Power Philip, lab. 32 Bnine Power R. B. S. clerk, 8 Strieker Power Mrs. Susan, 88 n Carey Power Wm. G. 269 Madison av Powers David, carpenter, 76 Payson Powers George VV. moulder, 191 Orleans Poweis Mrs. Hauuah, 66 n Ann Powers Mrs. Honoiah, Cathedral ext Powers James \V. painter, 191 Orleans Powers Jefferson, overseer, Uruidville Powers John, moulder, 121 s Poppleton Powers John, lab. Cathedral ext Powers John G. driver, 6u West Falls av Powers John, iab. 409 s Charles Powers John, police, 79 n Central av Powers Josiah T. pilot, 123 William Powers iMrs. Mary E. dressmkr, 191 Orleans Powers Patrick, cooper, 80 Henrietta Powers Peter, mariner, 41 President Powers Wm. coachman, 156 n Calvert Powers Warren T miller, 191 Hollins POWHATAN STEAMBOAT LINE, 90 Light-st «hf, U. J. Hill, supt. W. A. Selden, agt. Powhatan hall, over s e cor Pratt and Bond Powles Henry, real estate, 49 Lexington, dw 74 w Madison Powley Edwin C. clerk, 44 s Calhoun Posvley Edwin, carp. 44 s Calhoun Powley Richard, carp. Western .Maryland hotel Powrohzinski Paul, lab 55 Shakspear Poyston N. B. clerk, 194 U^vi^ion Piachl Albert, clerk, 180 Franklin Pracht Augustus C. (Isaac Reynolds & Son) 207 w Townsend Pracht Charles, (C. P. & Co.) 180 Franklin PRACHT CHAS & CO.(C. Pracht, J. Maihes) candy niaiiufact'rs, 155 and 157 Franklin Piachl G. H. clerk, 207 w Townsjtid Praeger Henry, 151 n Carey Praeger Louis, notions and scouring, 723 w Baltimore Prag Aaron, booklieeper, 355 S/iratoga Prag Harry, clerk, 355 Saratoga Piag Isaiah, furniluie, 355 Saratoga Prager Frederick, beer, 512 w Pratt Prager H. W. ironworker, 58 Bruue Prager John, ironworker, 5« Brune Prager Wm. tavern, 191 Boston Prager Wm. ironworker, 58 Bruue Praley John, beer, 125 n Wa?liington Prasch Philip, jeweler, 175 Madtiiaal Putsch Jiicob, l < I — I < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. PRI 464 PRO o O <1 Wt-I O o OS oW« ?^ '^ Q Oh tig I— I ^ ]— I ^<: cc >■ K O H O Price Wm. G. & Co. (Win. G. Price) foreign and domestic fruits and com. meiclmnts, 103 w Lomlifird Price Wm. G. (W. G. P. & Co.) 61 McCulloh Price Win. G. jr (F. C. Grange & Co.) .51 Mc- Culloh Price Wm. 312 n Caroline Pjice Wm. L. carp. "24 Wilheltn Price Will. N. carp. 2 i 7 n Howard Price Wm. S. 78 Paik av PriceWm.T. office U. S. shipping commissioner, 24 Second, dvv 40 s Ann Price Wm. T. milk, 94 n Caroline Price Win. T. 27 Forrest pi Price Winfield S. (R. P. & Son, ) 427 n Calhoun Prichard Geo. M. confectioner, 98 Preston Prichard Dr. J. E., Clinton nr Toone Prid.tieon iMr3.Georfiianiia,dry goods, 342 Light Priilfzeon John jr. hooivh'r, 3G1 s Cliarles Prid^;con John, foreman, 75 Cross Pridtieon Juhnsou, stationery, 22 e Lombard, dw 274 s Charles Pridgeon Wm. R. bookbinder, 342 Light Pridham Mis. Ei:a, dressnikr, 199 s BondJ Priiiliam Lawrence S. 199 s Bond Priester John, blacksmith, 390 Mulberry Priesterjahn (Jhas. fec'y Hildise Bund, 16 Post- office av, dw 44 n Pine Priestiijahn Theodore, beer, 429 w Baltimore Pri;;g Or. Joseph, 56 n Exeter Prigg Julius A. jewehy, notions, 84j w Balti- more, dw 174 Harford av Prika James, coach painter, 22 Barnes Prill Rachel, teacher, Woodberry Piiller Conrad, carp. 202 e Chase Priller Fred. F. moulder, Jefferson nr Chester Priinan Wm. barber, 31 May Prime Eli S. ganger, 319 n Eden Piime Wm. T. gauger, s e cor Pratt and Com- merce, dw 429 n Central av Primrose Samuel F. clerk, 196 Greenmount av Primrose Wm. F. sec'y and treas'r, of Loudon Park Cemetery, 19j South, dw Arlington av opp Lafayette sq Primrose Wm. D. assistant sec'y Loudon Park Cemetery, dw Arlington av nr Townsend Primrose Wm. D. clerk, Arlington av opposite Lafayette sq Primrose Wm. G. machinist, 29 s Fulton Primrose Win. H. cigarmkr, 29 s Fulton Primus Anton, lab. 97 Thames Prince Dr. Anton, 90 Thames Prince Chas. W. 122 McElderry Prince Conrad, junk. 133 s High Prince George E. painter, 14 s Fremont Prince Isaac jr. 391 Druid Hill av I'riiice John, basketmkr, 423 n Gay Prince John, carp. Oxford, York rd Prince Laurence L.(L.L.P.& Co.) 69 n Charles PRINCE L L. & CU. (Laurence L. Prince and Owen Norris) cotton factors, over 27 s Gay Prince Lemuel S. janitor, 122 McElderry Prince Thomas, conductor, 214 Barre Prioce Wm. A. farmer, 14 s Fremont I'lince VV'm. A. public weigher, over 63 s Gay, dw liarlem av nr Gilmor Prince Wm. A. potter, 155 Hollins Pring Francis, lab. 405 s Eutiiw Priuty James, clerk, 225 Light Piinly John sr. grocery, 225 Light Priiity John jr. 225 Light Prioz Ferdinand, shoemkr, 3 Bevan Prinz Hariiiian, currier and leather, 369 s I Charles, dvv 314 Light ; Prinz Jolm ji. coal, 150 Eastern av, dw 188 s I Spiinu' Prior Kdward A.( Alberti,P.^ Co.l 66 n Greene Prior Gu.«lav (P. & Von Collen) 66 n Greene ^ Prior Jiihn A. inspector, 508 Aisquith ; Prior & Von Collen (G. Prior, J. C. Von Col- en) ship, and com merchts. 143 w Lombard ' Pritchard Arthur J. paymaster, U. S. N. 256 w ' Lombard I Pritchard Charles, lab. 13 Cambridge ! Pritchard John, salesman, 67 St. Paul Pritchard Mrs. Julia, boarding, 124 Hanover Pritchard Mrs. Louisa, millinery and fancy goods, 502 w Baltimore, dw 230 w Fayette Pritchard Richard, bricklayer, 91 Battery av Pritchard Capt. Richard, mariner, 96 s Ann Pritchard Mrs. Sarah, 132 Lancaster Pritchard Samuel, lab. 13 Cambridge Pritchard Wm. upholsterer, 84 Stirling Piitcheit Benjamin F. mariner, 353 Hamburg Pritclictt Mary E. stationery, 352 Light Pritchett Wm. L. pilot 352* Light Pritchctt Wm. T. (J. Thomas Travers & Co.) 333 Light Privelt B. M. (Robinson, McLeod ^Co.) Golds- borough, N. C. Probest Geo. E. bookkpr, 674 w Lombard Probine .Mark Antony, shoecutter, 38 n Pine Probst Richard, picture painter, 248 n Central av Prochneski John, lab. 262 s Broadway Procise T. J. coachpainter, 412 Lexi-jgton Procter Samuel T. i82 Townsend Proctor John, watchman, 13 Stockholm Proctor Mrs. Rebecca, Woodberry Proctor Richard W. [jlasterer, 447 e Fayette Proctor Robert H. plasterer, 248 e .Madison Proctor Robert S. blacksmith, s w cor North av and York rd Produce Exchange, over cor Lombard and South, E. L. Kemp, pres't Prokop Caspar, shoemkr, 103 Low Proll Christojiher, tailor, 69 e Fayette Propf Pliilip, blacksmith, 89^ e Lombard Propst John, cabinetmkr, 57 s Chapel Proseiis A. Claude, clerk. Mulberry nr Strieker Prosser John, lab. rear 14 President Prothe Geo. cotfee roaster, s e cor Liberty and Lombard, dw 352 Franklin Protzmau Richard, tailor, 346 Penna av Protzinan Seliastian, tailor, 6 n Ann Prolzman W. H. clerk, 550 Lexington PROUD & CAMPBELL,(J. G. Proud jr., R. M. Proud, N. P. Campbell) insurance agents, Rialio building, s e cor Second and Holli- day.. — [- Purviance Hugh Y.. U.S.N. 93 w Monument q Purviance Margaret S. president Union Orphan ^^. Asylum, dw 154 w Biddle ^Q: Purvis Wm. H. clerk, Caroline and Biddle Pusch Geo. sawyer, 246 s Broadway ^. Pusey .Miss C. S. school, 558 Franklin <^ Pusey Nathan .M. (Busey & P.) Baltimore co Q Putsche Chas. lab. 98 Clinton Putsche Fred, restaurant. 175- w Biddle 30 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual L-ife Insurance Co. of New York, PUT 466 QUI c X Putschky J. Freil (^ ,^ ZC l^i'tis Chiis. ciiop' lab 170 Johnson 26 n Pino '?.-=■ ^ X t> p ~ Putts J. William, clerk. 530 Lexington — X^ Putts Mrs. Mary, dressnikr. 2G n Pine ?; ^ Putts Tlios. M. 'clerk 26 n Pino Putzell Jacob, bookkpr, 24 n Eutiiw Pu'zell Miutin, asst. l.ckki.r, 24 n Eutaw Putzell S.lii; G.(Hochl& P.) 24 u Kutavv Pveritz Tlit-odoiT, jioitcr, Shirk and Oak •'— ^ Pyfer John, cattle driver, 104 n Scliioeder ■— ^ ^ Pyle Elieiiizer, oversier. Mount Vernuii -p ^ 5 Pvle Thomas, moulder, Mount Vernon ■JZ "z- -r^ P\le \\'"'- A. plasterer, 348 Hanovtr ^ K^ ^ Pyle Wm li. jr. plasterer, 348 Hanover "^"^ -J. P\ ne J mes F. expre.-sman, 434 w Baliimore — > . Pyne S.miuel J. clerk, 76 s Sharp ^- —- .' ca l^-p i Q B T '^ Qunckenhush A. S. 28 Read ~ ^ ^ Qiiaid David, niacliinist, 126 Dolphin c. .-'-^ Q aid Ja:iies, storekeeper, N C.R. 62 Decker ^ t oT Q"'^'' *^'''*- ^''°- ^^ ^^' ^^' P'y^'tte >.-^ o Quail Roljert, junk, 117 s Paca ■tt c: -K ■ — — — it . 9 ^ .Z. ^ -^ z: Quatman Edward, watclunkr, 235 Canton av 2 "ti ^ Quatman Fred. B. (F. B. Quatman & Co.) 56 6i ^' Z h Quaty Fred.' carp. 389 Orleans 'c - '^ Quay Charles, porter, 102 s iSharp S ^ 'i: Quay Jolin C. 504 w 15altiniore S >i o Queen Fire Ii s. Co. of Liverpool and London, 1^ 'o ^ W ni H. and J. C. Keiuhler, af^ents, 55 Second - .^ "i Queen Peter, diiver, 55 n Iloliiday ^ i£ _ Quental Henry, shoemkr, 104 Columbia S 3 i- Quentin Gertrude, toliaccotiist, 354 Canton av "" ^ Querufiesser Louis, shoemkr, 144 McElderry >> Quest \Vm. canmkr, 24 Fell e3 '•is X QUANDT CHARLES, Ladies' and Gent lemen's PracticalHaii'dresser and Wig Maker, 40 n Gi^eene, be- tween Lexington and Fayette sts. ^ " H- Quandt Charles, barber, 156 Franklin .C ^ 2 Quandt Fred. lab. 113 s Dallas oi C 2- Quandt Henry, shoemkr, 156 Franklin 'C ^ - Quante Franz, i)i:uioinkr, 118 Pe.rl Jf u5 § Quantmeyer Fred, painter, 117 n Washingrton '^ _ H Qiiantmc"\er Henry, painter, 117 n Washington ^ •- d Quaiitineyer Mrs. Sophia, tobacconist, 117 n '^ >i S WashiufTton +e 'a; -2 Quanz Anton, butcher, 98 Belair and 18 Cross £jq "J^ "^ St mkis, dw Harford rd nr city limits 't =S Quarenjiesser Fred. carp. 349 e Fayette . •— 2i Quarenuesser Louis, shoemkr, 144 McElderry "g ^ F Quarles Charles, car inspector, 365 n Bond ^ C 2 Quarles John, salesman, 29 Read «^ ._4^ Quarles Mrs. .M. E. 112 n Republican ^ M '- QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, U. S. A. 51 T -2 s Sharp o 5 >^, Quartley Arthur, artist, over s w cor Charles "S ^ t.' and Lex in^' ton, dw 417 n Carey >^r2 ? Quartley Charles, show card writer and pho- r>j ^ >^ tographer, 217 w Baltimore g '2 - Quast Henry, tailor, 114 Low e (^ rC Quatman Anton, watchmkr, 235 Canton av S Quatman Mrs. Coiistantiue, fancy store, 233 Canton av 56 s 1^ "Charles m- Quatman F. B. & Co. (F. B. Quatman and H. Downing) wholesale tobacconists,56s Charles Quick David T. gardener, St. Paul and Huni- inirdon av Quick Edwin S. butcher, St. Paul and Huiit- tn 'don av Qui.k George, gardener, Reistertown rd Quick Harriet A. dre.--:nikr. 26 e Btliimore Quick .lames, shoemkr, 118 n Giy Quick J. II. gardener, St. Paul and Hunting- don av Quickhurner Win. lab. 257 s Durham Quigley Charles H. carp. 34 n Poi'pleton Qui..ili-y George W. a>rent, 376 .MeDonogh Quigley Hut;h.carp.27M ii-ion,dw 34nP.ippletoa Quigley James, engineer. 5 Courtland Quifiley John, peddh-r, 275 William Quigley John, lab. 104 Ensor Quigley Mrs. .Mary, notions 275 William Qiiiglo'v & P.-ttic()rd, (Wm S. Quigley and .John Petticord) manufacturers of fur hats, 1 Bra- denbaugh al Quiiiley Timohy, lab. 81 Luzerne Quigley Wm. H. clerk, 34 n Poppleton Quiuley Wm. S. (Quigley & Petticord) 24 PC'ina av Quill Maurice, lab. 68 s Chapel Quillin Bridget, grocery. 25 Ogston Q.iillin E tella, 221 Vine Quillin Edward, lab. 158 Leadenhall Quillin James, carter, 25 Ogston Quillin James jr. lab. 25 Osrston Quillin Owen, carter, 173 West Quillin Thomas, carter. 258 Mulberry Quimby Dt nton. caulker. 44 s Bioadway Quin Dr. George, 2.59 e Madison Qiiinan Dr. John R n w cor Hollinsand Gllmor Quinan Dr. Pascal A. 216 Park av Quinan Pascal jr. clerk, 13 s Gilmor Quinan Thomas H. jr. bookkpr, 13 s Gilmor Quinav Daniel, grocery, 120 n Exeter Quincy Mrs. Elizabeth J. 332 n Eden Quincy Wm. H. 332 n Eden Quincy John D. 173 n Exeter Quinlan James, porter. 133 Hanover Quinlan John, engineer, 115 s Eden Quinlan Joseph E. carp'r. Bank la nr St. Paul, dw 360 w Fayette Quinlan Louisa, 91 Sarato- Quinn Mrs. Sarah," ^rrocery, 157 e Madison Quinn TiMuias, ovsterpkr, 6 Addison Quinn ThouMs, k.b. 63 Uloc,< Quinn ThouKis, carier, 164 s Central av Quiun \Vm. drayman, 6:^2 w Pratt Quinn Win. eutrineer, 156 Ghoptank Quinn Wm. H. tonic beer, 261 Hanover dw4U Saratoga ' Quint John, lab. 57 L. Pleasant Quirk Arthur. lab. 190 e E i and 22 McClellan ^ Radecke Dederick. 421 Hambur;^ Radecke Herman F. carp. 909 w^Baltimore Radecke H. H. carp. 79 s Hu'h Radecke John D. (R. & Co.f 13 Waesche Ki.decke John F. carp. 676 Lexington Radecke Mrs. Margaret, confectionery,676 Lex- ington R.delotf Mrs. John F tobacconist, 5 Fell Radeloff Wm. mariner, 5 Fell Radigan Henry, lab. 39 James al Radigan James, woodwkr, 24 Spring Row Kadigan Thos. sr. plumber, 153 Greenm'tav l.adigan Ihos. jr. plumber, 153Greenm't av Kadigan Thos. messenger. Park av and Biddle ^ H pq m t— ( h^ Kad ey Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, 190 Lanvale P Radley Peter, carp. 190 Lanvale ^ Radwitch Henry, 256 e Eager Rae Francis, machinist, 43"McHeury Rae Frank, cigarmkr, 43 McHenry Rae Geo. A. bailiff. 555 w Fayette Rae Mrs, Mary, dry goods, 275 8 Sharp Rae V\ m. cabinetmkr, 43 .McHenry ,-= Raecke Fred, upholstery, 68 Park av, dw 66 [ZD Mulberry "^ Raeke Theo. machinist, 355 s Sharp q] Raemold Jacob, 310 e Fayette RAFART C. D. de., Spanish Vice-Consul, 19=^ Oourtlaod Raff Jacob.second hand clothing, 148 s Fremont ^ Ralferiy John, lab. 52 Preston -^ Rafferty J„hu, lab. 5 e Monument ^ Rafferty Patrick, expressman. 144 n Hirrh Ralferty Peter, lab. 71 Go...dman al " Ratferty Wm. driver, 13o Eusor gaffle Henry, clerk, 359 eLombaid Rattery Mrs. Ann, 462 Canton av Raftery Martin T. mariner, 462 Canton av Rafiaii Douiinick, lab. 129 Hudson Rag..n Edward, lab. 26 St. .Mary Ragan James, quarryman. Falls rd ur toll<^ate Ra>;an Jerr , lab. 50 Eusor " Ragan James, lab. 129 Hudson Radian Michael, lab. 4i/3 Aliceanna Ragan .Michael, tailor, 73 York Ra-an Tliomas, helper, 129 Hudson Ragland R. H. barkpr, 10 McClellan Rahe Chas. shoemkr, Waverley IMPORTED AND DOMESTIcThaRDWARE No. 72 West Pratt Street. DQ I— —I o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. RAH 4^8 RAN CO Eh" k^ ^ < o O ^ 6 O » OQ ^* r? o O O I— I ^ n M CD CO o Rahe Wm. boxmkr, 81 Henrietta Rahley Adam, lab. 265 s Dallas Ruliiier Valentine, cooper, 144 s Spring R.ihiies Fred. lab. 342 s Bond Rahiies Heimaii, barlier, H40 s Bord Raiiiiin<.' Fredk. brickhiyer, 33 Union Rinniiij; Chas. bricklnver, 188 Preston Rahrnian Leopold, tailor, 11 China Raiher Ernest, stonecutter, 172 Peirce Raiber Geo. restaurant, 137 Forrest Railinir Lewis, slioenikr. 16 New Railing' Peter, slioeinkr. 94 Richtnond Rainiliild Paul, i)ian()niki\ 14.t Dover Riiiie Albert, cigarmkr, 3,54 e Chuse Ruiiie Alfred, cifrarmkr, 35K e Uhase Riiine Edward, traveling: agent, 178 Walsh Raine Edward jr. bookkpr, 178 Walsh Raiiie Buildin{;,cor Baliimore and Postoffice av RALN'E FREDK, ediior and prop'r German Corie^pondent, cor Baltimore imd Postoffice av, dw 58 Fruiiklin Raine's Hall, cor Baltimore and Postoffice ar Rainev Edward, carp. 80 Decker Rainev Robt. restaurant, 32 s Paca Rainey Robt. barkpr, 36 Valley Rainier Chas W. engineer, U.S.N.,520LexiDgton Rainier Capt. John, mariner, 40 Henrietta Rains 0. H. gen'l agt. Victor Sewing Machines, dw 53 n Liberty Railh Chas. watchmkr, 50 Penna av Raleigh Walter A. clerk, 196 .Mulberry' Raleigh Walter C. tailor, 196 Mulberry R,ilei;.;h W. H. H. clerk, 85 Saratoga Raley John, engineer, 24 s Eutaw Raley Joseph, lab. 126 s Caslle Raley Waller, liquors. 212 Aliceanna Ralston David K. clerk' C. H., dw Cecil co Ralston 'I'lios. A.clerk,cor Gilmor andMcHenry Ralston Thos. H. trav. agent, 28 s Oregon Ralston Mrs. Mary J.dry goods, cor Gilmor and McHenry Ralston Walter H. trav. agent, cor Gilmor and McHenry Ralston Win. M. clerk, 89 s Sharp Kambach Lorentz, lab. 259 s Wolfe Rambel Wolfgang, shoemkr, 380 Aliceanna Rimer Simon, 32 n Dallas Ramey W. G clerk, 234 e Lombard Ramien Fred, ship broker, 71 Smith's whf, dw 105 Hanover Ramming Adam, cigarnjkr, 70 Jefferson Ramming Adam, tailor, 149 Low Ramming Christian, lab. 57 Sliort Ramming John .M. store, Homestead RAMOS J. D. tobacconist,! n Eutaw, dw Hov;-- ard house Ramsay Alex, carp 406 Lexington Ramsay Mrs. Ann K 409 Franklin Ramsay Albert R. driver, 370 McHenry EAMSAY & CARTER, {H. A. Ram- say, W. F. Carter,) Vulcan Steam Engine Works, s e cor Hughes and William Ramsay Geo A. paperhanper, 499 w Lombard Ramsay Mrs. Hannah, 69 Moslier Ramsay H. As1iIoq.(R.& Carter)20l w Hoffman Ramsay Isaac T. clt-rk, 25 s Ann Ramsay James B. cashier Peoi>le'3 Bank, dw n w cor Gretneand Saratoga Ramsay J. Gales, U.S.A., Fort McHenry " Ramsay Jf)hn E carp. 25 s Ann Ramsay John, electrician, 248 Lexington Ramsay Joseph, bookkpr, 25 s .^nn Ramsay Mrs. .Mary, 10 McMechin Ramsay .Mrs. .Mary A. 25 s .Ann Ramsay Matthew, currier, 11 Holland Ramsay Mortimer, currier, 7 Holland Ramsay Capt. Robert H. agent, 259 e Baltimore Ramsay Thomas L. clerk, 11 Holland Rarasel Leop. gen'l agt. American Mutual Aid Union, 11 Geiman, dw 74 Penna av Ramsburg Newton A. (Campbell & R.) 346 Mvrileav RaSiSBURGH k STEINER, (Lewis J. Rams- burgh and Wm. H. Steiner) fancy groceries, lOs w Lombard Ramsburtrb Lewis J.(R.& Steiner)302 Myrtle av Ramsey Joseph E. carp. 180 e Baltimore Ramse\ Robt. J. machinist, 226 w Pratt Ramsey Slater, clerk, 180 e Baltimore Ram.«ey Wra. J. salesman, 84 Hanover Ran;sey Wm. P. butcher, Penna av ext Ramsey Wm. R. carp. 283 e Monument Ramsey Wm. S. 139 n (."arey Rarnv Henry, collector, 150 s Car'Jine Rami J. Q.(R.,MeSherry & Co.) 188 n Oregon Rand Lewis, carver, 188 ii Oregon Rand Mrs. M. A. 131 n Carev Rand, McSherry & Co. (J." Q. Rand, J. F. McSherry, W. A. McSherry )\\ lioles.manufrs. of furniture, 227 and 229 w Pratt, factory, 375 w Pratt Randall A. L. propr. Randall house, 6 n Eden Randall Blanchard, clerk, n w cor Chase and Calvert Randall Chas. E printer, 132 Harford av Randall C. Tyson, clerk, 177Lanvale Randall Dudley A. 49 n Calvert Randall Edward, shipcarp. 162 Battery av Randall Fannie, 287 e Monument Randall Geo. B. 89 Mulberry Randall Henrv. rigger, 245 s Ann RANDALL HOUSE, A. L. Randall, prop'r, 6 n Eden Randall Jna. C. 504 w Baltimore Randall Jas. P. conductor, 137 n Central ar R.indall John K. clerk, 69 Preston Randall Jno T.i Thompson & R.)2o2 w Hoffmaa Randall John T. clerk. 222 w Fayette Randall John W. sadd'er, Burton's hotel Randall John. clerk, 69 Preston Randall .Martha E. tailoress, 137 n Central av Randall Mrs. Mary E 137 n Central av Randall Samuel H. ins. broker, 179 Lanvale Randall Samuel 0. clerk. 235 Bank Randall Thos. J. clerk, 137 n Central av Randall Voltaire, iirocery, 150 Scott Randall Wm. elk. 69 Preston Randall Wm. clerk, 182 Harford av Randall Wm. D. clerk, 179 Lanvale Randle Richard, junk, 28 Hughes Randle Joseph, lal). Clinton nr Eichth av Randle Wm. H. botanic medicines, 22 8 Calvert dw 176 Columbia Randle Wm. H. jr. clerk, 176 Columbia Randol Andrew J mariner, 63 York Randolph Rev, Alfred M. 140 St. Paul R.ANDOLPH BROS, k CO (Lewis W. Ran dulph, F. Trotton, N. K. Sanford) lumbe meichants, 14o Thames Randolph Innes, attorney, 3 Courtland HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. i^tLe World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. RAN 469 R A U Randolph Mrs. Jmnes T. 240 Madison av Randolph und Luiiiier. (R. B. Laliruer) com. mercliants, 66 South Randolph Lewis U . {RandolphBros.& Co.) dw Piatt and Patterson Park av Randolph Richard, chief assistant engineer, 83 FiauKJin Ranfi AHert J.(Kaufmari&Co. )517\v Baltimore Ranft Chailes Q. barber, 517 vv Baltimore Ranfi Conrad, steam sponjier. 356 \v Pratt Ranf'i Geo. grocery, 104 McElderry Ranft Joseph, steam S| otiger, 356 w Pratt Ranft J()re[)h jr. X56 w Pratt Range Geo. slater, 107 Battery av Rankin Rev. Clias. W. 3 Waverly terrace Rankiu James, oysters. 31 e Baltimore Rankle Edward, (E. R.nkle & Co.)16 Penn Rankle Lldward & Co. (E. Rankle, G. S. Birch) newsdealers, 2 n Greei.e Rankle VVra. shoeniUr, 3 Columbia Rannail Geo. lab. 102 Johnson Ransbach .Mrs. Augusta, giocery, 209 Orleans Ransbach John, locksmiili, 209 Orleans Ransbach Paul, shoemkr, 5 s Gieene Ransom C. .M., Baliiraore Underwriter, 3 Post- ofBce iiv, dw 207 Bolton Random R. W. bookkpr, 207 Bolton Ranson A. R. H (Ranson & Co.) Balto. co RANSON cf- CO (A. R. H. RHnson)flour, grain, and gen. com merchants, 1 Wood Ransone Alex. uied. student, 60 n Broadway Ransone Mrs. Elizabeth W . 60 n Bio. id way Ranstead Chas. lumber, foot of Russell, dw 217 w Hotfmaa Ranstead L. T. clerk. 217 w H.-ffm.n Rape Catherine, coufect'y 241 e Lurnbard Ripe John, messenger, Wolfe nr Bank Raphalle Cilline, fiuit stand, s w cor Front and Baltimore, dw 12 Harrison Raphun (Jbas.W. clerk C. H., Oregon ur Franklin Rapin John G. w-.tchmkr, 169 •■ Baltimore Rapin .Mrs Sophia D.watchmkg, 169 e Baltimore Rapley Win. cooper, 420 e Madison Rapp Conrad, shoeinkr, 5 Carlton Rapp Conrad, bib. Bruce nr Pratt Rapp Eliz.ibeth, beer. Clinton nr Toone Rapp Henry, baker, 10 .Scott Rapp Henry, baker, 468 Lexington Rapp John, cooper, Clinton nr Toone Rapp John^ Wirschnitzer & R.)68 n Oregon Rap() Jolui, ."^hoemkr, 66 n Ort-gon Rapji Win. cooper, Clinton m Third av Iliippiinier Daniel W. tailor, .46 e Baltimore Rappapoit Aaion, liquois. 4ii3 Saratoga Rappai)oit Augusta, milliner, 403 Saratoga Rappenecker Andrew, clerk, 143 St. Paul Rappeliiis Win. lab. 290 Aliceanna Rappold Amos, broommkr, 44 n Dallas Rappold .-^inos, fireman, 44 n Dallas Rippold Ch.os. 1 n Ddlas Rappold John L. jr. broommkr, 1 n Dallas Rappold John L. sec. hand furn. 1 n Dallas Rappold Wm. lab. 1 n Dallas Rappold Herman, bras-sfinishe', 236 Eastern av Rappold .Mrs. Mina, ;:la.>svvaie, 236 Eastern av Rapseller Ausi. cabmetmkr, 53 Leadenhell Ripskne John, tailor, 3 Shakspear Rarick Mrs. Anna, seamstress, 52 Rue Rarrick Chas. 9. cardrivi-r, Clinton nr Elliott Rasch Adolph, driver, 120 n Bethel Rasch Mrs. Ann, 120 n Bethel Rasch Anton, lab. 59 Portland Rasch Chas. lab. Ill n Bethel Rasch Fred. lab. 51 s Paca Rasch Geo. C. lab. 734 w Lombard Rasch Gusiav A. bookpr, 369 .Mulberry Rash Jacob, tailor, 16 n Exeter • Rasch Lewis, lab. 120 n Bethel ■*-> Rasch .Michael, brewer, Greenmount av opp ^ cemetery ^ Ra-ch Wm. oysteis, 120 n Bethel ri Rash .Mrs. Caroline, 734 w Lombard '^ Rash John, 36 n Spring ^ Rash .Mrs. Louisa, tailoiess, 12 Abey al Rasiii & Co. (Win. 1. Rasm, ) commission mer- "^ chants, 73 South oS RASIN I. FREEMAN, Clerk Court of Common ^ Pleas, dw 427 n Central av g Rasin J:i ;. M. broker, .Mansion house ^ RASIN' ROBERT W. proi>erty broker and real.~ estate agent, 53 St. Paul .:^ RASLV R. W. L & Co. (R. W. L. Rasin and ^ E.K.Corper) guano and Fertilizers, 32 South W Rasin R. W. L. (R W L.R.&Co.)223 a Eutaw ^ Risia Capt W^ni. L(R. & Co.) 38 Courtland o Rasniers Heraiau, bookkpr, 96 Hanover O Rasiuussen Anton, cleik, 318 Aliceanna Rasniusseu Nelson, lab. 318 Aliceanna ^ Rasmussen Peter, glass, paints &c.3i8 Aliceanna ^ Rassa Jos. wheelwright, 173 n Central av Raiclitfe Daniel & Son, (D. and J. B. Ratcli^Ve,) d^ attorneys, 31 n Calvert Ratciitie r».ini'l.(Danl.R &Son)91 Preston Q Ratclitfe Jas. B. (DauM R .feSon)3l n Calvert Q Ratcliife Samuel, lali. 59 Luzerne Q Ratclitle Q.iinton W. clerk, 215 Saratoga j^ Ratclitte Wm. O. clerk, 43 Centre market sp R" Rath Wm. tobacnst, 135 Forrest, dw 133 Rathbone Elizabeth. 61 u Piae fs^ Raihell Geo. L. engineer, 140 .McElderry Ratiiell Henry HA. proofreader, 13 Pearl ^ RaUiell Walters, collector, 97 Giatiby ^ Ratlije Henry, provisions, 176 Drui i Hill av ^ Ratican Edward, lab. 15 e Madison Ratican John, liookkpr, 153 Greenmount av rH Ratican Thos. jr. plumber. 153 Greenmount av ^ Ratican Thomas, jiluraljer, and ga^fitter, 1 n^ Frederick, dw 153 Gieenmount av c_^ Raitigalin Carlo, fruiterer, 67 President ^ R iiman Mis. Anna, tailoress, 111 u Bethel i— i Ralikan Thos. clerk, 83 w Biddle Ph Raltman Mrs. .Mary, laund. 11 n Washington Raitinan Jolm, cibiuetmkr, 66 Boyd I^ Ralin.v Win. machinist 18 Forrest pi e Fayette -j Rau Henry, laborer, 108 Lancaster -j Rau H,-nry, dry goods, Madison av ext p_^ Rail Henry jr. helper, 81 s Washington Rau Henry W. clerk, Clifton, Baltimore co Rau John, laborer, 319 Aliceanna Rau John, barber, 35 e Fayette Power Press Printinc^, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) = 5 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. RAU 470 REA C != 3 •- c3 - <^ — ■J -^"^ oo <1J T OB Rau John, Ijiboier. Fedenl nr 0«k R;in John, tailor. 86 s Castle Rau John, hihorer, 65 s Bethel Rau John, blacksmith and wheel w't Eastern av iir First Rau John, fjrocery and beer, Flastern av nr Second RAU JOHN C, & CO. (J. Uhri^', G. Koppel- inan) fzrocera and produce, 1,5,^. n Howard Rau .Mrs. George D. frrocerv, .Madison av e.^t Rau Lewis C. lab. 236 s Ann Rau Mary, lannd. 172 Central av Rauh J. B. dentist, 78 s Sharp Ranch Bcnj. clerk, 70 s Washington Ranch & Bnwen ( J.H.Rauch, J.S. Bowcn)scow- inp, liphterinjr and tu^jboats, Coiiiniercial wbf Ranch Fiank, lab. 7 Griffin ct Raucli Fnd. sboemkr, 14 n Caroline Ranch Fred, limner, 71 n Wolfe Ranch George, carp. 271 Franklin Ranch Hcnrv, cooper, 38 Lancaster Ranch Jacob, cooper, 1.34 Burjrnndy al Ranch John H. jr. clerk, 70 s Washington Ranch John H.(R. Sf Bowen) \vharfinger,Com- mercial whf, dw 70 s Washinirton Ranch Joseph, tailor, 148 n Chapel — OJ 0 5 2. ■3 Cl ^ c r. = ^ " ?^ :> ^ X o J o ■t-3 ;^1 > C CM RAUCH LAWRENCE, general Im- migrant Agent N. C. and Penna. Railroad Co., 97 Thames, dw 52 s Ann. Ranch Mis. .Maroraretta, 52 s Ann Rauck Fred. W. dyer atid scourer, 179 n Rntaw Rauck Lewis, harnessmkr, 67 Penna av Rauh John, tailor, 167 Madeira al Raum John, Imker, 3')0 Orleans Uanm J. A. (Raum & Officer) 124 w Fayette Raum John C. coachsniiili, 60 s Wolfe " Raum & Officer (J. A. Raum. Thos. H. Officer) wholes, tobacco and cijiars. 86 w Lomliard Raunft John, conductor, 166 West Raujiach Gustave, cabinetmkr, 19 s Wolfe Raiipach Mrs. Johanna, midwit'e, 19 s Wolfe Rausch Fred, machinist, .30 Siirlinir Rausch Fred, caliii.etmkr, I'eail and Saratoga Rau.;s Bcnj. clerk, DO n Bimd Rawlings k Brunner (Chas. H. Rawlin>js, Abel Brunner) bookbinders, over 262 w Baltimore Rawlings Clias.H.( R..t Brunner) 684 Lexington Rawlings Hliza C. IK n Carev RAWLINGS & DOR>EY (R. C. Rawlings, J. R. Dorsey) flour and com. merchants, 103 s Charles Rawlinjza Geo. P. lab. 102 s Carey Rawlings Henry (Rawlings k Co.) n e cor Bal- timore and Pine Rawlings & Co. (Henry Rawlings) church, school and office furniture, 469 w Pratt Rawlings J. S. (J.S. II. & Co ) 163^ Mulberry Rawlings J. S. k Co. (J. S. Rawlings) tobacco and (iroduce com. merchts, lo3 s Charles Rawlings R. C. (R. ^ Dorsey) 40 Lexington Rawlings Thoma-, lab. 682 w Pratt Rawlings Wm. P. shoemkr, Pratt and Repub- lican Rawlings Wm. S. clerk, 62 e Biltiinore Ray Alex, provisions, 83 n Broadway Ray Alfred, shipsmtth, cor Block and Polnt,dw 26 Jackson sq av Ray Andrew J. cooper, 301 n Bond Ray B. F. coal yard, cor Presstman and What- coat, dw 364 n Strieker Ray B. M. (Hysore & R.) Patterson av and Strieker Ray Charles H. jiork, 345 n Bond Ray Charles H. shoemkr, 118 n Gay Ray Edward, laf). 17 Willow Ray Geo. stonem:is(.n, 17 Willow Ray Geo. lab. 4,S6 Canton av Ray Hollis F. clerk, 425 n Calhoun Ray James, bricklayer, 7 Jefferson Ray John, lab. 8 Woodyear Ray John A. teacher. 424 n Carey Ray John B. bailitlCoro. Pleas, 424 n Carey Ray John F. lab. 381 s Eutaw Ray Krozcr, druggist, 364 n Strieker Ray Oliver, tinner, 169 n Fremont Ray Patrick, lab 37 n Poppleton Ray Robert H. moulder, 174 William Ray Robert, moulder, 81 Hamburg Ray Robert L. clerk, 315 w Hoffman Riy Tiios. cooper, 326 e Cha0. n. salesman, 363 w Fayette Read Jesse, lab. 21 s Fremont Read Kale C. matron Md. Penitentiary Raid J no. W.(Rol»erl R.&Bio.) 426 e Baltimore Read Littleton, salesiniui, 212 n Gay Read Littieion S. a;:ent Continei tal Life Ins. Co. 42 I'usloffice av, dw 361-! w Fayette Read Luther C. cierk, 36 ! w Fayette Read Ms. .Mary, matron Baltimore Oiphan Asy- lum Read Mary G. teacher, 60 n Bond R. ad .Mile's S. bookkpr, 31 1 n Eden Read Richard H. clerk, 363 w Fayette Read Robeii& Bro.( R. and John VV. Rtad)coal oil rifiners, Second-st and Second av. Canton Reid Roiert, (R. Read & Bio.) treasurer Mc- Don<.-h Place Co. 326 e Baltimore Read Rohei t jr. clerk, 323 e Baltimore Read Samuel .McK. inspecto:-, 240 e Biddle Read .Mis. Sophia C. liiT n Caivert Read U'm. S jiainter, 113 Aisquith Read \Vm. C. contectmnejy, 238 e Biddle, dw 232 A sqnilh Read Wm 8. jr. clerk, 311 n Kden Read Wm. G. attornev, 37 Lexington, dw 412 Park av Read Wm. H. grand duchess colof,'ne, 179 w BaltuL:ore, dw i78 n Cahert Reader Henry, lab. 249 s Bond Readerxjerta James F. v\ alter, 36 w Pratt Readitifi Andrew, horse shoer, 89 Nortb Ready An:i M. teacher, 159 .Mosher Ready Cornelius, stonepolisher, 91 Hiuford av Re.idy J.nms, glas^bluwer, 9 Stockholm Ready John, en-;iueer, 91 Harford av Heady .Michael, j^'oeery, 58 JJavis Ready Tiioraas, ulnssblower, 9 Stockholm Reahl Martin, cooper, 894 w Pratt Real Josej)!!, cooper, 38') Hamburg RE.AL KSTATK AND SAVINGS BANK OF BALTIMORE, Geo. H. Miller, pres't, n w cor Baliimore and Euiaw Ream Heiir^ H. tailor, 261 n Bond Reamy Ms. Mar* , 222 Mulberry Reamy Thomas J. pi es't Reamy Truck Co. 12 Postolfice av Reamy T. uck Co. 12 Postoffice av Reamy Thomas J. moulder, 490 s Chase Reamy Wm. A. carpenter, 486 Saratoga Re.u.ey Aiex.(fe Bro. (Alex. & Chas. H. Reuney) [lainteis, rear 83 w Fayette Reaney Alex. (Alex R.&"Bro.)116 n Republican Reaaey .Mrs. Anna, 51 Block Reaney & Co. (.John P. Reaaey) com. tuerchts. over 91 w Lombard Reamy Charles H. (Alex. Reaney & Bro.) 59 e Biddle Reaney James, potter, 51 Block Reaney James, 598 L- xin^lon Reaney John P. (R. & Co.) 91 w Lombard Reaney John G. 425 Madison av Remey Wm. stonemason, 90 Leadenhall Reardon Mrs. C'tiierine, 218 n Front Reaidoii .Mrs. Ellen. liucUstress, 2 Addison RE.ARDON G. RVETT,attoriiey,40 St.Paul,dw 207 n C rey Reardon John, liucksier, 176 Ramsay Reardon John, lab. Calhoun or Ramsay Reardon Louis .M. bookkpr, HO s Howard Reardon Patrick, lab 6 Swan Reardon Philij), lab. 4 Addison Reardon Timothy, turner, 50 Harford av Reardon Timothy, collector, 13 Valley Reardon Timothy, sab sman, 165 Hanover Reassaiiak Charles, tailor, 105 Parkin Reassanak Frank, tailor, 12 Dawson al Reassanak Joseph, tailor, 12 Dawson al Reaiher Chas. F. salesman, 136 Aisquith Reav David (D. R.& Co.) 307 n Broadway REAY DAVID & CU. (David Reay and Dre- her, Ray it Co.^ genl. agents .Montour Slate Paints, 17 s (Jay Reb Jacob, shoerakr, 73 n Fremont Rebbel Louis, shoemkr, 21 Walker Rebber Chas. butcher, 22 Clinton Rebbeit Theodore, tailor, 84 Somerset RebeleCh^is. silver chaser, 306 n Howard Reben John, grocery, 297 Canton av Rebereer Louis, tailor, 209 n Bond Rebereer Sebastian, tailor, 19 s Spring Rebiiz Henry, shoemkr, 2 Saratoga Rebbein Martin, shoemaker, 37 Pe.icli al Rebstock Charles, brickl.iytr, 6 Fort av Rechabile Hall, n w cor Fayette and Frederick Recbeid John, huckster, 171 Hollins Rechiell Francis, lab. 259 Forrest Rechner Herman, barber, 98 Ensor Recbieuvald Fiedk. tobacconist, 51 s Wolfe Rechtenvald Michael, laborer, 51 s Wolfe Recker Frank, lab. Biddle nr Washington Reckert Chas. A. tobacconist, 1 15 Camden, dw 69 s Eutuw Reckert Geo M. cigarmkr, 414 Lexington Reckert .Mrs. Hester A. seamstress, 69 s Eutaw pi^ Reckitt ills. Ann M., Patterson av nr Strieker ^ Reckiit Chas. jr. variety, 510 w Baltimore, dw ^ 273 .Mulberry ^ Recktenwald Joseph, wheelwright, 82 Somerset fe_| RECORD OFFICE BALTIMURE CITY, s e i^ cor St. Paul and Lexinuton PP o O O o =^ p o o ^ s h-1 RECORDS GEO. J. Northern Central C£l propr. i-...,! ...c.u v^.,^L. .>■ p hotel, s e cor Calvert and Franklin, dw 244"-. Myrtieav *^ Redall John W. cooper. Friendship, York rd 1—1 REDDEHASE CH.\RLES,iestauraut, 73nGay^ Redden Joseph, lab. 197 Chesnut Redden Thomas, wood turner, 181 Ensor Redding Andrew, horse shoer, 9 Rock Redding John, lab. 31 Rock Redding John, lab. 284 s Bond Redding John, grocery, 123 n Exeter Redding Michael, carp. 11 Jackson ct Redding Oscar, oyster p.icker, 28 Hill Reddin;; VV. A. & (Jo. ( Wm. A. Redding) oyster o o jiackeis, 203 and 205 L. Huyhes Redding Wm A. ^ W. A. R. & Co.) 28 Hill Reddington John .M. hackman, 20 Richmond Reddi=h Chas. W. lab. 178 Johnson Reddish John H. engineer, 40 Covington Reddish Joseph H. sailraaker, 147 Hamburg Reddish L A. J. shipjoiner, 270 e Pratt Reddish Rachel, 154 Jefferson IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, RED 472 REE O 'Jl O OQ GO C-< 8=? ^ '^ S HI p r-< ^^ o Red'^ish Robert H. mariner, 541 Li-rht Reddish Robert H. tinner, 51 Gninliy Reddy Austin, nnuitn-r, 59 Centre Market sp Reddy Michnel, stonecntier, 136 Low Reddy Thonuis, lab. 136 Low Redeiiiiin Christian, 71 s High Rfdeman Herm.in, cigarmkr, 24 Albemarle Rfde'riaii Win. ci^artnkr, 188 Cross Redenian Win. jeweler, 73 s Fremont Reder Louis, carp. 54 n Durham RedgravH Isaac. 1 nnplicrhter, 276 Aliceanna Red;:rave James A. pap'Tlmiieer, 419 a Gay Redjrrave John B. lumber insp. 2 Union block, dw 633 w Fayette Redjirave Samuel, police. 288 e .Madison Redjirave Samuel B. driver, 23 Miller Redgrave Wm. B. lumber broker and inspector, 18 West Falls av, dw 10 n Gilmor Redj.'r:ive Wm. S. proprietor Park hotel, 111 Camden Redican John, lab. 175 Vine Redican Kane, caidriver, 175 Vine Redican 'I'honias, driver, 175 Vine Redifer Charles S.. painter, 3 Clay, dw s e cor George and Fremont Redifer ('has. H. painter, 206 n Fremont Redifer Geo. painter, 208 n Fremont Rediger Louis, liaker, .McHenry nr Beiitalou Red no; Jolm L. tailor, 353 n Ann Redman Bernard, lab. 't Ulrick al Redman Jas. hostler, 45 s Stockton al Redman Jas. E. tobacconist, 149 Mont^'omery Redman Jas. T. carder, Wuodberry Redman Robt. weiver, Woodberry Redman Saiimel. shoemkr, 54 Hill Redman Tli-opliilus, wasroner, Fedeial nr Hud- son al Redman Win. lab. Mt. Vernon Redmond Mrs. Catherine, 71 n WashinL'ton Redimmd James, agent, 18") L. Constitution Redmond J(din li. engineer. 71 n Wasliinuton RedmumI Wm. .\1. agent, 63 e Biddle Redner Ciuirlotte, coiifect'y, 208 n Fremont Redner Max. pi momkr, 208 n Fremont Redsecker .Abraliam R {R.i% Baugher and B.iu- gher & (,'0. ) Calverton hotel Redsecker & Baugher, (A. R. Redsecker, W. H. Baugher) drove yards and hotel, Calvertor. Redue John H. storekpr, 83 n Wolfe Redwine T. W. 44 s Sharp Redwood Allen C. artist, 46 w .Monument Redwood Frank T. 46 w .Monuuieiit Redwood John, clerk, 46 w .Monumeut Redwood Wm. H. agent, 281 vv Baltimore, dw 46 w .Monument Reed Mrs Agnes, dressmkr. 98 Jackscm sq av Reed Amos, notions, 475 n (Jay Reed Amos, engineer, 198 L. Constitution Reed Benj. F. carp. 122 n Bond R'-ed Benj. F. woodturner, Franklin hotel Reed Rernard C. sr. asst. supt. public schools, 556 L'.'Xington Reed B-rnard C. jr clerk, 556 Lexington Reed Breut Mc.M. moulder, Clint(m nr Third av Reed Charles, butcher, 53 n Cha[)el Reed Christian, bricklayer, 242 B irre Reed David, car(). 147 Hollins Reed .Mrs. Francis G. grocery, 242 Barre Reed Francis S. baker, 210 n Futaw Reed Geo, stereolyper, 2'I Albemarle Reed Geo. lab. 374 William Reed Lieut. Henry A., U. S. A., Fort McHenrv REED GKO. A. secy. Bdtimore Cemetery Co. 8 Soutii, dw 678 w Lombard Reed Henry C. bookkr, 678 vv Lombard Reed Hiram F.giocery, McHenry and Strieker Reed J. Franklin, clerk, 37 Mulberry Reed Jacob H. stable boss, 32 Frederick av Reed James, lab. 1.t2 McHenry Reed James, lab. 412 Foi t av Reed John fireman, 215 William Reed John, lab. 320 s Bond Rcid John, moulder. 495 w Lombard RKKD JOHX A. attorney, 1 Law building, dw Fort av nr William Reed John A. attorney, 242 Chew Reed John H. [tainter, 2-)2 Barre Reed John J. baker. 184 Druid Hill av Reed John L. (Reed.Stickney A Co ) 285 Mad- isainter, 213 n Front Re-d Mrs. Sarah, 242 Aisquith Reed Mrs. Sarah. 624 w Baltimore Reed Samuel, Harford rd Reed Simuel, ;:lassblower. 403 s Rutaw Reed Seih G. clerk, 67 n Poppleton RRRD, STICKNKV & CO. (John L Reed.Wm. Harvey, Geo. H.Stickney) coal shippers and dealers in Scotch and American [ijg iron, (jflire 42 Second Reed Thomas, lab. 96 Ramsay Reed Tlios. B F. contractor, I06 L. Greene Reed Wm. (Morton. R. & Co.) 193 St. Paul Reed Wm. driver, Belair av exj Reed Wm. shoefitter, 418 e Madison Reed W^u. hatter. 148 3 Rutaw Reed Wm. B. clerk. «5 St. Paul R ed Wm. ('. jr.fish. Haiford av nr city limits Reed Win. C. sr. tish, Harford av nr cilv limits Reed Wm.H. dep. sheriff, Mt. Royal Hill Reed Wm. L railmkr, 441 e Fayette Roed Win. L. upholsterer, 319 Penn'i av Reed Wm. T. sh )emkr, 242 Barre Reed Wm. VV. 176 .Montgomery Reeder .Andrew J. wharfage, storage and coal, foot of Johnson, dw .Maitby house Reeder Mrs. Catherine, tailoress, 16S William HENKY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Oor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. REE REE 473 Reeder Charles, carter, 645 Li-:lit Reader (Jhas. (C. R..& Co.) 291 w Lombard EEEDER CHAS. 4- CO. (C.,0.,G.W. and CM. Reeder) engineers and m ichinists.ol Hughes Reeder Chas. II. enirineer, 289 Li^ht Reeder Chas. M. (C.R. k ('o.)29I w Lombard Reeder Conrad, hib. 71 Grindall Reeder Geo. \V. (Chiis. R. & Co ) 172 .Mont- gomery Reeder J^icob, fruit packer, West and Plum, dw 7 Henrietta Reeder .John A. machinist, 91 Hamburji Reeder Oliver, (C R. & C.) 315 Lexington Reeder Philip J. teacher. 184 .VIosher Reeder W. G. bookkpr, 173 w Lombard Reedy James, restaurant, 12 Cross Reejjer John C. cooper, 186 s Charles, dw 195 Reehl ("oniafi, flour, 187 t Pratt Reehl Mrs. Mary, confectionery, 187 e Pratt Reehl Wm shoemkr, 18 Hall m1 Reeker Michael, shoemkr, 261 Battery av Reel Allen, blacksmith, 8 Parrish Reel Mrs. Catherine. 8 Parrish Reel Henry, saloon, 22 Htockholra Reel Henry, lab. 286 Cross Reel Otho, machinist, 8 Parrish Reese Andrew, enirineer, 196 n Fremont REESE .ANDREW, prtsident Howard Fire Ins. Co., Lutlierville Reese .Mrs. Caroline, 20 Shakspear Reese Caspar, butcher, 142 L. Greene Reese Mr.s. ('atlierine, seamstress, 222 Light REESE CHARLES & SON, (Chas. and P. M. Reese) grocers and imps., Eutaw, Madison and Garden REESE CHARLES & SON. Import- ers and Dealers in Wines, Fruit and Fine Groceries, cor Eutaw, Madison and Garden streets. Reese Chas. (Chas. R. & Son) Charles-st av nr toUgate Reese Charles, tailor, 2f.9 Aisquith Reese Cluis. lab. 186 sSjuing Reese Chas. tavern, cor Woife and Orleans Reese Rev. Daniel .M., Laurel Iron Works, Eu- taw pi and Mosher Re'se Danl. W. clerk. 9 Jackson pi Reese D.uil. M. iron, 421 Eulaw pi Reese D.ivii, willow grower, 17'i e Pratt Reese David, carp 392 Harford av REESE D. MKREDITH, attorney, 21 Lexing- ton, dw 346 e Baltimore Reese Edw.ad, grocer, 366 w Baltimore, dw 13 Hollins Rce.^e Edward S. clerk, Eutaw pi and .Mosher Reese Kdwin, 50 Commerce, dw 440 Madison av Reese E. Yates, clerk, 4 Parkin Reese Ferd. lab. 48 s Wolfe Reese Frank, lab. 2 Snyder ct Reese Fred, heater, 172 s Washington Reese Fied. founder, 13 Fountain Reese Fred, founder, 188 Preston Reese Geo. J. clerk, 43 a Wa-^hington Reese (i.o. driver, 31 Wolfe n of .Monument Reese Geo. E. carp. 137 Chew Reese George A. clerk, 220 n Calvert REESE G.^H. & BROS (G. H., H. and J. E. Reese jr.) wholesale grocers, 2()9 w Pratt Reese George D. clerk, 17o Myrtle av Reese George .). lab. 15 Roek Reese Gerard n.(G.H.R.&Bros.) 369 Madi.son av Reese Harry S. (Thos. M. R. & Son) 283 Madi- son av Reese Henry O. salesman, 33 Clinton av Reese Henry D. te.iclier. 14 n Wa.^hington Reese Henry (G H. R. & Bros.) Baltimore co Reese Henry K. H. c.irbuilder, 17 s Oregon Reese Henry F. scale builder. 17 s Oregon Reese H. Fred, teller, 2u3 n Howard Reese Isaac, clothing, 49 Haiiison Reese Jacob, porter, 296 Ori'-ans Reese John, mariner. 335 s Dallas Reese John, baker, 284 n .\un Reesse John, tinaer, 196 n Fremont Reese John t.'iilor and beer. cor Ann and Uidil'e REESE JOH.N S. ^j- CO. ^. J S.Reese, G. 0. Mni- ning) Cei tilizers, 10 South Reese John S. (J. S. R. & Co.) 403 Eutaw pi Reese John E sr. teller Natumal Farmers and I'lanters Bank, 8 s Greene Reese John A. sr. cutter, 109 n Fremont Reese John A. jr. tele^iaphist, 109 n Fremont Reese John E. jr. (G.H.R ^f-Bros.) 8 s Greene Reese John L blacksmiih, 16 Division Reese John W. D. briclsinkr, 12' Leidenhall Reese Louis, chinaware, 433 and 673 w Baltimore Reese Jolin S. harnessmkr, 87 n High Reese L(;uisjr. clerk, 673 w Baltimore Reese .Mrs Mary J. 64'< Saratoga Reese .Marcus, trav. a;.,'ent, i97 Lexington Reese .Mrs. .Mauiialeu'-. taioiess, 269 .\isquith Reese Percy .M. ( Chas.R.&Son ) 164 Molisonav Reese Peter, cigarmkr, 13() Burgundy al Reese Philip R. clerk. 440 M.idison a"v Reese Samuel, constable, 196 n Fremont Reese Stephen W. huckster, 76 Warner Keese Thomas H. barber, 20 Hill Reese Thomas L. j;iocer, 207 w P.att, dw369 Madison av Reese Thomas M. (T..M.R..<:Son) 283 Madison av REi^.SE THOMAS M. & S(JN (T. M. and H. S. Reese) grocers, 99 n Charles Reese Walter, clerk, 283 .Madison av Reese Wm. cuirier, 5S s Charles Reese Wm. E. bricklayer, 37 Wondyear Reete Wm. J. wheelwright, 57 Woodyear Reese Wm. 11. attorney. 65 w Faveite, dw 194 McCulloh Reese Wm. S. dep. coll. C. H. 440 Madison av Reese Wm. P. salesman, cor Druid Hi.l av and Preston Reeside Wm. watchman, 408 West Reeside Wm. jr. fisherman. 408 West Reeves Charles & Co.((J.H. -md J.F.Reeves,sr.l hermeiitallv sealed fruits, 81 e Pratt Reeves Chas. H. iC H.R.&Co ) 79 e Pratt Reeves Chas.H ( Birckhea(l&Reeves)75 Franklin Reeves James, painter, 697 w Lomliard Reeves Joseph F. jr. 350 e Baltimoie Reeves Joseph F. sr. (C H.R. &Co.) 79 e Pratt Reeves J. H.C.lDin"! Miller & Co.) I08 n Greene Reeves Josiah W . tailor, 161 w Biddle, dw 37 Walsh Reeves Maria, 88 Boston Reeves Maru'arel, tavern, 35 Block Reeves Robert, huckster, 106 William Reeves Theo. seamen's boar'ling,278s Broadway Reevi^s Capt. Wm. mariner, 84 s Wolfe Reeves Wm. lab, 35 Block Reeves Wm. blacksmith, Strieker nr McHenry Reevea Wm. jr. brakeman, 750 w Pratt PP o O O O -■^ o o r4 ^ O r ^ Rihlint!; Chiistian, boxinkr, 142 s Eiiiaw Reblinjj Henry, shoemkr, H5 Dover R"h'.inir Henry, porter, 13(3 Hamburg Relimart Gotleib, beer, cor Elliott and East av Rehniert Chas. painter, 21 McHenry Relin Henry, trunknikr, 4 Wnodyear Rehwem Ernst, lab 2H9 Aliceanna Reibert Chas. A. tailor, 69 n Ainity Reil)ert Henry, tailor, C9 n Amity Reibert John jr. actor, 837 w Baltimore Reibert John sr. tailor, 837 w Baltimore P>,eibetaniz Dr. Carl Julius, asst. editor German Coriesjiondent, 21 e Lombard Reibold ("has. machinist, 148 Ramsav Reichenbach Andrt'. shoemkr, 17 e Baltimore Reich A. D. poi ter, 59 Portland Reich Chas. cabinetmkr, 34 n Durham Reich Geo lab. 3 Bentalou Reich Herman, machinist. 82 Pearl jg — - Reichardl Gotleib, shoemkr, 27 Armistead la o C ^ Reiche Dr. P. H.. Waverley 0-^4©- Reichel Geo. L. maciiinist, 150 Peirce '^^ ^ Cr R'ichel J. moulder, 196 s Washington ^ C S Reichel Matthias, sawyer, 14 St. James "e ^ 'x Reichel Matthew, moulder, 196 s Washington S ^j 'JS Reichenbecher Wm. brassfounder, 48 s Bond S >-. a) Reichenberger Louis, clerk, 72 s Broadway 474 REI H •~ =^ s -r. 0 0 a. C^ Qi f^ 0 •i-:i ^. 'r* 'f . — . Q^ f~- rt CI) 0 '■■S s ■^ ^ -kJ c s JJ ci ^ ^-^ ReichertMrs.Calher'e, tailoreS£,329 nCentral av > ;3 Reichert ('has. cabinetmkr, 3 Trinity ^ '^ "" Reichert Daniel, driver, 511 Saratoga 2 2 V_ Reichert Fred. carp. 93 Dawson al .5 tJ " Reichert Herman, comp. liquors, 175 s Paca ■^ D > Reichert Henry, lab. 20 w Lombard Reichert Jacob, cabinetmkr, 50 e Lombard Reichert John, cabinetmkr, 187 e Lombard Reichle J. David, beer, 73 n Spring Reichman .\ngiistns. painter, 598 w Baltimore Reichman John Henry, painter, 151 n Strieker Reichewaldt Henry, stevedore, 2 Warren ct Reicker John, restaurant, 40 and 42 Centre Market so Reid Adam, lab. 123 s Chapel Reid Mrs A.eonfec'y, cor Liberty and Saratoga RKII) ANDRRW, com. mercht. and importer, 9 Riiltobhig, dw 75 .Mt. Vernon pi Reid Mrs. Bertha, 154 Liaden av Reid ("has. B. usiier, 389 e Ea^er Reid Chas. D. bookkpr. 25 n Gilmor Reid Chas. jr. clerk, 9 Rialto bldg Reid Chas. G. 142 Cathedral Reid David A. 151 Lindm av Reid Elizabeth, 18 Laurel Reid Mrs Elizab. periodicals, 686 w Baltimore Reid Mrs. Emma V. confec'y, 97 Lexington Reid Dr. F. M. office 245 n Fremont R^-id Geo. W. agent Baltimore agents supplv Co. 42 St. Paul Reid Hance \V. B. (R. & Wetherald) .".03 Lex- iiiiTton Reid J. W. (Egerton & R.) St. Paul and Hun- tingdon av Reid Henry 0. clerk, 142 Cathedral Reid Hugh M. clerk, cor Liliertv and Saratoga Reid Mrs Laura V. 142 Cathedral Reid Philip G. agent, Barnum's hotel Reid Richard C. public weigher, over 12 Com- merce, dw 137 St. Paul Rrid Robert E. cooper, 5 H(dland Reiil Ro'oeit, carp. 503 Lexingto 1 Reid Robert J p -rter. 87 n Wolfe R.'id Saml. M. clerk, 50'1 Lexin^iton Reid T. N. real estate, 70 w Fayette, dw Bal- tiiuore CO Reid Thomas A (McKay & Co.) 190 Linden av Reid Tiiomis B. car >. Vork rd nr Camp av Reid & Wetherald (H.W B.Reid,T We hevald) watclies and jewelry, 4.51 w Biltimore Reid Wm. tinm-r, !»2 Harford av Reid Wm. A. clerk, 279 w Bdtimore Reid Wm. carp 559 Saratog.i,dw 503 Lexington Reid Wm blacksmith and maciiinist, 14 11 Frederick, dw 19 1 n C.iroliae R-id Will. T. clerk. 6--itsiiiL butcher. Retreat nr Francis Reihuld Martin, blacksmith, O'Donnell and Third av 1-^ <"/> ,: HOLMES d CO.. Engineers' ami Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. P. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. REI 475 REI eik Henry A. canmkr, 312 n Bond :eik I.inhart, milk, 57 PVederick av leikei- Henry, cooper, 51 s Regester ;eiler, 15 (^allendar al eilly Mrs. George, 121 e Pratt .eilly Geortie R. l)utcher, 184 n Wolfe leilly James, (James R. & Son) 201 Saratoga ?illy James &Son,(J. and C. Reilly) plumbers and gasfitters, 144 n Calvert leilly James, blacksmith, 1 50 Vine leilly James C. mariner, 251 s Dallas .eilly John, bricklayer, 2 Creek al eilly John, lab. 200 Linden av eilly John, machinist, 1 :')5 Aliceanna .eilly John, restaurant. 72 s divert .eilly John, cigarmkr, 124 Battery av leilly John. en-;iiieer, 272 Park av *illy John, gau,er, Mansion house ■eiliy John, carter, 83 n Amity leilly John, plumber, .S9 n Poppleton ly John F. eni;i;ieer, 165 Greenmount av j.eilly John F. |ilumber, 97 Harmony la eilly John .\I. piinter, 25 w Lombard eiily John VV. carp. 55 e Fayette eilly Joseph, restaurant, n u cor Baltimore and Holliday, dw 55 e Fayette leilly JoSL-pb., engineer. 272 Paik av .eilly Mrs. Josepliiue, z72 Park av leilly Mrs. Mary, 8 Aliraham leilly .Michael, wagoner, 40 Rock leilly Michael, lab. 11 Arbel al leilly .Michael, It.b. 5 Hillman leilly Michael A. S. 126 Linden av leilly Jlinnio, grocery, 71 n Pine Wily Patrick, (Doyle & R.) 172 Ensor ieilly Patrick, lab 196 n Front leilly I'atrick, Eldon Hall restaurant, 76 w Fayette leilly Patrick, clerk, 56 Fawn leilly Patrick', lab. 200 Linden av leilly Patrick, lab. Potomac nr Hudson leilly Patiick, lab. 8 Abraham leilly Peter J. painter, 105 n E.xeter leilly Philip, (Reilly & S.n) 208 Park av leilly p, F. (Reilly & Son) 208 Park av leilly Robert M. plumber. 30 Granby Reilly & Son, (P. and P. F. Reilly) coal, 309 n Eutaw • Reilly Sylvester, engineer, Barnum's hotel -^ Reilly Wm. F. contractor, 126 Linden av ^ Reillv Wm. H. police, IH Somerset >■ REILLY WM. P. hacks, 25 w Lombard S REI.MAN ROBERT, homeopathic chemist, 19 "^ n Eutaw r^ Reiman Thos. shoemkr, 35 Abbott Reimann Ferd. cijiarmkr, 112 W.arner ^ Reimann Gotihelf, barber, 54 n Caroline -^ Reimann Gotthelf, harber, 262 Aliceanna ^ Reimberg Charles D. clerk, 99 n Paca ^ Reimberg Conrad, barber, 99 n Paca ^ lleime Ferdinand, biicklayer, 80 n Eden .^ Reimer Chas. sboeaikr, 212 n Eden ^ Reimer Frank, clerk, s w cor Hamburg and ^ Ridgely (-H Rein Louis, driver, 77 n Bond jj Reinach Isaac, tailor, 1 n Fremont O Reindollar Jacob T. stairbuilder, 43 Clay, dw O 255 n Howard - Reinecke Henry, bo.xmkr, 219 Canton av Q) i Reinicke H( nry, boxmkr, 129 Canton av ^ Reinnecke Frederick, grocery, 219 Canton av Reinicker .lohn H. lab. Aliceanna nr Luzerne =^ Reinhard Chas. cigarndH ^ P ^ O o r/7 rf) 00 ^A d O ;^ H h-l . 101 s Wolfe Reinhardt & Sell iieci<. (C. Reinhardt and Wni. Sehneck) carp's, 63 Leadenhall Reinliardt Samuel, peddU-r, 104 s Sharp R' inhardt SoId.hoii, licjuors, 104 s Sharp Reinhart Andrew A. carp. 31;') Walsli Reinhardt Wni. 11. trusses and bandages, 10 n Gay Reinhart Geoirtiand Reinhold Coniad, shweNikr. 40 Portland Ri'inicker Edward S carp.Gilnior iir l..e.\ington Reinieker Mrs. Enieline, 275 n Kden Reinieker Fred. Ininber dealer. Monument and Ais(|uith. dw 45 Uhew Reinieker Geor^'- A. 220 n Charles RemicUer Joiin F. lumber, eor Ais((uith and Monument, dw 45 Chew Reinieker W'm. J. flour and firaiu broker, 13 Patterson, dw 157 McCuiloh Reiiii^ John, liorseslioer, 00 Knsor Reini:^ Peter tailor. il3 s Re^: ester R-iiiiueer (i. barlier, 95 Cross Heinke G.irrett, tailor, 83 Mulberry iieinlviiiti Deiirich, tavern, 110 Dutiau"s « hf Reinkm>r Henry, 319 n Central av Reinle Rayinonii (Tannert & R.) 1 03 Hanover ReinstVlder John, .-ihoemkr, 4 n Chapel Keiuwa'd Jolui \\. eonfeetioner, 302 Sarat()j.^a Reip Alfred H. (K. J" Son) 270 n Charles Reip Alfred A. clerk, 223 Saiatojia Reip Chas.'E. carp. 280 e Monument Reip Edward, tinner, 20 n Paca Reip J. Henry ( R. & Son) tinware, and house- keepers' articles, 143 w Fau'lte Reip .Mrs. .Margaret, tinware. 28 u Paca Il'ip Mrs. Mary K. toliacconi-ii,28i) e Monument Re p ii. Son, (A. H. and J. H Reip.) tiuivare and housekeeprs' articles, 335 w Baltimore, and ,08 n Eutaw Reip Thos. H. liaiier, Iu3 Pearl Reipe Fred. carp. 422 e .Madison Reipe Henry, tailor. 242 n Edea Reipe Henry, 1 A). 129 s Chester Keis Adam, I tb. 2 At)l>ott Keis Au^£. cooper, 1 Jackson cl Reis Emanuel, sec. hand froods, 41 Forrest Reis F. W. beer, 32 i'arrish lieis John P. lal). 257 s Durham Reis .lolui, lab. Clinton nr Elliott Reis Peter, lab. 430 Canton av R is .\Hc lael, cooper, 192 Hullias liei-e;.' Chris, weaver, 103 u Eden Reiseif Georjie sr. weaver, 100 n Edea Reiser Anion, tailor, 40 s Eutaw Reiser Fred. lab. 40 Stockton Reiser John J. barber, 90 s Eutaw Reiser George, brewi-r, Trappe rd nr O'Donnell Reiser George Wm. barlier, 47 Ridgely Reisett John. segt. police. 307 Cross Reisig (Jharles, saddler 488 Harford av Reisig George, beer, 490 Ilarfoid av Reising Edward, saddler. 9 Clay Reisin^ Geo. shoemkr, 215 n Eden Reising Julius, baker, 450 Saratoga Reisinger .Amanda, dressmkr, 51 Brune Reisinger .Mis. Eliza'aeth, 51 Brune Reisinger Fred P. confect'y, 8S 11 Broadway Reisin.:er Hann.ih, 7 Ugston Reisinger Ileiirv, clerk, Huntington av nr St Paul Reising John H. engineer, 205 Ramsiy Reisinger John P. paperhah;;er, 19:'. e Ballimor Reisinger John C. (Wm. R. k Son) 317 eBiddl Reisinger Lewis F. tinner, 10 McHenry Reisinger Matthias, cigarmkr, 112 George Reisingei Peter, harnessmaker, 38 Brune Reisinger Sarah, dre.ssinkr, 51 Brune Reisinger Wm (Wm. R. k Son) 317 e Biddl. Reisinger Wm. carp. 112 George Reisinger Wm. H. c.irp 190 Lunvale REISINGER WM. & SON. (Wm. and J. C Reisinger) house fum. goods, 103 Portlam and 49 Columbia \See Adv.rlisemeiU Reisenweber John, driver, 97 E istem av Reiss Canrad, liquors, 70 Camden lieissland Ferdinand, lab. 3 Potomac Reister Harry C. saddler, 235 n Edea Reister John E. harnessmkr, 48 Park av Reisier Jonaihan D. engineer, Steriett and St Peter Reister Mrs. Margaret, Calhoun nr Presstman Reister P. P. harnessmkr, 15S s Sharp Reister Wm. H. saddler, 315 .Mulberry Reisl 'Iter Geo. W. butcher, 01 Belair mkt, dw Homestead Reiter Albert H. liacon, 19 s Caroline R'iter Andrew, proc- ry, 290 e Pratt Reiter Clias blacksmith, 156 McHenry Reiter Herman H tailor, 19 s Cari)line Reiter Jonn, ciiiductoi, 160 Scott Reiter Mrs. Mary A. 284 Fr.inklin Reiter Ncchoi.is, gioc'v cor Bond and Mullikii Reiter Philip R. (Reiter k Woodburn) 308 Baltimore REITER k WOODBURN (Philip R. Reiter David E. Woodl)urn) hiud-uiade and wood burnt iricks. office 101 North, yard Light ex Reilh Peter, lab. 46 Riborg Reilhlingshofer J. M. tavern, 22 Commerce Reitz Ch;i#. cooper, 297 s Sharp Reitz Geoige, cooper, 297 s Sharp Reitz Godfrey, shoemkr. 37 .\lbemarle Reitz Henry, tailor, 45 s Oregon Reitz Herman J. 359 Park av Reitz Jacob, blacksmith, 1 i5rune Reitz John, moulder, 130 Peirce Reitz .lohn, lab. !71 s Chapel Reitz Linhart, fu'uiture, 129} s Broadwiiv REITZ LEWIS H. .t BlU). (L.H. and W.'ll L Reitz) grocers and (i< a ers in teas, wines, &C u e cor Camden and Hanover Reitz Lewis, izlar^scutter, 00 William Reitz Lewis H. (L.H.R.& Bro.) 93 Hanover Reitz Martin, lab. 53 Lancaster Reitz Peter, lab. 20 Fountain Reitz Philip, 60 William HENRY' HOEN & 03., Litliographiii.-, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. A2:t. REI 477 RES OQ R^'itz Wm. H. L. (L.H.R & Bio.) 127 Hanover Rfitzel Fredk. gilder, 60 n Amity Reiizel Julin G. clerk, 60 ii Amity Reitzel Matthew, shoeinkr, 60 n Amity Rell Louis, cooper. 291 s Paca Relleker Geo. L slioeiiikr, 168 e Baltimore Relleker Geo. L. jr. painter, 168 e Ballimore Remington .Mrs. Ann, 5d North Reminirton .Mrs. Averilla, 66 s Ann ReminL'ton Horace, clerk, 29 South Remingion Jesse, clerk, 66 s Ann Renike John, lab. 148 s Castle Remler Julius, tailor, 3 Trinity Reniltin Frank, lab. 2H8 s Durham Remlein J.icob, shucker, 238 s Durham Remlein Valentine, ironroller, 259 s Durham Remley George W. c r[) 352 e Monument Remley Wm. H. carp. 55 s Ann Remmel Conrad, beer, Gay and Enger Remmel Geo. beer and provisions. Chase and Central av Remmel J9hn, carter. Hope al nr Ai.-quith Remmel John, lab. 266 n Central av Remmer John, watchman, luT liiliott Reminers Geo. H. salesman, 25 Conway Remmers Henry G. bookkpr, 25 Conway Remmers Henry, siioemkr, e.'iO Lio;ht Remmers Jacol), liquors, 215 n Bond Remmert Ernest, lab. 5 Hammond al Remore George, carp. 3 North av Renaa Michael, barkpr, Ba'rnums hotel Bench Fred coppersmith, 76 n Gay Rendigs Albert (Kassens & Rendigs)17s Spring Rendz Louis, hasketmkr, 244 Henrietta Renehan Wm. clerk, 14 North av Renhof Louis, moulder, 191 e Eagi-r Reniiiger Peter, pianomkr, 181 Lemmon Renker Henry L. gunsmith, 10 Booth Renker John, shoemkr. 111 Leadenhall Renneber^: E iward, hardware and cutlery, 329 Aliceanna Rentier Casper, fireman, 74 s Central av Renner Fred, mariner, 209 s Anti Rentier Geo. L. shoes, 698 w Baltimore Renner Jacob, siioemkr, rear 140 n Eden Rennet John, su^ar tefiner, 96 Somerset Renner Mrs. M. P. millinery, 688 w Baltimore Renner Philip, lab. 132 e Pratt Renner Thos. ice, 276 Greenmount av RENNERT HOUSE, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Fayette St. near Monument Sq. ROBERT RENNKRT. Proprietor. RENNERT'S HOTEL, R. Rennert, proprietor, 45 w Fa\ ette Rennert Conrad, carp. 313 s Charles Rennert G. Henry, cloth cutter, 2."i6 s Eutaw Rennert Lewis, carp. 313 s Charles RKN.NERT ROBERT, j.rop'r Rennert's hotel, 45 « Fa\ette Rennert Wm. restaur.tnt, 40 w Fayette Rt'iinie Wm. salesman, 67 w Biddle lienninger Ja' ol), confectioner, 147 w Biddle Reiinint;er Peter, helper. 181 Lenunon al Renninuer Martin, vamisher, 29 Frederick av Retinoids Dr. Henry T. 186 Aisquith Rennolds Mrs. Mary, 78 n Gilinor Rennolds Wm.D clerk, Courtland nr Lexington Rennous Edward G. boatbiiilder, 115 McElder- ry's whf. dw 106 e Fayette Rennous John R. salesman, 106 e Fayette Renoff Fred, shoeinkr, 55 En.^or Renotf' Fred, shoeinkr, 125 Forrest Renotf Fred, laster, 261 Lee Renoff Geo. W slu^emkr, 67 .McElderry Renshall John, engineer, 87 n Charles Renshall .Mrs. John, 87 ti Paca Renshaw J. F. blacksmith, 240 n Front Rensliaw .James, bagtrage agent,41 7 Lexington Renshaw Josefih, 240 n Front RENSHAW JUSKPH, livery stables, 78 n Cal- vert, carriage depository, 71 and 73 n Cal- vert, dw 137 Renshaw Lemuel, carp. 64 Aisquith Renshaw Wm. 170 Prarl Rentz Andrew, baskctnikr, 17 n Pine Rentz Chas. carp. 832 w Baltimore Rentz Mrs. Geo. F. boarding, 63 n Fremont Rentz Michai-1 J. baskelmkr, 60 Orleans Rentz Philip, carfi. 241 w Fayette Renwick Fiank, salesman, 90 n Howard Renwick John A. (R.R.&Son) 219 Sarat0"-a RENWICK ROBf-;RT & SON (R. and J.A.Ren- wick) furniture manufs. 92 n Howard Renwick Robert (R.R.&Son) 90 n Howard Renwick Robert jr. clerk, 254 w Hoffman Renwick Robert G. clerk, 219 Saratoga Repp Chas. tailor, 173 Patterson Park av Rejip Geo. baker, 298 s Bond Repp Henry, baker, 319 s Bond Repp John, dver and scourer, 273 s Bo;d REPP STEPHEN 0. produce and genl. com. inercht. 161n Howard, dw Pennsylvania house Reppert Mrs. Elizabeth, 44 Montgomery Reppert Geo. W. glassblower, 44 .Montgomery Rep]>hon Geo. carter, 27 Philpot al Repson Peter, shipwright, 229 s Bond Republic Life Ins. Co. branch office, 28 Post- office av. A. B. Cranberry, agent Repulilic Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4 s Holliday Requardt Bertha, hairdresser, 94 Park av Requardt Edward, cigarmkr, 43 e Lombard Requardt Johannes, cigarmkr, 43 e Lombard Requardt John F. cigarpacker,and sec'y Balto. Scheutzen Park, 94 Park av Requardt .1. John, cigar manuf. 8 w Pratt, dw 43 e Lombard Requardt .losegb, cigarmkr, 43 e Lombard Requardt Richard, cigarmkr. 43 e Lombard Resch .Augustus, shipping office, 269 s Aiiu,dw 186 s Regester Resch Henry, milk, 186 s Regester Resell John, watchman, 134 Chesapeake Resh Chas. shoemkr, 273 s Dallas Rish George, 273 s Dallas pq o O d o P o o ^ OQ < <1 (^ PM <1 I — I < p-t < PL, Pi O O Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) OQ P O o 1 c Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. RES 478 KEY e3^ X' •5 k: = 02 ?= . 5 Resh George, tailor, 311 n Central av Ri'Sh Henrv. coachmaker, 44 s Eutaw. dw 54 Druid Hill av g"-* -^ Resh Michael, driver, 27 May o _ o He^hlinir Elizabetl), luuiid. 25 Biddle al 5cv^" Jm .„S Reth John, lab. 91 Lancaster ^ . Retb Jolin, ferryman, 40 Philpot X 5 Reth Killian, tanner, 151 s Spring ~ c5 R''th P '^ Retowsky Rudolph, pianomkr, 242 Montgomery ^ ^ Rettberg Henry, butcher, 60 Centre and 3*2 _ Helair markets, dw Belair av ext g ~ Rettlebach Mrs. K:ite, seamstress, 122 Somerset >*^ ~ Rettner John, beer, 256 e Lombard ~ Rettzler Wm. boarding, 294 s Ann "• Reul John C. blacksmith,! Baker ct Reuckert John L. carp. 293 Penna av Reuder Charles, harnessrakr, 176 n Gay Render S. barkpr. 256 e Eager RKULLXG DR. GEORGE, occulist,66 n Charles Reus Mrs. Christian, 5 n Bond Re:is David, liquors, 138 Hollins Reus George R. butter, 214 Hollins r^ ^ Reus John, liquors, Columbia and Sterrett . r^ X Reus Philip, baker, 44 s Republican g 2 H K,''i'S Stephen, baker, 5 n Bond ^ C js Reusz G'orge J. shoemkr. 3s9 s Charles a "^ Reusz John, shoemkr, 389 s Charles i^ § Renter Andrew, (A. R. Sons) 246 Saratoga ^ -^ _ Reuter Andrew & Sons, (A ,L. and F. Renter) .0 h12 >j builders' and cabinet hardware, 15 n Howard ?! ^ HI Reuter Balthazar, shoemkr, 1 Sarah Ann 0*1 "^ ? Reuter Casper, clerk, 215 Boston <>» .-^ ^Reuter Charles, (R. 4- Mallory) 52 n Exeter 5j '5 ^ Reuter Edward, shoemkr, 98 n Poppleton ^ hD '^ R' uter Fred, siioemkr, 170 L. Greene ^ j^ c Renter Fred, shoemkr, 82 n Spring S -:= '^ Reuter Fied. (A. R. & Sons) 246 Saratoga g "^ ^ Reuter Fred. U. gardener, Harford rJ nr York 1=0 'Springs O S '^' Renter Henry, clerk, 246 Saratoga CJ T")^^^ Renter John, grocery, 215 Boston '♦rv s tt Reuter Lewis, ( A. R. & Sons) 15 n Howard rS P .5 REUTER & MALLORV. (Charles Reuter. J.D. ^ ^ .2S Mallory)railroad, machinists' and gas fitters' ^ *" tl! SUi. plies, 14 s Charles S ^' ^ Reuter Thos. A. hostler, 239 Forrest •^ S^ ^ Reuter Wm. jr. shoemkr, 170 L. Greene ^ ."^ a Renter Wm. shoemkr, 170 L. Greene g c .-. Reuther Henry, beer, 8 e Monument ff _2 ~ Reuther Mary, 12 e Monument X 5 Renting Conrad, pianomkr, 14, Vine, dw 235 w Fayette Reuting Anton, pianomkr, 585 w Lomb.ird Reuwer Mrs. Catherine, 135 Peirce Reuwer Henry, baker. 135 Peirce Reuwer John, cigarmkr, 135 Peirce Reuwer Thio. baker, 26 Walker Reuwer Theo. confectioner, 70 n Exeter Reuwer Wilht-lmina, baker, 196 Columbia Revelding Martin. ]2(t Iceland al Revell Geo W. mai bleculter, 19 Clinton av Revell Nathaniel F. clerk, 19 Clinton av Rever Ferdinand, carp. 333 Orleans Rever George \V. gate house, Philadelphia rd Rever Lewis, dray m. in, 26 Hampstead Revere Henry, cooier, 13s s Regester Reviile Henry D.asst.law librarian, 542 Saratogi Reville John J. clerk, 542 Saratoga Reville Peter,livery stable.Baltiinore nr Strickei dw 542 Saratoga Reville Peier R. clerk, 542 Sarato^'a Reviol Geoige, printer, 3 s Frederick Reviol George, cabineinikr, 28 Bevan Rex John R. (Brand & R.)12 Etting Rex Wm. salesman, 96 Saratoga Rexroth Adam, shoemkr, 45 Short Rexruth John, laborer, 38 Gelslon ct Rexroth Wm. barber, 264 Canton av Rey Wm. T. painter, 440 u Calhoun Reyburn Mrs. Rebecca, boarding, 15 Cathedral Reynolds Albert, canmkr, 193 Jelferson Reynolds Benj. carp. 193 Jefferson Reynolds Clias. clerk, 35 Albemarle Reynolds Chas. painier, 31 Hill Reynolds Chas. J. coppersmith, 56 Thames Reynolds Columbus, blacksmith, 54 n Poppletoa Reyiiolils D. S. clerk, York rd nr North av Reynolds Edvvard, blacksmith, 34 n Bond Reynolds Edwin, bricklayer, 721 w Pratt Reynol Is Mrs. E. W. 72 1' w Pratt Reynolds .Mrs. E;izabelh H. 29 n Strieker Reynolds Elizabeth, Mt. Vernon Reynolds George, cabinetuikr, 56 Henrietta Reynolds Georjje A. laborer, 193 Hudson Reynolds Geo. W. brickl.iyer, 265 e Eagei Reynolds -Mrs. Hannah, milln'y, 248 Lexington Reynolds Henry, engineer, 29 n Strieker Reynolds Henry L. weigher, 708 Lexington Reynolds Hugli,iallowcliandler,293e Monument REYNOLDS ISAAC & SONS, (Jos. Rci nobis, A. C. Prachi)manufs. Chesapeake Guano, 40 Postoffice av Reynolds Isadore, sparmkr, 177 Stirling Reynolds James K. P. lab. 158 Hudson Reynolds James A engineer, 73 e Baltimore Reynolds James T. conductor, 11 Parish Rejuolds Jesse K. brakeman, 21 s High Reynolds Jesse K. carp. 295 e Fayette Reynolds Capt. John C. mariner, 191 Johnson Reynolds John, lab. 166 n Front Reynolds John, lab. 29 Hai'rison, Canton Reynolils John, p;iiiiter, 465 n (iay Reynolds John, boarding, 63 Thames Reynolds John, lab. 78 Durst al Reynolds John jr. blacksmith, 304 w Hoffman, dw 215 Dolphin Reynolds John, borseshoer. Ill nPaca, dw 116 Walsh Reynolds John D. (Wm. H. Hennegan & Co.) St. Clair hotel Reynolds John E. clerk, York rd nr North av Reynolds Joiui W. brieklayer, 71 Frederick av Reynolds Joseph P. gen'l agent Merchants Life fns. Co. of N. Y., 159 n Carey •z o HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. KEY 479 RIC Reynolds Jos (I.R.&Sons;York id nr North av Reyiicdds Joseph, lahorer, 414 w Loiiiliard Rt-ynolds Joseph jr. iiiachiiiist, 414 w Lombard Reynolds Mrs. Josiah, 21 s Hi^'h Reynolds Mrs. Julia L, 69 Courtland REVXOLDS LUTHKK M. altorr.ey, 35 Lexing- ton, dw 25 Aisquith Reynolds Mrs. },Liry A. 29 Harrison, Canton Reynolds Mrs. .Mary, »e o a > Cj > O td ^ O O a o o o tD P-. c-f Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, RIO 480 RIC H H H « H C/J < m (x; H o O CO ^ 00 O o H ^, ^ (— 1 ^ <1 w 1^ r=!!H OQ O do; l-H ?!^ K O o Rice Fredk. carp. Harford av nr Townsend Rk-e George, lab. 57 n Ct-utral av Rice Dr. Georj-e L. 37 Druid Hill av Rice Dr. George L. 23 s Eutaw Rice (Jriffin, mariner, 4 Ilaiiiburg Rire Henry D. gr:iiner, 190 e .Madison Rice Henrj- E. driver. 124 n Gay Rice Henry F. mariner, 4 Hamburg Rice Isaac, tobacconist, 18 n Poppleton Rice J, .cob, 6G6 Pciiiia av Rice Jacob, horse dealer, 123 e Pratt Rice James, lab. 67 s Monroe Rice James L. biitclier, 430 w Lombard Rice John, 2 Norris al Rice John, lab. 6 Grenn ct Rice John T. trimmings, 150 Lexington, dvv 24 George Rice John \V. & Co. (J. W. Rice) wholesale WDodenware, brooms, «&c. 32 s Calvert Rice John W. (J.W.R.&Co.)197 n Republican Rice Lawrence,provisioris, 430 w Lombard Rice Mary J. grocery, 92 Chew Rice Mrs. .Mary, miHiuery, 192 Ilollins Rice Michael, cooper, 192 Hollins Rice Rev. Martin, 305 n Broadway Rice Martin F. cigarmkr, 280 Division Rice Mrs. .Mary, 104 Richmond Rice Nicholas, shi()carp. 390 Hanover Rice Oscar, printer, 92 L'hew Rice Owen, clerk, 13 Mulberry Rice Robert, moulder, 40 Lemmon Rice R. \V. salesman, 26 n Paca RiCf Theodore H. mariner, 4 Hamburg Rice Tlios.H. & Son (T.H. and C.E.Rice)b!ock and pumpmkrs, 4 Covington Rice Thomiis, soap cutter, 63 s Central av Rice Thomas H. (T.H. Rice & Son) 21 Hill Rice Capt. Win. T. 84 s Bond Rice Wm. cooper, 359 Light Rici- Wm. lab. 256 s Caroline Ricely Daniel, grocery, 104 s Paca Ricely Maria, ( Mrs. Parsons & Sister, ) 147 n Eutaw Rich Anton, tobacconist and cigar manufact'r, 195 e Lombard Rich Dr. Arthur, 30 n Fremont Rich .Mrs. Elizabeth, dairy, 219 s Charles Rich Eniil, packer, 8 Park av Rich Henry M. clerk, 30 n Fremont Rich John W. lali. 221 Henrietta Rich Meyers (Hoffliu & R.) 52 n Liberty Rich Philip, clothing, 79 n Wolfe Rich Thos.R. & Co.(T. R. Rich) financiers and geii'l agents, 17 South Rich Thos. R. (T.R.Rich & Co.) Hoovers- ville, Anne Arundel co Rich Wm. engineer. Chapel nr Cross Richard Anton, lab. 174 [jee Richard Charles, carp. 3 Trinity Richard Geo. lab. 298 s Charles Rich :.rd Henry, lab. 97 Elliott Richard Henry, lab. 199 Aliceanna Richard Jacob, lab. 97 Elliott Richards Rev. Amon, 42^ n Poppleton ^ Richards Amon A. carp. 42 J n Poppleton Richards Amelia C. fancy gds. 437 Lexington Richards Andrew, bricklayer, tiO Portland Richards Birch .M. bookkpr, 442 w Baltimore Richiuds B. H. ( Sioneburner S; R. ) 133 n Gilmor Richards Daniel W. carp. 149 Dru'id Hill av Richards Edmund C. barkpr, 2u8 n Caroline 200 Richards Edward, machinist, 40 s Exeter Richards Kdward, varnishcr. 137 iturgundy al Richards Francis E. carp. 353 n Bond Richards Geo. shoenikr, 682 w Pratt Richards Geo. W. bootfitter, 716 w Lombard Richards H.F. printer, 45 George Richards J. Hook, ayent P. P. Stewart's stove, 442 w Baltimore, dw Baltoco Richards Jacob, huckst' r, 205 s Paca Richards James R. clerk, 103 w Fayette Richards John, huckster, 218 Orleans Richards John, bricklayer, 41 Holland Richards John J bricklayer, 126 s Poppleton Richards John, lab. 119 Chew Riciiards Joseph, grocery, 53j Harrison Richards Jos. A. trunkmkr, 49 n Fremont Richards Lewis, wheelwiight, 217 Lee Riihards Dr. Louis, 77 Camden Richards Mrs. M. L. teacher, 4 McMechin Richards R D. clerk, 256 w Fayette Richards Randolph, butter and provisions, Aisquith Richards Richard, shoemkr, 158 Franklin Richards Theodore, bricklayer, 157 L. Greene Richards Thos. L. clerk, 77 Camden Richards Rev. Thos. Clinton nr Third av Richards Wm. C. trunkmkr, 49 n Fremont Richards Wm. J. tobacconist, 101 Greenm't av Richards Wm.H.J. trunkmkr, 352 w Baltimore, dw 49 n Fremont Richards Wm. L. ganger, 42J n Poppleton Richards Mrs. Winifred, grocery, 157 L. Greene Rich.irdson Asher, clerk, 294 e Biddle RICHARDSON BEALE H., Judge Appeal Tax Court, 247 Saratoga Richardson Benj 0. carp. 441 n Central ay Rich rdson Jj- Brown, (Edw. T.Richardson and C.A. L. Brown) stationery and job printing, 7 w Baltimore Richardson Caleb, shipcarp. 47 Warren Richardson C. H. clerk, Custom House Richardson -Mrs. Caroline, 10 Aisquith Richardson Chas. bridgekpr, 161 Johnson Richardson Charles H. (J. W. R. & Sons,) 10 Aisquith Richardson Dr. Chas. C. 302 w Lombard Richard.'^on Chas. J. gasfitter, 455 w Lombard Richardson E. A. 441 Central av RICHARDSON E. J. & SONS, (E. J. Richard- son) insurance agents, 9 North RICHARDSON E.J. & SONS, 9 and 11 North street. Agents for the American Fire Insurance Com- pany, Pennsylvania Fire Insur- ance Co., Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., Manhattan Fire Insurance Co., and the Atlantic Fire Insur- ance Co. Richardson Edward A. (E. J R. & Sons,) 92 Townsend Richard Edw. M. clerk, 363 w Lombard Richardson Edw. D. surveyor, 40 St. Paul, dw 363 vv Lombard Richardson Edw. T. (R. k Brown) 7 n Front Richard.son Edwin G.law student,2o3l.iinden av Richardson Mrs. Elizabeth F. dressmaker, 92 e. Madison Richardson Frank, bricklayer, 292 McHenry HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. RIG 481 RIG Richardson Geo. C. engineer, 441 n Central av Richardson Geo. W. driver, 723 w Pratt Richirdson Geo.W. niiichiiiist, 595 w Lombard RICHARDSON GEO. I. insurance agent. 28 youth, dw Lutheiville, Baltoco Richardson J. A. (Carson, R. & Co.) Park av nr Lanvale Richardson James, coachtrimmer, 197 Cathedral Richardson Jumes R. watchman, 60 s Ann Richard.-^on Jji.mes O. salesman, 64 w Centre Richardson James M. police, 136 Druid Hill av Richardson John. lab. 52 West Richardson John, niiiriner. Burton's hotel Richardson John V. drayman, 73 Battery av Richardson J. Purver, real estate broker, 27 Hanover, dw Baltimore co Richardson John (John R. & Co.) State super- visor of tobacco waiehouses. 310 n Eden Richardson J. & Co. (John Richardson, W.W. Bell) wholes, leaf and manufactured tobacco and cigrars. 45 w Lombard RICHARDSON JOHN W. & SONS (C. H. and W.W.Richardson) raercht. tailors, 12 n Gay Richardson Joseph, brickmkr, 448 Lip:ht Richardson Joshua N. letter carrier and groc'y, s w cor Eager and Forrest Richardson Lara, clerk, 363 w Lombard Richardson Mrs. -M. B. 356 Park av Richardson Mrs. M. M. 185 Linden av Richardson Miry, 147 Hanover Richardson Moses, cigar boxmaker, rear 128 n High, dw IT2 n Gay Richardson Nathan, waterman, 24 Warner Richardson Page, clerk, 97 St. Paul Richardson Robt. J. mariner, 114 s Eden Richardson Richard T. clerk, 243 n Calvert Richardson Mrs. Sallie A. 273 .Madison av Richardson S. H. liquors, 856 w Pratt Richardson Rev. Samuel McD. asst. treasurer Savings hank, 203 Linden av Richardson Samuel L. plasterer, 74 Chew Richardson Samnel McD. jr, clerk, 203 Linden av Richaidson Samuel T. carp. 306 Hanover Richardson Shepard D. watchman, 115 Mont- gomery Richardson Thos. boilermkr, 36 Columbia Richardson Thos. C. carp. 8 Williamson al Richardson Thos, J. brickmkr, 604 Light Richardson Thos. C. plasterer, 128 Vine Richardson Wm. lal. 88 n Wolfe Richardson Wm. H. sergt. police, 422 Light Richardson Wm. H., C.H. 202 Eastern av Richardson Wm. H. shoemkr, 100 Johnson Richardson Wm. 11. machinist, 92 e .Madison Richardson Wm. E. furn. wagon, 723 w Pratt Richardson Wm. L. clerk, 97 St. Paul Richardson Wm.W(J.W.R .& Son) lOAisquith Richardson Wm. L. shoemkr, 59 George Richardson Wilmer S. coach wheelmkr, 291 n Dallas Richenberger Jos. cattle, 29 Lee Richers Henry N. flour and feed, 231 s Charles, dw 195 Hanover Richers Nicholas, 229 s Charles Richert John, shoemkr, 325 w Biddle Richey Rev. Joseph, 226 n Eutaw Richmond Henry, huckster, 292 Penna av Richmond Henry, stonecutter, 173 n Eulaw Richmond Henry A. clerk, 292 Penna av Richmond Joba, florist, 78 w Biddle Richmond John W. jr. engineer, 173 Barre Richmond John W. engineer, 173 Barre Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's OQ Richmond John W^ machinist, 183 Lee ^ Richmond Martha J. teacher, 292 Penna av ^ Richmond Mary A. huckslress, 292 Penna av r3 RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG STEAM- i-^-l BOAT LINE, 90 Light-st uhf, W . A.Selden, ^ agent ^ Richmond Samuel, lab. 78 w Biddle 9^ Richmond Sarah E. teacher, 292 Penna av O RICHMOND, YORK RIVER AND CHESA- ^ PEAKE R. R. LINE, R. Foster, gen. mana- '-3 ger, 144 Light-st whf "^ Richmond Wm. H. C. engineer, 375 w Pratt CQ Richstine Augustus, lab. 127 s Fremont Richter Adolph, apothecary, n w cor Broadway -"^ and Mullikin, dw 64 n Broadway J5 Richter Mis. Catherine, 171 e Pratt ^ Richter Chas. manauer Monumental Variety =^ Works, 152 n Carey Richter Chas. E. painter, Presstman nr Strieker 9 Richter David, baker. Cross nr St. Peter al q Richter Elias, lab. 10 Shakspear |>. Richter Fred. W. restaurant, 65 Hanover ^ Richter Geo. L. baker, 171 e Pratt Richter Geo. stevedore, 126 s Central av ^ Richter G. Lawrence, tavern, 195 s Broadway ^• Richter George L. grocery, cor Baltimore and ,.^ Washington ^ Richter Henry, apothecary, 199 Frederick av Richter J. Otto, weigher,"l44 Hollins ^ Richter James, moulder, 55 Parrish \^ Richter John, lab. 244 s Durham r^ Richter Jane, grocery, 82 Warner Vh Richter John G. oigarmkr, 76 Warner "^ Richter Ludwell, cigarmkr, 82 Warner ^ Richter Ludvvig, dyer, Hudson and Harrison "^ Richter Mary E. grocery, 172 Henrietta Ph' RICHTER MORITZ H. dyer and fur manufac'r, P-i' Hudson and Harrison ^tj. Richter Robert, machinist, 4 St. Peter Richter Wm. G. carp. 8 St. Peter CD- Richter Wm., Edmondson av nr Carey I^i Richter Wm. jr. paperhanger, Edmondson av b-^ nr Carey -~J Richwein Chas. blacksmith, 20 Myrtle av "f-t Richwein Henry, blksmith, 37 s Oregon, dw 39 ^ Richwein Lewis, wheelwright, 298 Hanover ^ Rickarts Daniel, driver, 511 Saratoga Ricker Michael, shoemkr, 261 Battery av ^ Rickerds Ephraim, peddler, 2,^5 Columbia <> Rickert Geo. clerk, 352 e Fayette nq Rickert Conrad, bakery, Stj'2 e Fayette S Rickert John, carp. 255 William ^ Rickes Jotin, sawyer, 43 Bank Rickes John, clerk, 348 ^McDonogh H' Rickes Wm. (Bruggemnn & R.) 43 Bank ;Z5 Ricketts Andrew, tireman, 46 Parrish fi£] Ricketts Benj. fruit and manufr. candies, n e^ cor Light and Pratt, dw Maltby house <- Ricketts Geo. B. (Ryan & R.) 90 8 Bond p_,. Ricketts John jr. pressman, 105 n Broadway Ricketts John Boyd (Boyd & R.) 480 Eutaw pi CQ. Ricketts Mrs. Mary, milk, 24 Lloyd Q Ricketts Samuel J. lab. 6 Binney ^ Ricketts Wesley (W. R. Si Son) 480 Eutaw pi ^ Ricketts Wesley jr. (W. R. & Son) 480 Eutaw pi ^ Ricketts Wesley & Son ( Wesley and Wesley ^ Ricketts jr.) importers foreign fruits, 83 acd 85 Smith's whf «• Ricketts Wm. clerk, 480 Eutaw pi ^■ Rickey Albert, sailmkr, 58 e Pratt Rickey Chas. sailmkr, 58 e Pratt qq Rickey Harry, clerk, 58 e Pratt ^ o at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) 31 1 fl o o ■l-l c:* Ci- QQ »-> c :/-. ^ 0) •"^ > Zl '-/- J^ X Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, RIC 482 RIE o K ^ T) >, *' •o 'T^ - ?£ 1— 1 O cc ^^' S3 >- S < '^- 3; -^ \A cC S ^ ■vi o w s a H PS ^ o 2 r/l ^ ■♦— ' t»i •. W D Tj ?^ o c ^ i J 1 •^^ r J5 ,^i cS s := »o 1.1 o Tf Cfy- ■^ be >J <_ M K -i-j !« i^ » > a- o »™^ > ^ '^ • ,— oC 00 ? C ft -t-> T^ 00 O) c3 /L ix lO m ^^ Rickey Mrs. Mary, 58 e Pratt Kickier Clias. W. shoeinkr, 158 Stirling Rictor Jose})!!, bricklayer, 141 Coliinibin RICURD & I'O (Dr. J. E. Ricord) physicians, 141 w Fayette Ricord Dr. J. E (R. «fe Co.) Baltimore co Riftor John, huckster, 112 Pearl Rictor Moliie, 67 Vine Rictor Mrs. Rebecca, |>rovisions, 141 Columbia Rictor Sarauel, clerk, 30 s Strieker Riddell E. R. ( .\vers & R.) 81 n Liberty RIDDLE HURATIO R. com. merchant, 118 3 Kiitaw d\v 156 Piirk av Riddle Mrs. L boarding, 156 s Sharp Riddle John T. coachiukr, 262 n Gilmor Riddle Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, 46 Jackson Riddle Mrs. S.rah, 510 n Gay Riddleiiioser Joseph (R. & Weatherley) livery stables, 88 & 150 w Fayette, d\v 26 s Strieker Riddlemoser & Weatherley, ( J. Riddlenioser,J. \V. Wt-atheiley) coachniakers, 92 and 93 w Fayette Ridenour Albert, clerk, 223 w Lombard Rider Alex. W. harnessmkr, 17 New Rider Andrew, lab. 64 Gieenmount av Rider Andrew, tiard'r, Harford rd nrHall Sjjrings Rider Antoiiie, mariner, 140 s Regester Rider Mrs. E. dry goods, 235 Lexington Rider Mrs. Emily, 184 Montijomery Rider Francis, driver, 23 Walnut al Rider Fred. lab. 23 AValmii al Rider Fred, shoemkr, 92 Dawson al Rider Geo. lab. 23 Walnut al Rider Geo. brickmkr, 29 Harrison, Canton Rider Isaac, clerk, 81 s Sharp Rider Jacob, engineer, 13 Hudson al Rider James P 20 s Gilmor Rider John, blacksmith, 52 Parkin Rider John W' . clerk, 2o s Gilmor Rider Leopold, ^Moses R. & Son) 2 Portland Ridrr Moliie, dressmkr, 131 Raborg Rider Moses, salesman, 81 s Sharp Rider Moses, (M. R. k Son) 235 Lexington RIDER MUSKS & SON, (M. and L. Rider) dry goods, s w cor Columbia and Paca Rider Solomon, salesman, 2ii5 Lexington Rider Wni. E. ousters, 26 and 28 Holland, dw 311 11 Bond Rider \Vm. E. (Inloes & R.) 315 n Bond Rider Mrs. Washington, 2U s Gilmor Rider Dr. Wm. G. 87 Mulberry, dw Gibbons' hotel Ridgaway Geo. T. carp. 19 Chew Ridgaway Geo.T. carp. Washington nr Chase Rid^iaway James N. printer, 81 Aisquith Ridjzaway John, brickmkr, 3ri2 Ramsay Ridgawi'.y Josiali, shoe .itorc, 81 Aisquith Ridgaway Richard, lab. 100 s Fulton Ridgaway Samuel C. 8 s Gilmor Ridgaway Samuel C. jr. clerk, 8 s Gilmor Ridgaway Samuel S. coachsrailh, 93 Mullikin Ridgaway Thos. S. teller Howard Bank Ridgaway Win. O. shoemkr, 118 \\ Caroline Ridgaway Wm. 0. clerk, 3s n Calvert Ridge Henry, coachsmith, 388 Lexington Ridgely Dr. A. G. dentist, 40 Lexington Ridge Will. T. coachsmith, 184 Scott Ridgely Andrew Sterrett, attorney, Johnson building 51 w Fayette, dw 118 Park av Ridgely C. G. clerk, Custom house, dw 314 n Strieker Ridgely Chas. G. attorney, 314 n Strieker Ridgelv Mis. Charles, 190 n Charles RU>GELY CHARLES W. attorney, 34 St. Paul, dw Lntlierville, Balio co Ridgely David, CarroUton hotel Rid-ely E. T. provisions, 3.H s Mount Ridgely .Mrs. Francis A. 257 Linden av Ridgely Frank W. lirakcman, 129 Conway Ridfjely James L. prest. Mutual Fire Ins Co. of B.iliimore, 267 Lanvale Ridgely James L. Grand Sec' v of G.L. ,1.0.0. F. of U. S., office Odd Fellows' Hall, dw jCT Lanvale Rid;;ely John, 190 n Charles Ridgely Job'. R. jr. salesman, 128 Cathedral Ridgely John R. sr. trav. agent, 128 Cathedral Ridgely Jos. G. clerk, Lanvale nr Charles-staT Ridgelv Lot W., Barnums hotel RIDGELY Dr. N. G. 161 McCuUoh Ridi;ely R. S. salesm.m, 2 s Gilmor Ridgely Thomas, fireman, 259 McHenry Ridgely Thos. H. law student, 34 St. Paul, dw Lutherville Rid^;ely Waiter B. clerk, 128 Cathedral Riduely Zach. T. conductor, 89 HoUins Ridinger John T. lab. 47 Stockton Ridint^er John T. lab. 35 Whatcoat Riebel CJeo. barber, 62 s Eutavv Riebel Lewis, saloon, 320 Aliceanna Riebel Nicholas, variety store, 50 n Eden Rieber Chas. tailor, 275 n Central av RIECHERT C. W. G. Inlliard parlors, over n e cor Baltimore and Eutaw, dw 168 Lexington Ried -Mary, teacher, 60 n Bond Riedel Charles, shoemkr, 3u4 s Bond Riedel John, shoemkr, 304 s Bond Riedel Peier, clerk, 304 s Bond Riedorf Chas. tailor, 34 e Pratt Ridinger Adam, junk, 274 s Eutaw Ridinger John, junk, 274 s Eutaw Ridinger Philip, junk, 260 Cross Riefle C. Lewis, clerk, Peuna av ext RIEFLE GEO. F. propr. Monumental Color Works, 172 Light-sl wharf, dw Pennaavext Riefle Mrs. Henry, Penua av ext Riefner Henry, shoemkr, 270 Eastern av Riefner John C. jeweler, 42 e Baltimore Riegel Michael, cooper, 85 Stiles Riegel Wm. cooper, 85 Stiles Riebel Peter, cabinetmkr, 31 n Frederick Rieger Andrew, lab. 398 s Charles Rieyer Augustus, police, 79 Albemarle Rieger Frank, stationery, 11 Warner Rieger Mrs. .Magdalena, grocery, ^98 s Charles Riegler Andreas, paver, 100 u Chapel Rieglcr Mrs. Mary, grocery, 100 n Chapel Riehl Casper, turner, 114 s Wolfe Riehl Henry, lab. »1 Dover Riehl James, engineer, 53 Essex Riehl J. Jos. barber, Pratt bet Gilmor & Mount Riehl Jos. cooper, McHenry nr Payson Rielui Henry H. R. barber, 173^ Lexington Riehl Loreiiz, 6 n Caslle Rieker Michael, carp 22 Walnut al Riemaii A. 11. waichmkr, 161 e Fayette Rieman August C. jeweler, 161 e Fayette Riemaii Alex. (H. Rieman & Sons) also vice- prest W. M. R. R. 99 Park av Rieman Geo S. clerk, 144 n Carey RIEMAN HENRY & SONS (J. H. and A. Rie- man) prov. ami com. merchts. 12 s Howard Rieman H,v . jr. ( W. J. H. & Sou )205 w Lombard Rieman Howard, bookkpr, 342 Madison av HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, Q. R Bresee, G-enl Agt. RIE 488 RIL RiemMn Joseph H. (H. Rieman & Sons) 101 w Jlonuineiit Rieman Jos. H. jr. cleik, 99 Park av > KIEMAN WM. .].& SON, ( Wm. J. and H. Rie- man jr.) packers and provision merchants, 57 Geiniaii W. J. EiEMAN. Henrt Rieman, Jk. W. J. HIIM4I £, Sil, (Pork Hoase, Tsrre Haute. Indiana,) Provision k Commission No. 57 German Street. Carers of the >'ORA.\OE BRAXD" Ham. Rieman Wm. J. (W.J.K.jiivSon) 342 Madison av Riemaiischeider Edw. A. barkpr, Harlord av ext BIEPE J. H., Watches and Jewelry, 282 w Baltimore, dw 287 n Bond. Riepe Luther, grocery, 25 n Pine Ries Adam, tailor, 214 e Chase Ries Charles, tailor, 271 e Eajrer Ries E. E. (R. & Pollock) 145 s Broadway Ries J. H. confectionery, 858 w Pratt Ries & Pollack (E. E. Ries and Geo. Pollack,) shoe manufrs. 145 s Broadway Riess John, mariner, 24 Philpot Riester Peter, harnessmkr, 154 s Sharp Rietdorf Wm. H. pianoluner, 524 n Gay Rietdorf Wm. carver, 524 n Gay Riete! Adam, shucker, 219 s Rej^ester Rietel Mary, confectioner, 219 s Uejicster Rietmiller Henry, barber, 352 s Caroline Riefe John S. merchant tailor, 588 w Baltimore, dw 140 n Fremont Rietz Jacob, blacksmith, 1 Brune Riffle Thos. (G. S. Griffith & Co.) 22 Pleasant Rigby Henry C. clerk Boston Steamship office, dw 92 Mosher Rigby Henry J. tailor, 272 n Broadway RIGBY J. ARTHUR, general insurance agent, 22 South, dw 1 7tj Harlem av Rigby Levin D.wheelw't,30 Barre,dw 276 Light Rigby Philip A. carp, rear 148 Camden, dw 92 Mosher Rigby Philip T. carp. 92 Mosher Rigby Wm. Lee, 92 Mosher Rigel Michael, cooper, 85 Stiles Riger George, lab. 298 Cross Riggal Adam, furn. WMgon. 65 s Schroeder Riggan Joshua, fisherman. Wolf and Biddle Rigger Geo. polisher, 29S Cross Rigger John, coppersmith, 30 Stiles Rigticr Lawrence sr. engineer, 30 Stiles Rigger Laivrence, butcher, 506 e Fayette Riggin George, boilernikr, 368 Hanover Riggin John, driver, 9 Russell Riggin Joseph, shipsmith, 145 Cross Riggs George S. 373 n Durham Riggs & Co. agts for Marvin's fire and burglar proof safes, and Butfalo scales Co. 35 Post- office av Riggs Edw. groc'y, cor Eutaw and Hamburg RIGGS JOSHUA W. grocery, Baltimore and Strieker, dw 667 Lexington Riggs Lawrason, 82 Cathedral Riggs W. T.. Eutaw house Riggs Mrs. Wm. T. 63 Mt. Vernon pi Rightler Geo. W. bricklayer, 184 Columbia Rightmyer J. L. clerk, 58 n Holliday Rigney Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 247 Forrest Rigney Geo. conductor, 157 Conway Rigney James, moulder, 247 Forrest Rigney John T. 272 Linden av Rigney Patrick, (Jas. J. Lacy & Co.) 75 s Castle Rigney Wm. 137 s Paca Rigueur Mad. C. V. 260 n Howard Rigueur Vicior, prof. French, 260 n Howard Riley Amanda B. dressmkr 14 s Republican Riley Mrs. Ann, grocery, lISTownsend Riley Mrs. Ann, grocer}', 23 Amity Riley Christopher, hostler, 7 Haujilton Riley Columbus, sboemkr. 231 ('hew Riiey David, bricklaver, 55 Stirlin;^ Riley Dr. David, grainweigher, 469 e Eager Riley David, salesman, 102 s Eutaw Riley Edward, lab. 62 Walnut al Riley Edward, polisher, 84 s Charles Riiey Elizabeth B. teacher, 47 Lexington Riley Geo. M. police, 189 Hollins Riley Geo. steamfitter, 29 Henrietta Riley Geo. gasmelermkr, 22 e Monument Riley Geo. W. woodcutter, 112 Preston Riley Geo. W. conductor, 52 McHenry Riley Henrv V. chief of telegraph repairs, B. & O'. R. R.'gO Columbia Riley Howard, police, 55 Stirling Riley Hu^h, lab. Lemmon nr Goldsmith al Riley James H. watchman, 119 s Washington Riley James, coachsmith, rear 418 Saratoga Riley James, currier, Franklin hotel Rile}' James, ass't engineer, St. Clair hotel Riley James W. 41 Stirling Riley Mrs. Johanna, grocery, 102 s Eutaw Riley John, cabinetmkr, 15 8 Wolfe Riley John T. plasterer, 118 w Townsend Riley John jr. cigarnikr, 41 Stii ling Riley John E. police, 40 Ensor Riley John, bricklayer, 260 Chesnut Riley John, lab. 9 Cuba Riley John A. butcher, 16 Forrest pi Riley John H. gold beater, 111 w Fayette Riley John C. blacksmith, rear Home Mission Chapel, Eastern av Riley John, lab. 54 s Schroeder Riley John P. lab. 12 s Carey Riley John J. G. cash'r West'n Union telegraph, s w cor Baltimore and Calvert, dw 143 3 Paca Riley John W. polisher, 211 Hanover Riley John W. gunsmith, 102 s Eutaw Riley Joseph, plumber, 3 Potomac Riley Jost-ph W. canmkr, 61 Barnes Riley Joseph C. carp. 251 Lee Riley Luther C. watchman, 370 Cathedral Riley Mrs. Mary A. grocery, 63 Barnes, dw 61 Riley .Matthew, lab. 347 s Charles Riley Matthew, lab. 24 Wyeth Riley Michael, lab First av nr Clinton Riley Michael, carp. 222 e Baltimore Riley Michael, engineer, 116 s Poppletoa Riley Patrick, lab. 30 Potomac Riley Patrick, lab. 353 Cathedral Riley Patrick, lab. 43 York Riley Patrick, lab. 108 s Strieker Riley Patrick, watchman, 30 n Poppleton Riley Patrick, shoemkr, Hunter al nr John Riley Peter, milk, Harford av nr city iimiig pq o O o o <^ o o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. K Pi a H o P5 h— I <1 t O < ft o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. RIL 484 RIT H W H P^ H ^ r/; H a 1^ <1 <1 K w H O ;-j r/; o C/J ^ C30 C o H ^ h- i t— 1 g < « GQ O O Pq ■ O • Wo O K ^< ^t C"* PS c o Riley Peter, police, 49 Hill Riley Thomas, moulder, 30 n Poppleton Riley Thomas, hostler, 7 Hamilton Kilcy Wm. printer, 432 e Monument Riley Dr. Wm. 47 Lexington Riley Wm. m^triner, First av nr Clinton Riley \\"m mariner, 274 s Dallas Riley Wm. E. boxmkr, 274 s Dallas Rilej Wm. E. gunnikr, s Eutaw nr Camden Riley Wm. H. ])olice, 18 Somerset Riley Wm. L. jiainter, 22 e Monument Rirabach Albi-rt, baker, 95 s Regestcr Rimby James, lab. 185 Patteison Park av Rimby Mrs. Kate, 61 1 Belair av Rimby Reuben L. moulder, 118 St. Peter Rimby Wm. B. broommkr, 611 Belair av Rimnetly Charles, cooper, 171 Hamburg Rindollar Toby, stairbuilde., 158 Franklin RINEHART & CHILDS, (E. T. Rinehart,Benj. E. Childs) flour and gen'l com. merchts, s w cor Howard and Franklin Rinehart E. Tli03.(R.# Childs)150 w Diddle Riuehart Geo. hay, 28 .McKim.dw 217 Forrest Rineiiart George jr. elk, 217 Forrest Rinehart Isaiah, dentist, 21 n Mount Rinehart Lewis, lal). Portugal ct Rinehart John, haypkr, 399 Aisquith Ring Elizabeth, seamstress, 34 Lewis Ring Frt-dk. lab. 164 Madeira al Ring Jacob, shoerakr, 13 Perry Ring John J. stonecutter, 18 George Ring Lewis, bookkiir, 329 Lexington Ring M. & Co. (M. Ring, L. Goldsmith)wholes. clothing, 322 w Baltimore Ring Moses, (M.R & Co.)329 Lexington Ring Peter C carp. 504 Lexington Ringer Isaiah, com. mercht, 137 Camden Ringdorf W. J. wood moulder, 198i e Pratt Ringgold C. F. elk, York rd Ringgold Edward, 107 Chew Ringgold Ellen M. 145 Hanover Ringgold James, bricklayer, 97 HolHns Ringgold James T. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw n w cor Biddleand McCulloh Ringgold Mrs. Jane F. trimmings, 79 n Broadway Ringgold John E. 79 n Broadway Ringgold John P. hosiery, gloves, &c. 175 w Baltimore and 39 n Charles, dw York rd Ringgold Mary E. 145 Hanover Ringgold Mrs. Sarah, dressmkr, 248 n Eden Ringgold Thos C. carp. 248 n Eden Ringgold Wm. H hosiery, gloves, trimmings, Riller Mrs. Annie, toltacco, 411 Caiiton av ' Riiter Rev Chas. 17 Patuxent , Ritter Chas. riyger, 243 s Wolfe \t Riiter Chas. F. clerk, 133 u Gilmor i Ritter Chas. F. shoemkr, 6 e Pratt i Ritter Christian shoemkr, 10 e Pratt Ritter Columbus, lab. Clifton nr the park Ritter Conrad, butcher, 15 ("ross-st market, dw Millington rd nr Frederick rd Ritter David, millwright. 287 Ramsay Ritter Eli, carp. Homestead heiiihts Ritter Frank, lab 24 Frederick av Rittei Fredk. shoemkr, 6 e Pratt Ritter Geo. butcher, 76 Belair market, dw Point la nr Harford rd , Ritter Geo. carpenter, cor Plover al and Rich- mond, div 6 St. Mary Ritter Henry, tailor, 59 n Castle ' Ritter James T. lab. 484 w Lombard Riiter John W. caadymkr, 140 Barre Ritter Mrs. John, tobaccoHist, 411 Canton av Ritter John, canmkr, 157 s Durham Ritter John, carp. 411 Canton av Ritter John, shoemkr, 21 s Liberty, dw 140 Barre Riiter John, wheelwiight, 22 Ridgely Ritter John A. barber, 247 w Hiddle Ritter John B. brickn.kr, 35 Warren Riiter John F. shoemkr, 223 s Wolfe Ritter Josiah M. 62 Barre Ritter Mrs. Mary, 54 Parkin Ritter Owen, lab. Clifton nr the park Ritter Philip H. druggist, 52 e Baltimore Ritter Sydney W. millwright, 428 e Eager Ritter Wilson, blacksmith. 45 Parrish BITTER WM. L. accountant, 170 n Re- publican Ritter Wm. (Treuleib & Bro.) 26 Eusor Ritter Wm. carp. 35 Rock Riiter Wm. G. clerk, 6 e Pratt Ritterbush Adam, shipcarp. 35 s Burke Ritterbusl) Conrad, carver, 247 n Bond Ritteri.ush Henry, shipcarp. 82 Harrison, Canton Ritterich John, tailor, 29 Bradford al Ritterhofl Ernest, stoves, s w cor Lombard and Central av Rittei hot! Fredk. confectioaer, 265 Light Rilterman John, capper, 152 Johnson Ritterman Jos. lab. 136 West Ritterschofer Ernest, cooper, 935 W Pratt Rittler .Marcus, lab. 26] w E iger Rittler W. H. (Lorentz & R. ) 60 Barre Rittler Wm. boxmkr, 79 s Fremont Ritz August, carp. 19 Rose Ritz Christian, shoemkr, 19 Rose Ritz Conrad, butcher, Castle nr Chew Ritz Joseph, lab. Wolfe nr Belair av Ritz L. cabinetmkr, 324 Eastern av Ritz Mrs. Mary W. 102 s Broadway Ritz Peter, locksmith, 9 Stockton Ritzel Mrs. Caroline, grocery, 296 Orleans Ritzel Courad, broommkr, 296 Orleans Ritzeus Chas. varnisher, 63 s Eutaw Ritzer John, tailor, 234 n Central av RilzerJohu, lab. Warner and West Eitzius Curtb, wheelwright. 15 s Ann Ritzius Henry, carp. 116 Raboig Ritzius Hy. rail straightener, 80 Jackson sq av Ritzius John, wheelwright, 15 s Ann Rivers Arthur D. machinist, 297 Light ± JAS, BARRERA ElYERA, Manufacturer of SrECIALTIES IN FINE CONFECTIONS, Wholesale and Eetail, 67 Ijescingion Street. Rivers Sainl. jiolice, 96 Hollius Rixhani Geo. B. gas inspector, 160 n Caroline Rixham Thos. W. engineer. Chapel nr Eden RIXSK GEO. A. grocery, 8 Scott Rixse John A. grocery, Eutaw and Cross Rixter John G. cigarmkr, 100 Warner Roach Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 81 Union Roach Edwd. plasterer. 91 Warner Roach E'iwd. coachman, 181 Hollins Roach Mrs. Emily, seamstress, 178 Hanover Roach Howard M. huckster, 274 Ramsay Roach James, lab. 8 .Armislead la Roach James, lab. 51 .McHenrj- Roach James, carter, 166 s Central av Roach James, stonecutter, 178 Hanover Roach James, lab. 29 n Amity Roach John, lab. 100 s Central av Ruach John, drayman, 100 Central av Roach John, trunkmk., rear 416 Saratoga Roach John, cardener, Waverley Roach Mrs. .M. E. 213 Saratoga Roach Mai tin. lab. 251 West Roach .Mrs. Mary A. 394 Franklin Roach Michael, lab. 166 n Front Roach Patrick, lab. 47 Hillman Roach Stejiheii J. coal dealer, 9 Sterrett Raach Thos. driver, 31 Harford av Roach Thos. B. exp. messenger, 208 Saratoga Roach Winifred, confectioner^-, 90 Spring Roach Wm. lab. 35 Stirling Roach Wm. lab. 389 n Front Roach Wm. F. clerk, 213 Saratoga Road G' 0. shucker. 153 s Chapel Roam John, 1 Bank Roaman Chas. shoemkr, 191 s Charles Roan James, tinner, 257 Battery av Roan John, lab. 257 Battery av Roan John, bhicksmith, 15 Price ct Raan Mrs. Mar.\ L grocery, 88 Greenmount av Roaii Patrick, stonecutier, 88 Greenmount av Roan Patrick, stonecutter, 11 Rose Roan Wm. horseshoer, 11 Rose Roan Wm. horseshoer, 88 Greenmount av Roane Hy. W. (Shipley, R. ^Pi Robb Geo. H. iiii.cliinisl, 288 Li>:Iit SB - a: Robb J. Doisev, shipcarp 5.')4 Aiaqnith p _ 5 ROHB JOHN A. city refiister. 42 n Civlhoun vjr,_r: fS Robb .Joim T. jr. sliipsmitb. 8 Essex p "t; "^ Robl) John T. nuiriner, 8 Kssex ^ C "^ Robb John, Inb Hanmierl)ac]^^ o -tJ c ^ O t— 1 n t- -ki -U) tc -I GC c^ 03 -t3 OJ •^•^-^ ^ Robb Jos. (Howell & Bros.) 33 w Biddle '^ 5 fee Robbeson Mary, dressmkr, .')50 Smitoja -5 II g Robbiiis Dr D. H. 12 Barnet ^ Sp ;; Robbing Erixon A. painter, 35 Covinj^ton o >^ o Rdbbins Ernest A. bookkpr, 355 .Madison av f^ 1^ ^ Rohbins If. Russell jr. bookkpr, 164 George • -- >^'^^^ Robbins Ilenrv R. stoves, 659 vv Favdte '^'^5 Robbins Hcr.ice W. (Bartlett, R. & Co.) 355 •-^ .^ " Madison av ^ S^ 5 Robbins Moses, mariner, 35 Covinpton ^ f-'p Robedell John, mariner, 2()(i s Bond ^ o S Rolielen Geo. F. barber, Postoffice av nr Balli- 5 ..,§ more, dw 144nillen ^ K .. Roben Gerhard t, cabinetmkr, 332 Orleans X ?^ Roben Mnttie, notions, 332 Orleans Roben Wm. cabinetinkr, 332 Orleans Robert Mrs. iJary. Ill n Chester Robert Wm. marimr, 35 Lancaster Roberts Ale.x. B. shipcaip. 336 Aiiceanna Roberts Ale.K. B. sr. trader, 336 Aiiceanna Roberts Alfred, carp Belair av nr Hoffman Roberts Arthur, brakeman, 311 Light _ Roberts Arthur, caninkr, 311 Lijiht >^ {T, — Roberts An^nistus, insp. C.IL dw 104 Franklin ^« ^ 2 Roberts Casper, lab. 4 Hammond al (7^ CI ^ Roberts Capt. Robert, mariner, 133 s Ann r-j ~ ' Roberts Casper, lal). 161 s Sprin": i H ^ Roberts Mrs. Catherine, 1 iMvrtle av -^ C H Roberts Chas. E. (A. B. Patterson Jj- Co.) 7 ;j^ •-" !:^ Myrtle av "2 ^ § Roberts C. E. brakeman, 29 n Pine -« ^ j^ Roberts Chas. H. carp. 331 Aisquith [%q ^ Roberts Chas. H. en^iineer, 396 e Chase S "^ Ro*ierts (/has. caulker, 121s Regester "^ -^ Roberts Chas. lab. 348 Eastern av ROBERTS k CO. (H. E. Roberts, W.H. Miller) merchant tailors. 6 St. Paul Roberts & Co. (Edward J. and John H. L. Roberts) tobacconists, 505 n Gay Roberts Edward, attorney, 52 Lexington, dw o is >. 364 Eutaw pi 'CCCT: Roberts Ed wind J (R.&Co.) 331 n Caroline C^H '^ S r^'^^'P'"'^^ ^'""S- Elizibeth, 96 n Wolfe ,.« 2i >. Roberts Emanuel, lab. 214 s Bethel 5 "Z, - Roberts Franklin, ticket aaent, 181 s Broadway >£ ^ -^ Roberts Geo. janitor, 28 Gittinjrs ^ ^ C Bolierts Geo. bark[)i, 215Chesniit <.. _^ "~ Roberts G"0. mariner, 25 I'^astern av ^ -^ ^ Roberts Geo. M. clerk, 6 s C'lhoun S ti "' Roberts Geo. S. 16 n Strieker O o c5 Roberts Geo. W. trader, 336 Aiiceanna O — 4© R(jlierts Harry C steamfitter, 472 e Chase ^ ~^ to Roberts Ibnry, plasterer, 272 Forrest ^ o G Roberts Henrv F. (Karr&R.) Richmond and 'a i "2 Biddle ? tr '-j^ Roberts Horace E. ( R. & Co.) attorney, 6 St. S t*^, S Paul, dw 294 Hollins ^ "i! -^ Roberts Hufrh jr. pilot, 358 e Pratt * .^ $ Roberts Isaac G. weigher C. H. dw Gay and ^ 2 .„ Eager 2 S t- Roberts James E. police, 185 Ensor t< ^ Roberts James E. lab. 225 Hollins D >^ Roberts Jaroea H. lab. 3.')9 n Durham e a 6 s Roberts Mrs. Jane A. 142 s Bond Roberts John, lab. 139 Preston Roberts John, cignrmkr, 276 n Bond Roberts John. shipcai[). 15 Gittings Roberts John H. L. (R. & Co.) 276 n Bond Roberts John T. manner. 215 WilliMm Roberts John H. H .M. agent Fell st station, B. & 0. R. R. 142 sBond Roberts John W. plasterer, 2 McElderry Robrrts John J. engineer, 6 s Calhoun Roberts John W. huckster, 154 s Ann Rolierts John B. (Findlay, R. & Co.) 10 3 w Chase Roberts Joseph G. blacksmith, 30 Barre, dw 238 Monigonierv ROBERTS JOS. (Geo Page & Co.) 2 Harford av Roberts Jos. W. shipcarp. 210 William Roberts Jos. F. clerk, 613 w Favette ROBERTS JOS. apothecary, cor Harford and Greenmount avs, dw 2 Harford hv Roberts Jo.shua, plasterer, 38 e Biddle Roberts Joshua T. mariner, 142 s Bond Roberts Julius, clerk, 343 n Broadway Rol'crts Levi B. conveyancer, 29 St. Paul, dw 47 Cathedrnl Roberts Levi B. bnv student, 47 Cathedral Roberts Leonard F 47 Cathedral Roberts Mary S. dressmkr, 19 n Schroeder Roberts Matthias, 452 n Fremont Roberts Matthew S. gas insp. 256 Aisquith Roberis Newton T. clerk, 7 Myrtle av Roberts Owen B. blacksmith, 306 s Caroline, dw 317 Eastern av Roberts Ricliard E. mariner, 358 e Pratt Roberts Richard, shoeinkr, 89 Hillen Roberts Samuel U. clerk. 175 e Pratt Roberis .Mrs. Sarah A. confec'y, 225 Hollins Roberts Thomas, mariner, 301 Bank Roberts Thomas, caulker, 22 Johnson Roberts Thomas, lab. 215 Chesnut Roberts Thomas, supt. Md. Steambo.Ht Co. 98 Liiiht-st whf, dw Balto. co. nr Harford av Roberts Valentine, lab. JeHer.-;on nr Chester Roberts W G (Goldstiorough&R. )25 Lt-xinglon Roberts Walter C. barkpr. 263 Mull)errv Robert."? WashinLiton. police, 215 (yhcsnut Roberts Wm. grocery, 259 {Jieenmount av Roberts Wm. C. engineer, 68 s Ann Roberts Wm. shoenikr, 125 Lexington Roberts Wm. cmlker, 210 William Roberts Wm. R. scroll sawyer and beer, 11 Madeira al Roberts Wm. H. (Feelemyer k R.) 7 Myrtle av Reberts Wm. H. jr. clerk, 274 Greenmount av Roberts Wm. H. magistrate, 12 Law bldg, dw 27 1 Greenmount av Roberis Wm. L. 364 Eutaw pi Rol)cris Wm.T. attorney, 34 St. Paul, dw 123j Lexington Robl rts Wm. W. tobacconist 464 n Gay Robertson Alvin, furn. goods. 544 w Baltimore Robertson David U. carp. 61 ('litford al Robertson Mrs. Divid, 164 e Fayette Robertson Mrs Elizabeth A. 76 Bureii Roliertson Fredk. N. 76 Buren Robertson Geo. lab. 300 n Ann Robertson (Jeo. A. moulder, 26.S Greenmount av Robertson (ieo.A.ji. flagman, 268 Greenm't av Robertson H. W. 73 Park av Robertson Isaac H. tea, 389 Light Robertson J. S. collector, .Mansion house Robertson John T. clerk, 544 w B.kltimore "^ 00 c8 -,f5 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools ami Supplies. "' Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ROB 487 ROB Robertson Lawrence, clerk, 233 n Dallns Robertson Mrs. Louisa, trimmings, 4 s Caroline Robertson Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 304 Aisquith Robertson Nathan C. clerk City court, d\v 388 e Baltimore Robertson T. J. W. tea, 824 w Baltimore Robertson R. W. cardiiver, 34 Stockton Robei tson Samuel, clerk, 47 Brune lioliertson Wra deputy slieriff, 90 Mount Robertson W'm. clerk, 2."i3 Park av Robertson Wm. J. jeweler, 814 w Baltimore Robertson Wm. hats and caps, 193 s Broadway Robertson Wm R. tailor, 279 Druid Hill av Robertson Dr. W W. 19 s Kutaw Robertson Wm. E. clerk, 13 Hill Robins A. K. (Robins & Co.) 189 Jefferson Robins & Co. (A, K.Robins, (.'bas.C. Bier) cop- |iersmiths and plumbers. Williams and York Robins & Co. (Harrison Robins, A. R. Murray) jirodiice com. merchants, 88 s Eutaw Robins Harrisrn (Robiu.^^ & Co.) 158 Columbia Robins Janics B. lab. 49 George Robins Richard, mariner, 36 William Robins .Mrs. Susanna, Southern Literary Insti- tute, 562 w Fayette Robinson Alex, restaurant, cor Saratoga and Schroeder Robinson A. T. salesman, 191 w Fayette Robinson A. Bruce, 83 n Carey Robinson Abraham P. engineer, 23 n Eden Robinson Alex. 223 St. Paul Robinson Mrs. Alex. 539 Saratoga Robinson Andrew, clerk, 69 Holland Robinson Andrew, clerk, 19 Henrietta Robinson Mrs. Ann, nurse. 119 Gongh Robinson Mrs. Ann, 64 n Schroeder Robinson Annie M. dressmkr, 350 Aliceanna Robinson Benj. L. salesman, 168 n Oregon Robinson Catherine, trimniinus, 350 Aliceanna Robinson Chas. B. clerk, 24 s High Robinson Conway sr. clerk, 68 Stiratoga Robii\son Conway jr. clerk, 68 Saratoga Robinson Conway, harnessmk., 15 Forrest pi Robinson Davenport T. lab. 193 Hudson Robinson David, machinist, 154 Battery av Robinson Dorsey N. huckster, 92 n Poppleton Robinson Edmund, brickmki', 412 e Baltimore Robinson Edward, 62 n Bond Robinson Capt. Edward, mariner, 252 s Durham Roliinson Edward, machinist, 69 Holland Robinson Edward 0. upholsterer, 9 n Front Robinson Edw. I. paperhanger. 50j e Baltimore Robinson E. D. (Ortwine & R ) Garrison, Bal- tiiiiore CO ROBLNSON EDWARD W. manufac'r of car- penters' work, cor Essc^c and Burke, dvv 87 S Broadway Robinson Ed wd.A.( Wm.C.R &Son)163Dolphin Robinson IMward D. clerk, 9 n Front Robinson .Mrs. Eliza, 147 n Fremont Robinson Franci.s J. clerk, 132 e Madison Robinson Frank T. cleik, 148 Stirling Robinson Geo. D. P. clerk, 43 Brune Robinson Geo. H. carp. 341 n Durham Robinson Geo. R. cii.'armkr, 147 n Fremont ROBIN.-ON GEO. clerk Sup.Ct. 354 n Fremont Robinson Geo. W. & Son (G. W. and Jos. J. Robinson) office 2 s Bond Robinson G. W. (Lord&R.)North av nr Decker Roldnson Geo. W. patternmaker, 19 s Mount ROBINSON G. OSCAR (R. & Trail) carpets, matting and oil cloth, 1 n Gay, dvv 4lFranklin Robinson Geo. W. 258 e Baltimore ROBINSON GEO W. jr.brickmannfac'r, Eager and Madeira al,dvv cor Ann and Jackson sq av Robinson George S. clerk, 168 n Oregon Robinson Geo. S. engineer, 23 n Eden Robinson Geo. W. bookbinder, 347 Franklin Robinson George W. jr. clerk, 44 n Broadway Robinson Hannah A. 43 Bmiie Robinson Henry A. clerk, 374 n Gay Robinson Hugh, shoemkr, 31 W.ilnut al Robinson Isabella, 207 s RpL^ester Robinson James, lab. 654 Hij-'h Robinson J^imes A. carp. 38 Etting Robinson James, salesman, 68 South Robinson James L. bookkpr, 219 (George Robinson Jaim^s M. carp. 91 Aisquith Robinson James, assist, engin'r City jail, 178 n Fremont Robinson James S. dry goods, 600 w Baltimore Robinson James, clerk, 575 Lexington Robinson Jas. T. marblecutr. 298 Greenm't av Robinson James, lab. 263 Battery av Robinson James W. plumber, 42 n Amity Robinson Jesse, blksmith, 22 Bartlett Robinson John, horseshoer, 174 Preston Robinson John G. trav. agent, 28 Camden Robinson John C. inspector C. H. Robinson John H.butcber,Pennaav nr North av Robinson J. J. bowling alley, cor Baltimore and Calverton rd Robinson Jolin,keeperHehrewCeinet'y,Belair rd Robinson John M. clerk, Boston Steamship Co. office, dw 43 Brune ROBINSON JOHN M. pres't Baltimore Steam Packet Co. and Seaboard and Roanoke R R. over 8 South, dw cor Cathedral and Hamilton Robinson John G. lab. 193 Hudson Robinson John G. bricklayer, 72 Ridgely Robinson John, collector, 178 n Fremont Robinson John, mariner. 14 Dawson a! Robinson John M. jr. car;). 341 n Durham Robinson John, lab. 247 s Bethel Robinson John, mariner, 24 Fawn Robinson John, carter, 2i6 Battery av Robinson John C. carp. 31 Randall Robinscjn John M. sr. carp. 341 u Durham Robinson John H. clerk, 83 n Caiey Robinson John S. 243 w Hoffman Robinson John W. stevedore, 165 s Ann Robinson Joseph B. printer. 55 George EOBINSON JOSEPH J. sr., Brick Manufacturer, office cor Eager and Madeira al, dw 314 e Pratt. Robinson .Joseph, lab. 193 Hudson Robinson Joseph, shoemkr, 333 Saratoga Robinson Jos. W. carp.Whatcoat nr Presstman Robinson Joshua C. shoemkr, 150 Henrietta Robinson Joshua jr. tinner, 150 Henrietta Robinson Joshua, house turn, goods and stoves, 368 w Baltimore, dw Edmondsou av nrCarey Robinson Joshua, insp. C. H. 191 n Eden Robinson, Kilburn & Co. (Howell D Robinson, Uri Kilburn) com, merchts, 77 Smith's whf Robinson Lazarus, Uh. 212 Cross Robinson L. H. collector, 114 German ROBINSON LEWIS H. attorney, s e cor Bank and Broadway, dw 327 e Pratt Robinson Lewis, cigarmkr, 8 Waters ct Robinson Lewis H. sr. 336 e Baltimore Robinson Logan, tinner, 162 n Pine CD. a pq O d o =^ o o s m O -A i S ID O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. ROB 488 ROC H td W « H C-, c/^ t>^ '^ K W O JM >ij o d o o 1-4 ri u ^ p: w --< O r/j M o w o Robinson Louisa, Carrollton hotel Robinson Lloyd N. B. machinist, 1 Aisquith Robinson M. salesman, Howfird bouse Roliinson Mapf^ie, 111 Kaborg Robinson Mrs. Mary, 43 n Wolfe Robinson Mrs. Mary, 203 Linden av Robinson Major A. carp. 78 Jackson sq av Robiiijoii Mi8 Marparet, 410 Saratoga Rol)inson Martin \, pbotograpber, 468 w Bal- liniore, d\v 333 Franklin Robinson Mrs. Mary, scaiuslress, 107 n Pine Roliinson Micbat^i M. 55 s Washington RUBINSON, McLEOL) & CO. (T. M. Robinson, A. D. McLeod, T. S. Plnmmer, B.M.Privett) com. nierchants, 15 Cbeai)side Robinson Nelson, constable, 162 n Pine Robinson Nicliolas, engineer, 16 Henrietta Robinsoii Nicholas, magistrate, cor Lexington and St. Paul, dw 42 Columbia R|-CO.(J.Roche,R.LC.Jone3Jr.)whole3. liquors, 47 South Roche Daniel, bottling establishment, 16 Bank, dw 13 Roche George J. painter, Calvert nr Mercer, dw Waverley Ruche Edward, engineer. 183 e Lombard Roche Henry C, Nat. Farmers and Planters Bank, dw Baltimore CO Roche .lames, machinist, 6 n Republican R(jche James R. journ.ilist and translator, 122 w Baltimore Roche James, carp. 206 Park av Roche John, [)lumber, 37 w Lombard Roche John, varnisher, 93 Hollins Roche John R teacher, 132 n High Roche John P. (Pollard k R. ) 18 n Front Roche John, stoves and tinware. 204 Light Roche John, (Roche & Co.) 137 McCalloh Roche lo.-epb, clerk, 68 w Centre Roche Mrs. .Mary, fancy goods, 37 w Lombard Roche .Michael, builder, office and dw 68wCentre Roche 0. M. earn. 71 e .Madison Roche Mrs. J. 137 McCuUoh Roche Thomas F. attorney, 17 St. Paul, dw 68 w Centre Roche Wm. umbrellas, 22 s Bethel Roche Wm. clerk, 37 w Lombard Roche Wm. salesman, 27 n Charles Rochester German Lis. Co. of Rochester, N. Y. S w cor South ami German Rochester .Mrs Julia, 563 n Gay Rochester Wm. grocery, 563 n Gay Rocbesier Wm. F. carp. 24 Clarke Rochford John J. (D. J. Foley, Bro. & Co.)367 Druid Hill av Roclifort Catherine, 20 President Rod) fort John E beer, 514 Harford av Rochtoit Martin, ice driver, 20 President Rochforl Robert, maildriver, 20 President Rochfori Thomas, stonecutter, 20 President Rock Adam, carpet weaver, 21 St. James Rock Bernard, driver, 43 Stirling Rock Charles R.(Thanhaiiser k R.)47 German Rock Ferd. cal>inetmkr, 52 s Bond Rock Herman, cabinetmkr, 52 s Bond Rock James P. plumber and gasfitter, cor Hol- liday and Saratoga, dw 61 e Madison HENRY HOEN d CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. KOC 489 ROE Rock James, hackman, 43 Stirling Rock John, Ciinmkr, 43 Stirlingr Rock Micliael, liackdriver, 43 Stirling Rock Patrick, hackman, 200 Conway Rock Thos. boots and shoes, 25 Light, dw 676 w Lombard Rock Thomas, tailor, 73 OrIe:ins Rock Warren, painter, 114 German Rock Wm. ( Roesser. Rock cj- Cd.) 52 s Bond Rock Wm. T. carp. 676 w Lombard Rock Wm. carp. 676 w Lombard Rocks James, hackman, Union hotel Rockel Henry, painter, 22 New Church Rockhold Chas. L. inspector, 146 Orleans Rockletz Annie, 324 s Bond Rockletz Angust, lab. 324 s Bond Rockletz Christopher, shucker, 324 s Bond Rockstroh August, machinist, 210 s Eutaw Rockwell John W. conductor, 37 Scott Rodberg Mis. Dora, dressmkr,523 w Baltimore Rodberg Ezekiel, drayman, 522 w Baliimore Rodberg Simon L watchmkr and jeweler, 190 w Baltimore, dw 67 Barre Roddy Michael J. police, 8 Concord Roddy Patrick, police, 184 n Front Rode Charles, stevedore, 274 Canton av Rode Henry, tinntr, 86 Jackson sq av Rode J.icob, pianomkr, 88 s Fremont Rode John, pianomkr, 88 s Fremont Rode John W. provisions, Hoffman and Decker Rode Li uis, beer, necor Hanover and Cross Rode Louis H. tinner, 86 Jackson sq av Rode Wm. driver, Frederick av nr bridge Rodekurt Henry, tailor, 3 Frederick Roden Barney, moulder, 13 n Oregon Roden Patrick, stonemason, 96 Harford av Rodenhie Thos. S. fireman, 128 8 Howard Rodenhie Wm E. bricklayer, 136 s Howard Rodenmayer A. E. music teacher, 324 Saratoga Rodeumayer Chas F. clerk, 198 n Calvert Rodenmayer Ernest, tailor, 55 Clay Rodenmayer F. Thos. salesman, 290 Saratoga Rodenmayer FrancisT.( Wm. A. and F.T. Roden- mayer) 99 n Pine Rodenmayer Geo. C cabinetmkr and under- taker, 38 Ensor Rodenmayer Geo. beer, 261 n Eden Rodenmayer Henry, piinter, 14 Gieenmount av Rodenmayer John, artists' materials, wax flow- ers, i^c. 324 Saratoga, dw 51 n Paca Rodenmayer John J. uiuiertaker,n 6 cor Green- mount av and .Monument Rodenmayer Wm. A.(Wm.A.& F. T.R.)198n Calvert Rodenmayer Wm.A.& F.T. carps .and builders, 96 n Calvert RODER ADOLPHE, German and French mus- tards, 6 s Frederick, dw 6 Roder Fred, shoefitter, 4 St. Mary Roder George, lab. 28 Shakspear Roder John, carp. 199 n Caroline Roder John, tailor, 3 Walnut al Roder John A. barber, 337 Canton av Roder Joim (.M. Wagner & Co ) 337 Canton av Roder John E. carp. 45 n Frederick,dwCentral av nr John Roderick Lewis, lab. 114 w Townsend Roderick Thomas, lab. 32 Fell Rodert Frederick, 202 a Central av Rodert John, shoefitter, 4 s Chapel Rodert John H. lab. Bank nr Duncan al Rodewald Henry A. 58 n Liberty Rodgers Andrew, lab. 67 Granby Rodgers Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 78L.McElderry Rodgers Chas. A. driver, Belair av nr North av Rodgers Daniel, fire dept. 360 e Madison Rodgers Edward, lab. 190 n Front Rodgers Edwin S. clerk, 27 Hamilton Rodgers Geo. W. lab. 1 Milliman RODGERS GEO. H. plumber and gasfitter, 81 n Charles Rodgers Geo. E. clerk, 236 Druid Hill av Rodgers James A. printer, 84s Exeter Rod^-ers James W. printer, 892 w Baltimore Rodtjers James, mariner, 78 L.McElderry Rodgers John, fisherman, 130 Grauby Rodf^ers John, fisherman, 35 Stiles Rodi;ers John, grocery, s e cor Bank and Cen- tral av Rodgers John, police, 6-^ Harford av Rodgers John, Whatcoat nr Presstman Rodgers John B. e.xpress mes. 18 McElderry Rodgers Capt. John J. mariner, 27 Hamilton Rodgers John L. clerk, 268 w Baltimore Rodgers Lonisi, 43 n High Rodgers .Martin, lab. 168 Burgundy al Rodgers Patrick, liquors, &c. 54 Park av Rodgers Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 54 Hill Rodgers Rev. Samuel, 264 Park av Rodgers Thomas, boardinaf, 288 s Ann Rodgers Wm. lab. 166 n Front Rodgers Wm. lab. 67 Granby Rodham Isnel, paver, 328 w Lombard Rodh Frank, 653 Peniia av Rodh George, 653 Penna av Rodley Edwud, butcher, 404 e Fayette Rodman Chailes, machinist, 55 Booth Rodman Charles, irunkmkr. Ferry bar Rodman James, salesman, St. Clair hotel Rodman Joseph, salesman, St. Clair hotel Rodman Oscar, bookbinder, 55 Booth Rodney Chas. F. moulder, 36 O'Donnell Rodney Edward, confectioner, 36 O'Donnell Rodney Edward S. butcher, 130 Jackson sq av Rodney Geo. W. shipcarp. 36 O'Donnell Roe Benj. machinisi, 131 e Monument Roe Carroll A. clerk, 385 Park av Roe E. A. clerk, 159 .Mulberry Roe James E. bookkpr, 156 w Lombard Roe James, lab. 56 s Schroeder Roe James A. weigher and clerk, Mansion house Roe John, carp. Clifton nrthe Park Roe John, cigarmkr, 120 Somerset Roe John D. clerk, 159 Mulberry Roe John, carp Clifton nr the Park Roe Robert 11. carp. 52 Chew Roe .Mrs. Sarah, 193 Conway Roe Thos. sr. farmer, Clifton nr the Park Roe Thos. jr. carpenter, Clifton nr the Park Roe Thos. E. printer, 131 e Monument Roeber Chas. jiaperhanger, 224 s Betht-l Roeber Mrs. Rosa, mantnamkr, 224 s Bethel Roebob Anton, lab. 22 Abbott Roecklein Andrew, lab. 209 Preston Roedel Louis, baker, 163 Warner Roedel Wm. pianomkr, 163 Warner Roeder August, 141 w Lombard Roeder Charles, beer, 307 Aliceanna CD c3 o O O O Q O O pq QQ ^^ t^ l-H DQ lO O OQ I — I Ph ROEDER FREDERICK, Proprietor Headquarters Restaurant, Wines and Lager Beer, 141 w Lombard Power Press Printing, (^Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates. Marble Building ) o-r2 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. ROE 490 ROG o - Roeder Geor;xe, 62 Liincaster G2 Lancaster irp. ;-!66 e Fa\ ette • ^ ^ R 'eder Henry, canmkr. 86 Lancaster > 2 I— * Roeder Henry, driver, 249 s Bond •^ CC X Roeder Hartmau. millinery, 66 Druid Hill av g _ ^ Roeder John A. lal). 15 Biiiney ^ _c ^ Roeder Martin, driver, 249 s Bond Q ti __ Roeder Mina, (jroceiv s-i o ^ Roeder Samuel T. ca P-i ^ S Roeder Theodore, machinist, 199 Saratopra ..-t; o) Roeger Aufiust. cifiarmkr, 12 w Biddle ^ I iC Roehle C. (L & C.R.) Chester und Canton av -^ ^ 5 Roehle L. (L.& C.R.) Chester and Canton av .S CO J3 —^ 1^1 HOEHLE LUDWIG, Dyeing and Scouring, 28 J Pearl. •^ .- c Roehle L. & C. drug^^ists, cor Chester, Canton S g ^ av and Boston £,"0 Roehm John, lab. 516 Light ^ ~ Roelm August, cigarmkr, 71 Camden _^52 Roehr John, shoenikr, 72 Camden a: ^ Roehrer Andrew, tailor, 244 Eastern av 2 p Roelecke .Max, carver, 346 Cross ^~~ -^ Roelkey Edward, inspr. grain elevator, L. P., ' '" dw 47 s Broadway Roelkey John, lab. 290 Ramsay Roelkey Mary. 208 Barre Roenier Geo. EdwMd, shoenikr, 348 Mulberry Roeraer Gotfried, tailor, 68 Portland 2 tS t^ Roemer Henry, liutcher, Hollins nr Garrison la cS 5 'ZZ Roemer H. B. music teacher, 423 Lijiht o a a o O -i-i OJ H c H 5^ • »s 0 X — ' -i S Roese Henry, beer, 302 Montgomery -^ u ,^ Rofse John, fum. wagon, 435 Canton av ^ """ Roeser James, machinist, 139 William '^^ =3 Roesler Win. beer, 114 e Lombard Roesninck .\nna, teacher, 117 Thames Roesninck Cirl, caulker, 32 Fell Roesninck Cirl, shipcarp, 32 Fell Roesninck Chas. fireman, 32 Fell Roesninck iMnest ( R. & Seidel) 272 s Ann Roesninck Fred. W. tavern, 117 Thames Roe;> Ci >> Koessel Herman, tailor, 161 s Rrgester S "^ - Roessel John, lab. 35 Kssex ^ 1:^ -§ R% aj Roever Henry F. restaurant, 211 Hollins ►^ o) ^ Rotf John, engineer, l.-!0 Scott ^ .^ c5 Rogan Huyh, carter, 230 s Paca 5* X . e, Rogan Thos. carter, 221 Scott -J S ii Rogers Albert H. stairbuilder, 60 e Eager •S: "^ ^ Rogers Ale.x. A. hatter, 40 e Eager ■^ i> t-> Rogers Anna, school, 46 n High c3 Rogers Alex. M. asst. U. S. dist. attorney, D. S. courthouse, dw 67 St Paul Rogers Chas. M. engineer, 315 .Mulberry Rogers Chas. 433 n Central av Rogers Chas. W. brusiimkr, 149 Hollins Rogers David G. (Brooks. R. & Co.) 252 w Fayette Rogers Mrs. Elizabeth S. 569 w Fayette Rogers Mrs. Emma, 5 Albemarle Roirers E. Law 31 McCnIloh Rogers E. Law jr. 31 .McCulloh Rogers Mrs. E. A. 303 Hollins Rogers E. H. salesman, Pennsylvania house Rogers Frank, clerk, 302 w Lomliard Rogers Geo. M. paying teller Nat. Union Bank, Baltimore co. Rogers Geo. stonecutter, 40 e Eager Rogers Geo. jr. shoemkr, 40 e Eager Rogers Geo. H. 213 George Rogers Geo. W . shoemkr, 40 e Eager Rogers Henrv W, clerk, 457 Saratoga ROGERS HENRY W. property agt. s w cor Charles and Fayette, dw 72 .Ml. Vernon pi Rogers Henrv .\. clerk, 225 St. Paul ROGERS & HOliG (Wm. Rogers, Ales. Hogg) tailors' trimmings, 7 n Charles Rogers H. J. lele^iraphist, 160 n Howard Rogers Hugh, police, 10 Lemmon Rogers Mrs. Isaac, 37 n Calvert Rogers Jacob S. jr. stairbuilder, 60 e Eager Rogers Jacob S. stonecutter, 60 e Eager Rogers Jas. junk, 143 Johnson Rojiers Dr. James R. 661 w Lombard Rogers Jas. C. (Coleman & R.) 225 St. Paul Rogers Jas. S. bookkpr, Gihnor nr Harlem av Rogers John, engineer, 23 Stockholm Rogers John A. (.Miiler,R, k Co.)297 w Fayette Ro«iers John W. boilermkr, 120 s Rejiester Rogers John \V. wagoner, 236 German Rogers Jos. cmlker, 49 Fort av Rogers Josepii jr. 148 St. Paul Rogers Joseph, pumpmkr, 45 n Pine Rogers Joseph E. clerk, 444 w Baltimore Rogers Joseph S. clerk, Waverley Rogers Mrs. Juiia, 51 .Mci'uUoh Rogers Miirvin N.( Rogers, Peel &Co.)Brooklvn, N. y. Rogers Mrs. Mary, 53j Harrison Rogers Mary A. provisions, 241 Light Rogers Mrs. Mary G. W. 72 Mt. Vernon pi Rogers M. M. (Shriver, Stevenson & Co.) 56 Sar- atoga Rogers .Michael W. conductor, 144 German Rogers Patrick, grocer, 457 Saratoga ROCJERS, PKET k CO. (Marvin N. Rogers, C. B Peet and F. R. Chambers) clothiers, 184 w Baltimore Rogers Philip apoth'y,Reltiy house, B.& O.R.R. Rogers Robert Lyon, attorney and U S. com- missioner, 54 w Fayette dw 103 St. P. ml Rogers Lieut. Rob't M . U. S. A., Fort McHenry Rogers Samuel, heater, 160 Hudson Rogers Tho.". I. ooilermkr, 241 Light Rogers Wm. salesman, Waverley Rogers Wm. (R. k Hogg) 625 w Lombard Rogers Wm, marinei', 53 Fort av Rogers Wm. C. bookkpr, 62 e Eager Rogers Wm. E. tailor, 120 Lee Rogers Wm. F. cashier, Barnum's hotel Riiirers Wm. F. accountant, 128 Myrtle av ROGERS W.M. H. tobacconist, 28 Second, dw 264 Druid Hill av -::; €©• .-^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. ROG 491 ROM OQ Rocierson Robert, gardener, Hull nr Fort av Rij^'ge Charles M. police, 11 n Fremont Rogore Christian, (R. & Koch) cur Mount and Townsend ROGGE cj- KOCH, (C. Rogge, Wm. Koch) notions, 25 Hanover Rogge Mrs. Marj, 11 n Fremont Rohde Charles, shipcarp. 170 s Wolfe Rohde Frederick, shoemkr, 379 n Gay Robe John, lah. 3.37 n Central av Rohesleder John, shoemkr. 20 McHenry Roiike Wni, lab. 2ij Shakspear Rohl Alvis, lib. 272 s Bond Rohleder Francis, fireman, 70 s Central av Rohlf-der Francis, porter, ,"14 s Central av Rohleder Geo. porter, 54 s Central av Rohleder John, lab. Washington rd nr tollgate Rohleder Joseph, porter, 67 Portland Rodh-der Louis, camnkr, G Henry Roh eder Mary, grocery, 44 s Central av Rohleder Thos. J. porter, 44 s Central av Rohleder Theodore, baker, 54 s Central av Rohlfing August, cooper, 58 n Bond Rohlfir.g Charles, clerk, 242 Saratoga Rohlfing Christ. 118 e Fayette Rohlfing Edward, clerk, 242 Saratoga Rohlfing Wm. piano agent, 242 Saratoga Rohlfing Win. H. furn. wagon, 274 Orleans Rohlof Edward, tailor, 228 s Spring Rohinund .Martin, baker, 32 e Fayette Rohner Christian, tailor, 242 n Caroline Rohiier John, lab. 178 s Eden Rohner John C. shoemkr, 511 w Lombard Robner Louis, cigarmkr, 53 n Pine Rohner Mary, 411 Lexington Ruhr Bros. (E. and H. Rohr) millinery and fancy goods, 251 w Baltimore Rohr Chas. laces, trimmings, &c. 70 Lexington Rohr E. L. 336 n Freniont Rohr Elias, (R. Bros.) 281 Le.xington Rohr Ernst, barkpr, 24 Centre Market sp Rohr Geo. tailor, 142 Peirce Rohr Henry, (R. Bros.) 29 Hollins Rohr Henry J. ii.illinery and fancy goods, 25 n Howard, dw 337 Lexington Rohr Jos. A. (Jos. A. Rohr & Co.)277 Franklin Rohr Jos. A. & Co. (J..S. A. Rohr, E. Hickey) wholesale and retail fancy goods and notions, 5 Penna av Rohr Nathan, jobber millinery and fancy goods, 249 w Baltiuiore, dw 182 Saratoga Rohl Pliiii|), butcher, 79 Scott Rohrbacb Eliz.ib. confcct'y, 821 w Baltimore Rohrbach Geo. bhicksmith, 821 w Baltimore Rohrbacb Wm. caliiuftinkr, 71 Myrtle av Ruhrer G. F. (G. F. R. & Co.) Hairisburg, Pa Rohrer G.E.& Co.(G F.Rohrer and S.A. Wetz- ler);cows,71 E.\cbani;e pi and Jackson's whf Rohrer John, lab. 5 n Dallas Rohrkatter Henry, wheelwright, 235 s Dallas Rohtfc Herman, lab. 110 Lancaster Rokes Emerson & Cu. (Emerson Rokes) ship timber, Buchanan's whf and Pratt Rokes Emerson, ( K.Kokes & Co.) 417 e Pratt Rojas Perfecto, cigars, 675 w Lombard Rokosky Frank, tailor, 1 Jones ct Roland Gi'orge, brakeman, 353 Cathedral Roland James, clerk, 76 Sarttoga Roland Mis. Sarah, 118 St. Paul Rolando .Mrs. Henry, Park av iind Lanvale Roliit John, shoemkr, 70 Parkin Roletu Mrs. Mary, 228 Scott Rolf Anna, confect'y, 27 Thames Rolf August, shoemkr, 260 w Biddle Rolf Henry, lab. 27 Thames Rolf John, porter, 30 Marion Rolf .Mrs. .Mary, confect'y, 27 Thames Rolfe Michael, boxmkr, 30 .Marion Rolfe A. F. N. teacher, 154 w Madison Rolfe Mrs. Lavinia. dressnjaker, 131 n Paca Rolfes Barnhard, lab. Clinton nr Toone Rnlfes Benj. mariner, 24 Thames Rolfes B. .Anton, grocery, 24 Thames Rolfes Mrs. Caroline, boarding, 446 Canton av Rolfes Henrv, lab. 183 Hudson Rolfes John' G. lab 183 Hudson Rolfes Mary A. confectionery, 183 Hudson Rolin Thoiiias, lab. 20 Bartlett Rolker HermMn H. tavern, 1 Camden Rolker John H. grocery, 22 Jefferson Roll Lewis, constable, 258j s Broadway Roll Martin, shoemkr, 291 e Eager Rollins Charles, driver, 247 s Sharp Rollins Edward, canmkr, 247 s Sharp Rollins Geo W. tailor, 549 Light Rollins Henry, lib. 2i/9 w Lombard Rollins James W. buicher, 38 Hanover and 3 Centre tukts, dw Penna av nr North av Rollins Joshua, 71 McHenry Rollins Joshua, 38 McHenry Rollins Solomon A. flour and feed, Broadway and Orleans Rollins Thornton, shipping mercht.4 Exchange building, dw 308 Lexington Rollins Washington A. huckster, 115 n Bond Rollins Capt. Wm 3o8 Lexington RolHns Wm.W. flour, Broadway and Orleans Rollinson Edward, boilermkr, 23 Wolfe n of .Monument Ro'.lison Perry, boilermkr, 420 e Monument Rollison Thomas, boilermkr, 209 Bank Rollman C. E. iiookkpr, 151 Chesnut Rollman Ferdinand, cibiuetmkr, 151 Chesnut Rollman F. C. jr. cabinetmkr. 151 Chesnut Rollman L^wis, lab. Hamburg and Ohio av Roloson Charles H. (Chas H. Rolosou & Co.) Lombard nr .Mount Roloson & Co. (J. E. Boloson) flour, feed, and produce, 1-16 Fianklin Roloson Charles H. & Co. (C. H. Roloson) pro- prii^ors Saratoga flour mills, 561 Saratoga, tiranch Baltimore and Frederick av Roloson Fied. W.. Lomb a-d nr .Mount Roloson H. & Co. (Hugh Roloson sr ) bacon, 28 w Pratt Roloson Hugh sr. (H. R & Co.) Frederick rd Roloson Hugh jr. police, cor Pine and Raborg Roloson J.E.(Roloson&Co.)Pei)n3ylvania bouse Roloson John, stonecutter, 135 Penna av Roloson Richard, clerk, Catonsville Rolph Mrs. E. A. 347 Cathedral Roman B. Fi anklin, clerk, 224 n Broadway Roman Francis, lab. 35 s Poppleton Roman Fred, lab. 35 s Popplet.n Roman John A. jr. clerk, 381 e Baliimore Roman John A. sr. cloth cutter, .^81 e Baltimore Roman Martin A. machinist, 35 s Poppleton Roman Wm. lab. 16 Haw Roman Wm. B. blacksmith, 380 Bank Romer Conrad, baker, Belair iiv nr North av Romer .Martin, shoemkr, 156 Peirce Romerald Bro. principal St. Joseph's Academy and Cathedral parochial male academy, 709 Saratoga IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDAVARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. pq o O d o P o o p^ CO ! — I Ph an D OQ cn c^ pq uq Ph <1 GQ H CQ o <1 Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. ROM 492 ROS H W H Pd H E-i C/J ^ H >H O <1 < O H w ^-i R <■■) 1 — CD O _ C/J ^ an o 6 t— H •^ < w »^ ^ GQ O Oo o "^ O O o Romey Francis, organ Ijiiilder, 134 Orleans Rommel Fred. A. cigarmkr, 197J s Broadwaj Rommel F'ritz, helper, 60 s Repester Rommel J. A. ciiiaiinkr, 73 Alberaiirle Rommel Louis, ciiiarmkr, 73 AUiemarle Rommel Mrs. Mary, 73 Albemarle Rommelmari Amelia, confeiiioiiery, 326 s Bond Romoser Alex, driver, 53 Henrietta Romoser Mrs Eva, grocery, 161 Vork Romo.-er Fred, machinist, 238 s Kutaw Romoser GecM-ge, pliunbcr, 111 Hill Romoser George F. sr. shoemkr, 466 Lexington Romoser George F. jr. shoemkr, 466 Lexington Romoser Jacob, painter, 111 Hill Remoter .John P. carp. 161 Vork Romoser John J bookkpr, 303 Saratoga Romoser John G. tail.ir, 303 Saratoga Romoser John, shoemkr, 481 Sarato.:a Romoser M/s. Lavinia, laundress. 111 Hill Romoser Matthias, huckster, 238 s Kutaw Romspert John, 46 VVhatcoat Ronach Lewis, brewer, Belair av exl Ronan Michael J. barkpr, Barmim's hotel Rondo Mr.-, i^aura T. dressuikr, 22 n Caroline Ronemous John M. ornam'l painter and japau- ner, 151 w Fayette, dw 124 n Oregon Ronty Charles, clerk, 71 n Exeter Roney James, painter, 28 Aibeinarle Roney John (Burke, Roney k Co.) 108 8 High Roney John C. (P. R. & Son) 71 n Exeter Roney Patrick & Son (P. and J. C. Roney) wood, cor Bowly's and McElderry's whf Roney Patrick (P.'R. & Son) 71 n Exeter Ronge Frank, tailor, 288 Hamburg Ronitoskie Michael, lab. 316 Aliceanna Ronsavilie D ivid C. civil engineer, 2.:i6 n Carey RONSAVILLE DAVID W. shirt manufr, over 127 and 129 w Baltimore, dw 236 n Carey Ronsavilie Frank E. clerk, 236 n Carey Ronstndt Theod. lithographer, 102 w Fayette Ronstrom Catherine, groc'y, i97 s Washington Ronslrom John W. shipcarp. 197 s Washington Ronstrom John W.jr.cigai nikr, 197sWashington Rookis James, carp. 13 Sterrett Rooine Wm, D. carp. 35 Parkin Rooney Arthur, cunier, 220 u Front Rooucy Arthur, packer, 220 n Front Rooney Bernard, driver, 1 Addison al Rooney Francis A. photographer, 127 w Balti- more Rooney James, porter, 66 St. Peter Rooney John, machinist, 450 w Pratt Rooney John J. lab. 374 Ostend Rooney .Margaret, millinery, 220 n Front Rooney .Mary, dressmkr, 220 n Front Rooney Patrick, currier, 220 n Front Rooney Peter, lab. 220 n Fr>mt Rooney Thomas, lab. 25 Foster al Rooney Wm. lab. 374 Oslend Roop Chas. S. Hsst. measurer. Custom house, 491 w Fayette Roop Geurge, shoemkr, 11 Moore al Roosi- Mrs. Sanih, 730 w Lombard Root Chas. F. confectionery, 53 Preston Root Edgar L. jirinter, 47n Paca Root George H. bookkpr, Barnum's hotel Root Samcel, bartender, 128j Forrest Root Mrs. Sarah, 23 Watson Root Wm. marker C. 11. 98 e Madison Root Wm. H. salesman, 53 I'reston Roper H. C. & Bro. (H. C. and P. L. Roper,) com. merclits, 73 w Lombard Roper H. C: (H. C. R. & Bro.) Petersburg, Va Ruper Jame.s, bricklayer, 370 Hamburg Roper P. L. (H. C. R. & Bro.) 55 Lexington R(ipl John, carver, 26 Anthony Rop()elt Henry, pnddler, 273 Bank Rojipelt John, cooper, 124 s Wolfe Roque Francis, shoe finding and leather, Fay- ette and Harrison Roqne Henry, clerk, Fayette and Harrison Rosa Vincent, cabinetmkr, 249 n Bond Rosario Joseph E. liarber, 262 s Broadway Riisbacli Philip, musician and cigarmaker, 236 Montgomery Rose .Abraham, 3 s Caroline Rose Mrs. Amanda, dressmkr, 156 West Rose Mrs. Ann. 3 Belle al Rose Andrew, Ijutcher, 482 Light Ruse Bernhardt, dry goods, 170 w Pratt, dw 257 Lexington Rose Bernhardt, 253 w Pratt Rose Charles, shoemkr. 305 Eastern uv Rose Chas. W. 215 St. Paul Rose Chris, driver. 387 Scott Rose Mrs. Elizabeth, 46 n Amity Rose Francis, butcher, 4s2 Light Rose Francis J. clerk, 66 Light Rose Geo. C. shoemkr, 65 s Gilmor Rose Geo. (J. Downs & Co.) butcher, 57 Cen- tre, 36 Lexington and 11 Hanover markets, dw 482 Light Rose Gustav, music teacher, 49 n Exeter Rose Harry C. bookbinder, 193 Uruid Hill av Roee Henry, porter, 320 s Sharp Rose Mrs. Henrietta, grocery, 253 w Pratt Rose Hirsch, artificial flowers, 148 Lexington ROSE HOUSE, P. Maguire, prop'r, 24 and 26 n Gay Rose Isaac, real estate broker, 23 Lexington, dw 359 w Fayette Rose Jacob, 259 Lexington Rose Jacob, rags, ]8.^ Dover Rose John, shoemkr, 307 Eastern av Rose John A. (John C. Hachtel & Co.) 203 vv Fayette Rose John, engineer, 102 Patuxent Rose Mrs. Dr. John, 57 s Sharp Rose Joseph, plasterer, 72 Somerset Rose Joseph A. dry goods, 2 Hanover, dw 38 s Sharp Rose .loseph A. cleik, 148 Lexington Rose Joseph A. dry gooiis, 13 iirown Rose Joseph R. cUrk, 3.')9 w Fayette Rose Josiah J. cigarmkr, 267 Light Rose Leopold, tobacconist, 108 Orleans Rose Levi jj. caulker, 156 West Rose Louis, clerk, 18 Hampi^tead Rose Louis A. 215 St. Paul Rose \j. 18 n.im|)Stead Rose cfe Lyon (Ira C. Lxon) ship brokers and com. merchants, I O'Donnell's whf Rose iMarcus, currier, 148 Lexington Rose Martin, cabinetmkr, 46 Lancaster Rose Mrs. Miry, milk, 102 Patuxent Rose Mrs. .Mary E. teacher, 187 n Fremont Rose Mrs. M iry, 58 Stiles Rose Peter (Maynard, Ely & R.) 215 St. Paul Rose Robert C. .-ilioemkr, 275 Hanover Rose Samuel F. e.trp. 46 n Amity Rose Samuel, machinist, 87 Elliott Rose Samuel, cl< rk, 253 w Pratt Rose Solomon(Rose & Co) 146 n Exeter Rose Thomas, tailor, 46 n Washington HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ROS 493 Rose S. ^ Co. (Solomon Rose) notions and fan- cy fT'icds, over 2 Hanover Rose Wui. J. wholes, liquors, 47 Centre Market sp, du- Waverley Rose Win. sewing machines. 322 n Gay I^l^eh John, lab. 184 Chesapeake Ki) ello Antonio (Craft & R. ) 166 s Charles Rosenian Mrs. Cecilia, music teacher, 232 w Ftvette Rosenian Geo. W. dep. sheriff, 232 w Fayette Rosemau Geo.W. jr. toys and fancy goods, 472 w Baltimore, dw 232 w Fayette Rosemer John jr. carpet weaver, 43 Green- mount av Rosemer Sebastian, carpet weaver, 57 Penna av Rosenbalm Martin, liquors, 44 Guilford al Rosenijauer Geo. lab. 4 Portugal al Rosenbauer Jos. packer, 37 Myrtle av Rosenbaum Albert, clerk, 398 Lexington Rosenbaum Charles, notions, 7 German, dw 50 Brune Rosenbaum Elias, silks and millinery, 154 Lex- ington Rosenbaum E. milllnerv, 108 Lexington,dw 19 Park av Rosenbaum Hettie, 5 Arch Rosenbiium L 398 Lexinston Rosenberg Asher, expressman, 139 e Lombard Rosenberg Henry, tailor, 66 Mullikin Rosenberg Louis, elk, cor George and Myrtle av Rosenberg Maurice, liquors, 229 Lexington and 291 Saratoga Rosenberg Samuel, shoemkr, 1^ Second, dw 3 Rosenberg Samuel, huckster, IB Carlton Rosenberger Francis jr. tailor, 411 e Madison Rosenberger Francis sr. tailor, 411 e Madisou Rosenberger Fred, paver, 72 Oxford Rosenberger Henry, clerk, 237 e Eager Rosenberger Henry, cooper, 126 s Register Rosenberger Jacob, cutter, 237 e Eager Rosenberger Jas. A. bookkpr, 38 Columbia Rosenberger John, lab. 1 New Church Rosenberger John, musician, 64 Soiuerset Rosenberger John, bricklayer, llOSomerset Rosenberger John A. musician, 62 Somerset Rosenberger John A. cigarmkr. 411 e Madison Rosenberger Lawrence, musician, 257 n Eden Rosenberger Lewis, shoemkr, 191 n Caroline Rosenberger Lorenz, tailor, 411 e Madison Rosenberger M. A. cigarmkr, 6 s Chapel Rosenberger Margaret, grocery, 64 Somerset Rosenberger Maria S. notions, 363 n Gay Rosenberger Sebastian, porter, 252 n Eden Rosenberry John, brushmkr, 81 Warner Rosenblatt & Co. (S. Rosenblatt, Wm. Adler) dry goods, 292 n Howard and 145 n Eutaw Rosenblatt SaniJ. (^Rosenblatt & Co.) dry goods, 62 Aisquith Rosenblatt Wm. clerk, 62 Aisquith Rosenblender Fred, grocery, n w cor Chase and Washington Rosenburg Cbas. cigarmkr, 128 n Central av Rosenburg Lewis (Frank, R. & Co.)4u s Sharp Rosenburg Saml. wholesale woolen goods, 9 and 1 1 Hanover, dw 40 s Sharp Rosenburg Saml. jr. clerk, 40 s Sharp Rosenburg Mrs. Sarah, 40 s Shar]) Rosenburg Simon (Frank, R. Co.) 40 s Sharp RoseiibrocK Christian, mariner, Fort and Bat- tery av Rosenbrock John, mariner. Fort and Battery av Rosenbush Jacob, salesman, 90 s Caroline ROS Rosenbush Samson, exp. wagon, 90 s Caroline Rosencrantz Adolph, machinist, 61 Hanover Rosencranlz Rudolph W. lab. 44 Portland Rosendale Christopher (R. & Co.) 258 Aisquith ROSENDALE & CO. (C. Rosendale, G. Tolle) Manufacturers of Furni- ture, factory 31 n Frederick, ware- room 6 s Calvert. Rosendale Henry, forenan, 39 n Frederick Rosendale Henry jr. salesman, 258 Aisquith Rosendale John, clerk, 39 n Frederick Rosendorn Francis, silverchaser, 168eLombard Rosenfeld Abraham, prop, agt, ll3e Baltimore Rosenfeld Abraham jr. cleik, 70 n Greene Rosenfeld Col. G. (R. Bros.) 90 e B.iltimore ROSENFELD BROS.(M. & G. Rosenfeld) cloth- iers, s w cor Baltimore and Centre Market sp Rosenfeld Ephraim, salesman, 70 u Greene Rosenfeld Gabriel, liquors, lu2 w Lombard, dw 252 Rosenfeld Mrs. Henrietta, 90 e Baltimore Rosenfeld Hezekiah. clerk, 113 e Baltimore Rosenfeld Israel, bookkpr, 90 e Pratt Rosenfeld Jacob, editor, 20 Centre Market sp Rosenfeld Jonas, bookkpr, 70 n Greene Rosenfeld Jos. bookkpr, 90 e Baltimore Rosenfeld Julius S. reporter Wecker, 23 s Gav Rosenfeld Michael (R. Bros.) 9a e Baltimore ROSENFELD S. & CO. (S. Rosenfeld, M. Oet- tinger) wholesale tobacco and cigars, 53 Ex- change pi Rosenfeld S.A.(Burke,Roney & Co.)113 e Balto. Rosenfeld Simon, (S R.&Cl>.)70 n Greene Rosengarn Mrs. C. W- 300 Mulberry Rosengarn John H. grocery, 300 Mulberry Rosenheim Bfrnard, elk, 34 Holland Rosenheim C. elk, 162 u Gay RQSENHELM GUSTAV, junk, 16 Lee,dw 35 s Eden ROSENHEIM HENRi, wholesale wines and liquors, 37.t w Baltimore, dw 607 w Fayette Rosenheim Jacob, elk, 162 n Gay Rosenheim L. elk, 117 e Lombard Rosenheim Solomon, 53 Lewis Rosenmiller Jacob, shoemkr, 238 s Bond Rosenom Theo. horse trainer, 35 Pearl RosensteelAmbrose, joiner, Jenkins la nr York rd Rosensteel Geo. elk, 25 w Baltimore ROSENSTEELGEO. T. SR.painter,51 Mulberry Rosensteel Geo. T. jr. (McNamee & R.) n w cor Mulberry and Park av Rosensteel Joseph L. elk, 169 e Eager Rosensteel Theo. salesman, 44 Valley Rosenstein Louis, dry goods, 192 s Broadway Rosenstein .Moses, butcher, 105 Graaby Rosenstein Simon, elk, 14 East Rosenstock Mrs. Elizabeth, 642 w Baltimore Rosenstock Gerson, Madison av nr North av Rosenstock Levi, elk, 642 w Baltimore Rosenstock Mary,(M.& S. R.)642 w Baltimore Rosenstock M. & S. millinery, 643 w Baltimore Rosenstock S.(M.& S.R.)642 w Baltimore Rosenstock Stml. 87 e Pratt Rosenstock Samuel, 36 n Broadway Rosenthal Abraham, cattle dealer, 14 a Edea Rosenthal .Mrs. Adolph, notions, 109 S Paca Rosenthal Abraham, tailor, 143 Forrest Rosenthal August, tailor, 301 n Central av Rosenthal Emanuel, elk, 14 s Eden CO Q JjQ C^ CO I— I CS3 CO pj O O o o Q o W so I— • c-^ B o p p.. CI p CQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) o S . CO c > :: Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. KOS 494 ROS tc^;^ 02 Rosenthid Elixs, 01. Rosetithiil & Son) 216 Aliceanna Ruseiithal Fred, boxmkr, Eastern av nr Third Rosenthal Geo. elk, 43 Harrison Z> Rosenthal Mrs. Hannan, dry goods, 279 n Gay Rosenthal Henry, 279 n Gay Rosenthal Herman, tinner, 706 w Baltimore Rosentlial Isaac, (M R.& yon) 90 I'enna av Rosenthal Jacob tS. attorney, 1 Courthind, dw 88 Harrison Rosentlial Juse[ih, cigarmkr, 18u Pearl Rosenthal Julius, salesman, n ecor Eager andGay Rosenthal Julius, salesman, 232 Saratoga ►^ yi R'jsenthal Levi, furn. 34 Fenna av,dw 13 George (^ W Ruscnihal Louis, tailor, 180 Peail t^,.. Rosenthal .\1. & Sou (M. and I. Rosenthal) fur- niture, 30 Peiina av Ro.-euthal Marcus (M. R. & Son) 90 Penna av Rosenthal Moses, clolliing, 43 Harrison Rosenthal Nathan, cattle dealer, 14 s Eden RUSENTHAL SAMUEL, wholesale and retail dry goods, 7fc) Hanover Rosenthal Samuel, bookkpr, 88 Harrison Rosenthal Samuel, elk, 14 s Eden Rosenthal S. furniture, &c. 6 Penna av Rosenthal S. S. 264 n Gay Rosenthal Simon, clothing. 88 and 90 Harrison Rosenthal Mis. Solomon, milliner, 261 u Gay Rosenthal Mrs. Sophia, notions, 329 e Eager Rosenthal Mrs. Sophia, 109 s Paca Rosenthal VVm. triiumiiigs, 287 u Gay Rosenthal Win. watchmkr, 20 German, e of Charles, dw 158 Roseiiiriit Joseph, furrier, 87 e Lombard Roseulrill Mis. Mary, dry goods, 87 e Lombard Roser Fredk. baker, 297 u Durham Rosewag Godfrey, 222 s Sharp Rosewa^ Godfrey, cooper, 7 n Poppleton Rosewag Paul, plumber, 222 s Sharp Rosevvald Mrs. J .H. music teacher, 431 w Fayette Roscwald Jacob H. music teacher, 431 w Fayette Rosewald Judah, bookkpr, 25 e b'ayette ^ ^ Rosier Nelson, blksmiih, 191 Hudson a •" •*— u o - o O J^ ^ ■J. i-^ o • -^ O Oj O 0, >^ c^ o -^o ^% c 'r, p5 ^ c CO •— ,_; 32 Ct |J-< ^ z Rosier Nelson, lab. Denmead nr St. Paul Rosier Thos. S. carp. 12 Bouldin al Rosier William, lab. 191 Hudson Rosier Winfield, lab. 191 Hudson Rosinger Andrew, tailor, 42 n High Rosinger Fredk. watchmkr, 42 n High Rosiier John, lab. 257 Rank Rositer John F. boatbuildei,2 Covington, dw 93 B Bond Ross Aaron, police, 1 Jefferson Ross Alexander S. police, 23 Lambert Ross Allred, mfr. cioquet needles, 38 Laurel Ross Charles A. tish. Friendship, Vork rd Ross Charles H. Barnums hotel ROSS CHARLES H. & CO. (J. Whiteford, 0. Ditfeudertl'er, S. 1. Kemp) imps, and wholes. liquors, 9 Commerce C5 ^"•C©- Ross Charles P. luachinist, 314 e Chase Ross David, helper, 23 East Itoss Edward, cellar digger, 348 e Eager RUSS EDWARD C. grocery, 15 w Baltimore, dw Barnums hotel Ross George, police, 12 Wyeth Ross George W . canmkr, 40 Ramsay Ross Henry W. elk. 262 e Eager Ross Mrs. Henrietta, 275 Walsh Ross Howard, elk. McDonogh and Chase Ross Jacob, tanner, 181 n Dallas Ross James, lab. Byrd nr Fort av o P3 !? s ^ •c^ ^ ^^ • ' Zj * 1^ 5 c -. !^ r— ' ^ s W o Oi > ^> T, V ^ Z a u ft Zi r^ • :j 'tl X CJ ^ X >• 13 'n a; u. > :r. ~r ^ "i^ +— , — f '— cz. r^ •- r— 0) ^ c it ^ eC ^ ' ^ Ct Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, HUP 498 RUS p 'o Cv o — ;i- u -~ a3 oj ^ .->^ o X a; X. >- ^ o '^ r^ -^o *- ^ -. CO > :-^ ^ c (M c :i4 x - H S H O o Ruppel Reinhardt, fai'or, 13 Gittings Riipjiel \Vm. cari). UiO Humhurg Riipiiensiien Jutm, 1h1). 113 Duncan al Rii]'pei-sV)ero:er Gustave, butcher, 21 Centre und 78 Beliiir lunrkets, dw Penna av near toUgate Ruppersherger Louis, butcher, 18 Cross-st mkt, dvv Petina av nr tollgate Rupi)eisberger Simon, blacksmith, V Centre Market ?p Ruppert A(lc>ij)lius,botilc finisher, G9 Battery av Ruppert AU'onsus, barl er, 69 Battery av Ruppert Aniiel, baker. "^94 Li^rlu Rup])ert .Mis. Barbara, >; .Miller Ruppert Fr. d. tailor, 127 n Bond Rujipert Henry, cooper, Warren ct, dw 198 Eastern av Ruppert Jdhn W. jila'^terer, 252 Batter}' av Ruppert John, tailor, 127 n Bond Ruppert John, coiib'ctiunery, .sgn \v Pratt Ruppert John V. si. bottle finisher, GOBattery av Ruppert John V. jr. bottle finisher, 6i)Uattery av Rupl)ert Jos, A. cooper, lt>2 William Ruppert Joseph jr. cooper, Warren ct, dw 198 Eastern av Ru;)]iert Lewis, bottle finisher, 69 Battery av Ruppert Martin, tailor, 127 n Bond Ruppert .Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, 267 n Eden Rupprecht Mis, Barbara, grocery,. '^e Millinian Ru}iprecht Christian, butcher, .56 .Milliman Rupprfcht Christian, cigarnikr,295 Hanover Rujiprecht Mrs Gertrude, .seainstiess,8 Anthony Rujiprecht Henry, carp. 295 Hanover Rupprecht Henry, grocery, 16 Dawson al Rupprecht Mrs. Jane, dressmkr, 236sEutaw Rupprecht Mrs. Mary, 295 Hanover Rupprecht Pauline, hairdresser, 236 s Eutaw Rupjirecht Wm. carver, 236 s Eutaw Rui)run Henry, lab. 122 s Wolfe Rush Charles, driver, 345 Peiaia av Rush Mrs. Elizabeth, 268 Battery av Rush George, carp. 216 w Fayette Rush Geo. H. police, 16 Smith Rush Jolin P. engineer, 372 McHenry Rush Joseph F. driver, 345 Penna av Rush Joseph, paperhauger, 3 45 Penna av Rush Josi-pii, tailor, 280 s Charles Rush Lewis C. engineer, 246 Lee Rush Lewis C. michiuist, 295 Light Rush Wm. engiuei'r, 69 William ' Rush Wm. shijiping office, 102 Lancaster Rusk Edward, luitcher, 388 Harford av Rusk Edwin W. butcher, 116 Centre and*47 Belair mkts, dw 90 Greenmount av Rusk John, butcher, 90 Greenmount av Rusk Dr. G. Glanville, n e cor Baltimore and Washington Rusk Gee. W. butcher, 39 Centre and 56 Fells Point mkis, dw 60 Jackson sq av Rusk H. Welles, attorney, 19 Lexington, dw n e cor Baltimore and Washington Rusk Jacol) K. butclier, lo Fells Point mkt,dw cor lialtimore and Washington Rusk Joseph L. printer, 432 e Fayette Rusk L. Dallas, butcher, 432 e Fayette Rusk Lewis H. rojiemkr, 388 Haiford av Rusk Lemuel J. butcher, 432 e Fayette Rusk .Mrs. Margaret, 180 e Fayette Rusk Robert, butcher, 85 Greenmount av Rusk Robert V. (Albert A. White & Co.) 139 n High Rusk Wm. butcher, 49 Greenmount av Rusk Thos. J. butcher, 5 Centre and 55 Fells Point mkt, dw 16 n Col ling ton av Rusk Thos. J. jr. butcher, 2 Hanover mkt, dw 301 Aisquith Rusk Wm. tinner, 131 William Rusk Wm. L. butclier, h5 Greenmount av Riiskell John, cattle, 322 n Broadway Ruskell Thos. sales stables, 152 Saratoga, d^v 78 n Gieen Ruskell Wm. clerk, 117 s High Rusker P. cfe Co. ( P. Rusker,) liquors, 94 s Sharp Rusker Paul (P. Rusker k Co.) 94 s Sharp RussJohn, tailor, 189 Stirling Russell Alex, machinist, Swann tavern Russell .\lex. carp. 6 .Myrtle av Russt'll Alex, gravedigger. Federal nr Aisquith Russell Alex.H. ( Burns, Russell &( Co.) 4Gr) Eutaw [il Russell Mrs. Annie T. drv goods and notions, 116 n Charles Russell & Alizer (B. Russell, P. R. Alger, J. A. Gary) special mauufrs.and wholes. boots an i shoes, 16 and 18 s Howard Russell Benj. (R.& .\lger) 261 w Lombard Russell .Mi-s. Catherine, boots and shoes, n e cor .Madison and Howard Rus.sell Ch;is. officer Md. Pent'y, 31 e Fayette Russ.U Chas. (R. & Cowman) Qio Bolton Russell Chas R. cardriver, 22 Woodyear Russell Chas. clerk, 9 Penn Russell Chas. W. mariner, 108 n Caroline Russell David, sewing machines, 138 n Pine Russell Edward, boilt^rmkr, 134 Hamburg Russell Elizabeth, grocery, 53 n Eilen RUSSELL E. WALTUN, pharmacist, n e cor Biltimore and Eutaw, dw 139 Park av Russell Mrs. Elizabeth. 2 Pleasant Russell Elkanah, liricklayer, 1203 Strieker Russell Eugene J. pharmacist, n e cor Ann and Canton av Russell Felix, stockfitter, 84 Vork Russell Frank, lab. 475 Franklin Russell Francis M. carp. 383 Franklin Russell Francis, cashier, 161 North, dw 214 Chew Russell Franklin, carp. 314 s Charles Russell Frank H. clerk, 214 Chew Russell Frank D. painter, 297 Walsh Russell Fred. W. police, 387 n Central av Russell Geo. H cl'k, one mile house Vork Russell Geo. W. cigaitukr, 447 w Fayette Russell Geo. A. br.ikeman, 53 Columbia Russell Geo. A. paperhauger, lo6 Parkin Russell Geo. W. jr. moulder, 246 Harford av Russell Geo. W. watchman, 246 Harford av Russell Hamilton, upholsterer, 310 n Gilmor Russ''ll Henry J. dancing academy, cor Pratt and Bond, dw 328 Penna av Rus-ell .lames, shoeinkr, 289 n Front Russell J.iiues jr, clerk, 7 ii Strieker Russell Jaims, cooper, 249 s Charles Russell Jtmi'S, salesman, 31 Camden Russell James F. clerk, 19 w Bdtimore Russell John,( E. G. Penrose & Co.) 120 w Biddie Russell John jr. clerk, 31 Camden Russell John jr. carp. 6 .Myrtle av Russell Ji>liii, lab. Mt. Vernon RUSSELL JOHN, restaurant, 19 w Baltimore Russell John B.(B..M Rhodis&Co.)33 Lexington Russell John D. cabiuetmkr, 62 n Caroline Russell John S. shoemkr, 228 Franklin rd HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75 000.000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. RUS 499 RYA Russell John W. 14 Parrish Hiisfell Jdhn sr. ciirp. 6 Myrtle av Russell John, carp. 1 11 n Schroed«r Russell Jolinsr.t < IMPORTED ANL> DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mntiial Life Insnrance Co. of New York. RYA 500 SAD Ryan Allan A. clerk, 8 Hillen Ryan Amos, lab. 211 Mulberry Ryan Mrs. Catherine, 8 Hillen 2 Ryan diaries W. clerk, 33 Lexington g_, Ryan Cornelius sr. collector, 57 n Front 02 Ryan Cornelius jr. painter, 57 n Front . K^ Ryan Edward, lab. 23 Ahey al ^ 1^3 Ryan Geo. W. clerk, 261 Lanvale S ^ Ryan Henry, stone polisher, 211 Mulberry o H ^ 02 Ryan Henry jr. plasterer, 211 Mulberry K RVaN J. & CO. (J. Ryan) merchant "tailors, 9 H n Calvert 0 Ryan J. Spicer, bricklayer, 51 s Gilmer O Rvan James, lab. 2 Humes '^ Ryan James, lab. 34 Clifford al CC Rynn Jaines, lab. 19 e Eaiier ^ Ryan James, lab. 24 Abbot O ^ Ryan James, drayman, 72 York Ryan James, 7 Perry Ryan James, grocery, Hillen and High Ryan James A. sexton, 712 w Lombard Ryan James J.cleik, Druid Hill av and Dolphin Ryan James S. clerk, 344 w Fayette Ryan Jeremiah, lab. 44 Lemuion Ryan Jeremiah, superintend't Holy Cross Ceme- tery, Harford rd Ryan Joanna, 31 Potomac Ryan John, drayman, 89 North Ryan John, lab. Cathedral exl Ryan John, lab. 462 Fort av Ryan John, lab. 31 Potomac Ryan John jr. lab. 31 Potomac Ryan John, collector. Swan hotel Ryan John, gardener, 97 s Gilmor Ryan John, (R. & Ricketts) 521 w Fayette Ryan John, (Ryan & Co.) 227 Lanvale _ Ryan John C. lab. 8 Hillen O Ryan John F. moulder, 211 Scott O Ryan John L. salesman, 23 Abey al j^ Ryan Joseph, blacksmith, 72 York P Ryan Joseph, fire dept. 299 n Durham ^ Ryan Joseph P. (McColgan & R.) 7 s Broadway -jj Ryan Lawrence, lab. 217 s Bethel g Ryan Lawrence F. clerk, 7 Perry -r, Ryan Malachi, lab. 167 Hollins S ^ Ryan Martin, lab. 638 w Pratt pj pq Ryan Mary, Clinton nr Boston O S Ryan Mary, 4 Hillen ^ W Ryan Mrs. Mary, grocery, 127 n Front ^ Ryan Matthew, 20 Addison ^' W Q Ryan Michael, lab. 52 Fort av O ^ 13 Ryan Michael, drayman, 240 Light gp Ryan Michael, porter, 160 e Madison ^^ -^ Ryan Mich'l,contractor,8wcorDruid Hill av and O W ^ Dolphin ^ S S Ryan Uwen, lab. 23 Elizabeth la O^Q Ry^° Palrick, lab. 63 Block an Timothy, lab. 127 s Castle Ryan Wm. drayman, 752 w Pratt Ryan Wm. E. fab. 8 Hillen Ryan Wm. H. broker,6St.Paul,dw 311 Lanvale Ryan Wm. R. machinist, 158 .McHenry Ryder Albert D. bi icklyr, Gilmor nr Liberty rd R_ider David, engineer, 105 Cross Rye Henry C. sboenikr, 7 s Monroe Ryland Reuben, roofer, Conway nr Fremont Ryland Samuel P. jir. (Brown, Graves ScGo.) 55 Lexington Ryland Samuel S. shoecutter, 101 n Eutaw Ryland Mrs. Samuel S. millinery, 101 b Eutaw Rynaryevvski Frank, shoemkr, 54 Philpot Rynehart Robert, clerk, 318 Park av Rynehart Samuel, grocery, 318 Park av Rynehart Wm, salesman, 355 William Ryninger Mrs. Mary E. trimmings, 521 n Gay Ryninfier Wm. H. clerk, 521 n Gay Ryttenberg Henry, 13 Aisquith Rytlenberg Joseph, 13 Aisquith s. Saalfeldt A. R. repairer, 458 Canton av Sabel Geo. F. bricklayer, 3 s Washington Sabel Geo. W. clerk, 3 s Washington Sable Wm. lab. 120 Chesapeake Sachs Albert, milk, Harford av nr city limits Sach Edward, tailor, 121 McElderry Sachs EdwardjCarter, 127 Ridgely Sachs John, tailor, 121 McElderry Sachs John, milk, 797 Light Sachs Justin, bakery, 115 McElderry Sachs Margaret, 319 Canton av Sachs Philip, sexton, 66 3 Eutaw Sachs Theodore, tailor, 121 McElderry Sachse Adolph, agent, 198 Montgomery Sachse Arthur, photographer, 152 Hanover Sachse August, hairdresser, 52 Ensor Sachse Chas. (Buchanan & S.) 102 n Exeter Sachse Chas. restaurant, 66 Forrest SACHSE E. & CO. (E and T. Sachse) lithog- raphers, over 240 w Pratt Sachse Mrs. Edward, (E. S.& Co.) 152 Hanover Sachse Fred. lab. 24 Poultney Sachse Henry, cabinetmkr, 52 Ensor Sachse Theodore, (E. S. & Co.) 198 Montgomery Sachse Theodore jr. jeweler, 428 w Baltimore Sacheski Fred. lab. 328 s Bond S ichlleben Herman, grocery, 238 Mulberry Sack Charles R. machinist, 403 e Eager Sack Christian D. manufr.of solder and repairer of britannia ware, 63 German Sackerman G. M. clothing, 164 Light-st wharf, dw 89 Columbia Sackerman Lewis, (S.Tannabaum & Co.) 81 Lee Sackerman Lazarus M. dry goods, 168 Franklin Sackhoff Wm. tailor, 46 Ridgely Sacks Samuel, shoemkr, 46 s Central av Sacona C. C. candymkr, 53j Harrison Sacred Heart Catholic bookstore, Clinton or Aliceanna Sacred Heart (R. C.) Church, Aliceanna ext Saddler Mrs. Martha E. seamstress, 378 McHenry Sadler George, agent, 16 n Oregon Sadler George W. cigarmkr, 303 s Charles HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. SAD 501 SAN Sadler Jacob, butcher, 125 e Madisoa Sadler Jolin, lali. 151 Madeira al Sadler John B. lab. 11 New Sadler John C. tanner, 86 Russell S.'dler John H huckster, Washington nr Chase Sadler J(JS( ph W. carp. 3J8 e Madisoa Sadler Mis. Martha A. 3(i3 s Charles Sadler Solnmon. plasterer, 133 e Eager Sadler Warner D. lab. 332 William SADLER W. H. j.resid.nt Sadler's "Br.vant& Siration" business col lege, 6 and 8 n Charles, dw Irvington, Frederick rd nr Loudon Park Sadler Wni. T. grocer, 144 s Broadway SadtlerDr.Chas.K.:i30Pennaav,dw43.\IcCulloh Sadtlei Chas. H,, Charles and Huntingdon avs Sadtler Geo. T. (G. T. S. & Son) Baltimore co Sadtler Geo. W. (G. T. S.& Son) 64 n Howard Sadtler Harry B. clerk, Baltimore co SADTLER & SON, (G. T. and G W. Sadtler) opticians, watchnmkers and jewelers, 212 w Baltimore Sadtler Walter E. printer, Huntingdon av Sadtler Wtn. I. jr. carp. Huniinydon av Sadtler Wra.J.clerU B.&OB.R., Huntingdon av SaengerGto. watchman, 271 Mulberry Saeller Joseph, distiller, 76 s Wolfe SAFE DKPOSIT CO. OF BALTIMORE, 12 South, B. F. Nevvcomer,pres't,W.A.Wlsong, sec'y and treasr Saffell Celeus, car[i. 648 w Lombard SafiFell Charles C. 23 s Calhoun Saffell Wm. J. R. 23 s Calhoun Safferf John, lab. 418 Canton av Safiield James, lab. 633 w Pratt SaffortN.P. mariner, 61 Hamburg Saffran Geo. cabinetmkr, 121 Peiina av Saffran Jacob, tinner, 123 Pinna av . Saffran John, lab. Elliott nr Clintou Saffran John, hostler, 8 WiUielm Saffron Conrad, lab, 93 s Poppleton Saffron John, lab. 6 Dover Saffron John, tinner, 238 Aisquith Sage Geo. D. grocery. Parkin and Pratt Sageudorph L. L. salesman, 43 Hanover Sagle Joseph R. engineer, 38 s Schroeder Sagle Thomas W. engineer, 100 s Carey Sagle Wm. T. 3(,'5 n Gay Sahlender Martin, carp. 5 West al Sahlmann Fredk. turner, 454 Canton av Sahm Geo. F. police, 149 Gough Salin Daniel, lab. 359 Canton av Sahr Henry, shoemkr, 421 Penna av Sahr J. Henry, lab. 694 S.«ratoga SAINT LUUIS LIFE INS. CO. H. D. Hewitt, manager, 11 German Saintm^er John, plasterer, 1 Cumberland Saiuipeter Alfred, glassblower. 25 Covington Sailors' Bethel Church, Hill nr Charles Sailors' Bethel (M E. Church ) 32 and 34 Cross Saitz Jacob, shoemkr, 29 L. McElderry Sakers John S. puddler, 28 Patterson Park av Sakers Samuel, carp. 124 Fort av Sakers Wm. puddler, 28 Patterson Park av Sakolski David I. fancy goods and jewelry, 329 n Gay Sakolski Isaac, peddler, 65 Harrison S-'koiski Louis, clothing, 65 Harrison Saks Louis, tinner, 61 Harrison Salabes Geo. clerk, 55 Harrison Salabes .Meyer, clothing, 55 Harrison Salabes S. M. clerk, 55 Harrison Sales Charles, 210 German Sales Robert, huckster, 132 Hamburg Salgee Henry jr. carp. 80 Warner Salgee Henry, cooper, 80 Warner Salgnes Isabella 0. seamstress, 297 Cross Salinger Frederick, clerk, 72 Centre Market sp Salinger Martin, lab. 45 Elliott Salinger Richard, manager Baltimore Wecker, 17 s Liberty Salisbury Edw'd,carter,Greenmountav nrJohn Salisbury Wm. D. express, 96 McKlderry Salliiann Fred, woodturner, 454 Canton av Sallmann Wm. emigrant agent, 166 e Pratt Sallar Wm. barber, 134 nCalvert,dw271Aisquith Salmon Antony, 293 Light Salmon Anthony jr. station baggage master, 778 w Pratt Salmon Mrs. Catherine A. 263 n Howard Salmon Jos. H. brakeman, 293 Light Salmon Max, barkpr, 112 Thames Salmon Philip, liquois, 112 Thames Salmon Wm. baggagemaster, 293 Light Salom John, 163 n Paca Salomon Sand. M. dry goods, G53 w Baltimore Salomon Theodore, cigarnianuf. 97 e Fayette Salter George W. clerk, 49 St. Paul Salter Theo. E. painter, 36 n Washington Salthouse John, dyer, 288 n Gay Saltzer J. E. agent Continental Life Ins. Co. 38 Postoffice av Saltzgiver Geo. E. hats and caps, 103 n Howard Salusbury Louis C. clerk, 252 n Carey Salvage Corps, central station, 27 n Liberty Saly Catherine, 151 s Bethel Srtly Jacob, carp. 151s Bethel Salzer Geo. pianomkr, 374 Lexington Salzer Dr. Henry, 154 w Lombard Saizig Balthasai, restaurant, 193 Gough Salzig Jacob, lab. 54 Patterson Park av Saizig Nicholas, 26 s Castle Saizman Michael, cabinetmkr, 67 n Gay Salzraan Tobias, 65 Jefferson Samm Henry, cooper, Elizabeth la nr Light Sammons James E. carp, lul Cross Samon Christian, tailor, 56 Portland Sampson James M. machinist, 135 Penna av Sampson Thomas, painte-, 78 s Fremont Samson Samuel, upholsterer, 46 Walsh Samuel Bernard, glazier. 8 Broad al Samuel David, lab. Clinton nr Second av Samuel Henry, shoemkr, 138 s Paca Samuel Herman, clerk, 30H s Bond Samuel Jacob, butcher, 12 Fells Point market, dw 309 s Bond Samuel Isaac, lab. Clinton nr Second av Samuel Jos. rags, 209 Canton av Samuel Levi, salesman, 138 s Paca Samuel Mrs. S. millinery, 835 w Baltin.ore Samuel S. laster, 835 w Baltimoie Samuel W. T. jr. salesman, 88 Hanover Samuels Henry, wines and liquors, 102Richmond Samuels Levi, 138 s Paca Samuels M. S. furn.and fancy g'ds, 151 n Eutaw Sand Rev. John A. 1 Clinton av Sand Mrs. Mary, 256 s Ann Sandaal John (S. & Son) 95 Orleans Saiidaal John J. bookkpr, 95 Orleans Sandaal & Son (Theo. and John Sandaal) fur- niture, 97 Orleans Sandaal Theodore (S. & Son) 95 Orleans Sandback Emory, tinner, 220 s Durham Sander Albrecht, grocy and liquors, 184 a Sharp Sander Fred, paperboxmkr, 71 Portland -1-3 CD O a o3 O O O O o o f^ 00 <1 H <1 OQ o o Power Press Printincr, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) X c o.^p Mutual Lifa Insurance Co. of Ne-w^ York. SAN 502 SAN c: ^ 02 o c Sander H. furniture, 25'2 Canton kt • _i ^j Siitider Henry, Citbinetmkr, 17 Cowpen al > S ^^ Sunder John. clerk, 184 3 Slinrp 'x ^ > Sanderlein Rev. Geo. W. 670 LexingtoD 5 ^ Sunders Alex, diiver, 93 Johnson |r._— ^ Siinders Anton, liib 7 Hetiry o '^ Sanders Mrs. BmiIimiu, dairy, 93 Johnson „— 5 C Sanders Chas. ninalder, 1 Warren ^~' CC ^ Sanders Chiis. shoenikr, 14F> s Reyester •'-■-^ o Sanders (-^oJDiubns. j.initiw- C. H 1 Warren _ri C ^'- Sanders Danitl, painter, 1 Warren -^ " 5 Sanders Edwaid A. carji. 29 Pearl .— "x -^ San 'ers Edward J. 507 Lexiripioo o K^ X Sanders Edward, pudditr, 12 Bradford al pi ^ ^ Sandeis Mrs. Kliz.ilietli, 157 n Central ar .^ j^. Sanders Kzra S. elerk, 58 St. Paul — ■ — >' ^ Suiders P'rank, j»i inter. 143 Cro.-^s •r ^ 5 Sanders Frank (S. & (jie..rj:e) 147 McCallob ?f 'o — Sandeis Fred. Ijoxmkr, 69 Portland ^ S-'P Sanders Geo. printer, 247 Battery av Sanders Geo. W. (Geo. W. S. & Co.) Jessup's ^ staiiot) ^ -^ . SANDERS GEO. W. & CO. (Geo. W. Sandeis) o cj cotton liiokers, room 11, 58 Exchauo;e pi jZ-'r^ 5£ Sanders Geo. (G. S. A Sons) Z68 Eutaw pi "3 c (-^ Sanders (ieo. grocery, 12 State Z *~^ Sanders Geo. E. salesman, 310 Myrtle av Sanders GiO. W . niereliant tailor, 14 St. Pan), d\v 62 Colniubia . i^ c SANDERS GEO k SONS {Geor>re, James W. ?^ _ o and Samuel F. Sandeis) teas at wholesale, ci z:'il 65 Exchange pi %^<^ g- SANDERS k GEORGE (F. Smders. T. J. ,/.^ S? *- Georj;©) teas \vhole.-;ale, 96 w Lombard c^^ c"^ Sanders & Siayman (H. Sanders, J.A.Stayman) ,— •:;'• cottage organs, pianos. Ac. 15 d Charles Sao Sanders Harry (S. & Stay man) 318 Hollias '^ H Sandi rs Henry, shipcarp 93 Johnson '^ .S ^ Sanders Jacob, machinist, 218 Orleans ■^ ^ ^ Sanders Jas. R. packer, 1 Warren *: T" jjj Sanders Jas W. clerk, I40 n Fremont ^■^ Sanders Jas. W.(G.S. & Sons) 388 Eutaw p! i- "^ Samiers John, grocery, 304 e Monument '^ ~' Sanders John A. upholsterer, 140 Johnson Sanders John B. lab. 2I& Canton av Sanders John H. shipjoiner, 140 Johnson Sanders John H. painter, Coviujjtou nr L. Church, dw 233 s I'aca Sanders J. .Mason, 1S9 McC^iUoh ^ ^ 5>v Sanders Joseph, 33 Warren 'r^ X T^ Sanders Joseph W . mariner. 33 Wairen ;i r— ^ Sanders M. A. salesman, 264 n Gilmor K^ ^ >, Sanders Mrs. Matilda, ladies' depository, 133 e 5 '^ - Baltimore Sanders .Michael, lab. 10 Potomac Sanders Morgan, clerk, 3S.-< Eutaw pi Sandeis Sam'l F.((;.S. & Sons) 198 n Carey Sanders Sophia, grocery, 226 s C'lroline _ ^ S ^nders Thos. sr. painter, 1 Warrei> 5 c oi Sanders Thos. p'tinter, 9 Abe. al i^ ^ €fi> Sanders Wm. tailor, 139 Franklin s^ ~P vf^ Sanders Win. tinner, 65 North ^' 5 c Sanders Wm. driver, 550 Aisqnitb "^ ^ ''z Sanders Win. painter, 1 Warren J^ TS "-^ Sanders Wm. A. clerk, 567 Lexington S >> 5 Sanderson Geo. H. elerk, 320 iMcDonogh K~ 'iJ _^ Sanderson Jidm jr. cieik, 257 n Eden *■ .^ 5 Sanderson Rul>eit, blacksmith, 1 Uaker ct •;J 2 ... Sanderson Robert, gardener, &8 Low 2 5 t. Sanderson W.C.S)itesnian,Mc.\lechin iirDiTisioD -H "x S Sandfox Chas. clerk, 32 s Ann •^ c3 >^ Sandfox Wm. grocery, Eutaw and West ■ tS in — ^■ 5 n Caslle Sanner Geo. L carp. l"2o n [5ond Sanrier Hiirry, clerk, Wolfe and Jefferson Sanner L'a|it. Isaac S. pilot, 196 e Baltimore Sanner L Sintrleton. tax dept. 279 e Pratt Sanner James B. boiler inspr. 5 s Holliday, dw 40 s Chester Sanner Jus. H. orrocery, cor Jefferson and Wolfe Sanner John B. police, 160 e Piatt Smner John W. carp. 210 n Wolfe Sanner Joseph, turner, 350 e Fayette S inner ('a[)t. Joseph .\. pilot, 586 Le.xingtou Sanner Jnseph C. shipjoiner, 17 n ('aroline Sanner Mis. Mary V. notions. 223 Jefferson Sanner Sylvester, sewing machine auent, 384 e Madison Sansberry Theodore T. 142 Mulberry Sa'itrock Win. cab^netmkr, 82 Leadenhall Santry J ihn. provisions, Mc.Mechin and Etting Sipliar Win. comedian. 46 President Saplira Isadore, capmkr, 739 w Baltimore Saphra Mrs. Strab, shoes, 739 w Baltimore Sajip Albert H. bricklayer, 169 Aisquith Sapp Andrew, lab. 63 Cambridge Sapp Benj. F. gardener, 107 Jackson sq av Sapp Chas. A. bricklayer, .Mount Royal Sapp Chas. .M. moulder, 19o Bank Sapp Diuiiel, railroad niau, 229 e Pratt Sapp Daniel 0. machinist, 14s Orleans Sapp '.'avid, plasterer. 65 Milliman Sapp Fied. painter, 70 Jackson sq av Sapp Ge. .M. painter, 158 Aisquith Sa) p Ihnr}-, tinner, 142 n Bond Sapp Jacob, boilermkr, 148 Orleans Sapp J.imes 0. painter, 158 Ais-qiiith Sapp James, {lainter, 158 AiscjUith Sapp John F. ( Joshua 0.S.& Bros ) 316 Orleans Sapp .lohn T. engineer, 20 Ogston Sapp Joshua 0. & Bros. (Josliu.i ()., Wm. J. and .'olin F. Sapp) coo[)ers, 109 Smiths whf Sapp Josliua 0. (Joshua U. S. & Bros.) 150 Jefferson Sapp Jos combmkr, 4 Irvine pi Sapp .Mrs. Maty L provisions, 420 e Fayette Sapp Napoleon, cabinetmkr, 229 e Pratt Sapp .Mrs. Sarah J. 63 Cambridge Sapp Thomas, clerk, 229 e Prait Saj.p Wm J.( Joshua O.S. & P.ios.) 316 Orleans Sajip Wm. O. lumber, 420 e Fayette Sappington Fied. R. printer, 42 Courtland Sappington Gerard H. carp. Edmondson av nr Orei;on Sap[)iugton John H. police, 53 Stirling Sappington X. J. clerk C. H., dw 221 Druid Hill av Sappington N. J. grocery, 155 Penna av, dw 221 Druid Hill av Sajipington Nathan T. clerk, 76 s Sharp Sappington Dr. Richard, apothecary, 131 n Gay. dw Shaw Hill, nr York rd Sappington Dr. Thomas, 7o w Centre Sappiu_rton Wm. clerk, 53 Stirling Saratoga Building, secor Calvert and Saratoga Saratoga .Mills, Cbas. H. Rolosou & Co. prop'rs, 561 Saratoga Sarbacher C. (F. Lange & Co.) 274 n Gay Sarbacher MarL'aiet, tailoress, 57 n Pine Sarbacher Matilda, milliner, 57 n Pine Sarbaugh .Mrs. .Amanda, 136 n Fremont Sarjieant Geo. shoemkr, 141 I.t-xinjiton Sarg.ant Geo. H. (Tintes .fe 8 ) 11 Cathedral Sargeant Wm. H. clerk, 6 North av Sarueut -I. Cairoll. 94 w Monument Sargent Thomas B. 94 w Monument Sart;ent Rev. Thos. B. 9t w Monument Sarluuis B. silks, laces, &c , 27 n Kutiw Saro Louis, driver, 187 e Monument Sarton J. W. E. clerk, 177 Lee Sasscer J.T. jr. (Wilson, P.ilmer& Co.) Fayette and Paca Sasscer Wm. B. proi>erty agt. 294 n Eutaw Sasscer W. T. clerk, 211 w Lombard Satterfield Andrew, china pkr. 26 Constitution Satterfield Jas. T. etigineer, 17 Constitution Siiterfield John, mkt master, 17 Constitution Satterfield .Mrs. .M>rg't. 141 e .Monument Satterfield ThouiMS J. huckster, 534 n Gay Sattern Aug. lab. 133 Thames Sattler Andrew, lab. 12 Parrish Sattler Aug. (S. & Co.) 6:^2 w Lorn' ard SATTLKR & CO.tGfO.W. and Au-ust Sattler) whiskej- and com. merchants, s e cor Chailes and Pratt Sattler Geo.W.(S.& Co )Charles-st av nr Hunt- ingdon av Sattler Hermnn, clerk, 492 w Fayette Sattler Michael, tailor, 302 n Bond Sauble Wilson R. machinist. 126 Parkin Saudek Mis. Fanny, 444 w B.iltimore Saudek Flora, music teacher, 444 w Baltimore Sau.ler.Jo.sen^-. elassblower, 17 Stockholm Sauefer Michael "cpm, 317 Canton av Sauders Capt. Harman, mariner, 145 Colling- toii av Sauer Andrew, police, 174 s Charles Sauer A. driver, 183 s Wolfe Sauer A. F. & ("o. (A. F. Sauer) manufacturer show cases, 48 Hanover Sauer A. F. (A. F. S. & Co ) 48 Hanover Salter Casi>er, broomniaker, 302 n Gay Sauer Charles, cii.'armkr, 26 Potomac Sauer Christian, locksmith and hellhangfir, 138 s Ann Sauer Conrad, 53 s Regester Sauer Com ad, lab. 210 e Lombard Sauer Edward, lab, 83 s Exeter Sauer Dr. Francis A. apothecary, 133 Jefferson Sauer George, furn. wagoner, 196 e Lombard Sauer George, Uli, 22 s Chapel Sauer John, wheelwright, 152 George Sauer John, upholsterer, 196 e Lombard Sauer John, shoemkr, 261 s Sharp Sauer John, boilermkr. 238 s Eutaw Sauer John A. coopei, 41 Bink Sauer Rudolph, hit). 9 Watson ct SauerhoffGeo. H. city yard, 172 Hughes S luerhoff Henry jr. ijilder, 172 Hughes S.iuerhoff John, collector, Chesapeake bank Sauerhoff John F. shipuirp. 172 Hughes Sauerhoff John L. shi|>joiner. 172 Huirhes Sauerhoff' Oscar, [lainter, 254 n Caroline Sauerhoff Wm. shipjoiner, 302 Montgomery Sauerland C. H. printer, 3 s Frederick Sauerland Charles, carp. 91 n Ann Sauerland Henry, coachpiinter, 133 Penna av Sauerland Lewis, conductor, 133 Penna av Saeurland Philip, tinner, 133 Penna av Sauerland Wm. 133 Penna av CQ d a; o c3 o o o o p4 ^ o ^ ^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, SAU 504 SCA H Pd w PH H H CO a m >H c < < O a M o O ~ rn O 00 :—i o ^ ^ ^H ^ <1 M GQ O GO S I— I o«i CO) O O Sauers Georse, lab. 83 s Exeter Sauerwald Jiicob, basketmkr, 8 Gelston ct Sauerwiild John, basketmkr, 338 Muliierry Sauerwald JdS basketmkr, O'Donnell nrCurlej Sauerwald Wtn. basketmkr, 12 St. Peter Sauerwein Chas. D. artist, rooms 4 Lexington building, d«' 156 .Myrtle av Sauerwein D N. bricklayer, 16S L Greene Sauerwein Ed" in A.(P.S. & Son)103 Townsend Sauerwein Klizal)eth, 37G .Madisim av Sauerwein Frank I), carp. 40 Aisquith Sauerwein Geo. P. bricklayer, 170 Ensor Sauerwein Jnhn. lab. 128 Scott Sauerwein Mary V. dressrakr, 40 Aisquith Sauerwein Nicholas, cabinetmkr,406 w Lombard Sauerwein P. G. pres't Ritchie Mineral Resin and Oil Co. and A'dains While Lead Co. dw Mt. Washin^^toti Sauerwein P. & Son (E. A. Sauerwein, J N. Gilbert) flour and grain com. nierchts, 101 n Howard Saukub James, lab. 263 s Ann Saul A. J. (Bell & Saul) 86 n Charles Saul Charles, basketmkr, 89 s Bethel Saul Elias, lab. 289 Aliceanna Saul George, lab, Cliapel nr Chase Saulsbury Mrs Andrew J. .57 s Eden Saiilsbury Jatnes A. clerk, 57 s Eden Saura C. VV. clerk, 152 w .Madison Saum Mrs. Catherine, 34 s Gilraor Snura Jacob, carp. 34 s Gilmor Saum Philopoena, 34 s Gilmor Saumenij.' Fred. E. uolhctor, office Chesapeake bank, dw 481 Light Saumenig Henry, carp. 201 Scott Saumenig John H. clerk, '.'„V'oYc^H,*ir - Saumenig John W. carp. 38 St. Peier Saumenig Robert, candyniaker, 110 Lexington Saumenig VVm. B. 154 n Exeter Saumenig Wm. R. carp. 73 St. Peter Saumenig W. B. bookkpr, 89 n Eulaw Saums Christian C tobacconist, s vv cor Lex- ington and Schroeder, dw 548 Lexington Saums Mar> A. 152 w .Madison Saunders Arthur, 344 w Lombard Saunders B H. agt, dry goods, 683 w Baltimore Saunders Charles, shoe cutler, ."119 e John Saunders Charles, cutter, 116sPaca Saunders (Jhas. A. clerk. 683 w Baltimore Saunders .Mrs. Elizab.dressmkr, 121 Lexington Saunders Mrs. Ellen, 185 n Caroline Saunders (Jeo. C. machinist, 344 w Lombard SAUNDERS J. MUVVTON, engineer Gas Light Co. of Baltimore, 19 South, dw n w cor Lom- bard and Exeter Saunders James S. engineer, 17 e Monument Saunders James E. clerk, 17 e Monument Saunders John J. carp 112 Battery av Saunders John R. police, 683 w Baltimore Saunders John S. & Co. (John S Saunders) flour, grain and com. merchis. 91 South Saunders John S.iJohn S.S.&Co.)25on Calvert Saunders Joseph R. police, 683 w Baltimore Saunders Joseph, carp. 126 Vine Saunders Joseph T. grocery, 107 n Schroeder Saunders Mrs. Mary E. grocery, 100 Ensor Saunders Mary, saleswoman, 107 n Schroeder Saunders Mrs. M. ladies repository, 72 n Charles Saunders Mrs. Sarah, lailoress, 200 n liden Siuuders Thos B.dep.ward. Baltimore city jail Sauner Geo. W. club rooms, 14 s Calvert, dw 125 Hanover Sauner John H. restaurant, 64 s Howard Sauner Wm. F. club rooms, over 62 w Fayette, dw 322 Lexington Sauret Jacques, barkeeper Buck's hotel Saussar George, bricklayer, 5 n Pine Sauter Charles, confectioner, 127 n Central av S.iuter Philip, silver plater, 246 w Pratt Sauter Wm. plated coffin trimmings manufr, 252 w Pratt, dw 290 w Fayette Sauter Wm. candymkr. 127 n Central av Savage Chas. E. (D. R. Shannon & Co. A. P. Baer & Co.) s w cor McCulloh and Mosber Savage Charles K. bookkpr, 425 n Curey Savage Geori;e,law reporter, Baltimore Gazette, 56 n Liberty Savage John, lab. 249 Forrest Siivage John C. clerk, 14 n Strieker Savage John R. clerk, 68 Saratoga S (vage Ji)se|)li R. co.ichmkr. 425 n Carey Savage Richard, carter, 116 Knsor Savage M. C. salesman, 1 n Howard Savage Satnuel, tanner, Whatcoat nr Presstman Savage Wm. H, sr. grocery, 14 n Strieker Savage Wm. H. jr. mariner, 14 u Strieker Savidge Rev, Coleman H. book agt, 13 s Holli- day. dw 166 n Carey Saville Francis, butcher, 139 Greenmount ar Saville Geo, E. clerk, 139 Greenraount av Saville James U. watchmkr, 51 n Gay, dw Brown's hotel Siville John W. engineer U.S. N., Howard house Saville John, machinist, 158 n Carey Saville .Mrs. Margt..provisions, 139 Greenra'tav Saville W. Q. steamboat insp', over P. 0. dw Edmondson av and Gilmor Saville Wm. .M. shoemkr, 518 w Lombard Savin Emily, matron Union Orphan Asylum, Franklin and Schroeder Savin F. A. cashier Union Banking Co. 169 n Carey Savin John, teacher, 323 Saratoga SMvin Mrs. Kate, 38 Mulberry Savin Thos. L. clerk, 61 Courtland Savin R. T. receiving teller Citizens Bank, Wa- verley Savin Mrs. Priscilla G. 61 Courtland Savin Wm. F. bookkpr. Waverlev SAVINGS BANK OF BALTIMORE, n w cor Gav and Second — [5ee Appendix. S ivoy Julia, cook, 25 Wayne Sawkins Fredk. A. silverplater, 118 w Fayette, dw 103 n Strieker Saxton Dr. Alex. H. 543 Lexington Saxlon Mrs. Alice, 361 Hollins Saxton Wm. II. salesman, 701 Lexingtou Say Jacob, boxmkr, 91 Warner Say John, sr. clerk, 91 Warner Sav John, jr. brickmkr, 91 Warner Say Lewis, wire worker, 91 Warner Sayler J. A. salesman, Howard house Saylor Chas. H. 9 n Front Saylor Chas. H. 0., Three Tuns hotel Saylor John, carpets, oilcloth, &c.. 2 w Balti- more, dw 9 n I'^ront Saylor J. W. cler<, 139 Central av Scally John, leather, 341 e Fayette Scanlon John F. cigars and tobacco, 453 e Fay- ette Scanlon John, 115 s Chester Scanlon Michael, fire dept. 453 e Fayette Scanlon Wm. shoemkr, 50 Harford av Scarborough Benj. C. police, 202 s Charles HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. SCA 505 SCH CQ Scarborough Klizabeth, dressmkr, 202sChn.rles ScHrborougb G. Mott, carp. 196 Penna av Scarborough John, stonecutter, 10 Division Scarborough Martha, dressmkr, 55 n Schroeder Scarborough Mrs Mary, 326 Park av Scarborough Wm. shipcarp. 202 s Charles Scarborough Victoria, dressmkr, 196 e Fayette ScartF Wm. W. (.lasterer, 99 Chew Scarlett Richard L. mnftr rock cand}-, 10 Cal- houn Scarlett Robert W. asst. manager, R. G. Dun & Co. 10 Calhoun Scarlett W. G.( R.G. Dun & Co. )314 Madison av Scates Herbert, shoemkr, l."i6 Chesnut Seates Geo. shoemkr, 156 Chesnut Scatterday Euclid A. (J. R. Hunt & Co ) 94 Hanover Schaab Henry, clerk, 186 Bank Schaab .Tohn, grocery, 186 Bank Schaaf Fred, tailor. 111 n Washington Schaaf Henry, carter, 148 e Lombard Schaaf Henry, trunkmkr. 90 s Retiester Schnaf Peter, tailor, 30 n Caroline Schaaf Rudolph, wagoner, 504 n Fremont Scbaake Ferd. grocery, 21 L. Gough Schaake Henry, shoemkr, 213 Canton av Scbaake Wm. shoemkr, 213 Canton av Schaal Mrs. Ann, be^r, 85 n Calvert Schaal George A.(J.H. S. & Bro.)3 s Frederick Schaal John H. 85 n Calvert Schaal John H. jr.(J.H.S. & Bro.)3s Frederick Schaal J. H. & Bro. (J. H. Schaal jr. and Geo. A Schaal) edge tool grinders and polishers, 11 n Frederick Special attention paid Bookbinders Knives and Shears. J. H. SCHAAL & BRO. mmm and polishers. Such as Files, Anvils, Saws, Bookbinders' Knives and Shears, Machinery and Jobbini? in general. 11 N. FREDERICK STREET. Schaar Edward, gents furnishing goods, 68 n Eutaw and 250 w Lombard Schachtel Mrs. August, 47 e Fayette Schack Bernhard. l.-ib. 448 Canton av Schad Andrew, music teacher, 78 n Strieker Schad Frederick, pharmacist, s e cor Bond and Canton av Schad Geo. bookkeeper, 57 n Bond Schad Henry, bootmaker, 462 n Fremont Schad el Jacob, driver, 7 Lay lope SchadelJohn, baker, 109 Druid Hill av Schaefer Mrs. Augustus, 61 L..McElderry Schaefer A. C. jr. & Co. (A.C. S. jr.) cotton brokers, 85 E.^cchange pi Schaefer Adolphus sr. 76 w Centre Schaefer Ambrose, cakebaker, 246 s Durham Schaefer Adolphus C. jr. (A. C. Schaefer jr. & Co.) 76 w Centre Schaefer Andrew, laborer, 82 Grindall Satisfaction Gaaranteed. Ooantry Or< ders Promptly attended to. Schaefer August, tailor, 26 McHenry Schaefer August jr. tiiilor, 26 McHenry Schaefer Bernhard, teacher, 139 Elliott Schaefer Barbara, 246 s Durham Schaefer Charles, cahinetinkr, 259 n Central av i-^ Schaefer Conrad, lab. 210 Aliceanna — Schaefer Conrad, clerk, 209 e Lombard ^ Schaefer Edwaik A. clerk, 248 Mulberry p Schaefer Emil K. clerk. 382 w Fayette o Schaefer Geo. carp. 172 Lee 3 Schaefer Geo. srrocery, 76 n Gay .3 Schaefer Geo. W. uj.holsterer, 248 Mulberry ~;3 Schaefer Harry, (Smith k S.) 76 w Centre Schaefer Henry, cabinetmkr, 161 Penna av Schaefer Henry, ylassblower, 100 York Schaefer Henry. lamps and oils, 690 w Baltimore Schaefer Henry, salesman, 73 Grindall SCHAEFER HENRY, photographist, 643 w Baltimore Schaefer Jacob, tobacconist. 56 n Schroeder Schaefer Jacob, lab. 954 w Baltimore Schaefer Jean, prof, of music, 382 w Fayette Schaefer John, salesman, 54 Somerset Schaefer John C. mercht. tailor, 167 w Fayette (^ Z3 PP O O O o (^ Schaefer John M. w^od, 12 Somerset Schaefer John R. locksmith, 218 e Monument Schaefer John, lab. 215 Canton av Schaefer Joseph, beer, 49 3 Paca Schaefer Louis, cabinetmkr. 248 Mulberry Schaefer L. Bernard, teacher, 139 Elliott Schaefer .Mrs. .Maggie, millinery. 161 Peuna av Schatfer Mrs. M irgaret. rear 70 Harrison Schaefer Mary, 26 .McHenry Schaefer Mrs Mary, confectionery, 215 s Bond Schaefer .Mrs. Mary, 128 Duncan al Schaefer Michael, cabinetmkr. 171 Ensor Schaefer Michael, lab. 102 s Wolfe Schaefer Nicholas J. jr. constable, Maryland o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) < O I — I < a g.2 I § N5 TO -U ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, SCH 506 SCH a; P3^H .- ce c t- O r; (D Q> U C EC a;, a ^^ o .- "■ O X .J- '"*» O) ? (M C 0-1 .2 c o !^ =« .J, 5 S g 5 Cu r^ ^ P o .2 ^■ C3 SchaefTer Josepb H. bacon de.iler, Eastern av nr Fiflh Scliaeffer Justus, barber, 77 e Biddle, d\v 61 L. McElderry Scbaeffer Morton, clerk, 323 Lexington Scliaetfer P. A. shoenikr, 5 McHenry Scbaeffer Paul, milk, Helair av ext Scbaeffer Rev. Win. 234 Eastern av Scbafcr Mrs. Anna C. rcstauiant,- 107 n Eutaw Scliafer Aufiust, tailor, 26 .McHenry Scliafer Au^iust, en;;in"er, 341 Columbia Schafer Caroline, trrocery, 118 n Central av Sebafer Mrs. Catbeiiiie, 4 Constitution Schafer Cbarles, lab. 10(J West Schafer Edward, funi. wajron, 154 Cross Schafer Ernest, couper, 31 Covin<;ton Schafer Fredcrika, grocery. 286 Aliceanna Schafer Francis A. stonccutier, 341 Columbia Schafer Fred. 46 n D illas Schafer Fred, detective, 265 n Eden Schafer George, saloon, 363 s Eutaw Schafer Geo. W. police, 318 e Madison Schafer George, collector, 286 Aliceanna Schafer IIerui;in, butcher, 41 Cross-st mkt, d\v w Pratt e.\t Schafer & Hale, (John C. Schafer and Christo- pher Hale) « heel\vii-;hts, 20 Ridgely Schafer Henrv, lab. 216 s Bethel Schafer Henry, lab. 73 Grindall' Schafer Henry sr. cooper, 94 Granby Schafer Henry jr. cooper, 94 (jniuby Schafer Henry, police, 347 e Lombard Schafer Henry C. lab. 44 n Dallas Sebafer Henry R. cabinetmkr, 232 Conway Schafer J.icob, lab. 954 vv Baltimore Schafer John, driver, 25 n Amity Schafer John C, (S. & Hale) 22 Sterrett Schafer John C. wood, 54 Somerset Schafer John barkpr, 154 t'ross Schafer John F. detective, 265 n Eden Schafer Joliii, quarryman, 683 w Lombard Schafer John J. b\itcher, 89 Belair market, dw Harford av beyond Point la Schafer Mrs. Josephine, beer, 236 n Central av Schafer Joseph, slioemkr, 192 s Sharp Schafer Joseph, shoumkr, 163 s Sharp Schafer Julius, tailor, 225 Lee Schafer L ivvreno', lab. 253 Columbia Sch.ifer M iitin, fort-ni n. 311 Columbia Schafer Martin, mMcbinisi, 1.19 Battery av Schafer J. M. (S. k Sh.uier) 12 Somerset Schafer Peter, leierinary sur .eon, 139 n Bond Schafer Jj- Sbaner, (J. M. Schnfer and Geeorge Shaner) wood, Union Dock Schafer Si baslian B. lagiT beer, 154 Cross Schafer Theodore, Ijrakeman, 197 Cathedral Schafer Win. P. moulder, 3tl Columliia Sciiair Henry, trunkmkr, 92 s i{e„'ester Schaffeld Win. carp. 102 n Centi-al av, dw 89 Schatfeld Wm. J. carp. 89 n Central av Schaffer & Miller. ((Jeo.Schaffer and Geo. Miller) wheelwrights, 249 n Central av Schaffer Charles W. oil and lamps, 249 S Bond Schaffer Conrad W . blacksmith, Jefferson and Castle ■J.affer Elizabeth, tailoress, 102 Somerset ^cl^affer Fred, cooper, 288 Cross r.',,h:.ffer Gabriel, shoemkr, 88 Somerset Sol-affer Geo. (Schaffer k Milier)219nCeutral av Schaffer Jacob, lab. 122 Icelaiui al Schaffer John, boxmkr, 210 Preston Schaffer Lewis, cooper, 31 Covington Schaffer Nathaniel, carp. 359 Lisrbt Schaffer Wm. cabinetmkr, 51 s Schroeder Schaffer Wm. H. moulder, 542 w Lombard Schaffer Wm. turner, 80 Ilillen Schaffle Ernest L. lab. 174 Scott Schaffle Louisa M. L'rocery, 174 Scott Schaffieiii Peter, potter, 287 e Lomliard Sciiageman Bernard, tobacconist, 294 Aisquith Scbageman Lawrence B. tobacconist, 14Urleans, dw 294 Aifquith Schaible Anton, shoemkr, 235 Chesnut al Schaible Chas. F. barber, 8 n Poppleton Schaible John, helper, 235 s Ann Schaible Louis, driver, 76 Somerset Schaible Philip E. barber, 8 n Poppleton Schaible Wm. weaver, 235 s Ann Schalchi Henry, fiinjie manuf. 251 w Pratt Schale August, lal). 39 s Burke Scliale John, shoemkr, 1 Baker ct Schalitzky John H cigarmkr, 8 Claggett al Schalitzky John V. shoemkr, S Claggelt al Scliall Tlios. B. (T.B.S.&Co.) 1 Grant Schall Thos. B & Co. (T. B. Schall, U. R. Wil- liams) sbi;)[)inir and com. mercbts, 152wPratt Schaller John, lab. 14 Fell Schalling Herman, pianoiiikr, 297 Hanover Schambach Mrs. (Jaroliue, 66 s Sharp Schamberger Pius, beer, 385 w Pratt Schammel August, cooper, 1.^7 Bank Scliammel Beinhardt, 181 s Ann Schammel George, cooper, 302 Canton av Schanberger Henry M. slioemkr, 133 n Eutaw Schandelle Francis, shoemkr, 19") Chew Schaner John M. shoemkr. 357 Eistern av Schanehardt Heniy, pianomkr, 2 Sterrett Scbanhauffer Ann, 30 Patterson Park av Schanerl Peter, lab. 99 Cambridge Sch iiisbeitr Simon, cabinetmkr, 2 Sterrett Schautz Henry, tailor, 279 Mulberry Schanze George W. shoemkr, 431 Franklin Schanze Helwig, shoemkr, 319 w Pratt Schanze .Mrs. Hettie J. confect'y, 431 Franklin Schanze .Mrs. .Martha E. 431 Fi-ankliu Schanze Martin, baker, 496 Penna av Schanze Valentine, lab. 20 n Chapel Schaper .August, cigarmkr, 107 n Howard Sch i|)er Charles, tailor, 71 Mullikin Schaper Florenci", stonecutter, 256 e Madison Sch.iper Frank, cigarmkr, .'5 S.iratoga Schaper Mrs. Fredei ica, tavern, 71 .Mullikin Schaper Henry, jiolice, 347 e iMouument Schaper Wm. II. o\3ters, 268 e .Midisou Schapjierle Chris, tin and chin i, 2 1 e Baltimore SCHAKBER WM. grocery, 251 s Howard Schardt .Michael, butcher. 9'3 Pen ni av Scharfe Christian, tailor, 113 McElderr}' Scharf Aug. cabinetmkr, 293 n Durham Scharf George D. huckster, 19 s Republican S'harf Herschel T. elk 305 Linden av Scharf I Newton, furniture. 125 n Caroline Scharf .lames F. pbasterer, Maryland av ext Scharf John, p.ovisions, 82 Eastern av Schaif John X. blksmith. Price al and Pratt SC'II.ARF J. THO.S attorney, 85 w Payette.dw 31)2 n Strieker Scharf Mrs. Mary, seamstress, Sterrett nr St. Peter Scharf Robert, 415 w Lombard Scharf Thomas G. 8 n Fulton Scharf Thomas M. huckster, 19 s R'ipublican Scharf Wm. real estate, 18 Postoffice av,dw 305 Linden av Sch irf VVtti. boilermkr, 18 Warren ^■ HOLMES & CO.. Engineers' and iMachinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. SCH 507 SCH 3charf Wra. J. jr. huckster, 19 s Republicao Scharf Win. J. sr. huckster, 19 s Republican Schiiriiim Georo;e, varnisher. 181 Chesnut al Scharmann John, carter, 128 West Schaniagel Au^iust, shoemlholsterer, 70 e Fiiyette Schepler Fred, cigarinkr, 228 e Kager Scheplingj Geo. lab. First av nr Clinton Stheplinp Joseph, helper, First av nr Clinton Schepp Geo. driver, 213 s Bethel Schepp Henry, driver, 213 s Bethel Schepp Paul, lab. 213 s Bethel Schepp Peter, driver, 213 s Bethel Scheppach (ieo. lab. 269 William Scheppach Mrs. Catherine, 166 William Scherger Henry, shoemkr, 387 w Pratt Schereienstule Oswald, barber, 220 Lexinirton Scherer August, cabinetmkr, 211 Montgomery Scherer Christopher, furniture, 11 Harrison Scherer Deidrich, 4 Sjning-st ct Scherer Fred. H police, 94 n Central av Scherer Fred. G. cabinetmkr, 7 .May Scheier Geo. W. cigarrakr, 335 s Sharp Scherer Henry, baker, 90 Aisquith Scherer Hall, 586 w Baltimore Scherer Joii II C. cabinetmkr, II Harrison Scherer John, carpet weaver, 224 Penna av Scherer John, beer, 582 w Baltimore Scherer John F. 586 w Baltimore Scherer John, canuikr, se cor Fell and Thames, dw 131 s Castle Scheier John, cabinetmkr, 360 s Charles Scherer Joseph, lamps and china, 151 s Broad- way, dw 204 Eastern av Scherer Peter, porter, 75 Grindall Scherer Wm. marblecutter,212 Pennaav,dw 214 Scherer Wm. carp. 15 Greenraouiit av Scherer Wm. C. clerk, 586 w Baltimore Scherf Chas. F. (Scherf & Bro.) 272 e Kager Scherf'& Bro. (Chas. F. and Otto Scherf) cigar manulVs. 272 e Kayer Scherf Fred beer, 247 n Bond Scheif Otto (Scherf & Bro.) 272 e Eager Scherliammer Nicholas, 24 n Chapel Scherm Fred, gunsmith. 7 Sterrett Scbermer Chas. joiner, Eulaw and Hamburg Schermer Geo. blacksmith, 237 s Bond Schi-rmerhorn Chas. S. appraisers's office C. H. 153 Saratoga Schernick Maria B. bier, 8 Centre Market sp Schertlen Julius, engraver, 16 e Lombard Sciierzer Louis, cat)inctmkr, 215 Conway Schetel Michael, tailor, 5 Baker ct Schetelich Wm. (Kummer & S ) 27 ii High Scheuch Wm. tailor, 133 Vine Scheufler Charles, weaver, 121s Chester Scheufler Conrad, weaver, 121 s Chester Scheufler Lena, varieties, 121 s Chester Scheunei Geo. lab. 278 s Dallas Scheurer Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 343 e Monument Scheurman Chas. beer, 104 Frederick av Scheurman Chas. grocery, 10 n Schroeder Scheurman Courad, shoemkr, 377 Orleans Scheurmann Geo. tailor, 58 s Washington Scheurmann Powell, mat. maker, 147 n Bond Scheirzel Christojjher, tailor. 245 Jefferson Scheuvehler Philip, junk, 55 Union Schetrumpf Christian, lab. 151 Canton av Scheve Berr.ard, tobacconist. 64 Park av Scheve Henry, cigarmkr, 64 Park av Schibler Jacob, carter, 250 s Paca Schick John, cooper and groc. 109 Eastern a*' Schick Michael, beer, 260 e Pratt Schick Wm. blacksmith, 376 Saratoga Schickel Henry, musician, 36 Lancaster Schickel Ignatius, lab. Ifi Poultney Schickel Josephine, utubrellas, 36 Lancaster Schickner Thos. locksmith, 257 s Paca Schicknel Anna, Chappell nr Chase Schide Godfre\', foreman, .Sterrett and Ridgel} Schide Louis, grocery, cor Sterrett and Ridgelj Schiebel Heury, cabinetmkr, 109 Low Schieler Andrew, driver, 278 s Bond Schieler Henry, carter, 278 s Bond Schieler Kate, tailoress, 278 s Bond Schieler Mollie. mantuamkr, 278 s Bond Schier Chas. 149 s Sharp Schier D. teamster, 149 s Sharp Schierlitz Jacob, weiss beer brewery, 413 w B;;ltimore Schieslhorst Geo. driver, 218 Chesnut Schieve Bernard, blacksmith, 110 n Paca Schieve Joseph B. carp. 110 n Paca Schieve Louis, pa[>erhanger, 9 New Schieve Wm. carp. 110 n Paca Schiff .\brahani, clerk, 97 n Howard Schiff .Mrs. Frederica, clothier, 97 n Howard Schitt' Isaac, clerk, 97 n Howard SchifFer John, music teacher, 76j Mulberry SchitFerer Fred. lab. 5 Spring ct Schitfhann Valentine, tailor, 213 n Dallas Schilbauch John, tailor, 106 German Schilby Geo. tailor, 193 s Dallas Schilby Puilip, shoemkr, 120 s Chapel Schild Annie, vestmkr, 71 Somerset Scliild Philip, paver, 71 Sotuerset Srhildler John F. tailor, 233 s Paca Schiller Chas. sr. 17 e Fayette Schiller Chas. jr. 17 s High Schiller Conrad, 115 Chew Schiller Geo. tailor, 149 n Eden Schiller Geo. cooper, Chapel nr Chase Schiller M. clothing, 58 Centre Market sp Schiller Peter, beer, 392 Canton av Schilling Adam, beer, 267 Preston Schilling Fredk, clerk, 33 Conway Schilling Fredk, tailor, 244 n Central av Schilling Geo. wheelwright, 267 Pieston Schilling Geo. wheelwright, 98 Peirce Scliilling John, lab. 42 Durst al Schilling John C. engineer, ISPatterson Park av Schilling John C. printer, 122 s Regester Schilling .Michael, cabiuftmkr, 72 Penna av Schilling Wm. wholes. liquors, 873 w Baltimort Schillingt-r Gabriel, gl.issblower, 42 Durst al Schrlliuger Geo. L. salesman, 161 Hanover Schillinger Henry, baker, 7 n E.xeter Schillinger Henry, (S. & Schaum) 372 Light Schillinger Henry, carter, 78 Johnson Schillinger Louis B. salesman, 371 Light Schillinger Michael J. tailor, 851 w Pratt Schillinger & Schaum, (H. Schillinger, C Schaum) grocery, 372 Light HENRY HOEN[ & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. J Largest Life Ins. Co. i^ the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. A2:t. SCL SCH 509 3cliillinger Samuel, clerk, 7 n Exeter Schillinaer Sophia, grocery, cor Montgomery and William Schillwacluer Henry, lab. 66 Boyd Sdiinierin'z George, clerk, 23 Rock Schiinmei John, lab. rear 320 Aliceanna Schimruinger Herman, carter, 23 Rock Schimminger John, driver, 42 AbUot Schimminger Rudolph, sboemkr, 11 Rock Schimp Pliizabeth, dressmkr, 165 German Schimp Gio. W. police, 57 n Charles Schirap Martin P. .sergt. police, 58 s Carey Schimpf Christian, barber. 72 Thames Schimpf John H. G. marble worker, 127 and 129 Lexington, dw 1028 w Baltimore Schinck Otto, clerk, 25 VVaesche Schindeie Wm. Fred, barber, 498 n Gay Schindheim Franz, blacksmith, 387 E istern av Scliingelberg Bernard, shoemkr, 57 Albemarle Schinhelm Gustave, clerk, Washington hotel Schiiikle Wm. carp. 5 Watson Schipferling Geo. P. baker, 98 Cross Schiik Bartholomew, blacksmith, 72 Oxford Schirm Conrad, tailor, 61 s High Schirm Mary, dressmkr, 30 n Holliday Schirmer Chas. brickmkr, 164 Chesapeake Schirmer John, lab. 164 Chesapeake Schisl&r Conrad, baker, 57 Duncan al Schisler Conrad, bookkpr, 150 Madeira al Schisler George, shoemkr, 87 Stockton Schisler Henry, huckster, 594 Penna av Schisler Jacob, wagon, 150 Madeira al Scliisler John, lab. 10 s Wolfe Schisler John, tailor, 3 Maccubbin Schisler John P. clerk, 150 Madeira al Schisler Joseph, tailor, 88 McKim Schisler Michael, bricklayer, 77 Eastern av Schissler John, cigarmkr, 62 n Washington Schiytt John, harnessmkr, 189 Raborg Schleifaer Aug. mariner, 42 s Castle Schitz Htnry, lab. 215 Aliceanna tichlatfer Franz, tavern and brewery, Belair rd Schlatter John, beer, Belair rd Schlag Adam jr. steam fitter, 20 Rock Schlagle Fred, fireman, 751 Light Schlarb Chas. confect'y, 251 Aliceanna Schiarb Henry, (P. & H. S.) 628 w Baltimore Schlurb P. & H. curriers and leather, 61 and 65 s Sharp Schlarb Philip, (P. & H. S.) 628 w Baltimore Schlath Mrs. Mary, 6 n Wolfe Schlaugh Antoine, lab. 184 Preston Schlaugh Jos. blacksmith, 140 Peirce Schlehi Andrew, tailor, 2o2 s Bond Schlegel Franz, beer, 240 s Bond Schlegel Fredk, beer, 185 s Ann SCHLEGEL HKNRY, Arbeiier hall,5sFrederick Schleich John, shoemkr, 48 n Washington Schleicher John, glassblower, 250 West Schleicher Louis, beer, 235 Aliceanna Schleider Edward, lab. 219 Boston Schleier Johns, resUiurant, 85 s Sharp Scbleigh Ern8t,butcher, 13 Centre and 109 Bel- air mkts, dw Baltimore co Schleigh Wm. H. all kinds of sausage casings, 86 Hillen Schleighbaum August, lab. 20 Patterson Parkav Schlein Henry, shoemkr, 7 Calverton rd Schlem Valentine, tinner, 119 Hanover Schleramer Fredk, cabinetmkr, 59 Leadenhall Schlenker Erhard, furn. 214 Eastern av Schlenker Gustave, confectioner,203 Madison av WM. H. SCHLEIGH, Dealer ill PMnce and Pmisions. IMPORTER OF mmM SHEII 04SIH5S ^nglisbj Scbaafs §larme, And dealer in all kindrt of c3 SAUSAGE CASINGS & TONGUES, ;| 3ille Morten ffiiurst ^armcn & langcn. ,-^ ESTIMATES GIVEX. « No^86 Hillen St. near Chesnut. Z Schlens Fred. F. (G. A. S. & Co.) 343 Hollins 3 SCHLENS G. A. & CO. (Guslav A. and Fred. -^ F. Schlens)com.and shipping merchants,over -^ 8 e cor German ai.J Calvert py Schlens G. A. (G. A. S. & Co ) Baltimore co ^ Schlerf Mrs. Annie C. grocery, 63 n Pine s-l SchlerfMelchoir, baker, 120 Columbia ^ Schlerf Philiji, marl)lecuttfr, 63 n Pine ^-^ Schlereth John, watchman, 162 s Ann ~ Schlerelh John, watchman. City Hall Q Schlesinger J. George, barber, n e cor Lombard Q and High Schlesinger Louis, butcher, 81 n Eden "=o Schlesinger Peter, barber, 70 Park av Schlesin-ier Solomon, clerk, 81 n Eden M SCHLEUNES FRANCIS, cloths, cassimeres, cor O Sharp and Baltimore, dw 176 Mulberry O Schleuning Henry, tailor, 152 3 Wolfe ^ Schleupner Christian, tailor, 10 Anthony '"'^ Schleupner John, tailor, 119 Jackson sq av • Schleuscher Wm. paper carrier, 150 a Chapel W Schley Chas. F. bookkpr, 92 n Bond Schley Edward C. clerk, 92 n Bond ^ Schley Ernst, butcher, York rd nr Waverley k^ Schley Fred. C. 92 n Bond t^ Schley Geo. c trter, Broadway nr McElderry Schley Geo. tailor, 152 Orleans (^5 Schley Johii, tailor, 152 Orleans *^ Schlev John H. moulder, 53 Hamburg i__( Schley John C. painter, 74 McElderry H Schlev John T. gauger, C. H. 273 Hollins p-t ■ Schley Joseph A. clerk, 92 n Bond ^ Schley Mrs. Julia A. 74 McElderry '^ Schley Lewis, clerk, 124 Hanover i^ Schley Louis H. cigarmkr, 74 McElderry ^ Schlev Mrs. Lvdia, confectionery, 120 s Howard <^ Schley Miry 227 s Ann g Schley Wm. moulder. 520 w Lombard t-» SCHLEY WM. C. attorney, 203 Maryland av CQ Schley Wm. L. attorney, 122 w Baltimore, dw _ 300 Saratoga ^ Schley Wm. S. oysters, 120 s Howard i^ Schlicter Rev H. A. Cumberland nrGilmor <} Schlicler John, liquors, 31 s Oregon Schlichter Solomon, trimmings, 91 e Lombard O Schlickenmaier Louis, sawyer, 7 Creek al ^ Schlickerman Henry, grocery, 224 Columbia ^ Schlimbach Valentine, lab. 27 Bradford al Q Schlimm Henry, lab 69 Eastern av ^ Schlimm & Klein, (V.Schlimm.J.Klein) stoves ;;;3 and tinware, 246 w Pratt ^ Schlimm Mrs. Margaret, grocery, 69 Eastern av p^ Schlimm Valentine (S.& Klein) 119 Hanover Schlimme Fred. sec. hand barrels, 402 w Pratt dw Dover nr Emory Schlinger Moses, 259 w Hoffman Power Press Printin (Maryland Ins. Co CT, at Reduced Rates, 8 Marble Building.) Mntual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 8CH SOH 510 o o Schlinke Richard, carp 335 Orleans > = •5:02 ^ ^ Schlinkniiin Casper, coaclinikr, 812 w Baltimore "" Scliliiikinnn Heriiiiin,coachnikr,812 w Baltimore ^ S'chlinkinan Herman, blUsmith, 406 Canton av "£, Scliliiikmai) Herman, jr. lilksmith, 51 sCalhonn ^jiz'/^ 8clili(ip Jacob, cahineimkr, 3G LoMdenhall P -^ , Schlipper Ceo. barbiT, Cross ami Light "^ c. z: Sclilissler Conrad sr. butcher, IJomestead ^ ^ Sclilit^sler Conrad jr. lab. Homestead '^"^ ■^ Sclilissler Harmon, lab. Homestead '^ E ^'^ Schlitt John M. parasols and umbrellas, 244 e ■^ S Baltimore 'rSZ '^. '^ Sclilitter Lebieeht, biushmkr, 148 n Gay ^ ►> X Selilitzbert;er Chas. confect'v, 115e Baltimore ^ ^ Schloekerbear U'm. lab 43 s Burke ^- i^^ Schloejiel Rev. C. A. 169 s Bond Is ^ ^ Schloeyel Wm. stationery, 169 s Bond *0 .^ 5 Stliloer Fred, painter, 40 .Marion 5 '^ ^ Schloer Robert, carp. 213 Mullikin £ s:, P Schloer V. C. imp. wines, 102 \v Fayette a £ 0 Schlomann Ernest, varnislier, 6 L Paca O S Schloss A. clerk, 431 n Calhoun C '^ ^. SCHLOSS & BRO. (J. and E. Schloss) mercht >>.i 8 tailors, 81 w Fa.\elte •3 -^ ^ Schloss Emanuel. (S. & Bro ) 32-1 Lexington .si *" O ^'■''''•^^* Henry, clerk, 299 n Gay '<-> _ Schloss Jos. H. grocery, 166 Gough . Schloss Jos. (S. & Bro.) 324 Lexington ^ Schloss Moses, shoemkr, 41 Harrison o Schloss iMoses, cleik, 161 s Paca f- t: % Schloss Nathan jr. clerk, 161 s Paca 2 S "^ Schloss Nathan, clothier, 217 s Broadway >> ^ r- Schloss S. A. conductor, 431 n Calhoun ij^ ~^^ Schloss Wm. (Kahn k Schloss) 2.t1 Saratoga CM o 1—' Schloss Wm. cloihing, 131 s B oadway '^ 5 £5 t5chlossel John, shoemkr, 117 Pearl <^ r!^. o Schlosser Fredk. police, 52 s Durham Xi &I .2 c 2 Schlosser Henry, china 220 Aliceanna ^ •— S Schlosser VVilhelmina, laund. 141 Buru;undy al '^ >-j ^ Schlosser Wm. tinner, 10 n Amiiy "Jo 'aj ffi Schlote August, pianomkr, 385 Hamburg f^ "g ^ Schlote Heinrich, umbrellamkr, 190 Canton av t~ ^ Schluembach Rev. Frederick, 113 Mosher . '^ X Schlut'ier Krnest, tailor, 125 w .Madison "-^ £■ H Sctilunt Geo. irunruller, 49 Fountain £ X. Schluter Christ'r, dry goods, 306 n Howard .~P Schluttcr & Bio. (F. & G Schlutter) china and g glassware, 543 w Baltimore *- Schlutter Fiank, (S k Bio.)543 vv Baltimore £ >^ Schlutter Gusiav, (S.&Bro.)543 w Baltimore ^ "71 Schlutitr Herman, shoemkr, 226 Harford av n: * Schlutter John G. hardware and house furn'g ,^ .£i fj-j goods, Chew and Eden K S " Schmacher John C. shoemkr, 12 Lemmon C ^ 'u Schmaing John, grocery, .122 L Greene gi ij^ c Schmaing Joseph, grocery, 50 McHenry ^ ^ "~ Schmalliach John H. grocery, 73 e Lombard ^ "^ S Schmalz Geo. shoemkr, 318 s Sharp S "^ '" Schmalz Henry, boxmkr, 53 Portland § C c^i Schmalz Henry jr. jeweler, 53 Portland ^ '— <^ Schmalz ilathew M. music teacher, 31 Gough ^2 he Schmalzel Jacob, huckster, 189 s Regester ^ O _C Schmalzel John, tailor, 51 Albemarle O ^ .« Schmand Chas. lab. Lanvale la nr Greenm't av ^ -^ -J; Schmandtzer Charles, engineer, 27 Stiles S >^ i> Schmaus John, shoemkr, 140 Low («S 'o r^ Schmaus Matthew , carpet weaver, 140 Low .^ c3 Schnudes Hei mart, blacksmith cor Portland and c* S£ . ,. and Emory S o t- Schmeig Franz, lab. Hudson and Canton •S "P, ^ Schmeich Christopher, brewer, Harford rd ■^ ^ >. Schmeiser Geo. lab. 29 Cannon fl t:^ ITS Schmeiser Henry, cigarmkr, Dillon & O'Donnell Schmeiser John, driver. Dillon and O'Donnell Schmeiser John, lab. 43 Cannon Sehmeisser Adolph,(S., Wenck&Co. )75 sShar; Schmeisser Ernest, clerk, 28 Barre Sehmeisser, WencU & Co. (A. Sehmeisser, K Wenck) imps, of iron and metals, 46 and s Charles Schmekebier Frederick, pianomkr, 40 Ridgely Schmekebiir Theodore, barber, 63 s Howard Schmell Charles, restaurant, 363 w Pratt Schmtiz (Jeo. W. jr. tinner, 160 Vine Schmelz Henry, jirovisions, 237 e Madison Schmelz John, shoemkr, 14 s Republican Schmelz John, shoemkr, 54 n Schroeder Schmelz John, tobacconist. 681 w Baltimore Schmelz Henry, cigarmkr, 382 Lexington Schmelz Mis. M. 382 Lexington Schmelz Wm. car[i. 382 I.,exington Schn'elzer John, shoemkr, 422 Saratoga Schmelzering John sr. lab. 132 Peirce Sehmenner Chas. clerk, 200 w Biddle Schmenner Danl. baker and groc. 20C w Biddlie Sehmenner Danl. jr. clerk, 200 w Biddle Schmenner J. Henry, bacon, 754 Penna av Schmetzer Fred, shoemkr, 855 w Baltimore Schmich Catherine, 404 Saratoga Schmich Christ, brewer, Harford av ext Schmich George N. R. huckster, 404 Saratoga Schmich Henry, shoemkr, 342 e Eager Schmich Henry, slater, 11 Wolfe n of .Monument Schmich Henry, tailor 62 Penna av Schmick John, blacksrailh, 342 e Eager Schmick John P. lab. 20 Clement Schmick Philip jr. (P.S.& Son) 23 Watson Schmick Philip & Son (P. and P. Schmick jr.) slate yard, 21 Watson Schmick Philip (P. S & Son) 10 Watson Schmidt A. musician, 70s Bond Schmidt .Adam, clerk, 91 Lee Schmidt Adam, shoemkr, 17 Walker Schmidt Andrew, shoemkr, 6() n Washington Schmidt Amelia C. grocery, 52 Carlton Schmidt MiS. Ann, confectionery, 166 s Eutaw Schmidt Alex, hats and notions, 220 8 Sharp Schmidt Mrs. Annie, boots and shoes, 685 w Baltimore Schmidt Andreas, tailor, 81 e Lombard Schmidt Andrew, bootcapper, 6 New Church Schmidt August, cutter, 268 n Central av Schmidt August, lab. 1S6 n Bethel Schmidt August, 213 Montgomery Schmidt August, teacher, 57 n Holliday Schmidt Augmst, lab. 214 Aliceanna Schmidt Bernhart, lab. 2i) n Wolfe Schmidt Burkhardt, lab. 17 S Burke Schmidt Casper, lab. 268 s Caroline Schmidt ('as])er, cabinetmkr, 371 Mulberry Schmidt Mrs. Charlotte, confec'\,129 Columbia Schmidt Chas. tailor, 20 Anthony Schmidt Chas. mariner, 47 Fountain Schmidt Chas. liquors, 284 Hanover Schmidt Chas. F. (S. & Trowe) 22 McElderry Schmidt Chas. T. 48 Pearl Schmidt Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 30 Myrtle av Schmidt Chas. shoemkr, 12 Druid Hill av Schmidt Chas. carver, 664 w Baltimore Schmidt Chas. liquors, 160 s Eutaw Schmidt Chas. tavern, 39 Thames Schmidt Chas. printer, 38 e Fayette Schmidt Chas. driver, rear 226 Aliceanna Schmidt Christian, lab. 259 s Durham HOLMES & GO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. SCH 5ll SCH Schmidt Christian, baker, 7 Waesche Schmidt ("hristian, lithographer, 228 s Sharp Schmidt Christian, lab. 32 Fell Schmidt Christian J. carter, li4 n Beihel Schiiiidt Christiat), ai)Olhecary,218 s Broadway Schmidt Christian F. hMrdvvare,362 Franklin Schmidt Christii|)lier, barber, 3 n Calvert Schmidt Mis. Conrad, restaurant, IBSLexington Schmidt Conrad, shuemkr, 44 Ridgely Schmidt Diedrich, lab. 49 s Paca Schmidt Edward, clerk, 378 Saratoga Schmidt Eliza F. 243 n Howanl Schmidt I'lminuel, cabiuctrnkr, 3.')9 3 Charles Sch'iiidt Kmma, inillinei, 359s Charles Schmidt .Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 23 {..McElderry Schmidt Ferd. C. cU-rk, 30 .Myrtle Schmidt Ferd. painter, Booth ur Amity, dw 22 s Schroeder Schmidt Fred, cooper, 326 s Sharp Schmidt End. W. shoemkr, 23 s Caroline Schmidt Francis, laU. Stockholm nr Wash- ington av Schmidt Frederick, elk, rear 208 w Lombard Schmidt Fred, cooper, 1 17 Leadenhall Schmidt Frtd. tailor, 290 s Charles Schmidt Fied. porter, Cider al nr Greene Schmidt Fred, shoemkr, 4 1 1 s Eutaw Schmidt Fred. lub. 162 s Spring Schmidt Geo. tanner, 179 ii Eden Schmidt Mrs. Geo. 132 Geinan Schmidt Geo. mariner, 28 Ftdl Schmidt Gio. lab. 470 Canton av Schmidt Geo. lab. 476 Penna av Schmidt Geo. cabineimkr, 134 Conway Schmidt Geo. clerk, 129 Columbia Schmidt Geo. P. brasswkr, 41 Jackson Schmidt Gustave, lab. 214 Aliceanna Schmidt Henry, lab. 17 s Burke Schmidt Henry, cigarmkr. 3ol Canton av Schmidt Henry, cooper, 328 s Charles Schmidt Henry, grocery, 1 Je\v' al Schmidt Henry, liquors, 445 n Gay Schmidt Henry, beer, 2ol s Broadway Schmidt Henry, lab. 169 s Bethel Schmidt Henry, baker, cor Mulberry and Pine Schnjidi Henry, cabiiietmkr, 78 Lexington Schmidt Henry, beer, 203 s Sharp Schmidt Henry, lab. 248 West SCHMIDT HENRY I), carriages, &c. 21 n Lib- erty, dw 429 w Fayette Schmidt Herman, shoendir, 12 Druid Hill av Schmidt Hubert, painter, 55 n Caroline Schmidt Jaeoli, tailor, 165 Hamburg SCHMIDT DR. JACUB,humeopaih,92 n Eutaw Schnudt Jacolj, carp. 49 Union Schmidt Jacob, taiior. 87 Henrietta Schmidt Jacob, canmkr, 104 Warner Schmidt Jacob H. shoemkr, 3 w Pratt, dw 32 AJbemai le Schmidt John sr. carter, 135 Vine Schmidt Jolin jr. carter, 135 Vine Schuddt John, soldier, 17 s Burke Schmidt John, lestaurani, 243 Eastern av Schmidt Joliii, shoemkr, 276el'iatt Schmidt John A. cigarmkr, 129 Columbia Schmidt John, shoemkr, 147 Orleans Schmidt Joiin, lab. 88 Boston Scbmidt John, driver, 364 e Fayette Schmidt John, lab. 282 s Ann Schmidt John, lab. rear 162 Hamburg Schmidt John, lab. 218 Aliceanna Schmidt John, lab. 118 Johnsou OQ pq pq o O O o IMPORTED AND DO No. 72 W. Schmidt John, cigarmkr, 129 Columbia Schmidt John G. sexton, rear German Evan- gelical Church Sclimidt John H. cigarmkr, 33 Waesche Schmidt John, shoemkr, 136 Burgundy al Schmidt John, cooper, 59 Bank Sehmidt J(diii, lab. 11-. Albemarle Schmidt John, caiiinetmkr, 59 i'aik av Schmidt John L. cigaimkr, 66 e Fayette Schmidt Joliu, lab. 45 Lancaster Schmidt John, pianomkr, 129 ('olumbia Schmidt John, shoemkr, 57 Carlton Schmidt John, cabiiietmkr, 230 Scott Schmidt John, shoemkr, 79 Henrietta Schmidt John, editor German Cath. Gazette, 61 11 W(dfe Schmidt John, tailor, 133 Forrest, dw 13 L. .McElderry Schmidt John H. junk, 276 s Ann Schmidt John, well digger, 100 Leiidenhall Schmidt John jr. well digger, lOO Leadenhall Srlimidt John P. porter, IS Chapel Schmidt John, tailor, 340 s Charles Schmidt John P. 18 n Choptaiik Schmidt John, driver, ('ider al nr Greene Schmidt Joseph, 364 e Fayette Schmidt Just, tobacconist, 215 s Paca Sclimidi .Mrs. Julia, findings, 312 w Pratt Schmidt Julius, lab. 12 Chesnut al Schmidt Lena, ladies' hair dressing, 664 wBal-ft 1 1 more O Schmidt Leopold, shoemkr, 101 n Chapel O Schmidt Louis, lab. 13 Baker ct t^ Schmidt Louis, cabiiietmkr, 13 Gould la •'^ Schmidt Louis, shoemkr, 34 Hampstead ^ _; Schmidt Louis, barber, 67 e Lombard, dw ;')9 r^ Bank Schmidt Louis, cabiiietmkr, 664 w Baltimore 'rp Schmidt Louis, cooper, 328 s Ciiarles k^ Schmidt Ludwig, cooper, 136 Conway ►>- Schmidt Ludwig, grocery, 20 .Myrtle av Schmidt .Mrs. .Margaret E. cigars, 23 s Caroline oQ Schmidt .Michael, bag sewer, 45 Fawn t— 1 Schmidt Nichidas, carp. Hall Springs pt^ Schmidt Nicholas, cooper, 109 Leadenhall Schmidt Nicholas, porter, 15 L. McElderry S hinidl I'eler, carp. 233 Lemmon Schmidt Peter, lab. 168 Burgundy al Schmidt Peter, barber, 416 w Fayette Schmidt Philip, provisions, 397 e Eager Schmidt Philip jr. baker, 26 Walker Schmidt Phili]) sr. baker, 26 Walker Schmidt Philip, tobacconist, 83 e Lombard SCHMIDT PHILIP D. caniage repository, 120":: n Howard and 94 w Fayette,dw 238 n Howard " Schmidt Sebastian, lalj. 397 Aliceanna ^ Schmidt Theodore, driver, 23 L. Gough ^ Schmidt Theckhi, dry goods, 228 s Sharp ^ SCHMIDT <|- TRUWE (C F. Schmidt, C. H.^ Tiouei lithographers, 5^ North ^ Schmidt Ulrich, cddnetinkr, 263 e Eager <^ Schmidt .Mrs. Wiihelmina, Cemetery la ur Bel- Q air av Schmidt Wm. shoemkr, 318 s Sharp Schmidt Wm. lab. 29 Thames Schmidt Wm. lab. 24 Shakspear Schmidt Wm. salesman, 312 w Pratt Schmidt Win. cabinetnikr, 359 s Charles Schmidt Win. mattressmkr, 28 n Gay Schmidt Win. J. song publisher, 278 Saratoga Sclimidi Wm. cooper, 16 Peach al,dw 59 Lead- enhall MESTICllARDWARE^ Pratt Street. <5 O 03 K O Schmidt Wm. beer, 50 s Stockton al Schmidt Wm. R. bookbinder, 7 Clay Schmidt Wm. cooper, 117 Lciidenhall Schiuidtborn Emil C. clerk, 22 n Paca Schmidtmiiu Aug. tailor, 34 n Frederick Schmier Fred, salesman, 16 s Callioun Schmier Henry, stonecutter, 113 Druid Hill av Schmier Michael, lab. 928 w Baltimore Schmiuk Geo. upholsterer, 3 n Frederick Schmink Geo. saddler and harnessmaker. 29 w Lombard Schmink & Munter (P. F. Schmink, Bernard Munter) groceries, ^c. 68 Boston Schmiuk P. F.{S. ^ Munter) 68 Boston Schminke Andrew, shoenikr, 82 Henrietta Schmiiike Mrs. Anu, varieties, 395 w Baltimore Schminke Fred. W. confect'r, 395 w Baltimore Schminke Henry J. shoemkr, 315 Cross Schminke Henry, brassfinisher, lamps and oils, 132 s Fremont Schminke Paul F. clerk, 312 Aliceanna Schminke Wm. shoemkr, 312 Aliceanna Schmirmund Mrs. Elizab.dry g'ds,312 William Scbmirmund John jr. lab. 9 Bevan Schmirmund John, tobacconist, 312 William Schmiti Adam, driver, 48 s Regester Schmitl Adam, blacksmith, 271 s Ann, dw 37 s Caroline Schmitt Adjim, lab. 369 Orleans Schmilt Adam, shoemkr, 17 Walker Schmitt Albert, cigarmkr, 52 Portland Schmitt Alois, baker, 210 n Central av Schmitt Catherine, grocery, 37 s Caroline Schmitt Chas. shucker, 95 Lancaster Schmitt Chas. engineer, 155 s Chester Schmitt Conrad, lab. 93 Lancsister Schmitt Conrad, pianomkr, Dover and Sharp Schmitt Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 2.50 n Howard Schmilt Geo. shoemkr, 298 Harford av Schmitt Geo. shoemkr, 100 Henrietta Schmitt Geo. cooper, 42 s Regester Schmitt Geo sbipjoiner, 93 Lancaster Schmitt Geo. carter, 48 s Regester Schmilt J. Geo. carls, 100 Greenmount av Schmitl Jacob, painter, 250 n Howard Schmitt John, blacksmith, Portland and Emory Schmitt John, locksmith, 159 East Schmitt Joseph, lab. 95 Lancaster Schmitt Lewis, carp. 181 Chesnut al Schmilt Margaret, cakes, 192 e Lombard Schmitl Michael, tinner, 132 Low Schmitl Nicholas, cooper, 109 Leadenhall Schmitt Valentine, varieties, 117 Saratoga Schmilt Wm. P. B. (Graham & S.) 270 e Chase Schmitt Richard, mariner, 229 s Ann Schmittil Frank, carp. 396 Aliceanna Schmilz Henry, conveyancer, rear of 85 w Fay- ette, dw 228 n Eden Schmuck Geo. upholsterer, 116 Battery av Schmuck John, tailor, 75 s Regester Schmuck John Geo. engineer, 116 Battery av Schmuck John, cooper, 156 Mullikin Schmuck Wm. H. engineer, 116 Battery av SCHMUCKER SAMUEL D. attorney, 43 Lex- ington, dw 1 McCulloh Schmuff Geo. baker, 3 n Wolfe Schmutf Henry, huckster, 94 s High Schmull Daniel, butcher, 415 w Pratt Schmusb Bernard, boiiermkr, 222 Dover Schnabel Frank, lab. 275 Canton av Schnapp John, blacksmith, 51 Lancaster Schnappiuger Chas. lab. 131 L. Greene Schnappinger Fred, porter, 147 Welcome al -"-chnapel Christian, 9 Wills S^finapel Elizalieth, mantuamkr, 9 Wills Schnapel Hannah, confec'y, 9 Wills Schnarr Jacob, blacksmith, 520 Peuna av Schnautfer Gustav, driver, 50 n Amity Schnauffer Wm. e.xchange broker and European Steamship agency, 1 n Holliday, dw 10 n Strieker Schneck Chas clerk, 286 Hanover Schneck Wm.(Reinhard & S.) 286 Hanover Schneeberger L. clerk, 208 Gough Schneeman Chas. driver, 61 n Chapel Schneeman Henry, lab. 107 Cambridge Schneider Adam, tinware, 469 n Gay Schneider Adam, lab. 83 St. Peter Schneider Adam, shoemkr, 316 Mulberry Schneider Adam, grocery, 24 Druid Hill av Schneider Adam, (P. S."& Bro. ) 87 n Bond Schneider Adam, tailor, 130 Somerset Scimeider Andreas, lab. 69 Henrietta Sclineider Andrew, lab. 15 Baker cl Schneider Annie, confectionery, 357 e Lombard Schneider Balthasar, ironworker, 12 Jasper Schneider Casper, beer, 34 e Pratt Schneider Casper, lab. 155 s Dallas Schneider Chas. barber, 13 Patterson av Schneider Chas. beer, 8 n Liberty Schneider Chas. H. canmkr, 44 Low SCHNEIDER CHRISTIAN, restaurant, 17 and 19 3 Liberty Schneider Christian, pianomkr, 440 Cross Schneider Conrad, shoemaker, Harford road nr Point la Schneider Conrad, tailor, 26 Knox al Schneider Conrad, stonecutter, 7 May Schneider D. shoemks, 41 Goodman al Schneider Ernest, shoemkr, 723 w Lombard Schneider Ferd. tinworker, 282 Canton av Schneider Frank, clerk, 12 Jasper Schneider Fred, brewer, Dillon and Third av Schneider Fredk. surg. inst. maker, 45 n Caroliae Schneider Fredk. grocery, 56 President Schneider Fredk. lab. 66 n Chapel SCHNEIDER & FUCHS, (L. Schneider, Fredk. Fuchs)pictures and looking i^lass, and picture frame manufactory, 82 w Baltimore and 184 n Eutaw Schneider Geo. shoefitter, 130 s Wolfe Schneider Geo. W. carp. 85 n Bond Schneider Gotleib, huckster, 497 Penna av Schneider Gotthold, (MuUer, Slaffel & Co.) Poultney and James la Schneider Gustolf, watchmkr, 258 Eastern av Schneider Henry, barkpr, 17 s Liberty Schneider Henry, tailor, 46 Abey al Schneider Henry, beer, 44 Low Schneider Henry, coachman, 45 Perry Schneider Henry, tobacconist, 238 s Broadway Schneider Henry A. processor, 44 Low SCHNEIDER HENRY H. beer, 33 w Fayette Schneider Jacob, butcher, 223j Light Sceneider Jacob, baker, 159 n Central av Schneider Jacob, wheelwright, 65 Clay Schneider Jacob, shoemkr, 44 Low Schneider Mrs. John, 4 Haw Schneider John, carp. 65 Clay Schneider John, lab. 28 n Spring Schneider John, lab. 8 Shakspear Schneider John, haruessmkr, 286 Hanover Schneider John, beer, cor Fort av and Johnsoo Schneider John, tailor, 246 n Caroline HENRY HOEN d CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. SCH 513 SCH 5chneider John, blacksmith, 408 Canton av, dw 390 Schneider John, hosiery, Frederick av nrGwynn falls jcheeider John, lab. 96 n Chapel 5chneider John, tailor, 126 a Wolfe Schneider John, carter, 40 Abey al 5chneider John, tailor, 87 Jackson sq av khneider John A. cigarmkr, 360 Hanover Schneider John G. dairy, 130 Druid Hill av,dw 316 Mulberry jcbneider John P. beer, 309 Canton av Schneider Justus, shoemkr, 11 s Spring Schneider L. carp. 229 e Biddle Schneider Louis, tailor, 110 s Eutaw Schneider Louis, (S. & Fuchs) 51 Walsh Schneider Louis, carter, 82 Grindall ichneider Louis, carp. 5 Tyson Schneider Mrs. Mjirgaret, 216 Mulberry Schneider Martin, brakeman, 184 McHenry Schneider Martin, (M. S. & Co.) 220 w Fayette SCHNEIDER MARTLX & CO. (M. Schneider) importers and dealers in German and French produce, wines, &c. 71 s Sharp Schneider ilrs. Mary, 27 Tbomsen Schneider Michael, shoemkr, 196 Preston Schneider Otto, barkeeper, 21 n Frederick Jchneider P. and Bro. (Peter and Adam Schnei- der) street contractors, 91 n Bond khneider Peter, (P. S. & Bro.) 91 n Bond ichneider Sebastian, lab. 156 Ensor Schneider Stephen, shoemkr, 43 Lancaster ichneider Stephen, cabinetmkr, 49 s Wolfe ichneider Wendell, baker, 107 n Bethel Ichneider Wm. railingmkr, 4 Haw ichneider Wm. cooper, 19 James la chneider Wm. clerk, 91 n Bond CHNEIDEREITH CHARLES W. printer, 70s Shaip ■chneldmiller John, stonecutter, Cumberland nr Gilmor chneithorst Geo. grocery, 218 Chesnut chnell Fredk. tailor, 54 King chnell Fredk. engineer, 95 Eastern av chnell Geo. H. lab. 215 Aliceanna chnell Geo H. shoemkr, 95 Eastern av chnell Henry, at planing mill, 95 Eastern av chnell Wm. driver, 145 L. Greene chnelle Wm. carp. Monroe nr Wilkens chnepp Bernhard, butcher, 68 Cross-st mkt, dw Frederick av nr tollgate chneydter Geo. bookkper,Lexington nrFulton chnibbe Chas. H. clerk, 190 s Eutaw chnibbeD. grocery, 190 s Eutaw chnibbe Geo. C. salesman, 52 Barre chnibbe Wm. clerk, 190 s Eutaw chnick Herman, bird fancier, 72 Park av chnitker Henry, confect'y, 173 n Eden chnitker Herman, shoemkr, 198 s Sharp chnitzer August, cigarmkr, 94 e Madison chnitzer Jacob, cigarmaker, 94 e Madison chnitzer John sr. cooper, 94 e Madison chnitzer John B. printer, 94 e Madison chnitzer Joseph, lab. 94 e Madison chnitzer Lena, grocery, 94 e Madison chnitzer Lena, saloon, 22 w Lombard chnitzler Joseph, lab. 450 Hanover chnitzler Joseph, butcher, 181 West chnoerr John, restaurant, 413 Canton av, dw 55 Fountain chnoor Robt. painter, 21 s Central av chnuck Mrs. Mary, grocery, 145 s Sharp O Schnur Edward J. shoemkr, 19 Arch Schnur Susan, seamstress, 19 Arch Scholjban Edward A. clerk, 6 Walsh Schoberlein Conrad, barkpr, 124 Ramsay Scholile John, salesman, 160 German Schoburtr Herman, lab. 300 Cross Schockel Catherine, tailoress, 12 n Chapel Schockel Henry, tailor, 12 n Chapel Schoeberlein Conrad, shipcarp,242 s Broadwav Schoecke Herman, clerk, 348 w Baltimore Schoefner Henry, baker, 165 Hamburg Schoel Chris, tailor, 88 Pearl Schoel John P. beer, 51 Frederick av Schoeller Wm. shoemkr, 315 w Pratt Schoen Godfrey (S. & Hahn) 88 Lee o O SCHOEN & HAHN, (G. Schoen and ^ G. W. Hahn,) Commission Mer- S chants, 31 Hanover. . c^ I Schoenberg Emanuel, (E. Schoenberg & Co., also Leopold, Wolff & Co.) 3P3 e Pratt P Srhoenberg E. & Co. (Emanuel Schoenberg, ) O oyster and fruit packers, s end of Wolfe O Schoeneman Gustave, wood turner, 76 Ensor ^ Schoeneman Jacob, dry goods, 81 Penna av, ^ dw 1 10 German ^• Schoener Henry, lab. 5 Gittings ct ^ Schoenert John, basketmkr, 36 n Amity • Schoenhaar Charles, ironroller, 393^ Canton av ^ Schoenhaar Wm. barber, 378 s Charles ^• Schoen hals Chas. beer, 198 s Bond Schoen hals George, clerk, 198 s Bond ^y-T Schoeiihals Henry, upholsterer, 198 s Bond [--) Schoenhals Jacob, jeweler, 58 s Charles p^, Schoenhals John, grocery, 393 Canton av v] Schoenhals Lewis, canmkr, 198 s Bond "^ Schoenhals Wm. canmkr. 198 s Bond rH Schoenhals Wm. beer, 183 n Caroline "^ Schoenig Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 72 n Wolfe (-^ Schoenig Michael J. shoemkr, 373 Orleans P-i Schoenig John, lab. 4 Fell <:^ Schoenig Valentiue, porter, 76 n Wolfe Schoenrich Chas. 0. prof, of languages, 71 nC5 Fremont ^ Schoenreich Chris, confec'y, 341 Light ^ Scboenwolf Christian, grocery, 281 William ^ Schoenwolf Henry, lab. 314 s Bond "^ Schoeppe John, cooper, 217 Pierce ^ Schoepplin Jacob, brew master, O'Donnell and H Dillon Schoff John, carver, 49 Portland ^^ Schofifli-r Charles, cabinetmkr, 88 n Washington ^ Schofiler Henry, cabinetmkr, 88 n Washington ^; Schofield Alcuin, oveiseer, Woodberry ^_^. Schofield A. W. (B. S. & Son) 459 w Baltimore qq Schofield Benj. & Son, (A. W. Schofield) shirts and furn. goods, 459 w Raltimore c_J. SCHOFIELD HENRY, proprietor Merchants^ hotel, cor Pratt and Hanover qJ Schofield Jas. 486 w Lombard Schofield Jas. M. salesman, 634 w Baltimore 02- Schofield Joseph B. 634 w Baltimore "^ Schofield Lewis, grocery, 114 n Caroline t:' Schofield Henry, carriage trimmer. Homestead "^ Schofield Tilghman, painter, Friendship ^ Schoefield Wm. watchmkr, 634 w Baltimore ^ Scholer Mich, mariner, 72 s Chapel Scholl Chris, blacksmith, Belair av ext oQ SchoU Rev. George, 332 w Lombard Scholl Henry, tinner, 299 n Central av 5^ 33 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1^ O o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, O-r z a SOH 514 SCH S (^ Scholl iM. B. bookkpr, G6 u Paca '52 GO CO Scholles Peter, restaurant, 41 Brown S • " ^ Scholliaii Frederick, varnisher, 6 Washington av t* ~ bq Scholltaever Aug cigarmkr, 117 n Calvert o "5 _. Scholtz lienry A. tinner, 67 North X Scholz Ileniy, fringemkr, 327 Mulberry S Scholz Mis. Juhu Cbas. 7G n Pine •-'2 dj Scliolz Mrs. Mary, seamstress, 327 Mulberry -2 5 ^'^^ Scboman John, musician, 130^ Greetimouut av -^ . ^ ychomann Chas .A. clerk, York rd nrWaverley .- to J: Schdmanu John, Ins. agt. iS Rialto bldg, dw "3 Kj. S York rd nr Waverley ^ ^ Cc] Schouiberg Christian, driver, 5 New Church . .^ >^ Schonilierg Fred. jr. cigarmkr, 81 Grauby c— < ^ '^ Schonberg PVed. lab. 81 Granby .— .2 C Schoniin Catherine M. tailoress, 77 n Bond i^ g ^ Schomm Wm. tailor, 61 n Schroeder % ZJ~^ Schone Dorothea, grocery, 4 Wills S S a; Schone Geo clerk, 97 North C ^J^ Schouf Jas. H. blacksmith, 84 Block r|< ^ ^ Schone John, harnessmkr, Belair rd nr tollgate ,^ aT Schone John, grocery, Belair av ext ^'^ j2 Schone J. Henry, driver, Belair rd nr tollgate o 1^ ^ Schone John G. porter, 151 Montgomery "C jj ^ Schone Utto, shoemkr, 27 Douglas Schonfarber Mrs. Bettie, 158 Lexington oE Schonfarber Charles, ladies' furn. goods, 158 . i^ Q Lexington £-::;■§ Schonfarber Ella, clerk, 158 Lexington c8 n -r- Schoufiirber Jacob, piintei, 158 Lexington ^ H.. Schonfarber Rosa, clerk, 158 Lexington lO P- £ Schoufull John, shoemkr, 74 Henrietta C^: c 0_| Schonhals Adam, huckster, 145 Henrietta _y ^ ^ Schonhoff Gerhardt, carp. 20 Patterson Park av 25 ;y § Schonhoff J. B. carp. 391 Eastern av -^ _ H Schoolden Wm. tinner, 9 Hollins al ;.:^ .S !:^ Schooley John W. clerk, 53 n Greene -^ t>, S Schoolfield Edward D. 27 n Front ■2 "^ (^ Schoolfield Luther A. real estate broker, 27 n ^ -^ W Front 1^ eg Schoolfield Wm.H card writer, Barnum's hotel, rs p3 81 e Fayette "^ § « SCHOOLHAUS DANIEL, gen'l agt. U. S. Life <» 2 p3 Ins. Co. of New York, 7 German nr South, I; ... o dw 218 Light >?^ g '^ Schoolhaus Sophia, dry goods, 218 Light ^ -iJ Schoolherr k Bro. (S. and L. Schoolherr, ) 1^ ^ Islj clothiers. 37 w Baltimore *?t ^ 1^ Schoolherr Louis, (S. ^ Bro.) 22 n Greene Q^^ '^ ce Schoolherr Morris, clerk, 291 w Fayette ry^ ^ %^ Schoolherr Saml. (S. & Bro.) 291 w Fayette S "S .- Schorr Bernhardt, cooper, 45 Bank S ;^ -C Schorr Fred, shoemkr, 47 President S^ a; C Schorr Henry, barber, 9 McElderry j» ^ '^ Schorr John jr. cigarmkr, 350 Eastern av S *^ S Schorr John, tobacconist, 350 Eastern av g "S Schorr Leonard, tobacconist, 175 s Broadway DQ ^<= S -^i Schott Bernhard, butcher, 85 e Lombard O 'fv^ Schott Christopher, 145 Walsh '^ 3 be Schott Conrad, 35 King c _c Schott Francis, grocery, 35 King rS !2 '^^I'Ot'' Geo. confectioner, 118 Hollins ■*^ +^ Schott Geo. N. grocery, n w cor Eutaw and >-. S Preston, dw 145 Walsh 13 ± Schott Helfrich, lab. 118 Hollins .^ rt SCHOTT & BRO. (J. H. and Johannes Schott,) Q .^ boots and shoes, 424 w Baltimore z> ■„ Schott J. H. (J. S. & Bro.) 250 Myrtle av t< % Schott Johannes, (J. S. & Bro. )424 w Baltimore "U >^ Schott Joseph H. clerk, 162 Johnson Schott Simon P. clerk, 162 Johnson Schops Mrs. Majjdalena, seamstress, 195 s Sha Schrader Adolph, butcher, 171 n Front Schrader Aug. clerk, Canton and Elliott Schrader Aug. F. carp. 211 Lernnion Schrader Chas beer, 217 u Gay Schrader Henry, cabinetmkr, 6 n Eden Schrader Wm. i)eer, 53 s Liberty Schrader Wm. barkeeper, 217 n Gay Schragel Chi is. cabinetmkr, 65 Henrietta Schram John, lab. 428 Canton av Schramm Bernhard, barber, 15 s Eutaw Schramm Chas. B. shoemkr, 62 Forrest Schramm Geo. cigarmkr, 690 Light Schramm Geo. cigarmkr, 38 Patterson Park Schramm John C. baker, 248 Hanover Schramm Louis, lab. 33 James la Schramm Ludwig, lab. 690 Light Schramm Peter, lab. 690 Light Schramm Peter, lab. 33 James la Schreck George, clerk, 15 Clinton Schreck Henry, shucker, 30 s Burke Schreck John, shucker, 30 s Burke Schreck John, tailor, 195 w Pratt Schreck John, lab. 53 n Amity Schreck Matthew, lab. 30 s Burke Schreck William, bricklayer, 44 s Broadway Schreiber Augusta, 244 Aliceanna Schreiber Albert H. shoemkr, 173 n Bethel Schreiber Chas. butcher, 114 n Spring Schreiber Ernest, lab. 35 O'Donnell Schreiber Herman, barber, 303 Eastern av Schreiber John, shoemkr, 43 Forrest Schreiber John G. musician, 85 n Central av Schreiber John M. 362^n Durham Schreit)er John J. tobacconist, 95 n Greene Schreiber Louis, clerk, 68 Hill Schreiber, Michael, shoemkr, 65 Portland Schreiber Martin, porter, 43 Forrest Schreiber Philip, paver, 134 Somerset Schreiber Wm. shoemkr, Vincent al nr McHen Schreiber Wilhelm, tailor, 103 e Lombard Schieiner Chas. A. (Young & S.) 89 George Schreiner Elizabeth, 25 Abey al Schreiner Fred, lailor, 141 Peirce Schieiner Geo. sr. 269 Franklin Schreiner Leonard, shoemkr, 269 Frankia Schreiner Jacob, tailor, 22 George al Schreiner John, lab. 25 Abey al Schreiner John G. shoemkr, 238 Franklin Schreiner John G. carp. 70 Iceland al Schreiner Michael, lab. 25 Abey al Schreiner Michael, shipcarp, 44 Abey al Schrenk John, stonecutter, 122 Stirling Sclireoder Herman, painter, 97 e Pratt Schriefer John, cooper, 37 s Regester Schrieffer Chas. shoemkr, 9o7 w Baltimore Schrifogle Wm. H. teamster, 291 s Charles Schriner Christian 0. tailor, 149 Hamburg Schritz Capl. John A. 224 n Caroline Schrode .Mrs. .Mary A. tailoress, 212 Stirling Schrodel John, baker, cor Warner and Way Schroder F. H. clerk, 149 Conway Schroder Gerhart, tavern, 35 Cambridge Schroder Sigismuud C. watchman, 149 ConWi Schroeck Fred, teacher, 33 n Holliday Schroeder Andrew F. shipsmith, 46 Philpot, i 211 Gough Schroeder AnthonyJ.( A.J.&H.C S.) 211 Gon| Schroeder Anthony J. & Henry C. grocery, 8 cor Gough and Washington Schroeder August, porter, 28 Johnson <^ s I— I ^& HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplie Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets. $75.000,000.00, O- F. Bresee. Genl Agt. SCH 515 «CH chroeder Benj. tailor, 315 n Central av chroeder Carl, shoemkr, 51 Watson chroeder Christian, L. 665 Penna av cbroeder Clement, lab. 6 Curley chroeder Ernest, nuichinist, 1(»8 n Eden chroider Frank cooiiei, 208 s Sliarj) chroeder Frank, lab. 22 s .Mount bhroeder Fred, ngent, 485 w Baltimore chroeder Fred, shoemkr, H e Pratt chroeder Fred, baker, 220 e Lombard chroeder Fred. lab. 53 L. Mcl-ilderry chroeder Fred. H confect'y, 7 L. Paca chroeder Fred. H. jr. coach pa inter, 7 L. Paca .chroeder Mrs. Fredeiica, ^nocery. '!2Hambnrg chroeder Geo. .-hoenikr, IG! Columbia chroeder Henry, gardener, 565 Harford av chroeder Henry, bricklayer, 327 n Central av chroeder Henry, cabiiiclmkr, 66 u Eden ichroeder Henry, tailor, 52 Ridgely jchroeder Henry A. (A. Hoen k Co.) 58 Clarke ichroeder Henry M. cabinetmkr. 52 Josephine chroeder Herman, cooper, 14ii West cbroeder Herman H. grocer, 129 Hill chroeder Hugo, clerk, 42 Hamburg jChroeder JacobW.brickmr, 166 Greenniount av [chroeder John, shoemkr, 90 Hamburg jchroeder John, tailor, 228 Hanover chroeder John, clerk, 51 Watson chroeder John E. carp. 565 Harford av CHROEDER JOS. & CO. (J. Schroeder, A. Nicholassen) com. and w holesale leaf tobacco and cigars, 81 Exchange pi chroeder Jos. (Jos. S. & Co.) Catonsville chroeder Julius, bosmkr, 12 Josephine chaoeder Louis, soldier, 236 Montgomery chroeder Louis, clerk, 42 Hamburg chroeder Louis A. leaf tobacco and cigars, 20 German nr Calvert, dw 459 Franklin .chroeder Ludwig, baker, 400 Canton av cbroeder Richard F. 64 Ramsay 'chroeder Rudolph, cigarboxes, 147 e Prali chroeder Wai. blacksmith, 387 Eastern av chroeder Wm. shoemkr, 45 Pearl chroeder Wm. lab. 166 Greenniount av ichrodel Stephen, steam dyer, 256 w Pratt and 287 e Baltimore, dw 19 Patterson Park av chroU Conrad, lab. 38 Hare chroll Geo. lab. 184 Madeira al cbrom Geo. varnisher, 184 Ogston chroudner Martin, butcher, Monument near Castle chrufer Geo. tanner, 96 Greenmouut av chrufer Geo. shoemkr. Front and Constitution chrufer John, tailor, 175 Harford av chrufer John, machinist, 126 Stirling chrufer John, tailor, 250 n Central av chrufer John jr. tailor, 175 Harford av chrufer John, shoemkr, 96 Greenmount av chrufer John, shoemkr, Front and Constitution chruier John, printer, Froal and Constitution chryack Geo. A. painter, 5')7 w Fayette 'cbryack Jacob S. 557 w Fayette cbryver E. .M. (Wagner k S ) 195 a Howard cbryver Edward, com. merclit. 195 n Howard ■chryver James M. general ticket agt. B. & O. R. R., 195 n Howard ichubert Christian, shoemkr, 150 Ramsay Icbubert Christian, 149 e Fayette ■cbuberl Mrs. Elizabeth, 169"King icbubert F. W. cigarmkr, 350 s Charles ■chubert Henry, lab. 31 Brown la ichubert Henry V. beer, 19 w Pratt Schubert Mrs John F. beer, 128 Forrest Schubert John H. grocery and prov. 204 Bank Schubert Wm. cigarmkr, 357 8 Charles Schuch Matthew.^, shoemkr, 95 s Ann :» Schuchardt Christo|)h. painter, 222 Harford av ^i, Schucliaidt Conrad, oils and paints, 291 n Cen- " tral av ^ Schuchardt Fred, mariner, 263 Aliceanna ^ Schuchaidl George, i)aiiiter, 229 e Biddle :^ Schuchardt Henr\, liquors. Elliott and Patuxent pt^ Schuchardt Henry, tailor, 30 Hevan ^w Schuchardt Mrs, Jennie, 337 Orleans s Schuchardt John, beer, 179 Hanover ^ Schuchardt John, trunknikr, 83 Henrietta a> Schuchart Henry, l)oxmkr, 180 Hamburg q Sciiuchman Theodore, restaurant, 219 (..ight 3 Schuchmaun Alex, cigarmkr, 85 .McElderry -^ Schuchmann John, confectioner, 156 Ensor -^ Schuchls David, millwright, 133 s Washington ^ Schuck Albert, shoemkr, 16 a Chapel Schuck il. watchm in. Sun otiice, 41 n Eden Schuck Wm. 92 s Chester Schucking Constantine, imitation hair goods, 76 Lexington Schuckle George L. restaurant, 327 Mulberry Schnegner Fred, beer, 278 s Eutaw Schueler Adain, beer, Gough and CoUington av Schueler Conriid, cigarmkr, 327 Hanover Schueler George, cigarmkr, 78 Henrietta Schuyler Henry, cigarmkr, 327 Hanover Schueler John, cigarmkr, 142 s Fremont Schueler Louis, cigarmkr, 261 Hamburg Schuelte F, W. clerk, 120 Columbia Schuerholz Aug. cigarmkr, 235 s Charles Schuerholz Louis, ci_'armkr, lo7 Leadenhall Schuerholz Wm. cigarmkr, 107 Leadenhall Scliuette Frank, grocerv,cor Jackson sq av and >._( Wolfe ' Schug Jacob, lab. 22 e Biddle Schuh Frank, 48 Duncan al Schuh Fred. lab. 23 Elliott Schuh John C. cabinetmkr, 265 Aliceanna Schuliz Charles, wholesale fruit and confr. w Pratt Schuk John, lab. 320 Aliceanna Scliuleinberg Chris, lab. 28 Fell Scbul Charles, piano tuner, 338 e Fayette Schul Fred, sheetiron worker, 261 n Dallas Schul Henry, cigarmkr, 265 Oilcans Schul John, cigarmkr, 161 n Dallas Sihulderberg Wm. butcher, 47 Centre and Fell' Point uikts, dw Highlandtown Schule George, tavern, Waverley Schule George, wagonmkr, Waverley Schuler Henry, cigarmkr, 327 Hanover fj^] Schuler Louis, cig;irmkr, 261 Hamburg pj Schuler .Martin, flour and meal, 101 Hanover |_( mkt, dw 188 Columbia Schulla Fred, paper hanger, 64 e Eager Schully Henry, paperhanger, 337 Harford av Schultheim John, lab. 90 Eastern av Schulmyer Charles, shoemkr, 504 n Gay Schul te Francis, tailor, 490 n Fremont Schulte Lippo, elk, 181 w Pratt Schulte Mrs. Sophia, tavern, 4 s Paca Schulte & Bro. (C. M. Schulte jr.J. A. Schulte) druggists, s e cor Wolfe and Canton av, and p^ Gough and Eden ^ O < < O K w K^ H o p UJ O C/J ^ 00 O o H ^ hJ OQ O o • o .Wo goo 9^ OoQ K O o Schulte Mina. 290 Aliceanna Schulte Wm.' brick mkr, 132 West Schulthei3 Edward, artist, 3rd floor, s e cor Biiltiiiiore and HoUiday, dw 181 Mulberry Schnltheis Fredk. W. tailor, 696 w Baltiinore Schultheis Geo. sr. furniture, 186 s Bond Schultheis Geo. jr. cabinetmkr, 186 s Bond Schultheis Henry, lab. 89 s Bethel Schultheis Henry, barkpr, 79 n Front Schultheis Henry, icabinetrakr, 261 e Monnmeut Schultheis John, beer, 95 n Washin^rton Schultheis John, cabinetmkr, 159i Mulberry Schultheis John C. butter, 159^ .Mulberry Schultheis Jo3e{)h, tailor, 1 Nelson ct Schultheis Kunigunda, laund. 168 s Bethel Schultheis Lawrence, cabinetmkr, 382 Orleans Schultheis Leonhardt, baker, 24 Hampstead Schultheis Paul, lab. Dillon nr O'Donnell Schultheis Peter, cabinetmkr, 185 n Central av Schultheis Theo. F. watchmkr, 159j Mulberry Schultz A.(^ Co.(Arnold and Frederick Scbultz) metal dealers, 47 n High Schultz Mrs. Ann E. huekstress, 237 s Paca Schultz Mrs. Annie, nurse, 174 Orleans Schultz Alex.(S.iJ-Co.)Ramsav nr Millintrton ar Schultz Arnold(A. Schultz &'Co )237 s Paca Schultz Auprust, boxmkr, 89 Dawson al Schultz August, bo.xmkr, 54 Leadenhal! Schultz Bernard, lab. 105 n Caroline Schultz & Co. (A. Schultz, Thos. S. Hugbes,) undertakers trimmings, 60 e Baltimore Schultz Carl, fresco painter, 276 s Ann Schultz Charles, tobacconist, 33 w Lombard Schultz Charles, lab. Clinton nr Sixth av SCHULTZ CHARLES,tobacconist,l 44 e Fayette Schultz Dietrich, u])holsterer, 28 n Gay SCHULTZ EDWARD T. agent, 44 German, dw 230 n Carey Schultz Ernest, carp. 277 w Pratt Schultz Ernest, tinner, 144 e Fayette Schultz Emil, cabinetmkr, 165 Conway Schultz Ferdinand, flour and feed, 264 Hanover Schuitz Ferdinand, beer, 51 Harrison Schultz Fred, cigarmkr, 33 w Lombard Scbultz Fred. W.(A Schultz & Co.)13 Barnet Schultz Garrett, glassblower, 204 Hanover Schultz George J. saddler, 457 w Baltimore Schultz George, lab. 284 Johnson Schultz George, stonecutter, 3 Ringgold al Schultz Hamilton, engineer, 80 Albemarle Schultz Harry, lab. 21 Lancaster Schultz Henry, tailor, 21 n Frederick Scbultz Henry, huckster, 237 s Paca Schultz Henry, pressfeeder, 54 s Central av Schultz Henry, huckster. 137 s Strieker Schultz Herman, mariner, 272 9 Bond Schultz Herman, restaurant and boarding, 125 Franklin Schultz Jefferson, coal agent, Locust Point, dw Cairollton hotel Schultz Jefferson jr. elk, 126 Harlem av Schultz John, coppersmith, 142 s Wolfe Schultz John, carp. 273 William Schultz John, carp. 44 Cross Schultz John,groc'y and prov'ns, 166 n Fremont Schultz John, lab. 267 n Dallas Scnultz John B. bakery. 317 Aiqquith Schultz John F. furn. wagon, 94 n Schroeder Schultz John W. grocery. Bond and Milliman Scbultz Leonard, shoemkr, 14 Grove al Schultz Peter, tailor, 32 e Fayette Schultz Robert, cabinetmkr, 551 Light Schultz Saml. lab. Clinton or Sixth Schultz Sebastian, broommkr, 94 n Schroei Schultz W. M. quarryman, 25 Hudson al Schultze Adolph, machinist, Ostend nr Willi Schultze August, barber, 238 Lexington Schultze Aau'ust F. foremen, 238 Lexing' Schultze August, pianomkr, 68 Lee Schnltze Carsten, cigarmkr, 28 Albemarle Schultze Chas, tailor, 537 n Gay Schultze Frank, lab. 4 Abbot Schultze Henry, tailor, 21 Barre Schultze Hermena, taocy goods, 116 Hano^ Schultze John, barber, 21 Barre Schultze Louis, music teacher, 314 w Pratt Schultze Louis, beer, 470 n Gay Schultze Louis A. druggist, cor Henrietta a Sharp Schultze Robert, cabinetmkr, 551 Light Schultze Rudolph, currier, 65 Henrietta Schultze Theodore, 23 s Howard Schultze Wm. T. barber, Maltby house, dw s Greene , Schultze Wm. F. m'tcbinist, 143 s Washingt Schuiz Albert B. stoves, 348 Light Schulz .\lex. H. grocer, 314 and 316 Alicean dw 70 s Broadway Schulz Alfred J. confectionery, 528 w Faye Scbuiz Amien, baker, 423 Saratoga Schulz August, cabinetmkr, 20 Poultney Schulz C. A. clerk, 314 Aliceanna Schulz Ch«s. confectioner, 260 w Pratt Schulz Conrad, baker, 72 s Fremont Schulz -Mrs. D. fancy goods, &c. 36 w Baltimc Schulz Franz, lab. 52 Lancaster Scbuiz J. Henry, baker, 423 Saratoga Schulz Emil, baker, 381 Franklin Schulz Henry, baker, 381 Franklin Schulz Hugo A. clerk, 528 w Fayette Schulz John, baker, 309 Mulberry Schulz Lewis, baker, 423 Saratoga Scbuiz Mrs. Louisa, confec'y, 381 Franklin Schulze Adolph, gunmkr, Ostend nr Light Schuize Albert, clerk, 327 e Biddie Schulze Mrs. Anna M. 123 North Schulze August, boxmkr, 56 Leadenhall Schulze Chas. liquors, 48 s Patterson Park t Schulze Chas. tailor, 17 Baker ct Schulze Chas. F. pianomkr, 262 s Sharp Schulze Edward, shoemkr, 39 McElderry Schulze Ernst, boxmkr, 277 w Pratt Schulze Ferdinand, 15 Waesche Schulze Fred, engineer, 74 8 Eutaw Schulze Gotleib, tailor, 207 s Fremont Schulze Henry, cabinetmkr, 157 Mulberrj Schulze Wra. A. bookkpr, St. Clair hotel Schulze Wm. lab. 217 s Bethel Sebum Chas. baker, 210 n Eutaw, dw Park av Sebum Geo. locksmith, 151 8 Bond SCHUMACHER k CO. (G. A. and C. A. V« Lingen, Wm. G. Atkinson) ship, and CM merchants, and agents North German Lloy and Allan line steamers, 9 s Charles Schumacher & Birckhead, (Wm.A.Schumach' and Jas. R. Birckhead) wholes, candy mai ufrs, 341 w Biiltimore Schumacher C. H. liquors, 69 Camden Schumacher Carl, lab. 185 s Wolfe Schumacher Chas. lab. 343 s Bond Schumacher Conrad, gunsmith, 58 w Pratt, d 184 Conway Schumacher Henry, tailor, 148 L. Greene HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, gest Life Ins. Co. in tiie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. SCH 517 SCH acher Edward R. clerk, 618 w Fayette ^^UMACHER GEO. A., Church Organ Builder, 10 and 12 n High, -^^v 10 s High. tcber Geo. C. clerk, Detmiead nrCharles- i.cher Henry A. driver, 7o s Edea icher Jus. R. (R S.&Sons) 216 IJarre ! :cluT John, tailor, 233 ii Boud uiclier John H. cijiarnikr, 740 w Pratt i. ^iiiacher R. & Sons, (R. and J. R fe'cbu- i! ■ lier) CMndies aud fruit, 179 w Pratt . u'lier Roinliardi, (R.S.&Sons) 236 Barre icher Richard 11. B. cierk, 207 Lexinjitcja icher Wm. A. (S.& Birckhead) iJemnead harles-st av I ick George, currier, 20 w Lombard cli^uinati Adam, tailor, 191 n Caioline fchiiiuaii Au({ust, tailor, 26 '3 s Eiitaw ...ill Aujiust, shoeinkr, 248 s Bond . la Conrid, b(jxmkr, 406 Hanover . :. va Conrad, lah. 97 s Spiiajj human Chas. tnariner, 406 Hanover !; :ii)..[i Cliiis. cijrarmkr, 26u s Anu ■; .:uaa Faldine, foreman, 43 Graahy i: ■!!, in Fred, cabinetmkr, 68 Cider al, dw 1 New Church chuman Fred, blacksmith, 324 s Dallas cliLiiiiaQ Fritz, lab. 278 s Dallas .:ta Geo. firemaa. 411 3 Charles iD Geo. F. silver>:ilder, 52 Conway chuuian Geo. clothing cutter, 52 Conway chuuian John, baker, 122 Kiisor chuman John C. lab. 97 s Spriiifi chuman John, provisions, VV'averlej' chuman John, lab. 5 Griffin ct [chuman Joha, carpet weavir, 6 Dewberry al ichuman Kate, 84 Holland chuman Mrs. Louisa, (grocery, 86 Holland chuman Wm. driver, 260 s Ann cbumann Adam, helper, First av nr Clinton chumaun Elizabeth, 343 s Bond ciiumann .Martin, hel|)er, First av nr Clintoa Ichuniaan Otto W. tailor, 24u s Charles ■chumann Valeaiine, tailor, 146 Low Schumann Wm. lab. 245 s Bond ichumer Frank, peddler, 486 e Chase ichuucke John, beer, 40 e Pratt (Cbunder Sophia, 79 Cambridiie Jchuak J. Charles, bootfitter, 7 Baker ct ichunk John, tailor, r.6 n Spring ichuako Francis, cabinetmkr, 4o3 w Pratt ichujip Mrs. Cathertna, beer, 363 Orleans ichupp (,'hristian, cigarmkr, 355 Orleans 5chup[) Geo. cutter, 345 Orleans khupp Henry, baker, 263 Orleans 5chupp John, junk, 32 Union ■ichupp Louis, confec'y, 236 HoHias •Jchuppel Geo. carter, 338 duiton av u-hurer August, liquors. 211 .Montgomery Schurei- John, liquors, 360 s Ch.irles Schurer John, cigarmkr, 498 Light Schurr Christiaa L. locksmith, 239 n Durham Schurtt John, wagoner, 1 Trinity Schussleder Samuel, tailor, 3 Barnes 5chussler Andrew, 243 e Chase Schussler Anton, lab. 246 e Chase Schussler John, lab. 85 Somerset Schussler John, Ciibinetmkr, 159 e Lombard Schussler John P. cigarmkr, 239 Gough SCHUSSLER GEORGE. All kinds of Sewing Machines Made and Re- 3 paired at 25 s Wolfe st. ^ Schuster August, bookkpr, 31 n Amity Schuster Jlrs. D. grocery, 31 n Amity Schuster John jr. driver, 31 n Amity Scliuster John, blacksmith, 31 n Amity Schuster Johti, baker, 277 n Central av Schuster Otto, cabinelmkr. 303 e .Madison Schuster Sebastian, carp. 72 a CmsIIc Scliutt Berahardt, butcher, 85 e Lombard Schutt Geo. L. taiior, 115 s Wolfe Schutt John, tailor, 115 s Regester Srhutt Joseph, lab. 43 Lancaster Schutt Joseph, lab. 37 Barnes Schutie AUiiust, beer, 302 s Caroline Schutte B. H. shoemkr, 1 s Regester Schutte Gabriel, caudymkr, I s Regester Schutte John H. haraessmkr, 1 s Regester Schuttee Theo. tailor, ly2 Conway Schutz Mrs. Christina, grocery, 60 Eusor Schutz Christopher, carp. 40 s Regester Schutz .Mrs. Elizabeth, dressmkr, 40 s Regester W pq o o o o > 02 Schutz Fraiik, lab. 51 s Castle ] Schutz Henry, shoemkr, 35 s Bond Schutz John G. miiriner, 114 s Regester I Schutz Lawrence carp 370 n Durham j Schutz Wm. tinner. 330 e Lombard I Schwaab Christian, cooper, 95 Leadeahall I Schwaab Henry, stoiiectr, 107 Henrietta j Schwab Abraham (J. & A. S ) 69 s Ana i Schwab Adam, painter, 54 Hampstead ' Schwab Adam, shoemkr, 280 .MoQigumery j Schwab Mrs. Catherine, grocery 79 Leadenhall I Schwab Chas. police, 79 Leadeahall j Schwab Daniel, tailor, 344 e Fayette Schwab Fred, cooper, West nr Race I ischwab H.(H. & M. S.j 258 Lexington Schwab H. ^' .M. wholes, grocers, 210 Lexington r^j ^ Schwab Israel, dry g(jods, 76 Orleans ^ j Schwab John (J. B. Kissner & Co.) 93 Bank ^ \ Schwab Joseph {J. & A. S.) 269 e Pratt )_^ Schuab J. & A. groc. aud feed, 263 Aliceanna (^ I Schwab Morris (H. cj- .M. S. ) 244 w Fayette ^ ' ycbwab Solomon, clerk, 69 s Ann ■^ ' Schwabudach John, lal'. 276 s Broadway I Scliwabenland Conr d, shoemkr, 373 William rK I Schwack Jos. lab. 3.'j2 s Caioliae ^J I Schwalleuberg Francis E.hardw.7oFrederick av ,__, j tichwalleuber;4 Stephen, boilermkr, 489 w Pratt ^ 1 ychwalm John, tailor, 151 w Townsend ^ (^ Schwartz Fred.iKaus & S.) 263 n Edeii '« X Schwartz Geo. shoeinkr, 1 1 James la o & Schwartz Geo. C. shoeinkr, 18 Sterrett J-L -■ ^ Schwartz Geo. shoeinkr, 39 Portland 5P-^ Schwartz Henry, shoeinkr, 245 n Bond o '^ Schwartz Jacob H. shoemkr, 169 e Fayette 3C 5 Schwartz John, tailor. 6 Warren ct 03 - - - - "•n „' Schwartz John A. (S. & Co. )Canton and Elliott •^ S fcjD Schwartz John, tailor, 175 n Caroline rC c Schwartz John G. flour, 40 n Schroeder and 88 .-3 CO 2 Centre murket *© [^ "o Schwartz John H. frr'Cery, 1 Whatcoat P5 l> ^^ Schwartz John M. iielper, Clinton nr Toone .^>,^ Schwartz Julius, 89 s Pa^ a — '::::! ^ Schwartz Mar^are;, 208 Canton av .— .5 s Schwartz Michael, butcher, Broadway market, S g 2 dw 293 e Pratt ^ 2- o Schwartz Michael, jjaint^r, 157 s Paca § S oj Schwartz Mrs. Rebecca, 157 s Paca S .^S Schwartz \Vm. H. letter carrier, 217 Jefferson r^ rr) Schwartze Dr. Edward, 19 n Calhoun .2 "^ Schwartze Frank, cicjarinkr, 89 Penna av •Si BO TS -'^ ' C3.2 Schwartze Henry, citrarmkr, 89 Penna av Schwartze Jas. W. clerk, 239 w Biddle Schwartze John, apothecary, Biddle and Druid Hill av Schwartze Mrs. Mary, tobacconist, 89 Penna av Schwartze Samuel D. clerk, 178 w Biddle Schwartze Wm. F. salesman, 222 Le.xinjrton Schwartzeiil)er>.'er Geo. scissor grdr, 3 West al ee _ _ ^ ^ C- SchwarizhauptChs.clk, AlbemarleandPlowman O- P Schwartzhaupt Conrad, beer, 1 Albemarle (T^ E Ph Schwaitzkopf Adam, lab. 140 s Caroline ,^ 3 , Schwartzkopf Catherine, notions, 84 n Wolfe o W ^ Schwartzkopf Geo. turn, wajion, 84 n Wolfe •^ a H Schwartzkopf Henry, furn.wajron, 86 s Re^ester ;:::;"' 1:^ Schwartzkopf John V. cijiarmkr, 101 n Wolfe '^ ^ S Schwartzkopf Mrs. Lizzie, sjroc. 202 e Lombard "tl ia h^ Schwartzkopf Wm furn.wajion, 202 e Lombard ^ Schwartzm^in Geo. shoemkr, "'2 H.irrison ^ S S °3 Schwarz Aujiust. boxmkr, 155 Hambnr^ Baltimore, dw Balto. co '^ CC 7^ Schwarz John, drivvr, 17 Elliott j^ r^ s3 Schwarz .Michael G. butcher, 14 and 46 Fell's i>* ^ >^ Point ir.kt, dw 1 14 J.ickson sq av ^ '2 - SCHWARZ WM. & SUN( Wm. Schwarz sr. and e [— J -^ Wm. Schwarz jr.) hardware, 106s Broad way -> S Schwarzman A. J. clerk, 22 n Republican „^ "iJ ^ Schwarzinan (Jiistav A. 46o JluHierry ,^5 Schwarzinui Thos. C com. mer. 460 Mulberry ^? 22 . .. Schwarzmann Jacob, glassblower, 396 s Sharp 2 o i- Schwatka .h)hii A. stonecutter, 155 n Paca •i -J^ g SCHWATKA WM. F. carpenter and builder, ■^ d ti^ 93 Arch, dw 223 Mulberry Schwatz Joseph, lab. 7 Jones ct Schwatz Mrs. Mary, 414 n Gay Schvveckendick Geo. 75 s Paca Schweckendick H. W. 75 s Paca Schwedner Adam, shoemkr, 447 n Gay Schweiirer John A. tailor, 104 n IJond Schweigert Alois, lab. 312 Aliceanna Schweigert John, lab. 312 Aliceanna Schweigert Martin, lab. 268 s Ann Schweigert Valentine, shucker, 312 Alicean Schweikert John R. photographer, 465 w B tin)ore, dw 206 Franklin Schweikert Martin, cabinetmkr, 79 e Lomba Schweinsberg Geo. porter, 164 Johnson Sch"ein>berg Stephen, cabinetmkr, 10 Etna Schweitzer Andrew, lab. 203 Aliceanna Schweitzer Chas. E. printer, 88 Warner Schweitzer John S. cigarmkr, 88 Warner Schweitzer John W. moulder, 177 Chesnut Schweitzer Jos. F. janitor, 173 Chesnut Schweitzer Julia A. 88 Warner Schweitzer Mrs. .Maicbina, 224 s Caroline Schweitzer Martin, grocery, 164 n Bond Schweitzer Wm. carver. 26 Union Schwemm Christian, I Bevan Schwemmcr Geo. blacksmith, 95 Peach al Schweiiimer John, blacksmith, 62 Walker Schwenk Geo. porter, 86 s Exeter Schwenke August, sugarboiler, 74 Hambi>rg Schwerdt Catherine, tailoiess, 344 e Lombar' SCHWKRDTMANN & CO. (Theo. Schwerc man) imps, of toys and fancy goods, 327 Baltimore Schwerdtmann Ferd. clerk, 327 w Baltimore Schwerdtmann Herman, clerk, 327 w Baitimo Schwerdtmmn Ludolph, clerk, 3^7 w Baitimo Schwerdtmann Theo. (S. & Co.) Govanstow York rd Schwerk Joseph, shoemkr, 48 Harrison Schwerer Mrs. Christine, 78 e Lombard Schwessinger Felix, shoemkr, 22S n Central f Sihwessinirer Geo lab. 234 3 Ann Schwetz Frank, t.iilor, 32 Barnes Schwetz Joseph, lab. 4» Abbot Schwick Christian, 1 ib. Eastern av nr Tliird Schwier Adolph G. cutlery and hardware, 69 w Baltimore Schwilck John, lab. 272 s Fk)nd Schwind Fred'k, milk, 329 .Mulberry Schwind Mary, beer. Cliappell opp Carey Schwind Philip, blacksmith. Cliappell opp Care Sclnving Henry, prof, of music. 95 Preston Schwing Joseph, cooper, 13 s Gough Schwing Mrs. Mary, 85 Granby Schwing Valentine, cooper, 8S Granby Schwing Valentine, lab. 70 Somerset Schwiiiger Dorothea, confect'y, 246 w Biddle Schwinger John, lab. 102 s Central av Schwingler John G. brewer, 245 s Broadway S.'haini:ler John V. beer, 245 s Bro.idwav I SCH WINN CDNRAD, restaurant, 25 w Pratt Schwinn Frank, l)aikpr, 84 n Broadway SCHWINN GEO. restaurant. 21 and 23"wPrat Schwinn (ieo. Iieer, 84 n Biouiway SCHWINN'S HALL, 21 and 23 w"Pralt Scliwinii Henry, 221 «^ .Monument Sehwinn Jacob, beer, Eastern av ext Sclote Autr. blacksmith, 112 s Castle Scobell John, clerk, 160 German Scoggins Jos. C. clerk, Broadway and Fayett( Scoggins S.imuel H. salesman, Broadway anc Fayette oq ca -3 €©• HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Macliinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. SCO 519 SEA C'JGGINS SAMUEL R. wholesale fresh fisb and game, s w cor Light and Pratt, dw cor liroadwaj and Fayette co^Lrins Wm. artesian well borer,Cloud house copiiiibe Capt. M. A. ( Michael, Magness & Co.) 314 Goutih !corin2 Fraugut, moulder. 278 Eastern av icott Agnes, laund. 78 Oak icott Auna D. (A.D.Scott & ('o.) 202 n Eutaw i5C0tt A. D. & Co. (Anna D. Scott) dry goods ' ami notions. 202 n Eutaw 5C0TT & BERGMAN. (G. Scott, J. Bergman) sale and exchange stable's, 405 w Baltimore, and mules and horses, cor German and Faca Scott Chas. liquors, 150 s Fremont 3cott Charles A. bricklayer, 131 Chew Scott Charles E. machinist, 281 e Madison Scott Charles M. machinist. 225 Dolphin Scott Christian, shoemkr, 293 Cross Scott C. M. salesman, 75 Pearl Scott David F. clerk, 39 President Scott D. J. clerk, 219 n Fremont Scott I). J. clerk, 8 s Howard Scott Edward, agent, 533 w Baltimore Scott Edward, clerk, 54 w Madison Scott Kdward L. C. clerk, 54 w Madison Scott Edward W. bricklayer. 175 North Scott Mrs. Eliza J. 281 e Madison Scott Dr. Emory, dentist, 55 Aisquith Scott Ephraim.srrocery, Oregon and Lombard Scott Francis P. apoth'y,s ecor Pratt and High Scott Francis, screwsraan, 135 Jefferson Scott Geo lab. 5 Burrough Scott Geo. coachsmith, 230 n Eden Scott Geo. (S. & Bergn}an) 613 w Fa\ette Scott Geo. E. clerk, 1 n Poppleton Scott Geo. E. teacher, 156 Ramsay Scoit Geo. W. watchmkr, 45i> Cross Scott Henry C. engineer, 429 w Lombard Scott Howard, bricklayer, 365 Mulberry Scott R'-'v. Hugh R. 79 ti Fulton Scott .lames, lab. 61 s Republican Scott James, shoemkr, 195 n Bethel Scott James, trunkmkr, 34 Lemmon Scott James sr. 246 e Biddle Scott James, clerk, St. Paul nr Huntingdon av Scott James sr. stamping, 546 w Baltimore Scott James H. brickmkr, 232 German Scott James L 308 Franklin Scott James L. stamping, 36 n Greene Scott Mis. Jane, cleik, 66 Jackson sq av Scott Job, bookkpr, 66 Mc.Mechin Scott John, lab. 164 Burgundy al Scott John jr. (Dennis & S.) 93 Saratoga Scott John, dry goods, 106 Richmond Scott John, watchman, 127 s Washington Scott John H. conductor, 25 s Calhoun Scott John H. shucker, 19 Fountain Scott John T. carp. Friendship, York rd Scott John T. carp. 106 Richmond Scott Jonathan W. printer, 144 Townsend Scott Joseph, painter, 156 Ramsay Scott Jos. P. machinist, 233 n Broadway Scott Jos. S. paperhanger. 225 Dolphin Scott .Mrs. Jcsephiue Y., Waverley Scott Julia, dressnikr, 4 Booth Scott Lewis, mariner, 19 Fountain Scott Lewis C (Owens &S.) 321 Linden av Scott Mrs. Margaret, 66 Jackson sq av Scott Mrs. M. trimmings, 30H Franklin Scott .Mrs. M. F. millinery, 87 n Eutaw Scott Dr. Martin P. 365 n Charles OQ 3 w IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Scott Richard, 287 n Front Scott Richard J.(R. J. Scott & Co.) 287nFront Scott Richard J. & Co. (R. J. Scott and L. T. Massey) country produce, 132 n Front Scott Robt. clerk," 3.S Albemarle Scott Roliert, shoemkr, 310 Franklin n^ Scott Robert H. bootfitter, 24 Woodyear g Scott Robert J. clerk, 308 Franklin ' " Scott Rossiter S (T. S. & Son) Baltimore co ^ Scott Townsend, (T. S. & Son) 93 St. Paul O SCOTT TOWNSEND & SON. (T. and R. S. 2 Scott) stock brokers, 15 North "43 Scott Upton, magistrate, 660 w Baltimore, dw "^ 34 n Gilmor CQ Scott Walter, mariner. 21 Fountain Scott Wm. R. clerk, 225 n Front ^ Scott W. Parkin, attorney, 36 St. Paul, dw 105 rj Scott Wm. shoemkr. 227 n Dallas SCOTT WM. A. meichant tailor, 137 Franklin Scott Wm. A. plasterer, 3.')5 n i entral av Scott Wm. G. brickla\er, 365 Mulberry Scott Wm. J. carpenter, Friendship, York rd Scott Wm. T. basement 36 Le.xington, dw 353 Mulberry Scott W. N. 0., Carrullton hotel Scott W' ni. huckster, 144 Chew Scott Wm. laborer, 19 Henrietta Scott Wm. laborer, 27 Armistead la Scott V/ni. o.\siers, 164 e Chase Scott Winfield, plasterer, 126 McHenry Scotti Mrs. F^lizabeth, confect'y, 156 n High Scotti Henry E. grocer and liquor dealer, 89 . McElderry's whf. dw 51 s Exeter ] Scotti John L. shiiijoiner, 156 n High j Scotti John, machinist, 372 Hollins Scotti Virginia, music teacher, 10 Goujih Scotti.^h Coniiijercial Ins. Co. 26 Second Screw Charles, shoemkr, 87 e Lombard Scribner Mrs. Stimuel, 173 n Charles Scriven Charles T. undertaker, 271 n Eutaw Scriven Frank P. police, 168 Penna av Scriven Mrs. Jerusha, 271 n Eutaw Scroggs John R. plumber, 86 n Eden Scroggs Robert H. ropemkr, 342 Harford av Scroggs Wm. driver, 342 Harford av Scudder Arthur F. clerk, 175 e Fayette Scudder Sophia G. teacher, Waverlev Scull Paul (Wm. E. Wood &Co.) igi'w Fayette^ - Scully Daniel (Sinclair & Co ) 315 e Biddle ^ Scully Daniel jr. clerk, 315 e Biddle Scully James, laliorer, 9 Perry Scully John, painter, 121 Barre Scully John, tinner, 9 Perry Scully Patrick, grocery, 60 Davis Scully Patrick, laborer, 9 Perry Scully Peter, salesman, 153 B.irre Scully Thomas, laborer, 102 Harford av Scully Thomas, laborer, 198 s Sharp Seaber Lewis, brushmkr. 268 Bank Sealtright .Mary M. 108 German Seabright Samuel, plasterer, 108 German Seabrook Thomas, 67 Henrietta Seabrook W. L. W. supt. public stores C. H dw Westminster, Carroll co Seager Charles, salesman, 1 McHenr^' Seager Edward, U. S. N. 305 Madison av Seager Edward R. clerk, Saratoga and Liberty p^ Seager James R. clerk, 163 Forrest r£\ Seager John, civil engineer, 305 .Madison av i_j Seager Thomas, conductor, 85 Warner '^ Seager Tbos. picture frame and looking-glass /-v manufr. 46 n Howard, dw 345 n Broadway ^ o o o o o w >^ ft CM Pm I — I < O Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. SEA 520 SEE H W H « H H Oi ^ H >H O <1 < O H w 1-5 H O D UJ O 03 !2h 00 o H ^ ^ H- ( S < W GQ O O Ss I— I (x ^ W t3 W rh O QD>- oS a o o Seal Andrew, blacksmith, 150 n Hijrh Seal A. G. salesman, 171 McCulloh SKAL & BROOKS MANUFACTURING CO. (Chas E. Seal, Edwin F. Brooks) gas and water cut-off, n e cor Park av and Fayette Seal Chas. E. (S &Brooks)Fa)ette and Park av Seal G. B. salesman, 171 Mc(-'uiloh Seal Wm. B. salesman, 171 McCulloh Seal Wm. D salesman, 171 McCulloh Seaman Aufiust. drayman, 237 s Sharp Seaman's Bethel Church, cor Aliceunna and Bethel Seaman's City Bethel (M. E.) foot of Cross Seaman Jacob, laborer, '259 Columbia Seaman James, painter, 162 Conway Seajniin John, engineer, 52 Parrish Seaman Wm. A. mariner, 76 Hill Search Christopher, laundry, 4 s High, dw 29 Sejirch Geo. F. clerk, 29 s High Search Newton 0. (N. C. Search & Co.)476 w Baltimore SEARCH N. C. <$- CO. (N.C. Search, A.J. Mab- belt) steam lanndry, 476 w Baltimore Searley Charles R. clerk, 282 e Pratt Searley James E. jr. clerk, 282 e Pratt Sears Charles C. drug clerk, 427 w Fayette SEARS, CLOUGH & CO. (J. K. Sear's, M.V.B. and J. E. Clough) wholes, liquors, 33 German nr Light Sears Cyrus, 171 Jtfferson Sears Dewitt C moulder, 316 w Lombard Sears Mrs. George W. 371 LexiuLctoa Sears James L. engineer, 72 Jackson sq av Sears James S. collector, 367 e Eager Sears John K.(S., Clough & Co.)94 w Madison Sears John L. & Co. ( Jno. L. Sears & Will. C. Hutchens) doors, sash, blinds, &c. 51 w Pratt Sears John L. (John L. S. & Co.)648 w Fayette Sears Mrs. Mary A. 144 Henrietta Sears Norman G. clerk, u w eor Edmondson av and Carey Sears Richard C. farmer, 1 n Castle Sears Dr. Thomas E. Fayette and Schroeder Scars Virgil C. (Cox & Sears) iujtavv house Seaton Daniel T. marker C. H. dw 184 Vine Seaton James, 149 s Broadway Seaton Mrs. Mary, se.imstress, 17 Miller Seavernes Charles, prof, music, 82 MuUikin Sebastian Mrs. Ellen, dressmkr, 45 Hill Sebastian Marci-s, sbipcarp. 45 Hill Sebour Christopher, laborer, 211 Chesapeake Sebour Friink, laborer, 104 Patuxent Sebour Mrs. Lawrence, 56 Elliott Sebour Nicholas, laborer, 56 Elliott Sebreze John T. driver, 49 s Caroline Sebrezc Zachariah T. laborer, 49 s Caroline Seeker Robert, oysters, 105 Granby, dw 145 e Lombard Seccombe Edward, carp. 320 Aisquith Scccombe John H. C. 320 Aisquith Seccombe Josifih, carp, over 18 vv Fayette, dw 191 e Madison Seccombe Thomas, carp. 320 Aisquith Seccombe Thomas jr. carp. 320 Aisquith Sechande Frank, tailor, 261 s Ann Second Baptist Church, Broadway nr Pratt Second Evangelical Church, cor McElderry and Shwrt Second English Lutheran Church, Lombard w of Greene SECOND NATIONAL BANK, cor Eastern av ^ and Broadway — [5e« Appendix. Second Presbyterian Church, cor Baltimore aat Lloyd SECOR SEWING MACHINE CO., H.W.Lyon manager, 224 w Baltimore Security Life Ins. and Annuity Co. of N. York, Henrv R. Wilson, gen'l a^t, 35 Postoffice av SECURITY FIRE INS. CO. of New Haven, Joseph Selby, agent, 44 Second Sedecum Benj. police, 70 Wyetb Sedecum John, 20 Holland Sederberg Charles A. dentist, 326 w Lombard Sedicum Matilda, grocery, 8 Aisquith Sedlmayer Lawrence, cabinetmkr, 101 s Wolft Sedlmayer Simon, shoemkr, 101 s Wolfe Seebach Mrs. Catherine, beer, 439 w Pratt Seebach Charles, tailor, 108 n Bond Seebach Henry, laborer, 439 w Pratt Seebacher Michael, laborer, 17 Poultney Seeberger Catherine, huckstress, 34 Harford a? Seebo Chas. cigarmkr, 113 Leadenhall Seebo Geo. jr. candymkr, 292 Cross Seebo Geo. blacksmith. 113 Leadenhall Seebo Henry, cigarmkr, 80 Leadenhall Seebode Albert, lab. 108 Hill Seebode Louis, house furnish'ggoods, 262 Light Seebold Benj. F. packer, 130 n Broadway Seebold Chas. 196 e Monument Seebold Eugenia, 72 Harford av Seebold Geo. W. processor, 130 n Bond Seebold Henry C. packer, 130 n Broadway Seebold Jas. C. H. packing house, 243, 245 and 247 e Monument, dw 130 n Broadway Seebold Louis P. packer, 130 n Broadway Seeberger Andreas, lab. 38 Lancaster Seed Ellen, 451 w Fayetle Seefers Mrs. Johanna, 195 Canton av Set-fren Nicholas, lab. 87 Johnson Seeger Chas. shoemkr, Belair av ext Seeger Henry C. clerk, 249 Druid Hill av Seeger Henry, tobacconist. 111 J Lexington, dw 246 n Gay Seeger Jacob, beer brewer, cor Pratt and Fred- erick av, office 23 German, dw 311 w Fayette Seeger Jacob, whitewasher. 238 e Chase Seeger John, tailor, 238 e Chase Seeger P. A. clerk, 311 w Fayette Seegers Henry, cigarmkr, 246 n Gay Seeders Wm. tobacconist, 246 n Gay Seelbach Wm. apothecary, 669 w Baltimore Setley Andrew, police, 5 s Republican Seeley Chas. carp. Madison av nr North av Seeley Geo. blacksmith, 5 s Republic. in Seeley W. S. plumber, 5 s Republican Seeman Fred. C. (John A. Dobsou & Co.) 135 w Madison SEEMULLiai A. & SONS (J. R. SeemuUerand G. Brown) tobacco, cigars and gen. com. mer- chants, 55 Exchange pi Seemuller John R. (A. S. & Sons,) 177 St.Paul SEKMULLER & THODE, (Wm. Seemuller and Wm. Tliode) shipping and com. merchts. 55 Exchange pi Seemuller Wm. (S. & Thode) 237 Linden av Sees Henry, cigarmkr, 351 Orleans Seese Chas. printer, 497 Aisquith SEEVERS & ANDERSON, (Wm. R. Seevers, Geo. F. Anderson) Paragon flour mills, n e cor President and Fawn SI^:EVliRS AUGUSTUS F. 81 Franklin Seevers Dietrich, shoemkr, n e cor Pratt and Albemarle Seevers Wm. R. (S. & Anderson) 26 McCulloh HENRY HOEN & 00., Litliographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. SEE 521 SEI " OQ Seewald Philip, cabinetmkr. 35 s Eutaw Sefton C. Albert, wheelwright, 384 Orleans Sefton Jeremiiih, coachmkr, 334 Orleans Spi,^afo3e John, moulder, 3 Russell "^'i'sar Edward, clerk, 76 Saratoga -'ar J. A. clerk, 203 w Fayette Lielkin Carslen, shipcarp. 85 Cambridge Segelkin Chas. beer, 85 Cambridge Segerist Anton, lab. Wolfe nr Belair av Seperken Casper, dredger, 165 s Wolfe Segerken Fred, dredger, 165 s Wolfe Segerruan Henry, provs. Penna av nr Greene, dw 239 Walsh Segerman John, cigarmkr, 33 s Ann Segermun Wm. H. wholes, grocer, produce and com. mercht, 10 Penna av, dw 175 Segers Mrs. Elizabeth, 88 n Eden Seiner Catherine, confectionery, 348 s Bond Segner Chas. mariner, 219 s Ann Segner Wm. rigger. 348 s Bond Seguin Chas. H. clerk, 24 s Calhoun Seguin Mrs. John F. 24 s Calhoun Seguin Lettie, teacher, 24 s Calhoun Sehlhorst Caspar A. tanner, 30 Bank Sehlhorst Rich, shoemkr, 8 Park av Sehnke Fred, cigarmkr, 2 Hoitzman ct Sehnke Fritz, lab- 2 Hoitzman ct Seibel Chas. F, (Seibel & Johnson) 638 Light Seibel Chas. tailor, 638 Light Seibel Henry jr. cigarmkr, 113 s Wolfe Seibel Henry, carp. 68 Russell Seibel Henry sr. lab. 113 s Wolfe Seibel Henry, baker, 204 s Sharp Seibel Henry, liquors, 218 s Sharp Seibel John, tinner, 113 s Wolfe Seibel John, carp. 85 Dover Seibert Adam, basketmkr, 135 L. Greene Seibert Andrew, lab. 193 Boston Seibert Mrs. Barbara, 54 Elliott Seibert Chas. sfonefolisher, 152 Stirling Sf-ibert Christian, huckster, 23 Shakspear Seibert Catherine, clothing, 153 s Caroline SEIBERT EDWARD, furn.goo.is, notions, &c. 35 w Baltimore, dw 37 s Exeter Seibert Geo. gunsmith, 100 Cathedral Seibert Geo. gunsmith, 60 d Oregon Seibert Geo. boxmkr, 217 Eastern av Seibert Geo. stevedore, 270 s Bond Seibert Gotleib, rags, 95 s Chapel Seibert Henry, baker, 23 Shakspear Seibert Henry, Norlh-st baz.iar, dw 38 Granby Seibert Jacob, lab. 8 Green ct Seibert Jacob, basketmkr, 135 L. Greene Seibert Jacob E. cabinetmkr, 358 s Sharp Seibert John, tailor, 353 e .Monument Seibert John, restaurant, 333 Eastern av Seibert John, huckster, 23 Shakspear Seibert Joseph, shoemkr, 128 s Wolfe Seibert Katie, mantuamkr, 198 s Bethel Seibert Mrs. Mary, 8 Green ct Seibert Mrs. Mary, fancy store. Elliott nr Rob- Seibert Michael, cooper, 27 n Washington Seibert Michael, stonecutter, 455 Saratoga Seibert Newion, machinist, 60 n Oregon Seibert Peter, lab. 3 (JriflSn ct Seibert Mrs. Regina, corsetmkr, 103 e Baltimore Seibold Andrew, lab. 169 Stirling Seibold Alex, cashier, 351 Saratoga Seibold Christopher, tailor, 254 e Eager Seibold Frank, clerk, 351 Saratoga Seibold Fred, ironmoulder, 169 Stirling Seibold Geo. W. police, 222 Franklin ° Seibold Henry, harnessmkr, 169 Stirling Seibold Michael, 351 Saratoga Seibold Wm. F. clerk, 351 Saratoga Seibold Wm. harnessmkr, 169 Stirling Seidel Gotleib. flour and feed, 125 s Fremont Seidel Louis (Rosenick & S. ) 272 s Ann Sf-idenstricker Albert B. clerk, 378 n Strieker Seidenstricker Chas.A.machinist.303 n Carolina O Sddenstricker Fred, T. oysters. 380 e Monument S Seidenstricker John B. pres'tNat. Fire Ins. Co., '^ Holliday and Second, dw 303 n Caroline ' ^ Seidenstricker John W. cigar mauufacturer, 104 C^Q Jefferson, dw 3S0 e Monument Seidenstricker Wm. C. carp. 282 Orleans Seidenzohl Geo. broomrakr, 93 Somerset Seidenzahl Geo. broommkr, 113 Chew SeideiiZHhl Henry, shoemkr, 232 n Dallas Seidewitz Chas. paper h;ixmkr, 86 Columbia SEIDEWITZ & FRANKE, (F. W. Seidewitz, Geo. Fraiike, ) manutrs. paper boxes, over 33 and 35 Hanover Seidewitz F. W. (S. k Franke) 86 Columbia Seidler Geo. Wm. teacher, 175 Patterson Park av Seidler Jacob, lab. 43 Lancaster Seidler Michael, carp. 43 Lancaster Seidlich Fred, porter, 64 n Broadway Seidling Henry, boxmkr, 47 n Frederick Seidt John, tailor, 87 e Lombard Self Simon, clothier, 220 Light qq Seifert Auirustus, driver, Lancaster cor Luzerne \^ O O Q O o f^ ^ ^ Seifert Christian, shoemkr, 100 n Eden Seifer Christian, shoemkr, 278 s Dallas Seifert Christian F. shoemkr, 181 Raborg Seifert Edward, tailor, 12 Durst al Seifert Elizabeth, Lancaster and Luzerne Seifert Jacob, brickmkr, 87 Harrison, Canton Seifert John, lab. 269 s Ann Seifert John, lab. 1 1 s Poppleton Seifert John, lab. 44 Lee Seifert Joseph, shoemkr, 128 s Wolfe Seifert Mrs Kate, 320 s Dallas Seifert Lewis, lab. 122 Boyd Seifert Mary, 122 Boyd Seifert Michael, lab. 399 Aliceanna Seifert Wm. clerk, 399 Aliceanna Seifert Wm. messenger, 399 Aliceanna Seifrila John, varnisher, 12 Ensor Seigehoefer John, lab. 459 Canton av Seigerling John, lab, 209 s Wolfe Seigermaw Harry, clerk, 237 Walsh Seigman Julius, shoemkr, 274 s Ann Seigrist Henry, shucker, 208 s Bethel Seigrist Henry, shucker, 211 s Ann Seigrist Jacob, upholsieri-r, 211 s Ann Seigrist Jacob sr. 211 s Ann Seigrist Louis, puddler, 211s Ann Seigwert Thomas, glassblower, 179Lemmon Seikel Mrs. Christina, tailoress, 157 Stirling Seiker Thomas, 210 e .Madison Selling John, bricklayer, Dillon nr O'Donnell Ph CZ2 EH < Ah SEIM & EMORY, (H. Seim, A. M ^ Emory) Manufacturers of Balti-O more Window Glass; Importers O of French and Crystal Plate, Col- ^ ored and Enameled Glass, Paints, _ Oils, &Q., and proprietors Globe a White Lead Co.; Glass works foot '^ of Leadenhall street, ofllce 112 woQ Iiombard street. Power Press Printing, at Reduced Pates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) P O S.2 i.- & CO Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. SEI 522 SEL 00 00 ^ Of . (i; p s ^ " "" C P-lOi e3 CD c ;3 CO ^ (U o Seira Charles A. clerk, 162 Saratoga Seim Heurj J. cooper, 88 n Amity Seim Henry A. tax depart. 47 n Eutaw Seim Henry, (Si'im & Emory) 162 Saratoga Seim Jolin C. confectionery, 742 \v Baltimore Seim Peter, tailor, 195 w Pratt Seira Wm. F. clerk, 162 Saratoga Seip Mrs. Amanda J. 115 German Seip Fred, tailor, 208 3 Bond Seip Jolin, carter, 213 Peirce Seipell Mrs. Mary Ann, 143 Canton av Seipell Mrs. Rosa, seamstress, 143 Canton av Seipp Catherine, 175 s Sharp SEIPP C.Wholesale andRetailDeal- er in Groceries,Flour,Teas,Wines, Liquors, German Produce,&c.,&c., Nos.337and339 eMonument street, corner of Bethel street. Seipp Charles jr. clerk, 337 e Monnmeut Seijip Elizabeth, dry goods, 188 Cross Seipp Fred. lab. 188 Cross Seipp John, machinist, 435 w Pratt Seipp John, grocery, 267 e Madison Seipp Wm. lab 22 Lee Seipp Wm. H. stonecutter, 175 s Sharp Seippel Charles, lab. 246 s Charles Seippel Conrad, barber, 116 s Ann Seippel George, tinner, 108 Lancaster Seippel Geori/e, harnessmkr, 249 Hamburg Scip[iel Henry R. barber, 116 s Ann Seijipel Jacob, tailor, 269 s Durham Seippel John, sugar refiner, 249 Hamburg Seippel Mathias, lab. 108 Lancaster Seippel Mrs. Susan, groeerv, 249 Hamburg Seis George, lab. 227 s Wolfe Seiss J. F. clerk, 135 Hanover Seller Sebastian, shoenikr, 275 s Dallas Seiterle Albert, waiter, 5 s Frederick Seitz George, baker, 290 s Bond Seiiz Geo. jr. baker, 290 s Bond Seiiz Geo. H. baker, 290 s Bond Seitz Henry, baker, 290 S Bond .Seitz Henry, plasterer, 866 w Pratt Seitz Jesse R. salosiuan, 60 n Poppleton Seitz John, beer, 30 Lee Seitz John, grocery, 397 Eastern av Seitz John, huckster, 290 s Bond Seitz .lohn, lab. 187 s WoUV Seitz John G. lab. 263 s Dallas Seiiz John W. teacher, Woodberry Seitz Jdhn, lab. 221 s Wolfe Seitz John W. C. & Co. (J.W. C. Seitz, H.F.T. Buckingham) niaiuifs. cigars, 111 Franklin Seitz Joha W. C. (John \V. C. S. <^ Co.) 216 Lati vale Seitz Joseph jr. lab. 187 s Wolfe Seitz Joseph, shoenikr, 187 s Wolfe Seitz .Mis. Mary, 'onfec'y, 11 n CoUington av Seiver Henry, potter, 132 s Castle Seixas .Mrs. Henrietta. 54 \v Madison Selbert Andreas, caumkr, 50 Essex Selbert Michael, lab. 50 Essex . _ Selliy Celius W. engineer, 235 Lee '^ Jt Sel by Edward W. (S. & Knowles) Mulberry ^ ce and Greene Selby Fred. T. tinner, 137 Johnson Selby John S. actuary Maryland Institute, dvv 142 w Hoffman Selby Lawrence A. engineer, 33 s Republican .2 <^ C o "-^ .2 oT •^ p 5c OQ a; . t> CO ci c3 i; >^ m ;r -^ 2 ;2.S S >-i p^ <; 03 OJ Ml w ai Qi =« •fci C ^.-j 1-^ s n .-. c D Tj o ^ fcC n c c. ^^ X ss -M -4~J ^ >. a> o > > "7. 5 ^ .^ r- Oi :_ i< r^ '-?i (^ a> « XI t^. oq il ee SELBY JOSEPH, general ins. agent and broker, 44 Second, dw 725 Lexington SELBY & KNOWLES, (Edward W. Selby and G. G. Knowles jr.) wholes, wooden ware, 106 w Lombard Selby Mrs. Mary E. notions, 33 Patterson av Selby Mrs. Rachel, 33 s Republican Selden Boiling, clerk, Lanvale nr Charles Selden Mrs. Jane, Lanvale nr Charles Selden Montgomery 0. clerk, Lanvale nrCbarles Selden Robert D. clerk, Lanvale nr Charles Selden Wm.A. ag't Powhatan Steamtioat Line, 90 Line, dw Lanvale nr Charles Seldner k Kerr, (L. Seldner, James Kerr) mer- chant tailors, 41 and 43 w Baltimore Seldner Lewis (Seldner & Kerr) 29 s Sharp Seldner Lewis (L. S. & Son) 29 s Sharp Seldner L. & Son (Lewis and Lippman Seldner) wholesale clothiers, 28 s Sharp Seldner Lippman (L, S. & Son) 29 s Sharp Seldner Dr Samuel W. 29 s Sharp Selig Adam, puddler, Clinton nr Toone Selig Christian, mariner, Clintor. nr Elliott Selig Fred. jr. lab. Clinton nr Elliott Selig Fred. lab. Clinton nr Elliott Selig Johii, blacksmith, Cliuion nr Elliott Seliger Joel, 31 s High Seliger Joseph, 274 w Fayette Seliger Leon, (S. ^ Newman) 274 w Fayette Seliger & Newman (L. Seliger, Benj. Newman) wholes, dry goods, 18 Hanover Selignian A. 457 Eutaw pi Seligman August, boxmkr, 219 s Charles Seligman Chas. dry goods, 145 n Eutaw, dw 86 e Baltimore Seligman Henry, porter, 475 w Lombard Seligman Mrs. Mary, 86 e Baltimore Seligman Myer. furniture, 773 w Baltimore Seligsberc Louis, (Wolfe & S. also Leopold, Wolfe & Co.) 98 n Exeter Selinger Fred. lab. 28 s Castle Selinger Mrs. Catherine, 184 William Selinger Leonard, High al nr Fayette Sell John, lab. Harford av ext Sell John J. carp. 29 Randall Sell Knhn, butciier, Harford av ext Sellar Alex, shoecutter, 229 Aisquith Selleck 0.,Carrollton hotel Seller John F. cahinetmkr, 54 Clifford al Seller Wm. barber, 134 n Calvert Sellers David F. carp. 405 Lexinton Sellers Jacob C. painter, 219^ w Fayette, dw 43 n Pop[>let()n Sellers Jacob, carp, n e cor Lexington and Pop- pleton Sellers John, clerk, 365 n Gay Sellers John G shoenikr, 57 Fort av Sellers Marg't K. l)oarding, 60 n Poppleton S' Hers Matthew B. n e cor Lanvale and Oregoa Sellers Mrs. Maria, 212 e Baltimore Sellers Marv E, notion.^, 365 n Gay Sellers Philip, bricklaver, Sterrettnr St. Peter Sellers Philip, lab 46 Barre Sellers Robeit R, engineer, 354 s Caroline Selliuau Alex. G. cigarmkr, 13 s Fulton Sellman Alex. (Foster ij- S. ) 13 s Fulton Sellman Conrad, wheelwright, 353 e Fayette Sellman Frank H. salesm in, 55 Lexington Sellman Jas. C. coal agent, 330 .Madison av Sellman J,J,M. s w cor Repnblican and Lanvale Sellman Jas. L. bookkpr, 13 s Fulton Sellman John, canmkr, 106 s Regester ' ^ «©■ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. SEL 523 SEW Sellman John, Errocery, 228 Canton av Sellman Mrs. Marj, dressnikr, 102 Columbia Sellman Peter, furn. wagon, 129 s Wolfe Sellman Mrs. Theresa, grocery, 353 e Fayette Sellman Dr. W. A. B. s w cor Lanvate and Re- publican Sellmyer Gerhard, butcher. Third av nr Eastern Selmaer Michael, lab. 477 Lexington Seltzer George, butcher, 1 1 Centre and 15 Lex- ington markets, dw 299 w Hoffman Seltzer Mrs. Elizabeth, 299 w Hoffman Selvage Charles, lab, 139 n Bethel Sel way Fred. A. shipcarp. Ill Cross Selway J.tmes, porter, 135 William Selway Wm. shipcarp. 135 William Seminarv of St Surplice, St. Marv ct Penna av SEMMES JOHN E. attorney, 41 n Charles, dw cor Biddle and Qliarles Semmes Mrs. Julia, 132 w Hoffman Semmes Mrs. S. M. cor Biddle and Charles Semmler Frank H. teacher, 129 L Greene Semmler Frank, baker, 129 L Greene Semmler Wm. lab. Holtzman ct SemoQ Harman, peddler, 58 Harrison Sample Mrs. Letitia T. principal Eclectic Insti- tute, 132 w Madison Semone Jacob, lab. 301 Columbia Semone Wm. lab. 301 Columbia Semmon John, grocery, Charles and Cross Semrad Alf. tailor, 25 w Fayette, dw 30 n Frederick Semrad Lena, dressmkr, 349 n Ann Semrad Mary, dressmkr, 349 n Ann Sendlebach John, harnessmkr, 23 w Lombard Senderling John H. bricklayer, 298 Orleans Sendner Francis, lab. 348 Canton av Senf Walter, shoemkr, 28 n Eutaw Senf Wm. instrumentmkr, 84 e Lombard Senft Chas. shoemkr, 241 s Bond Senft Mrs. Eliz.ibeth, 52 n Eden Senft Mrs. Henry, imp Rhine wine, 22 n Paca Senft John, tailor, 36 n Frederick Senft John, lab. 188 n Bethel Senft Louis, (L. S. & Co.) 236 w Fayette SENFT LOUIS & CO. (L. Senft,) wholes, and retail druggists 22 n Howard Senft Simon, painter, 46 Abbot Seng John, grocery, 52 Brune Senger Henry, bootfitter, 276 n Bond Senger Martin, 206 s Regester Senhaen Chas. tailor, Foul tney and James la Senker Simuel, upholsterer, lOS Druid Hill av Sennhenn George, cabinetmki', 155 McElderry Senseney Johnson, blacksmith, 8 Binney Senseney Robert, lab. 8 Binney Senseney Thos. J. blksniith, H Harrison, Cuiton Si'Utz Louis, fireman, 63 s Oregon Sergear Mrs. Sarah, sean.stress, 26 Knox al Sermon .Mrs. Sophia, 118 s Regester Sermon Wm. engineer, 118 s Regester Sert Henry, grocery, Easter-n av ext Sert Louis G. brakeman, 99 HoUins Server Albert T. lin and sheet iron worker, 153 Ensor, dw 46 Chew Server Edward A. tinner, 46 Chew Server Wra. H. morocco dresser, 64 Chew Server Wm. H. jr. printer, 47 McKlderry Sess Francis, paver, 124 Stirling Sessford Jarae^, ironworker. 51 n Charles Sessions Augustus D. ( A D.S.&Co.)92 William Sessions A. D. & Co. (A D. and W. P. Sessions, Geo. H. Kirkwood) fish, 42 Grant Sessions Jos. A. fish, 42 Grant, dw 30 Warren qq Sessions Wm. P. {A. D. S. & Co.) 50 Warren ^^ Sessler Joseph, lab. Ills Castle ^ Seth Mrs. Derothea 216 Montgomery -tJ Seth James F. clerk, 216 Montgomery ^ Seth Joseph B. (S. & S. ) Talbot co P^ SETH & SETH, (J.B.and T.A.Seth) attorneys, r-^ 28 St. Paul a Seth Marv A. 104 e Pratt "^ Seth T. Alexander, (S.^S.) 40 Lexington ^ Setzer Jacob P.{S.&Son) 123 s Ann o Setzer & Son, (J. P. and Wm.F Setzer)boxmkrs Q cor Canton av and FIden, and 1 Welcome al "^jZ Setzer Wm. F. {S.&Son)123 s Ann Seubert John, brewer, 78 n Chapel Seufert Geo. C. capper, 323 s Bond Seufert Geo. F. musician, 106 Somerset Seufert Geo. F. beer, 323 s Bond Seventh Baptist Church, Paca and Saratoga Severe Francis, packer, 12 Johnson Severe Jas. sailmkr, 511 n Gay Severe Jas. wheelwright, 90s Exeter Severe John F. shoemaker, 147 Lexington, dw o O O o ^ 205 w Fayette Severe Wm. T. machinist, 297 Orleans Severidt Fred, grocery, 33 Myrtle av Severidt Henry, 310 e Fayette Severin Mrs. Catherine, 286^ s Ann Severin Henry, 'inner, 286^ s Ann Severin Jacob, shipjoiner, 286^ s Ann Severin John, pottery, 286^ s Ann Seversoc Melville, elk, 97 e Madison Severson Stephen W. bookkr, 136 e Monument Severson Thos. H. machinist, 548 n Gay Sevier Charles, lab. 243 Lee Seving J. C, Patterson av and Whaicoat Seving John R., Patterson av and Whatcoat Sevradt Henry, butcher, 310 e Fayette Sewall Mrs. T., Wilson nr Druid Hill av Sewall T. C. cleik, Wilson nr Druid Hill av Seward Andrew J carter, 33 Henrietta Seward Chas. carp. 412 Orleans Seward & Co (Solomon Seward, Jos. Seward and Robt.M.Jamieson ) coopers,31 Commerce Seward Kdward S. shipjoiner, 33 Hill Seward Francis A. mariner, 33 Hill Seward Frank, mariner, 16 Hill Seward Geo. W. car|i. 173 s Washington Seward Capt James A. 33 Hill Seward Jas A.(S., Norris ^ Co.)216 Linden av Seward Jas. w-) H r> OQ O ^ W ^ on o o 12; >— * ^ <1 w OQ O O D I? < « O o Sewell Geo. W. machinist, 58 s Oregon Sewell Geo. W. currier, 84 Stirling Sewell Henry, watcliinkr, 182 w Biddle Sewell James H. inspr. C. H. 173 York SewellJimes II blacksmith, 40 Parish Sewell James T. clerk, 158 Myrtle av Sewell John A. flour, 1 15 Penna av Sewell John H. driver, 241 Columbia Sewell Joseph, moulder, 58 s Oregon Sewell Joseph, com. mercht, 90 Boston, dw 334 Aliceanna Sewell Mrs. Mary I. notions, 18 n Washington Sewell Noah W. lab. 84 Stirling Sewell Richard, machinist, 527 w Lombard Sewell Richard (T. S.& Sons) 277 Lanvale Sewell Sarah A. seamstress, 269 e Monument Sewell Theo. machinist, 244 HofiFman Sewell Thos. & Sons (T. jr. and R.Sewell) tan- ners, 485 Penna av Sewell Thos. jr. (T. S. & Sons) Presstman and Carey Sewell Walter, clerk, 3.56 n Strieker Sewell Wm. R biksmith, 288 McHenry Sexton Edward G. agent, 50 n Gilmor Sexton John, lab. 102 s Carey Sexton Mrs. Margaret, 337 s Sharp SEXTON N. G. agt.Singer Manufacturing Co. 13 n Charles, dw 10 McCulloh Sexton Dr. Richard, i53Mulberrv Sexton S. B. (S.B Sexton & Co. )stove foundry, 154 Conway, dw 132 SEXTON S.'B. & CO. (S. B. Sexton, Samuel McCoy,) stoves, 111 w Lombard and 7 Bal- derston Sexton Saml. B. jr. clerk, 132 Conway Sexton Thos. engineer, 102 s Carey Sexton Timothy, lab. 5 e Monument Seybert Chas. A. carp. 148 McHenry Seyfer Wm. H. silverplater, 222 Montgomery Seyfried Fred. Geo. lab. 7 Williamson al Seyfried Henry, carver, 7 Williamson al Seyler Mrs. Catherine C. 54 George Seyniore iMrs. Ann, IGO n Bond Seymore H. C. (.Myers & S ) 311 Hollins Seymour Alphonso, shoemkr, 1()5 w Fayette Seymour David, brickmkr, 4 McHenry Seymour J. H. brick manuf'r, office 41 Lexing- ton, dw 57 w Fayette Seiuiour Jos. marblewkr, 205 Scott Seymour Jos. 0. brickmkr, 205 Scott Seynjour .Mrs. M. J. 205 Scot l Seymour Mrs. Mary, dress patterns, 196 n Eutaw Seymour Thos. lab. 77 s Fremont Seymour Thos. lab. 11 Binney Seymour Wm. boxmkr, 345 Hamburg Seymour Wm. II. & Co. ( Wm. II. Seymour) res- taurant, 1 18 n Gav Seymour Wm. H.(Wm.H.S.& Co.) 118 n Gay Seymour Wm.W. tailor and sewing machines, 196 n Kutaw Seyter Chas. butcher, 61 Penna av Shackelford Edgar, machinist. 184 n Carey Shackelford James, clerk, 184 n Carey Shackelford Thos. shi))joiner, 134 Jackson sq av Shacker Christian, machinist, 61 Portland Shackford Wm. T. clerk, 184 n Carey Shackford Capt. Wm. mariner, 48 Bolton Shacklet .Mrs. Harriet, 168 Mosher Shad .Mrs. Elizabeth, notions, 15 n Wolfe Shad Geo. 15 n Wolfe Shade Clans, upholsterer, 73 Myrtle av Shade David, lab. 37 Warner Shade John, lab. 19 Walnut al Shade John, huckster and oysters, 50 n Eutaw Shade Philip, cloth cutter, 63 Oxford Shade Philip jr. tinner, 68 Oxford Shadrick Edward, bricklayer, 45 n Bond Shadrick John, bricklayer, 45 n Bond Shadiick Richard H. sr. builder, 396 Orleans Shadrick Riciiard H. jr. law student, 45 n Bond Shadrick Wm. R. sergt. police, 168 JefiFerson Shafer Charles A. morocco dresser, Franklin and Calvert Shafer Mrs. E. S 110 w Biddle Shafer Jacob C. pork packing, 205 Lexington, dw 2r>7 w Fayette Shafer John, helper, 3 Russel Shafer John, lab. 221 Frederick av Shafer John, brew-r, 221 Frederick av Shafer Lewis G. billiard rooms, over 18 St. Paul, dw Merchant's hotel Shafer Wm. china packer, 372 William Shaffar Thos. (Kimball,3.&Co.)320e Baltimore Shaffar Wm. T. cooper, 93 n Wolfe Shaffer Annie M. dry goods, 431 n Fremont Shaffer Chapel (M.E.) Gough bet. Washington and Chester Shaffer Chas. C. clerk, 28 Jackson sq av Shaffer Chas. H. nightman, 9 n Sharp, dw 160 Columbia Shaffer Daniel, grocery, Paca and Sterrett Shaffer Edward J. conductor, 135 Elliott Shaffer Ernst, cooper, 31 Covington Shaffer Mrs. F. Littig, 357 Madison av Shaffer Fred. carp. 172 Lee Shaffer Frederick, clerk, 175 Lee Shaffer Fred, confect'y, 261 8 Paca Shaffer Fredk. lab. 5 Sterrett Shaffer George, carp. 215 Lanvale' Shaffer George, china packer, 292 Light Shaffer George, clerk, 321 Lanvale Shaffer George, carp. 204 n Central av Shaffer George, butcher, 232 Preston Shaffer George E. shipcarp. 308 e Pratt Shaffer Henry, cigarmkr, 215 Lanvale Shaffer Jacob, steam fitter, 62 n Holliday Shaffer James, carp. 431 n Fiemont Shaffer James F. clerk, 204 Chew Shaffer John F. plasterer, 36 s Schroeder Shaffer John A. lab. 382 William Shaffer John, blacksmith, 60 King Shaffer Mrs. Julia, 100 York Shaffer Martin, milk, Bouldin al nr Townsend Shaffer .Mich, shoemkr, 134 s Chapel Shaffer Mrs. .Martha, 215 Lanvale Shaffer M'-s. .Mary A. grocery, 170 Tyson Shaffer Thomas, cooper. Canal and Central av, dw 320 e Baltimore Shaffer Washington L. salesman, Gilmor nr Fayette Shaffer Wm. glass stainer, 306 n Eden Shaffer Wm. B. painter, 204 n Central av Shaffer Wm. H. conductor, Penna av and Hoff- man Shaffner Mrs. J. R. D. 119 n Charles Shafiier John, driver, 175 Peirce Shager Heury, shoemkr, 387 w Pratt Shakespear Ann, 40 George Shakespear Jane, 40 George Shakespear .lonathan, machnst,228 Montgomery Shakespear Oliver P. engin'r, 210 Montgomery .Shakman Abraham, 636 w Favette Siiakman Maurice i Smith & S.) 497 Lexington Shallenberger Rudolph, locksmith, 61 Park av HENRY HORN & CO.. Lithograpliing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt SHA 525 SHA Shallej George, carp. 74 Ramsay Shalley Nicholas, lab. 71 Boyd Shallus Frank H., Custom House broker, 43 s Gay, dw John nr Valley Shambarg Mrs. Estell, seamstress, 77 s Sharp Shamburg Francis, wood carver, 883 w Balti- more Shamburg Fred, lab 9 Stocholra Snamburg Jacob, blacksmith, 9 Stockholm Shamburg Mrs. John, 24 s Paca Shamburg John jr. blacksmith, 9 Stockholm Shamburg John, blacksmith, 9 Stockholm Shamburg: Joseph, shoemkr, 157 Preston Shamer Theo. chairnikr, 10 Albemarle, dw 319 n Bond Shanahiin Michael, 82 s Carey Shannan John, clerk, 275 n Eutaw Shannan Mrs. Margaret B. 275 n Eutaw Shannan John, (Blake & Co.) 275 n Eutaw Shane D. F. tinner, 80 Frederick av Shane Daniel K. bricklayer, 29 Pearl Shane Henrietta, scourer, 34 Camden Shane Juhn G. carp. 172 Bank Shane John, carp. 15 Cambridge Shane John, shoemkr, 424 Cross Shane John H. printer, 12 South, dw 90 n Broadway Shane Joseph K. clerk, 4 Portland Shane Jos.(R. W. K. Dixon & Co. )4 Portland Shane Wolfgang, carp, and beer, 36 s Wolfe Shanefelter Charles, lab. Dover nr Monroe Shaner Geo.(Shafer& S )Harfordav nr Point la Shaner John M. puddler, Curley nr Hudson Shaner John P. junk, 287 Aliceanna Shaner Joseph, Blind Asylum, North av Shaner Mrs. Margaret, 287 Aliceanna Shaner Michael, shoemkr, 357 Eastern av Shaney Alonzo, shipping officer, 166 Eastern av Shaney Franklin P. boilermkr, 66 Block Shaney John H. lab. 65 Granby Shaney Mrs. Mary J. 62 Block Shank Adam, lab 169 s Chester Shank Reuben, plasterer, 57 George Shanks Andrew, canmkr, Trapperd Shanks' Building, s w cor Lombard and Sharp Shanks Geo. W. machinist, adjg Clifton Park Shanks John, shoemkr, 168 Vine Shanks Shipley L. machinist, adjg Clifton Park Shanks Sarah, 103 .Mullikin SHANKS THOMAS, practical machinist and sewing machines. Shanks bldg, dw adjg Clif- ton Park Shanks Thos. H. constable, 40 Henrietta Shanley John J. bookkpr, 59 Conway Shauley Tboraas, 59 Conway Shanley Thos. E. clerk, 59 Conway Shannahan Mrs. Julia, 640 w Prait Shanahan Phil, blacksmith, 22 Vincent al Shannessy Edward, tobacconist, 85 Chew Shannessy Henry M. painter, 233 w Fayette Shannessy Jas. painter, 142 w Fayette, dw 233 Shannessy John, lab. 71 e Lombard Shannon Andrew, broommkr, 188 e Madison Shannon Brain, lab. 3 Brune Shannon David R. (D.R.S.& Co.) 280 Hollins SHANNON DAVID R.&CO. (D. R. Shannon, Chas. E. Savage) paper stock and metals, 34 and 36 Lee Shannon Edward P. carp. 60 s Oregon Shannon Mrs. Eliza, 259 n Howard Shannon Capt. G. G. mariner, 71 Cambridge Shannon James, painter, 201 e Monument ^ Shannon James, salesman, 199 Druid Hill av Shannon John (Meixsel &Co.) 42 Courtland Shannon John T. clerk, 120 n Oregon Shannon Joseph P. 394 Lexington ^ Shannon J. P. clerk, Carrolhon hotel OQ Shannon Mrs. Mary A. 25 Watson Shannon Philip, map anient, 70 s Fremont Shannon Thos. lab. 31 s Poppleton -^ ShannonWm.treasr. Citizens LandCo. 17South, r^ dw n e cor Gilmor and Patterson av ^ Shannon Wm. lab. 371 Hamburg ni Sharar Mrs. Martha, 457 w Fayetie ^ Sharar Wm. M. clerk, 457 w Fayette Shardelman John, shoemkr, 222 Peirce ^ Share Albert, (Dougherty & S.) 202 n Wolfe O Share Eugene, constable, 128j Forrest 3 Share James, 44 s Sharp '^ Share John, canmkr, 131 s Castle ""cH Share Philip T., Huntingdon av nr St. Paul pQ Share Richard, carp. 84 s Washington Sharetts Mrs. Catherine, 58 n Pine Sharetts Geo. W. clerk, 386 w Fayette Sharetts Wm. P. clerk, 3y6 w Fayette Sharetts Wm. L. water reg'r, 336 w Fayette ^ Sharfe August, cabinetmkr, 293 n Durham b^ Shartf John H. clerk, 47 n Poppleton ^ Sharkey James M. carp, and builder, 65 Jasper, c^ dw 37 Garden Sharon Michael, 85 Hampstead Q SHARP ABUAHAM, attorney, 35 Lexington, Q dw 302 w Lombard (^ Sharp Alpheus P. (S. & Dohme) 88 s Paca ^ Sharp Chas. switchtender, 82 Greenmount av ^ SHARP & DOHME,(A. P.Sharp, L. and C.E. • Dohme) apothecaries, cor Howard and Pratt P^ Sharp Mrs. Elizabeth, 307 Walsh Sharp Geo. M. clerk, 88 s Paca ^ Sharp Hugh B. clerk, 21 McElderry (> Sharp Mrs. Kate, confect'y, 189 s Sharp ^ Sharp Thomas B. chairmkr, 31 n Front ^^ SHARP THOS^R. master transportation B. & ^^ O O O H <1 I — I 0 R. R dw Viaduct hotel, Relay house Sharp Walter, manufr. of leather, cor Balder- ston and Grant, dw Carrollton hotel Sharp Wm. glassblower, 189 s Sharp Sharp Wm. shoemkr, 236 Hanover Sharper Henry, liquors, 280 Eastern av Shaub Adam, lab. 15 Gould la Shaw Mrs. Abbey, 255 Walsh Shaw Adoliihus, cooper, 103 s Exeter ^ Shaw Alex. (Shaw Bros. ) vice-pres't New Cen-|~~^ tral Coal Co. 3 Md. build'g, Second, dw 384 3 Eutaw pi <1 Shaw Arthur, cooper, 103 s Exeter ^. Shaw Arthur, salesman, 704 Saratoga S SHAW BROS. (Alex. Shaw, John K. Shaw) g agents New Central and Atlantic Coal Co. '^ and Wakeman's gas coals, 24 Second ^Tj Shaw Bernard, stonecutter, 153 e monument q Shaw Mrs. Caroline, 177 n Carey qq Shaw Chas. H. bricklayer, 144 Montgomery Shaw Chas. R. clerk, 201 w Lombard ^ Shaw Christopher, Cottage Saloon, 11 n High, q dw 27 e Fayette ^a Shaw Daniel E. machinist, 19 s Chester f_j Shaw Daniel J. sailmkr, 368 e Baltimore Shaw David W. & Son,(D.W. and D.W.S. jr.) H tin and sheetiron workers, 437 w Baltimore CQ Shaw David W.(D.W.S.& Son)437wBaltimore Oi 33 O <; s c '^^ <^ ttCM %£ u. ^ ^ _c s >-.z: •^ I' CL, 1^ 5 lO Shaw Mrs. Fanny M. wooden ware, 32 n Greene Shaw Frank, stone polisher, 32 e Monument Shaw Frank N. 68 Saratojja Shaw Fredk. agent, 530^ Lexington Shaw Geo. A. of B.&O.R.R. 205 s Howard Shaw Geo. W. printer, 115 s Caroline Shaw Gillis, clerk, 158 e Monument Shaw Greeiiburj W. (Lee ^-febaw) 368 e Bal- timore Shaw Hrtrtmau, glassblower, 376 West Shaw Hiram, lab. 255 Walsh Shaw Isiiiah L. jr. bricklayer, 144 Montgomery Shaw James, lab. 104 Hanover Shaw Jas.W. fireman Salvage corps,32nGreene Shaw John G. confectioner, 12 i Columbia Shaw John H. helper, Falls rd nr tollgate Shaw John K. (Shaw Bros.) 384 Eutaw pi Shaw John W. 41 Aisquith Shaw John W.foreman,iorChoptank and Bank Shaw Capt. Joseph M. 41 Aisquith Shaw CHpt. Joshua B. pilot, 301 e Pratt Shaw Mrs. Margaret, 110 Harlem av Shaw Matthew, collector, Linah's hotel Shaw P. A. teacher, 41 n Pine Shaw Peter lab. 55 Cnmbridge Sh.iw Robert, carp. 201 n Bond Shaw Robert L. painter, Mt. Royal Hill Shaw Ruel, teacher, n w cor Druid Hill av and and McMechin Shaw Mrs. Sallte, 46 n Eden Shaw Saml. bricklayer, 23 Bartlett Shaw Saml. T. cashier Marine Bank, 18 s High ■Shaw Saml. H. 18 s High Shaw Wm. C. clerk, 12*3 Lanvale Shaw Wm. D. furn. wagon, 192 n Caroline ■ Shaw Wm. F. boilermkr,36 Fell,dwl9 s Chester Shaw Wm. F. jr. boilermkr, 19 s Chester Shaw Capt. Wm. H. mariner, 107s Washington Shaw Wm. H. mariner, 348 e Fayette Shaw Wm. patterninkr, 447 Hamburg Shaw Wm. blockmkr, 324 w Lombard Shaw Wm. T. clerk, 368 e Baltimore Shaw Wm. T. lab. 55 Cambridge Shawgo Geo. W. painter, 123 Mosher Shawgo James H. clerk, 340 n Strieker Shawgo Mrs. John, 123 Mosher Shay Andrew lab 91 Elliott Shay Andw. W. insp'r C. H. 51 Bank Shay Frank, lab. 33 Port Shay Jas. lab. 210 Cross Shay John, lab. 658 w Pratt Shay Patrick, lab. 558 w Lombard Shay Timothy, dredger, 34 Block Shay Wm. i). miller, 140 Hughes Shea Albert, lab. 59 s Burke Shea Danl. tailor, 339 Mulberry Shea Dennis G. cigarmkr, 50 Hillen Shea Jame3, fireman, 210 Cross Shea Jeremiah, hib. 28 Addison Shea John, shipcarp. 59 s Burke Shea John, lab. 27 Armistead la Shea John, printer, 331 e Biddle Shea Mrs. Mary, grocery, 38 Hillen bhea Matthew, liquors. 7 s Poppleton bhea Patrick, lab. 554 w Lombard Shea Patrick, lab. 28 Addison Shea Richard, miller, U Thomsen tiheahan John, clerk, 77 n Eutaw Shealey Geo. T. engineer, 324 Franklin Shealey Wm. J. puddler, 416 Eastern av tobiar Alfred, sheetiron worker, 67 North Shearer Fredk. cabiuetmkr, 7 May Shearer Jas. bookkpr, 187 n Oregon Shearer Dr. Thos. homeopath, 97 n Charles Shearer Wm. brassfinisher, 184 n Exeter Sheck Frank, lab. 33 Port Sheckells Aug. C. painter, 130 n Fremont Sheckells Cephas H. conductor, 279 Ramsay Sheckells Chas. T. lab. 279 Ramsay Sheckells Chas. D. conductor, 35 Parrish SHECKELLS & GRAV, (J. 0. Sheckells, W.M. Gray ) coal, cor Poppleton and Mulberry Sheckells John, 112 8 Paca Sheckells John 0. (S.&Gray) 370 Franklin Sheckells Alerrick, cooper.Ridgely nr Hamburg dw 68 Ridgely ^' Sheckells Otis B. carter, Baker nr Penna av Sheckells Richd.O.furn. 723 wBaltimore.dw 725 SHECKELLS RICHARD H., Shirt Manufactory and Gent's rurnish- ing Goods, 18J n Eutaw, dw 112 s Paca. Sheckells Richard M. bricklayer, 494 Franklin SHECKELLS RICHARD K. coal yard, 158 a Central av, dw 556 Aisquith Sheckells Richard W. jr. coal and junk, 118 Tyson, dw 166 Park av Sheckells Vincent R. carter, 139 Ridgely Sheckels Benj. T. fisherman, 9 Fort av Sheckels Mrs. Catherine, 55 Fort av Sheckels Geo. W. carp. 27 s Calhoun Sheckley Gustav, lab. 9 China Sliedel Jacob, baker, 297 Franklin Sheef John, baker, 181 Hudson Sheehan Mrs. Catherine, 65 w Biddle Sheehan Cornelius, blacksmith, Horn av e of Madison Sheehan Cornelius, carp. 112 n Bond Sheehan Daniel, lab. 84 e Madison Slieehan Daniel, lab. 6 Armistead la Sheehan Jus. driver, 6 Armistead la Sheehan Jas. lab. 37 York Slieehan John, clerk, 467 n Calhoun Sheehan Margaret, 6 Armistead la Shiehan Michael, lab. 99 Hillen Sheehan Michael, driver, 5 Grace ct SHEEH.AN .MICHAEL, restaurant, 8 Light Sheehan Morris, shoemkr, 9 Armistead la Sheehan Thos. H. painter, Fayette and St.PauI dw 161 Aisquith Sheehan Timothy, drayman, 2 Armistead la 1 Sheehan Wm. lab. 4 Armistead la ' Sheehy Edward, bricklayer, 282 Division Sheehy Jas. book agent and bookbinder, over 293 w Baltimore Sheehy K. M. confec'y, 98 Franklin Sheehy Wm. lab. Cathedral ext Sliekells Wm. clerk, 566 Aisquith Sheeler Anthony jr. plumber, 112 n Gay Sheeler Anthony, cooper, 112 n Gay Sheeler Chas. marble cutter, 112 n Gay Sheeler John, (I.A.Sheppard & Co.) 345 e Pratt Sheeler John, oysters, 166 Johnson Sheeler Joseph, printer, 112 n Gay Sheeler Louis, lab. Clement nr Johnson Sheeler Martin, (S. & Ripple) Fulton and Lex- ington Sheeler Wm. H. brushmkr, 34 McElderrv SHEKLER & RIPPLK, (Martin Sheeler, L. Rip- ple,P. Suter, John N. Ripple) live stock com- mission merchants, Calverton drove yards Sheely James C. furn. wagon, 60 Division HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and^pplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ~ SHR 527 SHE SHE Sheelr Joseph, furn. wagon, 215 Preston Sheet's David, blacksmith, 430 Penna av, dw 56 Whatcoat Sheets Geo. W. carp. 642 Lesinfrton Sheets Geo. T. builder, 149 Peirce, dw 315J Mulberry Sheets Jacob, carp. 315^ Mulberry Sheets John, drugs, 52 n Republican Sheets M. L. chemist, 280 Franklin Sheets Thos. H. mariner, 33 .Mny Sheets Wm. H. brushmkr. 111 Columbia Sheffer Alex, engineer, Poppleton and Piamsay Sheffer Fred. lab. 181 Madeira al Sheffer Jesse, watchman, 382 Hanover Shefifer Wm. engineer, Poppleton and Ramsay Sheffield Byron R. grocery, cor George and Ogston Sheffield Fred. E. tinner, 115 n Bond Sheffield James, printer, 194 e Baltimore Sheffield Saml. blacksmith, 52 s Dewberry al Sheffler Chris, lab. 176 Hamburg Shehan Mrs. Catherine, oysters, 145 Penna av Shehan Edwaid, carter, 145 Penna av Shehan Thos. coal oil, 131 Druid Hill av Sheililein Geo. M. machinist, VOO^ w Baltimore Sheiblein Mountz, blacksmith, 32 Burrough Sheil Edward T. printer, 113 n Front Sheiner Chas. lab. 286 s Dallas Sheiry Jackson, aupt. Court house, 218 German Shelve Geo.W. ( Werstner^S.) Oxford, York rd Shelburger Geo. lab. 68 Durst al Sheldon Edward H. clerk, 142 u Charles Sheldon Geo. W. plasterer, 48 Durst al Sheldon James, bootfitter, 135 Cross Sheldon James jr. plasterer, 135 Cross Sheldon John, shoemkr, 267 William Sheldon Mrs. Maria, grocery, 135 Cross Sheldun Mrs. Leah, 38 Barre Sheldon Robert, engineer, 94 Warner Sheldon Rodney W. lab. 320 William Sheldon W^m. 48 Durst al Sheldon Wm. shoemkr, 211 n Dallas Shellar Bernhard, glazier 51 Harrison Shellenberger Peter, shoemkr, 254 s Eutaw Shelley Fred. carp. 467 n Calhoun , Shelley Harry, carp. 61 n Liberty Shelley John, horses, 38 St. Mary Shelle}- Samuel, drover, 38 St. Mary Sheiley Wm. horses, 38 St. Mary Shelley Wm. H. carp, and builder, 41 n Strieker Shellock Nathan, shoemkr, 257 West Shelly Edwin, 491 n Fremont Shelly Fred, carter, 7 New Shelly John, tinner, W^averley Shelly Michael, moulder, 102 Boyd Shelly Peter, lab. 353 Orleans Shelly Wm. lab. 102 Boyd Shelt Moses, truv. agent, 164 s Charles Shelter for Colored Orphans, Mrs. Julia Valen- tine, matron, 196 w Biddle *■ Shelton Everett, machinist, U Shem John, cooper, 224 Bank Shentou A. C. & Co. (A. C. Shenton and Susan M. Davi3)confec'y,26 n Republican Shenton A. 0.(A.C.S.& Co.)26 n Republican Shepard Charles, confectioner. P., W.&B. R. R. dtpot, dw 119 3 High Shepard Charles S. confect'y and refreshments, P.,W.&B.R.R. depot, dw 119 s High Shepard Sebastian, shucker, 318 Canton av Shepard Wm. H. carp. 385 Franklin Shepard Wm. H. coach painter, 367 n Gay Shephard Henry S. salesman, 506 Penna av Shephard Mrs. Kate, fancy goods, 506 Penna av Shepherd David A. 186 Walsh Shepherd Prof. Henry E., Baltimore City Col- as lege, dw Fulton nr Lexington qq Shepherd Henry S. elk, 17 Orleans . Shepherd James W. gasfitter, 448 Lexington ^ Shepherd Mrs. Kate, fancy goods, 17 Orleans -4j Shepherd Michael, lab. 27 Buren 3 Shepley James H. foreman, Friendship, York rd HH Shepler Christopher, upholsterer, 133 n Bethel r-^ Sheppach Mrs. Catherine, 164 William Sheppard Benj. elk, 261 e Biddle Sheppurd Mrs. Elk-n, 39 Warren Sheppard F.L. salesman, Eastern av and Chester Sheppard Isaac A,{LA.S.& Co.)Philadelphia SHEPPARD ISAAC A. & CO. (I. A. Sheppard, W. B. Walton, J. S. Bid- dle, J. Sheeler, D. Weaver, J. C. Horn, T. Wallwork) Stove and Hollow Ware Works, S. W. corner Chester and Eastern av Sheppard James F. huckster, 39 Warren Sheppard John, beer, Monroe and Frederick av Sheppard John, mariner, 223 York Sheppard John, butter, 121 n Charles, dw 261 e Biddle Sheppard John, blksmith, 112 Duncan al Sheppard John, mariner, 31 Thames Sheppard John J. butter, 261 e Biddle Sheppard John T. engineer, 636 w Baltimore Sheppard Josiah, carp. 64 Woodyear Sheppard Julius, foreman, Fort av nr Byrd Sheppard Mrs. Sarah, janitress, 112 Duncan al Sheppard Wm. fireman, 636 w Baltimore Sneppard Wm. lab. 418 Light Sheppard Wm.H.painter,Lexington and Charles Sheran Matthew, lab. 41 n Amity Sheran Michael, driver, 95 n Bethel Sherar Archibald D. carp. 305 Saratoga Sherbert J. H. elk, 11 J Camden Sherdy Charles H. lab. 515 n Gay Sherdy Henry, boilermkr, 515 n Gay Sherer James, bookkpr, 187 Arlington av Sherer McCoy, 195 n Exeter Sheridan Barney J. bookbinder, 14 s Gay Sheridan Jas. stonecutter, 174 Greenmount av Sheridan Michael, lab. 45 Hillman Sheridan Thos. stoutcutter, 14 Centre Market sp Sheriff Benj R. publisher, 190 Vine Sheriff John, carter, 6 Rupard SHERIFF'S OFFICE OF BALTIMORE CITY, basement Court house, cor Calvert and Court house la Sherlock Joseph, lab. 583 Penna av Sherlock Wm. Strieker nr Patterson av Sherman Charles, printer, 226 n Front Sherman Francis, turner, 475 Aisquith Sherman George, lab. 26 n Chapel Sherman Harry P. machinist, 221 Jefferson Sherman John, hatter, 102 Chew Sherman John, carp. 43 n Wolfe Sherman Mrs. Lena, grocery, 26 n Chapel Sherman Lewis, carp. 102 Chew Sherman Wm. R, feed, seed and com. mercbt, 3 Hollingsworth, dw 177 McCnlloh Shermer Aug. tailor, 32 s Castle Shermer Rev. David A. 12 n Washington Shermer George, lab. 928 w Baltimore c3 o O O O P o o p4 o l OlzifJ Mi§ o p^ O Rhermer George, blksmith, 237 s Bond Sheniier Henry, tailor, 53 Holland Sliermer J. T. druggist, 12 n Washington Sliermer James, cii^annkr, 290 Light Sherrer Wm. hrassfinisher, 43:^ w Lombard Sherry Bernard, grocery, 101 s Caroline Sherry Peter, heer, Spring and Hammond al Slicrrj- Thos. beer, 1G9 s Spring Shertlein Julius, engraver, Front and Lombard Shertzer Dr. A. Trego, 117 e Baltimore Sherwood Bailor R. cutter, 61 n High Sherwood Chas. carp. 71 n Liberty Sherwood Chas. \V. sliipsmith, 217 e Lombard SHERWOOD & CO.{Wm. R. Sherwood )print- ers, over n w cor Baltimore and Gay Sherwood Ella, 394 Orleans Sherwood Elizabeth, 30 Chesnut Sherwood Geo. R. elk, 47 e Biddle Sherwood Geo. W. printer, 37 Miller Sherwood Hattie, 170 Raborg Sherwood Henry C. 107 n Broadway Sherwood Howard, mariner, 118 e Lombard Sherwood House, C. P. Barnard, prop'r, s ecor Fayette and Harrison Sherwood James H. printer, 107 n Broadway Sherwood John P. machinist, 66 s Chester Sherwood Laura, teacher, 66 s Chester Sherwood Louis, printer, 235 s Charles Sherwood Mrs. Mary R. 38 n Poppletoa Sherwood Park Marble Co., Cocke^'sville, office 24 Light, A. W. Berry, genl. manager Sherwood Philip H. engineer, 66 s Chester Sherwood Philip, shipsmith, 17 PhiIpot,dw 208 n Broadway Sherwood Richard, cigarmkr, 163 s Paca, dw 5 Warner Sherwood Robt. jr. printer, 10 Holland Sherwood Saml. shipjoiner, 56 s Washington Sherwood Wm. iron moulder, 547 n Gay Sherwood Wm. elk. 192 Penna av Sherwood Wm. H. tinner, 154 s Fremont Sherwood Wm. J. paperhanger, 225 Peirce Sherwood Wm. R.{S.& Co.)210 Linden av Shetla Francis, cardriver, 52 MtMechin Shetla George, conductor. Light nr Fort av Shetla Mrs. Sarah, trimmings, Light nr Fort av Shettle Daniel F. police, 632 w Baltimore Sheubrook Wm. H. supt. 24 Cross Shew Ambrose, carp. Swan tavern Shew Henry, surveyor, 244 e Pratt Shew Jacob, scale repairer, 166 w Baltimore Shewell Edward Z. canmkr, 142 n Fremont Shewing Michael, lab. 223 William Shible Jacob, lab. 9 s Carey Shible John T. carp. 9 s Carey Shible Jos. (P. S. jr. & Bro.) 9 s Carey Shible Mrs. Mary A. 9 s Carey Shible Peter jr. (P. S. jr. & Bro.) 9 s Carey Shible Peter jr. & Bro. (P. jr. and J. Shible) whlvvrts. and blacksmiths, 763 w Baltimore Shiel Joseph, shoemkr, 48 Harrison Shield Absalom, shoemkr, 42j n Pine Shields Bernard, lab. 219 n Durham Shields Edward, mariner, 92 Clinton Shields Mrs. Ellen, grocery, 261 Bank Shields Frank H. cigarmkr, 387 Lexington Shields Frank, lab. 22 Philpot Shields Frank, provisions, 261 Bank Shields George, helper, 37 Lemmon Shields Geo. D. tailor, 387 Lexington Shields Geo. W. expressman, 114 e Fayette Shields H. 0. agent, Miller's hotel Shields James, lab. 22 Philpot Shields James, blacksmith, 173 Hughes Shields Jane, grocery, 130 Ensor Shields John, lab. 43 Valley Shields John, charcoal, 181 s Chester Shields John, lab. 9 West Falls av Shields John J. woodturner, 25 n Poppletoa Shields John L. letter carrier, 245 w Fayette Shields Mrs. Mary, grocery, 8 n Fremont Shields Owen, blacksmith, 130 Ensor Shields Richard B.cabinetmkr,568 vv Baltimore Shields Mrs. Richard D., Homestead Shields Robert A. currier, 43 Valley Shields Thomas F. express driver, 8 n Fremont Shields Thomas, express driver, 379 Lexington Shields Thos. (T. S. & Co.) 219 Linden av Shields Thos.& Co. (T. Shields) wines, brandies, &c. 145 n Howard Shields Walter S. clerk, 219 Linden av Shields Wm. 150 w Biddle Shilling Mrs. Annie, grocery, 674 w Pratt Shilling Frank, bristle comber, 12 Dover Shilling George, cabinetmaker and undertaker, Monument and Aisquith Shilling Jjis. T. brakeman, 18 Patterson Park av Shilling John C. engineer, 18 Patterson Park av Shilling Thos. carp. Swan hotel Shilling Murray, driver, 22 Division Shillingburg Dominic, butcher, 130 Columbia Shiliingburg Jos. A. butcher, 130 Columbia Shillingburg Wm. F. [>aperhanger, 97 Columbia Shillings George, lab. Mt. Vernon Shiloh Baptist Mission Chapel, Aisquith n of John Shilow Eugene, fisherman, 101 Ridgely Shimek James, tailor, 25 Barnes Shimek James, organbuilder, 28 Barnes Shimek J. N. organbuilder, 12 President SHIMEK JOSEPH, organbuilder, 35 Barnes Shimer Dr. J. C. 626 Lexington ShindoUer John, carp. 8 Bartlett Shiner Michael jr. carp. 44 Abey al Shinn Peter, tailor, 35 Haw Shinnick Jacob A. H. bookkpr, 125 s Ann Shinnick Jacob A.H. jr.puddler, 122 Chesapeake Shinuick John H. builder, Duncan al nr Can- ton av, dw 53 s Washington Shintog Jacob, glassworker, 2 Rupard Shipe A. (S., Cloud & Co.) 120 McCulloh SHIPE, CLOUD & CO. (A. Shipe, D. Cloud, G. H. Miller, Frank A. Shipe, Wm. R.Miller) wholes, dry goods, 273 w Baltimore Shipe Frank A.(S., Cloud & Co.) 120 McCulloh Shipferling George, baker, 77 Boyd Shipler Francis, shoemkr, 249 n Front Shipler John, shoemkr, 249 n Front Shipley Alex, clothing, Madison av est Shipley A. R. carp. Mount nr Patterson Shipley Artemus, huckster, 47 s Oregon Shipley A. W. coachrakr, 148 Columbia Shipley Mrs. Aria, 47 s Oregon Shipley Benj. engineer, 530 w Lombard Shipley Benj. F. machinist, 283 .\lcUenry Shipley Benj. 0. machinist, 500 w Lombard Shipley Bradley G. supervisor of engines, 47 s Gilmor Shipley Burton, plasterer, 269 n Front Sliifiley Mrs. Caroline 0. 362 w Lombard Shi|(ley Charles, lab. 734 w Pratt Shipley Chas. H. clerk, 75 n Fulton Shipley Chas. real e8ta,te broker, 30 St. Paul, dw Garrison la nr Frederick rd i HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. SHI 5-15 SHO ipley Chas.H. stonecutter, Washington siv ext lipU'V Ulias. \V. en;:iiit'er, 310 Forrest liplcy Columbia, hostiei, 720 PetinM av lipley (Jiihiriibus(S.& Sofsky ) 100 n Rcimblican lipley Pohunlius, blacksmith, 47 s Oregon lipley Or. U. McG. Light nr Cross liplcy Daniel E. (S., Roane & (Jo.) .Madison av e.\t iiple\ Diuiiel E jr. cleik, Madison av c.Kt lipley i)avid, Mt. Vernon lipley Eden, hnckster, 8o3 \v Baltimore lipley Kev. E. E. 4l'J Franklin lipley E A. (Shipley, Smith & Co.) York rd lipley Edward F. bricklayer, Waverley lipley Francis M. bookkpr, 171 Edmondson lipley F'raiik, cooper, I2i> Hollins lildey Frank, 310 Forrest lipley Frank, clerk, U. S. hotel lipley Geo. A. cooper, 125 Hollins lipley Geo. H. lab. Cross and Russell dpley Geo. W. engineer, 2.-5 u luitaw lipley Henry D. lab. 768 w Pratt ipley Hezekiah, com. niercht, (39 w Pratt, dw 3:^5 \v liOmbard ipley I.-a.ic, coachmkr, 372 \v Lombard ipley J. Sellman, attorney, 3 (Juurtland, dw 129 L)(;!i)liin ipley Jacub L. edgetuolinkr, 24 McHenry ipley James, lab. Mt. Vernon ipley James B. blacksmith, 23G Columbia ipley Rev. James L. 272 n Strieker ipley Jesse C. carp. 284 Ramsay ipley John, lab. 348 Aliceanna ipley John T. carp. 48 Division ipley Joseph P. supt. Peabody Heights and Waverley- Railway Co., Waveile^' ipley Jose|di, machinist, 236 Columbia ipley Joshua B. overseer, 236 Columbia ipley Joshua 0. engineer, 203 s Paca ipie} Lovelace, carp. 301 e Eager ipley Mrs. .Mary, 269 n Front ipley Michael, lab. 177 s Bethel pley P. A. teacher. Sweet Air pley Plumtuer \V. engineer, 281 McHenry pley R. C. jr. 135 n Freiuoul plev Piichaid C. sr. painter, 135 n Fremont IPLEV, RUAXE & CO. (D.E. Shipley, H.W. loaiu) wholesale clothiers, 303 w Baltimore ilPLEV R. C. & CO. (Robert C Shipley) ■ furn. goods, 301 w Baltimore iiobt. (J.(R.C.S.& Co.) .Madison av ext Uubert n. clerk, 276 Walsh : (If, Robert H. shoemkr, K-7 Madison av ; !•! liobert, shoemkr, 249 w Biddle Robert, carder, Mt, Vernon "i. George, cierk, 30 St. Paul, dw 276 OLiicker Ipley Samuel, fireman, 78 w Biddle pley Samuel T. machinist, 246 Hollins pley Samuel, shoecutter, 249 w Biddle pley Samuel F. mail agent, 51 n Strieker ' ' Mrs Sarah, 336 w Lombard V, SMITH & CO.(E. A. Shipley, S. R I (ieo.H.Keruer) wholes, liquor dealers, j Ci.iiiimerce 3 PLKV & SOFSKY (C. Shipley & Theodore ofsky) produce com. 59 s Calvert and 34 heapside Jpley Mrs. Susan, seamstress, 18 n Schroeder J pley Thomas, shoemkr, 249 Dolphin Spley Thomas B. stonemason, Clipper mills 5.)ley Thomas, laborer. Ml. Vernon n Shipley Thomas W. coudncior, 362 w Lombard Shipley U|Jton W. heiler, 5 s Mount Shipley Washington, engineer, 126 Columbia Shipley W:n. blacksmith, cor Schroeder and Pratt, dw )7 s Oregon Shipley Wm. I',, machinist, 231 Hollins Shi[iley Win. II. ( T( mpleinan « S. also R. W. Templeiiian k Co.) liailimore co and lol St. Paul Shipley Wm. 11. foreman, 75 n Fulton Slii[)iier John, jiaver, lii9 n Bethel Sliipp Luther 15. npholsteier, (iW, Saratoga ^ Shippen .Mrs. William, 139 n Charles ^ Sliirde Annie, dressmkr, 533 Lexington :r Shiridan James L. (Gauibriel & S.) Druidville fa^ Shirk Henry, .Maryland av and Brown ,__, Shirley Henry C. "(S. &Son) Baltim(He co ~ Shirley John, sIkm mkr, 23 Ktting ci SHIRLEY cV SOX (W. and H. C. Shirley) p ciiina, glass and qiieensware, 5 s Calvert '^ Shirley W. (S. & Son) Baltimore co fl Sliiplar George, barkeeper, 216 Harford av -^ Shiriick .Martin, laborer, 12 Liberty al •^ Shivers Dr. Nicholas, dentist, 1(j3 Penna av Shiveis Washington, blacksmith, 81 s Strieker Shivler James R. ticket agent, 22 n Broadway Slileisner Emanuel K. painter. 111 Chew Sliinaka Jacob, shoemkr, 135 n Spring Sliobliau Edward A. clerk, 6 Walsh Slioiiban Frederick, tailor, 6 Walsh Shock Albert W. shoemkr, 115 Coluiubia Shock DeWitt C. solicitor, 255 w Fayette Shock Philii) E. upholsterer, 115 Columl/ia Shock Samuel F. saddler, 115 Columbia Shock Wm. C. cooper, 50 Hillen Shock Wm.H ch. en;;ineer U.SX. 6 s Broadway Shock Wilton G. bookkpr, 6 s Broadway Shockiiey Wm. carpenter, 11 Leinmon Shoemack George, currier, 20 vv Lombard Shoemaker Charles A. brickmkr, 249 s Sharp Shoemaker Charles C. clerk, 266 Scott Shoemaker John, clerk, 243 Montgomery Shoemaker John H. brickmkr, 249 s Sharp Shoemiker John T. brickmkr, 249 s Sharp Shoemaker John L. laborer, 67 Vine Shoemaker John, peddler, 67 Vine Shoemaker Mrs. Mary, 2 Emory Shoemaker Marion d" trunks, - 7" Short George F.sr. sergt. police, 307 Columbia 'x^ ^ SHORT GEO. F. Jr. coal, s e cor Pratt and S S Greene, dw 3o7 Columbia 'Z'rj£ 5^ Short Hicks, grocery, Hoffman and Belair av 3 -ti -^ Short James .\. tailor. 292 Saratoga J- ^ C Short James C. tobacconist. 295 Fenna av ' Vu " Short John, hostler, 24 s Eutaw "rs o Short John H. wood turner, Uhler's al nr — ^ ^^ Charles, dw 147 n Exeter -5 '^ ;i Short Wm. C. junk, 108 Battery av ;3 "ic -^ Shortall Patrick, painter, 60 Block "^ t> X Shortall Peter, painter, 60 Block 2^ |> ;^' Shorten John, carpenter, 121 Linden av •- >., Snorter Wm. laborer, 158 Hudson '^ ^' ^ Shott Mrs. Annie, 60 n Exeter •g .2 r Shott Jacob K.bailiff.U.S. Court.dw 37 n High - S 5 Shott Philip, canmanufac. 72 and 74 German, 2 :z."p dw 380 w Lombard ;:: '/^ ^ Shotton Margaret A. dressiiikr, 200 n Eutaw 2 ^ Shotton Mary, dressnikr, 200 n Eutaw O x" ^ Shotts D iniel, 61 n Caroline .^.2 ?. Shotts John, lab. 117Curley Shoughnessy Thos. canmkr, 47 Hillman Showacre & Co. (J. and J. S. Showacre) lum- ber, 279 s Eutaw Showacre Geo W. jr. carp. 35 s Calhoun X Showacre Geo. W. carp. 35 s Calhoun Showacre II. C. music teacher 169 s Paca t-^X Showacre John (S. & Co.) 169s Paca rt ~ •- Showacre John W. lumber, 281 s Eutaw, dw 84 i>^ " ^ n Republican lit ^ £ Showacre Josiah S. (S. ^' Co.) constable, 58 c^ p 2^ Camden, dw 173 s Paca Ti S " Showacre .Michael S. supt. let. car. 189 s Paca ?^ &q g Showacre Wm. clerk, 35 North '» - H Showalter Frtdk, telegraphist, Howard house '■^ ■— t^ Shower Edmond G. clerk, 154 Myrtle av SHU cc ee fe ci >i «= Showers James, lab. 364 Orleans 'X J2 Shrader Frank, morocco dresser, 63 North Shreck Albert H watchman, Hull nr Nicholson j; °3 Shreck Geo. E. W. stationery, swcor Aisquith S 33 and Monument X S Shreck Geo. T. foreman. Hull nr Nicholson ~ hi Shreck Jacob E. bricklayer. Eastern av ext .^^ Shreckhise John, clerk, 'J8 n Republican Shreeves.Mrs.Georgianiia,dressmkr, 196 e Eager Shriever Fred, laborer, 19 Cannon 0 i; >. Shrieve Alfred T. clerk, 512 w Baltimore "r; CC -7; Shrider George L. stevedore, 15 Fell fin '^ ? Shriner George A. laborer, 15 Fell --^ ^ ■>, Shriner John P. bookkpr, 361 vv Baltimore ~ ■- . Shriner Louis E. conductor, 752 Penna av C ^5 -^ Shriver Albert (Jno. L. S. &Bros.) 39 Mulberry <» c Shriver Dr. A J. dentist, 157 vv Fayette g ^ •- Shriver A. K. (T. J. Myer & Co.) 176 Franklin g -^ — Shriver Alex, mariner, 259 Bank 1 -tf =^ SHRIVER BROS. (H. Shriver,) produce and § c i5 g^"- com. merchants, 62 South O -T- €©■ Shriver Calvin S. (Shriver, Stevenson ^ Co.) s^ xf v£ Eutaw house ^ c c Shriver -- 23 Shriver Columbus C. attorney, and Treas'r, Ben- 1.^ "3 __^ eficial Saving Fund Society of Balto. u e cor ,^ J5 Lexington and Calvert, dw 109 n Charles ^ 2 ._ Shriver Chas. H. clerk, 217 Franklin £ H!! t- Shriver Daniel, agent Pittsburg Steel Manuf'g •^ o) >-j Shriver Edwd. J. dk. First Nat.Bank, Howard CO Shriver Francis, sec'y Mut. Ins. Co. in Balto. co office 31 n Calvert, dw Westminster, Md. SHRIVER FRED, cashier N. Y. and Baltimor Transportation Line, and Balto. and Philud Steamboat Co. dw 32 Cathedral Shriver Henry C. (S. & Co.) 114 Harlem av Shriver Henry L. clerk, i08 Hillen Shriver Hervey, (S. Bros.) 246 Linden av Shriver James, 217 Franklin Shriver John, mariner, 68 Eastern av SHRIVER J. ALEX'R, vice-prest. New Yorl and Balto. Transportation Line, ami Balto and Phila. Steamboat Co. 3 Light-st whf, d' 32 Cathedral. — [_See Advertisement. SHRIVER JOHN L. & BROS. (Alliert Shrivet o\ster packers and preservers of fruits, &( 307 w Pratt Shriver Joseph K. carver, 52 St. Peter Shrivt-r Lewis, clerk, 65 Hill Shriver Mark 0.(T J Mver&Co.) 109nCharl( SHRIVER, STEVENSON & CO. (C.S. Shrive D. H. Stevenson, M.M.Rogers) wholes, booi and shoes, 324 w Baltimore Shriver Wm. lab. 44 Lancaster Shroff Max, architect, Charles and Fayette Shrote John, baker, 20 McHenry Shrote Mary, 21 Fountain Shrote Wm. lab. 21 Fountain Shrolh Chas. lab. 16 New SHRVOCK& CLARK, (Thos. J. Shryock an Geo. R. Clark) lumber com. merchants, a Eastern av and Union Dock Shryock Henry S. 155 McCulloh Shryock R-becca M. 134 n Republican Shryock Thos, J. (Shryock & Clark) n e o Brune and Clarke Shryock Wm. B. 134 n Republican Shryock Wm. Henry, ( Johnson, Shryock&Co Bainum's hotel Shubbard Geo. T. mariner, 612 Light Shubkagel Wm. restaurant, 50 Druid Hill a dw 108 n Paca Shnlirick Mrs. Anna, Washington av ext Shuljrick John, brickmkr.cor Dover and Moon Shuck James \V. clerk, Three Tuns hotel Schuck John, lab. 41 Lancaster Shuckert Jacob, shoemkr, 27 Peach al Shue Conrad, lab. Harford rd nr Point la Shue Jacob J. restaurant, 869 w Baltimore Shuffler John W. engineer, 9 McHenry Shugard John C. grocery, 373 n Broadway Shule Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Constitution Shule John, lab. 8 Constitution Shuler Henry, lab. 222 e Chase Shuler John L. shos-cutter, 48 Fort av Shuley Wm. H. (S. & Jamart) 82 Johnson Shuh Peti-r, 43 Duncan al Shuley & Jamart, (Wm. H. Shuley, Louis i Jamart)tin and sheetironworkers, 82 JohoBC Shule Fred, tinner, 261 n Dallas Shule John, cigarmkr, 261 n Dallas ShuU Geo. saddler. 214 Lee Shull Geo. W. salesman, Howard house Shull Louis, grocery, 344 Hamburg Shulte Harrison, elk, 70 Granby Shtiltz Chas. H. plumber, 245 "w Biddle, i\ 106 Druid Hill av Shultz Christ, lab. 6 Dover Shultz Henry, carp. 89 Oxford, dw 106 Drui Hill av Shultz Dr. Jacob, 260 s Eutaw Shultz John H. police, 106 Druid Hill av HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. SHU 547 SIL Shultz John W. driver, 175 Preston Shultz Siimuel, carp. 187 Dolphia Shiiltz Wm. A. blrtcksniith. 46 n Amity Slnilz Herman, tnilor, 80 n Sprint; Sliulze J. Frnnk, clerk. 52 \v Baltimore Shulze .Mrs. M. Alice, station'y, 52 vv Baltimore Shiilze Ernest, teleji'ti instruni't rakr, 20 Centre -Market sp Shulze Frank S. books, Ac. 52 \v Baltimore Shulze Wm. coachsmitb. 65 Henrietta Shunjtn Chas. baker, 205 Park av Shu[)p Christian, ci^rmkr, 355 Orleans Shu|ipel Beriihard, tobaconist, 130 Gough Shuppel Mrs. Eva, confect'v, 122 Thames Shuobardt Julius, baker, 374 ii Durham Shunk Robert, farmer, 52 Essex Shurtz Wm. D. & Co. (Wm. D. Shurtz) com. merchisand wholesale fish, cheese and butter, 11 (.'onimerce Shurtz Wm. D. { W.D.S,&Co.) 198 Hoffman Shuter James, Adams Exp. agt, 323 w Fayette Shuter iMicliael, paver, 265 e Eager Shuter Mrs. Samh, 184n High Shutler Mary A. tailoress, 666 w Pratt Shutler Wm. H. brakeman, 662 w Pratt Shutt Ch.irles, carp. 412 Orleans Shutt Henry, !ab. 215 Johnson Shutt James, mariner, IS Park av Shutt Capt. John,groc'y, McDonogh and Eager Shutz Wm. carp. 146 Penna av Shufz Henry, shoemkr, 180 s Caroline Shutze August D. 211 Aisquith Shutze August D. jr. clerk, 193 n Eden Shutze Ductress J. E. 211 Aisquith Shutze Wm. A. bookkpr, St. Clair hotel ,Shwab Solomon, wholesale liquors, 2 n Greene, dw 127 German .Shwiekerb John, lab. 17 Ensor Shyrock Bartholomew, blacksmith, 72 Oxford Siar Matilda, dressmkr, 137 w Madison Sibiski Alex. lab. 156 Madeira, al Sibiski Geo. shoemkr, 2 a Dallas Sibley Robert, huckster, Hudson al and Federal Sickel Edward, bakery, cor Bond and Baltimore Sickel Geo. G. 19 Aisquith Sickel John L. (S., Singleton & Co.) 237 Madi- son av Sickel Louis D. confectionery, 140 Aisquith Sickel Wm. H. confectioner, 69 Edmondson av Sickel Wm. H. confectioner, 871 w Baltimore SICKEL, SINGLETON & CO. (J. L Sickel, A, J. Singleton, J. F. Hellenjwholesalenotions, 22 Hanover Sickelman .John G. lab. 292 Cross Sickles Bradford, produce, 45 e Pratt, dw 54 Spring Row Sidney Wm. driver, 75 n Spring Siddons Mrs. Mary F. 42 Millimaa Side John, lab. 263 s Dallas Sidwell Ruth, feacher, 152 n Eataw Siebel Adam, distiller, 22 Stockholm Sieber Ulrich E. tailor, 16 Walker Siebert August, tailor, 94 Mullikia Siebert Charles W.{S. & Siegel) 67 Centre Mar- ket sp Siebert Christian, beer, 151 s Charles Siebert Ernest, butcher, 20 n Patterson Park av Siebert John C. liquors, 374 Saratoga Siebert Mrs. .Mary, trimmings, 175 Elliott Siebert & Siegel (Chas. W. Siebert, F. Siegel) wholesale liquors, 73 Centre Market sp Siebert Wasmuth, tailor, 145 n Dallas Siebrecht Geo. huckster, 164 s Regester Siebrecht John, agt German departnjent Hano- ver Fire Ins. Co. 18 Second, dw 66 n Broadway Siebrighi Henry, driver, Belair av ext Sie(?k A. Henry, confecfy, 238 s Sharp Sieck Henrj-. plumber, 438 Cross Sieckel Eider, turner, 83 Aisquith Sieckel Henry, 83 Ai.^quith Siedling Henr\', boxmkr, 155 Hamburg Siedling Mary, se. mistress, 155 Hamburg Sietferi Adam, milk, Washington av ext Sieffert Gotthilf, Washington av ext Siegel Elias, clerk, 125 e Lombard Siegel Emanuel, clerk, 40 s Sharp Siegel Frank (Siebert & S.) 13 e Lombard Siegel Jacob, carp. 99 Harrison Siegel Joseph, 61 Forrest Siegel .Moses, shoemkr, 345 s Charles Siegel Samuel, coal, cor Central av and Hamp- stead, dw 125 e Lombard Siegert Jacob, upholsterer, 28 n Gay Siegert Jacob, driver, 303 w Pratt Siegle John, baker, 256 n Bond Siejiman Ferd. glassblower, 15 Stockholm Siegu;aij Ferd. carp. 62 n Wolfe Siegman Mrs. Ida, 130 u Eden Siegmann Henry, 69 Ensor Siegmann Henry, builder, 38 Jackson sq av SIEGMANN JOHN G., Steam Cof-Q^ fee Roaster and Spice Mill, 67 O and 69 Ensor Street. <^ P O o -1-3 c3 o O Siegmann John H. 69 Ensor Siegmann Wm. 69 Ensor Siegmund Gustav, clerk, 19 Wilkens av Siegruer Margaret, huckstress, 187 s Regester Sieliler Jacob, cabinetmkr, 239 e Baltimore Siemann August, boxmkr, 14 New Church Siemer Lewis, boxmkr. 345 Hamburg SIEMKRS GEO. & CO'. (G. Siemers, C. Forten- baugh) boxmkrs, 21 and 23 s Liberty Siemers Geo. (G. S. & Co.) 2! s Liberty Siemers H. F. & Co. (H. F. Siemers, Geo. H. Tuckerman) hats, 700 w Baltimore Siemers H. F. (H. F. S. & Co.) 21 s Liberty Siemers Wm. patternmkr, 2.-^3 s Paca Siemers Wm. J. printer, 283 s Paca Siemon Christopher, shoemkr, 21 n Pine Sit-mon John, upholsterer, 47 Portland Siemour Alphonsus, shoemkr, 105 w Fayette Siems Bernhardt, dyer, 14 Centre Market sp Siepell Frank, driver, 115 West Siepelmyer Conrad, tailor, 204 Mulberry Sies Geo. M. brakeman. Sharp nr Oste.ud Siegmund Chas. restaurant, 138 Orleans Sigler Alex. sec. hand clothing. 167 s Caroline SIGMUND ALBERT, furrier, 183 w B..ltimore, dw 258 .Madison av Sigmund Joseph, clerk, 258 Madison av Sigmund Philip, painter, 166 Eastern av Sigmund Simon, clerk, 258 Madison av Sijiourney Andrew, clerk, 217 St. Paul Sigourney Thos F'. clerk, 217 St. Paul Sigrist Jacob, butcher, Belair av nr tollgate Sigrist Wm. driver, 170 Stirling Sigwart .Max, watchmkr, 132 .McHenry Sigwerd Theodore, glassblower, 179 Lemmoa Sikrora Joseph, shoemkr, 47 u Cha[)el Silance John H. conductor, 24 n Schroeder Silber Heury, tailor, 89 Somerset f^ l-H go" < <1 IMPOKTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWAEE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of Ne"w York. SIL 548 SIM Eh 02 a OM K O w Silbernagel Godfiey, barrels, 171 William Silberzahn Adam, tinner, 81 McElderrj- SilbeiZiihn Geo. stove polisher, 97 Somerset Silberz:ihn John A. agt. box facton-, 37 W^'eth Silk George C. mattressmkr, 12 McUlellan and 50i n Howard, dw 183 Jeff.rson Silk Michael, driver, 138 Henrietta Silk Wm. H. mattress manufr. Penna av and Dolphin, and 50^ n Howard, dw 183 Jefferson Sillery Chas. stonecutter, 320 e Madison Sillery Joseph, stonecutter, 34 Neighbor Sillery John, gardener, 34 Neighbor Silljacks John, dry goods, 215 e Baltimore Sills Edward P. (Boswell, Sills & Uo.) 170 n Oregon Sills John W.bookkpr, Republican nr Franklin Silraat Chas. A. painter, 153 n Fremont Siltman Herman, porter, 112 n Central av Silva Anthony, mariner, 133 s Ana Silowsky Joseph, lab. 5 Spring-st ct Silvana M:inwell, shoemkr, 86 n Amity Silver Ellen, grocery, 52 Rue Silver Frank, mariuer, 3 Wall Silver Henry, musician, 249 n Eden Silver Jos. coppersmith, 52 Rue Silver Mary G. saleswoman, 60 e Baltimore Silver Peter, blacksmith, 249 n Eden Silver Mrs. Sarah A. dressmkr, 140 Lexington Silver Si)riug Mill, J.Ulney Norris, prop'r, foot of Mill Silvers Daniel, shoemkr, 351 n Central av Silvers Theod. shoemkr, 351 n Central av Silversach Andrew, paver, 359 e Monument Silversmith Samuel, shoemkr, 43 Brown la Silvernngle Wm. G. clerk, 5 PostofBce av Silverson Mrs. Catherine, 133 n Bond Silverson Philip, driver, 437 n Gay Silverthorn B. C. clerk, 62 s Paca' Silverthorne Jacob, wagoner, 241 n Front Silverwood John W. (S. & Sons) 161 n Exeter Silverwood Robt. D. (S. & Sons) 161 n Exeter SILVERWOOD & SONS (Wm., John W. and Robert D. Silverwood) coal and wood, 261 n Front Silverwood Wm.(S. & Sons) 161 n Exeter Silw right Wm. machinist, 46 Curtis al Sim Mrs. .Martha, millinery, 229 n Howard Sim Robert, clerk, 229 n Howard Simcoe Albert, tailor, 21 s Bond SimcoeGeo. (J. S. & Son) 21 s Bond Simcoe J. & Son (Josiah and George Simcoe) merchant tailors, 21 s Bond Simcoe Jt siah (J. S. .'h Simpson B. L. jr. inspr. C.H. 65 e Loiii'iard Simpson Btnj. L. sLipcarp. 65 e Lombard Simpson Bfcuj. W. blksmitli, 393 a Central av Simpson Clias. \V. carp 97 n Ann Simpson Chas. lab. 313 s Bi^nd Simpson Cbas. (J. sLipcarp. 145 n Broadway Simpson Mrs. Catherine, VV'oodberry Simpson C. E. draughtsman, 43.i n Carey Simpson Edward F. cleik, 19Mott Simpson hdward, lab. 162 Peirce Simpson Elias, painter, 393 ii Central av Simpson Ernest J. clerk, 50 n Greene Simpson Frank, carp. 278 s Bond Simpson Francis il. tinner, 303 Orleans Simpson George H. civil engiuter, 137 St. Paul Simpson George, baker, *335 e Fayette Simpson George, draughtsman, \\ oodberrj Simpson George W. rigger, 3 Thames Simpson Rev. George VV., 261 n Eden Simpson Henry C. cooper, 426 Orleans Simpson Henry C. pointer, 404 e Monument Simpson Horace R. sboemkr, 212 n Gay Simpson H. luloe, boxiiikr, 300 Orleans Simpson Jacob, tailoi, 40 e Fayette Simpson James, gardener, lo Biune Simpson James, carp. 12 Rock Simpson James A. artist, 649 w Fayette Simpson Jas. F. clerk, 216 Dniid Hill av Simpson Jas. T. shipjr. 17 Pliilpot, dw 9 n Aun Simpson Jesse S. clerk, 34 n Eden Simpson Caj't. John, iioalbuilder, 344 8 Caro- line, dw 173 Bank Simpson John A. printer, lo8 s Eden Siuipson John A. engineer, 71 Barnes Simpson John J. maciiiuist, Woudberry Simpson Joht: T. pi inter, 238 e Madison Simpson John W. aitorney, 31 Lexingloa, dw 61 n Huh Simpson Joseph, lab. 169 s Ed n kSimpsoii Joseph A. carp. 77 Parkin Simpson Louis M. 393 n Central av Simpaoii Luther R. conductor, 84 George Simpson Moses, 176 Conway Simpson Noah, bricklayer, 416 Orleans Simpson K. B. niacbinisl, Vincent nr Biker Simpson Robt. granite yard, 372 w Pratt, and 237 u Front, dw 433 n Carey Simpson Robi. P. draiighlsinan, VVoodberry Simpson Thos. shoemkr, 416 Orleans Simpson Thos. (W. Simpson, Sons & Co.) Phil- adelphia Simpson Thos. B. clerk, 62 Preston Simpson Wm. sr. (\V. Simpson, Sons & Co.) Pniladelphia Simpson Wm. coachlrimmer, 292 n Eden Simpson Win. watchman, 313 s Bond Simpson Wm. G. provisions, 65 n Castle Simpson Wm. A. & LO. ( Wm. A. Simpson) seed dealers, 29 Chtapside Simpson Wm. jr. (W. Simpson, Sons & Co.) Philadelphia dw " o O .ft O O Simpson Wm. A. (W.A.S.&Co.) n ecorLiaden ^ av and Dolphin s Simpson Wm. B. carp. 49 Wolfe n of Madison ^ Simpson Wm. H. clerk, 84 George ^ Simpson Wm. R. druggist, 256 Chew p Simpson Win., Sons k Co. (W. Simpson, sr., ci Tlios Simpson, W. Simpson jr., L. Godfrey, (jj John U. Fraley) dry goods com. merchts. 14 g and 16 German pj Sims Fred. G. clerk, 158 Dolphin .^ Sims Geo. chemisi, 158 Dolphin ^ Sims (iifford, clerk. 71 s Choptaiik Sims John A. tobacconist, 173 Lexington 158 Dolphin Sims Thomas, police, 178 s Chapel Simson Falk, harness dealer, 34 Harrison Simsou Isaac, liaru. and saddlery, 34 Harrison ; Sinclair Arthur ;S , Bios. & Co.) 56 St. Paul Q Sinclair Bros & Co. (Gej. T. and Arthur Sin- Q clair) liquors, 40 w Lombard Sinclair Chas. H shoemkr, 150 Mulberry Sinclair Chislian, cabinelmkr, 29 Etting Sinclair & Co. (C. S. Crook) curtains, paper hangings and window shades, 7 n Charles Sinclair Cyrus, janitor. City Hall Sinclair Francis H. lailor, 792 w Baltimore Sinclair Fred, oysters, 427 Canton av Sinclair Geo. T. (Sii. clair Bros. & Co.) 240^ 11 Carey Sinclair Henry, shoemkr, 150 Mulberry |_j Sinclair James, plasterer, 176 Dolphin ^ Sinclair Jas. E. butcher, 11 Richmond mkt, dw ^ Waverley Sinclair John C carp. 78 s Washington Sinclair John H. shipsmith, 11 s Chester Sinclair John, plasterer, 150 Mulberry Sinclair John, plasterer, 605 Penna av Sinclair Mrs. Lizzie, doctress, 29 S Monroe Sinclair Mrs. Mary A. nurse, 3 n Caroline ^ SINCLAIR R. k C(J. (S. Cottingham, F. W. P Heaihjinanufrs. agricultural impls. and seeds- CjQ men, 62 iJght Sinclair Robert H. 295 Aisquith Sinclair U|jtim B- cleik, 240 n Carey Sinclair Wm. lab. 29 Luzerne SI.N'CLAIR WM. prest. Gas Light Co more, 19 South, dw Carrolllon hotel Sinclair Dr. Wm. B. 66 Conrtland Sinclair Wm. H. lab. 15 Patii.\enl _^ Sinclair Wm. M. brassmoulder, 398 e Lombard p_, Sinclair Wm. R. lab. Waverley Siucl.ir Wm. W. bookkpr, 240 n Carey "=0 Sinclair Wm. F. bookkpr, 333 n Eden Sindall Geo. W. carp. 178 Barre ^^ Sindall Jas. W. (J.W. & J.F.S.) 115 e Madison ^^ Sindall J. F. (J. W. & J. F. S.) 115 e Madison g Sindall J. W. & J. F. tinners and stoves, 136 g]^ and 138 a Kutaw i:_, Sindall John W. stonecutter, 233 n Central av ^ Sindall John W. carp. 146 Druid Hill av Sindall John P. tinner, stoves, 233 n Central av ^ and 326 Alicemna <^ Sindall Robert A. blacksmith and wheelwright, r^ 11=,. Moriia/^M r: 1-H Oh Balti- g 1-3 CQ 115 e .Madison SINDALL S. M. & CO. (S. M. Sindall) stoves and plumbing, 6 and 8 w Pratt Sindall Samuel M. (S. M S. & Co.) Waverley;^ Sindall Sheppard L. barnessmkr, 12 Pearl Sindall Wm. M. police, 156 Division Sindolph John, fireman, 277 Canton av Siney Jas. drayman, 28 w Lomba/d Singer Andrew, lab. 6 Sarah Ana Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) GQ r. c o c CO C |d-5 5 .- c £ C K ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. SIN 550 8KI X o ^ o 72 w ^ f^ 5 = 12^' "^ '^ ffi s ;; H ">^ E C=! ?■ o O o S ^^ ' — <^ a: E 'O 1^ fee Sr <^ ■:; e c -r > ^ ^ ^ >^ « - Singer Mrs. Anna, tailoress. 16 Sarah Ann Sino;er Frank 0. btirher, 419 Penmi av Sinper Geo. carp. 365 Orleans Singer Geo. brickml8 w Lomliard Sitler Morris ji'. clerk, 358 \v Lombard Sitler Sarah k Mary, sewing, I 11 Pearl Sitler W. R clerk." 358 ^v Lomliard Sittler Alex. F. lab. 1 Covin^jton Sittler Martha R. grocer}', 1 Covingtt)n Sitterding John G. porier, llo Dugan's wlif Sitterding John II. baker, I 1(1 Dugan's wlif Sittig Frederick, shoemlw, 43 s BurKe Sittig Henry, beer, 255 s Bond Sitzler Bennett, shoemkr, 46 Parkin Six James, pattemmkr, 37 s Calhoun Skahan Mrs. Houoie, 4 (Jollius ct Skahan John, lab. 7 White al Skahan Thomas, hostler, i:!9 Peirce Skalowski John, lab. 5 Shakspear Skarda George, shoemkr, I 1 1 Chew SkiUy Patrick, ironroller, 132 s Bond Skelton Patrick, clerk, 211 w Fayette Skidmore James, 400 n Strieker Skillman Chas. of B. & 0. R.R 422 w Fayette Skillman Geo. R. (J. Beatly & Co.) 103 8 Edeo HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. SKI 551 SLI ISkillman Robert, foreman, 64 e Lombard Skillraau Wra. curp. 743 w Baltimore Skinner Augustus P. 173 Saratoga Skinner Bachelor C. porter, 2"i2 Buttery av Skinner & Co. (T. W. Skinner, L. P. Skinner) grain and produce com. merchts. 14 Barre Skinner & Co. (G. Skinner) wholes, wines and I liquors, 28 s Howard Skinner Geo. (S. k Co.) 281 Linden av Skinner Geo. B. clerk, 111 s Sharp Skinner Geo. W (W.S. & Sons) 111 s Sharp Skinner James A. lumber insp. office 34 Block, 1 dw 129 s Paca Skinner John, porter, 2.'i5 Haraburcr Skinner Capt. John A. 309 William Skinner Johu P. puddler. 222 Battery av Skinner Jos.G. apoth'y, Charles andNortb avs Skinner Jos. P. mariner, l(i3 Johnson Skinner L. P. (Skinner & Co.) 180 Hanover i Skinner Mary A. dressmkr, ITS George j Skinner Susan, dressmkr, 214 n Eataw Skinner Thos. clerk, 370 n Strieker Skinner Thos. W. (Skinner & Co.) 40 Barre Skinner Thos. W. carp. 129 s Paca Skinni-r Truman, 281 Linden av SKIi\NP:RW.\I.&SONS,(G.W.&W.H. Skinner; shipbuilders and marine railway, ft of Cross Skinner Wm. H. carp. 5 Warren Skinner Wm. H.(Wm.S.& Sons) 455 Eutaw pi Skinner Wm. T. saddler. 118 n Pine Skipper & Brown, (John W. Skipper and Chas. W. Brown) attorneys, 29 n Calvert Skipper Eli, boileniikr, Falls rd nr tollgate Skipper Elijah, lab. Mt. Vernon Skipper John, fireman. Friendship, York rd Skipiier John W. (S^ k Brown) 258 n Gay Skipper Mrs. M^ry C. millinery, 258 n Gay Skipper Wm. G. "blacksmith, Belair av ext Skivington David, lab. 119 Boyd Skivington Edward, 58 Parkin Skivingttm Margaret, notions, 119 Boyd Slack Annie E. 221 Vine Slack ('has. 163 w John Slack Clias. & Sons,(Wni.H. and Geo. S. Slack) wagoimikrs. Cathedral nr John Slack George A. conductor. 129 German Slack Geo. S. (Chas. Slack & Sons) 163 w John Slack Samuel B. wheelwright, 58 Walsh Slack Theodore F. inspector C. H. dw Calver- ton and Bloomingdile rds Slack Wm N. clerk, 27 Etting Slack Wm. H (C. Slack c|- >ons) 27 Etting Sladack .Michael, 41 Barnes Slade A. huckster, Farmers and Planters hotel Slade Chas. K. biakeman, 29 e Eatrer Slade Mrs. Elizabeih, boarding, 87 n High Slade James D. expressman. lo5 Walsh SLADE JOHN, prop'r Olive Dairy, dw Bal- timore CO Slade N. W. 119 e Baltimore Slade Peter, 55 Bentalou Slagle A. & Bro. (Andiew and Arthur Slagle) stoves. &c. 67 s Sharp Slagle Andiew, (A. Slagle & Bro.) 185 s Ann Slagle Arthur. (A. Slagle & Bro.) 124 Saratoga SLAGLE C W. & CO (C.W., D.W. and J.W. Slagle) produce com. merchts, 118 and 133 North Slagle Chas. W, (C.W.S.&Co.) Linden av and Lanviile Slagle David W. (C.W.S.&Co.) Northern Cen- tral hotel dQ Slagle Ferd. flour, cor William and West Slagle Jacob W. (C.W S &Co.) St. Clair hotel ^ Slain John W. lab. 40 Lee -2 Slaine Frank, fireman, 19 Conway ^ Slasman Mahlon, huckster, York rd near One W Mile house --o Slate Gottleib, lab. 992 w Pratt S Slater Ale.x. canmkr. K9 Valley Slater August, bricklayer, 1 .\iadeira al g Slater Mrs. Catherine, trimmings, 82 McElderry o Slater Charles W. police, 62 Barnes g Slater Elizabeth, confectionery, 133* s Caroline-^ Slater Mrs. Geo. 258 Linden av ^ Slater Geo. machinist, 121 Hollins Slater Geo. W. sign painter, 39 Valley Sltiter Henry H. coal, 82 McElderry Slater James, machinist, Mt. Vernon Slater John, shoemkr, 236 a Charles Slater John S. B. bricklayer, 266 e Pratt Slater J. R. stationery, 191 s Broadway Slater John, 1 Jackson pi Slater lohn Y. book and job printer, ove: 90 w Baltimore dw 504 w Fayette Slater Robert, [jolice, 39 Valley SLATER ROBERT J. club rooms, 8^ s Calvert dw cor Hampstead and Jackson sq av Slater Samuel J. clerk, 23 n Broadway Slater Thomas W. conductor, 58 s Broadway Slater Washington F. gilder, 191 s Broadway Slater Wm. tailor, 373 Hamburg Slater Wm. lab. 2 Price ct Slater Wm. H. stationery. 191 s Broadway Slatnik Frank, baker, 307 McDonogh ^ Slattery Florence W. machinist, 457 e Fayette ^ Slattery John J. varieties, 942 w Baltimore ^ Slaughter George H. clerk, 42 St. Peter Slaughter Mrs. Henrietta L. 222 Barre Slaughter Jeremiah, fireman, 77 Block Slaughter John T. cooper, 146 Burgundy al Slaughter Peter C. eiigineei-, 250 s Sharp Slaven James, drayman, 35 China Slaven Robert, drayman, 39 China Slawson Morris, painter, 73 n Washington , Slaysman Alonzo, coal and wood, 57 n Eden, ^ dw 194 e Fayette Slaysman Alex, police, 287 Forrest ^ Slaysman Henry W. chair painter, 194 eFayette ^ Slavsman Wm. sr. 194 e Fayette ^ Slavsmaii Wm jr. carp. 194 e Fayet e Slee Albert W. bookkpr, 155 McCuUoh Slee John, 237 Forrest Slee Joseph shoemkr, 237 Forrest Slee Joseph P, shoemkr. First av nr Clinton Slee Nicholas, ha\ packer, 237 Forrest Slee Wm. 237 Forrest Sleet Jolin, lab. 104 Lancaster Sleraaker Charles G. painter, 3 McCabes ct Sleniaker John H. fireman, 3 McCabes ct Slemmer Capt. Lloyd, magistrate, 2 s Front, J> dw 55 n Bond (^ Slemmer Milton, painter, 55 n Bond ^ Slenbakt-r Wm. jeweler, 403 Light qq Slereiino Michael, cigarmkr, 67 s Central av Sleven Michael, grocery, 236 Light ^z; Slicer Charles H. solicitor of patents,8j St.Paul, ^ dw 268 e Pratt Q Slicer Mrs. D. M. boarding, 53 Courtland i— i Slicer P. M. clerk. Friendship, York rd pf, Slick Nicholas jr. stevedore, 32 e Fayette p£] Slick Nicholas sr. 32 e Fayette ^ Slifer S. H. sewing m.Hchines, 357 n Central av Sliker Peter, carter, 153 s Washington n o O o o O O ^ o o fa < o Pi < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, SLI 552 SMI < O O t-2 !^ 5 DQ O o K -^ OS >^ ^S o~P &H p ■— I « o o Slimm John, cirter. 224 H>imbiiro: Slinjiliiir ('. Bohn (S. & S.) Towsontown Slinirlntr Chailes B. (S. & Co.) 215 w Lomburd Slin^'liiff .Mrs. CharlPi D. 215 w Lonibiud Slingliitf Fielder C. (S. & S )149 ii Republican Slin,2liittDr. Frank (Slingluff & Co ) Biilto. co Sliiipliitf Horace, cleik, Euiaw house Sliiiiilulf I.-aac. cl.-rk, 45 .Mulberry SLIXGLUFF JFSSIv, (S. & Co.) pies't Com- nieriiiil and Fanners X'ationHl Bank, dw Beechhill, Libertp rd Slin'rluff .Jolin L.cleik, 45 Mulberry Slingluff Josiah H. clerk, 215 w Lombard SLIXGLUFF & CO. (Jesse,' Dr. Frauk,and estate of C. D. Slnrrluffj manufacturing chemists, foot of Leadenliall. office 155 w Favette SLIXGLITF cj- SLLXGLUFF (C. Bohn and F. C. Slinjrluff, J attorneys, 48j St. Paul Sliiikman Ca?per. wheelwright, 1 s Greene Slinkman Herman, blacksmith, Calhoun nr Ramsay Sliver Wm. J. carp. 365 McHenry Sloan Casper B clerk, Patterson av nr Strieker Sl(jun Charles, 'C H. O'Xeal & Co.) 113 Lex- ington Sloan Eliza, 77 Preston Sloan Frank, clerk, 90 .Mulberry Sloan Fr:ink B. (C. Sidney Xonis & Co.) 82 w Monument Sloan George F. (Burns & S.) 143 McCulloh Sloan James, lab. 228 Bank Sloan Jas. fruits, 91 w Lombard, dw 77 Preston Sloan Jas. jr. cashier Farmers and Merchants ' Nat. Bank, 179 Dolphin Sloan John J. liackaian, 43 Hilien Sloan Joseph C. clerk, 143 McCulloh Sloan .Michael, lab. 228 Bank Sloan Patrick jr. moulder, 228 Bank bloane J. Francis, naut. inst. M)aker, cor Pratt and Spear's whf, dw 90 Mulberry Sloman Henry, cigarrakr, 6o s Sharp Sloman Wm. liiliografiher. 239 n Eden Slorp Wm. H. carp. 36 Ramsay Slothower Mrs. Beity, boarding, 119 n Charles Sloihower George, 93 n Paca Slothower George E bookkpr,262 Druid Hill av Slothower Wm. T. pruprieioi Powhatan cotton factory, 44 German, dw 93 n Paca Slouck Adam, lab. 114 Fort a v Sloucker Frank, lab. 22 Barnes Slum Aug. lab. 13 n Oregon Slunt Charles, police, 453 Lexington Sluter f'has. hair spinner, w Pratt nr Payson Sluter Mrs. Elizab. millnery, 735 w Baltimore Sly John, engineer, 75 Lee Small Cyrus K. (E.C.S. & Co.) 277 Linden av S'liall Edwd. C. (E.C.S. & Co.) 310 Madison av Small Edward, broker,lo South, dw 97 Preston SMALL E. C. & CO. (E. C. and C. K. Small,) coffee brokers, 71 Exchange pi Small Rrnest. bo.xmkr, 54 s Kutaw Small Frank, driver, 123 E'entja av Small Gf0.(Geo. Small & Co.)t38 .Mt. Vernon pi Small Geo. R. A. conductor. 40 s Popnleton SM.\LL GEO. & CO. (Geo. Small,) "produce and com. merchts, 62 and 64 North Small Jacob H. carp. 29 n Paca Stnall James E. lali. 108 Pearl SMALL JKSSE W.coal and wood, 36 n Liberty, dw 61 Small Jos. D. 372 e Pratt Small Josiah sr. 97 Preston Small John jr. attorney, 13 Courtland, dw It Cathedral Small Josiah jr. 97 Preston Small Louis, brakeman. Falls rd nr North ar Su,all L. H (Haines & S.) 662 w Fayette Small Robert H. clerk, 97 Preston Small Simon R sale.-man, 188 e Pratt Small Wm. H. (Wm. H. S. & Co.) 127 e Pratt SMALL WM. H. & (•0.(W. H. Small) raanufs. of ladies drejs trimmings and importers ol kid gloves and f\incy goods, 223 w B.iltimore Small Wm. cardriver. Baltimore and Calhoun Small Wm. lab. 732 Light Sn)allbeck Andrew, tailor. 78 s Regester Sniallwood Mrs. Ele.anora, tailoress, 188 Har- ford av Smallwood Geo. W. miller, Falls rd nrtnllgate SMALLWUOD JAMES B. sec'y Gas Light Co. of Baltimore, 19 South, dw 74 n Carey Smallwood John, marblecutter, 87 Richmond Smallwood Jos. lab. Falls rd nr tollgate Smallwood Jos. diiver, Maryland av e.\t Smallwood .Mrs. Julia A. 33 n Schroeder Smalley Jos. patternmkr, Woodberry Smart Mrs. A. R. school for young ladies, 5 Patterson av Smart B. C. clerk, 292 Mulberry Smart Jas. shoenikr, 31 L McKlderry Smart Wm. driver, 126 n Eden Smart Wm. R. coal and wood, 5 Patterson av Smead Charles W. salesman, 87 Saratoga Smead Edwin B. clerk, 405 w Fayette Smead Edwin J. printer, 213 n Gay Smead Jas. painter, 431 n Gay Smeltz George, lab. 31 Walker Smeltz Henry A. supt. Md. S. S. Union, 8 a Charles Smeltz Powle, cabinetmkr, 267 Fraaklio Smick Andrew W. machinist, 183 e Monument Smick Peter W. copperplate priuter,3.!6e Eager Smick Piiilip, copperplate printer, 185 e Monu- ment Smick Philip A. music printer, 155 e Monument Smick Wm. 0. expressman, 185 e Monuraeut Suiidt Auiiustus, lab. 367 .McHenry Smidt Frederick, driver, 5 Tessier Smidt John, lab. McHenry ur Bentalou Siriiley .Mis. Anna, 161 Stirling Smiley Fanny A. 224 George Smiley Jas. tinner, 4.")2 e Chase Smiley Jas. tinner, 2o8 George Smiley John, solicitor, 11 Wilkeus av Smiley John, through freight agt. B & 0. R, R, 149 w Baltimore Smiley Jos. plumber, 584 w Baltimore, dw 373 w Lonibard Smiley .Mary E. cook, 3 Barre Smiley Robert, cooper, 191 s Charles vSmiley Robert, coopei', 373 w Lombard Smiley R ibert jr. foreman, 3 Barre Smiuk Geo. upholsterer, rear 3 n Frederick Smilii Abraham J. cashier, 24 .Maryland av Smith .Abraham shoemkr, 62 a Greene Suiiih Absalom, feed, Forrest nr Madison, dw 178 Aistjuith Smith Adam, lab. 45 s Castle Smith Adam E. contractor, 132 n Broadway Smith Adam H.,1 Sweet Air Smith Albert, tailor, rear 570 Harford av SMITH DR. ALAN P. 45 Franklin Smith A\ex. clerk C. H. 210 n Republiciin Smith Alex. Carrollton hotel HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. SaTi 553 8MI Smith Alex. inspector C.H.,dw 210 n Republican j Smith Mrs. Alex. 229 w Hoffman I Smith Alex. lab. 21 Walker Smith Albert, stonecutter, 3 s Strieker i Smith Alfred, slate rocifer, 33 n Bond I Smith Alfred J. shipcarp. 68 William I Smith .Alfred L. carp. 283 n Eden ■ Smith Aloysius C. elk, 174 e Eajrer i Smith Aiubrose, butcher. 174 e Eager j Smith Am(>r( A.S & Soii9)Cincini.ati SMITH AMOR & SONS,(A..A.jr. and Liander [ Smith);ii)im!il matlerand cricklintiS.P.O.box 38, Fortav.at B.&U.R.K. .Locust Point [ Smith Amor jr.( A S.&Sons)Cincinnati j Smith A. T.(S &Schiiefer)l78 Aisquith Biiiith A. G. elk, CarroUtuii hotel milh Ananias, bricklayer, 357 Cathedral | mith Andrew A. enufiueer, 523 Saratoga i mith Andrew, baker. 10 Patterson av | mith Andrew, lab. 12 Ahey al j mith A'ldrew, painter, 187 s Charles Smith Andrew, hackman, 242 n Front Smith Andrew(Smith & Clarke )35 s High 5mith Andrew, watchman, 1 1 Scott i Smith Andrew, hackman, 10 Fall \ Smith Andrew J. 51 s Fulton Smith Andrew J. painter, 51 s Popplelon Smith Anna. 33 Chesnut Smith Mrs. Anna, bOivrding^ 79 n Rutixw I Smith Mrs. Anna, Calhoun nr Ramsay Smith Mrs. Anna, searastrr-ss, 51 Conway 5mith .Mrs. Ann. 42 Mulberry smith .Mrs. Ann C. grocery, 84 s C istie iraith .Mrs. .-Ynn M tencher, 11 s Ann jmiih Mrs. Ann M dre5smkr,92 McCulloh,dw 94 5mith Anthony M. 123 Pnrk av >mith Asa H.'& Son, (A .H. & A.H. Smith jr.) paperhantjersand upholsterers, 913\vBaltimore imith Asa H sr.(A.H.S & Son)913 \v Baltimore mith AsaH. jr.( A.H.S.& Son)10l Pearl iinith A. C. canmkr, 154 e Baltimorf miiii Anbury A. bookbinder, 81 Walsh hiiith August, conductor, 3:-'.9 Hamburg imith Augustine, elk, 180 Division mith Augustine J. booi^kpr. 81 n Greene mith A. Webster, elk, 45 Hullins < mith Mrs. Barbara, laund.55 Centre Market sp mith a: Busk (Samuel R. King) grocers, 182 s Broad Wiiy mith Barney, lab. 953 w Pratt mith Basil, bricklayer, 63 n Wolfe mith Bartlioluinew E. crier Court of Consmou Pleas, 531 Lexington mith Benj. B. bookkpr, 373 w Baltimore mith Binj.F.;Stockdale,S.&Co.}18lwHutfman mith B.'iij. R. tetcher, 152 West mith Bens.eit H. insjiector C. H ,dw 240 Chew rait!) Mrs Bridu'et, 116 Harford av MITH k BEYMER(Jouelt P.Smith and H. B. Beymer .provision brokers and com. merchts, over 6 Commerce MITH C. R. & P. H. k CO. (C R. and P. H. ! Smith and W. H. Heald) irnp'rs cloths, cassi- : meres and vestings, 47 German, e of Charies mith Carroll H. elk. 66 n Carey mith Mis. Catiierine, tailoress,23 Armisiead la mith Catherine, oysters. 334 s Bond mith Mrs. Catherine, 95 Battery av mith Mrs. Caroline A. 425 n Central av , mith Chandl(-r, cotton broker, 127 n Eutaw i S;^^ imith Chas. fireman, 43 Parrish mith Ch:ts. dk. 163 s Ann Smith Chas. driver, 132 L. Greene Smith Chas. telegraphist, 22 McElderry Smith Chas. driver, 8 Bartlett Smith Charles, p-op'r Union hotel. 39 Thames Smith Charles, engineer, 5 n Poppleton Smith Charles, lab. 29H n Bond Smith Charles, elk, 163 s Ann Smith t^harles, lab. 10 Henry Smith Charles, bricklayer, 91 Soinerset Smith Charles, lab. 50 Durst al Smith Charles, stevedore. 84 Block Smith Charles, musician. 114 s Caroline Smith Charles. 1 ib. 99 York Smith t'harles, oyster packer, 214 Bank Smith Charlei A. brass finisher, 217 (Jrleans Smith Charles C, Cemetery la nr Bilair av Smith Ciiarles D. elk, 294 w Fayette Smith Rev. Charles D. 206 Eastern av Smith (Jharles E. bricklayer, 85 e Biddle Smith Charles E. carp. 1^7 s Paca Smitli Charles F. architect. 309 n Eden Smith Charles F.(LawraHon&S.)Eutaw house Smith Charles F. pianomkr, 465 w Lombard Smith Ciiarles F. jr. cooper. 21 I .Mulberry Smith Charles G. elk, 194 Penna av Smith Charles H.( Smith & GirvanjN'ew York Smith Charles H. cooper, 78 n Pine Smith Charles H.(Greenway & C(/. jBaltimore co Smith C. Hurt, president Baltimore Coal Tar Mjinuf'g ' o. 33 Camden, dw 118 McCulloh Smith Chirles J. machinist, 52S Saratoga Smah Charles L. machinist, 18 Rock Smith Charles L.iS.& Shakman )526 Lexington Smith Charles L. canmkr, 149 s .\!in Smitli Charles P. cutler, 197 n Beth-I Smith C. P.(S.C.Smiih&Co.)Eutaw nr Fianklin Smith Charles R.(C.R.&P.H S &C ).)I75 Mosber Smith Charles S. broker, Eutaw hou c g I ->^ 72 p ® .5 §"5 a C (- X ^^■■? S3 >-, D - ^ ^. Smith Fred. A. stevedore, 37 s Castle Smith P^rcd. porter, 197 s Wolfe Smith Fred. Ial>. 296 Aliceanmi Smith Fred. H. butcher, 494 Lexington Smith Fred, driver, 37.3 Penna av Smith Fred, paperhanger, 233 s Eutavv Smith Fred. H. pen. supt.Brtlto.Brid;je Co. 3 w cor Charles and Lexington, dw 98 McCulloh Smith Fred, cooper, 326 s Sharp Smith G. A. salesman, 217 Orleans Smith G. G. carp. 286 Division Smith Geo. lab. First av nr Clinton Smith Geo. huckster, 9!) e Pratt Smith Geo. bricklayer, «9 n Washin;j!ton Smith Geo. 43 Milliman Smith Geo. machinist, 80 n Amity Smith Geo. lab 52 Durham Smith Geo. lab 157 s Broadway Smith Geo. engineer, 2(J0 Montgomery Smith Geo. shoemkr, 100 Henrietta Smith Geo. [)aperhatiger, over 454 Saratoga Smith Geo. mariner, 60 s Ann Smith Geo. tinner, 2()7 Peirce Smith Geo. dry goods, 205 Hollins Smith Geo. clerk, 193 Mulberry Smith Geo. A. police, 119 s Exeter Smith Geo. A. salesman, Maltby house Smith Geo. A. fresco {)aii)ter, 296 Mulberry Smith Geo. A. tobacconist, 828 w Baltimore Smith Geo. C. finisher, 188 s Fremont Smith Geo. F. shoemkr, 329 s Charles Smith Geo. F. jr. bricklayer. 63 n Wolfe Su)ilh Geo. IL foreman, 52 Ciitford al Smith Geo. L teacher, 42 Mulberry Saiith George M. cigars and newsdealer, 479 Penna av Smith Geo. P. (D.C.Woods & Co )306 Saratoga Smith Geo.R.biksmth,25 n Sharp, dw36 George Smith Geo. V. florist, Waverley Smith Geo. W. cigarmkr, 68 Union Smith Geo. W. P. attorney, 8j St. Paul and 94 Bank, dw 167 John Smith Geo. cooper, 24 May Smith Geo. W. cooper, 24 May Smith Geo. H. shipjoiner, 93 Lancaster Smith Geo. II. shoemaker, 48 Camden, dw 52 Conway Smith Geo. jr.(Kavanagh&S.)297n Broadway Smith Geo. C. clerk, 288 e Biddle Smith Geo. C. clerk, 330 e Biddle Smith Geo. A. engineer, 203 Chesnut Smith Gi-o. S. butcher, 528 Lexington Smith G^o. T. carp. 61 e Eager Smith Geo. W. clerk, 3"'3 n Central av Smith Geo. W. 224 Hollins Smith Geo. W. boilermkr, 59 .•Mbeinarle Smith Geo. W. carter, 78 Rue Smith Geo. W. I)iicklayer, 161 Raborg Smith Geo. A. confec'v, 21 e Monument SMITH & GIllVAN, (Chas. H.Smith and Tho8. Girva i) hop and malt merchants, 23 and 25 s Frederick Smith (iilliert T. 97 McCulloh Smith Gotfried, lab. 8 Maecubbin Smith (iustav, cigarmkr, 248 s Charles Smith Hamilton I'], bricklayer, 79i u Poppleton Smith H. Tillard, atiorne'y, 31 u Calvert, dw 1 18 Harlem av Smith Hannah C. (Garnett & S.) 258 HoUinS Smith Hannah, bakery, 544 Penna av Smith Hannah T. 186 n Exeter Smith Hannah, laund. 70 Harrison HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &o. Smith Daniel, tailor, 238 Hanover Smith Daniel, watchman, 523 Saratoga Smith Daniel, produce, 136 s Paca Smith David, contractor, Clifton and Mary- Smith David, butcher. 347 Hamburg Smith David L. painter. 122 Parkin Smith Mrs. Delia, 51 s Greene Smith Dennis, lab. 103 Stirling SMITH, DIXON & CO. (R. B. Smith, I. H. Dixon) i)a])er warehouse, 33 and 35 s Charles Smith E. C. harnessmkr, 162 Gough Smith Ebeneznr, shoemkr, 393 Eastern av Smith Eckhatdt, tailor, 363 s Charles Smith Edward, shoefitter, 89 s Sharp Smith Edward A. manuf. chemist, 52 s Sharp, dw 127 Towiisend Smith Edward A. lab. 84 Stirling Smith Edward, shoemkr, 108 L. Greene Smith Edward J. painter, 123 Sarah Ann Smith Kdwd. J. nightman, Sterrett nr St. Peter Smith Edward T. clerk, 38 s Gilraor Smith Edward L. lab. 229 Foirest Smith Edward L. mariner, 143 Albemarle Smith Edward F. produce and provisions, cor Dallas and Ji fferson Smith Edward, lab. 9 Cuba Smith Edward, lab. 152 e Pratt Smith Edwd. lab. John nr Baltimore cemetery Smith fldward P. clerk, 92 Saratoga Smith Edwin H. clerk, 17 s High Smith Edwin F. huckster, 221 e Fayette Smith Elhannan, coUarnikr, 269 Gough Smith Eli B. supt. 477 Aisquith Smith Eli, caip. York rd nr Huntingdon av Smith Elias .M. pilot, 2-iO Bank Smith Elijah B. painter, 557 Light Smith Elijah, lab. Sweet Air Smith Mrs. E. W. grocery. Sweet Air Smith Mrs Eliza J. 210 vv Hoffman Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, 334 n Eden Smith Mrs. Elizabeih, 233 n Eden Smith Ellen, 155 e Piatt Sniih, Ellett & Co. (R. P. Smith, F. M.Ellett) hides, leather and oil, 35 German, nr Light SMITH Rkv. EUGKNE It. agent M. E. Church South Book and Publishing Co. 246 w Balti- more, dw 116 w HoH'man Smith Eugene, lab. 150 e Pratt Smith Eug' ne C plumber, 48 n Poppleton Smith Eu;.ene C. machinist, 146 German Smith Eugene D. clerk, 465 w Lombard Smith Everett W. F. clerk, 37 Fawn Smith F. M. agt iit, 27 n Repuldican Smith F. St. Clair, f)6 Saratoga Smith Ferd. coachpainter, 12 s Schroeder Smith Ferd. paiuter, 21 Rock Smith Francis A. grocery, 80 Druid Hill av Smith Francis F. carti'r, 215 n Ciroline Smith Francis T.( Wylie,S.& Co.)68 w Madison Smith Francis M. lal). 78 Rue Smith Francis I), cigarmkr. 76 s Republican Smith Francis B. bricklayer, 241 n Eden Smith Frank, lab. 84 Johnson Smith Frank, lal). 145 s Wolfe Smith Franklin, coach|)ainler, 748 w Pratt Smith Fred, drivei', 55 Carlton Smith Fred, moulder, 35 s Rejiublican Siuith Mrs. Fred. 87 n Charles Smith Fred. C. clerk, 143 s Eden Smith Fred, hostler, 46 Baker Smith Fred, engineer, 87 n Charles Smith Fred. carp. 494 Lexington Assets, $, O. F. Brese.e, Genl Agt. SMI 555 SMI oith Harry C. clerk. 243 Lanvale uith Harry C. telegraphist, 61 e Eager aith Harry W. clerk, 367 Hollins lith Harrison, lab. First av nr Cliaton lith Hartman, 133 Forrest nith Mrs. Hartmau, butchering, 106 Belair mkt, d\v 133 Forrest oith Mrs Henrietta, grocery, 216 n Durham nith Henry, carter, 86 Albemarle lith Henry, harnessmkr, 169 Chofitmik aith Henry, lab. 21 Federal lith Henry, clerk, 43 Wulfe a of Madison nith Henry, lab.'l Ogston iiith Henry, saddler. 169 Choptank aith Henry, cooper, 245 w Biddle aith Henry, bricUmkr, Clinton nr First av nith Henry, shoemkr, 266 e Madison aith Henry, machinist, 33 Choptank jith Henry, cooper, 60 Division uith Henry, clerk, Mt. Vernon nith Henry, cardriver,Whalcoat nr Presstman uith Henr}', carp, and builder, 95 s Durham, dw 4() s Broadway nith Henry jr. carp. 40 s Broadway uith Henry, waiter, 14 Garden uith Henry C. A. (Hennighausen & S.) 82 Park av nith Henry C. police, 11 Waesche nith Henry A. clerk, 425 e Baltimore nith Henry D. trunkmkr, 163 Jefferson nith H. D. clerk, 88 n Charles uith Henry, grocery, 566 Lexington nith Henry P. 248 Saratoga nith Henry, lab. 193 Hollins uith Henry, huckster, 20 Columbia nith Henry, brassfinisher, Clifton nr Park la nith Mrs. Henry, butchering, 50 Lexington 1 Centie and 5 Hanover mkts, dw 490 Saratoga nith Henry E. bookkpr, 934 w Baltimore nith Henry C. (Tucker, Smith & Co.) 27 Read uith Henry K. millwright, 232 e Lombard uith Henry J. beer, 22 s Wolfe aith Henry R. (J.F.Maliory & Co.) 378e Pratt uith Herman A. 365 Lexington Iiith Herman, salesman, 60 Henrietta nith Hermau, clerk, 28 s Greene iiiih Howard, salesman, 114 German aith Hujh H. locksmith, 179 Aisquith Qiih Irving H. clerk. 243 Lanvale iiiih Israel. 21 Stockton uith Isaac H. jr. moulder, 505 Saratoga uith Isiiac N. snpt. lime kilns, 129 n Kxeter tiith Isaac H. si. express diiver, 505 Saratoga iOilh J. Addison, (Lockvvood.Smiih &Co. and Harrison & Smitii) 128 Bolton uitli Jacob sr. lab. 169 Choptank nith Jacob jr. lat'. 169 Clioptank nith Jacob, butchei, 391 Pennaav nith Jacob, polire, 143 Scott MITH J. JACOB, pharmaceutist, cor Eutaw .and Lexington, dw 294 w Favette Iriith Jacob H. driver, 114 St.'Peter lEith Jacob H. shoemkr, 32 Albera-irle [nith Jacob C. shoemkr, Strieker nr Ramsay jnith Jacob, lab. Dover nr Fulton pith Jack Q. H. salesman, 65 n Charles iuith James, fireman, St. Clair hotel uith James A. brassfinisher, 246 e Biddle nith James, shoeiukr, 14 Anthony tnith James, cigarmkr, 72 n Wolfe 'nith James, lab. 160 n Front nith James A. cooper, lOfis Exeter Smith James F. photographer, 92 n Poppleton Smith James H. attorney, Druidville Smith James G. carp. 135 Penna av Smith J. B. H. attorney, 185 n Charles Smith James, saddler, 523 Saratoga Smith James, carp. 69 s Bond Smith James D. carj). 44 Rast Smith James H. shoemkr, 515 Aisquith Smith J.imes H. clerk, 208 Hanover Smith .lames W. clerk, 184 n Front Smith James H. lab, Mt. Vernon Smith James, carp. 68 s Dallas, dw 69 s Bond Smith James B. moulder, 112 s Washington Smith James G. jr. moulder. 114 Mullikin Smith James L. carj). 333 n Eden Siuith James M. moulder, 544 Aisquith Smith James, cisarmkr, 252 n Bond Smith James, sailmkr. 291 w Hoffman Smith James T. boilermkr, 37 Warren Smith James D. grocery, 190 George Smith James C. (Wyman,Byrd&Co.)New York Smith James F. helper, 7 n Centialav Smith James A. police, 64 Jtckson sq av Smith James A lab. 335 Franklin Smith James S. bricklayer, 158 s Bond Smith James T. machinist, 209 Bank Smith James W. clerk, 306 Saratoga Smith Jeffrey A. blacksmith, s w cor Fremont and Pratt, dw 144 Scott Smith Jerome M. clerk, 38 McP^lderry Smith Mrs. Jane, confec'y, 199 s Washington Smith Jesse A. jr. cigarmkr, 331 Mulberry Smith Jesse S. clerk, 233 n Eden Smith Job. 70 Gough Smith Joel D. bricklayer, 161 n Paca Smith John, machinist. Friendship, York rd Smith John, lab. 22 Hudson al Smith John, machinist, 233 s Eutaw Smith John, j.aver, 141 Chew Smith John, carter, 100 Leadeuhall Smith John, painter, 203 Light Smith John, watchman, 25 S'errett Smith John, wheelwright, 6 Wilhelm Smith John, lab. 143 n Front Smith John, paver, 221 n Front Smith John, cabinetmkr, 66 w Fayette Smith John, lab. 229 Forrest Smith John, engineer, 206 L. Constitution Smith John, lab, 20 Bennett Smith John, grocery, n .v cor Bond and Chew Smith John. lab. 245 s Pac-i Smitli John, coachmkr, 6 Harford av Smith John, lab. .-9 North Smith John, tinner, 22 n Durham Smith J. Addison, oil iiispr. cor Townsend and Bolton Smith John C. piovisions. 213 n Caroline Smith Mrs. J. Dean, John nr Townsend Smith John F. harnessmkr, 126 .Mosher Smith John B. lab. 59 Stockton Smith J, Fred. (Fowler <<• Co ) St. Cl.iir hotel Smith John, pictures, 127 Penna av and 2G2 n Gay Smith John T. caulker, 334 9 Bond Smith John T. carp 353 n Central av Smith John C. .^ . 194 Penna av Smith John J, ironmoulder, 13 Comet Smith John .VI. barkpr, 239 s Broadway Smith John S. feed, 244 Canton av, dw 218 Forrest Smith John, shoemkr, 35 Haw Smith John W, glassblower, 54 Warren ■^ CD O C5 o O d o p o o f4 I — I I — I > CD I— I < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, SMI 556 SMI H fxJ H P^ H C/J . >H Smith Samuel, lab. 34 Hare ^ Smith Samuel, tinner, 356 Franklin Smith Samuel, spice mauuf'r, 4 Myrtle av Smith Samuel, turn, wagon, 5»)5 w Lombard Smith Samuel, bricklayer, 311 e .Madison Smith Samuel C. machinist, 29 Gough Smith S. D. sec'y Ore Knob Copper Co. 457 n ^ Carey OD Smith Samuel R. (Shipley, Smith & Co.) 57^ Cathedral m Smith Samuel J. oyster and fruit packer, 505, c-^ 5o7 and 509 w Pratt, dw 243 Lanvale Smith Samuel L. storage warehouse, 95 Smith's wlif, dw 157 Dolphin Smith Samuel P. saddler, 163 Jefferson Smith Samuel R. painter, 165 Gough Smith Sam'l R.(S.& Nicodemus) 45 Hollins Smith Samuel T. bricklayer, 43 .Milliraan Smith Samue! R. stevedore, 88 n Ann Smith Mrs. Sarah, dressmkr, 126Mosher Smith Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, 112 e Lombard Smith Mrs. Sarah, 132 n Fremont Smith Mrs. Sarah J. 63 n Amity Smith Mrs. Sarah L. 125 n Republican Smith Mrs. Sarah J, boarding, 108 Gough Smith Mrs. Sarah H. 101 n Exeter Smith S. B. conductor, 35 Forrest pi ^ Smith &Shaefer (A. T. Smith, Harry Shaefer) q feed and guano, 172 and 174 Forrest r^ Smith Mrs. Sophia S. 49 McCulloh Smith Mrs. Susan, confec'y, 317 e Lombard fx] Smith Susannah, confec'y, 101 s Caroline f_^ Smith Theodore, silesman, Howard house ^ Smith Theodoric, clerk, n e corner Eutaw and <^ Lexington ^ Smith Thos. lab. 8 Laurel Smith Thos. huckster, 50 Pearl Smith Thos. mariner, 88 s Wolfe Smith Thos. conductor, 161 n Paca <1 OQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland In8. Go's Marble Building.) 3 « Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. SMI 558 SMY V a tiC_= ^ ^.;:^ Smith Thos. picture frame and furn. factory, 424 w Prait. dw Gen. Wayue hotel Smith Thos. coufectionerv, 174 West Falls av Smith Thos. M. (T.& J. M. S.) 133 Park a\r Smith Thos. A. blai-ksmitii, 41 s Gilmor Smith Thos. B. cigaiiiikr, 126 Mosher »•" Smith Thos. H. oyster packer. 108 Gough Smith Thos. J. confectioner, 117 Hollins Smith Thos. 58 St. Paul Smith Thos. painter, 165 Gough Smith Tlios. U. jr. patternmkr, 175 Mulberry Smith Thos. U. sr. carp. 175 Mulberry Smith Thos. H. prof, of music, 16 n Front Smith Thos. H. boilermkr, 28 Warren Smith Thos. J. carp. 61 n Pine Smith Thos. L. 335 s Charles Smith Thos. M. (S.& Curlett and T. Snowden H. W. magistrate, 25 Lexington, dw ^ 85 Townsend ^ Snowden J. Thos. clerk, Oregon nr Franklin ZJI Snowden Mary J.. Oregon nr Franklin SNOWDEN & PETERS, (Edward Snowden, ^ Winfield Peters, ) dealers in fertilizers, and ^ com. merchts, 34 Postoffice av 3 SNOWDEN PHILIP M. real estate attorney P=-l and pres't Balto. Perm. Bdg. and Land Society ^^ 83 w Fayette dw 583 Lexington ' ^ SNOWDEN RL HARD H. law and conveyan-- ^ cing, 63 w Fayette, dw 656 Lexington SNOWDEN SAMUEL, attorney, 85 w Fayette, S dw Penna av ext 2 Snowden S. Geo. clerk, Oregon nr Franklin _^ Snowden Wilbur (S. ^ Whitelock) 656 Lex- ^ ington c3 Snowden & Whitelock, (Wilbur Snowden, A. PQ B. Whitelock) collectors, 63 w Fayette ^ Snowden Wilton, real estate, 83 w Fayette, dw o Oregon nr Franklin ^ Snowman Fred, drayman, 90 Somerset O Snyder Alonzo, constable and collector, 34 O South, dw 237 Hanover Snyder Andrew, gasfitters 177 West Snyder Andrew G. clerk, 261 n Howard Snyder Anton, patternrakr. 5 Weber Snyder Aug. butcher, 7 Richmond and 43 Lex- c^ ington rakts, dw Penna av ext Snyder Mrs. Aug. grocery, 142 Conway P^ Snyder Benj. D. carp. 32 Neighbor Q Snyder Benj. B. sr collector, 2o7 w Lombard Qi Snyder Calvin R salesman, 562 Saratoga ^^ Snyder Chrs. tinner, 24 n Dallas (^ Snyder Chas. barber, 13 Patterson av Snyder & Burke, (Francis J. M. Snyder and p£] Andrew J. Burke) junk, 13 n High Snjder & Cochran, (J. H. Snyder, T. A. Cochran) ^ com. merchts and pork packers, Penna av ext ^ Snyder C. M. clerk, 155 s Ann ^ Snyder Elijah S. 151 s Ann Snyder Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 n Dallas t-k" Snyder Francis J. M. (S. - Oqo K O O Snyder John, cigarmkr, 360 Hanover Snvder John, shoemkr, 25 n Wolfe Snyder John, bricklayer, 22 Bartlett Snyder John, meter tender, 156 n Central av Snyder John, tailor, 206 Preston Snyder John, brakenian, 37 n Durham Snyder John, tailor, 45 Myrtle av Snyder John, coaclinikr, 146 Hillen Snyder John, coachnikr, 286 e Monument Snyder John, butcher, 122 Jackson sq av Snyder John H. carp. 116 Lee Snyder John J. lab. 28 n Spring Snyder John J. attorney, 136 w Madison Snyder John L. saloon and billiards, 4 s Gay Snyder John W. lab. 3 Burrough Snyder John W. bookkpr, 1 Edmondson av Snyder John J. carp. 54 Clay, dw 65 Snyder John, tailor, 9S s Fremont Snyder J. H. jr. butcher. 391 Penna av Snyder J. H. butcher, 43 Le.\ington,7I Centre, 206 Belair and 10 Richmond mkts,dw Penna av est Snyder J. Henry of C. butcher, 10 Richmond and 69 and 71 Centre nikts,dw391 Penna av Snyder Jos. F. butcher, 51 Centre and 6 Lex- ington mkts, dw Penna av nr North av Snyder Joseph, blacksmith, 221 n Dallas Snydei Mrs. Joseph R. 143 n Charles Snyder Justus, butcher and grocery, 48 Jackson Snyder Justus, clerk, 672 Le.xington Snyder Louis, silver plater, 142 Conway Snyder Marcus, butcher, cor Madison av and Robert Snyder Mrs. Margaret, 66 Fort av Snyder Mrs. Mary A. dressrakr, 422 e Fayette Snyder Mrs. Mary, 105 Scott Snyder Matthias, carp. 4 Hammond al, dw 23 Eastern av Snyder Matthias, lab. 18 Bartlett Snyder Siimuel, stoves, 116 s Broadway Snyder Thos. cigannkr, 95 Peirce Snyder Wm. L. insp. C. H. 151 n Ann Snyder Wm. cooper, 76 West Snyder Wm. hostler, 84 Peirce Si.yder Walter (Clark, Swift & Co.) 91 s Eden Snyder Wm. 437 Penna av Snyder Wm. C. bank messenger, 154J Mulberry Snyder Wm. tinner, 141 Jefferson Snyder Wm. police, 65 n Caroline Snyder Wra. blacksmith, 119 Albemarle Snyder Wm. L. capt. of watch, C.H. 70 n Bond Sobboth John, carver, 79 Wyeth Sobboth Paul, carp. 79 Wyeth Social Help Association No. 1, 586 w Baltimore Sody Joseph, printer, 24 Centre Market sp Soeder John, barber, 293 Hanover Soelkey Christian, tinner, 397 w Lombard Soelkey Harry, machinist, 497 w Lombard Soelkey Mrs. Lena, 497 w Lombard Soeller August, baker, 175 Aisquith SoeterAdam, preserver, 407 Light Soeter John, 293 Hanover Sofsky Theodore (Shipley & S.) 5 Penn Sohl Adam H. cabinetmkr, 252 s Sharp Sohl Augustus, cabinetmkr, 63 Lancaster Sohl Frank, tailor, 113 Cross Sohl Herman, furrier, 63 Lancaster Sohl Mrs. Ellen, 413 n Calhoun Sohl J. Adam, printer, 252 s Sharp Sohl Henry S. bookkpr, 132 Myrtle av Sohl Henry, shoemkr, 63 Lancaster Sohl John, baker, 143 Vine Sohl John, confectionery, 37 Sterrett Sohl John, apothecary, n e cor Charles and Montgomery Sohn Christian, lithographer. 111 s Regester Sohn Christian, tailor, 149 e Pratt Sohn Jacob, butcher, 149 e Pratt Sohn John T. grocery, 237 e Fayette Sohn -Mauritz, tailor, HI s Regester Sohn Wm. butcher, Ills Regestsr Sohns John { Wm.Sohns&Son)136 sWa.ohington Sohiis Wm.(Wm. S. & Son) 136 s Washington Sohns Wm. & Son (Wm. & John Sohns) rags, 136 s Washington StJIECKI 1. A. attorney, 31 n Calvert, dw 192 SOINE GEO.W. imp. wine 6 German, nr South, dw 695 w Fayette Solan Thomas, laborer, 10 Wyeth Solana P. Gray, clerk, 4 Commerce Solt)ack Joseph, coachpainter, 728 w Pratt Solberg John Ale.x. (Tetens, Bockraann ^- Co.) vice consul Norway and Sweden, 65 s Gay, dw 2 Waverley terrace Soldan Adam, cabinetmkr, 67 n Washington Sollers Benjamin L. puddler, 24 Hare Sollers Elizabeth, 158 Chesapeake Sollers G'jo. L. letter carrier, 491 Penna av Sollers James E. moulder, 7 Ogston Sollers James H. tailor, 278 s Dallas Sollers Mary, teacher, 218 e Baltimore Sollers John W. woodsawyer, 158 Chesapeake Sollers Mrs. M. A. shoe store, 491 Penna av Sollers Sarah 0. teacher, 218 e Baltimore Sollers Thomas 0. clerk. 218 e Baltimore Sollers Thomas E. 178 Harlem av Sollers Thomas E. 114 Harlem av Sollers Thomas 0. jr. plumber, 218 e Baltimore Sollers Wm. 0. carpenter, 21S e Baltimore Sollers Wm. E. puddler, 162 Hudson Sollers Wm. H. laborer, 241 n Eden SoUiar Joseph, music 68 President Solmson Heineman, notions, 1 76 s Broadway, dw 270 Canton av Solomon Benj. clerk, 80 s Spring Solomon Benj. D. machinist, 422 n Eden Solomon John F. builder, 422 n Eden Solomon Joseph S. clerk, 196 e Eager Solomon Martin, piauonikr, 24 Poultney Solomon Martin, 168 Franklin Solomon Philip, cattle dealer, 80 s Spring Solomon Samuel, porter, 171 s Chester Solomon Sigmund, clerk, 238 w Fayette Solomon Wm. T. sailrakr, 422 n Eden Solomon Wm. T. 384 n Strieker Solter George L. cooperage stock, 101 Smith' dock and 29 and 31 Block, dw 17 s Ann Solter John (G.W.Navy & Co.) John nr Sprin Soize Mrs. Caroline C. boarding, lu4w Fayet Solze John A. 31 Pearl Somers John M. oyster packer, 7 Warren Soiners Michnel, confectioner, 291 Eastern av Somers Wm. F. shoemkr, 258 e Chase Somervell Mrs. James, boarding, 54 St. Paul Somerville Samuel, gas fitter, 297 Aisquith Somerville Thomas J. carpenter, 355 Aisquith Somerville Wm. H. H. florist, 212 Harford ar Sommer Andreas, laborer, 266 s Ann Sommer Andrew, liquors, 19 s Stockton al, d ■* 243 Hollins Sommer Catherine, millinery, 287 s Bond Sommer Charles E. bricklayer, 246 n Bond Sommer Charles J. bookkpr, 4 Lemmon Sommer Rev. Daniel, 317 Walsh HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. SOM 5fil SOU Bominer Mrs. Clara, 287 s Bond Sommer Ernest, tavern, 252 Aliceanna Soniiner Frances, haiidresser, 287 s Bond Somnier George, brewer, Belair av ext Somnier George P. brakeman, 243 Hollins 3on)mer Henry, laborer, 260 Aliceanna Sommer Henry jr. laborer, 260 Aliceanna Somiuer Jacob, coachmkr, 241 Franklin Sooiiiier John P. watchmkr, 73 s Wolfe Sonimer John, orna. painter, 241 Franklin Somnier John, ornamental painter, 246 n Bond Sommer John, printer, 30 w Baltimore Sommer .Mrs John, 4 Lemnion Sommer Martin, stevedore, 178 s Bethel Sonimer Samuel, coachpainter, 162 Scott Sommer Samuel jr. finisher, 104 Scott Somiiier .^arah, 10 Cumberland Sommer Susan, 10 Cumberland Sommer Thomas H. bricklayer, 246 n Bond Somnier Wm. G. 2.iQ .Mulberry Somnierfif'ld Aaron, 34 Stirling Sommei field John, rustic work, 28 Pearl 50mmerfeld Adolph, (Lederer&vS.) 184 Chesnut Somiiierlott Autrust, carpenter, 193 Colunibia 5omraerlock Christopher, baker, 173 s Caroline Sonimerlock John F. upholsterer and paperbgr, 368 Saratojia Somincrs Andreas, laborer, 114 Lancaster Sommers Charles, caulker, 22 s Spring jSonimers Charles A. moulder, 16 Wyeth Bomiiiers Frederick, laborer, 62 s Chapel [Sommeis Henry, laborer, 16 Wyeth jSomiuers John, carpenter, 41 s Burke ijojumers Joseph, mariner 224 Hamburg jomniers John, blacksmith, 7 Parrish 5ommers .Mrs. Mary, 228 s Dallas ^oniiners Wm. driver, Clinton nr Elliott 50nimerville Francis .M. brass finisher, 12 e Biddle iomnierville James, truukmkr, 12 e Biddle lOnimL-rville Thomas, carp. 13 Clinton av 5ommervil!e Thus. J. carp. John nr Eden sommerwerck Charles, clerk, 227 Eastern av Jonamerwerck Daniel, (S. & Weighardt) 146 s Broadway iommerwerck & Weighardt (D. Sommerwerck, F. Weighardt) grocers, 227 Eastern av and 146 s Broadway ionde Aug. laborer. 51 Lancaster ondergeld Mrs. R. Homestead londergeld Theodore, laborer, Homestead ondheim Samuel, dry goods, lfa8 Lexington, dw 166 w Lombard iondheimer Mrs. Nannie, 165 Orleans iondheimer Samuel, 41 Pearl ionneborn Mrs. Catherine,grocery,262 Hanover ionneborn Christian, C(,oper, 262 Hanover ionneborn Henry (H. S. &.Co.) 78 s Shap IONNEBORN HKNRV & CO ^H. Sonn^born, B. Blimline) wholes, clotheirs, cor Baltimore and Libertj Ionneborn Lewis, 83 Camden Ionneborn Philip H. restaurant, 181 Lexington Ionneborn Simon, cutter, 112 n Pine lonneburg Theo. confcct'y, 693 w Lombard lonnehill .Mrs. Henrietta, hoopskirts and cor- eets, 133 Lexington lonnehill Kaufman B. hoopskirts and corsets, 133 Lexington 'lOnnehill Lewis, 352 w Fayetie lonnehill Moses, clerk, 352 w Fayette lonneleiter George, sailmkr, 66 Towson ionneman Henry, mer. tailor, 500 w Baltimore Sonneuburg Chas. R. confec'y, 464 w Baltimore Sounenburg R. confec'y, 826 w Baltimore Sonnenleiter Michael, driver, 34 Abey al Soper A. C. auent, 211 n Republican Sojier Edward, auctioneer, 44 s Charles, dw 151 Walsh Soper Fnincis A. teacher, 211 Republican Soper Henrv B. clerk, 188 McCnIloh SOPER SAMUEL J. & CO. (S. J. Soper) auc- tioneers, 44 8 Charles Soper Saml. J. (S. J. S. & Co.) 188 McCulloh Soper Wm. E. clerk, 136 Cathedral Soper W. Horace, agent, 90 w Baltimore, dw 21 1 n Republican Sopp Adam, lab. 59 Park av Sopp Juliana, grocery, 59 Park av Sopp J. Adam, barber, 59 Park av Soran Mrs. Cecilia C. 32o Orleans Soran Chas. ornam'l chairpainter, 72 Albemarle Soran Edward J. varnisher, 320 Orleans S'.)ran James, varnisher, 320 Orleans Sorast Charles, cigarmkr, 42 Camden Sorders Mrs. Susan, grocery, 432 Saratoga Sorg Charles, driver, Pratt nr Fulton Sorgeler Fredericli, papercarrier, 272 Orleans Sork CharlfS, lab. McHenry nr Monroe Sorter Daniel, carp. 59 Pearl, dw 421 n Carey Sorter G.W. jr.(S.& .McCafiFrey) 365 n Strieker SORTER & McCaffrey, (G. W. Sorter jr., J. W McCaffrey) provisions, Patterson av nr Strieker Sorter George W. carp. 421 n Carey Sothoroii John H. tobacco insp. warehouse No. 4. dw 181 n Republican Sothoron Mrs. M. A. 11 n Gilmor Sothoron M. A. clerk, 271 w Lombard Sothoron Thomas J. carbuilder, 11 n Gilmor Souder Chas. driver, 76 Woodyear Souder Frtd. beer, Clinton nr Fifth av Souder George, lab. Clinton nr Fifth av Souders Wm. A. lab. 27 Wolfe n of Monument Souers Jacob, butcher, Chester nr .Madison Sourin Rev. Edward J., Loyola College South Baltimore Library Association, Mont- gomery nr William SOUTH BALTIMORE PI-:RMANENT MUT. LOAN AND SAVINGS ASS'N, 261 Light South .Mrs. Mary, dressmkr. 1 1 Park av South Thomas, carver, 238 s Ann Suuthall Mrs. M. T. boarding, 55 Lexington Southard Joseph, moulder, 21 s Mount Southcomb Mrs. Annie, grocery, 24 n Eden Sonthcomb & Bro. (Jas. and John Southcomb) wireworkers, 192 e Baltimore Southcomb Carj, printer, 243 n Eden Southcomb Harry, canmkr, 243 u Eden SouthcoinbJame3(S.&Bro. )fire depl.43 Harrison Southcomb John, (S. & Bro.) fire dept. 192 e Baltimore Southcomb John P. dentist, 241 e Baltimore Southcomb Joseph, plumber, Addison al nr Wilhelm Southerland Clarence, clerk, 57 s Poppleton Southerland Rev. Silas B. asst. editor Methodist Protestant, 57 s Poppleton Southern Dispensary, 45 Conway Southern H. actor, 50 n Calvert Southern Home School, 197 and 199 n Charles Southern Hall, n e cor Light and Montgomery Southern Police Station, Sharp and Montgomery Southern Literary Institute, Mrs.Robbins, prin- cipal, 564 w Fayetie CQ pq o O o o Q o o K < >^- < -^ O O < Power Press Printin| (Maryland Ins. Co ;, at Reduced Rates, 8 Marble Building.) 35 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, SOU 562 SPE 1 CI o - Soutbeate Chas. brakeinan, Strieker nr Patler- a5 -o ° son av > Ci l— t SouthfTtite Joshua, clerk, Waverley •53 CO CO Southwestern Dispensary, 37 Parkin S •'" 5 Soweis Calvin Henry, lab. 162 Ramsay iTr.-^ !Z Sowers Geo. 11 lab.' 24 Steriett O := ,^ Sowers Henry, lb2 Ratiisay ^ o ^ SpaH'ord Mis. Emma, dresamkr, 141 s Bond '~* Ti SpiilfordGt'O. H. carp. iind painter, 384eMonumeut •'^'2 d Spaffotd Milton A. carp. 46 n Ann S § ^Spatford Samuel A. carp. 141 s Bond § SpafiFord Samuel G. carp. 141 s Bond -5 ^ — ^ oD ^ Sfiahn Casper, shoemkr, 24 s Chapel !!5 [> X Spabii Conrad, cabinetmkr, 67^ n Chapel ^ t^ rjq Spahn Geo. lab. Canton n of O'Donnell •" >-.. S(>ahn Jacob, cabinetmkr, 261 n Eden -^ ;:r '^ Si)alin John, lab. 20 Clinton • 5 J^ ^ Spilin .lohn, brushinkr, 212 s Ann 2 a; ^ Spahn Michael, provisions, 407 e F.iyette i C-"^ Spahn Nicholas, lab. 35:i Orleans 5 S a3 Spai^^ht Jeremiah, caulker, 166 HuH:hes S Spalding Arthur K. clerk, Oxford, York rd ^ "J^ Spalding Mis B. R. 103 n Charles 2i cT Spalding: Basil D. 318 n Caroline Spalding Chas. C. farmer, O.xford, York rd Spalding John, telegraphist, 239 Dolphin Spalding Wm. F. oil, 239 Dolphin Spalding Wm. E. telegraphist, 239 Dolphin Sjiamer Adolph N. clerk, 358 Aisquith Spamer Arthur L. clerk, 358 .Aisquith Spamer C. Aug. E. attorney, 43 n Charles, dw 423 n Carey Spamer Christian, engineer, 18 n Caroline %^ £ Spamer Elizab. notions, Caroline and Hampstead P P_i Sramer Henry, shoestore, 130 n Republican ,— . 9 ' Spamer Ludwig, pianomkr, 358 Aisquith Oi pq ^ Spamer Olivia E. teacher, 358 Aisquith '^ _ H Spamer Wm. engineer, 220 e Fayette '^"^ ^ Spandauer Benj. collector, 119 n Bond r^ t^ S Spandauer Levi, real estate, 137 n Eden *- 'a; 1-2 Spandauer Mrs. Sarah, 155 n Eden H 1c Spandauer Mrs Sophia, 119 n l5ond '•T <^ Spanenberger Benj. clerk, 44 e Pratt . ^r ■A Spanenberger Fred. lab. 44 e Pratt "^ "-^ '^ SpHugeiiberger Geo. J. liquors and feed, 182 n c3 9 S Eden ., '^ Spangenburg Mrs. Eva, 418 w Lombard 05 HH " _ - - - - - Spangenburg Fred, cigarrakr, 418 w Lombard -i^ Spangenburg John, grocery, 409 w Pratt -2 >i Spangenburg Phili(i, salesman, 409 w Pratt CC r^' Spangleherger John, machinist, 2 .Amity ct t3 5 Spangler Andreas, lab. Eighth av and Clinton 2 ^ S()aiigler Frank M. painter, ist; s Paca _ S - Spangler James 1). police, 13 Etting 3 ^ X spangler John, Harford av nr Homestead "" o = Spanjiler Rev. Joseph N. demist, 446 w Fayette K ^ "" Spangier Mary, 41 Forrest pi ^ *^ C Spangler Matthew, watchman, Baltimore city § "^ "^ court, 22 n Exeter § c '^ Spann Adam, coal oil distiller, O'Donnell and O-f^,^ Clinton "^ 3 fci: Spann Chas. F. tavern, 237 Aliceanna c c Sparber John, lab. 51 n Chapel ^ ^2 Sparhawk Benj. F., dep. col. 3d d istrict, 199 w lyette >. 3 Sparhawk John, currier, 18 s Schroeder z!) Jl S|iarhawk Samuel, machinist, 409 w Lombard ^ eJ Sparhawk Stearns, currier, 306 n Ann Sparklin Barton J. scroll sawysr, 36 n Ann 2 ~ -. Sparklin Jas. W. bookkpr, 172 n Caroline .5 "^ 2 Sparklin Wm. F. woodturner, 38S Orleans -^ 0^ >, Sparks Edward R. painter, 281 e Fayette ?|,S HOLMES & CO., Engineers'" and Machinists' Tools and Sup W'^'^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c.| Sparks Chas. T. railroad dispatcher, cor Olivei and Decker Sparks E. Samuel, watchman, 92 Dolphin Sparks Frank W. carp. Waverley Sparks H. E. dentist, 78 s Sharp Sparks John R. tinner, 64 Myrtle av Sparks Jos. A. conductor, 19 n Poppleton Sparks Levi, carp. Waverley Sparks Randolph, railroad dispatcher, Olivei cor Decker Sparks Richard P. lab. 3 L. Church Sparks Samuel A. trader, 19 n Poppleton S|)arks Thus, civil engineer, Oliver cor Decker Sparrow John, clerk, Ciiarles-st av tir Brown Sparrow Dr. L. G. 428 n Carey Sparrow L. K. bookkeeper, 192 n Calvert Spate Geo. cooper, 15 Plum al Spates A. Worth, attorney, 65 n Charles, dw 284 n Strieker Spates .Mrs. Elizabeth, 284 n Strieker Spates Martin, tailor, 80 s Wolfe Spates Richard P. clerk, 188 Mulberry Spates .Mrs. Thos. 28 1 Strieker nr Townsend Spates Zechariah, conductor, 284 Strieker nea Townsend Spatz Ludwig, beer, 67 Bank Si)atzler Philip, lab. 115 s Chapel Spavin Ann, 162 Lee Spavin Francis, 162 Lee Spavin Mrs. Mary, seamstress, Fulton nr Dove Sl)eake Geo. boilermkr, 359 Light S[ieake Henry, attorney, 384 n Strieker Speake Thos. S. sailmkr, 384 n Strieker Spf;ar Abraham, (Spear & Bro ) 264 w Pratt Spear Alex. L. importer watches and jewelry 47 w Baltimore Spear & Bro. (J. and A. Spear) boots and shoes 227 and 264 w Pratt SPEAR BROS. (J. 0. and P. F. Spear) hardwar com. merchants, 21 s Charles Spear EdwinW.bookkpr,McCulloh nrMcMechii Spear E. Pratt, (E. P. S. & Co.) McCulloh nr Mc Mechin Spear E. Pratt «fe Co. (E. Pratt Spear) prop'r Mrs. Cox's Indian Vegetable Decoction, 21 Charles Spear Jacob, (Spear & Bro.) 264 w Pratt Spear James 0. (Spear Bros.) 43 Clarke Spear Lambert G. clerk, 87 n Charles Spear Mrs. Otis, 43 Clarke Sjjear P. Forney, (S. Bros.) 189 w Townsend Spearing .August, tailor, 231 n Dallas Spearman Edward, lab. 5 Lemuion Spearman Patrick, lab. 11 Booth Spearman Patrick, lab. 21 Leminon Spearman Samuel J. jr. Belair av ext Spccht Henrv, tailor, 498 n Gay Speck Dr. J.' F. 233 n Bond Specketer, Henry, sugarboiler, 69 s Exeter Spedden Alfred T. canmkr, 9 s Fulton SpeddenEdwd.(W.H.Spedden& !ro.)89Williao Spedden Elizal)eth F. teachir. S9 William Spedden Mrs. Elizabeth, board' g, 48 3 Strickei Spedden .Mrs. Frances, 89 Williani Spedden Capl. Hugh B. 89 William Spedden J. R engraver, 86 e Pratt Spedden John, gatekeeper main entrance Drui( Hill Park Spedden John, watchman, 48 Baker Spedden Julia, fancy goods, 72 s Paca Spedden Levin, police, 178 s Chapel Spedden Oliver W. clerk, Baker nr Pennli Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. SPB 563 SPI m d Jpeddea Robert H. 9 Fulion Jpedden Taylor, Ijlackemith, 48 s Strieker ipedden Thoams, clerk, 89 William jpedden Vincent P. jr. lab. 32 s Strieker 5|iedden Win. H.( W111.H.S.& Bro.)156 n Carey ipedden Win. H. & Bio.(Wni. H. and Edward Spedden) com. merchts 165 Lijiht-st whf ipedden Wm. L. photojrrapher, 185 w Fayette ipedden Wm. L. phoiOLtnipher, 73 e Baltimore, dvv 19 e Baliimore >[ieddea Wm. G. telefriaphist, 185 w Fayette Jjieed Cliiisiopli. CrofS pellnian John, gr(x;ery, 11 s Front pellnuiQ Lawrence, coremaker, Granby aad Exeter pellman Michael, lab. 2 Willow pellman Wm. coachsmiih, 100 e Madison pelmau Dominic, caip. 17 Cintie Market sp pelshoase Louis A. flour and produce, 15 Frederick av, dw 766 w Pratt pence Alex, driver, 84 Block pence Carroll, attorney, 241 St. Paul pence Geo. W. undertaker, 206 Foirest pence Herman, plasterer, 172 Scott pence James, 101 Park av pence James C.(S.,.Montajiiie&Co.)101 Park av pence John, gardener, Waverley pence John B. carp. 206 Forrest pence John H. tinner, 172 Scott pence Joha H. tinner, 151 n Caroline pence Jos. brakeman, 133 s Fremont pence Mrs. Mary E. 30 Greenmount av PENCE, MONTAGUE & CO (W. W. Spence, Jas C. Spence, D. P. Montajjue, W.W.Spence jr.) shipping and com. merchants, 25 8 Gay pence Dr. Robert T. 298 n Gilmor pence Thos. B. 118 e Madison pence Wm. H. grocery, 479 Aisquith pence Wm. W. (S., Montague & Co.)pres't Md. Ins. and Security Co., Hoflfman opp BoUoc (ictice Wm. W. jr. (Spence, Montague & Co.) lliilfman opp Bolton pfciicer Albert, engineer. 41 Heniietta pencer Mrs. Charlotte, 5i;6 w Lombard peacer Mrs. Clementina, 37 u Calhoun peucer D. P. lab. 15 Whatcoat pLiicer Daniel, shoemkr, Horn nr Washington pt-iieer David, lab. 87 Jackson sq av pencer xVIrs. E. C. n e cor Fayette and Gilmor pencer E. N. ladies and childrensfurn. goods, tJ!( Lexington peucer Frank, lab. 119 Ridgely ipeucer Geo. lab. 345 s Sharp , pencer Geo. W. weighmastt-r, 156 Bank ipencer Harry C. clerk, Fulton nr Lexington ipencer Henry G. clerk, 37 n Calhoun pencer James, lab. 421 Cross iHucer Juhn, boilermkr, 13 Abey al I'tucer John, shoemkr, !41 Cross Ipencer John E. bookkpr, 181 n Hij^h i'pencer John M. hosiery and trimmings, 478 w Baltimore, dw 669 Lexington ptncer Joseph H. elk, 88 n Fulton c ci a; o Spencer Melville, moulder, 261 w Biddle Spencer Perry G. shipwright, 424 e Chaae Spencer Rachel A. teacher, 61 s Bond Spencer Richard, lab. 144 MuUikin Spencer Richard, lab. 345 s Sharp S[)encer Robert, elk, 80 Aisquith Spencer Samuel S. driver, 61 s Bond Spencer Samuel, engineer, 67 Henrietta Spencer Stanhope C. elk, 37 n ('alhoun S|iencer Thos. U. elk, 64 n Broadway .^ Spencir Thos. tailor, 61 s Bond ^ Spencer Volorus 0. machinist, 261 vv Biddle _§ Spencer Wm. H. clerk C. H., dw 68 s Bond "^ Spencer Wm. P. elk, 6 n Caroline j_J Spinenian Henry, glassblower, 389 s Eutaw O Spengeman Peter, driver, 47 Orleans O Spenjjler Carl, local editor Wecker,99 Penna av ~ Spenglt-r Carl F. butcher, Belair av ext Q) Spengler Fred, butcher, 103 Centre and 45 (^ Belair mkts, dw Belair av ext Spengler Jett J. salegraa,n, 88 Hanover ^ Spengler Lawrence, baker, 241 s Ann Q Spengler S. M. salesman, 88 Hanover ^ Spenner Geo. tailor, 142 s Washington /-n Spenner Henry, porter, 16 Park av i^ S[ietiner Mrs. John, beer, 16 Park av {^ Sperlein Dennis, lab. 6 Cuba Sperlein George, tailor, 40 n Fremont pt^ Sperlein Mrs. Mary, eonfec'y, 40 n Fremont Sperry Jos. E. draughtsman, 353 n Gilmor -^ Sperry Richard B. elk. 353 n Gilmor ^ Sperry .Mrs. S. E., Gilmor nr Patterson av ^ Sperzel Aloysius, shoemkr, 107 w Fayette Sperzel John H. shoemkr, 107 w Fayette CQ Spetzler Conrad, blksmith, 14 Diamond H Sp ce A. F. elk. 236 Myrtle av ^ Spice F. N. V. chief clerk, B. & 0. R. R., 236^ Myrtle av 'T^ Spice H. L. bookkpr, 236 Myrtle av P^ Spicer Calvin, brassfinisher,n w eor Eutaw and P Preston ^ Spicer Charles, maltster, 105 Albemarle " Spieer Esther, dressmkr, 148 w Madison ^ Spicer Frank H. photographer, 300 n Gay, dw p^ 214 Mulberry W Spicer George W. conductor, 501 Lexington P4 Spicer Mrs. Harriet, 49 n Bond . ^ S[)icerH. James, collector, 82 iMcCuUoh Spicer Hiram, 415 w Lombard Spicer Dr. Hiram L. 379 \v Lombard P -,-- - - pL( Spicer James C. clerk, 74 North Spicer John, tailor, 165 Fianklin, dw 214 Mul-°0 berry p Spicer John, blksmith, 226 n Caroline ^ Spicer Martin, baker, 175 Orleans ^ Spicer Mrs. Sarah, 226 n Caroline ^ Spicer Thos. J. elk, 320 Lexington >. Spicer Thos. jr. teller. Hooper, Reese & Co. 82 ^ McCulloh ^ Spickenreiter Michael, shoemkr, 282 Aisquith Spicknall Chas. A. carp. 486 Saratoga ^ Spickuall Mis. Franc-es B. 350 Franklin ^ Spicknall John W. solicitor, 124 Hanover ^ SpieUnall John V\' . carp. 350 Franklin ^ Sjiifgel John, blksmith, Clinton nr Toone ^ Siiiegel John B. clothing cutter, 45 3 Wolfe '^ Spiegel Valentine, lab. 37 Fountain p^ Spigel .Mrs. Mary C. confectionery, 41 s Wolfe ^_^ Spieker Charles H. teacher, 268 .Vlulberry '^ Spieker Henry, lab. 306 Johnson >-h Spieker Herman, lab. 239 s Bethel tZJ Spieker John H. carp. 141 Peirce ^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. O Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. SPI 564 SPR O o p OQ O IzT CO <1 CD W^ KH OS ^W O O O HH pHpK goo o w o Spieker Mrs. Miirgrtret E. 123 n Paca Spielman Louis, salesman, 181 \v Pratt Spielnieir Henry, clerk, 265 n Bond Si'ielnieir Wni. janitor, 265 n Bond Spier Morris, trimmings, 849 w Baltimore Spies Andrew, huckster, 59 Union Spies Mrs. Anne, notions, 37 Portland Spies August, salesman, Miller's hotel Spies Chas. C. carp. 4G7 Saratoga Spies Chas. L. dancing master, 243 Saratoga Spies Edgar F.M.(Williams&Spies)243 Saratoga Spies George G. tailor, 251 Hollins Spies George W. dry goods, 74 Hill Sjiifs Jacob K. [)iititer, 243 Saratoga Spies John G. 45 Lee Spies J. Jrtcob, elk. 74 Hill Spies Louis, cabinetmKr, 108 e Monument Spies Lewis W. sr. tailor, 80 Camden, dw 210 n Caroline Spies Lewis W. jr. 210 n Caroline Spies Mary A. 45 Lee Spies Michael, huckster, 59 Union Spies Robos W. elk. 210 n Caroline Spies Wm. T. 285 s Sharp Spilcker F. H. elk. 334 n Eutaw Spilcker Mrs. Chas W. 334 n Eutaw Spilcker C. W. jr.{Focke & S.)334 n Eutaw Spilcker G.Herman{Wm.&G.H.S.)43McCullob Spilcker G. H. jr. elk. 334 n Eutaw Spilcker Henry F. elk. 334 n Eutaw Spilcker Wra. & G.H. lamps and coal oil, 136 w Baltimore Spilker Charles W.( Wagner & S.)6 Barnet Spilker Wm. E. 6 Barnet SPILLER ROBT. M.& CO. (Robert M.Spiller,J. Potts Neer) importers of woolens and goods for men's wear, cor Baltimore and Hanover, up stairs Spiller Robt. M.(R.M S.& Co.)84 w Chase Spillman Charle3(Gottschalk &S.)258 Franklin Spilltnan George, porter, 214 n Caroline Spillman George, 59 St. Paul Spillman Henry, paperhang.r, 214 n Caroline Spillman Mrs. Lucy, tailoress, 279 s Bond Spillman Patrick, lab. 29 Walnut al Spilman Alex. B. elk. 47 n Carey Spilman Clarence, elk. 98 n Broadway Spilman Frank H. bookkpr, 47 n Carey Spilman Fred, tobacconist, 82 n Fremont Spilman Henry, chief engineer fire department, 98 n Broadway Spilman Henry C. elk. 21 Etting Spilman James D. elk. 31Hj Hollins Spilman John, 2,58 Franklin Spilman John H.(S.A Mehring)372 Mulberry Spilman & Mehring(J. H. Spiiman, J. Mehring) merchant tailors, 123 Fiaiikliu Spilman Thomas A. tailor, 21 Etting Spilmiin W. J. carp. 21 Etting Spilmeyer Henry, grocery, 263 Battery ay Spilner Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 310 Ramsay Spilner George, engineer, 310 Ramsay Spiltzer Henry, machinist, 149 n Dallas Spindler Conrad, lab. 204 Eastern ar Spindler Fredk. shoemkr, 293 s Sharp Spindler George, polisher, 242 Canton av Spindler Henry, cabinelmkr, 49 Clay Spink George W. plasterer, 230 Columbia Spittel Henry, machinist, 22 Calendar al Spittle Reinhardt, woodworker, 28 n Schroeder Spitz H. P. liquors and wines, 212 Lexington Spitz Jacob, clerk, 212 Lexington Spitziia;ile August, lab. Bradford al Spitznagle Chas. })rovisions, 35 n Washingtc Spitznagle Philip, carter, Orleans nr Castle Spitznas Fred, sah-sman, 113 Conway Splitter John, brushmkr, 34 Ensor Spoerer Chas. coaihmkr, 277 Columbia Spoerer Mrs Lottie, giocery, 277 Columbia Spoerl Christopher, beer, 64 Frederick ay Spoerl John C. cleik, Woodberry Spohn Geo. jr. clerk, 87 e Lombard Spohn Geo. tailor, 87 e Lombard Spohr Eckhart, upholsterer, 34 n Holliday S|)olt John, huckster, .^16 Penna av Spoiler Mrs. C. laundress, 141 Vine Spousal John, tailor, 380 Orleans Sponsler Chas. R. printer, 68 n Pine Spornci Joseph, lab. 144 s Durham Sporrer Mrs. Barbara, 274 e Chase Sjiorrer Lewis F. foreman, 97 Somerset Spradling John, lab. 209 s Charles Spraent:er Fred, shoemkr, 132 U'est Spragins S. B.(Tucker,Smith&Co.) 151 St.Pa Sjirague Mrs. Kliza, 135 s Bond Sprague Emil S. messenger, 39 n Carey Sprague Thos. ci.iarmkr, 135 s Bond Spranklin Edw. cigarmkr, 39 Ensor Sprankliiig John J. carter, 236 n Caroline Sprankling John, ci>iarmkr, 39 Ensor Spreehe Adolpli, tobacconist, 234 Penna av Spreen Henry, coal oil, 35 s Bethel Spiengel Wm. bookkpr, 16^ n Pine Spren^er Bernliard. mariner, 154 s Wolf Sprenger E. A.J. F. bookkpr with Amor Smi 4- Sons, L. P. Spreukle Chas. H. chairmkr, s w cor Lomba and Caroline, dw 2(J8 n Broadway Sprenkle .Mrs. .Marg't, confect'y, 218 Bank Sprit' g David, moulder, 710 w Pratt Spiigg Horace, moulder, 181 William Sprigg J. F. Custom houseinsp'r,dw 227 s Euta Spriag Jas. W. tinner, 180 s Ann SPRIGG JOS. A. banker and broker, 3 Ge man, dw Townsend and Eutaw pi Sprigg Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, 921 w Baltimo Sprigg R. S. dry goods broker, 13 German, d 665 w Lombnrd Sprigg Thos. jr. clerk, 921 w Baltimore SPRIGG THOS. carp, and builder, 1 s Stoc: ton al, dw 921 w Baltimore Sprigg Wm. salesman, 40 Lexington Sprigg Wm. caulker, 181 William Sprigg Wm. (W.S Taylor&Co.) 552 LexingU Sprigg Wm. H. porter Appraiser's oflSce Sprigg Wm. salesman, 40 Lexington Spriggley Geo. porter, 3ii6 Mulberry Spriner Wm. shoemkr, 132 West Spiing Jas. H. carp. Waverley Sjiring John, bricklayer, 178 n Eden Spring John, clerk, Waverley Spring Lizzie, dry goods and notions, Waverl( S[)ring Mary, dry goods and notions, Waverk Springer Au^;ust W. barber, 217 Scott Springer Bradford, machinist, 159 Harford a Springer David, clerk, 81 Camden Springer Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding, 50 n Calra Springer Ernest, 230 Lee Springer Henry, cigarmkr, 195 e Lombard Springer Henry, clothing, 39 w Pratt, dw Stiles Springer Leopold, clerk, 34 Stiles Springer Louis, driver, 195 e Lombard Springer Moses H. pawnbroker, 81 Camdeo HENRY HOEN d CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and PoA Office Avenue, , argest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F. Bresee. Gen. Agt. SPR 565 BTA frerRichel. 214 Aliceanna i.er Mrs. S 201 s Bethel iieer Wolfe, clothintr, 34 Stiles .field Fire and Marine Ins. Co. of Mass., (}. Proud k Sons, a.'ts. 1 Rialto building :_'Steel Benj. ninriner, 1 10 s Wastiiagtoa , t Chas printer, 281 w Fayette -1 ixile Mrs. Martha. 231 n OentrHJ av ^nrole Samuel, cardriver. 16 Dover ■^i.ifile Win. cig-aniikr, 231 n Centra! av ^proston Geo. S . U. S. N. .M>3 Dniid Hill av -' -ton Wni. G. 30:^ Uruid Hill av lice Mrs. Mary. Mt. Veiuon 111 Kdward. conduc-tor. 6'i7 Penna av .ebank Benj J. lub. Cathedial nr North av rebank Geo. W. c-onductO'% 3G8 Cathedral -;.:iiili Chas. lab. Rllioit nrEiStav -i>;i,t!i Clias. jzrocery, Kliiott and Ri)Viinson ■^iriith .Mary, grocery. Elliott nr East ar -[lUfrl Andrew, c-o x-hsinith, 150 n High -i.iirgeon Wni.bookkpr, 612 w Lombard -liiirrier Edward, civ'armkr, 397 Lexington -rURRIER GRAFTON D. conveyancer, 71 w Fayette, dw 4 18 n Carev Spurrier Harry, jiainler. 102 Parkia Sp'irrier Josephine. 418 u Carey Spurrier Jos. VV. fireman. 30 s Carey Spurrier J. R. train dispatcher, 488 Lexington Shurrier Nelson, barkpr, 201 Preston ^f^URRIER RUDOLPH, real estate agent, 71 w Fayette, dw 2t^5 w Hofl'man .<|iur"rier Thus. C. clerk, 102 Parkin .-spurrier W'm. H. property agt, 455 n Calhoun Spurrier Wm. painter, 90 Parkin Spurrier Wra. conductor, 73 Parrish ■^]. irrier Wm. R. grocery, Homestead ."^luires Alonzo, carp. 21 Bevan .Squires Geo. W.carp. 8 Weber Squires John. lab. 634 Light .^nuires John 0. carp. 3')7 Lexington res Mrs. .Mary, 15 Hillen ,;res Mrs. .Mary, dressmkr, 545 Light Sq ires Sand. E "moulder, 8 Weber Sroud Dr. Wm. H. apothecary, 39 Jackson -• id Wm. bricklayer. 39 .J.^ckson I Geo. tailor. 315 n Central av 1 John, tailor, 315 n Central av '■' Peter, cigarmkr, 1 Bradford al Geo. Canton lager beer brewery, n w cor t; iike and Lancaster .St>.l.ell .Albert C. (J. Fussell & Co.) 272 Druid Hill av Stabler A. G. 197 w Lombard STABLER EDWARD Ja. (E. S. jr. & Co.) 285 Linden av STABLER E. Jr. & Co. (E. Stabler, jr.) coal, Sun building. 3 South. .-T ABLER JORDAN, dealer in teas, wines and irioceries, n e cor Eutaw and Madison av, dw 05 McCulloh r-'ivhl-T Lydia C. 307 w Lombard k Frank, clerk, 163 Linden av k Garrett, i)olice, 2oO Lanvale .-;i.;iL-k Garrett, carter, 147 Dolphin I Stack .lohn. (■ irp. 34 e Baltimore I STACK JOHN, carp. Preston nr Linden av,dw 163 Linden av Stack John jr. clerk. 163 Linden av I Stack Martin, slmefilter, 1 Clav I Stack Patrick, coachman, 1 Hamilton j Stack Patrick, lab. 147 Dolphin Stack Joseph, clerk, 200 Lanvale ESTARMSHED lS5i. E. STABLER, JR. & CO. i (E. STABLER. Jr.I ^ Having unoqiialled facilities for bu-^iness.we are -^ able to otier, Wholesale or Retail, all I he best vari- _ elies of Auihracite and Bituminous Coal, at the cj lowest Cash Prices. pp SUN BUILDING, No. 3 South St. ^. General Depot and Branch Otfice.William St. Dock o Cor. York Street. r^ Offices and Yard connected by Telegraph. o o o Stacker John L. lab. 30 Covington Stadelinaier Barbara, grocery, 191 e Eager Stadelniaier John, moulder, 191 e Eager Stadelraaier Joseph, bookkpr, 191 e Eager Stadelman Albert, shoemkr. 131 Dover StadeJman Valentine, confec'r, 131 Dover Stadter JdIiii. stonemason, 351 s Charles Staeblein Theo. (J. Martin ^Co.l 86 Bane Staeger Louis, carrier, 355 s (Jharles Staerker Mrs. Christina, restaurant, 301 Penna av Staff Jacob, stonemason. 377 n Central av Staffel Henry, (.Muller, S. & I'o.) 15 Albemarle • Stiffel Justus, cabinetrakr, 15 Albemaile § Stafford James B clerk 433 w Lombard J>. Stafford John T. carriagemkr, 396 e Eager ^ STAFFORD JOS. B. tobacco and gen-ral com. - mercht. 51 Exchange pi, dw 356 e Baltimore^ Stafford Lawrence, groc'y, Caroline and Favette p^ cob, lab. 175 L mmon Stahl John, carp. 121 Harmony la Stahl Rudolph, clerk, 163 n Oregon Stahl Walter, cirp. rear 394 Saratoga Stahl Wra.,U. S. storekeeper, 10 Lloyd Stahl Wm. 216 Chew Stahl Wra. crp. rear 394 Saratoga Stable John .M. blacksmith. 21 s Stockton al Stabler John, shoemkr, 211 Ensor Stahn Henry, lab. 219 Boston Stahn Justus, watchrakr, 204 Harford av Stahn Louisa, artist, 204 Harford av Stahn Matthias, (Mady & S.) 204 Harford av Staib Wm. restaurant. 765 w Baltimore Staicker Samuel, shoemkr, 76 Columbia Stains Samuel, shipcarp. 16 Essex Stainback Dr. John M 175 w TowQsecd O Stagmer Geo. D. ^ardnner, Friendship York rd -^ StaL'Wald Charles, lab. .50 O'Donnell j o > o < o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 a o , X. t— .j-J JX ^ . ^ • ^- ce o ^ CO c/. X > ^ Ol C/J MntTial Life Insurance Co. of New York. STA 566 STA cj ^ li Stakenmn Andrew E. 52 Hanover Staler Thus. lull. 7:^ StirliDfr STALEY, ARMSTRONG k CHADWICK, (G. R. Staley.W. J. Arm.-^tranj;, J. K. Ctutdwick) 5 ^ wholes, trroct'is an(i liqiiori:, -15 s Howard rp^*^ Staler G. R. (S., Armstrong and Chadwick) C "ti ^ Eutaw house r" c '^ Stale.v J. C, Eiit.iw house "• 72 5 Stalfort Annie, 52 s Entaw Stalfort k Bro. (J. and F. Stalfort jr.) curriers, 326 w Priitt Stalfort Dietrich (S. k Sons) 24 e Lonabard Stalfort Fred jr. (Stalfort k Bro.)3;-!9 w Fajette Stalfort John C. (S. k Sons) 24 e Lombard '■< Stalfort Jolin D. (S. k Sons) 24 e Lombard Sialfort i. D. k Sons, \i. D., John C. and D. Stalfort) curriers, 24 e Lombard Stalfort John, (Stalfort & Bro.) 50 3 Eutaw Stall Ale.x c^irp. 237 Walsh Stall Mrs. Isabella, tailoress, 173 n Fremont Stall Mrs. Jeanneite, 73 Jetferson ^ Stall John, lab. 3i)4 Aliceanna _^ Stall Rinehart, butcher, 225 Lijiht

, 1 ■ '— ^ ■r. p-5 s S S _r 2 V O 2^ F. rd, 02 05 . is q.2 =; o — 3 , — o K w £ Siallings Frank, sciewmaii, 130 s Sharp Siallings J. W. & Co. (J. \V. Siallings, B, Bennett) brickmkis, yards Washington office 44 s Howard Siallings John W. (J. W. S. & Co.) 143 Scott Stallings John, |)olice, 228 Columbia Stallings John, biickmkr, 228 Columl)ia Siallings John, salesman, 207 Aisquith Stallings Peier, brickmkr, 104 St. Petei* Stallings Samuel J. mariner, 368 e Fayette Stallings Samuel, police. Cross w of Hamburg Siallings Samuel sr. brickmkr, 303 Columbia Stallings Sam' I R. bricklayer, 13 Constitution Stallkamp Frank H. lab. 10 w Lombard Slallkamp Henry, lab. 10 w Loml)ard Stallknecht Adolph, porter, 127 s High Stallman Henry, beer, 37 Buren Stallinan Peter, cabinetmkr, 326 Hamburg Stallo Frank, lal), 300 Cross ci Stallo George, lab. 30o Cioss g Stamm John, b.isketmkr, 179 e Lombard 05 Slamm John, cigarmkr, 190 n Dallas P Stamm Magdalena, Belair av ext ^ Stammen Edward G. clerk, 12 s Chester Stam() Fred. carp. 344 Franklin t,!^ Stamp John, lab. 234 Conway -r Stamp Peter, lab. 84 Granby ~ Stamp Thomas, stonecutter, 32 s Sharp ^, Stanchfield S. D. attorney, 36 St. Paul, dw 123 n Gilmor Slanclitf Jeremiah, mariner, 205 e Lombard ^ ""^ 5 Stanclilf Mrs. J. dres.^mkr, 205 e Lombard ^ _^ '" Standard Fire Ins. Co. of N. J. (Cohen & Ger- g -^ ^ hard I) genl agts. 10 PostofRce av g t^ Stand iford E. P. carp. Waverley, York rd 5 5 J:5 Standiford .Mrs. Heur'a, tailoress, 20 Neighbor O — «& Standiford Isaac C. brassfounder, 20 Neighbor ^ ^^ be Standiford Jas. plasterer, 67 n I'^xeler 5j ^7 e^^ o s St.indiford Mrs ^ ;« Standiford W. S lavinia, 67 n E.\eter mil V, 328 McDouogh Standiford Win. T. clen<, 226 Forrest >-j S Stanford Harry L D. clerk, 94 McCulloh >,^ '^ _^ Stiinford & Co.( W. Wallace Stanford and John .^5 W. Wilson) proprs, enterprise laundry, a e ^ ^ ^ cor Gav and Front 't, Stanford Samuel M. clerk, 94 McCulloh * Stanford Thos. H. jr. clerk, 265 w Fayette >^ Stanford Thos. H, clerk, 216 Saratoga Stanford W. Wallace (Stanford & Co.) Saratoga Stang David, cooper, 97 Peach al Slang Frank, coo[)er. 97 Peach al Stang Henrv, clothier, 220 w Pratt Siange Catherine, grocery, 51 Chew Siange Dietrich, cooper, 302 Cross Stange Edwd, grocery 194 Conway Siange Henry, cooper, 244 e Baltimore Siange Paul, lab. 244 s Durham Stange Wm. musician, 51 Chew Stauge Wm. b;ikery, 234 Frederick av Stanger Geo. lab. 54 Boyd Sianger John, se.xton. 219 Central av Stanger John L. finisher, 54 Boyd Sianhope John, 162 n Howaid Stanhope John B. liarrel manuf'y,Howard a'nc West, dw 162 n Howard Stanley Mrs. A. M. matron Balto. Orphan Asy lum, Strieker nr Lexington STANLEY k CO. (L. Stanley) Baltimore col- lecting agency, 31 St. Paul Stanley Chas. H. attorney, 29 Le.xington, dw Prince George co Stanley Henry C. salesman, 423 Lexington Stanley Howard G salesman, 18 s Greene Stanley Jas. G. (Boykins, Carmer & Co. 1625 » Fayette Stanley Lackland (S. & Co ) 72 St. Paul Stanley Oliver, boilerrakr, Dover nr Monroe Stanley Thos. lab. 700 Light Stanley W ilter R. gasfitler, 25 Jackson Stanley Wm. W. bricklayer, 591 n Gay Stanling Mrs. Mary J. 238 German Slanling Robert C. aclor, 238 German Stansbiiry Aul^ M. cigarmkr, 417 e Fayette Stansbury Benj. F., George nr Pine Stansbury Mrs.Cath. trim'gs, 4 s Poppletoa Stansbury Mrs.t'aroliue, 185 n Eden Stansbury Mrs.Clarinda. 417 e Fayette Stansbury Darius, 171 Lanvale Stansbury P]. cardriver, Linah's hotel Stansbury Eijah. 431 n Central av Stansbury Mrs. E E. teacher dressmaking, 49j w Baltimore Stansbury Ephruim, miller, 4 s Poppleton Stansbury Franklin P. varnisher,474 e Fayette Stansbury Ferd. 459 w Fayette Stansbury Geo. W. groc-ry and [)rovi3ions, 12 Penna av, dw 224 Franklin St:insl)urv Mrs. Hannah A 474 e Fayette Stansbury Helen M. 25 George Stansbury Jas. real estate agl 61 s Broadway, dw 89 n Broad«av ST.ANSBURY JAS.'E. oyster and fruit packer, Atlantic whf nr Boston, Canton, dw .Madi- son av ext Stansbury Jas. clerk, 67 Columbia Stansbury John, 7 Etna la Stansbury John R. clerk, 25 George Stansbury Jolin Peter, oysters, 244 Franklin Stansbury Julin S. collarmkr, 25 n Paca Stansbury John, lab. 4 Fort av Stansbury Jos. carp. 49j w Baltimore Stansbury Jos. milk, 150 Forrest Stansbury Mrs. Mary E. grocery, cor Strieker and Patterson av Stansbury Kate, 282 vv Biddle Stansbury R. D. clerk, 150 Forrest Stansbury Robert, lab. 4 Fort av Stansbury Robert, wagoner, 373 Hamburg Stansbury Saml. fire depi. 67 Columbia ■^ €©■ HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &o. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ST A 567 ST A STA Siansbury Dr. Thos. 165 n Caroline Staiisbury Wm. E. farmer, Hilleii rd Stansliury Wm. T. sliipcarp. 114 Bank Stansbiiry Win. T. printer, 83 n Exeter Stansliury Wm. shipcarp. 1 14 Bank Siansbury Wni. G. tailor, 490 Lexinpton Stansliury Wm. II. steamfitter, 65 a Exeter Stansbury Win. S. 4 George Stanton Mrs. Ellen, 39 n Fremont Stanton Fnuik M. elk, 34 e Baltimore Staiuon Francis M. marker C.H. 1 n Mount Stanton James, ( Turner, Stanton & Co.) 98 Thames Stanton James jr. (Turner, Stanton & Co.) 98 Thames Stanton James, cook, 100 Ridgdy Stantcm John F. canmkr, 11 Hill Stanton John F. shoemkr, 225 Hamburg Stanton John E. manager, Rogers, Peet & Co. dw Pleasant and St. Paul Stanion .Michael, machinist, 143 Hughes Stanton Norman L. grocery and {irovisions,cor Fremont and Franklin Stanton Richard, carter, 11 Hill Stanton Wm. H. fire dept. 4 Druid Hill av Stapenhorst J. Henry, tailor, Ga,y nr Frederick Stapf Christian, grocery and provisions, 304 McHenry Stapf Fred, bricklayer, 189 n Caroline Stapf Louis, shoemkr, 66 Raborg Staplefcjrd Charles, driver, 121 s Exeter Stapleford Winlock, watchman, 28 Gough S'ajjles .Mrs. Julia, 2 Aisquith Stapleton Edward, silver plater, 47 Fawa Stapleton J.is. driver, 12'i s Exeter Stapleton John, milkman, 232 s Paca Stapleton Laertes, cigarmkr, 64 St. Peter Stapleton Richard, cigarmkr, 240 s Paca Str.pleton Thos. driver, 49 President Stapleton Timothy, tavern, 49 Piesident Staps John H. lab. cor Potomac and U'Donnell STARR HOTEL, S Lewis, prop'r, 100 n Front Siarck Edward L. civil engineer, over 196 G' rman Stark Adam, shoemkr, 330 Hanover Stark Chas. H. lab. 463 Saratoga Stark Henry, sexton, 88 Granby Stark Jos. calimetmkr, 229 e Eager Stark Jos. cabinetnikr, 332 n Central av Stark Morris, gents furn. goods, over 249 w Bal- timore, dw 20 s Paca Stark Capt. Wm. H. mariner, 82 n Washingtn Starke August, cabinetmkr, 222 s Charles Starke Chas. boxmkr, 14 New Church Starkey Chas. clerk, 10 Walsh Starkey Francis H. walchmkr, 10 Walsh Starkey Geo. VV. varnisher, 14 New Church Starkey Jas. butcher, 22 Centre mkt, dw Fay- ette nr Piitterson Park av Starkey Jas. S. salesman, 96 Saratoga Starkey John, cigarmkr, 10 Walsh Starkey John G. clerk, 57 e Biddle Starkey Joseph S. clerk, 114 Light-st whf Starkey Joseph, butcher, Fayette nr Patterson Park av Starkey Wm. butcher, 30 Fells Point mkt, dw Fayette ni' Patterson Park av Starkloff August, cabihetmkr, 17 Dover Starkloff (Jarl, salesman, 155 w Lombard Starckloff Chas. tailor. 439 w Baltimore Starklotf Ernest A. clerk, 132 s Fremont Starkloff Wm. porter, 87 Second Starkloff Wm. B. beer, 69 s Sharp,dw 124Mul- berry Starr Benj. F. jr. bookkr, 71 St. Paul STARR B. F. &C0. (B. F. Starr) French burr mill stones and boiling cloths, 173North. [See • advertinemenl. -u Starr Benj. F. (B. F. S. & Co.) 71 St. Paul ^ Starr Mrs. Catherine, 256 Madison av ^ Starr Chas. H. plasterer, 436 n Central av c3 Starr Edward, carp. 80 Cross p Starr Edward G. magistrate, St. Paul nr Lex- p-r] inglon, dw Fulton nr Fayette Starr Edward G. jr. elk, Fulton nr Fayette '"^ Starr Edward V. (S. & Gephart, ) sec'y Union cS Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore, 540 Lexington <^ Starr Emorv, clerk, 329 w Baltimore j:< Starr Mrs. Elizabeth, grocery, 107 Cross c Starr Geo. boilermkr, 107 Cross .^ Starr Geo. W. jr. 122 e Eager ^ Starr Geo. W. sr. 445 n Central av ^ Starr & Gephart (Edward V. Starr, John Gep-pH hart jr.) ins. agents and brokers, 42 Second ^ Starr Geo. huckster, 80 Cross O Starr Geo. carp. 328 Aisquith O Starr Henry, painter, 270 Chew Starr Henry M. salesman, 7 n Howard ^ Starr Henr}', machinist, 12 Henry q Starr Henry, clerk, 12 n Strieker Starr Dr. Hezekiah, 16 n Liberty oW STARR ^ HUGGINS (John D. Starr, E. Hug- gins) flour, grain, tobacco and produce com. (Z) merchants, 15 Patterson Q Starr Jas. H. tinner, 153 s CoUington av Q) Starr John A. cigarmkr, 153 s CoUington av [;;^ Starr John D.( Starr & Huggins) 161 n Oregon p- Starr John J. (Bowes & S.) 29 Lanvale Starr John H. carp. 2 Williamson al pc^ Starr John, 356 w Fayette Starr Thos G. clerk, Fulton nr Fayette ^ Starr Thos. H H. salesman, 137 w Madison ^ Stari(M.P.)Church.corPoppleton and Lemnion ^ STARR R. & CO. (M. F. Pbipps, F. A. John- ston) snuff, 25 s Calvert rH Starr Mrs. W. 157 Mosher Starr Rev. Wm. E. 106 n Charles Start A. G. clerk, 169 Hanover Start Benj. H. carp. 302 Harford av Start John, clerk, 169 Hanover Start Rev. John W. 265 Druid Hill av Pq Start JohnW.asst.wglir C H.365 Druid Hill av Start Mary, varieties, 302 Harford av ^ Start Solomon R. jr. clerk, 169 Hanover ■<] Start Solomon R. coal and wood, 280 and 282 ^ Hanover, dw 169 C-| Startzman A. & Son (A. and M. Startzman) qQ tanners and curriers, 112 s Central av Startzman Abraham (A. S. & Son) 79 s Eden f— 1 Startzman John, hides, leather and oil, 17 Mer-JZ^ cer, dw 98 n Carey O I— I O P^ hH s£Q n> w o State Tobacco Warehouse No. 4, John H. Soth- oioii, insjir. s e cor Chni!e3 and Conway State Tobacco Warehouse No. 5, Isaac M. Dea- son, inspr. n e cor Charles and Conway Staten Island F"aDcy Dyeing Establishiueut, 110 vv Baltimore Stattlar Johannis, lab. Biddle nr Castle Staging Henry, huckster, 1 Wood' ear Siaub John F. (Carroll, Adams & Co ) 147 n Republican Staub R. P. H. attorney, 48 St. Paul, dw 54 Clarke Stauch Christopher, gardener, 61 Conway St luch Jacob, glazier, lOii Low Staudle G. F. confectioner, 231 Light Slaudle John F. lailor, 237 Light Siaudt Anton. 326 n Ceutril av STAUF FRKUERICK, merchant tailor, 18 n Charle-, dw 2 n Strieker Slauf John (N'. .Mages & Co.) 11 s Frederick SiauS"Mrs. Catherine, 248 s Kutaw Stauti' Krnest, clothing cutler, 72 e LoHibard Slauff'John, clerk, 248 s Eutaw Staufter Geo. W. jr. carp. 185 Columbia Stauui Geo. .\I (J. S. & Sons) 59 Lee Slaum John (J. S. & Sons) 658 w Lombard Siaum John VV.(J. S. & Sons) 186 Hanover Staum John & Sons (J., G.M. und J. W.Staum) fruit packers and produce. 78 Light-st whf Staupenhorst Henry, cutter, Gay nr Frederick Staylor Alonzo. bricklayer, 368 William STAYLOR ANDREW J. hotel, York rd opp. Huntingdon av Staylor Mrs. Ann, boarding, 61 n Liberty Staylor A. Jackson, engineer, 201 n Caroline Staylor Eu^;ene, stonecutter, 152 n Broadway Staylor F'raucis, plumber, 152 n Broadway Staylor Geo. W. butcher, 97 e Eager Stiylor Plenrv F. carp. 61 n Liberty STAYLOR HENRY M. magistrate, office 131 Forrest, dw 152 n Broadway Staylor John, butcher, l.'il Greeninount av Staylor John F. jr. butcher, 107 Belnir, 63 and 65 Centre, and 73 Hanover markets, dw 151 Greeninount av Staylor John J. 61 n Liberty Staylor John, clerk, 124 West Staylor Lucius P. 182 n Broadway Staylor Lewis, clerk, Ea^ile hotel Staylor Philip A. liricklayer, 122 West Staylor Sylvester, bricklayer, 124 West Staylor Vincent, carp. 182 n Broadway Staylor Wm. A. 87 Mull)erry Staylor Wm.( Jenkins, S. & Co.) 165 n Calvert Stayman Mrs. Asbury, 87 n Chirles Stayman Asbury, agt.Esley organs, 87 n Charles Stayman Dr J. A. (Sanders & S.) cor Charles and Pleasant St. Ann's Church (R.C.) York rd cor Brown St. Agnes Hos[)ital, Mount Dougherty, Lanvale betvv Greeninount and Charles-st av St. Alphonsus Convent, lol Saratoga St. Alphonsus Ger. Cath Church, cor Park av and Saratoga St. Alphonsus Hall and School, !04 Saratoga St, Andrews (P.E.)Ch. HiL'h nr Lombard St. Andrews Hospital foi Childieii,58iJ Saratoga St. Anthony Urph. Asyl., Central av nr Eager St. Banardus (R C ) Cli..Hillen rd nr tolU'ate St. Barnabas (P.E.) Church, Biddle nr Walsh iSt. Birtholomew (P.E.) Chapel, North av and McCulloh St. Bridget (R.C.) Ch., Hudson and Canton St. Bridget School, Hudson ami Canton ST. CLAIR HOTEL, W. H. Clabaugh, prop'r, Calvert nr Fayette St. Clair Henry," helper, 40 Hare St. Clair J. H." clerk, 312 w Baltimore St. Clair .Mrs. .M ,M. boarding. 56 Sarat<;ga St. Francis Xavier (R.C.) colored Church, cor Calvert and Pleasant St. George Chapel, cor Fremont and Peuna av St. George W . T. roofing, 24 n Sharp St. George W. L. painter, Matision house St. Ignatius (R.C.) Ch.,('"alvert mid M idison St. Jacobus (Ger EvLulh.) Church, cor George and Ogston St. James Hotel, John S. Gittings, prop'r, s w cor Charles and Centre St. James (R.C ) School, 287 Aisqaith St. James (R C.) Ch. Eager and .Aisqiiith St. James School, Somerset nr Chase St. John Geo. plumber. 97 \v Biddle St. John House, E. H. Valentine, prop'r, 58 n Charles St. John (Liith.) Church, w Lombard ext St. John (P.E.) Church, Waverley St. John (P.E ) Sct-ool, Waverlev St. John (hid. .M. P.) Church, 33 n Liberty St. John (R.C.) Church, Eager and Vallev St. John (R.C.) Female School, 14 Vallev St. John (R.C.) Male School, Eager and Valley St. John (Ev Luih.) Ch. , Biddle e of Peiini av St. John (P.E ) Ch., Barre and L. Greene St. John (Fourth Ger. Ref.) Church, Calvert ind Beaufort St. Joseph (R.C.) Ch., Howard and Btrre St. Joseph Academy, Calvert Hall, Bro. Romer- ald: director, 79Siratogi St. Joscjih (R.C.) Female School, Sister Caro- line, 73 Barrs St. Joseph Ger. Hospital, Carolineaod Hoffman St. Jo5e|>h Fire and .Marine Ins. Co of Missouri, l.'i Rialto building St. Joseph Houseof Industry .Sisters of Charily, Carey and Lexington St. Joseph (R.C.) .Male Parochial School, Barre nr Sharp St. Joseph Metropolitan Parochial Fern. School, 32 Franklin St. Lawrence (R.C.) Church, Fort av St. Ledger P.itrick, lab. 642 w Pratt St. Leger J(;hn, milk, Point la rear Green- mount cemetery St. Louis Life Insurance Co. 11 German St. Louis File Insurance Co. of St. Louis, 3 German nr South St. Luke ^PE ) Church, Carey nr Saratoga St. Luke (Ger. Luih ) Church, Henrietta and Eutaw St. Luke (Ger. and English Luth. ) School, 210 Heiirietia St. Luke Guild Library, 5 Waverley terrace St. Luke Hall, 5 Waverley terr ice St. .Mark (I' E ) Church, Lomliard nr Parkin St. .Mark (G r.aiui Eng.Luth.) Church, Broad- way and Jackson sq av St. Mark (Ev. Luth.) Ch., Eutaw nr Saratoga St. Mark (Ev . Luth.) Church, Broadway and Jackson sq av St. Martin (Luth.) Ch., Henrietta and Sharp St. Martin (R.C.) Ch., cor Fayette and Fulton St. .Mary Female Orphan Asylum, Sister Aloysia in charge, 76 Franklin HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tbo^j^raphing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. ST.M 569 STE tit. Marv Chapel, St. Marj ct, Penna av it. Mary Seminary of St. Sulpice, St. Mary ct, Penna av •t. Mary Star of the Sea (R.C.) Church, John- son and Cleinunt t. Matthew (P.E.) Church, Bank e of Bond t. Miitthew (Luth.) Church, Fayette nr Eden t. .Micliael (R C ) Church, Lombard and Wolfe Rtv. Peter Zimmer t. .Michael's Convent, Sisters Notre Dame, s e cor Lombard and Wolfe '.Michael Parodiial Schl, Lombard and Wolfe t. NicliohisFire Ins. Co. of X.Y. s w cor South an'i German !. Patrick Academy, 104 Bank t. Patrick (Cemetery, Phila rd near city limits . P.itrick (R.C.) Ch., Broadway and Bank . P itiick Orphan Asylum, (R. C.) 106 Bank :. P:iul (United Evang.) Church, Eastern av nr Re^ester . P. nil ( Luth.) Church, cor Druid Hill av and McMechin . P.iul (P.E.) Mission House, Sister Ann Eliz- abeth, 25 Courtland . Paul (P.E.) graveyard, cor Lombard aud Fremont . Paul (P.E.) Parish school, 258 S>:ratoga . Paul (Ger. Luth.) Church, cor Fremont and Saratoga . Paul (M.E. South) Church, Fayette nr Re- ['uMican . Paul (Ger. Luth.) Parish School, n w cor Fr "niontand Jackson ct I'm! ( P.E.) Church, Charles and Saratoga I'll! (Ger.Ref. )Ch .Canton av nr Broadway Paul (P.E.) Orphan Asylum, Madison av ':r fv aureus tr (Luih.) Church, Bond nr Bank r Home (P.E.) 197 Penna av I L-ter's (P.E.) School and Cb. Asylum, Myrtle av nr Lanvale P.'er's (P.E.) Church, cor Lanvale and -1 Hill nv r's (R.C )Church,Poppleton and Hollins lien (Luth. )Ch, Hanover and Hamburg : hen (Ger. and English Luth.) School, ver and Hatnbnig ;'lien(P.E.)Ch., Hanover and Welcome al im-As (P.E.) Ch., Homestead heights aent(R.C.) Fern. School, 20 e Fayette cent ( R C. ) Male Schl, Front nr Fayette jcent Infant Asylum, cor Division and isend, Sister Uphrasa, principal .: V.iK.ent.Male Orpb. Asylum, Front nrFayette Vincent (R.C.) Church, Front nr Favette Wenceslaus (R.C) Cli. (Bohemian) Central T nr Fayette ad Georpe, machinist, Browns hotel agurwald George, driver, 20 May agerwald John, lab. Mt. Vernon .gerwald John, cooper, 20 .May arn .Mrs. Caroline, 49 n Eden rn Jacob, butcher, 16 Ham[)itead irn Julius, 72 Hampstead rns Albert C. coal, 255 w Lombard urns Rev. Charles T. 147 Scott rns Daniel M. bookkpr, 255 w Lombard lARNS GEORGE, coal, 22 s Calvert, dw ■'55 w Lombard S\rns George H. coal, 232 Mulberry, dw 255 ' Minbard Warren E. clerk, 2 s Calvert STEARNS GEO., Office 22 S. Gal- ^ vert st, Dealer in every variety of^i^ Coal, for Families, Manufacturers -^ and Steam Uses. 5 Shipper of the Celebrated Atlan- 7 tic and Georges Creek Cumberland ^ Coal, by Ton, Car Load or Cargo, p. The Trade supplied from Rail 3 Road Yard, Cathedral Street, at -rc yard rates. ^ O o o o CQ < Cton, Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (.Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) Stebbins Wall.ace, (T. C. Basshor & Co.) 227 n O Fremont Stecher Edward, lab. 164 .>; Bethel Stecher John, porter, 1 32 Mullikin Steck Chas. A. blacksmith and beer, cor Or- leans aud Broadway Steck George P. grocery and liquors, 306 East- ern av Steck Louis, shoemkr, 253 w Pratt Stecker Fred. lab. 29 L Church Stecker Fr^d. cooper, 172 s Bond Stecker John, sh'iemkr, 60 Leadenhall Steckel Louis, wheelwright, 208 Elliott Steckel Louis, driver. Eighth av and Clinton Stecker H'-nry, shoemkr, 166 n Eden Stecker Fred, restauiant, Johnson and Clement Steckel Seliaslian, lab. Eijihth av and Clinton Stecklein Joseph, barber, 61 O'Donnell Steding Henry, shoemkr, Wolfe and Biddle Siedman John, lal). 8 Hubbard al Stedman John jr. brushmkr, 8 Hubbard al Sleedman Michael, shoecutier. 70 s Sharp Steed Frank, bookkpr, 197 Jefferson Steele .\i.n J. luantuarakr, 125 Linden av Steele BilliuLTS. slesinan, 142 n Charles STEELE I. NEVETT, attorney, 29 Lexi dw 259 Madison av P-i Steelf I. Nevett jr. attorney, 29 Lexington, dw ^ Steele John, driver, 212 s Broadway ^ Steele John N. attorney, 29 Lexington, dw 259 ^ .Madi'Jon av Steele .Mrs. Martha S. 626 w Lombard Steele Robert, lab. 11 Calleiider al Steele Samuel, cijiarmkr, 68 s Republican Steen George, cb-rk, 52 Woodyear Steen Jacob, tailor, 5 w r.,ombard Steen Jami'S D. horseshoer, 148 s Central av Stecnshuig Levi, sec. hand furn. 208 s Charles Steer Charles E butcher. 6>t .Milliman Steer Francis, police, 62 Chew Steer Francis S. butcher. 62 Chew- Steer Margaret, 190 s Chapel Steer Win . butcher, 1 39 Centre mkt, d w 62 Chew Sieer Wm. F. (Hamm^nnAS ) 40o e Monument Steerhoff Fred, wheelwright, 155 n Paca Steever .Mrs. Catherine, dressmkr, 60 n Bond Steever Ch.is. H. coachpainter, IBs Spring Steever Ed:i:und W. clerk, 14 n Fremont Steever Hamlet, grocery. 340 e Pratt Steever Harry, clerk, 14 n Fremont Steffe Daniel, painter, 404 Lexington Strife George, painter, 404 Lexiuffton STEFFENS & OTTEN, (H.nry StefiTens, Ber- ^ nard Otten)shi,ichand's and grocers, 26 Fell 5^ P O < Ph OQ P o o i-s . ^- 5 .So: X CO :S *- J- l-jr o s ^ Oh 05 g .5 «! - ^- a; 'S ^,> X Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. STE 570 STE cSi o o3 a> o o O -«J CO CO ^ . CO i-rt -<-' i) c3 ^ '^ ^fb c3 ,— < 03 •2 jr; .► o >Ph O c3 ?s ce .• *■ > ■r. Steffens Henry, (S. k Olten) 91 s Ann Steffel Henry, cabinetmkr, 15 Albemarle Steffev Henry W. proceiv, S«eet Air Steffey MillHid, lab. Clipper ^^J'l's Steffey John W. clerli, Sweet Air StefjTiian Conrad, car|). 170 Mulberry Stepnian Fredk, ci^rannkr, 50 Walker Stegiuan George, driver, 4 n Castle Stegman Henry, bookkpr, 170 Mulberry Siegmt-ir John, lab. 52 Patterson Park av Stegner Gustavns, teacher, 144 n Bond Stehl Bernard G. bookkpr, 104 n Eutaw Stehl Edward, clerk, 104 n Eutaw Stehl Gustavns. cleik, 104 n Eutaw STEHL HENRY, restaurant, 187 Lexington Stehl John, (J. S. & Son) apothecary, 104 n Kutaw Stehl John & Son, (J. and J. V. S.) apothecaries, cor Blown and Light Stehl Justus, German apothecary, 240 n Gay Stehl Justus V. (J. S. ^ Sun) 527 w Fayette Stebl Louis C. clerk, 104 n Eutaw Sl^lil Rudolph, salesman, 104 n Eutaw Stehl Rudolph, salesman, 163 n Oregon Stehldin Adolph, pianomkr, 329 Hamburg Slehle Luciane, pianist, 8 Washington av Stehle Peter, shoemkr, 81 s Poppleton Stehli Anthony, shoe findings and leather, 175 s Bond Stehman Abraham W. dep. col. third district, Carrollton hotel Steliel August, gilder and carver. 7 New Church Stcibel Emanuel, furniture, 45 Harrison Steibel Francis J. jeweler, 223 w Pratt, dw 144 n Eden Steibel Harriet, 45 Harrison Steibing Henry, grocery, 334 Ramsay Steigelman Mrs. Abraham, 171 n Central av Steigeiman Mrs. Catherine, trimmings, 233 n Central av Steigelman Jefferson A. gas inspec. 267 n Eden Steigelman John L. clerk, 267 n Eden Steiger Mrs. Elizabt-th, dry goods, 466 Pennaav Steigers John C. liutchei-, 343 Penna av Steigers Mrs. Susan. 127 Elisor Stei^-erwajd (^uurad, capper, 110 s Chapel Sieigerwald Henry, sec. hand jzoods, 255 IloUins Steigerwald Henry, driver, 47 s Regester Steisierwald John C. tinm-r, 185 Gnugh Steigerwald Louis, clerk, 77 n Paca Steigerwald Meyer, brick manuf'., office 5 n Paca, dvv 77 n Paca, yard Light ext Stein A. W. lithographer, 421 Eastern av STEIN BROS. (Meyer and Saml. Stein )bankers 196 w Baltimore Stein Dr. Atilla E. 137 n Exeter Stein lV Co. (L. Stein, S. Heidleberger, ) wholes. clothiers, 29.') w Baltimore Stein Carl, salesman, 144 Pearl Stein Chas. tailor, 15 Albemarle Stein Chas grocery, 74 Portland Stein Chas. H. tobacconist, cor Fayette & Pine Stein Christine, grocery, 26 Shuter Stein Edward, shoemkr, 60 Thames Stein Edward, saddler, 141 Lexington Stein (Jeo. shoemkr, 69 Thames Stein Geo. clerk, 26 Shuter Stein Geo. shoemkr, 12 Orleans Stein Mrs Geo. 239 Lemmon al Stein Geo. tailor, 151 e Pratt Stein Mrs. Hannah, chinaware, 144 Pearl Stein Henry, beer, 206 Hollins Stein J. Casper, flour, 526 w Lombard Stein John, cedarware, 22 New Stein Jolin, shoemkr, 193 s Regester Stein John, furniture, 183 e Pratt Stein John, tailor, 319 n Ceiilralav Stein Juhn, lab. W^\ William Stein Jiihn, shoemkr, 69 Thames Stein John K. constable, cor Baltimore ant Paca, dw 322 w Hoffman Stein John A. tailor, 290 n Bond Stein Joseph M. carp. 421 Eastern av Stein Joseph, confectioner. 59 s Broadway Stein Mrs. Julia, grocery, 526 w Lombard Stein Julius, porter, 10 Bevau Stein Levi, (S. & Co.) 282 Lexington Stein Marcus, clerk, 63 Barre Stein Mathias, carver, 421 Eistern av Stein Max, tailor, 290 n Bond Stein Michiel of M. clerk, 144 Park av Stein Myer, clothing, 24o w Pratt, dw SSsShar Stein Myer, (S. Bros.) 144 Parkav Stein Nicholas, grocery, 332 e Baltimore Stein Peter, cigarmkr, 417 Cross Stein Samuel, (S. Bros.) 170 w Fayette Stein Mrs. Theresa, grocery, 322 w HofiFmau Stein Theodore, grocery, 78 n Gay Steinacker Henry, silverplater, Frederick rd n Gvvynn falls Steinbach Adam, tailor, 469 w Baltimore Sleinbach Mrs. Dorothea, tailoress, 469 w Bai timore Steinbach Fred, weaver, 49 L. McElderry STEINB.\CH G. P. imp. fancy goods and tions, 181 w Baltimore, dw 5 Jackson sq ai Steinbach George, pianomkr, 176 West Steinbach Geo. shoemkr, 127 n Spring Steiubacli Geo. lab. 71 Harrison, Canton Sleinbach Gottleib, tailor, 259 n Bond Steinbach Peter, tailor, 469 w Baltimore Steinberg Fred, paver, 1 Truxton Steinberger Adam, milk, Harford av ext Steinberger George, lab. 31 Bradford al Steinberger Jacob, butcher, Belair av ext Steinberger l>uuis, tinner. 131 n Central av Steinberger Miriam, jtinls, 131 n Central av Steinbock Fred lab. 34 Bunough Steinbock Geo. biirkpr, 5 s Frederick Sleinl)renner Geo. F. lumber, 78 s High Steiiicamp Jos. jr. stonecutter, 18 Gove al Steindle Andrew, barkpr, 252 e Pratt Steindle John jr. beer, 244 Chew Steindle John, beer, 252 e Pratt Steiner Albert, music teacher, 48 n Pine Steiner A. W. bricklayer, 37 Low Steinei Andrew J. caiimkr, 70 Raborg Steiner Benj. F. machinist, 70 Raborg Steiner Clias. machinist, 422 Orleans Steiner 1). C. provision, 883 w Baltimore Steiner .Mrs. Fanny, 233 w Lombard Steiner Fred. B. 298 w Lombard Steiner Geo. stonecutter, 72 Raborg Steiner Geo. drayman, 34 s Dallas Steiner (Jeo. conductor, 567 w Lombard Steiner Henry, currier. North nr Eager Steiner John A. grocery, 269 William Steiner Jacol), 312 Siratosza Steiner John M. moulde;, Belair av nr North*' Steiner John, tanner. North nr p]ager Steiner Nathan M. (N.M.&S S.) 2:j3 wLombor Steiner N. M. & S. wholesale jewelers, 318 Baltiujore Steiner Mrs. Nora, 144 German HOLMES k CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools anhpns Ferdinand, carp., Woodherry Stephens Geo. W. engineer, 185 Lee Stephens Geo. W. n w cor Madison and St. Paul Stephens Henry, printer, 185 Lee Stephens James H. engineer, 359 Cathedral Stephens James B. shoemkr, 13 s Carey Stephens James M. trav. agent, 175 w Lombard Ste|)hens John H. engineer, 227 Lee Stephens John A. k Son, (John A. and John W. Stephens) com. raerchts, 92 Light Stephens John A. (John A.S & Son) 90 Barre Stephens John W. (John A.S. &Soii) 90 Barre Stephens John, shoemkr, 13 s Carey Stephens Joseph, teamster. Sweet Air Stephens Levering, helper, 39 Lemmon Stephens Richard, engineer, 6 s Calhoun Stephens Sarah, grocery, 359 Cathedral Stephens Samuel, clerk, 76 Saratoga Stephens Upton, bricklayer, 372 w Lombard Stephens Upton H. 221 Linden av Stephens Wm. lab. 2S6 Hirford av Ste|)hens Wm. lab., Woodberry Stephenson Albe, shoemkr, Gen. Wayne hotel Stephenson John A. (McFarland & S. ) Wash- ington, D. C. Stephenson Mrs.Jos.B. flour and wholes, liquor, 62 Tiiames Stephenson Thos. J. bookkpr, 312 n Eden Steppacher B. L clerk, 264 Penna av Steppacher Isaac H. notions, 264 Penna av, dw 48 Portland Sterling Edward, lab. 57 s Schroeder Sterling Edward, caulker, 261 s Durham Sterling Ellen, grocery, 305 Canton av Sterling James, machinist, 22 McMechin Sterling Mrs. Mary A dressmkr, 292 n Eutaw Sterling Thos.J.prov'ns, McMechin and Division Sterner Iswic, fireman. Falls rd nr North av Stern Al)raliam, cattle, 348 n Bioadway Stem Arnold, plumber, 61 n Frederick Stern Bernhard, (Wiesenfeld, S. & Co.) 66 e Baltimore Stern Caroline, sec. hand goods, 16 n Amity Stern Charles, papercarrier, ,361 Saratoga Stern David S.(.Manko k Stern)50 Conway Stern E. clothing, 93 Frederick av Stern Emanuel, shoe mauiif. over 246 w Balti- more, dw n e cor Gough and Caroline Stern Henry, (S.& Leeser)59 Druid Hill av Stern Henry, dry goods, 173 n Gay Stern Herm.m, peddler, 338 s Charles Stern Isaac, elk, lb8 s Broadway Stern Jacob, 128 s Caroline m o O o o ft o O CQ o < P5 I — I m O kJ P^ ^ O Exchange pl,dw203 St. Paul Stesch Edwd. watchmkr,Gilmor nr Cumberland Steskal Frank, varnisher, 25 Gough Stettes Charles, notions. 111 u Central av Stetter \Vm. lab. 34 Rue Stetzelman Julius, blksmith, 37 s Caroline Steuart Alex. S.,Casloiu house. 326 n Caraline Sleuart Charles S. clerk, 34 e B.iltimore Stpuart Daniel R. 306 Lexington Steuart Rdwin K. cleik, 26 e Baltimore Sfeuart Edwin H erocer, 26 e Baltimore Steuart Dr. H 437 n Calhoun Steuart Hall, collegi tte and commercial Insti- tute, 1028 w Baltimore Sti-uart James L. 22 (Jrauhv STEUART Dr. JAMKS A, health comnissioa'r, office 28 n Hilliday, dw 93 Pirk av Steuart Dr. James H. 117 n Gilinot Steuart Robert, clerk, 170 Aisquith Steuart Robert, bookkpr, 22 Gianby Steuart [lobert St. J. clerk, 9 Irvine pi STKUART Dk. R. S. prest. Md Hospital, Fred- erick rd nr Citonsville, dw 222 n Calvert Steuart Dr. Win. F. physician to Marine Hospital Steuart Win. H. elk. 2(; e Baltimore Steubing Henry, drauirhtsman, 4 Bro id al Steuernagel Casper, tailor, 123 McElderry .Steuernagel John baker, 62 Block Sleveuhofer .Mar.x, cirp. 2o President Stevenhofer Win clerk, 20 President Stevens Alpha, 221 w Townsend Stevens .\lbert, cirp. 23 n Gilmor Stevens Benj. stationer, 150 e Monument Stevens Charles, oiler. 326 Orleans STEVI'LVS CH.\S. E.(J. B. and R. L Stevens) jiaper warehouse, paper bags and stationerj, 66 8 Sharp STEVENS CHARLES P. cabinet furn. 3 s Cal- vert, factory 6 Low,dw 231 n Calvert Stevens Darius W. 78 .McElderry Stevens David jr. gaiter and shoe upper raanuf. over 22 s Calvert, dw 46 Columbia Stevens David sr. 46 Columbia Stevens Danl. G.(G.O S.& Co.)B tltimore co Stevens Edward J. chemist. 56 St Paul Stevens Mrs Eliza C. 120 Mullikin Stevens Mrs. K. M. 393 n Strieker StHvens Dr. E. T. ■-!28 e Pratt STEVEN'S F. PUTNAM, attorney, 53 Lexing- dw 25 } Linden av Stevens Pr.mklin P. shipcarp. 68 Block Stevens Francis, baggage master, 181 Conway Stevens Geo. (i. letter carrier, 196 e Pratt Stevens Geo. 0.(G O.S &Co.)221 w Townsend STEVENS GEO. 0. k CO. (G. 0. and D. G. Stevens^ manuf. doors, s ishes and blinds, 13 and 15 Front cor Fayette Stevens Mrs. Grace A. notions, Monument and Bond Stevens Henry, engineer, 86 s Oregon Stevens Henry H. baker, 78 McElderry Steve IS H. W. collector, 82 Aisquith Stevens Howard, engineer, 326 Orleans Stevens James T mariner, 183 Battery av Stevens John, shoemkr, 23'^ s Broadway Stevens John C. cahuietmkr, 251 Battery av Stevens .fohn H. car[). 298 e Monument Stevens John H. coachmkr, 160 Dolphin Stevens Capt. J. E. mariner, 39S e Baltimore Stevens J. L. 46 Columbia Stevens John R. conductor, .Monument and Bond Stevens John W. salesm ui. 261 Mvrtle av Stevens Joseph, bricklayer, 246 n Bond Stevens Joseph, saddler, 151 w Fayette, dw 25 n Mount Stevens Joseph B. (Chis. E. Stevens) 150 e .Monument St-vens Joseph R. pie.-!sraan, 155 .Montgomery Stevens Leonard, plumber, 160 Dolpiiia Stevens Mrs. Martha .M. hoarding, 23 a Gay Ste<'ens .Mrs. .Mir v. 251 B itterv av STEVEVS & Nl<:WM.\N,(Wm. Stevens, G. L. Newman )8hi;)builders 23 Fell Stevens Nicholas, cigarmkr, 17 Somerset Stevens Oliver P. M. clerk, 328 e Pratt Stevens Rol)ert A. paiternmkr. 60 P.irkin Stevens Robert, carter, 1 1 1 Haaiburg S'evens Rjlit L. (Chis E.Stevens) 256 w Pratt Stevens Samuel, laborer, 211 Hudson Stevens S unuel(SteeenS(i-Smoot)8lE.xchange pi Stevens Samuel L. jr. potter, 82 Block STEVENS k SMO'OT (S. Stevens, A. Smoot) wholes, cotfee. 81 Exchange pi Stevens Sxniuel L shipcarpeuter, 163 Gough Stevens .S. S. 1 1 s Fulton Stevens Thomas, milk, 120 MuUikin Stevens Wm. laborer, 51 Luzerne Stevens Wm. piint"r, 38 Milliman Stevens Wm. (S k Newman) 6S Block Stevens Wm. H. 78 .McE derry Stevens Win. R. laborer, 320 Eastern av .Stevens Will. U. carriagemkr, 415 n Fremont Stevens W u. H. cirier, 3 Somerset Stevens Win. H. B. machinist, 297 Cross Stevenson .\nnie, grocery, 184 e Moaument Steven-!Oii C. Harry, clerk, 134 n Exeter Stevenson & Co. (Dr. Jas. S. k Jas. S Steven- son jr. ) pharmacists, cor G av and Exeter Slevenso I Kiiw.ird J. carter, 372 McDonogh HENRY HOEN & 00.. Lithogr.ipliing, Engraving aud Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ''"" STE 573 STE I Stevenson Dawson H. (Shriver, Stevenson & Co.) Howard honse Stevenson Elizabeth A. 32 Jackson Stevenson Georfze.carjienter, 125 n Kden Stevenson Geoige E. bookkpr, 162 w Biddle Stevenson Henry. Ijoardintr, 56 St. Paul Stevenson James S. jr. (S. & Co.) 19fi e Eager Stevenson James, fish, 29 s Fioul Stevenson Dr. James S (Sievenson & Co) 134 n Exeter Stevenson John H.chnirmkr, 328 n Broadway Stevenson Dr. John M. 133 n Exeter Stevenson John M. sheetiron worker, 30 nHigh Stevenson John, [lolice, 254 e Madison Stevenson Mis. Mary, notions, 84 Jetl'erson Stevenson Niraiod, salesman, 135 Mosher Stevenson Robert, ass't warden Md. Peniten- tiary, 84 Jefferson Stevenson Robert, chairmaker, cor Canton av and Caroline, dw 67 s Eden Stevenson Robert A. chairmkr, 67 s Eden Stevenson Robert A. ship|)ing officer, 67 s Eden Stevenson Samuel E. chairmkr, 67 s Eden Stevenson Samuel, flour, 308 vv Pratt, dw 135 Mosher Stevenson Stephen, sexton, 254 e Monument Stevenson Thomas H. ft I — I < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) =2 o Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. STE 574 STl ^ 2 Stewart Joseph, draughtsman, 108 Myrtle av ^ - - - loore <|- Co.) 10 oj ^ p^ Stewart Joseph, (Wm. H. Mc - r^ « Camden - 3 C- C 02 eS *^ •— X Stewart Jos. B. painter, 85 s Fremont g ^ Stewart Jos. B. (J.B.S.&Son) 202 s Paca tCjz'i^ Stewart Jos. B. & Son (J. B. and C.E.Stewart) o;rocer3', Fremont and Paca Stewart Jos. J. 193 Aisquith Stewart Jos. J. attorney, \49 n Republican cT'^ bL Stewart Kaie .M . teacher, Jackson sq av nr Wolfe ' Stewart Lafayette, printer, 164 e Monument Stewart Lafayette. 177 n Caiey _ _ Stewart Lemuel, florist, 533 u Fremont ^ ^ i< Sieivart Mrs. Marpcaret, 63 s Giimor •-^ P* H STEWART & RE.W (J.V'D.Slewart)chemi8ts ■"^--^ and iipoilieciiiie^, cor Hanover and Camden :i ^ -^ Stewait Robert, clerk, 166 e Eager '5 "5 ^ Stewart Robert (S. Bro.) 221 n Fremont 2 a> J: Stewart Samuel G. 193 Aisquith g J^ ^ Stewart Samuel P. carp. 205 s Fremont rj u ^ Stewart Samuel T. huckster, 534 w Lombard O g ^' STEWART SEP. H. Soda Water, ^^ ^ Cigars and fine Liquors, 89 Second ii^O Stewart Dr. Thomus, dentist, 18 e Fayette Stewart Thomas G. (S. & Co.) 320 w Lombard 0^ . Stewart Thomas T. fireman, 193 Conway ^ £ Stewart Thomas 'V. blacksmith, 16 Weber . _- 3 Stewai t Mrs. Virjiiiiia, boarding, 303 IJollins 2 o .i Stewart Waiter H. manager Franklin Telegraph eS^;- ~ _-. ^ Co. 131 w Baltimore, dw 193 Aisquith >> S c^ Stewart Wm. A. lab. 27 Woodyear ^ o'^^ Stewart Wm. E. attorney, 7 Courtland, dw 48 Stewart Wm bricklayer, 313 .McHenry Stewart Wm. carp, and builder, 331 Harford av Stewart Wm. grocery, 221 n Fremont Stewart Wm. moulder, 738 w Pratt STEWART WM. A. attorney, 8j St. Paul, dw 133 L:invale tj ;Z Stewart Wilbur B. clerk, 202 s Paca ^ ^ Stewait Wm. C. (C. J. S. & Sons) 51 Clarke •s Stewart Wm. E. blacksmith, 193 Couwaj S S Stewart Wm. H. (Chase, S. & Co.) New York «'^ o ■c c: H i^ ■" H Stewart Wm. J. clerk, 320 n Eutaw '~ § Stewart Wm. J. butcher, 48 s Schroeder Stewart Wm. J. jr. tinner, 467 w Lombard ci jr. tinner Stewart Wm. S. printer, 164 e Monument _ . Stewart Wm. L. carj). 11! Parkin ^^ ZTi >-> Stewart Wm. M. printer, 164 e Monument ?^ '5 15 Slibbe S. clothing, 42 Harrison Ah _-^ £ Stibbe S. D. clerk, 42 Harrison -»* p ''^ Stibbs Henry, lightning rods, 25 n Paca S ^ ^ Sticha John, shoeiiikr, 189 n Dallas 3 (D 'o Sticlitenotii Wm. tailor, 254 Hanover 55 "5 -S Stickel Andreas, cabinetmkr, 45 Portland ^ ^ '" Stickels Harry T. lab. 128 Columliia ~ ? ci Sticker Andrew, butcher, Chester nr Madison § r^ lO Stickler Mrs. Elizabeth, tailoress, 10 Anthony ^X, office 42 Second, works foot Clinton, Canton ^ > ^ Stickney J. Heury, oflBce 42 Second, dw 44 Mt. »^ "^ --^ Vernon pi ^ S =e Stickney John T. clerk, 377 Park av g .i • - Slidel Charles W. lab. 8 Bruce 5 cu b Stidham Geo. W. plumber, 61 n Liberty "•2 00 ^ Stidham Jas. D. plumbrand gasfil'r,70 n Eutaw •^ o >> Stidham Richard, baker, 84 Hilleu Stidman John (S. & Co. ) 293 Walsh Stidman & Co. (J. Stidman, J. F. Stidman) Miiryland Wire Works, 11 n Frederick Stidman (Jeo. B. wire worker, 293 Walsh Stidman John F. (S. & Co.) 112 Mosher Stiebel Geo. joiner, Ridgely and Sierrett Stiebler Chas. musician, 8 n Exeter Stiebretz Gotleib, butcher. 346 e Chase Stieckel Fred, baker, 246 s Charles Slieckel Otto, clerk, 246 s Charles Stiefel Julius (Harzberg & S.) 137 Hanover Siieff .Mrs. Catherine R. 285 w Fayette Stietf Chas. M. (J.L.,C.and F.P.S'iieff) raanufs. pianos, 84 and 86 Camden, 45 and 47 Perry, warerooms and office 9 n Liberty Stielf Chas. (Chas. M.S.) 285 w Fayette Stietf Fred. 1'. (Chas. M. S.) 285 w Fayette Siieff Geo. W. clerk, 285 w Fayette Stietf John L. (Chas M.S.) 299 w Fayette Stietf Mich^icl G prof, of music, 285 w Fayette Stietf Sarah, dressmkr, 85 n Pine Stieh Jacob, cabinetrakr, 44 Li-e Stieler Ht-nry. lab. 28 Cumberland Stieler Heury jr. millwright, 28 Cumberland Stielper Henry, dairy, Belair av ext Stielper Leonard, tailor, Belair av ext Stier Chas. U. patternmkr, 431 Hamburg Stier Josephus, millwright, 57 Parrish Stier Ricliard F. machinist, 3 Sterrett Stierberger Philip, cigarmkr, 2 McCabe ct Stiermann Frank, lab. 15 s Mount Stiertz John, 434 Cross Stilberl John, tailor, 605 Belair av Stilley Andrew, bricklayer, 22 Bank Stillev Wm, F. boxmaker, rear 150 n Gay, dw 22 Bank Stilling Geo. lab. 7 Bruce Stilling John, carp. 156 n Bethel Stilling John, basketmkr, 13 Diamond Stillman Joseph, sugar refiner, 223 Linden av Stillman Oscar B. supt. 223 Linden av Stillman Otto, lab. 14 Bouldin al Stillwell W. T. trav. agent, 186 John Stiltz Andrew, 197 George Stiliz Geo. R. pharmacist, n w cor Broadway and Thames Stiltz Jared, millwright, Bakernr Giimor Stimmel Albeit, shoemkr, 67 Milliman Stimmerman Wm. H. H. 108 e Fayette Stinchconib James, gasfitter, 554 w Baltimore Stinchcomb John D. police, 196 Greeumount av Stinchcomb Joshua, carp. 51 Columbia Stinchcomii Mrs. Mary E. 316 Myrtle av Stinchcomb Samuel S. ctonecutter, 294 n Bond Stinchcoml) Samuel A. 662 w Lombard Stinchcomb Mrs. Susan. 26 Etting Stine C. E.(Wm. Hojips & Co.) 614 w Lombard Stine Casper, butcher. Homestead Stine Christopher, patterndres'r, 130 n Schroeder Stine Edward, paperhngr, 130 n Schroeder Stine Mis. Elizabbeth, 231^ s Broadway Stine Geo. mariner, 231J s Broadway Stine Henry, musician, 231 J s Broadway Stine Henry, lab. 84 \Voodyear Stine John, glassblower, 53^ William Stine John W. bellhanger, 1 Warner Stine Joseph, (Jos. S. ^ Son) 284 .Madison av STINE JOSEPH & SON, (J. and T. S. Stine) merchant tailors, 74 w Fayette Stine Joseph A. clerk, 50 a Giimor Stine Michael, city curt, 160 Vine Stine Tho8. S. (J.' Stine & Son) 478 Eutaw pi p lo HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. O €©■ Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ' STI 575 STO ~ Itioeline Christopher, lab. 28 s Chapel tiner Joseph, clerk, 107 Hollins 'Uinper Lainhart, mariner, 27 s Washinj^ton .'lintrer Nicholas. 357 McDono^h tiiih^'r John, restauiant, 55 Mulberry -n Alex, tailor, 11 Webster -ua Edward, (J. & E. S. ) 267 n Howard iin J. & E.( Jno.and Edwd.Slinson)pr(iprs. timore hub factor}-, 36 n Holliday ..,.-ua John. (J. & E. S.) 267 n Howard ;T1NS0N RICHARD, bootmaker, 12 North, dw 21 Jackson lin-^on Robert J. upholsterer. 35 Clinton av 'tiritz Wni. F. shoemkrand find'gs, 181 e Pratt kipe Lew. barber, 362 Orlems itii I el Gey. confect'y, Ridgely and S^errett • Vy John, cifiariiikr, 21 Baker ng Archibald sr. pres' t Savings Bank of timore, 25 Franklin TIliLING ARCHIBALD Jb., U. S. District utiorney, U. S. Dist. Court, Md. 26 n Calvert, dw 29 Franklin ;TIKLIXG, AHRENS & CO. (Wm. Stirling, Adoiph and Georjie A. Alirens)shippiag and cuiumission njerchants, 54 Buchanan's wharf ;tirliug Mrs. Carrie E. 323 w Lombard ^tilling Mrs. Pauline, 8 s Pine jtirling Dr. R. Heury, 72 n Greene itirling Samuel, engineer, 23 Whatcoat 5tiiliDg Wm. M. clerk, 246 n Calvert 5ti:ling Wm. (S , Ahrens & Co.) pres't Calvert SLi^'ar refinery, 336 Madison av ;tirling Yates, "U. S. N. 25 Franklin itiirat Wm. B., St. Paul nr Huntingdon av itirzel Albin, painter, 77 n Ann itirzfei Mrs. Julia, grocery, 77 n Ann Uissel Fred, scourer and dyer, 95 Lexington 5titcher James W. painter, 170 Druid Hill av ■ilitcher John G. watchman, 170 Druid Hill av 5litcher John jr. bricklayer, 170 Druid Hill av ililcher Peter H. C. constable, 28 St. Paul, dw 9 Etting >tile3 James, printer, 224 e Fayette Uites Wm. carp. 250 Walsh Stilt Rev. Joseph B. 195 w Fayette 5titz Adam jr. sheomkr, 61 L. Mo'itgomery stivers Champiou D. machinist, 102 Preston stivers Chris, cooper, 586 w Pratt Stivers Jps. blacksmith, 107 Hollins Stivers Jos. jr. clerk, 107 Hollins Stivers Thos. blacksmith, 586 w Pratt Stock Emile, machinist, 132 s Caroline Stock Joa. baker, 62 s Wolfe STOCKBRIDGE HE.\RY,attorney,55 St.Paul, dw 12 n Calhoun Stockbrid^ze Jason, Barnard's dining rooms, dw So Camden Stockbridge S. L. attorney, 55 St. Paul, dw 69 n Gilmor Stockdale Chas. patternmkr, 234 Saratoga Stockdale k Elder, (Heury Stockdale, Robert Elder) scarf and bow manufrs. over 209 w Baltimore Stockdale Mrs. Hannah, 117 w Biddle Stockdale Henry, (S. & Elder) 63 St, Panl Stockdale John, patternmkr, 57 Stirling Stockdale John M. I n Fulton Stockdale Joshua N. patternmkr, cor Holliday and Saratoga, dw 65 n Bond Stockdale Robert, clerk, 117 w Biddle STUCKDALK, SMITH & CO.(B. F. Smith, W. A. Han way) wholes, druggists, 8 s Howard Stockdale Samuel, blacksmith, 684 w Pratt Stockdale Thos. lab. 11 Hollins al Stocker Jos. lab. ll(j Jackson sq av Stockern Edward, shoemkr, 216 vv Fayette Stochett Chas. H. painter, 323 .McHenrj Stockett Chas. W., U. S. ganger C. H. dw 379 n Strieker Stockett Geo. lab. 223 Battery av Stockett Geo. H. clerk, 216 w" Fayette Stockett James, bookbinder, 300 Light Stockett James P. painter, 286 McHenry Stockett John, stairbuilder, 537 w Lombard Stockett Joseph T. carp 9u3 w Baltimore Stockett Louis C. carp. 535 w Lombard Stockett Wm. machinist, 537 w Lombard Stockfish John, nightman, 195 Boston Stockhaus Mrs. Charlotte, 278 Light Stockliausen Chas. wagoner, 275 s Charles Stockhausen Emil, undertaker, 345 Light Stockley Albert A. importer wines and liquors wholes. 371 Light Stockman Chas. cigarmkr, 135 s Eden Stockman Fied.W. tavern, 13 Centre Market sp Stockman Geo. W. carp. 617 Belair av Stocksdale Cornelius, watchman, 30 s Oregon Stocksdale Fletcher G. clerk, 335 n Bond Stocksdale James E. clerk, 14 Jackson Stocksdale Noah, coachmkr, John al nr Frank- lin, dw 159 George Stocksdale Thos. E. 163 Drnid Hill av Stockton Aaron, W. shipjoiner, 298 e Pratt Stockton Mrs. Catherine, 83 Townsend Stockton R. C. clerk, 83 Townsend Stoddard Chas. G. clerk, 90 n Carey Stoddard D. L. 354 n Gilmor Stoddard Fred.O. N. conductor,975 w Baltimore Stoddard George W.supt. City Passenger Rail- way, 366 n Strieker Stoddard Hood, caumkr, 304 e Baltimore Stoddard Isaiah T. pianos, Baltimore, 2 doors e of Eutaw, dw 90 n Carey Stoddard Mrs. Kate P. 304 e Baltimore Stoddard Jas. W. supt. Buck's hotel Stoddard Capt. John B. 23 s Bond Stoddard Mrs. .Mary, blood purifier, 23 s Bond Stoddard Thomas J. conductor, 6 Parrish Stoddard Wm. clerk, 341 e Chase Stoddard Wm- collector, 304 e Baltimore Stoerz Sylvester, carp. 24 Centre .Market sp STOETZER & BRO. (F. A. H. and C. H. L. Stoetzer) wines and liquors, 10 and 12 w Lombard Stoetzer Chas. 8 Aisquith Stoetzer Chas. H. L. (S. & Bro.) 8 Aisquith Stoetzer Ferd. A. H. (S. & Bro.) 8 Aisquith Sloffel Chas. c^mmkr, 126 n Durham Stotfel Henry, tinware, 165 s Fremont Stoffel Henry, shoemkr, 126 n Durham StofFel Mrs. Philopena, laund. 85 Stirling StofifiCKan Chas. barber, 18 Penna av Stotfregan Chas. bookkpr, 472 w Baltimore Stohll John, butcher, Harford av ext Stokes B. T. jr. 247 Park av Stokes Chas. W. die sinker, 14 w Fayette Stokes Harry, brassfinisher, 65 n Front Stokes John, gunsmith, 14 w Fayette Stokes John A. carp. 75 n Castle Stokes Dr. Wm. H. 141 St. Paul Stokvis Herman, clerk, 97 n Front Stolka Franz, lab. 354 a Caroline StoU Mrs. Catherine, laund. 85 Somerset Stoll George J. tavern, Ridgely and Hamburg GQ a cq o O O O P O o H H < < < 1-3 O o *» r/» o 00 H o h^ !z; 1— t ^ <1 w GQ O O a?^ M^ KW OS .Wo mSpq « o o Stoll Godfrey, bristle comber, 36 Frederick av Stoll John, "butclier, 97 Belair and 105 Centre nikts, d\v Harford rd Stoll Louis, tHilor, 40 Orleans Stolpp Charles F. clerk. 154 Saratoga Stol{)p Mrs. J. L. 154 Saratoga Stolpp Lewis A. jr. confect'y, 154 Saratoga Stolpp Wm. A. confectioner, 154 Saratoga Slolte Aujiust. tailor, 28 Ensor Stolte Bernhard, barber, 124 Forrest Stolzeiibach Haminoud, butcher, 64 Hanover and 65 Cross-st inkts, dw 1019 w Pratt Stolzenbach George, tailor, 84 n Dallas iStolzenbach Oscar, tailor, 84 n Dallas Stolzenbach Wm. tailor, 84 n Dallas Stone Alfred I. driver, 152 n Pine Stone Benj. F. coach trimmer, 231 n Howard Stone Chas. W. painter, 62 n Amity Stone Charles H. clerk, National Farmers and Planters Bank Stone Charles W. clerk, 129 s Washington Stone George W. hay, Smith la nr Liberty rd, dw 66 George Stone Howard E. D. provisions, 495 Franklin Stone James E. magistrate, 65^ s Paca, dw 235 Conway Stone James H. clerk, 246 e Monument Stone James H. jr. clerk, 246 eMunument Stone John F. bricklayer, 136 Johnson Stone John W. carp. 74 Cross Stone John T. salesman, 91 McElderry's whf Stone Mrs. Susan E. Harlem av and Gilmor Stone Walter, grainer, 152 German Stone Walter H. clerk, 283 Hanover Stone Wm. carpenter, 45 Greenmount av Stone Wm. c'erk, 66 George Stone Wm. F. clerk, 246 e Monument Stone Wm. B. jr. clerk, 112 e Pratt Stone Wm. B. sr. mariner, 112 e Pratt Stone Wm. L, boilermkr, 29 Henrietta Stone Capt. Wm. B. 112 e Pratt Stone W. Geo. weiglimaster, 953 w Pratt Stone W. P. student, 45 Mulberry Stone Yelverton P. tobacconist, 184 Lexington, dw 32 n Eutaw Stonebraker Dr. Abram S. druggist, cor Pat- terson av and Carey Stonebraker Charles H. (H. S. & Sons) 58 n Fremont Stonebraker Edward L. clerk, 58 n Fremont STONEBRAKER & CO. (H. F. Zollickoffer. J. Lake, J. W. Konze) flour and gen'I com. merchs. 53 and 55 s Howard Stonebraker H. & Sons (H., John A. and C. H. Stonebraker) patent medicines, 84 Camden Stonebraker Hy."(H. S. & Sons) 58 n Fremont Stonebraker John A.(H.S.&Sons) 58 n Fremont Stonebraker Jos. R. (Beall & S ) 104 George Stoneburner Jacob C. (S. & Richards) 171 Saratoga Stoneburner & Richards (J. C. Stoneburner, B. H. Richards) wholesale grocers, 22 and 24 s Howard, and 26 and 28 s Liberty Stoner John F. R. shoemkr, 759 w Lombard Stoner Lawrence, drayman, 92 n Amity Stoner S. W. clerk. Mansion house Stonesifer Peter, carp. 193 Peirce Stoop Lewis A. 257 n Central av STOPPELHAAR & HALGRICH (G.E.Stopple- haar and George Halgrich) machinists aud engineers, 41 e Pratt StopplehaarG. Edwd.(S.& Halgrich)55s Bond Storch Mrs. Barbara, varieties, 426 Saratoga Storch Herman, beer, 72 Boston Storch Herman, peddler, 149 Lombard Storch John sr. tailor, 426 Saratoga Storch John jr. cierk, 426 Saratoga Storch Wm. G. printer, 226 e Madison Storch Wm. G. jr. clerk, 226 e Madison Storck Adolph (A. S. & Sons) 152 East STORCK ADOLPH& SONS,( A.,G^ J. and Edward J. Storck) Stean Factory for Sawing,Turning, Plan ing, Moulding and Scroll Sawinj of every description; and have oi hand and for sale Bedposts, Tabl( Legs, and all Cabinet Makers' Ma terials, also Brackets, Newels, Bal usters. Mouldings, &c., for Build ers. Have also in connection i Lumber Yard, with all kinds o: Building Lumber and "Hare Wood" for sale, 77 e Monumem Street, and 250 n Front Street. Storck Edward J (A. S. & Sons) 152 East Storck George J. (A. S. «Sc Sons) 152 East Sto'ck Huldah. grocery, 93 s Bethel Storck John, cooper, 93 s Bethel Storck Silvester, cabinetmkr, 139 Forrest Storey John T. police, 7 s Carey Storey Norman H. trav. agt. 8 Johnson Stork Langhorn T. cabinetmkr, 19 s Carey Stork Wm. L. (S. & Wright) Madison av ext Stork Wm. H. cannikr, 19 s Carev STORK & WRIGHT{ W.L. Stork.R. A. Wright) engravers, stationers, printers, and blank book manufacturers, 161 w Baltimore Storke Alex. L. asst. librarian Peabody Insti- tute, 174 n Calvert Storm Frederick, tailor, 174 Dover Storm Geo. W. lab. rear of 16 Concord Storm Herbert, cigarmkr, 48 Penna av Storm Wm. W. lab. rear 16 Concord Storm Wm. J. lab. rear 16 Concord Storre Geo. furrier, 33 w Baltimore, dw 17 e Fayette Story Mrs. Emma, 26 Hamburg Story Ephraim, painter, 182 s Paca Story John T. police. 7 s Carey Story Samuel R. 35 n Schroeder Stortz Rinehart, paper carrier, 187 e Madison Stortz Sidney, lab. 545 e Fayette Storz Martin, cabinetmkr, 24 Centre mkt sp Stoss Mrs. Catherine, 4 Fell Stoss John, cigarmkr, 152 s Wolfe Stoss John, cigarmkr, 139 8 Wolfe Stoss Mrs. Mary, 152 s Wolfe Stotz Wm. tailor, 458 n Gay Stotzer Geo. cabinetmkr, 139 Forrest Slouch Henry, salesman, Gibbons hotel Stoutfer Charles, clerk, 443 Lexington Stouffer Clias. F. printer, 65 e Baltimore SlouBer Danl. salesman, York rd nr Oxford Stouti'er Jacob, fire dept. 148 Pearl Stouffer John, carp. 443 Lexington Stout Andrew J. upholsterer, 13 Thomsen Stout Mrs. Amelia, housekeeper, 142 e Madison Stout Mrs. Eliza. 25 Parkin HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 SoTith St. 577 STR Itout Francis, ly^e caster, 13 Thomsea itoul Mrs. Frederica, 134 n Spriuji Uout John F. restaurant, 98 w Pratt jtout Jos. W. blacksmith, 67 s Schroeder itout Martin, engineei-, e Monument ext Uout .Samuel E. conductor, 25 Parkin Itout \Vm. W. clerk, 25 Parkin !tow Chas.W. Strieker nr Franklin Itow Louia, 175 n Oiegon itoue Daniel, carp. 583 n Gay it, we Tbos. G. clerk, 175 John Itowell A. chronometer maker, 6-i w Pratt, dw Charles-st av nr Denmead 5TOWELL A., (Formerly Gould, Stowell and Ward,) Chronometer Depot, No. 64 w Pratt Street. towell J. Wm. clerk, 203 e Pratt towell Wm. J. neuralgia pills, 327 e Pratt towman Edward, 602 w Lombaid towmau J. S. (A. P. Woods & Co.) 433 w Fayette towmau Wm., Carroll Point hotel, foot of Ridgeij towman's Hill Park, foot of Ridgely tradley Chas. carp. 204 e Madison tradiey Geo. carp. 204 e Madison tradley George jr, blacksmith, 204 e Madison tradner Conrad, lab. 55 Elliott irahan Eben, clerk, 77 s Eden traban Mrs. Sarah B. 690 Saratoga trab er Jonn, grocery, 79 n Caroline trahline Sebastian, bricklayer, 13 Payson trahsheim Fred, silversmith, 52 McElderry ext traka Louis, tailor, 135 Chew :ran Franklin W. painter, Waverley .ran George, carp. Waverley ;ran George W. blacksmith, Waverley ;ran James H. painter, Waverley xan J.Hmes R. carp. Waverley ,ran Henr^', painter, Waverlev ran Thos. P.(R. K. Hawley & Co.) 361 Madi- son av ran Wm. H. vice prest. Leibrandt & McDow- ell Stove Co. 143 w Pratt, dw 354^ Madison av ;ran Wm. H. jr. clerk. 354^ Madison av randburg Kliza, music teacher, Dallas nr John Trandt Henry, milk, 289 s Paca .rauey Edward, boileruikr, 61 n Poppleton rane> Edward W. machinist 408 Saratoga raney Lewis, blacksmith, 33 s Gilmor laug Caroline, beer, cor Calhoun and McHenry rang Charles, blacksmith, cor Calhoun and McUenry ■ ranley James T. engineer, 26 Warren irasbttrger Aaron, clerk, lo5 n High rasburger Chas. furniture, 43 Holland lastiurger Isaac C. confec'y, 793 w Baltimore aa=uurger John, tailor, 354 McDonogh irasburger Jos. bookkpr, 95 n High Irasburger Kaufman, (S. & Son) 95 n High Irasburger Leopold, teacher, 105 n High irasburger Lewis, (S. & Son) 95 n High irasburger M. C. confec'y, 323 n Gav TRASBURGER & SON, (K. Strasburger, L. Strasbuiger) wholes, ind retail clothiers, cor Gay and Front {rasburger Victor, carpeta, 521 w Baltimore, dw 521 {[•asinger Gotleib, stonemason. Waverley Strasiiiger Chris, stonemason, York rd nr Ches- nut Hill av Strasinger Jacob, stonemason, York rd or Cbes- nut Hill av Stiasse Frank, paints, oils, &c., 339 Orleans Strassner John, lab, 4 Binuey Straten S. J. bookkpr, 269 w Pratt Stratm-ier .Mrs. Fredk. restaurant, cor Hughes and Henry Stratmeier Frederick jr barkeeper, cor Hughes and Henry Stratincycr John H. oyster packer, 3, 5 and 7 Johnson, dw 232 Chew Siratmeyer Julius & G. Bunnecke, carpenters, 55 Dover STRA'ITUN DANIEL C. furnishing goods and shirt manuf'r, 161 w Baltimore, dw 321 e Eager Stratton Henry C. clerk, 321 e Eager Stratton Robert, crackers, 160 Linden av Stratton Thos. S. clerk, 321 e Eager Straub Chas. lab. 232 s Charles Straub Chas. grocery, 98 s Spring Straub George, lab. 32 Stockton Straub George, porter, 309 Forrest Straub George, lab. 43 Gough Straub Jacob, drayman, 18 e Lombard Straub Jos. jeweler, 43 Gough Straube Lider, cigarmkr, 56 North Strauby Chas. lab. 51 O'Donnell Strauch Hi.nry, drayman, 15 Leadenhall Strauch John, blacksmith, 33 Ridgely Straughu Henry W. ass't depy. surveyor U. S. Barge, 279 e Baltimore Straughn T. R. 331 Aisquith Straus Bertha, hosiery, 18 Thomsen Straus Mrs. Beitie, 32 Laurel Straus Christopher, lab. 594 Light Straus David, clerk, 19 Brown la Straus Gassawav, 60Mullikin STRAUS H. BliO. <|- BELL (H. and L. Straus, A. Bell) North-st malt house, s w cor North and Saratoga Stiaus Henry, law student, 81 s Broadway Straus Henry, clerk, 76 Hanover Straus Henry, clerk, 60 .Mullikin Straus Henry (H.S.& Bro.and H.S.Bro.& Bell) 580 w Fayette Straus H. Bro. (H. and L. Straus) hops and com. inerchts. Central av and Fawn Straus Isaac, clerk, 60 Mullikin Straus .Mrs. Isaac, 85 Mullikin Straus Jos. L. (J.L.S. & Bro.) 81 s Broadwav STRAUS JOS. H. wool, hides, furs, feathers, sheepskins, 170 Light-st whf,dw 37 s Eden Straus J. L. & Bro. (J. L.and Wm.L. Straus, ) grocers, 247 and 270 s Broadway Straus Jos. 206 n Republican Straus Jos. & Bros. (Jos. and Wm. S.)grocers, 235 n Gay Straus Levi f H.S.& Bro. and H. S. Bro. & Bell) 81 8 Broadway Straus M. L. (.M.L.S. & Co.) 268 Lexington Straus Mrs. Mary, 157 Chesnut Straus Meyer, clerk, 104 n Gay Straus M. L. X Strauss Elenzer, (S.Bros.) 647 w Baltimore ^ t^ ^ Strauss Fred, shoemkr, 205 Light, dw 203 •- >., Strauss Geo. shoemkr, 226 s Charles ^ ;^'^ Strauss Geo. W. restaurant, 61 s Charles ■^ _ce C Strauss John (S. & Kahn) 270 w Fayette i- 'S ^ Stiauss & Kahn (J. Strauss, M. Kahn) jobbers - ^ o cloths, 259 w Baltimore 5 ^ a3 Strauss Layman, peddler, 113 n Central av § g Strauss Lewis, millinery, 219 n Gay Q X -. Strauss Lewis (S. Bros.) 649 w Baltimore, dw . .2f g 236 w Lombard r^'^ CC Strauss Meyer, gents' furnishing goods, 97 n t3 ^ § Gay '?^ ^ Strauss Morris, fancy goods, 295 Eastern av rQ g _ Strauss Moses (S. Bros.) 54 Hanover ►> K Strauss Raphael, peddler, 193 n Central av . t^ c Strauss Solomon (S. Bros.) 649 w Baltimore £ -c: "o Straussiier Andreas, lab. 15 Elliott ^ ^ '-Z Straussiier John, lab. 59 O'Donnell >^ "" X' Straw-bridge ( M. E.) Church, Biddle and Lin- ic ^ ^ den av c^ c"2^ Strawbridge Robert, 103 s Gilmer 'C! 3 •" Strawsinski Geo. machinist, 56 e Eager o H -^^ -^i H ce Straylor Louis, 209 Chesnut Streb Franz A. milk, 5 Anthony Streb Geo. P. barkpr, Orleans and Durham Streb Geo. tailor, 90 s Castle Streb Geo. tailor, 236 n Dallas Streb John, shoemkr, 52 s Wolfe j- =8 Streb John A. tailor, 248 e Chase . -3 p3 Streb John P. police, 314 Orleans g S H ^^^'^^^ Matthias, lab. 248 e Chase ^ S ps Streb Nicholas, wheelwright, 273 s Ann, dw «,. .-jv Orleans and Durham ^^ 05 ^ Streb Peter, tailor, 28 n Wolfe T -S Streb Stephen, lab. 52 s Wolfe 8 S >, Streb Wilhelniina, groc'y, Orleans and Durham 'H M T; Strebech Win. shoemkr, 61 Portland ►i^ '^ ^ Strebeck Charles, ironshearer, 339 Eastern av -^ S t-. Strebeck John J. shipjoiner, 179Gough ~ "2 - Strecker Herman, liquors, 19 w Fayette " Streckfuss Frank, grocery, 305 Cross Streckfuss Geo. J. brickmaker, O'Donnell and Harrison ^ -^ = Streckfuss John, fishdealer, 140 William 2: "ti " Streckfuss Leonard, police, 271 William § c ^ Slreeng Margaret, midwife, 32 Leadenhall O -^ €©■ Streeng Michael, blacksmith, 32 Leadenhall -t^ ;::f v(^ Slneper Chas. .M. clerk, cor Pratt and Chester '^ c ^ St reeper Chas. cooper, 26 Patterson, dw Pratt 'c — '« and Chester g "^^ '-S Streeper John L. grocery and provisions, n w 3 >^, o cor Pratt and Chester •^"o ^ Street Charles (D. & C. S.) 35 Pleasant Q, .^ 5 Street David F. bricklayer, 41 s Fulton °^ ^ ._ Street David F. bricklayer, Burton's hotel ai •.- Street David (D.& C. S.) Farmers and Planters g hotel >^ Street F. M. carp. 41 s Fulton cJ P >i Street D.& C. prop'rs Farmers and Planters ho- tel, n w cor Forrest and Hillen Street John C. 36 n Gilmor Street John W. glass stainer, 36 n Gilmor Street Robert J. bricklayer, 274 Franklin Street Samuel K. J. bacon dealer, 1 15 n High Streets Mrs. Sallie A. dressmkr, 6 s Front Streett Amos H. bricklayer, 25'7 McHenry Streeit John H. bricklayer, 4 s Carey Streett Thomas, bricklayer, Burton's hotel Strehlein Nicholas, cooper, 125 MuUikin Strehling Fred, cooper, 897 w Pratt Strehling Wm. packer, 21 China Streib Conrad, tailor, Wolfe nr Chase Streib Fred, brewer, 317 s Bond Streib Geo. shoemkr, 191 Vine Streib Henry, Wolfe nr Chase Streib Henry C. butcher, 588 Light f Streib Jacob, beer, Eager and Dallas ^ Streib John, baker, 188 Stirling Streib Mary, beer, 317 s Bond Streibler John, bailiff Criminal Court Stresler Anton, stevedore, 201 Orleans Stresewske Anioine, blacksmith, Homestead Stretner Conrad, lab. 55 Elliott Strewtker Chas. shoemkr. Eastern av ext Strible Ferd. 332 n Broadway Strible Geo. A., Miller's hotel Strible John, bailiff, 213 Aisquith Stribling Admiral C. K., U.S.N. 595 Lexington Stribling Cornelius (W. H. Horner & Co. also " Rouse, Hempstone ^ Co.) 595 Lexington Strieker Albert, overseer, Harford rd nr Home- stead Strieker Anna, notions, 69 Druid Hill av Strieker Anton, tailor, 211 William Strieker Eli, conductor, 571 w Lombard Strieker Francis, fireman, 571 w Lombard Strieker John H. 71 Druid Hill av Strieker John S. tinner, 71 Druid Hill av Strieker Joseph, drover, 63 s Monroe Strieker Wm. lab. 32 Frederick av Strieker Wm. jr. stonemason, 32 Frederick ay Stricklen Wm. F. clerk, 114 n Washington Strickler Eli W. lab. 32 Ramsay Strickley H.J. ticket agt, Maryland av ext Stricklin Jesse, lab. 158 Burgundy al Strickroth John, lab. 424 Canton av Strickroth John jr. lab. 424 Canton av Stricth Wm. drayman, 168 Dover Striefler Fred. Iiarber, 349 Aliceanna Striewig Henry, carp. 69 Druid Hill av Strine John J. clerk, Gen. W^iyne hotel Strippy Adam, brakeman, 49 s Strieker Strilter Wm. wheelwright, 527 Light Strobel Annie, grocery, 309 llauil)urg Strobel Christian, tailor, 309 Hamburg Strobel Geo. lab. 198 Aliceanna Strobel Geo. jr. shucker, 198 Aliceanna Strobel Gerhardt, shoemkr, 297 n Gay Strobel Jas. jr. shucker, 198 Aliceanna Strobel Mrs. Hannah, confeci y, 286 e Lombard Strobel Henry, 311 e Baltimore Strobel J. Mich, lumberman, 286 e Lombard Strobel Mrs. Margaret, beer, 2 Stockholm Strobel R. S.(R.S.S. & Co.) 262 Myrtle av STROBEL R. S. & CO. (R. S. Strobel, A. H. Mordecai) grocers, cor Richmond and Ca- thedral Strodiier Fred. 35 Eastern av Strodthoff Amelia. variety, O'Donnell nrCurley Strodihoff Wm. carp. O'Donnell nr Curlej ^'^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75,000.000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. STR 579 STU trodtmaii Harman, watchman, 247 Hamburg trodlman Henry, cooper, £60 Hanover tiodtman John G. groc. cor East and Fayette Irodtman John H. lab. 755 Light trodtman John H. sr. grocery, 755 Light trodtnian John H. hib 22 Stockholm troeblein Mrs. Anna, 127 ii Paca troh Balthazar, caljinetinkr, 10 St. Peter troh Christopher C. beer, 216 Aliceaniia troh Conrad, cigarmkr, 'A5 Ridgely troh Daniel, caliinetmkr, 158 Vine troh Elizabeth, grocerv, 156 s Dallas itroh Philij), beer, 156 Aliceanna {trohecker John, lab. -JO n Durham rohecker John, porter, Brown la nr Freder- ick av rohecker M. carp. 388 Penna av rohl Charles, lab. 137 Gough rohl Jacob, shoeiukr, 130 n Caroline irobiein Carl, lab. 34 Thainrs lolim H. F. notions and conf'y, 161 Preston lohm H. F. jr. clerk, cor Eutaw and Preston lohiuer Andrew, shoemkr, 1 12 n Fremont rohmer Geo. cooper, 17 James la robmer Michael, shoeiukr, 411 Lexington ruhmeyer Eugene, printer, 15 Holland rohiiieyer C. J. mercht. tailor, 55 w Fayette, dw 377 n Broadway . rohuieyer Geo. L. jr. sewing machines, 25 e Baltimore . rohmeyer Geo. 375 n Broadway irohmeyer Oscar, salesman, 377 n Broadway (rohminger Casper, cabinelmkr, 127 s Bond iioliruiann Edward, salesman, 374 Light iiolumann Geo. W. baker, 75 Barre ;iobrmiinn Geo. F. clothcutter, 95 Dawson al (lohrmann Henry C. cigarmkr, 95 Dawson al liuiiiberg David, coufec'y, 34 Haw I'luiuberg Geo. coufec'y, 52 Penna av «iumberg John H. prop'r Wm. Tell house, s w cor Pratt and West Falls av < omberger Geo. tinner, 77 Forrest i uuiberger Lizzie, seamstress, 77 Forrest I uiueager Mrs. Barbara, 91 n High ; uuienger Charles H. (Loud, Oaridge & Co.) n 11 High i ouier Albert, lab. 200 s Bond .' KuilER HENRV, grocery and feed store, Jeiair av opp. Greenwood Park i oilier Peter, shucker, 255 s Durham i ouier John, lab. 255 s Durham i oiuer Joseph, driver, Belair av ext i oaier Joseph, shucker, 255 s Durham i omer Sebastian, shucker, 255 s Durham i oiner Sebastian, beer, 190 Cross i ong David 0. insp. C. H., dw 57 s Ann J ong Edwin M. moulder, 337 w Lombard ^|'UL; Geo. W. letter carrier, 48 n Schroed«r i uug Henry, carter, 159 West ^oug Herbert B. painter, 127 s Sharp S ong Jos. W. boilermkr, 24 Williamson al Song L., Park av nr Howaid Song Morris, moulder, 377 w Lombard Song Mrs. Rebecca. 241 Peirce Song Robert, driver, 241 Peirce Song Samuel D. moulder, 191 n Caroline Song Walter S. painter, 127 s Sharp Song Wesley R. trader, 117 Jefferson Sothman Frederick, carp. 366 Aisquith £ROTTGEO.U.mercbt.tailor,744w Baltimore Sott John H. shoemkr, 96 Hillen Soup Jos. baker, 49 Cambridge Strouse & Bros. (I., S. and L.Strouse)clothiers 13 s Sharp Strouse & Co (I., S. & L. Strouse, and L. Fec- henbach) clothiers, 40 w Baltimore Strouse Isaac {S. & Co.) 14 HoUins Strouse Leopold (S. & Co.) 23 Hollins Strouse Samuel (S. ^" Co.) 333 w Lombard Strouse Wra. driver, 66 Gianby Strouss Cbristiaii, harnessmkr, 35 Buren Strowbridge J. M., Brown's hotel Strowbridge Thomas, salesman. Brown's hotel Strobe Daniel, cigars, 633 w Pratt Struben John, lab. 121 n AVashington Struck .Mrs. Annie, beer, 66 n Washington Struck Aug. carver, 66 n Washington Struck Bernhardt, baker, 68 Mulberry Struening V\'m. brewer, O'Donnell and Second Struckinan Henry, lab. 122 Stockholm Strupp Chas. shoemkr, 298 s Charles Strupp Peter, shoemkr, 273 William Struth Chas. liqudrs, 68 Camden STRUTH HKRMAN, wholes, and retail liquors, 6 s High Struthoff Catherine, (H. & C. S.) 62 n Exeter Struthoff H. & C. grocery, 62 n Exeter Struthoff Harriet, (H. &'C. S.) 62 n Exeter Struven Albert, cabinetmkr, 222 Lee Struven Deitrich, grocery, 74 and 76 Thames Struven Henry G. dry goods, 168 s Eutaw Struven John, bookkpr, 222 Lee Struven P. C. (S.#Wacker)4i3 n Central av Struven & Wacker, (P. C. Struven, Charles Wacker) grocery, 52 Boston Stryker Rev. Augustus P. 180 w Biddle Stuart Alex, clerk, 76 n Howard Stuart Mrs. Ann E. 86 s Bond Stuart Chas. A. clerk, 76 n Howard Stuart Chas. E. cleik, 83 s Bond Stuart Chas. P. prop'r Gen. Wayne Stable, dw 28 s Gri-ene Stuart Dilman S. clerk, 54 n Republican Stuart Emma, 83 s Bond Stuart Florence C. teacher, 83 s Bond Stuart George R. filer, 115 Jackson sq av Stuart Glendy B. clerk, 83 s Bond Stuart Glendy, (H. Bolton &Co.)242 n Calvert Stuart Guy B. (Stuart & Hayes) 52 Bolton Stuart Harry F. ( Willey & S.)242 n Calvert Stuart H. B. toys, 21 Frederick av Stuart & Hayes (Guy B. Stuart and James A. Hayes) wholesale produce, 160 Forrest Stuart Henry D. lab. 40 Gough Stuart James, artist, 52 s Exeter Stuart James, storekeeper Balto. Warehouse Co. 10 Union Dock, dw .^67 e Baltimore Stuart James A. carp. Strieker nr Patterson av Stuart Jefferson D. 52 Bolton Stuart Jefferson D. jr. attorney, 52 Bolton Stuart John A. hackman, 27 Pearl Stuart John B. keeper toUgate Reisterstown rd Stuart John J. clerk, 242 n Calvert Stuart J. Webster, clerk, 83 s Bond Stuart T. Keating, coal, 42 n Charles, dw 11 Cathedral Stuart Wm. bricklayer, 220 Preston Stuart Wm. A. clerk, 295 Hanover Stuart Wm. H. plumber, 40 Gough Stuart Wm. S. expressman, 275 Hanover Stubbins Chas. miller, 7 e Madison Stubbins Joseph, nightman, 17 Goodman al Stubbins Monroe, canmkr, 7 e Madison Stubbs James T. clerk, 207 Barre CO c3 o O O O »S P o o ^ GQ w t-H lO ■ « o O Stubhs Geo. N. apent Moro Philips' phosphate, 95 South, dw 65 s Eden Stubbs Joseph S. clerk, 150 Hanover Stubhs Wm. 0. money carrier, Adams express, 207 Barre Stubbs Wilmer, carp. 61 s Poppleton Stubenrauch Cbas. manuf. jewelry, over 214 w Baltimore, dw 50 Chew Stubenrauch Gfo. jewelry, over 214 w Balti- more, dw 50 Chew Stubenrauch Geo. grocery, 225 s Sharp Stuhinger John, bulcei-, Bond nr Bank Stuchfield Mrs. Elizabeth E. 160 Mulberry Stuck Chas. stonecutter, 26 e Monument Stucke John, poultry, 42 O'Donnell Stuckr Mrs. Minnie, laund. rear 85 u Bond Stuckert John, tobacconist, 32 w Baltimore Stuckert Martin, carter, 192 Eastern av Stuckert Martin, cigarrakr, 22 s Caroline Stuckrath Geo. shoemkr, 362 e Monument Stuckwisch John H. lab. 195 Boston Student James, lab. 43 Burnes Studzenski Franz, lab. 52 Lancaster Stuel)e Henry, carp. 383 eFnyette Stuerken Rev. Nicholas, 12 s Caroline Stuerken Ullrich, clerk, 88 3 High Stuhman Chas. clerk, 177 s Bond Stuhman Henry, beer, 177 s Bond Stufragen Henry, driver, 69 Bank Stultz Geo. W. driver, 1 Cumberlaiid Stummer Conrad, lab. 118 Johnson Stummer Lazarus, tobacconist, 161 e Baltimore Stump Andrew M. butcher, 125 Columbia Stump Augustus, barkeeper, Linah's hotel Stump A. H.(A. H. S. & Sons) Balto co STUMP A.H. &SONS, (A. H., J. S. and S.S. Stump) wholes, grocers and com merchts. 56 South Stump Anthony, tailor, 216 e Chase Stump A. H. pres't Georges Creek Coal and Iron Co. and pres't Merchts. Nat. Bank, dw Balto. CO Stump Casper, lab. Biddle nr Chase Stump Casper, lab. 60 McMechin Stump Conrad, lab. 177 s Caroline Stump Conrad, shoemkr, 202 Preston Stump Fred, liquors, 674 w Baltimore Stump Geo. C. machinist, 268 Penna av Stump Geo. L butcher, 4 Richmond market, dw Calverton rd nr tollgate Stump George, tailor, 216 e Chase Stump Henry, cigarmkr, 262 Preston Stump J. He"nry,(S & White)268 Penna av Stump James, restaurant, 304 n Howard Stump John S.( A.H.S.&Sons)Baltimore co Stump John, cooper, 156 Burgundy al Stump Leonard, tailor, 125 n Bethel Stump Nicholas, butcher, 46 Cross-st Market, Garrison la nr Frederick rd Stump Samuel S.(A.H.S.& Sons.)233 St. Paul Stump & White,(J. H. Stump, Robt. W.White) hardware, 268 Penna av Stumpf Carl. tVamemkr,316 Cross Stuinpf Mrs. Catherine, varieties, 150DruidHill av Stumpf Chark'S, bootfitter, 10! Leadenhall Stumpf Fred, grocery, 70 Holland Stumpf George, lab. 105 s Ann Stumpf George M. grocery, 246 Conway Stumpf Henry, cabinetmkr, 150 Druid Hill av Stumpf Henry, driver, lol Leadenhall Stumpf John, baker. 215 Peirce Stumpf Lewis, salesman, 246 Conway Stumpf Michael, lab. 18 Green ct Stumpf Richard, clerk, 332 e Baltimore Stumpf Mrs. Sophia, boots and shoes, 117 Sara- toga Stumpf Wm. musician, 169 Madeira al Stumpff Sebastian, cabinctrnkr, 95 s Wolfe Stuniplley Charles, clerk, 209 s Bethel Stumpfley Martin, lab. 209 s Bethel Stumptner George, cigarmkr, 250 s Broadway Stumptner Jacob, cooper, 12 Shakspear Stumptner John, cooper, 12 Shakspear Stunz Adam J. engraver, 496 w Lombard Stunz Ausiust, carp. 6 Ridgely Stunz k Bro.(John F. and Herman P. Stunz manufs. hair jewelry, 508 w Baltimore an< 90 Penna av STUNZ & BRO. 508 W. BALTIMORE ST AND 90 PENNA. AVENUE. MANUFACTUBERS OT w A Brooches, Ear Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Ladiei and Gents' Chains, Charms, Braids, &c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. ^~We guarantee to use the Hair left ua by one tomers and no other. Stunz G. W. P. P. engraver, over 212 St. Paul dw Huntingdon av nrSt. Paul Stunz Herman P. (Stunz & Bro.)Huntingdona nr St. Paul Stunz John F. (Stunz & Bro.)508 w Baltimore Stunz Theodore, elk. Huntingdon av nr St.Pac Stup Joseph C. lab. Cumberland nr Gilmor StUrbits John, shoemkr, 93 n Amity Sturgeon A. C. clerk, 355 Franklin Sturgeon Francis M. carter, 47 William Sturgeon Fredk. clerk, 126 n High Sturgeon Frederick, clerk, 355 Franklin Sturgeon Frederick, butter, 377 n Gay Sturgeon James, pilot, 288 e Madison Sturgeon .lames J. bookkpr, Merchant's hotel Sturgeon John T. boilermkr, 54 Johnson Sturgess Wm. J. tinner, 78 s Exeter Sturke Christian, lab. 311 s Bond Sturker Ulrich, maltster, 88 s High Sturle .Monzo, ferryman, 136 s Dallas Sturle John, musician, 136 s Dallas Sturm Albert, brassfinisher, 257 s Charles Sturm Anton, liquors, 242 s Charles Sturm Charles, teller, 242 s Charles Sturman Ellis B. bookkpr, 282 w Fayette Sturmfelsz John, bakery, 195 e Fayette Styler George H. 48 James la Snares H. E. salesman, 110 w Fayette Subsistence Office,U.S.A.,Col.J.L,McL.Tayloi ill charge, 51 s Sharp Suchsbraul Alois, shoemkr, 197 e Eager Suchsbra(41 George jr. shoemkr, 197 e Eager Suchting Wm. boxmaker, 133 n Fremont Sudbrink Fredk tailor, 48 n Spring Sudbrink Henry, tailor, 48 n Si)ring Sudbrok Henry, liquors, 146 Light-st whf Sudhausen Clemens, shoemaker, 210 e Chase Snders Mrs. M. E. dressmaker,628 w Baltimor Sliding H. A. apothecary, Fredlc.av and Gilmo Sudler John E. surveyor, s w cor Fayette an Charles, dw 445 n Carey HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. / (Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt. b SUD 581 SUM pudmejer Wm. lab. 237 s Sharp .5udsl)urg Jane, milk, 12 Vallev i^UDSBURG JOS. M. carver, 39 n Liberty i^uehle Conrad, tailor, 242 s Ann nuess Wilhelm,(Gardner & S. )8 s High 5ues»man John, !;)b. 203 Liirlit iii^iden George, lab. 9 Walker 5Ujrden Mrs. Maria. 9 Walker 5ul!ens David, collier, 104 Curley -iiiltris Kdward. lab. 148 Chesapeake ill IIS James, ironhealer. 104 Curley Milieus John R. lab. 53 Patuxeiit iulleiis Wm. H. ironworker. Hare nr Hudson nillivan Alexis, shoemkr, Fedeial nr Cathedral ■uliivau Benj D. gardener, 172 n Fremont Niliivan Bridiret, sec. band j;oods, 113 Hill Miilivaa Mrs. Catherine, 19 Perry ^ullivaa Ch.irles. bricklayer, 1 7ti Columbia •;ul!ir;ii Clias. G. telegraphist, 169 n Republican -ullivan Cornelius, lilacksmith, 142 Chesapeake >ullivan Cornelius, lub. 5 e Monument ^ullivan Cornelius, lab. 230 n Front Mil !i van Daniel, boilermkr, 33 s Front laii Daniel, bottler, 2ol n Front an Daniel N. plumber and gasfitter, 111 . .latoga -liilivua Dennis, lab. 201 n Front 111 i van Deiuiis(Sullivan and Peat)cor Forrest ;ind Madis'in Millivan Edward G. plasterer, 528 n Gaj' uillivun Eninia. 44 Gough sillivan Eug. H. coppersmith, 67 s Washington ^ullivan Felix R.(J.S.& Sons)26 Read Millivan Frank (J.S.& Sons)2t) Read -ullivan George, grocery, lo5 a Central av iullivan George, laborer, 9 Henry ^u Hi van George M. carp. 5 Parkin Millivan George .\I., 202 n Refiublican ■iullivau George R. painter, 166 Walsh iullivan George W., George nr Brune Millivan GfOrge W. jr. carp. 668 w^Pratt Millivan George W machinist, 668 w Pratt Millivan .Mrs. Hattie, 111 Harmony la •ullivan Henry C. carp. 303 Franklin ullivan James, grocery, 193 n High Millivan James, lab. 221 n Front Millivan James, lab. 113 York ■ullivan James, huckster, 3 Diamond ■ullivan James, lab. 4 Parrish ■ullivan James, 162 e Pratt iullivan James, plasterer, 183 n Paca Ullivan James, engineer, 113 Hill luUiviin James A. lab. 61 Centre Market sp Millivan James M. salesman, 54 s Eutaw >ullivan Jeremiah, lab. 71 Hampslead liullivan John, blacksmith, 303 Franklin Sullivnn John, horseshoer, 83 n Oiegon |5ullivan J(jIiii, shoemkr, 28 w Lombard Sullivan John, foreman, 5 Hawk jSuUivan John, shoemkr, 149 Greenmount av iiuilivaii John, restaurant, Broadway and Gay i^uUivan John, porter, Buren and Fall pullivan John, lab. 5 e Monuinent Sullivan John jr. plasterer, 51 Greenraourtt av Sullivan John sr. plasterer, 217 n Eden pullivan John, lab. 338 Eastern av iullivan John, fireman 223 York Snllivaii John. lab. 355 w Louibiird Sullivan John C. cooper, 19 Patterson, dw 169 ' n R'-|iublicar. 5ULLIVAN JOHN & SONS, (F.and F. R. Sul- livan) genl. com. merchants, 2 Camden cn c3 Sullivan Dr. John M. 116 Thames _^ Sullivan Joseph, clerk, 303 Franklin z2 Sullivan Joseph, lab. Leadenhall and Cross pt^ Sullivan Joseph J. 116 Thames ,_^ Sullivan Mrs. Margaret, confecl'y, 149 Green- j^ mount av d Sullivan Mark, boilermkr, 78 s Republican q;> Sullivan .Mis. Miry, 193 n High --- ._ _. __ _^, .. -r." Q Sullivan .Mrs. Mary A. varieties, 149 w Biddle — Sullivan Mrs. Mary E. dairy, 31 Druid Hill av .~ m Sullivan .Michael, mariner, 334 Canton av Sullivan .Mich lel, shoemkr, 25 n Oregon Sullivan Mich .el T. beer. 3 Edward Sullivan Paola, blacksmith, 303 Franklin -^ Sullivan Patrick, lab. 7 w Lombard J^ Sullivan Patrick, lab. 2 Concord ^ Sullivan & Peat, (D. Sullivan and Win. Peat) r marble cutters, cor Madison and Forrest O Sullivan Philip, lal). 14 Concord O Sullivan Richaid, moulder, 410 E istern av Sullivan Rudolph, livery stables, 67 Buren "^ Sullivan Thaddeus C. shoemkr, 543 w Lombard ^^ Sullivan Thomas, clerk, 19 Perry ^ Sullivan Thomas, shoemkr, 134 Camden O Sullivan Thos. E.(T.H S. & Son) 324 n Eutaw O Sullivan Thos. H.(T.H.S S Summers Mis. J. B. 637 w Fuyette 'x ^ > Summers John, sec. hand flotli'gr. 41 7 Saratoga § z> Summers John E. cigarmkr, 417 Saratoga ~ ^ ^ Summers Juhn J. cigarmkr, 217 Snratogrt C -Ji — Summers John L. blacksmith, 193 s Ann «^ c S Summers Joseph G.(S.cj- Bryant 274 Linden av ""^ CO '* Summers Pairick, hib. 251 West •-'^ ^ Summers Patrick, junk, 417 Saratoga ^ C xf Summers Samuel, machinist, 130 McElderry ~ '^ ~ Summeis Wm. lab. 399 s Eutaw .— "k -^ Summers Wm. junk, 417 Saiatot: '~5 y^ y, Suinmerson Roiiert, conductor, 30 — I^ f=5 Summerson Seih S. 305 Forri'St 305 Forrest .„ ^ - Summerson Setb S. jr. driver, 305 Forrest — -— '-£ Sumner Alfred W. attorney, 168 n Calvert, dw .^ le C 68 w Mad son ^ 'o __^ Sumner Jas. E. (Francis, S.& Co.)55 n Liberty c ^ 2 Sumwalt Mrs. C. M. 66 s Sharp £ g S Sumwalt David S. ice,s e cor Howard and Mul- S § berry, dw Maryland av nr Huntingdon av ^ [" ^ Sumwalt Edward, sat'emkr, 66 s Sharp cS u Sumwalt Geo. B. clerk, 66 s Sharp ^^ 5g Sumwalt Geo. W. builder, s Hamburg "j3 C Q Sumwalt Jacob D. driver, Oak nr Shirk 'il*~' Sumwalt James H. machinist, Sumwalt w of '" "^ . Maryland av ® Sumwalt John E. bricklayer, 63 Hamburg O Sumwalt J(jhn T caulker, 63 Hamburg "5 Sumwalt John W. R. salesman, 266 n Gilmor -. „ C Sumwalt Mary J. dressmkr, 114 s Sharp ^ ce g- Sumwalt .Mrs' Patsey, 76 Battery av ._ O fc, Sumwalt Samuel, Sumwalt w of .Ma in 2.1- - 'Jl „ , _ „. ...irylandav ^"Ph Sumwalt Samuel R.coal and wood, 8 n Liberty, ,--'-'- dw 74 n Fremont a ^ ^ ~ ■ - - Sumwalt Thos. S. dry goods, 56 Hanover, dw 32 -^ 12 n Strieker •^ .S 5 Sumwalt Theo. telegraphist, 66 s Sharp '^ >^ < Sumwalt Wm. brickmkr, 96 St. Peter ■^ "T, h-i Sumwalt Wm. gasfitter, 66 s Sharp ^^ r^ OS £ H O ••Ph Sumwalt Wm. J. blacksmith. 259 Hollins Sun Building, s e cor Baltimore and South SUN JUB PRINTING OFFICE, (The) se cor Baltimort- and Sdulh SUNDAY TKLEGRAM, J. Cloud Norris, pro- pi ietor. 122 w Baltimore Sunday School Teachers' Reading Rooms, H. A.Smeltz, sup't, 8 n Charles >-> Sunderland Basil, sliipjoiner, ISl Gough T^ Sunderland Beverley W. shipjoiner, ISI Gough -%^ -::= § Sunderland Beverly W. jr. shijijr, lOODuncan al ,^ ^ >j Sunderland Edward, shijicarp. 181 Gough i •;:: »; Sunderland John W. printer, 295 McDouogh ^t5'o Sunderland Wm. H. D. 295 HoUins |j a Sundermyer Henry G. shoeinkr, 5o6 Lexington !^ S "^ Sunderm,\er .Mrs. l';iizal)eth, 506 Le.xington ^ -f^ 2 Sundheimer .Abraham, cattle, 673 w Lombard S -^ Sunstrom Calvin, police, 147 Battery av O C G^ Sunstrom Mrs. Johanna, tailoress, 325 Light C^ _c €^ Sunstrom Mark T. bookkpr. 161 Barre ■■«->, ^ bJD Sunstrom Rcjbert C. chrk, 196 Barre ^ C .2 Sunt John, lab 261 s Wolfe "^ i [S Super Chas. R. clerk, 315 n Broadway ^ "Zi -^ Super Daniel, clerk, 315 n Bioadway S >i a> Super Fred. butcher,Le.xiugton and Republican .^ o ^ Super Henry, tinner, 2'i6 .s Sharp * .^ 5 Super John'j. (W H.S. k Bro.) 27 Calverton rd ^ ^ _Super \Vm.H.(W.H.S. & Bro.) 27 Calverton rd 2 § i- SUPER WM. H. ^BRO. (W.H.andJ.J, Super) •S "x ^ wholes, provisions, 8 n Paca, and butchers, 6 ■^ QJ >, Centre and 97 Lexington mkts Super Wm. M. clerk, 315 n Broadway Supei-intendent New City Hall, oflBce cor Hoi day and Le.xintrton , SUPERIOR COURT OF BALTIMORE, 2dflo-. Court house, Geo. W. Dobbin, judge Sujiple Thos. .A conductor, 116 s Strieker Supplce Franklin, attorney, 21 South, dw 6! w Lombard Supplee J. Frank, salesman, 67 .Mosher Sujiplee W>lbei F.( .Megraw &Co )G72wLombai SUPREME BENCH OF B.\LTIMORE CIT corSt.Paul andCourthouse la, Geo. W. Brow cli. judge; G. W . Dobbin, H. F. Garey, C V Pinkney. R. Giimoi-, jr.. associates; (J.Ro inson, clerk ; office first floor Record office Suresch Joseph, tol)acconist, 147 L. Greene Surratt I. D. clerk, 197 w Fayette Susemihl Chas. scourer, 78 Gough Susman Solomon, glazier, 805 w Baltimore Susman Mrs. Solomon, notions, 805 w Baltimc Susquehanna Coal Co., Henry A. Barry, sal agent, 26 Postoffice av Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal Co. office Le.xiniiton, Robert D. Brown, treaa Sussan John. lab. 433 Aliceauna Sussan Peter jr. hairdresser, 47 s Wolfe Sussan Peter, well digger, 47 s Wolfe Susz Adam, lab. 214 Canton av Sutcliffe Wm. machinist, 20 s Oregon Suter Anton, basketmkr, 135 Johnson Suter Chas. M. conductor, 101 s Paca Suter Daniel, cabiuetmkr, 419 e Fa\ettp Suter Edward P. (Sheeler & Ripple) 227 Townsend Suter Fred, machinist, Clinton nr Boston Suter Geo. A. tinner, 422 w Lombard Suter Geo. M. plasterer. Baker nr Penna av Suter Henry, 331 e Chase Suter James S. 312 e Chase SUTER JAMES W. real estate agt, 68 w Fa ette, upder Barnums hotel, dw 374 FrankI Suter John J. caninkr, 419 e Fayette Suter Rufus W. butcher, 9 Whatcoat Suter Samuel, lab. Baker nr Penna av Suter Samuel H. clerk, 101 s Paca Suter Samuel T confectioner, 18 Warner Suter Thos harnessmkr. 18 Warner Suter Wm. clerk. 101 s Paca Suter Wm. H. clerk, 312 e Chase Sutherland Harry, machinist, 34 .McHenry Sutlitrlaud Henry, machin st, 187 n Central a Sutherland Dr. Joel B. office 29 s Broadwa; dw 231 w Biddle Sutherland John, Chase nr Gay Sutherlrtiid John B grocery, Ann and Piatt Sutherland John M. clerk, 30 Fawn Sutherland John S. painter, Chase nr Gay Sutherland Mrs. Syiiney, grocery, JefiTersonan , Central av Sutherland Thos. R. grocery, 80 n Caroline Suthkoptf Philip, printer, 246 w Fayette Sutkoski .Michael (Lotz & S.) 47 s Greene Sutlitf Mrs. Ann, 2H5 Saratoga Siitor Henry P. salesman, 141 Walsh Sutro lunil, com. march t, 17Gerinan,dw3lHollir Sutro Otto, music and pianos, 2(t7 w Baltiraon dw 86 n Charles Sutter George, car driver, 142 s Wolfe Suttler J. Bernard, clerk, 123 Mulberry Sutton Benj. hackmaii, 14 Constitution Sutton Charles B. clerk, 46 n Calhoun Sutton Edward, police, 285 McDonogb 2q O c8 - ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. "* Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. SUT 583 SWE > Suttou Mrs. Elizabeth, 110 n Exeter Sutton Fiaiiklin, apt of Aiuericau sewing ma- chine, 670 w Lombard ,Sutton Isaac, ch-ik, 88 Hill Sutton John L. clerk, ti70 w Lombard Sutton Joseph, 264 Franklin Sutton Lewis. 215 w Biddle Sutton Mrs. Maria, 127 Orleans Sutton Philip I), salesnjan, 40 Lexington Sutton Robt.M. (Johnson, S.&Co )46nUalhoun Sutton Wm. machinist, 20 L. Church Swagart Wm. lali. 17 Stockton Swagert Wm. carter, 29 Hope Swain Mrs. Abraham, dry goods, 468 n Gav SWAIN & BANKS (H. Swain, Wm. E.Banks) lumber, Aliceanua and President Swain Benj. F. clerk, 468 n Gay Swain Charles C. butcher, 146 Harfo.''d av SWAIN EDWARD, grocer and tea derler, n w cor Bond and Lombard, dw 17 s Bond Swain G. Edwin, lumber broker, 34 West Falls av, dw 3 n Republican Swain Howard sr.(S.&Banks) 173 n Republican Swain Howard jr. clerk, 173 n Republican Swain John, macliinist, 11<» Parkin Swain Jolm, clerk, 229 Chew Swain Milton, butcher, 116 Parkin Swain Peter, engineer, 160 Chesnut Swain Samuel, shoemkr, 16u Chesnut Swain Tlios. butcher, 33 Belair market, dw 146 Harford av Swain Wm. J. lab. 146 Harford av Swainscott Basil T. sign painter, 502\\ Lombard Swainscotl Jonathan, carp. 502 w Lombard Swaitz Cliarles, fireman, 20G L. Constitution Swallow Henry, foreman. Mansion house Swan Donald, cleik, 88 Read Swan Dm vies, clerk, i^8 Read Swan Charles T. fireman, 121 Parkin Swan John, 88 Read Swan John, foreman, 29 Wyeth Swan John A. bricklayer, 63 Battery av Swan John, dra,\man, 98 Dolphin Swan Mrs. Kate D. 332 n Eutaw Swan Samuel, Salesman, 30 Constitution Swan Tavern, Wm. P. Cole, proprietor, 122 Franklin Swanberg Mrs. Mary, 23 e Monument Swfincoat .Mrs. Euiily R. 252 w Fayette Swank Nathaniel M. printer, 224 Chew Swank T. W. phonographic correspondent Ad- ams VjX\). Co. 129 s Bond Swann C. A. jr. 177 w HoUman Swann C. A. 177 w HoS'man Swann C. 0. 177 w Hoffman Swann Mrs. Doiothea, 8 Whatcoat Swann George F. coacbtrimmer, 8 Whatcoat Swann James M. canmkr, 8 Whatcoat Swann James, barkpr, 1 n Greene Swann John, 1 n (jreeiie SWANN MICHAEL, restaurant, 1 n Greene, dw same Swann Patrick, moulder, 1 n Greene Swann Richard T. bricklayer, 311 Cross Swann Thomas, plumber, 184 Pearl Swann Mis. Thomas jr. 190 n Charles Swann Thomas, 68 Franklin Swann Wm. mariner. Federal nr Aigquith Swann Zichariah, helper, 377 s Eutaw Swansbery Stephen, boilermkr, 202 HoUins Swansbery Thomas G. plumber, 202 Hollins Swansbery 'Wm H. nightman, 536 Lombard Swanson David, printer. 235 n Howard Swartz Barney, lab. 8 Wyeth Swartz Frederick, police, 74 Russell Swartz Harry M. (Delevie & S.) 31 n Eutaw Swartz Wm. W. lab. 171 Barre Swartz Wm. H. tinner, 52 Fawn Swayne B. B. toilet and fancy goods, 37 Chailes dw 319 w Favette '^ Swayne George T. puddler, 51 s Buike cu Swayiie James D. sr. magistrate, Clinton near q Elliott g Swayiie James D. puddler, 29 O'Donnell -^ Sweany .Mis. Eleanora, grocery, 18 Patterson av -p n c Sweany Helen E. matron, Clipper .Mills Sweany John H. clerk, (Caroline nr John Swearer Charles, Carroll house, 1 Grant and 1 Holliugsworth. and restaurant 334 Aliceanna, dw 55 n Broadway Swearer George, police, 131 MuUikin Swearer John, restaurant, 337 Aliceanna Swearer Wm. bricklayer, 2M4 e Madison SweeneyAlfred,carp. ;-!96 w Pratt, dw 229 Barre pq o Q O O Sweeney Bridget, 327 Saratoga Sweeney Charles, cabinetmkr, 209 Dolphin Sweeney Cornelius, lab. 43 Block Sweeney Daniel, salesman, 209 Dolphin Sweeney Daniel, lab. 230 n Front Sweeney David, driver, Hunter al nr John Sweeney Dennis, lab. 59 s Castle Sweeney Edward, mariner, 327 Saratoga Sweeney Ellen, 117 Lancaster Sweeney George, broommkr, 166 n Dallas Sweeney George A peddler, 276 s Eutaw Sweeney James, lab. 230 n Front Sweeney John, lab. 127 Boyd Sweeney John, horseshoer, 5 Falls ct Sweeney John, laliorer, 127 Hudson Sweeney Mrs. Julia .\. Edmondson av nr Oregon '^ Sweeney Louis D. cashier Birnuui's hotel, 604 ^^ w Lombard Sweeney Michael, hodcan ier, 27 Booth Sweeney .Michael, bookkpr, 114 Franklin Sweeney Michael, tinner, 327 Saratoga Sweeney Mich lel, laborer, 28 w Lombard Sweeney Patrick, laborer, 117 Lancaster Sweeney Patrick, drayman, 1\k Scott Sweeney Patrick, laboier, 127 Boyd Sweeney Patrick, laborer, 404 Hanover Sweeney Stephen, clerk, 155 Druid Hill av Sweeney Susan J. confecl'y, 276 s Eutaw Sweeney Thomas, laborer, 117 Lancaster Sweeney Thomas, caiimkr, 118 s Regestcr Sweeney Wm. laborer, 166 Canton av Sweeney Wm. S. carp. 152 Division Sweeny Augustus W. dentist, 49 n Greene Sweet Charles, cooper. 258 e Madison Sweet James W.(Turnbull, Sweet & Co.) Druid Hill av ext. nr the Park pc^ Sweet Jnmes W. jr. clerk, Druid Hill av ext k^ Sweet Joseph E. laborer, 33 McHenry q Sweeting B. F. bricklayer, 141 n Eden r_^ Sweeting Edward T. sr. contractor, 463 e Eager ^ Sweeting Edward T. jr. brassfounder, 463 e o o H ^ o o o Pi ;ineer, 237 Park av ^ Swick Mrs. Sarah, 6 McMechin __ £_, Swick Thomas F. shipcarp. 146 s Regester tT W. Swick Thomas J. clerk, 146 s Regester ^ Swick Wm. printer, 249 Gough O ^ '"^wick Wm. A. sergeant police, 249 Goiigh ji *^ Swift Alex, foreman. 10 Patuxent "^ ^ Swift Chaney H. baker, 228 e Fayette y K-j Swift George H. laborer, 12 Essex O ^ GQ O w H OQ Swift GeorsJ'e W. manner, 271 Light P SWIFT & COURTxNRY & BEEHHER CO. match O manufac'rs, H. S. .Morrow, ag't, 55 s Calvert CQ and 55 Clieapside QQ Swift James H. confect'er, 52 e Baltimore Swift Lewis W. (Clarke, S. k Co.) 31 s Gist 6 Swift Mrs. Mirgaret, 3 s Monroe ^ Swift Milton W. shiicker, 12 Essex Swift Nath m, grocery, 204 e Baltimore Swift N. Bonaparte, puddler, 12 Essex Swift Wra. A. lamplighter, 12 Essex Swift W^ra. H. driver, 5')8 Aisqulth Swigert Foldine, shucker, 186 s Chapel Swigert Frederick, milk, 787 Light Swigert Frederick jr. milk, 787 Lijrht Swindell Bros. (Wm., Geo. R., John W. and Walter B.Swindell )raanufacturers of window glass. 32 Light Swindell Mrs. C. dry goods, 315 s Sharp Swindell C. Baker, clerk, 71 n Carey Swindell Chas. E. flour and feed, 213 s Sharp, dw 92 Barre ""^"''"''^ Swindell George E. (Swindell Bros.) 304 Myr- tle av Swindell Jacob, elassblower, 315 s Sharp . Swindell James E. glassblower, 313 s Sharp O Swindell John W. (Swindell Bros.) 30 Clarke U Swindell Mrs. Lydia, 71 n Cnrey ^ Swindell Richard, glassblower, 315 s Sharp [J Swindell Richard jr. glasscutter, 315 s Sharp ►z; Swindell Walter B.( Swindell Bros.) 71 n Carey and J.A.Swing- ^ W ley) lumber com. merciiis. 2 Block ^ Swingley Otho, (0. S. k Son) 126 Mulberry do2 Swiif'PV Mis. Emma M. 134 e .Madison O^vA SWINNEY EPAPHRODITUS, attorney, 6i _. .,,63w I b t> Fayette, w of St. Paul, dw 255 Lanvale H Swissler John, lab. 254 Battery av Q fe ►-( Swissler Nicholas, lab. 9 Wall her, 75 Belair market, dw Harford av nr Point la Tabin Adolph, scourer, 73 Myrtle av Tabler James E. milk, 42 n Pine Tabler .Maty E. boarding, 15 s Howard Tackenberg Eliza, embroideress, 77 n Lil^erty Taeuber C. A. trimmer, I7o Chestnut TaeuberJ. F. cutter 170Chesnut Taeuber Wm. F. clerk, 71 e Fayette Tafe Thomas, clerk, 256 n Eutaw Tafl Fred. H. assi. weiu'her C. H. Tagart H. S clerk, 153 Lexington TAG.XRT SAMUEL H. attorney, 43 LexingM dw 84 w .Madison Talbot Allan, gardener, Hillen rd nrtollgate* Talbot Jas. A. C. tinner, 166 e .Monument Talbot Saml. gardener, Hillen rd nr toligate^ Talbott Be ij. coachsmith, 150 Forrest Talbott Chas. A. printer, Biddle e of Ann Talbott Chas. M. clerk, 71 e Biddle Talbott Edward K. clerk, 186 n Carolino Talbott Mrs. E. B. 29 n Pine Talbott George, lab. 161 Choptank HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. TAL 585 TAY yCalbott George F. printer, 283 e Fayette liralbott Geortre H. piiinomkr, 175 St Peter Falbott John, country produce, 125 Hillen Talbott Lucy, 146 s P^tca Talbott Mrthlon, 90 n Republican frtlhott Mary W., Calvert nr Madison Tiilhott Mrs. "Maria, 29 Parkin Talbott Nicholas B. printer, 283 e Fayette Talbott Rebecca, I46sPaca Talbott Thos. lab. Mt. Royal Hill Falbott Thos. |)lasterer. 52 Preston rall)ott T. J. clerk Tobacco Warehouse No. 1, dw Laurel, P. G. co Talliott \Vm. F. printer, 283 e Fayette ra!i><)tt Wni. R. pianomkr. 206 Barre raliaferro Mrs. E. C. 143 Hanover Taliaferro G. C. com. raercht. and wholesale liquors, 73 South, dw 2o Patterson av "a'iaferro John R. salesman, 143 Hanover ferro .Mrs. .Martha A. 41 Parkin iferro Rodnrick sr. 32 s Sharp .1 at'erro Roderick, salesman, 143 Hanover Tall Benj. lamplijjhter, 28 w Lombard ?all Geo. W. mariner, 104 Johnson Pall Harrison J. E. cabineimkr, 128 Chew Tall James, painter, 116 Aisquith ^all John L. tinner, 51 Warren rail Jds. L. blacksmith, U) Henry ^a!l Jos. L. coppersmith, 116 Aisquith ?all Levin Y. carp. 359 Li^ 0 O) "- 1 - " t. bo ^•S bc > ;5 2 ? ■" Tavlor Allen M. & Co. (Allen M. and Thomas Taylor) oyster packers, 163 s Howard Taylor Allen M.{ A.M.T.&Co. ) 305 w Lombard Taylor Alex. P. liookkpr, 572 w Fayette Taylor Mrs. Amelia S. 197 n Bond Taylor Mrs. Ann W. 238 S:iratoga Taylor Mrs. Ann M. tailoress, 139 Mullikin Taylor Andrew J. lab. Clipper mills Taylor Archibald H. attorney, 51 St. Paul, dw 193 Park av Taylor Aufrustus, brickrakr, 168 Scott Taylor Benj. mariner, 100 s Exeter Taylor k Bro. (James W. and Zachariah H. Taylor) butter, 46 Camden Taylor Caleb S. (FreHand,nall & Co.) Balto CO Taylor Cardiff, carp. 98 n Paca Taylor Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 13 Stiles Taylor Charles B. spinner, Clipper mills TAYLOR CHARLES F. n w cor Cathedral and Madison Taylor Charles R. attorney, Waverley Taylor Charles, machinist, 38 Henrietta Taylor Charles, machinist, 447 w Loiubard Taylor C. G. salesman, 54 Saratoga Taylor Charles J. com. mercht. over s e cor Gerii'an and Liberty, dw 211 Bolton Taylor Charles J. clerk, 165 n Fremont Taylor Chnrles R. tinner, 369 e Fayette Taylor Clifford, wirewkr, 238 Saru'toga Taylor Colmoie, mariner, 78 s Chester Taylor Cornelius T. (Sneerinj;er, T. & Co.) 182 Mosher Taylor Crawford P. clerk, 38 n Ann Taylor Curtis U. plasterer, 319 Franklin Taylor Daniel, huckster, 9 (yatnden la Taylor Daniel, clerk, 282 n Front Taylor Daniel D. clerk, 230 n Calvert Taylor David jr. plasterer, 47 Etting Ta^ lor Douglas, clerk, 48 s (Central av T lylor E. A. dairy, Liden av and Preston Taylor E. J. cigar manufr. over 97 n Broad- way, dw 195 Jefferson Taylor Edward C. mariner, 92 s Sharp Taylor Edward, carp. 211 s Chester Taylor Edward C. bricklayer, 123 Jefferson Taylor E. W. clerk, 349 Holiins Taylor Kdwin, lab. 148 Wfst Taylor Elias, cigarmkr, 193 Jefferson Taylor Mrs Elizabeth, 279 Saratoga Taylor Mrs. Ella, 132 n High Taylor Elmer, cooper, 96 Barre Taylor Emeline, 219 e Lombard Taylor Emil, restaurant, 314 n Durham Taylor Mrs. Emily, 145 Mulberry T.WLOR F. ALKX. attorney luid conveyancer, 121 Bank Taylor Mrs. Fanny E. mantuamkr,139 n Eutaw Taylor Francis, 160 s Howard Taylor Geo. clerk, 238 George Taylor Geo. police. Druidville Taylor Geo. shoemkr, 434 n Gay Taylor Geo. jr. fm'emaii, 31 e Pratt Taylor Geo. grocery, 47 n Gilmor Taylor Geo. telegraphist, 155 ii Paca Taylor Geo. foreman, 31 e Pratt Taylor Geo. A. tinner, 49 Holland Taylor Geo. B. hosiery, &c. 166 n Eutaw Ta>lor Geo. D. lab. 160 West Taylor Geo. E. iuspr. health dept. 49 Holland Tavlor Geo. E. cigar manufr. 318 n Gay Taylor Geo. F. clerk, 320 n Caroline Taylor Geo. H. watchman, 151 e Madison Taylor Geo. L lab. 103 Hanover Taylor Geo. M. clerk, 131 Division Taylor Geo. M. huckster, 48 s Central av Taylor Geo. Q. clerk, 254 w Lombard Tavlor Geo. T. lab. 80 B Carev TAYLOR GEO. W. & CO. (Geo. W. Taylor] upholstering goods. 11 n Charles Taylor Geo. W.(G.W.T.&Co.)231 Druid Hill a\ Taylor (Jeo. \V. painter, 14 (.'oiistilution Taylor (Jeo. W. clerk. 224 n Charles Taylor Geo. W. cigarmkr, 207 e Baltimore Taylor H. Harrison, upholsterer,260 LexingtOE Taylor Hammond, saddler, 332 Myrtle av Taylor Hannah, dressmkr, 117 n Bond Taylor Helen, 150 n Carey Taylor Henry, magistr.tte, Clipper Mills Taylor Henry, window shades, 115 n Howard Taylor. Henry, draughtsman, 87 Walsh Taylor Henry, clerk, 787 w Baltimore, dw Car rolltfin, Baltimore co Taylor Henry, manager of Baliimore News Co 233 n Charles Taylor Henry C. shucker, 15 Cambridge Taylor Henry C. jr. trunkmkr, 6! n Poppleton Taylor Henry H. stonecutter, 145 e Eager Tavlor Henry S. machinist, 235 e Madison Taylor Henry S. clerk, 211 Bolton Taylor Henry T. com. mercht, 12 Camden, dw Baltimore co Taylor Hezekiah sr. clerk, 149 Mulberry Taylor Hezekiah, variety. 787 w Baltimore Tavbr, Houston & Co. (Saml. G.Taylor, Win. G Houston, ChMS.W.Whitworth)saw and plan'g mill, cor Aliceaniia and Caroline Taylor Irvin, lab. 148 West Taylor Isaiah, tinner, 117 n Bond TAYLOR J. G. & CO. (J. Gilbert Taylor) bil- liard table manufrs. 54 s Sharp Taylor J. Gilbert, (J.G.T.&Co ) 335 w Fayette Tavlor Col. J. McL. commissary of subsistence, U.S.A. 51 s Sharp, dw 33 Hamilton Taylor Jacob, stonecutter, 119 Barre Taylor Jacob H. wood and coal. 134 Dug.iu'i whf, and j)res't Peojile's Bank, dw 211 Bolton Taylor James, welldi(^ger, 174 William Taylor James, welldigger. 81 Hamburg Taylor James, moulder, 596 w Baltimore Taylor James, dredger, 12 Hammond al Taylor James, printer, 199 n Central av Taylor James, clerk, 145 Mulberry Taylor James, carp. 383 Hamburg Taylor James, lab. 304 e Madi.son Taylor James, [latternmkr, 74 Oak Taylor James, clerk, 447 w Lombard Taylor James A. clerk, 224 n Charles Taylor James B. carp. 304 McDonogh Taylor James B. driver, 225 e Lombard Tayl6r James B. mariner. 263 Canton av Taylor James T. bl.icksmith, 2.36 William Taylor James W. (T. & Bro.) 62 Camden Taylor James W. W. jr. caulker, 1218 Regester Taylor James W. W.sr. property agent and col- lector, 121 Bank Taylor Jane, dry goods, 208 Hanover Taylor Jesse, spice grinder, 320 n Caroline Taylor Rev. Jesse C. 320 n Caroline Taylor John, shoemkr, 115 Lancaster Taylor John jr. shucker, 115 Lancaster Taylor John, saddler. 279 Saratoga Taylor John, carp. 220 n Eden Taylor John, 98 n Paca Taylor John, sailmkr, 340 Light II i -2 e/> HOLMES & CO.. Etigiaeers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &g. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. " TAY 587 TAY Taylor John, clerk, 232 George I Tiivlor John B. fireman, Washington hotel Taylor John C. watchman, 9j Hill TaVlor John D. machinist, 6:;6 w Baltimore 1 Ta\lor John D. clerk P. 0. 411 Franklin j Taylor John D. clerk, 600 w Baltimore i Tavlor John R. conductor, 102 Ramsay Taylor John E. clerk, 22 n Fremont Tavlor John H. jr. painter, 332 Myrtle av Taylor Jno. H painter,43 Clay,dw'332 Myrtle av Tavlor John H. produce, 98 n Paca Taylor John H. H. saksman, 414 n Calhoun Ta'ylor John I. shucker, 148 West Taylor John L. lab. 9 Guilford al Taylor John M. clerk, 77 n Fulton Taylor John M. clerk. 10 Clarke Tavlor John S. provisions, Calvert and Sarato- ga, dw 234 Walsh Taylor John S. salesman, 234 Walsh Taylor John iS. driver, 34 Warner Taylor John W. conductor, Fulton nr Saratoga Taylor John W. fireman, 14 s Norris al Ta\lor John W. lumber wagon, 8 Gould ct Taylor John W. soap presser, 173 n Spring Taylor John Z. watchman, 111 Lancaster Taylor Joseph A. clerk, 220 n Eden Tavlor Joseph K. machinist. 179 HoUins TAYLOR JOSEPH JAMES, ajient Baltimore and Susquehanna Steam Co. 212 West Falls av, City Block, dw CarroUton hotel Taylor Joseph S. cutter, 3 Jackson Taylor Joshua C carp. 92 s Sharp Taylor Joshua D. carp. 21 Barnet Tavlor Lambert H. painter, 56 Jackson sq av Taylor Lemuel 0. clerk, 11 Cathedral Taylor Lorenzo D. cabinetmkr, 109 n Eutaw Taylor Louis S. driver, Whatcoat nr Presstman Taylor Mrs. Louisa, 22 Wyeth Taylor Mrs. Margaret. 145 e Eager Taylor Martha A. 47 Rttinir Taylor Mrs. Martha E., Clipner Mills Taylor Mrs. Mary, 62 Camden Taylor Mrs. Mary, 469 w Fayette Taylor Mrs. Mary A. dressmkr, 109 n Eutaw Taylor Mrs. Mary C. notions, 340 Light Ta\lcr Mrs. Mary C. children's clothing, 184 M idisoD av Taylor Mrs. Mary C. 230 n Calvert Taylor Mary E. dressmkr, 342 Light Taylor Mary J. saleswoman, 275 Lanvale Taylor Dr. Melville W.office n ecorCharles and Denmead, dw Waverley Taylor Dr. Milton N. 100 n Broadway Taylor Mortimer sr. passenger agt. B. & O.R.R. 615 w Lombard Taylor Mortimer T. jr. clerk. 615 w Lombard T.WLOR & NELSON (Winfield J. Taylor, Geo. E. Nelson) altorne\s, 40 St. Paul Tavlor Nelson, tinner, 350 e Chase Taylor Nelson T. bricklayer, 350 e Ch se Taylor Otis H. lab. 80 s Carey Taylor Rachel C. 30 Camden' Taylor Robert A. 224 n Charles Taylor Mrs. Robert A. 231 St. Paul Taylor Robert J. broker, 682 Saratoga Taylor Rolit. B. carp. 98 n Paca Taylor Robt. Q. jr. clerk, 254 w Lombard Taylor Robt. VV. Iiricklayer, 38 n Ann TAYLOR ROBERT Q. (R. Q. Taylor, W. W. Preizman, G. E. S. Lansdowne) hatters, 5 n Calvert Taylor Robt. Q. (R.Q.Taylor) 254 w Lombard p o Taylor Robt. A. (E. M. Lazarus & Co.) 67 Mt. Vernon pi TaUor Robertson (Bonsai & Co.) n w cor Ma- ryland av and Denraeid Taylor Roirer, 44 McMechin Taylor Samuel, 47 n Gilmor Taylor Samuel, harnessmkr, 282 n Front Taylor Samuel, boilermkr, 263 William Taylor Samuel B. clerk, 594 Lexington Taylor Samuel E. ci^'armkr, 207 e Baltimore "IS TAYLOR SAMUEL G., Engineer cq and Machinist, cor East Falls av _ and Granby, dw 267 n Howard, o Taylor Sam'lG. (Coleman & T.) 267 n Howard Taylor Sam'lG.(T.,Houston&Co.)267nHoward '^ Taylor Sam'l J. sr. bricklayer, 123 Jftferson ^ Taylor Sanvl J. jr. bricklayer, 123 Jefferson o Taylor Sam'l T. carp. Whatcoat nr Presstman O Taylor Sam'l W. tobacconist, 207 e Baltimore ^ I Taylor Sam'l W. cicarmkr, 318 n Gay Taylor Sam'l T. mariner, 242 Light rO Taylor S. J. & Co.(S. J. Taylor, L. Smith)can "_ 1 manufacturers, cor Howard and York j^ I Taylor S. J.(S. J. T. & Co.) 305 w Lombard j^ Taylor Mrs. Sarah, millinery, Patterson av nr p- I Fremont Taylor Sophia B. 44 McMechin Taylor Susan, 173 n Spring Taylor Svduey B. machinist, 451 w Lombard Taylor Sydney T. engineer, 105 n Ann Taylor Thos.( A.M.Tavlo'&Co )305 w Lombard r^ Taylor Thos. lab. 209 Hudson Taylor Thos. locksmith, 168 Dolphin Taylor Thos. F. lab. Clipper Mills Taylor Thos. G. jr. stonecutter, n e cor Frank- lin and Carey Taylor Thos. G. provisions, n e cor Franklin and Carey Taylor Thos. H carp. 91 Gough Taylor Thos. L. bookkpr, 303 n Broad Nvay TaVlor W^arreu, clerk, 38 n Ann Taylor Walton E. harnessmkr, 332 M> rtle av T.iylor Wm. oyster and fruit packer, cor Alice- aiina and Chester, d\v 493 e Baltimore Taylor Wm. 351 Cathedral Taylor Wm. sailmkr, 238 s Dallas Taylor Wm. huckster, 282 n Front Taylor Wm. jr. harnessmkr, 28.! n Front Taylor Wm. cigarmkr, 123 Jefferson Taylor Wm. lab. 42 Slemmer al Taylor Wm. fisherman, 15 Goodman al Taylor Wm. lab 24 s .Mount Taylor Wm. B. carp. 9 Wyeth Taylor Dr. Wm. C. salesman, 186 n Oregon Taylor Wm. D. painter, 62 s Greene Tavlor Wra F engineer, 76 s Shar|) Taylor Win. F. painter, lo8 Duncan al Taylor Wm. H. bookkpr, 184 Madison av Taylor Wm. H. tobacconist, 123 Jefferson Taylor Wm. H. carp. 149 Mulberry Tavlor Will. H. tinner, 4 Norns Taylor Win. H. lab 15 Cambridge Taylor Wm. H. mariner, 373 Light Tavlor Wm. H. cigarmkr, Jefferson and Ann Taylor Wm. H. brickmkr, 148 West Tavlor Wm. H. clerk naval office, 44 Myrtle av Taylor Capt. Wm. H mariner, 207 Forrest Tavlor Wm. J. carp. 270 Park av Taylor Wm. J. foreman, 17 Gough Taylor Wm. J. police, 164 n High I— I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC No. 72 W. Pratt Street HARDWARE, OQ < Ph p O O < Pi o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, TAY 588 [ij Taylor Wm. J. stonecutter, 488 Saratoga CTaylor Win. P. clerk, 303 n Broadway PiTivlor Wiu. M. bnikenian, 129 Townsend ^gTaVlor Win. S. sr. (W. S. Taylor & Co.) 594 >► Taylor Wiu. S. jr. renl estate, 7 St. Paul, dw O 2 672 w Fayette W^Taylor Wm. S. & Co.(W.S. Taylor, W.Sprigg) ►> tj lumber. 140 Light-st wbf Q i^TavliT Wm. T. lirickhiver, Jefferson and Ann C^h-TAYLOR W.M. W. president National Union I2; C Bank, 67 Mt. Vernon pi ::^:3Taylor Wiufield J.(T.& Nelson) Wnverley JI^ jTavlor Zauhariah, caiver, 77 n IJroadway S!C?Taylor Zachariah (T. & Bro.) 62 Camden y^ QTaynian J imes E brickl.iyer, 6.5 n Ann «-i^Tayni;in Wm. L. 234 e Favette § gTe;"tckle D:-. St. George W.' jr. 150 n Eutavv,dw '^fj. 177 n Howard ^ r'Teaclxle John, attorney, 29 Lexin^^ton, dw 177 2 ,-^ n Howard O OTenl Archibald & Son ( Arcbihald and Geo. W. ?^ ' Teal) carps, and builders. 39 and 41 Fountain ^ Teal Arch. (Archibald T. & Sen) 246 Bank ^ Teal Charles H. clerk, 185 e Monument 3 Teal George W. (Archibald T. & Son) 115 n ps^ Broadwav p Tral G. Mck. srilesman, 175 McCulloh Teal John A. conductor. 89 s Sharp Teal Samuel W. bailitf Superior Court, dw 44 MeElderry Teal Win. C. clerk. 44 .McElderry Teaman Harmin, blacksmith, 135 HoUins Teawalt Randolph T. ciirarmkr, 232 Columbia Tebb Henry, carp. 192 William Tfliens Albert, shoemkr, 381 Aliceanna ext Tebens Mrs. .Mary, grocery, 381 Aliceanna ext Teemvi r Mrs. A. C. E. 273 Lanvale TEKMVRR JOHN H. & CO. (J. H. Teemyer, ■v^>»-' J O.Evans, F. B Colton) contractors, 5 Post- office av Tt-emMT John H.(J.H.T.& Co.) 273 Lanvale TeepeMrs. Catherine. 2)6 Chew Trepe Louisa, 169 s Sh.irf) Te-pe Wm. H. clerk, 236 Chew y^ Te^eler D ivid, stonecutter. 362 e Eager • j^Tfgeler Dora, conf'Ct'y, 16"' Conway j^ T-geler Geo. c.ibiuetmkr, 362 e Eager Tegtler Geo. cabnietiiikr. 28 Abbot tCnTe/eler Geo. \V. lab. 165 Conway J>. Tegeler George jr. shi|icarp. 133 n Central av gTEGELER JOHN, beer, 199 Canton av ^Tegeler Win E. sliipcarp. 133 n Central av ^ TcL'ler August, baker, 749 w Lomliard (_^ Teggess Nicholas, butcher, 140 Centre and 87 Qi Lexington markets, dw 106 Jackson sq av i-^TEG.MEVEU JOHN H. city commissioner, civil engiueer, City Hall, dw "jSO Druid Hill av QT, Tehn Andreas, laborer, 99 Lancaster O Teich Stephen, hats and c.ips, 61 Orleans ^ Teipel Chas. H. apothecary, 218 Frederick av T'Lkamp Herman, wheelwright, llo e Madison Telle Henry, barber, 2 Park av Telle Herman, barber, 62 s Eiiliw Telly Ferd. tailor, 338 s Charles Temperance Temple, 43 n Gav Temple .John H. caulkrr, 376 Eastern av Temple Thomas, driver, 877 w Pratt Tempie Thomas W. laborer, 74 Lancaster Temple Wm. S. printer, 38 n Fremont TEMPLEMAN R. W. k CO. (R. W.Templeraan, W. H.Shipieyjreal est. brokers, 37 Lexington THA Q Templeman Frank, clerk, 168 Linden av TEMPLEMAN & SHIPLEY (R.W. Templeman Wm. H. Shipley) surveyors and civil engi- neers, 37 Le-xington Templeman Richard W.(R. W.T. & Co. and T. & Shipley) 168 Linden av Tempb'ton James, carpenter, 6 Harlem av Templeton John, clerk, 6 Harlem av Templetou Robert B. bricklayer, 6 Harlem av Templeton Samiit-1 B. clerk, 6 Harlem av Tenley Charles T. stonecutter. 337 e Fayette Teuley Roliert T. printer, 337 e Fayette Teiinant C B. conductor, 1 Parkin Tennant David L. (Rhodes & T.) 23 Garden Tcnnant John, expressman, 39 n Bond Tennant Mrs. Susan, 149 (Jrleans Tennard Ernest, showcasemkr, 33 Bevan Tenison James, coa':hmati, 8 Buren Tennison Mrs. Catherine, 67 McHenry Tensen Peter, laliorer, 79 Elliotl Terhune John M. mariner. 409 e Eag€r Terral John R plasterer. 222 George Terrell George, plasterer, 2 .McElderry Terrell H. W. laborer, 22 Hudson al Tarrell James, driver. 14 Linden av Terrell John, stevedore, 177 e Lombard Terrell John T. laborer, 89 s Spring Terrell Thomas, hack man, 21 Diamond Terres Chas. A. conductor. 289 n Broadway Terrett Mrs. Cohille, 251 Linden av Terrett Colville P. attorney, 46 Lexington, dw 251 Lieden av Terrier John E. salesman, 21 s Howard Terrier W. R. clerk, 21 s Howard Terry Charles, carp. 36 s Dewberry al Terry John, mariner, 94 Jackson sq av Teiry J. A. printer, 195 e Baliimoie Terry Thomas W. clerk, 172 Franklin Terry Wm. T. cooper, 210 n Front Tervoil Lina, tailoress, 255 .\liceanna Testera Peter, cook, Eutaw house TESSY CHAS. H. & GO'S Patent Eeflecting Lamp Burner, main of- fice No. 5 Postofflce av., Baltimore. TETTE.XS, BOCKMANN & CO.(Wm. Erickson, John Ale.x. Solberg) com. merchts. and ship brokers. 65 s Gay Telsch Julius, prof, music. 318 Franklin Teubner Wm. carver, cor Fayette and Charles Teuf'el John, restaurant, 491 w Baltimore Teufel Limbert,cabiiietmkr.Lombard and Front Tewes Mrs. Anna, liquor, 235 Hanover Tewes Frederick, liquor, 61 e Baltimore Tewes Joseph, liquor, Lombard and Ann T'Wes Joseph jr. clerk, 2f<9 e Lambard Tewles Sol. huckster, 8 Warner Textor Anton (J. C. T. & Bro.) 286 s Sharp TEXTOR J. C. & BRO. (A. Textor) Oak Coopers and Commission Mer- chants for the sale of Poplar and Hard woodLumber, Staves, Shooks, Hoops and Locust Treenails, Office 180 Henrietta street, cor Ohio av. Shop Plum al nr Henrietta. Thackery John, mariner, 302 Light Thuckery John M. inep. C. H. 279 e Baltimore HENRY HOEN & 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F.Bresee, Gen. Agt. THA 589 TllO jFhaler Giorcre, clerk. 384 n Gay U'haler Geo. stoves and tinware, 106 Franklin Fhiler George, brewer, 529 w Lombard Fh ilt-r Lawrence, stoves, 384 n Gay Thaler Mary, confect'y, 529 w Lombard riialheimer John, laborer, 232 e Eager rh.i'ilieimer John jr. carpenter, 235 e Eager Fhalhcimer Joseph, wiiipmkr, 11 Clay Fti:ilbeimer Joseph F. whiptnkr, 11 Clay Fhaltieimer Kaufman, liqucjrs, 369 n Broadway Th illieimer Sampson, clerk, 217 3 Broadway Th;inhaiiser Mrs. Choline, 193 n Gay Thunhauser & Rock (S. G. Thanhaus>r & Cbas. I'.. Rock) restaurant, 276 w Baltimore Thanhauser S. G. (T. & Rock) 54 n Greene Thiuihauser Solomon, musician, 193 n Gay Tharle George \V. huckster, 376 McHenry Thatcher J. Albert, bookkpr, 625 Belair av Thatcher Jesse R. millwright, 625 Belair av Thatcher Walter, millwright, 625 Belair av Th iter Charles, cit.'armkr, 294 Hanover Thater Charles, clerk, 133 tlanover Thater Conrad, shoemkr, 4 China Thater George W. clerk, 133 Hanover Tliater Gotleib, china and j.las3 ware, 64 Han- over, dw 133 Thater Philip, shoemkr, 294 Hanover Thau Franz, cooper, Pratt and Paysoo Thawle\ Thomas W. mariner, 25 Henrietta Tbayer'james H. (DeFord & T.) Denmead nr Charies-st av Thayer John D. W. bricklayer, 82 s Ann Thayer Nathaniel H. jirincipal Eastern Female High School, dw 33 Lexington Thayer Nathaniel J. attorney, 72 n Charles, dw Barnum's hotel Tht-arle Henry S. huckster, 4 Dover Thearle Mark, moulder, 17 Scott Thebaii Robert H. carp. 68 n Broadway Thehan Henry, carpenter and builder, 16 n High, dw 68 n Broadway Thees Mrs. Sophia, dyer and scourer, 129 Low Theile Caroline, tavern, 22 Patterson Theile Philip, beer, 43 Marion Theinert August, pianomkr, 341 s Howard t Theis Andrew, beer, 68 n Castle jiTheis Fred, tailor, 202 Aliceanna ■ Theis Henry, barber, 202 Aliceanna Theis \Vm. cabinetmkr, 36 Marion Tbeisz Charles F. (C. T. & Son) 157 s Charles Theisz C. & Son, (Chas. F. Theiz, ) stoves and sheetiron ware, 82 Pearl Theisz Conrad, 82 Pearl Thele Julius, lab. 262 s Broadway THELIN VVM. T. auditor B. & 0. R. R. dw Mount Washington Theobald Dr. E Warfield, 89 Saratoga THEOBALD Dr. SAMUEL, oculist, 64 Franklin Theodore Peter, shoemkr, 232 Montgomery Theising Annie, lailoress, 144 HoUias Theising John, boilermkr, 144 HoUins Theising Lizzie, tailoress, 144 HoUina Theye Herman, 180 s Fremont Theye Jol)n H. plumber, 247 s Paca Thiede W. F. pianos, 57 n Eutaw Thielbahr Diedrich, shoemkr, 16 Bevan Thiele Fred. lab. 37 8 Bethel Thiele Fred, grocery, 160 e Lombard Thiele Frederica, grocery, 37 a Bethel Thiele Herman, lab. 122 Columbia Thiem John, shoemkr, 220 e Chase Thiem John (Blum & T.) 135 Conway ^ Thienian Andreas, lab. 217 s Bethel Thieinan August, lah. 183 Canton av < Thieijian Clara A. confectionery, 183 Canton av ^ Thieiue Charles, file cutter, 119 Front ^ Thienipyer Fred., R.R. contractor, 208 Mulberry f^ Thiemeyer Henry A. beer, Caivertoii rd -^ Thiemeyer Lewis, sujiervisor B. & P. R. R. cor C Brune and George '^ Thiemeyer John H.{J. H. Thiemeyer & Co.)166 <33 .Mulberry o Thiemeyer John H., Harford rd Q Thiemever John H. jr. bookkpr, 166 Mulberry '7^ THIEMEYER J. H. & CO. (J. H. Thiemeyer, -^ H. Wiebking) liox manufrs, rear Ubler al rn Thiemeyer Win. bookkpr, 1 s Gilraor Thieneman Charles, apothecary, cor Gay and tn Eden ^ Thienian & Bro. (Wm and Henry Thiernan,) grocers, cor Pratt and Mount r Thierrauch Geo. baker, 185 s Bond O Thies John H. clerk, 96 Hanover O Thitss Andrew, cigarinkr, 56 North Thiess Christian, tobacconist, 212 Hanover ^ Thilltnan Bernard, grocery, Belair avnr North av Thillman Catherine, 32rn Gay O Thillman John E. sewing machine repairer, 321 O n Gay O Thim Conrad, mariner, 12 3 Chapel ^ Thini John, tailor, 49 n Chapel ^"^ Third Eug. Luth. Church, .Monument nr Gay ^ • Ttiird German Ref. Church, Paca and Saratoga '-'-1 Third Jewish Synagogue, High n of Fayette THIRD NATIONAL BANK, 31 South— [See ^ Appendix. j^ Thirion Mary A. confec'y, 22 Ryan t^ Thiriou Peter, machinist, 22 Ryan Thirlkel John W. C. canmkr, 125 s Wolfe Thirlkeld Geo. A. sr. shipjoiner, 187 Bank Thirlkeld Geo. A. jr. stonecutter, 187 Bank Thirlkeld Glanville, sailmkr, 187 Bank Thirlkeld L. W. teacher, 187 Bank ^ THISTLE FACTORY, warehouse and office, W 146 w Fayette, Andrew Kerr, agent ^ Thistle Mrs. Hannah R. grocery. Bond and p Milliman Thistle John W. clerk, Bond and Milliman Thistle John, clerk, 30 Milliman Thode Wm. (Seemuller ^ T.) 55 Exchange pi Thom Dr. J. P. 169 Park av Thoma Jacob, lab. 237 s Wolfe Thoman Geo. cabinetmkr, 54 n Washington Thoiuan George, lab. 117 s Chapel Thoman Henry, butter and eggs, 57 Richmond &i| Thoman John, grocery, 14 New Thomas Adam, cabinetmkr, 73 McElderry Thomas Albert, lab. 115 Elliott Thomas Albert, miller, Linah's hotel Thomas Albert C. carp. 44 Whatcoat Thomas Alex. C. carp. 17 Waesche Thomas Alfred, lab. 115 Elliott Thomas Alfred V. (T. & Warfield) Townsend ""H and Fremont j Thomas Allen, clerk, 52 Saratoga vj Thomas Allen C. (Weston and T.Bros.) 58'^ o I O l-n Etting I Thomas Alphonso, shoemkr, 23 Barnet I Thomas Mrs. AnnieJ. 157 n Exeter ! Thomas Mrs. Ann .M. 227 German I Thomas Aug. .M. (T. & .Moon) Fulton nr Lex- I iiigton Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, O (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 c o o i-^ -1-1 O \, s o o cc c > s M V. cyj cc OQ 1? a> O) &£ ^' ;^ Ph O c C/J aJ '-I OJ O) '^n rO cS c rt ■*" ■» "on « ■'■" a O) .1' ^ Cl o 3 ii o i«=i< CO o o -*j '3 ^ o i-H O -t-3 -M Oi Ul Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. THO " .590 THO 0/ >-> CS s. -> <; "so O B w 0) =S r^ PS 5* o g w H O ,3 Ah *o o w rf; • o >-, •j» U2 ft^-^ o ;^ 'a s p: (W +J U a ■t^ KS 3 lO Q O (M O O •€^ '^ C3 ^ X -M S! >% o O *— ^ t> > 'T3 ?^ c s r? •f?* X O) CO 0) TlioniMs Mrs. Ann, 201 Peirce Thomas Barton, shipcarp.88 s Wolfe Thomas B. Gordon, 61 Mt. Vernou pi Thomas Benj. F. police, 42 n Eden Thomas Benj. F. mariner, 16 Hill Thomas Benj. jr. patternmkr, 269 e Baltimore Thomas Beiij.drv i^'oods,25:-! e Baltimore,dw 269 Tiiomas Bryan M. 22 Warren Thomas Mrs. Caroline, 6 Booth Thomas Caroline, laundress, 271 Preston Thomas Charles, lab. 88 Fort av Thomas Mrs. Chas. B. (Hopewell & T.) 156 vv Loinb-ird Thomas Chas. E. (Griffith & T.) 45 Clarke Thomas Dr. Charles H. 85 e Baltimore Thomas Capt. Charles, U. S. N., 149 n Calvert Thomas Charles Y. clerk, cor Eut.iw and Biddle ThomMS Christian, stonemason, 33 Wyeth Thomis Conrad, tin and sheetiron worker, 46 s Broadway Thomas Conrad sr. confec'y, 46 s Broadway Thomas Cornelius, currier, 208 Franklin Thomas & CuUan (Mary Thomas, Kate CuUan) confectionery, 173 Hanover Thomas .Mrs. D. C, u w cor Eutaw and Biddle Thomas Daniel L.sup'toil mill, 161 Walsh Thomas Daniel L. jr. bookkpr, 190 Walsh THOMAS DANIEL M. attorney, n e cor Cal- vert and Lexington, dw 142 u Charles THOMAS DAVID E. & CO. (D. E. Thomas,) lumber, 56 East Falls av Thomas David P. cigar boxmkr, 22 s Fremont, dw 17 Scott Thomas David E. (D. E. T. & Co.) 29 Read Thomas Rev. David, 10 s Calhoun Thomas Mis. David E. 14 Aisquith TEiomas Dorrington. hoilerrakr, 97 Battery av Thomas Douglas H. office 77 Second, dw Mt. Vernon pi and Charles Thomas Edmund 0. clerk, 161 Walsh Thomas Edward, lab. Clinton nr Toone Thomas Edward A. clerk, 242 Linden av Thomas Edward C. jr. 23 Wilkens av Thomas Edward F. clerk, 36 Myrtle av Thomas Edward L. (E. L. Thomas & Co.) 242 Liuden av Thomas E. L. & Co. (E.L. Thomas) auctioneers and com. merchants, 22 German nr Light Thomas Edward O. clerk, 162 Division Thomas Edwin, grocery, 189 Eastern av Thomas Edwin, clerk, 91 Saratoga Thomas Dr. Edwin S. 116 e Fayette Thomas E. Scott, clerk, 29 s High THOMAS Mrs. ELIZABETH, tavern, 94 n Hol- liday Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding, 51 s Oregon Thomas Frank, saddlemkr, Union hotel Thomas Frank A. flour broker, 45 w Pratt, dw 227 vv Hoffman Thomas Frank W. clerk, 81 n Paca Thomas George, baker, 86 Elisor Thomas George, lab. 10.') Cross Thomas George H. painter, 201 Peirce THOMAS GEO. LEIPER, attorney, 37 St.Paul, dw 67 McCulloh THOMAS GEO. P. & CO. (G.P.Thomas) imps. of liquors, 387 w Baltimore Thomas Geo. P. (G. P. T ^ Co.) pres't Md. Life Insurance Co. 81 n Paca Thomas George Philip, clerk, 19 Penn Thomas George P. clerk, 19 Penn Thomas George R. printer, 22 Warren Thomas George R. bookseller,stationer and en- graver, 24 n Charles, dw 227 w Hoffman Thomas George R. bookkpr, 254 Lexington Thomas George W. lab. 188 Chesapeake Thomas Capt. George W. mariner, 74 e Lombard Thomas H. T. salesman, St. Clair hotel Thomas Mrs. Henrietta, 13 Franklin THOMAS HENEY, Bird Fancier, 14 n Liberty. Thomits Henry, painter, 168 Johnson Thomas Henry jr. painter, 168 Johnson Thomas Henry, tailor, 145 Harford av Thomas Henry, clerk, 283 Mulberry Thomas Henry, bookkpr, 258 w Baltimore Thomas Henry, glassblower, 226 s Eutaw Thomas Henry, carp. 73 Columbia Thomas Henry P. bookkpr, 22 n Schroeder Thomas Hwlmes, Madison av ext Thomas Hez. L. shipcarp. 131 s Washington Thomas Ira H. student, 318 w Lombard Thomas J. A. attorney, 71 w Fayette, dw 254 n Carey Thomas J. Benson, clerk, 162 Division Thomas J. Sewell, clerk. 125 Hanover Thomas Jacob B.(Jos.T.&Son) 297 w Lombard Thomas Jacob H. cabinetnikr, 173 e Madison Thomas James, clerk, 519 Lexington THOMAS Dr. JAMES CAREY,317 Madison ay Thomas James G. carp. 184 East Thomas James L. carp. 251 Franklin Thomas James M. clerk, 360 e Chase THOMAS JAMES P. & SON, (James P. and Morris A. Thomas) bankers and brokers, 24 South Thomas Jas. P. (Jas. P.T.&Son)227w Hoffman Thomas James S. clerk, 125 Hanover Thomas Dr. J.Hanson, pres't F'ar. and Merch'ts Nat. Bank, dw s w cor Mount Vernon and Washington [ilaces Thomas J. Hanson jr. bookkpr, cor Mt. Vernon and Washington places Thomas John, lab. Clinton nr Toone Thomas John, driver, 201 s Regester Thomas John, oyster nacker, 149 s Ann Thomas John, ironroller, 277 Canton av Thomas Capt. John, mariner, 72 s Washington Thomas John, shoemkr, 60 King Thomas John, lab. 26 Henrietta Thomas John jr. mariner, 26 Henrietta Thomas John, barlier, 58 King Thomas John, oysters, 78 Hill and 292 Light, dw 12 L. Church Thomas John, cal)iiietmkr, 86 n Wolfe Thomas John, storekeeper C. H. 162 Division Thomas John B. (Thomas & Thompson) cor Druid Hill av and Dol[)hin .^ft Thomas John B. bookkpr, 242 s Wolfe IBf Thomas J. C. (Weston k T. Bros.) 259 Lin- den av Thomas John F. feed and flour, 451 Lexington Thomas John H. glassblower, 226 s Eutaw Thomas John H. l)oilermkr, 40 Williamson al THOMAS JOHN H.(VVallis& T.) 37 St. Paul, dw 67 McCiilloh Thomas John L.sr.insp.C H.dw Fulton nr Lex- ington THOMAS JOHN L. Jr. attorney,48 Lexington, dw 250 Linden av Thomas Johu P. butcher.Harford av nr Darley Park ^ HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and SupplieB. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. THO 591 THO lomas J. Marshall, 61 Mt. Vernon pi ioni;is John R. D. real estate, 36 St. Piiul,dw Madison av ext [loinas John R. hnckster, 40 Williamson al loinas John W. citrk, 437 w Fayette loinus Joseph, tavern, Davis and Pleasant lOinas Joseph A. packer, 254 n Carey jomas Joseph B.(T.& Moore) 146 n Schroider hoinas Joseph B. jr. house turn, goods, 56 n Eutaw, dw 30 n Pine homas Joseph U helper, 686 w Pratt ,homas Joseph & Sou, (J. B. Thomas, J. L. Lawton) Maryland moulding, turning and sash works, Leadenhall nr .Montgomery, oflBce and warerooni, 32 Pai k av hon.as Ji;se[ih W. shipcarp. 88 s Wolfe HOMAS JlJSHUA, agent for Buckeye mower and reaper, and with Arnold, Marshall & Co. 53 Light, dw 241 n Carey homas Julius, lab. John nr Spring homas Lawrence B. new and sec. hand books, 55 w Fayette, dw 54 McCnlloh homas Lewis, butcher, Harford rd homas Lewis A. butcher, Cottage la nr Wash- ing ion homas Lewis D. salesman, 211 w Lombard homas Mrs. Mary S. cor Eutaw and Biddle hoiuasMrs. Maria, n w cor Kutaw and Preston liomas Mrs. Maria, 312 w Fayette hunias Mrs. .Margaret, 201 s Regester homas Margaret, 186 Madison av homas Mrs. Margaret, 519 Lexington liomas Mary (T. i^ Cullan) 173 Hanover homas Mrs. M. M. 208 Franklin homas Mathias, paver, 8b Somerset homas Melancihou, plumber, 42'J w Pratt i'HOMAS & MESSER,iP.J.Thomas, G. E. Messerj paperhangers, 709 w Baltimoi'e. homas & Moon (A.M.Thomas, J. S. Moon) flour and feed, 76 German homas Mrs. Melvina, 148 n Pine homas & Moore (J. B. Thomas A. D. Moore) stoves and tin and sheet iiou workers, 121 Franklin houiui Morris A. (James P. T. & Son, ) 170 -MLCuUoh homas N. Clark, confectionery, under Eutaw house, dw 332 w Fayette 'homas Norbourn (i\. T. & Co.) 196 n Gay 'homas X. k Co. ( N. Thomas,) curriers, 9 Ensor 'homas O. T. clerk, 266 Penna av homas Patrick, lab. Mount Vernon 'homas Peter, ciganukr, 113 Ltadenhall i;homas Philip J.(T. & Messer}709 w Baltimore Thomas Pierre, siioemkr, 23 Baruet Chomas Raney, collector, 39 s Paca Jhomas Rebecca, 1^6 iladisou av Lhomas Mrs. Rebecca, boardiug,318 w Lombard L'homas Rebecca, seamdiress. 111 L. Greene L'homas Richard (James L. Frey & Co.) 324 e Madison rbomas Richard, lab. 226 e Madison Thomas Richard 11. medical student, cor flutaw and Biddle Thomas Richard P. bookkpr, 352 w Lombard Thomas Richard, bricklayer, 538 w Lombard |Ihomas Richard G. miller, 172 n Ceulral av Thomas Richard, watchman, 68 Johnson Thomas Robert H. plasterer, 148 n Pine Thom.'is Robert H. grocery, 271 w liiddle Thomas Itobert S. jr. clerk, 437 w Fayette Thomas Roliert S. sr. carp. 437 w Fayette Thomas Robert H. lab. 136 Battery av Thomas Raleigh C. 82 w Chase Thomas Samuel, carj). 53 s Eden Thomas Samuel K. clerk, 316 n Strieker Thomas Samuel W. clerk, 3U7 llollins Thomas Samuel, miller, 242 e .Monument Thomas Samuel D. clerk, 195 I'ark av Thomas Samuel, lab. 89 s Sharp Thomas Mrs. Sarah, grocery, 48 U'Donnell Thomas .Mrs. Sine, grocery, 145 Harford av Thomas Setli B. oysters. West and Jackson, dw 87 Hanover Thomas Seth S stevedore, 57 s Choptank Thomas Sterling W. butcher, 41 Centre, 12 Lex- ington, .■)! Hanover, 69 Belair & 19Richmond mkts, dw Harford rd nr Uarley Park Thorn IS k Thompson (J. B. Thonias and A. E. Thompson) pharmacists, s e corDruid Hillav and Doliihin Thomas Thos. D. ironwkr, 144 Chesapeake Thomas Walter W. salesman, 54 McCnlloh Thomas Win. F. clerk, 148 n Pine Thomas Wm. J. lab. 42 Wyeth Thomas Wm. coppersmelter, Clinton nr Toone Thomas Wm. B. lab. 2o9 s Regester Thomas Wm. 201 Peirce Thomas Wm. planemkr, 28 Leramon Thomas Wm. B. clerk, 22 n Schroeder Thomas Win. N. police, 17 Waesche Thomas Wm. II. salesman, 22 Hanover Thomas Wm. N. student, 142 Hollius Thomas Wm. W. plasterer, 239 e Fayette Thomas Wm. D. conductor, 'Si McHenry Thomas Wm.H. lab. 48 O'Donnell Thomas Wm. lab. 40 Williamson al Thomas Wm. C. shipcarp. 1U4 Jackson s^ av Thomas Wm. li. oyster and fruit packer, n w cor ('harles and Camden, dw Hollius and Strieker Thomas Wm. L. tinner, 186 s Regester Thomas Wm. H. heater, 3u4 Eastern av Thomas Wm. B. lab. 179 s Regester Thomas Wm. L. lab. 425 Eastern av Tliomas Wm. II. lab. 40 Williamson al THOMAS & WARFIELD, (A. V. Thomas, Cecilius Warlield,) wholesale liquor dealers, 2 Water Thome Mrs. Barbara, 220 e Eager Thome Joseph, mattresstukr, 220 e Eager Thomiz Andrew, locksmith, 50 Light Thomiz Herman, salesman, 50 Light Tnomiz Margaret, teacher, 50 Light Thomiz .Mary II. teacher, 50 Light Thompson Albert E. (Thoifias ii T.) s e corner Druid Hill av and l^olphin Tnompson Alex, bricklayer, 135 McElderry Thompson Alex, shoemkr, 378 e .Monument Thompson Alex, bricklayer, 3 Somerset Thompson Andrew, painter, Eagle hotel Thompson Andrt-w P. painter, 72 Block Thompson .Mrs. Ann M. 105 Bank Thompson Arthur D.(.Maydwell & T.)52 Fawn Thompson Arthur, machinist, 181 Jefferson Thompson Arthur E. wagoner, 181 Jetferson THOMPSON A. W. & SOiN',( A.W.T.and Step- toe Thompson) couveyancers, 32 St. Paul Thompson Calvert, copper roller, 56 Penna av 02 H o P O o H O < I— I I ) — I O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC IIAKDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York, THO 592 THO K O < B t^ O OQ- o EH e Lombard Thompson John F. pilot, 82 Jackson sq av Thompson John J. police, 267 e Monument Thompson J. H. clerk, 642 Lexington Thompson John T. police, 167 n Caroline Thompson John G. saddler, 17 Waesche Thompson John A. sec'y and Treas'r Baltimore City Fertilizing .Manuf. Co. office 3 Wood, dw 19 n Republican Thompson John A. pilot, 195 Gough Thompson John R. pilot, 195 Gough Thompson John W. millwright, 344 w Lombard Thompson John W. salesman, Charles-st av nr Brown Thompson John (T. Bros.) 447 n Central ay Thompson Joseph B. 7 Patterson av Thompson Joseph D. leath. dres'r, 64 HarrisoD Thompson Jos. (T. Bros.) 317 n Edeu Thompson Jos. R. 389 w Lombard Thompson Jos. R. coachsmith, Eagle hotel Thompson Levi S. B. shoemkr, 227 n Eden Thompson Mrs. Louisa, 167 n Caroline Thompson Louis C. watchmkr, 280 n Bond Thompson Mrs. Margaret, trimmings, 20 D Schroeder Thompson Mark W. C. insp.C.H. 38 s Choptank Thompson Mrs. Martha, trimmings, 62 Green- mount av Thompson Mrs. Mary T. 40 8 Greene Thompson Mrs. Mary A.dressmkr, 534 Saratoga Thompson Norris, Strieker nr Patterson av Thompson Olis P. lettercarrier,554 w Baltimore Thompson Owen, machinist, 56 s Gilmor Thompson Peter, (Trego, T. & Co.) 38 Fawn Thompson & Randall, (S. Thompson, J. T. Ran- dall) syrups and molasses, 67 Exchange pi Thompson Mrs. Richard, 54 Freiierick av Thompson Richard W. clerk, 50 Spring Row Thompson Mrs. R. R. 80 w Chase Thompson Robt. bricklayer, Wolfe nr Belair av Thompson Robert jr. drayman, 68 n Chester Thompson Robert er. drayman. 68 n Chester Thompson Robt.grocery,8ecor Light and Cross Thompson Robt. boilermkr, 11 Armistead la Thompson Robt. cigarmkr, 152 George HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. i O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. THO 693 THU inij'son Robt. machinist, 11 Clinton av ■ ! -;()ii Robt. sboemkr, 177 n Central av HI Robt. F. of Indian bureau, Wash- 'I, D. C. dw 67 Harlem av 111 Rol)t. painter, 140 Druid Hill av ■>i\ Robert V. brakeiuan, 292 .McHenrj iiiiMMjn Robt. clerk, 261 Hanover ')ii]lison Samuel V. clerk, 130 w Fayette •0.MP;^ON S. P. # Co. (S. P. Thompson, 'has. F. Woods)com. agents and merchandise rokers, 69 Exchange pi I in Samuel, mariner, 115 Mullikea >n Saml. J. lab. Mount Vernon wi, -uu Mrs. S. C. M. boarding, 96 Saratoga ^uipsun Samuel, (T.&Randall)3o3 Linden av 'n l-ni-ouTho3. (T. Bros.) 291 n Broadway M.ii-iuu Tlios. sboemkr, 354 e Monument Mhi'^oii V. A. bookkpr, 77 n Eutaw i III] run Wallace, engineer, 136 Montgomery hiijv-: jii Wilbur S. pharmacist, 3 w cor Broad- av and Baltimore lnii»?on Wiiifield S. civ. engineer, 130 St. Paul luij..~ua Wm. A. clerk, 344 w Lombard hi'l son Wni. A. cutter, 62 Greenmount av inii-oii Capt. Wm. H. mariner, 212 Gough t::i;'-oii Mrs.W.J.M. dressmkr, 169 s Sharp liij[S('n Wm. jr. brickmkr, Washington av ext tiiij dou Wm.sr. brickmkr, Washington av ext hii !) ii •5-5 i a s^2 fl ^ i^ i .^§ ^ c.^ ID :3 '"' ^ O- c" 2i W ,^2 >. s 03 r-^ <; so w t; pd so o w § as ?> o ;s ;.o^ O ?^ •to O} -- V* •^ a; CD ?^ o c >p 2 -M "^^ CD a •- X " c3 Thuman Charles, puver, 154 s Clmrles Tlinnmn Geo. grocery, Ramsay and Strieker Thiiman Henry, carp. 72 West Thuman Joseph, carp. 78 West Thuman Philip, grocery, &c., Battery av and Hamburg Thumlert James E. clerk, 112 William Thurlow Jesse, boarding and restaurant, 2.39 a Broadway Thurlow John(Bondav & T.)12G Bank Thurlow Waller, 126 Bank Thurlow Wm. J., 85 s Bond Thurn Andrew W. tailor, 268 s Eutaw Tliurn Henry, ci^'armkr, 181 Barre Thurn Herbert, liquors, 73 Penna av, dw 43 Druid Hill av Thuin Joseph, cloth cutter, 270 s Eutaw Thurstiy Robert A. magistrate, 141 Franklin, dw 556 vv Fa\ette Thurston James, 134 Cathedral Thurston James, storage wareh. Buchanan's whf, dw 134C>ithedral Tibballs John G. huckster, 204 s Paca Tlbbels Mrs. Thomas, 108 n Pine Tibbels Wm. H. express driver, 228 Peirce Ticlmer .Mrs. Mary A. seamstress, 10 Etttng Tickner Wm. finisher, 13Sterrett Tickner Wm. J. cabinetmkr, 65 s Eutaw, dw 201 Conway Tidings Geo. H. butcher, 121 Dover Tidings Joseph, bricklayer, 156 n Bond Tidy John B. marble yard, cor Monument and Constitution, dw 207 n Calvert Tidy John B. jr. (Bond & T.) 207 n Calvert Tieck Henry, ijookkpr, 87 Hanover Tiede Charles F. cooper, Hanover nr Hamburg Tieman Claus, rigger, 97 Thames Tieman Henry, tailor, 108 J vv Lombard Tiemiinn Louis, cigarmkr, 258 e Monument Tiemeyer Chas. groc'y and feed, 55 s Eutaw Tiernan Charles, 123 n Charles Tiernan Charles 15. attorney, 31 Law building, dw 123 n Charles Tierney Dennis, lab. 656 w Pratt Tierney Frank, oysters, 33 Harford av Tierney James, grocery, 190 n Front Tierney John J. brickmkr, 660 w Pratt Tierney John M. grocery, 257 Druid Hill av Tierney Mary, 141 Preston Tierney Patrick, machinist, 1 Bruce Tierney Thomas, lamplighter, 141 Preston Tierney Thomas, lab. 60 n llolliday Tiffany Mrs. Ann C. 57 Franklin TitTany Edwd. cotton, 27Germaii,dw57Franklin Tiffany George P. cotton, 27 German, president Laurel Factory and Balto. Cotton Exchange, dw 57 Franklin Tiffany Dr. L. McLane, prof. University of Md. 31 Cathedral Tiffany Mrs. 0. C. 57 Franklin Tiffany Osmond, liqnid'gclk C. H. 307 Park av Ti^ihe Alfred, lab. 7 Randall Tighe & Bro. (Thos. and Jas. Tighe) grocers, 52 Orleans Tighe Dennis, lab. 62 s Oregon Tighe James (Tighe & Bro.) 52 Orleans Tighe John, police, 13'J Mulberry Tighe John, lab. 26 n Amity Tighe John, lab. 47 s Dewberry al Tighe Michiiel, tinner, 62 s Oregon Tighe Patrick J. barkpr, 48 s Castle Tighe Mrs. Sarah, 48 s Castle Tighe Thomas (Tifihe & Bro.) 52 Orleans Tileston Mrs. Martha. 26i Mulberry Til^rhman Caleb C. tailor, 54 s Anil Tilghm.in & Drakeley (Wm. J Tilghnian,Geo.' Drakeley) oy.ster and fruit packers, s w cor Greene and Raborg Tilghman Mrs. Sallie, John nr Wilson Tilghman Wm. B. (Kenly & T.) 1 Franklin Tilghman Wm. J. (T. 4- Drakeley) 192 Mosher Tiller Fred. W. music printer, 26 Spring row Tilleiy John, lab. 46 n Pine Tilleiy John A. 68 Fort av Tillery Martin, 46 Peirce Tillcry Mott, tanner, 46 n Pine Tillman Nicholas, te/.cher, 92 e Fayette Tillmann John, packer, 7 Hope Tilman Heurv C. (T k Hoskins) 21 Gough Tilman & Hoskins (II.OTilman, Wm. Hoskins) carp'rs and builders, 2 Lloyd Tilman Wm. shoemkr, 21 Gough Tilyard Alfred H. clerk to Register of Wills,34 Edmondson av Tilyard Charles S. apothecary, 218 w Biddle Tilvard Dr. Henry W. jr. dentist, 88 J Franklin Tilyard John P. clerk, 218 w Biddle Tilyard Mrs. Martha, 218 w Biddle Tilyard Philip T. conveyancer, over 70 w Fay- ette, dw 137 Mulberry Timaiius Anna, notions, 178 e Eager Tiraanus Andrew, expressman, 86 Parkin Tiinanus Edward. car|i. 98 .Mosher Timanus Jacob H. carp. 228 Peirce Tiuianus John H. carp. 10 n Pine TI.MANUS JOHN T. miller, 100 Franklin, dw Falls rd Timanus Leslie, stairbuilder, 178 e Eager Timanus Wm. M. cigarmkr, 492 w Lombard Timbs Wm. R. sailmkr, 370 e Baltimore Tin)m Wm. grocery, 112 York Timmerman Bernard, tailor, 317 n Central ar Timmerman Casper H. sugar refiner, 252 e Cha88 Timmerman Fred, painter, 6 Mott Timmerman Fred. W. shoemkr, 23j w Lombard Timmerman Henry, wheelwright, 244 e Chase Timmerman Henry A. lab. 252 e Chase Timmoiis Chas. M. chairmkr, 55 n Republican Timmons Geo. stonecutter, 55 n Rei)ublicatt Timmons John, coachsraith, 5') n Republican Timinons Mrs. Mary, 55 n Republican Timmons Mrs. Marv, 23 Valley Timmons Robert S. attorney, 12 St. Paul Timinons Thomas, ;'.7 n Gilmor Timothy Patrick, jr. ironworker, 182 Ramsay Tim|iel Heronimus, tailor, 254 Hanover Tiinson & Allen (Wm.Timson, H.Allen) shirts, 159 e Baltimore Timson Wm. (T. & Allen) 159 e Baltimore Tindle Wm. S shoemkr, 91 Druid Hill av Tinges Charles S. clerk, 152 Lanvale Tinges Geo. W.(T.(ltSargeant) 152 Lanvale Tinges Louis, merchant, 64 Lee TINGRS & SARGKANT (Geo.W. Tinges, Geo. H. Sargeant) real estate agts, 50 Lexington Tinges Wm. W. clerk, 152 Lanvale Tinken Geo. tinner, 54 McElderry Tinken Geo. A. cigarmkr, 54 Barre Tinken Geo. A. cigarmkr, 22 Smith Tinker E. A. (T. & Co.) 1031 w Baltimore Tinker House, Rupley & Berryman, proprietor!, ; Calvertou rd nr Baltimore ' Tinker E.A.&Co. ( E.A.Tinker, J.A.Gillespie.D F. Trogler) livestock yards, Calverton rd HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. P. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. ' TIN 5^5 TOM inker Geo. W. painter, 253 n Front jinley Fred. carp. 25 n Washington Inley Geo. H. ciirp. 23 n Wasbiagton 'inman Peter, shoemkr, 173 s Bond insley Dr. A. 454 n Carey insley Chas. E. bapiraire master, ]'6 n Eutaw 'insiey Tipton L. Holmes & T.) Baltimore co ippett Geo. R. cleric, 37 n FrenjQiit ippett Tlios. S. lelier carrier, 313 u Broadway ipton Alfred, police, 415 u CalhoHn pton Uatherine, Wuodberry ptoa Rebecca, trimiijiaiis, 85 Scott pton Wm. S. photojirHjilier, 415 n Calhoun ralla Mrs. Elizabeth, millinery, 139 n Eiitaw ralla Henry M. (J. F. T. & Son) 139 n Eutaw rallaj. F. (J. F.T.&Son and Devlin &Tiralla) 105 \v Baltimore ralla J. F. & Son (J. F, and H. M. Tiralla) furiiers, 105 w Baltimore rrell Tho3. shoecutter, 289 w Pratt sober Aujxust, cabinetmkr, 353 Hamburg chmeyer L. bookkpr, Harford av est tcomb Dr. Benniah, 165 a Exeter tcomb B. S. med. student, 165 u Exeter tlow Charles, shoemkr, 108 Ramsay tlow Mrs. Elizabeth S., Strieker ext tlow Geo. W. (Busbey & T. jThree Tuns hotel low Oliver E. lab 113 Parkin tie Alpbonzo, confec'y, 116 n Caroline tie Chas. F. silversmith, 20 Centre Market sp tie Geo. engineer, 232 William ttle John E. moulder, 108 Hamburg ttle Tbos. watchman, 108 Hamburg tz Capt. R. C. H. agent, 110 s High vis Edward, tanner, 80 Boyd bacco (State) Warehouses; 'fo. 1, s end of Dugan's whf " 2, O'Donnell's whf 3, s w cor Light and Conway 4, s e cor Charles and Conway 5, n e cor Charles and Conwaj' berer Conrad, cabinetmkr, 244 Walsh BERER JOHN D. bookkpr Bank of Com- aerce, 244 Walsh BIAS C. & CO. (Christel Tobias) ship bro- :ers, 71 Smith's whf lias Christel (C. T, ^ Co.) New York oias John, optician, 8 n Gieene oin Mrs. Alice, notions, 259 Walsh ain Frank, lab. Chapel nr Chase )in John, lab. 19 Constitution )in Larry, lab. 50 Parrish )in Mrs. Mary, grocery. Chapel nr Chase id Andrew, type founder. 58 n Dallas id Bernard(T.,Schenck&Co. )639 w Lombard Id Mrs. Ella, 427 w Fayette Id George, clerk, 149 German Id L N. salesman, 162 o Howard Id Jas. H. treas. Monu. Co-operative Boot nd Shoe Manuf. Association, 41 n High Id John H. carp. 258 e Biddle Tid Joseph, druggist, 286 Hollios '' ' [>evin W. carp. 78 Fort av -lary A. 1 12 8 Centred av lartin L. mariner, 284 e Pratt i li .Michael, lal). 44 Preston r >l>. SCHENCK & CO. (B.Todd,E.Schenck, -V Gary) com. merchts. 34 w Lombard J 1 Thomas, bookkpr, 91 Saratoga r d Thomas, plasterer, 292 w Hoffman T.d Thos. J. clerk, Buck's hotel Tid Wm. 112 s Central av o o Todd Capt. Wm. mariner, 126 Hughes Todhunter Charles H. supt. C. P. R., Madison m av nr North av ^ Todhunter Wm.H. clerk, Elliott and Chesapeake Toel Charles H, clerk, Md. Sugar Refinery, 295 ^ Park av ^ Toel Gustav, bookkpr, 93 s Sharp 3 Toepke Fred, clerk, 40 Ridgely ^ Toepke Henry, piatiO tuner, 40 Ridgely r-rj Toepfer Christian, tailor, 190 s Sharp a Toffling Mrs. E. 429 n Carey '^ ToSfiing John E. butcher, 429 a Carey cu Toffling Wm. H. clerk, 429 n Carey o Tuft Alonzo R. salesman, 2 n Washington Q Toft Chas. wagoner, McHenry nr Payson "^ Toft Jesse, conductor, 162 Hollins ""S Toft John H. 341 s Sharp rq Toft Lathoru L. salesman, 2 a Washington Toft Mrs. Mary, 2 n Washington in Tohey Maria, dry goods, Clinton nr Second av ^"5 Tohey Patrick, lab. Clinton nr Second av Toihey John, lab, 7 Hillen T Toland Jas. (T. & McGarity) 161 Chesnut O Toland James jr. sawmkr, 161 Chesnut O Toland John, sawmkr, 161 Chesnut ^ Toland & McGarity, (J. Toland, B. McGarity) °^ inanufrs. caststeel saws and curriers' tools, /-^ 69 n Front ^ Toland Patrick, lab. 99 Eastern av Tole John, drayman, 76 Mullikin Tole Thomas, shipcarp. 84 s Regester ^ Tolnian Wm. C. foreman, 430 e Baltimore Toll Frederick, paver, 88 n Amity M ToUe Geo. H. (Rosendale & Co.)'l2 Etna la . Tolle Henry, ins. broker, basement 8 South, dw ^ 231 n Carey ^ ToUey James, lab. 35 Shakspear ^ Tolley John B. canmkr, 335 Eastern av Tolley & Deal (Tbos. E. Tolly and Richard H. qq Deal) com. merchts. 99 s Charles q5 Tolley Thos. E. (T. & Deal) 156 Hanover pq Tolley Wm. A. shipsmith, 337 Eastern av rvj ToUinger Geo. machinist, 46 s Oregon ^^ Tollinger Geo. carp. Maryland bouse ^ Tolou John, carp. 35 Garden rK Tolou Mrs. Juliana, 35 Garden ^ Tolson Agnes P. teacher, 245 Druid Hill av q^ Tolson Alfred E. (T. & Paul) 130 w Fayette ^^ Tolson Mrs. Elizabeth, 245 Druid Hill av ^ Tolson James, lab. 155 Battery av ^ Tolson John A. engineer, 66 Hamburg ^ Tolson Joseph, carp. 245 Druid Hill av ^ Tolson Laura V. teacher, 245 Druid Hill av * < < o K w f-1 H O P crj O CO '^ 00 C o H !zi i-J (— 1 ^ <1 w ^ OD O o OS ^O •Wo o<^ w2g Oco K O w o Tomlinson Henry W. (T. & Armstrong) 191 Bolton Tomlinson Roht. B. machinist, 6 Jnckson Tomlinsoii Wm. stonecutter, 207 Chesnut Tomlinson Wm. & Co.( Wra. and Wm.T. Tom- linson) com. merchants, 92 Light-st whf Tomlinson Wra. W. s.iilrakr, 189 Gough Tomlinson Wni.( Wni.T. & Co.)Carrollton hotel Tomlinson Wm.T.lWm.T.&Co.)360 Lexington Tomlinson Wm. T. purser, 101 Jackson sq av Tompkins P^liza M., Waverley Tompkins John A. manager Baltimore chrome works, 230 Linden av Tompkins Julian M. painter, 175 e Fayette Tomjjkins Phoebe J. teacher, Waverley Tompkins Mrs. Sarah, 195 .Mulberry Tompkins Wm. A. tobacconist, 466 w Baltimore, d\v 472 Toms Nathan, clerk, 6 Irvine pi Tomz C. B. hat manuFr. over s e cor Baltimore and Holliday, dw 74 n Gay Toner Bernard, 61 Stirling Toner Edward, blacksmith, 197 e Exeter Toner Francis J. police, 208 n Exeter Toner Geo M. brushmkr, 161 Hamburg Toner Hugh, type founder, 208 n Exeter TONER J. COOPER, dairy, 224 n Eutaw, and prop'r Melrose dairy, dw 154 Penna av Toner James, bookkpr, 66 Perry Toner James, coachpainter, 197 n Exeter Toner James T. coachmkr, 1 Humes Toner John, coach manufr. 131 n Calvert, dw 197 n Exeter Toner John, saddles and harness, 135 Franklin, dw 247 Mulberry Toner John, lab. Eagle hotel Toner John M.. Melrose dairy, 154 Penna av,dw 247 Mulberry Toner Joseph, moulder, 51 s Poppleton Toner Joshua, blksmith, 2o7 Columbia,dw 209 Toner Lewis Cass, clerk, 63 McCulloh Toner Michael, canmkr, 234 n Front Toner Patrick, hostler, 208 n Exeter Toner Mrs. Sarah, 24 Hillen Toner Wm. H. coachmkr, 1 Humes Tonge John T. tinner, 514 w Baltimore Tongue Johnzie, clerk, 621 w Fayette Tongue Noble T. clerk, 426 n Carey Tongue Stephen, clerk, 426 n Carey Tongue Thomas J. 426 n Carey Tongue Thomas R. clerk, 405 n Carey Tongue Thomas Wm. salesman, 240 n Charles Tonis Geo. driver, 28 s Mount Tonner Henrv, mariner, 297 Aliceanna TONRY WM. P. chemist, Maryland Institute, dw 118 e Eager Tooker Z. C.(C.S.Maltby & Co.) 29 s Eden Toole Berney, porter, 26 w Lombard Toole James, porter, 26 w Lombard Toole John K. clerk, 193 Franklin Toole John, brushmkr, 136 Battery av Tooraey Cornelius, 13 Humes Toomey Joseph H. supervisor of engines, 249 Columbia Toomey Mrs. Mary, grocery, 83 s Mount Tootell Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 Cambridge Topfer Henry, baker, 274 s Sharp Topfer Philip, cigarmkr, 212 s Bond Topfer Philip, cigarmkr, 213 Canton ar Topp Georgiauna, tailoress, 95 Parkin Topp Henry, boilerrakr, 95 Parkin Topp Wm. lab. 292 Cross Carey Topriano Guiseppe, 65 President Toibeck Chas. machinist, 297 Columbia Torbeck Frank, lab. 232 Scott Torbert 11. R. dep. surveyor, 319 Madison av Torbey Thomas, cigarmkr, 33 Willow Torbors; J. Henry, beer, 221 Chesnut Tormellen Frank, lab. 144 s Central av Tormellen Wm. lab. 21 Randall Tornu'y Frank A. men's furnishing goods, IIC w Baltimore, dw 86 n Charles Tormey Francis D. 36 Mull)erry Torraev J. Edward, John nr Caroline TORMEY LEONARD J. stock and bill broker, 5 German, dw 138 Mulberry Torney Albert G. cashier, 104 Hill Toruey Mrs. Elizabeth, groc. and feed, 260 Light Torney Charles O. clerk, 260 Light Torney Edward, clerk, 260 Light Torney Dr. Geo. H., U.S.N. 145 t Torney Rt-becca, 106 n Paca Toruey Wm. A. carp. 260 Light Torr Oliver S. shipcarp. 319 Light Torrance Eleanor, 159 n Charles Torrance Geo. J. clerk, 165 St. Paul Torrance Louisa, 177 n Calvert Torrence Charles, 127 St. Paul Torrington John, baker, 31 Orleans Torsch Bros,(n. F. jr. and C. H. Torsch) pric ters and engravers, over 131 w Baltimore Torsch Charles H (Torsch Bros.) 146 Barre Torsch Edward L. clerk, 215 s Charles Torsch Henry F. sr. cabinetmkr, 215 s Cbarle Torsch Henry F. jr. (Torsch Bros.)215 s Charle Torsch John W. wood engraver, over 122 \ Baltimore, dw 96 w Fayette Tosell Philip, lab. 13 Webster al Tostmaun Henry, barber, 71 McElderry Totebush Henry W. tobac'st, 57 Druid Hill a TOTTLE & BROWN (W. A. Tottle, H. G Brown) wholesale wooden and willow ware 58 Light Tottle John, paperhangings, 136J Penna av Tottle Wm. A.(T. & Brown) 246 Myrtle av Totty Robert B. printer, 191 n Exeter Totzauer Eugene, lab. 30 New Church Tough Mrs. Achter, 683 Lexington Tough Littleton M. salesman, 683 Lexington Touvonte Mrs. Anna, dressmkr, 6 s Pine Touzell Mrs. Annie, 483 n Fremont Tower Alonzo, shoenikr, 432 Eastern av Towles James ( W.P. T. & Bro.) 689 w Fayetl Towles Wm. P. & Bro.(Wm.P. and J. Towlee furnishing goods and patent shirt manufn 145 w Baltimore Towles Wm. P.(Wm.P.T. & Bro.) treas'rMor uraental Silk Works, 692 Saratoga Town Amos W. cabinetmkr, 119 Bank Town Mrs. Elizabeth, dry goods, 119 Bank TOWNER, JAMES & CO. (Jno. F.Towner, Wn H. James) manufacturers' and machinistt supplies, 342 w Baltimore Towner James L. salesman, Oxford, York rd Towner John F. (Towner, James & Co. 260 ' Fayette Townsend Mrs. Adelaide, dressmkr, 117 8 An Townsend Alex. 451 n Fremont Townsend Al{)heus A. 13 Mulberry Townsend Calvin I. Ill McCulloh Townsend Chas. E. plasterer, 318 n Broadwa.' Townsend Chas. W. cardriver, 582 Penna ar Townsend F. H. & Co. (F. H. Townsend an T. N. Russell) shipsmiths, foot of Cross HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ' TOW 597 TRA Townsend F. H. (F. H. T. & Co.) 112 s Chester Townsend G. W. huck.-ter, 3G3 Coluiuhia Townseud James T. shipsmilh, 117 s Ann Townsend James P. jr. huckster, 82 s ICden Townsend John, plasterer, (38 Woodyear Townsend .lolin <'. mariner, 259 Eastern av Townsend John T. carp. 318 n Broadway TOWNSEND JOHN .M. whoksule licriors, 24 German nr Light, d\v 184 Division Townsend Joha 0. & Co. (Joiin (J. Townsend) manufacturers and dealers iu fine slioes 'J n Charles Townsend John 0. {John 0. Townsend & Co.) 191 w Fayette Townsend Dr J.Shotwell, oOice 210 n Howard, dw 27 w Eauer Townsend John T. fisherman. 1 Burroi;^U Townsend John T. lab. 278 Juhusou Townsend Jos. C. (S. T. \j- Son) 2 Harlem av Townsend Joseph S. carp. 240 llontiiOniery Townsend Lemuel P. (Whiteley, Bro. j" Co.) 205 n Howard Townsend Mrs. Mary, 108 Mosher Townsend Richard H. sec'y Union Jlanufactur- ing Co. 27 w Eager Townsend Saml. (S. T. & Son) 2 Harlem av Townsend Samuel P. 25 McCulloh Towi.send .Mrs. Sarah E. 18ue Baltimore TOWNSEND S. & SON, (S. and J. C Towns- end) produce and commission merchants, 47 s Calvert Townsend Thomas, bricklayer, 36 Leiumon Townsend Win. E. huckster, 256 Lexington Townshend J. com. merchant, 381 n Gilmor Townshend Dr. Singleton, dentist, 719 w Bal- timore Townshend Virginia S. teacher, 381 n Gilmor TOWSON CHARLES, halter, 33 n Eutaw, dw 191 w Biddle Towson Edward, salesman. 627 w Lombard Towson Edwin B. clerk, 125 n Gilmor Towson Frunklin D. plasterer, 82 n Amity Towson James A. boilermkr, 285 \v Biduie Towson James O. clerk, 291 n Ann Towson John P. carp. 790 w Pratt Towson 0. G. lirael)urner, 291 n Ann Towson Mrs. S. A. 627 w Lombard Towson Thomas W. lab. 201 Preston Towson W. D. clerk, 26 w Baltimore Towson \Vm. H. tinner, 146 Vine TOWSON WM. 0. glass and china, 26- w Bal- timore Towson Wm. 0. jr. clerk, 26 w Baltimore Toy Mrs. Eliza A 441 n Calhoun Toy Thomas, lab. 93 York Traband Geo. harnessmkr, 608 w Baltimore Traband Geo. W. carp. 189 Dolphin Traber Erederick, 117 n Front Traber Gotleib, tanner. 167 n Front, dw 169 Tracey Dennis O. B. clerk, 109 n Front Tracey George, laborer, 51 s Oregon Tracey Jas. S. police, O.xford, York rd Tracey John, laborer, 10 Woodyear Tracey John, lab. 16-^ s Chapef Tracey John R. farmer, 137 n Fremont Tracey Thomas A. caninkr. 111 n Eden Tracey Thomas, clerk, 90 Fell Tracy Bridget, grocery, 38 Carlton Tracy Edward M. blacksmith, 158 Greenmount av, 136 e Madison Tracy Mrs. Eliza J. tailoress. 111 n Eden Tracy Gerard, wheelwright, 96 St. Peter QQ Tracy James E. carp. 7 s Strieker Tracy John, puddler, Chester and Canton av Tracy John, carter, 99 Eastern av Tracy John H. S. machinist, 20 Brune Tracy P. H. 71 Catliedral Tracy Richard, carp. 316 e Monument Tracy Samuel, boilermkr, 7 s Strieker Tracy Thomas, canmkr, 111 n Eden Tracy William, lab. 563 w Lombard ^ Tracv Williaui, lab. 77 llampstead ^ TRADE PROTECTION AGENCY OF BALTI--^ MORK. J. Langford k Co. 28 St. Paul ^ Trader Kro. & Co. (R. W. S. Trader, Thos. H. ^ Trader and L. lyivingston) lumber and gen. ci com. merchts. Union Dock and Eastern av Trader Edward, caliinetmkr, 128 Cotiwav — Trader R. W. lumlier inspr. 249 Druid Hill av 2 Trader R. W. S. (Trader, Bro. & Co.) 60 St. - Paul ^ Trader Miss S. A teacher, 128 Conway c5 Trader Thomas H. (Trader, Bro. & Co.) 249 W Druid Hill av .^ Traders Lis. Co. of Chicago, Gegan Bros. & ^ Allm.and, ag'ts. 73 and 75 Si-cond F TRADERS NATIONAL BANK, n w cor Lighi o and German — \_See Appt/ndiz. O Treager Adam, beer, 59 s Frederick Tratr Michael, tailor. 69 Somerset Trager Henry, barber. 113 s Rege.^ter Trager John C. salesman, 184 s Bond Tragesser Fred, tailor, 279 n Central av Tragesser Fred, saddler, 162 Ens<.'r Tragesser George, tailor, 279 n Central av Tragesser Henry, oysters, Belair av ext Tragesser Henry A. tailor, 279 n Central av Tragesser Jacob, tailor, 345 n Central av Tragesser lohu, shoemkr, 49 Greenmount av Tragesser John A. shoemkr, 49 Gieenmount av Tragesser John G. clothing cutter, 162 Ensor JjlJ Trahy James, lab. 36 n Chapel Trail" Mrs. Margaret, l06 n Wolfe i^ Trail Louis W. 106 Townsend ^ Traine Felix, ga-fitter, 384 w Lombard ^■ Tiainer James, firemau, 553 w Lombard Trainer James, painter. John nrGnenmonnt av ^w Trainer James B. plumber, 101 Mulberry Trainer .Mrs. Julia, 428 Mulberry Trainer Owen, ice driver, 103 e Eager Trainer (Jwen, lal>. 103 s Exeter Trainor .Mrs. Eliza J. nurse, 465 Franklin Trainor Geo. H. bricklayer, 1 s Washington Trainor Joseph, clerk, 288 n Bond Trainor Owen, lab. Eager and McKim Trainor Patrick, shoemkr, I()9 York Trainor Patrick, grocery, 77 Watson Trainor Patrick, shipcarp. 14 Gough Trainor Robert .M. G. teacher, 498 Franklin Trainor Thomas, police, 140 MuUikin Trammell 'ieo. W. engineer. Hare nr Hudson Trantel Henry, gardener, Harford rd nr Home- >-^ stead ''^ Trapier Ricliard S. page, cor John and Wilson Trapier Theo. D. clerk, cor John and Wilson Trapp Charles P. clerk, 332 .Vliceanna Trapp Dotterfeil, 332 Aliceanna Trapp Samuel, hnckster, 60 Ensor Traubert August, cabinetmkr, 196 Aliceanna Traubert Ferdinand, shoemkr, 359 e Fayette Trauermau Charles, peddler, 243 e Lombard Traupe Henry, beer, 328 e Monument Traupe Henry, morocco dresser, n e Caroline p j and Monument o o g o l-H H — C5 Trautm;in Adolph, tanner, 135 Dover "t. ^ a; Truutmaa Dr. Charles T. 187 e Monument § ^ Trautman Gustarus C. tanner, 83, 85, and 87 'Zf.j=:^ Arch, d\v 104 Pearl c t; ^ Tniutraan Samuel, clerk, 278 Saratofra ^~ 3 ^ Trautiier John, shoemkr, 25 St. James '-' X' = Trautner Michael, lab. 32 Port ■"'^ Trautner Ulrick, tailor, 312 s Bond S. ^ to Trautwein Anna, 35 w Lombard r^ s Trautweiu Gustave, clerk, 162 Mulberry .-; "m ^ Trautwein John, barber, 35 w Lombard '^ t> "S Travellers Life and Accident Ins. Co. ofHart- P5 J> '^ ford. Conn., ThomasC. McGuire, State agent, .^ >~,^ Sun Iron Building -^S — i2 Travers George C. A. (S. H. Travers& Son) 58 .:: .~ s Barre S S^ 2 Travers D. H. mariner, 207 w Lombard ^ ZJIS Travers Henry C. clerk, Charles and Barre 5 S c3 Travers John, stevedore, 198 Hanover Travers John H. carp. 360 n Strieker _^ Travers John M. 21 n Greetie oT Travers J.Thomas i!j- Co, (J. Thomas Travers -. -^t^ O VI m ^— ^ .fc^ ~ fl o o •" " >i o c o CQ t. ^ a '^ o X c s f- s and Wm. T. Pritcl)ett) com. merchts, n w cor Charles and Barre Travers J. Thomas (J. T. T. & Co.) n w cor Charles and Barre Travers L. Alonzo. mariner, 71 William Travers M. carp. 360 n LStiicker Travers Mrs. Mary J. 25 Warren = Travers & Meekins (S. M. Travers, F. Meekins) ~ sailmkrs, over 16 Bowly's whf Travers Octavi\is, pilot, 1-19 Cross Travers Capt. Robert, mariner, 351 Light Travers Mrs. Rosa A. 198 Hanover TRAVERS SAMUEL H. & SOX (S. H. <^ G. C. A. Travers) ship brokers and com. merchts, cor Spear's whf and Pratt ^ ^ S Travers Samuel H. ;S.H. Travers & Son)58 Barre S ^ ^ Travers Samuel M. (T. & Meekins) 110 Hill 5 ce "^ Travers Samu>I J. telegraphist, 277 William 3 e^ Travers Samuel W. bo^kkpr, 207 w Lombard . '^ ^ Travers Thos J (T.J.T.^- Bro ) 198 Hanover Travers Thomas H. mariner. 149 Cross Travers Thomas J. & Bro. (Thomas J. Travers) ballast whf, Fardy's yard, foot Huglies Travers Wm. J. stairbuilder, 360 n Strieker Travers Warren P. sailuikr, 110 Hill _ Travers Walter A. painter, 360 n Strieker ^ :/Q -r;' Travers Walter S. clerk, 322 Light i^^ ..— 5 Travers William H. marker C. H., dw « J ^ ^ Fayette g "2 ., Travers W m. K. inspector C. 11., dw e h^ -^ Strieker « 2 Travers Wm. K. c.-irp. 360 n Strieker ^ ^ "" Tray Jacob, huckster 162 Chesapeake = TRAYLOR JAMES G. ai)Oihecary, s e cor of _ Baltimore and Ri:publican dw 252 Lexington ^ 5 i^ Traynor John, carter, 13j Bank O -r «& Traynor Thomas, police, 140 Mullikin <^ £f fcO Trayser Philip P. supt. Baltimore rivet and •^^ o c spike works, 299 e Pratt "^ ^ 'S Treackle James H. lab. 88 s Popplet. .i Si -k^ '*3 Treanor Arthur, grocery and licpiors, 99 Cross S >> o Treanor J imcs, huckster, 99 Cross .^ 'o ^ Treanor John, clerk, 99 Cross ^ ,> 5 Trent Morgan, clerk, 110 w Fayette ^ 2 .„ Trebert August, china painter, 33 Fawn 2 o L." Trebert Gust F. china painter, 33 Fawn •it?? Tredway .Mrs. Susan B. S69 Park av ■22 o >^ Tredway Thos. M. huckster, Biddle and Castle 143 360 Treff Gottherdt, grocery, 294 s Charles Tieff Jacob, lab, 395 Orleans Trego Mrs. Albert, 190 Franklin Trego James D. clerk, 190 Franklin Trego John S. 190 Franklin Treso Thomas J. carp. 85 s Caroline TREGO, THOMPSON & CO. (Wm. C.Trego, Thompson )Baltmiore steam forge and roilia, mill. Canton av and Eden Trego William 0. hammerman, 33 s Eden Ti-ego Wm. C.(T., Thompson & Co.) 33 s Ede Tregor .Marcus, 62 n EuUiw Treiber Ludwig. lab. 271 s Durham Treibel Ferd. beer, Parkin and Lemmon Treide John II. G. pianomkr, 184 s Bond Treide Mrs. Louisa, dry goods, 184 s Bond Treller Henry, cabinetmkr, 33 Hampslead Trembo George, lab. 44 Granby Tremuiell Jacob E. carp. 50 Hillen Treuchard Thomas W 320 n Bond Treiikamp Ferd. cis:armkr, 62 n Wolfe Trenkamp Frank, cigarmkr, 238 e Eager Trent John W. (Thos. H. T. &Son)44sShai Trent Thomas H. (Thos. H. T. & Son) 44 Sharp Trent Thomas H. k Son (Thos. H. and Jot W. Trent) raanufrs. agts. 95 w Lombard Trenter Valentine furn. wagon, 259 s Paca Trenting Joseph, shoemkr, 182 Hamburg Tresch Adam, lab. 23 Fountain Tresch Joseph, sbucker, 23 Fountain Tresise Johu, fiieman, 232 Hollins Tresler Henrv, teacher, 6 Aisquith Tress Arthur, manager McKillop & Co.'s con mercial agency, 226 w Baltimore, dw Euta house Tress Edward, tinner, 2^3 McDonogh Tress John F. carpenter, 379 McDonogh Tress Washington, police, 227 n Eden Tressel Rev. li. L. S. 158 e BaJiimore Treuleib Adam, milk, 115 Druid Hill av Treuleib Adam jr. driver, 1 15 Druid Hill av Treuleib Clias.C. steatu railing works, 17 Ens< Treulieb Mrs Catherine, grocery, 115 Dru Hill av Treulieb ^ Co. (Geo. P. Treulieb, Wm. Ritt and J. Vinson) engineers and machinists, 1 Ensor Treulieb Mrs. Frederica, Ensor and Forrest Treulieb Georg.- P. (T. & Co.) 19 Ensor Treuer Frederick, blacksmith, 78 Bank Treusch Chas. oyster and fruit packer, Treusch whf, foot of Broadway, dw 90 s Broadway Treuscliler Seraphin, beer, 3t. Philip T. conductor. 9 Scott Turier John, laborer. Chapel nr Chase Turk Isaac, clothier, loG w Loml)ard, dw 82 e Pratt Turk Sebastian, cooper, 149 s Spring Turl Charles, cooper, 313 Cross Turley John, laborer, 186 .McHeury Turlington S.imuel Z. 80 s Pact Turman R. A. waichmkr, 272 Can ion av Turnbull A. k Bro.(A. and J. T.Turnbull) oar- makers, 38 Thames Turnbull Albert, (A. T. J- Bro.) 268 s Bond Turnoull Mrs. Alex. 141 Bolton HENRY HOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and thographintr, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. TUR 601 TUR Turnbull A. Nisbet (T. & Co.) Madison av ext TDRNBULL BROTHERS (H.v.C. Turnhull jr.) importers, publishers, booksellers and sta- tioners, 8 n Charles TURNBULL & CO. ( A.N.Turnbull) dry goods com. merchts, 13 German Turnhull C. B. clerk, Baitioaore co Turnbull Mrs. Eveline, boardinji, 142 n Charles Turnbull Henry C.jr. (Turnbull Bros ) director University Publishing Co. 8 n Charles, dw 22 Maryland av Turnbull J. W. clerk, 15 n Carev Turnbull J. L.& Co. ( J. L. Turnbull) fluur and com. merchts, 139 n Howard Turnbull J.L. (J.L T.& Co.)23 Huntingdonar Turnbull John, salesman, 563 w Fayette Turnhull Jolin sr. Ion Carev Turnbull .John jr.(J.T.jr.& Co.) 15 n Carey Turnbull J. Lisle, Huntingdon av nr St. Paul Turnbull John 0. bookkpr. 141 Bolton Turnbull John T. (A.T. & Bro.) 38 Thames TURNBULL JOHN Ja. & CO. (John jr. and Wm. C. Turnbull, John T. Uthman) carpet and oilcloth house, 248 w Baltimore Turnbull John of Wm. salesman, 563 w Fayette Turnbull John W. salesman, 15 n Carey Turnbull Lawrence., attorney, 29 Spurrier ct, dw 414 Park av Turnbull Nisbet, clerk, Appraisers' ofSce, 182 Division Turnbull, Sweet & Co. (James W. Sweet) dry goods com. 21 8 Sharp Turnbull Wm. C. (John T. jr. & Co.)Lombard and Strieker Turner Alfred S. foreman, 82 s Bond Turner Andrew H. cigarmkr, 185 Hanover i Turner Andrew H. bookkpr, 69 s CoUington av Turner Bareda, clerk, 270 e F.iyette Turner Chas. H , Eagle hotel Turner Chas. E. moulder, 248 Lee Turner Chas. T. engineer, 409 s Biitaw /■ Turner Chas. T. carp. 220 Peirce Turner Chas. clerk. 54 s High ^ Turner Chas. A. driver, 220 Aliceanna TURNER & DAY (S. Turner, N. Day) handle factory, Boston nr Elliott Turner E.J.(T. G Turner & Bro.) Balto co Turner Edward T. carp. 24 s Carey Turner Elizabeth, 407 n Gilmm;' Turner Edward, carp. 517Sarniosra Turner Frank (Turner, Stanton & C6.) 159 8 Ann Turner Fred carp. 257 West Turner George, lab. 46 Cross Turner George E. wood engraver, Star hotel Turner George C. carp. 158 Penna av Turntr George W. carp. 120 e Madison Turner Harry F. sr. 270 e Fayette Turner Harry F. (R.T.& Son j 270 e Fayette TURNER & HOPKINS (Joseph Turner, F. N. Hopkins,) planing mill and lumberyard, 17 Barre Turner Henry, jeweler, 3 Bradford al Turner James H. cirp. 96 "e Lombard Turner James, carp. 170 George Turner James R. paper hanger, 33 Stirling Turner J. Berry, salesman, 59 n Gilraor Turner John. lab. 5 Baker Turner John H. lab. 38 Warner Turner John, lab. 331 s Bond Turner John C. firedept. 10 Tessier Turner John C. 627 w Fayette C6.) Turner John L. (Griffith & T.) Pikesville Turner John P. stationery, 124 n Eutaw Turner John R. .'surveyor. 26 Greenmount av Turner John T. clerk, 48 n Greene Turner JohnT. .^^alesman, 1 Edraondson av Turner Mrs. John T. 1 Edmondson av Turner John W. lab. 391 Aliceanna Turuer John W. wagoner, 220 Aliceanna Turner J. J. & Co. f J, J. Turner, J.Q.A.Hollo- way) fertilizers, 42 w Pratt Turner Joseph (T. & Hopkins)Mt. Washington, Baltimore co Turner Joseph B. clerk, 1 Edraondson av Turner Joshua, fish, 55Granby Turner Joshua J. (J.J.T. & Co. ) 34 Pleasant Turner J. Z. waterman, 228 Johnson Turner Mrs. Julia A. 164 w Fayett'- Turner Lewis jr. butcher, 53 Centre, 49 Lexing- ton, 2 Richmond and 9 Hanover markets, dw Penna av nr North av Turner Lewis hides and tallow, 27 Buren. dw Peyna av ext Turner N. G. C. salesman. Buck's hotel Turner Paul, clerk, Hoffman and Druid Hill av Turner Mrs. R. dressmkr, 701 w Lombard Turner Mrs. Rebecca L. matron Md. Penitentiary Turner Richard, carp. 10 Tessier Turner Robert E. 270 e Fayette Tucuer Robert ( R.T.& Son ) 270 e Fayette TURNER ROBERT & SON (R. and H. F. Tur- neF)fiour, feed, guano and lime, 43 s Frederick Tuiiner Rodwell, clerk, 196 n Fremont TtJRNER S. E. & CO. (S. E. Turner, '' G. A. Ogle,) Stationers and Ac- count Book Manufacturers, 3 S. ' Charles. Turner Samuel E. (S.E.T.&Co.) 27 Courtland Turner Samuel E. jr. teacher, Linden av and Hoffman, dw 27 Courtland Turner Sarah F. teacher, 407 n Gilmor Turner Sidney (T. & Day) 312 Madison av Turner Thaddeus C. S. provisions, 76 Light-st whf, dw 256 e Fayette Turner Thomas B. H. bookkpr, 26 Hollins Turner Thomas, clerk, 30 s Greene Turner Thomas G. (T. G. Turner & Bro.) 346 e Baltimore Turner T.G. & Bro. (T. G. and E. J. Turner.) manuf. wood excelsior, Dillon andPatuxent Turner Thos. H. watchman, 10 Tessier Turner Thos. K. painter, 28^ South, dw HC Chesnut o O o o =^ Q O O Eh > 28^ SOUTH ST. ^ £$itablJshed iii 1838, And now doing First Class Work at Fair Pricea. Turner, Stanton o . i c =; — '=» i ^"^ _. r^ f, X -4-1 ^ - '^ f, ■:g c 5. H ^ .^ O ,^ -r Ph O o <" :i O -1^ t>-J •r; cc -r ^-s ? "^.t: >^ ?: = •^ e K-^ _r: ^^ o <» ^ c; •^ 2 "^ c S -^ Cw S ^ in w=> ® ^■?1 Cre- ^t te c «^ X K -u i^ a >> w ^^ a>4: •^ X Turner Thomas, clerk, 26 HoUins Tiiruer Thomas W.tobacconist,76Lighl-st whf, dw 212 w Pratt Turner Thomas W. cierarnikr, 212 w Pratt Turner Tlioinns R. cleik, 27 German Turner Wni. G. piledriver, 129 Duncan al Turner Win. A. caifi. ;-i06 n IJoiul Turner Mrs. \V. p. 140 w Lombard Turner Wra. lab. 12 Pear al Turner Wni. P. salesman, 281 w Baltimore Turner Wm.H. H. clerk City Jail,d\v 26 Green- mount av Turner Wm. L. R. 26 Greenmount av Turner Wm. R. clerk, 30 n Brondway Turner Wm. R. clerk, Washiuptoii hotel Turner Wm. grinder, Uhler al, dw 80 n Gay Turner Zachariah, police, 152 Jefferson Turpin -Alfred S. enfrinenr, 129 HoUins Turpin I Henry, citrarnikr. 501 Aisquith Turpin Maria, shoefitter, 5 Oi;ston Turpin Thomas, bartender, 5 Ouston Tursik Anton, laborer, 15 .Abbott Turtle John W. clerk, 192 n Talvert Turtle Lieut. Thomas, engineer U. S. A.,Eutaw house Tustin Mrs. Mary J. human hair, 56 n Greene Tustin Mrs. Rachel, 289 n Broadway Tustin S. P. civil engineer, 56 n Greene Tucbton Theodore, engineer, 47 Preston Tuttle .Alfred, brassfinisher, 37 Milliuian Tultle Annie J. dressmkr, 349 Lexington Tuitie Bartholomew, police, 251 n Dallas Tuitle Charles, tailor, Pntterson av nr Mount Tuttle Daniel, huckster, Patterson av nr Mount Tuttle David A. clerk. 449 n Calhoun Tuttle David .A. tailor, 27 Park av Tuttle David K.( J. A.McCreary & Co.) chemist, 770 Le.\ingtoii Tuttle Frank L shoecutter, 349 Lexington Tuttle Hezekiah, com. niercht. 237 Bank Tuttle Horatio, shoecutier, 349 Lexington Tuttle Mrs. June, 103 Lexington Tuttle John P. clerk. 103 Lexington Tuttle John, shucker, 17 Port Tuttle John, lab. 28 Rock Tultle Lewis C. clerk. 349 Lexington Tuttle .Miirgaret, tailoress, 17 Port Tnitle Mary J. tailoress, 465 Franklin Tuttle Michael, lal)orer. I Vine Tuttle Michael jr. lab<;rer, 32 Rock Tuttle 0. B. foreujan, ll2s Strieker Tuttle Thomas, la'-oier, I Vine Tultle Will. H. clerk, 54 e Fayette Tuttv Matthew, carter, 154 s Central av TUX'WORTH D. HO W. A RD, grocer, 326 and 328 n Gav Twaits T. D. (T.D.T.&Co.) n Gilmor nr Town- send Twaits T. D. & Co. (T.D.Twaits)oy3ter packers, 130, 132 and 134 Hughes TWAMLEY & CARR (.Wm. P. Twamley & Wilson Carr) civil engineers and real estate, 24 n Charles Twamley Wm. P. (T. & Cirr) ifi2 German Twaddle Daniel, jieddler, 47 Constitution Tweedall John, chinu mender, 20 n Liberty, dw 302 Mcllenry Tweedall John jr. china mender, 302 McHenry Tweedall Thos. china mender, 302 .McHenry Tweedeman Andw. barkeepr, 240 Montgomery Tweedy Samuel A. butter, s e cor Sharp and Camden, dw 53 Conway Tweedle Jacob jr. porter, 45 Hill Twelbeck Harm:in, tobacconist. 232 Chesnut Twelbeck John H. grocery, 114 Henrietta Twele Charles, grocer, 85 w Biddle Tvvele Henry, baker, 67 n Castle Twiford Joseph S. carpenter, 13 Walker Twist Henry B. clerk, 12 Concord Twomley Wm. sawyer, 162 Germaa Ty dings Charles, barber, 91 Pine Tydings Charles jr. printer, 91 Pine Tydings Thomas lab. 33 Hamburg Tydings Wm. H. driver, 100 Mullikin Tyler Armenius, inspector C. H. dw 2 Hill Tyler Alex. T. 220 Barre Tyler Armenius, cigarmkr, 259 8 Charles Tvlnr (^has. of GK. (T.c^-Bros.)219 w Lombarr TYLER & BRUS. (C. Tyler of G. K ) crackei baker, 49 w Pialt T.vler Charles. 29 n Front Tyler Daniel A. B. canmkr, 78 Aisquith Tyler Dniel M. carpenter, 244 Sterrett Tyler Elizabeth, 10 Greene ct Tvler Mrs. Emily, 178 e Eager TYLER ERASfUS B., Am. Steam Fire Proo Safe Co. 131 w Baltimore, dw Balto. co Tylrr Frank K. (Jackson ^ T.) 187 w Fayett Tyler George, slioeiukr, 226 w Pratt Tvler George M. D. canrakr, 171 Chesnut Tyler G.K. (Kimball, Shaffar k Co.) 187 v "Fayette TYLER GEORGE G. steam saw mill and lum ber yard, Boston, Canton, dw 596 Lexingioi Tyler James J. shoemkr, 171 Chesnut Tyler John, fireman, 3 Ho|)e al Tvler John .A. clerk, Hampden T>ler John S. clerk, 183 Walsh Tvler John E. trav. agent, 263 n Howard Tyler Leonidas. (Woolford & T.) 160 Hughe: Tyler Lizzie, 1 1 1 Raborg Tyler Mi-s. L J. 72 Courtland Tyler Murray, clerk, 66 Courtland Tyler Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 259 s Charles Tyler Nathaniel, Linden av nr .McMechin Tyler Samuel, brakeman, Quaker la nr York re Tyler Solomon, watchman, 3 Hope al Tyler Solomon F. shipcarp. 259 s Charles Tyler Wm. R. gas fitter and plumber, 8 e Lom bard, dw 19 Holland Tvler Wm. S. bookkpr, 85 e Fayette Tylie Mrs. Emma, 178 e Eager Tylie Wm. C. tobacconist, 174 Eusor Tynan A. M. tailor, 268 Canton av Tynan Peter, tailor, 156 Canton av TyniU John, scrollsawyer, 110 Vine Tysinger Lewis, clerk, 194 n Wolfe Tysinger Lewis, clerk. 83 e Biddle Tyson A. Estelle. 79 McCulloh Tyson Belle, boarding, 299 Madison av TYSON & BROTHER (Frederic Tyson) mecht millers, grist mill, 17 Hughes, office 50 Com merce TYSO.N FKANK J. manuf Hour, 7 Spear'swhf dw 123 .McCulloh Tvson Frederic. (T. k Bro.) 211 St. Paul Tyson Henry, s e cor Laiivale and McCulloh Tyson Heniy G. (P. A. l)unn&Co.)18 North a^ Tvson Capl. Jame.-s A. mariner'. 111 n Ann Tyson .lanie^ E. (J. E. T. & Co.) 128 McCuilol TYSON JAMES E. & CO. (James E. Tvson am James J. Coiner) com. merchts. 71 South TYSON JESSE, president Baltimore Chromt Works, 33 Franklin "5 '"^ -5 <» HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l A^t. TYS 603 UNI) OQ Tyson Jas.W.pres't Tyson Mining Co. Balto.co TYSON JOHN S. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw 47 Cathedral Tyson Joshua J. H. gents, furn. goods, 484 w Biitlimore Tyson M. D. clerk Baltinioie Chrome Works, Charles and Lexington Tyson Mining Co. n w cor Charles and Lexing- ton, James W. Tvson, pres't TYSON ROBERT & CO. (Robert Tyson, James F. Pearson) flour and grain com. merchts. 4 Spear's whf Tyson Philip P. geologist, 170 Linden av Tyson Robt.(R.T.& Co.)299 Madison av Tyte Mrs. Ann, ladies clothing, 57 e Baltimore Tyte Chas. shipjoiner, 57 e Baltimore Tyte Thomas, shipjoiner, 18 Chester u M. U. B. MUTUAL AID SOCIETY OF PA.,T. Foust, aeent, 85 w Fayette Uber Fredk. machinist, 230 Barre Ubert John P. confec'y, 75 s Fremont Ubert John, shoemkr, 63 Albemarle Ubisch Mrs. Catherine, 144 Lancaster Ubisch James, bricklayer, 144 Lancaster Ubisch Joseph, butcher, 144 Lancaster Udave Martin, 152 n Schroeder Udderzook Mrs. Clara, 167 Conway Udelle Abner G. sewing machines, Jackson sq av and Durham Udich Charles J. tailor, 586 w Lombard Udich Mrs. H. Lewis, tailoress,586 w Lombard Uebel Conrad, carter, 187 s Regester Uhing John H. liirpiors, Waverley Uhl (:nnrad, butcher, 92 Centre "and 108 Belair markets, dw Chester nr .Monument Uhl Lewis, morocco dresser. 36 Abbot Ubl Philip, butcher, 171 n Front Uhland FuiireHe, watchmake"-, 4:^5 w Pratt Uhland Herman, lab. 11 Baker Uhland John, barber, 151 w Madison Uhlenberg George, restaurant, 297 s Bond Uhlenherg Herman H. erocf-ry, 2 Josephine Uhler Rra.smus, 156 w Biddle Uhler Erasmus, jr. livery 8table,3 and 5 Orchard, dw 156 w Biddle Uhler Mrs. George W. dry eoods, 162 Franklin Uhler James H. clerk, 162 Franklin Uhler Dr. John C. dentist. 156 w Biddle Uhler Dr. John R., 122 n Greene Uhler Philip R. librarian Peabody Inst. 213 w Hoffman Uhler Philij>, tinner, 244 Aliceanna Uhler Thomas S. clerk, 156 w Biddle Uhfelder Mrs. Hannah, 52 n C.iroline Uhfeld>-r Solomon, fi;e dept. 110 n Chape] Uhlhorn Mrs. Dorothea, 53 Moslv r Uhlhorn Fied. J. machinist, 207 Jefferson Uhlhorn Joiin. machinist, 146 s -Ann Uhlhorn Joseph E machiuist, 45 s Castle Uhrbock Christian, shoefitter, 57 Hanover Uhrig John,(J.C.Rau&Co.)121 a Eutaw Uhrij; Joseph, shoemaker, 55 Stockton Uhrig Lewis H. clerk, 226 George Uhrijr Philip, real estate, 53 Lexington, dw 284 w Hoffman Uhrlaub Edward, clerk, Madison av ext Uhrlaub Mrs H., .Mulisou av ext Uhthoff .Mrs. Rlleu G. jjropr. .Monumental Cot- ton Press, Union dock, dw 264 w Hoffman Ulbach Francis, shoemkr, 51 n Central av. Ulbich Warren S. shoemkr, 78 n Gilmor Ulbig Adam, blacksmith, 48 Holland tnbig Augustus, canmkr, 48 Holland Ulbig Joseph L. salesman, 48 Holland UUirich George, painter, 41 s Regester — Ulbrich Joseph, painter, 41 s Regester -^ Ulle A. Julius, tailor, 148 Camden g Ullman Abraham, clothing and shoes, 104 Low 3 Ullman Ansel,(A.U.& Br...)16 McElderry g Ullman A. & Bro.(A. and S. Ullman )clothing -^ and shoes, 32 Centre Market sp Ullman Henry, cattle dealer, 22^ Lee Ullman Jonas, salesman. 166 w Lombard Ullman Samuel. ( A .U.& Bro )!04 Low Ullrich Anton, clerk, 41 s Rejester Ullrich George F. clerk, 103 Gough ULLRICH H. C. & CO. (H. C. Ullrich, J. B. - Mallalieu) coal and wood, central office and Q> yard 2 s Paca and 304 s Caroline, whf Y^ork ;;^ nr William Ullrich Harry C.(H.C.U.&Co )379Druid Hillav o^ Ullrich John A. clerk, 8 Stirling Ullrich Mrs. Magdalene.grocery,233 Hollins Ullrich Samuel, moulder, 241 Hollins Ullrich Wm. moulder, 241 Hollins Ullrich Wm. grocery, 42 Columbia U'm Fred, fireman, 290 Aliceanna Ulman Alfred J (U.& Co.)Chftrles-st ext Ulman Benj. F. (Benjamin & Co., andU. &Co.) 189 w Fayette • ULMAN &'CO.(A. J. and B. F. Ulman)whols. liquors, 35 s Gay Ulman Henry, clerk, 307 Mulberry Ulman Nathan, clerk, 307 Mulberry Ulman Mrs. Sarah, 307 Mulberry Ulrich .\dam. carter, 146 Johnson Ulrich .Mrs. Anne, 430 Canton av Ulrich Mrs. Barbara, 51 L. McElderry Ulrich Ferdinand, clerk, 113 n Calvert ULRICH FRED. W. boots and shoes, 113 n Calvert Ulrich Henry, lab. 102 Eastern av Ulrich Henry, lab. 3 Holtzmau ct Ulrich Henry, glass blower, 197 Hollins Ulrich Dr. H G. dentist, 120 n Greene, dw cor' Paca and Fayette Ulrich Jacob, porter, 7 n Chapel Ulrich John, bakery and confectionery, s e cor Eden and Orleans Ulrich .lohn, grocery, 67 O'Donnell Ulrich Jo'in, baker,'493 w Lombard Ulrich Joseph, turner, 416 Saratoga Ulrich Nicholas, shoemkr, 484 Canton av Ulrich Philip, cabinetmkr, 8 Stirling Urabach George W. stevedore, 120 s Bond ^ Umliaugli Hovyard, clerk. 326 .M\ rtle av Umberg Margaret, 272 s Bond C^ Umbrage Arnold, paperhanger, s e cor George ^ OQ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. UND 604 UNI H w w p^ H f-l C/J feq a >^ o <1 <1 C5 ^ w h-i H o „ OJ '^ on O en o 1—1 w "—I >^ oil o Oo **< o^ I— ( O -^ ?!^ Ph t> W^ go 73 > « o o Underwood Alfred J. conducit)r, 103 s Strieker Uiirieiwood Mrs. Klizabeth, 547 e Fayette Underwood Geo. W. printer. 57S n Freinoat Underwood Dr. Henry A. 152 n Eutaw Underwood Henry C. printer, 328 e Biddle Underwood James, baker, 8 s Ann Underwood Jus. A. ( Welcb k U.) 275 e Biddle Underwood John I. harnessmUr, 575 Le.xingtoti Underwood Joseph S. painter, 575 u Fremont Underwood .Mrs. -Mary, seamst's, 242 n Caroline Underwood Mary A. hoardinji, 328 e Biddle Underwood Noah, iruncutter, Collinglon av nr Bank Underwood Wm. B. printer, 328 e Biddle Unduch Henry M. clerk, 604 w Fayette Unduch Henry U. clerk, 300 n Strieker Unducii James C. G. clerk, 640 w Hdiimore Unduch Nicholas W. clerk, 640 w Baltimore Undncli Nicholas H. jr. finder Tobacco Wareh. No. 3, 13 Weber Unduch Nicholas H. (Golder & U.) 640 w Bal- timore Undnch Wm. H. fireman, 176 Johnson Uiifr Kunigunda, confec'y, 323^ Penna av Ung Otto, tailor, 323^ Penna a'v Unger August, baker, Dallas and Chase Unger Ferd. butcher, 67 and 87 Belair market, dw Belair av ext Unger Henry, 2 Gitlings ct Unger Ludwig, shoerakr, 110 Mulberrj' Tin jer Peter, prof, of languages, 21 Barnet Un^er Wm. L collector, 202 \v Biddle Un:;laub John M. engineer, Falls rd nr toUgate Unglaub Philip, engineer, 301 Forrest Uniack E. M. property agent, 499 Le.vington Uniack John J. produce, 461 Franklin UNIUN 3ANKI.NG C(J. 21 South, Sam'l Barth, piest. F. A. Savin, cashier Union Depot, n Charles e.xt Union Earth Closet Co. 22 e Eager Union Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore, G. W. Ward, pres't, E. V. Starr, sec'y, 42 Second Union Glass Works, Balto. co. Wm. Swindell, propiietor Union Hotel, 29 Thames, Chas. Smith, prop'r Union Hotel, s w cor Charles and Pratt, W. J. Lloyd, prop'r Union Mauufacturiuir Co. of Md. Alfred Jen- kin'J, pres't, 12 s Howard UNION MUTUAL LIFE INS CO. of Maine, Kdward Kellogg, gen'l agent, 12 South Union Orphan Asylum, Franklin and Schroeder Union Prot. Infiiinary, Division nr Moshur.Dr. C. Fawcett. re.-:ident phvsician UNION RAILROAD GO'S OFFICE, Wm. G. Harrison, pres't, J. C Wrei>sl)all, gen'l supt. 15 Son'h, ovei- Franklin BanR Union Square, tjoiimied by Strieker, Gilmor, Ilollins anil Lombard Union Square (.\I. E.) Church, Lombard and ( ■>dhoun Union Transfer Co. office 143 w Baltimore, F. G. Bovce, agent Union Works (Poole & Hunt) Woodberry Unitarian Church, Charles and Franklin United Brethren Church, Sweet Air United Brethre.i Church, Scott and St. Peter U;iiled Brethren(German)Ghureh, Conwayand Sharp United Brethren (German) Church, cor Clinton av anii George United Brethren Church, Fulton and Lotnbard United Evangelical (German) Church, G'Doa- nell nr Canton United Evangelical Parochial School, O'Don- nell nr Canton UNITED GERMAN BANK, cor Baltimore and Postoffice av — [5ee Appendix. United German Real Estate and Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore, J. Sniiih, pres't and treas. cor Baltimore and Postollice av United Order American Mechanics Hall, 2 n Greene, and cor Greene and Lexington UNITED STATES APPRAISER'S OFFICE, s e cor Gay and Lombard United States Assistant Trea.sury, Custom house United Stat"S Bartre Office, Henderson's whf UNITED STATES BONDED COLLECTION BUREAU OF N. Y.. branch 22 Postoffice av, John H. Baer, manager United States Bonded Warehouses: 1, 2 and 4 Well's wharf 2 Henderson's wharf 9 and 10 Gibson's wharf 45 and 50 Brown's wbarf 40 Jenkins' wharf 1, 2 and 3 West building 8, 9 and 12 O'Donnell's wharf 13 and 15 Buchanan's wharf 87 and 113 Smith's wharf 110, 112. 114 and 1 16 Spear's wharf 8 and 9 Locust Point Class 4. Locust Point UNITED STATES COLLECTOR'S OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE, R. M. Proud, collector 3d District, over Custom house United Stales Collector's Office of Internal Rev- enue, James Mclntire, collector, 1st District, over Custom house UNITED STATES COLLECTOR OF CUS- TOMS AND PORT OF BALTIMORE, n w cor Lomliard and Gav UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, U. S. building, North and Fayette, Ciiief Justice, H. L. Bond, associate Jud,'e, Wm. F.Giles UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE, n w cor Lomliard and Gay UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, U. S. building, 11 w cor North and Fayette, Wm. F. Giles, judu'e, James W. Chew, clerk, Edward Y. (ioldslioroutrh, marshal UNITED STATES DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, U. S. building, North and Fayette UNITKD STATES ENG. OFFICE for fortifi- cations and river and harbor improvements, Col. Wm. P.Craighill, Nat. Union Bank bdg United States Gauger's OlHce, Custom house United States General Ai)jir;ii3er's Office, Cus- tom house. John F. .Meredith, gen'l appraiser UNITED STATES HOTEL, Ignatius Gore, proprietor, 69 President United States Inspectors of Customs. office C.H. UNITED STATKS LAW ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTION UNION, Morse building, 50 w Favette UNITED STATES LIGHT HOUSE ENGI- NEER, 5ih and 6tli districts, 1 Courtland United Slates Life Ins. Co. N. York, D. School- bans, geii'l agent, 7 Germ m nr South UNITED STATES MANUFACTURING CO., J. F. W. Dorman, prop'r, 19 German UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S OFFICE, U. S. liuilding, cor North and Fayette United States Measurer's Office, ove'- C. H. HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithograpliing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. jptiie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. UNI 605 VAL r.VlTED STATES NAVAL PAYMASTER'S OFFICE, over Custom house I United Slates Quarternmster, 51 s Sharp lUnited States Pension Office, Harrison Adreon agent, bHsement Post ofifice, Exchange pi United States Public Store, s e cor Gay and Lombard United States Cavalry Recruiting Office, 60 Centre Market sp United States Shipping Com. office, 21 s Gay United States Signal Station, over 32 South United States Steamboat Insjiectors' Office,over Post office United States Subsistence Office, 51 s Sharp United States Weigher's Office, Custom house Universalist Church, Baltimore nr Central av Universal Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., C J.R. Thorpe general agent, 2 Johnson building, Fayette University Hospital, cor Loaibard and Greene University Dispensary, s w cor Lombard and Greene University of Maryland, School of Law, John A. Inglis, prefect, 32 Mulberry U;ii varsity of Maryland, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 32 Mulberry, Rev. E. A. Dalrymple, D. D. president University of Maryland School of Medicine, n e cor Lombard and Greene University Publishing Company, H. C.Turnbull jr. 8 n Charles Unkel George, tailor, 13 n Bond Unkel Louisa, grocery, 252 n Howard Unkel Mary, milliner, 252 n Howard Unkelback Adam, porter, 262 e Eager Unkelliack Henry, coal and wood, 433 Saratoga dw 430 Saratoga Unkelback Mrs. E. tailoress, 208 e Chase Unkelback Mrs. Elizabeth, 211 Chesnut Unmuth Francis, beer, 34 n Liberty Unverzagt Augustus A. lab. Homestead Unverzagt George P. (G. KerckhofiF & Co.) 36 Aisquith Unverzagt Harry, shoemkr, 81 s Poppleton Unverzagt Jacob, beer, coi- Castle afed Monument Unverzagt John H. haircomber. Homestead Unverzagt Wm. haircomber. Homestead Unyer Casper, lab. 219 s Bethel UphofF August (H. Uphoff& Bro.) 99 e Pratt Uphoff Fred, wheelwright, 99 e Pratt Uphoff Henry Sf Bro. (Henry and Aug. Uphoff) wagonmkrs, and blacksmiths, 92 s Central ay Uphoff Henry (H. Uphoff cj- Bro.) 99 e Pratt Uppercue Charles, carp. 139 Penna av Uppercue Mrs.Rosanna, varieties, 139 Penna av Uppercue Thos. stonecutter, 261 Druid Hill av Upperman Jeremiah, shoemkr, 18 s Schroeder Upperman John C. watchmkr, 584 w Lombard Upshur Abel B. clerk, 37 w Eager Upshur Abel P. clerk, 484 w Lombard Upshur Levin, cleik. 174 Mosher Upton Mrs. Catherine, dressmkr, 85 s Castle Upton Wm. lab. 85 s Castle Urbach Fred. W. shoemkr, 254 n Eutaw Urbach W. J. shoemkr, 254 n Eutaw Urban Adam, burrblock worker, 66 Albemarle Urban Charles, bootcrimper, 3 Raborg Urban John sr. lab. 76 Orleans Uhrig Adam, butcher, 3 Whatcoat Urick John S. luilor, 234 Peirce Urquhart John E. 94 Camden Urqubart M. J. boarding, 94 Camden Urspruch Thomas, tailor, 190 s Sharp Urwich Bernard, sec. hand store, 179 Eastern av Usinger Chas. wheelwright. Homestead Usinger John K. shoemkr, 31 Covington Utermohle August jr. watchmkr, 160 e Balti- more, dw 62 e Pratt Utermohle August sr. 62 e Pratt -2 Utermohle Geo. W. stencil cutter, 160 e Balti- ^ more Utermohle Wm. printer, 62 e Pratt Uthman John T,(John Turnbull, jr. & Co.) 248 Lanvale Utile Manufacturing Com|iany, 13 s Liberty Utley John R. clerk, 170 Dolphin Utt Mrs. Margiiret, Monument and Chester Utz Andrew lab. cor Monroe and Dover Utz Casper, baker, 166 William Utz D^vid, '•oniractor, Gilmor nr Cumberland Utz John, machinist, 27 s Calhoun Utz Sam'l,cardriver, Cumi)erland nr Penna av Uvink Jos. grocery and liquor, 64 Chesnut Uzuber John, beer, 151 S.ualoga V. o o O O o ft o o Vacek John, lab. 41 Barnes Vaden Robt. engineer, 53 Lee Vader Augusta, 210 Aliceanna Vadoch Charles, shoemkr, 182 n Dallas Vaetd Angeline, blksmith, 296 HanoTer,dw 292 c^ Vat th F. X. bookkpr, 40 n Charles Vaeth Leopold, pwier, 294 Hanover Vaeth Philip, carp. 331 n Central av Vagt Albert, pianomkr, 163 s Fremont Vahle Chas. cooper, 57 Leadenhall Vahle Henry, lab. 172 L Greene Vahle John, cooper, 172 L Greene Vail Horatio N.(Kensett & Co.)470 Eutaw pi Vail James B. clerk, 42 s Eden Vail James H. clerk, 152 n Eutaw i^ Vain Abraham, lab. 40 n Chapel ^ Vain Edward sr. butcher, 19 Fells Point mkt, ^ dw Fayette and Patterson Park av Vain James H. butcher, 39 Fells Point mkt, dw ^h 556 e Fayette ^ Vain Thos. H. police, 321 e Lombard § Vain W. Scott, Madeira al nr Fayette p^ Valentine Anton, butcher, Castle nr Madison ^ Valentine E.H.propr.St.John house,58n Charles i — i Valentine Elizabeth, dressmkr, 52 McMechin Ph Valentine Ezra, millwright, West Falls av s of , Pratt, dw 132 u Republican ^ Valentine Francis, confecl'r, 13 Myrtle av Valiant Henry, engineer, 144 Aisquith j Valiant Jas. insp'r C. H. 75 n Wasbicgton Valiant John, clerk, 101 s Exeter Valiant Jos. G. (V. & Walker) 101 s Exeter Valiant Mrs. S. J. 101 s Exeter Valiant Wm. H. clerk, 101 s Exeter ft ft ft Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) p. a Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. VAL 606 VAU '3 ~ a; S e o O m Valiant W. Frank of J. clerk, Mount nr Wash- ington Valk Chas. D. architect. 210 Walsh Valk John M. E. sup't Maryland dairy, 210 Walsh r^ — ^ Vallie Jeremiah, Quaker !a nr Friendship C. -^r^ Valliant J. James, clerk, 41 Franklin " "^ C Vallet G. E. bricklayer, 62 n Schroeder ^ Vallery Francis, jirocery, 130 Aisquilh ~^ Vallery Jos. puddler, I3() Aisqnith - Van Antwerp Iltv. Dr., nomesiead&44Lexington _ c; Van Ardia Ann, shoebinder, 132j n Gay •^ g ^ Van Arditi Geo. artist. i:i2^ n Gay ^ j>. X Van Arsdale A. M. bookkpr. 343 Lexington P^ !^ pii5 Van Arsdale Chas. C. clerk, 343 Lexington •- >y^ Van Bibber Ghas. medical student, 47 Franklin Van Bibber Dr. John P. 47 Franklin Van Bibber Dr. W. Chew, 47 Franklin Vance James H. boilennkr, 138 e Lombard Ph p Vance John, cooper, 12 Baker i) cj Vance Joseph, gatekpr Druid Hill park, 12Baker .^^ Vancollom David, clerk, 307 n Gay 02 „ Vancollom Meyer, dry goods, 114 Lexington ^ '^ Vancollom Mrs. Sabina, dry goods, 307 n Gay ^ 5g Vancott Daniel H. wagoner, Waverley, York rd —I Q Vancourt John, 422 n Calhoun +j Vancourt John W. jr. coaclitr'raer, 311 n Ann S . Vaudaal Rev. Peter, 51 Courtland ^ 2 Vandafoiird Abram J. photographer, 19 e Bal- |_] 5 tiniore, dw 296 Light Vandaniker Albert, machinist, John nr Mc- es !-, Mechin a ^ Vandaniker Conrad, gasfitter and plumber, 313 ^ Lanvale «^ ^H Vandaniker Geo. W. engineer, John nrMcMechin r— r^ ^ Vandaniker Jacob, printer, 200 L. Constitution ^ „ o Vandaniker John, clerk, 13 McMechin '^ .5 ^ Vandaniker Joseph, blacksmith, 322 Peirce ;:5 >-j § Vandaniker Joseph, bricklayer, 30 George •^ 'TJ § Vandaniker Julius, printer, 200 L. Constitution S Dd Vandaniker Mrs. Louisa, tailoress, 200 L. Con- *- stilulion r^ '<> Vandaniker .Mrs. Maria, dressmkr, 13 McMechin o p5 Vauderliuden Herman, house furn. 153 Franklin Vanderraast Adolph, lab. 57 Sliles Van Dornum John, liquors, 328 Aliceanna Vandewater John, 2 Waverley terrace Vanhart James, baker, Swan tavern V ^ . Van IloUen John, detective, 224 Scott ^ C/i !5^ Vanhorn Albert, bricklayer, 329 Light 'g -"cJ TH Vanhorn Ann M., Druidville A^ .2 ^ Vanhorn Chas. K. machinist, 113 Orleans ,.^ "p >^, Vanhorn Elias, plasterer, 113 Orleans g ^^ - Vanhorn Elislia. carp. 347 Light Q (jj '^ Vanhorn James B. fireman, Sweet Air ■w ^ G Vanhorn John E. carp. 326 Light 5» "^ "^ Vanhorn John F. bookbinder, 113 Orleans 2» p E Vanhorn John, lab. 94 McKim § O " Van Horn Edward A. C. huckster, 2G6 Park av o 'fcLC^ Van IdtTstine John, shnemkr, 228 Saratoga CJ ;: ■^ Van Iderstine Wm. clerk, 122 Orchard ^ Van Ness Eugene, clerk, 94 w Monument Van Ness A. harnfss, iron and steel, 115 and 117 Hillen, dw Mott and Eusor Van Ness Mrs. Col. 29 Cathedral Van Newkirk Andrew, machinist, 199 Gough Van Norlvvick J. V. D., Charles and Hill Van Order Edmund H. periodicals, 215 Lex- ington, dw Pennsylvania house Van Order Ezra, salesman, 31 n Poppleion Van Ostend John, caumkr, 271 Bank Van Ostend Wm.' lab. 4 Hubbard al Van Patten R. H. news reporter, 61 n Liberty Vanpelt Abram, lab. Sweet Air Vanpelt Bmj. F. engineer, 2 Cuba Van Reuth Albina, dressmkr, 232 w Diddle Van Reuth Chas. huckster, 483 e Chase Van Reuth Edward, artist and portrait painter, 20 Mulberry Van Reiiih Felix, 483 e Chase Van Reuth Lucien, huckster, 483 e Chase Van Rossum Win. E. driver, 104 s Exeter Vansunt Augustus L. carp. 244 s Eutaw Vansant & Bro. (J.WehrlyVansant and Wm.L. Vansant) cigarbox niauuf'rs, 3 n Sharp Vansant Chas. lab. 87 s Giimor Vansant Chas. drayman, 437 Hamburg Vansant Geo. asst. supt. 100 Boston Vansant Geo. W. sawyer, 283 Columbia Vansant J.\Vehrly( Vausant& Bro. )167 German Vansant John VV. carp. 23 Richmond, dw 160 Cathedral Vans int John R. tinner, 279 Hanover VANSANT JOSEPH, hatter and furrier, 109 w Baltimore, dw 143 n High VANSANT JOSHUA, Mayor of Baltimore city, 74 n Front Vansant Joshua, machinist, 87 s Giimor Vansant Nicholas, messenger Adams Express, 149 e Madison Vansant Nicholas, agent Poor Association, 149 e Madison Vansant Thos. H. foreman, 162 Cathedral Vansant Wm. L. (Vansant & Bro.)167 German Van Swcaring^jr Mrs. Lama, 71 Preston Van Tossen Mrs. Catherine, 17G ScoU Van Tossen John, cooper, 176 Scott Van Tromp John, walchcase mkr. cor German and Wine al, dw 325 e Biddle Van Veen Albert, rigger, 15 Fountain Van VVitsen .Mrs. E. S. tobacconist, 38 n Eutaw Vanzelet Mrs. Ann, trimmings, 41 e Eager Vardy John, pilot, Castle bet Pratt andLombard Vardy Joseph, pilot, 88 s Washington Vard} Joseph jr. mariner, 31 B Castle Varina Richard E. processor, 21 n Poppletoa Varina Wm. N. cedar cooper, 21 Bartlett Varley Thos. P. photographer, 157 w Baltimore Varner Rosanna, 49 Brune Varney Mrs. Sarah, confuclionery, 340 n Eden Varvelli Giustino, ship broker, 79 u Liberty Vaudens Mrs. Maria, corselmkr, 309 Franklin Vaughan Beiij. shipcarp. 72 William Vaughan Chas. drayman, 29 Ringgold al Vauglian Chas. drayman, 27 Slerrett Vaughan Daniel, [lolice, 40 Columbia Vaughan Edwin, painter, 44 Peun Vau^ihati Eliza J. vestmkr, 168 e Monument Vaughan Henry, pilot, 72 William Vaughan James, carp. 9 Bank Vaughan John M. tobacconist,cor Lombard and Republican Vaughan John, clerk, 27 Sterrett Vaughan Oliver H. watchmkr, 50 Park av ^^3^0 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. o ^ Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. ' VAU 607 VIN Yauglian Patrick, lab. cor Calhoun and Rumsay Vauglmn Walter VV. upholsterer, 44 Penn Va,ugiien Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 6 Douglas Vautrhen Henry I. clerk, cor Madison av and Dol[>hin Vaughen John, drayman, G Douglas Vaughen .John, lumber, Cathtdral and Biddle, d\v 1U3 w Kiddie Vaughen Wm. P. bookkpr. 1C3 \v Biddle Vaukerhouser Wm. 997 w Pratt Vaujel John, sboemkr, 93 s Regester Vaupcl John G. restaurant, 191 Light Veary Francis, slioemkr, 2 s Calvert Veary Joseph, cooper, 107 s Exeter Veasel Wm. H. coffee roaster, 170 Hollins Veasel Zach. coffee roaster, 170 Ilollias Veasey John T. clerk, Northern Central hotel Veasey Patrick, shoemkr, 58 n Amity Veazev Duncan, bookkpr, 87 Cathedral VEAZET ISAAC PARKER, attorney, s w cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw 87 Cathedral Veazey Parker J. hiw student, 87 Cathedral Vecco Anton, mariner, 262 s Ann Vedder Chas. paper manuf.office 23 Lexington, dw Saraioga and Lilierty Veditz Anton F. groc. Broadway and Lombard Veditz Henry, grocery, 10 s Liberty Vees Henry, cashier German Bank, 300 e Chase Veeniyer Fred, slioemkr, 35 James al Veise Mrs. Catherine, glassware, &c. 23 n Pine Veise John, clerk, 23 n Pine Veit Anton, shoemkr, 33 n Washington Veil .Mrs. Ida, children's clothing, 33 n Wash- ington Veith Francis X. clerk, 40 u Charles Veith John, prof, music. 54 s Gilmor Veith Martin, tailor, 8 Valley Velcke Louis, shoemkr, 30 Leadenhall VELTE AUGUST, mercht. tailor, 417 w Balti- more VEXABLE & PACKARD, (R. M.Venable, Jos. Packard jr.) attorneys, n e cor Calvert and Lexington VENABLE RICHARD M. (V. & Packard) 87 Frauklin Vendourn John, piledriver, 3 Lancaster Vennemann Bernhardt, tobacconist, Nicholson nr Towson Verdiani Louis, confectioney, 158 n Calvert Verges Mrs. Annie, huckstress, 324 s Bond Verges John, shoemkr, 324 s Bond Vering Edward, woodturner, Charles-st av ext Verlanders Daniel, cooper, 67 n Eden Verleger Chas. F. vet'y surgeon, 116 s Bond Vermillion Henry, patternmkr, 20 President Venietson Gi-o. A. clerk, s e cor Gay and High Vernetson W. E. telegraphist, cor Exchange [)I and South, dw Relay house, B. & 0. R. R. Vernon Mis. Ellen, millinery and notions, 250 Gough Vernon Henry, architect, 631 Belair av Vernon Julia, dressmkr, 250 Gough Vernon Mary E. music teacher, 250 Gough Vesev James P. groceries and liquors, 117 Mc- Elderry Vesper O'liver M. (O.M.V. & Co.) 40 Lexington VESPER 0. M. & CO. (0. M. Vesper) ship brokers, over 59 s Gay Vetowski Peter, lab. 277 s Ann Vetter Henry, carp. 249 William Vetter Philip, drayman, 163 Stirling Veth Joseph, lab. 95 Clinton Veth Martin, lab. 95 Clinton cS Vey Chas. clerk, 131 Penna av "^ Vey Fred. W. (H.P. Vev & Son) 131 Penna av C£l Vey Henry P. (H.P. Vev & Son) 131 Penna av '^ Vey H. P. & Son, (II. P. and F.W.Vey) harness 3 makers, 131 Penna av ci Vey Utto, wheelwright, 131 Penna av t, Vezey Caroline M. dressmkr, 307 Franklin ^ Vicari M ^ Co. (M.Vicari, J.J. Valentine) fruit c; Kud confectioners, 57 n Charles . z; Vicari Michele, (M. V. & Co. 1 310 e Chase ^ Vick James, lab. 187 L. Constitution ^ Vick L. W. salesman, Maltby house VicUers Mrs. Amanda E. dressmkr, 98 n Wash- ington Vickers A. dressmkr, 22 n Charh'S Vickers B. Albert, pres't Marine Bank, 29 Mc- Culloh Vickers Mrs. Emma, 76 n Paca Vickers Frank, clerk, 29 McCulIoh Vickers G. S. 193 w Townsend pq o O d o Vickers Geo. R. jr. (Wm. E. Woodvear & Co.) O 102 Park av " "^ Vickers George W. huckster, 196 s Ann ^ Vickers Henry C. tailor, 213 e Pratt ^ Vickers Jacob II. caulker, 354 s Charles ^ Vickers Jas. E. (Wilkinson & V.) 213 e Pratt Vickers James K. clerk, 63 Courtland ^ Vickers Jesse, juinter, 98 n Washington Vickers John, carp. 137 West >— J Vickers Joseph, lab. 399 s P^utaw ^ Vickers k Parran, (Wiu..M. Vickers, Wm.J. Par- ^ ran )l»ai;s and com.nierchts,over 38 Cheapside _ Vickers Sidney, lab. 25 Concord ZD. Vickers Thomas, mariner, 223 Light W Vickers W. H. C. clerk. Pleasant and Charles ^ Vickers Wm. M. (V. & Parran) 190 s Paca tj Vickerv Chas. B. chiirmkr, 529 e Favette ^ VICKERY & CARROLL, (Wm.H.Vickery,Wm. ^ J.Carroll)grocers and com.merchts,53\vPratt *— ' Vickerv Edward M. clerk, 229 n Republican ^ VICKERV HAZELTINE G. provisions, 43 and - 45 Light, dw 281 Lanvale "H Vickerv Wm. H. (V. k Carroll )353Madison av p^ Victor Sewing Machine, 47 n Charles, C. H. ^ Rains, agent PM Victory Jos. carpets, 145 Lexington.dw 136 Park ^ Vichmeyer Mrs. Margt. seamstress, 218 Preston ^ Viereckt Louis, clerk, 217 w Pratt j Vlerheeh^rs Godfried, bakery, 22 Thomson Q. Vierhsiiig Geo. shoemkr, Second av nr Cliuton Vierlinger < harles, dentist, 16 e Lombard ^ Vierlinger Herman II. salesman, 16 e Lombard ~_^ Viessmaii (ieorge, confectioner, 78 s Central av /^ Viessnian John, confectioner, 78 s Central av 7^ Vieth Henry, grocery, 116 s Caatle ^ Viftsch ('harles, shoemkr, 152 n Calvert r_. Vietsch Louis, shoemki', 152 n Calvert ^ Vietsch Theodore, mercht. tailor, 152 n Calvert fi) Viewig Frank, cigarmkr, 229 Cunton av Villing Rudolph, draughtsman, 48 Hamburg ^ Villmer Charles, cooper, 266 s Howard ^ Villmer (ieorge, cooper, 38 Ridgely Vincent Chas. candymkr, Sterrett nr St. Peter r , Vincent (Jluistopher, huckster, 277 McDonogh ^ Vincent David P. tinner, 277 .McDonogh Vincent James, 275 s Sharp -^ Vincent Jesse, boilermkr, Sterrett nr St. Peter tli Vincent Thomas B. haruessmkr, 230 e Madison (/} Vincent Wm. lab. 87 Lee Vincent Wm. A. salesman, 120 Hanover Vincent W^m. H. plasterer, 10 Miller pq IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 1 — I o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. VIN 608 VOL SK o CD o I — I GQ «W OS • Mo K O O Vincente Edward P. clerk, 356 n Broadway Vine Mrs. Mitchell, 11 Neighbor Vinels Mrs. Susan, 50 s Ann Viuey Douglas, engineer, 16 Ogston Ving Mrs. Catherine C. beer, 679 w Baltimore Viug John H. restaurant, 679 w Baltimore Viukler Amelia, seamstress, 110 Cider al Vinson Mrs. Hester A. tailoress, 181 Hughea Vinson Jacob, (Treulieb & Co.) 24 Ensor Vinton George, clerk, 26 u Kden Vinton Robert S. tinner, 26 n Eden Vinton Wm. B. gilder, 26 n Eden Vinjard Mrs. Eilen, rear 55 n Amity Vinyard liunry, butcher, 83 Harmony la Vinyard James, butcher, 150 n Fremont Vinyard Jas. jr. butcher, 150 n Fremont ^Mnyard Mrs. Rachel, 83 Harmony la Vinup Fred R. tailor, 62 McElderry Viuup John F. tailor, 64 McElderry Viol John, tailor, 64 ii Bond Viol John F. printer, 64 n Bond Virginia Fire and Marine Ins. Co. of Richmond, 42 Second Virginia and Tenn. Air Line Railway to South and South West, Wm. M. Lawson, agt, office 157 w Baltimore Virtue Chas. W. teacher, 459 Lexington Virtue John, engineer, HoUins and Schroeder Virtue Thos. boilermkr, 20 Leiiimon Virtue Walter L. clerk, 459 Le.xington Virtue Wm. boilermkr, 20 Lemmon Vitzhum John, butcher, TSBelairand 110 Cen- tre mkts, dw Harford av nr city limits Vitzthum Leonard, butcher, Harford av ext Vocke Claas & Co. (Claas Vocke, ) com. and ship'g merchts. 116 s Charles Vocke Claas (C.V.&Co.) consul of the Nether- lauds, 116 s Charles, dw 28 w Eager Vocke Charles, 28 w Eager Vocke Fritz, painter, 59 Centre Market sp Vocke George H. clerk, 106 n Paca Vocke Henry (Claas V. & Co.) 28 w Eager Vocke R. E. clerk, 165 w Fayette Vockey Frank, machinist, 13 Penn Vockey Theodore, artist, 13 Penn Vockrodt Geo. barber, 101 Columbia Voegelein Christian, boxmkr, 65 L. McElderry Voegelein Christian jr. boxmkr, 65 L. McElderry Voegle John M. mercht. tailor, 318 w Pratt Voelkel Theodore, tailor, 211 n Central av Voeiker Edw. lab. 243 s Durham Vogel Adam, lab. rear 167 Elliott Vogel Mrs. Augusta, grocery, 246 e Pratt Vogel August, clerk, 246 e Pratt Vogel Balthaser, cigarmkr, 1 Barnes Vogel Benj. F. tobacconist, Wertern Md. hotel Vogel Bernhard, cigarmkr, 28 Penna av Vogel Charles, shoemkr, 299 Cross Vogel David, dry goods, 45^ e Baltimore Vogel Eliza, sec. hand clothing, 49 Forrest Vogel Emil, artist, 402 Saratoga Vogel Frank, blacksmith, 408 Fortav Vogel Fredk. lab. 34 Fountain Vogel Fredk. M. tailor, 196 s Chapel Vogel Henry, tailor, 322 s Sharp Vogel Henry, lab. II s Burke Vogel John A. tinner, 196 s Chapel Vogel Michael, tailor, 246 e Pratt Vogel Philip, grocery, 98 n Chapel Vogel Philip R. 305 w Biddle Vogel Wichand, blacksmith, 276 Saratoga Vogel Wm. 402 Saratoga Vogel Wm. N. tailor, 69 n Gilmor VOGELER AUGUST & CO. ( A. Vogeler, J. H, Winkelman, C. A. Vogeler) wholesale drug- gists, 4, 6 and 8 s Liberty Vogeler August (A. V. & Co.) 224 Linden av Vogeler Chas. A. (A. V. & Co.) 224 Linden av Vogeler Jerome I. clerk, 224 Linden al Vogeler George B. clerk, 4 21 e Eager Vogelgesang Conrad, driver, 205 Cliesnut al Vogelgesang Geo. shoemkr, 207 Chesnut al Vogelgesang Henry, clerk, 39 n Bond Vogelgesang Jacob G. lab. 40 West Vogell Charles, butter, 25 n Greene Vogelman Charles, expressman, 221 Scott Vogelsang .Mrs. Henrietta, 333 s Bond Vogelsang Henry, clerk, 39 n Bond Vogelsang John, carter, 40 West Vogelsang Louis, mariner, 31 Hamburg Vogelwaid Barth, tailor, 42 n Caroline Vogelwaid Jacob, barber, 42 n Caroline Vogelwaid John, barber, 42 n Caroline Voges Peter H. bagmkr, 22 Lloyd Voght Christian, tailor, 258 Aliceanna Voght John, lab. Clipper Mills Voglane Mrs. Catherine, 112 n Central av Vogle Joseph, carp. 24 s Chappel Vogler Adam, butter, 135 s Wolfe Vogler Andrew, shoemkr, 309 Aliceanna Vogler Henry, wharf builder, 257 e Biddle Vogler Herman, shoemkr, 26 s Oregon Vogkr John, cabinetmkr, 305 Aisquith Vogler John A. shoemkr, 58 Hampstead Vogler John G. variety, 309 Aliceanna Vogler Matthew, vinegarmkr, 80 Granby Vogler Nicholas, tailor, 23 u Dallas Vogt Adolph, lab. 391 Canton av Vogt Ambrose, porter, 238 William Vogt Conrad, lab. 352 Washington av Vogt Fredk. lab. 409 w Pratt Vogt George A. brewer, Harford rd ext Vogt George W. clerk, 137 s Sharp Vogt George A. huckster, 53 Pearl Vogt Harman H. engineer, 137 s Sharp Vogt Henry, salesman, 53 Pearl Vogt John, overseer, Sweet Air Vogt John, beer, 225 William Vogt Joseph, lab. Clipper Mills Vogt Lewis 11. engineer, 137 s Sharp Vogt Peter, varnisher, 131 Camden Vogt Theodore, shucker, 391 Canton av Vogt Wm. lager beer, 44 Fell Vogtuian Rev. Ludwig, West nr Light Voigh Henry, watchmkr, 51 Walsh Voight Chas. blacksmith, 57 n Dallas Voight Mrs. Caroline, 57 n Dallas Vohden Saml. veterinary surgeon, rear of 374 Saratoga Vohrna .Albert, tailor, 9 Milliman Vohrna Wencil, tailor, 105 Parkin Voight Henry, shoemkr, 570 w Lombard Voight Wm. A. 67 w Biddle Voigt Mrs. Elizabeth, furn. goods, 225 w Pratt Voigt Mrs. Emma, confec'y, 2 Columbia Voigt Louis, tobacconist, 4 Columbia, dw 76 s Sharp Voigt Werner, 225 w Pratt Voilh George, tailor, 56 s Regester Volan P'erdinand, carver, 215 Henrietta Volant David, carp. 170 s Chappel Volck A. J. artist and professor Md. Academy of Art, 122 w Fayette, dw Baltimore co Volck Howard, clerk, 61 South HENRY HOEN & CO, Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. VOL 609 VOS VolcknianChas.F.W.watc!inikr,4T0wB.iltiiiiore Void Francis, lab. 220 Buttery av Volensche Eiiglehardt, shoemkr, 52 Lnncaster Volk Augustus, restaurant, Chapel anil Orleans Volk Augustus, sliucker, Canton av and Wash- ington Volk Mrs. Christina, tailoress, 335 e Eager Volk Edward, turner, 116 n Washington Volk Francis, shoes,62 sCharles,dw 27 Granby Volk Francis C.sec hand cloth'g, 1 19 Eastern av Volk Frank, sawyer, 18 Stockholm Volk Henry, painter, IG e Loniijard Volk Joseph, shoemkr, 62 s Charles Volk Peter, liquors, 504 w Lombard Volk Wolfgang, 68 s Euiaw Volke Carl, cabinetmkr, 14 Durst al Volke Christian, shoemkr, 326 s Charles Volker Henry, laborer, 235 e Lombard Voiker Jacol), shoemkr, 362 Penna av Volker Joseph, laborer, 243 s Regester Volker Marcellus, milk, 40 Barnes Volker Michael, shoemkr, 147 Columbia Volkert Fred, barber, 60 Portland Volkert H^irmon, grocery, 54 L. Church Volkert N. H. shoemkr, 641 w Baltimoie Volkman August, laborer, 48 Essex Volkman August F. dentist, 210 s Eutaw Volkman Wm. shoemaker. 463 Light Volkmann Conrad, confectionery, 15 China Volkmar Bros. (Wm. H. and Geo. L.Volkmar) contructors, metal and slate rooling,89Camden Volkmar Casper, shoemaker, 96 Low Volkmar Charles sr. artist, 8 n Frederick Volkmar Charles D. clerk, 238 German Volkmar David, tinner, 238 German Volkmar Fernando, jeweler, 89 Camden Volkmar G. Louis, (V . Bros.) 89 Camden Volkiuar Henry, fancy goods, 549 w Baltimore Volkmar Wm. H. (V. Bros. 89 Camden Volkmuth Casfier, laborer, 234 s Dallas Volkul Henry, liquor, 6 Chinn al VoU Burkhardl, tailor, 512 Lexington Vol! John, stonecutter, 83 Fort av VoUeis Ferdinand, shoemaker, 347 w Fayette Vollerdt CharUs E. porter, 5 L. Gough VoUerdt Tbeodoie, clerk, 5 L. Gough Vollers Wm. {)ainter, 79 n Fiemont VoUfracht Frtdk. shoemaker, 302 s Charles VoUman John, shoemaker, 166 Barre Vollmer Chas. G (V. & Heitel) 127 s Spring VoUmer & Herlel, (Chas. G. Vollmer, Andrew Hertel) barbers, 100 w Pratt Vollmer Fred, grocery, cor Division and Wilson Vollmer John Fredk. lab. 293 .Aliceanna Vollmer Louis, shoemaker, 159 s Paca Vollrath Christian, shoemaker, 165 s Eden VoUrath John, blacksmith, 165 s Eden VollrHth John W. shipsmith, 165 s Eden Volmer Charles, boxmkr, 7 New Church Volz Anthony H. clerk, 113 Saratoga Volz Fredk. showcase maker, 56 s Fulton Volz Geo. jr. cigarmkr, 775 w Baltimore Volz James, blacksmith, Sterrett nr Paca Volz John, driver, 238 Aliceanna Volz Joseph A. clerk, 113 Saratoga Volz Michael, clerk, 1 13 Saratoga VOLZ NICHOLAS, restaurant, 242 s Broadway Volz Peter, grocery, 113 Saratoga Volz Peter jr. lab. 117 Saratoga von Colleu John C.(Prior&Von C.)66 u Greene Von Culin M. sec'y Baltimore Sheet Metal Ma- chine Co. dw 53 s Broadway Von Darteln Theodore, 83 s Piica Von Dornum John, (Vo:i D. &;Melis) 328 Alice- anna VON DORNUM k MKLIS,(Jobn Von Dornum, Martin Melis) wholesale tiour dealers, s w cor Bank and Wolfe Vondeiheide Arnold, driver, 290 Aliceanna Vonderheide Helen, confec'y, 290 Aliceanna Vonderheide Henry, (Chas. Mehler& Co.)9 Clay Vondeiheide Herman, cabinetmkr, 188 East Vonderheide Herman H. boots and shoes, 66nGay Vonderliorst Hem y, brewer, Belair av e.\t VONDERHORST J. H. brewery and malt house, Belair av ext Vonderliorst J. Herman, beer, 5 South Vonderlinden Valentine, porter, 23 n Howard Vondersmilh, Saml. agent, 104 Druid Hill av Vondrehle Boston, clerk, 75 Camden Vondrehle .Mrs. Margaret, boarding, 75 Camden Vondriim John, lab. 178 Madeira al Voneiff Charles, liquors, lo n Greene Voneitf Henry, cigar manufr. 104 w Pratt, dw 46 B:irre Voneiir John, 10 n Greene Von Hagle Wm. moulder, 100 Duncan al Von Hartung Adolph, clerk, 12 s Gay Vonheine Geo. tailor, 152 s Fremont Vonheine John H. tavern, 67 s Howard Von Holden Fredk. lab. s w cor Eastern av and Chapel Von Holton Geo. F. cigarmkr, 206 e Baltimore Von Holton J..hii P. & Son, (John P. and Wm. VoM Holton) confectionery, n e cor Baltimore and Caroline Von Holton John P. ^ J. P. Von H. & Son) 206 e Baltimore Von Holton Wm. (J. P. Von H. & Son) 206 e Baltimore VON KAPFF & ARENS, (H. Von Kapff, H. Arens) ship'g and com. merchts, 22 German Von Kapff Fredk. att'y. Park av and Hamilton Von Kapff Herman, (Von K. & Arens) pres't German Society of Md. 22 German, dw n w cor Lanvale and Paik av Von Lingen Carl A. (Schumacher & Co.) 229 Linden av Von Lingen G. A. (Schumacher & Co.) 229 Linden av Von Oven Rudolpo, ironworker, 30 n Gay Vonrhaddin Louis, grocery, s w cor Eastern av and Chapel Von Riiiteln Theo. saddles, &c. cor Canton av and Essex Von Spreckelsen Mrs. Jane, 30 Cathedral Von Spreckelsen Thomas, 30 Cathedral Vordemberg Herman H. 97 Leaden hall Voidemberg W^m. grocery, 230 Hanover Vote Johnson C. sailmkr, 167 s Ann Vorhauer Wm. 170 Hanover Vorndran Richard, barber, 88 Penna av Vorsek James, lab. 15 Abbot Vorsteg Herman, hats and caps, 292 n Gay Vorlman Ernest, bricklayer, 50 s Exeter Vose Lieut. Wm. P., U.S.A., FortMcHenry Voshell John C. cotton, 222 n Broadway Vostes Wm. D. hack man, 147 s Bethel VoSS B. F. agent Peruvian guano, over 55 Se- cond, dw Baltimore co Voss Dietrich, lab. 322 Orleans Voss Edward, 55 Second Voss John, painter, 44 Essex Voss Joseph H. clerk, 45 s Gay 38 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) (XI CO O o =^ p o o ;^ ft EH <1 o < r— I < O < ft- ft- ft O o ~ .2 . — "tt a: Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, VOS 610 WAG u _ > — ' p 5 Vossherg Carl, •^67 s Bond -^ j5 Vossliertr John, plusterer, 267 s Bond ^ Vossel Heniy, l)rewei-, Belair iiv ext ^ Vo,vte Clmrles, liriikmkr, ASH Lij.'lu 5 u Voyce Cli-.iiles H. jr. biicknikr, 6 Bmney r,_r* I«M Vo,\ce (Jliiirles J. brickmkr, G Barney c -^ r-— Voyce George, briekinkr, 30 Warren J" 3 -^ Voyre John, hricknioulder, 119 West ~~' 'Xi ^ Vo.\ ce Mrs. Rosaiina, 30 Wurren •"-^ p Vo.\ce Thoinas, bneknikr. 486 Light — — i,*" Voyce Wtn. lirickiiikr, 14fi West -^ " I^ Vo\es Rev. Satnuel, 135 Aisquith — ►^ %^ ■ - ;^_ WiK'hdcr J. A. grocery, 424 Eastern av "::; ■;:£ ':fi Wachsman Henrietta, grocery, 116 L.Greene •ir ;i — Wachsm\ilh Charles, iiay, 156 Elliott ^ S ~ Wachsiiiuth Menry, sec. hand good?, 319sCharle3 ^ :i_ o Wachsrnuth Harry, lab. First av nr Clinton ~ ^ a3 VVachsmutb Teresa, confectionery. First av nr T S Clinlon Wacher Joseph, lab. 97 Thames Wachtel Martin N. agent. 627 Belair ay Wachti 1 Patrick, shoenikr. 5 Sarali Ann Wachter -Aug. tailor, 45 Penn _ Waciuer Lonis, fireman, 23^^ Battery av g Wack Charles, ciyarnikr, 268 Orleans ►> X Wack Henry, shoenikr, 84 Penna av •^ c Wack Theodore, carp. 129 Mullikiu -r "i^ Wacker Charles, 52 Boston 5"^ Wacker (hristopber, barkeeper, 10 McClellan ~ Wacker Herman, clerk, 176 Hambnrg ^ t, Wacker Philip, German and Englisii school, 174 N p 2_ — — ^ f-i Waddy Robert A. sailnakr, 54 e Pratt Waddy Thomas E.(Lamdin h W.) Friendship, „ H Baltimore co - ^ W.U)E D. & CO. (Dr. D.Wade and John Wal- >- ^ ker) wholesale druggists, 290 vv Baltimore o .^ Wade Mrs. Catherine. 158 L.Greene 5 "" Wade Dr. David ( D.Wade & Co.)650Lexington T, "^ Wade Frank S. lab. 44 Johnson W.ide H> nry. butcher, 294 e Lombaid Wade James T. cleik, 650 Lexintrlon WADE JOHN J. attorney ,63 w Fayette, dw 650 Le.vington Wade .Mrs. Matilda, 9 Parrish Wade .Michael, lab. 43 China Wade Dr. Robert, 366 n Fremont Wadee George, 160 s Ann Wadleich Joseph, shoemkr, 77 Harford ar Wadsworlh Cliarles, brakeman, 186 McHenry Wadsworth & Clayton, (H. Wadsworth, F. L. Clayton) com. mcrchts and ship chandlery, 7.T Smith's whf Wad3\.orth H. (W. & Clayton) Charles-st av nr Denmead _ Waescbe George F. R. 333 Lexington >5 - CM Wagandl Mrs. Catherine, notions, 246 n Cen- ^ -^ €©■ tral av •-^ X.'' i^t Wagenfeld Henry, 134 n Bond '^' c c Wager Lieut. Barnet, U.S.A., Fort .McHenry "c - 'k Wager Geo. cooper, 29 (iongh ? "^ '-i^ Waggner Geo. E. (Barker, Chandlee & Co.)322 s >-, o e Pratt h^ ::; ^ Waggnei- Geo. J. carp. 72 s Chester }^ ii Waygner Isaiah, dej). sheriff, 80 s Washington 5* 2 ._ ^^'aggner John II. pnrapmkr, 175 Jefferson 2 o fc- Waggner Lemuel, shipcari>. 293 Bank •5 "x § Waggner Lewis (Lewis Waggner & Co.) 322 e ■^ oi >. Pratt "IS - W s c: H "i^ ^ A ^ o J x^ i) J* ^ ■ ^ , , f^ "^ s ? ""-^ -1-i r-^ ,. t— ' o P ^ .^ Waggner Lewis & Co. (L Waggner, Alex.San- ner) shijijoiners, s e cor Thames and Wolfe Waggner Wm. shipcarp. 144 s Paca Wagler C. F. watdunkr, 332 w Pratt Wagner A. (F.W. & Son) 63 w Baltimore Wagner Albert, tai'.or, 86 n Chapel Wagner Albert, grocery and tavirn, Clinton and Boston Wagner Albert, soldier, Clinton and Boston Wagner .Albert, postmaster, Canton, Cor Clintor and Bo.-iton Wagner Alfred, painter, 20 Woodyear Wagner Alex, shipcarp. 202 Montgomery Wagner Alois L. clerk, 2 Kaufman al Wagner Mrs. Ann, 227 n Entaw Wiigner August jr. architect, 44 Hanover Wagner .Angnsi, shoemkr. 46 s Poppleton Wagner .August, gas fixtures, 44 Hanover Wauner Baltus, watchman, 4 Weber Wagner B. Lansing (J.&B.L.W. also W.&Co. 1 16 Hanover Wagner Basil (Fisher, Bros. & Co.) consul fo Nicaragua, 2"> s Gay, dw 227 n Eutaw Wagner Casper, carp. 333 Mulberry- Wagner Casper, 134 German Wagner Casper, painter, 15 Hanipsiead Wagner Mis. Catherine, 81 Stockton Wagner Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 224 e Eager Warner .Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 13 Milliman Wagner Charles, traveling ag'l, 459 n Carey Wagner Charles, lab. 57 York Wagner Charles, printer. Waver ley Wagner Charles, carver, 128 n Caroline Wagner Charles, shoemkr, 1 Shakspear Wagner Charles G. baker, 391 s Charles Wagner Charles F. salesman, 240 .Mulberry Wagner Charles E. candymkr, 458 w Loiubar Wagner Charles, 1 ib. 199 Burgundy al Wagner Charles, plasterer, 136 3 Central av Wagner Charles A. notary public, 230 w Balti more, dw 373 Mulberry Wagner Charles, cigarinkr, 210 e Eager Wagner Christopher, lali 8 Beale ct WAGNER & CO. (B. L. Wagner, Francis i) Kin^i) oyster packers, 247 w Pratt W'agner Airs. Christine, huckster, 37 n Amity Wagner Christian, butcher, 252 n Dallas Wagner Conrad, cutler, 243 n ("entral .iv W^igner Conrad (W. & Weber.) 244 Hambur Wagner Conrad, tailor, 83 McElderry Wagner Conrad, lab. 433 Hamburg Wagner David, dej). sheriff, 8ii s Washington Wagner David L. carp. 654 Saratoga Waiii.er F]mil,chii:a and glassware. 97 Harriso Wagner F. (F.W. k Son) 63 w Baltimore Wagner F. & Son ( F. and A. Wagner) phot( graph gallery, 63 w Baltimore Wagner Francis, butcher, Chester nr Madison Warmer Frederick, cigarmkr, 3 Elizabeth la Wagner Fred, cooper, 148 Burgundy al Wagner Fred. asst. storekeeper U. S. publ store No. 1, dw 185 s Bond Wagner Fred. H. shoemkr, 175 n Central av Wagner (ieo. shipcarp. 202 Montgomery Wagner Geo. lab. 151 William Wajzner Geo. H.jr. cigarmkr. 458 w Lombai Wagner Geo. W. baker. 502 n Gay Wagner Geo. L. clerk, 502 n Gay Wagner Geo. L. {K>licp, 198Lan^ale Wa^iner Geo. 1 16 Hanover Wagner Geo. butcher, 16 Belair mkt, dw B« air av nr Baltiinore cemetery ? ^.r HOLMES & CO., Eno-ineers' and Machinists' Tools ancl Supplies S ' Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75. 000.000.00, Q. F. Bresee, Gen^l Agt. WAI WAO 611 Wapoer Geo. W. clerk, 81 Stockton Wiigtier Gk} jr. butcber, Belair av ext Wagner Gust.ivus, coach manufacturer, 403 AkHenrj Wagner Gustav. porter, 403 McIIenry Wagner IJarry T cl'rk,*35() w Baltimore Wagner Harry AI. clt-ik, 46 s Poiipleton Wagner Henry, lailor. (31 n Ceatral av Wagner Henr^-, IhIi 272 s Bomi Wagner H^nry {W.A Schryver) .Miller's hotel Wagner Henry, lurn and stoves, 2^(J Hamburg Wagner H C. si-cretary Life Association of America. 8 German nv South. dw 329 n Eutaw Wagner Henry, cutter, 1.t8 n Central av Wagner Henry, lahinetniki-, I.tI William Wagner Hecry, brickinkr, 298 Hanover Wagner Henry, beer. 233 e Lomliard Wagner Herman, slw-nikr, 346 Orleans Wagner Herinaii M.. .Malthv house Waguer Herui .n ( VV &S|iilker) G Barnet Wagner Hugo, clerk, 27 Ple^isant Wagner Jacob (J. J. Chancellor & Co.) Lex- ington ext Wagner Jacob, lab. 50 Philjsot Waga-r Jas. F. special agt. P. 0. 90 e Fayette Wagner James V. clerk, 227 n Eutaw Wagner Jolianaa, coiif' ctioHery, Iti w Fajette Wagner John, lab. 141 s Spring Wagner John, lab. 380 s Sharp Wagner John, lab. 414 s Charles Wagner John, carp. 55 Leadeiihall Wagner John, canmkr, 353 Aliceaana Wagner John, cooper, .'i5 s Regester Wagner John. lab. 164 Leadenli dl Wagner John, shoeuikrs'iuk ni«,nufr. l<3n Stirling Wagner John G. confectioner, 13 Milliman Wagner John S. cooper, Elizabeth la nr Heath Wagner Joha, switch tender, 12 Madison Wagner John, bier, 482 Canton av Wagner John, tailoi', 93 Leadenhal! Wagner John (J. & B. L. W.) 123 Hanover WAGNER J. J- B. L. prop'rs Green house res- tauiant. 188 and 190 w Pratt Wagner John G. milk, 4 Weber Wagner John P. butcher, .Moaumeot nr Chester Wagner Joseph, blacksmith, 3 Elizabeth la Wagner Joseph, chairmkr, 60 n Chapel Wagner Joseph, coof^r, 1 16 Battery av Wagcer Lawrence, cooper, 55 s Regester Wagner Lewis, Baker nr Penca av Wagner Lewis, laborer, 151 William Wagner Lewis, painter. Union hotel Wagner Lewis, cabineimkr, 12S n Caroline Wagner Lewis, wholesale and retail hardware, 431 w Baltimore, dw 16 s G.'eene Wagner Louis, printer, Lloyds hotel Wagner Mrs. Mariit. seamstress, 103 Lancaster Wagner Martin, (M. Waiiner & Co.) 55 Luzerne Wagner .Mary, seamstress, 12 Fountaia Wagner Martin & Co.( M.Wagaer, John Roder) canmkrs, 48 Luzi-rue Wagner .Mary A. tobacconist, 256 Eastern av Wagner .M. C. restaurant,. 186 w Pratt, dw 66 Columbia Wagner Matthias, driver, 2 Kaufman al Wagner Maic, coachfiainier, 81 McHenrv Wagner Michael, cooper, 265 sVest WagnerMichael,biickmkr,cor Brown and James Wagner .Michael, slioeinkr and beer, 14 n Wolfe Wagmr .Michael, cooper, 55 s Regester Wagner .Michael, lal)oier, 325 e Lombard Waguer Michael, tinner, 353 Aliceanna, Canton w Wagner Nicholas, tailor, 224 e Eager Wagner Peter J. laborer, 8 Beale ct Wagner Philip, shoemkr, 35 s Scliroeder Wagner Philip jr. candymkr, 458 w Lombard 73 Wagner Philiii, cooper, 50 n Durham ^ Wagner Philip, liutcher, 86 Centre and 5 Belair "' mkis, dw Highlandtown ^ Warner Phili|> A. carp. 35 s Schroeder ^ Wagner Reinliart, weaver, 10 n Pine Wajiuer Smiucl, sailniki-. 2ol Gouiih WAGNER & .Sl'lLKER(HernianWagner,Chas. r^ W. Sjjilker). gen. shipping and com. meiclits, Z 98 w Lombard " Wagner Mis. There.=a, notions, 83 McElderry p Watiner ThomMS, fire dept. 6 Jasper o Wagner & Schryver( Henry Wagner, E.MSchry- ^ ver) gen. com. nieichts 16 Camden --3 Wagner A Weber (C. Wagner, A. Weber )black- ^ smiths and wheelwrights, 242 Hamburg and r^ 81 Plum al _ Wagner Wn;. lab. 496 n Fremont ^^ Wagner Wm H. laborer, 35 Stiles Wagner Wra. boxii.kr, 108 Leadenhall Wagner Wm. tailor, 8S Pearl Wagner Wm. tailor, 83 McElderry Wagner Wra. clerk, 458 w Lombard Wagner Wm. liquors, 56 Leadenhall Wagner Wm. shoemkr, 268 Cross Wagner Wm. maltster, 79 n Chapel Wagner Wm. A. collector, 168 n Exeter Wagner Wm. coo[)er, 200 Penna av Wagner Wu). H. jilassblower, 245 Hanover Wahl Mrs. A. R. milliner, 95 n G o d P o o ay,dw 70 n Front ^ roadway, dw 275 AVahl Antoae, hatter, 141 s Broii n Gay Wabl Charles, laborer, 7 Donahue al Wahl Emil, cigarmkr, 69 Pearl Wahl Mrs. Fanny A. millinery and stamping 275 n Gay Wahl Henry, paints and oils, 265 Canton av Wahl Jacoti, hatter, 219 s Broadway, dw Jackson sq av Wahl John .M. sr. 70 n Front Wahl John M. jr. clerk, 70 n Front Wahl Joseph, shoemkr, Sjiring nr Bank Wahman J. H. hosiery and gloves, 134 Lexington ^ Wahnsman Edward, clerk, 121 e Lombard i-p( Waidnei Charles, tinner, 956 w Baltimore '"^ Waidner Edward L. canmkr, 566 Saratoga ^ Waidner Francis B. confectioner, 566 Saratoga '--j Waidner Frank J. carter, 20 n Castle ^ Waidner Henry A. (H. A. Waidner & Co.) 124 ^ Ph- Columbia av Waidner H. A. & Co, (H A. Waidner) canned goods brokers, 41 German e of Charles lij Waidner Jacob B. (Wellxiurn & Co.) 6 Parkin p;^ Waidner .Mrs. Jacol) P. .^66 Saratoga kh Waidner John F. clerk, 169 w Biddle P^ Waidner John J. saloon, 58 Raboig Waidner John J. drayman, 136 Burgundy al t^ Waidner John M. sr. 273 w Fa>ette t^ Waidner Lewis A jr. foreman, 224 s Sharp GQ Wailes Chas. A., State Ins. Com r, 3 PostoflSce ^j av, dw 379 n Strieker ""^ WAILES S. I. s c y .Md. Schillinger Artificial O Stone Co. 3 PostofRce av, dw 48 w Monument t^ Wain Daniel, machinist, 221 Peirce Wain Fred, butcher, 113 Columbia Wain Geo. H. hatter 205 Columbia Wain Lewis, furn. wagon, 221 Peirce Wain Thomas, starchmkr, 34 e Baltimore Wain Wm. L. upholsterer, 25 Brune |)er, 29GJ e Monument H Wake John C. sailmaker, 103 McElderry's wbf, K fD dw 4;-!6 e Moniiinent O Wakefield Joseph, shoeinkr, 88 Hanover Wakehani Francis, coachman, 388 w Eager CO Wakeland Mrs. Eliza. 225 Harford av ^ Wakeland James P. driver, 323 Aisqnith [2; Wakeland John A. porler, 363 n Durham Wakeland Win. lab. 225 Harford av Wakfly James P. cabinetmaker, 44 n Eden Wakoman .\lonzo, brakeuMn, 47 s Cvilhoivn Walbrtch John B. clerk, 68 CourtJand Walbach John J., 195 \v Townsend Walbach Theresa B., 195 w Townsend Walbiecker Wni. cabinetnikr, 223 Henrietta Walch Andrew, shoemaker, 119 L. Greene Walch Wni. bakery, 19 Stirling Waldeck Ferd. butcher, Monument nr Chester Waldeck George, shoemaker. 27 Lancaster W.ildeck John, drayman, 330 s Sharp W^aldeck Mrs. Mary, 27 Lancaster W^alder Adam, tailor, 213 Orleans Waldbauser Kilian, harness, 342 Orleans Waldhauser Michael, huckster, 70 n Wolfe Waldin Mrs. Caroline, 438 Penna av Waldkoenig Chris, cifiarmaker, 165 s Sharp Waldman Amos A. 'J Fella Point market, dw O 1 10 Jackson sc[ av ^ Waldman Henry C. painter, 169 Orleans r' Waldman Mrs. Wm. C. bookkpr. Homestead 2 Waldman Wm. C. bookkpr, 382 e Fayette *z; Waldmann James D. M.piovisions,413 e Chase <* Waldner Francis, restaurant, 54 North I^ Waldner Louis, bo.x maker, 266 Aisquilh Waldo Charles W. carpenter, 178 Bank i^"^ Waldo Mary E. seamstress, Wolfe nr Biddle 2^5 Waldorf & Bio. (Moses and Win. Waldorf,) CS clothing, 68 Centre Market sp >. W Waldorf Moses,(W.& Bro )6.-> Mullikin ^ Wahiorf Win. (W.& Bro. )65 Mullikin r^-^O Waldren Edward, huckster 131 s Bond Q 1^ 2 Waldren Wm. engineer, 103 s Caroline -, ^ tD Waldron Francis restaurant, 222 HoUina ^ f- «ji Waldron Francis, jr. clerk, 222 HoUins Q Es: ^ Waldscbniidt Henry, C!\rp. 278 Chew ^ ^ rj Wales .Mrs.Klizabeth.n w cor Castle and Gough Q Ei< Hri Wales Georse T. shoemkr, 139 Hamburg ■^ ^ Wales John, lab. 22 Grove al S 6 Q Wales Joseph, cigarmaker, 269 Canton av 0dwin, (Levering, W. & Co.) 169 Ed- inondson av * Walker Edwin J. clerk, 173 n Oregon Walker Edwin .M. tinner,35 s Strieker nr Pratt Walker Elias, bookkpr, 226 Hudson Walker Elisha J. machinist, Point la nr Green- mount cemetery Walker Mis. Elizabeth, boarding, 37 Chew Walker Elizabeth A., 17 Mullikin Walker .Mrs. Emily J., 268 Saratoga Walker George, lab. 36 Cross Walker Gtorge, clerk, 173 n Oregon Walker George T. boat bwilder, 19 Gough Walker George W. bookkpr. loO Myrtle av Walker George W. clerk, 666 Saratoga Walker Henry, groc'y, 63 Centre Market sp WALKER k HOOPKR, (Joshua Walker and Henry Hooper )coin. merchts, 77 Smith's whf Walker Isaac W. clerk, 111 w Lombard Walker Jarnes W. (Wm. H, Hovt h Co.) 60 MLGnlloh Walker John. lab. Sweet A.ir Walker John, lamplighter, 93 Hanover Walker John, driver, 296 s Dallas W^aiker John, patternrakr, Druidville Walker John, brickniuulder, 73 Johnson Walker J(ilin,(D. Wade &Co.)75 Edmondsona^ Walker John, huckster, 114 German Walker John H. clerk, 63 Centre Market sp Walker John H. tinner, 35 s Strieker W^alker John .M. machinist, Woodberry Walker John M.(Johii .M. W. & Co. )Caton3vilU WALKER JOHN M. k CO. (John M. Walker, C. J. R. Thorpe )reil estate, 2 Johnson bldg. w Fayette Walker" John T. police, 3 Randall Walker John W. brakeman, 346 Mulberry Walker John Y. plasterer, 37 Chew W^ilker John Y. plasterer. 61 Boyd Walker Joseph, u[)holsterer, 180 n Ekitaw, dw 59 s Schroeder Walker .loseph E. painter, 75 n Schroeder Walker Joseph W.( ValiaDi&W.)59 s Schroedei WALKER JOSHUA(W.&Hooper)173 n Oregot Walker Leonard R, engineer, 445 e F-ayette Walker Mrs. Margaret, confec'y, 420 SaratOg£ Walker Mrs. Margaret, 243 s Broadway Walker Mrs. Mary, 245 Druid Hill av Walker Mrs. Mary A., 476 w Lombard Walker Mrs. Mary F. grocery, 394 3 Charles Walker Mrs. Martha, 94 Holland WALKER NOAH A CO.(S.H & N.W.Caughj clothiers, Washington building, 165 and 16' w Baltimore \_See Advertisement Walker Oliver,constabIe and collector,48 Fred erick av Walker Peter D. machinist, 420 Saratoga Walker Philip H.(P H.W.& Co.)6'*o w Fayett WALKER P. H. & CO. (P. H. Walker) Bait! more advertising agency, 4 Soutli Walker Richard, fireman, 6 Fort av Walker Richard J. i)orter, 91 s Sharp Walker Robert, clerk, 181 West Walker Samuel, produce and fish, 12 Fish Mar ket sp, dw Anne Anuidfl co Walker Samuel C. clerk, Eutaw house Walker Samuel F. huckster, 37 Chew Walker Samuel H. carter, 213 West HENRY HOP^N & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. p; o o Jrargest Life Ins. Co. i^itbe 'World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ^* ^] W AL 613^ W A L ]]3^ ^ Wallace Win. R. clerk, 3T5 e Lotnliaid " Wailbcilecli Wni. porter, 42 1-eFavcite — Walleuhor.st Arthur, watelimkr, i;.^ w B.dliinore p^ Wallen.stein Mrs. 1). 112 s Ann ^^ Wallensteii) .Mr.-^. \Mrtiiiii:i, 73 I'ejvrl ^ Walli iisteiii Solomon, butcher, 7 Fells I'oiut rt aiui JT '.'entre in.ukets, s Aim \\"a!]iti\,\ein .Mrs. K. h<-er, 270 s Uroadway '^ '\\'al'vMi\\ < ill (Jeoij^e, iaii 27(> s Broadway X Walic'i- h'abil \V. 3i Jack.'^un pi _~ WalliT KriLst, tiav. iigei>t, M47 n Ann ^ Walle.< Joliii, re~l.iuraul. GA s ICutaw r: W'allinj.' Geo. (i. conductor, f)<; .Mcll";!;;.- Walliiijisfoid John. I'Ookoinder, 72 Oivi.-ion Walliiiysford Ja?. 11. .•^lh■elnkr, 72 i;ivisioii Wallis .Mr,-^. Annie J. 23'> w Biddle Wallis IJeiij. i.-ivil engineer, -Ki [^e.xinfrton, coa iron and cement, 8 s Gay, dw 91 Saratoga Wallis Henj. F. clerk, '.M .Siratu^'a Wallis (ieoriie E. cleik, 89 North Wallis Jas. .1. comluctor, Aisquiih nr I'oiut In ■•->; Wallis Keiiui'ih C bool-:k[(r, 2.^.') vv Biddle ^\■alli3 .Mrs. Mary, boardiiitr, 89 North C, Wallis Itoliert V., U.S. }j;aiit;er, d\v 76 e Ea^jer O WA LLiS >S. TKACKLK, ( Wallis & Thomas) 37 Q Si. Paul ;>. WALLIS k THOMAS, (S. T. Wallis, John 11. ^ Tliomas) attorneys, 37 St. Paul Wallis Win. H. cleik, 235 w IJiddl^- ^ Walls Dr. Kiiucli ti. 430 n Gay, d\v 181 oMon- . uiiient ^ Walls Fredk. A. dentist, 181 e .Moiiuuietit ^ Walls Dr. J. Win. (Drs. Clai,'ett & Walls) 18*^ s Kutaw Waliwork Tlios. (I. A. Slicpjiard .\- Co.) Phila. Walm^ley Wni. CO ichpainter. 01 Stiiliii}; W.ilper Geo. H. butcher, lo Cross-st market, dw .Millmiiton la nr Frederick av Wai[M-r Jacol), baker, 128 Low Walper John, en;:iaeer, 270 s Boi.d Waljiert Fied. (Frey, W. k Go.) H s Fulton Walsh Mis. .Vnu, jiiocery, 12 Milliman Walsh Denuis, tavern, 34 Glinton Walsh Eiiwaid. lal>. 28v 4(1 s Gilmor Walker Wm. H. wan-hman, 97 Lie Walker Wm. II.' MeK'.-.'l &W.) 0.\ford,York rd Walker Wm. J. clerk, 44 n Ann Wall Charles A. clerk, 156 I'earl A'all (Jhas. .A . clerk, cor Myrtk- av and Sarato;^a \Vall Coarad, fiirii. wairon. 146 Jidinsou '.\all Daniel, painu-r, 68 Walsh ^\all GeortiC, blacksmitli. 41 Watsca ,\'.)11 Henry D. jiroceiy, 42 e Ei-er \N all Joint, lab. 85 llairison. Canton ■X 11 John, inilkir, Clinton nr Fourih av Wall John, shoeniaker, '.Kj Franklin, dw 132 Franklin Aall J(din, (J. Cotter .^- Co.) 155 n Republican ^\■all .Michael, lab. McKira n of Eaper ^Vall .Michael, niiller, (.'liutonnr Fourth av Wall Mrs. M B dressmkr, 391 Leiington W'al! Norval W. architect, n w corChaik-3 aud Le.xiiigton, dw 340 w Lombard Wall Richard, lab. 85 Harrison, Canton Wall Wm E. (Ceo P.Frick &Co.) 11 s Charles Wallace Andrew J. canlker, 71 Hamburg Wallace diaries <'. carp. 295 Bank Wallace Daaiel C. clerk, !49 e Lombard Wallace D.avid .M. printer, Franklin hotel Wallace Edward, moulder, 75 Patterson av Wallace (Jeori^e, clerk, !91 s Paca Wallace George, clerk, 46 s Iii.:h Wallace (jeor^'e .\ . camnkr, 33 s Bond Wallace Geor>ie F. clerk, 23 I'enn Wallace Ge.iijre W. painter. 27(J n Ann Wrtllaie Harrison, carp. 48 Philpot Wallace Horatio constable, 295 Bank Wallace James, fii email, 143 William Wallace James E. carp 247 Lee Wallace James P. blacksmith, 5 Hope al Wallace John T. 191 s Paca Wallace Jo.^eph, lab. 247 Lee Wallace Joseph, carp. 172 Jolinson Wallace Jos. W. clerk, 164 e Ka^er Wallace .Michael, shijicarp. 155 s Chester Wallace .Michael, tailor. 86 n Central av Wallace P. Gait, clerk, 27C Madison av Wallace Patrick, lab. 3 Diamond Wallace Patrick, lal), 323 n Dallas Wallace R. Bruce, clerk, 276 M idi.-on av Wallace Richard, blacksmith, 27 n Eden Wallace ilichard D. machinist, Whatcoat nr Presstman Wallace liicliaid M. clerk, 46 s High Wallace Shyler, clerk, 446 e Monument Wallace Samuel S. bookkpr. 44 n Populeton Wallace Sarah, notions, 341 n Gay Wallace 3I;s. Sarah, 276 Madison av Wallace .Mrs. Susnii, 44 n Poppleton Wallace Thomas, Inbricatiiiij oils. 96 s Eden Wallace Win. A. jr. clerk, 446 e. Monument Wallace Wm. A. sr. carp. 446 e .Moaument Wallace Wm. E. 311a Gay Wallace Wm. E. [lolice, 229 Conway Wallace Wra. H. .>hipcarp 24o Bank Wallace Wm. K. blacksmith. 27 n Eden Wallace Wm. K. lec'y Baltimore Block board, .Xlaltbv house < r— I < H GQ H O Power Press Printin K Walshe Dr. Desp.ud .\I.. Lutherville K^ - Walsiiiiih Geo. cabinetinkr, .58 Le idenhall ZZ ^ Walsmith Louis, cahinetmkr. .S4 n Caroline W.tlsioii E. ('. p:inier, Merchants hotel WalstriJiii Kdward, porter, 126 s Charles _ W:il6 Hiilen d ^ Walslrum i'eter sr. shoemkr, 42e Biddle ^ ;a Walslriim Samuel, fireman. 2 Andre ^ ,^ Waltemeyer Chas. moulder 528 w Lombard ■^ Waltemeyer John, n achinist, 40 s C.ilhoiin "k . Waltemeyer Jacob, packerofo\sters, fruits, jel- j^ ^ lies. &c. 182 Hamburg, dw 45 s Fulton !> C Waltemeyer Warren, machinist, 67 Pearl ^ "o Waltenaieyer Louis K. beer. 518PennaaT c 'Z Walter Ahram (R.W. & Co ) .SI 5 w Lombard 1^ -' Walter Alfred, civil engineer, 37 .Mt. Vernon pi Walter .\nibiose, lab. ho n Fiemont Walter Adam, stonecutter, 218 Williatn Wal er Alex. M. painter, 282 n Durham Walter Ambrose, tobacconist, 670 w Baltimore, dw 424 w Lombard Walter A. J. clerk, 85 n Eutaw Walter Andrew J. tobacconist. 387 Saratoga Walter Asbiiry, jiainter, 368 e Fayette Walter August, dairy, 125 n CJutr.iI al Walter AulmisI, beer, 256 s Broadway WALTER ^ BOYD, (Geo. K. Wi.lteV, John J. Boyd) com merchts, 10 Spears whf Walter Balthazar, tailor, 66 Aisqnith Waller Chas. barkpr, 256 s Bioadway Walter Chas caljineimkr, 29 Ridtrely ^3 . Walter Chas. H. clerk, 24 Clarke S ^ Walter Chas. restaurant, 353 s Bond "Jl '^ Walter Chas. T. photojir.-ipher 54 n Charles -Z ^ Walter Conrad, lithogiapher, 8»1 w Pratt ^ >» Walter Kdmund. coinlnclor, 55 Gough Walter Kdward H. restaurant, 48 Po^tof^^ce ar, dw 722 w Baltimore Walter Edwnrd J. clerk, 24 Clarke Walter Edward T.H, claim ai;f,241 e Baltimore Walter Edward, lal). 11 Bentalon Walter Fred. W. bookkpr, 48 u ('astle Walter Frank, clerk, 369 Druid Hill av -=■ ^^ Walter Geo. cit^armkr, 3'.7 s Charles J- i;c Walter Geo. iiaker, 36 s Repul)lican c _= Walter Geo. lab. 103 n Washinirton Z. '-r Walter Geo. K. ( W. k Boyd) 36<) Druid Hill av -^ -r Walter Geo. M. e.x press driver. 24 Clarks ^ Z) Waller Geo. R. salesman. 24 Claik o ^ Walter Gilbert R. clerk, 62 n Paca • ^ ~i Walter Henry, farmer, is Baker ct 2 .^ Walter Henry, cooper, 68 s Regester ^ 1. Walter Henry, stonemison, 377 Hamburg "1^ ? Walter Henry, liquors, 147 Franklin ij >-, Walter .Mrs. Hettie, 353 w Fayette - =^ >^ < leg o Walter Jas. blacksmith, 25 Whatcoat Walter J.is. collector, 53 Geortre Walter Jerome, derk, 8.5 u Eutaw Walter John, shoemkr, 18 B:\Uer ct Walter John, sawyer, 200 s Durham Walter John A. sjonecutter. 2ie Williara Walter John, tailor, )0S e F.ombard Walter John, sawyer, 270 3 Caroline Walter John, ciuarnikr, 80 n FietiKint Walter John, lieer, 72 Orleans W^alter John, clothing culler, 55 McElderry Walter John, li»l). 1 2 Sarah Ann Walter John jr. clerk, 72 Orleans AValter J(din ^L wheelw rijiht ISChesnut al Walter John P. clerk, 72 Orleans Walter Joseph M. jeweler. 85 u Eutaw Walter Joseph (R.W &Co.) 62 n Paca Walter Lewis L. (R.W. & Co.) 340 LexingtOD Walter Lewis, driver, 125 n Caroline Walter Louis L. 340 Lexington Walter .Mrs. r>Muisa, tobacco, 357 s Charles Walter -Mrs .Marv, 125 n Caroline WALTER MOSES R. aitornev, 35 St. Paul,d\v 62 n P^tea Walter Peti r. weaver, 10 n Chapel Walter Philip, shoemkr, 22& u Front Walter Philip, lieer, cor Eayer and Central av W^ilter [;. k Co. (R.,L.L., A.andJos Walter.N. Frank) wholes, clothiers, 326 w Baltimore Waller R. (R.W k Co.) 62 n Paca Walter .Mrs. Saruli A.di-essmkr,728 w Lombard Walter Slanislaus.sandcarls, L;in vale andEltJng Walter Wm. F. lab. 123 n Fremont Walter Wm. glassblower. 367 William W'alter Wm. clerk. 55 iMcF^lderry Walter Wm. U. barkpr, Wolfe and Bank "Waller Wm. clerk, 241 e Baltimore Walter Wm. W. clerk, 62 n Paca Walterhoefer Mrs. Dora, crocery, 19 n Oregoti Walterhoefer Conrad, ciginnkr, 19 u Oregon Walterhoefer Fied.C.barber,443 w Fayette, dw lit II Oregon Walters Arthur W. 22 n Pine Walters Benj. carp. 247 Dolphin "Walters Benj. H. 24 7 Dol]>hin Walters Chas. barber, 11 Fell Walters Chas. biker, 183 Peirce Walters Chas. driver, 128 s Bond WALTERS EDWLX, distiller at Cinton, office 42 w Lombiird, dw B.irnmus hiiel Walters Henr> . painter, Woodi)erry Walters Jas, machinist, 62 s Po|ipleton Walters Job, blacksmith. 52 Frederick av,dw 13 Wallers John, mariner, 1,59 s Ch:ip<'l Walters John, tobacconist, 162 3 Charles WMlters John C,. beer, 141 L. Greene Walters John F. eutjincer, 121 Chew Wallers John H. salesman, 141 L. Greene Walters Joseph, barkeeper, l8St. Paul Walters Joseph T. cirp. 229 Dolphin Walters I»uis, lab, 7 n High Walters Mrs, Mary, 311 iMcHeury Walters Wm, T. wheel wriijht. 247 Dolphin Walters Wm F. restaurant, 18 St. Paul and 72 w Favette Walters Wm. T. (W. T. W. k Co.) 65 Mount "Vernon pi WALTKRS W. T. 4" CO. (W. T. Walters, J. P. McC.iy, John W. McCoy, Henry Yeatraan) imps, wines and liquors, 68 Exchani^e pi "Walters William C. police, 9 s Oregon Walterspeir Martin, finisher, 19 Poultney |,.; HOLMES & CO. ~ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. WAL 615 WAR \V,iltti!tm C. S., Fulton nr Lexin'rton '\\'altliarn Thomjis A. painter, 212 e Pnitt Waltlier Cliristiaa, shoenikr, 558 w Pratt ^^'u!^!ler George Iv slioefitter, H5 Lee '\V;iltlier Frederick, linker, 816j w IJtiltiraore 's\'allher J A. hil). [lomestead Wujtiier JoJHi L. baker, 327 Eastern av V\'alijeii Andiew S. lioxnikr, 172 Orleans \\iltjeii .Mrs. Christina, varieties, 172 Orleans Walijen Ernest, cutter, 8 East Waltjeii Frederick, boxinkr, 88 n Bond Waltjen Henry, jiolice, 33 u Central av Walijen Jacob, plasterer, 172 Orleans Waltjen John, confectioner. 449 e Eafier Waltjen Wni. 11. boxmkr, 13 S|)riiise;ih F. lab 63 Hamhiirgr Walton Mrs. M A. dressujkr, 192 Penna av Walton Robert J. jeweler, 65 n Charles Walton Tiernan(T Walton & Co.)81 n Liberty Walton Tieriiaii & Co. (Tiernan Walton) com. tnenhtg, 97 w Lombard WALTON, WHANN & CO. manufacturers of Whanus raw bone super phosphate, 16 Bowlv's whf Walton' Wu). B. (I. A. Sheppard & Co.) 103 s Broad wav Walton w; D. (Warwick, W. & Co.) Peters- burg, Va. Walton W'm. shipjoiner, 172 Hu:.'hes Walton Wilbur F. draughtsman, 416 n Carey Walton \Vm. V. teaclier. 111 n Chester Waltrup Wm. salesman, 328 w Fayette Waltz Hester A. varieties, 741 w B.iltimore Waltz Jacob, druggist, 413 Franklin Waltz J/a Wanijiler Mrs. J. .M . 40 n Re|)ublican Wam^lev J„hn S.(W. I — I n Warlick Wm, jiianomkr, 88 s Fremont W^irmliold Albert, cigarnikr, 35 s Bethel Wai:i (Jlirisii:in, carp. 19(5 Hamburg W.unfu'Id John G. restairant, 152 Li;zht-st whF AVaniike Chas. clerk, 146 Clu'sapenke Waineke Ge >. trrocerv, 146 Chesapeake Wurnt'ke Henry, lab. 145 Cliejia|ieake Waint-ll Wni. 87 s Sharp Warner Addisoa W. iiookkpr, ii w cor Balti- I more and Pine iWarner Alhei'tus E. brakenian, 132 Pi-arl Warner Alfred W. locksmith. 96 s Strieker WARN E P. AXOREW E. ^old and silversmith, 135 w Baltimore, dw 133 e Baltimore Warner .Auiiust, cij^arpacker, 75 n Ili,ii;h Warner Chas. R. carp. 347 Penna av Warner Cliristian, 56 Lafayette mkt, dvv Baker nr Penna av Warriei- Cliristoplier, photngrapliist, 73 w Bal- timore Warner's [\k\k Freight Line Depot, 128 Xorth, John W. Warner, jiroii'r Warner Edw. F. brassfiuisher, 255 ^\^l!sh Warner Franci.s A. tailor, ?57 .Aisquith Warner Francis B. boot and shoe manuf over n vv cor Sharp and German, dvv 205 w Biddle Warner Dr. Frank A-otFice 256 n Eden,d\v 157 Aisquith Warner Frank B salesman, 205 w Biddle Warner Geo. huckster, 216 Columbia Wi.rnerGeo. real estate bnjker, 15 St. Paul, dw 300 Walsh Warner Geo. grocery, 36 Johns(ai Warner Geo. jr. attorney, 15 St. Paul, dw 78 Franklin Warier Gt-o. K. coal agt, 8 Edmondso'i av Warner Rev. G'-o. K., Rector of Advent .Mis- sion, 31 Warren Warner Gustavus N. bookkeeper. Division nr Lanvale Warner Henry A. dry goods, 65 0'Donnell Warner Henry W . clerk, 346 Madison av Warner Henry, shipcarp. 263 Aliceanna Warner James .M. clerk, 323 e .Monument Warner James R. printer, 157 .\isquilh Warner James, painter, 214 Columbia Warner James .M. tailor, 9 n Caroline Warner Jehu, huckster, 28 Brune Warner John, carter, 74 Bank Warner John IL conductor, 301 Columbia Warner John, butcher, F, Lexington mkt, dvv Baker nr Penna av Warner John, shoemkr, 62 Holland Warner John, veterinary surgeon, 209 s Bond Warner Jolin W. prop'r Warner's Exp. [>ine, 128 North, dvv flanover. Pa Warner John H. (Morrison & W ) 163 Lanvale Warner John IT. R. 3:7 .Madison av Warner John P. |ilumber, 265 William \Varner John \V. attornev. 101 \v lidinbard Warner Luther F. clerk, 40 I w Li'ml)ard Warmr Mrs Mary A. 316 n-Eutaw Warner .Michael. 337 Maia Warner ."^ainiiel. lab. 6 \\'oodyear Warner Theo. salesman, Howard hoiife Wiirner Tlieo. A. 2i'5 w Biddle Warner Wui. A. 78 Fir.nkliu Warner Wm. IL hostler, 5L C(mst;!i!ti(ai Warner Wm eigarmkr, 165 n Fremont Warner Wm II. ii|diolslercr, lOl P.rkin Wainer Wm H. m.ichinist, 259 s Broadw.iy Warner Wni. 11. clerk. 157 .Aisquith Warnick James W. crp. 153 s I'aca Warnick Rieh.ird, shoes. 24 Thom^en Warnick W:n, brassfinislier, 11 Wyeth Warnicke Clias. i)ianomkr. 60 Boyd Warnilz Edward, packer. Appraiser's office, dw 214 e Baltimore Warnken Geo. 133 Columbia Waruke 1 Henry, marble cutter, 133 Columbia Warnken Fred, clerk, 1 :!.'! Columbia Warren Allen, mnsici.m, 116 e Favette Warren Burkett B bookkpr, 454 MuUierrv Warren .Mrs. Hester A. R. 79 e Bidd'e Warren John, messenger, Barnu ii's hotel Warren Lavvieiice J. lime, c-ment, bricks, Ac. 18 Fast Falls av, dvv 96 e Pratt Wan en Leander, commercial repnrter Gazette. 293 Park av Warren Michael, s.ilesman, 90 .St. Peter Warren Nels'ni, provisions, 283 e Eager Warren Patrick J. pictures, Ac. 352 w Pratt Warren Patrick, lab. 4 Henry Wairen .Mrs. Philip* I! ii Popideton Warren Samuel B. baggage master, si n Calvert Warren Samuel, locksmith, Si n Calvert Warren Tho-. J. bor, 43 n Bond Warren Theodore, saiestnan, Howard hoiirC Warrenberger Chris, tinner, 7! W,ii"er Warrenberger Matthias., tinner, 71 Warner Warrington Chas. F. [)rodnce, 140 Lancaster WarrinLiton James, lab, 195 Ramsiy Warrineton J(d)n E.W. huckster, 15 Shakspcar WARK1N(JT().\' LEWIS, tobacco com. micht. 96 vv Lombard, dvv 308 n Gilmor Warrington .Mrs. Mary, 7 s Broadway Wariingtou Mrs Susan -V. 140 Lancaster W^arihen ("has. W. car[). 24 s Republican Waithen Henriett.i, 65 Division Wartman A. C. watchman, 65 O •r s o X' ^ Qi yj w o CJ "r _::" :z: c "^ ' — ' ;j-i :/: ■n . ^ . z^ ri ;:i be 2 C *" a .— < u .^ X ^ •" fc-> "y -^ ; : ~u> . ^ r» s -1 • -^ -. -_ O -3 i) O S o • rx X Cj o -^ ' "^ s o ■ — u— o JJ y: > ■x 1> — X r-- o r" c ■ — ^ ci — >^ ^ iC ^ Ol - —J ■ ,^ ^ i ti3 s J ce >. >; u h-- UJ -» x> ^■i* CJ '^ r:^ s S H V O =? a: « ^ o 4-^ v. yi ^ — ?3 7) a "^ -u >^ ^^tual Life Ins'tirance Co. of New York, WAR ' 618 WAT -\ _ > ^ ■~> > ^ T ■- o c: ^ ^ '•C^ X 0) -^ >, ^ rr. - i .^ lO h — ; ^> Warwick J. A. (Warwick, Walton&Co.)Peters- bur^. Vii. Washhourn Geo. W. cleik, 273 n Broad way Washbuiirri Jdhn T.8r.lio(ikkpr,2"3 n I>ro;idwrty Wasiiboiirn John T. jr. moulder. 273 n Broailway Washhourn Nicliolas. moulder, 273 n Broad wa\ Washburn C. W. (W.F. Washburn & Son) 22^ n Cliarles Washburn R. E. 169 n Calvert WasiibuMi W F. & Son { W.F.andC. W.Wash- burn )coal cor Lee and Lit;hl, and office 25 Park av Washburn W.vman F. (W.F. Washburn & Son) 228 n Chailes Washiiii2;ton, Alexandria & Georpetowu Steam Packet Co. Chas. Wortliini;ton agent, foot of Commerce WASHINGTON FAST FREIGHT LINE, 45 North W.^SHINGTON FIRE INSURANCE AND LOAN CO. OF BALTI.MORK, Isaac Hart- man president 38 Second WASHINGTON HOTKL, Richard Markert, l>rop'r n w cor Eutaw and Camden Washington Iron Foundr\', S. B. Sexton, pro'r, 154 Conwav WASHINGTON LIFE INS. CO. OF N. Y. Daniel Grant Emory, raana<^er, 32^ St. Paul Washington Lewis, mariner, 124 Orleans Washinjitoii .Maiiliew J. plumber, 87 Peirce Washington University, n w cor Calvert and Saratoga Washington University Hospital, n w cor Cal- vert ami Saratoga Waskey Benj. H. (B.W.&Son) 123 s High Waskev. Beuj (B. W. & Son) 123 s Hiizh Waskey Benj. & Son (B. and B. II. Waskey) furniture, 3 n Gay Waskev Wm. 0 varnisher. 123 s High W.ismuth Daniel, carp. 118 Raborg Wasmnih Fred. sr. tanner, 31 Buren Wasmuth Fied. bulclier, 3s Belair market, dw Clifton nr Penna av Wasmuth Herman (J. A. .May nard jr.& Co.) 31 Buien Wasmuth Harman, cuirier. 31 Buren Wasmuth Henry, groc'y, Broadway and Abbot Wasmuth John, butcher, 28 Belair market, dw Clifton nr Penna av Wa,-on Robert, clerk, 91 Saratoga Wason .Mrs. S. 382 Aisquitli Wasserman Bernard, iioaiding, 38 s Sharp Wasserman Joseph, salesman. 38 s Sharp Wasserman Jose(di L. cigarmkr, 146 3 Eutaw Wasserman & Kaufman (S. Wasserman, S. C. Kaufman) dry goods, 49 n Howard Wassernr'i) Solomon, (W. & Kaufman) over 49 n Howard Wassman Charles, tailor, 10 East Waitkins Summerlield, lab. 68 Short atkins Thomas, bl.icksmith, rear 35 Liiiht atkins Thos. C. ass't pressman Sun oflBce, 120 Barre atkins Thorn is M. clerk, 233 n Carey atkins W^m. plasterer. Hunter al nr John atkins \Vm. sr. tailor, 133 Barre atkins Wm. telegrai>hist, 133 Barre ATKINS WM. B shoes, 208 n Howard atkins Wm. K. salesman, 233 n Carey atkins Wm. F. cooper, 396 West atkins W^in. H. public weigher, 54 s Gay,dw 267 w Hoffman atkins Win. McK.lieut.police,50 Cumberland atkins Wm. T. painter, 172 Conway atkinson Rev. Mark R. 315 e Eager atkinstedd Henry, cabineiinkr,2 16 s Caroline atrous John C. 332 Holliiis atsoii Alex. D. oils and paints, 173 w Pratt atson Dr. Arthur, Saratoga and Myrtle av atson Dr. Arthur, 309 n Eden atson B. carp. 21 Harford ar atson Benj F. sawyer, 139 Conway atson Benj. F. jr. blacksmith, 139 Conway atson Mrs. C-iroline, 116 German atson Chas. R. clerk, 139 Mosher atson Edward, j)ilot, 185 s Washington atson Frank, painter, 139 Mosher atson Frank, musician, 222 s Bethel atson George, porter, 182 ii Gay atson George E. salesman, 1 1 Barnet atson Mrs. Henrietta, 139 Mosher atson Henry, firnier, 85 Thaui'-s atson Hiijih, letter carrier, 153 East atson James, woodworker, 44 Chew atson Prof. James A., Brvant, Stratton & Sadler Business College, 184 Mulberry atson James E. carp. 127 Mosher aison James E. c>rd av Walts James .M. miller. 348 Harford Watts Jas. M. carp, and builder, 167 Preston Watts Ji'hn, painter. .Mount Royal nr North av Watts John F. painter, .Mount Royal nr North av W'atts J Henry V. (Watts ^ Co. and Beasley, Clarke & Co".) 68 n Charles Watts John J. c.irp. 30 Brune Watts J. .Marion, (J. .M. Watts & Bro.) n w cor Fremont and .Mosher Watts J. M. k Bro. (J. Marion and J. C. Watts) painters, s w cor St. Paul and Fayette Watts John W. bricklayer, 127 n Eutaw W^itts .Mis. J. W. milliner, 127 n Eutaw Watts John W. switchman. Biddle e of Ann Watts John W. apothecary, 19 Aiscjuitli,dw 20 s Chester Watts Jos. B. ])apeihanger, 59 Holland W'atts Joshua C. painter, 42 n Gilmor Watts Mrs. Keziah, 209 .Mulberry CD pq o O o o o o ^ ZQ S IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, WAT 620 WEA < H a P O c r/-5 r/) aj ^ o O ^ r-i ^ b i 1.— ( f=^ < w Watts Kinsey, stonemason, 293 FrMnklin Watts Xrttlianiel, carp. 293 Franklin Watts Nathaniel, 254 .Madison av Walts Oliver H. driver, 158 n Fremont Watts Richard, painter, 5 Wallver Watts Richard W. carp. -194 Lexinrter, Shar|) nr West Watts Thomas \i. currier, 133 Preston Watts Thomas S. clerk. 210 Aisquith Watts Thomas M. pilot. 114 Goucrh Watts Thomas B. cuirier. 155 Goujrh Watts Wasliinjrton, luicklayer. 51 Wyeth Wat'.s VVm. jr. com. mercht. 96 Lit;lit-st wbf, d\v 424 II Calhoun Watts Wra. H. R. painter, Cottajieav nr York rd Watts Wm. T. ba^'gMi-e agent, 1 18 Orleans OQ 03 H S K Q o fe s 1^ i—i zZ r^ IZ '^ I— I ^J F^ WATTS W. W., Puinter, Graining, Glazing, Staining and Varnishing, 48 St. Paul, dw Baltimore eo. Waudhy Chas. E. 124Cnrlev U'audby Robert, carp. 124 Cnrley Waiiuh Edward, tiiilor, 340 Saratoga Waverley Hall and Readinji Rooms, Waverley Waverley (M. K.) Church. Waverley Wavrina Mrs. Caroline, dressmkr, 9 .Milliman Wavriua Joseph, varnisher, 9 Milliman Wawrena Frank, cabinet inkr, 191 s Bond Wa.xter Mrs. Anastasia, 37 Rose Waxter .August, driver, 12 Chesnut al Waxter Chailes, lab Woodberry Wa.Kter Philip, lab. 31 Rose Waxter Wm. P. ice, 345 Cathedral Way Andrew J. H. s w cor Charles and Lex- ington, dw 179 Linden av Way Rev. Klon J. homeopath physician, 53 s Broadway Way Fred, marker. 51 Cambridge Way Fredk. oysterp icker, 51 Cambridge Way George, cardriver, Whatcoat nr Presstmau Wav Jolin H. grocery, cor Tyson and Fulton al Way Dr. Phebe .M. 62 n Green Wav Scott, lab. 168 Chesapeake Way Dr. W. R. 19 s Broadwjiy Wayne Hester, 19 Josephine Wayne Wm. G. butcher, 20 Hanover, 7 Lexing- ton and 8 Centre mkts, dw 55.') Haiford av Ways Mrs. F. J. notions, 47 n Strieker Ways Geo. \V. 47 n Strieker Ways M. J. miller, Strieker nr Presslman Wavs Samuel, fireman, 272 Ramsay Ways Thos. J. clerk, 47 n Strieker Wayson Andrew, mariner, 225 s Ann W'ayson George, shncker, 225 s Ann W.AVSUN Dk. GKORGF W. 18 Aisquiih Wayson John E. \). student, 18 Aisquitli Wayson John T. mariner, 22,') s .Ann Wayson Thomas, rigger, 225 s Ann Wazah Launcelot, iiib. 307 s Bonl Weatrer Frank A. cooper, 252 s Spring, dw257 e Pratt Wcager George -A. cooper, 257 e Pratt Weager Geo. K. cooper, 257 e Pratt Weager Margaret K. trimmings, 257 e Pratt W.ale Thos. F. (Geary & W.) Carrollton hotel Wealert Wtn. tailor, 323 n Central av WEATHKRBV chas. stoves, ranges, &c. 369 w Baltimore, dw 281 w Lombard Weathcrby J. Emory (J. W. & Sons) 260 w Lombard Weatherby J. S. (J. W. & Sons,) Hollins 3d door w of Gilnior WKaTHFRBV J. & SONS (J., J. E. and J. S. Weatherby) steam heating apparatus and hot air furnaces, 11 and 13 n Liiierty Weatherby Jeremiah (J. W.&Sons) 259 Druid Hill av above Dolphin Weatherby John S. engineer, 325 Canton av Weatherley J. W.( Riddlemoser & \V.) York rd Weatherley Wm. B. 36 w Pratt Weatliermin Albert P. engineer, 442w Lombard Weathers M;s. Elizibeth, 277 w L:)mbard Weathers Henry C. 277 w Lombard Weathers .losei'h S. clerk. 74 s Ann Weathers Dr. Wm. 366 n Fremont Weatlierstine (Jeo. W. sailmkr, 132 s Chester Weathersline Jacob, p.iinter, l34sChe.ster Wealherstine Jas. K. shipjoiner, 173sChestei Weathersline 'S\vi. Mary, 173 s Chester Weatlierstine Wm. carp. 366 Ea.stern av Weaver & Bro. (Gideon and Roman Weaver, confectioners, 296 n Gay W^eaver Casper, weiver, 8 Bevan Weaver Casper, butcher, H Bevan Weaver .Mrs. Catherine, 315 Light Weaver Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 4 Bevan Weaver Chas. conductor, 379 Penna av Weaver Chas. bib. 208 s Bethel Weaver Chas. tailor, 66 n Eden Weaver Chas. H. beer, 386 s Charles Weaver Chas. H.J. butcher, 21 Cross-st mkt dw 135 Johnson Weaver D. (I. A. Sheppaid & Co.) Philadelphi; Weaver Daniel, 144 George Weaver Dediick C. painter, 124 n Eutaw, d\ 32 s FnUon Weaver Dedrick C jr. painter, 6 George Weaver Edmund J. painter, 117 Parkin Weaver Edward E. butcher, 616 Light \Veaver Mrs. Elizabeth, 298 Le.-viiiiiton Weaver Francis, tlour inspector, 274 w Prat dw .Myrtle av nr Hoffman Weaver Geo polishei-, 86 n Oregon Weaver Go. R. nior"cco dresser, 26Con9titutio Weaver (ieo. R. morocco dresser, 146 n llish Weaver Geo. feed, 471 Liirht, dw 465 Weaver Gideon (W. & Bro.) 296 n Gay Weaver Harman D. china and glassware, 7 Camden Weaver Harry, tiilor, 271 e Baltimore Weaver Henry, engineer, 26S e Monument Weaver Henry, cigarmkr, 44 n Caroline Weaver Jacob, shoemkr, 123 n Central av WFAVKR JACOB, undertaker in general, and 6 Druid Hill av, dw 4 Weaver Jacob B. varnishei', 61 Stockton Weaver Jacot) B. painter and grainer, 270 Broad w Ay Weaver Jacob, blacksmith and wheelwrigh Barre and Charles, dw 156 s Charles Weaver James F. i)ainter. s w cor Howard aij Lexington, dw II Mvrtle av Weaver James, 1 ib. W\)lfe nr Biddle Weaver John, lab. Wolfe nr Biddle Weaver Joiin, lab. 250 s Kutaw Weaver John, tailor, 576 w Baltimore Werver John, brassfinisher, 26^ e .Monument Weaver John jr. painter, 129 n Paca Weaver John, cabinetmkr, 43 Perry Weaver John, lab. 458 w Lombard HENRY riOEM" & 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. i^ tlie World, O. F.Bresee, Gen. Agt WEA 621 WEB Weaver JoliD C. carter and coal, 34 Gittings Weaver John, nightman, 4 Hevan Weaver Jolin, carp. 255 Coluiubia \\V iver Joliii W. undertaker, 129 n Piica W I';AVER JOHN H. undertaker and cabinet- maker, 22 vv Favette. [5e« advertisement . Weaver Juseph, salesman, 564 Saratoga W -aver Joseph, hib. 11 Binney \\eaver Mrs. Julia, 79 n Pine Weaver Levi, a^'t paper box manuf. over 220 w Baltimore, dw (oitage av nr York rd Weaver L. lab. 3 Furrow Weaver Lewis, driver, 109 Vine Weaver Louisa, confect'y, 2G8 e Monument Weaver .Mrs. Maggie, grocery, 135 Johnson Weavar Capt. Philip, manner, 231 Bank Weaver Roman (W.& Bro.) i96 n Gay Weaver Robert S. painter, 292 Franklin Weaver Samuel, shoerakr, 252 Franklin Weaver Thos. S. blksmith, 452 w Lombard Weaver Wm. baker, 19 Wyeth Weaver Wm. lab. 19 Wyeth Weaver Wm. C. butcher, 016 Light Weaver Wm. E. foreman, Biddie nr Castle WKAVliR WM. D. b(,ots and shoes, Calvert, under Barnum's hotel, dw 89 Hanover Weaver Wm. undertaker, 206 n Entaw Weaver Wm. H. mariner, 295 Bank Weaver ^Ym H. butcher, 75 Hanover and 23 Cross-.st mkts, dw 616 Light Weaver Wm. H artist, 147 e Baltimoie Weaver Wm. R. civil engineer, 34 w Biddie Webb Abner, 70 n Paca Webb A. P. jr. clerk, 50 n Greene WEBB A. L. &S0\, (A. L. and B. D. Webb) com. merchts and agents for Dupoul's pow- der, cor Pratt and Commerce Webb Albert L. (A.L.W. cf- Son and John W. Wright & Co.) 120 St. Paul Webb Arthur, blacksmith, 200 .Madison av Webb Augustus P. grocery and feathers, corner Lexington and Paca, dw 50 n Greene Webb B. Deford (A.L.W.& Son) 218 n Calvert Webb (Jharles, ass't supt. W. M. R. R , Eut.iw and Fayette, dw 172 Aisquith Webb Charles A. 120 St. Paul Webb Charles W. produce dealer, 9 Pearl WEBB CHAS. H. grocer, n w cor Eutaw and Le.xington, dw 303 w Fayette Webb Chas. (J.Armstrong & Co.) 24 Read Webb Cbas. J. clerk, 24 Read Webb Chas. A. clerk, 12o St. Paul Webb Chas. H. clerk, Biddie and Bond Webb Chockley, glassblower, 397 s Sharp Webb Mrs. Clarissa, 43 Chew- Webb David, glassblower, 4 Covington Webb Edmund J. jr. clerk, 217 Linden av Webb Edmund J., Central Insurance rooms, corner Postoffice av and Baltimore, dw 217 Linden av Webb FranK W.(H.W.W.&;Son).592 Lexington Webb Frankliu L. clerk, 120 St. Paul Webb Francis L D. sign painter, 43 s Fulton Webb G. Edward, salt, 58 South, dw Rennert house Webb George R. clerk, Biddie and Bond Webb Geo. F. flour, grain and general com. merch't, 130 North, cor Franklin, dw 265 Linden av WEBB GEO. W. &C0. (G. W. Webb,) gold- smiths and jewelers, s e cor Baltimore and Light Webb Geo. W (G.W.W.&Co.) 123 w Madison Webb Harry P. silverburnisher, 179 Preston Webb Henry E collarmkr, 215 George Webb Henrv W.(H W .W.itSon)592Le.\iiigion WEBB IIK.NRY W. .V SUN ^H. W. andF. W. Webbj hardware, 148 \v Pratt Webb Jacob, gla^^sblower, 397 s Sharp Webb James, ovsterpacker, 127 3 Washington WEBB JAS .& CO.(Jas.H.andWiM.Webband J. Hy.Legg)8oap and candle manufr8,cor Phisor and Chew Welib James A. produce de.iler, 9 Pearl Webb James H. (Jas.W.& Co,) 362 Aisquith Webb John, lab. 37 Buren Webb John, clerk, 69 nHigh Webb John .M. porter, 352 e Eager Webb John T. clerk. Clifton nr Park la Webb John A. (J.A.W. & Co.)210 Madison av Webb John A. & Co. (J.A. Webb)apothecaries, 210 Madison av Webb Dr. Joseph A. dentist, over s w cor Balti- more and Liierty Webl) Mrs. L.A. tobacconistand dressmkr, 537 Saratoga Webb Mis.Marg't A. boarding, 500 w Lombard Webb Mrs. Mirg't, grocery, 69 n High Vv'ebb .Milton, agent, 399 Lexington Webb P. W. insp'r C. H., Druid Hill av near Park gate Webb Mrs. Rosanna, 179 Preston Wei.b Samuel M. & Bro. (S. xM. Webb) whole- sale tobacconists and smokers" articles, 278 w Baltimore Webb Samuel .M. (S.M.W.&Bro.)179 n Paca Webb Mrs.S. L. 315 HoUins Webb Thos. B. clerk, 157 Forrest Webb Thos. H. bricklayer, 20 Bennett WEBB THOS N. hats 'and caps, 49 n Eutaw, dw 45 Webb Vincent M. carp. 67 e Biddie Webb Wm. jr. lab. 450 .Aliceanna Webb Wm. lab. lOBenneit Webb Wm. watchman, 450 Aliceanna Webb Wm. (James Webb & Co.) Ensor and Chew Webb Wm. H. clerk, 24 R-, .X o -*J •^ ^ o ^ O Xi ? Si crt X. -- o (t: ^ 1-^ Cj ^ t-O ^ CM o "—* ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ f^, w H c »— t ,o i<=i •tl >-j <: "35 IC w W =u C X o s rr Ph O o ^ ctl o •r^ r/; '-M 5 ? f*fc^ '^^ r-^ s: c ^ o U) a ^ o .2 ^ p^M '^ ■4— i- s -IJ f» 3 lO r> CM o tt 'Js^ ^ ^r o C ^ ct ss *- ■^- s >> n o »— ^ > ^ w > 5 o C S o n* a- >-j =9 CO 3J :i k k: in Weber Antone, cook, 10 McClellan Weber Anton, cigarmkr, 74 Milliinan Weber Au}.'. ( Watzner k W.) 2i»7 s Sharp Weber Augustus, payin^r teller German Bank, 1035 w Brtltiinoie Wi'ber Aupnsius, shoemaker, 31 Patterson av Weber Benjamin, driver, 274 Walsh Weber Carl, lab. 8G s Re<,cester Weber ("asper, tailor, 315 w Pratt Weber Cas|)er, carp, 61 e .Monument ext Weber .Mrs. Catherine, 57 n Central av W eber Mrs. Catherine, 222 s Durham Weber ('has. cleik, 20 Ceiire Market s p Welier Chas. clerk, 209 s Bethel ^Veber Chas machinist, 82 Henrietta Weber Chas. steward, 27 Stiles Weber Chas. tailor, 183 s Biondway Weber Chus. pres't German Fire Ins. Co. and German Bank, 1035 \v Baltimore Weber Chas. steward, Howard house Weber Chas. cigarmkr 1 13 e Pratt Weber Chas. jr. sec'y German Fire Ins. Co. 341 w Fayette Weber Chris, pianomkr, 297 s Sharp Weber Chris, blacksmith, 480 Penna av Weber Christian, beer,cor Monument and Brad- ford al Weber ('lara, hairdresser, 448 w Baltimore Weber Clemens, waiter, 5 s Frederick Weber Conrad, barber, 18 Lee Weber Daniel, butcher, 138 Centre market, dw 1 18 Jackson sq av Weber Edward, dep. sheritF, 174 Harford av Webei Klizabeth, firocery, 189 s Charles Weber Elizabeth, restauiant,20Centre Market sp Weber Ferd. boxmkr, 230 Scott Weber Ferd. tobacconist, 113 e Pratt Weber Florian, sboemUr, 248 e Lombard Weber Fred. W. tailor, 315 w Pratt Weber Geo. tailor, 1 19 n Wolfe Weber Geo. varnisher, 68 n Oregon Weber Geo. beer, 238 Aliceanna Web' r Geo. shoemkr, 205 n Front Weber Geo. B. engineer, 107 s Strieker Weber (ieo. D. baker, 227 Light Weber Geo. J. cutter, 448 w Baltimore Weber Henry, varnisher, 133 n Bond Weber Henr\ , machinist, 198 Gough Weber Henry, caip. 2G8 S Caroline Weber John, wheelwright, Waverley, York rd Weber John, shoemkr, 43 James la Weber John H. milk, 124 Somerset Weber John, cabinetmkr, 43 i'erry Weber John, machinist, 115 s Ann Weber John, confect'y. 436 n Gay Weber, John, lab. 44 s Burke Weber John, lab. 32 Fell Weber John F. painter, 182 Raborg Weber Joseph, pajierhanger, 50 n Calvert .Weber Joseph, porter, Saratoga nr Republican Weber Joseph, musician, 66 Centre Market sp Weber Jose|)h, lab. 41 Kssex WEBFR J. HENRY, dining saloon, 15 n Lib- erty Weber Mrs. Kate, confect'y, 41 Essex Weber Lawrence, carpet weaver, 64 Forrest Weber Louis, shoemkr, 42 Orleans ^Veber Louis, shoemkr, 42 n Frederick Weber Louis, currier, 80 Johnson Weber Martin, baker, cor Fayette and Ann Weber Mrs. Mary, grocery, 3 Leadenhall ^^'^eber Mary, confectionery, 268 s Caroline Weber Mary, 42 Barre Weber Melchdir, shoemkr, 1 n Chapel Weber Minnie, dressmkr, 9 St. Mar^' Weber Peter, pianomkr, 27 n Scliroeder Weber Peter, baker. 706 w Pratt Weber P. furniture wagon, 142 e Fjombard Weber P.hilip, machinist, 268 s Caroline Weber Phili]i i»a|ier carrier, 42 Barre Weber Philip, tailor, 656 w Baltimore Weber Philip, baker, 104 s Caroline Weber Theodore, ciyarmkr, 440 w Baltimore Weber Tlieodme, lumb>'r, 174 s Eutaw. and w cor Henrietta and China, dw 293 Hollins Weber Veit, shoemkr, 43 James la Weber W. E. civil engine^-r, 2u3 n Calvert Wei er .Mrs. Wilhelmina, conf. 31 Patterson a Weber Wm. machimst, 268 3 Ciroline WEBKR WM. F. aichitect and builder, s e co LexiniTton and Charles, dw Madison av ext Weber Zachariah, driver. Clinton nr Sixth av Wel)Ster Mrs. Angelina M. (Chappell &( W.) 6 n Howard Webster Rev. Augustus, 2'il Franklin Webster (Jharles R. clerk, 57 Barre Webster Charles W. printer, 18 Hill Webster Fdwin D. actor, 21 Henrietta Webster Frank H. clerk, 38 Park av Webster Geo. W. engineer, 513 w Lombard Webster Harry, clerk, 382 e Pratt Webster Henry, 21 Henrietta Webster Henry, attorney, 9 n Calvert, dw 17( Linden av Webster Dr. Henry W. jr. 128 s Sharp, dw 5' Barre Webster Homer D. gasmeterrakr, 201 n Bond Webster Horatio II. ( Klipper, W. & Co.) 30 Gilmor Webster James, engincr, 172 Dover Webster James jr. engineer, 172 Dover Webster Jame R. prof. Baltimore City College 382 e Pratt Webster John A. carp. 18i n Exeter Webster Mrs. John T. grocery, 310 n Howard Webster Rev. J. J. G. 14 Jackson pi Webster John H. lab. Tooacco wareh. No.3,dw 21 Henrietta Webster John C. clerk, 43j n Exeter Webster John W. F. canvas.-er, 107 s Carolint Webster Joseph P. livery stable, 25 Fawn Webster Mrs. .M.irgaret, 401 n Gay Webster Michael, sewing machine agent, 107 8 Caroline Webster .Mollie, 114 Cider al Webster Robert K coachpainter, 401 n Gay AVebstei' Saml. coachpainter, 401 n Gay Webster Thos. W. gents furn. goods, 38 Paikin Webster Wm. carj). 51 Columbia Webster Wm. A. bricklayer, 21 Henrietta Wech John N. confectioner, 80 s Broadway Week Casper, machinist, 28" Cross Weckerman Richard, plasterer, 80 n Schroeder Weckeser Henry, boxmkr, 309 .Mulberry Weckesser J. Henry, police, 57 s Fren)(mt Weddegan Th<-o. engineer, Calhoun nr Pratt Weddeikopft Henry, liquors, 413 w Pratt Wedders Geo. W. carter, 297 Columbia Wedekind Gustavus A. brickmaker, e Monu- ment ext Wedeman Mary, confectionery, Federal nrOak Wedeiiieyer Anton, carp. 2 P.uk av Wederhake Chas. tobacconist, 125 e Pratt Wederhake Henry, cigarmkr, 125 e Pratt HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. WED 623 WEI Weddirigfield Win. draymnn. 101 Low Weddle Jacob, carts, 265 w Biddk- Wedel John P. glasssblower, 19 Stockholm Wedue R. D. machinist, 281 L mvale * "Wedge Simon, collector, 73 e Fayette Wedjie Stephen T. clerk, 281 Laiivale Wed.^e Stephen T. clerk, 9 n Strieker Wed;je Wni. S. salesman, 281 Lanvale Wedge Wm. S. jr. clerk, 7 3 6 Fayette Wedi Henry, hnckster, 691 \v Lombard Weech Rev^. W. T. L. 253 Harford av Weed Albert L. clerk, 106 n Wolfe Wned Mrs. Hannah, 106 n Wolfe ^\^■■d John W. clerk, 358 w Fayette WEED SEWING MACHLVE CO., H. S. Daw- ley, business manager, 51 and 53 n Charles. branch 499 w Baltimore Weed Wm. P. bookkpr, 106 n Wolfe W' cdon Mrs. ElizabethU.dressmkr, 262. Mulberry Weeks .A. Kirklnnd asst. sup't Baltimore sugar refinery, 282 Madison av Weeks Alfred, boilermkr, 96 s Carey Weeks Evan T, machinist. 162 Scott Weeks & Fox (Henry Weeks, Edward W. Fo.\) auctioneers and com. merchts, 193 w Baltimore Weeks Henry (W.& Fox) 337 Saratoga Weeks JohnL.( Woods, W.&Co.)292Madisonav Weeks Samuel N. pattemmkr, 96 s Carey Weeks Saml. plumber. 323 n Bond W'eeks Tlios. C. engraver and designer, 148 e Monument Weems Albert, clerk, 224 n Howard Weems Chas clerk, 133 Ridgely Weems Frank, clerk, 76 Saratoga Weems Henry D. clerk, «8 Hill Weems James N. upholsterer, 46 Portland We.ms .M. L. police, 132 Druid Hill av Weems Louis, clerk, 88 Hill Weems Sutton I. clerk, 8h Hill Weems Sutton I. jr. 88 Hill Weems Theophilus N. salesman, Collington av and Lombard WEEMS TRANSPORTATION LINE, Pier 8 Light-sl whf, freight vvhf foot Dogan's vyhf, Henry Williams, agt Weems W. H. clerk, 45 Courtland Wefel John A. tinner, 2 Hope al Wege John J. baker, 127 Gou>;h W^ege Wm. E. clerk, 127 Gough WcL'er Herman, carp. 206 Stirling Weger John, carp. 206 Stirling Weger Jos. lab. 206 Stirling W^egfarth Catherine, carpetweaver, 122 Low Wegfarth John, barber, 236 Penna av Weglein David C. clerk, 95 n Exeter Weglein Louis, dry goods, 127 and 129 w Bal- timore, dw 225 w Lombard Wegiein .Morris, dry goods, 537 w Baltimore Wegner Augustus, carp. 550 n Gay W^egner Augustus, tax depart, St. Clair hotel Wegner Chas. J. trav. agent, 459 n Carey Wegner Julius, clerk, 2 s Frederick Wegnerih Chas. lab. 44 Wyeth Wegwerth W"m. jr. huckster, 2 W^yeth Wehage Mrs. Annie M. seamstress, 221 Hanover Wehage Gerard H. cigaimkr, 121 Stirling Wehage Harry, porter, 67 Portland Wrhage Henry, paver, 121 Stirling Wehage Henry jr. cigarmkr, 121 Stirling Wehage Henry, law student, 221 Hanover Wehage John, ( Weidemeyer Kate, milliner, 71 Eisiein ^ Weidemeyer Mary, dressndtr, 71 Eislein r. Weidlech Amnion, carp. 184 n Dallas qq Weidner Frank, driver, 20 n Castle Weidner George F. painter, 472 w Pratt Jzj Weidner John, lab. 345 e Lombard <^ Weidich Siiah, 49 Luzerne ^ Weidinger Geo. cooper, 2 Portugal al (-H Weidman Henry, tavei n, Fred'k av and Fulton pft Weidmann John, baker, 310 Orleans IJ3 Weidner Chas. W. wagoner, 2 St. Peter ^ Weidner Francis, baker, 89 n Schroeder ^ Weidner George W. carp. 55 n Fremont *^ o o IMPORTED ANFdOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutiial Life Insurance Co. of New York, WEI 624 WEI K < <1 ^ K O <^ CO O ^ O o CO El 5^ .Mr. pHpK ^• 002 o w o Weidner John, lab. 31 King Weiduer Jolin A. veterinarian, 128 Columbia Weidner i'aul, siioemUr, 20 New \Veifi:nbiich Gotleib, lab. 205 En5or Wcig.ind Adam, barkpr, Belair av ext Weig:uid Albert, tailor, 10 n Eden Weijiand Chas. buicher. Monument nr Castle Weigiind Conrad, lab. 6 s Central av \Veii;and Conrad, 5 Portugal al \Veii.'and Francis, upholsterer, 146 Mulberry Weigand Herman, grocer^-, s e cor Cross and I'aca Weigand John, trav. a_'ent, 264 s Broadway Weigand Joseph, lab. 34 Thames Weigand Wilhelinina, notions, 264 s Broadway Weigel August, clothing c.itter, 255 Hanover Weigel Geo. shocnikr, 480 a Gay Weigel Geo. butcher, 20 n Chester Weigel Geo. cooper, 361 s Charles Weigel Justus, clothing cutter, 255 Hanover Weigel Matthew, blacksmith, 303 Harford av Weigerl Chas. police, 63 n Castle Weiglein Conrad, cooper. 86 Kastern av Weigner Geo. H. provisions,3o9 e Baltimore Weigner Jacob C, 359 e Baltimore Weigner Wm. C. provisions, 359 e Baltimore Weigman Ambrose, shoemkr, 73 Portland Weignian John, clothing, 2ij9 s Broadway Weiguiann Joseph, shuenikr. 84 Park av Weijimann Wm. shoemkr, 84 Park av Weihiauch John, police, 15 Stirling Weiniauch Wm. engineer, 88 w Baltimore Weihrock Wm. H. tinner, 2-13 Hamburg Weike Wm. L. butcher, 59 Centre and 56 Lex- ington mkts, dw Clifton Weikel John, tailor, 2rfl Mulberry Weikel Moses, tailor, 658 Saratoga Weikel Peter, merchant tailor, Light under Carrollton hotel, dw 281 Mulberry Weikel John, blacksmith, 235 s Ann Weikel Wm. cuachpainter, 281 Mulberry Weikel Wm. liquors, 151 Columbia Weiker John, blacksmith, 2t^6 u Durham Weiker Mrs. Margaret, 286 n Durham Weil Albert,(Guggenheimer&W.)629 wFayette Weil Benj.(B.Weil & Bro.)78 n Paca Weil B. & Bro. (B.and LWeil)boots and shoes, 31 Hanover Weil Mrs. Bertha, varieties, 234 s Charles Weil Cunrad, sawyer, 259 s Durham Weil Mrs. Elizabeth, 93 e Fayette Weil h;. P. & Sons, (F. P., H. and J. C. Weil) shuemkrs, 123 n Gay Weil George, lab. rear 57 Biddle al Weil Gustav,(G. Weil & Sou )324 Aliceanna Weil G. & Son, (Gustav and Solomon Weil) clothing. 324 Aliceanna Weil Henry, carp. 12 Cambridge Weil Henry, Gilmor nr Cumberland Weil ilenry, (K.P.W.& Sons) 125 n Gay Weil Herman, trimmings and millinery goods, 12u Lexington Weil Isabel, laces and fancy goods, 54 Lexing- ton, dw 326 Weil Isaac, (B. Weil & Bro.) 121 Camden Weil Jacob, 121 Camden Weil Jacob, 182 e Fayette Weil Jonathan, clothing, cor Broadway and Shakspear Weil John C. (E.P.W.&Son3)125 n Gay Weil Joseph, clerk, 234 s Charles Weil Jos. sec. band clothing, 222 Canton av Weil Jonas, clerk, 249 s Broadway Weil Louis, butcher, 16 Cross-st mkt, dw HoV lins nr Garrison la WEIL M. S. attornay, 21 Lexington, dw 249 s Broadway Weil Moritz H. liquors, 222 s Broadway Weil Michael, clerk, 217 w Pratt Weil Samuel, clothing, 41 Brown Weil Siniuel, 78 n Caroline Weil Simon, shoes. 74 Hanover,dw 121 Camden Weil Solomon, (G.Weil & Son)324 Aliceanna Weilipp August, wine and lager beer, 19 e Bal- timore Weiler Chas., 22 Sterling Weiler John G. lab. 76 Durst al Weiler Nathan, salesman. 22 Sterling Weiler Roclins, grocery, 134 Battery av Weiler Mrs. Rosa, confectionery, 22 Stirling Weiler Wm. miller, 238 s Durham Weilert C. H. stevedore, 29 s Regester Weiller Alex.( W.& Bro.)283 w Lombard WEILLER k BRO. (C. and A.Weiller)whole8. clothiers, 274 w Baltimore Weiller l.C. salesman, 287 w Favette Weiller Charles, (W.& Bro.) 287 'w Fayette Weiman John, shoemkr, 35 s Dallas Weiiner Martin, lab. 274 s Ann Weinbeck Lorentz, milk, Third av and Dillon Weinberg Abraham, peddler, 70 e Lombard Weinberg Adolphus, lo4 s Broadway' Weinberg Beuj. junk, 44 n Spring Weinberg Henry, clerk, 44 n Spring Weinberg M. & Bro. (.VI. and Isaac W.) dry goods, 699 and 701 w Baltimore Weinberg Isaac, (M.W.&Bro.) 699 vv Baltimore Weinberg Jos. boots and shoes, 749 w Baltimore Weinberg Moses, (M.W.&Bro.) b99 w Baltimore Weinberg Nathan, 771 w Baltimore Weinberg Lazarus, notions, 749 w Baltimore Weinberg Philip, boarding, 13 s Howard Weinberger Clara, 64 n Greene Weinberger John, baker, 27 Ridgely Weinberger Levi, shoes, 67 n Eutaw, dw 64 n Greene Weineman Emannel, insp. health dept. 34 s Eden Weiner Andrew, baker, 37 Ridgely Weiuer George, lab. 89 Peach al Weiner George jr. barber, 334 n Gay Weiner John, 235 n Dallas Weiner Joseph, drayman, 36 Eastern av Weiner Utto, lithographer, 64 n Gay Weiuer Utto, lithographer, 28 Fawn Weiner Louis, barkpr, 169 King Weiner Mary M. 206 s Bethel Weinhold Bernhard F. drayman, Lancaster and Third av Weinhold Christopher, grocery, 118 Fort av Weinhold John, lab. 20 n Wolfe Weinhold J. Ilenry^ brickmkr, Lancaster and Third av Weingarten Aaron, fancy goods, 215 n Gay Weingarten Solomon, lobacc'l, 173 Lexington Weinhardt Charles, confec'r, 12 Ramsay Weinhardt Ernst, clerk, 90 Bank Weinhardt J. Peter, blacksmith, 183 Columbia Weinicke Fred, butter, 435 II iniburg Weininger John, lab. 207 s Bethel Weinkam Andrew, beer, 47 Essex Weinkam .Andrew jr. lab. 47 Essex Weinkam Mary, tailoress, 47 Essex Weinkam John, shoemkr, 183 Chesnut al Weinkam Jos. J. barber, 571 n Gay HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. r. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth St. WEI 625 WEL ^einkam Wm. lab. 47 Essex V^einke George, tailor, 132 e Lombard V'einkDecbt Henry, bootfitter, 20 Jackson Veinman Emanuel, sanitary insp. Board of beallh, 36 s Eden Veinman Jos. tailor, 13 St. James Veinmann Jacob, (Falkenstein & W,) 59 e Madison Veimeicht Fred, shoefitter, 48 s Exeter Veinrich Adam, lab. 108 n Bethel 7einricb Chas. shoefindings, 74^ Harrison Veinrich Christopher, 75 e Lombard Veinrich Fredk. leather and findings, 477 w Baltimore Veinzeirt Conrad, confec'y. 241 n Bond Veinzert Mrs. Maggie, confec'y, 241 n Bond Veippert Fredk. grocery, 2G9 Preston Veippert Charles, pianomkr, 269 Preston Veip Robert, lab. 88 Boston Veir David, machinist, 320 n Howard Veir Wm. paperhanger, 98 Holland ^eis Mrs. Anne, 55 s Castle Veis Andres, carp. 55 s Castle Veis Albert, cooper, 133 s Spring Veis Mrs. Catherine, 200 Madisun av Veis George, tinner, 63 L. McElderry Veis George, driver, 27 George al Veis George, baker, 335 William Veis Henry, shoemkr, 70 Boston Veis Henry, tailor, 14 Hampstead Veis Herman, stoves, 53 Penna av Veis Jacob, (Wilhelm & Co.) 333 n Ann Veis Jacob, tailor, 163 n Central av Veis John, boxrakr, 51 s Castle Veis Rosina, 200 Canton av Veis Thos. flour and feed, Clinton and Boston iVeis Valentine, lab. 271 s Durham Veis Wm. cabinetmkr, 80 n Howard Veisbecker John, tailor, 1 Walnut al Veisbrod Conrad, cooper, 26 Johnson Veisbiod Conrad, cooper, 294 Cross Veisbrod Conrad J. cooper, 294 Cross Veisbrod Deitrich, cooper, 294 Cross Veisbrod Mrs. Helena, dry goods, 197 Forrest Veise Ferdinand, pianomkr, 17 George Veise Robert, tailor, 36 Granby Veise Talbot, 30 Patterson av Veise Wm. cooper, 91 Granby iVeise Wm, bakery, 79 Chew i^eisel Fredk. shoemkr, 363 Hamburg Veisenstein Mrs. Julia. 112 s Howard Veisgerber Heury, cloths, cassimeres and furn. I goods,161 Lexington, dw Mulberry nrStricker iVeisgerber Henry, spice grinder, 14 Sterrett Veishaar Mrs. Augusta, taveri), 20 n Frederick Veishampel Benj. F. furnishing goods, 488 w Baltimore, dw Mount nr Lexington Veishampel John F. jr. bookseller and sta- tioner, 8 under Eutaw house, dw Fulton nr Franklin 7ei8heit Theodore, trunkmkr, 56 e Pratt L. WEISKITTEL & CO. (Anton "Weiskittel, George Plitt) Hollow Ware Foundry, 302, 304, 306 and 808 Aliceanna Teiskittel Anton, (A. W. & Co.) Pratt nr Washington Veiskopf J. L. dry goods, 9 e Baltimore, dw 15 Watson ^eisrnan Frank, cooper, 46 n Durham Weisman John, lab 73 s Dallas Weisiiian Lorenz, cooper, 46 n Durham Weismeyer Adam, blacksmith, 73 Lancaster dw 272 Canton av Weismiller Louis, shoemkr, 68 Camden Weisner Andreas, lab. 114 Lancaster Weisner George, lab. 29 Essex Weisner John, lab. 207 s Washington Weisner Louis, shoemkr, 74 Leadenhall Weiss Anna M. boarding, 42 Hujjhes Weiss Mrs. A. grocery, 46 Leadenhall Weiss Conrad, cigarmkr, 33 s Schroeder Weiss G. F. bartender, 42 Hughes Weiss George, cooper, 293 n Central av Weiss Gotleib, cooper, 49 Leadenhall Weiss Henry, lab. 112 Battery av Weiss John, lab. 75 n Bethel Weiss John, beer, 126 Saratoga Weiss John M. beer, 42 Hughes Weissenger Charles, baker, Bond and Milliman Weist John, stonecutter, 428 Saratoga W^eist Mich, gardn'r, Haiford rd nr Homestead Weite Geo. lab. 269 s Ann Weiter Joseph, carp. 148 S Chapel Weittiian Rebecca, 359 Aliceanna Weitrnyer Mrs. Julia, 51 Orleans Weitner Mrs. Catherine, 20 Philpot Weitner Henry, shucker, 20 Philpot Weitner John, lab. 20 Philpot Weitscher Albert, bellhanger, 51 s Bond Weittrock Charles, lab. 191 Aliceanna Weitzel Anna, mantuamkr, 233 Canton av Weilzel Chas. F. sailmkr, 411 Eastern av Weitzel Conrad, lab. 233 Canton av Weitzel Frank, carp. 262 Eastern av Weitzel Henry, plumber, 425 Eastern av Weitzel Henry, painter, 191 Peirce Weitzel Henry jr. painter, 57 Eastern av Weitzel Henry C. plumber, 425 Eastern av Weitzel Jacob C. letter carrier, 14 Patterson Park av Weitzel John, tobacconist, Wolfe and Bank and 74 e Pratt Weitzel Wm. tinner, 411 Eastern av Weitzel Wm. foreman, 572 Aisquith Weitzell James H. salesman. Brown's hotel Weitzell John, printer, 36 Bank Weitzell Martin, beer, 36 Bank Weitzell Martin jr. biakeman, 36 Bank Weitzell Philip, wagoner, 117 s Eden Weitzell Sarah J. 333 e John Welbourn ^ Co. (J. E. Welbourn, J. B. Waid- ner) mdse. brokers, 1 Commerce Welbourn J. E.(W. & Co.) 40 Lexington WELBY THOMAS J. magistrate, oflBce and dw 132 n Calvert Welch Ben. T. 430 e Eager Welch Brent F. clerk, 161 n Calvert Welch C. J. (Johnson, Welch & Jarman) 161 n Calvert Welch Dr. E. G. 51 n Calvert Welch E. R. 287 Penna av Welch Francis A. glove cleaner, 12 Barnet Welch George A. salesman, 63 JefiFerson Welch James, cooper, 7 Wall Welch John, foreman, 17 Fish Market sp Welch John, harnessmkr, 130 Druid Hill av Welch John, tavern, 34 Block Welch John (W. & Under\vood)glas3, oils and paints, 130 Thames, dw 20 Jackson pi Welch J. B. & Son (J. B. and W. B. Welch) wholesale liquors, 52 Light Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) PP o O o Q -8 ft O O pd ft ;zi w H O Ph O < P5 tD P^ l-H I H O tq < ft ft ft O O 39 5.2 53 2 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, WEL 626 WEL ^c^ > - " V ^ ^ — ^ o c; v: fc, ^ w* ^ o • -^ il . 0^ ri ~ '^ O 5" lO ^ ^ (>- c p^ S ;= H ?^ '- cd r; ., o ^ (V) X, Welch John B. (J. B. W.& Son) 161 n Calvert Welfh John L. (Frank X.Simms & Co.) 161 n Calvert Welch Mrs Julia, 40 Whatcoat Welch Mrs. Mary Ann, 157 n Calvert Welch Michael, "tavern, 36 Block Welch Michael, lah. 631 w Pratt Welch Patrick, chairmkr, 85 n Dallas Welch Robert M. clerk, 233 n Eden Welch Samuel C. letter carrier, 246 e Fayette Welch Thomas, harnessrakr, 67 Clay Welch & Underwood (John Welch, Jos, A.Un- derwood) house and sign painters, 4 s Gay Welch Dr. Warren, dentist, 12 Barnet Welch W. A. chainnikr, 287 Penna av Welch W'm. carp. 101 Chew Welch Wm. H. painter, 20 Jackson sq av Welch Wm. lab. .^3 s Castle Welch Wm. B.(J. B. W. & Son) 161 n Calvert Welde George, confec'y, 17 Aisquith Welde Wm. H. confectioner, 17 Aisquith Weldtn Mrs. Mary, 257 J<-fferson Weleiii Frank, shoemkr, 226 Harford av W^elke Samuel, shoemkr, 22 Bevan Welker George, lab. 250 Battery av Welkner John G. shoemkr, 84 n Schroeder Wellen Amos, truck builder. 277 McHenry Wellen Thomas, shoemkr, 81 n Eutaw Wellener Basil S. shipbuilder, cor Phiipot and Wills, dw 373 e Baltimore Wellener Basil S. jr. shipcarp. 40 n Ann Wellena- Chas. H. shipcarp. 105 Cambridge . Wellener Chas. shii)Cdrp. 105 Cambridge Wellener Edw'd L. shipcar[). 18 n Washington Wellener Edw'd L. shipcarp. 95 Jackson sq av W'elleiier John B. bricklayer, Fayette and Castle Wellener John T. bookkpr, 2 n Ann Wellener Tho3. W. shipcarp. 238 Eastern av Wellener Wm. F. shipcarp. 227 Gough Weller Alfred, carp. 499 n Fremont Weller Andrew 0. C. clerk, 499 n Fremont Weller Charles H. painter, 170 Penna av Weller Cha.les, cooper, 136 Hamburg Weller Mrs. Elizabeth, varieties, 258 Hanover W^eller Fred, engineer, 131 Scott Weller Fred, shoemkr, 285 Cross Weller George, drayman, 70 Russell W^ellcr Ht nry, carp. 258 Hanover WELLER HENRY, Restaurant, 13 s Eutaw, opp. Concordia building. Wells Augustus, lab. 66 Cross Wells Benjamin, clerk, 69 Hampstead Wells Benj. T. clerk. 198 e Fayette ?J rji CD >^ Weller Henry W. grocery, 202 s Sharp Weller John, driver, 84 s Poppleton Weller John, shoemkr, 25 Butler Weller John H. jr. baker, 62 s Schroeder Weller John H. baker, 62 s Schroeder Weller Louis, cooper, 217 Hamburg Weller .Michael, blacksmith, 12 Diamond, dw 205 w Fayette W^eller Nicholas, blacksmith, 16 Durst al Weller Philip, blacksmith, 2 Brannan ct Weller Philip, carp. 173 Raborg Well ham Mrs. Mary, 121 s Paca Wellham Walter, currier, 121 s Paca Wellham Wm. carmkr, 121 s Paca WELLINGllOFF HENRY F. agent German society and intelligence office,272 s Broadway Wellman Fred. W. bo.\mkr, 287 William Wellmore Edward, clerk, 157 e Eager Wellner John T. bookkpr, 2 n Ann Wellner Ludwig F. paver, 86 n Pine WELLS & BRO. (Richard Wells, Robert Wells, George W. Wells,) Wharfage and Storage, Public Weighers, foot Bond street^ Wells Rev. Charles, 2u3 w HotTman Wells Edw;ird F. brakeman, 54 s Eutaw Wells Edward A. sr. clerk, 110 Myrtle av Wells Edward A. jr. pninter, 110 .Myrtle av "Wells Edward G. machinist, 6.38 w Baltimore Wells Edward, 538 w Baltimore Wells Mrs. Elizabeth A. 19>^ Harlem av Wells Eugene S. clerk, Howard house Wells Ezekiel D. carver, 289 e E;iger Wells Franklin H. fireman, 7 Vincent al Wells George, painter, 365 Hollins Wells Geo. W. (W. & Bio. and John Wells Sons) 89 s Eden Wells Jacob B. bookkpr, 108 Harlem av Wells James, 30 Stiles Wells James N. butter, 259 Lee Wells James Z. bricklayer, Lemmon nr Gilmoi Wells Mrs. J. millinery, 74^ n Greene, dw Barr nr Fremont WELLS' JOHN SONS (Richard and Robert Wells) engineers and machinists supplies, 41 Thames Wells John C. clerk, 108 Harlem av Wells John B. carp. 554 Saratoga Wells Joseph P. clerk, 144 n Eden Wells Lewis C. 357 n Gilmor Wells Lewis W. 20 Htrlem av Wells Mrs. M. G. 108 Harlem av Wells .Martin, carp. 418 Orleans Wells Nicholas B. printer, Baltimore nrOregOi W'clls Richard (.W. & Bro. and John Wells Sons) 61 Patterson Park av Wells Robt. (W. & Bro. and JohnWells' Sons 57 Patterson Park av Wells Robert H. sr. carp. 77 s Bond Wells Robt. H. jr. cigarmkr, 9 3 Bond Wells Thomas, 39 Stiles Wells Wm. books, 363 e Baltimore Wells Wm. G tireman, 567 w Lombard Wells Wm. H. carp. 150 Pearl Wells Wm. H. bookkeeper Nat. Union Bank dw n w cor Oregon and Mosher Wells Wm M. p-iinter, 101 s Gilmor Wellslager Edward," grocery. 287 Canton av Wellslager George, caulker, 289 Eastern av W^'llslager Jos. L. confectioner, 222 Aliceanna Wellslager Stephen D. painter, 222 Aliceanna Wellslager Steph.D jr.caulker, 205 s Broadwai Wellslager Wm. painter. Burton's hotel Wellmering Frank, shoemkr, 1 Chesnul al Welsh Alexander, stonecutter, 364 Aisquith Welsh Alexander, stonecutter, 556 Aisquith Welsh Alonzo, beer, 36 Towsen Welsh Chas. painter, 359 Penna av Welsh Chas. E. cigarmanuf. 7 1 Exchange pi dw 84 Harlem av Welsh Chas. M. carp. 81 n Poppleton Welsh David C. marker C. H., 473 Franklm Welsh Daniel, stocktitter, 692 w Baltimore Welsh Edward, lab. 286 Johnson Welsh Edward, police, 477 w Lombard Welsh Edward, boxmkr, 49 York Welsh Eliza J. 61 Courtland HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts. Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. WEL 627 WEN Welsh F. E. salestnan, 45 Haaover Welsh Hannah R. notions, 692 w Baltimore Welsh James, lab. 133 s Castle Welsh James, cooiht, Wall nr West Welsh James, buotnikr, 359 Penna av Welsh James lah. i08 s H^)\vard Welsh James, lah. 6 Woodyear Welsh -James, lab. 177 w Pratt Welsh James, lab. 44 Dewberry al Welsh John, teamster, Welsh nr Charles Welsh John, inner, 11 Buren AVelsh John, lab. 51 Hill Welsh John, lab. 17 Fi.-h Markets? Welsh John, tavern, 11 s Front Welsh John, carter, 7 S Pine Welsh John, sboemkr, 41 Watson Welsh John, huckster, 17 Diamond Welsh Joha, lab. Hollins al Welsh Dr. John W. dentist, 314 w Fayette Welsh Joliii W. stonecutter, 556 Aisquith Welsh John, lab. 162 Forrest Welsh John W( WW. and Sons )3 14 w Fayette Welsh Mrs. L. B. 333 Franklin Welsh -Mark, stonecutter, 556 Aisquith Welsh Mrs. Mary, 213 Canton av Welsh Mrs. Martha, 233 a Edeii Welsh .Martin, fireman, .Maltby house Welsh Matthew, lab. Buck's liotel Welsh .Michael, police, 315 Hamburg Welsh Michael, lal). 289 s Eutaw Welsh .Mich;=tel, lab. 540 w Pratt Welsh .Michael, lab. 97 s Castle Welsh Michael, lab Cathedral ext Welsh Michael, shoemkr, 27 Hillen Welsh Michael, stonemason, 58 Woodyear Welsh Napoleon B. farmer, 74 St. Paul Welsh Otho E. clerk, 598 w Fayette Welsh Patrick, chair manufr, 84 Hanover, -dw 85 n Dallas Welsh Patrick, lab. 188 n Front Welsh P.itrick, plumber, 27 Hillen Welsh Robert, clerk, 233 n Eden Welsh Thomas, carp. Belair av ext Welsh Thomas, plumber, 49 York Welsh Thomas, lab. 164 West Welsh Thomas, 1 ib. 49 York Welsh ThG3.(Canfield Bros. A Co.) IGl s Sharp Welsh Thomas I. stonecutter, 188 n Front Welsh Timothy, blacksmith, 345 .Mulberry Welsh Timothv, tinner. 25o Hamburg WELSH W.M."& SUNS, (W. H. and J. W. Welsh) whols. tobacco and cigars, 27 8 Gay Welsh \Vm. 314 w Fayette Welsh Wm. C. provisions, 240 w Fayette Welsh Wm. C. cigarmkr. 81 n Poppleton Welsh Wm. H. 179 n Charles Welsh Wm. laborer, 180 Ramsay Welsh Wm. H. ( W. W. & Son) 598 w Fayette Welsh VVra. H. jr. clerk, 11 n Gilmor Welsh Dr. Wra. P. dentist, 45 Hanover Welsh Wm, P. clerk, 39 s Wolfe Welshoffer Chas. A. blacksmith, 132 n Pine Welshoffer Henrv, carp. 132 n Pine Welshoffer Wm H. carp. 76 w Biddle Welalager George, p^ inter, 24 s Paca Welslager James T. 24 s Paca Welslager Robert, oyster packer, 109 Hanover, dw 24 s Paca Weltner Adam, liquors, 195 s Sharp Weltner John, carp. 234 s Sharp Welty Rev. Elias, teacher, 175 e .Madison Weltz Conrad, shoemkr, 225 Eastern av Welzenbach John, paver, 92 n Durham Weleer Carl, brewer, 84 s Burke Wemmert Adam, wheelwright, 61 James la Wemraert Charles, shoemkr, 61 James la ^ Wemmert Henry, laborer, 61 James la GQ Wenchel Cijnrad, shoemkr, 165 s Chester »^ Wenchel Geo. sr. cabiuetmkr, 62 s Bond ^ Wenchel Geo, jr. cabinetmkr, 218 Canton av •*^ Wenchel Lawrence, cabiuetmkr. 62 s Bond r-'^ WENCK E. E. com. merch. 46 and 48 s Charles, ^ dw 183 w Fayette tJ Wenck E. E. {Sehmeisser, W. & Co.) 183 w 5 Fayette Wenck Milliard F. clerk, 58 McHenry g Wendelkea Fred, cigarmkr, 41 Harrison O Wendell Adam, driver, 141 e Pratt S Wendell Henry L. cabinetmkr, 109 Leadenhall '*j Wendell Henry L. cabinetmkr, 317 n Howard ^ Weudelstedt Henry, cigarmkr, Beliir av ext PQ Wender Fred, varnisher, 109 Leadenhall Wender Peter, baker, 52 West ^ Wendi Christina, restaurant, 114 n High r~) Wendt Charles, cigarmkr, 114 n High Wendi Wm. cabinetmkr, 59 Short -^ Wendzel Gotleib C. shoemkr, 20 s Oregon b^ Wenger Alois, cooper, 22 Poultney ^ Wenger Hammond Fred. lab. 26 Stockholm ^ Wengert Leonard, shoemkr, 68 Johnson Wenig Alfred, printer, 76 e Lombard Q Wenig Casper, lab. 53 s Burke (^ Wenig Eva, grocery, 53 3 Burke q Weuke Clans A. mariner, 347 s Bond \^~^ Wennagle Fred. J. tailor, 6 Claggett al ^ Wentker Joseph, moulder, 34 s Castle Wentker Henry, moulder, 34 s Castle p^ Went worth Geo. W. painter, 76 Battery av Wenlworth Jos. B. painter, 272 Battery av ^ Wentworih Thos, J. carp. 220 William [;>. Wentz Albert D. clerk, 281 Hollins ^ WEXTZ & BARNDOLLAR (Wm. A. Wentz, ~ Wm. P.Barndollar) oyster and fruit packers, ^ 49 German ^ Wentz Mrs. Elizabeth, 276 e Baltimore O Wentz Mrs. Eliza, 82 n Republican &^ Wentz Dr. Geo. clerk to marshal of police, 25 "^ n Calvert ^ Wentz Henry, shipcarp. 393 Eastern av ""J WENTZ HENRY C. attorney, 65 w Fayette. "^ dw 276 e Baltimore Ph Wentz James, laborer, 123 Scott Wentz John .M. clerk, 286 Walsh M WENTZ JOHN B. attorney, 65 w Fayette, dw Jz; 276 e Baltimore ■<] Wentz S. H. 286 Walsh Wentz Wm. A. ( W. & Barndollar) 282 Hollins CQ Wentzel Adam, lab. 134 s Washington P^ Wentzel Albert, coachmkr, 107 e Madison pH Wentzel Mrs. -Mary, grocery, 107 e Madison l-^ Wentzel Martin, carp. 94 Hill Wentzell Gotleib, shoemkr, 20 s Oregon Wenzel Bernard, shoemkr, 5 Spring ci Wenzel Casper, shoemkr, 130 Low y^ Wenzel Chas. woodsawyer, 38 Haw ^ Wenzel Conrad, cabinetmkr, 56 Pearl ^ Wenzel Elizabeth, carpet weaver, 66 n Spring ptn Wenzel Frederick, 40 Lancaster Wenzel Frank, cabinetmkr, 552 Saratoga ^ Wenzel J. George, tinner, 126 Peirce oQ Wenzel John Chas. tinner, 242 Franklin on e Monument com, mercht. -00 ^^'■^heim Samuel, cigarmkr, 3 1 1 ^ ^ Wertheimer Herman, dry goods ( 3> 5 7 German, dw 337 e Fayette Wertheimer Samuel, salesman, 291 Lexington WERTSNER&SHEIVE, (C. S. Werstner, G. W. Shi'ive) varnishes, paints, oils and glass, cor Pratt and Bowly's whf Wertsner Clayton S. (W. & Sheire) Oxford, Yord rd Wertz John, stovefinisber, Wolfe nr Biddle Wescutt Benj F. produce com. merchant, 70 Hanover, dw 86 s Paca Wescott Chas. W. carp. 186 Mulberry WeslerChas. wharfbuilder, 281 Elastern av Wesley Chapel (M. R.)Barre and Sharp Wesley Geo. M. stonecutter, 12 Wyeth Wesley Louis, lab. 12 Wyeth Wesley Mrs. Margaret, tailoress, 120 Hambnrg Wesleyan Chapel, cor Eastern av and Chapel Wess Adolph, beer, 13 Park av Wess Bernard, beer, 83 n Bond Wess Constandt, 110 Henrietta Wess Henry, carp. 83 n Bond Wessel .Asa, packer, 190 Scott Wessel Chas. butcher, 126 n Spring Wessel Christopher, butcher, 28 Patterson ar Wessel Louis, police, 406 n Calhoun Wessel Louis, porter, cor May and Spring Wessel Walter, clerk, 190 Scott Wesseli Joseph, shoemkr, 281 n Durham Wesselman Herman, drayman, 165 Conway Wessels Littleton, police, 406 n Calhoun Wessler Fred, gaiter fitter, 60 n High Wessneskie Jose[)h, lab. 320 Aliceanna Wessner Mitthew, cabinetmkr, 85 Gratiby Wessling Herman H. grocery, 26 n Liberty West Baltimore Schuetzen Park, Washington avand Fulton, C.E.Chius, sec'y,19e Lombard West Mrs. Charles, 457 Franklin West Chas. jr. clerk, 457 Franklin West Christopher(C.W.&Sons) 25 n Calhoun WEST C. & SONS (C.,G.P..Wm.C. and E.R. West)coal oil and alcohol refinery. Crystal Oil Works, Canton, ofBce 113 and 115 w Lombard West Daniel W. lab. 1 Hillman West Daniel, lab. 1 Hillman West D. Pinkney (Smith, Peirson VJ ;- Oi O k— t • -^ r=5 m o a) 1-^ o c Sfi h- 1 O r/3 CJ > X P- ^ C.2 £0h H :?; o c H ►J i-i >>S r) < M S -3 ' L5 ^ ,^ p<, O M ^^ ai o . -^ &H CZ^ D c c bO tc o s -C 72 -kJ t-, o > X i> o >» c3 Whiilen James W. carder, Dniidville Whalen John H. ins. broker. 85 w Frtjette, dw 85 Preston Whalen Jolin P. moulder, 2)9 Hollins Whalen John W. police, 31 s Paca AVhalen Joseph H. carder, Clipper mills Whalen Mar\ , grocery, 23 LeiDraon Whalen Michael, lab. 23 Lemmon Whalen .Michael, lab. Cathedra! eit Whalen Peter K. lab. 114 Hiijjhes Whalen Mrs. Rachel A. 485 w Fayette Wbalen Stephen, U. S. pauger, 445 e Lombard Whalen Stephen H. shoenikr, 219 Hollins Whalen Thos. police, 10 .Armistead la Whalen Thos. brewer, 19 Hillen Whalen Thos. carp. 149 s Washington Whaley Mrs. Abigail, confecl'y, 50 Philpot Whaley Ambrose, moulder, 714 \v Pratt Whaley Geo. fireman, 50 Philpot Whaley John, hackman, 2 St. Mary Whaley Zeddick, watchman, 50 Philpot Whall Wm. B. teacher, Loyola cullege Whantland Henry, ahoemkr, 100 s Fulton Wharry James, lab. 89 Boyd Wharry Thos. S. engineer," 473 w Pratt Wharton Geo. barkpr. 92 Holland Wharton Geo. D. clerk, 92 Holland Wharton J. M. saleiasfitter, .'^7 Elisor WHEELWRIGHT J. ^W., .Mud^e & Co.) 309 Madison nv WHEELWRIGHT, MUDGE & CO. (J. Whfel- wrijjht, G. A. Dobler, E. T. Mudrre,) paper dealers, 3 e cor Lombard and Sharp Whelan Daniel, saddler, 9 n Fremont Whelan F. G 305 Park av Whelan Fredk. harnessmkr, 215 Burgundy al Whelan Geo. W. watchman, 158 n Eutaw Whelan James, shoemkr, 128 n Pine Whelan Mrs. Julia, 328 Franklin Whetan Mrs. Louisa, n w cor Mc.Mechin and Di- vision Whelac Mrs. Mary A. dairy, 158 n Eutaw Whelan Matthew J. clerk, 9 n Fremont Whelan Michael, fruit, 35 Stirling Whelan Michael, lab. 59 Arch Whelan Miles, augarboiler, Eden and Aliceanna Whelan Philip, lab. 328 Franklin Whelan Thos. carp. 149 s Wa-hinprton Whelan Thos. police, 10 Armielead la Whelan Thomas jr. attorney, 16 St. Paul, dw Charles nr Biddle Whelan Thos. paperhanorer, 9 n Fremont Whelan Thos. .A. law student, Charles nr Biddle Whelan Wm. R. harnessmkr, 9 n Fremont Wheltle Chas. foreman, 217 William Wheltle Chas. V. lab. 217 William Wheltle Francis, brickmkr, 151 Battery av Wheltle John, engineer, 151 Battery av Wheritt Thos. J. bootfitter, 396 w Lombard Wherrett James, pilot, 286 e Pratt Wherrett .Mrs. Louisa.confec' v,188 e Biltiraore WHERRETT ROBT. M. Wy Md. Pilots' As- sociation, 83 Thames, dw 79 s Washington Whie Geo. carp. 26 s Wolfe Whilden De Leon, salesman, 63 a Charles While John, driver, 71 Gough Whipple D. R. clerk, 26J Second Whipple H. B. foreman, Hamburg and Russell Whippey C. F. salesman, 684 w Fayette WhippsGeo. tinner, 3S5 Franklin Whistle Mrs. David, trimmings, 606 S iraloga Whistler Mrs. Geo. W. 47 HoUins Whistler Geo. W. 145 St. Paul Whistraau Daniel H. notions, 213 e Baltimore Whitaker Alex.M.(H ury .Mudge & Co.) 79 Mc- Culloh Whitaker Mrs. Ann, 299 McDonogh Whitaker Augustine, c>rp. 34 n Wolfe Whitaker Dorsey Hsr. shoemkr, 357e Monument Whitaker Dorsey H. jr. junk, cor Hillen and Chesnnt, dw 358 e Chase W Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh taker Geo. J. plasterer, 30 s Paca taker Houard, harnessmkr, 208 n Caroline taker Isaac, 24 Pleasant taker Dr. Josias D. 467 n Carey taker L. D. bricklayer, 24 Pleasint taker .Mrs. .Margaret J. 113 L. Greene taker Mary A. 30 8 Paca taker Mary C. dressmkr, 25 Myrtle av taker, .Mrs. Mary G. seamstress, 292 Scott taker Thomas, salesman, 24 Pleasant taker Wm. E plasterer, 30 s Paca teraft Franklin P. clerk, 266 Mulberry WHITALL. TATUM & CO. (William Gilmore) green and flint glassware, 79 Smith's whf [See Advertisement. White Albert A. (A. A. W.& Co.) 139 n High White Albert A. & Co.( A.A. Whiie,R.V.Rusk) bread and pie bakers, 139 n High White Ale.K. nightman, 42') n Gay White Ale's, switchman, 14 President White Ale.x. J. jr. clerk, 29 n Gilmor White Ale.ic. J. clerk, 29 n Gilmor White Ale.x. P. lab. 53 Lemmon White Alfred, driver, 22 s Chester While Dr. Alphonso A. clerk Naval OfiSce, 495 Lexington White Amelia, notions, 71 s Bond White Ambrose A. (Stirling. Ahrens & Co.) 75 w Centre White Andrew, tailor, 31 Abbott White Barney, painter, 70 Hamiiurg White Benj. S. salesman, 63S Lexington Whitft Mrs. Caroline, 173 Eastern av White Mrs. C. E. 15 Barnet White Chas. clerk, 70 Barre White Ch^s. beer, 47 s Frederick White Chas. brakeman, 7 Woody ear White Mrs. Chas. B. 155 St. Paul White Chas. E. carp. 246 Aisquith White Chas. H. foreman, 18 Granby While Chas. L. carder, Woodberry White Chas. R. jr. clerk, 4 Grocers' Exchange, Commerce, dw Howard co White Cyrus B. sailmkr, 98 sWashinglon White Daniel S. trav. agent, 11 s Gilmor White Mrs. David, 238 w Biddle White Dr. Edward, 109 n Charles White Edward, lab. Cathedral ext White Edward B. iirickhiyer, 47o Lexington White Edward H. clerk. 75 w Centre While Edward S. hosiery, gloves, underwear, corsets, &c. n e cor Lexington and Liberty White Edward T. mariner, 22 e Fayette White Edwin F.( Wm. W.Wliite&Co. )50Warren White Eggleston .S. gen'l ins. agent, 8 German, dw 249 n Ciroline White Mrs. Eliza, 245 e Pratt White Mrs. Elizabeth A. 3 s Gilmor White Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding, 437 Saratoga White Emmett R. carp. 14 Hill White Eugene, carp 5 Bev.in White -Mrs. Eva, lu Centre .Market sp White .Mrs. Felicitee, cor Franklin and Strieker White Mrs. Francis, 242 George White Francis, oysters, loj s Calvert White Francis E.[)last'r,\Vhatcoat nrPresstnian White Francis T. 40 n Calvert White Fred, shipcarp. 179 Bank White Geo. lab. 132 Scott White Geo. wagons, 71 s Bond While Geo. A. shoemkr, 30 Somerset White Geo. B. hosiery, notions 87 n Howard White Geo. C. A. clerk, 227 s Broadway White Geo. K. bookbinder, over 166 w Balti- more, dw 73 Hollins While Geo. T. baker, 294 Franklin White Geo W. carp. 223 Barre White Gideon, 155 St. Paul White Griffith A. carp. 170 German While Harry A. clerk, 75 Centre White Henry, clerk, 45 s Ann White Henry E. tinner, and tin and gravel roofer, office 5 n Sharp, dw Charles-st av ext White Herman C. clerk, 172 Linden av QQ o p o O o o p4 rn < P-. < < Ph zn O O < CQ P o IMPOKTED AND DOMESTIC H.^RDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Ne-w York. WHI 632 WHI H W H Pi H H C/J >^ o X .5 a Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. WHI 634 WIE rr. o (s! r 0 S'^ e-^-r? 0 0 .~ ^ "Zi C s; K Ji — ' 10 ,^ c !^1 0 -^ €©^ ^ tf. c C r: x Ss. j_ >. O) 0 > •^ i' > f^ » =; 0 rt H f^ \ -^ ^©- Whitter Alex. C. blacksmith, 218 Lanvale Whitter James R. carp. 135 Penna av Wliittiii'i Che.Miut Wilcox Chas. H. butcher, 3"> Centre, 1 Belairand a 32 Richmond mkts, dw 250 e Biddle ;_; Wilcox C. M. manager .Md. dep't Lite Assoc'n j^ of Ameiica, 8 German, dw St. Clair hotel ^ Wilcox Henry, hardware, 142 n Gay, dw 142 n^ Exeter Wilcox John F. clerk, 176 e Eager Wilcox John W. shoemkr, 53 Aisquith . Wilcox John J. pilot, 34 s Chester IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. WIL 636 WIL Eh H W Cci H E? OJ T, H !>* O <1 < O a W .-) H c O „ m ^ on O H ^ o 1— ( ^ -J O I— ( ■-^ 23 ^ ^ r-\ a o o Wilcox Mrs. Julius A. 166 Harford av Wilcox Lewis E. (Kraft & W.) 162 Harford av Wilcox Lewis N. clerk, 168 Cliesnut Wilccix Peter, butcher, 43 Richiuoud and 99 Centre mkts, dw 156 Huiford av Wilcox Thco. F. clerk, 168 ("hesnut AViicox Thos. J. 216 Aisquith Wilcox Thos. S. boots and shoes, 134 n Gay Wilcox Wiu. A. butcher, 250 e Biddle Wilcox Wm L. jr. hookkpr, 16G Ghesnut Wilcox Win. L. 168Chesnut Wild Au^uslin A. police, 53 Etting WILD FRKD. W. sewinsr machines, 78 and 94 w Baliiniore, dw Bnidy av,Vork rd Wild Henry C. clerk, 62 Jackson sq av Wild John F. whipnikr, 369 n Ann W^.ld Juhii P. farmer, 119 German Wild Mrs. Marjjaret, laundress, 1 Furrow Wild Michael, tailor. 141 Chew Wiidberger Albert, beer, 13 Callendar al Wildberger Henry, blacksmith, Homestead Wiliienfoisl Louis R. carver, 779 w Baltimore Wildeiiforst iMrs.Tbeiesa,beer, 779 w Baltimore Wilderman Francis .M. stonecutter, 102 Peirce Wilderman John, butciier, 287 n Eutaw Wildirman Mrs. Mary, 287 ii Eutaw Wilderman Wm. C. saihnkr, 405 Franklin Wilderrauth John H. cijjarmkr, 26 Hamburg Wildermuth Wm. 822 w Pratt Wilding Wm. R. bookkpr, 109 a Charles Wildman August (Diebel & W.) 28 Barre Wildmau Ernest, tinner, 538 w Pratt Wildmann August, boot crimper, 273 w Pratt Wilds John L. tailor, 174 e Fayette Wilds L^-.wis C. clerk, 174 e Fayette Wilt- Ferdinand, clerk, Carrollton hotel Wile J. A. clerk, 9 n Strieker Wileu John, salesman, 199 n Eutaw Wiley Alex, ship chandler, 166 Light-st wharf, dw 324 Light Wiley Mrs. Annie V. 222 Barre Wiley Charles W. clerk, 149 Aisquith Wiley Edward, lab. 453 Franklin Wiley Eleanora, 175 e Lombard Wiley Fred. lab. 58 Durst al Wiley George W. driver, 44 Stockton Wiley George T. driver, 44 Stockton Wiley Mrs. Jane C. 306 e Baltimore Wiley Jeremiah, farmer, Clipiier Mills Wiley James, Ijlacksmitli, 190 s Washington WILBV J. F. & CO. (J.F.Wiley, T. J. Young) book and job printers, over 160 w Baltimore Wiley John F. (J.F.\V.& Co.) 191 w Fayette Wib-y John K. clerk, Star hotel VViliy John W. clerk, 64 Decker Wiley Joseph B. engineer, Federal nr Cathedral Wiley Joseph P. shoemkr, 64 Decker Wiley .Mrs. Louisa, 12 Patterson Park av Wiley Parkerson R. tobacconist, 122Forrest,dw 213 e Baltimore Wiley Mrs. Rebecca, 16 Dover Wiley Rebecca, tavern, 27 w Fayette Wiley Thos. fish hucksler, 456 ("anion av Wiley Thos. canmkr. Burton's hotel Wiley Thos. A. agent, 197 Lee Wiley Tlios. W. painter, 44 Stockton Wiley W. C. insp'r C. H. 306 e Baltimore Wiley Wm. mariner, 149 Aisquith Wiley Wm. cigartukr, 162 n Eden Wiley Wm. H. cardriver, Bond and Aliceanna Wiley Wm. E. lab. 12 Patterson Park av Wilfor Michael, wheelwright,Clinton 8 of Elliott Wilfling John F. tr.ilor, 276 n Eutaw Wilfson David, furniture and carpets, 463 w Baltimore, dw 24 Pearl W^ilgrubsUlrich, in^. agent, 480 Canton av Wilhelm Abraham, lab. Clipper mills Wilhelm C.H.& Bro (C. H. and F. J. Wilhelm) tinners, 64 Penna av Wilhelm Mrs. Catherine, (Chapel nr Chase Wilhelm CliMS. H.(C n.W.&Bro.)39 Clinton av Wilhelm Chas. T. painter, 331 e Eager Wilhelm & Co. (J. M. Wilhelm, J.C.Corum,Ja- cob W^eis) iron merchts, 366 w Pratt Wilhelm Conrad, lab. 55 s Chapel Wilhelm Conrad, lab. 66 Division Wilhelm Daniel C. conductor, Druidville Wilhelm Daniel D., Sweet Air Wilhelm Francis J. (C.H. W.&Bro.)64Penna av Wilhelm Frank, clerk, 6 Clarke Wilhelm Geortre, driver, 215 n Caroline Wilhelm George, lab. 14 Cillendar al Wilhelm George W. carp. 184 Lexington Wilhelm's Hotel and Drove Yards,953 w Pratt Wilhelm Dr. James T. 169 w Lombard, dw 5C s Sharp Wilhelm John M. (Wilhelm & Co.)5 Courtlaad Wilhelm John, lab. 207 Preston Wilhelm John R. tinner, 64 Penna av Wilhelm John, lab. 17 Whatcoat Wilhelm Louisa, 64 Penna av Wilhelm Matthew, carp. 328 e Monument Wilhelm Murray W. carp. 224 e Madison WILHELM PERKINS S. cotton yarns, 44 Ger man, dw 659 Lexington Wilhelm Mrs. Rebecca, tailores8,86 Somerset Wilhelm Roszel, paiulvr, 338 e Monument Wilhelm Wilhelm, butcher, 71 Belair mkt, dvs Harford av Wilke .\ugust, cabinetmkr, 205 s Eutaw Wilke Daniel, cigarmkr, 178 Hamburg Wilke Rudolph, provisions, 123 n Bond Wilke Rudolph, fruit stand, cor Baltimore anc Frederick, dw 155 Orleans WMlkens & Bi-all ( Wm W. Wilkens and J. M. Beall) leaf tobacco, 71 s Charles Wilkens Chas. J. tiookkpr, 25 Conway Wilkens Fred. (Tate. MuUer & Co.)75 George Wilkens Garrett H. coachman, York road n Brown st Wilkens George T. jr. clerk, 56 Lee Wilkens Henry, teamster, 384 Penna av Wilkens Henry (Gever& W.) Bremen WILKENS H. & Ct). (E L.Witlhaus) manuf'r smoking and fine cut chewing tobacco,cigar &c. 181 w Pratt Wilkens James enu'ineer, 9 Wyeth Wilkens Jose[>h, lab. 18 Buren Wilkens Julius C.(Gever k\W .)345 Lexington Wilkens Louis (Wm. Wilkens k Co.) N.York Wilkens R. J. clerk, 23 n Paca Wilkens Wm. lab. 54 Johnson Wilkens Wm. W. (W. & Beall) 345 Lexingtoi WILKENS WM. & CO. (W. Wilkens, H. H Graue. L.Wilken.-i) steam curled hair factory Frederick ro^d, nr tollgate, store 300j ^ Pratt — [See Advertisement. Wilkens Wm. (Wm. W. & Co.) cor Frederic av and Wilkens Wilkens Wm. (Merry man Bros. & Co.) cor Free erick av and Wilkens Wilkens Wm. jr. clerk, 300j w Pratt Wilkerson Albert F. teacher, 692 w Lombard Wilkersou B. M. dentist, 271 n Eutaw HENRY HOEI^ & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Aveuue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. WIL 637 WIL Wilkes David J. photographer, over 125 w Bal- timore Willde Thos. D. mariner, 42 n Bond Wilkie Thos. D. oNSters, 220 e Monument Wilkins A. G. 368 Eutaw pi Wilkins Bartus & Sons (Bartus, Chas. H. and \Vm. A. Wilkii)s)saddles and harness, 6 Light Wilkins Bartus (B. W. & Sons) 98 e Prntl Wilkins Chas. H. (B W. & Sons) 98 e Pratt Wilkins Christian, coachman, 12 Davis Wilkins Fritz, cigarmkr, 229 HoUins Wilkins George C. supt. Mar\ land av nr Shirk Wilkins George T. clerk, 56 L^e Wilkins Dr. George L. 69 s Broadway Wilkins James W. helper, 10 Norris WILKINS JAMES, paperhancer, 226 e Balti- more, dw 124 n Bond Wilkins John, driver, 12 Davis Wilkins Dr. Joseph, 173 Lanvale Wilkins Oliver H. engineer, 350 n Gay Wilkins Richard, carp. 278 n Ann Wilkins Mrs. S. L. 368 Eutaw pi Wilkins Seth 0. clerk, 88 s Charles Wilkins Thomas, fisherman, 10 Stockholm Wilkins Wm. carp. 166 Park av Wilkins Wm. A. (B. W. & Sons) 78 e Pratt Wilkins Wm. C. coachman, 63 s Oregon Wilkins Willard C. (Dix & W.) 231 n Eutaw Wilkinson Agnes, 76 Block Wilkinson Alex, mariner, 258 s Ann Wilkinson Alex. jr. mariner, 31 Fell Wilkinson Alex, ji . lab. 258 s Ann Wilkinson Annie, teacher, 29 s Ann Wilkinson Benj. c.rp. Washington nr Chase Wilkinson Charles, carp. 426 Hanover Wilkinson Chas. C. broommkr, 79 n W.ashington Wilkinson David, flijiman, 443 Light Wilkinson Geo. cigarmkr, 275 Franklin Wilkinson Hezekiah, caulker. -12 Jackson sqar WILKINSON, HARLAN & JONES, (Walter S. Wilkinson, Geo. S. Harlan, Rich'd H. Jones) penl. ins. agents and brokers, 37 PostoflSce av Wilkinson James, lab. 300 Ramsay Wilkinson Jas. K. P. police, 305 n Eden Wilkinson James, bricklayer, 14 n Eden Wilkinson James A. huckster, 2 Diamond Wilkinson James jr. lab. 300 Ramsay Wilkinson John, rural architect and landscape gardener, n w cor Charles and Baltimote,dw Mansion house Wilkinson John T. glasshlower, 215 Battery av Wilkinson John R. huckster, 4 Di^imond Wilkinson John, painter, 104 Mullikin Wilkinson Jos. W. upholsterer, 453 Light Wilkinson Joseph, saddler, 230 William Wilkinson Orlando A. tinner, cor Holland and Caroline Wilkinson Patrick, lab. 31 Fell Wilkinson Robert, type founder, 3 JefiFerson Wilkinson Mrs. Sarah, 168 e Madison Wilkinson Mrs. Susan, 29 s Ann Wilkinson Thos. lab. 11 Paiuxent Wilkinson Thos. gardener, Harford rd nr Hall Springs Wilkinson Thos. S. warden Md. Pent'ry, 78 e Madison Wilkinson Thos. C. turner, 155 JefiFerson WILKINSON WALTER S. (Wilkinson, Har- lan & Jones) notary public and gen'l agent John Hancock Life Ins. Co. 230 w Baltimore, dw 77 Cathedral Wilkinson Wm. J. lab. 158 West Wilkinson cj- Vickers (Wm. J. G.Wilkinson, Jas. E. Vickers) grocers, 51 w Baltimore Wilkinson Wm. J. G. (W. & Vickers,) 79 n i2 GQ Washington Wilkisoii Wm. B. janitor, 195 Mullikin Wilks Jas. K. over People's Bank Will Alex, driver, 84 Barre Will Andrew, shoemkr, 96 Penna av Will August, shoemkr, 272 Preston Will Charles, clerk, 84 Barre Will Henry, boxmkr, 196 s Regester Will Henry, lab. 21 Port Will Henry, tinner, 84 Barre O) Will Jacob, shoemkr, 84 Barre q Will John, lab. 28 Port p Will Lawrence, baker, 241 s Ann -S Will Mrs. Margaiet, 381 Penna av -^ Willard George J., Three Tuns hotel ^ WILLCOX & GIBBS Silent G.Sewing Machines, ^ 46 Lexington, Jacob H. Aull, agent Willax Anton, dyt-r, 87 e Fayette Willax Michael, dyer, 288 n Gay Wille Chas. clerk 14 s Creene Wille Fred, shoemkr, 63 O'Donnell Willen Levi, lab. 10 Green ct o O Willen Samuel, oyster packer, 336 e Pratt Willenberg Mrs. Mary. 168 Madeira al o o <^ Willelt Chas. S. boo'kkpr, 159 Lanvale Willett George H. carp. 63 Stockton Willett John C. clerk, 159 Lanvale Willett Joshua T. lab. 117 Cross Willeit Sarah A. laundress, 51 Fort av Willey John, tailor, 38 St. Peter Willey Lemuel, tobacconist, 23 n Liberty, dw 46 Pearl Willey Lemuel, tobacconist, 327 e Madison Willey Lemuel, tobacconist, 4 e Biddle Willey Marcellus, lab. 12 Henrietta Willev Mrs. Maria, 327 e Madison Willey & Stuart (Thos. J. Willey and H, F. Stuart) paints, oils and glass, 142 w Pratt Willey Thos. J. (W. & Stuart) 107 n Exeter Willey Wm. tailor, 38 St. Peter Willey Wm. police, 153 e Pratt Willey W. P. attorney, 53 St. Paul Willy Richard D. engineer, 264 Cross Willhelm Francis, hatter, 6 Clarke Willhelm Lewis, 6 Clarke \^ William Tell House, s w cor Pratt and West ^ Falls av '^ William-St(M.E.)Church, William andL. Church Q Williams Adam A. salesman, 451 e Eager Williams A. W. salesman, 326 w Baltimore Williams August, lab. 80 Clinton Williams Albert, engineer, 27 Somerset Williams Albert, lab. 45 s Republican Williams Alex, shipcarp. 291 William Williams Alex. jr. fisherman, 291 William Williams Mrs. Antoinette, 68 w Madison Williams Mrs. Annie, seamstress, 175 n Front Williams Annie, teacher. 37 w Eager Williams Mrs. Agnes, 88 n Eden Williams Anthony C. shoemkr, 189 e Baltimore J^ Williams Augustus A. bookkpr, 74 Walsh Q Williams Augusta, tailoress, 278 Aliceanna qj Williams Benj. fireman, 223 York H Williams Benj. F. clerk, 33 s Chester Williams Benj. F. jr., Enterprise rock-candy EH works, dw 54 s Republican ^ Williams Benj. D. clerk, 122 Lanvale "^ WILLIAMS BENJ. purchasing agt. B. &O.R.R. O office Camden Station, dw 122 Lanvale o o f4 CQ O < 1—1 GQ P5 o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) ^ -t^ o-r' o o ^-' . w > S « •kCC Oi V. JS" o !1> tj:^ ;zi c -^ 1 ^_ £ o c Oi cs -£1. c; tt c3 ^_. -w •— cc i^ c^ •'- >- . Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. WIL 638 WIL Williams Mrs. Benj. H. 229 St. Paul Williams Bennett A. fish, 38 Eastern nv Williams Mrs. Catherine D. 177 Lee Williams .Mrs. Cecelia, school. 425 w Fayette b Williams Chas. mariner, 27 Hamburg Williams Clias. Fl. carp. 660 Saratoga Williams Chas. C. jiainter, 220 e Fayette Williams Chas. paperhaiiger, 138 Hanover Williams Dalrymple,clerk, n w cor Calvert and Lexinj;ton Williams Daniel, lab. 8 Addison Williams Daniel, fireman, 114 Hughes Williams Daniel, painter, 253 Dolphin Williams David, lab. First av nr Clinton WILLIAMS DAVID E manufr. of shirts and underwear, 63 n Eutaw, dvv 556 w Lombard !it'~Z -^ Williams David jr. stonecutter, Mt. Vernon 5 -n "Z Williams David, lab. 8 Addison o 9? i= Williams Dr. E. Joues, 33 Elliott S ^ P Williams Mrs. Edna, 10 Milliman j; a- o Williams Edgar C. plasterer, 15 George c ■^r=, Williams Edward, stonecutter, 188 e Monument -^ T: .' Williams Edward, potter, 146 Ramsaj- Williams Edward, painter, 120 McElderry Williams E. Calvin, attorney, 33 St. Paul, dw 275 n Charles Williams Edward S. canmkr, 355 6 Fayette ii . Williams Lliza 0. teacher, 190 n Eutaw ^ 52 Williams Elizabeth, seamstress. 10 Etting . \^ _z Williams Mrs Klleii, 85 North 2 G .i Williams Emanuel, carp. 52C Aisquith rt eJ 'C Williams Franklin, clerk, 339 Myrtle av ;>^ S q' Williams Fred, mariner, 251 s Dallas ^Q c* ^ Williams G. Cooke, clerk, 122 Lanvale cvi ►; Ph Williams Capt. Geo. F.mariner,41 s Washington rz M ^ Williams Geo. sashinkr, 392 Eastern av ~ - P Williams Geo. coppersinelter, 10 Clinton ■^ .,-. S Williams Geo. C. clerk, 326 w Baltimore liams Geo. E. painter, 65 Grindall 02 S Wil 55 i < ' o S ^ H WILLIAMS GEO. HAWKINS, attorney, over Chesapeake Bank, North, dw 147 St. Paul Williams Geo. M. carter, 117 Peirce Williams Geo. M. attorney, 147 St. Paul Williams Geo. L. inspr. gas meters, 22 Myrtle av Williams G. M. 72 McCuUoh Williams Geo. W. painter, 120 McElderry Williams Gerard, clerk, 79 ilcCulloh Williams Goodwin H. attorney, 18t St. Paul Williams G. Harlm, pres't Home Fire Ins. Co. \i) South, dw 250 Peniia av Williams H. S. salesman, 37 n Strieker Williams Hallack B. conductor, n w cor Cal- houn and Patterson av ^ ^ Williams Mrs. Hannah, 74 Walsh ^ "^ 'o Williams Helen, cook, Washington hotel g ^ _C Williams H. P. clerk, John nr McMecliin K ;^ '" Williams Henry J. fancy goods, over 31 Han- g ~ ^ over, dw 94 Orleans g ^ j^ Williams Henry, fisherman, 207 Battery av «p Ttc^i WILLIAMS HENRY, attorney, and agtWeems' O s: ^/S- transportation line, 41 St. Paul, dw 6 Wa- *S^ ^^ be verley terrace -2 •:= .S Williams H. F. & Co. (Henry F.Williams) hard- 6 "^ .;£ ware, 157 w Pratt ^ r^"?:; Williams Henry A. bookkpr, 83 n Charles Williams Henry G. carp. 30 Patterson av Williams H. S. salesman, 303 e Baltimore Williams Henry P. clerk, 254 Myrtle av Williams Herman (John S. W. & Bro.) 60 w Miidison Williams Hiram, sewing mach.agt, 284 n Bond Williams Isaac, tailor, 125 Chew s ^ c. o > > ^ cft rz V (3 cS ♦J . .N li X i- ft '^ a oa ^ c O) >% ft:) 03 CS fl. :3 lo h O €©■ Williams Isaac J. engineer, 175 e Pratt Williams Isaac, sec'y Potomac Fire Ins. Co. Z Postoffice av, dw 87 n Charles Williams Mrs. Isabella, 107 Mulberry Williams .Mrs. Isabella, notions, 188 e Monumen Williams J. Clarence, clerk, American hotel Williams Jacob, tanner, 203 n Caroline WILLIAMS J.\COn, mineral water manufac'r 2 e Lombard, dw 295 e Chase J. WILLIAMS^ Manufacturer of Superior KISSENCEN, VICHY And other 311 NERAL WATERS (lu Fouutalup AND Syphons,) AND AL,L KIKnS OF SYRUPS, No. 2 E. LOMBARD ST. Williams J. Franklin, clerk, 295 e Chase Williams James, driver, 8 s Care}- Williams James ( Wm. Parker & Co.) 252 Ban Williams James, lab. 367 McHenry Williams James H. driver, Oxford, York rd Williams James, 62 s Ann Williams James (McAlister & W.) 39 e Pratt Williams James M. carp. 140 Chesapeake Williams James R. lab. 140 Chesapeake Williams James T. carp. 199 Raborg, dw 6 Ramsay Williams Jennie, dressmkr, 96 e .Madison Williams Jeremiah, lab. Buren and Fall Williams Jesse W. huckster 246 HoUins Williams Mrs. Johanna, 15 George Willi.ims John P. cojipersmelter, Clinton n Third av Williams John, glassblower, 6 Stockholm Williams John H.( Morrison & Co.)14 McCuIlo Williams John, lab 21 Bartlett Williams John, bookkpr, 425 w Fayette Williams Jnhn A. (John and James W. & Co. 98 w Fayette W'.Uiams John M. foreman, 40 Block Williams John, fisherman, 291 William Williams John ( W. «fe Spies) 77 Division Williams Capt. John, 109 s Caroline Williams John H. currier, 84 Mullikin Williams John & Jas. it Co. (J. A. Williams mahojiany and luinher yard, 130 s Charles Williams John E. carp. 124 Mullikin Williams John F. engineer, 207 Battery av WILLIAMS JOHN F. attorney, 35 Lexington dw 77 n Charles Williams John, cabinetnikr, 179 Stirling Williams John \. carp. 102 Jackson sq av Williams John .M. finisher, Druidville Williams Dr. John J. 276 Lexington, office 6 Saratoga Williams Juhn 15. bonded warehouse and con: mcrcht. 87 ."smith's whf, dw 60 Franklin WMlliaiiis Jonathan C. clerk tobacco warehoUE No. 2, dw 660 w Lombard Williams Juhn, ship. com. mercht. 4 s Hollida dw 60 Franklin WILLIAMS JOHN S. & BRO. (J. S. and E Williams) flour grain and com. merchant 52 Commerce Williams John S. (J.S.W.&Bro.)60 v? Madiso HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. " WIL 639 ' WIL ~~ Williams J. SMViige( J. S. W. & Co. and prop'r Maryland dniry) 15 Mulberry Willinms J. SavLige & Co. (J. S. Willirtras, H. D'A. Findley) insurance agls and brokers, 79 Second Williams John T. lab. 345 s Caroline Williams John T. police, 36 Sti-rrett Williams John T. boilermkr, 270 Light Williams John T. bricklayer, 14 Parrish Williams Rev John W. M. 277 n Charles Williams John, lab. 39 Creek a! Williams John W. carp. 18 Harford av Williams John \V. lumber inpector, 32 West Falls hv, dvv 34 e Pratt Williiims John W. (J. Izard Middleton & Co.) 65 St. Paul Williams J. Waters, 66 Barre WilliHms Jostph, watchman, 138 Conway Williams Joseph S. ladies' shoes, 88 n Charles, dw 212 Druid Hill av Williams Jos. W. rigger, II 3 Thames, dw 392 e Pratt Williams Joshua B. bookkpr, Calvert and Lex- ington Williams Julius C. shoemkr, 134 Camden Williams Lloyd W. attorney,! St. Paul, dw 185 Williams Mrs. M. A. 355 e Fayette Williams Mary, tavern, 155 Eastern av Williams Mrs. Mary A. shoes, 159 e Baltimore Williams Maria, 218 Aliceanna Williams Mrs. Mary E. grocery, n w cor Cal- houn and Patterson av Williams Mrs. Mary R. 185 St. Paul Williams Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, and gents furn. goods, 258 Light Williams Maurice E. machinist, 40 Block Williams Mary, tailoress, 218 Aliceanna Williams Nathan, car driver, Cumberland nr Gilmor Williams Nathaniel F. sr. 191 n Howard Williams Nathaniel F. jr. 191 n Howard Williams Noah, notions, 412 Lexington, dw 438 Williams Ulilea, tailoress, 218 Aliceanna Williams OthoH.(Wm.Ho\vell&Sonj91 Parkav Williaajs Dr. Philip C. 201 Madison av cor Biddle Williams Q.Tucker, salesman, John nr McMechin Williams R. A. city editor Baltimore Gazette, dw 55^ St. Paul ' Williams Mrs. Rhoda, grocery, 8 New Williams Richard, tinner, 13 s Republican WilliauiS R. L. clerk, 53 s Calvert Williams Richard C. brakeman, 18 Harford av Williams Robert, messenger, 225 Hanover Williams Robt II. shipsmith, 422 Lexington Williams Robt. E. clerk, U.S. N. 140 Chesapeake Williams R. Gerard, clerk, 79 McCulloh Williams Samuel C. clerk, 6 Waverley terrace WILLL-^MS SAMUEL H. dentist, 66 Saratoga, dw 276 Lexington Williams Samuel 0. clerk, 191 n Howard Williams Samuel T. coachtrmr, 18 n Caroline Williams & Spies (J. W. Williams and E. M. Spies) bookbinders, 114 w Baltimore Williams .Mrs. Sarah, boarding, 156 German Williams Mis, Semantbe, 160 Pearl Williams Mrs. Susan, 225 Hanover W^illiams Mrs. Susanna R. 1 Holland Williams T. Nottingham, att'y, 1 St.Paul,dwl85 Williams Thomas, coppersmelter, First av nr Clinton Williams Thomas C. milk, 304 Orleans Williams Thomas, shoemkr, 178 Johnson Williams Thos. J. lab. 106 Boyd Williams Thos. P. com. mercli'ant, 4 s Hollidav dw 36 Cathedral Williams Thos. P. jr. ship and com. mercht. 4 s Holliiiay, dw St. Clair hotel Williams Thos. S. carp. 191 n Front Williams Thos. W. horses, 122 Hollins Williams Underwood R.(Tli08. B. Schall & Co.) 67 n Broadway Williams Victor, Woodberry Williams Warner, lab. 390 e Fayette Williams Wm.coiipersral'r, Clinton nr Second av Williams Wm. coppersmelter, 10 Clinton Williams Wm. insp'r C. H. dw 356 e Fayette Williams Wm. carp. 18 Baker Williams Wm. driver, 31 n Amity Williams Wm. police, 141 Hughes Williams Wm. A. traveling anient, 451 e Eager Williams W. H. clerk, 104 Gough Williams Wm. H. pilot, 100 Gough Williiims Wm. H. nightman, 4.'>9 e Baltimore Wi II iains Dr. Wm.H. dentist, Sara toga andEutaw Williams Wm. J. clerk, 54 e Baltimore Williams Wm. J. moulder, Fayette and Chester Williams Wm. J. varnisher, 66 Mosher Williams Wm. S.( W.Howell & Son )91 Park av Williams Wm. T. restaurant, 49 n Pine WilliamsMrs.Wm.T.millin'y, Clinton s of Elliott Williams Wm. T. sup't Abbott rolling mill,dw Clinton s of Elliott Williams Z. F. gen. mchdse. broker, 129 w LonibMrd, dw Charles nr North av WILLIAMSBURG CITY FIEE INS. CO. of Brooklyn, N. Y. 73 and 75 Second, Gegan Bros. & Allmand, agents Williamson Alex, canmkr, 2 Windsor Williamson Arthur R. painter, 73 s Gilmor Williamson Belle, 20 and 22 Josephine Williamson Chas. A. bookkpr, 85 Franklin Williamson Chas. H. police, 110 L. Greene Williamson David, canmkr, 63 e Lombard Williamson Mrs. Klizabeth, groc'y, 2 Windsor Williambou Mrs. Elizabeth, groc'y, 46 Aisquilh Williamson Fernandes S. grocery, 136 s Sharp, dw Reisterstown rd Williamson George, butcher, 41 Johnson Williamson .Mrs. Harriet, 40 Lexington Williamson Harry C. carp. 108 Walsh Williamson James A. clerk, 46 Aisquith Williamson John B. salesman, 434 w Fayette Williamson John D. cigarmkr, 5 Pleasant Williamson L. T. 149 McCulloh Williamson Lewis W. salesman, 51 Lexington Williamson Mattie, 17 and 19 Josephine Williamson Platl, 9o Decker Williamson Robert A. canmkr, 63 e Lombard Williamson Walter B. confectionery, 14 eBalti- moie, dw 97 Lexington Williamson Wm. mariner, 107 Johnson Williamson Wm. F. canmkr, 63 e Lombard Williamson Wm. watchman, 108 WaJsh Williamson Wm. H. saloon, Cowpen al nr Paca Williamson Wm. M. shoemkr, 18 Ensor Williar Andrew J. (Williar & Fox) Cbarles-st av nr Brown Williar (!j- Fox (Andrew J. Williar and Moses Fox) cattle brokers, Calvertoa Williar George P. & Son (Geo. P. and Henry D. Williarj com. meichts. 10 Camden Williar Geo. P. (G.P.W.& Son) Carrollton hotel Williar H. R. sr. cattle broker, 192 n Caiey p3 o3 o d o =^ ft o o ^ GQ \^ <1 p — I > P I — I <1 :=^ W IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. WIL 640 WIL H W H PC? H a Eh CZ2 w >^ < <1 O rn U^ O O 00 H o ^ ^ t— 1 ^ <1 CD of Eh ■^ rvi d O " S o Williar Henry D. (G. P. W. & Son) 193 n Re- jjtiMican Williar Hurry R. jr. 192 n Carey Williiir John A. clerk, 8(5 Mulberry Williar Win. A. (S. Beviu. & To.) 273 St. Paul Williji Mrs. George, 307 Le.xington WILLIG GEURGE & CO. ( Harry and Jos. E. Wiilig) music publishers, 1 n Charles Willig Hairy (G. W. cj- Co.) 307 Lexington Willig Jos. E. (G. W. ^ Co ) 307 Lexington Willing Cluis. T. brickmoulder, 354 Hanover Williiiger Martin, porter, 230 e Chase Willinger Michael, builder, 266 e Chase Willinger Thomas, painter, 264 e Chase Willinghan Ambrose, carp. Homestead Willinghan Wm., Homestead hotel Willis Albert, clerk, 475 w Fayette Willis Benj. F. 475 w Fiyette WMllis Chas. N. police, 290 .Mulberry Willis Columbns, shipcarp. 407 e Lombard Willis Kugetie, bookpr, 475 w Fayette Willis Frank, painter, 475 w Fayette Willis Geo. R. attorney, 35 Lexington, dw 77 n Charles Willis Henry G. 375 Saratoga Willis Henry H. canmkr, 38 s Ann Willis Jiimes F. clerk, 375 Saratoga Willis John, teacher, Oxford, York rd Willis John T. carp. 14 Somerset Willis Joseph H. pilot, 38 s Ann Willis Joseph J. carp. Oxford, York rd Willis Mary J. tailoress, 127 Hamburg Willis Robert, salesman, 110 w Fayette Willis TI)os.carp.429w Pratt, dw 493 Lexington Willis Thomas A. tailor, 25 Aisquith Willis Thus. J, provisions, 129 Franklin Willis Wiu. J. clerk, 50 n Greene Willis Wra.M. builder, Calverton Willis Z.L.C.(Conklin,W.&Co.)513w Baltimore Willms Chas. (^Chas. W.& Co.) 113 n Howard Willnis Chas. & Co. {C. Willmsj manuf. surg. insts. and trusses, 113 n Howard Willms John P. 113 n Howard Willuer Mrs. Conrad, 313 Canton av Willner Frank, cooper, 313 Canton av Willner John, lab. I Holtzman ct Willoughby Mrs. M. E. 262 Lanvale Willoughby Francis, student, 262 Lanvale Wills & Hanna (T.V.Wills, H.B. Hanna)marble yard, cor Madison and Constitution Wills Harriet, 42 e Lombard Wills Jacob, lab. 157 s Eden Wills John, baker, 157 s Eden Wills John, attorney, over 54 w Fayette, dw 142 n Charles Wills John H. mariner, 42 e Lombard Wills John H. plasterer, 326 Park av VVills John H. jr. cigarmkr, 326 Park av Wills J. Hunter, agent Baugh & Sons, 103 South, dw Carrollton hotel Wills Joseph F. machinist, 401 Saratoga Wills Julius, packer, 192 s Washington VVills Richard C. plasterer, 351 Franklin Wills Thos. B. canmkr, 193 e Fayette Wills Thos. V. (W. & Hanna) 119 n Broadway Wills Wm. H. plumber, 80 Harford av Wills Wm. H. plasterer, 326 Park ar Willson Albert A. salesman, 312 w Baltimore Willson F. S.(T. J. Myer& Co. ) St. Clair hotel Willson F. W. & Son{Wm. B. Will80n)marine insurance office, 57 Second Willson F. W. jr. clerk, 119 McCulIoh Willson Mrs. Capt. Francis W. 119 McCulloh Willson Capt. Geo. 119 McCulloh Willson George, clerk, 131 Greenmountav Willson Greenbury B. depy. warden city jail, 164 Greenmount av Willson John Wm. attorney, 13 Courtland, dw 131 Greenmount av Willson John W. (Stanford & Co.) 355 n Cen- tral av Willson Joseph E. constable, Franklin nr Paca, dw 126 HofiFman Willson J. T. clerk, 119 McCulloh Willson Dr. W. G. G. 66 McCulloh Willson Wm. B. (F.W.W.& Son) 1 19 McCulloh Willson Wm. M. bookkpr, 13 n Gilraor Wilmer Charles, bookkpr, 277 Madison av Wilmer Edwin, 319 Madison av Wilmer Gideon L. carp. 356 Aisquith Wilmer Mrs. H. E. boarding, 319 Madison av Wilmer John G. millwright, 88 McBlderry Wilmer Lemuel, deputy collector 5th district, 23 Clinton av Wilmer L. A. (W. & Wirt) clerk C. H, dw 111 n Charles Wilmer Pere, clerk, 274 Saratoga Wilmer Skipwith, (Barton & W.)attorney, 35 St. Paul, dw 195 n Charles Wilmer Walter, carp. 440 e Chase Wilmer Wm. B. carp. 316 McDonogh Wilmer Wm. J. imp. hardware, 5 s Charles, dw 59 n Greene WHLMER & WIRT (L. Allison Wilraor and John S. Wirt) attorneys, 41 n Charles Wilmerring Frank, shoemkr, 1 Chesnut al Wilmot John (i. clerk, 373 e Lombard W^ilmot W. F. salesman, Howard house Wilson A. cotton broker, St. Clair hotel Wilson Absalom sr. painter, 9 Clarke Wilson A. F. engineer U.S.N. , Carrollton hotel Wilson Alex. C. R. clerk, Gilmor nr Presstman AVilson Mrs. Alice, John nr Eden Wilson Allen, carp. 123 Hollins Wilson Amos, conductor, 687 w Lombard Wilson Andrew L. painter, 182 n Fremont Wilson Andrew, stonecutter, 541 Saratoga Wilson Mrs. Andrew J. 53 Etting Wilson Anna, nurse, 165 German Wilson Mrs. Ann M. 172 Aisquith Wilson Mrs. Ann M. 27 Jefferson Wilson Mrs. Anna, tailoress, 46 Johnson Wilson Mrs. Annie E. 164 Lanvale Wilson Archibald sr. 162 Mosher Wilson Archibald jr. prest. Western Union Tele- graph Co. s w cor Baltimore and Calvert, dw 162 Mosher Wilson Archibald, 42 Bolton Wilson Archibald, soapmkr, 170 Orlesins Wilson Augustus, (P. A. Dunn & Co.) St. Clair hotel Wilson Benj. wheelwright, 203 Lee Wilson Benj. machinist, 354 s Sharp ' WILSON & BROWN (G. H.Wilson & C. S. Brown) importers and dealers in fancy gro- ceries, n e cor Charles and Lombard Wilson Burch S. canmkr, 141 e Monument WILSON, BURNS & CO. (Francis Burns, jr. F. H. Burns, Joseph S.West) wholes, grocers and com. merchts,. cor Howard and Lombard W^ilsim Mrs. Catherine, seamstress, 305 Hanover Wilson .Mrs. Catherine, 247 n Front Wilson Mrs. Catherine, 166 s Washingtoa Wilson C. Webster, 263 St. Paul HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. WIL WIL 641 Wilson Charles, tin aud sheetiron worker, 298 Cross Wilson Charles, mariner, 71 n Springy Wilson Chnrles, plasterer, 387 s Charles Wilson Charles, mariner, 149 Madeira a! Wilson Cii[it. Chas. mariner, 411 e Baltimore Wilson (.'liarles A. photographic stock, 7 n Cbiirles, dw 426 n pjden Wilson Charles, engineer, 67 w Biddle WILSON CHARLES G. attorney, s w cor Charles and Lexington, dw Bihimore co Wilson Charles W. clerk. 16 n Kutaw Wilson Cliarles H. Crtrji. 110 Burre Wilson Clarence, piinter, 79 Gforirft Wilson Coiuuibus, watchniki, 326 Raborcr WILSON, COLSTON & CO. ( Jas. G. Wilson, F. M. Colston, Wm. B. Wilson,) Bankers and Brokers, No. 134 Baltimore-st., Dealers in Government Securities, Specie, Exchange, and Investment Se- curities. Wilson David, varietj, 8 Frederick av Wilson David, (ilasterer, 203 n Central av' Wilson David, hatter, 51 Gre-nniount av Wilson David S. (W.W. & Sons) 2-5 n Charles WiUon David, n e cor St. Paul and Chase Wilson Rev. David, 8 Parkin Wilson Edward (Zane & Co.) Pratt nr Patter- son ParK Hv Wilson Edward, clerk, 212 Lee Wilson Mrs. Eleanor, 18 s Greene Wilson Evaline, 427 e Eai;er Wilson Mrs. E. A. 296 n Bond Wilson E. Brockett, clerk, 71 Penna av Wilson Mrs. ElizH A. confectionery, 81 Second dw 527 w Fayette Wilson Eliza M 81 Park av Wilson .Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 w Eager Wilson Mrs. Ellen, 48 Franklin Wilson Ezpkiel, engineer, 90 s Ann Wilson F. E. clerk, 28 a. Gilmor Wilson Felix, plasterer, 203 n Central av Wilson Francis, lab. 89 Boyd Wilson Frank P. driver, Sterrett nr St. Peter Wilson Frank A. carp. 260 Chew Wilson Franklin P. telegraphist, 13 Clay Wilson Rev. Franklin, Edmondson av and Kirby la Wilson G. 0. (W. & Perry) 9 Barnet Wilson Geo. H. jr. butcher, 2 n Collington av Wilson Geo. H. butcher, 52 Centre. 15 Hanover, and 27 Lexington mkt3,dw 2 n Collington av Wilson Geo. H. (W. & Brown) 51 n Broadway Wilson Geo. puddler, 83 s Wolfe Wilson Geoj W. chairjiainter, 160 e Monument Wilson Geo. W. driver. Swan hotel Wilson Geo. W. clerk, 211 w Lombard Wilson Mrs. Georgianna, 38 s Broadway Wilson Mrs. Hannah, 1 15 n Schroeder Wilson Mrs. Harriet E. 388 w Lombard Wilson Henry, carp. 54 s Schroeder Wilson Henry, flour, Jeed, &c., 50 3 Frederick, dw 173 e Hofifman WILSON H. C. restaurant, 77 Camden Wilson Mrs. H. C. boarding, 77 Camden Wilson Henry C. agent, 32 a Gilmor Wilson Henrv 1. clerk, 71 w Centre Wilson Dr. Henry M. 251 Madison av Wilson Henry M. clerk, 4 s Holliday WILSON HENRY R. agent Security Life Ins. and Annuity Co. of N. Y. 35 PostoflBce av, dw Balto CO WILSON Dr. H. P. C. 146 Park av Wilson Henry K. oil agent, 27 n Fremont WILSON & HUNTING, (D. Wilson, E.B.Hunt- ing) lumber, cor East Falls av, Canton av, and President st Wilson Isaac, clerk, 73 n Carey Wilson J. Appleton, architect, cor Edmondson av and Kirljy la Wilson J. Baynard (J.B.W. & Son) 165 Druid Hill av W' ilson J. B. & Son (J. B. and Jas. M.Wilson) iron founders, 147^ North Wilsun J. Orlando, plumber, 20 e Monument Wilson Jacob L. clerk, 277 St. Paul Wilson James J. constable, 9 Law buildings, dw 719 w Pratt Wilson James, weaver, Druidville Wilson James, paper hanger, 234 n Bond W^ilson James, restaurant. Cross and William Wilson James, driver, 248 s Ann Wilson Capt. James S. 24 s Calhoun Wilson James A. driver Scott and West Wilson Capt. James E.,U. S. A., Fort McHenry Wilson James, clerk, Washington hotel Wilson James T. clerk, 42 Bolton Wilson James C. butcher, 2 n Collington av Wilson James A. carter, Scott nr Cross Wilson Jas. bakery and confec'y, 9G Park av Wilson James H. bricklayer, 95 Hampstead Wilson James H. carp. 170 n Fremont Wilson Rev. Jas. M., M. D. 96 McCulloh Wilson James G. (W., Colston & Co.) Balto co Wilson James M. (J. B. Wilson & Son) 110 w Biddle Wilson James W. clerk, 81 Park av Wilson Mrs. Jane L. 6 Harlem av Wilson Mrs. Jane, milk, 296 e Monument Wilson Mrs. Jennie, seamstress, 332 Mulberry Wilson Jesse L. patternmkr, 2 s Ann Wilson Jesse, (J. W. & Son) 211 w Lombard Wilson Jesse P. clerk, 211 w Lombard Wilson Jesse & Son, (J. and R. Harry Wilson) com. merchts, cor Light and Camden Wilson John, drayman, 38 Hillman Wilson John, lab. 104 Lancaster Wilson John, mariner, 330 Eastern av Wilson John, plumber, 142^ w Fayette, dw 136 w Biddle Wilson John, lab. 68 n Dallas Wilson John, drayman, 71 Buren Wilson John, lab. Federal nr Aisquith Wilson John A. bookkpr, 241 n Calvert Wilson John A. machinist, 569 w Lombard Wilson John E. clerk, 73 u Carey Wilson Johu D. cor Lanvale and Park av Wilson John F. salesman, 196 McCulloh Wilson John H. clerk, 118 Hanover Wilson John H. driver, 399 Orleans Wilson John H. grocery, 222 n Howard, dw 235 w Biddle Wilson John J. salesman, 49j Hill Wilson John J. clerk, 96 Park av Wilson JohnJ.sash and blindmkr,716Lexington Wilson John K. salesman, 79 McCulloh WILSON JOHN L. master of road B. & O.R.R. office Camden station, dw Carrollton hotel Wilson John S. shoefitter, 66 n Schroeder c o O d o o o f^ I— f p-( p-i p CD DQ P5 l^ Pm P^ DQ H I — I w o < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 40 Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York, WIL 642 WIL WILSON JOHN P. propr. Cloud house, 415 w Baltimore Wilson John T. milk, 380 Franklin - 02 ? Wilson John T. chair painter, 42 Somerset 0) O) ^ S c :3 o 02 Wilson JohnW.(JohnW.W.«& Son)3 n Strieker WILSON JOHN W.&.^ON,(J.W.HndJ.W^Wil- son jr.) lumber, planing and s>iw mill, and sash, door and blind factory, s e cor Eutaw and Cross 5 DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. Wilson Malisa, seamstress, 6 Gould ct Wilson Mrs. Maria, 42 Bolton Wilson Mrs. Maria, tuiloiess, 6 Gould ct Wilson Mrs. Mary, 289 n Front W^ilson Mrs. Mary A.dressmkr, 140 n Central a? Wilson Mrs. M. A. hairworker, 260 Chew Wilson Matthew, carter, 108 n Fremont Wilson k Merryman, (J. B. Wilson, W. M Merrvman) printers, 18 s Paca Wilson Mrs N. boarding, 313 Bank Wilson Nicholas, lab. 5-") Curley Wilson Mrs. 0. M. janitress, 16 n Eutaw Wilson Packinj: Co.F.S.Waiers,apt.7sHollida' WILSON, PALMER & CO. (R. N. Wilson, A J.Palmer.J.T.Sasscer jr.)wboles. grocers anc com.merchis, 121 wLombard and 19Balderstoi WILSON PRoF.P.B.analyticaUhemistandmel allurgist, over 30 Second, dw 404 n CalhouE |- John W. Wilson & Son, ^ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in c3 "IT) .1^ w ce u. 0) , ■fcS r § a MANUFACTURERS OF ^ Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, I Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, o Newels, Balusters, Hand- rails, &.C., I ^ ^ Office, Wareroom & Lumber Yard, ^li FREMONT NEAR S. EUTAW, I 'S ^ FACTORY, Cor. S. Eutaw and Cross. I; ..= *'" Wilson John W. jr. (John W. W. & Son) 631 S "^ 5 w Fayette 1 -g "^ Wilson'john W. clerk, 92 Lee o o ^ Wilson Joseph, watchman, 147 Battery av ^ Tr^^ Wilson Joseph, clerk, 24 w Eager V. s to Wilson Jos. B. ( W. & Merryman) 3 Penn ^' o p WMIson Rev. Joseph P. 414 e Monument 'e ^ 'cc Wilson Joshua, grocery, .399 Orleans ^ "^ '"£ Wilson Mrs. Julia, 254 Hollins S >^ oj Wilson Lancel L. cooper, 37 Ryan i3 'o ,^ Wilson Lee, Cnrrollton hotel ^ .t rt WILSON LEROY M. cotton factor and gen.com. S: a •- mercht, over 17 Light, dw 652 Lexington 2 oj Si Wilson Levin, mariner, 212 Lee •§ ">^ o Wilson Capt. Levi, mariner, 231 Hanover 1^ (u >-» Wilson Luther, 63 Hollins Wilson Peregrine T. 188 Hanover WILSON & PERRY, (G.O. Wilson, W.C Perr hat and frame raanufrs.71 and 101 Lexingt( Wilson Philip, lab. 532 Light Wilson Reuben, plumber, 20 e Monument Wilson Mrs. Richard, 71 w Centre Wilson Richard C. cashier, 71 w Centre Wilson Richard S. wagon, 32 Williamson al Wilson Robert, plumber, 19 n Calvert, dw 2C Monument Wilson Robert, bookkpr, 366 n Gilmor Wilson Robt N.{ W.Palmer&Co)Barnum'sho Wilson R Harry, (Jesse Wilson & Son) 2ll Lombard Wilson Robt.King(T.A.W,&Bro.)Baltimore Wilson Samuel, eni,Mneer, 67 w Biddle Wilson Samuel, plasterer, 162 e Kager Wilson Rev. Samuel A. 227 n Carey Wilson Samuel B. clerk, 254 Hollins Wilson Samuel Y. clerk, Baltimore co Wilson S. Cover, printer, 120 e Madison Mllson Samuel P. carp. 141 e Monument Wil-on Mrs. Sarah, confectionery, 83 s Wo Wilson Mrs. S E.. Gilmor nr Presstman Wilson Sarah D., Ramsay nr Fulton Wilson Sarah, seamstress, 251 n Central av Wilson Mrs. Sarah S. 189 Linden av Wilson Stephen, plasterer, 247 n Front WILSON SEWING MACHINE 00.33 n Chai W^ilson Mrs. Susan, notions, 674 Saratoga Wilson Sidney W. bookkpr, 153 Jefferson Wilson Z. Taylor, printer, 212 Lee Wilson Talcott E. helper. 222 Hollins WILSON THOS. A. & BRO. (T. A and R. Wilson) stock and note brokers, 30 Souti Wilson Thomas, prest. Baltimore Cemetery 8 South, dw 127 McCullob Wilson Thos. A. (T.A.W.& Bro ) Baltimon Wilson Thomas C. engineer, 83 s Wolfe Wilson Thomas J. (Wra.W.&Sons) 81 Pari Wilson Thomas J. clerk, 211 Lanvale ^ ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplie '"' ^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75. 000.000.00, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. WIL 648 WIN rilson Thomas J. asst. editor Sun, 79 George Risen Walter S. carp. 25 s Carey rilson Wm. E. insp. C. H. dw 89 Chesnut rilsoQ Wm. P. rest.iurant, 211 Lexington, dw 24 nPaca P'ilson Wm. jr. 168 w Fayette t'lLSON WM. livery stables, 18 s Paca, dw 3 Penn filson Wm. clerk, 188 Hanover rilson Wm. lab. 61 Patuxent V^ilson Wra. driver, 349 e Fayette P'ilson Wm. H. moulder, 24" Hollins rilson Wm. H. plasterer, Woodberry F^ilson Wm. L. coachpainter, 399 Orleans I'ilson Win. R. 73 u Carey filson Win. V. euginet-r, 302 e Chase Vilson Wm. B. 279 n Charles nison Wm. C. 81 Park av rilson Wm. H. conductor, Federal nr Oak S^ilson Wm. H. clerk, 97 St. Paul d'ilson Wm. currier, 481 Light V^ilson Wm. T. blacksmith, 57 n Schroeder Vilson Wm. R. locksmith and bellhanger, 160 e Monument Vilson Wra.T.coal and wood, 160sCaroline,dw8 P'ilson Dr. Wm. W. dentist, 171 Madison av Vilson Capt. Wm. W. mariner, Ifi Warren Vilson Wm.&Sons(D.S.aadT. J. Wilson )8South Vilson Young O. ( Pitcher & W.) 156 McOulloh Vilstorf C.J.H. receiving teller German Bank, 327 e Biddle Viltshire Dr. J. G. 398 w Fayette Vilzbacher August, carp. 153 e Madison Vilzbacher Edward, printer, 153 e Madison Vilzbacher Win. stonecutter, 170 e Madison Vimmel Heary, tailor, 397 Lexington Viuimer Edward, pianomkr, 21 Brown la Vimmer Ernst, clerk, 89 s Fremont Vimmer Jacob, shoemkr, CarroUton, Balto co Vimmer John B. pianomkr, 49 Portland Vimmer John G. grocery, 21 Brown la Vimling Henry, rigger, 72 Block impsett John, lab. 5 Hollins al 7impsett Robert T. painter, 229 s Paca /'impsett Robert W. painter, 223 s Paca 7inand John, distiller, Clinton nr Fourth av Hnand Wm. lab. 53 Elliott inand W. stillman, Clinton nr Fourth av ^inans Ross R. 38 Hollins ^Inans Ross, 51 Hollins 'inans Thomas, 38 Hollins 'inbigler Mrs. Annie, dry goods, 125 Parkin "inbigler George H. carp. 125 Parkin' 'inchester Mrs. Alex. 46 Franklin inchester Dr. A. S. 22 Cathedral 'inchester A. Park, 107 St. Park 'inchester Mrs. F.shirtmkr, 173 Edmondson av inchester George H. chair manuf. 117 w Bid- die, dw Eager and Wolfe 'inchester Mrs. Grace, 15 Mulberry 'inchester G. H. shirt manuf. over 117 w Bal- timore inchester H. Carroll, clerk, 46 Franklin INCHESTER JAMES & SON, (Wm. Win- chester) bill brokers, 77 Second inchesier J. Marshall, sec'y Fireman's Ins. Co. 307 Linden av inchester Oliver A. shirt manuf. over 7 n Charles, 118 n Paca inchester S. Mactier, clerk, Albion house , inchester Wm. (Jas. W. & Son) 22 Cathedral "inder Allen, bricklayer, 100 Barre 03 Ana •-• Winder Charles, huckster, 280 Aliceanna Winder Charles S. clerk, 55 Cathedral Winder Mrs. Alice, 55 Cathedral Winder Mrs. Catherine, 89 Hiimpstead Winder George W. clerk, 22 s Howard Winder Edward L. clerk, 55 Cathedral Winder Julius, city cart, 466 Saratoga Winder Mrs. Maria, 280 Aliceanna Winder Mrs. Mary B. grocery, 22 s Fremont Winder R. B. jr. "clerk, 140 Park nv Winder Richard B dentist, 140 Park av Winder Wm. Sydney, attorney, 31 n Calvert, dw 131 Park av Winderling Barbaretta, dressmkr, 228 s Ann Winderling Christian, baker, 22 Patterson Park av Winderling Christian, harnessmkr, 228 s Winderling Charles, cannikr, 228 s Ann Winderling Fred, harnessmkr, 228 s Ann Winderling Louisa, 228 s Ann Windhurst Geo. peddler, 198 Montgomery Windier Fred, grocery, 123 L. Greene Windle Edward W. coachsraith, bO n Amity Windle John W. printer, 80 n Amity Windolf Heruian, cabinetmkr, 42 McHenry Windshoffer Peter, lab. 259 s Bond Windsor Columbus W. druggist, 259 Hollins Windsor G. S. & Co. (G, S. Windsor) jewelers, 178 w Pratt Windsor Glendy S.(G.S.W.&Co.)399eLombard Windsor John T. carter, 155 s Ann Windsor John H. (J. H. W. & Co.) 363 Druid Hill av WINDSOR J. H. & CO. (J. H. Windsor, B. Mctiinn, J. P. T. Matthias) wholes, hats, caps and straw goods, 343 w Baltimore Windsor Nathan, engineer, 110 Battery av Windus John, porter, Batiery av nr West Windus Wm. barrels, 293 s Sharp Wineborg A. tailor, 3 Jlay Winebrenner P. Forney, (J. G. Craft & Co.) St. Clair hotel Winer Henry, cigarmkr, 22 n Caroline Winer Mrs. Kate, dressmkr, 22 n Caroline Winfelder John, cooper, 86 Battery av Winfelder John, cooper, 82 s Regestor Winfield Mrs. S. midwife, 37 n Poppleton Wing Mrs. M. J. 443 n Fremont Wingate Ambrose, fisherman, 409 s Eutaw Wingate Mrs. Ann M. 360 e Baltimore Wingate Charles M. 360 e Baltimore Wingate George T. clerk, 267 e Baltimore Wingate George H. painter, 90 William Wingate James, law reporter Sun, 87 Saratoga Wingate Samuel B.shipcarp. Ill s Washington Wingate Wm. H. painter, 90 William Wingler Henry, tailor. Ills Caroline Wingrove Annie, dressmkr, 6 n High Wingrove David S. stonecutter, 6 n High Wingrove Mrs. Elizabeth, midwife, 6 n High Winingder Lewis, coal oil, 309 e M>idison Winkel .Mrs. Amelia, costumer, 313 w Pratt Winkel Frank, moulder, 213 s Paca Winkel Geo. hostler, 140 Columbia Winkel Henry, porter, 177 s Paca Winkel Julius, actor, 313 w Pratt Winkeler Charles, cooper, 100 Duncan al Winkelman Charles, lab. Cooksie nr Fort av Winkelman Diedrich, tavern, 108 Boston Winkelman Frank, mariner, 41 Cambridge Winkelman Fred. lab. 108 Boston Winkelman Henry jr. clerk, 92 s Paca pq o Q O O P O o H &2 < zn >^ < o o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. WIN 644 WIN 125 CeJ Winner Richard, glassblower, 148 Montgomery ^ Winner Richd.W. glassblower, 148 Montgomery •fc^O Winsel Herman, lab. 89 McElderry's whf §Si|l3 Winship Henry C. (Gilmor, Meredith & Co.) P2 p Georgetown, D. C. H P- <-j Winsinger Henry, clerk, 433 n Gay Q (a ?H Winsinger Wilhehn, upholsterer, 433 n Gay ;^ PS p Winsinger Wm. F. cigarniker, 433 n Gay Q P^ M Winsley Francis, candy manufac'y, 245 Forrest Wise M'. Keel T. 499 FrankUn ^ Wise xMorgan R. (B. F. Hook & Co.) Waynes- ^ burg. Pa. Cy Wise Robert, machinist, 2!9 Henrietta Wise Mrs. Sarah V. 97 n Caroline Wise Thonia.s M. machinist, 59 William _ Wise Wm. G. carp. 234 Presion "^ VVisebaugh Charles B. cooper 152 n Dallas ct Wisebaugh Joseph F. driver, 36o Orleans o Wisebaugh Mrs. Rebecca. 360 Orleans ^ Wiset.eck B. wagons, llOsRegester r^ Wiseman Mrs. Ann, pharmacist, s e cor Balti- .^ more and Fremont ^ Wiseman Ghristian, lab, 4 Wyeth Wiseman Mrs. Frances, 278 n Bond Wiitman Geo. lab. 33 Lemmon Wiseman Geo. A. conductor, 278 n Bond Wiseman Jacob, tonic beer, 411 w Piatt Wiseman James H , Wa>hiiigton nr Chase -. Wiseman James H. plasterer, Wash' ton nr Chase ^ Wiseman John, lab. 378 William ^ Wiseman Johu F. furn. wagon, 84 n Spring Wiseman John F. police, 371 u Broadway ctj Wisem:-.n Michael, machinist, 219 William Wiseman W^m. V. barber, 7 Gieenmount av (2^ Wiskeman Philip, cabinetmkr,222 n Central av O Wiskye Frank, harnessmkr, 174 L. Greene O Wisong Altiert, clerk, 184 George ^ Wisong Jacob, clerk, 184 George f^ Wisong Wm. A. sec'v and tIe.l^r. S >fe Deposit . Co. 12 South, dw 269 St. Paul ^ Wisong Wm. G. clerk, 184 George Wiskotail James, shoernkr, 190 n Bethel ^ Wisnewski George, lab. 286 Alice mna ^ Wisnewski .Martin, lab. 52 Lancaster [^ Wissell Frank, paper hangings, 129 Saratoga, dw 133 r£ Wissert J. k Co. (Jacob and Joseph Wissert,) ^ fresco painters, 241 Walsh ^ W^issert Jacub,(J. W. & Co.)241 Walsh ^ Wissert Joseph, (J. W. & Co.)241 Walsh H Wissig Geo. furrier, 646 w Baltimore ^ Wissig Mrs. R. furs, 646 w Baliimore >^ Wissler Emil, shoernkr, Eden and Baltimore , , Wiss.^an Henry, liquors. 20'i Leadenhall Wissman John, tailor, 208 s .Ann W issuer Geo. shoemk-, 3«9 Eastern av Wissner Geo. lab. 19 s Wolfe Wissner John, lab. 3-9 Eastern av Wistland Henry, tailor, 21 n Pearl Withers Doughis A. clerk, 101 Cross Withers Douglas A. clerk, 59 Hamburg < H ai P '^ WitlerCh.is. A. (Wm. E. Woodall & Co.) 110 • O-r CO s a n 72 o ^-ri A-" > 5 •- 02 cr, > oc 0) §3-d :z; -T o 2 "^ m ei • '~i— I a> li c bC '^ ?3 s < s ■'- >^ "oo 'A% c 0-5 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. WIT 64 fi WOL c; c C m XL (M o 3-1 . Ui u ^ !^ ^■^^ c3 >-^ o .-^ o a; .^ s? -tJ ~ («» 4^ 'O ^ c C-l s^ sz '■^ ■^ bO c c. '2, -n ■^ &.. %-, 53 >. aj •^ > ^ * *u V) ^ ••" J5 S3 Witte Geo. teacher, 1028 w Baltimore Witte Henrj', grocerj, 377 w Pratt Witte Richard, paver, 27 May Wittekindt Henry, baker, 170 Lee Wittekindt John'H. baker, i70 Lee Witternian Fred cabiru(nikr, 78 s Broadway Wittenieyer Fred. Cinp. 452 Canton av Wittemyers John, blacksmith, 178 Chesnut al Wittenniir (jcoru'e, driver. 254 WaUh Wittenbecker Daniel, shoemkr, 1 Collison ct ^V'■ittcrmil^ Cy'lirisl.cabiuptmkr, 213 Montgomery ^Vitter Fred, wagoner, L'ol e Madison Witters S-imuel K. clerk, 294 e Madison Witters Thomas D. police. 287 e Baltimore Witters Wni. W. police, 319 w Lombard Wittgenstein David, clothing, 103 Harrison Wittgenstein L H. (I. H. W. k Co.) 94 Leo Wittgenstein L H. & Co. (I. H. Wittgenstein) clothing, 231 w Pratt Wittgenstein M. D. salesman, 94 Lee W'ittgi eriier Jo3e[ih, 263 s Bond Wittgrefe Conrad, cooper, 30 s Bond Witthauer Henry, lab. 19Lerainon Witthaus Erich L.(H.Wi!kens &Co.)38 Conway Wittich Ferdinand, mustard and vinegar fac- tory, HiL'h and Gianby. dvv 59^ s High Wittich George, confectioner, 22 Commerce Wittich W. clerk, 59^8 High WITTIG GKO. H. baker and confectioner, cor Broadway and Chase Wittig John L. baker, s w cor Franklin and Republican Wittier Chas. A. shipcarp. 110 doss Wittier Chas. F. cabinetinaker, 330 Orlems Wittier Fred. 355 s Bond Wittier Henry, tobacconist, 355 3 Bond Wittier John C. porter, 17 Abey al Wiitman George, tiilor, 13 n Wolfe Wittmau W. W.(W.W.W.&Co.)674 Lexington Wittman W. W. & Co. (W. W. Wittman) com. merchts. 101 w Lombard Wittman John, huckster, 219 s Bond Wittraer H. k Bro. (H. and P. Wittiner) boots and shoes, 269 n Eden and 173 e Baltimore Wittmer Henry (H. W. & Bro.) 269 a Eden Wittner Jacob H. clerk, 324 n Bond Wittmer Philip (H.W.J-Bro.^ 173 e Baltimore Wittmer Peter .M. shoemlvr, 324 n Bond Witts Henry sr. shoemkr, 97 e Biddle Witts Henry, painter, 360 n Durham Witts Philip, cinmkr, 97 e Bidille Witts Lemuel, coachpainter, 97 e Biddle Witts Wm. beer, 284 Chew Wituki Peter, hib 140 Lancaster Witz Abraham, 529 Lexinorton Wiz August, cigarmkr, 245 Battery av Witz Daniel, shoemkr, 186 William Witz Henry, lab. 249 Battc-v av Witz Henry, b;iker, 180 s Dill is Witz Isaac (Elhirt, Witz & Co.) Staunton, Va. Wiiz Levi ( Klhart, Witz k Co.) 565 Lexington Witz .Mrs. .Margaret, 39 Stirling Witzel Andiew, tailor, 287 n Central av Witzel Henry, lab. 2 Holtzman ct Witzel Simon, grocery, 1 1 n Oregon Witzel Thomas, mariner, 418 e Eager Witzelberger Louis,cab'tmkr,85 n Washington Witzelberger Nicholas, butcher, Chester nr Madison Witz-nbeiger Margarettn, rear 320 Aliceanna Witzgall Geo. N. 181 n Bethel Witzgall John, driver, 181 n Bethel Wivel Francis, carp. 226 Chew Wix Henry A. (Fifer& W.) 7 Parkin Wlotek Henry, potter, 140 e Pratt Wntz Alfred," furn. wagon, 13C Scott Woalk Conrad, carp. 178 Hamburg Wode Ann Maria, grocery, 273 s Charles Wode Charles L. shoemkr, 70 Oxford Wode Chas. clerk, 273 s Charles Wode Louis, grocery, 176 Cross Wode Louis jr. lab. 176 Cross Wode Wm. shoemkr, 85 Henrietta Wode Wm. lab. 176 Cr.>ss Wode Wra. grocery, 398 Franklin Wodill Ernest, shoemkr, 238 s Durham Woehler Henry, joiner, 211s Eutaw Woehrn Henry, cabinetmkr, 7 s liond WoelpelGeo. mattresses, 212 Canton av Woelper Benj. F. block and pumpmaker, 23 n Collington av Woelper Benj.F.jr.shipjoiner,23 n Collington av Woelper Geo. G. tavern, 330 s Bond Woeler Peter, lab. 15 Patuxent Wollers George, clerk, 154 s Paca Wohlfartt An>;ust, shoemkr, 3 Chesnut al Wohlfartt John B. tailor, 9 Chesnut al Wohlgemuth M. & Co. (M. Wohlgemuth, T.H. Mehlings) shoes, 8u6 w Biltimore Wohlgemuth M. (M.W.&Co.) 806 w Baltimore Wohlwend Mrs. Otto, druggist, 120 Columbia Wohn Mrs. Christian, Calverton rd nr tollgate Wohne John, conf. 34 Union Wonne Wm. carp. 84 Union Wojuechowski Wladystaus, tailor, 60 n Durham Woking Edward, cabinetmkr. 55 Albemarle Wolcoti .Mrs. Amelia J. 30 Camden Wolcott L. Bruce, clerk, 30 Camden Wolcoti Marian, teacher, 3o Camden Wolden Wm. pipefitter, 20 Wilcox Woldman Herman, goldsmith, 73 s Fremont WoMschmidt Jacob, cooper, 2 Comet Wolf Adam, cooper, 113 n Bethel Wolf Alonzo L. pres't Balto. Butchers' Hide and Tallow Assoc'n,No. l,dw John nr Harford av Wolf Amiel, cabinetmkr, 239 .Nfontgomery Wolf -Andrew, cooper, 162 s Central av Wolf .\ndreas, brewer, B«lair av exi Wolf Anthony, pianomkr, Strieker nr Patter- son av Wolf Anton, lab. 219 s Wolfe Wolf Anton, varnisher, 90 Franklin Wolf Anton, stoves, 28 Jasper Wolf Anton, lab. 201 West Wolf Aug. liquors, 326 s Eutaw Wolf August, blacksmith, 63 n Liberty Wolf August, clerk, 276 s Bond Wolf Benj. J. clerk, 17 Jackson sq av Wolf Casper, painter, 64 Camden Wolf Chas. helper, 51 s Oregon Wolf Chas. A. S. jewelry, 412 n Calhoun Wolf Charle.s, milk, Quaker la nr Friendship, York rd Wolf Chas. P. butcher, 31 Belair market, dw Point la rear Greeiimount cemetery Wolf Christian, confect'y, 154 e Lombard Wolf Christian, tailor, 96 Leadenhall Wolf Clay A. (E. Wolf & Son) 309 Hollins Wolf Conrad, papcrhanger, 22 e Pratt Wolft'onrad. srrocery, 311 s Bond Wolf Conrad H. grocery, 36 .lackson sq av Wolf Conrad, wau'oner, 164 Batterv av Wolf ij- Curtis (J. Wolf, J. A.Curtis) stoves and tinware, 487 w Baltimore c3 >0 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. WOL 64*? WOL c3 Wolf Daniel, sivlesmaa, 388 Franklin - Wolf Daniel F. carp. 304 Aisquith Wolf David H. driver, Quaker la nr Friendship, York rd Wolf David, butcher, 8 Haw Wolf Deidrich, tailor, 21 Miller Wolf Dominic, fruit stand, cor Park av and Lex- ington, d\v 15 New Church WOLF EDMUXD & SON (E. and C. A. Wolf) stove manuf. a e cur Light and Lombard Wolf Kdmund (E. WoJf & Son) 3o9 Hollins Wolf Edward, druggist, 180 Madison av Wolf Edward, clerk, 212 n Eden Wolf Ernest, lab. 331 Eastern av Wolf Ernest A. glasscutter, 296 Franklin Wolf Ernest A. basketmkr, Homestead nr Har- ford rd Wolf Mrs. Ellen, errocerv, 242 e Madison Wolf Frank A. tinner, 'l51 Walsh Wclf George, beer, 52 (\iinden Wolf George, carp. 102 Barre Wolf George L. tobacconist, 76 Union Wolf George, glassblower, 270 Cross Wolf George, t:\ilor, 2ri9 West Wolf George W. tinuer, 130 Mosher WolfGeortze, tinner, 109 Clement Wolf Henrj C. paiiUer, 248 e Baltimore Wolf Henry, tobacconist, 20 Conway Wolf Henry, shoemkr, 312 Aliceanna Wolf Henry, carp. 226 s Ann Wolf Henry, lab. 393j Canton av Wolf Henry, lab. 229 s Wolfe Wolf Henry, lab. 303 William Wolf Henry, turnkey, 7 n Collington av Wolf Henry, gardener, 82 Union Wolf Jarob (W. ^ Curtis) 388 Franklin Wolf John, lab. 9 Port al Wolf John, milk, Third nr Eastern av Wolf John jr. lab. 57 Wyeth Wolf John, market master, 290 n Howard Wolf John N. glassflattener, 28 Johnson Wolf John C. excavator. Homestead Wolf John jr. police, 131 s Eden Wolf John, baker, 276 s Bond Wolf Johti, plumber, 321 e Biddle Wolf John G. grocery, 147 Sarah Ann Wolf John B. police,"l31 s Eden WoU Johnsr. 57 Wyeth Wolf John, tailor, 228 Preston Wolf John, blacksmith, 69 James la Wolf John P. basketmaker, Homestead nr Har- ford rd Wolf John W. clerk, 520 Peuna av Wolf Joseph, lab. 17 New Church Wolf Joseph, butcher, Baker nr Penna av Wolf Mrs. Lewis. 6 L. McElderry Wolf Marcus \V.(D.\V. Glass ^Co.)32 Mosher Wolf Marcus, 184 Harford av Wolf .Matthias, lab. 27 Union Wolf .Moses, insurance broker, 120 Hanover Wolf Nathan, shoemkr, 19 Hampstead Wolf Philip, milk, 154 e Lombard Wolf Mrs. Rachel, 59 McCulloh Wolf Ricliard, carp. 363 s Eutaw Wolf Richard, barber, 351 West Wolf Samuel M. cutter, 151 Walsh Wolf Sunon, fancy ^oods, 179 n Gay Wolf Simon, milk, Hndsoti nr Clinton Wolf Mrs. Sarah, seamstress, 206 e Chase Wolf Sylvester, lab. 9 Lemmon Wolf Upton, carp. 580 Penna av Wolf Wm. A. lab. 272 Ramsay Woif Wm. B. clerk, 412 n Calhoun Wolf Wm. slater, 284 Hanover Wolf Wni. J. tinner, r22sCentral av Wolfangle August, tailor, 230 Saratoga Wolfangle Chas. H. baker, 230 S iratoca Wolf ingle Mrs. Christian, 230 Saratog'a Wolfangle Samuel M. taUor, 230 Saratoga Wolfe Mrs. Bettie, 218 Canton av Wolfe Benj. clerk, 17 Jackson pi WOLFE BROS. & CO. (L. W. atj4 F. E. S. Wolfe) wholesale grocers and corn. iii«rchts 119 w Lombard and 17 Balderston Wolfe Charles E. tailor, 576 w Baltimore Wolfe David, butcher, B, Lexington mkt, dw 17 Jackson pi 'J, Wolfe Edward, lab. 476 n Gav O Wolfe Francis E. S. ( W. Bros'. & Co.)157 n Re- O publican Wolfe George, brewer, Lancaster and Third av q Wolfe George H. tinner, 62 Henrietta Wolfe George E. chairmkr, 62 Henrietta Wolfe G. Miller, clerk, 624 w Lombard Wolfe Mrs. Hester A 80 n Strieker Wolfe Henry, oysters, 84 Granby Wolfe Henry, lestaurant, 12 n Central av Wolfe J. C. clerk, Calvert station, dw Balto co O Wolfe Jacob, jeweler, 60 w Baltimore, dw 102^ n High f^ Wolfe John, tanner, 215 s Wolfe Wolfe Dr. J. R. 251 w Lombard W Wolfe Joseph, butcher, 17 Jackson pi ^ Wolfe Lawrence, press feeder, 211 Mulberry ^ Wolfe Lawrence, press feeder, 50 M\ rtle av t^ Wolfe Lewis W. { W. Bros. & Co.) Carrollton '^ hotel - Wolfe Marcus W. paper bags, 7, 9 and II s r^ Sharp, dw 34 Mosher ^ Wolfe Lieut. Nathaniel D.,U.S.A.,FortMcHenry <^ Wolfe Thomas J. pumpmkr, 2 State pLj Wolfe Wm. E. tinner, 62 Henrietta »^ WOLFE WM. L. &C0. (W.L.Wulfe, H.West- ^ heimer, A. Westbtimer, Harris Westheimer) ^ wholesale liquors, 60 8 Sharp . Wolfe Wm.L.(Win.L.W.& Co.) 23 Jackson pi p£] 3 •-a C o a P o lab. 59 Elliott lab. 271 Canton av Mary D. school, 98 Wolferman Michael, Wolferman Michael, Wolfersberger Mrs. Townseiid Wolfersinger, John, lab. 389 Aliceanna Wolfersinger Matthew, tinner, 389 Aliceanna WOLFF ALEX. attorney,17 Law building,dw 197 Linden av Wolff Bernhard, cabineimkr, 73 Myrtle av Wolff C. B. teacher, 523 Lexington Wolff Mrs. C. B. dressmkr, 523 Lexington Wolff Charles C. telegraphist, 1 n Gilmor Wolff David W., Chapel nr Chase Wolff Edward, 73 Hill Wolff Mrs. Edward, sec. band store, 73 Hill Wolff Frank A. grocery, 254 w Fayette Wolff Fred, harnessmkr, 45 n Amitv Wolff Mrs. George C. 267 n Gay Wolff Geo. C. restaurant, 267 n Gay Wolff Gotleib, beer, 45 n Amity Wolff Lee { W. & Seligsberg) 143 n Gay _^ Wolff Leopold & Co. (Leopold Wolff. E Schoen- i^ berg, L. Seligsberg) enterprise rock candy and svrup wori O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. < Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, WOL f548 WOO H H H P^ H C-H C/J 2i H >H ;5 < -J p o re P o •s r/? t^ O uU H o i-:i iz; >— H VrH r=i <1 w GQ o% ^O o ^ ;^ E-hH w Biddle Wood Wm. music teacher, 314 s Charles Wood. Wm. machinist, Piatt nr Strieker Wood Wm. bookkfir. 334 vv Lombard Wood Wm. E.(W.E W. k Co ) 191 w Favette Wood Wm. F. dep. clerk Circuit Court, 348 w Lombard WOUD WM. E. cj- CO. (Wm. E. and Chas. J. Wood, Paul Scull) healing, cooking and ventilating apparatus, plumbers' and machin- ists' supplies, 363 and 365 vv Baltimore. — \Set Advertisement, side lines. Wood Wm. H. wholes.trrocer andcom. mercht, 105 s Charles, dw 359 n Eutaw Wood Wm. S. clerk, 359 n Eutaw Wo(jd Wm. sah'sniMii, 265 s Paca Woodall Mrs. Annie. 282 Mulberry Woodall Henry E. ri_>.:er, 61 Scott Woodall Jas. ( W E.W. & Co.) 205 Lee Woodall Mrs. Mary, John nr Spring Wood.ill Noble G. W. clerk, Harford av nr La n vale Woodall Walter W. engineer, Scott s of Cro HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. WOO 649 WOO zn ^ O O <^ P o o Woodall Tlieodore, saloon, 44 w Fayette, dw Harford av nr Lanvale Woodall Wm. E.(W.E.W.& Co.) 179 s Charles WOODALL WM. E. & CO.(Wiii. E. and Jas. Woodall, Chas. A. Witler) ship builders and proj)'rs floating dry dock, s side basin, office 46 Covington Woodall Wm. T. junk, 443 Hamburg Woodberry Cotton Mills, Wni. E. Hooper, Sons & Co. proij'rs, 3 miles on N. C. R. W. Woodberry Land Co. 23 Lexington Woodberry (M.E.) Church, Woodberry Woodburn David E. (Reitter & W.) 348 e Bal- timore Woodbury Geo. W.switchni'n, Clinton nr Toone Woodcock Mrs. C. J. millinery, 61 n Charles Wooddis Henry, ironraoulder, 301 s Bond Wooddy Wm. E. dep. collector 3d district, 246 w Hoffman Wooden A. M. grocery, Hoffman and Cathedral Wooden Mrs. Annie, dressmkr, 320 Park av Wooden Collen. brakeman, 312 Forrest Wooden Euos W. watchman, Biddle nr Wash- ington Wooden Geo. carp. 320 Park av Wooden Mrs. Isabella, 320 Park av Wooden James D. painter, 448 e Eager Wooden Jarrett, conductor, 282 n Eutaw Wooden John, cooper, 304 Harford av Wooden Martha, dressmkr, 304 Hirford av Wooden Mary, iaund. 196 Chesniit Wooden ThoD:as C. machinist, 312 Forrest Wooden Thomas F. 43 Orleans Wooden Thomas, cooper. 312 Forrest Wooden Wm. B car driver. 304 Harford av Wood house Wm. B. 380 e Pratt Woodhull Fred, actor. Burtons hotel Woodin Wm. H. conductor, 369 McDonogh Woodis Hunter, clerk, 124 Hanover Woodland Wesley, engineer, 62 Hamburg Woodman John, real est. broker, 49 Conway Woodman Mrs. Nancy, grocery, 12 Stockholm Woodm m Mrs. Sustm, 49 Conway Woodrow Benjamin, 1 1 s High Woodrou- James H. mariner, 30 Hughes Wordrow Louis H. ironforger, 406 w Fayette Woodruff Henry G. accountant, 165 w* Balti- more, dw 4 Franklin Woodruff Joahuii, oysters, 100 n Wolfe Woodruff Simuel S. engineer, Oliver WOODS A. P. & CO. (A.P.Woods, J. S.Stow- raan.Wm.E. Clarke) cofft-e and sugar wholes. 56 B Ghv Woods Ale.'?. P. (A.P.W.&Co.) 88 Townsend Woods Mrs. Amanda, seamstress, 217 Scott Woods Amelia, grocery, 108 West Woods Mrs. Ann, 224 n Front Woods Benj. mariner, 78 s Caroline Woods Charles F. (S. P. Thompson & Co.) n w cor Bolton and Townsend Woods Charles E. clerk, 67^ s Central av Woods Charles, cardriver, 539 Light Woods Charles L. canmkr, 292 s Sharp Woods 0. K. dressrakr, 425 Le.\iugton Woods Charhirt W. shipjoiner, 2 Ca'Uon Woods D. C. (D.C.W.&Co.) 309 Park av Woods D. C. & Co. (D.C.Woods and George P. Smith) merchandise brokeis, 7 Commerce Woods Edward, police, 29 Somerset Woods Mrs. Emma D. 406 Mulberry Woods E. F. clerk, 425 Lexington Woods Edward H. canmkr, 406 Mulberry Woods Mrs. Eliza 0., Bolton and Townsend Woods Ezra, huckster, 385 n Front Woods Frank, lab. 312 n Broadway Woods Frank C. caro. 159 Lee WOODS FRANKLIN D. pharmacist, n w cor Aisquith and Chew Woods George, 330 n Howard Woods George E. lab. 332 n Howard Woods George R. clerk, 292 s Sharp Woods George W. machinist, 159 Lee Woods Henry, lab. 547 Suatoga Woods Henry, fireman, 223 V'ork Wueds Henry, painter, 3i Parkin Woods Hiram(W.,VVeeks.j-Co.) 245 Madison av Woods Hudson A. machinist, 194 George Woods Mrs. J. A. 12 North av Woods James V. brakeman, 25 s Gilmor Woods James 0. expressman, 15 n Caroline Woods James H. 61 Courtland Woods James 0. conductor, 15 Walker Woods J. Thomas, salesman, 223 w Lombard Woods John F. lab. 67^ s Central av Woods John P. carp. 140 Druid Hill av Woods John H. lab. 33 n Caroline Woods John W. lab. 14 e Monument WOODS JOHN W. book and job printer, 12 South, dw 290 Madison av JOHN W.WOODS, AND PUBLISHER OP Baltimore City Directory, \2 SOUTH STREET. '< II Over Farmen and Planters Bank. () Woods Joseph H. painter, 425 Lexington Woods Joshua, brickmkr, 118 West Woods Josias, saddler, 425 Lexington Woods Levi, i>roduce, 107 s Paca Woods Michael, ice drive-. 77 s Central av Woods Michael, carter, 67^ s Central av Woods Milton, blacksmith, 330 n Howard Woods Peter, lab. 38 Somerset Woods l^atrick, coachman, 190 n Front Wooils Robert A. printer, 7 Whatcoat Woods Rufiis (Fink, Bro. ^ Co.)Howard house Woods Tbos co;ichtrimmer, Sprinir nr John WOODS, WEEKS & CO. (H. Woods, J. L. Weeks, J. H. Barker) steam sugar refiners, 2 w Lombard Woods Wm. A. cooper, 20 s Carey Woods Wm. L. carp. 425 Lexington Woods Wm. H. clerk, 292 s Sharp Woods Wm M. clerk, 4o6 Mulberry Woods Wm. P. carp. 547 Saratoira Woods Zachariah, brickmkr, 108 West Woodsidt- Charles S cl"rk, :t6 Conway WOODSIDE k GRIFFITH (J. S. Woodside, W. A. R. Griffith) com merchts, fertilizers, and mauufs. of fertilizers and bone black, office 55 Light Woodside Edmund L. clerk, 4 s Holliday Woodside Edward S. porter, 88 e Pratt Woodside Frank P. clerk, 159 n Calvert Power Press Printino;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins, Cos Marble Building.) pq E-i H <1 P5 1—1 < o w L-* 'w yj 00 > rr a> ^-- '^ 13 'rt ^ 05 _w *= p eg 5^ ^ o p' CM p P-< .2 a S ^ SS s^ P. ^-^ i '>> -1^ t^ >• P be ^ o c <3 a> -^ XI £ ^ t>. Woodside Harry M. clerk, 45 Lexington Woodside James S. (W. & Griflfitli) 103sSliarp Woodside Wm. of J. clerk, 159 n Calvert Woodside Wm. S. of W. clerk, 159 n Calvert Woodson Andrew J. tinner, 18 s Oretjon Woodters Wm. huckster, 22 Henrietta Woodville Wni. cor Cmhedral and Howard Woodville Wm. jr. clerk, Howard and Cathedral WOODWARD, BALDWIN & NORRLS (Wm. Woodward, W. H. jr. and C. C. BiUdwin.E. T.Nonis, S.Baldwin, A D. Jones) dry goods com. merchts, cor German and Hanover Woodward Bolivar, painter, 125 Parkin Woodward Bros.(T. B.and Wm. Wood ward jr.) ^eul. ins. agts, 26 Second Woodward Charles VV. 4S e Eager Woodward D. A. arti.st Md. Institute School of Art, dw GOl w Fayette Woodward K. M.53 n Charles, dwl56wMadison Woodward Geo. clerk, lol s Sharp Woodward Geo. furniture, 50 Harrison Woodward (icO. E. carp. 63 Division Woodward Mrs. Geo. P. 544 Franklin Woodward John F. weigh mas terN.C.R.48fEager Woodward John H. canmkr, 50 Harrison Woodward Joshua, oysters, 200 e Pratt Woodward Nicholas R. livery stables, 55 Ger- man, dw 18 s Eutaw Woodward Nicholas R. jr. cleik, 18 s Eutaw Woodward Mrs. Octavia, 53 s Carey Woodward Robert A. painter, Wolfe nr Chase Woodward Robert McC. clerk, 48 e Eager Woodward Samuel, tinner, 1 Myers ct Woodward Samuel M, clerk, 90 n Charles Woodward Mrs. Sarah T. 125 n Caroline Woodward T. B. (W. Bros.) 365 Eutaw pi Woodward Wesley, ci)nstal)le, 142 Pearl Woodward Wm. sr.{W., Baldwin & Norris)365 Eutaw pi Woodward Wm. j;-. (W. Bros.) 220 n Calvert Woodward Wm. H. plasterer, Waverley Woodvvorth Fred'k, sec'y Ballo. Fire Ins. Co. cor S(jutli and Water, dw 63 n Greene Wooilworth F. Brants, clerk, 63 n Greene Woody Fredk, bo.xmkr, 81 n Bond Woody John D. Iiutcher, 14 Hanover mkt, dw Gretnmount av Ofip Cemetery Woody Rufus, 490 w Fayette Woody Will. L. 490 w Fa\ette Woody Wm R. clerk, 490 w Fayette Woodyeur Wm. E. & Co. (Wm. E. Woodvear, Geo. R. Vickersjr.) mercht. miller, 3 Cable Woodyear Wm. E. (Wm. E. W. &Co.) Eutaw house Woolenham James, butcher, 206 e Chase Woolf Fnuiklin M . shoecutter, 363 Hollins Woolf Henry L. P. salesman, 363 HoUius Woolf H. M. C. salesman, 173 Edmondsoa av Woolf Jacol), glassblower, 27 Covington Woolfolk Jas. clerk, 690 S iratoga Woolford Chas. W. clerk, 158 s Sharp Woolford James L. canvasser, 75 w Biddle Wo(jlford John, messenger Adams Exp. 693 Le.xin>.'ton Woolford Mis. Marv, grocery, 404 Aliceanna Woolford Napoleon B.( W. & Tyler) 361 Light Woolford .Mrs. Sallie, seamstress, 141 Hamburg Woolford Thomas, mariner, 404 Aliceanna Woolford ('apt. Thomas, 219 Hanover Woolford & Tyler, (N. B. Woolford, L. Tyler) iron and rags, 156 Light-st whf Woollen Charles S. clerk, 172 Townseod Woollen Eliza, 36 n Exeter Woollen George W. bookkpr, 36 n Exeter Woollen Hannah A. 36 n Exeter Woollen Henry C. cooper, 166 Jefferson Woollen James R. cooper, 31 Commerce, dw 456 e Monument Woollen Mrs. John W. 18 n Oregon Woollen Leonard R. coU'r and property agent, cor Fayette and St. Paul, dw 172 Townsend Woollen Leonard R. jr. clerk, 172 Townsend Woollen Lewis E. canmkr, 166 Jefferson Woollen Mrs. Susan, 166 Jefferson Woollen Thomas, clerk, 166 Jefferson Woollen Wm. spikemkr, 84 n Ann Woollen Wm. T. painter, 18 n Oregon Woolsey Charles, lab. 159 n Front Woolsey John N. painter, 90 Parkin Woolsey Mrs. Mary, 47 n High Woolsey Richard C. engineer, 35 Jackson Woolsey Wm. V. gas inspector, 47 n High Woolston Samuel S.( W.Whitelock & Co.)com. mercht, Carrollton hotel Wooters .Mrs. Mary E. 27 Randall Woolten John J. engineer, 30 Fort av Wootten Capt. John W. 122 Jefferson Wopper George, shoemkr, 302 Canton av Worch Adam, varnisher, 124 Henrietta Worch Eckhart, baker, 124 Stirling Worch Henry, cabinetmkr, 302 s Sharp Worden Jacob, carp. 266 n Eutaw Worden Thomas, brass moulder, 266 n Eutaw Worden Wm. watchman, 266 n Eutaw Wordtman Charles, shipcarp. 61 Warren Worick Geo. bricklayer, 435 e Chase Worick Geo. W. carp. 416 e Monument Worick John, bricklayer, 416 e Monument Work Clem. V. bricklayer, 65 n Fremont Work George, helper, 464 Saratoga Work George, helper, 40 s Caroline Work Samuel sr. helper, 40 s Caroline Work Samuel jr. hel[)er, 40 s Caroline Workshops and salesrooms of the blind, F. D. Morrison, director, 86 n Howard Work Wm. coachtrimmer, 40 s Caroline Working Mrs. Laura, 5 Clinton av Workinger J. D clerk. Miller's hotel Worleiu John, lab. 608 Light Worlev Alex. carp, and prov'8,173wTownsend WORLEY & CHRISPIN, ( W. N. Worley, John N.Chrispin) lumber and com. merchts, cor East Falls and Eastern avs Woiley David, grocery, 50 Oxford Worley Isaac, furniture driver, 173 w Townsend Worley John A. clerk, lol w Lombard Worley John D. clerk, 129 Wyeth Worley Mrs. Mary J. 129 Wyeth Worley Wm. H. restaurant, 99 Penna av Worley Wm. N. (W. & Chrisjiin) 41 n Strieker Wormsle\ Nathaniel, fireman, l:>2 Lancaster Worner Ernest, provisions, 172 n Wolfe Wornilz Isdward, sampler C.H. 214 e Baltimore Wornitz .Mrs. Theresa, 214 e Biltimore Worrell Geo. W. car|t. 153 Orleans Worrell .Mrs. Mary M. 153 Orleans Wormll Tlios.W. painter, Vincental nr.McHenrj Worsdell .lo5e|ih, waironer, 30 Whatcoat Worsham Albert E. driver, 443 Canton av Worsham Catherine, 443 Canton av Worsliam (Jeo. W. ironworker, 33 Luzerne Worsham Henry C. boilermkr, 443 Canton av Worsham John E mariner, 443 Canton av Worsham John E. jr. boilermkr, 443 Gaaton av -5 m- HOLMES & CO.. Eiii^ineers' ;m.l Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. won 651 WRI Worswick Thos. W. bookkpr, Fa.vette cj- Castle WorsterH. T. (Depew & Co.) 226 w Lombard Wortche Eliziibeth H. millinery, 336 s Charles "Wortche Henry, porter, 336 s Charles Worth Jas. cigarmkr, 108 Franklin Worth John, lab. Hampden Worth John W. let'r carrier, 210 Madison av Worthani Wm. G. clerk, 24 Whatcoat Wortbington A. D. insp'r Custom house, dw 284 w Fayette Worthincrton Alex. C. clerk, Barnet nr Charles Worthington Clins. G. 284 w Fayette Worthington Chas. G. gasfitter, 66 McEIderry Worthington Charles, agent Washington, Alex- andria and Georgetown Packet Co. foot of Commerce, dw 321 Park ay Worthington Geo. W. clerk, 117 s Bond Worthington Dr. Geo. C. 714 w Lombard Worthington Rev. Geo. F., Edmondson av nr Carey Worthinsrton HenrvW. bookkpr, 159 w Lombard WORTHINGTON J. M. ^C0.( J. M. Worthing- ton) druggists, s w cor Broadway and Chase Worthington Jos. F. painter, 15 n Central av W^orthington Peter, lab. 51 s Oregon Worthington Price, wireworker, 94 Mulberry Worthington R. S. attorney, 5 St. Paul, dw 36 Mulberry Worthington Thos. clerk, 42 e Biddle Worthington T. C. student, 60 n Greene Worthington Wm. cleik, 117 s Bond Worthington Wmcl'k, Edmondson av nr Carey Worthington W. C bookkpr, 126 St. Paul Wortman Fred, beer, 232 Scott Worzerchowski Lorentz, lab. 52 Lancaster Wosch Edward, cigarmkr, 102 n Fremont Woutisseth Edward L. tailor, 365 Saratoga Wozniack Jacob, beer, 206 n Bond Wrede Adolf W. lab. Boston and Chesapeake Wrede Charles, musician, 66 Centre Market sp Wrenn John C. salesman. 16 Lloyd Wrenn Patrick, lib. 44 Union Wrenshal J. C. architect and civil engineer, oyer 80 w Fayette, supt. Union Railroad, 15 South dw n e cor Charles and Pleasant Wrichwein Andrew, machinist, 83 s Strieker Wright .\ If red, grocery, 50 w Eager Wright Almond jr. stonecutter, 132 s Paca Wright Amasa, carp. Orleans ext Wright Mrs. Ann, 224 Saratoga Wright .Mrs. Ann, 184 Mulberry Wright Mrs. Ann, grocery, 303 s Paca Wright Baines, salestnan, 129 n Broadway Wright Benj. cierk, Waverlev Wright B. C. clerk. 111 w Baliimore Wright Bros & Co. mfrs. umbrellas and par- asols, 11 German nr Hanover Wright B. F. carp. 397 e Chase Wright Mrs. Caroline, grocery, 109 Walsh Wright Carey, clerk, 105 n Front Wright Chas".A.(IsaacH.W.<^Bro.)39Courtland Wright ("has. B. mariner, 93 Thames Wriglit Chas. D. shoemkr, 1 s Schroeder Wright Chas. T. shoemkr, Friendship. York rd Wright Chas. T. shoemkr, 68 e Fnyelie Wright Chas. L. moulder, 78 s Mount Wright Clinton A. ship'g raercht. 58 Exchange pi, dw 143 Lanvale Wriirht Clinton H. drug clerk, 224 Saratoga Wright D. Giraud, attorney, 37 Le.'cington, dw 120 LanvaJe Wright Daniel, carp. 347 e Fayette Wright David, huckster, 22 FountaiD Wright David R. clerk, 208 s Broadway Wright Edward A., Friendship, York rd Wright Mrs. Elizabeth, 297 n Eden Wright Mrs. Elizabeth, 38 Warner Wright Mrs. Eliza J. 396 Sarato;/a Wright F. medical student, 87 s Sharp Wright Frank, clerk, 274 Saratoga Wrigbt Geo. F. painter, 45 Scott Wright Geo. P. shipcarp. 106 s Exeter Wright Geo. canmkr, 148 West Wright Geo. W. bricklayer, 65 James la Wright Geo. conductor, 282 Ramsay Wright Geo. H. police, 223 n Eden Wright Geo. F. clerk, 56 n Republican Wright H. Martin, clerk, 47 n Eutaw Wright Helen, notions, 196 Madison av Wright Henry, steward, 56 Thames Wright Henry A canmkr, 408 e Monument Wright Henry C. salesuian, 275 w Baltimore Wright Isaac H. & Bro.(I.H. and C.A.Wright) coal, 132 e Monument Wright Isaac H. (I.H.W. & Bro.)39 Courtland Wright Jacoli T. L. tobacconist, 21 n Holliday, dw 47 n Eutaw GQ o 2 c3 O O Wright Jas. barkpr, 126 Liiiht Wright Jrts. shoemkr, 168 Mullikin Wright J. D. 287 W^ilsh Wright Jas. potter, 156 Battery av Wright Jas. carp. Walsh and Hoffman Wright Jas. (J. W. # S^m) 107 Hillen Wright Jas. E. plumber, 305 Hanover Wright Jas. P. huckster, 224 e Madison Wright Jas. P. jr. shoemkr, 428 e Chase Wright J. & Son (J. and M.H Wright)feed, 107 and 109 Hillen Wright Joel, 311 w Lombard Wright John, bricklayer, 82 Lancaster Wright John, hostler, 68 McKim Wright John, 50 w Eager Wright John, feed, cor Hillen and East, dw 432 n Eden Wright John, driver, 92 Clinton Wright John J. carp. 31 Jefferson Wright John N. i Daugherty&W.) 4 n Ciroline Wright John R.taxdept. Strieker nrPatterson av Wright John W. police, 255 n Dallas Wright John L. clerk, 32 n Calvert WRIGHTJOHN W.&; CO. (Jno. W.Wright & A. L. Webb.) manufrs. of flour and com. mer- chants, Commerce and CaV)le Wright John W.( J. W. W.&Co.) 48 w Madison Wright Jos T. carp. 275 w Fayette Wright Joseph H. huckster, 224 e Madison Wright Jos. S. 23 n Scbroeder Wright Mrs. Julia, 91 Frederick av Wright Jos. (lOrter, 7 Webster al Wright Mrs. Louisa S. dressmkr, liO West Wright Lorenzo D. shoemkr, 208 s Broadway Wright Mark A. actor, 4.^ Millimsn Wright Matthew H (J. W. & Son)401 Aisqulth Wright Michael, carp. 477 Penna av Wright Milford W. painter, 22 n Washington Wright .Monterey, hel|ier, 16 s Wolfe Wright .\bmleiev, helper, 170 West Wright NMth n, shoemkr. 138 .Mosher Wright 0. H. carp. 14 Woodyear Wright Perry, engineer, H8 Battery av Wright Rachel, seamstress. 22 Fountain Wright .Mrs. Rachel, hoardinjr, 152 w Lombard Wright Richard F. clerk, 105 n Front Wright Richard A. 287 Walsh O O. '^ P o o o I— I GQ o Oh IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, WRI 652 WYE H W H Ph H ai ^ ^ <1 O 1— 1 <1 H w D O o (-/■? a) 00 ^ 6 O ^ H ^ t—— 4 -H 1^ <1 w CD O o ^-§ DM 5 WRIGHT RILEY E. attorney, 63 w Fayette, dw HoUiiis one door w of Gilmor Wrijlit Robert A. (Stork & W.) Park av nr McMecliin Wright Robert, driver, 28 O'Donnell Wri^'lit Robert II. police, 228 Litllil \Vri!;ht Robi-rt T. co;iclii)aiiiter, 137 e Lombard Wright Robersoii, siioeinkr, 360 e Fayette Wrigiit Samut'l, pipeiukr, 128 B ittery av Wright Samuel, clerk, 22 FoiaiUiia Wright Samuel E. lab. Friendship, York rd Wright Mrs. Sarah, 256 s Caroline Wright Sally A. dressiukr, 389 n Gay Wright Solomon, tin roufer. 422 e Eager Wright SoloruOQ jr. wagoa finisher, Ann ur Eager Wright Solomon C. cui lier, 195 n Front Wright Sylvester H. shoemkr, I'Jo u tJaroline Wright Thomas H. driver, 408 e Eager Wright Thomas, lab. 269 Forrest Wright Thomas, shipcarp. 79 St. Peter Wright Thomas H mariner, 20 Burrough Wriglit Tiiomas E. lab. 113 s Strieker Wright Thomas S. clerk, 4o2 n Eden Wriglit Trustum, plumlier, 120 Battery av Wri.ht W'esley, shoemkr, 390 Orleans Wright Wm. student, 329 Franklin Wright Wm. carp. 284 Saratoga Wright Win. A. painter, 18 Woody ear Wright Wm. C gasfitter, 68 s Caroline Wright Wm. D. carp. 18 Woodyear Writiht Wm. U.,Peabody heights Wright Wm. H. agent, 292 u Bond Wright Wm. lab. "26 Wyeth Wright Wm. L. carp. 402 n Eden Wright Wm. (). lieut. police, 223 Light Wright Win. R. mariner, 177 B ink Wright Wm. W. mariner, 424 Orleans Wrightson Columbus K. carp. 16 L. Church Wrightson Geo. H. accountant, 96 u Gilmor Wiightson Hugh E. clerk, 32 Spring row Wrightson Ilu^h S. shipsmilh, 32 Spring row Wrightsou Jeremiah, cirp. 16 s Chuieh Wrightson John I>. shipcarp. 27 Cambridge Wrightson Julia T. canmkr, 129 s Wasiiington Wiightson Thos. S. shipcari>. 129 s Washington Wrightson Win W. ehipcarp. 233 B ink Wroe John C. clerk. 103 s Broadway Wroten Beiij. painter, 69 n E.'ieter Wroten David sr. periodicals, 273 e Lombard Vv'roten David jr. caip. 80 n Wo.fe Wruten George, carp. 80 n Wol'e Wroten James T. mariner, 130 William Wroren Wm. l;ib. 72 w Contre Wroien Wni. cigarmkr, 77 ILimlmrg Wroth Edward T. i^i Co. (Elwiud T. and Wm. G. Wroth) coal dealers, 18 Posloffice av Wroih Edvvuid T. (E.T.W.& Co.)327 Lanvale Wroth Edward W. apothecary, 139 w Biddle Wrotti n. A. clerk. 72 w Centre Wr..ih Dr. Peregrine, 327 Lanvale Wroth Thorn IS G. com. inerclil, ii w cor Cam- den and Light, dw 327 Lanvale WROTH W.\I. G. (Ed^vard T. Wroth & Co.) agent New England Mutual Life lui. Gii. 18 Posi(;ffice av, dw 72 w Centre Wroth Dr. Wm. J. 156 w Biddle Wrublevvski John, lab. 77 Thames Wuegner John M. curled hair, 50^ ii Howard, factory Calverton rd nr Frederick rd, dw Balto CO Wuiiisch ilernaan, machinist, 35 L McElderry Wnesltiug Chas. A. currier, 156 s Fremont Wuestner John, restaurant, 18 and 20 President Wulbrand Henry, grocery, 133 MuUikia Wultze Mrs. Eliza, 4 L May Wunder Chrisldpher. clerk. 42 Portland Wunder Mrs. Elizabeth, 170 e. Madison Wunder Frank, clerk, 478 w Baltimore Wunder Frederick, brewery, Trappe road and O'Donnell Wunder Fred, brewer, 259 s Paca Wunder Geo. pholozrapher, 478 w Baltimore Wunder George ji. clerk. 478 w Baltimore Wunder George, tailor, lOChesnutal Wunder John, lab. 2 Walker Wunder John M tailor, 12 Baker ct Wunder Jolin, cabinetmkr. 10 Chesnut al ■A'under William J. clerk, 478 w B iltimnre Wunnenlierg John, watchmkr, 164 e Madison Wuiiner Charles, beer. 318 s Bond Wunsch Charlis, pianomkr. 11 Ridgely Wiiraeh Frederick R. cigars, 437 w Pratt Wurfflein Georgi', loeksmiih, lo2 L Greene Wurmstich August, beer, 55 Holland Wurst Frederick, lab. 5B>nfalou Wurst Frederick, driver, 195 Fredk av \Vurst Gotleib, shoemkr, 72 Perry Wurst .Martin, tavern, 35 n Paca Wurst Martin jr. jeweler, 136 Camden Wursteu Christine, confec'y, 290 s Charles Wursten Henry, lab. 290 s Charles Wurstnak Sylvester, barber, 278 s Ann Wurtzberger & Haas, (.Michael Wurtzberger, Jacob Haas) cattle dealers Eden nr Monument Wurtzberger Michael(W. & Haas)344 n Broad- way Wurtzberger A. B. clerk, 147 Franklin Wurtzburger Aaron, clerk, 151 Franklin Wurtzburger .Mrs. H. clothing, 151 P^anklia Wurtzburger Samuel, clothing, 147 Franklin Wurtzburger Wm. clothing, 83 n Gay, dw 147 Franklin Wurz Fred, tailor, Bid«ile nr Washington Wurzbaclier Adolph II. clerk, 194 Bross Wurziiacher John, grocery, 194 Cross Wurzburger Simon, 61 e Pratt Wust Fredk. cabinetmkr, 277 ii Durham Wust Johu, butcher, 2 Biddle al Wusnak John, lal). 263 s Durham Wulz George, shoemkr, 6(5 Rams-iy ^Vya^t .Mrs. Mary A. millinery. 102 Columbia Wyant Nicholas W. brickmkr," 50 St. Peter AVyant Wm. J. caumkr, 106, 108 and 110 Granbv, dw 140 Conway Wyatt Cajit. Andrew, 128 Hughes W'yatt Githerine J. dressmkr, 17 Henrietta WVaTT Cll.XS. H. attorney, 31 Lexington, dw Denmead and .Marvland av Wyatt Clias. H. gardener. Hall Springs Wyait Doctor J. shoemkr, 205 Park av ' Wyatt Geo. diayman, 100 n Ann Wyatt (Japt. John E. mariner, 104 n Broadway Wyatt John, hatter, 114 3 Chester Wyatt J. B Noel, architect, St. James hotel Wyatt Lemuel, engineer, 114 s Chester Wyatt Mrs. .Margaret, St. James hotel Wyatt .Memorial (P. E.) Chapel, Saratoga nr Myrtle av Wyatt Virginia, 409 n Fremont Wichgram A rend, giocery, 201 s Wolfe Wychgraai Ji).-;epluni', dry goods, 201 s Wolfe Wyble J.ibn T. blaeksmith, 2o2 e John Wyeth Charles, 129 McCulloh HB.VR^^ II )E.^ & 00., L Cor. Second St. and thographiiig, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F.Bresee, G-en. Ae:t. ^ WYE B5:^ YEA CQ WYETH & BRO. ( W. N. nnd H. C. Wyeth)iron and steel, 46 and 48 s Charles Wveth Henrv C. ( W. & Bro.) 265 n Charles Wveth Wm.'N. (W. k Bro, ) Charles-si av ext WYLIE, BRUSTKR & CO. (S. Wylie, Lewis G. Bnister) drv goods com. inerchts. 11 German Wvlie Geo. M. ( J.H AG.M.Wvlie) 56 n Eutavv Wylie Jas. H. (J.H. & G.M. Wylie) 58 n Eutaw Wylie Jas. H. & G. M. dyers, "l42 Le.xinsfton Wylie Robt. M. ( VV.,Siijith&Co.) 215 Franklin Wylie Samuel F. 389 Saratoga Wylie Samuel (W., Bruster & Co.) Orepion nr Franklin WYLIE, SMITH & CO. (R. M. Wylie, F. T. Smith) gen. com. nieichts. 87 and 89 South Wylie Wm. dver, 3^9 Saratofia WYMAN, BYRD & CO. (S. G. Wyman, G. H. Byrd, J. C. Smith. Chas. Wyman )dry goods commission, 16 Hanover Wyman Chas. (W., Byrd & Co.) 42 St. Paul Wyman Rmanuel H. butcher, 112 s Sharp Wyman John, coachfiuislier. 28 n Spring Wyman John, huckster, ( >.xford, York rd Wvman Joseph H. coach finisher, 46 Orleans Wyman Saml. G. (W., Bvrd & Co.) 97 Parkav W^yman Thomas, lab. 37 "Willow Wyman Wm. lab. Oxford, York rd Wynn Christopher, watchmkr, 228 w Pratt Wynn George W. clerk, 60 Aisquith Wynn Jolin, grocery, 60 Aisquith Wynn John P. clerk, 60 Aisquith Wynn Robert, jeweler, 228 w Pratt, dw 620 w Fayette WysViam Mrs. Elizabeth, 169 n Fremont WYSHAM HENRY C. attorney, cor Calvert and Lexington, dw 176 St. Paul Wysham J. K. jr. clerk, 175 n Howard Wvsong Dr. Rutherford, 373 Parkav Wyvill Mrs. Helen M. 101s High Wyvill John Jl. D. salesman, 101 s High Wyvill Samuel, 195 Conway Yackel Henry, lab. 664 Light Yaeger Chas. cabinetmkr, 73 e Lombard Yaeger Chas. cabinetmkr, 87 Granby Yaekel John, helper, 14 Dian)ond Yager Conrad, cooper, 32 e Pratt Yager Henry, tailor, 244 Hanover Yager Jacob, lab. 271 Canton av Yager John, cooper, 129 s Chapel Yager John P. flour and feed, cor Frederick av and Pulaski Yager John P sr. carver, 41 Albemarle Y'ager J. Ph., Wilhelm's hotel and diove yards, 953 w Pratt Yager Michael, huckster, 197 s Regester Yager Win. cooper, 32 e Pratt Yakel George, clerk, 272 n Howard Yakel Henry, lab. 644 Light Yakel John, blacksmith, 107 Holljns Yakel John, switch tender, 179 Ensor Yakel Joseph, wood turner, 179 Knsor Yakel Lewis, prop'r Yakel's tar drops, 272 n Howard Yancey E. T. 156 German Vani George, rigger, 225 s Ann i'ardley Chas. F. 27 Mosher Yardley Richard T. 27 Mosher Yardley Saml. elk B &O.R.R , Mt. Washington iardley Wm. clerk B.&O.R R.,Mt. Washington pq Yan.ell Emma A. teacher Md. Institute for the c3 Blind, North av "^ Yarnell Lucy H. teacher Md. Institute for thepc^ Blind, North av Yater John L. te;icher, York rd nr city limits q Yates Chas. A. clerk, 277 Lexington cS Yates Edwaid H. clerk, n e cor Carey and Ed- „ mondson av '^ Yates John R shornikr, 81 Warren 2 Yeagel John. lab. 4 Beale ct _5 Yea^er Albert, brakcman, HO s Poppleton Yeager Casper, coopei-, 207 s Paca Yea;;er Catherine. 154 s Regestcr Yeager Chas huckster, 14() s Regester Yeager Chas. lab. Oxford, York rd o Yeager Chas. H. stonecutter, Oxford, York rd O Ye.iger .Mrs. Doris, First av nr Clinton p Yeager Fritz, machinist, First av nr Clinton Q Yeayer George, lab. First av nr Clinton Q^ Yeager George F. cooper, 47ii w Pratt Y'eager Henry S. gilder, 80 s Poppleton "^ Yenger Henry, huckster. 155 Bank Yeager Mrs Henrietta, First av nr Clinton Q I Yeager James, painter. 0-\ford, York rd O Yeager Jesse, butcher, Woodberry O ' Yeager John D. cooper, 72 Portland v> Yeager John, cooper, 129 s Chapel ^ Yeager Jos. painter, Falls rd nr tollgate ^ Yeager Jos. blacksmith. Falls rd nr tollgate ^ Yeager Louis F. cooper, 207 s Puca Yeager Moses, gilder, 80 s Poppleton ,^ Yeager Philip, lab. Oregon nr Franklin y^ Yeager Wm. baker. First av nr Clinton Yeakle C. C. telegraphist, 456 Mulberry wC Yeakle Jas. B. manager gold and stock printing h~~. telegraph company ,s w cor South and Water, p, dw 207 George H Yealdball Mahlon, puddler, 125 s Castle *5 YEARLKY ALEX. & SON, (T. C, A. jr. and pH Frank B. Yearley, ) property agents, n w cor *^ St. Paul and Lexington Ph Yearley Alex. jr. (A. Y. & Son) 73 McCulloh Ph Yearley Aquilla A. chairpntr, 115 n Broadway ^J^ Yerkes David A. janitor, 52 n Front ? JJ" .- Yerkes David A. jr. painter, 362 Eastern av ►j.S o Yerkes Wm. blacksmith, 28 n Wolfe 3 'S 5g Yeroseck Frank, lab. 119 n Washington ^ " Q Yeroseck Jos. lab. 119 n Washington 2 _ij Yerojak John, lab. 263 s Ann 2 CO , Yerojak .Margaret, 263 s Ann ^ ?^ Yerscheidt Caroline, mantuamkr, 269 s Bond ■ 1^ c Yerscheid Michael, stevedore, 235 Aliceanna 1 r3 -> "^ 5" Yewell Mrs. Elizabeth, 131 e Monument Yewell F. E. carp. 56 s Strieker Yewell Henry, carp. 56 s Strieker Yewell .Mrs. Henrietta M. 56 s Strieker Yewell John P. gardener, Mt. Vernon Y'ewtll John, shipsmith, 324 Hanover Yewell Wm. Thomas, sbipsmith, 3 McCabes ct Yinjier Peter, lab. 7 Stockton 5 CIho ■1 o •- 3 e: c H 2 ^ .~fP Yiugliutj David G. grocer, 46 and 48 n Eutaw, ^ g ^ dw 150 w Madison 1 -^ _ Yingling Ephraim, 586 Penna av S i; >1, Yingling Fredk. butcher, 6 Fells Point market, Z^^ dw 32 Chester s| 't; ^ Yingling Pius, canmkr, 584 Penna av _^ -2 >-> Yingling Silas W. carp. 7 e Madison ~ "c " Yingling Wm. lab. First av nr Clinton 3 [^ '^ Yochheiu Adolph, engineer, 79 Harrison » ^ H Yockel Adam, driver, 44 n Castle ^ ^ ""■ Yockel Alex, shoemkr, 60j Mulberry ^ "*^ § Yockel Aug W. ladies' shoes, 178 Madison av 1 "2 ' Yockel Fred, porter, 737 w Lombard o ^ c^i Yockel George, sand, 423 Light ^ 'Tf ^^ Yockel Joseph, driver, 44 n Castle *-v, j: be Yockham Fred. lab. 26 Shakspear 2 O C Ydder Wm. M. clerk, 419 n Carey C ^ ii YOE HENJ. R. & CU. (B. R Yoe) imps, gro- ^ -^ "J;;; ceries and liquors, 88 w Baltimore S >-> 3.* Yoe Btnj. F., Linden av nr North av ^ 'o pg Yoe Benj. R, (B R.Y.&Co.) Baltimore co ^ .ti c3 Yoe Ciiarles, carp. 158 Franklin <- ^ .,^ YoeMrs. Dorothea, varieties, 93 Penna av 55 ^ s- Yoe George, painter, 32 s Eden ^ Yoe Jacob, blacksmith, 93 Penna av >-. Yoe Wm. nightman, 189 s Bond X Y''oekel Wm. porter, 226 Chesnut al Yoos Adam, shoemkr, 166 HoUins York Charles S. plumber and gasfitter, 356 e Monument York John, bill poster, 12 North York John, cigarmkr, 82 s fclxeter York Road Railway, office 3 n HoUiday York R. R. stables and station. North av cor Point la Y'ork Thomas, 185 w Biddle Yost B. inspector C. H. dw 346 e Baltimore Yost Caroline, laund. 149 Burgundy al Yost Catherine, grocery, 106 Sarah Ann Yost Conrad, barber, 218 e Pratt Yost Henry, dry goods, 74 s Bond,dw 218 e Pratt Yost Henry, tailor, 106 Sarah Ann Yost Jacob, lab. 108 Duncan al Yost Jacob, engineer, 134 s Bond Yost Joseph, baker, 63 s Fremont Yost John, window slmdes. 486 w Baltimore Yost R. David, (JohnLangford &Co.) Glencoe, Baltimore co Yost W. Frank, clerk, 486 w Baltimore Youch Christian, tailor, 39 Bank Young Albert, grocery, Aisquith and Federal Young Mrs. Agnes, 19 Shakspear Young Aldridge, salesman, 198 n Howard Y'oung Alex. (Devries, Y. & Co.) 747 Lexington Y'oung Andrew J. stovefitter, 3")8 e Fayette Young Albert K. mariner, 191 e Lombard Young Anton, liquors, 39 Biown la Young Arthur M. 286 Orleans Young Casper, shoemkr, 249 s Broadway Young Catherine, notions, 48 n Am'ty Young Mrs. Catherine, grocery, 6 Division Young Charles, stillman, 12 Scott Young Charles, varnisher, 9 Waesche Young Charles, soap chandler, 92 n Ann Young Charles, carver, 58 McElderry ext Young Charles B. 64 w Centre Young Charles L. bricklayer, 202 e Baltimore Y'oung Chris. J. restaurant, 102 n Gay Young C. W. (C.W.Young & Co.) 44 s Sharp Young C. W. & Co. (C.W.Young, O.V.Smith) [iroduce com. merchts. 90 Light-st whf Young David G. moulder, 123 s Wolfe Young Dietrich, tailor, 27 Hampstead YOUNG EDWIN S. gen'l pass, agent N.C.R.W. 168 n Calvert, dw 66 Maryland av Young Edwin R. weigher C. H. 457J Saratoga Young Edward P. clerk, 77 MuUikin Young Capl.EdwardL.S. mariner, 147 Hanover Y'oung Mrs. Eliza, 654 w Pratt Young Emanuel P. printer, 24 s Exeter Young Mrs. Fanny, dressmkr, 70 Lexington Young Frank, barnessmkr, 35 Buren Young Fred, milk, Wolfe nr Belair av Young Fred, wheelwright, rear 416 Saratoga Young Fred. B. asst. news editor Sun, dw 35 n Bond Young George, canmkr, 92 n Ann Young George, drayman, 55 n Amity Yuung George, carp. 368 Orleans Young George, clerk, 313 Druid Hill av Young George jr. harnessmkr, 35 Buren Young George, driver, 33 Buren Young Geor^ie C. tinner, 81 s Gilmor YOUNG GEORGE & CO. (J. S. and W. S. Young ) genl. produce and com. merchants, 8(1 North Young Cieo. C. St. L. mariner, 312 e Pratt Youhg George W. shoes, 148 s Broadway uu . . . . . . § o HOLMES & GO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. ^ «©■ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. vr»TT 655 ZAM YOU YouQcr Geo.W. plumber and pasfitter, 63 3 High Young Henry, tailor, 13 n Eden Young Henry, lab. 10 Portugal al Young Hiiain, finisher, 6 Division VouDg Hugo, printer, 24 Centre Market sp YOUNG JAME:S, book and job printer, 114 w Baltimore, dw 100 e Fayette Youn- Jacob, baker, 26 East YiMi.' Jan)es (Hazelip & Young) 24 s Exeter Youijg JameB H. fireman, 1^2 McHeury "i'oung James H. primer, 35 n Boud Young James L. 197 n Bond Young John, carp. 77 n High Young John, driver, 4 Druid Hill av Young John, plumber, 570 Aisquilh Young John, blacksmith, rear 70 Nonb. dw 166 nHi^h Young John, messenger, 154 Druid Hill ar Young John, lab. 21 Barnes Young John, property agent, 86 Mulberry Young John, cabinetrakr, 7 \Vaesche Young John, 24 s Exeter Young Johu, caljinetmkr, 82 n Central av Young John A. moulder, 654 w Pratt Young John \V. baker, Ticiterrett Young John A. sailmkr, 101 York Young Jobn B. com. mercht, 21 South, dw 198 n Howard Young John B. butcher, 260 n Bond Young John H. lumber piler, 113 n Eden Young Johu H. B. clerk, 166 n High Young John .M. comm'r. of insolvent debtors, basement Courthouse, and fancy goods, 83 n Eutaw, dw 60 Saratoga Young Johu N. ironroUer, 141 s Chester Young John Pi. shoemkr, 97 s Fremont Youug Johu S. (Geo.Y. &Co.) Hanover, Pa Young Joseph, lab. 164 Hudson Young Cupt. Joseph H. mariner, 313 e Pratt Young Joseph W. currier, 313 e Pratt Youug Josiah C. stevedore, .187 n Gay Young Joshua T. bookkpr, Edmondion av nr Carey Young Julian H. bookkpr, 313 e Pratt Young Louis F. wood and rooting,|ll German, dw 102 n Gay Young Mrs. Louisa, 368 Orleans Young Mrs. Mary A. 64 w Centre Young Mrs. .Maiia, 82 Aisquith Youug Mrs. M. seamstresa, 62 Russell Young Mary A. 86 Harford av Young Mrs. Mary A. 67 Jefferson Young Margaret A. dressmkr, 449 \v Fayette Youug Mary A. 210 Mulberry Young Mary E. 147 Hanover Young Mary V. dressmkr, 48 s High Young Men's C itholic Association, rooms over s e cor Charles aud Lexington Young Men's Christian Association of Balti- more, 8 u Charles, 2d floor Young Men's Christian Association, (Western) 8 w cor Schroeder and Peirce Young Michael, baker, 204 n Wolfe Young Michael, carpet weaver, 172 e Pratt Young Mrs. Nancy C. 1 Aisquith Young Nelson, carp. 34 Woodjear Young Peter F. clerk, 113 n Eden Young Philip, lab. 9 Greene ct Young Capi. Philip J. 195 Johnson Young Randolph, lab. IS Jew al, o t Young Russell, clerk, 459 w Fayette Young Robert B. printer, 47 Holland Young Samuel J. shoemkr, 30 n Amity Young Samnel H. lab. 92 n Ann Young Samuel, lab. 222 Orleans Young Samuel V. 15. picturt-framemkr, 102 Scott YOUNG « SCHREINER(Wm.T. Young, Chas. A. Schieiuerj mercht. tailors, 132 w Fayette Young.Mrs. Sarah, 68 n Bond Young Stanley, clerk C. H. 7 n Ann Young Sfephin, tailor, 314 Aisquith Young Thomas, carter, 48 u .\mity Young Thomas J. engineer, 35S e Fayette Young Th()S.J.(J.F.Wiley fiCo.)657wLjmbard Young Wm. caulker, 15 Fell Young Wm. driver, Stockholm and Leadenball Young Wm. boilermkr, 370 McHenry Young Wm. S. 73 St. Paul Young Wm. G. tinner, 81 s Gilraor Young Wm.S.(Geo.Y.& Co.) 313 Druid Hill av Young Wm. J. painter, 116 Jefferson Young Wm. lab. 9 Callander al Young Wm. H. H. bookkpr, 541 w Fayette Young Wm. R. clerk, 50 s Sharp Young Wm. H. collector, 385 e Fayette Young Win. T. car insp;ctor. 154 Druid Hill av Young Wm. T. (Y. s Schreiner) 1 Hullins Younger Clinton K. printer, lo9 n Eden Younger Danl. K. lumber insp'r, 190 e Pratt Younger Francis A. patternmkr, 6 e Baltimore Younger Jasper W. machinist, 109 n Eden Younger John J. carji. 177 .Montgomery Younger Robert J. carp. 336 William Younger Theodore, hostler, 10 Baker Youiigheim Casper, milk, 245 Lemmon al Youngheim John, showcasemkr, 559 n Gay Younghenn Wm. J. canmkr, 64 Cross Youngman John R. shoemkr, 160 Division Youngman Wm. J. provisions, Townseod and Walsh, dw 160 Division Youngs John B. 12 Cumberland Youse C. Jacob, paper box manuf. 340 w Bal- timore, dw 61 s fvUtsiw Youse John, moulder, 168 Preston Youse Mrs. Lydia, 215 e Monument Youse Wm. moulder, 172 Preston Youse Wm. tinner, 114 s Howard Yuchter Charles, grocery, 464 Canton ar Yuechler Francis, lab. 27 Port Yuechter Francis jr. lab. 27 Port Yuesweck .Michael, lab. 174 s Wolfe Yuister Charles, harnessmkr, 155 Burgundy al Yule George, lab. 131 s Regester Yunder Jacob, lab. 202 n Dallas Yundt Joseph, moulder, 14 Smith Yunker Johu, shoemkr, 83 Eastern av Yuuker John G. porter, lo8 e Lombard pq o O d o o o Zichaline Henry, shoemkr, 96 n Bond Zacharias -Mrs. "C. 113 w Chase Zacharias Lawrence B. (Z. English & Co.) w Chase Zacharias Wm. clerk, 113 w Chase Zachew Lewis, tailor, 26 .May Zadoffski Peter, lab. 58 Philpot Zahn Augudt, tailor, 40 e Lombard Zahn Chas. E. tailor, 40 e Lombard Zahn Ferdinand, lab. 12 Fountain Zahrendt Chas. bricklayer, 368 .Mulberry Zaiser Jacob, steam fitter, 30 Wyeih Zallinjier Nathan, lab. 59 Woodyear Zamoiski John, traveling agt. 465 a Eager 113 CO 1—1 o l-H H > IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, ZAM 656 ZEU CO <1 ^ o m ^ CO <1 OQ O o p^ a? H OS h-H >r5 i-H aQ>- Oco O o Z imoiiki Joseph, barkeeper, 465 e Eager Zimzow Frank, barber, 112 Frederick ar Zmizler Carl, lab. 101 Lancaster Zaiie Joseph, clerk, 62 s IliKh ZANE & CO. (P. Zane, Ed. Wilson,) scows and tugboats, 35 Coninierce Zane Peter, (Z. 4' Co.)62 s Hiirh Zang Geo. tailor, 256 e Chase Zang John, Uiilor, 50 Somerset Zang Jos. grocery, 427 e Fayette Zang Leonard, lab. 65 n Wolfe Zang Mrs. .Margaret, grocery, 73 n Ana Zang Sebastian, lab. 78 n Ana Zange Aug. salesman, 170 s Sharp Zange Max, machinist, 195 s Sharp Zapf Geo. shoenikr, 53 Orleans Zapf Henry, shoemkr, 262 Hanover Zapf John, beer, 40 n Caroline Z:>pf Mary, dressrakr, 53 Orlems Zapp Enul, varnisher. 111 n Caroline Zapp Francis, nightnaan, 170 West Zai>p Francis, jr. carter, 17o West Zipp Jacob, police, 99 Peach al Zapp John, diiver, 174 West Zarinka Mrs. Ann, tailoress, 44 Barnes Zarnitz Chas. mercht. tailor, 10 n Liberty Zastrow Mrs.Charlotte, iol)i>cn'st, 252 Eastern av Zastrow Fred, engineer, 252 Eastern av Zastrow Geo. W. machinist, 252 Eastern av Zeafia Peter, groceiy, 113 s Ann Zebeline August, brewer, 84 s Burke Zebeline Frank, lab. Chesajieake ur Q'Donnell Zibeline John, pianomkr, 193 Lee Zebeline John, lab. Chesapeake ur O'Donnell Zech Charles D. shoemkr, 91 Curley Zeh John, cooper, 88 n Chapel Zeh Dr. Martin, 75 s Bond Zehner Chas. shoemkr, 587 n Gay Zehuer Charles J. jr. painter, 587 n Gay Zehner Rev. G. E., 136 George Zehuer Louis J. tinner, 587 u Gay Zeigenhine Franklin, lab. 171 Hudson Zeigler Andrew, shoemkr, 196 Aliceanna Zeigler Daniel, salesman, 19 (Jeorge Zeigler David, boots and shoes, 142 s Broadway Zeigler David I. engineer, 67 s Gilmor Zeigler Edward, buicher,23 Centre and 79 Lex- ington Markets, dw 30 Frederick av Zeigler Geo. lab. 16 Davis Zeigler Geo. lab. loO s Exeter Zeigler John, butcher, 54 Centre, 54 Lexington and 39 Hanover markets, dw 730 Peuna av Zeigler John,(Nachuian & Z.)90 n Wolfe Zeigler Richard, fisherman, 75 n Castle Zeigler Saml. F. packer Appraiser's offiee, dw 462 Lexington ZeilerJohn, hacks, 81 8 Wolfe Zeilmau John, sr. cooper, William nr West Zeilman John, jr. cooper, William nr West Zfilmann Andrew, liquors, 247 s Bond Zeirl John, lab. 221 e Lombard Zeis Jos. mercht. tailor, 168 s Ann Zeitler Anton, cabinetmkr. 111 n Fremont Zeitler Christian, paver, 339 e Eager Zeitler Jos. fireman, 136 Lancaster Zeitler Margaret, 136 Lancaster Zell Albert, huckster, 148 George Zell Andrew, tavern, 33 w Pratt Zell Bernard A. salesman, 294 Penna av Zell Geo. A. (P. Zell & Sons, )Mt. Vernon hotel Zell Henry, inspector, 180 George Zell Henry, painter, 8 Dover Zell Henry S. clerk, 241 n Eutaw Zell Mrs. Julia, dry goods, 294 Penna av Zell Louis A. huckster, 148 George Zell Oliver ClP. Zell & Sons,)398 Eutaw pi ZELL PETER & SON'S, (0. C. and G. A. Zell,) manuf.chemicals and fertilizers, over 30 South Zell Robt. supt. Zell's works, il2 Montgomery Zell .Mrs. Ruth, seamstress, 63 n Fremont Zell R. R. clerk, 3o South Zell Wra. cigarrakr, 19 New Zell Wm. grocery, cor Fulton and Dover Zeller Andrew, jr. lab. 242 s Dallas Zeller Andrew, tailor, 242 s Dallas Zeller Mrs. Annie B., 153 L. Greene Zeller Chas. driver, 258 Lee Zeller Franks, tinner, 152 Stirling Zeller Geo. tailor, 242 s Dallas Zeller John, lab. 242 s Dallas Zeller John, clerk, 159 s Sharp Zeller John A. tailor, 453 Light Zeller John F. barber, 132 Ensor Zeller John H. barkpr. 35 n Calvert Zeller Mrs. Margaret, dry goods, 159 s Sharp Zeller Mrs. Mary, boarding, 161 German Zeller Mary, confectionery, 242 s Dallas Zeller Wm. provisions, 161 German Zfllt-rs Herman H. bricklayer, 494 Franklin Zellers John, printer, 14 s Gay Zellhan Andrew, tailor, 205 s Eutaw Zellhau Ernest, tailor, 205 s Eutaw Zellinski Anton, lab. 46 Thames Zeltman Louis F. tinner, 299 Orleans Zemke H. nightman, 209 s Washmgton Zenker Anton, saloon, 140 Chew Zentgraf Bernaid, stonemason, 845 w Pratt Zenthoffer Jacob, shoemkr, 108 Henrietta Zentz Mrs. Agnes, 257 Walsh Zentz Chas. A. tobacconist, 319j Penna aT,dw 257 Walsh Zephyr Wm. barkpr, 59 Hanover Zepp Dr. Jesse, 90 n Greene Zepp John, watchman, 467 n Calhoun Zepp Paeon, 467 n Calhoun Zepp Reuben, engineer, 114 s Paca Zepp Thos. engineer, 178 McHenry Zepp Wm. fireman. 114 s Paca Zeppe George, lab. 151 Central av Zerftss Jacob, currier, 211 Chesnut Zerfass Peter, currier, 162 e Lombard Zerfass Wm. painter, 128 e Lombard Zerhuzen Francis J. liquors and tobacco, 108 Ensor Zerhuzen Henry, tobacconist, 234 e Eager Zerckel Peter, lab. 269 s Ann Zerkel Chas., 97 Chew Zerkel Charles W. clerk. Mansion house ZerkelJohn H. cigarmkr, 143 Orleans Zerweck J. Fred, butcher, 230 s Sharp Zerweck Harry, clerk, 232 Barre Zerweck James E. M. clerk, 232 Barre Zerweck .Mrs. Rebecca, 232 Barre Zetsner John F. printer, 21 s Liberty Zetsnan Augustus, upholsterer, 32 e Fayette Zettner Charles, teacher, 112 n Bond ZEUL CONRAD, trunkmkr, 23 Conway, sales- rooms 3 and 5 s Sharp, dw 29 Conway Zeul Gerhart, trunkmkr, 29 Conway Zeuu George, jr. butcher, II Cross-st mkt, dw 294 s Charles Zeun George, tobacconist, 190 Cross Zeun John, lab. 360 s Sharp Zeun Valentine, restaurant, Ridgely and Ostend HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. ZIC 657 ZIN Zitk Hcnr}', shoemkr, 2 Rumsay Zit-per John, !nb. 12 Sterrett '■ jcufeldei- Geoii;e. tinner, 264 Kastern av .enfflder Marv, frrocery, 264 Kastern av „-t George, marlilecuttcr, 454 w Pratt Zieget Heniv, driver, Belair av exl ZiegliT Aufru^^t, cleric, 31 w Baltimore Ziegler Alex. carp. 51 Ilamburji Ziegler Andrew, slioemkr, HHJ Lancaster Ziegler CIims. liais, ca|i-, kc. 31 w Baltimore Ziegler Cbaries, steanifitter. 108 Vine Ziegler Diiniel, salesman, \9 George Ziegler El. S. steaii. filter, 523 \v Lombard Ziegler John, niusieinn, 90 n Wolfe Ziegler John, cotif't ctiouer, 26 Concord Ziegler John A. jr. printer, 2ti Concord Ziegler John .M. assistant loieman Sun office. d\v 323 n Kden Ziegler Joseph, blacksmith, 228 I'eirce Ziegler Joseph, lab. GG n Wolfe Ziegler Joseph, lab. 50 s Central av Ziegler .Martin, tinner, 20 George al Ziegler Samuel F. i)acker Appraiser's office, 4G2 Lexington Ziegler Wm. coufec'y, 26 Concord Ziegler Wm. barber, Belair av nr Schutzen park Zieller Sarah, 407 ii Gilmor Ziemer Charles C. clerk, rear 210 \v Pratt Zieraer Mrs. Kliza, laund. re;ir 210 w Pratt Ziers John, driver, 29 Haw Ziers Peter, nightman, 29 Haw Zies Charles, machinist, 147 Dover Zihm John, glassculter, 313 William Ziiler Jo3e|ih, shoemkr, 121 s Regester Ziliiuger .M iriin. lab. 45 Elliott Zillman John, coo[)(T, 232 William Zilmor Gust.ive, lab. 374 .Aliceanna Zimline Wm. driver, 48 Clid'ord al Ziminer Adam, teamster, Lemmon al nr Cross Zimmer (Jharles, mariner, 83 Granby Zimmer Conrad, lab. 439 Canton av Zimmer D.iniel, beer, 292 s Charles Zimmer Frank P. clerk, To wnsend and Fremont Zimmer Fred, laborer. 439 Canton av Zimmer F. W. restaurant, 41a w iialtimore, d\v 67 Pearl Zimmer Henry, caumkr, 439 Cantim av Zimmer Henry, laboier, 3o8 Aliceauna Zimmer John, tailor, 344 e Fayette Zimmer .Mis. .Minnie, confec'y 2G7 Hanover Zimmerer John G. slioemkr, 119 Low Zimmerman Bernard, porter, 48 St. Peter Zimmerman B. F. corresponding clerk .Merch'ts National Bank, 341 a Eutaw Zimmerman Clia:?. butcher, 84 Centre and 25 Hanover mkts, dw Penna av e.^;t Zimmerman Charles H. lab. 249 .McHenry Zimmerman Chas. confectioner, 71 n Gay Zimmerman (Jhas. barber, Gl H. mover Zimmerman Chas. grocery, 405 Saratoga Zimmerman Chas. tailor, 2G7 Hanover Zimmerman Ciias. L. B. mariner, 211 Bank Zimmerm;'.n Christian, wagoner, 2(i3 e Madison Zimmerman Christian, lab. 86 Ouiican al Zimmerman .Mrs. Christian, confec'y, 71 n Gay Zimmerman Mrs. Eliza J. 56 n Carey Zimmerman Ernest, tailor. 38 n Bond Zimmerman Frank A. sergeant police, 869 w Pratt Zimmerman Fred. lab. 383 Canton ay Zimmerman Fred. carp. Fifth av and Dillon Zimmerman George, lab. 180 s Bethel 109^; pq o Zimmerman George E. carp. 169 w Biddie QQ Zimmerman George, lab. 180 s Bethel Zimmerman George, jiainter, 33 n Paca ^ Zimmerman George, cabinetmkr, 71 n Gay -^ Zimmerm.in Geo. .A. clerk, 96 s Eden " Zimmerman Geo. E. carp. Oxford, York rd Zimmerman Geo. J. builder and architect, w Biddie Zimmerman George lab. 39 s Regester Zimmerman Geo. W. lab. 249 .McHenry Zimmerman Gustave, shoemkr, lOO M'.ilberrv Zimmerman Harry K. 169 w Biddie Zimmerman Henry, cows, Fifth av and Dillon Zimmeiman Henry, tailor, 17 Smith al Zimmerman Henry, lab. 379 Canton av Zimmerman Henry, omnibuses, 198 Lee, dw 184 s Eutaw Zimmerman Henry, lab. 71 n Gay Zimmerm.in Herman, shoemkr, 3,'. Elizabeth al Zimmerman Ira L. carp. 96 s Eden Zimmerman James J. clerk, 341 n Eutaw Zimmerman John S. conductor, 463 w Lombard O Zimmerman John, cooper, 235 Hamburg ,_, Ziuimerman John, shoemkr, 138 Hamburg ^ Zimmerman John, shoemkr, 124 Tovvnsend q Zimmerman John, lab. Mt. Vernon ^ Zimmerman John (W. Z. & Co.) 88^ n Howard ^ Zimmerman John C. salesman, 11 Irvine pi ^ Zimmerman Joseph, plumber, 204 Stirling ^ ZIMMERM.A.V & MORRISON (W.S. Zimmer- man and J. R. .Morris(jn) general ins. agents, r^ 34 Postoffice av ""^ Zimmerman Peter, beer, 353 Eastern av ^^ Zimmerman Philip, clothing cutter, 213 s Ann r^ Zimmerman Philip, lab. 24 Sarah Ann '!>■ Zimmerman Samuel, machinist, 71 n Gay '""^ Zimmerman Fernanda, brakeman, 249 .McHenry >h Zimmerman W. & Son (Wolfgang and John f^ Zinanerman) cabinetmkrs, 88^ n Howard ^ Zimmerman Wenzel, wheelwr't, 211 n Caroline 2 Zimmerman Wm. h.-irnessmkr, 485 w Pratt H Zimmerman Wm. huckster, 1 L McElderry ^ Zimmerman Wm. cows, Fifth av and Dillon ^ Ziimnerman Wm. clerk, 489 w Fayette niler Zink Chas. blacksmith, 74 n Spring Zink Chas. clerk, 44 Essex Zink Edward, grocery, 216 e Lombard Zink Gerhardt, cooper, 18 s Chai)pel Zink Irwin, marblecutter, 301 e .Madison Zink Jacob, furn. wagon, 157 Stirling Zink John, porter, 74 n Spring Zink John jr. potter, 74 n Spring Zink John, grocery, n e cor Patterson Park av and Aliceanna Zink Louis, marble cutter, 301 e Madison Zmk .Mrs. Mary, operator. 66 Orleans Zink Matthew, tinner, 66 Orleans Zink Peter, lab. 237 3 Wolfe P5 I b o Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 41 7<. O 'J>.:^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, ZIN 658 ZWA o c. Zink Philip H. hatter, 221 s Charles 6-^ S Zink Philip F. baker, 222 s Charles > S^ Ziiik Valentine, lab. 49 Fountain 3 SC CO Zinkand E. C. liquors, 449 w Baltimore V '" ^ Zinkand Henry, caulker, 251 s Durham Zr'— ^ Zinkand Hugo, cooper, 19D William O "^ Zinkand Jacob, caulker, 251 s Durham .r o '^ Zinkand John, provisions, Fayette and Durham ^ ci Zinkand John, milk, 21 Shakspear •"-"^ o Zinkand Michael, cooper, 84 Battery av i^ ^ 5;£ Zinkham Adam, car insp. 88 Uak —^_^S Zinkham Louis, blacksmith, 88 Oak - "w ^ Zinn August, shoemkr, 76 s Kuiaw "^ t?- S Zmnel Henry, carter, 122 Burgundy al ^ !> ^ Ziuser George, grocery, 76 n Wolfe .., t>._ Zion (Ger. Luth. Ref.) Church, Aisquith near — I jz; :e Orleans •r .S 'a Zion (Ger. Luth. Ref.) Church, Gay nr Saratoga S g =^ Zion School, (H.Scheib, principal,) Gay near S ^i:--^ Saratoga ^ g ^ Zion Manassa, rags, 29 Shakspear 3 ^--H Zion Mrs. Sophia, grocery, 29 Shakspear -R ',^ ~^ Zipp Chiirles, curiier, 217 e Madison o o" Zipp Philip C. tanner and currier, 215 and 217 ^''^ ^ e Madison, dw 219 o )^ ^ Zipprian John jr. restaurant, 1 Camden la 'r O Zipprian John, manager West Balto. Schutzen ^ oi Zipprian John, barkpr, 77 Camden . >^ ^ Zirckel Edward V. clerk, 311 Canton av £ r:; ir* Zirckel George, tailor, 311 Canton av ce c .^ Zirckel John W. clothier, 56 w Pratt, dvv 18 n ^=^2. Bond lO P- 2 Zirckel Louis C. tailor, 311 Canton av 3^: c p_, Zirckel Wm. clothier, 311 Canton av ^ ^ - Zirkler Henry, shipcarp. 42 n Washington oi fjq ^ Zittich John, tailor, 105 Granby '^ ^ H Zittinger Geo. C. tailor, 137 s Broadway :^ .^ t^ ZITZER DR. JOHN J. 165 Saratoga '^ >T, S Zitzer Louis, proprietor Keystone house, 203 *i '^ i_^ Lexington ^ -^ hM Zizwareck John, beer, 20 s Bond j- c^ Zoeberlein John, pianomkr, 193 Lee . rz oi Zoeckler Henry R. bookkpr, 387 w Lombard "g S S Zoeller F. Valentine, bricklayer, 270 Lee » C3 p5 Zoeller J. A. carp. Bruce nr McHenry 5^ "-fP Zoeller Matthias, bricklayer, 230 s Fremont *■'> S ^^" ^^^'Ti conductor, 298 Greenmountav ^ -" Zoll Stephen, conductor, 404 w Lombard 51> a . o •*—' >-, •<^ \l) !^ v* ^H a; '^ ^ !>> « G •N c D o a 4-1 n S -(-i ■eS s 13 O »o a ^ 3 a P^O •-^ r^ 00 «^ -fj -u 5^ S-, ss >> ^ ^ 1 1— 1 «« rr 5^ a •-'- s ni ^ rr ZOLLER Jr LITTLE (Henry Zoller, B.F. Little) wholesale grocers and com. mcrchts, s e cor Liberty and Lombard Zoller Henry (Z. & Little) 183 n Republican Zoller John F. buffer, 16 s Eutaw Zoller Mrs. Mary, 16 s Eutaw Zollickoft'er David K. conductor, 171 Conway ZullickoSer Dr. Henry, dentist, 69 s Sharp ZoUickoHerH. Fletcher (Stonebraker & Co.)69 McCuUoh Zollinger Jas. K. clerk, 155 John Zollinger Nicholas, porter, 90 n Washington Zollinger William P. (Cummings & Co.) 155 w John Zollinhotfer George, dyer, 26 e Lombard ZoirmhotTer Fred, conductor, 457 e Chase Zominski John, lab. rear 320 Aliceanna Zopf Adam, shoemkr, 202 Mulberry Zorn Lawrence, cooper, 85 n Central av Zouck Jacob, clerk, 154 Myrtle av Zowaski Geo. lab. 256 Aliceanna Zschau Emil, printer, 93 n Central av Zschunke John, cabinetmkr, 155 s Paca Zubrowski George, lab. 320 Aliceanna Zucker Mrs. Augustus, confect'y, 105 s High Zucker Christian, shoemkr, 105 s High, Zucker Herman, shoemkr, 105 s High Zuckschwerdt Herman, shoemkr, 16e Monument Zugehoer John, clerk, 780 w Pratt Zuker Cbas. shoemkr, 249 n Bond Zulauf Bahhiizar, tailor, 135 n Central av Zulauf Conrad, tailor, 66 Jefferson Zulauf Louis, tailor, 123 n Caroline Zulauf Louis B, clerk, 210 Chew ZuUas George, lab. 30 Bevan Zumstein Cbas. M. cabinetmkr, 94 Pearl Zumslein Franklin, clerk, 94 Pearl Zumstein Fred, huckster, 94 Pearl Zumstein Louis, music teacher, 94 Pearl Zurborz Henry, tailor, 109 Cambridge Zurback Catherine, grocery, 33 Bank Zurliene Mrs. Angla, beer, 148 s Eutaw Zurliene Mrs. Mary A. dry goods, 148 3 Eutaw Zurmehl Jeremiah, carp, cor Orleans and Wash- ington ZustChas. wheelwright, 115 e Biddle Zwanger Bernhold, painter, 49 Brown ZWANZGER JOHN L. druggist, s w cor Lom- bard and Republican 23 ^ o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &Gj Assets, $75.QQ0;QQ0.QQ, Q. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLOEED PEESONS. OQ A. Adams Anron, lab. T5 Union Adams Annie M. laund. 69 Orchard Adams August, brickmkr, 90 Plum ai Adams Benj. driver, 49 Pin al Adams Benj. porter, Stockton al Adams Catlierine, Liund. 7 Mulberry ct Adams Cbas. H. waiter, 464 n Eutavv Adams Gorilla, laund. 6 Beaufort Adams Dennis, steward, 11 Temple Adams Enoch G. welldigger, 107 Peirce Adams Fanny, Ills Bethel Adams Geo. Washington, shoemkr, 7T East Adams Harriet, laund. 324 Harford 'av Adams Harriet, laund. 12 Reese al Adams Henry, lab. 3 Dawson al Adams Indiana, laund. 6 Beaufort Adams Isaac, hostler, 12 Eutaw ot Adams Isaac, lab. 6S Wayne Adams Isaiah, porter, 12 Reese a I Adams Israel, lab. 18 Rose Adams John, oysters, 315 n Howard Adams John, waiter, 103 North Adams John, lab. 66 Wayne Adaais John, lab. 234 u Durham Adams John E. lab. 41 n Chapel Adams John W. drayman, 188 Henrietta Adams Joseph jr. waiter, 103 Uhesnut Adams Julia, seamstress, 188 Henrietta Adams Louis, waiter, 1 Painters ct Adams Mrs. Margaret, laund. 4-6 Moore al Adams Margaret A. laund. 6 Beaufort Adams jVIartha, laund. 234 n Durham Adams Mary, laund. 39 Oxford Adams Mary A. laund. 259 Montgomery Adams Mary E. laund. 6 Beaufort Adams Mary L. servant, 6 Wayne Adams Matilda, laund. 49 Pin al Adams Minerva, laund. 5 Monument-st ct Adams Rachel, laund. 3 Dawson al Adams Rebecca, laund. 101 Dover Adams Robert, lab. 6 Beaufort Adams Samuel, coachman, 259 Montgomery Adams Sidonia, laund. 1 Painters ct Adams Stirling E. porter, 19 Hamilton Adams Susan, laund. 66 Wayire Adams Susan, laund. 79 Dover Adams Susan A. laund. 133 Stirling Adams Walter, shucker, 12 Leadenhall Adams Rev. Wm. 5 Monument-st ct Adams Wm. lab. 39 Oxford Adams W^m. lab. 3 Dawson al Addison Dennis, drayman, 150 q Dallas Addison Edward, asperwagoner, 77 J Addison Edward, waiter, 5 Wagon al Addison Mrs. Emily, V Mason al Addisou Henry, waiter, 51 Courtland Addison John, waiter, 74 Richmond Addison Joseph, coachman, 102 Tyson Addison Joseph, shoemkr, 75 Moore al Addison Julia, laund. 5 Wagon al Addisoa Nelson, lab. 154 York Addison Robert, barber, 5 Wagon al Addison Wm. A. porter, 20 Tessier Adkisson George, lab. 35 Perry Adley Asbury, stevedore, 81 s Dallas Adley Mary C. cook, 81 s Dallas Adiey Thos. shucker, 3 n Bethel Adley Wm. hackman, 3 Lexington Adley Wm. stevedore, 81 s Dallas African Aged Women's Home, Homestead African (M. E.) Ghurcb, cor Bank and Wolfe African (M. E.) Mission Room, 12 Saratoga Aged Men's Home, (M. E. Church) 93 Barre Aged Men and Women's Home, 55 Saratoga Aged People's Home, 51 n Front Akeun John, carter, 208 Hamburg Albeck Henry, waiter, 2 Davis Alcorn Frances, janitress, 86 Dover Alcorn John, barkpr, 86 Dover Aldea James, 228 L. Hughes Aleckson Daniel, stevedore, 105 s Bethel Aleckson Henrietta, laund. 105 s Bethel Alexander Elizabeth, laund. 97 Stirling Alexander John H. oysters, 97 Stirling Alexander Lydia, laund. 25 Sarah Ann Alexander Preston, tanner, 121 n Front Alexander Wm, huckster, 154 Preston Alexander Wm. waiter, 37 n Sharp Allen Anne, laund. 39 Burgundy ai Allen Benj. lumber piler, 269 Montgomery Allen Benj. theological student, 44 Saratoga Allen Benj, porter, 26 Raborg Allen Cloudsberry, lab. 119 n Dallas Allen Edith, laund. 53 Perry Allen George, lab. 239 Dover Allen Ida J. cook, 53 Perry Allen John, brickmkr, 139 Iceland al Allen John, lab. 12 L. Broadway Allen Rev. John C. 145 n Caroline Allen Lewis, lab, 12 Rose Allen .Margaret A. laund. 63 s Bethel Allen Maria, laund. 42 Stockton al Allen Mary A. laund. 7 Marion Allen Rachel E. cook, 7 Marion Allen Richard, driver, 39 Burgundy al Allen Stephen, lab. 42 s Stockton al 3 a 53 o O o o -3 p o o fa OQ OQ m \^ < OQ I— I P5 < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. MntTial Life Insurance Co. of New York. 660 COLORED PERSONS. H H W p:; H ^ r/; H !zi >^ o < K w H O P m O Ul 9^ CO C o H ^ 1— 1 1— ' i^H (=^ <1 W OQ O X al Atkinson Henry, hodcarri&r. tj Rose Atkinson Rachel, laund. 6 X al Atwood Robert, coachman, 29 Foster al Augustus Abraham, shucker, 125 u Dallas Augustus Charles \V. shucker, 125 n D.illas Augustus David, wftiter, 9-1 (Jider al Augustus KUen, grocery, pq o O o o o o x; C^ Power Press Piinliug, at Meduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) =1 Mntual Life Insurance Go. of New York. 662 5 I Bailey Thomas T. 225 Dover ^ jz c Bailey Win hiickmkr, 3 Claret al > ^ C^ Bailey Wii), H. drayman, 41 Kdward *S "^ 32 Baker Aquilla, lab! 26 Boyd CD & Baker Arcliibald, waiter, 80 Orchard t)r,_= J^ Baker Jatie, lauiid. 66 Cider al p t: "^ Baker John, lab. 107 Tyson £^ c ^ Baker Joseph P. jrardeiier, 68 St. Mary ^ ^ baker Joseph, porter, 227 Dover ""^ „^ Baker Joseph, driver, ISCarlion -2 2 fcCi Baker Joshua, lab. 45 Rabort: -p ^ s Baker S'lsan, laund. 45 Raborjr •_-^ c/; ^ Baker Washington, waiter, 19 HaniU o ^5^ o Baker Wesley, lab. 29 Union Ph !> f^ Baldwin Eniily, laund. 44 Kinp; ... >.,'^ Baldwin Jolm, \vai;oiier, 44 King- — :z! ^ Baldwin Priscilla, laund. 44 Kintr •- .5 = Ball Caroline, laund. 236 L. Huijhes COLORED PERSONS ton S g * Bill Edward, stevedore, 43 Cross ^ C- p Ball Louis, stevedore, 236 L. IJug 2 ^ i^ Ball Rose, laund. 48 Cross hes O ? g B^dlard Ann M. laund. 47 Burgundy al ^ B'lUard Chas, shucker, 12 CMiio av ^ CD Ballard Churchville, yratnmeas'r. 12 Ohio av — o t^ ^ ^ B.I Hard Geo. lab, 7 Peach al 'Z -^ Billard Georjiiana, laund. 42 Peach al ^ ^ Ballard Horace, shucker, 40 Peach al " t> pi Ballard James, shucker, 7 Peach al . "^ 5 Ballard John, porter, 28 Jose|)hiue ?^ '5 "5 Ballard Joshua, shucker, 42 Peach a! '^ ^'Z Ballard Levin, lab. 42 Shuter >^ 3^ ^ B illard Lucy, laund. 42 Shuter ^^ ^ 2 Ballard Marj/arel J. laund. 49 Peach al ?» Banks Geo. shucker, 248 Cross C '^ Tl B.uiks Hurison, gninrunner, 18 L. Monument ^ 'tS ? Banks Ilmry, grainmeas'r, 73 Dawson al ^ o ^ Banks Isuic, lab. 36 Rose g •— ^ Baniis -lames, mariner, 243 Cross S ^ -g liiinks John, grainrunuer, 90 Stirling J, C Banks Jeremiah, lab. 9 Friendship •;: _2 ■" f5anks John W. lab. 124 1. Dallas S -^ § Banks John, lab. 507 McElderry J -^ "■ Banks Joseph, driver, 5 Birringer ct 5 c i:^,! Banks Joshua, lab. 26 Biddleal ':} ~ ^ Banks Lewis, candymkr, 107 n Regester ^ 3 id Banks Louisa, servant, 256 Cross ^ p ~ Banks Martha, laund. 4.i Arch 1 ^ !^ '^""''s Mar> E. laund. 124 n Dallas t ^ '-^^ Banks Olivia, seamstress, 71 L. Church i >-> S Banks Peter, lab. 27 Short hea ^ 'o ^ Banks i'etei, hostler, 52^ Riborg ' .^ ce Banks Rhoda, laund. 232 L. Hug " 2 .^ Banks Samuel, porter, 43 Oxford S ■„ Banks Solomon, lab. Stockton al nr Lanvale •^ s Banks Thomas, lab. Stockton al nr Lanvale o >^ Banks Washiuglou, shucker, 70 n Spring Banks Wm, hodcarrier, 515 McElderry exl Banks Wm. dray mac, 71 L. Church Banks Wm. waiter, 232 L. Hughes Bannan Harriet, cook, 51 Harmony la Bannan Claude, waiter, 8 Cohen al Bannister John T. manner, 94 s Central &t Bannister John T. 26 Stockton al Banton Wm lab. 300 n Durham Bantum Ale.x. waiter, 163 Vine Bantum Harrison, drayman, 13 Lewis Bantum Horace, drayman, 17 Lewis Bantum John, mariner, 58 Lewis Bantum Levin, lab. 4 Leadetiball Bantum Mrs. Mary, laund. 27 Moore al Bantum Robert, lab. 90 n Spring Bantum Thomas, porter, 28 Vine Baptist James, lab. 228 L. Hughes Biptist Lucy A. laund. 43 Leadeuhall Barber James, bricklayer. I n Bethel Barber Robt. lab. u Calhoun ext Barber Wesley, lab. 343 n Durham Barclay John, shucker, 103 Hill Barker Adam, sewing machinfi repairer, base- ment 88 Pearl, dw';-^4 Vim- Barker Alice, laund. 2 Waters ct Barker Annie, laund. 113 Harmony la Barker Purnell, hoda\rrier, 2 Grace ct Barnes Allen, lab. 81 Cbesnut Barnes Alice, servant, 4 Jones ct Barnes Andrew, waiter, 116 Peirce Barnes Anne, ser'vant, 42 Lewis Barnes Beuj. driver, 98 Chesnut al Barnes Oaroline. laund. 83 n Durham Barnes Mrs. Catherine, laund. 95 n Dallas B;unes Charles, coachman, 53 O.xford Barnes Edward, brickmkr, 133 Chesnut Barnes Daniel, woodsawyer, 71 Welcome aS Bp.,rnes Francis, shucker, 61 n Durham Barnes Geo. W. lab. 8G n Bethel Barnes James, lab. 112 s Bethel Barnes James, shucker, 133 Chesnut Barnes James, scowman, 67 Plum al Bnrnes Jane, laund. 51 Carlton Birnes John, lab. 4 Jones ct Barnes John, H. mariner, 112 s Bethel Barnes John S. brickmkr, 8 Waters ci Barnes John T. shucker, 24 Tessier Barnes Leah J. laund. 4 Jones ct Barnes Leah, laund. 71 Welcome al Barnes Mrs. Louisa, laund. 72 u Ann Barnes Lotta, laund. 67 Plum al Barnes Martha, laund. 112 s Bethel Barnes Martha, cook, Pan ish Barnes Mary, laund. 12 n Dallas Barnes Mary, laund. 71 Welcome al B.irnes Michael, mariner, 69 Welcome al Barnes Nathan, shucker, 23 .Moore al Barnes li.ichel, 12 n Dallas Barnes Robert, hodcarrier, 206 Hamburg Baines Wni. shucker. 111 n Chapel Barnes Wm. porter. 112 s Bethel Barnett Ann .M. laund. 47 Shuter Barnett Enals, hodcarrier, 245 n Dallas Birnett Geo. drayman, 315 s Eutaw Barr.ett Mrs. Hester A. laund. 245 Orleans Baruett John W. 44 ILampstead Barney Eliza J. laund. 145 Chesnut Barney George, lal). 41 s Bethel Barney George, lab. 315 s Eutaw B.irney Isaiah, shucker, 18 Leadenhall B.irney John, cook, 145 Chesaut Barney Joseph, shucker, 46 Camel al 2.; HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, -1: €©• Machinists' Tools and Suppl ies. Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend evej^y Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 663 Barney Louisa, laund. 41 s Bethel Barney Wra. restaurant, 243 s Hughes Barnhart Wm. lab. 28 Raborg Barret James, lab. 1 Bradford al Barrett James, lab. V2 Short al Barrett Aliraham, hodcarrier, 23 Jenkias al Barrett Annie, laund. 20 Shuter Barrett Annie K. laund. 1 Lewis Barrett Chas. H. drayman, 65 Orchard Barrett Daniel, drayman, 59 L Monument Barrett Frances, laund 68 L. Monument Barrett George, music teacher, 65 Orchard Barrett George, lab. 20 Shuier Barrett George, porter, 89 South Barrett Henry, hodcirrier, 23 Jenkins a! Barrett Lucius B. diayuuui, 68 L Monument Barrett Thomas, lumber piler, 13 Mechanics ct Barrett Wm. draynum. 65 Orchard Binoll James, lab. 34 King Barrymau Charles, waitir, 5 Waters ct Bartee Dr. Muscoe, 75 Arch Bartley Anthony, lab. 235 n Durham Barton Ann R. servant, 187 Ensor Barton David, lab. 212 Dover Barton Elizabeth, laund. 118 n Spring Barton George, porter, 43 Raborg Barton Nathaniel, bricknikr, 227 Dover Barton Wm. A. Ciirter, 118 n Spring Basil Alexander, engineer, 212 West Basil Arrielirt, grocery, 132 York Basil John W. lab. 212 West Bask Eliza A. nurse, 148 Lee Bask Eliza, cook, 148 L>e Bask Elizabeth J. cook, 148 Lee Hask Harriet R. seamstre.ss, 148 Lee Bask Joseph, lab. 148 Lee Bask Laura, chambermaid, 148 Lee Bateman Joseph, hodcarrier, 20 Stirling Bates James, waiter, 38 Tyson al Bates Lotta, laund. 38 Tysun al Bates Rachel, laund. 38 Tyson al Battis Sarah, laund. 153 Vine Batson Caleb, shucker, 8 Peach al Biitson John H. shucker, 222 L Hughes Batson Lizzie, laund. 222 L Hughes Bawns Johanna, laund. 33 Raborg Baughnaugh Hei.ry, barber 1 Davis Bayard Wm. carter, 195 Chesnut Baynard Amanda, laund. 10 I'^utaw ct Baynard Augusta, laund. 10 Eutaw ct Baynard Wesley, shucker, I7o Warren Baynot James, hodcarrier, 68 Biddle al Beach Mrs. Ada, laund. 108 Henrietta Beads Alice A. laund. Liberty opp Woodvear Beads Hester A. laund Libeity rd nr Woodyeir Beads Hiram, vvhitevvasher, 25 Sarah Ann Beads Jesse, farmer, Lilierty rd opp Presstman Beal Henry, lab, 92 Milliman Beal Henry, lab. 169 s Spring Beal Jetlrey, lab. 85 Hargrove al Beal Marian, servant, 41 Druid Hill av Bean John, lab. 197 n Front Beans Francis, lab. 188 Chesnut al Beans Francis, drayman, 7.') Peirce Beans Jacob, waittT, 75 Peirce Beans James, barber, 75 Pfirce Beans Richard, waiter, 75 Peirce Beard Joshua, driver, 68 n Spring Beckett George, lab. 240 Vine Beckett Hester, laund. 9 Carlton* * Beckett John, shuckt-r, 152 Vork Beckett Lorenzo, lab. 9 Carlton Beckett Nancy, laund. 35 Dover Beckett Wm. mariner, 152 York Bee Wm lab. 267 West Bell Alfred, bricknikr, 57 n Ann Bell Amos, driver, Bouldin al nr Townsend Bell Benjamin, stevedore, 51 Williamson al Bell Fallen, servant 51 Williamson al Bell Eliza Jane, 23 Chesnut al Bell Geo. lab. 56 Burgundy al Bell Geor^ie, mariner, 71 L Church Bell Mrs. Harriet, laund. 8 McElderry ct Bell James, mariner, 88 Burgundy la Bell Jane, laund, 87 Stirling Bell John, carter, 201 Vine Bell John, shoemkr, 48 n Caroline Bell John, driver. Spring nr John Bell John, scowman. 74 L. Church Bell John, lab. 87 Stirling , Bell John, woodsawver, 21 Oxford Bell John H. 26 Raborg Bell John, cook, 2 Raborg Bell Joseph, coffee roaster, 56 Burgundy al Bell Joseph, grain measurer, 124 York Bell Josephine, laund, 2 Raborg Bell Josephine, laund. 140 York Bell Julia, cook, 21 Oxford Itell Lloyd, lab. 19 Horn Bell Maryland, rear 69 n Strieker Bell Missouri, laund. S8 Burgundy al Bell Nathan, mariner, 218 L Hughes Bell Rachel, laund. 56 Burgundy al Bell Sarah E. laund. 218 L. Hughes Bell Sarah, cook, 124 Y'ork Bell Sarah, laund. 71 L. Church Bell Sarah, cook, 347 L. Vine Bell Saml HP. theological student, 44 Saratoga Bell Susanna, laund, 74 L. Church Bell Thos, waiter, rear 69 n Strieker Bell Wm. lab. 140 Ycrk Bell Wm. H. lab. 34 East Bell Wm. H. waiter, 45 State Bell Wilson, lab. 169 Hamburg Belmore Peter, mariner, 101 n Dallas Belt Clias. lab. 250 Cross Belt Clias. lab. 269 West Benjamin Virginia, 62 Bank Bennett Mrs. Ann, laund. 5 Young al Bennett Chas. jr. hodcarrier, rear 211 n Eden Bennett Ellen, cook, 49 Oxford Bennett Geo. waiter, 49 Oxford Bennett Geo. waiter, 165 York Bennett Geo. lab. 65 Leadeiihall Bennett Geo. waiter, 17 Jenkins al Bennett Geo. lab. 235 n Durham Bennett James, porter Youngs ct nr Broadway Bennett James, carp. lOS Cider al Bennett John, stevedore, 17 L. Montgomery Bennett John, waiter, 264 s Sharp Bennett John, shucker, 109 n Spring Bei'.nett Lucy, cook, rear 211 n Eden Bennett .Mary J. cook, 65 Leadenhall Bennett Perry, grainrunner, 21 Neighbor Bennett Robert, lab. 25 Lee Bennett Rotiert, hodcarrier, 136 n Dallas Bennett Sarah J. laund. 21 Neishbor. Bennett Samuel, lab. 2o6 e Lombard Bennett Susan, seamstress, 25 Lee Bennett Stephen, lab. 5 House ct Bennett Win. lab. 16 Saratoga Biuson Debora, laund. 12 Lewis Benson Elizabeth, laund, 341 n Howard Benson George, hodcarrier, 76 Sarah Ann o O d' o °8 ft o o p^ I— I Ok CD CQ pq en P^ H I— I H CD cn H I—) IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 664 MutTial Life Insurance Co. of JSTew York. COLORED PERSONS. " O o < "A m Benson Harrison, shucker, 341 n Howard Benson Lloyd, oysters, 67 Oxford Benson Martha, laund. 118 e Monument Benson Robert, waiter, 86 L. Church Beiitley Frisby, waiter, 1 St. James In Bentley Horace, hodcarrier, 129Che3nutal 12; . Bentley Richard, lab. 5 St. Thomas ct ^ ^ Bentley Richard, waiter, 91 Camel al ^ ^ Bentley Rosa, laund. 5 St. Thomas ct Benton Aaron, lab. 224 Hanover K M Benton Aaron B. grain measurer, 224 Haoover H Benton Mahala, laund. 132 York D Berkley John, shucker, 194 Henrietta O Berry 5lrs. Christina, 97 n Pine ^ Berry Daniel, lab. 11 Inloes al CO Berry Eliza, laund. 145 Low ^ Berry Elizabeth, school, 97 n Pine •^ Berry Fred. lab. 238 West Berry Geo. porter, 1 Chappel al Berry Geo. carter, 145 Low Berry Geo. W. drayman, 158 East Berry Jacob, carter, 145 Low Berry John, porter, 21 Carlton Berry John, lab. 64 Biddle al Berry John, lab. 169 s Washington Berry Mrs. Nancy, 11 n Bethel Berry Peter, huckster, 74 Sarah Ann Berry Wm. coachman, 18 Jordan al Berry Wm. lab. 2 Arch Berry Williams, drayman, Shields al nr Hoffman Berryman John C. caulker, 169 s Regester Bethel African M. E. church, Saratoga nr Gay _^^__^^^^^^ Bevans Alfred, shucker, 308 Montgomery Bevans Alfred, lab. 5 X alley Bevans Caroline, servant, 5 X alley Bevans Cornelius, stevedore, 181 West Bevans Edward, mariner, 77 L. Church O Berans Hy. scovvman, 312 Montgomery O Bevans Isaac, cook, 255 L. Hughes p- Bevans John, mariner, 59 China [3 Bevans Littleton, varuisher, 5 X alley ►2; Bevans Louisa, laund. 219 Hamburg PQ Bond Martha, mantiiamkr, 35 s Caroline Bond Martha A. laund. 171 Tyson Bond Mary E dressmkr, 117 Stirling Bond .Mary J. laund. 97 n Durham Bond Oliver, shucker, 8 Beaufort Bond Rachel, servant, 73 Dover Bond Sarah, laund. 10") Burgundy al Bond Mrs. Susan, 21 Hamilton Bond Wallace, drayman, 2 Molt Bond Wm. grain runner, 117 Stirling Bond Wm. H. porter, 65 Raborg Booker Caroline, laund. 1 Calhoun ct Booker James, waiter, 161 Vine Booker Nathaniel, slioemkr, 41 Oxford Booker Wm. lab. 1 C.ilhoun ct Boom George, 1 10 Welcome al Boom Henry, hod carrier, 8 State Boom Rebecca, laund. 8 State Boone Cecelia, laund. 7 Stale Boone David, lab. 2o6 Hamburg Boone David, lab. 161 n Dallas Boone Eliza, laund. 79 Chesnut al Boone Emily, lauLid. 83 Burgundy al Boone George, lab. 128 York Boone Grafton^ lab. Waverley Boone Harriet, 73 n Durham j^ Boone Henry, lab. 236 West O Boone Henry, shucker, 71 Wayne ^ Boone Mrs. Hester A. dressmkr, 120 n Regester ^ Boone Isaiah, driver, 194 Preston q Boone Jacob, shucker, 101 Chesnut al q Boone James, brickmaker, 119 Welcome al Boone John, oysters. 48 Union c^ Boone John W. brickmkr, 264 s Sharp Boone Joseph, laborer, 120 n Re^; ester Q Boone Joseph, porter, 83 Burgundy al Q Boone Joseph, shucker, 73 n Durham Q Boone Joshua, mariner. 56 .Mullikin f^ Boone Laura, laund. 119 Welcome al ^^ Boone Mary, laund. 71 Wayne . Boone Marth i, dressmkr. 254 Hamburg Ph Boone Matilda, laund. 194 Preston Boone Rasin, driver, 12 Temple ^ Boone Richard, shucker, 24 East h^ Boone Sampson, shucker, 12 Vine {> Boone Shadrick, driver, 6 Waters ct Boone Sophia, laund. 142 Hill ZD Boone Susan A. laund. 101 Chesnut al Zz^] Boone Washinston, lab. 7 State ^^ Booth David, whitewasher, 70 Lr\urens al ^ Booth Geo. driver, n Calhoun ext Booth Jas. lab. Liberty rd nr Strieker O Booth John, lab. 23 Edward Booth Wm. draymin, 81 Pearl CQ B'joz Stephen, carter, 14 Morris al ^ Booze Chas. C. porter, 1 Cross al O Booze George, cook, 263 McDonogh Jz; Booze George. cook stand, German and Wine al 3 O 02 33 CO > en cu 33 Sr 'ZS Iz; o o r^ Phcq ce • w> T? •Zj 0) C ht ce c 2 .2 ce a) o a; .P3 ^ 'A >. ^^ 1 — ; "x c; ce "^^ o "o ce XI a C- 'o cc B 0) o • "" l==i .2 ■k^ c iS a 1— 1 o ■t-3 ■4^ CZ2 o ^ CO O 03 ^ ^ XI Oj B • ^ CD ce i; >-> a> ^ c" ^ r^ J2 ^ 1 fi^ o 3 ^ >^ S a ■< m w W ce o =^ . 't; -ra JS c Ol o -S ^• '^ tc tr. o c ^ w -fj -i-i s ^ X o > > ce ««. o Zi ?i -to ce '■Ci t-1 x '« ^ ^ CO ee L /-» "5 m- ^ w- 666 Miitual Life Insnrance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. Bordley John, brickmkr, 319 Hamburg Bordley Joseph, shucker, 5.'1 China Bordley Mart.'iiret, laund. 85 Burgfundy al Bordley Miiria, liumd. 27 Guilt'urd nl Bordley Perry, wiiiHT, 34 Jordan al Bordley Richard J. lab. 54 China Bordley Robert, coachman, 82 East Bordley Stephen, cook, 92 Ghesnut al Bordley Thos. fireman, 53 China Bordley Wm. shucker, 85 Burgundy al Bordley Wm. F. fireman, 48 L. iMcl<;iderry Bordley Wm. T. brickmkr, 163 York Bordley Wra. H. brickmkr, 49 L. Montgomery Born George, shucker, 49 Jefferson Born Jeremiah, shucker, 26 Short Born John, waiter, 49 Jefferson Borsley Charles, driver, 56 Union Bosley Mis. Fanny, laund. rear 211 n Eden Boslej' Louisa, cook, Stockton a! nr Harlem av Bostick Nicey, laund. 81 Welcome al Bostick Robeit, lab. 44 Biddle al Boston Abram,( Butler & Bro.)49 King Boston Annie R. laund. 112 s Bethel Boston Benj. lab 146 York Boston Charles, lab. 23 Philpotal Boston Daniel, hod carrier, 10 Morris al Boston Daniel, caulker, 112 s Bethel f?o?ton Ellen, laund. 197 Vine Boston Elizabeth, laund. 231 L. Hughes Boston Eliza J. nurse, 188 I>. Hughes Boston Geo. W. driver, 28 Gilbert Boston Hannah, dressmkr, 95 Sarah Ann Boston Harriet A. laund. 170 Wa>ne Boston Harriet, laund. 7') Harmony la Boston Henry, lab. 231 L. Hughes Boston Hester J. laund. 48 L. Church Boston Isabella, laund. 49 King Boston Jacob, drayman, 81 Orchard Boston James, whitewasher, 42 Harmony la Boston James, drayman, 91 Chesnut al Boston James E. porter, 190 Stirling Boston John, whitewasher, 81 Orchard Boston John, waiter. 81 Orchard Boston John, sawyer, 303 n Durham Boston John H. carter. Liberty rd nr Strieker Boston John W. mariner, 64 Klbow la Boston Jos. drayman, 95 Sarah Ann Boston Laura, seamstress, 91 Chesnut al Boston Levin, lab. 130 York Boston Levin, lab. 252 Cross Boston Mahala, laundress, 188 L. Hughes Boston .Mary, laundress, 90 n iSethel Biiston Moses, poller, 30 s Stockton al Boston Maria, laiind. 9 Wagon al Boston Nelson, engineer, 170 Wayne Boston Richard, lab. 90 n Bethel " Boston Richard, lab. 191 L. Hughes Boston Rol)t. waiter, Jordan al m Hoffman Boston Samuel, waiter, 101 Raborg Boston Sarah, couk, 130 York Boston Wm. lab. 164 s Howard Boston Wm. lab, 191 L. Hughes Boston Wm. lab. 17 Orchard Boteler Elizabeth, servant, 51 WilliamsOQ al Boteler Richard, shucker, 11 Brannan ct Bottom Reuben, shucker, 53 Charlton Bouldin Clias. cook, 58^ Raborg Bouldin Medford, shucker, 75 Arch Bouldin Rolierl, shucker, 174 s Dallas Bouldin Samuel, waiter, 38 Short Bouldin Shadrack, lab. 122 n Spring Bouldin Washington, lab. 38 Short Bourne John, lab. 146 n Spring Bouyer John, waiter, 26 Tessier Bowen Augustus, drayman, 212 Hamburg Bowen Elizabeth, laund. 212 Hamburg Bowen Emily, cook, 90 Harmony la Bowen Geo. waiter, 4 Garden Bowen Grafton, coachman, 1 Dobson ct Bowen Gracy, Homestead Bowen Henry, coachman, 19 Orchard Bowen Isaac H. sawyer, 7 Harrison ct Bowen Jas. E. porter, 212 Hamburg Bowen Jarret, drayman, 114 St. Mary Bowen John, lab. 164 n Spring Bowen John, lab. 96 Goodman al Bowen Josiah, hodcarrier. 259 Raborg Bowen Mrs. Louisa, cook, 7 Parrish al Bowen Luther, driver, 35 Oxford Bowen Maryraret, laund. 212 Hamburg Bowen Maria, oysters, 259 Raborg Bowen Martha, cook, 7 Harrison ct Bowen Mary A. lauud. 1 Dobson ct Bowen Nancy, dressmkr, 19 Orchard Bowen Resin, lab. 12 Temple Bowen Shadrack, lab. 64 Union Bowen Thos. 28 0.\ford Bowen Wm, lab. 1 Davis Bowen Wm. waiter, 21 Jordan al Bowen Wm. lab. 7 Parrish al Bowers Ann M. laund. 217 s Howard Bowers Cusby, laund. 304 s Howard Bowers Francis J. saw sharpener, 217 8 Howard Bowers Francis T. lab. 217 s Howard Bowers Jas. waiter, 35 Oxford Bowers Jas. W. shucknr, 304 s Howard Bowers Nathan, lab. 217 s Howard Bowes Daniel, lab. 163 n Dallas Bowie Andrew, lab. 1 13 n Chapel Bowie Caroline, laund. 194 L. Constitution Bowley Frank, mariner, 182 L. Hughes Bovvley Geo. lab. 180 L. Hughes Bowley Rachel, laund. 33 s Central av Bowley Samuel, porter, 303 n Durham Bowley Wm H. lab. 15 Lewi.i Bowley Wm. H. drayman, 22 Gilbert Bowman Charles, waiter, 13 Jasper Bowman Henrietta, cook, 13 Jasper Bowman Jas. porter, 32 Sarah Ann Bowman J. F. mariner, 18 S Dallas Bowman Mrs. Jane, 5 n Spring Bowman Lydia, laund. 55 s Stockton al Bowman Mary, laund. 18 8 Dallas Bowman Wm. barber, 241 L Hughes l)0wser Elizabeth, laund. 136 German Bowser Klizabeth, laund. 51 Hinnony la Bowser George, carp. 72 Morris al Bowser Henrietta, cook, 136 German Bowser Henry, farmer, 51 Harmon}' la Bowser Jas. H. waiter, 20 St. Mary Bowser J is. porter, 143 Hill Bowser John, porter, 136 German Bowser .Mary L. seamstress, 143 Hill Bowser .Mary J. seamslre.^s, 143 Hill Bowser Samuel, coachman, 136 German Bowser SolouKm, sawyer, 116 Tyson Bowyer Mrs. Anna, laund. 21 Parrish al '\>wyer Benj. mariner, 315 s Howard Bowyer Benj. hod carrier, 8 Parrish Bowyer Chas. J. barber, 124 Jasper Bowyer Clias. laO. 21 Parrish al Bowyer Claggett, driver, 164 Sarah Ann Bowyer Eliza, laund. 315 s Howard Bowyer Eliza, laund. 230 L. Hughes I HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Machini fits' Tools and Supplies. Waste, BqUs, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75.000>000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen^l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 667 OQ )\vyer Ellen, laund. 60 L. Church iwyer Frisby, caulker, 44 L. Church jwycr Geo. musician, 24 Orchard >\\\er Grace, servant, 6i) L. Church iwyer Henry, lab. 65 Oxford iv.yer Henry, hod carrier, 17 Jordan al >\vyer Jacob, fur. repairer, 149 York iwyer John, shucker, 92 Russell luyer John, shucker, 173 Warner )uytr Lewis, hostler, 20 Haw luytr Mary, laund. 44 L. Church uyer Mary, laund. 20 Haw '\v\er Mary, laund. 149 York 'wyer Rachel, laund. 13 n Durhacs ■ wyer Rachel, laund. 101 s Bethel 'v.yer Thos. carp. 13 n Durham iwyer Thos. carp, lol s Bethel uyer Wm. lab. 21 Sarah Ann ,MC Bosley, driver, 212 Chesnut al ',\cf Daniel, lab. 212 Chesnut al yet; Kmeline, laund. 212 Chesnut al .vce Noah, lab. 102 s Eutaw . vre Stansbury, teacher, 111 Jasper yre Wesley, fab. 212 Chesnut al i v(! ('has. mariner, ISl York lyii David, sawyer, 7 Hagar ct 1 vii Edward, driver, 7 Hagar ct i Ml Henrietta, laund. 7 Hapar ct lyil Mary J. huckstress, 11 Lehrman al 1 \ 1 I'hos. lab. 11 Lehrman al 1 vil Wm. cooper, 221 Henriettn lyrr Arabella, laund. 20 Winter al Iyer Fred. lab. Linah's hotel Iyer Henry, porter, 56 China Iwn- Phillips, lab. 5 Lambert licker Benj lab. 121 (Jhesnut al Jjcker John H. lab. 20 s Dallaa Inker Neal, lab. 83 Oxford 1 n Iv-^ton Jas. shucker, 94 Chesnut al J .Mirks Thos. shucker, 89 Stirling 1 iiliord Alex, mariner, 176 s Dallas ridfrjid Georgianna, laund. 32 Wayne I nlt'did Henry sr. porter, 132 Lee I nlfbrd Jacob, lab. 6 Meyer ct I ulford Jas. T. provisions, cor Centre and St. 'aul, dw 55 w Centre t: dford John E. barber, 55 w Centre I df ird Josephine, servant, 28 Wayne 1: (Ifrird Mrs. Julia, 28 W;iyne £ lifbnl Julia, laund. 2^^ Wayne F 'Itord Lucy, laund. 28 Wayne ' "'ii'd Mary, dressmkr, 28 Wayne rd Jfis. Mary, seamstress, 28 Wayne id Sur»h, seamstress, 28 Wayne i: 'lI'Mid Stephen, lab. 123 Jasper Li lUord Susan, 132 Lee H dtord Thomas, waiter, 28 Wayne B dley Klizi, laund. 43 .Moore al dley Samuel jr. 43 Moore al dley Samuel I. porter, 15 Rose 1 dy Brice, sliucke:, 55 Lewis 1 dy Sarah J. rear 263 L. Hughes 1 nd Elizabeth, dressmkr, 42 s Caroline I nd ^Vm. H. mariner, 42 s Caroline I nch Richard, fireman, 13 Hamilton I nnick Francis, lab. 220 s Howard 1 nson Caroline, laund. 176 Welcome al nson Francis, driver, 15 Shuter nson John, lab. 176 Welcome al ntford Eliz^i, laund. 190 Dover shears John, lab. 3 Claret al wner Catherine, seamstress, 162 Stirling Brawner Jos. waiter, 162 Stirling Braxton Charles H. shoemkr, 134 s Eutaw Braxton Hamilton, waiter, 42 Vine Braxton Jos. blacksmith, 78 Peirce Braxton Laura, seamstiess, 17 Raliorg Braxton Mar^jaret, laund. 134 s Eutaw Braxton Mary, seamstress, 42 Vine - Bray Washington, chairmkr. 1 Wilmer al Bray wood Daniel, 178 s Dallas 9^ Braywood Wm. tinner, 181 s Dallas O Brent Delaney, lab. 24 s Stockton al g Brent Nicholas, porter, 94 Vine '-d Brewer Abraham L. whitewasher, 11 Josepnine ^ Brewer Charles, 11 Josephine pQ Brewer Mrs. Frances, laund. 11 Josephine Brewer George, porter, 11 Josephine Brewer Isaac, lab. 358 n Howard Biewer James, lab. 3 Waters ct Brewer Jerome, waiter, 11 Josephine Brewer Sarah, laund. 2 Waters ct Brian Henry, lab. 14 LeadenhaR Brian Louis, waiter, 24 St. Mary Brian Thos. lab. n Calhoun ext Brice Aaron, waiter. 120 Hill Brice Alford, lub. 7 Reese al Brice Ann M. laund. 7 Reese al Brice Charles E. shucker, 7 Reese al Brice Catherine, laund. 97 Stirling Brice Frances, laund. 61 Davis Biice James, mariner, 61 Davis Brice Rev. John H. 137 Hill Brice Priscilla,. laund. 83 Foster al Brice Richard, lab 97 Stirling Bridge John A. musician, 2 Temple Briggs L. waiter, 23 Orchard Briggs Samuel, waiter, 148 Preston Bright Charlotte, laund. 22 Tyson Bright Dennis D. plasterer. 22 Tyson Bri"ht Eliza A. laund. 29 Orchard Bright John M. drayman, 29 Oixhard Bri'du Louisa, laund. 2 Arcade al Bright Marv E laund. 29 Orchard Bright Riichei A. laund. 29 Orchard Bright Richard, lab. 186 West Bright Samuel P. expressman, 85 Druid HiU av Briirht Thomas, driver, 35 n Chapel Bright Thomas E. expressman, 29 Orchard Bright Thomas J. waiter, 2 Arcade al Bright Walter, wagoner, 45 Hnmpstead Bright Win. H. expressman, 29 Orchard Brighton Jane, laund. 53 Diamond Biighton Stephen, waiter, 53 Diamond Btigliton Sydney, matiner, 58 li Church BriiTkley Benj. F. porter, 130 Hill Brinkley John, lab. 16 Warren ct Brinklev Milly, seamstiess, 130 Hill Brinkley Rob'eit, waiter. 4 Vine Briscoe Ann, laund. 46 Mulberry Briscoe Augustus, barber, 228 u Howard Briscoe Cvrus, lab. 2 Arcade al Briscoe Delia, laund. 49 Dover Briscoe Edward, waiter, Waverley Briscoe Gabriel, barber, 134i;Howard,dw70Vine ^^ Briscoe Georgf, porter U- S. Courthouse, Hoi- ^ o3 •-a o O O o O O id d o o h^ h^ o ft > o H liday and Bath Briscoe Henderson, scowman, 46 Mulberry Briscoe Henry, lab. 28 Foundry Biscoe Henry, lab. 15 Haw Biiscoe John, lab. 15 Haw Briscoe Julia, school, rear 104 Franklin, dw 134 II Howard Briscoe Nathaniel, porter, 49 Dover o 1—1 < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 668 COLORED PERSONS. H W W p:; H H C/J Z E=3 >^ O <1 <1 o m w hA H n GQ O „ r/; ^ on o o t— ( S ^ w w o rn P O O 00 H o h:; ^ 1— 1 ^ <1 w m o o KW OS ^H '^O • Mo OOhh dHPg co>- ^m K O Caldwell Anna, lannd. 24 L. Monument Caldwell Charles, stevedore, 175 s Refjester Ciildwell Florence, lannd. 123 s Spriug Caldwell Jumes, whitewasher, 4 Wagon al Caldwell Margaret A. laund. 3 Dobson ct Caldwell Wm. driver, 123 s Spring Caldwell Wm. drayman, 76 Chesnut al Caldwell Wm. waiter, 10 I5ouldiu al Caldwell Zacliar.v, lab. 3 Dobson ct Calhoun Alberta, lannd. 164 Sarah Ann Calhoun Isabella, laund. Lehrraan al Calhoun James, barber, 164 Sarah Ann Calloway Cabel, waiter, 3-f St. Mary Calloway Grief, lab. 133 Stirling Calloway Mary A. laund. 133 Stirling Callis Augustus, 80 Holland Calvert Solomon, hodcarrier, Vincent al nrCole Calvin Mrs. Nancy, lannd. 137 n Caroline Campbell Andrew, 44 Peach al Campbell Daniel, porter, 99 Hargrove al Campbell James, meat packer, 10 St. James Campbell John, shoemaker, 52 Davis Campbell Louisa, laund. 33 State Campbell Moses, shucker, 83 n Bethel Campbell Peter, drayman, 239 Cross Campbell Phoebe W. seamstress, 30 Jew al, o t Campbell Robert A. porter, 30 Jew al, o t Campbell Samuel, 9.i Hargrove al Cauipbell Sarah, laund. 10 St. J.iraes Camper Levin, shucker, 13 s Chapel Camper Thomas, shucker, 64 Russell Camper Wm. lab. 5 n Castle Camphor Allen, lab. 253 L. Hughes Camphor Catherine, laund. 23 New Camphor Daniel, hodcarrier, 214 Chesnut al Camphor Amelia, laund. 184 s Howard Camphor Emily J. seamstress, 102 n Spring Camphor Geo. W. hodcarrier, 102 n Spring Camphor Henrietta, shucker, 12 Brannan ct Camphor James, driver, 39 East Camphor James, clerk, 39 p]ast Camphor Jennie, laund. 4 Plum al Camphor John, lab. 184 s Howard Camphor John M. caulker, 155 York Camphor John H. mariner, 1 Shuter Camphor Josiah, drayman, 4 Plum al Camphor Luke, lab. 79 Dover Camphor Mrs. Lavinia, seamstress, 225 n Dallas Camphor Mary J. laund. 253 L Hughes Camphor Nancy, laund. 184 s Howard Camphor Peter, brickmkr, 9 Union al Campho. Peter, drayman, 7 H al Camphor Rebecca, mantuamkr, 1 Shuter Camphor Samuel, waiter, 23 New Camphor Sarah J. laund. 155 York Camphor Stephen, lab. 94 Henrietta Camphor Stephen, lab. 37 Douglas Canady John, shucker, 182 Mullikin (Janady Wm. H. shucker, 2 S[)ring Garden av Caun George, shucker, 19 n Sharp Cann Edward, lab. 6 Shields al Caun Mary Vl. seamst. 153 Sarah Ann Cann Wm. lab. 153 Sarah Ann Cannon Ann, laund. 12 Shuter Cannon Nathan, shucker, 90 s Bethel Caups Thomas, shucker, 15 Mullikin Carey Albert D. shucker, 73 Welcome al Carey James, barber, 73 Welcome al Carey Louisa, laund. 73 Welcome al Carmack Archibald sr. 41 Jew al o t Carraack Mrs. Elizabeth, seams. 157 n Dallas Carmack Jehu, tavern, 43 Saratoga Carmack John W. steward, 156 n Dallas Carmack Jos. driver, 94 n Dallas Carmack Laura, laund. 41 Jew al o t Carmack Lewis, horse dealer, 25 Short Carmack Margt. laund. 127 n Caroline Carmack Richard B. lab. 127 n Caroline Carmack Stephen, porter C. H. 25 Short Carmack Wm. D. mariner, 127 n Caroline Carney Margt. grocery, 73 s Bethel Carney Ralph, lab. 73 s Bethel Carpenter Chri8to|)l)er, waiter, 126 Conwav Carpenter Edward, lab. 6 Rose Carpenter Mrs. Elizabeth, seamst. 42 Plum al Carpenter Rufus, barber, 42 Plum al Carpenter Rufus, barber, 92 Henrietta Carr Ann M. laund. 92 Sarah Ann Carr Benj. mariner, 292 s Howard Carr Chas. drayman, 224 Hamburg Carr Dabney, stevedore, 210 L Hughes Carr Edward, carter, 214 Hamburg Carr Emily, laund. 137 York Carr Francis, fireman, 137 York Carr Mrs. Frances, 15 Mason al Carr James, lab. 92 Sarah Ann Carr James, lab. 6 L Broadway Carr John, mariner, 211 s Betliel Carr John, shucker, 122 s Bethel Carr John W. brickmkr, 281 w Biddle Carr Louisa, laund. 64 s Dallas Carr Mary, oysterpacker, 115 s Dallas Carr Purnell, lab. 115 s Dallas Carr Wm. A. lab. 64 s Dallas Carr Wm. brickmkr, 21 Haw Carrington Lawrence, shucker, 68 Wayne Carrin^tou Lillie, cook, 161 Vine Carroll Albert, packer, 52 St. Mary Carroll Chas. porter, 66 Dover Carroll Mrs. Cecilia J. seamstress, 260 McDonogh Carroll Edward, hodcarrier, 8 Rose Carroll Geo. W. shucker, 112 n Regester Carroll Geo. porter, 106 Henrietta Carroll Henry S. lab. 260 McDonogh Carroll Rev. Henry H. 127 8 Caroline Carroll Henry, cooper, 189 Ensor Carroll Henry, hostler, 150 Forrest Carroll John W. waiter, 216 Stirling Carroll Mary E., Vincent al nr Cole Carroll Mary, laund. 2o7 Raborg Carroll Mary V. dressmkr, Carlton nr Franklia Carroll Moses, lab. Calhoun ext Carroll Rosina, seamstress, 189 Ensor Carroll Samuel W. laborer, 348 L. Montgomery Carroll Susanna, boarding, 66 Dover Carroll Wm. 11. shucker, 39 Elbow la Carson Benj. lab. Chapel nr Chase Carter Armistead, waiter, Laurens al Carter Armistead, hod carrier, 265 Montgomery Carter Annie, laund. 313 Hamburg Carter Daniel, lab. 213 n Durham Carter Daniel, lab. 45 Pin al Carter Edward, lab. 65 Oxford Carter Elizabeth, laund. 313 s Howard Carter Geo. E. drayman, 2 Union ct Carter Geo. driver, Union ct nr Eden Carter Geo. waiter, Union hotel Carter Gray, waiter, rear 136 (Jerman Carter Harriet, laund. 9 Saratoga ct Carter Harriet, laund. 213 n Durham Carter Harrison, hostler, 89 Chesnut al Carter Henry, drayman, 21 Jordan al Carter Henry, drayman, 21 Morris al Carter Jacob, lab. 9 Saratoga ct HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 Sonth. St. COLORED PERSONS. 673 Carter James, porter, 67 Elbow la Carter James P. lab. 1 1 s Bethel Carter Jamts, porter, 9 Saratoga ct Carter James T. lab. 2 Slenett Carter John, barber, 50 w Centre Carter John, brickmkr, 313 Ilamburcr Carter John T. inspector C. H. 74 Jefferson Carter John, hod carrier, 5 Jenkins al Carter Joseph, lab. n Calhoun ext Carter Laura, servant, 265 Montgomery Carter Lewis, driver, 199 Vine Carter Louisa, lannd. 2 Union cl Carter Lucretia, lannd. 89Mvrile av Carter Llo\d. stevedore, 50 Williamson al Carter Mary, lannd. 11 s Bethel Carter Massy, lab. 3 X al Carter Minnie, laund. 298 Raborg Carter Moses, miuiner, 245 n Durham Carter Nicholas S. lab. 313 s Howard Carter Rachel, laund. 45 Pin al Carter Rauliel, laund. 193 Saratoga Carter KeL'ecca, laund. 67 Elbow la Carter Richard, butcher, 199 Vine Carter Roliert, shucker, 48 Burgundy al Carter Samuel, lab. 2 Union ct Carter Mrs. Susan, cook, 189 Vine Carter Sarah, laund. rear of 134 s Eutaw Carter Siuiun, stevtdore, 104 Ensor Carter Thomas, waiter, 15 L. Montgomery Carter Thos. B. poi ler, 40 Greenwillow Carter Thomas, shoemkr. 7 Welsh al Carter Wm. shoemkr, 35 Perry Carter Wm. lab. 40 Stockholm Carter Wm. lab. 34 s Stockton al Carter Wm. H. messenger, 57 Jasper Carter W^ni. H. porter, 93 Watson Carter Wm. C. laborer, 4 Hamilton Carty Wm. W. shoemkr, 2 Arch Carwell Wm. drayman, 76 Chesnut al Cary Noah, shucker, 152 s Durham Case Geo. cook, 181 York Casey John, mariner, 11 Claret al Casey Thomas, mariner, 11 Claret al Casseil Barney, lab. 8 Peirce Cassell Beuj. coachman, 192 Park av Casseil Beuj. coachman, 19 Jenkins al Cassell Chas. L. drayman, 80 Chesnut al Casseil Chas.H.waiter,Huutingdonav nrYork rd Cassell Eveline, laund. 52 Vine Cassell Jame.<, drayman, 109 Orchard Cassell Rachel, laund. Huntini;ton av nr York rd Cassell Robert, huckster, 80 Chesnut al Cassell Wm. coachman, 154 w Hoffman Cassell Thomas, shucker, 103 S irah Ann Castle Chas. Vincent al nr Cole Casiell Harriet, laund. 107 Stirling Castle Wm. drayman, 78 Russell Castor Alfred H driver, 63 Davis Castor John, lab. loO Central av Castor John H. whitewasber, 63 Davis (Jastur J. Noel, musician, 4 Hamilton Castor Lucy, laund. 87 Burgundy al Castor Maria, laund. ^71 North Castor .Maria, laund. 63 Davis Castor Marg't, dressmkr, 69 China Castor Oscar, lab. 17 L. Montgomery Castor Ruth, laund. 38 Wayne Castor Robert, porter, 38 Wayne Caulk Joseph, wlatewasher, 151 Henrietta Caulk Joshua, huckster, 151 Henrietta Caulker Hall, Dallas nr Eastern av Caution Mrs. Hannah, laund. 95 n Eden Caution Samuel, sailmkr, 95 n Eden Caution Samuel J. porter, 95 n Eden Caution Wm. H. musician, 95 n Eden Cavender Eli, lab. Lanvule and Wilmer al Cavender James, varnisher, 55 Pearl Cecil Ellen, laund. 69 s Dallas Cecil Thomas, shucker, 69 s Dallas Cephas Geo. A. driver. Spring nr Biddle Cephas John W. waiter, 192 Stirling Cephas Ricliard, sawyer, rear 27 Barre Cephas -Maria, laund. 100 Stirling Cephas Samuel, shucker. I oO Stirling Cephas Thomas, lab. 6 n Castle Chalk Chas. gardener, e Eager ext Chalk Henrietta, lannd. 12 s Wolfe Chalk Joshua, mariner, 12 s Wolfe Chambers Alfred S. barber, 17 n Holliday, dw 98 Tyson Chambers Ann, laund. 2 College al Chambers Mrs. Ann R. laund. 421 Saratoga Chambers .Mrs. Annie A. 32 n Eden Chambers Charlotte, laund, 138 Orchard Chambers Charles, lab. 7 Chesnut Chambers David, porter, Stockton al nr Lanvale Chambers Dennis, lab. 49 Boyd Chambers Edward, shucker, 179 West Chambers Elizabeth, laund. 250 R.iborg Chambers Elizabeth, laund. 287 Orleans Chambers Geo. porter, 19 n Amity Chamlters Henrietta, laund. 19 Haw Chambers Jas. A. barber,91 Dover,dw 368 Cross Chambers John, lab. 250 Raborg t:hamcers John W. barber, 421 Saratoga Chambers Joseph, waiter, 70 East Chambers Lydia A. laund. 193 n Front Chambers Mary E. seamstress, 421 Saratoga Chambers Noah, hodcairier, 164 Henrietta Chambers Perry, drayman, 15 Claret al Chambers Saml. hodcarrier, 50 Chesnut al Chambers Sarah, laund. 164 Henrietta Chambers Wm. coachman, Stockton nr Lanvale Chambers Wm. L. steward, 2-57 Orleans Champ James, carter, 195 Chesnut Chandler Eliza, laund. 63 China Chandler Francis, shucker, 128 Lee Chandler James, lab. 63 Chin.i Chandler John, scowman, 61 Arch Chandler Jos. lab. 155 Raborg Chandler .Martha, laund. 52 L. Church Chandler Mary, laund. 61 Arch Chandler Sarah, laund. 17 Union Chaney Elizabeth, servant, 129 n Durham Chaney James, lab. 144 Chesnut Chauey Lewis jr. porter, 47 Pm al Chaney Lewis, lab. 47 Pin al Chaney Mary, cook, 147 York Chaney Racuel, seamstress, 47 Pin al Chauey Win. mariner, 147 York Chaplain Mrs. Alice A. 32 n Eden Chaplain D.ivid, porter, 278 Hamburg Chaplain Perry, driver. South and Pratt Chaplin Jeremiah, drayman, 65 s Bethel Chaplin Joseph, huckster, 143 s Dallas Chapman Anderson, hostler, 80 Stiles Chapman Andrew, lab. 23 Haw Chapman Arthur, lab. 38 s Stockton al Chapman Caroline, laund. 31 Orchard Chapman Daniel, driver, — Walsh al Chapman Elizabeth, laund. 33 Williamson al Obapmau George A. porter, 30 n Dallas Chapman Jacob, porter, 73 Arch Chapman James, mariner, 33 Williamson al c5 o O O o p o o p4 <1 W o ■?, a; Chai)man Nelson, lab. 178 Tyson *M ^ ^ Uhapaian Rebecca. iMund. 23 Haw o o Cbapniiin Sarah, lannd. 95 Plum al Z'r^ ^ Chapman Thomas, mariner, 31 Orchard c t; --r Chapman Wilson E. painter, 3(i n Dallas ^" 3 c Charity Rebecca, laund. rear 136 German •"^ CD '^ Charity Wni. truckman, rear 136 German ■"n; ^ Chase Crtroline, laund. 31 Edward .- ;^. Chase Clias. A. engineer, 158 n Bond '^^' ^ Chase Chas. cook, 77 Dover •— _^ c Chase Daniel, p^ess feeder, 31 Edwar j- ^ ?? Chase Elizabeth, laund. 122 Cider al C- o Chase Elizabeth, laund. 21 '^ Jl o ard 1 Hamburg ^ ^ Chase Emma, laund. 57 Plum al _^ Chase Geo. mariner. 61 Dover Jc" „ Chase Gertrude, laund. 71 Burgundy al i! g Chase Henry, stevedore, 188 s Howard - f^ Chase Henry, porter, 57 Plum al ^ ,X, Chase Henry, lab. 156 T.\son Chase Isabella, laund. 158 n Bond Chase Isaiah, porter, 71 Burj^undy al ►> x Chase J.imes, steward. 218 Hanover . »^ C Chase Jane, laund. 33 Burgundy al £ rr "c^ Chase Jane, seamstress. 218 Hanover g ^ "C Chase John, lab. 33 Burgundy al >, " ~ Chase JohD, brickmkr, 34 Forrest i^ ;^ •:; Chase John, lab. 42 s Chapel !r5 c O- Chase John, lab. 134 n Dallas r3 s •" Chase John C. pressman, 158 n Bond ^ f£2 § Chase Ji.hn C. pajier folder, 99 iK Elderry t» — H Chase Joseph, driver, 3 Stockholm '•^•"^ ^ Chase Kate, laund. 156 Tyson '^ >. <^ Chase Levi, drayman, 122 Cider al -^IL ^ Chase Maria, laund. 14 Brewer al fiq "5 Chase Mary, servant, 37 Burgundy al ir °3 Chase Mrs. Marv, laund. 124 Cider al ■^ Pi c &a C Si •r CC T- ^ -»^ C Clieatham Collin, lab. 99 Chesnut al Cheatham Mary, seamstress, 99 Chesnut al Chesley Daniel, 601 Penna av Chesley Laura, 60 1 Penna av Chester Ann A. laund. 2 Winter al Chester James, lab. 186 West ^ "v. Chester Sarah, cook, 7 Calhoun ct +^ 'Z. Chester Sarah A. lannd. 27o Montgomery >, o Chester Thos. H. watchman, 197 s Dallas o ^ Chester \Vm. lab. 2 Winter al ^ ^ Chester Wm. H. mariner, 270 .Montgomery ^ __ Chester Wm. L. shucker, 53 Slate S \- Chew Ambrose, cook, 243 s Howard Chew Ann, laund. 10 Josephine . Chew Charlotte, laund. 243 s Howard Chase Xoah, shucker, 8 Clarkson al Chase Philip, lab. 10 n Dallas Chase Priscilla, laund. 180 L. Hughes Chase Randolph, driver, 75 Druid Hill av Chase Ringgold, hostler, 75 Druid Hill av Chase Samuel, shucker, 237 Cross ^ Chase Saml.T. drayman, McElderry e of hospital Chase Saml. W cabineimkr, 166 s Caroline Chase Saml. W. cabinetmkr, 198 s Howard Chase Sarah, laund 134 n Dallas Chase Wesley, waiter, 57 Plum al CliHse Wm. porter, 12 New Chase Wm. driver, 11 House ct Chase W'm. H. paper folder, 158 n Bond Chew Edward, hodcarrier, 1 Plum row Chew Jacob, mariner, 119 Welcome al Chew John H. shucker, 78 Chesnut al Chew John, lab. 307 s Eutaw Chew John, shucker, 78 Welcome al Chew John L. whitewasher, 40 Moore al Chew Josiah, lab. 7 X allev Chew Mary C. laund. 7 X alley Chew Mary E. lannd. 40 Moore al Chew Perry, hackman, 292 s Ho.vard Chew Rebecca, laund. 1 Plum row Chew Sophia, laund. 119 Welcome al Chew Stephen, brickmkr, 78 Welcome al Chew Samuel, fruit, 166 West Chew Wm. waiter, 10 Josephine Chew Wm. B. drayman, 58 Sarah Ann Chinn Addison, lab. 164 York Chinn Charles, mariner, 220 Hanover Chinn Mary A. grocery, 164 York Christian Edward, lab. 52 Cornel al Christian Henry, porter, 13 Bouldin al Christian James, drayman, 147 York Christian Jasper, hodcarrier, 91 Sarah Ann Christian Jordan, messenger Naral office, 52 Camel al Christian Sarah, laund. 147 Yoik Christmas Jas. caulker, 126 n Caroline Christmas Miry, laund. 126 n Caroline Christmas Rosetta, 31 Williamson al Christmas Wm. shucker, 31 Williamson al Christy David, waiter, 2 Forney al Christy Diana, Homestead Christy Henry, waiter, 44 Douglass Christy Mrs. Mary J. laund, 44 Douglass Church Jacob, shoemkr, 82 North Church John, stevedore, 99 u Dallas Churchwell R.ichel, servant, 142 Hill Clark Ann J. seamstress, 23 Chew Clark & Augustus, (L.Clark, E.J.Augustu3)re9- taurant, 110 n Howard Clark Chas. lab. 68 Burgundy al Clark Chas drayman, 165 Sarah Aun Clark Chas. H, barber, 109 s Spring Clark Daniel, lab. 68 Burgundy al Clark Edward, coachman, 264 Raborg Clark Elizabeth, laund. 68 Burgundy al Clark Elizabeth, seamstress, 27 Neighbor Clark Ellen, seamstress, 23 Chew Clark Mrs. Fiancis A. laund. 88 Miller Clark Frank, lab. 165 Sarah Ann Clark George, hodcnrrier, 27 Sarah Ana Clark Geo. butcher, 16 Wagon al Clark Mrs. Harriet, laund. 9 Jasper Clark Henrietta, laund. 39 Orchard Clark Henry, barber, 16 Saratoga Clark Hester, laund. 6 Inloes al Clark James, mariner, 58 L. Church Clark John, lab. 109 n Chapel Clark Joseph .M. lab. 33 Chesnut al Clark Lemuel, barber, 23 Chew Clark Lloyd, (C. & Augustus) 146 n Howard Clark Leah, laund. 6 Forrest Clark Mary, laund. 212 Raborg Clark .Martha A. teacher, 60 Raborg Clark Perry, porter, 6 Inloes al Clark Perry, mariner, 95 n Durham Clark Robt. H. clerk, 146 n Howard Clark Samuel, photographer, 206 Vine Clark Samuel, lab. 69 Oxford Clark Sarah, nurse, 264 Raborg Clark Sarah, seamstress, 101 n .Spring Clark Stephen, porter, 27 Neighl)or o HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.00Q.QQ0.Q0, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 675 Clark Wni. shucker, 68 Burj^undv al Clark Wrii. cnachman, 63 Oxford Clark Wilton T. porter, 60 Rahorg Clarke Charlotte, laund. 63 Oxford Clash Dennet, liib. 303 n Durh ui! Clash Emma E. laund. 36 Peach al Clash John, drayman, 36 Peach al Clash John, coachman, 30 Rose Clash Sallie, laund. 56 Wayne Clash Wm. lab. 56 Wa_\ ae Clayton Anne, laund. rear 134 a Eutaw Clayton Chas. lab. 85 Plum al Clayton Chas. lab. J9 Shuter Clayton Geo. wagoner, 304 Montfroraery Clayton Henrietta, laund. 19 Shuter Clayton John H. porter, 3 Pear al Clayton Levi, mariner, 100 \\'elcorae al Clayton Louisa, laund. ^'d n Durham Clayton Maliuda, laund. 304 .Montgomery Clayton .Mary A. laund. 100 Welcome al Clayton Mary E. servant, 19 Shuter City ton Robert, mariner, 19 Shuter Clayton Samuel, shucker, 12 Elbow la Clayton Sarah, laund. 12 Elbow la Clayton Sarah, laund. 85 Plum al Clayton Wm. lab. 89 Hargrove al Clearance Wm. H. barber, 54 Josephine Clements John, shucker, 181 Dover Clements John H. drayman, 16 .Morris al Clements Joseph, drayman, 87 Oxford Clements Julia, laund. 181 Dover Clements Mary E. laund. 181 Dover Clenients Simon, drayman, 25 Jordan al Clenions Walter, shucker. 27 Shuter Clifford Alex. lab. 51 Oxford Clifford Caroline, laund. 51 Oxford Clifion Joseph, barber, 271 .Montgomery Clinton Eliza, laund. 81 Leadenhall Clinton Emanuel, lab. 81 Leadenhall Coates Abraham, lab. 40 Walnut al Coates Caroline, laund. 88 Moore al Coates Charity, laund. 46 Shuter Coates Daniel, mariner, 12 L. .Monument Coates Demby, lab. 46 Shuter Coates Elizabeth, laund. 110 Dugan's whf Coates Kphraim, lab. 48 Chesnut al Coates Jesse, lab. 127 Chesnut al Coates Julia, laund, 12 L. Monument Coates Mary, laund. 127 Chesnut al Coates Richard, scowman, 12 Peach al Coates Samuel, porter, 4 0 alley Cobey .Mrs. Amelia, 13 Tessier ' Coburn Daniel, hackman, 112 n Dallas Coburn John P. driver, 1 s Bethel Cockey Samuel, waiter, 9 Vine Cogbill Hattie, restaurant, 42 s Howard Coge Simeon, brickmkr, 46 Wavne Colbert Elias, shucker, 158 s Eutaw Colbert Hillery, porter, 45 .Mullikin Colbert Laura, laund. 19 .McLeary ct Colburn Louis, waiter, 194 s Eutaw Colburn Samuel, shucker, 283 Hamburg Colburn Wm. porter, 110 Orchard Cole Abraham, lab. rear 25 Barre Cole Casta) ia, servant, 49 s Bethel Cole Caroline, laund. 15 Jenkins al Cole Charles, hod carrrier, 152 n Chapel Cole Charles, steward, 197 Vine Cole Charles, shucker, 17 n Castle Cole Drusilla, servant, 49 s Bethel Cole Elizabeth, laund. 49 s Bethel Coie Evan, plasterer, 14 Gelston ct Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co I Co I Co ' Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co e Frank, mariner, 69 Hargrove al e Harriet A. laund. 69 Hargnjve al e Jas. plasierer,Stockton al nrEdraondson av e Jefferson, lab. 8 X al e John, hod carrier, 147 York e John, porter, 1 1 n Durham e John, lab. 6 Chisnut e JohnH. lab. 8 Oxford e John J. L. currier, 174 Vine e John L. currier, 174 Vine e Joseph, mariner, 48 Pearl al ' e Joseph F. grain measurer, 129 Stirling e Laura J. laund. 230 West e Lucy, servant, 147 York e .Mary, laund. 12 Saratoga e .Maria, laund. 29 Edwh, waiter, 8 Mulberrj" Conaway Mrs Mary, laund. 35 Sarah Ann Conick Amelia, laund. 34 Wayne Conick Georgianna, laund. 34 Wayne Conick Lloyd H. drayman, 34 Wayne Conklin Louisa, laund. 179 Mulberry Cotiklin Oliver, porter, 257 .McDouogh Connelly Grace, laund. 5 Calhoun ct Connelly Wm. waiter, 2 X al Connier John, lab. 6 Biddle al Connier Wm. lab. 146 Preston Connor Isaac, lab. 51 Dover Connor Louisa, laund. 51 Dover Connor Mary, laund. 17 n (;astle Conquest Leah, laund, 127 Dover Conquest Lewis, porter, 38 Biddle al Conquest Littleton, shucker, 127 Dover Conrad Ellen, laund. 6 Elbow la Contee Dell, r:igs, 80 Harmony la Contee Harriet, laund. 22 Elbow la Contee .Mary, laund. 22 Gilbert Contee Richard H. coachman, 22 Elbow la Conway N. E. lab. 113 s Caroline Conyor Charlotte, laund. 14 Rose Conyer Scipio, helper, 29 Sarah Ann Cook Alfred, lab. 36 Union Cook Ann, laund. 96 n Durham Cook Ann K. laund. 41 Elbow la Cook Benj. barber, Iceland nr Fremont Cook Caroline, laund. 70 L. Church Cook Charles H. jiorter, 271 Orleans Cook David, butcher, 144 n Spring Cook Edward, drayman, 80 St. Mary Cook Edward, driver, 128 Cider al Cook George E. porter, 225 n Dallas Cook Hannah, laund. 172 Wayne Cook Hester, beer, 10 Haw Cook James, lab. 116 n Holliday Cook James E. painter, 42 Saratoga Cook Jiuncs T. waiter, 113 Chesnut Cook John, cciachnmn, 39 Tcssier Cook John W. lab. 70 L. Church Cook John S. blacksmith, 96 L. .Montgomery Cook John W. cooper, 5 Cider al, dw 72 Vine Cook Joshua, shucker, 172 Wayne Cook Louisa, laund. 240 Raborg Cook Margaret, 21 Richmond Cook Mary, laund. 56 Walker Cook Mary, laund. 10 Haw- Cook Mary J. servant, 70 L. Church Cook Nathan, waiter, 7 L Ross Cook Peter, lab. 117 Elbow la Cook Peter jr. shucker, 4 Sterrett Cook Samuel, waiter, 64 Raborg Cook Sarah, laund. 117 Elbow la Cook Thomas, carp. 36 Union Cook Thomas, porter, 46 Elbow la Cook Thomas H. barber, 67 a Charles, dw 112 n Holliday Cook Wm. mariner, 216 Hanover Cook Wm. H. drayman, 271 Orleans Cook Wui. T. porter, 225 n Dallas Cook Wm. lab. 96 n Durham Cook Wm. W. cooper, 14 .McClellan, dw 840 w Baltimore Coombs Charlotte, 25 King Coombs John 0. lab. 27 King Cooper Aaron, carp. 166 s Bethel Cooper Ale.x. porter, 23 Oxford Cooper Alfred, tanner, 181 a Front Cooper Alverda, servant, 138 York Cooper Amos V. furn. wagon, 24 Rose Cooper Annie, laund. 114 s Dallas Cooper Annie, cook, 90 n Spring Cooper Annie, laund. 138 York Cooper Caroline, 69 John ct Cooper Charles, whitewasher, 19 Vine Cooper Charles C. furn. driver, 24 Rose Cooper Daniel, lab. 26 Winter al Cooper Edwaid, \vaiter, 53 Greenwillow Cooper Edward, lab. 14 Wayne Cooper Elizabeth seamstress, 18 n Durham Cooper Mrs. Ellen, dressrakr, 53 Greenwillow Cooper Ellen, laund. 242 L. Hughes Cooper Mrs. Fanny, cook, 232 Carlton Cooper Frances, laund. 51 China Cooper George, lab. 196 Stirling Cooper George, hodcarrier, 232 Carlton Cooper George, lab. 66 East Cooper George C. caulker, 133 s Bethel Cooper George E. shucker, 32 s Wolfe Cooper Harriet, 26 Bolton Cooper Henr\, grainrunner, 138 Y'ork Cooper James, shucker, 11 Harford av Cooper James C. wagoner, 51 China Cooper James H. porter, 114 s Dallas Cooper Jane, laund. 115 Ja- per Cooper Jared, hodcarrier, 72 Etting Cooper John, driver, 128 Chesnut Cooper Josi-ph, lab. 102 n Chapel Cooper Joseph, lab. 39 Jefferson Cooi>er Joseph H. caulker, 50 n Caroline Cooper Levin, porter, 12 Short Cooper Louisa, laund. 93 Raborg Cooper Lydia, laund. 116 s Bethel Cooper Margaret, laund. 122 n Dallas Cooiier .Margaret, laund. 26 Winter al Cooper Mary, laund. 13S York Cooper Mary, laund. 166 s Bethel Cooper M. E. laund. 41 Rose Cooper .Matilda, cook, 14 Wayne Cooper N.ithaniel, mariner, 49 L. Church Cooper Oliver, cook stand, cor Camden and Light, dw 11 Jefferson Cooper I'erry, lab. 33 n Dallas Cooper Rachel, laund. 5 Jasper HENRY HOEN & CO.. L Cor. Second St. and itliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. I Largest Life Ins. Co. in the ^World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 677 Cooper Robert, pardener, 7 n Castlp Cooper Robert, caulker, 171s Washington Cooper Richaid, sliucker, 242 L. Hujihes Cooper Solomon, shueker, 116 s Bethel Cooper Sophia J. lauiul. 7 Stockholm Cooper Stephen, stevedore, 171 s Washington Cooper Ste[)hen, stevedore, 122 n Dallas Coojier Thos. shueker, 138 York Cooper Wesley, waiter, 5 Jew A Cooper Win. J. shueker, 9 n Castle Cooper Win. 0. student, 94 Tyson Cooper Wm. waiter, Foster al nr Hoffman Cordray Ann M. chambermaid, 1 Parrish al Cordray John, waiter, 83 Chesniit al Cordray John, sawyer, 162 s Dallas Cordray Richard, shueker, 167 s Dallas Cork Albert, grain mevsurer, 66 Josephine Cork Alfred R. waiter, 334 L.Vine Cork Frances, laund. 10 Pin al Cork Joshua, driver, 92 Oxford Corneal Enoch, lab. 180 York Corner Elizabeth, clothinL'-, 12 New Corner Henry, driver, 12 New Comes Elizabeth, cook, 14 Leadeuhall Cornish Aaron, hib. 36 Peny Cornish Alfred, waiter, 46 Vine Cornish Anna, laund. 246 L. Huehes Coruish Chas. wheelwright, 11 Leadenhall, dw 74 Chesnut al Cornish David H. shueker. 45 Shuter Cornish Dennis, driver, 26 Vine Cornish Eliza, laund. 91 Hargsove al Cornish Emily J. laund. 48 L. Church Cornish Geo. shueker, 6 Leadenhall CornishGeo.restaurMnt,2lTessier,dw763Howard Cornish Geo. lab. 156 n Chapel Coruish Geo. lab. 54 McElderry ext Cornish Geo. A. inspector C. H. 21 Tessier Cornish Geo. W. lab. 128 Welcome al Cornish Hannah A. laund. 64 Elbow la Cornish Henry, waiter, 10 Peirce Cornish Henry, shueker, I Claret al Cornish Hester, laund. 23i Hamburg Cornish Hiram, huckster. 12 Stirling Cornish Isaac, shueker, 215 s Howard Cornish Isaac, lab. 272 Hamburg Cornish Jacob, lab. 65 Welcome al Cornish James, waiter, 18 Oxford Cornish Jimes, shueker, 225 n Dallas Cornish James, porter, 232 L. Hughes Cornish Jane, laund. 27 Wayne Cornish Jesse, lab. 162 Henrietta Cornish John, draymm, 4 Plum al Cornish John, sawyer, Chapel ur Chase Cornish John, tavern, 49 Carlton Cornish John H. Ub. 83 Leadeuhall Cornish Jos. lab. 21 Peach al Cornish Jos. lab. 156 n Chapel Cornish Jos. shipcarp. 182 West Cornish Levi, lab. 300 s Howard Coruish Liberia, caulker, 243 Dover Cornish Louisa, seamstre.ss, 182 West Cornish Lloyd, lab. 398 West Cornish .Margaret, laund. 99 n Durham Cornish Mrs. .Mary, laund. 21 Peach al Cornish .Mary E. dressmkr, 76 s Howard Cornish Mrs. Mary L. dressmkr, 83 n Dallas Cornish .Marshal, lab. 94 Hargrove al Cornish Maria, laund. 232 L. Hughes Cornish Nathl.vvhitewa3her,Bradford al nr Mc- Elderry Cornish Rachel, laund. 67 Perrv Cornish Rebecca, cook, 51 Carlton Cornish Robert, shueker, 225 n Dallas Cornish Roena, dressmkr, 45 Shuter Cornish Sanmel, lab. 246 L. Hughes Cornish Samuel, lab. 6 Winter al Cornish Samuel, lab. 185 Vine Cornish Samuel W. shueker, 77 Chesnut Cornish Sarah J. laund. 36 Perry Cornish Solomon, lab. 211 s Howard Cornish Solomon, lab. 214 Hamburg Cornish Solomon, shueker, 48 L. Church Cornish Stephen, lab. 15 Haw Cornish Stephen S. lab. 18S Hamburg Cornish Susan, laund. 42 Dover Cornish Thos. waiter, 21 Oxford Cornish Thos. lab. 42 Dover Cornish Wm. chairmkr. 163 Peirce Cornish Wm. porter, 232 L. Hughes Cornish Wm. nightman, 73 HarriiOuy la Cornish Wm. lab. 91 Hargrove al Cornish W. H. barber, 8 e Baltimore, dw 63 n Spring Cornish Wm. H. lab. 99 n Durham Cornish Wm. H. P. plasterer, 255 Orleans Cornish Zachariah, lab. 93 n Spring Corprew A. A. grain measurer, 22 Wavne Corprew Andrew, grain measurer, 3 McLearyct Corprew Ada, servant, 22 Wayne Corprew George, waiter, 3 McLeary ct Corprew Johanna, laund. 3 McLeary ct Corprew John, lab. 3 .McLeary ct Corprew Josephus, shueker, 3 McLeary ct Corse Wm. stevedore, 8 Jones ct Corsey Amelia, laund. 29 State Corsey Grace, servant, 65 Welcome al Corsey John, shueker, 25 JefiFerson Corsey Mary E servant. 62 Columbia Corsey Stephen H. porter, 29 State Costen Heniy, lab. 267 s Fremont Costen Jacob, shueker, 86 Welcome al Costen John, shueker, 35S West Costen John, shueker, 25 Druid Hill av Colance Chas. drayman, 93 Oxford Cotance Martha, laund. 10 Haw Cotanch Geo. porter, 83 Pearl Cotman Alex, porter, 73 Raborg Cotnian Alfred, watchman, 73 Raborg Cotman John A. waiter, 73 Raborg Cotman Wm. lab. 13 Bouldiu al Cotlingham Silvia, laund. 96 Raborg Cotton Henry, hrickmkr, 57 L. .M mtgomery Cotton Henry W. waiter, 81 Druid Hill av Cotton Rachel A. laund. 81 Druid Hill av Council Robt. hodcarrier, 8 .Mulberry ct Countee Chas. (Freeland, C. & Co.) Harmony la nr Poppleton Countess Benj. liorsebreaker, I Laurel Court Henry, oysters, 12 Sarah Ann Covington Abbe, laund. 193 Myrtle av Covington Armistead, porter, 138 n Exeter Covington Nancy, laund. Wilmer al nr Smith Covington Nathaniel, whitewasher, 88 n Dallas Covington Sarah E. laund. 88 u Dallas Covington Wm. H. lab., Wilmer al nr Smith Cox Harriet, cook, 163 n Dallas Cox James, lab. 286 s Eutaw Cox James, lab. 296 s Eulaw Cox Jane, laund. 296 s Euiaw Cox Jane, servant, 1 Ha.rar ct Coxen Edward, lab. 4 Waters ct Coxen Mary A. laund. 17 Arch Coxen Wm. H. drayman, 17 Arch CD. o C g o O 6 Q =Q P O o f^ <1 < OQ o o < 03 C- • ~ o -= «^ • > ::: cc I — ^ Coxori Eliza, laund. 244 L. Hughes Coxton Frisb}-, farmer, 33 Jew al o. t. Ciadels Abr.ihara, stevedore, 72 Burgund}' al Ciadels Lizzie, laund. 72 Burgundy al Craft Jacob, currier, 225 s Bond Craig Charles, lab. 165 s Dallas Crane Basil T. oysters, 172 Park av Crane 8arab, grocery, 4(5 Diamond Crane Wtn. waiter, "4t; Diamond Crawford Alex. lab. 17 Jenkins al Crawford Anthony, lab. n Calhoun est Crawford Harriet, laund. 38 Chapel Crawford Henry, shucker, .37 Chapel Crawford Thomas, lab. 182 Peirce Crea;i.er George, porter. 224 Henrietta Credit Anna, organist. 316 s Howard Credit Bush, driyman, 316 s Howard Credit George, drayman, 222 Henrietta Credit Henry, driver, 316 s Howard Credit .Mary, grocery. 316 s Howard Creek Dr. J. W. n e cor North and Pleasant Creek Mrs Josephine R. laund. 16 Kutaw ct Creek Thomas C. waiter, 16 Kutaw ct Creek Wni. 10 Stirling Creighton Win. shucker, 5 s Bethel Crew Asbury, lab. 6 Forney al Crew Frances E. servant, 61 Plum al Crew Mary L. drcssinkr, 207 Hamburg Crew Mary V. laund. 61 Plum al Crew Susin. servant, 61 Plum al Crew Richard, oyster shucker, 207 Hamburg Crew Richard, lab. 61 Plum al Cron^well Amanda, laund. 220 L Hughes Cromwell Ann, laund. r2s Cider al Cromwell Eliza J. laund. 14 Eutaw ct Ciomwell Georse, well diirger, 81 Harmony la Cromwell Jas. T. driver, 22 L. Hughes Cromwell Jniies, lab. 8 St. James Cromwell John S. hostler, 71 s Spring Cromwell John jr. carter, 35 Sarah Ann Cromwell John, carter, 128 Cider al Cromwell John W. waiter, 8 Ohio av Cromwell Julia, nurse, 124 Conway Crorawi-ll Lydia, laund. 31 Dover Cromwell .Mary J. laund. 8 St. James Cromwell Mary J laund. 14 Eutaw ct Cromwell Oliver, lab. 71 Harmony la Cropper Joseph, tanner, 137 n Front Cropper Lucinda, laund. 9 .Mc[j"ary ct Cropper Sarah, cook, 33 Dover (/ropper Scipio, tanner, 9 .McLeary ct Crosby Columl)us, lab. 179 York Crosby Kliza, laund. 179 York Cross Alex, barber, 31 China Cross John A. waiter, li 9 St Paul Cross Riiphael O. barber, 58 Perry Crossley Caroline, laund. 7 Edward Crossley Jas. engineer, 151 West Crossley Joseph, lab. 7 K P <1 I — I H IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 680 COLORED PERSONS. H H W P4 H F-i c/J 25 W >H C < < O K W O H P O ^ rn ^ rr, o ^ H 6 h:1 ^ <1 DQ ^^ CS .Mo I— I [>H o f^ ^ « o o De Bricks Mules, blacksmith, 79 Watson DeCoursey David, driver. 5f5 L. Monument DeCoursey Ellen, dressnikr, 84 Ruborfj DeCoursey Henrietta, Imind. 233 Orleans DeCoursey John, Inb. 21 Jefferson DeCoursey John, l;ib. 95 Jasper DeCoursey Josiali, cooper, 84 Rahorg DeCoursey Minta, laund. 95 Jasper DeCoursey Perry, lab. 233 Orleans DeCoursey Solomon, cook, (5 Garden DeCoursey Zeiios, barber, 6 Garden Deeden Ellen, cook, 130 Cider al' Deford Philip, steward, 4 Temple Delahay Peter, lab. 57 L. Montgomery Delaney Chirles V. barber. 99 Jasper Delaney Thomas, lab. 13 Shuter Delozier Alex, shucker, S Sirah Ann Delozier Mrs. Mary, laund. 8 Sarah Ann Delozier Wm. T. butcher, 13 Booth Dellard Georfze. stevedore, 65 Elbow la Demby Alex. lab. 10 Pin al Demby Ann M. laund. 232 n Durham Demby Henry, liili. 33 Vincent al Demby Isabella, Inuud. 238 L. Huprhes Demby Jeremiah, shucker, 232 n Durham Demby Julia, laund. 10 Pin al Demby Nehemiah, lab. 7 Lambert Demby Robert, packer, 238 L. Hushes Demby Vincent, butcher, 27 Sarah Ami Demb}- Wm. mariner, 14? s Durham Dennis Alfred, porter, 37 Oxford Dennis Alfred, brickmkr, 2 Bennett Dennis Alfred, portfr, 13 Leadenhall Dennis Ciiarlotte, laund. 4 Raborjj Dennis Charles, brickmkr, 2 Bennett Dennis Edward, drayman, 252 Raborfr Dennis Emory J. furn. wairon. 108 J.isper Dennis Georse, cook, 115 n Spring Dennis G'.orfze M. shoemkr, 105 n Fremont Dennis Henry, hodcanier, 4 Raborg Dennis James, shucker, 94 s Spring Dennis Jane, seivant, 36 Perry Dennis John, lab. 271 L. Hufrhes Dennis Joshua, brickmkr, 2 Bennett Dennis Logan, shoemkr, 132 York Dennis Lottie, laund. 182 Mullikin Dennis Mary, laund. 252 Raborg Dennis Mary E. laund. 37 Oxford Dennis Mary E. cook, 13 George al Dennis Mary G. seamstress, 132 York Dennis Robert, waiter, 146 Tvson Dennis Robert, shucker, 36 Perry Dennis Samuel, lab 13 George al Dennis Wm. U. brickmkr, 2 Bennett Dennis AVm. i)rickmkr. 2 Bennett Dennison James, shucker, 116 Chew Dcnnison Robert, waiter, 189 Preston Denny Harriot A. laund. 7 Leadenhall Denny Horace, lab. 7 Le.idenhall Denny Jane R. seamstress, 27! -Montgomery- Denny John, shucker, 271 Montgomery Dent Henry, porter, 82 L. McKlderry Dent Robert, hodcarrier, 90 n Ann Depferdeen Elizabeth, laund. llo Dugan's whf Depferdeen Lewis, lab. 110 Dugan's whf Derail James, waiter, 464 Rutaw pi Derricks Chas. lab. 186 Raborg Derricks J(jshu.i, waiter, 59 Orchard Derricks Martha, laund. 186 Raborg Derricks Richard, lab. 70 Biddie al Derrickson Alfred, lab. 20 Elbow la Derrickson Charlotte, laund. 20 Elbow la Derrickson Sustn, laund. 20 Elbow la Derry David, dravman, 309 s Howard Derrv John W. drayman, 89 Hill Derry Martha, huckstress, 89 Hill Derry Nancy, seamstress, 89 Hill Derry Rosi'tta, laund. 137 n Caroline Derry Theodore, driver, 194 Preston Deshields Mrs. Emily, seamstress, 61 JeEFerson Deshields Geo. W. mariner, 22 Boyd Deshields Geo. shucker, 138 Harmon v la Deshields Isaac H. whitewaslier. 71) JellVrsou Dessin Henry, J.barl>er,30Parkav,dw3 Haiuilton Dett Eliza, laund. 99 Moore al Dett Joshua, coachman. 99 Moore al Detts Wm. hostler, 59 East Devenport Wm. lali. 42 Short Devetier James, lab. 16 Elbow la Devetier James, lab. 25 Jordan al Dexter George, lab. Dallas nr Fayette Devoise Hestt-r, lannd. 4 Lewis Diamond Robert, n)ariner, 165 s Regesler Dickeison Chas. lab. 82 L. Church Dickerson Harriet, laund, 297 s Eulaw Dickerson Henrietta, laund. 12 Reese al Dickerson James, lab. 297 s Eutaw Dickerson James, steward, 135 n Caroline Dickerson John H. cook, 90 Russell Dickerson Marcellus, shucker 521 McElderrj Dickerson Mary, dressmkr, 82 L. church Dickeison Stephen, lab. 40 Moore al Dickerson So[)hia, laund. 135 n Caroline Dickerson Sophia, laund 126 Harmony la Dickerson Wm. dravman, 225 n Front Dickerson Wm. H. lab. 171 Mullikin Dickson John H. 237 Dover Dickson Philip, grainrunner. 24 McKira Diggs Benj. H. tinner, 95 n Dallas Diggs Chas. shucker, 75 Sarah Ann Diggs Charles, hodcarrier. 4 Amity ct Diggs Cyrus M. lab. 13 Neighbor Diggs Eliza, l.iund. 19 Pench al Diggs Eliz.ibeth A. dressmkr, 81 Dover Diggs Henry, waiter, 105 Raborg Diggs Henry, diaytnan, 2o2 West Diggs James, lab. 91 Moore .al Diggs John, mariner, 5 R'ce Diggs Lucy, laund. 202 West Diggs Maigaret B. W. seamstress, 13 Neighbor Diggs Mary, laund. 105 Raborg Digjxs Samuel, porter, 6 Sarah Ann Dikers Elias, furn. wagon, 90 R,-iborg Dikes Elizabeth, lannd. 172 Dover Dilks Edward, coachmiu. 83 Hargrove al Dillehay Alex, cook, 350 West Dillehay Frances, cook. 354 West Dillehay Georgianna, laund. 331 s Howard Dillehay Henrietta, laund. 350 West Dillehiy Thos. waiter, 331 s Howard Dirkins Henry, huckster, 208 Vine Distance J. C. waiter, Harford rd Dix Lavinia, laund. 312 Montgomery Dix Wm. lal). 312 Montgomery Dixon Adelaide, seamstress, 67 s Dallas Dixon Alex, shucker, 231 s Kutaw Dixon Alex. lab. 63 n Durham Dixon .'Vlex. shucker, 1 Young al Dixon .Mrs. Anna, lannd. 116 s Dallas Dixon Anna, laund. 258 s Howard Dixon Benj. lab. 23 Jeffer.son Dixon Benj. lab. 274 McDonogh Dixon Charles, driver, 97 L Charch Dixon Daniel, lab. 274 .McDonogh HENRY HOEN c^ CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Soiith St. COLORED PERSONS. 681 a oi ? o pq o O d o -y ft o o p4 I— I OQ DQ pq Ph \^ H OQ DQ H I— I ^. I— I w o Dixon Daniel B. lab. 116 s Dallas Dixon Dennis, lab. 73 Harmonj' la Dixon Mrs. Ellen, laund. rear 211 n Eden Dixon Ferd. lab. 18 Tjson Dixon Francis, lab. 14 Edward Dixon Georf;e W. lab. 67 s Dallas Dixon Harmon, lab. 2 Cross al Dixon Hester, laund. 38 s Dallas Dixon Horace, Lib. 35 State Dixon James, lab. 60 Biddle al Dixon James, lab. 198 n Exeter Dixon James, musician, 45 Tyson Dixon James, shuckf-r, 15 n Durham Dixon Joseph, shucker, 39 n Chapel Dixon Levi. lab. 198 n Exeter Dixon Mrs. Loui.'^a, laund rear 211 n Eden Dixon Richard R. steuard, 22 Douglass Dixon Robert, shucker, 38 s Dallas Dixon Samuel H. lab. rear 21] n Eden Dixon Violet, laund. 2 St. James Dixon Wm. lab. 2 St James Dobbin Isaac, driver, 68 n Spring Dobbins Henry, huckster, 60 Wayne Dobson Asbury, shucker, 41 Williamson al Dobson Ellen, l.iund. 41 Williamson al Dobson Mrs. Frances, grocery, 298 s Howard Dobson Jane, laund. 39 L Monument Dobson Jas. waiter, 38 L Monument Dobson John, lab. 75 n Durham Dobson John, mariner, 5 Plowman Dobson Hannah, laund. 75 n Durham Dobson M.clinda, laund, 58j R iborg Dobson Perry, stevedore, 132 Chesnut Dobson Priscilla, huckstress, 132 Chesnut Dobson Shadrack, fireman, 298 s Howard Dobson Wm. lab. 51 Arch Dockins Andrew W. lab. 157 s Dallas Dockins Charles, lab. 131 n Durham Dockins Sarah, laund. 48 King Dockins Wesley, driver, 157 s Dallas Dodd Thomas shucker 95 Stilling Dode Dodesia, seamstress, 179 Mulberrj' Dode Louis, 179 Mulberry Dodsou Bates, lab. 72 Etting Doison James, lab. 92 Cider al Dodson -Mary A. laund. 162 Henrietta Dodson Peter, lab. 162 Henrietta Doerman Wm. shucker, 3.") Peach al Doggett Thomas, lab. 40 W^alnut al Dohenny Michael, currier, 36 n HoUiday Dolman Israel. 257 Park av Donavin John, lab. 303 Hamburg Donsen Charles H. lab. 11 L Montgonaery Donsen Thomas, lab. 11 L .Montgomery Door Henrietta, laund. 136 n Caroline Dornian Maria, laund. 274 Montgomery Dorsey Allen, coachman, 35 Raborg Dorsey Allen, lab. Liberty rd nr Calhoun Dorsey Alex, hostler, .Monroe al nr Tessier Dorsey Alfred, lab. 23 Rose Dorsey Allen, waiter, 90 Cider al Dorse}' Andrew, blacksmith, llu Chesnut al Dorsey Andrew, coachman, 25 Rose Dorsey .Mrs. Ann E. laund. 1 Parrish al Dorsey Annie, seamstress, 38 Penna av Dorsey Benj. hostler, 17 Union al Dorsey Caroline, laund. 120 n Regester Dorsey Caroline, laund. 238 s Dallas Dorsey Charlotte S. laund. 9 Lewis Dorsey Charles, shucker, 139 North Dorsey Charles, waiter, 198 n Fremont Dorsey Charles, hostler, 98 Raborg Dorsey Daniel, waiter, 61 Richmond Dorsey Dominick, lab. 14 s Stockton al Dorsey Edward, shucker, 1 Ricketts ct Dorsey Edward, shucker, 22 Leadenhall Dorsey Edward, lab. 177 Henrietta Dorsey Edwin, drayman, 4 Raborg Dorsey Eli, hodcarrier. 13 n Castle Dorsey Elias, shucker, 120 n Regester Dorsey Ellen, laund. 13 n Castle Dorsey Elizabeth, laund. 79 Chesnut Dorsey Emily, laund. 90 Welcome al Dorsey Emilv, laund. 12 Sarah Ann Dorsey family, laund. 117 Che.^nut al Dorsey Frank, mariner, 306 s Eutaw Dorsey Frank, waiter, 15 Oxford Dorsey George W. driver, 10 Bouldin al Dorsey George W. lab. 3 Stephenson ct Dorsey George W. lab. 57 Tyson Dorsey Isaac, coachman, 74 Moore al Dorsey Isaac, wagoner, 112 Jasper Dorsey Jane, cook, 9 Wagon al Dorsey James H. lab. 14 Morris al Dorse}' James, drayman, 65 Union Dorsey James H. grain runner, 1 1 Stirling Dorsey John, hib. 217 n Durham Dorsey John, 198 n Fremont Dorsey John H. hostler, 54 Laurens al Dorsey John F. drayman, 30 China Dorsey John, waiter, 14 Jew al o. I. Dorsey John, hodcarrier, 119 York Dorsey Jos. shucker, 21 Chesnut Dorsey Jos. lab. 60 Peirce Dorsey Jos. butcher, 21 Union Dorsey Julia, cook, 4 Waters ct Dorsey Kate, laund. 193 Vine Dorsey Levi, shucker, 57 Raborg Dorsey Luke, drayman, 92 Leadenhall Dorsey Lucy, laund. 4 Donnelly ct Dorsey Maria, laund. Cioss al Dorsey Mary, laund. 1 Ricketts al Dorsey Mary A. laund. 40 Hill Dorsey Matilda, laund. 215 Raborg Dorsey Matthew, driver, 19 Parrish al Dorsey Moses, lab. 46 Moore al Dorsey Nathan, lab. 222 s Howard Dorsey Nathan jr. waiter, 222 s Howard Dorsey Nathan, lab. 13 Shuter Dorsey Philip, mariner, 5 Neighbor Dorsey Mrs. Rachel, cook, 10 Gilbert Dorsey Rebecca, laund. 5 Neighbor Dorsey Richard, grainrunuer, 22 Leadenhall Doisey Richard jr. shucker, 22 Leadenhall Dorsey Robert, barlier, 152 Preston Dorsey Robert, shucker, 248 Raborg Dorsey Rosa, laund. 14 Jew al, o. t. Dorsey Mrs. Sarah A. laund. 22 Leadenhall Dorsey Thomas, fireman, 234 Vine Dorsey Upton, waiter, 24 Jose(>hine Dorsey Washington, lab. 14 Wilmer al Dorsey Washington, driver, 1 Parrish al Dorsey Wesley, lab. 59 Josephine Dorsey Wm. lab. 13 Jew al Dorsey Wm. waiter, 79 Jasj.er Dorsey Wm. C. driver, 12 Sarah Ann Dorsey Wm. H. waiter, 71 Oxford Douglass Adelaide, laund. 2,') L. Montgomery Douglass Augustus, waiter, 106 Cider al Douglass Benj drayman. 111 .Moore al Douglass G. H. F. waiter, 32 Morris al Douglass Geo. lab. 182 Wayne Douglass Institute, 11 Lexington Douglass J.iraes, lab. 3 Iron al Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insu.rance Co. of New York, o 682 COLORED PERSONS •r- c - t- — u c Douglass John, lab. 169 Vine ■ ^ r5 Douglass John, 25 L. Monument £^ ^ '"' Douirlrtss Randolph, waiter, n Calhoun est •^ !jO ? Doiighiss Solomon, waiter, 14 L Monument w Q Douglass Thos. porter, 3 Georye al t- ^ ^ Douglass Wm. shurker, 17 Dawson al ^"Xj _ Doutj Ann, servant, 58 China ^ S X Douty Louisa, servant, 58 China '— ' r^ :t Douty Sariih, laund. 58 China • - , z> Douty Wilson, brickmkr, 58 China o £ SC Dowde Catherine, 194 Harford av ,X5 ^ JS Dowden Abrara, lab. 42 Moore al .5 "^ -^ Dowden Benj. coal carter, 42 Moore al '3 a5 ^ Dowden Saiah, huind. 42 Moore al C3 ^ ^ Dowel! Frances, laund. 126 Cider al Dowell HinsDii, drayman, 69 Russell ^^^^ Dowell John H. waiter, 126 Cider al .5 "7^ :: Dowell V. coachman, 154 w H(j£Fman 2 "o — Downey Mrs. Laura, cook, 4 St. James ^ S "o Downey Wm. waiter, 4 St. James S ro" ^ Downey Wm. lab. 269 Monttromery S ^^ Downing Daniel, shucker, 112 Stirliug O •'■ '^ Downing Lucy, laund. 112 Stirling z> ? Downing Wm. mariner, 65 L. Church ^■IZl j2 Downs Betsv, laund. 4 Welsh al Downs Blake, lab. 22 Tyson Downs Ellen, laund. 21 Neiirhbor -" "S Downs Eliza, 1 lund. 106 Cider al ^ X Downs Fanny, seamstress, 88 Orchard ^ ^ Downs Geo. fireinaii, 2 Harnden ct oi „_, "t^ Downs (ieo. lal). 2() Wilmer al r; C "T Downs Geo. W. porter, 73 Sarah Ann p ei ::^ Downs Geor^'i ma, laund. 20 Wilmer al ^ 2 S Downs Hamilton, lab. 73 Sarah .\nn J^ ^ C-i Downs Harrison, caulker, 139 n Caroline , , i ^ Downs Horace, carter, 81 Watson ^' H 5 r)o^^'"S Horace, shucker, 171 \Vest ■^ p Downs Ida, servant, 2 Harnden ct uf .S :^ Downs Isaac, shucker, 75 Chesnut -^ >., S Downs Isaac, porter. 73Sirah Ann .S "^ v.^ Downs Louis, lab. Liberty rd nr Penna av ^ ^ ^ Downs Margaret, laund. 171 West '^ J2 L)owns Sarah J dressmkr, 139 n Caroline _ ^ Dowrv Henry, lab. 65 Dawson al ■^ O k: Dowry Mrs. Margaret, seamstress, 30 East j3 2 g Dowry R. M. shucker, 30 East v ,„ O Doyle Edward, lab. 61 Sarah Ann J^ X ^ Doyle James, shucker, 236 Vine ■^ i^ Doyle .Mary, laund. 60 Sarah Ann S^ _=2 •-' Dozier Andrew, brickmkr, .McKlderry ext 'r^ y^ -;-' Dozier Chas. shi|>carp. 16 Waireu ct 1^ , — ^ Dozier .Martha J. notions, 16 Warren ct ^ 5 S Drake John, driver, 102 s Bethel ^ •— ^ Drake Margaret, laund. 102 s Bethel S ►^ ^" Draper Charlotte, 3 n Pine 5j '"'^ H Draper Rev. Daniel, 285 Raborg P ^ .— Draper Jane R. confectionery, 37 Saratoga, ^ IS :2 52 w Centre dw g "S ■" Drew Wm. waiter, 15 Hamilton ^ c ip Driver Florence, cook, 80 Jasper !^ jiz 'g^ Driver Jeremiah, brickmkr, 131 York ^ ^- ^ Driver .Mrs. Lucv, laund. 214 Hamburg O — -' T>-.: »i._ - i_'!.i._.i._ .., . II 1 vf ••-• ""-^.'i ■^- - ■ ■ .......«,.., £• Driver Moses, brickmkr, 214 Hamburg "§ 'Z"J: Drivrr Susan, laund. 107 Chesnut al S "I^Z "^ Druet Frances, laund. 69 Orchard S >^ ^ Drummond Charlotte, laund. 88 Cider al ^^ "TJ _> Drummond Elizabeth, laund. 44 Davis > i Drummond Samuel D. barber, 44 Davis ^ 'x ■" DrydenL izarus,l)Utcher,VincentnrCumberli 2 j; !_' Dryden Robert, lab. 11 Jeniiins al .§ ti p Dryden Wm. lab. 96 Raborg -^ t> ?:^^ Dubois Emile Jos. barber, 183 Mulberry nd Dubois Josephine, dressmkr, 216 Mullikin Dubois L. A. huckster, 216 Mullikin Dubois Mary T. hairdresser, 183 Mulberry Duckett .A.braham, drayman. 25 George al Duckett Carroll, lab, 34 Boulden al Duckett E. M. lab. 29 Sarah Ann Duckett Elizabeth, laund. 52 Peirce Du(.'kett t]llen, laund. 25 George al Duckett Frank, whitewasher, 52 Peirce Duckett Mrs. Sarah, laund 54 Sarah Ann Duckett Trueman, driver, 54 Sarah Ann IJuckrey Josiah, porter, 5 Bolton Dudley Chas. drayman, 22 Gilbert Dudley Lennon, lab. 30 Winter al Dudley Louisa, laund. 30 Winter al Dudley Vincent, driver, 152 Lee Dudley Vincent, driver, 64 Elbow la Duff Josephine, laund. 143 u Eden Duff Thos. H. whitewasher, 143 n Eden Duffin Ann, laund. 12 Tvson DufEn Ann .M. laund. 7 Orchard Duffin Kliza, laund. 53 L. Pleasant Duffiu Enoch, waiter, 7 0.'"chard DuflBn Julia, laund. 227 Dover DufSu Nicholas, sawyer, 227 Dover Duffy .Mary, laund. 2 Arcade al Duiipson M.iria, cook, 91 Stirling Duncan Benj. lab. 251 Raborg Duncan Margaret, laund. 254 Raborg Dungee James, carp. S5 E isi Dungee John, watconer, 69 East Dungee Win. N. cebiuetmkr, 104 East, dw 62 Dunmore Amos, hodcarrier, 311 w Biddle Duumore Henrietta, laund. 311 w Biddle Dunu .Arena, seamstress, 141 Hill Dunn Clias. shucker, 163 York Duna Chas. G. graiurunner, 20 Leadenhall Dunn John, grain measurer, 141 Hill Dunn Mar^iaret A. laund. 141 Hill Dunn .Mary E. chambermaid, 141 Hill Dunn Richard L. lab. 267 West Duun,.ck James, stevedore, 188 L. Hughes Dunnock Nicey, cook, 188 L. Hughes Dunson James, grain runner 186 Chesnut al Duiand Charles, lab. 172 Tyson Durand Francis, carter, 172 Tyson Dnrand Hester, laund. 148 Tyson Durand Julia, laund. 172 Tyson Durand Nathaniel, shucker, 148 Tyson Durham Edmund, shucker, 34 Perry Durham Elizabeth, cook, 20 Jasper Durham John, waiter, 20 Jasper Durham John, wagoner, 22 Tessier Durham Louisa, laund. 34 Perry Durham .Mary E. laun. Liberty rd o[)pWoodyeai Durham Priscilla, cook, 34 Perry Durham Rachel, laund. 34 Perry Durham Thomas M. farmer. Liberty rd DuttOH Barney, lab. 84 St. .Mary Duttou Charles, 78 s Dallas Duttou Chas. H. shucker, 146 n D lUas Dution Frank, driver. 189 Vine Dutton Geo. lab. 22 Jewel al o t Dutton ll.irriet, laund. 26 Haw Duttou Jarreit, drayman, Vincent nrCumberl'c Dutton Levi, hacks, 5 Mutt Dutton Perry, lab. 70 Davis Dutton Sirah A. laund. 78 s Dallas Dutton Wm. sawyer, 187 Vine Duvall Amy, laund. 6 .Mulberry ct Duvall I;aac, carter, 97 Orchard Duvall Lucy, laund. 117 Sarah Ann HOLMES & CO., Engineers' Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 683 'uvall Luther, wheelwright, 20 McKim uvall Nicholas, wheelwright, 20 McKim uvall Rachel, 117 Sarah Ann uvall Richard, porter, 130 Harmony la uvall Sand}-, porter, 117 Sarah Ann uvail Sarah, laund. 33 L Monument uvall Sarah, laund. 117 'Sarah Ann uvall Tobias, sawyer, 33 L Monument uviella Lydia, dressmkr, 42 King yer Elizabeth, laund. 56 Williamson al yer Dr. D. Levin, Hill and Howard yer Joseph, shucker, 108 Jasper yer Louisa, cook, 308 s Howard yer Nathaniel, sawyer. 308 s Howard yer Richard J. shucker, 118 Welcome al yer Richard, shucker, 56 Williamson al yer Wm. lab. 27 Oxford yett Catherine, servant, 114 Welcome al yett Elizabeth, chambermaid, 114 Welcome al yett Major, drayman, 114 Welcome al yett Mary, laund. 15 Pin il yett Mary, laund. 114 Welcome al yett Richard, fireman, 196 Henrietta yett Sarah, servant, 114 Welcome al ysou Charles, lab. 64 Russell yson James, oysters, 161 King yson James, waiter, 269 Park av yson Joshua, lab. 161 King yson Nathaniel, steward, 35 Forrest yson Sarah, 5 n Bethel yson Wm. engineer, 71 Arch yus James, porter, 15 Neighbor E iples Mary A. laund. 105 Chesnut al agles Charles, hodcarrier. 105 Chesiiut al irl Perry, drayman, 97 Moore al irle Wm. lab. 3 Humes irles Amelia, laund. 296 Hamburg irles Maria, laund. 96 .McKii;i irles Jefferson, drayman, 296 Hamburg irles .John, porter. North and Pleasant irles John, lab. Stockton al nr Harlem av istinan Wm. teacher, 4 Smith al iton Anni*', housekeeper, 8 Gelston ct itOQ Campbell, painter, 8 Gelston ct iton Letha, 8 Gelston ct lys Mary E. service, 126 York )b Geo. W. waitei, 59 Richmond ih James, waiter, 70 Peirce Db Wm. porter, 61 Pin al lenezer (African) M E. Church, Montgomery nr Hanover Idy Mary E. laund. 158 Preston idy .Mrs. Susan, laund. 175 n Dallas idy W.m. carp. 158 Preston lelin Luke, p nier, 19 S:. Mary ielin -Mary, seamstress, 19 St. Mary Igestoii Cornelius, mariner, 222 Henrietta Imonds Thornton, shucker, 318 Hamburg Iwards Abraham, lab. 77 Leadenhall Iwards Alice, teiicher, 72 n Holiiday Iwards Charles, lab. 197 Wayne Iwards Daniel, rags. 5 Young al Iwards Edward, hodcarrier, li,'9 Jasper Iwards Georgeanna, dressmgr, 40 s Dallas Iwards Hannah, laund. 5 Young al Iwards Hester, laund. 75 n Durham Iwards Hezekiah, porter, 42 Chesnut Iwards Isaac, hodcarrier, 24 Carlton Iwards James, waiter, 67 Raborg Edwards Jane, laund. 197 Wayne Edwards Jane, janitress, 42 Saratoga Edwards Jarrett, lab. 46.} Carlton Edwards John, shoemkr, 4 Jones ct Edwards John, mariner, 130 York Edwards John H. shoemkr, 55 Pearl Edwards Joseph, waiter, 48 Diamond Edwards Lewis, driver, 75 n Durham Edwards .Mary, laund. 46} Carlton Edwards Mary, lauud. 67 Raborg Edwards Peter, mariner. 81 Dover Edwards Rebecca, laund. 105 Chesnnt al Edwards Richard, lab. 105 Chesuutal Edward.s Robert, lab. 24 Gelston ct Edwards Samuel, coachman, 67 Raborg Edwards .Samuel, lab. 72 n Spring Edwards Susan, laund. 77 Leadenhall Edwards Wm. waiter, 8 n Castle Edwin Win. barber, 185 Eastern av Eiglin Benj. bagsewrr, 146 Che.snut Elbert Isaac, grain measurer, 38 China Elbert Jane, dressmkr, 165 York Elbert John, mariner, 165 York Elbert Samuel, lab. 38 China Elbert Win. coachman, 187 Tyson Elias Charlotte, laund. 81 Muore al Ellas Clara I. cook, 81 Moore al Elias Daniel, tanner, 81 Moore al Elkson Geo, driver, 9 Jasper Elkson Sarah, laund. 9 Jasper Elliott Anne, laund. 9 Horn Elliott Isaac, drayman, 17 Tyson Elliott John. lab. Stockton al nr Edmondson av Elliott Samuel, carter, 103 n Schroeder Eliis .Ann .M. laund. 201 Hamburg Ellis Charlotte, laund. 89 L Church Ellis Einmett, 169 Hamburg Ellis Geo. lab. 108 Raborg Ellis Harrison, foreman, 23 s Caroline Ellis James H. shucker, 328 n Durham Ellis John T. porter, 89 L Church Ellis John D. W. porter. 318 Hamburg Ellis John, lab. 0 Short al Ellis Laura, laund. 108 Raborg Ellis Leah, laund. 146 York Ellis Saml. stevedore, 63 L Church Ellis Thos. lab. 201 Hamburg Elms Jane, seamstress, lii7 Chesnnt al Elms Joseph, driver, 107 (Jhesnut al Klnis Thos. lab. 1(j7 Che,-;niil a I Elsey Anna, seamstress. 179 West Elsey Frank, cook, 5 Gillinghara al El.-ey Jane, laund. 105 Plum al I'^lsey John E. mariner, 105 Plum al Elsey Wm. S. shucker, 179 West Emerson Uvven M. porter, 136 s Caroline Emerson Wm. S. po; ter, 25 s Ciroliiie Einmerson (Jeo. porter, 23 s Dallas Emmerson J. is. H. porter, 319 n Howard Emory Benj. picker, 4 Fill ton al Emory Enoch, porter, 114 Chesnnt Emory Francis, waiter. 52 D ivis Emory Jacob, porter, 114 Chesnut Emijry Jacob jr. porter. 49 O.vford Emory James, lah. 12 Sariio.'a Emory James, lab. 22 Chesnnt Emory Jane, laund. 2 Grace ct Emory Luciiida. seamstress, 49 Oxford Emory Rachel, laund. 2 Grace Ct Emory Samuel, lali. 2 Grace ct Ennaioes Wm. mariner, 7 Chew Ennels Clara, laund 322 Hamburg =3 pq O O O o Q O o :» .Wo w2§ O O Knnels Eliza, seamstress, 104 n Regester Etinels Francis, lub. 181 Yurk Ennels Geo. imiriner, 240 L. Hughes Ennels (Jeo. m iriiier, 4 Eiitaw ct Ennels Jarnes, mariner, 240 L. Hughes funnels Joe, liili. 322 Hamburg Ennels John, lab. 69 Duncan al Ennels Julia, laund. 222 Henrietta Ennels Murray, shucker, 6 Buth-i' al Ennels Rebecca, laund. 240 L. Hughes Ennels Rose A. laund. G Butler Ennels Stejihen, lab. 192 s Dallas Ennels Stephen, .~tevedore, 38 President Ennels Susan, laund. ^!7 L. Church Ennels Tliomas, 222 Henrietta Ennis George, driver, IS'* Stirling; Fnuis Geo. draynian, 91 McElderry whf Ennis Maria, 228 L. Hughes Ennis Sarah A. lauud 61 Williamson al Ennis Tlios. lab. 38 Rose Ei)p8 Andiew, lab. 336 L. Vine Epps James, hostler, 72 L. .Monument Epps Maria, laund. 336 L. Vine Epps Waller, lab. 86 Raborg Epps Wm. lal) 86 Raborg Ercott Alfred, waiter, 7 Jew al Estep Eldied, lab. Waverley Evans (Jalherine, servant, 71 Arch Evans Edward, plasterer, 25 Moore al Evans Frank, driver, 49 White al Evans Geo. lab. 71 Arch Evans Geo. butcher, 18 Wagon al Evans Isaac, stevedore, 218 Mullikin Evans Rev. Louis, 79 Oxford Evans Nathan, waiter, 79 O.xford Evans Randall, boarding, 47 GerniaH Evans Stephen, mariner, .56 Mullikin Evans Washington, lab. 117 Stirling Everson Philip, lab. 4 Carlton Ewell Julia, chambermaid, 109 s Howard Ewell Mary, seamstress, 109 s Howard Ewell Pine, laund. 109 s Howard Ewell Thomas, shucker, 109 s Howard P. F.iirf.ix Wesley, wagoner, Clifton nr the Park Fallan Theo. stevedore, 19 n Dallas Fantroy Mary E. lauud. 1 Waters ct Farrell .Maria. 235 s Eutaw Farrell Wm. dravman, 235 s Eulaw Farrier Daniel M carter, 328 L. Vine Farrier Dennis, carter, 328 L Vine Fanier Munia, laund. 328 L. Vine Fauntleroy Chas. waiter, 48 L Monument F.ix Charles, lab. 43 Harmony la Fax Henry, lab. 43 Harnu)ny la Fills Lavinia, l.uind. 67 Welcome al Fells Robert, lab. ()7 Welcome al Felton Rachel, 46 Sarah Ann Female Colored School, East nr Low Fennel Agnes, laund. 37 Tessier Fennel Clara J. chamberm aid, 37 Tessier Fennel Ilarjiett A. nurse, 37 Tessier Fennel James, lab. 37 Tessier Ferguson Annie, laund. 77 n Bethel Ferguson Casper, driver, 351 L. Vine Ferguson David, stevedore, 77 n Bethel Ferguson Jerry, waiter, HI J.isper Ferguson Mary E. laund. 351 L. Vine Ferguson Wm. E. driver, 351 L. Vine Fcrman Wm. H. lab. 22 L. Monument Fernandis John A. barber, 128 s Broad vvay Fernandis Walter, barber, 128 s Broadway Fernandis Wells, barber, 128 s Broadway Fickel Fii, portei-, 73 East Fields Edith J. servant, 212 L. Hughes Fields Josiah, shucker, 212 L. llu^'hes Fields M.irilia, laund. 212 L. Hu-rhes Fields Marietta, servant, 212 L. Hughes Figero Florence, 2 Lewis Finley Betsy, laund. 87 Burgundy al Finley Daniel, tinner, 27 .Monroe al Finley Mrs. Elizab. laund. 87 Burgundy al Finley Lydia, laund. 87 Burgundy al P^innall J.ime.s E barber, 58 Richmond Fiunall Nathaniel C. gardener, 58 Richmond Finnall Wm. 5i Richmond Finney Ada, laundry, 70 Elbow la Finney Arthur, lab. 70 Elbow la Finney Margt. laund. 70 Elouw la Finney Phili;s lab. 70 Elbow la First Baptist ('hurch, cor Thomsen and Youn^ Fisher Amanda, seamstress, 103 Hill Fisher Caroline, upholsiress, 39 u Sharp Fisher Caroline, nurse, 189 West Fisher Carey, mariner, 70 East F'isher Charlotte, lauud. 142 L. Hughes Fisher Chas. T. lab. 8 Peach al Fisher Chas. lab. 187 n Exeter Fisher Edward, shucker, 142 L. Hughes Fisher Elenora, laund. 3 Reese al Fisher Geo. ]>orier, 187 n Exeter Fisher George, shucker, 261 s Eutaw Fisher H. M. lab. lo3 Hill Fisher Henry W. coachman, 29 Jew al o t Fisher Jacob, stevedore, Dallas nr Fayette Fisher James, fisherman, n Calhoun ext Fisher James, mariner, 189 West Fisher James, lab. 187 n Exeter Fisher John C. 187 n Exeter Fisher John R. lab. 187 n Exeter Fisher Lewis, mariner, 146 s Charles Fisher Mary, laund. 112 St. Mary Fisher .Mary, seamstress, 29 Jew al, 0 t Fisher Rosa, laund. n Calhoun ext Fisher Rebecca, laund. 8 Peach al Fisher Samuel T. whitewasher, 33 Rose Fisher Samuel, drayman, 3 Reese al Fisher Wra. hostler. Eagle hotel Fisher Wm. waiter, 82 North Fisher Wui. J. lab. Vincent, nr Baker Fisher Wui. H. bricknikr, 1 ('laret al Fitchett Daniel, mariner, 71 L. Church Fitchetl Rachel, servant, 71 L. Church Fitzhufih Maria, 74 Cider al Flanier Charlotte, laund. 23 Wayne Flamer Wm. J nurse, 23 Wayne Flamer Mrs. Sarah, laund 17 South Fleetwood Ann .M. seamstress. 30 Orchard Fleetwood Averick, lauud, 30 Orchard Fleetwood Chas. waiter, 30 Orchard Fleming Grafton, shucker, 16 Union Fleming Wm. shucker, 28 L. .McElderry Fletcher Edward, lab. 109 Harmony la Fletcher Edward, shucker, 196 Warner Fletcher John, lab. 47 State Fletcher Lewis, mariner, 214 Hanover Fletcher Mary, laund. 63 Cross Fletcher Sarah, servant. 47 Stale Fletcher Theodore, lab. 39 n Spring Fletcher Washi(igl(jn, lal). 2 Barranger ct Fletcher Wm. coachuian, 51 State Flint Jas. barber, 48 St. Mary HENRY HOEiNF & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. As:t COLORED PERSONS. 685 Floyd Caleb, lab. 8 X al Floyd Charlotte, laiind. 3 Plum al Floyd Jacob, waiter, 143 York Flovd Louis, lab. 30 n Sharp FloVd Mary, laund. 143 York Flovd Mary, laund. 2 X al Floyd Mary, laund. 128 Lee Floyd Mary, laund. 150 York Flo.\d Thos. lab. 128 Lee Pokes Lewis H. driver, 1 Wagon al Fokes Lydia, laund. 1 Waeon al Fookes Carrol! J. waiter, 49 King Fookes Carroll J. waiter, 9 Marion Fookes Flora, laund. 9 .Maiiou Fookes Henry, waiter, 9 Marion Fookes Isiiac W. waiter, 9 Marion Foolces Isaiab, lab. 9 Marion Fookes Sarah A. laund. 9 .Marion Foote Geo. carp. 46 Biddleiil Foote John, lab. 68 MilliiuHn Foote Lloyd, waiter, 46 Biddle al Foole Richard, lab. 22 Union FooieTh.os. sliucker, 59 L. Montgomery Foote Wm. H. porter, 20 Jordan al Ford Beiij. D. fireman, 31 Jew- al, o t Ford Dayid H. lab. 237 Cross Ford Elizabeth, laund. 96 Raborg Ford Geo. J. lab. 150 Lee Ford Henrietta, laund. 93 China Ford Henry, scowman, 6 Wayne Ford Jas. lab. 93 China Fonl John, shucker, 90 Peach al Ford John, waiter, 254^ s Howard Foid Lawrence, carp. 89 China Ford Louisa, laund. 51 Dover Ford .Matilda, cook, 90 Peach al Ford Peter, lab. 6ul Peaua av Ford Robert, shucker, 68 L. Church Ford Richard, lab. 7 Short Ford Robert, brickmkr, 2 Clarkson al Ford Samuel, coachman, 178 s Howard Ford Simeon, shoemkr, 320 Hamburg Ford Sandy, scowman, 51 Dover Ford Susan, cook, 6 Vvayne Ford Thomas H. barber, 158 C ithedral Foreman Andrew, coachman, 40 Clay Foreman David, whitewasher, 195 Ensor Foreman Francis, lab. 343 n Howard Foreman Georgiana, laundress, 149 Vine Foreman John, 48 Camel al Foreman John, quarryman, 44 L. McElderry Foreman John. lab. 84 North Foreman Mrs. Lucy, hucksier, 49 Jefferson Foreman Martha, laund. 195 Knsor Foreman Richard J. mariner, 189 Dover Forrest Jane, laund. 10 Pin al Forrest Robert, lab. 17 Dawson al Forrest Walter, lab. 10 Pin al Forrester Hester, laund. 24 Dover Forrester Lemuel, stevedore, 52 King Forrester Sophia, laund. 24 Dover Forlie Geo. shucker, 116 Cider al Fortie Henry T. lab. 24 Stirling Fortie Jacob H. drayman, 1 16 Cider al Fortie Lewis, messenger, 83 East Fortie Louis, driver, 46 Davis Fortie John C. marker C. H. 139 Raborg Fortie Lloyd, shucker, 116 Cider al Fortune Andrew, lab. Waverley, York rd Fortune Mrs. John A. 11 w Chase Fortune Wesley, lab. Waverlpy,York rd Fossett Levi, lab. 47 Orchard pq Fossett Mary J. laund. 47 Orchard Foster Mrs. Annie, laund, 144 n Spring Foster Charles, mariner, 63 Plum al Foster Caroline, cook, 63 Plum al Foster Diana, laund. 244 Cross • F(jster Geo. W. mariner, 181 w Pratt -*-" Foster Geo W, mariner, 244 Cross ^ Foster Henry, oysters, Liberty rd nr Calhoun ^ Foster Louisa, laund. 144 n Central av ci Foster J.ihn A. lab. 44 Dousilas ^ Foster Thos. shucker, 124 n Rei;e.stf'r ^ Foster Wm. T. hodcarrier, 191 Chesnut al Foster Wm. H. messenger, 200 n Broadway ^ Foster Wm. H. mariner, 211 s Bethel c3 Foulks Joseph, waiter, 44 Kintr oj Fountain Chas. H. en^'ineer, 5 Water's ct g Fountain Hester, laund. '20^ Sarah Ann ^ Founi;iin John, shutkt-r, 109 n Spiin^ .7^ F(juntain John H. student, 44 Sar.atoga ^ Fountain Mary J. laund. 271 s Fremont Fountain .Samuel, drayman, 181 York Fowler Adeline, seamstress, 75 Leadenhall ^ Fowler Hester A. laund. 76 L. Church O Fowler Hester A. seamstress. 75 Leadenhall ^ Fowler James, moulder, 76 L. Church Fowler John T. biickmkr, 75 Leadenhall q Fowler Leon, brickmkr, 198 Warner r-j Fowler Thos. brickmkr, West nr Warner Fowler Thos porter, 35 Wavne o^ Fowler Wm H. brickmkr, 75 Leadenhall Fowler Wm. H. brickmkr, 202 Hamburg Q Fo.x Caroline, laund. 26 Raborg O Fo.\ Edwin, waiter, 26 RaWorg (Q Fox Griffith, waiter, 26 Wayne ^ Fox Henrietta, cook, 26 Wayne ^ France George, waiier. 50 Orchard France Peter, cook. 105 Raborg ^ Francis Elizabeth, lau:id. 146 s Charles Francis Harriet, laund. 12 Vine ^ Francis Jane, laund. 26 Jew al, o t k^ Francis Lewis, whitewasher, 32 Wagon al p^ Francis Lewis G. tobacconist, 186 Eastern av Francis Mrs. Mary, laund, 117 Sarah Ann (^J Frnncis Nelson, barber, 12 Vine ^ Francis Owen, butcher.'195 liaborg ^ Francis Pocahontas, seamstress. 255 n Dallas ^ Francis Sarah J. lauud. 55 Oxford [— I Francis Wm. lab. 55 Oxford ^ Francis Wm. H. teacher, 3 L. Ross f^ Franklin Abraham, lab. 21 Douglass i^ Franklin .\le.x. driver, 95 Stirling . ^ Franklin Dennis, lab. 69 Russell .'on, 5 Rose ^ Franklin Olivia, 87 Plum al CQ Franklin Susan, seamstress, 47 China —^ Frazier Agms, laund. 239 Orleans W Frazier Benjamin F. stevedore, 239 Orleans 3 Frazier Charles, grocery, 53 Elbow la <3^ Frazier Edward, mariner, 86 Plum al Frazier Elizabeth, laund. 153 Vine O Frazier Harriet, grocery, 25 Shuter ^ Frazier .Moses, lab. 25 Shuter HH Frazier Nelson, shucker, 64 East W Frazi-r Wm. H. lab. 28 Welcome al ^ Frederick Rev. Francis,missionary, 11 Lambert j^ Frederick James, lab. 13 Pear al ^ Frederick Levi, porter, 5 Pear al p_| Frederick .Madison, whiter, 3 Courthouse la Freeland, Countee & Cj. (Geo. Freeland, Chas. Countee) junk, &c. 3 n Schroeder Freeland Charles H. se.xton, 88 Orchard Power Press Prin (Maryland Ins. ting, at Pv,educed Rates, Go's Marble Building.) i CI 'f^^i 686 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. o o Freeland Geo. (F., Countee & Co.) 242 Raborg d) ^ -y Freeland .Jas. draymtm, 242 Raborg .^ _^ '"' Freeland Mary Anna, laund. 213 s Ho\ c -^ rT o .„ ^..^ - ...ary Anna, laund. 213 s Howard 2^ > Freeland Rasin, scowman, 213 s Howard Freeland Siism, lauad. 224 Vine Freeman Alirahain, drayman, 64 Orchard Freeman Mrs. Deborah, 2 McKidt-rry Freeman Elijah, shucker, 95 Plum al Freeman Jas. shoenikr, 41 n Spring 3^ '^ br f'"^^™^" J^^- '*''• 113 s Dallas IS P c^ Freeman John, lab. 240 n Durham c3 ^ cr Frtenian John, waiter, G4 Orchard '"' £ 'o Freeman John, waitci, Orchard nr Druid Hill av Cj fe* "^ Freeman Richard H. i;arber, 60 Tyson ^ ^ Freeman Wni. lab. 124 n Spring ^ >.,- French Jas. brickmkr, 43 East cS m; 2 Friend \Vm. mariner, 138 s Dallas P .5 5 Friend Wilhelmina, laund. 138 s Dallas al ^ ^ Frisby Amanda, laund. 22 Dawson al g SL. P Frisby Annie R. servant, 1 St. James g S S Frisby Benj. lal>. 34 Haw o .^S Frisby Chas. whitewasher, 136 Orchard ^ 05 ' Frisby Deborah, laund. 53 Elbow la >^.i; o Frisby Ellen, laund. 39 Raborg ■^^ "w 5g Frisby Elizabeth, Inund. 55 Arch .3i h5 O Frisby Emma, l.iund. 136 Orchard ^ ^ Frisby Mrs. Frances A. laund. 56 Low CO ^ . Frisby Henry, grainineasurer, 26 Walnut al f> ^ Frisby Jos. sr. lab. l.-)6 Vork ^ P" _C Frisby Jos. jr. drayman, 156 York ^ '^ .2; Frisby Mary, laund. 44 Lewis S E 5 Frisliy Mary A. 22 Dawson al >^ " ^ Fiisby I'erry. lab. 55 Arch iO ^-T Frisby Richard jr. shucker, 3 St. James c^ o *~* Frisl)y Richard sr. junk, 53 Low " y£ Frisby Saml. jiorter, 156 York c Frisby Saml. waiter, 39 Raborg ,_! Frisby \Vm. oysters, 78 Morris al S Frisby Wm. H. baker, 1 St. James _^ >-i < Frisi)y Wni. H. barber, 16 Patterson av ■g '^ fl^ Fry Stephen, lab. 2 O.'iford W "ce K Fryer Danl. lab. 65 Walnut al J3 -' Fulgum Henry, lab. 37 Hanipstead • •-C PC Fulgum Mary, dressmkr, 37 Hampstead ■§ 2 H Fuller Benj. shucker, 257 McDonogh *J C g Fuller Chase E. brickmoulder, 257 McDonogh ^ •-p_i Fuller Mary A. laund. 257 McDonogh i2 o Fuller Wm. waiter, Shields al nr Hoffman i ee ^' _ c* ^ ^ '^ 2 Oaines Collin, barber, 24 Foundry r.ja .ti '^' Gaines Causeman H. sup't Chesapeake Railway 2 'n ^ and Dry Dock Co. 82 s Bethel B |D '^ Gaines Elizabeth, laund. 103 Sarah Ann o a.* .5 fi'iiu'd Helen, laund. 213 Hamburg J.. -= Gaines John, shucker, 213 Hamburg ^ ^ ^ Gaines Louisa, seamstress, 71 L. Church S 3 iO ^'^''i^^ .Maria, laund. 82 s Bethel 5 S <^' Gaines Nicholas, theological stud' t, 44 Saratoga ^"^(f^'^ Gaines Noah, whitewasher, 71 L. Church '^ S fc£ Gaines Richd. barber, 138 J n E.xeter ^ £ .5 Gaines Richd. lab. 18 Stirling 2 ^ .^ Gaines Mrs. Susan, laund 138 Chesnut ^ "^ t! Gaines Thos. H. hackman, 138 Chesnut g ^ i' Gaines W'm. shipcarp. 82 s Bethel •^ ^ -"S Caiiher Annie, laund. 3 Wilmer al ^ •— =2 Gaither Henry, hostler, 6 Morris al g C .- Gaither Richd. lab. 39 Arch S .2 is Gale Arianna, servant, 60 s Dallas t^ 1^ o Gale Arthur, brickmkr, 26 Peach al ■^ ^ >. Gale Betsey, laund. 3 Race D3 ea Oj Gale Ellen A. laund 84 Jasper Gale Elizabeth, laund. 106 Raborg Gale Geo. porter, 130 York Gale Geo. C. Ciirp. Mine Bank la nr Eager (iale Geo. H. lab. Spring nr John Gale Grafton L. carp. Mine Bank la nr Eage Gale Harriet, sirvant, 109 Welcome al Gale James, lab. 106 Raborg Gale Joshua, sliucker, 3 Race Gale Jos. hodcarrier, 84 Jasper Gale Margaret, laund. 26 Peach al Gale Rachel A. seamstress, 104 Cider al Gale Washington, shucker, 104 Cider al Gallon Eliza J. laund. 84 Milliman Gallon John, driver, 84 Milliman Galloway John, lab. 202 s Howard Galloway Martha, servant, 134 York Galloway Washington, lab. 146 Lee Galloway Wm. lab. 134 York Gamber John, waiter, 28 Peach al Gamble James, lab. 116 Tyson Gamble Serina, laund. 116 Tyson Gamblin Robt. barber, 30 Foundry Ganby Edward, lab. 91 n Dallas Gannon Alex, cooper, 84 Harmony la Gans3' Joseph, drayman, 49 East Gant Angelinc, huckslress, 139 Hill Gant Augustus, porter, 21 Peach al Gant Caroline, laund. 32 n Chape! Gant Edward, hodcarrier, 40 West Gant Eliza, laund. 10 O.xford Gant Geo. shucker, 98 Chesnut Gant Isaiah, mariner, 85 Leadenhall Gant Jennie, servant, 85 Leadenhall Gant Julia, servant, 104 Ensor Gant Levi, porter, 76 Welcome al Gant Levi, stevedore, 131 Hill Gant Lewis A. fruit stand, St. Paul nr Recon office, dw 12 Stockton al Gant .Mary, laund. 22 St. James Gant Fhineas, lab. 3 Calhoun ct Gant Rebecca, laund. 88 Cider al Gant Wm. lab. 1 Patapsco av Gant Wm. tanner, 10 Oxford Gant Wm. lab. 22 St. James Ganit Richard, waiter, 65 Myrtle av Gants Wesley, waiter, 95 Riborg Gardner Chas. caulker, 109 n Dallas Gardner Benj. mariner, 142 s Charles Gardner David, lai). 207 s Howard Gardner Jeiry, l)rii'kmkr, 5 Plum row Garland Anderson, lab. 121 n Front Garling James, lab. 17 McLeary ct Garner James, mariner, 128 n Durham Garner Mary A. laund. 45 Oxford Garner Philip, hodcarrier, 88 Moore al GarnerTliomas, shucker, 14 L. Broadway Garner Wm. W. Stewart, 158 Raborg Garrett Chas. coachman, 17 Oxford Garrett Daniel, lab. 20 Bolton Garrett ElKn, laund. 73 Arch Garrett Geo. hodcarrier, 210 Vine Garrett Hannah, cook, 16 Wagon al Garrett Henry, drayman, 304 w Hoffman Garrett Hester \. laund. 23 Arch Garrett John, lab. 16 Wagon al Garrett Joseph, drayman, 5 Jenkins al Garrett Levina, laund.- 202 L. York Garrett Mary, laund. 12 Peirce Garrett Mary, laund. 106 Raborg Garrett Mary, laund. 86 Elbow la Garrett Rachel, laund. 1 7 Oxford HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. COLORED PERSONS. Grrrett Richard, coal dealer, 16 Rose Garrett Richard, stevedore, 37 Oxford Garrett Rich'd R. porter, 86 Elbow la Garrett Rich' d S. porter, 19 Haw Garrett Samuel, lab. 106 Raborg Garrett Thos. hib. 202 L. York Garrett Wm. lab. 17 Oxford Garrett Wm. shucker, 86 Elbow la Garrison Arthur, wajzoner, 36 Low Garrison Chas. lab. 20 Edward Garrison Eliza, lauiid. 181 8 Sharp Garrison Geo. A. drayman, 50 Camel al Garrison James, coachman, 31 St. Mary Garrison Jane, laund. 36 Low Garrison Jeremiah, driver, 247 Preston Garrison Rev. Jeremiah, 19 Bouldiu al Garrison John, lab. 40 Wayne Garrison Jos. lab. 68 s Bethel Garrison Levi, lab. 12 s Bethel Garrison i\Iary, laund. 40 Wayne Garrison Jlary C. laund. 15 Parrish al Garrison Robt. carter, 15 Parrish al Garrison Wm. grain runner, 221 s Howard Gasbej Theodore, shucker, rear 91 Welcome al Gaskins Fred. 82 Milliman Gaskins Josephine, dressmkr, 245 s Howard Gaskins Moses, driver, 21 Richmond Gaskins Thos. waiter, 92 St. Mary Gaskins Walter, driver, 245 s Howard Gaskins Wm. waiter, 67 Oxford Gassaway Aug. coachman, 8 Bouldin al Gassaway Daniel, hodcarrier, 4 Bouldin al Gassaway Edward, hodcarrier, 38 Josephine Gassaway Ephraim, lab. 9 Bouldin al Gassaway Henry, lab. 144 Preston Gassaway John, scowman, 308 Montgomery Gassaway Joseph, barber, Patterson av Gassaway Joshua, lab. 5 Bouldin al Gassaway Maiia, laund, 15 Valley Gassaway Nicholas, lab. 59 Orchard Gassaway Wm. H. 1 ib. Stockton al nr Lanvale Gates Hester, lauud. rear 27 Marion Gates Jane, laund. rear 27 Marion Gates Wm. brickmkr, 57 Josephine Gatewood Anderson, lab. 154 Hillen Gator Henry, hostler, 8 Morris al Gaylor Jas. hodcarrier, 24 Shuter Gay lor Martha, laund. 24 Shuter Gay no Orlando, lab. 14 Edward Gearing Israel, waiter, 23 Orchard Gearing John, coachman, 23 Orchard Gearing Kate, seamstress, 23 Orchard Gearing Lizzie, 23 Orchard Gearing Martha, hairdresser, 23 Orchard Gearing Reuben, whiiewasher, 23 Orchard Gemblin Celia, laund. 107 s Bethel Gembliu Louisa, laund. 107 s Bethel Gemblin Zipporah, laund. lo7 s Bethel Gent Abraham, lab. 42 Oxford Gent Geo. lab, 42 Oxford Gent Stephen, coachman, 42 Oxford Getts Lizzie, laund. 167 York Getts John, lab. 167 York Gibbons Henry, lab. 48 Josephine Gibbs Chas. H. coffee roaster, 42 King Gibbs Emily, chambermaid, 107 Welcome al Gibbs George, grain runner, 107 Welcome al Gibbs George S. lab. 321 Hamburg Gibbs Henry, grain measurer, 321 Hamburg Gibbs Henry, lab. 17 Bouldiu al Gibbs Louisa, laund. 40 East Gibbs Mary A. dressmkr, 42 King 687 OQ Gibbs Nathaniel, 321 Hamburg ^ Gibbs Robert PLgroceryand piovision3,59 East, ^ dw 42 e Fayette . 3 Gibbs Samuel, prain measurer, 87 Watson P^ Gibbs Wm. coffee roaster 42 King r-^ Gibson Benj. drayman, 200 Stirling C Gibson Caroline, laund. 11 Hagar ct "^ Gibson Chas. hackman, 55 Oxford O Gibson Edward, lab. 29 Jew al, o. t. o Gibson Eliza, laund. 11 Parrish al fl Gibson Emily, confect'y, 231 Montgomery -^ Gibson Emily, servant, 29 Jew al, o. t. "^ Gibson Emily D. seamstress, 83 n Dallas rn Gibson Geo. H. driver, 245 s Howard Gibson Geo. T. lab. 21 Horn ^ Gibson Hannah, lauud. 2158 Howard O Gibson Henry, barber, 278 ii Durham O Gibson Jacob, lab 14 .Mott Gibson Jacob, hostler, 150 Forrest (--s Gibson Jacob T. shucker, 301 w Biddle ^ Gibson James, waiter, 5 Jew al Gibson James, waiter, 26 Dover c^ Gibson Jane, laund. 39 Arch Gibson John, shucker, 76 Burgundy al ft Gibson John, mariner, 17 George al O Gibson John, shucker, 11 Hagirct (^ Gibson John H. porter, 4 Leadenball f>. Gibson Lewis, shucker, 10 Boyd f^ Gibson Manuel, lab. 63 Burgundy al • Gibson Mary, laund. 28 Perry HH Gibson Matilda, confect'y, 247 Montgomery • Gibson Margaret, laund. '74 Burgundy al ^ Gibson Nathaniel, oysters, 247 Montgomery ^ Gibson Nathaniel, lab. 11 Parrish al ""^ Gibson Perry, barber, 62 Oxford - Gibson Perry, sr. 22 Brewer al p*^ Gibson Peter, shucker, 215 s Howard ^ Gibson Sarah, laund. 104 s Dallas O w o > Q H 688 Gilles Mrs. June, grocery, 8 Carlton Gillcs Jesse, miiriner, 2 Peach al Gilles Levi, ^porter, 8 Carlton Gilles Levi.'jr. waiter, 9 Carlton Gillfspie Isaac, driver, 251 Cross Gilliard Chas. canmkr, 1U3 s Bethel Gilliaid Frances, laund. 103 s Bethel Gilliard Geo. shucker, 103 s Bethel Gilliard Geo. lab. 103 s Bethel Gilliard James, shucker, 103 s Bethel Gilliard Mary A. laund. 114 n HoUiday Gillidge James, driver, 1 Union ct Gilmore Alex. lab. 21 Chesnut al Gilmore Ira, sr. lab. 62 s Dallas Gilmore Ira, jr. lab. 62 s Dallas Gilmore John, drayman, 62 s Dallas Gilmore .Mary E. laund. 62 s Dallas Gilmore Wash, porter, White al nr Amity Gittings Chas. porter, 31 Chesnut al Gittings Isaiah, porter, 41 Rahorg Gittings Lucretia, laund. 41 Raborg Givens Wm. lab. 73 L. .McElderry Gladding Clementina, laund. 10 Jew al Gladding Emory, lab. 10 Jew iil Glamison Charles, caulker, 321 n Durham Glascoe Chas. hod carrier. 111 Chesnut al Glascoe Henry, shucker, 3 Gillingham al Glascoe John 8. caulker, 73 Watson Glascoe John, caulker, 78 Chesnut Glascoe John W. shuc' Shuter Gordon Francis, cook, 15 Wayne Gordon Harrison, lab. 51 Union Gordon Jos. W. driver, 16 Elbow la Gordon Margaret J. dressmkr, 88 Leadenhall Gordon Mary E. laund. 16 Elbow la Gordon Sarah A. laund. 83 Leadenhall Gordon Wm. lab. 15 Wayne Gordon Wm. H. waiter, 16 Biddle al Gordon Wm. H. drayman, 88 Leadenhall Gorsuch Chas. shucker, 14 .Mechanics ct Gorsuch Wm., York rd nr Wyanoke av Goseberry Benj. hostler, 63 Walker ct Gossage Mrs. Eliza A. laund. 166 n Spring Gough James J. barber, 12 PostoflBce av Gould Frances, seamstress, 44 Raborg Gould Daniel, lab. 33 Jordan al Gould John A. drayman, 307 s Howard Gould John ti. sawyer, 280 s Howard Gould Joshua, janitor, 192 n Exeter Gouid Joseph, whitewasher, 40 Chesnut Gould Richard, lali. Liberty rd nr Calhoun Gould Peter, lab. 6 Waters ct Gould Samuel, lab. 57 n Dallas Gould Samuel, lab. 113 Chesnut al Gover Caroline, laund. 7 Friendship Gover Theodore, lab 7 Friendship Grace Daniel, lab. 81 n Ann Grace John E. caulker, 142 s Caroline Graham David, porter, 192 Henrietta Graham Geo. waiter, 95 Watson Graham Geo. waiter, 21 Hampstead Graham Henry, lab 221 Hamburg Graham James R. lab. 232 West Graham John H. porter, 48 Orchard Graham .Martha, laund. 232 West Graham Robert, porter, 59 Walker ct Grandison Abram, lab. 67 L..McKlderry Grandisou Charles, porter, 43 Douglass Grandison Charles H. drayman, 95 n Pine Grandison Charles, porter, 95 n Pine Grant Alex, waiter, 6 Bennett Grant Cliarles H. oysters, 121 n Dallas Grant Kmily, laund. 6 Bennett Grant Johu H. lab. 5 Ivey al Grant Lewis R. mariner, 121 n Dallas Grant Wm. shoemkr, 169 Hamburg Grason Charles, waiter, 70 East Grason Wm. J. porter, 263 Cross Graves David, drayman, 168 Henrietta Graves Emily, laund. 42 China Graves Geo. dmy/nan, 165 Peirce Graves Georgiana, cook, 42 China Graves Harriett, laund. 165 Peirce Graves Jos. grain measurer, 168 Henrietta Graves Phoebe, laund. 64 St. Mary Graves Wm. H. lab. 10 Elder al Gray Ann R. laund. 218 Dover Gray .Mrs. Ann, laund. 116 n Regester Gray Anna, laund. 298 e Fayette Gray Anna, laund. 117 York Gray Albert, lab. 8 Stone al Gray .Mrs. Amelia, laund. 87 n Spring Gray Augustus, waiter, 3 Courthouse la Gray Arthur, shucker, 298 e Fayette HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. COLORED PERSONS. 689 Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray ^jray Gray Grav Gni'v Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Griiy Gray Gray Gr.iy Gray Gray Grav Gr4- Grav Benj. R. graiorunner, 138 Cider al Caroline, laund 74 n Dallas Cumberland, butcher, 25 Hope Cyrus, lab. 218 Dover David, lab. 48 Wayne Eiizabetb, servant, i:^5 S Paca Emily, laund. 170 n Spring George, sawyer, 52 Hampstead Henry, lab. 29 Rabortc Henry, scownian, 9u Plum al Henry, drayman, 117 York Horace H. shucker, 102 Welcome al James, driver, 236 Vine Jane, lnund. 218 Dover JohnT. cooper, 4 Hagar ct John, collier, 61 Walker ct John H. lab. 100 Orchanl Joseph H. shucker, 48 Wayne Joseph, carter, l03 Plum al Joseph, lab. 4 Stone al Lucy, laund. lf<9 West Louisa, seaiusiress, 29 Raborg Ma Tjiaret, servant, 102 Welcome al Mary, cook, 103 Plum al Mary A. cook, 17o Dover .Masun, lab. 132 Orchard Nelson, huckster, 17o n Spring GRAY PERRY, Manufacturer of Lining Hoops, Hammer Handles and Slip Bottom Chairs, 172 East. Gray Richard, coachman, 50 L. Monument Gray Samuel, driver, 236 Vine Gray Sarah, lauiid. 48 Wayne Gray Sarab, laund. 72 Burgundy al Gray Silas, waiter, 95 Chesout al Gray Sophia, laund. 48 Wayne Gray Susan, laund. 84 Cider al Gray Susanna, laund. 48 Wayne Gray Thomas, lab. 246 L. Hughes Gray Thomas, porter, 84 Cider al Gray Thomas, lab. 27 Lee Gray Wesley, shucker, 72 Burgundy al Gray Wm. shucker, 105 Welcome al Gray Wm. waiter, 57 w Centre Gray Wm. A. lab. 9«^ St. Mary Gray Wm. H. waiter, 62 Richmond Gray Wm. J. cabinetmaker and undertaker, 65 Mulberry Gr&son Eiiza, laund. 164 n Spring Grayson Georgianna, laund. 25 Arch Grayson James, waiter, 84 Dover Grayson Josepii, lab. 28 s Stockton al Grayson Rosetta, laund. 64 St. Mary Grayson Samuel S. driver, 64 St. .Mary Grayson Solomon, farmer, Waverley Grear Joshua, blocksmith, 254 L. Hughes Green Adam, cook, 88 Cider al Green Alex, hostler, Marvland house Green Alfred, lab. Etting nr Lanvale Green .\lice, laund. 30 Winter al Green Andrew, shucker, 6 Winter al Green Augustus, lab. 5 Carltoa Green Benj. lab. 198 York Green Benj. lab. 80 Goodman al Green Benj. cook, 216 L. Hughes Green Benj. lab. 25 China Green Caroline, servant, 102 Henrietta Green Chas. lab. 8 Donnelly ct Green Chas. oysters, 5 Friendship Green Chas. L. hackman, 40 s Chapel Green Christopher C. lab. 7 Abraham Green Clinton, porter, 172 s Sharp Green Daniel, lab. 90 St. .Mary Green David H. lab. 25 Smith Green David H. lab. 229 Chesnut al Green Diana, laund. 91 Arch Green Edward, mariner, 24() L. Hughes Green Edward, carter, 90 L. Church Green Eli, porter, 35 Rose Green Eliza, laund, 45 Arch Green Elizabeth, laund 18 Elbow la Green Elizabeth, laund. 26 Winter al Green Elizabeth, cook, 8 Donnelly ct Green Emily, laund. 94 L. Church Green Ephraira, wagoner, 214 Vine Green Geo. shucker, 261 Orleans Green Geo. drayman, 88 Cider al Green Geo. whitewasher, 3 s Stockton al Green Geo. waiter, 70 Peirce Green Geo. caulker, 261 Orleans Green Harriet, Inund. 169 Raborg Green Mrs. Henrietta, 51 n Spring Green Henry, lab. 166 Henrietta Green Henry, carp. 183 s Dallas Green Hooper, stevedore, 137 s Dallas Green Isabella, laund. 37 Williamson al Green Isaiah, lab. 4 Edward Green Jacob, porter, 5 Y al Green Jas. lab. n Calhoun ext Gieen Jas. drayman, 198 York Green Jas. lab. 42 Boyd Green Jas. lab. 47 Shuter Green Jas. mariner, 19 Short Gretn Jas. caulker, 25 s Caroline Green Jas. H. lab. 41 n Dallas Green Jas. H. shucker, 154 Sarah Ann Green Jane, cook, 49 White al Green Mrs. Jane, laund. 15 Parrish al Green Jeieraiah, hodcarrier, 123 Welcome Green Jesse, shoemkr, 81 Leadenhall Green John, brickmkr, 7 Dawson al Green John, stevedore, 26 Winter al Green John, bricklayer, 11 s Stockton al Green John, brickmkr, 6 Stockholm Green John, waiter, 104 Cider al Green John, hodcarrier, 30 Winter al Green John, porter, 28 Dover Green John E. bottler, 107 Orchard Green John F. coachman, 43 n Sharp Green John F. coachman, 44 Moore al Green John H. lab. 37 Williamson al Green John H. shucker, 18 Elbow la Green John W. shucker, 56 Sarah Ann Green John W. shucker, 91 Arch Gieen Joseph, porter, 43 Pt-ach al Green Joseph, porter, 82 Peirce Green Joseph, porter, 79^ Peirce Green Joseph, waiter, 66 Richmond Green Joshua, lab. 18 Elbow la Green Kemp, waiter, 176 Tyson Green Laymon, lab. 64 East Green Lazarus, mariner, 61 Cross Green Leah, dressmkr, 261 Orleans Green Leander, coachman, 223 Vine Green Lemuel, hodcarrier, 18 Elbow la Green Lucinda, laund. 7 Abraham Green Lucy, laund. Iu4 • ider al Green Lucy, laund. 6 Winter al Green Lucy, servant, 28 Dover Green Margaret, laund. 18 Elbow la Green Margaret, laund. 90 L. Church Green Mary E. laund. 172 s Sharp al pq o O d o '^ p o o K H < Ph < I— I Eh- < CQ Eh- <^ Oh OQ Pi o O Pi o o Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) 43 o .S ■^t.^ 690 ^T a — MutTial Life Insurance Co. of Ke-w York, COLORED PERSONS. 02 k o o Green Mury Jane, lnund. 5 Y al jj- ^ o Gieen Phoebe, laund. 61 Perry > :r; W Green Rebecca, Uiund. 25 Cliina •jj CC a Green Richard, porter, 11 L. Ross 5 "^ ^ Green Robert, dra.uuan, 272 s Howard Cf^ ^ Green Robert, inarintr, 26 Winter al O "rt Green Robert, lab. 7 n Castle J-l o ^ Green Ruth, cook, iMaryland house " ^-^ c3 Green Saiuuel, hodcarrier, 322 n Durham •"'3 a; Green Samuel jr. 94 L. Church -2 S ^^ Green Sinuuel, shucker, 94 L. Church -^ ^ 5 Green Sarah A. laund. 43 n Sharp .5 X ^ Green Susan, laund. 176 Tyson '^ t>- S ^"^'''" Thomas, coal, il Carlton Ph i> rjq Green Thomas, shucker. 76 Burgundy al ..s i^jy Green Thomas K. lab. 163 York '-^ ^"x Green Thotiias W. lab. 76 Burfzundy al .S ,2 C Green Walter S. barber, 261 Orleans ^ S 5 ^'^6" Washington, lab. 11 Jasper 2 ;::-'5 Green Wesley, hodcarrier, 3 Tessier S S a; ^^'^^" Wm. driver, 125 Peirce a ^fc^ Green Wm. lab. 89 Moore al r5 '^'^ Green Wm. W. lab. 74 Dewberry al _6 o" Green Rev. Wm. 169 Haborg ^'-5 jH Green ^Vm. iali. 14 1 s Dallas "S ^ ^ Green Wm. lab. 45 Arch •r; _^ O Green Wm. waiter, 23 Druid Hill ar Green Wm. waiter, 48 St. Mary a:" Greenwood George T. coachman, 42 Vine g Greenwood Jacob W. lab. 16 Lehrman al ■g Greenwood John H. lab. 74 Holland • 7- Greenwood Rebecca, laund. 16 Lehrman al S- Greenwood Samuel, porter, 315 s Eutaw i^ c Greenwood Samuel, waiter, 105 North ^- c'^ Greer Henry, lab. 216 Hamburg ' '^ ^ Gregory Coloied Aged Women's Home, Sarah cu fjq S5 A. Williams, matron. Homestead ■-^2 Gregory Royal, waiter, 61 Oxford .1^ "-' ri Griffin Adelaide, seamst's and groc'y, 226 West r^ t^ ^ Griffin Amelia, servant, 30 Dover -S '^ J^ Griffin Alexander, shucker, 56 Lewis K ^ Griffin Allen, waiter, 154 Cathedral '^ i^ og Griffin August, waiter, 13 Hamilton ^ pj Griffin Barney, 7 Dartlett •" c a Griffin Caroline, cook, 4 Harden ct « C § Griffin Cecilia, laund. 24 East I; ., o Grillin Mrs. Cassandra, laund. 10 Peacb al ^ x*^ Griffin Charles, lab. 109 s Bethel O ^ Griffin Charles, lab. 22 Stockholm § iS K^ Griffin Delsie, mantuamkr, 38 Raborg *i! T^ Griffin Edward, grain runner, 16 Jew al o t -Dh '^ ^ Griffin Eliza, laund. 4 Hurnden ct ,!j .i; 5:!^ Griffin Ellen, laund. 5 Race ^ '2 ^ Griffin Eugene, cigarmkr, 38 Walker 3 ^ ^ Griffin Hannah, laund. 40 Peach al CD ^ Griffin Harriet, laund. 42 Dover ? ^ .n Griffin Henrietta, laund. 238 L. Hughes 2J -^ C Griffin Henry, waiter, 148 Lee g +^ cJ Griffin James, waiter, 30 Dover § C I5 Griffin Janus, 98 s Howard sJ> -f" C©- Griffin James E. huckster, 226 West s.^ xf v^ Griffin James, stevedore, 6 Tenpin al *^' c a Griffin James, lab. n Calhoun ext "2 '" "x Griffin James, lab. 47 Elbow la S H-i '.p Griffin James E. barber, 90 Stirling 3 >» iJ Giitlin Jane, laund. 134 Stirling ^ "T" L- /'..UK., T,..,..;.. 1 J ,'c I /-11... Griffin Jennie, laund. 65 L. Church .- cc Griffin Jervis, lab. 10 Peach al ^ 2 .„ Griffin John H. theological student, 44Sarfttoga 2 oj t. Griffin John, drayman, 42 Dover •S t^ S ^'■'^'^ Ji'hn, lab. 9 Eutaw ct .:1s a^ >, Griffin John T. barber, 190 s Howard Griffin Lemuel G. brickmkr, 190 s Howard Griffin Lemuel G. jr. shucker, 258 s Howard Griffin Levi, 4 Harnden ct Griffin Louisa, laund. 25 Smith Griffin Margaret, laund. 47 Elbow la Griffin Margaret, laund. 106 Orchard Grillin Maria, laund. 9 Eutaw ct Griffin Nancy, seamstre.'^s, 98 s Howard Griffin Nelson, lab. 106 Orchard Griffin Ricliard, cigarmkr, 230 Vine Griffin Mrs. R 28 n Durham Griffin Robert, shucker, 4 Forrest Griffin Sarah, servant, 16 Jew al, o t Griffin Wm. lab. 238 L. Hughes Griffin Wm. 230 Vine Griffin Wm. stevedore, 65 L. Church Griffin Wm. drayman, 8 Bouldin al Griffin Wm. iriariner. 40 Peach al Griffin Wm. shucker, 45 Hampstead Griffin Wm. H. lab. 182 s Howard Griffin Wm. J. waiter, 38 Raborg Griffiih Adeline, laund 26 Oxford Grimes Geo. carter, 13 Haw Grimes Geo huckster, 267 West Grimes Htster, laund. 13 Haw Grinus Richard, waiter, 9 Camden Grinnage John, porter, 30 Perry Gnnuall James, lab. 11 Vine Grinnall Maria, laund. 81 Cider al Griiiuall Sanders, hostler, 81 Cider al Grinnell Ann, laund. 90 n Ann Grinuidge Ann, laund. 53 Dover Grinnidge Eli, sawyer, 53 Dover Grinuidge Elijah, lab. 158 n Spring Grinnidge Lotta, laund. 53 Dover Groom Richard, brickmkr, 190Chesnutal Grooms George W. shucker, 14 Elbow la Grooms Hester, laund. 183 Tyson Grooms John E. lab. 30 Walker Grooms John E. janitor, 7 Mechanics Ct G rooms Joseph, lab. 20 Cidi-r al Grooms .Mary E. dressmkr, 14 Elbow la Grooms Mary Ruse, dressmkr, 66 St. .Mary Grooms Nathaniel, barber,Saratoga nr Howard, dw 66 St. Mary Grooms Othello, drayman, 183 Tyson Grooms Sarah E. dressmkr, 14 Elbow la Grooms Theodore, barber, 17 n Hollidaj Gross Alice V. nurse, 261 L. Hughes Gioss Annie, cuok, 4 X al Gross Ann M. cook, 61 Dover Gross .Anna, laund. 201 L. Hughes Gross Benj. waiter, 30 Oxford Gross Benj. sexton, 317 s Howard Gross Benj. hodcarrier, 4 X al Gross Chas. shucker, 47 Elbow la Gross Chas. shucker, 222 n Durham Gross Chas. H. coachman, 76 Peirce Gross Chas. II. porter, 55 Rkborg Gross Charlotte A. laund. 211 Hamburg Gross Mrs. Delia, laund. 5 Gelston ct Gross David W. shuekir, 162 York Gross Daniel, lab. 66 Biddle al Gross Dorcas, laund. 61 Dover Gross Dennis, porter, 40 St. Mary Gross Edward, lab. 323 s Howard Gross Elizabeth, laund. 4 Calhoun ct Gross Emily, laund. 55 Raborg Gioss Frances, laund. 227 Chesnut al Gross Frances, laund. 49 Elbow la Gross Frisby, mariner, 13 Leadenhall Gross Georgianna, laund. 73 Plum al HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, ^, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. ~ 691 ■Cxross Hannah, laund, 261 L. Hughes Gross Henry W. porter. 13 Rose Hackett Wm. whitewasiifr, 136 York Ha,gan Cornelia, seamstress, 1 Eutaw ct Hagan Otho, waiter, 1 Eutaw ct I Haines Alfred,liquors,se corFranklin andJasper ] Haines Richard, lab. 27 w Lombard Hales Isaac, stevedore, 8 Jones ct I Hales 'Wm. lab. 8 Jones ct Haley Alex, mariner, 191 s Dallas Haley Alex, mariner, 2 Winchester al Hall Abraham, whitewasher, 256 Raborg Hall Andrew, shucker, 241 Orleans Hall Ann M. dressmkr, 210 Dover Hall Ann, laund. 269 L Hughes Hall Arena, dressmkr, 265 Montgomery Hall Benj, carter, 47 Harmony la Hal! Benj. porter, 69 Perry Hall Chas, W. drayman, 112 Chesnut ai Hall Chas. E. processor, 58 Laurens al Hall Chas. hodcarrier, 76 Myrtle av Hall David, hostler, 150 Forrest Hall David, hostler, 3 Horn Hall David L lab. Carlton and Franklin Hall Daniel H. porter, 14 Boyd Hall Dennis, lab. 15 Chesnut al Hall Edward, v\aiter, 202 York Hall Edward, sawyer, 26 s Stockton al Hall Edward, oyster shucker, 180 s Dallas Hall Edward L. barber, 49 East Hall Ella, laund. 77 Harmony la Hall Eliza, laund. 90 Chesnut al Hall Elias, drayman, 103 Orchard Hall Elisabeth, laund. 165 Raborg Hall Elizabeth, laund. 50 L Church Hall Elizabeth, laund. 74 Jasper Hall Elizabeth, dressmkr, 107 Stirling Hall Emma, laund. 75 Myrtle av Hall Emily, cook, 82 Columbia Hall Fanny, laund. 52 R iborg Hall Fanny, laund. 6 Wagon al Hall Fred. lab. 6 Wagon al Hall Geo. carter, 17 Elbow la Hall Geo, porter, Patterson la nr Penna av Hall Geo. C. waiter, 77 Park av Hall Geo. W. hadcarrier, 269 L Hughes Hall Geo. W. oysters, 30 O.KforJ Hall Gideon, drayman, 69 Perry Hall Henrietta, laund. 47 Harmony la Hall Henderson, lab. 198 u Exeter Hall Henry, drayman, 102 Jasper Hall Hiram, coachman, Penna av ext Hall John W. drayman, 103 Welcome al Hall James, hodcarrier, 71 Harmony la Hall Isaiah, lab. 84 Sarah Ann Hall Jacob, lab. 8 Slerrett Hall Rev. James D. 3 Mullikin Hall James P. butcher, 54 Mullikin Hall John, carp. 14 Chesnut Hall John, lab, 8 s Amity Hall John, lab. 37 Chesnut al Hall Joseph, lab. 21 Bouldin al Hall Joseph, drayman, 18 Carlton Hall Julia, servant, 92 Columbia Hall Louisa, laund. 21 Bouldin al a c3 o3 o O o o -3 p o o v4 pq ft H o I— I O W P P o o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No, 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 692 COLORED PERSONS. H W H P^ H ^ rr? H a K« M n < <^ O W H O P 111 O Ul ^ CO o KH o * o o K O O Hall Laura J. laund. 103 Welcome al Hall Miirv A. aeamatress, li'2 Raborg Hall Mary, cook, 2 Jackson ct H:tll Murv F. servant, 76 Jasper Hall Dr. "Milton, 266 s Sharp Hall Mordecai. lab. 9 n Durham Hall Natlian, lab. 8 Boyd Hall Nathan, lab. ?, Pin al Hall Nathaniel A. barber, 218 Stirling Hall Perry, lab. 39 Orchard Hall Peter, lab. 198 n Kxeter Hall Rachel, grocery, 14 Chesniit Hall Iiichard, coachman, 89 Camel al Hall Saimiel, lab. 37 Chesuut al Hall Sarah, laund. 69 Harmony la Hall Sarah, laund. 69 Perry Hall vSusan, laund. 33 T.vson Hall Thos. drayman, 18 Carlion Hall Thos. I. drayman, 103 Welcome al Hall Thos. lab. 50 L Church Hall Thos. waiter, 75 Druid Hill av Hill Thos. lab. 1 Jenkins al Hall Thos. lab Foster al nr Hoffman Hall Wm. H. driver, 91 s Bethel Hall Wm. lab. 61 Richmond Hall Wm. H. driver, 20 L Broadway Hall Wm. H. driver, 52 Raborg Hall Wm. H. wood, Park av and Camel al, dw 152 w Hoffman Hall Wm. waiter. 124 Conway Hailidav Handy, lab. 58 Williamson al Halliday Wm. F. lab. 58 Williamson al Halsey Mrs. Mary, dressrakr, 27 China Halsey Wm. mariner, 27 China Hamer Harriet, laund 82 L. McElderry Hanier Hezekiah, lab. 82 L. .McElderry Hamer Jane, cook, 340 L. Vine Hamir Joseph C. barber, 120 n Gay, dw 15 Mechanics ct Hamer Joseph C. jr. barber, 15 Mechanics ct Hamil PMward, waiter, 8 Hubbard al Hamilton Alex, porter, 44 Raborg Hamilton Benj. hostler, 8 Hubbard al Hamilton Ellen, cook, 89 Jasper Hamilton Geo. waiter, 37 Burgundy al Hamilton Geo. waiter, 6 Cohen al Hamilton Mrs. Georgianna, laund. 6 Cohen al Hamilton Mrs. Georgiana, laund. 37 Burgundy al Hamilton Henson, lab. 2 Peach al Hamilton Mary, laund 2 Peach al Hamilton Murray, lab. 22 Short Hamilton Wm. porter, 32 Burgundy al Harnraell Willis, hod carrier, 123 Welcome al Hammond .Mrs. Ann, laund. Stockton al nr Har- lem av Hammond Caroline, servant, 123 Pearl Hammond Chas. junk, 10 Leadenhall Hammond Chas. lab. 38 Josephine Hammond Charlotte, 56 Laurens al Hammond Daniel, coachman, 332 L. Vine Hammond Elizabeth, cook, 109 Sarah Ann Hammond Frances, cook, 109 Sarah Ann H.immond Geo. lab. 109 Sarah Ann Hammond Grafton, waiter, 109 Sarah Ann Hammond Harriet, laund. 65 Aich Hammond Henry T. mariner, 146 n Bethel Hammond Jas. H. lab. 2 Sterrelt Hammond Jas. porter, 123 Pearl Hammond Jas. H. 24 Stirling Hammond Jerry, mariner, 11 Claret al Hammond John, lab. 108 a Bethel Hammond John, lab. Stockton al nr Harlem av Hammond John, barber, '65 Arch Hammond Josephine, laund. 332 L. Vine Hammond Louisa, cook, 51 Carlton Hammond Louisa, laund. 117 Chesnut al Hammond Mary A. 146 n Bethel Hammond .Mary, laund. 56 Laurens al Hammond Nancy, laund. 4 Plum row Hammond Peter, coachman, 56 Laurens al Hammond Robt. cook, 64 Peirce Hammond Shadracb, carp. 53 Carlton Hammoml Solomon, carp. 47 L. Church Hammond Wm. cook, 4 Plum row Hammond Wm. J. waiter, 123 Pearl Hammond Wm. A. porter, 104 n Regester Hampton H. waiter, 65 Raborg Hampton Jas. grain measurer, 200 s Howard Hampton Mrs. Carrie, dressinkr, 170 Park av Hauc; Jesse, lab. 388 n Durham Haiid^iberry Hamilton, coachman. Mason al nr Dolphin Handy Alex. lab. 201 Mullikin Handy .Mrs. Ann, 38 n Frederick Handy Caleb, mariner, 214 Hanover Handy Dennis, waiter, 10 Elder al Handy Fred. lab. 144 York Handy Green, lab. 173 West Handy Mrs. Harriet E. 38 n Frederick Handy Ht-nry, shucker, 33 n Sharp Handy Isaac, porter, 20 Union Handy John, hodcairier, rear 182 West Handy Joseph, waiter, 23 Bouldin al Handy Levin, waiter, 25 Druid Hill av Handy Louisa, laund. 25 Druid Hill av Handy .Mary A. laund. 201 Mullikin Handy Milburn, stevedore, 153 West Handy Samuel, waiter, 6 Waters ct Handy Samuel, whitewasher, 6 Leadenhall Hanie Maria, laund. 46 L. Church Hanson Asbury, lab. 173 Tyson Hanson Charlotte, laund. 173 Tyson Hanson John, lab 18 Brewer al Harden Ann, laund. 71 Arch Harden Cyrus, lab. 42 Chesnut Harden Eliza, laund. 49 L. Monument Harden Jeremiah, waiter, 34 Richmond Harden Jos. mariner, 81 Jefiferson Harden Mary A. laund. 25 Wayne Harden Matthew, grainraeasurer, 61 Perry Harden Moses, whitewasher, 26 Sarah Ana Harden Sarah, laund. 61 Perry Harden. Thos. shucker, 82 Elbow la Hardy Abram, waiter, 151 Henrietta . Hardy Anthony, sawyer, 29 Dove Hardy Caroline, laund. 2 Watersrct Hardy Celia, laund. 151 Henrietta Hardy Chas. E. waiter, 101 Dover Hardy Eleanor, cook, 41 L. .McElderry Hardy Elias, shoemkr, 37 Barre Hardy Eliza, laund, 36 Carlton Hardy Elizabeth, laund. 29 Dover Hardy Henry, lab. 89 Stirling Hardy Jacob, cook, 37 Barre Hardy Jas. lab. 36 Carlton Hardy John, lab. 41 L. McElderry Hardy John S. lab. 151 Henrietta Hardy John, driver, 2 Waters ct Hardy Jos. shucker, 106 Henrietta Hardy Mary A. servant, 199 Barre Hardy Rachel, laund. 294 s Howard Hardy Rhoda, servant, 106 Henrietta Hardy Sand, carter, 294 8 Howard Hardy Wm. waiter, 10 Sarah Ann HENRY HOEN d CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. Jp the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ~ COLORED PERSONS 693 Hare Wm. FI. painter, 70 Conwa}' Hargo Lewis, waiter, 76 Welcome al Hargraves McKenzie, driver, 5 Walker ct Hargraves Wra. waiter, 193 n Front Harlan Spencer, lab. 6 L. May Harland Henj. waiter, .38 Morris al Harland Daniel, porter, 38 Morris al Harland Daniel jr. waiter. 38 Morris al Harman Edw. shiicker, 2 Peach al Harnian Elsie, cook, 23 Guilford al Harman Frank, mariner, 12 X al Harman John E. carter, 206 e Lombard Harman Lloyd, marii^er, 5H L. Church Harman Richard, I;ib. 10 Winter al Harman Wesley, sawyer, .56 L. Church Harman Wesley, mariner, 15 Race Harney Moses, porter, 273 Orleans Harper Geo. lab. 212 West Harper Geo. W. waiter, 52 F-tting Harper J.I mes, barber, 126 Hill Harper John, shurker, 126 Hill Harper John, waiter, 75 Mvrtle ar Harper Mrs. Mary A. 126 Hill Harper Robt. H. coachraMn, 52 Etting Harper Wm. jiaperbanger, 126 Hill Hariidaj Geo. stevedore, 28 Vine Harriday Jas. whitewasher, 70 Josephine Harriday Jesse, lab. 7 Georjie al Harriday Louisa, housecleaner, 70 Josephine Harriday Louisa. laund. 98 Walker et Harriday Perry, hodcarrier, 70 Jnsephine Harriday Rachel A. laund. 28 Vine Harriday Wni. whiiewasher, 175 Warner Harris Abraham, carp. 6 Harndei'. ct Harris Alex, plasterer, 17 Leadenhall Harris Alex. lab. 41 Doujilass Harris Alice, seamstress, 260 s Bond Harris Alonzo, waiter, 57 Clay Harris Andrew, sawyer, 82 Stirling Harris Anna, laund. 46 Wayne Harris Asbury, porter, 43 Chesnut al Harris Austin, lab. 30 Shuter Harris Caroline, laund. 30 Shuter Harris Catherine, cook, 30 Winter al Harris Catherine, laund. 4 Butler al Harris Catto, gardener, Reisierstowa road nr first tollgate Harris Chas. lab. 5 Plowman Harris Clias. engineer, 57 s Dallas Harris Chas. hodcarrier. 6 Hudson Harris Ch:is. H. brickmkr, 17 Leadenhall Harris Chas. T. porter 4 Butler al Harris Danl. oysters, 197 Stirling Harris Edward", grocery, 1H3 .Mullikin Harris Eliza, laund. 57 s Dallas Harris Eliza, laund. 17 Wilmer al Harris Elizabeth, restaurant, 70 Conway, dw 137 Welcome al Harris Kllen, laund. 57 Clay Harris Eliza, servant, 79 L. Church Harris Eva, laund, 109 Welcome al Harris Fred, brickmkr, 240 L. Hughes Harris George, weigher, 62 Biddle al Harris Geo. barkeeper, 49 Carlton Harris George, scownun, 179 Hill Harris George, welldigger, 29 Union Harris George, lab. Liberty rd opp Carey Harris Geo. W. lab. Vincent nr Baker Harris Geo shucker, 17 Pin al Harris Geo. mariner, 13 Bounty la Harris Mrs. Harriet, cook, 70 n Dallas Harris Harriet, laund. 134 Welcome al Harris Henr^', waiter, 16 Rose Harris Henry, lab. 159 n Dallas Harris Henry, [lorter, 15 Union al Harris Henry, lab. 128 n Eden Harris J;icoli, lab. 128 Welcome al Harris Jacob, carter, 106 Burgundy al Harris Jas. shucker, 30 Vine Harris Jas. shucker, 259 Cross Harris Jas. A. jr. lab 76 St. Mary Harris Jas. l.tb. 1 18 Sarah Ann Harris Jas. lab. 65 Sarah Ann H;irris James A. caterer, 117 St. Pml Harris Jas. A. brickmkr, 76 St. .Mary Harris Janit-s, mariner, 80 n Dallas Harris Jane, laund. 128 Welcome al Harris Jeffrey, lab. 197 Stirlinsi Harris Jeffrey jr. lab. 197 Stirling Harris Jeri-miah, hostler, 79 Harmony la Harris Job, lab. 134 Welcome al Harris John, mariner, 19 n Dallas Hiirris John, sawyer, 228 West Harris John, driver, 21 Elbow la Harris John, drayman, 70 n Dallas Harris John, mariner, 283 Hamburg Harris John P. whitewasher, 260 s Bond Harris Joseph, musician, 65 Welcome al Harris Jost-ph, shoemkr, 10 Gould la Harris Joseph, lab. 146 n Dallas Harris Lewis, drayman, 17 Pin al Harris Lewis waiter, 17 O.xford Harris Louisa, laund. 228 West Harris Louisa, laund. 283 Hamburg Harris .Margaret, 114 n Paca Harris Margaret, laund 21 Elbow la Harris Marga'et, servant, 90 w .Monument Harris .Margaret, laund. 80 n Dallas Harris Miria, laund. 90 n Ann Harris Martha, laund. 105 Hill Harris Miry, laund. ID'iChesnutal Harris Mary E laund. 6 Harnden ct Harris Mary A. 12 George al Harris Philip, waiter. 57 Clay Harris Phoebe, laund. 84 Jasper Harris Randolph, waiter, 30 Dover Harris Richard, shucker. 15 Claret al Harris Richard, plasteier, 7 Gelston ct Harris Robert, lab. 134 York Harris Rosetta, ISNeijrhbor Harris Sanil. lab. 46 Wayne Harris Sarah, laund. 46 Wayne Harris Sarah J. servant, 20.t Lee Httrris Solomon, lab. 256 .McDonogh Harris Stephen, waiter, 98 Tyson Harris Spencer, lab. 57 Clay Harris Susan J. servant, Preston nr Druid Hillav Harris Susanna, laund. 17 Leadenhall Harris Thos. whitewasher, 1 s Bethel Harris Victoria, laund. 6 Harnden ct Harris Virginia, boarding, 65 Welcome al Harris Wesley, waiter, 24 .Marion Harris Wesley, lab. 53 Harraonv la Harris Wm. H. hodcarrier, 19 Carlton Harris Wm. shucker, 183 .Mnllikin Harris Wm, waiter, 4 Peirce Harris Wm. H. brickmkr. West nr Warner Harris Wm. H. lab. 69 Arch Harris Wilson, waiier, 24 Dover Harris Zachariah, huckster, 19 Welcome al Harrison Andrew, siw\er, 47 Carlton Harrison Catherine, seamstress, 121 Hamburg Harrison Delilah, midwife, 15 Gould la Harrison Horace, brickmkr, 47 Carlton OS PQ o O o o o o OQ ;:; a) r« bD 03 t—^ r") ^ P4 ^ a w >. .-^ c ^ ^ 03 r^ y. ,-H ■^ C^ — ^ ^) Vi „ •~j CD >N '~. o -«^ - m u 1— 1 O -tJ VI rn O) > X ^ r^ m -5 '•^ pi 1; c- • '"' o "" ^ K-3 o ^'" »o ,^ ** cq t^ 0-1 3 H ^ c o ^ >. ^ ^ < w S <^ ^ ai "•*J ~^ £J ^ ^H ^ ^ ' Si s^ • ' o 5 a,' w rf, • >-, V cn "T Os P-- Ti o "*^ "s -^ ^^ •^ e D t: 1) '^ o a; . ^- s r^ ^ •^ X 03 '■o 0) :»-, 03 w Hiirrison Irvine, shucker, rear 156 GeriE'tm Hnnison John, carp. 15 Gould la H.urisou Jolia F. draymsin, 140 n Caroline Harrison LiK^y, laiind. reir 136 Germ.in Harrison Mary V.. laiind. 140 n Caroline Harrison Saninel, driver, 128 Stirling Harrison Thos. draynum, 3G Oxford Harrison Wni H. carp. 6 Harriden cJ Harrison Wia siiiuke-r, f)Yoiinir Harrod Riiza J. laund. 206 Han>burg Harrod Darid. 221 s Eutaw Harrod Rev. John E. 20(5 Warner Harrod Nancy, laund. 87 Orchard Harrod Nichol is. lab. 88 Miller j Harrod Patrick H. lab. 20f» Hamliurj,' j Hariod Sanmel, shucker, 131 Hill ^ Hut Lonisa. lannd. Cirlton nr Franklin 5 Hart Pet'^r, driver, Carlton nr Franklin | Hart Samuel, lab. 117 n Durham \ Harvey Amos, dravroan, Vil Siirltntr \ Hirvey Mrs. Bi-linda, laund. 212 n Dallas Harvey Lewis, bib. 132 Stirl?nir ! H.irvey Nelson, hodcrrier, &3 John's cl ; Harvey Kacbei A. launtJ. 10 O'Doonc-Il j Harvey Samuel, whiiewasher. Butcher's la H-irvey Thos. K. barber, 211 w Pratt I Harvev Wru. lab. lu O'Donnell | llasley Albert, lab. W'l SLuter Hatcbisoti Klis-ibeth. laund. 104 Fratiklirt Hatchison Wesley, musician. 104 Franklin \ Halion Dennis, grainrunner. 40 Chesnul Hatton Geo. H. lab. 35 L. Monument Ilatton Joshua, [>orter, 317 n Durham Havard Joseph, lanuer, 49 L. Fle-isanl Hawkins Ale.K. sliuckei-, Joiiian al nr Hoffn)an Hawkins Anthony , faruier, 14 Jew al, o. t. H iwkins Aquilla, wliitewasher, T2 Davis HawUiiis Chas. porter, }o& Chesaut al Hawkins Chas. waiter, 32 Dover Hawkins Daniel, lab. 47 Hiddie al Hawkins Doctor, barber, 79 E.ist Hawkins Elizabeth, lannd. 140 n Caroline Hawkins Elizi J. laiind. 10!) Chesnut al Hawkins Ellen, laund. 28 Union Hawkins Fdward, lab. 72 Davis Hawkins Edward, oysteia, 139 York Hawkins Fanny, laund. 14 Jew al, o. t. Hawkins Geo. stiucker, 139 York Hawkins Geo. H porter, 223 n Dallas Hawkins Hammond, lab. 47 Boyd Hawkins Henry C. clerk, 67 Orchard Hawkins Hillary, lab. 314 Raborg Hawkins Hillary jr. lab. 314 Raborg Hawkins Jacob, tab. 27 Wayne Hawkins J is. uiariner. 287 s Eutaw Hawkins J is. waiter. 72 Laurens a? Hawkins Jas. lat). IG Bouldin al Hawkins Jas. waiter, 93 w Baltimore Hawkins Jas. waiter, 43 Arch Hawkins Jane, servant, Boile nr Amity Hawkins John, shoemkr, 134 York Hawkins Louisa, laund. MTChesmit Hawkins Lloyd, lab. Waverley Hawkins Liilher, lab. 114 Sai'ah Ann Hawkins Mar^zarel, laund. .H2I Hamburg Hawkins N. 11. waiter. 73 Druiii Hill av Hawkins Peter, lab. 12 L. .^louon)erlt H.iwkins Itachcl, huck.slress, 1 .H9 York Hawkins Riih ird, 85 H.-irjirove al Hawkins lSuuI. drayman, 214 Dover Hawkins S.iraii, servant, 174 York Hawkins Thos. 45 n Chapel Hawkins Wm. hodc-arrier. 321 Hamburg Hawks John, drayman, 28 Rose Haydeu Jacob, fireman, 73 Li^adenball Hayden Joshua, pressman. 141 n Caroline Hayden Nicholas, porter, 158 n Front Haynes Alfred, srrainrnnner, 175 West llaynes Richard, cook. 27 w Lombard Hays Araminta, laund. 101 Henrietta Hays Chas. shucker, 104 HeTirietta Hays Ch.is. H drayman, 9G Elbow la Hays Frances, dressmkr, 209 Hamburg H^ys Geor^'ianua, laund 96 Klbow la Hays John W. shucker, 209 Hamburg Hayward Emily, cook, 1 Pariish al Hayw.ird MMhata A. laund. 211 L. Huphes Hayward Marcellus, driver, 2&4 n Front Hayward Hamilton, lab. 360 n Howard Hayward Henry, coachman. I Parrish al Hazelton Alex, lab 146 Preston Hazeltim Alex, hodcarrier, 24 Gilbert Hazelton Geo. shucker. '^2 Peirce Hazelton Jas. lab. 4 McElderry ct Hazelton Jerry, bodcurrier, 9 Bouldin a] Hazelton .Mary, laund. 14 .McRlderry cl Hazelton Saml. lab. 14 McElderry ct Hazelton Sobunon, lab. 28 St. Mary Hizlelon Wm. porter, 5 Pin al Healv El ward A. currier,. 50 Fawn Heath Erhvd. yrainmeasurer. 90 East Heath Rdwd. y. waiter, 90 East Heath Elizabeth, dres.smkr, 3 Arch Heath Georeta, seamstress, 74 Orchard Heath Harriet, l'\und. 74 Orchard Heath John, I.-.b. 90 Rassell Heath Jos. shucker, 2i)2 Hamburg Heath Laura, dressmkr, 3 Arch Heath Lloyd, dravnian, 306 w HofiFman Heaih Lucy, servant, 2o2 Hamburg Heath Nelson, shucker, 184 Warner Heath Robt. shucker. 70 Josephine Heath Thos. biickmkr, 22 Wintpr al Het)rew Julia, servant, 238 s Dallas Hebrew Sarah A. cook, 21 Arch Hebron Abraham, driver, 74 Bursrundy al Hebron Mre. Hester, laund. 73 Union Hebron John. lab. 29 Union Hedges Caroline, seamstress, 20 Wagon al Hedges Rev, Charles, 28 Bolton Hedsrcs Philip, lab. 20 Wa^jon al Heii:ht Gabriel, lab. I(i8 n Spring Height Henry, lab. 214 Hanover Height Lewi.s, driver, 25 O.vford Hellen Artliur, 10 Brannan ct Ilelnisley Ale.\. bndertaker, 198 s Howard Helmsley Chus. porter, 5 Jenkins al Helinsley Eleanora, servant, 27 Carlton Helmsley Isaac, hodcarrier, 37 Moore al Helmsley James W. 5 Jenkins al Helmsley Ltiura A. laund. 5 Calhoun ct Helmsley Win. H. sa^^yer. 5 Calhoun ct Hemsley Levi, lab. 142 Sarah Ann Hemsley Win. lab. 108 s lieihel Henderson Andre .v, porter, 32 Druid Hill ar Hendei'son Jas. porter, 8 New ('lunch Henderson John, diiver, 54 St. Mary Henderson R-becca, pies, 70 s Bethel Henderson Wm. sawyer. 77 HHrmony la Henley Robt. driver, 9.'! ILiruTove al Henry Devyrby, drayman. 13 L. Montgomery Henry Eliaa, laund. 22 Leadenhall Heury Harry, lab. 249 s Rulaw Henry Harriet, seamstress, 249 s Eutaw HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &g. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 695 Henry Plehrew C. porter, 14 Leadenhall Henry Isaiah, lah. 55 Josephine Henry Jacob, shucker, 256 L. Hughes Henry Jas. waiter, 15 Jew al Henry Jane, laund. 13 Haw Henry Jane, laund. 33 Wayne Henr}- Jonas, conk, 216 Hanover Henry Jos. whitewaslier, 49 Williamson al Henry Lucinda, se^unstress, 33 Wayne Henry Mariraret, laund. 204 WfSl Henry Mary A. lauad. 16 Shiiter Henry Mary, laund. 14 Leadenhall Henry Matilda, cook, 257 Montiromery Henry Nathan, lab. 113 n Chapel Henry Palestine S. porter, 204 West Henry Resin D. drayman, 257 Montftomery Henry Ridinrd. drayman, 267 Orleans Henry Robt. waiter, 247 s Eutiiw Henry Sarah A. lauud. 216 Hanover Henry Susan, laund. 256 L. Hu<;he,-! Heury Susan, laund. 13 L. Montofoinerv Heiny Thaddeus jr. shucker, 16 Shuter Henry Thaddeus ?r. firainmeasurer, 16 Sliuter Henry Th-o. A. V. lali. 22 Leadenhall Henry Tlios. lab. 56 Moore al Henry Washington, engineer, 33 Wayne Henry Wm. J. hodcarrier, 7 Chapel ct Henson Albert, waiter, 6 Carlton Hensou .Amos, huckster, 43 n Dallas Henson Basil, whitewash'-r, 44 Camel al Henson Mrs. ("aroline, confec'y, 7 s Stockton al Henson Clias. waiter, 77 Dover Henson Danl. hostler, 48 Pear al Henson Eliza, laund. 98 Dover Henson Frank, porter, 59 Pin al Henson Geo. porter, 102 East Henson Henry J. whitewasher, 7 s Stockton al Hensou Jacob, porter, 31 Dover Henson Jas e.vpressin.iii, 134 n Caroline Henson James M. drivir, 1 Ross Henson John, drayman, ^17 Iceland al Henson John, lab. 99 Plum al Henson Jo:ni, lab. 64 Saraii Ann Henson John, porter, 93 Harmony la Heuson John W. porter, 57 Walker ct Henson Joseph, lab. 34 Edwaril Henson Lucretia Borojia. laund. 134 n Caroline Henson Li-uis, shucker, 318 L. .Montgomery Henson .Martha, shucker, 6 Rickelt al Henson .Maria, laund. 77 Dover Henson Marv A. lauud. 6 Rickett ul Henson .Miuta, laund. 67 Leadenhall Henson N ithan, huckster, 122 Jasper Hensou Nathan, driver. Second av nr Clinton Henson Oliver, wa^tmer, 91 North Henson Peter, lab. 6 Rickett al Henson Richard, porter, 14>! Rabort: Henson Sarah, lauud. 93 Harmons la Henson Wm. stevedore, 81 n Dallas Hensi>n Wm. lab. 34 Edward Heibcrt Elijah, hodcarriei', 313 s Howard Herbert Geo. lab. .60 n Front Herbert Isaiah, Ijucksicr, 193 Orleans Herbert .lohn. waiter, 72 Chesnut al Herbert Louis, bnbe-. 108 Dujran's whf Herbert .Martha, laund. 2 Tiust al Herbert Mary, lauml. 2 Trust al Herbert Mary E. teacher, 62 D'Vis Herbert Piiili|), waiter, 74 Burgundy al Hester John, waiter, 44 Raborg Heveiis Richard, oystennan, 319 s Howard Hewitt Eliza, laund. 51 Biddle al Hewitt Henry, driver, 51 Biddle al Hewitt Thos. porter, 23 Josephine Hickman Edward, shoemkr, 63 Perry Hickman Susan A. laund. 63 Perry Hicks Anna, servant. Hi L. Church Hicks Ohas. barber, 154 Low Hicks Chas. lab. 14 Short al Hicks Ellen, laund. 90 s Dallas Hicks Hannah, 48 Chesnut al Hicks Hannah A. laund. 48 Chesnut al Hicks Henry, lab. 90 s D.illas Hicks Jarret H. waiter, 48 Chesnut al Hicks John, waiter, 20 Morris al Hicks Rev. Lewis, 70 Conway Hicks Richard, driver, 2 B'-nnelt Hicks Richard, oysters, 8 Parrish al Hicks Wm. coachman. 156 w Hotfman Hicks Wm. hostler, 73 Mullikiu Higuins Geo. lab. 57 s Bethel High Clinton, shucker, 24 Wagon al High Jas. shucker, 131 n Caroline High Samuel, shucker, 131 n Caroline High Thos. H. shucker, 251 s Eutaw Hill Abraham, shucker, 47 n Spring Hill Alfred, waiter, 8s .Mulberry ct Hill Alex. lab. 76 Chesnut Hill .\manda, laund. 8 Pin al Hill .Ameia, laund, 133 Welcome al Hill Anna, cook, 69 Harmon v la Hill Andrew P. waiter, 66 Walnut al Hill Basil, lab. 10 Walnut al Hill Catherine, laund. 93 Chesnut a'l Hill Edward, huckster, 50 w ("entre Hill Ellen, cook, 20 Wagon al Hill Elisha, waiter, 24 Dover Hill Emily, laund. 230 West Hill Geo. mariner, 64 East Hill Geo. A. lab. 93 Chesnut al Hill Harriet, I lund. 36 Raborg Hill Horace, waiter, 39 H.unpstead Hill Henry, cook, 9 Pin al Hill Jane, laund. 88 Mulberry ct Hill Jas. shucker, 50 Morris al Hill Jas. shucker, 113 Jasper Hill Jas. carter, 14 Camel al Hill Jas. H. tetcher, 285 Hamburg Hill John, waiter, 16 Rose Hill John, shucker, 18 L. Broadway Hill John H. lab. 47 Tyson Hill Mrs. Julia A. laund. 2 Smith al Hill Laura, laund. 47 Tyson Hill Lawrence, lab. 15 i Henrietta Hill Lorenzo, lab. 175 Mullikin Hill Louisa, lauud 47 n Sjiring Hill Marv, laund. 140 Harmony la Hill .Mary, lauml. 9 Pin al Hill Mary J. dressmkr, 153 Henrietta Hill Marg.artt, laund. 192 Chesnut al Hill Marv J. laund 7 L. Vine Hill Mrs" Martha E. cook, I Bond st ct Hill Nathaniel, bookbinder, 8 Pin al Hill Nathaniel, waiter, 88 .Mulberry ct Hill Richard, mariner, 153 Henrietta Hill Surah, laund. 88 Mulberry ct Hill Svlvester, porter, 15 Vine Hill Thus, carti-r, 285 Hamburg Hill Thos. porter, 24 Josephine Hill Thos. E. lab. 128 Sarah Ann Hill Wm. hodcarrier, 7 L. Vine Hill Wm. H. coachman, 192 Chesnut al Hill Wm. R. driver. 230 West Hill Zoe, cook, 46 Harmony la c3 c3 pq o O d o '^ p o o CD o t— ( )— t !> ' — i H liUPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 696 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. H W W P^ H t< c/3 ^ ^ >H o < <1 O w W I-! H O n UJ O '£! ^ 00 O !z; 1 — 1 ^ < ^ 1—1 <=i GQ td !5 o O C>H nillen Mrs. Sarah, laund. 4 Smith al HillieraRobt. 0 hib. 48 Sarih Ann Hillyard Hezekiah jr. shucker, 116 n Durham Hill^ard Heze'\i;th sr. porter, 116 n Durham Hillyard Thos. huckster, 35 Edward Hiner Jacob, livery stable, 90 St. Paul Hines Arthur, junk, .So2 n Durham nines Hugh, junk, 148 n Dallas nines Henrietta, laund. 135 Cliesnut Hines Isaac, waiter, 182 Ty.'jon Hines Saiuuel. driver, 135 Chesnut Hinesman Emeline. laund. 58 Wayne Hinesman Hester, laund. 5S Wavne Hinesman Josiah. mariner, 58 Wavne Hinesman Sarah, laund. 70 Burgundy al Hinesmau Wm. driver, 1,^4 Tyson Hinesmund Jacob, sawyer, Chajtel nr Cbase Hinson Hannah, cook, 56 China Hinson Harriet A. laund. 20j Sarah Ann Hinson Henry, stevedore, 139 North Hinson Jas. lab. 2 Short ct Hinson Joseph, cook, 4(> Davis Hinson Matilda, laund. 138 York Hinson Wm. T. tailor, 17 Hamilton Hipkins .Mary J. laund 133 Ensor Kitchens Ann E. 92 St. Paul Hitchens Catherine, laund. 52 n Dallas Hitchens Elizabeth, laund. 52 n Dallas Hitchens James L. hackmaii, 3'. n Spring Hitchens John, carter, 20 Short Hitchens Saml. jr. huckster, 52 n Dallas Hite James* lab. 3 Chesnut Hith Joseph, barber, 51 Low Hobbs Ch;is. lab. Jenkins al nr HofiFman Hobbs Lucy, laund. 192 Tvson Hobbs I'oUy, laund. 39 Orchard Holjbs Richard, waiter, 30 Moore al Hobbs Wm. waiter, 192 Tyson Hodge Clias. drayman, 63 John ct Hodge Chas. drayman, 5 Jenkins al Hodge Edward, porter, 43 Rose Hodges Geo. lab. 256 n Front Hodges James, bodcarrier, 9 Jones ct Hodges Julia, laund. 256 n Front Hodges Robert, drayman, 12 Jordan al Hoes Richard, servant, 100 Tyson Holden Louisa A. cook, 91 Welcome al Holden Major, grain runner, 91 Welcome al Holland Adolphus, lab. 16 L. Monument Holland Alfred sr. lab. 23 Vine Holl.md Catherine, laund. 51 s Stockton al Holland Chas. [orter, 118 Orchard Holland David, [lOrter, 23 .May Holland E(iward, waiter, 15 Josephine Holland Elias, waiter, 9 s Stockton al Holland Eliza, seamstress, 23 Vine Holland Elizabeth, dressmkr, 9 s Stockton al Holland Elizabeth, servant, 51 Courtland Holland Henry, lab. 22 Edward Holland Henry, shucker, 20S Hamburg Holland James, lab. 315 s Howard Holland Jonas, lab. 100 Short Holland John, hodcirrier, 51 s Stockton Holland Richard, hodcarrier, 30 Moore al Holland Samuel, lab. 66 IJiddle al Holland Wm. H. mariner, 23 May Holliday Ann .M. laund. 29 Biddle al Holliday Charlotte, laund 6 State Holliday Emily, laund. 77 Welcome al Holliday John, oysters, 77 Welcome al Holliday Joshua, lab. Homestead Holliday Wm. porter, 15 Tessier Hollingsworth Chas. lab. 148 n Bethel Hollins Alfred, lab. 4 Donnelly ct Hollins Jonas, driver, 175 Stirling Holly Mrs. Eliza, 39 n Chapel Holly Elizabeth, servant, 251 Montgoicerv Holly Frank, lab. 45 Orchard Holly Geo. dredger, 8o East Holly-Henrietta, laund 40 n Cahert Holly Jane, laund. 251 Mont^ s eS .^ < 05 -M w r =y '-^ -.J s C3 xSh l!i c> c c ^ c '.d o 03 :e n ^ • o L -^ <•» Hynson Geo. porter, 102 East Hyiison Henry, driver, 16 s Stockton al Hynson Philip, florist, 241 n Uallas Hynson Wm. sliuiker, 241 n Dallas lland Arietta, lauiid. 107 Stirling Inies E. Deborah, l.'iS n Dallas Imes Elisha, huckster, 25 Foundry Imes Emma, seamstress, 25 Fcjundry Imes Will. P. porter, 135 n Dallas Inloes John, drayman, 07 Chesnut al Innis James, siwyer, 34 s Stockton al Innis James, slnicker, 10 Winter al Innis Mary E. lauiid 130 Vurk Innis Thos. mariner, 10 Winter al Ireland Benj. lali. 45 Moore al Ireland Edward, vvauoner, 75 Jasper Ireland Geo. coacliiiian, 94 Jasper Ireland Louisa, sennisti-ess, 94 Jasper Ireland Perry, lab. 25 Orleans Ireland Priscilla, laund. 94 Jasper Irven Lemuel, wliiteuasher, G Leadenhall Irven Rebecca, laund. 6 Leadenhall Isaacs Isaiah, lab. 92 s Dallas Isaacs Joseph, waiter, 96 McKim Isaacs -Mary, laund. 20 s Dallas Isaacs Saraii, laund. 92 s D.illas l3:iacs Toliias, lab. 129 n Dallas Isaacs Wui. II. driver. 26 s D.illas Isaacs Zenetto. lauu'l. 126 Cider al Ivery Harriet, laund. 41 Orchard Ivery Wni. H. lab. 41 Orchard Ives John C. porter, 3 Oxfoid Jackson Amos, hodcarrier, 128 Sarah Ann Jackson Alice, laund. 77 n Durham Jackson Ann R. l.iund. 93 Ensor Jackson Andri-w, w.-iiter, 37 State Jickson Andrew, waiter, 12 Gould la Jackson Andrew, hodcarrier, 8 Gilbert Jackson Alfred.theolouicai student, 44 Saratoga Jackson Almetirt, cook, 15 Neighbor Jackson Andrew, cirler, 92 Cider al Jackson Andrew, drayman, 50 Vine Jackson Aiidiew, porter, 196 Raborg Jachson Andrew P iiarber, 8 P.itterson av Jackson Andrew, waiter, 53 Oxford Jackson Annie, laund. 3 Pin al Jackson Annie M. seamstress, 166 Henrietta Jackson Arthur, lab. 123 Hill Jackson Benj. lab. 314 s Howard Jackson Benj. F. caulk r, 162 s Bethel Jackson Carrie, laund. 6 X al J.ickson Chapman, grain measurer, 27 Biddle al Jackson Chas. uiaiiner, 186 .Mullikin Jacksoti Chas. H. mariner, 238 Dallas Jackson Chas E. barWi-r, 211 w Pratt Jackson Ch.irlotte E. laund. 166 York Jackson Chas. brickmkr, 36 Jefferson Jackson Daniel R. caulker, 141 s Wolfe Jackson David, lab. 5 Cliesnut Jackson Dollie, laund. 28 Forrest Jackson Daniel, laii. 59 n Durham Jackson Edwarii, sliucker, 123 Hill Jackson EliZi, laund. 92 Dover Jackson Elizalieth, laund. 27 Shuter Jackson Elizabeth, laund. 350 West Jackson Emeline, laund. 23 Sarah Ann Jackson Emma, laund. 5 Calhoun ct Jackson Emory, lab. 37 East Jackson Forrester, lab. 38 Orchard Jackson Mrs Frances, laund. 74 Orchard Jackson Geo. lab. 350 West Jackson Geo. waiter, 17 Orchard Jackson Georgiana, laund. 67 Raborg Jackson Geo. T. caulker. 141s Wolfe Jackson Geo. W.lab. 79 Union Jackson Harriet, laund. 5 Paye al Jackson Harriet, laund. 12 Peach al Jackson Harry, waiter, 11 Courtland Jackson Henry, shucker. 37 East Jackson Henry, whiiewasher, 207 n Front Jackson Henry, lab. 67 Raborg Jackson Henry, 8 Elder al Jackson Hester, seamstress, 207 n Front Jackson Jacob, shucker, 27 Josephine Jackson Jane, laund. 91 Welcome al Jackson Jas. lab. 166 Henrietta Jackson Jas. II. stoves, cor Raborg and Scbroe- der, dw 166 York Jackson Jas porter, 29 Jew al, o. t. Jackson Jas. lal). 267 Orleans Jackson Jas. porter, 22 Park a v Jacksoi J IS. coachman, 95 Hargrove al Jackson Jas. porter. 116Holliday Jackson Jaa. stevedore. 119 Stirlin": Jackson Jas. L mariner, 89 n Dallas Jackson Jas. W. porter, 116 n Holliday Jackson Jarrett, I'Orter, 3 Jasper Jackson J' remiah, shucker, 119 Stirling Jackson John, waiter, 238 Vine Jackson John, [lorter. 16 Mullierry Jackson John, lal). 17 Gould la Jackson John, coachman, 70 .Morris al Jackson John F. hodcarrier, 27 Josephine Jackson .John H. well digsrtr, 69 Jasper Jackson John, lab. 140 s Dallas Jackson John, shucker, 2 Bond-st ct J ckstin John, waiter, 2,'>7 L. Hu;:hes Jackson loseiihine, servant, 6 Wayne Jack'^on Kitty, 100 Jasper Jackson Lemuel, lab. 254 McDonogh Jackson Loz.iir, lab. 1 19 Stirling Jackson Lucinda, laund. 30 s Chapel Jackson .Margt. dressnikr, 141 s Wolfe Jickson Margt. laund 5 n Spring J.ickson .Margt. laund. rear 69 n Strieker Jackson Martha, laund. 17 Oichaid Jackson Mary, laund 186 Mullikin Jackson Mary, laund. 12 Peach al Jackson Mary J. cook, 216 Dover Jackson .Mary M. laund. 116n Holliday Jackson .Mrs. Mary, 11 n Bond Jackson Mary E. laund. 1 Jasper Jackson Moses, lab. 183 West Jackson Noah. lab. 223 Mullikin Jackson Philip, drayman, 66 Orchard Jackson Priscilla, lannd. 3 Donnelly ct Jackson Priscilla, laund 36 e Monument Jackson Rind. ill, lab, 164 n Sprinsi Jickson Rebecca, laund. 119 Stirling Jackson Richd. lab. 22 Brewer al Jackson Richd. driver, 48 I'eirce Jackson Robt. mariner, 147 York Jackson Robt. lab. 15 Neiiihbor Jackson Robt. waiter, 12 St. James Jackson Robt. lumlier piler, 220 L. Montgomery Jackson Robt. lab. 4 Jones ct Jackson Robt. T. shucker, 192 Warner Jackson Rosa, laund. 183 West HOLME.S & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packiug, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 699 Jackson Saral. engineer, 53 Chesnut Jackson Saml. hodcarriev, 5 Bradford al Jackson Saml. T. lab. 304 w Hoffman Jackson Saral. hodcarrier, 14 Peirce Jackson Saml. H. engineer, 53 Chesnut Jackson Saml. hodcarrier, rear 69 n Strieker Jackson Saml. stevedore, .S Donnelly ct Jackson Sarah, JKund. 228 Vine Jackson Sarah, laiind. 58 Peirce Jackson Sarah A. laund. 9 MuUikin Jackson Sarah F. laund. 92 Cider al Jackson Theophilus, tinner, 6 X al Jackson Thos. mariner, 303 Hamburg Jackson Thos. lab. 12 St. James Jackson Thos. mariner, 3 House ct Jackson Wm. drayman, 38 Rose Jackson Wm. drayman, 9 Bartlett Jnckson Wm. grain measurer, 162 Henrietta Jackson Wm. drayman. 152 Tyson Jackson Wra. caulker, 79 s Bethel Jackson Wra. H. waiter. 26 Rose Jackson Wm H. shocmkr, 180 Chesnut Jackson Wm. H. lab. 92 Dover Jackson Willis, shoemkr, 73 Saratoga, dw 92 St. Pi.ul Jackson Willingtoa, mariner, 31 Short Jacobs Ann, laund. 224 Vine Jacobs Daniel, tanner, 104 n Dallas Jacobs Henry, lab. 224 Vine Jacobs Hester, cook, 96 Raborg Jacobs John, Wiigoner, 142 Raborg Jacobs Susan, laund. 104 n Dallas Jakes Henry, cateier and waiter, 121 St. Paul Jakes Henry, waiter, 4 Hamilton James Andrew, hod carriei-, 13ii Raborg James Chas. hodcarrier, 133 Stirling James Chas porter, Stockton al nr Lanvale Janus Chas. driver. Butchers la James Edward, sliucker, .'^6 Perry J'tmes Elizabeth, laund. 110 n .Spring James Emerson, sliucker, 244 Cross James Frank, lab. 86 Sarah Ann James Geo. A. porter, 133 Stirling James Geo. W. lab. 10 Hull la James Gover, drayman, 66 Klbow la James Henriett.i,seamsts, Stockton al nr Lanvale James Henry, porter, 270 McDonogh James Henry, lab. Ill n Dallas James Henry, lab. 2 Stone al James John H. mariner, 133 Stirling James Jolin W. shucker, ?-i)6 n Durham James John W. waiter, 93 Stirling James Lavinia, laund. 121 Welcome al James Lewis, coachinm, 121 Welcome al Jamts Lloyd, driver, 133 Stirling James .Mary, la'uid. 225 n Fremont James Muses, hodcarrier, 255 Paik av James R >bt. lab. 12 Bn-wer al James Rufus, shucker. 244 Cross James Sarah, laund. 66 Elbow la James Susan, laund. 121 Welcome al James Thos. porter, 114 Chesnut al James Wm. hodcarrier, 121 Welcome al James Wm. H. shucker, 171 Mullikin James Wm. lab. 2 Harrison ct James Wm. L. prest. National Relief .Associa- tion, 41 Druid Hill av Jamison .Julia, lanud. Welcome al Jamison Simuel, huckster, 104 Franklin Janey Kmily, chaiubermaid, 55 Johnson Jauey Alary Ann, laund. 55 Johnson Janey Mary E. lnund. 55 Johnson Jarvis Adam, mariner, 142 s Charles Jar^is Elizibetb, lannd. 142 s Charles Jarvis Henry, porter, 3 Grace ct Jarvis Joseph, drayman, 93 O.xford Jason James, tavern, 73 North Jeems Henrv, coachman, 263 Cross Jedkins Warrick, lab. 163 s Dallas Jefferson Arthur, lab. 17 Lambert Jefferson Eraeline, laund. 106 Jnsper Jefferson Frances, laund. 347 n Howard Jefferson Henrv, shucker, 93 n Dallas Jefferson T.^abella, cook, 31 Tyson Jefferson Jane, lannd 27 Pin al Jefferson John, waiter, 154 Preston Jefferson John, shucker, 119 Cliesnnt al Jefferson Johti, shucker, 10 Winter al Jefferson John H lab. 27 Pin al Jefferson Martha, laund. 1 Saratoga ct Jefferson Marv J laund. 10 Winter al Jefferson Nathaniel, porter, 3 Chesnut Jefferson Richard, shucker, 119 Chesnut al Jefferson Richard T drayman, 163 Sarah Ann Jefferson Samuel, whitewasher, 347 n Howard Jefferson Susan, laund. 119 Chesnut al Jefferson Thos. lab. 93 n Dallas Jefferson Thos waiter. S4 St. Mary Jefferson Thos. 26 L. McElderrv Jefferson Virginia, servant. 34 Perrv Jefferson Wm. dravman. .^08 w Hoffman Jefferson Zac. shucker, 26 L. McElderry Jeffreys Ben.j. H. ?avv\er, 83 East Jeffreys Lvdia A. laund. 1 Wneon al Jeffre\ s Mary Ann, servant. 1 Wagon al Jenifer Anna, dressmkr, 62 Welcome al Jenifer Clageett, shucker, 62 Welcome al Jenifer Clayton, shucker, 4 Plum row Jenifer Caney, cook. 4 Plum row Jenifer John, shucker. 4 Plum low Jenifer Resbury, lab. 4 Plum row Jenkins Mrs. Aim M. laund. 8 Jon^s CO Jenkins Catherine, laund. 1 Harrison ct Jenkins Chas. waiter, 8 Jones ct Jenkins Geo. potter, 109 Chesnut Jenkins Geo. porter. 109 Chesnut Jenkins Henry, driver, Stockton al nr Edmond- son av Jenkins Jacob, janitor, 84 Chesnut al Jenkins James, waiter, 101 Jasper Jenkins .Inne, S' amstress. 11 1 n Chapel Jenkins John, drayninn, 1 Watei-s ct Jenkins John F. fireman, 81 L. Church Jenkins John W. woodsawyer, 198 West Jenkins Joseph, lib. 8 Jones ct Jenkins Joshua, waiter. 150T>son Jenkins Laura, laund. 81 L. Church Jenkins Laura, laund 119 York Jenkins Lucy, seamstress, Stockton al nr Ed- mondscm av Jenkins Marv, laund 57 EI''Ow la Jenkins Phebe, laund. 31 Biddle al Jenkins Philip, drayman. 17 Rose Jenkins Randall, lab. 119 York Jenkins Robert, lab. 3 Jones ct Jenkins Sarah lannd. 57 Elbow la Jenkins Sarah, lannd. 121 York Jenkins Wesley, fireman. Ill n Chapel Jenkins Wra waiter, 63 Saratoga Jenkins Wm. waiter. Shields al nr Hoffman Jenkins Wm. H. waiter. 228 West Jennings Absalom, shucker, 89 n Durh.-im Jennings Chas. hodcarrier, 48 Camel al Jennings Hagar, laund. 89 n Durham CD c3 o O d o '^ p o o H ^ m 1—1 OQ lO oq" I— < < Ph IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 700 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. H W W cc! H H C/J Z W !>H O <1 <1 O m ta H-l H O GQ O _ CO ^ on o H ^ o 1—1 S s Bethel Johnson Aliraham, coachman, 76 Holland Johnson .Abraham, sawyer, 201 Vine Johnson .Abraham, hostler, 195 n Front Johnson Abraham, shucker, 99 L. Church Johnson Adeline, laund. 87 O.xford JohTison Adeline, laund. 59 Burgundy al Johnson .Albert, lab. 2 China al ■Johnson Albert, waiter, 27 L. Monument Johnson Albert J. drayman, 83 Leadenball Johnson .Ale.\. shipjiingmaster. 147 s Caroline .liihnson Alex, diayman, 82 Stirling Johnson Alfred, mariner, 81 Elbow la Johnson Alice, cook, 193 Viuf Johnson .Mrs. Amelia, grocery, 201 n Durham John.'on Angeline, laund. 4 Bolton Johnson Andrew, lab. 32 Wagon al Johnson Andiew, lab. 11 A;ch Johnson Andrew G drayman, 29 Elbow la Johnson Am, laund. 30 Jasper Johnson Ann, laund. 71 Jasper Johnson .Ann, laund. 2 Welch al Johnson Ann -M. laund. 109 Raborg Johnson Anti II laund. rear 27 Marion Jodnson Anna ,M. laund, 52 Sarah Ann Johnson Annie, laund. Hudson nr Hare Johnson Annie, laund. 29 Elbow la Johnson Annie, lauiui. 11 n Castle Johnson Aquill.i, coal and wood. 94 Elbow la Johnson Arthur, stevedore, 174 York Johnson Augustus, shucker, 75 Harmony la Johnson Augu.slui. lab. 186 s Howard Johnson Augu.-on John, lab. 5 Race Johnson John, driver, 17 Raborg Johnson John, cook, 270 .McDonogh Jolinson John, porter, 125 n Spring Johnson John, shucker, 322 L. Montgomery Johnson John, drayman, 106 Leadenhall Johuson John, cook, 221 Hamburg Johnson John, laij. 218 Vine Johiison John, lab. 72 .Morris al Johnson John, lab. 79 Dover Johnson John, hod carrier, 3 Ivy al Johnson Jolin, caulker, 137 Bethel Johnson John, porter 130 n Dallas Johnson John, huckster, 22 Wayne Johnson John, shucker, 239 Orleans Johnson John A. lab. 96 Raborg Johnson John C oysters, 5 Vine Johnson John H. waiter, 29 ii Eutaw ^ Johnson John M. dentist, s w cor Courtland Q) and Saratoga, dw 34 St. Mary (Q Johnson John R. salesman, 51 Chesnut al ^ Johnsou John T. lab. Stockton al nr Harlem av »>* Johnson John W. driver, 54 Burgundy al Johnson John W. lab. 8 Waters ct pL^ Johnson John W. jr. porter, 77 Peirce Johnson John W. shucker, 15 Shuter ^ Johnson Joseph, driver, 220 Vine ^ Johnson Joseph, shucker, 28 L. McElderry ^ Johnson Joseph, waiter, 21 Booth Johnson Joseph, shucker, 136 York ^ Johnson Jo-eph, waiter, 97 Orchard ^ Johnson Joseph, drayman, 339 s Howard ^ Johnson Joseph, junk, 333 s Howard, dw 337 ^ Johnson Joseph, shucker, 1 07 n Dallas ^ Johnson Joseph, porter, 240 L. Hughes i— I Johnson Joseph, waiter, 51 Moore al ^ Johnson Joshua, shucker, 109 n Dallas Johnson Josiah, brickmkr, 91 L. Church ^ Joenson Julia, laund. 89 n Dallas ^ Johnson Julia, cook, 105 Hill pq Johnson Kate, servant, 56 Williamson al r_| Johnson Laura, laund. 14 Marion j-jq Joonson Lavinia, laund. 81 Elbow la Johnson Lev\i3, drayman, 18 s Stockton al q^ Johnson Lewis, scowman, 254^ s Howard ^ Johnson Lewis, drayman, 146 Preston ^ •lohnson Littleton C. lab. 56 Peirce "^ Johnson Lloyd, lab. 110 Dugan's whf Johnson Louisa, laund. 7 R ice O Johnson Louisa, doctress, 54 L. McElderry ^ Johnson Louisa, laund. 75 Jasper ^ Johnson Louisa, laund. 32 Dover ^ Johnson Lucien, porter, 142 n Caroline ^ Johnson Lucy, laund. 226 n Durham [Z) Johnson Lucy, laund. 15 Wayne |_^ Johnson Maggie, laund. 11 Arch p_, Johnson Mrs. Mahala, laund. 119 n Spring Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) X c Miitnal Life Insurance Co- of New York. COLORED PERISONS. ZQ « 5 Johnsou Marcellus, shucker, 32 Perry cj ^ p5 Juhnson Margi. lauiid. 9 Harrison ct .^ ^ ^ Johnson Margt. cooU, 99 L. Cliurch ^ i; J'linsoii Mrs. Marlha,lrtund Johnsct nr Foster al ■^ o Jolinaon .Martha A. lauud. 3 Peirce tC^ ^ Jolinson Mary, cook 30 n Chapel ? ■;:; 'O Johnson Mary, hiund. 229 n Durham ■V '^. S Johnson Mary, laund. 186 s Howard "^ Johnson Mary, laund. 69 Perry ^Johnson .Mary, laund. 256 Cross p Johnson Mary, servant, 15 Wayne 5 Johnson Maiy A. laund. 39 Arch 'T o 1^ Johnson Mary A. laund. 194 n E.xeter ^ !> X Jolinson Mary C. laund. 221 Hamburg P* P=3 Johnson Mary E. laund. 8 Gould al ^^^'^.j- Johnson Mary I. laund. 1 Donnelly ct '^ '^ -^ Johnson Mary J. cook, 193 Vine '3 -^ § Johnson .Matilda .McF. lauud. 334 L. Vine ^ Q-i ^ Johnson .Minerva, laund. 35 Wayne 5 oT " Johnson Monroe, stevedore, 51 King a ^ ^ JohiiSon Morris, lab. 62 Biddle al O •'^S Johnson .Moses, lab. 182 Wayne ^ g • Johnson .Moses, lab. 184 West r^'^ o Johnson Moses, lab. 65 n Dallas " ^ S Johnson Nancy, cook, 2 Jones ct • P '— ' Q Johnson Nancy, laund. 11 Raborg .n "g Johnsou Nancy, laund. 45 Raborg CC O) . Johnson Nathan, driver, 87 Oxford ^ i, Juhnson Nathan, poi ter, 62 Dawson al . ,^ 3 -Johnsou Newton, coachman, 38 T,\ son £ £ .i Johnson Nicholas, lab. 17 Mechanics ct g eS i- Johnson Nicholas, lab. 94 Ral)org ;»-, S! ^ Johnsou Oscar, coachman, ISOChesnutal ^ "or" Johnson Owen T. waiter, 120 Tyson ^ ^ '^ Johnson Page, waiter, 26 Vine •T3 f2 ^ Johnson Perry, grain measurer, 211 Hamburg ^ O Johnson Perry, whitewasher, Butchers la ^ "- S Johnsion Perry, whitewasher, 192 Tyson 2^5 Johnson Perry, lab. 23 Short -3 a; <; Johnson Peter L. drayman, 203 u Durham to "S K Johnson Philip, lab. 71 Perry C=5 ^ o Johnson Philip, shucker, 7l" Perry '-C Johnson Philip, drayman, 150 n Spring . ^ g Johnson Philip, driver, 107 Tyson "g C H Johnson Primus, carp. 133 n Dallas I; .-^ g Johnson Preston, lab. 82 Stirling b g P^ Johnson Rachel, laund. 32 King ^ -" Johnson Rachel, lauud, 71 Jasper I 3 . Johnson Rachel A. laund. 94 Elbow la .O ^^ ^. Johnson Rachel A. laund. 291 Hunliurg S '^ '^ Johnson Rebecca A. teacher, 47 China ^ ^-j^ S Johnson Richd. whitewasher, 96 Raborg -^ 5 J^ Johnson Richd. hodcarrier, 146 Sarah Ana S ^ _'~ Johnson Richd. fireman, 129 n Dallas '^ o 'o Johnson Richd. waiter, 73 Dover o -^ .~ Johnson Richd.jr. waiter, Jenkins al nr Hoffman h -t-» ^ Johnson Ricd. oysts, cor Ogslon and Chesnut al g 3 jg Johnson Richd. shucker, 77 Peirce g _^ ^ Johnsou Richd. carter, 5 Vine oTtcM Johnson Richd. shucker, 289 Orleans O g €©• Johnson Richd. driver, 36 L. .Monument '^ ;... fct Johnson Richd. oysters. 69 Sarah Ann f.^ ':^ .S Johnson Richd J. shucke-, 128 Cider al C , .^ Johnson Richd. L. shucker, 68 Walnut al ^ rC'X Johnson Robt. rag dealer, 23 Hanipstead o > > Johnson Robt. hod carrier, 44 .Moore al ^ "x '^ Johnson Robt. sawyer, 273 Orleans ^ c :s Johnson Robt. waiter, 97 Jasper g i; .-. Johnson Robt. hod carrier, 18 Short g g ^ Johnson Robt. lab. 11 Chesnut '■S 03 S Johnson Rosa, laund. 91 Welcome al '^ o; ^. Johnson Rosa, laund. 89 Stirling i^ c; c3 Johnson Rosina, seamstress, 105 North Johnson Rosetta, lauud. 98 Stirling Johnson Saml. butcher, 84 Harmony la Johnson Saml. waiter, 75 Jasper Johnson Saml. waiter, 4uO West Johnson S.iml. shucker, 47 n Sharp Johnson Saml. drayman, 96 Henrietta Johnsou Saml. porter, 50 llampstead Johnson Saml. porter, 32 King Johnson Saml. mariner, 291 Hamburg Johnson Saiul. porter, 64 Dover Johnson Sally, laund. 33^Jew al, o t Johnson Saml. H, lab. 5 .Mount Johnson Saml. hodcarrier, 236 Carlton Johnson Sarah, servant, 4 Union ct Johnson Sarah A. laund. 64 Dover Johnson Sarah, laund. 47 Shuter Johnson Sarah; laund. 130 n Dallas Johnson Simon, lUiiriner, 154 Vork Johnson Simon, brickmkr, 291 Hamburg Johnson Solomon, lab. Hudson nr Hare John.son Sophia, bo.irdiug, 220 Hanover Johnson Sophia, nurse, 93 Lee Johnson Stephen, barber, 1 14 Hill, dw 98 Jasper Johnson Stephen, driver, 29 .May Johnsou Stephen, drayman, 112 Raborg Johnson Susan, laund. 95 China Johnson Thos. lab. Waverley Johnson T. shucker, 1 China Johnson Thos. lab. 64 Henrietta Johnson Tiios. lab. 2^5 n Durham Johnson Thos. marble polisher, 220 Hanover Johnson Thos. H. brickmkr, 402 s Charles Johnson Thos. hodcarrier, 77 Harmony la Johnsou Thos. R. B. hostler, 64 Laurens al Johnson Thos. hodcarrier, 187 Chesnut al Johnson Thos. shucker, 118 s Bethel Johnsou Thos. hodcarrier, 269 West Johnson Thos. H. driver, 2 Shields al Johnson Thos. driver, 306 s Howard Johnson Thos. dyer, 121s Caroline Johnson Thos. C. lab. 69 O.xford Johnsou Thos. P. 11 Raborg Johnson Thos. W. hodcarrier, I Carlton Johnsou Tilghmau, driver, 57 L. Monument Johnsou Upton lab. 2()7 Orleans Johnson Victoria, laund. Stockton al nr Har- lem av Johnson Virginia, lauud. 239 Orleans Johnsou Virginia, laund. 1 Saratoga ct Johnson VV'akeiuan, lab. Butchers la Johnson Walter L. barber, 58 w Baltimore, dw 166 East John.-ou Warren, waiter, 6 Hamilton Johnson Win. lab. 189 East Johnsou \Vm. shucker, 139 York Johnson Wtu. stevedore, 1 Plum row Johnsou Wm. carter, 45 Harmony la Johnson Wm. shucker, 186 West Johnson Wm. grainmeasurer, 129 Stirling Johnson Wm. lab. Wayne ur Warner Johnson Wm. butcher, 26 Wagon al Johnsou Wm. scowinan, 226 n Durham Johnsou Wm, H driver, 11 n Castle Johnson Wm. 11. hricklayer, 147 Vine Johnson VVni. shucker, 107 n Dallas Johnson Wm. coachman, 82 Chesnut al Johnson Wm. lalj. 207 n Front Johnson Wm. H. T. porter, 68 Davis Johnson Wm. grainrunner, 45 Burgundy al Johnson Wm. lab. 54 Davis Johnson Wm. shucker, 36 Raborg 3 o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. o ^ Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 703 Johnson Wm. whitewasher, 76 n Exeter Johnson Wra. shucker, 11 Peach al Johnson Wm. shucker, 10 L. Broadway Johnson Wm. shucker, 17 8 Bethel Johnson Wm. lab. 241 Dover Johnson Wm. shucker, 13 Gelston ct Johnson Wm. H. coachman, 59 Oxford Johnson Wm. H. porter, 392 Cross Johnson Wm. lab. 5 Plum row Johnson Wm. H. waiter, 20 Jasper Johnson Win. H. hostler, 7 St. James Johnson Wm. porter, 94 Raborg Johnson Wm. G. grain runner, 34 Orchard Johnson Wm. T. driver, 48 EllJow la Johnson Wm. shucker, 271 L. Hughes Johnson Wm. H. shucker, 82 Elbow la Johnson Wm. H. o\sters, basement 112 s Eutaw Johnson Wm. H. shucker, 113 Jasper Johnson Wra. H. shucker, 26 Gilbert Johnson Wm. H. drajman, 39 Foster al Johnson Wm. H. drayman, 59 Burgundy al Johnson Wm. H. drayman, 26 Tessier Johnson Wm. S. iab. 119 n Spring Johnson Wm. R. lab. 71 Saiah Ann Johnson Wilson, hostler, 7 Stirling Johnson Zacbariah, lab. 48 Uhesuut Johnston J.mies E. barber, 68 Davis Johnston Thos. driver, Lerew ur Franklin JoUv Chas. lab. 104 Henrietta JoUy Geo. lab. 51 East Jolly Nancy, laund. 51 East Jones Abraham, huckster, 288 s Eutaw Jones Adam, shucker, 197 W'uyne Jones Alex. lab. 75 Watson Jones Alfreu, lab. 1 Tyson Jones Alfred, lab. 53 Williamson al Jones Allen, butcher, 4 Stump al Jones Alex, waiter, Union hotel Jones Amos, lab. 15 Booth Junes Amos, hackrnan, 3 Chappell al Jones Andrew, drayman, 63 Orchard Jones .'\ndrew, lab. 190 Dover Jones Am. a. laund. 28 s Stockton al Jones Mrs. Anna, lauud. 25 Parrish al Jones Aunie, laund. rear 35 King Jones Anuie, laund. 4 O'Donneli Jones Annie, lauud. 47 L. Pleasant Jones Annie, servant, 147 Hanover Jones Annie, diessmkr, 60 Raborg Junes Anthony, lab. 4 Short al Jones Arthur, whitewasher, 194 Harford av Jones Asbury, cook, 5 Ross Jones Aubrey, iab. 4 O'Donneli Jones Bernice, laund. 7 Waters ct Jones Caroline, seamstress, 35 Orchard Jones Carroll, shucker, 6 Hagar ct Jones Charity, lauud. lO'J Stirling Jones Charlotte, ojsters, 180 Mullikin Jones Chas. shucker, 40 Forrest Jones Chas. lab. 117 Vork Jones Chas. waiter, 6 Oxford Jones Chas. H. waiter, 54 Mullikin Jones Ch.is. porter, 12 Chesnui Jones Chas. H. barber, 20 Eist Jones Mrs. Charlotte A. cook, 29 Shuter Jones Charlotte Ann, laundry , 9 Horn Jones CLementiue, cook, 240 Raborg Jones Daniel G. finisher, 6 Raborg Jones Edward, sawyer, 28 s Stockton al Jones Edward, lab. 18 3 Stockton al Jones Edward, lab. 109 Stirling Jones Edward, cook, 47 L. Pleasant Jones Kdwiird, mariner, 12 Peach al Jones Edward, lab. 131 Chesnut al Junes Edward H. waiter, 7 Cuurtland Joues b]dw;trd, mariner, 3()5 s Howard Jones Eli, caulker, 107 s Bethel Jones Eli, waiter, 421 Eutaw pi Jones Eliza, laund. 206 West Jones Eliza, laund. 49 Diamond Jones I'.liza, cook, 32 Josephine Jones Eliza, laund. 184 s Howard Jones Elizabeth, laund. 4 W' ayne Jones Elizabeth, laund. 59 Gieenwillow Jones Emanuel, lab. 22 Wayne Jones Kmily, laund. 243 s Eutaw Jones Francis, cook, 26 Douglas Jones Francis, mariner, 144 s Charles Jones Geo. shucker, 162 s Dallas Jones Geo. shucker, 53 Williamson al Jones Geo. lab. 3 Young al Jones Geo. waiter,' 107 Bethel Jones Geo. porter, 36 King Jones Geo. waiter, 31 East Joues Geo. drayman, 9 King Jones Grayson, lab. 3 Race Jones Grace, laund. 22 Wayne Jones Hamlin S. music teacher, 18 Oxford Jones Harriet, laund. 17 Hampstead Joues Henrietta, laund. 25 Orchard Joues Henry, cigannkr, 81 Druid Hill av Joues Henry, lab. 6 Bennett Jones Henry, gardener, 283 n Durham Jones Henry, stevedore, 65 Elbow la Jones Henry, porter, 36 Booth Jones Henry H. sawyer, 106 n Dallas Joues Henry, hodcarrier, 61 Williamson al Jones Henry, coachman, 109 St. Paul Joues Henry W. driver. Ilia Dallas Jones Henry, coachman, 25 Orchard Jones Henry, shucker, 62 Elbow la Jones Henry, sawyer, 104 Elbow la Jones Hezekiah, shucker, 54 Mullikin Jones Horace, lab. 36 Foster al Jones Hugh, drayman, 204 Warner Jones Ida, dressmkr, 5 Clarksou al Jones Isaac, shucker, 9 Winter al Jones Isaac, hostler, 265 s Fremont Jones Isaac, cook, 11 Oxford Jones Isaac, brickmkr, 20 Booth Joues Isaac C. porter, 66 Oxford Joues Isaac, lab. 18 McElderry Junes Isaiah, hatter, 84 North Jones Israel, shucker, 149 Chesnut Jones Israel jr. shucker, McElderry ext Jones Jacob, lab. 120 Jasper Jones Jas. H., Viucent al ur Cole Joues Jas. H. oysters, 55 Druid Hill av Joues Jas. D. brickmkr, 243 8 Eutaw Joues Jas. lab. 1 Tyson Junes Jas. shucker, 26 Stockholm Jones Jas. lab. 16 Brewer al Jones Jas. shucker, 86 L. McElderry Jones Jas. E, waiter, 36 Raborg Joues Jas. coachman, 84 Orchard Joues Jas. hostler, 84 Raborg Jones Jas. waiter, 59 Greenwillow Jones Jas. shucker, 27 Carlton Jones Jas. shoemkr, 81 Dover Jones Jas. mariner, 233 Hamburg Joues Jas. waiter, 91 Burgundy al Jones Jas. waiter, 35 Orchard Junes Rev. Jas. A. 243 s Eutaw Joues Jas. H. coachman, 222 n Front pq o O 6 o ft o o pq t— I Ph Oh P GQ ZD. P^ H EH I— I <1 H OQ OQ H OQ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 704 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. Eh «w o o <1 OQ O o &^ W^ OS ^^ HH ^ W<| C5 !» O Jones Jas. R. coachman, 32 Oxford Jones Jane, janitress, 17 St. Paul Jones Jane, laund. 131 Chesnut Jonrs John, steward. 128 s Castle Jone.s John, curter. 12 Buren Jones John, shucker, 128 Pence Jones John, shucker, 99 n Durham Jones John, shucker, 81 Dover Jones John, barber, Saratoga nr Gay Jones John A. lab. 200 West Jones John H. lab. 42 Rose Jones John H. lab. 80 Jasper Jones John H. huckster, 4 VV^inchesfer al Jones John L. shucker, 142 Sarah Ann Jones John M. carter, 72 L. Church Jones John P. waiter, 3 L. Ross Jones John W. driver, 5 s Dallas Jones John W. hodcarrier, 251 L. Hughes Jones John T. coachman, 13 Rose Jones Jonas, rags, 240 R^iborg Jones Jordan, lab. I 20 Jasper Jones Jos. coachman, 89 Camel al JoiK-s Jos. lab. 3 Stockton a! nr Adams av Jones Jos. mariner, 42 Forrest Jones Mrs. Josephine, teacher, 152 n Eden Jones Joshua, drayman, 15 Valley Jones Julia, laund. 99 n Durham Jones Julia, laund. 6 Bennett Jones Julia, laund. 32 Oxford Jones Kinsey, mariner, 85 Leadenhall Jones Laura, laund. 301 s Kulaw Jones Lavinia, laund. 352 West Jones Leander, student, 15 Carlton Jones Louisa, laund. 77 Dover Jones Littleton, oysters, 101 Hill Jo"nes Lucretiii, luuud. 133 Hamburg Jones .Mahala, cook, 72 L. Church Jones Mrs. Margaret A. laund. 54 Forrest Jones Margaret, laund. 32 Elbow la Jones Mrs. .Maria, 54 Mullikin Jones Martha, laund. 84 Raborg Jones Mrs. Mary A. laund. 36 Raborg Jones Mary, laund. 6 Hagar ct Jones Mary, laund. 190 Dover Jones Mary A. laund. 2 Union ct Jones .Mary C. laund. 68 Josephine Jones Mary K. laund. 3 Young al Jones Mary L. laund. 200 West Jones Mary L. laund. 3 Race Jones Matilda, laund. 117 Stirling Jones Nelson R. lab. 42 e Fayette Jones Nelson, waiter, 18 Oxford Jones Noah, steward, 75 Mullikin Jones Oliver, waiter, 35 Orchard Jones Oliver, lab. 12 Buren Junes Peter M. whitewasher, 9 Douglass Jones P. F. whitewasher, 6 Raborg Jones Peter, waiter, 60 Raborg Jones Philip, hostler, Hall Springs Jones Phoebe, laund. 134 Chesnut Jones Prince A. waiter, 94 Tyson Jones Priscilla, laund. 35 s Caroline Jones Rachel, laund. 104 Elbow la Jones Rachel A. laund. 42 Forrest Jones Rebecca, seamstress, 23 Elbow la Jones Robert, lab. 28 China Jones Robert R. porter, 87 Orleans Jones S;ilina, laund. 201 .Mullikin Jones Saml. coachman. Liberty rd nr Calhoun Jones Saml. porter, 27 Carlton Jones Saml. shucker, 209 s Howard Jones Saml, tanner, 56 Orchard Jones Sarah, laund. 15 Booth Jones Sarah J. laund. 5 Shuter Jones Sirah, laund. 1 King ct Jones Sophia, servant, 90 w Monument Jones Sophia, laund. 2 Vine Jones Spencer, oysters, 28 Tyson Jjnes Theodore, coachman, 25 Parrish al Jones Thos. shucker. 52 Forrest Jones Thos. carter, 2 Ohio av Jones Thos. A. shoemkr, 20 Harapstead Jones Thos. H. 43 Jefferson Jones Thos. H. caulker, 180 Mullikin Jones Thos. E. 225 Dover Jones Thos. mariner, 301 s Eutaw Jones Thos. waller, 25 Edward Jones Thos. R. lab. 54 Mullikin Jones Thos. lal). rear 194 George Jones Thos. stevedore, 1 13 s Bethel Jones Thos. waiter, 56 St. Mary Jones Valentine, lab. Butchers la Jones Wiillace, waiter, 7 Stirling Jones Washington, lab. 17 Hampstead Jones Walter, waiter, 23 Elbow la Jones Washington, sliucker, 4 Wayne Jones Wm. drayman, 5 China al Jones Wm. driver, 109 Stirling Jones Wm. B. lab. 27 Lee Jones Wm. C. whitewasher, 61 Union Jones Wm. lab. 66 Union Jones Wm. shucker, 63 n Durham Jones Wm. waiter, 103 Burgundj' al Jones Wm. H. driver, 206 West Jones Wm. E. waiter, 117 Stirling Jones Wm. saw sharpener, 41 Hampstead Jones Wni. lab. 15.i Vine Jones Win. waiter, 86 Sarah Ann Jones Wm. hodcarrier, 28 s Stockton al Jones Wm. lab. Vincent al nr Cole Jordan Mrs. Anna, 81 Hampstead Jordan Christian, messenger C. H. 52 Camel al Jordan Eliza, lauml. 3 Union ct Jordan James, lab. 81 Hampstead Jordan Dr. Jesse P 255 McDonogh Jordan John C. undertaker, 63 Park av Jordan Lucinda, laund. 55 Wayne Jordan Rosina, Jauud. 232 Carlton Jordan Saml. driver, 3 Union ct Jordan Sydney, laund. l.')3 York Jord.m .Micajah, lab. 153 York Jordan Thomas, drayman, 232 Carlton Jordan Wni. lab. 153 York Jordan Wm. brickmkr, 239 Cross Joyce Catherine, laund. 58 L. Church Joyce ('has. lab. 96 Chesnut al Joyce Edward, lab. 58 L. Church Joyce John D. porter, <>2 Peirce Joyce Nancy, laund. 82 Elbow la Joyce Susan, cook, 350 L. Vine Joyce Saml. coachman. Liberty rd nr Strieker Joyce Wm. shoemkr, Druid Hill avand Orchard, dw 15 Oxford Joynes .Margt. laund. 52 L. Church Joynes Thomas, lab. 98 Welcome al Joynes Wm. lab. 98 Welcome al Joynes Wm. stevedore, 52 L. Church Jubilee Geo. mariner, 83 Leadenhall Jubilee Lucy, seamstress, 83 Leadenhall Julius Ann M. laund. 243 Orleans Julius Henry, lab. 243 Orleans HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraviug and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F, Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. COLORED PERSONS. 705 Kane Annie, cook, 95 Warner Kiine Dennis, sliucker, 350 L. Vine Kane Eliza A. laund. 74 Stiles Kane Kllen, laund. 214 s Sharp Kane Geo. lab. 214 s Sharp Kane .John, porter, 133 .\isquith Kane .Mary, cook, 217 Vine Kane Mary, laund. 350 L. Vine Kane Martha, laund. 8 Peach a! Kane Sau)l. sbucker, 112 West Kane Stephen, lab, 8 Peach al Kane Thomas, Vincent al nr Cole Kane Win. G. waiter. 111 n Paca Kearless Wm. lab. 58 L. Church Kebby Thoujas, mariner, 6 Ciarksoa al Keel Caroline, cook, 142 Vork Keel Washington, lab. 142 York Keely Dennis, lab. 51 n Dallas Keen Alfred, sawyer, 36 Welcome al Keeiie John R. provisions, cor Charles and Sara- toga, dw 43 Raborji Keeue M;wy W. laund 45 Ra borer Keelh Daniel, caulker, 142 s Caroline Keeth Danl. jr. caulker, 142 s Caroline Keeth Tabitha, hairdresser, 142 s Caroline Kell Barney, lab. 9 Lambert Kell James, brickmkr, 3 Stockholm KelJ Mary R. laund. 3 Stockholm Kell Maiy .M. servant, 3 Stockholm Keller Philip N. porter, 6 Carlton Kelluni Alfred, lab. 48 Vine Kelluiu Alfred, stevedore, 16 Vine Kelluni Chas. drayman, 46 Vine Kelluni Geo. pilot, 15 Hamilton Kellum Henry, lab. 13 Parrish al Kellum James, shoemkr, 13 Parrish al Kellum Margt. cook, 48 Vine Kellum Rachel, cook, 35 Dover Kellum Mrs. Rosa, iaund. 13 Parrish al Kellum Wm. sawyer, 173 West Kellum Wm. lab. 16 Wilmers al Kelly Dandridge, restaurant and confec'y, 47. n Calvert Kelly Deborah, laund. rear 27 Marion Kelly G.o. \V. cook, 199 L. Hughes Kelly Henry, lab. 2^8 Vine Kelly Harriet, iaund. 7 Oxford velly James, porter, Greeumount av ext ielly James, waiter, 33 Raborg velly Jarret, lab. 178 Tyson Kelly John B. barber, 8 n Eutaw iell_) Josephine, laund. 228 Vine velly Levi, lab. 20 Biddle al Kelly Levi jr. lab. 20 Biddle al Velly .Mary, laund. 33 Raborg velly Nathan, lab. 24 Peach al velly Perry, driver, Wayne nr Fremont ielly Richard, waiter, 101 Jasper velly Samuel, waiter, 7 Oxford ^elly Samuel, whitewasher, 12 Mechanics ct i^eily Solomon, barber, 8 n Eutaw velly Wm. H. mariner, 24 Edward Cemp Henrietta, laund. 20 Cider al Cenip Henry, drayman, 4 Harnden ct ^emp James, lab. 15 Jew al Lcmp Joseph, brickmkr, 20 Cider al k.emp Maria, laund. 4 Harnden ct [emp Wm. shucker, 190 Henrietta tennard Geo. shucker, 210 Hudson Kennard Isaac, hostler, 18 Elder al Kennard Margaret, laund. 210 Hudson Kennard Thos. shucker, 210 Hudson Kennard Wm. shucker, 210 Hudson Kennedy Catherine, laund. 12u Harmony la Kennedy Mrs. Emily, c-ook, 4 Jones ct Kennedy Levi, liodcarrier, 55 n Dallas Kent Daniel, lab. 24 Gelston ct Kent Levin, lab. 146 Preston Kerr Francis, mariner, 45 Raborg Kew John, lab. 158 n Front Key Angeline, 85 Orchaid Key Rev. Chas. G. 17ii Henrietta Key Hiram, porter, 143 Chesnut Key L-aac, lab. 28 Winter al Key Lewis, waiter, 21 Orchard Key Lewis, lab. 158 Hillen Key Sarah, cook, 28 Winter al Key Mrs. Susan, laund. 152 n Chapel Keys Catherine, seamstress, 48 Greenwillow Keys Elizabeth, cakes, 43 s Caroline Kejs James, cook, 43 s Caroline Keys John, waiter, 48 Greenwillow Keys Wm. shucker, 67 Arch Kidd Richard, lab. 11 Peach al Kier Daniul, brickmkr. 75 L. Church Kier Joseph, lab. 2 Bradford al Kier Rose, laund. 75 L. Church KilsonMrs. Priscilla, laund. 90 n Spring Kimbo Lucy, laund. 43 L. McElderry Kimbo Moses, lab. 43 L. McElderry King Amelia A. servant, 179 s Sharp King Elizabeth A. dressmkr, 38 n Sharp King Fraiicis servant, 179 s Sharp King Geo. W. wagoner, 38 n Sharp King Henry, shoemkr, 52 King King Jacob, lab. Cross nr Johnson King Jane, cook, 17 Race King John, mariner, 2 0 al King John, porter, 52 King King Joseph, lab. 13 Neighbor King .Moses, waiter, 62 St. Mary King Robert, lab. 117 Sarah Ann King Sarah, laund. 52 King King Thomas, lab. 133 Low King Wm. mariner, 88 Chesnut Kinner Henry, sawyer, 109 King Kinner Julius, laund. 109 King Kinner, Margaret, laund. 109 King Kirk Lucinda, laund. 29 L. Monument Knox Charlotte, laund. 304 .Montgomery Knox George, lab. 128 Lee Knox Nathaniel, lab. 304 Montgomery L. LABAR AUGUSTUS, Universal hotel, 3 Lex- ington Lacy .Moses, cook, 79 n. Spring Lake James, lab. 45 n Dallas Lake .Martha, laund. 12 Wagon al Lake .Moses, shucker, 12 Wagon al Lake Perry, waiter, 36 Perry Lake Samuel, janitor, 2 Bell al Lamar Mary, laund. 5 Jasper Lamar Warren, lab. 52 Greenwillow Lambert Frances, laund. 86 Plum al Lambert Washington, lab. 86 Plum al Lamkin Hester A. laund. 73 Leadenhall Lancaster James, shucker, 226 Plum al Lancaster Wm. pork packer, 25 L. Church Landers Daniel, lab. 39 Tessier GQ pq o O o o ^ m o < I— I ft P < m O pq o zn < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 44 §.2 2 706 MutTial Life Insnrance Co. of New York, COLORED PERSONS. ^'^'i u X Landers John, lab. 157 w HoBFman ^ j5 ^ Landey Thomas, m.iriner, 87 Jefferson _> 3 ^ Landis Henry, ehucker, 20 Winter al 'ac ^ ^ Landry Alex, waiter, 9 Peach al o i> Landry James sr. sawyer, 9 Peach al ^j^_z ^ Liuidry James jr. shucker, 9 Peach al c tx '^ Lane Atirahairi sr. hustler, 40 L. Pleasant -T G 5 Lane Abraham jr. barber, 40 L. Pleasant "^ CO -^ Lane Abraham jr. barber, 5i Ghesnut al ;"'t; J" Lane Chas. brickmkr, 103 Hill ~ 5 c" ^^"^ Dennis, lab. 31 Shuter '^ ^ n Lane Francis, carter, 118jisper •^ 'f- -T-^ Lane .Fames, lab. 13 Carlton Lane Rev. John F. 23 Parrish al Lane Rebecca, laund. 34 n Chapel •- >^.. Lane Ruth Ann, laund. 31 Shuter '^ ^ i2 Lane Saml. stevedore, 30 Jo.-ephine 'o .- 5 Lane Sarah, laund. 92 Leadenhall o § -^ Lane \Vm. lab. 208 Hamburji c ^P Laney Thomas, lab. 21G Mullikin P g S Langley Amanda, laund. 278 s Howard 5 J^ Lau^'ley Klizabeth, laund. 69 Plum al Q X - Langley Geo. stevedore, 67 Plum al >•- o L.m-ley Henry, stevedore, 278 s Howard — "i '^ Langley Joiin, hodcarrier, 69 Plum al _w ,J:; Q Langley Louisa, laund. 67 Plum al 'j^ ^ Langley Olivia, laund. 69 Plum al r/2 o , Langley Robert F. processor, 69 Plum al f^ K Lanktbrd Arthur, brickmkr, 136 York . '^ c Lankford Freeborn, shucker, 132 n Dallas u.-: % Lankford Geo. shucker, 32 Short * 5 '^ Lankford Geo. shucker, 116 n Dallas >> ^ ~ Lankford John, shucker, 1 Race xfi C^^ Lanktoid .Maiy, cook, 4 Raborg (^3 C O- Lankford .Mary, laund. 136 York Lankford Mary, laund. 132 n Dallas Lankford Rev. W. S. 51 w Centre Lanman Thomas, lab. 230 West Lannian VVm. shucker, 181 Dover Lunman Wm. lal). 77 Elbow la Lansey Wm. (Mosely & L.) 55 L. Pleasant Lanswell Jerry, waiter, 221 Preston Lanzy Edward, waiter, 55 L. Pleasant Lanzy J. W. porter, 55 L. Pleasant Laprade Louis, barber, cor Park and Clav, dw 42 King .^J? Lark Margaret, laund. 3 JeflFerson ct g '^' Larkins Allen, waiter, 267 McDonogh . ♦J Larkins Chas. cook, 1 1 1 Jasper .o * >% Larkins Jas. H. barber, s w cor Courtland and *|; ^ "71 Saratotra, dw 2 Chesniit al Q^ ':3 ^ Larkins John, tavern, 18 Foundry r^ i^ >, Larkins Martha J. dressmkr, 257 McDonogh S "2 - Lasby Wm. brickmkr, 46 Wavne '^^^p'^ Lassery Wm. A. barber, 566 "Saratoga, dw 4 ^ ^ fl Wagon h1 |> ^ "" Latamore James, lab. 183 East g -^ p Latty Elizabeth, laund. 134 Hill 5 "S ■" Latty Frank, fireman, 134 Hill o c ^ Latty John, fireman, 134 Hill •^ -fl 4©- Lavatt Chas. engineer, 18 East <^ 3 u Law Harriet A. laund. 8 New Church ^ c c Lawrence Chas. H. lab. 39 Williamson al .c ^ 'x Lawrence Dennis, lab. 209 Raborg S "^ "E Lawrence Frances, laund. 39 Williamson al 3 ^ o Lawrence Harriet, servant, 75 Dover 4^ "p ^ Lawrence Henry, lab. 7 China al .« 5 Lawrence J. J. locksmith, 38 .McElderry '" Lawrence Owen, lab. 13 s Stockton al Lawrence Richard, lab. 18 Leadenhall Lawrence Win. lab. 15 Eutawct Laws Adeline, laund. 24 Wagon al ^ I— ) o X .-. H ^ OS C H 2 PS 5.. O (5 *t , JL m ,^«9> Laws Beverly D. barber, 65 Centre Market sp dw 45 Stirling Laws Francis, farmer, 28 McKim Laws Henry, lab. 251 Cross Laws John W. porter, Gondman al nr Cross Laws Susan, laund. 28 McKim Lawson Daj)hne A. dressmkr, 7 Raborg Lawson Samuel, lab. 112 Chesnut al Lawson Sarah, laund. 112 Chesnut al Lawson Thomas, lab. 34 Shuter Lawson W. Chas. coal oil, 7 Raborg Leakin Dr. John, 35 Orchard Leakins Amelia, dressmkr, 90 Orchard Leakins Cornelius, porter, 70 St. Mary Leakins Edward, coachman, 90 Orchard Leakins John, sawyer, 181 s Sharp Leatherbury Anna, laund. 93 L. Church Leatherbury Winder, brickmkr, 93 L. Church Le Cato Chas. lab. 197 Vine Lebrun Mary F. laund. 26 Jew al, o. t. LeCato Geo. shucker, 240 Vine Lecount Wri^'htson, lab. 105 s Caroline Ledlow Mrs. Jane, laund. 72 Myrtle av Lee Adam D. cook, 50 East Lee Amanda, laund. 11 Haw Lee Mrs. Annie L. seamstress, 49 Chesnut al Lee Annie, laund. 37 Williamson al Lee Augustus, shucker, 44 Forrest Lee Caroline, laund. 16 Oxford Lee Chas. H. butcher, 243 Orleans Lee Chas. porter, 14 Short Lee Chas. L. J. porter, 174 Park av Lee Clara, laund. 99 n Spring: Lee Cornelius, sawyer, 140 Tyson Lee Draper, lab. 160 8 Dallas Lee Dennis, Vincent a! nr Cole Lee Elizabeth, laund. 5 Calhoun ct Lee Mrs. Elizabeth, laund. 2o Leadenhall Lee Elijah, lab. 8 Gelston ct Lee Elijah, hostler, St. Paul and Centre Lee Eliza, laund. Parrish al Lee Ebenezer, lab. 12 Gilbert Lee Emanuel, lab. 109 n Chapel Lee Francis, lab. 9 Jenkins al Lee Fred, grain carrier, 20 Leadenhall Lee Geo. A. waiter 66 Richmond Lee Mrs. Grace A laund. 49 Jefferson Lee Hannibal, porter, 12 Gilbert Lee Harris, lab. 33 L Monunjent Lee Hezekiah, press feeder, 21 Orleans Lee Jacob, porter, 121 n Central av Lee Jasper, grainrunner, 40 Chesnut Lee Jaine?, drayman, 11 Haw Lee Jane, laund 166 n Spring Lee Jesse, porter, 12 Gilbert Lee John H. drayman, 78 Russell Lee John, waiter, 19 Hamilton Lee John, well digger, 37 Williamson al Lee John H whitewasher, 99 n Spring Lee John R. restaurant, 9 and 11 Saratoga Lee John H. inspr. C. H. 10 Vine Lee John W. lal). 82 n Bethel Lee Jos. lab. 102 Elbow la Lee Jos. lab. 34 Short Lee Jos. whitewasher, 99 n Spring Lee Jos. lab. 192 L. Constitution Lee Kate, laund. 128 n Durham Lee Levi, porter, 16 Oxford Lee Levi, lab. 10 State Lee Levin, lab. 308 n Durham Lee Louisa, laund. 105 Lee Lee Margaret. 40 Hampstead HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.0C0.000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 707 Lee Margaret, laund. Stockton al nr Harlem av Lee Maria, chanil)ermaid, 306 8 Howard Lee Maria, laund. Parrisli al Lee Mary, dressrekr, 192 L.Conslitutioa Lee Mrs. Mary, lauod. 167 Vine Lee Nancy, laund. 211 L. Huf;he8 Lee Nathaniel, stevedore, 49 Ctiesnut al Lee Olivia, laund. 4 Wayne Lee Rebecca, laund. 336 L.Vine Lee Mis. Rebecca, huckstress, 121 a Dallas Lee Rachel, searssiress, 10 Vine Lee Richard, shucker, 5 Biddle al Lee Robtrt, lab. lo.') Lee Lee fSamuel, waiter, 167 Vine Lee Susan E. laund. 24.5 Orleans Lee Thos. lab. 9/t-nkin3 al Lee Washington, lab. 4 Wayne Lee W^esley, carp. 225 n Front Lee Wm. driver, 245 Orleans Lee Wna. lab. Parrish al Lee Wm. mariner, 212 s Sharp Lee Wm. G. lab. 121 n Dallas Lee Wm. H. waiter, 9 Jenkins al Lee Wm. H. lab. 336 L.Vine Legree Priscilla, laund. 51 Elbow la Legree Robert, barber, 51 Elbow la Lemmon Aua, huckster, 330 e Fayette Lemmoa Amelia, laund. 4 Meyer ct Lemmon Hannah, cook, 330 e Fayette Lemmon Isaiah, whitewasher, 136 Stirling Lemmon Lydia, huckstrrss, 330 e Fayette Lemmoa Sarah, laund. 330 e Fayette Leonard Ebeuezer, drayman, 8 Wayne Leonard Fmeline, laund. 8 Wayne Leonard Martin, shucker, 71 n Durham Lester Geo. W, huckster, 133 Hill Levi Mrs. Emeline, cook, 133 Ensor Levi Geo. lab. 6 X al Lewey John sr, caulker, 164 s Dallas Lewis Mrs. Audiew, laund. 54 Peirce Lewis Anna, laund. 244 Raborg Lewis Amelia, servant, 4 Redgrave ct Lewis Mrs. Ciissaiidra, lauad. 141 n CaroUae Lewis Charlotte, servant, 3o2 e Fayette Lewis Rev. Charles R. 15 Rose Lewis Elijah E. pjasierer, 43 Jefferson Lewis Eliza J. laund. 14 Jew al, o. t. Lewis Elizabeth, laund. 4 Union ct Lewis Emma, 270 s Howard Lewis Emma, lauud. 24 Cider al Lewis Francis, porter, 6 Laurens al Lewis Geo. driver, 101 Chesnut al lie wis Geo. M. waiter, 2 Elder al Lewis Geo. W. plasterer, 43 Jefferson Lewis Harrison, coachman, 91 Jasper Lewis Henry, mariner, 58 L. Church Lewis Henry, drayman, 51 Uiddle al Lewis Isaiah, while washer, 4 Union ct Lewis Jesse, well digger, 19 Union Lewis Jesse, drayman, 15 Union Lewis John, lab. 64 Josephine Lewis John, lab. 71 n Bethel Lewis John, lab. 41 Druid Hill av Lewis John, brickmkr, 14 Wagon al Lewis John, hod carrier, 14 Jew al, o. t. Lewis Joseph, plasterer, 43 Jefferson Lewis Lucy, cook, 4 Redgrave ct Lewis Lydia, laund. 40 Biddle al Lewis Martha, laund. 101 Chesnut al Lewis Martin, porter, 4 Redgrave ct Lewis Mary, laund. 153 Sarah Ann Lewis Moses, lab. 196 Warner Lewis Peter, caulker, 7 n Castle Lewis Saml. mariner, 275 s Howard Lewis Saml. drayman, 244 Raborg Lewis Thos. mariner, 49 Low Lewis Thos. lab. 1 Bartlett Lewis Thos. lab. 153 Sarah Ann Lewis Wm. porter, 142 s Charles Light Geo. mariner, 79 n Bethel Lightner Maria, laund. 6 Donnelly ct Lightner Solomon, shucker, 6 Donnelly ct Lightner Washington, lab. 6 Donnelly ct Lilly John W. bricknikr, 44 Hampstead Lilly Leonard, rear 237 n Front Lindenberger Geo. H. brickmkr, 172 Wayne Lindenberger Maria, servant, 172 Wayne Liiid ay Alice, laund. 21 Arch Lindsay .Maliala, laund. 3o6 s Eutaw Lindsay Moses, shucker, 3u6 s Futaw Linn Aurelia, laund. 223 Dover Linn Chas. bricknikr, 223 Dover Linn Henrietta, laund. 85 Burgundy al Linn .Mary, laund 48 Carlton Linn Marshal, musician, 173 King Linn Perry, blacksmith, 223 Dover Linn Thos. lab. 85 Burgundy al Linn Thos. shucker, 47 Dawson al Linn Drias, lab. 223 Dover Linthicuni Frank, lab. 91 L. Church Linthicum Jas. barber, 8 Rose Lintbic'im .Mary A. servant, 91 L. Church Little Samuel, lab. 26 Gilbert Lively Eustasia, lab. 8 Painters ct Lively Julia, eating saloon, 28 Foundry Livers Philii', lab. 18 Brewer al Lloyd Hardii.g, lab. 185 n Exeter Lloyd John H. lab. 3 Parrish al Lloyd Joseph, mariner, 3 China al Lloyd Joseph, shucker, 89 Watson Lloyd -Mrs MUdred, laund. 3 Parrish al Lockman Daniel, lab. 23 Chesnut Lockerman Daniel, lab. 19 Hijih al Luckerman John, shucker. 205 Hamburg Lockerman Lucretia, laund. 205 Hamburg Lockman Mrs Amanda, seamstress, 128 n Spring Lockman Benj. stevedore, 135 Hill Lockman Levin, lab. 84 n Durham Lockman Mrs, Sitlie, laund, 84 n Durham Lockman Mary, laund, 135 Hill Locks Eliaha, lab. 317 s Howard Lucks J. Henry, shucker, 6 Harrison ct Locks Israel, Carter, 75 Davis Locks John W, hacks and prest, Chesapeake Railway Co, 59 s Wolfe, dw 65 Locks Jos, C. hostler, 126 s Durham Locks Sarah, ,'^rvant, 317 s Howard Locks Susan J laund 6 Harrison ct Lofeman Jos. lab, 173 West Logan Anna, laund, 36 Carlton Logan David, shucker, 7 Peach al Logan Henson, bodcarrier, 36 Carlton Logan Li-vin, mariner, 202 Hamburg Logan Robt. drayman, 224 West Logsiins Ann, laiind, 339 w Hoffman Loggins Saml, cook, 15 Neitrlibor Loggins Peter, porier, 339 w Hoffman Loggy Mary A. laund. 29 Wayne Loker Isaac, lab. 23 L. Montgomery Lokman John T. lab, 16 Sarataga Lokinan Henry, lab, 16 Saratoga Loraack Emma, dressmkr, 103 Orchard Lomack Peter, stevedore, 2 Harnden ct Lomack Susan, laund, 66 Wayne CO c3 O O o ft o o ■3Q I— I p^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. 708 Mtitnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS^ H ^ O o O ^ <1 OQ O a P W!^ kh C§ C O ^-^ l«^ l-i ti «HP goo o w Lomack Thos. huckster, 103 Oichard Lomax Wiirren, mariner, 397 w Pratt Lomax Wni. lab. 243 Oileiins Lon^ Alfreri, lab. 1 Harrison ct Long Arthur, mariner, 211 L Hughes Long Charh)tt;-, laund. 182 MuUikia Long p]lizabeth, laund. 51 Wayne Long Ellen, ovsters, 14 Jones ct Long Geo. waiter, 14 Jones ct Long Geo. lab. 323 n Durham Long Henry, Itib. 136 York Long John, mariner, 23 8huter Long Jennie, laund. 197 Vine Long Margt. laund. 136 York Long Robt. E. porter, 51 Wayne Long Susan, cook, 211 L. Hughes Long Wni. H. waiter, 107 Jasper Louden Catherine, laund. 17 Jasper Louden Priscilla M. A. laund. 135 Stirling Louden Samuel B. waiter, 135 Stirling Louden Clias. })orter, 17 Jasper Lous Simon, whitewhr, Vincent al nr Baker Love Julius Caesar, theolo'l stud't,44 Saratoga Love Slauli-y, shucker, 181 York Love Susan, cook, 181 York Lovedaj Elizabeth, dressmkr, 87 East Loveday Elizabeth, dressmkr, 125 Welcome al Loveday Henry, porter, 87 East Loveday Harriet, laund. 125 Welcome al Loveday Magdalene, dressmkr, 125 Welcome al Lovelay Henry, drayman, 53 Perry Lovely Nathan, hodcarrier, 12 Morris al Low Ann M. chambermaid, 70 East Low Mary, seamstress, 70 East Lowry Anmi, laund. 52 Orchard Lowry John, porter, 68 Biddle al Lowry Lee, portei-, 52 Orchard Lucas Charlotte, servant, 114 Welcome al Lucas Daniel, mariner, 63 Richmond Lucas Elizabeth, cook, 23 Guilford al Lucas Ellen, laund. 59 Da\i3 Lucas Geo. stevedore, 178 .MuUikin Lucas Isaac, stevedore, 6G Davis Lucas Joshua, brick nikr, 23 Guilford al Lucas Malvern, lab. 59 Davis Lucas Mary J. laund. 1 Wagon al Lucas Mary J. laund. 136 Cider al Lucas Seth 11. waiter, 136 Cider al Lucas Seth H. waiter, 1 W^agou al Luckett Geo. T. lab. 274 Hamburg Luckett John H. porter, 20 Chesnut Lumpsen DoUie, rest uirant, 67 s Charles Lyles John, 247 Orleans Lyles Sarah, laund. 247 Orleans LyU's Will. A. lab. Stockton al nr Lanvale Lymberry David, teacher, 172 Park av Lymlierry Mrs. Geo. W. 172 Park av Lymberry Isaiah, porter, 172 Park av Lynch Lewis, white washer, 24 Boyd Lyons Alfred, carter, 10 Ohio av Lyons David, brickmkr, 10 Ohio av Lycms Leonard, shucker, 10 Ohio av Lyons R. hodcarrier, 223 s Howard Lyons Sarah, laund. 223 8 Howard M Machiido Jos. S. tailor, 184 Eastern av Mack Alfred, lab. 243 Cross Mack Annie, laund. 148 Lee Mack Augustus, driver, 15 Hamilton Mack Henry, hostler, 12 Hamilton Mack Mrs. Miilvina, laund. 141 n Dallas -Mack Nelson, driver, 47 East Mack R. H. waiter, 8 Hamilton .Mack Thomas, dravnum, 148 Lee Mack Thomas H. shucker, 31 Maccubbia Mackey Annie, laund. 3 Redgrave ct MackayJohn, liodcarricr, 35 Chesnut Mackey Louis, lab. 217 Hamburg .Mackey Moses, lab. 178 Dover Mackey Samuel, fireman, 161 s Rethel Mackey Samuel, cook, 3 Redgrave ct Mackey Sarah, laund. 161s Bethel Macke}' Theo. waj^oner, 178 Dover Mackey Wm. caulker, 161 s Bethel Macon John, mariner, 6 Pleesant Macon Saml. porter, G3 Harford av Madden Amelia R. luind. 9 Vine Madden Isaac, [lorter, 9 Vine Madden Israel, lab. 3 s Dallas Maddo.x Corbeit, caulker, 114 n Dallas Miiddo.x Diiniel, enginei-r, 36 Edward Maddo.x Emily, laund. 36 Edward .Maddox Elizabeth, laund. 138 Harmony la Maddox George, hodcarrier, 41 East Maddox Henry, porter, 93 Orchard Maddox Joseph, waiter, 86 Welcome al Miiddox Levin, driver, 138 Harmony la Maddox Robert, tirickmkr, 167 York Maddox Sarah Ann, laund. 216 Dover Maddox Spencer, blacksmith, 216 Dover Maddox Susan, laund. 114 n Dallas Madison Chas. L. barber, 250 L. Hughes Madison Edward, whitewasher, 29 May Madison Jas. lab. 119 York Madison Mary L. laund. 250 L. Hughes Madison-St. Presbyterian Church, cor Madison and Clover al Magree John W. jr. groom, 25 Hillen Magree Mary J. laiind. 25 Hillen Magree Mary, laund. 25 Hillen Magruder Tlios. stevedore, 6 Rickett al Mahamett Mrs. Surah J.seam8l's,260 McDonogh Mahamett Win. G. lab. 260 .McDonogh Mahamic Edward, lab. 23 Jordan al Mahammett Jeremiah sr.whiter,45 L. Monument Mahammett Jeremiah jr. lab. 4:> L. Monument Mahoney John, waiter, 237 Dover Maboney Thos. shucker, 40 Walker ]\lahorney Daniel V. brickmkr, 46 Walker Maborney John E. brickmkr, 46 Walker Mahorney Sophia, laund. 45 Walker Major Cornelius, waiter, 86 w Monument Maiden .Mrs. Eliza A. laund. 2 Walker ct Makell Henj. drayman, 11 Duncan al Jlakfcll Benj lab. 2 Clarkson al Makell Benj. jr. lab. 2 Clarkson al Makell Major, lab. 2 Clarkson nl Makell Sarah, laund 2 Clarkson al Maker Henry, shucker, 308 s Howard Maker Samuel, lab. 4 Jenkins al Makle Henson L. lab. lo Sterrett Makle Mary, laund. 302 s Howard Makle Samuel, mariner, 302 s Howard Mallory Chas. F. barber, 21 Hamilton Mallory Fenton, waiter, 152 Cathedral MalonAiulrew J. hodcarrier, 91 Welcome al Malone Henry, lab. 125 York Maloiie Sarah, cook, 127 York .Mann Nancy J. laund. 8 Welsh Manner Levin, lab. 37 Shuter Manokey Chas. lab. 12 Shuter Aianokev Daniel L. 336 e Baltimore HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 709 Manship Wiley, lab. 56 L. Church Marburj- I.uke, waiter, 24 Marion Morbury Samupl, dentist, 24 Marion Marbiiry Wesley, waiter, 24 Marion Marbury Wm. waiter, 24 Marion ifariue Lewis, mariner, 64 Elbow la Marine Louis, mariner, 152 Lee Marine Mary ('. laiind. 97 s Dallas Marine Richard, caiter, 1x5 MuUikia -Alarine Wm. lab. 97 s Dallas Markarta Mrs. Emma, lauud. 101 Sarah Ann Markarta Eulogie. ci^armkr. 101 Sarah Ann Marshal Martha, lannd. 4 College al Marshal Wm. lab. 10 Shuler Marshall Antoiue, pnrte;', 4 Coilege al Marshall Alice, laund. 19 Jasper Marshall Edward, lab. 140 u Cliapel Marshall Hettie A laund. 29 Kii:g Marshall Jas. lab 20 Dawson al Marshall John, porter, 19 Jasper Marshall John, jjorter, 13 Oxford Marshall John W. porter, 13 O.Kford Marshall Maria, laund. 3 Waters ct Marshall .Maria, 20 Dawson al Marshall Michael, waiter, 13 Vine Marshall S.irah, laund. 130 York Marshall Thonms H, mariner, 303 Hamburg Martin Ale.\. grainrunner, 81 Elbow la Martin Mrs. Ann M. 109 n Dallas Martin Benj. lab. 36 Booth Martin David F. janitor 36 St. Paul Martin Grace, laund. 73 Moore ai Martin Henry W. clerk, 24 Park av Martin Henry, hodcarrier, 26 Peach al Martin Jas. waiter, 9G Raborg Martin James, lab. 24 Leadenhall ilartin Jane, cook, 105 Raborg Martin John, drayman, 28 Stockholm Martin Jos. waiter, 186 Raborg Martin Mis. Leber, laund. Ills Bethel Martin Lewis, mariner, 9(i Stiles Martin Lucinda, laund. 45 L. Pleasant Martin Mrs. .Martha, laund 137 n Caroline Martin Martha, nurse. 96 Raborg Martin .Mary, laund. 31 King Martin -Mary, laund. 98 Orchard Martin M iry, co 'k, 9 Peach al Martin Murry, mariner. 111 s Bethel JIartin I'hilis, cook. Stockton al nr Harlem av -Martin Sally, lannd. 26 Peach al Martin Sylvester, porter, 45 L. Pleasant MarylaniiJohnH.lheologic'l sfudent,44Saratoga Mason Ann, laund. 270 Montgomery Mason Annie, servant, 64 Welcome ai Mason Anna, seamstress, 39 Raborg Mason Annie, cook, 5! Burgundy al Mason Benj. coachman, 41 Biddle al Mason Cassius M. C. collector, 17 Hamilton Mason Dudley, mariner. 10 Guilford al Mason Ellen, laund. 2 X al Mason Eliza J. laund. 64 Welcome al Mason Geo. A. (C. .M. & Son) 270 w Biddle Mason Henry, lab. 216 Hanover Mason Huron, lab. 178 Raboig Mason Isr.iel, shucker, 64 Welcome al Mason John, brickmkr, 2 X al Mason John, mariner, 270 Montgomery Mason John, lab. 142 n Holliday Mason John, huckster, 173 Stirling Mason John I. mariner, 64 Welcome al ,• Mason John W. steward, 1 House ct 'Mason Joseph, waiter, 8 Sterreti Mason Joseph waiter, 92 Miller Mason Jos. waiter, 27 Low Mason Jos. stevedore, 65 L Church Mason Lewis, drayman, 60 Wayne Mason Lydia. laund. Patterson li nr Pennaav Mason Nathaniel, waiter, Buck's hotel .Masi'n Owen, gardener, 17 Carlton Mason Richard (R. M. & Sons) 270 w Biddle Mason R. & Sons (Rich'd and Geo. A. Mason) shoemkrs, 177 Lexington Mason Samuel, lab. 49 China Mason Sylvester B. steward, 1 House ct Mason Win. tobacconist, 219 s Howard Mason Wallace, waiter, 25 New Church .Mason Wm. L. shoemkr, 148 Saratoga, dw 270 w Biddle Mason Wm. H. mariner, 39 Raborg Mason Wm. H. cook, 220 Hanover Mason Wiley, carter, 112 Riborg Massey Betsy, cook, Stockton al nr Harlem av Masscy Isaac, porter, 34 Orchard Matthews Abe, waiter Three Tuns hotel Matthews Alex, drayman, 29 Wayne Matthews Alice, laund. 90 n Durham Matthews Alice, laund. 27 n Sharp Matthews Alonzo, waiter, 33 Orchard Matthews Anna, laund. 32 McKim Matthews Ann M. diessmkr, 8-^ Klbow la .Matthews Augustus, lab. 5 Stockholm Matthews Charlotte, laund. 26 L .Monument Matthews Clias. gardener, 4 Shields al Matthews Charles, lab. 5 Stockholm -Matthews (Jharles, draunan, 49 Lewis .Matthews Charles, lab. 63 n Durham Matthews Chas. R. grainruniier, 343 u Howard -Matthews Clinton, drayman, 28 -McKim Matthews Delia, laund. 114 Stirling Matthews Elizabeth A. laund. 127 n Durham Matthews Elizabeth, laund. rear 3 Hagar ct -Matthews KHiily, laund, 46 Walker -Mattheus Mrs. Fanny, laund. 49 .State -Matthews Geo. lab. 225 n Durham -Matthews Geo. shoemkr, 50 Cair.el al Matthews Geo. wagoner, 84 Cider al -Matthews Geo. lab. 225 n Durham Matthews Geo. waiter, 103 Chesnut al -Matthews Geo. lab. 159 York Matthews Geo. waitei', 124 Sarah Ann Matthews Hannah, laund. 23 Wa\ne Matthews Jacob, woods iwyer, 68 Orchard -M.itthews Jas. lab. 73 Plum al Matthews Jas. porter, 36 Orchird Matthews Jas. H. teaclier, 23 Wayne Matthews John, lab. 2 Cole Matthews John, shucker, 88 Plum al Matthews John, lab. 121 Saiah Ann .Matthews John H. porter, 225 n Durham Matthews John, lab. 32 -McKim Matthews Jos. brickmkr, 207 Hamburg Alatthews Jose[iliine, laund. 84 Cider al -Matthews Josephine, cook, 193 Saratoga Matthews Levi, lab, 90 n Durham Matthews Lewis, lab, 25 Carlton Matthews Lewis, lab. 179 n Dallas .Matthews Lydia, 193 Saratoga Matthews -Maria, 24 Peirce Matthews Mary, laund. 343 n Howard -Matthews Mary, 73 Plum ai .Matthews Mary, servant. 116 s Paca Matthews Mary A. laund. 205 Raborg Matthews Mary R. laund. 179 n Dallas Matthews -Mary, lannd. 28 McKim m o O o o o o w s' o o < o td > o o I— ( < Power Press Printino;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. g.c-.-710 COLORED PERSONS. a c Matthews Mortimer, lab. 28 Ri)se ,■ ^ 3 ^Jittihews Nicholas, driver, 8 Morris al > = '~^ Matthews N'icbolas, waiter, 89 Orchard •x ^ g Matthews Rev. P. H. 23 Wayne g 33 Matthews Rehecta, laund. 193 Saratoga ^ ^* ^ Matthews Rebectv, servant, 23 Wayne C -ii — Matthews Roht. driver, IGO RaborL' ^- c C Matthews Rubt. dra\ man, 259 Cross ^~" X c; Matthews Sallie, chaiiibermaid, 11. Mason al •"rr ^ Matthews Samuel, coal heaver, 61 Jenkins al _5; = X*" Matthews Sanil. iab. Jenkins al nr Hoffman ^ == 5 Matthews Sauil. S. winter, 49 Orchard .5 "x -;= Matthews Sarah, lauiid. 33 Orchard "3 ^^ i;^ Matihcws Shadraik, lab. h8 Plum al '^'^'^^ .Matthews Sulomon. lab. 127 Dover .^ j^ . Matthews S(jloinon, lab. 106 n Regester ^ — 'iS Matthews Soj>hia, b.uiid. 36 Orchard •n .5 S ^l'^^'"**"s Thos. yaidener, 15Chesnutal t.' 9 ^ Matthews Thos. II. dra.Muan, 3i Peirce '- "c-^ Matthews Wni. J (;. wiiit. washer. 191 Tyson .Matthews \Vm. E. brickmkr, 20.') Raborg' Matthews Wm. lab. 37 L. Monument ^ Matthews Wm. hodcarrier. 218 Vine o g .Matthews Wm. driver, 3 Hajzar ct "" — .Maulsby Henry, porter, 212 n Dallas May David, mariner, 166 s Dallas .Maybtan Eiisha, inariiier, 38 n Sharp -Maybeiry Mark, ;;rocery, 84 McKini Mayberry Thomas, biickmkr, 124 Raborg Maybury Thos. H. oysters, n e cor Fayette and _ _ (iilmor, dw Raborj; nr Fremont i C 'Z -Mayiiaid John C lab. 1 Cross al S^ ce C-. Maynard Sampson, e.X|iress driver, 96 Raborg ^ o -H .Ma\nard Susan, lannd. 1 Cross al ^i c"^ McCalie Jefferson, mariner, 171 n Eden ^ g - McCabe Solomon, barber, 59 w Fayette, dsv 125 £ .t; § St. Paul ~ "^ H McClain Joseph, drayman, 46 Union '^ .S ^ McComas Henry, waiter, 42 Douglas -^ ^ J McComas .Mary E. laund. 12 George al -e -r HH McComas Richard, drayman, 136 York 0} o .>■ c E-t^ -McConkev Jos. lab. 206 Rabor;.' X:, "^ McCoy Abraham, barber. 28ChiMH . ^ si McCoy Hesier, cook stand, llo s Bethel •^' 5 ^ McCoy John, shucker, 1 lo s Bethel g S si .McCoy Henry, waiter, 15 Hamilton •'Oh McCray Joseph, shucker, 7 Bnoih McCubbin Isaac, driver, 14 Boyd y o McCubbin .Moses, teamster, 108 Harford av ^; ^ >, McCubbin Phebe, laiind. 108 Harford av "r X ^n McDonald Ileury, mariner, 109 n Caroline C ~ o *"^*^^1'^^"T Hillary, lab. Vincent nr Brker _^ o >^ McElderry Lucinda, laund. Vincent al nr Baker J •- „ .McGill Harriet, laund. 134 Cider al 5 t^ -^ McGill Joseph K. vvniler, 19 Haw ^ ""^ C McGill Josiah, lab. 19 Haw ^ ^ '!!I '^''-Oiimis Mrs. Ellen, grocery, 168 German- ^ -k^ 5 -^^*-'^ini'i^ Fred, porter, 168 German ■ 5 -^ "" McGintiis Julius, porter, 168 German § C CM '^'cGlenn .Mary J. kiuud. 2ii9 Hamburg ^~^ _r «*& McGlenu Peter, shucker. 209 Hamburg V -^ :C -^'^'^'ul^ii Wm. lab. 322 Hamburg ^' :5 = -McKeiiney Deu'.iis, waiter, II State ~S ^ 'x MeKenney Feshis, porter, 55 China =: "3 ".^ .McKenuey Joseph, lab. 130 L. Hughes S t^» OJ -^'cKeuney Ricliar.^ McLaughlin Levin, engineer, 13 Chesnut McLaughlin Wm. lab. 322 Hamburg McNaniara Mrs Mary, 145 a Eden McNeal Mrs. Jane, laund. 15 Parrish al McPherson Amelia, seamstress, 218 SlirliDg^ .McPherson Caroline, 218 Stivling McQuade Henry, waiter, 4 Biddle al McTell Robert, sexton, 60 Raborg Meads Henj. lab. 29 Union Meads John, lab. 3 Humes Meads .Mary, huckstress, 301 w Biddle Mears James, hostler, 347 L. Vine Mears Harriet, laund. 347 L. Vine Medley J. H slioemkr, 38 McElderry Meekins J(din, lab. 7 s Bethel Meekins Mary A. laund. 7 s Bethel Meiner Benj. coachman, 459 n Eulaw Meredith Geo. A. shucker, 288 s Eutaw Meredith Geo. A. mariner, 286 s Howard Meredith Jacob. T. waiter, 286 s Howard Meredith John, gr.iin measurer, 286 s Howard Meredith John R. waiter, 286 s Howard Meredith Richaid, whitewasher, 286 8 Howard Merrill Edward F. lab. 132 York Merrill Elizabeth, laund. 132 York Merrill Elizalv th, laund. 36 Perry Merrill John, driver, 36 Perry Merrill John H oysters, 43 n" Dallas Merriman Geo. lab. 51 Jefferson .Middleton Henry, lab. 188 Raborg Middleton H>nry, sawyer, 211 L. Hughes Middleton Jehu, waiter, 287 w Biddle .Middleton .Maria, laund. 2 Vine Middleton Robert, lab. 30 Shuter Midgett Mrs. Mary, hibnd. 104 Cider al .Milburn Chaney, lab. 144 Sarah Ann Milburn Geo. W. drayman, 307 s Eutaw Milburn J. Frank, drayu)aii, 307 s Eutaw Milburn Priscilla. laund. 144 Sarah Ann Milburn Wm. lab. 144 Sarah Ann Miles Danl.oyst'rs,and wliitewasherl34Cider al Miles Edward, barber, 85 .Mulberry, dw29Tysoa Miles Edinborough, waiter, 238 Preston Miles Geo. L. porter, 59 Raborg Miles Harriet, laund. 134 Cider al Miles Harriet, cook. 96 Stilling .Miles .lames A. oysters, 96 Stirling Miles Mary, laund. 155 York .Miles Sarah, laund. 59 Raborg Miles Thomas, mariner, 155 York Miller Andrew, shucl C. seamstress, 276 s Howard Monroe Saniud, exp'ressman. 196 Henrietta Montgomery Jas. stevedore, 182 L. Hughes Montgomery Jas. barber, 99 Low Montgomery Samuel, barber, 23 Tyson Montuomery Sarah, servant, 128 s Paca Montgomery Victoria, laund. 4 Mulberry ct -Montgomery Wm driver, 194 s Dallas Moody Benj. lab. 67 Welcome al Moody Bettie, cook, 67 Welcome al Mooney Richard, farmer, 5 H al Moore Alice, seamstress, 24 Winter al Moore Amelia, laund. 95 n Durham Moore Caroline, seamstress, 157 York -Moore Chas. mariner, 259 Montgomery Moore Ch.is. .M. waiter, 33 State Moore Daniel, drivei-, 18 Rock Moore Daniel, mariner, 5 Plowman Moore Daniel, carter, 328 L. ^'ine Moore David, waiter, 34 Tyson Moore E'oenezer, lab. 182 West Mooie Eliicabeth, laund. 182 West Mooie Ellen, laund. 33 State Moore Emily, servant, 79 s Paca Moore Emory, hostler, 87 Elbow la Moore Fred. lab. 283 Eastern av , Moore Geo. shucker. 76 Watson Moore Geo. lab. 6 Chesnut al Moore Harriet, laund. 85 Oxford Moore Harriet, laund. 9 Muoie al Moore Harriet, laund. 30 V'ine Moore Harriet, laund. 58 Chesnut Moore Henry C. waiter, 85 Oxford .Moore baiic, shncker, 28 Edward -Moore Jas. waiter, 222 n Front Muore Jas. W. H. waiter, 170 Dover Moore Mrs, Jennie, laund. I Carlton Moore Jeremiah, lab. 82 Burgundy al Moore Jeremiah, lab. Cathedral ext Moore John, drayman, 84 Jasper -Moore John, sbucker. 24 s Stockton al Moore John, lab. 12 Bolton Moore John, lab. 12 Lehman al Moore John W. upholsterer, 42 Forrest Moore Jos. porter, Biddle al Moore Jos. P. shucker, 40 Lewis Moure Julia, Imind. ^7 Elbow la .Moore Keziah, cook, 15 Claret al Moore Levi, diaymaii. McElderry ext Mooie -Mai ia, laund. 33 Oxford Moore Margaret, laund. 68 Jasper Moore Mary, servant, 34 Tyson Moore Mrs. Maiy, seamstress, 31 Goodman al Muore -Mary, laund. li-6 Tyson Moore Mary S. lauiid. 7 Mulberry ct Moure Matthews, caulker, 16 s Bethel Moore -Moses, mariner, 278 Montgomery Moore Moses, driver, 32 Tyson Moore Page, 328 L. Vine Muore Peter, grain measurer. 64 Henrietta Moore Peter, drayman, 157 York .Moore Richard, shucker, 158 Tyson CQ o O W D < H 'C <: < o ,^, HH ' ^ M-< o H O - r/; O 00 ^—* o J ^ ^.^ l^H (^ < M zn CO O '— ' >JP2 O "^ S O Moorfi Richard H. drayman, 45 Oxford Moore Robert, lab. 24 Winter al Moore Rosettn, laund. 82 BurL'undi' al Moore Sarah, laund. 328 L. Vine Moore Sarah, lannd. 64 Henrietta Moore Susan, laund. 45 Oxford Moore Tbo?. co chnian, IHH Tyson Moore Ward, sbncker, 259 .Montgomery Moore Wesley Win. porter. 13 Orchard Moore Wm. shucker, 182 West Moore Wm. whitewasber, 33 Oxford Moore Wra. H. driver, 10 State Moore Wm W. barber, 12 s Liberty, dw 44 Diamond Moqnette J. J. W. barber, 195 Saratoga .Mori>an Agnes, laund. 12 Oxford Morgan Agnes J. seamstress, 206 s Eutaw MorL'an Alfred, hod carrier, 71 Oxford Morgan Benj. grain measuier, 12 Oxford Morgan Chas. hudcarrier. 25 Sniitii Margac David, mariner, 59 China Morgan (Jeo. chairmkr, 47 n Durhana Morgan Henry, shipcarp. 45 n Chapel Morgan Henrietta, laund. fi Oxford Morgan Hezekiah, porter, 6 Oxford Morgan James J. drayman, 104 Leadenhall Morgan John, painter, 108 Jasper Morgan John L. waiter, 206 s f>uta\v Morgan Julia, cook, 206 s Eutaw Morgan Mrs. Mary, laund. 103 n Schroeder Morgan Mary A. laund. 42 King Morgan Matilda, 59 China Morgan Samuel, lab. 239 Cross Morgan T. J. whitewasher, 123 Cbesnut al Morris .A.ibert, lab. 16 Leadenhall Morris Annie, lannd 25 Slate Morris Catherine, laund. 122 Peirce .Morris Emma, laund. 16 Leadenhall Morris Geo. waiter. 25 Stat' .Morris Harrison, lab. 11 Walnut al .Morris Jas. sbipcarp. 213 s Howard Morris Jas. shoeiukr, 151 s Ciroline Morris John, lab. 56 D.ivis Morris Laura, laund. 16 Leadenhall Morris Michael, u alter, 36 Ro.se Morris Owen, driver, 5 Oxford -Morris Rachel, laund, 16 Leadenhall Morris Theodore, lab. 9 St. James Morns Wiley, lab. 210 Vine Morris Wm. brickmkr, 16 Leadenhall Morrison Henrietta, laund. 36 Raborg Morrison Robt. waiter, rear 136 German Morrison Samuel, driver, 93 Orchard Morsell Benj. lal). 71 Russell Morsell Catherine, lannd. 215 3 Howard Morsell Henry, porter, 71 Russell -Morsell Henry, herb doctor, 5 Harrison ct -Morsi-ll John, shucker, lo Ricketts ct -Morsell John T , 215 s Howard Morsell Mary, laund. 10 Ricketts ct Morsell Peter, brickmkr, 216 Hamburg •Morsell Rachel, cook, 4 Ohio av Morsell Richard, lab. 4 Ohio av Morson Chas. sbncker, 59 Wilh.amson al Morsoii Emily, laund. 5<» Williamson al -Moseby Maria, nurse, 40 s Greene .Mosely Augustus, (M.& Linsey)74 n Holliday Mosely James, lab. 74 n Holliday Mosely & Lansey(Au!.nistiis Moseley and Wm. Lan8ey)restaurant,38 Saratoga Mosely L. plasterer, 125 Pe.irl Moulton Chas. waiter, 54 L. .Monument Moulton Gfo. porter, 174 York -Moulton Harriet, laund. 23 Carlton Moss 0. .McKay, porter, 155 Vine Munroe Anna, laund. 14 Wajion al Munroe Anna, servant, 119 Yoik -Munroe James, brickmkr, 14 Wa^on al Murdoch Augustus, hostler, 4 Amity ct Murdoch Aug. hostler, 5 Amity -Murdoch Chas. H. oysters, 36 Rose Murdoch Waslrlon, whitewasher, 82 Morris al iMurphy Benj. whitewasher, 4 Forney al Mnrj)hy Dennis, whitewasher. 18 Boyd Muipby John H. cook, 8 Forney al Murphy .Martha, seamstress, 8 Forney al Murphy Susan, laund. 4 Forney al .Murray Albert, porter, 62 Laurens al Murray -\n)elia A. lannd 1^ Chesnut Murray Annie, servant. 103 tlill Murray Annie, lannd. II r. Castle Murray Benj. wagoner, 261 Raborg Murray Daniel, lab. 17 Carlton Murray Eliza, laund. 261 R.iborg Murray Elizi, servant, 23 Josephiue Murray Eliza Jane, laund. 23 Neighbor .Murray Elizabi-th, laund. 19 Guilford al Murray Ellen L. laund. 136 Riborg Murray Fied. lab. 125 Pearl Murray Geo. lab. 37^ Forrest Murray Georgianna, laund. ^ Brannan ct .Murray Hannah, laund. 12 -Mechanics ct Murray Hiram, i)orter, 69 n Durham Murray Jacob, brickmkr, 103 Hill Murray J.acob, barber, Paca and Pratt, dw 23 Josephine .Murray James, blacksmith, 48 n Caroline Murray John, nnriner, 26 Welcome al Murray John F. dravman, 4 Biddle al Muriay John L. grain measurer, 79 n Bethel Murray Jose[)h, lib. 8 Canton Murray Jordan, shucKer. 248 L. Hughes Murray Letitia, cook, 27 Druid Hill av Murray Perry, huci^ster, 301 w Biddle Murray Rebecca, lauiiil. 79 n Bethel .Murray Robt. carter, 18 Biddle al Murray Saml. R. lab. 13 Muilikin Murray .Mrs. Saiah A. laund. 1 Caroline ct Murray Silas, lab. 334 Raborg .Murray Sopliia. laund. 56'» vv Baltimore Murray Spencer, lab. 62 Lawrens al Murray Spencer, w:iiter, 62 Lawrens al .Murray Th(js. R. porter, 414 Oile.ins Murray Wm. coachman, 154 vv Hoffman Murray Wm. grain measurer, 6 Maccnbbin Murray Wm. II, mariner, 108 s Spring Murray Wm. H. drayman, 32 East .Muse Edward, 8o Hollan. S «3^ "^ 3^ ^ e^ Normal School, Saiatoga and Courtland , -^ ^ Norris Ann, 95 n Kden "t:^ - ^ N(jriis Charles 8. hodcarrier, 36 0.\ford S i ^ Nirris Daniel, shucker, 90 Leadenhall C .^ - Norris Geo. W. porter, 3 Sarah Ann >~ X ""^ Noiris Geo. driver, 25 Shuter , S Norris Henrietta, laund. 90 Le-tdenhall g ^ ^ Norris H'liry, lab. 4 .Mason al '^ X: -r Norris Juhn H. lab. 35 Foster al C^ r-- cj Norris Jos. H. t:r.iiiimea>urer, 90 Leadenhall ,^ ^ r Norris Joshua, driver, 191 Ensoi- g •- ^ Norris .\laitha, laund. 90 Leadenhall 53 H-j ^ Noiris Sam'l H. miriner, 210 Mullikin ^ i^ NoiTis Tliaddeus, liorseshoer, 18 ("i'der al V^ £ •- Norris Thos. huckster, 90 Leadenhall S '^ C Norris Thos. miller, 26 Rai>org 5 "^ ** Norris Wm. grainmeasurer, 90 Leadenhall § g lO Norton Sophia, 9 n Amity CD -^ ^ Norton Sylvester, janitor, 5 PostofEce av ^^ ^ v'r Nugent Saml. whitewasher, 20 s Stockton al S3 >~, o O'Brien Lewis, lab. 183 East ►2 'c3 ^ O'Neale Jas. P. produce, 263 s Fremont .— 5 Ockerme Ann R. dressmkr, 24 L .Monument ~ 2 ^ Ockerme Rev. James, 1 Tessier S o L" •Jt'kerme Saml. drayman, 12 Biddle al • 2 t> ^ Ockerme Thos. waiter, 49 Orchard aj ^ Ockmay Aaron, whitewasher, 8 Vine Ockmay Ann, dressmkr, 8 Vine Ockmay Ann R. music teacher, 8 Vine Ockmay Chas. hodcarrier, 11 Vine Ockmay Chas, A. whitewasher, 8 Vine Ockmay Jos. music teacher, 8 Vine Ockra.\v .Matilda, dressmkr, 8 Vine Ockmay Sarah J. music teacher, 8 Vine Oldham Annetta, teacher, 20 State Oldham Lucretia, laund. 20 State Oliver Adolphus. dravman, 231 Preston Oliver Alfred, lab. 173 s Dallas i>liver Davis, waiter, 52 L. Monument Oliver Henry, waiter, 71 Perry Oliver John F. gardener, 55 L. Pleasant Oliver John W. waiter, 52 Camel al Oliver Joshua, shucker, 294 Raborg Oliver Lewis, wagoner, 5 Shields al Oliver Lewis, wagoner, 5 Chesnut al Oliver .Mary, dressml. 245 L. Hughes Owens Morris .M. w.iiter, 142 Tyson Owens Richard W. vsai'er, 9 Hamilton O wings Richa:d C. porter, 74 Laurens al 0 wings Ricliard C, i>orter, 91 Arch Ouin^s Washiu;;ton. porter, 22 Tessier Pack Henry, shucker, 4 Jones ct Pack J lines T. lab. 63 ri Durham Pack .Mari.i, laui'd. 4 Jones ct P.ick Luui.s, shucker, 4 Jones ct I'.ige Eliza, laund. 16 .Mulberry Page Richard, w.iiter, 6oOichard Page Robert, porter, 16 .Mulberry 1-^ HOLMES it CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 715 Page Thomas, shucker, 150 n Dallas Paine Frances, laund. 25 Elbow la Paine Edward, lab. 44 Peach al Paine George, waiter, 18 Josejjhine Paine John, waller, 161 King Paine Washington, brickmkr, 102 Henrietta Paine Watt, mariner, 25 Elbow la Palmer Alfred, lab. 35 Buri;undy al Palmer Grace, laund. 35 Burgundy al Palmer Henry, shucker, 19 Claret al Palmer Henry, shucker, 128 Lee Palmer Irene, laund. rear 134 s Eutaw Palmer Jeremiah, shucker, 166 York Palmer John, bi ickmkr. 3 Claret al Palmer Laura, laund 128 Lee Palmer Louis, lab. 1 Patapsco av Palmer Louis, waiter, 28 Perry Palmer M. C. D. bricklayer, 103 Duncan al Palmer Marin, 13 Haw Palmer Smith, shucker. 128 Lee Parker Adam, lab. 179 Raborg Parker Amanda, laund. 8 Peach al Parker Annie, laund. 365 West Parker Arthur P. scowman, 245 Orleans Parker Catherine, lauiid. 142 W'elcome al Parker Charles, lab. 70 Myrtle av Parker Daniel, shucker, 327 s Howard Parker Edward, remover, 262 P.aborg Parker Eliza, laund. Spring nr Biddle Parker Edward, diiver, 16 Morris Parker Eliza J. laund. 18 Sarah Ann Parki r Emma, laund. 5 Race Paiker Fred, hodcarrier, 58 L. Monument Parker Garristm, driver, 124 Coiiw.iy Parker George, shucker, 2 Slone al Parker George E. lah. 220 Dover Parker George H. drayman. Spring nr Biddle Parker H.innah. l.-iund. 98 Stirling Parker Harriet F. laund 33 King Parker Hester, laund. 24 Peach al Parker Iknry, lab. 270 s Ilowaid Parker Henry, lab. 212 Vine Parker Isaac, lirickmkr, 55 Duncan al Parker Isaiuh, shucker, 142 Welcome al Parker Isaiah, lab. Parrish al Parker James, lab 212 Vine Parker James E. shucker, 105 Welcome al Parker James, shucker, 139 Welcome al Parker James A. shucker, 30 Wagon al Parker James T. hodcarrier, 89 Sarah Ann Parker James, shucker, 8 Pearh al Parker Juhn, shucker, 10 Ohio av Parker Juhn, shucker, 78 Welcome al Parker John F. lab. 40 Walker Parker John F. lab 2'jO Dover Parker John W. dravnian, 58 L. Monument Parker Juhn W. student, 4 Bolton al Parker John W. shucker. 316 Raborg Parker Jos. wagoner, 24 Wayne Parker Jos. jr. waiter, 24 Wayne Parker Juliauna, laund. 220 Dover Parker .Mary, laund. 2 Stone al Parker .Mary C. laund. l.-<7 Ensor Parker .\Iargt. A. dressmkr, 124 Conway- Parker Margt. laund. 22 .M.irion Parker .\largt. laund. 24 Wa> ne Parker .M.ry, laund. 20 Sarah Ann Parker Miles, waiter, 33 King Parker Naomi, laumi. 105 Welcome al Parker Peier, lab. 24 Peach al Parker Robert, drayman, 87 Orchard Parker Sadonia, 220 Dover Parker Savage, shucker. 337 s Howard Parker Samuel, lah. 220 Dover Parker Susan A. laund. Parrish al Parker Thomas, lab. 47 Lee Parker Thomas, barkpr, 1 Harmony la Parker Thomas, mariner, 109 King Parker Wm. lab. 7 Chapel ct Parker Wm. mariner, 39 Guilford al Parker Wm. mariner, 48 Vine Parker Wm messenger, 84 w Fayette Parker Wm H. waiter, 365 West Parkhurst Lewis, 257 n Charles Parks David R. drayman, 110 Raborg Parks Frances, laund. 110 Raborg Parks Geo. W. waiter, 110 Ral)0!g Parks Isaac, dravman, 73 L. Church Parks Wm, lab. 24 Bolton Parlett Anna, laund. 137 Welcome al Parlett Isaic, lab. 137 Welcome al Parlett Laura, laund. 137 Welcome al Parraway Ale.x. drayman. 12 s Stockton al Parraway G laund. Stockton al nr Lanvale Parraway Hester, laund. 12 s Stockton al Parraway James, porter, 186 s Howard Parrasvay Levi. lab. 15 Sarah .Ann Parraway Martha, laund. 15 Sarah Ann Parraway Wm. barber, 62 O.xford Parraway Wm. barber, Stockton al nr Lanvale Parrf'n Edward, lab. 214 Raburg Parreii Hester, laund. 92 Leadenhall Parriu Thomas, driver, 216 Vine Parrott Nathaniel, waiter, 9 O.'cford Parsons Emory, lab. 267 West Patrick Henry, lab. 10 Slerrett Patterson Chas. oysters. 9 State Patter.sor. Chas. shucker, 36 s Stockton al Patterso:i Danl. caulker, 11 n Durham Patterson Geo. hodcarrier, 5 Waters ct Patterson Harriet, laund. 116 Jasper Patterson Helen, laund. 47 Oicliard Patterson Hannah R. l.iund. I9i) .Mullikin Patterson Isaiah, caulker, 127 n Durham Patterson Isaiah, coachman. 2 Viiie Patterson James, barber. 190 Mullikin Patterson Julia, laund. 122 n Regester Patterson Lewis, shucker, 127 n Durham Patler.-on Pendleton, se.xton, 2 Bolton Patterson Sarah E. laund. 190 .Mullikin Patterson Thos. shucker, 122 n Regester Patterson Wm. H. lab. 116 Jas|ier Patterson Wm. caulker, 190 Mullikin Pa.xtoii Chas. hostler, rear of 112 Cider al Paxton Robert, lab. 38 L. .Monument Paul James .M. diiver, 99 J.isper Payne (ieo. E. hodcarrier, 71 i^erry Payne Perry, shucker, 89 \j. Church P.iyiie Wm. lab. 105Che.- Peirce Pea Robert R dravman. 16 Gelston ct Peach Edv\i*rd, lab. Ill Elbow la Peach James, lab. 111 Elbow la Peach Margaret, laund. HI Elbow la Peach Mary, laund. 72 pjibcw la Peach Sarah, laund. 1 llarnden ct Peaker Elizibeth, laund. 28 O.xford Peaker John, driver, 28 O.xford Ptaker Lewis, lab. 29 Druid Hill av Peal t has. coachman, 103 Welcome al Peal John H. waiter, 288 Raborg pq o O d Q ft O o p4 rn O I— t Pi :^ <: o pq o P5 t— ( <1 o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mntiial Life Insurance Co. of New York, 716 COLORED PERSONS. o O c o <1 DQ O O Henrietta Perkins (ireenbiiry, coachman. 234 Carlton Perkins John, lab. 2.'i0 n Durham IVikins Perry, lab. 39 Peach al Perkins Stephen, l.ib. 63 Sarah Ann Periy Araminta, seamstress, 13 Neighbor Perry Christopher, porter, 3 L. Ross Perry David, mariner, 40 >hiiter Perry Francis, porter, 160 Riliorg Perry Granville, bootblack, 13 Neighbor Perry James, waiter, 76 Welcome al Perry Major, shncker, 89 n Spring Pess Andrew, lab. 1 1 SIniler Peters Geo. W. lab. 10 Sterrett Peters Harriet, laund. 75 ilannony la Peters Isaac, coaclimaw, 120 Ja?p.-r Peters Isaac, coachman, 10 .lordan al Peters John, lab. 71 (Jhesnutal Peters Rachel, 342 N. Vine Peteis Sarah, laund. 77 ILirmony la Peters Simon, waiter, 50 n Sliarp Peters Thos. diiver, 75 ilarniony la Peters Toby, sawyer, 75 Harmony la Peters Wm. lab. 342 L. Vine Peters Wm. J. lab. 184 Warner Peterson Anna, laund. 14 Harford av Petty Geo. wood sawyer, 37 Low Phillips Chas. wayoner, 6 n D.tllas Phillips John H. drayman, 6 Chesnut al Phillips Lloyd, lab. 196 s Dallas Phillips Mary F. 7 Inloes al Pliilli|)S Pnilip, porter, 76 Cider al Phillips Rachel, laund. 76 Cied. drayman, 64 L. Church Prout Alfred B. carter, 402 s Charles Prout Ann, laund. 235 s Eutaw Prout Georgiantia, laund* 64 L. Church Prout Israel, lab. 207 s Howard Prout James, sawyer, 235 Eutaw Prout Maria, laund. 207 s Howard Prout .Mary A. variety store, 1 Arch Prout Theresa, laund. 40 Plum al Pugh Margaret, cook, 13o York Pugh Richard, lab. 130 York Pullet Chas. W. student, 163 McCulloh Pullet Gaddy, laund. 7 Clarkson al Pullet James H. stevedore, 7 Clarkson al Pullet John, stevedore, 1 Clarkson al Pullet John lab. 16 Leadenhall Pullet -Mary H. laund. 16 Leadenhall Pullet Priscilla, cook, 1 Clarkson al Pullet Rufus, lab. 1 Clarkson al Pullet Samuel, barber, 27 L. .McElderry Pullet Thomas, lab. 27 L. McElderry Pulpus Jeremiah, driver, 123 Chesnut al Pumphrey David, shucker, 30 Biddle al Pumphrey Jerry, well digger, 55 Carlton Purdy Hester, laund. 174 Dover Purdy Philip, huckster, 174 Dover Purdy Tobias, driver, 68 Walnut al Purnell Daniel, coachman, 16 Peirce Purnell Harriet, laund. 76 Watson Purnell James H. 76 Holland Purnell John H. coachman, 74 Peirce Purnell Leah, laund. 54 s Dallas Purnell .Maria, cook, 16 Peircr Purnell Rebecca, laund. 16 Peirce Purnell Richard, drayman, 16 Peirce Purnell Robert, drayman, 9 Wagon al Purnell Stephen, lab. 167 8 Spring Purnell Sydney, lab. 54 s Dallas Purnell Wm. waiter, 39 Walnut al Purnell Wm. drayman, 9 Wagon al 03 c3 O B o O O O O o GO zn < % O o — '^ Purvinnce Frances, laund. 78 Hollind g GQ ^ Purviance Joseph J. dr.iynian, 78 Holland p S PurviHnce Margaret, servnnt, 78 Holland tD^ ^ Purviance Saiiil. J. dravman, Spring nr John p z: -^ Pye Llewellyn, lab. 6 P^uiaw ct Oi 53 Q. ;^ S c '^ r^ ci ^ Quands Edward, lab. 4 O'Donnell .5 -*i - Quands Mary, laund. 4 O'Donnell '^ £ o Quaries Patrick, baker, 90 Orchard 03 ^ r'^l Qubeck Henry, waiter, 5 Rose ._''^ "^ Queen Alberia, laund. 10.5 Burtrundy al — ^'"va Queen Aie.x. shucker, 58 Burgundy al .5 "::: t: Queen D;iniel, shucker, 20.t Hatnbnrg i^ '^ S Queen Delia, laund. 58 Burgundy al 5^0;^ Queen Edward, porter, ir>4 s Eutiw ^ ~ i. Queen Edward, shucker, 51 Burgundy al B ^ J::^ Queen Eli. is, lab. 391 Cross '^ Queen Eliza A. laund. 3 n Spring jj Queen Eiizalieth, laund. 51 iiurgundy al ^•_^ ^^ Queen Ellen, laund. 8 Beaufort "^ "i ^ Queen Emanuel, driver, 3 n Spring •r^ 1^ O Queen Frances, laund. 63 Wagon al Queen Geo. W. huckster, 231 Hamburg Queen Geo. W. shucker, 58 Burgundy al ^ ':; Queen Geo. W. brickburner, 63 Wagon ul zc -^ Queen Hannah, laund. 8 Beaufort K '^ •'- Queen Jaujes H. oysters, 133 Camden ^ S ;i- Queen James H. jr. oysters, 133 Camden "^ o ,- Queen John, stevedore, 48 China *A ^^ Queen John A. oysters, 133 Camden ^^ il ^ Queen John A. lab. 4 Tessier ? ^J^ 5 Queen Jos. waiter, 339 n Howard ^ f^ j:; Queen Louis, grainrunner, 138 Cider al .2 P ^ Queen Louisa, laund. 31 Dover 2 '" S Queen Mary, laund. 31 Dover _2 -^^ Queen Mary, laund. 339 n Howard IE ^ W Queen Matilda, laund. 40 King -^ -^ o> Queen Mrs. Nancy, 121 n Central av 3 Queen Noiih, grain measurer, 12 Gould la ^ jr § Queen Rosunn.i, laund. 205 Hamburg ^ S ^ Queen Sarah A. servant, 58 Burgundy al ?• '" c Queen Sarah A. cook, 48 China § ^"Ph Queen Sophia, laund. 154 s Eutnw O ^ Queen Wm. grain runner, 138 Sarah Ann i cJ ^- Queen Zachariah, shucker, 58 Burgundy al • ji ^ plT Queen Zachariah jr. shucker, 48 Burgundy al -,'' _^ Jj Quickley Caesar fl. caip. 191 Ensor "^ a "^ Qnickley Geo. lab. 73 L. .McElderry "2 ."^ "^ Quigley" Julia A. laund. 196Stirling S ^ ^ Quill Susan E. seamstress, 43 Raborg ^ P " Quinn Edward, lab. 109 s Spring O Si •— Quinn Isaac, stevedore, 2 Carlton ^ ♦J c Quinn John, lab. 8'j Welcome al 11^ R. '^ :z fc'C Ragan Francis, lab. 62 Peirce ~.^ £ .£ Raine Rob. rt, whitewasher, 49 Moore al S ^ .2S Ralph Ann, confect'y, 187 Eastern av ^ "^ t^ Ramsay Solomon, waiter, 31 Orchard 3 ^ ^ Randall Henrietta, laund. 211 Elusor •^ Randall F'hilip, waiter, 17 Leadenhall c2 Raniiall Susan, laund. 17 Leadenhall . '. Rindall Su.san, laund 13 Lambert S-; Randal Wm. hodcarrier, 220 Vine * Randolph Columbus, waiter, 226 Vine >• Randolph Eraeline, grocery, 226 Vine Ransom Wm. gardener, 319 n Durham Rausome Henry, lab. 147 York Raspberry Thos. lab. 5 Stockholm Ravin Wm. driver, 28 Sarah Ann Ravlin Henry, drayman, 21 Jenkins al Rawliugs Chas. H. lab. 1 11 Cbesnut al Rawlins Edward, driver, 58 East Rawlins Robert, shucker, 119 (Jhesnut al Rawlins Sarah, confectionery, 5S East Ray Annie, seamstress, 79 JeflFerson Ray .Mrs. Ellen, 6 Jenkins al Ray Henry, lab. 215 Vine Ray Jas. drayman, 7 Cole Ray John, waiter, 50 L. Monument Ray John W. driver, 80 Miller Ray Jos. lab. 79 Jefferson Ray Mary, seamstress, 23 Foundry Ray .Martha, laund. 215 Vine Rayfield Betty, laund, 9-( Welcome al Rayner Andrew, shucker, 38 Peach al Rayner Elizabeth, laund. 60 China Rayner Emily, seamstress, 125 e Eager Rayner Henry, waiter, 125 e Kager Rayner Henry, mariner, 60 China Raytier Julia A. laund. 86 Miller Rayner Mary E. laund, 261 Montgomery Rayner Thos. shucker, 261 Montgomery Read John, shucker, 131 Stirling Read Nancy, laund. 131 Stirling Ready Mrs. Sarah J. servant, 3 St. James Reason Geo grainmeasurer. 213 s Howard Reason Geo. oysters, 147 Chesnut Reason Henry, cook, 101 Stirling Reason Richard, lab. 7 Walnut al Redden Trusty, hodcarrier, Stockton al nr Har- lem av Reddick Alice, laund. 132 Raborg Reddick Henry, waiter, 66 Burgundy al Reddick Richard, waiter, 4 Mason al Reddick Thos. j,'rainmeasurer, 214 Hamburg Reddick Washington, porter, 132 Raborg Redding Anna, Chappel nr Chase Reddon Henrietta, lauud. 122 s Dallas Redman Elizabeth, seamstress, 34 Peach al Redman Jas. mariner, 34 Peach al Reed Aaron, lab. rear 2 Harnden ct Reed Anna, dressmkr, 206 Hamburg Reed .Arthur, shucker, 58 China Reed Andrew, barber, 316 s Howard Reed Cornelia, laund. lo X al Reed Edward, shucker, 132 Lee Reed Edward, shucker, 8 X al Reed Mrs. Hannah, laund. 14 Gilbert Reed Heniieita, laund. 78 Sarah Ann Reed Horace, mariner, 142 Chesnut Reed Isaac, lab. 92 Ensor Reed Jacob, shucker, 6 Plum row Reed Jas. mariner, 318 Montgomery Reed Jas. shucker, 37 East Reed Jos. drayman. 13". n Dallas Reed Joshua, drayman, 318 .Montgomery Reed Joshua, drayman, 210 Hamburg Reed Julia, servant, rear 2 Harnden ct Reed .Maria, seamstress, 133 n Dallas Reed Mary, servant, 118 s Paca Reed .Mary, servant, 92 Ensor Reed Mary A. janitress, 131 n Dallas Reed .Mary J. laund. 210 Hamburg Reed Perry sr. wagoner, 206 Hamburg Reed Perry jr. wagoner, Etting nr Wilson Reed Perry jr. wagoner, 10 X al Reed Purnel, drayman, 237 n Front "5 u5 HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. -i: €^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 719 Reed Mrs. Rebecca, laund. 215 Hamburg Reed Robert, grainrunner, 215 Hamburg Reed Thos. driver. 78 Sarah Ann Reed Wm. driver, Geenmount av ext Reed Wra. H. waiter, Waverley Reese David, lab. 155 s Durham Reese Eliza, laund. 155 s Durham Reisin Harry, waiter, 27 Edward Reynolds Ellen, seamstress, 39 State Reynolds Eliza J. laund. 74 n Pine Reynolds Jacob, driver, 7 Bouldin al Reynolds Jas. waiter, 344 L. Vine Reynolds Jeremiah, driver, 8 Bouldin al Reynolds Martha, laund. lOl Stirling Reynolds Philip, lab. 74 n Pine Reynolds Sarah, laund. 344 L. V'iue Rice Cato, lab. 136 Tyson Rice Wm. mariner, 72 Welcome al Rich David, coachman, 32 T.\soa Rich David, lab. 261 McDonogh Rich Eliza, laund. 19 Lambert Rich Wm. H. waiter, 107 Jasper Richard Benj. hostler, 29 Carlton Richards Arthur, hodcarrier, lo7 North Richards Catherine, seamstress. 121s Bethel Richards Daniel, coachman, 5 Vincent Richards Horatio, shucker, 81 n Durham Richards Joshua, lab. 10 McElderry ct Richards Joshua, lab. 121 s Bethel Richards Solomon, lab. 23 iVeighbor Richardson Abraham, waiter, 29 Oxford Richardson Alfred, coachman, 15ChesnutaI Richardson Chas. lab. cor Cable and Patterson Richardson Daniel, lab. 22 Shuter Richardson Daniel, stevedore, 183 n Dallas Richardson Elizabeth, laund. 22 Shuter Richardson Heury, porter, 72 Har^rrove al Richardson Isaac, porter, 72 Sarah Ann Richardson Jas. waiter, 16 Rose Richardson Jas. shucker, 55 Biddle al Richardson John, lab. 183 n Dallas Richardson John J. porter, 10 L. Monument Richardson John W. porter, 13 Booth Richardson Josiah, lab. 151 Sarah Ann Richardson Josiah, lab. 1 1 Sarah Ann Richardson Leah, laund. 30 Dover Richardson Lewis, shucker, 144 Chesnut Richardson Lewis H. lab. 42 Tyson Richardson Lewis, lab. 12 McElderry ct Richardson Lucy, laund. 49 n Dallas Richardson Mary J. laund. 13 Booth Richardson Rebecca, cook shop, 39 Commerce Richardson Stephen, lab. 1 10 Dugan'a whf Richardson Solomon, shucker, lo Lehman al Richardson Sarah, laund, 108 Cider al Richardson Thos. porter, 108 Cider al Richardson Thos. lab. 183 n Dallas Richardson VMrj^inia, laund. 183 n Dallas Richardson Wm. H. porter, 36 Low Richardson Wm. H. porter, 10 Painters ct Richfield Frisby J. caulker, 3 Philpot Richfield Richard 0. rjarber, 14 s Carey Ricks Moses, lab. 76 Welcome al Rideout Chas. farmer, 63 Pin al Rideout Wellington, carter, 50 Camel al Rideout Wm. waiter, 2 Cross al Rideout Lucretia, laund. 63 Pin al Rider Daniel, lab. 2 O.tford Ridgaway Cornelius, driver, rear 25 Barre Ridgaway P^lizabeih, seamstress, rear 25 Barre Ridgaway Joseph, drirer, 20 Tyson Ridgaway Mary J. laund. 3 Short Ridgely Annie, dressmkr, 99 Chesnut al Ridi;ely Augustus, grocery. 25 Barnet Ridgely Abraham, lab. 79 Chesnut al Ridgely Chas. plasterer, 99 Chesnut al Ridgely Chas. lab. 13 Pin al Ridgely Clementina, laund. 13 Pin al Ridgely Eliza, laund. 188 L. Hughes Ridgely E.izabeth, seamstress, 35 Raborg Ridgely Enoch, welldigger, 12 Eutaw ct Ridgely Geo. wagoner, 79 Chesnut al Ridgely Harriet, laund. 51 Oxford Ridgely Harriet, laund. 46 Peirce Ridgely Henry, gardener, 18 Gilbert Ridgely John, drayman, 51 Oxford Ridgely John, hodcarrier, 60 Carlton Ridgely .Mary, laund. 154 s Eutaw Ridgely .Mary, laund. 60 Carlton Ridgely Robert, waiter, 3 Tyson al Ridgely Saml. lab. 188 L. Hughes Ridgely Saml. B. porter, 4 Calhoun ct Ridgely Simon, drayman, 79 Chesnut al Ridley .Mary A. laund. 6 O'Donnell Ridley Saml. sawyer, 6 O'Donnell Rigby Hannah, laund. 87 Burgundy al Rigdon Jenny, laund. 188 n Central av Rigger Edward, lab. rear 156 s Eutaw Rigger Geo. lab. rear 156 s Eutaw Rigger John, porter, rear 156 s Eutaw Rigger Wm. shucker, rear 156 s Eutaw Riggs Henry, lab. 2 Caroline ct Riley Albert, stevedore, 237 n Front Riley Emanuel, driver, 71 East Riley Geo. teamster, 303 s Howard Riley Helen, laund. 228 Vine Riley Thos. barber, 50 w Centre Riley Thos. porter, 46 Iceland al Riley Wm. gardener, 7 n Castle Riley Wra. shucker, 228 Vine Riley Wm. shucker, 287 s Eutaw Rines Jacob, cook, 48 Burgundy al Ringgold Albert, drayman, 91 Stirlirig Ringgold Alex. lab. 28 Peach al Ringgold Anna, seamstress, 28 Peach al Ringgold Beisana, laund. 358 n Howard Ringgold Daniel, waiter, 78 Orchard rh Ringgold Edward, lab. 358 n Howard ^ Ringgold Geo. drayman, 96 Stirling S Ringgold Harriet, laund. 136 n Caroline Ringgold Heury P. drayman, 25 Chesnut al rK Ringgold Hester, cook, 320 L. Montgomery ^ Ringgold Hezekiah, drayman, 91 Stirling ^ Ringgold Horace, shucker, 193 n Front ^ Ringgold Isaac, stiucker, 320 L. Montgomery ^ Ringgold Jacob, cook, 178 York ^_2 Ringgold Jacob, lab. 4 College al i — i Ringgold Jas. waiter, 46 Orchard EH Ringgold Louisa, laund. 178 York ^ Ringgold .Maria, laund. 69 Davis ^ Ringgold .Mary, confect'y, 17 Courtland ^> Ringgold Mary J. laund. 91 Stirling Ringgold Philip, fruit and oysters, 17 Courtland Q Ringgold Richard, waiter, 69 Davis ^ Ringgold Saml. waiter, 69 Davis ^ Ringgold Sophia, laund. 178 York "^ Ringgold Stephen, upholsterer, 130 Raborg ^-k Ringgold Thos. lab. 358 n Howard ^ Ringgold Wm. H. hodcarrier, 30 n Durham ^ Ringgold Wm. H. drayman, 4 Carlton c_| Rix Harrison, lab. 64 East ^ Rix Nicholas, lab. 64 East Roach John, mariner, 4 St, Thomas ct Roach Wm. mariner, 108 Jasper ZC o3 pq o O d o <=^ ft o o w 59 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 720 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, COLORED PERSONS. ' H W W pen H C/J „ >H <1 O h-i < H H P O o r/j rf) cx) ^ o O ^ H 1-1 1—1 ^ <: W OQ O O P M^ KS OS • Wo OOhh 2«p K rk Q !»> O w Roane John, drayman, 53 Josephine Roane Ro?a, laund. 53 Josephine Roberson Rev. Aiinustus, 32 Vincent Roberts Augustus, insp. C. H. 33 Low Roberts Brailberry, lab. 86 Chesnut al Roberts Bradberry, lab. 47 Moore al Roberts Chas. lab. 2 Stump al Roberts Edward, lab. 184 s Spring Roberts Kdward, lab. 157 L. Hushes Roberts Kdward, porter, 12 Morris al Riiberts Ellen, laund. 79 L. Church Roberts Emily, cook, 2 Stump al Roberts Isaac, waiter, 129 n Dallas Roberts Isaac, lab. 10 I'each al Roberts Jacob. G. porter, 222 Hanover Roberts Jennie, servant, 278 JIont>;:omery Roberts John, waiter, 87 w Monument Roberts Joseph, drayman, 15 Hi^'h al Roberts Julia, servant, 180 Tyson Roberts Lloyd, coachman, 180 Tyson Roberts Louis, shucker, 278 .Montgomery Roberts Maria, laund. 47 Harmony la Roberts Rachel, dressinkr. 31 Hillen Roberts Thos. porter, 135 Welcome al Roberts Wm. barber, 11^ Camden, dw 33 Low Roberts Wm. drayman, 106 Jasper Roberts Wm. draymm, 83 n Bethel Roberts Wm. U. huckster, 97 n Dallas Rolierts Wm. H. lab. 86 Chesnut al Robertson Mrs. Louisa, Ir.und. 18 St. James Rollins Caroline, laund. 83 Welcome al Robins Edward, lab. 16 Warren ct Robins Emerson, brickmoulder, 83 Welcome al Robins Melville, lab. 143 North Robinson Abraham, lab. 160 n Front Robinson Adam, waiter, 12 Bolton Robinson Alex, porter, 5 Raborg Roljinson Agnes, laund. 221 s Howard Robinson Arthur, fireman, 39 Raborg Robinson Arthur, Ltb. 257 Cross Robinson Albert, waiter, 348 L. Vine Robinson Benj. lab. 33 Walnut al Robinson Agnes, laund. 123 York Robinson Beiij. lab. 158 n Spring Robinson Catherine, laund. 5 R iborg Robinson Cbas. H. lab. 6 Elder al Robinson Chas. H. lab. 125 n Durham Robinson Chas. porter, 133 n Caroline Robinson Chas. waiter, 106 n Holliday Robinson Christopher, waiter, 19 Hamilton I Rnbinson Chas. H. waiter, 155 Vine i Robinson Daniel, grainrunner,5J Druid Hill av Robinson Daniel, lab. 131 n Durham Robinson David, drayman, 110 Raborg Robinson David, shucker, 140 n Holliday Robinson Delia, laund. 7 Mulberry ct Robinson Emeline, servant, 4 Abraham Robinson Eliza, laund. 7 Mulberry ct Robinson Ellen, laund. 28 Guilford al Robinson Emerson, shucker, 83 Welcome al Robinson Elizabeth, laund. 143 North Robinson Elizabeth, laund. 6 Elder al Robinson Ellen, servant, 123 Voik Robinson Fred, fireman, 107 Chesnut Robinson Geo. lab. 112 Stirling Robinson Geo. lab. 128 n Eden Robinson Geo. porter, 12 Stirling Robinson Geo. lab. 53 Elbow la Robinson Geo. W. brickmkr,77 L. Montgomery Robinson Harriet, laund. 118 n Holliday Robinson Harvey, lab. 142 Tyson Robinson Henry, lab. 123 York Robinson Henry, shucker, 25 Shuter Robinson Henry, lab. 94 Orchard Robinson Henry, driver, 8 Waters ct Robinson Mrs. Harriet, laund 70 n Ann Robinson Hanson, lab. 4 Abraham Robinson Hester, laund. 121 Welcome al Robinson Ht-nrietta, seamstress, 8 Waters ct Ro'tinson Hester A. laund. 110 Dugan'swhf Robinson Isaiah, lab. 96 n Spring Robinson Jacob, driver, 49 Boyd Robinson Jacob, gardener, Clifton nr Park av Robinson James, shucker, 344 L.Viue Robinson James, lab. 35 Low Robinson James, grain measurer,221 s Howard Robinson James, coal and wood, 176 German, dw 118 Cider al Robinson Jemima, laund. 397 w Pratt Rol)inson John, lub. 20 Oxford Robinson John, drayman, 49 Boyd Robinson John T. barber, 238 Montgomery, dw 28 Guilford al Robinson John, sawyer, 6 Chapel ct Robinson John, lab. 33 Harford av Robinson John, lab. 90 Clinton Robinson John T. lab. 2i)8 West Robinson John H. grain measurer,221 s Howard Robinson Julius, waiter, 74 Moore al Robinson Mrs. Kate, seamstress, 101 n Spring Robinson Lawrence, driver, 8 Waters Ct Robinson Lewis, cigarmkr, 8 W^aters ct Robinson Lewis, wagoner, 68 Morris al Robinson Louisa, laund. 16 Peirce Robinson Mrs. L. V. laund. 208 West Robinson Louisa, laund. 172 Wayne Robinson Lucy, cook, 33 Dover Robinson Mrs. Margaret, laund. 84 Sarah Ann Robinson Mary, laund. 90 Clinton Robinson Martha, laund. 344 L.Vine Robinson Maria, servant, 134 York Robinson Minty, laund. 86 s Dallas Robinson Owens, grainrunner. 221 s Howard Robinson Olivia, laund. 92 C'ider al Robinson Patrick, driver, Waverley Robinson Perry, shucker, 173 Warner Robinsou Pe:er, lab. 144 Chesnut Robinson Mrs. Rosina, 8 Waters ct Robinson Richard, lab. 96 n Spring Robinson Rossell, lab. 34 Oxford Robinson Robt. M. porter, Camel al nr Park a? Robinson Saml. drayman, 77 Druid Hill av Robinson Saml. biickmkr, 105 Sarah Ann Robinson Saml. lab. 80 Jas|»er Robinson Sarah, laund. 125 n Durham Robinson Mrs. Sophia, laund. 79 Peirce Robinson Thos. driver, 8 Waters ct Robinson Thos. lab. 134 York Robinson Thos. porter, 79 Peirce Robinson Tbos. lab. 90 Russell Robinson Wesley, coachman, 34 Tyson Robinson Wm. mariner, 185 n Exeter Robinson Wm. W. sawyer, 6 Chapel ct Robinson Wm. stevedore, 86 s Dallas Robinson Wm. barber, 108 St. .Mary Robinson W^m. porter, 163 Peirce Robinson Wm. barber. Waters ct nr Biddle Robinson W^m. H. coachman, 37 Moore al Robinson Wra. shucker, 15 Race Rodgtrs Willis, coachnian, n Calhoun est Rogers Emanuel, shucker, 75 Myrtle av Rogers John, plasterer, 57 Oxford Rolemau Chas. Wm. mariner, 108 Raborg Roleman Harriet, laund. 108 Raborg HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth St. COLORED PERSONS. 721 OQ Roles Isaac, carter, 15C s Washinfitoo Roles Jacob, whitewasher, I s Dewberr}' al Roles Jas. drayman, 195 s Durham Roles Johu, waiter, 71 Dover Roles Racbel, laund. 71 Dover Roles WtQ. H. dniyman, 32 s Wolfe Rollins Chas.H. lumber piler, 111 Chegniit al Rollins Chas. lab. 125 York Rollins Chas. whitewaslier, 47 Burgundy al Rollins Dinab, laund. 125 York Rollins John, lab. 175 Stirlinjr Rollins Mary, laund. 47 Burgundy al Rollins Tbeo. mariner, 8 X al Rollins Thos. hodcirrier, 180 York Rook Joel, driver, 267 s Fiemont Rose Abraham, drayman, 21 Mott Rose Elizabeth, laund. 21 Mott Ross Annie, laund. 72 Klbow la Ross Annie, laund. 39 Druid Hill av Ross Aunie, seamstress, 4 Leadenhall Ross Alice, laund. 47 State Ross Augustus, plasterer, o9 Druid Hill av Ross Benj. lab. ti Peach al Ross Dennis, lab. 71 VYelcome al Ross Elizabeth, laund. 72 Elbow la Ross Emily, laund. 296 Hamburg Ross Hawkins, shucker, 62 Welcome al Ross Henry, coachman, 27 Oxford Ross Henry, lab. 8 Cross al Ross Hercules, lab. 180 West Ross Jerry, shucker, 154 York Ross John C. wagoner, 188 Cbesnut al Ross John R. plasterer, 188 Chesnut al Ross John H. coachm:in, 72 Sarah Ann Ross Lewis, sexton, 2 Inloes al Ross Lloyd W. drayman, 296 Hamburg Ross Louisa, laund. 6 Peach al Ross Lucinda, stewardess, 270 Montgomery Russ Lucretia, seamstress, 248 Cross Ross Major, hodcarrier, 72 Elbow la Ross Mary, laund. 71 Welcome al Ross Moses, coachman, 47 Slate Ross Nathan, lab. 33 L. Monument Ross Nathan, lab. 11 State Ross Robt. waiter, 4 Leadenhall Ross Robt. lab. 4 Leadenliall Ross Robt. lab. 248 Cross Ross Sarah, laund. 180 West Ross Sarah, servant, 3 Reese al Ross Wm. T. barber, Pin al nr Arch Ross Wm, hodcarrier, 16 Wilmer al Ross Wm. lab. 143 Peirce Ross Wm. 'f . shucker, 188 Chesnut al Ross Wilson, shucker, 16 Wilmer al Boston Peter, waiter, 30 Foundry Rousey Burgess, waiter, 232 Vine Rowling John A. fireman, 4 X ai Roy Elizabeth, dressmkr, 47 Raborg Roy Jas. R. waiter, 47 Raborg Roy Philip, coachman, 230 n Durham Royal JoLn W. shucker, 222 Hughes Royal Johu H. lab. 5 Peach al Royal Jos. sawyer, 5 Peach al Royal Jos. jr. shucker, 5 Peach al Royal Saml. shucker, 5 Peach al Royer Jas. barber, 61 n Pine Rozier Elbert, coaehman, 34 Oxford Rue Asa, lab. 39 Burgundy al Rue Maria, laund. 61 L. Hughes Rue Saml. lab. 39 Burgundy al Rue Saml. lab. 61 L. Hughes Raeben Jane, laund. 47 Burgundy al 3 c Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's Ruff Benj. W. drayman, 166 Tyson Ruff Catherine, laund. 191 Ensor Ruff Elizabeth, laund. 166 Tyson Ruff Henry, driver, 90 St. Paul Ruff Saml. lab. 4 Jew al, o. t. Ruff Sarah, laund. 4 Jew al, o. t. Ruffin Wm. H. barber, 23 Orleans Ruffin H. D. barber, ^26. e Baltimore, dw 23 ^ Orleans o Rusk Harriet, laund. 78 n Dallas Q Rusk Jas. lab. 146 a Dallas '^ Rusk Jas. lab. 78 n Dallas -^ Russ George W. lab. 11 Parrish al rQ Russell Alfred, cook, 55 Josejihine Russell Appletoa, lab. 66 Cider al C, Russell Clemens, hostler, 20 Eutaw ct O Russell Eliza, laund 66 Cider al ^ Russell Henry, lab. 63 Burgundy al ~ Russell .Major, shipcarp. 289 Hamburg Q Russell Mary J. laund. 20 Eutaw ct ^ Russell Philis, laund. 157 Vine Russell Sarah, laund. 289 Hamburg <:^ Russell Thos. H. flour, 842 w Baltimore Russell Wm. mariner, 63 Burgundy al |^ Ryan Adelaide, servant, 72 Peirce O Ryan Emeline, laund. 72 Peirce Q) Ryan Henry, coachman, 17 Foster al j;^ RyansJohn, fi,reLnan, 37 J Cross P*"' S f^ Sales Aaron, caulker, 142 n Dallas ^ Sales Chas. servant, 1 14 Stirliag ^ Sales Elizabeth .A. laund. 114 Stirling Sales Elizabeth, laund. 114 Stirling ,- Sales Emily, laund. 142 n Dallas P*^ Sales Henry, shucker, 1 14 Stirliag ^ Sales Jane, laund. 134 n Eden ; Sampson Jackson, lab. 258 McDonogh J^ Sampson Jas. porter, 56 Wayne V^ Sampson John, coachman, 46 Orchard ^—^' Sampson Jos. stevedore, 139 n Dallas I— ' Sampson Keener, mariner, 33 Granby O Sampson Mary J. laund. 56 Wayne ^E\. Sampson Mary, laund. Stockton al nr Lanvale Sampson Richard R. drayman, 104 Leadenhall f^. Sampson Stephen, waiter, 156 Tyson ^ Sampson Thos. porter. Arch nr Saratoga ^ Sampson Wm. porter, 71 Chesnut Sampson Wm. F. driver, 2 Arch f£^ Samuel James H. porter, 42 n Sharp ^^ Sanders Anthony, waiter, 43 Arch ^ Sanders Benj. blacksmith, Cole nr Mount ^ Sanders Danl. porter, over 58 Exchange pi qq^ Sanders Edward O. teacher, 211 s Bethel Sauders Emanuel, stevedore, 119 n Durham ^. Sanders Emma, laund. 22 Beale ct ^ Sanders Geo. driver, 278 Montgomery ^ Sanders Geo. lab. 90 s Dallas (— i Sanders Jas. grainmeasurer, 37 Walnut al p5 pq- at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) 4.^ -^ "S. oo- 722 o -^ c:> .S" OD %^ c o f~. ■ . c > -^ K OJ X .. D bD ■^ ^ p o 'T3 Pho:' C f Z) C fT* .^^ in -C o ^ . r. t^ p— ^ (iT; % m^ o ■^ c 56 1— ( o (yj cu ^ cc c f -M '*-' 3) ert a cu cS >. a> r- lO e- c^~ ti^ Ph rr! s - c 1 f.«4 ' •"• b-H ^ S cS <, S w ^ '~Z P5 -«> c a gi 2 H ^ p:; ^ n ^ r/; PLh o OJ -«-> ?^ -2 ►; "^ C/J ■ — t ^H oi -t^ .t; >^. s c »* SID QJ i. ''*, •JJ ■4-^ r^ S 4^ ce S C »o •a ^1 ^- be r««» t_ t^- C ^ ^ X 5* -*-> •^ 3^ Urn a *^i z^ ^ a; > > 5j ^ L CD Mntnal Life Insnrance Co. of IDTew York, COLORED PERSONS. Sani^ers Jas. hib. 91 China Sanders John, drajiuan, 57 Orleans Sanders Kiusey, stevedore, 119 n Durham Sanders Lewis, oyster packer, 4 Peach al Sanders Louisa, dressmkr, Ui7 s Caroline Sanders Martha, seamstress, 91 China SMiiders Mary, laund. 90 s Dallas Sanders Mary, servant, 278 Montgomery Sanders Mark, lab. 19 Parrish al Sanders Oliver, lab. 52 Wood.vear Sunders Wm. grainruni'er,91 China Sanders Wm. C. bricklayer, 107 s Caroline Sands Geo. stevedore. 30 State Sanks Alberta, laund. 86 Elbow la Sanks Collis 0. drayman, 311 s Eutaw Sanks Edward, lal). 41 China Sanks Elizabeth, servant, 1(52 York Sanks Henry, lab. 162 York Sanks James R. waiter, 26 Haw Sanks J. Spencer, lab. 160 York Sanks John, bricknikr, 213 Hamburg Sanks John B. waiter, 18 Haw Sanks Louis, shucker, 162 York Sanks Mary A. laund. 18 Haw Sanks Rolit. H. drayman, 160 York Sanks Robt. H. drayman, 196 s Eutaw Sanks Robt. H. drayman, 76 lOlbow la Sanks Saml. porter, 160 York Sanks Si)encer, drayman, 160 York Sanks Wm. waiter, 158 s Eutaw Sanks Winder, porter, 42 Raborg Sajipington John, waiter, 87 North Satchel Edward, stevedore, 84 Burgundy al Stlchel Frances, laund. 46 Burgundy al Sfttchell Henry, 20 Chesnut Satclier James, lab. 21 Vine Saunders Eliza C. laund. 52 Forrest Saunders Henry, butcher, 16 n Dallas Saunders Wm. U., 58 St. Mary Savage Abraham, lab. 1 X al Savage Mrs. Amelia, cook, shop, 257 L. Hughes Savage Geo. hodcarrier, 116 Sarah Ann Savage Hannah, laund. 116 Sarah Ann Savage Leah A. laund. 25 Lee Savage Sarah, cook, rear 244 L. Hughes Savage Wm. lab. 183 Vine Savoy Actirt, laund. 1 Parrish ai Savoy Ann Maria, laund. 40 Davis Savoy Daniel, carter, 72 Burgundy al Savoy John, driver, 102 Ja.o,"W. hodcarrier, 32 Druid Hill av Scott Gho. N. lab. 263 Montgomery Scott Grace, laund. 183 West Scott Harriet, laund. 15 Wayne Scott Harriet, laund. 57 Dover Scott Harris, lab. 44 Short Scott Henry, lab. 101 Chesnut al Scott Isaac, barber, 348 w Pratt Scott James, brickmkr, 101 Lee Scott James, hodcarrier, 2 Carlton Scott James, shucker, 172 Dover Scott John, hodcarrier. 5 Rose Scolt John, carter, 53 Carlton Scott John, stevedore, 187 Henrietta Scolt John, sr. lab. 42 Stockton al Scolt John H. lab. 90 n Dallas Scott Joseph, waiter, 13 Jordan al Scott J(;seph, lab. 2 Calhoun ct Scott Mrs. Lavinia, laund. 296 s Howard Scott Lewis, hodcarrier, 18 Edward Scott Lewis, victualler, 21 Union Scolt Lotian, lab. 22 Wayne Scott Lydia, laund. 277 Forrest Scott Mary, 2 Dawson al Scott Mary, laund. 223 s Eutaw Scott Mary, laund. 187 Henrietta Scott Mary E. laund. 138 u Caroline Scott Mary E. laund. 43 Raborg Scott Nath miel, drayman, 5 Bolton Scott Nelson, waiter, 48 Union Scou Perry, grain measurer, 127 Hill Scott P'Ti-y, grocery, 104 St. Mary Scott Philip T. driver, 12 Bureu Scott Philip, bookkpr, 138 n Caroline Scott Rev. Philip, 61 w Centre Scott Rebecca, laund. 61 Union Scott Reziu, victualler, 43 Commerce, dw 138 n Caroline Scott Richard, hodcarrier, 1 Clarkson al Scott Richard, stevedore, 17 Tyson al Scott Roiiert, waiter, 49 Oxford Scott Robert, lab. 138 s Dallas Scott Robert G. lab. 50 n Washington Scolt Mrs. Rosanna, hnckstress, 78 n Spring Scott Sarah, laund. 3 Hiigar ct Scott Sarah E. dressmkr, 101 Lee Scott S'ephen, grain runner, 3 Hagar ct Scott Tnos. waiter, 197 Chesnut al Scott Thos. hodcarrier, 8 Waters ct Scott Thos. scowraan, 1 13 n Spring HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, G-en'l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 723 Scott Thos. shucker, 15 Wayne Scott Wm. coachmnn, 323 s Eutaw Scott Wm. lab. 8 Bo.vd Scott Wm. lali. 233 Dover Scott Wm. lab. n Calhoun ext Scott Win. waiter, 9 Camdea Scott Wm. lab. 277 Forrest Scott Wm. 149 Sarah .\na Scott AVm. lab. 3 Dawson al Scott Wm. H. whitewasher, 22 Booth Scott Zrtchariah, lab. 185 West Scribner Geo. sawyer, 40 3 Stockton al Scribner Spencer, shucker, 19 Cluretal Scribner Susan, laund. 40 s Stockton al Scribner Wm. shucker, 22 s Slockton^al Scroggins Geo. lab. 24 Short Seaman John, shucker, 50 Williamson al Seaney Henrietta, laund 60 L. Church Seaney John, waitei-, 120 Tyson Seaney Mosea, mariner, 339 s Howard Seaney Solomon, carter, 60 L. Church Seaney Wm. butcher, 88 Harmony la Seaton Chas. W. barber, Ills Dallas Seaton Jacob, barber, 111 s Dallas Seaton Jacob A. b.irber, 111 s Dallas Sedgwick Daniel, drayman, 26 Dover Sed-fwiik Elizabeth, laund. sb Burgundy al Sedgwick John, lab. 85 Burgundy al Sedgwick Martha E. laund. 26 Dover Sedgwick Rezina, carter, 53 Burgundy al Seegars Chas. A. janitor, 25 Carlton Sefuss Alfred, shucker, 225 s Howard Sefuss Geo. shucker, Winter al Selbv Elijah, lab. 149 York Selby Henry, mariner, 24 Bouldin al Selby John' porter, 129 York Selby Mary H. laund. 5 Shuter Selb\ Nancy, laund. 129 York Seldon Jas. drayman, 27(1 s Howard Selmund Wm. fab. 28 Gilbert Senny Joshua, sawyer, 16 Chesnut al Setler Wm. mariner, 36 Moore al Setlers Robert, mariner. 73 Goodman al Sewell Mrs. Anu, 68 Hampstead Sewell Benj. grain measurer, 105 King Sewell P^lizabeth, laund. 28 Perry Sewell Frank, lab. 267 West Sewell Geo. H. waiter, 28 Perry Sewell Harriet, laund. 61 Williamson al Sewell Henry, brickrakr, 35 s Dallas Sewell James H. watchinan C. H. dw 173 York Sewell Jeannelte, laund. 10 Shuter Sewell John, huckster, 24 Wagon al Sewell John, lab. 121 Chesnut al Sewell Jos. lab. 61 Williamson al Sewell Mary A. seamstress, 173 York Sewell Nellie, laund. 294 Raborg Sewell Perry V. drayman, 50 Chesnut al Sewell Robinson, plasterer. 294 Raborg Sewell Sarah, laund. 105 King Sewell Susan, laund. 35 s Dallas Sewell Washington, lab. 41 s Caroline Sewell Wm. driver, 144 Fran' lin Seymour Chas. barber, 426 Light Seymour Chas. barber, 28 Guilford al Seymour Edward, lab. 203 Wayne Seymour Ellen, laund. 203 Wayne Seymour Thos. H. mariner, 282 s Howard Shanes Mary J. laund. 101 Warner Sharp Amos, brickmkr, 120 s Bethel Sharp Catherine E. cook, 28 Elbow la Sharp Ell, stevedore, 52 Hampstead Sharp Hester, cook, 120 s Bethel Sharp Jas. waiter, 97 Watson Sharp Josephine, 43 Leadenhall Sharp John A. grain measurer, 43 Leadenhall Sharp Mary, laund. 14 Parrish al Sharp Mary J. laund. Hammerbacker ct Sharp Porter, huckster, 174 York Sharji Retty A. laund. 5 Hagar ct Sharp Sarah E laund. 118 n Durham Sharp-St. (M. E.) Church, Sharp nr Lombard Sharp Wm. A. shucker, 5 Hagar ct Sharp \\ m. M. waiter, 120 s Bethel Sharper Zech. marker C. H. 160 Tyson Shaw Mrs. Amanda, laund. 86 n Bethel Shav/ Mrs.Caroline,laund. Foster al nr Dolphin Shaw Daniel, waiter, 110 n Spring Shaw Eliza J. seamstress, 110 n Spring Shaw Geo. shucker, 22 Maccubbin Sheaf Stephen, porter, 28 Short Shelly Elizabeth, lauud. 2 0 al Shelly Emily, laund. 29 Guilford al Shelly Jas. lab. 2 0 al Shelly Levin H. shucker, 29 Guilford al Shelley John, waiter, 31 State Shelley Josej.hine A. servant, 31 State Shennel John, waiter, 151 Henrietta Shepherd Wm. T. lab. 1 St. Paul's ct Sheppard Chas. hodcarrier, 1 s Dewberry al Sheppard David, barber, 37 Tyson Sheppard Ella, laund. 20 Orchard Sheppard Frances, laund. 20 Orchard Sheppard Henry, waiter, 26 Mulberry Sheppard Jas. hodcarrier, 3 Carlton Sheppard John, drayman, 20 Orchard Sheppard Julia A. huckstress, 20 Orchard Sheppard Mary E. seamstress, 20 Orchard Sheppard Mary J. seamstress, 1 Cbappell al Sheppard Philip H. restaurant, 24 Orchard Sheppard Rose, laund. rear 12 Slate Sheppaid Samuel, drayman, 20 Orchard Sheppard Sarah, cook, 76 Jasper Sheppard Simon, drayman, 1 Chappell al Sheppard Stephen, grain measurer, 103 n Dallas Sheppard Susan, laund. 3 Carlton Sherdan Alex. hodcarrier, Jenkins al nr Preston Sherdan Daniel, lab. 56 Sarah Anu Sherdan Geo. lab. 199 n Front Sherdan Jas. H. oysterman, 8 Bolton Sherwood Edward, waiter, 46 Vine Sherwood Henry, porter, 55 Josephine Sherwood Perry, waiter, 5 Jew al Shields Daniel, waiter, 110 Dugan's whf Shields John, lab. 27 Foundry Shields Margaret A. laund. 110 Dugan's whf Shields Rebecca, servant, 247 s Eutaw Shields Sarah, laund. 27 Foundry Shields Shepard, waiter, 54 Lawrens al Shields Thos. D. cook, 247 s Eutaw Shipley Alfred, drayman, 44 Orchard Shipley Alfred, waiter, 277 n Eutaw Shipley Edward, lab. 333 n Howard Shipley Geo. lab. 15 Molt Shipley Hensoti, lab. 44 China Shipley Hezekiah, porter, 15 Mott Shi[)ley Joseph, coachman, 333 n Howard Shipley .Margaret, cook, 44 Cliina Shipley Mary, laund. 99 Sarah Ann Shipley Moses, waiter, 277 n Eutaw Shipley Rasin. butcher, 16 Wilmer al Shipley Wm. driver, 198 Raborg Shiverel Peter, lab. Chapel nr Chase Short Edward, mariner, 5 n Bethel a o PQ o O O o O O GQ o o < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 724 COLORED PERSONS. 02 C3 w 1-5 O o <1 ^ OQ O o «^ OS r- H <1 « o w o Shockley Alfred R. theological student, 44 Sar- atoga Slioit Frank, porter, 7 Jenkins al .Short Jost-ph, drayman. 30 Vine Short Thob. hib. Wayne nr P'reuiont yhorter Fred, driver, 74 Burgundy al Shorter Joseph, drayman, 53 Oxford Shorter Louisa, laund. 74 Burgundy al Shorter Mary, lauud. 74 Burgundy al Shorter Thos. butcher, 58 St. iMary SibertJohn, lab. 71 Hargrove al Siddon Lewis, huckster, 9 Wiliuer al Sides George, waiter, 76 Moore al Sides Zachary, lab. 22 Laurel Sidney Lucy, laund. 45 Peach al Sidney Luther, huckster, 45 Peach al Simmons Geo. lab, 20 n Dallas Simmons Jas. H. barber, 21 Saratoga Simmons Josephine, laund. 108 Elbow la Simmons Milly, laund. 4 Meyer ct Simms Basil, hostler. 9 Mason al Simms Benj. waiter, 152 Cathedral Simms Chas. mariner, 222 Hanover Simms Chas. mariner, 197 Wayne Simms Edward, lab. 28 Slockholm Simms Edward, oyster packer, 73 Chesnul al Simms Eliza, laund. 36 Greenwillow Simms Elizabeth, cook, 178 Dover Simms Mrs. Elizabeth, laund. rear 211 n Eden Simms Emma, seamstress, 152 Cathedral Simms Mrs. Emily, dressmkr, 152 n Eden Simms Frances, dressmkr, 10 Oxford Simms Francis, lab. 150 n Spring Simms Frank, driver, 50 Josephine Simms Frank jr. lab. 50 Josephine Simms Giorge, lab. 222 Hanover Simms Mrs. Grace, laund. 166 n Spring Simms Jtimes, waiter, 10 Oxford Simms James, hostler, 22 Oxford Simms John, waiter, 214 Chesnut al Simms John, lab. 14 X al Simms John H. drayman, 58 L Monument Simms Joseph, lab. 55 Chesnut al Simms Josephine, laund. 73 Arch Simms Louisa, laund. 211 Hamburg Simms Mrs. Lucinda, huckster, 49 Jefferson Simms Peter, drayman, 24 s Calvert Simms Richard, driver, 50 Josephine Simms Richard, huckstt-r, 12 Union Simms Richard, oysters, 134 Preston Simms Susan, laund. 12 Union Simpers Geo. lab. 22 Saratoga Simpkins Jesse, mariner, 93 China Simpson Alfred, waiter, 138 Tyson Simpson Alfred, waiter, 46 Camel al Simpson Annie, laund. 6 Bennett Simpson Elijah, shucker, 1«1 Henrietta Simpson Goorge, waiter, 46 Camel al Simpson Hugh, mariner, 3 Barranger ct Simpson Jas. coal, 202 s Eutavv,dwl81 Henrietta Simpson John, jiorter, 18 Tessier Simpion John, porter, 69 u Durham Siinpsun John, porter, 116 s Durham Simpson John, lab. 254 McDonogh Simpson John S. brickmkr, 181 Henrietta Simpson Mary M. laund. 69 n Durham Simpson .Mary M. lauud. 3 Barranger ct Simpson Puruell, fireman, 244 L Hughes Simpson Saml. whitewasher, 46 Camel al Simpson Thomas, oysters, 136 Peirce Simpson Wm. P. mariner, 42 Mulberry Simpson Wm brickmkr, 181 Henrietta Simpson Wm. H. hodcarrier, 87 n Dallas Simpson Wm. shucker, 6 Bennett Singer Annie, seamstress, 12 Peirce Singer Annie G. servant, 117 b Paca Singer Jos. grocery, 92 Franklin Singleton Henry, coachman, 66 Biddle al Singleton John, hodcarrier, 3 Rose Singleton Lotta, l.iund. 28 McKim Sinuleton Wa.sh. farmer, 28 McKim Sinn John, driver, 12 Bureii Sisco Dr. Dennis, 23 Chesnut al Skinner Alex. lab. 143 Iceland Skinner Ann C. laund. 6 Gould la Skinner Frank, lab. 2 Jones ct Skinner James, shucker, 17 Philpot al Skinner James R. blacksmith, 57 n High Skinner James R. blacksmith, 15 East Skinner Julia, laund. 6 Gould la Skinner M. laund. 327 n Durham Skinner Wm. shucker, 116 Chesnut Slater Hamilton, provisions, 96 St. Paul Slaughter Jas. porter, 150 York Slaughter Lear J. laund. 150 York Sline Chas. porter, 25 Sarah Ann Sliner Benj. drayman. 22 Sarah Ann Sliner Caroline, laund. 22 Sarah Ann Sliner Jane, iaund 5 Saratoga ct Slocum Ann M. laund. 67 L Church Slocuiu Mrs. Hettie, 45 n Dallas Slocum John H. waiter 45 n Dallas Slocum Mary, dressmkr, 45 n Dallas Sly Geo. porter, 1 Tyson Small Charles, peddler. 35 Edward Small Georgianua, laund. 141 York Small John, lab. 104 n HoUiday Small Joseph, lab. 241 n Durham Small Louise, laund. 10 Marion ct Small Maria, laund. 241 n Durham Small Moses, waiter, 10 Marion ct Small Saml. stevedore, 241 n Durham Small Thomas, graiurunner, 141 York Smallwood Geo. lab. 72 Morris al Smallwood Jacob, whitewasher, 55 Pin al Smallwood Joseph, barber, 55 Saratoga Smallwood Thos. mariner, 135 Welcome al Smallwood Wm. lab. 4 Jones ct Smith Aaron, lab. 11 Harford av Smith Abel, carter, 206 e Lombard Smith Adaline, laund. 136 German Smith Albert, lab. 54 Sarah Ann Smith Alfred, lab. 37 Walnut al Smith Alfred, shucker, 74 Welcome al Smith Alex, shucker, 132 s Eutaw Smith Amelia, laund. 108 Leadeuhall Smith Ann, laund. 4 Ohio av Smith Ann M. cook, 93 Harmony la Smith Ann M. cook, 34 Welcome al Smith Mrs. Ann, laund. 9 Parrish al Smith Anna, cook, 231 L Hughes Smith Araminla, cook, 12 Lehrman al Smith Arthur, grocery, 221 Hamburg Smith Arthur, whitewasher, 149 Raborg Smith Augustus, expressman, f>3 Oxford Smith Benedict, brickmkr, 27 King Smith Benj. R. 5 St. James Smith Benj. coachman, 15 Lambert Smith Benj. stevedore, 13 Leadenhall Smith Caroline, cook, 212 L Hughes Smith Caroline, cook, 90 n Spring Smith Mrs. Caroline, lauud. 33 Williamson al Smith Catherine, cook, 46 Tyson Smith Mrs. Catherine, seamstress, 66 Union HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post OflBice Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ' COLORED PERSONS 725 Smith Chas. E. drayman, 82 St. Marj' Smith Chas. porter, 221 s Eutaw Smith Chas. porter, 132 s Eutaw Smith Chas. hnckman, 8 Jordan al Smith Chas. H. lab <3 Jew al Smith Christian, huckster, 86 Rahorg: Smith Cornelius, drayman, 194 e Fayette Smith Cornelius, hacknian, 7 Walnut al Smith Daniel J. dravman. 80 n Bethel Smith Danl. \V. frrain measurer, 11 Morris al Smith Delilah, laund, 6 Peach al Smith Dinah, laund. 148 Williiim Smith Edwd. drayman. 41 Leadenlmll Smith Edwd. mariner, 240 L Hughes SiEith Eli, waiter, o3 Josephine Smith Eliza A. laund. 87 Moore al Smith Eliza, laund. 32 Perry Smith Eliza, lautid. 88 Burgundy al Smith Elizrtbeih, liUind. 2 Calhoun ct Smith Elizabeth. ser\ant. 5 St. James Smith Elizabeth J. laund 17 Chesnut Smith EUea, laund. 69 Union Smith Ellen, laund. 41 Leadenhall Smith Emanuel, lab. 71 Russell Smith Emanuel, waiter, 34 Druid Hill av Smith Emeline J 50 w Centre Smith Emily, servant. 61 Dover Smith Emily', cook, 36 Carlton Smith Emily, seamstress. 204 Hamburg Smith Emily, cook, 28 Elbow la Smith Fr&ncis, driver, 45 Jefferson Smith Francis, mariner, i-'5 Jeffersoa Smith Frank, lab. 54 Sarah Ann Smith Frank, waiter. Three Tuns hotel Smith Frank, shucker, 7 Waters ct Smith Fredk. driver, 8 Pleasant Smith Geo, driver, 72 Vine Smith Geo. W. lab. 7 Waters ct Smith Geo. mariner, 94 Henrietta Smith (ieo. waiter, 23 Chesnut al Smith Geo. driver, 3 Plunfp.l Smith Geo. lab. 37 East Smith Geo. shoemkr, 400 West Smith Georgianna, laund 1 Harnden ct Smith Georgianna, laund. 316 Raborg Smith Georgianna, laund. 74 Welcome al Smith Hanson, Ub. 169 n Dallas Smith Harriet, laund. 92 L Church Smith Harriet, servant, 61 Dover Smith Harriet, laund. 38 Raborg Smith Hariiet A. laund. 29 Burgundy al Smith Henrietta, seamstress, 152 n Eden Smith Henrietta, laund. 79 Dover Smith Henrietta, laund. 31 Guilford al Smith Heurietta, 2ii9 Dover Smith Henry, stevedore, 13 Mason al Smith Henry, hostler, 60 China Smith Henry, drayman, 15 Union al Smith Henry, coachman. 3o Rose Smith Henry H. liquor. 7 Cowpen al Smith Henry, lab 46 Sarah Ann Smith Henry, hod carrier. 100 Chesnut al Smith Henry, lab. 137 Welcome al Smith Henry S. waiter, 4 Peirce Smith Henry, waiter, 14 Garden Smith Henry, lib. 2 Calhoun ct Smith Henry, hod carrier, 52 Camel al Smith Henry, waiter, 40 Saratoga Smith Henry, carter, 71 Orchard Smith Hester A. laund. 68 L Church Smith Hester, laund. 52 Greenwillow Smith Hezekiah, drayman, 15 Union al Smith Horace, waiter, 116 Peirce Smith Horace, mariner, 128 n Dallas Smith Isaac, drayman, 82 Morris al Smith Israel, hod carrier, 79 Elbow la Smith Jacob H. lab. 112 Welcon)e al Smith Jas. porter, 47 Raborg Smith James, waiter, 54 China Smith J.imes, dredger, 175 Spring Smith James A. waiter, 50 w Centre Smith James A. shucker, 267 Montgomery Smith James H. waiter, 400 Park av Smith James W. drayman, 195 Chesnut Smith James H. porter, 31 Jordan al Smith James, lab. 50 Moore al Smith James A. stevedore. 293 Hamburg Smith James E. lab. 38 Raborg Smith James, lab. 9 Wiliner al Smith James, grain handler, 3 Jasper Smith Jane, laund. 70 n Durham Smith Jeremiah, fireman, 204 Hamburg Smith Jesse, porter, 149 Hill Smith John A. waiter, 132 s Eutaw Smith John, shucker, 87 Harmony la Smith John H. driver, 9.5 Siirling Smith John, lab 74 Welcome al Smiih John, lab. 65 n Durham Smith John, lab 9 P.irrish al Smith John, shucker, 191 Henrietta Smith J. A. hostler, 109 Chesnut al Smith John H. stevedore, 92 Plum al Smith John, lab. 218 Vine Smith John H. lab. 27 King Smith John, waiter, 11 Bounty la Smith John, shucker, 148 William Smith John, shoemkr, 237 Henrietta Smith John H. cashier Ches ipe ike Marine Rail- way and Dry Dock Co. 124 Hill Smith Jonn P hodciirrier, Parrish al Smith John W. drayman, 82 St. Mary Smith John W. hudcarrier, 151 Vine Smith John, waiter, 38 Davis Smith John, dravman. 11 Vine Smith John E. lab. 38 Raborg Smith John H. lab. 26 Vine Smith John, srainraeasnrer, 90 Leadenlmll Smith John T. lab 5 Hairison ct Sniith John T. gardener, 30 Foundry Smith John, hodcarrier, 36 Oxford Smith John, waiter, 68 L. Church Smith John H. dr^iyman, 82 St. Mary Smith John, drayman, 31 Jordan al Smith John H. drayniMU, 58 Vine Smith John, sawyer, 185 s Dallas Smith John H. livery stable, rear 17 Mulberry dw 123 St. Paul Smith John, driver, 79 Moore al Smith John, lab. 85 Leadenhall Smith John T. lab. 84 n Durham Smith Jos. driver, 5 Moore al Smith Jos. carter, 129 n Bethel Smith Jos. porter, 72 East Smith Jos. lab. 132 s Eutaw Smith Jos. drayman, 87 Moore al Smith Jos. teamster. 129 Chesnut Smith Jos. waiter, 123 Welcome al Smith Josephine, laund. 1 X al Smith Josephine, cook. 137 Welcome al Smith Julia, laund. 264 s Sharp Smith Laviiiia, laund. 11 Pin al Smith Lavinia, laund. 4 Winter al Smith Leonard, lab. 6 Welsh al Smith Levin, brickmkr, 1 Harnden ct Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) -»-5 5 pq o O O o p o o p4 OQ ^^ OQ zn pq °6 CD I— I EH GQ DQ OQ I— I w o E . 726 1 a c o - ■*j O .z^ 00 o C rr 0^ -O ■~ > a; m ^ ^ o tt "^ ^ M •— ' ,■ y: ^ ^- ;; o ^— rrt be r^*-t r! ri -r c3 r— a> _ '^ Oi ^ X >^ W 1 — ' !/3 ec ?; o o 5^ T E X Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS O 2; -r >. ;~ o ■^ - iS ,;^ — ' o L •i^ -1-9 V! rr O) ^ n Vi ^^ ■kS ^4 ::> . c* ^ 0^ ■" ~ '^ a> o 5-^ ^ fii a^ &J 55 o Ci H ■ -M i-J ^ >>« ^ ■< M k-H s =^ ;;^ aj s fl H >A, Pi ^ o c • •" Ph O 7J Of ?^ -t.9 t>> 7^ Jl T* i ;^ ^^ •s C :d O !y c. '> e _^ V to fcC ^ o c ^ f^ X :$ i-. a; s ^ > > « V3 ' £ i> L. ^ -r^ -^ 03 72 ce Smith Louisa, laund. 7 Walnut al Sniilh Lucy A. laund. 13 Leadenball Siniti) Lucy, lauud. 46 Forrest Smith Lydia, laund. Sf) Jefferson Smith Lydia, huckslrcss, 51 L. Churcli Sn)ith Major, lati. 38 Greenwillow Smith Miijor jr. draynian, 38 Greenwillow Smith Marfraret, laund . 8.5 Lpadenhall Smith Maruriirct laund. 3 Plum al Smith Maria, laund. 188 Park av Snjjlh Martha, cook, (Jl Dover Smith .Mary, laund. 248 L. Hujihes Smith Mary, laund. 80 Burfrundy al Smith Mary A. laund. 21 Nei^ihbor Smith Miiry, cooUsho[>, i52 Low Smith Mary, seamstress, ."> Moore al Srailh Miiry, laund. 67 (yhesnui al Smith Mnry E. laund. 1 Harnden ct Smith Mary ¥j. servant, 26 Dover Smith Mary A. seamstress, 162 Stilling Smith Mary E. seamstres-, l^S West Smith M-s Mary, laund. 9 Wilmer al Smith Mary, servant, 22 Jew al, o t Smith -Mary K. laund. 7 Waters cl Smith Mary L. laund. 90 Harmony la Smith Moses, lab. Can;el al nr Park av Smith Nath'l, lab. 16 S Stockston al Smith Nath'l, waiter, ,56 Hamjistead Smith Oliver, lab. 13 Dawson al Smith Olivia, laund. 40 n (lalvert Smith Owen, ovsiers, basement 384 w Eager, dw 188 Park "a v Smith Perry S. lab. 155 West Smith Perry, whitewasher, 138 Low Smith Perry, shucker, 2 X al Smith Peter, bi jckmkr, 1 Haitiden cl Smith Peter, carter, Lee nr Howard Smith Peter, shucker, 2 X al Smith Philip, lab. 51 Jefferson Smith Philif, shucker, 154 n Castle Smith Rachel J. laund. 2 Peirce Smith Rachel, dressmkr. 84 St. Mary Smith Robt. firmer, 4 (Jarlton Smith Robt. drayman, 86 Jasper Smith Robt. brickmki-, 221 llamburi!; Smith Robt. huckster, 46 Tyson Smitii Rolit. stevedore, 202 s Howard Smith Sally A. laund. 5 Pin al Smith Samuel, sliucker, 3 Gelsioa ct Smith Samuel, coachman, 5 Oxford Smith Samuel, lal). 3 Peach al Smith Samuel, drayman, 136 Gei'm.in Smith Samuel, lab. 74 Welcome al Smith Samuel, lab. 39 Bur;;niidy al Smith Samuel, waiter, 102 Tyson Smith Samuel R. cedar cooper, 3 Peach al Smith Sandy, coachman. 10 Jordan al Smith Sarah, laund 112 Welcome al Smith Sarah, laund 94 Henrietta Smith Sarah J. chambermaid. 67 Plum al Smith Simon, carter, 71 (Orchard Smith Spring, hostler, 32 Perry Smith Stephen, lab. 32 Perry Smith Stfi)lu'n, waiter, 47 n Calvert Smith Susan A. laund. 51 L. Clmrch Smith Mrs. Susan. Tenpin al nr n Spring Smith Susan, laund. 126 Conway Smith Susan, servant, 32 Perry Smith Susan, laund. 2l King Smith Susanna, laund. 52 China Smith Susann.i, laund. 163 Vork Smith Sydney, shucker, 24 Wayne Smith Terisa, laund. 65 n Durham Smith Theo. coachman, Gilraor and Liberty rd Smith Thos. H. shucker, 202 Vine Smith Thos. waiter, 40 Rose Smith Thos. lai). 107 Jasper Smith Thos. H. dra.vman, 101 Dover Smith Thos. H. caulker, 1 X al Smith Thos. shucker, 39 Guilford al Smith Thos. hostler, 113 Chesnut Smith Virginia, laund. 79 Elbow la Smith Wash. lab. 286 s Eutaw Smith Wash. lab. Jenkins al nr Preston Smith Win. brickmkr, 92 L. Hughes Smith Wm. iriver, 85 Elbow la Smith Wm. II. e.xpressman, 50 w Centre Smith Wm. H. H. waiter, 40 n Calvert Smith Wm. H. grainruniier, 21 Neighbur Smitli Wm, drayman, 33 Willi.-imson al Smith Win. waiter, 8 Jordan al Smith Wm. porter, 46 L. Monument Smith Wm. waiter, 17 Mason al Smith Wm. porter, 11 Pin al Smith Wm. E. 4 Winter al Smith Win. shucker. 74 Welcome al Saiith Wm. H. waiter, 43 Dover Smith Wm. lab. 4 Ohio av Smith Wm. lab. 95 L. Moniiromery Smith Wm H. waiter, 126 Conway Smith Wm. H. waiter. 47 Raburg Sminh Will. H, waiter, 90 Cider al Smith Wm. H. porter, 155 Henrietta Smith Wm.lab. 231 L. Hughes Suiiih Wm. H. drayman, 94 Russell Smith Wm. driver, SO Morris al Smith Wm. L. hodcarrier, 264 s Sharp Smith Wm. 0 waiter, 4 Biddie al Smith Wilson, wheelsman, 15 Claret al Smith Wright, fireman, 3 Plum al Smith Wyatt, lati. 12 Wayne Smith Xer.xes, shucker, 308 Montgomery Smothers Adeline, 64 Dover Smothers Charle.s, lab, 320 n Durham Smothers Chas. A. porter, II Wilmer al Smothars Elijah, lab. 2.5 Stockholm Smothers Kdward, shoemkr, 155 Henrietta Smothers Elizabeth, servant, 85 Orchard Smoihers Frank, lab. 25 Stockholm Smothers Geo. brickmkr, 227 Henrietta Smothers Geo. W. lal). 64 Dover Smoihers Henry, shucker, 91 Orchard Smothers Mary E. dressmkr, 227 Henrietta Smothers .Mrs. Sarah A. laund. 1.5 Sarah Ann Smothers Mrs. Sarah, laund. 11 Wilmer al Smothers Sarah E. laund. 11 Wilmer al Si. others Walter, lab. 13 Dawson al Smoihers Wm. blacksmith, 85 Orchard Smothers Wm. lab. 24 O.vford Suavely Chas. hostler 30 Josejihine Siiead Edith, laund. 11 Jasper Snead (>eo. shoemkr, 13 Parrish al Siiead Hannah, laund. 95 Warner Snead Henry, coachman, 11 Jasper Snead Peter, stevedore, 95 Warner Sueed Win. whitewash' r, 22 Boyd Snell Moses, ^'raiii measurer, 18 Leadenhall Snow Win. 11. mariner, 40 Hill Snowden AUiert, waiter, 169 Raborg Snowden Mrs. Annie, laund. 238 Vine Snowden Annie, laund. Iu2 Tyson Snowden Daniel W. 3 Union Snowden Ellen, lauud. 110 DugaiTs whf Snowden Ephraim, lab. 5 Parrish al HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. i Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 727 Snowden Evan, blacksmith, cor Hennettft and Uhina Snowden Mrs. Frances, laund. 60 Sarah Ann Snowden Fred, wititer, 238 Vine Snowden Hester, laund. Wavne nr Fremont Snowden Hezekiali, drayman, 49 Harmony la Snowden Hezekiah, drayman, 123 Clitsnut al Snowden John U. lab. 35 East Snowd' n John, porter, 22 Commerce Snowden John H. lab. 19 Peach al Snowden Joseph, lab. 99 Hargrove al Snowden Joseph W. lab. 35 East Snowden Louisa, laund. 132 Hill Snowden Lu inda, laund. 60 Sarah Ann Snowden Mary, Wayne nr Fremont Snowden 0. T. beer, 87 Bur-.'undy al Snowden Octavia, cook, 2 Calhoun ct Snowden Rtzin, waiter, 237 Dover Snowden Samuel, drayman, 70 Orchard Snowden \Vm. J. blacksmith, 192 Henrietta Snowden Wm. lab. 3(5 Edward Snowden Wm. waiter, 59 Raborg Sodon Annie, servanl. 110 s Paca Sodon Clias. W. briuknikr. 331 s Howard Sodon Chas brickmkr. 331 s Howard Sodon Thomas, lab. 331 s Howard Sodon Wm. brickmkr, 331 s Howard Sollers John W. porter, 95 .Moore al Sommers Kliza, hiuud. 77 Arch Sommtrrs John, waiter, 77 Arch Sommers Peter, drMvman. 6 Shields ai Soinmervilie lunalius, stevedore, 60 Wayne Sommerville J unes, brickmkr, 74 East Sommerville Joseph, lab. 14 Biddle al Sommerville Peter, sliucker, 3-i4 Cross Sorrel! Ann M. oysters, 179 West Sorreli Bernard, huckster, 57 China Sorrel! Elizabeth, laund. 240 Preston Sorreli Elizal^eth, fiiocery, 101 Lee Sorrel! Emily J. laund. 5 Orchard Sorrel! Emma, cook, 217 * Howard Sorreli Filbert, waiter, 217 s Howard Sorreli Isabella, dressmkr, 18 i Henrietta Sorrel! James, porter, 221 s Eulaw Sorreli John, barber, 240 Preston Sorrel! John, drayman, 5 Orchard Sorreli John, lab. 6 X al Sorrt'll Joliii S porter, 57 China Sorrel! Mary E laund. 189 Henrietta Sorreli Robert H.furn. wagon, 177 West Sorrel! Roiiert H. butclier, 43 u Sharp Sorrel! Sleptoe, porter, 57 China Sorreli Susan, laund. 57 Chiim, Sorreli Thom:'.s, waiter, 1 China Sorrel! Wm. S. porter, 189 Hi-nrietta Sorreli Virginia, laund. 6 X al Sorreli Winder, porter, 183 Henrietta Sorreli Winder jr. sluu'ker, 183 Henrietta Sorricks .Martha, laund, 49 Tyson Sorricks Moses, lab. 49 TysOn Sorricks Peter, lab. 10 Josephine Sorricks Peter S. lab. 88 Cider al Soulheiland Benj. lul). 10 Baker ct Southerhmd James, lab 238 Preston Soulhera Philip, lab. 107 Sarah Ann Southern Wesley, waiter, 339 s Howard Sparks Chas. driver, 44 Raborg Sparkb Jane, laund. 44 Rihorg Sparrow Emily, seamstress, 148 n Bethel Sparrow John, liib. 148 n lietliel Sparrow Win. lab. 7 Short Speak Andrew, hustler, 32 Josephine o Speak John, huckster, 32 Josephine Spence Anne, whitewasher, 94 s Dallas Spence Benj. lab, 94 s Dallas Spence Benj. T. lab. 94 s Dallas Spence Chas. brickmkr, 306 s Howard Spence Daniel, lab. 323 s Howard Spence Emily, laund. 306 s Howard Spence James, lab. 292 Raborg Spence John, shoemkr. 237 s Eutaw Spence Joseph, shoemkr, 237 s Eulaw Speuce Rachel, laund. 292 Raborg Spence Sarah J laund. 323 s Howard Spencer Alfred, mariner. 128 Sarah Ann Spencer Chas. lab. 65 Foster al Spencer Family J. seamstress, 63 Plum al Spencer Frederick D. waiter, 223 n Durham Spi ncer Geo. shucker, 48 Diamond Spencer Henry, sexton, 51 Marion .C^ Spencer John W. waiter, 223 n Durham r^ Spencer Jos. mariner, 192 Warner ^ Spencer Jos. P. grainmeasurer, 223 n Durham" Spencer Philips, mariner, 20 n Durham ^ Spencer Saml. J. shucker, 63 Plum al O Spencer Wm. R. waiter, IK;^ St. Mary ^ Spicer Henry A janitor, 51 .Marion ^ Spindell Dandridge, 10 Gilbert q Spindell Mrs. Rachel, laund. 10 Gilbert q Spiuks Mary, laund 3 I'ourt house la Spriddle Mary, laund. 188 Henrietta ci^ S[iorrer Matthew, restaurant, 230 Madison Spriddle Addison J. drayman, 188 Henrietta P| Spriddle Jas. H. lab. 188 Henrietta Q Spriddle John, driver, 66 Elbow la Q Spriddle Mary. laund. 188 Henrietta f^ Spriddle Stephen, drayman, 6 L. Monument P*" Sprigg Chas. barber, 227 s Eutaw Sprigg Isaiah, 227 s Eutaw p^ Sfirigg Jas. drayman, 227 8 Eutaw Sprigg Jas. jr. insj.ectcr C. H. 227 s Eutaw ^ Sprigg Jas. H. jiorter. 40 Cliy ^ Sprigg Joseph, 227 s EiitaA' |^ Sprigg Sarah, laund. 25 Arch Sprigg Theodore, cabinetmkr, 227 s Eutaw ^ Spriggs Andrew, whitewasher, 41 Elbow la ^ Spriggs Harriet, laund, 49 White al ^ Spriggs Geo. W. waiter, 6 Bolton ^ Spriggs John, lab. 84 Peach al f— i Spriggs Lizzie, laund, 84 Peach al ^r~' Spriggs Thos. waiter, 67 Chesnui al r^ Spriggs Wesley, waiter, 216 Che.-nut al ^, Spurrer John, lab. 195 Chesnut ^ Squirrel Charlotte, launfl. Liberty rd oi)posite^ C5 <1 < O a M _^ H o D aj O 73 ^ 00 O Eh ^ 1— 1 g <1 -A GQ 323 *^ r-, ^ o Stanley Andrew mariner, 52 L. Church Stanley Ann, laund. 117 n Durham Stanley Chas. shueker, 3 s Greene Stanley Chas. lab. 203 MuUikin Stanley Edward, butcher, 215 Vine Stanley Elenora, laund, 215 Vine Stanley Edward, waiter, 220 Wtst Stanley Eliza A. laund. 58 Williamson al Sianley Geo. lab. 101 s Dalbis Stanley Harrison, lab. 63 Elbow la Stanley Harriet, laund. 52 L. Church Stanley Harrison, lab. 4 Peach al Stanley Jas. whiiewasher, 15 s Bethel Sianley Jas. lab. 1 Yountr al Stanley John, waiter, 201 Park av Sranley Jos. lab. 142 n Spring Stanley Jos. lab. 91 n Bethel Stanley Josiah, hodcarrier, 10 Jones ct Stanley Margaret, seamstress, 105 s Bethel Stanley Maria, laund. 3 s Greene Stanley Moses, plasterer, 93 u Spring Stanley Nancy, laund. 88 n Dallas Sianle_\ Samuel, hodcarrier, 7 Peach al Stanley Smart, driver, 88 u Spring Stansbury Benj. porter, 11 Stirling Stansbury Benj waiter, 2 O.xford Stausbury Danl. lab. 11 Stirling Stansbury' Geo. bricknikr, 27 Rose Stansbury Harriet, laund. 301 s Eutaw Stansbury Isaac, wagoner, 2 Abrahun Stansbury, Jas. huckster, 301 a Eutaw Stanton Jos. porter, 32 Wayne Stanton Thos. mariner, 2 Hamilton Stark Powliatiin, turn, wagon, 7 Booth Stark Satnl. sluuker, 240 n Durham Slarks Isaac, waiter, L. Monument nr St. Mary Staten Dnwus, car(). 273 Montgomery Staten Alex, clerk, 52^ Raborg Staten Liicretia, laund. 273 .Montgomery Staten Mary Jane, seamstress, 525 Raborg Staten Win. grocery, 273 M(mtgomery Stanton Catherine, servant, 181 Hill Staytou Joseph, brickmkr, 97 L. Church Stayton Louisa, laund. 97 L Church Stayton Wm. E. steward, 181 Hill Steele Tlios. shucker, 79 Harinony la Stephens Joshua B. student, 50 Orchard Stephens Wm.hodcar'r, Liberty rd nr Calhoun Stepney Jas. lab. 252 McDonogh Stepney John, waiter, 5 W 'Inut al Stepney Lewis, lab. 252 McDonogh Ste|)ney Philip, lab. 71 Russell Stepney Richard, shucker, 13 Bruce Stepney Robert, lal). 252 McDonogh Steirett John, driver, 2(50 McDonogh Sieirett I'hilena L. seamstress, 260 McDonogh Stcrrett Tlios. A. farmer, 260 McDonogh Sterretl Wm. H. hodcarrier, 75 Harmony la Stevens Amelia, laund. 19 Oxford Stevens Benj. lab. 19 Oxford Stevens Benj. W. hostler, 19 Oxford Stevens Chas. waiter, 95 Chesnut al Stevens David R. driver, 128 Dover Stevens Geo. porter, 42 Rose Stevens Geo. lab. n Calhoun ext Stevens Harriet R. laund. 50 Orchard Stevens Harriet, servant, 83 Welcome al Stevens Jas. waiter, 50 Orchard Stevens Jas. driver, Etting nr Wilson Stevens Jeremiah, porter, 8 Pin al Stevens John, shucker, 07 Arch Stevens Matilda, cook. 34 Davis Stevens Susan, laund. 17 State Stevenson Aquilla, lab. 100 Orchard Stevenson, Frank, porter, 18 Mott Stevenson Geo. porter, 42 Rose Stevenson Isaiiih, lab. 130 Stirling Stevenson James, driver, 18 s Stockton al Stevenson Jerome, lab. 140 n Spring Stevenson Jones, huckster, 42 Jordan al Stevenson Jos. W. fanner, 192 L. Constitution Stevenson Mrs. Keziah, laund. 140 n Spring Stevenson Mary A., Stockton al nr Harlem av Stevenson Susan, laund. 24t> n Durham Stevenson Thos. porter, 123 Raborg Steward Clara, laund. 121 York Steward Elizabeth, laund. P21 York Stevvar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar S la war Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Steivar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stew.ir Stewar Stewiir Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stfwar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewai Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stevvar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Stewar Adeline, laund, 51 Williamson al Amos, whitewasher. 80 n Durham Anna, laund. 51 Arch Anna, laund. 124 Harmony la Charity, laund. 4 Pear al (charlotte, laund. 04 Oxford Chas. lab. 51 Union Clias. porter, 18 Eutaw ct CliHS hodcar'r, Stockton h1 urHarleinar Chas. shucker, 86 n Durham Chas. S. shoemkr, 52 Tyson Eliza, servant. 64 L. Church Kliza, laund. 15 Arch Eliza J. laund. 7 St. James Elizibetli, servant, 01 Williamson al Rev. Enoch C. 249 s Howard Enoch C. lab. 240 s Howard Fanny, laund. 19 Parrish al Fred porter. 35 Tyson (jleo. lab. 4 Young al Geo. driver, 9 Jenkins al Geo. lab. 51 Arch Geo. lab. 166 n Spring Henry, driver, 57 n Durham Henry, lab. 94 Goodman al Henry, lab. 56 Vine Henry, waiter, 5 Eilward Hester, laund. 61 Williamson al Isaac, mariner, 87 North Isaac, wood and coal, 45 Union, dw 53 James, marin'-r, 250 L. Hughes John, cook, 4 Amity ct John, lab. 68 BiirL'undy al John, sawyer, 15 Arch John E. diayman, 102 Leadenhall Joseph, shucker, 90 Wekonie al Joseph, driver, 73 Goodman al Joshua, lab. 124 Harmony la Julia, laund. 40 Orchard Laura, laund. 250 L. Hughes Lewis, hay, 48 Haw Lloyd, coachman, 81 L. Church London, 40 Orchard Margaret, laund. 73 Goodman al Marion, laund. 35 Tyson Martha, laund. 87 Stirling Mary, servant, 9o Welcome al .Mary, lannd. 299 Hiiniburg Mary, servant, 62 Williamson al Mary A. laund. 102 Leadenhall .Mary E. laund. 80 n Durham .Mary J. laund. 102 Leadenhall Maty J. laund. 80 n Durham .Mary L. seamstress. 102 Loadenhall Matilda, laund. 37 State Nancy, laund. 57 n Durham Nelson, waiter, 4 Amity ct HENRY HOEN & 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. COLORED PERSONS. Stewart Philip, porter, 36 Davis Stewart Philip, lab. 142 n Ch.ipel Stewart Richard, waiter, 189 Vine Stewart Richard, lab. 2 Jackson ct Stewart Richard, lab. 68 Biirtrundy al Stewart Roaue, mariner, 12 Wayne Stewart Robert, lab. 56 Union Stewart Samnel, carter, 58 Williamson al Stewart Sarah, lannd. 115 York Stewart Sophia, servant, 28 Peach al Stewart Thomas, lab. 215 Dover Stewart Thomas, porter, 37 State Stewart Thomas, lab. 19 Parrish al Stewart Thomas, lab. 24 Shnter Stewart Wm. packer, 115 York Stewart Wm. lab. 51 Williamson al Stewart Wm. H. coachman, 15 Jenkins al Stiles Ciitberine, cook, 6 Bntler Stiles Fanny, cook shop, 253 Montgomery Stiles James, lab. 6 Butler Stiles Joseph, stevedore, 253 Montgomery Stiles Wm. lab. 6 Butler Stirling Geo. shucker, 283 Hamburg Stitums Ann, laund. 19 Bursiundy al Stitums Philip, cooper, 79 Burgundy al Stitums Philip jr. cooper, 79 Burgundy al Stitums Wm. P. musician, 79 Burgundy al St. Frances Academy and Boarding School, cor Forrest pi and Chase Si. Frances (Catholic) Church, cor Forrest pi and Chase St. Frances Orphan Asylum, cor Forrest pi and Chase St. Francis Xavier (Catholic) Church, n e cor Culvert and Pleisant St. James (P. E.) Church, s e cor North and Saratoga St. Thomas Union (M. P.) Church, Chesnut nr Front Stockett Rlias, driver. 43 Shnter Steckett Wm. porter, 27 Walker Stokely Ann, laund. 42 Elbow la Stokely Isaac, drayman, 42 Elbow la Stokely Ann, laund. 3 China Stokely Isaac, drayman, 3 China Stokes Mrs. Anne Maria, seamst's,41^ s Caroline Stokes Blackistone, coachman, 15 Tyson Stokes Geo. W. driver. 9 Lambert Stokes Henry, musician, 1 Hagar ct Stokes Henry, lab. 18 Kutaw ct Stokes Martha, laund. 18 Eutaw ct Stokes Rachel, laund. 1 Hagar ct Stout Emory, blacksmith. 48 n Caroline Strand Major, drayman, 6 Pimlico al Strattoii Geo. grainrunner, 126 Jasper Stravvter Daniel, brickmkr, 65 L. Church Strawter Sarah L. laund. 65 L. Church Streniy Edwd. waiter, 2 Hamilton Strickland John T. lab. 30 Burgundy al Strickland Joseph, drayman, 37 Union Strickland Saml. lab. 30 Burgundy al Strickland Wm. H. lab. 30 Burgundy al Strong Jacob, driver, 245 n Dallas Strong James, lab. 156 n Spring Stubbs Ellen, servant, 42 n Sharp Sudler Georgianna, cook, 16 Shnter Sudler Joshua, grain measurer, 16 Shuter Sudler Julia, servant, 102 Henrietta Sugars Chas. Allen, hodcanier, 25 Carlton Sugars Sarah C. laund. 27 Carlton Sullivan Janies, drayman, 3u7 Hamburg Sullivan James, grainmeasurer, 91 Stirling 729 Sullivan John W. whitewasher, 159 wHofFman Sullivan Rachel, laund. 307 Hamburg Sullivan Matilda, laund. 91 Stirling Sullivan Wm. H. lab. 159 w Hotl'man Summers Chas. coachman, 345 n Howard Summerville Chas. lab. 57 Tyson Summerville Geo. A. lab. 10 St. James Summerville Horace, waiter, 6 Tessier Summerville Kate, laund. 34 Walker Summerville .Mrs. Robert, laund 119 SarahAnn Sum well Barton, carp. 162 n Spring Sum well John, driver, 162 n S(iring Sunkett Henry, driver, 36 n Dallas Snrrat Jose, cigarmkr, 1 Amity ct Suter Anna, laund. 8 Ricketts ct Suter Benj. lab. 8 Rickets ct Suter Eliza, laund. 173 Kincr Suter Washintrton, lab. 173 King Sutton Chas. huckster, 62 China Sutton Emily, laund. 4 Fulton al Sutton Fnnk, waiter, 179 York Sutton Gabriel, lab. 131 Stirling Sutton Jos. sawyer. 62 China Sutton Mary A. cook, 4 Fulton al Sutlon Mary A. cook, 62 China Sutton Richard, porter, 4 Fulton al Sutton Richard, restaurant, 7() Conway Sutton Sarah J. laund. 131 Stirling Sutton Wm. lab. 4 Fulton al Swan Anna, laund. 6 Jones ct Swan Barnum, waiter, 110 Raborg Swan E. A. barber, 94 n Calvert Swan Elias, lab. 322 n Durham Swan Harriet, laund. 110 Raborg Suaii Nicholas, hodcarrier, 235 n Front Swan Tlios. hodcarrier, 6 Jones ct Swan Wm. hodcarrier. 235 n Front Sway Henry, lab. 188 L.Hughes Swayles Geo. W. sttvedore, 47 Biddle al Sweeper Charlotte, laund. 3 St. James Sweeney Jas. lab. 102 n Reiiester Swoid Henry, driver, 50 n Washingtonj Sybord John, lab. 16 Wilmeral Sye Chas. lab. 84 Burt;undy al Sye Jas. driver, 11 House ct Sye Mrs. Rebecca, laund. 84 Burgundy al Sypliax Mrs. Catherine, dressmkr, Wright ct Sythe Edward, barber, 9s St. Paul Tabbs Benj. drayman, 7 L.Ross Tabbs Elijah, lab. Patterson la nr Penna av Tabbs John, lab. 236 West Tabbs Upton, drayman, 7 L.Ross Tabbs Wm. (oachman, 6 Carlton Tabs John, lab. 194 Raborg Tabs John, waiter, 55 Josephine Tabs Wm. lab. rear 91 Welcome al Talbott Chas. waiter, 115 Raborg Talbott Geo. W. lab. 340 L.Viue Talbott John, waiter, 111 Chesnut al Talbott John, drayman, 161 King Talbott John, lab". 3 St Thomas ct Talbott John, waiter, 67 Sarah Ann Talbott Jos. carter, 115 Raborg Talbott Louisa, laund. 37 Perry Talbott Lorenzo, lab. 5 Jenkins al Talbott Rebecca, laund. 168 York Talbott Rosa, laund. 3 St, Thomas ct Talbott Siml. lab. 168 York Talbott Saml. jr. grainmeasurer, 168 York o a o O O Q P O o a Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (^Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) OQ tD <1 < P-i <1 QQ H PM OQ P o o OQ P o o > a 5.2 5 c OS C' 730 Mntual Life InsTirance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. O S r— s X ;- D § o a: Cl' >1 r^ a ■IJ c m CJ ►— 1 o trt -1-3 ■u =0 r/? CJ ^ X c an -TS z> a ce ^ >-, n:) ^ c" 1—1 ^ O) H ^2; o !^ C s ^ t^ s < X '^ m fcj oi QJ «a PS a H as V • •* o <3 -t-s 0^ * •4-J >1 s n .-- c o T> 1> o c . a> ^^ > > «D v i) Lrf r^ " -o ^ )-^ i) >% ^ :j «e A !-:> o k -l4 a«- Talbott Sarah, laund. 50 L. Monument Talhott Sarah, huind. 340 L Vine Talbott Wm. lab. 50 L. Monument Tally Ann M. laund. 74 Cider al Tankard Alfred, mariner, 314 L.Moiitgomerj Tanner Edward, porter, 56 Josephine Tarlton Mrs. Henrietta, laund. 43 Shuter Tarr Alfred, shueker, 129 Chesnut al Tartar Henry, porter, Iceland nr Fremont Tartar Julia A. 74 Cider al Tartar Lewis H. drayman, llOj St. Mary Tasco Clias. waiter, 77 Dover Tasco Frank L. tuilor, 4 Painters ct Tasco Frank, bootblack, Rennert house, dw 77 Dover Tasco Rebecca, laund. 77 Dover Tasker Jas. hodcarrier. 6 White al Tasker Win. lab. 79 Harmony la Tas«ell Jas. driver, 176 Chesnut Tate Frank, stevedore, 11 Shuter Tate Ueo lab. 99 Dover Tate Martha, laund. 99 Dover Tate Mary, cook. 1 Plum h1 Tate Mary A. eatinji house, 99 East Tate Robi. coHchman, 6 Jenkins al Tiite Susan, 17 Lewis Tate Thomas J. drayman, 1 Plum al Tate Thomas J. drayman, 55 China Tatum John T. lab. 93 Stirlin^t Taylor Aaron, coachman, 251 Park av Taylor Alfred, blacksmith, 70 n Spring Taylor Allan, lab. 187 n Exeter Taylor Ann, laund. 71 Perry Taylor Mis. Annie, whitewaslier, 70 n Sprinff Taylor Arnold, shoemkr. 214 Hujrhes Taylor Clias. driver, 57 Greenwillovv Taylor C'lherine laund. 259 L. Hughes Taylor Catherine, laund. 170 Dover Taylor Charles H. lab. 23 s Bethel Taylor Charles, lab. 23 s Bethel Taylor Charles, waiter, 51 L. Monument Taylor Ch..s. 11. carp. 356 West Ta\lor Clemens, lab. 162 n Spring Taylor David, dulker, 158 s Bethel Ta\ lor Denuie, laund. 6 White al Taylor Edward, ])orter, 89 n Spring Taylor Edward, coachman, 30 Rose Taylor Klijah, lab. 23 Jordan al Taylor Mrs. Eliz.tbeth, laund. 142 Sarah Ann Taylor Elizabeth, cook, 224 n Durham Taylor Elizabeth, laund. 40 Shuter Taylor Eiueline, laund. 214 L.Hughes Taylor Emory, lab. 68 s Dallas Taylor Emory, furniture wa;:on, 144 York Taylor Fiank, porter, 89 n Ann Taylor Gcorgiana, lautid. 126 Conway Taylor George E. saloon, 302 Raborg Taylor Geo. fireman, 214 L.Hughes Taylor Geo. porter, 224 Henrietta Taylor Hamilton, lab. 117 Chesnut Taylor Hannah, laund. 70 Burgundy al Taylor Harriet, 97 Chesnut al Taylor Henry, driver, 47 Tyson Taylor Hester, laund. 1 10 Dugan's whf Taylor Henry, waiter, 126 Conway Tayhu' Isaac, w.aiter, 66 Dover Taylor Isaac, lab. 103 Plum al Taylor Isaac, porter, 150 Cathedral T.ij lur Isaac, lab. 288 s Eutaw Taylor Jacob, lab. 14 Wayne Taylor James, lab. 16 Vine Taylor James, waiter, 196 n Exeter Taylor Jas. hostler, 1 13 Moore al Taylor Jas. F. grainmeasurer, 160 Henrietta Taylor Jane, laund. 46 Burgundy al Taylor John, brickmkr, 75 Harmony la Taylor John, waiter, 46 Burgundy al Taylor John, mariner, 49 Lewis Taylor John, drayman, 70 Burgundy al Taylor John, drayman, 251 Cross Taylor John, waiter, 25 Jefferson Ta\ lor John, porter, 55 L. Monument Taylor John W. shucker, 40 Sluiter T lylur John R. messenger, 93 Jasper Taylor Jordan, mariner, 93 L. Church Tavlor Jus. janitor, 55 Saratoga Taylor Julia A. fannd. 10 Sarah Ann Taylor Levi, lab. 72 Moore al Taylor .Mis. Louisa, dressmaker, 356 West Taylor Louisa, laund. 93 L. Church Taylor Mrs. Kate, dressmaker. 48 w Centre Taylor Margaret, laund. 144 York Taylor Margaret, l.iund. 6o Wayne Taylor Mary, laund. 9 iMason al Taylor Mary A. laund. 166 Stirling Taylor Mary E. dressmkr, 73 Perry Taylor Mary, laund. 30 Carlton Taylor Mary, laund. 103 Plum al Taylor Mary, laund. 51 L Monument Taylor Melvina, lauiul. 1 Pin al Taylor Milley, laund. 1 Carlton T.iylor Moses, hodcarrier, 84 Harmony la Taylor Harry, grainmeasurer, 16it Henrietta Taylor Peyton, shucker. 190 Henrietta Taylor Rachel, laund. 36 s Stockton al Taylor Rachel, huind. 7 Ivy al Taylor Kichd plasterer, 36 s Stockton al Taylor Richd. porter, 7 Buoth Taylor iiichd cooper, 28 Walnut al TaUor Robt. lab. 78 Cider al Taylor Robt. porter, 7 Rose Taylor R. S. barber, 198 w Pratt Taylor Saml. lab. 108 Dugan's whf Taylor S iml. lab. 350 L. Vine Taylor Siml. waiter, 29 Jew al, o. t. Taylor Saml. whilewasher, 311 w Biddle Taylor Saml. waitei-, 22 Saratoga Taylor Saml. shucker, 210 Warner Taylor Sarai), laund. 78 Cid-r al Taylor hedella, laund. 129 Hmison Taylor Susan, laund. 350 L. V^ine Taylor Thaddeus, Ub. 33 n Spring Taylor Thos. waiter, 6-1 Biddle al Taylor Washington, drayman, (JO Wayne Taylor Wm. H. waiter, iso Preston Taylor Wm. 11. horicarrier. 1 Pin al Taylor Wm. porter, 4 Biddle al Taylor Wm. lab. 129 Hudson Taylor Wm. lab. 251 Park av Taylor Wm. lab. 3 Parrish al Taylor Wm. stiucker, 170 Dover Taylor Wm. H. carter, 29 Jew al, o. t. Taylor Wm. brlcUl lyer, 97 Chesnut al Taylor Wm. H. waiter, 114 Orchard Ta\lor Wm. F. messenger C. H. '.',8 Lewis Taylor Wm. W. drayman, 60 Wayne Tavlor Zachaiiah, lab. ;S()0 n Durham Teakle Clias. lab. 12 X al Teakle Geo. drayman, 93 Hargrove al Teakle Letitia, laund. 317 n Durham Teakle Louisa, laund. 93 Har^Tove al Teakle Mary, laund. H Fulton al Teakle Nathan, sawyer, 59 Richmond Teakle Wiu. lab. 8 Fulton al HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packiug, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. COLOHED PERSONS. ' 731 Tender Auijustus, mariner, 23 Wagon al Tew AloDZo, lab. 15 Vincent Thirsty Dennis, driver, 47 Eislein Thomas Aaron, lab. 142 Yo-i-k Thomas Adam, lab. 77 Duncan al Thomas Abraham, porter, 81 Oxford Thomas Aim M. 261 Montgomery Thomas Mis. Ann, dressrakr, 2 Tessier Thomas Mrs. Ann, lauiid. 122 n Durham Thomas Mrs. Anna, laund. fiS Harmony la Thomas Anne A. laund. 68 L. Church Thomas Allen, drayman. 16 Union Thomas Aiianna, laund. 11 Arch Thomas Bettie, servant, 45 Arch Thomas Chas. M. waiter, 43 Stale Thomas Chas. L. waiter, 290 s Eutaw Thomas Chas. M. lab. 97 n Durham Thomas (has. lab. 93 Chesnut al Thomas Clias. porter, 7 Mott Thomas Co melius, coach man. 2 Tessier Thomas Chas. waiter, 66 Davis Thomas David, shucker, 53 Elbow la Thomas David, lab. 9 n Castle Thomas David H. upholsterer, 45 Chesnut al Thomas Dawson, mariner, 55 s Wolfe Thomas Deboiah, laund. 37 Tyson Thomas Deliorah, lauud. 71 Burgundy al Thomas Edwd. iab. Harmony la nr Poppleton Thomas Edwd. farmer, Wnodberry Thomas Eliza, 74 Burgundy al Thomas Eliza, laund. 57 s Stockton al Thomas Mrs. Eliza, laund. 81 n Ann Thomas Elizabeth, cook, 28 Elbow la Thomas Elizabeth, nurse, 260 a Bond Thomas Eliz;tbrth, laund. 56 China Thomas Ellen, laund. 29 Wayne Thomas Elliott, hodcarrier, 11 Arch Thomas Mis. Emma, seamstress, 152 Cathedral Tliomas Enoch, diayman, 62 Sarah Ann Thomas E.-au, driver, 2 Mulberry Thou.as Francis J. barber, 6 McClellan Thomas Frances, laund. 87 n Durham Thomas Frances, seamstress, 235 Orleans Thomas Gassiah, driver, 48 Sarah Ann Thomas Geo. carp. 62 Sarah Ann Thomas Geo. lab. 191 n Dallas Thomas Geo. carter, 269 s Fremont Thomas Geo. porier, 8i Oxford Thomas Geo.W. gardener, Foster al nr Dolphin Thomas Geo. W. baker, 23.) Orleans Thomas Hazel jr. drayman, 31 Raborg Thoniiis H.iZel, drayman, 31 Raborg Thomas Henrietta, laund. 31 Raborg Thomas Henrietta, laund. 274 Montgomery Thomas H' nry, waiter, 1 Rose Thomas Henry, lab. 32 Druid Hill av Thomas Henry, lab. Z9 Jenkins al Thomas Henry, waiter, lear of 136 German Thomas Henry, lab. 86 n Durham Thomas Henry, waiter, 194 Preston Thonias Horace, hudcarrier, 7 .Mulberry ct Thomas Jacob, waiter, 221 Preston Thomas Jacob, driver, 86 Welcome al Thomas Jas. lab. 274 Montgomery Thomas Jas. shucker, 1 Clarkson al Thomas Ja.s. slioemkr, 24 New Church Thomas Jas. E. scow man, 2i)7 Hamburg Thomas Jas. mariner, 7 Peach al Thouias Jas. hodcarrier, 68 L. Church Thomas Jas. driver, 1 Caroline ct Thomas Jane, laund. 23 Chesnut Thomas John, shoemkr, 29 Druid Hill av Thomas John, waiter. Three Tuns hotel Thomas John, lab. 22 Oxford Thomas John, waiter, 3 Jasper Thomas John, waiter. 79 n Calvert Thomas John F. shucker, 140 York Thomas John, waiter, 65 Myrtle av Thomas John, furnaceman, 1 s Dallas Thomas John, drayman, 28 Sarah Ann Thomas John, stevedore, 306 s Eutaw Thomas John, mariner, 29 Wayne Thomas John, waiter, 65 Myrtle av Thomas John A. porter, 81 Oxford Thomas John F. lab. 29 Oxford Thomas John W. jiorter, 17 East Thomas John W. drayman, 62 Myrtle av Thomas Joseph, shucker, 16 L. Broadway Thomas Joseph, shucker, 134 Welcome al Thomas Joseph, stevedore, 194 s Sharp Thomas Joseph, lab. 57 s Stockton al Tliomas Levin, lab 18 Edward Thomas Lewis, shucker, 64 s Dallas Thomas Lewis, lab. 46 Davis Thomas Lncietia, laund. 95 n Durham Thomas Maria, laund. 93 Chesnut al Thomas Maitha, laund. 43 State Thomas Martha, laund. 255 n Dallas Thomas Mary, 64 s Dallas Thomas Mary A. laund. 25 Stale Thomas .Mary A. laund. 61 Arch Thonias Marv, lauud. 224 Vine Thomas Mrs.' Mary, laund. 8 McElderry ct Thomas .Matthew, hodcarrier. 72 Elbow la Thomas Matthias, hostler, 45 Arch Thomas Noble, hodcarrier, 25 Jenkins al Thomas Paul, steward. 25 State Thomas Paul, porter. 61 Arch Thomas Peter, lab. 224 Vine Thomas Philip, huckster, 267 Walsh Thomas Reuben, lab. 197 Vine Thomas Robert, driver, 197 Stirling Thomas Robt. iiackman, 15 Pin al Thomas R ibt. mariner, 283 Hamburg Thomas Robt H. drayman, H4 Henrii-tta Thomas Rufus, biickmkr, 4 Paiapsco av Thomas Saml. lab. 31 s Cential av Thomas Sarah J laund. 81 Arch ThoniBS Sarah, laund. 306 s Eutaw Thomas Sarah E. laund. 3 Arch Thomas Shadr cli, lab. 196 Warner Thomas Sophia, laund. 186 s Howard Thomas Stephen. ;;rain measurer, 256 Cross Thomas Susan, laund. 4 Garden Thomas Susan, b und. 283 Hamburg'' Thomas Sylvanns, shucker, 97 n Durham Thomas Wesley, brickm'H o <; < CD a K >A H o O ^ C/J ^ on O d t— -J S soa Henry, lab. 68 Burgundy al Thompson Jacob, messenijer, 49 Dover Thompson Jas. C. lab, 196 Henrietta Thompson Jas. driver, 17 Pin al Thompson Jas. lab. 262 Hamburg Thompson Jas. drayman, 49 Dover Thompson Jas. woodsawyer, 67 Chesnut Tliompson John, gardener, 6oSt. Mary Thompson John H. coachman, 19 Tessier Thompson John H. hodcarrier, I Lambert Thompson John H. lab. 6 Plum al Thompson John W. upholsterer. 177 Raborg Thompson Joshua, driver, 115 Stirling Thompson Joshua, hostler, rear 112 Cider al Thompson Joshua, lab 45 Jefffrson Thompson Levi, shucker, 3m Hill Thompson Levin, barkpr, 81 Chesuut al Thompson Lewis, lab. 2 Amity ct Thompson Mary, laund. 17 Pin al Thompson Nancy, l.cund. 31 Neighbor Thompson Patience, laund. 169 York .Mliompson Richard, turn, wayon. 49 Oxford Thompson Robert, shucker, 5 Chesnut al Thomp.-oii Sarah, 6 Plum al Ti)om[)Son Sarah, seamstress, 33 Edward Thompson Susan, dressmkr, 15 Houldiu al Thompson Wealthy A. laund. 20 Wilmer al Thompson Willis, waiter, 10 Boyd Thompson Win. grain measuier, l03 King Thompson Win. lab. 31 Neighbor Thompson Wm. waller, 134 Cider al Thompson Dr. Wm. H. 41 Orchard Thompson V/ra. H. barber, 219 Light, dw 273 11 Euiaw Thompson Wm. H. wagoner, 1 Reese al Thompson Wm. H. drayman, 45 China Thompson Wm. H. drayman, 227 Chesnut al Thompson Wm. J. driver, 20 Wilmer al Thornton Henry, lab. rear 25 Barre Thornton Preston, lab. 11 Oxford Thurston Charles, porter, 3 Grace ct Tibbs Chas. H. porter, 189 Elisor Tidings Enoch, porter 41 Arch Tidings M<.ses, waiter, 41 Arch Tidings S phia, laund. 41 Arch Tidings W.n. whitewasher, 23 Foundry Tiernan Patrick, cloth repairer, 69 .Myrtle a v Tilghman Catherine, laund. 116 Hill TilL'hman David, grain measurer, 86 Plum al Tilghman Edward J. shucker, 207 Hamburg Tilghman Eliza, dressmkr, 31 Hillen Tilghman Eliza, laund, 29 State Tilghman Frank, grain runner, 207 Hamburg Tilghman Gabriel, sawyer, 36 Tyson Tilghman Geo. coachman, 1 Plum row Tilghman Geo. lab, 105 Hill Tib.ji!mHn Henry, drayman, 17 High al Tilghman Henry, furniture wagon, 132 York Tilghman James H. cabinetmkr, 90 Park av Tilghman Mary, laund. 157 York Tilghman Marv, laund 207 Hamburg Tilghman Saml. waiter, 29 State Tilghman Wm. grain measurer, 207 Hamburg Tilghman Wm. drayman, 157 York Tilghman Wm. lab. 116 Hill Tilghman Wm. furn. repr. Howard and Barre, dw 1 76 s Howard Tiljihman Wm. shucker, 3 Waters ct Tillison Mary J. laund. 211 Hamburg Tillison Sarah, laund. 211 Hamburg Tillison Theo. shucker, 211 Hamburg Tillman Anna, cook, 67 Perry Tillman Chas. driver, 28 Oxford Tillman Chas. E.dravman. Shields al nr Hoffman Tillman Frances, laund. 23 Shuter Tillman Francis, shucker, 131 n Caroline Tillman Geo waiter, 1 19 St. Paul Tillman Henry, drayman, 17 High al Tillman Henry, shucker, 131 n Caroline Tillman Isaac, lab. 19 Philpol al Tillman John, driver, 178 Tyson Tillman John, driver, 25 Orchard Tillman Join;, barkeeper, 79 East Tillman John, driver, Harford rd nr Hall Springs Tillman John W, grainmeasurer, 23 Shnter Tillman Joseph, drayman, 310 w Hotfman Tillinau Josejih, coachman. 37 Foster al Tillmau Levin, lab, 11 s Stockton Tillman Michael, hodcarrier, 115 Chesnut Tillman Nathaniel, lab. 98 n Spring Tillman Sarah, laund. Shields al or Hoffman Tilman Fredk. lal). 324 n Durham Timberlake James, wheehvht 73 Leadenhull Timburs James, lab. 62 Wilmer al Times Elizabeth, laund. 89 Sarah Ann Times Wm. carter, 89 Sarah Ann Tipscoe John F. lab. 73 Chesnut Tittle Abraham, driver, l'J5 Chesuut Tittle .Mary A. cook, 397 s Eutaw Titus John, lab, 261 McDonogh Toadvil John, hackmau, 12 Wayne Toadvil Lavinia, laund 12 Wayne Toadvil Wm. porter, 12 Wayne Todewin Anne, seamstress, 5 Donnelly ct Toles Chas. lirickmkr, 3 Reese al Tolson Daniel, drayman, 127 Hill Tolson Daniel, griiin measurer, 30 Peach al Tolson Frank, 11 n Bethel Tolson Geo. shucker, 179 L, York Tolson James, lal>. 76 Burgundy al Tolson .las. H. grainmr. 4 Spring Garden av Tolson .Mary, laund. 179 L York Tolson Noah, lab. 173 Warner Tolson Noah, lab. 76 Burgundy al Tolson Perry, barber, 82 Camden, dw 194 Hen- rietta Tolson Richel A. laund. 30 Peach al Tolson Sarah, seamsl's, 4 Spring Garden av Tolson Susanna, laund. 179 West HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt COLORED persons! 733 Tolson Thos. shucker, reMr 182 West Tolsoii Wm. grain measurer, 1V9 West Tolson Wm. fcrainmensurer, 175 West Tompkins, Dennis sawyer, 2 C^irlton Tomlin James, waiter, 11 Carlton Touilin Julia, hinnd. 11 Carlton Tonej- Joseph, brickmaker, 313 Hamburj^ Topping Fredk. drajman, 48 Carlton Toopood Mrs. Ann, laund. 120 Cider al Toogood Dinah, laund. 108 Orchard Toogood Henry, lab. 4 Jones ct Toogood Henrietta, laund. 25 Oxford Tuogood James H. porter, 213 Raborg Toogood John, lab. 32 Josephine Toogo.)d Nicholas, lab. 108 Orchard Toogood Thos. waiter, 25 Oxford Toomey Henry, oysterman, 33 Granbj Toomey Jacob, driver, 40 Davis Toomey James, musician, 38 King Toumev Josiah H. G. barber, lis Cilvert, dw 70 Vine Toomey Llo\d, barber, 70 Vine Toomey Lydia, laund. 3S King Toppings Andrew, bib. 31 New Church Toppings Annie, laund. 340 L. Vine Toppings Charles, diayman, 75 Moore al Topmaii Amos, lab. 5 Stockholm Topman Chus. drayman, .Moore al nr Orchard Torney Elizabeth, laund 11 St. James Torney Elizabeth, laund. 4 Marion Torney Jas. lab. 1 1 St. James Torney Moses, huckster, 4 Marion Torney Nathan, hodcarrier, 5 Chapel ct Tovvnsend Eliza, cook, 38 Raborg Townsend John, 38 Raborg Tovvnsend Moses, waiter, 26 Wayne Townsend Rachel, laund. 26 Wayne Towson Geo. drayman, 215 Dover Travers Caroline, laund. 65 Elbow la Travers Edward, salesman, 243 s Howard Travers Emily J. laond. 43 State Travers Jas. lab. 65 Elbow la Travers Rev. John W., 256 s Howard Travers Rebecca, seamstress, 253 .Montgomery Travers Richard, coachman, 43 State Travis Ephraim, sawyer, 325 s Howard Travis Ernest, barber, 87 Orleans .Travis Henry, shucker. 103 Hill [Travis Henry, brickmkr, 292 s Eutaw [Travis John, brickmkr. 18S Warner Travis John, brickmkr, 292 s Eutaw Travis Joseph C. 16 Short Travis Mrs Lizzie, laund. 325 s Howard Travis Martha, nurse, 325 s Howard Travis Mary, nurse, 325 s Howard Travis Wm. H. coachman, 325 s Howard Trehum Alfred, driver, 2 HMmilton Triplet Elizabeth, laund. 46 Tyson Tripp Chas. porter, 34 China Tripp David, waiter, 55 Josephine Tripp Eliza A. laund. 34 China Tripp Geo. brickmkr, 178 s Howard Tripp Harrison, porter, 115 Sarah Ann Tripp James, lab. 79 Harmony la Tripp Margt. charal)ermaid, 34 China Tripp Mary E. laund. 148 York Tripp Mary, laund. 115 Sarah Ann Tripp Saml. grain measurer, 148 York Troj Julia A. laund. 68 Wayne Troy Moses, lab. 69 Wayne Troy Thos. driver, 20 s Stockton al Trueman Edward, lab 6 O'Donnell Trueman Levi, waiter, 3 College al Trueman Martha, laund. 6 O'Donnell Truitt Ambrose, lab. 71 Moore al Truiit (jhas. mariner, 234 n Durham Truitt Emily, servani, 234 n Durham Truitt Isaac, lab. 31 s Central av Truitt Levin, lab. 34 Moore al Truitt Mary, laund. 71 Moore al Trustin Henry, oysters, 8 Hubbard al Trusty Abraham, farmer, 211 Dover Trusty Abraham B. bottler, 7o Davis Tiusty Henry, teamster, 84 Orclmrd Trusty John T. whitewasher, 130 Stirling Trusty Joseph, waiter, 34 n Chapel Trusty John, waiter, 17 Walnut al Trusty Mrs. Ljdia, cook, 97 n Dallas Trusty Susanna, seamstress, 130 Stirling Tubman George, laib. 15 n Castle Tubman George W. stevedore, 76 Stiles Tubman John T. sr. stevedore, 76 Stiles Tubman John T. jr. lab. 76 Stiles Tubman Jos. shipcarp. 23 State Tubman Laura, laund. 76 Stiles Tubman Moses Z. barber, 76 S-liles Tubman Susan A. 76 Siiles Tubman Wm. H. lab. 76 Stiles Tucker Alberta, laund. 45 Arch Tucker Catherine, laund. 45 Arch Tucker Catherine, laund. 173 King Tucker Frances A. laund. 171 Raborg Tucker Henry, pof'ter, 61 Piu al Tucker James H. lab. 184 Raborg Tucker Ja;nes H. carter, 171 Raborg Tucker John, porter, 173 King Tucker John, hodcarrier, Carlton nr Franklin Tucker Rebecca, laund. 61 Pin al Tucker Stephen, waiter, 7 Mullikin Tucker Wm. H. inspector C. H. dvr 45 Arch Tuckson Edward, coachina:i. 24 St. Mary TuU Isaac, lab. 118 n Holliday Turner Araminta, laund. 26 Perry Turner Addie, laund. 47 L. Church Turner Benj. lab. 125 n Durham Turner Chas. shucker. 111 Elbow la Turner (Jhas. waiter 52 Camel al Turner Chas. lab. 26. Cider al Turner Caroline, seamstress, 26 Cider al Turner Daniel, hodcarrier, 306 s Howard Turner Elizabeth, laund. 49 Burgundy al Turner Emma V. laund. 49 Burgundy al Turner Frances, laund. 36 Jefferson Turner Frank, driver, Jenkins al nr Hoffman Turner George, mariner, 314 L. Montgomery Turner George, stevedore, 1 Clarkson al Turner George E. waiter, 20 Brewer al Turner Georgianna, liund. 200 s Howard Turner H impton, lab. 47 L. Church Turner Isaiah, lab. 220 West Turner Isaiah, hostler, 49 Burgundy al Turner Jacob L. 7 High al Turner Jackson, waiter, 4 Elder al Turner James, lab. 332 L. Vine Turner James, lab. 49 Burgundy al Turner James H. cooper, 10 Mott Turner John H. waiter, 200 s Howard Turner John, carp. 95 Jasper Turner John, lab. 51 Lewis Turner John T. whitewasher, 7 High .al Turner John W. shucker, 210 Warner Turner Joseph, steward, 2 Davis Turner Joseph, brickmkr, 57 Wayne Turner Julia, laund. 3 Ivy al W o O O O -« ft o o < O = cc CG r; CO «2 S f ^ s ^^ o ? . 734 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. COLORED PERSONS. o e3 ee t- ^ ^ c^ • w (Jj ^ <; . 5 « ■» a w s: ^ H 5" .^ <=* ^ o ■^ 'c ^• ?:P ^^ o o ^■5.5 S c =^ ft ^ lO %£ tL "^^ \T_ .^ c ->•. S J;: OJ ^9 .^ > ^ sc 'C 5^ g == § X ;: C^ _^ 08 L - "^ Turner Julia, laund. Stockton al nr Hurlem ay Turner Julius, waiter, 133 Peirce Turner Louisa, laund. 306 s Howard Turner Margaret, laund. 13 Sarah Ana Turner Maria, laund. 332 L. Vine Turner Mary E. laund. 49 Burgundy al Turner Nathan, lab. 240 L. Hughes Turner Palace, lab. 153 Vine Turner Philip, lab. 3 Ivv al 'I'uruer Philip, lab. 49 King Turner Rachel A. laund. 21.5 n Durham Turner Rebecca .M. laund 49 Burgundy al Turner Saiah, laund. Ill Klbow la Turner Wra. H. oysters, 47 Jefferson Turner Win. lab. 42 Harmony la Turpin Edward H. porter, 64 Elbow la Turpin I'iliza, laund. 271 L. Hughes Turpin Francis, lab. 59 Davis Turpin Jane, servant, 1 Wye al Turpin Wester, laund. 1 Wye :>1 Tydings James, lab. 65 Dawson al Tydings Moses, waiter, 40 Arch Tyler Alfred, lab. 10 Lehrman al Tyler Amelia, laund. 58 Orchard Tyler Anuie, laund. 41 Williamson al Tyler Chns. lali. 4 Bouldin al Tyler Chas. brickmkr, 53 s Stockton al Tyler Mrs. Ellen, laund. 5 Peirce Tyler George, waiter, Shields al nr Hoffman Tyler Hynsun, cigarnikr, 232 Vine Tyler Jaa. H. lab. 41 Williamson al Tyler John W. steward, 272 s Howard T,\ ler John, brickmkr, 45 Johnson Tyler John, coal cart, 58 Oxford T_\ ler Louis, shucker, 41 Williamson al Tyler Mary C. laund. 53 s Stockton al Tyler Richard, lab. 2 Wagon al Tvler Hichard, lab. 8 Mechanics ct Tyler Samuel, farmer, 263 Cross Tykr Thomas, lab. 41 Williamson al Tyk-r Wm. driver, 18 Sarah Ann Tyler Wm. lab. 32 Foundry Tynes Joseph, driver, 1 18 n Dallas Tyson Harriet, laund. 260 Raborg Tyson Henry, shucker, 260 H:iborg Tyson Liffey, Homestead Tyson Wm. T. waterman, 149 Hill u Uncles Deborah, laund. 226 West Uncles Lorenzo, blacksmith, 7 Chesnut al Union Baptist Church, North nr Lexington Utiion Hall, Dr. J. W. Creek, propr. Davis nr I'leasatit UNIVERSAL HOTEL, Aug. Labar, propr. 3 Lexington Upshur Babel, lab. 11 Claret al Upshur Bartlett, waiter, 22 Eutavv ct Upsliur (.'ornelius, 134 s Eutaw Upshur Cornelius A lab. 134 s Eutaw Upshur Ceo. shoemkr, 134 s Eutavv Upshur Henry, mariner, 134 s Eutaw Upshur Laura, laund. 134 s Eutaw Upshur Lewis, lab. 134 s Jlutaw Upshur Lucy, laund. 134 s Eutaw Upsliur Sarah, laund. 162 s Howard Upshur Wm. shoemkr, 134 s Eutaw Urn John, stevedore, 112 Chesnut V. Valentine Alfred, Stockton al Valentine Rev. Alfred, 15 Josephine Valentine Henry, coachman, 3 Bouldinal Valentine Howard, waiter, 15 Josephine Valentine Rev. John H. 185 Henrietta Valentine Wm. brickmkr, 52 Peach al Valentine Wm. H. waiter, 15 Josephine Veal Jas. cook, 12 Douglas Veal John T. porter, 270 McDonogh Veasey Eliz.tbeth, laund. 9 Hagar ct Veasey Theodore, pressman, 9 Hagar ct Vincent Elizabeth, laund. 209 Hamburg Vincent Frances, laund. 12 Raborg Vincent Jas. shucker, 209 Hamburg Vincent Lucy A. seamstress, 12 Raborg Vincent Mary, laund. 12 Raborg Vincent Perry, porter, 12 Raborg Vincent Sarah, seamstress, 12 Raborg Vincent Sydney, bakery, 12 Raborg Vinie Benj. lab. Hudson nr Hare Vinie Fannie, laund. Hudson nr Hare Vicie John, waiter, 194 Preston Vinie Mrs. Nancy, 39 Orchard Vodery Chas. F. teacher, 211 s Bethel Vodery John R. teacher, 211s Bethel Vodery Nathaniel, lab. 211 s Bethel Vodery Sarah, governess, 211s Bethel Vodery Sarah J. teacher, 211 s Bethel Vodery Wm. H. teacher, 211 s Bethel Voight David R. carp, llo n Fremont Voight Geo. W. cooper, llo n Fremont Vollow Sojihia E. mantuamkr, 136 s Caroline VoUow Wm. H. porter, 126 s Caroline Vosberg Wm. cook, 101 Stirling W Waddy Addison, drayman, 97 Warner Wadd.v Annalel, servant, 46 Columbia Waddy Hiram, lab. 97 Warner Waddy Jas. lab. 97 Warner Wnfles Elizabeth, laund. 7 Chew Wafles Thos. sawyer, 7 Chew Walker Alfred, stevedore, 52 L. Church Walker Chus. S. engineer, 147 n Dallas Walker Dennis, boarding, 184 s Dallas Walker Emeline, laund. rear 83 Welcome al Walker Giafton, driver, 25 Stockholm Walker Grafton, driver, 72 Elbow la Walker Grafton, driver, 47 Boyd Walker Henry, lab. 118 Hill Waluer James, driver, 113 Peirce Walker Jane, laund. 113 Peirce Walker Jerry, carter, 88 Moore al Walker John, furn. repairer, 296 Hamburg Walker John, lab. 278 n Durham Walker John, grainrunner, r(;ar 83 Welcome al Walker John H. grocery, 91 Sarah Ann Walker John M. waiter, 178 s Howard Walker Joseph, lab, 113 Peirce Walker Lee, waiter, 51 Lewis W^ilker Margaret A. laund. 305 n Durham Walker Rev. Perry G. 170 Henrietta Walker Robert, drayman, 46 Lewis Walker Rosetta, laund. 147 n Dallas Walker Senie, dressmkr, 170 Henrietta Walker Theresa, laund. 17 Marion Walker Wm. lab. 3 Hammond al Wallace Chas. shucker, 255 Montgomery HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Ntits, Waphers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 735 Wallace Chas. H. tin cutter, 220 s Howard Wallace Cornelia, liund. 3 Monument-st ct Wallace David, porter, 13 Wilraer al Wallace Dennis, shoemkr, 61 Richmond i Wallace Elizabeth, laund. 255 Montgomery i Wallace Elizabeth, laund. 69 Burgundy al j Wallace Elizabeth, Liund. 7 Guilford al Wallace Geo. shucker, 228 L. Hughes Wallace Geo. 102 n Central al Wallace Geo. H. shucker, 324 L. Montgomery Wallace Greenbury, lab. 69 Burgundy al Wallace Jas. laV). 64 Raliorg Wallace Jas. waiter, 176 Dover Wallace Jas. brickmkr, 7 Guilford al Wallace Jas. waiter, 1 52 Tyson Wallace Jas. lab. 14 Jefferson ct Wallace Jas. H. porter, 5 Jefferson ct Wallace Jarret, lab. 136 Peirce Wallace John, lab. 30 Bolton Wallace John W. shucker, 118 n Holliday Wallace Joshua, drayman, 176 Dover Wallace Joshua, lab. 14 Jefferson ct Wallace Julia A. laund. 203 Hamburg Wallace Margaret, seamstress, 180 s Howard Wallace Mary E. laund. 13 Wilmer al Wallace Olina, laund. 176 Dover Wallace Patrick, stevedore, 251 L. Hughes Wallace Rebecca, laund. 1 St. Thomas ct Wallace Richard, lumberman, 113 Druid Hill av Wallace Robert, lab. 180 s Howard Wallace Robert, stevedore, 107 King Wallace Sbayler, clerk, 446 e Monument Wallace Stephen, farmer, 10 O'Donnell Wallace Susan, laund. 228 L. Hughes Wallace Wm. D. lab. 203 Hamburg Waller Joseph, shoemkr, 90 St. Paul Walley Richard, lab. 45 Harmony la Walter Peter, lab. 160 n Front Walters Benj. wniter, 32 Orchard Walters Sydney C. shucker, 5 Biddle al Walters Wm. lab. 221 n Durham Wamsley Henrietta, laund. 107 Welcome al Wamsley Isaac, mariner, 107 Welcome al Wangers H. Jenkins, porter, 287 Hamburg Wangers Hester A. laund. 287 Hamburg Ward Chas. caulker, 139 8 Dallas Ward Chas. W. shucker, 11 Sarah Ann Ward David, mariner, 152 York Ward Edward, lab. 120 York Ward Elizabeth, grocery, 120 York Ward Jas. porter, 22 Tessier Ward Jas. marintr, 5 Plowman Ward Silas, mariner, 6 Clarkson al Waid Wm. mariner, 7 Painters ct Ward Zebadee, shucker, 14 Gelston ct Warden Geo. stevedore, 19 n Dallas Warden Mrs Annetta, dressmkr, 10 Low Warden Jordan, steward, lo Low Warden Michael, mariner, 12 Stirling Warden Robert, steward, 65 Davis Ware Chas. porter, 4 Iiiloes al Ware Hester, laund. 52 Raljorg Ware John, lab. 10 Pin al Ware Joseph, cook, 37 Burgundy al Ware Mary, laund. 122 Tyson Ware Mary, laund. 37 Burgundy al Ware Mary, laund. 4 Inloes al Ware Richard, waiter, 52 Raborg Ware Robert, shucker, 66 Burgundy al Warfield Chas. waiter, 272 w Biddle Warfield Cornelius, blacksmith, 1 Parrish al Warfield Elizabeth, laund. 53 Harmony la Warfield Hester, laund. 1 Parrish al Wai field Jas. drayman, 35 Raborg Warfield Julia, seamstress, 35 Raborg Warfield Lucy, laund. 124 Cider al Warfield Wm. lab. 124 Cider al i Warfield Wm. coachman, 76 Moore al Warner Alex, whitewasher, 66 Henrietta Warner Anna, laund. 290 s Eutaw Warner Edw. lab. 269 s Fremont Warner Elijiih, drayman, 290 s Eutaw Warner Elizabeth A. laund. 269 s Fremont ' Warner Eliza, laund. 13 Kutaw ct Warner Geo. lab. 8 Peach al Warner Jacob, confectionery, 160 East I Warner Joseph, stevedore, 51 Lewis I Warner Levi, oysters, 23 Carlton : Warner Sarah J. laund. 303 s Howard I Warren Adam, whitewasher, 94 Dover j Warren Douglas, whitewasher, 94 Dover j Warren Dr. Henry, 258 Raborg j Warren Jos. tavern, 67 Mulberry Washington Albert, stevedore, 51 Williamson Washington Alex, dredger, 24 Peach al Washington Anna, servant, 24 Peach al Washington Chas. stevedore. 3 X al Washington Chas. mariner, 5 Plowman Washington Chas. mariner, 152 w Hoffman Washington ChasH. waiter, 19 High al Washington Clias. H, drayman, 196 n Exeter Washington Chas. H. 23 Chesnut GQ a o3 a> }-» o a c3 O O d o o o Washington Danl. P. theological student, 44 ^ Saratoga '"^ Washington Emily, laund. 27 Guilford al Washington Emory, well digger, 45 Biddle al Washington Mrs. F. servant, 53 Diamond Washington Frances, servant, 107 Welcome al Washington Geo. mariner, 27 Guilford al Washington Geo. shucker, 146 Chesnut Washington Geo. mariner, 19 Guilford al Washington Geo. lab. 107 Welcome al Washington Geo. lab. 5 George al Washington Geo. lab. 66 Walnut al Washington Geo. waiter, 78 w Monutnent Washington Geo. W. lab. 95 n Spring Washington Geo. waiter, 2 Fulton al V/ashington Geo. mariner, 103 Welcome al Washington Geo. stevedore, 20 Beale ct Washington Geo. waiter, 154 n Bethel Washington Geo. W. lab 73 Harmony la Washinglen Geo. painter, 48 Vine Washington Henry, lab. 48 Arch Washington Henry, whitewasher, 88 n Bethel Washington Howard, carter, 2 .Mott Washington Jas. shucker, 14 s Liberty Washington John, plasterer, 211 n Durham Washington John J. bricklayer, 18 Beale ct Washington John M. lab. 310 Montgomery m CD t— I H )— » H Z5 Washington Josephine, laund. 110 n Regester pt^ Washington Joshua, hodcarrier, 45 Biddle al Washington IjCwIs, drayman, Hargrove al Washington Louis, drayman, 42 Orchard Washington Lucretia, cook, 103 Welcome al Washington May, laund. 307 Hamburg Washingtou .Martha, laund. 45 Arch Washington Matthew, waiter, 77 Camden Washington Peter, stevedore, 3 X al Washington Rebecca, laund. 42 Orchard Washington Richd. lab. 19 Bouldin al ^ Washington Richard, drayman, 110 n Regester !Z5 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 736 COLORED PERSONS. H W P=^ pc; H _ r/? H < < O K w H o P OJ O OQ ^ 00 C H ^ 1 — ' (— 1 S <1 bq GQ O O '■^ ?-^ 30 !> O oi O o Washington Wm. lab. 134 York Wrtsbingtun Wm. hodcarrier, 4 Jenkins al Waters Adeline, laund. 108 Elbow la Waters Alex, drayman, 27 Wayne Waters Anne, lannd. 11 Stirling Waters Annie, hiund. 217 Vine Waters Chapel (African M. E.) Spring near iMcElderry Waters Chas. lab. 172 Wayne Waters Chas. lab. li Short Waters Chas. H. porter, 15 Grove al. Waters Charlotte, laund. 232 Vine Waters Danl. drayman, 342 L Vine Waters Edwd. driver, 11 Jenkins al Waters Edwd. lab. 2 Peach al , Waters Edwd. grainmeasurer, 55 Burgundy al Waters Elizabeth, laund. 14 Mott Waters Ellen, laund. 249 Cross AVattrs Enoch, stevedore, 109 Welcome al Waters Geo. mariner, 5 China al Waters Harriet A. seamstress, 149 Hill Waters Henry P. lab. 249 Cross Waters Henry, porter, 12 Oxford Waters Henry P. lab. 20 Booth Waters Ilezekiah, lab. 103 Sarah Ann Waters Israel, stevedore, 108 Elbow la Waters Isabella, laund. 47 n Sharp Waters John, lab. 73 L Church Waters Joseph, waiter, 149 Hill Waters Kate, laund. 48 Davis Waters Lemuel, grainrunner, 47 n Sharp Waters Mrs. Laura V. laund. 43 Shuter Waters Maria, laund. 142 York Waters Mary, servant, 172 Wayne Waters Mary, cook, 27 Wayne Waters Mary E. laund. 342 L Vine Waters Mary, huckster, 37 Williamson al Waters Robt. driver, 45 s Spring Waters Robt. lab. 48 Davis Waters Robt. H. waiter, 147 Vine Waters Rose, laund. 55 Burgundy al Waters Sarah, laund. 27 Wayne Waters Sarah, laund. 75 L. Church Waters Thos. stevedore, 142 York Waters Wm. H. carter, 80 Harmony la Waters Wm. H. musician, 19 State Waters Wm. H. drayman, 17 Valley Watklns Alex. lab. Foster al nr HofiFman Watkins Anna M. 304 w Hotfnian Watkins Augusta, waiter, 15 Josephine Watkins Clabaugh, waiter, 2 Mulberry Watkins Danl. lab. 128 s Dallas Watkins Danl. lab. 4 Calhoun ct Watkins Danl. F. bricklayer, 294 s Eutaw Watkins Dennis, hodcarrier, 6 Mulberry ct Watkins Urbin, driver, 98 Holland Watkins Emanuel, hodcarrier, 128 s Dallas Watkins Fiances, laund. 3 Monument-st ct Watkins Geo. grainrunner, 4 Mechanics ct Watkins Geo. waiter, 110 Jasper Wiiikins Geo. drayman, 26 n Sharp W^ilkius Geo. lab. 43 n Sharp Watkins Isaac B. lab. 1 10 Sarah Ann Watkins Isaac B. lab. 19 Sarah Ann > Watkins Isaac, waiter, 13 Josephine Watkins James, lab. 117 Chesnut Wrtikins Jane, 46 Tyson Watkins John W. waiter, 138 Tyson Watkins John, driver, 85 Jasper Watkins John, 6 Jenkins al Watkins John, lab. 77 Union Watkins Jos. lab. 326 Hamburg Waikins Joseph, drayman, 304 w Hoffman Watkins Joseph, driver, 2 Bennett Waikins Maria, cook, 7 s Stockton al Watkins Mary A. laund. 18 Elbow la Watkins Mrs. Marv, laund. 4 Calhoun ct Watkins Mary, laund. 128 s Dallas Waikins Miry A. laund. 86 Stiles Watkins Robt. T. hodcarrier, 152 Lee Waikins Robt. mariner, 301 s Eutaw Watkins Selina, servant, 128 s Dallas Watkins Sidonia, servant, 128 s Dallas Watkins Stephen, shucker, 287 s Eutaw Watkins Stephen, shuckrr, 3 Monument-st ct Watkins Thos. lab. 19 Sarah Ann Watkins Thos. drayman, 86 Stiles Waikins Wm. H. waiter, 7 s Stockton al Watson Mrs. Annie, dressmkr, 132 Lee Watson James, tanner. Front nr Hillea Watson Jacob, mariner, 132 Lee Watson John, lab. 36 Walnut al Watson Susan H. cook, 358 West W'atson Wm. H. stevedore, 358 West Walts Alex, driver, 78 L. Church Watts Amelia, laund. 78 L. Church W^atts Augustus, shucker, 205 Vine Watts Mrs. Catherine, laund. 21 State Watts Chas. rags, 213 Chesnut Watts George, waiter, 5 Gillingham al Watts Harriet A. laund. 129 n Durham Watts Henry, driver, 21 State Waits Hinson, stevedore, 41 n Dallas Watis J as. W. lab. 129 n Durham Walls Jas. H. brickmkr, 78 L. Church Walts Jane servant, 78 L. Church Watts Joseph A. drayman, 367 West Watts Joshua, mariner, 79 Welcome al Watts Mary J. laund. 10 Plum al Watts Mary, laund. 35 State Watts Nelson, drayman, 10 Plum al Watts Nelson, drayman, 88 Plum al Wiitts Philip, shucker, 26 Stockholm Watts Oliver, lab. 1 Pm al Watts Richard, whilewasher, 2 Jordan al Watts Robt. hodcarrier, 158 Preston Watts Susan, servant, 79 W^elcome al Watts Susan, laund. 1 Pin al Walts Wm. stevedore, 30. L. McElderry Wayman Rev. Alex. W. 127 e Baltimore Waynian Frank, drayman, 28 Booth Wayman John, lab. 71 Jasper Wayman John, lab. 4 Amity ct Wayne Emanuel, lab. 27 State Wt-althy Rosetta, oysters, 2 s Eden Weathers Alex. lab. 150 Chesnut Weathers Jos. clerk, 74 s Ann Weatherly Danl. grocery, 52j Raborg W'eaver Emily, laund. 2i)3 n Durham Weaver Emma J. dressmkr, 105 Hill Weaver Henry, drayman, 203 n Durham Weaver John C. barber, 54 w Fayette, dw 275 n Eutaw Weaver Lorenzo D waiter, 105 Hill Webb Alonzo W. lab. 112 Peirce Webb Elizabeth, laund. 85 Druid Hill av Webb Garrity, shucker, 43 Lewis Webb Geo. W. porter, 3 L. Vine Webb Harrison, musician, 79 n Spring Webb Rev. Harrison H. dw 27 Orchard Webb Isaiah, waiter, 2 St. Thomas ct Webb James, mariner, 43 Lewis Webb John W. lab. 261 Hughea Webb John, lab. 261 L. Hughes HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. COLORED PERSONS. 737 Webb John, waiter, 234 West Webb Levin, waiter, 186 Mullikin Webb Rachel A. teacher, 149 Vine Webb Robt. lab. 1 Arch Webb Stephen, lab. J 86 Mullikin Webb Thos. H. coachman, 85 Druid Hill av Webb Wm. driver, 95 n Spring Webb Wm. driver, 38 Oxford " Webster Alfred, hodcarrier, 199 Vine Webster Danl. porter, 66 Sarah Ann Webster Georgianna, laund. 60 Wayne Webster Henrj, tanner, 64 Peirce Webster Isaac, porter, 239 s Howard Webster Moses, mariner, 60 Wayne Webster Nicholas, waiter, 3 Humes Webster Susan, laund. 71 n Durham Webster Wm. hodcarrier, 71 n Durham Wedinton Anna, laund. 79 Welcome al Wedinton John, carter, 79 Welcome al Weeks Abhy, servant, 94 Stirling Weeks Burton, grainraeasurer, 158 s Howard Weeks Chas. lab. 114 Jasper Weeks Cornelius, shucker, 90 Peach al Weeks Elizabeth, laund. 30 Vine Weeks Frances, dressmkr. 158 s Howard Weeks Jacob, lab. 24 McKini Weeks John H. drayman, 30 Vine Weeks Joseph, lab. 1 H al Weeks Mary, laund, 24 McKim Weeks Sarah, laund. 90 Peach al Weems Dr. Chas. H. 34 Orchard Weems David, lab. Clinton and Boston Weems Richard, l.ib. 26 Winter al Welch Benj. waiter, 138 Orchard Welch Benj. porter, 55 Arch Welch Chas. driver, 88 Burgundy al Welch Cl;ira, laund. 88 Burgundy al Welch Eliza, laund. 45 Rahcrg Welch Jennie, laund. 3 Amity ct Welch John, lab. 6 n SpriUiX Welch John H. drayman, 226 Hamburg Welch Jos. H. sr. caulker, 30 s Dallas Welch Jos. H. jr. caulker, 30 s Dallas Welch Rachel, laund. 7 Bolton Wells Emily, cook, 129 n Bethel Wells Geo. M. drayman, 299 s Eutaw Wells Henry, waiter, 96 Tyson Wells Hester, laund. 299 s Eutaw Wells James H. waiter, 196 s Eutaw Wells Jane, dressmkr, 196 s Eutaw Wells James, coachman, 330 L Vine Wells Mary H. laund. 330 L Vine Wells Richard, waiter, 330 L Vine Wells Rose, laund. 5 Pin al Wells Stephenson, waiter, 287 w Biddle Wells Rev. Thomas, 195 Chesnut Wells Wm. hod carrier, 5 Pin al Welsey Dr. Henry, 38 .Moore al Wesley Aaron D. student, 71 Leadenball Wesley Alex, carter, 36 Peach al Wesley Annie, laund. 35 Williamson al Wesley Chas. carter, 182 s Howard Wesley Frank, shucker, 188 L Hughes Wesley Frances, laund. 156 s Eutaw Wesley Isaiah, carter, 71 Leadenball Wesley James, oysters, 48 Moore all Wesley James, drayman, 38 Peach al Wesley John, carter, 71 Leadenball Wesley John, lab. 208 s Dallas Wesley John, lab. 98 St. Mary Wesley Lloyd, driver, 155 3 Kutaw Wesley Margt. 36 Peach al '-a c P o £ c3 PQ a o Q O O Wesley Martha, laund. 207 Hamburg Wesley Mrs. .Mary A. laund. 140 n Dallas Wesley Mary A. laund. 11 Hagar ct Wesley Matthew, lab. 25 Williamson al Wesley Nimrod, porter, 37^ Forrest Wesley Rebecca, laund. 38 Peach ol Wesley Wm. sawyer, 11 Hagar ct Wesley Zachariah, lab. 71 Leadenball West Adeline, laund. 33 n Sharp West Catherine, laund. 30 Carlton West Edward, drayman, 9 Bolton West Frances, laund. 66 Arch West Geo. lab. 81 Elbow la West Geo. whitewasber, 69 Arch West Geo. E. brickmaker, 24 Wagon al West Hannah, laund. 24 Wagon al West Jackson, lab. 86 Dover West James, shucker, 192 Raborg West John, driver, 33 n Sharp West John E. mariner, 133 Welcome al West Joshua, drayman, 165 Peirce West Laura, cook, 81 Elbow la West Levin, lab. 34 Josephine West Tamar, laund. 34 Josephine West Thos. lab. 44 n Sharp VVest Wm. H. waiter, 96 Tyson West Wm. mariner, 64 Elbow la West Wm. mariner, 152 Lee West Willis, lab. 30 Carlton Weston Betsy, laund. 28 Carlton Weston Rowena, eating house,38 Centre Mkt. sp q^ Weston S. lab. Liberty rd Weston Wm. lab. 28 Carlton P^ Wharton Edwd. waiter, 151 Raborg O Wheatfield Adelia, cook, 149 Vine ' O Wbeatley Ann, laund. 188 Mullikin f> Wheatley Daniel, caulker, 188 Mullikin ^ Wht-atley Daniel, lab. 18 s Bethel Wbeatley Geo. W. lab. Waverley f^ Wbeatley Henry, waiter, 108 Cider al Wbeatley James, lab. 61 China ^ Wbeatley John, shucker, 106 n Regester ^ Wheatley Thomas, waiter, 8 Hamilton ^ Wheatley Wm. H. shucker, 74 n Ann Wheeler Alex, waiter, 219 Hamburg ^K* Wheeler Rev. Andrew, 22 Haw ^ Wheeler David, bricKmkr, 219 Hamburg ^ Wheeler Edward, shucker, 4 Waters ct ^ Wheeler Elizabeth, laund. 96 Orchard ^- Wheeler Elizabeth, laund. 261 Montgomery *— ' Wheeler Enoch, waiter, 22 Wayne ^ Wheeler Geo. W. driver, 47 Leadenball Wheeler Isaac, stevedore, 85 East ^. Wheeler Isaiab, brickmkr, 30 Short ^ Wheeler James H. lab. 261 Montgomery ryi Wheeler Joseph A. 60 Oxford ' S Wheeler Marshall, mariner, 22 Haw qq, Wheeler Mary, laund, 215 Raborg Wheeler Mary E. cook, 47 Leadenball Q. Wheeler Sophia, servant, 219 Hamburg ^ Wheeler Wm. H. J. barber, cor Fayette and ^ Howard, dw 60 Oxford '^• Whey Nathan, lab. 209 Mullikin . White Alex, scowman, 163 n Dallas ^ While Amelia, laund. 11 Peach al ^ White Andrew, porter, 57 s Stockton al t^ White Ann, laund. 129 York W White Annie, laund. 20 Oxford ^ White Annie, laund. 41 Burgundy al ^ White Ann, cook, 38 Hill ,^. White Carey W. printer, 131 Low fi+ White Carey, pressman, 4 n Gay Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 46 5.?-g738_ Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York, COLORED PERSONS. p 9 Wliite Catherine, dressmkr, 140 Raborg u' r^ fS White Chas. lab. rear 12 Fish Market sp > S ^ White Clias. stiucker, 249 Orleans "S ^ ^ White Charlotte, laund. 39 L Monument S «i White Daniel, hostler, 16 Baker ct Tj.^' J^; White Daniel T. brickmkr, 339 s Howard c 1Z r^ White Edward, tanner, 13 Dnion al J" ^ s White Edmund W. theol. student, 44 Saratoga '^ White Ellen, lauud. 7 Saratoga ct a> White Elizabeth, laund. 57 Stockton ct ^ White Geo. drayman, 133 Eislein S White Geo. lab. 249 Orleans White Harriet, laund. 63 Perry White Henrietta, laund. 22 Cohen al White Henry, lab, 73 L Church White Henry, waller, 167 Park av '^ ^\2 While Henry, hod carrier, 61 Wagon al • - ei c White Henrv, waiter, 176 Chesnut al - 'S 5 White Hezeiciah, waiter, 238 Preston g ^"o White Isabella, laund. 92 Dover ^■^ j^ White Isham, messenger, 138 J Raborg While James, m:iriner, 129 Vork White James, mariner, 64 Elbow la White James, lab 7n Bethel While James, waiter, 309 s Eutaw While James, lab. 59 L Hughes While Jesse, lab. 73 L Church White Job, caulker, 24 Chesnut White John, coachman, 104 Jasper White John A. lab. 32 Lewis £ 't; ■£ White John, lab. 339 s Howard S E 'C White John, caulker. Ills Regester ^ ^ a- White Julia, laund. 73 L Church ^^ ^ ? White Joseph, shucker, 35 Granby jq c 2- White Levi, stevedore, 113 s Dallas '^ z: "^ White Levi, stevedore, 82 Burgundy al _^f^'o ^^"hite Lewis, waiter, 148 Preston 00 - H White M^rgt. laund. Parrish al — .- d White Millie, laund. 42 Elbow la '^ >> S White Rebecca, laund. 107 King -^ 13 JS White Robert, barber, 38 Hill ^ "^ "• White Richard, caulker, 48 Douglass ^ =a White Richard, 91 O.xford . t; a White Mrs. Ruth, cakes, 67 Davis "s S H White Samuel, waiter, 107 King ^ S s: White Sarah, grocery. West and Warner White Sarah J. laund. 45 s Bethel White Sophia, laund. 5 Wilmer al White Susan, laund. 32 L Monument W'hite Thomas, lab. 41 Burgundy al White Thomas, lab. 83 Pearl White Wm. P. H. rags, 836 w Baltimore White Wm. shoemkr, 33GJ n Howard White Wm. drayman, 63 Perry WhiteGeld Alex. carp. 21 Lambert ^T ff Whiletield Charlotte, laund. 21 Lambert ^. ^ "" Whiting Elizabeth, boarding, 100 Walker ct ^ -w C Whiting Fred, cook, 200 s Howard 5 *j cJ Whiting Geo. varnisher, 100 Walker ct _§ ^ c5 Whiting Mary, couk, 200 s Howard O-R..©©. Whiting Mrs. Sarah, laund. 179 Henrietta S^ X v^ Whiting Wm. shucker, 179 Henrietta ^ p G Whitson Wm. waiter, 8 Rose ~5 ^ "^ Whitus Dennis, carp. 248 L. Hughes S *^ ■*: Whitus Frances, cook, 248 L. Hughes a >, a] Whitten Tobias, lab. 160 n Front k^ '^ ^ Whittington Aaron, lab. 131 n Durham > ^ Whiitington Amelia, laund. 96 L. Church '? Z •- W^'tt'"^'ton Annie, 6 Marion § S t- Whittington Elizabeth, laund. 6 Marion •5 X o W^'"'"Kt, WbittingtOD Grace, laund. 93 North O oi Whittington James, lab. 142 s Charles Wliittington Rev. Jesse, 6 Marion Whittington John, lab. 96 L. Church Whittington Lucy, laund. 108 Leadenhall Whittington Louisa, laund. 306 Montgomery Whittington Mary P. laund. 131 n Durham Whittington Wesley, mariner, 306 Montgomery Whittington Wm. drayman, 45 Moore al Wicks Abraham, flour and feed, Central av and John Wicks George, waiter, 20 St. Mary Widgen John W. waiter, 35 L. Monument Wiggins Anna, laund. 215 Mullikin Wiggins Peter, driver, 215 Mullikin Wiggins Peter, lab. 96 n Durham Wiggins Sarah, servant, 215 Mullikin W'iley Adeline, laund. 1 Carlton Wiley James, hodcarrier, 24 Carlton Wiley John, driver, 1 Carlton Wiley Nelson, lab. 171 Raborg Wiley Wm. waiter, 146 Preston Wilkerson Philip, scowman, 92 Leadenhall Wilkes Geo. W. waiter, 36 n Sharp Wilkes Wm cooper, 36 n Sharp Wilkins Richard, whitewasher, 100 Jasper Wilkins Stephen, lab. 7 Jones ct Wilkins Susan A. laund. 199 Stirling Wilkinson Eliza, laund. 4 Inioes al Wilkinson Louis, cook, 54 Orchard W'ilkinson Moses, livery stable, 9 Columbia, dw 2 Elbow la Willet Elizabeth, laund. 128 Hill Willet Wm. H. porter, 128 Hill Willey Henry, waiter, 123 Welcome al Williams Abraham, driver, 113 Stirling Williams Alex, coachman, 10 Temple Williams Alex, barber, 224 Hamburg Williams Alex, coachman, 464 Eutaw pi W'illiams Alex, barber, 226 e Baltimore Williams Alex, barber, 116 Chesnut Williams Alex, lincutter, 80 Burgundy al Williams Alex, porter, 26 East W^illiaras Andrew, stevedore, 8 Patapsco av Williams Andrew, lab. 13 L. Paca Williams Ann M. laund. 80 Burgundy al Williams Ann J. laund. 137 York Williams Annie, laund. 375 Harford av Williams Annie, laund. 121 Chesnut al Williams Annie, laund. 72 Elbow la Williams Anthony, coachman, 27 Biddle al Williams Asbury, brickmkr, 65 Perry Williams Augusta, lab. 67 Dawson al Williams Benj. lab. 252 Raborg Williams Benj. sawyer, 58 Perry Willimns Benj. .undertaker, 136 Hill Williams Benj. lab. 8 Lewis Williams Benj. porter, 88 Peirce Williams Caleb, driver, 5 Barranger ct Williams Caroline, waitress, 8 Jones ct Williams Catherine, huckstress, 3 Raborg Williams Charles, driver, 132 Tyson Williams Charles, porter, 23 Guilford al Williams Charles, porter, 25 King Williams Charles E. waiter, 8 Patapsco av Williams C. Henry, drayman, 72 Cider al Williams Daniel, lab. 112 Orchard Williams Mrs. D. seamstress, 21 .Mason al W^illiams David, huckster, 92 Orchard Williams David,oysterman,2 Spring Garden av Williams Edward, lab. 15 Neighbor Williams Edward, porter, 44 Harmony la Williams Edward, lab, 44 Sarah Ann ^ lo HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets,$75.QQ0.QQQ.Q0, O. R Bresee, Gen^l Agt. COLORED PERSONS. Y39 WilliaidS Edward, steward, 10 Haw Williams Edward T. lab. Ill Jllullikia Willirtiiis Eli, whitewasher, »8 Perry Williams Eliza, cook. .Me.\«rs ct Williams i'-lias, whitewasher, 60 s Dallas Williams Klijah, driver-, 52 Peach al Williams ['^iiza, launa. 52 Peach al Williams Eliea, liutid. 72 Cider al Williams Elizabt-th A. dressmkr, 21 Wayne Williams KHen, laiind. 69 Arch Williams Elsey, lab. 21 Richmond Williams Emeline, 73 Leadetihall Williams Emily, laiind. 8(> Burgundy al Williams Emma, iauad. 58 Perr^- Williams Eugene, moulder, 4 Hamburg Williams Eveline, latind. 44 Harmony !a Williams Francis A. laund. 98 s Howard Williams Fanny, laund. 58 Perry Williams Georue, shuckf-r, Cliafiijell nr Chase Williams George, lali. 48 Elbow la Williams George, lab. 218 Chesnat Williams George, hodcarrier, 8 Waters Ct Williams George, waiter, 8 Hagar ct Williams Geoige, lab. 12 Elbow la Williams George, lab. 10 Peach al Williams Gedrge, waiter, Eagle hotel Williams George, drayman, 339 s Howard Williams George, lab. 15o Lee Williams George, waiter, 66 Welcome al Williams George, drayman, 225 Henrietta Williams George F. lab. 7 Parrish al Williams George D. porter, 3o McKim Williams George W. lab. 21 Chesnut al Williams George \V. shoemkr, 11 Eulaw ct Williams George, drayman, 62 St. Mary Williams George W. hostler, i2 .Shield al Williams George W. hostler, 12 Elbow la Williams George, butcher, 80 Orchard Williams George, carter, 144 a Holliday Williams Harriet A. laund. 42 RaLorg Williams Harry, pcjrter. 92 Raborg Williams Henrietta, laund. l.'>3 n Dallas Williams Henry, mariner, 84 Stiles Williams Hairy, coachman, 11 Jordan al Williams Henry, hostler, 30 Winter al Williams Henry, waiter, 30 Raborg Williams Henry, shucker, 272 Hamburg Williams Henry C. steward, 257 Cross Williams Henry, mariner, 206 McDonogh Williams Hiram, lab, 179 York Williams Isaiah, porter, Jordan al nr Hoffman Williams Isaac, grainruuner, i70s Dallas Williams Isaac O. B. grocery, 63 Orchard Williams Isaac, 35 n Chapel WilliauiS Jacob, lab. 112 Jasper Williams Jacob, shucker, 7 Welsh al Williams James, whitewasher, 58 Perry Williams Jas. A. shucker, 224 Hamburg Williams Jas. driver, 121 Chesnut al Williams Jas. brickmkr, 21() Dover Williams Jas. brickiiikr. 111 Welcome al Williams Jas. drayman, 14 Sarah Ann Williams Jas. butcher, 6 s Amity Williams Jas. E. 41 n Chapel Williams Jas. H. porter, 267 Montgomery Williams Jas. 0. porter, 36 Orchard Williams Jas. carter, 375 Harford av Williams Jas. drayman, 98 Raborg Williams Jas. biickmkr, 249 3 Howard Williams Jas. W. hodcarrier, 21 Chesnut al Williams Jane, servant, 8 Hagar ct Williams Jane, cook, 24 Slate Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Willi '.ms Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams W^illiams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams WilliiiQi< Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Jesse, porter, 221 Dover Joanna, seamstress, 72 Cider al John, hostler, 4 n Castle John L. shucker, 88 n Dallas John, whitewasher, 2 Carlton John, driver, 2 Meyer ct John, lab 94 n Central av John, shucker, 1 Plum row John H. whitewasher, 98 s Howard John H. lab. 14 Boyd John, lab 45 Leadenhall John H. porter, 6o Raborg John, lab. 3 Jones ct John, lab. 69 Chesnut John W. porter, 94 n Spring John A. waiter, 42 Raborg John, c-ooper,7 Cider al,dw 27 Viacent John R. lab. 6 Fulton al John J. C barber, 313 Light, dw 617 John W. shucker, 136 Hill John, hodcarrier. 22 Tyson John W. drayman, 337 s Eutaw John W. hostler, 107 Elbow la Jos. shucker, 88 East Jos. lab. 87 Plum al Jos. watchman, 238 Vine Jos. W. porter, 112 Orchard Mis. Josephine, 25 n Dillas Joshua R. waiter, 2 Bouldin al Julia, laund. 12 Elbow la Lavinia servant, 253 Montgomery Lewis, shucker, 188 L. Constitution Lewis, waiter, 80 Orchard Lewis, |)orter, 70 Chesnut Lewis, lab. 13 Oxford Lizzie, seamstress, 11 Eutaw ct Lloyd, shucker, 24 Orchard Louisa, laund. 6 Fulton al Louisa, laund 11 Haw MarcelJus, waiter, 1 China al Margaret, laund. 86 Burgundy al Margt. dressmkr, 267 .Montgomery -Margaret, laund. 2 Bouldin al Martha, chambermaid, 76 Sarah Ann .Martha, laund, 65 Perry Mary, cook, 177 .Mullikin Mary, laund. 217 Vine Mary, laund. 311 w Biddle Mary A. laund. 252 Raborg Mary H. laund. Patapsco av Mary E. laund. 30 McKim Mary .M. 107 Elbow la .Murray, lab. 16 s Dallas Nancy, laund. 48 Elbow la Nicholas, porter, 22 Eutaw ct Patience, cakes, 224 Hamburg Rachel, laund. 66 Welcome al Rachel, laund. 113 Stirling Richard, barkeeper, 32 n Frederick Richard, shoemkr, 90 St. Paul Richard, driver, 1 Claret al Robt. drayman, 61 Orchard Robt. drayman, 21 W"ayne Robt. hodcarrier, 314 s Howard Robert, hostler, 12 Elbow la Robt. hodcarrier, 76 Sarah Ana R.rbert H. coachman, 5 Vincent Rolit. J. porter, 62 Josephine Rodney W. porter, 3 Tessier Roger, hodcarrier, 1 China al Rosetta, laund. 15 Neighbor Saml. lab. 218 Chesnut al p2 m o o P O < o (^ I H o Q O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWAEE. Ko. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 740 COLORED PERSONS. o "Williams Sainl. brickrakr, 75 L Montgomery Williams Saml. sliucker, 17 L. MoDtfjomery Williams Siiml. C. barber, 435 Lexington Williams Saml. lab. 110 Peirce Williams Sarah, hiund. 6 Glarkson al Williams Sarah, aeamslress. 73 Leadenball Williams Saiah, laund. 58 Perry Williams Sarah, laund. 78 n Dallas Williams Sarah A. laund. 86 Milliman Williams Sarah, laund. 87 Plum al <;] tij Williams Solomon, oysters, 200 Warner H Wiliiams Susan, laund. 12 Klbow la K .-; O CQ o < m H^ Williams Susan, servant, 30 Dover O Williams Theresa, laund, 47 L. Church ^ Williams Th. 3. sliucker, 24 Wayne OC Williams Thus, grainmeaaurer, 13 Stirling ^ Williams Thos. sawyer, 70 L. Church ^ Williams V^irginia, iaund. 18 Foundry Williams Virginia, 23 Guilford al Williams Wm. A. messenger, 97 n Pine Williams Wm. D. lab. 75 Peirce Williams W. H. drayman, 93 Conway Williams Wm. brickmkr, 253 Montgomery VVilliams Wm. lab. 37i East Williams Wm. H. lab. 13 George al Williams Wm. carter, 86 Burgundy al Williams Wm. porter, rear 14u Orchard Williams Wm. fireman, 137 York Williams Wm. hostler, 4 Shields al Williams Wiley, sawyer, 56 L. Church Williams Zenos, barkpr, 22 Foundry Willis Annie, laund. 1 X al ,„^,^^^ Willis Benj. sr. 113 Sarah Ann Willis Benj. jr. shucker, 113 Sarah Ann Willis Elizabeth, laund. 143 Welcome a! Willis Geo. lab. 1 X al Willis Henry, hodcarrier, 34 Josephine 6 Willis John, lab. 50 Hampstead ^ Willis Julia, laund. 50 Hampstead r* Willis Louis, grainrunner, 32 Dover p Willis Maria, laund. 113 Sarah Ann ^ Willis Philip, drayman, 143 Welcome al -^ Willis Rachel, cook, 144 York S Willis Robert, tailor, 21 McLeary ct 'r_ Willis Robert, porter, 16 s Bethel ^ ^ Wills Mrs. Betty, laund. 2 Calhoun ct 2 'iA Wilmore Daniel, lab. 6 Peirce O ^ Wilmore Elijah, 85 Moore al ^ f^ Wilmore Emanuel, lab. 117 n Chapel ^ Wilmore Fletcher, waiter, 16 Druid Hill av Q p ^ Wilmore Hannah, laund. 83 n Spring O H^ h^ Wilmore Henry, lab. Liberty rd nr Calhoun K ;^ Wilmore Isaac, coachman, 6 Peirce W -^ Wilmore John, drayman, 17 Tessier Q W 2 Wilmore John, shucker, 140 n Holliday •-^ £ >H Wilmore Linda, servant, 11 Harford av Wilmore Naomi, laund. 153 Sarah Ann Wilmore Perry, drayman, 83 n Spring Wilmore vSolumon, drayman, 85 Moore al Wilmore Wm. A. lab. 153 Sarah Ann Wilson Abrani, shucKer, 3 Donnelly ct Wilson Alex, mariner, 3 China al Wilson Alex. lab. 18 Brewer al ^SS Wilson Alfred J. theolog. student, 14 Herring ct W ca § Wilson Amanda, laund. 63 Arch kSo Wilson Andrew, lab. 26 Hare O^ AVilson Ann, laund. 125 L. York Wilson Ann, cook, 33 Peach al Wilson Ann, laund. 233 Hamburg Wilson Ann .M. servant, 33 I'each al Wilson Anna, laund. 15 Wayne Wilson Anna, servant, 24 Wayne CO >• (4 Wilson .Arthur, drayman, 124 Welcome al Wilson Benj. lab. 8 Warren ct Wilson Carey, waiter, 5 Harmony la Wilson Caroline, seamstress, 12 Ricketts ct Wilson Caroline, laund. 12 W'ilmer al Wilson Chance, fi'enian, 278 Hamburg Wilson Chas. liaiber, 85 Orchard Wilson Chas. C. shucker, 83 Welcome al Wilson Chas. lab. 57 s Bethel Wilson Chas. waiter, 43 Rose Wilson Chas. shucker, rear 83 Welcome a) Wilson Chas. lab. 205 n Durham Wilson Chas. lab. rear 103 Welcome al Wilson Chus. mariner, 12 Wilmer al Wilson Chas. porter, 50 Greensvillovv Wilson Chas. whitewasher, 50 Vine Wilson Chas. H. lab. 62 Dover Wilson Charlotte, 53 East Wilson Charlotte, grocery, 33 L. McElderry Wilson Charlotte, laund. 158 Tyson Wilson Cornelius, lab. 223 s Howard Wilson Danl. M. lab. 96 Chesnut al Wilson David, lab. s of McElderry, e of hospital Wilson David, lab. 179 s Dallas Wilson Dennis, lab. 17 Parrish al Wilson Durham, waiter, 18 Hamilton Wilson Eliza, fortune teller, 30 Raborg Wilson Elizabeth, laund. 26 Perry Wilson Elizabeth, 238 n Durham Wilson Emanuel, lab. 445 Saratoga Wilson Frances, laund. 21 Orchard Wilson Francis, 88 Harmony^ la Wilson Frank, barber, 19 Parrish al Wilson Fred, grainmeasurer, 112 Welcome al Wilson Geo. H. drayman, 29 Allen al Wilson Geo. W. lab. 100 s Bethel Wilson Geo, W. waiter, 69 Raborg Wilson Geo. W. lab. 168 n Spring Wilson Geo. lab. 1)7 Stirling Wilson Geo, H. steward, 233 Hamburg Wilson Geo. R. porter, 46 Moore al Wilson Georgianna, laund. 86 Cider al Wilson Hagar, 146 York Wilson Hannah, laund. 62 Dover Wilson Harriet, laund. 61 China Wilson -Mrs. Harriet, seamstress, 6 X al Wilson Henry, lab. 191 Chesnut al Wilson Henry, waiter, 17 Lambert Wilson Henry, lab. 92 n Spring Wilson Henry, drayman, 6 Forney al Wilson Henry, tanner, 48 Josephine Wilson Henry, shucker, 210 L. Hughes Wilson Henry, brickmouldcr, McElderry ext Wilson Henry, processor, 75 Welcome al Wilson Hezekiah, brickmkr, 1 Claret al Wilson Isaac, mariner, 6 Hawk Wilson Isaiah, lab. 4 Gilbert Wilson Jacob, carter, 285 Hamburg Wilson Jacob, shuckei, 4 Rickett al Wilson Jacob, hodcarrier, 60 Welcome al Wilson Jas. hackinan, 30 Wayne Wilson Jas. sliucker, 274 Montgomery Wilson Jas. drayman, 1 Wye al Wilson Jas. porter, 7 Jasper Wilson Jas. hostler, 53 East Wilson Jas. lab. 13 L. Paca Wilson Jas. grocery, 63 Arch Wilson Jas. shucker, 88 Harmony la Wilson Jas. poi tt r, 86 Jasper Wilson Jas. A. shucker, 6 Peach al Wilson Jas. driver, 53 East Wilson Jas. S. drayman, 122 Hill HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the "World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 741 Wilson Jas. porter, 28 Orchard Wilson Jas. L wall colorer, 28 Orchard Wilson Jas. laV). 41 s Caroline Wilson Jane, laund. 55 Wayne Wilson Jane, laucd. 1 \\'\e at Wilson Jane, laund. 7 Neighbor Wilson Jane, laund. 6 Peach al Wilson Jefferson, porier, 59 Williamson al Wilson Jeremiah, shncker, 171 York Wilson Jeremiiih, shucUer. 61 Cliina Wilsoii Jeremiah, grain measurer, 40 China Wilson Jeremiah, scourer, McElderry ext Wilson John. 247 s Eutaw Wilson John T. hodcarrier, 24 Gilbeit Wilson John, shucker, 33 Peach al Wilson Joiin, lab. 188 Warner Wilson John, driver, 91 McElderry 's whf Wilson John. lab. 318 Hamburg Wilson John, lab. 137 Chesnnt Wilson John, wagoner, 86 Cider al Wilson John W. drayman, 7 Neighbor Wilson John, carter, 54 Burgundy al Wilson John, lab. 248 Raborg Wilson John, shucker. 252 McDonogh Wilson John, lab. 77 Elbow la Wilson John, lab. 211 n Durham Wilson John H. grain measurer, 19 Marion Wilson John, wagoner, 198 s Durham Wilson John, lab. 92 Peach al Wilson Jos. steward, 146 York Wilson Levi, hodcarrier, 27 Josephine Wilson Lewis, drayman, 151 n Dallas Wilson Lewis, lab. 4 Sterrelt Wilson Lucretia, laund. 155 Sarah Ana Wilson Luke, lab. 26 Hare Wilson Lloyd, driver, Wilmer al nr Smith Wilson Margt. laund. 77 Elbow la Wilson Mrs. .Margt. cook, 1 16 n Dallas Wilson Margt. l:>uiid. 8 Donnelly ct Wilson Maria, laund. 52 Jose|ihiue Wilson Mary, laund. 30 Wayne Wilson Mar}-, laund. 114 Stirling Wilson Mary, laund. 319 n Durham Wilson Mary, cook, 166 West Wilson Mary, laund. 151 n Dallas Wilson .Mary R. laund. 26 Perry Wilson Mrs. Mary J. 53 n Dallas Wilson .Matilda, laund. 19 Marion Wilson Maiilda, laund. 62 Dover Wilson Nancy, 10 Postoffice av Wilson Pleasant, hodcarrier, Camel al nrPark av Wilson Priscilla, laund. 17 Parrish al Wilson Perry, shucker, 12 llickett al Wilson Peter, waiter, 24 Wayne Wilson Richard, drayman, 105 n Dallas Wilson Richard, lab. 166 West Wilson Robert jr. drayman, 96 s Spring Wilson Robt. lab. 173 Mullikin Wilson Robt. shucker, 56 East Wilson Sally, laund. 21 Pin al W'ilson Saml. driver, 77 Jasper Wilson Saml. lab. 90 n Ann Wilson Saml. lab. 187 n Exeter Wilson Saml. shucker, 33 Peach al Wilson Sarah, laund. 11 Marion Wilson Sarah, dressmkr, 69 Raborg Wilson Sarah E. laund. 122 Hill Wilson Sarah, 129 Welcome al Wilson Sarah, cook, 21 Pin al Wilson Sarah J. laund. 1 1 2 Welcome al Wilson Sulomon, porter, 35 Perry Wilson Thos. huckster, 210 Mullikin Wilson Thos. lab. 238 n Durham Wilson Thos. H. driver, 111 n Dallas Wilson W' Hshington, lab. 25 Sarah Ana Wilson Wesley, shucker, 4 Sterrett Wilson Wilbur, lab. 82 M(X)re al Wilson Wilt; steward, 220 Hanover Wilson Wui.lab 21 Vine Wilson Wm. scowmau, 125 York Wilson Wtu. driver, 94 Stirling WMIson Wm. driver, 26 Hare Wilson Wm. H. porter, 116 n Dallas Wilson Wm. H. shucker, 3 Claret al W'ilson Wm H. dra\man, 3U Raborg Wilson Wtn. carpet cleaner, 116 Tyson W'ilson Wni. stevedore. 32 Walker Wilson Wm. lab. 57 s Bethel Wilson Wm. H. brickmkr, 56 Vine Wilson Wm. H. victualler, 80 Welcomeal Wilson Wui. H. lab. 62 Dover Winder Ephraim, drayman, 25 Morris al Winder Harriet, laund. 8 State Winder Harry, whitewasher, 18 Gilbert Winder Heniietta, laund. 4 Raborg W^inder Margt. laund. 18 Gilbert Winder Mary F. laund. 123 Welcome al Winder Sydney, hodcarrier, I23 Welcome al Winder Mrs. Susan, laund. 122 Cider al Winder Thos waiter, 73 Oxtord Winder Wm. shucker, 8 Stale Wiiifield Frank, shucker, 153 West Winfield Mary A. laund. 153 West W infield Peter, waiter, 64 Raborg Winfield Redmond, hodcarrier, 2 Plum al Wing Anne, servant, 33 Jew, o. t. Wing Cbas. driver, 196 s Howard Wing Ellen, seivant, 14 Leadenhall Wing Geo. W. engineer, 143 Hill W'ing Geo. hodcarrier, 210 s Dallas Wing John, engineer, 21 s Gay Wing John, lab. 64 Henrietta Wing Tbeo. stevedore, 33 Jew al, o. t. Wiiisey Dr. Whitfield, 1 16 e Fayette W'inston .lacob, plasterer, 50 Parrish al Winters Chas. W. grain nie.is. 214 s Sharp Winters Harriet A. laund. 214 s Sharp Winters Richard T. waiter, 71 Sarah Ann W' ise Jane, laund. 2 Ivy al WMse Jas. porter, 29 Bruce Wise Louisa, cook, 347 L. Vine Wise Mrs. Louisa, 2 Peirce Wite Milly, laund. 105 Burgundy al Wise Solomon, lab. 105 Burgundy al Wise Wm. driver, 29 Foster al Wisher Aiidiew, shoemkr, 45 Low Wode Thos. hodcarrier. 4 Raborg Wongus Harrison, hostler, 39 Sliuter Wood Marv A. laund. 262 Hamburg Wood Mary A. laund. 123 Pearl Wood Wm. H. barber, 123 Pearl Wood Wm. H. barber, 262 Hamburg Woodbridge David, mariner, 9 Plum al Woodbridge Marv S. laund 9 Plum al Woodell John, lab. 14 L. McElderry Wooden Edward, lab. 15 Haw Woodland ("alherine, laund. 83 Orchard W'oodland Cornelius, \soodsawyer,83 Orchard W'oodlaud Elizabeth, laund. 15 sStockton al Woodland Harriet, laund. 40 n Frederick Woodland Jas. W. lab. 40 n Frederick Woodland Jas. W. lab. 23 Oxford Woodland Jared, waiter, 64 Union Woodland Jared, waiter, 23 Oxford CD c3 P o a PQ %^ o O d p o o w m tS3 QQ . < 7 "a; M ■" •« =« a aj X ^ C c^ ^* s^ ■" o ^ -a. > a: 1 4^ >* ^ >. ^ O} ^ _'- D o "w a> • *-4 ^;' c **• *^ " ^ s •o :^, ^ _:: €©^ >, tp to ~ ~ X ^ > z Woodhind Jane, Itiund. 126s Betbel Woodlaud John G. shiiclier, 126 s Bethel Woodl;iiid Juliii H. jr. slmcker, 126 s Bethel Woodliiiid Joseph, hostler, 133 Peirce Woudliind ■'iS'iii. s:i\v\er, 3 Crojsal Woodiin Ai m M. liiuiid. 8 s Amity Woodliii C'l Id. porter, 8 s Amity Woods A lei. waiter, 22 Rose Woods Asliury, coiiclutKui, 9.'i Oxfoni Wouds C'iiiituii, porter, }()8 Chesnul Woods Get), waiter, 22 Rose Woods Hem iella, l.-uitid. 42 Tyson NN'oods Horaee, drayman, 148 Tyson Wi ods Hirain, drayinaii, 2oj Warner Woods Lewis, barber, 22 Rase Woods Lewis, barber, GMcClellan Woods Li-" is, huckster, 57 East Woods LouisH. lauud. 142 ii Caroline Woods SaiiHiel, waitei', 42 Ty&on Woods Suplifi), porter, 108 (JhesiiuX Woods Will, hiickslei. 50 Morris al Woods Win H. janitor, 7 Lexington Woods Zeplianiah, draynistii, 142 a Caroline Woodson Cora, dressmkr, Wriijfht ct Woodson Watson, waiter, 2tj7 Parii av Woodus Geur<,'e, sbiu-lier, 5 Plum row Woodvard, Andrew, porter. lo4 Franklin Woodyaid Clias. hostler, 65 Perry Woodwtrd D.iuiel, butcher, 104 Franklin Woody.-ird Frances, laimd. 65 Perry Woodyear Win. mariner, :i05 s Howard Woolen Geo. lab. 3..'2 n Durham Wooltord Abraham, Lib. 8 Cohen al Woollord Ann M. laund. 118 » Regester WooUord Bartholomew, carter, 118 n Regester Woolibvd Caroline, cook, 146 Lee Woolfoid Cliarlis, lab. 208 Hamburg WoolJord Kmoiy, lal). 146 Lee VVoolford John, lab. 124 n Regester Woolford John, shoemkr, 5 Plum row Woolfbrd John M. brlckmkr, 124 n Regester Woolford Jos. carter, 225 s Howard Wooltord Levin I. 509 MuElderiy e.xt Wooltord .Mrs. Leah J. laund. 208 Hamburg \Vooltord Littleton W. sliiuker, 130 u Regester Woolford Mary laund. 225 s Howard Woolfbid Mary J. se.nnstress, 5 Plum row Wooltord .Moses, lab. 5 Plum row VVoolford Moses, mariner, 214 Hamburg Wooltord Nathan, carter, 4oo West Wooltord Nancy, servant, 5 Plum al VVoolford R. M. barber and tavern, 14 Saratoga VVoolford Stephen, drayman, 1?^^ s Howard Woolford Stephen A. drayn»an, 14 Maccubbin VV'ooitbrd Tiios. S. drayman, 348 Monlgonieiy Worden Jordan, waiter, 10 Low VVorsham Amanda, laund. 139 n Dallas VVorsham Isaac, waiter, 139 n Dallas Worlhin;.MOn Horace, waiter, 132 Orchard VVarthin-lon J. W. coachnvm, 5:: Chesnut al Worlhint;ton Mary, waitress, 53 Chesnut al Worthin>;ion Richd. A. waiter, 53 Chesnut al Wortliin::io[i Sarah, cook, 53 Chesnut al Worthy J.imes, n-ar 247 n Front Wrenn Celeste, laund. 129 n Dallas VV^right Beiij. grainruiiner, 132 Stirling Wright Beiij. gardener, 631 Penii.i av Wright Celeste, laund. 13 Arch Wright Clias. waiter, 63 Saratoga Wright Chas. VV. Ub. 151 Low VVriyhl Crossan, carp. 132 n Spring Wright Kliza, cook, 226 Plum al Wright Eliza, laund. 4 Rickett a! Wright Fannie, cook, 189 Vine Wright Geortre, rags, 2 Hagar ct Wriyht Geo. S. lab. 2 Rickett al Wright Georgianna, laund. 42 Harmony la Wright Henry, lab. 104 n Holliday Wright Hester, 211 Dover Wright Jacob, lab. 226 Plum al Wright John, coachman, 100 Orchard Wri(iht Jos. press feeder, 44 Jefferson Woigbt Jos. R. printer, 44 Jefferson Wright Louisa, laund. 34 Bouldin al Wright Maria, laund. 2 Shiiter Wright Martin, lab. 13 Arch Wright Martin, waiter, 66 Laurens al Wright Mary, laund. 3 X al Wright Mary, laund. 35 Burgundy al Wright Nancy, laund. 2 Rickett al Wright Perry, drayman, 130 Hill Wright Philip, driver, 3t)xfoid Wriuht Rachel, laund. 130 Hill Wrijiht Reuben, waiter, 1S7 Vine Writiht Robert, carter, 79 Duncan al Wright Roberta, servant, 119 York Wright Scott, lab. 59 Josephine Wright Scott, lab. 445 Saratoga Wright Stephen, grain measurer, 2 Shuter VVrii;ht Thos. sawyer. 135 s Bethel Wright Wm. lab. 17 Short Wright Wm. huckster. 71 Duncan al Wright Win. lab, 3 X al Wright Wm. lab. 9 Plum al Wright Wm. [lorter, 117 King Wright Wm. H. lab. 2 Shuter W\e Abrain, lab. 165 n Dallas Wye Geo. lab. 165 n Dallas WyeJarrett, measurer, 165 n Dallas Wye John, hodcarrier, 165 n Dallas Wye John, fruit, 17 Bouldin al Y. Yance James, !.sb. 118 n H>lliday Y'ates Arnold, porter, 26 n Frederick Y'ates Edward, woodsaw\er, l03Jasi)er Yates Mrs. Elizabeth, laund. 142 n Spring Yates Wm. P. cook. 6 Temple Yerby VV'm. poi ter, 9 Camden Yewell Ro.\ana, lab. GO Williamson al York John, lab. 10 n Dallas Yorkman Isaac, lab. <)7 s Bethel Voikman Harriet, laund. 97 s Bethel Yorkman Isaiah, lab. 97 s Bethel Young Absalom, lab. 72 L ("burch Youiit; Alfred, oysters, 297 Hamburg Youii;; Amanda, l.iund. 91 L. (.'hureb Y'oung Anna R. lauml. 11 Hamilton Young Annie, laund. 65 Clicsnut Young Arthur, lab 249 s lOutaw Young Mrs. Caroline, laund. 334 L. Vine Young Cassy, laund 1(I6 Herjrietla Young t'harles, lab. 21 Sarah .\nn Y'oung Charlotte, laund. .305 Hamburg Young Daniel, shucker, 3 Patapsco av Young Dmiii, bricklayer, 3o McKiin Young Dennis, coachman. 247 s Howard Young Dennis, waiter, 1 Eutaw ct Youug Dennis B. coachman, 160 w Hoffman YoiiiiL' Edith, laund. 8 Welsh al Young Edward, driver, 13 Jenkins al Young Eliza, servant, 90 Burgundy al Young Elizd, laund. 36 Jefferson H0LME8 & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. COLORED PERSONS. 743 Younp: Elizabeth, dressmkr, 42 Douglass Yonng Ellen, midwife, 6 Jew al, o. t. Young Mrs. Emily, cook, 45 Jefferson Young Emily, laund. 85 Oxford Young Emily, laund. 297 Hamburg Young General, lab. 219 Raborg Young Geo. brickmkr, 402 s Charles Young Geo. lab. 247 s Howard Young Geo. L. waiter, 95 Chesnut Young Harriet, 187 West Young Harriet, laund. 15 s Stockton al Young Henry, mariner, 12 Bouldin al Young Henry, lab. 10 n Dallas Young Henry, shucker, 138 Cbesnut Young Horace, mariner. 187 West Young Irving, driver, 15 s Stockton al Young Isaac, brickmkr, 19 s Bethel Young Jacob, baker, 25 East* Young James, lab. 104 Welcome al Young James H. waiter, 334 L. Vine Young James, mariner, 38 Forrest Young Jane, laund. 247 s Howard Yonng John, lab. 247 s Howard Young John, lab. 305 Hamburg Young John, lab. 53 L. Pleasant Young John, lab. 12 Boyd Young John H. 85 Oxford Young John L. porter, 253 Cioss Young John L. porter, 22 Maccubbin Young John, engineer, 351 Cross Young Joseph, ice cream, 40 Raborg Young Joseph, cook, 6 Jew al, o. t. Young Joseph, barber, 36 Jefferson Young Leonard, coal, 105 Orchard Young Lewis, waiter, 106 Henrietta Young Lloyd, carter, 6 Rose Young Llojd, carter, 9 Plum al Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Louisa, laund. 305 Hamburg Mary, laund. 104 Welcome al Mary, laund. 353 Cross Mary E. cook, 40 Raborg Nelson, waiter, 3 Courthouse la Nutley, lab. Calhoun ext Peter, shucker, 55 Chesnut Rachel, laund. 22 Maccubbin Rebecca A. 72 L. Church Richard, lab. 73 Davis Robert, waiter, 178 s Howard Robert A. musician, 304 Raborg Ruth, laund. 153 Low Samuel, steward, 35 Douglass Samuel, drayman, Liberty rd nr Carey Samuel, drayman, 90 Burgundy al Sarah, laund. 3 Patapsco av Somerset, 8 Booth Thos. shucker, 59 L. Hughes Thos. shucker, 3 Patapsco av Thos. W. saw sharpener, 199 MuUikin Tilghman H. porter, 90 Burgundy al Wm. coachman, 19 Wagon al Wra. H. hodcarrier, 187 Chesnut al Wm. sawyer, 2 Booth Wm. S. engineer, 177 Warner Wm. H. stovemkr, 42 Douglass Wm. hodcarrier, 18 Douglass W^m. S. porter, 8 Booth Wm. waiter, 40 Moore al Wm, driver, 8 s Bethel z c3 o O O o ft o o Zion (M. E.) Church, cor Howard and Mont- gomery o o < o o > o O <1 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. 1 O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. BUSliNESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. Ayers & Riddell, 18 Rialto building AYERS & RIDDELL, No. 1 8 Rialto Building. Irregular Accounts Adjusted. Partnerships and Dissolutions arranged. Special attention given to Bankraptcy proceedings, and Compositions effected with creditors. Blair Charles E. 381 Lexington Coleman Charles R. jr. 100 w Blddle Carter Wm. W. 214 w Hoffman Falconer A. Smith, 66 St. Paul Henderson Wm. J. 526 n Gay Heindle Wm. H. 189 n High Lough Joseph, 16 Harlem av Ritter Wm. L. 170 n Republican Rogers Wra. F. 128 Myrtle av WoodrufiF Harry G. 4 Franklin Wrightsou George H. 96 n Gilmor Adjusters of Averages. Baldwin John H. 13 Rialto building Boyd Francis H. B. 22 Second Dean William A. 49 Lexington Fickey Frederick jr., 8 Maryland bdg, Second Norris Thos. M. s vv cor Gay and Lombard Agencies— Collection. Baltimore Collection Agency, 31 St. Paul Carr A. F. 53 Lexington Davis George W. 15 St. Paul Evans Alfred D. 4 s Front Hill Bros, n e cor St. Paul and Fayette NATIONAL BONDED COLLEC- TION BUREAU, 19 South Trade Piotection Agency, J. Langford & Co. 28 St. Paul United States Bonded Collection Bureau of New York, 22 Posloffice av United States Law Association and Collection Union, 50 w Fayette Agencies— Commercial and Mer- cantile. Bradstreet J. M. & Son (improved) W. H. Gor- man, ass't supt. over 30 South Dulaney Walter, 36 St. Paul Dun R. G. & Co. over s e cor Baltimore and Charles Hill Bros, n e cor St. Paul and Fayette Langford John & Co. (trade protection agency) 28 St. Paul McKillop John & Co., Arthur Tress, manager, 226 w Baltimure Robson Matthew, 87 Second Thompson S. P. & Co. 69 Exchange pi Agencies— Immigrant. De Ronceray Louis, 5 Postoffice av Hall Dr. James (colonization) over 81 Second Hemmeter John (B. k 0. R. R.) 99 Thames Ranch Lawrence (a^ent N.C.R.W.) 97 Thames Sallmann William, 166 e Pratt Wellinghofif Henry F. 272 s Broadway CD a a Tubman B. G. 10 s Holliday Agents— Claim and Pension. ^ c xf Adieon Hftrrison (pension) basement Postoffice P3^w c K aj O Birckhead Henry J. 77 Granby Brewer Nicholas, 2 s Front Colton William, over 60 w Fayette Harris Kate, 132j n Guy Hill Wm.B. n e cor Favette and St. Paul McDonald Frank Y (U.S. claim) 22 Law bldg Rothenbiller Joseph, 10 Barnes Walter E. T. H. 241 e Baltimore Lister Thomas, 75 w Fayette ^ Agents— General. ^ ?^ Bachelder James, 86 s Ann "" Barroll Benjamin C. jr., Connellsville G.as Coal ^ Co. 25 8 Gay '^^"^ '^ Barry Henry A. 26 Postoffice av ^ X _ Bassett Richard, 112 w Baltimore ►5 » Booth Robert. 5 St. Paul . t^ o Briggs Wm. H., Bond nr John * tJ "o Brown Quiiitus C, 14 s Kutaw rt C "H Carlile Jas. H. 32 Aisquith ^^ Clay James W. 453 e Fayette ^^ ^ •- Coombs George M. 175 e Pratt G<1 p 0-1 Cramer E. (agt. Alaska cleaner and polisher) -— S ^ 131 w Baltimore rt ^' Dew Dr. James, 76 w Baltimore Finlcy J. Randolph, (Md. Tract Society) 73 w Fayette __ ^ Foster J. N. 28 St. Paul -^ « i-r-i Grasty Samuel G. 631 w Lombard H "rt "^ Hartman Duncan C. 22 e Eager q3 '=^ Heinmiller Geortre M. 44 German ■^ si HunckelOtto, 17 Pearl Lister Thomas, 75 w Fayette Mann Ernest, 279 e Bidd'le Martin David, 50 n Charles Memmert Frederick, 175 n Eutaw Moore Henry W. 101 n Charles Morion Samuel P. 33 St. Paul Murdock Albert J. 198 e Madison Nevvberger Wm. 110 German Redwood Wm. H. 281 w Baltimore Rich Thomas R. & Co. 17 South Sexton Edward G. 50 n Gilmor Simmons Isaac, 76 McCulloh ^ ^ •" Siicer Charles ll.(patents)8i St. Paul S "*^ S Soper W. Horace, 90 w Baltimore g "^ " Tarleton James R., Jenkins whf S c i^ Ward James R. 182 Aisquith O-^ «^ Warfield T. W. 11 German *^j- b£, White John K. 45 Lexington ,^ c'',_a Wood John(agt.Easton & .\IcMahon)45 w Pratt C fi '5 S Agents and Managers— Insurance. ■ko c '^ b ••w Si r „ ^ o o cond Kellogg Edward, 12 South Kernan John, Linah's hotel Landsberg Dr. Wm. S. 17 South LANGLEY J. W. 42 Postoffice av LAWPORD & McKIM, general agents of Massachusetts Mutual Lite Insurance Co., Atl^s Fire, of Hartford, Ct., and Hal dent Insurance Co, Steam Boiler Inspeetioti and Ins. Co. 10 s Holliday Leizer .Joseph, 214 Lexington Luckett R. C. & Son, 83 Second .Murve J. L. basement 8 South Mailhews T. W. 10 South McGuire Thomas C. Suti office Medc.ilf Frank, 25 Postoffice av .Miller Llewellyn, 17 South Montague Charles P. k Son, s w cor South and German Nelson Thomas T. 123 n Republican Orndoff Wm. W. 8 South Parker Edward G. 20 Postoffice av brd Acci- artford '^J HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. I Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, aen'l Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 763 OQ Perrj^ & Co. over 71 w Fayette Peterkin Win. S. 42 Second Pierce Dr. Lewis B. s w cor South and German Polk W. Stewart, 13 Rialto building: UPontier E. F. ^ Son (brokers) 20 PostoflBce av f. Proud & Campbell Rialto buildine .,y L Proud J. G. & Sons, Rialio building j^ Read Littleton S. 42 Posioffice av Reynolds Joseph P. 159 n Carey Richardson E. J. & Sons, 9 and 11 North Richardson George L 2H South Rigby J. Arthui*, 22 South Royston E. B cor German and South Ruth Robert J. & Co. over n e cor Baltimore and Calvert Saltzer J. E. 38 PostofiSce av Saiiford Capt. E. H. (American Lloyds,) 106 Thames Schoolhaus Daniel, 7 German nr South Schomann John, l.ri Rialto buildinij . SELBY JOSEPH, 44 Second f Siebrecht John, 18 Seccmd Sitgreaves J. A. 10 s Holliday Snell, Bergen & Co. ;-!o South Starr & Gephart, 42 Second Stewart H. G. & Co. 26i Second Thorpe C. J. R. 49 w Favette Douglas August, 1 St. Paul Downs Win, H. 575 LeAington Dubuisson Roliert L. 3 and 4 Law building JiJzev James C. 84 n Charles '*^Emory Wm. H. 47 St. Paul -f Evan Thos. J. 66 s Washington Faulkner Wm. H. 37 Lexington Fillinger John .^L 238 Madison av Frank Kaufman, 189 s Broadway Goldsborough N. Lee, 23 Lexington Hagerty John, 402 Lexington Hill Bros, n e cor St. Paul and Fayette Hiss Charles D. 34 e Baltimore Hobbs Washington H. 23 Lexington Horner Wm. 153 w Biddle Jones Wm. J. 95 e Pmtt Lewis John W. 40,t n Calhoun - Lindsay G. W. k Son, 20 n Paca Little jaines W. 76 n Wolfe Long Svdney C. 5 St Paul Mahaney E. H. 42 St. Paul Mahaney John, 42 St. Paul Mann Ernest, 279 e Biddle Masson Thomas E. 53 n Broadway McGreevy George M. 48 Lexington Miner Jos. Chas. 10 Barnet Mnrtord James C. 1.56 n Kxeter a o pq o O d o =9 ft o o Wailes Chas. A. (State Insurance Commis'r, >/ Morton Samuel P. 33 St. Paul 3 PostoflBce av M' Murray Jesse H. 552 w Lombard Wrttkins Jan-.es R. 2Hj Second 1 Nally Richard, n w cor Fayette and St. Paul Webb Edmund J. cor PostoflBce av and Balto.^ Nattalli Kdward J. 77 s Sharp Webb Wm P. 4 s Holliday Wheeden Jiimes C- 97 s Broadway White Eggleston S. 8 German Wilkinson, Harlan & Jones, 37 PostoflBce av Wilkinson Walter S. 230 w Baltimore Williams J, Savage k Co. 79 Second Wilisou F. W. & Siin.(inarine)i7 Second Wilson Henry R. 35 PostoflBce av Witmer k Mitchell, 21 Soulii Woodward Bros. 26 Second -4— Wroth Wm. G. 18 Postoffice av Ziuimerman k Morrison, 34 PostoflBce av Agents— Manufacturers. Bayne George B. 12 German Maxwell Wm. G 217 and 219 w Baltimore Trent Thomas H. Sf Sons, 95 w Lombard Agents— Property and Collectors. Ablies Francis, 46 Jackson sq av Abey John S. 170 Willi.im Barker John A 42 St. Paul Barroll J W. & Co. 5 Courtland Barry Philip, 115 w iVIoniimenl Belden James, over Chesapeake Bank Ber.^-ch Henry, 65 s Gav , -Birckhead Lennox, 33 St. Paul f Bosworth Thos. 57 Milliman Boyd HuL'li S. 84 n Caroline Brewer Nicholas, 2 s P'ront Broninel James, 2 Law building Buchsbaum Julius, 232 s Broadway Budnits Henry, 242 s Sharp Burbank David, 60 n (irtene Burke Oliver S. 277 .Mulberry Carlile James A. 32 .\is'juith Carr A. F. 53 Lexii.jrton Cussell Samuel C. 220 .Madison av Charles Benjamin, 76 s Bond Col ton Win. over 60 w Favette Py Nones Joseph D. 356 n Gay Pastorius Samuel, 252 Mulberry Pearce Wm. H. 59 s Ctroline Polk Robert M. 4 Aisquith Powles Henry, 49 Lexington Rasin Robert" W. 53 St. Paul Robinson L. H. 114 German Rogers Henry W. cor Charles and Fayette ^ Rosenfeld Abraham, 113 e Baltimore Sasscer Wm. B. 294 n Eutaw SauerliofF John, Chesapeake Bank Saumenig Fred. E., Chesapeake Bank build'g Seibold Alex. 351 Saratoj;a Shaw .Matthew, Linah's hotel Snowden k Whiielock, 63 w Fayette Snyder Alonzo, 34 South Snyder Benj. B. sr. 207 w Lombard Spandauer Benj. 119 n Bond S 'icer H. Jaines, 82 McCulloh Spurrier Wm. H. 455 n Calhoun Stoddard Win. 304 e Baltimore Tanyney John B. 105 s Exiter Taylor James W. W. 121 Bank Thomas Raney, 39 s Paca Tunis Aiexaiider, 17 Stilling Uiiiack E. M. jr. 499 Lexington Walker Benjamin F. 25 Lexington Watkins Nicholas A. 63 Stirling Weslermaii Ahikam, 6*6 w Fayette Wiegel Wm. H. 193 Division Woolen Leonard R. cor Fayette and St. Paul ]^Yearlev Alex. & Son, n w cor Lexington and St. Paul Young John, 86 Mulberry l-H P-l pq ;^ Ph <^ CO P5 H H I— I Agents— Real Estate. [See Brokers, Real Estate.) Appleton Eden D. 49 w Fayette Audoun k Bruscup. 1') Law build'j Bankard H. N. ^- Co. 5 St. Pa"bl P4 H OQ CQ St. Paul ^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. o 764 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS directory! ^ Barker John A. 42 St. Paul S Brouinel James, 2 Law building S Birckhead Lennox, 33 St. Paul p^ Brysou Gilbert H. & Son, 2Gj Second E-i Clayton James E. (mineral lands) s Gay ^^ Clayton S. S. (miners! lands) 6 s Gay Clemens Aiijifiistus D., Waverle}- Cooke Henry W. 9 Law nuilding Growl & Son, 14 Law building S. K. 32 St. Paul jx; Duncan Riclid M. n e cor St. Paul and Saratoga H Emory John H. 47 St. Paul p Ferguson J. Henry, 80 w F;'.yette O Fo.x John, 23 n Culvert '^Olenn John & Co. 1 St. Paul ^ H < ^ ^ Dashiell W o OQ ^ (X) Gott Jackson 0. 7 n Charles - . Griffin Richivrd S. 47.S e Fayette ^5 Haines B. F. 63 vr Fayette O GQ ^ Harrison Geo. L. 29 St. Paul Harmer Charles B. 25 Le.xington Hayne George W. 12 Law building Hill Bros, n e cor Fayette and, St. Paul Hodjjes T. Harris, n w cor Courtland and Lex- ington -V Hooper S. H. & Bro. 30 St. Paul ^ Howe & Bash, 49 Lexington Hull Charles J. 50 w F^ayette Jones John P. P.& Son, 3 Law building Lt-onard John G. 35 Jackson sq av Lindsay G. W. ^ Son, 20 n Paca Martin Henry T. 45 Le.xington McJilton VVm. R. 36 Saratoga McNeal James jr. 53 Lexington Milligiin Geo. B. 53 L-'xington Monroe John R 19 Lexington Morling Frank L. 23 Lexington Morling Geo. W. 23 Lexington Morrison J. Ralph & Co. 34 Postoffice av Naramore (Charles A. 50 w Fnyette Norris J. 4' Son. 6 St. Paul O'Donov.in John 11. 48* Lexington Pitlman Edward, 5 St. Paul Powell Samuel R. (mineral lands)113 n Gilmer Powles Henry, 49 Lexington ^f_i Raisin Robert W 53 Si. Paul ^ ;?; Scharf Wm. 18 Postoffice av P5H Shook Albert H. 3 Courtland OS Snowden Philip M. 83 w Fayette ^^ Snowden Wilton, 83 w Favette ^ Spandauer Levi, 137 n Eden dSS >'51'^""'''e'' Riidolfih, 71 w Fayetie O X2 ►-^ Stansbury James, 61 s Uroadway ^"^'•^ Sullivan Wm. H. 349 w Biddle <- ^ Suter James W. 68 w Fayette O S § Taylor Wm. S. jr. 7 St. Paul ^G|^ Thomas John R. D. 36 St. Paul - 105 South Corner H. W. (Baltimore ;ind Fredericksliurg i Steamers) pier 9 Light-st whf '^ Crawford A. A. (freight agent P W.&B.R.R.) 36 Fawn Crawford Wm. (P. W. & B. R. R.) President-st depot Cross Geo. W. (Empire Line) 199 North Dames Peter, (Md. Steamboat Co.) 98 Light- st whf Davis John W. (general agent B. & 0. R. R.) Camden station Deford Samuel T. (South Eastern agent Penna. R. R.) n e cor Baltimore and Calvert Drill James M. (freight agent N.C. R. W.) 168 J n Calvert /> Du Barry J. N. (N. C. R.W. and B. & P. R.R.) 168 n Calv.rt Du Barry W. D. (ticket agent Penn^. R. R.) n e cor Baltimore and Calvert Durand H. A. iisst. supt. Pullman Palace Car Co. 1 19 Camden Fergnsson Robert, (freight agent N. C. R. R.) Calvert station Fiizgerald Edwin, eeu'l agent Baltimore and Southern Stenm Trans. Co. 50 South Fitzgerald W.ll ,( A tliinticCoast Line)7 German Fv)sler Reuben, (Richmond and York River *' Line) 144 Lis:ht-st whf -K Gall Robt. M. (agent P. W. & B. R. R.) Bostoo opp (yliesapeake Gariett Richard S. (Boatmen's Trans. Line) 26J Second Griswold B. H. freight and ticket agent W. M. R. R. cor Eutaw and Fayette Guilford Nathan, gen'l freightagent B.&O.R.R. s e cor Baltimore and Calvert Haas Solomon (Piedmont Air Line R. R.) 13 German nr South Hahn Henrv, agent central station, B.&O.R.R. foot of MMl Hall W. Taylor, (European Steamers) 95j w Lombard Harris Alexander, (B. & 0. R.R.) 95 McCulloh Ilemnieter John F. (gen. emigrant agent B.&O. R. R.) 99 Thames Herring Wilton S. (N.C.R ) Jackson's whf Hill James C. (Potomac Line of Steamers) 138 Light-st whf Hood John M. (W. Md. R. R.) Eutaw and Fayette Hnll'Edward W. (South Carolina R. R.) 30 Posioflice av Huggins Ambrose L, (Boston Steamship Line) foot of Long Dock ishiu Line) HENRY HOEN & CO., Litliogmphing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ 765 R. Jordan Wm. H. (fre'.oht and ticket W. Md R.) s w cor Eutaw and Fayette Krenis John S. (mnnaper N. Y. and Baltimore Trans, line) foot of Frederick-st dock "^ Koons Charles H. (freijiht agent N. C. R. W.) North and Centre ^4- Kummer & Becker, (Passape apents North Ger- man Lloyd Steamship Line) 17 German nr South \^ Landis Capt. David C. (supt. steamer Mary- land) 58 Exchange pi Leib John S. (treas.N C.R.W. and B & P.R.R. Calvert station Leib Moses W. (ticket N.C.R.) Calvert station Lassen John C. (^-gent B. & P. R. R.) Penna av opp Wilson Lawson VVm. M. ( Va. and Tenn. Air Line R. W.) )57 w Baltimore McCafFray George, (Inman Line Steamers from N.Y.) 28 St. Paul McClintock John M (baggage agent B. & O.R. R.)office H9 \v Baltimore and Camden station Meredith Gilnior & Co. (Pacific Mail Steamship Co.) 25 s Gay Mitchell Henry M. (freight agt Wilmington and Newbern steamers, 5 Hughes quay Mordecai & Co. (Charleston and Baltimore and Havana and New Orleans steamers, 45 s GayJ-- Myers John, (through freight agent B. & 0. R/,. R .) H9 w Baltimore Norris John B. (P. W. & B R. R.) 143 w Bal- ,. timore O'Connor Hugh, ( Baltimore Steam Packet Co.) 30 s Eutaw Poor Richard L. (Baltimore Steam Packet Co.) 8 South Poultney Walter DeC. (W. Va. Transportation Co.) 44 w Lombaid Ranch Lawrence, (gen'l emigrant agent, N. C. R. and Pennsylvania R. R.) 97 Thames Roberts Thomas, (supt. Md. Steamboat Co.) 98 Light-st whf Sanks A.D. (York Road Railway) 5 n Holliday Schnnutfer Wm. (European) 1 n Holliday Schumacher A. & Co. (North German Llovds and Allan line steamers) 9 s Charles —S- Selden Wm. (Powhatan SteamboafcCo.)90L'ight Siiriver J. Ale.x. (N. Y. and Balto. and Phila. Transp'n Line Steamboats) 3 Lit;ht-st whf , Taylor Jos. James, (Balto. aud Susquehanna Steam Co.) 212 West Falls av ^f- Woithington Charles, (Washington, Alexan- dria and Georgetown Packet Co.) foot of Commerce Young Edwin S. gen'l passenger agent N. C. R. 168 n Calvert Agricultural Implements, &;c. Bickford & Huffman, 64 s Sharp Cottingham S. jr. & Co. 38 n Paca - Cromwell & Conjjdon, 51 Light Depew & Co. (castings) 204 s Howard Donnelly James E. 35 n Paca Dorsey Theodore C. 4 25 Madison av Durborow John C. gen'l agent Kirby reapers and mowers, 55 Light Griffith l O li E ^amctopnihq ^Jmrmnctj, No. 19 N. EUTAW ST. F. E. BOERICKE. HomoBopatliic Books, Medicines, &c., &c. pq o O O o FOR P'jVMILriCS. Bode S. W. n w cor Light and Montgomery Bolton Dr. J. H. n e cor Bond and Gay Boucsein Lewis, cor Orleans and Wolfe Bowers James W. 705 w Baltimore Boyd Francis G 8 n High Brack Charles E. n w cor Ensor and Forrest Hroick Charles H., Fremont and Patterson av Brown John W. n w cor Fremont and Columbia Caldwell A. k Co. cor Baltimore and Calhoun Caspari Charles, 44 n G ly Caspari Wm., Fremont and Patterson av Cherry Bradford, Mulberry and Paca Christ A. John, cor Essex and Gwynn Coleman & Rogers. 178 w Baltimore Corbett Jacob L., Hollins and Oregon Cunningham George W. 131 e Pratt Of w m Ph O H <1 I — I < ft < GQ P5 I — I o pq ^ o h— ( H GQ < Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) = t. i 766 JL a S.2 -- -t-3 c a c . « r. o ^ > zz ' — 'a CQ oa cc iS o d) &C^ ;^ o -^ ^^^ pu, o c •^02 5; ""— « T a> X ■-r r^ a — Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. '^ '^ 3 t^ - ce C) ci s ee O) a> '^ ti ST p £ iv *— 1 0 r/' >^ 0 0 •t-i '^ E -^ ^-^ •t^ : ' 'j^ a: ^•^ !<- t^ X -4-^ ^ r— ^ O' at ^_, 0* rt ;i. Zj ^ iO ^^ <^j 0 h-H ',~ ^ 'O ^ '/', fJ-i "-' .2 C 1-5 ^ »^ 0*, 1-^ <: X 0) ffi w ci> cc "^ c H <^ ,1 or, 0 , •, s c ^ c P ^T" ^5 ty ^ ^ »ra 6 "nf '^ tr. ^ « X 8 •4-* -^ s >> 0 0 ^" > ^ ■w 'x c; 0 c 0 'J Diiicker Robert T. 444 w Lombard Diinneltel Geoifie F. 223 e Baltimore Davenport H. H. R. corMulberr^v and Schroeder Davies David 0. Ill e Pr.tt Deninger Chas. J. B. cor McEiderrv and Eden Dickinson Jas. A. 11 w cor Baltimore and Pine, DiefiFenbach & Moore, cor Bane and Fremont Dodsoii C. Marion, cor Hoffnian and Linden av Doeller Chnles H. n e cor Broadway and Eager Donavin Dr. Matthew W. se cor Lee and Sharp Duhurst Charles H. 27 w Frail Duke A. W. 154 Harford av Dushauc John T. 559 w Fayetie Kareckson Dr. Edwin, cor Baltimore and High ImUiu & Bro. n e cor 15 iltimore and .A.nn Elliott Henry A. & Bro. 28G Lexington 1-^ly Wm. T. s e cor Calvert and Saratoga Eschbach Dr. Jos. A. cor Howard and Saratoga Hsslinger PJdw.ud, 220 e Baltimore Evans & Burton, s e cor Ann and Aliceanna Eward John H. 107 s Paca Fechtig Geo. F. cor Fayette and Central av Fooks F. E. 173 e B.iltimore Frames Geo. A. n e cur Monument and Aisquith Frames J. P. & Co. s e cor Gay and Aisquith Geiger John W. cor Orleans and (''aroline German John W. n w cor Monument and Bond Gerson Jacob, 30 s High 1 Gosnian Adam J. n e cor Baltimore and Gay f Gosman & Co. 191 Madison av ^ Gosnian & Co. cor Charles and Mulberry "~y^ Gosuell Charles A. 146 Peniia av ' Grauel Frederick, 172 William (ireentree Hiram, Penna av and Baker Gross John L jr. n e cor Caroline and Orleans llance Seth S. 108 w Baltimore Hancock John F. s e cor Baltimore and Caroline Hanna Henry W.n e corFiemont and Townsend Harrison F. A. s w cor Biddle and Eden liasenbalg Herm.m, 177 s Broadway liassenkamp Ferdinand, 75 Hanover Healy George, cor Chapel and Fayette Henck Wm. F. n w cor Eutaw and Hoffman Horn Geo L.n w corDruid Hill .iv andTownsend Horn Louis C. cor Myrtle av and .Mulberry Houcbeus John T. 298 Aisquith Huthwelker A. C. n e cor Pearl and Saratoga Hysore k Ray,n e corPaitersou av and Strieker Hysore Wm.F. n w corCarey and Edmondson av Jackson Vincent R, 2a^ Light Jaeger ErnesiA.s e corLexington andSchroeder Jetlerson John B. H. 9G s Broadway Jennings N. Hynson & Co. 90 n Charles Keeftr John VV. jr. 116 n Greene Keller Wm. L. J- Co. cor Penna av and Biddle Kelly Thomas, n e cor Fawn and Exeter and 433 e Eager Kirby T. Edward, 8 e cor Paca and Pratt Koechling John F. J. 95 s Broadway Lauer Michael J. 94 George Laupheimer >Sinion, 244 Canton av Lauienbach Ferd. cor Franklin and Fremont Lauteubach Robert, cor Eutaw and Saratoga Lawrence Dr. Richd.H., Lexington and Gilmor^ Leamy & Co. cor Charles and North avs .\^ Leef & Co., Sweet Air, Balto. co '• Lemmon J. H. 659 w Ballimure Lieberman John, 285 n Central av Livingston E. C, Wavcrley Long A. B. 8 w cor Charles-st av and North av Lotz Wm. H. 168 Conway Marion A. N. & Co. 166 Madison av May Charles H. 199 Frederick av McGlannen A.W.cor Druid Hill av and Preston Mittnacht Henry, cor Penna av and Townsend Monsarrat Oscar, 1 13 s Brcadway .Moore & Dieffenbach cor Hanover and Hill Moore Dr. H. C. cor Lexington and Park av j^ Moore J. Paris, s w cor Howard and Madison / Muller James N. jr. 14 Jackson sq av Myers John P. 534 Lexington Neuschaefer Lawrence, 197 s Bond Noelle Charles, 118 s Broadway Onnen John F. 273 s Sharp Osborn Wm. H. cor Greene and Baltimore Otto Fred. A. cor Hanover and Henrietta Passapae .Monroe, 97j Lexington Perkins E. H. n \v cor Baltimore and Greene Perkins J. H. & Co. 136 n Howard Perkins J. F. & Bro. cor Greene and Franklin Piquett John P. 465 Lexington and 502 w Pratt Potts J. Newport, 497 n Gay Pne Charlfs R. cor Baltimore and Strieker Richter Adolph, cor Broadway and Muliikin Richter Henry, 199 Frederick av Ritter Philip H. 52 e iJaltimore Robert Jos. cor Harford and Greenmount avs Robinson Dr. R. K. cor Calvert and Franklin RoehleL. & C.cor Boston, Canton av and Chester Russell E. Walton, n e cor Baltimore and Eutaw Russell Eugene J. n e cor Ann and Canton av Sappingtoii Dr. Richard, 131 n Ga^' Sauer Francis A. 133 Jefferson Schad Fredk. s e cor Bond and Canton av Schmidt ('hristian, 218 s Broadway Schulte H <1 < H H t2 hJ O O w rf) P^ n O ^ H h-:] <—< ^ - Brown David R. 617 w Fayette Brown Fred. J. 40 St. Paul »V Brown & Smith, 53 St Paul i Brown Robert R. 33 St. Paul Browne P. Arrell, 36 St. Paul Browning Warfield T. 73 n Liberty Brundige Thos. W. 32 St. Paul ^ Bryan Wm. Shepard, 52 n Calveri ^ Bryant J. Y. 534 Lexington Buchanan James A. 41 St. Paul Buchanan Jas. A. jr. 63 St. Paul Buchanan Jos. H. 29 n Calvert Buchanan James M. 41 Lexington Buchanan John Rowan, 41 Lexington Buchanan & S ichse, Lexington and North Bump Orlando F. 17 St, Paul Burgwyn W. H. S. cor Calvert and Saratoga Busey & Pusey, 85 w Fayette y,| .V *- Butler John J. 271 n Broadway Campbell & Campbell, 41 St. Paul Campbell Duncan G. 31 St. Paul Campbell Wm. F. 18 Law bldg Carr Alfred J. 53 Lexington Carr Wilson C.N.(dep.state'satty.)l8Law1 Carroll Wm. S. 205 w Hoflfman Carson John, 65 w Fayette Carter Bernard, Lexington and Calvert Carter John M. 40 St. Paul -sV Carv Wilson M. jr. 41 St. Paul Cave John W. 55 St. Paul w- Chandler Geo. H 41 Lexington ^ Cinnamond George R. jr. 186 n Garey V Clark Edward I. 12 St. Paul yK Clark Francis P. 29 St. Paul y---^ Clark James L. 28 Lexington Clarke Daniel, 19 Lexington ^ Clarke Thomas J. 95 s Broadway Clendinen T R. 44 Lexington Colnun George C. 31 St. Paul V^ Coe Roderick D. 37 Lexington Cohen Jacob L 51J St. Paul ^^ Col ton Wm. 49 w Fayette Collins Wm. H. 34 St. Paul Conrad L. L., Calvert and Lexington Cook Fred. C. 85 w Fayette Cowan Wm. H. 19 n Calvert Cowen J. K. 7. South %^ Crabbe Walter R. 30 n Strieker Grain Peter, 54 w Fayette Cromwell Hamilton C. 7 South Cross E. J. D. 31 Lexington Crownfield Herman Von K. 31 Lexington Crowl H. Webster, vSt. Paul and Lexington Cull Roger W. 42 St. Paul Gumming W. J. A. 13 North Dallam H. Clay, 52^ St. Paul Daniel & Dallam, 21 n Calvert Davis Edwin R. 3 Courtland , Dawson Wm. H. s e cor Fayette ^and North Dennis & Scott, 51 w Fayette \/ Denny James W. 31 St. Paul , Ditty C. Irving, 31 St. Paul V Dobbin R. A. 44 St. Paul ^ Dobbin Thomas M. 44 St. Pant Dobler John J. 55 St. Paul Donaldson John J. 38 St. Paul Donaldson Thomas, 38 St. Paul Dorsey Frank G. M. 42 St. Paul Dorsey George E. 42 St. Paul , Duffy Edward, 29 n Calvert V Dulaney H. Rozier, 36 St. Paul Early Eugene, 133 n High Edgar John, 54 Franklin Edwards John S. 24 n Gilmor Eichelberger E. C. and Wm. W. 19 Lexington Eldridge Monroe D. 19 Lexington Emmons H. L. jr. 3 and 4 Law building Emory D. C. H. 47 St. Paul fclmory M. E. 90 Mulberry Evans Alfred D. 4 s Front Evans Charles A. 49 w Fayette / Fatnundis Waller jr. 59 w Fayette Ferguson & Hocheimer, 32 Law building Fischer Louis C. 31 Lexington v Forrester Allen E. 9 Courtland Fowler David, 49 w Fayette V Fox Henry W. 23 n Calvert Fox W. Tazewell, 20 Law building Frame & Brown, 40 St. Paul \J I Frick J. Swan, 43 Lexington J / ,/ HENRY HOEN cfe CO., Cor. Second St. an Lithographing, Engraving and d Post Office Avenue. O .F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 769 "T Frick Win. F. over 43 Lexington Friese Philip C. over 75 w Fayette ^ Fry John W. H. 50 w Fayette Gable James H. 195 Walsh Gale Levin 34 Si. Paul Garland Spottswood, 25 Lexington Gtrriiee Charles E. 19 Lexington George Wm. 15 St. Paul Gephart W. Starr, Calvert and L^ingtoa Giles Wm. F. jr. 54 w Fayette K^ Gili George M. 38 St. Paul \y^ Gill John jr. .^8 St. Paul Gill N. Rufus, 32 St. Paul Gleeson Wm. E. 13 Lexingtoa^^ Glenn Wm. "W. 12 St. Paul ^^""^ Glocker Albert C. 83 w Fayette Glockf^r Theodore, 5 Courllaud y' Goldjboroufzb & Roberts, 25 Lexington "^ Gordon H. G. 42 St. Paul Go George R. 4U St. Paul Goodeuow John, 63 Lexington Graff E. Beatt\, 5 St. Paul Graham .John V. L. 48 St. Paul Grasiy Thomas, 631 vr Lombard Green & Green, 37 Lexington Greeiibaum Daniel, 21 Lexington Griffin Edward J.. Pratt and Patterson Park av Griffin Tbos. W. 212 Eastern av & 50 w Pajette Grindall John, 351 n Broadway Griswold Elias, 14 n Calhoun Guest Geo. jr. 48 St. Paul ^ Gwinn Chas. J. M. over 43 St. Paul ' Hack A. R. 86 n Charles Hack k Chiltiin, 15 Law building Hack Frederick H., St. Paul and S^-ratoga Hall Thos. W. jr. 48 St. Paul \^ Harableton J. Douglas, 46 St. Paul i^ Hamilton Richard, 32 St. Paul j Hamilton Wra. H. A. 45 St. Paul Hamilton W. Campbell, 7 Courtlan^ Hammond Wm. A. 29 St. Paul / - Handy & Bevan, 13 Courtland \ Hanson Murray, s w cor Fayette and St. Paul Harris J. Monison, Spurrier ct. Lexington ^/ Hayes Thos. G. 75 w Fayette Heighe Frederick C. 51^ St. Paul Heighe John M. 38 St. Paul-^^ Hendeijon T. Frisby, 43 Lexington v^ Henni^liMUsen & Smith, 23 Lexington *^ Heuisler Jos. S. 5 and 6 Law building ^ Heyer Theopilus L. 123 s Wolfe Herzog Charles, 21 Lexington Higgins Edward, 21 n Calvert ^ Hilgert Henry, 19 Lexington Hill Wm. B. n e cor Fayette and St. Paul WILLIAM B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RE'JENTLY APPOINTED COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, For All States and Territories, Office, N, E.Cor. Fayette & St. Paul Sts. Just DEBTS of every description COLLECTED in all the States. Prompt Settlement. / Hinkley ^ Morris, 43 n Charles Hoblilzell Fetter S. 23 Lexington HoffiMin Wm. E. 67 s Sharp Hooper Geo. G. & R H. n w cor St. Paul and Lexintitoii Hot) pes Wm. P. 3 Courtland Hopkins Thomas A. 80 vv Fayette Horwiiz Benjamin F. 37 Lexington Horwitz Orville, 23 n Calvert J'^ Horwitz Theophilus B. 25 Lexington *<^ Hough Samuel J. 38 Lexington H(jward Mcllenry, 41 Lexington ^- Howell .Morris G., Spurrier ct "^ Hughes Wm. J. 75 w Fayette Hughes Thomas, 42 St. Paul Hungerford James, 85 Colwmhia Hutchins Thomas T., .Mt. Vernon hotel Hyde James, 32 St. Paul lug John H. 54^ w Fayeile luglis John A. 38 St. Paul Inglis L. Charles, 38 St. Paul Israel Edward, 32 St. Paul .Jenkins M. Courtney, 6 St Paul Johns Richard H. jr. 19 Lexington Johnson H. E. 15 St. Paul Johnson John, 13 Lexington Johnson Reverdy sr. 49 w Fayette Johnson Reverdy jr. 43 St. Paul /^ Joimson Rodger. 99 St. Paul Johustou .Malcolm H. 31 St. Paul t- Jones G. T. 254 Hollins Jones Geo. F. 16 n Washington Jones I. Thomas, 32 St. Paul Jones Isaac D. over ChesapeakeBank ^^ Junes John Q. A. over Chesapeake Bank' «'- Jones .Morris J. 12 St. Paul Jones Robert Emmett, 19 Lexington Jump Alfred P. I Courtland Keene John Henry jr.,M()ise bdg, 50 w Fayette Keeue Robert G , Morse bdg, 50 w Fayette %^' Keerl Thomas M., Lafayette av w of Fulton av Kellv Francis X. 17 St. Paul Keniv Gen. John R. 80 w Fayette l^ Kennard Henry C. 37 St. Paul ^__^ Kerr Cluiiles G. 49 w Fayette '""'^ Kimmeil William, 29 St. Paul King John C, Fayette adj Union Bank *-^ Knott H. Leo, State's att'y, 18 Law bdgs *^ Kurtz Benjamin, 217 w Lombard Lanahan Thomas N. 31 Lexington «- Latrobe Ferdinand C, St. Paul, 1 door n of L'.jxington i-^^ Laiiobe John H. B. jr., St. Paul, 1st door u of Lexington Latrobe John H. B., St. Paul, 1 door n of Lex- ington I ' Latrobe R. Stewart, 29 St. Paul Lawder Samuel M. 18 Courtland Lawrence James, 425 e Chase Leary Cornelius L. L. 21 Lexington Leary William J. 21 Lexington Leigh Junius K. 5 Law building Lemmon J Soutbgate, 48 Lexington Lingenfelder Henry, 26 n Calvert ^^ Linthicum & Alexander, 52 Lexington r Long Sydney C. 5 St. Paul Lovejov Perley R. 31 'St. Paul Lucy Harry A. 42 St. Paul ' /.-'^^ Machen Arthur W. & R. J. Gittings, 47 St.Paul Mackall Thomas B. 48 St. Paul Magruder Jesse H. 6 St. Paul Magruder Allen B. 28 St. Paul Mann Harry E. 28 St. Paul Marine William M. 26 n Calvert S a* (-1 o c3 PQ t^ o O d p o o 1^. zfl. 2- iMaver L-wis, 29 St. Paul c s !^ McAllister Robert A. 72 J Bank "^ McBlair A. McDonald, 48 Saratoga ce McCauley William L. 54j w Fayette ""'^ 0? McClure James A. L. 51 w Fayette -2 S ^*^ McColgan & Ryan, 7 St. Paul "2 ^ ^McCurley James of Jas. 15 St. Paul ._H "a? ,:Hf\M(;Eipoy James W. 31 LexiuL'ton v^ McKiidtien J. Alex., Courtland nr Lexington V ni cc ■^ = > X K^ 'v McFarland C. D 48 Lexington >, McGLUNE JOHN T. 15 St. Paul ~ ^ .McGiaw John B. 286 Greenmounl av McKim Telfair, 23 n Calvert /^ .McLaue James L. 43 St. Paul ^ McLane Robert .M. 43 St. Paul Menris Malcolm W.97 n Exeter Meredith Charles P. 8 Spurrier ct Merrick h Johns, 19 n Calvert Merrick Wra. M. 17 St. Paul MerrvmiUi Joseph P. 5 Courtland Milholland Arthur V. 32 St. Paul ^ _ Mister Beverly W. 21 n Calvert ? Mitchell John G. 32 St. Paul > X Mitchell R. Brent, 13 Courtland " '- METCHENER WM. A. 19 South r % .Moale I. Gorham, 5U St. Paul '^ •T .Monroe D. Kldridce, 19 Lexington ^ S. .Moore Benjamin P. jr. 47 St. Paul 2^ ^Morrison & Warner, 74 w Fayette c"p^ Morss John M. S. 55 St. Paul 5 .- Mullin Michael A., Lexington and Calvert 'o 'o 1; cy ^ cc ,m^ a^ c; ^ o • '- leCi o M Ol CI) >. -c o o ^ ^ »^ •Munnikuysen Howard, 48 St. Paul Y Musselman Amos F. 21 Lexington /^ Nash Charles W. 103 s Broadway Neilson Albert B. 15 St. Paul Newman Littleton P. D. 23 Lexington Nicholas John Spear, 21 Law building "^ ^ c^ Nicholson James M. 91 w Monument -z 3j Norris Henry C. B. 6 St. Paul ^ i H ^""''S'^- ^ ^""s- 6 St. Paul S — Pi Norris VVm. Henry, 41 Lexington f^ "-^ O'Brien k Leigh, 5 Law building S CO "^ Pennington W. C. over 54 Lexington {^ >7^ -^ Perkins E. H. jr. 40 St. Paul §^ i: t4 Phelps & Findlay, 3 Courtland r^ g ^ 'T Philpol George, 65 w Fayette 5^^ nr 5 Pinkney W. S. 31 n Calvert '■**.— '*^ Pitts J. G. 138 Bolton Paul . Pa^ 5 'c ^ Pleasants Samuel S. 48i St 5 ^ -fc Poe Charles, 49 Lexing'ton ^ ^ ^ Poe Nelson & John P. 47 St, ^ ^ ••-' Polk Lucius C. 31 n Calvert S -^ = Pollard James, 42 St. Paul 2 tt " Porter Geo. H. 45 St. Paul I c ;^ Porter VVm. F. 44 St. Paul siD'Tr*^ Presstman Benj. C. 28 n Calvert >;r Presslman Thos. R. 20 Second s Preston J A'l'xander, 19 Lexington Preston John F. 53 Lexington Preston Wm. P. 21 n Calvert Price Benjamin, 29 St. Paul Purdie Thomas S. 35 St. Paul ^ Randolph Innes, 3 Courtland ^ Ratclift'e Daniel & Son, 31 n Calvert Haynor Isidor, 30 St. Paul ^ g Read D. W. 99 St. Paul o >^ Read Wm. George, 37 Lexington cU o o cc a •'• Reardon G. Evetl, 40 St. Paul Reed John A. 1 Law bldg Reese D. Meredith, 21 Lexington Reese Wm. R. 65 w Fayette Reynolds Luther M. 35 Lexington Reynolds Wm. 29 St. Paul Ridgely Andrew Sterrett, Johnson building, 51 w Fa\ eite Ridgelv Charles (j. 314 n Strieker Ridgely Charles W. 34 St. Paul Ringgold James T. 48 St. Paul Ritchie Albert, 25 Lexington v"'^^ Roberts Edward. 52 Lexington *^ Roberts Horace E. 6 St. Paul Roberts Wm. T. 34 St. Paul Robinson Lewis H. s e cor Bank and Broadway Robinson Wm. W. 29 n Calvert Roche Thomas F. 17 St. Paul Rogers Alexander M., U. S. Courthouse Rogers Robert Lvon, 54 w Fayette >^ Ross John R. 35 Lexington Ro.-enihal Jacob S. 1 Courtland Rothenbiller Joseph, lo Barnes Rowland William, 48 St. Paul Rusk H! Welles, 19 Lexington Scharf J. Thomas, 85 w Fayette Schley Wm. C 2o3 Maryland av Schley Wm L. over 122 w Baltimore Schmucker Samuel D. 43 Lexington Scott W. Parkin, 36 St. Paul Semmes John E. 41 u Charles Seth k Seth, 28 St. Paul i/ Sharj) Abraham, 35 Lexington Shipley J. Sellman, 3 Courtland Shriver C. C. n e cor Lexington and Calvert Simpson John W. 31 Lexington Skipper k Brown, 29 n Calvert Slingluff & Slingluti; 48^ St. Paul '^ Small John jr. 13 Couitland Smith George W. P. 8.J Si. Paul and 94 Bank Smith Hamilton T. 31 "n Calvert Smith J. B. H. 185 n Charles Smith Robert T. 87 w Fayette Smith V. 17 St. Paul Smith WilloughbyN. 28 St. Paul Snowden Richard H. 63 w Fayette ,' Snowden Samuel, 85 w Fayette V Snowden Philip M. 83 w Fayette Snyder John J. 136 w .Madison Soiecki L A. 31 n Calvert Spamer C. Aug. E. 43 n Charles Spates A. Worth, 65 n Charles Stieake Hemy, 385 ii Strieker Spence Carroll, 241 St. Paul Stanchfield S. D. 36 St. Paul Stanley Charles H. 29 Lexington State's Attorney's office, 21 n Calvert StaubB. P. H. 48 St. Paul Steele I. Nevett, 29 Lexington ^ ^ Steele I. Nevett jr. 29 Lexington y Steele John N. 29 Lexington Stevens F. Putnam, 53 Lexington Stewart John, 33 St. Paul i Stewart Joseph J. 149 n Republican Stewart Wm. A. 8J St. Paul y Stewart W. E. 7 Couitland Stirling Archibald jr. 26 n Ca Courthouse ^ , Stockbridge Henry, 55 St. Paul *^ Stockbridge S. L." 55 St. Paul ^ Stewart Jefferson D. jr. 52 Bolton Sumner Alfred W. 168 n Calvert Ivert and U. S. HOLMES & CO., Engineers* and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, ^75,000,000.00, O. F, Bresee, Gen'l Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 771 Supplee Franklin, 21 South Sj ester & Anderioo, 21 a Calvert 8winaey Epaphroditiis, 63 w Fayette Tagart'Suimei H. 43 Lexington ^ Taylor Archibald H. 51 Si. Paul Taylor diaries R., W'averley. Taylor F. Alex. 121 Bank Taylor & Nelson, 4>ons, 160 w Baltimore Grotjan, Mitchell ^ Co., McCreery building /^ Hamilton Wm. 122 w Bid-die Higgins, Cobb & Co. 6 and 8 German •'^' Kiikland 0. A. & Co. 12 3 Charles McCanii Daaiel jr, 222 w Baltimore McGee & i'arlett, ^ Nicholson & Co. n w cor Baltimore and North v Nicholson J. J. & Sons, 284 w Baltimore ^ Sjirigg Joseph A. 3 German ^ Stein Bros. 196 w Baltimore Thomas James P. & Son, 24 South Wilson, Colston k Co. 134 w Baltimore Banks. {See Appendix.) Bank of Commerce, 26 South '■ Chesapeake Bank, s e cor North and Fayette ^ Collateral Security Bank, 27 and 29 w Fayette Drovers and Mechanics Bank, n w cor Balti- more and Carey ^ Franklin Bank, 15 South V German Central Bank, s w cor Baltimore and PostofiBce av German Bunk, ne cor Holliday and Baltimore • German Americnn Bank, 173 s Broadway \/ Howard Bank, n w cor Howard and Fayette Y .Marine Bank, n e cor Gay and Second •^ Old Town Bank, s w cor Gay and Exeter v People's Bank, n e cor Baltimore and Paca \J Safe Deposit Co. of Baltimore, 12 South v Union Banking Co. 21 South \ United German Bank, cor Baltimore and Post ofiBce av l- Banks— National. {See Appendix.) Citizens' National Bank, n e «or Pratt and Hanover I, Commercial and Farmers' N:ition^ Bank, s w cor German and Howard *■'" Farmers and .Merch ints' National Bank,n w cor Lombard and South First National Bank, 8 s Gay ^ \^ Merchants National Hank, Gay and Second National Bink of Baltimore, n e cor Baltimore and St. P;uil *^ National E.xchange Bmk, 2 s Sljarp ^ National Farmers and Planters B'anK, n w cor South and German V ^ National .Mechanics' Bank, s e cor Cai^^t aod Fayette V \.\ National Union Bank of Maryland^ FayelteTir Charles ' Second National Bank, n w cor Eastern av and Broad wav ^ Third National Bank, 31 South ^ ^ - Traders National Bank, u w cor Germal> and' Light V Western National Bank, 14 n Eutaw t^ Banks— Savings. (See Appendix.) Beneficial Savings Fund Society of Baltimore, n e cor of Calvert and Le.xington ^'^ Broadway Savings Bank, 63 s Broadway Central Savings Bank, s e cor Charles and Lex- ington »^ Eutaw Savings Bank,se cor Eutaw and Fayette .Monumental Savings Bank, 9 i'leasant Peabody Savings Inst, s w cor Aisquith and Monument Real Estate and Savings Bank of Baltimore, cor Baltimore and Eutaw L Savings Bank of Baltimore, n w cor Gay and Second >^ Barrel Dealers. Burns Henry, Pratt nr High Eppler John, rear 71 s Sharp Gropp Geo. 53 u Schroeder Hanrahan Maurice, 21 Perry Jones Isaacs & Co. ( staves, (Jcc.) 56 Exchange pi Schlimme Fred. 402 w Pratt Windus Wm. 293 s Sharp Basket Makers. Dwyer Mrs. John, 97 n E.xeter Krauss Lewis L. 658 w Baltimore Krauss John, 173 e Baltimore Niemeyer Fred. W. 173 Ensor Baths. Ferrey Dr. M. J. (Turko-Russian) 54 n Liberty Bell Pounders. Gibson t Kirk, 5 Cheapside McShane Henry & Co. 161 North Regester, Joshua and 67 n Frederick Philps Ch:is. 73 q Front Sillier Christian, 1:^8 s Ann Stpwiirt C. J. & Sons. 3 s Liberty Stewart Geo. F. lOti Cathedral Stewart John A. ^ Sou, 67 Saratoira Bellows Manufacturers. Tagait H. S. rear 22 w Pratt TscheuiiQ Geo. (pateat forge blower) 40 e Pratt Bill Posting and Distributing. Hook Geo. W. 6 n Calvert Hofikins Benj. F. 68 Jackson sq a.v Hoiick A. T. basement 12 .Vorth, and 117 w ! Baltimore | Bifliard'^nd Bowling Saloons. Anderson L.T.over n e cor Baltimore and North Emmart Tbos. 47 w Fayette Hall L. J. over s w cor Light and Baltimore Marr J. T. 47 w Fayeile, and 152 n Howard j Riechert C. W.G. over ne cor Baltimore and j Eutaw Sbafer Louis G. over 18 St. Paul Taylor J. G. & Co. (manufaciurer) 54 s Sharp , Birds, Aquariums and Taxidermists. Ham[;e Catherine, 26 w Fp.yette Nolden Theodore, 2ij6 w Fayette Schiiick Herman, 72 Park av Thomas Henry, 14 n Liberty Wolle Alex. sr. 2 n Eiitaw WoUe Alez. jr. 2 n Eutaw Blacking Manufacturers. Harris Matthias, 1 25 n Wolfe Hatch Chas.B.^Co. over 103 McElderry's whf Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights. Albeit Geo. 204 Columbia Anderson Charles, 214 German Anderson James K. 102 German Armesworthy Benjamin, 32 Conway Baer John H., Light and Fort av Barneit Johu F 434 Saratoga Beatty Wra. 37 Barre Behui .Michael, 1 n Bond Blomfier Christian, 240 s Caroline Born & Roth, 37 Waesche Bradford John A. 8 Frederick av Bradford Wm. Frederick av nr Mount Breitschwerd Conrad, 263 Aliceanna Brooks & Smith cor Biddle and Maryland av Buchta F. G. P. W. 34 Hillen Buchta Wm. C. 34 Hillen Budda Wm. 58 President Buruham Wm. J. 48 n Paca Burns Wm. F. cor Hamburg and Cross Chamberlain Wm. Madison av nr North av Clapsaddie Frank M. 12 Tcssier Clark AuL'ustus, cor Ridgely and Sterrett Conrad Fred. 503 n Gay Cook George, 198 Columbia Cottinshain Thoma^^, 222 .Montgomery DeValin John H. 87 Harrison Dewlin.ir Thomas, 138 West Drake William, cor Peun and King Duvall Benjamin, 33 s Calhoun Emm irt Jolin, 123 Parkin Faiiall \Vn). H. cor Paca and St. Peter Fields Wm. H. cor St. Peter aud Paca Fischer William, 25 York Frenin John L. 127 Saratoga (ieis Andrew, 33 n Central av -.: Gilmore & Courtney, 5'J s Centra! av Glaen Anton J. 1 1 Pearl Gohlke Charles, 2i>7 Columbia Gonder Cornelius. 33 Etting Grogan Joseph, 128 Ensor Haslup Leroy F. (coachsmith) Wolfe nr Chnse Haush George C. 78 n Bioadway Hazelitt James. 53 .McKim Heinzelman Matthew. 216 Conway Hittle Martin, 102 Ficderick av Hogan John, 125 n Exeter Hogan Mich.ael, 12 n Poppleton Holland & Rau, 266 8 Caroline Hunt .Matthew W. 268 n Front Kaune William H. 59 Boston Keenan James, :^.24 n Howard Kejiple Jacob, G39 Penna av Koblhepp Valentine, coiCentral and Hurfoid avs Kunkle John, 8 and 10 Lee Lally Malachi, 126 Franklin Lee Charles, 414 w Baltimore Lucas Richard J., La:; vale and Mount Royal .Mack Thomas, cor Portland and Emory . McClain Robert, 38 William McGreevy James, Fremont and Ram~ay Meisner Henry, 178 e Madiscn Merker A. k Krug, cor Saratoga and Jasper Meyd Francis, 111 Henrietta Meyd George, 239 Mont£omery .Murphy Owen J. 481 n Fremont Nelker August F. 91 Dawson al Nissell & Jannke, Bennett nr Boston U'Laughlin Peter, 418 Saratoga Parlett B. J. 400 w Pratt Peiz Andrew, 61 .Myrtle av Phile Thomas (whitesmith) 2 Mercer Phillips Charles, 73 n Front Poetter Fred. & Wm. 396 Eastern av Preston Oliver J., Bo3^>n nr Burke Rau John, Eastern av ext Reid William, 14 n Frederick Reinig John, Qii Ensor Reynolds John, 111 n Paca Reynolds John jr. 304 w Holfman Richwein Henry, 37 8 Oregon Rigby Liviii D". 30 Barre Roberts Joseph G. 30 Barre Roberts Owm B. 306 s Caroline Schafer k Hale, 20 Ridjiely Schaffer & Miller, 249 n Central av Schmitt Adam, 271 s Ann Schneider John, 4o8 Canton av Sellman Conrad, 353 e Fa\ette Sheets David, 430 Penna av Shible Peter jr. & Bro. 763 w Baltimore o o O d o °^ o o ^^' 5 > Q < O W Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at H,edaced Rates, Marble Building.) Mtitual Life Insurance Co- of Ne-w^ York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ~ Shipley William, cor Sclirot-der and Pratt J ,^ § SiiM^iiil Robert A. 1 15 e MaiJisoii .— QC .Sniilli George R 25 ii Sharp Smith Jeffrey A. s \v cor FreiHout iind Pratt -2 •CO ■ — ^ • c5 if - K — Steck Charles A. lOr Broadway and Orleans Stephan Henry, 397 s Charles Slreb Niclwlas, 273 s Ann Thonipson Bros. '27 w Oentre Toner Joshna, 2(i'J (.'olumhia Upbofi' Henry A Hro. 92 s Centnil nr Wa>rner .S: \Vel'er,242 Hamburg and 81 Plum a 1 Walters Job, 52 Fiedeiick av W'eai er Jacob, l&Gs Charles Weiuliardl J. Peter, 183 Colurabja Weller Michael, 12 DianiDtid al Wickes Gror^e W. 10 Fast Falls ar Young Jolui, rear 7U .Norih Bleachers and Pressers, ; S o Beuirier Louise, 79 Mulberry ; .„§ Donoliue k liro. 253 n Gay < (^ ^ Hftwn Beliuda A. 39& Lexington ^ oT Hill Richard, 1 s Lilieiiy •^. — ' Si 3 =s ^ £ O WILSOK & PEREY, Manufactur- ers of Straw and Velvet Hats, 71 and 101 Lexington street. Hats Altered, Bleached or Colored. Plaster Blocks for sale. :=: o 2^ Block and Pump Makers. (See I'ump Makers.), H J5 O c« Bandel Leonard J. &7 McKlderry's wbf Cathcart R. & W. H. 113 Thames Cook John K. 23 Philpot Cook Robert H. 323 Light Delano Wni. H. 72 w Pratt Francis, Sumner k Co. ofer ra w cor Liberty _ ^ and Lexingtiin J C g Gorges John S., Piatt and Commerce g C H Hubbard Andrew J. 5 Fell •« O Lewis Levi, 45 Covington S "^'C-i Peacock Thomas H. 42 Thanis3 ^ a> Peregoy Wui. B. cor Bond aiul Thames i "^ ^- Rice Thomas H. & Son, 4 Covington j^ ^ ^ Woelper Benjamin F. 2S u Collingion av !I ^ >, Boarding Houses. 2 I—, -^ Alderson Mrs. Lucy, 42 German ;i r Anderson .Mrs. Margin et, 5'^ e Pratt 't ^"~ Aiwell B. A. 135 Hanorer ^ -^ g Baker Sarah R. 92 Giugb 2 til Bavbee Fveliiie, 9.; n Fuiaw ? c ii^ Baugher Mary, &6 George Bayly Mrs. Margaret, 84 Hanover Beard .Maria, 57 Coliimljia Beutflspacher Mrs. lilizabeth, 179 Hoiling Bibb Mrs. Roselle H. 32 s Sharp Bordley Mary K. 87 n Charles Bradshaw Mrs. Mary, 185 w Fayette Brasheais Mis. Susan, 102 German Briscoe iMrs. Mary, 113 n Charles ^ ^ Brooks Mrs. Maryaret, 94 s Kutaw •j i- Brown .Mrs. Catherine, 322 s liond lulia. 791 w Baltimoie 3 _ '/: >^, .:: ce tj Tj Brown Mrs d >^, Bruce Mrs. Mary E. 38J w Baltimore Bryson Mrs. Catherine, 250 Columbia air Burgess Mis. Eleanor, 14 3 Gay Catlett Mrs. Thomas Y. 54 Saratoga Cherrego Maegie, 60 President Chi Ids Mrs. Mary, 55 Courtland Cody D. G. 20 k Rutaw Connellee .Mrs. Eliz:i, 38' n Calvert Conrad Mrs. Sarah, 154 Myrtle ar Cordery .Mrs. Sarah R. 222 e Bi\ltimorfc Cox Mrs. Emily S. 17 n Caroline Co.x .Mrs. Louisa B. 87 Sar&toga Cross Mary E. 37 Hulberrv Crossley Mrs. D. A 87 s Sharp Cruni[) Mrs. Mary, 76 s Sharp Cryer Mrs. Fliza A. Ill Conway Curry Mrs. Jaoe, 7?)' n Liberty Davis Mrs Drlia, 40 Columbia Downey Mrs. M. E. 104 s Sharp Dunbraeco Mrs. M. M. 14 w Baltimore Ducatel Polymnia, 145 St. Paul Elzey LeJitJa, 40 n Calvert Eminart S;irah M. 502 w Lombard Fensley Mrs. Louisa, 107 s ]?roadway Francaise Pensoire, 104 n Howard Frazier Mrs. .lohn, 141 n Calrert Frizzell Mrs. Rebecca, 554 w Baltimor© Frost Mrs. Susan W. 155 McCulloh Funk Mrs. E. W 34 n Calvert Gantt Virgil, 700 Saratoga Gorman Arnold T. 72 Centre Market sp Gibbons Mrs. Isabella, 227 German Graham Aiuelia. 45 Mt. Vernon pi Grove Julia, 03 St. Paul Guest Mahala C. 40 and 42 Lexington Hammond Mrs. Susan, 33 n Calvert HarmaB Mis. .M. C. 105 Hanover Holland Mrs. Amanda, 130 w Fayette Hopewell & Thomas. 156 w Lombard Horney Mrs. E. L. 36 Saratoga Hughes Mrs. Susan W. 105 n Charles Hunter Mrs. Helta E. 343 e Baltimore Hurst Susam E. 50 s Sliarp Jackson Misses, 65 McC'ulloh James Mrs. Julia S. cor Madisoin and St. Paul James Mrs. Mary E. 225 e Baltimore Kelly Mrs. Susan, 41 s Ure^'on Kent Josephine, 76 Saratoga Latham Mrs. Kitty M. 5.S^ St. Paul .League Mrs. Catherine, 317 Light Leajinc Mrs. S. J. 73 n High Lee Mrs. Hugh, 118 St. P.iul Lecompte .Mrs. Mary, 158 w Lombard Love Virginia, 118 e Lombard Lyell Mrs. F. A. 49 St. Paul Marriott Mrs. Elizabeth, 124 s Sharp Martin Mrs. Charlf-s H. 45 Mnllierry Masun Mrs. Auirusta. 103 Hanover McCobb Mis. M L. 192 n Calvert McFadden Mary K. 324 Park av McLaughlin Mrs. .Mary, 40 s Eutaw McTeer Mrs. J. 14 n Eutaw McWhinney Anna, 124 w Fayette Meredith Mrs. Mary A. 166 Paik av Meredith .Mrs. Matilda S. G2 s Greene Me;.'inniss Mis. .Margaret, 132 n Higl> Middlekautf .Mrs. M. V. 33 Lexington Miller Mrs. Annie, 427 w Fayette Miiir Mrs. Hugh, 84 Lee Mullen Mrs. Mary V. 196 w Lombard Murdock Mrs. Elizabeth B. 9t> Diyision Murphy Mrs. Lydia, 89 s Sharp Murray Mrs. G. 19*1 w Fayette iq Z HOLMES & CO., Engineers' -and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. "* BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 775 Omelia Mrs Marv, 34 e Baltimore Oppenheiiiier Ali'ra'm, 164 :iiid 166 w Lombard Parsons Mis. Mary, 63 Courlliind Passaj.iie iMis. Monroe, 51 Lexington PortPr Mrs. Mary, 75 n Liberty Pritciiard Mrs. Julin, 129 Hanover Schultz Herman, 125 Franklin Slade Mrs. Elizabeth, 87 n Hiufh Slicer Mis. D. M. 53 Courtland Smith Mrs Anna, 79 n Kutavv Solze Mrs. Caroline C. 104 w Fayette Somervell Mrs. James, 54 St. Paul Southall .\Ii3. M. T. 55 Lexington Spedden Mrs. Elizabetii, -48 s Strieker Spriiifier Mrs. Klizabeth, 50 n Calvert St. Clrtir Mrs. M. M. 56 SaralOfza Stay lor Mrs. Ann, 61 n Liberty Stevens Mrs. Martiia M. 23 n Gay Stevenson Henry, 56 St. Paul Stewart John H. 52 Saratoga Tabler Mary E. 15 s Howard Thomas Mrs. Rebecca, 318 w Lombard Thurlovv Jesse, 239 s iJroadway Tucker Mrs. M. E. 123 s Sharp Turnbull Mrs. Kveline, 142 n Charles Washerman, Bernard, 38 s Sharp White Mrs. Klizabeth, 437 Saratoga While Mrs. Rebecca, 40 n Calvert Whittle Caroline, 30 n Paca Wilmer Mrs. H. E. 319 Madison av Wright Mrs Rachel, 152 w Lombard Zelier Mrs. Mary, 161 German Boat Builders. [See Ship Builders.) Adolph Henry, 105 n Caroline Bartlett James, foot of Montgomery Bartlett James F. jr. 108 West Bradyhouse Richard S. 361 s Bond Brady house Thomas, 10 Thames King Cliarles F. s e cor Fell and Thames Miles John S. 55 s Eden Neily J. W. & Co. (oars) 115 Thames Rennous Edward G. 115 .McElderry's whf Rositer John F. 2 Covington Sinip.-ou .lohn, 344 s Caroline Turnbull A. & Bio (oars) 38 Thames Boiler Makers. [Ste Machinists.) Benlley & Sons. 25 s Front Clark James & Co. south side Basin Codd Kdwiird J. & Co. 259 s Caroline Coleman & Ta.\ ]or,s e cor HoUiday and Pleasant Denmead & Son, cor Nortli and .Monument Frazier Wm. J. 132 and 134 Thames Proehlich John C. c!j- Co. 6 and 8 Thames Larrabee H. C. cor Caroline and Lancaster Murray James ^ Son, 40, 42 and 44 York Poole & Hunt, 7 German Reeder Charles & Co. 51 Hughes Shaw Wm. F. 36 Fell Bolting Cloths. Morris & Trimble, West Falls av s of Pratt Starr B. F. & Co. 173 North Bonnet Frame Manufacturers. Cardwell J ickson, 243 n Gay to Donohue in every style. Faber Geo. 342 w Pratt Fry John C. 5 Postoffice av Fullum Joseph, 416 w Lombard Hayne W. W, 22 Postoffice av Heise Elias, 12 w Fayette Hetzler Francis D. & Son, over 22 s Calvert Paul & Lindsay, 22 Water Peissner Jos. E". 140 w Fayette I'eters Wm. H. h Son, 149 w Pratt Rawlings & Brunner. over 262 w Baltimore Schmidt Will. R. 7 Clay Sheehy James, over 293 w Baltimore White George K. over 166 w Baltimore Williams John ..t Siaes.rear 114 w Baltimore o <; I— I p. < Booksellers, Stationers and Pub lishers. Baltimore News Co., Sun building, III w Bal- timore and 5 South Bond J. W. .St Co , 90 w Baltimore Book Depository M. K. Church, 168 w Baltimore Boyle James F. & Co. 19 South Brown Robert, 266 Linden av Chickerinir Elbridge C. 226 w Pratt Coleman Martha, Vil s Fremont Cook Henry F. 76 w Baltimore Crowley Jas. (periodicals) n w cor Baltimore and North Cunningham Wm. W. 90 Lexington Cushin.'S & Bailey, 262 w Baltimore o o p^ o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 776 Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ch K W C:J H H 02 >^ O n G.ij Frederick John M. 109 Saratoga Fr_v Jolm 0. 5 Post office av Glass D. W. k Co. 7. 9 and 11 s Sharp Guepeiiheinier & Weil, 177 w Baltimore Gniteau S. & Co. 73 w Fayette Haivey Clias. k Co .Church Press Association, s \v cor Souili and German Haves George ('. 140 n Kutaw Ilawie W. \V. 2i Postufn.-e av Jerninghani Mrs. .Matilda, 4 s G.'y .Johnson, Wilson & Co. room 5, 5 PostofBce av Kelly, Piei & Co. 174 w Baltimore Kurtz T. Newton, 151 w Pratt Lewis J. Frank, 30 Second Liiiewearer & Fisher, 149 Penna av Lucas Brother.'*, 170 w Baltimore Lycett Geo. (Kpiscopal Church) 44 Lexington .Maryland Bihle Society, 25 n Charles Maryland Tract, Sunday School and Evang. Book Dejiository, 73 w Fayette McCiHinell I'Jlias G. W. n e cor Fremont and .Mulberry McDei mot John F. 20 n Eutaw McElroy John W. cor Eutaw and Druid Hillav McGlennan Dennis, 1 OT Saratoga McLeod L H. 519 w BMltimore Medairy & liowers, 6 n Howard Menize! Henry D. (ta;:s and cards,) 39 German Methodist Episcopal Book Dt-pository, 168 w Baltimore Methodist Episcopal Church South, Book and Publishing Co. 24G \v Baltimore .Miller Jolm .\L & Cd. s w cor Baltimore and Howard .Mitiifie Wm. & Son, 1 14 w Baltimore Morrow Gho. G. 126| n Gay Murjjhy John & Co. 182 w Baltimore Muhsnm Wm. 72 Hanover NiMl Jos.- & Co. S4 w Fayette and 14 St. Paul Paul & Lindsay, 22 Water Peirson Henry, cor Fayette and Park av Reed Robt. A". 7G n Eutaw Richardson k Brown, 7 w Baltimore Sheehy Jas. over 293 w Baltimore Thomas Geo. R. 24 ii Charles Thomas Lawrence B. 55 vv Fayette Turubull Bros. 8 n Charles Turner S. E. k (Jo. 3 s Charles' University Publishing Co 8 n Charles Van Order E. H. (periodicals) 217 Lexington Walworth DeZoiier, 104 Lexington Weisham]iel J(jhn F. jr. 8 under Eutaw house Wight Wm. (periodicals) 2 n Greene Boot and Shoe Dealers and Manu- facturers—Retail- Adams Albert, 91 Druid Hill av Adler L. nd nr Centre Market sp Freitag Einma, 2 lO s Sharp Fried Emanuel, 109 ti Gay Fried Lnzarus, 171 n Gav Fried Louis, 70 Centre Market sp Gahan P. 87 n Charles Gallagher Alexander, 161 n Eutaw Gallagher Thos. & Son, cor Paca and Saratoga GawtlirO|) Wm. H. 55 n Eutaw Gebhart Ferdinand, 20 e Baitimoro Greenbaum Hannah, 250 s Charles Green wald Joseph, 57 s Caroline Guerke Ferdinand, 14 s Sharp Hatfcr Henry, 1 s Greene Hamer Wm. H. 56 n Howard Hanson Ambrose, 16'> n Eden tlaujit J. Henry, cor O'Donnell and Patuxent Heclil Jacob, 8o7 w Balliiuore Hecht Samuel jr. 123 and 129 s Bro.idway Heck Charles, 344 w Pratt Henneman August, 210 n Gay Herrman A. 152 w Pratt Heinz Andrew, 86 n Gay Herrman Henry, 84 Centre Market sp Herrman Louis, 74 Centre Market ap HENRY IIOEN & CO., Li Cor. Second St. and tliooTaphinir, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Herzog Adam H. 89 Garden Hoeiigin Martin. 83 Penna av Hultz R. & Co. 27 German nr C^ilvert Irelan David and George C. 4 3 Howard Imwalde G. H. 200 e Lombard Kaiser Conrad jr. 193 8 Bond Kaufman Wolfe, 124 w Pratt Kenny Jitmes, 13 Ensor KetzenbiTfJier Simpson, 152J s Broad svaj Keyser Herman, 18o Lp.xinsiton Keyser Matthew. 37 n Eutaw Koehkr Henry, 536 w Baltimore Kolb John A. 125 w Lombard Kramer George, 149 Chesiiut Kranz George, 271 n Howard Kniger Danl . & Son, 47 n Gay and 60 w Fayette Kuper F. J. k Son, 233 n Gay Laughlin Thomas, 4 St. P ml Lauterbach Jacob, 279 Canton av Lehman Miohael B. 203 s Broadway Levingston Levi H. 178 Lexington Lewis J. S. 48 w Fayette Lewis Sanford J., Paca and Lexington Lieberman Mrs. I. 283 n Gay Linthicnm Thomas, 151 Mont;_'omery Livingston James 4' ^''o. 447 n Gay Lloyd Frisby, 16 North Long John F. 65 w Fayette MacCarlhy Florence, 22 s Sharp Maiiorney Woolfurd, 235 Eastern av Martin .Mrs. Ann M. 88 Jeferson Martin Samuel, 614 w Baliimore Martin Thomas H. 7 St. Paul Marzi Philip, 65 e Baltimore McGowi.n John A. 57 s Broadway McClellan James, 106 s Paca McDoimel & Hofifman, 162 Forrest McLaughlin Bros. 236 n Gay McLaughlin John, 242 n Gay Meeth John, s e cor Light and Warren Mehliiiger Mrs. F. 129^ n Gay Mehring Philip. 383 Lii^ht Miller Charles sr. 339 Light Miller James A. 799 w Baltimore Miller John X. 150 w Pratt Minch Casper A. 66 Park av Mingo Alex. 203 s Broadway Moffett John F. & Co 192 w Pratt Muller John P. 139 s Wolfe Mules Thomas. 231 Lexington Murray Wm. J. 9 Hawk Myers Augustus G. & Co. 230 and 266 n Gay Nash Thomas W. 103 s Broadway Nets John, 120 Druid Hill av Neurath E. 3 and 5 Park Nunenthal Henry, 863 w Baltimore Offner John .\. 231 n Gay O'Shea Daniel, 314 n Giy Peacock Wm., Lexington and Rock Pels J. k Sons, 59 and 81 n Eutaw and 157 Lexington Pepinbiink Conrad, 194j Lexington Planer John, 12 Mercer Posninsky Israel, 95 Harrison Renner Geo. L. 698 w Baltimore Ries & Pollack, 145 s Broadway c Ridgaway Josiah, 81 Aisquith - Ritter John, 21 s Liberty Rock Thos 25 Li^'ht Rosenberji Samuel. H Second Rothkupt Chas. G. 379 n Gay Ruben Jacob, 755 w Baltimore Russell Mrs. Citherine, Howard and Madison Schmidt Mrs. Annie, 685 w Baltimore Schmidt Jacob H. 3 w Pratt Schott J. 3 CD O a pq o O o p o o o .o Power Press Prin tin cr, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates. Marble Building ) O o en > O OQ r3 Hess N. & Bro. 302 w Baltinioie |^ K^^ Hill George D & Co. 42 n Frederick Horner Frank F., Son k Co. 8 n Howard .2 ^^ "c Horsey, Bro. & Batien. 238 w Baltimoie g 'o S Hults R. & Co 27 German nr Cilvert 0^ ^-^ Hurst John J. & S J. 27n w Baltimore ~ Jandorf Reuben, 206 w Pratt Kiiper F. J. & Sons, 233 n Gav Mauruder T. J. k Co. 1 Hanover 53 o Manko & Stern, cor Sh irp and Camden c o 05 - >, ^ CM o 2_, r— 1 ^ ^ OJ K >-. ^ .^ c >j ^ t^ >i rt < Mann & Bro. 344 \v Baltimore McLaughlin Bros. 318 w Baltimore, factory 79 e Monument Monumental Co-opei alive Boot and Shoe Manu- facturing Association, 37 n Howard Moorehead k Brooks, 4 s Howard Patterson & Bash, 24 Hanover v Pretzfelder & Kline, 256 w Baltimore H_ Russell & Alger, 16 and 18 s Howard Shriver, Stevenson & Co 3J4 w Baltimore Stern Emanuel, over 246 w Baltimore Tucker, Smith k Co. 250 w Baltimore Townsend John (). & Co. 9 m Charles Warner Francis B. n w cor Sharp and German Wiischnitzer k Raj)!), (children's) over 22 n Liberty "^ -2 a Boots and Shoes— Ladies. 53 ^ Ardin D. 61 Le,\ii)i;ton '^ 2i Bailey Wm. 64 n Howard Chamberlain John C. 128 n Fremont Clark, Perry & Hohmaii, wholesale and retail, 9 n Charles and I. S3 .Madison av Cook Christian, 278 Light Copper James H. 57 Ensor ("lOok GeorL'f W. .M. 69 w Baltimore Eliaugh Uavid F. 218 n Eutaw Gallagher .Alexander, IfJl n liulaw Gallagher Thoma^;, cor Paca and Saratoga Glaiiii Georgiaiina, 198 Henrietta Harrington Mrs. .\Iaigaiet, 556 w B.iltimore C Hill George D. & Co. 19 and 53 n Gay and 90 ^ jr " n Eutavi' g "*^ ^ Kt-aijle Henry, 300 n Gay § rj Me. th John, Light and Warren S C c>5 Moffett John F. & Co. 192 w Pratt ^'fy*^ Norris Jaiiies, (gaiters) 192 n Eutaw ■<., «■ tr. Pels J. k Sons, 59 and 81 n Eutaw and 157 ,^ ? .5 Lexington e ^ .^ Tucker Enoch G. 190 Lexington ? +^ -e Williams Josejih S. 88 n Charles S >^ o Yockel Aug. W. 17.s Madison av ^.C ^ Boot, Shoe and Gaiter Upper Man- |j c -^ ufaoturers. § -2 '" •2 ^ ^ Baltiraon' Shoe and Upjier Gaiter manufactory ^ o >, over s e cor Gav ami Frederick •« C 'j^ 3 ■1^ Cu <» c^ o »*- T — ' (^ -ri a ■■J "^ ■««;> S r •> « tD "a description promptly attended to. Egf^lingr Geo. W. & Co. Shaip nr Baltimore Frazier Wni. J. 132 and 134 Thames Goriiail Riclid.( finisher) Heiliday and Saratoga Ives John A. k Bro. 11 n Frederick Kent \i. G. k Co. 47 n Holliday Keener John IL 4(3 Tliaines Keys Wra. W. 261 s Caroline Kirk Wra. W. 98 w Pratt McShine Henry & Co. 161 North Owens A. B. k Son, 140 Saratoga Regester Joshua k Son, 53 n Holliday Scbuiinke Henry, 132 s Fremont Brewers. Aberhart Frank, cor Light and Wills Baltimore Brewery, F. Dandelet, cor Conway and Hanover Bauernschmidt Geo. (lager beer) Belair av nr Greenwood Park Bauernschmidt John, (lager beer) 281 w Pratt Bay View Brewery, (lager beer) Eastern av ext Beck Geo. 360 Penna av Beck Thomas & Son, (lager beer) cor Baltimore and Calverton rd Canton Lager Beer Brewery, George Stab, n e cor Burke and L-incaster Danels Joseph D. e Lombard adj. Falls Dukehart Thomas .M., Holliday nr Centre Hoenneroogt Andrew, Eastern av nr First Kohles Mrs. Elizabeth, 36 s Wolfe Maryland Brewery, T. M. Dukehart, prop'r, Holliday nr Centre Miller Anibrose, 368 Light Mount Royal Brewery, J. G. Hoffman, prop'r, Jefferson nr Falls Muih Louis. Belair av nr Schuetzen Park Rost Mrs. Geo , Belair av nr Baltimore cemet'y Schierlitz J>cob, (weiss beer) 413 w Baltimore Seeger Jacob, (lager beer) office 23 German Stab George, cor Lancaster and Burke Vonderhorst J. H., f^elair av e.\t Wiessner John F., Belair av e.^t Bricklayers. Bancroft John D. (furnace builder)22 e Fayette Elliott Jas. B. 316 n Bond Irons Eniiinuel, 17 Patterson Park av Street Robert J. (and builder) 25 n Sharp Brick Manufacturers and Dealers. OQ ■i-t d cj3 o O O o ^. p o o I— I H I — I Ahern John, Canton AUers John A. 4 10 s Charles Ball David, cor Putnam and Wnshington rd Berrv John S. k Geo. R. (fire br.ck) s w cor IIambur<: and Warner Bratzell Win. H., 619 Light Brown J. Frank, W:ishinL'ton av ext Burns, Russell k Co. 30 Columliia *- iUisev Jas. R.. Washington av nr tollgate Chase Hannibal H. cor B ason and Lowman Classen Henry W. & Co. 145 s Sharp Cline Anthony, s i nd Clinton Dixon John A. J., Fort av nr Fort McHenrv DonnellyDanl.,Greenwuod Purk nr .Minebank la Hamilton S. .M. (fire bricks) 8 s Gay Ilarman lidwin C. 621 Light Hicks Geo C. k Co. (fire bricks) 4 s Kolliday Hubner John, Light ext. .office 270 Druid Hill av Kummel John B., 106 West Merryman & Benson, 18 s Paca H OQ pq IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 780 Mutual Life insurance Co. of Kew York. bljsTnessI^irectory. o a o ^" O o Merrvin.tn Bros. & Co. 4 n Greene Ortwine & Robinson, over n e cor Eiitaw and Baliimore Parr D. Preston, Franklin rd ur tollgate, office 17 North Penn Jacol>. Fort av nr Hull Pitcher & Wilson, I n Paca Reiter & W'oodburu, office 161 North Ritt.'nhouse E. W. & Bro. (fire brick) foot of Cross Robin.-on Geo. W. jr. Eager and .Madeira al Robinson Josi/pli J. sr. Lower Canton, office Ea^er and Madeira al Sevmour .1. H., (office 41 Le.\in";ton Smitli & Sctivvarz, 399 e Eajjeraud 106 s Broad- way Stallings J. W. & Co. 44 s Howard Steijicrwald Me.ver, office 5 n Paca ThaterGotleib, Washin.iiton av, office 64Hanover W irren Lawrence J. 18 East Falls av Watkins Joseph P. 112 Light-st whf Wehr Frederick & Herman, 389 e Pratt Bridge and Wharf Builders. Baltimore Bridge Co. s w cor Charles and Lex- ington ^ Bollrnan Wendell, cor C.inlon and Second av, office 8 s Gay Creagli Henry A. 30 s Choptank Ely John B. 326 e Pratt Flahertv Anthony, 257 Bank Flaherty Edward, 24 s Ann Glenn Benjamin, 18 s Chester Iludon Andrew & John A. 5 Cambridge Jhirphy George W. 55 e Lombard I Walsh Lawrence, Duncan al and Bank Britannia Ware Manufacturers. Eisenhardt Anton, 254 n Gay Holmes Wm. 50 n Holliday, sales rooms 3 n Charles Kann ;e pi Small E. C. & Co. (cotfee; 71 Exchange pi Small Edward, (u.dse.) 10 South Suowden & Peters, (mdse.) 34 PostofiBce av Sprigg R. S. (dry goods) 13 German Tetens, Bockmai.n & Co. 65 s Gay Thompson S P. & Co. (mdse.) 1)9 Exchange pi Thomas Frank A. 45 w Pratt Tobias C. & Co. (ship.) 71 Smith's whf Tomlinson & Armstrong, (provision) 36 South Travers SimuelH. & Sous, (ship.) cor Spear's whf and Pratt Vesper 0. M. & Co. (ship.) over 59 s Gay Waidner H. A. k Co. (canned gcwds) 41 Ger- man nr Charles Welbourn k Co. (mdse.) 1 Commerce Whiteley J. H. a Co. cor Exchange pi and Commerce While J. Charles, (mdse.) 57 Exchange pi White John K. (mdse.) 45 Lexington Williams Z. F. (gen'l mdse.) 129 w Lombard Brokers— Real Estate. {See Agenla Real Estate.) Addison Taylor, 75 William Appleton Eben D. 49 w Fayette Audoun k Bruscup, 10 Law buildings, St. Paul Baker G. Alexander, 31 n Calvert Balderston Isaiah k Sons, 21 Lexington Barroll J. W. & Co. 5 Courtland Beulmear James A. 71 w Fayette Berry A. Lucien, 44 n Charles Bialla Moritz, 16 Law building Bryson Gilbert H. & Son, 26§ Second Carey Thomas K. 15 St. Paul Clayton Jas. E. (mintn-al lands) over 6 s Gay Clayton S. S. (mineral lands) over 6 s Gay Coleman R. L. jr. 12 St. Paul Coltcn William, 49 w Fayette Cooke Henry W. 9 Law building Crowl & Son, 14 Law building Dashieil S. K. 32 St. Paul Davidson William T. :-;6 St. Paul Dawson Philip T. & Son, 230 e Baltimore Dudsun John W. 49 Lexington Dugan Pierre C. 43 Lexitiyton Duncan Rich'd M. n e cor St. Paul and Saratoga Dulany Walter, 36 St. Paul Ferguson J. Henry, 80 w Fnyette Fite Conrad R. 18 n Charles Foster John C. 1 L-iw building Fowler Samuel S. 102 s Fulton Frank Milton B. 156 Jefferson Gould Alexander, 69 Harlem av Gregg H. K. 17 St. Paul Glenn John & Co. 1 St, Paul Grothaus ^' Wood, 29 s Broadway Guest George & Son, 48 St. Paul Hal! William J. C. 86 n Charles Harmau Samuel J. 31 St. Paul Harrison George L. 29 St. Paul H^.rvey J. W. & Son, 27 Lexington Hebden William H. 240 Canton av Hill Bros, n e cor St, Paul and Fayette Hill Thomas, n e cor St. Paul and Favette Hooper S. H. & Bro. 30 St. Paul Hull Charles J. 50 w Fa.\ette Jean Ichabod, 87 w Fayette Kinsley Wencil, 306 Light Livezey E. n w cor Lexington and St. Paul Livezey Francis P., Lexington and St. Paul Lloyd Edward. 45 St. Paul Logemau H. C. 26^ St. Paul Lupton Elisha F. i31 e Baltimore Marriott Telfair, 24 n Charles Matheus I. & Co. 39 Lexington McDonald Frank Y. 22 Law building Milligan George B. 53 Lexington Morling George W. 23 Lexington Moiris Levin F. 49 e Favette Norris J. & Son, 6 St. Paul O' Donovan John H. 48 Lexington Peirce William H. 46 Lexington Powles Henry, 49 Lexington Pullen J. F. & Co. over 75 w Fayette Rasin Robert W. 53 St. Paul Reid T. N. 70 w Fayette Richardson J. Purver, 27 Hanover Rose Isaac, 23 Lexington Ryan William H. 6 St Paul Scharf William, 18 Postoffice av Schoolfield Luther A. 27 'u Front Shipley Charles, 30 St. Paul Snowden Philip M. 83 w Fayette Snowden Wilton, 83 w Fayette Spandauer Levi, 137 n Eden Templeman R. W. & Co. 37 Lexington Tinges k Sargeant, 50 Lexintrton Warfield William & Son, 47 St. Paul Warner George, 15 St. Paul Woodman John, 49 Conway a t-l o rt m o O d o p o o ^ ^ I— I vA P-. P-. ai zc P hA In H t— I < OQ DQ EH Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) ^^ 782 i C ^-^ n o O .^ 3 Q 3J > -ZL w Tj x> a: s- o c^ tc -■ ^ - -:x ^3 *■■* CO c3 . ^ 'n ^ O C Sl- ^ si ^ es .«_. -^ v; o M ^ ■A . r. >^ ^ , <— ' X rt cS C ^ CJ X o o ^ o ^ X - .^ ri5 O CE ^ O >-» ■k' C ^ 1— 1 o MutTial Life Insurance Co» of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. :j1 Z c3 rt - .2"-' S c ?i g: w H Sip ^^ =^ aj'3 1^3 K 2 "" •»j> '^ .1-1 s *: oj ?^ g ^- Brooms, Baskets and Woodenware. Bauer & Schwaizfiibach (brooms) 3 Lancaster Beebe Charles S. 57 s Calvert Brand Charles (baskets) 198 n Caroline Child Samuel & Co. 20 n Charles Chipniau Geo. & Co. cor Calvert and Lombard Costolaj Patrick J. 118 and 120 Franklin Gohlinghorst George & Bro. 309 w Pratt Kroiiier & Klinesmith, 22 s Charles Lord & Jlobiuson. 88 and 90 w Lombard Rice John W. & Co. 32 s Calvert riaiier Casper, 3U2 n Guy Selby cf- Knovvles, 106 w Lombard Tottie & Brown, 58 Light a Brush Manufacturers and Dealers. Alb:iu(;h \Vm. A. n w cor Camden and Howard Carroll J. Bond &. Bro. 11 n Howard Knott Henry L. 152 n Gay .Megraw W. A. & Co. 7 and 9 n Howard Oiam & Duncan, 19 Mercer Whitson John, 148 n Gaj' Building Materials. Duker Otto & Co. u e cor Canton av and Pre- sident Ehrman & Bersch, 210 s Howard, and s w cor Howard and Henrietta Gable H. A & Co. 373 w Baltimore Maiigblm VV. \V. & Sons, cor East Falls avaad Stiles, and cor Pratt and President Pugh J. H. & Co.(J.R. & F.W. Trimble, agts.) 78 and 80 w Pratt Robinson Edward W. cor Essex and Burke SedrsJohn L. & Co. 51 w Pratt Stevens Geo. 0. & Co. cor Fayette and Front Storck Adolph & Son, 77 e Monument and 250 n Front Burr Millstone Manufacturers. Morris & Trimble, West Falls ar s of Pratt Starr B. F. & Co. 173 North Business Colleges. Actual Business College, E. K. Losier, pres't, over n e cor Baltimore and Charles Sadler's "Bryant and Slratton" College, 6 and 8 n Charles Butter Dealers, Airey Jp.mes, 178 Druid Hill av Airey Jerome, 113 w Townsend Altenborg Williain, '212 s Broadway Anderson Ann, 137 Ensor Arthur David, 107 e Madison Banks Jas. E., Wm. J. and Wm. M. 54 Green- niouat av Bay & Heim, 51 South Bayler Albert, 212 n Gay Briitain John, 649 Penca av Buckingham William G. 558 Saratoga Bunting George, 404 e .Monument Busse John V. 234 s Broadway Chenowith Olivtr, Edmondsoti av w of Repub- lican ALBERT BAYLER'S 212 N. GAY STREET, Four Doors South of ttae Belalr Market. |^~Fresh Supplies from the best Dairies in Isew York, Peuusylvauia and Ohio, at the Lowest Market Prices. Poultry, Butter and Kggs a specially. Clayton Alfred S. 82 Hanover Cochran & Co. 112 n Exeter Colladay Chas. R., Le.xington and Republican Danmier Mary, 2«9 Franklin Edel John W. 255 Hart'ord av Edel Samuel T. 257 Harford av Filbert Michael, 3l6 n Central av Flouriioy Mrs. Emeline, 107 n Schroeder Hall John H. jr. 325 n Gay Heller Wm. H. 616 w Baltimore Hewes James K. basement 79 Exchange pi Hickman Wm. F. 174 .Mulberry Johnson Joseph T. 440 Light Jones Roger, 433 Lexington Kennard k Oudesluys, 83 Exchange pi Koeihe John E. 71 Hanover Kuperth John, 98 n Eden Lazenby Daniel L. 311 n Gay Mason Jf Sons, 124 Chew Massey Anna L. 172 e Baltimore McContiell Theresa, 218 Hollins McGuirk Bernard, 120 n Schroeder Nicholas George, 217 Saratoga Pecor Alfred C. 280 u Gay Potts Wm. A. 88 Hanover Ridiards Randolph, 2u0 Aisquith Roth John G. 245 e Pratt Seward Timothy W. 316 n Gay Sheppard John, 121 n Charles Shoemaker Wm. 236 s Broadway Shurtz Wm. D. & Co. 11 Commerce Taylor & Bro. 46 Camden Tweedy Samuel A. s e cor Sharp and Camden Vogell Charles, 25 n Greene Cabinet Makers. (See Furniture Dealers.) Baumhauer Edward, over 3 Clay Beyer Louis. 78 s Broadway Blackiston & Son, 606 w Baltimore Brown Edward, cor Chesapeake aad Elliott Byrne James P. 63 n Front Bvriies Joseph F. 59 n Liberty Daiger iM. A. 74 s Broadway El)ersberger .Michae', or Cross and Chesnut Gibmeyer Henry M. 383 Canton av and Fountain Gibney John, 343 Mjilberry Godey Thomas & Son, 41 Hanover Graham - ft I— I <1 Power Press Printing (Maryland Ins. Go's , at Reduced Kates. Marble Building.) 48 S.2 •M, U 2 786 Mntnal Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tn o > 3 1; O -= 2 c/: s-i ;z: O K c .-S a: __. -I- ;- -- 0/ ce c -r i> s; r ^ OJ o c^ p p_ r; P*-l O W - H 1 4:- 1 O ^ C p; *- O I *-= ^ o =1^ i i'« C — !» 2» -J fc- CS CD ;^ "^ >o ■§©• Happoldt Georgh B. 14 Penna av Hasluj) Leroy F. (smith) Wolfe nr Chase Hazelip & McClyniont, 108 n Howard Hazelip & Young, 9 Harrison Heesh Charles A., Jaspernr Franklia Heesh Churles jr. 4 Clay Heimillei & Bro. 131 e MadisoB Hevell Ross, (smith) 145 Preston Hoddinoit E. C. & Bro. 57 North Jacobs John, (wagon) cor Amity and Booth Kiusey & Haslup, 899 w Baltimore Kurtz Gtorge J. 97 n Paca LEONHART WILLIAM & J. H., Wagon Builders. Special atten- tion paid to Express and Truck Wagons, and all work warranted. No. 25 Saratoga street. Mason, Haslup & Co. 4 n Frederick McCawley Joseph, 41 s Paca McElroy Henry P. (coachsmilh) 35 n High AfcPherson Samuel T., Boston nr Chester Meteer Albert, (smith) 30 Douglass Moree Abram, (smith) 61 Cathedral MuUin Thomas jr. 55 Norih MuUmyer & Hunter, 144 u Howard and 51North Necker Joseph A. ^ Bro. 469 e Monument O'Conneli Henry, 29 n Gay O'Neill John F. 35 s Paca*^ Oelmaun Frederick, 65 German Ottorbach ^ Mechner, 738 Penna av Porter Robert B. & Son, (carriage goods) 41 s Charles Presby Charles, (childrens) 30 n Howard Renshaw Joseph, 78 n Calvert Resh Henry, 44 s Eutaw Riddlemoser& Weatherley,92 and 93 wFayette Rbeia & Kloman, 26 s Howard Schaeflfer August, 20 w Fayette Schmidt Henry D. (repository) 21 n Liberty Schmidt Philip D. (repository) 120 n Howard and 94 w Fayette Schroeder Fredk. H. jr. (painter) 7 L.Paca Seward & Norris, (carriage goods) 24 s Calvert Slack Chas.&Sons,(wagon3)Cathedral nr John Stevens Wm. H. 415 n Fremont Stinson J. & E. (hub factory) 36 n Holliday Stocksdale Noah, John al nr Franklin Swaun George F. (trimmer) 8 Whatcoat Thompson Bros, (wagon) 27 w Centre Thompson C. (spokes, hubs, CONSUliTINO LABORATORY, No. 17 South St., Room 4, - Baltimore, Md. Analyses of Ores, (of Iron, Silver, Gold, Copper, Lead, etc.,) of Coals, Lime-Stone, Clays and other Minerals ; of Waters, for Steam, Manufacturing, Household Use, and of Mineral Waters ; of Guano, Fertilizers, Paints, and various Products of Art ; of Gases, Organic Matter, &c. I also continue to study out questions connected with Processes in ihe Arts, with Chemical Patents, with Insurance, etc., and give my opinion on them. I also give special attention to Metallurgy, and and will make a thorough examination of Mineral Lands, on the most reasonable terms. I have had charge of the Chemical Laboratory of the Baltimore Copper Works, under Presideut Henry Martin. 1 cordially invite the public to visit myLaboratory. The highest references can be furnished. Work guaranteed and satisfaction given. O Thomsen, Lilly & Co. 26 Hanover ^Tonry Wm. P., Maryland Institute /- WM. P.TONRY, Pror.^nalytical k applied C^enjislry IN CHARGE OF CHEMICAL. BEPARTMENT OF THE Miirylandl Institute, BALTIMORE, MD. Formerly Assistant Chemist, Surgeon General's OfHce, Washington, D. C, and Chemist Baltimore Copper Company, Baltimore. Personal and Prompt attention given to all Analyses. o o p o pq Q < < P2 p^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. 788 Mntnal Life Insn.rance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ o oW «:> O Banks R. T. & Son, 53 South Bayley R. P. & Co. 20 Hanorer A" Bennett Edwin, cor Canton and Central avsand Eden nr Canton Birch Charles & Co. 27 s Calvert Bokee Georpe M. & Bro. 41 n Howard *■ Bokee Wm. F. & Co. 1 and 3 Harrison >" Bolte Simon, 443 w Baltimore Brown James R. & Co. 3 n Howard Child Samuel & Co. 20 n Charles ^ Clarke Robert A. sr, 39 s High Dolison John A.& Co. (queensware) 31 s Charles Fiteman S. 80 n Eutaw Frohlinger Nicholas, 327 Orleans George & Johnson, 20 German nr Calvert Harrison Jacob, 531 w Baltimore Herring George W. 158 w Pratt Kaufman Lewis, 78 Hanover and s w cor Gay and East Kerr & Son, 2 German Leopold & Bro. (queensware) 334 w Baltimore Letzer Mrs. Osanna, 214 Lexington MaloneT. & Co. 41^ Penna av Marston & Bros. 24ti w Baltimore Moore Samuel T. 370 n Gay Morton Philander & Son, 118 n Howard Murray Edward, 433 n Fremont Newbold & Sons, 26 Light Parsons M. Fillmore, 148 n Eutavr Parsons T. & Son, 58 Hanover Pawley Finley, 23 s Calvert Pfau Mrs. A. Henry, 4 w Baltimore Reese Lewis, 433 and 673 w Baltimore Schapperle Chris. 21 e Baltimore Scberer Joseph, 151 s Broadway Schlutter & Bro. 543 w Baltimore Shirley & Son, 5 s Calvert Stein Mrs. Hannah, 144 Pearl Thater Gotleib, 64 Hanover Towson Wm. 0. 26 w Baltimore Tweedall John (china mender) 20 n Liberty Veise Mrs. Catherine, 23 n Pine Wagner Emil, 97 Harrison White Wm. & Co. 365 Light Wonderly Wm. S. ^ Co. 71 w Baltimore Chiropodist, Hartogensis A. E. 29 e Lombard Martic Thomas H. 279 n Broadway Painter Nathan, 56 w Fayette Chx'onometers apd Nautical In- struments. Lange John H. cor Pratt and Spear's whf Larmour & Co. cor Broadway and Thames Sloan Francis J. cor Pratt and Spear's whf Stowell A. 64 w Pratt Cigar Moulds, Presses and Straps. Gaspari P. G. 31 s Calvert Cloaks, Shawls and Mantillas. Fugle James k Co. 54 n Charles Clocks. Hughes Christopher, 98i w Pratt Levi M. & Bro. 141 Light-st whf Mann Wm. 42 s Charles Morrill H. 0. 55 s Charles Pimes Isaac, 10 n Central av Smith John T. 82 n Front Stunz &Bro. 508 w Baltimore Clothiers— Children. Barron Thomas, 63 Lexington Black Mrs. N. E. 169 Preston Bridge Mrs. C. W. 63 e Baltimore Brun Madame F. 116 n Paca Catrup Mrs. S. C. 2 s High Giry V. T. 65 Lexington Kenney Mrs. Mary A. 264 Aisquith Ladensack Henry, 22 e Baltimore Pascel Marie, 1 18 Pearl Spencer E. N. 69 Lexington Taylor Mrs. Mary C. 184 Madison av Veit Mrs. Ida. 33 n Washington Clothiers— Retail. Adler Bros. ^ Co. (oil) over 15 Camden Bar Levi, 107 w Baltimore Berliner Emanuel, Gay and Front Blondheim Heart, 105 n Howard Blondheim Michael, 93 n Howard Blondheim Solomon, 177 and 177J Frankli and s w cor Baltimore and Paca Blumenthal Abraham, 184 Light-st whf Brafman Samuel, 238 w Pratt Brenner Moses, 304 s Bond Carr Henry, n e cor Pratt and Charles Cohen Emanuel, 5 Second Cohen Mendel, 178 Light Cohen Raphael, 108 Light-st whf Cotton L. 169 Franklin Delevie Abraham, 2 Harrison Dietz John B. 204 w Pratt Fay k Bass, 48 and 50 Centre Market sp Fay Joseph J. 207 s Broadway Flaunlacker S.imuel,72and 76 Centre Markets Fletcher ^ Mitchell, 134 w Pratt Fried -Mrs. Henry, 85 Harrison Friedmann Isaac, 66 Harrison Friedmann Menka, 241 w Pratt Goldsmith B. L. 704 w Baltimore Goldsmith Louis, 100 w Pratt Goodman Aaron, 75 n Howard Goodman Abraham, 127 n Howard Goodman & Bro. 259 s Broadway Goodman Jos. 18 Centre Market sp Goodman & Nathan, 22 Centre Market sp Greenbaum Isaac & Son, 146 w Pratt Greif Levi & Bro. 10 Hanover Halle Simon, 154 and 150 Franklin Hamburger Isaac, 21 German Hamburger Manassas, 235 s Broadway Hartogensis Henry S. 10 Harrison Herzberg Philip & Co. 2 Centre Market sp Hofiiin & Rich, n w cor Centre Market sp am Pratt HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. [Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F, Bresee, G-en. Agt. i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 789 Jones J. S. R. 87 w Baltimore Kaufman Charles, 122 w Pratt Kaufman David, 119 n Gay Kronheimer Meyer, 235 w Pratt Laupbeimer Jacob, 176 w Pratt Lazarus Bernurd, 767 w Baltimore Lowenthal Uaiiiel. 139 Light Mandell)autii Jeaniiette, 129 n Howard Marble Hall clolhing rooms (J.H.Smith & Co.) n e cor Baltimore and Frederick »- Meyer Esaias. 161 Franklin Miller Peter, 18 n Pine Morris Henry, 208 w Pratt *■ Murray David G. n e cor South and Pratt Nathan Isanc, 78 Centre Market sp * Noot Myer (ladies' suit^) 700^ w Baltimore Oehm Charles N. 150 Liglit-st wbf Posniasky Israel, 95 Harrison Price Isaiah, 745 w Baltimore Eab Jacob, 106 Light Reese Isaac, 49 Harrison Rosenfeld Bros, s w cor Baltimore and Centre Market sp Rosenthal Moses, 43 Harrison Rosenthal Simon, 88 and 90 Harrisoa Row Joseph, n e cor Gay and Pratt ^ Sackerman G. M. 164 Liirht-st whf Schenthall Hirscb. 230 Canton av i^ Schiller M. 58 Centre Market sp Schloss Nathan, 217 s Broadway /... Schloss Wm. 131 s Broadway ^- Schoolherr & Bro. 37 w Baltimore Springer Henry, 39 w Pratt Springer Wolfe, 34 Stiles Stein Myer, 240 w Pratt StibbeS. 42 Harrison Strasberger & Son. cor Front and Gay Strouse & Bros. 13 s Sharp Strouse & Co. 40 w Baltimore Turk Isaac, 106 w Lombard Ullnian A. & Bro. 32 Centre .Market sp Walker Noah k Co., Washington building, 165 and 167 w Baltimore Weil G. & Son, 324 Aliceanna Weil Jonathan, cor Broadway and Sbakspear Wittgenstein I. H. & Co. 231 w Pratt Wolfsheimer Nathan, 270 w Pratt Wurtzburger Mrs. H. 151 Franklin and 19 Penna av Wurtzburger Samuel, 147 Franklin Wurtzburger Wm. 83 n Gay Zirckel John W. 56 w Pratt Clothiers— Wholesale. Ambach, Burgunder & Co. 271 w Baltimore Brafman Abraham, 2b s Sharp Brooks & Thrasher, 346 w Baltimore Burgunder & Greenbaum. 255 w Baltimore Federleicht A. & Son, 147 Lexington Frank A. & Co. 240 w Pratt Greif Levi & Bro. 10 Hanover Gutman Moses Idner L. & Son, 28 s Sharp i^hipley, Roane & Co. 303 w Baltimore / Sonueboin Henry & Co., Baltimore and Liberty Stein & Co. 295 w Baltimoie *^^ StrasburL'er & Son, cor Front and Gay Tannebaum Samuel & Co. 248 w Pratt Walker Noah & Co., Washington buildin and 167 w Baltimore *-' Walter R. & Co. 326 w Baltimore /- Weiller & Bro. 274 w Baltimore i^ Wiesenfeld & Co. 242 a- Baltimore /^ Wolfsheimer S. 288 w Baltimore Wolfsheimer Wm. & Son. 5 s Liberty S 165 P^ O O O O =6 P o o Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c. Caldwell John A. over s e cor German and Lib- erty Dammann F. W. & E. 19 Hanover Frank A. & Co. 240 w Pratt J^ Hahn Ferdinand, 64 w Baltimore Henkelman, Jackson & Phelps, 270 w Baltimore |r^ Mallinckrodt Wm. & Son, 22 German *^ .Moore Robert, Hughes & Co. 233 w Baltimore*^* Orem John .M., Son & Co. 236 w Baltimore ,^ Pearre Bros. & Co. 8 Hanover •^'^ ^ Rosenburg Samuel, 7 Hanover Schleunes Francis, cor Baltimore and Sharp ^>^~ Smith C. R. & P. H. & Co. 47 German east of ^ Charles | Spiller Robert M. & Co. over Baltimore and Hanover /^ Strauss & Cahn, 259 w Baltimore — Weisgerber Henry, 161 Lexington Coal and Wood Dealers. ^ ^~ c c ~ a:' °2 s v^ ', MntTial Life Insurance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. X ^c = Callis James H. 230 e Baltimore Caiiuihell & Riimshurg, 95 \v Lombard Carrick .James ^' Co. 4 n Greene ami 114 Barre Carson Wni.5 n Republican and 4 Cathedral Cary & Co., Biddleand Catliedral, 1 n Charles and West Falls av Chane} Charles B. 148 Hollins Church & Miisson, 28^ South Cooke Charles W. (shipper) 6 s Gay Counselnian k Sou. Ann above Milliman Clemens A. D. jr. Huntingdon av and York rd Crainblitl Chas. T. 79 Sarah Ann Craniblilt George \V. 170 s Fiemoiit Creighton Miller R. 25 n Oregon and cor Fre- mont and Mulberry Crook August, 19 Lexington Cunniiiiiham Thos A. (agent) Madison and Calvert Daugherty Wtn. G. ^ Co. cor Central av and Fayette Davis James K. s w cor Bond and Lombard Denniead Edward jr. 164 n Republican Deshon Christopher M. (itgt.) 161 McCulloh Despard Coal Co. 15 Gerinjin Diggs Bros, n e cor Baltimore and North Diggs Chas. F. (agciii) 8 Postoffice av Distler John C. cor (Chester and Canton av Dodpe A. H (agent) 8 Irvine pi Doisey Norris, Clinton nr Elliott .— OJ ci c — Q. c5 ^ -'-i C CD Z, in ^^ £ &q o -* >> < -/■ ^^ £2 .=^ <:« a ^ X 13 S 2i f* *" o ^ •-:u O zy^ - t D O ■V .~ ^ -i^ c .^ .4^: ~ ~ • o i*~N - «> ■■^ tp t£ o ^^ — y) ->■ -^ .*-* s >1 Of o ^ > ^ V) c a1 « ^ 00 c3 L f-a lO h — « «©■ EHRMAN & BRO. Wliok'nale and Retail Dealers in Office and YARD, FO')T OF BROADWAY, Formerly Straus & Bro's Wharf, and 310 K. €AROL,I!WE ST. Back Basin. Antliracite aud Bituraiuons Coal always ou hand. Finnegau Owen, 88 Nnrth Fizoiie .lacob F. 476 n Fremont Formal! A. D. 196 German Franklin Coal Co., James Hoyce,presl.3 German Frick .laniis, 13 .tihI 15 Hanover Geoi'gcs Creek Coal and Iron Co. 4 Rialto bdg. Glenn White Coal and Lumber Co. 1 i North Hahn Geo. 20.S Mullikin Hall Bros & Co. (auents) 5 Postoffice av HAMH.TON SILAS M. (shipper) 8 s Gay Hampshire and Balto. Coal Co. 56 K.xchange pi Ilaukcy Andw. J., Locust Point and 107 n Ann Hart & Son, cor Linden av and Preston Harvey William, 142 Penna av Hax Peter, 234 (Janton av Healey L.S.&Co. cor Central av and Hampstead Heine F. & Llro. 308 s Caroline HelUveg August, 3'.i4 Aliccanna Ileiz (ieorge, 276 s Caioline High John W. lol w Lombard Hill John, 39 s Carey Hilles Boyd k Co. 36 Postoffice av Hooper James A. jr. 19j South Hoopes E D. & Co. 226 Penna ay Holiidav John R. 88 McCulloh Horner C. W. 56 W^st Falls av Hurt George "W. 3 North Hyde Richard H., Waverley James Albert T. 113 n Paca Jenkins Edward of James, 1 St. Paul Jenkins John W. (gus coal) 18 Postoffice av Jenkins Jos W. (Despard Coal Co.)15 German Johnson Ballard, (agent) Huntingdon av e of Charles-st av Johnson Crawford H. 13 South Johnson S.^ o < < O 33 1-M h-2 O o ^ rn o 00 OQ Pi ^ d«3 RS5 o f^ a '^ Q -CO C5co X O O Bonsai & Caldwell, Pratt and McElderry's whf Boswell, Sills ^- Co. 51 South Howdoin Geo. K. & Co. over cor Bowl^-'s whf !Uid Pnitt Bo.^d William A. & Co. (tobacco) 33 South Hrackett Geor.se M. C. 62 South Ikehme 0. & Co. (dry goods) 'J.'i German Briiinmnu .Josinb T. H. 3G8 w Pratt Brodwater T. H. & Co. 88 a Charles Krooker & Lewis, 182 w Baltimore Browu, Graves k Co. 24 Commerce Brown M. J. ^ W. A. 11 w Pratt Brown Timothy S , Wiiveiley Burgess William S. 73 Smith's whf Burnett S. Howe & Co. 114 s Charles Bushev k Titlow, 116 s Eutaw ^^' Buzhv David T. ^ Co. 6 Exchange pi Bvrd'William S. k Co. 71 w Pratt Byiu William T. 162 w Pratt Calvei t W^illiam N. & Co. x9 South Carey & Cokock (naval stores) n e cor Lom- bard and Frederick Carson, Richardson & Co. sj^miv Calvert and Lombard Carsou S. Rowland, 60 s Frederick Cath-ell & Morris (lumber and grain) 32 West Falls av Chapman D. Chase, 44 Second (,'iiapraiia Nathnii A. 44 Second Chase, Stewart & Co. (dry goods) 27 German r Chesnut Calvin, n w cor Pratt and South Clark, Swift & Co. 65 s Charles Clark Thomas S 81 Smith's whf ' Clarke William W. (flour) 61 s Gay Classen H. & Son, 145 s Sharp Clotworthy & Miller (produce) 65 s Gay Coffroth George R. k Co (tobacco, kc.) 330 w Baltimore j/ Colbert Aug. F. 4 w Pratt ('ole William H. (hardware) 17 s Charles Cone & Adler, 25 s Howard Cook James H. 118 Light-st whf Cook J. M. Sf Co. 15 Commerce Cooke I & Sons, 50 s llowaid Corue'r James it Sons, Coinerfe wharf foot of Frederick -St dock, (office 18 Second Coulbourn Steplun D. over 107 South Coward Thomas R. 55 w Pratt Cox John R. & Co cor (Fayette and Howard Cos. k Sears, ovi-r cor Pratt and Bovviy's whf Cross William S. & Bro. (lumber) n e cor East Falls and Eastern avs Crowell M. W. 77 Smith's whf Curley & Co. 1C5 Franklin Daiger Charles H. k Bros. 4 HoUingsworth Dail T. J. & Co. 27 Clieapside Dall Joseph E. (dry goods) 19 German Dare & Canby, 95 s Cliarles Darrelk Stewart, over 18 Second t Deford & Co. (hides, leather and o\\) n w cor Calvert and Lombard Desch C. S. & Co. 1U8 s Charles Detrick L. F. 120 s Charhs Dinsinore & Kyle, 156 w Pratt Di.\on R. W. k. & Co. 90 Spear's whf , Dobson & Co. (lumlier) 56 West Falls av Dodge William 1'^. head of Union dock Dorset, Harris k Co. 88 s Charles Dow John, 2 Camden Dowell John, over 96 Liyht-st whf Downey John, 133 FrMnklin Dresel "W. k Co. 37 s Gay Dubel Capt. James A. 88 Light-st whf Dungnn & Co. 79 South Dunn P. A. & Co. 38 w Lombard Dushane John A. (paper) 40 s Charles Duvall Henrv & Co. 68 South Dyer II. P. k Co. 40 w Pratt Earecksou C. F. 85 South Easton k McMahon, over 45 w Pratt Eaton Bros. (dry goods) German between Light and Charles I--' Ebert 0. A. & Co. 11 Patterson Edraondson J. A. & Son, 48 s Calvert Edwards S. A; Co. 11^ Camden Egerton k Reid (prodi.ce) ?,1 Light Ehrnian George M. 47 s Howard Elder Francis W. 35 w Lombard .^^ Elder Samuel & Co. (flour; 32 n How«rd Ellicott William M. ^- Sons, 3 Sifcar's whf EUinger Benj. n w cor Broadway and JefiferSOQ Elliott Bros. "64 s Gav Elliott N. J. & Son, 17 w Pratt Emerson k Co. 203 North Emory & Neavitt. 6 Wood Emmai t & Courtney, 6 n Paca Etzler R. F. & Co. "165 North Faiigmeyer k Doll, 49 and 51 s Howard Farquharson John D. 4 Bowly's whf Fergusson, Levering & Co. 49 South Field John A. jr. (dry goods) 17 German .^^ Fink Bro. k Co. s w cor Franklin and Euta'jf^ Fisher Bros. & Co. over 25 s Gay i-^''^ Fitzgerald, Booth & Co. 6 s Gay / Flack, Hall & Co. 5 Si)ear's whf Floyd T. F. & Co. 38 Cheapside Foard Joseph 0. & Co. 6 s Gay ^ , Foley D. J , Bro. ^ Co. 50 South ^ Forney Jacob H. k Co. 77 North Fowler, Zeigler & Co. 91 and 93 s Charles Freeland, Hall & Co. 45 South '^ Freeman F. L. k Co. over 50^ w Pratt Frick E. A. (flour and produce) 75 North Fullerlon Wm. D. & Co. 51 South Gaither George R. jr. & (Jo. 6 s Gay Galbrailh John Clifton, 51 Exchange pi Gal la way Wm. (tobacco) 13 Mercer , Gardner K. N. k Co. 126 and 128 3 Eutaw Geyer & Wilkeus, 122 w Lombard Gibson G. & Co. 1 lo s Charles Giese J. Henry, 21 Spear's whf /' Gifcske k Niemann, 78 s Charles ^ Gill k Fisher, 20 South Gillmorc & Rogers. 159 w Pratt Girvin J. M & Son, 8 Spear's whf Gittings Lambert Jf Co. 7 South Glines Ebeii, 258 e Madison Goldsborough & Johnston, 114 and 116 Conway Goodwin Thomas, (drv goods) 17 German Gorter G. O. over 3 Howell block, cor Sharp and Camden Goslin W. S. & Son, 49 South Gosnell George W. 5 HoUingsworth Gould, Dukes k Co. over 102 Light-st whf Gover Jesse k Co. 160 w Lombard Gover Samuel H. & Sons, 160 w Baltimore Graham Bros. & Co. 23Q w Pratt and 52 8 Howird V Greenway & Co. 105 w Lombard Greenwood & Rutter, 79 South Griffith R. R. jr. 48 s Gay Groljan, .Mitchell k Co., McCreery .building Grubbs ThouMS B. & Son, 132 w Pratt Gude Justus C. k Co. 128 w Lombard 1 HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing and Engraving, Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 193 Gunther Ludolph W. 9 s Rutaw Gwiu, Mohler & Co. 86 s Eutaw Gwvnn J. S. k Co. 1 12 s Charles Hack H. R. & Co. 149 n Howard Hadawav James. 84 Hanover Haines Winfield T. 63 Second Hall T. I. & Co. 102 s Charles Hill W. Taylor, 95j w Lombard Hamilton M, A. & Co. 27 s Frederick Hanson Thomas P.. Cumberland nr Penna av Hardy & Bros. 93 Smith's whf ^ Harryman John G. 43 s Hovyard Harvey W. P. & Co. (provisions and produce) 75 Exchang;e pi, 37 s Howard and 179 w Lombard ^ Hatch, Loud & Co. over 50^ w Pratt Haughtou Henry 0. 25 s Gay Hawkins & Co. room 4 Rialto building Hawley R, K. & Co. 16 Eastern av \e^ Hayes & Johnson, 99 South Hayen E. cj- Co. 60 s Gay Henderson John & Co. cor Commerce and Pratt Herbert, Hairston & Co. 85 and 87 s Charles// Hergemiroeder Christian W. 46 and 48 s Charles Hersh Frank, 148 Lanvale Heslen Richard M. 59 s Gay Higgins, Cobb & Co. 6 and 8 German Hinman & Nevvcomb, 1 and 3 s Paca Hodges Benjamin M. jr. & Co. over s w cor Gay and Lombard '"^ HofiFman, Lee & Co. 63 E.xchangepl Hoffman, Thompson & Co. 23 and 25 s Frederick Holmes & Tinsley, 85 Exchange pi Hook B. F. & Co. 6 Camden Hooper J. & Co. n e cor Gav and Lombard Hoover & Mc7eii.'h, 203 w Pratt Hopkins J. G. cj- Bro. 120 North Hopkins k Janney. 18 S[)ear'8 whf Horner Joshua jr. 54 s Gay Howard Wm. R. 2 Spear's whf : Howell Wm. & Son, 60 s Gay Hugg John H. & Co. (lumber) cor Cauton and East Falls avs •«4^ Hughes & Crocker, 121 North Hull, Matthews & Co. iOO s Charles Hunt Jesse, 94 Hanover Hunt J. R & Co. 3 Camden Huppman & Emyry, 9 German Hutchins J. Alfred & Co. 90 s Eutaw Iglehart G. Leslie, over 7 Bowly's whf Jenkins G. Taylor, Union Bank tiuilding -Jenkins Hugh &; Co. 18 Second 'j Jenkins Joseph W. & Co. 28 and 30 s Frederick Jenkins, Staylor ^ Co. 12 Water Johnson Greeuleaf & Son. 2 Block Johnson, Shryock & Co., Cross and Howard Johnson, Welch & Jarman, 60 South Jones C. W. & Co. 240 w Pratt Jones Lewis & Son, 70 Light-st whf Jones Louis C 143 n Howard Jones Thomas F. 114 Light-st whf Jones Zora, 103 Conway Jordan H. P. & Co. 102 s Charles Joyce & Johns, 85 Smith's whf Junn|i E. P. 1 and 3 Barre Karr & Roberts, 124 North Kei3ter Wm. H. & Co. 172 w Pratt Keith & Kelso, (hardwaie) 23 and 25VCharles Kenly & Tilghuiau, 5 Wood Kennard Jf Oudesluys, 83 Exchange pi Kilpatrick ^ Boggs, 109 Franklin King, Kuhns & Co. 119 Franklin KENNARO & OUDESLUYS, Commission Merchants, V/ESTERN PRODUE, ^ S3 Excliaiisre Place. P Kirkland 0. A. k Co. 12 s Charles Knefely Henrv, 161 w Pratt Kneller John'C. & Co. 126 North Knowles James W. 90 Dugan's whf Knox James & Co. 21 South Kraft & Wilcox, 22 McKim Kremelberg J. D. & Co. 56 s Gay Kurtz Edward, 50 s Gay Lamb & Kemp, 57 South ■. Lamping Wm. & Co. 89 s Charles ^ Langley James L. & Co. 104 Dugan's whf Larrabee Wm. F. & Co. (hides and leather) cor Light and Mercer Lawson S. Allen, 101 South Lazarus E. M. & Co. 3 Exchange pi Lazear Jesse ^- Co. 1 1 Commerce Lazear J. B. & W.L.&Co. Howard and German Le Cato Thos. 63 s Calvert and 38 Cheapside Lee, Davis & Co. 215 w Pratt Lee J. Bnykin & Co. 11^ Camden / Lee L. H. & Co., Cheapside and Loihbard Lentz Charles W. 14 s Charles Levering E. & Co. 2 Commerce v Levering Thomas W. & Sons, 55 Commerce Linthicum Z. W. (and ship tiinb.) Buchanan's whf and Pratt Loney Thos. D. & Co. over "I- Wood Louey & Co. 10 & 12 GermanX^-" Loose C. & Co. 117 w Lombard y^ Loud, Claridge ^ Co. cor Smith's whUiadTratt Ijoweubach Adolph A 18 Camden A_ Lurman & Co. 52 s Gay * Lyell & Downing, 74 Light st whf Lyon Bros. & Co. 37 s G ij' Magruder 0. B. & Co. 57 s Howard Manly & Johnson, Lombard and Frederick Marshall & Fallin, 4 Bowly's whf Magruder T. J. & Co. 1 Hanover , Makepeace & Co. (dry goods) I and 3 German nr Charles . Maltby C. S. & Co. cor West F.illsav and^Block Marine Fletcher E. 45 w Pratt Martin Lewis, 129 .McEldeny's whf Martin Samuel F. (produce) 118 n Eutaw Massle John W. & Co. 270 w Pratt Matthews Thos. R. & Son-, 18 Bowly's whf May Benj. F. 116 Light-st whf Maynadier J. .VI. & Co. 27 n Greene McBriety & Plnnkett, 14 Camden McCann Daniel jr. 222 w Baltimore I McCoy Andrew & Co. 70 South v/ McCoy Jf Parkhurst, 76 South McDorman Geo. T.( produce )5 Hollingsworth McDougall James & Son, 158 West Falls av McGee & Parlett, 65 and 67 n Calvert i^ o O o o -^ p o o I— I H 1—1 GQ P <1 o PQ P-i Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) a. 2 .!= -S 2 794 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, o-=^S BUSINESS DIRECTORY. c ■ Si Q. O Mcllvain Donald, 81 Second i ^Icllwaine & Bonfnger, (piO(luce)51 s Charles Means ^' Dunn, 34 ii Howard Meakins Gen. A. 155 Conway Merryman N. H. 412 e Monument Melxsel & Co. 149 w Pratt Merritt Win K. over cor Pnitt and Bowly's whf P ^ Meyer, Hiischart & Co. 108 w Loinbiird Michael. Mu^'ness & Co. 21 s Gav -^ ert, 27 B^irre Nyce B. Brooke &c Co. (produce) 54 South Odom & Co. 103 McElderry's whf Oreui Get)rge W. & Co. n w cor Camden and Light cor Chirles and >. w C3 _ 2 a Owen Chas. W. & Co. ^ C Xj Camden 5^ .^ o Owens, McCenev & Co. 69 s Charles ^ y CIj Owens cj" Scott," l.'-)3 w Pratt y i^ Owens Wm. II. over s w cor Pratt and Light g J ^ I'adgett W. A. & Co. 53 Light '?^ 3C -r; Parker Wm. & Co. n ecor Aliceanna and Castle a^ ,-. ^ Parklmrst Jared jr. & Co. 78 South -« i^ >^ Farkhurst Simon, 76 South $ "5 J P.irr Israel M. Sun, 91 and 93 South ^ >~^ jr. Patterson John, 74 Snuth « ii Patterson S. C. & Co. 7() w P-att s^ _2 •- Pattisoh Thomas & Co. 35 w Pratt S -w C Paul Louij, 104 s Howard S "Ii " Peirce Thomas, 20 Bowly's whf 5 5 J^ Pendleton P. P. & Son, (flour)75 North C5 — 4^ Penrose E. G & Co. 153 n Howard V -"^ ^t ^'*^'0' ^Vm. H. 25 s Gay ( "^ c s P^i'^y ■A^-'^-'-^Co.(luml>er)cor Gay and Lombard "5 !^ "x Peterkin Wm. S. 42 Second ? ->^ '.Ti; Phillips Samuel k Co. 97 South S >-, 53 Pfeil August & Va). Hamburg nr Howard ►^ '^ ^ Pitt Charles F k Sons, 116 w Lombard .> "S Pleasants John P. ,j- Sons, (tobacco) 4 Water ^ 'S .1 J'ope & Owens, (produce) 35 South 2 S IT 1'"^'^ James, 6 Bowly's whf •2 ■^ p Poultaey & Moale. 44 w Lombard ■^ a) ?i Poultney S. Eugene, 53 Exchange pi o C3 I Pratt E. & Bro. (iron) 27 s Charles *^ Preiss Solomon, 20 German nr Sharp Price Wm. G. & Co. 103 w Lombard Prior & Von Collen. 143 w Lombard Purinsrton Z. S. (fish and cheese) 39 w Pratt Radcliffe George C. 25 s Gay Randolph & Latimer. 66 South R inson & Co. 1 Wood Rasin & Co. 73 South Rawlings J. S. & Co 103 s Charles Rawlings ,j- Dorsey, 103 s Charles Reaney S^ Go. 9! w Lombard Reid Andrew, 9 Rialto building Repp Stephen O. 161 u Howard Rhodes & Tennant. cor Paca and Franklin Rhoads W. & Son, cor Pratt and Smith's whf Ricards, Leftwitch & Co. (cotton and tobacco) 69 Exchanse pi Riddle Horatio R. 118 s Eutaw ' Rieman Henrv k Sons, 12 s Howard ^-^ Rinehart & Childs.s w cor Howard and Franklin Ringer Isaiah. 137 Camden Rippelmeyer Christian, 23 s Frederick Robbins & Co 88 s Eutaw Robinson, Kijburn k Co. 77 Smith's whf Robinson, McLeod k Co. 15 Cheapside Robinson Wm. C. & Son, (oils) 81 South t^ Roper H. C. & Bro. 73 w Lombard Rose & Lyon. 1 O'Donnell's whf K Ross John W. cf Co. 7 Patterson Rous Charles, 43 South Rowe Andrew J. (produce) 63 Camden Saunders John S. & Co. 91 South Sattler & Co. s e cor Charles and Pratt Sauerwein P. & Son, (flour and grain) 101 n Howard Schall Thomas B. & Co. 152 w Pratt Schlens G. A. & Co. over s e cor German and Calvert Rchanmherg Henry, rear 226 s Fremont Schoen k Hahn, ,?1 Hanover Schroeder Joseph & Co. 81 Exchange pi Scliryver Edward, 195 n Howard Schumacher A. k Co. 9 s Charles Schwatka Wm. F. 93 .\rch Sewell Joseph, 90 Boston Seemuller A. & Sons, 55 Exchange pi Segerman Wm. H. 10 Pennaav Shanks Thomas, (steam machinery) cor Lom- bard and Sharp Sheeler & Ripple, (livestock) Calverton drore yards Sherman Wm. R. 3 Ilollingsworth Shipley Hez-kiah L. 69 w Pratt Shipley & Sofsky. 59 s Cilvert Shriver Bros. 62 South j^ Shryock & Clark, (lumber) Eistern av and Union dock Shurtz Wm. D. ^- Co. 11 Commerce Simras Frank X. k Co. 57 Light Simpson Will. Sons-& Co 14 and 16 Gorinaa Simpson Wm. A. & Co. 29 Cheipside Skinner k Co. 14 Bar re Slagle C W. & Co. 1 18 and 133 North Small George & Co. 62 and 64 North Smith k Beymer, over 6 Comnerre * Smith, & Whiting, 35 Cheapside Snow E. J. & Co. ( flour )89 and 91 Suith's whf Snowden & Peters, 34 Postoffice av Snyder k Cochran, Penna av ext Spear Bros, (hardware) 21 s Charles Spedden Wm. H. 165 Light-st whf I— <•/=>■ HOLMES & CO.. E ugriiieers and 1 Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Beltiug, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Qenl Agt. ' BUSINESS riRECTORY. 795 'Spence, Montague & Co. 25 s Gay /-^ Stafford Joseph B. 54 Exchange pi Starr & Hugyins, 15 Patterson Steiiheiis John A. & Son, 92 Liarht-st whf Stewart C. Morton & Co. 52 s Gay / Stewart & Co. 13 n Howard Stewart A. G. ^- Co. 101 s Charles Stirling, Ahrens & Co. 54 Buchanan's whf Stonehraker & Co. 53 and 55 s Howard Straus H. & Bio. s w cor Fawn and Central av Stump A. H. & Sons, 56 South t ' Sullivan John & Sons, 2 Camden Sutro Emil, 17 GeiniMn Taliaferro G. C. 73 South . Tate, Muller & Co. 52 s Gav /- Tatem C. P. & Co. 162 w Pratt Tetens, Bockraann & Co. 65 s Gay Taylor Charles J. over s e cor German and Liberty Taylor Henry T. 12 Camden / Textor J. C. & Bio. (lumber) 180 Henrietta Thomas E. L. & Co. 22 German nr Light Thomas & Moon, 76 German Thomson John, 54 s Calvert Todd, Schenck & Co. 34 w Lombard Tolley & Deal, 99 s Charles Tolson ^ Paul, 40 s Howard Tomlinson Wni. & Co. 92 Light-st whf Townsend S. & Son, 47 s Calvert Travels J. Thomas & Co. n w cor Charles and Barre Travers Samuel H. & Son, cor Spear's whf and Pratt Trader, Bro. & Co. head of Union dock Tucker H. R. & Co. 57 Second Tudor, Lewis k Co. 219 w Pratt Tull Thomas J. 6 Bowly's whf Turnbull & Co. (dry goods) 13 German Turnbull J. L. & Co. 139 n Howard Turnbull, Sweet & Co. (dry goods) 21 s Sharp Tutlle Hezekiah, 237 Bank Tyson James E. & Co. 71 South Vickers ^ Parren. over 38 Cheapside Vickerv cj- Carroll, 53 w Pratt Vocke'Chiiis & Co. 1 16 s Charles Von Kapff Jj- .An ns, 22 German /,- Wadsworih & Clayton, 75 Smith's whf Wagner & Schryver, 16 Camden i- WiM ner & Spilker, 98 w Lombard Walker & Hooper, 77 Smith's whf Walter ^- Boyd, 10 Spear's whf Walton, Turnan & Co. 97 w Lombard Warden ^ Merritt, 72 South Warrington I^ewis, (loliacco) 96 w Lombard Waring \V. L. c|- Co. 102 s Charles Warwick, Walton & Co. 79 South Watts VVm. jr. 96 Light-st whf _.Wel)b A. L. & Son, cor Commerce andPraU\ Webb George F. 130 North Weeks <|- Fo.\, (auctioneers) 193 w Baltimore Wenck E. E. 46 and 48 s Charles Wertiieimer Herman, (dry goods) 7 German Weston & Tliomas Bros. 10 s Holliday Whedbee & Dickinson, 101 South Whitridue H. L. & Son, 58 Exchange pi Whitridge Thomas & Co. 22 and 24Bowly's ^hf Wiesenfehl, Stern & Co. 39 w Lombard V Wight J. II. (tobacco) 51 Exchange pi Wi>jht John II. & Co. (dry goods) 17 German Williams John, 4 s HoUulay Williams John S. & Bro. (grain and flour) 52 Commerce \ o Williams John B. 87 Smith's whf qq Williams Thomas P. jr. 4 s Holliday Williar Geo. P. & Son 10 Camden Wilson, Burns jf-Co. cor Howard and Lombard Wilson Jesse ^ Son, cor Light and Camden Wilson Leroy M. over 17 Light Wilson, Palmer & Co. 121 w Lombard WischmeverEdward & Co.(tol>acco)39s Calvert Wittman"W. W. & Co. 101 w Lombard Wolfe Bros. & Co. 119 w Lombard Wolff & Selisburg, 12 Commerce/ Wood W. H. 105 s Charles / Woodside & Griffith, 55 Light '' "^ Woodward, Baldwin & Norris, (dry goods) cor '^ German and Hanover ] pQ Wright John W. & Co. ComnKerce and Cable Wroth Thomas G. n w cor Camden and Light ^ Wylie, Bruster & Co. (dry goods) 11 German ^ Wylie, Smith & Co. 87 and 89 South Wyman, Bvrd & Co. (dry goods) 16 Hanover Young C. W. & Co. 90 Light-st whf Young George & Co. (general) 80 North Young John B. 21 South Zoller & Little, s e cor Liberty and Lombard Commissioners of Deeds. Brock Henry, 31 St. Paul Dulany H. Rozier. 36 St. Paul Emmons Herman L. jr. 3 and 4 Law bldg Hill Wm. B. n e cor Fayette and St. Paul Latimer Wm. W. s w cor Fayette and St. Paul Philpot George, 65 w Fayette Rogers Robert Lyon, (U. S.) 54 w Fayette d o =^ Pi O O ^ Companies and Associations- cellaneous. -Mis- Abbott Iron Co. cor Burke and Hudson, Canton Adams Express Go. 164 w Baltimore //'' Adams White Lead Co. over 27 s Charles Allston Association, 59 Franklin Ameiican Colonization Society, over 81 Second American Gas Coal Co. 3 Germ-in American Kindling Wood Co., Front and Jones Falls ^ American Stpara Fire Proof S ife Co. 131 w O Baltimore i^ Baltimore Agents' Supply Co., George W. Reid, agent. 42 St. Paul Baltimore Association for Improving the Con- dition of the Poor, 122 w Fayette Baltimore B.ig Faciorv, 73, 75 and 77 South Baltimore Book and Pul)lishing Co. 246 w Bal- timore Baltimore Brewcrv cor Hanover and Conway Baltimore Bridge Co., Le.xington and Charles Baltimore and Brooklyn C'-metery Co's office, ^ ^ Co.) ^ (Jstend ur Eutaw O Baltimore Lock Works, 15 Mercer CO Baltimore Museum of . Anatomy. 126 w Baltimore gr, Baliimoie News Co. Sun building. 111 vv Balti- more and .") S luth ^ Baltimore Nickel Plating Works, 15 Mercer Baltimore Pearl Hominy Co. cor North and Belvideri' Baltiuioie Permanent Land Co. 83 vv Fayette Baltimore Rivet and Spike Works, s e corner President and Fawn Baltimore Safe Works, 51 Clay Baltimore Sheep Butchers' Wool Association, No. 1, 505 Penna av Baltimore Sheet Metal MachiLe Co. office 53 s Broadway Baltimore Shoe and Leather Board of Trade, 284 w Balthnore Baltimore Stock Board, over 12 South Baltimore Tea Co. 194 Lexinirton Baltimore Transfer Co. 45 North '""■^'"'^ Baltimore United Butcheis' Hide and Tallow Association, n e cor McKim and Neighbor Baltimore Warehouse Co. office 2 Rialto bldg Belviderc Land Improvement and Building As- O sociatioii, 24 n Charles ^ Belmont Nail Works, agency 5 German r* Bien's Savings Building Assoc'n, 492 Penna av p Board ot Trade, New Exchan^^e Building ^ Boys Home Association of Baltimore, n vv cor z:^ OQ ^ Rivera Barrera J. 67 Lexington Schuiniich-er < W Broumel James W. 2 Law building Charles Benjamin, 76 s Bond Crowl k Son, 14 Law building Davis Edwin R. 3 Courtland Fowler Edward H. 7 St. Panl Gorsuch James K. P. 32 St. Paul Gorsuch Peregrine, 32 St. Paul Ilebden Wm. H. 240 Canton av Hooper S. H. & Bro. 30 St. Paul Israel F. & Sons, cor St. Paul and Lexington " ""' 11 Courthouse la 5r 'r! ^i' Kreis Joseph \V -Si: Prvor Stephen, 85 w Fayette ^ ^ r- RuYerts Levi B. 29 St. Paul ta "c^^ Roihenbiller Joseph, 10 Barnes '^ o '^ Schmitz Henry, 85 w Fayette TS "B •;£ Smith Robert T. 87 w Fayette ^ pc5 o Suowden Richard H. 85 w Fayette ■^ J, _; Spurrier Graf ion D. 71 W Fayette ^ •- g Taylor F. Alex. 121 Bank rt ^ <; Thompson A. W. & Son, 32 St. Paul "» 'oj tl] Tilyard Philip T. over 70 w Fayette W "S K. Warfield Wm. & Son. 47 St. Paul ■^S o w Coopers. S £ g I; .„Ci Barickman Jacob, (cedar) 200 e Baltimore J3 cc 1-^ Beck John (and tools) 26 and 28 William V -^ Bouday k Thurlow, (oak) 111 Thames ^ ^ ;^ Brenmin Edmund & Co. 359 s Bond 'r" UL. "^ Carroll John K. 27 Commerce ft. r— c5 Cook Daniel, (cedar) 209 s Paca ^ ?:_ Costolay Patrick J. (cedar) 118 Franklin '^ "2 „' Coulson Thomas F. 123 s Poppleton C t) '^ Culver Wm. T. 5 n Sharp ^ p Curtain Samuel, rear 37 Light J^ ^ •"■ Dawes Francis, Central av nr Fayette «j -*j O Diamond James sr. 7 s Eden g -^ ^ Egau Thos. C. (cedar) 509 w Pratt § c^ Ei>pler John, rear 71 s Sharp ^ -= E\ erist John M. 108 n Holliday s^ ^ he Feller Charles, 308 s Dallas ^o c '^•"'-- "" - -- ■ f^ t. .^ ?^ -e 13 A I^T 1 >I O li K COPPERSMITH WORKS No. 135 NORTH STREET, E. P. OSLER, Is prepared to do COPPER WORK in all its branches, also Repairing. JOHN M. BRU€E, Oen. Snperlntendent. -go HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. ^ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Feller George, 131s Spring Frederick Wm. C. 110 Franklin Frink H. A. (staves) 5 Postoffice av Gardner & Rea, 36 Commerce Gldck John A. 135 s Castle > ^ Green Richard C. 81 s Paca g ,^ Gruettcr Fredk. L (oak) Plum al nr Hamburg ^ Hush Samuel C. (cedar) 743 w Baltimore Jones Isiiac & Co. (staves) 56 Exchange pi Kimhall, Shaffer & Go. n e cor Canton and Central avs Kimbling Bros. 37 Bradford al King Geo. (oak) 31 n Caroline and Caroline nr Tbatues Kram John, cor Madeira al and Bo\er Luke Charles F. (oak) 184 n Caroline Lusby Charles A. 24 Ridgely McCann Edward, Cross nr Hanover McDaiiiel Columbus M. 112 Dugan's whf McGowan Stephen, cor Ramsay anil Dawson al Navy G. W. k Co. office n e cor Gay and Pratt Nickum Wra. C. 42 Johnson Pfeil .Au'iust& Co. (Staves, &c.) Hamburg nr Howard Philips Albert, Frederick rd nr Gwynn falls Placide Jennings & Bros. 57 Buchanan's whf Reejier John C. 186 s Charles Reynolds Thomas, 216 s Eutaw Rilterschofer Ernest, 935 w Pratt Rupert Henry and Joseph, jr. Warren ct Sapp Joshua 0. & Bios. 109 Smiths whf Schick John, 109 Enstern av Schmidt William, 16 Peach al Seward & Co. 31 Commerce Sheckells Merrick, Ridgely nr Hamburg Shaffer Thomas, Canal and Central av Solter Geo. L. (^cooperage stock) 101 Smiths whf and 29 Block Stanhope John B. Howard and West Streeper Charles, 26 Patterson Sullivan John C. 19 Patterson Textor J. C. & Bro. 180 Henrietta Weager Frank A. 252 s Spring Woollen James R. 31 Commerce Copper. Baltimore Copper Works, Canton, office 57 s Gay Gunpowder Copper Works, office 57 s Gay Coppersmiths. Clark Thomas & Bro. 231 s Wolfe \ DAVID JOHNSTON And Manufacturer of Apparatus for [Mm ami Bottling No. 64 N. HOLLIDAY STREET, S\ Parti Particular attention L'iveu to the con traction of Soda W ater Apparatus ^ Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 799 Coulter J. A., toot of Warren Ellerbrcck Herman, 23 n Frederick FefiU John, 86 n Holliday Johnston David, 64 n Holliday Kavanu^h & Smith, 16 w Lombard Lenderking Philip H. 233 w Pratt t Osier E. P. 135 North Rehbein Wm. G, 45 n Holliday l, Robins A. K. & Co. s w cor William and York Cork Cutters and Dealers. / Chestnut S. & Co. 38 s Calvert Corsets. Frankel Bros, (wholesale) 184 s Broadway Horn Theodore, 139 Lexington Pohl iMrs. E. 104 Lexington Parker Miss S. 140 Lexington Seibert Airs. Regina, 103 e Baltimore Sonnehill Mrs. Henrietta, 135 Lexington White Edward S.n e cor Lexington and Liberty Costumers. Billmyer C. E. & Co. 3 Low Marshall Reuben, 3 Low Cotton Brokers. Harris Edwin H. 61 Exchange pi Harrison T. B. & Co. 56 Exchange pi Matthews E. George, over 13 Cheapside McDonnell Eugene, 46 Second Powell R. M. & Co. 58 Exchange pi Rhett Charles H. 72 Exchange pi Ross Nathan, 43 South y' -Sanders Geo.W.& Co. room 11,53 Exchange pi Schaefer A. C. jr. & Co. 85 Exchange pi Sterrett Samuel, oyer 85 Exchange pi Smith Chandler, 127 n Eutaw Cotton Dealers and Factors, Ash Michael \. 102 Lighl-st whf Barker George Y. over 4 s Holliday Biggs Joseph J. 7 South Carey & Colcock,n e corLombard andFrederick CookeGeo. W.( bats and wadding )148^Lindenav Durst John U. (wadding) Light nr Fort av : — Elliott Bios. 64 s Gay i Gaither George R. jr. & Co. 6 s Gay * ,, Gill & Fisher, 29 South y Green Arnou & Co. n w cor Exeter and Hillen Gunther Ludolph W. 9 s Eutaw Hamilton M. A. & Co. 27 s Frederick Heniz John J. 110 s Charles — Hopkins & Jannej, 18 Spear's whf '' Jenkins JosephW. & Co. 28 and 30 s Frederick Little Thomas A. 137 n Broadway Lowry John B. 341 w Lombard Manly & Johnston, cor Lombard and Frederick Matthews E. Gtorge, over 13 Cheapside McDonnell Eugene, 46 Second Powell R. M. & Co. 58 Exchange pi Prince L. L. & Co. over 27 s Gay Rhett Charles H. 72 Exchange pi Ricards, Leftwich & Co. 69 Exchange pi RuppelJohiiW. (bats and wadding) lOOHaraburg Slothower William T. 44 German —.Tiffany Edward, 27 German ^' Tiffany George P. 27 German Wilson Leroy M. over 17 Light Cotton Duck Manufacturers. OQ fl Alberton Cotton Mills, James S. Garey & Sons, r^ office 24 German ^ , 2 Clipper Mills, 2f miles NCR. W. ^ ^ GMmbrill Sons & Co. (Druid Mills) 41 w Lom- a; bard j, o Hooper Wm.E. & Sons.s e cor Pratt and South ^ Mount Vernon Co. office cor Lombard and "^ Franklin la *^ "^ Mount Vernon Mills, Nos. 1 and 3, Falls rd one rn mile from city limits Powhatan Cotton Factory, office 44 German t '<-> Thistle Factory, office 146 w Fayette » r^ Cotton Press. ^ Monumental, J. M. Uhtholf. agt, Union dock O Cotton and Woolen Goods. Henkelman, Jackson & Phelps,(woolens)270 w p| Baltimore /, ' ■5:^ Howard Willard, (woolens) 49 Lexington ^ Neal George H. C. 99 and 101 w Baltimore/-^ Rosenburg Samuel, (woolens) 9 Hanover Woodward, Baldwin & Norris,cor German and r^ Hanover Cotton Yarn, &c. Alberton Cotton Mills, office 24 German Baldwin & Cugle, 21 German Green Ammon ^ Co.n vv cor Exeter and Hillen Q Wilhelm Perkins S. 44 German Cuppers and Leechers. Getz Conrad, 101 Bank Gill Mrs. Jane M. 125 n Eutaw Kramer Charles, 43 e Fayette Leonhardt Mrs. Ann U. 207 e Pratt Leonhardt John H. 65 President Mohr John A. 24 Fell Mver Abraham, 48 Lee Otto George T. W. 101 n Eden Waitz Mrs. Mary C. 296^ e Monument Curled Hair Manufacturers. Frev, Walpert & Co. 28 n Gay Wi'lkens Wm. & Co. 300i w Pratt Wuegner John M. 50^ n Howard Curriers, Leather and Findings Dealers. {See Leather Dealers.) o < o o ft > o OQ Aberle Dominick, Point la near Greenmount Jzq cemetery <^ Achey Frederick & Son, 22 s Liberty Appold George & Sons, 8 and 10 Water Baer Arthur P. & Co. 7 and 9 Cheapside Bergman P. & Son, 12 s Liberty Brandt H. & Bro. 29 Saratoga Coakley Bros 14 s Calvert Crane W. & Sons, s e cor Cheapside and Water O I— I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 800 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Eh K < H h-3 O CD o <1 OQ W O K P o CO M O Oq *^ OH o« I— I HH si o o Deford & Co. n w cor Calvert and Lombard Friese Cluirles, 213 and 215 Canton av Grupy F. H. & Co. 42 8 Calvert Hewlett John Q. & Son, 9 Water Hoffman G. L. ij- Co. 84 w Lombard Hoffman Michael jr. 560 w Baltimore Jenkins, titaylor & Co. 12 Water Kempton & Kerchner, 20 Water Kuhn Everhart, 148 Light-st whf Larrabee E. <& Sons, 20 s Calvert Larrabee Wm. F. & Co. cor Light and Mercer Long David, 240 w Pralt Maxwell J. & Sons, 5 Ensor Maynard, Ely & Rose, 46 s Calvert Musgrave James, 1U3 n Front Utt George L. 125 s Broadway Priiiz Hartman, ;^69 s Charles Roque Francis, Fayette and Harrisoa Schlrtrb P. & H. 61 and 65 s Sharp Sparhawk John, 18 s Schroeder Sparhawk Stearns, 306 n Ann Slalfort & Bro. 326 w Pratt Slalfort J. D. & Sons, 24 e Lombard Startzmau A. Southern Dispensary, 45 Conway ^ Southwestern Dispensary, 37 Parkin University Dispensary, s w cor Lombard and ^ Greene Ph Washington University Dispensary (free) n w O cor Calvert and Saratoga &"• Distillers P < Clabaugh & Graff, 38 South Crichton Malcolm, 133 n HoUiday Flack Brothers, office 52 South Foy John M. 755 w Baltimore ft Hannis Distilling Co., F. M. Guthrie, agent, ^ Ostend and Russell =3 -^ Beard Mrs Mary E. 312 Mulberry "S 2C cc Reastell Anuiista, 31 George S •' ^ BeaumontMrs MaryL.150nScbroeder K^ tgr Benson R. S. 27 Park av OS Bent^en M. C. 116 Pearl ^ <=>'-. Bishop Mrs. T. F. 262 e Riddle '*^ '^ S Boland MMrgartt E. 25 Stockton •"'2 o Bowman Mrs Marv J. 49 n Howard — S ^^ Brun Mad F. (children) 116 n Paca -^ . Z Burgess Hebecca, 367 w Favette ^ X ^ Cahill Mary L. 86 w Biddle" '^ 1> y Carter Mrs. Fannie, 201 n Eutaw ^ t> rjq Caulfield .Mrs.Marp;arpt.32 Richmond .- i^ Chenoweth .Mrs. Mary J. 85 Garden --r zr"--^ Childs Sarah D. 24rn Howard •- .2 c Clark M.uy C. 214 n Eutaw 2 5^ ^ Couzins Mary, cor Charles and Pratt ^ =-"0 Cross Amelia, 429 Lexington ^ 2 ^ Crouch Mrs. Martha, 282 Chew 5 "^ Daley Mrs. Mary A. 295 Saratoga Delaiicv & Griffin, 1('8 Cathedral Ouley Mrs. Marv, 33 u Eden DumaxEliza'h 0 &Mary E. 158 Pearl Dunbraco Mrs.M..M. 14 w Baltimore Emerich Mrs. Catherine, 232 w Biddle Everhart .Mrs. Mary, 92 s Sharp ►^ K Fairall .Mary E. 73 n Poppleton . ^ ^ Forney Mrs. Mary, 540 w Fayette gS r- t^ Frizzell Eliza'b. A. 551 w Baltimore oe a .- Gardner S.S. & M.E. 69 n Charles t^ H. Gordon Mrs. Amanda, 292 n Eutaw ifl &, £ Harding Laura V. 141 w Fayette (>: z 2-( Harding Mary, 37 n Liberty ,— — ^ Hause E. cor Liberty and Lexington « p5 '^ Hess Mrs. Elizab. 84 Druid Hill av -^ ^ H Hickman Mis. JI. S. 65 Cathedral m '^ ^ Jarboe Mrs. A. 241 w Fayette '^ >j S Jeanneret Mad. L. P. 83 n Charles *- '^ (^ Jenkins .Mrs Martha, 332 e Lombard ^ t^ '— ' Jennings Mrs.C.V. 406 e Fayette j; =^ Johnson Sallie E. 96 w Fayette . rr p; Jones Mrs. Sophia, 47 Lee "S § S J^^seph Esther, l(i3 Cathedral V 2 oj Jurney & Coleman, 296 Light t ..^^ Kelly Ellen A 218 Park av ^ w '-^ Lawder Caih. A. n w cor Saratoga and Greene Y *^ Lightner A. E. 99 w Fayette § .5 >1^ Loftus .Mis.ses, 136 Lexington *g CC -7- May Ella, cor Park ar and Lexington a^ 'z; S McDaniel .Mary E. & Jane E. 175 German ^^ Mules Annie P. 118 n Pine ^ Norman .Mrs. Sarah A. 240 n Eden -^ O'Conner Nora, 560 Lexington c Peckokeck Mrs. Ann, 286 Penna av •^ Pervail Mrs. Harriet M. 255 w Hoffman C Plack Mrs. Kate, 626 w Baltimore '^ Quick Harriet A. 26 e Baltimore ^5 2 ^ Robinson Mrs. \Vm. T. 81 n Howard ^"br^ Seymoui Mrs.Mary, (dress patterns) 196nEutaw %^ 3 be Sbotton Margaret A. and Mary, 200 n Eutaw *^ o a Siar Matilda, 187 w Madison "c ^ i^ Silver Mra. Sarah A. 140 Lexington ^ -^ '^ Skinner Susan, 214 n Eutaw S >»j o Smith Mrs. Anna M. 92 McCulIoh ^^ 'oj ,i: Smith Margaret, 278 a Eutaw • ^ oe Stansbury Mrs. E.E. (teacher) 49j w Baltimore 2J « _ Vickers A. 22 n Charles § S >, Ward Annie, S9 Cathedral •« X S Waite Mrs. Elizabeth, 136 n Piue ^ >; Wood Susan C. 175 w Biddle ss Druggists— Wholesale. (Retail, see Apothecaries.) Baker Richard J. & Co. 36 an^^S s Charles Bovkin. Carmer & Co. 3 n Liberty k^^ Brown Wm. H. & Bro. 25 s Sharp t^' Burrough Bros. Manufacturing Co. 4 Howell block Canby, Gilpin & Co. n w cor Light sinii-LomJittf3~ Carr Bros. & Co. 26 German. 3d 4>leman ^-Rogers, 178 w BalUHTrrre Davis & Miller, 12 n Howard /■ Frey E. & S. 314 w Baltimore ^'^^'^ Greensfeider k Laupheimer, 378 w BsCTtimore^—- Hosmer H. A. & Bro. 118 w Lombard King Solomon, 1 s Calvert Meyer A. C. & Co. 4 s Liberty Senft Louis & Co. 22 n Howard Stockdale, Smith & Co. 8 s Howard y;^ Thompson, Lilly & Co. 26 Hanover Vogeler Augustus & Co. 4, 6 andig^Liberty Wade D. & Co. 290 w Baltimore /^ ^^ Dry Goods— Retail. Adler Marcus, 132 s Broadway Akers Edwin, 138 Lexington Atkinson John W. 298 n Gay Aurich Dorothea, 929 w Pratt Baernstein Solomon, 109 Camden Bamberger David, 152 Lexington Barricre George, 137 n Gay Behrends Leopold, 61 n Howard Benedict Joseph, n w cor Eden and Jefferson Bernei S. & Sons, s e cor Eutaw and Lexington Benson A. Theodore, 663 w Baltimore Beveridge Mrs. Agnes, 146 w Madison Bird J. Edward & Co. 213 w Baltimore Bird Stephen L. & Co. 59 n Howard Blum Henry, 263 Hanover Blumenthal M. & Bro., Hollins and Republican Brady Lawrence E. 218 Harford av Bramwell Mrs. Amanda, 143 Columbia Broadbent & Co. 12 n Charles Brown M. 509 w Baltimore Bucksbaum Henrietta, 232 s Broadway Burger Henry, 206 s Broadway Cleaveland E. R. ^ Co. 157 n Gay Coale E. H. 190 Saratoga Cohen B. & G. 166 Lexington Cohen Raphael, 108 Light-st whf Cohfu Simon, 185 n Gay Cohn Henry P 201 s Bond CoUiourn Mrs. Ann M. 438 Lexington Conway ^- Co. (linen and mourning goods) 28 n Charles Delevie k Swartz, 31 n Eutaw Dixon Bradley S. 716 w Baltimore Doherty .M. & E. 223 Lexington Dugan J 0. cor Gay and High Duncan James k Co. 216 and 218 w Baltimore Easter Hamilton & Sons, 199, 201 and 203 w Baltimore Ehrman Wm. 166 Franklin Eiclielberger Henry, 240 Penna av Ej'tiuge Henry, 165 n Gay Fenby Theodosia, 137 n Gay « FinkPeter, 254 n Caroline |«l, Fisher Emanuel, 105 n Eden j^ fl -^ >o HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies.' ^ """ Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 803 CQ -t-> a o O d o =^ p o o p4 Froelich Gerson, 73 n Riitaw Gill Uatheriae P. 220 e Pratt Goldenbcrg k Bro. ISti and 162 Lexington Gordon CliarU'S G. 345 n Gay Gusdorff Alex. 65f) « Broadway Halle Simon, 154 Franklin Hamburger Aaroi., 181 n Gay H^iuiburger Laznus, 123 e Pratt HanawHv James, 132 Lexington Harvey Joshua ( / Eaton Bros., German bet. Light and Charles Field John A. 17 German v Flick George P. k Co. 1 1 s Charles V / Getty James k Sons, 328 w Baltimore / Goodwin Thomas, 17 German GriflBth & France, 1 s Charles Hahn Ferdinand, 64 w Baltimore P-) Oh CQ •^ CO H H OQ CD Eh OQ 1^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 804 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. v^ Hall H. J. k Co. over 6 n Hojyard Ilodtres Bros. 23 Hanover ^ Hollidav, Phillips & Co. 21 Hanover pq. Hull, A'tkinson & Co. 258 w Baltimore >^ p^ Hurst, Purnell & Co. 241 w Baltituoie rS E-i, Johnson, Sutton & Co. 296 w Baltim^jf^nd 1 ^2; ^ n Lilierty • f^ — Jx Kernpood & Bro. 245 w Baltimore ^ <^ Lea Joseph & Co. 25 German ^^ ^ O Makepeaee & Co. 1 and 3 (German r rjj ^ Merrefield Bri)S. 288 w Baltimore S F Middleton John A. 20 German O g Miller Daniel & Co. 329 w ^Baltimore and 44 O Gei •^ m >H1. German OQ Dyers and Scourers. Jg|||teogers k Co. 345 w Baltimore and 58 „ German ^^ Mui doch Alex. & Co. s e» Lii.ck Fred. 42 w Fayette Miller John C. (nianufr. dyes) 111 e Biddle Rauck Frederick W. 179 n Eutaw RichterM. II. cor Harrison and Hadson,0aDtOD Roeble Ludwig, 28j Pearl O ^ I— ( -5p 'Z 'fj Repp John, 273 s Bond Schroedl Stephen, 287 e Baltimore and 256 V7 Pratt Staten Island Establishment, 110 w Baltimore Stissel Fred. 95 Lexington Willax Anton, 87 e Fayette Willax Michael, 288 n Gay Winterling George, 242 e Baltimore Wyle James H. & George M. 142 Lexington Edge Tools. Burke Justis, 246 s Durham Fieslein John, 304 s Caroline Gage Edgar S. 190 e Pratt Hudgins John R. s w cor Pratt and Mill Kanne Wm. H. 59 Boston Phillips Francis H. (sharpener) 10 Forrest pi Eleetrotypers. Cowman Philip E. 114 w Baltimore Garrett Charles, (stereotyper) 7 B:ink la Lucas Fielding H. 7 Bunk la Ryan ^- Rickelts, South and German Elevators. Baltimore and Ohio Elevators, Locust Point Northern Central Elevator,opp22Boston, Canton Embroideries and Laces. Beniley W. H. ^ C. E. 132^ Lexington Bonney Elias, 109 w Baltimore Brinkman A. H. & Co. over 235 w Baltimore Cooper Mrs. Julia A. B. (gold embroideresa) 260 Chew Eilau Abraham, 69 J n Howard Foltat L. C. 126 w Fayette Hamburger A. G. 92 Lexington Hamburger Myer, 164 Lexington Hinze A. W. 60 Lexington Hutzler Bros. 12 Hanover and 67 n Howard Kleyensteuber Mrs. L. 110 Lexington Parker J. Kos. 16 n Charlt-s Thackenberg Eliza, embroideress) 77 n Liberty Engineers (Civil and Mechanical) and Draughtsmen. Bassbor Thomas C. k VjO. 28 Light Billopp Christopher, (civil) 184 n Charles Bollman John W. (civil) Clinton s of Boston Bollman Wendell (civil) Clintons of Boston, office 8 s Gay Boughin & Moss, 50 w Fayetie Cassell Charles E. (civil) 2 Lexington bldg Codd Edward J. & Co. 259 s Caroline Cragg Joseph, (consulting) 10 s Hollidaj Duvall A. Leslie, (civil) 411 w Fayette Elmer Walter F. (civil) 187 Barre Faul August, engineer and genl. supt. Druid Hill Park Gray Newton M. 210 n Howard Griffith & Marquette, 6 West Falls av llanibleton Francis H. (civil) 17 South Haskell George C. 151 n Paca Howard G. H. & W. T. (mechanical) 529 Sev- enth-st, Washington, and 18 Second Huujphreys Charles, U. S. engineer's office HENRY HOEN & CO., Litbograpliing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 805 i^ — ^ o o3 Hurdle A. N. 3 Oliver Huttoa W. R. ^ N. H. 46 Lexingtoa Jacobs Wm. 175 North Javins Henry G. 209 Forrest Jervis Thoiui'S, 70 Cross Jones Wm. F. (mechivnicul) 228 Wiilsb Kahler Charles P. K. (civil) s e cor Charlesaud Fayette Keiily John R. (civil) 92 n Carey Kiiijiht Jeieiiiiali R. (civil) 35 St. Paul Latrobe Benj. H. (civil) N6 ii Charles Latro^e Charles H. (civil) l4tJ n Charles Leonard Kdvvard, (civil) 35 n Front Malster & Donnell, foot of Ann Maunint: Charles P. (civil) 189 St. Paul Marienel Simon J. (civil) s w cor North and Lesii.gton ^ayer David, 2 n Carey McClenahau Charles E. 293 e Madisim Murray James ^ Son, 40, 42 and 44 York Musgrave Wm. (mechanical) 247 n Carey Negley Walter, Pleasant nr Charles Niernsee «^ Sou, 39 n Charles Norwood Edwaid, 96 n Calvert Osborne P. T. (civil) Mansion house Page George & Co. 5 n Schroeder Poole ^ Hunt, 7 German nr South Ramsay if- Carter, (and contractors) s e cor Hughes and William Reeder Charles & Co. 51 Hughes Reiuhardt Herman, (draughtsman) North avnr Peon a av Ronsaville David C. 236 u Carey Rutledge George W. 1 12 Dolphin Sangmeister Rudolph, (draughtsman.) 22 s Broadway Sauner James B. 5 s Holliday Saunders J. Mowton, 19 South Shoemaker Wm. S. & Wm. M. 161 n Carey Simpson C. E. (draughtsman) 433 n Carey Simpson George, (civil) 137 St. Paul Sparks Thomas, Oliver and Maryland av Starck Edward L. over 196 German Stewart Joseph, (draughtsman) 108 Myrtle av Taylor Saml. G. cor East Falls av and G-^anby Tegmeyer John H. (civil) 230 Madison av Templeman & Shipley, (civil) 37 Lexington Trimble I. R. (civil; 32 Postoffice av Tustin S P. (civil) 56 n Greene Twamley & Carr, (civil) 24 a ("harles Wallis Benjamin, (civil) 46 Lexington Weaver Wm. R. 34 w Biddle Weber W. E. 2(i3 n Calvert Wrenshal J. C. (civil) over 80 w Fayette Engines and Boilers. {See Boiler 3Iakers.) Bartlett, Bobbins c|- Co. 24 Light Basshor Thomas C. & Co. 28 Light Bentley Charles W. & Sons, 25 s Front Frazier Win. J. 132 and 134 Thames Larrabee Ht-nry C , Caroline and Lancaster Murray James Sf Sun, 40, 42 and 44 York Page George & Co. 5 n Schroeder Poole Sf Hunt, 7 German nr South Snowden Sj- Cowman, cor Clay and Kimmel al, office 66 w Fayette Taylor Saml. G. cor East Falls av and Granby Treulieb ^ Co. 19 Ensor Engravers. Anderson ^ Son, 148 w Baltimore Bauingrarten S. k Son, 45 e Favette O O S. BAUiYIGARTEN & SON, Seal Engravers, Seals for Lodges and § Societies neatly executed. P 45 K. Fayette Street, cor. Exeter. '^ Bertram Wm. A. over 4 South Booker Henry C. over 205 w Baltimore Bouike Thos. 74 u Charles Bross Edward, 151 w Lombard Brown M. Harold, over 160 w Baltimore Brown Martin S. 195 w Baltimore Ehlers John D. & Co. 87 Second Hart Marx M. (wood) over 209 w Baltimore Heiderman Otto, 7 s Holliday Hoen A. & Co. 73 and 75 Second lloen Henry & Co.n e cor Postoffice av ^ Second Koehler F. X.(seal and die sinkers) 54 German Kramer Frederick, 277 n Gay Kramer Henry W. (wood) 85 n Gay Linthicum Wm. H. 209 w Baltimore Loewenthal Gustav C. (wood)27 n Howard Merrikcn Francis M. 169 w Baltimore iMeushaw Merrill, 10 s Greene Siork & Wright, '161 w Baltimore Stunz Adam S. 496 w Lombard Stunz G. W. P. P. over 212 w Baltimore Tomay Aloysius G.n w cor Charles and Fayette Torsch John W. (wood) over 122 w Baltimore Torsch Bros, (wood) over 131 w Baltimore United States Manufacturing Co. 19 German Weeks Thomas C. 148 e Monument Express Forwarders. Adams Express Co. 162 and 164 w Baltimore Baltimore Transfer Co. 45 North McClintock's Local Baggage Express, 149 w Bal- timore McClintock John M. (bnggage)Camden Station and 149 w Baltimore McFarland & Stephenson, 114 s Eutaw Union Transfer Co. 143 w Baltimore Warner's Express Freight Line, depot 128 North H S' L) EH < I— I h Bros. 103 n Gay and n w cor Howard ^ H O bo and Lexington °t) vj(., Kahler Mrs. Julia, 116 Frederick av o c Kermode & Co. 138 w Fayette, and 93 n Eutaw ^ ■« Keener Martha J. 51 Peai I +^ '-^ Knipp Jacob jr. 3.! n Howard Krozer James \V. 695 w liallimote Leonard \Vm. 63 n Charles Lenz Mrs. Elizabeth, 62 s Broadway Levi Robert, 3S g Sh.irp Levy VVm. I), k Son, 86 Lexington Loewe Henry, 105 Hanover oj >!j Lowenthal J- Brother, Lexington and Howard w ^ ' ^ McDonnell Mary A. 74 Lexington McGowan Mrs. Jane, 176 Madison av McLaughlin Charles J. 138 w Pratt McNutt Rebecca, 44 n Greene Mehlgarten Charles, 111 n Howard Meicier Mrs. C. T. 354 Penna av Meredith Susan, 55 Richmond Miller Mrs. Mary, 83 George Murphy Mrs M. 206 Mulberry Noonan .Mrs. Alice, 95 n Eutaw Norman Mrs. Sarah A. 240 n Eden Parker J. Kos. 16 n Charles Passano Joseph F. 349 w Biltimore Passano Leonard k Sons, 268 w Baltimore Patton Rebecca, 42 Hanover Potee Julia H. 44 e Baltimore Piitchard Mrs. Louisa, 502 w Baltimore Richards Amelia C. 437 Lexington Ringrose M. J. 411 e Lombaid Ringrose Mrs. S. J. 490.^ w Baltimore Rohr Joseph A. & Co. 5 Penna av Roseman Geo. W. ji-. 472 w Baltimore Ross Mrs. Sarah, 99 n Eutaw Samuels M. S. 151 n Eutaw Sakolski David \. 329 n Gay Schultze Herman, 116 Hanover Schultz Mrs. D. 36 w P.altimore Schwarz Henry, 2il w Baltimore Schwerdtmann & Co. 327 w B.iltimore Seebold Louis, (varieties) 262 Light Seibert Edward, 35 w Baltimore Shephard Mis. Kate, 506 Penna av Small Wm. H. & Co. 223 w Baltimore Steinbach G. P. 216 and 218 w Bdtimore Steppacher Isaac H. 264 Penna av Solmson Heineman, 176 s Broadway Swayne B. B. 37 n Charles Taylor George B. 166 n Eutaw Wamsley & Ned well, 79 n Charles Weil Isabel, 54 Lexington Weigand Wilhelmina, 2(J4 s liroadway Weingarten Aaron, 215 u Gay White Geovge \',. 87 n Howard Whitwortb A. & L 124 Lexington Wolf Simon, 179 n Gay Young John M. 83 n Eutaw Fancy Goods and Notions- Wholesale. Adams & MoiiLton, 13 and 15 Hanover, cor German / Alberti, Prior & Co. 348 w Baltimore *^ Bamberger & Kilau, 247 w Baltimoie Blum Henry, 263 Hanover ^- Brosius «& Co. 315 w Baltimore l^ Canlield, Bro. & Co. 229 w Baltimore '"^ Craig & LaPorte. 3 Hanover V Elhart, Witz & Co. 5 Hanover / Fahlen & Ohiendoif, 319 w Baltimore Fleischer E. & Bro. 4 Hanover Fr.inkel Bros. 184 s Broad W)iy y Gieenbaum Isiat- & Sons, 17 H.inover 1 Hall 11. J. & Co. over 6 n Howard Hollander k Prechtel. 272 w Baltimcg>^ Hitdges Brothers, 23 Hanover ^,^ Horner John A. it Co. 308 w Baltifffore Hutzler Brothers, 12 Hanover and j^lm Howard Kermode & Co. 138 w Fayette " Knipp Jacob jr. 33 n Howard Kohu B. & Brother, over 5 8 Charles Mann William, 42 s Charles / e3 "^ HOLMES & CO., Etigineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 807 Majer & Brother, 4 n Howard Oberiicioi'f,Harhurger& Co. 243 w Baltimo Prtssaiio Joseph F. 349 w Baltimore Pussano Leonard & Sons, 268 w Baltimore t^ Puulson Alexauder W. 346 \v B^iltiniore /''^ Poultuey, Ti imble & Co. 200 w Baltimore *- liohr Brothers. 251 w Baltimore Robr Joseph A. & Co. 5 Penna av Rohr Henry J. 25 n Howard Rohr Nathaa, 249 w Baltimore Rose S. & Co. 2 Hanover i^^ Rogge & Koch, 25 Hanover /-'" Rouse, Hempstoce & Co. 285 w Balti|^m:e Schwarz Henry, 211 w Baltimore Schwerdtmaun & Co. 327 w Baltimore '-^ Small William H. & Co. 223 w Baltimore Steinbach G. P. 181 w Baltimore ^>'^^ Stellmaii, Farber & Co. 23 s Sharp >-^ Williams Henry J. over 31 Hanover Felt Manufacturers. Asbestos Felting Co. of N. Y. 36 w Lombard Fertilizers. Anderson A. L. agent Whann's phosphate, 16 Bowly's wharf Baltimore City Fertilizing Manufacturing Co. 4 Wood Baugh & Sons, lo:! South Bay John W. 39 and 41 s Frederick Bowen and Mercer, (phosphates) 65 s Gay Bullock John & Son, (ground bnne) Washing- ton road nr city limits, office 61 s Gay Coe Andrew, (superphosphate of lime) 172 w Pratt Coulson Edward L. 27 Balderston Detrick J. S. 120 s Charles Detrick L. F. 120 s Charles Dunlap Edward A. (guano) 333 n Broadway Edwards E. G. & Co. (superphosphate) 21 Cheipside Grange F.C. & Co (potash salts) 103 w Lombard Griffith & Turner, 41 ai.d 43 n Paca Hachtel John C. & Co. 14 Bowly's whf Hammond VV^alter, (superphosphate) 64s Sharp Horner Joshua, (bone dust, &c.) cor Chew and Stirling Horner Joshua jr. & Co. 54 s Gay Long John H. ^ Co. 44 Posloffice av Lorentz & Ilittler. (superphosphate) cor West and Leideuhall, office 80 South Maryland Fertilizing Co. 4 s Holliday Merryman John & Co 24 Second Navassa Phosphate Co. 2() and 22 South Oudesluys Charles L. 67 Exchange pi Ober G. & Sons, (o;uano mill) office 68 South Patapsco Guano Co. office 65 South Phillips Moro, (phosphates) 95 South Rasin R. W. L. & Co 32 South Reese John S. & Co. 10 South Reynolds Isaac & Sons, (guano) 40 Postofficeav Rhodes Benjamin M. & Co. 82 South Rhodes J. M. & Co. (phosphates) 80 South Ruth R. J. & Co. (phosphates) over n e cor Baltimore and Calvert Smith & Shaefer, 172 Forrest Stubbs George N. (agent) 95 South Snowden & Peters, 34 Postoffice av Turner J. J. ^ Co. 42 w Piatt Turner Robert & Son, 43 s Frederick Voss B. F. (guano) 55 Second Walton, Whann & Co. 16 Bowly's whf Whitelock W & Co. 44 South Woodside & Griffith, 55 Light Zell Peter & Sons, over 30 South File and Basp Manufacturers. Jervis James, 70 Battery av Resting Ph. 87 n Front Heiss Jacob, 154 East Thieme Charles, 119 n Front Fire Brick Manufacturers. Berry John S, ^ George R. cor Hamburg and Warner Hamilton S. M. (and i)atetitee Hamilton's Per- petual Brick Kiln) 8 s Gay Hicks George C. & Co. 4 s Holliday Riltenhouse E. W. & Bio. foot of Cross Fish and Cheese Dealers. Abey Joseph C. 326 Willian Barrett Thomas, 371 s Eutaw Boone & Ahlsleger, 47 Light Bond James, 4 Hollinirsworth Delcher & Barron, 10 Fish Market sp Dry den Alexander sr. 61 Clay Dungan & Co. 79 South Eareckson C. F. 85 South Freeburger J. H. & Co. 14 Fish Market sp Gill Noah, 312 n Broadway Hughes Robert, 143 Walsh HuntemuUer H. W. ^ Co. 55 South Jones Lewis jr. 74 Light-st whf Jones Thomas, 140 William Kennard & Oudesluys ( wholes.) 83 Exchange pi Knight Robert, 5 Hollingsworth Post James, 6 Bowly's whf Post W. W. 43 South Purington Z. S. 39 w Pratt Scoggins Samuel R. cor Light and Pratt Sessions A. D. & Co. 42 Grant Sessions Joseph A. 42 Grant Shurtz William D. ert J. D. ^ Son, 99 and 101 s Charles Burk William, 55 s Central av k^ ^ Clark Matthew B. & Bro. 40 n Howard 2h Clark Thomas S. 81 Smith's whf C<% Clarke William W. 61 s Gay ^ r^ Classen H. & Sons, 145 s Sharp ^ Colbert Aug. F. 4 w Pratt C o 2 f^'oop^'" Hugh W. 576 Penna av C ^ ^ Costello John, Fayette e of Burke J ;:^ ^ Cullison Jesse M. 4 Penna av .'ruder 0. B. & Co. 57 s Howard Maisch J F. &Co. 196 German Mann John G. 285 s Bond Martin Allen, 43 and 44 Tyson McAfee Bros., Harford av nr Biddle and Pop- pleton and Ryan McCormick Saml. cor Chase and Harford av McGraw James, 126 Ensor McKanna Patrick & Co. 325 w Pratt McKee John, 380 Canton av Means & Dunn, 34 u Howard Meixsel & Co. 149 w Pratt Mesner & Bro r)06 n Gay Meyer John G. 345 Columbia Minuick C. E. & Son, 875 w Baltimore Mortimer Harry E., Holfiuaii and Penna av .Morton, Bull & Co 77 McElderry's whf Mudtie Harry k Co. 91 McElderry's whf Murray John of P. 103 Franklin Nelker & Bro. 105 and 107 Franklin New Peter & Co. 133 n Howard Newcomer «& Co. 15 and 16 Spear's whf O'Donnell E. Louis, Druid Hill av ex Pabst Andrew, 137 n Howard Paul Louis, 104 s Howard Pendleton P. P. k Son, 75 North Penrose E. G. & Co. 153 n Howard Plack George, 25 e Lombard Pulley Charles G. 72 s Charles Ransom ^ Co 1 Wood Rawlings k Dorsey, 103 s Charles Reehl Conrad, 187 e Pratt HENRY HOEN & 00., Li Cor. Second St. and thographing, Engraving and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 809 Reinicker Wm. J. (broker) 13 Patterson Richers Henry N. 231 s Charles Rineliart cj- Childs,s w cor Howard andFranklin Rollins Solomon A. cor Broadway and Orleans Roloson ^ Co. 146 Franklin Roloson Chailes H. ^ Co. 561 Saratoga Ross John W. cj- Co. 7 Patterson Rnhl C. & Son. 214 Aliceanna Rust ^ Cooksey, 703 w Baltimore Sauerwein P. & Son. 101 n Howard Saunders John S. & Co. 91 South Schuler Martin (and meal) 101 Hanover mkt Schwartz Fred, cor Gilmor and Pratt V Schwnrtz John G. 40 n Schroeder Seevers k Anderson, cor President and Fawn Seidel Gotleib, 125 s Fremont Seipp Charles, 337 and 339 e Monument Sewell John A. 115 Penna av Sherman Wm. R. (feed) 3 HoUinpsworth SinsheimerA Phuk, 226 Aliceanna Smith Absalom, Forrest nr Madison Smith John S. 244 Canton av Smith & Schaefer, 172 and 174 Forrest ^ Snow E. J. & Co. 89 and 91 Smith's whf Spangenberger George J. 182 n Eden Spelshouse Louis A. 15 Frederick av Starr k Huggins, 15 Patterson Stephenson Mrs. Joseph B. 62 Thames Stevenson Samuel, 308 w Pratt Stonebraker & Co. 53 and 55 s Howard Straus J. L. & Bro. 247 and 270 s Broadway Swindell Charles E. 213 s Sharp Thomas ^- Moon, 76 German Tiemeyer Charles, 55 s Eutaw Trotton Thomas & Sons, 33 Cheapside Turnbull J. L. & Co. 139 n Howard Turner Robert & Son, 43 s Frederick Tyson James E. & Co. 71 South Tyson Robert & Co. 4 Spear's whf Von Dornum & Melis, (flour) Bank and Wolfe Walker & Hooper, 77 Smith's wht Warden Huuh & .Sou, lower end Smith's whf Watkins Joseph P. 112 Light-st whf Weaver George, 471 Light Webb George F. 13o North West Wm., Baltimore and Republican Weslwood George W. 129 Forrest Williams John S. & Bro. 52 Commerce Wilson Henry, 50 s Frederick Wood.vear Wm. E & Co. 3 Cable Wright John, cor Hillen and East Wright J. & Sou, 107 and 109 Hillen Wright John W. & Co., Commerce and Cable Yager John P. cor Frederick av and Pulaski Forwarding. Baltimore Transfer Co. 45 North Union Transfer Co. 143 w Baltiuiore Fresco Painters. Emmnrt & Quartley (fresco and decorative)276 w Baltimore Engelhardt Charles, 42 Ridgely George J Fraticis, 63 u High George Frederick A. 63 n High Giesseler John, 16 n Central av Kiszner Emil, 149 e Fayette Lehman Charles F. 171 s Sharp Luckman Everhart, 3 Clinton av Nengle Philip, jr. 33 s Burke Smith Geo. A. 296 Mulberry Wissert J. & Co. 241 Walsh Fruit Dealers. Baker Wm. ^ Bro. 136 and 138 w Lombard Bond James, 4 HollinL'Sworlh Boswell, Sills & Co. (dried) 51 South Bridges Wm. (foreiun) 313 w Baltimore Butler Thos. E. cor Camden and Eutaw Clarke & Jones, (foreign) 15 Light Cole & Gilpin, (foreign) 3() Hanover Di.x & Wilkins, (foreign) 123 w Lombard ^-^ Farrior .^- Herring, 38 Light Hatter Charles W. 133 n Gay Heighe & Pearson, 1 and 3 Balderston Heuisler, Fink & Co. (dried) 23 Cheapside Knight Robert, 5 HoUingsworth Martin Chas. & Co. under Barnum's hotel Martin John & Co. (foreign) 174 w Pratt Maclellan Rufus C. (diied) 52 s Calvert McHwaine 4" Boninger, (dried) 51 s Charles Munder (;. F. & Bro. 33 s Liberty *^ Palmer Edwd L.& Co. (foreign) 107 w Lombard Peterson G. P. # Co. 196 w Pratt Pracht Charles & Co. (foreign) 155 Franklin Price Wm. G. & Co. 103 w Lombard Ricketts Benjamin, Pratt and Light Ricketts Wesley and Son(foreign)8;:Sniilh's whf Rowland J. L & Bro. (dried )over79Exchauge pi Schumacher R. & Sjus, 179 w Pratt Sloin James, 91 w Lonbard Summers 4- Brvan. 317 w Baltimore Vicari M. & Co'. 57 n Charles Yerby & Co. (and canned goods)30 Light Furniture Dealers and Manufac- turers. {See Cabinet Makers.) Armstrong & Dennv.cor Light and Montgomery Bachrach David, 186 Pearl Banks Morton D. 59 South Benesch Isaac, 285 n Gay Boker Bernard H. 48 Penna av Brag Simon & Son, 43 and 45 Penna av Bride Colter, (ru3tic).Madison av ext Chalmers Jas. J. 262 Penna av Clarke James, 224 Lexington Clarke Martin & Sons, 62 e Baltimore Clotworthy Alex. 76 n Howard Collins Mrs. Mary. 33 Harrison Collins Peter, 15 Harrison Crouch Frederick N. (finisher and varnisher) 282 Chew Daiger M. A. 74 s Broadway Daley Joseph, 8 P.nna av Klias Joseph & Son. 55 Penna av Erdman Wm. H. 21 Ensor Ferguson C R. 51 Hanover Freeman James, 507 w Baltimore Geelhaar, Hughes & Co. cor Granby and Albe- marle Germeroth Jacob, 246 Lexington Godey Thomas & Son, 41 Hanover Graham & Schmitt, 238 s Carolioe Gunther & Fink, 9 Edward Hancock John T. 26 Brune Hanson Thomas H. 227 e Baltimore Hamill Thomas, 53 e Fayette Harraan Robert K. 47 s Charles -4.3 -1-3 o g "3 pq o O d o '^ Q O O p4 O) . O :z; o s ■ ...TS ^■, O C tf ^- c3 -5^ r^ '13 Mntual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ f-> Cj — 9*— o O -J o O "13 c «5 > i O) « " >-> O) ^ 3 >,§ <« i| 5^ ... O ' -^ <» eS ^• •r^CO-r; s 'a - ^ "5 c 1 -^ -^ Harrinfiton & Mills, Cross nr Ridgely Hetil L. ^ Co. 62 n Howard Herohi Chas. F. IGl Hanover Heywood & Crean, 243 w Pratt Himmell & Son, 5 Harrison Hinkler George, 715 and 717 w Baltimore Hiss P Hanson & Co. 15 n Charles Hiss Wm. J. 128 vv Fa_vette Hddgdon M. C. (tables) 22 w Fayette Hollander Cliarles ^- Son, 22 w Pratt Hughes Thos. S 00 e Baltimore .Jenkins Henry W & Son, IG Light Kennedy Isaac, (talile) 3iJ3 and 305 n Dallas Klipper. Wehster k Co. 7 s Calvert Kni[ip J. C. r Fayette and Howard .Matthews & Hildebrand. Howard and Saratoga .Mi'Glannan Thomas, 404 w Baltimore .Mercer L. 0. 376 w Baltimore .Morrow Thomas G. 63 n Eutaw .Mount K. &Son, 31 n Gay Muller, StafiVl & Co 12 Second NordhotF Christian, 502 w Baltimore Nyhurg Satnnel, 123 Camden Paulus John P. CtJ Frederick av Phillips John K. 26 s Calvert Plummer F. W. 49 Hanover F. W. PLUMMER, EXTENSIVE SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Rand cj- McSherry, 227 and 229 w Pratt Ra\vlin;.'S k Co (church and school)469 w Pratt Reitz Lanhart, 129^ s Broadway Renwick Robert & Son, 92 n Howiird Roesser, Rock k Co. rear Uhler al Rosendale & Co. 31 n Frederick, wareroom 6 s Calvert Rosenth^il Levi, 34 Penna av Rosenthal M. k Son, 30 Penna av Rosenthal S. 6 Penna av Ruhland Wm. and Wm. K. 322 Hamburg Russell John sr. 54 3 Charles Saniu'ls M. S. 151 n Kutaw Sandaal & Son, 97 Orie.ins Siligiuan Mver, 773 w Baltimore Shecki-lls Richard O. 723 w Baltimore Smith Thomas. 424 w Pratt Stein John, 183 e Pratt Stevens Chas. P. 3 s Calvert Tarr Edwin S. 11 n Gay Troll Mrs. Regiini, 90 s Howard Walah M. K. 13 w Baltimore Waskey Benjumin, 3 n Gay Whiiing Edward. 93 Harrison Wilfson David, 463 w Baltimore Furriers and Fur Dealers. Ash Michael I 102 Light-st whf Baer Isaac & Co. 1 1 Camden Buck Joseph A. agent, 100 Light-st wharf Cole, Brigham & Co. (wholesale)3G s Sharp Frank & Hammerslouirh, 304 w Baltimore Geiger William, 101 e Baltimore Kleineibst Adolphns, 227 w Baltimore Koshland Isaac, 141 u Gav Krauss Leopold, 550 w Baltimore .Marcus Henry k Son, 7 Camden Richter Moritz H., Hudson and Harrison, Canton Schaun Charles, 131 Le.xinsrton Sigmund AH ert, 183 w Baltimore Storre George, 33 w Baltimore Strauss Joseph H. 170 Light-st wharf Taylor Robert Q 5 n Calvert Tiralla J. F. & Son, 105 w Baltimore Vansant Joseph, 109 w Baltimore Wissig Mrs. R. 646 w Baltimore Yearley John S. 113 and 373 n Gay Gas. Gas Light Co. of Baltimore, office 19 South Hubball k Dunnett, (gas machines) 6 and 8 n Liljerty Raster Bros, (portable gas burners and fluids) 2 e Baltimore Maryland Gas Works, L. Morrison w Piatt Mitchell William, 82r» w Baltimore Murray William H. 3 e Fayette Ratican Thomas, 1 n Fred- rick Reilly James ^v: Son. 144 u Calvert Reuter & Mallory, (supplies) 14 3 Charles Rodtrers GeorjreH. 81 n Charles Schminke Henry. 132 s Fremont Stidhani James I>. 7o n Entaw Sullivan Daniel N. Ill Saratofja Tyler William K. 8 e Lombard Vandaniker Conrad, 313 Lanvale Waguer A. W. 44 Hanover Gas Meter Makers. ^ Carey John, 52 Noi th Maryland .Meter Works, Dickey. Baker i; Co. proprietors. 53 North and 22 Saratoga O'Connor William, 194 Lexington Tansley Thomas jr. 01 North Gaugers. Alexander Fl'enezt-r A. .'549 n Bond Ashton John (U. S. i 324 w Fayette Caulk James T. (C. S ) 71 Fxchansze place O^Hiispev (Jeor.i;^ W. lU. S.) 2-.1 Walsh ilmoii T. H. (U.^.) 324 n Ciroline • ckrotte John. (U. S.) 178 w Biddle Liiiaweavt-r Juhn N. (,.Si:ite) cor Commerce and Pratt riacide Jenninjis cV Brus. 57 Buch:inan's wharf i'rime William T. lor Ccnumerce and Pratt .^rhley John T. (U S.) 273 HoUins -•ockett Chaiies W. ( U. S. ) 37!t n Sticker Thomson Juhn D. (U. S.) 125 German Wallis Robt. V {V. S. ) Postoffice av nr Second Whaien Steohen, (U. S.j 445 e Lombard Gentlemen's Furnishing Retail. aOOds- Ii--hn IIenr\ , !C0 n Kiiiaw Fleisclunan, S .~< 72 w Biltimore Fleming Rob«-rl B. 75 n (Jharles Floss S. W. 103 w Baltimore (i-n.-o Fred. G. 24'» n tJav (Ti^Imaii -S.imu^'l, 7 n Holiiday • I'jidsmith K. S. 221 w Baltimore (irunebiuim Henry, (whoIesale)2.'>5 w iJaltimor" Ilartmm Henry C. 139 w Biltimore Hartman J. P. iV Son. I'.t7 w B:i!;itnore lade H. W. loO e Baltimore Knipp .Jacob jr. 33 n Howard Lywenthal it Bro. Lexington and Howard Lyman .Joseph .^ under Barnum's hotel .Magee William P. 60 n E .taw ?\IcShane Lawrence. 213 s Broadway Myers Isaac, 126 s Br(;adway 0[ipenheitner Bros. 47 and 265 n G-iy Pollock Moses, 66 w Baltimore Robertson .Mvin, 544 w Baltimore Schaar Edward, G8 n Eutaw Schcnthal Joseph. 7 H mover Schofield Benjamin & Son, 459 w Baltimore Schwarz Charles. 30 e Baltimore Seibert Edward 3?> w Baltimore Sheckells Richard H. l>i.} n Eutaw Shipley Robert C & Co. "301 w Baltimore Stern .losepli. 233 Hanover Stratton D. C. 161 w B.iitimore Strauss Meyer, 97 n (Jay Tormey Frnk A. llo w Baltimore Towles William P, k Bro. 145 w Baltimore Tvfon Joshua J. H. 484 w Baltimore Walker Noah (!t Co. 165 and 167 w Baltiinor-- Webster Thomas W 38 Parkin Weisgerber Henry, 161 Lexiii.'ton Weishampel Benj. F. 488 w Baltimore Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Wholesale. Coale Thomas E. k Co. M Hanover *■ Fleischer E. i Bro, 4 ILinover Grunebaum Henry, 255 v\- Baltimore * Knipp Jacob jr. 33 n Howard Kohn B. >t Bro. over 5 s Charles Sclienthal Joseph. 7 Hanover Stark Morris, over 2-4 9 w B.iitimore i Weisgerlier Henrv, 161 Lexin-:tou Williams David E. 63 n Eutaw Glass and Glassware Dealers. Animidon >S: Co. 347 w Baltiinijii>V Co. 347 n G.iy V ; Child Saniii'd ^ Co. 20 n CharleJ Collison J. C 2:-!0 Lexinirton Davis Thomas B. 10 w Baltimore Dobson John A. i- Co. 31 s Charles Drexel F. F. & Co (and druggists' snndries)cor Sharp and (iermaii George k Johnson. 2o (ier;nan nr Cilvert ' Herrif.g (ieortre W. 158 w Pratt Hirshberg, Hollander .^^ Co. s e cor Pratt anil Hanover Hirshberg Natlian J. 31 Ens r Holthaus F. T. k Son 27 Bilderston Holthaus John II. cor T!:ai.is and Broadway Keilholiz ()ti3^sjL£or Franklin and Greene Hint: Wm./«''T)fo 2 n and 2 1 s Liberty KraftConrad & S>n(window glis-)62 n Eaiiw .Moore Samuel T. 37o n Gay .Morton Philinder « Son. 118 n Howard Newbold i Sons, 26 Light Parsons .M. Fillmore, 148 n Eutaw Pawley Finley. 23 s Calvert I Pickett John H. (flint glass and emery piuers I 50 North I Seim & Emorv, 112 w Lombard > ^ o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co- of New York. 812 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t-i ^ 00 O . Shirley & Son, 5 s Calvert Swindell Bios, (window ^'liiss) 32 Light Thaler Godleib, 64 Hmiover Towson Wm. 0. 26 w Baltin)ore Veise Mrs. Catherine, '23 n Pine Welch John. 130 Thames \Verisner & Shelve, cor Bowly's whf and Pratt Wheeler J.unes cf- Sons, 88 Richmond Whitall, Tatum & Co. 79 Smith's whf White Will. W & Co. 365 Light Glass Manufacturers- Baker Bros. & Co. 32 and 34 s Charles Baltimore Glass Works, Ostend nr Eutaw Dobson John A. & Co. 31 s Charles Holihans F. T. & Son, 27 B^lderston -Maryland Window Class Works, ft.Leadenhall Seini ^- Kmory,. Mary land Window GlassWorks, ."""] foot of Leailenhall, office 112 w Lombard ^ Swindell Bros. 32 Lijiht * tsi d 23 S WD ^< #\^ 0 o Boggs A. L. jr. ^ Co. 147 n Howard Cath-ell & .Morris, 32 w West Falls av Clark M. B. j- Bro. 40 n Howard ClarU Thomas S. 81 Smith's whf Colbert Augustus F. 4 w Pratt Co.\ & Sear.s, over cor Pratt and Bowly's whf Cumming W. A. & Co. 90 Spear's whf Curlev &"Co. 105 Franklin Dougherty Win. H., Bowly's whf and Wood Ehrman George .M. 47 s Howard Elliott N. J. & Son. 15 and 17 w Pratt Elliott Bros. 64 s Gay Frush Wm. W. & Co. 6 Spear's wharf and 95 Franklin George W.E.& J.T. cor Myrtle av and Fremont Giese J. Henry, 21 Spear's whf Howard John B. & Co. cor German and Pine Howard Wm. R. 2 Spear's whf Hughes Jj- CroL-ker, 121 North Kenlv & Tilghman, 5 Wood Kliiiefeller Van V. k Bro. 94 Light-st whf Levering Thos. W. & Sons, 55 Commerce -Magruder 0. B. k Co. 47 s Howard .Martin Lewis, 129 McElderry's whf McCoy & Parkhurst, 76 South Meixsel & Co. 149 w Pratt .Moon Richard N. 76 German Murray John of P. 103 Franklin Nelker & Bro. 105 Franklin Newcomer k ("o. 15 and 16 Spear's whf Pendleton P. P. & Son, 75 North Ransom & Co. 1 Wood Reinieker Wm. J. (broker) 13 Patterson Stuerwein P. & Son. 101 n Howard Suiniiers John S. k Co. 91 s South Starr k Huggins, 15 Patterson Turner Robert & Son, 43 s Frederick Tyson <5" Bro. 50 Coramerci' Tyson James E. k Co. 71 South VVebb George F. 130 North Williams John S. & Bro. 52 Commerce Wright John W. & Co., Commerce and Cable Granite Yards Calvert John G cor Hamburg and Ohio av Emery John B. 329 s Entaw GAULT M. & SON, (Matthew Gault, Wm A Gault 423 w Pratt-st, cor ofPenn- GRANITE cut to order for House and Cemetery Work, NORTH RIVER BLUE STONE FLAGS for Sidewalks, Copings, &c., and STONE MASONRY. (iault M. & Son, 432 w Pratt Gill k McMahon, 430 w Pratt Johnson B. R. & Co. 1 Centre F. N. Harwood. B. R. Johnson. J. T. Smith. B. R. JOHNSON & CO. PRACTICAL feaiiiite ©litters^, jNo. 1 Ceiiti'e St. All Orders receive Prompt Attentlou. HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, Largest Life Ins. Co. intlie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. mJsiNESS DIRECTORY. 813 Oliver John & Son. 8 and 10 Presidcm Simpson Robert, 372 w Pratt and 237 ii Front Grinders and Polishers- Hesse John F. 42 n HoUiday Klein Charles, 1 1 n Frederick Schaal J. H. & Bro. 11 Frederick CHARLES KLEIN, CUTLER I GRINDER UN, FREDERICK STREET Always on hand a fine assortment of Hollow 6round*azors, Scissors, Combs, &c. A No particular attention paid to GRINDING and POLISHING Tailors' and Tinners' Shears. Also all kinds of Edge Tools and Doctors' Instrnments, &c. Grocers— Retail. Abey Wra H. 170 William Aburon Elizabeth C. 43 n Exeter Adams Charles, O'Donnell and Eastern av Adams Charles E. & Co. s w cor Pine and Lex- ington Adams Edward & S. n e corHollinsand Repub- lican Agnew Thomas A. corner Eutaw and Pratt Albert Jacob, 314 Montgomery Allison Robert H. 321 e Baltimore Allers Diedrich H. 140 s Eutaw Alt Mary A. 557 n Gay Anderson James D. 426 Hanover Ashbury Joseph M. & Co. 36 McCullob Atkinson & Bros. 186 n Broadway Bamberger \Vm. H. 243 e Madison Barth C. S. 89 s Fremont Bateman J. E. & T. B. 115 n High Bayley Charles, 22 n High Baylies Chas. F. & Bro. cor Eden and Jefferson Becker John, 79 Druid Hill av Bennett James, s e cor Howard and Lee Bennett John I. 263 s Broadway Bennett John, 218 Lexington Bishop John E. 22 e Lombard Boheme August sr. 128 Hanover Bogue James, 1 1 Mercer Boyle James, n w cor Hillen and Chesnui Booth & Co. 116 Saratoga Brand Joseph, 537 Lexington Brady Lawrence E. 218 Harford av Broom George, s e cor Bank and Wolfe Brown John H. jr. 572 Franklin Bubert J. D. & Son, 79 and 101 s Charles Bump Joseph L. & Co. 206 Linden av Cadow & Hook, 20 Penna av Cameron James T. 933 w Baltimore Campbell John J. cor Hollins& Oregon Carr James E. & Sons, Linden av and Hoffman Carter John W. 61 Camden Cassidy Francis n w cor Greenmounl av and Monument P o o Cassidv Luke, Harford av and Madison Cassidy P;itrick, 52 s Frederick Chapman John S., Light and Warner Colladay Charles R., Republican and Lexington ^ Coliaday Joseph S 463 and 465 w Fayette QQ Cone ^ Adier, 25 s Howard j^ Co'jn Wni. 101 Franklin ^ Conway & Bro. cor Ensor and Chesnut -i-^ Cook James H. Us Liirht-st whf ^ Cook Win , Pratt and Caroline '^ Cosgrove J. Henry, 82 Richmond and 218 n^ Howard ^ Courtney R. 3f Bro. 14 n Charles f Cowman J. G. & Bro. s e cor Baltimore and P Calhoun O Cowman William T. 208 Madison av 3 Crane John G., Fayette and Republican '-S Crook Win. & S m, 175 and 177 e Baltimore ^ Ciowder Alex. N., Fremont and Patterson av pQ Cunzeraan & Ortiuan, 186 e Lombard Daily Frank Y. 25 Centre .Markec sp ^ Dietz R. & Sun, 1 15 n Eutaw r^ Dill Wm. H. 289 s Sharp Donnelly & Black, 9 Penna av T Domey & Bro. 422 e .Madison O Dowell George, 207 s Charles O Downing .Mrs. S.J.n e cor Fremont and Mosher ,^ Duffv M. & Co. 164 Cathedral '^ Duffv & Olner, 111 and 113 Cathedral Durding John T. 464 Light Dyer Walter, s w cor Paca and Lexington Eckelman Herman S. 45 Centre Market sp Edmonds ^' Bro. n w cor Pearl and Lexington ^ Ehlers Lewis, 378 Light Ehrman & Bro. 282 s Broadway r^ Ehrmau Lewis, cor Nicholson and Towson ^ Farber John H. & Co. cor North and Pleasant • Farnen T. C.&Co. 340 Aliceanna and 24 P.oston ^ Ferguson John, cor Brune and Franklin [> Finnan Bernard. 104 n Calvert ''^ Fi8her&Hamilton,n w cor Greene and Lexington -- Fisher & Ports, 25 Penna av ^ Foote Frederick H. 52 Gough pH Franz J. M. & Son, cor Fayette and Castle W Friedberger L. 652 w Baltimore c~j Freidenrich A. & Bro. cor Pearl and Lexington "^ Fieidenrich Henry, 138 Greenmount av \^ Freidenrich Levi, cor George and Myrtle av ^ Fryer Thomas, n w cor Fayette and Exeter Gent Mrs. R. T. 74 Hillen' l^ Gilbert Isaac W. 90 n Pojjpleton O Gilmore & Co. n e cor Greenmount av and Eager ^. y. s zi 1. o — CI *-*H i< a o cu S D .,. , >-. X 'i u r— ■4-; • F^ ^ ^.^ C/J r/1 O X ^ ^ _ i^ rj ^ T" (T* »*^ c »ra a> ^- C-> <: to 'q ffi y ei =3 i; Pi ■♦** ' w u § c H OS V. ^H o ^ ... Ah O cc 3J .1 eg >% i-c/: ;-< <^ TJ "S >-. ^1 '3 o 0) ." J>. <4) fl -fj cc s p lO o ^1 o Tt €^ V be, c ^ ■y; ^ "^ L, ;« >> Xi o .— • > ^ V > "So 5 s C •'■ a- >:: ft» •n John, s w cor Hillen and East Johnson Joseph G. & Bro. s w cor Baltimore and Poppleton Johnson Wm. Hughes, 240 Lexington Jones Henry, 309 s Charles Jones Thomas F. 114 Light-st wbf Jiinkiiis Wm. J. 154 n Eden Kabernagel H. Harman, 90 George K:ibernagel Harman, 37 n Pine Kabernagel John, 4 n Republican Kaliernagel Juhii H. 135 Conway Kaus & Schwartz, 263 n Eden Kavanaugh Dennis, 140 n High Ready J. & Co. cor Fremont and Patterson av Keen Benedict H. n e cor Lexington and Paca Keener Joseph, 135 Saratoga Kelly Caleb & Sons, 388 and 390 w Pratt Kell &Cassldy, 21 e Pratt Kernan Thomas, 90 Harford av Kesmodel Fred. 235 Franklin Kilcheastein "i. A. & Co. cor Gay and Forrest Kimbtrly Joseph, 50 n Eutavv King Samuel R. 1S2 s Broadway Kinnemon Charles H. 30 s Kxeter Klingsohr T. & J. 72 Greenmount av Knoop Bros. 929 w Baltimore Kroeber Fred. 236 and 238 e Lombard Lawrence F. L. 219 Lexington Lawsijn Henry S 86 Boston Lawson Richard F. H. 89 n Charles Leatherbury John E., Preston and Morris al Leber J. H. & Bro. cor Fremont and Lexington Link Philip, cor Pratt and Gilmor Lubs J. P. & Co. cor Greene and Saratoga Mallen James, 55 s Gilmor Mann John G. 285 s Bond Matthews John N. s e cor Biddle and Garden Miiupin A. & Co. u e cor Howard and Lexington McCambridge John, s e cor Eager and Green- mount av McClintock Matthew & Son, 97 n Broadway McDonnell Richard, 163 Canton av MiKanna Patrick & Co. 325 w Pratt Mcl..eane Samuel R s w cor Baltimore and Carey McNeill Thomas, 256 Holiins Mediuger Aug. C. 168 Forrest Medinger k Roller, 142 w Baltimore .Mesner & Bro. 506 n Gay MiddlekauflF.Mrs. Elizabeth, Strieker and Sara- to;:a .Miles N. R. & Sons, Biddle and Eden Miller Edward A., Myrtle av and Townsend .Mister S. & Co. 114 n Calvert Mobus John H. 172 e Fayette Moffett E. W. ^ Bro. 152 and 154 Forrest Mooney & Co. 166 n Gaj .Morgan Geo. .M. & Bro. Harford and Central avs Myers Humphrey, 153 Forrest Nagel C. & Son, 155 s Charles Nelson Henry & Son, 7 Fell Norwood Summerfield, 337 and 339 Saratoga O'Dell & Bro. 92 s Sharp Ohm Jacob, cor Fort av and Johnson O'Neill .lames H. 64 Boston Orr John T. 10.'> Eusor Orme Walter A. 78 Aisquith Ott Fredk. k Bro. cor .Mulberry and State an'" 388 Cro.S3 Pairo Henry T. 52 n Charles Pentz H. B. 92 Light-st whf Pentz John J. 443 and 447 Light-st whf Piquett Daniel, 58 Camden Poulton & Bro. cor Columbia and Scott Price Israel, 136 n Durham Rau John C. & Co. I.'i3 n Howard Reese Chas. & Son, cors. Madison av, Eutaw and Garden Ree^e Edward, 366 w Baltimore Reese Thomas L. 2o7 w Pratt Reese Thomas M. & Son, 99 n Charles Reitz Lewis H.^ Bro. cor Camden and Hanover Riggs Edward, cor Eutaw and Hamburg Riggs Joshua W. cor Baltimore and Strieker Riley .Mrs. Johanna. 1U2 B EuWiw Rixse George A. 8 Scott Roder Aduiphe, (mustards) 6 s Frederick Ross Edward C. 15 w Baltimore Sander Albrecht, 184 s Sharp Sappington N. J. 155 Penna av Scharber Wm. 251 s Howard Schillinger k Schauni, 372 Light Schmidt Elizabeth, 23 L McElderry Schmiuk & Munter, 68 Boston Schott George N. n w cor Eutaw and Fayette Schroeder Anthony J. & Henry C. s w cor Gough and Washington Schultz John, 166 n Fremont Schulz Alex. H. 314 and 316 Aliceanna Schwab H. & M. 210 Lexington Schwab J. & A. 263 Aliceanna Scotti Henry K. 89 McElderry' s whf Seipp Charles 337 and 339 e .Mcmument Smith & Busk, 182 s Broadway Sommerwerck ^ Wiegh.irdt, 227 Eastern av Stabler Jordan, cor Eutaw and Madison av Stansbury Geo. W. 12 Penna av Stanton Norn)an L. cur Franklin and Fremont Stapf Christian, 304 McHenry Steffens & Otten, 26 Fell Steiu Nicholas, 332 e Baltimore Steuart Edwin H. 26 e Baltimore Stewart Joseph B. k Son, cor Fremont and Paca Sleek George P. 306 Eastern av Straus J. L. & Bro. 247 and 270 3 Broadway Straus Joseph ^ Bro. 235 n Gay Streeper John L. n w cor Chester and Pratt Strobe! R. S.& Co. cor Cathedral and Richmond Stromer Henry, Belair av opp Greenwood Park Struven Deitrich, 74 and 76 Thames Struven k Wacker, 52 Boston Sudbrook Henry, 146 Light-st whf Swain Edward, n w cor Bond and Lombard Tiemeyer Charles, 55 s Eutaw Tighe & Bro. 52 Oi leans Tuxworth D. Howard, 326 and 328 n Gay Vesey James P. 117 .McElderry Webb Augustus P. (and feathers) cor Paca and Lexirgion Webb Charles H. cor Eutaw and Lexington Weyer John, .Myrtle av and Mulberry Wheeler Josejih C. 161 Forrest Whitehead Jas. H,, St. Paul, Poabody Heights Whitson Wm. E. 56 s Paca HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^ 815 Wilkinson & Vickers, 51 w Baltimore Wilson John H. 222 n Howard Wood H. A. 719 w Pratt Yinglin^ David G 46 and 48 n Eutaw Yoe Benjamin R. & Co. 88 w Baltimore Grocers— Wholesale and Cominis- i sion. I B:ilmer T. & Co. (fancy) 46 South j Bansemer W. G. & Co. 45 German cor Howard^j Bayne, Patterson & Co. 4 Commerce Bayne William & Co. 14 Commerce Bonsai & Co. 63 Exchange pi Bridges, Green & Easter, 5 Commerce M Brown V. J. & Bros. 66 E.xchange pi i Carson, Richardson & Co^ w cor Calvert and Lombard "^ Chesnut Calvin (successor to Chesnu^Town- send & Co.) cor Pratt and South Cook J. M. & Co. 15 Commerce J,^ Cone & Adler, 25 s Howard Dail T. J. & Co. 27 Cheapside Dinsmore & Kyle, 156 w Pratt /-'''^ Dorsett, Harris & Co. 88 s Charles Dorsev, Georjie & Ahrens, 31 Cheapside ""^^ Downey John, 133 Franklin Dunlap C. Lew. & Co. 86 w Lombard Edmondson J. A. & Son, 48 s Calvert Egerton Samuel E. & Co. 37 Cheapside English Z. & Co. 8 Commerce Ensey Richard F. 2 s Eutaw ^^ Fink, Bro. & Co. s w cor Frank^jlTand Eutawr Foley D. J. Bro. & Co. 50 Soiitif Freeland, Hall & Co. 45 South' Gilroy John, cor Aloimment and Dallas Graham Bros. ^^o. 286 w Pratt and 52 s Howard Greenway k Co. U15 w Lombard Griffith & Drakrt/( fancy) 110 w Lombard '^ Guggenheimer & Co. 22 Commerce Hartman Simon, 40 e Baltimore Humrichouse, Baylies & Co. 10 Commerce Johnson, Welch ^ Jarman, 60 South Kelly Caleb k Sons, 388 and 390 w Pratt Kilpatrick & Boggs, 109 Franklin ^ Kilchenstein J. A. & Co. cor Gay and Forrest Lazear J. B. and W. L. & Co. s e cor Howard and German Lazear Jesse & Co. 11 Commerce . y^' Levering E. ^ Co. 2 Commerce Levering, Walker I— I H <1 w IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 816 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H W Fxl Ph H ^ r/-? H « ;>^ W < <1 w w H-! H O P C/J O CO ^ oc ri H ^ h— 1— i ^ <1 tq Flodt Fred, (hair goods) IrtS n Eutaw Giu-lhe K. A. Donovitn (hair (ioods)79 Hanover Gatto Domonico, Carrollton hotel Gibbs Jame, 146 J n Eden Goering .Mrs. Fre'derica, 160 Le.xington Gude .Mrs. Justus, 497 w Baltimore Hiinev J. 35 n Charles ^ J. HANEY, Importer and Manufacturer of HUMAN HAIE GOODS Of Every Description, Xo. :ia N. Charles Street. PerfumeryiFancy and Toilet Articles. Flibliiie Mrs. Mary C. 96 Lexington Jeanneret Madame E. 62 Le.xington OQ CO K O oo Ss oiz; g« ^< K O W o Z. JEANNERET, DEALER IN HUMAN HAIR & TOILET GOODS, No. 62 Lexington St. Near Charles l^t. ^"Particular attention paid to Country Orders. ^"Liberal Discount to Country Dealers. Jeant}' Wm. 170 n Eutaw Klueber Mrs. Sophia, 126 Aisquith Kohlermau Mrs. Pauline, 91 n Eutaw Lantz & Bro. 164 e Baltimore Laupheimer Julia, 244 Canton av Martin Annie, 134^ Saratoga May Isadore, 203 e Baltimore McMahou Bettie, 187 u Gay Motzung Karl, 172 n Gay Xily Fred, (ornamental hair worker) over IJ s lioUiday O'Connor & Bushman, 89 Lexington Paini Madame Frances, 91 n Charles Quandl Charles, 40 n Greene Schellenberger George, 139 e Baltimore Schnjidl Lena, 664 w Baltimore SchucKing Constantine,(.iiiiitat'n)76 Lexington ymilh Kale, 334 n Gay Siuntz 6i Bro. (bair jewelry )508 w Baltimore Tusiiu Mrs. Mary J. 56 n Greene Weber Clara, 448 w Baltimore Hardware Manufacturers' Agents. -Cole Wm. H. 17 8 Charles Coolv Samuel G. B. 5 German \l , Keith fi Kelso, 23 and 25 s Cha^ies Kleppish Bros. 16 s Charles / Montz & Keidel, 10 s Charles^ Spear Bros. 21 a Charles Hardware— Retail. Baker Wm. J. 449 w Baltimore Barrett & Carroll, 893 w Pratt Barilett Geo. W. B. 27 Hanover Manufacturers' Agents for the Sale of AMEEIOil E4EDW41E, Mallory.Wheeler &- Go's Door &, Pad Locks, HENKY DISSTON'S ClfiCUIAB, & HAND SAWS, BEST QUALITY Chesapeake Cut Naib and Spikes, Nos. 23 & 25 S. Charles Street. Betz Christopher, (fancy) 19 German Black & Son, 160 n Gay Bloxham & Son, 56 Harrison BONNET BROS. Hardware, Cut- lery, Bar Iron and Steel, 159 For- rest Brown John & Son, 10 w Pratt Buck George W. & Co. 88 w Pratt Busch Herman, 316 s Bond Carr R. H 62 s Sharp Clark, Hardesty & Co. (plumbers, &c.) 40 n Holliday Cleary Edward M. (wholesale and retail) 274 s Broadway Conrad Frederick, 503 n Gay Cromwell's Levi, Son ette Hellman & Son, 18i> n Gay Kirkbmd Edwaid M. 33 n Eutaw Koracli L. A Brother, 70 s Chiiles Levy M. S. over n e cor Sharp and German Lovell, Jones k Heaton, over 91 w Baltimore Lynch Joihua & Co. 49 w Baltimore Ray mo Charles M. 82 u Gay Rawno Fr;iiik, 235 Penna av Reiley P. E. 61 w Baltimore Ruppel George E. 30 w Baltimore Taylor Robert Q. 5 n Calvert Tomz C. B. over s e cor Baltimore and Holliday Towson Charles, 33 n Eutaw Vansant Joseph, 109 w Baltimore Wahl Antone, 141 s Broadway Walil Jacob, 219 s Broadway Wiel Simon, 96 w Baltimore Zeigler Charles, 31 w Baltimore Hats, Caps, Furs and Straw Goods, Retail. Armiger John L. 100 n Gay Austrian Mrs. B. 213 s. Broad way Avers W. S. 26 n Eutaw Beadenkopf Charles, 337 w Baltimore Burgunder M. & Brother, M2 w Baltimore Cecil George T. 210 w Pratt Charles Thomas J. 312 e Baltimore Clapp George C. 110 n High Connolly Edward, 305 w Baltimore Coupland Richard, 60 s Charles Cowles & Co. 1 w Baltimore Cox Isaac, 2o8 w Baltimore Crane Mrs. Catherine, 209 n Gay Diefenbach H. 316 w Pratt Dittrich Francis, 294 n Gay Fink Peter, 239 n Caroline Garrigues Henry H. 494 w Baltimore Hellman ^ Son, 180 n Gay Hurtt Henry X. 224 w Pra'tt Kerschner Benjamin F. 427 w Baltimore Kersting Conrad, 334 s Charles Lynch Joshua & Co. 49 w Baltimore Meyer John C. J. s w cor High and Pratt Motfett John F. & Co. 192 w Pratt OfFner John A. 231 n Gay Prunty Annie, 641 Penna av Quigley & Petticord, (fur hats) 1 Bradenbaugh al Ravmo Charles M. 82 n Gay Reiley P. E. 61 w Baltimore Ruben Jacob, 755 w Baltimore Saltzgiver George E. 103 n Howard Schmidt Alex. 220 s Sharp Siemers H. F. & Co. 700 w Baltimore Singewald C. A. 161 s Broadway Taylor Robert Q. 5 n Calvert Tiralla J. F. & Son, (fur.-*) lo5 w Baltimore Towson Charles, 33 n Eutaw Vansant Joseph, lo9 w Baltimore Webb Thomas N 49 n Eutavv Wiel Siiiioii, 96 w Baltimore Yeariey Jcjhn S. 113 and 373 n Gay Ziegler Charles, 31 wBiltiu,o:e Hats, Caps, Furs and Straw Goods- Wholesale. ,^dam8. Buck & Co. 286 w Baltimore i^ Austrian Robert & Co. 9 s Liberty B^irrett & Higgins, 244 w lUltimore *^ Bert Charles, 515 w Bjiltimore d-Cole, Brigiiam & Co. 30 s Sharp ' Connolly Edward, 3()5 w Baliinuire Enev Joseph R. k Co. 62 Hanover Frank k Hammeislough, 304 w Baltimore Gu"-"enheinier & Adelsdorf, 256 w Baltimore o3 o O o o p o o Ph CQ DQ P5 pq 1— I- f^- Ph- =^ OC. l-'-l 50 Power Press Printin (Maryland Ins. Co g, at Reduced Kates, e Marble Building.) Eh Jl be EH- en I— I w o < Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, •==-2 811 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^ Horsey, Bro. & Brttten, 238 w Baltimore Ilowser GassrtWity S. 337 w Baltimore Luiiipkins Robert G. 340 w Baltimore .M atiruder T. J. & Co. 1 Hanover y^ Tn.tt James K. 34 Hanover ^j.^' JZ^ Tucker, Smith & Co. 250 w Baltimore //^ White, Jarboe & Co. 318 w Baltimore Windsor J. H. & Co. 343 w Baltimore Vearley John S. 113 and 373 n Gay Hay and Straw Dealers. Bavnes Joseph P. s e cor Monument and Eden Bonsai tj- Caldwell, Pi all and McElderry's whf Ci>t.'t;ins John, 3 McKim Curizeman Wm. cur Broadway and Milliman Land w her John H. 233 Frederick av Uhle Auiiust, (packer) Hon)e3tead Reinhardt Charles D. luu e Eager Uinehart Georye, 28 McKim Stune George W., Smith la nr Liberty rd Wachsmuth Charles, 156 Elliott Z) ^ ^ > j,i rf\ 00 ^ Z) ^ ^r ^ "-^ *^ ^ ^m ^ r "^ CD ei •- >-— o ~t ^ :x ^ r* ^ cS ci Z) O o 22 ^ 'r^ Sullivan Thomas H. & Son, 3G s Calvert Turner Lewis (and tallow) 27 Buren Hoe Manufacturers. Hicks 0. H .5- Co. 35 Light 15 A JL.TI M: O K K o: 1^ £ ^3. c" 7^ C ^ W M ,- H Hermetically Sealed Fruits, Oys- ters, &e. Bosw-ll, Sills & Co. (canned goods) 51 South Hohnberger Christian, 5 Lee Kensett & Co. 122 West Falls av and a e cor Central av and Bank Kraft J. G. & Co. foot of Cross Lanfair H. S. & Co. 325 Aliceanna .Mahoiiy J. C & Co., Boston nr Burke, Canton Mallory D. D. & C.). cor Lancaster and Wolfe Maltby C. S foot of West Falls av Mann J. R. & Co. (brokers) 97 w Lombard .Mc.Murray Louis & Co. 1, 3, 5 and 7 Cross Mitchell John T. & Co. 12 Balderston Reeves Charles H. & Co. 81 e Pratt Rowland J. L. & Bro. (brokers) over 79 Ex- change 1)1 t. eg Seebold James C. H 243 e Monument i ^ Shriver John L. & Brothers, 307 w Pratt c w Smith Marshal P. 40 PostofBce av Wright, Morfii & Co. 27 German and 10 Mercer Yerby & Co. 30 Light J-' - tf ^ ._ "-" I 4^ J) e8 • s c Hide and Leather Dealers. .■\ppold George k Sons, 8 and 10 Water ' Baer Arthur P. & Co. 7 and 9 Cheapside ^ Baltimore Butchers Hide and Tallow Associa- ^ tioD, cor Buren and Fall S j^ rg Crane W. & Sons, s e cor Cheapside and Water Deford & Co. n w cor Lombard and Calvert *^ Grupy F H. & Co. 42 s Calvert *y Hewlett John Q. & Son, 9 Water Hoffman G. L. & Co. 84 w Lombard Hoffman .Michael jr. Frederick av nr Gwynn falls ^ '? ^/ScJ^nkins, Stiiylor ^ Co. 12 Water / ^*^ X.^ v|^ Kempton ^ Kerchner, 20 Water "^ C ;r Klees Henry & Son, 15 Saratoga "5 ^ "^ Kraft & Wilco.x, 22 McKim ? "^ '*^( Larrabee E & Sons, 20 s Calvert I s >. o Lariabee Wm. F & Co. cor Light and Mercer 'cj ^ Marcus Henry h Son, 7 Camden .b 1 Maynard, Ely & Rose, 46 s Calvert ^ .'. Maynard J. A. jr. & Co. 30 Centre Market sp Hj ;_ Hoque Francis, cor Fayette and Harrison "^ ? Slarlzmaii John, 17 Mercer ^' O. H. HICKS & CO. Mauufacturers of the OFFICE 35 LIGHT STREET. Hoisting Machines, Elevators Trucks. and Bates James sr. s w cor Pratt and President Snowdeu & Cowman, 86 w Fayette Hoop Skirts. Goldman Samuel, 29 s Caroline Lederer & Sommerfield, 169 u Gay Meierhof M. s e cor Howard and Lexington Polil Mrs. E. 104 Lexington PoUey Richard G. 66 Camden Sounebill Mrs. Henrietta, 135 Lexington Horse Dealers. Bell Samuel, 44 Orleans Clark William H. 22 Richmond Coblens Daniel & Sou, 3 n Paca Coblens & Son, 1 n Paca Coblens Lazarus, 130 German Cookes Daniel, 2{> s Paca Ehrman Benjamin, 86 German Foster Thomas V. 140 n Pine Gordou James, n w cor Baltimore and Pacu Hamilton William, 32 9 Paca Harden Richard E. 82 n Pine Laugdon Marion, 74 n High Lotz Charles, 121 Thames Mainley James, 17 n Washington Metzeer Aaron, 70 e Pratt Murphy James (iraiuer) Stirling nr Eager MyiT .Michael, 26 s Paca New Bernard, 71 Jefferson New Geiz, 367 Saratoga Oliver Wm. H. cor Paca and Baltimore Rice August, 298 Aliceanna Ruskell Thomas, 152 Saratoga Scott & Bergman (mules) cor German and Puca Shelly John and William, 38 St. Mary Sleiiiheimer & Hro. (sales stables) 43 a Paca Williams Thomas W. 122 Holland Horse Shoers. (See Blacksmith a.) Anderson James K. 102 German Barron l^dward T. 323 w Biddle -, Straus Joseph H. 170 Light-st wbf ? I .^ HOLMES & CO., Eno-ineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, ^ . (laces, &c.) over 235 fl Baltimore / Brosius & Co. (no/ions) 315 w Baltimore HENRY HOEN & CO., L Cor. Second St. and ithograpliing. Engraving and Post Office Avenue. ^.ctrgest Life Ins. Co. '^^ the World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 821 Buschraana Victor H. (tailors' trimmings) 2 Hanover Carlin & Fulton, (hardware) 20 s Howard Cliestnut S. & Co. (coik.s) 38 s Calvert Canfield Bio. & Co. (fancy goods) 229 w Bal- timore Child Samuel i- Co. (house furnishing goods) 20 a Charles Clark Gaiiriel I), (watclies and jewelry) cor Calvert and Water Coakley Brothers, (le.ither and trimmings) 14 s Calvert Cotter J. & Co. (liquors) 40 aiul 42 s P'n dirick Curley Janics W. (hardware) 17 n iloward Daily & Co. (surgical and i(hilosoi>hic^il instiu- nients) 2.34 w Bahiuioro Dainmann F. W. k H. (clotlis aud velvets) 19 Hanover /.^-^ Davis I. Thomas A Co. (sail) 58 South Darrell Charles it Co. (liquors) 4 K.xch ints*-^)! De Ford & Thayer, (leaf toliacco) 29 s (Jay Dix & Wilkms, (fruits, nuis,&c. jl'irHv^Lombard Dunlop Edward A. (guano) 333 n Broadway Easter Hamillon & Sous, (dry goods) 199, 201 and 2o3 \v Baltimore Fahlen & Ohiendorf, (fanr-y goods, notions, ho- siery, &c.) 319 w Baltimore Fiorilio Otto, (analiae dye color.'))340 w Bal- timore Fraukel Bros, (kid gloves, corsets, &c.) Ib3 s Broadway Gasp.iri P. G. (meersclnuin i'ipfS, ic.) 31 s Calvert Gilmor & Gibson, (Havana cigars) 30 s Gay Golder & Uudiiic!npa[ierhaugings)33 Hanover Grange F. C. & Co. (Gerui.m potash salts) lo3 \v Lombard Griffith G. S. t Co. (carpets) 89 and 91 w Bal- timore Haney J. {h:\ir goods] 3r> u Charles Hanna William, (cigars and wines) 132 w Bal- timore Heukelman, Jackson t^- Phelps, (woolens) 270 w Baltimore Hodges Bei;j. ,M. jr. it Co. overs w cor Gay and Lombard Hodges Bros, (dress goods. &c. ) 23 Hanover Hough Robert k Sons, (liquors) 44 South Howell A: Bros.(paperh.ingin.:s) 260 wBaliimore Jagmetti Joshuii, (liquors) cor E.\eteranh East- ern av Jenkins Edward & Sons, (saddlery hanlware) 180 w B.vltimore Johnson & Moale, (tea) 18 (Jommerce Kaufman .A. >£ C. (engravings) over 293 w Baltimore King Henry S. & Sju, (hardware, guns, Mallinckrodt Wm. & Son, mrres) 22 German May & Bro (cigars) 3fj n Charb .May Wm (watches aud waich w Fayette .Mayer it Bro. (faucy goods) 4 n Howard McCom IS Alexander, (guns) fil s Calvi^rt .M( iJoweil it Co. (carpets) 204 w Baltimore .Mc.Mahon .James, (wiu's, &c.) ]<'t Fr.mklin w Mediiig<-r A Ivdlcr, (wines. (fee. ) 1 42 w Baltimore ^ Miller Daniel it Co. (dry i;(jiiiis aud notions) r2;.< ^ w l>alliuiore, and 44 German ^ , Milliker. Robert H (linens II ''S w Baltimore ^ -Milzel .-Vle.x. V. (wine and bter) 9 .- I.ntaw r; Moore Itobeit, Hughes it Co. (cloihs) 233 w -^ Baltimore ^ M\eis .t Hediaii, (oil paiutiu>_'s) 40 n Charles ^ Ni-al Geoiu'e H. C. (dry goods,silks.iV;c.)99 and .~ liil w Baltimore — Udeiid'iiil Seoast ian,( leather )7.') Lexington ^J^ Urem .John M., Son cj- Co. (cloths) 23G w Bal- '— i timcie ;_; Palmer 1<;. h. k Co. (fruits) 1 07 w Lombard ^C Parker E. L. it Co. (tin plate, sheet iron, &c.)0 83 s Charles Petzold Louis • — ^ 30 o L. e o o X n c •^ 03 • M. V? so a: >- V C; a; Tc ■1-9 J2h n a l-M OJ a . ^ _^ Z) :; c sc ^ ,4_j „^ •JZ v: o ^ X Zl fs: a Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 822 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. — o ;; ~ &;- c y. „ ^ f-r, '^ o _>-. o ^'^ ■1^ O} 35 > ~ > c ? ce — IC — Tl z 5 :5 o c s ^^ >. *?^ V. a i-H a f^ ^ Zj -.'' .^^ — a ^ 2 K " o ^ s •' 0^ ^ 09 4^ 0) >> y; ^ "\ eS ■^ «^ ~-i O >^ e 6 c. o O) %> <»^ c ■ o 7S (^ (M o ^^ <» > tc to ;-' . ..ri « ^ X 1. ^d t-> 13 s > Vi m o c . ^ ^ ■>-> r" 2; X •K e5 n >^ >o h ^ ^- India Rubber Goods. Dnilj' & Co. 234 \v Biiltimore .Maxwell Wm. G. 217 and 219 w Baltimore Inspectors. .\lexaiider Nathan K. (lumber) 133 Bavre Barnes Alex. M. (lumber) Eastern av and First Blackiston VVm. C. (lumber) Concord nr Pratt Boone Chas. H. (lumber) West Falls av Boyer John, (lumber) 15Gs Dallas Coail J. Edwin, (Hour) 3S Clieajjsjde Colley John W. (l.uildinirs I 324 Hollins Creamer Wm. (lumber) 32 West Falls av Denson Isaac M. tobacco warehouse, No. 5 Dipjrs Henry, ( lumber)Fa3t Falls aiidCauton avs Duffy J;imes 11. (flour) 1(3 n Schroider Dutlon .lobn, (limel 278 Lexinirton Flour Inspector's office, 274 w Pratt Fooks Ebeiiezer II. (lumber) 1 Union dock Groh Jacob, (charcoal) 3')3 s Charles Harrison & Smith, (petroleum) 63 s Gay Henly Randolph K. (cotton) 36 e Lombard Hoffman Wm. ( Kasiern hay scales) 39 Buren Hoke Henrv, (pas nipter) 12 George HollowHV Charles T. (fire) 6 South Ins[)ect()r of Hiiildinjrs. office City Hall Jones Wm. H. (gas) 331 Orleans Kin>: Fred. W.(city inspector gas meter3)ofiSce old City Hall Kirhy Samuel R. sr. (weights and raeasures)182 n C'-ntial av Liiieweaver John, (liquors) 122 n Pine Linthicum Joshua, tobacco warehouse, No. 3 Lockwood, Suiith & Co. (crude and refined petroleum) over 61 s Gay I.ovvry James D. (steamboMis) over Postoffice .Mar.-ihall John H. (Western hay scales, old)495 Light Mcl'ee James, (lumber) 333 e Baltimoie .McWilliams John, (boiler.s) .5 s Holliday Meushaw John, (supervising inspector of steam- boats) over Postoffice .Missbach John k. (petroleuu)) 253 e Pratt Moore Wm. J. f wood) 222 e Baltimore Mullikin Richard 0. t( bacco warehouse, No. 1 Newcomer Wm. P. (flour) 104 n Poppl^ton Redgrave Wm. B. (lumlier) is West Falls av Rcd-irave John B. (lumbi-r) 2 Union dock Rixham George B. (gas) 1(>0 n Caroline Robins Matthew S. (iras) 2,57 Aisquith Roelkey Kdward, (grain) B & O.R.R. elevators, Locust Point Sanner James B. (boilers) 5 s Holliday SiMlle W. 0. (steamboat) over P,.stoffice Skinner James A. (lumbci) 34 Block Smith J. Addison, (oil) Townsend and Bolton State Inspector of steim boilers, office 5 s Hol- liday . Sothoron John H. tobacco warehouse. No. 4 Steigelman .letferson, (gas) 267 n Rden Trader R. \V. (lumber) 249 Druid Hill av Williams John W. (lumber) 32 West Falls av Wiukelman Henry, (lunaber) Concord and Eastern av Instrument Makers. Arnold Francis ife Son, (surgical) 15 9 Sharp D.iily Ephraim V. (surgical) 135 w Fayette Daily & Co. (surgical and philosophical) 234 vr Baltimore Duncan John T. (nautical) Montgomery and Hanover Fleiilje F. W. (musical) 87 Ensor Hagger James S. (nautical) 342 Mulberry Hesse John F. 42 u Holliday Hinton Joseph R. H. (telegraph) Pratt and (lilmor Johnson John N. (surgical) 155 Ensor Kesmoiiel F. (saigicali 142 w Fayette King F. W. k H. (surveying and engineers') 226 w Baltimore Kummer \' Schetelich, (musical) 81 n Front Lange John H. (nautical) cor Pratt and Spear's wharf Larmour & Co. ( nautical )BroadwayandThame3 Lepsley Thomas J. (nautical) 239 s Broadway Martello Charles Francisco, (mathematical) 155 Buriiundy al Pletscher John, (surgical) 194 w Bahimore Schneider Fred, (surgical) 45 n Caroline Sloan Francis J. (imutical)cor Pratt and Spear's wharf Stowell A. (chronometers) 64 w Pratt Watts & Co. (telegraphic and electrical) 47 n Holliday Willms Ciias. & Co. (surgical) 113 n Howard Insurance Companies. ((Sec Agents — Insurance.) .Etna Fire of Hartf.)rd, 1 Rialto huildjng A*lU\a. Life of Hartford, ConD.,T. R. Alexander, gen'l anient, 3 Postoffice av Alabama Gold Life, over 34 Postoffice av Amazon Fire of Cinn. 0., s w cor Sharp and German American Fire of Baltimore, James L. .Arm- strong, piesident, 6 South .American P^ire of Philadelphia, 9 and 11 North Ampricrtu Life of Philadelphia, 131 w Baltimore Armenia Fire Ins. Co 26 S' cond Associated Fireman's,John Gushing, president, 4 South Atlantic Ins. Co. of N. Y. 9 North Atlantic Mutual Life of New York, over n e cor Haltimore ami Calvert ATLAS PIRE, of Hartford, Lawford & McKim.agis, 10 s Holliday Baltimore Equitable Societv, (fire) 19 South Baltitiiore Fire, s vv cor South and Water Berkshire Life of .Mass. 30 South Black River Fire Insurance Co. of Waterton, N. Y. 37 Postoffice av Boitman's Fire and Marine. 37 Postoffice av Broadway Fire, James C. Wheeden, agent, cor Broadway and Gough Brooklyn Life of New York, R. B. Royston, Consolidate! bldt'. cor German and South Buffalo (German) Ins. Co. of Buffalo, N. Y. South and German Charter Oak Life, S. W. T. Hopper, agent, 4 s Holliday Citizens Fire of Newark, N. J. 22 South rommerce Fire of Albanv, H3 S'-cond Commercial Union Fire of London, South and German Connecticut Fire of Hartford. Conn. 83 Second Connecti ut (ieiieral Life of Hartford, agency 83 Second HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year^ O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Connecticut Mutual Life, A. H. Dillon jr. gen'l apent, 8 South Consolidated Real Estate and Fire, of Baltimore, cor iSotuh and German CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO. of New York, (Je^an Bros. & Allinands agts. 73 and 75 Second CONTINENT \L LIFE.J.W.Langley.manager, 38 and 42 Pusloffice av Equitable Fire of N isliville, W. H. ^ J. C. Keijililer, agents, 55 Second Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S., Witmer & Mitchell, gen'l ajients, 21 South Exchange Fire of New York, 4 s Hollidav FAIRFIELD FIRE INSURANCE CO. of South Norwalk, Conn., Jos. Selby, agent, 44 Second Farragut Fire of New York, Zimmerman ^- Mor- ris, ai;ents, 34 Postoffice av Faneuil Hall Ins. Co. of Boston, 37 Postoffice av Farmers Mutual Fire of York,Pa.20PostofEiceav Fireman's Fund of San Francisco, .^i5 Second Firemen's of B iltimore, n e cor South and Se- cond, Heniy P. Duhurst, president Franklin Fire of Indianapolis, SGerman nrSouth Franklin Fire of Baltimore, 32 Second Franklin of Wheeling, W Va. 13 Rialto bldg French Ins. Cori)oration of Paris, South and G'-i ra.an GERMAN AMERICAN INSUR. CO, of New York, Gegaii Bros. xchange pi HARTFORD STEAM BOILER IN- SPECTION AND INS. CO.,Lawford & McKim, agents, 10 s Hollidav Hi. disc Bund, (Life) 16 Postoffice av Hoffman Fire of New York, 13 Rialto bldg Home Fire of Baltimore, lo South Home of New York, 58 Exchange pi HOME INSURANCE CO. of Colum- bus, O., Gegan Bros. & Allmand, agents, 73 and 75 Second Howard Fire, n \v cor South and Water Imperial Fire of London, Geo. P. Kane, agent, 8 German nr South Insurance Co. of North America, 44 Second John Hancock Mutual, over 230 w Baltimore Knickerl'ocker Life of N.Y.s e cor Second and Holliday Lancashire Fire of Kngland, 33 s Holliday LANCASTER FIRE, of Lancaster, Pa., Joseph Selby, agent, 44 Second 823 oQ pq o O O Life Association of America, 8 German Life Insurance Co. of Va. 10 s Holliday Liverpool and London and Globe, 13Rialto bdjr ^ Lloyds, (Marine) James Carey Coale, agent, 56 W Exchanire pi r^ LONDON ASSURANCE CORPO := RATION, Gegan Bros, k Allmand, agts, ^ 73 and 75 Second ^ Lorillard Insurance Co. of N.Y.5H Exehaiigepl o LYCOMING FIRE, of Muncy, Pa.. Jos. Q Selliv. :iiien\. 44 Second '^ LYNCHBURG INS. AND B. CO. "S of Va., Jo.s. Selby, agent, 44 Second Manhattan Fire of New York, it North Manhattan Life of New York, 39 Postoffice av Maryland Fire of Baltimore, Maryland build- ing, Second and Postoffice av Maryland Ins. and Security Co.. 57 Second Maryland Life of Baltimore, 10 South MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE, Lawford k McKim, State agents, 10 s Holliday =^ .Mechanics Fire of New York, 4 s Hollidav Merchants and Mechanics Fire of Va. 13 Rialto fi building O Merchants Life of New York, 21 Second O Merchants Mutual Maiine, 58 Exchange pi J^ MERIDEN FIRE of Conn., Jos. Selby,?* agent, 44 SecO'id ,--: Millville Mutual Fire and Marine,39Postoffice av <-^ Metropolitan Life of New York, 16 Postoffice av • .Monumental Fire of Baltimore, ?>0 Second ^ Mutual Benefit Life of Newark, N.J. 4 s Hollid y ^ Mutual Fire of Anne Arundel and Howard co's, '"'^ 32 St. Paul Mutual Fire of Baltimore co., 31 n Calvert Mutual Life of Baltimore, 17 South Mutual Life of New York, 0. F.Biesee, generi agent, 15 Soutli National Fire of Baltimore, n w cor Hollida and Second National Fire of Hartford, 1 Rialto building National Fire of N>w York, 83 Second NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE ^ CO. of Phila., Jos. Selby, aL;t. 44 Second qj New Knslaiid .Mutual Life of Boston, 18 Post- ^ office av ^ NEW ORLEANS INSURANCE CO. ^ o o (File and .Marine,) Cohen & Gerhaitit, gL'u'l agent, 10 Postoffice av New York Board of Underwriters, J. Carey Coale, ajent, 56 Exchange |d New Yoik Life, Geo. I. Richardson, agent, 28 South New York Life, Wm. H. Blackford, gen'l agt. for .Maryland, 8 South New York and lonkeis Fire, 37 Postoffice av Nia>:aia Fire of New York, 37 Postoffice av North .Vmerican .Mutual Life of N.Y., 30 South North American Mutual Life of Philadelphia, 74 w Baltimore North British and Mercantile, agency 58 Ex- change pi Northw stern .Mutual Life of Milwaukee, 17 South Old Dominion Ins. Co. of Va. 12 Rialto bldu' Peabodi Fire of Baltimore, Second, adjoining Postoffice PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE, of Richmond, Va., 32 Postoffice av, A. II. Jones, aijt. Penn Fire Ins. Co. of Phila., 79 Second o o > O Q I — I IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street. 824 Muttial Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H W w Ch H C-, aj 55 K >^ C < < O t— 1 >-i-( c H O •» r/; J5 C 00 DQ Penn Mutual Life of Philadelphia, agency 63 Second Penii:ivh-;\nia Fire of Philadelphia. 9 North PEOPLES INSURANCE CO. (fTren- ii>:i N. J., Gitraii Bros, it Ailin ind, agt-nts, 73 and 75 Second Ptoples Fire Iiis. Co. of Memphis, 79 Second Peoples Fire Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J., 83 Second Phaniix of Hartford, 9 and 1 1 North Pha'iiix Mutiml Life of Hartford, Coun., s wcor South ;ind Gerniim Potoii ac Fire, 3 P-t^i office iv Provident Life iind Trust Co. of Phila., 42 n Charles Queen Fire of Liverpool ai.d London. 55 Second Kepulilic Fire Ins Co. of N.Y., 4 s Holliduy Repuhlic Life, 28 Postolfice av Rochester German Ins. Co. of Rochester, N. Y. s w cor Sotiih ;iiid German Roval of Liverpool and Lnmion, 1 Rialto bld'g Scotiish Commercial Ins. Co 2tJ Second Security Life and Annuity of New York, 35 Postoffitv uv SECURITY FIRE INS. CO. of New II iven, Cmiu , Joseph Srltiy, agt, 4-J Second Sprjjigfield Fin- and .Marine of .Mass. 1 Rialto big St. Joseph Fire and .Marine of .Mo. 13 Rialto bldg St. Louis Fire Ins. Co. of St. Ljuis, 8 German nr South St. Louis Life Ins. Co. 11 German nr South St. Nicholas Fire of N. V.. South and German STANDARD FIRE INS- CO. of New Jersey. Cobn i Gerhaidt, general agents, 10 Postoffice av TRADERS' INS. CO. of Chicago, Gegan Bros. i"i; Ailuiand, agents, 73 and 75 Second Travelers Lift- and .-Vccideut of Hartford, Conn. Sun Iron building U. B. Mutual Aids ciety of Pennsylvania, rear 85 w Fayette Union Fire of Baltimore, 42 Si'cond Union Mutual of .Maine, 12 South Uniied German Real Estate and Fire of Balti- more, cor B illimore and Postoffice av United Slates Life r>f New York, 7 German Universal Life Ins. Co. 49 w F.iyette Vireinia Fire and .Marine, 42 .Second Washington Fire and Loan of Balto. 38 Second \Vashiugton Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. 32^ St. Paul Westchester Fire of New Rochelle, N. Y. 20 Postoffice av WILLIAMSBURGH CITY FIRE of Iiniokl> n, \. Y., Geiian Bros. & Allmand, agents, 73 and 75 Second Intelligence Offices. Barton Theodore, 18 n Liberty Clancy Mrs. Mary, 242 n Howard Kelly "Mrs. C. 157 Saratoga .McElmoyle Archii)ald, 8 n Frederick WelliughoC" Henry F. 272 s Broadway Iron, Steel and Metal Dealers- Broderick John T. 69 Greenmount av Buck Edward D. 86 w Pratt Buck Joseph A. (agent) lOO Light-st whf Clarke, .\ddis(in & Bro. 92 w Lombard / Fuller Wm. & Co. 27 and 29 Light / Georges Creek Coal and Iron Co. 4 Riallo bldg Guthrie G. B. (iron ore) 12 German Hamilton S. M. 8 s Gay Hechi J. & Co. 57 s Charles Hoffman, Thompson & Co. 23 and 25 s Frederick Horner Joshua, cor Siirling and Chew Huggins Thomas J 13 .Mercer , Keen Jf Hagerty, 30 s Calvert Keith & Kflso, 23 s Charles Kovser Bros. & Co. 21 and 23 (?erman/ Norris k Bro. (com.) over 57 Second Parker E. L. & Go. 83 s Charles »-^ Pope & Cole, 57 s Gav Ip-— Pratt E. & Bro. 27 s Charles >^^ Reed. Stickuey & Co. (pi_') 42 Second '^ Schultz A. & Co. 47 n High Schmeis-;er, Wenck i^ Co. 46 and 48 s Charles Shannon David R & Co. 34 and 36 Lee Shriver Daniel, agent Pittsburg Steel .Manufac- turing Co. 14 n En taw Stickney Iron Co., Wm. Oliver, jr., manager, 42 Second ,,^ Tro.Xf-11, Handy & Greer, 237 w PrattV^ West J. Randolph, 134 s Dallas "Wetherall William G. (agent) 16 Water Z-' Wilhelm <|- Co. 366 w Pratt Winteruitz Charles & Son, 70 s Howard Winterniiz Samuel G. 103 Camden and 79 s Howard Woolford j- Tyler, 156 Light-st whf Wyelh & Bro. 4Q and 48 s Charles Iron Fence Railing. Davis W. E. & Co. 41 Clay i W. E. DAVIS & CO. MANXTFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS B^LCo:^;^IES, GRATINGS, WINDOW GUARDS, GATES. Brackets, Terminals, Finals, Vanes, Au«l all Kinds oT Irons for Building^s, 41 CLAY ST. near PARK AV. DeValiu John H. 87 H.uiis>)n r^:HO* 3BE* ©©irAIi,IW|, ST Harrison Street. JIANUPACTrKKR OP Iron Doors and Shutto?s, .\ud all descripiious of ORNAMENTAL AND BUILDERS IRON ^W^OHK. Dufur & Co. 36 n Howard Glaen Anton J. 11 Pearl Merker A. & Krug. cor Saratoga and Jasper Pagels George H. cor Saratoga and Jasper Stidham James D. (awning frames) 70 n Eutav I HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing and Engraving, Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. 15US1NESS DIRECTORY. 825 Iron Founders. Abbott Irdn Co., C H. Ashburner, president, cor Burke and Hudson, Canton Baltimore Car Wheel and Foundry Co. cor Con- cord and Essex, office 15 South ^Bartlett, Kobhins & Co. cor Pratt and Scott, office 24 Lifilit l^ Bates James sr. s w cor Pratt and President Benson Benjaniin S. 52 e Monument Bentley C. \V. & Sons. 25 s Front Blake Joel N. s e cor North and Franklin Brooke & Fritz, n e cor Boston and Patuxent Coates & Bro., Locust Point Rollin^^ Mills Dennjcad k Son n e cor North and Monument Dicke.v (ieorge S. (steam forge) Lowmiin, Lo- cust Pdiut Frazier William J. 132 and 134 Thames Heath Francis W. rear 44 s Howard Kilgour & Son, York between Johnson and William Lacy J;imes J. ^ Co. cor Pbilpot and Wilis JAS. J. LACY & CO. Manufacturers of all kind? of TOBA<<0 PRIZES A SPKCIALTY, Cor. PHILPOT and WILLS STS. NEAR THE DRAWBRIDGE. TVOK^TH STREKT J. ^^2 Iron Furnaces- Brooke & Fritz, Cedar Point Furnaces, office cor BfislOf and Patuxent Eilicolt H. William, s side bnsin, foot West Laurel Fuinace,D. M. Reese, jirop'r, sside basin Japanners and Ornamenters. Hoorpson Hamilton S. 55 s Charles Howser Jacob R. 37 Light Kerns John B. 677 w Fayette Ronemous John .\I. 151 w Fayette Walker William F. 48 German {See Jewelers. Watches and Jewelry.) Larrabee Henry C. cor Caroline and Lancaster Laurel Furnace. D.M. Reese, jirop'r, sside Basin Murray James & Son, 40, 42 and 44 York Monumental Irf)n \\'orks, r>f nmead & Son, pro- prietors, cor North and Monument Nissoti Nicholas, 65 and 67 n Frederick Patapsco Bridge and Iron Works, 8 s Gay Phenix Hon Works, 85 n Holliday, H.McShane ^ Co. proprietors Sexton S. B. (stoves) 154 Conway Snowden & Cowman, cor Clay and Kimmell al Trego, Thompson & Co., Canton av and Eden Union Iron Woiks (Poole & Hunt)Woodberry, office 7 German nr South Walz & Co. 121 Greenmount av Washington Iron Foundry, S. B. Sexton, prop'r, 154 Conway Weiskittel A. & Co. (stoves and hollow ware) 302, 304, 306 and 30'< Aliceanna i/ White Thomas, s e cor Fremont and Portland Wilsou J. B. & Son, cor Franklin and North Akers Edw;ird, 126 Hanover I Bein Charles, 84 Lexington ^ \ Bissing W. F. 280 w Baltimore f^ I Blake Charles W. 3 n Charles I Brown Wm. I— ( <1 I— I > I— 1 Q O !^ GO B. WILSON &: SON, Successors to JOEL N. BLAKE, North Street, corner Franklin, Are prepared to furnish Castings at Short Notice, and on ReasouaWe terms ; such as Columns. Cellar Windows, Coal Shoots for pavements. Kain Spouts, Gutters. Grate Bars, and all kinds of Mactiine Cast- ings. SASH WEIGHTS A SPECIALTY. Carpen- ters and Builders will please give us a call. HOPKINS & BRIELE, Goldsmiths and Jewelers, Ornamental HAIR WORK made to order, 122 w Bal- timore Hubbard Alexander J. 2 s Charles Johannes Allen. 2')5 w Baltimore Justis Wm. S. & Son, over 212 w Baltimore Kayscr Alexander, 42 Hanover Kirchmaver Charles. 20 German Koch William, (wholesaled 27 n Charles Kramer Frederick. 277 n Gay Larmonr k Co. 195 w Bal'imore Lfnikuhl Charles, 419 w Baltimore Lemkuhl Louis, 927 w Baltimore Lissauer cf Co. (wholesale) 160 w Baltimore Lyon Reutien. 70 w Baltimore Mealy John W. 123 Lexington Messer & Bro. over 1 n Calvert MESSER & BRO. Manufacturers of Fine JE^VELRY, Nearly opposite Barnum's Hotel, Up Stairs. Diamonds Honnted in the latest style o o o p Q c W o o p CQ Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 1 n 5 :j .~ Fi o ^ lii y? w a: 0) o "r ^" :zi c — ' 1- :» :e . >^ . O o "^ ^ re ::; ^ JJ — . — ■/. "•) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 826 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^>^:^ •^ >^' ri •r, * o — a ■i'o E X il a oi »:5 O > »s .Is o ^o /} 6^:; ? 2 c J *5 o) I— i ;^ a3 o jj, to, ;*» 7; is TT r^ Z> ~s .>^ ^ ,-t ^ >» ^ o ~ (r> — »-" c- f^ O ~r <>?• ~^ tr. "IS ~ r ^ ■*-> .4^ s >, 3J o ^^ ">, ■J > -r 5^ U. Mueller & Bro. 160 s Broad way Nickhis John, 393 w Baltimore Xily Fred, over \\ s Holliday Oppenheimer D. & Bro 276'w Bultimore Ostendorf John A. 12(1 Sarsitofra Pepar Charles H. 814 w Hallliuore Price Reuben, 84 Aiquitii Priirsr Julius A. 84i w Baltinv>re Rei'l & WetheriMi, 451 w Biltimore Reipe J. H. 282 w Baltimore Rodljertr Simon I. 190 w BtiMimore Sachse Theodore jr. 428 w Baltimore Sadtler .t Sou, 212 w Baltimore Saville J.imes H. 51 n Gay Suiith Robert B. 250 Le.xiut£ton Spear Alexander L. 47 w Baltimore Steibel Francis J. 223 w Pratt Steiner N. M. & S.{ who]esole)318 w Baltimore Stubenrauch Charles and Geo. over 214 w Bal- timore Stunz & Bro. (hair jewelry) 508 \v Baltimore and 90 Penna av " Warner .\ndrew \l. 135 w Baltimore Webl) Geo.t\'.j;ht-sl whf Cole Geo. W. 4 Willow Fin.-terwood Henry. 264 s Charles Fo.xwell Georiie B. 112 Lee Gardiner Robert, 45 Thames Heniz John J. 1 10 s Charles Horner Joshua, c.ir Chew and Stirling Kempion Samuel C. & Co. 20 Water Kni'jht George T. 240 Cross Kroh Geo. L. 222, 224 and 234 s Bond Kioh Sylvester L 175 Jefferson Lowry John B. 341 w Lombard Lvnch & Co. 53 Centre Market sp Miskiuimon & Kt'slnr. 97 McKlderry's whf R'ljenlicini (instav, 16 Lee Sliaunon David R. & (^o. 34 and 36 Lee Sheckells Richard W. jr. 118 Tyson .Smith John C. cor Saiaioiia and Gay Siivder & Burke, 13 u High Watkins Charles W., Central av and Granby Whealfieid Levi, 42 Penna av Wheaton Albert B. 350 s Caroline Wheaton I) ivid L. 286 s Dallas Whitaker Do'sev IL jr. cor liillen and Chesnut Woolford & Tyler, 156 Liglit-st whf J. C. SMITH, DE.\LER IN OLD IRON I MFJALS, Rag, and Paper Stock, Cor, Saratof/a and Gay Sts, Also, all kinds of Machinery, Tools, &c., bought and sold. Ladies' Furnishing. Beck Mrs. Maria E. 115 n Gav Frankel Bros, (wholesale) 184 s Broadway Hild George J. 248 n Gay Hutzler Bros. 12 Hanover and 67 n Howard Kleyensteuber .Mrs. L. 110 Le.xington Ladies De|)ository, (.Miss M. Sanders agent) 72 n Charles Noot Mrs. Josephine, 7oOj w Baltimore Schoiifarber Charles, 158 Lexington Spencer E. N. 69 Lexington Tyte Mrs. Ann (clothing) 57 e Baltimore White Edwd.S.n e cor Liberty and Lexington Wise -Mrs. F. Fanny, 919 w Baltimore Lamps and Oil. {See Oil Dealers.) Ammidon & Co. (kerosene oil and lampsi 34T w Baltimore and 5!) German Armor Geo. F. 164 Franklin Baker George, 366 n Gay Bangert Philip, s w cor Central av and Chew Bokee Howard, 14 n Howard Borst Herman, 348 s Charles Brickhouse E. L. 550 w Lombard Brune Willi iin F. 72 s Bond Erich Henry C. ^ Co. 77 and 79 Gough Grime-! Charles E. 99 Lexington Guthrie James W. 456 w Baltimore Halle Philip, (lamp fluids 26 Light Hamill & t;o. lain Gay Ilitt .Mrs. Christiana, 145 e Baltimore Kraft Conrad k Sim, 62 n Eulaw Kuster Bros. 2 e Baltimore Lange Ralph, 68 u Howard Miniiick Conrad A. 857 w Baltimore Poncet, .Malinda, 27 Centre Market sp Sciiaefer Henry, 690 w Baltimore Schatfer Charles, 249 s Bond Scherer Joseph. 151 s Broadway Scnminke H'-nrv, 132 s Freuiout Spilcker Wm. & H. 136 w Baltimore Tessy CbaSes H. (reflecting lamp burner) 5 Postoffice .-iv Last Makers. Marshall John L. 59 n Frederick Merriken Joseph S. cor Grant and Mercer Laundries. Baltimore Citv Laundry, (Hutchinson fe Co.) 3 St. Paul Baltimore Steam Laundry, 4 s High HOLMES & CO.. Eiiirineers Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler ' and Machiiii.sts' Tools and Supplies, Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &g. Assets, $75,000,000^0, ~~ BUSINESS T>IRECTORY^ 827 Buckingham James R. 60 w Fayette Bvrne Johanna M. 16 s Gay Enterprise Laundry (Stanford & Co.) s e cor Front and Gay Garda Madame A. (French) a1 n Charles National Steam Loundry, N. C. Search & Go. proprietors. 476 w Baltimore Searcn Christopher, 4 s Hijih Search N. C & Co. 476 w Baltimore Stanford & Co. s e cor Front and Gay Leather Belting. Brown John & Son, 10 w Pratt Haskell John H. 33 s Kutaw Holmes & Co, 72 w Pratt Maxwell Wm. G. 217 and 219 w Baltimore Leather and Oil Dealers. {See Curriers.) Achey Frederick & Son, 22 s Liberty Appold George k Sons, 8 :ind 10 Water Baer Arthur P. & Co. 7 and 9 Cheapside Coaklev Bros. 14 s Calvert Crane W. & Scms, cor Cheapside and Water Deford & Co. n w cor Calvert and Lombard Grupy F. H. & Co. 42 s Calvert Hewlett John Q. k Son, 9 Water Hoffman G- L. & Co. 84 w Lombard Jenkins, Stay lor & Co. 12 Water Kempton & Kercbner, 20 Water Kuhn Everhart, 148 Lii^ht-st whf Larrabee & Sons, 20 s Calvert Larraliee Wui. F. & Co. cor Light and Mercer Long David, 240 w Pratt Maxwell J. k Sons, 5 Ensor Maynard, Ely & Rose, 46 s Calvert Maynard J. A. jr. & Co. 30 Centre Market sp Odend hal Sebi.stian. 75 Lexington Ott Gorge L. 125 s Broadaay Perrv Levi, over n w cor Lombard and Calvert Prinz Hartman, 369 s Charles Roque Fr >neis, cor Fayette and Harrison Scallv John, 34! e. Fayette SchlaVb P. ^ H. 61 and 65 s Sharp Sharp Walter, cor Balderston and Grant Smith Klletl & Co. 35 German nr Light Startzmaii John, 17 Mercer Stehli Anihonv, 174 s Bond Sulliviin Thos. H. k Son, 36 s Calvert Weinrich Frederick, 477 w Baltimore Lightning Rods. Bishop C:«leb. 51 Ensor Bishop John H. 239 n Central av '^^aiicci^, Office. 33 S. HOLIilDAT ST. Special Attention called to our [^ MUNSON RODS. «1*»^ McLain James, 33 s Holliday Ruth John A. 323 s Sharp Stibbs Henry, 25 n Paca Lime. GQ I Applezarth Alex. 3 Hollingsworth Auld Haddaway, 31 n Givene Bowen & Mercer, 65 s Gay Coburn Sdloinon, 30 Concord Costello John, (kilns) Fayette e of Burke ^ Cunnino-ham & Ditman, cor Forrest and .Monu- ^r) . "^ ^ raent Digga Richd. H. &Sons, 258 and 260 s Caroline g Distler John C cor Chester and Canton av q Dorsey John & Son, (kilns) cor Castle and Or- Q leans 'Zj Gossweiler Danl, (kilns) Ridgely nr West ^ Gossweiler John H. (kilns) Ridgely nr West Green Jacob, 44 Buren Hay George M. 3 s Carey Hussev Martin, cor Pratt and Poppleton Lester John T. (agents 140 and 142 n Howard Lester Joseph R. 154 Pearl Maltbv C. S. foot of West Falls av Q McAllister James, cor Albemarle and Fawn Q Oler Win. H. cor Lancaster and Eden Sinsheimer Lewis, i^kilns) Clinton n of Chesa- ^^^ peake furnace, Canton Trotton Thomas & Sons, 33 ChcMpside Turner Robert k Son. 43 s Frederick Ward John, (and hair) 231 Park av Warren Lawrence J. 18 East Falls av Waikins Joseph P. 112 Light-st whf pa o O ft o o Linen Goods. Conway k Co. (linen and mourning goods) 28 n Charles Millikin Robert H. 163 w Baltimore Neal Geo. H. C. 99 and lOl w Baltimore P^ Retail. W EH Liquor and Wine Dealers- Altvater Mrs. John, 110 Eastern av Abraham John C. 380 Eastern av Atkinson & B'O 186 s Broadway Bachnian John, 209 Hollins Baker C. 76 Frederick av Baker Lewis C , St. Paul and Centre Becker C. F. C. 186 Lexington Becker Conrad H. 64 e Fayette Binder Lewis, 34 n Fremont Biiyle James, n w cor Hilleii and Chesnut Brown Edward, 181 s Broadway Burkhart Wm. cor Caroline and Fayette Cashmyer R. Au^'ust. i55 e Baltimore Cassidy Mariin, cor Hillen and Exeter Clageti Samuel A. 97 s Eden Connolly Edward. West and Russell Connolly John, 193 Boston CourtneV R. k Bro. 14 n Charles Curley .John, 239 Park av Cutaiar Francis, 722 w Baliimore Danzeglock Aue. 293 e Monument Dmzeglock J. H. 481 e Monument Delrtny John, cor Favette and Harrison Dri Vries John, 251 Easiern av Donnellv John, 35 n Paca Dunn Michael & Bro 156 n C ilvect Kwell John, 188 w Baltimore Farber John H.& Co.se cor N >rth and Pleasant < o I— I O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 828 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. o ^ CO (—1 QQ O O < OS few ^:;::^ o ►^ ^ Q to -H S HH r; k^ c ^ M ^ '"^ g§- O'Xi O Gcekie Charles W. 123 w Baltimore Georgii F. Win. 37 n Guy (Joilwin A. S. 13 n iCulavv Gorinaii James W. rear 42 Second Gorman Richaid P. 143 Forrest Hanna Joha, 132 \v Baltimore liaiiiia Wm. 132 w Baltimore Hafnetl Daniel, 30 ii Piica Hellba k Henry, Lee and Wairen, and 98 Ensor Hessetuer Cliarles, 42 Pearl Hillegeist Oscar, 65 and 67 Elliott Hobcimann Hermnn H. 102 Hanover HoMiritihausen John. 138 Columbi.a Iluuimel Wm. 52 n ICutaw Ijams Alfred, 125 n Hiph l.-aac Herinan, 56 n lloUiday Ja;.Mnelti Joshua, cor Eastern av and Exeter James Loader, 50 .Montgomery Kessler George, 71 Grtenmount av Keys Jas. N. & Son, 03 Franklin Koehlert Ileniy, 4(J8 Penna av KoUe & Kaiser, 71 Hanover Kopp Ferd. cor Light and Montgomery Kiekel Louis, 2 n Calvert Lawson Richard F. H. 89 n Charles Lindenniau C. H 118 n Ualvert Lohmeyer E. <|- Son, 45 e Pratt Maguire Patrick, 24 and 26 n Gay •McCarty Junius R. over 79 Exchange pi McRae R. & Son. Ill n Calvert Mediuger & Koller, 142 w Baltimore .Moeter W. & G. 116 s Fremont Meyer Charles, 199 Montgomery Na;jel C. & Son, 155 s Charles Newman Henry, 18o Light Niller Conrad, 48 Frederick av Osing Henry H. 48 Druid Hill av Otto Christian, Pratt k Poppletoii and 41 Penn Oberman Bernard, 54 Centre Ma:ket sp Pairo Henry T. 52 n Charles Peacock A."0. lOO Boston Peters Clarence, 57 w Baltimore Reinhard Solonion E. 86 Park av Reitz Lewis 11. & Bro. cor Camden and Hanover Riordan Timothy, 2o2 Light Koeder Frederick, 141 w Lombard Rosenberg Maurice. 239 Lexington and 291 Saratoga R')st John P. 164 n Eden liust Philip, 24 Ensor Rudolph Jdlui, 260 Hanover Rn.-ker P. k Co. 94 s Sharp ."^ander Albrecht, 184 s Sharp Sihloer V. C. (wines) lo2 w Fayette Schmidt Henry, 445 n Gay Sei[)p (^has. 337 and 339 e .Monument SieOert John G. 374 Saratoga Spingcnberger Geo. J. 182 n Eden Spiiz H. P. 212 Lexington Stabler Jiirdan, n e cor Eutaw and .Madison av Sloeizer & Bro. 12 w Lombard Struth Herman, 6 s Hii^li Thurn Herbert, 83 Penna av \'(jneifl' Charles, 10 n Greene Werner Geor^je P. & Son, 541 n Gay Weyer John, Myrtle av and .Mulberry Zinkand E. C. 449 w B iltimore Liquors and Wines— Wholesale A!tschnl T. & Co. German nr Calvert Barih Samuel, 21 South Beall & Stonebraker, 31 8 Liberty Becker Geo. W. 303 w Pratt P.ollnian &;■ Carl, 63 s Gay Boss Robert D. 17 South Bowling, Patterson & Co. s e cor Calvert and German Brown, Boggs & Co. Ill w Lombard *' Brown Edward, 181s Broadway Brown J. B. & Co. 84 South and 30 Bowly'sjvhf Brown V. J. & Bro. 66 I'Lxchange pi y^ Burns P. 0. & Co. 80 Light-st whf Calm, Bell & Co. 32 w Lotnuard Carroll Thomas G. 370 w Baltimore Clabaugh Geori;e W. 372 w Baltimore Clabaugh & Gratf, 38 South Clark J. E. & Co. 48 s Howard Collier & Son, 21 s Calvert Conway John R. & Son. 14 German nr Calvert Colter J. k Co. 40 and 4J s Frederick Cunningham Wm. R 48 w [..ornbard Darrell Cliarles k Co. 4 Exchange pi Dawson Jj- Jamison, 3 Howell block, Sharp and Camden Dawscjn k Osburn, n vv cor Howard and Pratt Diering ('hristopher, 209 e Lombard Doyle & Reilly, llo Franklin Edmeades Wm. T. & Co. 31 Postoffice av Eichelberger Otho W. 1 s Howard >- Emmert k Co. 268 \v Pratt Engelsman Julius, (wine) 22 n Paca Flack Thomas J. & Sons, 52 South /^^ Fowler k Zeigler, 91 and 93 s Charles k' Geekie Charles W. 123 w Baltimore Getz Eli B. 134 w Lombard Gilmor & Gibson, 50 s Gay /^ Goldheim L. 278 w Pratt Goldsborongh, Forster k Co. G2 s Gay Goidsborough, Pills & Co. 25 Cheapside Gotlschalk & Spillman, 46 and 48 Light Green George W. & Son, 52 s Charles Harnett Daniel, 30 n Paca Hazlitl James k Co 39 and 41 s Gay Hiss D. & Co. 5'i s Calvert Holtzman Wm. k Son, 296 n Howard Hough Robert & Sons, 44 Sonih Iluber Wm. cot Ga\ and Caroline Keys James N. & Son, 93 Franklin Kolle & Keyser, (and Lake Erie Islands Wine) 71 Hanover Lanahan Wm. k Son, 20 Light Lansburgh & Co. (and rectifying ap|>aratus) 2 Camden Lindau & Co. 5 n Gay Lindfinan John, 138 Franklin Lipper W'm. B. s vv cor Lombard and Exeter Loane E. G. 29 s Liberty Lowenbach M. & Bro. 54 s Howard and 283 w Pratt Martin & McAndrews, 142 Franklin .Mansbach & Gump, 379 w Baltimore Mr("arthy T. & Co. 374 w Baltimore Me.Mahon James, l(i7 Franklin Merolla E. De k Co. 33 s Gay .Moores zz — ^ ■f) 'Jl cc CO ^ o w tX) ^ /C o ■*- _ ;^ o 'Jl S — H) . "aa cS cu ^ ^ C cc o a 0) o O .X r» >^ ,^ a ■t^ ■r! ^ HH O -t-> -u :n 00 ■■XI OD o » m r*— > :tj 0. ^ ~ >> V.W X^ ^-' o* P^ -r ~ i^ 3 _fl c3 -*> < x i' W w ZJ ^ cc "^ o u o«» H Tl O o o ^ Tl o >-, •i?^ 7/ ♦^ ■f^ t^ g C •> cs ^ §^ a> a S ~ a ■1^ aJ J5 ^ »o a o CM ^ c ~s ;- x s •4^ -i-j ^ a >^ o •"— • > ^ (> <» r/- c5 o • '• .fe O 5 o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gibson & Kirk, 5 Cheapside Gltien Anton J. 11 Pearl Hofiuaiin Henry sr. 59 German Hunter David, 55 s Fremont Jung Frederick, 30 n Gay KiTQ Charles, 240 Lee Kirk Robert E. 4 Gernmn Kirk VVm. W. 98 w Pratt Phillii>s Charles, 73 n Front Sauer Christian, 138 s Ann Stewart C. J. k Sons, 3 s Liberty Stewart John A. k Son, 67 Saratoga Thomiz Andrew, 50 Light Looking Glass and Picture Frame Manufacturers. {See Picture Frames.) Clark Levi, 835 w Baltimore Dawson A. 84 n Charles Eckhardt Louis. 464 e Monument Eckhaidt& Mehler, over, 293 w Biltimore Fairbanks, Murjihy & Co. 38 n Howard Fitzgerald James, 55 n Gay Frizzell James W. 430 Penna av Fryer & Bendann, 10 n Charles HaVrington & Mills, Cross nr Ridgely Hirshberg Bros. ^ Ilotlander, 57 Hanover Hirshberg Bros & Hollander, Importers aixl ^laiiiifacturers of Mirrors, Picture Frames, CHR(>iVIOSi!s,MOUI.X>I>fG^S,&;c. 57 HANOVER STREET, Adjoining Citizens National Bank. Klein & Hamburger, 39 and 41 Clay Lassm.m John & Son, (gilt) 665 w Baltimore Mady >V Stahn, 87 n Gay M;inti Williiiin, 42 s Charles .MeliaJohn, 48 e Balliniore Myers k Hediaii, 46 n Charles Seager Thomas, 46 n Howard Schneider & Fuchs, 184 n Eutaw and 82 w Baltimore Lumber Dealers. Brenan Peter E. 21 n Gay Burns k Sloan, 132 Light-st whf SAMUEL BURMS. GEO. F. SLOAN. ■ ■ ■■■ - ■ - -■ ^ 132 Light iiitreet Wharf, aq BALTIMOMJE. Cahill k Jenkins, Cathedral nr Chase Carson k Co. 72 w Biddle Gate Araon, n e cor East Falls' av and Fawn i^ Cath-ell & Morris, 32 West Falls av Church Edward J. over 28 South Church & .Musson, Maryland av nr John, office 28^ South Cross William S. & Bro. n e cor East Falls and Eastern avs Curley Henry R. cor John and (.'harles Dibbdl & Co. cor Hamburg and Ohio av Dobson & Co. 56 West Falls av Dodge Wm. E. head Union dock Duker Otto & Co. n e cor Canton av and President Eareckson V. 0. 18 West Falls av Feiiriell Wesley, (agent) Union dock Graffliii J. W., East Falls and Eastern av Glenn White, (coal and lumber Co.) 11 North Golil)art James S. (storage) 32 West Falls av Griffith & Thomas, 434 w Pratt HAREIMAN H. M. & Co., Dealer in Masts, Spars, Timber and Ship Knees, Eastern and West Falls Avenue. Hawley R. K. & Co. 16 Eastern av '^ Heise & Co. n w cor Concord and Eastern av Helfrich George k Sons, Baltimore opp Oregon Hugg John ti. k Co. cor Canton and East Falls avs James Henry k Co., Aliceanna nr Exeter Johnson, Shryock & Co. (wholesale) cor Cross and Howard Johnson Green leaf & Son, 2 Block Knell J. Henry jr. cor Fremont and Presstman Linthicum Samuel S. cor Greene and Pratt Matthews Thomas & Son, n e cor Albemarle and Canton av and 88 n High Maughlin W. W. & Son, n e cor East Falls av and Stiles McDouifall James & Son, 158 West Falls av Mottu Theodore, 126 Penna av Page Washington A., Lee nr Light-st whf Perry A. A. & Co. cor Gay and Lombard Pfeil August & Co., Hiimburg nr Howard Price k Heald, Mill'and Bowly Price Richard & Son, Kaslern and East Falls avs Randolph, Bros. & Co. 140 Thames Ranstead Charles, foot of Russell Redgrave Wm B. (broker) 18 West Falls av Reinicker John F. cor Aisqniih and Monument Rokes Emerson k Co. (shiptimber) Buchanan's whf and I'ralt ShovvMcre k Co. 279 s Eutaw Showacre John W. 281 s Eutaw Shryock &, Clark, cor Eastern av and Union dock Sleinbrenner George F. 78 s High Stevens Charles P. office 3 s Calvert Stew.irt k J}enthall, 341 Harfoni av Storck Adol|ih & Sons, 77 e Monumentand 250 n Front Swain & IJaiiks, Aliceanna and President Swain G. Edwin, (broker) 34 West Falls av Swingle\ 0. & Son, 2 Block Taylor \V. S k Co. 140 Light-st whf Te.xter J. C. it Bro. 180 Heniietta Thomas David E. k Co. 56 East Falls av Thomas Joseph k Son, office 32 Park av V Trader, Bro. & Co. head of Union dock HOLMES & GO,, Engineers' and Macliinists' Tools aijd Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 831 Tyler George G., Boston, Canton Viiughen John, cor Biddle and C^ithedrul Waters R. T. & Sons, 1 Union dock Webfi- Theodore, 174 s Eutaw, and cor China and Henrietta Williiiuis John and James & Co. 130 s Charles Wilson John W^ Son, s e cor Eutaw and Cross ^ Wilson & Hunting, cor East Falls av. Canton av and President ^ Worley & Chrispin, East Falls and Canton avs Machinists. Adt John B. 88 n HoUiday Basshor Thomas C. & Co. 28 Light \^' Benson Benjamin S. 52 e Monument Bentley C. W. & Sons, 25 s Parent Blake Joel N. s e cor Franklin and North Clark James ^ Co. s side Basin Clarkson Joseph & Sons, 75 and 77 n Front Codd Edward J. if Co. 259 s Caroline Denmeud & Son, cor Monument and North Fairman & Cn. over 77 n Front Flynn & Emrich, cor Saratoga and Holliday Forsyth Manuel J. 252 w Biddle Frank Ernest, 426 w Pratt Frazier Wra. J. 132 and 134 Thames Froehlich John C. .J- Co. 6 Thames Griffith k Marquette, 6 West Falls av Hammen John, 235 Peirce COLEMAN & TAYLOR, Machinists and Boiler Makers, cor Holliday and Pleasant Streets, Baltimore. Manufacturers of all kinds of Bath and Steam Boilers, Water Tanks, Oil Stills, Smoke Stacks, &C.&C. Particular attention given to Repairs. Ives John A. . d o O Shanks Thomas, s w cor Lombard and Sharp Smith William M. 11\ s Charles Snowden & Cowman, 86 vv Fayette Stevenson WiUiain H. 42 n Holliday Stoppelhaar & Halgrich, 41 e Pratt TAYLOR SAMUEL G., Engineer and Machinist, cor East Palls av and Granby, dw 267 n Howard Treulieb & Co. 19 Ensor .^ Whitney George H. 85 n Front ^t^ Wiesner Eberhart, 29 Park av ^ Williams John & James, (and mahogany) 130 s l-Q Charles ^ o Maltsters. O Boyd k Ricketts, office 13 s Gay /^ r City Malt House, Francis Denmead, proprietor, O foot of West Falls av O Mooree & Co. 79 E.xchange pi Smith & Girvan,(hops and malt)23 s Frederick '^ Straus H., Bro. &/^ell, s w co. North and Saratoga ^ j/ Straus S. k Co. s w cor Central av and Fawn Manufacturers. O O Abbott Iron Co. cor Burke and Hudson Adams White Lead Co. over 27 s Charles Adler Bros, k Co. (oil clothing) 15 Camden i^ Alberton Cotton Mills, 24 German ^ Amos I. R. & Co. (blank books)s e cor Postoffice ^ av and Baltimore Auderfuhreu Louis A. (wood toys) 5 Swan ^ Appold&Corner(sumaclOaroline and McElderry rq Armstrong James & Co. (soap and candles) Concord nr Pratt (^ Armstrong James, (stoves and hollow ware) 60 p£j Light ^ Arnold, Marshall & Co. 53 Light j^J Arnold Richd. H. (weather strips) 125 Mulberry r^ Bair Brothers, (copper paint) corner Pratt and r , Buchanan's wharf ^ Baker Bros. & Co. (window glass and drug- ^ gists' glassware, &c.) 32 and 34 s Charles '^ Baker R. J. & Co. (chemicals, dye stuffs and ~ oil of vitriol) 36 and 38 s Charles ^ Baltimore Bag Factory, 73, 75 and 77 South O Baltimore ChemicalPaint and Varnish Works, ^l office 104 w Lombard IZj Baltimore Chrome Works, 10 Block, office n w p^ cor Charles and Lexington >-^ Baltimore City Fertilizinir Manufg. Co. 4 Wood ^ Baltimore Coal Tar and Manufg. Co. 33 Camden Baltimore Copper Works, office 57 s Gay p;^ Baltimore Lightning Rod Works, 33 s Holliday ,— t Baltimore Nickel Plating Works, 15 Mercer ■<* Baltimore Oil Works, cor Canton av and Eden Baltimore Pearl Hominy Co. cor North and EH Belvidere O Baltimore Rivet and. Spike Works, s e cor f^j President and Fawn, Wm. Gilmor of Wm. Baltimore Safe Works, 51 Clay |-I) Baltimore Sheet .Metal Co. 53 s Broadway ■ <^ Baltimore Shoe and Gaiter Upper Manufactory, Q^ over s e cor Gay and Frederick r£\ Baltimore Steel Hoe Works, 35 Light i^ Baltimore Terra Cotta Works, foot of Cross ^ Barker, Chandler & Co. (cigars) 31 German ^ Barkley& Hasson(ground spices, &c.)50 sCbarles ^ — ^ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H H pc; H C/J „ ;>^ t-l C3 < w H H P ^ o O rn rf) 00 ^ o O ^ H t-l t^^ S < W OQ OS w WP CO Oco « O o 832 Bartlett, Bobbins & Co. (foiimiiy and locomo- tives) coi Pratt and Scott, office 24 Light Basshor Thoinas C. & Co. (heating apparatus) 28 Ligbt Bates James sr. (hoisting machines, elevators and trucks) s w cor President and Piatt. [^See Advertisement. Beehler Mrs. Frances & Son, (whips, umbrellas and canes) 235 w Baltimore Bennett Edwin, (white, yellow and Rocking- liam ware) cor Canton and Central avs, and Eden nr Canton av Benson Benjamin S. (water and gas pipes) 52 e Monument Berry John S. 4' Geo. R. (fire brick) cor Hum- burg and Warner Bickfurd & Huffman, (agricultural implements t)4 8 Sharp Blum Jacob, (cigars) 193 e Lombard Bolenius G. H. & Co, (cigars) n w cor Charles and Pratt Boyle Wra. H. (piano legs) 77 e Monument Brand & Rex, (rock candy) 6 Second Braun, Mattt'eldt k Co. (tobacco) 355 w Pratt Broderick John T. (solder and spelter) 69 Greenmount av Broseker Wm. (cigars) 153 s Charles Brown George, (candy) 8 w Baltimore Brown Henry C. (saws) 17 s Gay- Bullock John & Son, (glue, neatsfoot oil and ground bone) 61 s Gay Burrough Bros. Manufacturing Co. (fluid and solid extracts) 4 Howell block Campbell & Co. (cigars) 332 w Baltimore Campbell James J (carriage and saddlery hard- ware) 54^ w Fayetie Carr \V . S.(uudertakeis' trim'gs)45 n Holliday Carroll Albt.H., Evergreen nrMt. Vernon factory Chang Ching Manufact'ng Co. (Chinese starch) 31 Lexington Chappell Bros, (acids) Cross near Covington, office 31 South Chesapeake Chemical Works, office 155wFa3'ette CLesapeake Guano Works, office 40 Postoffice av Chesapeake Nail Works, agency 23 s Charles Clark, Hardesty & Co. (plumbers' materials) 40 u Holliday Clarke & Jones, (candies) 15 Light Cleary Edwd. M. (spike and oar)274 s Broadway Clifford Thomas L. (mineral water) 174 s Bond Cole & Gilpin, (candies) 30 Hanover Collon Jf Baetjer, (hosiery) 14u Lexington Cooke Geo. W. (cotton \\adding)148^ Linden av Cooper Albert, (gold pens) 144 w Baltimore Coulson E. L.(glue, bone dust and phosphates) office 27 Balderston Cromwell & Congdon, (agricultural and horti- cultural implements) 51 Light Daily & Co. (surgical and philosophical instru- ments) 234 w Baltimore Dally E. V. (surgical and philosophical instru- ments) 135 w Fayette Darby & Co. (candy) 325 w Baltimore Davis & Miller, (flavoriug extracts) 12 n Howard Davis Wm. E. & Co (iron railinjis) 41 Clay Davison Wm. & Co.(cheinicals)104 w Lombard Day & Jones, (harness and trunks) 336 w Bal- timore Day Saml. G. & Bro. (tin ware) 109 n Calvert Denmead & Son, (Monument foundry )corMonu- ment and North Depew & Co.(agricnlt'l castings) 204 s Howard Deupert Adam (gold leaf) 35 n Frederick DeWitt Gabriel, (Triumph washer) 137 s Eden Dickey, Baker & Co. (meters) 55 North and 22 Sararosra Dickey Wm. J. & Son, (domestic good3)n e cor Charles and German Dorman's Stencil and Stamp Works, 19 German Druid Cotton Mills, Druidville, N.C.R.W.,Gam- brill Sons & Co. proprietors Duki-r Otto & Co. (frames, sashes, &c.) n e cor President and Canton av Durst John U. (cotton wadding) Light near Fort av En<;land & Bell, (matches) 282 and 284 West Feigner F. W. & Son, (tobacco) 90 s Charles Fowler & Co. (soap and candles) 28 and 30 Buren Fowler & Zeigler, (Zeigler whiskey) 91 and 93 s Charles Franke Charles C. (jewelry) 398 n Gay Franklin & Son, (cigars) lol Camden Frey C. S. & E. B. (corn busks) 18 Harford av Frey James L. & Co. (husk mattresses) 84 w Baltimore Frey, Walpert & Co. (husk mattresses )28 n Gaj Fricke Henry, (cigars) 44 Aisquith Frush Wm. W. <& Co. (Iiominy and corn meal) (3 Spear's whf and 9J Franklin Fuller Wm. & Co. (tinner's tools and machines, tin ware) 27 and 29 Light Gaehle & Co. (pianos) 5 and 7 s Eutaw Gaehle's Manufacturing Co, (pianos) 15 and 17 n Eutaw Gail G. W. & Ax, (tobacco) 28 Barre Gary Jas. S. & Sons, (twills, sheetings, &c.) 24- German Gaspari P. G. (meerschaum pipes) 31 s Calvert Gibson Henry, (drain pipes and tiles) cor Fort av and Allen Gibson & Kirk, (lock and bell) 5 Cheapside Gilmor Wm. of Wm. (rivets and spikes) s e cor President and Fawn Godey Thos. & Son, (finefurniture) 41 Hanover Godfrey W^m. (composition gum) cor St. Paul and Bank la Goode Frank, (solder) 254 w Biddle Goodhand Geo. W. (tobacco and cigars) 177 3 Charles Gray Manufacturing Co., Charles Marean, agt. 13 Lexington Green Amou & Co. (cotton yarn, wrapping twine, &c.) n w cor Exeter and Hillen Green Johu J. (mill picks and facing hammers) over 10 Centre Groneburg A. E. (jewelry) 70 e Baltimore Grove Mrs. Frances, (tin box) 60 Stockton Halstead John k Sons, (dye stuffs) n e cor Cen- tral av and Lombard, ofiSce Eden and East- ern av Hamilton S. M. (fire brick and patentee Hamil- ton's perpetual kiln) 8 s Gay Haney J. (human hair goods) 35 n Charles Haskell Johu H. (machine cards and leather belting) 33 s Eutaw Haskell, Lyon & Co. (soap) 33 s Eutaw Harrington & Mills, (looking glass, gilt and ornamental work) Cross ur Ridgely Hatter Charles W. (confections) 133 n Gay Hecht M. &Co.(silksaud trimmings) 43 German Heald John H. (bark) 47 German e of Charles Helldorfer F. (brackets, church work, Ac.) 14 n Frederick HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS directory! 833 Heslop W. C. ^ Co. {Worcestershire sauce) over 30 Light Hicks Geo. C. & Co. (retorts, firebrick, &c.) office 4 s Holliday Hildebrandt Chas. H. (musical instruments) 19 n Liberty Hoffman Geo. W. S. (paper) 89 Townsend Hooper Wm. E. & Sons, (cotton duck) s e cor Pratt and South Horn Theodore, (corsets) 139 Lexington Howell & Bros.(paperhanizings)260 w Baltimore Horner Josiiua, (Ijone dust and paper) corner Stirling; and Chew Horner Joshua jr. & Co. (bone dust) 58 s Gay Hudgins John R. (edge tools) cor Pratt and Mill Hunt Mrs. Sylvia (^. (coal oil) 182 s Eden and 12.5 Eastern ay Kann & Sons' Manf. Co. (albata ware) 88 n Holliday Kanne \V. H. (edge tools, &c.) 59 Boston Keatenkamp Deiiierich 4" Son, (whip, cane and umbrella) 66 n Howard Kenipion Sauter Wm. (coffin trimmings) 252 w Pratt ^ Seim & Emory (window glass) 112 w Lombard Seward k Noriis (carriage gools) 24 s Calvert /-s Sharp Weaker (leather) cor Balderston and t--^ Grant Singer Manufg. Co. (sewing machines) 13 n [V] Charles pf Sinz Philip, (glaziers diamonds) s e cor Pratt ^ and Hanover ^^ Slothow^er W. T. proprietor Powhattan cotton |> factory, 44 German Smith Ainor& Sons (ammoniacal works) Fort ^ av at B tj- 0. R. R., Locust Point ^' Smith C. & Co. (confections) 98 n Eutaw ^. Smith & Curlett (soap and candles) cor Holli- [~^ day and Pleasant ^p^ Smith Edward A. (chemicals) 52 s Sh.arp ^ Smith Thomas & John M. (linseed oil) 121 and Hh 123 Smith's whf Starr B. F. & Co. (French burr mill stones) 173 (-H North IZ; Stevens Charles P. (furniture) 6 Low, ofiBce, 3a <| Calvert Stevens Geo. 0. & Co. (building materials) cor pc^ Fayette and Front J>. Stewart John A. & Son (locks) 67 Saratoga q Stickney Iron Co. office 42 Second c_j Stiefif Charles M. (pianos) 9 n Liberty qq Stinson J. & E. (^ubs) 36 n Holliday Stockdale & Elder (scarf and bows) over 209 w Jz; Baltimore <^" Stuns & Bro. (hair jewelry) 508 w Baltimore Q Summers Charles G. & Co. (pickles, sauces, t—< &c.) Perry nr Howard p5 Swift & Courtney & Beecher Co. (matches) 55 fx3 s Calvert and 55 Cheapside ^ Symington Bros. & Co, (chemicals) over South 44 Power Press Printing, at Keduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 51 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^^1 o.£ •3 3 i 884 o c Taylor J. G. & Co. (billirtrd tables) 54 s Sharp 0^3 Tliistle Factory. wMiehouse ami office, 146 w > ;; — ^ Fayette, A. Kerr, agent 'Sc ^ 5c Tdland & McG^rity (cast steel saws) 69 n Front Q ••-? Towner, James & Co (manufacturers' furnish- j:^._r ^ ing store) 342 w Baltimore o s ^ Trego, Thomi>>on & Co. (iron) s w cor Canton i iiv and Eden 5 TuerkeGeo.& Son (leather bags) 219 Eastern av o Turnbull A. & Bro. (oars) 38 Thames ^t Turner & Day, (handles) Boston nr Elliott J^ Turner Thomas G. (wood excelsior) Dillon and jz. Patuxent ^ Union Manufacturing Co. of Md. 12 s Howard ^ United States .Manufacturinji Co. 1!) German Utile Manufacturing Co. 13 s Liberty Wagner A. W. (gas fixtures. &c.) 44 Hanover Walton, \Vhiinn&Co.( phosphate )1G B.iwiy'swbf Watts & Co. (telegraphic and electrical uia- cliinery, and supplies) 47 n Holliday West & Sons, (coal oil and alcohol) 1 13 w Lom- bard Q oT'^^ Whitehouse George, (chains) 287 Penna ar a; cu" Whitelock W. & Co. (pliosphates) 44 South ^'•-B ^ Whitman E. & Sons, (phosphates) 145 and 147 w .2^0 ^''■'" Di > Wilkens H. & Co. (tobacco and cigars) 181 w ^ ?? Pratt j^ 05 Wilkens Wm & Co. (curled hair) 30oJ w Pratt .^ Q Willms Charles & Co. (surg. instruments) 113 £ rr -g n Howard * C •— Wiflich Ferdinand, (mustard and vinegar) cor >^ ■" ~ Giaiiby and Hiuh ifS Pj £ Woodside & Griffith (fertilizersand bone black) c^: c dj 55 Light r— ^ -~ Yerbv & Co 0 (candies) 30 Light Zell Peter & Sons, (phosphates and fertilizers) over 30 South W Manufacturers and Machinists' Supplies. H . o ^> ^ Shanks Thomas, s w cor Sharp and Lorabud Basshor Thomas C. & Co. 26 Light Buxton & Musgrave (railway and machinist su[)!>lies) 21 and 23 Light Dugan Cumberland ^ Co. 26 s Charles Haskell John H.33 s Eutaw HOLMES & CO. 72 w Pratt ^ "S . Jackson & Tyler, 16 German nr CarrolUon •S ^ ^ ^«'^' ,^ _ ^- Maxwell Wm. G. 217 and 219 w Baltimore ^ O ii _ ■TS . - >> g; fl ». C. L. Jackson, F. K. Tylek. C D -^ Late of Morton, Reed & Co. •JACKSON & TYLER, Railway & Machinists suF»jPLiii:5*;. '^. = fcf IRON AND WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, r«o 1^ ." Amatenr Foot Lathes', Screw CiUtiUL; and Plain ; C ^ .22 .Scroll SawH, and Fine Machiuistb Tools, ifcc. ^ >. S ]N^o. IG GrermarL Street. CS "^ > Near Carrollton Uotel. ^ t- '^ - - - — Towner, James & Co. 342 w Baltimore Wells' John Sons (engineers an 1 m.icliinists' supplies) 47 Thames Wood Wm. E. & Co. 363 vv Baltimore Map Coloring. Southern Map and Print coloring and mount- ing establishment, F. Klemm, 254 n Central av Marble and Stone Workers. Abrams Alex. J , Greenmonut av nr Cemetery ALEX. J. ABRAMS, OPPOSITE GREENMOUNT CEMETERY GATE, BALTIMORE, MD. Abrams Alex.J. jr. Greenmount av nr Cemetery Berry A. W. mana'^er Sherwood Park Marble C.). 24 Light Bevan & Sons, 140 Sarat^fi^a and 70 n Howard Bevan & Hann ih, 200 e .Monument Black James, cor Cathedral and liiddle Coyle John & Bro. (and soapsione) cor Pratt and Fremont Emery John B. 329 s Eutaw Falkenstein & Weinman, 4 n Front Fenha.'en James C. foot of Washington Gable & Bro , North av nr B iltimore cemetery Gaddess Bros, s w cor German and Sha.p, and 106, 108 and 110 s Charles '^^ Gault & Son, (granite) 432 w Pratt Gill & McM alion, 430 w Pratt Ha nilton & Brannan, E:iger and Cathedral Hil;.'artner Lonis, 528 w Baltimore Kappier Tol)ias. (sculptor) 573 n Gay Lyelh Andrew H. 562 \v Baltimore Lyeih John .McF. cor Mount and I'^rederick av Maryland Schillinger Artificial Stone Co. 3 Postoffice av y Maxwell John W jr. 13R n Cahert JIaxwe!l D. & Son, n w cor Cathedral and TowHsend, office 76 n Eutaw JOHN W. MAXWELL, JR. Steam Marble Works, 134, 136 & 138 N. Calvert St. Opposite Calvert Station. Dealer in Forcisn and Domentic Marble. Manu- factures JIarble Monuments and Tombs. Furni- ture Slabs, Washsiauds, Floor Tiles, &c., &c. McGrane Mrs. Mary, 120 n Hij-h Mezger Gotleib, 756 w Baltimore =5 i \ ^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. — re- packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Wasliers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. iiUSINESS DILiECTORY 835 Mullan & Son, York rd nr North av Norris Richard jr. (concrete stone)over57Second Oliver John & Son, (jjraiiitejS and lOPresideat Scbiuipf John H. G. 127 and 12y Lexingtoa J. H. G. SCHIMPF, SlillLl WOIKS 127 and 129 LEXINGTON ST. BETWEEN PAEK AV. AND HO WARP ST. Scherer Wm. 212 Penna av Sherwood Park Marble Co. Cockeysville, oflBce 24 Lio:bt Simpson Robert, (granite) 372 w Pratt and 237 n Front i,--^"^ Sisson Hugh, cor North and .Monumenl and 140 vf Baltimore Sullivan & Peat, cor Forrest and Madison Sisson & Packie, 9 n Calvert j/ M. A. SISSON. ALEX. PACKIE. SISSON & PACKIE, (Built by M. A. SISSOX & CO.) MARBLE & OHIO STONE WORK Yard Cor. Madison &. Constitution Sts. OFFICE 9 N. CALVERT ST. Ceme- Juilding Work Promptly Executed, etery Curbing a specialty. Tid3- John B. cor Monumeut and Constitution Wills & Hanna, cor Madison and Constitution Mattress Manufacturers. Frey James L. & Co. 84 w Baltiraore Frey, Walpert & Co. 28 n Gay Jones Charles D. 102 s Sharp Hodes John, 474 w Baltimore Hollander Charles k Sons, 22 w Pratt Pollack Uriah A. 96 n Howard Silk Geo. C. ^- Wm. H. 50^ n Howard and 12 McClellan Merchant Tailors. Amela.ng August, 2 n Caroline Bar Levi lo7 w Bnltimore Birton a a> o « o O O o p o o < O P5 < I O <1 O O IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 836 Mutual Life InstLrance Co. of New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ H w H fr! H W >^ < H w O no &H P o •«■ w O CO H o h:i ^ l-H ^ < w OQ *-^ ^ '"5 C ^ i-^ r^ P a; c w o ^-^ O o Keyser Peter L. n w cor Pratt and Paca Ko'estner Thomas & iSon, 57 Forrest Kontner Henry, n w eor Fremont and Baltimore Koiman John, 439 w Baltimore Kroej^er Fred. 75 Columbia Kiihn & Co. s e cor Greene and Lexington Lanp Fred 447 w Baltimore Laughlin David. 9^ n Eiitaw Lautcnberfier William, 21 s Liberty Lautner Thomas, 122 Saratoga Low<'kHra[i J. H. & Son, 105 Saratoga Liicke Henry H. Son & Co. 19 n Calvert Lnebeck Charles, 129 s Broadway Marx Peter, 69 and 71 Saratoga .Mathers & Co. 32 n Charles McComas Nicholas D. 171 e Madison McKeel & Walker, 61 w Fayette Meid Connid, 22 South iMettee & Ale.xunder. 122 w Fayette Mogk Ernest, 2 Druid Hill av Munnighausen Henry, 878 w Pratt Oehm Charles N. 150 Lit'ht-st whf Oehni f^'ederick W. 77 Hanover Osse Charles, 312 n Howard Ostendorf & Hamman, s e cor Lexington and Howard Palagano D. 38 Lexington Patterson William G. & Son, 130 s Broadway Perr\ James St. L. 192 n Gay Peters John G. 28 North Reeves Josiah W. 161 w Biddle Richardson John W. ^ Sons, 12 n Gay Riefe John S. 588 w Baltimore Roberts & Co. 6 St. Paul Roesninck & Seidel. 272 s Ann Ryan J. & Co. 9 n Calvert Riipp Julius, 163 e Biltimore Sanders George W. 14 Si Paul Schaet'er John C. 167 w Fayette Schaur & Kiikman, 46 Lexington Schloss & Bro. 84 w Fayette Schmidt John, 133 Foriest Scott W. A. 137 Franklin Seldner & Kerr, 41 and 43 w Baltimore Semrad Alfred. 25 w Fayette Seymo\ir William W. 196 n Eutavv Simcoe Josiah &Son, 21 s Bond Sonneman Henry, 500 w Baltimore Spies Lewis W. sr. 80 Camden Spicer John, 165 Franklin Spilman & Mehring, 123 Franklin Staut' Frederick, 18 n Charles Stitie Jose])h & Son, 74 w Fayette Strohmeyer C. J. 65 vv Fayette Strott George H. 744 w Baltimore Velte August, 417 w Baltimore Vietsch Theodore, 152 n Calvert Voegle John .M. 318 w Pratt Weaver Harry, 271 e Baltimore Weikel Peter, Light under Carrollton hotel Wetzel John. 60 n Caroline Weyforth Balthazar, 40 n Paca Young & Schreiner, 132 w Fayette Zeis Joseph, 168 s Ann Millers— Merchant. Baltimore Pearl Hominy Co. cor North and Bel- videre Elder Samuel & Co. 32 n Howard Ganibrill C. A. & Co. 32 Commerce Hayes k Johnson, 99 South Hazelhurst S & Son, 17 Spear's whf Lee & Shaw, 123 McBlderry's whf Levering T. W. & McAiee,38 and 53 Commerce Meyer ^- l^rulle, 179 Lexini,non Paragon Flour .Mills, cor Fawn and President Norris John O 88 Spear's whf Roloson Charles H. & Co. 561 Saratoga Seevers ^' Anderson, cor President and Fawn Timanus John T. HiO Franklin Tyson Frank J. 7 Spear's whf Tyson & Bro. 50 Commerce Walker k Hooper, 77 Smith's whf Warden Hugh & Son, foot of Smith's whf Woody ear Wm. E. & Co. 3 Cable Wright John W. & Co. s e cor Commerce and Cable Millinery. Aberle Mrs. E. G. 794 w Baltimore Armstrong Mrs. Robert W. 128 Lexington Ash Mrs. Susan, 176 Hanover Baer Mrs. Julia, 193 n Gay Ball Mrs Margaret G. 237 Lexington Barnett Amelia E. 67 n Charles Bauman Mrs. Acnie, 146 n Eutaw Behrens Mrs. Theresa, 270 n Gay Bialla Hugo, 144 Lexington Bruton .Mrs. Emma, 70 n Charles Calweil Mrs. Mary, 3 w Baltimore Campbell Mrs. Ann E. 131 s Ann Camper Mrs Mary, 80 Le.sington Carter Mrs. Ellen'M. 241 Penna av Carter Mrs. Lydia, 94 Cohnnbia Chambers Mary E. 98 s l^roadway Childs Mrs. S. J. 719 w Baltimore Dallwig Mrs, F. 100 n Pine Dietz Kate, 4 Druid Hill av Doughty Mrs. M. 921 w Baltimore Emerick Mrs. Wra. H. 867 w Baltimore Franke Mrs. Harriet, 129 s High Franklin Margarrt, 73 Lexington Gannon Mrs. Margaret, 178 n Eutaw Gibbous Sarah A. 80 n Charles Grace Mrs. Mary E. 259 w Baltimore Grinsfelder Joseph, 81 n Howard Grinsfelder Samuel M. ^- Co. 66 Lexington Gutman Nathan, 64 Lexington Hammer Sarah C. 198 n Eutaw Hart Mrs. .Mary C. 121 Lexington Hartz Minnie, 31 e Baltimore Harvey Mrs. K. 547 w Baltimore Hebden Mrs. Sarah, 71 s Broadway Heineman Mrs. Mary, 85 I'earl Hendrickson Mrs. M. P. 801 w Baltimore Hetischen Mrs. Klizabeth, 188 s Sharp Hunter Mrs. Ellen 0. 291 e Baltimore Jeanneret Mad. L. P 83 n Charles Johnson Mrs. Kate, 269 n Gay Kerr Eliza J. 157 n Eutaw Kersey Hannah, 20 n Liberty Korn Caroline, 648 w Baltimore Kraut Hannah, 252 n Gay Lamkin 0. C. & Co. 92 Richmond Levy Mrs. Jette, 197 n Gay Levy Wm. D. & Son, 86 Lexington Lind Mis Fanny, 207 n Gay Loewenthal Charles H. 27 n Howard Lybrand George H. 6 e Baltimore McCiflFrey & Co. lOo Lexitigton McCleary Mrs. Sarah E. 455 w Favette McMullen M. & L. 149 n Eutaw HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 887 McKenley Mrs. W. R. 135 Lexington Miler Mrs. J. 498 w Baltimore Misjielhorn Adolph, 91 Hanover Missbach Elizitbcth E. 253 e Piatt Muller Mrs. Louis, 102 Lexiogton Murphv, Wirts & Co. (feather cleaners,) 456 u Fi'emonl O'Leary S. Kate, 55 Pearl Odeod'hal Maria S. 75 Le.xin|:ioii Pritchard Mrs. Louisa, 502 w Baltimore Reniier Mrs. M. P. 688 w Baltimore Ringrose Mrs. S. J. 490^ w Baltiuiure Roeder Hartmaii, 66 Druid Hill av Roseiibaum E. 108 Le.xington Rosenbaum Elias, 154 Lexington Roseiistock M. & S. 643 w Ballimore Rothschild Theodore 210 s Paca Ruben Mrs. Bertha, liTl w Baltimore Ryland Mrs. Samuel S. 101 u Eutavv Samuel Mrs. S. 835 w Baltimore Schaefer Mrs. Magiiie, 161 Peuiiaav Scott .Mrs. M. F. 87 n Eutaw Sim Mrs. Martha, 229 u Howard Skipper Mrs. Mary C. 258 n Gay Sluter Mrs. Elizabeth, 735 w Baltimore Strauss Lewis, 219 n Gaj Thornton Amatda M. 75 Lee Tiralia Mrs. Elizabeth, 139 n Eutaw Wahl Mrs. A. R. 95 n Gay Walil Mrs. Fanny A. 275 n Gay Wells .Mrs. J. 74^ n Greene Wheeler Mrs. A. 88 s Broadway Whitson Mrs. Elizabeth E. 51 e Baltimore Whitworth A. k L. 124 "Lexington Millinery Goods. {See Bonnets, Ribbons, Silks and Straw Goods.) Amos Mary V. 165 n Eutaw Armstrong, Cator & Co. (wholesale) 237 and 239 w Baltimore Armstrong Mrs. Robert AV. 128 Lexington Bamberger & Eilau(wlKilesale)247 w Baltimore Bealmear Samuel, 94 Lexington Bonney Elias, 109 w Baltimore Brown M. (retail) 509 w Baltimore Brown Salomon (wholesale) 257 w Baltimore Devlin & Tiraila (wholesale) 263 w Baltimore : Doeplitz Solomon (retail) 78 Lexington Donald James, 122 L"xington Eilau Abraham (retail) 69i n Howard Fahnestock Geo.W.( wliolejale)253 wBaltimore Fellheimer Jacob, 31 n Howard Goldenburg D. J. (retail) 51 n Howard u- Grinsfelder Samuel M. & Co. 66 Lexington Gutman Joel & Co. 34 and 36 n Eutaw «_- , Gutman Nathan (retail) 64 Lexington Hamburger Jacob (retail) 175 n Gay Hamburger Moses G. (retail) 172 and 174 Lex- ington Leonard William (retail) 63 n Charles Levy Wm. D. & Sou, (retail) 86 Lexington Lybraud George H. (retail) 6 e Baltimore McMullen M. & L. 149 n Eutaw Oppenheimer David S. 183 n Gay Parsons Mrs. & Sister, 147 n Eutaw Rohr Bros. 251 w Baltimore Rohr Henry J. 25 n Howard Rohr Nathan, 249 w Baltimore Weil Herman, 12u Lexington Millwrights. Early Samuel, Fort av nr Fort .McIIenry Kidd J. D. & Co. 61 n Holliday J. D. KIDD & CO. 61 N. Holliday St. o ^^"Prompt attention to the filling of all orders for Mill Machinery of every description. Murray James S( Son, 40, 42 and 44 York ^ Valentine Ezra, West Falls av s of Pratt o3 Valentine Vincent W. 364 n Bond PQ Mineral Water. Berger John, 22 Thames Bell Eduin, Pratt and Castle Clifford Thomas L., n e cor Bank and Bond .Miles A. S. & Co. 4 and 6 e Lombard Patton William, 254^ s Bond Read Wm. H. (medicated) 179 w Baltimore Williams Jacob, 2 e Lombard Morocco Manufacturei's and Dressers. Brandt H. & Brother, 29 Sarato^'a Klees Henry & Sons, 15 Saratoga Locher k, Atkinson, 137 n Front Raabe Charles, 239 e Monument Music and Musical Instruments. {See Pianos.) Bendler William, 152 n Giy Benteen's Piano andUrgau Roi>ms,8uw Fayette Boucher Wm. jr. 38 e Biiltimore ^ Brown Cornelius jr. 14 Miller Coleman Eugene D. 12 w Pratt Eisenbrandt Henry R. 78 w Baltimore /^ Flentje F. W. 87 Ensor Hartogensis Henry S. 10 Harrison Hildebrandt Charles H. 19 n Liberty Kuranier August, 47 Harrison Kummer & Schetelich, 81 n Front / McCaffrey Henry, 209 w Baltimore '^ Schmidt'VVm.J. (song pnblisher)278 Saratoga Sutro Otto, 207 w Baltimore | Tarbutton Wm. A. (iiiano and organ tuner )57 Brune Willig George & Co. 1 n Charles Music Teachers. Allen Henry A., cor Eutaw pi and McMechin Barker George E. 168 Aisquith Harrington Fr^nk T. 238 n Carey Birkholz .Mrs. Doris, 156 .Mulberry Buhner Otto, 5 Wilkens av Bunting Charles H. 12 s Strieker Camp Adam, 110 n Central av Carr Mrs. S. C, Paik av and Wilson a ;h o O O O O O I— I I — I CQ ft pq Power Press Printing, (Maryland Ins. Go's at Reduced Rates, Marble Building.) a .S Mtitnal Life Insurance Co. of New York. = z. . 838 Q BUSINESS DIRECTORY. o C 6-^ ' -T" C '^ 1^ i e3 2- .:i> o z> 'o = X o — r^ ,— . • .> le* 'O 1> oT >^ ^ o ■ij - ?s •J 1— ' o i_ .4^ ■!-> yj CC 0) c DC F-^ ■u 5 H C3 o >> D o ll fi; o w 55 O ■>: c H _c >, >^ ;i P < r. K W ;^ V ^ X Qi ts H tIJ ■^ * ' si ^"^ O :^ Ph 1 a.' ei >> :» '^ 5 =.o o - - 2J 2 . <3 -U >, CassN B. 7 Biddle al Clmpman Frank S. M2 Dolphin Coiirlueniler Beraard, 2S8 n Calvert Dtenis J. Harrv, 3)6 Hollins Deems James M., over n e cor Baltimore and Paca Deniutli G. Otto, 467 w Baltimore De Roficeray Celia, 84 Mulberry De Ronceray Uosiua, 84 Mulberry Ehrhard Albert, 227 8aralo;2a Facius Mrs. Leo[ioldine. 34 s High Fick Auuust A. 73 s Greene Fisher Frank, 167 Mulberry GailelK-r Thomas L. 150 Townscnd Gambrill Thomas D. -'9i) n Bond Garm-r Jolui A. 58 u Lilierly Ge-ian Jo.-epli sr. 128 n Charles Gens Charles. 204 w Fayette Gieen Rud.>!ph, 2()7 (Jonway Haydn Musical Association, over n e cor Bal- tiiiiuie and Paca IIe;iinbutliam Ivdward, 483 n Gay Hc.-zlcr Charles, 15 Ciinioii av Holland Albert. 524 w Fayette Ide Auirust, 240 ^aralo^ra Iizel Adam. 79 n Fiont Jones John D 102 s Sh irp Kahl Jacob, 63() Li<;lit Kelly Mar,\, 71 n Gilmor Klauischeck Francis, 435 w Fayette Knitiht Michael, 248 Hollins Koehler Emma, 536 w Baltimore Kothc Guslav, 245 MuHerry Kraft Charles C. 62 n Euta\v Krone John C. 488 w Baltimore L indgrare Frederick, 32 e Pratt Ledeier John C. 44 Brune Lenschow Charles, 330 a Fremont Lowe Diana E. 48 Barre Magruder James E. 445 n Calhoun Mangano Lazirus, 87 n Exeter May Dominic M. H. 88 Fruiiklin May James \V. A. 88 Franklin Mellon James, 39 n Ed( n Metz A. H., Frederick .ind Fulton av Mitchell Millard, 137 Montcomery Mittelsdoertl'er Henry, 6i) Granby Mounier Mrs. ICveline, 216 w Biddle Muller Julius 1'^. HuLitingdon av nr St. Paul Muller Wm.M. I). R. 14 Jackson i,q Nachman k. Zeijiler, 10 s (iav U'Connt-r Daniel jr. 26 Jackson Orrick Margaret, 143 Park «v I'amphiloM Ann E. 44 Barre Percivall Dr. C. F. 36 s Choptank Polster Mis. Aunie, 124 w Biddle Prenticf Sumner, 127 n Broadway Resh/r Arthur, 92 Jackson sq av Rodenn\ye. .•\. E. 324 Saratoga Rocmei- H. B. 423 Light Fiose Gustav, 49 n Exeter Roseman Mrs. Cecilia, 232 \v Fayette Kosewald Jacob H. 431 w Fayette Rosevvald Mrs J. H. 431 vv Fayetto Si-liad .Andrew, 78 n Strieker Schaifer Jean, 382 \v F.t\ctte Scheidl.r C. A. 122 n Paca iStdiifer John, 76^ .Mulberry Schmalz Matihew M. 31 Gough Schultze Louis, 314 w Pratt Scliwini; Henry, 95 Preston Scolli Virginia, 10 Gough Seavernes Charles, 82 MuUikin Smith Thomas H. 16 n Front Steiner Albert, 48 n Pine Stieff Michael G. 285 w Fayette Szennlenvi Ernest, 174 Saratoga Tetsch Julius, 318 Franklin Winks .Mary, 89 s Washington Winter Louis, 89 u Eden Witerbotlom Mrs. Carrie, 11 n Popplelon Wood Wm. 314 s Charles Zumstein Louis, 94 Pearl Nails. Chesapeake Nail Works. 23 and 25 s Charles Cook Saml.G.B. agent Portage nails, 5 German Naval Stores. Carey & Colcock. n e cor Lombard & Frederick Corner James & Sons, oftice. 18 Second Whedbee & Dickerson, lul South V Newspapers. American Engineer, (monthly) G. H. and W. T. Howard^ 18 Second American Farmer, (monthly) Sirauel Sands ^ Co., publishers, over 9 Norih Balliiriore American and Conimercial Adver- tiser, C. C. Fulton & Son, proprietors, 126 and 128 vr Baltimore Baltimore Bulletin, W. M. LafiFan & Co. pro- prietor, over 127 wjialtimore Baliimore Episcopal Methodist, (weekly ) John- son & Co. publishers, 146 w Ba.timore Baltimore Gazette I'ub'ng Co. lo6w Baltimore Baltimore Market Journal, Smith & Clarke, over 22^ s Charles Baltimore Journal of Commerce and Price Cur- rent, office Merchant's Exchanjre Reading Rooms, Porter & Hamilion. publishers Baltimore Saturday Night, (weekly) James H. Wood, publisher, 54 w Fayette Baltimore Sun, A. S. Abel & Co. proprietors, Sun building, s e cor South and FJaltimore Bahimore Trade Review, (.'has. Harvey & Co. proprietors, South and German BrtllimoreanThe,( weekly ! Crutchfields & Haas, publishers, 50 w Fayette Baltimore Underwriter, Bombauiih & Ransom, publishers. 3 Postoffice av Baltimore Wecker, Blumenthal & Co. proprie- tors, 82^ w Baltimore Bee The, (Gerunin) S. Junger, publisher, over 74 w Baltimore Catholic Mirror, (weekly) Kelly, Piet & Co. publishers, 174 w Baltimore Daily Trade Journal, Geo. W. Koockogey, 162 w Baltimore Druggists Weekly Piice Curient, J. F.Jones 3f Co. over 10 South Episcopal Register, George Lycett, manager, 44 Lexington Enquirer (The) Frank Markoe, editor, over 28i South Evening; New, Hermauge & Brewer, editors and publishers, s w cor Fayette and North German Catholic People's Gazette, Kreuzer Bros, publisheis, 30 North German Corres()ondent, F. Raine, proprietor, cor Baltimore and Postoffice ar cq HOLMES & 00., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 839 Jewish Chronicle, D. Binswanger & Co. piop'rs Howard and Fayette Maryland Farmer," (moiitlily) S. Sands Mills, editor, over 147 w Pratt New York Associated Press, over 140 w Bal- timore Our Churc'r Work, South and German Preshjteriaii Weekly, McCouias & Morrison, 144 w Bahiniiue Rankle Edward j- Co. 2 n Greene Sunday Telcjrraui, J. Cloud Norris, proprietor, 122 w Baltimore News and Periodicals. ArmstronR Mrs Josephine L. 228 e Pratt Baltimore News (Company, 111 w Baltimore and 5 Siiuth Baltimore and Ohio News Offiie, 121 Camden Br >sliears R. John, Birnuiu's hotel , Casiari Anrja R. 3" Druid Hill av Coleman Martha. 127 s Fremoal Crowley Jauits. n w cor Biltimoreand North Crown Marion A. 78 w Fayette Curtis Geurj^e R. 65 n Greene Devlin .John, \?>9 e Madison Freeberger Alexander, 249 Li^ht Freedlv Louis (anient) 77 Camden Giffurd William, 99 n Calvert Grape Mrs. Mary, 390 e Monument Hunt Mrs. Ida I. 115 s Broadway Kroner George (agent) 189 e Madison Lock wood Mrs. E. 42 j n Greene Pluiumer John W. 11 P^-nua hv Reid Mrs. Elizaht-th, 686 w Baltimore Smith William H. 72 w Fayette Van Order Edmund H. 215 Lexington Nickel Plating. Baltimore Nickel Plating Works, A. Greealeaf ^ Co. 15 Mercer Notaries Public. Hodges T. Harris, n w cor Courtland and Lex- ington Morgan Samuel T. cor Giy and Lombard I Muidoch Thomas, 10 s Holliday Sanpston Geor^ie E. 1 Law building, St. Paul Wagner Ciiarles A. 230 w Baltimore Wilkinson Walter S. 230 w Baltimore Notions— Wholesale. Adams k Muuhon, 13 and 15 Hanover cor German Alherli, Prior & Co. 348 w Baltimore Bamberger E. 247 w Baltimore Brosius & Co. 315 w Baltimore Buck Henry & Co. 6 Hanover Cahn Felix, 278 w Baltimore Chap|iell Jj- Webster, 69 n Howard Cleaveland K. R. & Co. 157 n Gay Crai^ & LaPorte, .3 Hanover Elhart, Witz & Co. 5 Hanover Fahlen .j- Ohlendorf. 319 w Baltimore Fleischer E. & Bro. 4 Hanover Greenbaum Isaac & Sons, 17 Hanover Hodges Bios. 23 Hanover Horner John A. & Co. 308 w B^tltimore Horner William H. & Co. 309 w Baltimore cn o3 o Holzraan Michael, 235 w Baltimore Hutzler Bros. 12 Hanover and 67 n Howard Keiniode k Co. 138 w Fayette and 89 n Eutaw Knii)p Jacob, jr. 33 n Howard Lauer L. & W. D. 233 w Baltimore Mayer & Bro. 4 n Howard Miliin- Daniel & Co. 329 w Baltimore and 44 German Passano Joseph F. 349 w Baltimore Passano Leonard & Sons, 268 w Baltimore Poulson A. W. 346 w Baltimore Rogue & Koch, 25 Hanover RoseS. & Co. 2 Hanover Rosenbaum Charles, 7 German Rouse, Hemp.stone «& Co. 285 w Baltimore Sickel, Singleton & Co. 22 Hanover Steinbach G. P. 181 w Baltimore Stelltnann, Fartier & Co. 23 s Sharp Werdebangh H. J. & Co. 292 w Baltimore Nurses and Midwives. Biirclay Mrs. Joan, 162 Druid Hill av Bedford Mrs. Catherine A. 122 n Eden Bernstein Cecelia. !'.:; 8 e Lombard Brune Mrs. D. (midwife) 114 Battery av ^ Casper Mrs. Sarah (midwife) 52 e Lombard Q Dailey Patrick, 59 Chesnut Deschields Mrs. Ellen, 170 n Caroline Dixon Mis. Editii, 469 Sar-.toga, Dove Mrs. Ann J. 16 s Oregon Earp Mrs. Elizabeth, 37.t Franklin Gerstenberger Amelia (midwife) 104 Columbi Gillen Mrs. Sarah, 184 L. Constitution (H^ Hildebrandt Mrs. Rachel, 83 Druid Hill av Q Hillegust .Mrs. Diana( midwife) 182 e Monument q Hobbs Mrs. Margaret X. 56 Stiles ►^ Hornung Mrs. Cath. (midwife) 29 Elizabeth la t^ Hunter Susan, 21 n Poppleton Kelley Mrs. .Mary, Noiih and Eager Kroh Mrs. Mary (midwife) 323 s Eutaw Letzinger Mrs. Annie, 37 .Millimaa Lohwasser Mrs. Julia (midwife) 213 Cross Mander Catherine, 187 n Caroline McMahon Mrs. Harriet, 154 e Madison Mesenzehl Mrs. Anne, 214 Preston Muller Mrs. Walburga (midwife) 165 Stirling Odell Daniel. 136 s Regester Ogden Mrs. Elizabeth (midwife) 9 s Greene Pfarr Mrs. Dorothea (midwife) 79 Somerset Robinson Ann, 119 Gough Ross Mary, 89 Druid Hill av Sinclair Mrs. Mary A. 3 n Caroline Streeng Margaret (midwife) 32 Leadenhall Winfield Mrs. S. (midwife) 37 n Poppleton Wingrove Mrs. Elizabeth (midwife) 6 n High Winneberger Jane (doctress) 23 n Liberty Odorless Excavators. Odorless E^civating Ap[iaratu3 Co., W. Pain- ter, secretary, 44 n Holliday I Odorle.ss Excavating (improved) Apparatus Co. i J. W. Suter, secretary, 68 w Fayette o o ^ rn I— I nd st and Second av, Canton Bolton Bros. 82 and 84 w Pratt Bolton Hutjh & Co. 81 McElderry's whf l5owen ncies & Sliow Ci;(ls. EVKKY UE.-Cail'TlON (iF Oraiiiiiiu'. Olsixiii;;'. Staiiiiii;;. Ac. 138 W. BALTIMORE ST., UP STAIRS, Between Calvert and North, 'Xorth Side. Crisp Elijah, 275 Saratoga Delaunav Jules, (scenic and (hcorative) I8 North ^ Disney Richard E. 148 ('aniden 3 P^mmart k Quartley, (sign and banner) over ~^ 276 w Baltimore 1. EMMART & QUARTLEY, s Fresco, S'gri, House arid Decorative;^ 276 W. B.VLTIMORK STREET. rJ All I5raiiolJ«'S of I'jiiiitiiijj F,xi'<'iit S<'ri>n(i Eielunuje I'l. HOUSE, SIGN AND FRESCO ^ P < o o Grai(]ing, Marblirig', Gildioe;, Glaziijg, &c., &c., &c. Sjjecial .\tteiiiiou i;iveu to lilting up DRUG and TE.\ STOKES. 'fl Power Press Printing, ;it Reduced Rate-s (.Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) • d ^ o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. ■= "S. ^ 842 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^ Hiltz Charles W. & Co. 48 St. Paul ■^ ~, Hirsch Ausrustus. ILinover Mtid Lombard > :: i^ Hotrman Edwin R 266 w Pratt "x^ ? Howser Jicoh R. (ornamental) 37 Liglit g _ •;- Hutchins William, (ornamental) 191 n Caroline ?- ^" ^ Hyde Georire W. (sign) 73 w Baltimore Q "S Jones John R. (house and sifin) 9 n Sharp ^ S X, Jory & Co. (sign) ovt-r r)5 second ee Kearns Alexander, 83 St. Paul ..~'tf ^ Keil John, 94 w Fayette — § H.*- Keilholtz Charle.^. 9 n Sharp -2 ^ p Keplinger John \V. (irrainer) North and Lex- .— K J: inofton ^ >■ V I^ernjrood Levi. 4 J '2 w Favette ^ -^ r^ Lacy D. cj- Co. 2- North " .^ >..7" Lanibrifrht Christopher k Bro. 14 n Hi^h — — x Lamhdin & Bhick, (siixn) 22.5 e Lombard • - .5 c LiPe John. 256 Li'.'ltt ^ o - Majiness J A., Grant nr Baltimore P ST ^ i ^ as Meakin William T. 85 .Mulberry Melville Smnnel J. 143 w Ti>wn.«end Miniiick William F. 36 RttiiiL'- Mofiahan James J. cor Lombanl and Grant Nails Benj. F. 128 n Hijrh ^~^ r^ N»Mlsun & Fisher, 736 w B:iltimore J j^ ^ ^'t'« ton William M. 7o Thames 'Z ^ ~^ Nickels Jn'ius over 33S w Pratt j^ g Parker Brothers, 1S2 e B.liimore [> X Pere-ov Samael F. 39 Olav . > r Phelps Rich u! T. 335 n Howard £ -:2 -^ Plummer William J. 194 s Charles g p ._ Quartley Charles (show cards) 217 w Baltimore >L '^ E. Reaney Alexander & Bro. rear 83 w Favette O-f^ -W- Welsh ^ finderwiiod, 4 s Giy **:>> zs -C Whitoii H. k Co. (sign and ban e - .^ limore t^. '^ Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Andre ChrisK.phiT, 3ii8 Li^rht Bair Bros, (cupper paint) cor Pratt and Bnch- anaii's wharf _ _ Baker Bros. ^ Co. 32 and 34 s Charles ^ ^ Baroux Edwin G. .3.38 w Pratt a> >, Beisheimer Nicholas. 51 Fs.sex c •'- o ■- Redifer Charles \. 3 C'av - . ? CL; Roche Georcre J., Calvert nr Mercer -— 5 -s Rosensteel Ge... T. sr. 51 Mtilberrv 5 a 25 S'"'^er3 John H., Covington nr L. Church -^ g g Schmidt Ferd.. Booth nr .Amitv ■j:^-'' ■~ Schroeder Fred. H. jr. (coach) 7 L. Paca -2 ^ ^ Sellers Jacob O. 219j w Favette ■^'Z ^ Shannessy James. 142 w Favetle ^ ^ —I Slie 'han Thomas H., Favette and St. Paul ^ c^ Sheckclls Au^'ust C 130 n Fremont ■ -:; 2i Shriver & Co. (si.'n and banner) over 166 w "s ^ a Biltiraore ?^ - g Soran Charles, (chair) 72 Albemarle ^ .^ o Stewart Kbenezer C. 31 s r<;ntaw 5^ w ^ Swain.scott Basil T. (sijrns) 502 w Lombard T ^ Taylor John H 43 Clav 0 i! ^^^Ttiompson Robert. 14o Druid Hill av "C C» -r Turner Thomas K. 28j South Os T3 ^ Underwood Joseph S 575 n Fremont ►^ S >; Vickers Jesse, 98 ti Wa-hint'ton s -3 ^ Watts John M. & Bro. s w cor Fayette and St. C J— J _2 Paul « 7 H Walts W W. 48 St. Pml V ^ •" We.iver Dedrick C. I 24 n Rutaw 1 *j = Weaver Jacob B. 270 n Broadwav fc *a - Weaver Jas. E. s w cur Howard and Lexintrton I O 'i^ Webb Francis I. D. (si-n) 43 8 Fulton ner) 134 w Bal- Bolton Bros. 82 and 84 w Pratt Bolton Hu-ih k Co. 81 and 83 McElderrv's whf Brid'.-e R. S. & Co. 347 n Gay Budeke Georg:e H. 133 s Broadway ("athcart R. & W. H. (agrents Averill Chemical Paint Co.) 113 Thames CoUinson J. C. 230 Lexinp^ton C^arnowsky Francis, 662 w Baltimore Davis I'ic Miller, ]'i n Howard Davis Thomas B. 10 w Baltimore D.ivison William ^ Co 104 w Lombard Decker Addison, 80 Bank Dodsie G-o. R. 4" Co. 42 w Baltimore Fusselbaufrh Wm. H. B. 168 n Gay Gettemuller Henry J. 48 Ensor^ Harvey Wm. 14 1 Penn 1 av Heinz Charles. 682 w Baltimore Henry Joseph 1). 46.5 w Baltimore Hirshberj^ Nathan J. 31 Rnsor Hirshbery;, Hollander k Co , cor Pratt and Hanover Holihaus F. T. & Son, 27 Balderson Holthaus John H. cor Th imes and Broadway Kammerer Wm. A 127 Franklin Keilholiz Otis, s e cor Franklin and (Jreene King Wm. & Bro. 2 n and 24 s Liberty Kinjj Wm. H. k Co. (white lead) s e cor Charles and Lombard Kuitiht C. P. 93 w Lombard Kraft Conrad & Son, 62 n En taw I Learv John & Co. (manufs.) 100 w Lombard I Maier John G. & S;)n, 61 n Gay f Marvland White Lead Co. 89 w Lombard McCrear> James A. & Co. (and lampblack) 27 S Charles Montour Slate Paints, (David Reay & Co., Ken'l ag's.) 17 s Gay Murphy Jf Bro. 162j e Baltimore Popplein G. & N. jr. 35 Hanover Rasmiissen Peter, 318 Alice in na Reay David k Co (Montour slate paint)17 s Gay Riofle Georf;e F. 172 Liuht-st whf o^ GEO. F. RiEFLE, Prop'r, ^^ MANUFACTURER OF [(CHEOMEYtLLOWS, BLUES, FAIfflj \\^ ch[h:m.ic;.-vl>k, &c. \\ Office and Factory, Schuchardt Conrad. 291 n Central av Seim k Emory, 112 w Lombard Smith Wm. H. cor Covin Penna iiv Dieter Louis .A. 28 n Howard Dressel Leonard, 532 ii Gay Ewalt & Bro. 309 n Gay Forrest Thorn. is J. 48 s Bicidway Golder & Undui'h, 33 HaiKjver Griffith Win. H. 13 n Gay Hamilton Caleb B. jr. 66 n Eutaw He.id \V:ishinp:ton & Son, 702 w Baltimore Herring (). .13 n Howard Holland Wra. 72 n Howard Holiz D. A. 100 n p:iitaw Holiz Will. 248 Mvrtle f>v Howell & liros. 260 w Baltimore Howell D. M. 51 n Eutaw Hynson Benj. T. & Sons, 54 n Howard Lindenberd Fred 105 n Calvert Mann J. .\L 121 Hanover zn Li] uO P^ GO 1—1 P5 McCOLLTJM F. A. deale:- in paper hangings and window shades, 164 n Eutaw ! importp:d and domestic hardavake, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 844 MutTial Life Insurance Cq» of New York. BUSINESS DIRKCTORY. H W P4 H H m yu « > o < < O M W ^ H O O ^ a> ^ on o d !2i 1—1 % < W b— 1 ^ m Mettee Milton D. 42 n Eutaw Michael & Bro. 125 w Baltimore Mittnacht George A. 28 n Howard JIuller H. K. 102 Lexington Mjers Bros. 26 n Gay Orth George P. 276 n Gay Pfliig Diiniel F. 110 e Fayette Sinclair & Co 7 n Charles Smith Asa H. & Son, 913 w Baltimore Sommurlock John F. 368 Saratoga Thomas k Messer, 709 w Baltimore Tottle John, 136i Penna av Tumbleson Charles \\. 84 s Broadway Valiant ^ Co. 180 n Eutaw Wilkins James, 226 e Baltimore Wissell Frank, 129 Saratoga JAS. WILKINS, DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shadgsj S, IIpisl§t@ij GOODS, 22e E. BALTIMORE STREET. E^All orders promptly attended to. O o o% rtoo 3 o Paper Box Manufacturers. Ilartel John M. over 58 Hanover Kroh Ferd. 5 s Central av Seidevvitz.Franke & Co. over 33 and 35 Hanover Weaver Levi, (agent) over 220 w Baltimore Youse C. J. 340 w Baltimore MANUFACTURER OP EVERY DESCRIPTION OF " 340— W. Baltimore St.— 340 Paper Stock. Baker & McCracken. 120 \v Lombard Broderick John T 69 and 86 (Jreenmount av Buck Joseph A. (agent) 100 Lijiht-st whf Glass D. W. & Co. 7, 9 and 1 1 8 Sharp Horner Jo. ^ =( c K l/ X k^ r^ ^ ^ 15 >-. i c£ S ^ ^ -4. ^ ^ ;^ C oc ^ w (^ O . ^ , >» a. 9 "3 ■^ 02 o ^* >— 1 C/J -4-2 o fr ^ +- b ^ ,r o S3 »^ •^ c iC O t- c^ c" ?2 23 'v, a -o "'-' g c8 >-i < ■*^ a- Is; s •k ^ X •to ■ ^ u § c H C a; c^ o § ,., f^ o 00 ^ j^ rA. ^ 08 J is X i. ^ Bierbower Chaa. E. 92 Brtrre Black Calvin, 668 w Fayette Bledsoe Albert T. 34 McCulloh Bubier Fraak, tor Dolphin and Druid Hill av Booker \V. D. 143 n Eutaw Bolioii John H. n e cor Bond and Gay Boulden J. E. P. 131 Dolphin Bowie 11. S. 4 McUulloh lioyle Brooke, 174 e Eager IJovl' ymiiuel, cor Gilinor and Mulberry Bradford Charles, 103 w Fayette Brewer Giori;e G. 258 w Favette Brewer Marbury, 201 w Biddle Brown Henry J. 289 e Fayette Brown Laura J. 134 Penna av Blown Thomas R cor P. irk av and Lanvale *• ' Brown t'eplimus, 296 Penna av Browne B. Bernard, 3u7 Madison av Buckler liiggin, 135 n Charles l^^ Buckner Chas. S. 46 McCulloh Buddenbohn C. L. 106 Columbia Buicli James C. 141 Hanover Burkliardi Melchior C. 61 s Eulaw Bums Charles W. H. 82 n Eden Buiier Jauies H. 144 Mulberrj- Byrd Harvey L. 366 n Fremont y^ Cabell Robert Henry, 285 n Charles Cadden Charles W 130 n Oregon Caldwell John J 71 n Charles and 235 n Carey ( alleinius Jacob, 116 s Hi;;h Carr R. Wilson, 305 Druid Hill av Carter C. Shirley, 68 Franklin Carter James M. 385 w Fayette Cath-ell Daniel W. 1^ s Exeter Chabot Lawrence J. 118 e Fayette Cbaisly Edward J. 158 Mulberry Chancellor Chas. W. 174 Wiilsh {/ Chapmau Pearson, 93 McCulloh Chalard F. E. 114 Park av ^/ Chesley Nathaniel, 144 n Carey Chew Samuel C. 141 Lanvale ^ (/ Chisolm J. J. oculist and aurist, 55 Franklin Cliiitilian J. H. 441 Penua av Clagetl Joseph E. 1H6 w Lombard Clat;etl Jj- Walls, 18 s Eutaw Clarke Andrew P. 237 Guugh Clarke Henry, 80 St. Paul Clements P. P. 446 Madison av Ckndenin Wm. H. 93 n Broadway CKwell A. A. 285 e Biddle Co.ites C. E. 118 Cathedr.il Cockey Charles H. 495 Ait^quith Cockey Frauk, 121 w .Madisou Co. key Joseph C. 2 8 Exeter Cocknll J. J. 33 s Broadway Cockiill Joseph M. 23 s Broadway Colburu Augustus \V. 166 s Paca Collins Geo. T. 46 Richmond Conner John A. 210 e Baltimore Connolly F. G. 227 German Conrad J. S. 53 Le.xington Cooke Jacob D. 4u9 e Ma(^son I ooke U. A. n w coi Lee and Hanover Cooke Theodore, 146 Hanover CO' nm John N. 291 Aisquith Coideli E. F. 55 Lexini;ion Correll John \V . 334 e B.liimore Cone. I Thomas A. 334 e Baltimore (Jo; lie James, 237 Saratoga t ox E. Cover, n w cor Baltimore and Pine C'rim Wui. H. n e cor Paca and Fayette Crowiher Rodney, 412 w Fayette Cuddy J. W. C. 363 Franklin Cuuuingham Chas. T. D. 130 e Pratt Curry James H. 78 s Paca Curry Wm. H. 318 n Fremont Ualiymple Augustine J. 330 e Pratt Dammauu Lewis H. 161 .Mulberry Dare Geo. H.91 Frederick av Darling Henry, 143 .Mulberry Dashiell Nicholas Leeke, 2(»7 s Broadway Dausch Pierre G. 27 n Broadway Davenport B. H. R., Mulbeny and Schroeder Davis Wm H. 193 n Howard Ditteiidertfer W,m. H. 1 s High Dodge Augustus W. 201 Hauorer Dohme G. C. 86 e Fayette Donaldson Frank, 108 I'.irk av Donaviii .Matthew W. s e cor Lee and Sharp Dorsey Robert, 79 w Monument Dorsey Robert W. 165 St. Paul Dvvinelle Jas. E. cor Baltimore and Broadway Eireckson Robert \V., Walsh and Townsend Eastman Lewis M. 349 Lexington hld^ rdice Irvin, 15 McHenry Ellicott Liudley, 193 n Howard Eiiteriine Samuel, 582 w Lombard Erich Augustus F. 94 s Broadway Eschbach Jos. A. cor Howard and Saratoga Esender James, 1 Pearl Evans Thos. B. s e cor Ann and Aliceanna Eysters Geo. 1 Waverley terr.ice Faithful Joseph, 2l8 .Mulberry Faniandis Geo. G. 59 vv Fayette Fawcet Christopher, 93 Mosher Fawns Charles, cor T\son al and Park av Feinour Thomas, 496 w Fayette Ferrey iM.J. (Turko-Russiau batbs;54 n Liberty Fischer Mrs. Hellaguuda, 11 s Eutaw Flynn Edward J. l.')7 e .Monument Foaid Andrew J. 16 s Edeii Foster James F. 261 n Bond Frank Dr. S. L. (oculist) 71 n Charles * ' Freeman G. Meredith, 118 Greenmount av Friedenwald Aaron, 88 n Eutaw Fulks James A. 427 w Fayette Fulton Roiiert, 418 Eutaw pi Gait John M. 146 e Pratt Gamble Cary B. 40 Richmond Garner J. E. 156 German Gaskius James H. 221 n Republican Gately M.J. 244 Bank Geiger Charles A. (homoepathic) 267 Druid Hill av Germon Frank W. 57 n Paca Giblious James E. 47 Clarke Gibney Richard, 32 n Gay / Gibson Geo. S. jr. 112 Park av ^ Gill Samuel H. 56 s Sharp G^lll^s Josepu A. 23 u Greene Gilman Judson, 172 Saratoga Gindrai .Vbram, 78 Cathedral Gleiisman Wm. 203 w Fayette Glocker Theodore W,, John and McMecbin Colder George, 127 w Fayette Goldsmith Robert H. 125 n Charles (ioolrick Peter, 162 n Carey Gordon Edwin W. 125 u Broadway Gordscheli George W. 323 Penna av Gorsuch J. Edmund, 41 s Sharp GrafUin S. P. 356 n Fremont Giant S.\iiney D. 28 ii Liliert}- Grauling Mrs. Christina, 274 s Bond Graves John J. cor Fulton and Presbury 08 "^ Holmes & go., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Wasters, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 847^ C3 Green Wtn. 167 w Biddle Greentiee Hiram, Pennn av and Baker Greeuwood J. B., Sweet Air Grimes J. H. ISd n Calvert Griffith VV. B. 117 w Madison Gross AdMm, 195 Hamburg Gross John I. jr. n e cor Caroline and Orleans Hall Julius, 306 n Gilmor Hall Robert J. 280 n Eden Hamel Ernest F. 156 s Bond HaMiilton Wm. A. 236 .Madison av Hammond James R. 464 Lexin>.'ton Hammond Milton, (homoeopathic) 53 n Paca Handy Jesse T. Ill w Chase Hank J. W. F. lo South Hardj James E. 234 Madison av Harriti>;tou Jolin E. 364 Li^ht H.nrris John C. 36o Lexington Harris Thomas B. 312 Madison av Harrison Uin. G. 69 w Centre Hartman Andrew & Son, 3u5 n Caroline Heldman J. A. 120 Pnari Henkel Wm. 117 s Wolfe Herbsl A. C. is Broadway Herman Benj. F. 58 n Republican Hess Frederick, 52 n Exeter Hessel Ferdinand, 102 s Bond Hidden Wm. B. (specialist) 102 n Eden Hill J. Harvey, 90 Himover Hill J. Sbelton, 432 w Fayette Hillegisi Edward, 67 Elliott Hillegist Edmund, 182 e Monument Hillyard Benj. R. (botanic) 622 w Baltimore Hoen Adolph, Waverley y^ Hoffman Cardie, 57 Aisquith L Hoffman Daniel P. 279 w Favette Hoc!g James, 193 Walsli Holhday Guy, Frederick av nr Gwynn falls Hood John, 2.'^4 Hollins Horn L. C. cor Myrtle av and Mulberry Hcuck Jacob W. 75 e Baltimore 7 " Howard E. Lloyd, 53 Cathedral V Howard .Jas. McH., Huntingdon av e of St. Paul Howard Wm. 228 Saratoga Howard Wm. T. 181 Madison av • i^r Hughes Alfred, (homceopatbist) 234 w Biddle Hull H. C. 83 n Calvert Huliz Robert M. 189 Lee Hunt Henry S. 291 e Pratt Huntei- Silas, 111 Greet;mount av Ingle J. Lowrie, 179 w Biddle Irelind David S. C. 178 Aisquith Irons Edward P. 406 e Bdtimore / I Jay John J., Park av and Mulberry » Jacq lies Joseph, (prop'r Baltimore Museum of Anatomy) 126 w Baltimore Jenkins Feiix, cor Greene and Mulberry y Jennings J. B. 298 Penna av Johnson C. S. 177 Conway Johnson Thom;is F. 246 Madison av Johnston Christopher, cor Franklin and Park av Johnston John .M. 7 s Frederick Johnston Samuel, 80 w Monument Jones Buckler, 33 n Calvert Jones Charles H. 530 w Fayette Jones Eiias, 180 s Paca Jones Wm. A. 212 w Lombard Jones Wm. T. (State vaccine agent)31 n Calvert Jordan Edward C. 225 Aisquith Jordan James W. S. 632 Lexington Keener W. H. u w cor Charles and Lexington Keirle Nathaniel G. 74 n Paca * Keller J. G. 89 n Greene Kemp Wm. M. & Wm. F. 55 n Greene King John T., Edmondson av w of Republican King John T. 405 n Gilmor Kinneraon George S. 73 e Pratt Kinneiuon Perry S. 73 e Pratt Klueber Charles J. 197 Aisquith Kneass N. W. 131 n Charles Kneass R. K. 554 w Fayette Knight Louis W. 112 a Greene Knight Samuel T. 112 n Gieene i^ Knowles Wm. G. 55 s Sharp «-' Krozer John J. R 273 Lexington Larkin Wra. D. F. 648 w Lombard L itimer Thomas S 248 Madison av Lawn nee Richaid H., Lexington and Gilmor Leas Charles A. 173 Division Lee R C, Hanover and Barre Lee Wni. s e cor Eutaw and Hoffman Liebman Gustav, 58 n Front Lindsay J. E 204 n Howard Lialbicum James G. 584 w Fayette Logan J. Dickinson, 171 n '.iiarles Lowndes Charles, 59 Cathedral Lynch John S. 20 s Broadway Mackali Richard, 45 Conway Mackenzie James S. 67 Franklin Maddux T. Clay, 23 n Calvert Mahou Ormsby S. 138 n Exeter Mann Gustave R. 176 e Baltimore Mansfield R. \V. 117 s Broadw.ty Maris Edward A., Hoffman and Druid Hill av Marshall J. A., Denmead nr Charles-st av Martin John H., Clinton nr Boston Martin Joseph Lloyd, (homoeopath) 38 Mouni Vernon pi t^ Martin Samuel BT 133 e Pratt Mathieu C. Ferd. 245 e Baltimore Matthews I. Earl, 308 Ramsay Maughlin Hugh A. 39 n Broadway McCormick Charles A. 74 s Exeter McDowell Charles C. 290 Madison av McDowell Wm, J. 290 Madison av Mchiiire James, 63 .McCuUoh McKew Dennis I. 154 s Sharp /.-— McKnew W. R. 582 w Fayette McLaughlin David B. 10 vVaverley terrace McLean Charles, (orthopcEdic surgeon) 34 n Calvert McManus Felix R. (homoepath) 71 Franklin McPheison Wm. S 317 Park av McSh ine James F. 2.')4 Eastern av McSherry Richard, 189 n Howard L^ McWilliams P. A. 98 n High Merrick S. K. 131 w Biddle Michael J. Edwin, 92 Saratoga Michean Theo. J. 68 Conwav Miles B. B. 187 Aisquith Miles F. T. 14 Cathedral *— , Milholland E. F. 279 w Lombard -• Oco K O P>q O Morgan W. P. 175 Saratoga U^ Morris Jolin, 5 Franklfti Morrison James M. 319 Myrtle av Morse Wm. L. 104 n Greene Moseh-y Wm. E. 169 w Biddle Mullan James A. s e cor Calvert and Pleasant Munnikhuysen Wm. B. 214 n Howard^ Murdoch liiissell, 12 Cathedral V^^^ Murdoch Thomas F. 107 St. Paul *-^ Murphy Dennis, 13 s Gilmor .Murray T. Morris, 91 Cathedral .Murray Wm. W., Strieker and Patterson av Musgrove Samuel J., Gibbons hotel Neale B. 288 Madison av Neff Charles \V. 306 w Fayette NeffJuhn, 558 w Fayette Noble H. B. 17 Warren Noel Henry R. 10 n Carey ^ Norman Anthony M. 86 s Wolfe Noiris George W. 649 Penna av Norris Wm. H. 308 n Eden Norris Wm. W. 83 Franklin ' O'Douovan Charles, 115 w Mouument O'Reilly Wm. 235 n Broadway Ogle George C. 229 n Carey Opie Thomas, 396 w Fayette l^ Owens Thomas, 536 w Fayette Owens Thom-is F. 23 8 Eutaw Owings Henry W. 166 \v Fayette ^ Page IshamR. 220 Linden av Painter Edward, 131 Le.xington Painter Nathan (chiropodist) 56 w Fayette Panetti John Philip, 88 e Lombard Pape G. Edward, 55 n Eutaw y^ Pape George W. E. 375 n Gay Parrish Joseph, sup't Md. Inebriate Asylum Patterson John H. 23 Franklin Peed James, 158 n Eden Pennington John I. 210 Franklin Pentz W. F. jr. 274 e Fayette Perez Joaquin, 158 Jetlerson Perkins E. II, 110 St. Paul \/'' Piek Charles H. 16 n Eden Polk John P. 258 Druid Hill av Porter P. B. 776 w Pratt Powell A. H. 87 Franklin Powell John F. 72 e Pratt Powell Samuel F. 29 Aisquith Price Elias C. (homeopath) 110 n Eutaw Price Eldridge C. (homeopath) 110 n Eutaw Prichard J. E., Clinton nr Toone Prigg Joseph, 56 n Exeter Prince Anton, 90 Thames Pugh Thomas C. 446 Madison av Quiu George 259 e Madison Quin.n Julm R. n w cor Gilmor and Hollins Quiuan Paschal A. 116 Park av Raborg J. S. 175 Columbia Regester Wilson G. 845 sv Baltimore Rehberger J. 11. 243 Aliceanna Rciche P. II., Waverley R id E. M. 245 n Fremont Keinhard Ferdinand, 224 w Fayette Reiuhardt Julius, 4 n Eden 1 Reniiolds Henry T. 186 Aisquith I Reuliug George, (oculist) 66 n Charles 1 Ricti Arthur, 30 n Fremont Richardson Charles 0. 302 w Lombard Ricord k Co. 141 w Fayette Rider Wm. G. 87 Mulberry Kidgely N. G. 161 McCuUoh Riley William, 47 Lexington Robbins D. H. 12 Barnet Robertson W. W. 19 s Eutaw Robinson Wm. 54 St. Paul Rogers James R. 661 w Lombard Rusk G. Glanville,n e cor Baltimore andWash- iugton Russell Wm. L.n w cor Broadway andMadison Rutledge E. Hall, 151 e Madison Sad tier Charles E 330 Penna av Salzer Henry, 154 w Lombard Sandor Richter, 265 Franklin Sands William, 714 Lexington Sappington Thomas, 70 w Centre Saxton Alexander H. 543 Lexington Schmidt Jacob, (homeopath) 92 n Eutaw Schwartze Edward, 19 n Calhoun Scott Martin P. 365 n Charles Sears Thomas E., Fayetie and Schroeder Sellman W. A. B. s vv cor Lanvale and Repub- lican Sexton Richard, 153 Mulberry Shearer Thomas, (homeopath) 97 n Charles ^ Shertzer A. Trego, 117 e Baltimore Shinier J. C. 626 Lexington Shipley D. McGregor, Light nr Gross Shultz Jacob, 26o"s Eutaw Shultze Mrs. J. E. 211 Aisquith Sinclair Mrs. Lizzie, 29 S .Monroe Sinclair Wm. B. 66 Courtland ^ Smith Alan P. 45 Franklin ^ Smith John H. 313 s Charles Smith Joseph T. jr. 107 Druid Hill av Smith Nathan R. 89 Saratoga ^ Speck J. F. 233 II Bond Speiice Robert T. 298 n Gilmor Spicer Hiram L. 379 vv Lombard Stansbury Thomas, 165 n Caroline Starr Hezekiah, 16 n Liberty Y Stainback John M. 175 w Townsend Stayman J. A. cor Charles and Pleasant Stein Atilla E. 137 n Exeter Stephens A. 30 n Republican Steuart H. 437 n Calhoun Steuart James A. oflBce 28 n Holliday Steuart James H. 117 n Gilmor Steuart R. S., Frederick rd nr Catonsville Steuart Wm. F., Marine hospital Stevens E. T. 328 e Pratt Stevenson James S. 134 n Exeter Stevenson John M. 133 n Exeter Stirling R. Henry, 72 n Greene ^ Stokes Wm. H. 141 St, Paul Sullivan John M. 116 Thames Sutherland Joel B. office 29 s Broadway Sylvester Leo (herb) 131s Caroline Tall R. J. H. 158 s Sharp Taneyhiil G. L. 129 w Biddle i Tappan William C. 105 e Biddle Taylor Milton N. 100 n Broadway Taylor Melville, n e cor Charles and Denraead Teackle St. George W. jr. 150 n Eutaw r- Theobald E. Warfield, 89 Saratoga »- Theobald Samuel, (oculist) 64 Franklin-' Thorn J. P. 169 Park av Thomas Charles II. 85 e Baltimore Thomas Edwin S. 116 e Fayette Thomas James Carey, 317 Madison avi/ Thomson I. D. 248 Madison av TiEFany L. McLaue, 31 Cathedral / Townsend J. Sholwell, office 216 n Howard Trautman Charles T. 187 e Monument Trist H. B. 132 McCuUoh HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Soutli St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY^ 849 Ubler John R. 122 ii Greene l^ Van Bibber John P. 47 Fmnklin i^ Van Bibber W. Chew, 47 Franklin ' Wade Robert, 366 n FremoiU Walker Edmund R. 180 Linden av Walls Enoch G. 403 u Gay Walls J. William, 18 s Eutaw Walshe Despard M., Lutherville Walton H. R. 581 Lexington Ward E. Rufus, 242 w Lombard Ware H. F. cor George and Pine Warner Fraak A. office 256 n Eden Waters John C. 498 w Fayette Watson Arthur, Saratoga and Myrtle av Watson Arthur, 309 ii Eden Way Rev. Elon J. (homoeopath) 53 s Broadway Way Phebe M. 62 n Greene Way W. R. 19 s Broadway Wayson George W. 18 Aisquith Weathers Wm. 366 n Fremont Webster Henry W. jr. 128 s Sharp Whitaker Josias D. 467 u Carey White Edwaid, 109 n Charles White John W. 12 s Fulton White J< seph A 158 n Howard *- White Walter W. 350 n Broadway Whitridcre John, 181 n Charles ^ Whitridge Wm. 181 n Chailes Wiener George W. 249 w Fayette Wiener Morris, 249 w Fayette Wilhelm James T. 169 w Lombard Wilkins Geo. L. 69 s Broadway Wiikins Joseph, 173 Lanvale Williams E. Jones, 33 Elliott Williams John J. office 66 Lexington Williums Philip C. 201 Madison av ^ -Wilson H. P. C. 46 Park av y/' Wilson Henry M. 251 Madison av i^ Wiltshire J. G. 398 w Fayette Winchester A. S. 22 Cathedral WiHneberger Jane, 23 n Liberty Winslow Caleb, 23 McCulloh l^ Winslow Randolph, 23 McCulloh t Winternitz L. C. 12 s Eden Wolfe J. R. 251 w Lombard Womble John G. 203 w Lombard Womble Pembroke M. 203 w Lombard Worthiugtou Geo. C. 714 w Lombard Wroth Peregrine, 327 Lanvale Wroth Wm. J. 156 w Biddle Wysong Rutherford, 373 Park av Yeates John L. 101 w Biddle Zeh Martin, 75 s Bond Zepp Jesse, 90 n Greene Zitzer John J. 165 Saratoga Piano Dealers and Manufacturers. Benteen's Piano Rooms, Duncan M. Robb, agt. 80 w Fayette Blumeuburg Marc A. 158 w Fayette Derauth's Piano and Organ Rooms, 467 w Bal- timore Gaehle & Co. 5 and 7 s Eutaw Gaehle's Piano Manufac'g Co. 15, 17 and 19 n Eutaw Heinekamp Wm. cor St. Peter and Sterrett, wareroom511 w Baltimore Knabe Wm. & Co. 350 w Baltimore, and 1, 3, 5 and 7 n Eutaw Lertz Reiuhold, 24 Pearl Nimmo J. E. 108 w Fayette Renting Conrad, 14 Vine Rothe Chas F. (piano strings) 228 Conway Sanders & Stayman, 15 n Charles Stieff Charles M. 84 Camden, 45 Perry, oflSce 9 n Liberty Stoddard Isaiah T., Baltimore, 2 doors e of Eutaw Sutro Utto, 207 w Baltimore Thiede W. F. 57 n Eutaw Wise John J. (piano tuner) 240 e Fayette Pickling and Preserving. Banzer Frederick, 239 s Bond Berry Jasper M. 36 and 38 York Brinkley J. B. & Sons, 176 s Charles Boggs S. S. & Son, cor FremoiU and Ramsay, office 107 w Lombard Hohnberger Christian, 5 Lee Kensett & Co. 122 West Falls av and n e cor Central av and Bank Mitchell John T. & Co. 12 Balderstoa Myer Thomas J. & Co. 90 West Falls av Numsen Wm. & Sons, 18 Light Seebold James C. H. 243 e Monument Shriver John L. & Bros. 307 w Pratt Summers Charles G. <^ Co., Perry nr Howard Thomas Wm. H. n w cor Charles and Camden Waltemejer Jacob, 182 Hamburg Pictures, Chromos, &c. Fryer & Bendann, 10 n Charles Martin Edward, 184 n Eutaw Noa Ismar, agent for A. & C. Kaufman, 293 w Baltimore Smith John, 127 Penna av and 262 n Gay 03 c3 c O O o ft o o ^ Picture Frame Manufacturers. ^ Bergner Frederick, 60 n Gay Byrnes Joseph, 66 n Calvert Dawson A. 48 n Charles Eckbardt L. 464 e Monument Eckbardt & Mehler, over 293 w Baltimore Fairbank, Muruhy ^ Co. 38 n Howard Fitzgerald James, 55 n Gay Fryer & Bendann, 10 n Charles Garrison k Co., Cross and Race Garrison George W. 456 w Pratt Grogan Peter, )0e Lombard Hancock John T. 26 Brune Hirshberg Bros. & Hollander, 57 Hanover Joues Wm. B. 65 w Baltimore Kasleiis Wm. 135 s Broadway Klein & Hamburger, 39 and 41 Clay Lassman John k Son, 665 w Baltimore Lange Frtd. & Co. 274 n Gay Mann Wm. 42 s Charles Melia John, 48 e Baltimore Metcalf Geo. W.jr. 687 w Baltimore Moore John A. 103 Lexington Myers & Hedian, 46 n Charles Rudden John, 430 w Baltimore Seager Thomas, 46 n Howard Schneider & Fuchs, 184 n Eutaw and 82 w Bal- timore Smith Thomas, 424 w Pratt Plane Makers. Camper Napoleon, over 19 Mercer OQ P5 O -C ^ o dJ o ..p^i O M - £ "^ Abraham Geo. F. 24 n Sharp t> ^X Bilson Samuel, 154 n Howard •^ -^ Lewis James M. 104 n Howard Plumbers. (See Gas Fitters.) Ahrling Charles W. 19 McElderry's wlif Allenbaugh Churk's T. 13(3 Penna av Appie^jarlh Robert H. 344 Lexington . .2i g Ashe Thomas P. 240 s Eutaw -^-r jc Barrv Patrick T. 149 Dolphin o ^ Q Bechtel John W. 93 n Eutaw *E ^ Bennett Lewis H. 169 Madison av ^ g Blair Llewellyn P. 2 Pearl {> ?=' Boss Henr}-, lOii Thames . "^ c Bowmiin Henry C. 104 n Howard Z 't: % Burke & Brenner, Fayette under Barnum's hotel g p "C Carey Patrick, 25 n Eutaw >>> " — Carmine Chas. G 68 n Howard i_Ci :i^ -^ Carruthers Richard, 3 s Calhoun !M ~ 2_i Carruthers & Son, 46 Park av Chase R. M. cor Fayette and Pine Claby Louis F. 132 w Lombard Clark, Hardesty ^ Co. (plumbers materials) 42 n HoUiday Clautice ^- Mitchell, 12j Light ■^ c .^ Cone Joseph M. tSf Co. Lexington nr Charles f:^ "^ "^ Coulter John A., foot of Montgomery ^ Davidson George F. 767 w Baltimore sj Deal Wm, C. 92 Park av % g Deidrich Martin, 34 n Holliday pi Dougherty & Share, 86 s Broadway Drebing Wm. A. 21 w Fayette Eigelberuer T. F. & Co. (supplies) cor Fayette and Liberty ^§^ B >. Eggleston Edwin C. 144 n Gay •?- ^n ^- jmijg Thomas sr. 17 n Eutaw Erich Henry C. & Co. 77 and 79 Gough Fefill John, 86 n Holliday Gardner Charles, 235 e Pratt Gardner Wm. L. 235 e Pratt Gelbach Wm. H. 22 n Liberty Gratlan Thomas L. 125 w Townsend Griffin & Fefill, 204 Madison av HamiU Robert H. 258 n Eden Hammen ^- Son, 57 s Bond G 'fv «»■ Hiiupt John M. 131 n Schroeder Healy & Bro. cor Calvert and Centre ^^ p C Hibbits Patrick, 845 vv Baltimore "c ^ 'cc Hubball & Dunnett, 6 and 8 n Liberty ^ *- '-2 Hughes Vincent N. 3 s Bond S >. 0/ Hunter Andrew, 169 n Eutaw (^ 'qj ^ Hutchinson Brothers, 14 Light ^ .b S Johnson William O. 18 w Fayette s« ^ _ Kirschner Louis, 3 s Greene § ^ t- Knipp George k Bro. (plumbing materials) 42 •§ "^ ^ n Howard "5 <1J >-> Kreis Peter, 7 v Charles ^ cS St J2 £ ^1 V? Lee John W. 467 Lexington Love Benjamin, 159 e Monument Lotz &Sutkoski, cor .Mulberry and Park av and cor Lombard and Wolfe Lyons Andrew J. 15 n Holliday Mallalieu Frank S. 121 Mulberry Manns Charles, cor Paca and Mulberry and 104 J I'rederick av McAllister William, 91 n Greene McCahnn Daniel, 351 s Bond McCahan Davis L. 164j e Baltimore McCall Patrick A. 31 s Eutaw McCart John, s w cor St. Paul and Centre McConnell John F.,n w cor Howard ^ Madison McLaughlin Patrick, 71 e Baltimore Merz Henry, (materials) 250 w Pratt Millar J. & Son, 74 Richujond Miskelly Joseph, Pleasant and Davis Mitchell Wm. 829 w Baltimore Montague John M. 59 Pearl Morrison L. & Co. n e cor German and Sharp Murray Wm. H. 3 e Favette Osier E. H. 135 North Ratican Thonins, 1 n Frederick Reilly Jaivies k Son, 144 n Calvert liobins A. K. & Co. cor William and York Rock James P. cor Holliday and Saratoga Rodgers George H. 81 n Chailes Ruckle Wm. T. n vv cor Fayette and Fremont Shorey Nehemiah B., West Falls av nr Pratt Shultz Charles H. 245 w Biddle Sindall S. M. & Co. 6 and 8 w Pratt Smile}' Joseph, 584 w Baltimore Slidham James D. 70 n Eutaw St. John George, 97 w Biddle Stern Arnold, 61 n Frederick Stevens Leonard, 160 Dolphin Sullivan Daniel N. Ill Saratoga Tyler Wm. R. 8 e Lombard Wehrheim George, 111 Frederick av Washington Matthew J. 87 Peirce Wilson John, 142^ w Fayette Wilson Robert, 19 n Calvert Wood Wm. E. & Co.(supplies)363 w Baltimore Yingling Charles H. 638 w Baltimore York Charles S. 356 e Monument Young George W. 63 s High Pocket Book and Jewelry Case Manufacturers. Blum & Thiem, s e cor Baltimore and Holliday Naenny Henry, 20 s Liberty Peissner Jos. E. (jewelry cases) 140 w Fayette Potteries. BENNETT EDWIN, Manufacturer of White, Yellow and Brown Ware, cor Central and Canton avs. Girtbrd Hugh, 76 Ensor Herman John P. 722 Light Herrmann Peter, 193 Mullikin Linton & Co. n w cor Lexington and Pine Perine M. & Sons, 713 w Baltimore Severin John, 286 J s Ann Printers— Book and Job Abell A. S. & Co., Sun Iron building V ^u^ HOLMES (fe CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. ^ «©■ Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, Gen^l Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. S51 Abercrombie Wm. H. 159 w Pratt Armiger Eli G. over 162 w Baltimore Binswanger D. & Co. over s e cor Howard and Fayette [^ Soyle Wm. K. & Soa, over n w -cor Baltimore and St. Paul Chesney Jesse F. over n w cor Baltiiuore and Prederick 'Church Press Association, 3 Postoffice av Cox John, cor Pratt and Spear's whf Daugherty & Wright, se cor Balliuioreand Gay Deutsch & Co. \&6 w Baltimore •Downs Jaraes H. 148 w Baltitnope Ehlers John D. & Co. 87 Second Ellis Thomas jr. & Bro. 17 n Eutaw Etchbergcr Bros. 138 w Baltimore Foster John Hunton, 2j Light Gantt cf Co. over 120 w Baltimore Globe Printing Co. over s w cor Light and GermaR •Guggenheimer & Wiel, 177 w Baltimore Hagedorn Frank T. 5 s Calvert Hammoad & Jones, 10 South Hanzsche & Co,, over s w cor Light and Bal- timore Hanzsche Fred. A. over 22j s Charles Harvey Charles & Co., South and German Hewitt Harry C. (photographic) 264 e Fayette Hoen & Co. 73 and 75 Second Hoffman William, 8 u Liberty Hoffman & Co. 8 n Liberty Hoen Henry & Co., n e cor Postoffice av and Second Huber Henry E. & Son, over 6 n Charles Innes & Co., over 164 vv BaUiiiiore Junger Sigmuiid, over 164 w Baltimore Kelly, Piel ^ Co. 174 w 15altimore King Brothers, over 162 w Baltimore Kroh Theodore, (Germaa and English) 12 Mary- land building Lindeman Churles F. (tip and label printer) 74 w Fayette Link & Lamberti, 80 w Baltimore Lucas John D. s e cor German and Calvert Maydwell k Thorapsoa. over 20 Second McKay & Co. over 17 Light McLean Thomas B. over 2 Harrisoa Mills S. Sands & Co. 145 w Pratt Murphy Juhn & Co. 182 w Baltimore Noble & Godwin, over 71 w Baltimore Pfannmiller F. 273 vv Pratt Rhodes Thomas A., Shanks' building, s w cor Lombard and Sharp Eichardsou <^ Brown, 7 w Baltimore Schneidereith Charles W. 70 s Sharp Sherwood & Co. 6 n Gay Slater John Y. over 92 w Baltimore Snowden ^- Cowman, 86 w Fayette Stork &(■ Wright, 161 w Baltimore II Sun Job Office, cor Baltimore and South 1 Torsch Bros, over 131 w Baltimore 1 Torsch John W. over 122 w Baltimore Wiley J. F. & Co. over 160 w Baltimore Wilson & .Merry man, 18 s Paca Woods John W. over 12 South , Young James, 114 w Baltimore Printers— Copperplate. Anderson James M. & Son, 148 w Baltimore Booker Henry C. over 209 w Baltimore Downs James H. 148 w Baltimore Printers' Inks, Chamberlain John, .Madison av nr North av Doyle A. C (indelible) 44 McCuUoh ^ Knight Charles P. ^agent Wade's colored inks oQ and Johnson^s colored and black inks) 93 w j^ Lombard 5 Produce Dealers- Adams Edward & Son, n e cor Hollins and Re- publican Albaugh Edward W. 5 Dover Albrtugh George, 195 Barre Ames & Fentress, 171 w Pratt Armstrong & Hopkins, 5 Exchange pi ^ Barnes Hanson P.. Wolfe and Lancaster Bartholomee T. M. & Co. 99 vv Lombard Bond Alexander & Co. 5 Hullingsworth Bond James, 4 Hollingsworth Bond Thos. & Son, n w cor Calvert and Pratt Bond Wm. & Co., n e cor Prat4, and Hollings- worth Bosweil, Sills & Co. 51 South Brinton Albin H. 165 Fonest ^ Busby D. T. & Co. 6 Exchange pi *^ Byrd Wm. S. & Co. 71 w Pratt Cadovv & Hook, 20 and 22 Penna av Clotworthy & Miller, 65 sGay Colladay Charles R., Lexington and Republican Cox John R.&Co. s w cor Fayette and Howard Delcher E. W., Cheapside and Pratt Delcher James A. & Bro., Lexiagton, Hanover and Centre markets Delcher W. J. 151 w Pratt Duvall Henry & Co. 68 South Egerton & Reid, 37 Light Elliott Bros. €4 s Gay ^ Etzler R. F. ^ Co. 165 North Evans Thos.H.&Co. 82 Light-st whf Floyd T. F. & Co. 38 Cheapside Foutz & Co. 144 Franklin Forney Jacob H. & Co. 77 North Frick E. A. 75 North Fussell J.& Co., Saratoga nr Calvert GentH. C. (aaent) 157 Forrest George W.E.^J.T. cor .Myrtle av and Fremont Giese J. Henry, 21 Spear's whf Gillmure A Rogers, 1.''9 vv Pratt Gosnell George W. 5 Hollingsworth Grubbs Thomas B. & Son, 132 w Pratt Gude Justus C. & Co. 128 w Lombard Hammond Thomas W. 131 Franklin Harryman John G. 43 s Howard Harvey W. P. & Co. 75 Exchange pi, 35 and 37 Howard, and 179 w Bahimore t^ Heighe & Pearson, 1 and 3 Balderston Henry, McAllister & Co., Pratt foot of Hol- lingsworth Heuisler, Fink ^ Co. (wholesale dried fruit,) 23 Cheapside ^ Hinman & Newcomb, 1 and 3 8 Paca Hoopes E. D. & Co. 226 Penna av Hopkins J. G. & Bro. 120 North y Hopkins & Jaiiney, 18 S{)ear's whf Hughes & Crocker, 121 North Hughes Robt. (cheese) 143 Walsh Hull, Mathews ^ Co. 190 s Charles Jeuness John A. 123 Hillen Jones Lewis ^Son, 70 Light-st %vhf J()ne8 Lewis jr. 74 Light-st whf a o o O d o CD m < O Q < IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 West Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 852 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. o < K o O <1 OQ Jordan H. P. & C. 102 s Charles Kansler ChnrleSjCheipside and Pratt Keister Wm. H. & Co. 172 w Pratt Kemiard &Oiideslii}s,83Exc'hiinne pi Knef'ely Henry (foreign )1G1 w Pratt Knight Rubert, 5 iloliinpsworlh Kraus Jacoli & Co. 39 and 41 Barre LeCato Tlios. 03 s Calvert and 38 Cheapside Martin Samuel F. 118 n Eiitavv iMassie John W. & Co. 270 w Pratt iMaynadier J. M. Jj- Co. 27 n Greene Mcbormnn George T. 5 Holiingsworth .McUwaine k Boiiinger, 51 s Charts .Meixsel ^ Co. 149 w Pratt -^ .Michael W. H. ^- Sons, 125 McElderry's whf Miles Hamilton, 371 w Fayette Miles S.H. 160 w Pratt Miller Jacob F. ^ Co. 83 South Nyce B. Brooke & Co. 54 South Owens Charles W. & Co. over 100 s Charles Patterson Samuel W. 152 w Pratt Petlebone Chas. s w cor Camden and Light Pope & Owens, 35 South ^■ §1 o ^ ^ Ssg o D. F. Pope, late J. K. Cox & Pope. M. J. Oweks. Produce Commission Merchants, ^o .35 SOUTH STREET. Special attention paid to the sale of BUTTER, GBEESE, EGGS, POULTRY, DRIED FRUITS, &c. BRANCB HOVSK, OWENS , cor Monroe and Pratt Bergman John C 72 Conway Bien John, 492 Penna av Bingel Jacob, 202 n iiroadway Blanck A. C. 471 w Baltimore Bosley John C. 183 Lexington Boss A. E. 17 South Biaconier Gustav, 216 Lexinyton Urodhead Henry 11. 38 w Fayette li: >)oks Mrs. Margaret, 94 s Eutaw flrosnan John, cor Calvert and Pleasant Brown Jas., Broadway and Locust Point ferry Bucheimer George, 442 Penna av o ft < CD. 0^ I — I o PQ o P5 (—1 OQ < Power Press Printinoj, at Pveduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) U =»' 854 Mutual Life InstLrance Co. of New York. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ->- s o o CB n • -^ Pi - V? x u- L ZJ ^ ' n c -'GO efi ^_< o 1^ r. tc ~ r1 c ■J -"-^ - X ■^ o i: - v. -^ ■^ o ^^ « X > ■" > o K ■k^ ■^ r^ ^ i; eS =- 2J il 0 r-:i. ^ ^ - = ;z r /: - hJ 2 ■" s -* ^ < ^ "T >— * /■ "• .^c^ ^ 2i ■A 2 f-" i; 3 as o >« ..0^ "- X :_ rt cu ■^ -?* >% ^ D o «. c w o \: -»^ c ^ T* 5r — ■ra ■^ c (M ~* _z «^ 5% tc to ^ •^ ■4^ ^ >> 1» ^ "TT > > i -. X i ^ ii > 5 :* - s -■ ■■' - O Biichsliaum Btrnnrd, 88 n Giiy Buchsbiium Henry, 4 Centre Miuket sp Buck Jaints, Buck's hotel, 34 w Pratt Bulack Mrs. J:icol), 65 w Pratt Buike, Roney k Co. 36 Centre Market sp Butcher Alexander, 189 Madison av Carey Hufjh W. 17 n Liberty Carroll Hou3e, C. Swearer, prop'r, 1 Grant Cashmyer Philip, 1 s Kden Charleston House, 76 *v Pratt Chenoweth & Co. se cor Baltimore and Hollidaj Claik Edwiud L. 70 German Cloud House, Johu F. Wilson, proprietor, 411 vT Baliiiiiore Coziiic Jiiines W. 15 n Frederick Crey Henry J. 3 e Madison Crockett Waller C., Biddle and Druid Hill av Curtin Patrick. 554 w Baltimore Daiiker John. 51 Gern)an Daley Eufiene M. (Geiraan St. Hall) 26 German Dicker Francis, 322 Penna av Dime Restaurant. seco' Baltimore and Holliday Doharr Charles, basement Law building Duehring Frederick, 18 Bank Earl John, 86 German Eckes Henry, n e cor Eastern av and High Kck Frederick, 10 n Fredrick Eldon Hall, C. P. Barnard, prop'r, 78 w Fayette Entrlish John, cor Pratt and Commerce Fiilkeiistein George, cor Frederick and Gay Fefel & Sons, 90 1 w Baltimore Eeige Frederick, 3 Water Feldliaus Joseph C. 12 n High Feldhaus & Mo.xley, 2 n Frederick Feller George, 38 Bank FiUinger James L. 39 s Paca Fletcher & Bio. 36 vv Pratt Forsyth Jo£e[)h F. 3 n High (Jerraan St. Hall, 26 German Gessler Franris X. 138 Saratoga Goodwin A. C. 13 n Eutaw (Jraf John, (tavern) 175 Franklin (iunther Au<:ust, n e cor Low and Forrest Hall Robert L. 131 McElderry's whf Haniel George, Towson nr Nicholson Harrison Bro., Ferry Bar Hassan Tlios. B.. Camden Station Heehl Henry C. 8 and 10 McClellan Heiderich VV. (J. W. 1 Postotfice av Heiss John >L, Postoflice av ami Baltimore Hellwig Angust, 44 Leadei>liall Herold Ch cs. 151 e Fayette Hesse Henry, 25 McClellan Hftt John, 413 w Baltimore Hieller Conrad. 35 n Holliday Hoetiich Adam, 53 » Charles Hoirmin Joseph H. 552 w BiiUimore Hunter Ale.x. 56 Thair)es Johnson Aim. ham, 411 w Baltimore Johnston John .M. 58 w Fayette Kaiser Fred. 74 n Gay Kavanaugh's European house, Eutaw oppEutiw house and 16!) w Fayette Keller Daniel, 501 w Baltimore Kemp Jacob F. 736 Penna av Kennedy John, 117 Camden Kmzer John, 3 Bank la Klosnvsky \V., Harugari hall, 76 e Baltimore Koors Wm. s w cor Holliday and Payette Kielis .Micliael, 16 s Frederick Krekel Louis, 2 n Calvert Law Building Restaurant, basement Law bldg Leonard John, 20 Second Levell Edward F. cor Howard and Mulberry Linthicuni Wm. A. & Co. 552 w Pratt Madden Thos. cor Cooksie and Nicholson Maguire Patrick, 24 and 26 n Gay McGowan's Dining Rooms and Restaurant, 5T w Fayette McLaughlin & Kratz, 272 s Broadway McNamara W. W. 97 Low Mechanics Hall, 152 w Fayette Meier Charles-, 41 Penna av Miller k Mills, n e cor Front and Gay Mitzel Ale.K V. !>s Eutaw Momenthy Bruno, 67 w Fayette Montgomery Mrs. B. (■. & Son, 15? w MadisoD Montgomery Thomas, 201 Lexington North Charles, 69 n Gay Ottawa Hall,(L Krekel, prop'r) Bond and Pratt O'Brien T. J. 22 German Parkei- House, 4 n Libeiiy Patterson Park House, 17 Patterson Park av Peize Louis, 27 McClellan Philibin Thomas, 95 s E.xeter Pollard Peter B. 9 n Frederick Preiaterjahn Theo. 429 w Baltimore Pugh John, 47 w Favetie Randall Home, 6 n Eden Raymond Moses B. (tavern) 89 Hughes Reddehase Charles, 73 n Gay Reicker John, 40 Centre Market sp Reilly John, 72 s Calvert Reilly Joseph, n e cor Baltimore and Holliday Reilly Patrick, 76 w Faveite Rennert Robert. 45 w Fayette Reimert Wni. 40 w Fayette Reinehardt Louis .-V. 8 n Gaj Rinn John S. 115 n Calvert Roeder Fred. 141 w Lombard Roesch John, Wilson and Penna av Ruhl John. 697 w Baltimore Russell John, 19 w Baltimore Russell Wm. H. 149 w Madison Schauer George, 87 Camden Schlegel Henry, 5 s Frederick Schmidt Conrad, 185 Lexington Schneider Christian, 17 and 19 s Liberty Schultz Herman, 125 Franklin Schwinn Conrad, 25 w Pratt Schwinn Geo. 21 and 23 w Pratt Seymour Wm. H. & Co. 1 18 n Gay Shaw Christopher, 11 s High Sheehan Michael J. 8 Liirht Shubkagel Wm. 50 Druid Hill av Siebert Christian, 151s Charles Sonneborn Philip H. 181 Lexington Stehl Henry, 187 Lexington Stromlierg John H. (Wm. Tell house) s w cor I'ratt and West Falls av St. John house, 58 n (Charles Stromer Sebastian, 190 Cross Sultan Henry, Stag hall, ri9 Hanover Swann Michiiel, 1 n Greene Swearer Charles. 1 noUingsworth,334 Aliceanna J Thanhauser & Rock, 276 w Baltimore | Ulilenberg George, 297 s Bond Valentine John, Germm nr Calvert Volk Augustus, Chapel and Oilean ■ Wagner J. & B. L. (Green House) 190 w Pratt | Wagner M. C. 186 w Pratt \ Walter Edward H. 48 Postofficeav Wangerm.an Ernest, 7 n Liberty Weber J. Henry, 15 n Liberty HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Pa,cking, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 855 Weidman Henry, cor Frederick av and Fulton Weller Henry, 13 s Eutaw Wilson Wm. P. 211 Lexington Woodall Theodore, 44 w Fayette Young Christian J. 102 n Gay Zimmer Fred. W. 418 w Baltimore Biggers. • Brown k DfPnepe, 16 Philpot Brovvn Sumuel, over 116 Liyht-st whf Irwin Jacob H. cor Pratt and Hollini,'S\vorth Williams Josepli W. 113 Thames Eivet and Spike Works. Gilmor Wm. of Wm.s e cor President and Fawn Painter Wm. & Co. 44 n Holliday Rolling Mills. Abbott Iron Corap^iny, Canton Coates t— t IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Fratt Street, Mutual Life Insiirance Co. of New York, 856 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H H w pel H H O! J5 m >^ c < <: o a w 1-1 o o . 9 Mount Vernou pi Atkinson Dr. Robert. 16t w .Madison V Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 2 n Greene Baltimore Business Colle^ie and Telegraphic Institute, 8 n Charles Baltimore (Mty College, Howard opposite Centre Baltimore Femile College, Park av and Wilson, N. C. Brooks, jiiest. Baltimore Free School and Colvin lustitute for Girls, 39^ Courlland Beer's German and KngUsh Institute, cor George and Ogston Bordley Mrs. Isabella E. 37 w Eager ^ Bowie Misses, 1 19 Linden av \ Bryant, Stratton & Sadler Business College, 6 and 8 ii Ch-ules Calvert H ill,(Sl Joseph's Academy )79Saratoga Calhedral .Male P.irochial Scliool, 62 Courtland Cathedral Female Parochial School, 30 Frauklin Centenary Bil)lic.al Institute, 4t Saratoga Ciiatswo'th Fiinale luslitute, 18H Franklin Clajjett Wm. T. (daucinj;) Lyceum hall Coale Mary A. 328 n Freinont College of Physicians and Surgeons, n e cor Hanover and Lombard Colviu Institute for Girls, 39j Courtland HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing and Engraving, Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General A.2:ent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dudley Mrs. A. E. cor Fayette and Giliuor Eclectic Institute, Mrs. L. T.Seniple, principal, 132 \v iMadison Fothergill Eliza, 87 McCulloh l Friends Eleineniary and High School, Lombard nr Eutau- k Garnett & Smith, 258 Hollins Gibson Harbara, 214 Madison av Gibson Rev. Fred'k, cor McCulloh and Preston Grady C. Powell, 78 Read >^ ' Hank Rev J. N. & Co. proprs. Steuart Hall Academy, 1028 w Baltimore •^ Harney Mrs. E. R. 596 w Fayette Healy Fnuicis J. 41 Garden Hynds W. C. (Oxford school for boys) Myrtle av and Smith t Immaculate Coiiceiition Female School, Mosher and Druid Hill av Jenness Sarah K. 244 Madison av Johnson Col. R M. principal Pen Lucy school, Pen Lucy, York rd Johns Hojikins Dniversity. office 25 n Charles Kinear James C. l>n and 191 Madison av ^ Knapp Frederick, (American and German) 29 n Holliday ^ Kuster Augusta, ( English and German) 39 Lexington Lamb Josephine S. (school) 131 n Gilnior Loyola College, Rev. Stephen Kelly. prest. Cal- vert and Madisou Magez John, (banjo school )57 Centre Market sp Maenner J. H. Henry, 243 Lee Maguire Charles M. 3 Cathedral Martin Wm. D. 145 Lanvale Maryland Academy of .Arts, 122 w Fayette .Maryland .Acadei;iy of Sciences, 32^ .Mulberry Maryland College of Pharmacy, 12 w Baltimore Maryland Dental College. 42 n Calvert VLaryland Institute for Promotion of .Mechanic Arts, Baltimore opposite Harrison Mar.vliiud Inst, (colored) for de.if, dumb and blind, 92 s Hroadvvay Maryland Inst, for Instr. of the Blind, North av DP Charifcs-st av Watchett Annie, (yountr ladies) 35 Cathedra! McDermot Misses (school) 285 e Baltimore JcKim Free School, cor Baltimore and Aisquith rielrose School, Jliss M. L. Trump, Linden av nr Holfman Jouut Providence, St. Francis Academy, s w cor Forrest pi and Chase 'It. Vernon Institute, (.Mrs. Mary J. Jones) 46 Mt. Vernon pi i J^ev?ton Acad em V, 703 \v Baltimore I'otre Dame, 102 Saratoga, Aisquith nr Eager, Lombard and \\'olfe formal School, 35 Franklin formal School, (colortd) Saratoga and Court- latid formal School, (R. C.) Ilailera av and Oregon lOrris Rebecca, (school ) 32 .Mc(Julloh V )liver IIil)ernian Free School, 41 North ixford School for lJovs, .Myrtle av and Smith 'eal/ody .Academv (music) 51 Mt. Vernon pi 'eiiila-oke School for liovs, 189 and 191 Madi- su:i av 'erry Robert (boxing) 1 n Calvort ieiuhardt .Misses, (school for young ladies) 30 n Greene y ;.igueur Madame C. V. 260 n Howard tobins .Mrs. Susanna, 562 vv Fayette ogers Anna, 46 n High R. 857 (school for young ladies) 5 73 Barre Franklin Broadway Pchiia av Smart Mrs. .A Patterson av Southern Literarv Instilule,Mrs. Robbins,prin- cijial, 564 w Favette Southern Home School, 197 and 199 u Charles Steuart Hall Academy, 1028 w Baltimore St. Brid^ret School, Hudson and Canton St. Luke's Hall, 5 Waveriey terrace '' St. Luke (German and English Luth.) School, 210 Henrietta St. Jiunes' S < I — I ' — I > t— ( Q Q \—\ .^ O o o o Q o td GQ Power Press Printing, at Rpdnced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) o.S " 2 ro O > ^ ^ • '-_< ^ — > lil •_ o — — X 5 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 858 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Seeds. Bay John W. 39 s Frederick Boipiiino J. & Son, 28 s Calvert Cottiiifrliiim S. jr. & Co. 38 n Paca Cromwell k Congdon, 51 Liizht Desvaireux James, 164 n Gay Giese J. Henry, "21 Spear's wharf Griffith & Turner, 41 and 43 n Paca Halliday Robert J. cor Penna av and Dol[ihin and n w cor Baltimore and Charles Hallock E. D. 172 w Pratt Levering Thomas W. & Sons, 55 Commerce Mott Abraham G. 40 Ensor Norris Thomas & Son, 141 w Pratt Sherman William R. 3 Hollinirsworth Simpson William A. & Co. 29 Cheapside Sinclair R. & Co. 62 Lijrht Whitman E. & Sons, 145 w Pratt Phipps Joseph B. (Howe Co.) 38 n Charles Pitl William, 86 n Howard Rains C. H. (Victor) 53 n Liberty Schussler Geor«:e, 25 s Wolfe Secor Sewing Machine, H. W. Lyon, manager, 224 w Baltimore Si Is ? w J^ u 2 7; p 0 4.3 y ^» ?.) .t_3 V >• y: Sewing Maehiaes. 'Auiericaii Sewing Machine Co. Franklin Sutton, ag'-nt, n e cor Park and Lexington Aull J.icob H.(agt. Wilco.\^-Gil)bs)46Lexington Barber John G., Gilmor nr Franklin Mover W.H.(agt.Grover & Bakei ) 17 n Charles Blown H:irry. (:iL't. Howe) 12 ^ s Sharp Brown Q. C jr. (Wilson Machinf^ 33 Lexingtoa Blown William ^- Co. (agents Wilson Machine) 45 n Gay Bullock H. C, North av nr Penna av Deacon Chas.R.( Wheeler&Wilson )58Lexington Plorence Sewin_' .Machine Co. 49 n Charles \ Griffith J. Siddous (auent C'^ntennial and Mc- Lean S( Hooper's) 85 Lexington GROVER & BAKER'S »rKW i.npROVEi) THE VERY BEST IN USE. No. IT N. CHARLES STREET. ' pa)."" 10 Hollzmaii George, 28.") w Pratt Howe E. jr.,J. F. McKenney,agt, 136 w Fayette Howe Sewinjr .Machine Co.' 38 n Charles J Jones Levin T. 168 Light-st whf * Lanpher A. M. 4 e Baltimore Loudenslager John W.(adjiister)469wLorabard McAiiee John T. (agt.W.and W.) 24 n Eutavv McKenney J. F. geneial agent E. Howe jr. ma- chine, 136 w Fayette and 25 e Baltimore Oriuoud Smith's whf Wiley Alexander, iOG Light-st whf Ship Joiners. iPIarris William I). 4 1 Pliilpot :Knipe William M.. Covingion v.r Warren Lvnch Stephen, 'M')\ s Bond iMorris Ciiarles T. \ Snn, 13S Thames Morri.- Ceorge W. over 15 Covinglon jSinijison James T. 17 Philpot jWaggner Lewis n, cor Calile and Patterson " 'i-r James k Sons. (Corner's wharf, foot (jf I ;. derick-st dock, office 18 Second -g ' .:!■ II Stewart. Irt Second vrr II P ,f Co. 40 \v Pialt . >.- er k .\IcMahon. over 4;') w P.iatt Brothers (J- (.'o. over 2.') 3 Gay JosBidi 0. k Co (j s Gay ( ,l:tcol> sr. 178 Eastern av & Wilkins. 122 w Lombard ,'s Lambert k (Jo. 7 South - i.-li ^ O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. DI RECTOR Y^_ 859 Gorter G. 0. over 3 Howell block, cor Sharp and Camden Hal] W. Taylor, 9.5^ w Lombard Hamilton S. M (coal) 8 s Gay Hanghton Henry 0. 25 s (Jay Hatch, Loud & Co. over 50i5 vv Pratt Ileslin Richard M 59 s (Jav' Hodges Benj. M. jr. & Vo. over s w cor Gay ant Co. 97 South ' Prior k Von (Jollen, 14.3 w Loinbird KadclilTe George (J. 25 s Gav Raniieu Fred. 71 Smiih's whf Reed, Stickney k Co. 42 S cond :. Rollins Thornton. 4 E.xchange building Scliall Thomas B. it Co. 152 w Pralt Sehlens G. A. k (Jo. s e cor Germ m ami (J.'.'i Schumacher .■\. & (Jo. 9 s (Jhai les *- Seemiiller k Tho.ie. 55 Exchange pi l S|ience, .Montague & (Jo. 25 s (J.iy , Stirlint Co. 57 Second Vocke Claas k (Jo. 1 10 s ' 'harles Von Kajilt k .\rens. 22 German * W'aLMier k Spiik' r, 98 w Lombard Wes'Oii & Thomas Bros. lo s Hollidav Whitri(ige H. L. k Son, 58 Lxchai.-e p! - Whiirid-e Thomas .t Co. 22 B"wlv's w h irt Williams Thomas P. jr. 4 s Hollidav «- - Wright (Jlint.m .\. 58 Exchange pi Shirt Manufacturers. '_^ .\dam-^ Mrs T W. over 230 w B.iltimore ^ Be.k Mis. Mari.a E. 115 ll Ci i v BuckinL'hnn James R t'.O w Fa\etle t:^ Bvrne James K. 53 s Hutaw —^ Cohen Isaac. 311 w Baltimore « -_^ Danskin Shirt Mannfici/ Co. 170 w B.liimore-^ Fleischmann S. S 72 w Baltimore , — , Flo-ss S. W. l03 w Baliimore ^ (joldman .Samuel. 7 u Holliday (Joldsmith E..S 221 w B.iltimore ^ H irdv (_Jeori:e l) W. Ho w Billiinore U Ilartman Henrv C. 139 w BiUimore '/2 Hutchinson k Co. 3 St. Paul ^^ IreNnl (Johimbu- W. 85 n Howard — -• Irving T. J. k C •. over 1(38 w Baltim ire O Jordan k Kevser. 7 s IJberty —3 Liner Lewis & (Jo 28 1 w Baltimore Ci^ .Majee Wm. P. Go s Euiaw ^ .Meiiinnis-; (J George, (i5 w Fayette ^ .Milhken Robert H iG{ w Biliimore .Mooie .Marv ,A. 2 n Poppleton Nelson W. K. (shin cutler) 230 w Baltimore IMPORTED AND DOMKSTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 860 MutTial Life InsTirance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. H W H rt H Oi ^ » a <1 o o < W w E^ t-A O o 02 IZi 00 O n H J^ H-1 KH S i;,Cator^-Co.(dealer3)237\v Baltimore V Easter Hamilton df Sons, 201 w Baltimore \/ Gutman Joei & Co. 34 and Mi a Eutaw V Gulman Nathan, 64 Le.\inKtoii Hahnberger Henry, 157 Burgundy al Neal George H. C. 99 w Baltimoie I Silver Platers and Plated Ware. Baltimore Nickel Platin;,' Works, 15 Mercer Barrett Geo. (electro plater ) 4 McClellan Blake Charles W. 3 n Charles Burgess Caleb H. ^ John, rear 29 Park av Campbell James J. 54^ w Fayette Canfield Bro. Jf Co. 229 w Baltimore Child San)uel Jf Co. 20 n Charles Gminder Jacob, 10 s Calvert Gordon Geo. B. over 50 and 52 n HoUiday Guienot Lewis, (};old and silver) over 51 n Gay Hochhaus Charles E. 231 e Fayette Holmes Wm 50 and 52 n Hoiliday, salesrooms 3 n Charles Kirk Samuel Glass D W. & Co. 7, 9 and 1 1 s Sliarp Gregg & Peters, 2 s llolliday Giii-'genheimer & Wiel, 177 w Baltimore Kelly, Piet k Co. 174 w Baltimore Kenney Mrs. Anne (irold jiens) 63 n Calvert Kurtz T. Newton, 151 w Pratt Lucas Bros. 17o w Baltimore Magers George W. 175 Lexington Medairy .j- Bowers, 6 n Howard Millers John M. cj- Co. s w eor Baltimore and Howard Minilie Wm. A: Son, 114 w Baltimore Murphy John .j- (Jo. 182 w Baltimore Osbouin Daviii K., German e otCharle.=! Paul Jj- Lindsay, 22 Water Poumairat Charles !i. 551 w B>iltimore Pridgeon John.soii, 22 e Lombard Reed R()l>ert A. 76 n Eulaw Richardson & Brown, 7 w Baltimore Rowe E. \V 71s E.leu Schloegel Wm. 169 s Bond Shreek we>irge E. W. s w cor Aisqiiith and Monument Shulze Mrs. M. Alice, 52 vv Baltimore Slater J. R. 191 s Broadway Snyder George, 119 Cimden Stevens Charles E. 66 s Sharp Stork ij- Wright. 161 w Baltimore Thomas George R. 24 n Charles Turnbiill Bros, s n Charles Turner S. E. & Co. 3 s Charles Weishampel John F. jr. 8 under Eutaw house Williams k Spies (blank book) 114 w Baltimore Steam Forges Baltimore Steam Forge, Trego, Thompson k Co propr's, cor Canton av iind Eden Excelsior Steam ForgeWorks, George S.Dickey prop'r, Locust Point Steam and Water Heating. Bartlett, Robbins k Co. 24 Light ^ Basshor Thomas C. k Co. (low pressure steam rK heating and steam gauges) 2R Light \ -^ Erich Henry C. & Co. 77 and 79 Gough ^ Morrison L. & Co. n c cor German and Sharp ^^ Weatherby Charles, 369 w Baltiiuore i Weatherby J. & Sons (hot air) 1 1 n Liberty I Wood Wm. E. k Co. 363 w Baltimore ' Steamship and Steamboat Lines, i— i Allan Line of Steamers, A. Schumacher k Co. Baltimore and Newbern Line, Andrews A; Co pq o O 6 o o o t£l <1 < agents, 73 Smith's whf Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Co. Ligbt-st whf, Alex. Shriver, vice prest. Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) -a GQ Pi O 5.2 ^ t. 2 862 *5 .r M o o y: n o^ 02 X, OJ <» CQ t? O" Ol bX) -= ^ ■«-> — H o s (U b/D ^ 03 S C8 *^ ci ■r 0) a. a3 ^ >. "« a n ci s 5 o 3/ _ o ^ X ^- a o *r-( .^ f^ 0^ ^ < < H m P >-A O O rn r/} 00 ^ .0 O ^ H ^ » * S ver 113 Franklin Canton Tea Warehouse, C. D. Kenny, propr., s w cor Lexington and Greene EUinger & Co (American T>aCo.)153 Lexington Ely D. J. ^- Co. (cotlee)69 Exchange pi Feelemeyer <& Roberts, cor Biddle and Richmond Ford Mrs. A. 73 Hanover Fowler Jetferson, 452 and 454 w Baltimore Gillett, Martin & Co. (wholesale) 70 Exchange pi Gilliiian George F. 27 \v Baltimore ^ Great China Tea Co. 25 w Baltimore and 47 n Eutuw Great iNevv Vork Tea Co. (Cuttle & Bordley )29 w Baltimore Great New Vork Tea Co. 43 u Eutaw and n w cor Ga3' and Forrest Great Overland Tea Co. 223 n Gay Grossman Charles, 719 w Baltimore Haines ti. Newell, 367 Light Herbert George L. 194 Lexington Jetierson Robert T. 142 s Broadway Johnson Joseph G. & Bro., s w cor Baltimore and Poppleton Johnson ^- Aloale, (wholesale) 18 Commerce V Jones EzeKiel, (coffee) 58 Exchange pi Kenney Cornelius D. cor Lexington and Greene KirbyGeo.A.& Co. (coffee brokers)79 Exchange Lawson Richard F. H. 89 n Charles Levering E. {iaph, old City Hall, Uolliday nr Saratoga Franklin Telegraph Co., Kennedy Duff, presi- dent, 13l w Baltimore Gold and Stock Printing Telegraph Co., b w cor South aud Water Western Union Co.,s w cor Baltimore & Calvert Tin Plate and Metals. Fuller Wm. ^ Co. 27 and 29 Light Hecht J. & Co. 57 s Charles Horner Joshua, cor Chew and Stirling v. Keen & Hrtj;erty, 30 s Calvert ^ Opptnlieinier Reuben, 13 s Frederick Parker E. L. & Co. 83 s Charles y- ' Pope & Cole, 57 s Gay ^^ Shannon David R. & Co. 34 Lee West J. Randolph, 134 s Dallas Tin Ware and Sheet Iron Workers. Abey Wm. 344 Lexington Arscott Samuel G. M. 197 Montgomery Baltimore Coiil Tar and Manufacturing Com- pany, (cans) 33 Camden Bandel L Cook, 217 e Baltimoie Bateman Benjamin M.G. 270 Light Blackhead M. 515 Lexington Bracken John F. 57 Hillen Brooks John A. 244 Sterrett Brooks Geo.D. (cans) 142 Camden Brown Jonathan, 58 North Brown Joshua L. 477 Peiina av Child Samuel & Co. 20 n Charles Coiiklin, Willis & Co. 28 Hanover Conrad John F., Second nr Clinton Cook Porter, (cans)Bethel nr Bank Cunzeman J. A. 140 s Broadway Day Samuel G. ^ Bro. 109 n Calvert Eberle & Son, 73 Garden Ellender Chas. F. 32 Richmond Evans Mrs. John, 18 w Baltimore EwaltSaml. A. (cans) 182 Hamburg Fay Charles, 139 Bank Fischer Fredk. 14 w Lombard Fischer Wm. 132 wFayette Fitemau S. 80 n Eutaw Fitzberger Fred. 37 Park av Fornshil Nelson C , Front and Low Fuller Wm. & ('o. 27 and 29 Light Geddes James W. 67 North Geddes George H , Strieker nr Patterson av Geiger Eamuud L.H.corHoward aud Mulberry Gill Peter, 810 w Baltimore Gluck Willi.tm, 79 and 81 n Gay Gluck Wm. J. H. 96 n Gay Goetz Jolin A. G. 212 Light Gormley M. sr. & Son, 804 w Baltimore Gi ove Mrs. Frances, 60 Stockholm Hall George W. & Bro. 89 McElderry's whf Hamineu & Son, 57 s Bond Hand Thomas B. 33 e Baltimore Herrlich Charles H. 17 and 19 Second Herrlich Wm. A. 285 Druid Hill av Hesse Wm. F. n w cor East and Enaor Hetzell John G. cor Howard and Lexington Heubech George F., Fremont and Lexington Hill Juhn E. 143 e Madison Hohman William H.& Bro. 302 n Howard Hopkins F. (tin cans) 86 s Broadway Howard Joseph C. 104 Franklin Johnson J. S. & Co. 53 s Calvert Keen & Hagerty, 30 s Calvert Kerns John F. 528 Saratoga Kines & Brother, cor Williamson al and Harn- den ct Kothe Conrad, 142J w Fayette Kroner Charles F. 41 n Liberty HENRY HOEN & 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 865 LaflFerty William E. 78 Peiina av Lenderking Philip H. 233 w Pratt Letterer Georfi;e &Son, 42 e Pnitt Lippincott Jobn, (agent) Baltimore Galvanized Terne Sheet Iron Co. ) 40 e Monument MATTHAI, INGRAM & CO., Manu- facturers of Plain and Japanned Tinware, and Dealers in House Furnishing Goods, Water Coolers and Toilet Ware, a specialty, 52 n Howard. May Louis, 240 s Broadway McCah.in John 0. 72 s I'oppietou Mills Ezekiel jr. 21 Mercer Mills S. S. of E. 91 w Fayetf- Murray William, 7 Harrison Myers Audrew P. ^ Co. |8l n Eutaw Palmer Joseph T. 102 □ Bond Reip J. Henry, 143 w Fayette Reip & Son, 335 w Baltimore Reip Mrs. Margaret, 28 n Pitca Ruth Sylvester, 13, 15 and 17 Boston Schapperle Christopher, 21 e Baltimore Schlimm & Klein, 246 w Pratt Server Alhert T. 153 Ensor Shaw David & Son, 437 w Baltimore Shorey Nehemiah B., West Falls av and Pratt Sholt Philip, (cans) 72 German Shuley &Jamart, 82 Johnson Sindall John P. 233 u Central av Sindall J. \V. & J. F. 136 and 138 n Eutaw Sindall S. M. & Co. 6 and 8 w Pratt Stickler Jacob J. 2 n Wolfe Theisz C. & Son, 82 Pearl Thomas & Moore, 121 Fr.mklin White Henry E. 5 u Sharp Wilheim C. H. & Bro. 64 Penna av Wilkinson Orlaado A., cor Caroline and Hol- land Wolf & Curtis, 47 w Baltimore Youse Wm. 114 s Howard Tobacco and Cigars— Retail. Abbott Jacob, 83 Aisquith Abbott William, 355 e Baltimore Adier Mrs. Pauline, 72 s Eutaw Alexander Myer, 213 w Pratt Amelung Frederick, 7 e Monument Amos Benjamin F. 176j e Baltimore Arnd Leopold, 271 e Lombard Ashburn Benjamin S. 422 Lexington Askew Albert C. 559 Saratoga Bachmac John M. 270 n Bond Bair Edward, 89^ Camden Bald & Murrill, 445 w Fayette Bandel Audrew J. jr. 1 n Charles Bantz Theodore S. 155j w Baltimore Becker Charles R. 109 nEutjiw Becker H. & Son, 440 w Baltimore Beetley Joseph L. 522 n Gay Bell Thomas B. 155 Forrest Berg Mrs. Louisa, 57 Holland Bingle Henry, 832 w Baltimore Bixler Louis A. 102 u Howard Blake & Co. n w cor Park av and Richmond Blessing John, 241 n Gay Blessing John F. 104 w Pratt 5lum M. M. 88 Park av Blumenlhal Isaac, 48 Lee BoettigheimerJosiah.se cor German & Liberty Bowers Thomas M. n w cor Gay and Pratt Brandt Louis, 142 e Pratt Brenani.m C. H. & Co. 44 n Eutaw Brimmer John, 186 s Tharp Brinckmeyer Charles, 45 w Baltimore Bringmann Julius, 29 s Oregon Bringmann William 666 w Baltimore Briscoe (Jeorge E. 303 s Charles Brooks Samuel M. 50 w Fayette Brooks Shadrach, 139^ n Gay Brown Charles E. 9.'i s Charles Brown Cornelius sr. 269 Saratoga Brown Garry W., Front-st Theatre Brown John T. s w cor Biddle and Eutaw Buehler William & Sons, 159 Franklin Burton Joseph, 72 n Gay Byrne Robert P. 99 Druid Hill av Camejo Augustiue J. 819 w Baltimore Cancio Jos. P. 483 w Baltimore Carmody Patrick, 33 Greenmount av Chaffinch S imuel E. cor Gay and .Monument Cherry Edward, 420 w Baltimore Collars (Charles A. 135 Peiina av Crisp Joseph, 134 s Broadway Crown Marion A. 78 vv Fayette Cruse Klias T. 39 e Fayette Cruse George W. 70 Jefferson Cruse John H. 170 e Madison Cutaiar Francis, 722 w Baltimore Davis William H. 51 s Eutaw Dellevie Simuel, 48 Grauby Deinitz Henry F. 124 Light-st wharf De Wolff Benjamin, 29 n Charles Dillehunt John G cor Baltimore and Caroline CD pq o O o o ft o o p CD Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 53 Dorretl William W. Fayette and Eden Dortou Henry F. 26 Park av Uotterweich Fred., Druid Hill av and Oxford Dreves Francis, 145 w Fayette Drexel August, 59 n Gay Echmendia Mariano, 9": n Gay Ermer IL-nry, s w cor Gay arid Aisquith Farlow Hugh, 127 s Broadway Fehseufeld Diedrich, 69 e Baltimore Fehsenfeld Lewis, Elliott and Chesapeake Feldhaus A. J. 98 Light Feldhaus Fred. A . 28 e Fayette Flamm George A. 124 n GaV Frank Isaac, 162 Light-st wharf Frank John H. 22^ n Howard Franz Peter, 206 s Bond Freidel Peter, 84 Pearl FVese John F. cor Eden and Gay Frese John H. 107 e Pratt Fricke Henry, 44 Aisquith Friederich Lewis, 820 w B;iliimore Fuld Isaac, 154 n Gay Gaspari P. G. 31s Calvert Gehrmann Julius & Co. 84 n Gaj Gibson & Helm, 110 w Pratt Gifford Williani, 99 n Calvert Gill Luther G. jr. 336 w Pratt Gonder William, 167 Franklin Goodhand George W. 177 8 Charles Goodmanson John J. 325 n Eutaw Granger .Matthew J. 109 n Howard Granger Wm.H.l 17 n Howard and 95 n Charles t^ Granger Wm. H. jr. 161 w Madison 'rD Grauer Samuel, 170 w Pratt i-H Gronewell William H. 212 w Pratt J^ Hadaway William H. 28 Light-st wharf ^ o ZD P5 pq Pm CD 2^ ^^ en CD ■jr[ Z-, 00 866 1 a o o i^ ■4-> U-t c2 o -^ > "^ Ci '« VJ X OS «; i( ' ' CL> bf •— ^ ^^ o — ' a^ a: c3 * "^ ^ O 9 cS fee !f .li c3 X _ ^ ^ o * -^ -^ ^ •■-^ »— x * -t^ o c:) rj i> o JZZ ^ cc i^ fl 0) CJ *?H o • •- <5 :) OQ ^ O) ^. >- "7^ o ■<^ X Sfi 1-^ o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. &?k' 5 5.2 V 7i — ^ CD C ^- £^_^ 33 ^ H S3 ^ < iz; , o x^ ^ o i= Haneke Aufrust, 14 Park av Haig J. M. & Co. 123 w Baltimore Hamel Geortje L. 221 s Biotidway Hanna John, 132 w Baltimore Hanna William, 132 w Baltienore Hasbaijan Henry, 413 Saratotra Hennaraan John T. 195 Lexington Hennaman William E. 195 Lexington Henrix Thos. J. s w cor Baltimore and Liberty Hickman Washington, 208 e Fayette Hillegeist Oscar, 65 and 67 Elliott Hinrichs John, 96 w Pratt Holsto Arnold, 74 North Hollyday Floyd S. (cigars) 868 w Baltimore Holscher Otto (cigars) 143 w Madison Houck John T. 155 Linden av Hucht Casper, 91 J n Eutaw Hunichem August, 24 n Liberty Hynes Joseph, cor Baltimore and Greene Isaacs C. C. 36 South James Thomas (J. & R. M. 50 w Pratt Jeirentrupp John H. (cigars) 107 Cross Joesting Henry, 100 s Charles Johnson k Whining (cigars) 43 e Baltimore Johnson William H. 21 Centre Market space Johnston James, 123 n Calvert Johnston & Co. 9 St. P.iul Jones (holies H. 180 s Broadway Joynes William E. 161 e Pratt Kelly Henry W. 341 e Baltimore Ke\ worth Chas. E. cor Baltimore and Light King Orlando C. n w cor Pmtt and Broadway Kirby John W., John nr McMechin Klemm Charles H. 39 n Calvert Knipschild Aug. 17 w Baltimore Kniss William, 506 w Baltimore Koke Charles, 203 Le.Kington Kraft Bros, cor Park av and Preston Krumuj Louis P. 15 e Baltimore Kuhlman Herman, 851 w Baltimore Lambreciit Mrs. Charles, Pratt and Albemarle Lammers Henry, 18^ w Pratt Lang Henry J. 253 e Eager Lang Philip, cor Lexington and Fremont and 202 M.idison av Langeluiig August, 155 Columbia Larmer J. W. 70 s Sharp Lash John, 43 Thames Lawrie R. G. (cigars) 83 n Front Lehnhoff William, 65. » Penna av Liebman & Dellcvie, 14 e Fayette Lindenstruth Henry, 18 n Gay Lindsay ('. D. 551 w Fayette Loeh Tobias, 234 Lexington LoefiQer Edward & Bro. 567 n Gay Lotz J. Fredfi ick, cor Lombard and Hanover Maloney William, 2 Druid Hill av Mantz William H. 401 w Baltimore Marck .Mioiz J. Fred, cor Lomiiard and Hanover i-udlort' Wm. ton Cappeau Cecelia, 822 w Baltimore Carr R. H. (undertakers') 62 s Sharp Carr W. S. (undertakers') 278 n Strieker Coleman Mrs. Elizabeth A. 153 e Pratt Cowman & Co. 71 Lexington Craicr & LaPorte, (wholesale) 259 w Baltimcre Fock'e k Spilcker, 284 w Baltimore Frank A. & Sons, 257 w Baltimore Gilbert Aquilla, 98 Pearl Griffith John A. & Co. over 249 w Baltimore Grunebaum lJ- Archer, 20 German t Gutman Joel k Co. 34 and 36 n Eutaw Gutman Nathan, 64 Lexington Hecht M. k Co. 43 German Hersey ^ Co.(shoe trimminKs)341 w Baltimore Holtzman Mrs. C. ^ Elizabeth, 266 Penna av Jordan Mrs. C. C. 412 n Gay Latz Mrs. Sarah, 555 w Baltimore Loftus Misses, 136 Lexini^ton Lohmeyer Win. H. 81 Hanover Lovefjrove & Sister, 201 n Eutaw Lutz .Mrs. Rosanna, 325 Saratoga McDowell James T. 86 Pearl McLaughlin Mrs. Ellen, 103 Hillen Meyers Mrs. Anna, 556j w Baltimore Moffitt Louisa M. 367 u Gay Moriarty Mrs. A. (dress) 44 w Eager Munder Theophilus, (trimrningmkr) 81 Lex- ington O'Leary k Rutledge, cor "Pleasant and Charles Paul Agnes, 212 n Entaw PedingMrs. Mary, 437 Lexington Reed -Mary E. Sf Rebecca C. 861 w Baltimore Rice John T. 150 Lexington Ringgold Mrs. Jane F. 79 n Broadway Rint;gold John P. 175 w Baltimore and 39 n Charles Ringgold William H. 191 w Baltimore Rohr Charles, 70 Lexington Sauler William, (plated coffin) 252 w Pratt Scott Mrs. M. 308 Franklin Schuliz k Co. (undertakers') 60 e Baltimore Small William H. Co. 223 w Baltimore Spencer E. N. 69 Lexington Spencer John M. 478 w Baltimore Stansbury Catherine, 4 3 Poppleton Thompson .Mrs. Margaret, '.'n n Scliroeder Thompson Mrs. Martha, 62 lireenraonnt av Trihle John E. 34 n Charles and 59 Lexington Wamsley & Nedvvell, 79 n Charles Weil Herman, 120 Lexington W^eil Isabel, 54 Lexington Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. Coleman John, 3 w Fayette Day Alfred G. 421 w Baltimore Day & Jones, 336 w Baliimore Farqu liaison F. L. 62 w Fayette Hunt Samuel & Son, 202 w Baltimore Jar vis Jedediah, 313 w Lombard Kaufman John T. 132 n Gay Kinningham James H. 40 n Calvert Langlotz G. G. 181 w Baltimore G. G-. LANGLOTZ, MANtrPACTtTRER OP Schoolboys' Knapsacks, Schoolgirls' Carpet Bags, Toy Trunks ©/' every Descripti&n^ Sample Trnnks made to order. FACTORY, 7 N. SHARP ST., SALESROOMS, No. 181 W. BALTIMORE ST., Adjoining Carbollton Uotel. ORDERS PR OMP TLT A T TENDED TO. AGENT FOR GEO. P. STEINBACH. Lawson Robert k Co. 277 w Baltimore *^ Leeser Louis A. 54 n Eutaw Lion Elkin, 282 w Pratt Maoee S. C. 58 Saratoga McGee John, cor Baltimore and Calvert, and 14 n Howard Meyer Herman, s e cor Baltimore and Charles Monumental Trunk Factory, Elkin Lion, agent, 282 w Pratt Richards Wm. H.J. 352 w Baltimore Snead ij- Burns, 397 and 399 w Baltimore Tuerke Geo. & Son, (leather bags)219 Eastern av Zeul Com ad, 3 and 5 8 Sharp Turners. Anderfuhren Louis A. (toys) 5 Swan Bohn H. 5 Swan Ehrman & Bersch, 210 s Howard Frazier Joseph B. sr. cor Bond and Aliceanna Harrington & Co. cor Pratt and Fremont Huber Anthony, 736 w Baltimore Kronmiller George, (ivory) 49 n Gay Kuebler Fred. L. (wood) 75 n Pine Liller Fred, (ivory) 470 w Baltimore May Jas. A. (scroll sawyer) Park av and Lex- ington Murley John J. 39 Wolfe n of Madison Short John H., Uhler's al nr Charles Storck Adolph & Sob, 77 e Monument Thomas Joseph & Son. Leadenjiall near Mont- gomery, office 32 Park av j Wilson John W. k Son, Eutaw and Gross HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. J Largest Life Ins. Co. i" the World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. BUSINESS directory" 809 Type Founders. Lucas Fieldiiicr II. 7 Bank la ' Ryaii& Rickelts.ovof s vv cor(iennaii and South Umbrella and Parasol Manufactu- rers and Repairers. Aliriii}^ Cas[)(_'i- 11. 171 s Caidiiue Bauchart Simon W . 75 n l^utaw Beck Mrs. Ji.-annctH', 1-17 w ISaltiinure Beelilt-r Mrs. Francis i^i; Sou, 23.') w Haltiniore Botey Julien, 177 w Pratt Buxbauui Mrs. Caroline, 'M a Fuinileton Deiliii .\tii:ust. til ami GS n Ivataw Derliii C'liarhs, I15 Sarato;:a Harris G(orj;e .M. .'3 t- Baltimore Hvines Kmauuel, 32 iinsor Kateukanip Uiftrick & Sou. 6G u Howard Kaufmauu Solomon, 208 s Eiitaw Killm.ver Jacob, .37 .\hliott Kuiiu diaries F. Iti s Sli!ir|) Kulm .Mrs. Johanna, 2K SaratOL'a Millikin James H. & Sous, 267 w Baltimore Pool George T. 54o \v Baltimore Schlitt John .M. 244 e Baltimore Wright Bros. & Co. 11 German nr Hanover Undertakers. Baker Henry, 38 Holland Beyer Louis, 78 s Broadway Blackistou & Son, 6ot5 w Baltimore Blizzard C. H. cor Ettinyr and Lanvale Bruniu}: Geor(i:e, 12o York Byrni' James P. t>3 n Front Byrne Joseph F. 59 u Liberty Carr R. H. (lriiU'uint.'S) 62 s Sharp Chalmers James J. 262 Penna av Cook Joseph B. 707 w Baltimore Daijrer .M. A. 74 s Broadway Fry William, .54 n Broadway Fry William .S. 54 n Broadway Gihmeyer Henry, 383Canton av and 17 Fountain Heruld Charles F. 161 H mover Hickman VVilliani H. 234 n Gay Hujihes ij" Denuey, 6.5 s Broadway Hughes William S. 10.5 e Fayette Jenkins Henry W. &. .Son. 16 Light Lancaster John I). 30 e Pratt Leonard William M. 782 w Baltimore Loane -Aufj- -M. 361 n Gay Loane Joseph, 568 w Baltimore McCoull John and Kdward, 131 Saratofja Mears Henry W. 64 n Gay Ponder Geo. W. & Sob, 520 w Baltimore Rodeniuayer (jcor^e C. 38 Ensor Rodenmayer Jno J.,Greenmount av and Forrest Sauter Wra, (plated trimmings ) 252 w Pratt Schultz & Co. (iriinmiags) 60 e Baltimore Shilling George, cor .Monument and .-Visqnith Spence George W. 206 Forrest Stockhausen Fmil, 345 Light Straus M.L.(fe Co. (coffin factory )412wBa!limore Troll Frederick N. 90 s Howard Watts Jatnes J. 348 Harford av Weaver Jacob, 4 Druid Hill av Weaver John H. 22 \v Fayette Weaver John W. 129 n Paca Weaver William, 206 n Eutaw Weideraeyer Adam, 520 w Baltimore Upholsterers. Bosson James W . jr. over 1 n Gay C.iriienter John, 2T(t w i'raii Craft & Rossello, over 261 w iJalJmoie Crook .t (•(). 2S Park av (uiliilh William 11. l.f n Gay Hancock John T. 26 Brujic llerriiii; (I. 4:{ n Howard Ilotfinaii CharlfS F ■js7 n Howard Holland Willi. im, 72 n Howard llynson lienj. T. k Son<. 54 n lluward Kugler Tlioma-;. 94 n llow.inl Lang Jerome, 9l.'i w Baltimore [..iudenberg Fred. 105 n Calvt-rt Louis John G. 157 w LomiiaMi .McCollum Ferman A. 1 6-1 n iMitaw .MctJee Abel. 230 LcKiiigiou .McCilaiinan Francis. I. 404 w Ballimore .MiilliM- H. K. 102 Lexington .Murphy. Wirts & Co. 456 n Krcmont Noi dhoti" Chi istian. 5o2 w Baltimore Pollack Uriah A. 96 n Howard Raecke Frederick, 68 Park av Siegert Jacob, 28 n Gav Silk Will. H. and Geo.'c. 12 McClellan and n Howard Smith Asa 11. & Son, 913 w Baltimore Souiinerlock John F. 368 Saratoga Si)eights Thomas J. 241 e Baltimore Taylor George & Co. (upholstering goods) ri Charles Taylor H. Harrison, 26o Le.xiugtou Valiant & Co. I80 n Eiiiaw Walker Joseidi, 180 n Kiitaw Variety. Ady James, 151! s Sharp .Ahrendt Charlotte. 215 Bank Bradford Joanna, 6:i n Eutaw JJurger Henry, 206 s Broadway Coleman Eugene 1). 12 w Pratt Kennedy -Mrs. M. .M. 91 Lexington Newman Edward W. 52 n Schroeder Bi-ckitt (Miarles jr. 510 w Baltimore Uiebel Nicholas, 56 n Eden Kubin Bernliard, 513 w Baltimore Schmiuke Mrs. Ann, 395 w Baltimore Stumpf .Mrs. Catherine, 15o Druid Hill av Taylor Hezekiah, 787 w Baltimore U|i[)erciie Mrs. Rosanna, 139 Pcniia av Waltjen .Mrs. Christina, 172 Orleans W'altz Hester A. 741 w Baltimore Voe .Mrs. Dorothea, 9:5 Penna av Veterinary Surgeons. Barron John, 97 Walsh Barron Thomas F. 97 Walsh Barion Thomas F. jr. 97 Walsh Biggs Thomiis, 47 n Paca Fawns C'harles, cor P. irk av and Tyson ul Frank .Michael, 97 s Paca Linthicum Charles G. 116 s Paca .M icDonald James, 54 n Exeter .McGee I'atrick, 122 Ensor .Miller Jacob, 120 e Eager Moore Wm. H. 75^8 Cliedter Pirie Wm. 27 s Schroeder Thorn John, U5 Elliott pq o O •'O O W a I— ( H ~ ^ Vohden Siimnel, rear .S74 Sara toga "t.^^ rn Weidner John A. 128 Columbia M)-:^ ^ Vinegar Makers. j^" c '^ Bohlman & Carl, 63 s Gay ^ ^ S Kliuer Lewis & Sons, 1 and 2 0' o C "5 ■ tj- Sons, 1 and 2 O'Donnell's whf ^ Feniieman J. T. 91T w Brtltimore tjj Kuhl Frank, Belair av nr Baltimore county C Latz Aufrnstus, 2G3 n Bond 5 Lutz George, n e cor Moslier and Penna av "o Scliauin Lewis G. 2H5 Li;:ht '^:l Wittich Ferdinand, (and mustard) 59^ s High D SI O « ' O) " ~ '::^'^ Watches and Jewelry. [See Jewelry ) Akers Edward, 126 Hanover Bein Charles, S4 Le.Ninn, 172 w Baltimore ^ ^ Lani;e Fred. W. 20 n Gay o .5 >^ Larmour & Co. 195 w Baltimore 'r" CC 'TI Lemkuhl Charles, 419 w Baltimore 1^,^:5 Lemkuhl Louis, 927 w Baltimore 2j r^ Leopold Lt-wis ir. 26 I^lovd S "^ - L,evi M. & Brother, 141 Liglit-st whf e j^ -^ Lissauer & Co. (wholes, and materials) 160 w V C Baltimore •i ^ ■" Lyon Reuben, 70 w Baltimore ^ *J ^ May Wm. (watches and watch materials) 125 5 ti *^' Fayette 5 c i^ iMeKintluim Willi im, 27 n Charles ^ SI ifi, .Mealy Jolm W. 123 Lexington v^ ):P vj- Messer & Bio. over 1 n Calvert ^ S c' .Mills Job, 138 w Pratt "2 ~ 'x Niekliis John, 393 w Baltimore JS "Xi ".S Ustendorf John A. 120 Saratoga 33 Overbei^k Charles, 28 w Baltimore > Pepar Charles H 814 sv Biltimore ^ Plummer John F. 83 n Gay Ra[>in Mrs. So()hia D. 169 e Baltimore !_" Ricpe J. H. 282 w Bnltimore Rodberg S'.mou I 190 w Baltimore Rosenthal Wm. 20 Ger(nan eof Charles ■?1 35 Sadtler & Son, 212 w Baltimore S'lville James H. 51 n Gay Schaumloeffel W. 219 Park av Sewell Henry, 182 w Diddle S[)ear .Alexander L 47 w Baltimore Siunz & Bio. 508 w Baltimore Thoss Julius, I>exington and Calvert Utermohle August jr. 160 e Baltimcn-e Vaughn Oliver H. 50 Park av Webb Geo.W.A Co. se cor Baltimore and Ligbl Werner Otto, 45 n Gay Wynn Christopher, 228 w Pratt Watch Case Makers. Dunkerly George L 93 w Baltimore Jeanneret L P. 83 n Charles May William, 125 w Fayette Van Tromp Johu, cor German and Wine al Weather Strips- Arnold Richard H. 125 Mulberry Franklin Benjamin, 1 n Sharp Paine John A, 7 n Sharp Weighers. Carey & FosJer, n e cor Frederick and Lo^mbard Dorsey Samuel W. 67 s Gay Eichelberger Samuel E 5 S()ear's whf Heine Bernhard, 15 s Washington Merceret I^ouis, 79 Smith's whf Plummer Edgar, (State) 3 Wood Prince William A. over 63 s Gay Reid Richard C. over 12 Commerce Rhett All)ert. 38 w Lombard State Grain Weigher, office 3 Wood Watkius Wm. H. 54 s Gay Whips and Canes. Beehler Mrs. Bell cf- Saul, Francis & Son, 235 w Baltimore over 300 w Baltimore KATENKAMP DEIDERICH & SON", Whip, Cane and Umbrella Manufacturers, 66 n Howard Millikin James H. k Sons, 267 w Baltimore Wig Makers. Haney J. 35 n Charles Qiiandt Charle-, 40 n Greene Schellenberger George, 139 e Baltimore Wire Workers. SOUTHCOMB & BRO. I^mi WORKiiS, 192 E. BALTIMOEE ST. NKAR Sl'RINU, Slanufactnrers of Plain and Fancy Flower Bas-kets, Stands, Wire Screens for Windows*, &c.. Floral k.\. Designs of cverj' DescriptioJi /> cc: S -12 <»■ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. I Dividend every Year, O JB\^Bresee, General Agt. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Balderstoa Hugh and Son, 66 s Calvert Bauer Jobn A. (wire cloth) 60 s Ciiivert Dut'ur ^ Baltimore .Marine Ob.servatory, e end of .Mont- ^ gomer,\ , Federal Hill "^ Bolles Je^se N. (artesian well borer) office *i' -^ Denmead k Son's Claus Charles C. fcalliiirapher) 19 e Lombard r^j Clayton James E. (miner and miue;al lands) over 12 South ^- Clavton S. S. (mineral lands) over 12 South ^ Cord John T (die and model m;.ker)208 s Sharp j^ Coyle John k Bros, (ujarbelized shite mantels) Pratt and Fremont kT Didier Eugene L. (stenographer) 56 Geor<.'e ^ Dudley .M . .M. k Co. (marineob.^ervatory )Fed- P^ erarHill ^ and 18 .Second <^ Hussell George W. (agent Duryea's starch) 101 ■ w Lonibar.l p£J Jaques WiUi^un H. (trusses and bandages) 92^ w Baltimore (~\ Jean Wm. F. D. (drug mill) 118 w Loml)ard :__, Jones .Mrs. Deborah II. (reuewer of crapes and ^ laces) 367 Park av Laflin k Rand Powder Co. 262 w Pratt ^ Leef Bros, (flavoring extracts and essences) 54 *.fj n Paca ^ Levering, Walker k Co. (jobbers of coffee and -^ inolasses) 3 Commerce t^ — ^ k 4 < 872 W Eh CO <1 O O p OQ o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. busTness directory. Lorentz & Rittler (chemical acids) cor Leaden- hall and West, office 80 South Macncal J. B. & Co. (grease, oils and alcohol) 34 s Calvert Martens Herman C. (moulders and plasterers' tools) 3 Second Monumental HydraulicCotton Press.Union dock Neily J. VV. &"Co. (oarmakers) 115 Thames Norris Richard jr. (concrete stoue) 57 Second Pickett John H. (flint, glass and emerj- papers) 50 North Popplein G. & N. jr. (color works, flint and emery paper) 35 ilanover Riefle Geo F.(manuf. colors) 172 Light-st whf Ross Alfred (croquet needles) 38 Laurel Sack Christian D. (solder) 63 German Sinsz Philip (glaziers and lithographers' dia- monds) over s w cor Pratt and Hanover Smith Amor & Sons (animal matter and crack- ling) Fort av at B. & 0. R. R., Locust Point, box 38 P. 0. Smith, Peirsou & West(detecUves)47 w Fayette Swift & Courtney & Beecher Co. (match manu- facturers) 55 s Culvert and 55 Cheapside Travers Thos. J. & Bro. (ballast) foot of Hughes Turner & Day (handle facl'y ; Boston nr Elliott Tyson Philip P. (geologist) 170 Linden av Dnger Peter (linguist) 21 Barnet Union Karth Closet Co. 22 e Eager Wagner John (shoemakers' ink) 160 Stirling Waters Frank S. agent Wilson Packing Co. 7 s Holliday Webb A. L. Jf Son (agents Dupont's powder) cor Pratt and Commerce West C. & Sons (alcohol) 113 and 115 w Lom- bard Wilkinson John (rural architect and landscape gardener) n w cor Baltimore and Charles Winkel Mrs. Amelia (coj^tumer) 313 vv Pratt Wolf EruL-st A. (glass cutter) 296 Franklin Workshop and Salesroom of the Blind, F. D. Morrison, director, 86 n Howard Yeakle Jas. B. manager Gold and Stock Print- ing Telegraph Gu. s w car Water and Sou,th O o HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agent, 15 South St. "n^ooDS's INCLUDING STREETS, AVENUES, LANES, ALLEYS, (COURTS. WHARVES, &c. IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. o O ABREVIATIONS, o o AL— Alley AV — Avenue CT— Court ; —East , A — Lane N —North ABBOT— E from Schroeder, N of Baltimore ABBOT— Bond to Broadway. N of Chew ABE] —from Hamburg S to ('ros3, K of Liu'ht ABEY AL — from Hamburg to VV'illiamson al, E of Charles ABRAHAM— from Harfonl -av X of Monument ADAMS — uow Harlem av ADDLSUN— from High N of Hilifii ADDISON A L— from Freiierick av W of Fulton yET.VA LA— W from 52 Hanisou AISQUITH— X from 118 E Baltimore Left. Riijht. Baltimore 2 1 Fayette 8 Cornel Jackson Holland Douglass Mullikin Orleans Thom.sen Jefferson Low McElderrj Ell ward Gay Monument Madison Chew Ea^er Stirling Chase Harford av Biddle John Huffman To Xorth av &.ISQUITH CT— from Aisquith rear of Jackson 46 78 96 130 150 26G 200 240 298 324 344 384 11 23 49 55 83 123 137 143 177 217 257 307 329 333 PL— Place S- South SP — Space SQ — Sriuare W— West WIIF— Wharf ALBEMARLE— S from 11 Plowman ALBFRT AL— from Neighbor ALLl'^X — S from Beason, E of Burroiigli ALLEX AL— E from 48 Exeter ALK'EAXXA— from East Falls av, ri of Can- ton av Left. Right. East Falls av President Albemarle Exeter Central av Eden SfiriiiL' 141 Caroline 170 177 D:llas 182 195 Bond 198 215 Bethel 212 225 Broadway 228 243 Regester' 254 265 Ann 2G8 275 Durham 284 293 Wolfe 302 325 Washington 318 Castle 323 Chester To E ist av ALLUVION — E from Hidirely.S of Ostend AMFTV (N) — from 702 w Baltimore A.MITV (S)— from fJ79 w Baltimore ANDERSdN CT— E from '15 Forrest ANDRK— S from Nicholson, E of Towson ANGLE AL—(fornnTly Point la) N W from Broadway, N of Eager ANN ( N )— N from 332 E Baltimore to North av ANN (Sj- from 343 E Bdlimore Left. Right. 2 1 Baltimore 36 23 Lombard Q O o o S r— ( 'J2 o o < O Power Press Printing, ut Redu(;ei] Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building ) - o ? S-J 874 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. STREET DIRECTORY. Left. Right 64 61 122 115 160 141 182 167 224 205 240 229 282 263 292 269 o ce <•>» — 53 -t; . .- >,^ p OJ o O •-'=< — -u Pratt Gough B>ink Eastern av Canton ar Aliceanria Lancaster Thiiraes ANTHONY— fnim Eden to Caroline S of Eager ANTHONY CT— E of Central av ARBEL AL(novv Hillium )— S fiotu Chew betw Harford av and McKiin ARCADE AL— W from 48 n Eutaw ARCH — from 464 W Baltimore ARCHER— from Columbia W of Scott ARGYLE AV (formerly Walsh) N from 260 W Biddle ARLINGTON AV, formerly Oregon, (N) from 515 Lexington Left. 2 62 Right. 3 77 c .:r; s 2 ^ > ■V -^ > •^ > ^, ^o 1. o a; :^ 0) S >! Lexineton Siuatoga iMulherry Franklin Harlem av Lanvale 162 171 Townsend Mosher To Fremont ARLINGTON AV (S)-Snom 739 w Baltimore ARLINGTON PLACE— Lanvale betw Oregon and Fremont ARMISTEAD LA— from Johnson to Light S of York ARMORY PLACE— S side of Richmond Market from Howard to Garden ARTESIAN, WATERING and BALLAST WHARF— foot of Hughes ATLANTIC WHF— foot of Patapsco, Canton BACK LA— from S Charles S of West BAKER — from Nortli av going West BAKER LA— from N Calhoun N of Gold BAKER CT— from Rock BALTIMORE (W)— West from Jones Falls Left. Right. 1 2 Jones Falls 25 Centre Market sp 22 Harrison 41 52 Frederick 61 70 Gav 81 Postoffice av 101 104 Holliday 115 South 120 North 153 152 Calvert 169 Grant 187 Light 188 St. Paul 229 230 Chirles 263 HauiU'T 284 McClellan 293 294 Sharp 301 302 Liberty 327 328 Ho^v.ird 363 356 Eulaw 391 382 Paca 425 422 Greene 442 Pearl Left. Right 464 Arch 505 512 Pine 559 572 Fremont 639 Calendar al 657 680 Poppleton 679 704 Amity 705 724 Schroeder 739 774 Oregon , 783 808 Republican /i 827 826 Carey 859 828 Callionn 905 868 Strieker 941 906 (xilmor 955 948 Mount 979 986 Fulton To Calverton road BALTIMORE, ( i))— E from Jones Falls Left. Right. 2 1 Jones Falls 14 15 Front 42 45 High 54 Temple 60 73 Exeter 86 East 101 Lloyd 118 Aisquith 154 159 Central ay 164 179 Eden 186 201 Spring 206 223 Caroline 220 237 Dallas 242 253 Bond 266 273 Bethel 288 299 Broadway 314 323 Ri'gester 324 341 Ann 364 Wolfe 371 Chapel 376 Washington 438 457 Chester 472 475 Choptank 505 Paterson Park av To East av BALDERSTON- -from Grant to Charles S of Lonib ird BANK— E from 92 S Fxeter Left. Right. 2 1 Exeter 25 ^ Central av 18 33 Eden 40 55 Spring 63 Caroline 68 79 Dallas 72 85 Bond 82 Bethel 101 Broadway 110 119 Recrester 139 Ann 148 155 Durham 166 167 Wolfe 186 185 Chapel 206 109 Washington 233 229 Castle 264 255 Chester Cho(itank Patirson Park av To East av BANK LA— W from 8 N Calvert BANKARD AL- -E from Fremont betw Cohrn- bia and HfVW BARCLAY, LITTLE— from Truxton C3 J -J HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. STREET DIRECTORY. 875 2 1 34 35 48 57 82 71 108 93 110 113 132 129 182 181 236 237 BARNES— from Bond to Broadway S of Eager BARNET— W from 52 N Charles BARNEY— E from Spring Gardens S of Heath BARRANGER CT— VV from 51 N Pine BARRE— W from 154 Light-st whf Left. Right. Light-st whf Charles Hiinover Sharp Howard Eutaw L Greene Warner Fremont BARTLETT AL— from Chesnut BARTLETT— S from 37o w Lombard BARTON— N from Jail wall to Eager BATTERY AV (formerly Lincoln) S fiom 99 Cross BAY'ARD — from James S of Wooster BAYER AL— from 392 Canton av N to East- ern av BEALE CT— from 188 Orleans BEAMS LA— from Frtnklin W of Poppleton BEASON— E f!Om Ludlow S of Cuba BEAUFORT— VV from 42 N Cilvert BECK LA — from Frederick av nr Wiikens BEDFORD A L— from Camden W of Charles BELAIR A V— from Central av N of Monument BELL AL— from Diivis S of Centre BELL AL— W from 277 s Dallas BELT'S WHARF— Fell S of Thames BELVIDERE— N from w Biddle to Green- monnt av BENJAMIN— N from Beason E of Prosser BENTALOU— S from Hollins W of Smallwood BENNETT— S from 129 Hudson BETHANY LA— E from 40 N Calhoun BETHEL, (N)— N fiom 266 E Baltimore Left. Right. 1 Baltimore Hanip.-ilead Fayette Mullikin Oileans Jetffrson Walker McElderry Monument Milliiuan Madison BETHEL, (S)— Sfrom27! E Baltimore Left. Right. Baltimore Lorn bard Pratt Gongh Bank Eijitern av ('anton av Aliceanna La n easier Sliakspear BETHEU CT— from Saratoga W of Gay BEVAN — from 8() Henrieila BIDDLE, ( W )— W from Jones Falls N of Chase Left. Right. Jones Falls Belvidere Hunter al Calvert 71 97 107 108 147 144 143 186 2 1 50 27 64 61 112 129 128 161 158 169 184 189 208 221 226 249 St. Paul Morton al Maryland av Cathedral 1 Foster 23 Park av 55 Bolton 87 Linden av 115 Eutaw 135 Morris al 138 143 Madison 153 McCulloh 172 Little Monument 182 183 Druid Hill av 190 Elder al 234 Tessier 251 Biddle al 242 261 Pennsylvania av " 285 Walsh 272 295 George 240 237 249 2G5 262 293 268 317 BIDDLE ( E)— E from Jones Falls N of Chase Left. Right. Jones Falls Constitution Gretnmount av McKim Valley Ensor Harford av Aisquiih Somerset Central av Eden Caroline Dallas To East av BIDDLE AL— from Biddle E of Penna av BIDDLE CT— from Biddle w of Penna av BINNEY n from Denmead's wharf to Hudson, E of Patapsco BIRCKHEAD— W from Liudit S of Gittings BIRCKHEAD (T—E from Sharp N of Lex- ington BLOCK— from 212 West Falls av to Thames BLOODGOOD CT— from Front N of Fayette BLOOM--from Cai t-v n of Presstraan BLOOMINGDALE ROAD— from Frederick av to Windsor mill road BLOOMSBERRY— E from Light S of Heath BOLTON— fiom 53 w Biddle BOLTON AL — from Townsend e of Penna av BOND ST. CT— rear 110 Mullikin E from Bond BOND (N) N from 240 e Baltimure ft. Right Baltimore Hampstead Fa\ et'e Mullikin Orleans Jefferson Walter McElderry Monument Milliman .Madison Willow Cliew Abbot Barnes EagiT Gay To North av L,ft. Righ 2 I 30 66 63 100 110 87 134 113 133 166 211 200 208 228 217 237 257 o3 o Q O O '^ P O O ^ ^ ZQ zn t— I P5 < P4 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 876 MTitiial Life Insurance Co« of New York. STREET DIRKOTORY. P^ w (i^ H H W 7', W ;>^ O < < CD a tij h-i H dd O ^ w. ^ on o o t— 1 g <1 w ^* od BOND, (S)— S from 251 E Baltimore Left. Right. 2 I Ballimore 38 45 Lombard 82 77 Pratt 140 125 Goiitrh 180 157 Bank 216 197 Kastern av 242 231 Canton av^ 266 265 Aliceanna 302 301 Lancaster 359 Thames to Callander al, S of BOOTH— from Oregon Baltimore BOSTON STEAMSHIP WHARF— foot of Mc- Elderry's wharf BOSTON— S E from Chester to East ay Left. Right. 5 49 67 83 109 20 193 217 O Oo ^« f^ t— I o< ?^ '5 02 K O o Chester Witulsor Gwynn Leak in Concord Burke Hudson O'Donnell Clieapside Patuxeiit lo East av BOULDIN AL — from Lanvale, between Penn- svlraniaav and Division BOUNTY LA— E from Spring, S of Baltimore BOWLY— from McEldeirv's wharf, S of Pratt BOWLY'S WHARF— S from 71 W Pratt, and east to South BOYD— from Fremont, S of Hollins BOYER — E from 7 Choptank to Patterson Park av BOYLE— S from Clemeut, E of Webster BRADKNBAUGH AL— from Saratoga, W of Gay BRA DFORD AL— from To wnsend, E of Hospital BRADFORD AL— (Canton)— from 449 Can- ton av BRADWICK CT— from Foundry, W of North BRANNAN CT— from L. Hughes, between Light and Charles BREWER A L— from 73 W Hoffman BROAD AL— from 77 E Lombard BROADWAY CT— E from Bethel, S of Balti- more BROADWAY. (N)— N from 286 E Baltimore Left. Right. Baltimore Jackson Square av Fayette Mullikin Orleans Jetferson McElderry Monument Madison Chew Eager Gay To North av BROADWAY (S)— S from 297 E Baltimore 2 1 34 27 56 63 64 83 84 99 116 133 180 206 Lc/t. 2 24 54 96 Right. 1 Baltimore 37 L(iml)ard 63 Pralt 103 Gough Left. Bight. 114 129 Bank 148 149 Eastern av 184 179 Canton av 220 207 Aliceanna 229 Shakspear 258J 239 Lancaster 272 153 Thames BROADWAY, LITTLE— from Lombard, E of Broadway BROWN — from Charles-st av, NofDenmead BROWN— N of Frederick road,W of citv limits BROWN AL— N from 8 Low BROWN LA— from Charles, S of Cross BROVVN'S WHARF— from 57 Thames BRUCE— N from Baltimore, W of Mount BRUNE— from 327 Franklin BRYAN CT— from L. Hughes, W of Light BUCHANAN'S WHARF— from 37 w Pratt BUREN— N from Front, N of Centre BURGUNDY AL— W f.om 10 L. Paca BURKE— N and S from Baltimore, E of Patter- son Park av BURROUGH— S from Fort av, E of railroad BUSH— from James, S of Bayard BUTCHER ROW— Penna av extended BUTLEK— N from 254 Montgomery BUTLER AL— S from Montgnmerv.E of Sharp BYRD— S from Randall, E of Johnson CABLE— from Spear's whf to Commerce, S of Pratt CALHOUN (N) — N from 858 W Baltimore CALHOUN ,(S)- —S from 859 W Baltimore CALHOUN AL- -from Pratt, W of Light-street wharf CALHOUN CT- -W from Calhoun, N of Lex- iiigton CALLENDAR AL— from 639 W Baltimore to Pratt CALVERT, (N)- -N from 150 W Baltimore Left. Right. 2 3 Baltimore 12 13 Fayette 27 27 Lexington 59 Saratoga 82 81 Pleasant 92 Mulberry 103 Foundry 126 Franklin 170 131 Centre 101 Monument 192 193 Madison 214 Read 250 249 Eager CALVERT, (S)- -S from 149 W Baltimore Left. Right. 1 4 Baltimors 19 20 German 26 Mercer 37 30 Water 45 44 Lombard 63 72 Pratt CALVERT AL— rear of 76 Harford av CALVERTON MILLS— near Old Almshouse CALVERTON ROAD— from Frederick av CAMBRIDGE— S E from Canton av HENRY HOEN & CO.. Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office A-venue, Largest Life Ins. Co. intlie World, O. F. Bresee, Gen. Agt. ~ STREET DIRECTORY. 877 CAMDEN— W from Light-st wharf Left. Right. 2 1 Light-st wharf 13 27 Charles 42 37 Hanover 78 75 Sharp 102 101 Howard 125 Eutaw 150 147 Paca CAMDEN AL— from Linden av, N of Biddle CAMDEN LA— from Ciimden, E of Sharp CAMEL AL—W from Cathedral CAMP AV— W from York road, N of North av CANBY ^LACE — Lexington from Carey to Calhoun CANNON- -Nand S from Baltiraore,E of Burke CANTON- — N and S from Baltimore, E of Potomac CANTON AV— 5 from Jones Falls Left. Riffht. 2 East Falls av President 11 Albemarle Exeter Central av 150 Eden 168 Spring 184 141 Caroline 196 201 Dallas 208 209 Bond 228 229 Bethel 246 251 Broadway 264 263 Regester 288 291 Ann 300 311 Durham 316 325 Wolfe 332 345 Chapel 346 365 Washington 356 393 Castle 380 411 Chester Cambridge 414 Choptank 421 Essex 464 439 Patterson Park av 507 Burke 523 Port 547 Cannon To East av CAREY ( N)_N from 826 W Baltimore CAREY (Sj— S from 827 W Baltimore CARLTON— N from 539 W Fayette and S from Baltimore CAROLLNE (N) — N from 240 E Baltimore Left. Right. o 1 Baltimore 18 19 Hampstead 55 Fayette 50 Holland 80 79 MuUikin 98 93 Orleans 124 125 Jefferson 164 149 McElderry 210 Monument 177 Milliman 228 185 Madison 254 213 Chew Gay 242 Anthony 249 Eager 290 289 Chase 312 311 Biddle To North av CAROLINE (S)— S from 221 E Baltimore Left. 4 36 66 130 174 208 256 292 258 Right. 1 23 51 103 131 165 195 225 Baltimore Lombard Pratt Gou-h Bank Eastern av Canton av Aliceanna Lancaster Thames GQ o .§ CAROLINE AL— from Caroline S of Baltimore CAROLINE CT— from Eden al W of Caroline CARROLL— S from Cross, W of Nanticoke CARROLLTON AV(N) (formerly Republican) — N from 806 w Baltimore Left. I 5 19 27 101 149 Right. 2 4 20 48 O O d O O o Baltimore Raborg Favette Lexington Saratoga Mulberry Franklin Edmondson av 110 Harlem av Lanvale Townsend • Mosher ^ To Cathedral Cemetery ^ CARROLLTON A V (S)—S from 783 w Balti- - more - W CARSON CT— from 192 West CASTLE— N and S from Baltimore E of Wash ington CATHEDRAL— N from Mulberry Left. Right. 2 Mulberry Franklin 18 3 Hamilton 34 15 Centre 50 71 Monument 68 77 Madison 86 Richmond 89 Read 102 Tyson 61 Eager 148 Tyson 111 Chuse Howard 198 141 Biddle 147 John Preston 221 Hoffman 327 Oliver Dolphin 368 Federal Lanrale Townsend To North ar CATHEDRAL AL— from Charles S of Franklin CECIL— from 144 Lee CEDAR AV— from Hoffman E of Penna av CEMKTERY AV— E from 292 n Bond CEMETERY LA— W from Monroe, N from Frederick CENTRAL AL— from Fayette W of Howard Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) P^ Dm CZ2 CQ PQ Ph "Q OQ P^ H H I— t < H C3Q GQ H m I — I m < 878 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. STREET DIRECTORY. . OS w 11 O" DOBSON CT— Sfrom 1.^9 German O 2 i-H DOLPHIN— W from Cathedral, N of Hoffman ^Sg - - - - g DONNELLY CT— north from 170 Front, N of O O P Lefi. Right Cathedral 82 John 127 118 Park av 143 136 Bolton 151 Linden av 1G7 Eutaw Madison av 181 146 McCulloh 183 Druid Hill av 197 152 Etting 209 164 Division Penna av Walsh Myrtle av To Fremont DONNEL'S WHF —foot of Fell, W side DONNELLY CT- -E from 73 Harford av DONNELLY CT- -north from 170 Front Foundry DONOHUE AL — S from Eastern av, W of Bedford ( il DONOVAN AL- — W from 2 Jasper DOUGLASS— from Chesnut to Aisquith, N of Favette DOVER— W from Hflnover, S of Pratt DOVE AL — from Townsend, E of Green- mount av DOYLE A L— from 25 Bank DRUID HILL AV— N W from 168 n Eutaw Left Right. i 2 Eutaw 25 Jasper Paca 53 48 St. Mary 71 68 Orchard 89 78 Moore al 109 94 Biddie 119 Biddie al 133 Union 167 150 Preston 185 Oxford 225 182 Hoffman 247 212 Dolphin 250 Lanvale 299 262 Townsend Mosher 371 322 McMechin Wilson To North av 2 1 32 29 70 65 152 141 180 171 219 211 232 253 260 275 288 301 DRUID HILL PARK— Madison av ext DRUIDVILLE VILLAGE— 4 miles on Falls rd DUFF'S WHF— from 37 Fell DUNCAN AL-N and S from Baltimore, E o f Chester DUGAN'S WHF— from 27 w Pratt DURHAM (S)— S from 357 e Baltimore Left. Right. Jefferson Lombard Pratt Gough Bank Eastern av Canton av Aliceanna Lancaster DURHAM (N)— N from 348 E. Baltimore DURST AL— from Cross, between William and Battery av E. EAGER (E)— E from Jones Falls, S of Chase Left. Right. 26 16 Jones Falls 42 41 Constitution 63 Forrest 86 91 Greenmountay 120 117 McKira 142 149 Valley 173 Harford av 190 170 Ensor 262 191 Stirling 212 Aisquith 224 225 Somerset 248 249 Central av 283 Eden Spring 327 Caroline Belair av Dallas HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, 1 O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 Sonth St. STREET Left. Right. 334 335 Bond Bethel 376 385 Broadway To East av EAGER (W)— W from Jones FaUs EAST— from E B altimore to N Front EAST FALLS A^ k'— S from 1 East Pratt EAST AV — Eastern Loundary EASTERN AV— Efrom Mill, SofBowIy Left. Right. Mill Concord West Falls av 16 East Falls ay 24 21 President 56 49 Albemarle 58 High 82 89 Exeter 114 115 Central av 136 133 Eden 142 157 Spring 162 179 Caroline 178 193 Dallas 189 209 Bond 202 229 Bethel 206 241 Broadway 228 255 Regester 252 281 Ann 266 287 Durham 290 299 Wolfe 308 315 Chapel 322 329 Washington 350 347 Castle 376 Chester Choptank Patterson Park av To East av EDEN (Nj — N from 1G4 E Baltimore Left. Right. 2 1 Brtltimore 14 15 Hampstead 40 39 Fa\ette 53 Holland 64 69 May 80 87 Muliikin 100 105 Orleans 140 141 Jefferson 182 169 McElderry 216 211 Monument 245 Madison 238 Gay 240 253 Chew 263 Anthony 278 fi)ager 334 273 Chase Biddie John To North av EDEN (S) — Sfro m 177 E Baltimore Left. Right. 4 5 Baltimore 35 Lombard 66 61 Pratt 112 111 Gough 148 155 Bank 176 Eastern av 182 Canton av Aliceanna To Lancaster IDEN AL — from Eden N of Baltimore DIRECTORY. 881 EDEN CT— from Central av N of Jefferson EDEN-ST. CT— from Caroline to Eden, S of EDMONDSON AV— W from Oregon, N of Franklin EDWARD— from Aisquith S of Gay ELBOW LA— frotn Paca to Fremont S of Pratt EISLEIN— from Sterrett S of McHenry EISLEIN A L— from Scott N of Hamburg ELDER AL — from Orchard betw Penna and Druid Hill avs ELK — from James S of Gunpowder ELLINS— from 116 W Hoffman ELLICOTT— S of Water, E of Light ELLIOTT — E from cor Boston and Patapsco ELM — from Townsend N of Oliver ELIZABETH LA— from Cross E of Charles EMORY— S from 377 W Pratt ENSOR— N from Chesnut and Gav ENSOR CT— from Ensor S of Madison ESSEX — from Canton av to Burke ETTING— from Townsend E of Penna av EUTAVV (N )— N from 362 VV Baltimore L^t. Right. Baltimore Fayette Marion Lexington Clay Saratoga Mulberry Franklin New Druid Hillav Monument St. Mary Maditon Biddie Rose Preston Hoffman Dolphin Lanvale To North av 2 18 28 46 78 106 122 142 170 174 220 264 270 298 338 378 1 21 33 51 67 93 119 143 171 223 273 279 303 341 361 379 EUTAW (S)— S from 363 W Baltimore Left. Right. 1 2 Baltimore 5 8 German 23 32 Lombard 33 44 King 53 56 Pratt 55 68 Dover 84 Camden 90 West al 96 Perry 114 Conway 132 Wayne 148 Barre 205 190 Lee 221 216 Montgomery 363 276 Henrietta 285 310 Hamburg 333 350 Cross ^69 West 381 Chepul tepee Stockholm 393 Ostend EUTAW CT— from Eutaw Franklin EUTAW PLACE— Eutaw at. N of Dolphin EXCHANGE AL— S from 59 Second O "Is pq o o o o p o o o o < o ^■ o P- < > o < O I— ( to State, S of iq <■ 54 Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates. (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) a.f |882_ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, STREET DIRECTORY. QJ ^ pq EXCHANGE PLACE— from South to Gay in .t rr^ DO Lombard S ^-^ ^ EXETER (N)— N from 60 E Baltimore a a ^e/t. Jiiffkt. 6 1 10 19 120 125 140 143 176 181 190 208 215 05^ W >-.- r— 1 CO crt 1— 1 -U «3 c o o ^ .^ a 05 S-l (D CD O .- Q c» Baltimore Fayette Low Gay Hillen Humes Front EXETER (S)— S from 69 E Baltimore Left. Right. Baltimore Watson Lombard Granby Pratt Stiles Fawn Bimk 119 Trinity 135 Eastern av 145 Canton av 2 4 22 30 44 60 78 92 116 1 3 B9 45 81 93 m FALL — from Jones Falls to Constitution, S of Monument FALLS ROAD— Cathedral extended FARDY'S WHARF— foot of Covington E from East Falls ay, S of Stiles Right. Jones Falls President Albemarle High Exeter Central av — W from Jones Falls, N of Jones Falls Harrison Frederick Gay Holliday North Calvert St. Paul Charles McClellan Sharp Liberty Park av Howard Eutaw Paca Greene Pearl Arch Pine Fremont Popjileton Amity Schroeder Cnrlton Republican Carey Calhoun Strieker 601 615 Left. Right. 654 649 Gilmor 660 681 Mount 687 Fulton To Calverton rd FAYETTE (E)- -E from Jones Falls, n of Baltimore Left. Right. 2 1 Jones Falls 14 17 Front 28 35 High 39 Temple 50 47 Exeter 68 Chesnut 76 73 East j 102 113 Aisquith '■ 150 155 Central av 168 183 Eden 197 Spring 208 219 Caroline 218 237 Dallas 238 Bond 264 281 Bethel 280 Broadway Regester 336 Ann 375 Wolfe 470 Chapel Washington Chester 527 Choptank 559 Paierson Park av To East av FEDERAL--E i ind W. from Jones Falls N of to Oliver FELL— S from 127 Thames FIFTH LA — from Johnson to Basin FIP AL— from Eden N of Baltimore FISH MARKET SP— from Jones Falls Centre Market space, N of Hawk FLATIRON AL—S of Monument, between Gay and Stirling FLKET AL — from Hammond al, W of Caroline FORNEY AL— from Arch, between Fayette and Lexington FORRKST— from Halfmoon al, E of East FORREST PLACE— Forrest ext, between Eager and Chase FORT AV— E from Sharp, S of Clement FOSTER AL— from 1 w Biddle FOUNDRV— W from Front, N of Pleasant FOUNTAIN— E from 192 S Washington FOURTH— S from Fifth, nr Powder House FRANCIS— S of Madison av E of Penna av FRANKLIN— W from Jones Falls Left. Right. j Jones Falls Holliday North Davis 2 1 Calvert 9 Courtland 23 St. Paul 37 Charles 53 Cathedral 65 Park av 91 Howard 101 Stare 117 Eutaw 125 Jasper 143 Paca 26 40 64 82 100 104 124 138 152 170i 177 J Greene c3 '^ HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Suppliei Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c Assets,$75.0Q0.Q0Q.00, Q. F. Bresee, Qen'l Agt. STREET DIRECTORY. 883 Lift. Right. 172 218 232 280 322 348 352 398 480 510 544 179 237 265 301 339 373 379 341 479 519 Pearl Pine Mj-rtle a,v Ugston Brune Fremont Popplelon Sehroeder Oregon Republican Gilnior ToCalverton rd FRANKLIN LA— S from 9 Water FRANKLIN SQUARE— bounded by Lexing- ton, Carey, Fayette and Calhoun FREDERICK {N)— N from 50 W Baltimore FREDERICK(S)— S from 41 W Baltimore FREDERICK AV— S W from Gilmor FREMONT (N^— N from 570 W Baltimore Left. Right. 2 1 Baltimore 1-6 7 Raborg 26 15 Fayette 40 25 Vine 52 45 Lexington 88 93 Saratoga 106 105 Sarah Ana 128 121 ilulberry 150 143 Peirce 166 167 Franklin George Edmondson av Dolphin Harlem av 322 225 Lanvale 362 243 Townsend Mosher 410 289 Tenant Winchester 476 441 Patterson av 525 Liberty road 581 Chappell To Penna av FREMONT (S)- -S from 559 w Baltimore Left. Right. 8 11 Baltimore 16 German 19 Hollins 27 Lombard King 70 65 Pratt 74 63 Dover 77 McHenry 108 Haw 101 Riimsay 142 117 Columbia 148 113 Eislein 150 139 Paca 189 Conway 194 Barre 202 Lee 218 L. Montgomery To Eutaw FRENCH AL— from French la to Wine al, W of Light FRENCH LA— from Charles N of Lombard FRIENDSHIP— from Thomsen, E of Belair market FRIENDSHIP CT— from 37 N Eden FRISBY LA— S E from St. Paul FRONT (N)— N from 12 E Ballimore Left. Right. 1 2 Baltimore 13 14 Fayette 73 100 Low 93 130 Gav 129 156 Hillen FRONT (N)— Nfrom Foundry Left. Right. 2 1 Foundry 41 High 52 Centre 63 Constitution 67 Exeter 110 89 Chesnut 103 East 158 115 Forrest I 03 -n 184 193 FrotJt ♦"^ HIGH, (S)— S from 43 E Baltimore Left. Right. 2 Baltimore 1 Plowman 16 Watson 30 39 Lombard 54 61 Granbj - 70 73 Piatt ^ 92 97 Stiles 5> 108 107 Fawu ♦^ 124 129 Trinity ^ 134 139 Eastern HT PC HIGH AL— from Aisquith N of Fayette HILL— \V from 281 Light -x. Left. Right. g 2 1 Light « 46 55 Charles ^ 72 73 Hanover <1 114 119 Sharp Ah 115 129 Patapsco av 147 Sprin-,' Garden av W 146 149 Howard O HILLEN— E from Jones Falls W of Gay << Left. Right. ^ 2 1 Jones Falls p^ 8 15 Front h-^ O o t— I 50 37 Hiirh 74 69 Exeter 92 87 ChesMiit 116 107 Eaat 132 131 Forrest 154 137 Ensor HILLMAN (formerly Arbel al)— S from Chew H between Harford av and McKim O HOFFMAN, (W)— \V from Jones Falls, N of tin John _ Left. Right. ^ Jones Falls ^ North P Calvert pc^ St. Paul ^ 153 152 Charles Maryland av Cathedral Foster a I Power Press Printins;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) O = "S- i 886 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York> STREET DIRECTORY. O O i«f<. i-SPi 165 -co X 213 5 5 235 243 255 H OQ C« -r— O J c fcc 3 =^^ 329 ■3 +i r^ 333 Right. 3 •- Park av 198 Bolton 228 Linden av 244 EulHW 252 Madison av 262 McCulloh 280 Druid iliU ay 288 Etting 290 Division 294 Brewer 304 Penna av 314 Walsh To Myrtle av -Flfiorn Jones Fulls, N of John HOG AL— S of Ulrich Al, W of Caroline HOLBROOK AL— from North av,VV of Aisquith HOLLAND— E from 21 Aisquith Left. Right. 2 1 Aisquith 46 57 Central av 72 73 Kden 86 Spring Caroline HOLLAND AL— from 168 E Eager HOLLIDAY, (N)— N from 100 w Baltimore Left. Right. -^K HOFFMAN, (E) 1 20 56 104 158 127 1 c -ad of Baltimore ^ !^ 20 Fayette ^ - <^<^ Saratoga Pleasant Foundry Centre To Monument "^ HOLLIDAY, (SI— S from 99 w Baltimoie "^ HO L LINGS WORTH— S from Water, W 2 Calvert )m Fremont, S of Baltimore Fremont Parkin Poppleton Amity Schroedt-r Oregon Republican Carey Calhoun Strieker Gilmor Mount Fulton To Frederick av HOLLINS A L— from 608 W of Pratt HOLTZMAN CT— N from 458 Canton ar '^-"^ HOMESTEAD VILLAGE— Harford av, *^ 5 North av t: '^ HOMESPUN AL— from Fremont, S of Convvav 5 ^i HOOPER'S WHARF— E from foot of Wolfe ' - ^& HOPE— from Point la, E of Aisquith XP fcD HOPE AL— from Warren to Hamburg 3 = HORN— W from Washington, N of Chase ~ "x HOUSE CT— W from Charles, N of Barre ':^ '-^ HOWARD (N)— N from 326 W Baltimore Left. Right. Baltimore Fayette Marion fjcxington Clay Saratoga l^-^. .LINS- -W f Left. Righ 1 2 55 89 88 115 114 141 140 188 235 228 269 258 301 304 324 348 303 362 335 N of 1 21 39 75 77 2 26 38 50 66 84 Left. 133 Right 114 Mulberry 161 144 Franklin 170 Centre 179 Druid Hill av 193 198 Monument 223 220 Madison 313 320 Richmond 319 330 Tyson 344 Cathedral HOWARD (S)- Left. Right. 2 1 S from 327 W Baltimore Baltimore 10 9 German ' 30 35 Lombard 54 59 Pratt 64 69 Dover 74 Camden 88 Perry 106 Conway 124 Wayne 126 Barre 158 161 Lee 200 Hill 202 230 205 253 Montgomery Henrietta 266 297 Hamburg 316 341 Cross To Ostend HOWELL'S WHARF— Thames, betw. Broad- way and Ann HUBBARD AL— from Eager, E of Greenmount avenue HUDSON — E from corner Boston and Burke HUDSON AL— from North av, E of Cathedral HUGH — from Locust, W of Union Dock HUGHES— W from Basin, N of Montgomery HUGHES CT— N from 265 Hughes HUGHES, LITTLE— W from Jackson, S of Montgomery HUGHES QUAY— intersection of Light street wharf and E end of Lee HULL — S from Nicholson, between Towson and Haubert HULL LA— from Aisquith to Forrest, N of Douglass HUMES— from High to Exeter, N of Hillen HUNTER AL— from John, W of North HUNTINGDON AV— from Charles-st av. N of Sumwalt HYDE CT— from 172 Hughes ICELAND AL — from Fremont between Colum- bia and St. Peter INLOES AL— from Park av, N of Mulberry IRON AL — N from Lombard, W of Broadway IRVINE PLACE— N from Baltimore, E of Broadway IVANHOECT— from Castle al.S of Eastern av IVY AL — from Park av, S of Mulberry J. JACKSON, F. H.— S from water line, E of Covinirion JACKSON— E from Ai=iquith, N of Fayette JACKSON AL— W frotn Caroline, S of Balto. JACKSON CT— E from Durham, betw Bank and Eastern av JACKSON CT— from Rock N of Lexington 11 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, G-eneral Agt. STREET DIKECTORYr 887 JACKSON PL— E of Broadway, between Fay- ette and Baltimore JACKSON SQUARE AV— E from Broadway, N of B iltimore JACKSON'S WHF--footof Bond, W side JAMES— S from Cross, W of Battery av JAMES LA— from Hamburg, E of Charles JASPER— from 183 Lexington JEFFERSON- E from 81 Aisquith Left. Right. 2 1 Aisquith 22 15 Short 36 43 Central av 48 53 Edea 72 75 S[)ring 84 87 Caroline 106 99 Dallas 112 117 Bond 130 133 Bethel 137 Broadway Regester Ann Wolfe Washington 155 Chester To East av JEFFERSON CT— from Jefferson street, betw Short and Central av JEFFKR30N-ST. CT— fromJefferson.N of Boad JEFFERSON PLACE— Chi*rles-st av extended JENKINS AL— from 171 Preston JENKLVS LA — from Greenmouat av, N of the Cemetery JENKLN'S WHARF— S side of Philpot JEW AL— from 188 Lexington JEW AL. (0. T.)— from 124 e Monument JOHN, (E)— E from Jones Falls, N of Biddle JOHN, ( W)— W from Jones Falls, S of Belvi- dere bridge JOHN AL— N of Frauklia, betw'n Eutaw and Howard JOHN CT — N of Dolphin, between John and Park av JOHNSON— S from 108 Hughes JONES — S from Cox, E of Reese JUNES CT— S from Fayette, E of Washington JOPPA LA— W from Broadway, S of Monu- ment JORDAN AI.— from 101 W Biddle JOSEPHINE— W from 69 Arch K. KAUFMAN AL— W from S Charles, between West and Cross KENT — from James, S of Manokia KERR'S WiIF— from 47 Thimes KLMMELL AL— N from 151 Lexington KING— W from 49 S Howard KING CT — S of King, t>etw Eutaw and Paca KNOX AL (formerly Cove al) — -from Lexing- tou, W of Fremont L AL — from Frederick, S of Lombard LAFAYETTE AV— continuation of Townsend from Fremont to Western boundary LAFAYETTE SQ— bounded by Republican, Lanvale, Lafayette av and Oregon LANCASTER— E from EmsI Falls av, S Aliceanna LAMBERT— N E from 235 Penna av LANVALE (E)— E from Jones Falls, S of ^• Townsend -t^ LANVALE (W)— W from Jones Falls, S of ^ Townsend ^ Left. Right. oQ Jones Falls 112 Cathedral P 129 130 Park av S 153 134 Bolton S 169 146 Linden av W Eutaw Madison av McCiilloh 160 Druid Hill av ^ 187 Division ^ 219 186 Penna av g W^alsh S 226 Myrtle av '^ 249 240 Fremont o3 291 Oregon PQ Republican j_, To Carey k-( o > •> o ? a^' ^ .2^0 02 0^ 2 "a McELDKRRY CT— N from McElderry, betw Central av and Eden McELDERRY, LITTLE— E from 123 Forrest MeHENRY— W from 77 S Fremont McHENRY A L— from 370 w Lombard McKLM— from 94 E Madison McLEARY CT— W of Harford av, betw Chew and Willow 1^ McMECHIN— from 347 Pennysylvania av ^ w MECHANICS CT— from High, betw Gay and Hillen MERCER— Calvert to Light, S of Baltimore MEYER CT— \V of Dallas, betw Lancaster and xVliceanna MEYER CT— from Conway, W of Charles MILL — S from Pratt, E of McElderry's wharf MILLIMAN — from Caroline to Broadway, N of Monument MILLINGTON LA— S from Frederick av MILLER — from Bond, X of Madison MINCES AL — from Caroline to Spring, N of Eastern av MITt'HELL CT— from Pine S of Saratoga MOHLER'S WHARF— from 23 Fell MOM LET CT— W from 226 s Castle MONMONIER CT— from Castle, S of Eastern av MONROE— N and S fiom Baltimore, W of Fulton MONTGOMERY— W from Basin, S of Hughes Left Right. Jackson Covington Henry Johnson William Light Charles Hanover Butler L^adeilhall Sharp Howard ^_ Ohio av S c .MONTGOMERY CT— from Montgomery, W of •- -^ Li-ht ;; -d MONTGOMERY, LITTLE— W from Jackson, S ^ ~ (.f Montgomery MONTMORENCY AI from Myrtle av, N of Lexington MONUMENT (E)—E from Jones Falls, N of Centre Left. Right. 2 1 Jones Falls ,^ '- -4J 0) d c P «e >^ t-, oi c 2 k .2 r. H -l^ -^ D 1^ C=3 e 53 '^ . T^ eS "S " S3 p s H -1 - ^ 'l^p C^T- S 146 133 "tf -^ >> 158 149 <» ^ "3 180 181 236 231 p ® .S 252 i^-:^ c 256 2 -" " 1 2.0 268 330 S 23 5- • - i> 5 RECTORY. Left. Right. 4 3 Buren 30 23 Constitution 100 Forrest 102 Greenmount av 116 Harford av 146 127 Ensor 186 145 Stirling 214 Aisquith 226 173 Gay 261 211 Central av , 282 239 Eden 306 257 Spring 281 Caroline 348 291 Dallas 366 311 Bond 394 341 Bethel 414 365 Broadway 367 Regester 418 McDonogh 373 Wolfe 434 Washington 350 381 Chester To East av MONUMENT. ( W)— W from Jones Falls, N of Centre Left. Right. 1 2 Jones Falls Holliday North Davis 40 Calvert 35 44 bt. Paul 61 56 Charles 75 72 Cathedral 87 78 Park av 90 Tyson 109 104 Howard 106 Garden 119 110 Eutaw MONUMENT, LITTLE— from 174 n Eutaw MONUMENT SQUARE— Calvert between Lex- ington and Favette MOORE AL— rr")m Tessier, s of Biddle MORRIS A L— from 132 W Biddle MORTON AL— from 88 W Midison MOTHER— S Wfrom Calhedrnl.N of Townsend MOTT— from 242 n G iv MOTT STREET CT— from Mott. W of Gay MOUND— from McMechin to Cath-dral ext MOUNT— N and Sfioiu Baltimore, W of Gilmor MOUNT ROYAL— from McMechin to Cathedral extended MOUNT VERNON MILLS VILLAGE— 2J miles on Falls road MOUNT VERNON PLACE— from St. Paul to Cathedral, N of C'utre MULBERRY— W from 90 N Calvert Left. Right. 2 1 Calvert J 9^ Courtland St. Paul Charles Cathedral Park av Howard State Eutaw Jasper . Pica Greene Pearl loi 9; 18 13 20 17. 32 56 51 80J 79 82 81 100 99 no 101 126 119 150 131 140 145 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, "Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Qenl Agt. STREET DIRECTORY. 891 Lefl. Right. 208 209 Pine 228 231 Myrtle av 269 Ogslon 330. 327 Fremont 356 347 Poppleton 386 385 Schroeder To Cftlvorton rd [ULBERRY CT— from Knox al N of Lexing- ton IDLBERRY AL— from Fremont N of Lexington IDLLIKIN— K from 41 Aisquitb Left. Right. 1 Aisquith 41 Lewis 51 Central 58 57 Eden 72 73 Spring 82 87 Caroline 98 107 Dallas 110 121 Bond 138 133 Bethel 168 167 Broadway Regester 225 Ann 1ULLIKIN CT— from Mullikin W of Caroline lYRTLE AV— N from Lesinsrton, W of Pine lYKRS AV— from Welister S of Fort av lYERS CT— E from 286 S Dallas NORTH AV— Northern Boundary of the City NORTHWEST- from Calhoun, N of Presbury NORWOOD CT— from Sarah Ann N f ANTICOKE— S from Cross, W of Sassafras APOLEON AL— Eutaw to Paca, s of Balti- more >EALR— South' from Marriott, E of Harper JECESSITY AL— from High, N of Fayette EIGHBOR— from MeKim to Harford avenue N (jf Madison ^'EILSON CT— rear of 32 Thames JKW— W from 142 n Eutaw JEW CHURCH— from Crooked la to n Sharp, S of Lexington lEWINGTON PL— Pennsylvania avenue, N of North rtv IJEWMAN CT— E from Dewberry al, S of Hollins ^'EW WILSON- -E from Pennsylvania av, N of McMecliin JICHOLSON— from Poi ter S of Cox nCHOLSON, LITTLE-from Aisquith, S of Jackson JORRIS AL— S from Pratt to Ramsay JORRIS AL- S from Saratoga to Baltimore ^ORTH— N from 118 w Baltimore Left. Right 3 1 Baltimore 24 Fayette 32 Lexington 54 59 Saratoga 82 99 Pleasant 118 131 Foundry 130 149 Franklin 199 Centre Monument Madison 295 Eager Read Ch:ise Biddle To John 0 AL — -from Greene, S of Lexington OAK— N from North av. W of Maryland nv ^ O'DONNELL— E from Boston, N of Elliott, -g Canton r—i O'DONNELL CT— from Front, N of Foundry *^ O'DONNELL' S WHF— from 35 w Pratt ^ OGSTON— N from MuU-erry, W of Myrtle av ^ OHIO AV— from Conway, W of Howard ^ OLIVER— W from Greenmount av, N of Hoff- ^ man ^ ORANGE AL— W from 32 n Gay U ORCHARD— W from 179 Madison av 'IZ OREGON, (now ARLINGTON AV) (N)— N "^ from 515 Lexington PQ OREGON, (now ARLINGTON AV) (S)- S . from 739 w B iltimore ORLEANS — fi om Forrest, N of Douglass Left. Right. 2 I Forrest 22 Young 32 31 Aisquith 52 Short 62 69 Lewis 76 85 Central 106 105 Eden O o 6 o 118 140 160 180 212 222 242 252 O O > 105 117 S|>ri"K 139 Caroline 159 Dallas 181 Bond 209 Bethel 231 Broadway 265 Regester Ann Wolfe Washington Chester To East av OSTEND— W from William, S of West OXFORD, (foriiierl.v Telegraph )— from Druid ^ Hill av to Penna av, N of Preston ~* OXFORD AV— E from York rd, N of Hunting- don av OXFORD VILLAGE— York rd W l-rH PACA, (N)— N from Baltimore, Left. Right. 2 1 B:iliimore 14 36 62 86 102 184 21 39 65 87 107 131 183 Fayette Lexington Saratoga Mulberry Franklin New Druid Hill PACA, (S)— S from 391 W eft. Right. 2 1 25 35 47 55 IG 26 54 Baltimore German Liimiiard King Pratt Dover Columbia <1 W of Eutaw -jQ O o av Baltimore IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 892 STREET DIRECTORY. K O < w O GQ ^^ o H OQ C Q W^ OS CJos o a i>/i{. Bight. 66 Elbow la 71 L. Piica 109 106 L. Greene 165 156 Warner 205 202 Fremont 203 St. Peter 249 246 Sterrett 305 29S Hamburg 318 Putnam PACA AL— W from 42 n Paca PACA, LITTLE— from 71 Paca, R of Camden PACA PI — from Paca, N of Franklin PAGE AL— from 23 Amity, S of Fayette PAINTER CT— from 57 E" F lyette PARK AV— Xfrom 12 X LUierty Left. Bight. 2 Lilierty 6 1 Fayette 16 9 Marion 32 29 Lexington 48 47 Clay 60 65 Saratoga 90 77 Mulberry 112 Franklin 85 Hamilton 126 95 Centre 134 109 Monument 146 119 M..dison 188 161 Richmond PARK LA — from Penna av nr toUgate PARKIN— from 57 Ilollins PARRISH— S from Pratt, W of Slri.ker PARRISH AL— S from Saratoga, W of Calhoun PATAPSCO— S from Hambursr, E of Charles PATAPSCO AL— from Henrietta, E of Charles PATAPSCO AV— from Hill, W of Sharp PATAPSCO. F. P -N and S from E Balti- more, E of Luzerne PATTERSON— S from 51 VV Pratt PATTERSON AV, (formerly Cooke)— W from P^-nna av, N of Winchester PATTERSON LA -from Jenkins' lane, N of Greenmount av PATTERSON PARK— E of Patterson Park av, between Baltimore and Gough PATTERSON PARK AV— N and S from Bal- timore, E of Collington av PATTERSON'S WHF— E of drawbridge PATTERSON'S WHF— between Patterson and Commerce PATUXENT— N and S from E Baltimore, E of Patapsco PAYSON— N and S from W Baltimore, W of Monroe PEACH AL— from 294 Montgomery PEAR AL— from 11 Union PEARL— N from 440 W Baltimore Left. Bight. Baltimore Raborg Fayette Lexington Saratoga Sarah Ann Mulberry Peirce Franklin Penna av PEIRCE— W from 164 Pearl 2 1 14 11 28 21 64 49 122 83 136 148 111 164 174 192 PENN— from 163 German PENN AL— from German to Cider al E of Penn PENNSYLVANIA AV— N W fm 177^ Franklin Left. Bight. 2 1 Franklin 18 Pearl 20 George 39 St. Mary 51 Orchard 70 77 Biddle 169 Union 106 Greenwillow 135 Preston 151 Oxford 158 173 Hoffman 196 Dolphin 240 249 Lanvale 290 321 Townsend 334 241 Mosher 362 Smith 385 McMechin 428 Wilson 464 Laurens 554 Robert 551 Fremont 578 Presstman 622 639 Bloom 648 669 Gold 702 715 Baker 756 Cumberland PERRY^— W from 110 S Chailes PETTICOAT AL— from Ensor S of Madison PHILPOT — from Basin to Thames S of Block PHILPOT AL— from 16 L. Gough PIG AL- -from Charles S of Lee PIMLICO AL — S from L. Montgomery betw Eutaw md China PIN AL- -from Arch N of Lexington • PINE (Nj — from 510 w Baltimore Left. Bight. 2 1 Baltimore 8 3 Raborg 16 5 Fayette 26 25 Vine 34 37 Lexington 44 49 Josephine 72 59 Saratoga 88 65 Sarah Ann 194 73 Mulberry 122 9) Peirce 132 103 Franklin 162 117 Geortre PINE (S) — from 505 W Baltimore PLEASANT— W fm Jones Falls S of Foundry Left. Bight. 2 1 Jones Falls 4 3 HoUiday 5 North Davis 22 23 Calrert Courtland 30 31 St. Paul 38 39 Charles PLEASANT A L— from 165 S Chapel PLEASANT, LITTLE— from N Charles to Park N of Saratoga PLOVER A L— from Centre E of Park av PLOWMAN— from Jones Falls to High S o| Baltimore PLUM AL— from 284 Montgomery PLUM ROW— from 23 Plum al HENRY HOEN & 00., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee,G'en. Aart. STREET DIRECTORY. 893 POINT LA— from Broadway at Gay to Harford av, N of Greeniiiounl Cemetery POINT— from 1 Thames POPPLETOX (N)— N from 673 w Baltimore Left. Right. 2 1 Baltimore 12 15 Raborg 30 23 Fayette 31 Vine 54 43 Lexington 81 Saratoga 97J Mulberry 116 89 Peirce 124 105 Franklin POPPLETON (S)— S from 657 w Baltimore Left. Right. 2 1 Baltimore 12 11 Booth 24 21 Hollins 26 31 Boyd 38 39 Lombard 56 Leramon 64 Pratt 80 75 McHenry 94 89 Ryan 98 97 Columbia PORT — from Aliceanna to Canton av, between Camden and Burke PORTER— S from Nicholson, E of Stevenson PORTLAND— W from inte-section of Greene and Columbia POST OFFICE AV— S from 79 W Baltimore to Second POTOMAC— N and S from Baltimore, E of Pa- tuxent POULTNEY— W from Light, S of Hamburg PRATT (E)— E from Jones Falls, S of Lombard Leftff Bight. 2 1 Jones Falla 19 President 44i 37 Albemarle 50 39 High 74 57 Exeter 94 72 Gough 132 105 Central av 125 Eden 142 141 Spring 148 163 Caroline 168 183 Dallas 186 201 Bond 206 221 Bethel 238 237 Broadway 258 259 Regeatsr 256 281 Ann 296 3C9 Wolfe 314 327 Chapel 326 337 Washington Chester 352 379 Collington av 360 385 Patterson Park av to East av PRATT (W)— W from Jones Falls, S of Lom- bard Left. Right. 1 2 Jones Falls 11 12 Concord . 27 Mill 29 30 Centre Market space Dugan's wharf 35 O'Donnell's wharf 46 Frederick 37 Buchanan's wharf Left. Right. 68 Gay 43 Sfiear's wharf 51 Patterson 61 104 Commerce 65 120 South 71 Bowlv's wharf 132 Franklin la 140 Cheapside 144 Calrert 152 Hollingswortb 156 Grant 158 Ellicott 164 Light 167 202 Charles 199 238 Hanover 211 242 Cypress 231 264 Sharp 203 288 Howard 295 326 Eutaw 3J3 360 Paca 347 392 Greene 377 Emory 405 438 Penn 445 462 Fremont 503 494 Scott Mount Clare Station 526 Parkin 550 Callendar al 560 Poppleton 580 Amity 600 Schroeder 630 Oregon 682 Republican 719 718 Carey Calhoun Strieker Gilmor 805 Mount 835 Fulton 893 Monroe 941 902 Payson 999 916 Pulaski 1035 936 Frederick nv PRATT-ST. WHARF— from Light street to i^ Bowlv's wharf ^ PRATT'S WHARF (ironj^Boston, Canton -^ PRESBURY— from N Calhoun, N of Baker ^ PRESIDENT— S from 17 e Pratt rh PRESIDENT AL— from President, S of East- j^; ern av ^—^ PRESSTMAN— W from Linden av,N of Robert^ PRESTON— W from Cathedral, N of John a, c ti -:; QUAY AL— from Basin to Light, S of Lee p" c = R .2 c tii 'eS ^"oo n eS S ^ o; «1> rC fa s 0,^ o o RABORG— W from N Greene Left. Bight. Greene 5 17 71 121 205 229 4 18 64 114 206 224 236 320 332 ■« o S § £ S Pearl Arch Pine Fremont Poppleton Amiij' Schroeder Republican Stockton al RACE— S from Cross, W of Hanover RAMSAY — -W from cor of Columbia and Fre- mont RAMSAY'S WHARF— from 17 Thames RANSTEAD'S WHARF— foot of Bush RAND ALL— E from Sharp, S of Fort av RAYNOR AV— W from Lanvale RKAD— W from Jones Falls, N of Madison REDGRAVE CT— S from 58 Dover REESE — S from Nicholson, E of Porter REESE AL— from Lee, W of Sharp REGESTER (N)— N from 314 e Baltimore to Monument REGESTER (S)— S from 321 E Baltimore Left. Bight. 8 1 Baltimore 26 35 Lombard 45 61 Pratt 102 113 Gough 124 133 Bank 136 143 Eastern av 154 163 Canton av 172 177 Aliceanaa 196 199 Lancaster rt o ^ ^ til •^l' ?> ■« REMINGTON AV-N E from Huntingdon av REPUBLICAN, now CarroUton av(N)— Nfrom 806 W Baltimore REPUBLICAN, now CarroUton av (S)— Sfrom 783 w Baltimore RESERVOIR AV— S from Bank, E of Chester RETREAT— E from Penca av to Druid Hill av REYNOLDS CT— W from Light, N of Mont- gomery RICE — N of Lancaster, W of Lnzerne RI'HARD — from Lancaster, E of Broadway RICHMOND— from 86 Cutheiral RICKETT A L— from Montgomery, W of Light RIDGELY— from 190 s Fremont RINGGOLD A L— from 18 McHenry R(.)BERT — from Penna av, N of Laurens ROBINSON- from Elliott, W of East av ROBINSON CT— N from 210 Eastern av ROCK— from 337 Lexington ROPEWALK AL— K from 420 S Charles Rose — E from Madisou av betw Preston and Biddle ROSE LA— Cathedral extended Ross — from Howard to Eutaw, S of Monument RUE — N from Lancaster, W of Luzerne RUPARD— S from Montgomery, W of watfl line RUSSELL— from 218 S Fremont RUSSELL OT— from 78 Harford av RUSSELL LA— from N Central avenue, N Orleans RUTTER AL— froraTyicMechin,W of Cathedraf RYAN— from Parkin to Amity, S of McHenry S SADLER AL— from Warren, E of Henry SALISBURY AL— from Exeter to Lloyd, N of Lombard SALISBURY CT— from 50 E Lombard SARAH ANN— W from 136 Pearl SARATOGA— W from 78 n Gay Left. Right. 2 1 Gay 20 33 Hoiliday 22 35 North 24 45 Davis 26 51 Calvert 34 Courtland 45 53 St. Paul 56 Church lane 58 75 Charles 72 81 Sharp 86 Liberty 116 105 Park av 142 131 Howard 135 State 164 153 Eutaw 178 165 Jasper 192 171 Paca 202 177 Diamond 216^ 191 Greene 218 201 Pearl 230 213 Arch , 280 271 Pine 288 291 Myrtle av 394 387 Fremont 406 413 Rock 424 427 Poppleton 454 463 Amity 470 483 Schroeder 528 537 Oregon 544 559 Carlton 576 567 Republican 602 581 Carey 648 Calhoun 672 Strieker 696 Gilmor 710 Mouut SARATOGA CT —from Arch, S of SaratOffft SASSAFRAS— S from Cross, W of Wicomico SCHROEDER (N )— from 722 w Baltimore Left. Right 1 2 Baltimore 5 12 Raborg 17 22 Fayette 29 30 Vine 51 60 Lexington 109 108 Saratoga 129 136 Mulberry 166 Peirce To Lanvale SCHROEDER (S)— from 705 w Baltimore Left. Right 1 2 Baltimore 13 8 Booth 23 16 Hollins 35 26 Boyd I— «^ HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, Gerxeral Agt. STREET DIRECTORY. 895 Left. Might. 43 30 Lombard 71 66 Pratt SOHROEDER CT— from SchroederWof Amity SCOTT— from 355 w Lombard SCREW DOCK— from 15 Thames SECOND (W)— from Centre Market space, S of Baltimore Left. Eight. 1 2 CentreMarketsp Frederick 18 Gay 26 PostofiBce av 13 38 Holliday 91 48 South SECOND(E)— E from JonesFalls.N of Lombard SECOND LA— from Fifth la SECOND, LITTLE— S from Fifth SELDNKR— W from Clarkson al, S of Cross SEVENTH— S from Water, nr Powder House SEVERN— S from Cross, W of S Paca SEXTON CT— N from 24 Wayne SEXTONVILLE— 3 miles B & 0. R. R. SHAD aL — from Greene to Diamond, S of Lexington SHAKSPEAR— from Bond to Broadway, N of Thauies SHARP (N)— from 292 w Baltimore SHARP (S)— S from 289 w Baltimore Left. Right. 1 Baltimore 19 14 German 37 46 Lombard 59 , 62 Pratt 73 66 Dover 87 72 Camden 97 80 Perry 103 96 Conway 1 1 0 Wayne 129 128 Barre 163 160 Lee 173 184 York 183 204 Hill 220 Montgomery 229 270 Henrietta 273 316 Hamburg 3l6 362 Cross 366 West To water edge SHIELDS AL— at Smith la, running S SHIRK— from Jones Falls, N of North av SHORT— N from 52 Orleans SHORT AL— from Short, E of Aisquith SHRUB LA— N from Presstman, W of Fulton SHUTER— N from 228 Chew SHDTTES CT— E from Grace ct, S of King SIXTH— from Fourth SLAUGHTER-HOUSE AL (now Bankard al) E of Fremont, betw Columbia and Haw SLEMMER AL— from Granby, E of President SLEMMER AL— from Spring, N of Monument SMALLWOOD— N and S from Baltimore, W of Pulaski SMITH— from Fremont to Penna av, N of Mosher SMITH AL— from Gay to Frederick, S of Lom- bard SMITH AL— from Eden, N of Chew SMITH CT— from 58 N Eutaw SMITH LA — from Smith's whf to Buchanan's whf, S of Pratt 3 w ft o o SMITH'S WHF— from S E cor of Pratt, foot of Gay SNYDER CT— from Repeater to Ann, N of . Eastern av ^ SOMERSET— from 280 E Madison CQ SORRELL CT— N from Cross, E of Howard fe SOUTH— S from 1 15 w Biiltimore % Left. Eight. 1 2 Baltimore 22 German 27 Second "^ 32 Water § 39 44 Lombard ^j, 52 Guilford ^^ 71 66 Pratt g 76 Wood ." 107 84 To Basin ^ SOUTH LA— N from Barre, betw Charles and ^ Light PQ SPEARS'S W' HF— from 43 w Pratt SPRING CT— from S Charles, N of Camden o SPRING-ST CT— from Spring, betw Madison Q and Monument SPRING GARDEN AV— from York, w of Sharp ,-< SPRING GARDEN WHF— foot of Eutaw rj SPRING (N^ N from 186 e Baltimore Left. Right. =6 6 1 Baltimore 30 11 Hampstead Favette 28 33 HJlland May ^ Mullikin |> 36 57 Orleans 64 81 Jefferson fa^ 92 93 McElderry 120 119 Monument ^ 152 Madison j^ 170 173 Gay !> To Lanvale SPRING (S)— from 199 e Baltimore ^ Left. Right. P^ 18 9 Baltimore ^ 20 Lombard ^ 80 69 Pratt ^ 132 129 Goutrh ^ 154 161 Bank H 180 173 Eastern av "^ 191 Canton av Ph Aiiceanna ^^ Lancaster W SPRING AL— E from 21 N Spinrg to Caroline Jz; SPRING ROW— S Spring betw Lombard and •< Pratt SPRUCE AL— from S Washington, S of Gough CQ SPURRIER CT— S side of Lexington, W ofPn St. Paul Ph STAG A L— from Lexington, W of Eutew y STABLE AL— from Lombard, W of Gay STATE— N from 133 Saratoga STATE-ST CT— from State, N of Saratoga STERRETT— S from McHenry, W of Fremont j^ o o STEVENS AL— E from Front, S of Gay STEVKNSON— S from l-ieason, E of Marriott _, STEVENSON CT— E from lu4 Jasper W STILES — E from 24 East Flails av •~' STIRLING— from 17 Mott f-i STIRLING AL— from 135 Stirling oQ STIRRAT CT or AL— rear 81 Stirling, N of .tson WAT.-OX CT— Sfrom 71 Watson WAVERLEY TEttRACE— Caiey from Fajette to Lexington WAVERLEY VILLAGE— York road WAYNE— E from 132 S Eulaw WEBB— from Ensor, N of Chew WEBER— from Light, S of Cross WEBSTER— S from Clement, E of Powder House WEBSTER AL— from Arbel al, S of Eager WEBSTER CT— rear 179 Greeamoiint av WELCOME AL— W from 174 Light-st wharf WELLS & MILLER'S AL— E froundPresident WELLS WHARF— foot of Warren near Cov- :ton WELSH AL— from 192 Lexington WEST — W from Basin, S of Cross WEST AL — from Eutaw, S of Camden WEST AL— from 200 Slirlint:, nr Eager WEST FALLS AV— S from Lombard Bight. 2 Lombard 8 Pratt Bowly Eastern av Canton av Block from Pitterson 32 G2 118 2lJ WHATCOAT— N W of Carey WHITE AL— W from 88 n Poppleton WICO.MICO— S from Cruss, W of Severn WILCOX— N from Eager. W of Harford av WILHELM— W of Fulton. SofMcHenry WILKr,>«S — N from Frederick av,E of toligate WILKE.NS AV— W from Monroe, S of Fied- erick av W^ILLIAM— S from 23 York WILLIAMSON AL— from Hanover to Light, N of Hamburg WILLINGKR CT— E from Ensor, N of Chase WILLOW— from 52 Harford av WILLS— from 28 Pliilpot WiLLS-ST WHF— end of Wills WiLMER AL— from 43 W Hoffman WILSON— from 431 Penna av WILSON AL — S from 161 e Madison WINANS Row— from Jackson, E of Light WINDER — E froui Light, S of Baltimore and Ohio railroad WINDERLING ROW— N from 438 Canton av WINDSOR— from Boston to Cambridge, S of Canton av WINDSOR MILL ROAD— W from Fremont, near Penna av 19 S4 35 5-< 59 106 103 126 129 160 161 192 195 210 227 226 259 291 cc WINE AL— E from Charles, S of Baltimore > WINTER A L— between Cross and Hamburg, ^ E of Hanover ■*:; WOLFE, (N)— N from 364 E Baltimore WOLFE, (S)— Sfrom 369 E Baltimore Left. Right. Baltimore Lombard Pratt Gout;h Bank Eastern av Canton av Aliceanna Lancaster Thames ^ Fell O WOLFE AL— from Perry, W of Howard WOOD— from South to Bowly's wharf, S of _." Pratt P WOOD AL— from Adams, E of Fremont '^ WOOD A L— from 8 N Charles ^ WOOD LT— S of Bank. W of Central av ^ WOOUBERRY— N. C. R. rear Druid Hill Park p WOUDVILLE — rear Gilmor. near Patterson av ^ WuOOVEAR— from Patterson av, W of Carey }=i W'OOSTER, from James. S of Stockholm " ►T WRIGHT'S CT— from Whatcoat, N of Patter- ;> Sun av WYLTU— from 224 Columbia X AL — from Lee to York, W of Charles Y AL— S from 56 Hill YELLui T CT— rear of 219 Chesnut YORK— W of Basin, S of Lee YOUNG — from 22 Orleans YOUNG AL— W from 129 N Bethel ft MARKETS. S < BELAIR MARKET— Forrest, from Hillen to fL, Orleans. Tuesday and Friday, and Satur- day evening. r£i CANTON MARKET— from Paiapsco to Poto- q"' mac, n of Mliott ^•• CENTRE MARKET- from Baltimore to Pratt, ^' VV of Jones Falls. Monday, Wednesday and ^ Saturdav. ^ CROSS STREET MARKET— from Light to P Charles, between Cross and West FELL'S POINT MARKET— Broadway, from Canton av to Thames. Tuesday and Fridiiy, and .Saturday evening. HANOVER MARKET— n w cor Hanover and Camden. Monday and Thursday, and Satur- day evening. ROLLINS MARKET— Hollins, S of Baltimore. Tuesday and Friday, and Saturdav evening. LAFAYETTE MARKET— Patterson av, from -, Penna av to Fremont. Monday and Thure- ^ day, and Saturday evening. ^ LEXINGTON MARKET— Lexington, from Eu- O taw to Pearl. Tuesday and Fiiday, and Sat- W urdav ev. nine ^, RICH.NioND MARKET— from Howard to Bid- dle. Monday and Thursday, and Saturday ft. evening. i-4 o a o- Power Pres.s Printing, at Reuuced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 55 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, APPENDIX. GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. OQ 03 The Tweuty-sccond Presiili ntirtl term of four years begun on ihe 4th of March, 1873, and viill expire on the 3d of March. 1877. U. S. GRANT, of Illinois President. HENRY WILSON, of Mrtssachusetts Vice-President. HAMILTON FISH, of New York Secretary of State. B. H. BRISTOW, of Kentucky Secretary of the Treasury. WM. W. BELKNAP, of Iowa Seer, tury of War. 'GEO. M. ROBESON, of New Jersey Sicreiaiy of the Navy. COLUMBUS DKLANO, of Ohio StcrciHry of ihc Interior. MARSHALL JEWELL, of Connecticut PostiUMSter GeneraL GEO. H. WILLIAMS, of Oregon Attorney GeneraL GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND. o Q O o ft o o JAMES B. GROOME, of Cecil Cu Governor. R. C. HOLLYDAY, of Talbot Co Secretary of State. BARNES COMPTON, of Charles Co Treasurer. Col. LEVIN WOOLFORD, of Somerset Cu Coinpnoller of the Treasury. FRANK A. BOND, of Anne Arundel C» Adjutant General. Dk. WM. H. HAYWARD, of Dorchester Co Commissioner Land Office and Historiographer. J. H. T. MAGRUDER, of Prince George Co State Librarian ^ BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, Office Annapous. Gov. JAMES B. GROOME, B.XRNESCOMPTO.V, Col. LEVIN WOOLFORD. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Office, 35 Fhakklin, Gov. James B. Groonie, Piesident. M. A. Newell, Pririci[ial of the State Normal School, Secretary, Baltimore. P. A. Witmer. Hafjerslown. Dr. John P. K. Gilliss. Whaleyville, Worces- ter County. Geo. M. Llovd, Port Tobacco. Dr. Samuel Kepler, Towsontown. STATE N0RMA1. SCHOOL. 35 Franklin Street. M. A. NEWELL, Principal. Mrs. MARY BOllGMAN, Principal Girls' Model School. TKDSTEEB. Members of State Board of Educatioii(ex-officio) ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. Annapolis. FRANK A. BOND, Adjutant General. CORONERS. Db. MATTHEW W. DONAVlN,5o«^Aern Z>!«<. s e cor Lee and Sharp Dk. GEORGE C. OGLE, Western District,— 229 n Carey Dr. EDMUND R. WALKER, Middle District,— 196 Linden av Db. THOMAS KELLEY, Eastern District,— n e cor Fnwn and Exeter CQ < POLICE ORGANIZATION. Office, S! K. Cor. Calvert and Lrxinqton. WM. H B. fUSSELBAUGH, Pres't, JOHN MILROY. Treasr, > Corn's H.\RRY GILMOR. M.VRRIOTT BOSWELL, Secretary. JOHN T. GRAY, Marshal. JACt>B FRKV, Deputy Marshal. GEORGE WE.NTZ. Clerk. E. M. FORMAN, Asst. Clerk. < PL( OQ o IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. 900 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. appendix! < H O GQ O < OQ CITY GOVERNMENT. JOSHUA VANSANT,.... Mayor. John M. McElroy, Sec'y to Mayoralty. Andrew J. King, Clerk to Mayor. JOHN A. ROBB, Register. S. T. DUVALL, Deputy Register and Cashier. J, SEWELL THOMAS, Clerk to Register. SAMUEL MACCUBBIN, Comptroller. SAM'L S. MILLS, Jr., Clerk to Comptroller. I. NEVETT STEELE, City Counsellor. ALBERT RITCHIE, Ci'y .Solicitor. BEVERLY DIGGS, Mayors Defective. MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Officers of the First Branch. President — Otis Keilholtz. Chief Clerk— A. V. Milholland. Re.iding '" J. Frank Brady. Committee Clerk — Allen E Forrester. Sergeant at Arms — James Stanton Page — Daniel Barr. ]8t Ward- 2d •' 3d • 4th " 5th " 6th " 7th " 8th " 9th " 10th " nth " 12th " 13th " 14th " 15th " Fi.rst Branch. A. F. Schroeder. H. Cashmver. K. W. Bennett. C. W. Lewis. James Sapp. John L. Baker. T. A. Onion. Thomas P. Kernar.. Win. E. Stewart. W. T. Browning. H. R. Dulanv. Joseph S. Heuisler. Otis Keilholtz. James C. Randall. M. W. Donavin. 16th Ward— J. McCawle.v. 17th " John Fitzpatri'.-k. 18th " J. S. Bullock. 19th " W. W.Orndortf. 2uth " Dr. C. \V. Chai.cellor. Officers of the Second Branch. President — Henry Seim. Chief Clerk— J. J. Grindall Asst ClerK — E. J. Edwards. Committee t'lerk — George T. Beall. Sergeant at Arms — Joseph \V. Wallace. Page— H. D. Berry. Second Branch. l3t and 2d Wards- — Charles Sireeper. 3d and 4th John K. Carroll. 5th and 6ih William H. Bolton. 7th and 8th George Riiieharl. 9th and lOih Henry Seim. 11th and 12th Henry D. Loney. 13th and 14th John S. Hogg. 15th and 16;h Wm. J. Murrav. 17th and 18th Charles A. Wheeler 19lh and 20lh George A. Kirk. W^ OS ^o O O hH ^""^ of=^S '^< K o TAX DEPARTMENT. City Hall. JAMES M. ANDERSON, City Collector. J. T. M. BARNES. Deputy. R. D. DUCKET, Cashier. JUDGES OF APPEAL TAX COURT. Office City Halt. EDWARD A. GIBBS, WILLIAM J. KING. BEALH H. RICHARDSON, THOMAS GIFFORD, Cashier. H. P. MOWINKLE, Clerk. D. A. FENTON, Asst. Clerk. WATER DEPARTMENT. Office 24 Noi-th St. JAMES CURRAN. Wa'er Engineer. WILLIAM L. SHARRETTS, Registrar. CITY COMMISSIONER. Office City Hall JOHN H. TKG.MEVER, RICHARD H. JOHNS, Asst. JOHN E. TOOLE, Clerk. CITY SURVEYOR. Office North and Lexington. SIMON J. MARTENET. PORT WARDEN. DANIEL CONST ANTINE. JAMES H. McNEAL, Clerk. PARK COMMISSIONERS. JOSHUA VANSANT, Chairman. THOMAS SWANN, JOHN H. B. LATROBE, WILLIAM E. HOOPER, CHARLES H. MERCER, LOUIS McLANE. BUILDING CO.MMITTEE OF NEW CITY HALL. Offic» City Hall. JOSHUA VANSANT, J. HALLPLEA8ANTS, KHABOD.JEAN, SA.MUELH. ADAMS, JOHN W. COLLEY, WALTER G. SMITH, Secretary. JOHN J. PURCELL, Superintendent. HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving anc Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. in the World, O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. APPENDIX. 901 INSPECTOR OF GAS METERS. Office, Old City Hall. F. W. KING, Inspector. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS. Office City IMl. JOHN W. COLLEV. M. S. WATKINS, Clerk. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Office City Hall. JAMES A. STEUART M.D., CumnCr of Healih. ALFRED F. SMYIiK. A&st. Coinm'r ot Bealth. \VM. F. STEUaRT, y\.\).,Pliysicianlo Marine Hospital. I. W. MUIILER, Secretary. \VM. H. BOSLEY, Clerk. V. B. UINES, Nuisance Clerk. VACCINE PHYSICIANS, l.t and 2d Wards— M. J. Gately, M.D. 3d and 4th 5th and (5ih 7th and 8th 9th and lutb 11th and 12th 13ih and 14th 15th and 16lh 17lb and isth 19th and 20th G. L. Wilkins D. C.ldwell Ireland, " Geo. B. Reynolds, " J. E. P. Bo'uiden, J. A. Gillis, " S. A. Beil, " Wilson G. Regester " James E. Gibbons, " COMMlSSlOxVEKS FOR OPENING STREETS. Office City Hall. ISAAC COX. JAME.S S MORROW. JOHN T. I'lQUETT. R. F. GREEN, Clerk. SUPERINTENDENTS OF STREETS. First District — Patrick Kelly. Second District — John H. Coulter. Third District — i i.ih'S McNaliy. ^^>u^lh District — Louis Kroeger Fif til District — Heurv Lancaster. MAGISTRATES. 1st Ward— Edward F. Flaharty. .Marcus Ritj^ert. 2d '• Henry Cashmyer. Benj. O. Hatcheson. 3d " L. W. Ct-leman. " Joh-i T. Farlow. 4th " Nicholas Ilol)iuson. John T. Maddox. 5th " Robert W. Hays. " Daniel Hau(-rty. 6th " Henry M. Staylor. Lloyd Sl'-mnier. 7th " W.'S Murphy. John T. Gorsuch 8tb " W. H. Roberts. W. H. Bavzaud. 9th " A. Ballauf. J. M Mvers. 10th " W.H.Gill Chas. P Hrewtr. 11th " Pt-ter Kries. Thos. J. Welby. 12th " D. M. Lncchesi. W. H. Hay ward. 13th " Lewis H. Damuiaiin. Geo. W. C. Bell. 14th " Otto Benner. Geo. McCififr.iy. 15th " S.iml. Juideu. Geo. J. Kries. 16th " Daniel Bride. J. E. Stone. 17th " Danl. .M. Piquelt. S. Columbus Tall. 18th " Chas. A. Wlieeler. Alex. M. Briscoe. 19th " Edward G. Suirr. Roiierl A. Thursby. 20ih " Gio. A. Heiumicli. Geo. V. .MetzeL City at Large. H. W^. Snowden Benj. Eccleston. Upton Scott. Joseph Watsuu. OS o O d o « o o CQ P EH < o ;^ I— ( 5-1 < < OQ < OQ « O o o o COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. JOHN T. MORRIS Prk.-ii.ent. H. .M. COWLES Sbcrktary. WM R. CREEKY .SuPKRiNrt.sDENT. B. C. REED AssT. Superintendent. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1st Ward — Geurtje W. Thompson 71 s Washington 2d " \vn Fremont ;ind Columbia " II. I!. RoiMiser 423 Light " Christi.in Einnjerich ■ 63 w Fayette " P. .M. Snowden 8:^ w F.iyelte '• B. H. Hobbs 160 Mosher 12 th 13th 14th 15th 16th nth ISth 19th 20 th P r- ►-^ — c DC "t; -^ i- - :; ^ 16: w >: ^ 5; ^ C-l . "c cc T' Cs 't: ^ t^ e c "o -y r. o V c ff tm» s z: i^ o o -M c^ _!= j3 t>-.^ Z) o <— > -> > TT ette ne^r Paca street, D. A. iloUingshead. Stale Normal School, 35 Franklin street, M. A. Newell. Male Granunar School No. I, corner of Fayette and Greene streets, William G. Cox. Female " '" No. 1, " " ' " " H. A. Cail. Male Grammar School No. 2, corner of Broadway and Biink streets, W. T. .Markland. Female " " No. 2, '■ " " " Georgia A. Duvall. Female " " No. 3, Aisqnilh near F.ayelte, Mary E. Burnett. .Male Grammar School No. 4, Sharp near Montgomery, H. A. Wise, Jr. Female '' '' No. 4, " " Mary H. Tliomiz. Male Giammar School No. 5, corner Greenmonnt avenue and Eager, ( harles G. E'lwards. Female " " No. 5, " " " " Florence S^ott. .Male G:ammar School No. 6, Druid Hill avenue near Biddle s^treet, William F. Wardenburg. Female " " No. 6, " "' " " Eliza Adams. Male Grammar School No. 7, cor. of Chesapeake and Hudson streets, E. M. Jackson. Male (irammar School No. 8, cor. of Fremont street and Rid}.'elv al, John E. McCahan. Female " " No. 8, " " " " Adelaide L. Hall. Male Grammar School No. 9, Courtland near Saratoga, C. C. Wiiiht. Female " " No. 9, " " Anna G. Chappell. Male Giammar School No. 10, corner of Williaio and Warren streets, R. K. Hollinf^shead. Fennile '• " No. 10, " '" " " JIary Ann Reside. Male Grammar School No. 11, corner of Bond and Jefferson streets, John W. Hooper. Female " •' No. 11, " " " " Nancy W. Smith. .Male Giammar School No. 12, Iiarre street west of Eiitaw, li. D. Reese. Female •* •• No. 12, " " "' Annie E. Porter. .Male Grammar School No. 13, .Aisquith near .Mullikin street, Gtor>re B. L..aue. Female •• " No. 13, " " " E. J. Miichell. Mae Grammar School No. 14, corner of Gouiih and Stiles stnets, J. F. Arthur. P^male " " No. 14, " " " Maryraret Snyder. Male Grammar School No. 15, cor. of Republican street and Wa P I— ( < Mutual Life ihsnrance Co. of New York. 904 APPENDIX xfl >H etween Favetie and Lexington. ENGINE CO." No. 2— House located Barre St., betueen Sharp and Howard. ENGINE CO. No. 3— House located Lombard street, between High and E.xeter. ENGINE CO. No. 4— House locnted Norjh st , between Fayette and Lesin^ituu. EXGINE CO. No. 5— House located Ann St., between Pratt and Goiuh. ENGINE CO. No. 6 —House located cor. Gay and Ensor streets. ENGINE CO. No. 7— House located cor. Druid Hill r.venue and Euiaw street. ENGINE CO. No. 8 — House located cor. Mul- berry and Poppleton. ENGlS'E CO. No. 9— House located cor. Madi- son and Regester. ENGINE Co. .No. 10 — House located Columbia near Poppleton. EN'GINE CO. No. 11— House located cor.Eist- ern aud Patterson Park avenues EXGINE CO. No. 12— House located cor. Fort avenue and Johnson. KNGI.VE Co. N... 13— House located cor. Fre- mont and .Mvrtle av. HOOK .^ND LADDER No. 1— House located Harrison St., heti^een Favette and Baltimore. HOOK AND LADDER No. 2— House located Paca St., between Favette and Lesiuiiton. HOOK AND LADDER No. 3— House located Ann street near GouL;b. SALVAGE CORPS— House located 27 N. Lib- erty. CITY POLICE AND FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Old City Hall. N. Hulliday street. For Fire Alarm aad Police purposes, and for recovery of lost childien. Parties findinjr children will please hand them over to a police officer or send them to a Police Station House. Notice — The directions for giving an alarm will be found in tlie bo-xt-s. The BELLS of the Department will strike the number of the Box thus : If the alarm comes from Box 24, they will strike 2 4, 2 4; If from 34, strike's 4; 3 4, &c. When the services of the entire Department are required, a ireneral alarm will be rang, the strokes of the bells being given in quick succes- sion until the}" exceed twenty. C. W. CRUMB ACKER, Superintendent. LIST OF TELEGRAPHIC FIRE ALARM STATIONS. 1 Central Police Station, Holliday street 2 Calvert and Lombard streets 3 Baltimore and Hanover streets 4 Pr.itt and Gay streets 5 No. 1 TrucK House, Harrison street 6 Charles aud C-imden streets 7 Howard and German streets 8 Pratt Street Bridge 9 Charles and Mulberry streets 12 No. 3 Engine House, Lomb:ird street 13 No. 2 Engine House, Barre street 14 No. 2 Truck House Paca street 15 Nu. 6 Engine House, Gay aud Ensor sta 16 Aisquiih and Douglas streets 17 No. 7 Engine House. Eutaw and Ross sts 13 Western Police S'.ation, Greene street 19 Penn and Lombud streets 21 Bank :'nd Exrter streets 23 William aud MontsiOmery stieets 24 Caroline ami Lombard streets 25 Bond and Jetfersou streets 26 Light aud Cross streets 27 Eastern Police Station, Bank street 28 Fayette and St. Paul streets 29 Eutaw and Cross streets 31 Fremont and Columbia streets 31 Franklin and Chatsuorth streets 34 Belair and Cei.tral avenues 35 Richmond Market 36 Southern Police Station 37 Eager stn-et and .Morton alley 38 North and Monument streets 39 EUicott and Chesapei'ke streets. Canton 41 Harford avenue and Easji-r street 42 Drawbridge, foot of Fails 43 Fremont and Lexington streets 45 Pratt and Poppleton streets 4fi Front and Hillen streets 47 Locust Point 48 Pearl and Saratoga streets 49 Fredeiick and Calverton roads 51 No. 5 Engine House, .A.nn street 52 Pennsylvania avenue and D')Iphin street 53 Baltimore and Republican stieets 54 Canton avenue and Chester street 56 Northwestern Police Station, P. nna av 57 Baltimore street and Frederick road 58 Belair avenue 59 Charles and Lombard streets 61 Carey street and Edmondson avenue HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. APPENDIX 905 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 132 134 135 136 137 [41 142 143 145 US 147 48 P52 Madison and Forrest streets Broadway and Thames street Lexington and Strieker streets Cathedral and HoflFinan streets Ann and Orleans streets Pratt street and Central avenue Cross and ("ovingtoti streets Pratt and Eutaw streets Clay street and Park avenue Monument street and Plover al Gay street and Broadway Li^ht and Heath streets Madison and North aveuues Pennsylvania avenue und McMechin Street Cook ond Strieker streets Eutaw place and Dolphin street Cauto!i av and Caroline street Baliiniore and Wolfe streets Giliuor and McHenry strets Fayette street and Broadway Druid Hill av atid Preston street Eager and Constitution streets Aisquith and Jefferson streets Central and Harford avenues Oregon and Townseud streets JIouuii eut and Cnstle streets President St. aniiC:inton avenue Baltiiuore and Poppleiou street Barre and Warner streets Ann stieet and Canton avenue Bank and W:i8bington streets Eden and Chase streets Ko. 8 Engine House, Mulberry st Madison and McMeehiti streets Fort avenue and B.& 0. Railroad Pratt St. and Patterson Park av North and Greenmount nvenues North avenue and John street No. t) Eiigine House, E. Madison street Light and Lee streets Ltadenhall and Stockhoh.i streets Calvert and Pleasant streets Fa\eite and Exeter streets No. 10 Euj^ine H. D. OnioN, " John Johnson, W. H. Grirtith, " Thomas E. Morrow, '' Henry Snyder, jr. " Daniel Kirhy, " William Keilhollz, " Hiram Spicer, Power Press Printing;, (Maryland Ins. Go's 15 th Ward — F. Hassenkamp, 16th " Peter Hiiies, 1 7th " Henrv Dic-kens, 18th " F. McCniley, 19th " George A. Smith, 20 lb " Benjamin Horn. ALMSHOUSE. TucSTEES: — Henry Snyder, Presidt-nt ; Joseph Clarkson, Thomas White, Joseph Friedenwald, ^ Joshua H. Atkinson. r: POST OFFICE Exchange Buildings. Postmaster — Andrew W. Denison. Assistant Postmaster — Jehu B. Askew. Treasurer — John M. Denison. Chief Clerk— Robert E. Boyd. .J, General Superintendent — John D. Taylor. O .Money Order Clerks — John J. C Dougherty, w p]dward Henrix. Philip D. Boyd. - Foreign Money Order Cleik — Adolph Von Har- q tung. Registry Clerks — L'Muuel Jones, Jno. H. Baker. Stamp Cleik— W. H. Powell. General Delivery Clerk — James A. Blair. Supt. Letter Carriers — Michael S. Showacre. pq p o The Post Office is located in tlie Government Building, •^ bounded by Second. Ghv and Lombard Streets. t.^ OFFICE IIOURS. [^ Post-Master's Room, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. For Delivery of Letters, Papers, Sale Of Stamps. &c, 8 A. .\I toll P. M pL] On Sundays, from 8 30 to 10 A. M. Chief Clerij. Treasurer. Money Order and Registered • Letter Department, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M ^ POSTAL RULES. ^ Many errors occur by persons not observing the fol- >^ lowing regulation-! in depositing letters, papers, or mis- cellaneous publieations in the 'UBce for mailing. ~ Honey should never be enclosed in an ordinary envelope. ZD. Valuable letters should be carried to the Post office p^ and registered. If Money is to be remitted, a Postal ^ .Money Order should be obtained. If upon points where w there is no Money Order Office, then the letter should cH be registered. ^ Packages containing poisons, oils, explosive chemi- ^-^ cats, liquids, or anything calculated to injure or en- (^ danger the safety of the mails, will not be received. q^ Letter Postage is to be cliarged on all printed mat- ^ tar which shall contain any m-inuscript writing what- ever, r. A letter once delivered to any one authorized to C^ receive it cannot be forwarded without additional |K)st- U2 age. ■*^ CITY DKLIVERY. Q The public are requested to adopt the house-door letter-boxes, the use of vhich will result io greatly in at Pedaced Rates Marble Building ) 1 rl 2 o CJ l-l -«-> , Cm t/; O O X 9 o f' > 7; 'X ■^ o ■D 1^ !z; O r-^ in o ^ Uh Tj :e o c tr ^ ■i^ r^ X r^ 1— 1 o a; C2 ^ X . .v t>. __ ' — ; X .5 CS c: o o (S ^) 5 o 6 >> x^ o ■u> c g=! o 1— 1 O 4^ ■tJ Cf> m a > M i--' o m r*^ -b-> t^ '^ o rf, (U (S3 ^ >, a^ lO C>1 p Oj r<-> S ^ - S eS 1—' -f yj 2^ M w 05 ni =a Mutual Life Insurance Co. of ISTew York. 906 APPENDIX. S H 1^ . r. o 6 00 -1-3 D-, <4:) <-» o ,t^ t-, r^ v; ^ r) CD "^ ■tJ >^, s r »^ c D Ts -^1 O To c ^e- ^ so a « rC S^ +J ■4—1 s >, H cs f— • > •-J > !» J^ c S t^ O) h -1^ €«■ creased rapidity in thedeliveiy of letters. Free delivery of letters by faithful Carriers will be secured by having them plainly addressed to the street and number. No necessity exists for persons calling at the office, as all may have their mail matter left at their residences reg- ularly, without risk or charge. Four deliveries will be made daily by the Letter Carriers, beginning at 8.00 A. M., 10.30 A. M., 2 15 I'. M., and 4 30 P. M. COLLECTIONS Are made dailv from the street letter-boxes as follows: 1st. 7.00. to 8 30 A. M.; 2d, 12.00 to 1.45 V. M. ; 3d, 7 00 to 8.45 P. M.. except Sunday, when one collection from 4 to 8 P. M. is made Letters are also collected and delivered at the principal hotels. DOMESTIC MAILS. The singleletterrateof postage is three cents, through- out the United States, for )i ounce or under. An ad- ditional rate of three cents is required for each additional X ounce, or fraction thereof. Transient newspapers and miscellaneous mailable matter to be prepaid by stamps. One package to one address, 2 cents per 2 ounces or fraction thereof." STAMPED ENVELOPES. The attention of the public is called to the advantages of using Stamjied Envelopes rather than Postage Stamps Daily, numbers of letters are dropped in the Post Office without prepayment, with Revenue Stamps, and Stamps cut from Stamped Envelopes affixed, which are held for postage; whereas by the use of Stamped Envelopes, these letters would go forward without delay. Persons purchasing Stamped Envelopes, of any de- nomination, in quantities.of 500 and upwards, may have their address and request to return in a specified time printed thereon, not to exceed four lines, free of charge. The Department offers unusual inducements to the pub- lic in the sale of Stamped Envelopes. A. W. DENISON, FOSTMASTEE. CUSTOxM HOUSE. N. W. corner Gay and Lombard — Office hours from 9 a m. to 3 p. m. COLLECTOR'S OFFICR. Collector — Washington Boolh. Special Deputy Collectors— D. W. Gray, W. S. Reese. Auditor--George E. Dowell. Clerk to Auditor — John H. Suter. Clerk— R. J. H. BogjiS. Cashier of Customs— diaries F. Hanna. Ass't Cashier of Customs — .John P. Clayton. Fee Clerk— R. M. Smith. Correspond inji Clerk — Lewis B. Nvman. Entry Clerk, Chief, and Acting Deputy Col- lector— W. R. Reese. Entry Clerks — N. J. Sippinston, David Max- well, C. L. Kemp, D. L. Rilstuii. Warehouse Clerks— T. S. Plummer, Chief, Stai.ley YouniT, H. 11. Ditf.ndei ttVr. Liquidating ClerKs— E. C. Gaskill, Chief. Assistants— A. C. Rhodes, W. 11. Spencer, Osmond Tiffany, R. W Hall, S. C. Bush. Impost Clerk— (jiiarles 11. Pill. Bond Clerk— F. J. Kngler. Assistant — G. S. Bordiey. Import and E.xport Statistical Clerks— Alex. H. Steuart, Cliief. L. A. Wilmer, T. S. Nixdorf. Marine Clerk — Charles H. Richardson. Assistants — F. A. Ilardesty. Wm. Landstreet. Coastwise Clerk — Charles W. Raphun Assistant — Charles George Ridgely. Record Clerks — Charles G. Hergesheimer, Wal- ter Ball; E. G, Fast, interpreter. Miscellaneous C erk — R. H. James. Weigher — S. Parker Bosley. Clerks— Richtird S. Guest, L. H. Hutchins. Assistant Weighers— J. S. Allison, G. M. A ! dison, E. M. Price, S. W. Forrest, E. Post I. G. Roberts. J. H. Leach, R. C Henneberry J. W. Start, R. L. Ewlns, J. S. Merrymaa J. H. Naas, F. H. Taft, R 0. Waterworth. Marine Hospital Clerk--R. R. Baer. M. D. Gangers— Stephen Whalen, J^hn T. Schley. Measurers— Charles S. Roop, W. H. Byrn. Ass't Custodian— Edward T. Daneker. Janitor of Building— Columbus Sanders. Messengers — James Jackson, J. S Conaway Felix McCurlev, Stephen A. Carmack, Johi H. Bride. Superintendent of Warehouses — W. L. W. Sea brook. Storekeepers— Bonded Warehouses — A. S. Coop er, John H. Rediie. John S. Manley, Charle M. Kuhn, Lri, alius Lauer, William H. Pick ing, John K. Caldwell, F. M. Collier. Joh Thomas, James H. Hooper, William E. Wflllis William H. Counselman, William Stahl, W W. Sullivan. Storekeeper No. 1 Public Store— B. H. Ken nard; Clerk. R. B. Evans ; Ass'tStorekeepei Frederick Wiigner; Foreman, R. J. Walker Porters, W. M. Mercer, Owen Gooding, J. T Tubman, jr.. G. R. Thompson; Messengei James H. Parker; Engineer, R. H.White Fireman, W. Cummings. NAVAL OFFICE. Naval Officer— Adam E. King. Deputy Naval Officer- William Corkran. Entry Chrks— Samuel Keefer, W. E. W. Ross Warehouse Clerks— R.E. Bouldin,C W.Beattj Liquidating Clerks— William H. Taylor, Joh P. Carter, F. D. Tormey. Fee Clerk— A. A. White. Impost Clerk— J. W. Lanahan. Manifest Entrv ('lerk— L. A. Carl. Miscellaneous Clerk— James H. Wood. Messenger— Ja-nes N. Miller. SURVEYORS OFFICE. Surveyor — Charles Gilpin. Deputy Surveyor— Henry R. Torbert. Ass't Dep. Surveyor— Henry W. Straughn. Aid to Surveyor— P. D. Macueal. Clerks— R. A. Bruce, Jas. W. Shuck, J. Fran Seiss. Messenger- W. A. Willyams. GENERAL APPRAISER'S OFFICE. General Appraiser— John L. Meredith. General Appiu.er's Clerk— R. G. Morgnn. Appraisers— John L.Linlhicum,HenryH. Golds borough. Examiners— John R. Fellman, Robert C.Maunc Nisbet Turnbull. Alfred Miller,W. H. Myeri Riifns Kin.', Caleb Douiy, William Galloway Cnief Clerk— Louis R. Cassard. Assistant Clerk — C. S. Schermerhorn. EXAMINER OF DRUGS. J. Purviance Polk. HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Packiug, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. ' Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Genl A^t. APPENDIX. 90T UNITED STATES TREASURY. . S. Assistant Treasurer — Peter Nciiley ictinjr Assistant iind Cashier — T. H. H. Lear}'. Merks — Josiah N. Jones, A. H. Bariiitz, W. H. Piotzmaii, L H. Nice, George R. Page, P. L. Hiteshew, Wm. Fox. Jacob Deems, jr. lessf-nnfer — Jacoi) R. Tucker. ault Wrttdimen — John Fayue, John J. Bro- guriier, David Crist, David Grogg, .Maurice AlljaUKh INTERNAL REVENUE. ALEX. P. TUTTON, Supervisor for the Dis- rict of Pennsylvania. Dehiware and .Maryland, :. C'ffice at Phihtdeiphia. ROBERT M. PROUD, Collector 3d District f Marvlan.i. A. W. Stehmm, Deputy Collector. Chas. H. Cohb, Cashier. Office over Post Offi.VI) CIRCUIT.— Hon. John M. Robinson, of ueen Anne countv. THIRD CIRCUIT.— Hon. Richard Grason, of Balfi- ore countv. FOURTH CIRCUIT.— Hon Richard H. Alvey, of '.'i.-iliington countv. FIFTH CIRCUIT.— Hon Oliver MiIIer,of Anne Arun- !l CO. SIXTH CIRCUIT.— Hon Richard J. Bowie, of Uont- )merv co. SEVEN'THCIRCUIT.-Hon. George Brent, of Charles unty. Ci.ERK. — James .S. Franklin, of Annapolis. State Reporter. — J. .-^haaff Stockett Attorney Gexerai.. — Hon. A K. Syester. Terms op Court — First Monday in April and October. THE CIRCUIT COURTS OF MARYLAND. Terms op Courts. —The Judges of the Circuit Courts have power to change the days for the com- mencement of the terms of Courts, kc . under the fol- lowini; provisions of the Constitution. Art 4, section 24; "The Judges shall hold not less than two terms of the Circuit t-'ourt in each of the counties composing their respnctive circuits, at such times as are now. or may liereafter be prescrih^ed, to which jurors shall be sum- moned ; and in those counties where only two such terms are held, two other and intermediate terms, to which jurors shall not be summoned. Said Judges may alter or fix the times for holding any or all terms until otherwise prescribed, and shall adf)i)"t rules to the end that all business not requiring the interposition of a jury, shall be, as far as practicable, disposed of at said intermediate terms " THE JUDICIAL CIRCUITS. FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Hon. James A. Stew- art, Chief Judge: Hon. J. R. Franklin and Hon. L. T. H. Irving, associates Termsof Court — \Vorcestp.r County. — Snow Hill, 3d Monday in Jan- uary, May and July, and 4th Monday in October Somerset County — I'rincess Ann, 2d Monday in January, .".pril, July and October Dorchester County — Cambridge, 4th Monday in January, July and April, and 2d .Mond.TV in N'ovember. Wicomico County. — Salisbury, 1st .Monday of Jan- uary and July, and 4th Monday of March and Sept- ember. Juries summoned to March and September terms and to other terms when a majority of the Judges shall direct. SECO.VD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Hon. J. M. Rob- inson, Chief Judge, and Hon. J A. Wickes and Hon Frederick Stump, associates Terms of Court — Caroline County. — Denton, second Monday in Jan- uary, .March and July, and 1st Monday in October. T.4LB0T County — Easton, 3d .Monday in May and November. Queen Anne's County. — Centreville, Ist Monday in May and N'ov-mber Kent County.- ChestertOAvn, 3d Monday in April and October. Cecil County — Elklon. 2d Monday in January, 1st Monday in April, and 3<1 .Monday in September. THIRD JUDICIAL CI RCUIT.— Hon. Richard Grason. Chief Judg- Hon. George Yellott and Hon James I'. Watters. associates Terms of Court — Baltimore County. — Towsontown, 1st Monday in March, 3d Monday in .May. 2d Monday in September and 1st .Monday in December. Harford (JouNTY.^-Bel Air, 2d Monday in February, May and .Vovember. FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT —Hon. Richard H Alvey. Chief Judge. Hon. Wm Mntterand Hon. Geo. A. Pearre, associates. Terms of Court — AlleoaNY County.— Cumberland, 1st Monday in January, 2d Monday in April, and October with Juries. Six Chancery Terms : 1st .Monday in January, 3d .Mon- day in February and 2d Monday in April, June, August and October. Washington County. — Hagerslown 2d Monda.v in Feuruarv aiid May,and 3d .Monday in November; six equity terms — 1st .Monday in April, 2d Monday in -May, 4tli Monday in July..3cl Moiid;iy in September and Nov- ember, and 2d Monday in February. Garrett County — Oakland, .3d Monday in .March and 2d Monday in September with Juries ; six equity terms — 3d .Monday in January, March. May, July, and 2d Monday in .> ^ X 02 910 Mutual Life Insurance Co, of New York. APPENDIX^ ~ 3j^ '^ NATIONAL MECHANICS BANK. S. E. corner of Calvert and Fayette Streets. Chartered 1806— Capital $1,000,000. Robert T. Baldwin, President. R. Coleman, Cashier. i 9-^ C "^ C2 c: DIRBCTORS. cT'O ^L ^- '^- Baldwin Thomas Kensett, 3 C c T. C. Jenkins, G. W. Ward, '^ rt cs George S. Brown, S. H. Caiighy, ■-^ .M '§ W. F. Lucas, William Stirling, Robert Lehr. .i^ c O W. H. NoKRis, Cashier. Discount Days. Wednesday and Saturday. Dividends, January and July. Election, Jan- uary. WESTERN NATIONAL BANK. EutoAC Street, one door north of Eutaio House. Chartered 1835— Capital, $500,000. C. Brooks, President. CC DIRECTORS. Wm. G. Power, Junes Harvey, Wm. S. Young, S. R. Smith, Wm. F. Burns, Robert Garrett, o ^-^ .Francis Burns, . ^ o C. Brooks, £!!1 "^ Walter B. Brooks, rt C r Aaion Fi'nton, ^<:i 3- Charles F. Mayer, .-, ^ Matthew B. Clarke, ■* o" ^ Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. Divi- 'J 5 "^ dends, January and July. Election, January. ^ H' S ;^ c S =3 >-. <; "S "^ pm R C H ^ S 05 ^ W O CHESAPEAKE BANK. 5. E. Corner North and Fayette Streets. Chartered 1836— Capital, $359,903 J. S. GiTTiNGS, President. M. LiTTiG, Cashier, DIRECTORS. E.S.Rogers, G.H.Williams. Z H. M. Bash, J. Matthews, § rt >; Joseph W. Mowell, G. M. Williams, 1;; ^ '^ J. S. Gittings, Jr. "^"C cu Discount Day, Wednesday. Dividends, Jan- uary. Election, May. FARMERS AND BANK. PLANTERS «>'-'§ NATIONAL g +^ w Cmmer South and German Streets. r^_c ^' Chartered 1836— Capital, $800,000. *w X. fctj Enoch Pratt, President. *^ c c Richard Cornelius, Cashier. Enoch Pratt, |^_ o 't' > Thomas Whitridye, "*^ > '^ Wm. Hopkins, Francis White, S ? ■ " J. Alex. Shriver, "^ Discount Days, Monday and Thursday „ r- . Dividends, January and July. DIRECTORS. Samuel Bevan Laurence Thomseu D. L. Bartlett, Wm. Lamping Philip T. George. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. Corner of Hanover and Pratt Streets. Capital, $1,000,000. Henry James, President. J. Wesley GiDest, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Thomas Cassard, George M. Bokee, D. C. Howell, Henry James, John R. Seemuller, James A. Garv, C. W. Slagle. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday, Dividends, July and January. BANK OF COMMERCE, No. 26 South Street. Chartered 1854— Capital, $324,000. Jas. W. Alnutt, President. Edward J. Church, Acting Cashier. DIRECTORS. Edward J. Church, Thomas K. Turner, James W. Alnutt, Wm. Hand Browne, Charles Reeder, jr. W. W. Post, John B. Emerj-. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturda}', PEOPLES BANK. Corner of Baltimore and Paca Streets. Chartered 1856— Capital, $1)1,360. Jacob H. Taylor, President, J. B. Ramsay, Cashier. directors. David Carson, E. A. Clabaugh, H. H. Chase, W. H. Clabaugh, Jacob H. Taylor. Z>i«co?mi X>('y«, Wednesday. Dividends, Feb- ruary and August. HOWARD BANK. N W. corner Hmoard and Fayette Streets Chartered 1847— Capital $200,000. President, Vacant. John G. Lester, Cashier. directors. James S. Wilson, Talbot Denmead, R. Lawson, Henry Wirt, jr., Caleb Kelly, B. T.' Hynson, John R. Cox, Thomas G. Evans, Samuel Edmunds, William Hunt. Discount Day, Wednesday. Dividends, Feb ruary and August. §0 HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. APPENDIX. ^1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE. No. 8 South Qay Street. Chartered 1863— Capital Stock $1,110,000. J. S. NoRRis, President. Thomas Kelso, Vice-President. E. K. HoLTEMAN, Cashier. DIRECT0K3. Wm. E. Hooper, S. M. Shoemaker, J. S. Norris, Thomas Kelso, Wm. J. Albeit, Horace Abbott, George Small, Thomas Pierce, John G. Cockey. Discounts — Daily Dividends, May and No- vember. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF BALTI- MORE. No. 147 Broadway, comer Eastern Avenue. Capital, §500,000. John S. Gilman, President. J. H. Bawden, Cashier. DIBECT0R8. John J. Abrahams, John S. Gilman, Edw. W. Robinson, Thomas Kensett, Horace Abbott. Discount Day, Thursday. Dividends, May and November. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE. No. 31 South Street. Chartered 1865— Capital $600,000. P. S. Chappell, Pre3ident, A. M. Carter, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Philip S. Chappell, Henry S. Sbrjock, Thomas Y. Canby, 0. A. Parker,, James Carey Coale, W. H. Crawford, Samuel E. Hoogewerff, James S. Hagerty, Adolph Ahrens, Jacob Tome. Discount Day, Wednesday. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. No. 4 8. Sharp Street. Chartered 1865— Capital $600,000. John Hurst, President. Charles T. Boehm, Cashier. DIRECTORS. B. F. Parlett, W. T. Dixon, John Hurst, J. P. Neer, H. Clav Miller, H. C. Smith, S. Lehmayer, A. J. Miller, David T. Buzby. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. TRADERS NATIONAL BANK. N. TV. comer German and Light Streets. Chartered 1872— Capital $213,700. Isaac S. George, President. Clayton Cannon, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Isaac S. George, Robert Garrett, Clayton Cannon, Wm. T. Markland, .John H. Fowler, John Gill, Alexander Shavs-. Discounts, Daily. Dividends January and July. OLD TOWN BANK. S. E. comer Gay and Exeter Streets. Originally chartered 1858; amended 1872— Capital $151,670. E. G. HiPSLEY, President, James R. Edmunds, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Wm. H. B. Fusselbaugh, Charles W. Hatter, Henry Wilcox, Joshua Regester, James Musgrave Bernhard Clark, Lewis Seldiier. Discount X)ay«— Tuesdays and Fridays. Div- trfencfo^April and October. UNION BANKING CO. OF BALTIMORE. No. 21 South Street. An Incorporated Bank — Capital $150,000. Samuel Earth, President. Charles Harvey, Vice-President, F. A. Savin, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Barth, C. Harvey, W. H. Straus, J. Keiiizle, F. A. Savin, James H. McLaughlin Discount Days — Wednesday and Saturday. SAVINGS BANK OF BALTIMORE. N. W. comer Gay and Second Streets. Chartered 1819 — open for receiving and paying deposits daily from 10 to 1 o'clock. Archibald Stirling, President. David Baldwik, Treasurer. S. McD. Richardson, Assistant Treasurer. directors. Thomas Whitridge, c3 o PQ o Q =y Q O O oq" H < < PL, < Michael Warner, Chauucy Brooks, Deeter Bargar, Edward Kurtz, Galloway Cheston, Wm. McKim, James I. Fisher, Joseph Cashing, jr. Thomas C. Jenkins, N. Poppltin, Samuel Kirby, George S. Brown, Solomon Corner, Austin Jenkins, Thomas M. Smith, William Lamping, Laurence Thomsen, Enoch Pratt, Henry James, Geo. B. Coale, Werner Dresel, R. F. Newcomer, A. H. Stump. I— I < H OQ DROVERS AND MECHANICS BANK. N. W. corner Baltimore and Carey Streets. Chartered 1874 — Open for receiving and paying deposits daily from 9 to 4 o'clock. Jacob Eclinger, President. J. D. Wheelkb, Cashier. directors. Lewis Myers, Jacob Ellinger, Wm. Eden, Wm. D. Miller, James L. Bayles, Chas. H. Jones, M. D. C"rey McClelland, Feli.K McCurley, Jesse Hay, John Turnbull, jr. Discount Days — Monday and Thursday. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. < pu, OQ P O o OQ P o o Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. 912 APPENDIX. 7a < o EUTAW SAVINGS BANK. S. E. comer Eutaw and Fayette Streets. Incorporated 1847 — Ojten forreciving and pay- ing deposits daily from 10 to 1 o'clock. Wm. F. Burns, President. Robert D. Brown, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. Wm. J. Rieman, (—1 < OQ Wm. F. Burns, .Janies Harvey, John Gushing, Francis Burns, Andrew A. Hack, Matthew B. Clark, Alfred Jenkins, Wm. Devries, Henry R. Lnuderman, D miel .M. Thomas, Aarou Fentou, Elislia H. Perkins, John GretTR, Samuel R. Smith, Gi'or^ie P. Thomas, Francis Dawes, J. Harman Brown, Wm. Wilson, jr. Wm. H. Perkins, Nichobis G.Peuuiraan, IK-nry Snyder, John L. Weeks, John K. Seerauller, G. A. Von Lingen. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK OF BALTI- MORE. 173 Sotith Broadway. Chartered 1871— Capita! $300,000. Wm. Schwarz, President. A. Y. DoLFiELD, Cashier. DIRECTORS. o o W^ ^§ • Mo OOh=H CkpK Woo '^< 002 O O William Schwarz, A. Y. Dolfield, C. Gunther, Henry Smith, J. Q. A. John Hertel, John G. Maun, Lewis Ehrman, Nicholas M. Smith, Hollo way. Discount Days — Monday and Thursday UNITED GERMAN BANK. S. E. cor. Baltimore Street and Postffice av. Chartered 1871— Ca[iital $100,000. John Smith, President. Clemens Ostbndorf, Vice-President. Charles Westrich, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Michael Albert, J. B. Kissner, John Smith, Clemens Ostendorf, Christ. Kruezer, Valentine Zoeller, J. W. Gerken, Francis Meyd, John Hodes, Andrew Hofnian, John Bauernschmidt, Ferd Freyoe. directors. Charles Weber, Henry Straus, Christ Lipps, Michael Willinger, Peter Voltz, Wm. George Atkinson, Anton Weiskittel, Ernst Knatje, John G. Koppelman Frek. Wi-hr, Frederick Schlens A. H. Schuiz. CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK. S. E. corner Charles and Lexingt/yn Streets. Chartered 1854. Francis T. King, President, John Curlett, Vice-President. Wm. E. Coale, Treasuier, F. W. Brune, Attorney. DIRECTORS. George W. Corner, W. B. Canfield, GERMAN BANK OF BALTIMORE. N.E.cor. Baltimore & Ilolliday Sts. (up stairs) Capital $600,000 Charles Weber, President. Henry Vees, Cashier. Daniel J. Foley, J. B. Seidenstricker, Wm. Bridges, John M. Orem, Thomas J. Wil'^on, George Sanders, Germon H. Hunt, Christian Ax, Henry C. Smith, Charles J. Baker, Dr. J. F. .Monmonier, D. L. Bartlett, Robert Turner, F. W. Brune, Hamilton Easter, Wm. Numscn, Wra. Woodward James Carey, Jesse Tyson, Samuel Appold. This Bank is open daily for receiving deposits of any amount on interest, and paying money, from 10 to 1 o'clock. GERMAN CENTRAL BANK. Maine's Building, (up stairs.) Chartered 1874— Capital $200,000. Conrad Meid, President. Frederick Ruhstrat, Cashier. directors. Conrad Meid, Wm. H. Welde, A. Hellwig, George Kahl, David Arabach, Conrad Graf, W. A. Dryer, J. H. Vonderhort, J. H. Michel, H. Kiees, sr. John F. Reus, Jacob Hciman. Discount Days — Wednesday and Friday. ♦lONUMKNTAL SAVINGS BANK, 9 Pleasant Street. Chartered 1868. George W. Hardbsty, President. Wm. Chester, Treasurer. directors. Samuel Sindallf Patrick McLaughlin, George T. Clark, James B. Duke, Robert W. Lonev, P. T. Barry, John McCart, Edward C. Eggleston, James Connaughton, Stephen Lewis, D. H. Rice, Samuel Lucas. BROADWAY SAVINGS BANK, 63 South Broadway. Open every Saturday and Monday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. Alexander Jones, President. Tho-MAS H. Morris, Treasurer. Henry Fulton, Secretary. DIRECTORS. W. II. Cathcart, Henry Boss, William B. Jones James R. Claridge, E. T. Robb, James Bates, Washington Kellj', John Hughes, Jolin T. Culliniore, Sidney Turner, Philip Sherwood. HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Poet Office Avenue, Assets,$, O. F. Bresee, Genl Agt. APPENDIX. THE BENEFICIAL SAVINGS FUND SO- CIETV OF BALTI.MORb;. i^. E. corner Lexington and Calvert. Receives deposit? daily, from 9 to 1 o'clock. Interest p;iid on deposits. Isaac Hartman, President. C; C. Shriver, Treasurer. MANAGERS. Cumberland Dugan, Ditaiei J. Foley, Will. am H. V. Smith, Thomas J. Myer, Henrv Bojiue, Joseph Fink, Henry McCaffrey, Isaac Hartirian, Thomas C. Yearly, John T. Piquett, Henry R. .McNaliy, J. J. Turner, FredericliS. John W. Jenkins, Geor>:e W. Webl), 0. Oliver 0'Doni:ell, Alfred Jenkins, John ilnrphy, Luke Cussidy, Daniel Donnelly, E. Austin Jenkins, John Malloy, F. Win. Dammann, Josejih Judik, John A. Middleton, John M THE COLLATERAL SECURITY BANK, 27 and 29 West Fayette. Bi F. Uluan, President. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF BALTIMORE. 12 and 14 South Street. For the safe keei)ing of Government Bonds and other securities or valuables. PEABODY SAVINGS INSTITUTION. S. W. COT Monument and Aisquith Sts. Meets Monday Evenings. Moses W. Leib, President. DE V. Kirk, Treasurer. PERMANENT LAND COMPANY OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. S. E. cor Second and Postoffi.ce av. Joseph Fkiede.nwald, President. M. Affeldeb, Secretary. CONSOLIDATED REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. S. W. cor South and German Streets. Isaac Cox, President. R. Hooper. Secretary. CITIZENS' SECURITY AND LAND COMP'Y 17 South Street. Wm. G. Scarlett, President. Wm. Shannon, Treasurer. NOTARIES PUBLIC. THOMAS MURDOCH, 10 s Holliday. iEO. E. SANGSTON, 1 Law Building. r. HARRIS HODGES, Lexington & Courtland sAMUEL, T. MORGA.N, cor Gay and Lombard HARLES A. WAGNER, 230 w Baltimore. VALTER S. WILKINSON, cor Baltimore and Charles streets. RAILROADS 9130Q c3 PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. North, South, East and West. Ticket office n e cor Calvert and Baltimore sts. W . D. DuBarry, Ticket Agent. Samuel T. Dc Ford, South Eastern Agent. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Camden Station, Camden Street. John W. Garrett, President. John King, Jr , Vice-President. William Keyser, Second Vice-President. Thomas R. Sharp, Master of Transportation. John W. Davis, General Agent. William H. Ijams, Treasurer. W. T. Tli.liu, Auditor. John L. Wilson. .Master of Roads. John C. Davis, Master of .Machinery. L. M. Cole, General Ticket Agent. E. R. Dorsey, Assistant. Nathan Guilford, General Freight Agent. Oliver Hoblnzell, Gen'l Agent, Camden Station. C. M. Heald, Agent. Locust Point. Benj. Willian.'S, Purch.ising Agent. J. L. Randolph, Chief Engineer. George S. Koontz, Agent at Washington. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Corner Calvert and Franklin Streets. Thomas A. Scott, President. A.J. Cassatt, Vice-President. Robert S. Hollins, Secretary. J. S. Leib, Treasurer. John Ciowe, Auditor. S. B. Kingi^^ton, Gen'l Freight Agent. J. .M. Drill. .Ass't Gen'l Freight Agent. Isaac M. Schcrmerhorn, Gen'l Western Freight Agent. Edwin S. Young, Ass't Gen'l Ticket Agent. D. M. Boyd, Jr., General Passenger Agent. Frank Thomson, General .Manager. George C. Wilkins, Superintendent. A. Vt . Sumner, Purchasing Agent. o O O ft o o H PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD President Street, Corner Canton Avenue. Isaac Hinckley, President. Enoch Pratt, Vice-President. William Crawford, General Agent. C. K. Ide, Master of Transportation. H. F. Kenney, Superintendent. Alfred Homer, Secretary and Treasurer. Geo. A. Dadmuii. General Ticket Agent. Branch Ticket Office, U3 W. Baltimore street WESTERN MARYLAND RAILROAD. Office S. TV. cor. Eutaw and Fayette Sts. J. M. Hood, President and Gen'l .Manager. Alexander Rieman, Vice-President. John S. Harden, Secretary and Treasurer. B. H. Griswold, Auditor and Gen'l Agent. Charles Webb, Ass't Manager. Wra. Lannan, Master of Machinery. P-H c o o c > o 3 •SC/J a; Sc-^ "^ o t: •-r^ -" o c — ' 'Jl eC ■"rd !D l; - bL n w U ■— a: cS u 914 Mutual liife Insnrance Co. of New York, ' APPENDIX. BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. No. 70 N. Calvet-t Street. Oden Bowie, President. A. J. Crtssatt, Vice-President. Flunk Thomson, General Manager. George C. Wilkins, Superintendent. b. S. Young, Ass't (Jeneml Ticket Agent. J. M. Diill, Ass't Gem-ral Freight Agent. J. S. Leib, Treasurer. John Crowe, Secretary and Auditor. A. W. Suinuer, Purchasing Agent. BALTIMORE AND DRUM POINT RAIL- ROAD. ^"^"oD No. 46 Lexington Street. r ^ G Daniel R. Magruder, President. S '3 5 Wm. R. llutton, Viee-Presideiit and General i ^"o Manager. " " ' Gen. George H. Steuart, Treasurer. John G. Butler, Ass't Treasurer and Secretary. UNION RAILROAD. No. 15 Sov,th Street. William G. Harrison, President. S STEAMSHIPS & STEAMBOATS. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. The Screw Steamers of tlie North German Lloyd run between Baltimore ami Bremen, via Southampton, every alternate Saturday, touching at Southampton, both goinK and returning. These vessels take freight to London, Hull, Leitli, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, for which through bills of lading are signed. All letters must pass through the Post olfice. For freight or passage apply to A. SCHUMACHER k Co., No. 9 S. Charles Street. — Z) -, ' "^ o ^^ - ?fi .— '-' o -^ , - n > X !> o 'X. J _ OJ n', c >-, ce a- a; o «o M (M c a. IS .^ i "^ C w «.. ^ H 5^ ,3 PS O 0^ +3 15 rt O >> ?I C/J (-< Oh 1i c3 1) f^* >i ALLAN STEAMSHIP LINE. The Screw Steamers of the Afontreal Ocean Steamship Company run between Baltimore and Liverpool, via Halifax, every alternate Wednesday. These vessels take freight to Hamburg, London, Antwerj), Amster- dam, Rotterdam, Havre and Bordeaux, for which through bills of lading are signed. All letters must pass through the I'ostoffice. Kor freight or passage apply to A. SCHUMACHER & CO., No. 9 S. Charles St. FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN. Inman Line of Mail Steamers, sailing from New York every Saturday and Thursdav. J. Q. A. HKRRIVG, Agent Adams' Exjiress, 164 \V. Baltimore St. And GKURGE McCAFFRA V, Agent, 28 St. Paul St. I* ■^ c s ■*.i oS s ■r to c^ ~ be - c ^- crs — CO R >» . (h a -^. < s f-* ^ 05 ? 03 L "S ^ m ^ €©■ BALTIMORE AND HAVANA STEAM- SHIP COMPANY. For Havana and New Orleans, calling at Key West carrying the United States .Mails, sailing 7th and 21st of each month. Thi.s line comprises the following first- class steamships: "Wilmington," and "Ashland." For freight or passage apply to MORDBCAI & CO., 4.5 S. Gay Street. FOR BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, R. I. Every four days via Norfolk. The Steamers of the Boston Steamshij) Company will sail semi-weekly for Boston and Providence via Nor folk, at 3 P. M. For freight or passage apply to A. L. HUGGINS, Agent, foot of Long Dock. FOR AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Port Royal Navigation Co. To Port Royal, S. C, connecting with the PortRoyal R. R for Augusta, Ga., and wiili the Georgia R. R for Atlanta, and all local stations onGeoigiaR.R "carry- ing freights to Rome, Chattanooga, Dalton,and all in- terior[)oiiit3. Through bills lading given. Fine accpm- modations for passengers. ANDREWS & CO., General Agents, 73 Smith's Whf. FOR SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Every five days, Baltimore and Savannah Steamship Company, composed of the first class Steamships Sara- gossa and America Through bills of lading given for all points in Georgia, Alabama and Florida, by (Jeor- gia Central and Atlantic and Gulf Railr-oad For freight or passage apply to .IAS. B. ANDREWS, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf, or Cotton Press, Union Dock. NEW YORK OUTSIDE LINE. The Old Dominion Steamship Company's Steamships G. W IClder and Richmond will be despatched from Baltimore every Tuesday and Saturday at 4 o'clock P. M., sailing from foot of Spear's Wharf. ANDREWS & CO., Agents, 73 Smith's Wharf. POWHATAN STEAMBOAT CO.— FOR RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG. The. Steamers of this Line are now leaving from Pier So. 2 Light Street Wharf, at 4 o'clock, P. .M., as follows: Tuesdays, Thursiiaysand Saturdays, via, James River Route. Through bills of lading given to all points South and South West WM. A. SELDEN, Agent, 90 Lightst Wharf. BALTIMORE AND FREDERICKS- BURG LINE. The Steamer WENONAH, will leave Pier 9 Light St. wharf every Friday at 4.30 o'clock, P. M. Re- turning will leave Fredericksburg every Monday even- ing at 8 o'clock. The Steamer iMATIFyDA, will leave same wharf ev- ery Tuesday evening at 4.30 I' M. Returning will leave Fredericksburg every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. HENRY WILLIAMS, Agent, S.H.FORBES, Superintendent. OflSce. Pier 9, Light St. wharf. JOS. HAZARD, Agt, Fredericksburg. FOR THE SOUTH. Balt'wiore, PorUmouth and Weldon^ Bay Line, ana Seaboard and Roanoke Bail Boad. The elegant Steamers LOUISIANA and GEORGE LEARY, leave Baltimore daily, at 4 o'clock, P M., foi Fortress Monroe and Norfolk, connecting at PortsmoutI with the Seaboard and Roanoake Railroad for Weldon Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta Atlanta, and all jdaces South. For Kdenton and Ply mouth, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Wil. C. SMITH, Superintendent Bay Line. FOR CHARLESTON. Every five days, Baltimore and Charleston Railroai and Steamship Comjiany, composed o( the Steamship Falcon and Seagull, For freight and passage ai)ply t MORDECAI & CO., 45 S, Gay Street, POTOMAC TRANSPORTATION LINI For Alexandria, Washington, Georgetown and Poll mac Rivti Landings The Steamer EXPRESS wi leave from I'ier No 10, Light Street Wharf, every Tue day at 4 P, M. Returning will leave Washington g, ery Friday at 12 M, For further information apply tj, A. NEEDHAM & SONS, 142 Light Street Whar. HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Sup^ies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South. St. APPENDIX. 915 CQ BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steamers of this Company leave 3 Liglit Street Wharf, daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 3 1'. .\l., for Phila- delphia J. ALEX. SHRIVER. Vice-Prest., 3 Light St. Whf. EASTERN SHORE STEAMBOAT CO. Steamer MAGGIK, Capt. S. H Wilson, will leave Baltimore, South Street, eveiy Tuesday and Friday at & P. M.. for Cri^fielll, Onaucock. Pitt's Wharf. New- town and Snow Hill. Returning, leave Snow Hill ev- ery .Monday and Thursday at 5 A .\i., touching at New- town, Pitt's Wharf. Onancock and Crisfield, arriving in Baltimore early tlie hf.Kt morning. Steamer HEI.E.V. Capt. G. A. R.AYNOR, will leave Baltimore, South Street Wliarf, every Wednet-d;iy and Sunday at 5 P. M., fur Cri^field, Pongoteague, dct-a- hannock, Hunger's and Taylor's Wharf. Both boats take passengers for the Oelaware Rait Road. Freight received until 4.!^ P. 11. .and must be prepaid. Freight received at all points on Eastern Shore Rail Road. P. R. CLARK., Agent, 107 South Street. NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE TRANSPORTATION LINE.— INLAND ROUTE, VIA CANALS. Steamers of this Line leave Company's Wharf, foot of Frederick Street Dock, daily, at 4 o'clock, (Sundays excepted,) through to New York. J. ALEX. SHKIVER,Vice-Prest , 3 Light St Whf. WEEMS'S TRANSPORTATION LINE. PL.-iNTER, .Jones, leaves Pier .Vo. 8, Light Street, every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 30 A .\I., for Fair Haven, Plum Point, Governor's Run and Patuxcnt River, proceeding as far up as Benedict. Keturniug, leaves Benedict every Thursday and Monday at 6 A.M., for Baltimore, calling at all the Landings for freight and passengers. Freight received at I'ier No 8 Light Street, on Tuesdays and Fridays only . up to 4 o'clock . MARY Washington, Capt. Gourley leaves Pier No. 8 Light Street, every Thursday .N'ight at 10 o'clock, for Patuxent River direct, proceeding as far up as Hill's Landing. Returning, leaves Hill's Landing every Mon- day for Nottingham, and Nottingham every Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock, for Baltimore, calling at the Land- ings below Benedict for passengers only. Freight re- ceived at .\o. 1 Tobacco Warehouse Wharf, on Thurs- days only, up to 4 o'clock. HENRY WILLIAMS, Agent, S. H. FORBES, Supt., Office, 118 Light St. Whf. BALTIMORE AND SUSQUEHANNA STEAM COMPANY. Steamers JUNIATA and LA.VCASTER leave lower end of WestFalls Ave. daily, (Sundays excepted,) at6 P. M., during the Summer, and at 5 P. M. from Octo- ber to close of Navigation, for Havre de Grace and Port Deposit. Returning will leave Port Deposit daily, at3' o'clock. P. .M , and Havre de Grace at 4 o'clock, P. M. JUS. JAS. TAYLOR, Agent, 212 West Falls Ave. FOR ALEXANDRL\, WASHINGTON, GEORGETOWN AND LANDINGS ON THE POTOMAC RIVER. The favorite Steamer SUE, Capt. Jas. Harper., will leave Pier 10, Light Street wharf, Baltimore, every THURSDAY at 5 o'clock P. M. for the above points. Returning, wiil leave Seventh street wharf, Washington, every .MONDAY NIGHT, arriving in Baltimore early Wednesday morning. Freight received at Pier 10. Light street wharf on Wednesday and Thursday until 4 P. M. For further information apply to R. FOSTER, Gen'l Manager, 144 Light St. wharf. MARYLAND STEAMBOAT CO. :z The Steamers of this Line leave Pier No. 3 Light St. Wharf, as follows : Fob Annavolis and WedtRivkr. — Daily, (Sundays excepted.) at 7 A .VI. For Eabion, Oxford, Cambridoe, Denton and In- termediate Landinos —Steamer HIGHLAND LIGHT Tuesdays, Tliur.sdays and Saturdays, at 9 P. ,M , con- necting at Cambridge next morning with 9 A. .M. train on Dorchester and Delaware Railroad for Seaford, and at Easton with Maryland and Delaware Railroad. ^3 LOWER POTOMAC LINE. For Fre-:] gap O UNION TRANSFER CO. BAGGAGE EXPR. 143 W. Baltimore Street. STAGES. ANDERSON'S STAGE TO BELAIR. Lertves Brown's Hotel, 119 N. High Street, Tuesdays, Thursda}'s and Saturdays, at 8 o'clock, A. M. KELLVILLE AND FRANKLINVILLE, VIA KINGSVILLE. Leaves Rising Sun Hotel, 74 n High Street, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, (and daily during Summer) at I o'clock P. M. LONG GREEN, HARFORD ROAD STAGE. Leaves Star Hotel, corner Front and Low Streets, every afternoon at 2\ o'clock, and Sun Office at 3 o'clock. FRANKLIN, VVETHEREDSVILLE and POW- HATAN STAGES. Leave Hand Tavern, Paca Street, daily, 'at 3 o'clock P. M. PIKESVILLE STAGE. Leaves Hand Tavern, Paca Street, 3:30 o'clock P. M. daily. LIBERTY ROAD STAGE. Leaves Hand Tavern, Paca Street, daily, at 2 o'clock. P. M., in Winter and 3 o'clock in Summer. TELEGRAPHS. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. S. W. corner Baltimore and Calvert streets. Branch offices : Kccles, Thorns & Co., Canton, Parker House, 4 n Liberty, under Eutaw House, 78 Light, Howard House, 39 South, Calverto Hotel, Wilhelni's Hotel, Camden Station, Presi" dent Street Depot, Calvert Station, Mt. Vernon Hotel, N. E. cor Calvert and l^altimore. Stock Board 12 South street, and cor Penna ave and Townsend A. Wilson, Jr., Pres't. FRANKLIN TELEGRAPH CO. Office 131 W Baltimore. Branch offices : — 32 South, 1 Light-st. wharf, cornet Boston and Aliccanna, Canton, Hanover and GiTinan, Eutaw House, corner St. P;tul and Baltimore, corner Gay and Lombard Kennedy Duff, Manager. AUTOMATIC TELEGRAPH CO. 58 Exch mge Place. W. I. Capen, Manager. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH CO. OF BALTIMORE. First District, South and Water; Second District, under Eutaw House; Third District, 108 Franklin. Harry Fisher, President. Robert Gaerett, Treasurer. C. Clay Yeakle, Supt. PASSENGER RAILWAYS. CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY. Office Carroll Hall, vp stairs, corner Calvert and Baltimore Streets. ODEN BOWIE, President and Super't. RICHARDS C. SMITH, Treasurer. MADISON AVENUE AND LINE. BROADWAY Runs from Thames street. East Baltimore, to station on North aveune. Cars leave the sta- tions every four minutes. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND ALBE- MARLE STREET LINE. Runs from city limits on Pennsylvania avenue to Philadelphia depot. Cars run at intervals of 9 minutes. FRANKLIN SQUARE LINE. Runs from west end of Baltimore^street to Baltimore Cemetery. Cars le.ive the stations every 4 minutes. NORTH AND SOUTH BALTIMORE. Cars run at intervals of 9 minutes from ter- minus on Light street to end i.f Charles street, at North avenue. EUTAW STREET AND CAMDEN DEPOT. This line runs from Batimore street, along Eutaw to Camden depot. Cars run every 10 minutes. HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. Largest Life Ins. Co. iti the World. O. F. Bresee, G-en. Agt. APPENDIX. 917 CANTON LINE. Runs at intervals of 15 minutes fioni North avenue to Tooue street, Oanion. ,|S©*Time of sturtins the Cars ou all the Hues, 6 a. ni. Run until luiduij^ht. CITIZENS' RAIL\YAY COMPANY. Office iV. W. Terminus. J. S. HAGERTY, President. G. W. STODDARD, Supt. Going: East to Patterson P.irk. — From Druid Hill Park to Pennsvlvanii Avenue, Cumber- land, Gilnior, Townsend, Repuhlicm. Fayette, Howard, Lombard. Exeter and Pratt Streets. Returning from Patterson Park — Baltimore Street to Ann, Pratt, Exeti-r, Lombard, South, North, P'ayeite, C^irey, Townsend, Strii-ker, Gilmor. Cumbeiiaud, PennsyUMuia Avenue and terminus at Druid liili Piirk. Connect with Western Maryland Railroad depot and Di uid Hill Park Railway to Mansion House. Run every 6 minutes, from 6 a. ra. to I'ip.m. CATONSVILLE RAILWAY. Leave Baltimore each hour from 7 a. m. to 8 p. lu., and at 11.30 p. m. On Sundays at 8 a. m. to 8 i>. m , and 10 p. m. Leave Catonsville each hour from 7 a. in. to 8 p. ra., and 7.30. a. in. Ou Sundays 8 a m. to 9 p m. For Ellicott City, {on Sundays only,) at 8 and lo a. in. and 2 and 4 p. ni. Leave Ellicott City, (Sundays only.) at 10 a. m., 12 m. and 4 and 6 p. in. YORK ROAD RAILWAY. Leave Baltinior«'for Towsontown at half-past each hour, from 7.30 a. ui. to 8.30 p. m., and 10 to 11 p. m. Leave Towsontown for Baltimore at each hour, from 6 a. m. to 11 p'. m. Leave Baltimore for Govanstown at 7 and 8 a. ra.. and at eicii hour fro n 2 to 7 p. in Leave Govanstown for Baltimore at 8 and 9 a. m., and at eacii hour from 3 to 8 p. m. BALTIMORE. PEABODY HEIGHTS AND WAVERLEY PASSENGER RAILWAY. Office, terminus of the Line, Mount Royal Reservoir. BALTIMORE, CALVERTON' A.ND POWHA- TAN RAILROAD. Leave Baltimore at 7. 8, 9 and 11 a. in., and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ami 9 p. ni. Leave Powhatan at 25 iniautes after each hour from 6 to 1 1 a in., e.tcept 10 a. m.; and 25 minutes after each hour from 1 to 9 p. m., except 7 and 8. On Saturdays a car will leave Baltimore at 9 p. ra. The Cars of this CompHny connect witii the Red Line of the Baltimore City Passen;^er Rail- way. BALTIMORE AND HALL SPRINGS RAILWAY. Officers of the Road:—E. Wyalt Blanchard. President; W. Carvel Hall, Secretary; S. R. Davis, Supt. Leave City 11 ill and North Stnet every 15 minutes, from 6.45 a. in to 11.30 p. m., for Darley Park, Harford road, via of Fayette, Ais- quith and .Madison streets and Central avenue, and counectiiii.' at Darley Park with Cars for Homestead and H dl Springs, at 3 and 5 p. m., until further notice. Leave Darley Park for Hall Sj. rings at each hour from G 30- to 11.30 a. m., and 2 30 to 7.30 p. iti. Le.ive Hall Springs at each hour from 7 a. m. to 12 m , and 3 to 8 p. m. The Cars leaving City Hall -it 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a. m., and 2, 3, 4, 5, tj and 7 p. m., connect directly with the Cars for Hall Springs. GQ PQ o O SOCIETIES. MASONS. Masonic Temple., N. Charles, near Saratoga. MEETINGS OF LODGES AND CHAPTERS. C.HSsia Lodge, No. 45 — 1st and 3d Monday. o o =^ Q O O .Mvstic Circle, " 109— island 3d Monday. Mount Vernon " 151 — -Isl and 3ii Monday. Adherence, '' 88 — 2d and 4th Mcmday. LaFavette, " 111 — 2d and 4th Monday. StiirBf'thlehera " 167 — 2d and 4th Monday. KinkT David's, '• 68 — Ist and 3d Tuesday. Monumental, " 96 — 1st and 3d Tuesday. Fidelitv, " 136^1stand 3d Tuesday. Warren, " 51— 2d and 4th Tuesday. Doric, " 124 — 2d and 4tl) Tuesday. Joppa, " 132 — 2d and 4th Tuesday. St. John's, " 34 — 1st and 3d W-dnesday. Phoenix, " 139 — 1st and 3d Wednesday. Hiriirn, ■' 107 — Ist and 3d Wednesday. Arcana, " 110 — 2d ;ind 4ih Wednesday. Landmark, " 127 — 2d ind 4th Wednesd.iy. E.xci'lsior, " 169 — 2d and 4th Wednesday. Washington, " 3— 1st and 3d Tliursday." Centre, " 108— 1st and 3d Thursday. Amicable, " 25— 1st ^uid 3d Thursday. Union, " 60— 2d and 4tli Thursday. Pythagoras " 123— 2d and 4th Thursday. Corinthian, " 93 — 2d and 4th Thursday. Kedion, — 1st and 3d Frid.iv. Oriental " 158— 1st and 3d Saturday. Concordia, " 13 — 1st and 3d Friday. Ben Franklin " 97 — 1st and 3d Friday. .Maryland, "120 — 2d and 4th Friday. Gerinania, — 2d md 4th Friday. John H dav. B. Latrobe, No. 1G5 — 2d and 4lh Fri- CONVOCATIONS. No Concordia Chap Phoenix Jernsalera " ' St. John's " ' day. Adoniram Chap. No 1 — 1st and 2d Friday. 7— 2d and 4th Friday. 9— 2d and 4th Mondav. 19— Island 3d Wednes- 21— 1st and 3d Monday Eh <1 >H < o o Power Press Printing;, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.; ^^ 918 '■c a u o cc O •CO f- ; ^ s X* '■."1 ^S 2 =- ■ 2^ f 2 H ■ ~ O ! X - ^ I" I' 5 £'^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. APPENDIX. ASSEJIBLIES. Miiryland Comin'y, No 1 — 2'1 and 4ih Fiiduy. Brtltim.-re " ' " 2 — 2d iiud 4ih Tburs- diiy. JJonuniental " " 3— 2d and 4th Tiies- day. Crusade Comm'y, Nd. 5 — 1st and 'Sd Thursday. D. A. Piper, Giand Tyler. Office hours, 8 to 12 A. M., 2 U) 4 P. M. 1. 0 OF 0. F. The Grand Lodge meets annually on the ihird W^dne^diiy in April in the City of Bal- timore. Officers of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. M. \V. Grand MasitT — \Vm. Kirk. R. W. l)v[j'\ Grand M isier — R. W. Gr;iiid Warden — James K. .McCahan. R. W. Grand Secreiary — John M. Jones. R W. Grand Treasurer — A. L. Spear. R. W Grand Cli. -plain — B. Frank Leitch. R. W. Grand Marshal— Josl)ua Lytich. W. Grand Conductor — James S Stevenson. W. Grand (Juardian — John R. Onion W. Grand Herald Thomas F. Byrne jr. Meetings of Lodges and Encampments at Odd Fellows Hall, N.Qay Street. At Pacific Hall,cor. Baltimore and Paca Sts. Pacific Lodge, 63, every Thursday. Mount Ararat Encampment, No. 13, every Tuesday. Washington, Fraidvlin, Columbia, William Tell, Gratitude, Ilarnionv , Friendship, .Marion, Jetl'erson, Corinthian, .Maryland, Monumental, .Mechanics, Union, Germania, Iris, Oriental, Schiller, Biltimore City, Golden Rule, Jackson, Warren, Atlantic, Independence, Mountain, Liberty, .Madison, Eureka, Escavaille, M.irlcy, Vansant, Palapsco, Beacon Light, No. 1, 3, 4, 5, ^, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, L"), IG, 47, 48, 52, 55, 57, 58, 65, 71, 72, 77, 84, 93, 98, 101, 106, 107, 119, 120, 121. every Monday. " Thursday. " Wednesd'y. " Tue.^day. " Monday. " Wednesd'y. " Thuisday. " Tuesday. " Thursday. " Tuesday. " M.)iidav. " Thursday. " Monday. " Tuesday. " Wednesd'y. " Tuesday. " Friday. " Wednesd'y. " Wednesd'y. '' Monday. " Friday. " Monday. " Tuesday. " Thursday. " Monday. " Wednesd'y. " Tuesday. " Tliursd ly. " Monday. " Wednesd'y. Friday. C ■■~ Jerusalem Encamp' t. No. 1, every Friday Salem '• 2, " ' Wednesd'y. Hebron " 3. " Tuesday. Schiller " 12, " Thursday. Philanthropic Encamp. 16, " Monday. Sharon " 28, " Tuesday. At Wildey Hall, 202 E. Pratt Street. Thomas Wildey Lodge. No. 44, every Wednes- day 5 > X i a; >> ce f.» lO — ^d- L 0. OF UNITED BROTHERS. Grand Band meets quarterly over Bank of Baltimore, Baltimore and St. Paul. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MRN. .Meet in Metamora Hall, w Lombard street, near Hanover. Officei-s. Henry Goitschilk — Grand Sachem. Louis Petzold, " . Treasuier. C. Frietschuer, " Secretary. Grand Lodge meets every 3d Sunday of the month at Metamora Hall. Place of Meeting of Tribes. Metamora, No. 1, Metamora Hall. Mansluisia, 2, " " 11, " " 30, " Osceola, Powhatan, Talma, Mohawk, Talaska, Pinola, Philip, lucohonee, Anacosta, Red Cloud Mohican, Oneida, Osceola, Mohican, 39, Trinity Hall, Trinity street. 46, Metamor.'. Hall 96, Osceola Hall, n Gay street. 99, Harugari Hall. 100, Metamora Hall, 101, Osceola Hall. 152, Highlandtovvn. 126, Cumberland, Md. Encampments. 2, Metamora Hall. 20, " 21, Cumberland, Md. UNITKD ANCIKNT ORDER OF DRUIDS. The Grand Grove meets on the .^d Thursday of May, August, November and February, cor- ner of Baltimore and Gay streets. Washington Grove, No. 1, every Monday. Baltimore City, " 9, " Tluirsiiay. Mechanics " 11, " Fridav. Utah " 12, " Wednesday. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. G. C. OF U. S. The Grand Council of the United States, Im- proved U. R. M., will meet in the city of Rich- mond on the second Tuesday in the Corn Moon, G. S. D 384. The Great Council of the State of Maryland meets in Baltimore on the Ci)ld .Moon. Chiefs of Orand Council of Maryland. J. B. Weaver, G. Sachem. Dr. — Weiver, G. Sen. Sag. John H. Bennett. G. Jun. Sag. ('. D. Irelan, G. Chief of Records. W G. (joisuch, G K. of Wampum. J. Guest Kin;.'. G Prophet. John T. Maddo.x. G. Siinnap. George Heath, G. K. of Wicket. Joseph Benson, G. K. of Forrest. HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. APPENDIX. 919 Places and Times of Meeting of Tribes. Pocahontas, No. 3, Monday, Red Men's Hall, Paca street, above Faveite, next eii<;itie house. PoNvhatau, No. 5, Wednesday, cor Pratt and Bund. Osceohi, No. 11. Wednesday, Osreola Hall, Gay Maneto, No. 14, Wednesday, Red Men's Hall, Pacu street. Tecumseh, No. 15, Tuesd.iy. cor Light and Montjiomery. Ottawa, No. 16, Thursday, Red Men's Hall, Paca stieet. Paw nee, N... 22. Tuesday, Red Men's Hall,Paca-st Susquehanna, No 37, Friday, Red Men's Hail, Paca street. Manhattan, No. 34, Monday, Red Men's Hall, Pacastreet Potomac, No. 51, Red Men's Hall, Paca street. Patapsco, No. 53, Re.l .Men's Hall. Paca street. St.Taniina, No. 56, Red .Men's Hall, Paca street. Chopiauk, No. 57, cor Fa.\eite and Charles. Paluxent, No. 58, Mozart Hall, cor Camden and Hanover. Office of the G. C. of R. of D. S., at the Red Men's Hall, Paca street. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Grand Lodj^e meets annually on 4th Tuesday of January in Baltimore. Office No. 18 North street. Officers for 1875-6. S. Sands Mills, P. G. C. E. T. Danuer, G C. J. B. Groome, V. G. C. John J. Ward. G. P. James Wliithouse. G. K. of R. and S. James Whithouse and G. W. Lindsay, rep- resent'iiives to Supreme Lod^e. Lodges marked with * work in the German language. LODGES. 1. Golden, Friday, .Moz;irt Hall, cor Hanover and Camden sis. 2. Monumental, Friday, Wildey Hall, E Pratt sireet, bet Bond ami Bethel sis. 3. Baltimore City, Thursdiy, cor Gay and Fiiyetlc sts. 4. Gratitude, Tuesday, cor Baltimore andGay streets. 5. Damon .Monday, Bible House, Fayette St., near Cli.arles 6. Good Intent, Thursday, Covenant Hall, Lexington and Howard sts. 7. Excelsior Thursday, Bible House, Fayette St., nr Chailes. 8. Friendship, Wednesday, Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co. 9. Carroll, Monday, s e cor Charles and Fay- ette sts. 10. Maryland, Tuesday, cor Baltimore and Gay 11. Eureka, Tuesday. Alamo Hall, Repul)lican 12. Reliance, Thursday, Red Men's Hall, Paca nenr Le.xingtun. 13. Geo. Washington, Thursday, Harvey Hall, cor Hanover and Pratt sts. 14. Geiniauia, * Friday, Metamora Ilall, Lom- bard near Hanover. pq o Q 15. Mount Vernon, Friday, Charles and Fayette. 16. Arlington, Fiiday, 195 w Biddle St., near Druid Hill av 17. Stoddaid, Wednesday, Metamora Hall, Lombard nr Hanover. ^ 18. Oriental, Wednesday, Bible House, Fayette -^ near Charles. ^-^ 19. Mystic, Friday, Bible House, Fayette near ^ Charles. <^ 20. Franklii., Tuesday, Bible House, Fayette "^ near Charles ^ 21. Chosen Friend, Thur.sday, Powhatan Hall, s e Cor Bond and Pratt ^ 22. Pythagorian, Thursday, Osceola Hall, N ;; Gay St., near Fayette. cu 23. Rescue, Wednesday, Mozart Hall, Hanover g and Camden. . p 24. Concoidia. Wednesday, Harvey Hall, Han- .:: over and Pratt sts. -^ 25. L.'.fayelte, VVeduesd..y, Covenant Hall, "■ Howard and Lexington SiS. 27. Columbus, Tuesday, Columbus Hall, Lex- iii<2ton and Pearl sts. 28. Schiller, * Fridav, cor Gay and Fayette. 29. Mountnin City, Mond>iy, Frederick, Fred- _ er ick County. q 30. Jackson, * Thursday, Metamora Hall, Lom- ^ bard near Hanover. 31. Cecil. Wednesday, Port Deposit, Cecil Co. oi^ 32. Annamssex. Wednesday, Crisfield, Somer- set County. ft 33. Mechanics, Friday, Red Men's Hall, Paca Q street. O 34. Quantico, Thursday, Quantico, Wicomico j County. 35. Shekinah, Thursday, Princess Ann, Som- erset County. . Frederick City, Monday, Frederick City. Bayard, Thursday, cor Gay and Hxeter sts. ^' HaVmony, Tuesday, Rising Sun, Cecil Co. ^ Liberty. Monday, cor Ga. and Exeter sts. J^ Kent, Tuesday, Chestertown, Kent Co. Seminole, Monday, ('herr.v Hill, Cecil Co. ^ Fellowship, .Monday, North East. Cecil Co. ^ Good Will, Thuisday, Wildey Hall, Pratt g near Bond. ^--\ 44. Amicitia. Fridiy, Hereford. Baltimore Co. ^ 45. Hand-in-Hand, Thursday, i hesapeake City. ^^ Cecil CuuntN . ^ 46. .Myrtle, .Momlay. Chesterville, Kent Co. 47. Queen Anue, Wednesday, Ci umpton, Queen ^ Anne's County. ounty. Valley, Friday, Hagerstown, Washington County. Crescent, Wednesday, Mt. Vernon, Somer- set County. Millington, Wednesday. Millington, Kent County. Vienna, Tuesday, Vienna, Dorchester Co. Hebron, Saturday, Cockeysville, Balliujoie County. De Kalb,* Monday, Metamora Hall, Lom- bard slreet. AUemania, Tuesday, Harugari Hall, E. Bal- timore slreet. Fairmount, Tuesday, Fairuiouul District, Somerset County. Manchester, Tuesday, Manchester, Carroll Co u n ty . Laurel, Thursday, Liurel, Prince Giorge (.'(lunty . Mazeppa, Friday, St. Peter's, Somerset Co. Wic()mico,Tuesd.iy,Tyaskin, Wicomico Co. Carabrid^je, Thursday, Cambridge, Dorches- ter C'lunty. Montgomery, Friday, Rockville, Montgom- ery County. Chimpion, Friday, Mt. Washington, Bal- timore County. Oakland, Friday, O.ikland, Girrett Co. Rising Sun, Tiiursday, L.)uaconing, Alle- ghany Counti . Steuben, «Thursday, Trinity Hall. Balto. Frosburu: City, Frostburg, Alleghany Co. Croinelin, Great Falls, Montgomery Co. Monterey, Barton, Alleghany Co. Catociin, Berlin, Frederick Co. Home Secret, Shavvsville, Harford Co. 5SP ^ l-H — ' K-v; o C5 SONS OF TEMPERANCE, C. S. Moshcr, Grand Worthy Pairi'irch. Joseph Isaacs, St. Dennis, B.iitiuiure Co , Grand Wurtiiy Associate. R. T. Smith, sr., 87 W.Fayette St., Biltimore, Grand Scribe. S. S. Adilison, Baltiuiore, Grand Treasurer. W. Griffith, Sextouville, Baltimore County, Grand Ohapiain. John Savage, Waterberry, Anne Arundel Co., (Jrand Conductor. Wm. McCoy, Baltimore, Grand Sentinel. Time and Places of Meeting of Subordinate Bicisions. Baltimore, No. 1. Monday, at the Temple. Monroe, No. [i, Wednesday, at the Temple. .Monumental, No. 2, Friday, over People's Bank, cor. Balti'uore and Pact Newington, No. 27, Kmorv Chapel. East Baltimore, No. 6, Thursdiy.Wildey Hall. Randolph, No. 5, Saturd ly, Wildey Hall. Rising Sun, 130 (Jaut in :iv, LmdandSea. No ItJI, Thursday, se corner Light and Montgomery. Great Western, No. 20, Tuesday, s vv cor. Bal- timore a id C.rey. Alfred Cookman. No. 22, Thursday, a vv corner Baltimoie and Pop})leton. The Grand Divisioa also meets quarterly on the list Thiirsda-' in Ja;.uary, April, July and October, at such place as may be fixed at the jtreceding meeting. CADETS OF TEMPERANCB. Grand Section holds its regular Quarterly Sessions in January, April and July, and its Annual Session iu 0 lober, at Temperance Temjile. Offcers. John P. Sind.ill, Gr.nd Worthy Patron. 0. H. Bruce, Grand S'^cretary, Charles Leonard, Assistant Grand Secretary. J. Webstei- Sifwart, Grand Treasurer. R. T. Smith, sr. Grand Chaplain. A. Marshall, (Jrand Guide. J. C. Gey, r>51 n Gay. Delta, No. 4, Wednesday, No. 3 South street, W. W. Cunningham, 841 w Baltimore. HENRY HOEN & CO., T.itlK^-rapfiing an.] Engraving, Cor. Second St, and Post Office Avenue, O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. APPENDIX. 921 Epsilon. No. 5, Wednesday, Gay and Fayette streets, H. Pick, cor lliij;!i and Low. Zeta, No. 6, Wednesday, M^ryhiad H^ill, Biddle street, J. H. Christian, .M D., 441 Peniia av Eta, N'>. 7, Thursday. Teiiiperance Temple, W. E. Anderton, 89 n Calvert. Theta, No. S, Friday, Annapolis, Sauiuel Jick- lir.g, Annapolis. Kappa, No. 10, Thursday, Matyland Hall, Bid- die street, G. H. Cline, 298 e Madison. Lambda, No. 11, Monday, MauH's flail. Canton, Cvrus C'ipper. 316 Aliceanna. Chiio, No. 12, Monday, Harniiari Hall, Balti- more street, near Kxeter, V. Hohlweg, 51 n Fremont. Nu. No. 13, Tuesday, Uniontown, Herod P. Enu'er, Uniontown. Xi, No. 14, Tuesday, Moz irt Hall, Robert B. Lawton, 296 Hanover. Omikron, No. 15. Wednesday, Wm. U. Beall, Cumberland, Md. Pi, No. 16, Wildey H;dl, C. W. Whitman, 43 s Ed'-n. Rho, No. 17. Tuesday, Johnson's Hall, cor Bal- timore and Poppleton, Charles A. Harvey, 715 w Lombard. Sigma, No. 18, Wednesday, Cumberland, Md. Arcanum, No. 19, Wednesday, Wm. A. Sim- mons, f-'tederick City. Upsilom, No. 20, Wednesday, John J. Betzeii- ber(ier, 476 Peniia av. Phi, No. 21, Thursday, Bank and Bond. R. W. Grand Encampment of Maryland meets first Friday in March and September. James Young, M. E. Giand Commander. J. H. Livingston, R.,W. Grand Scribe. Ormisda Encampment, No. 1, Thursday, Bal- timore and Gay. Cleobulus Encampment, No. 2, Monday, Mary- laud Hall, w Biddle. Solon Encampment, No..^, Friday, Gay &Fayette Piticus Encampment, No. 4, Friday, nt Druid Hall, Fayette and Gav. Feridon Encampment, No. 5, Wednesday, Bal- timore and Greene. SONS -AND DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA. Grand Council meets semi-annually, in the city of Baltimore, at n e cor B iltimore and Gay, John Cox. Grand President. Arianna Reese, Grand Vice-President. G. F. Rntf, Grand Secretary. T. J. Trimble, Grand Treasurer. H. Clay Maydweli, Grand Chaplain. G. Edwin Swayne, Senior Grand Guide. Anna Foreman. Junior Grand (ruide. .Mary J. Price, Grand Inside Sentinel. Wm. H. Hebden, Grand Outside .Sentinel. Councils. Columbia Council, No. 1, Room 3, Teiuper ance Temple. Excelsior Council, No. 2, N. W. cor Fayette and Gay sts., Tuesday. Franklin, No. 10, Friday, S. W. cor Greene and Lexington. Laurel, No. 8, .Monday night, .Maryland Hall, Biddle street. Monumental Council, No. 4, Osceola Hall, N. Gay St., Friday. Maryland Council, No. 5, Redmen's Hall, Paca street. Friday. Liberty Council, No. 6 Powhatan Hall, Bond and Pratt streets, Friday. KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. M. W. Wolf, G. N. C. R. L. Robinsim, G. M. of R. Grand Castle meets 1st Monday in March and September. Red Lyon Castle, No. 1, Wednesday, Golden Eaule Hall, 51 w Fayette street. St. Geor'jes Castle. No. 2, .Monday, Golden Eajile H.all, .')1 W. Fayette street." Mais Castle, No. 3. Thursday, Golden Eagle Hall. 51 W. Fayette street. Ivanhoe Castle, No. 4, Tuesday, Golden Eagle Hall, 51 W. Fayette street. ORDER OF UNITED AMERICAN ME- CHANICS. State Council of Maryland — J. W. Holden, Sec- letary. office N.W. cor Greene and Baltimore George Washington Degree Council, No. 1 — Thursday, cor Greene and Baltimore streets. Baltimore Council, No. 1 — Thursday, cor Bal- timore and Bond streets. Monumental Council, No. 2 — Monday. S. E.cor Bond and Pratt streets. Independent Council, No. 14 — Saturday, North East, Cecil County. Good Intent Council, No. 17 — Wednesday, Elk- ton, Cecil County. American Star Council, No. 18 — Friday, Me- chanics Hall. N.W. corGreene«nd Baltimore Cherry Hill Council, No. 19 — Saturday, Cherry Hill, C cil county. Chesapeake Council No. 20 — Wednesday, Chesa- peake City, Cecil county. Empire Council. No. 23 — Tuesday, cor Greene and Baltimore streets. Libertv Council, No 24 — Friday, Harvey Hall. N. W cor Pratt and Hanover streets. Goodwill (^'ouucil,No.25 — Tuesday, Woodberry, li iltimore county. Guiding Star Council, No. 26— Saturday, Ce- cilton, Cecil counlv. Maryland Council, No. 28 — Tuesday, Maryland Hall No. 195 w Biddle street. Greenmount Council, No. 30 — Friday, cor Bond and .Miller streets. Columbia Council, No. 31 — Wednesday, Fred- erick avenue. Paul Jones Council, No. 32— Friday, cor How- ard and Lexington stieets. Rescue Council, No. '^A — Tuesday, Mechanics Hall, cor Greene and Baliiniure streets. Hovv:ird Council, No. 35 — Monday, cor Lexing- ton and Howard streets Riverside Council, No. 36 — Thursday, Port Deposit, Cecil county. Entaw Council, No. 37 — Thursday, cor Howard and Lexinirton streets. Brtltimoie City Council. No. 38 — Wednesday, Mechanics Hall. Greene and Baltimore streets. Gratitude Council. No. 10 — Tuesday, cor Howard and Lexinirtm streets. Clandawah Council, No. 43— Wednesday, Flint Stone, AlleL'hanv county. Venus Council, No. 44 — Frid.iy, Havre de Grace, Howard county. Bunker Hill (."ouncil, No. 45 — .Monday, cor Ster- rett and McHenrv street. Power Press Printing (Maryland Ins. Go's , at R'.^dnced Rates, Marble Building.) I— I o > O <1 > O tr" t-i O o o ^ H o o o o o o r-t- 5 .S. rt.i 922 O.::^^ Mutual Life Ins'arance Co. of New York, APPENDIX. '^ z Fredonia Council, No. 46 — Thursday, Frederick City. Francid Marion Council, No. 47 — Tuesday, cor. Penn.i and Piitierson avenues. Wicomico Council, No. 48 — Friday, Barren Creek Sprim Tr r-i <^ r^'^'_ Wopocouio Council, No. 49 — Thursday, West' ;; c: ernport, Alleghany county. JUNIOR 0. U. A. M. _3 c rf 3 o3 S State Council oC.Miryland — S. C. Secretary, .5 ^ Jr Adam Sold, of No. 1. Baltimore Council, No. 1— Monday, N. W. cor Greene and Ualtiuiore streets. .Maryland Council, No. 2 — Tuesday, S. K. cor Bond and Pr^iil si reels. United Council, No. 4— Thursday, 19.5 Riddle ^lreet, ne:tr Druid Hill avenue. ^ _ Golden Rule Council, No. 6 — B;iltiniore county . S ^ 53 Friendship Council, No. 7 — Monday. N. W. cor *" "" Hanover and Pratt streets. Hope Council, No. 9— Friday, Cherry Hill, Ce- cil county. Murninir Star Council, No. 10 — Monday, S. E. cor Howard and Lexin CD s y; ?) g 0) b— 1 *-', o ■ CN O O o zn t> -r e3 -2 1) 5J >i ...y •-C Cl- (M ? ^ 55 ^— t-l C J ^ ^ ct -< •r 0) M w »J ^ "^ T a « ::: H U. 0. A. PLASTERERS. Monumental Lodge, Friday night, corner Bal- timore and Gay. PATRIOTIC SONS OF AMERICA. corner Washington Camp, Thursday ni>;ht Baltimore and Gay. SOCIETY OF THE ARMY AND NAVY OF THE CONFKDKRATE STATES. h -'^ Capt. John McNiiltv, 5 5"' Maj. Gen. I. R. Triml C3 President lie, Vice-President. Capt. Fred. M. Colston, Treasurer. •H ^ ^- Capt. J. Blythe Alston, Secretary. ^ ^ ^ GERMAN SOCIETY OF MARYLAND. 5 "5 ^- President— H. Von Kapff. „^ t^ o First Vice-President— Charles W. Lentz. ^ <^ .Z 5 Second Vice-1're.sident — \Vm. Numsen. Third Vice-President — Juslns Bruehl. Fourth Vice-President — Christian Ax. Ma naffer s. C5 — (^ H. Arens, F. W. Ulrich, Jacob Rudolph, Fred. Schad, A. H. Schnltz, John Sielliuaun, Jiicob Trust, Capt H. Steffens, Ernst Knalie, , ( 'arl Shieiiemann, Fred. Elleubrock. 0 ;_ t^ 1; a> X X ^ Fred. Arras, John Ilemmeter Treasurer — Ismel Cohen. Secretary of liie Society — Julius <\ Wilkens Secretary of the Officers — H. G. Hilken. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Incorpoiated 1806. President — Alexander Murdoch. First Vice-President — W. W. Spence. Second Vice-President — Wm. Crichton. Counsellor — John T. Morris. Secretary — Robert Sim. Physician — Dr. C. C. Johnston. Treasurer — John TurnbuU. Ilanagers. J. L. Bezeck, Henry Taylor, Thos. D. Anderson, David Abercrombie, F. L. Farquharson, Andrew Smith. GERMANIA CLUB. 181 West Fayette Street. Incorporated 1842. Claas Vocke, President. John Stellmann and G. A. Von Lingen, Vice- Presidents. E. Haven, Secretary. H. Lants, Secretrary of Officers. Gustav Gieske, Treasurer. F Breves, Suiierinteudenl. HIBERNIAN SOCIi']TY OF BALTIMORE. Incorporated by the General Assembly of .Mary- land, February, 1818. Col. Geo. P. Kane, President Michael Roche, lst«Vi(e-President. D^iniel Coakley, 2d Vice-President. Rev. B. J. McManus, Chaplain. .M. A. Mullin, Counsellor. Dr. C H. O'Donovan, Physician. John J. Rochford, Treasurer. B. E. Smith, Secretary. Mana{/ers. Daniel J . Foley, Luke Cassidy, Daniel Donnelly, Thomas Dougherty, Michael DutlV, James W. .McElroy, John Nooiian, F. T. Gnllagher, Chas. B. Tiernau. ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. Chartered February Uih, 1867. Stewart Darrell, President. Henry R. Hazelhurst, Vice-President. James Belden, ^ecretiiry. George H. Williams, Treasurer. Rev. Dr. J. S. B Hodges Clmplain. Dr. Samuel C. Chew, Ph_\siciiin. CONCORDIA CLUB. Nos. 8, 10 and 12 S. Eutaw Street. Col. M. S. Hess, President . F. X. Koeliler, ist Vice-President. S. Rosenfeld, 2d Vice-President. S. Brown, .^ecretarv. Uriah Pcdlack, TreMSurer. M. Affelder, (Jomptroller. E. C. Linden, Superintendent. M. Brownold, Purveyor. 1-^ ^/> HOLMES & 00.. Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Snpidies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $75,000,000.00, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. APPENDIX. 923 SCHEUTZKN PARK ASSOCIATION. Belair Ru.ul, East of Broadway. Charles Lenikuhl, President. J. F. Requardt. Secretary. Louis Bitter, Cornpiniller. Fred. Kraemer, Sliootiug .Masier. WEST BALTIMORE SCHEUTZE.V ASSO- CIATION, •^oot of Fulton St. (foinierly Carroll's Manor.) Headquarters Meclmuics' Hall, Fayette St. H. Stanjr, President. J. Sckhardt, Vice-President. J. Peters, Treasurer. Charles Klaus, Secretary. BALTIMORE CHAPTER, AMERICAN IN- STITUTE UF ARCHITECTS. Rooms Maryland Academy of Art, S E. corner Charles and Lexiiigton. N. H. Button. President G Lind, 1 SI Vice-President. R. K. Manin, 2d Viet-President. John Murdoch, Secretary and Treasurer. N, MARYLAND CLUB. E cor Franklin and Cathedral. YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF BALTIMORE. No. 8 N. (Jliarles Street — id Story. Reading Rooms open and free to nil, from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. S. W. T. Hopper, Presideut. Henry P. Adams, Geu'l Secretary. YOUNG MEN'S CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION UF BALTIMORE. Instituted September 1 1 th, 1872. Rooms S. E. corner Charles and Lexington Sts. C. Oliver O'Doimell, President. Pierre C. DiiLan, Viie-President. D. L. Coiistanline, jr. Rt-cordinj: Secretary P. J. McKenna. Co^re^poIlding Secretary. G J. Le Faivre, Treasurer. Directors. John .N'linan, John Tullv, W. E. Bnderick, H.-nrv BItke, T. A. C.irroll, John J. Rochford, John Devlin. CHURCH ASSOCIATION OF THE DIOCESE OF MAllVLAND. Rooms 78 N. Ch.irles Visitor and .\dvi3er — The Bishop of Maryland. President — Daniel .M. Thomas. Secretary, Clayton C. Hall. MARYLAND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Meets in the Rooms of tiie State Agricultural Society, cor Eutaw and Fayette Streets. Ezra Whitman, President. T. C. Dorsey, Secretary. MARYLAND ACADE.MY OF SCIENCES. Mnllierrv near Cathedral, Prof. P. R. Uhler,'President. Rev. Geo. A. Leakin, Secretarv. INDEPENDENT ORDKR B'NAI B'RITH. District Grand Lodge No. 5. Headquarters (.'oveiiant Hall, S. E. corner of Lexington and Howard .Street. Jedidjah Lodge No. 7, meets every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Hasmonea Lodj^e, No. 45, meets every Wed- nesday evening at 1\ o'clock. King David Lodtze, No. 00, meets every first and third Sunday of eich month, at 2^ P. M. Gabriel Riesser Lodge No. 75, meets every Sunday evenins; at 7i o'clock. Coveiant LodL'e, No. 125, meets every Tues- day eveniui.' at 8 o'clock. Ludwig Philijipson Lodge, No. 133, meets evitry Thursday eveniui; at 7^ o'clock. GERMANIA MAENNERCHOR. 192 and 194 West Lomb:ird Street. F. L. VVilthaus, President. Joseph Leizer, 1st Vice-President. Charles E. Dohme, 2d Vice-President. Ed, Lehr, H. Nicolai, Secretaries. Peter L. Keyser, Treasurer. ALLSTON ASSOCIATION. 50 Franklin. Gefirse William Brown, Presideut. T W H.dl, Vice-President. Win. Winciiester, Secretary. J. W. Lyon. Treasurer. THE HENRY W.Vr.SON CHILDREN'S AID Q SOCIKTV. O No. 72 North Calvert Street. ^ William B. Caiifield, President. ^ John Cuileit, Edward Otis Hinkley and Ger- nion H. Hunt, Vici'-PresidL-uts. -£J Wm. A. Wisou r, C >rre-ip>ii.lini; Secretary. Joseph Merretii'ld, Recording Secretary. ^ Jesse Tvson, Treasurer. <<; W C. Palmer, Agent. >- Parents and Guardians can procure homes ic ^"^ the country lor their children, to be received as ^ members of the family until they are 18 years r>Q ofasie. ^ Dry goods, second-hand clothing, shoes, >>J ctps, fuel, flour, meats and groceries thank- ^ fullv received and duly acknowledjicd in our annual report. *" The attmtion of the merchants and busmes'? - men ^lenerally, is solicited t^i the commend. ible p^ object and purposes of this Society. ^ BALTIMORE ASSOCIATION FOR THE IM-!^ PROVEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF ^ OO ■< o< PhD 0*0 o O MARYLAND INSTITUTE, FOR PROMOTING MECHANIC ARTS. President, L-aac S. George. Vice-Presidents I ^f '■-^, "/, ^°*-'«'"^- J John N. C for admission. Junior members $3. Lady menibeis $3. Chemical Department— Professor William P. ToM.y, A. M. School of Design — Prof D. .\ . Woodward. Educational Departin't — Prof. Jas. R.Webster Musical Department — Profs. J. and D. May. MARYLAND AGRICULTURAL AND ME- CHANICAL ASSOCIATION. S W. corner of Eutaw and Fayette. A. B. Davis, President. W. S. G. Biker, Conesponding Secretary. T. B. Dorsey, Gen'l Secretary- and Treasurer. ATHEN^UM. Corner of St. Paul and Saratoga streets, con- tains the following Societies : Mercantile Library Association, Instituted 1839. Library 33,000 volumes. Library Comjmny of Baltimore. .Maryland Historical Society. The Library and Reading Rooms are open daily from lOA. M. until 10 P. M., for the re- cejition of members iienerally. Subscription Five Dollars per annum. Active meuibeis Three DoUais. James Hodges, President. John W. M. Lee, Librarian. PEABODY INSTITUTE. Founded by George Peabody, Feb. 12, 1857. Corner of Mt Vernon and Washington Places. The Institute has Four Departments : 1. A Library ot 56,000 volumes, open from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M , to all callers, being entirely free. The books are not taken from the liuilding. 2. A Lecture Department in which about 100 lectures are given each year on Science, Literature and Art, l)y the most accomplished scholars of the country at merely nominal prices. 3. An Academy of .Music. Instruction given in all branches of Music at greatly reduced prices, and several concerts are given every Sea- son at about half the cost of the music. 4. A Gallery of Art, not yet open, but the beautiful statue otCly tie, l)y Rinehart, presented to the Institute by John \V. Mcd-y, the Venus with the shell, and a bust of Pocahontas, by Powers, the last two presented by Mr. Geo. S. Brown, art now on E.^:hibition. The Institute is only half built, but it is the intention of the Ti ustees to complete it in the course of two or three years. OFFICERS. President Wm. McKim. Vice-President C. J. M. Eaton. Secretary (ieorge P. Titfany. Treasurer Enoch Piatt. Provost N. H. .Morrison, LL. D. Librarian P. R. Uhler. Director of the Academy of Music Asger Hamerick. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Office 25 n Charles Street. This Corporation lias been recently organized under an endowment of the late Johns Hopkins, and IS to be built at "Clifton," his late home, a Ijeautiful estate upon the city limits of ;'.30 acres. It has been most liberally endowed, and will rank among the largest Universities iu this country. The Board of Trustees consists of: Galloway Cheston. President, Wm. Hopkins, Secretary. John W. Garrett, Francis White, Hon. Geo. W. Dobbin. Reverdv Johnson, Jr. Francis T. King, Lewis N. Hopkins, Charles J. M Gw inn, Thomas M. Smith, Hon. Geo.Wm. Brown, Jas. Carey Thomas.M.D. HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographincr, En^^^raving and Cor. Second St. and Post Office Avenue. argest Life Ins. Co. i^^ the World, O. F. Bresee,G-en. Ae:t. IIIE MERCHANTS F.XCHANGP: AND NKWS RUU.MS. Exchance Hiiiliiinir, Exchange Place and Seci.nd Stu-et. apeis Filed from all pari:; of llic U:iited (■:>, also from Kiirnpc and the West Indies, scriptions Si 5 per aiinuni fur individuals, tinJ §20 for films of two or more. Geo. U. Porter and Win. P.ilamiltor. prop'rs WEATHKR OBSERVATION OFFICE. Sipiial Service U. S. .Army. For the benefit of Commerce and Apricultiire. Over 22 South sueet. \V. T. Bo\a, Observer. COMMISSIONERS FOR IMI'ROVIN(; AND DEEPENING THE PATAPSCO RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY. D. Mordecai, A\'m. A. Skinner, Robeit R. Kirkland, Malcolm Crichton, J. Siricker Jenkins, James B. Andrews. BALTIMORE WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Chartered HGT. Rinlto BuildinL'. .Second and H dliday streets. Cai)ital Slock, $500,000. President.. Jan^es H. Barney. Secretarv C. A. Foole. GAS LIGHT CO. OF BALTIMORE. President Wm. Sinclair. Secretary Jas. B. Smallwood. OfiRce, 19 South street. PEOPLE'S GAS COMPANY. President Wm. F. Burns. Secretary Charles F. Peregoy, Treasurer Jcjhn N. Brown. Office, 162 West Favette. PORTABLE GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Office, 7 S Gay street. MARYI-AND GAS WORKS. L. MoRIUSON tj- Co. office German and Sharp. HOME FOR GIRLS. Immediately adjoins the Home for the Friend- less. Connected with the Home for Girls is a Child's Hospital. These Institutions are jjov- erned by one Board of .Manaj;ers. of whom .Mrs. J. E. Atkinson is President, and Miss Rebecca McCoiikey is Secretary. HOME OF THE FRIENDLESS. Cor. Druid Hill avenue and Townsend steets. ST. VINCENTS INFANT ASYLUM. Cor. Townsend and Division streets. Under the care of the Sisters of • harity. Visiting; days, Monday and Thursday, from 1 to 5 o'clock, P. -M. FRENCH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY "-^ Dr F. E Chalard, President. ^ August Croyeau, Vice-Pre.-i.!ent. ^ F. Dandt-lei, Treasurer. " A. L. .Milh-s, Secretary. -^ AGED MENS HOME. = N W. corner Lixini;ton and Calhoun. _ o A(;KD WOMEN'S HttME. ? Lexinpton, b.-iween r^iPioun and Stricker-sts. ■ — Visiting days, Thursday and Friilay. -^ HO.ME FOR THE AGED. (M. E. Churcii) s w cor Fulton and Fraiikiin pq o O o ST. MARYS FEM.ALE ORPHAN ASYLUM. A Caiholic institution, situated on Franklin rj Street, near Cathedral. The A.sylum is under the charge of Sister Louise Supeiioress, assisted d^ h\ nine other Sisieis of Charitv. ST. JOSEPH'S HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, O For Girls, is riiuated o;i Waverh-y Terrace. ^ North Caiey Siieet, at its intersection with r^ Lexinfiton. — — — p£J MARYLAND INDU.'-^TRIAL SCHOOL FdR GIRLS. — .* Is li^crtt'd on the line of the Baltimore and >► Ohio Railroad, near Worthinglon's .Mill, and "'^ is a Scho >1 of Reform. k.^ K THE "HOME." A reformatory institution — it is located on r* Exeter Street, near Baltimore, and is con- ^ dueled on the family s^stem, by benevolent li ladies. o COLORED ORPHANS HOME, Is located on Biddle. near Druid Hill avenue. ST. FRANCIS ORPHAN ASYLU.M, Is situated on the corner of Constitution and ^^ Parnassus Streets. It is in thi' char^'e of the TT "Oblate Sisters of Providence," an order of p-' colored nuns. ^^ ST. ANTHONYS GERMAN (R.C.) ORPHAN ^ ASYLUM, <^ Is situated on Central avenue, between Chew ' and P^ajier streets, and is in charjre of the Sis- "^^ ters de .Notre Dame. Sister Mary Ro.-amonde, ^ Superior — directed by Rev. Father Hesidein. Dh ST PETER'S 'EPISCOPAL) ORPHAN ^ ASYLUM. 2 Myrtle avenue near Lanv!\Ie. '^ ORPHANS' HOME, Is situated nn BroadwHV. adjoining Si.pjit-Q rick's R. C. Church, ntid was founded by the ■— ^ late Father Didan. ' Q o Power Pres.s Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ina. Go's Marble Building.) ( fl o .X -1-' ' ^ a; CJ o y: Q > ■^ ::r: OQ 02 M Mutual JLiife Insurance Co. of New York. 926 APPENDIX. m ^ tic rO c3 C « ^ ^ X -r- 3^ a; o oq _ r^'"^ a o — — < s 0/ ^ ^ «-H ,^ ^p^ U K ," >. .ii CJ ■M r «?: _-j H=;o ST. MARY'S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Is situated on the " Maiden's Choice " Road, near the villMge of CaiTollton, 2\ miles west of the city. It was eatahjished hy Atchbishop Spalding, and is in charge of the Xavierian Brothers. MALE FREE SCHOOL OF BALTIMORE, A\D COLVIN INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS. 39 Courtland Street. Thoiuas Kelso, President. 'J2 'iP cS X • — 0/ T >■> ^ D ;-' iO ^ >-> U2 S-. ft^ S ■^ -t-j K^ a a T^ c P o ^ o o .s i. ,.M o o >— ■:m o "f ^ '^ c ^ <*-» !- X St -^ *- ;« >^ o o •"^ > ^ > CS a: o a> ;_ s^ ■*.^ T ^ X! O ft; ST. PAUL'S ORPHAN ASYLUM. Situated near terminus of Madison avenue. Conducted by the Clewer Sisters. ST. PAUL'S BOYS HOME. Situated on Saratoga Street, near Pine. MARYLAND INSTITUTION FOR THE IN- STRUCTION OF THE BLIND, Situated on North Avenue in the Northern S'.burhs of the city. J. Howard McHenry, President. F. D. .Morrison, Suiieiiuteudent. MARYLAND DEAF AND DUMB INSTI- TUTION. The Maryland Institution for the Education of the Dfaf and Dumb, at Frederick City, is, properly speaking, one of the institutions for the State, yet it annually receives a liberal ap- propriation from the city guveriimeiit, and in- cluded among its benefactors are a large num- ber from Baliimoie. The educational de- partment is under the charge of Chas. ^. Ely, A. M. Agent on the part of the city, Wm. R. Barry. BALTIMORE MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, Is situated between the Washington and Fred- erick roads, about two miles from Catonsville. Thomas Wm. Johnson, Pres't. Jos. Merrefield, Secretary. PRISONERS' AID ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND. G. S. Griffith, President. Rev. Pen6el(l Doll, A>;ent. HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. A Catholic Instiluli>n situated on the corner of Mount and Hollins Streets. It is under the charge of Mother Superior Mtry Joseph, who is assisted by a number of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Abraham Nachman, President. Ignatius Lauer, Secretary. HEBREW LADIES' SEWING SOCIETY. Mrs B. Wiesenfeld, President. G. Rosenfeld Secretary. SOCIETY FOR EDUCATING POOR ANl ORPHAN CHILDREN. Jacob Rose, President. Jonis Goldsmith, Secretary. HEBREW HOSPITAL AND ASYLUM ASS CIATION. Monument Street, East of Broadway. Joseph Friedvvell President. Ignatius Lauer, S cretary. A. S. Adler, Treasurer. Lewis Block, Superintendent. Dr. A. E. Stein, Physician. HEBREW ORPHAN ASYLUM. No. 77 E. Baltimore St. Joel Gntman, President. Jonas Goldsmith, Secretary. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S ORPHAN ASl LUM, Is situated on Front Street near Fayette, an is under the charge of the "Brothers of Christian Schools," an order of the Roma Catholic Church. MARYLAND BIBLE SOCIETY. This Society was organized in 183.3, and, expressed in the first article of its constitutioE ''its sole object shall be to encourage a wide circulation of the Holy Scriptures without not or comment." It was incorporated in 1843 and its charter renewed in 1872, and made per petual. Francis T. King, President. W^. H Cole, Agent. Bibli- House, 25 N. Charles Street. MARYLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Over 8 N. Charles Street. Its object is to plant and sustain Sunda; Schools for neglected children, supplying theo with religious papers, libraries and needfu books. G. S. Griffith, President. MARYLAND TRACT SOCIETY. 73 W. Fayette Street. Its object is to disseminate Religious Tract and Works uraong the m isst-s in the City an* Slate. J. W. .M. Williams, President. W. B. Catifield, Treasurer. Rev. J. Randolph Finley, D. D., Secretary ant General Agent ST. JOSEPH'S GENERAL HOSPITAL. This Catholic institution is situated on Nortl Caroline Street, and is under the charge of th< Third Order of St. Francis. Dr. Oscar J. CoS" kerry, attending physician. HOLMES & CO,, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies. Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Dividend every Year, O. F. Bresee, General Agt. " APPENDIX. 927 UNION ORPHAN ASYLUM. . W. corner Franklin iind Schroeder Streets. For maintaining and educating children of • t-ased soldiers and .ailors. Miss M. Purviance, President. BALTIMORE ORPHAN ASYLUM. Strieker, between Lexington and Saratoga sts. Visiting days, Thursday and Friday, from 1 to 6 o'clock, P. M. BOYS' HOME SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE. No. 82 N. Calvert Street. OFFICERS. .1. Q. A. Herring, President. Charles A. Ke.\ser, Vice-President. Charles J. Meyer, Secretary. James Beatly, Treasurer. Executive Committee — James M. Drill, Charles H. Mercer, Francis White, A. F. Murdoch, George R. Skillnian. J. H. Lynch, Superintendent. MARYLAND COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Over \2 \V. Baltimore Street. J. Brown Baxley, Dean. BALTIMORE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SOCIETY. Meets every Thursday evenine, at 8 o'clock, at their hall, N. E. corner of Baltimore and Caroline streets. Officers for 1875. President— Dr. J. W. P. Bates. Vice-President — Dr. John A. Conner. Recording Secretary — Dr. P. Dausch. Coriesi. ending Secretary — Dr. G. Wilkens. Treasurer — Dr. Hiram J. Penrod. DISPENSARIES. Baltimore Eye and Ear, (free,) Hamilton w of Cathedral. Baltimore Eye and Ear, (free,) 2 s Central av. Baltimore Gen'l, N. E.cor Lit)erty and Faystte. Baltimore Special, N. E. cor North and Sara- toga. Central Free, of College of Physicians and Sur- geons. 161 w Lombard. Eastern, corner Central av and Baltimore. Eastern Homeopath, 312 e Baltimore. Norlh-Eastern, 238 E. .Monument, near Gay. Southern, 45 Conway. South-Western, 37 Parkin. University of .Maryland Hospital, S. W. corner Greene and Lombard. WasliinL;ton University, Calvert and Saratoga. MARY'LAND INEBRIATE ASYLUM. This institution is situated on the Old Fred- erick road, west of Mount de Sales. E. Wyatt Blanchard, President of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Joseph Parrish, Resident Physician and Sui)erintendent. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SUR- GEONS. N. E. cor. Hanover and Lombard. Thomas Opie, Dean MARYLAND EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE. This Institution is divided into two Depart- ments ; 1 — The Dispensary, located at 77 Saratoga. 2 — The Indoor Department, located at 66 N. Charles. Mkdical Staff. George Reuling, M.D., Surgeon in Charge. W. B. .Munnikhuysen, Asst. Surgeon. MARYLAND HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Frederick road near Catonsville. Richard S Steuait, M. D., President and Med- ical Superintendent. Wm. Fred. Steuart, M. D., Resident Physician, oflSce 53 Lexington. Co 1:3 a o O BALTIMORE EYE AND EAR INSTITUTE. 55 Franklin street. Julian J. Chisolm, M. D., Prof. Eye and Ear Diseases in the University of Maryland, Sur- geon in Charge. INFIRMARY AND FREE DISPENSARY FOR EYE AND EAR DISEASES. In the rear of the Institute, entrance on Ham ilton St. Supported by the City of Baltimore GERMAN ORPHAN ASYLUM. Aisquith near Orleans. Gustav Facius, President. Fred. Gleischmann, Supt. The Board meets the first Thursday of each month. Open to the publicevery Thursday, from 2 to 5 o'clock, P. M. E. C. Linden, Secretary. P. L. Keyser, Treasurer. o o =^ p o o o" i-H LADIES' SEWING SOCIETY OF GERMAN ORPHAN ASYLUM. Mrs. Frederick Wehr, President. Mrs. John .Meeth, Treasurer. Mrs. Augusta Kiel, Secretary. BAYVIEW ASYLUM. Eastern Avenue extended, between Philadel- phia and .Mount Carmel Cemetery roads. OflBce Citv Hall. < « < O pq :^ PL. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 72 W. Pratt Street. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, 928 APPENDIX. H H « H C/J PH < C3 < W P ►-1 O O r/7 r/> 00 iz; n o ^ H h-l (»— ( ^ < W THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. This Hospitiil was established nnd endowed by the lute Johns Hopkins, and is in course of eiection upon the site of the old Marylnud In- sane Asylum. The grounds front on Broad- way and Wolfe streets, each 650 teel ; and on Monument and Jetferson streets, each 9i)0 fi-et. This Hospital is for the reception and treat- ment of the sick and injured, free of cliarge, and is desitiiied to accommodate 300 persons. It is richly endowed and promises to be one of the largest and best Hospitals in our country. There is a Canvalescent Hos[)ital and » Train- ing School for nurses, and an Orphan Asylum for colored children, established by the same benefactor, under the same Board of Trustees. Officers and Board of Trustees. Francis T. King, President. Lewis N. Hopkins, Secretary, Jos. Merrefield, Treasurer. Galloway Chestou, Joseph P. Elliott, John W. Garrett, Francis White, Hon. Geo. W. Dobbin, Thomas M. Smith, Chas. J. M. Gwinu, Dr. Alan P. Smith, William Hopkins. INFIRMARIES, HOSPITALS, &c. Union Protestant Infirmary, corner Mosber and Division streets, under the management of an association of Ladies, is open for the recep- tion of medical and surgical cases. University Hospital. S. W. corner Greene and Lombard streets, connected with the medical Departn;ent of the University of Maryland, This institution is under the care of Sisters of Charity. Average number of patients 150. Washington Univi-rsity Infirmary, cor. Sara- totra and Calvert streets. Church Home, Broadway, N. of Baltmore. Mount Hope Institution, Linden avenue, near North avenue, for the insane and sick, be- longing to, and served by, the Sisters of Charity. Mount Hope Retreat, six miles from the citj on the Reistertown road, for the insane and sick, under the care of the Sisters of Charity. St. Agnes Hospital, Mount Dougherty, op- posite GreL-nmount Cemetery, under charge of Sisters of Charity. Hebrew Asylum, for the sick of the larael- itish faith. Monument st. E. of Broadway. CQ CHURCHES. o o PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. Right Rev. W. R. Whittingham, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Maryland. Right Rev. Wm. Pinkney, D. D., Assistant Bishop. cS few T' "^ w• Ass'ts. [Rev. A If. B. Leeson, J Rev. Fleming James. Rev. B. H. Latrobe, jr. Rev. George A. Leakin. Rev. E. A. Dairy mple, D. D. fRev. Charles W. Raiikiu. F-G*^t,"'- I Ass'ts. James Briscoe, J A. M. Randolph. Charles J. Holt, Ass't. A. P. Slryker. Rev. James Chipchase. Rev. P. Nelson Meade. /Rev. G. W. Peterkin. (Rev. 0. Glazebrook, Ass't. J Rev (Rev j Rev tRev Rev HENRY HOEN & CO., Lithographing, Engraving and Cor. Second St. and Post Ofl&ce Avenue. O. F. Bresee, General Agent, 15 South St. APPENDIX^ 929 NAMES. St. Thomas, St. Matthew's, All Saints, Wyatt Memorial Chapel, Advent Mission Chapel, Chapel of the Holy Cross, St. John's, St. James, (colored,) St. Luke's Colored Mission, St. Bartholomew, St. Mary the Virgin, (col'd) Chapel of the Evangelist, Chapel of Church Home, Chapel I. ood Shepherd, (cl'd Howard Chapel, (colored,) St. George's Chapel, St. Michael's, Henshaw Memorial Chapel, St. Mary's, LOCATION. Homestead, Bank, east of Bond, Corner of Baltimore and Gilmor sts Saratoga street, east of Pine, Balteiry avenue, south of West, Frederick road, near tollgale, Waverley, York road. Corner of North and Saratoga, West of St. Luke's Ch.,nr Calhoun st., North av, bet.Madisonav& .\IcCulloh, Orchard street, near Madison av. J Potomac and Dillon streets. Canton, North Broadway, near Fayette, )Corner of Spring and .Mullikin, Park avenue, near Lanvale, Fremont, near Pennsylvania avenue. Corner St. Paul ext. and Denmead, Corner St. Peter and Sterrett, Hampden, PASTORS. Rev. Dr. David Van Antwerp. Rev. T. L. Banister. Rev. B. F. Brown. Rev. J. S. Miller. Rev. George K. Warner. Vacant. Rev. Wm. T. Johnston. Rev. H. N. Wayne. Rev. F. Gibson, in charge. Rev. John Y. Gholson. Rev. C. B. Perry. Rev. Alfred B. Leeson. Rev. C. Ritter. Rev. P. Nelson Meade. Rev. G. H. Kinsolving. Rev. C. J. Holt. Rev. 0. Glazebrook. Rev. R. C. Hall. Vacant. Rev. G. C. Stokes. First Presbyterian, Second " Franhlin Square, Central Presbyterian, BrowL Memorial, Aisquith Street, Broad V ay, Dolphin Street, Franklin Street, Westminster Church, Twelfth Presbyterian, South Presbyterian, (Light- St. Church now,) Associate Reformed Church, First Constitutional (known as Greent-st. Church now) First United Pres. Church, Madisou-St. Presby. (col'd,) PRESBYTERIAN. Corner of Madison and Park av, Corner of Baltimore and Lloyd, South side of Franklin square, Kutaw place, near Dolphin, Corner of Park av. and Townsend, Corner of Aisquith and Edward, Coiner uf Broadway and Gough, Corner of Dolphin and fitting streets, Corner of Franklin and Cathedral, Corner of Fayette and Greene, Franklin, bet. Myrtle av and Fremont, Light, near Montgomery, Fayette, bet. Liberty and Charles, Corner of Greine and German, Corner of Madison and Biddle, Madison, near Park av, Rev. J. C. Backus, D. D. Rev. R. H. Fulton. Rev. J. A. Lefevre, D. D. Rev J. T. Smith, D. D. Rev. J. S. Jones. Rev.S. D. Noyes. Rev. J. L. Fulton. Vacant. Rev. W. U. Murkland. Rev. D. C. Maiquis. Rev. A. .\L Jelly. Rev. David J. Beale. Rev. John Leyburn. Vacant. Rev. William Bruce. Rev. C. Hedges. Reformed Presbyterian, First Congregat'l Church, Harford av, junction of Aisquith, Eutaw, bet. Hotfman and Dolphin, Rev. J. Lynd. Rev. C. P. Osborne. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Most Rev. J. R. Bayley, Archbishop of Baltimore. Very Rev. Joseph Paul Dcbbeol, D. D., S. S. S., Vicar General. Cathedral, St. Alphonsus, (German) St. Bridget's, St. Patrick's, St. Vincent de Paul's St. Mary's Chapel, Carmelite Chapel, St. Ignatius, St. Agnes Chapel, Corner of Cathedral and Mulberry, Corner of Park av. and Saratoga, Canton, Corner of Broadway and Bank, 23 N. Front, St. Mary's Seminary, Penna av. Corner of Biddle and Caroline, Corner of Calvert and Madison, St. Agnes Hospital, I Rev. Thomas S. Lee. Rev. William S. Starr. Rev. Alfred A. Curtis. Rev. J. Helmprnecht, C.SS.R. Rev. William Jordan. / Rev. John T. Gaitley. (Rev. Henry Riordas. j Rev. E. Didier. ■I Rev. M. Dausch. { Rev. J. L. Andreis. Rev. J. P. Dubreul, S. S. Attended from St. James, (Rev.S. A. Kelly, S.J. i Rev. W. F. Clarke, S. J., and ( other priests of Loyola College Rev. James Carey. OQ 3 oq O O =3 ft O O pi PL, I — I < O W < P O 57 Power Press Printing, at Beduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) 930 Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. APPENDIX. H W W Pi 02 '^ >^ < O a w ^ H T P O "■ .v CO '' t o _^ :z; ^^ ^—4 ^ < ^-—i ■"• ^ -^ fi NAMES. St. James, (German) LOCATION. Aisquith, corner of Eager, St. Frances- Clu»pel and 1 (.,,^^g ^^^ (.^^3^;^^^;^ colored Msters Prov. J St. Francis Xuvier, (col'd) Corner of Calvert and Pleasant, St. Joseph's, St. Peter's, St. John's, Corner of Barre and Howard, Corner of Poppleton and Ilollins, Corner of Eager and Valley, St. Michael's, (German) Corner of Lombard and Wolfe, St. Martin's, Corner of Fulton and Fayette, Immaculate Conception, Mosher and Druid Hill avenue, Chap, of Visitation Convent, Corner of Park avenue and Centre, Church of the Holy Cross, West street. Federal Hill, M j > METHODIST EPISCOPAL— -L. F. Morgan, P. E., 261 Linden Avenue. ^2 -3 m ■< rl 5* — ^ "i r? '»' o ->< ■n> 'A "m Cx K O O En taw etreet, Madison av Church, Wesiey Chapel, E.xeter street, Monument street, Madison Square, Harford avenue Shaffer Chapel, Greenniount av. Church, Patterson Chapel & High- land av Woodberry, .Mount Washington, Waverley, Broadway, Kiistern avenue. Fell's Point Chapel, Burke street Chapel, Canton Church, Cross street, Grace Church, Causeway- ("hupel, First German, .■^econil German, Third Germim, Fourth German, Caroline street. Jackson Square Church, Fiiyette street. Union Square, Parletl Chapel, Ml. Olivet Chapel, Fiaiiklin street, William street, Whalcoal, Kmory Chuicb, Hiiih street, Rev. W. H. Holliday. Rev. W. H. Stevenson. Rev. W. F. Ward. Rev. A. E. Gibson. J. S. Deale. S. V. Leach. W. T. L. Weech. Rev Rev Rev, Eutaw aboTC Mulberry, Corner Madison av and Townsend, Corner Sharj) and Barre, E.\eter east of Gay, Corner Monument and Stirling, Corner Caroline and Eager, Hiirford avenue and Biddle street, Gough street east of Washington, Greenmount avenue, > Corner Chester and Orleans, Woodberry, .Mount Washington, Waverley, Broadway south of Pratt. Eastern avenue east of Bond, Corner Eastern avenue and Star al Burke street. Canton avenue extended, Corner Cross and Warner streets, Corner Townsend and Republican, Eastern avenue, Broadway, Corner Penna av. and Mosher street. Rev. F. Von Schluemenbach Rev. W. A. Koontz. Rev. H. S. Fiance. Rev. Joel Brown. Rev. E. H. Smith. Rev. A. W. Rudisill. Rev. R. N. Baer. Rev. R. C Haslup. Rev. C W. Baldwin. Rev. Watson Case. Rev. Wm. M. Osborne. Rev. C W. Baldwin. Rev. L. B. Carpenter. Vacant. Rev. Jacob Kold. Light nr Ostend, Harford avenue near Aisquith, Caroline south of Baltimore, Oliposite Jackson Square, Fayette east of Fremont, Corner Lombard and Calhoun, >• Frederick avenue, Corner Franklin and Poppleton, Corner Willium and Little Church, Corner Strieker and Presstman, I'enna. av. north of HofT'inan, Corner of High and Stiles, Rev. August F'lamman. Rev. Jacob Kolb. Rev. W. S. Edwards. Rev. J. J. G. Webster. Rev. H. R. Niiylor. Rev. J. A. Price. Rev, Watson Chase. Rev. E. E. Shipley. Rev. Thomas Daugherty. Rev. Joseph France, D. D. Rev. S. M. Hartsock. Rev. W. H. Chapman . HOLMES & CO., Engineers' and Machinists' Tools and Supplies, Packing, Belting, Hose, Boiler Felt, "Waste, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, &c. Assets, $, O. F. Bresee, Gen'l Agt. APPENDIX. 931 NAMES. First Methodist E. Church, Mount Vernon Place, Columbia street, Strawbridge Church, Jefferson street Church, Sailors' City Bethel, Seaman's Union Bethel, Hanover street Church, Mount Vernon Church, Huntingdon avenue, Dallas street, (colored,) Sharp street, " John Wesley, " Asburj, " Orchard, " Western Chapel, " LOCATION. PASTORS. Corner of Charles and Favette, Rev. J. B. Stitt. Cur. Washington and Mt. Vernon pis. Rev. W. II. Pitcher. Columbia east of Fremont, Rev. L. T. VViderman. Corner of Biddle and Linden av. Rev. A. S. Hank. S. E. corner Jefferson and Bond, Rev. T. A. Mor^iaa. Hill street near Charles, Rev. George Hildt. Corner or Aliceaana and Bethel, R-'v. A. T. Myers. Hanover street, Rev. G. W. Flyde. Mount Vernon Mills, Rev. R. F. Bishop. Huntingdon avenue, Rev. J. F. Goucher. Dallas north of Aliceanna, Rev. Henry H. Carroll. Sharp north of Pratt, Rev. Perry G. VValker. Sharp near Montgomery, Rev. N. M. Carroll. Corner of East and Douglass, Rev. J. D. S. Hall. Orchard near Druid Hill avenue, R'-v. William R'jbinson. Saratoga near Republican, Rev. J. H. Valentine. 33 o O o o ^ ft o o ^ < < P-. < t— I H < w < H CO N, 19 S. Greene Street. First Evangelical Church, Second " " Corner Greene and Cider alley, Corner McElderry and Short, Rev. F. Kurtz. Rev. Beuj. Hengst. Kg OS -J INDEPENDENT CHURCHES. Zion (Ind.)Gernian Church, Gay south of Saratoga, United Evangelical Church, bet. 234 and 236 Eastern avenue, Rev. Henry Scheib. Rev. Wm. Schnefifer. SEAMEN'S UNION BETHEL. Corner of Aliceanna and Bethel streets. Rev. A. J. Myers. Orthodox, Eftsteru District, Western District, '^ *i ■— *". I— 1 ""^ 1 FRIENDS. Cor Eutaw and M o Q o O AFRICAN METHODISTS— Rev. J. P. Campbell. Bishop. Bethel, Ebeaezer, Waters Chapel. Tessier Street Chapel, Mount Zion, Allen's Mission, Saratoga west of Gay, Rev. Wra. Langford. Montgomery, east of Hanover, Rev. James H. A. Johnson. Spring, bet. Jefferson and McElderry, Rev. John J. Hubbard. Tessier street, Rev. Daniel Draper. Saratoga near Republican, Rev. John F. Lane. Stockton alley near Baltimore, Rev. Daniel Draper. o o «^ p o o p4 OQ O CEMETERIES GREENMOUNT— John H. B. Latrobe, Presi- dent, James McNeal, jr.. Treasurer. Office 53 Lexington. BALTIMOPJv— Thos. Wilson, President. Geo. A. Koed, Secretary and Treasurer. Office 8 South street. LOUDON PARK— Wm. F. Primrose.Secretary Hnd Treasurer. Office 19j South. MOUNT OLIVET— Office, Basement Charles-st i Church. Durus Carter, Agent. j WESTERN— Luther R. Wilson, Treasurer. I MOUNT CARMEL— John W. Randolph, Sec- ] retaryand Treasurer. Office 187 S.Broadway. | CATHEDRAL— Mr. O'Connor, agent, No. 77 Mulberry street. HOLY CRO.^S— Rev. John T. Gaitley, St. Patrick's Church, Broadway. BALTIMORE HEBREW— Office corner Lloyd and Watson streets. LAUREL— (colored)— Dr. J. B. K. Euiory, Agent. Office 18 Courtland street. ST. PETER'S— (Catholic)— Rev. E. McCoIgan, St. Pi-ier's Church. BALTI.MURE AND BROOKLYN CEMETERY —Office 2V1 Light. P < P Z < OQ o pq o I— t H OQ < O Power Press Printing, at Reduced Rates, (Maryland Ins. Go's Marble Building.) s^ J 00k i 310b IpirittteiTj, AND PUBLISHER ©flf iniore C'ilj ©irectoiff' 12 ^otitli v^treet, ^.. «-». ''"^a/ I? 'j I'll""''''' A*' »• ^:4z rrmoRM. iim— TTTf^. N. Y. m umm mmnmm iiii[. lulaud Route via i)cl(iwMr<- ami Kaiitan. and ( 'Itoaix'ako'aiKl Delaware Canals, (.'oiiuirixiiif; eij^htec'H Steamers and l>aii;c's ol" avcraiic capacity of i;;0 tons cacli. Kor the convcyaiieo of Merclian- '/i.ie. l'foiliii-i>. Pai'ltiiIk tit' //// sorfx. o/ n ni loir rdle.t. 11 MK TIIKO|; IIOl ItK. ix>it ini-:av ^^<>i«iv, A St. :ini!>. Ml li\'ivi'^ P.iliinior.'. l>.ui.Y, cxn'pt Siindavs, I'roni ( 'oin|ianv'> Wharf. I '( m rr l'i;KI>KIM('K -- I'HRK'J' DOi'K, (LATK C'OWNKKS WllAKl'',!' at I P. M I " R <> M IV l^:\V YO I?, li, A Stcamlioal loavrs in like luaiinec for Haltinioro, Daily, except Siiiidav.-. rinni Ts'tiK'I'll i;i\"EK. I'icr ".. at ."> 1'. iM. ^^(ioorts destined for piaei',- Iteyiinrt I'.iilt iiiioi r or INiw Nuik, forwarded immediately with tare — Free of all clmrires for ( 'onimisslon. ^ The Safety. Re'Jiiilarft v and l)irti)at

  • . 1{. I{. Co. for £;oods dcli^■eral)le in. N. Y. J. A, SHRIVER, Vice-Pres't, 3 Light,-st Whf., Balto. W. DALZKLL, Agent, Pier 7 North River, N. Y. Bt[iiMOR[ m nmmw sibmbqat co. VIA CANAL, KoliTJIKI'W.XNSPOlCI'ATIONOK 1' As SEN'IJKJ.'S. AIKI{(IIANI)ISK,n;oi»l( K, I'Acka(;ks, iiok'sks, c\i;i;i aoks, l'"ri!\fTii;i: wh ' n-- ni mi soi.'Ts. Philadelphia & Baltimore. KOli lMIII.A.I>i:i .IMIIA, <>neoals Ic-aves No :! I.KJIIT ST. WIIAIM'". Kvkhv ArrKliNooN a( '•'• 'I r!oi-k. .\rrivin;,' in I'iiiladi-ljthia at ."i n'eloek tin' next morning', in ample time for the N. Y train-. 1^" I « o M 1 » 1 1 n ^ A I > I : I . I * 1 1 1 >v , Leav(!s Daily, al T oclork from No. :;i Sul 'III \VIIM;\ 1,^ i.oods forwarded imnodiMi. - with CAre, free of all rlmri^ct* for eonimissjon. J. A. SHRIVER, Vice-Pres't, No. ^ Light-st. Whf.. Balto. A. GROVES, Jr. Agent. No. 34 South Wharves, Phila. CABIN FARE, $2 00. DECK FARE $1 50. ^.fi AMILTON Cau GHEY. N. W. Caughey. ]\fogfi Vkm